#i am so good at drawing badboyhalo now
mishapen-dear · 6 months
this took me like a week to make and its FINALLY DONE.
watch bad b oy halo have a good time. click.
(its a bit slow to start dw it gets going)
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xuxudio · 6 months
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successfully choosing the most doomed ship in any media since 1999
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dwtisgay · 2 years
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I've mentioned this before, but what makes skephalo really fascinating is that the entire relationship is documented from the start till now, hours and hours of content and clips where they'd sit together almost daily on stream and talk and hang out because of this you can chart the progression scarily well if you are insane enough to watch all that content. Of course some things are behind the scenes and they are both very good at being theatrical and faking things, badboyhalo especially thus the skephalo issue becomes as this, what is real and what is fake in all that content?
my method with mapping them out was just brute force, collecting information over time and comparing it with other moments to see where the patterns of behavior repeat and where they break, this is a really fucking mentally insane task that I don't wish on anyone but it does explain why skephalo discussions are so lacking in the general sphere because they either draw in the same crowd as karlnap who cant pick up the subtleties (this why a lot of the popular skephalo clips are cringe) or more commonly people at first glance dismiss skephalo as blatantly fake, I know I did at first when I first joined the fandom, but over time I'd get exposed to little bits of inconsistency in their theatrics that made me go hold on? especially with badboyhalo
there are subtle progressions and phases to their relationship that I will divide using years and I will also map out notable moments that I remember
The start
they've first met at the end of 2018 in the infamous "I applied for staff on 50 minecraft servers" skeppy video, bbh was the only person who responded to skeppy because he knew skeppy was a popular youtuber and hoped skeppy making content on munchymc would popularize the server tl;dr of the video is that skeppy keeps "pranking" bbh till bbh has a meltdown and gets pissed, this video is not faked as far as I could tell, bbh did have an inkling, I think, that skeppy might do something, but due to the fact this was their first time interacting I do think his reactions are genuine in it this video blows up and really kicks skeppys brand as a "minecraft prankster" into high gear, skeppy then riding the high of that video tries to milk bad for more content by convincing his mods and admins to force them into calls together and shit like that a couple more videos of this get made and in the last video of this nature skeppy asks people to go follow bbh because he felt like giving back to bbh (and I assume also because he felt bad for harassing this dude) skeppy manages to get bbh to 100k subscribes, bbh at this point has been on youtube for almost 7 years and he hasn't cracked past 10k at the time, bbh is VERY thankful to skeppy for this to the point of crying - skeppy feels morally good about this now its never explicitly said by badboyhalo but the way he phrased things to me in the early years whenever he'd talk about his relationship with skeppy is that he felt so thankful that he would've let skeppy get away with a lot and boy did skeppy take that sentiment and run with it
so with that running start I am sure they've realized they're a great pair, talked about how they wanted to handle videos and what their boundaries were going forward, right? wrong 2019 skephalo is very rough play, skeppy is exactly what you'd expect from someone who would do prank videos in that time period: 0 empathy 0 social awareness skeppy had two ways of creating content at the time, prerecorded videos and more commonly going live with a prank/plan in mind and winging it and then editing down the stream later a decent amount of the prerecorded videos are faked I am very sure of, like the pizza video, due to later inconsistencies that they'd drop but there are multiple videos and theories online about that so I wont discuss them I am more interested in the ones that are not faked and they more often than not happen to be the livestreamed ones! in those not faked ones I am very certain they've never had conversations about boundaries because guess what? they've had them live instead! in the middle of it happening! a notable prank of skeppys at the time is that he'd go live without telling bbh, join a call with him and keep streaming for hours with bad unaware that what he is saying is broadcasted to hundreds/thousands of viewers oh he'd tell bad eventually, when the time is right and the moment is funny and bad would get pissed and it would net the views and rinse repeat, there are plenty recorded instances of streams of this nature that I could find and in each and everyone bad immediately after finding out tries to calmly tell skeppy not to do that and skeppy would promise till next time, this prank definitely was one of the shorter lifespan pranks it stopped happening pretty fast but it showed me a couple of things -they never talked about the types of pranks -skeppy cant actually understand when bbh is being serious and when he isn't when they are live and it took upwards of 3+ times of bbh telling him to stop I think bbh had to tell him to stop in private and that's when skeppy got the hint I am not saying badboyhalo was completely a doormat victim in all of this, bbh is very smart he recognized that him and skeppy are growing in popularity, he knew what people wanted to see from him and he leveraged this, I think his reactions were 60/40 fake to real a lot of the time bbh didn't trust skeppy but he could trust in not being able to trust him, and he was willing to let skeppy do things like that because he figured it was worth it in the long run after skeppy did the live streaming without telling him, bbh started becoming wary of it knowing that it is a possibility with skeppy, and he'd check skeppy's channel to make sure skeppy isnt live, to circumnavigate this skeppy would stream instead on his backup channel starting a really fucking insane cat and mouse game but hey thats their entire relationship also talking about shipping and possible feelings in this time period I definitely think there isn't much to be seen, a lot of popular clips are from this period but they are just skeppy's repressed gay pandering coming into play while bad is just trying to avoid it/stay neutral skeppy was the first to tell bad he loves him to get him to soften up after a prank and bad immediately throws it in his face very coldly
amusingly it was also in this time period, after skeppy singlehandedly spawned a ship by himself, seems he got too fruity for his birches and said he was "uncomfortable" with being shipped with bad, while he was telling bad that he wanted to kiss him, that he loved him etc etc this isnt to say there was nothing there, I definitely think skeppy got a crush on bbh first
here is the clip that killed skephalo in 2019
things of note: he never joked about wanting to kiss a6d or hug him or told him he loved him not even once (also the excuse is very dreamcore, bisexual denial) skeppy has talked a LOT about kissing bad, but one of the bigger moments that is still big till this day is this clip
now funnily enough the stream where this clip is from actually illustrates perfectly why I think badboyhalo faked a lot of his reactions, the stream starts out with skeppy griefing bad for around half an hour, bbh at the time was known as "the angriest man on youtube" and he'd spend a lot of the time just having breakdowns and yelling at stream because he knew that's what people wanted from him but it definitely took its toll on him in that stream alone he goes from riled up and shouting and breaking down to quiet and hanging out with skeppy and talking with him and messing around like pals, he is exhausted after the shouting but he seems generally okay to be around skeppy for extended periods of time because he enjoys his company another stream that is always brought up to the counter that bbh wasn't faking it point at the time is his birthday stream, where the memes and bullying got so intense he starts crying
again without context it looks fake, but things of note -bbh is a very easy crier -this was a huger wave than usual of memers -bbh immediately moves on after and goes into his "shouty persona" my assessment is that he probably cried for real because it was overwhelming or tiring to him/he was having a bad day but he knew there wasn't much he could do about it a common thing bbh does is he tells people to "stop" and it just makes things worse, he is aware of this and most of the time utilizes it to his advantage (telling meme donos to stop, increases the donos) but I do think when things get rough he doesn't actually have a failsafe on how to handle things when they get overwhelming so he just defaults to asking people to stop which backfires the 2019 era in a nutshell is VERY blurry boundaries, exhausting to watch and has some of the most fascinating interactions I've ever had the displeasure to witness between 2 humans who still say they like each other , this period of time held a lot of mixed emotions from both parties they definitely were fond of each, skeppy would let bbh track his location irl fairly early on in their friendship, and then 3 months from then you'd have bad telling skeppy that he wouldn't even consider them friends
okay moving on to greener pastures, 2020 has skeppy maturing and them getting closer, MUCH closer than they were before, if you clicked on any of the previous videos or looked them up in 2019, I'd like you to compare it with this shit
this was in the middle of 2020, in the dream smp so what happened in the time period between? absolutely no clue in much the same way I think if you are stuck with someone you hate long enough you can start to like them, or if you stare a stranger in the eyes for 10 minutes you fall in love - I think they just spent SO much time around each other mapping out how the other thinks and talks that they've just become comforted by each others presence
skeppy in this period still pulls pranks on bad, but they take on a "pig tail" pulling quality, bbh definitely enjoys this softer side of skeppy and encourages it a lot and they seem to have a better understanding of each others boundaries, live streams become more about hanging out than fucking with each other. The transition is very subtle and very gradual that I'd be hard pressed to point out a moment as a "Moment" sure there are things like skeppys breakdown and bad comforting him you could point to, but I wouldn't call them quintessential moments but a byproduct of their growing closeness in the odd situation they've found themselves in
I glossed over the meetup stuff in 2019, because a lot of it was non serious, the moment where bad offers skeppy to move into his house was later addressed by skeppy in a stream in which I have since frustratingly lost, he says that he was sure bbh was joking and wasn't actually serious about renting him a space or so he assumes anyways there was one serious attempt in early 2019 where skeppy wants him bbh and a6d to meetup at vidcon but bbh throws every excuse in the kitchen sink at him, while skeppy gets more and more upset as the conversation goes on, the video is privated sadly and I couldnt find clips of it but it is the first mention we have of bbh saying he dislikes planes, skeppy offers to drive him, and then bad says he gets nauseous being driven, skeppy tells him he can drive and bad says "ah shucks I am busy" basically bad tries to outright avoid saying he doesn't want to go while making up shitty lies in the process, skeppy is hurt by this and throws a tantrum the reason I bring up the meetup now in 2020 is because in early 2019 you could tell one of the biggest factors bbh didnt want to meetup with skeppy is that he simply didnt trust him but as they got closer and the lines get blurrier, the topic is revisited multiple times and each time with the same excuses or under "joking" pretenses you can tell there is a larger issue here than just bbh not trusting skeppy if you watch this clip even though it seems fake and like they are acting a lot of these issues and fears are genuine and byproducts of 2019 trust issues, skeppy still thinks bad doesn't trust him, and it is causing a rift between them I wish I could show you the 2019 clip because it is a lot less bullshit and uwu theatrics and really shows "oh wow this is an issue between them" but meetup things aside 2020 marks them as obscenly fond of each other, and can almost finish each other's sentences by the end of it, they have some issues with communication still and they default to theatrics instead of talking about it but overall its not 2019 and thats great, I'd say this is where skeppy's crush properly flourishes and his obsession with bbh starts to really kick into gear, and bbh loves and enjoys this
can't start a year without a drunk stream where you ask 20k viewers if they know if your crush is straight or not what I am referencing above is the since deleted best decision any content creator could do once they get to a legal drinking age, which is stream it live! skeppy turns 21, does a drunk stream and in front of god and his people asks chat if they know if bad is gay, keeps repeating bad's name while giggling, acts like a fool around him and is generally just embarrassing with such a great start to the year you can tell they got worse in their totally heterosexual behavior, which frankly I didn't think was possible
now going back, that's a good question to ask, is bad gay? a better question would be, is skeppy? skeppy has demonstrated over the years so far an issue with hypermasculinity that he only starts to shed once he meets bad, he only does soft gay shit solely with bad and not a6d who has his own masculinity issues going on that no one cares about skeppy fucks, as I am sure will come as a surprise to some of you, he is a very successful fuckboy from the offhand mentions he tends to drop here and there, it seems to be just a girl thing but due to the influence bbh has had on him I would not be surprised if he started to consider more and that influence is very considerable, bad is soft and very in tune with his emotions, skeppy starts matching this and he also becomes really soft, and starts acting in frankly bisexual fuckboy disaster ways I wasn't kidding earlier when I said this year was much gayer than 2020, their voices got even softer, skeppy ditched the pretenses and stopped griefing and pranking bad outright, and all the content they made together that pretended to be that was just filled with so much love and adoration and respect I honestly feel disgusted watching it at times I think this is the year where bad starts really liking him back hard, and that's why the tone shifted the only way I can describe how bad talked, interacted and or did anything skeppy related was infatuation and it wasn't all theatrics, he'd manage to make any and every topic about skeppy simply because that's where his brain was constantly at this year
speaking of bad's infatuation this is the year when the egg arc was also introduced and its plotline is nowhere near subtle and it puts every other romance coded ship on the server to shame bad gets infected by the egg, skeppy sacrifices himself so bad can continue to live free of its influence, bad doesn't want to live without skeppy and thinks kissing him will free him but when that doesn't work he throws himself back again at the egg bargaining with it to give skeppy back
now if you watched this without knowing about the whole skeppy jokes about kissing thing you'll note that this is probably just pandering and you wont be fully wrong, but I just explained how skeppy went through a phase where he regretted doing the kissing jokes and how bad tended to stone wall him when he did in 2019, now compare to this, this is what makes skephalo intriguing this is also the year where the skephalo renaissance happens, mostly by bad liking unhinged kissing fanart and showcasing art of him and skeppy making out with tongue on stream - but skeppy isn't also blameless, he draws himself choking on bad's dick in gartic, amps up the flirting, and bares his heart to him multiple times etc the big elephant in the room by this point is the meetup, why isn't it happening when they are so fond of each other? how does skeppy feel about it when before he saw it as a sign that bad didnt trust him and still held him at arms length and that upset him, did they simply move on from it? is it still in the background?
how can they be this close with that between them?
you know how I said before I cant tell you a specific moment where their emotions and tones shift? well I can now, the 2021 gayness uptick happened specifically around march-may, so everything I wrote above for this year barring skeppy asking chat if bad is gay, started full force around those months the difference is so marked and stark that it just jumps at you full force I cant tell you in certain terms why, but I can put on my little tin hat and speculate it had something to do with them finally talking about said elephant! since to me that was the only thing stopping them from getting closer
around march bbh and skeppy made a deal that they would meet before the summer is over and the months ticked by with no indication of them meeting but the odd thing was, they only seemed to grow flirtier and more into each other - which you would think would negate my theory but hold on! by july (7/15/2021) bbh was actually, and every seriously considering going to vidcon and he seemed he would go through with it too and this took a LOT out of bad, he spent 4 or so hours explaining to puffy and skeppy why he was so afraid of vidcon reusing a lot of the same old things he'd say in the past, and adding in more things like how he wants to meet skeppy before they go to vidcon and if they dont they will just ignore each other at vidcon, but instead of skeppy taking it personally and getting upset with him like he usually did they were literally on the same page for once, skeppy even said that he just wants to do whatever bad was comfortable with and that there is no pressure so, my analysis on why they got so close is that, bbh finally explained to skeppy his fears and reasons and skeppy finally understands that its not an issue with him, they've probably affirmed how much they care for each other and assuaged their anxieties and skeppy is willing to wait because it seems that bad DOES want to meet up eventually
in a youtube video I have since misplaced and I am too tired to search for bad goes "me and skeppy are in agreement that our first meetup shouldn't be in vidcon and we will just ignore each other" skeppy previously would've yelled at how incredulous that is and would've been hurt and taken it personally
but now he finally understands and agrees with bad because he wants this to be perfect for him you can even see in the first clip I sent in the 2020 portion that bad mentions he wants it to be 100% at around 13:30 minutes and bad says and I quote "he(skeppy) wont accept that" it seems like skeppy finally did the meetup ended up cancelled but there has been no issues between them and they kept going strong with the gay if you want to consume any skephalo content I recommend this year as their peak, honorable mentions being "blow on my dice" ppsat, pride month jackbox, chess stream where andrea and alex ask if they are dating, ant calling them platonic soulmates while drunk and gushing
so where are they now? well...skeppy is not having a good year, his merch company got bought out, he got triple cancelled on twitter and youtube and he has been feeling demotivated about his videos he literally dropped off the face of the earth and the only person in contact with him is bad and the only reason we know this is because bad is still rotten enough to go "oh skeppy told me this" or "skeppy did that!" skeppy still puts out videos with bad but they lack the charm they had in 2021 and he seems to just be doing them for the sake of doing them the mcc bodes well for skeppy getting back into content but I genuinely think he has been traumatized from ever streaming because he is actually self aware enough now and fears he will say something stupid because he does tend to blurt out and do stupid shit if you haven't watched the dnf skephalo mcc video I really recommend skeppy's pov him and bad are really cute
-------------- I could've added so many more clips for each year but that wont actually help you understand skephalo, it isn't defined by definitive moments because they are very good at showing others only what they want to be shown and a lot of their interactions are made with the mindset of entertainment first and foremost I hope I managed to showcase that just because they approach things from a theatrical perspective doesn't mean there isn't much more going on under the hood
Dnf tends to have a lot more raw unfiltered moments, where as skephalos moments are all filtered through a bullshit filter because they just have so much experience with being live for hours together and never saying what they mean ever
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bigboobyhalo · 8 months
hey The badboyhalo blog hope your doing well, i am just here struggling to art right now, do you have any forms of badboyhalos in a scenario or otherwise you would like doodled
uhm uhm fuck see the issue is I am also struggling to do art and draw badboyhalo right now so I do not have any good ideas . maybe draw him in a pretty dress or like redraw that photo on twitter of BBH holding a leo that someone made but with q!BBH and your leo design if you have one ?
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Matching minecraft skins!
Request: okay okay, hear me out...asking the dream team (maybe extra smp members👀) for matching minecraft skins?? only if you have time!!
Pairing: Dream, GeorgenotFound, Sapnap & BadBoyHalo x Reader (separate)
Summary: Asking the Dream Team if they want to wear matching skins :3
Author’s note: this made my heart meeelttt  (´^ `♡) thank u so much for requesting this! (i might make a part 2 this is so cute) - enjoy!
Author’s note pt.2: Sorry this took so long, school stuff came in the way :(
- You and Dream were in a discord call together playing games when the idea suddenly popped into your head
- “Clay, do you want to wear matching minecraft skins?”
- He loved the idea
- Aggressively grabbed his phone and went to twitter
- “does anyone know a good minecraft skin artist? i need some help here” 
- After a few minutes he found one and commissioned them 2 matching skins
- The next day he woke up and he got a DM saying the skins were ready
- He hopped on his computer and sent your skin to you
- After both equipping the skin you two decided to join the SMP 
- “Hello everyone! Look! We match!”
- Tommy and Quackity started making fun of you immediately
- Bad and Tubbo found it very cute
- Overall, a very cute and wholesome stream (❁´◡`❁)
- You were just scrolling through your phone when you saw something absolutely adorable
- It was a fan who made matching minecraft skins for you and George
- You texted him and asked him if he wanted to wear them
- he responded quite fast
- He loved the idea
- You both equipped it and went into a server 
- He made screenshot and posted it to twitter
- It went completely viral
- Tommy, being the child he is, called it gross
- Tubbo replied agreeing with him and Will told them both to shut up
- Dream was very jealous and asked George if he wanted to match as well
- George just replied with “No”
- Sapnap wouldn’t let him forget it for weeks
- It’s now one of his most liked tweets ever
- You were hanging out with Sapnap at home when you saw fanart of you and him with matching outfits
- You showed him and he started smiling
- “We look really good in those clothes together, babe”
- An idea sprung into your head
- “Wouldn’t it be fun to have matching minecraft skins?”
- He gave it a thought for a second and got very giggly
- “Oooh~ That would be so cute, let’s do that”
- After searching for a little bit you found a skin that perfectly matched each other
- Sapnap got giddy with excitement
- “C’mon we have to put them on!” He tugged at your am and sped to his computer
- You jumped on a different computer he had and both equipped the skins
- After fooling around in game you guys decided to call Karl and Quackity to see their reaction
- They both picked up and Sapnap told them what you two did
- Karl found it very cute and really wanted to see
- Quackity started fake crying and accusing him of cheating
- Real talk, they thought it was cute
- He loves it when people draw fanart of you and him together
- He stalks you two’s shipname hashtag 24/7
- So when you asked him if he wanted matching skins he was estatic
- He already knew what artists to go to and basically threw his money at them
- When the artists were done he called you and told you to check Discord
- He sent you the file and you both equipped your skins
- When he first saw you with the skin he melted
- “Muffin! You look so cute!!”
- He decided to ask some people for their thoughts 
- He asked Skeppy first
- Bad idea
- “How could you, Bad?!”
- “I’m in a relationship!”
- “I thought we had something!”
- Queue a lot of bickering from both of them
- He asked Dream and George what they thought
- They both thought it was very cute
- “Hey Dream, do you wanna do this together?”
- “Hell yeah”
- They both pulled up in matching skins they next day
Thank you for reading! Make sure you take care for yourself and your friends/family if you haven’t already today ! (♡ ⸂ ◡ ⸂♡)
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poorlydrawnmcyt · 3 years
Top 5 DSMP members I watch on stream the most because timezone is a bitch and I’m physically incapable of staying up late:
sharing this just bc I feel like it </3
1. Quackity - my man streams at around 8 AM+, makes me hype the first thing in the morning and my drowsiness just disappears like. how. I appreciate him sm thank you thank you thank y
2. Karl Jacobs - same as Quackity. godbless. instant serotonin. plus Tales From the SMP often starts at either 6-7 AM which means it adds one more reason to wake up earlier. i love twitchdot teevy slash karl jacobs
3. Captain Puffy - LATE NIGHT STREAMS POG ITS LIKE 11-12 AM FOR ME. chaotic streams mixed with just the right amount of wholesomeness
4. Foolish Gamers - He either streams at 11 PM or 6 AM for me and I always catch him if he decides to stream at night because it would be daytime here. I’m proud to say I’ve spent 5 hours watching his wall stream before passing out (I STILL MANAGED TO WAKE UP FOR THE FINAL COUNTDOWN)
5. Sapnap - doesn’t stream a lot compared to everyone else but always streams in the afternoon for me. bless sapnap
Honorable Mentions:
1. Ranboo, Badboyhalo - streams around 10-11 AM, good vibes good vibes good vibes. I like to listen to them while drawing or doing my schoolwork and projects.
2. Punz - my man just doesn’t sleep. i can’t believe punz invented speedrun. his pummel party streams are so fun and i cant get his damn hype song out of my head. remember to use code: punz
3. DropsByPonk - yo he streams at 11 PM ahhhhhh but he’s such a supreme meme man I love him
4.The Eret - haha,,, hey eret,,, your go live button look so sexie right now ahhaha,,, but take ur time with ur break pls stay safe king
VODS I always watch:
1. TommyInnit, Tubbo, Technoblade - STREAMS AT 3 AM..... POP OFF I GUESS BUT I COULD NEVER BE THERE </3
2. Awesamdude - MMMMMMM
For the rest, I like to catch up thru clips or compilations or when I don’t have anyone else to watch haha... But these are my favorites <3
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pxtopia · 3 years
My dream smp playlists
i recently made some spotify playlists that have to do with the dream smp and I’m adding any song that reminds me of a certain character!! i wanted to make a post of all of them cause I’m honestly really proud. These are constantly updating and I’m gonna be adding more characters / storylines 
The Dream smp / Wilbur Soot / Technoblade / Dream / Tommyinnit / Quackity / Jschlatt / Georgenotfound / Ranboo / Tubbo / Dreamnotfound / Philza Minecraft / Karl Jacobs / Fundy / Niki / Jack  Manifold / Sapnap / Ghostbur / Badboyhalo / Captain Puffy / Awesamdude / Eret / Hannahxxrose / Foolish Gamers / Pogtopia / L’manberg 
DISCLAIMER: !!! these playlists are about the characters / relationships from the dream smp and have nothing to do with the ccs and their real life !!!
i hope you like them they’re constantly being updated :D
DREAM SMP: The city of fallen angels 
WILBUR: I am the villain in your story, I guess there’s only one way to go from here. Take my sword and cut through me, find peace in my solitude, find happiness in the hate I now attract, find love in the destruction of my own happiness and most importantly, find contentment, in the death of the life I have always known.
TECHNOBLADE: i still don’t care about your bright, feeble existence. but then you never cared much for mine, did you?
DREAM: the art of lying is a science: i’ll put on my lab coat and tinker inside your head until all you see is what i want you to see. you’ll wonder, “have i gone blind? or was i blind all my life.” and ill slyly grin, baring my teeth, tucking my demon’s tail away and out of sight, pleasantly answering, “i don’t know, you tell me.” not many can see behind the thick draping of those velvet curtains, but i see. i see everything. and you see nothing, because i’ve kept everything from you. take a scalpel and slice through my chest, peel back the thick draping of this velvet flesh, crack the cage of ivory bone, have a peek inside at all these holy terrors. they’re living in me. i am them, and they are me. 
TOMMY: And I traveled far, I reached for the stars, but those stars don’t reach back they’re better left alone 
QUACKITY: Excuse the shit out of my goddamn french
SCHLATT: At lease we’ll be entertained while the world goes to hell 
GEORGE: His soul burns so brightly, I fear I’ll catch fire. Ignited by passion, consumed by his light. I risk losing myself in the flames of lust burning into the night.
RANBOO: The situations becoming dire, my treehouse is on fire, and for some reason I smell gas on my hands
TUBBO: Thats what an angel is. Dust pressed into a diamond by the weight of this world.
DREAMNOTFOUND: I was in love with you before I even knew what love was
PHILZA: “What if I fall?” Oh, but my darling, what if you fly?
KARL: The world fell apart…Didn’t you notice?
FUNDY: Someone I loved once gave me a box full of darkness. It took me years to understand that this, too, was a gift.
NIKI: Finding nothing but brightly colored failures, and shame colored relics, of what used to be.
JACK: There is a bitter triumph in crashing, when you should be soaring
SAPNAP: Im everything you can’t control
GHOSTBUR: I told the stars about you
BADBOYHALO: Take a look around and what do I see? It's looking like the whole world's goin just a little crazy. And I know it can't be all of them and just not me, so I guess I'm going just a little crazy
CAPTAIN PUFFY: No god worthy of worship would demand such horrors to be committed in his name 
AWESAMDUDE: Life went on, but it was never the same
ERET: this place is always better when youre here, i dont know how long youre going to stay, but its been the most fun
HANNAH: she had a galaxy in her eyes and a universe in her mind
FOOLISH: I go to seek a great perhaps 
POGTOPIA: The world had drained me for everything I had. I couldn't draw my face if god asked.
L’manberg o7: We deserve a soft epilogue, my love. We are good people, and we've suffered enough.
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bagelbods · 3 years
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[ID: two digital drawings that are identical except for lighting. both depict members of the eggpire (badboyhalo, ponk, antfrost, punz) and members of the pro-omelette party (captain puffy, sam, hannah, eret, foolish, quackity) waltzing together while surrounded by crimson vines. the eggpire wear black, red, & white while the pro-omelette wear gold & green, except hannah who wears gray. skeppy stands with the egg in the background faced away from the dancers. bad & puffy are the focus of the first image, bad grinning and leading puffy in dance. skeppy is the focus of the second. /end ID]
that red sure is gonna banquet huh
(click for better quality!)
design notes+ramblings under the cut!
pro-omelette are all wearing yellow/gold for omelettes with green for onions in omelettes
colors were color-picked from a photograph of an omelette and then blended/adjusted for lighting
the patterns on puffy and sam’s coats and boots are in semi-circle shapes, much like omelettes are
hannah is wearing the same colors as the eggpire even though she’s technically pro-omelette to symbolize that she loses control when she’s closer to the egg
i have so many other things to say bc i spent over 40 hours on this but i gtg for now so!!! ahhhh will add more later
i’m back! and i just watched the red banquet stream so aaaaaaa
the eggpire people (including hannah) are all “leading” the waltz (on the left) to symbolize that the pro-omelette people don’t know what they’re getting into
the patterning on hannah’s dress and sleeves are roses, but in groups that are shaped like eggs to show that she thinks she’s still herself but really she’s beginning to serve the egg
eret’s dress and cape also have rose patterns (no egg) to highlight the difference between them and hannah. i was gonna make the rose pattern on eret’s more random to look more natural but that would’ve taken so long alksjsdfj
i have a deep hatred (/lh) for dream smp canon heights so badboyhalo is 5′10 (but 9′6 if u include his horns) and puffy is 5′2 (but 6′9 if u include her horns)
ant and foolish are allowed to be tall bc i didn’t know what else to do but they’re on thin ice
oh man oh man so ponk and sam!!! ponk and sam!!! i’m so proud of my drawing of them
i wanted to make the white patterning on ponk’s suit a lot stronger (so his suit looks white instead of red). mainly bc i think it’s kind of messed up to see your ex-boyfriend who u hurt deeply and who ur still in love with dressed in a white suit (wedding symbolism) when he’s clearly not himself
more later!
am back again!! y’all this is really rambly but i like reading this stuff from other artists so (puts fingers together)
the lighting is a brighter orange and hazier in the first one and dimmer in the second to represent the egg’s control over bad. since the orange light comes from the shroom lights on the vines, it’s brighter when skeppy is in shadow, having more control over bad. when skeppy is brighter, the vines lights are dimmer, to show while bad is not himself and is controlled by the egg, skeppy still manages to come first for bad
puffy’s makeup is,, so difficult to settle on. jacobs sheep, which i base her off of, often have huge patches of black fur on their face and i wanted her makeup to reflect that. but that doesn’t... look good alkjdflsdj. i also want her makeup to be sort of pirate inspired? anyway black eyeshadow that comes down her cheeks is what i settled on (and gold glitter bc i like shiny)
it was pretty hard to make bad stand out against the dark bg? like i didn’t want to apply any lighting to his skin bc in my design, as a devil, his skin absorbs light. his skin and horns are just a void
i almost made skeppy human but with diamond patterns and diamonds growing from his skin but i decided not to bc i wanted him to look more unnatural? his mc skin is based off a diamond block, not diamond ore, so i wanted him to look like a cut diamond, clearly man-made
he’s also not wearing any fancy clothes to show that the egg is the only thing on his mind right now. he doesn’t care for the banquet or anything. only the egg. but it looks kind of awkward cause skeppy’s diamond ass is just in the center of the drawing slkjdflks
this is all i can think of for now but i’ll add more if i remember more :D
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marvelmana · 3 years
-Mumza goddess of death prompt
TW: suicide attempt
So after Wilbur's revival Dream with his God compex realizes that the power to bring people back to life isn't enough. So while Wilbur prepares to break Dream out of prison, Dream sits down to remember what more was in the revive book. His eyes shoot wide open as he remembers a short but powerful ritual to summon the goddess of death herself.
So after Wilbur breaks him out somehow. Wilbur and Dream are met by the rest of the SBI family. They didn't come together. Tommy came to stop Wilbur and maybe kill Dream. Techno and Phil just came to get Wilbur so Sam doesn't kill him. As always with this family they start arguing and Dream runs away. They follow him to the L'manhole where he manages to preform the full ritual to summon the goddess of death. Now all the others are terrified because they don't know what Dream did. All they know is that the nice and chill night suddenly became the worst storm they've ever experienced and a weird portal looking thing has started to form on the glass. Tommy starts yelling at Dream to stop. Philza aswell because Dream doesn't know what power he's messing with. Dream explains that he knows exactly what power he's messing with and tells them what or...rather who he has summoned. To Dream's surprise everyone but Tommy seems relived that he's summoning the goddess of death. Tommy's worried because he has no idea that he's the son of the goddess. Before any of them manages to say anything a dark figure emerges from the portal with dark wings as she flies up to the night sky. The wind that had made it hard to stay on your feet suddenly stops and the portal disapears. Dream does his evil laughter and then does his evil monologue but gets cut off by the goddess of death striking him down with one hand and pressuring her foot against his neck. Phil watches her and falls in love all over again. But before there can be a wholesome family reunion Tommy draws his sword out and points it at the goddess' neck.
"Who are you!? What do you want!?" He yells demanding answers.
The goddess melts at the sight of her youngest. He's so cute with that diamond sword, thinking he's so cool. When she doesn't answer Tommy gets frustrated and yells at the top of his lungs
He was meant to intimidate the goddess but his yell only comes out as a broken cry. The goddess' heart breaks as she sees all the pain and frustration in her youngest son's eyes. There's something in his eyes that is not supposed to be there. There's something that's not meant to be seen in the eyes of a 16 year old. Before she can ask, Phil steps forward.
"It's been a long time, love" he says and takes off his hat.
The goddess smiles at her angel.
"About 16 years, but who's counting?" She jokes completely unbothered by the blade at her throat.
Then the twins comes in to have a small talk with their mother. None of them mentions that she's their mother. Tommy slowly takes away his sword and starts backing away. He takes one look at the unconscious green man by the goddess' feet and then at his brothers and father. This is their business. He should get going. He only gets a few steps away when one of his family members ask where he's going. He tells them that he's going home. The issue with Dream seems resolved and they're all busy with and old friend Tommy doesn't know. At first the goddess is confused as to why her youngest doesn't recognise her. But then again. When he left the end he was only a few months old. The twins had been just around 7. The goddess, who's name was Kristin smiles gently at Tommy and slowly walks up to him. She tells him that she's his mother. Tommy looks at his father and brothers who nods confirming. Normally you'd think Tommy would be excited to meet his mum. But when all his family has brought him is pain, he's not excited to see what a new family member who's also a goddess, can do. So he does the most rational thing he can think off. He runs. He runs with fear of his life. Tommy doesn't wanna die again. The mere thought terrifies him. So he runs, hoping to find someone to help him, anyone. Tubbo, Ranboo, Puffy hell he'd even take the help from Sam now. As he runs past his house he looks behind him to see 4 individuals chasing him. He starts screaming for help as he jumps out the edge by the bench with a water bucket in hand. Kristin who doesn't know Tommy's incredible skill with water MLGs panics and dives after him with her wings. She catches Tommy before he reaches the ground. Tommy starts squirming in her grip hoping to get away. Kristin tries to reassure him that she's got him. Tommy begs her not to hurt him. Telling her that he won't get in her way, that if she just lets him go she'll never have to see him again. Kristin feels as someone shot through her heart with an arrow. And she tells Tommy in what she thinks is a comforting voice, that she's never gonna let him go and that he's safe. Tommy's beyond terrified but lucky for him Tubbo and Ranboo is on a walk towards them. Tubbo and Ranboo immediately gets their armour on and orders Kristin to put Tommy down and that if she hurts him, she's gonna regret it. Kristin gets put off guard by the sudden company. Tommy uses that to his advantage and gets out of her grip and runs past Tubbo and Ranboo who's like protecting wall in front of him. Wilbur tells them to fuck off and that it's a family buisness. That just angers Tubbo even more.
"Family buisness!!!?" He yells almost in shock "You gotta be kidding me! Tommy just started healing after everything Dream did to him and after everything YOU did to him!! Why can't you just let him rest!?" Tubbo yells in anger
That's when Kristin's had enough. She demands an explanation and Tubbo just answers "I'm not gonna explain shit. Who do you think you are?" To which Krstin stretches out her wings and says in a lower tone
"I am the goddess of death. Protector of the end. And his mother" she says and looks at Tommy.
Tubbo and Ranboo looks back at Tommy who just shruggs. Because honestly he has no idea if it's true or not. But Tubbo and Ranboo decides to play along. They answer with a bit of attitude what has happened to Tommy since he came to this server. Everything from the disc war, to L'manbrug, to exile, to the egg trying to kill him and then celebrating his death, to what happened in the prison. After everything is explained the goddess of death is furious. She shoots up in the air and Phil has a very troubled face expression. When asked what's wrong he tells them.
"A father's rage is strong enough to conquer the world. But a mother's rage is stronger"
Kristin is mad at the server for driving her family apart and hurting her baby. So with the power within her she pulls up the egg and it's roots, along with the enire prison, Eret with his castle and Dream's unconscious body. The storm comes back, this time with thunder and rain. Tommy sees this and is terrified. But he's also worried about Eret. It's true he wronged him but Eret has changed.
"We gotta stop her!" Tommy yells.
"She's the goddess of death, you can't stop her!" Techno yells.
But it's no use. Tommy grabs Ranboo's trident. He launches himself in the air and jumps from bits of earth and structures in the air. His main focus is to help Eret out. Eret is ready for his doom. He knows he's not been the best person. But before that happens he hears someone call out his name. It's Tommy. Tommy gives Eret the trident and tells him to get out of here. He hears distant screams of the eggpire and the egg. Tommy doesn't care that much for the egg. But as annoying as Badboyhalo is with his no swearing rule, he's a good guy and Tommy do have good memories with the him. So with no trident Tommy jumps between the rising blocks to get to the people. He sees Dream's unconscious body and for a moment he thinks about it but then shakes his head. Dream is not his priority. Tommy doesn't see himself as a hero. But he's not one to simply watch someone die if he can do something about it. Tubbo knows this. He curses when Eret gets down on the ground and tells them what Tommy did for him. Tubbo looks to Ranboo who nods. He brings up a water splash potion and splashes himself. His eyes widen and a foreign language comes out of his mouth. Tubbo grabs ahold of his husband before he can teleport away without him. Ranboo has gone complete silent. If you can even call him Ranboo anymore. Tubbo has only seen Ranboo like this once. It was terrifying since the half enderman hybrid had been walking towards Tubbo's cabin in snowchester where Micheal was. Ranboo had been covered in water scars and yet he wasn't talking. Just calmly walking towards Micheal. Before he could get there though Ranboo collapsed and woke up with no memory of how he got to Tubbo's cabin. So now, on a floating piece of earth, in the eye of the storm Tubbo had to trust whatever this version of Ranboo was. He called for Tommy but got no response. Suddenly the foreign language comes out of Ranboo as he points with his free hand to some egg rootes. Tommy's jumping between the broken peices towards peoplenof the eggpire.
"Let's go and help that idiot out" Tubbo says and Ranboo teleports them behind Tommy.
"What the hell do you think you're doing!?" Tubbo yells which scares Tommy. He turns around and smiles at the sight of maybe the two only people he trusts.
"I could ask you the same!" He yells back to be heard over the load weather.
"We came to help you. Ranboo can you get those guys back on the ground!?" Tubbo yells
Ranboo doesn't say anything but when he teleports closer and grabs badboyhalo and Hannah Tubbo knows he got through to him. Tommy's confused at how strange Ranboo was acting. Ranboo's not much of a fighter but still here he was, standing tall. And how the hell can he teleport without enderpearls? Tommy decides that there's a better time to ask. Instead him and Tubbo keeps the rest of the eggpire safe. During that the egg starts speaking to Tubbo and Tubbo is obviously trying to shut it out but it's hurting him. So once Ranboo gets back Tommy is quick to push his best friend onto his husband and yell at Ranboo to get him to safety. Tubbo doesn't get a chance to object before he's suddenly on the ground again. He struggles against Ranboo and begs his husband to take him back. Tommy knows what's keeping Ranboo from coming back. He can see it. So instead of wasting time, he makes a waterfall with his only waterbucket and puts the rest of the eggpire in it. In his head he repeats the same three words over and over again "Please don't drown". When the people is as safe as they can be in a situation like this Tommy turns to his mother who has definitely grown a couple of feet. Tommy gulps and watches as Dream's body literally explodes in front of his mum's dark eyes.
"Hey!!" He yells and draws his sword again.
Kristin turns to see where the voice comes from and her gace immediately goes soft. But it turns confused when she can't see the rest of the wronguns.
"I'm not gonna let you hurt anyone else!" Tommy says with his blade in front of him
"The mortals needs to be taught a lesson. You'll come to understand when you're older. You're just a mere child" she says calmly
Tommy smirks. He may be young, but he's not stupid. Tommy knows the blade would do nothing to his mother. So he takes a deep breath and holds the sword against his own throat. He doesn't want this. But he won't let his mother hurt people because of him.
"I may be young! But I have seen wars, I have witnessed my best friend's execution, I have been exiled, I have been tortured and somewhat manipulated. I'm not a child anymore!!" He yells
"You wouldn't. I can see the fear in your eyes son. I can feel it. You don't want this" Kristin says but her voice is everywhere as she gets closer to her son.
"I am not a child. I'm a soldier without a mission. Which makes me desperate. So if I have to die to protect them that's something I'll have to do" Tommy says and stares at the eyes of the beast
"I would never hurt your fatber or brothers" Kristin reassures
"I wasn't talking about those idiots. Listen this place is a hell hole! And sometimes it's hard to get out of bed. But you know what!? It's my home. You've just killed the guy who were the source of my problems. You've done enough!!" Tommy yells and pushes the sword closer to his throat. He can feel it slowly digging into his skin. The goddess of death panics and does a quick movement with her finger and before Tommy knows it he's flying in the air, unable to move an inch. His sword is still in his hand but he can feel an invisable force trying to take it from him.
"Tommy. Drop it!" Kristin hisses
Tommy won't drop it. He could see the fear in her eyes once the blade was pressed against his throat. If he could just move his arm he could put the sword back at his throat. But he can't the force pulling away his sword is strong. But Tommy's always been a fighter. He actually manages to withstand the force but doesn't notice the goddess shrinking in sice and flying up to him to grab the sword herself. After taking the sword she throws it down and stares at her youngest. One thing's for sure, her family is not safe here.
Good ending: Tommy and the others talks Kristin down and she goes back to the end but visits every now and then
Bad ending: Kristin sees how much this place is hurting her baby and the rest of her family. So she takes them to the end where they can't leave. Phil would've been able to, if it wasn't for one of his wings being broken.
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mythrilhusk · 3 years
!!Kill Techno-sensei!! - Chapter Two
Words: 2,076 Chapter One (Last)  AO3 Version Chapter 3 (Next)
The class absorbs the threat, stunned, hushed. Quackity clenches his fists. "Why the fuck would you do that?" His defiance shatters the silence. 
"Because I can." Technoblade replies dismissively. "But I am here to teach, so please, open your textboo-"
"No." Quackity smirks, wearing a confidence he doesn't feel. "Why would you destroy the Earth? You're immortal, sure, but you seem like the kind of guy who's easily bored. What would you have left after your little temper tantrum?" 
One floppy ear flicks irritably. "You see, the idea is, I'd die as well." 
"If you want to die so fucking bad, why don't you just let us kill you, asshole?" 
"That kinda defeats the purpose of the threat. You see, you're completely correct in your assessment. I am bored." Technoblade's light yet nearly monotone voice grates on Quackity's nerves. "I'm simply too good. Unbeatable, even. I've searched and searched, but haven't found a single worthy foe." 
"So you failed!" Quackity crows, slamming his fist on the desk. Psychological warfare, baby.  
Tommy takes up the jeer as well, "You failed, big man, ho, ho!! Eat shit!"  
Technoblade scowls and buries his muzzle in the thick textbook. "Why don't we move on. Page three-hundre-" 
"Move on?? Move on?? You killed my family, Technoblade, you fucking killed them all! I can't fucking move on from that!" Quackity snarls. 
Exhaustion leaks from Technoblade's glower. "I've killed many families, Quackity. All for one goal." 
"Fuck you and your motherfucking anarchy!! You think I'm scared of you?? I- I-" The words choke in Quackity throat as Technoblade stands up. He shrinks in his seat.
"Stay away from him." Sapnap growls. 
Technoblade ignores the students completely, instead turning to the whiteboard and picking up a marker. "History is not circular." 
"What's the fucking point." Quackity grumbles under his breath. There's no winning against a man who'd have no qualms about punting him. 
"Nor is it straight." 
"Pfft, knew it. Now everyone who hates history will get cancelled for being homophobic." Tommy somehow manages to both lighten the mood and make everything worse at the same time. 
Technoblade doesn't get angry or annoyed, however. "Heh. History is pretty gay, not gonna lie. It's also-" He steps away from his crude drawing of a squiggly line, "a helix. History repeats itself in stages. Anyone want to guess why?" 
Tommy leans back in his chair. "Because you're fucking dumb, that's why." 
"Ranboo?" Technoblade addresses the creepy, quiet boy huddled over his desk in the back of the class. 
"Uh- well-" 
"Nothing ever stays the same, big guy." Tubbo interjects. "It's not as simple as stuffing it all into a one dimensional form. Who's to say it's even a line at all?"
Technoblade shrugs. "Fair, fair. Why don't y'all discuss." 
With that, most of the tension in the room dissolves. Groups form as students gravitate towards their friends. Chatter fills the former silence. Quackity forces himself to join in, laughing and pretending like everything is normal again. But nothing about this is normal. 
He can't kill Technoblade through sheer strength. But he could easily outwit him. The gears spin in his mind, working out a plot. 
The first week has gone by uneventfully. Nobody's tried to kill Technoblade yet, who in turn has behaved like a responsible teacher, refraining from punting anyone. It's so boring. 
The last class of Friday ends with the bell, and the kids file out. Technoblade ignores the bitter glares from the little ‘gang’ that calls themselves Ducklings. They haven't attempted anything yet, and Technoblade doubts they'll ever find the guts to actually go through with their plots. Pity, really.
Tommy remains behind, trying to shoo Tubbo, who refuses to leave him. "Teacher!" Tommy stomps up to Techno and slams his notebook on the desk. He's a blustery scamp, but Technoblade has seen how he brightens the classroom and helps his peers. 
"Let me kill you." 
"Us." Tubbo corrects. 
"Let us kill you or else." 
“I'll fail all my classes." Tommy grins, seeming confident he's found a bargaining chip. "And I'll tell everyone else to fail theirs, too. You'll be known as the worst fucking teacher to have ever teachered!" 
"Oh, the horror." Technoblade deadpans. He's got to admit, the kid has guts. "You think I care?" 
"You've gotta. You're our teacher, after all." 
"K." Technoblade doesn't smile. "I'm afraid I can't just let you kill me." 
"Then prepare to be failed upon!" 
"But." Techno holds up a hand. "But, if you try to pass your classes, I will teach you how to kill me. Deal?" 
Tubbo pipes up, "That will be adequate. Come on, Tommy." 
Technoblade waits until both are out of the classroom. He doesn't feel guilty at all. What should he feel guilty for, after all? Simmering rage burns in his chest, a constant companion to the acid in his mind. 
Next class, he promises himself. Next class, the training will begin. He'll be one step closer to achieving his goals. 
Technoblade rises and lets his human form melt away. The voices in his head scream, as they always have, as they always will, hundreds of thousands of souls trapped in here with him. His eyes-- all millions of them-- blink open as his hundreds of wings unfurl. Anyone who could see him now might name him a beast or an angel, and either could be correct. But Technoblade knows both are false promises. Humans can't create beasts or angels, after all. 
Demons, however, are apparently a different matter. 
Ranboo only went back to get his notebook. He can't forget his notebook; that is the one thing he's not allowed to forget. Shadows seep from every corner of the classroom. He shivers as he hastily scrambles to his desk. 
His book isn't in his desk. Where is it?? He can't lose it. He rummages in the desk frantically. Where is it, where is it, where is it?? 
The window creaks, and Ranboo yelps, leaping away from the sudden draft. "Wh-who's there?" 
"Hey." The kind voice greets him from the darkness. "You're out late." 
"I- I just- uhh, who are you?" 
"Who are you?" 
"I- uhh, I'm Ranboo." He backs away to the door. On the floor, silver glints in a shaft of moonlight. The spiral of his notebook. Crap. The shadowed form leaps silently into the classroom and kneels to pick up the book. Crap, crap. "Uh- that's- that's mine, actually." 
"Is it, now?" The gentle mockery in his tone sets Ranboo on edge. 
"Yes, actually, so- so give it back. Please?" 
The mysterious form opens Ranboo's book and flips through it. "Interesting. Alright." He hands it back to Ranboo, who snatches it and scrambles for the door. "Actually, Ranboo, I wanted to talk to you." 
The words yank Ranboo to a halt. He wants to retort, he wants to say no, he wants to leave, but instead he turns back meekly. "Okay?" 
"You're in class 3-E, yeah?" 
"Good. That's good. Do you want your teacher to die?" 
"Huh?" Ranboo tenses, confused by the seeming non sequitor. "I- I mean." Does he want Technoblade to die? Does he want anyone to die, for that matter? "N-not necessarily?" 
"Hm. Alright." 
"Who are you?" Ranboo gathers what little courage he has and steps back towards the door. 
"You, hm, you can call me Dream." The man steps out of the shadows. The mask over his face grins eerily at Ranboo. "I've got a proposition for you, Ranboo." 
"Metal melts in the bastard's skin, so anything with metal is a fucking waste of time." Quackity spreads the pages of his plan over the tree-house's table. 
"Maybe he's a vampire." Karl offers, sitting on the table and messing up Quackity's perfect layout. "Try wood stakes and garlic." 
"Vampires aren't real, dumbass." Connor rolls his eyes. 
"Well, neither are immortal pig-men mutants, but here we are." 
"He's a pig-man, not a vampire. Maybe try something for werewolves? Silver?" Sapnap joins in, swinging on the hammock. 
"He's not a fucking werewolf!" Quackity shoves Karl off the table. "Or a vampire. He's a motherfucking demon, that asshole is, and we need to fucking kill him!" 
"Language!!" The screech from the roof of the treehouse freezes everyone in place. 
"Karl." Quackity says calmly. "Who the fuck did you invite to our secret hideout?" 
"Nobody!" Karl cries. 
"He said he'd bring coke!" Connor cries. 
A short man dressed in goth black and red accents drops through the window and smiles at the Ducklings. "I did, but the cans burst on the way." 
"Not soda-" 
"Language!!" The man cries again, shushing Connor. "You kids shouldn't mess with bad stuff, anyway." 
"We don't." Quackity shoots a glare at Connor. "Anyway, it's none of your fucking business. Why the fuck are you here?? What do you want??" 
"I, uhh, just thought I'd help with your problem." The man grins. "You want to kill your teacher, right?" 
"Yeah? But-"
"Well, there you go! I can help you! Name's Bad, by the way. Badboyhalo." 
"How can you help? And what do you want in return??"
"Oh, hmm, how about seventy-five percent of the bounty." 
"Deal." Twenty-five percent of ten billion is still more than enough, and Quackity would prefer revenge on Technoblade over riches, anyway. "How do we kill him?" 
"I've got associates working on that tiny problem. We stole- uh, developed a way to hurt him temporarily, but he can't be killed unless you hit his heart, and his regen powers are too strong to let you reach that with any weapons we currently possess." 
"How the fuck do you know all this??" 
Bad smirks. "Social networking."
Ranboo paces in the chilly alleyway, reading and re-reading his book as shivers wrack his body. He found it. Good. Everything is fine, now. He's fine. 
He shuts out the uneasiness caused by the blurry darkness over his memories. He's never had a good memory, which is why he has this book in the first place. 
He huddles in the corner of the grimy alley to complete his homework, and wonders briefly why there's a second notebook in his backpack also marked 'Do Not Read'. Maybe he forgot he already had one. No worries. It's fine. 
Everything is fine. 
"Class." Technoblade greets his students as they file in. Quackity glares at the monster. He's in his piggy form today, his cloak swishing across the ground. 
"Rise." Tommy calls out the traditional honor given to teachers. But the class hadn't done this before for Technoblade. Quackity glances around at his fellow students, who all seem just as confused. He stands up. The others hesitantly follow his lead. 
"Bow." Tommy sets the example of a shallow bow. Then he straightens and draws a revolver. "Lock on!" 
Quackity stares as Tubbo, Eret, and Wilbur also draw out guns and take aim on Technoblade. 
"Heh??" Technoblade chuffs in confusion. 
"Target on Korosensei!" Tommy snaps out the order. "Fire!" 
"Korosensei??" Quackity's disbelieving laugh is drowned out by the ringing cracks of the guns and the shrill shrieks of students.
"HEH??" Technoblade chuffs again amidst the chaos. Quackity makes the signal to his gang as they stay out of the line of fire. 
"All stop!" Tommy barks. The gunfire ceases. 
Technoblade stares at his class, a tusky smile cracking across his muzzle. "For your first assassination attempt, that was four stars, kids." 
"Wow, that's really good!" Tubbo cheers and high-fives Tommy. 
"Out of ten." 
"Oh. Awww, come on, we deserve some credit for actually getting guns!" 
"You missed." Technoblade replies. "And you ruined my whiteboard." 
"That's your fault, innit, though, big man. If you'd've taken the bullets, the whiteboard would be alright." 
"That's true, that's true." Technoblade's smile fades into a scowl. "But you also put your classmates in danger." 
"They could've asked us what the plan was." Wilbur hums. "It's really their fault for sitting between us and you. And therefore it's your fault for assigning their seats there." 
"True." Eret agrees. "It's all Korosensei's fault."  
Philza walks between his guards, Punz and Ponk, as the two escort him through the compound. "What happened?" He asks, faking calm. 
"Technoblade added another term to our deal." President Skeppy walks backwards in front of Philza. Beside him, Awesamdude keeps a hand on his holstered revolver. 
"Did he." 
"He wants his class trained for assassination. In return, he told us his weakness." 
"Hm." Philza smiles, hiding the whirlwind of chaos and bloodlust behind his eyes. "Pog."
Chapter 3 (Next)
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starsandfluff · 3 years
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My Top Posts in 2021
puffy talking about the dream smp height chart
puffy: who the hell made this? who made this? i wanna know. i want names, i want names. who did this?
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and you wanna know what the worst part is? you wanna know what the worst part is? jack manifold responded going “it could be worse” saying that on google his height is 5’2”. that’s my height, and he said “praying for you”
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650 notes • Posted 2021-01-12 17:54:33 GMT
ant wants bad to officiate his wedding 🥺 !!!!!
ant: you know who i want to officiate it, i’m pretty sure bad, um, bad can officiate it. i want bad to do it but i also know bad doesn’t like flying so i don’t if that’d actually work out.
that’d be so cool. i would love if bad would do it. now, chat, don’t-like nobody mention that to him, i don’t want him to feel like pressured to do it, right. i could understand if bad wouldn’t be able to do it, but i would think that would be awesome.
bad was like one of the first people i came out to, actually.
/end transcript]
677 notes • Posted 2021-03-05 05:06:11 GMT
741 notes • Posted 2021-01-27 06:23:17 GMT
eggpire members with burn scars from the lava and magma blocks in the egg room. they don’t notice until the egg no longer has control over them, its influence had distracted their mind from any pain it cause them. in their attempts to heal, they find themself met with both emotional and physical agony.
869 notes • Posted 2021-07-21 08:47:45 GMT
the badlands have a cutesy colorful scrapbook with the most horrific and chaotic photos in it. a selfie of ant being attacked by schlatt. a photo of them watching darwin the panda fall into the lava surrounded by happy little stickers. a photo of bad completely distraught after pushing skeppy in the lava (ant took the picture) next to one of him pole dancing in the eggpire meeting room.
1111 notes • Posted 2021-10-16 20:03:10 GMT
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mythrilhusk · 3 years
Korosensei Never Dies - Chapter 5
Words: 1689 Ao3 Version Chapter 4 (Last)
Chapter 6 (Next)
AN: This is NOT RPF, this story is based solely on the characters of Dream SMP, not the people playing them.
It's a hobby some would call obsessive or even creepy. Wilbur Soot doesn't care what anyone thinks, it's his world and everyone else is just living in it. His pencil scrawls on the page, scratching black onto white.
--Tommy needs encouragement. He's latched onto Philza as a fath- role model worryingly fast. Have I not been enough for him? He told me he wants to kill Technoblade, but I could see the lie in his eyes. He's too kind, and now he's being torn in two directions. Should I ease the strain? Or should I see how long it takes for him to break?--
Wilbur doesn't care what others think of him. His sly gaze flickers from person to person, lingering on the bright ray of sunshine that is Tommy. 
--Tubbo worries me. He's been mostly silent ever since Technoblade showed up. Is he planning something?-- 
--Eret wants to kill Technoblade purely for the money. I saw the way their eyes lit up at the bounty. Which brings to mind another question. Why hasn't anyone outside of this class actually tried to kill Technoblade?--
--Ranboo never lets go of that notebook. I could swear it had a different cover. He's creepy. Avoid him.--
--Quackity has an intense grudge against Technoblade. But he's always with his gang, so I haven't been able to talk to him.--
--Hannah Rose started sparring with Foolish and Charlie last week. She's good. Too good. I don't trust her.--
--I can't get a read on Sapnap. He's always with Quackity, so I never have a chance to have a nice little chat, a good old tete-a-tete.--
--Connor wants to kill Technoblade. Boring.--
--Charlie hasn't shown any bent towards one side or another. He goes around with his saccharine "humour" and fails all his quizzes like he doesn't want Philza to train us. Maybe I should get him expelled.--
--Foolish says strange things. I don't like him.--
Wilbur pauses when he's finished silently dissing all his fellow students. The teachers are next. 
--Ponk just sort of showed up one day and then stayed as the math teacher. His quizzes are so goddamn annoying. He hasn't shown any signs of wanting to kill Technoblade, though.--
--Punz was here for like a day, and then was sent to the hospital as the result of Techno's completely just and righteous defense of Philza. Unknown if he will find the guts to return or not.--
--Philza. Ah, Philza. Mere words can not convey the sheer respect I have for that man's dedication to chaos. Why, just the other day, I saw him feeding birds as they perched on him. He then used them for target practice. Magnificent. If we all endeavor to succeed in our classes, he will teach us how to kill his friend.--
--Technoblade is an enigma. Seriously. Does this mutant man ever sleep? By all accounts, he should be a terrible teacher, yet somehow he finds the time and tenacious willpower to teach all the subjects in a concise and understandable way. Not to mention his casual sprinkling of anarchy propaganda. I wish to know his secrets. I will drag them out of him if need be.--
"Whatcha writing?" Tommy inquires. 
"Nothing!" Grinning innocently, Wilbur snaps his notebook closed. 
"Is it about me? Are you writing how good I am at luv?" 
"No, Tommy." Wilbur ruffles his friend's fluffy hair, ignoring Tommy's complaints. "I'm writing a diary. You can't read it." 
"Fuck off, I'll write my own diary!" 
Wilbur smiles and sits back, listening to Tommy rant. It would be interesting, wouldn't it, to see how he deals with the conundrum of looking up to Philza while being pressured to kill Technoblade. Wilbur can't wait to see him break. 
Badboyhalo paces in the Duckling's treehouse, wincing with every step. Antfrost binds George's wounds. "This has gone too far, Bad!" George complains. 
"Shut up! I know we can think of something!" 
"Our reputation is on the line! If anybody looks even slightly deeper into our pasts, we're all screwed." 
"Shut up!" Bad screeches. "We are Professional Assassins, that's all we ever have been, and nobody is going to question it unless you two screw up again!" 
Antfrost glowers, tightening a bandage on George's arm. "You screwed up, too." 
"How was I supposed to know?? He's a highschool student, a teenager, he shouldn't be good at fighting!!" 
"He's better than us. You think Dream taught him?" George tries to scratch at his bandages, but Antfrost smacks his hand away. 
"I don't know, you muffinheads, but we need to figure something out. Maybe take some martial arts classes." 
"You want us to go back to school??" 
"No! Yes?? Maybe? I don't know." Bad replies miserably. "We've gotta get outta here before Quackity and his gang show up." 
"Too fucking late." Quackity snarls behind Bad, dropping through the window. "Why the fuck didn't your motherfucking special weapons do a single goddamned thing??" 
"Language," Bad mutters half-heartedly. 
"Why the fuck are you buffoons planning to take classes for fighting?? You said you were professionals!!" 
"That is true, we are professionals. But we may have been a teensy bit misleading about our line of work." 
Quackity's scowl darkens and he draws his revolver. "I want blood, Bad. I want your blood so motherfucking badly right now. Fucking tell me the truth." 
Bad raises his hands, heart in his throat. "Wait, wait! I- we're not actually assassins, okay? We're just, uhh, our business is in, uhh-" 
Quackity cocks the gun. His eyes show no hint of mercy. 
"Wait-wait-wait-" Bad cries, trembling. "We're just con-men! It's our business! We go around, telling people we can take care of whatever their problem is, then we take the money and dip! Haha!" 
"We bit off a bit more than we could chew when President Skeppy paid us to help you kill Technoblade." George sighs. "Go ahead and shoot Bad, he's our leader. It was all his idea." 
"N-no!!" Bad screeches, glaring at George. "Don't shoot!! Please!" 
"Fuck you." Quackity flicks open the casing and empties the bullets onto the table. "Fuck you and your motherfucking lies. You don't even have a supplier, do you?" 
"No, we stole the prototype weapons from HBomb's lab!" 
"I'll forgive you on one condition." Quackity gives them a small, hard smile. "Break into the lab and get us actual weapons that'll actually fucking work on Techno. Nothing explosive, just knives and guns."  
"Deal." Antfrost says. "Do we still get a cut?" 
"Ten percent, but that's only if you don't fuck up again." 
"Ten??" Bad cries, forgetting his former fear. "That's only one billion!!" 
"That's about a billion times more than you fucking deserve, so don't test me, assholes."
Bad clenches his fists. Quackity is just a kid. He's just one kid. Bad, Antfrost, and George could easily win. 
But that's what they thought about Ranboo. Bad huffs. "Deal." 
Creeping around in the forest is not exactly what Awesamdude expected his career to lead to. But here he is, laying down a perimeter, alone. 
Not quite alone, however. The two kids stalking him could do with some more practice staying silent. He's already learned their names from their hissing whispers. 
"Niki, Jack, you shouldn't be here." He straightens after planting another post in the ground. 
A girl with violently pink hair drops down from a tree. A boy with clashing heterochromatic sunglasses hops up from behind a stump, brushing the leaves off himself. "How'd you know we were there?" Jack whines. 
"You were hardly quiet." 
"What're you doing?" Niki crosses her arms, scowling. 
"Do you want to die?" Sam asks darkly. He's bluffing, of course. He wouldn't kill innocents. 
"Can you kill people?" Jack asks, excited. 
"I could, if I wanted to." 
"Can you kill Technoblade??" 
"Why isn't anyone else trying?" 
"His location was a secret." Sam sighs. "It's not anymore, but I'm going to ensure nobody else interferes." 
"How are kids expected to kill an immortal??" Niki cries. "Why is the bounty so high?? Why is he teaching school instead of rotting in a prison??" 
"Curious, aren't you." Sam scratches his head. "Well, I suppose I can answer the first two. You're not expected to kill him, you're being used to keep him in line. And the bounty is so high because he wanted it that high." 
Niki glares at Sam. Jack's expression is unreadable behind his sunglasses. "Why-"
"Shoo." Sam waves a hand at them. "Go home before I lose my patience." 
The two converse for a moment in hushed whispers. Then, simultaneously, they cry, "Teach us to kill Technoblade!" 
Sam represses a smile. "No." 
"Why not??" 
"Because I have a job to do, and that involves not interfering." 
"Is President Skeppy stalling??" Niki snaps.
"I can't answer that." Sam raises his crossbow upon hearing cautious footsteps sneaking past in the shadows of the trees. Niki and Jack both leap back into cover, but Sam ignores them. "Show yourself, or I put an arrow through your ribs." 
"Please don't." Another teen steps out, raising his hands. The hidden weapons on his person wouldn't be obvious to someone less experienced, but are painfully visible to Sam. 
"What are you doing out here?" 
"I don't know?" The teen replies plaintively. "I was just taking a walk." 
"Hm." Sam lowers the crossbow slightly. He activates the sensors in his false eye with a blink, scanning the teen. The scan glitches and sends a flash of pain through his skull. "Agh!" 
"Are you okay, sir?" The teen steps forward. Warning bells chime in the back of Sam's mind, danger, danger, but Sam ignores them. This is just a kid. He's harmless. 
"I'm fine. You should go home." 
"Oh." The boy lowers his hands and opens the book he was holding. For a moment, Sam's eye glitches again, and the boy's form distorts; scales crawl across the boy's arms, twelve wings fold like fractals- Sam winces at the twinge of pain and the hallucinations fade. "I have a home, now." The boy mutters, and then wanders off. 
Sam sighs and continues his job of setting up a fence around the school building for class 3-E. Niki and Jack have scampered off already. He's alone again.
Chapter 6 (Next)
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mythrilhusk · 3 years
Despite Everything - Chapter 4
NOT RPF (Ao3 Link) Words: 2,091 Last Chapter CW: violence
Feat. Relationship (only SFW): Niki/Puffy (Rainbow Arson)
Spirit Reference Key:  Niki Nihachu - Death  Captain Puffy - Fire  Jack - Light  Eret - Ice  Awesamdude - Dark  Foolish - Life 
On the eve of Puffy's birthday, Niki finds herself cuddled with her girlfriend on a beanbag sofa as Jack and Puffy's three other friends laugh and banter around her. She reaches for the cookies to dip in her chocolate milk. Puffy gulps down her own favorite drink, her ears already flushed red with tipsiness. 
Jack and Sam play a card game, taking shots every time they lose a round. The two other teammates Niki just met today, Foolish and Eret, dance around in the kitchen as they cook up dinner. 
Niki grabs a handful of popcorn and chews it thoughtfully. The others haven't pressured her to fight with them yet, but she's ready for the inevitable disappointment. She watches the card game, trying to keep her mind off of darker musings. 
Eret strides out into the living room, their bi-pride-flag cape swooshing behind them. "Dinner is ready, Captain." 
Captain Puffy grins and wobbles to her feet. "To the kitchen!" She crows. 
Jack groans good-naturedly. "Man, I was just about to win!" 
"No, you weren't." Sam retorts, shoving Jack's shoulder playfully. 
Niki follows Puffy to the kitchen, where Foolish has set up the dinner table with paper plates and plastic cups. "Thanks, Effy, my son." Puffy slurs her consonants slightly. 
Foolish smiles and waves a bashful hand. "No problem, Papa." 
Sam sits down beside Niki. She slouches in her seat uncomfortably as he smiles at her. He's been waffling for weeks between either unsubtly avoiding her and being overtly friendly. If she didn't already know that he's very monogamously in love with some other dude, she'd think he's crushing on her. But that can't be it, so Niki is confused in regards to his possible motives.
Eret serves everyone heaping piles of the noodles and stirfry. "Truly, a queen among humanity." Puffy giggles as she stuffs food in her mouth. 
Foolish laughs at Jack, who's formed a mustache out of his noodles. The banter is so normal, the scene so mundane, it brings an ache to Niki's heart. 
The heavy knock on the door shatters the illusion. 
Niki rises to answer, but the door swings open before she can peek out the peephole. "Why, hello." A gruff voice intones, two glittering eyes pinning Niki in place. "Mind if I come in?" 
"Who are you?" Niki crosses her arms, blocking the way of the shadow. 
"You may know me as Technoblade." The massive form ducks through the door and into the light, shedding the boiling shadows. Niki gasps and flinches back from the menacing figure. 
Technoblade adjusts the glasses resting on his muzzle, scratches his bristly neck, and widens his amused grin. Behind Niki, her friends have all stood up, tensing for battle. "Relax." Technoblade admonishes lightly, raising his claws. "I'm not here to kill any of you this time." 
"This time??" 
Technoblade laughs awkwardly. "Aha, don't let this scare you or anything, but I'm under oath to not harm any of you tonight." 
"What do you want??" Puffy snarls, yanking Niki behind herself protectively. 
"We would like you to join our anti-emperor coup d'etat as allies." His tusks glint as he bends his head to stare at them through his glasses. "Sam, you smell terrible." 
"Ha- what??" Sam clenches his fists. "Wanna say that again, big guy??" 
"Yeah, actually. You stink of guilt and lies." Technoblade shrugs. "Hey, that's none of my business though if y'all wanna associate with a traitor." 
"Out." Puffy growls, glaring up at Techno. "Get out." 
"Wait, wait, haha, I kinda have to secure this alliance. C'mon, Captain, what do you say?" 
"Fuck you." Puffy flips him off. "Leave." 
Technoblade shrugs. "K. Don't say I didn't warn you." He ducks out of the door again, once more shrouded in shadow.  
Puffy slams the door after him. "What the hell was that about?? How dare he come in here to, to try to tear us apart!" 
Niki steps back as Foolish and Jack join in Puffy's rage. She turns and meets Sam's eyes. He stares at her with broken desperation apparent in the welling tears. Eret offers Sam their hand. "You good, man?" 
Sam flinches. "I- I'm so sorry." 
The room goes unnaturally silent. Puffy breaks the quiet tension with a furious shriek, throwing up her arms and storming to the beanbag. She throws herself into the poof and muffles an angry scream. 
"What do you mean, Sam??" Foolish cries. "What are you sorry for, you've done nothing!! Right??" 
Sam drops his eyes with a heavy sigh. "I have prior loyalties that- I thought I wouldn't encounter him again, okay? I thought- I thought he was gone for good. But he's back. And I can't betray him again, or- or he'll kill all of you, and I can't let that happen!" 
Jack pats Sam's shoulder. "Hey, look, at least you had good motives." 
Niki leaves Jack and Eret to comfort Sam, and approaches Puffy, who kicks her feet on the floor, still making noises like a pissed off tea kettle. "Are you okay?" 
"No, I'm not okay!" Puffy snaps, going miserably limp in the poofy beanbag. "I can't even protect my own team." Tears well in her eyes. "I can't even protect my own fucking team!! Why the fuck did that goddamn bastard Technoblade notice before I did??" 
"I, I think he's still out on the balcony, Puffy." Niki hisses upon glancing out the window. 
"Damn him, of course he is." Puffy grumbles. "Please deal with him for me?" 
"Of course, babe." Niki impishly plants a kiss on Puffy's wrist, then leaps up. 
Upon opening the door, she scowls at the lurking Technoblade. "Fifty thousand a day." 
"Heh? That's a rather high price, what about-"
"This is not a negotiation." Niki smiles sweetly. "It's an ultimatum. We will be your allies in this coup if you pay each of us fifty thousand bullion credits a day." 
Technoblade huffs heavily. "Don't punt anyone, they said. Just barter, it'll be easy, they said... Damn Wilbur, he should've been here instead." 
"Take it or leave it." 
"Fine, I suppose that deal is okay, I guess." Technoblade grumbles. "We'll contact you when we want your assistance." 
"Deal." Niki slams the door closed on him once more.
Puffy giggles hysterically as Niki sits down beside her. "Niki, I can't believe you just extorted the Pax Triumvirs!" 
"Wait, what??" Niki shrieks furiously, leaping to her feet. "The what?? Didn't they beat up Sam??" 
"Yes, but- Niki, you good, babe?" 
Niki glares venomously at the window. "I am going to extort so much more when those bastards try to contact us again." 
Puffy guffaws. Niki glances back at her with a fond smile. In the kitchen, Foolish, Eret, and Jack try to comfort Sam with ideas on how to free him from whatever entity that's been threatening him. 
Nothing about this is normal, anymore. But Niki finds she doesn't mind so much. 
Cloaked in the night, Badboyhalo trails Technoblade back to his base. The foolish Angel walks confidently, unaware of his stalker. Bad waits as Technoblade turns a corner. He sneaks around after waiting a moment. 
But Techno has disappeared. Bad huffs, annoyed that he has to use his meager strength to track the Angel. This was supposed to be a quick, easy mission. He closes his eyes and lets the darkness seep through him. 
Technoblade's form is a mere whisper tickling Bad's senses. Right behind him. Bad ducks; the blade of an axe whistles over his head. His daggers leap into his hands and he slashes for the Angel's arms. Feathers rustle, Bad's only warning before a heavy wing bowls him over. 
"Rude." Technoblade places a foot on Bad's chest, slowly increasing the pressure as Bad struggles to gasp for air. "Why are you followin' me?" 
"I, I was just, just passing throu-gck-!" Iron gravity wraps around his limbs, choking him. "Please-" Bad whimpers. 
"I asked a simple question." 
The pressure eases slightly, allowing Bad to gather his breath for an answer. "I- I just want to make sure they stay safe!" He cries. 
"Who? Nemesis?? They'll be fine. I ain't gonna kill them unless they try to cross us." 
"I know." Bad pleads. "I know, but the Lucid Spider is out and looking for revenge." 
Technoblade's eyes light up. He lifts his foot and yanks Bad to his feet. "The Lucid Spider, you say...?" 
"Yes! He's going to kill me if he finds me, but there's not time, I have to warn the Spirits." Bad brushes himself off. He glances up just in time to see Technoblade hiding a smirk. 
"Well, then. I've got some good news, then." 
"Oh? Really?" Bad perks up hopefully. 
Technoblade caresses the blade of his axe thoughtfully. "Good for me, that is. I'm not entirely sure how great it will work out for you, to be honest." 
"Oh-" Bad shrinks away. "Please don't?" 
"Alright. What'll I get if I let you go?" 
Bad thinks for a moment. He doesn't have riches, or anything really. "Uh, the satisfaction of doing the right thing?" 
"Heh." Technoblade laughs darkly. "I'm afraid that doesn't pay the bills. I can't have Quackity getting pissy cause I let a hostage go for having the moral high ground, now, can I..." He raises his axe. "You're comin' with me." 
Desperately, Bad kicks Technoblade in the gut. The Angel grabs his foot and twists, knocking Bad off balance. Bad shrieks as the axe slams down. It stops, hovering barely a centimeter away from the heartbeat pounding in Bad's throat. Technoblade scowls at Bad for a moment, then turns away and sheathes his axe. "Come on." 
Bad shrinks back, trembling with terrified adrenaline. He wants to go home. He wants to return to Skeppy and Antfrost, his team, his friends.
He starts to draw the shadows to himself in the vain hopes of sneaking away, but he's yanked into the air by gravitational forces beyond his control, then slammed down again. Technoblade doesn't even glance back at him, doesn't say anything, merely waits as Bad regains his breath and struggles to his feet. 
Badboyhalo looks over his shoulder at the nearest escape. Then he looks back at the Angel, who stretches his arms with a lazy yawn. He meekly follows his captor. 
Antfrost and Skeppy search the bridges and alleys frantically for Bad. Skeppy gets increasingly more and more panicked as no traces are found. "What if Dream got him??" Skeppy cries. "That fucking bastard-" He bursts into tears. "Now Bad will never yell at me again!!" 
Antfrost growls low in his throat. He's grown accustomed to teammates dying, but the loss still aches. "We will find Dream and make him pay." 
"Ye-yeah!" Skeppy sobs. "I don't understand, how could Bad let himself be defeated??" 
Antfrost shakes his head. "The goddamn muffinhead shoulda taken us with him." 
"He didn't even tell us where he was going!!" Skeppy cries. "He could be literally anywhere!" 
"I will try to look." Antfrost kneels on the cold bridge and clasps his hands together. His eyes snap open, blazing golden as his cyan phylactery floats up from the silver chain around his neck. Beams of light flare and dance around his body. 
"Badboyhalo." He hums and Io hums with him. "I am Antfrost, Speaker for the Dead. I summon you. Badboyhalo!" 
Skeppy stares at Antfrost, never failing to be amazed every time the former Spirit of Death taps into his lingering power. Antfrost's white and gold outfit glistens with diamond dew, setting off the cyan accents of the sharp holographic wings fluttering behind him. 
"We can't find him." Punz murmurs through the invisible portal to Hel's gates. 
"He's not here," Fundy confirms. 
"We will search for him." Purpled promises. 
Tears bead in Antfrost's eyes. He struggles to close the portal and cut off his power. His dead friends give him spectral hugs, then retreat once more to whatever afterlives they've chosen. His eyes flicker closed as he collapses weakly to the ironwood planks. 
Skeppy wails as he picks up Antfrost. "Don't die!!" 
"I'm not dead, you idiot." Antfrost snaps with his remaining strength. "Just, just let me rest." 
Antfrost lets Skeppy carry him back to their team headquarters. Skeppy, dear Skeppy. Formerly Spirit of Life, until it was ripped from him. Badboyhalo, dear muffin, former Spirit of Dark, until he gave it up for Skeppy's life. Punz, Fundy, and Purpled were not so lucky. Antfrost senses his remaining reserves of magic. He's running too low. Just one more spell, and his own body could be torn apart by the forces that only the gods will ever truly understand. 
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