#i am thinking so many thoughts holy shit 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫
Eve is just a toy to everyone, Olivia, Agatha, Claire... you name it
She's always blushing and squirming and Agatha whispers dirty things in her ear, while Claire is leaving marks all over her neck... Liv is not the most patient person though, so soon enough there's tentacles tearing her clothes off (after all, she's just a toy, why bother? Claire can buy more thousands of these (but Liv will tear those too))
all anon has to say is Eve gets overstimulated very easy, so Agatha's magic will help her not pass out or anything (if she needs punishment for example), just so she can cum over and over for her owners
Ohhhhhh anon you are definitely onto something here!
Eve who initially had a one night stand with Claire after hitting on her at a bar not knowing who she was, and Claire running with how innocent Eve still can be, despite all the porn/life experiences.
And then enter Agatha, who drags along her friend and fellow science/magic fanatic because the MOMENT she found out Claire found a toy to play with, she wanted some fun.
Liv's tentacles wrapping Eve up, not entering her holes, but moving back and forth over her clit, forcing Eve to ride and grind and beg to be able to cum... Though she never gets permission.
Her owners want to punish her, and she's lucky if she has ten minutes outside of subspace.
Eve embraces her new status, however, once she's fully come to terms with what's going on -- she hadn't realized how desperately she had been longing to just be used and abused like this, but now that she has, her legs are always open to be of service to her owners.
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anatheyma · 5 months
Oh. You want to know how I would do it? Well, hang on there because this is going to be a long one.
I've thought about slicing your throat but that's just plain and fucking boring. Also, you have a really pretty face, so wasting it just doesn't seem proper. Cutting through the pretty pale skin on your thighs sounds way better, though. Hearing your happy whimpers when I cut deep enough to make an opening gap, pouring the thick and dark blood all over your fair epidermis. I'll probably be hard already, since I don't think I have that much self control when it comes to your pretty crying face. I like to make you believe that I'm just playing, you know, that this is only one of our many twisted games. That I'm not going to hurt you any further.
But of course, I lied.
Seeing your eyes filled with desperation when I plunge the blade too deep into your flesh, dragging it down your virgin muscles as you squeal in pain and uselessly try to move your leg away from my grasp. But, since it's not your lucky day, you'll just annoy me enough to bash your head against the floor with one of my big hands, covering all over your cute face and muffling your terrified screams. You'll probably try to kick me so I can let you go or even scratch my arms too, but that's okay; I like when my prey fights.
Once you notice that I am, in fact, not playing, you'll surely drop the though guy act and start begging. Sobbing and crying, asking me to let you go. Promising me that you won't tell a single soul about what happened.
But we can't let you go just like that, can we? There's a lot of worse things that are awaiting for you, pet.
first thing i read waking up and uh. and. the. um. so. WHY DO I FIND THIS HOT WHAT'S WRONG WITH ME this scenario alone is better than sex! holy shit!!! what could possibly be "worse" ? 😵‍💫
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word-wytch · 1 year
*Stalky fanperson word vomit incoming - you have been warned*
Firstly, I wanna say that I never, ever want to have to wait that long for an update every again. However, I also wanna say that this chapter was so freaking perfect that I’m really glad we had to! 😄 (I actually even managed to make it worse for myself by holding off reading it until I was certain I could give every one of the 18k words the time and attention it deserved, and I’m really glad I did - it’s utterly glorious!! 🥹) Congratulations on your summer-long work coming to an outstanding conclusion 👏👏👏
I wanted to do that thing that people do where they share their favourite sections, but I’m not even kidding when I say that if I did that I’d literally be copy and pasting the entire thing. Every. single. paragraph is literal poetry, art and/or a story in and of itself. You are a linguistic maestro, and I now have a new life goal of producing even just one line that comes even close to painting a picture like yours do (that’s the stalkery bit - I’m aware that this probably sounds a bit creepy 😬😬😆)
Also: me, before reading: OMGthey’regoingtokissOMGthey’regoingtokissOMGthey’regoingtokiss 🥹😃🥹😃🥹😃
Me, after reading: Ican’tbelievetheykissedIcan’tbelievetheykissedIcan’tbelievetheykissed 😱😱😱🤯🤯🤯
I still can’t quite believe they actually kissed, even though we all knew it was gonna happen. I thought maybe at some point one of them (r, most likely) would pull back and it would end as a heavy, emotionally loaded cuddle, or some touching, but damn, they actually crossed that line!!! I can’t wait to see how this affects things in the outside world from now on.
And the longing... The yearning... Ugh, it’s all so perfect! I don’t usually warm to these parts of a story, and even though they’re often necessary and essential I just want it to be over, but with these two? I’m a total convert.
I’m also seriously wondering how many other people have noticed or suspected what’s going on. We haven’t seen them from anyone else’s perspective yet, and by the reaction of the band, and those bits with Bill, I’m now concerned that they haven’t actually been as subtle as they/we think they have been, and it’s all gonna hit the fan realllllll sooooon…
(Plus, is Bill gonna be a problem? I said: is Bill gonna be a problem ? *raises one eyebrow and drops a closed fist into an open palm*)
I LOVE the being good/bad for each other internal battles that they’ve both got going on, it’s exquisite and so beautifully balanced, and adds a really special layer to both characters as well as the overall story.
Oh, and the song choices?!?! Puh-leeeeeze, SO PERFECT!!! 🥹🥹🥹🤩🤩🤩🥵🥵🥵 And Eddie on stage, singing, without his guitar?? I’ve never seen that done before, and it was exquisite!! 🙏🔥🙏🔥🙏🔥
IDK if you do a tag list, but if you do I’d love to be on it (and for anything else Eddie you write 😄). My brain is vibrating with both anticipation for the next part, and anxiety at the even slight suggestion that I might miss something 😵‍💫
‘K I think I’m done, thanks, bye 😆
Holy shit thank you SO much 🥹🥹🥹
It’s heartwarming to see my hard work so appreciated. I feel like “linguistic maestro” might be one of the highest compliments I’ve received so far. I’m incredibly flattered.
Our forbidden lovebirds have a lot of internal and external conflict weighing against them, and I am excited to explore this new phase of their relationship next chapter. As you can sense from the very last scene, they are on different pages when it comes to their attitudes about it. One has a whole lot more to lose than the other, and a whole lot more baggage when it comes to trust and relationships.
Part of what makes this so thrilling imo IS how dangerous it is. You bring up a good point with his friends and outside witnesses like Bill. You’ll certainly be getting hints of how they interpreted that night and what they think about the two of them in general as the story progresses.
I admittedly need to spend some time sitting down with my outline, as I am discovering that I might want to spend just a liiiitle more time (like one more chapter) exploring this limbo phase than originally planned. It’s so juicy being here, finally. The next phase will be even juicier ;)
I had closed my taglist for some time but I recently decided to open it back up and will add you. Thank you, again, so very much. 💕
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fruitylouis · 2 years
How as the show????
(also totally didn't mean to unfollow and refollow you just now...)
oh thank you for asking 🥺 i’m gonna try to make this as short and coherent as possible but it’s just gonna be me rambling fvsjdf
the show was just… magical. louis is magical. uh where do i even start KDJSKF ok. he’s so PRETTY??? i mean wbk but oh my god… photos and videos don’t do his beauty justice!! and of course i need to mention how much tinier he is in person. he’s so so sooo pretty and tiny <3 as soon as i saw him i was like “pixie on stage!”
his voice. how do i talk about his voice? well instagram lives definitely don’t do it justice! we’ve heard him sing live so many times but being there while he performs is just something else. he sounded so so incredible i was in awe the whole time. i mean i know he can sing but he’s been touring for months now and he doesn’t sound tired at all? his voice never falters? it’s actually the opposite? he just gets better and better with every show. and listen. i know nothing about singing but i do know louis’ voice is perfect and one of my favorite things in the world ❤️‍🩹
his band is also SO GOOD omfg i love them. the guitar solo in fearless. holy shit. it was just 👩🏻‍🍳😙👌🏻 michael 👩🏻‍🍳😙👌🏻 ah and seeing the band thank the fans for the show as they left the stage was so cute <3
oh i almost forgot to mention sun room rip. they were so much fun!! when we got inside i was so tired from being in the sun the whole day and then running and climbing stairs but when the music came on i suddenly got all my energy back and more lol ✨
the only thing that wasn’t so great about my experience was my spot ☹️ i was at the barricade but on the right (or louis’ left) and i’m beating myself up for this bc that was CLEARLY not a good spot but my dumb ass thought it was :( then i couldn’t leave bc the middle of the pit was even worse at that point. i’m trying not to dwell on it but it’s hard fjskdf after all i queued for 10 hours :/ (apparently not nearly enough bc a lot of people camped for WEEKS. i kinda hate brazilian fans tbh) and people who were behind me in line got way better spots (including a girl who kept singing the entire 1d discography while we waited. yes i am petty and jealous). i won’t even post the videos and pics i took bc they’re embarrassing 😭 but i watched the show next to oli and krystle lol (and chris too for the first few minutes)
but anyways! LOUIS WAS SO HAPPY!!!! and to think i was part of that… AHHHH 🥺 i mean the things he said specifically about brazil and our crowd just from his FIRST solo concert here… it has already done more for me than therapy! that moment during beautiful war when he just stopped to take it all in??? i almost fell to my knees and started sobbing. i’m proud of making him feel so loved and appreciated 💗 also after last night i can’t understand how there are fans who care about anything other than him???? like. nothing else matters.
i’ve lost 50% of my voice and i can’t wait to lose all of it tomorrow when i see him again hehe <3 i think that’s a nice reminder that i screamed songs i love and have waited so long to hear live :’) i truly had an amazing experience and the thought of him not being back in a few years is even more terrifying now 😵‍💫
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