#i am surprised that this was the only don't in my entire manuscript so far
flowerprose · 1 year
thank you kindly for tagging me, @liv-is! my words were: hum, don't, star, and strong. i couldn't find hum in my kalsar & runa draft, so unfortunately, i will have to omit it.
tagging: @theskeletonprior, @bebewrites, @writinglittlebeasts, @authoralexharvey, @andromedaexists, and @afoolandathief! your words are myth, scale, grasp, and vicious. but if you see this and have some great passages to share that include those words, feel free to hop in!!
DON'T - Kalsar's POV
“Unless you have a knife hidden inside of you, I can’t carve it out. You’ll have to wait until they find you.” “I don’t know which of you rogues started those whispers, but I assure you, it’s not customary to sheath our weapons beneath our skin. Just a tiresome rumour that has little merit,” Fourteen said. “Sounds like if it were true, you might have a way out of here,” Kalsar said. Fourteen’s eyes glanced away and focused upward long enough to compel Kalsar to do the same. Above, he saw icicles pointed into smooth, dangling spears, undisturbed by the warm sun, not a lick of water threatening to drip down. They were angled directly above Fourteen’s ice tomb, a final image burdened into the memory of those freezing. More magic, he knew then. Constructed as a permanent fixture for the freezing damned to obsess over.
STRONG - Kalsar's POV
For several minutes, Kalsar grappled with the mostly prone wraife, while his other hand maneuvered through flesh and bone, refusing to forfeit until he could feel the pulse of its heartbeat beneath his fingertips. While having no exposure to cadavers before, Kalsar knew enough from whispers and tomes that human hearts weren’t black. This one was. He studied it only seconds long, not wanting to prolong his cell mate’s suffering unnecessarily. How a heart could beat so strongly in a body comprised of loosely-threaded limbs impressed him all the more. The blood spurted like ink as he clipped away the tissue holding it in place. Fourteen ceased at once as the heart left its chest.
STAR - Runa's POV
After lunch, Runa found the guardsmen waiting for her at the entrance of the dining hall. The men huddled under thick layers of wool and fur, their gloves thick and lined with ember leaves to encourage warmth into their finger tips. Unlike the rest of them, Runa wore only a bright blue dress, hand-stitched by her mother and emboldened with the family crest: a dazzling, gold star in the maw of a sapphire-scaled dragon. She wore her pink hair in a single braid down the straight of her back, slightly loosened by the stems of flowers she had threaded through earlier that morning. The frost didn’t seize her like everyone else, but she ached for plants to bloom along her window sill again. These flowers would disperse before supper time, their life only as long as a conjuring spell.
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ofliterarynature · 1 year
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2023 Reading Wrap Up: Favorites from the First Half
Not to sound like a broken record, but I can't believe we're already halfway through the year! (and even further, given how late I'm posting this lol). I've read an ungodly amount of books already, and while I try my best to shout out my favorites as I go or in my monthly wrap-ups, I don't always succeed. So Here I Am, to do a little more shouting about the 10 most memorable books or series I've read so far in 2023!
The God of Endings by Jaqueline Holland
The Spear Cuts Through Water by Simon Jimenez
Sword Stone Table ed by Jenn Northington & Swapna Krishna
Sea Hearts (The Brides of Rollrock Island) by Margo Lanagan
Spill Zone by Scott Westerfeld & Alex Puvilland
Will Darling/Lilywhite Boys by K.J. Charles
Lord Peter Wimsey by Dorothy L Sayers
The Anthropocene Reviewed by John Green
84 Charing Cross Road by Helene Hanff
Range: Why Generalists Triumph in a Specialized World by David Epstein
More discussion below the cut!
The God of Endings by Jaqueline Holland had me entirely engrossed. It's slow and moving and dark, with it's own take on vampirism, with any number of the associated content warnings. All the content warnings actually (but harm to animals, harm to children, and domestic abuse are some of the big ones. Does the Nazi murder make up for it?). Best described as The Historian meets everything I wanted from The Invisible Life of Addie Larue but didn't get.
The Spear Cuts Through Water by Simon Jimenez I have, in fact, already yelled about a bit. It was so good! Think A:TLA meets The Raven Tower and The Hundred Thousand Kindgoms, and queer! The thing that really blew my mind was the second-person narration, which is always a swing, and I think this nailed it! I loved how it worked with the story and frame narrative, and let me tell you, on audiobook parts of the story felt positively haunted. I won't say it's the perfect novel (I'm a little eh about the last third), but that in no way dampens my enthusiasm. cw for ritual cannibalism.
Sword Stone Table ed by Jenn Northington & Swapna Krishna is an anthology of Arthurian re-imaginings with about a 1-in-3 success rate (for me anyways. is that good for an anthology?) that snuck onto this list purely on the strength of Mayday by Maria Dahvana Headley. I just yelled about my love for unusual narrative structures, so when I tell you that this is a retelling of the Arthurian family drama set in late 19th century America, told only through found objects, newspaper clippings, and manuscript exerpts? I had *such* a great time trying to puzzle things out with my half-remembered memories of the lore (heavily corrupted by the show Merlin, lol). Additional shout-out to Spear by Nicola Griffith, which didn't make it into the collection due to length but was also amazing!
Sea Hearts (aka The Brides of Rollrock Island) by Margo Lanagan was an absolute surprise, for several reasons. For one, I own both a physical and digital copy under different titles and didn't realize it until I was cleaning up my goodreads account! And second, the Brides cover is an absolute travesty and is entirely the wrong vibe - this may be YA (technically?) but it doesn't read like it! Sea Hearts is the story of a small island community with a history of summoning wives from the sea, a tradition only whispered about until an outcast young woman revives the practices to sow discord and revenge among the community members we follow. Incredibly moving and sorrowful, this is for fans of literary, historical, and speculative fiction.
Spill Zone by Scott Westerfeld & Alex Puvilland. This graphic novel is about a city hit by an unknown disaster that has killed or mutated everything and everyone who wasn't able to evacuate in time. Our main character sneaks back in to take pictures to support herself and her little sister, and while I have some reservations about the larger plot, the art of the Zone is GORGEOUS. Sketchy, eerie, hauntingly beautiful, I loved it, enough that I have no regrets. I could see this making a great comic series or animated show instead.
Major, heartfelt shout-out to K.J. Charles, who absolutely saved my sanity for a few months there. My brain was in a weird spot for a few months and I burned through a good chunk of her backlist, so it's absolutely necessary to name drop a few of my favorites. The Will Darling series, a 1920's spy adventure/gay romance, did not immediately win me over, but exposure makes the heart grow fonder? I don't think they say that, actually, but I love a competent dumbass, and when I finally picked up on the crossover with Charles' England duo, I absolutely cackled. I can't wait to reread these! Any Old Diamonds of the Lilywhite Boys series did catch me immediately, even if I managed to read it out of order with one of it's prequel series. Jewel thieves, a heist, revenge, family drama, what's not to love? I loved every single book and novella in this series.
Lord Peter Wimsey (series) by Dorothy L Sayers. This has been a work in progress since 2022 and has consistently made my favorites lists, but truly, she saved the best for last! Murder Must Advertise was stellar, but everyone who said the Harriet Vane novels were the best is absolutely correct. I don't know why I love them, other than that they're wonderfully complex mysteries, but I do. I definitely need to find another long mystery series for my mental health or else I'm going to start these from the beginning again (I still need to read the short stories after all).
The Anthropocene Reviewed by John Green. I'll be honest, I didn't write a review for this at the time, and my memory for non-fiction is terrible. But I loved this book, I love John Green, and this was fantastic on audio. Thank you John for putting hope and goodness and beauty into the world.
84 Charing Cross Road by Helene Hanff was a beautiful little book for the book lover. It's a collection of letters between the American author and a used-book seller (and family and associates) in London in the 50s and 60s. Its funny, it's friendly, it's lovely, but there's also an underlying tension that builds throughout from the repeated invitations to the author to come visit, and the book copy saying that THEY NEVER MEET. It about killed me, and did make me cry. For further reading you can also check out the author's related memoirs, The Duchess of Bloomsbury Street and Q's Legacy.
Range: Why Generalists Triumph in a Specialized World by David Epstein. Frankly, I'm impressed by my nonfiction choices so far this year. This one is what it says and it HURT. SO. MUCH. I am absolutely a generalist and it's made life frustrating, so reading this was both extremely comforting but also enraging, because society doesn't need another reason to suck. Alas.
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twiceasfrustrating · 3 years
Ask meme! Ask meme! 4: How many fic ideas are you nurturing right now? Care to share one of them? / 7: Share a snippet from one of your favorite pieces of prose you’ve written and explain why you’re proud of it. / 12: Is there a lesson/event above all others that inspires you just a little bit more? / 37: Talk about your current wips./ 38: Talk about a review that made your day.
Answering on a phone is hard! But I did it, so yay~
4) Between this blog and my other one... Too many (around 20 at any given moment). I just can't stop coming up with ideas. Someone send help.
Here's one:
Uhhh... Simeon calls MC at a very particular moment because he is tired of working on his next manuscript and quickly realizes they are in the middle of getting their brains screwed out by Diavolo. He stays on the phone and pretends not to notice as he continues to talk to them. MC is trying very hard not to give it away, but Diavolo is on team "make them scream from the hilltops" and not making it easy on them. Simeon is touching himself the entire time.
Surprise! It's polyamory and Dia and MC both want him to hurry back because it isn't the same without him.
7) I am going to cheat and share two (because one is from 6 years ago and a completely different fandom).
Mutually-Assured Destruction (Homestuck)
Her blood runs warm under his fingers as it seeps slowly out of the wounds he has created. Her existence is blasphemy and damnation, and he drowns in it. She is bile and and rot and disease and he want to watch every part of her break into pieces. Slowly, but surely, he wants her to fall into ruin around him. She is already cracked and the fissures are spreading out around her, into every inch of her existence. He just wants to be there to watch as the last of her breaks and falls to ash and dust. He wants to see her destroy herself.
So... This was Gamzee x Terezi (a very unhealthy black relationship if you don't know Homestuck). I just really enjoy the way I explained Gamzee's thoughts. Every way he describes her is sick. He doesn't want a rivalry (a healthy black romance) he wants to destroy her inside and out and takes sick pleasure in it. This was actually my first time writing an unhealthy relationship and I think it went well. I certainly still like what I did back then and it opened up a whole new style for me I ended up loving, but only use in very introspective pieces.
Hands, Mine to Hold (Obey Me)
“You’ll have to forgive me, but you look familiar.” “Oh? Where from?” He was curious what the answer would be today. “I think I saw you at the restaurant the other day.” They hadn’t been to a restaurant in months. It was too difficult to take them that far from the palace without worrying that they would lose track of where they were and panic. Still, he would play along, “Perhaps so.” “I knew it!” Their smile stretched wide across their face and his heart pounded in his chest. They were so beautiful. Every spot and wrinkle of their cheeks, their fading teeth, the faint yellow tinge of their nails... everything about them was beautiful beyond belief and he couldn’t help but fall in love with them all over again. “You have a great memory.” He just wished it was a little better. Diavolo’s hands are rough, they are powerful, and he holds far too much inside of them for any one man. Even so, he cannot hold onto everything, as much as he wishes he could. There are things that will slip through even his embrace. He just wished that this one precious thing wasn’t one of them.
Hahaha. I made myself cry. I liked describing MC as old and Diavolo still in love with them so completely, but also adding the angst of what old age can do to a person. I don't think demons are really ready for that truth. Diavolo is the prince, he could have others care for MC but he does it himself because he wants to be with them. I also liked describing his hands as so hard working and strong, but just not... Not ready for this. I don't think anyone is ever ready for this.
12) As a Simeon simp... Literally anything with him ever. I know it may get annoying to hear me talk about him all the time, but I am genuinely in love with his character. Like, he's our sweet angel boy, but he is also a massive liar who refuses to let anyone get too close to him and it feels like everything he tells us is a half truth at best and something about that inspires me beyond belief. I love characters with more going on behind the scenes that they let on. It's why I loved Beel at first (that survivors guilt, man).
If you want a specific lesson though... Everything about the Boogeyman. Those fears were great to see. I thought some were too shallow, but the ones for Beel, Belphie, Satan, Lucifer, and Simeon were just so on point. Fueled my broken heart for... Well, it still is.
37) All 20+ of them? Lol
I'll share from Absolutely Nothing since that is what I am currently working on. I am currently hoping to wrap up the "prologue" which is everything up until the end of S3 so I can finally get into the war. I have written so many snippets for it that I can't wait to hurt the readers with. That, and getting to play with characters a bit.
What the heck? To Have and Hold is also one I work on off and on again. I wanted to finish it all before releasing it, but that is taking a while because of how... Taxing it is to write. It's Yandere!Diavolo kidnapping MC/reader and keeping them all to himself... 18+ chapters of it as they slowly break both mentally and emotionally. It is pure dark fic. It's actually the long fic version of my one shot Keeper, because I just liked that one so much (and another friend encouraged it in the first place).
38) Not a review, but one of my favorite comments ever is from SWBQ chapter 72. It's a long comment, but it has to deal with the vision given by the twice-baked delusional baklava (it makes sense in context). People were trying to guess whose vision it was and someone had this to say.
I don’t have anything new to contribute and I know I won’t get anything from you, however I want to say on record I think it’s either Diavolo or Asmo. Like another comment said, the way they talked about the brothers failing you kinda doesn’t make sense for anyone but Dia. Maybe you wanted to tease us w Dia content that isn’t gunna go anywhere. Also, the other commenter was completely right in my opinion, asking if we were scared of the devildom in the first place is a big hint. It read as extremely earnest, and it wasn’t very presumptive. It wasn’t “aren’t you scared?” Or “how aren’t you scared?”, and I think this helps eliminate some people (Levi, Lucifer, Satan) while indicating others like Dia. I feel like it’s Asmo tho, but I also feel very biased and like I’m way over reading every line hehe. So the first line mentions what MC is wearing and that just seems like Asmo to me. Sorry if that’s a stupid invalid point but like, I feel like for example Beel’s delusion wouldn’t give much attention to what you’re wearing. And like I get MC is the focus to be mysterious and in MC’s delusion of Luke’s Baklava the person was also super foggy to be mysterious. However, like I feel like the delusion includes the information that’s most important to you? Like, yeah sure Lucifer would love if you looked nice. He’d notice. But I don’t feel like that’s straight off the bat what his mind grabs when he thinks of you. I just think the delusion being of pure love does a lot more for Asmo than like, say Satan and Beel. Of course they all deserve love, but you get what I mean! The big hint is the line saying the person is not usually gentle with others AND that they don’t usually receive gentleness. So I kind of feel like this line knocks Beel completely out of the running, I’m so sorry to the sweetest boy but like. He’s soft. This line doesn’t make sense for him imo. I can see how this might work with multiple baklava consumers, and I definitely understand why everyone’s immediately thinking of Lucifer, but again it’s just such a tempting idea in Asmo’s specific context. Like no matter how literally physically gentle you are, it’s the emotional vulnerability. It’s the lack of ulterior motives and expectations. Then it mentions a new appreciation of MC’s beauty, I know this could be seen as a cliche and vague statement but beauty and Asmo just link together for me. And the new appreciation of everything in the delusion in general. So slowing down like this and just seeing everything in the light of just being is a new way of seeing for this person. I know this point doesn’t strongly support Asmo specifically, (like this would make a lot of sense for Luci, Levi, and Dia). But a lot of asmo’s liking pretty things is liking pictures of it and being conscious of how he looks around the things and with them if that makes sense? Again, I am super aware most of my logic is stupid fragile/weak. As for the being scared, I feel like Asmo would be more earnest and curious because his closest comparison for your situation is Solomon, and yes he is very aware that that’s a very poor comparison. My final point is the wanting to just be naked to be more tactile and this is just me repeating that this is a bigger contrast/difference for Asmo. And actions and thoughts that are what we associate w Asmo normally coming off as different and richer for him in this sense really benefits the most from being told from his POV. Like I feel like this isn’t necessarily everyone’s delusion? Like, I don’t think being comfortable being naked is the ultimate sign of love? Like I don’t feel like that’s Satan’s or Leviathan’s real big profound sign of “oh yes, I am content with this person”. And the delusions are obvs catered to the specific person. Like Satan said in a group chat that he needed somebody that was comfortable existing with him without doing something with him. And I really love when people just let Leviathan talk and really truly listen and engage with him. I know it’s not specifically romantic, but yknow in our context it is. Like, I get that it’s just
I don’t have anything new to contribute and I know I won’t get anything from you, however I want to say on record I think it’s either Diavolo or Asmo. Like another comment said, the way they talked about the brothers failing you kinda doesn’t make sense for anyone but Dia. Maybe you wanted to tease us w Dia content that isn’t gunna go anywhere. Also, the other commenter was completely right in my opinion, asking if we were scared of the devildom in the first place is a big hint. It read as extremely earnest, and it wasn’t very presumptive. It wasn’t “aren’t you scared?” Or “how aren’t you scared?”, and I think this helps eliminate some people (Levi, Lucifer, Satan) while indicating others like Dia. I feel like it’s Asmo tho, but I also feel very biased and like I’m way over reading every line hehe. So the first line mentions what MC is wearing and that just seems like Asmo to me. Sorry if that’s a stupid invalid point but like, I feel like for example Beel’s delusion wouldn’t give much attention to what you’re wearing. And like I get MC is the focus to be mysterious and in MC’s delusion of Luke’s Baklava the person was also super foggy to be mysterious. However, like I feel like the delusion includes the information that’s most important to you? Like, yeah sure Lucifer would love if you looked nice. He’d notice. But I don’t feel like that’s straight off the bat what his mind grabs when he thinks of you. I just think the delusion being of pure love does a lot more for Asmo than like, say Satan and Beel. Of course they all deserve love, but you get what I mean! The big hint is the line saying the person is not usually gentle with others AND that they don’t usually receive gentleness. So I kind of feel like this line knocks Beel completely out of the running, I’m so sorry to the sweetest boy but like. He’s soft. This line doesn’t make sense for him imo. I can see how this might work with multiple baklava consumers, and I definitely understand why everyone’s immediately thinking of Lucifer, but again it’s just such a tempting idea in Asmo’s specific context. Like no matter how literally physically gentle you are, it’s the emotional vulnerability. It’s the lack of ulterior motives and expectations. Then it mentions a new appreciation of MC’s beauty, I know this could be seen as a cliche and vague statement but beauty and Asmo just link together for me. And the new appreciation of everything in the delusion in general. So slowing down like this and just seeing everything in the light of just being is a new way of seeing for this person. I know this point doesn’t strongly support Asmo specifically, (like this would make a lot of sense for Luci, Levi, and Dia). But a lot of asmo’s liking pretty things is liking pictures of it and being conscious of how he looks around the things and with them if that makes sense? Again, I am super aware most of my logic is stupid fragile/weak. As for the being scared, I feel like Asmo would be more earnest and curious because his closest comparison for your situation is Solomon, and yes he is very aware that that’s a very poor comparison. My final point is the wanting to just be naked to be more tactile and this is just me repeating that this is a bigger contrast/difference for Asmo. And actions and thoughts that are what we associate w Asmo normally coming off as different and richer for him in this sense really benefits the most from being told from his POV. Like I feel like this isn’t necessarily everyone’s delusion? Like, I don’t think being comfortable being naked is the ultimate sign of love? Like I don’t feel like that’s Satan’s or Leviathan’s real big profound sign of “oh yes, I am content with this person”. And the delusions are obvs catered to the specific person. Like Satan said in a group chat that he needed somebody that was comfortable existing with him without doing something with him. And I really love when people just let Leviathan talk and really truly listen and engage with him. I know it’s not specifically romantic, but yknow in our context it is. Like, I get that it’s just
a big sign of trust and really intimate and special no matter what but like I just don’t feel like it’s the delusion everyone’s mind would conjure up. Different people different love languages. Look I just like Asmo. I just think he’s neat. I just like the idea of him getting to have nice things. Pls author. Pls take care of this boy in particular.
This comment brought me pure joy because, well, it was just so very thoughtful of the text and using their interpretation of it to make a point. These are my favorite kind of reviews; ones that use and interact with the text. As an author, it really let's me know what readers are getting out of it.
Of course all comments are nice and I don't expect an essay, but interpretation of the text just feels special. Even if the interpretation is different from my own in the end (I believe in death of the author, so I don't get final say unless it is mentioned explicitly) it just feels good to see someone analyzing something you wrote and getting something out of it.
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100 Days Princess Event - Royal Prince Stage Episode 01 (Translated)
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Louis Howard’s Route
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Giles Christophe’s Route Episode 01 Part 01/05
The beautiful sun was setting, leaving an orange color in the sky…
I ran along the promenade illuminated by the setting sun.
Cain, who was chasing after me, suddenly grabbed my wrist from behind.
Cain: “...Wait, wait!”
MC: “Let me go! I have nothing left to say to you.”
Cain: “That may be so for you, but not for me!”
When I turned around, I saw his serious expression, and a tear slipped down my cheek out of desperation.
Cain: “I got just one thing left to say…I love you.”
MC: “...”
Giles: “I can’t allow that.”
Cain: “...!”
My shoulders were gripped harshly as I was forcefully separated from Cain by the owner of the quiet voice who had interrupted us.
MC: “Ah…”
Giles: “She’s my fiancée. The sooner you get that through your head the better.” *Top Left Picture*
Cain: “You…”
My breath was stolen from me as I watched Giles and Cain face each other…
Director: “…Cut!”
Hearing the director's call, the tension from the scene relaxed in an instant.
Director: “I’m pleasantly surprised. I'm glad all three of you are acting on this show together now!”
MC: “Really?”
Director: “I’ll be honest, I was initially worried because I heard that this was your first time starring in a show...”
Director: “But you have a wonderful talent for acting. I would be happy to have you in my next project.”
MC: “...Thank you!”
(I had been nervous because this is the first time I am going to star in a drama.)
(I’m glad I was able to fake that tear.)
Giles: “I’m proud of you, MC.” *Top Right Picture*
MC: “Me too…!”
Director: “I'll go check the shot, so please hold on for a minute.”
Cain: “Got it.”
The director nodded his head in satisfaction and returned to the camera man’s side.
Cain: “It's rare for the director to praise new stars.”
Giles Christophe’s Route Episode 01 Part 02/05
MC: “Is that so?”
Giles: “The director is famous for being strict about how his actors act.”
Giles: “But MC, the scene he just saw was really amazing.”
MC: “Thank you! Hearing Giles say that makes me feel more at ease.”
MC: “...Though, it hurt a little when Cain grabbed my wrist.”
As I touched my wrist, Cain raised an eyebrow.
Cain: “I couldn't help it. You were really running fast.”
MC: “I thought it would look better if I did that...!”
Giles: “Must the both of you fight so much?”
Giles smiled and gently pushed us away from each other.
Giles: “Both of your performances were great.”
Giles: “So shouldn’t we be working together to make this drama a success...?”
MC: “You’re right… We need to do our best.”
Cain: “I already knew that.”
Unlike me, who was new to this, Giles and Cain seemed to already possess the brilliant auras of popular idols.
(I’m always constantly thinking… I must do a great performance that is able to match with these two people.)
Suddenly feeling determined, I heard the director calling us.
Cain: “I’m going to go over there and watch it with them.”
Giles: “We should go too.”
MC: “Yes.”
Feeling the pleasant sun on my skin, we headed over to the camera.
The night after filming the drama…
Crew Member: “Cheers!!”
The lively after party began with the shooting crew shouting toasts to celebrate.
(Everyone is happy that we shooted a good scene today.)
Looking at me with a smile, Giles, who was next to me, grabbed a small plate.
Giles: “MC, do you want me to get you something?” *1st Middle Left Picture*
MC: “I can do it myself.”
Giles: “There’s no need to be shy. Isn’t the food far away from where you are sitting?” *1st Middle Left Picture*
*princess check*
Giles Christophe’s Route Episode 01 Part 03/05
(Everyone is happy that we shooted a good scene today.)
Looking at me with a smile, Giles, who was next to me, grabbed a small plate.
Giles: “MC, do you want me to get you something?”
MC: “I can do it myself.”
Giles: “There’s no need to be shy. Isn’t the food far away from where you are sitting?”
(Giles is not only good at acting, but also amazingly attentive.)
MC: “Thank you. Then, can I ask you to do that for me…?”
Giles: “Yes, please wait here for a moment.”
Cain: “Giles, can you also do mine?”
Giles: “I had a feeling you were going to ask me that. Can you give me your plate?”
Cain: “Yeah.”
After Cain, who sat across from me, had asked Giles, Giles dexterously set the table for us.
MC: “By the way, isn’t Giles also a news anchor for a nightly program that usually airs around this time?”
Giles: “Yes, the producer asked me to do it.”
Cain: “An idol doesn’t usually appear on a news program, but Giles is good at it.”
MC: “Yes. Giles is very skilled.”
MC: “I always watch that news program.”
Giles: “Then as your senior,”
Giles: “I have to do my best to not look like an amateur.” *2nd Middle Left Picture*
Giles gave me a small plate of food and I smiled a little.
Giles: “But since I am still new at broadcasting, there may be times where I mess up.”
Giles: “I hope you can see that I am a competent news anchor.” *2nd Middle Right Picture*
MC: “That’s not true.”
MC: “Whenever you’re shooting the program, don’t you calmly explain the breaking news?”
Cain: “Yes, I’ve seen the news too. You never break your expression.”
Giles: “Even so, don’t you know that I’m reading a manuscript that is handed over to me the entire time...?”
MC: “I still think it's amazing to be able to read the news aloud with a straight face.”
Giles smiled charmingly as I spoke to him with enthusiasm.
Giles: “Thank you. Hearing you say that makes me feel better.”
(I'm looking forward to Giles broadcasting the news more in the future.)
I turned to face forward in my seat so I could look at Cain.
MC: “Also, wasn’t Cain selected to host a variety show that starts next week?”
Giles Christophe’s Route Episode Part 04/05
MC: “Also, wasn’t Cain selected to host a show that starts next week?”
Cain: “What do you already know so far?”
MC: “I know that you were actually called on the show as a way to help promote the drama.”
MC: “You will also be doing your own performance in the show with the rest of the members of ‘Wysteria Quintet.’ Are you nervous?”
Cain: “Not really. It’s the usual thing.”
(He is full of confidence. But I guess it's only natural since he will be doing a concert together with everyone else.)
...Cain was a part of an idol group.
He’s the leader of “Wysteria Quintet.”
(Even when he is not busy being the leader, you can tell he is one from the way he speaks and his blunt attitude...)
(He is very popular for his sweet smile he puts on for the TV.)
MC: “It’s good to be confident, but don't let that make you fail, okay?”
Cain: “Don't be ridiculous, I never mess up.”
Giles: “Sure, you did well at your last concert I went to.”
Giles: “I’m looking forward to this show too.”
Cain: “Yes, you can count on me to do just as well.”
I looked at Cain as he raised his drink to his mouth.
MC: “Will you be more humble when you’re shooting the show, Host-san?” *3rd Middle Left Picture*
Cain: “Stop making fun of me.” *3rd Middle Right Picture*
Cain smiled jokingly at me, but then he moved his face closer towards mine.
Cain: “Hm? You…”
MC: “...What?”
Cain: “Why is your face such a bright red?”
*princess check*
Giles Christophe’s Route Episode 01 Part 05/05
MC: “Will you be more humble when you’re shooting the show, Host-san?”
Cain: “Stop making fun of me.”
Cain smiled jokingly at me, but then his expression suddenly turned serious and he moved his face closer towards mine.
Cain: “Hm? You…”
MC: “...What?”
Cain: “Why is your face such a bright red?”
MC: “What are you talking about...? Did I drink too much?”
As I tilted my head, Giles’ hand touched my forehead.
MC: “...Giles?”
Giles: “Just as I thought…you feel hot.” *Bottom Left Picture*
(Now that he’s mentioned it, I am starting to feel hot.)
(And I’m feeling a little light-headed...)
MC: “I guess I drank too much liquor…”
Cain: “Wouldn’t it be better if you went outside for fresh air?”
MC: “Maybe I will get out for a while.”
Giles: “I’ll let the director and crew know.”
MC: “Thank you. I will be going then.”
As they watched me, I left the bar with a slight stagger.
When I went outside, the cool night breeze cooled my skin.
Feeling more comfortable now, I looked up at the night sky.
(...Giles and Cain are amazing to be able to have careers where they are constantly busy all the time.)
(I must work harder, too.)
When I let out a small sigh, I felt a tap on my shoulder from behind me.
Giles: “MC, do you want me to help take you home?” *Bottom Right Picture*
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kyojuuros · 6 years
I know that people are upset about shirtless Levi not being animated but what I'm the most upset about is Reeves death. I mean, we didn't got Historia and Levi scene, so we didn't got the talk between Historia and Reeves. Now that he's dead it won't happen. Does this mean we won't have Levi smiling? As much as I would have loved to see shirtless Levi, I can live without seeing it animated. But not seeing Levi smiling? No, not an option for me. I don't know what you think about that? D:
I think that 100% we’re still going to get Levi’s smile in the anime. He’s too much of a fan favorite and that’s too much of a beloved scene for WIT to delete it entirely without mass fandom outrage. So they’ll work it in one way or another, the question is just why and how. I think that Historia punching him is (sadly) no longer in the cards.
(And I know shirtless Levi was also a big deal for fans but, even though I joked about other scenarios where the shirt could come off, I am serious in that it is still entirely possible WIT would just put something like that in elsewhere, who knows… I’m far more concerned about character development and plot than whether I get to thirst over my faves at the end of the day)
Some people I’ve talked to think it’s still possible to have the altercation between Levi and Historia happen, although I’m not sure where it would even fit in at this point (because having it happen after the cave wouldn’t make any sense to me) so personally I am not counting on seeing it anymore. I already reached the acceptance stage of grief on this (lol). But if this happens, it was brought up that maybe Flegel would be the one to tell her to punch him if he happened to be present - or maybe just Eren himself saying it. 
Some people also think that we’ll get a flashback of it, but again, where would that even fit if they only found out about her heritage (which is what triggered the whole thing to begin with) after she was kidnapped?
I’m not saying this in a negative light, but I just don’t see it happening anymore. So instead of figuring out where it could be shoehorned in, I’m just opting not to speculate about it. Isayama clearly wanted to make some changes, so at this point I’m just trying to enjoy the unpredictability of it. Levi’s smile will definitely be there, I’m just uncertain of what the “why” will be. If WIT somehow surprises me and the scene ends up staying relevant in another way, then I’ll take the happy surprise. 
I’m trying to stay positive and trust in Isayama’s judgement. He truly thinks the manuscript is better than his manga, so we’ll just have to see. 
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Egsa (old english | scary)
Spell (old english | news)
The Biblical Patriarch Abraham (called the father of nations) had one wife and one sister- the same person- and several concubines and mistresses- each of whom begot him many children. Now, when these children grew up- he gifted them each with magical secrets and one by one sent them east as magi to gather initiates for the creation of Mystery Schools.
We know that, with the exception of Issac, the sons and grandsons of Abraham made their way through India, and even further into the Middle East where Abraham is credited as being the progenitor of Islam as is described in the Quran, though the religion did not officially begin until Mohammeds involvement many centuries after Abraham sent his sons away.
So, when during the birth of the Nazari
in Bethlehem he was visited by '3 foreign Magi from the East,' it takes a special significance in my mind that itches and begs to be tussed out.
That is why I am writing this.
It should be noted that there was never any mention in the original texts of exactly how many Magi attended his birth. It is thought that the authors were drunk. No. It is thought that the authors simply assumed that since there were three gifts..there must have been 3 magi to deliver them. Probably wrong. A supposed eye witness account of the magis journey popped up 300 years after the fact claiming that there were 12 or more traveling in the party.
This lends credence to the idea that this was an entire magical order (or at least its senior brethren;) that this order was almost certainly seeded by one of Abrahams sons or grandsons; and that they traveled not only to attend the Nazaris birth but also to examine the god-child and make sure it was of satisfactory health and temperament. The mother would have been looked at by a normal physician.
There are so many thing in just these two stories alone that I want to share with everybody. Things that would make a Southern Baptist stone my ass to death. Things that would make a Methodist very seriously consider leaving the church to worship Satan.
People just don't realize how fragmented the testaments have become. It was intended as a living document that existed in space but outside of time. There was a reason that the original Hebrew texts contained no punctuation and no vowels..at least until the Masoretes got ahold of it. Despite the scores of Southern parishioners taking absolutely everything they read in the Bible at face value- much of what is taken as 'Gospel Truth' has been either misunderstood, mistaken or even simply mistranslated. It isn't conjecture at this point.
Take the following example:
Go to Google translate and type in
"I am a peaceful man."
Now translate from English to Latin to Greek to Hebrew to Greek to Latin and then back to English again. (Almost exactly how we arrived at our most modern Biblical translation minue English at the begining..by the way)
Surprise, surprise. It now reads
"I have an airplane ticket."
The Nazari himself anticipated this ridiculous game of telephone, which is why he communicated his most important messages with parables. Because parables require deeper thought from the listener, deeper thought from the reader and thus deeper thought from the translator as well.
Moving on..
As mentioned in the Infancy Gospel of Thomas:
II. 1 This little child Jesus when he was five years old was playing at the ford of a brook / and he gathered together the waters that flowed there into pools and made them straightway clean [unintelligible] commanded them by his word alone.
2 And having made soft clay, he fashioned thereof twelve sparrows and nd it was the Sabbath when he did these things [or made them,] / and there were also many other little children playing with him.
3 And a certain Jew when he saw what Jesus did, making things upon the Sabbath day, departed straightway and told his father:
"Lo, thy child is at the brook, and he hath taken clay and fashioned twelve little birds. He hath polluted the Sabbath day."
4 And Joseph came to the place and saw: and cried out to him, saying "Wherefore doest thou these things on the Sabbath, which it is not lawful to do?"
So Jesus clapped his hands together and cried out to the sparrows and said to them: Go! and the sparrows took their flight and went away chirping.
5 And when the Jews saw it they were amazed, and departed and told their chief men that which they had seen Jesus do.
And Jesus smirked. [I added that last part in]
!! Astonishingly, at only 5 years of age the Nazari was demonstrating not only a latent understanding of magical systems but also an ability to apply that system to a PHYSICAL ALTERATION OF THE NATURAL WORLD. He was also showing signs of disdain towards the human beings for whom he had been created to protect. And that coupled with observations of the boys power had everyone in town, not least of all "his parents" deeply, deeply terrified and concerned.
Here again from the Infancy Gospel:
1 After that again he went through the village, and a child ran and accidentily dashed against his shoulder. And Jesus was provoked. He said "Thou shalt not finish thy course." And immediatelhetbe boy who provoked him fell dead at the Nazari's feet. and when some of the onlookers saw what he had done they wrenched at their garmets and said
"From whence was this creature born that every word of his is a great work or a miracle or an act of nature."
And then the parents of the boy he had slain marched unto Joseph, and blamed him, saying: "Thou who has such a child cannot dwell with us in this village unless he is taught to heal and not kill and to bless and not curse. For if he remains as is, he he will slayeth all our children / and then what of us?"
1 Immediately Joseph called the young child apart and admonished him, saying:
"Why are you doing these things? Why do you inflict such unforgivable suffering upon these people? So that they hate us and persecute us? Is this what you wish? But Jesus said,
"I know that these words are not your own (!!??) nevertheless for your sake and for the sake of suffering I will hold my peace.
"But them" Jesus pointed to the parents of the young boy he had slain."Them that accused me.. Them shall bear the weight of their punishment, too."
And straightway they that accused him became blind / and they began to moan and to scream in confused horror until little else could be heard in the town.
2 And they that saw it became even more afraid and even more perplexed / and said that every word which he spake whether it were good or bad, was a deed, or a marvel. So they began to very carefully walk away / pretending not to hear the anguish of their neighbors.
And when he saw what the Nazari had done / he arose and took hold upon his ear and wrung it purple. 3 And the young child was wroth and said unto him:
O. "It sufficeth them to seek but not to find, and verily thou hast done unwisely: Don't you know that I am not my own? Vex me not."
I know what you're all thinking. I spent a year of my life going over this document and asking every difficult question that I could think of. So let me save you some time..
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1. The document is authentic. The narrative account matches those of others which which say the same thing in their own texts. Even with evidence, perhaps out of fear, I might have dismissed this manuscript if it weren't for similarly described behaviors by another, far older 'Son of God(s); Gilgamesh, King of Uruk- The (weirdly) 3/4 God King of Mesopotamian Sumeria. If you'll recall, Gilgamesh would routinely rape women in the streets in from of their Fathers and Brothers. He once enslaved a quarter of HIS OWN people....HIS OWN PEOPLE...to build ziggurauts in honor of the Gods- a pantheon to which he technically belonged.
Both Gilgamesh and the Nazari began their brief human existences as supremacists. Their distaste for humanity was oozing off of every word they spoke and off of every action they took. And both of them had to be 'corrected;' Gilgamesh by the Gods (through the creation of Enki-Du, a bizarre man-animal hybrid who challenged Gilgamesh to fight after fight until his rage and hatred subsided.) And the Nazari by his human keepers...though not NEARLY as successfully as Gilgamesh. Here is a link to something I wrote about Gilgamesh a few months ago. It may help to clarify whats happening here in case I miss something.
The Gospl continues:
VI. 1 Now a certain teacher, Zacchaeus by name, stood there and he heard in part when Jesus said these things to his father and he marvelled greatly that being a young child he spake such matters. 2 And after a few days he came near unto Joseph and said unto him: Thou hast a wise child, and he hath understanding. Come, deliver him to me that he may learn letters. And I will teach him with the letters all knowledge and that he salute all the elders and honour them as grandfathers and fathers, and love them of his own years.
"And Joseph chuckled." Is what I would have written, because..
3 And he told him all the letters from Alpha even to Omega clearly, with much questioning. But Jesus looked upon Zacchaeus the teacher and saith unto him: Thou that knowest not the Alpha according to its nature, how canst thou teach others the Beta? thou hypocrite, first, if thou knowest it, teach the Alpha, and then will we believe thee concerning the Beta. Then began he to confound the mouth of the teacher concerning the first letter, and he could not prevail to answer him. 4 And in the hearing of many the young child saith to Zacchaeus: Hear, O teacher, the ordinance of the first letter and pay heed to this, how that it hath [what follows is really unintelligible, but it disturbingly picks up..]
VII. 1 Now when Zacchaeus the teacher heard such and then so many allegories of the first letter spoken by the young child, he was perplexed at his answer and his instruction being so great, and said to them that were gathered there:
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Woe is me, wretch that I am, I am confounded! I have brought shame to myself by drawing to me this young child.
2 THIS CHILD IS NOT EARTHLY BORN: this is one that can tame even fire: this is one begotten before the making of the world!
WHAT BELLY BORE THIS? what womb nurtured it? Woe is me, He putteth me from my sense, I cannot follow his understanding. I have deceived myself!
Goddamn. GODDAMN. I mean what the fuck, man? I remember reading this for the first time and simultaneously remembering what the older version of this creature said to his people in Mathew 10:34;
'Do not assume that I have come to bring peace to the earth; I have not come to bring peace, but a sword.'
I'll explain how truly terrifying that statement really is in part 2.
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lost-your-memory · 7 years
can you write something fluffy for b&w this time? Please don't break our heart again?
Aww I’m sorry for breaking your heart guys. Here’s something to fix it.
“Mom?”Myka glanced up from her spot on the sofa, where she was reading what looked like a heavy manuscript of some sort. A smile blossomed across her lips, kind and affectionate, and she gestured for her nine year old son to join her by patting the cushion next to her. The sound of his bare feet padding against the hard wooden floor stopped the moment he stepped on the thick but soft rug spread underneath the coffee table and all around it and he eagerly jumped on the couch next to his mother.“Mom, I have a question,” He said, his face giving away that it was an important and serious one.He had a strange gleam in his dark grey eyes, one that was making the freckles on his nose and cheeks look a little brighter than they usually were. His skin was pale but with a healthy glow that somehow contrasted with the mess of short dark curls bouncing all around the top of his head, brushing his forehead whenever he moved.He looked at her expectantly and Myka barely arched a brow to invite him to speak.“How did you meet mum?” He asked and he sounded a little unsure, hesitancy echoing in the way he pronounced the British surname. He would always make a point to add a very Londonian accent whenever he would say it but today, it sounded very American, almost foreign.Myka tilted her head to the side and absentmindedly closed her book, instinctively knowing this conversation would require her full attention. Settling herself a little more comfortably in the angle of the couch, she turned to face her son and met his expectant eyes.“That is a rather out of the blue question, Chris. What brings this one?” She inquired, not missing the way his eyes twitched, still betraying the eye roll he managed to contain.He was a very articulate and clever boy and as such, he had never liked when someone would answer a question with another question. A fact that had already led to countless fight between him and his British mother, who was well versed in the philosophical art of the sophism, during his young life.“I was watching Mary Poppins, with aunty Claudia and uncle Pete, yesterday,” He started and then paused, narrowing his eyes at her to see if she was going to laugh at the movie choice. Since she didn’t smile, he nodded approvingly and took in a deep breath before starting again. “Uncle Pete started to laugh when they all go see that silly uncle who drinks tea while flying near the ceiling and he said … He said it reminded him of how you and him first met mum.”For a minute, Myka only starred in the eyes of her son, grey like a winter sky but full of life and wonder. He was obviously waiting for an answer but Myka was thinking back of that day, all those years ago, in London, when Helena had made her fly for the very first time. Back then, they had been enemies and Helena had been the target but now, many many years later …“Mom?” The young boy called, his brows furrowed above his eyes, impatience showing across his face.“Sorry, Chris. I went back to that day, the one Pete spoke about. It was a funny one, you know, the kind of funny that always happens when your mum is involved. Like the time she tried to modify the popcorn machine to increase its efficiency and you and I came back home to find the kitchen almost entirely flooded with salted caramel popcorn,” Myka said and she laughed lightly at the memory, making her son laugh with her.“It was good popcorn, but she had to buy a new machine because the one she was trying to improve was broken and she couldn’t fix it herself,” The young boy added with a smile but then he became serious again and Myka could tell he wanted an answer.“Alright Chris, I am going to tell you the story of how I met your mother,” Myka started and she did.She told him all about how his British mother had been some kind of adversary spy, working for the British government while Pete and her were in London to retrieve an important object, on behalf of the American government.“You know your mum is an inventor of sort, right?” He nodded and Myka continued “The object we were supposed to retrieve was in a protected house, with all sort of scientific traps and she happened to know the house very well. She turned on a switch that activated an electromagnetic field in the ceilings and since we didn’t wear the protective vest, like she was, Pete and I went up and we got stuck against the ceilings. She left, with the object we should have been retrieving. That was the very first time I met your mother.”Myka studied her son’s features as he twisted his mouth in what was his most thoughtful gesture. He would always move or twist his lips or bite the inside of his cheeks while thinking and it was as strange as it was cute.“Is that when you fell in love with her?” He finally asked and Myka arched a surprised brow at this question. She wasn’t expecting something so serious from her nine years old son but then again, he was clever and bright and since he never really asked anything about his mothers before, maybe it was time he started.“I think it was a start, yes,” Myka replied after a short silence, biting her bottom lips as she thought about her life and how it only went downside the hill after her meeting with the infamous H.G Wells. Yet, she had absolutely no regret. None.“When did you realize, then?” He insisted, shuffling closer to lay down and put his head on her lap.She instantly reached a hand to caress his scalp, moving her fingertips across the glossy, silky curls that somehow reminded her of Helena’s hair. It was the same texture, the same gloss and color and it was also soft and smooth under her fingers.“I don’t exactly know when I realized I was in love with her, I never had a bright and clear revelation moment. I fell in love with her throughout the years, by spending time with her and learning to know her … It wasn’t always easy, you know. She’s something else, your mum.” Myka chuckled and the young boy did the same, apparently well aware of how complicated his British mother could be sometimes.“I think … I think that if I should choose one moment, the closest to the revelation, it would be the day she decided to come back to work with me. We hadn’t talked for almost two years, because we were somehow at odd, and then she came back. I think ... I think it’s the day she realized that maybe, maybe she loved me too,” Myka said and her tone was a little dreamy, a little far away as she thought back of that singular spring morning where she had found Helena on the B&B doorstep, looking very lost and very determined at once.It had been a very strange and confusing day, leading to an even more chaotic few months but eventually, they made it work and surprisingly enough, it lasted. It was still lasting.“Uncle Pete said that I am a very lucky boy, to have you and mum,” He whispered, a content smile having made its way across his lips.“Really? What do you think?” Myka asked, glancing down to face her son’s grey eyes and smiling at how happy he looked.“I think that for once, uncle Pete’s right.”Myka openly laughed at the implication, hearing Helena in her son’s voice and sass. He was always bantering with Pete but she knew her son was worshiping the man he so effortlessly called uncle and Pete was crazy about the young boy as well. They were always doing stuff together whenever Myka and Helena had to go on a mission together. Sometimes, Steve, Claudia or Abigail, or a combination of the above, would join in their activities but mostly, it was only Pete and Chris.“He’s taking me to a baseball game soon, he said he would talk to you about it,” The young boy said and then, he announced that he was going to bed.“Are you really going to sleep or are you going to read, young man? Because you are already forty-five minutes behind schedule, or did you think I wouldn’t notice?” Myka arched an unimpressed brow at him and he only shrugged.He was about to answer when a very British voice chimed in, startling them both.“Christopher Charles Bering-Wells!”Helena was now standing behind the couch, hands on her hips as she glared down at her son, still sprawled on the couch with his head on his mother laps. Myka twisted her neck to look back and she smiled at her wife.“Hi honey, I didn’t hear you come home,” She said and she saw Helena’s stern features soften, until a smile broke on her face, gentle and full of love.“Hello my darlings. I just came back, because I went to see Claudia and it took a little longer than expected but none of that explains the fact our son is still up at almost one hour past his bedtime?” Helena asked as she made her way around the couch, coming to sit next to Myka and moving their son’s legs onto her lap.“We had a long and interesting discussion, it took longer than I thought it would but you’re right. Come on Chris, off to bed with you.” Myka gently ordered and the young boy groaned a little. One glare from Helena sent him off upstairs to brush his teeth and Myka took the opportunity to kiss Helena.It was a soft but sound kiss, the kind that meant welcome home, I love you and I missed you all in once. When they pulled away, Helena was panting a little and her eyes were gleaming with something passionate, a familiar kind of anger that made Myka laugh a little.“Patience honey, we need to put the little devil to sleep first,” She said but she still leaned forward to kiss her wife again, a little more playfully this time.“Tease,” Helena mumbled in the kiss but she answered nonetheless, throwing her arms around Myka’s waist to pull her closer. They lost themselves in the kiss for a little while but then, their son’s voice echoed around the house.“Mooooom, muuuum, I’m ready!”They broke the kiss and laughed heartily.“Come on, honey. Let’s go put our son to bed and then, I am going to show you exactly how much I missed you,” Myka whispered to Helena’s ear before moving up from the couch to walk towards the staircase.She took in the sight of a slightly breathless but very aroused Helena and smirked.After one last promising wink, she then disappeared upstairs.
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