#cuz i asked my friend and she said it was green too
sometimes idk who’s the colorblind one, me or all the poeple who thought wills jacket in the leak was green
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flamingpudding · 5 months
All right you got my creative juices running with part five of Klarion is Dan yes the first series I ever came to you with
To find him Klarion isn't the only one living in the DC dimension in like the word of protective mother Danny is he sent one of clarion's older siblings to go with him Larsal/Lassie
She was one of the clone children that was created long before Danny knew that was trying to clone him she was one of the first failures
She doesn't really have a physical form as much she is more of like a big pit of water that has like a spiritual like form like Dr Fate
She hates Vlad so much that the entire League of assassins who's also hit him even though they don't know who he is but know that Danny got from Clockwork was about her and visiting
Klarion knows about the quote as the same thing last knows about him being a villain they keep each other secrets cuz they know they make Mom disappointed
When they do have somewhat of a physical form it's a cowgirl with a horse made entirely of Lazarus Pits
Along with that Vlad making surprise visit after feeling someone's littering his name more than usual it's like a call about anytime he knows his children or Daniel is talking about him
Also Batman's freaking out after I think that one of Danny's kids is such a little hater that they made a cult just despite their father which makes the Justice League think Vlad really that bad
This is just the funny idea and I know it's not a good prompt I'm still trying to think of more sorry
Oh I love this! Thanks you!
This is going to be fun in a way I hope! Enjoy~
Danny barely avoided getting questioned further about his relation to Vlad when he noticed the green post-it note and made a grab for it. "Oh would you look at that! Pop is sending us a message!"
Okay maybe he said that louder than necessary but he needed to change the topic. He didn't need more people on to torment the fruitloop. His own kids were already giving the man enough grief as it was. He didn't need distant cousins or an entire hero society of another dimension coming after the fruitloop too. Not that he would mind that much but some mercy towards the redeemed man would probably be appropriated.
Either way Danny focused his attention on the note only half heartedly listening as Klarion continued his family tree explanation to his little hero friends. He blinked at the note several times before laughing happily. "Would you look at that! Lassie is going to come by! Your Granpa Clock is giving us a heads up, so I can prepare a fresh batch of ectoplasm for her to stay healthy!"
Whatever Klarion was explaining right now was abandoned as he sat up straight. "Lassie is coming too?"
"Well of course she is." Danny hummed happily, thankful for the chance of seeing both his kids that liked to life in the same dimension.
"Lassie?" Red Robin piped up questioning. Oh looks like this is one of Klarions siblings they hadn't gotten to yet regarding explanations.
"Yes my fourth oldest but unofficial second oldest." Danny nodded with a proud mother smile on his face. "She lives in this dimension too to keep an eye on Klarion so he would stay safe and dosen't over do it."
Klarion on the other hand groaned. "I don't need Lassie to baby sit me!"
"Klarion, sweety you were new to the whole living alone in another dimension thing. You spent the longest in FarFrozen and the Ghost Zone with me because of your destabilisation." Danny reprimanded him softly and the teen heroes snickered behind Klarions back to which the witch boy turned to glare at them with a greenish blush across his cheeks.
"So what does that sister of yours look like?" Impulse asked to change the topic and because he took a bit of pity on Klarion for the way his Mom was apparently embarrassing the witch boy. His question resulted in Klarion flipping though the photo album before stopping at an image of Klarion next to a pit of green something. Impulse arched an eyebrow and was about to comment when he got pushed roughly to the side by Red Robin.
The way Batman's chair clattered to the ground as the man stood up looked every bit like he was going to rush over to the teens spoke for the shock that Red Robin shout had caused. The Ghost King and Klarion on the other hand looked rather calm as they barely reacted to the shout and Danny even motioned to Batman to sit back down again, as the chair that fell rightened itself again.
"Calm down. Lassie is a good child. She wouldn't hurt a fly." Danny told them smiling, not realising that both Batman and Red Robin were giving him increadulous looks behind their mask.
"A.... good child?" Batman repeated his slowly his voice even more tinged with his usual gruff gravel in a way that both Superman and Wonder Woman side eyed him worried while Flash snacked on a pack of melon flavoured ships he snacked from a table.
"She doesn't have a physical body, that is why she is relying on the pits of natural ectoplasm your dimension has. There was a little problem with her physical form and we just couldn't restore it and she refuses to get a unoccupied clone body like Klarion has." Danny explained further not minding the stares he or Klarion were getting.
"Pits of natural ectoplasm?" Batman reiterated, his tone clearly questioning, to which Danny only blinked a couple of times surprised. "I thought your dimension knew what they were? Sure the way you guys use them is strange and Lassie did sound a bit concerned when she told me about it but I didn't think you guys weren't aware what they were."
"No that is not...." Red Robin started but then but himself of as he turned around hurriedly in a defensive position as he noticed someone coming in through the window. He wasn't the only one. All the heroes reacted as one at the new presence, however what they didn't expect was a member of the League of Assassins blinking up at them stunned after climbing in through the window lifting their hands palm up in a gesture of peace.
"Woah hey there calm down! Klarion what the fuck? Why are there so many heroes in your Apartment?" The LoA member spoke up and all eyes turned to Klarion who instead only deadpanned. "I told you Mom was visiting to meet my 'friends'"
"Lassie, what did I tell you about possessing bodies?" The Ghost King piped up in a disapproving tone and they heard the distinctive tone of someone knocking their head against the table, probably Constantine.
"Sorry Mom but there are not Pits of ectoplasm near baby brother I could use to form a body." The LoA member, apparently possessed by Klarion's elder sister replied sheepishly. To say Red Robin was weirded out was an understatement. Usually if he encountered LoA members they were aggressive and most likely there to take him or one of his siblings out.
"That's an League of Assasin member...." He muttered under his breath to which said member laughed. "This guy was the closest to me to use for the moment. Don't worry I will release him later and he won't even remember a thing. I got my little sheep's well trained."
"Little sheep's?" Wonder Girl repeated a hand on her hip as she stared sceptically, to which Klarion face palmed and muttered a low "Sis shut up...."
"No Lassie, don't shut up." Danny intone from the kitchen table he was still sitting at with the other adults, his head was now resting on his hand as he stared at his two kids who visibly flinched.
The LoA member, possessed by Klarions sister, scratched the back of is head nervously as they faced the Ghost King. "Ah Mom, uhm hehe you know funny story..."
The heroes were pretty sure that the room had gotten several degrees colder and they weren't sure if that was because of the mood of a parent about to interrogate their child or because of the Ghost Kings power. (At a later time Constantine swore it were the Ghost Kings powers.) There was a awkward moment of silence the heroes weren't sure if they should be present for that or not especially when Danny stood up and walked over to the teens.
On reflex Wonder Girl, Superboy, Impulse and Red Robin made room for Danny to walk past them as they watched on torn between curiosity and pity, because clearly Klarion and his sister Lassie must have done something they weren't supposed to do. And honestly they were more curious what they did, after all the Ghost King hadn't been that faced when it got revealed that Klarion was more of a Villain than a Hero to them.
"Lassie, what did you do?" The teen heroes couldn't see Danny's face but from the tone they had a feeling that Danny was arching an eyebrow at his children.
Lassie laughed awkwardly once more. "So... you know how grandma Pandora kind of thought us about how our own emotion can influence those around us exposed to our ectoplasm over a long period of time?"
"I might have raised something akin to a cult on accident and passed on my personal grudge and hate towards the fruitloop along to them and they might now have the subconscious drill of attack on sight if Vlad ever makes an appearance in this dimension...." The LoA member slowly spoke up which had several of the adult heroes blinking in disbelief.
Batman especially was in shock of hearing about this since had the most interaction with this 'cult' as apparently one of the Ghost Kings children liked to call the League of Assassins. The bat suit wearing hero was about to interject and ask more but stopped when the Ghost King let out a suffering sigh like the most tired parent in existence. "And you didn't think about telling me this sooner because?"
"We don't like to disappoint you Mom." The two children of the Ghost King replied simultaneously like one united front. Danny in response gave his kids a light chuckle. But before Danny could go on any further Red Robin decided it was probably a good time to interject and remind the Ghost King of their presence.
"I got a question if you don't mind..." He lifted his hand like he was in school as he pulled the attention towards him. His curiosity won over his caution of the situation. "Klarion if the Lazarus Pits are actually 'ectoplasm' as you mentioned before, and are largely influenced by your sisters emotion. What happens to guy that bath regularly in them or someone that got thrown in there and game back out rage filled?"
"Red Robin!" Batman call out reprimanding instantly knowing where Red Robins line of question was going.
The possessed LoA member on the other hand blinked at them before scratching their head sheepishly. "I think I know who your talking about. I am still sorry about that second guy. When he got dunked into my ectoplasm, I kinda just came back from a visit home and had a bad fight with Vlad and was especially rage filled towards him."
"So does that mean...?" Red Robin inquired further ignoring Batman's silent glare towards him for even bringing these questions up and just as Lassie was about to answer Danny interjected.
"Lassie, go fix your cult." Another green note at materialised out of nowhere and had fluttered in the air before him and caused the Ghost King to face palm the moment he read it's context.
"Mom?" Both Klarion and Lassie asked with a shared worried glance.
"Vlad has come into the dimension for some reasons and is currently getting chased down by your cult."
There was a stunned silence after which Klarion and Lassie, in the body of the LoA member, broke out laughing hysterically which only caused Danny to lightly glare at his children. Meanwhile the teen heroes weren't sure if they should feel sorry for the old man called Vlad but considering all the red flags they had picked up from what Klarion told them, they felt a little like the man deserved that.
The adults on the other hand felt slightly torn, well mostly Batman. It was clear that this Vlad was a bigger threat than both Klarion and the Ghost King were making him out to be, considering the entire existence of the Lazarus Pits hated that man. But on the other hand as heroes they probably should feel obligated to help the man especially if, according to the Ghost Kings words, he was currently gotten chased in their dimension by the League of Assassins.
Danny on the other hand never felt more like a tired mother than he did right now. Sure he knew about his unofficial second oldest hatred towards Vlad but this certainly was a new level of hate. Especially since she apparently 'accidentally' (he doesn't by that at all) raised an entire cult that subconsciously hated him too.
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shinjisdone · 1 year
Female!MC and Friends - Malleus Draconia
[What's it like to be friends with Malleus and be dragged to his Events as a female]
(Very much and I mean very much and I mean super duper, incredibly unbelievably, HUMONGUSLY AND GIGANTICALLY based on my oc's reaction)
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Hooh boy. Malleus Draconia. Crown Prince of Briar Valley. Powerful Dragon-Fae (or something like that), super old and feared so much that no one dares to invite him to anything.
Well, to you though, he is Tsunotarou-kun.
Like, you're not stupid. After the shenanigans with Crowley, Grim, Ace and Heartslabyul, you quickly learned that NRC is much different than your home.
And even though you did not know who he was, you could still tell this tall, dark and mysterious person was probably very important (or caused as much trouble as the others).
At Helloween...
Oh? You walk out of your door and everything is all different? Where did all these decorations come from?
There he is, Malleus, dressed in eastern clothing and seemingly cosplaying as himself - a dragon.
He explains his intentions to use your dorm as Diasomnia's Helloween place and you're fine with it. While he certainly was cryptic at the beginning, Malleus quickly proved himself to be calm and collected - and especially kind. He respected your decisions, listened to your words with great curiousity and does not cause any trouble. You were able to quickly call him a friend, which is probably why he trusts you, too.
It's not like you got any money or dormmates to pull of the same thing as Diasomnia and you trust Malleus as well. He eagerly tells you of his newly-found knowledge of eastern dragons.
Yet as the night continues on and guests become more and more...demanding...Malleus' patience is waning. First, the assaults to the Ramshakle dorm and now one of them has the audacity to casually touch him. Malleus himself was surprised at his own impatience and he truly was ready to spit out some fire...
But then, the harassment went from the dorm, from him, to you...
A few first pointing out how your outfit does not fit with the rest of the aesthetic and then one noticed how you were that one magicless student, who failed to trick them when she couldn't perform any spells! And wait, you're a girl?! Haha, isn't NRC supposed to be an all-boys-academy?
Some are saying how funny this is, how cute you are or how you don't fit into here at all.
Some are getting too close.
And quickly, your vision is blocked by a giant, long, black dragon tail and deep, vibrating laughter. Malleus is finding a certain glee in their arrogance that turned into fear oh so quickly.
And when their little selfie-sticks caught green fire, his glee turned into schadenfreude as they ran off, swinging their devices in hopes the damaged will cease.
"You do not play with a dragon's treasures...come and fear me if you dare!"
He's getting wayyy too much into this and Lillia is thankfully here to stop this.
You thank him (and even though his sudden 180° was really uuuhhh scary) and catch your breath. This was really...something.
"Hah, thanks, Tsunotarou-kun. But, uh, I don't think we'd better do that...or we'll burn the entire dorm down..."
As much as Malleus has to begrudgingly agree, your little 'Tsunotarou-kun' cheered him up a bit. It's like honey.
Kinda feels guilty for going so full 180° afterwards though. He did not mean to ruin anyone's Helloween (aside from the annoying guests). He hopes you still enjoyed this? Your first Helloween in Twisted Wonderland with him?
Once you reassure him that you did, he'll be okay :)
Ask him for a trick-or-treat round! Or maybe don't, cuz he is Malleus Draconia, feared crown prince of Briar Valley and very much showing his dragon fangs, tail and fire. He isn't gonna get any treats :,)
Just...try to spook him! There is a chance of him laughing in your face and telling you that you need more than a simple 'booh!' to startle him...but good try, Child of Man.
Oooor, he actually plays along but instead of pretending to be spooked, he just chuckles before giving you a treat. It is the custom, no?
Uh, thanks????
Still feels kinda bad for snapping there (though he'd set people on fire again in a heartbeat for being this obnoxious and bothering you) so he tries to be a bit more considering. Will tell you that you are indeed not funny or out of place here. Your custome may not fit his but it is still a good one. (Thx tsunotarou...)
Shows you around the entire decorated dorm. Look how nice Ramshakle looks! (For once)
Haunted house tour? How intruiging. And you're inviting him to join you? How INTRUIGING! (Happy Malleus noises)
Will not end up being impressed by any of the 'spooky spells'. He can do better if you ask him.
Please do not, he will not hold back to make the earth rumble and the sky tremble just to get a shriek out of everyone. They're gonna end up running straight towards the exit.
Not scared at all. Either unimpressed or chortling out of politeness.
Malleus more or less is only here to spend time with you and if you have a good time, then he does as well.
If you do get scared, he's first gonna be surprised. Seriously? These cheap, baby-like, first-grader spells? They're more like special effects if anything.
Well, Malleus shall not make fun of you and instead promises to protect you when these 'horrors shake you to the bones'. Do not fear, the mighty dragon will keep you safe and sound.
If you're scared, he will find it funny, however. Technically Malleus is the scariest thing here in the entire NRC. Everyone does not dare to speak his name in fear yet here you are hiding behind him ('Just checking if your costume is intact' you say. Sure you do) acting as if Malleus Draconia is the most harmless fly in all of Twisted Wonderland. You truly humor him, Child of Man.
Watching the fireworks with him...
Oh? He is getting invited? (Malleus said calmly but the huge grin on his face betrays his composure)
Will do his utmost to learn from Kalim's home country, especially when he was so kind to him.
And look at that, his favorite Child of Man is here too. Couldn't get any better!
There is a certain relaxing atmosphere here that he cannot help but indulge in...Malleus is sure to drag you to a few places. He is just very happy to have such a long time to spend with you and not the usual nightly walks you two have.
Very happy to try these new outfits ESPECIALLY because they are not his style. Turquiouse silk adorning his horns...so intruiging, so nice!
Despite everyone wearing matching outfits, Malleus is very happy to have you two match. You may not have the exact same style but it makes him a bit giddy to know you're matching in colors and flowers. Perhaps he should introduce you to Diasomnia's wear so you can match again?
It's interesting to see you in different clothes in general...but he gets extra happy that you match. Try as he might, no spell can cast that smile off his face.
You look quite lovely. He'd let that slip off his lips.
The markets are so colorful. Will show each thing he finds interesting (it's everything).
And when you shop with that matching fit and flowers, many clerks will ask if you are a couple and offer couple things to you.
"Oh, what a lovely partner you have there!"
"Oh, yes she is." Malleus would answer casually, like it's nothing outstanding.
"Wouldn't you like to gift your girlfriend something nice and fitting?"
Would ponder about the offer while you explain, haha NO you two ARENT a couple!!!111!
Malleus would brush the comment off and simply say he'd rather prefer that exotic fruit over there. You and he can share :)
So you do.
And when nighttime arrives and the fireworks start? Malleus admires them (while secretly thinking HE could more magnificient ones with pure magic but he bites his tongue. No need to be rude after everything everyone here has done for him).
Especially since they invited him :)
Will enjoy the beginning of the fireworks with everyone before inviting you privately on a boat ride. He wanted to since the beginning and this is an opportune time, no?
Enjoys the rocking of the boat and the lit sky above. It feels like only you two can see the fireworks, like they are meant for you two only, even when you are surrounded by awing people :)
Still, Malleus' arrogance shines a tad bit through and he takes your hand and has your attention on his magic. Why don't we add a smaller firework display right here before our very own eyes? As the sky sparkles in all kinds of colors, your own show would sparkle in green :)
When you dance at a masquerade...
My 👏 man👏 looks so damn good. And he knows it.
Like, you cannot convince me that he did NOT go all the way out BECAUSE HE GOT INVITED BY ANOTHER SCHOOL
THE HEELS!!!!111!111
100% expects you to compliment him. He, Malleus Draconia, is a bit of an arrogant guy and will totally indulge in your compliments while acting humbly and accepting them with grace.
(He knows he looks great)
Nevertheless, he will get a HUGE grin on his face ("W-Waka-sama??? Are you okay, you're grinning like a...a kid in a candy store...) when you call him...anything really! Anything that comes from you is worth a treasure.
Oh, Malleus? Handsome? Oh my, stoooop (actually dont).
You tell him that he does look like a handsome prince from a fairytale book, ready to steal the show with a bold wink - and he just...laughs. Laughs and laughs like villain from a fairytale rather. Oh, Child of Man...you truly know no fear.
Feels quite confident even when he slightly expects people to fear him. He doesnt want to make a bad impression.
Will definitely compliment your outfit as well, no matter what it is. It could be as fancy as his or something simple but Malleus will be sure to let you know that you look great as well tonight :) he wants you to feel confident, too.
Malleus will also absolutely ask you to dance! No matter what, he truly wants to have fun tonight and that includes dancing with you. He'll assure you if you feel nervous about dancing. He had dance lessons ever since he was a wee egg child so just follow his lead.
Might, uh, really boast about his skills by dancing like a real 'fairytale Prince' as you called him. He leads and swings and dips you as if he was born to do this. Does this to actually boast but to also impress you. See? He wasn't lying when he said you can rely on him.
He forgets the rest of the world as he does this. A smile graces his masked features as his eyes crinkle, looking at you.
While Deuce was a red mess as he touched your body, Malleus has no problem taking your hand while resting the other on your waist. He has no problem getting bolder either as he snakes his arm entirely around your back.
And as the dance ends and he bows to you, Malleus sees you snap out of the trance and quickly, clumsily bow back. He jokingly asks how it was, rather as a way to jest with you.
Yet you truthfully tell him that it took you off-guard and that it felt magical - even if he did not use an ounce of it. You weren't joking when you said he was like Prince Charming in these moments as you danced.
It startles him to have you see him in such a positive light...in such a romanticised, captivating light. Not as a dragon-fae or as a future ruler...but as Tsunotarou.
It brings a smile on his face and a faint feeling in his heart congregates for the rest of the night.
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izvmimi · 1 year
daddy's home - izuku x reader
cw: horror themes, you and izuku have a child, villain!deku, yandere!deku, mentions of murder, violence, fem!reader summary: izuku’s family misses him, and he misses them in return. (~2.1k words) a/n: reposting this on father's day cuz i love problems. part 2 here.
By the time you make it to your daughter’s bustling preschool class, you’ve managed to calm down your heart rate to a steady, human pace. A few tiny humans whizz past you on the playground that leads up to the front door, and it’s enough to make you unsteady given how lightheaded you are already. However, one foot before the other, you still make it to the teacher who holds your daughter’s hand. She eyes you a little warily, probably noticing the very slight wobble to your footsteps, but smiles back in response to your forced smile.
“She did great today, Mrs. Midoriya!” She exclaims, turning to the bushy-haired four-year-old that’s jumping up and down in excitement. “Didn’t you?!”
“Yes, Mrs. Sato!” She nods emphatically before weaseling herself out of her grasp to hug around your legs. “Hi, Mommy!”
You crack another smile, forcing the uneasiness out of your expression for the sake of your daughter as you scoop her up in your arms. She’s still very light, as she’s always been small for her age, but her weight steadies you a little bit and you hug her close.
“Hi, baby, I missed you,” you offer her, kissing her forehead. “Thank you so much,” you mouth at the teacher as you make your way back to the car, nodding enthusiastically through your daughter’s terribly excited chatter. You can feel Ms. Sato’s eyes at your back as you leave, and wonder if it’s because you aren’t hiding your anxiety well or… the other thing.
There’s an odd thing about your daughter that you’ve only noticed recently. 
No matter how excited she is to see you or wired up from a fun-filled day of school, the moment you strap her into the car seat, she seems to sober up immediately. It’s unnerving - she becomes silent and almost solemn - to the point that you find yourself glancing carefully at her through the rear view mirror. Her emerald green eyes look at you curiously but her expression is far too neutral for a child and it distresses you enough that you find yourself forcing conversation in the car. Today you notice that the freckles on her cheeks appear to have multiplied, possibly due to the recent sunny weather, and she looks even more like her father. This is especially apparent when she frowns intermittently - something she stops the moment she sees that you’re watching.
You hate it.
“What did you learn today, honey?” You ask, trying to keep the mood light. 
Her eyes brighten for a split second and you hope it will linger, but they return back to normal as she lowers them and answers your question.
“Addition… a-and subtraction…” she pauses and thinks for a moment, before she adds, “um, and something about personal space and making sure that you’re polite to other people.”
It tracks, you think. 
“Did you have fun with your friends?” You ask as you make one of the first three turns into your gated home. From the estate entrance to the front door is another ten minutes of driving, and in the next three, you’ll have to remember to look ahead for biometric testing. 
“Mmhmm! Did you know Akane is my new best friend?” She asks, leaning forward to hold onto the back of your headrest. It comforts you that she sounds a little bit more excited like her normal cheery self again. 
“Oh! Tell me about Akane!”
“She’s very nice and she’s the only one who told Mrs. Sato’s helper that it wasn’t nice to call Daddy a murderer and…”
You don’t hear the rest of what she says. Your blood runs cold, and you swallow hard.
“I-is that what Mrs. Sato’s helper said?” you repeat finally once you can no longer hear her high-pitched voice. You pass through the second gate after raising your hand to the glass to read your fingerprints.
You watch her again as she leans back into her seat, crossing her arm. 
“She did and I know it’s not true,” she pouts.
You wish you could be that convinced. It would have saved you a lot of heartache once you were forced to finally accept the truth. 
Heroes disappearing, one by one, without a trace. The slowly shifting look in your husband’s eyes as he started to return home later and later. The constant hand-washing, a nervous habit you thought was far too sudden to develop. The oddly-timed and inconsistent tears during the day, and laughter you’d heard surreptitiously in the middle of the night when Denki was found hacked into irregular pieces, stuffed into a duffle bag at the bottom of a river.
It was almost cliché, how extreme the descent was, the process of watching your husband go slowly mad - mumbling something about Heroes being a stain on society, none of them practicing what they preached. It was something he had whispered into your ears more and more over the nights, and something you’d had attributed to burnout and frustration. It made sense. The idea of losing your childhood to something so idealistic only to find out that there was less of the saving of people and more the pursuit of money and fame. That’s how you’d ended up with this huge home after all, wasn’t it? He’d bought it for his little family of three and you still hadn’t moved out, had you? 
The last biometric gate involves a wide smile to the camera, but you don’t feel happy. It recognizes your face, and announces a robotic “Welcome home.”
You don’t feel so welcome.
Your daughter kicks her feet as she chomps through a snack of carrots, celery and peanut butter and connects dots with lines. You sit next to her, eating the extra parts she doesn’t finish - she’s picked up an odd habit of leaving the ends of her carrots untouched recently. You’ve thought about pushing her to eat the rest of her food but her father was always better at encouraging her to eat so you don’t bother. It’s the least of your problems.
You are thankful that she doesn’t say that she misses him at mealtimes anymore, but you wonder how much of it is in order to spare your own feelings.
Sometimes you wonder if she has a special Quirk that is taking too long to manifest, one that makes her sense emotions far too astutely for a girl her age, but that’s impossible. 
Quirks no longer work on your property.
At least you hope they don’t. You have to remind yourself that in order to feel safe in your own home. Every day you return home, you curse yourself for not having moved out the second Izuku disappeared without a trace, but you’d wanted so desperately to give your daughter a sense of normalcy. Enrolling her in school far from your home and fortifying this mansion was enough. In fact, it was probably the safest place for you, safer than any apartment you could find in Japan.
I’ll be back for you, don’t worry, he’d promised, as he’d marched out of your home, surrounded by Pro Heroes and police prepared to subdue him by any means necessary. It felt more like a threat than anything even though his voice was sweet enough you would think he was kissing you goodbye while on his way to work.
Did he know you’d turned him in? The idea made your stomach turn. You hadn’t wanted to do it, but the desperation with which you wanted to fix him rather than turn a blind eye to his crimes had pushed you to it. You wanted him back, your sweet husband who only wanted to help people, not the crazed being that looked back at you through the reinforced glass walls with a deranged smile as he tore through the nearly hundred-strong crowd in your yard, leaving not a single person alive. 
The spray of blood painting your home was so thick you couldn’t tolerate the color red for a week. Now those same walls were dull and gray with metal that was promised unbreakable to you. No natural sunlight had entered this home for months now, turning it into more of a fortress than a home. 
You missed your husband and your old life terribly.
“All done!” your daughter chirps. You look over her work and offer her an hour of her favorite show, letting her sit in your lap as she sings the songs along with the television. You clap together and wonder if she’s as lonely as you are. 
Your phone buzzes suddenly, and you pick it up without looking, pressing it to your ear. 
“Hi, honey.”
You nearly choke on your own saliva and your mind starts to race. The uneasy feeling from this afternoon must not have been made up; perhaps it was the sense that Izuku was also thinking about you. Before you can regain the presence of mind to turn off your phone, he’s one step ahead. 
“Don’t you dare hang up.” 
His voice is stern and freezes you into place. Your daughter notices that you’re no longer playing with her hair and turns to face you. 
“Who’s that? Is that Daddy?” She asks. You open your mouth and close it. Izuku on the other hand picks up on the extra voice, and sounds delighted.
“Ah, is that my little girl? Let me hear her voice.”
“I-Izuku, please, she’s-” you begin to plead.
“Pass the phone over to her, love.” He replies, and you can almost hear him smiling on the other end of the line. It’s not a warm smile - it’s the smile he had on his face when you saw him snap someone’s neck with his bare hands. “Let me speak to my daughter.”
Shakily, you put the phone on speaker, and place it closer to her. Izuku starts to speak. 
“How have you been, princess?” He says, far too cheerily for a man who has made a heel face-turn into villainy. 
“Daddy! Are you coming home?” She begs. “Please come home! Me and mommy miss you, and people are saying lies about you and there’s a monster under my bed so now I sleep with mommy but I want to sleep with you too.”
“Oh, of course, honey bunches, I’ll be there very soon.”
“You promise?”
“Of course, baby. I promised Mommy I’ll be back. She can’t get rid of me.”
Your stomach turns. These are all lies. There’s no way. This place is tried and true, and 100% impenetrable to anyone, no matter how strong the Quirk. There is just no way he will make it in unless you let him in, and you absolutely, will not, let him anywhere near you or your child unless he gets the help he needs.
You hope desperately he’ll get the help he needs.
The phone has long since shut off and your daughter is grinning ear to ear. 
“Can we turn on the lights? It’s dark outside, I don’t want Daddy to get lost.”
You offer her a pained smile. 
“I think he’ll find his way just fine,” you say, holding her tightly. It’s time for her to get a bath and maybe you too. Anything to calm your nerves.
The two of you lay together in bed, and you hold her tightly to your chest.
“Can we stay up and wait for Daddy?” she asks. You rub her forehead slowly with your thumb and try to hold back your tears. Your phone’s screen lights on and off but you’ve stopped looking an hour ago. 
“He’ll be here soon,” you reply, trying to keep the waver out of your voice. “He’ll be happy if you’re asleep when he gets here. That will mean you’re a very good girl.”
She smiles warmly and wraps the blanket he gave her on her birthday tightly around her. You place the other larger duvet cover over her, trying to resist the urge to cover your own head. The bedroom is locked but you know it’s futile. You are not safe.
He’s already made it past the first two gates.
“We’re gonna play a game where we try to go to sleep with the lights on, but it means you have to be really, really quiet and shut your eyes really, really tight.” you whisper into her ear.
“Okay,” she whispers. “Why aren’t we sleeping in your room?” she still manages to ask. “Daddy’s not gonna have any space when he gets here.”
She’s right. You’re crammed into a twin bed in the corner of a guest room that has been unused since you bought this home. Really, it’s more like storage than anything else. It’s a silly place to hide, but it’ll buy you some time, you’ve convinced yourself.
“When he comes, he’ll carry you to the other room, okay?” You reply. She seems to like that idea, and snuggles up to you closer.
“I want us to be a family again,” she insists.
So do I, you tell yourself. 
Your phone alerts you that the third gate has been breached.
Your daughter is fast asleep by the time you hear the first bang on the front door. The aftershock of his blow reverberates through the whole house. 
Looks like his Quirk isn’t affected.
You have no idea how your daughter can sleep through what feels like an earthquake, but you’re thankful that maybe, just maybe she’ll be able to be spared from what will happen next.
There’s another blow that comes with a crash that can only mean a wall, somewhere, is crumbling to pieces.
Welcome home, you think, with a teary, defeated smile.
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lazycats-stuff · 1 year
hi i got a request lol this is like my first time asking so i’m embarrassed☠️ but i was wondering if you could write something with a Spider-Man!anti-hero!reader and he’s in some fight with Red Hood, but they’re fighting near another fight where poison ivy’s fighting off some cops cuz she’s trynna escape from arkham and some of her aphrodisiacs/pheromone power from the plants get too close to where reader and red r fighting so they get intoxicated with it and yknow..also leading to some hate fucking. also with the added spinnerrette kink(that was RLLY embarrassing to write i’m so sorry if that sounds like a lot😭) but tysm !!
No need to feel embarrassed, I'm not judging. We are all friends here. I also got your elaboration so I will include that kink. Alright, lets get to writing!
Summary: Jason and (Y/N) are at each others throats. Ivy escapes and sex pheromones get in the air. Jason and (Y/N) fuck.
Warnings: hate sex, sex pheromones, top Jason, bottom reader, violence, Ivy escaping, cursing, again SMUT, I don't know if I wrote hate sex... The author is tired.
Also, this is such a good gif... Holy shit..., Also, (C/D) = code name
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When (C/N) came onto Gotham scene, Jason was the first one to go after him. There was something about (C/D) that Jason hated and Bruce always tried to make sure that any type of confrontation between is made to be bare minimum. Also, Jason didn't like the fact that he was a Spiderman and not as funny as the OG one.
One particular night changed everything between Red Hood and (C/N). Gotham was in complete chaos because the big names in Gotham decided to make chaos and make their lives living hell. That night it was each man for himself.
Jason was tasked to stop Poison Ivy from breaking out of the prison, but he was distracted by seeing (C/N). All of a sudden, he saw red and started running towards (C/N). He took his gun out and started shooting at (C/N).
Of course, (C/N) or (Y/N) if you will, sensed it coming. He dodged every single bullet and Jason was just ready to kill him. He jumped at (Y/N), using everything in him to land a punch. Both of them were fighting, not noticing the Poison Ivy fighting the cops. When a building started shaking, Jason and (Y/N) were thrown off of the building.
They landed onto the prison roof top, where Poison Ivy was. She looked at the two heroes, before smirking. Jason wondered what the hell she was thinking, before he realized. She was going to release something now.
" Ivy, don't do it. Whatever you are thinking, don't do it. Don't make me hate you. " Jason said, going for his gun.
" Sorry Hood, but I can't. I need to escape. " She said and all of a sudden, air was filled with some sort of green gas and Jason choked on it.
He felt hot and his blood went south, all the way down to his dick. What in God's name is happening to him? And what in God's name is this gas doing to him? Oh God, this is sex pollen.
Jason coughed, before taking his helmet off. He took deep breaths to calm himself. Poison Ivy was gone with the wind and it was just (Y/N) and Jason. (Y/N) wasn't doing much better either. He was blushing beneath his mask and he felt that all the blood went south.
Both of them locked eyes with one another and despite not seeing each other's eyes, both could tell that their pupils were blown.
" Okay, " Jason started. He knew it was a bad idea, but if you were hit with sex pollen, masturbation won't do it. " I know a place a couple of blocks nearby, enough privacy for us to get this out. " Jason said, hands shaking from the surge of energy and self control.
" Lead the way. "
Jason never ran so fast in his life. The place in question was an old safe house that was scratched because it was made by Penguin, but God, it was closest place with some sort of privacy. And that's why Jason had (Y/N) hoisted up on the wall, holding his thighs and kissing him like a wild animal.
Jason felt (Y/N) pulling his hair and he moaned. Is he into pain? Well, that will be another plan soon. He took (Y/N) and threw him onto a single mattress in the room.
He took his jacket off quickly and (Y/N) took his own shirt off. " Are you sure? " Jason asked, huffing, legs twitching. My God. He looked at (Y/N)'s body. The defined abs, soft skin... Oh no, what is this pollen making him think?
" I do, now get to it. " (Y/N) said, clearly wanting to get to it. Jason shed his clothes and weapons before leaning down to kiss (Y/N) more animalistically, fueled by the pollen. He reached for (Y/N)'s wrists, wanting to put them above his head. (Y/N) shuddered and let out a breathier moan. Jason raised his eyebrows, before massaging his wrists.
(Y/N) moaned louder, his hips raising and his member brushing against Jason's boxer's. " What's up with your wrists? " Jason asked, looking at them. He saw small holes on (Y/N)'s wrists.
" It's a place where my web comes out and it's... Well, if you mess with it and massage it, it turns into a huge arousal spot. " (Y/N) breathed out, looking away from Jason. Jason smirked, seeing a way how to mess with (Y/N) a bit.
He massaged the wrists more, making (Y/N) louder moans. He squirmed beneath Jason, trying to get more friction. " Interesting... Good to know. "
Jason released (Y/N)'s wrists and moved his hands down (Y/N)'s hips. He hooked his fingers beneath (Y/N)'s boxers and removed them. (Y/N) was rock hard, with some precum dribbling down. Jason took his member into his hand and started stroking him.
(Y/N) choked on air as Jason started stroking him. When Jason stopped, (Y/N) whined, actually whined. That sound made Jason way more harder.
Jason moved away, knowing that there is lube on the shelf. Why and how? He smirked at the sight of the lube packet. He took it and took his boxers off. He tore it and spread some on his fingers, leaving some for his dick.
He warmed it up before pushing two fingers in. (Y/N) tensed, but relaxed a second later. Jason pushed them deeper, searching for the prostate. He knew he found it when (Y/N) gasped and his dick twitched.
" I think you are ready. " Jason said, coating his dick in left over lube. He grabbed the under side of the knees, moving them out of the way. He pushed in slowly, watching (Y/N)'s face for any signs of discomfort.
Despite hating him, Jason didn't want to give him trauma related to sex. That was the last thing that he wanted.
" Oh shit- " (Y/N) said, biting his lip. Jason let out a breath, trying to adjust. After a few moments, Jason started moving. He had to lean down to lean on his elbows. His thrusts got faster and more erratic. (Y/N) was shaking beneath Jason, whimpering in pleasure.
They both came quickly, but it wasn't enough. Jason pulled out, making (Y/N) whine.
" On your hands and knees. " Jason said, pupils widening even more at the sight of (Y/N) on his hands and knees. He pushed back in, grabbing (Y/N) hips to get some leverage. Both Jason and (Y/N) are hitting overstimulation, but they couldn't get enough.
After 3 more rounds, they collapsed next to each other. Jason's body was aching and (Y/N) was on the verge of sleep. Jason stood up, putting his boxers on, moving to get a rag. Using one of the leftover water bottles, he wet the rag. He moved back to wipe sweat from (Y/N).
" I thought you hated me. " (Y/N) said tiredly, trying to get up.
" I do, but aftercare is important. " Jason said curtly, wiping down (Y/N)'s body. He handed him a water bottler too, allowing him to rehydrate.
" Also, this doesn't change anything between us. I still hate you. " Jason explained, taking the water and wiping it before drinking himself.
" I know that. " (Y/N) said, stretching his arms. " Is it alright if I stay here for the night? I don't have strength to swing back. " (Y/N) said, moving to get his boxers. Thankfully he didn't had to move far.
" Good. I don't think that Batman will want to find you here. " Jason said, already dressed and ready to go.
" Well, I don't want to find him either. I can only hope that you won't tip him off. "
" Well, I may hate you, but I don't hate you that much. " Jason said, putting his helmet on. " And if I hear anything about our... Encounter anywhere, I'm going to kill you. " Jason said.
" I know you will. " (Y/N) said, turning on his side.
Jason left without a single glance towards (Y/N). He stepped out. It was still dark out and it was something that Jason was thankful for. Although, he was thankful when he heard his comms firing up.
" Jason where were you? We were trying to reach you, but they were offline. " He heard Bruce say in his ear.
" Don't worry about me old man. Poison Ivy just knocked me out. "
" I could see something is wrong when I had to go get her. She just told me you were going to be unavailable. " Bruce said.
Jason swallowed, feeling nervous. He could only hope that Poison Ivy didn't tell Bruce what gas she gave him. " Either way Jason, get back to the manor, all the criminals are in the GCPD, waiting transfer to Blackgate. "
" I will be back soon. " Jason said, cutting the communication. Bruce and the rest of the family can't know what happened between him and (Y/N).
They can't.
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bmbochangetales · 1 year
My wife was making fun of some woman. We were at a work party and my CEO’s latest arm candy was there. My wife and several others were at the table quietly laughing and making fun of her. Calling her a bimbo and making fun of the way she spoke. But the second I heard her mimic that voice, I wanted her to be a bimbo too.
I thought about it often the next few days. Hearing her talk in that voice. She would never go for that in bed. We had a plain boring nearly scheduled sex life. The boss’s new girlfriend stopped in the office one day and it just pushed me over the edge. I wished my wife was a bimbo like her.
As soon as I got home, I told the wife I needed to handle a few things. She mumbled some response as she continued cooking dinner, chatting away on the phone.
I pulled up a picture of my wife and the boss’s bimbo. I even found a video of her on her Instagram page. I imagined that silly high pitched voice coming from my wife. Adding in all the likes and cutting words short to her formerly pristine highly educated vocabulary. Big words becoming harder. She couldn’t remember the right sounds for her words. I began stroking my cock. It had been hard for so long. Up and down to that sound. I swear I could hear her down stairs on the phone.
“Oh my gawd, we had like this like big big party thingy for hubby’s work. And like soooooo many people were like there! It was like totes soooooooo fun”
She sounds so much better with that voice. Stroking harder. God I love bimbo voices. So dumb and silly. Women are just hotter when they talk like that. I imagine my wife talking like that forever. High bitch and breathy. No one will take her seriously, just like she and the others said at the party.
“Umm what do ya mean I like sound funny?” I heard her ask. I want her to talk like that more and more. She and all her friends should all talk like that. My cock gives a spurt of cum when she talks again.“Mmm I’m like totes sure I am like totes talkin normaler cuz like you talk same as me silly!”
I looked at the pictures. My wife was alright, maybe a bit plain. But my boss’s bimbo, she would stop traffic from space walking down the street. Especially her boobs. I wish my wife would have a big pair of tits like that.
“Uhm like ya! I totes luuuuuuvvvv having a big ol pair of double ds! My hubby soooo luvs them too!”
No, bigger. She would have a massive fake rack. All the wives and girlfriends would be whispering and mocking her just like she did at the party. No! They would all be bimbos too! But women on the street made fun of them all. They didn't understand it becvause they were too dumb to realize it.
“Yeah like H cup tiddies are so hawt and stuff! Everyone just stares at me cause I'm lik so cute and stuff”
She would wear sexy outfits like my boss's girlfriends. Bright and girly colors. Lots of pinks and neons. Her and her friends made fun of that, but it would be so hot to see them all like that dressing sexy for their men.
"So lik all my cloths are pink, and green and like orange and so pritty!!! omg gurl! we shuld go shopping! I need supa sexi stuff fir my man!"
I stroke erratically as i reached my climax. Cum was squirting everywhere. If only my wife was that type of bimbo. No wonder my boss was always so happy
I went down to dinner. And there on her knees was a much improved version of my wife. Even though I just came, I was hard again. Dinner was reheated hours later.
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thefiery-phoenix · 1 year
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You were a 5 year old cute adorable shy little girl but wasn't afraid to protect your loved ones. You were going to the playground to practice using your quirk which by the way, was Nuclear Explosion. you were about to play on the swing and just then, you saw a certain green broccoli haired boy getting bullied by a loud angry ash blonde who suspiciously, looked like a rat or a hedgehog on crack
''Face it Deku! I'm better than you and you're just a quirkless pathetic waste of space who will NEVER surpass me and don't waste your time aiming to be a hero'' snarled the blonde as the green haired kid looked like as if he was about to cry. The blonde haired boy pushed him and he fell and that's what made your blood boil in anger.
''Hey! Stop bullying him you big meanie!'' you yelled and stuck your tongue at him. ''What did you say to me you damn extra?'' shouted the blonde kid. You fired your nuclear explosions at him and his 3 goons and they left in a hurry after that. "I'll get you for this you damn extra, whatever the hell your name is!'' he shouted. ''I have a NAME and it's Y/N you big moron!'' You helped the green haired kid get up and he had some tears in his eyes and was clutching an all might figurine, someone who you were fond of as well
''Are you all right?'' you asked the green haired kid as he nodded and stuttered that he was fine. He introduced himself as Izuku Midoriya and the blonde who bullied him was Kaachan or Katsuki bakugou. ''Come on, I'll help you clean up, you have a pretty big bruise there on your knee'' and led him towards a park bench. You patched it up with a band-aid as Izuku saw your tiny soft magical hands at work. He turned red whenever you touched him and his face was becoming flushed and his heart beat faster than ever. ''Are you okay? Do you have a fever?'' you asked him and touched his forehead and he shook his head vigorously. You both became best friends after that and you stood up for him whenever Katsuki bullied him. Little did you know, even Katsuki had grown feelings towards you. Fast forward to where you guys are in middle school cuz, I'm too lazy (lol)
Izuku's POV: Here I am, waiting for Y/N chan in front of her house so we can go to school together. I really LOVE and enjoy having her around. She always helps me when Kaachan bullies me and she's really kind and caring. But... why does my chest hurt so much when she talks to other people and gives them her attention? I hate it when Y/N spends her precious time with someone else.... They don't deserve her. They don't deserve her attention. I wish I could be strong so I could protect her just like a knight in shining armor and all that. 
''Izuku!'' chirped a cheerful and yet soft female voice snapping me out of my thoughts. It was Y/N looking at me with her beautiful eyes. "Shall we get going?'' she asked me. "S-sure'' I stuttered. We were on the way to our middle school and we witnessed a fight between our idol All Might and a villain. ''Oh my gods, LOOK!'' gasped Y/N and clutched my arm looking nervous. Of course, I turned pink but she didn't see it, thank goodness. We were watching the fight and finally All Might won. I wanted to talk to him and I asked Y/N to go on without me even though I was reluctant to leave her alone. I didn't want anything bad to happen to her but..... I needed to talk to All Might alone. "All Might, do-d- do you think I could still become a hero without a quirk?'' and when All Might gave me his answer, it shattered my heart into a million pieces. He said I couldn't be a hero without a quirk and I was devastated! All my hopes and dreams crushed within less than a second! I went to school feeling like garbage since that's exactly how I felt right now. Maybe Kaachan was right..... maybe I shouldn't be a hero..... I'm just a pathetic quirkless nobody. I went to school and when our homeroom teacher announced that me, Y/N and Kaachan wanted to get into the UA, people started snickering at us. Well, at me mostly. Y/N asked them to shut up and then got into a heated argument with Katsuki and finally ended up in detention, along with him. I have to admit, Y/N gotten bolder and it's really cute and adorable. 
But I wasn't going to let MY darling Y/N chan be ALONE with Kaachan for an ENTIRE hour. Who knows what he's going to do to her? So, in order for her not to be lonely and to keep an eye on Kaachan to make sure he doesn't try anything with my puppy, I NEED to get detention too. So, I purposefully looked like as if I wasn't paying attention to the teacher and what do you know? I got detention as well.... 
The bell finally rang and soon, it was time for detention. Y/N headed out and told me she'd wait for me at the detention room. I was about to follow her when Kaachan pulled me back by my collar and hissed, ''Stay the HELL away from Y/N. She's MINE and I LOVE her, you understand, you DAMN nerd?'' and burned my wrists a little. ''Kaachan stop it, I love her too'' I said and that's how burns decorated my body yet again. ''Just stay away from her and why not take a swan dive off a roof? If you're lucky you'll wake up with a quirk in your NEXT life'' and burned  my hero analysis notebook to ash. Y/N chan comforted me during detention and swore that she'd pulverize him to death but I shook my head. Soon, it was time for us to go home but I didn't go home. No. I went somewhere and met someone who changed my life forever and made me see things in a different perspective..... That day had completely changed me and no doubt, my darling Y/N chan would certainly have tears in her eyes but I'll wipe them off and comfort her.... After all... I'm the ONLY one she needs.....
Y/N's POV: It' been 2 years since my best friend Izuku went missing. I never liked calling him 'Deku' since it meant useless and it was given to him by that hot headed hedgehog Katsuki. I swore to myself that I'd gain my pro hero licence and the second I do, I would do WHATEVER I could to find him and get him back. His mother was out of her mind with worry every single day and I would comfort her before going to the UA, the most prestigious school in Japan for upcoming heroes. Unfortunately, even Kaachan got in too. I went to Mrs. Midoriya's house and comforted her and went to the UA. Seeing the building always made me have glistening tears in my eyes since it was our dream to be in the UA together and now.... that was all just a mirage. I made my way to class 1a and while Katsuki was glad that Izuku didn't come to the UA, I told him to shut up. ''This all your fault. You always used to bully him and its because of you he's.... he's gone'' I said angrily as Katsuki replied, ''Tch... why do you even care about that quirkless nerd?'' ''He was my FRIEND!'' I shouted and by now, everyone in class 1a turned to stare at us but I didn't care 
Classes dragged on as usual and when we went to the grounds for hero training, we heard the school's security's alarms blaring loudly. ''Quick! Everyone, stay in the classrooms! The pro heroes will ensure you're safe! There are villains attacking!'' yelled Present Mic over the speakers and just as we were about to make a run for it, a purple portal opened up in front of us and out came a buff well built looking guy with a green mask, with a blue haired crusty looking person and a blonde haired girl wearing a school uniform 
The green haired guy removed his mask and I recognized his freckles along with his emerald eyes and his green hair. Slowly it was starting to hit me.... Izuku, my dear friend was a.... villain!!?? 
''Izuku?'' I whispered and looked shocked as hell and so did Katsuki. "What the HELL you DAMN nerd?'' ''Ah.... an old reunion among childhood friends. How sweet'' said Izuku smiling sickly. ''Stay back'' threatened Aizawa. '' Izuku, why did you become a.... a villain?'' I asked him with tears in my eyes. '' Ah... my darling Y/N chan. Sweetheart, who wouldn't become one after they've been let down by their idol and on top of that being bullied for being quirkless? That arrogant ego filled jerk KATSUKI bullied me till NO ENDS!! And heck! Even my own MOM gave up on me after she found out I was quirkless! But Y/N... you were the only one who gave me hope.... You made me happy, you always supported me, cheered me on.... Join me Y/N... Join me and I'll make sure to treat you like the princess that you deserve to be treated. To hell with this corrupted tainted hero society!'' he roared but I shook my head and ran away from him. ''Y/N chan, love, You can't escape me~'' and released some purple fog all around us. Then, I felt something hit my head and pretty soon, the only only thing I could sense was people yelling and shouting as my consciousness slowly drifted.....  
3rd Person POV: You woke up on a surprisingly comfortable bed but your hands were chained to the bed's headboard. You started hollering through your gag, making muffled noises. Soon a blue haired man and your friend Izuku appeared. ''Ask you girlfriend to join us or die.'' said the crusty looking man, as he removed your gag and you yelled, "I'm NEVER joining the LOV! Izuku, this ISN'T YOU! Why are you doing this!? How could you?'' you screamed at him with tears in your eyes. You couldn't use your quirk since he had placed a quirk canceling collar on you
He unchained you and rubbed your back in a somewhat soothing manner, waiting for you to calm down. ''Do... do you have any idea how WORRIED your mom was'' you asked him, as he quickly kissed you on your lips in order to shut you up. You tried fighting him, but gave in to him in the end. He broke the kiss and cuddled you and whispered hoarsely.... '' I love you Y/N my precious doll.... your MINE and ONLY MINE, no one else's..... And you will learn to love me at some point.....
BONUS SCENE: Toga: Uhh.... Dabi, you Do realize that if you're planning to flirt with Y/N Deku's gonna murder you, right?
Dabi: Yeah you stab queen, I figured that out, but I'm not going to lie, she was pretty good looking
Shigaraki: You're all idiots. 
Izuku: What. the HELL. did you say about MY Y/N?? 
Dabi: Uhhh....n-nothing. She's absolutely PERFECT for you and she's like my little sister. (Chuckles nervously)
Izuku: (smiles in a way no creepy serial psychotic serial killer would) Good to know.
P.S: This convo takes place AFTER you're nicely sleeping on DEKU's bed, END OF STORY
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thegreatirene · 8 months
Babydoll (Jack Mercer x Latina!reader)
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Rated: Mature(language)
Summary: you get to see Jack again after three years of being apart. Sucks it has to be at his mother’s funeral.
This is gonna be in 2024 cuz 2005 is too far for me to remember lol. It’s a Latina reader cuz I’m Latina. Probably won’t be much Spanish cuz I barely speak it in my household.
Part 2
“There goes your girl Jackie” Bobby says as he elbows him on the side and gestures his head. Jack quickly turns his head and sees you. Standing there in a black puffer jacket and two men standing at your side as you talk to a older lady.
You move your hair to the side of your face as you smiled at the woman and then turned to look around. You make eye contact with Jack and he straightens his back.Bobby chuckles as he watches Jack.
“She got her brothers with her. You know they don’t let her get near us when they’re around.” Bobby says as he looks around the backyard.
He watches as you turn to the woman and give her a hug and then talk to your brothers. They each gave you a look and you point your finger at them. One of them rolled his eyes and they both backed off.
You walked over to Jack and stood in front of him. He looked at your face for a moment. Taking in how much you changed but were still just as beautiful. You smiled at him and fluttered your lashes at him as you spoke.
“Hi Jackie, it’s been awhile. You look good”
Jack gave you a goofy smile as he smoothed his hand through his hair. Bobby cleared his throat, “no hello to one of your brother-in-laws y/n/n.” He sucked teeth “don’t know if I want to give my little sister away if you gonna be like that” he said as he smiled at you. You laughed as you rolled your eyes and went over to Bobby and hugged him. He patted your back as he looked over at Jack and winked at him.
“It’s good to see you too Bobby. Didn’t think you’d come back”
“Yea I was debating but I didn’t like how things are here” he stuffed his hands back into his pockets as he nodded his head to your brothers.
You looked down at the little girls that were playing in front of the two brothers. “Hey girls”, you crouched down as you smiled at them “ you girls probably don’t remember me since you were younger but I’m y/n l/n. I’m a friend of your daddy’s.”
Both girls said hello and pointed to Bobby and Jack. “They said they are daddy’s brothers. Is that true?”
“Yes that’s right.”
“But how? They’re white”
“Well grandma evie is white but she’s still your grandma, right?” Both girls nodded and continued to play.
“How thing one and thing two doing” you looked back at your brothers. Both men were busy talking to some women as they smiled at them.
“Annoying as fuck. This whole thing with eve has got them on edge and they worry about me.” You took out your vape from your pocket and inhaled. A puff of smoke came out slowly as you turned back to Bobby and Jack.
“It’s been shit here lately. Things changed since you left Bobby. My brothers and I try to keep it at peace but we can do so much.” You offer your vape to Jack and he takes it.
“You know anything that-“
“You’re a policeman” one of the little girls said as she pointed.
All three of you turned to look and see two cops come over. You moved a little closer to Jack as Bobby chuckled.
“That’s right and you’re all under arrest, so don’t nobody move” said one of the cops as he and his partner made their way over to you guys. The two little girls ran away giggling as the same man asked where they were going.
“What about me, green? You gonna arrest me, too?”
“All depends, Bobby. You keeping straight?” You scoffed as Bobby reaches around Jack and bops you on the head. Green laughs and shakes Bobby hand as he brings him into a hug, doing the same to Jack. He looks to you and raises a brow, “y/n, haven’t seen you in a while. Your brother’s keeping you in line?” He says as he hugs you too.
“You guys need to stop thinking my brothers are my keepers. It’s getting old” you rolled your eyes as you went back into jack’s side. Green smiles and looks between the two of you and then back to Bobby.
“Thanks for coming green. Mom would’ve been happy you made it to the service.”
“Shit, your mother would’ve been happy you made it back for her funeral.”
“I didn’t come back for no funeral.”
The air between the men became still has no one spoke. Both cops looked at each other and then back to Bobby.
“Thanks for the offer, but we got it under control.” Said the man next to green.
“Yea I know, I could tell by the looks of things when I drove in. The place looks completely different. Detroit’s finest cleaned it up, huh?” Said Bobby.
“Yea, be easy, Bobby. We got these punks. Kid playing basketball across the street witnessed two gangbangers running in there, shooting up the place-“
“Come on, green. I used to make a good living around here because cops like you guys couldn’t find tits in a strip joint.” You giggled softly into Jack’s arm.
“Why don’t you come inside, have some coffee and some donuts…and then take your boy and get the fuck out of here, okay? Come on.” He tapped Jack on the arm. Jack in turned laughed and grabbed your hand pulling you along with him.
“Bobby you play too much” you laughed as you walked hand in hand with Jack. Bobby sucked his teeth as he walked over to an empty couch and sat down.
“I’d offer if you want to spend the night but I know you guys want some brother time, so I’ll get you tomorrow? If that’s ok with you?” You asked as you stood outside of Jeremiah’s house sharing the vape you had with Jack.
“I’ve missed you” he says as he got closer to you. You could feel his body against your arm as he slid his hand under your chin and turned you to look at him. You looked at him with darkened eyes as you looked at his lips and then looked at his eyes.
“Show me how much” you whispered as your lips grazed his.
Jack closed his eyes as he brought his lips onto yours. He pulled back looked into your eyes and went back in. His hands went into your hair as the other went around your waist. You wrapped your arms around his neck as best as you could.
You moaned as you felt him grind into you. Jack moved to kiss your cheek and nip at your jaw and moved down to your neck. You moved your head to side as he sucked a hickey on your neck.
“Alright Jackie” shouted Bobby as he and Jeremiah walked out of the house and towards the pair of you.
“Fucking Bobby” you said as you rest your head on to Jack’s chest. You felt his laugh vibrate through his sweater as he wrapped his arms around you. He rested his head on top of yours and rocked you softly side to side.
“Come on Jackie. Say bye to your baby mama and let’s go home.” Bobby said as he patted his brother’s shoulder.
“Bye y/n see you later” he said as he patted your head and walked towards his car. Jeremiah smiled at the both of you walked behind Bobby.
“If you want, come tomorrow and we can spend some time at the house” Jack looked down at you. You rested your chin on his chest as you agreed to meet up tomorrow. He kissed your lips one more time and slowly let you go as he walked backwards towards the car. He stood at the car and took his phone out. You posed as he took a picture of you and pocketed his phone and got in the car.
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thatwritterbeach · 2 months
So About that Alley .4
Jason Todd x ofc Alex
Unedited***Also I swear Tumblr is messing up my spelling on purpose cuz everytime I re-read something I know I fixed it's wrong again
Alex: short, curvy, red hair, green eyes, redheads go through pain meds way faster than normal people to the point I personally don't even take them, it's a joke, they last 30 min at best
Summary: Alex finds out her bf is red hood, after she spills some not so great secrets to the masked man while stitching him up.
Warnings: Vaginismus* angst, sexual assault, self-harm, depression, drug use by Alex, violence, cursing, NSFW, smut, thigh riding, vaginal fingering, guided masturbation?, p in v (not overly described), pain during s*x, hiding said pain, hickeys?, self-hate, insecurities, eating disorder, weight loss
A/N: I do not own dc booho
sorry ya'll I did not mean to release the last part, it was gonna be longer so here's this one at top speed
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Arriving at a huge menacing manor, the Wayne manor, in your pajamas on the back of a motorcycle while the driver is decked out in bright right flannel is...odd. Jason held the bike steady while she wiggled off then he engaged the kickstand and lifted himself off with ease. Alfred met them at the door and took her gear and Jay's helmet.
"Everyone is in the dining room, master Jason."
"Thanks, Alfred." Alex, unsure what to do gave him a thankful nod and clung to Jason as he led them through the maze of insanity.
"I don't think I can do this Jay," sh whispered, slinging the large bag she carried further up on her shoulder.
"Of course, you can," he assured her pulling her further into his side. They entered what she would calla dining hall where everyone was already sat, having what appeared to be a heated argument.
"I win the bet, cuz I said she was real," Tim yelled.
"No, I win for being right about how long it would take him to bring her here," Dick said back throwing a chunk of bread at him.
"Boys!" Bruce tried in vain.
"I win-" Damian began but was cut of by Jason's two finger whistle. All eyes shot to the door where Alex was very busy faking confidence, moved away from Jay, shoulders back, head up. Bruce was in a suit much to her embarrassment but Dick was in sweats and a long sleeved shirt, Tim wore something similar, and Damian was in a matching silk set that probably cost more than her entire wardrobe but he was participating.
"Tt she's small," Damian scowled.
"I think you mean short, like you pipsqueak," she snarked back before Jason could get after the demon spawn.
"Hhhmf," he replied raising his chin to the side in a holyer than though manner.
"Play nice, Damian," Bruce commanded softly rising from the table to greet her. Mentally freaking out, knowing what was coming she hesitated in her step to meet his outstreched hand.
"Not a friend of Dick's then," he accused, scowling down at her superman shirt.
"I didn't know if you were aware Jason was alive." She lied her ass off. She just recently found out he was Robin so of course she couldn't have told Batman anything other than a lie. Jason caught the inconstancy and frowned.
"What are you talking about," Dick asked joining their little group.
"Caught this one in an alley with a dealer last night, said she knew you, as Robin, Wing and Dick."
"How did you-" He turned an accusing eye on Jason who lifted his hands in defense.
"I've known for years dude, chill. It's not that hard to figure out, the suspiciously large and rich family is the suspiciously large and tech happy hero group."
"So you know everyone?"
"Yep, Superman and everyone too. "
"Dang," Tim jumped in from his seat.
"Why were you in an alley with a dealer," Jason asked what everyone was thinking.
"Getting information before some dude in a cape messed it up." Another lie.
"info on what?"
"His supplier."
"That's my job." She shrugged and moved past everyone to the table.
"I come barring gifts," she said setting the bag on the table to pull things out. "For Dick, a signed copy of (insert circus memorabilia here), for Tim, something to help you sleep and some very strong tea to help with that caffeine addiction. Damian, a travel sized chess board, we can play sometime if you like."
"Thanks," came the collective reply. Jason was still giving her the ' we will talk about this at home look' but she was ignoring him as she sat. After a surprisingly painless dinner with Damian only insulting her three times, Jason standing with a knife in hand, and Dick calming everyone back down they managed to make it to dessert.
"None for me," she told Alfred quietly as he started to place a bowl of some fancy pastries in front of her. She'd already subtly inquired on the carb count of the food which he answered with a slight brow raise.
"You feeling ok," Jason asked from beside her happily munching on his and her portion of sugar.
"Fine," she replied with a soft smile reaching past her full wine glass for water. She never drank and certainly not when she knew she was going to have to drug herself the second they walked into her apartment.
"If you don't like red we have white," Dick said, gesturing to her glass.
"I don't drink."
"Oh, master Jason didn't tell me."
"Sorry, must have slipped my mind." Like hell, he had no idea she didn't drink, he's never seen her drink but just assumed...what he wasn't sure but not that she didn't drink. Dessert done they moved to the 'sitting room' with some sodas, and Alfred plated soft soft music in the background.
"care to test your new board," she asked Damian.
"Tt, like you would be a worthy opponent."
"It's ok if you're too chicken, I get it, I'm intimidating." she said flexing her muscles. With an eye roll he sat cross legged on the floor and began setting up the pieces. She mirrored his pose and set up her side. off to the side where she couldn't see Jason moved his head to indicate to Dick he needed a word and the two moved off without a sound.
"Thanks for the clothes," Jason started, crossing his arms and leaning back against the wall of the long hallway they were in.
"No problem, did she seem more relaxed?"
"Better than expected."
"So what was it you wanted to ask me that couldn't be texted?"
"When I...died, were you sad?"
"What the hell kind of question is that, Jason, of course, I was a wreck. What's going on, are you ok?"
"I am."
"But you don't think she is," he stated.
"I think she'd lying about when she found out I was hood. Three weeks ago I got so beat up from a fight I knew I wouldn't make it anywhere else so I broke into her apartment, key work broke, I had to shatter a window she was pissed. And she found me passed out in the bathroom, and started stitching me up-"
"Dude," he whisper yelled.
"Let me finish. She was talking to me like I was redhood not like she knew it was me, she was asking for advice."
"On what?"
"How to tell her boyfriend she couldn't have sex, because she was," he paused and pulled Dick closer to him to whisper the next part," assaulted when she was younger and it makes it horribly painful."
"No, did she tell you who?"
"He's dead."
"She also said she cuts herself," again the smallest whisper.
"Why would she tell him and not you?"
"The next day she said she knew I was hood all along and she was playing a sick joke to get back at me for breaking her window and lying."
"Rude but seems fair."
"Then she initiated sex. Just pulled me into the bedroom and-"
"I don't wanna hear this,"Dick whines shaking his head to clear the image.
"We've had sex everyday twice for three weeks in a row," he said exasperated.
"A lot, it's a lot so either she has insane drive or..."
"She's expertly distracting you," he finished for him.
"I haven't seen any scars or fresh cuts, but I know she's damn good at makeup she's always perfectly covered my scar," he said pointing to his cheek, where it wasn't even visible in the low light.
"So hide her makeup."
"I've thought about it but I don't want to tip her off, or make her panic."
"So you want my help?"
"I think," deep breath," I think I can't do this alone, I can't watch her 24/7 and be there when she might need me."
"Do you want her to move in here?"
"God no, she'd kill me. Maybe now that you've all met you could invite her over, or stop by 'randomly' when I'm out."
"I'm in bloodhaven now, I can't just-"
"I know, I know, but you're here like every other weekend and that'll have to be enough. Maybe the demon spawn would agree to watch her."
"Tt, she's not your pet, Todd," came an irritated voice next to them.
"How much did you hear?"
"Just that she'd kill you." Eye roll.
"She's not well, demon spawn, and I worry about her safety," Jason ground out trying to keep his voice down.
"You think she hurts herself, what insanity, even for you, Todd."
"Look, kid-"
"Don't start. Damian, you seem to tolerate her enough not to kill her, a win if you ask me, and she needs company while Jason is out. You really can't stop by once a week for chess?"
"As a favor to her, not either of you," he agreed, turning to leave the imbeciles.
Eventually making their way back into the room the boys were shocked to find Alex, still on the floor, body pointed to the tv playing a racing game with Tim. Single handing the controller she expertly steered around the corners and used her other hand to play Damian at chess, eye dancing back and forth, and maintaining a conversation with Bruce.
"What the fuck," Jason exclaimed.
"I used to do this all the time, well not this, but multitasking, it's been so long since I've gotten to use my brain," she said with such glee.
"Are you saying I dumb you down?" There was no real hurt in voice, just un-subtle awe.
"Love you too." She replied and went back to talking to Bruce about...politics? She was talking politics with the vigilante billionaire and it was civil! The game ended, with Alex in 1st and Tim hung his head in shame but ultimately leaned over to shake her hand.
"Tt, so incompetent she beat you one handed," Damian accused.
"Tough talk for somebody that just set me up to take four pieces," she tsked back at him.
"Shit," Damian muttered uncharacteristically.
"Language," Dick said with a laugh.
"Boop, boop, boop," Alex sang as she hopped a single checker around the board taking the last of Damian's pieces.
"I suppose you're competent."
"Why thank you," she mock bowed. "Care to try your luck," she directed at Dick who was leaning on the arm of a large comfy looking chair.
"Why not, you gonna play Tim and Damian at the same time to at least give me a small chance?"
"If you want?" He nodded so she helped Damian set up a second board of checkers just a few inches from the first so she wouldn't have to move. Dick shrank practically had to fold himself to fit on the floor and only slightly invaded Damian's space, not on purpose.
Again she won on all fronts and Jason was practically buzzing with pride.
"You never told me you were smart!" At the look she sent him he waved his hands quickly. "No wait! Not how I meant it, of course you're smart."
"Such a way with words," she praised helping clean up the games.
"Are you leaving," Tim whined.
"I gotta work tomorrow, sorry kiddo."
"I'm like a year younger than Jason."
"A small child," Dick said wiping a fake tear.
"But a small boy," Jason reiterated.
"Hardly out of a booster seat," Bruce joined.
"It was only yesterday I was helping you into a chair master Tim."
"I hate you all."
"Aww, he loves us," Alex cooed reaching over to pinch his cheek," and fyi I'm two years older than Jason."
"Practically a cougar, I felt hunted when she asked me out."
"Yeah, why did I do that again?"
"You got me," Dick seriously stated.
"Tt, she would never chase you Todd, I bet you had to beg for this lovely creature."
"What he said," she agreed pulling Damian into a crushing hug resting her chin on his shoulder since the were the same height. Everyone held their breath expecting a fight but he looped his arms around her and squeezed back, just for a second before wiggling away from her in over-exaggerated disgust.
"I demand a rematch this Thursday," he said curtly and left the room.
"Thank you for coming," Bruce said shaking her hand in an awkward manner.
"Come visit anytime," Dick said pulling her into a hug, and extra long one just to make Jason's eye twitch.
"Let me know when you're online," Tim softly demanded with a hug.
"I don't have any online games, still use my old GameCube and Wii."
"That's cool."
Finally making it out the door she resisted the urge to exhale in relief. Wary of Jason getting concerned.
"That went well," he remarked upon entering her apartment.
"It did," she said softly faking a yawn in hopes of him heading back to his place or insisting they turn in. He went back and forth between their apartments, needing to keep a space for all his gear.
"So about that alley?"
"Not tonight, please."
"Why were you out at all?"
"Red hood is big and scary and gets what he wants with fear yes?"
"I guess?"
"So, short redhead come around asking what you sell and for how much what do you assume."
"That you aren't a threat," he conceded with a scowl.
"so if the short none-threat asks innocent sounding questions like. I may need some tomorrow where are you gonna be, my friend wants to buy but can't leave his place any chance you make house calls. I'm looking for a side job any chance I can meet the boss for an interview?"
"You didn't."
"I did, maybe, he's getting back with me." Lie lie lie.
"I'm going."
"You are not, if they even think I've been tailed you might as well shoot me yourself, I can handle it, if I can't I know how to get in touch. Now please let's go to bed." The whine in her tone made him cave, for now. Thanking her lucky stars he was tired and they skipped the sex she fell into the deepest sleep she'd had in months.
8-10-24 see masterlist for more
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crippling-pages · 4 months
So there's this girl in my grade; I've known her since last year, but I've never really talked to her that much, not more than a few sentences.
BUT today!! today me and my friend were talking about kotlc and then she (the girl, let's call her K), overheard and K's like "wait r you talking about keeper of the lost cities??" and then my friends like "yep!" (btw K and my friend, lets call Z, are friends already), and then she says "I LOVE that series!"
and so me being obsessed with the series goes "AHH YES ANOTHER FAN" (mostly internally... mostly-) we 3 talk a little bit and stuff, etc etc. but I have so many questions i need to ask, and the first one is "what are your ships??" and she says "sokeefe, obvisouly"
thats good. Take note.
Then we take a pause(we were in the lunch line so there was a pause + the principal was there soo), and then me and Z go back to her and I ask her if she likes Tam
She hesitates for a little bit. Not for like, a second, but like for 5. She starts to say "he's okay, i guess" and stuff like that So I get the logical reaction and am about to have a heart attack,
The reason I'm not in the hospital right now is because she said ONE THING that literally saved everything (for me at least)
"I do like Tiana though!!"
and I literally fall to my knees and i cheer silently to Z (she's just laughing her butt off inside lol)
but anyways
lets go to my history cuz K's in my history class, and i'm just waiting for her, so i speed walk to her, trying not to look too eager (i think i failed tbh- no defo failed) and i'm trying to make conversation and not look to eager
eventually i go back to keeper and i ask her again to be sure that she likes tam and this time, no hesitation, she says YES with a confident nod, "i like tam, yes :D"
so im like 'okay good thats really good'' and then i say "so what about dex?"
(TW for any dex lovers i am so sorry.)
then she hesitates. not for a second, not for 5, but like for 15. FIFTHTEEN. and she says "...not really??"
and im like... i might have another heart attack-
next she says "he's okay, but i don't really like how he and sophie interacted in the first book..." and i nod, because respectfully, it was a bit awkward there (and because im trying not to scream)
BUT she does agree that Dex needs more page time.
And then the teacher is like 'time to get started' and that ends the conversation etc etc
I just needed to get this out somewhere, but yeah.
And for anyone who skipped all that because... yeah- here's a summary:
Summary: Found kotlc fan. She ships sokeefe. Likes Tam. Ships Tiana. Doesn't really like Dex though, but agrees that he needs more page time.
What are your guys thoughts on this?
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kindlingkeen · 5 months
i am so sorry for the long ask but i am always thinking about bruce’s line in detective comics #790 before the 🤢 victim blaming “he loved cars and girls and getting into fights… neapolitan ice cream and the color green… and most of all the thrill of being robin.” i have turned over every part of this line in my head for ages but here is one aspect
girls: pre crisis? during robin days he did have a gf for a bit named rena, essence and isabel in rhato, rose wilson, idk about red hood: the hill. but even with non romantic relationships he has sasha and duela and kori and artemis and talia (ignoring you know what) and the no longer canon natalia knight motherhood thing vs like roy and bizarro as the guys he hangs out with outside of bats and he even points it out “i feel closer to that big white lump of clay than, well, any guy ive ever known. yeah i knew roy and dick since i was young. but since ive been back? from the dead? hes the first guy friend ive made.” talking about bizarro in rhato and i dont put too much stock in rhato but he really does seem to consistently get along better with women. i dont fully think it is that he finds them less threatening cuz in task force z he was happy to hold his own against multiple bat boys but the second cass showed up he was like oh shit shes scary, plus like sheila is the reason he died and you would think that her betrayal would be a huge part of any ptsd or trust issues he no doubt has. but he also has that line after he and artemis kiss where he says something to the effect that it was a good kiss for a girl and that just… what do you mean by that jason? because you have spent the past lord knows how many issues (with the same writer) kissing isabel and looking back somewhat fondly on your time with essence and while readers can think you have very little chemistry with them the story being told is that all that was cool and good and within the norm for you. so like what does that line in your narration mean jason? if it isnt something you are into than why have you been going around kissing women in multiple instances jason?
Okay, so Jason’s line (“But it was nice. For a girl.” in reference to his kiss with Artemis) comes from Red Hood: Outlaw #41:
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Which is actually him remembering events that occurred in Red Hood and the Outlaws (2016) #25:
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Here, Jason asks Artemis what she thinks of their kiss, and Artemis says, “It was okay, for a boy.”
Honestly, my (somewhat boring) interpretation of the line in RHO #41 is that Jason is referring tongue in cheek back to Artemis’ quip in RHATO #25. I don’t think it was actually meant to be commentary on his sexuality.
That said, imo, Jason Todd doesn’t really seem like the kind of person who would feel the need to limit their sexuality to artificially constructed binary categories of gender … YMMV 😏
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chiptaylorsfirst · 3 months
hi! if your requests are open atm and if it's okay, could i ask for a pre-cult kai anderson smut with female reader pegging him for the first time, please? like it's his punishment for something and he consented to it but yet he is quite flustered cuz it's his first time doing something like that, and reader senses it and although she is punishing him she also kind of comforts him a little cuz she feels him being too embarrassed and stuff? thank you, i hope this is okay 👉👈
A/N: Sure thing. My apologies for basically leaving like almost a year. I'm here now though and I'm ready to spoil the fans with some enjoyable writings. I hope this fulfills your request and my requests stay open.
Word Count: 2,314
Pairing: sub!pre-cult!Kai Anderson x soft!dom!fem!Reader
Warnings: Smut, slight jealousy, a bit of fluff, slight praise kink, pegging, anal sex, oral sex (male and female receiving), aftercare, a bit of degradation, spanking, handjob, color system
Summary: Kai decided to disobey your rules so it calls for a little lesson.
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Kai Anderson was probably the best boyfriend that you’d ever had in your entire life. He actually cared for you and loved you. He was genuine, compassionate, funny, and intelligent. It was all the things you could ever ask for and more. However, as you watched him casually flirt with a girl whilst being in the same room with you, you knew he needed to be taught a lesson. 
You had recently introduced him to power play and dynamics in the bedroom. It had been going smoothly so far since you agreed and negotiated on your likes and dislikes. He definitely knew what he was doing as his expression feigned innocence while looking up at you.
He smirked at you before bringing his attention back to the girl he’d decided to entertain for the evening. You had a few classes with her and you recalled seeing her and Winter talk multiple times. She had to be a friend of his sister’s which would explain why she was so comfortable around him, not that it mattered but your mind was doing a thousand things at once as you continued to watch Kai’s every move. 
After a moment, you butted yourself into the conversation, sliding your hand onto Kai’s shoulder as you forced a smile on your lips. “It was wonderful seeing you but we have to leave. I’m starting to feel awful. I think the alcohol might have finally gotten to me,” you lied. 
“But the event wasn’t done yet,” Kai argued. You rolled your eyes before giving him a dead stare and taking his hand into yours. “Baby, let’s go now before I decide to harm a certain someone.” 
The discussion ended and the drive home was a quiet one, the only sound being the gravel under the car and your breaths. As soon as you made it in the house though, all of that silence was interrupted. You eagerly kissed your boyfriend, his arms wrapping around your waist as his back collided with the front door of your humble abode.
Your fingers tangled in his hair while you dominated the kiss and moaned against him. The kiss eventually broke, the two of you panting. “You fucking knew what you were doing, Kai. You’re such a little brat.” He laughed aloud. 
He seemed zoned out, his eyes raking over your form as he took in the sight of you. “Kai.” His eyes suddenly were on yours as you brought him out of his trance.  “Yes?” “You know we haven’t done much as far as punishments and other things. I just want to know that you’re comfortable so I don’t hurt you.” “Baby, I’ll always let you know if I want to stop but for now, my color is green.” With that, you continued and you were later being carried into the bedroom. 
Kai let you drop from his arms, waiting for your every command so he could obey. “Sit tight and strip bare for me. If I see anything on, you may end up without an orgasm at all,” you said plainly. He was immediate in doing as you asked, causing you to smile to yourself as you walked out of the door.
You started to look through different sets of lingerie you had until you came across the perfect one. It was dark blue with golden accents. It contained bits of lace mixed with embroidery and a level of comfort you couldn’t truly receive from other lingerie sets. 
It was by far one of the most luxurious and promiscuous items you ever owned. You checked yourself out in the mirror once you were finished putting it on, the clothing doing the best at showing all of your curves. You then grabbed a few toys and some lube before making your way back to your shared bedroom. Kai was comfortably laying on the sheets, his pale skin fully exposed to you. 
You sat on the edge of the bed, feeling yourself becoming wet at the image before you. “Over my lap, sweetie.” He seemed to like the name, positioning himself over your lap. 
“I’m gonna give you ten lashes and you’re gonna count them and thank me for them, okay? Tell me your color.” His face was flushed and you could tell he was a bit shy but eager to please you. “Green.” You kneaded one of his ass cheeks before hitting it with great force. He let out a small sound of pleasure. “One, thank you.” You continued, watching as his skin turned into a pretty shade of red.
Once you got to the fifth one, you started to jerk him off while spanking him. He squirmed on your lap at the feeling and you scolded him for it. “I know, I know. You need to stay still for me, okay? You’re being so good for me.” 
The moan that you heard from him was sinful to say the least and you definitely noticed the way his cock twitched from the praise. You continued your attack on him, removing your hand from his length as you gave him the hardest slap to his ass. “Ten! Thank you.” You let him off of your lap and watched as he laid down on the bed.
You looked at the toys you’d brought before grabbing a butt plug and giving your boyfriend his next direction. “Get on your stomach for me, ass in the air.” He quickly did so, holding his breath as you approached him. He slightly flinched as he felt your hand on his skin. “I’m gonna need you to calm down and relax, okay? Is your color still green?” “Yes,” he responded, his voice barely above a whisper. You squirted some lube on your fingers, revealing his opening and stretching him out nicely.
“Fuck.” His small groans went unnoticed as you continued. Once you decided he was prepared enough, you lubed up the butt plug and slowly slid it inside of him. “Does it feel okay?” “Yeah, a little weird but good.” You flipped him onto his back and kissed him.
The kiss was soft and sweet at first but as the two of you continued, it turned into something more. You started to straddle him, becoming wetter as you felt his arms wrap around your body. An idea popped in your head and you had already begun doing it before you could even think properly. You shoved him down before positioning your body into a perfect sixty-nine. 
“Give me an orgasm and I may let you cum.” He didn’t miss a beat, pulling the material of your lingerie to the side before tasting your cunt. You moaned, lazily jerking him off before licking up the pre cum that covered his tip. You repeatedly teased him as he ate you out, your back arching in need of a better angle. You decided to finally suck him off, taking every breath you could take as you felt him suck your clit.
Your eyes were teary as you deepthroated him before raising up only to go down again. The sounds of your activities bounced off of the walls and you felt your thighs start to shake as Kai became more feverish in tasting you. You opted to use your hand, too afraid that you’d choke from the pleasure he was giving you. 
You felt your high approaching and you gripped the sheets for dear life, slowly sucking his dick and doing your best to breathe correctly. His hips started to buck upwards and he was twitching in your mouth, making you stop his orgasm completely as you came on his tongue. He laid in defeat as you got off of him. You kissed his cheek apologetically before speaking. “That’s what you get for being a little attention whore, brat.” 
He rolled his eyes at you and you slapped his thigh. “Don’t do that, not unless you wanna get another orgasm taken away. Do you want that, hmm?” “No.” He shook his head as he said the word, making your heart warm at how cute he looked. 
“Being a brat doesn’t suit you, sweetie. You’re way better at being my good boy. Wanna be that for me?” “Yes, always.” You turned him over onto his stomach before whispering in his ear. “Then don’t break my rules.” You removed the butt plug from his hole, enjoying the sight of how stretched it became. 
You then reached for the dildo, spreading lube on the material before putting some on his opening. He buried his head in the pillows as you slid it inside of him, slowly moving it back and forth within him. “I need to hear you, okay? Stop trying to be quiet.” You noticed him hesitate and you sighed as you removed the pillows from him and put them to the side. He was practically a mewling and whimpering mess, his sounds far more than pornographic.
“Mm, Y/N, f-fuck.” You smirked at the sound of your name slipping from his lips. “Color?” “Green.” Your hand wrapped around his length, stroking it in time with the movements of the dildo. “Gonna cum for me?” “Mhm.” “Go ahead and let go.” Soft moans and groans escaped him as he started to cum, painting his stomach white.
You were quick to get him on his back again, slipping the dildo out before licking his abs clean. The sight alone made him hard again. “Sit tight for me. I’ll be back. Don’t try touching yourself.” You took the toys away and cleaned them before putting them up. You then found a towel large enough to throw onto the bed. You entered the bedroom and grabbed the last thing of the night. 
Kai watched in anticipation as you put on the strap on he himself picked out. You remembered how shy he was that day, his face a light shade of pink as he pointed to the most realistic strap on in the store. You put the straps in place before getting in bed with him. 
“How do you want to do this, babe? I want you to be comfortable.” “Um, I just want you to face me because you’re really hot and I want to be able to wrap my legs and arms around you. I also want you to mark me up and fuck the shit out of me.” You were proud of the bit of confidence he gained, applying his words to your memory. “You’re so filthy and I love it.” You grabbed the lube, covering the strap on in it before putting some on your fingers and prepping him to take it.
You slowly slid within him, watching the way he took every single inch. His eyes were fixated on you as you allowed him to adjust. “Color?” 
“Green.” You placed his legs around your waist before you began to thrust, watching as he bit his lip and looked away from you. You grabbed his chin firmly, looking him in his eyes as you pounded harder into him. “Don’t take your eyes off of me and let me hear you. Make the world know my name.” He did just as you asked, his eyes on yours as he continuously moaned out your name for everyone to hear.
You were sure to get a noise complaint but you couldn’t care less, not when the man of your dreams was being ruined by you and holding onto your body for dear life. Crescent moon indents from his nails digging in your back were sure to be left as you repeatedly hit his prostate.
His shyness was now clouded and thoroughly overtaken by lust. You nipped at his neck before making your way to his earlobe and whispering into his ear. “You take this cock so well, baby. You’re such a good boy for me.” He almost mewled at the praise, dumb from the way you were fucking him. You noticed that he started to try and squirm away from you as the pleasure began to build up within him.
“Legs up in the air for me.” You tapped his thigh and he easily obeyed. You grabbed his legs, readjusting the position to one that reached deeper places in him and prevented his ability to escape. He let out the most guttural noise you’d ever heard him make. “Fuck, Y/N, g-gonna cum.” 
You now rutted into him, commanding him to cum for you as you thrusted at a brutal pace. He met his release and you let him catch his breath. You kissed him softly then pulled out of him, removing the strap from your body. “You did so good, Kai.” You grabbed the towel that was under the two of you and cleaned him of the mess he’d made. You grabbed the lube and strap on.
You cleaned the dildo, putting it up with the harness. You then threw the towel in a hamper. You made your way through your shared home and grabbed a bottle of water for Kai. 
Once you stepped in the bedroom, you saw him looking at the doorway, patiently waiting for your arrival. “You enjoyed yourself,” you questioned. “Mhm, makes me think I need to make you jealous more often.” You rolled your eyes at him before speaking. “I thought I told you that being a brat didn’t suit you.”
He smirked as he responded. “Maybe you’ll have to teach it to me then. Wanna teach me a lesson, Y/N,” he asked, giddy from the sex you’d just had. “You’re insufferable. What happened to the nervous and timid Kai?” “He realized that he was in good hands and there was nothing to be afraid of, not with a girlfriend as trustworthy as you.” Your heart swelled at his words and you jumped in the bed with him, hugging him tightly. “I love you, Mr. Anderson.” “I love you too, Y/N.” 
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upsidedog · 2 years
max mayfield is 7 years old, like kelly green and annie johnson, who are her best friends. she isn’t their’s, she knows this. like she knows kelly will live in a mansion, become a princess and drive a lamborghini with her twelve kids and husband, tom simon, her seat partner. kelly’s happy, obviously, she cheated, she always cheats at m.a.s.h, but max is happy for kelly anyway, she tells her. max is marrying annie’s dad, the other girls gag at the idea, she makes a joke about marrying rich “like grandma said my mom should’ve!” max laughs too loud, no response from the girls. “i’m glad she didn’t though cuz i love my dad…” she specifies. this embarrassment doesn’t stop her from squealing at her own barf joke later on, she repeats it in case kelly and ann didn’t hear. “she’s so annoying, do we have to keep hanging out with her? your guy’s moms aren’t even friends anymore.” kelly pleads after recess, max knows they know she can hear them.
max mayfield is 9 years old, she and billy hargrove recently became siblings, legally at least, billy would not call them that, max doesn’t care. and not in the way that she’s feigning chillness to seem on top of things, but in the way that she knows if she plays her cards right she can prove herself as someone worth calling a sister. “that jacket makes you look like a dyke.” billy says, he and his friends pool into the backyard. a month ago she’d ask if she could play with them, but she’s smarter now, she’s no longer a pussy, she’s a dyke, its change, it’s progress, she can work with it. “yeah, even more than usual.” one of the friends adds, everybody laughs. max remains focused on tightening the bolts of her skateboard and uses her free hand to flip the boys off. mentally she prays this is what playful sibling fighting looks like and not an action that will get her deck ripped away from her and broken against the concrete. it’s fine, the boys mock and jeer but don’t say anything she hasn’t heard before. another friend asks if she rides her skateboard or just pretends to be it’s mom. this is in reference to the time she convinced herself the boys were interested in knowing her and earnestly spoke about the mechanics of her skateboard, being too passionate, speaking too much, smiling too wide. all things she has since learned the right amount of is none. “i don’t know.” she gets up. “do you have a life or are you such a dweeb the only time you feel the need to get off your ass is to annoy a little girl with real hobbies?” when she walks off she hears the other boys gang up on him, he’s the new fool, all the other boys were just guilty of the same thing, but whatever. she thinks maybe if she maintains this for a little longer they can return back to the sibling conversation. they don’t even have to call it that, they could just do the part where they’re nice to each other sometimes.
max mayfield is 11 years old. jenny chen is a teenager, fifteen, from san francisco, short black hair, dresses like she’s on the cover of thrasher, first girl max has ever seen at the skate park who isn’t just there to watch. max wants to be her friend so bad it makes her stomach turn. until it happens. “i never see other girls who skate! it’s so cool to meet you, i’m jenny!” max knows. she ignores jenny’s invitation to fist bump. “do you really skate? or are you just someone’s girlfriend?” max knows the answer to the question, but she also knows the ending to this story. jenny pulls her hand back like max hit it. “yeah i skate, but i’m sure the boys here wish.” her laugh is refreshing, max didn’t know that was a thing laughs could be, it was so cool and light and confident, like it reset something in her. max wonders how someone can be so cool without any hit of cruelty, when max tells jenny she has to do a trick to prove it she shrugs and agrees like it wasn’t something said with the intention of upsetting her. jenny does an ollie off on the half pipe and asks if she can see any of max’s tricks. it makes max more upset that there’s no malice in this request, the audacity to show genuine interest in her. max is usually too mean but to jenny she cannot be mean enough. and typically she cannot do an ollie off a half pipe. today is no different. she falls and wakes up in the hospital. billy hands her flowers, rolls his eyes, then goes to wait in the car. max’s mom lets jenny apologize. it’s a real genuine apology, even though she has nothing to be sorry for it still feels good and different. max tells jenny to leave and never sees her at the park again.
max mayfield is 13 years old, she wonders if the group of boys yelling over dig dug are too. her initial annoyance with their hogging of her favorite game has melted into an admiration.. that’s too bold, curiosity, maybe. there’s arguments every other minute but between those there’s “oh wait! oh shit! lucas you genius! you genius!” whoever’s praising “lucas” gets so excited his friend progressed in the game the other boys have to pull him away. when the little one says he can’t see, no one mocks his size, instead the group instinctively makes room for their friend. and they’re all being too loud, too passionate, definitely taking the game too seriously. max wonders what it would be like to have something like that. she wonders how long they have all been friends for. do you have one chance for something like their’s as a child and then never again? has she missed her opportunity? could she even exist in an environment like that or would her cruelness be so sharp it’d cut through any moments tenderness? if she just walked up and asked to join what they’d say? answers for another day. maybe never. probably never.
max mayfield is 15 years old and mike wheeler’s basement is her favorite place in the whole wide world. which is why it’s the ideal location for her birthday party. sure billy is dead and el and will are moving next week, but ignore that, because yes will and el are moving away which is sad because they’re two of her best friends, but they’re two of her best friends, and she’s there’s. el is sitting on the floor with max making stupid jokes and max is clutching a pillow to her stomach, laughing like she’s alone, too much, too loud, dustin joins in and is even worse, she loves it. lucas interrupts, nudging her back with his foot. “this is the part you like.” he mouths, big, stupid, earnest, adorable smile on his face, so proud to remember. she’s proud of him too, swooned might be the better word, if she’s being honest. she likes him so much she wants to shrink herself into something small and accessible for him, but the worst part is that isn’t even what he wants from her. as much as max is trained to see the worst in others, lucas is real and warm and never says anything he doesn’t mean and he says he likes her. “thanks.” is all she can get out, trying not unravel from the affection. her last straw is mike and will marching down the basement stairs singing happy birthday. she’s clenching her teeth, mentally “don’t cry, don’t cry, don’t cry”-ing. she’s crying. it didn’t work, she’s crying. they’re doing this nice thing and she’s going to ruin the moment because she’s crying, they’re the best friends she’s ever had and she’s crying, they’re the only friends she’s ever had and she’s crying and they’re hugging her and laughing and she’s laughing and oh god, it’s good, she’s crying because she’s loved.
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onlyjaeyun · 1 year
poison!hee the type of boyfriend to be like 'she's not a hoe, she's my future wife and the mother of my future children' when someone says hoes before bros when he leaves their hangouts because y/n needed him.
poison!hoon the type of brother to buy anything y/n wanted or set her eyes on because he wasn't able to spoil her growing up and their parents never bought them anything but be super siblingish about it : 'i got you your favorite drink that you are obsessed with even though i'm pretty sure it was give you diabetes', 'i know you have this hoodie in a different colou, but listen the green one looked better on you so here- someone has to have some fashion sense for your lack of', 'ning said you thought this was pretty- i bought her one so i got you one so you don't whine about me loving her more'
poison!jake the type to stalk hee and y/n on their dates in complete disguise and somehow drag poison!jay into it and if poison!won is in town then him too but hee and y/n notice them and act out a whole argument to mess with them and they're panicking now cuz THE PARENTS ARE FIGHTING
poison!ning the type to ask y/n out on girls dates while they shop but both hee and hoon tag along cuz they're protective and its just them following them like guard dogs while carrying their bags and letting them use their credit cards.
and finally this one (which is just my opinion!) poison!hee and y/n the type to have a shot gun wedding (mostly cuz a traditional wedding have too many steps including parents and it puts both the siblings and hee in a sour mood)during a group trip to vegas (that they saved up years for) because they have everyone they need- hee does buy a pretty dress for y/n and cries when he sees her in it and hoon is emotional and they have a lovely afterparty at a hotel/resort before they send off the newly married funded by hoon because he doesn't want to think of his best friend railing his sister in the room next to theirs- 💫 (can you tell i've been thinking about poison too much? i can't help it i am emotionally attached to every character- except sumin SHE CAN CHOKE)
no pls you telling me your thoughts about poison and how much yoj think about it makes me so so so happy, it literally made my day 😭 but i absolutely agreebwith all of them, especially the one with the boys and the sunghoon one BUT THE SEUNG ONE AS WELL URGH INLIT AM SMILING SO BIG 😭😭😭 pls keep them coming i'm currently trying my best to find motivation to write the next chap 🫣
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me personally, I THINK we should know more about samantha
like,, how did she and sunni meet? what’s her deal with jesse? what roles will she play in the story? ect ect
i just love your ocs :D
...but, there's not too much to say about her just yet jhfdgfd. Still, let's come up with some basics!
I haven't drawn her yet, cuz my art brain hasn't been working lately, but she's got long blonde hair, heavier-set, green sweater, blue jeans, and currently pure black eyes unless I decide to make her a Descendant when I finally do draw her, but I dooon't think I will—
She's actually based on the blonde minifigure girl with the Green Ninja sweater from the Ninjago City Gardens set, but I guess that minifig is named Christina and not Samantha, sooo....Christina is now Samantha's older sister hgfdhgfd
She's a vocal Lloyd Garmadon hater at first (and she keeps forgetting about Zane's warnings about it, rip), even when Sunni tries to convince her to give him the benefit of the doubt—it's also highly ironic considering she's also a Green Ninja super fan, so. She's gonna have some thoughts to process down the line hjgfdsagfd
She and Sunni have been friends since they were young children, with both of their somewhat wealthy families running in similar circles (and their older sisters being friends as well). Sunni was always the 'smart' one while Samantha was more of the 'social' one.
She keeps warning Sunni about why it might be a good idea to move on from any thoughts of grandeur about Jay, but Sunni assures that it's just a casual, fleeting crush and nothing is probably going to go anywhere with it..............
...Not that Samantha is any better when it comes to Jesse shgfdghfd
She only started noticing him after the Talent Show (despite the fact that Jesse points out that he's been sitting next to her in Student Council for months before then and nothing happened then), so he's convinced that her following flirting and whatnot is purely superficial and will fade eventually.
But she's seen Jesse at his finest and now can't get him out of her head, even if she too knows she probably doesn't really have a chance. Also mostly unlike Sunni, him dating Cole doesn't stop her lmao
But there is a lil scene during the school dance shenanigans where Jesse and Jay do (ONE) dance with the girls and their nights are made <3
Anywaaaay, Samantha's real point for existence is to give a 'face' for the Non-Cabinet Student Council members (cuz I got tired of them all being nameless soundboards, but I didn't want to make a ton more characters, and I didn't want every/any already prominent character to be on the council when it wouldn't make sense, sooo...Samantha!)
She's also a part of the newspaper club with Antonia (that'll become more relevant Post-S4 when we get Nelson), she'll join the volleyball team (if I go through with my volleyball!harumi plans because it's funny, and she also apparently reads Harumi's fanfics hjgfgfd), and she's essentially Sunni's 'voice of normality' when Sunni starts getting tangled deeper in Ninja shenanigans, buuuut I don't really have plans for Samantha to be a major player in any way herself (...I said that about Sunni too though, and look what happened :V)
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gabykatttt · 6 months
Sleepover pt 1
It’s was a dark and stormy night. Poppy,Viva and Veneer spend the night at the Bergan castle Cuz Bridget and Gristle went on their honeymoon.
Omg that looks so good on you Viva said wearing her nightgown with her pink slippers.
You’re lucky you have your own spare pajamas plus green looks good on you this day Poppy said.
Really I thought it wouldn’t fit on me or two Veneer said looking at himself in the pajamas he bought after he and Velvet split to have their normal lives.
But the pajamas aren’t everything ta da which slippers do you want the cats or the dolphins Poppy said showing Veneer the slippers.
Veneer picked the cat slippers and put them on.
Your show will be on in a minute I suggest we get popcorn before it starts Viva said turning up the volume.
That’s an idea sis you go get it Poppy said in a teasing tone. Viva got up from the couch groaning with annoyance to start the popcorn.
So Vennie what’s your show about? Poppy asked curiously.
Oh well it’s about two couples who do stupid shit together and get caught by the police so many times but they never succeed Veneer said explain his show.
Oh well that’s really Poppy was cut off by the host of the show.
Oh look it’s starting Veneer said getting up from the couch and sat in front of the tv.
Viva comes back with the popcorn.
What’s he doing in front of the tv didn’t his mom tell him not to sit close? Viva asked sitting on the couch.
Whatever just sit down and enjoy the show Poppy said as the three kept in looking as the tv screen
After the show
That was the best episode I’ve ever seen I liked the part when Josh cheated on his girlfriend with his gay friend that was unexpected and really funny right girls Veneer said with excitement only to realize that Poppy and Viva fell asleep.
Uh girls don’t tell me that the sleepover is already over Veneer said getting worried.
NO CREEK PLEASE NO MORE TEA I HAD ENOUGH AHHH ahhh Poppy screamed having a nightmare again.
Omg Poppy are you alright? Veneer asked worried.
It’s okay sis you had that dream again Viva said patting Poppy’s shoulder.
I’ll never get over it Poppy said letting out a sigh.
Just think of something else Viva said smiling.
Right where were we again? Oh yeah Poppy said
SLEEPOVER Poppy and Viva yelled with excitement causing Veneer to fall on the floor.
Let’s do our first activity Poppy said
Yes Viva replied.
What will it be? Viva asked
I don’t know do you know? Poppy asked.
I don’t know Viva answered.
Y-you don’t know? Veneer asked.
There’s so much to do on the sleepover we just don’t know what to start Viva said. Poppy snapped her fingers.
This calls the sleepover cap of destiny Poppy blurred out her idea.
The what? Veneer asked confused.
The sleepover cap of destiny it a cap that is filled with sheets of paper. You pick a random paper to start with our activities. Since it’s your first time having a sleepover with us you get to pick our first activity Poppy said giving Veneer the cap to chose the activity.
Okay Veneer said putting his hand and grabbed a sheet of paper.
Okay so the first activity is. Put blue hair dye on Viva’s shampoo and mix it up when she takes a shower Veneer said explaining the activity.
Whoops prank cap of destiny by mistake Poppy said grabbing the wrong cap away from Veneer’s hand.
Shit I got the wrong cap Poppy said quietly panicking about the prank on Viva.
Okay I’m going to get the right cap. I won’t be too long Poppy said panicking running to get the right cap.
Oh what else is in there? Gasp color power on my laundry no wonder why my clothes turned pink you’re such a prankster you know that Viva said chasing Poppy.
I’m afraid Veneer said to himself waiting for Poppy and Viva to come back.
To be continued
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