#i am shaking in my seat
joifee · 1 year
my friend wants to watch new life smp this is not a thrill this is happening they asked me to send them fwhips first episode tomorrow how do i make them obsessed with mcyt because yess pls
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hyuckieblr · 2 months
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Dirty Smoothie — Jaemin
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suchawrathfullamb · 2 months
I like to think that, given the right circumstances, Will would unleash his inner harlot and allow himself to be consumed by the violent desire he desperately tried to suppress for so long, and would basically become a insatiable slut
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sugarpasteltmnt · 4 months
Friend, I had an existential crisis and I thought... can the krang parasite be separated from Leo's body??? I was thinking that the bastard is basically tying up Leo's body like some kind of duct tape, I think he even kept him alive after he left the prison dimension (clearly I could be wrong) Wouldn't separating them kill Leo? ( it probably counts as a spoiler) my brain is being tortured
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cant-shake-it · 10 months
How to Make a Printing Screen from Home
I wanted to share a quick cute little tutorial for how I made my own screen for making patches (and other things that don't require exact measurements). Cute lil how-to under the cut >:)
Disclaimer: I have absolutely no idea what I'm doing at any given moment. There could be a better tutorial out there for you. I'm just guessing for a lot of the things I do and this is no exception. With that out of the way:
a small/medium canvas (depending on what you have and how big your design will be)
a tight-woven sheer fabric (preferably not stretchy and STRONG)
a fine-tip pen
water-resistant gloss of some kind (mod podge works, but make sure it's a waterproof kind if you want to make more than one print)
paint that won't come off in the wash (acrylic/spray paint work)
good strong tape
a good sturdy card-like thingy
an easy/cool design for your print :)
a good canvas fabric/thick cotton for printing on
fabric paint (will stay on the fabric best duh)
a 1/2in, 1/3in, and fine tip paintbrush for details (depending on your design)
some company for fun :)
Alright, so first you'll want to figure out the design you want to print out and get a good sketch over it. I'm a detail freak so I like sketching out my design then going over it in a black pen. The ideal is hard contrast and clear and discernable lines/fill-in spots, like pictured below:
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(Note how I emphasized which spots were to have thicker lines, which parts of the stripes were to be printed, etc. I tried to think a lot about which portions I wanted to show up on the finished design and how they would look on the fabric as a whole.)
So you've got your design. Great! Next step is a fun one: Grab a canvas you are willing to part with (this one was a painting I made when I was 16. I hate it), and rip all the fabric off of that fucker!! If you pull off some staples in the process, don't worry. Just make sure you can retain the shape of the frame, since that's the part you'll need to keep. You don't need to take off every single bit of the fabric, but as previously stated, I'm a freak, so I did. You'll come out with something like this:
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For the next steps you'll need a good pair of scissors as well as your pen and your sheer fabric. You're going to want to set the frame on your fabric and cut about an inch and a half around it so there's extra to wrap around the frame and tape down. You can draw a guideline for where to cut if you want, but once again, I'm a freak:
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Now lay the front of the canvas frame (the part without staples on it) face down on the fabric and grab your tape! Now we're going to tape down each end of the frame so the sheer lays taut on the frame. I like to put one or two strips of tape on the ends parallel to each other and pull them tight, then do the same with the other side, then continue adding tape until the whole outside of the frame is covered. See below:
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(Note: your goal in this step is to stretch the sheer as tight as it can comfortably go so there are no wrinkles or depressions in the fabric.)
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So now you have you're frame. Fuck yes!!! Go ahead and grab the design you came up with as well as your pen (you can use a pencil too, but the pen shows up much better through the fabric so I definitely prefer it), and put the frame front side down onto the sketch.
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If you're worried about keeping the frame steady, feel free to tape the frame down and go ahead and trace over the design with your pen. Make sure to fill in all the dark parts enough that you can differentiate them from the light parts.
Once you have your sketch copied to the frame, now you can grab your gloss!!! Hurry!!! You're almost done!!!!
With this step I like to start big and go into the details once all the larger portions of the sheer are covered. Pretty much you're going to paint over every part that isn't the black of the pen with your waterproof gloss. This ensures that once you start printing, the only parts that are going to bleed through the fabric will be the black parts that weren't painted over with gloss/varnish/mod podge/whatever you used as long as it's waterproof!!! Take all the time you need, it's not a race. Once you're done and the gloss has dried, your screen is going to look something like this when put up to a light:
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Now that this step is over with, congratulations - you have just made a mesh screen!!! Keep reading to learn how to use it lol
So for the patches that I make I just went with black and white paint, and black and white fabric to keep it traditional, but you can use any colors of paint and fabric you want, truly! The world is your oyster! I do not care! That being said, we're keeping it simple today.
Grab your screen, a piece of fabric that can cover the design and leave at least an inch of space around it, and a surface you won't mid getting paint on on accident. You'll also want to grab that card-like thingy for this as well. It can really be anything that can provide a sturdy, even pressure across the screen consistently. Go ahead and pick up that fabric paint too, I guess. We'll probably need that.
At this point, this is what your workspace might look like:
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Next up you are going to center your design onto your piece of fabric-
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-and grab your fabric paint. put a thin little stripe over the top (start slow and add more - as you can see I added a little too much and kinda fucked up my design) then grab your card thingy. Make sure you have even pressure on it and swipe it down at a medium speed so you're dragging the paint down the screen:
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Once you've got everything covered I like to go over it a few more times for even coverage. Then you pull it up from the screen (which you might want to rinse off so no paint sticks to it!!!), wait for that bitch to dry, and you're done!! Congratulations, you have your very own fun silly patch! Go sew it on something! Or not! I do really do not care!!!!!!
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bonesrbleaching · 4 days
SICK. "right person, wrong time."
#SICK SICK SICK SICK SICK.#my HANDS are shaking.#what the fuck.#lolaa.txt#sorry 4 freakoutposting . nobody can know about this so i have nowhere else to say it all.#WHO SAYS THAT TO SOMEONE.#RIGHT PERSON WRONG TIME. WHY IS IT WRONG TIME.#WHY AM I RIGHT PERSON.#IM RIGHT PERSON.#WHAT. WHAT#HE TALKED ABOUT ME TO HIS FRIENDS. AND HES SO TOTALLY HONEST#I WAS FULLY LAYING ON HIS CHEST AND HE SAYS 'ok i do have to turn on the ac . ' AND SORT OF HALF LAUGHED SMILED AT ME#HE WAS BLUSHING .#HE KISSED ME.#AND IT WAS MESSY AND AWKWARD AND VERY SIDEWAYS BUT HE KISSED ME#AGAIN AND AGAIN. AND HE KEPT SMILING.#AND HE DIDNT WANT ME TO LEAVE BUT HE DIDNT WANT ME TO BE IN TROUBLE#i was 2 hours late getting home. AUHHHHHHHHHGHHHHHHHHGHIGHSEOIFHSEFOUESHFESJKKMNN#FUCKKK. I HAVE TO SEE HIM TOMORROW. IN A SCHOOL SETTING.#AND I CANT TELL ANY OF MY FRIENDS?????????#only one person knows and i swore her to secrecy because she wanted us to get together really bad.#FUCK but like . we cant. we cant do it right person WRONG TIME#but also can we just go back to being friends. do i really want to forget? it was so comfy.#FUCK.#FUCKKKKKK . AND CAM.#cam is so so sweet. light of my life cam. talented and artistic and handsome cam.#but. cam doesnt watch movies. or make mixtapes. or kiss me in the front seat of their car because our noses touched when we laughed#AGAIN SORRY. NORMAL. i need to tell my parents about the movie (tradition that they hear all about it) and NOT bring any of this up#i will be dodging the allegations the whole time. NOT EVERYONE GETS SOMEONE PREGNANT IN HIGH SCHOOL FATHER.#so there is that.
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karinasbaby · 3 months
omg omg stella I have to tell you this!!!!! but I started writing the vamp jake fic and oml I'm obsessed already 😍 I already know it's gonna tug on so many heartstrings and I'm absolutely here for it 🤭🤭
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oh nO KAYLA YOURE OUT FOR BLOOD ⁉️⁉️ vampy jake that’s gonna tug on so many heartstrings HELLO no one is ready my beloved kayla please 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼
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no bcs the love i hold for vampy jake.
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amiharana · 10 months
Ghost of Chigago (Noah Floersch) is such a post calamity revalink song i'm sorry
(ghost of chicago)
oh anon don't be sorry this is such a cute and bittersweet song 🥹🤍
imagining it being sung from link's point of view, traversing the empty, rundown hyrule of botw after he beats the calamity and the spirits of the champions have already passed onto the afterlife, except for one. revali stays behind, and decides to watch over link; his spirit can't pass on because he regrets never having confessed his feelings to link back then, the least he could do was put it into something useful if he was to stay 🥹
and so revali becomes the ghost of hyrule, a ghost that link sees everywhere but can never catch up to. he's the mirage of a sharp glare in link's morning tea, the biting wind pinching link's cheeks in the flight range, the breeze that tousles link's bangs and tucks his hair behind his ears when he sits atop the rito rock pillar. a ghost too familiar from even beyond link's regained memories, one who never leaves him alone, found in every corner of hyrule but one that link can never corner and always slips from his fingers, just always out of his reach.
just... link traveling all over hyrule again and no matter, where he looks, he catches glimpses of revali everywhere, here and there, in the distance. this ghost that haunts him, but somehow seems to protect him and watch over him. this ghost that link dreams of sometimes, of a life that seems so far away, of one where they possibly loved each other. could it be true, that this familiar ghost once loved him?
(link wonders if he loved it back; and somehow he knows, that he did.)
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memovia · 9 months
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[ HELLO AM AWOKETH. good morning from me at 5pm... ]
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i am god’s strongest soldier (tummy hurts in a new jersey airport)
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yououghtaknow · 4 months
I HAVE TICKETS TO SEE BARE IN LONDON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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doctortonytchopper · 6 months
I have been trying soooooo hard to avoid one piece spoilers but I really appreciate how the chaos of the show itself as well as the insane way people talk about media on this site have made it possible to just like,, assume half the stuff I see is just not canon? Like is part of an au or is a far extrapolation or a headcanon or smth
Like I'm halfway thru wano but I have unfortunately heard things with spoiler-level confidence gear 5 and about sanji having a vinsmoke evolution/latent genes thing and about the gum gum fruit being a mythical zoan type of a rubbery sun god (and most of that is from the wiki being soooo shitty about blurring spoilers I s2g). But also from that same confident-toned type of thing I have heard "spoilers" that crocodile is somehow luffys mom. So it's easy to just pretend every spoiler I've heard is fake
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m0e-ru · 2 years
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[lie] imf so normal about this guy
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todd-queen · 7 months
i can't promise this is the last Saw post but i am just so excited about all the things i found shopping today i had to share ☆*☆
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here's my favorite quote from the article !!
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i am rotting from the inside out
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letgomaggie · 1 year
okay overanalysis brain is here but like,, pran my buddy i know that bag is important af to you but if you are climbing up a hill and have to pull someone else up maybe like heft that bag up first, why are you clinging to it with one hand and only using the other to help tian
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noxtivagus · 1 year
#🌙.rambles#ARGHHH TODAY WAS SO GOOD#w biology w the. oh my god i missed lab so much 🥺#i was just so curious n interested the whole time n it made me so so happy looking n managing stuff yk n#i'm rlly a fast learner 😭 i ended up helping some classmates w their own yk#literature tho i was so happy oh my god i was the only one who liked the 3rd short story the most#MARK ON THE WALL BY VIRGINIA WOOLF !!!! 🤍#ms. was talking abt how out of the three it's the most. complex? idk but a lot of ppl didn't understand it as well i think#MY CLASSMATES CLAPPED WHEN I STOOD UP BCS#for each story ms asked us all to stand up for which is your fav n so with mark on the wall i was uh. the only one#hflsfksjfs n then the last question before ending class.. smth w element of plot n what does it mean to be human#i was fucking restless in my seat but i'm so shy so my hand was shaking but#at the end i finally got the courage to recite 🥺 IM SO HAPPY IM SO PROUD OF MYSELF#n then today i think i actually felt for once that i'm part of my class bcs i'm usually so shy#back to that question tho. this is my fucking expertise#made me rlly realize i am such an empath :^) i won't deny my intelligence i love it actually#i think. a Lot. i do consider myself to be decently self-aware. i know myself well#i can. understand others more personally too yk? oh my god i'm rlly glad w what i recited in class hehe#i cld've said sm more but hflsjgksjfs >< i'm happy w how i presented myself#honestly when i'm not nervous or anxious i really thrive. i'd be a really good friend n lover maybe n. speaking comes naturally#when i'm not nervous 💀 n when i'm passionate abt smth bcs i cld speak on the spot n have a coherent yk lil impromptu recitation or speech#n do well <3 i rlly mean it when anxiety just fucks me up bcs i'm confident in my own self#in the car rn n earlier dad brought up the concert n said he was actually rather interested in going#yh he knows their genre n all 🥺 n uhm. of how lyrics aren't very 'wholesome' as he said T_T#OFC.... MY DAD LOVES MUSIC YK HFLSKFJS#he's interested in accompanying us bcs we need an adult but he. has work so :c#we'll buy the tix later i think but mom said like condition no tailor for our prom dress this year#YEAH NP FUCK LOOKING PRETTY. MUSIC IS BETTER.#maybe tailor w grad ball or wtvr next year >.> honestly i'm just all in for the experience.#i don't care much for looking pretty or having a date for just shows n looks n confidence. i care more for the experience as a whole
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