#i am so normal about this new info (lie)
Characters: Aether, Albedo, Al Haitham, Amber, Ayaka, Ayato, Beidou, Candace, Cyno, Dainsleif, Diluc, Dehya, Gorou, Heizou, Itto, Kaeya, Kazuha, Lisa, Lumine, Layla, Nahida, Ningguang, Raiden Shogun, Scaramouche, Shenhe, Tartaglia, Thoma, Tighnari, Venti, Xiao, Yae Miko, Yelan, Zhongli
A/N: I've been working on this for a while and it got backed up thanks to finals but I hope you all like it!!
Aether (golden retriever)
It’s quite a fun morning when you wake up to a flurry of cries and laughter along with a big furry retriever pouncing on you as you just woke up.
You happily cried out for help and Paimon came to your rescue asking where Aether is, still cuddling and petting the cream colored fur as the dog's head rested on your lap.
On the dog's ear was aethers earring and you took a guess, asking the dog if he was your lover to which you got a pretty excited bark and more “kisses”.
The day is pretty much one of the best days ever as Aether gets to fawn over with cuddles and free food while you get to skip your responsibilities, running through the lands and laughing at the playful games you all played.
It’s decided that it was the result of a side effect of a domain your boyfriend recently cleared and it wore off after 24 hours but to say you were glad that it was over would be a lie.
Albedo (snow leopard)
He is a menace especially since snow leopards thrive in colder climates and naturally blend in with snow means a full day of hide and seek on Dragonspine, chasing him around and watching him observe the dancing hillichurls.
‘Bedo is of course going to let Klee pet him and cuddle near a fire if it’s cold (you get priority too), pawing at the knee for attention or to continue combing through his soft thick fur and wiggling around to show his stomach for pets.
You’re going to have to keep an eye on him as the now cat alchemist is going to try to perform experiments on himself to figure how he got in this position and with his large paws he’ll give you his best cute eyes for your help, please say no his fur almost got dyed neon pink.
Kaeya is no doubt going to catch wind of the situation and tease him about gaining a new fur coat to replace his usual white one, casually speaking about how you’re suddenly available since your boyfriend is an oversized house cat.
The cavalry captain gets a snarl and small but fierce roar as he sees Albedo get in front of you and slowly move towards him, both of you don’t see kaeya for the rest of the day and your furry alchemist lover demands rubs.
By the end of the day there will be two sheets of papers with a charcoal paw print on it and a messily done heart, paper slightly shredded but you and Klee love his gift anyway.
Alhaitham (Madagascar day gecko)
Like Albedo is a menace and uses his new form to hide from you and play games but most importantly get info that he normally wouldn’t be able to get as he’s now an ordinary seeming gecko.
Most likely he’ll find you before you find him, climbing up your back with his padded toes and smirking (you think) at your confused scattered self.
Alhaitham can’t just go about his day as normal so he does have to rely on your help much to his disagreement, wandering through the stalls and purchasing fruits for you both.
All in all a very relaxing day for the scholar compared to what he’s used to and did have fun being able to be pretty much inconspicuous, playing “catch me if you can” with his significant other.
Amber (french lop bunny)
Probably has to do with Albedo or something she ran into while being an outrider but nonetheless loves it, finally she’s like her baron bunny and adorably fluffy.
Jean gives her the day off because there really isn’t anything Amber can do in her current state and she could get hurt, you end up having a fun day to yourselves and walking through Mondstadt in with bunny amber cuddled in your arms.
You can’t help but prepare a satisfying salad for her and you, sitting just outside the city and enjoying the wind brushing through Amber’s whiskers.
The way her cotton tail twitches when she’s excited or her high hops in tall grass chasing after you, every soft small part of her is too cute.
Ayaka (persian teacup kitty)
Thoma’s going to come up to you with a mixed expression of worry and awkwardness, his hands hiding a furry pale blue moving ball that unfurled to be a kitten and according to Thoma…your girlfriend.
You’re too busy cooing over her cute cat form to listen to what Thoma was saying besides her not being able to take care of her duties, entrusting you to take care of her and watch over Miss Kamisato.
Most of the day is in her room watching her struggle to walk and fall whenever she tries to stand on two legs, not only not being able to reach items because she’s a cat but she’s a teacup cat.
She does have to admit that you’re adorable from her point of view and you give the best scratches behind her ear while she’s laying on soft blankets and weaving between your legs.
Ayato (peacock)
This is one of the best and worst days for him because he gets a day off of work for a valid reason and he gets to show off how pretty is to you. Thoma and his sister cannot stop doubling over with laughter.
The lord is almost always puffed up and displaying his feathers for you to enjoy, following you around like it’s the only possible option and occasionally cawing to get your attention.
Several times Inazumans came up to you while you were running errands and warned you that there was a very large color bird “stalking” you, turning around to see your lover trying to impress you
It was very clear that this magnificent bird was Ayato Kamisato based on its attitude and coloring but how it happened….. who knows?
Beidou (Treeing walker Coonhound)
It’s quite a shock to see the captain of the Crux fleet basking and swimming in liyue harbor under the hot sun, perking up when her nose caught your scent and shook the water off her much to the crews displeasure.
There are a couple pros when you inevitably go to Ningguang to inform her of the situation and Beidou goes right to tackling the leader with tons of wet kisses and barks, looking back at you with what you swear is a smirk or cocky expression.
As a hound she gets so many snuggles from the children and elders but her enhanced hearing and smell allow her to find more illegal deals or goods being stolen and smuggled by treasurer hoarders (they can’t hardly believe that this dogs is somehow on Captain Beidou’s size till they see you and they bolt without the goods).
At the end of the day you and her are at the front of the ship, overlooking the lanterns decorating Liyue Harbor and having your girlfriend on your lap cuddled up close to you with her head nuzzled into your stomach.
Baizhu (ball python snake)
Since he’s already used to Changsheng being on him 24/7 Baizhu going to know what to do in order to keep himself alive until whatever this is wears off but until then you and Qiqi will have to help run Bubu Pharmacy, your lover coiled around your neck to help you like his own snake as Chengsheng is around Qiqi’s hat.
It isn’t a surprise that Baizhu is playful in his serpent form, racking his brain for when or how this could have happened when he’s normally so aware of his situations but chose to ignore the reason and press light kisses again.
You take breaks for both yourself and your new snake partner who Zhongli immediately recognises but chooses not to comment on while you order food from Wanmin restaurant, going just out of the city to find some some rodents for Baizhu to snack on and holding back a gag reflex when you saw the bulge in his coils.
Whenever it’s hot out his cold bloodedness comes in handy for both of you and trailing down your body to get herbs when you cannot find them, coming back to your arms before coiling around your wrist and dropping the herbs on the counter but not without giving you a nuzzle which gets a funny comment from the customer.
Candace (coyote)
It's unusual to wake up to a coyote instead of your girlfriend but weirder things have happened before strangely enough and both of you have work to do so you couldn’t just laze about and cuddle your new canine companions.
Although now being a coyote, she can cover the area surrounding Aaru village better and fast with four legs, using her intimidation as a fierce wild dog to scare away potential threats with her bared fangs and chasing them off.
You went to work and notified people that yes Candace is okay but she was called away by the Akademiya on a mission in the desert and to come to you with concerns until she was back.
Tiredly smiling when the sun hit the horizon and you saw her slip into the village, playing around with some children before heading to you and encouraging you to brush the grit out of her fur while sunbathing.
Neither of you knew what caused this but it ended the next morning and you both chalked it up to some strange harmless magic, laughing about the fun memories while you woke up and went about your day.
Cyno (death stalker scorpion)
He’s not going to even try come up with a logical reason for how this happened but does find it ironic and is happy that he’s now the most venomous scorpion in all of Teyvat but is now terrified that he’ll accidently sting you hence why when you wake up he’s on the opposite side of the room with a book on your desk open to his species.
Immediately going to find Alhaitham with your help and bug him, pure amusement filling his heart when his colleague glared at him and skittering closer with his tail threatening to sting him. An unspoken threat hangs in the air, the Mahamatra daring the Scribe to mock his jokes without consequence.
Cyno grows to enjoy his new form as he’s just as threatening as he was when he was human and even gets more confessions as he points his stinger at the criminals neck with another Matra coldly asking him to just confess already (you’d informed the Akademiya that Cyno had been turned into a scorpion which Nahida got a kick out of but did confirm the truth).
Late in the afternoon both of you were laying on a rock in Gandharva Ville with the sun warming up your boyfriend, Tighnari had just finished examining your lover and gaining some venom from the scorpion in order to work out an anti-venom just in case but left to two of you sleeping.
Dainsleif (fruit bat)
You rarely see Dainseif because of his constant traveling but he always seems to be there when you need him and stays for as long as he can before he slips away to take care of his personal issues.
Although through everything you’ve seen with Dainsleif this has to take cake, opening your window around midnight when you heard some taps and yelping when a bat flew into your bedroom.
Clinging to your shirt and looking up at you, key details being a half mask-like mark across his face and your boyfriend's signature star eyes stopping all words coming out of your mouth. Was this your lover? It couldn’t be- but who else looked like that. It couldn’t be a coincidence.
Welp now that all your plans were cancelled since your lover unexpectedly is here and now turned into a bat for some reason but nonetheless you sat with Dain hanging from your shoulder eating a juicy fruit you’d given him and looking at you with love filled eyes.
Dehya (Bengal Tiger)
Personally thinks this is an upgrade and takes advantage of it for as long as it lasts, giving you “puppy dog eyes” to explain to Rahman what’s happened but to let her continue her jobs with you as her translator (no way she’d allow any harm to come to you) and begrudgingly agreeing to let her go.
You make sure to pack up some water and snacks (having to go out and buy some food for your tiger girlfriend) so you are nourished during the journey, setting out with a happy oversized cat purring and rubbing against you with no care of the onlookers concerned or confused faces.
All of her work goes smoothly with you having to occasionally step in to explain what’s happened and her enemies not willing to fight an overgrown pyro infused tiger with only a simple weapon.
Evening is one of the best, both of you laying down in front of the fire and stroking the big cat that’s smothering you with wet kisses, chuffing while nudging her head against your hand as you take another piece of fruit for yourself and some grilled meat for her.
Diluc (red tailed hawk)
Usually you woke up to your fire haired lover’s tight grip on your waist before he’d kiss your head and sneak off to get ready for his busy day but today you awoke to a soft chirp and light nips to your cheek by a red tailed hawk. Strangely it wasn’t freaking out externally but tried to get more comfortable next to you as you just froze in shock and looked around the room for your lover or some explanation of what’s going on.
Your feathery friend flew over to a pile of Diluc’s uniform and dropped his glove and vision in your lap, picking up the edge of the glove with its beak and trying to slip the glove over its talon. Its scarlet eyes desperately looking at you with some sort of desire only known to it and causing your thoughts to wander to how similar the bird and him were.
Eventually accepting that your boyfriend was now a bird for an unspecified period of time and calling in Adelinde to explain the situation in order to cancel or reschedule any business meetings. You carded your fingers through Diluc’s red feathers who was now on your shoulder observing the view from outside the Winery and flew out to one of the rows of grapes, picking off one with his talons and eating it with a content coo.
Both of you did have to go into Mondstat to take care of Angel’s Share where Venti cackled upon seeing the famous intimidating bartender and Kaeya was a bit more snarky fully aware of the damage the hawk could inflict. But the aerial view of the city when he would fly around the cathedral was breathtaking to say the least and he wished more than anything to share this view with you, swooping down to you as you came to the base of Barbatos’s statue with to chicken skewers smiling up at him and offering him some dinner from Good Hunter.
Il Dottore (blue ringed octopus)
As far as you know this was probably his doing because frankly it seems like it was something he’d do just for kicks and it was another new accomplishment he could brag about but apparently something went awry when the fatui agent directly under his command came running to get you.
You were about to be handed an octopus but ripped your hands away when you realized the species of cephalopod to be the highly venomous blue ringed octopus which your lover often raved about and nearly yelled at the agent for attempting to kill you before the tiny sea creature pointed an arm towards a note on the doctor’s table.
After reading the note that basically said Dottore maybe fucked up by adding a chemical he wasn’t supposed to into his recent already unstable concoction and that you had to take care of him until the effects wore off in about 24 hours.
The rest of the day was pretty relaxing given you had to carry around a full container of water that your lover resided in. It was eventful with you occasionally slipping him bits of fish and having him climb up your arm to your shoulder to watch the world from your view compared to his small one.
Gorou (Shiba)
General Gorou personally doesn’t like this new development because some people (Yae Miko) already saw him as part dog despite various attempts of him doing everything he could to just get others to ignore his canine features.
So when he woke up one morning feeling a bit smaller than usual and went to rub his face but saw paws instead of his hand, freaking out and immediately turning over to wake you up but only getting out scared barks or whines.
After almost an hour of calming Gorou down with the help of Kokomi who agreed that until your boyfriend was back to normal he wouldn't be allowed to do any work as general.
Well Gorou wasn’t happy with the situation but he came around to liking it when he realized that he get’s to spend all of his time with you it clicked and eagerly asked for more cuddles now that you could both sleep in until lunch.
Heizou (ferret)
Chaos. I don’t feel like I need to say anything else if you know what ferrets are generally like and if you don’t then please look it up it’s hilarious (also fits Heizou’s personality to a T), but better pray for the Tenryou Commission when he wakes up and get ASAP before Sara breaks her “No killing Heizou under any circumstances” rule.
This boy is so slippery even when he’s human but loves to run around you while climbing you up and down as he gives playful kisses on your face, not to mention his coat is gorgeous with bits of tanish brown mixed with stripes of vibrant red and gold along his fur.
It’s going to take more than one person if they want to get him off of you, trying not to touch you in the wrong places as the guard attempts to get Heizou out from your clothes and even if they’re successful the detective is going to nip at them so he can further secure himself around your neck.
You do love it when he’s peaceful, eating bits of fruits or grilled meat from your hand and nuzzling her soft cute face into your cheek (Heizou is going to make it up to you for all the trouble he caused later with cuddles).
Itto (bull)
Please help this man or bull who woke up so frightened that he wasn’t an Oni anymore that he crashed through a wall of your house and it took the entire gang, including both shinobu and you with the threat of Kujou Sara to get him to stop rampaging.
Also in this I imagine that he’s not Ushi sized but full on bull sized but with his signature red horns and red marking colored in his black/grey fur.
It’s going to take more than a couple minutes to tell him what’s going on (Sara already has Heizou trying to figure out what happened) but afterwards finds it pretty cool and naturally offers local Inazuman kids a ride.
You ensure them it’s safe with you going on him as well and the entire day is filled with the laughs of kids thanking their favorite Oni for bull rides, whispering comments to you about your lover’s protectiveness whenever another person gets a bit too close for comfort (like anyone would want to face off against an angry bull).
Kaeya (peacock)
This man is already cocky but now as he’s a bird know for being gorgeous and pretty, will not stop preening himself or looking for some way to impress you.
Each of his feathers has his signature star eye instead of it’s normal colors on his plumage which doesn’t take long to put two and two together, calming yourself down and laughing at your lover’s attempt to console you by perching himself on your lap (encouraging you to use his soft feather to distract yourself).
Both of you silently agree that it’d cause way more of an issue if you went out with an unusually colored peacock of all things (something not native to Mondstadt) and stayed home, sneaking out to walk among the gardens at twilight and admire the luminescent moon lighting up the path.
Kazuha (yellow ragdoll cat)
Such a good kitty he is, doesn’t panic upon realizing his new form but does have some concerns and atm he can’t do anything so he might as well relax with you until you start your day which doesn’t take long.
He’s so adorably cute and you cannot help yourself when you sweep him up in your arms, your lover is happily purring and swiping his paw over the signature red streak to hopefully clue you in. Luckily you took it well with minor panic but ultimately hoped it’d wear off after a day or so and scratched his head as you strolled through Inazuma City.
Many people flock to you and ask to pet your “cat”, commenting on his red streak and cooing at him whenever he walks around on your shoulders purring.
The samurai naturally attracts cats, so expect to be followed by a herd of cats which isn’t bad because they’re all so fluffy and Kazuha would rather nap on you when you’re basking in the sun which leads to a cuddle pile.
Kokomi (full moon betta fish)
Honestly how either of you got into this scenario is a mystery but needless to say it involved a very worried and concerned general Gorou cradling a small glass bowl with a beautiful pink and purple white full moon betta fish.
Most of the day was spent carefully resting in Kokomi’s room in order to avoid any soldiers in case they came looking when Gorou informed the resistance that her excellency wasn’t feeling well which wasn’t technically a lie although your girlfriend tried to convey that she wanted to go outside and swim in some shallow pools.
The happiness you could feel coming off her in waves as she excitedly swam among the shores of Watatsumi Island and fluttered about in between your legs when you walked in the water beside her.
Soon or later you ran with her in her bowl trying to escape Gorou for yelling at you for “endangering” Kokomi and understanding you’re her significant other but that doesn’t mean you get to steal her away (your girlfriend begged to differ).
Layla (sloth)
It fits her very well mostly due to how cute she is and her clinginess whenever she’s asleep, waking up one morning to feel a tight grasp on your waist and being a bit frightened to see a small icy blue sloth peacefully sleeping on your stomach.
You looked around to see your girlfriend’s signature star head accessory sitting atop their head, having heard to the Akademiya’s recent mess you’d believe pretty much anything and your Layla being an adorable sloth was not your life until the foreseeable future.
After locking the door so she couldn’t do any of her work (not like she could anyway), you went out to the nearby markets to get some breakfast and kept her close to you, her arms now wrapped around your neck and happily stared at your focused expressions.
Upon her request (really just her pointing at the House of Daena repeatedly) you went into the library and checked out some books in a small corner to her joy, cooing at her cute form and running your hands through her fur which she seemed to like).
Lisa (fine haired Persian cat)
You were in the library petting a gorgeous Persian lavender cat when the Acting Grandmaster bust into the room frantically asking if you knew where Lisa was and yelling that someone went wrong when the librarian as helping Albedo out with a recent experiment only to see you with the cat happily purring on your lap. “Oh good you found her.”
Obviously after the explanation that your lover had been accidently turned into a cat you couldn’t help but coo at her more than you did before you knew and cozy up in a faraway section of the library with some pillows and take a nap among the many books lining the shelves.
Napping away when the sun warmed both of you up and groaning when she pawed your face with her little fuzzy mittens, yawning as you got up to get food for both of you at good hunter and brought her back to your little pillow nest.
Lumine (cream tabby cat)
Just like Aether you woke up to a sound you hadn’t heard in a while which was a very friendly pale yellow tabby cat sleeping on your chest whose eyes fluttered as you began to fully wake up and nudged your cheek affectionately.
It didn’t take a genius to realize somehow that the traveler had somehow turned into a cat and until further knowledge so you had no choice but to care for your girlfriend, who was happily getting a lot of attention from you.
Your companions found this very amusing and Paimon did occasionally laugh at the way the traveler plays with the leaf being tossed about in the wind but quickly shuts up when she tries to take a swipe at Paimon.
There isn’t an hour where you and her aren’t connected in some way and Lumine often naps on top of your shoulders as you go about your day doing your chores, chuckling to yourself at the content purring kitty sleeping on around your neck.
Nahida (butterfly)
A/N: this can be read as either platonic or familial love
It’s not going to be easy to find her but she’ll let you know very easily via a dream and she archon magic, flapping her gorgeous green and white wings all around you while dropping small flowers on you.
Nahida is definitely going to need some help when it comes to eating and you can definitely hear phantom giggles as you cut into a slide of zaytun peach, biting into one yourself and lifting it to your shoulder where the dendro archon is perched.
There is no doubt that she’s going to lead to to the Aranara Village, introducing you to all her friends who without a doubt both know it’s her and adore you (many flower crowns were made for you that day and you brought all of them home).
You can tell just by how Nahida acts (even if it’s just flying about) that she’s happy to have another form of freedom where she doesn’t have to be Sumeru’s archon and just have fun, gliding from flower to flower that just seem to reach towards her every time she passes them.
Pantalone (arabian horse)
All you woke up to really loud noises and a bunch of whining which scared you awake and nearly screamed when you saw a fully grown black stallion worriedly pacing around the room, quickly backing yourself against the headboard and rapidly looking around for your lover but calling out his name.
To your surprise the horse looks your way and something in his eyes softens before stopping to a halt, nudging something towards you that was knocked onto the floor and picking it up to see it was Pantalone’s slightly cracked glasses.
No explanation could be given but you did have a very amusing time trying to get him out of the house without damaging or breaking anything, but the harbinger got back at you by sweeping you up on his back and galloping across the snowy fields.
You could vaguely hear happy winnies whenever you yelped or shrieked from the fast pace he was setting and would use his head to nudge you back onto his back. Anyone could tell that this horse was very prideful about its handsome appearance and you couldn’t deny it.
Raiden Shogun (Jaguar)
Needless to say walking back into your shared room only to see a violet patterned jaguar was enough to get you to call out to nearby guards and your breath fell short when you got the big cats attention, freezing in place as you slowly backed up and dropped the desserts had bought for you both.
You didn’t even have to run because it easily smelled the sweets and laid down to munch of them, nudging one toward you and watching you keenly with her tail swishing idly behind her; of course that’s when the guards came in and pushed you behind them in order to stop you from being harmed.
After a long accident involving the cat hissing at the guards and keeping you behind her, lifting her chest to show an exact copy of the symbol the archon had and sparks of lightning emanating from her paws marking up the matted floors. The message was clear that this was somehow their archon and didn't touch what’s important to her, without hesitation Yae Miko was called.
Ei was so much more calm when they left, you could feel that she was overall done with everyone and just wanted to relax with you (which you both did), escaping away to the secret garden where you hid among some flowers and napped with your lover now a jaguar purring quite happily.
Kunikuzushi/Wanderer (black ragdoll cat)
Nahida called urgently called you to the Sanctuary of Surasthana because something worrisome had happened involving the wanderer and to not panic because it wasn’t too bad, the situation you got only increased your anxiety when you ran in through the doors only to hear the archon’s voice yelling to “Close the door before he gets out!” and briefly seeing a black puff ball scurrying towards you while hissing.
The obsidian ragdoll cat uses you as a shield as he angrily hisses and takes swipes at Kusanali who is clearly having a lot of fun although it seems very stressful, thanking you and scolding the cat who she calls “Wanderer” for trying to escape when someone was trying to help him (you do a double take at that).
She explains that she doesn’t have an explanation but roughly knows what happened and most likely angered some Aranara who specialized in illusion magic to which you try and pay attention to her however your eyes haven’t left your lover’s pale indigo ones.
You go to pick him up (he strangely gave you a onceover before jumping onto your chest without warning) and nearly fell while glaring at him annoyed with his actions, the anemo user only squirmed in your arms to get more comfortable and blinked up at you once settled with false innocent eyes that you were all too familiar with.
Thankfully it was raining so even if he did get out he wouldn’t get far, so begrudgingly agreed to stay at the Sanctuary until he changed back and (much to his embarrassment) started purring when you pet him right behind the ears, looking around to double check if the damned archon was around before allowing himself to relax and wind his tail around your hand lovingly.
Shenhe (red crowned crane)
For sure is going to wake up confused and curious, pecking you awake as softly as she can and nudging you with her head to try to get you up.
At first you thought that she was Cloud Retainer and freaked out, scrambling out of bed and brushing the invisible dirt off your clothes to greet her correctly.
Upon noticing that it was your girlfriend, you chose to ask Cloud Retainer herself who also didn’t know what was going on but assured you it was temporary.
Shenhe flew across the lakes, freezing the water in spiral patterns and landing gracefully on the ice to invite you over to skate.
Tartaglia (red fox)
Him and Heizou have something in common and it’s still being able to cause mass amounts of chaos despite being non human, the entire day will be spent chasing him around while you try to clean up the messes he “accidently” causes.
No doubt one of his antics is going to be finding Zhongli and being playful but just tolerable enough to not be thrown into Liyue harbor, squealing and gekkering when Hu Tao came up to ruffle his tangled fur.
By mid afternoon you’d given up searching for your boyfriend and gone to sit by the harbor, swinging your legs off the dock and feeling a certain soft fox cuddle his way under your arms as an apology.
Thoma (Shiba)
You’re called over by the Kamisato siblings who were trying their best to keep it together and hold in their laughter while they led you to a room containing a dog that looked suspiciously like Taroumaru, noticing that he wore your lover's black metal headband and similar happy go lucky smile.
The two explained that somehow Thoma had been transformed into a shiba when they came to check in on him when he hadn’t said good morning and the only idea they had was to get you so no one else found out, asking you to watch over him until either of them found out a way to turn him back.
Thoma who’d been contently laying in your lap and snuggling against the hand petting him perked up at that sentences, barely able to contain his barks of excitement and running circles around you.
It was rare that the housekeeper got a day off and this was a strange incident but he’d take it, leaving you to chase after him through the city and coming back with some food a chef had given him because of his cuteness.
Tighnari (fennec fox)
There’s really nothing different except for the lack of control, short height, people cooing over him- yeah he officially hates it and scampers off into the Avidya forest to continue his duties. Even if he’s now an actual fennec fox instead of just being a hybrid like he was previously, a small hiccup isn’t going to stop him no matter how much Collei pleaded.
He is shocked that you instantly know who he is based on his various shades of green and blue coat coloring (not missing the hint of pink on his ears and nose) and hazel curious eyes, looking around before jumping into your arms and silently pleading for you to hide him.
You do manage to convince him to take a walk through the forest towards a small river runs and sweet Zaytun Peaches, mint, and Harra fruit grow; biting into one of them and savoring its sweet flavor before offering the other to Tighnari who happily took it.
He gives you the best privilege you could ever have and it’s cuddling him as a fox, it isn’t surprising you fall asleep with your boyfriend in your arms who is slowly falling victim to fatigue as well (he didn’t notice Collei peaked through the door and took a picture for later).
Venti (Mocking Bird)
Like Tighnari, the archon is already like a bird so it doesn’t affect him so much until you and Diluc tell him that he can’t drink any alcohol cause it might kill him in this form and he’s not going to chance leaving you behind in this world (although the face the red head made after you were finally able to convince him the bird was Venti was pure gold).
Your boyfriend never leaves your side and is able to hear all the songs that he can make as a mocking bird, including anything he overhears from anyone else and being able to mimic it completely.
He spends most of his time nested in your hair and showing off his beautiful feather pattern to his beloved, green and blue swirls painted on his brown and white wings (a small Anemo symbol placed on his chest).
Windrise’s massive oak tree provides lots of shade and roots for sitting on as you sit against the bark as Venti flutters about in the air joyously, occasionally stopping and giving you a love peck while he picks up some diced apple with his beak to nice.
Xiao (Blue-backed Manakin)
Takes the whole “fierce harsh warrior” and turns it on its head as he tries to figure out if this new form is because of his karma or just the world laughing at him, overall is very grumpy and does his best to avoid you knowing you’ll coo over his new bird form.
Light but harsh repeated pecking against glass gets your attention and you see a small bluish black manakin bird perched on the window sill trying to get out but freezing when they lock eyes with you.
You recognise the purple triangle that your lover has tattooed on his forehead and remember something he had mentioned about his previous form being a bird, putting the two together and scooping him into your hands; five minutes later both you are on the same page and will later see Zhongli for help but for now you’re okay with some snuggles after some puppy eyes (which Xiao knows he can’t stand strong against).
When the time finally arrives to find the ex-geo archon, Xiao finds a comfy stop nestled on top of your head (bonus point that he can also keep in contact with you and lookout) and does unconsciously let out small chirps when you nuzzle his chest or mention how beautiful his feathers are (which you wish could keep one and luckily enough are gifted one by him as your arrive in Liyue).
Yae Miko (arctic fox)
The Guiji does change into her fox form on occasion and when you’re at your lowest in need of comfort but never out in public where others can see her but something must have gone wrong because now she can’t transform back into her human form which alarms both her and you.
Doesn’t let anyone see her and curls up in her room as she tries to figure out what happened however you manage to sneak into her room, using your puppy dog eyes to your advantage.
Yelan (Black widow spider)
Something was scattering across your face and opening your eyes to see a larger than normal black widow spider to which your reaction was to scream in fear, throwing the spider to the other side of your room and desperately checking your face for bites while grabbing a big book on the shelf next to you.
When you turned back the arachnid was busy using it’s webbing to write something on the floor, quirking your head so didn’t have to move but you could see and becoming genuinely shocked at the sight of your lovers name being written in blue glowing silk (it’s artist looking up at you with all 8 eyes).
It took a lot of patience but you came to accept the fact that your fiersome girlfriend was now one of the most venomous spiders in all of Teyvat until you could change Yelan back but you’d make the most of it and she’d weave complex designs out of her webbing for you.
Another perk was that the hydro user could now gather intel more easily because of her new form and much to your dismay she crept out of the house to continue on her recent mission but just before midnight you felt a soft cloth brush against your face (Yelan had made herself a little bed on the headboard).
Zhongli (standard bearded dragon)
Generally alright with his new form but isn’t happy that he can’t drink tea anymore whenever he tries which only ends in your holding all of his tea hostage for fear of what it’d do based to his reptile body and Zhongli with his now obsidian black beard rather than the normal beige.
He does enjoy basking in the Liyue sun that beats down on a roof he’s taken a liking to after giving you a slip and flattens himself out into (as you like to call it) “pancake mode” to best enjoy the sun’s heat.
Hu Tao upon hearing why he can’t come to work cannot stop laughing and taking photos via her Kamera but lets you both off until a solution appears.
The day consists of you with your lover on your shoulder and walking around the plains of Liyue, more than once does he speed off to investigate a commotion and finds out he is very fast on all fours.
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thehusbandoden · 7 months
That's a New Feeling -Dabi x Reader
A/n: honestly I had no idea what to do for the title 😅
General info:
Genre: angst to fluff \\ wc: 1,545 \\ posted: 11/18/2023
Warnings!: arguing, raised voices, saying things they didn't mean (from both parties), a mention of Dabi's past, daddy issues, guilt, crying, and your partner leaving for an extended amount of time. Please let me know if I miss any! <3
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"C'mon Doll, you can't still be mad at me." Dabi chuckled, brushing a strand of hair behind your ear, looking you in your eyes as he trailed his fingers down to your chin, holding it gently.
Huffing, you pull away from his touch. "I can, and I still am."
"Oh come on. It was one tim-"
"Dabi don't you dare lie to me. We both know that it wasn't just 'one time'."
"Okay okay, it may happen frequently. But, you know I'm sorry."
"Do I though? Do I really? Because all I hear from you are excuses."
Dabi sighs, running his hand through his hair. "Now you're just being petty." He murmured, rolling his eyes in annoyance.
"Petty? I'm the petty one!?"
"Yes! Yes you are!" "
How! How on earth am I the petty one!?"
"It was a mistake! You shouldn't be so sensitive!" "Now you're changing the subject!?"
"You're the one changing the subject, y/n."
"You're pathetic." You hiss, storming into the kitchen.
"Aww did I hurt your feelings?" Dabi mocked, following you. "You're such a cry baby. Did you know that?
"I was worried about you because I care about you!"
Dabi laughed humorlessly. "Care about me? That's rich."
"Yes! I care about you! Even though I have no idea why! You're a selfish brat who only thinks about himself!"
Dabi's face darkened. He seemed to actually be angry now. "You have no idea what selfish is, y/n."
"Oh I know." You chuckle darkly. "I know what selfish looks like. All you do is complain about how hard your life is, and how easy I have it. You're always whining about how sore your body is, and how broke you are. Complaining about how you need to dye your hair again, and that we're out of your favourite snacks as you sit on your arse, telling me how I should actually 'contribute' to our income."
"Oh? What happened to you caring about me? I'm in pain and you find me selfish? I'm tired after working hard for us, and yet it's not enough? You don't ever do anything, y/n. And I'm the selfish one?"
"You're the one working such a low life job, maybe you should actually be a decent human being and get a normal job." You hiss, causing Dabi to clench his jaw.
"Take that back." He quietly growled, his turquoise eyes cold with anger as he glared at you.
"No, I won't. It's the truth." You were too angry to think rationally as you washed the dishes, not even paying any attention to Dabi's face.
"You know why I don't work a civilian's job." Dabi hissed in your ear, standing over you. "You also know how hard I'm working for your ungrateful arse."
You drop the dishes into the soapy sink, causing bubbles to splash onto both you and Dabi. "I am not lazy. I do all of the cleaning, and all of the cooking. Oh, and stop using your daddy issues as an excuse. Your daddy didn't love you, oh well. Get over it."
Dabi's face fell. He trembled in anger as he gripped onto the counter. "Take. That. Back." He growled, his face dangerously close to yours.
"Never." You hiss, glaring into his eyes. Trembling in rage, Dabi burned a hole in the countertop before storming into your shared bedroom. At the sudden movement, you suddenly snapped into reality. What you said was partly true.. but the way you had said it and the implications were bound to be hurtful and were definitely uncalled for.
Feeling guilty and worried about what would happen next, you rush upstairs. "Listen Dabi I-" you froze as you saw Dabi stuffing clothing into a backpack, his body smoking in certain areas. "Dabi?"
Dabi ignored you, grabbing his phone and his charger. "Dabi, baby please. I'm so sorry, I didn't mean it I swear." You grabbed Dabi's arm, guilt tearing at your heart as you saw how badly you hurt your beloved.
Dabi continued to ignore you, his body trembling in rage.
"Listen baby, we were both angry but I should have never brought your past up like that. I'm so sorry.. please don't ignore me baby.."
Dabi glared at you, his lip curling into a snarl. "I thought I could trust you." He spat, before pulling away, storming downstairs.
"W-wait Dabi! You can! I'm so sorry, please just wait a second! You can sleep in our bed, and I'll sleep on the couch! Please don't leave!" You started panicking, following Dabi as he stormed downstairs.
"The one person I trusted, and it blew up in my face. I should have trusted my gut." Dabi hissed, opening the front door. Panicking, you threw yourself onto him.
"Baby please! I'm so so sorry! I shouldn't have brought it up like that! Please just wait!" You exclaim, tears brimming your eyes. You were worried Dabi would leave for good this time.
Dabi shrugged you off, shooting you one last glare before slamming the door closed. Scrambling onto your feet, you were about to pursue him but stopped yourself. That would cause a scene, and that would make it more likely that people would recognize him.
Sighing, you slowly move back to your bedroom, flopping onto the bed. You were still angry with Dabi, that was no doubt. And you believed that most of the things you said were justified, and you weren't really wrong about him being able to be a better person.. but the way you downplayed his past was absolutely not okay, and you were paying the consequence.
Tears fell down your cheek as you thought back to your argument. It started off so little.. and you had blown it out of proportion- with Dabi's help of course. You both did something wrong, but you both were justified in your frustration.
Sighing, you quietly cried into Dabi's pillow as you wondered if you would ever see Dabi in person again.
You didn't see Dabi for the rest of the day. Or the rest of the week.. or the next. Several weeks passed by as you worriedly waited for him, guilt eating you alive. You sent him three texts every day, trying to call him at least once. The messages started to build up, and with every unopened text you started to feel less and less hopeful.
It was about two months after the argument. You were texting him yet another apology. You kept it short and sweet, it was only a few sentences but showed your great concern and love.
Babygirl: Goodnight my love, I miss you. I'm really sorry that I was so insensitive. I hope you're doing well.
You expected it to be left unopened, but to your surprise, it changed to 'read' several seconds after you sent it. Hope bubbled in your chest as you stared at your phone, your body cozily tucked into bed.
As the minutes pass by you slowly start to fall asleep, your eyes heavy with exhaustion. Slowly blinking your eyes, the last thing you saw before falling asleep was Dabi's smirking profile picture.
A small tapping sound roused you from your slumber. Blinking your eyes in confusion, you thought you imagined the sound and closed your eyes again. The sound repeated itself, this time a bit louder. Sitting up, you look around, yawning.
Sighing, you stand up and flick the light on. Looking around, you notice a dark silhouette in the window. Moving closer, you recognize Dabi's face. Opening the window, your breath hitched in your throat as you stare face to face with Dabi. Stepping back, you silently let him in.
As Dabi hopped through the window you watched him as he closed and locked your window before placing his duffle bag down, his eyes focussed on the ground.
"Baby?" You ask softly, placing a hand on Dabi's shoulder. He slightly flinched, but his eyes looked up to meet yours. "I'm really sorry for my part of things." You whisper, caressing his cheek with your other hand. His eyes softened.
Dabi opened his mouth to speak, before pausing and letting out a sigh. "It's fine. Let's just forget it." He placed his hands on your waist.
"No, baby I know I hurt you. And I'm sorry." You move your other hand so you were now holding his face in your hands, staring him dead in the eye. "I'm sorry, and I won't justify my actions. The way I downplayed your childhood was messed up and so so wrong of me."
Dabi stared at you, his turquoise eyes hiding his real emotions.
"C'mon.. please, talk to me. Don't hide your feelings..."
"I'm honestly over it.. but I think I'm sick.. there's this ache in my chest whenever I think about how I yelled at you, or how I just left.."
"There's an.. ache? Like in your heart?"
"Yep. I bet I won't live long." Dabi sighed, kissing your forehead.
Bursting out laughing, you nuzzle your nose against Dabi's. "Silly, you aren't dying. That feeling means that you feel guilty, and that you're sorry."
"Guilty.. that's a new feeling."
"I love you, and I hope you can forgive me."
"I love you too, and you are already forgiven." Dabi murmured, holding your chin as he kissed you softly.
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Do not copy, repost, nor plagiarize my work. Ask before you translate or use my work in any way -minus reblogging.
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☆ i will be referring to this conflict as i/p as shorthand for israel/palestine. I recognize the war is between Israel and hamas im just using this term because its short and its common enough that people will get what I mean.
saw a video of a woman with a text overlaid with something about how something was finally over. I think she might have used the term war i just can't remember and I didnt save it even though I shouldve. point is something bad in her life had ended and she looked absolutely relieved and overjoyed and you could quite literally see a weight being lifted off her. whatever actually ended (there were no specifics) was clearly enough of a stressor that it felt incredible when it was done.
anyway there was nothing in the post nor the caption imply that this was about i/p. yet nearly all the comments were like "wait I thought this was about palestine" or "I thought palestine won" "you're misleading us" and other things of that sort.
first of all, how rude do you need to be to see someone celebrating and then get angry that they're not happy about the "correct" thing. how can you be so separated from human emotion that the simple expression of joy and relief is foreign to you. not saying you can't have false assumptions its totally normal to look at something online and have to reread it bc its about a totally different topic than you originally thought. what is messed up is saying the creator has to talk about palestine instead of her own accomplishments because they misunderstood her post. not because she mislead anyone on purpose or anything like that just because of a simple misunderstanding. she did not hurt a single person by making this post and yet instead of just congratulating her and making a little joke about misreading, they are acting as if she is a horrible person because she's not talking about palestine in this specific post.
second of all, this just shows how little people get their information from reliable sources. if the war ended and you were informed by a random post on Instagram because you do not look at anything besides that for information, then you probably haven't learnt enough to be discussing this conflict. of course you're gonna get info on social media that's just how the internet works. you just don't get big news from here without checking it because there's a decent chance its wrong. people lie all the time, people hide facts, and tbh social media politics are like a shitty worldwide game of telephone. if this woman actually was saying the i/p war ended, would these commenters have taken her word and assumed she was telling the truth?? would they have even looked at a single reliable source to see that it hasn't ended?? or are influencers somehow valid news sources now??
point is yall need to find shit to do outside of i/p and start focusing on your own lives and leave women who are just existing the fuck alone. also learn how to find reliable sources it is really scary how little some of yall know about that. I feel like I should proofread this i just am getting pins and needles in my hand so that's just not happening
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ten-cent-sleuth · 8 months
A Galling Yoke, Part 9
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for the “Look at me when I’m talking to you” and Location: Art Gallery squares on my July Break Bingo card
See this post for main info, including a masterlist and synopsis. See this post for warnings.
Word Count: 3.9k
Pairing: Sherlock Holmes x f!Reader
Rating: Teen
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Despite the bitterly disappointing nature of your last conversation, Sherlock did continue calling on you to “keep you apprised” of his progress. He always stayed much longer than would have been deemed appropriate for a proper afternoon visit, sticking around so you two could toss ideas back and forth about possible next steps, possible hints, possible culprits. There were a frustrating amount of possibles.
Sherlock had consulted his contacts in Scotland Yard circles and had combed through old cases to look for precedents in capturing hired killers or their hirers. He wasn’t having much luck, and his colleagues weren’t so eager to help anyway when all they saw was Sherlock humouring a family friend with an unofficial investigation. For your part, you were content to take a back seat in the field work now; as much as you appreciated Enola’s insistence all those days ago that you would be an asset to Sherlock, you just didn’t feel up to roving around London anymore.
Partly because the case was at a juncture that required Sherlock’s network and strengths more than yours. Partly because the temperature had dropped and you didn’t want to test your bad knee. Partly because you and Sherlock were back to that uncomfortable reliance on “Good afternoon” and “How are you?”, though with a little more variety thanks to the work you could discuss. And—the factor nobody else knew—partly because you were uneasy in any public situation at the moment.
“You have been rather shut in since Lord Coltidge visited us, ma’am,” commented Mrs Rogers one quiet afternoon. “The knocker has been down from the door all week and you have not taken a single walk. Is everything all right?”
A sip of your tea chased away the lump in your throat. “Of course, my friend. I am simply weary of the ton’s gossiping and must recover my tolerance for it in time for the upcoming Season.”
She looked neither convinced nor prepared to push. In truth, you had revealed more to her than you would to Sherlock, though his prying gazes were far more frequent than her single inquiry.
He knew something was up.
But you would feel silly telling him about it. You felt silly simply experiencing it. Your father had offered no proof, had very little authority in Town society, and yet…
You set aside your cup and saucer in order to stand and walk to the window. Ignoring Mrs Rogers’s watching you from her seat, you looked at the carriages and pedestrians on the street below and wondered how many had apparently heard.
Your father had no reason to lie, after all. When he had told you that your “skulking about” the East End and “confronting” Miss Algar had whipped the upper circles into a frenzy about a scandal surrounding the Voss family, you had been incredulous—not because you disbelieved him, but because you had not expected anyone to care what you were doing on Cable Street. Who in the world had seen or heard of your presence there and had wanted to dig deeper, deep enough to unearth your husband’s betrayal?
Lord Coltidge had not cared to inform you of that detail, however, only of all the whispers people were sharing about the new light in which they saw you. A wave of nausea washed over you, and you shut your eyes against it.
“Ma’am…” You had heard your housekeeper come up beside you moments earlier, yet her voice startled you.
“All is well, I assure you, Mrs Rogers,” you told her, though you still did not dare open your eyes.
“Certainly, ma’am. I only meant to ask whether you planned to accompany Mr Holmes out today.”
“I do not believe he shall come to invite me, Mrs Rogers. It is long past when he normally calls on me.”
“That is true, but if he were to arrive…? It would do you good, I think.”
You hummed in halfhearted agreement. If giving her the response she wanted to a hypothetical improbability would ease some of her worry for you, it was hardly a sacrifice. “Yes,” you said, “I would accompany him.”
“Splendid!” replied Mrs Rogers. “I shall fetch your pelisse.”
Your eyes flew open. “What do you—?” They caught on a familiar figure coming down the sidewalk, nearly at your door. “Mrs Rogers!”
But the clever woman was already out of the room. You shook your head, but a chuckle overtook your groan with little struggle.
To Sherlock’s visible surprise, you met him at the door, ready to go.
“How did you know I was to invite you on an outing?” he asked.
“Whether an invitation was forthcoming does not signify,” you answered. “If you had had no outing planned, you would have had to improvise one, for Mrs Rogers shall not have me remain indoors this afternoon.”
Your housekeeper tisked dismissively through a smile. Your butler looked pained to hand you your cane.
Sherlock looked even more befuddled but managed to bid the Rogerses adieu as he led you outside.
“I almost did not come today,” he informed you after a moment’s awkward silence. “I did not wish to go to you empty-handed, and I was stuck in a bit of a rut. Professionals do not leave loose ends, that much has been made clear to me these past few days. To err is human, of course, but if any missteps or oversights would have been minimised from the onset, could they have survived twelve years in the shadows? Without a motive to find the conspirator or a trace to find the contractor, how are we to move forward?”
A thread of wistfulness wound through you at the gentleman’s earnestness; this is exactly what you had thought of when faced with your father’s sanctimony.
“You know what this means, do you not?” the earl had asked you.
Defiantly, foolishly, you had remained silent, spitefully comparing his righteous tone with the sincerity you had taken for granted when Sherlock urged you to partake in his thought process. Defiantly, foolishly, you had made no attempt to hide your ignoring your father, and he had shouted—
“Look at me when I speak to you! Are you even—?”
“—quite all right, my lady?”
You flinched, jolted out of your distraction. “Forgive me, Sherlock, I was not attending.”
You braced yourself for the offended huffing that Sherlock always managed when he learned somebody wasn’t listening to him, and you were left slack-jawed when he instead grinned.
“What amuses you?” you demanded.
“It is only that I was explaining why I ultimately decided to come see you despite the case’s stagnation, and you are proving my point!”
Heat flushed through your face. “Well, what was your point?”
“Of late, your mind has been preoccupied, has it not?” He didn’t wait for you to decide whether to be honest or to attempt to lie to a human lie detector. “I shall not ask why; I endeavour only to ease that mind somewhat, if I can.”
Any hope of an intelligent—or even intelligible—response fled in the face of his tiny, hopeful, almost bashful smile, so you settled for a tiny, grateful, almost bashful smile of your own. Reddening, he spluttered on—
“Of course, I hope to refresh my mind as well, to gain some insight into this case of indirects by allowing the brain to attack it indirectly.”
Though you would normally find entertainment in Sherlock being flustered, this time you found only grief that a brick wall now ran through your friendship and guilt that you had erected it. But if he could make an effort to move past the suffocating fog of “childhood friends and first loves” to the clear blue sky where romantic feelings cast no shadow, so could you.
“Where, exactly, are we going?” you asked.
Sherlock straightened his shoulders, a sly look chasing away the distress on his face. “It is not altogether exciting, I fear: only a certain building at Trafalgar Square, which I have heard from certain sources is trying a new initiative due to the success of a similar one in York…”
Your brow furrowed. Trafalgar Square? What would Sherlock take you there for? The pigeons? Uniquely Sherlockian, of course, but not much for him to get sly about. St Martin-in-the-Fields? Mm…definitely not.
You whipped your head around to gape at Sherlock, who was looking even more impish at your realisation. “The National Gallery?”
His broadening smile was answer enough.
“I had thought it closed,” you said. “Are they not adding a new section that the public is not meant to…?” Trailing off, you thought back to the clues Sherlock had teased you with. “The York Art Gallery. It is known for its Great Exhibition Hall. Goodness! Is that what they have been building at the National Gallery, then? The grand opening would be the talk of the ton, I have no doubt, and I have heard naught…”
With a low hum, Sherlock pulled you closer to whisper, “It is not yet the grand opening. I simply have an in with one of the managers, ever since one of my investigations provided him much-needed assistance a few years ago.”
You would have gaped more if you’d known how. “You would use one of your contacts for a casual outing?”
He pursed his lips and glanced away. “It is not a one-time arrangement,” he defended himself, “so I may as well make use of it. Since I would not appreciate the opportunity as much as you, it was logical—” He glanced back with wide, horrified eyes. “That is, not logical, only…only…”
Your gaze dropped to the ground. Oh, goodness… Had you really reduced the great Sherlock Holmes to walking on eggshells around you? How could you possibly fix the mess you’d made of things?
“You like art very much!” he blurted out.
Your eyes shot back up. “Er—”
“At least, you did when we were young,” he said, looking ahead instead of at you. “I remember how much you enjoyed studying art theory and history, and I assumed you retained the passion due to the collection of artwork I noted in your home…”
“You noticed that?”
You flushed at your outburst, and Sherlock did not reply. You weren’t sure whether to be grateful for that reticence or not.
Pushing past your blunder, you ventured, “I do like art very much. I am sure I shall enjoy this excursion, but even if I do not, I apologise for apparently wool gathering so often that you noticed. Just now, I was…thinking of my father.” And you almost told him. You almost told Sherlock about Lord Coltidge’s reprimand, about the dreadful self-consciousness it had awoken in you. You almost told him about your biggest concern out of it all—
“I thought you were past all this, Daughter, all the insolence and the foolhardiness. Clearly not, if you would so carelessly handle the identity of your husband’s mistress.” The earl had sneered so zealously you had almost thought he was actually pleased with this turn of events. “Now that you have bandied about that you and Edmund did not have a happy marriage, you shall be the prime suspect of Scotland Yard and gossip corners alike when Holmes proves Edmund’s death was not an accident!”
—but one look into your friend’s sharp, bright eyes and you knew he would be troubled if you spoke a word of it.
This. This is how you could possibly fix the mess you’d made of things! Letting year-old hurts spill out of you had done no good; you would spare Sherlock any more of your woes, and that included the stifling shame of all your acquaintances knowing you were slighted by your husband as well as the suffocating anxiety of all your peers about to think you were involved in your husband’s murder.
With one stroke, you wiped away thoughts of your predicament and painted on a reassuring smile for Sherlock. “Do you recall how we met?” you asked him.
“Of course,” he scoffed. “How could I— That is, how could anyone forget walking down a corridor in their house like any day and coming across a strange little girl rummaging through it?”
You rolled your eyes. “How many times must I tell you I was not rummaging! I was merely leaning on that chest of drawers to better inspect the painting—”
“That is arguably more bizarre, you realise.”
“Well. Either way, I only had the chance to wander off and look at your corridors and corridors of family portraits because my father had brought me along when he visited with your parents. In a way, it is his fault we are friends, is it not?”
A corner of Sherlock’s mouth turned up. “I doubt he would appreciate that interpretation. As for me…” He leaned his head forward to look at you. “I would like to think that we would have run into each other eventually, regardless of your father’s involvement. Perhaps it is ridiculous of me to rely on the thought of…”
“Of inevitability?” You couldn’t quite keep the disbelief out of your voice; Sherlock couldn’t have faith in something so close to the concept of fate, could he?
But he looked away, and you hurried to reassure him, “We were both inquisitive children of a similar age on neighbouring estates. Perhaps our connexion was indeed…” You found yourself trailing off too; somehow, you couldn’t get the word inevitable out anymore.
With a shake of your head to clear it, you realised you were entering Trafalgar Square. You let the awkwardness melt away as you leaned heavier into Sherlock’s arm and grinned up at him.
“Oh, it is sinking in now,” you breathed. “Sherlock, I thank you for this. It is the height of thoughtfulness.”
He opened his mouth, then slowly shut it and opted instead for a rigid nod.
Sherlock led you across the square, tightening his hold when you jumped at the noisy and nearby take-off of a group of pigeons, before showing you through a side door of the National Gallery and past its standard wings into a renovated-looking section that you’d never visited before.
Letting go of Sherlock and wandering along, you drank in the hall of paintings, as clear and clean as any well maintained home you’d visit, but sunnier and, of course, more colourful. What home, well maintained or not, held this many paintings? Displayed this much warm red and bright yellow and deep green and swirling blue? You were floating off the floor as your head whipped left and right, trying to absorb as many of the various shapes and sharp lines and masterful strokes as you could.
Though you did not forget yourself enough to start rummaging, you were overtaken by a sense of lightness—the lightness of giddy freedom, the lightness of pure and unfettered enjoyment—that you could only remember from childhood, and you would not have been surprised if your steps were as skippy and your movements as twirly as they had been the day Sherlock found you admiring his hall of paintings. But in this room full of beauty and creativity and devoid of judgement and shame, how could they not be? In this room where Mr Sulyard did not haunt you, Lord Coltidge did not hound you, and indeed the only company was the person you most lo—
You skidded to a stop and stared agape at the wall. No, no, no. You could not entertain such foolish thoughts! You could not harbour such foolish sentiments! Your feelings had to be muddled, that was all—
“Interesting,” came Sherlock’s voice at your side. “You were enraptured by all the tints and brightness of the art around you, I noticed, but you pause to consider the solitary piece in monochrome.”
Blinking, you scrambled to take in the painting you had been staring at—or towards, really. The plaque helpfully informed you it was a portrait of Queen Margaret of Anjou, and Sherlock helpfully informed you of who exactly that was by reciting—
“She’s beautiful, and therefore to be wooed; she is a woman, therefore to be won.”
It took you a moment, but you recalled attending the start of Drury Lane’s run of Henry VI just a month or two ago. You turned towards Sherlock with a retort on your tongue and only stumbled a little at the startling discovery that he was looking at you rather than at Queen Margaret.
“I never did grow fond of Suffolk,” you said, “though I did like one of his lines near the end of Part One. Oh, how did it go again? ‘Marriage is a matter’, and something about attorney deals…companions or what-have-you…then: ‘For what is wedlock forcèd but a hell, an age of discord and continual strife?’”
Sherlock looked at you so long, so searchingly, that you braced yourself for another vulnerable conversation. But just as he seemed about to open it, he shook his head and smirked lightly.
“I do not much like Suffolk either,” he said. “I am not a great fan of Shakespeare’s histories in general—”
“Be they too inaccurate for thee, sirrah?” you teased. He shot you a look.
“—but I at least enjoyed Henry VI for Saye’s character, as minor a role as he may have had. In particular, I enjoyed his line, ‘Ignorance is the curse of God…’”
“‘…Knowledge the wing wherewith we fly to heaven,’” you concluded in unison.
You and he locked eyes, and the gallery echoed with silence for a long moment. He inched closer—or was that just a twitch?—and you froze. Your heart was racing, but your body froze.
And Sherlock looked away first.
Now, your heart shot to your throat. The only other time Sherlock had ever looked away first from anyone, as far as you knew, was that first day you and he had been reacquainted. Gracious, why did he make you panic? Why did you make him uncomfortable?
“I actually appreciate—” you started.
“Perhaps we ought to—” he said at the same time.
“Forgive me—”
“I— No, I apologise—”
“There is no need. What were you saying?”
“No, no, you may speak first, my lady.”
Your smile was taut but, hopefully, not too brittle. “I rather appreciate the Bard’s decision to write histories,” you said. “Studying the past would be fascinating and useful regardless, but with a play, those figures of study become more understandable, more relatable, and therefore more edifying. The plight of King Henry VI, for example, would not seem nearly so human to me if not for Shakespeare.”
Sherlock hummed in concession. “The playwright does succeed in portraying Henry as a good-hearted and therefore sympathetically naïve fellow, rather than simply a good-hearted and therefore hatefully weak king.”
“The measure of a man is on a different scale from the measure of a noble,” you agreed. “And it was all the harsher a proportion for Henry VI because of his father.”
Gravely, the detective nodded, but then his countenance lit up the way it did when a thought caught fire in his mind. “I suppose Lord Pashbroke shall be in a similar plight when he inherits and becomes Lord Coltidge instead.”
You grimaced. “I had not thought of it that way, but yes, I reckon you have the right of it.” You turned back to Queen Margaret and sighed. “I love William, but truly, I am glad he shall not be king.”
“I am sure he has the courage to protect England if the need arose,” said Sherlock with a chuckle, “but yes, the earldom shall be enough for him.”
You also chuckled—for William, more than enough. Another Henry VI quote popped into your mind then, but you brushed it aside in favour of continuing the flow the conversation had finally found. “Were you not going to say something as well, sir? ‘Perhaps we ought to…’?”
“Ah, yes! I was simply going to suggest a section of the exhibit you might like…”
The afternoon passed pleasantly. Although awkward moments poked through the bubble you and Sherlock had created around yourselves, they shortened rather than sharpened with time, so you returned home confident that you two could rebuild your closeness, your r—
Your friendship.
That’s all it was. That’s all it ever would be.
You wouldn’t even be surprised if that’s all it had been. Maybe all you had felt for Sherlock at Ferndell was admiration and endearment. Yes. Yes! Then, surely, all you felt for him here and now could not be more than that. Could not be… Could not truly be…
Shaking your head, you concentrated on your household tasks for the rest of the day. It was only as you did your nightly ablutions that your mind wandered back to that other Henry VI quote you’d thought of earlier.
“’Tis much when sceptres are in children’s hands.”
The line, though moving and memorable, had not seemed pertinent to your conversation with Sherlock: easily brushed aside. But why had your mind supplied it, then? Something about the conversation had made you think of it. What had you and Sherlock been discussing…?
Of course. William, dear brother. Still… Though he would always be your baby brother, he was hardly a child, and certainly not one with a sceptre in his hand. Your father was still Earl of Coltidge, as much as you believed the power did not sit well in his hands, and likely would be for years to come, unless some health-endangering issue lay in hiding beneath the surface or some apoplexy-inducing event lay in wait around the corner.
You snorted to yourself; if Lord Coltidge suffered an apoplexy, it would probably be by the hand of his own theatrics. The man was no good at coping with crises, much preferring to kick them under rugs and never talk of them again, even minor ones. That weakness was likely what had first pushed you away from seeing him as a fatherly figure, as a support or protector. Simply another role of his that did not sit well in his—
You stopped dead in your movements.
Another role of his.
Lord Coltidge was not merely an earl—he was also a father. Just as you had told Sherlock a few days ago, you had felt the need to make up for his parental lackings with William as a child. What if your brother had once felt the same need to do so with you?
Sceptres in children’s hands.
Yet that was nothing so terrible. Regrettable, perhaps, and another black mark on your father’s character, certainly, but… Something niggled at the back of your mind. When would William have needed to step in as a support or protector for you? What would have motivated him…?
Sceptres in children’s hands.
For the plain truth was you had not needed a father in a very long time. You had adapted your childhood to need no parental affection save for the occasional smile or compliment from Eudoria. You had found love and laughter enough from your London friendships and household. You had even survived a dreadful marriage without a hint of paternal concern or—
Oh, blazes.
The letter. The hitman. The motive.
The sceptre in a child’s hands.
Your brother had killed Edmund.
Thank you for reading, and if you have been following along the series since July, thank you for your patience. Thank you especially to @every-username-is-taken-damnit and @sailorguardianwannabe for (probably unknowingly) providing me the motivation to complete this update by your comments. :3 I hope this chapter, despite its delay and possible consequent differences in tone, is okay. Feedback is always welcome! :)
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musicfeedsmysoul12 · 1 month
Okay so: Izuku as Inquisitor.
We keep everything from the last post. Izuku is actually the child of Solas and fake Mythal, the gods are actually not the Evanuris who pretend to be, Solas worshiped as Fen’Harel is a god now as unlike the fakes he is the only one. Izuku and his friends leave their world because society has just kept going and nothing changed.
But this time they get to Thedas before the explosion, and Izuku makes it his mission to bug his father about not going through with it. He ignores it, and argues back. It ends up coming to be Izuku runs to try and stop the Temple from blowing up but can't.
No instead he's now the Herald of Andraste and like… Izuku has ALREADY pulled together a country and fought in a war. Sure he came to Thedas knowing he might need to kill his birth father, but for the LOVE of THE GODS, are you joking?
His friends laugh at him and he is Problem Child Forever.
Now he's got to run this stupid organization.
He hates it so much.
Izuku does his best though. He tries to be a fair person while also shoving his father’s face into the changes of the world.
I do think he'd be slower to confess the truth of him being from another world here. He would eventually do so because he has to. (he would not continue to lie to those who have bled for him).
Solas instantly runs with the narrative he was trying to find his son since he went missing, and Izuku just is angry he's not doing anything but he won't rat out his dad. Not unless he has to.
I think there would be a lot of confusion and a lot of eye opening but everyone accepts it. They even accept Nezu who is thrilled he gets to walk around like normal without the cloak. They figure out someway to make it acceptable to others (AKA Cole messes with their minds to make them accept it).
Izuku would just be the kindest Herald/Inquisitor to those in need while also RIPPING apart Orlais and Ferelden and everything he can.
“This is BULLSHIT,” he says at the Winter Ball before he goes off and blackmails Celene and Gaspard while handing over everything he has to Briala so she can rule through them.
“I fucking HATE this,” he grumbles when he's dealing with Nobles. Ugh.
(Aizawa hates dealing with Fereldens and their dogs)
I'm also gonna talk about the others to:
Yaomomo is a fucking Goddess who helps Josie. I also am saying she ends up with Dagna and when Sera joins in (encouraged by Ochako) chaos reigns. When the secrets are out, Dagna and Harrit basically beg for all the help. Sadly she can't make the more fantastical elements but steel? Wood? She can. Silks to.
(she takes over the entire winter ball cause those are ugly as hell uniforms)
Aizawa works as an advisor and helps spread rumours when he can. He'll slip out and lurk in corners being a ‘drunk’ while picking up info. Also he's trans and upon learning Krem is goes: same.
They then proceed to spread rumours Solas and Aizawa are Eri’s parents for the hilarity.
But yeah Aizawa is his grumpy self.
Midnight I am 100% pairing with Blackwall and she susses out the truth early. Convinces him to confess but work to rebuild. He regrets what he's done it's obvious. And frankly, look at the Templars and their abuses. Yes what he did is horrific but he does better training people to fight back and defending the weak. She and Blackwall now run a minor training boot camp for the ambush fighters.
Nezu is Nezu and happily plots with Leliana who delights in her new friend. Perhaps he is the one to help her back into the light to.
Hitoshi works with Josie as an assistant and she finds he is just as good as her at reading people. I already mentioned how she gets him losing her voice differently then the others. Hitoshi isn't just his Quirk and his ability to speak and manipulate are things she gets. It's very adorable.
Tenya and Shouto work as inner circle folks and help Izuku. They also run around as his messengers and as intimidation because Izuku is still damn short and knows it's cause he's an elf.
Ochako? Ochako is inner circle and causing CHAOS as much as she can. Her quirk is so good with bombs and weapons and getting into position on a roof. She is the ‘DEATH FROM ABOVE’ Queen. Sera loves her so much.
Eri of course is being cute but she's also being portrayed as Izuku’s sister which gets attention. Luckily she has Cole around who will stab. She also works with the doctors and when her secret comes out uses her powers. Carefully, oh so carefully with Cole right by her side. Just in case.
I think romances would stay the same. Bull/Aizawa, Tenya/Shouto, Izuku/Dorian, Ochako/Sera and all that to. It's just like… as Inquisitor Izuku is more involved and more willing to dig down roots. He doesn't get a choice. It's not just murder your dad and fuck off. No it's serious. He has to build firm bonds with these people.
Here he sits down and listens to Vivienne more, tries to understand Cassandra’s faith. He sits with Cullen and they work through the bullshit he has internalized (I run with an AU Cullen in my head because otherwise I could not get through the game and my head version actually admits his faults). He talks with Sera and learns of Pride Cookies. He sits with Bull who fears madness (but will never regret saving his men). He holds Blackwall’s hands and say he is a good man. He stands by Dorian, facing down a monster who hid behind kindness. He helps Cole learn who he is. He sits with Varric as he tells stories and tells his own, eventually being hugged by a man who thought he'd lose his friend. (Izuku wouldn't let it happen. No, not when Iida can run faster then anyone else, can cause a distraction so that they all get free. No never. Hawke and Alistair live, both of them)
Izuku is himself and shines so brightly. And the others want to shine to. Vivienne still believes in the circles but now thinks of a school system like the ones from their world. Cassandra believes but also knows that the ashes of corruption can linger so it is best to be careful. Cullen begins making amends more and more (a letter sent to a mage who makes her partner read it, the Antivan elf carefully speaking the apology from within, the mages harmed in Kirkwall, Templars so scared of him dropping to their knees in shock). Sera who learns to bake. Bull who figures out he is not a monster. Dorian, who does not speak well of slavery but speaks against it, plotting to tear down Tevinter with his bare hands. Cole who stays both human and spirit and is all the better. Varric who laughs and smiles like he once had.
And what of Izuku’s friends?
Tenya and Shouto who lost everything (Tensei choking on his own blood after refusing to give up valuable intel. Fuyumi blowing herself up with Dabi to beat him. Natsuo dying trying to protect Rei who died to. Endeavour still around with NOTHING changing) being happy again. Laughing and getting married with everyone they love there.
Ochako who lost an arm and refused to back down, who lost Tsu and mourns her so badly. Who nearly was killed because her naivety over Toga’s manipulation almost cost her life.
Hitoshi who lost his voice and only got pity, no help. Now he's regained it in a way, working with his wife who loves him dearly to be able to be the diplomat he was born to be. (and who makes it stylish to learn sign language)
Momo who is burned and hurt. Whose girlfriend left because they could not keep up, she's to much. Who was taught to keep her head down. She's creating things again. Laughing and smiling. Is kissing someone oh so sweet who has the same mind.
Midnight who lost her sex appeal and caused people to toss her aside. Acting like she's not human anymore. She's now happy with a man who ADORES her and all she is. She's smiling again.
Nezu who has tried over and over again to change the world. He now has in his paws the chance to help and make a difference. Who joins the Chantry when Leliana is Divine and helps shake things up. He's happy.
Aizawa who lost his husband and mourned so deeply. Who felt useless and broken. He has a purpose. He's working to help others, has a man who helps with aches and pains, who loves and accepts him.
Eri who was a lab rat and who had to learn to smile. Her smiles are bigger and wider here, her laugh echoing in her joy.
Izuku did this. He brought about change and happiness. He feels good.
He still hates Orlais.
@dark-elf-writes the second option if you want!
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13leaguestories · 1 year
February 2023 Forecast
I am writing this with my back and neck in horrible pain. Worse way to start your morning is to get up, stretch, and then pull something. I feel bed ridden.
"T, are you done with your break?" No idea. Define break. My brain is slowly coming back to me so good news is I'm not quitting lmfao. My brain almost had me in the first half ... and most of the second. When I do return though, I'm implementing a new writing process called "write what I want to fucking write when I want to fucking write it."
"T, did you need to add all those expletives?" No. But you know how a lot of folks be like 'as I get older I'm going to curse less?' I'm the opposite. I curse more. It makes me feel all tingly inside.
Alright, welcome to the second best month, purely because it's my birthday month, that's literally it. You know I share this month with both my brother and my father, plus my parents and my brother's anniversaries. Like, the shortest month is basically the busiest for my family in terms of celebrations. Why did they do this? I don't know, no one uses sense in this family besides me.
MOVING ON! Bout to enter into a All My Woes episode.
Superstition S3
Still on break. Do not ask me when it's coming back. Because I'm going to do what I should've done (and what you guys thought I do already) and actually write a good bit of it. I'll probably put up a poll asking if you guys want to keep the bi-weekly schedule or if I just update it as the episodes are complete.
Throne of Ashes
Working on updating the demo with Makaio's finished demo and some bug fixes for the other routes. Nour is next and Ozara will be following them on that upload schedule.
Because unlike its cousin, For the Crown, Insight is not 100% dead, it's more like on life support. But I'll be updating it with the new UI that I have to bring it in line with the others. Also an additional chapter will be added so now the demo will end at Ch5.
Future T here. I've already updated it with the new UI and the first bug fix. A bigger one is coming so still, if you find any bugs, hold off on sending them in. Bug reports make me depressed and you guys don't want to see that, right? RIGHT?!
Horizon: Sea of Stars
Per my "do what ya want" lifestyle, yes, Tierra has done it again. She has said fuck it to common sense and those two friends out of ten that said don't do it, and she went and made a new project. I blame eight friends who inspire me in the most negative ways because I never blame myself. Never blame yourselves, you're never toxic, it's those around you. (That's a lie, do not quote me. My god.)
This is a scif-fi project (because I needed to have the holy trinity of the best genres out there to make myself feel complete (jokes on me I still feel empty)). The MC is like Phoenix MC in some ways where this is not exactly 100% self-insert friendly, there are a few traits included and mindsets that you as the reader can't change. 6 romances, 2 males, 2 females, and 2 nonbinary. 5 of the 6 are aliens. And art is on it's way with two of the characters already done. I have art of the alien species as well because I know how difficult it can be to picture an alien based off of descriptions alone. They will be included in story to further help.
This is me just telling you guys, I'll post all of the info of the book itself with the demo like I normally do. Especially when I figure out where I want the demo to stop at. It's still pretty much in alpha mode with only one chapter done and even that is still seeing edits.
Also if any of you have got this far and know an artist or you are someone who can do really nice colorful covers and are good with backgrounds then tell me because I'm still searching for a cover artist.
. . .
There is also now a Light Mode on some stories. If it's not there then it's being worked on. Don't look at Superstition, it's not there.
Alright, I think that's it. I'm going to go lie down and scream at the heavens about my neck.
Future T again. My neck is better but if I look over my shoulder it's like "naw girl, stop that."
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ceo-of-sloppy-men · 1 year
One of my buddies sent me this video just lying about the drifter so let’s break it down. Points 2,3&4 are explicitly wrong. I don’t deny the drifter is a morally grey character but you don’t have to fish far to find interesting facts about him. Let alone lie.
2) you can’t destroy a ghost and revive it. So automatically not canon, and it’s how you can tell the rest are lies.
3) he didn’t give Orin over to the 9, she gave herself over and it has left a sour taste in his mouth about the 9 ever since because he was deeply in love with her. She betrayed him, not the other way around.
4) All we do know is he associated with them until he had a falling out with Callum Sol. But drifters own philosophy states he doesn’t kill anyone unless they give him no other option. We see that in THE CURRENT SEASON (I am less confident on this, for all we know he did kill people).
(Here’s a direct quote from the wiki)
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I blocked the person before making this post but I also remember him saying he lobotomized his ghost. Also untrue. His ghost ‘snapped’ and gave him specific info to escape the Ice planet when it was clear there was no other hope for survival. This info was how to build a “super ghost” from the parts of other ghosts and his own. The reason people may assume his ghost is lobotomized is because he refers to his ghost as it, because he hates being a guardian.
Here are 3 new fun facts that are completely true:
1) drifter is classless. According to Shin Malphur, the Drifter doesn’t belong to any class in the game “not by common understanding anyway”
2) drifter hated being a guardian so much that he decided to hide as a normal citizen at the start of his revival. This worked until the Iron Lords made a deal with the town to use it as bate for the Warlords, but their plan went sideways and the whole town was slaughtered in the battle. Or at least enough for drifter to be stated to have buried the bones. Bones. Not bodies.
3) he’s a man with many connections but perhaps the most infamous is Shin Malphur. The two have met, the later seeking to hunt the shadows of yor, and that it was Shin’s approval that let him dock at the Last City. During this conversation, Drifter mentioned he’s been to several places, amongst them being the fourth tomb of nezerac, the luvial crux, and the shift chasms below elios.
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cookybitz · 7 months
During the month of October, I did this event on twitter called Gooptober. I would like to share the story here.
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Day 1
Gooptober officially begins, I use a Venom symbiote to become Venom Arryh (this is a version of my sona that was from a very old Twitter event, he returned after 3 years!)
Venom Arryh will be the goopy host of this event!
But something unexpected will happen...
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Introducing: Echo
This mysterious goop shows no reaction to events happening around it. It doesn't speak and it barely moves. It's hard to tell if it's even alive.
Echo's ability is to merge with any organic being it comes in contact with, turning them into a goop. Whoever is merged with echo is able to do anything a normal goop can, this includes being able to stick to other people's bodies and either taking control of them or not.
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Day 2
Venom Arryh and Mia, his assistant in managing this event, discuss what to do with the strange new goop that showed up out of nowhere instead of their special guest.
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They resort to calling Maya and Cami, the owners of a blog called "GoopWatch", they are huge fans of goops and are dedicated to studying and sharing information with the world about them.
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Day 3
After the fiasco of the opening of Gooptober, all hope is lost, maybe it's easier to cancel the event...
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Day 4
When all hope seems lost, Mia comes up with something that might just save Gooptober.
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And so, Gooptober becomes an investigation to find the missing special guest... Detective Venom Arryh is on the case!
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Day 5
GoopWatch have begun taking volunteers (OCs from followers) to come in contact with Echo. The first one being a shapeshifter named Ash. Who became a goop when Echo merged with her.
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Days 7 and 8
More volunteers are goopified by Echo.
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Day 9
Detective Venom Arryh interrogates Uni, who was part of the security during the opening of the show, for info in the whereabouts of the special guest.
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Day 10
Another volunteer is goopified by Echo.
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Day 11
Detective Venom Arryh is getting very invested in this... He's starting to monologue...
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Day 13
A new volunteer is goopified by Echo.
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Day 16
Detective Venom Arryh looks for Glitch, a goop who is stuck in the digital world. She certainly has access to footage and information that could help identify what happened.
The info he was granted seems shocking...
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Day 18
Another volunteer has been goopified by Echo.
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Day 20
Detective Venom Arryh confronts Mia after Glitch reveals to him some strange footage of her leaving the special guest's room. Glitch wouldn't lie about this, but Mia is also too much of a sweetheart to have done such a thing...
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Days 23 and 25
Echo has goopified 2 more volunteers.
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Day 28
Mia and Detective Venom Arryh talk more calmly and he apologizes for accusing her so harshly. The event is nearing its end, so they must work quickly if they hope to find out what happened.
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Day 29
The final volunteer is goopified by Echo before Gooptober concludes.
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Day 31
Gooptober has its conclusion, and the truth has sadly not been found...
But something unexpected happens and a big twist is revealed!
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Gloom, the shadow goop, has been pretending to be Arryh's Venom symbiote all along! This explains why it felt so different for Arryh!
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The end!
Thank you for reading, I hope you liked this recap of the event! I am hoping that next time I'm also able to include Tumblr for future events!
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introvertedlass · 1 year
But my question is, what they're doing now, do you think it's a warped version of PR with the leaking info to the fan sites etc..so what I'm trying to say, what they're actually doing, does that still constitute as PR by NOT being papped, and the sources leaking info on here etc?
Does that make sense at all?//
Hi! It’s me 💅🏼💕
Seeing is that Evans has for many times said he wants a “private life”, it seems that this may have something to do with the “private couple” image they are trying to sell. Also- I have found that since him and his team/agency have made the mistake of not having any organic sightings before the first outing they had together in public and it being the same day as her new season premiere (big promo and pr move for a series had ZERO promo done) and being as that they got caught up in the lie of a “year-2 year long relationship”- now they are sticking to being “private” yet pumping out pr through leaks and subtle articles.
However, there were a lot of articles specifically about the “relationship” and linking her to Evans. That’s how name recognition and connections work in the industry, particularly if one of the counterparts are “no names”. This was great publicity for her. Her social media following grew heavily.
Leaking info to blogs from teams- that’s not something that would normally happen. And this case seems to be a special case due to how Baptista behaves and the friends she has. I am certain she lurks and trolls by way of tumblr/Twitter or her Instagram. And if she or her friends aren’t leaking this “info” it’s likely just anyone that is getting a rise out of people in the fandom.
That person who claimed to work for publisher coming on to “share insight” does not seem accurate or reliable. No one in the industry or honestly close/connected to celebs will be coming and sharing info to blog mods to this degree that some blog mods claim to have had. If they have received info- it has been clearly planted for a reason- to push a narrative. That doesn’t mean it’s true or honest. So when a certain blog has claimed to have “content on Jessica” but they refuse to share it- tells me that it’s possible they received something, BUT whoever sent it to them, which by the way, out of all the organic ways to share a celeb sighting (through ig or Twitter) a “regular person who spotted Evans and Baptista” decided to go to a tumble blog to share it. That’s a leak. And the blog kid doesn’t realize they are being used to push a false narrative and a staged sighting or a “couple” doing normal things.
So to lastly answer your question- these leaks can possibly be from the teams, but there is no definitive proof on that. But it’s important to understand that, celebrity teams do know thee importance of the fandoms and that if they need a certain narrative to be taking course, they will finds ways to leak/share/push it. Also, the social media interactions between her and Evans (his family/friends) and the articles are absolutely PR. I hope I answered the question. 😊
Sorry that’s long. 💅🏼💕
Thank you 💅🏼💕
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naffeclipse · 1 year
So here we are! The beginning of the end! Aaaaah, I know I said I was so ready for the finale, but I actually don't know if I am ready for it to end fgdskjhh What a journey this fic has been!
So many important conversations in this chapter!
The tension is so present as everything gains a new context and the only way for all of them to remain calm was to fake it till they make it fdkjghdñkjhg It's just about all those normal moments mixed with the world tilting knowledge that makes it feel like such a surreal experience.
And yet the familiar is definitely present. There's the care that the boys show by being so aware of their body language, like passing y/n a sugar packet to stop them from potentially hurting themselves by digging their fingers in the table, or glancing constantly at their heart. (And I do wonder if after being so confident about what they can know from hearts, the boys suddenly wish they could sense even more, because while they might accurately guess some things, their nervousness shows they really were unsure about how everything could go. They never felt the need to know information that a heartbeat couldn't provide them. And right now it seemed it's something they really wanted)
(First sidenote [there will be several XD]: it was so funny to me how the waitress was all "tee hee I see you lovebirds" about this, and meanwhile y/n is having the most critical conversation of their life fkgñjhsjdfg)
And aaaah, I'm sure it's not a priority for Eclipse right now, but like, they were really able to get a good look at the hunters insecurities and self doubts. As readers we are very familiar with them, and perhaps the boys had been able to suspect them, but y/n always liked to act confident about them. Whenever they were harsh on their own "failings" it was mostly internal. Right now, the hunter is at the most vulnerable. They ask if they were hoping they would fail to protect people so they could get more hearts ("did you think I was incompetent all this time?"), if they found it funny how they would claim to protect them when they clearly don't see the hunter as a threat towards them, easily taking all their weapons away ("I'm not that strong, I must have looked like a fool"), their comment about failing to protect so many people, when they actually do protect so many.
But of course it's not just about that. Y/n is also in desperate need to know their intentions. They did just found out that there was a big part of their relationship that was a lie. They really need to know what their answers are and to make sense of them. To look back at everything and decide if it all sounds right and fits. To know and try to decipher if there really is no cruelty hidden deep down, or if they can trust this whole thing at all. There's so many conflicting feelings right now, including everything they thought they knew. It must be very wild to them, how being a hunter they were used to knowing more than the average person about a certain part of the world, only to suddenly feel like they know nothing at all.
(Sidenote 2: On the more technical side, I really love how you managed the pacing of the conversation. There is such a careful back and forth, both wary of the reactions of the other with every new piece of info revealed! One side desperate to seem honest and worthy of trust while knowing it’s a lot to ask, and the other wanting to believe in what they’re told but unable to fully just yet because of the previous hurt and a lingering sense of betrayal. Oh and also I really loved how you used the hand touches as the conversation progressed! Like at first it was very distant. Hesitant and only getting close but no contact. Then it was light taps and softly laying a hand on top of the other, and then advancing to actually taking each other’s hands and lacing their fingers together! Very nice visual representation of how things were going!)
(Sidenote after the sidenote because yes: Kudos to y/n when they spoke about mothman because I would have devolved into hysterical giggles after realizing the big scary demon across the table, which has been trying to very seriously make a case for themselves and their true nature, is basically pouting at remembering the short-lived one sided rivalry they had with a cryptid neither the hunter nor said demon had encounter before wheeze. Ironically, I think this is one of the most important parts of what they discussed, because it demonstrates that they can be more than just the frightening being they know demons to be. There really is no possible objective if their intentions were only malicious to act so sour about the whole mothman deal. It makes them seem genuine and nuanced and not so dignified and distant to what the hunter themselves are.)
But AAAAAAA then there it is! The truth about the murdered nameless hunter. I’m just gonna say “Stepping over fear, you open your eyes and face Eclipse”, was such a banger intro line for this part, because gosh if that’s not what this chapter is all about. No more denial, no more choosing to leave it be. It’s all about the truth right now, no matter how much it might hurt or suprise. Ahhh, the taking a step away from them and dropping their hand hit so hard, especially because of what I mentioned before of the hand touches. Of course that would be what the neuter would take the hardest! And oooh I do have to wonder if their reaction took Eclipse by surprise, not because they weren’t expecting y/n to be horrified by it, but because y/n immediately blamed themselves. 
Sun and Moon have witnessed how much the hunter cares. How the suffering of others is something they wish to stop at all costs and take it hard when they can’t stop it. And they’re suddenly confronted with the reality that something they did without a second thought, even delight, now has their kind heart looking at their own human hands and seeing blood. Blood y/n feels responsible for because it derives from the decision of trusting them. And hoo boy do I imagine that hurts badly. They seem to handle better the idea of the hunter hating them than the hunter hating themselves.
And ahh that vow! It really is the culmination of all those months together. All that time building that bond and how much the journey they have been through together means to them. Just a couple paragraphs before the hunter is suddenly having doubts again. Doubts that there might be affection now and they’ll be discarded as a toy later. But all those big and small moments can’t have been nothing. So they put everything on the line by choosing to believe them as long as they swear they’ll never cross again the line of what they cannot stand for. It’s the very reason they do what they do after all. And for the boys that’s such an important vow to accept. Because it’s never been part of their morality or something that bothered them too much. It’s promising that no matter if they are starving like they experienced before, they will not kill someone who doesn’t deserve it. It’s trusting that now that the truth is out, the hunter will also help to not let them go hungry. It’s a big enough deal to deliberate for a while. But they accept, because they know it’s the one thing that determines whether their heart is willing to let them stay or not. The one unshakable boundary.
(sidenote: it occurs to me that, worst case scenario, even if the hunter did not have the hope that all of it had been real, that they would have still said yes to them tagging along. Because if the vow would save innocent people, then that’s the only option they would feel is right. But that’s just a slightly sadder alternative because I’m sure the boys would prove themselves to be serious about it either way XD)
Of course it’s not a vow that immediately fixes everything. I have a feeling the boys will be faced with questions like that one about them leaving while y/n is asleep. It can be harsh to not be believed when they have promised to be honest, but they know their word has yet to earn their trust and that the time after the rake attack cut very deep. But there’s a sense of things being settled and it’s clear how they all really missed the familiarity and companionship they were all used to.
But this is getting very long! XD So the last thing I wanted to comment on is that now the search for Vanessa truly begins! I am vibrating in my seat waiting not only for the final confrontation and the reveal of who this demon really is, but also to see what the cooperation of the hunter and Eclipse will be able to achieve in a hunt! And also, I have a feeling that saltshaker is definitely gonna come into play. How? I don’t know! But I am keeping my eyes open!
(Last sidenote: I suddenly thought of the demonic “family gatherings” and how the others might notice how meeting the hunter has changed the boys. They themselves say they are inspired by their kindness and that they want to do better. So will they seem a bit softer around the edges when they meet their family again? I imagine that after thousands of years of not changing much, the difference would be noticeable to the few they hold dear, right?)
But aaaah, that’s it for now! Awesome chapter, Naff! I imagine things will not be half as calm from this point on and I still don’t know if I’m ready but I do know I’m looking forward to it! :D  
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I'm gonna explode from all your analysis sand catching the little details! I'm vibrating at the speed of sound in my seat as we speak alsjdfalsd
A few things I want to touch on: For your worst-case scenario, first off! Ouch, you poked my heart ;-;. Second off, you're right that the hunter wouldn't want Eclipse out of their sights regardless of their current relationship status! Even if Y/N didn't believe Sun and Moon were genuine in all of their dealings, Y/N couldn't have them out and about, doing whatever a demonic cryptid does (not exactly bloodless things).
Ahhhh, demonic family gatherings is something the cryptids should slap on some shirts when they do get together pfffft! The others, the 'glamrocks', would notice how much Eclipse has softened, especially for this adult! Just, wow, they're bringing a little mortal back so they can introduce them to the fam? Who is this human that's stolen their darling Eclipse's, non-existent heart? They're all very excited to meet you! Though, it is a bit overwhelming to meet so many demonic cryptids gathered in one place, but don't worry, you're sweetie knows when to take you away for a break from their big, spooky family hehe
Thanks, babe! ♥
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coldstar0605 · 1 year
Anyone interested in an Invader Zim/Phineas and Ferb crossover I wrote notes for but never wrote?
Invader zim/Phineas and ferb
Zim in space
[Perry is trapped in a canary shaped cage]  
Doof: ah, Perry the Platypuses. What a precarious position you've found yourself in. And by precarious I mean 'canary-ous.'… Not gunna lie, this one came to me in a dream and when I was dreaming it was hilarious, but then I woke up and it didn't make any sense. Then I was like, 'I can make it make sense!' And here you are in a canary... Your 'pre-canary-ous' trap.  
 Zim and Doof battle in space
Secret OWCA satellite? Zim and Doof want?
Flyn-Fletcher house
Black object lands in back yard destroying creation of P&F just as Candace gets Mom and Dad outside.
Dad sees object an believes it to be proof of the Black Knight Satellite
Hotel room
Phineas, Ferb, and their dad settling in a rented room
Mr. Fletcher is meeting Prf. Membrane and giving a speech on the mysterious object
Phineas opens suit case to find Perry
P&F take Perry for a walk
Membrane House
Dib Watching Mysterious Mysteries  
Episode on the possible alien origin of the platypus  
                    Artist rendering of platypus alien spaceship
                    Up next interview with Officer X on hyper intelligent  penguins in NY  
Dib doesn’t buy it but curious  
Prf. Membrane tells Dib about Fletcher's  discovery thinking it would interest him and his Para-science  
Dib meets P&F
Dib questions weird  
"He's a platypus; they don't do much."
Dib talks about Zim (Shows photos)
P&F think being a paranormal investigate would be awesome
"Ferb, I know what we're gunna' do today"  
"Hey! Where's your platypus?"
"don't worry, he runs off all the time."
"Oh, really..."
P&F check out Zim's house
Dib tracks Perry
Zim's base
              P&F knock on Zim's door activating Robo-parents(cut)
              Zim returns home and hears Phineas scream and a liquid splatter on the window
              "Robo-Parents, Did they eat another human child?"                Zim enters house to find Phineas ranting in horror about the terrible make-up of the robots
                 "where are your real parents"  
                 "GONE! There-there... Dead, yes, in, uh... the fire! Oh what a tragic past! Let me tell you"
                 (Impromptu flashback) "I was once an normal human stink child. I mean, I still am normal. But I was even more normal then! Look at those  
                 normal human pants."
                "We can't. this is a flashback"
                 "SILNCE!" (Tap water turned his skin green) Poisoned his parents and killed them
                 "Didn't you say they died in a fire?"
                 "oh, yes and then burst into flames or something... OH THE EMOTIONS!"
                 "This poor Kid. He built himself new parents just to have a normal life"
              P&F are convinced Zim is just a sad, sick, orphan and Dib is a bully
              Zim-Phineas-Ferb Red Team
Around town
Dib Finds out Perry is a secret agent
               Follows him to a showdown with Doofenshmirtz
               Doof's flashback about meeting aliens  
              Dib wants to use Doof to out Zim
              "Man kid, you're twisted. Have you ever thought of trying Evil?"
              Doof needs Dibs info to fight Zim                Doof needs to steal invitation from Rodney  
               Hinze-Perry-Dib Blue Team
Zim's base
              P&F Build giant robot using Irken tech
IDK wherever they can meet and work
              Massive NORM?
Outside convention
              Team Red and Blue meet in robots (essentially Doof vs Zim)
              P&F have created such a  monstrosity that even Perry cannot recognize their work
              Phineas leaves robot to run inside
              Perry is horrified to see Phineas
              Perry fights Dib for control to save Phineas
              and I mean fights
              Dib gives up and chases Phineas
Fletcher's speech:
              Phineas tries to reach Dads
              Dib catches up and Tackles Phineas
              Ferb catches up at takes Dib Down
              Perry and Doof arrive back stage
               Fletcher and Membrane chatting backstage (Laurence is terrified of the egotistical psychopath.)
                  Fletcher is about to drink tap water when Phineas knocks is out of his hand
                  "Don't drink the water! You'll turn green and explode!" hands him bottled water
                 Membrane: "Oh, nonsense children, nothing is better for you than water. in fact I've been working on a new 'Super Water'!"
                 Dib: "DAD! Don't listen to them There trying to sabotage--" (something happens and Dib, P&F run off)
                 "I'm so glad our boys are getting along"
              Dib confronts P&F
              Dib tackles P
              M&F break up fight  
              Dib is kicked out!
              Doof tries to stop them but Perry gestures for him to distract Membrane, Fletcher, and the crowd. GIR joins him!
          Phineas: Oh, there you are Perry
           Ferb: Lets never come back here.
           Phineas: You got that too! I'm not just being a jerk! I don't want to come back here either.
          Perry: 'Grrrrrrrr' of agreement
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tiny-tigers · 1 year
I feel bad saying this but I don't actually think of Henry as a full back so no, surprisingly no bias here... 🙈😂🥴😆 (I am more worried about that sharks fullback coming through in the next few years....) But Tommy Freeman's done more in a white shirt and I always thought him and Freddie worked quite well together in the back field!
No never met him or been to a game! I don't think I'd want to because I'd fear it might be a let down if that makes sense? 😭😖😅
Whats your in person analysis of Fred and how does it differ?? 😂😅💕
Oh interesting ! Well for me he just got legs and a marketable face but that's all about it, saw interviews and I'm not impressed.
Roebuck ? is that Roebuck ?
I can't really say I saw a lot from Freeman because he was not having a lot of game time and I am usually VERY focused on Jacko while I watch England which is awful because I see ALL his mistakes with a critical eye.
Big sigh + Big flop today got kicked out of one account I followed for a year / he added a new b$%ch and I got blocked by oliviafw_x who just got interested in Fred but now she blocked me so I cannot see if it is relevant or not that she follows both 😞 ( Same for sophiajkent you have info on her Idk who it is and they both follow her I'm curious it looks norwich-norfolk sided so I thought you might have info ) + you add 4 unfollowers and you got my productive day 😬🤡😬
oh it makes sense like the don't meet your heroes unless you want to be disappointed.
I can assure you , you will not be. Not by Fred. If you were a Jack's fan I couldn't promise you that.
He genuinely was defying my expectations.
First of all he is VERY tall , I was more surprised by Jack because he doesn't looks that tall but he is taller in reality even my friend who is the same height finds him taller in person. Just be prepared if you meet him to put on some heels or platforms or big sneakers or you will look midget.
He's even-tempered with everyone, he uses an even tone, doesn't distinguish between people I found that very pleasant when you know that some players have their preferences. I thought it was refreshing and a good surprise.
He is more shy in real than I would have thought I expected someone very confident or a bit A BIT haughty but he wasn't
Idk in pure flesh he is really different very VERY easy to approach and I would not have thought that since he was now a regular for England squad I was expecting an "aura" keeping people at distance aaaaaaand I felt that for J . Take all the bullet points and reverse it and you got Jack in flesh .
Nooooot gonna lie I was expecting him to be more handsome and in real I was just like : he is a normal average guy why all the fuss ? But that is just ME (TOTALLY THE OPPOSITE FOR JACK ON THAT ONE BECAUSE OMG they all fall and liquify in front of HIS EYES ??? When squidge rugby call him pretty eyes it is not a lie he looks at you with REAL INTENSITY when fred is just happy babbling with you , jack STARES. ) like for real I have got people who are not charmed by his appearance but in real ??? MAGNETISISM WITCHCRAFT so you should see me everytime I see him in flesh I'm shaking and my guts are rearranging ?? And he is so ... palpable. Ok focus you asked Fred I can tell all the difference about J another day. So yeah sorry not very melting on the inside for Fred when I think he is really handsome in some pictures
Very more human haha I know it is stupid but in 3d they are impressive ?? And it does a little something to your core. I mean that is fred !
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skrelpson · 3 months
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I think I should send her to 1850s Kalos. I think it'd be funny
(ignore the hands, I was totally going for a stained glass look. Totally. /j)
(A better look at my Pokemon IRL/ZA brainrot beneath the cut)
OKAY SO UH I have this idea for Gill (A Pokemon IRL oc) and I'm frothing at the mouth about it so I'm going to infodump here! Because I am both normal about this and Legends ZA
So I had the idea that at some point, Gill would just straight up disappear for a week. He'd get sucked into some kind of time-rift and end up in ye-olde Kalos. He'd freak out, obviously, but after a couple weeks he'd come to accept his life and start getting into things. He'd basically become an 'important side-character'. Living life, helping around the city, meeting new Pokemon (Like VULPIX. He'd get a VULPIX for REASONS.) He's been taking some Kalosian classes at Blueberry, so he's all set there. He just has to apply himself.
And the thing about this? She likes it there. She likes it a lot. She doesn't have to worry about school, about expectations, about living up to her sister or impressing her friends. She's living in Lumiose City! She's helping rebuild the place! She's considered a strong Trainer! She's meeting people and Pokemon and she knows without a shadow of a doubt they like her. Of course, she still bawls her eyes out every night- she misses Blueberry, she misses Paldea, she misses her friends and family- but...well, she wouldn't hate it if she had to stay here.
Then like four-five months pass. Maybe this is all before the actual plot of ZA happens, so I can do this way earlier lol. Gill's helping restore Lumiose, as usual, and she's having a great time. She's becoming a well-known face in certain areas, too- Monsieur or Mademoiselle Monet, the young Pokemon wielder. Most everyone likes her.
And then he wakes up.
He's transported back home, somehow. And here, only a week has passed.
He has a Stats test to take. His ranking in the League Club has fallen back down to rock bottom. One moment, he was helping rebuild this beautiful city. He was someone important, doing something meaningful with his life. And the next, he was back to square one. All of his work was finished for him, centuries ago now.
He has to live with the fact that all of the people he grew to know in those four months are dead. He never got to say goodbye.
People will question where he picked up saying 'morbleu'. People might point out the faintest hint of an accent. But he doesn't have the heart to tell them anything, so he'll just lie.
I just have this distinct image of Gill going to Lumiose for like a school trip and seeing a building that she lived in two hundred years ago, now turned into some laundry mat or cafe or whatever. Maybe there's a wild Ninetales running around there, presumably waiting for their owner. And maybe she's able to find a floorboard she remembers removing with a friend to store trinkets and cash in it, and finding all that stuff coated in dust. And then she'd start crying, and because people expect that kind of stuff from her- getting sentimental about things that aren't even hers and breaking into tears-, they don't really question it, outside of a pat on the shoulder.
UUUUh that's it!! That's what I was thinking of. I think it'd be a fun character study! A look into Gill and how he views expectations and what he wants to do.
Will I do this? I dunno. Maybe after we get more Kalos info. Or I can just say fuck it we ball and do whatever I want forever. Or until someone tells me it's a bad idea. I just think it's cool and I wanted to do some pixel art.
I have major Kalos brainrot can you tell
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alligatorjesie · 11 months
Man. You’re right @driversfavtwink , I should go outside and touch some grass.
Hey wait a minute.
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I’m already outside.
This reminds me of that time I made a whole post involving an anti and how instead of telling people in this fandom to kill themselves, a thing they had done repeatedly in the past, how to go outside and touch exactly the right type of grass and to spend some fucking time doing that instead of what they were actively doing,
Which was telling people in my fandom to kill themselves.
You don’t even fucking understand just how much grass I regularly touch just to deal with anti shitwads.
And you know what this anti told me after I took all that time to record them a personalized video with extraordinarily detailed explanations on how to take care of this incredibly invasive plant?
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because that’s fucking normal.
Let’s not forget how a few years ago a furry convention I go to every year was chlorine bombed by a nazi fur who was disgruntled when con staff told them we don’t allow nazis into the fucking con.
A very real thing that happened to me and over 7,000 other furries in the middle of the night in winter in Chicago.
Then a few weeks ago I counter protested with the same invasive plant info at a drag show in an attempt to block visibility to a death cult church who regularly pickets any pride events in my town like our own personal westboro baptist church.
They spent the evening telling me and everyone there how we was all gonna burn in a lake of fire.
This is were they set up and spent the next 5ish hours death proselytize a drag show.
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Unlike @miguelsdumbass, I actually don't mind people knowing I'm a real person doing real things like the person I say I fucking am.
I'm not asking a child to show me proof of who the are by the way. They can tell me there the queen of fucking France for all the fucks I don't give. I just want them to fix their fucking tags and get the fuck out of this fandom space. It's the first thing I said to this chucklefuck and it'll be the last fucking thing I ever say to them.
You know, it just seems like hateful people keep encroaching on the spaces I should be safe in but for some reason assholes like you seem to think I'm overreacting when all I'm fucking doing is telling them to Leave if they hate it so much. I don't want 'em here, and the entire fucking fandom/drag show/pride event/convention don't want this hateful shit either.
It seems like I'm having a lot of trouble just going into spaces that were designated for us being interrupted by assholes who can't read the fucking room.
I’m noticing a pattern is all I’m saying.
@Miguelsdumbass here isn’t even the worst one. They’re just a child and really fucking stupid.
Which by the way @miguel-o-haras-rp, whats it like living a total lie? I remember when I was your age I lied about working for disney’s animation studios. And people fucking believed me.
The internet and fun and full of stupid people.
@miguel-o-haras-rp is not Jewish because this wasn’t even a thing on their bio until I dared to bring up nazis and that’s all this pee brained moron could think up when being compared to the same group of people who regularly tell me and my friends to kill themselves, which antis do. Telling a whole group of people they should eat shit and die for participating in a thing, that’s some nazi shit you know? The trans thing is new by the way @miguel-o-haras-rp, what argument lead to this one? Are you gonna identify as an attack helicopter next? Who knows what new personality you’ll invent in the coming weeks. A better one we can only fucking hope.
Not until you finally figure out the horrible history of antis and abhorrent anti behavior that's for fucking sure.
Antis, which shitass here openly says they’re a member of;
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have been telling people to kill themselves since fucking time immemorial.
‘Anti’ is a new term but the act of being one isn’t fucking new.
nazis are anti Jewish.
Straight white conservatives are anti anything that ain’t a straight white conservatives.
@miguel-o-haras-rp is anti using common sense genetics to realize multiracial people can look multiracial.
I’ve been around the block. I know hateful people when I see them. The fact you’re defending this person says more about you than me @driversfavtwink.
I do see the irony in being told by a Adam Driver superfan, historically really fucking weird people into some weird shit but whatever you do you boo I ain't a part of that drama, are more normal than the reylos who are just enjoy a fictional canon vanilla fandom and ship, but go fucking off I guess.
I ain't never doxxed anyone. But I know a few adam driver superfans who have.
Daivers are the weird fucking people who obsessively ship Daisy and Adam, the real people and not their fictional Star Wars characters, are not to be confused with "Reylos".
We are not the same fucking thing.
No one is white washing a half white character by stating the half white character looks a little white.
Ya'll are real fucking stupid.
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Antis ain’t your fucking friend.
Antis are fucking scum who tell people the most horrible shit. They’re not any fucking better than that church who pickets my local pride events or that nazi who chlorine bombed a bunch of furries because we didn't like his shitass racist opinions.
and they’re not any fucking better than real nazis, a group of people so passionately hateful they just went straight to killin’ the thing they hated.
I can and will make that comparison because
much like how nazis kept actually killing Jewish people, antis keep telling me and mine to fucking die in just about every group I'm in.
Not just in the reylo fandom, but in the furry fandom, and in the LGBTQ community too.
And that's some nazi shit and it's getting really fucking old.
And if you’re gonna act like one you can leave too shitass, fuck
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bonesandthebees · 8 months
*cracks knuckles*
So royalty au. From the prequel we know that this is a story about Sam picking an heir and the whole inheritance that is going to get very complicated because he has no children thing. We know Niki and Quackity are options. (There might be more people, but shhhhhhh). Phil is Sam’s advisor and Wilbur is his son. Niki is Wilbur’s best friend. And from the snippet and other Bee-comments we know the tntduo will be tntduoing.
From the snippets we know there will be an announcement. This is assumed in Niki’s and probably confirmed in Quackity’s. (Also, this castle is a gossip house, as it should be.) the logical assumption would be that this is going to be Sam announcing who will be his heir. Though just doing it at dinner feels to informal, so maybe he’s just going to announce when he’s going to announce it. (Or he’s bringing in a completely different person as another possible or chosen heir, who knows there are OPTIONS.)
Anyway, some of my speculations in no particular order:
It is the heir announcement and Phil knows who it’s going to be but he’s not telling Wilbur because it’s going to be Niki and he doesn’t trust him to not tell her yet. (Rumours would spread very quickly if there is to be a big announcement and suddenly Niki is very cheerful.)
Same as above, but it’s NOT Niki. Same Wilbur cannot be trusted to keep this info from Niki. Or a potential, not wanting Wilbur to have to lie to Niki when he knows. (Same possibility for rumours spreading based on any change in Niki’s behaviour.)
It may or may not be the heir announcement, but it’s important and clearly Wilbur is getting pressed for info from all sides, so Phil might just not want him to spill in general rather than just to Niki in particular.
Phil is still planing to tell Wilbur about the announcement, he might have only heard about it from Sam after breakfast, or he wants limit the time between Wilbur knowing and it happening to avoid a leak. (I’d assume he’d want Wilbur to have a guarded reaction to the news, and knowing what he’s about to hear would make that a lot easier.)
Phil wants to see Wilbur’s raw reaction to the announcement to know his opinion (I’d assume he could just ask this, but you never know with the complicated Sandduo.)
It’s just any regular or normal announcement and the palace it’s getting turned upside down for nothing, which is why Wilbur wasn’t told (unlikely because it’s the first chapter so something needs to be set up).
And lastly: surprise heir, because I have no idea where Tommy is going to come in and I would not be surprised to have him suddenly thrown in as heir out of nowhere which would force Wilbur to work with/befriend him which Niki could see as a betrayal. (Also, many options to make people hate Tommy’s guts.)
Personally I don’t know who I’d like to be the heir, but if it is the heir announcement then I’m very excited to find out why Phil didn’t tell Wilbur as well as seeing the fallout between all the other characters. I mainly want to see what would happen to rainduo’s dynamic depending on who gets pick because both sides of the coin will be fun.
god I love seeing your analysis for this already
oh the castle is SUCH a gossip house because what else did nobles living in the palace with the royals have to do back then. word spreads so fast if you're not careful
like I said before I can't respond to most of this, but just so you know spruce I am eyeing some of these so closely. it's so fun to see your thoughts already.
guess you'll have to wait for the first chapter to find out what the announcement is :)
(tysm for this spruce it's just making me even more excited to eventually post this)
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lynxgirlpaws · 8 months
Hey y'all! I'm back!
Sorry for leaving I was just uhm. Not exactly satisfied with how my previous account was. So I entirely re-made it. That's a normal thing normal people do, right? Yeah. Anyways, it's me! Ramen again. I'm back. uh. And this!! Is my new blog. Why is it called ramendoodles when I haven't drawn more than like two doodles in the past few months? ,,., shur up.
Okay here's info stuff.
☆ I'm 18 !!! [6/20/05]. So I'll probably post inappropriate stuff sometimes. Not as much as before but like. Sometimes. So I am still blocking minors. Sorry. I lied I'm not sorry in the slightest.
☆ I'm bi!! Yeah uh. This is not in my bio because I can't lie I maybe forgot that not everyone is. I'm bi and dumb. Also kind of a mess. What can I say, people so pretty me go stupig. ☆ My pronouns are. Are uhhhh. Ermmmm. Uhmgmmm. If I say you can call me whatever, I still have plausible deniability right? Like I can still lie to myself and others? Yeah. Yeah we'll go with that. Also girlfailure works. that phrase is just very very funny to me. If you acknowledge anything in this paragraph I will get scared and run away. Just so you know.
☆I play minecraft and uh vidgeo games sometimes. I do youtube. been lazy with that though recently. Just haven't had the vibes be right. You get it. So yeahg. Sowry about my absence ^^' Also discord.
☆ I'm uh. I'm not the mosst well mentally [stares at the account I deleted on a whim purely because I felt disgusted with myself] so uh. Expect unsavory topics sometimes. A little self harm there, a little self hatred there, maybe some trauma sometimes just to spice it up! I won't spam you with these, don't worry about it. At least not on purpose.
☆ If you'd like to understand me I suggest you watch just episode one of Bocchi the Rock. but like, not past that - when she makes growth or anything. Just the part where she's really sopping wet and sad. Then there you go. Me.
Here's some tags #CatfishAsks - What I throw on asks. Speaking of, don't be too horny in those anymore. Trying to be more. Erm. Myself, as opposed to the horny beast I am when I'm attention seeking on here lmfao. #RamenDoodles - Art stuff !! In case you wanna see those. I won't add any more tags, since I know I won't use more lmfao
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