#i am personally a gray truther
sometimes idk who’s the colorblind one, me or all the poeple who thought wills jacket in the leak was green
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ruthytwoshakes · 2 months
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team furries twoooo. And scalies. And whatever birds are.
please share and donate to this family of four, the youngest being only 2 1/2 years old. They need funds to safely cross to Egypt. If you donate something, send me a message with proof and I’ll draw you something nice as a thank you :)
Species and concept art under cut!
Sniper: so for some reason I was under the impression that Crocs were native to new zealand. They are not. Uh. Well. yup. 👍 it fits his personality. snappy n dangerous but real easy to get around if you just zig-zag. Why the long fa
Spy: Grey Fox. I was gonna go with a wolf because of his fursona but fox fits better wahhhh. Also means that scout is half fox! I’ll show that in more detail one day. Probably.
Medic: just like his Doves! The tail coat is actual his real tail. Featherrrrrs. Why are his nasty claws out? I don’t know he’s kinda weird like that.
Demo: TIGER!!!!! He’s always kinda reminded me of Hobbes from Calvin and Hobbes :) why did I draw him so cute. Somebody stop me before I draw them all adorable ough.
Engineer: the bulllllerrrrrrrrr. Sorry. He’s a bull, with a nose ring. Epic. Hooves for hands, gunslinger would look like a hoof too, gotta design that later.
Heavy: big badass brown bear. Love him. Instead of bullet he has honey sticks. It costs four hundred thousand dollars to harvest honey… for 12 seconds.
Pyro: fucking dragon. hell yeah. In pyroland they see themselves as a unicorn. Baller.
Scout: Bunny scout truther over here. You can thank @/teamfurtress for that. Please check them out, commissions are open! In my version he’s a hare but that is significantly less fun to say lol. Jackrabbit kinda guy.
Soldier: regular ole dog. ouppy to da max. He’s the most dog of the alol time and I’m tired of pretending he’s not. THE STRAPS ON HIS HELEMT ARE HIS EARS. HIS BIG TEETH AND OPEN MOUTHED SMILE. THE WAY HE MOVES. DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME?!???!??????! That’s a grown man with dick n balls what am I doing
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Some designs for the side characters that I couldn’t be arsed to finish. Saxton is kangaroo because of corse he is. Admin is a bat because she never leaves her room, Pauling is mouse because is cute, Zhanna is bear like big brother, Merasmus is praying mantis, and Gray Mann + Olivia Mann are vultures! She’s so fluffy oh my god
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Concept time. I fell in love with wrinkly floppy dog sniper. Adorable. Unfortunately I already had a dog so he had to go </3 kangaroo sniper was also axed. rip girl. Lots of diff designs for admin! Curtesy of @stangeranfanficion (thank u for the ideass) eagle soldier because it’s funny. Also zebra Pauling! I really like this one. If I make a horse au she’s going to be a zebra.
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babybells123 · 4 months
Umm I just realised something. Maybe I’m late to the party and reaching a bit but when Sansa dreams of having children that look like her lost siblings she says she also dreams of a girl who looks like Arya. But the only way Sansa could have a child that looks like her long faced dark haired gray eyed sister is by marrying a certain similar looking long faced dark haired gray eyed brother-cousin…
Hey there anon!
This isn't a reach at all, that is certainly the conclusion I came to upon reading that excerpt.
Not only do Sansa and Jon effectively have similar fantasies regarding domesticity (in the same book), they also specifically dream about having children named after their dead siblings, though I'll point something out about the 'looked like' and 'named after' distinction, and what really sold me on Sansa's fantasy being the missing half of Jon's.
"If I give him sons, he may come to love me. She would name them Eddard and Brandon and Rickon... In Sansa's dreams, her children looked just like the brothers she had lost. Sometimes there was even a girl who looked like Arya." (ASOS Sansa II).
We know that Bran and Rickon take entirely after their Tully mother (auburn-haired and blue eyed), so Sansa yearning for children looking like in effect, herself (and her mother) makes sense on a personal level. I also think it speaks to Sansa honouring her Tully appearance, and wanting her features to be passed down as a reclamation of identity. When we consider her Alayne Stone arc, and having to disguise her very distinct hair, it's certainly relevant that Sansa desires for her future self to be untainted and genuine, if that makes sense? But I digress, onto the second aspect of this dream.
Grammatically, there is a punctuation mark to separate that particular thought from the rest. It is its own, distinct musing and George wants to emphasise the thought away from the rest. And it is so very profound not just in a Jonsa way, but in regards to Sansa's relationship with Arya. Wanting a daughter who looks like the sister she has quarrelled with, and who is plainer-looking (and has been picked on for her appearance) is so..sweet? I love it so much?? I am a pro-stark sisters truther!
Okay now for that connection to Jon...
As we know, Stark features are distinct: Somber, long-faced, brown haired and grey eyed. They are never described as particularly attractive due to this appearance (well Brandon Stark was very good looking though Ned was described as plainer faced) though I'd argue that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. It's why some perspectives consider Lyanna beautiful whilst other perspectives think she was nothing special and too "wild." But yeah, Stark features are certainly distinct, there are other Houses with similar appearances but the Stark look is just ?very uniquely STARK "Winter is Coming" esque.
Sansa wanting a girl who has the Stark look is then very significant, especially when we consider the entire context: Although she is supposedly fantasising about a future with a Tyrell who has southern looks, Sansa almost entirely makes her fantasy about a mystery man where they have children who just so happen to be a blend of Stark and Tully appearances...coincidence? absolutely not!
George could have had Sansa say she wanted to name her daughter Arya, though he specifically said "looked like Arya," and isn't that beautiful!
Luckily our boy Jon just so happens to be long faced, grey eyed, and brown haired whew!
It also conveys Sansa's progressive desire to return North and I also believe it foreshadows Sansa having a Northern husband! Breaking away from the idealised beauty of the South i.e 'the golden prince' is certainly significant for Sansa. And we know that she fell in love with Waymar Royce, who resembles Jon strikingly. Huh, that's two people who appear to resemble Jon that Sansa has associated with love and children. Interesting George...Interesting....
But to summarise, yes - that is the connection I have also made, and considering that Jon's fantasy is the perfect half that includes Robb as well (the missing child from Sansa's fantasy, apart from Jon)
"I would need to steal her if I wanted her love, but she might give me children. I might someday hold a son of my own blood in my arms. A son was something Jon Snow had never dared dream of, since he decided to live his life on the Wall. I could name him Robb." (ASOS Jon XII).
occurring in the same book where that desire for a family that Jon has precedes Sansa's chapter where she builds WF in the snow and the fact that they both equate romance/love with children.... oh my poor heart cannot handle the pure softness of them. Every time I start talking about one piece of evidence, I end up going on a tangent connecting it to other things, but that is the intricate and poetic beauty of Jonsa, what can I say. Sometimes I’m afraid of opening my inbox because I immediately think it’ll be hate, so I was pleasantly surprised because I LOVE discussing this topic; one of my favourite aspects of Jon and Sansa is how compatible their dreams are.
Thanks for the ask <3
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snowjanuscentral · 9 months
Who’s death do you think messes snow up more Lucy or sejanus
Srsly tho I personally am a Lucy Truther, and I honestly believe she is alive. So technically Sejanus' death messed Coriolanus up more by default.
Lucy Gray on the whole messed Coriolanus up WAY more than Sejanus' death. Sejanus' death just proved to Coriolanus that his actions have consequences, and he learned the lesson that he has to 100% stand by every single one of his decisions, no matter how brutal the consequences, in order to stay in control and succeed. Lucy Gray is his antithesis; she flows with the river of life, instead of trying to construct a dam. She has no need to control her surroundings because she is at complete peace with herself and can coexist with all her emotions. Her perspective is so alien to Coriolanus that he fundamentally CANNOT understand her. As a result, he interprets her actions as dangerous, even deadly, and the concept of people existing who are so counter to Coriolanus' values, who he cannot control, ultimately pushed him to be the sociopathic monster he became.
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blimbo-buddy · 1 year
TW for mentions of trauma, abuse, grief, and fatphobia.
I personally think that the perspective of Turtle Tail is one rooted within human nature. Often, we realize too late how we have failed other and ourselves. We fumble to say what needs to be said and remain silent when we should be loud. It is a fault everyone understands yet condemns themselves for.
In my mind, Turtle Tail feared accepting Bumble because it would divide her. This is referenced all throughout, but is primarily clear here: "Because she was selfish. Selfish and desperate. Her heart was tearing itself apart when she looked between Gray Wing and Bumble. Dismissing Bumble made it easier for her. It was easier to dismiss Bumble because it was just "bullying." It was easier to dismiss Bumble because that meant she didn't have to touch her trauma."
Her first thought is her cover. Her heart had already been split between them. It cried so loudly for both of them. But if it was just that, then it would have been easier.
Her second thought is the truth. Accepting Bumble into the group meant that she would genuinely have to face what Tom did was traumatizing. It would make it hard to pretend she is okay when she isn't. She hasn't been, even before this happened. Both of them would have to talk about what happened and that terrified Turtle Tail.
Honestly, the reason I said "her trauma" rather than specifying was to muddy who Turtle Tail was referring to because I didn't know. You could assume it was Bumble, but was it? All at once, Turtle Tail meant herself, Bumble, and both of them. She meant everything surrounding it.
At heart, Turtle Tail loves Bumble. She tore herself up over that moment every day. She had nightmares and the regret had already plunged its claws into her, even if she hadn't fully realized. But, because nobody could see that she wasn't okay, she never said anything because that meant she could keep up her façade.
So, what happens now that Turtle Tail's façade has shattered?
PS: My friends and girlfriend are all crying with you. I casually slipped the Turtle Tail & Bumble angst into their lives... They must become truthers of the new canon.
PS Part 2: People should use accidental canon flaws more often imo. It's great for angst and character growth. Characters, like people, don't always need to be forgiven and that includes the heroes. Because even the kindest and sweetest have made mistakes that have not been forgiven and that's okay. Regret is part of being alive, whether we like it or not.
PS Part 3: I would also just like to add that everything I write is through the character's eyes. Their thoughts are woven into the scenes. So, almost always, that's the character thinking, "I am horrible," but it's written within the narrative.
Turtle Tail is left to wallow in her regrets. Strength has long since left her body, leaving her dizzy with exhaustion and aching from her wounds. The thoughts that drift through her head are foggy and loose, yet she can hear them cursing her. Each and every last one curses her.
She closes her eyes, tears wetting her fur once more. Memories come rushing through her mind within an instant. Each and every one of them knows what she's done - what has happened - yet all she can do is watch.
"So," Bumble tilts her head as she giggles, "Whatcha think of daffodils?"
What an odd question. Turtle Tail furrows her brows and swipes her tongue across her paw as she thinks about it. "Daffodils..." She murmurs, trying to piece together an answer.
Happily, Bumble adds on, "I hear that there's a type called angels' tears! Isn't that amazing?"
"What's... an angel?" Turtle Tail finds herself asking. Never in her life has she heard of that creature - at least, she assumes it's a creature - before.
Bumble's vibrant yellow eyes light up. Purring loudly, the molly scoots closer and the bell on her collar jingles. "My mother they're beautiful bird-like creatures that take away suffering. The housefolk apparently are very reverent towards them. It's a bit sad that they've shed tears, but..." She grins wider than ever. "I think it's beautiful that their tears blossom into flowers that others can love."
The words trek slowly through her ears. She should really be paying more attention to the conversation, but... It's as if she has gotten herself lost in a meadow of never-ending warmth. Gosh, Bumble truly is gorgeous.
"Yeah." She says absentmindedly, her eyes unable to pry themselves away from Bumble's. "They must be the most beautiful of all."
She should have said that Bumble is far more beautiful than any tear-made flower. Nothing in this world is more beautiful than her heart filled with sunlight and her smile that cares for all. Why - no, how - could she ever turn against her...?
"Turtle Tail..." A hesitant voice cuts through her thoughts. The weak mew reminds her of a cat whose mere presence disgusts her third to two of the worst cats she has the displeasure of knowing still breathe. "I-"
"Do you want to get mad at me for hurting your dear brother, Gray Wing?" She snarls, shakily forcing herself to her paws. This is not an argument that Bumble should be subjected to. Stars above, it shouldn't even be happening. "Is that it?" She hisses and bares her fangs, yet she can't bring herself to open her eyes.
He called himself wise, but he agreed with everyone that Bumble was just a fat lump of fur. He made a mockery of Bumble. If he... If they both thought about it, then they wouldn't be here. The fates would have changed. Life would be better. It would be happier.
A nervous whimper slithers into her ears, making them flatten in an instant. "I'm worried about you. We don't have to get into my brother's actions, I know you think he did it, but-"
A fire is lit inside of her. Drawing back her lips, she yowls, "Excuses! All you're good for is excuses!" Her eyes open in an instant to see what pathetic expression is on his face. Gray Wing shrinks back, horror making his eyes sink into his skull.
Hate is a word that Turtle Tail used to never use, but now? It's all she can feel. This world is painted crimson and she's part of the sickening bunch. "We don't have to get into it, but let me slip in how innocent he is before I move on!" She seethes, spit flying onto Gray Wing's face.
Emotion makes the world dart around her. It flashes by her so quickly she can only catch a glimpse. The dread, disgust, and hatred leading to the whirling world reminds her of Bumble. When Bumble got excited, she raced around her with a bright smile and only stilled when she got too dizzy to continue.
"You want to know something, Gray Wing?" The hate in her voice cannot burn like fire. Despair turns her blood into ice and every step she takes closer to Gray Wing agonizes her. Every wound sears her body, but she doesn't let the pain she deserve leak into her expression. "Your brother is the reason I dug her grave."
Gray Wing's ears flatten and he recoils immediately. His fur puffs out as though it got hit by lightning. "It was a fox, Turtle Tail." He rebukes, tearing his gaze away from her. "Clear Sky isn't to blame. Besides," he appears nervous yet sure of himself - despite not daring to look her in the eyes - as he meows, "I wish that she could have found happiness, but she could have never lived wild with us in the hollow."
Her fur bristles at the words that leave Gray Wing's maw. "I misspoke." She mutters and digs her claws into the ground so she doesn't lash out. The temptation dangles before her, but she forces it to thrash within her chest. "Your brother might be the reason I dug her grave, but just because he was the murderer doesn't mean his paws are the only ones dirtied. I dug her grave alone, Gray Wing. I dug it alone."
A confused frown appears on Gray Wing's face. He sheepishly glances up at her, his whiskers twitching. "I would have helped if you asked." He offers up as if it means anything now.
Actions that come too late show change, but no one could ever trust them.
"Then why didn't you, Gray Wing?" She questions, narrowing her eyes onto the ground. A bee lands onto a half-crushed flower, yet it doesn't seem to mind the damaged goods. Instead, the bee happily pollenates as it often does before taking flight.
A bitter laugh rings through her ears. It's her own, yet her voice riddled with pure disgust sounds foreign to her ears. She's not innocent. Never again will she pretend to be. "What stopped you from offering to help me? Was it because I'm someone whose value has decreased? Do you think I'm worthless? Should I be thrown to the wayside? Or..."
She knows that her bitter remarks are not the truth. When she looked into his eyes during Bumble's exile, she should have realized then what they were saying. She should have sided with the right cat.
"Or is it because it's better for you if Bumble is dead?" The hammering of her heart makes it difficult to tell that she spoke. It feels as if the ground is being knocked from under her paws. This is the answer, isn't it?
Gray Wing opens his mouth.
His mouth stays open.
It stays open for just a bit longer.
Then it closes.
"I hope you go to sleep tonight and are haunted by what your actions have led to." Wispily, the words float into the air. She sluggishly turns her head away from Gray Wing as she focuses on the misshapen grave. It doesn't matter if they disown her. She has already lost the one who matters.
God, the part about her seeing it as easier to dismiss Bumble because she wouldn't have to face her own trauma is just heartbreaking. The two cats have trauma that stem from the same roots, Tom. They've both suffered from that bastard and they (TurtleTail in this case) cannot push away their trauma without also pushing the other's trauma away, as the two are linked together tightly. The part about if she were to accept Bumble into the group, she'd have to wake up and become aware of Tom's abusive and traumatizing actions. She'd have to face her trauma as her and Bumble's trauma, as said earlier, are linked, it is shared trauma. But as you said, the thought of finally needing to face that trauma head on scares TurtleTail, she doesn't want to be hurt by the memories anymore, but by putting it to the side, it lingers and grows and it's impact becomes greater as it is consistently brushed off. It's sad and depressing. But let's finally delve into the story, shall we?
Okay first things first I fucking love the flashback with Bumble and TurtleTail in the meadow, it's genuinely so sweet but also makes you sad when you realize what happens to them in the end. I love how Bumble explains the concept of angels and TurtleTail is just staring at her thinking "Gosh, you're pretty". Then it gets you even more sad when, again, you remember what happens to them later.
The dialogue and writing with TurtleTail snapping at GreyWing and the narrative also goes after GreyWing rightfully, not just TurtleTail. If this was Erin Hunter, they would have written it where TurtleTail blames herself but then thinks about how 'wise' GreyWing is or something and then the text goes on to praise him. But this isn't written by Erin Hunter. Both the text and TurtleTail scream at and berate GreyWing's pure stupidity, his negligence to focus on the situation at hand in favor of trying to defend his brother and instead of the story siding with him, it sides against him. God, and the part where the bad in TurtleTail's mind morphs into joyous thoughts and memories of Bumble, like Bumble unknowingly has a grip on TurtleTail's mind, a grip that only tightened when TurtleTail turned away from her and only got stronger as guilt ate away at her brain. And then to have GreyWing speak the line that TurtleTail originally spoke in Bumble's canon death scene is such a neat little touch, the text does not try to treat this as words of wisdom or an attempt to ease TurtleTail, that is what sets it apart and what makes it better from the canon. And to then have GreyWing attempt to pull a "Well I would have helped if you asked" on TurtleTail just reminds me of when BrambleClaw did the same when the truth about the three were revealed, he claims he would have helped, but knowing how he is, how sure are we that this would have been true? Also the little bumble bee not minding the destroyed flower is such a good little touch, I would go a bit into detail about what it could possibly mean but I can't formulate proper words to describe what I believe.
And to really hit you in the face like a brick, TurtleTail's line, "Or is it because it's better for you if Bumble is dead?" serves as a call back to the canon scene when GreyWing believed that Bumble had "taken away" TurtleTail from him. TurtleTail is confronting this, truly realizing GreyWing's true negative feelings towards the poor Kittypet, realizing that he was possibly happy that Bumble was now gone, happy that Bumble could no longer "take TurtleTail away". He believes TurtleTail belongs to him and only him, and this truth/realization hits TurtleTail's mind like a rock to the skull.
GreyWing may not be haunted by what his actions led to, but TurtleTail will. She'll never stop reminding him of the innocent life he was complicit in taking away. The very thing they both were complicit in. The very thing the moor cats were complicit in. Bumble was TurtleTail's world, her world is gone forever. Anon you have done it again, you've managed to deliver a heartbreaking story about TurtleTail and Bumble, you managed to make scenes that reminisce on happy times make me feel even more sad with the knowledge of what was to come. You wrote a story that doesn't side with GreyWing, hell, not even a story that sides with TurtleTail too. The story sides with Bumble, the victim of it all. I could go on and on about how clever the writing is and how you easily avoided everything that makes canon DotC horrible in every sense of the word. If this is the last entry in the TurtleBumble saga, I would be completely satisfied. An open ending that finishes on a note of tragedy, all we can do is assume what might come next, but we wouldn't know what would actually come next. Even with two of the three entries focusing on TurtleTail, it's clear who the story is really about. Bumble.
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lifestilled · 28 days
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indie rp blog for 𝓑𝓪𝓼𝓲𝓵 𝓗𝓪𝓵𝓵𝔀𝓪𝓻𝓭 of the picture of dorian gray fame, following book canon, personal headcanons & AUs of my own devising. utilising ben chaplin from dorian gray (2006) as faceclaim atm, even tho he's a tad old for my basil -- still looking for a good period-looking fc in his late 30s.
a study in losing friends, living through your art, putting people on pedestals and unwittingly causing your own downfall. excited to write with other classic lit muses as well as various fandoms with period setting. modern verse(s) tba.
1. be kind. you know the drill. 2. i am always extatic to find fellow tpodg / classic lit rpers but i am also not looking to be exclusive with anyone. if there ever were more of the same character to write with, i say the more the merrier .) 3. regarding canon ships: i am a basil/henry truther. i will however also write basil/dorian, and support dorian/henry because i love pain. i still think that if basil & henry had just stuck together, none of the bad things had to happen. (other than that basil hallward is a homosexual man in victorian england. any and all possible ships will have to deal with that somehow.) 4. i made this blog mostly because i am pissed at the recent news abt the oncoming netflix adaptation which allegedly has basil & dorian be siblings. idk what's gonna come out of that but if you wanna shake fists in the air with me at bad tpodg adaptations, please hit me up. 5. this blog is written by kai, i'm 25, artschool graduate & currently trying to find a job. central european, english is my second language. i also write my oc emmanuel @handgiven.
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variousbones · 3 months
I’m no longer in the extremely weird fetishizing Gerard way as a supposed trans woman club (led by tumblr user girlgerard), that was 2 years ago and I’ve grown as a person. However comma I will continue to allow myself to still get excited about the interviews where Gerard talks about feeling more connected to women than men. While the trans-truther fan stuff is deeply invasive and inappropriate, I cannot deny that interacting with that content also revolutionized how I view and interact with my gender and allowed myself to explore gender presentation in completely new ways. Like leaning into the inherently monstrous aspects of being trans that are so so so beautiful and sometimes repulsive and also strange and uncomfortable and REAL. I am both Frankenstein AND his monster. Gender is a construct and I am building it with my bare hands using dirty scavenged parts. I was also so positively influenced by the unabashed thirsting over traditionally unattractive features and gender non conformity. Stomach pouch, strong legs and stubble on a fem presenting person, straight silhouette, signs of aging like gray hair, etc etc etc. It gave me the confidence and permission to love the parts I recognized on my own body. Attractiveness is not the be-all end-all of worth, nor should it be. But goddamn it is so refreshing to see a middle aged person with an average body be framed as the pinnacle of sex appeal. And especially because of his gender non-conforming presentation. It’s a kind of representation I needed to unlock new parts of myself. It was so extraordinarily liberating and I’m so grateful for the other healthier sources of those feelings that I’ve found since then. Yes I have a parasocial relationship with Gerard way. Whatever. Yes I still follow an account on here called milfygerard that posts vaguely trans truther stuff sometimes. Sue me, they post really good fandom updates and otherwise I generally agree with their views and approach to things. Whatever. Nuance exists. Two things can be true at the same time. Etc etc. I know how to distinguish online brain rot from real life.
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olivershen · 3 years
courting the crown has me by the Throat. 🥴 not only am i a “mc and theo were engaged” truther, i am buzzing with theories.
1. MC spent the last 18 months in Castille with Theo where they got entangled and planned to marry, without telling Gray or Maeve or anyone first. MC’s memories of that time were specifically targeted because they stumbled upon Something; OR
2. MC has turned dark for some reason, and Theo stood by their side. Maybe they planned to take over the kingdoms, a la Witch Queen from Lovestruck’s Love and Legends
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This could be the secret that would cost MC the crown.
But that’s a bit out there. All we really know is 1. The killer is a man 2. The MC knows him well (can’t say if it’s Theo or Rian or someone new) 3. Their mom (the queen) knows the person too
3. Still holding out for the theory that it’s Gray who faked his own death. Maybe not Gray himself but a corrupted version of him
Anywayssss. Much to think about lol
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arcyrus · 2 years
HI cyrus or colress please if you like ... for quastions 1 9 10 18 maybe <3
oh MAN [cracks knuckles] i am literally going to do answer all of these now i hope you know what can of worms you opened here. putting it under a readmore in case it gets too long LOL
anyways starting with cyrus.
favorite things about the character: genuinely my favorite aspect of him is how much of a fucking hypocrite he is. "get rid of human spirit and denounce emotion" my ass, when he's out here being the most spirited and emotional character in the whole game. the kind of person who thinks he's emotionless or can trick people into thinking that but in actuality feels way too much and Hates it. i want to drown him in lake verity specifically. also i love the entire galaxy / sun / etc aesthetic with him and team galactic (<- biased astrophysicist moment)
9. favorite headcanon: i'm going to use this as an opportunity to talk about why i gave cyrus a volcarona in my au stuff LOL. his parents gave him a larvesta as his first pokemon (quite uncommon and hard to train) and it goes with their high expectations of him... he holds his larvesta to the same standards that he does himself, and pushed it very hard to live up to his parents' expectations - and it ended up evolving quite quickly relative to most volcarona....
10. who do i ship with this character: i crossed the event horizon of accretionshipping too long ago to seriously consider anything else honestly. i have chosen this rarepair as my hill to die on and it is entirely worth it. who cares if cyrus and colress have never interacted in canon and likely never will, it's my city now and i make the rules!!
that being said i do respect cyrus / cynthia as a ship, i like the dichotomy and whatnot but personally i just like them as a very complicated (former) friendship than romantically.
18. what i associate this character with: hooooo boy this is a loaded question. some of it is a bit more towards my particular story stuff that sits in my head but here's some of it:
the sun - easy answer, but true. center of the solar system, incredibly important, yet scorching and unforgiving. there's an icarus / moth too close to the flame parallel i can make here wrt the legendary stuff he gets involved with too
a black hole - this is just an upgrade to the sun theme really and is also because i am biased towards them in the astrophysical sense. but still similar to the sun stuff ultimately just on a bigger scale... a supermassive black hole is at the galactic center and influences the entire galaxy around it even if it's not "active". they do weird things to time and space that are honestly just ridiculous
various pokemon types - dark and flying obviously (seems like the kind of person to wish he could fly), but also fire and dragon. the former tying in with the sun thing, passion, etc, and dragon because legendaries lol
i'm going to stop now for the sake of how long this is getting but let it be known i think about this way too much.
ok colress time
favorite things about the character: somehow colress is genuinely the only fictional character ever to make me experience cuteness aggression. sometimes i draw him and it makes me want to strangle him. anyways my actual favorite thing about him is his complete lack of care for like, anything other than the pursuit of knowledge? to the point of possible apocalypse? i love that he really is gray and is open to all possibilities as answers to whatever questions he has. i don't know he's just really great and i like him.
9. favorite headcanon: colress cynthia lusamine family truther. colress and cynthia are about the same age while lusamine is decently older, so he's actually somewhat closer to his cousin cynthia than his sister lusamine. i like to think that cynthia also has an interest in his primary research question of "how to bring out the power of pokemon" so they bond over strategies for this and whatnot. i've had this headcanon for so long that i've honestly forgotten it's not canon LMAO
10. who do i ship with this character: see above!!! i cant say how much i think about these two honestly its a problem LOL. i'll take this question as an opportunity to say that like with the previous one i understand why people ship antigrav in this case but personally it's not my thing. i like ghetsis but i am too rarepairpilled to ever consider it myself ahaha
18. what do i associate this character with: here we go again!
mercury: this one is entirely based on my own au but i don't care. mercury as both the planet closest to the sun (simultaneously scorched and freezing), and as the liquid element that was used for all sorts of things and poisoned people before they knew what they were dealing with
various pokemon types: steel of course, but also psychic very heavily bc he gets up to more stuff related to this in my au than canon HAHA. ice as well, both because of the kyurem stuff and to contrast cyrus :P
i honestly would have put some more but i need to go leave for a thing now hahaha. i am absolutely always willing to elaborate on any of this at any time
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[ID: banner reading Work in Progress Wednesday in white cursive font on a smudged turquoise, yellow, and gray background /END ID]
@mrs-theirin once again beat me >;p here's a snippet of the book club chapter from the pavellan fic
It was perhaps his greatest shame, but Dorian eventually surrendered to Cassandra’s literary demands. Whenever he wasn’t in the field, she subjected him to regular meetings for her beloved book series. Cole, inexplicably, joined them; apparently spirits could read, though Dorian couldn’t guess what about the story appealed to him.
Personally, Dorian was certain the books were slowly sapping away his intelligence, but they were oddly addictive. Messy in the way that was hard to look away from. In any case, it wasn’t a terrible way to spend time—though Dorian wouldn’t admit that even under pain of death.
“You’ve been abnormally quiet, Dorian,” Cassandra said.
Before Dorian could reply, Cole chimed in, “Thoughts folded over, layers and layers, a labyrinth of lips—”
“You’re holding your book upside down, Cole,” Dorian interrupted loudly.
“Oh. Thank you.”
Dorian pinched the bridge of his nose. As usual, the three of them had convened in Cassandra’s quarters above the armory, and as usual, Dorian wondered if this would be the time he finally snapped and murdered one of them.
Cassandra cleared her throat. “As I was saying. Dorian?”
“It’s fine, Cassandra.” He took a sip of his wine. “Now, the last chapter—”
“The thief is in love with Officer Jerren,” Cole said.
Dorian rolled his eyes. “Don’t be ridiculous.”
“But Varric—”
“No spoilers!” Cassandra snapped, clutching the book to her chest.
“Officer Jerren doesn’t love her back.”
“Cole,” Dorian said slowly, “you remember you agreed not to read ahead through Varric’s thoughts.”
He pouted, brushing the edge of pages. “I want them to be happy.”
“They’re not real, Cole.”
Cole looked at him from under the brim of his hat. “You are.”
“The Inquisitor has been less irritable of late,” Cassandra said, undeterred. “But you’re sullen.”
Dorian narrowed his eyes. “Why does it sound like you’re insinuating something?”
“I’m just curious if you actually made up or not.”
“Made—we weren’t fighting!”
“Well, something was making him unpleasant—”
“He’s always unpleasant to you—”
“What—” Cassandra started.
“Iron Bull?” Cassandra asked. “But I thought—” Her mouth snapped shut.
“Thought what?” Dorian demanded.
She squinted at him. “Then why was the Inquisitor being unpleasant?”
Cole’s mouth opened, and Dorian grabbed the hem of his ridiculous hat and pulled it down over his face. “Lavellan does not need you spreading his personal feelings around without his consent!”
“They’re deep,” Cole said, readjusting his hat. “Like roots reaching into the earth. It’s hard to see past the mark, but they’re very loud.”
“Is that why you are being unpleasant now?” she asked.
“Excuse you, but I am always the most pleasant of company—”
“Yes,” Cole said.
“Cole! I am going to feed your hat to Leliana’s ravens if you don’t stop that.”
“Ravens don’t eat hats.” His head tilted. “Do they?”
“No,” Cassandra assured him before turning her sights back on Dorian. “He’s really with Iron Bull?”
Dorian bristled. “Don’t ask me! What they get up to is none of my business.”
Cassandra looked extremely dubious. “I just thought, well, that the two of you were… close.”
“We are close.” He sniffed. “We’re friends.”
Cassandra muttered something into her wine glass, then said, “Have you talked to the Inquisitor about it?”
“Why no, it hadn’t occurred to me—” he scoffed “—of course we’ve talked, what kind of question is that?”
“A reasonable one, I think, considering the betting pool Varric’s had going since you arrived.”
“About me and the Inquisitor? Venhedis but that man will take bets for anything.”
tagging @gaysolavellan, @fade-and-loathing-in-thedas, @midnightprelude, @calicostorms, @transfenris-truther
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lycanthrology · 2 years
isaac may i ask how you feel about sierra six from the gray man. what r your thoughts on the guy
i feel like ive been shoved onto a stage and whatever i say next will determine whether or not I’ll be dropped through a trapdoor
Disclaimer: I watched this movie two weeks ago and was taking the piss out of it all the way through so I’ll get things wrong. Sad! I don’t remember anything about the plot at all. I’m not rewatching it
OK Sierra Six……… first off his real name is Court Gentry and I’m SO OBSESSED with that name. who names a character Court Gentry? This is my character, his name is Knight Knightley. It’s camp. I’m thinking about reading the book if I can be bothered.
I’m going to state outright: I like him a lot. I enjoy him as a character but, saying that, I think the mcu-ification of Six’s dialogue was cringe. The Russos made the movie, yeah, but I think that he would’ve benefited from being a bit more withdrawn and less quippy. He wasn’t over the top quippy like Chris Evan’s character was, but imo Gosling doesn’t do quippy well. It feels really awkward and stunted to me. The scenes near the beginning when he was looking after Claire and he was playing up the classic strong and silent with a heart of gold <- that was really good. I haven’t seen The Nice Guys so I’m not sure how good he is at comedy in general, BUT I know for a fact he does characters that don’t talk a lot incredibly well. His face and nonverbal expressions are on another level. I’m not saying he’s bad at vocal acting because he talks a lot in La La Land and I adore that film, I just don’t think he suits quippy silly action hero. Watch Drive watch Blade Runner 2049 you know exactly what I mean. Ryan Gosling is like tbh to me. Tbh would not quip
There is a possibility he’s bisexual. When Lloyd says he wants all of Six’s loved ones kidnapped and questioned, he says any man or woman he’s ever slept with. That might not necessarily be implying Six’s bisexuality as Lloyd is clearly gay coded (<- something that made me very uncomfortable as he’s a sadistic torturer and I don’t think anyone in the production of the movie is LGBTI. Ofc I’m not saying gay people have to be good. i love evil/morally ambiguous gay people, I just didn’t like it in this particular movie. + my parents said he looked like freddy mercury/70s gay moustache so it was probably intentional and not just a poor acting choice from Chris Evans. I could talk more about this but I won’t) and as Lloyd is gay coded maybe it’s something his own character would choose to say because the idea of people not being straight is closer to the front of his mind. If a straight character said the line, they might’ve just said woman. ANYWAY I am a bisexual Six truther
The opening scene was very good. And it all went downhill from there LOL!!! No, but seriously I really liked how the opening scene clearly established Six’s character and personality. He knows what he’s doing, he has experience, he trusts his own judgement, and he has a moral code (refuses direct orders to shoot when he knows a civilian (<- civilian child iirc) will be injured). What I thought was interesting about that was later on in the movie, he does things that clearly put the public and innocents at risk. I know it’s an action movie and explosions happen but I always think it’s funny when a character is established as caring about civilian wellbeing then is fine blowing up buildings or crashing cars. No guilt, no remorse, no horror? No suspension of disbelief from me. I suppose you aren’t meant to think too hard about that but it bothers me. Bisexual lighting in the opening scene.. could mean nothing.
Something I would’ve preferred would be to have Six a bit more established. You see him on one mission then you’re told they want the program shut down and they have to kill him. I know it’s a big betrayal but it didn’t feel that way to me because we hadn’t built up a relationship with the organisation yet. That isn’t a criticism of Six but the movie itself but you know what I mean
ANOTHER thing that made me a little bit nuts is his relationship with his brother. I know we don’t even see the brother but the fact that he lost everything to keep his brother safe and ensure the abuse stopped for good. He willingly sacrificed his own life and happiness for his brother’s. Every day Six has to live with the guilt of murdering his own father and try to assure himself that it was the right thing to do <- the sisyphus prison tattoo hello.. ANYWAY!! it’s clear he sees Claire as a younger sister. Six calls Fitzroy his father iirc that was insane especially considering Fitzroy was forced to betray him to Lloyd. So Six has been harmed by both the father figures in his life. I know his birth father’s abuse is way more severe compared to what Fitzroy did and Fitzroy still loved him. but there’s definitely some sort of parallel there. Fitzroy ends up dying to save Claire while Six killing the birth father saved his brother. idk. They’re very different circumstances but the cycle is repeating. the sisyphus tattoo.
So when Claire is at the centre of the violence and he has to protect her, Six would 100% be having some kind of trauma response to being in a situation similar to what caused his life to fall apart + his first murder. I could be grasping at straws here but I think he should’ve been a lot more mentally ill than he was. I know it’s a ‘fun’ action film, but Six has been through so much shit. Everyone he’s trusted has betrayed him at some point, he’s been physically injured so many times (you know me the big advocate for superheroes with chronic pain the gray man is not exempt), he has killed a lot of people (including civilians), was in prison for 15(?) years, the organisation he’s dedicated his entire life to has ordered his death. Why is my guy making JOKES!!!!!! Gosling should’ve been allowed to do his silly little Blade Runner scream
Lastly, I think he’s hot.
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8.5 on the Crow Scale
Thank you for reading
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overdramatics · 4 years
going to ramble a little more before going back to the Drawing Cave. probably the most suffocating thing about being a queer person is that it feels like I have two choices when it comes to expressing myself in the world: be loud, proud, and true to myself (have to restate identity over and over again. get shit on for it and have my identity recognized, but spit on since its entirely atypical and not even respected in a lot of the lgbtq+ community) or assimilate (still somewhat be seen. be tolerated in becoming like the cishets, but have to erase my identity and alienate myself from both my community and who I am).
there is a third option; be proud of who i am, embrace my community, live and express myself openly, but keep things vague and not openly claim a label. I love this so much, it feels so noncomforming, so rebellious. It denies the expectation of queer people having to be visible in a typical way and also entirely rejects assimilation. This way of expression feels the most like a challenge to the way people, both cishet and lgbtq+, view queerness. Since you haven’t explicitly stated your identity, most people (again, both cishet and lgbtq+) default to seeing you as cishet. this really confuses cishet people- should they be mad at you? if you’re cishet then why are you so noncomforming? they get mad at you because they cant grasp why you are the way you are if you’re supposed to be ““normal.”“ you are a challenge to their view of gender, sexuality, and roles in society. this also challenges lgbtq+ people, many of whom will decide that you’re a cishet appropriating their identities for exposure. If you’re queer why dont you come out and say it? why cant you be like one of the ““normal”“ lgbtq+ people? you fall in a gray area, and in more ways than what is typically seen in the lgbtq+ community- your presentation may be androgynous, which is not particularly and uncommon thing within the community, but your identity is so complex and difficult to figure out. It’s not contained to one area, it’s bold and challenging but not in the way that a pride parade is. Pride parades are expected, they are well known and visible and you can put words to them. But people can’t put words to your identity.
believe it or not, this is something i wanted to do even before getting Gerard Way Gender Truther brainworms. seeing him express in the way they do though, that really set it off. the sheer anger he created in so many music communities because they couldnt just be homophobic to him because he was ““straight”” is awesome. of course, their identity has been repeatedly erased because they’ve never outright claimed a label. that’s definitely the downside to this way of expression, potentially having to let go of being publicly seen as queer and having your identity recognized and respected- though this definitely also affects many many multisexual lgbtq+ people who are in straight-passing relationships. thats part of the beauty of it- seeing people have no clue what to make of you, insisting that lgbtq people are reading too much into it, when really they just have eyes and some common sense. don’t know how to end this but fuck yeah noncomformity
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