#i am so embarrassed i think in like 1 out of every 3 messages i sent to mutuals about this i spelled the name wrong
coffinsister · 6 months
Hey mutuals if you get a follow from a blog called @angel-advice that's us !!! We remade our main so it finally shows it if we follow back ! :3
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hajiberry · 2 years
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Kirishima- “baaaaaaabe, hiii I’m out and well I mean I’m not really out anymore I’m on my way home. In an Uber cause no drunk driving duhhhhhh but actually I’m not even drunk so I actually could’ve driven but somebody I won’t name names was being a bit of an asshat and wouldn’t let me drive. But oh my god I love yousomuch like you know I love my guys but god I miss you every time I go out. And yes I know I’ll see you when I get home but your gonna be sleeping and I’m gonna be sad but honestly might wake you up because I wanna kiss you. Okaaay pulling up to to the cribbb noww BYYE”
Deku- “okay let me start by saying I’m only slightly under the influence right now. Like honestly barely, I didn’t even drink that much but sometimes I feel like because I never had a college experience to build my tolerance up I’m still a lightweight at 24 but anyways I’m on the way home and I keep thinking about how much I love you and I miss you so much and oh my god I don’t know what I’d do if we ever broke up. Not that I want that to ever happen but like oh my god how could I even function? I’d probably drop from number 1 to like in the hundreds 'cause I’d be that useless without you.” *starts crying and the rest of the audio message is him crying*
Todoroki - “y/n, I’m currently in midoriyas car because he’s driving me home because I accidentally drank too much at the after-party for the award show. I’m so sad you couldn’t come, like I know the anniversary party for your parents is really important that’s why I’m flying out tomorrow to be there for it. Shit, that was a secret. I hope you don’t listen to this because then you’ll know I’m on a plane coming to see you in like 3 hours. Honestly don’t know how I’m going to function hungover on an airplane but I think I’ll manage, I mean it’s not like it’s a commercial flight so I should be good. Damn it well I was originally going to say I love and miss you. Which still stands but I’m gonna go now because I think I’m going to throw up” “TODOROKI NOT IN MY CAR PLEASE”
Bakugou- “fuck. I’m so drunk right now and I hate even admitting that but that’s how shit-faced I am right now that I can even admit that I’m drunk. This is why I should never go out with my idiot friends, they make me drink and then I end up talking about you and that’s so beyond embarrassing. Not that you’re embarrassing I just don’t need them to know my business like that. Kirishimas driving me home right now which I feel like speaks volumes about my lack of good judgment right now. I don’t even know what the point of this message is I just wanted to say you’re one of the most tolerable person I’ve ever met and I really fucking love you. Okay bye this idiots smiling at what I’m saying and it’s creeping me out.
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thealternateuniverse · 5 months
A Misunderstanding
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Y/N shut out the world by putting her headphones on, music blaring, as she walked towards the cafeteria with good spirits. Her weekend had been well spent after decluttering her apartment. Her dad had left her a message last night, informing her that he would be out of town but would return before their match against Iowa.
For some reason, she couldn't stop thinking about the Paranoia game from last time and how Paige had just revealed she was into Hannah Jump. Hannah was her teammate back in Stanford, and Y/N admitted, aside from being talented on the court, she was good in academics and... really pretty. It was itching her to know if Paige would pursue Hannah or not; after all, she had just admitted she liked her. Paige might appear as the fuckboy type among their lot but she might be the most decent one when it comes to relationship. She never pursued anyone ,yet, probably some flirtations but never to the point of dating. Her world seems to revolve only in basketball. Regardless, it is not her business.
She opened TikTok last night, only to be blasted by Paige Bueckers edits in her feed. The algorithm must have been playing some kind of joke on her, she thought, feeling a mix of amusement and irritation at the coincidence.
Shrugging off the thought, Y/N lazily slipped her hands into her hoodie's pocket and ambled towards her destination. Her train of thoughts got cut off when she almost stumbled, feeling a weight on her back that nearly sent her crashing to the ground.
"The fuck b— What the hell Paige Bueckers!"
Y/N exclaimed, cursing every inch of Paige's being as she struggled to regain her balance while supporting Paige's weight.
Paige, seemingly unfazed by the near disaster she caused, had the audacity to laugh.
"You nearly broke my back, Paige! I could've broken your face too!"
Y/N protested for the last time, yet still allowed Paige to remain on her back.
"Damn right, you're heavy," Y/N grunted under Paige's weight. It seemed she had no intention of getting off anytime soon. Despite being almost the same height, Paige had bulked up since her ACL recovery.
"Suck it up, Miller. Don't be a loser," Paige encouraged, oblivious to Y/N's struggle.
"Yeah, and you'll be the loser if I drop you here." she bit back a response.
By the time they reached the cafeteria, Y/N was already sweating, carrying Paige acting as a warm-up.
She hadn't actually seen Paige face-to-face yet, so when she dropped her off, she almost stuttered. Paige's hair wasn't tied up today, and she was only wearing her sleeveless compression top, which fit her perfectly, sticking it to the right places.
"Hey, Miller. I know I look good; stop ogling," Paige called out with a playful airiness, teasing Y/N as she caught her glance.
Y/N rolled her eyes, attempting to conceal her embarrassment from being caught gawking.
"No braids today?" she asked before Paige could further boost her ego.
"Kayla is out of town, so..." Paige shrugged. "You can braid it later before practice."
"Yeah, and make sure you took a shower today; I don't want some greasy hair," Y/N quipped with a playful smirk.
Paige feigned being hurt, putting both her hands on her chest in mock offense.
"You're so mean, dude. You don't know what some people are going through," Paige said, shaking her head while placing her hand on Y/N's shoulder.
"You're so dramatic. Now if you'll get out of my way please, I am hungry." Y/N retorted with a chuckle, nudging Paige playfully.
Paige stepped aside, allowing Y/N to pass, and followed after.
Y/N couldn't help but notice something different about Paige today; she seems to be perky.
"What's gotten into you today, Paige?" Y/N stopped and turned to confront Paige. The latter merely bestowed onto her a deep grin that extended to her eyes.
"Nothing, why? Is it a crime to be in a good mood?" Paige remarked, rolling her shoulders, a clear indication of her upbeat demeanor.
Y/N shook her head in disbelief but decided to let it go, opting instead to grab her breakfast.
"Stay put, Paige Madison, you're gonna ruin my braids," Y/N insisted, gently placing her hand on Paige's shoulder to keep her still while she worked on her hair.
"What's taking you so long? Kayla does it quickly," Paige complained.
In truth, Y/N was deliberately taking her time. She needed to steady her hands, unsure why they were shaking. After all, she'd done this countless times before. But being so close to Paige felt different, almost unfamiliar. And Paige's hair, soft and smelling of peppermint, tempted her to linger, to breathe in the scent and savor the moment.
"There, finally done."
Taking one last satisfied look, Y/N released Paige. "There, all done," she announced proudly. This time, she'd opted for a Dutch braid, a departure from Paige's usual signature hairstyle.
"Thanks, but I'm still the best," Paige quipped with a playful grin
"Oh, really? Care to make a bet?" Y/N challenged, a mischievous glint in her eye.
The team's lounge was unusually quiet following practice. The girls taking the opportunity to catch up on sleep after the exhausting training session.
Meanwhile, Y/N sat on the edge of her seat, nervously tapping her foot as she debated whether to open it or not. She found herself repeatedly switching it on and off, unable to make up her mind.
Cameron's message had left Y/N in a dilemma. Eventually, she rose to pack her things and switched off her phone. As she moved, she suddenly halted, blinking as the vision in her left eye began to blur. Panic welled up as she feared she might pass out. She turned around to her left, unaware of Paige, who had just emerged from the shower. Their heads collided.
"What the heck! Are you blind or something, dawg?" Paige exclaimed, rubbing the spot where they had collided.
"Oh yeah? And today I discovered just how thick your skull is," Y/N retorted, her tone dripping with sarcasm.
"But seriously, are you okay?" Paige asked, concern evident in her voice.
"Yeah, actually, I am blind. I didn't see you," Y/N admitted.
"Probably because your contact lens is off," Paige suggested, seeing the uneven eye color. Her left green and right hazel.
"Oh," Y/N replied, mentally chastising herself for forgetting her own condition.
"Here, let me help you. Stay put," Paige said as she draped her towel over a chair and gently guided Y/N's head with her hands to assist in fixing her contact lens.
"How am I supposed to know you're not going to poke m--"
"Quiet, almost done," Paige interrupted, her tone firm but reassuring.
As Paige worked, the room seemed to grow warmer. It was the second time they had been this close outside of the court, and Y/N found herself uncomfortable with her blurry vision, unable to clearly see Paige's features up close. Yet, paradoxically, she also found solace in the blurred lines, grateful that she wouldn't have to dwell on the details of their encounters today.
"There, done," Paige announced, and Y/N blinked, relieved to find her vision clear once more.
"T-thanks," Y/N stuttered, clearing her throat. Their eyes locked for a moment, but before the intensity could linger, Y/N was the first to break the contact.
"U-uh, I'll just pack my things," she mumbled, trying to ease the sudden tension.
"Y-yeah, you should," Paige replied awkwardly, her own discomfort evident in her voice.
Unbelievable, Y/N let out an exasperated sigh as her car refused to start. Of all the days and weather conditions, why did it have to happen now? How was she supposed to get home in this rain?
"This is ridiculous," she muttered, leaning her head against the steering wheel. The parking lot seemed endless, and she knew she'd be soaked by the time she reached the bus stop for her commute home.
She opened her phone, fingers tapping out a message in their group chat, hoping someone was still around in their class or lingering in the parking lot who could give her a ride home.
Upon sending the message, Paige was quick to reply, mentioning she had just gotten into her car and would swing by to pick Y/N up.
It was the third time Paige had come to her rescue, and it seemed like she always appeared at just the right moment.
Paige's Camry pulled up alongside Y/N's car, and she swiftly gathered her belongings before stepping out and securing her vehicle. She dashed toward Paige's car, a brisk pace driven by both the biting cold and her aversion to getting wet.
"Thanks, Bueckers," she muttered gratefully as she settled into the passenger seat, closing the door behind her.
"Anytime, Miller. What would you do without me?" Paige quipped, exuding confidence and earning an eye roll from Y/N.
As they merged into traffic, Waka Flocka's music blared from Paige's stereo.
"I need to swing by Walmart first; I'm running low on groceries. Hope you don't mind," Paige added, breaking the rhythm of the music-filled silence.
Y/N nodded in agreement. "Yeah, I can grab some for myself as well."
The rain had somehow mellowed by the time they arrived at Walmart. The two of them dashed into the store, snagging a cart and launching into their grocery run.
Paige peered into Y/N's meticulously organized cart, filled with salad ingredients and chicken, devoid of any junk food.
"How are you even full just eating that?" Paige teased, gesturing towards Y/N's cart.
Y/N glanced over at Paige's cart, which seemed more like a haul than a grocery run, stocked with proteins, organic chips, and various meats. It was clear Paige was focused solely on food items.
"Duh. Do I look like I have time to cook?" Y/n retorted with a smirk, her tone dripping with sarcasm.
Paige raised both hands in surrender. "Alright. For an athlete, you sure eat less."
Y/N, who had been chubby back in grade school due to her big bones, had made a conscious effort to monitor her weight when she got into basketball.
"I've got big bones. Plus, I was fat back in grade school. I easily gain weight, so I have to watch what I eat," Y/N explained.
Paige's curiosity piqued at the mention of Y/N's childhood appearance, but she merely mouthed an 'oh,' holding back her questions for the moment.
When they finished their grocery shopping, the two of them struggled on their way back to the parking lot, battling against the persistent rain. They did their best to shield the bags from getting wet, navigating through the downpour with determination.
Besides her earlier dilemma about Cameron's text, she finds herself faced with a new one. First, she struggles with the task of carrying the grocery bags up to her apartment alone, as she already has her gym bag filled with basketball gear. Second, she hesitates to ask Paige for help, knowing how much Paige has already done for her today. She waits until they arrive at her apartment before finally mustering the courage to speak up.
"Um, Paige, there's one more thing. I really need your help carrying these groceries," she stammers, nodding towards the backseat where the bags are piled.
"No problem at all, Miller. I've got you," Paige responds with a thumbs up and a playful wink.
"Thanks. I owe you big time for all your help today."
Y/N couldn't help but roll her eyes every time Paige proudly exclaimed, "What would you do without me?"
In the elevator, she nudged Paige to keep her quiet as Paige continued to prattle on about her indispensable role in Y/N's life.
A sense of panic washed over Y/N when she noticed her door was unlocked. Only she and her dad knew the passcode.
Upon entering her apartment, she was greeted by Cameron sitting comfortably in her living room.
"Hi," Cameron greeted awkwardly.
"Who let you in?" Y/N asked, attempting to hide her annoyance, though it came out with a grit.
"I, uh... asked your dad," Cameron replied nervously.
Y/N felt her jaw clench.
"You can—"
"The heck, bro, why are you standing there like a post or something?" Paige barged in, not noticing Cameron at first, as she followed behind Y/N.
"Sorry about that. Hey, let's drop off these groceries and grab some lunch at your place, yeah?" Y/N suggested.
Paige gave Y/N a confused look, not catching on until she noticed Cameron. Y/N glared at her, silently conveying a "play along or else" message.
Paige, on the other hand, finds herself uncertain of what to do. She holds Y/N's groceries, her gaze shifting between Y/N and Cameron, feeling like an inadvertent intruder.
"U-uh, w-well, yeah, sure," she awkwardly responds, inching towards the kitchen to set down the groceries. The palpable tension between Y/N and Cameron doesn't escape her notice.
"H-hi, Cameron," she offers as she passes by, to which Cameron responds with a polite smile. "Sorry, I must have interrupted your plans today," Cameron apologizes.
"It's fine. No problem. I'll just… yeah, groceries," Paige gestures towards the kitchen, trying to diffuse the awkwardness.
She retreats to the kitchen, giving the two space to talk.
"I'm sorry for coming here with short notice. I thought you read my texts," Cameron explains.
"I am busy. I don't have time to be on my phone all day," Y/N replies tersely.
Paige wonders how she ended up in this situation, feeling more like the one interrupting rather than Cameron.
"W-well, I am staying at a hotel. Let me know when you are free," Cameron offers tentatively.
"I have no free time. I have an upcoming match, so feel free to go back to California anytime," Y/N says casually.
"Y/N…" Cameron trails off, at a loss for words. With a sigh, she continues, "Alright, let me know when you are ready to talk to me. I'll be leaving."
Cameron gathers her things and departs. What the heck just happened?
Paige returns to the living room to find Y/N standing there, visibly distressed after Cameron's departure.
"Well… what the hell just happened?" Paige asks, trying to make sense of the tension.
Y/N sighs heavily. "Long story. I really don't have the energy to deal with her," she says, shaking her head in frustration.
"Do you still want to go grab lunch?" Paige offers, hoping to lighten the mood.
Y/N's head shoots up, her eyes lighting up at the mention of food.
"I think so. I am hungry," she admits, a small smile forming on her lips.
"Well, don't expect salad. I won't feed you that kind of crap," Paige quips, injecting a bit of humor into the conversation. ---------
They found themselves in a brief argument over whether to cook or dine out, but in the end, Paige's preference for eating out won.
Paige wasn't joking when she said she wouldn't subject Y/N to just salad. She orders some chicken wings for her, reasoning that it's just for one day, and Y/N can return to her original diet afterward.
"Well, we're fucked," Paige muttered, her ears growing warmer and eyes a mix of amusement and concern.
Y/N's brows creased, curious about Paige's comment. Her annoyance grew as her phone buzzed again. Opening it, she was bombarded with Instagram and TikTok notifications, causing color to drain from her face in realization.
"What the hell? They took this angle wrong in all ways. Do we look like we're kissing?" Y/N exclaimed, her voice unintentionally carrying across the restaurant. The heads of other diners turned towards their table, causing Y/N to bow her head slightly in embarrassment.
Paige, now red-faced, looked away, feeling the weight of the situation.
"Who the hell even took this clip?" Y/N continued, her annoyance evident.
It became clear that the video was taken earlier when Y/N's contact lens fell out, and Paige was helping her. The angle made it appear as if they were kissing, with Paige's back and her hands on Y/N's face.
"That's kind of awkward. It really does look like a compromising angle," Paige added, trying to diffuse the tension.
Y/N shook her head in disbelief. "I didn't know there's actually malice in helping people now."
"Let them think what they want to think. It's not like it's any of their business," Paige declared, trying to brush off the situation with a nonchalant attitude. When in truth, her heart is almost thumping out of her chest.
"Alright, for the sake of my peace of mind," Y/N said with a resigned sigh.
Just then, one of Y/N's block mates, Miller, spotted them from across the restaurant. "Yo, Miller. What are you two doing here? Are you like having some lover's quarrel?" he called out, his tone teasing.
Annoyed, Y/N grabbed Paige's arm and hastily fled from the scene, wanting to escape the embarrassment.
Paige couldn't help but overhear what Y/N's blockmate said. "Holy shit, it wasn't a no. They were really dating," he exclaimed to his friends.
Paige's heart sank as the reality of the situation sank in. "Now we're really doomed," she muttered under her breath, realizing the potential fallout from the misunderstanding.
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lilacstro · 2 months
私はスター//⭐watashi wa star ⭐pac: how can you embrace your main character energy this leo season
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happy leo season y'all <3 (July 23 to about August 22). This song has such a major Leo energy dont come after me frfr. So, this pac is inspired by the energy that we NEED to embody this Leo season... even from the corner of your room if that is where you are 24/7
I GET MONEY I AM STAR STAR STAR (the affirmations go hard lol)
also I saw the Sun card peak out in every pile while shuffling so that just makes it even better haha.
paid readings are open<3
decks used: spirits speak tarot and affirmation oracle.
choose a pile:)
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pile 1 pile 2 pile 3
support me on ko-fi :)
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Pile 1
I think you guys already have or will get some extra favors from people. It is surprising because I have an eight card tarot spread but I do not understand how it just became 10 tarot card spread. I think the very first message I am getting VERY clearly is connecting to your inside, yourself. Listening to your self. Pouring the cup of love you pour on others all inside yourself. Embody that divine feminine, wear that sexy black dress. Lyrics from Kehlani's song Good thing " I make myself up to dance in the mirror when I am at home" I would also suggest leaving away stagnant feeling, emotions and resentment. I see 111 as I am saying this. I would suggest writing all of this down and burning it away. DO NOT give your energy to what drains you, leave it behind. I would also suggest trying not to invest energy at multiple places at once and burning yourself out totally. Do not hurry or be restless, relax!! If you guys are wanting to start something new, learn something new, especially if some marketable skill, please do. Also, you can do ANYTHING you desire, anything you set your mind to. You can start from scratch and build all the way up to being a skilled person. Also, do not mind opinions, or embarrassment or being cringe etc, be open to embrace yourself, or even look like a fool, literally all you need is you. Pile 1 , "your give a fucks should be on vacation" lol. You are going to move so swiftly and so far if you leave all your burden behind that is not needed. Put your focus on things you can hold, feel balanced and keep your faith on things you are doing and you would see your confidence go>>>>> You guys do have some special energy since I see you getting that one special card I wrote out of feeling for this affirmation deck I have. Also please blast loud music that makes you feel like yourself, that is something I was picking up
Affirmations you can speak to yourself this month: 1. I am at peace with my past 2. I am divine 3. I open my heart to love 4. I go with the flow and feel my connection to the stream of life
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Pile 2
Boy you guys already SHINEEE. you also have the OG sun card come out what can I say. There is some attractive, vibrant nature to you, something shiny and sparkly about you. Now, I feel it would be a really good idea to wear some extroverted energy, or at least for a little while, and go out and show what you have got. I remember Olivia Rodrigo once saying " you can be extremely talented, but if you do not show up, what's the point". I have feeling that some of you might want to start a YouTube channel, cover channel or maybe even put your music out. No better time than now. If you guys have partners, the more you shine, you would brighten up them too. You guys are shining together!! and if you are not in a relationship, opening yourself, and letting yourself just be can attract you someone on a similar vibration to you. So what is the message we get? Embody the person and vibration you love. Choose peace over unnecessary drama and thrill, and you would see your light not getting dim. Express yourself and your emotions to people, talk to people, find new things and hobbies you may like, invest your time in doing things. Try multiple new things, unlike Pile 1 who felt more like having a one track mind and finding something they really enjoy from what they are already doing, you should infact find many things you like and occupy yourself, and find yourself and let yourself out is what I mean. YOU SHINEEE.
Affirmations you can speak to yourself this month:( I see 1333 as I type.)
1.I maintain alignment with my source energy 2. I silence my mind and listen intently 3.I follow my bliss (literally told y'all to let yourself out and try new things and people who you may match with vibration you embody) 4.I forgive myself and set myself free
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Pile 3
Ok, the very first clear message for you Pile 3, is separating yourself from chaos. There is also a message of opening yourself up, to give and receive, but both should be aligned to your will, who you want to entertain, what do you want to entertain and what do you want in return. Don't close yourself off, to neither giving or receiving, but be extremely mindful. Set boundaries. If you guys have a lot of overwhelming energy or draining interactions, step back and look inwards, look inside. There is also a message that you guys may spiral over things at times, maybe that is a habit, a person or situation, maybe even a bad sleep schedule for some of you, you indeed need to move past such habits. To tie it all down for you, your main character energy would come when you shine on the inside, and recognize it too. You can get whatever you want, I think if you guys have something you want to work towards or focus on, do it quietly and in serenity. Embody a comfortable energy. Your energy is the blanket your soul, spirit and body wear, and that energy originates inside you. Wear a comfortable skin, if you do not want to socialize, it is fine, you are not obliged to. If you guys are wanting to manifest something, visualizing and feeling it, especially before bed is a nice idea. Also, try maintaining inner peace and reflect, meditation would be a really good idea. So, in summary, you can embody your main character energy when you let your guards down, de puff your chest and create a serene environment for you to be in. I had the Sun card almost falling out, after which Moon came out, and it makes me think, you have two sides to yourself, and you do not need to embody the sun at night, choose your persona and what you want, who you want to give to. Balance the two sides inside and let them out at your comfort, this adaptability is your super power if used right.
Affirmations you can speak to yourself this month:
1.I am safe in the universe, all life loves and supports me 2.with clarity of mind feel abundance and worthiness coming through 3.I open my heart to love 4. I live in the paradise of my own creation (this adds meaning to both choosing your persona, your people, manifesting and even the message of turning inwards 5.my heart is overflowing with joy
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urlocaldesertdweller · 2 months
Reader X Mafia! Venture pt2
ah yes the wanted and requested pt 2
srry yall i took the more wholesome route cuz im a wuss. :,)I made Venture a hopless romantic cheesy kind of possessive person.?? help me (I also confirmed them listening to love songs during all of this thinking about u<3)
That one night you encountered the Sloan Cameron, you thought it was the only time you were going to see them, you thought that was that. You really thought you were going to have a normal life after that.
It's only been so many eventless days after that night that you noticed these "gifts" appear on your front door. First was a bouquet of thornless yellow roses. Considering you always doubted your own beauty and looks, you thought it was a mistake until you picked it up to find a pale brown envelope with "To (Y/n)" written in a yellow glitter gel pen.
In this city, you would've had the right mind to not pick anything suspicious with your name on it, the number of horrible things people can plan to lure people out of their protective homes to sweep them away. But considering you almost seem to be known for making bad choices you pick it up and rush into your safe home quickly locking it and shutting your blinds.
You felt like a little detective when you set the flowers and letters on the table under the light looking for anything you can find. A sign, a signal, a message something can bring a thought or an idea to your head but nothing came up until you finally opened the letter. Everything was written in what seemed to be an attempt at cursive and many smudges and cross-outs with more ink can be seen it makes you chuckle. This love letter you see looks like a messy 5th-grade paragraph.
"Well, you finally got the courage to pick up this letter mi amor! If you manage to figure out who sent this, well you got me! But anyway I just wanted to send you this so you wouldn't be too scared when more gifts come your way. I'll keep things simple for your pretty head gorgeous. You caught the eye of a dangerous but sweet person you have already met, everything you do and say makes my heart skip a beat more than any heist I can pull off. I want to give you every rose in the world and make you mine for the rest of my life. You truly catch my eyes more than any other relic or artifact from the past."
You have to admit that whoever wrote this was clearly in some cheesy romantic mood, but being honest the words made your stomach stir with clear interest despite the red flags appearing in your head. But looking further into the letter to find much smaller text, it seem that they completely had given up on the cursive and went back to normal handwriting.
"-P.S. If you know who I am (did I make it too obvious?) Please find me during the night, but you won't find me but I'll certainly find you! ;)"
You feel your hand twitch wanting to slap yourself in the face feeling the second-hand embarrassment radiating off of this goofy letter. You didn't have to think too hard about wondering who could've sent such a letter. You turn to the bouquet, picking it up. You inhale the sweet subtle scent, these would certainly brighten up the place along with its beautiful fragrance.
The realization finally hits you as you fill up your best vase with water. Someone likes you. Not only that but they like you enough to send you roses with a cheesy letter full of effort. Until your heart stops to remember who likes you, you know easily it's Sloan Cameron. But why? What could have possibly caught their interest about you.? Not only were you going to confront Sloan but you were going to question them.
It's night once more, you have mentally prepared yourself for this moment as you pull your jacket on. A normal life they said, a normal life that feels so out of reach now with a gang member having a crush on you. These past few days have certainly been full of mixed feelings, to say the least.
You step to your door, and you hesitate to reach for the knob a million thoughts rush to your mind. One was thinking about Sloan waiting for you and they will be waiting with a weapon in their hand, another says that they'll kidnap you and keep you as a love toy or something weird like that... It's really telling how you were feeling with most of the thoughts ending in a negative and dreadful outcome.
No, you can do this! If you can watch them bury a body, and outrun them, you can certainly face them when they supposedly confess to you about like like you. Yeah, you can do this!
You throw your palm onto the knob, completely ignoring the fact you just drenched it in your own sweat, but you swing the door open and step out with confidence! You were almost full of too much confidence as you nearly left the house with the door wide open, you scramble to lock it as you huff returning to your nightly stroll.
Of course, you always felt like something was watching you even before your encounter with Sloan. You stuff your hands into your pockets, and you keep on glancing all over the streets even taking a look from the rooftops as if Sloan would be there watching you from above like Batman.
It would be some time until you thought of walking towards where you first found Sloan, at the rotting graveyard where you caught them slacking during their work. You huff watching the environment change in minutes until you finally stop at the edge of the dry grass looking upon the tombstones.
You realize that where the fresh hole was now filled up with a pile of dirt with a wooden cross. You figured that this was the grave that Sloan Cameron just finished days ago. Despite Sloan killing numbers of people you can't even imagine, you felt that it was somewhat bittersweet for them to have some sort of respect to give the people proper graves.
You hummed and whistled shuffling around waiting. You almost thought about moving somewhere else until you heard boots echo through the small alley from your side you saw a figure in the shadows which made you jump a little. You seemed to always act innocent and dumb during situations like these.
You say loud enough to echo towards the walls of the alley. The figure starts to walk toward you, and the long silence makes you more nervous thinking there's a good chance that this isn't Sloan. Your legs feel the blood rush and you feel like running all of a sudden.
You panic as the figure starts to run towards you, they are too close for you to even try to run. You yelp to see the shadow enter the light. Even though you see Sloan stop right in front of you, you are still scared as you pull your hands up defensively with a yelp.
"Please dont hurt m-!"
"(Y/n) calm down it's just me!"
You hear them giggle which frustrates you with how cheery they can act after almost giving you a heart attack.
"...Sloan! Dont ever scare me like that again! I thought you were some crook wanting to kill me.."
You lightly shove them in the shoulder with a pout. They only keep on chuckling which makes you almost want to break your sternness for a moment.
"Alright alright I won't do it again I promise mi joya!"
They say with a wink which reminds you of why you came out here in the first place. You keep a stern look which seems to get the message towards Sloan and they almost seem to look like a kicked puppy. Besides the butthurt look, they can tell that you want to say something. You take this moment to finally take a peek at their clothing, it seems that they were still wearing the same work outfit but lost the thick jacket allowing you to glance at their well-built arms, the loss of their jacket gives you the possible idea that they were off duty.
"...What is it.? What happened.? Did you not like my gift.?!"
They seem to say everything out in a heartbeat clearly worried about what you are going to say. You only sigh and push a finger towards their lips hushing them before they can assume what's wrong. You tighten your eyes to which theirs widen but they quickly pipe down.
"You think too much. Just let me talk okay!?"
They dont bother with moving away from your placed finger and they nod with a mhm! Again you ask yourself how someone like them got such a dangerous and dark job.
"First of all. The flowers were nice and so I thank you."
You watch them smile a little clearly feeling proud of themselves that you liked at least half of their gift but they are quite down to hear you out once more.
"But! The letter dear god the letter..."
They cough and you watch their faces upturn into a nervous smile as they shuffle uncomfortably tugging on the collar of their tucked button-up.
"I dont know what to think honestly. And I was hoping that tonight could be where we can talk about this...thing you have on me. That's all, don't get all sweaty and scared yet!"
They look like they have been holding their breath for a while you guess suspecting a complete rejection. They exhale and they bend over their bends catching their breath before quickly shooting back up bright as ever.
"...Yeah we can talk! Yep, talking is my...number one thing heh..."
Never mind they still seem tense around you. You only sigh as you shift on your feet wanting to move around instead of staying at this gloomy graveyard.
"You dont have to keep up an act with me, I just want a simple walk and talk with you, set some ground rules know.?"
They perk up and step aside letting you leave the graveyard first with a bow. You can't help but chuckle at their charm with you, you can't deny that it warms your heart a little at the thought. You step out from the rotting wood fences and Sloan follows behind you eventually walking up beside you, you notice that ever since they have been keeping almost a look on you not the creepy kind but the more admiration kind which makes you chuckle.
"So... Was it all too much.? Yknow in the letter.?"
You look at Sloan with a small grin.
"Being honest, yeah if I hadn't met you before I would definitely think that I'd have a stalker."
They feel their cheeks redden up and they look down at the sidewalk stuffing their hands in their pants pockets.
"But whatever is going on, between you and me right now. I'm just going to need some time to think right now okay.? That's all I need, you can send all of the gifts to your heart's content but if you want you and me to know be a thing much more talking and discussions will be in order.!"
They lift their head and look up at you with a small grin, they look at you like a fallen angel for you gifting them a chance. You bump your shoulder into theirs jokingly to lighten the mood to which they find themselves giggling and bumping back.
"Me? Oh yeah! I'm surprised you haven't called the cops on me for finding me during my job! It's a gift alone that you are even talking to me with my kind of reputation! But yeah you can take all the time you need."
The two of you share a comfortable moment of silence seems that both of you are content with how this meeting is going. As you walk further up the street you pass the bar you left that one late night that led the two of you first meeting. You thought that you were going to pass and eventually do a turnaround until you felt Sloan's hands grip on your wrist stopping you right in front of the large entrance.
"Hey, my gang owns this building and bar yknow.? There is a really nice view from the high levels I promise you!"
Before you can even turn to look at them to speak they whip out their best puppy eyes shining straight into yours, they tug on your sleeve hoping that you play along...walking into the same building the gang that your supposed stalker also works for.? Yeah, you are dead before you know it. You only sigh which sends the signal to them and they smile the biggest you've seen them smile and before you know it they pull you towards the entrance ignoring the long line that stretches along the street then cuts around the corner.
You remember waiting in this long line just to get a good drink, you feel the pairs of eyes burn holes into your back as Sloan stops in front of a tall bodyguard who only glances at you and then at Sloan.
"Heya Tuilp! ...Dont worry about them, they are my guest!"
Tulip grunts and nods and Sloan drags you into the bar where the music blasts and the whole mood seems to shift in the main bar. The bar already made you feel out of your element until you had some drinks to relax your nerves.
But Sloan glances at you and giggles then continues to guide you through and past the main Bar to where the overall vibe and aesthetic of the building changes to one of more professionalism. From the high ceiling to the complete sets of marble walls and flooring. The glass elevator further amazes you and you are tuck in with Sloan. Your gaping mouth at everything tells Sloan everything about you during this.
"So I can tell you haven't been in this part of the building before!"
"This place is...certainly gorgeous..."
If the bar alone made you feel the odd one out, this much cleaner rich lobby-looking room made you feel like a wanted target. Sloan pushes one of the highest buttons and before you know it the elevator shoots up faster than you could think, which makes your heart race, the feeling alone of quickly gaining height makes your legs shake...it also didn't help that you had a bit of a fear with heights.
Sloan leans forward noticing your yelp then quick silence, soon watching your shaky legs they know. They can't help themselves so they grab onto your hand and hold it tight. You look at them and only grin and soon enough your mind starts to focus on the warm skin-to-skin contact between your hands instead of the continuing elevator.
Soon enough you hear a ding and the doors open behind you. And you smell the fresh air and feel the cool wind hit you, Sloan still holding on your hand interlocks your fingers into theirs and they lead you out into the warm night. You eventually let go of their hand and you walk towards the railing.
"Pretty nice huh.? I like to come out here from time to time when times get too rough for me..."
They join you by your side on the railing looking at you with a smirk seeing your stare into the sky. Sloan wasn't kidding, although you could easily see the stars back down from the streets. All the way up on the building Sloan's gang owned, you couldn't help but feel closer to the night sky and further away from the chaotic city. You feel yourself leaning on the railing feeling your eyes never cease to pull away from the tinkling and blinking stars.
"This is beyond beautiful..."
The two of you continue to look upon the shiny sky, the moon is bright enough to place a light on the two of you. Your eyes finally break away to look around on the surrounding floor. You quickly realize now that this was the sky roof and a part of the roof garden. Now you know how Sloan got the roses for you, you can't help but think that this was slightly planned by Sloan and you eye them up with a smirk before nodding towards the large garden. Surprisingly everything looks happy and thriving for living in a city like this.
"Did you plan on taking me up here to the garden as well, ya charmer..."
"Well, you could say that I did have some sort of plan to show you one of the prettiest places I know! I'd just thought it could be nice to share it with someone who isn't from the gang yknow.?"
You walk further into the garden, and you hear Sloan's boots thump against the floor which makes your heart beat just a little faster, you never thought that you could have such a fun time with a gang member on a rooftop. You turn all around to look at the variations of plants ranging from vegetables, and fruits, to flowers.
"Oh? Would you say that all of this gang stuff weighs down on you from time to time.?"
They stay quiet and you turn to look at them with a look of concern.
"I'll take that as a yes then..."
You'd figure on changing the subject with taking their hand in yours and taking them towards the thorny rose bushes. A wave of the scent reaches you sense and you hum hopping to talk about roses instead of prodding with personal business with Sloan. They already seem to set their mind on the flowers, they take in a white rose in their hand cupping it, and bring it close to their nose. They slowly inhale and exhale seeming much more happier now which makes you relieved.
"Good to know where the roses came from then.!"
You chuckle as you glance at the bright moon finally noticing how bright it is with being able to see your...at this point, you'd forget with names and call them your date considering how intimate this is looking. They chuckle finally pulling away from the roses to look at you with the sweetest smile, maybe it was your unnecessary jacket for tonight but you felt a little warmer with their smile towards you.
"Yeah, I always looked for the best for you!"
The two of you share a laugh comfortably together once more until you hear a click... This makes the both of you widen and awake, but it seems that Sloan looks more nervous than you, which makes your heart race.
"Um, Sloan what was-!"
They grab onto your hand running which makes you yelp, you hear one more click then you realize what it was. Timed sprinklers, water shoots out all over the place. At that moment it almost felt like the sprinklers were getting more water on you and Sloan than the actual plants...
You both scream as you feel your clothes get soaked with water giving the extremely uncomfortable feeling of the clothes sticking to your skin. You walk too far into the rather large garden, and you watch Sloan just stop in the middle still getting hit with water they turn towards you their hair no longer fluffy and messy. You both look into each other's eyes feeling a message being sent through eye contact.
You can't bear your awful jacket anymore and you finally shuck it off feeling completely relieved and feeling 10 pounds lighter. Honestly the water eventually just felt like a nice outdoor shower...with your date.
You share a moment of silence before breaking out into a fit cheering and jumping. You had to admit the city would have its heatwaves even during the night somehow so this felt heavenly. It takes you a moment to realize that Sloan wrapped their arms around your waist and your jumps match in rhythm. Honestly, you didn't care what they did to you because, in your equally messed up head, you felt yourself catching feelings for the Mole.
"Whoo! This is amazing!!!"
"...I LOVE LIFE!!!!!!"
Eventually, the sprinklers stop leaving the two of you soaked, you stop jumping and you have nothing else to do but look at each other. Maybe it was the soaked feeling kicking in. Maybe it was Sloan holding you by the waist. But you felt yourself leaning in forward...
Honestly, when you closed your eyes you didn't know what to expect but you felt something soft against your lips. You open your eyes to see that Sloan is holding a freshly plucked rose between your lips and theirs. You felt a little embarrassed not only with how Sloan juked you but also realizing how much you fell for this person. Nevertheless, you pull away to watch them grow a smirk and they chuckle. You playfully beat against their shoulder which only makes them laugh harder to the point they start to wheeze.
They drop you on the ground as they hold their chest and whip a tear away.
"Oh my! I'm sorry I couldn't help it I'm sorry!"
You quickly find a way to get back at them by taking advantage of them being busy with laughing. You cup their cheek which stops them completely and you lean in to peck their wet cheek with your lips. They go from a laughing mess to a flushed stuttering mess, they bring their hands to their face trying hard to cover it.
"I wasn't ready... How dare you surprise me! Mind you I loved it but...yknow.!"
You only grab on their arm now you are the one dragging them away out of the gardens to find some method to dry each other off...
i did it :,) im rlly hoping yall like it even if I went the more cliche cringy route, maybe soon I can write a different more dark route if you want!
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mysticalmallard · 2 months
Stood up
Description: Opie takes a chance and goes on a date. Part 1 of the Opie and the waitress mini series.
Word Count: 2,583
Warnings: none I think
SoA Taglist: @arkytiorlecter @aimkatsz @ravennaortiz @darqchilddaydreamz @mischiefnevermanaged89-blog @hatersaremymotivators @theshynerdsworld @thefrogytimes @youngadult9016
♥︎ If you wish to be added or removed from this taglist comment or message me ♥︎
1 • 2 • 3 • 4 • 5 • 6 •
SoA Masterlist ♥︎ Main Masterlist ♥︎ Series Masterlist
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Opie sighs softly as he stands and looks in the mirror, adjusting the collar on his shirt. He runs his fingers through his hair, slicking it back before giving up and letting it fall down to where it usually sits.
He glances at the bedside clock, groans when he sees the time, and then grabs his wallet as he heads out the door. He wasn't excited, in fact, he didn't want to be doing this, but the prospect of just being alone was even less appealing to him. His kids need a mother figure and he can't continue living the way he is.
The café they are meeting at, just outside of Charming, is quiet and fairly peaceful. Opie is sitting at a table, waiting on his date to arrive as he sips on a coffee. He glances at the door every time it opened, but he hasn't seen her yet.
A half-hour passes and his date still hadn't shown. Opie can't help the sigh that leaves his lips. It makes sense that she didn't show, and that he really is meant to be alone.
A waitress brings over a small cake and places it in front of him.
"Oh..I didn't order this" He hurriedly says.Opie looks up at the waitress before looking at the cake in front of him with clear confusion.
"I know you didn't, but it looked like you could do with cheering up" the waitress says softly.
He looks up at her Opie can't help the small smile that comes to his face, even if he does find it a little embarrassing that he was pitied by a stranger when he was waiting for a date that never showed.
"Thank you" he murmurs as the waitress gives a kind smile and heads over to the next table, leaving him to the cake.
Opie glances around the quiet cafe, and after a moment, he grabs the fork and starts to eat the cake, it's rich chocolate flavour giving him a sense of relief as he takes the first bite.
In fact, it tasted amazing, and Opie was soon finishing the whole thing, licking his lips as he sets the fork down. He grabs a napkin and wipes at his mouth as a shadow comes over his table.
He sighs as he stands, grabbing his wallet and pulling out a few bills to leave for the waitress as a tip, before he makes his way out of the cafe and to his bike outside.
Outside he spots his waitress stood outside in her coat her purse on her shoulder frowning at her phone glancing up the road every so often.
Opie stops mid-step when he sees the waitress stood there, and he can't help the look of confusion that comes to his face when he catches sight of her frown.
He glances up the road that she is looking down, curious as to what she is waiting for.
After a moment, he finally decides to approach the waitress, walking over and clearing his throat to alert her to his presence.
"you waiting for your ride?" he asks, a soft and almost gentle tone to his voice.
The waitress startles, obviously not expecting anyone to approach her, and it's not hard for her to recognise the handsome man that had been sitting in the cafe for over an hour.
"Uh...yeah, I am" she replies as she turns to look at him, a slight hint of embarrassment in her voice as her cheeks flush pink.
Opie stuffs his hands in his pockets and glances up the street one more time.
"You been waiting long?"he asks her, his eyes studying her face as he sees the redness in her cheeks.
The waitress gives a soft sigh and nods her head. "Yeah, for about 30 minutes. I was supposed to meet someone, but I think I've been stood up" she mutters as she runs a hand through her messy hair.
Opie can't help but give a scoff at her words. "You're not the only one. Whoever you were meeting is a fool" he huffs in reply, an unexpected anger in his voice.
The waitress raises her eyebrows at the tone in his voice, surprised to hear the anger in his words, even if she doesn't exactly know why.
"Oh? So you were stood up too, huh?" she asks him with a slight smirk.
Opie gives a slight nod of his head. "Sure was. Don't know why I thought this was a good idea" he replies dryly as he rolls his eyes.
The waitress gives a soft chuckle. "What a pair we are, both stood up on the same night" she teases, the smirk never leaving her face.
Opie gives a small snort before he shrugs his shoulders as a smirk appears on his own face.
"Guess so" he replies slowly, glancing down at her with a raised eyebrow.
The waitress smiles as she moves to lean back against the wall.
"I can't believe people are so rude. You would think they could at least have the decency to cancel when they change their mind" she mutters, crossing her arms over her chest, sighing to herself.
"I only agreed to the date cause I'm the only one left in my friend group, not married...I guess they thought I needed someone too ..." she turns her head up towards him "what about you? where did you meet your lovely date?"
Opie gives a scoff as she leans back and he moves to mirror her, turning his body towards her.
"An online dating site" he replies bluntly. "I ain't had a serious date since my wife died" he tells her with a soft edge in his voice, almost surprised that he is opening up to a stranger.
The waitress's face softens as he spoke, she never realising that he had lost his wife. The expression in his eyes tells her he doesn't want pity, something the woman can respect as she stays silent and gives him a small nod.
Opie gives a sigh as he looks up at the sky, trying to hold back the wave of emotions that are threatening to take over. He is glad that she stayed silent, he does not need to be coddled, he never has. "You going to be okay to get home?" he asks her, turning his attention back to the woman in front of him.
"Yeah, I think so" she mumbles looking back at her phone.
Opie stares at her for a moment before he gives a small nod, almost as if he is coming to a decision.
"How far do you live from here?" he asks, almost reluctantly.
The waitress looks up at him, almost a mixture of surprise and curiosity on her face. "About 15 minutes away" she replies slowly, not knowing where this is leading.
Opie grunts before he glances up the street once more, his eyes returning to her.
"You mind if i make sure you get home safely?" he offers, his voice gruff and quiet.
The waitress is surprised by his offer, and it honestly takes her a moment to reply and realise she had not in fact imagined it. But eventually, she does reply. "Oh..i couldn't accept that im sure you've got other places to be, I'm sure I could get ahold of someone to give me a lift" she answers not wanting to be a burden.
Opie doesn't let her finish her sentence, and he huffs as he gives a small shake of his head.
"No one should be walking home on their own at night, and you could be waiting ages for anyone" he replies gruffly. "Let me take you home, it's no issue..." he stands up off the wall. "come on my ride is over here" he nods in the direction of his bike not leaving any room for any argument.
The waitress doesn't really have a chance to reply, not that she actually wanted to. Her eyes widen at his blunt tone, but she pushes herself off the wall anyway and looks towards the spot that he had nodded to, and her eyes fall on a large harley.
She hesitantly follows him towards the bike, still not exactly knowing what to think of this man.
Opie glances over his shoulder as he moves towards his bike, almost amused by the look on her face. He can practically see the nerves coming through, as she glances at the bike.
"You ever been on a motorcycle before?" he asks, his voice gruff, as he lifts his leg over the bike and straddles the seat, waiting for her to get on behind him.
The waitress takes a deep breath as she steps closer to the motorcycle, it is certainly a lot larger than she expected and she suddenly questions the safety of the thing.
"no..." she mutters before she moves to climb on behind him, grabbing onto his shoulders to steady herself.
Opie can feel the weight of her behind him and the grip on his shoulders doesn't exactly go unnoticed either. A small smirk appears on his lips at the realisation she is nervous.
He starts the engine and glances into the side mirror at the woman sat behind him.
"You might wanna hold on tight," he says as he pulls off the side of the road.
The waitress lets out a small yelp as the bike lurches forward, and she quickly wraps her arms around his waist, gripping tightly as she does. They travel down the streets for several minutes, the woman behind him holding on tightly.
The feeling of having her arms wrapped around him ignites a low flame in Opie, reminding him once more how very lonely he has been since Donna died.
Opie can't help but smirk at the feeling of her practically shaking in fear behind him as the drive continues. "You okay back there?" he calls back over his shoulder with a chuckle.
"Yeah! I'm fine!" the waitress calls back, her voice loud over the engine as they speed down the road.
The waitress can't deny that there is something exciting about being on the bike, the wind in her hair, but she is also terrified to the core. She buries her face against his back, holding on for dear life as he takes a sudden turn.
Opie's smirk only grows as he can feel the grip on his waist tighten with every turn of the bike and every turn in the road. The thought of having a woman hold on to him, even if it was for her own safety, is something he isn't going to give up easily.
"your gonna have to give me some directions here" he calls out turning his head over his shoulder.
The waitress nods her head frantically as she lifts it from his back, before taking a quick glance at the street signs as she realises how close they are to her home.
"I'm just up here. Take the next right" she tells him, her voice shaky, and she buries her face against his back once more, as they make the final drive towards her home.
They arrive in front of a small apartment complex and Opie brings the bike to a stop, lifting his foot to balance the bike as he glances back at her. "This where you live?" he asks gruffly.
"Yeah..." she mumbles still clinging on to him.
Opie grunts in reply as he looks back at the building in front of them. It's not a nice building in the slightest. It looks dirty and well-worn, definitely not a place he would like any woman to live.
He glances back at the waitress as she continues to cling onto his shoulders, feeling her still shaking against him. "You gonna let go any time soon?" he asks, a hint of amusement seeping through his voice.
She lifts her head and realises that she was still holding on to him. Her face flushes pink yet again, having been so focused on being scared and the drive that she hadn't even realised.
She slowly lets go, and swings her leg over the back of the bike, ungracefully dismounting and standing up on shaking legs.
Opie reaches a arm out grabbing her shoulder to steady her.
Opie can't help the smirk as he watches the waitress wobble on her feet, clearly still shaken from the ride. "You gonna be okay? Or should I carry you upstairs?" he teases, his hand still on her shoulder.
"No...I'll be fine, thankyou for rhe ride," she says, trying to tame her hair, feeling embarrassed.
Opie watches as she tries to tame the hair that was messed up by the wind, and he can't help but think how much she suits the messy look.
He grunts in reply as he removes his hand from her shoulder, a reluctant motion as he wanted an excuse to keep that contact.
"It was no problem." he mumbles sit sat on his bike unsure of what to say now.
The waitress stands in front of him, an awkward silence that neither of them are sure how to break.
His phone started ringing, breaking the silence. Opie pulls his phone out of his pocket and glances at the screen, grumbling when he recognises the number.
"I gotta answer this" he mutters as he brings the phone to his ear."yeah?" he answers gruffly, his eyes still on the waitress standing in front of him as he hears a familiar voice come through the line.
Bobby's voice filters through the phone as he speaks, a touch of frustration in his voice. "Where you at? We got some business we need to sort"
Opie sighs as he glances down at the floor before replying "I'm on my way, gimme 30." He mutters, his tone leaving little room for argument.
Opie hangs up the phone and glances back at the waitress. "Duty calls" he tells her with a shrug.
The waitress nods, not wanting to be a bigger inconvenience to the man who has already done so much for her.
"Well thankyou again...er.." she realises she never got his name.
Opie can't help but give a small chuckle as he glances at her. "Opie, name's Opie" he tells her gruffly.
"Opie...well thankyou" she mumbles stepping back from his bike "maybe ill see you around?" She asks a hopeful look on her face.
Opie grunts in reply as he pushes the bike back. "Yeah, maybe" he mutters, trying to keep his tone casual, not letting the fact he actually wants to see her again show too much.
The waitress stands awkwardly for a moment, before starting to head towards the entrance to the apartment building. She turns around just before she reaches the door and gives him a small smile and a wave before heading inside.
Opie watches as the woman walks through the door and disappears inside. He lets out a sigh as he climbs back onto the bike, before gunning the engine with a screech and speeding down the road in the direction of the clubhouse.
Opie's mind is clouded with thoughts as he rides, the memories of what he had wanted his night to be like, and what it actually was.
He can't get the waitress out of his head, something about her had ignited a fire within him, something he hadn't felt in a long time.
He rides faster, trying to clear his head as he heads back to the club.
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thirdnap · 9 months
Here is the life update of my past 4 years.
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I began this blog many years ago in 2012 when I was only 14 years old, and I then slowly gained the courage to start posting art at 17 when I joined the K fandom. It's wild to think that I am now 25!
I was never quite consistent in posting since I only shared my art here whenever I felt like it, but it slowed down ever so gradually to basically 1 post a year for Yata’s birthday. This blog helped me with my fear of showing my art to others as I was incredibly embarrassed of my work for a really long time.
I soon moved to the USA from my homeland and attended animation school for 1 year, and then studied illustration and visual development for 4 years and I managed to accomplish many things I never could have imagined. I graduated with honors this past May, was selected by the faculty and head of department as my major’s trustee scholar, completed my 84-page art book thesis, got a few pieces into the Society of Illustrators, and my school even shot a mini docu-film about me, my art and my life where I got to share my upbringing. Art school was very demanding and at times tough but I managed to get a lot out of it :)
In July of this year, I moved to California from Florida and I’m much happier than I’ve ever been. I come from a very small country so I never expected to get this far in the art world. I drew Yata for fun in my bedroom whenever I wanted to and now I’m in LA breaking into the animation industry (receiving my first credit too!)
the drawings I share here are a very very small part of the illustrations I make weekly. I wish I could share them with everyone as I’m very proud of them but I enjoy separating my fandom life from my real life a little too much! Surprisingly I am working as a background artist at the moment despite never drawing backgrounds in this blog lol. I think many of you would be surprised at how different my work is from irl!!
It hasn’t always been great, so I don't want to make it seem like it's been all perfect. I’ve had many hard times too and at the moment I am extremely homesick since I haven't returned home in a long time but I think these are needed sacrifices.
However, I'm excited for 2024. I'm looking forward to growing as an artist and my goal is to continue to have fun with art as much as I have right now. I think I’m lucky to have a great support system including my best friend @fuurais who has been by my side for 10+ years and I managed to convert into a K artist too <3
Thank you for the support, for the kind messages, and for the excitement every time I post. I am always happy when I think of this blog and the friends I made. I unironically think about Yata every day as he is past being my comfort character tbh. I am currently writing this with full-on orange hair that I've had for a few years now lol.
I don’t think I’ll be as active as I was at 17 but I will try to not ghost this blog completely. There are a lot of things I haven’t drawn yet that I really want to do and I'd love to share those drawings with everyone.
Lots of love -
Tael <3
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minki-moo · 1 year
♡‧₊˚ 𝙤𝙣𝙚 𝙘𝙖𝙡𝙡 𝙖𝙬𝙖𝙮 𝙥𝙩. 2 ♡‧₊˚
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pairing ♡ mingi x f!reader rating ♡ e for explicit tags ♡ office au, boyfriend!mingi, long distance, petnames (mingi calls reader baby, pookie, slut), smut, phone sex, toys, f!masturbation, m!masturbation w/c ♡ 1.9 k pt. 1
a/n ♡ here's part 2! this is loosly based off of that one mingi post (the one with the suit iykyk ;) )
mingi, wearing a gorgeous pant suit, pins you against a wall. staring at you, he says nothing as he leans in closer, kissing you ever so gently. you kiss him back, slowly adding more pressure against mingi’s lips as you feel his hands slowly move towards your chest. a silent moan escapes your lips as he takes your clothed nipples in between his fingers, pinching them ever so slightly. 
the kiss started to get more heated as mingi parts his lips and licks your bottom lip, asking for entry. you comply, letting his tongue explore your mouth in ways that make you weak in the knees. in an attempt to keep yourself upright, you put your left arm around his neck. with your other hand, you reach down in between mingi’s legs, trying to find his growing bulge.
a sudden vibration jolts you out of your sleep. you grab your phone and look at the time. 6:20 am, a few minutes before your alarm is set to go off. deciding to get up early, you roll out of bed and wash up for the day ahead.turning on the shower, you sink down to your knees, pulling your hair in embarrassment as you recollect the mess of a dream you had the night before. making sure the water is as cold as you can handle, you stand under it for a few minutes, trying to calm down the ache in between your legs.
after drying your hair and getting dressed for the long day ahead, you check your texts.
minki <3: gm pookie <3
minki <3: hows my lil ray of sunshine?
minki <3: i miss uuuuuuu
minki <3: pls dont ignore meeeeee </3
minki <3: im sowwy for falling asleep last night
you feel your heart skip a beat when he mentions last night, but you regain your composure quickly as you answer.
you: gm mingi! 
you: im getting ready for work now
you: i miss u too &lt;3
after sending the last message, you pack up your things and head out the door, your head still full of thoughts that can only be described as scandalous.
it’s friday, meaning there's a slight buzz in your workplace. everyone is ready to leave, either to head home and sleep through the weekend, or to party like there is no tomorrow. 
but for you it means something even more special: your first video call with mingi.
when he first left, mingi promised that he would free up his fridays and weekends for video calls, since 5 minute calls every day just wouldn’t cut it for the new couple. so, just until you two could be together again, a video call would have to do. 
time seemed to move so slowly as you worked aimlessly, your foot tapping in anticipation for what was to come.then finally, 5 pm hit, and you could not have left any faster than you did. 
on the way home, you pass a store that has always intrigued you, and after slight hesitation, you walk in, overwhelmed by the products, but sure of what you were looking for.
after a long shower, you put on a long sweater and shorts, wanting to be comfy for your impending call with mingi. he was supposed to call you at 8 pm your time, and it was 7:30, so you had some time to open your latest purchase: a 5” long purple vibrator and some lube
your boyfriend was miles away and at this point, your other methods weren’t cutting it anymore.
you needed more.
after opening the packaging and reading the instructions, you put in the batteries, and lean on the headboard of your bed, shorts now pulled down to your ankles. you start by touching yourself slowly, thinking about all the thoughts that have been plaguing your mind the past few days. you remember the soft moans coming from the phone, the ones that made you so, so needy beyond comprehension. 
slowly building up your arousal, you stop touching yourself to open the bottle of lube and pour some on the vibrator. spreading a good amount over its length, you put the vibrator in between your legs, and turn on its lowest setting. you jolt a little, a small moan escaping your lips as the new sensation rocks your body.
the more time you spend using the device, the more you increase the settings, and the more pleasure you feel. how were you so ignorant to this pleasure before? your moans get louder and more frequent as you feel yourself getting closer to your climax. twisting your body, overwhelmed by the waves of pleasure, your body longing for release. you start to crave something more. you needed mingi. you needed him to touch you, to call you pretty, to make you feel good. you needed him to use you, and make him yours. all this fantasising tips you over the edge, as you call out mingi’s name over and over again as your orgasm crashes over you like a wave.
reality sets in as you realise what just happened. cumming to the thought of your boyfriend was not something you expected to do.
and in almost comedic timing, mingi decides to call you.
still experiencing the after shock of the most intense climax you’ve ever had. you scramble to clean yourself up, pulling your shorts back up and wiping up the sweat that had gathered on your face.
taking a deep breath, you answer the phone, feeling your heart tighten as the smiling face of your boyfriend pops up on your screen.
“why did you take so long to answer?’, he exclaims, sounding slightly disappointed but still sporting his signature smile.
he’s sitting in an armchair, his white shirt unbuttoned on top, revealing a tasteful amount of skin. the rolled up sleeves have his veiny arms on full display.
god, your boyfriend is so sexy 
moving your damp hair away from your face, you smile.
“i was just busy. i didn't expect you to call so early”.
mingi squints his eyes. “you were busy? doing what? you look really sweaty and i know you don't work out”.
you give him a look of mock offence. 
“i-i can work out, you know”.
“mmhmm”. he gives you a sceptical look. “of course you can. but seriously, what were you doing?”
“nothing. seriously. it's not important”.
mingi still wasn't buying it. he knows you tell him every little thing, even if it seemed small and insignificant; you loved talking and he loved listening.
“what, is it so embarrassing that you can't tell me”, he asks, smirking a bit.
your face starts to heat up, still thinking about the orgasm you had earlier thinking about him.
“oh really? then why do you seem so flustered?”.
“i’m not!”.
his coy smile starts to annoy you. god, why does he know you so well?
“aww, come on, it's not like you were, i don't know, touching yourself or anything”.
the silence after his statement is almost deafening.
mingi’s eyes narrow. “you weren't touching yourself, right?”.
even more silence. you don't dare to speak as your embarrassment takes away your ability to defend yourself.
“show me”.
your head shoots up, looking at your phone screen in shock.
“w-what do you mean ‘show you’?”.
mingi leans back, crossing his arms and smirks at you.
“i want to see you make yourself cum”.
those words alone were enough to make you shudder in arousal. this new side to mingi was a welcome yet surprising development. you loved the way he looked at you, as if your neediness amused him.
“well, are you going to show me, baby?”
once again, his words made you shudder as you nod your head slowly.
“i can't hear you. use your words, doll. can you touch yourself for me?”
if you weren't ready to die of embarrassment before, you are now. you manage to take a deep breath and mutter a small “yes”, which seems to satisfy mingi.
“go ahead, baby, i'm watching”.
slowly removing your shorts, you realise you had forgotten to put your panties back on. mingi also seemed to notice this, as he let out a long whistle.
“fuck, that’s so hot.”
you sudder again, not from his words but from the air that hits you in between your legs, the wetness from your earlier “fun” still very much present. mingi’s eyes glistened, and an expression you've never seen on his face came to light.
your sweet, gentlemanly, goofy mingi had become someone you had never seen before. some who, if he could at that moment, would take you and make you his in an instant.
the thought of him rushing home, striping you and fucking you sensless makes you even more aroused than you were before.
taking a deep breath, you start touching yourself, slowly caressing yourself the way you were before. your poor clit still throbbing from earlier was extra sensitive, making you whimper.
looking up at your phone, you see mingi staring at you with his hungry gaze, palming his growing bulge. seeing him so turned on by you makes you shudder, as you slowly get closer to release.
“m-mingi, i-”
“are you close baby?”.
you quickly nod, as your fingers move faster on your swollen clit.
“such a good girl. making yourself cum for me. my cute slut”.
another shiver wracks your body at the nickname. you didn't know why such dirty words affected you the way they did, but at that moment you didn't care. all you cared about was cumming for mingi, making him watch what a few words from him could do to you.
“baby? can you do something for me?”, mingi asks as he continues to rub his cock, now free from his pants but still clothed in his underwear 
“nng, y-yes?”.
“can you finger yourself for me?”.
you pause, your mind still foggy from chasing your orgasm. did he just ask you to finger yourself? you, who could barely buy a vibrator?
at this moment, however, you didn't care. you wanted to listen to mingi. you wanted to obey him, to cum for him. so, cautiously pushing one finger inside your needy pussy, you slowly start to move it in and out, feeling nothing at first. 
you hear a groan come from mingi, as he stares at you pleasuring yourself. keeping his eyes on you, he pulled his now fully hard cock out of his underwear. 
oh, he's big.
you watch as he starts slowly stroking his cock, using his thumb to catch the precum that had started gathering. if you could get more aroused, you definitely did. you made mingi like this. you turned him on to the point where he had to relieve himself, in front of you no less.
watching this scene unfold in front of you, you quickly pick up the pace, fucking yourself with your finger while using your other hand to play with your clit. your moans became more laboured as you grew close to your orgasm again.
“m-mingi i-i’m gonna-”.
“cum for me”, he pants, stroking faster as he chases his release. “cum for me princess, please”.
those words were enough to tip you over the edge, cumming all over your fingers as you scream his name. after coming down from your high, you look at mingi, his flushed face and panting making you feel slight horny again. seeing your boyfriend like this made you feel so satisfied.
without thinking, you say in a small voice, “i miss you.”
mingi looks at you and gives you a small smile.
“i miss you too, beautiful”.
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waterlilychaser · 5 months
olivia rodrigo is secretly regulily (aka how i think every one of her songs relates to lily evans and regulus black)
brutal - “i’m so sick of seventeen, where’s my fucking tonnage dream” you can’t tell me this isn’t regulus as a death eater. if choices was a tv show, i would play this song as his intro after the time jump and you can’t tell me it wouldn’t SLAP
traitor - i’m not a big fan of a jegulily cheating fic because i want them all to kiss eachother on the mouth in succession, but i have read some fics where lily and james are together but then he leaves to be with regulus, so i think this song could be from lily’s perspective in a situation like that. or vice versa!
drivers license - sounds like lily being betrayed by regulus joining the death eaters and the cult against people like her tbh
1 step forward, 3 steps back - i feel like this song would be what it would be like to date regulus black. i love him, but his partners would never know where he’s at in a relationship.
deja vu - again i feel like this could be about either regulus or lily being jealous or resentful of the other once they go and be in a relationship with james. i find them to be really similar characters in a lot of ways, so i think it suits it really well
enough for you - the title says it all. this is a regulus black anthem.
happier - another potential lily/regulus/james triangle angst situation
jealousy, jealousy- i see this one for lily because growing up with a sister and living with girls all the time i think it would be really easy to compare yourself to them a lot. and also when you are in such close proximity to people you tend to learn a lot about them, see what kind of lives they lead, and end up feeling like you fall short in comparison.
hope ur ok - “well i hope you know how proud i am you were created, with the courage to unlearn all of their hatred” is actually lily evans talking to regulus black actually
all american bitch - i headcanon lily as half american sooo this is too perfect! also like the criticism of the ideals of the perfect woman play into the way lily’s character is often reduced to just a mother when she can be so much more
bad idea right? - regulus would definitely pull something like this, be so for real
vampire - i’m thinking this could be about lily and snape actually but idk
lacy - lily’s lacy is petunia and regulus’s lacy is sirius i will die on this hill
ballad of a homeschool girl - regulus regulus regulus!! regulus feeling like everyone got the guidebook of life and he never did
making the bed - regulus :( he’s so tired of being the girl that he is
logical - hear me out, regulus lying to lily and james that he will leave his family for them. this song would be them in the aftermath realizing just how he never intended to fight for them to be able to stay together
get him back! - wait why did i just imagine a fic where lily and regulus both have the same ex and somehow they meet eachother and are like omg that dude sucked so then they team up together to get him back and they do all the things (key his car, kiss his face with an uppercut, etc.) but as they do they fall in love with each other and their shared devious abilities and what if the ex was james and instead of getting him back they get him back and then jegulily happens?
love is embarrassing - regulus would absolutely think live is embarrassing and that’s why he’s always in denial
the grudge - i think i’ve heard people say the grudge from lily’s perspective is about severus and the grudge from reg’s perspective is about sirius and i support this message
pretty isn’t pretty - okay so i think most people imagine regulus as being really pretty, and i almost feel like pretty people put so much identity in their beauty that it feels like all they are worth. and so when being just pretty isn’t enough, it leaves you being not enough, which again is regulus black’s inner monologue
teenage dream - this is just soooo marauders coded of a song, works for reg, lily, and everyone else
obsessed- this would also go crazy as a jegulily ah where one of them dated james first and then broke up, then he gets together with the other and they become obsessed with the ex
girl i’ve always been - lily and snake friendship song for sure
scared of my guitar - aside from the guitar part, i think this song feels very regulus coded like “if i was brave and noble like you, id have the nerve to stop stringing you along”
so american - again half american lily serenading either her french boyfriend regulus or her british boyfriend james
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lexleif · 4 months
rant about my life and how it’s going rn (not good and super long)
so I do have a job but since I’m an esthetician it’s commission based which means I only get paid when I have a client. since its summer it’s been dead I’ve been working here for about 3 weeks now and I could probably count how many clients I’ve had on my 1 hand😭 yeah so really bad. so that also means I’m not getting paid even when I am at work just sitting waiting for someone to book or doing promotion things. my industry is REALLY hard so I did expect it to be slow at first but not this bad! another thing is while wasting gas at my current job I have been actively looking for hourly paying jobs and I’ve had like 2 otp interviews and 1 actual in person interview. I’ve basically applied everywhere I can even jobs I don’t necessarily qualify for. all that with nothing to come of it and I do like everybody else have bills to pay like rent and such. I’ve really just been surving off my dead mom’s life insurance policy money and that’s also hard bc my family doesn’t trust me to have access to it on my own. (There’s a whole story behind this but the distrust really comes from them bc they still think of me as a child and had an issue with me using mary jane until i had to tell them my dead MOM was absolutely fine with it and knew about it!) anyway so every time I need money even just for food I have to ask one of my family members to write me a check and it’s embarrassing bc the literal checks have my OWN NAME on them and she still writes that’s it’s for me on them😭! that’s also an added stress to my life bc I already have a hard time asking for help bc most of the time it comes with some sort of judgement (about my career or anything). so I’m super stressed out now bc my family member just lmk that the funds for my mom life insurance policy are frozen and that’s scary asf! I’m grinding for clients but that doesn’t have a guarantee and it also doesn’t help that my bf lost his job a month ago as well. his car being totaled by a tree in January and his family being of no help or support for that at all😭 (mostly his dad bc he had the title to his car and couldn’t find it for months and chose to get it fucking mailed which takes forever) bc we need to try to sell it. of course my bf has been doing his best with trying to find a job that’s close bc he’ll need a bike at the least to get to and from. also our lease on our apartment that we live in (my bf moved in with me a little before my mom died). it’s just the lease is up in July and we’re both pretty much freaking the fuck out about how we’re going to make it. It’s also very hard for me to even try to explain this to my family (older millennials/boomers) about just how hard it’s been to just try to make it and have enough money for food, gas, rent, etc. so if we can’t make rent for next month we’re both pretty much fucked I’ll have to live with my grandparents and my bf will need to move back in with his dad probably but I know he hates even the thought of that bc they’ve always had a bad relationship and he’s just not a good father in general.
I just needed to rant bc I have no one else of than my bf who I can talk about this with so if anyone can relate in the slightest or just understand what I’m talking about please feel free to message me we all need support :)
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captain-mj · 1 year
Any chance we can get something building on your graves shepherd TikTok?! I'll offer you some ribs for it?
Just the 141 coming to work with the shadows and Graves and the shadows keep trying to ask the 141 to tell their boss to stop creeping on their commander. It's creepy and in their opinion Graves deserves better.
I am so willing to do that!!
Price had noticed something was... off. All of the Shadows glared at Shepherd every time he walked in and they grouped around Graves whenever he was around too. Once he started paying attention, he noticed a few things.
Shepherd made a comment about their uniforms, specifically saying it really suited someone of Graves's body type. He openly stared at Graves's ass and put his hand right on the small of his back. It was extremely uncomfortable to watch. Shepherd also stood a lot closer to Graves when give the opportunity, to a noticeable degree.
3-1, who Price was fairly certain was named Jason, ended up finding him and cornering him later. "Can you please tell your creepy ass boss to back off my commander?" He crossed his arms, glaring.
Price paused. "Talking about Shepherd?"
"Yes. We've all noticed his behavior around Graves. We don't fucking like it." 3-1 looked embarrassed but determined. He had a lot of nerve to talk to Price and he respected that.
"What exactly is he doing?" Price had of course noticed it, but he wanted to see what Jason would say.
"He's been sending him weird messages and making comments about him. He asked me yesterday if he was a Barracks Bunny." He hissed it out.
Price blinked. Oh that was a lot worse than he had thought. "I see."
"So tell your gross ass boss to leave my boss alone. He deserves better than that old, bald fuck." Jason turned around and walked off quickly.
Price blinked, not entirely sure what he could do about it. He supposed he could call Laswell.
Laswell grimaced and told him she'd keep an eye on it. She was working on base at the moment so it was perfect timing.
Price started putting himself next to Graves when he could, usually positioning himself between Graves and Shepherd. Graves mirrored him, always getting a bit a closer. He noticed his eyes seemed to linger on Price more and he took it for gratitude.
Another one, 2-2 he was pretty sure, asked Price if they had an HR.
"Uh... Kinda. Why?"
"I'm pretty sure your boss's actions fall under sexual harassment. I think you guys need sensitivity training or something." She huffed at him, narrowing her eyes.
"Ah... Um... Yeah, about that. I've been watching and I've reported into Laswell."
She nodded. "Good. You'd think as old as he is he'd learn. I mean... you've learned by your age."
"My mum raised a gentleman and I'm not that old."
"Really?" She started to laugh.
"I'm 37!"
"Oh, I don't doubt that. I meant british people really say mum like that? You say it like the flower. Chrysanthemums." She laughed harder.
"This is why no likes you guys."
"Eh. We don't like you guys either. Well... most of us don't." She looked him up and down but left before he could respond. Talk about sexual harassment. This was becoming a very unsafe work environment. At least, that's what he told Simon who laughed and said she was probably flirting.
Then it happened. The biggest incident.
It was a very small meeting. Alejandro, Price, Graves, Shepherd and Laswell. Just the top leaders of each group with the addition of Laswell since she worked adjacent to Price. Shepherd was still at the base and Price was pretty sure he was pushing it off for this reason.
They talked with Price barely paying attention. He kept making eye contact with Graves who sat right next to him, Shepherd on the other side. Their hands ended up brushing under the table and Graves went a bit rigid, quickly putting his hands in his lap and glaring at him like Price had been trying to hold his hand.
The other two left and Price got up. He grabbed a cup of the coffee they had nearby. It wasn't his favorite but with the missiles and everything, he hadn't really been sleeping.
Graves backhanded Shepherd. Price missed the inciting action but that sounded painful.
Shepherd stared at him and Graves stomped out with Price on his heels.
"You okay?"
"He grabbed my ass. He'll learn not to do that again." Graves snapped, glaring at Price like he was also a culprit.
"Okay. Got it. But are you okay?"
Graves sighed. "I'm... fine. Just... I thought when I quit the army to be a mercenary, I wouldn't have to deal with people like that." He sounded angrier than anything.
Price pat his shoulder like he would for his team. "I'm sorry. I was working with Laswell."
"I'm aware. Laswell asked me a ton of questions and I got a call from who I'm assuming was a very tired HR person. Or whatever the fuck you guys have as an equivalent." Graves smiled at him. He looked pretty when he smiled.
Price immediately scolded himself. "I'll make sure he isn't alone with you anymore."
"Good." Graves hit his shoulder rather hard. "I'll hit him again if I need to. I'm sure he'll learn eventually."
"Old dogs, new tricks."
"don't believe that. Any dog can learn. With this one, I just have to beat it enough."
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sequinsmile-x · 6 months
have you ever written a fic where emily and her daughter have separation anxiety by any chance ?? if not, possible prompt if you like! (LOVE everything you write, hope ur having a great day today<3)
hi bestieee
of course! <3 this turned into a 3 parter because of who I am as a person, so keep an eye out for the next two parts over the next week or so that will explore other moments in their daughter's childhood
hope you enjoy this, let me know what you think! <3
Slipping Through My Fingers
The one in which Emily and her daughter struggle with separation anxiety.
Warnings: None
Words: 3.3k
Read over on Ao3, or below the cut
Emily presses the touchscreen of her phone, blowing out a slow breath at the lack of messages. She focuses on the picture she has as her wallpaper and smiles, tracing her finger over her daughter's face, the baby fast asleep in her arms. 
The picture was taken six weeks ago on the day Stella was born. Jess had brought Jack to the hospital to meet his newborn sister. Aaron had picked him up and sat on the bed, the enthusiastic little boy wriggling in his embrace as he tried to make sure he was careful with Emily and Stella. Jess had snapped the photo of them all, the first photo of them as a family of four, and then she’d sent it to Emily. 
She’d set it as her wallpaper immediately, finding herself endlessly grateful for the reminder of the joy she’d felt that day in the difficult, relentless early days of motherhood. 
“Still nothing from JJ?”
Emily looks up at her husband, a flash of embarrassment rolling through her until she sees his soft smile, nothing but love and understanding flowing out of every pore. She clears her throat and shakes her head. 
“Nothing,” she says, reaching for her drink and taking a sip. Anxiety she’d felt since they’d left home, Jack and Stella in the care of JJ, bubbles low in her gut, burning up her throat and taking residence in her chest, filling the space her heart used to be before she left it at home. She blows out a breath and shakes her head at herself, “I’m sorry I’m ruining date night.” 
It had been his idea. She’d barely left Stella’s side since she was born, and the longest they’d been apart was an hour when Emily had gone to get her hair done, something that was again at his insistence because he knew she needed a break. He knew she needed this too, that she needed just a few hours where she was Emily, but he could see her resistance. The guilt and anxiety simmering under her skin getting worse with every passing minute, her focus constantly on her phone in case JJ called like she said she would if she ran into a problem. 
He’d spoken to JJ separately when he’d asked her to look after Jack and Stella for the evening, pulled her aside at work and crossed the boundary of professional and personal to ask for her help. He knew what Emily needed was advice from a friend who had been in the same position, and JJ’s gentle coaxing as she settled a slightly fussy Stella into her arms just a couple of hours ago had, albeit briefly, calmed his wife down. He also knew that she was worried about the fact she was going back to work in six weeks, the halfway mark of her maternity leave one of the reasons he’d decided now was a good time for date night, but he knew now wasn’t the time to broach that subject, his worst fear being he’d somehow make it worse. He reaches out and places his hand over hers, smiling softly as he links their fingers together.
“Sweetheart, you aren’t ruining anything,” he assures her, rubbing his thumb back and forth on the heel of her hand, “I’m having a good time.”
She chuckles humourlessly and shakes her head, her eyes fixed on their joint hands, “I don’t think sitting with your wife whilst she obsessively checks her phone counts as a good time, honey.” 
He lifts their joint hands and presses a kiss to her knuckles, “Any time I spend with you is a good time.” 
She presses her lips together in a failed attempt to hide her smile and she rolls her eyes. She never thought that she’d fall in love with someone quite like him. Someone who could disarm her so quickly, his love for her both unexpectedly soft and unrelenting in its nature. Sometimes when she told JJ and Penelope about him, about the things he’d say when it was just the two of them, they struggled to believe her. The romantic and charming man he was in private completely at odds with their stern and serious boss. 
“You say the most ridiculous shit sometimes,” she says, squeezing his hand, “Sweet. But ridiculous,” she finds her gaze drifting back to her phone and she growls in frustration at herself, “God, what is wrong with me?” She rests her head on the hand not linked with his, her fingers tangling into her hair, “I’ve never felt like this before. When we don’t see Jack because he’s at school or we are at work I miss him, but it doesn’t feel like this.” 
He knows he has to choose his next words carefully, so he takes a moment, playing the conversation he’d practised in his head more than once over the last couple of weeks. He knew his wife well enough to know this was coming, her love for Jack one of the many things he loved about her.
“It’s different,” he says, wincing internally when her face already starts to fall, “You-”
“I don’t love Stella more than I love Jack, Aaron,” she says fiercely, trying to remove her hand from his but he just holds on tighter, “I love them the exact same-”
“I know you do,” he says, cutting her off this time, not wanting her to get into her own head about it, “But Jack was older when you came into his life as his mom. Taking him to school or us going away on cases has always been part of your relationship with him,” he says, grateful when he sees the tension in her shoulders melt away as quickly as it had appeared. “I know you love him, Em. Our kids are so lucky to have you as their mom.” 
She blushes at the compliment, one she could never hear too often, her insecurities always taking residence in her chest whenever she couldn’t settle Stella, or Jack was in a bad mood. Seeds that had been planted long before she ever decided to become a mother, so sure that her own mother’s lack of maternal instinct was genetic, that she was doomed to repeat the cycle. There were moments when the insecurity would bloom, the flowers of it taking up all the space in her chest and making it hard to breathe, but Aaron was always there. Always happy to reassure her and pull her insecurities out by the root, slowly healing the wounds that only he could see. 
She fights a smile but fails, only able to roll her eyes when he winks at her, pride for making her smile swelling in his chest before he turns serious, sensing her need for reassurance. She’d never ask for it, but she never had to. 
“It’s normal to find this difficult,” he says, “She’s your baby. You’ve never been apart from her like this before. It’s an adjustment for you both.” 
She blows out a shaky breath. It catches in her chest and it makes her ache, a feeling that had become all too familiar these last several months. She’d, optimistically, hoped that once she’d given birth her hormones would balance out quickly. Her lack of emotional control was her least favourite side effect of pregnancy by far. She hated not being able to hide how she was feeling, the walls she’d built around herself when she was still too young to understand what she was doing crumbling around her at the smallest thing. She was even driven to tears on several occasions by the fact she couldn’t stop crying, something that Derek had once taken great joy in until she threatened his ability to procreate if he laughed at her again. Her dislike of being constantly emotional outweighed her hate of even the extreme nausea she’d experienced in the first trimester, something that had made her sensitive to every smell including Aaron’s cologne. He’d taken it in his stride, as he had with everything, and he’d taken to not wearing it anymore and glaring at anyone who ate something near her that triggered her nausea. 
She looks up to the ceiling to try and stop herself from crying, a desperate attempt to save the make up she’d painstakingly applied, surprised that she even remembered how to after 6 weeks of very little sleep. 
“I…I feel so unsettled,” she says, placing her hand on her soft belly, the skin still looser than she was used to, “She’s either been next to me or living inside of me for the better part of a year.” 
He feels his lips curl up into a smile at the tone of her voice, as if she’s chastising herself whilst simultaneously proving his point, “Exactly. You will adjust though, sweetheart. I promise.” 
She nods, having no choice but to believe him, “Does it get any easier?” 
“Oh god no,” he says quickly, shaking his head, his smile getting wider as she laughs loudly. 
“Jesus, Aaron,” she says, chuckling again, “You couldn’t have lied to me?” 
He squeezes her hand and leans across the small table to stamp a kiss on her cheek, “Never have, and I’m not about to start now,” he pulls back and she takes the opportunity to capture his lips in a quick kiss before he settles properly into his seat, “It’s never easy, but you do get used to it.” 
Her smile shakes and she nods, clearing her throat to try and shift the emotion that had settled there, “I guess that will have to be enough.” 
He lifts her hand and kisses it, and they settle into the silence for a moment, both of them enjoying it, a luxury they so rarely had these days, “Come on,” he says, kissing her hand once more before he lets go, “Let’s order dessert then we can go home.” 
She smiles at the mention of something sweet, her love for chocolate immediately boosting her mood. She picks up the menu and starts to look over it, aware of Aaron’s gaze burning into her. She looks up and finds him staring at her, having made no attempt to pick up his menu.
“What?” She asks, raising an eyebrow at him and he shrugs, finally breaking his gaze and looking at the menu. 
“Nothing, you just look beautiful, that’s all.”
She presses her lips together, love and want spreading through her, burning her from the inside out. She looks at her menu and moves her foot under the table, smiling when he jumps when she runs it up his leg, pride that she could still do this to him rushing through her. 
“Speaking of dessert,” she says, purposely not looking up at him, “I am wearing some very nice new lingerie under this dress,” she smiles as her eyes meet his, “So if we get the baby down to sleep easily…” 
She drifts off and has to stop herself from laughing at how wide his eyes are. It had been a long six weeks for both of them, and her doctor giving her the all clear just a couple of days ago had been nothing short of relief. His brain seemingly comes back online and he looks from her to the waiter, grabbing his attention as he walks by. 
“Check please.” 
Emily hums quietly as she looks down at Stella, smiling softly when she sees that the baby is already half asleep, her eyes drifting shut as she unlatches from her, milk drunk and content in her mother’s arms. 
“We need to burp you first, sweet girl. Then you can go back to sleep,” Emily says, lifting her to rest her against her chest, rearranging her dress and bra as she does so, she kisses the side of Stella’s head and gently pats her back. She breathes her in, the sweet scent that she’d come to associate with her daughter over the last several weeks washing over her, creating a sense of calm that eases the last bit of anxiety in her chest, “Mommy missed you tonight.” 
When they got home, Emily had barely acknowledged JJ, throwing her friend a quick smile as she went upstairs to see Stella. Aaron had stayed and said goodbye to their friend for both of them, thanking her again for looking after the kids so they could go out. Stella had been asleep when they first got home, but it hadn’t lasted long. It was as if she’d sensed Emily was in the room, waking up almost immediately when she walked in to check on her. Emily was grateful for it, not only because she’d wanted to hold her, but because her breasts were almost bursting, and she didn’t want to pump. 
“I figured you’d be feeding her,” Aaron says as he walks into the room, a glass of water and a chopped up banana on a plate, “I brought you your snack.” 
She smiles as she looks up at him, Stella letting out a timely burp that makes them both laugh, and Aaron walks over to join them on the small couch they’d bought for the nursery. 
“We just got done,” she says, resting her cheek on the top of their daughter’s head, “I’ll have some of that banana though,” she says, but before she can rearrange her hold on Stella to reach for some, he holds out a slice for her. She rolls her eyes, but says nothing as she opens her mouth for him to pop it in, “I need to text JJ,” she says as she eats, “Apologise for not saying thank you.” 
“She gets it, sweetheart,” he says, passing her another slice of the banana, “She’s a mom too. She gets it.” 
She hums and looks down at Stella, smiling softly when she sees she’s fast asleep already, content and safe in her arms, “I missed her so much, Aaron,” she says, shaking her head as she looks up at him, “We were gone for what, three hours? And I missed her so much. How…how am I going to go back to work? Go on cases and be away for days at a time,” she sighs and cups the back of Stella’s head, tracing the swirl of dark hair, the same cowlick that Aaron had that she’d always been fascinated with even before they were together, “I don’t know if I can.” 
He stares at her as she continues to stare at Stella, and he waits for her to say something else, to clarify further, but she doesn’t, “You don’t know if you can come back to work?” 
She blows out a shaky breath and shrugs, “I’d like to carry on working. Just…maybe not with the BAU.” 
She wasn’t even aware that was truly how she’d been feeling until she says it, but all of a sudden everything she’d been feeling for weeks clicks into place. The panic she felt whenever she thought about going back to work, a job she loved that had once defined her, instantly making sense. It had always been the plan that she’d go back to the team after her maternity leave. It seemed obvious. JJ worked on the team still even though she’d had Henry, Emily and Aaron did despite having Jack at home. Leaving the team had never even crossed her mind until she saw her daughter’s face, the doctor’s words that she’d had a girl still ringing in the air, the sex of the baby something they hadn’t found out until that moment. 
She knew she’d feel the same way even if they’d had another son, but when she was alone in the hospital that first night, Aaron at home with Jack, she’d looked at her daughter and wondered what her own first night of life had been like. If her own mother had sat and stared at her and thought about all the things she could be. 
Aaron nods and clears his throat, making sure his smile is encouraging as she looks at him, “If that’s what you want, we’ll make it work.” 
They’d agreed on it long before Stella was born, and Jess said she was happy to help with the kids when they were away on cases, but Aaron would be lying if he said he hadn’t seen this coming. He’d seen it in his wife’s face whenever anyone mentioned her going back to work, how she’d hold their daughter just a little tighter each time, and a part of him wished that he’d suggested this a long time ago, that he’d pushed it a little more than just an initial idea when they were planning what their life would look like after their little girl was born. 
“Would you be disappointed in me if I didn’t come back?” 
Her quiet words draw him out of himself, and he only realises then that he’d gone silent. The concerned look on her face makes him put his arm around her, around them, and he kisses his wife’s temple. 
As her boss, it would create some work. There would be paperwork, interviews for her replacement, trying to figure out what she herself would do next, but as her husband, he was more relieved than anything else, and he’d do anything to make sure she got what she wanted, what their family needed, even if it meant talking to the director himself. 
“There is nothing you could ever do that would disappoint me,” he says, his sincerity easing her anxiety, “On a selfish level I’d miss having you with me,” he smiles softly and reaches out to tuck some of her hair behind her ear, “But never disappointed. If anything, I’m proud of you.” 
She frowns, her cheeks burning pink with the compliment, and she bites the inside of her cheek, “Proud of me?” 
He nods and kisses her forehead, his hand resting over hers on their daughter's back, “I’m always proud of you,” he says, kissing her forehead again before he pulls back, “And as I said earlier, our kids are lucky to have you as their mom.” 
She smiles, her face bright with it, the same smile he hopes their little girl will one day inherit, “They are pretty damn lucky to have you as their dad.” 
“Don’t say damn in front of the baby.” 
She rolls her eyes lovingly, ignoring his playful chastisement of her cursing, and she uses it to move the moment forward. They had a lot more to talk about, she knew that, but right now she wanted to flirt with her husband. She wanted to take advantage of the small amount of time they’d have before Stella woke up again. She smiles and shifts closer to him, making sure not to disturb their sleeping daughter, and she purposefully lowers her voice. 
“Feed me the rest of my snack,” she says, nodding towards the plate still balancing on his lap, “Then we’ll try and get her to our room without waking her up and put her down,” she bats her eyelashes at him, “And then I’ll show that new lingerie I told you about.” He stares at her for a moment and she laughs, leaning in even closer, “Focus, honey,” she says, winking at him, a smirk spreading across her face as their eyes meet, everything she’s feeling reflecting back at her in his eyes, “We have an hour or two at most before she wakes up again and I have plans for you that involve the shower.” 
He smiles, his gaze flicking down to her chest, to the peek of deep purple lace he can see sneaking past the hem of her dress. He picks up another slice of banana, his focus on how her tongue pokes out to lick her lower lip, “Yes ma’am.” 
Tag List:
@ssa-sparks, @ptrckjcne, @lyds102, @glockleveledatyourcrotch, @hotchnissenthusiast, @danadeservesadrink, @ssamorganhotchner, @emilyprentissisgod, @notagentprentiss, @freesiasandfics, @emilyshotchniss, @thecharmingart, @paulitalblond, @hancydrewfan, @camille093, @whitecrossgirl, @moonlight-2-6, @rawr-jess, @florenceremingtonthethird, @jareauswife, @ms-black-a, @beebeelank, @aubreyprc, @zipzapboingg, @psychopath-at-heart, @criminalmindsgonewrong, @fionaloover, @kinqslcys, @prentissinred, @ccmattis-22, @denvivale317, @thrindis, @hotchsguccitie, @cmfouatslota77, @alexblakegf, @aliensaurusrex, @prentissxhotch, @emobabeyy, @victoiregranger, @stormyweatherth, @wanderingdreamer009, @ssablackbird, @luhwithah, @lex13cm, @prentiss-theorem, @dont-emily-me, @mrs-ssa-hotch, @jocyycreation, @itsmytimetoodream, @hotchnissgroupie, @controversialpooh, @capsshinyshield, @canuck-eh
Join my tag list here!
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class-1b-bull · 1 year
Class 1-b as random things me and my friends have said to eachother!
I tried to get everyone multiple times but some characters got more than others </3
There is a lot of cussing, name calling and mentions of virginity but dats about it. Plus a brief mention of drug dealing.
:] :] :]
Bondo- uh yea?
Manga- i knew you were cringe but a virgin? Do better man.
:] :] :]
Awase- ctrl z dosent work on tattoos actually..
:] :] :]
Kuroiro - the atoms will align because im hot like that. *runs straight into a wall*
:] :] :]
Kamakiri - the riddle isnt that fucking hard your just dumb as shit.
Kosei - can I give them a hint?
Kamakiri - no, fuck you.
Awase - you had to high expectations for me and tokage when making this riddle.
Kamakiri - I litterally looked up riddles for kids.
Tokage - well im obviously not a kid so that probably why I cant figure it out..
Kosei - can I pleasssseeeeeee give them a hint.
Kamakiri - fine whatever.
Kosei - ASS!!
Kamakiri - you know what? Actually... shut the fuck up!
Kosei - its a good hint!
Kamakiri - no the fuck its not.
Rin - no actually thats a great hint. Want me to demonstrate?
Awase - what is there to demonstrate???
*litterally 3 1/2 hours later*
:] :] :]
Kendo - just letting you know, your a great friend. And I really care about you.
Kodai - being nice to me wont change the fact that your ass at mario cart.
:] :] :]
Shiozaki - *running up to kendo full sprint* hey um- quick question, could jesus do a kick flip? SPECIFICALLY with the kids hello kitty skatebord that crack dealer tried to sell us...
:] :] :]
Shishida - I dont like gossip but I thought I should let you know that monoma thinks your a drug dealer...
Kosei - why? Is he a cop?
Shishida - no but-
Kosei - is he buyin?
:] :] :]
Shoda - *crying in a voice message to the class b group chat* I just got into a car wreak and the cop had to pull me out of my carrr *loud as sniff* while fucking doja cat was talking about sucking dick... and it was really embarrassing. Oh! And I broke my leg I guess but whatever.
:] :] :]
Pony - Want my autograph? Too fuckin bad bitch! Im Beyonce type famous now I dont have TIME for your annoying ass.
Kodai - what happened?
Komori - she got 15 likes on a tumblr post.
:] :] :]
Tetsutetsu - MEN CAN LACTATE?!?!?!
Kosei - *loudly starts playing carless whisper in the distance*
:] :] :]
Kamakiri - shut the fuck up I only came over to your house to watch madoka magica and pet your cat now where the fuck is kitty kitty bang bang?!
:] :] :]
Honenuki - hand.
Honenuki - HAND!
Kuroiro - TAKE ME TO DINNER FIRST?! I aint ready for that kind of commitment man.
Honenuki - if you dont let me finish painting you nails I am going to kill your cat.
:] :] :]
Bondo - *crying while eating pretzels* he really did crank that soulja boy...
:] :] :]
Monoma - statistics show that I am better than you at litterally everything so riddle me this? If I am so fucking awesome why do I cry myself to sleep every night?!
:] :] :]
Reiko - that toddler is so fucking metal..
Like get it bitch. Tell your mom to fuck off for putting you in time out. Girlboss shit.
:] :] :]
Rin - that kid is litterally me.
Kosei - *earth shattering scream and falls off ceiling*
:] :] :]
Shiozaki - so is everyone that does crack jesus or just your mom?
:] :] :]
Shoda - thats a nice fucking rock...
Kodai - please dont fuck the rock...
:] :] :]
Rin - awase why would sen have a LIVE jellyfish inside of a lava lamp...
Awase - he would if he wasent a beta cuck.
:] :] :]
Pony - if I give you $20 can you draw the dude from highschool musical pregnant? Its for my cousins birthday.
Manga - first of all what the actual fuc-
:] :] :]
Shiozaki - believe it or not. But being a man. Ok? And sucking another mans dick. BEFORE MARRIAGE. Hear me out on this one... Is slightly againt the great lord above.
Kodai - jesus?
Reiko - no, ace ventura: pet detective.
Reiko - specifically after he climbed out of the rinos ass, naked.
:] :] :]
Sen - bro what even is this? Its low key ugly as fuck.
Rin - thats litterally me...
Sen - daymn *sticks photo in pants* ANYWAYS-
:] :] :]
Shishida - I get everyone is trying to stay calm but twerking to the fire alarm wont stop the fire!
:] :] :]
Rin - cute dogs!
Kosei - *lifting his foot* thanks I moisturize~
:] :] :]
Pony - i knew something was wrong with you when you laughed at my joke but not in the 'I watched mean girls' type of way.
:] :] :]
Komori - *walking around the house frantically*
Reiko - we would be out the door already if you didnt kiss all of your plants goodbye..
:] :] :]
Awase - I couldn't even hear that because me and kosei were talking about how hot she was.
:] :] :]
*Rin buddled up in like 20 blankets in front of a fire place*
Kosei - hot girl shit. *dives into the pile and face plants right into his balls.*
:] :] :]
Manga - can I eat your knees tall man?
Bondo - no thanks.
Manga - what if I asked in a uwu voice?
Bondo - still no.
Manga - daymn... alpha male type shit.
:] :] :]
Rin - you realize i am a dude right?
Awase - guys can have long hair?
Sen - of course they can have long hair dipshit.
Kosei - who cares if rin used to be a girl?! Hes a guy now and thats all that matters!
Rin - no I was always a guy...
Kosei - its ok man :D ill always be your friend <3
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finallydelight · 2 years
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day 1 :: Ming Ming loves Carats
day 2 :: Let’s have fun today as well!
day 3 :: If you read this, you’re pretty!
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:: It wasn’t until Day 3 that Ming had to perform her penalty song along with Coups, Jeonghan, Wonwoo and Seungkwan.
:: Carats had chosen ATEEZ’s Guerilla as the song that doesn’t suit her.
“It’s a very intense song, I feel like I’m having a heart attack.” Ming told Carats and her members before the song started playing.
:: She did the choreography really well and Carats hyped her up on social media.
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:: Ming was very surprised by the messages of their family members. She already became very emotional reading their words, especially the letter of Wonwoo’s father when he told then to stay together for another 20 years.
:: She figured her brothers or grandmother would write her a message, since she didn’t think her father would want to be involved with the fanmeeting.
:: Ming was heavily surprised when her letter came up, immediately sobbing as she read the first sentence.
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“Hello, Carats! It’s Ming’s father.
We’re sad that we can’t be there in person, but we hope that everyone who is present, is having a great time.
I don’t say it often, but I’m very proud of everything Yerim and SVT have accomplished since their debut. I’m happy they receive so much love and support from all of their fans around the world.
Yerimie, thank you for being the pride of our family. It’s never been easy, but I’m lucky to have you as my daughter. I feel at peace knowing you’re surrounded by 13 great brothers who have taken care of you very well.
Your mother would be incredibly proud of the person you have become. I may not be there now, but I’m sure she is looking down on all of you and enjoying the show.
I hope that SEVENTEEN stays together for a long time and that they’ll have Carats by their side forever.
(It’s just me in the picture, because your brothers were too embarrassed to appear on the big screen ㅋㅋ how do I take a picture with them? Let me know when you find out.)
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:: Ming didn’t even read the full letter, because of how much she was crying.
:: A lot of the members also cried reading her father’s letter, cause they know how complicated their relationship has been ever since Ming became a trainee.
:: She couldn’t continue the song and Coups guided her off stage, so she could calm down and re-do her makeup.
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:: Ming returned to the stage to share her final words with Carats.
“I know I don’t look very happy right now, but I really am,” she chuckled as she pointed to her teary eyes, “the letters were very cruel, the staff knew what they were doing.”
“I hope Carats enjoyed these three wonderful days, because I had a lot of fun and it felt great performing with the members again after such a long time.
I don’t speak about her too often, but I do feel like my mom has been here the past three days. I miss her a lot and I wish I could talk to her again, but life has its ways, I guess.
I’m very proud of my members and I’ve never felt closer with them than now. Normally, I feel a bit awkward saying this, but I love all of you very much and I’m very grateful to have you in my life.
Carats, thank you so much for everything! Without you, nothing would be possible and my life would be very dull. I love every single one of you and let’s be together until forever ends.”
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Taglist: @seolboba @cosmicwintr @mythicalamphitrite @billboard-singer @stopeatread @still-astray @sakuurra @multiplums @giverosespls @seongwhaffels @kimhyejin3108 @smoooore @smh-anon @cixrosie @allthings-fandoms @themalipirate @alixnsuperstxr @starlight-night0 @seokshineswiftie
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luxurybrownbarbie · 1 year
Hi! i have a therapy session coming along soon and i am going to confront my therapist regarding some things she has said...one of them being mentioning's of infidelity, she made comments which i feel like minimised cheating by saying 'sometimes good people do bad things..' and 'most people cheat bc they are insecure' etc
what are your thoughts on this and how would you go about confronting someone (i am not the best at it)
thank you x
This is way late, but I hope you managed to speak your piece and have managed to find a therapist who fits you better! 💛
Answering the last part of your message first: I cannot relate to disliking confrontation, but I generally think it’s best to remember that confrontation comes from care! Someone you care about being willing to bring something to you that made them sad/hurt/uncomfortable means they 1) care enough about you to bring it forward, 2) trust enough in your reaction that they will put themselves into a vulnerable space, and 3) actually value you what you say, including your thoughts and opinions. Confrontation gives clarity and helps build trust. And you can confront something without being cruel or combative. Confrontation can be as simple as saying, “Okay girl, what’s going on? Last Friday you were not acting like yourself.”
Now, onto the first part of your message. Infidelity is a sore spot for a lot of people, and I have very nebulous thoughts on it as a whole. I generally forgive women who cheat, I don’t think I’ve ever forgiven a man who has cheated. But in all honesty for me (just me!), there are far worse things that can happen in a relationship.
Especially because 95% of the time, infidelity is very cut and dry. When it happens, you know exactly what your partner thinks of you and you know exactly how much they value you and the relationship. It’s very rare in relationships to have that level of clarity on how the other person views you.
I don’t particularly care about it. If it ever happens, I’m going to pack their stuff and leave it on the front porch. Prenups have infidelity clauses for this exact reason. I’d be more offended if my partner cheated and then asked me to work through it, like, am I a doormat to you? Please be serious. And the girlies who take their cheating partners back and then spend the rest of their days giving themselves high blood pressure due to their elevated cortisol levels stress me out. Just *leave*! Risking a stroke for what reason?
This might be controversial to say, but I don’t think cheating is as strong of a dealbreaker to people as they think it is. If it were, we wouldn’t have so many advice columns, posts, subreddits, and therapists who all spend their time helping couples “move past” infidelity. People would just go. And truly, by staying, people are punishing themselves more than they’re punishing the person who cheated. That man got to have a no strings fling, come back and grovel for a bit, and still keep his family. That’s crazy.
I love her, but every five business days Gabrielle Union tells us how she’s never forgiven her husband or the outside child he had, but she’s still there. Who do you think is actually suffering more in this scenario?
Meanwhile Mackenzie Scott read the most embarrassing series of adulterous sexts in history and immediately retained her lawyer and got a tidy 64 billion dollars. Imagine if Jeff got to say “Sorry, I guess?” and stay with her. Imagine that.
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My weekly roundup CW 12
Well, I watch a lot during the week, as you all might know. I really want to write a little bit more about the stuff I watch, but time and work kind of get in my creative way. So I try to write down my thoughts after watching stuff to create a little weekly ranking on my, most of the times, quiet sundays (and because I love lists and this is a good excuse for me to create a new OneNote journal!).
Jack o'Frost was on hiatus this week, so it didn't make it on this week's list.
↑ 1. Our Dating Sim (Episode 5+6)
Oh my God! What a development! Now they are a couple and I am in seventh heaven with them. Eddy takes every opportunity to show Ian that he really really likes him and at the end of the 5th episode he is rewarded and so are we, with one of the best k-bl kisses there is. And the sixth episode has been pure fluff, right up to the last minute. I enjoyed every second of it, Eddy trying to ask Ian out, playful Ian liking to torture Eddy a bit, them both holding hands, that incredibly sweet scene where Eddy teases Ian that he knows very well that Ian has been watching him all along when he had his eyes closed then tells him I'll close my eyes now, do what you want and Ian just kisses him, jealous Eddy and that cute scene on the roof…. All except that darn text message…I'm dreading the next episode. But incredibly strong two episodes this week. It was definitely my favorite watch this week!
↑ 2. Unintentional Love Story (Episodes 3+4)
Won Young, you are cute, but sometimes you can't get a hint! Tae Joon tries to tell you that he likes you, and as we've already seen, he's a bit… socially cool and distant, and then you sit there and don't understand that he's talking about you, whom he likes. But at least you're cute and make Tae Joon smile. The show is so good. And you can tell that Won Young is starting to doubt if what he's doing is really right, because he's also starting to develop feelings. Please clear that up in a good way. I'm so scared of the drama yet to come. It's going to break my heart to see Tae Joon rebuild his wall that he's been clinging to for so long and in which he built a small passage for Won Young. Just thinking about it makes me want to cry. I hope for a happy ending, but I'm really afraid that it will be a hard road until then.
↓ 3. Chains Of Heart (Episode 6)
Mr. Lue's dream. The wish that Ken touches him, that he accepts him as he is, that he loves him and holds him tight…I think that was one of the best scenes of the series so far. Especially the tears in his eyes at the end. And Mr. Lue's attempt to convince Ken to give him a chance, to allow him to protect and love Ken. My poor Mr. Lue heart really had to suffer this week. The most disturbing scene for me was our one-eyed man and how he danced with the woman…I just find him unsettling. And I was most confused after the scene between Mr. Lue and Don. It felt like the two knew each other or Don knew more than others. As always a wonderful series, great settings and atmosphere and I'm looking forward to next week.
↓ 4. A Shoulder To Cry On (Episode 3+4)
Okay, the "I like you" scene in the gym was a bit too much for me, but I can understand Dayeol so well. I would have been super embarrassed by this whole scene and in such cases you just sometimes react headless, muddle your thoughts and then it just comes out something like that. That he avoided Taehyun afterwards, I can also fully understand, but it was nice to see that he does not avoid him, but continues to seek his presence. And in the end we just see pure self-protection. We see an insecure Dayeol, who tries to push the other away by hurting, redirecting his own pain, so to speak. Heartbreaking start to the fourth episode. Those familiar with the webcomic knew what to expect. The backstory is indeed not pretty. It is cruel and sad and a little bit you can understand why Taehuyn shut down his emotions. The trauma is strong in him. So it makes me all the more happy that the two are getting closer and Taehyun is actually learning to open up and talk about his past. And Dayeaol, a sweetheart as he is, is probably the first person ever to tell him that it's not his fault and that plus the look on Taehyun's face broke my heart. Good episode!
→ 5. The Promise (Episode 5)
Somehow the feeling didn't quite come this week. Phu's approach was a bit too daring for someone who left his best friend behind because he was in love with him and didn't know how to deal with the feelings. The fight at the end was also a bit too contrived. Before, Nan was totally happy that Phu was back and didn't question anything and then because of that one lie, he turns up and throws things around like I never want to see you again. He's hurt, no question, but those were extreme emotional leaps. Especially considering the beginning of the episode and how touchy Nan was there. And no, I wasn't yelling at my screen that they should just kiss already. Not three times at least…just two.
→ 6. Bed Friend (Episode 6)
Aw King…I feel a little sorry for him. He tries to show Uea that he likes him a bit more than just FWB, and then he goes to the arranged match. I mean, I almost understand. King needs some confirmation too. Uea's wall makes it hard for himself to show King that he's looking forward to the trip, that he's also already investing more emotion than just FWB. And of course he builds up his walls again afterwards. Because he just realized that King can hurt him, that he's developed feelings and that's something he doesn't want to do. Because if he's vulnerable, then people will hurt him, that's his experience. So he pulls back again. He would just have to open his mouth and tell King that he wants him and King would be the happiest man on the planet and carry Uea through life on his hands. And Krit…that nasty m*therf*cker! I can't stand him and hope he just disappears along with Uea's mother. And the outlook for the next episode looks exhilarating...damn.
→ 7. A Boss And A Babe (Episode 4)
Cher is jealous and I love it! We get to know part of his backstory and understand why he doesn't like going back to his hometown. The ignorance of some people is terrible and I feel sorry for Cher that he had to lose his best friend/first unrequited love that way. He seems all the more confused that he is slowly but surely developing such feelings for Gun. I'm curious to see what happens next when Cher is no longer employed there as an intern. For my taste there was too little ThiZo this week, I hope that changes again next week.
↑ 8. Tin Tem Jai (Episode 4)
I have no idea how old Tin is supposed to be. He's looking for his major in college, but quite often behaves like a stubborn little kid. And Park knows exactly which switches to flip to get what he wants. I don't like that so much. And there's the sweet boy again, who is quite enraptured by our Tin, and of course is all the more delighted that fate has brought them together again. And of course, he's a senior at the university and flirts wildly. And Tin seems to like it. Kana is a sweetheart. He could have hugged Pao a little longer, but his "I'm always here for you" line could have been spared.
↑ 9. PastSenger (Episode 3)
It was clear that Baiwan would fall in love with Kiao and it was also clear that Frong would not leave her alone. There were very sweet moments between Bamee and Kiao. The fact that Baiwan can tell Bamee so openly about her crush on Kiao and Bamee suffers silently hurt a bit. At least the episode was better than the previous ones, but I'm not quite convinced yet.
↓ 10. All The Liquors (Episode 7+8/Final)
Yeah, I don't know, the series really didn't excite me. Even the last episodes couldn't help. The start was good, I liked the first episodes and just thought it goes in a slightly different direction. In the end, however, Han Ji Yu has not necessarily become happy without alcohol, but has converted the previously abstinent chef to alcohol and I sit here and ask myself what the message of this series should be. Should we all drink more alcohol to be sociable? Can we only be sociable and outgoing if we also drink alcohol? I manage to be sociable without alcohol with people I know and like, despite my shyness. So yeah, I didn't think it was particularly good, and the kisses were numerous for a Korean series, but they could have easily just been left out. No one wants to see two dead fish kiss...
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