#i am struggling so hard with faces again im at that point where i get unhappy with my brushes but in reality its me thats the problem
celestialmancer · 2 months
⛈️ ❌ ❌ ❌ // 2:09 am, tbd ;
#this is a fucking vent so just gnore the venty ass tags but i have nowhere else to place this that feels safe other than just.#shouting into a void where no one hears. aka here ig.#bc its better i shout into a void alone than drag others down with me somehow—i dont. know#regardless… i’m just… i dont know what to think.#things are really bad lately & i’m struggling again to stop myself from sh utting down every time i try being vulnerable & opening up.#i keep clamming up & letting my mind take the reins when it tells me to just erase anything i say. to not open up.#to swallow every single emotion & experience that’s hurting me & let that poison kill me slowly instead. deal with it alone#because it feels like its wrong to open up. like its wrong to say anything. like me being open is just.#me being a fucking burden or something. i don’t know. i shouldn’t be like this. i’m supposed to be fucking better than t his.#what the fuck happened to the version of myself that could just keep suppressing & suppressing & not being a goddamn thorn in ppl’s sides.#esp bc all the things i’m having a difficult / painful time with is all fucking trigger heavy shit or things that i just don’t.#fucking know what to do with anymore because its not shit within my control.#a lot of it’s shit im still just processing that has hurt a lot & havingg to cope w that grief alone.#but then there’s also other circumtances too that are hard to navigate & my BPD having a field day w me in recent history too#i don’t know what the fuck is wrong w me at this point. & im scared & i can’t stand being fucking alone in this shit yet.#i feel like i have to. i have to. i have to. beccause this is my own issue & to dare express anything is me just. using ppl isn’t it.#that’s all it is right. & besides how many times has it been proven that ppl get sick of me for not being okay.#how many times have ppl walked away because they realize im just some fucking deadweight emotionally or something. id on’t fucking know.#am i spiraling? who fucking knows! maybe! because im fucking tired of what my life has been in general & im. overwhelmed.#overwhelmed by existence itself i fucking guess & what its meant for me overwhelmed by expectations overwhelmed by vulnerability thats just.#bleeding out through the fucking cracks of this fucking mess of a person i am.#& constantly fucking afraid that im just. too much. too much. too much for anyone.#too emotional in fucking general too intense too overwhelming for others regardless if its overwhelming them via pos or neg emotions.#afraid im going to get discarded afraid of what’s to come afraid in fucking general. fear & grief & pain & rage & hatred &.#desperation to feel anything other than this & desperation to feel loved thats got me having rly foul compulsions too#all my emotions feel like some kind of fuckihng hairtrigger & its hard to stop it in fucking general. i dont fucking know. & like i said it.#feels like shit to deal with completely alone. not bc i wanna deal with alone but bc i /have/ to bc if i dont then im just. a problem. or.#i dont know. im tired of everything tired of my emotions tired of this life tired of all that ive had to face up til this point & tired of.#fear & idk how to handle things alone anymore. my friends deserve better than this emotional burden i am to be around ig.#it feels so much like i have to apologize to those i befriend for being. well. this. for all of me & for being ‘too much’ in general.
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montimer · 2 months
Could you write a Joker x reader where the Joker tells her that he loves her, but she hesitantly admits that she isn’t sure she believes him because she isn’t sure if he is capable of love?
I don't do female reader so i made it gender neutral!
Joker x reader
Warning: kidnapping,yandere
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You woke up in an empty dark room. You felt somewhat dizzy.
As you tried to move, you noticed that a rope was keeping you from standing up. You began struggling.
But gave up. Too tired and stressed you looked around for any escape or tool instead.
There was a door infront of you, a window on the right, but it was locked down with sticks of wood. Other than that the room was empty.
You tried remembering what had happened before you got here.
'Okay i was walking at night, on my way to home after shopping' then darkness.
No matter how hard you tried remembering, thats all your mind could make up. Where you kidnapped? Pulled away from an alley and drugged? But why?
You considered calling out but thinking it over, its best not to get the persons attention. If you call for help they will surely hear it sooner than anyone else.
You began to panic. 'I have to get out of here'. You were scared, you struggled again. Moving as you tried to free yourself from the ropes. The chair you were roped to began to creak.
A big mistake you made there.
You heard footsteps and you stopped immediately. The door opened slowly revealing your kidnapper.
Your eyes widened in horror. You were in the same room as the madman whos known for a not so nice nature. The joker
He tilted his head then begin to smile. He came closer to you.
You didn't wanted to look in his eyes, it was too much just being here. You didn't wanna know what he was gonna do to you.
"You awake? Im glad, you almost got me worried there my dear!"
You were still looking down.
He gently grabbed your chin to make you look at him.
"C'mon don't be shy, lemme see that pretty face of yours!"
You stared at him confused.
He giggled at your expression.
"Oh how adorable you are!"
He let go and you kept looking at him.
"Good good. Now, im sorry for that" he pointed at the ropes around you.
"But ya know, i have to make sure you're safe and sound. Can't let ya run around the place at this state! Silly, you might hurt yourself. Poor darling, you look like a lost mouse!" He gave you a sad look. You were so distracted and surprised you almost forgot how to speak.
You tried to make out words but only mumblings came out.
He gave you a surprised look.
"What is it darling? Say it, i don't bite"
You doubted that, but you tried your best to collect yourself.
"Wh-why am i here? What are y-you gonna do to me?" You hated how desperate you sounded. You hated all of this.
"Ohh, right right. Cutting to the chase huh? Well, you are here cuz i had to take you away. To a place where you can feel safe. To me"
This is the last place you'd feel safe in.
"And for the second question of yours. I am not gonna do anything to harm you. I could never! I mean, i could never harm you. Can't say that for the others" he laughed a bit before turning his attention back to you.
"Good enough for an answer?" He smiled at you.
No not really
"I still don't understand..what do you mean"
He blinked at you. As if you're suppose to know why you are here.
"Why, why me?" You started to feel impatient
"Why you? Oh y/n, for many reasons."
He knew your name? No way..
"You don't know me.."
"But of course i do! I have been watching you, for a long time now. I know everything about you. Your address, your favourite places, the place you work in, what you wear, what you like, everything! Your age and the colour of your eyes too. Its nice to see it up close!"
He leaned in, taking his time staring into your eyes, then backed up with a pleased smile.
"I have been waiting so long to finally have you!"
"Have me? What are you talking about, i don't get any of this.."
"Still? Even after the flowers i sent you"
Flowers? The flowers that was left at your doorstep?
"..and the letters.."
The romantic sounding letters that came with them? Sometimes they did sounded creepy..
"..the chocolate and the plush? I mean i hope you got all of them, or else one of my goons gets a lecture. A life time lasting one"
You ignored the last part, but you did remember all this. The box even said 'from your one and only- J ;)'
Oh, oh no
"It, it was you-"
He clapped his hands
"Yes! Im so happy you figured it out! Did you keep them? What kind of question is this, of course you did!" He began to laugh once again.
"I did that all for one reason. That is because, i love you."
Your mind was dizzy again. He must be joking, there is no way in hell..
He started pointing out the things he loves about you. How does he knows all this, how long have he been stalking you? You didn't even listen to him anymore, your head hurt. You didn't wanted to look at him, instead you looked down in defeat.
When he stopped talking, you slowly looked up.
"There that's better" he petted your head.
"Even if you don't get it yet. You'll understand sooner or later, you'll realise that we were ment to be! Like sun and moon, one can't live without the other!"
"Is this a joke?"
He seemed shocked by that
"Come again?"
"I-i can't belive all this..I don't belive you, why would you love me? Are you even capable of loving anyone but yourself?" You said that without thinking. You immediately regretted it.
He stopped smiling. He had a look of disbelief and confusion on his face.
"What makes you think that?"
"I mean, like you used Harley-"
"But you're not Harley"
You tried to slip lower as he came closer.
"You're you. And that is why i love you. Ya know, im not mad at ya, not at all. Im mad at the people who had feed such horrible thoughts into your head. And if i have to prove you that i can love, then i will."
'I belive it when i see it' you thought. But for now your situation seemed hopeless. So you just kept staring at him, his green eyes burning into yours.
His face didn't look so serious anymore. Suddenly he hugged your form then left a kiss on your face.
He looked pleased at the mark that his lipstick left.
He got up and walked to the door.
"This is just the start, at the end you'll be head over heels for me! I can feel it! For now rest a little darling. Oh and don't even think about escaping, you wouldn't want me to catch you again? I'll be back soon, promise!" He waved his hand and blow a kiss your way.
He closed the door, now you can be alone with your thoughts. In an empty room with no escape or help to come. With a crazy clown obsessed with you. Does he really mean that?
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goodlucksnez · 7 months
Well here it is as promised! I made a resolution that in 2024 every month i would make a surprise wav for one of my snzblr friends, so i made a random wheel with friends on it and spun it so this months friend is *drum roll* @ithadtobesneezing
I had this thought a long time ago and well I had to put it to use! I LOVE LOVE LOVE the hc that T/oge can make Y/uta snez from the cursed energy, so of course I ran with that..also my own hc that T/oge is sensitive to champagne. So without further rambling enjoy!
guide: Bonito flakes (agreement), Caviar (curse word like fuck or shit),samon (agreement but more casually kinda like the word whatever), mustard leaf (im sorry, or apologetic)
For my peeps with audio/hearing issues transcript is below
TOGE:  and YUTA:
YUTA: Here to a job well done *clicks glasses*
TOGE:  Bonito flakes
YUTA:  hey don’t be like that you did amazing! I mean that move where you jumped of that railing and you slide on your heels that was strght out of a action movie
TOGE:  *sniffs and rubs at his nose* Salmon
YUTA: think how rare this we actually get to just hang out and have a drink TOGE: ther…it is nice is it not?
TOGE: hmm *nods and sips and hiccups*
YUTA:  oh I guess you would be a lightweight haha
TOGE: hmm*grumpling before sniffling
YUTA:  oh im sorry I didn’t mean to make you upset are you-
TOGE: sneezes 2 times in quick succession
YUTA: ohh,oh um *hitches* bless you *sneezes harshly* bless you
TOGE:  Mustard leaf
YUTA:  you do not need to apologize it happens, *sneezes* phew a few sneezes are not going to kill me
TOGE: *in his head* but it is my fault, this would not be happening if I Wasn’t so weak*
YUTA: hey hey no look at me I know that face, no this isn’t your fault, heck if I wasn’t so su*starts hitching* susceptible *sneezes harshly again* ugh phew sorry this would not be a issue
TOGE: laughs and grabs a couple napkin
YUTA: hey I said issue not tissue snez again harshly
TOGE: just take it
YUTA: *blow nose before looking up starlted* wahh did you actually  just speak to me oh wow
TOGE: hmm Salmon *sips more drink*
YUTA:  wow you much really trust me..or your drunk
TOGE: *flustered gay noise before hitching*
YUTA: oh go ahead
TOGE: fanning face before ducking into his sleeve with snez 1….2
YUTA: *hitching* go one 1 more
TOGE: sneeze
YUTA: sneeze…ugh bless us
TOGE: mumbles and runs out of bar
YUTA: hey wait don’t go, where are you going
TOGE: in alleyway *stupid stupid I’m sorry this is all my fault he should not be anywhere near me
YUTA: TOGE:  yoge where are you hey come out dude come on
TOGE: all I have to do is stay quite I can do tha*-hitch oh no not now
YUTA: wait what is that I can feel his cursed energy…. I can sense him…
TOGE:  no no..not like this now..large snez
YUTA: woah hey no need to run I am unarmed. I didn’t need to search that hard hey no,no look at me…you eyes are all red so is your nose…have you ever had champagne before?
TOGE: shacks head
YUTA: I think you might be allergic to it
TOGE:  Caviar
YUTA: hey you kiss your mother with that mouth come on lets get you back
TOGE: whines and rubs at his nose
YUTA: I know allergies suck; I know better then most this *points at his face* nose of mine I definitely understand try to not to rub at it will just make the itch worse
TOGE: sniffs and rubs and sneeze
YUTA: see what did I tell you..oh great now I have to *hitches*
YUTA: sneezes trice *with stronger intensity*
TOGE: blessing him after each one
TOGE: activating his curse technique stop it
YUTA: hitches and stops hey…what
TOGE:  Caviar..clears throat commands him to sneeze
YUTA: sneezes harshly into his chest….oh thank gojo…oh my gosh I didn’t even know you could do that, stop a body from functioning *sneezes* wow that really cool
TOGE: bonito flakes
YUTA: im not complaining but try not to do that again I don’t know how much more my nose can take
TOGE: cute sneeze
YUTA: laughs bless you *kiss* I love you, lets go home
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Hi! Can you write a Morpheus x reader where they have a big family (like five kids, with one on the way) and have been married for like 12+ years with their oldest kid being born a year into their marriage and it’s just Morpheus being a dad and him and the reader being a family with their kids (oh! Like a scene where their kids interrupt him during his serious work wanting to hang out with their dad)
Papa! Papa!
Dream of the Endless x Reader
Summary: Just a normal average day in the Dreaming with 1 mom, 1 dad, 5 kids and 1 on the way [sips tea] [butterfly fluttering] [dumpster fire] [caveman music].
Word Count: 2k+
Warnings: fem!reader, wife!reader, mom!reader, mentions of pregnancy/pregnancy symptoms/pregnancy struggles, 💀children💀, soft dad!dream, my ideal husband!dream, fluff, typos, etc.
A/N: I LOVE SOFT!DAD FICS (so much so i got carried away T_T) IM SO EXCITED I CAN FINALLY WRITE THIS. also, holyeaglefanlawyer since you made another req with a similar prompt, i might make that a p2 but lol it's at the very end of my req list so lskfha;sfsah so. also i had to think of 5 NAMES ASHFAHSF:LASFHAS: DEAD T_T i hope yall like em please names are so hard. i put so much thought into their names gosh ALSO ALSO i describe the features of the kids, but they all register this way mostly because of dream's mystical-ness ya feel, not so much because of yn ok? ok good night im dead now Tagging: @pinksirensong @aralezinspace @deniixlovezelda @shadow-pancake9 @sloanexx
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My eyes rip open at the ear breaking screech that rings through the whole of the Dreaming. I am certain my eyes are blood shot in exhaustion, and yet I power through. I huff as I place a hand on my round belly. I slowly maneuver up on the bed I laid for a nap.
Ah. Naps. Ironic I could not find slumber in the dwelling of the Dream Lord.
I suck in a breath as I internally debate which child busted their lung out in protest of goodness-knows-what this time.
I put on my fuzzy slippers when I get to the side of the bed. I push myself up and sigh as I get to my feet, slowly making my out of my bedroom, my final place of refuge.
Farewell peace, or whatever semblance of it I had.
The moment I exit, there are a chorus of screams, groans, and giggles.
I make it to the entrance of the throne room. Immediately, I see the scattered toys and hundreds of children sprawling the area. Literally. There were a hundred plus children sprawling the area, all copies of my son-
"Noor, please," I shake my head, placing my hand on the child's tiny shoulder, "we talked about materializing copies of yourself."
"Mama!" he says in excitement, dropping the toy horse in his hand, coming up to me, sealing his arms around my legs.
I smile down at him, my little Noor. I brush his golden hair back, bright like the stars, much like what his name meant, light.
"Gadiel and I are playing armies though," the fourth born pouts, pointing across the hall where about a same hundred copies of his older brother, Gadiel, was stationed. He turns to me, gripping me tightly, "I don't want to lose to him again. He- aw!" he cuts himself off, turning to his left, "Hey! THAT HURT!"
I watch as Gadiel and Noor begin to struggle against each other from across the hall, pulling at each other's clothes, smacking each other's face.
Well, I didn't know what I was expecting, but this looked about right.
"BOYS!" I call out sternly.
The copies of my sons all turn to me as my voice echos in the hall.
"Mumma?" a whisper sounds by my ears, undoubtedly my youngest making herself known to me, though she was nowhere near me, and was lost in the sea of her brothers.
All at once, Gadiel and Noor's copies begin to disappear until it is only the Noor by my thigh, pressing his face into me while tears fled his eyes, and Gadiel, a good few feet across the hall, who was quickly making his way over.
Now that the ocean of boys were gone, I spot in the corner, on a carpet, littered with stuffed toys, my daughter, Isra, who was already looking at me, grinning from ear to ear, "Mumma!"
I watch her stand on her tiny legs, her shiny, dark hair, bouncing with every step she took. Journey of the night, the little girl's name meant. I gasp at her journey towards me when she nearly falls.
Gadiel notices my reaction then turns to where I was looking, spotting his little sister. He stops in his tracks, making a u-turn for her, helping her come to me.
I let out a breath at the sight, "good boy."
Upon hearing the praise, Noor looks out at his younger and older siblings, brows furrowing, "mama, he hit me!"
I turn down to Noor, who pulls away from me to point accusingly at his brother again, "he hit me," he repeats then begins to point at his body, "here, here, here-"
"NOT AT THE SAME BODY!" Gadiel cries out, as he holds Isra's tiny hands up while she walks in front of him. "Mama!" he calls, "he hit me too!"
"Mumma!" Isra babbles breaking into a giggle.
I meet my little girl halfway, breathing in deeply before carrying her in my arms. I grunt at the weight of it all, but I push past the heaviness when my daughter giggles and grabs my face, affectionately nuzzling into me.
"Mama look!" Noor complains, pointing to his face, "I think I have a black eye!"
I raise my brows as I look at the boy's spotless face. Gadiel then follows suit, twisting his arm around, pointing arduously at his elbow, "LOOK! HE INJURED ME!"
"THAT'S YOUR BIRTHMARK!" Noor angrily growls.
"AND YOU RUINED IT!" Gadiel bites back.
I sigh, blinking slowly in exasperation. I am calmed when Isra begins to speak nothings to me in her high pitched voice, full of splendor. I swoon at her baby talk.
I smile and nod, "yes, my girl, Gadiel and Noor have been naughty."
The boys do not even hear me when I say this.
God is my fortune, that is what my third born's name means. I must remember that--I have to remember that. God is my fortune. God is my fortune. God is my fortune. God is m-
The two boys jolt in their spots upon hearing the echoing sound of the deep voice of their king.
The next moment, Irsa is taken from my arm. I turn to my right, finding a kiss placed upon my cheek, "my queen, I told you that-"
"PAPA! GADIEL HURT ME!" Noor shrieks, running up to his papa's legs.
"HE HURT ME TOO!" Gadiel runs towards the man he got his blue eyes from.
"Silence!" Dream calls, looking down at his sons, who were now swatting each other. It does not work the second time around.
I release a breath, intervening, "boys."
Still nothing.
"ENOUGH!" Dream says, pushing between the boys, looking down at both of them. Isra, blissfully unaware of it all, begins to aimlessly pat her father's face, just as he begins chastising the two, "it's bad enough you woke your mother-" he stops a moment when the toddler's finger finds its way into his mouth. Dream pulls her arm back, wiping her hand on his collar, "I will not have you show such disrespect by quarrelling before the both of us."
"But papa," the two say weakly in unison.
"No rebuttals," Dream calls, "now-" Isra cuts him off when her hands flails over to his eyes, poking them unintentionally.
Noor slaps a hand on his mouth. Gadiel's cheeks expand as he holds back his laughter.
"Papa," I call, "let me-"
"It's ok, mama," Dream turns to me, raising a hand as he readjusts the child in his arm. I watch as he turns to the boys, who were now hunched over closely to each other, muttering and giggling amongst themselves, surely making fun of their father over what their sister did to him.
"Now," Dream starts, "apologize to each other."
The two let out hushed chuckles as they separate. The seven-year-old presses his lips, "we already did," crossing his arms.
The five-year-old nods his head, struggling to cross his arms, but succeeding eventually.
"Well, I did not hear it," the ???-year-old says to his boys, shaking his head. The three-year-old in his arms rubs her cheek on his shoulder. I coo at the sight of it.
Noor and Gadiel turn to each other, muttering sorry once, turning back to papa after.
"Good enough," papa says, "very well then, begone," he shoos them with a hand.
The two perk up, now off the hook. Noor runs away first, giggling about playing in Fiddler's Green. Gadiel raises a hand, gesturing that Noor should wait. Gadiel turns to his papa, motioning to his jaw, "papa, you have drool on your chin," then runs away with his brother.
I inspect Dream's face, but the man wipes his chin of any evidence before I could spot it.
"I am uncertain if I enjoy how quickly they turn into friends and foes," Lord Morpheus orates as her daughter yawns and begins to nuzzle in the crook of his neck.
I rub her back then caress his cheek, "does it matter if you enjoy it? It's not like it would change the fact."
"I am Shaper of Forms, am I not?" he says, stepping closer, hand coming up to my side.
"Ahhh," I sound, "just like how you said you'd make the twins go to sleep, only to find your powers don't work on them."
Dream turns away, brows raising at the memory, "it's not that my power does not work, it's because their own power that-"
The two of us turn our sights to the lanky eleven-year-old boy, waving his hands victoriously as he stands on the throne.
Dream grumbles then points, "off."
The boy drops his hands, jumping off the throne. His twin sister's mocking chuckles are faint in the air.
Dream turns to me, muttering softly, "children."
I snort as my husband leads us to his desecrated chair. I take his free hand and lean into him, continuing his words, "you wanted."
He narrows his eyes , "I am offended by the lone notion."
I break into a laugh. I tilt my head and correct myself, "we wanted."
Dream grabs my hand, placing a kiss at the back of it. He then brushes his hand on my protruding belly amorously, "yes. Every single one."
"Papa!" our eldest calls, meeting us halfway as he excitedly jogs over, "I did it! I got us back here using my own sand!"
"I helped him though!" our second-born calls, one leg thrown on the armrest of her father's throne, "he nearly got us stuck in a vacuum."
Orion rolls his eyes, "did not."
"Did too!" Aurora stomps both her feet on the ground.
"DID T-"
"Silence," Dream mutters under his breath, as not to awaken the napping child in his arms. It is effective to the older children though.
Dream takes the boy's face into his large hand, rubbing his thumb on his cheek, "very good, my son, you have done me proud."
Orion beams, the stardust freckles on his skin shine like the very constellations of his being.
Aurora rolls her eyes, lips curling as she pushes her legs up to her chest and wraps her arms around herself, "I did it first though!"
"You did, indeed, my daughter," Dream turns to her, making his way to his throne. The chair widens as to make room for the both of them, "I am proud of you for it," the king sits next to his princess, "and for the assistance you gave our prince."
Aurora turns to her papa. With Isra in one arm, Dream throws the other arm over Aurora's shoulders, pulling her close. His older daughter's hair flutters with a halo like the borealis as she leans into him lovingly.
"Orion, can you make me a cushioned chair with two pillows?" I huff, leaning on my son's shoulders, feeling exhaustion creep up on me.
Dream and Aurora turn to Orion, who then says, "I'll make them the softest, mummy!"
"Moron!" Aurora quips, "she doesn't like super soft pillows."
"Language," I call to my daughter as my son turns to me.
He verifies, "how soft do you want your pillows, mama?"
Aurora pulls away from Dream, walking over to us with a grunt, "let me do it."
"No! She asked me!"
"But you don't even know how-"
The two are silenced when a sofa chair manifests to my side.
"Oh, thank goodness," I sigh, walking over it to sit myself down, "my feet are killing me."
The twins shoot a look of daggers to the man on the throne, exclaiming both at once, "PAPA!"
Dream shrugs, "I know my queen's preferences better all of you combined."
Aurora makes a face, placing a hand on her hip, "psssh, you forgot it was her birthday last time!"
"Yeah," Orion agrees, "and you only thought of giving her a gift because you saw Gadiel and I making decorations!"
"And then you decorated the whole castle yourself!" Aurora exclaims.
"Not cool," Orion ends.
Dream purses his lips at the memory, "I made sure to keep the throne room empty for you to hang your crafts."
"Papa!" she cries, "that's not the point!"
"You shouldn't have manifested decorations," Orion mumbles, "you should have made some with us!"
Dream, in all his power, was nary a match to his twins when they ganged up on him. He rubs Isra's back, pouting in thought, "you know I'm not good at crafts."
Aurora rolls her eyes as Orion shakes his head. "We can help you, papa," they say at the same time.
"You're the one who keeps telling us to practice," Orion calls.
Dream- 0.
He sighs, "I am defeated."
"Yeah," Aurora says, as though it is the most obvious thing in the world.
"Well," Dream says, turning his gaze from the twins, "I do hope you enjoy..." he trails off upon seeing the blissful form on the chair.
"Mama fell asleep," Aurora pouts.
Orion, catching this as well, rubs his hands together, "I can bring mama to her bed-"
"No!" Dream calls, waving his hand, doing the deed himself, "you must not attempt to do such a thing! Do you understand?!"
The twins turn to their papa, alarmed by his grave tone, "your mother is pregnant and you both are just barely capable of bringing yourselves back and forth to the Dreaming."
Orion frowns, as does his sister, "but you said you were proud of us, papa."
"I am," he says, standing from his throne as Isra sighs in his arms, "but mama is not like us, remember? She could get hurt, and your baby sibling could get hurt too."
The girl remembers something because of that. "Oh, papa!" Aurora calls, "we have something to tell you."
Dream knits his brows, "what is it?"
Aurora turns to her twin, nudging him. Orion has no clue what she is talking about. She waits a moment, makes a face, then grunts in annoyance. She decides to tell him herself, "we think mama is pregnant with twins!"
Orion suddenly remembers, "oh. OH! Yeah, yeah! We saw a vision about it."
Dream gulps, clutching the babe in his arms.
"Oooooooh!" Aurora calls excitedly, "I hope they're both girls!"
"NO!" Orion complains, "one of them at least has to be a boy."
"Ew no! There are enough yucky boys in this family."
"You're yucky!"
"EW!" Aurora shoves Orion, "YOU'RE PEE!"
Orion cringes, "WELL YOU'RE POOP!"
Dream rubs his face, internally planning the best way to break the whole 'carrying twins news'. He releases a breath.
"Children," the king calls, "are you sure of your vision or is it just twin propaganda?"
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cato616 · 1 year
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kendall roy x fem reader
im finally writing about someone else rather than only about roman roy lol,, hope you get to like this one
it wasn't exactly a request but my first comment received from someone here said basically that they'll wait for a kendall roy one, here i am! lol
summary: you, the assistant of kendall roy, got yourself stuck on the cliché destiny of felling in love with your boss.
parts: pt.2 // pt.3 // pt.4
content: mostly fluff honestly, at some point there may get to angst.
Reserved, introverted, from time to time getting shy, but also getting confident; you were struggling to find your place at Waystar Royco, it's hard to be anyone's assistant here, but since you got a little bit closer to kendall, it made you feel less pressured.
As for today, you where sitting at a desk of your own outside kendall's personal office; as you know, there was only glass walls between you two.
While writing something down on your computer, out of curiosity you look up lifting your head just a bit, and you see kendall, roman and shiv inside his office; kendall it's sitting against his desk, both hands behind him, palms facing on top it, basically standing resting his whole body, and legs slightly being crossed, one on top of the other; while roman was sitting on an individual couch, and shiv was standing, arms crossed. You wanted take a little peek of what was going on there, you don't really like to start conversations but you really are an observant person (as a kid you did want to become a detective, how cute); however you would then get noted about it later tho, since you were his assistant obviously; you kept looking around and found yourself making accidentally eye contact with roman, you get nervous like if someone caught you sneaking around on a private matter, so of course unconsciouslly you lead your sight almost immediately back to your computer, like if nothing happened. Although you can't resist too take a look again. You slowly side eye back again, and like if it was a horror film, roman was completely standing still now closer to the glass, eyes wide open and saying nothing.
You jump "...jesus" you whisper to yourself. Roman started cackling almost; he was pranking you. "oh that was great, great in need" he was feeling proud of whatever that was. "hey dude, what's going on, why you laughing, we were talking" says kendall. "oh yeah yeah, sorry it's just your assistant is so easy to scare" roman was back sitting while still gaggling, and when you heard him saying that, you got really embarrassed and instantly get back to whatever you were doing in g-mail, you even blush a little since you were an incredibly shy person. "oh come on roman, really? you're messing with our assistants now?." Shiv implored. "yeah man, try to not be yourself and treat her like that". When he said that apparently you heard some type of silence in the room. Shiv and roman were completely staring at kendall. "oh oh, not treat her like that, got it, so what's your dog name then?" Roman sarcastically said to kendall. "You're being unserious roman, so... stop." Kendall couldn't make eye contact with them; then Shiv started to play along too. "yeah bro, are you scared to hurt her pretty feelings or something?" She chuckled. "ha ha, so funny you guys" kendall replied with a sarcastic tone. "oh come on, kendall, you're even turning pink you sick bastard". Shiv jokingly told him, smiling. "i am not by the way." Kendall stated. "She's actually nice and very timid, so i would feel bad if she was feeling upset, that's it"
You unfortunately heard him saying that; you didn't know why, but it did not make you much amused hearing it; you felt like, a little kid, who couldn't do anything for herself and was scared of everything, like a fragile little puppy; you don't like that, you don't like too be seen like a weakling, it's okay to be shy, still can't fight the feeling you would feel much happier if you wouldn't be, however, you are always too afraid to make a sound on every room you could be in, you're trying to get better at it; you imagine how easy it would be if you were more comfortable when being confident around people. You unblush, get sad at it, wishing you wouldn't had hear those words; you sigh and slightly look down. So that's how everyone sees me here
"Let's hope that fucking 'romeo' doesn't falls in the assistant-boss cliche." Roman giggles. "Right ken?" Roman keeps teasing him. Kendall doesn't want to look at him, looks irritated by this whole conversation. "o..kay, i feel it got a little bit tense here, how about we come in later huh?" Shiv kindly suggests in a mocking way as well, just trying to light up the mood.
They both leave the office; your eyes follow their movement towards the elevator. huh, they left. Of course, your eyes had to get back to kendall's office to see what's he's doing now. oh! shit. That's when your eyes met, he was already looking at you, but you got nervous and now again got your eyes rapidly changing to see the computer once more; your face flushed straight away.
You tried very hard to seem like you were nothing but working. okay, i am now tapping on my keyboard that um...
graphic demostration:
i am working, working mind.
You keep focusing on deceiving kendall; until your phones vibrates, and noticed you got massages from him. Your heart is pounding very fast.
hey sorry, i don't feel like raising my voice
could you come in here
You saw his messages and then looked up, he was waiting for you to come inside the room; you stood up, and couldn't help but to try to fix your hair in a discreet way; you opened the door and then closed it. "Yes, kendall, what's up" you smile. He was sitting at his desk thinking what to say. "did you, hear anything from inside here?". He seems to feel worried. "um... what did you talk about?". You played dumb, not interesting on having a conversation about your feelings; you hoped that kendall wouldn't realize you were lying. "oh, nothing then." You fake smile, hiding the fact you're relieved he didn't notice. "i am sorry about roman tho" he said generously. "oh yeah I get it, roman being roman" you chuckled, however you felt you were cringing yourself and immediately stopped laughing while trying to clear your throat; you felt awkward, when there was no need to feel like that. "Just so you know, if you want to talk about anything, im here." Kendall gave a big warm smile to you, and you smile back. "Well thank... you, I'll make sure to keep it in mind" You slowly start walking backwards towards the door to then shutter it in front of you, and getting back to your desk outside the corridor.
You really try to get back to work, but somehow you get distracted; you've been daydreaming a lot lately. With every word you type, something different comes to mind, about kendall; you can't deny the fact his eyes tend to shine when getting worried; he's usually not afraid to show his very nice grin to people when amused, really cute smile; he's nice and gentle, and he's... oh no.
You stopped writing, when you realized you had feelings for him. Actually you already knew about it, but didn't want to admit it, you're starting to not paying attention to what you're doing due to your feelings towards him. You could have a crush on anyone, but your boss?
that's fucking great
However, you got lost by his presence; you looked over his office, he was on his computer as well, you kept on gazing at him, you couldn't stop, your face was lighting up while unnoticeably smirking.
He then suddenly stands up and starts walking in a hurry, you of course had already started looking over your desktop before he would noticed.
He stopped for a brief moment. "hey, I'm going to the restroom if anyone asks" he then kept on walking. "yeah sure... oh and now you're gone." He didn't hear you say it, he really must've been in a hurry to that bathroom.
wow such a touching moment. You said to yourself in an ironic wat, already stressed out about how difficult this crush is going to be for you; you had your hands over your face, this is going to be tough.
"hey! um... where's our brother?" Asked roman with shiv by his side. You felt jumpy again, feeling caught; you put your hands away from your face. "oh yeah, he went to the restroom just now, what's up?." please don't say anything about me. "we have some newss..." Roman kept on looking around, then shiv suddenly asks, "were you, feeling okay?" oh come on now. You try to be unbothered by the sudden change of subject. "yes I am, Fine!" you intensely grin. "oh yuck you didn't have to go too hard on that fake smile." Roman states; and you then stopped smiling, tensing your lips, feeling annoyed. Then kendall finally comes back. finally he's here. You actually got happy to just see his face again, your eyes sparkle.
"Guys, 'sup?" stopping halfway, now they're all three right next by my desk. "we have something" Shiv informed him but with an exciting tone. "oh well let's go inside" Kendall tells them, by then closing the door.
Now all they all around together, kendall expecting exciting news. "so??" He asked them impatiently. "Stewie, he said yes, he's in" Shiv told him at last; both shiv and roman seemed very content, they were all smiling. "holy shit, okay! yeah!... we need to celebrate" kendall was amused by this. "fuck yeah bro" Roman said thrilled but kept his compose. "okay yeah we'll do something at my place tonight, something small." Kendall grabbed his phone, looks like he was writing people. "is your dirty secretary going too?" Roman couldn't stop on teasing him about it. Kendall already looked pissed off by the comment, by not furious, he was still rather happy. "Stop saying that roman, and by the way of course she's coming, she's an assistant." Both roman and shiv were slightly giggling, while kendall left his phone on his desk and decided to walk out to look for something, roman didn't follow him but kept on annoy him. "sure ken, don't forget your condoms!" Roman yelled, however he ignored it. "woah okay roman shut up" Shiv told roman, still finding it funny but trying not to be embarrassed by it.
Kendall was actually going towards you; he put his hands on top of your desk to notify you about tonight. "Hey so tonight we three were planning to have a little something to celebrate, let some of my associates know and be there with me." You were secretly delighted with this event, trying to be professional enough. You started to type on your phone. "yeah sure, you got it." You said to him while avoiding eye contact. He was about to head back in, but once again put his hands over your desk, you felt confused by the action wondering what was he going to say. "Please try to have a good time at the party, we can... both have a good time, yes?" you were stunned by his words, getting tongue tied. "y-yeah sure... I'll try to." You smile at him, and he then gives you that smile that you love so much, that warms your heart. "And well of course remember be there early to... assist" He jokes around a little bit, with a genuine laughing, and you laugh too.
It got you nervous, but you do in fact are going to have a good time.
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justmeinadaze · 1 year
We're A Family Part 9 (Steddie X You)
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A/N: Ok, I did warn you people so don't come at me lol Good feels and bad feels abound. Idk where this came from. Probably from some person stuff Im struggling with. But alas...Enjoy!
Warnings: Smut, ALL the angst, and fluff at the beginning and end to warm your souls, Someone from Eddie's past comes into play so his trauma is mentioned (i.e Child abuse and his mom leaving), Dylan talks a bit about his feelings with Charlie. I think those are the big triggers here.
Word Count: 4127
“I know you, I walked with you once upon a dream I know you, that look in your eyes is so familiar a gleam And I know it's true that visions are seldom all they seem But if I know you, I know what you'll do You'll love me at once, the way you did once upon a dream.”
You grin from your place on the floor as you watch Eddie strum his guitar and sing as Steve holds her hands while she tries to balance on her feet. 
Aurora’s first birthday was coming up and you felt like time was just flying by. Steve had started school, choosing to utilize the night program so he could at least spend time with the kids while they were awake if he was off that day. Eddie had just recently been promoted to manager at the auto shop which he had originally accepted because it paid more but found that he actually enjoyed the work it provided. 
Dylan seemed to be getting along ok and was his usual happy self. While he still loved playing the guitar, he asked you if he could sign up for the Hawkins little league team and had steadily grown to being one of the best players on the team. When you picked him up from practice one day you noticed how his face changed as he hit the ball, like he was letting out all his frustrations with the tiny bat in his hands. 
After what happened your son barely brought up Charlie, following through with calling Steve and Eddie “dad” whenever he addressed them. You sent him texts of updates regarding Dylan but Vivian was the only one to ever reply and usually it was something simple like “Thank you.”
“What’s mama concentrating so hard on, huh?”, Eddie smiled as he looked your way.
“We’re going to have her birthday here, right?”
“Yeah, why not. Wayne said he’d be able to make it and I have the day off.”
“Me to. I made sure to ask for it like 3 months in advance.” Steve flops down on the floor, Aurora wiggling out of his grasp to crawl to the metalhead as she pats on his guitar. “My mom will be swinging by. I assume Robin and Kierra to, of course.”
“I have some friends at work that want to come and bring their kids. Dylan knows a few of them.”
“That will be fun for him. Maybe I can invite the guys. I know they’ve been wanting to see her again.” Eddie leans forward and kisses the baby’s cheek making her giggle. 
You stretch out on the floor in front of you and she promptly crawls towards you bumping her head into yours. “Ow. You have a hard head.” You reach out to mess with her curls the way they do. 
“She’s a headbanger like me. Yeah? Just like dada. Dada?” Eddie chuckles as she falls back on her butt, watching him speak before looking over at you. 
“Dada? Can you say that? Say I’m just like dada.” Both men laugh until a breathy sound escapes her tiny mouth. You grin at her encouragingly as they completely freeze. “There you go. Come on, baby. Dada.”
“Oh my god.” Eddie quickly picks her up and places her on his lap as Steve pulls out his phone. “Can you say it again? Who am I? Am I dada?”
He hugs her to his chest as the three of you smile excitedly. “That’s right, princess. I’m your dada.” He turns her around to face Steve. “That’s your dada to.”
You scoot towards the other man and point at his chest as her wide eyes watch you intently. “Dada?” She follows your finger as you point between them repeating the phrase hoping she doesn’t get confused. Her little hand reaches towards Steve’s phone and he pulls it out of her reach as she crawls towards him, headbutting his chin before he places a kiss on her head. 
“Da…da.” She falls onto her back looking up at him as she reaches her hand out again. “Da…da…da.”
“No, she can’t be talking yet.”, Wayne grins as he bounces the baby on his hip. “You need to stay a baby as long as possible. Your dad grew up too fast and I hate it.”
You grin at him as Dylan and the other kids run past you out to the backyard where some of your friends were sitting on the patio talking amongst themselves. 
“Yeah, Steve went from toddler to high schooler in the blink of an eye.”, Mrs. Harrington smiled from her place at the table. 
“Stop it, both of you!”, you giggle. “I still haven’t accepted that this year my son will be 9. I can’t even think about high school.”
The boys were both outside entertaining the older kids while you started cleaning up some of the plates from the table and putting away the left-over food. A knock on the door startled you as you looked in that direction. 
“That’s weird. No one else should be coming…” Drying your hands, you head towards the front door. A beautiful, older woman a bit younger than Wayne stood before you smelling to high heaven like cigarettes. Her long black hair cascaded down her shoulders over a Van Halen t-shirt and some obnoxiously tight blue jeans. There was something familiar about her but you couldn’t exactly pinpoint what it was. “Can I help you?”
“Hi. Uh, does Edward Munson live…here?”, she asked as she looked around behind you. 
“May I ask what you need with him?”
“Or even Wayne… I recognized the truck outside…”
You leaned back, gently calling for the man as he strode over. He froze in place when their eyes met. 
“You can’t be here.”
“Wayne, I need to talk to my son.”
“You should have done that 15 years ago, Lynn, when you left him on my doorstep.” He frustratingly sighed as his eyes met your panicked ones. “I got this, Y/N. Go ahead and get back to your guests.” Wayne stepped further out and closed the door behind him. 
Numbly, you headed back to the kitchen where Steve was talking with his mom who was holding Aurora. He noticed immediately something was off, running to your side. 
“Baby, what’s wrong?”
“We…we need to keep Eddie outside.”, you whisper. 
“Honey, why? What’s wrong with Eddie?”
The man himself comes in holding Dylan upside down in his arms as the small boy laughs. You both meet his eyes and he blinks as he flips his son back around, placing his feet on the ground.
“What’s wrong?”
“No, Wayne! I have every right to at least talk to him!”
“Lynn! This isn’t your house!”
Eddie’s mom rounded the corner, her eyes locking with his. “Edward.”
You and Steve busied yourselves around the living room, cleaning up from the party. Everyone had gone home and Dylan had taken Aurora up to her room before laying on the floor to keep her company while everything unfolded. 
“Why don’t you go upstairs to, Y/N?”, Steve whispered. 
“Steve Harrington, if I didn’t leave you alone with your father what makes you think I’d even consider leaving him here with her.”
“Because Wayne and I are here to keep him safe.”
All three Munson’s sat at the dining room table silently as Eddie glared into the void with his arms crossed, his leg bouncing under the table. 
“Whose birthday is it?”, she asked, sighing when no one answered. “I’m going to guess from the pink cake I saw that woman put away it’s the baby girls?”
“’That woman’ is my wife and ‘the baby girl’ is my daughter.” Eddie’s tone dripped with venom and it killed you. Eddie rarely ever got angry and even when he did it wasn’t anywhere near the level Charlie had gotten to more than a few times. The only time you ever heard him really scream and shout was during D & D or on stage. 
“Um, can I smoke in here or—”
“No.”, everyone responded in unison.
“Jesus, fine. It’s not a big deal, you know. I used to smoke around Edward all the time.”
“Yeah, that’s why I’m so well adjusted. Either that or the abandonment.”
“Look, Lynn, just tell the boy why you’re here so you can be on your way.” Wayne seemed more in control than his nephew but his anger was just as strong as he glared at the woman across from him. 
She exhales as she straightens up in her seat. “I, uh, have you spoken to your father?”
It was Steve’s turn to sigh as he sat at the foot of the stairs, you leaning against the wall in front of him where you could still keep an eye on everything. 
“What reason would I have to do that?”
“Because he’s your father.”
“Oh, fuck you. Do you really want to play that game right now?!”
“Eddie!” Wayne extended his arm towards the boy, gesturing for him to calm down. “Get to the point, Lynette.”
“He needs help. Your father has an opportunity to get his sentence reduced but he needs character witnesses. We thought…maybe…”
You growled as you began stepping forward, Steve immediately reaching out to grip your arm and hold you in place. 
“I don’t think my testimony would help. ‘Yes, your honor, he may have taught me how to boost cars, threaten people, and beat the shit out of me but I assure you he’s a really great guy!’”
“Eddie, he wasn’t perfect but he did the best he could.”
The metalhead chuckled as he rose from his chair, clenching his fists as he paced in place. “Best he could… Wayne did the best he could. I fucking do the best I can for my kids. Dad did jack shit for me and I still haven’t gotten an apology…from either of you!” 
Your heart breaks as you watch him get slowly wound up.
“Is that seriously all you showed up for after all these years? To ask me to lie for him? You seriously are amazing. You hunt me down, show up at my daughter’s birthday party, barge into our house… you don’t even bother to try and get to know me or my family…just thought ‘hey I’ll see if he’s available to lie to a judge. He definitely has nothing to lose.’”
“How did you know where he was?” All heads turn to you as you step into the area turning to face his mother. “Who told you where to find him?” Your eyes meet as she sighs again. 
“Jesus fucking Christ, Lynn.”, Wayne groans. 
“He still has friends in town including some that work at the plant with his uncle…”
Eddie’s gaze shift between the three of you trying to figure out what you all know.
“How long have you been talking to him?”, you ask. When she doesn’t answer the anger in your body starts to boil over. “Eddie has a right to know especially since he never even got so much as a fucking postcard! Yet you can keep in touch with his asshole dad.”
“Allen is my husband—”
“And Eddie was your son! How fucking dare you—”
“Baby, come on.” Steve comes up behind you and tugs you to him. “Remember, there are kids in the house. Calm down.” He reassuringly rubs your arms as you aggressively huff in his chest.
“How long?”, Eddie asks. “Since he went in?” He laughs when she nods. “Get the fuck out of my house.”
Her jaw tightens as she stands, reaching in her pocket to place a card on the table. “I’ll be in Hawkins for the next month or so. If you change your mind, just call me here.” 
Wayne walks her out as you and Steve watch the metalhead continue to fume.
“No! No one come near me right now!”
He continues to bounce on his toes as his fingers run frustratingly through his hair before abruptly hurling his fist through the air and punching the nearby wall. 
“Where are we going?”
“Oh, come on, Ed. You know by now 90% of the time we all get into a car, it’s bound to be a surprise to at least one person.”, Steve grins. “And like always, Dylan is the mastermind behind this venture.”
You son smiles from his place in the back seat as the other man pulls up into a parking lot. 
“Aren’t these the batting cages he practices at?”
Dylan hops out of the car, ushering for Eddie to do the same as he takes his hand with Steve following behind. You linger back to gather Aurora and allow your son to work his magic.
He leads the metalhead towards an empty area explaining to him why the helmet is important and which type of bats he prefers while his other dad finds a bench near the cage, motioning for you to sit beside him. 
“Ok, so when the ball comes, you’re going to want to swing as hard as you can.” Eddie understood enough about sports to get that was a given but, for Dylan, continued to react like this was all new information for him. 
When the first ball shot out, he swung and missed. 
“No, dad, that’s ok. I know it can be a bit fast. You have to try and keep your eye on the ball as it comes towards you and lower your hands a bit.” 
The ball shot out again and this time Eddie hit it, sticking out his tongue towards you and Steve as you both cheered in your little area. Aurora noticed and began pressing her hands together as she smiled, pointing her tiny fingers in his direction. 
The next few balls that head his way, he hits and sends towards the net on the other end that makes your son smile with pride. 
“Now, when I play, sometimes I think about… my other dad…how angry he makes me.” Eddie’s eyes meet his as he continues. “I think about how he left and how he treats my mom. How he never wanted to spend time with me like you guys do…”
Steve reached for your hand when he noticed your body stiffen as you watched them. You couldn’t hear what your son was saying but he looked so heartbroken. 
Eddie took his stance again, images flashing through his mind of his parents and how they treated him when he was a kid.
“Jesus Allen, how am I supposed to send him to school looking like this?!” His mother gestures towards the fresh welt on Eddie’s face from where his dad had smacked him. 
“Look, the little fucker almost got us caught! He cut the wrong wire and the fucking car alarm went off.”, his dad growled. 
The crack of the bat hitting the ball made you jump as he hit it harder than he had before. Over and over again, Eddie swung as hard as he could, not thinking about form or how his hands should be. With each memory he let loose, feeling the weight of the last few days lift off him. 
The machine tossing the balls whizzed to a stop as the metalhead panted, trying to catch his breath. 
“Dada.” Aurora reached his way before clapping like she had seen you do.
Eddie’s head hung as he began to cry, wrapping his arms around Dylan’s shoulders as he came to hug him. Handing the baby to Steve, you entered the cage tugging them both into your embrace. 
That night Eddie crashed between both of you, you clinging to his back as his head rested on Steve’s chest. While you two slept, Steve laid awake thinking about the last few days and everything the man he cared about was feeling. He hated that he couldn’t wave a wand and fix the pain the metalhead was feeling. Even though he had a much more violent up bringing in the beginning than Steve ever did, he knew what it was like to feel that abandonment when it came to both his parents. He was so grateful that his mom was being more present while trying to be better and he so desperately wanted that for you both.
Eddie’s palm moved against the boy’s chest as a tiny grumble left his lips. 
“Steve? Why are you still awake?”
“Hm. Well stop it. You have work tomorrow, man.”
“Ed, you know I love you, right? You can talk to me about anything…”
“Geez, you’re starting to sound like Y/N. ‘Would you still love me if…’”, he changes his voice to sound like yours as he smiles. 
“I’m serious, Eddie.”
Eddie opens his eyes fully as he pushes up on his elbow to look down at Steve. “I know. I just… Honestly, I thought I had left all that in the past.”
“What triggered everything these past couple of days? Was it just seeing her again?”
“Partly. Most of it was finding out she had still been talking to my dad. Couldn’t manage to pick up a fucking phone to call me but can take the time to write letters to her abusive, criminal husband. It just made me feel like I was ten all over again being left behind.”
Eddie felt your arms tighten around him as you nuzzled into his back between his shoulder blades. 
“Are you going to talk to your dad?”
“Wayne is my dad.” Steve nods in understanding before rolling on to his side to face the other boy. “Thanks, Steve. I, uh, I know we don’t…do the whole romantic thing like we do with Y/N but I do know you love me and, of course, I love you.”
“Of course.”, the boy chuckles as he reaches for Eddie’s face pulling him in for a gentle kiss. 
The other man giggles as Steve’s kisses get bolder and more passionate. “I’m kinda limited with this seatbelt around my chest.” His grin grows when he feels you hug him tighter before kissing his shoulder.
“You like it.”, you mumble with a smile as you release him from your hold and stretch. 
Steve pushed Eddie on to his back, immediately attaching his lips to his neck as he sucked and nibbled on the metalhead’s sweet spot. He lightly moaned as he turned to meet your soft but worried eyes. 
“You okay, baby?”
Eddie nodded as his thumb reached out to glide along your bottom lip before he pulled them to his own. He needed this, needed to feel and taste you both; the two people in this world that loved him unconditionally. 
Steve placed feathery kisses down his chest, reaching down into the boy’s shorts to pull out his cock. After scooting down the bed, you grab the waistband around Eddie’s hips, removing the garment to allow for more access. 
As you run your fingers through Steve’s hair, he leans down over the man’s length and a long line spit falls over the tip. Eddie groans as he strokes it with his palm, coating him with his saliva before taking him in to his mouth.  
Tilting your head, you drag your tongue along the parts of his cock he isn’t able to reach as one of your tiny hands reached to massage his balls.
“Jesus… that feels…feels so good.” 
Steve’s mouth came off him with a pop, his own tongue tracing the veins to his shaft where it found yours. Eddie perched up on his elbows, watching as you two kissed with his cock between your lips. You took over so the other man could hastily remove his boxers.
Eddie sat up, grabbing your jaw and pulling you in for a sloppy kiss before falling back down to his pillow with you in tow. 
“Turn, princess.”
When he released you, you tore off your shirt as you rolled over so your back was flush to his chest. He roughly yanked off your underwear, mewling as he glided his tip through your folds. 
“Take whatever you need, Eddie. I’m yours.”
You both moaned as he pushed himself into your entrance, kissing your neck as his arms held you tightly to him. 
The bed moved slightly as Steve laid behind him, gripping his hips as he guided his cock slowly into him. 
“Fuck, fuck, fuck…”, Eddie panted. The sound of their heavy breathing was driving you crazy as your pussy clenched around him. “Ha-harder, Steve.”
As he honored his request, you push your hips back against his own, meeting each thrust with a moan that had Eddie’s eyes flutter closed. You clung to his hand as you craned your neck as much as you could to see their faces. 
Steve abruptly pulled out, grabbing Eddie’s waist and tugging him out of you and onto his hands and knees. The metalhead’s hair hung with his head as the other boy thrust back into him, one of his palms reaching out absently for you. 
Sliding underneath him, he lifted his arm so you could find his cock and guided it back into your dripping cunt. With this new position it gave him more leverage to utilize his hips he pumped into you and pushed back onto Steve. 
“God, you both feel so fucking good.”
You whimpered as you felt the coil winding in your belly, extending your hand between you as you rubbed your clit. 
“Eddie, yes. Please… don’t stop.”
The boy pushes up on his knees and Steve wrapped his arm around his chest to keep him steady as he pounded into you. You glance up at them with admiration as Eddie’s eyes close and Steve’s head leans against his shoulder. How did I get so lucky?
“I love you.”
Both sets of eyes look down at you as you softly smile before covering your mouth with your palm, your back lifting off the bed as came. Eddie’s face scrunches in pleasure as he grunts and cums inside of you. Steve tilts him forward slightly, gripping his shoulder as he thrusts his seed into him. 
The metalhead lifts you, bringing you back up more comfortably towards the pillows and settles beside you. You play with his hair as his head rests on your chest, his arm and leg slung over your body.
“I love you to. I’m sorry if I’ve been kind of out of it these past couple of days.”
“Eddie, baby, you don’t have to apologize for something like that. I…we just hate seeing you hurt, ya know?” His mess of curls graze your chin as he nods. “I heard you answer Steve’s question but if you change your mind, we’re here for you.” 
You giggle when a shirt hits your face. “Your daughter is babbling. Clothes, beautiful people.”
You and Eddie playfully whine as he pulls on his shorts and you throw on his shirt right as Steve bounces in with a bright eyed one year old. 
“Ma’am, it is 4am. Why are you awake?” She grins as she reaches for you. “Is it because daddy let you take a nap?”
Steve holds up his hands defensively. “Okay, okay. I get it. I messed up.”
Aurora smacks Eddie’s chest and he pretends to wince. “Ow, child. I’m fragile.”
“Ok, princess. You mastered dada. What about the person that pushed you out, huh?” You laugh as you lean on his shoulder. Steve climbs beside you, tenderly reaching out to smooth her hair. “Mama? Say mama?”
She rubbed her eyes as she looked around the room babbling incoherently. 
“Yeah, that’s about right.”, he chuckles. Both men try to mimic what you had done before pointing at you and repeating the word. 
There was a small knock on your door and as soon as you granted permission, Dylan’s sleepy frame came into view. 
“Why are you up, weirdo?”
“I had to go pee—”
“Thanks for the update.”
He lazily smiles at Eddie. “AND I heard you talking to Ro.”
Steve gestures him over and helps lift the boy onto the bed. “We’re trying to get her to say ‘mama’.”
Dylan grins, poking the baby’s nose making her laugh before he does the same to you. “Mama.” Her eyes widen as he does it again, absorbing his motions. Your son repeats the action, this time saying nothing when he touches your nose. Aurora’s face scrunches just like yours when you’re annoyed. 
Her tiny finger reaches for your face and you lift her to her feet as she pokes your nose like he did. 
“Ma…ma. Ma.”
“Well shit.”, Steve chuckles.
Dylan smiles in triumph as he kisses his sister’s cheek. “Dad! You can’t talk like that. We have a baby in the house.”
@adequate-superstar @kalinaselennespeaks @alienthings
@notasimp4joey @manda-panda-monium
@decadentwombatmiracle @katie-tibo @marsupiooo
@local-stoner-bitch @steamystrangerfics
@lunatictardis @adaydreamaway08 @hazydespair
@actuallyspencerreid @moviefreak1205
@kik51199 @strngrlytn @idkidknemore @damon-loves-pie
@k-k0129 @micheledawn1975 @eddie86baby
@3rriberri @sashaphantomhive @chelebelletx @big-ope-vibes
@munsonzzgf @sidthedollface2
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daedalusdavinci · 7 months
22, twobat. heard u were talkin SHIT
22. While someone demeans your lover, standing up for them. Either in word, or by physically placing yourself right in front of them as a protective barrier. im thinking about emotional dysregulation and a strong sense of justice and how bruce is the reason alfred lost all his hair. in the words of karkat vants: anger can be a love language. alksdjnfsldjknfs i am NOT editing this
You get in fights for him. You've been getting in fights since no one gave your parents a chance to, something in you quick to snap and your fists faster than anyone could stop. You don't know how many strings Alfred had to pull to keep you from being suspended in middle school, but you know it was a lot, because he used to pick you up with a sigh written in the lines of his face, white gloves hiding the tension in his hands on the steering wheel. Sometimes he tried to argue with you about it. You never folded, because you were certain you were right.
Your school records are a mud-stained mess of arguing with teachers, getting in between a bigot and a victim, and the crack of your fist against someone else's jaw. You grew up stocky and angry, and you never had a problem taking things outside so someone else didn't have to. You think a part of you still feels like if you take on every fight yourself, no one else will ever have to get hurt. Regardless, it means that the college you get into isn't near as prestigious as everyone expects of you, and you know Alfred had to grease a lot of palms to do it. You think he's hoping maybe you'll keep your head down for a few years, and the intellectual challenge will be enough to keep your fists steady.
But then you meet Harvey, and he's simultaneously everything Alfred wants for you and everything Alfred doesn't.
He's optimistic in a way you aren't, level-headed and determined, but filled with the same drive for justice you are. Unlike you, he got in with scholarships and smarts, and he tells you stories about the kind of lawyer he's going to be one day, and the way Gotham will change. He flips some kind of switch in your brain, and your plan for the future starts to take a slightly different shift, accommodating for a world where you're not the only one who cares. He motivates you. He challenges you. He makes you better, and you think Alfred would like the person you become when you're around him.
At the same time, Harvey's a brown kid struggling with some kind of disability you'd never heard of before you met him, and the privileged fucks around you can smell it. So you get in fights. You're so quick to snap to his defense, putting yourself between them and him because you've never done anything else in your life, and Harvey tells you he's sick of patching you up, because you're bleeding again and he thinks it's his fault and he's trying to make you laugh.
It works. It always works when it's Harvey.
In later years, they'll call him Apollo. He's the handsome white knight who brings light back to Gotham, and he'll find it embarrassing and flattering all at once. You'll tell him you think it's apt, and he'll shove you, laughing like you told him a joke. But in college, he's the sun you orbit your world around, warming you when nothing else will.
The dean calls Alfred after you land a kid in the hospital. He doesn't need hospital treatment, but his friends don't know medicine like you do, and they panicked. He'll be fine. Alfred still calls you, cold, clipped anger in his voice, and you feel like you're eight again, angry and muddy and past the point of reason, the crushing feeling of a meltdown spiraling past what you can handle. Alfred tries hard to be a parent, and he tries to be a butler, and you're his kid and his spoiled charge, and this isn't the first time the two of you haven't nailed the impression of a functional family unit. You fight.
Med students aren't supposed to hurt people. Med students aren't supposed to snap and beat the shit out of other students. Med students aren't supposed to have meltdowns, no matter how crazy the workload is, no matter how much injustice happens in the medical field alone, no matter how much injustice your best friend faces at the hands of people you're supposed to view as mentors. Med students aren't supposed to recognize themselves in the textbooks. The dean is threatening you, and you're supposed to shape up.
In a few days, you still haven't gotten over it. Alfred isn't talking to you, you're not talking to Alfred, and a call from Leslie only makes things worse. You don't go out of your way to pick fights, but you don't need to, because people seem a little afraid to say anything after you sent that kid to the hospital. Harvey tells you it'll blow over with a grim confidence that you take seriously. It sounds too much like he's speaking from experience.
Then, someone makes a comment about your parents. It's not a particularly interesting comment- you've heard much, much worse over the years, and they've lost a lot of their effect. It stings- it's cruel- but you brush it off. You're in enough trouble already, and you've never cared about standing up for yourself the way you do about standing up for others.
Harvey's fist snaps out before you know what's happening.
The kid is flat on his ass, gaping up at you both, and Harvey is brimming with rage. "Shut the fuck up," he says, thick and growling. "You'd be fucking lucky if your parents loved you half as much. They probably only sent you here to get rid of you."
"Harv!" You grab his arm, tugging his attention back to you. You're torn between shock and worry, but worried for him, and what this will mean for him once the stupid kid reports him to the dean. You think for a terrifying moment that he could get expelled, and selfishly, you don't know what you'd do here without him.
You can tell he's furious, but he lets you drag him away, ushering the both of you away from the scene before things can escalate further. You stand in an abandoned stairwell and Harvey's fingers clench and unclench in your sweater as you hold his arms, giving him time to breathe.
"You didn't have to do that," you tell him quietly.
"Shut the fuck up, Bruce," he scoffs. His gaze flickers up to your face, thumb grazing the bottom of a bruise that's purpled in the past few days. You didn't get out of that fight scot-free, but no one ever cares about that. Except Harvey, who always cares. "You don't get to talk to me about when I should or shouldn't stick up for someone."
You don't have anything to say to that. The words all dry up in your throat as you stare at him, caught on the heat of his touch, the soft brown of his lips, and the determination in his face, like he'd do it all over again. You've never met anyone who understood you the way Harvey does, who matched your drive for justice and inspired you so completely. You look at him the way an astronomer looks at the stars, struck by their beauty and complexity- understanding, and yet endlessly wanting to know more, to know everything, to hold something you don't think you ever can. "Okay."
Something pricks embarrassed in his face, eyes shifting away suddenly. You think his cheeks are a little darker, but it's hard to tell.
You'll think about that moment for years. For years, when you hold his face and try to figure out how to tell him all the ways you love him, and when you watch him become the hero you always knew he could be, and when you watch him fall, holding his hand in the hospital and meeting his eyes across a rooftop, you'll think about what it was like to be so young, trying to put words to the way you wanted to press your lips to his. You tell him, once, that you think you're always going to see that little college kid in him, and he laughs at you. His laugh has turned raspy after years of smoking, and the shake of his shoulders makes the chains rattle, but it's the same laugh. "Maybe it's better that way," he says, grinning. "We were two of a kind, back then."
"Three," you correct.
His grin turns a little more sincere, a little more embarrassed. He says his words like a tease, but it's only to lighten the truth. "We thought the sun shined out of your ass."
"That's just the light reflecting off of it," you say, and he laughs again. You still love his laugh.
These days, you fight each other. You don't think it'll ever stop you from loving them both every bit as much as you did then.
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This is for everyone who seems to be "struggling" with states + what I can suggest + My success story.
-Have you ever been one of those people to reach "that moment" in manifestation where you wanted to be, even if you have never either it doesn't matter. You know how much of an outsider and annoyed/obsessive over loa when seeing other people succeed and couldnt really find what would work for me. Sounds like you, huh? You are not the only one, I'll tell you exactly how to get out of there + master your manifesting skills and a bit of self-concept.
The. answer. is. staring. right. at your face.............................................Yes.
"But anon, wdym by that??" What I mean is that notice how all of these people who post their success stories are in the state of easy/effortless manifestation. Like they mention how easy it is and how effective it is. Thats because of their state, they chose to occupy the state of someone who does the bare minimum in loa and still gets wtf they want. It doesnt matter how many times you repeat your affs, persist, mental diet, you wanna know why you waste energy doing that? Is because your occupying the state of "difficult manifesting", meaning you obsess over it, you try so hard but "nothing" comes, you feel you need to do the most to get it. Notice how all of these points I made fall under the state of "difficult manifestation"?? if you were in that state, those things I just mentioned would've been what you experience. Why?? BECAUSE YOU OCCUPIED THE STATE OF SOMEONE WHO ISNT SUCCESSFUL IN MANFESTING!!!
A thing I def reccomend when using states to manifest is to understand the 4D IS THE TRUE REALITY AND NOT THE 3D. Yes I know you're tired of hearing the same thing but now that you have a shifted paradigm on states, it should be easier. What I did was know that the 4d is the blueprint, kind of put it on the pedestal but not in the negative way. It was a way where I didn't ignore the 3d and affirm against it, but focused on my 4d and stuck with it. Because "ignoring the 3d and affirming agains it" simply implies that your 3d is filled with undesirable things and you affirm against it.
Cause trust me I've been there when I say living in my 4d was making me crazy, but you know why it did? Was because I looked at the 3d for validation/ didnt trust what my 4d is saying. It's kind of like y'know when you like a guy/girl and your friend warns you to stay away from that person but you get annoyed at them because you think what they're saying is bullshit?? Same thing applies. If you dont trust your 4d and realise it creates the 3d and is so much more powerful than what you experience, when will living in the end ever be a fullfilling thing to do? Get it? "Fullfilled" LMFAOO I'm so hilarious, but enough of my corny jokes. Heres a summary
-Be in the state of someone who is a master at manifesting/self concept etc.
-Know that your 4d creates everything, when its done in your 4d, its done in 3d, a simple way to put this is just live in your mind because when you realise that, you change your imagination, you change your reality and there is so much power in knowing that.
-ANNDDD THENNN you can apply everything else like persisting, repeating affs etc.
I got perfect self-concept doing this, like I got compliments today and I felt so confident, I love the way I'm so pretty, like why am I so perfect and gorgeous?
I manifested many straight niggas to like me at my school (im black and gay) let me tell you!!! a nigga stopped and walked back and stared at me to see "Damn who is that??" I was laughing so hard.
Overall my life has improved, I get things to go my way and yeah. thats about my successes. I might start a blog but because of how disrespectful anons are Idk if I should.
-tysm lovies, stay hot nd mysterious, and know how powerful you are!!!! stop wavering!!!!!
omg, thank you so much for sharing this ! i hope this helps some people ! ♡
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iztea · 10 months
hi! I saw your post about critiquing another persons art work and it made me realize i dont like my current drawing process
Mostly because I have shaky hands and don’t really like line art because it takes me too long and i still dont like how it looks so im trying to switch to a more painterly style
Do you have any advice? Particularly on defining 3d forms?
(I love your art style! You draw so beautifully and I love how you stylize anatomy and hair particularly)
yeah i feel you, i think everyone starts digital art with a lineart heavy style in mind and then gradually drop it as it is pretty hard to master
i'm not sure i'm the best person to ask about defining 3D forms as i myself struggle with that, but i thing that i noticed is that if you don't have a stable base or foundation to paint over then the process will become exponentially harder. So what i do is i make sure i have a cohesive sketch. Not a clean one, not a pretty one, but one where i am sure where everything goes and one that helps me predict and better visualize how things will end up once i get there. If the sketch is so messy to the point where i can't tell a leg apart or i don't know the general form of the fabric then i'll have a much, much harder time rendering later on.. So i think making sure the "skeleton" of your art is set in place. Again it's not about it looking good or clean it's about knowing what you'll be doing with it in the later stages.
But let's say you do have a clean sketch, or even lineart. I think the easiest way to give form to your subject is by choosing a light source ( it doesn't have to be dramatic, it can just be ambient light ) and then paint shadows in the areas where light can't reach. It depends on your style really, but for me i use a darker (but still saturated) color under the chin, under the eyes, where the bangs/hair meets the face and for the nose area i kinda just make a blob (i don't paint noses that much as you might have noticed bdshj but you know,, check out other artists you like and examine how they handle shading). Just try to think of everything as oversimplified shapes. limbs are cylinders, the torso is like a parallelipiped or a box or a sack of beans or whatever you see fit, the head another box etc... just keep it simple, Less is more
Oh and also, for a painterly style, i suggest avoiding overkilling it with the rendering. Let the brush strokes speak for themselves and keep it vague/ abstract. Our brains are smart and they loove filling in blanks for us if they're given some general information so let the viewer do the hard work, don't explain everything.. this is also a good way to practice developing an artstyle but i'm getting off topic if i wasn't blabbering enough already. A painterly style is imperfect and messy and vague at times and you should let it be that way, don't force perfection onto it as you'll deprive it of humanity these are my two cents on the matter hope it made sense and helped in any way? if not you can always watch yt videos or listen to more qualified people than me
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burning-sol · 1 year
GUHHHH once again thinking about how hard an apotheosis vs riptide fight would go mannn. i am imagining a choreographed fight in my heeaaadddd.
apotheosis vs riptide. its set up as a gameshow so non lethal but like go off and be as deranged as u want u know what i mean. when it starts the pcs are a bit disorientated because where the fuck are they?? help??? theyre introduced to the premise of the game. differing reactions. peter "no", exandroth "YES", gillion "sounds like fun!! i accept this challenge!!!", thanatos "what is the point of this", rumi "yeah exactly thanny we dont gotta do this i dont want to fight", chip "exactly!! (going to pee his pants at the sight of thanatos)", jay "yo but i could totally take them in a fight??" but you know they cant go home if they dont play and its not LETHAL so they agree. besides, both teams are relatively confident?
les go!! count down 3 2 1 and the teams are fighting. each pc naturally splits off to face against the best fitting match. chip vs rumi, peter+exandroth vs jay, gillion vs thanatos. they start off confident but very quickly things go WRONG... the godslayers are like strong WAYY strong and the albatrio are taking hits man. this one on one is going down and it really starts dredging up all their anxieties. chip doesnt feel like he's a good leader, he's not confident, he doesn't know what he's doing, rumi is tripping him up repeatedly and doesnt even seem phased. gillion thinks he's strong but he's getting SLAMMED by thanatos and gillion is freaking out because oh god he's not strong enough, he can't protect his friends, he's going to LOSE. jay she's fuckinnngg usually a good shot like she deals DAMAGE she's grown UP being the good shot, she spent her childhood training, but it literally just doesnt phase whatever the fuck she's fighting, it's not making a good enough dent.
shit aint working so the albatrio scramble and change their matchups. gillion vs rumi, chip vs peter+exandroth, thanatos vs jay. gillion is so brute force that rumi is forced back a bit. chip is. chip. exandroth is struggling to hit this little worm. jay keeps her distance from thanatos and is able to get some good shots in. they're chipping away at the godslayers it looks like they're getting up and. well. the godslayers are getting bitter abt it they got sensitive egos so they muster up enough coordination to knock chip and jay back, and they DOWN gillion. and holy shit the albatrio are gonna LOSE but half time is called. dear god. just in time.
jay gets gillion back up but evidently, they're not winning k? like fuck it sucked so bad that the godslayers started off kicking their ass, but downing gillion?? GILLION TIDESTRIDER??? that was an emotional blow so hard they're going to need to have a big cry after this. but you know how the albatrio are, they have the brain power, they're gonna scheme on how to take down these bitches.
and if you're wondering how the godslayers are doing at half time they're feeling pretty good about themselves. exandroth takes a nap after healing up thanatos and rumi, rumi fawns over peter like "are you okay???" "yeah rumi im okay" "rumi, stop babying peter he is fine" "i love you peter" "huh???"
second half starts up again and BOOM THE COORDINATION. the godslayers work okay together but we've plucked them out at a point in the story where not everyone is on the same foot... but the albatrio?? babygirl, they've been friends for a while!!! the point is friendship is fucking magic and with the power of their teamwork they strategise so good they take down the godslayers one at a time. i dont know exactly how but it's definitely a mix of something ridiculous and actual good observation and good planning. GOD SLAYERS KNOCKED OUT BABYYY.
in the bg i like to imagine that dm condi and grizzly were like commentating the entire time btw, and dm condi was so confident in his team. then he just starts crying at the end like "NOOOO HOW DID THEY LOSE" dm grizzly laughs "MWAHAHAH I KNEW IT I KNEW THEY'D WIN anyways that's the end of the game!! thank you for playing everyone!! bye bye!!" and every1 gets sent home.
this is the narrative that's been trapped in my brain for a long time. do you see it. do you understand. *shakes you* do you get it????
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cerberusthenking3 · 6 months
Slithering Snacks
Warning:This contains soft vore,fear of digestion(Doesn't happen), Graphic death(Side character),Angst,child prey,and a very threatening pred.
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Karira POV.
I sprint through the forest quickly as I hear the two men behind me.One of them yells, "Alright, honey, if you want to do this the hard way,I guess that's what we have to do"Very clearly drunk.I whimper as I sprint through the trees hearing them running after me.I sprint out into the field and turn around to see if they're close before I ram into something fluffy.It takes me a second to right myself after hitting whatever it is but once I am able to look at it,my heart stops.A giant,fluffy,and royally pissed looking pokemon stands there glaring at me,I think it's one of those paradox pokemon from Paldea.It starts towards me as I scramble back before hitting something else behind me.I look back slowly this time and see one of the men from earlier as he reaches down towards me and grabs my shirt attempting to stick his hand down in as I scramble and slap him before stumbling back between the two dangers.He mutters"Stupid bitch,that hurt"Then I feel the other man grab me and actually shove his hands up my shirt,I yell"Please,no get off me"He mutters"Shut up kid,or I'll tape you're mouth shu-"His sentence gets cut off as I feel his hands slowly slide off of me and see his friend stepping back.I turn and see the slither wing with its front paw through his head,it pulls its paw back now cloaked with the crimson liquid,some shard of his skull and bit of his brain fall to the ground.I quickly stumble down and attempt to crawl away as the the other man runs into the forest.It looks like he's gonna get away until the pokemon lunges after him and tackles him into a bush where I hear the disgusting sound of bones being broken.It takes a moment but I finally start to realize what's happening and drop down to cover my head.It went after the man first so maybe I can get out of this alive.............I hope but it doesn't seem reasonable at all.It slowly treks out of the woods with its claw in its mouth.I take a few deep breaths but feel my panic building,I start panicking and yelling"Im sorry,I'm sorry,I'm sorry,please,I swear I'll never come back to this forest again,I'll bring you food,anything please"In a quickly diminishing voice as I see the clearly hungry look in its eye.It leaps at me and opens its mouth widely over me.Tears stream down my face as I fearfully yell"PLEASE ANYTHING BUT THAT,ANYTHING"But the slither wing doesn't react at all as it takes half my body into its mouth in one motion.I didn't even think it would have teeth but I'm proven wrong by a set of fangs on the top and bottom of its mouth as it gently gnaws on my midsection.I can't struggle or I'll cut my stomach open.I close my eyes as it swallows and sends me down it's tight esophagus before soft saying"Mommy,daddy please help me"To myself and eventually I reach the point of no return,it's stomach.I gently sob to myself as I curl up into a ball,thinking that atleast I'll die in my sleep.
Pepper POV.
This young human who slammed into me while I napped was very adorable now that I could take a good look at it.She was attacked by those stupid disgusting humans,it's horrid actually because as I smell that she can't be anymore than 12 winters old.I feel her sleeping in my storage stomach and look over toward where I left the other human before I decided to protect the human.I let the softer purring noises I'm making actually able to be heard.The human subconsciously cuddles up to my stomach walls.I stand up and begin walking back to where I smell she cane from.It takes an hour of backtacking but I eventually locate its home.I approach the entrance of the strange den and see another creature exit the door,it growls out"Moth,what do you want,my trainers are already distraught enough as their cub is missing"I look the garchomp up and down before determining that's it's not a threat before saying"A couple of other humans were trying to forcibly court the cub so I dealt with them and brought her back to her den"He look at my chest before asking"Storage stomach?"I nod, and his face softens a bit before he steps out of the way, and I carefully squeeze through the door and see the human's mother and her mate looking ar me and then the garchomp in confusion before I lean forwards and begin hacking up the tiny human,which startles them but they watch carefully as she slides into my mouth and onto their soft floor.The female gasps while her mate runs over to check on him and I step back.I look towards the garchomp and state bluntly"I will be staying until I can assure its safety"He nods and says"You don't need to do that but it wouldn't hurt and thank"I nod and lean down to keep and eye on the human.
Karira POV.
My eyes snap open as I see nothing but darkness and try to sit up, but I can't because a large and soft weight is on my chest.My hand pushes out as I begin freaking out, but then the weight lifts and I look around,noticing that I'm in my room and not dead.The Slither Wing that ate me is standing in front of me and I see Giro,my families garchomp sitting at the end of the bed.My eyes begin to tear up as I run into the Paradox moth and hug it tightly around it's fluffy stomach where I sink into its fur.I ecstaticaly say"Thank you,for saving me"It reals back in surprise before using its arms to hold me closer.It turns to garchomp and chirps to him,before he walks to my drawer and pulls out a pokeball.Why do they have my premier ball?I give garchomp a confused look as the slither wing holds out its claw and taps the center before warping into light.The ball shakes three times before clicking and I stare at it in disbelief.I lean down and click the button and the orb releases the pokemon as I question"Why did you?"It's gives me a calm look before approaching me and showing me its open mouth,I shakily say,"Y-you want to eat me again?"It's nods carefully, and I say,".......okay, but please be gentle"It quickly shoves its mouth over me before swallowing me down in under a minute.I feel him rubbing me from outside before asking"So,do you have a name?"It's uses its claw to move up and down before spelling out the word pepper.So I say"You're names Pepper?"It's gives me a yes again so I say"Well welcome to the family Pepper,and thank you again for saving me"Pepper begins purring and moves to lay down,careful of me as I slowly fall asleep.Glad to have have gotten on this beasts good graces,weather by taste or personality and were spared by this gentle giant.
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hearts4aailyah · 11 months
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This story will contain; Yandere!Iwazumi, mentions of abuse, yelling, cussing, abusive behavior/language, weapons, threats, mentions of death.
"Iwazumi p-please put the whip down! I swear I wasn't give attitude!" I whined out, my voice cracks with tears running down my eyes, I was running around the house with Iwazumi following me with a whip in his hands.
The bruises and scars haven't healed up since the last time because I refused to say the words "I love you"
"Cmon Y/n~! Stop being such a bitch and running away and take your fucking punishment like a good little girl yeah?"
"N-no please!" I continued to run up the stairs, almost tripping. I quickly run into a random room and shut the door, locking it. Sobbing, I go to the corner of the room and sat on the floor. Bring my legs to my chest with my arms on top of knees with my head down.  I'm begging for this to be over soon and that Iwazumi will calm down.
All of a sudden, I heard loud banging on the door.
I began to cry even more, I don't even want to live anymore. The banging got louder and louder to the point Iwazumi just began kicking it., I knew I should have left this relationship to begin with. I grabbed a chair from one of the desk and put it under the doorknob. I look to the side to see a window. I quickly ran over to the window and I start to struggle to open it but it's not bulging.
Please, please, please, please open!
Iwazumi's bangs and kicks got louder as I continued to struggle opening the window. What I noticed was that there was a lock at the bottom but it just wouldn't crack open.
Out of nowhere, it was dead quiet. Almost as if the entire world disappeared without a trace. I wanted to open the door and sprint out but I was way to nervous, what if he was still out there?
Suddenly, I walked towards the door and before I opened the door I stopped myself.
He could still be out there.
I walked back where the window was and starts again on trying to open the lock on the window, fuck why did I have to put myself in this situation.
The door begins breaking into pieces.
"IWAZUMI WHAT THE FUCK!" I yelled out.
My eyes widen, there was a hole in the door now, I was able to see the anger and craziness in Iwazumi's eyes.
He had a fucking axe in his hands.
I knew he was crazy
But not this type of crazy.
"You don't want to open the door? Okay well that's fine...I'll punish you so bad you'll beg me to fucking kill you!" Iwazumi continues to hit the axe against the door breaking more holes into it before kicking it down with not problem.
My tears started coming back down my face once again
At this point, I started banging on the window yelling at the top of my lungs.
"SOMEBODY HELP! P-PLEASE! hes...hes GOING TO KILL ME" I sobbed as my words were heard as I threw myself against the window until I felt somebody grabbed me back my hair.
"Well aren't you naughty? Fucking disobeying me? Notice how your actions is going to get everybody around you hurt someday?"
Iwazumi threw me onto the hard floor
"And you blame me for being the reason why Tendou died? If only you just behave~ looks like Sugawara and Hinata is next."
"N-no...please Iwazumi. cmon, don't h-hurt them." I whimpered.
Iwazumi smirked "I don't know...you disobey me, ran away from me and locked yourself in this room. Should I really let this slide baby?"
I don't anybody getting hurt again.
It already enough my disobedience is the reason why Tendou isn't alive.
I got up from the floor and stand face to face with iwazumi, I wrapped my arms around his neck. "Cmon Iwa, dont do that...d-dont get your hands all bloody because of me. im sorry."
"Are you really?"
"Y-yes, im sorry for not listening"
"if your really sorry then..." Iwazumi pulled away from me and picked up the whip off the ground. "You could take your punishment...am I right or do we really want two of your closest friends to die tonight?"
"Punishment in anyway you want to Iwa...I-Im sorry for being bad. I love you"
"That's a good girl, I love you too Now...I want you on all fours, make no sounds"
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sidesteppostinghours · 6 months
9 and 25 for all of them !! :)
evening gideon!! thank you for the ask :]
9. Do you have a specific lyric or quote which you associate with your OC?
ok. so. the thing about me is that i dont actually listen to music all that often??? its mostly when i draw digitally, and im primarily a traditional artist so i dont really know that many songs. i also have shitty memory so its hard for me to remember quotes. aka this is a pretty hard question for me to answer, but i will try my best:
Caine-"Oh, captain, make up your mind/Before the salt burns your eyes and you run out of time/'Cause you're popping the cork, you get lost in your brain/And you lose touch with all the things that made you feel sane" - Ship in a Bottle (fin)
honestly ive never really associated this song with him before but i looked into the lyrics just to see whether it had anything i could think of them with and theres??? actually a bunch of lyrics there that fit???? like to the point i was struggling to decide which one to use for this. but i think this one, the second chorus, really encapsulates the biggest parts of their character. hes the decision maker out of all my steps, the one that knows how to make the logical choices and think his way out of a problem. but hes on a time limit. he doesn't know when it will end, just that it will at some point, and they cant stop if they want everything done in time. also sight and eyes is something i associate caine with a lot, especially closing your eyes/refusing to see. "you get lost in your brain/and you lose touch with all the things that made you feel sane." COUGHS. coughs. caine has the most gates open out of all my steps. i also fully intend to make them the source of hb 2.0. yeah.
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look him in the eyes and say this to his face. he will look like he got hit by a freight train.
Cecilia- another quote!
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im just gonna go ahead and put my own tags to this one because thats where i put it best:
#thinking about this again with ceci#the best part is the bullet hole#like yeah shes not ready to face the fact that everything shes been doing up till now#was just to distract herself from the absolute misery life became after heartbreak#she has FRIENDS she has people she CARES about and they even seem to like her back!!!!#she even has a girlfriend!#isnt that enough?#tell her thats enough#cecilia rider
theres a reason shes a thrill seeker yall.
Cynthia- "I swear, I'm so fucking sorry/I'm not a good person, I'm barely a person at all/But someday I'll be perfect, and I'll make up for it all" - Against the Kitchen Floor (Will Wood)
uh. *looks at cynthias relationship with ortega* uhhhh. *looks at cynthias relationship with sidestep*. uhhhhhhhh.
this song was also difficult to choose lyrics out of, but there is just something so special about girls who simply have to be the best they can to make up for the sin of being. there is something equally as special about girls who take their past selves as judge, and their lover as executioner. also "im not a good person, im barely a person at all" kills me. the regene flavouring on that line??? utterly insane of mr wood to make a song just for her.
25. What is your favorite thing about your OC?
THESE BITCHES ARE SO CONTRADICTORY!!! THERE IS ALWAYS SOMETHING CLASHING ABOUT THESE FUCKERS AND ITS DELICIOUS. not even just trait wise, but with their themes? their core ideals? their relationships???? its always some sort of fucking fundamental difference shaping the way they act and i am Obsessed with it. also all of them are dangerous and it makes me vibrate a little bit. rangers you are so lucky that none of them are interested in leaning into being a full blown villain. but this question is,,, also difficult to answer because idk how to pick just one favourite lmfao. i will attempt it though.
Caine- he is the normalest guy around. there is also something Deeply Wrong with him. my favourite thing about caine would probably be how fun it is to dive into his psyche! ill often have times where i get bored of them and wonder why i got so interested in the first place, and then i get hit with another round of it and i remember "oh right! its because hes insane." his whole character revolves around what is going on inside their brain, from their high subterfuge to their connection with heartbreak and his relationship with the puppet. theyre the most fun to play with in their mind.
Cyrus- god. my favourite thing about him is a tie between his stubbornness and his surprisingly strong sense of empathy. both of those were the things keeping him from becoming a villain in the first place, and now its whats stopping him from going back to being a hero. i want him to confront what hes become so bad yall dont understand-
Cecilia- cecilia is just. a breath of fresh air. shes easy and super fun to play, and while she certainly has her moments (i am looking directly at the checkpoint three mortum reveal scene), shes mostly lighthearted fun cruising through the game as nothing more than a silly guy. i think the next game will actually dig into her character more deeply and allow me to showcase the parts of her shed usually keep hidden, but for now im having a good time getting her to kiss argent and embarrass her friends.
Cynthia- somebody come pick her up please before she starts crying in this club. she is crying because of me but lets not talk about that. i think my favourite thing about her is the contrast between her general wimpy sad lovergirl disposition and her revenge scar, and how she chooses to cope with it! because like,,,, it is just so so tasty watching her fumble with the overwhelming emotion, Especially since the emotion is hurting people. she never learned what to do with the anger! she does not want it! she wants to be as kind to other people as possible! "im not a bad dog, i dont know why i bite" etc etc. eventually she might figure it out, but Definitely Not Now lmfao.
questions from here!
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auughsoundeffect · 7 months
Guzma x oc
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Chapter 10: interrogation
CW: physical restriction, might be uncomfortable for some
My ass really fucking hurts. I can feel dirt and grime clogging up my pores just from the smell alone. The more I come to my senses the more uncomfortable I feel.
I attempt to lift my hand up to rub my eyes but no matter how much I try it’s not moving an inch. After much struggle my eyes open.
My wrists are tied up to the armrests of a wooden chair im sitting in. I look around in the area, the lights were off. All I could see was the dark blue tint from the window in front of me, a thin curtain veiled the glass, keeping the night light from creeping into the dark room.
The sound of old floorboards creaking diverted my attention, I could hear something else was in this room with me.
By the sound of the creaks I knew that this entity was pretty heavy. My breath started getting faster as my body autonomously tried to wiggle itself free. Animalistic bellows from the entity that I could feel vibrate through my whole body, made me freeze.
It was completely silent for two minutes or so. I could hear my heartbeats in my head, the raindrops hitting the window in front of me and nothing else, it was as though it was all a figment of my imagination.
Like a chainsaw in the distance the bellowing started again before the most bloodcurdling screech I’ve ever heard sounded from behind me.
In my petrified state, all I could let out was a soft whimper as tears ran endlessly down my cheeks.
“Slept well?” The electric ceiling lamp flickered above me, blinding my vision. My eyes squeeze shut upon reflex.
When they started to open, Guzma was already leaning against the windowsill in front me with his arms crossed and presumably his golisopod standing right next to him.
It took me some time to process what had happened before I woke up strapped to a chair.
“What have you done to me??” My voice was brittle which didn’t earn me any sympathy, in fact it looked like he enjoyed seeing me in distress.
He shrugged his shoulders, his face was drenched in pure sadism, almost as if he was holding in a laugh.
“Fuck around and find out.”
After that sentence his shit eating grin crept back onto his face just the way it was before.
Tears rolled down my cheeks, i no longer felt scared or upset, I felt furious.
Here I was, physically restrained to the most uncomfortable chair I’ve ever had my ass on, where the air in the room was downright humid, warm and disgusting. I have no clue where on earth I am, let alone the time and how long I’ve been clocked out for. Whereas Guzma, who was behind all this was nearly laughing in my face.
“The fuck you mean by that???” I was autonomously digging my nails into the chair, getting some of its old polish under my nails.
The way his face went from amused to serious was nearly abnormal, even that change alone was enough to make me realize how defenseless I was against him, yet I kept my hard exterior.
“Don’t play dumb with me. I know what you did.” His tone was flat, but I could see he was fuming by the look in his eyes.
So much so, I couldn’t look him in the face anymore. He had the nastiest, the most unsettling glare I’ve ever seen and I could feel myself start to sweat.
My eyes batted in his direction as soon as he whistled to get his golisopods attention and then pointed his index finger with his arm outstretched and and drew a curve in the air towards me.
I looked at him, fascinated yet unnerved by this gesture.
His golisopod waddled in my direction and behind the chair, I had no idea what any of these hand signs meant, I completely forgot how to breathe, until I felt myself getting pushed closer to Guzma before stopping a few inches away from him.
His tall stance towered over me making my eyes involuntarily meet his gaze.
“Would you like me to remind you of what you did?” He cracked his knuckles and put a hand in his pocket, seemingly trying to grab something that was in there.
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angelcloves · 2 years
I'm not convinced yet that Hunter will have a ton of screentime in Watching and Dreaming, although this idea is purely going off of the just released trailer.
That being said, let's look at what he is up to in the trailer itself.
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First off... Hunting Palismen outfit aside, He's looking very blank in the face here. Then again, so is everyone else. I'm not convinced this scene is showing the actual Hexsquad and not The Collector's recreations of them in Luz's nightmare sequence.
I'm thinking that the majority of the episode -Or at the very least, a good chunk of it- will consist of Luz, Eda and King being shown their worst, guilt-fueled, nightmares courtesy of The Collector. Them having to fight back against their underlying guilty consciousnesses in order to "wake up" so they can to stop The Collector head on will be the main conflict. Luz's nightmare is just getting the most screentime in this promo.
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Beginning of the episode. Looks like we'll be starting right where For the Future left! Take note that Hunter doesn't immediately recognize the coming danger. Luz, Camila and The Palismen do.
:( Poor Hunter, he's literally right about to have his sweet moment with Willow ruined.
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Now Hunter has realized that something is just about to go horribly wrong. He's alert, but am I the only one whose seeing a bit of wariness in his expression here? Kid's had one hell of a rollarcoaster of a night at this point.
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Probably the most intriguing shot of Hunter from the trailer. It's kind of hard to see since he's behind everyone else, with Amity as the focus in the foreground, but he's... On his knees. I don't think that bodes well for our boy.
What's happening here in this scene is really up in the air. Everyone's eyes still have the glassy, blank look to them, so I'm still not convinced that the Hexsquad here are the real thing. I'm wondering if The Collector is having Luz's friends attack her here because her nightmare seems to blatantly be about her seeing herself as Belos.
But why isn't Hunter attacking her then if that's the case? Is this the actual Hexsquad, just with The Collector influencing their actions? Maybe The Collector is just dropping them into Luz's nightmare periodically to torment her?
Who the hell knows at this point. But I think the image speaks for itself, I think Hunter is not having a good time here and is going to be struggling throughout Luz's nightmare -And perhaps the episode on a whole- during his limited screentime.
i dont think hes going to be the focus of the episode and thats okay ill just keep writing my shitty little fics but like. im so scared for him. hes been thru so much. and it looks like flapjacks in the back of the last shot so. i think he saw something he really didnt want to see. we know the collector had a bit of a... fixation with the grimwalkers. so fingers crossed that this is at least juicy?
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iwaasfairy · 2 years
Heyo Fairy!! I hope your day/night/evening/morning/afternoon is going amazingly, and that you never forget that you are that bitch! (Affectionate, obv) Seriously, I remember when I first started having these "darker" thoughts about characters and I was like 'What the fuck is wrong with me?' and then years later, I find your and Rhi's blog. Y'all let me realize that it's perfectly normal to think these things, even if those who don't, or deny that they do, think otherwise. So, seriously, thank you, y'all mean so, so, SO MUCH to me! Like big sisters that help me see there's nothing wrong with me, even if people I know irl would say "wtf?" 🥹
Ahhh, sorry, that was so fucking sappy! 🫣 I just wanted to ya know that it really does mean a lot to people like me, and your other followers, that y'all are brave enough to post the things you do despite all the little bitches that try and tear y'all down 🥹
... That was sappy again 🤦🏻‍♀️ y'know what, what the fuck ever, I'm just a soft person when it comes to emotions and shit, I'll deal with it 😤
That all being said, I can't belIEVE it took me this long to comment on 2 of Cups! Okay, so, when part 1, and 2, came out, I had no idea who Rin and Sae were. I didn't even know what Blue Lock was, just that it's a manga/anime. I was like oh, okay, cool! I read part one anyway, and was all like "... I gotta watch this. If the anime isn't out yet, I gotta watch it as soon as it DOES come out." (I'm an anime only, because I almost always give characters the exact same voice if I have nothing to go off of 😒 I struggle with it fr fr. anYWAY—) So, I don't... Think? I'd read part 2 yet, tbh I think I completely forgot about it, the memory is NOT good, I'm so sorry! So when the anime DID come out, I wasn't actually aware 😅 until they uploaded episode, like... 10? Or 11? Of the English Dub? AnywAY! THE POINT Is, I started watching because of things I've read, I was TIRED of looking up every single character when I read about them 😭 SO, I watched, got caught up to where it is now, and am waiting for the next episode, and you mention 2 of Cups part 3 is coming out, and I was like "oH SHIT, I REMEMBER READING PART 1!" So, I went back, read parts 1 and 2, absolutely ADORED them, despite the pain 🥹 Like, Rin's pining, but not wanting to do anything because of SAE, that little bitch, that won't admit he's the sAME and keeps being an AsS when Rea-chan and Rin are even remotely affectionate, AaAAAAHHHH! And I was so exCITED for part 3! And then part 3 came out, and... It absolutely bLEW MY IMAGINATION OUT OF THE PARK, LIKE!! !! I dunno, what I was expecting to happen, but I'm so happy it went the way it did! I mean, yeah, sure, it hURT, what with Sae continuing to be an ass, and RIn, poor rIN! Sweet baby, he's so! I can't even begin to espresso how in absolute awe I'm in of this mASTERPIECE! It keeps me up at night, thinking about it, and about what may happen next. Like, did Sae go back to, I think it was... Spain? Did he just go somewhere else for the time being, and he'll be back? Will Rin give in to his fantasies? Will he be soft and gentle if he does? Would he absolutely destroy Rea-chan with his roughness? Would he start off gentle, and then lose it?
So many questions, but I can wait to have them answered; I know you work incredibly hard, and that writing really takes time 🥰 PLUS, we can't have you not sleeping! The Queen of Fairies needs her sleep, she must rest and take care of herself 🥺 Love you much, take care!! 🥰
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firST OF ALL,no yOURE THAT BITCH!!!! YOU ARE! YOU ARE! wtfFDSGD thIS IS SO FUCKING SWEET im gonna cry and scREam !!! ♡♡♡ yes iT is totally normal for you to thrive off of taboo, tIS ouR little bug brains,, and alSO IM MASTER OF SAP i doNT MIND YOU BEING SAPPY PLS THIS IS SO SWEEETTTTTT :/ makes me cry. i hope you know i see every like and rb and i get the dumbest fondest grin on my stupid face any time you're in my notifs, or def when you send an ask or a comment or anything i jUST mELT
and stOPPDbhFu MASTERpiECE i??FYFDyd pLS pls pls oml iM SO VERY VERY HAPPY you LIKED thE FIc and iM bery happy i decided to give myself room for a part 4 bc i think iLL need iT im just Too foND of thEm!! and YES oml manY quESTions right??? i! haven't figured them all out yet so i can't exactly tell you everything but i do know that Sae's still in Japan, he's not yet going back to Spain,, i think Sae just can't handle the idea of rea-chan being with Rin and a similar grudge against him,, and :))) heheh for the smut :))) we shall have to wait and see
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