#i am not doing good
mcrbois · 2 years
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rapidhighway · 3 months
I can't have this period anymore I have to die
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skoulsons · 1 year
it’s just. something about loving someone so fucking hard youd do anything for them. starting out as strangers who hated each other and now you… love each other? you’re family? you’ve gone through hell and back? you’re a we, now? you have a whole house together? you- you- you’re a unit, now? a whole ass FAMILY??? you’ve faced trauma and loss and heartbreak and so much devastating pain, but you’ve done it together. and now you get to settle down and live your life together. after hating and being so annoyed with the mere presence of the other, now there’s safety with each other. there’s a gentleness that isn’t seen with any other person. there is so much love, care, and concern for the other it’s fucking intoxicating. like. what the fuck.
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entity56 · 3 months
do you ever vent and then feel bad that ppl respond trying to genuinely help you bc you just vented the other day and you feel like you're getting annoying
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tokkias · 4 months
hey guys did you know oral contraceptive pills contain lactose. did you also know that i am lactose intolerant.
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oriionz · 1 year
google how do i convey to the people around me the i am in a permanent state of emptiness and exhaustion without feeling like im seeking attention or making excuses or being dramatic
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cybervom1t · 5 months
i think i’d look really cute as roadkill
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echhosworld · 2 years
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no ghish today. my life is finding new ways of showing me how much it can hurt me. i will probably be a bit slower at answering asks and interacting in general. all the love to you little entities in my phone :)
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a-star-that-fell · 1 year
depression meal: month old pouch tuna from a dead target 100 miles away that you got the last time you were happy + crackers from the box that lives on your nightstand + hospitalcore pudding cup
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fabcreature · 1 year
you know, over the summer i had a big crying session roughly every two weeks, bc i was rly stressed out about starting school and feeling like i'm not good enough and i'm gonna fail spectacularly. and i was like "damn, i've been crying a lot lately". but while the fear and self hatred were very much real, a small, more rational part of me did think "it's gonna get better once i start school, i'll realize i've been freaking out over nothing, it's gonna be fine really".
now i've been going to school a little over a month and um. now i cry like. every day? i either cry in the car after school or at night in bed, or both. once i did already on my way to school. every day i feel either tired, sad, or angry, or two of the above, or all or the above. never none of the above though. the hating of myself and feeling like i'm going to fail has not gone away. if anything i'd say it's a little stronger now? i'm just constantly stressed about everything all the time. there's too much going on all at once. while our school has lots of great aspects and great things, i really do feel like i hate my school, the bits that are bad are just so fucking. so fucking bad. so i'm just annoyed and stressed and sad. genuinely good days are a very rare occurence now.
i was just about to cry myself to sleep but had to stop and get up cus i started seriously hyperventilating.
funny how life turns out huh
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unknownadvisor · 1 year
in case anyone's wondering im having coffee and its the only thing holding me over
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Venty venty vent vent sorry TW mental illness and stuff
also minors DNI this is an 18+ blog
should I just give in to every delusion ever and make myself believe that everything is fine and I'm not full of pain and grief and dispair and just become someone else because I've had enough of waking up to the overwhelming feeling of anxiety and misery that I'm so confused by life that I don't know what to do next and the future is so uncertain that I just live in a hole. I'm unemployed, I'm unwell, I can't be me because I wasn't born right and I don't think I can pull myself together enough to come out to my immediate family and I'm so SICK AND TIRED OF IT so I might as well just make out that I'm all good lmao and maybe I'll start to believe it and things won't be so dark and miserable and full of panic
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gunpowder-tim · 2 years
uni is gonna give me a breakdown like fr
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spacedustmantis · 1 year
mental illness time
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farewell-persephone · 2 years
I need reassurance and affirmations and affection
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one-true-houselight · 2 years
Me, feeling the weight of the universe pushing down on my body: well. These morbs sure are morbing!
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