#i apparently don't understand comedy because i expect there to be jokes
wastehound-voof · 10 months
My co-worker: "If you go to a stand up comedy show to laugh, you are a complete idiot."
Ok there, buddy.
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darkmasterofcupcakes · 8 months
What are five pros and five cons you would give to Hazbin Hotel?
Gonna start with the cons, because I like to end on a positive note.
The Pacing. This was something I had a feeling was going to be a weakness of the show from the time I saw the trailer and learned that the first season was going to involve the next Extermination, especially when it was confirmed the season was only going to be eight episodes long. The twist in the first episode that the next Extermination was happening in half the time helped a little, but it still meant we skipped over months between episodes, with it being implied important stuff did happen that we just didn't see.
While I think it's better than Helluva Boss in balancing it's main cast (I love that show, but the uneven attention given between all of the main characters is one of the biggest issues it has), it still has some trouble with making all the characters feel fully like "people"? Niffty probably being the biggest example, since I love her, but right now she feels more like a living punchline than a real character.
The tone can sometimes be just a little...off with how it feels like we're supposed to feel. Best example being Sir Pentious death. The characters react to it like it was a serious event, because for them, it was...but the death itself was treated as kind of a joke? And I understand the show is a sort of dark comedy, so to an extent I expect stuff like that. But I think at that moment, the switch from "joke" to "you're supposed to seriously grieve this character" felt a bit too abrupt?
This is a completely personal thing, but as I've mentioned before, I don't love the whole sideplot of Sir Pentious having a crush on Cherri Bomb? It felt like it came out of nowhere, whereas most of the other relationships that seem to be a thing in the show were at least given hints in the Pilot. And it's just another example of the pacing being break-neck, since they had Cherri not show up until episode 6 of 8, and then Pentious dies in the finale, so they had basically two episodes (and not even full ones, just some scenes) to try and convince me of a romance, and, maybe it's just my arospec self, but....I couldn't really get convinced at all.
It's kinda hard for me to really think of issues I really have with the show, so I gotta kinda cheat a bit with this last one, since I can't help but wonder if they would've left the scene out had they known from the start of production that they'd get more seasons, but I personally don't love the whole stinger that reveals Pentious ended up in Heaven after Adam killed him? Not so much because I don't like the idea that he ended up there - I like that part. But I kind of feel like his death would have had a bit more impact if the audience did genuinely think he was gone for good for longer than like...fifteen minutes.
And now for the things I loved about Hazbin Hotel
The songs are arguably the biggest highlight of the whole series for me. I don't think there's a single one that I wouldn't happily listen to, whether in or out of context. From what I've seen I apparently don't have as high of an opinion of some songs as others, but I legitimately love all of them. I don't think there's anything I could say about any of the songs in this show that could be considered anything close to a real critique.
All of the characters are an absolute blast to watch. Yes, some of them don't have the most depth so far, but that doesn't change the fact that I just love to watch them whenever they're on screen? And it's not just the main cast, either. Obviously I love all of them, but even with fairly limited screen time, I found myself absolutely adoring whenever I got to see characters like Carmilla Carmine, Zestial, Velvette, and Rosie on screen. And all of the characters are so interesting and fun to imagine in different scenarios. And since I'm a writer, that is one of the biggest pros a series can have.
While the show is arguably more of a comedy, it is actually very good, in my opinion, dealing with some pretty serious topics when it wants to. The biggest example is Angel Dust's struggles with what he goes through thanks to Valentino, but you also have things like Vaggie's past and how her hiding that effected her relationship with Charlie when the truth got revealed. Or the whole thing of how it's implied most of Heaven didn't know about the Exterminations and that being revealed to them caused a lot of tensions, particularly between Emily and Sera. Or even just the whole thing of how Carmilla discovered how to kill Angels...but doesn't want it to be known what she did because she doesn't want to cause a war and lose her daughters, when the whole reason she learned that Angels could be killed was because she wanted to save them.
The character designs are some of the best I've seen in a long time. It really feels like the team took full advantage of the fact that it seems like there's no set rule for how demons can look in their version of hell, and so they went absolutely nuts with it, in the best possible way. Pretty much every single character has an incredibly unique design, and they're all just so fun to see. It makes the whole world feel so much more alive....slightly ironically considering it's the main setting is full of people who are technically all dead.
Outside of the one I mentioned above, I really like how basically all of the relationships in the show are handled, from the romantic to the platonic to the familial. They are all extremely varied and obviously some get more real attention than others, but all are given enough focus and attention that you always get the sense that the characters care for each other very deeply, especially by the end. And because you feel those bonds, you are even more effected by what the characters go through, because you feel like you're part of that group of people who care for one another. And I love that it also applies to the villains, with how Lute was clearly devestated by Adam's death, following the show indicating they were close, but usually showing them in what seemed to be a mostly "professional" relationship.
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mlobsters · 1 year
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supernatural s7e18 party on, garth (w. adam glass)
their "comedy" music playing in the recap, my loathed. think i'm toasted enough to not be bothered by cringey humor. hopefully. said it in the first episode garth was in, i don't understand why they decided to make him incompetent at hunting. especially when pretty much whenever we meet hunters, they die.
this kids in the woods setup is very teen wolf. isn't it funny how all these jobs keep involving siblings!!!
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DEAN By the way, how is your custard? SAM It's all right. It's getting better. Just wish it wasn't like the damn tape from "The Ring." I mean, I feel like I'm okay 'cause I passed on the crazy. DEAN No, you didn't. You heard what Cas said. DEAN’s phone rings. SAM Let's – let's not. You know what?
i don't remember what cas said that's relevant to this conversation 🥴 that he was sorry he broke sam's wall? no, that doesn't make sense. still dunno
MARIE He's actually a really nice guy. It's just not easy being the axman. DEAN So true.
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(a small chain in the twin cities and my brain went *squirrel* lol)
i truly don't know what joke they were trying to make there. that dean thinks he's in charge?
MARIE He blamed himself when Dale died, and now this. DEAN Why did he blame himself? MARIE Well, Dale was sensitive. But what do you do – watch them 24/7? You can't blame Dale's friends.
"sensitive". if he wasn't sensitive, he wouldn't have gotten eaten by that bear/ghost
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welp guess we know why sam mentioned The Ring earlier. makeup department did her dirty, i laughed out loud. it's like party city The Ring costume and makeup
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same dean, same.
GARTH As in, let's hope for their sake our spirito ain't made it out of the woods. All right. Let's go check it. SAM Uh, you two go. I'm gonna visit the widow.
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nice fake smile, very sibling being an asshole vibes
GARTH Trust me. My special lady has twins. [Goes into the living room] Mr. McAnn? DEAN "Special lady?”
i mean, it's a joke because he's not tv handsome, right. what about hunters can't have relationships? s/hunters/winchesters/
ah so they are gonna let garth be competent occasionally, like suggesting bobby is stuck to the flask.
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good little mockup here, very detailed
SAM I mean, can you even get drunk anymore? It's kind of like, uh, drinking a vitamin for you, right? DEAN Shut up.
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please i'm begging you to stop reusing the template for this thing that has Pass Word. and a login, period!! haha. but also i wonder what compels them to keep changing the desktop background. so mysterious
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here for a new mundane activity they don't ever show, refilling the flask. of course, it's a plot-relevant flask so.
SAM I've already tried contacting Bobby. [DEAN looks surprised.] When that beer disappeared, I pulled out a talking board. DEAN Without me? SAM You know, I figured, why drag you in... when it's something I could just put to bed myself.
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oh honey
DEAN (on phone) There's another kid. Don't think – move.
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i suppose this is an interesting way to avoid a bunch of angsting over bobby directly, but still showing how the loss affected them. dean thinks he's seeing proof of his ghost, sam is brushing him off.
so i've been bracing myself on every goofyish episode, expecting something like the purple nurple episode (s2e15 apparently) which nearly killed me. but fortunately nothing has reached that level.
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domesticmail · 4 years
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importantkidspyfarm · 2 years
Porky's: A Rewatch
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I have this DVD because when I was in middle school I was obsessed with sex and needed to see it or anything remotely sexual. This was always on and I could never watch in full, so I somehow got the double sided DVD. Watched both I & II once. I don't remember much of the plot except a group of guys want to get laid and go to porkys where they are bullied because they are out-of-towners, a girl who's date showed up with a condom already on, and the tallywacker scene. So imagine my surprise watching it umpteen years later expecting a lighthearted poorly aged sex romp only to be met with racism, a lot of it, and a visceral lack of "sex", and a jarring lack of jokes. Like wow. It's really boring. What the hell was happening in the 80's that this movie is what kind of set the standard for raunchy comedies of the 00's? Granted, I am watching this on Tubi and think some sexual content is missing, that said I'm still bored and not laughing. I will be watching two, which involves them taking on the ku klux klan for some reason. I do think I remember a bunch of hooded men in the water. Maybe I'll watch three depends on how I'm feeling after two. Will not watch "4". It was made in '09 and probably has the same energy as National Lampoon movies made well after Jim and Michelle got married at band camp and the Griswold's didn't make it to wherever the fuck they were going.
Apparently, Howard Stern was going to remake these in the aughts, he had the original director or writers blessing. Thankfully, no studio would fund them. I would have no problem with this as long as Stern wasn't behind them and the girls got in on the hijinks, instead of just being objects. They would of course have to be reworked because most 80's raunchy comedies are just sex crimes masquerading as hijinks. In the right hands it could be done.
Rambling Thoughts.
Mostly just me wondering about Anthony Tuperello, affectionately known as Meat.
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I used to think penis measuring would be a bigger part of my life growing up. Like quicksand and dance battles.
Shrinking? How small is PeeWee?
Not the n-word hard R multiple times and then him being corrected and still using it. This white boy can suck my asshole.
Baby doll. You can't infer why a man that big and hot would be called MEAT. To be that young and naive. Was Anthony just gonna take this girl out back and whip out his huge schlong? (Story 💡 )
Princeton!? Meat is the smart one?!?! Innovative for a movie like this.
This is the definition of white people saying, "I can be friends with people who have different political beliefs."
Balbricker should've beat that boys ass. He looks about thirty it's not illegal.
Meat isn't the hot one? Tommy is? Anthony is the one man who makes a unibrow work.
Why are they friends with PeeWee? He's so obnoxious and desperate. Definition of LDE.
I swear I remember Wendy crying about or at least being sad about a guy showing up to a date wearing a condom. I always thought that was really smart for a movie like this to include that. Maybe it was in the second one?
This friend group is 10 people deep. God lord that's too many characters for a movie like this especially because most of them never matter past the prank. They were all happily prepared to run a train. Man the bond of brothers is something I'll never understand.
It's misogynistic, but not as much as I thought it would be. The two main girls they interact with, Wendy and Candy(one scene), have more agency than you'd expect (not much). They both take part in the razzing and jokes. Candy goes down the line and makes fun of each of their penis'. Including Meat. Kim Cattrall's character is known for having sexual relations with the fellow teachers but the coach she's dating doesn't judge her for it. Wendy sleeps around as much as some of the guys and it's not shamed by the guys in her friend group. The bar is in hell but, but it's a movie made in 80's.
Frankie's cute with a hook in it. Okay. Replace both racist ones with him.
Meat is a virgin? Maybe not, but definitely not super experienced.
This prank could be funny but it's taking too long to get to the joke.
Nothing seems worse to me than a backwoods swamp white strip club in the 50's. Sad titties, tetanus, and racism. Yikes.
They drive 70 miles out of town to get laid? Isn't PeeWee the only one of them that's a virgin? If he were a girl this would be a make over movie. He's so unlikable. They should be doing whatever it takes to change his personality.
Porky may be a racist POS but at least he's not letting underage teenagers drink or have sexual relations with his employees. He's in the right.
Kite. It amazes me how even stupid people waste what little brain cells they have on things that don't do them any good.
Not them defending being friends with a racist, to the victim of his bigotry. Not them trying to make Brian feel bad because his racist bully has a shitty father.
Meat doesn't drink? They really said we're gonna change the narrative on the big, well endowed friend. Doesn't drink, not very sexually versed, very smart, not an ass. Hung.
Scholarships to 60 other colleges! Who the fuck is Meat when he's not around his loser friends?
This whole chili thing is gross.
They really gave Balbricker a fat girls name. No offense to Beulah's but. . .
Miss Honeywell saying that she doesn't put out and immediately doing so at the smell of used jockstraps and gym socks is very 'tree falls in a forest' of her. I appreciate it. Soon as it's over and the smell is out of the air, it never happened she's a good Christian girl. She gets her nut and if she can't remember it did she sin. No.
In the one sex scene in the movie the dirty jockie's and socks is doing a lot of the heavy lifting.
The Lassie thing could work but it takes too long to get to the joke and then it goes on forever. And she only sounds like a dog for two seconds the rest is a series of weird screams.
A watermelon and two jelly donuts? The funniest thing said in this whole movie is the response to that. "I'm not taking a shower with him."
Okay but, Tommy's hot. . . I think.
The poor actress who plays the showering fat girl. They owe her extra.
And she's very pretty.
Again! Balbricker wanting to do a penis lineup is funny but the joke is taking too long. This is the one time the overtly long joke works. Watching the two senior players try not to break is worth it. Still too long.
Mickey took his ass out to Porky's two more times just to get his ass beat again and again. What a loser.
Not this movie trying to redeem the racist boy.
Mickey got what he deserved. He deserved more.
This ending is meh. Why did the whole school need to come out in defense of a group of underage teenage boys illegally entering a night/strip club and brothel? Porky is in the right.
Wendy should've ripped PeeWee's dick off and fed it to the gators. That desperate little cretin.
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Yeah, the Tubi version is missing some stuff. I remember more titties and definitely seeing Tommy's dick coming out of the hole. Or maybe I'm confusing it with the parody from The Man Show, in which the dick is pulled and then tied to the hitch of a truck.
I hate that Wendy and Tommy aren't a couple they have so much chemistry.
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famous-aces · 5 years
Marilyn Monroe
Who: Marilyn Monroe (born Norma Jeane Mortenson) 
What: Actress, Model, and Singer
Where: American-Jewish (active largely in US)
When: June 1, 1926 - August 4, 1962
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(Image Description: a photo of Marilyn Monroe by Richard Avedon from 1957. It is a black and white image showing Monroe on a sparkly dress from the waist up. It almost feels weird to describe her, her face is so famous. She is a white pale woman with an oval face and heavily lidded eyes with long lashes. She has full lips with a beauty mark beside them. She is wearing makeup and has her trademark short, curly, blonde hair. She has her arms hanging limply at her side. Instead of posing sexily she looks to be lost in thought, looking somewhere off camera. End ID) 
Marilyn Monroe is The Hollywood Beauty. The quintessential sexy starlet. Even if you have never seen a movie with her in it, you know who she was, a bit like possible aces I have covered before Andy Warhol or Sir Isaac Newton, you can picture her in your mind just by existing in Western popular culture. She has become a part of our communal consciousness. Her life was brief and marked by tragedy below the glitz and glamor. Her biggest role was playing Marilyn Monroe.
She was intelligent, warm, and a gifted actress, but she is rarely remembered for that. She is far better remembered for singing Happy Birthday to her sometime beau President Kennedy and for the scene in The Seven Year Itch when wind from a subway grate blows up her skirt. You've seen it. Really her whole persona was often created rather than who she really was. She was an actress in her real life, unfortunately.
Monroe actually came into the spotlight in the Second World War when she posed for photos for the boys on the front. From there her modeling, singing, and acting career skyrocketed. Until her tragic death at the age of 36 she was among the go-to actresses for those sexpot roles especially in comedies. Her death by potentially intentional drug overdose (discovered by her psychologist) is just one piece of the evidence of how much of her life was hidden, like her struggles with substance abuse and mental health.
She was famous for playing Blond Bombshells and Dumb Blonds.  She was all beauty, glamor, and sex appeal and it earned her millions of dollars. She always wanted to be more though, unfortunately she never really got it. "Please don't make me a joke," she told a journalist, "End the interview with what I believe...I want to be an artist, an actress with integrity...I want to grow and develop and play serious dramatic parts. My dramatic coach tells everyone that I have a great soul, but so far nobody's interested in it." 
She is best known for as an icon and emblem of the popular culture of the 1950s and early 1960s, but her most definitive/important roles include All About Eve (1950) (a small role that would lead to her "discovery" and contract with 20th Century Fox), Monkey Business (1952), How to Marry a Millionaire (1953), Niagara (1953), Gentlemen Prefer Blondes (1953), The Seven Year Itch (1955), Some Like it Hot (1959), The Misfits (1961), and her final film, released posthumously as a short, Something's Gotta Give (1962). She also sang "Diamonds are a Girl's Best Friend" and the very sexually charged "Happy Birthday Mr. President" (just the song here). 
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(Image Description: the poster for Gentlemen Prefer Blondes. It shows drawings of Jane Russel and Marilyn Monroe in red costumes the size and shape of one piece bathing suits that are sheer or pink on top. They have on red top hats and long black and white necklaces. They have black canes and are dancing with one leg upraised. Behind them is a busy Paris scene done in a more cartoony/simplified style. There are musical notes around them. Their names are above their heads in blue.  Below them on a black rectangle it says (in white and orange) "in Howard Hawks' Gentlemen Prefer Blondes [in] Technicolor" below that rectangle but above the studio info in blue it says "co-starring Charles Coburn". End ID) 
Probable Orientation: Mspec Ace
Oh, I am going to get a lot of hate for this one.
And a lot of people are going to show a lot of misogyny and aphobia, be it overt, unintentional, or internalized.  Indeed the first thing the first (allo) person I told these findings to said "but she had a ton of sex!" Yes, that is true, she did, and so do some other aces.
Not to mention that Monroe's relationship with sex was a complicated one. A very complicated one. Monroe had a deeply traumatic childhood (mentally ill mother, tossed between foster homes and orphanages) and married extremely young -- she had turned 16 just two and a half weeks earlier -- to prevent her from becoming homeless and returned to the orphanage after her most recent foster family planned on moving out of state and leaving her behind. Then while working a munitions plant in L.A. she became a model for the troops in World War II, aged 18. From her teen years she was made aware that sex was expected from her, thrust into adulthood and positions she might not have been comfortable with. She was a beautiful woman and people wanted her and she accepted that because it did get her what she wanted.
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(Image Description: the 1944 factory photos that launched Monroe's modeling career, taken by David Conover for Yank Magazine at the Radioplane Munitions Factory in which she worked. Interestingly the commanding officer that sent him to take the photos was Ronald Reagan. The photo shows an 18-year-old Monroe. She is holding a small propeller and is beside some kind of red machine. She is wearing a simple green top and gray bottoms with a photo ID badge at her waist. She wears a wedding ring. She has much frizzier brown hair. She is smiling broadly. End ID)  
Over the course of her life she was in love with and had sexual relationships with many different men and women. That doesn't mean she was sexually attracted to them. Indeed throughout her life she had a lot of difficulty with sex. She didn't like it. She thought she must have been doing it "wrong" and stated that a lot of her sex appeal was applied to her rather than something she felt. She was playing to the crowd. Which makes sense, Monroe was a people pleaser. She desired closeness, she romantically loved many people, I have no doubt, and from the time she was a teenager the best appreciated way to show it was by being sexual. The fact that later in life she had a sexual encounter with a literal 16-year-old when she was 30 shows she had a pretty fucked up understanding of what was appropriate sexually. The 16-year-old was the leader of her fan club, she also had an affair with her acting coach, her first husband was her neighbor who was kind to her. She was loving the people who loved her and was showing it the way society told her to. (On her being mspec, there were several women she had affairs with, including the fan and acting coach mentioned above, indeed it has been speculated she was more attracted to women than men).
No matter how she appeared on screen, she voiced fear that she was broken and frigid to her psychologist (who agreed with her) because she didn't really enjoy/want sex.  The desire of wanting to fix herself and wanting to please the people who loved her and who she may have romantically loved in return. She probably romantically loved some of these people but didn't know how to separate that from the sexual aspect or didn't want to lose them if she did. She was giving them what they wanted and expected and what culture told her was essential to normal loving relationships.
Her sexual "failure" was a subject she returned to often in therapy throughout her life. She had only one sexual encounter she actually said she enjoyed and it seemed to be more of a relief because it made her normal than what she got from the sex itself.
She said again and again that she wasn't the sexpot people thought she was, nobody listened.
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(Image Description: a series of photos from a photoshoot from Life Magazine. It shows Monroe at home in 1953, a huge year in her career. The photographer is Alfred Eisenstaedt [a photographer of whose work I am extremely fond]. They show Monroe wearing a dark turtleneck and checkered trousers. She is in a bunch of different positions and wearing different expressions. Some of these appear candid and others posed. I am especially fond of one in the middle in which she appears to be trying to stop herself from laughing or sneezing. I like to imagine it is the former. It is very human. End ID)
“People had a habit of looking at me as if I were some kind of mirror instead of a person. They didn’t see me, they saw their own lewd thoughts, then they white-masked themselves by calling me the lewd one.”
-Marilyn Monroe
"I never quite understood it, this sex symbol. I always thought symbols were those things you clash together! That's the trouble, a sex symbol becomes a thing. I just hate to be a thing. But if I'm going to be a symbol of something I'd rather have it sex than some other things they've got symbols of."
—Monroe in an interview for Life in 1962 (both of these quotes illustrate that her "sex appeal" was manufactured and applied rather than her own natural state. Her audience made it clear what they wanted and she played to it.)
"A man who had kissed me once had said it was very possible that I was a lesbian because apparently I had no response to males - meaning him...I didn't contradict him because I didn't know what I was... Now, having fallen in love, I knew what I was. It wasn't a lesbian."
-Marilyn Monroe in her autobiography My Story (written 1954, published 1974). (Note that she has "no response". She loves a man, this one or another, but she has "no response" to men physically. That is the only response he could comment on, her physical one. Clearly she feels some kind of attraction to someone eventually, but not sexually/physically. It is the difference between romantic and sexual love. It also shows that homosexuality and asexuality have always overlapped.)
"Primary frigidity" 
-the diagnosis from Monroe's therapist Dr. Ralph Greenson, he worked to "cure" her of this "frigidity"
“Maybe I’m a sexless sex goddess.” 
– Marilyn Monroe to Life magazine journalist Richard Meryman, 1961
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(Image Description: a photo of Marilyn Monroe behind the scenes on the set of The Misfits in 1960, photographed by Inge Morath.  She is leaning across a table and smiling at someone to the right of the frame. She has tired eyes. End ID) 
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sol1056 · 6 years
Can you explain why LGBT representation is so important and why Voltron's negative portrayal of LGBT characters/rep should be scorned as harshly as it has been? I'm trying to prove a point to a friend and they don't get why representation has to be as important as we're making it.
Oh, this is a huge topic, and one I’m not sure I could do justice to, all by myself. Given that, this time I’ll let people speak for themselves. Anyone else reading (and I know a whole lot of you are out there) who’ve valued representation – regardless as to whether you relate to the character as a lived experience – feel free to add your thoughts, or links to any other articles, podcasts, or videos you’re recommend.
Fabricio Leal Cogo, Why Queer Representation Matters
I remember growing up here in Brazil and not seeing anyone like me portrayed on TV—or at least, not anyone with a similarly complex inner life. The few times I saw gays on TV, they were always a punchline in a comedy—a source of laughter. Many people, I’m sure, are probably thinking: It’s just a joke, right?
But representation matters.
It’s impossible to overstate the power of being able to identify with a public figure, particularly when that figure is actually seen in the fullest sense. As Michael Morgan, a former professor emeritus at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst and a researcher on media effects, told the Huffington Post earlier this year, “When you don’t see people like yourself, the message is: You’re invisible. The message is: You don’t count. And the message is: ‘There’s something wrong with me.’” He continued: “Over and over and over, week after week, month after month, year after year, it sends a very clear message, not only to members of those groups, but to members of other groups, as well.”
Uma Dodd, Queerbaiting And The Issue Of LGBT Representation In The Media:
Of the 125 movies released by major US studios in 2016, the media monitoring organisation GLAAD found that only 23 (18.4%) contained characters who identified as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, or queer – an increase of less than 1% from the previous year. … It’s insulting, and often quite disheartening, to be told that you’re only worth the three lines of dialogue and five minutes of screen time that the one LGBT character in a film might have, just because of your sexuality or gender.
Queerbaiting relies solely on subtext and the subsequent interpretation of it by fans, and as a result, creates the perfect paradox: writers are able to attract an LGBT audience with vague promises of representation, implied by the text and often encouraged by the writer, but will then never actually confirm or explicitly show said representation, reducing the amount of effort that has to be put in on their part.
You may say that I’m blowing this issue out of proportion, but that too, is a part of the problem. Because queerbaiting is based on purely subtextual hints, any evidence of it, no matter how blatant it might seem to the viewer/reader, is often insubstantial and difficult to quantify. This allows writers and cast members to dismiss the anger of LGBT fans as simple overreaction and, as a result, makes any legitimate pleas for better representation easier to ignore.
Another by-product that has resulted out of increasing calls for better LGBT representation is implied representation. This is where writers will claim that a character is LGBT but never explicitly show this within the TV show, film, or novel.  This is a method which has been employed by many creators of famous franchises, and it allows them to insert that token bit of representation which makes them look good, without ever actually providing said representation explicitly … Not only does this result in LGBT characters, once again, being shoved into the background – and often killed off for shock value – it raises the question: is this kind of representation good enough?
…Whilst any representation of non-heteronormative characters is a good start, this way of representing us can’t be allowed to become the norm – we deserve to be explicitly shown in the media as much as anyone else does. We need better representation and we need to be shown that not all LGBT characters have to remain in the closet, because what kind of a message is that sending to those young people out there who are currently questioning their sexuality?
B. Whiteside, 6 Reasons It’s Important to Have LGBT Characters on Children’s TV Shows:
A recent study by the Williams Institute at UCLA revealed that nearly 6 million adults and children have an LGBT parent. There are more than 125,000 same-sex couple households with nearly 220,000 children under the age 18. These children go to school and are active members of their communities. Their identities and home life deserve to be portrayed and represented just as much as anyone else’s.
Being a child can be tough, especially when one can’t identify with anyone around them. There are children and young adults alike who identify as LGBT or have parents who do so. Having content that mirrors their lives can, in fact, save their own. It isn’t always easy for children to articulate what’s wrong or what they need. So it can be a tremendous help to see their favorite character in their same predicament live out their life and truth.
Aristeaus Sizer, We Need To Talk About LGBT Representation, Apparently:
…since Cinderella, there have been 11 Disney princesses. All of which have been heterosexual, and the majority of them married by the end of their film. There is no shortage of straight princesses in this world, so why would it be such a crime for one of them to be LGBTQ? If anyone is forcing any agenda down anybody’s throats, Mary, it is you and your heteronormative agenda.
As a heterosexual, and I don’t mean to patronise here it’s simply the truth, you cannot understand in full capacity how important representation is. Seeing yourself on screen in a genuine, non-caricature form is hugely validating. When I was a kid I thought being gay was like doing drugs, it was a fun choice you made when you wanted to spice things up, and that all came from the films I had seen and how sordid LGBTQ people were portrayed as being. Then, later on into my teenage years, I thought I’d never be able to show public displays of affection without violent repercussion. Again, this was because of the media I had consumed telling me this. Films and media may not dictate our personalities, but they tell us how much of it we should hide, and the implicit message when you have an entire franchise of heterosexuals is that anything other should be kept underground, out of sight.
…we’ve been everywhere for so long you’ve just never noticed. Primarily because every movie and every advert and every t.v show and every animated cartoon is packed to the brim with straight people. LGBTQ people deserve representation because there’s far more of us than you think. … To you, it’s just a gay Disney princess where there could have been another straight one, but to someone that princess is the validation they needed that they aren’t some abomination or sinful mistake. They’re valid, they’re wonderful, and they have every right to love and be loved.
Danielle Cox, The Importance of LGBT Representation in Media:
[In 2016, GLAAD’s annual] shows the highest percentage of LGBT characters on our televisions … [but] when more than twenty-five of those characters are killed off in the same year, we know there is still a lot of work to be done. In fact, GLAAD President and CEO Sarah Kate Ellis released a statement saying, “When the most repeated ending for a queer woman is violent death, producers must do better to question the reason for a character’s demise and what they are really communicating to the audience.” When this ending is repeated in show after show and character after character, we can’t help but think the message they are sending is about the worth of our LGBT characters or rather lack thereof. 
James Dawson, The importance of LGBT visibility in children’s books:
I was unaware gay people even existed and, when puberty hit, found myself more than a little lost. I so dearly wish there had been just one book with a character who was a bit like me – just a normal teenage guy who happened to be gay. I would have especially loved one whose sexuality did not define him.
I just know that had there been a diverse range of people like me in books when I was growing up, I wouldn’t have felt abnormal for all those years, which I see now, overwhelmingly, I am not. In 2014, it’s my hope that all young LGBT people can see themselves in fiction and recognise there is a place for them in the world.
Palmer Haasch, “Yuri!!! On Ice” and the importance of positive LGBTQ representation:
Despite my resigned certainty that I was about to be drawn in by the potential of a queer relationship only to be disappointed for the umpteenth time, Yuri!!! On Ice managed to exceed all of my expectations. In the end, the show delivered a thoughtful portrayal of two men developing a deep and trusting romantic relationship that provides LGBTQ viewers with representation of queer individuals being happy together above all else, which is something that we desperately need.
For me, it was the first piece of entertainment media I had seen that didn’t present queer individuals as “other,” but allowed them to simply freely love and exist. While watching, I didn’t have to worry about whether Yuuri or Victor would be outed in an unsafe environment or if Yuuri was going to be unfairly judged on the ice because of his sexuality like so many real life figure skaters have feared in the past. Rather, I fretted over when they were finally going to kiss (because really, it was a long time coming) and if I was ever going to get to see the wedding that was hinted at by their matching gold rings.
Although it is true that the discrimination-free world of Yuri!!! On Ice isn’t realistic (yet), it can help reassure queer individuals like me that they can experience love in the same way as anyone else. At the same time, it provides a glimpse of a future where being queer doesn’t mean being “other”. And that notion is something that I will always work towards and protect.
Additional reading:
Why Visibility Matters
Make Them Gay: Why Queer Representation Matters
Why LGBT Representation Is Important In Media
We Need More Than Visibility
Why It’s Important To Make More Diverse LGBT Films
Queer Representation in the Media
Why Television Needs More LGBT Characters
Importance of LGBT Representation
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mtvswatches · 5 years
Crazy Ex Girlfriend 4x17 I’m In Love
Click here for previous recaps!
Stray thoughts
1) So… they’re doing a big reveal where Rebecca will tell who she has chosen right in front of everyone they know? Now I’m kind of hoping she chooses herself (although please please let her be with Greg!) because if she is about to choose one of the guys then she’ll be breaking the other two’s hearts in a very uncalled for manner…
2) Oh, Tim, what’s going on with your life, dude? First, the vibrator song, and now he’s happy not to be spending Valentine’s day with his wife…?
3) Dream ghost!!! Because Rebecca, in true Rebecca fashion, had another poop attack and fell asleep on the toilet… Dream Ghost is going to tell her about her future. Will we get to see what Rebecca thinks her life will be like if she chooses each of the three men in her life?
4) Oh!!! This is her future!!!
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5)  That was a cheap trick, show. You got me. Because she’s now imagining her future with Nathaniel and Josh…
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…and she’s not entirely happy in any of them.
5) Oh, god, I knew going into this I’d be an emotional wreck but I wasn’t expecting to be crying by minute 6. There’s just something about watching Rebecca shouting in her own face, demanding to know why she’s not happy. I think I know the answer. I think she just has to choose herself, I think the title of this episode is about Rebecca finally choosing to love herself first and foremost, and above all.
6) And she got the answer, straight from the horse’s mouth…
REBECCA: Tell me. Huh? Tell me why you're so sad. Why aren't you happy with Greg? Huh? I mean, what's wrong with him?
REBECCA 2: There's nothing wrong with Greg. Or Nathaniel or Josh. They're all wonderful.
REBECCA: Okay, then why am I not happy, with any of them? Don't… don't I love them?
REBECCA: You do love them. The problem is, you don't know who you are.
7) Is working at that firm the best fit for Paula if she can’t take the cases she wants to take?
8) Hmmmm.
JOSH: I just want to be in love. Get married, have babies. I'm ready now. She has to pick me.
This really sounds like Rebecca could be replaceable. He’s not talking about wanting or imagining all of these things with her, he just wants them.
9) George has great plans for his future. He’s growing a ponytail. Nathaniel, on the other hand, seems to have nothing going for him except the possibility of Rebecca choosing him. I kind of wish they had brought up the fact that he was bored with his job before the finale?
10) I love them. I’m gonna miss them so much.
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11)  I loved this!
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There had been some references to how Rebecca creates the musical numbers in her mind but never had we seen if the other characters were aware of what she does or how they react to it. it was a small moment, but it felt like a huge pay-off for four seasons of storytelling in the form of musical comedy.
12) This medley ruined me…
I was a sobbing mess all throughout, I was crying and trying to sing along, and each song brought up so many memories and feelings. I knew I wasn’t emotionally ready for this episode, but damn, I really wasn’t ready.
But thankfully, I also laughed…
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13) OMG TIME JUMP!!! And we can tell thanks to George’s lustrous ponytail!!
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So her big decision has nothing to do with choosing one of the guys? But what happened on Valentine’s day a year ago?! And everyone’s there except for Nathaniel, Josh, and Greg, or so it seems...
14) Good for you, Valencia!
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15) April adopted Hebecca, and she and Darryl are having a baby!
16) Was… Rebecca… masturbating in the hot tub?
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I wouldn’t put it past her, and we know Hector is already very acquainted with how much she enjoys self-gratification, but this would be going too far, even for her…
But… let me say that as much as I love the joke, I can help but feel that Heather was underused even in the finale.
17) I did really enjoy the whole back-and-forth between White Josh and Rebecca. She had no idea what had been going on in his life – two massive fires, apparently – and he admitted to never quite liking her, which is absolutely true.
18) Now, this is what earns a “Respect” as a response…
PAULA: The thing is, is, uh and I say this with so much affection, um, either we do this, or I quit.
BOSS: What?
PAULA: I love this job. But I am not gonna walk around with a hole in my heart because there are people out there who need me and I'm sitting up here on my ass in a fancy suit. I have to be true to who I am inside. So. Thanks. I loved it here. Bye.
BOSS: Paula, wait. Let's talk.
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19) Nooo. It can’t be him. It has to mean something else…
Which brings us to another person. The person I care about very much. And he's really the reason I'm here. Josh Chan.
I really hope it only means that he’s the one who gave her the courage to find out who she is or something, or I’ll be pissed off.
20) OH THANK GOD! It wasn’t him.
21) $80 dollars a month, Rebecca? I guess she still continues to be terrible with money.
22)  Josh has a girlfriend. I hope he doesn’t mess it up this time.
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23) And it’s Nathaniel’s turn now…
NATHANIEL: You don't, you don't have to explain. You only get one life. And you got to live that the way you want. I think everyone deserves that.
I’m really proud of Nathaniel. He truly came such a long way, and even if they are not together, his love for Rebecca had such a wonderful impact on him – he became a better version of himself because of it. I was absolutely floored by how mature and understanding he was, I wanted to hug him so badly.
And he quit his job and he got a job at the ZOO! TALK ABOUT A DREAM COME TRUE!
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25) What a wonderful moment!
PAULA: What are you doing?
REBECCA: Uh, sorry, nothing, nothing.
PAULA: No, that's not nothing. That's You're staring off into space, like you do. You do that a lot. What's happening when you do that?
REBECCA: I don't want to tell you. It's weird.
PAULA: Oh, come on, any weirder than the many, many weird things you and I have done since we met?
REBECCA: I've just… I don't know I've never told anybody, except for the Dream Ghost and Dr. Phil.
PAULA: What?
REBECCA: What the hell? Okay. When I stare off into space, I'm imagining myself in a musical number. That's how I sometimes see big moments in my life, as musical numbers. And because I do that, so does the show. And by show, I mean the very popular BPD workbook acronym, "Simply Having Omniscient Wishes.” So, yeah, I see myself in these songs.
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26) Paula is suggesting that Rebecca should write down the songs that she creates in her mind and that’s what I’ve been saying all along!!!
27) Oh my god, here come the waterworks again…
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What an amazing reprise and what a great way to bookend the story! I’m crying but I swear these are happy tears! It’s been such a long time since Paula and Rebecca stood holding each other’s hands outside a party and singing about how Rebecca should go after Josh. And here they are, still holding each other up through thick and thin and being each other’s person. It’s such an amazing moment for so many reasons. I can’t help but be in awe at such a wonderful portrayal of female friendship. It’s amazing that the person that helped Rebecca figured out what she wanted to do was Paula. It wasn’t Josh or Nathaniel or Greg. It wasn’t her therapist or her mother. It was her best friend, the person that’s seen her at her best and her worst and has accepted for the wonderful, weird, chaotic mess that she is. This scene also conveys a much more important and impactful message – that all you need is, well, you. It’s all right inside you. You just have to be ready to find yourself.
28) Oh, the wonderful, wonderful callback!
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29) And her break-up with Greg did not feel like a break-up at all. She was basically telling him that she couldn’t be with him right then. And even though he said he wouldn’t wait, he’s still single… I swear to god, I’ve been dreaming of a Settle for Me reprise, and if they deliver one I’ll probably die.
30) It was so fun to see Rebecca working hard and learning how to sing and play instruments and write lyrics. But this part was what really got to me…
REBECCA: I came to this town to find love, and I did. I love every person in this room. Each and every one of you.
I’m so happy she finally realized that! That’s what I’ve been saying all along. She’d always been so worried about finding one person or one thing that would make her truly happy, and there were so many people and so many things that did it for her and she just couldn’t see it.
31) Oh, wow…
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32) What a wonderful ending to a wonderful series! It truly was everything that I had hoped for and more. I really wanted the end of the show to be about Rebecca, self-love, and self-awareness, and the show delivered that in such a beautiful and moving way. I know I’ll cry every single time I listen to that medley! I was kind of concerned about the heavy emphasis on the rom-com aspect of the show in the last few episodes, but I’m really glad that was put on the back burner and it was left kind of open-ended – although I’m positive wherever she is, she’ll end up with Greg. This weird, wonderful show has meant a lot to me, and I can’t wait to revisit this story. I’m glad Rachel and Alina got to tell their story the way they envisioned it, and I think it was a terrific idea to end the story sort of media res – just when Rebecca was about to start a new chapter of her life.
I’m too emotional right now to properly convey exactly how much this show means to me and how impactful and groundbreaking I thought it was for many different reasons, but I’m certain the legacy of Crazy Ex-Girlfriend will live on, and I truly can’t wait to see what the wonderfully talented people behind it have in store for us in the future. I know it will be wicked good.
Goodbye, Rebecca. Goodbye, West Covina. It’s been a wonderful journey!
 32)  Hope you enjoyed my recap, and, as usual, if you’ve got this far, thank you for reading! If you enjoy my recaps and my blog, please consider supporting it on ko-fi.Thanks!
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seddm · 6 years
Despite how frustrating this show can be how would you rate the writing quality overall? What did it do right? What did it do wrong? What should've had more focus & what changes could've been made to make this show as close to a 10/10 as possible? I like these types of discussions. I know S4 isn't done but I'd like your thoughts on this before "Curse of The Blood Moon" breaks our hearts. I feel like subverting expectations even if it's bad is common these days & I don't trust the show after LHF.
I’m terrible at making “reviews” or commenting on how something should have gone, but I’m going to try: if I had to rate the show’s writing in a more or less objective way I’d give it a 7.5, probably.
The characters are incredibly solid, as are their arcs (with some exceptions, sadly Pony and Janna never really got any tangible amount of growth despite their screentime): the first problem most episodic series have with characters is backtracking, having characters undergo apparently important epiphanies in given episodes, just for their behavior to barely change, at least until another epiphany moment comes up, while SVTFOE for the most part (it’s not perfect obviously) never shied away from major changes of the status quo connected to major moments of growth for the characters, leading to visibly different behaviors while still keeping the same core personality (i.e. Star is still a person with a tendency to rush things and to ignore painful problems, but compared to her S2 self, her S3 and S4 version greatly toned down these problems, or managed to integrate them in a more mature personality: in Yada Yada Berries Star did rush into things without properly thinking about why someone would try to statueify Eclipsa, but she still followed a trail of leads in an ordered way). Also events never force the characters to grow when they aren’t ready, every major change is preceded by a number of episodes priming emotions and feelings for an epiphany.
The dialogues are for the most part very good, they feel natural and flow easily and never really feel like padding put there because the boarders didn’t know how to get to the segment runtime. 
Comedy is highly subjective: personally I think it improved a lot following S1 (at the time the delivery of the jokes was very hit or miss to me, and it missed more often than not while still managing to be at least endearing), and is on average good. Jokes are not as polished nor have perfect comedic timing as other shows like Gravity Falls, but it still manages to make me laugh.
Plot... that’s probably the weakest part. On paper it’s very interesting, with a lot of interconnected elements at play and a compelling lore, but the payoff often falls short of what could have been. The show shines when it exposes plots in “calmer” ways, such as Into the Wand or Butterfly Trap, but then it’s not as good when it comes to the climax, such as Toffee’s defeat or Meteora’s arc following Skooled. It’s far from being what I would describe as bad, but it’s probably the weakest part of the show, and that’s particularly noticeable in a show that has a somewhat long spanning story.
Romance. I have an incredible number of opinions about this and it’s hard to be objective or write them in an ordered way. To keep things short, I think the show is very good at handling the relationship between characters and romance, especially on account of the aforementioned “developments are never forced but happen when everyone is ready”, but especially in this last season there’s the risk of taking too long for everyone to be ready, dragging thing a bit in a more “sitcom tier” conventional usage of drama. “Teens are dumb” is a good reason for things to take some time, and the character are believably dumb, but I think that with the end of S3 they kind wrote themselves in a corner where they’d have had to immediately tackle and solve a number of love related issues at the very beginning of S4. Since that was impossible, because that’s not the show’s style and because there was plot to happen and a whole new arc for Star, who has to rule her own feelings, we got into a weird situation where things aren’t bad, nor they are properly dragging, but it doesn’t feel like the outstanding love story I considered the show to be until recently. By sidelining the characters’ self awareness about their feelings (with understandable in universe reason, sure) the overall quality of this part of the writing slide down a notch in my opinion. Or, better, it simply became more apparent that the series never really tried to diverge much from an extremely standard serialized TV love story, they just managed to distract me from that this long thanks to the excellent handling of the characters’ and their emotions - something that’s still true, and I hope I’ll be able to keep claiming this even after Curse of the Blood Moon and until the show is over. In a way this last part should put us at ease, further evidence that the show is rather standard in its approach and is not going for any kind of weird and twisted subversion, but at the same time it also fills me with dread because going “standard handling” all the way, even more than it’s currently doing, could spell the end of a huge portion of interest in the series for me, and many fans in the fandom I’m sure. Curse will probably be the do or die episode, giving us strong evidences to gauge the direction the rest of the season is going to take. Fingers crossed.
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ohhkkaebsonggg · 7 years
Uhh maybe 1, 7 and 10 for daddy Jinyoung. I know that prince has a choking kink tbh👀👀 I don't know if requests are still open but rough/dom Jinyoung is the only Jinyoung I wanna know sexually.
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Title: Secrets of the Bedroom                                                                        Pairing:Park Jinyoung X Reader                                                                      Rating:NC-17                                                                                    Summary:After many years thinking your boyfriend was an innocent sweetheart who justenjoyed making love to you, you found out about his little secret of coursefrom non-other than BamBam. You decided to try and get Jinyoung to confess tothis little secret of his to see if it’s true or not. Instead you woke a sideyou probably shouldn’t have.                                                                            Prompts: ❝You’ve always been a slut haven’tyou?❞ | ❝Don’tmake me say it again.❞ | ❝Openyour mouth.❞A/N: Myfirst Jinyoung smut which makes me happy because I LOVE THIS BOY SO MUCH. AlsoI have my recent post here. Enjoy reading!Smut GamePost: hereWord Count: 4K
Dating ParkJinyoung comes with its pros and cons. It took a while for the fans to comearound yours and his relationship but eventually you two could live in peaceand go out together without controversy. The hate wasn’t so bad at first, a fewnasty tweets but it had progressed and led you to breaking up with Jinyoung.
That wasthree months ago but one late night he came crawling to the poor side of town,banging on your door at three in the morning begging for you back.        
You had to,there were things said that night that he won’t admit to saying now since itwould hurt his pride.
But it’sokay, he may have been drunk and not remembered it…but you did.
You decidedto tag along today with Jinyoung at the studio with the other members whilethey practiced their routine. You always loved watching them dance and movearound freely and even just mess around. Jinyoung always encouraged you to joinin but you weren’t exactly the dancer.
You weremore there for comedy relief and the food transporter aka you go and bring themlunch and dinner so they don’t miss practice. Of course you loved to teasethem, saying they had to do laps or something before you go and get them theirprecious food.
It was alljokes, you would never actually deprive them of food, knowing how bad it canaffect someone’s life when they don’t eat or skip any meals. Hence why youalways buy extra, to make sure they all eat enough. Mark always ended up eatingleft overs though.
Now you satin the studio, seven members now down to three. Mark and Jackson went homesince they had been here since early hours, Jaebum had a date and Youngjae hadthings to do. Which sucked because that meant Jinyoung was stuck with themaknaes.
Who weren’tdoing much except playing around and giggling, even trying to get you involvedin their game but you just sat down and watched. A big smile on your facefading when you saw how frustrated Jinyoung was getting.
“Babe, doyou want to go home yet? I’m tired.” You fake yawned and stretched your armsover your head while standing up and gathering your things with him.
“See youguys later!” You said waving to the two idiots that were now left in the studioto continue fooling around. Jinyoung wrapped an arm around you and pulled youinto his side, kissing your head softly while mumbling a ‘thank you.
Once againyou ended up back in the studio the next day watching the boys rehearse overand over again. Upside you got to hear their new track, downside you heard itthe past 50+ times you think it’s given you brain damage. The loud musicpounding in your ears and feeding your head ache.
They finallydecided to take a break, all of them covered in sweat. They had been workingharder than usual because they really wanted to do this comeback well. Which isunderstandable and okay for you. Just as you got up to grab your bag and walletto go get them lunch Mark stopped you.
“Y/n, stay.I’ve already called someone to come deliver our food. You can relax.” You smiledand thanked him, you would have had no problem going to do it. If it meant nothaving to hear the song anymore you would. It wasn’t bad it had just beenplayed over and over again.
To be fairtheir comeback stage was nearing and so was MAMA2017. You sat back down andBamBam joined you, your gaze set on your charming boyfriend in a sleevelessshirt. His thick arms on display for you which made your mouth water.
“Did youknow Jinyoung is actually really kinky.” BamBam suddenly blurted out, thenagain did BamBam ever have a filter? You raised an eyebrow though, did he?BamBam knew everyone’s secrets and crap so it wouldn’t surprise you if this wasslightly true.
“Apparentlyhe likes to do the whole DDLG thing. You know spanking, toys, calling him Daddyand he’s really big on choking too.” Why was BamBam just saying this freely,you were making sure the other members weren’t around hearing any of this.
Jinyounglooked over at you and gave you a small smile which you returned with anawkward wave. The rest of practice the whole thing was on your mind, debatingwhether to believe Bam or not. Debating whether to bring it up to Jinyoung ornot. You now wished that stupid song would play one more time but no.
Jacksonunplugged his phone from the adapter and everyone began packing up their thingsand heading home.
“Shouldn’tyou guys go through it one more time though? You don’t want to mess up.” Yousaid standing to your feet but they all ignored you and left. Jinyoung beingthe last and finally grabbing his bag before entwining his fingers with yours.
Normally youwould have held his hand and walked to the car with him and just felt normal.But after the given information from BamBam you didn’t know how to act.Jinyoung had always dominated in bed, always topping but that’s because youwere a lazy top yourself.
He alsoloved smacking your ass whenever he had the chance but a lot of couples do thatfor fun? He does joke around about going into a porn shop and buying a dildofor you for when he’s not there himself but he usually just laughs at how redyou go and brushes it off as a joke.
Now it wasthe stupid little details that made you start to believe BamBam more and morenow. You wish you could have gone and gotten them food instead of talking toBamBam because now you can’t think or act normally around Jinyoung. He wasstarting to get a little suspicious of your behaviour as well.
“What’swrong love?” He asked as you two got inside, you just smiled and shook yourhead.
“Nothing.Just thinking.” You said, it wasn’t a lie. You were thinking…about Jinyoung’shand wrapped around your throat while he—
“You sure?You look a little pale. Did you eat?” He placed his hand to your forehead, thenhis palm to your cheeks and then using his fingers to find your pulse…on yourneck. Your heart was racing harder than it ever had, your breathing uneven now.
“I feel fineJinnie. Don’t worry, I ate and I guess the food has just made me a littleunwell. Let’s just go to bed and I’ll sleep it off.” You peeled of the dayclothes and swapped them for one of his grey large t-shirts and some redpanties.
Slidingunder the duvet which was a little warm thank god, Jinyoung stunk though so hedecided to take a shower. Giving you a smirk while offering to have you takeone with him but you just told him you were tired and needed sleep.
You playedwith your hands, eyes staring at the ceiling above just thinking it over. Howwould you feel though if Jinyoung was kinky with you? You’ve never exactlytried it but who could it hurt? Tomorrow you would bring it up, but for now yousleep away the nerves.
Jinyoungfinished his shower and came into the room with a white fluffy towel hangingloosely around his waist while he paced around the room to find some sleepingattire. Glancing at your sleeping body to make sure you didn’t wake up from thesmall squeaks and noises he was making while finding clothes.
He slidunder the covers with you, hugging your warm frame before closing his own eyesand drifting off to sleep to the sound of your breathing.
You woke upthe next morning, straight away thinking about last night and the informationyou found out about your boyfriend. You glanced over to see Jinyoung wasn’t inhis spot and instead laid a note in his handwriting in black pen.
I let yousleep off your sickness.
Feel betterprincess.
You sighed,running your fingers through your hair. You really wanted to talk to him, youwere getting more curious than nervous now to just find out once and for all ifyour boyfriend is part of the DDLG community. You two were just so usually openabout sex stuff so you expected him to maybe tell you all of his desires.
You got outof bed and made yourself something to eat, trying to busy yourself all day wasgoing to be hard but easy. It’d be easy because there is a lot you have to suchas laundry, sweeping, vacuuming, washing up, you then could watch a movie andeat lunch and relax a bit before getting back into some more jobs that need toget finished.
And so youdid that, but it all only lasted till 6pm before you found yourself bored andnothing to do. Watching a movie was boring, nothing new or interesting onsocial media, no one was texting back. You were officially out of things to do.
Crackingyour knuckles before grabbing out operation, a board game that was the onlyboard game that didn’t really require two or more people to play. You liked tojust play around and put things in and out of it just to hear the funny noisesthe board made.
As ifsomeone answering your prayers though you heard the front door slam shut andheavy footsteps come into the lounge room. Jinyoung was sweaty but he alsolooked mad. Like he was mad at you or something.
“Hey baby.”You said and he walked over to you fairy quickly. Hands on hips and licking hislips.
“What didBamBam say to you?” He asked, an annoyed tone clear in his voice as he spoke.So that’s why he was pissy.
“Nothing,just stuff.” You said, not wanting to talk about the thing right now when hewas like this.
“Just stuff?You mean my sexual desires. What did he say I have a ‘Daddy kink’ or something?That I like to spank my girlfriend and pull her hair? Fucking hell.”
“Well you’renot denying it.” You stated and he met your gaze once again, his eyes weredarker now. The anger that showed in them 2 seconds ago were replaced with whatyou could only guess and hoping was lust.
“Do you wantme to ‘deny’ it? I thought we made a promise not to lie to each other.” He hadyour back now pressed against the wall as he trapped you between it and hisbody. You could feel his growing erection through his tight jeans.
“So it’strue?” You asked, lips hovering over his. You wanted to make sure it was beforeyou got into it. Silently preparing yourself for what was about to come.
“Good.” Andwith that you smashed your lips into his, hands in his locks tugging andpulling while his own found your thighs and tugged them upwards. Forcing you towrap them around his waist before carrying you upstairs to the room.  
Laying youdown on the bed with a soft thud, you giggled when he covered your face inbutterfly kisses that soon turned to hungry bites and licks along your neck.
“Tonight,the rules are simple baby girl. You listen to Daddy at all times and I’ll letyou cum. You follow Daddy’s orders correctly and I’ll let you cum, you be agood girl and always address me as Daddy I’ll let you cum. If you break any ofthe rules…I’ll put you on edge and right when you’re about to release I’llleave you with nothing.” You nodded slowly at his demands.
You honestlynever thought dominant and demanding Jinyoung could be so hot.
“Good girl,now undress yourself slowly for me.” He was now the one to sit on the bed andwatch you put on a little strip show for him, watching as you grabbed the hemof your shirt and brought it over your head in one swift movement.
“Slow babygirl.” He reminded as it fell to the floor, you hadn’t bother to dress yourselfproperly since you spent all day inside. Your breasts exposed to the cool aircausing your nipples to erect slowly. Jinyoung sucked in his bottom lip harshlystaring at our chest.
You turnedaround, making sure to shake your ass a little as you pushed your shorts down.Thanking the lord, you chose to wear cute underwear, they were a lilac colourand lacey but not too lacey so you could see the skin underneath it like mesh.
“Come sithere baby.” He patted his lap, you didn’t even notice he ridded himself of hisown shirt so now he sat in just his jeans on the edge of the bed. Doing as hesaid you straddled his lap, making sure to have your chest right up in his faceas if asking for him to touch you.
And as if heread your mind, he reached up and cupped them in his hands. Watching as a smallgasp escaped your lips and your hips to grind down on his urging bulge.
“Do you wantme to touch you more princess?” His voice cooed and you nodded, rocking backand forth slightly to create some sort of friction against your needy clit.
This didn’tgo unnoticed by Jinyoung and he had to try and hold your hips still with hishands while he did small kitten licks at the small rosy buds. Soon his lipsleaving them to create purple blossoms along your chest.
“Mine.” Hegrowled, hands snaking around to your back before groping your ass and givingit a nice squeeze in his hands before moving his fingers into the band of yourpanties and swiftly pulling them down.
“Who do youbelong to princess?” He asked, the fabric snapping as he ripped it right offonce it got to mid-thigh on you. You wanted to scold him for doing that, butright now you were too frustrated and aroused to even think about being mad athim.
“Daddy.” Youmoaned softly as his slightly cold fingers came into contact with your wetfolds. Running his index finger right along your dripping slit.
“Who?” Hegrowled, smacking your clit with his fingers causing your back to arch and alouder moan to escape past your lips.
“Daddy, onlyDaddy.” You whined, trying to move yourself along his fingers.
“You’vealways been a slut haven’t you?” He growled once again delivering another smackto your clit to try and warn you if you keep heading down that path you wouldbe in trouble.
“On yourknees princess, you need to show Daddy how much you love him.” You slid off hislap and onto the floor, the carpet warm against your skin as you waitedpatiently.
His beltclinking as he unbuckled it, unzipping his pants and popping the button. Theweight of the belt causing his jeans to fall straight to the floor. You couldsee the small wet spots of his precum through the black material of his boxers.
“Daddy can Isuck your cock?” You asked innocently batting your lashes as you peered up at himthrough them. Your lips slightly pouting and red from constantly biting down onthem to hold back moans.
“Yesprincess.” He ordered sternly and so you opened your mouth, pulling his cockout of his boxers before pushing them down to his ankles. He placed the tip onyour tongue so it sat in your mouth slightly.
He was warm,you could feel his protruding veins thumping against our tongue as the bloodrushed through them and towards the tip that was leaking precum onto yourtongue.
“Open upnice and wide for Daddy, he wants to make sure you take all of him while hefucks your pretty little mouth.” You did as he said and opened up a bit morebefore a started sliding himself into your mouth.
A breathymoan leaving his lips followed by his head rolling back and his fingerstangling in your hair to push you down onto him. You gagged slightly as his tiptouched your throat, wanting to pull back on instinct but he kept you there fora few more seconds.
Pulling backuntil only the head of his cock sat between your lips before shoving himselfback in. This continued, his hips snapping forward them withdrawing. Keeping asteady pace as he fucked your mouth clean.
His tipcontinuously hitting the back of your throat, it hurt yes but the reactions andsounds you were getting from Jinyoung was even better. You had never seen himlike this before, almost whining.
“Shit I’mgonna cum.” He hissed as his pace quickened to chase his high, just as youthought he was going to cum in your mouth he pulled out. A string of his precummixed with your saliva leaving from his tip to your bottom lip.
He sucked inhis bottom lips as the side, wrapping his hand around his cock before jerkinghimself off.
“Open yourmouth.” He ordered and you obeyed, his cum coming out in short ribbons as somelanded in your mouth and some along your cheeks and chin. Some even drippingdown on your chest.
He tuggedwhat was left out of him, watching as it dripped onto the carpet causing a wetpatch to appear.
“Get up.”You stood up from your spot, you had been sitting on your ass and knees whileon the floor to avoid having carpet burn later.
As you movedJinyoung saw he wasn’t the only one who left a wet spot on the carpet.
“Looks likesomeone was enjoying themselves.” He said with a smirk while you turned adarker shade of red.
“Open yourlegs princess.” He said and you kept them closed, wanting to tease him with asmirk playing on your face.
“Don’t makeme say it again.” He warned and so you opened your legs slowly, your lipsswollen and pink. Your clit throbbing and your slit drenched completely, he hadnever seen you this needy for him before and he had to admit. It was a big turnon.
He was quickto swipe his tongue over your slit, the unexpected action causing your hips tobuck up and a lewd moan to leave your lips.
“That’sright princess, moan for me.” He praised as he once again delivered anotherlong stripe up your slit. He continued the slow and unpredicted ministrationsuntil you were practically crying for him. Hands tangled and pulling at hislocks hard as tears stung your eyes.
“Pleaseplease please Daddy, do something please.” You whined, and at your finalbegging command he did as you said. Diving right in and attacking your clitwith harsh sucks and licks before swirling his tongue around your hole andpushing in and out a few times.
Putting youon edge many times, before pulling back and rubbing fast circles on your clit.
“Can I cum?Please can I cum?” You breathed, back arching as you tried to contain yourselfand you tried to keep your eyes open.
“Cum for meprincess. Show me how good you are.” He cooed and just like that you cameundone, tears leaving your eyes as you released your juices that dripped downonto the sheets that laid beneath you.
Jinyoung wasquick to stand up and tug at your ankles so you were now positioned right onthe edge of the bed. His cock hard once again after watching you whine and begbeneath him. He didn’t bother waiting for you to get over your orgasm beforethrusting in and starting a slow and building up pace.
But soonenough he was getting tired of his own teasing and began delivering harsherthrusts, the sound of skin slapping filling the room with your loud moans andhis breathy quiet and choked back ones. He suddenly stopped, a loud whineleaving your lips and just as you were about to protest but flipped you ontoyour hands and knees and went right back in.
It caughtyou by surprise but turned you on so much more as he started pounding into yourlittle pussy from behind, while delivering spanks to your cheeks. Making surethey were nice and red for him. You could feel that build up to your orgasmonce again approaching.
“I’m goingto cum Daddy.” You warned, his thrusts picking up as you said that as he broughthis fingers to your hair and tangled them into your locks while tugging yourhead back before climbing onto the bed so he was positioned on his knees,pulling you up so your back was pressed against his chest.
One handaround your throat and applying slight pressure while the other travelled downto circle your clit, your arms wrapped around his neck while he sucked harshlyon the skin, sure enough to leave marks.
“Cum allover my cock princess, c’mon I know you can.” Your walls clenched at his wordsand you were coming undone around him, body limp against his as you tried tohold yourself up but failed, leaving him to do it while he continued to pounduntil he reached his own high.
You couldtell because his thrusts were getting sloppier and his choked back moans weregetting louder, his hips stuttering as he coated your walls with his seed.Stopping his hips finally and pulling out before laying down under the coverswith you.
“How comeyou never showed me that side of you before?” You asked snuggling into his sideas he ran his fingers over your arm softly.
“I justthought you would think I was weird or something.” He admitted and you lookedup to meet his gaze.
“Jinyoungyou’ve always been a weirdo in my eyes, but you’re also the one I love and Iwould never judge or think you were weird.” You then kissed his bruised lipssoftly, snuggling back down into his side and falling asleep in his arms.
You wereslightly mad at Jinyoung the next day, your marks obvious and he just had todrag you to the studio once again. Resulting in your having to wear a scarfthat went right up to your chin. You walked in and sat down, earning looks fromthe other members as they saw your obviously large scarf.
“Y/n is alittle sick. So she needs to stay warm.” Jinyoung covered and the others seemedto buy it, BamBam came over and sat next to you. You held a stern and annoyedexpression with your arms crossed over your chest.
“Don’tfucking ask.” You said with vexation dripping from each syllable.
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