#i apologize for the lameness
merofthefae · 7 months
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Thank you @simandy for letting me test out your cc! 💕💕 I had fun playing around with it, and I hope I served any justice 😭😭 (there's a reason I don't post my sims lol)
And thank you to the other creators that I've used to make these sims. @saruin @ssspringroll @kikuruacchi @madlensims @trillyke @pyxiidis @obscurus-sim @northernsiberiawinds @simbience @sewersims @evellsims
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zxal · 2 months
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Dennis McField Apology Tour
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andromeddog · 1 year
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nifftylicious · 3 months
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it starts with sorry
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seulgisduwang · 1 year
Dc making jason evil during battle for the cowl and the entirety of batman!dick is an act of cowardice!! Because they knew if jason was friendly with the bats during that time, it 100% will become jaydick co-parenting tim and damian together ☠️ and they can’t let that happen 😭😭
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holographic-mars · 3 months
Cosmos definitely gets hit by asteroids sometimes (my favorite headacanon as a cosmos kin tbh)
Anyway, cosmos probably babysit the cassettes sometimes and has to hide from the autobots while doing it and ironhide found cosmos and the casseticons once cause they needed cosmos for something
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ABSOLUTELY EHE Cosmos is a clumsy bastard and while he bumbles through space he totally gets hit by smaller asteroids and meteoroids on the regular. He’s all dinged up and when he gets hit he just kinda shakes it off afterwords like he didn’t just get mashed by a 40 ton piece of space rock. He walks it off like a champ.
ANYWAYS I love how this sort of reads like G1 so you bet your ass I’m gonna make this G1-esque, no continuity is safe from coswave.
When cosmos ‘babysits’ the cassettes it’s not really cosmos taking care of them it’s more like “hey will you make sure my cassettes don’t set anything on fire? thank you” and then five minutes later the building is on fire and cosmos is sweating hard. Cosmos keeps track of the cassettes in the words lamest hangout sesh when Megatron gets in one of his moods and Soundwave deems the base unsafe for the cassettes.
Cue the cassettes going to find Cosmos to hang out with until Soundwave gives the ok to come back home. They find him, but unfortunately they also find that he is not alone and he’s doing a job with the other autobots, So now they’re all doing a horrible job at trying to subtly get cosmos’ attention while cosmos is desperately trying to get them to shut up and hide before his teammates see them. He can’t risk anyone finding out that he’s canoodling with the enemy!
Eventually cosmos breaks away long enough to grab the cassettes and ask them what the hell their problem is (frenzy calls him a stupid idiot for not noticing them hiding behind the rock sooner and ravage refuses to get down from the tree she’s decided to lounge in), they give a half baked explanation as to what is going on, and now cosmos has to figure out how to keep the cassettes from wandering away from him while also staying focused on his autobot tasks. Ironhide definitely knows something is amiss and has a hunch it might have something to do with Cosmos’ odder than usual behavior and the bush that keeps moving behind him.
AUHF THANK YOU FOR THE ASK this one made me giggle a bit bc the cassettes are absolute hellions and cosmos is over here fighting for his life. He’s got 5 grown mechs half his size trying to topple him over for fun, his ass is NOT winning this battle.
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thegreatyin · 25 days
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completely normal roommates bonding over completely normal things like *flips through notes* murdering each other and having complicated opinions on giant alien bats
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puffywiz · 1 year
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So I decided to go ahead with opening commissions. I'll take 5 slots at a time to start :)
I'll be tagging all commission-related posts as "Inkdipped Commissions" so feel free to block that tag if you don't want those updates. Thanks!
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soizoukoi · 11 days
Just a video of me and my buddy, tispy and living our best lives at a free gig of one of the dopest french pop-rock band from our teen years
🎶 Superbus - Butterfly
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crystalsandbubbletea · 4 months
Regarding the current situation, please do not interact with me and/or please unfollow me if you are defending Wilbur Soot's actions and/or continue to be a fan of him. You are literally defending abuse and there's no sugarcoating it.
Abuse defenders have NO place on my account, and NEVER WILL.
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deep-spacediver577 · 1 year
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lord-squiggletits · 10 months
The crack idea about Pharma and Ratchet hand swapping is something I've mentioned on a Discord server but can expound upon here:
The premise of it is a little shaky bc it basically requires that everything in Delphi proceeds as usual up to Pharma getting his hands chopped off and falling to his "death" and Ratchet taking his hands, but for whatever reason the Lost Light decides to go looking for Pharma's body and pick him up before they leave the planet? So it's a situation where Ratchet has Pharma's hands but Pharma is also on the Lost Light (as a prisoner probably, but still).
But anyways Pharma finds out about Ratchet taking his hands and is fucking pissed that he didn't even wait for Pharma to be confirmed dead before stealing his body parts. But Pharma decides to be devious about it and is like, "Ratchet get your old hands out of the fucking garbage heap and put them on me, I'll show that all your whining about your hands being shitty is just you bitching and I could do surgery better with your hands."
So they clean off Ratchet's old hands and put them on Pharma, and after Pharma gets some tools to do a tune-ups, an epic contest of hand dexterity ensues where Pharma and Ratchet compete in increasingly silly tasks like surgery (using a dummy or something), fingerspelling with chirolinguistics, writing by hand (Rodimus makes them do his paperwork for him), cooking, insert list of more silly things for them to compete in.
Unfortunately the competition ends in a tie and Ultra Magnus (who probably wrote down the set of rules by which Pharma and Ratchet would be judged) decrees that both of them have to apologize and compliment each other courteously on their hand skill, then swap their hands back.
Pharma is still in prison tho bc he like, killed people lol.
And then there's one last punchline at the end that I'll keep unspoiled for now so that if/when I write this fic, no one will have it spoiled for them the big joke at the end lmao
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bbdoll · 1 year
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konigobsessedcreep · 11 months
König music headcanons:
CW: I am high. It may get nasty horny nsfw. It may not. I'll tag after I finish so I guess wherever it goes God only knows.
*Loves Brittany Spears. I head canon him as being like in his late 30s early 40s so I think he was like ...a teen when Brittany was big. Absolutely was his first celebrity crush
*has a "Free Brittany" crop top
*was pro NSYNC before the JT break up with brit (this happened, right? If not completely disregard)
*loves weird Al
*does NOT understand CorpseHusband (or his copy cats/genre of angry, emo mumble rap.... that makes me ... feel things. Horny things.)
*HAS gotten a hard on hearing Corpse growl and will NOT admit it. Ever. Can't listen to the guy in public.
*no I am NOT going to put corpse husband in the tags I don't want this to ever get back to that man
*he deserves peace
*not COD horny me
*knows too many musical and broadway ost. Not because he likes musicals. He just let's Horangi passenger princess on difficult missions
*doesn't get Queef Jerky
*but will be polite about it
*listens to the most vile, aggro, loud metal you have ever heard (all positive, btw)
*loves Powerwolf
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blarsh · 4 months
I have this yandere visual novel I've been wanting to make for years but the best I can do is a google slides presentation
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just realized the Administrator HAS to work every hour that the mercs battle, she's ever so powerful yet has to watch these silly men fight for hours every single day. Pretty lame behehehe
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