#i applaud this post perfect delivery
geothewriter · 7 months
ATLA Live Action Thoughts
Well hello there! After letting the events and creative choices of the Live Action ATLA show absorb for about 24 hours after finishing the series, I think it's time to put my thoughts to the page.
Yes, that was a mouthful of a sentence. Sorry about that.
To start things off, I loved it! Did I love every single part? Not exactly, but the creative choices and how everything was weaved together? YES! It felt exactly like a fairly well-put-together fanfiction for me. It incorporated loved pieces of the show while warping them slightly to fit within the creator's vision.
Now, we all like lists right? I know I do, so let's do some listing.
The Good:
The CGI for the fights was pretty well awesome alongside the choreography for the scenes. While some fights lacked a bit of depth (Katara vs Pakku) and certainly could have had more oomph with more length, I can still appreciate them for what they are.
To add to that, the bending looked freaking awesome! The earthbending had a signature ..crunch to it, water flowed, fire was punchy (though had one small bit to be desired - I'll address this later) and air was flighty.
The CGI creatures were great IMO. Momo was a little gremlin, which fits him perfectly. He was still cute in spite of his gremlinosity. Appa - I absolutely loved him. I think he's as good as he could possibly look in the media. He's still a ten-ton flying monstrosity of a bison, and he's perfect. He's fluffy. He's Appa. OSTRITCH HORSES! They were awesome and looked like living dinosaurs - nuff said.
The acting and line delivery, while rougher in the early episodes flourished as each episode went onward and the kids got more comfortable/experienced. You could really tell they were giving it their all, and I applaud them! Awesome work on their part!
Storytelling - the combination of different episode topics together flowed rather well! I really enjoyed them putting together the things they did.
And now for a bit of a read more for spoilers.
The storytelling was rather well done, especially things like adding Omashu, Jet and the freedom fighters, and the Mechanist (as well as the cave of the two lovers) together. Overall, it played well, and I'd like to think it was a good approach NOTE: This is from someone who is actively adapting the series in my own fanfic, and I can see aspects of that approach in the adaptation. I love to see it!
Ozai playing his children against each other is probably one of my favorite aspects of the entire thing! He's a manipulator in this version, which if they were going to have him on-screen rather than the ominous shadow emperor, then I think this was probably the only choice. I loved it.
The not good not bad:
Nudging the story in a darker direction was a choice. I know I just spoke at length about how I liked the creative choices and I'm not sure how I feel about this one. As someone who's throwing a lot of trauma at the characters in his fanfic, It can be a lot. To have that on screen is difficult since it can end up hiding characters' sense of being if not handled correctly.
Katara - in the animated show - always a go-getter, filled with righteous anger, not backing down, and strong-willed Katara - in the live-action show - fairly timid, but slowly growing over time into her strength of will. I wasn't a fan of the vision of Katara early in the season, but by the finale, it was starting to feel like her. (I still wish her fight with Pakku was better)
The family of Aang, Katara, and Sokka - I've seen quite a few posts talking about how they don't feel like a family in the live-action. In the animated show, after rewatching it recently, I feel like they didn't really grow toward a family unit until after the North Pole. They were good friends traveling together. Yes we had the line from the Southern Air Temple of 'We're your family now' but I don't think I truly felt it until season 2. Don't get me wrong, they were close, but I didn't get those true bonded feels until S2.
Iroh felt like Iroh half the time, and the other half, I'm not sure who he felt like, but it wasn't in a bad way? Like, we explored a different part of him. With his first interaction with Aang, we even saw him as the reluctant Fire Nation general. As he still was at that point. I can appreciate the change and don't mind it a ton.
Bumi. I think I've decided that Bumi was where Katara's righteous anger went. He doesn't immediately forgive Aang for disappearing, and then reappearing. Bumi has fought a war for a hundred years and has had to deal with ALL THAT for a hundred years. To say he'd be prickly is an understatement. Honestly? He has no reason to forgive Aang. I don't mind this change - though he could've toned down the dickishness IMO.
Katara's bending progression: In each episode of the show she improved both in skill and strength, when finally she fought Pakku, she used self-developed techniques. Those are the traits of a master bender. While we don't get to see her training with Pakku, or demonstrating that she truly has mastery over the element, we get shown that she has indeed grown immensely. A few extra training scenes would've gone a long way, especially with Aang.
Speaking of Aang. Aang had no water-bending training along the way north :( I would've liked to see that, but it's not a deal-breaker.
The bad/meh- Let me preface this by saying I still love the show. There were a few moments that were lacking though (and one that was meh throughout):
Katara. Where were your responses in some of those interactions? You sat there and listened (which in some cases is a good thing for someone expressing their emotions) but didn't respond when you could have/should have! I feel like we missed a bit of her character when we lost some of her in those. It's not enough to be a truly detracting piece of the show, but I should say that I wasn't a fan of that choice.
Roku was a bit...too unserious. He was the serious avatar in ATLA (in terms of brooding and wanting to help guide Aang.) He...got the Bumi jokes. That was an odd choice. I hope they revisit him in the future and he is able to redeem that aspect.
At the end, during the scene at the North where Aang gives himself over to the ocean spirit, I didn't really like the idea that the avatar was lost to the spirit. I also didn't like the "I need you" from Katara. Not from a shipping perspective, but from a character perspective. In the animated show, Katara spent a lot of effort showing that Aang is her hope for a better world. In the live-action, that wasn't there, so that line seemed out of place.
Hmm, four negative points. I'm sure there were more, but none are springing to mind at the moment, so perhaps I'll edit this later.
Final thoughts.
I need to stress that the likeability of the show hinges heavily on how you approach it. If you approached the live-action hoping for a perfect retelling of the ATLA story, then you are going to be severely disappointed. If you instead approach it for what it is - an adaptation of the story, with nudges events in one way or another, and includes new approaches, then you'll love it. I went in expecting a fanfiction type of show, and I think I got more than expected. The kids gave this thing their all, and it shows! Everyone showed improvement through the episodes and by the end really fell into their roles.
I certainly hope the future has another (2) season(s) lined up because I'd love to see what twists and turns we're in for.
Oh yeah, and scarf. I liked the scarf scene. There is no shipping bait in Omashu.
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anyseany · 1 year
Hiiiiii May I request threesome couples between Ateez and SKZ?
I don't know if I understood your request correctly, please contact me and let me know if I did the right thing, I don't know if you said trisal between skz and ateez, I mean yaoi, or if you spoke to y/n together. Anyway, here it is, I'll do it again if I did it wrong.
🩰this is my first ask, so excited, hope you like it, took me three days to write and edit, didn't post before because of work, sorry 🩰
words: less than 3k
Hongjoong × Y/n × Bangchan
minors do not interact.
mentions: corruption, explicit sex, nicknames (babe, girl, doll, kitty…etc), polyamory, established relationship, threesome, mentions of other idols, (I don't remember more things)
There you were, leaving your ballet class, and as always the luxurious black car was waiting for you, and smiling like never before, you entered it, spotting chan at the wheel, impartial and serious, but your face lit up when you entered in your sight.
" Babe, how was today? " he asked calmly, watching you close the car door.
"Great, oppa, great! I got that jump I was practicing, you know if I did it I'd be cast in Odette next month! And I did it!" You were radiant, and chan loved to see you happy doing what you like, just like he did.
" My princess is so hardworking. " He stroked her head and her heart warmed completely. "You deserve gifts, love." You smiled sheepishly, putting on your belt and finally getting your hair out of that tight bun.
" I'll call Hong to meet us at the mall. " he said changing the entire course of your normal route.
" Bae, it doesn't have to be today, Hong-oppa had a work to present, right? " You said worried, but chan didn't care much, starting the car after texting her boyfriend and starting the engine.
" And the girls in your class? " chan knew your difficulty with your classmates, they all looked at you the wrong way and you didn't have any friendship, and well, they didn't like you.
"You know, they hated it, they gave me the dirty look, and some complained about being a sidekick, the swans on the lake."
" I'll be in the front row, to applaud you love. " You blushed and felt the weight of words, you had to be perfect. " Did you warn Woony?"
"as soon as I found out I was cast." He nodded.
Woony, or wooyoung, her best friend since high school, one of the only ones who understood and supported her relationship with men.
You didn't take long to enter the mall and the major left dragging you to any store he knew you liked.
You loved getting gifts, but sometimes the older ones took the joke too hard and you felt bad, even though you knew it was one of their forms of love.
"that skirt would look great on you babe." Chan pointed to a light blue plaid skirt, it was really beautiful.
" It's really beautiful. " You said appreciating the fabric.
Little did you know, there was an attendant behind Chan, as succinctly as he asked, picking up any and all pieces you showed interest in. - the purchases would only arrive later, so as not to arouse suspicion.-
"those leg warmers, don't you need new ones?" He said looking at his already worn ones.
"Oh, these are so comfortable, and I'm already attached to them." You said rolling your calf to look at your worn warmers.
Chan agreed, but motioned to the attendant without you seeing, implying that he wanted two pairs of space heaters.
After leaving you seeing Langeris, he claimed to be taking a call from Changbin, and walked around the store talking on the phone, but in fact he went to the cashier to pay for the purchase and delivery.
Chan was a music producer, extremely renowned and well known, so he had a great income. Hongjoong graduated in music production, but you met chan first, through mutual friends, you were taking Korean classes when you met felix, and he introduced you to the class, chan caught your attention right away, it didn't take a few months for you to be leaving and falling for him. When you entered college, you met san and mingi, the three got lost on campus on the first day of class, and finally, after meeting the whole class, you found yourself in love with the music production veteran.
You had never been through something like this, two men similar and at the same time different, Hong had youth in his veins, he took you to the beach at night on his motorcycle, you had that youthful and eternal romance, something that would never end, a romance that would go through everything and everyone.
Chan completed you like a kindred spirit that was born for you. He completed you and made you sigh like no other guy, you wanted to marry him, and you wanted to be the most perfect wife possible.
But they both had a problem -or solution- they had the same, same fetish. Daddy kink, with a dose of pet nicknames and love gifts, as long as you're a good girl.
Sex is a gift, if a guy, calling you princess, girl, honey, love, bebe, babygirl, is a paradise, imagine two fucking guys talking, eating and touching at the same time. You don't have good durability with them, not with the two together. Especially when Hongjoong would make you reach super stimulation and chan would fit that wonderful biceps around his neck or big hand, making you come instantly.
The deal was, a couple like any other but with one more member, no jealousy or "You spent more time with him than with me." The three of them were mature and well-resolved adults, in two years they never had a single fight, except when you were jealous of whores hitting on your men, then you argued with them, it was a torment in the boys' lives. Hong enjoyed it while laughing, and chan always broke up the fight.
" Yes, number 127, seventh floor. " chan confirmed the address of his apartment, and all the attendants stopped to see the strange movement of the handsome man.
"Hyung!" Chan turned around seeing Kim at the door of the store, with a black backpack on one shoulder and with the outfit completely stylish. " Where is she? "
" I'm fine hongjoong, thanks for asking. " chan joked and kim laughed. " I left her at the Langeris cession, but I'm going to call her. Oh, you didn't see anything. " he said while pointing to the cashier, and the smaller one made an ok with his fingers, while both went out to meet him.
" Babe! " You let go of the pink Langeri when you heard Kim's voice, and going towards him, you threw yourself into the man's arms. "Congratulations, love."
"Let's eat to celebrate, shall we?" Chan said and you all nodded.
"Y/n, that miumiu skirt that you want so much to be at home." You just fell off your restaurant chair when you heard that.
" hong, it's too expensive, I said I'd wait for it to come down. " You complained but he shrugged.
" You know it's not a problem. " You sighed and went back to eating.
This conversation had already been broached by you, who had made it more than clear that you didn't want to be benched or floated in gifts from the boys. They understand, but they can't help it, spoiling you is a pleasure for them, and they know you're not that well off.
You work at night, study in the morning and dance in the afternoon. She shares an apartment with two other friends, and before meeting the boys, she only bought new clothes twice a year. This makes them want to take care of you, give you what you can't, you work so hard but earn so little, you deserve to live in as much comfort as possible. That's why they agree to give you things during your birthday period, since it's a plausible excuse, or when you do something they're proud of, so they can use the "You deserve it" tactic.
"It was for your birthday, but since you got the part, I'll buy you something else you want." Hong concluded. He wasn't as well off as chan, but he lived with Seonghwa, worked at a game company as a creator, and didn't earn that badly.
Chan came back humming all the way, kim fiddled with his cell phone and sent audios to mingi. And you looked out the window at the landscape, thinking about how tired you were from the afternoon.
It was already night when you left the bathroom at Bang's house, both of them in the living room waiting for you to do something the trio likes.
"Are we going to watch a movie?" You asked innocently, seeing them on the couch as lazily as possible, not taking long to sit between the two.
"Actually, princess, we wanted to show you something." Hong started by gaining his attention. " we will show you that you must accept everything we have and want to give." His tone of voice wasn't so friendly anymore which made you shiver slightly.
"From now on, it's Daddy. That's if you want to come, of course." Chan spoke getting up and stopping in front of her, smiling "room, now."
You promptly got up and went to the guest room of the place, you could mess up as much as you wanted and you wouldn't be in such a hurry to clean it.
You climbed into the big bed feeling men's gazes burning into you, you feel tiny whenever that happens.
" Look at her, so obedient, and she still thinks she doesn't deserve to win things. " Chan said walking towards you, running his hand through your hair and caressing your face, he didn't beat around the bush as he took his hand over your intimacy of the pink pajamas, making you jump slightly. "So sensitive. And already incredibly wet." He began circular motions as he bent down a bit to look at her face closely. The furrowed brow and slightly open mouth was what he expected to find. " Your little face, fucking baby. " He felt his cock come to life inside his sweatshorts, his hand held the man's wrist, his nails dug into his skin, and the audible moans began to appear. "Already girl? So stupidly weak." He released her pussy in a throbbing fashion, the interrupted near-orgasm made you whimper aloud, watching the man pull away every second.
"Daddy…" you called, but chan just pulled his own shirt off his body and took off his shorts, leaving only his boxers.
" shhhh princess… papa hong is here. " hong spoke in your ear while hugging you from behind, already in the same state as chan. " so beautiful, my sensitive princess. " he said while you rested your torso on his thin chest, kisses down your neck, kim's big hand going towards your breasts over your blouse and caressing them. It didn't take long for you to be without your blouse feeling your nipples being hotly squeezed by the bigger one, making you whimper even more. By the time Kim was sure you were even wetter -reaching down your shorts- you knew what was coming.
" Y/n, here. " Chan said and you felt the other's arms release your body, and quickly you went towards chan who was sitting at one end of the bed. "You already know what to do, don't you? My girl is not only a pretty head, she's smart too." You hit on the compliments, didn't know you were so lacking in them until you met the boys. Chan pulled the dick out of the black fabric, and encouraged you to put it in your mouth. "Fuck…that" he growled when he felt the tip being sucked, and his face reddened with his innocent expression finished him off. "The way we train, love." He encouraged and you took it further into your mouth, returning to the base feeling the man tremble with the movement, your hands holding while you had fun doing it.
You weren't the biggest fan of oral sex, so much so that you didn't know much, but chan made you particularly enjoy doing it on him.
Chan moaned as you swiped just the tip of your tongue like a kitten.
Feeling two other hands on your ass, you lifted yourself up slightly, feeling something between your legs and hong's hands pulling your shorts to the side.
It was inevitable not to moan when the bigger one's tongue hit you full on, if his grooves were on your thighs he licked, if they were concentrated on your pussy he sucked as if it depended on it. You and chan were in sync with the moans, your tears streaming down your face, making you even more adorable.
It wasn't long before the three of them were in bed, chan between your legs sucking you once more in the night and hong giving you his dick to suck while lying down. "You shouldn't look that way while you suck me, that's not something a princess does love." He said raising an eyebrow. " Oh, I forgot that when it comes to dick you become a whore, don't you? " He drew her lips with the tip of his cock and buried himself in her again. " Hyung, I want to fuck her." Hong spoke and you squeezed chan's fingers that were inside you.
Hong switched places with the older one, getting between your legs and pulling you closer. Your broken face and the marks around your neck were charming just like you, but when kim thought about opening the condom you whimpered.
"Daddy, cum in, in!" Hong smiled being accompanied by chan. " inside is it?" You nodded desperately
"The little bitch wants to get full? I bet you drool lasts five minutes." He laughed at you discarding the condom and entered with everything in your intimacy thrusting roughly, surely your belly was already pulling even when chan was eating you, so you wouldn't take long.
"Daddy…" you called, but chan just pulled his own shirt off his body and took off his shorts, leaving only his boxers.
" shhhh princess… papa hong is here. " hong spoke in your ear while hugging you from behind, already in the same state as chan. " so beautiful, my sensitive princess. " he said while you rested your torso on his thin chest, kisses down your neck, kim's big hand going towards your breasts over your blouse and caressing them. It didn't take long for you to be without your blouse feeling your nipples being hotly squeezed by the bigger one, making you whimper even more. By the time Kim was sure you were even wetter -reaching down your shorts- you knew what was coming.
" Y/n, here. " Chan said and you felt the other's arms release your body, and quickly you went towards chan who was sitting at one end of the bed. "You already know what to do, don't you? My girl is not only a pretty head, she's smart too." You hit on the compliments, didn't know you were so lacking in them until you met the boys. Chan pulled the dick out of the black fabric, and encouraged you to put it in your mouth. "Fuck…that" he growled when he felt the tip being sucked, and his face reddened with his innocent expression finished him off. "The way we train, love." He encouraged and you took it further into your mouth, returning to the base feeling the man tremble with the movement, your hands holding while you had fun doing it.
You weren't the biggest fan of oral sex, so much so that you didn't know much, but chan made you particularly enjoy doing it on him.
Chan moaned as you swiped just the tip of your tongue like a kitten.
Feeling two other hands on your ass, you lifted yourself up slightly, feeling something between your legs and hong's hands pulling your shorts to the side.
It was inevitable not to moan when the bigger one's tongue hit you full on, if his grooves were on your thighs he licked, if they were concentrated on your pussy he sucked as if it depended on it. You and chan were in sync with the moans, your tears streaming down your face, making you even more adorable.
It wasn't long before the three of them were in bed, chan between your legs sucking you once more in the night and hong giving you his dick to suck while lying down. "You shouldn't look that way while you suck me, that's not something a princess does love." He said raising an eyebrow. " Oh, I forgot that when it comes to dick you become a whore, don't you? " He drew her lips with the tip of his cock and buried himself in her again. " Hyung, I want to fuck her." Hong spoke and you squeezed chan's fingers that were inside you.
Hong switched places with the older one, getting between your legs and pulling you closer. Your broken face and the marks around your neck were charming just like you, but when kim thought about opening the condom you whimpered.
"Daddy, cum in, in!" Hong smiled being accompanied by chan. " inside is it?" You nodded desperately
"The little bitch wants to get full? I bet you drool lasts five minutes." He laughed at you discarding the condom and entered with everything in your intimacy thrusting roughly, surely your belly was already pulling even when chan was eating you, so you wouldn't take long.
" Pa-papa, more.." you held Hongjoong's arms that squeezed your waist, digging your nails into it. "Didn't I say you couldn't handle love? Why did you insist?" he joked, pretending to be sad.
It doesn't take long for your body to tense and you cum hard over kim. The same didn't stop with the penetration even with his spasms and his clear overstimulation "once again love, why do you have to accept everything, like a good kitten, do you hear?" No, you didn't hear it, in fact it had been a while since your head was just empty, when your insides began to tug more often you had no doubt that you were on your high again. "fuck, the more you come the more you squeeze, such a good kitty." And taking his hand to make circular movements on your clitoris, you reached your orgasm even stronger, feeling Hong come along with you. " Damn baby, so good… you want the whole collection from miumiu? I'll buy the fucking store for you. " chan laughed, listening to the older one burying his face in his neck and filling him with kisses, while sticking all the sperm that thought about coming out of your interior.
" Ah Hong, so you left little to enjoy. " chan pretended to be upset, while he saw the smaller one come out of you and hear you whimpering for being empty. "You know how sensitive she is after her second orgasm."
" Sorry Hyung, it was stronger than me. " kim smiled, putting his underwear back on and leaning down to kiss his lips calmly while whispering several promises of love. " all yours."
Chan got up from the chair he was sitting on and walked towards her. " he's so rough, isn't he love?" You didn't answer, still absorbed in the feeling of relaxation, and chan found it adorable. "don't worry, you know i'm affectionate." He removed her pajama shorts carefully, but left the blouse short, lowering the front and exposing her breasts that he loved so much. " Hmmm, how about some cockwarming after that round of bae?" he asked and you whimpered, this time pulling him close by the chain he wore around his neck. " inside, daddy. " chan couldn't smile more with his words, his little cloudy eyes meant everything to him. " ok, daddy will be inside, don't worry love. " kissing you in the most affectionate way possible " turn over, kitten." Getting off of you, you got up getting on all fours in front of the biggest one, who circled your waist with an arm keeping you in place, after all you couldn't stay because you were limp and without strength. "So love…" chan instructed bringing his torso up pasting his back on his chest, taking his time to fit his penis in you and starting with slow and deep thrusts, making you sigh beautifully, chan's dick extended like never before and it left you completely filled."my doll is tired even to moan, isn't it?" You mumbled a "yes daddy…" which Chan so heard because he was close to your face.
Passing his forearm around your neck, like a lion choke - which didn't squeeze at all, just held you - he started to fuck you harder, making you sway and try to lean on the big biceps wrapped around his neck, your moans came back, and chan vocalizes shamelessly, making you even wetter. Ignoring the youngest who mocked by saying "then ask me to take it easy"
"Daddy" the moan woke chan to realize that you were close, circling his free arm around your waist, he kept the pace, you felt so tiny with him holding you like that, so vulnerable. Turning your face towards him, you can see the clenched jaw, the deep breath and the vein in his neck bulging, but when he turned his attention to you it was the end, just with his steady gaze, you came, shaking strong and squeezing him inside you, chan kissed you smothering his own and your moans as he came together, holding their bodies so they wouldn't collapse.
Some time later, you were clean, in new pajamas, sleeping like never before in the oldest's king size bed, while your two boyfriends stared at you like it was nothing.
"What are you going to do with the gifts?" Hongjoong asked staring at the older one.
"Give some now, some later." He shrugged. " I don't want her to feel uncomfortable. " Kim nodded in agreement. "Oh, why don't you try to take it easy on her? You know, sometimes I want to go hard but I feel sorry that you've already done so much." The youngest smiled guiltily, scratching the back of his neck.
" I can try, but I don't promise much. " chan nodded, accepting that their moments alone are more conducive to this.
But the conversation was interrupted by you, who screeched in agony, not feeling any of the men at your side.
" Daddy!" She called sleepily without even opening her eyes, hearing both men reply in unison "Lie down, now… chan encircle his waist and Hongjoong's legs entwined with his.
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anissapierce · 9 months
Listened to the podcast version of arthurs special someone bc i find adaptation very interesting ... Also i rewatched the ep too after its a better story imo: this readmore isnt a joke this post has enough detail to warrant it
Ratburn on the phone "peonies?" And then wht was said on the tv version "pink or white? Pink is so....ok yes white is regal" (im parapheasing"
Patty mentions a spot on silverware being why the silverware needs to be taken back at the sugarbowl.
In the podcast there's no hulk-ratburn no hippymorph no ratburn reading cats book after Baxter n buster attempt to manipulate him into it. In the tv episode there's visual of neruda book but it isnt mentioned in the pod.
Their plan in the tv show always involved Ratburn n the librarian (Paige Turner) so francine went to the chocolate shop w arthur. They bring up buying chocolates for a librarian and a teacher. Patrick says some of my favorite people are teachesr n librarians.He says he hopes love wins out.
In the podcast its buster and arthur and only bring up buying chocolates for a teacher. And the line delivery of "some of my favorite people are teachers" is a lot more wink wink nudge nudge than in the show. He says he hopes Love Wins and again theres emphasis on that line which is cute.
In the podcast after class they (buster,arthur,francine) give ratburn the chocolates saying they found them in the coatroom(ratburn says "aww patricks chocolates how sweet") and bring up how it's probably secret admirer who really likes him and he says "quite so". He tells the kids to take the rest of the chocolates bc hes "happy to share the sweetness". When doesnt care abt knowing abt who the secret admirer is the kids deflate.
In the talking to the audience segment the kids talk abt how they thought up the perfect "love match" for ratburn and how its ms turner. And how they tried to figure out a plan to get them together. The part thats the same is the kids trying to get ratburn to the library to go to an exhibit.They talk up how Ms Turner is so great. In both he says hes too busy but asks if they could return a Pablo Nureda book. Francine gets the idea to do something.
Theres a poem slipped into the front of the book, and francine brings that up when bringing the book to ms turner. In both versions theres tons of misspellings. In this version as she reads she brings them up, and at the end says that she thinks Ratburn knows how to spell "library" and says she doesnt think this note came from him. She brings up how she applauds an effort to spread love, and gives her the same book thats in the tv episode about writing poetry.
In the tv show muffu and buster are going to the library to return the book while buster and arthur have set up a display with chocolate. Ratburn was supposed to come but muffy reassures them she has a plan. She gives the book and note and we the audience see it. Moments later while the group is together ms. Turner gives muffy the beginner poetry book.
Objection plan is the same and ends up the same.In the podcast all the kids arrived together. In the tv show its arthur whos unsure, in the podcast its francine.Patty addresses everyone when she arrives about how Ratburn sees the kids as a part of his family so that makes them family too. In the show it was only francine and she got a hug. In the podcast Patty talks about how hard it was to find an eggshell colored teny, didnt happen in the show.
Podcast doesnt include Rodentia. But in the podcast when they find out its patrick they say " we love that guy" and are pretty happy. "If patrick could make a chocolate cake this delicious he could surely sweeten mr ratburn up" The kids mention hitting the dance floor before getting a pop quiz on weddings. (Compared to the tv show where it ends on the kids saying teachers shouldnt dance and it pans to Ratburns bad dancing)
0 notes
dower · 2 years
The end of cheap
Well, it's been fun I suppose, at least since about 2010, but it had to come to end.
Cheap maybe only served its own purpose. And at what cost? Pollution, over-consumption, waste, global health catastrophes, climate change, crime & corruption, and the deaths of millions caught up in the machine. Aside from an important rise in living standards for the those traditionally living in poverty, the real winners here are emerging economies with the concentration of power into the hands of the corrupt few.
But, as the era if cheap comes to an end, what does this hold for us. And, of course, the compounding effects across multiple areas has created a perfect storm for many to fall back into suffering through poverty, unemployment, living conditions, health issues, and deep financial mire.
The land of no more
No more cheap money due global issues; war in Eastern Europe, problems in China, and panicky markets. Gone with that is cost of retirement, which just got a whole lot more expensive due to the double whammy of high inflation and wobbly financial markets.
Cheap energy has gone, too, electricty prices have quadrupled, oil and gas gone mental - thanks again Putin-cock. It will likley never return as Climate Change is critical and needs paying for, most likely from fossil fuels, ergo distorting the energy market. Energy is used in everything, from making the steel in your car to transport for your grocery deliveries.
Cheap taxes? Yup, they've gone too, with Conservatives acting like big-government Labour and the need to fund a post-COVID world plus pay down astronomical debt after 2 years of COVID. Taxes permeate through to both reduced income and increased costs as margins get squeezed.
Cheap cars? Definately gone. The combination of post-COVID material shortages, inflation, decreased money-supply, increasing regulation plus the shift to electric is bad news for those returning cars on cheap £150 a month leases and even worse for those who buy cars.
Cheap food? All but gone; Ukraine/Russia, costs of shipping, drive to lower carbon-impact production and a move away from animal to plant-based diets is having a huge impact at the tills.
Cheap consumer goods? Rising costs in China and increased transportation costs means these aint so cheap anymore. Can you even buy an iPhone for delivery before Xmas?
Cheap housing? Well it was never cheap, what with a 20%+ rise since COVID struck but houses are expected to fall back 7-10%. But with mortgages north of 5% now (vs sub 1% 2 years ago), the buy prices might stay flat but the monthlies are jumping horrendously.
If it’s the end of cheap, does expensive mean better, or just plain expensive. I don't mind the end of cheap if it ushers in a period of quality - and restrained consumption.
Quality over quantity is to be applauded; buying a pair of shoes that last longer than a season, a phone that still works five years from now, eating food not drenched in fertiliser … these are all laudable aims and dovetail nicely into overdue societal changes such as; reducing carbon footprint, buying local, making stuff last, ending single-use materials, cutting packaging and transportation waste, sustainable farming, and many many others.
However, those that stretched when life was cheap and drenched in plenty probably don't think the same. Those born after 1980 will likely not know what's hit them, many reliant on fast fashion, cheaply processed food, Chinese-made household plastic tat, and limitless cheap credit might not recognise what’s coming.
A new normal, much like the older normal but wildly different from the most recent normal. WTF is normal anyway.
0 notes
broadwayandnetflix · 4 years
Overprotective, Much? - Bill Hader x Reader
Theme: Fluff + Angst
Warnings: Sexual Terms, Language 
Summary: You and Bill have been secretly dating for two years now, only to complicate things one night when you partake in a very risque sketch unbeknownst to him?
Word Count: 2.8k
A/N: Ahhh Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays! This was a request sent in by @berkmansbabe​ I really hope you enjoy it! And it somehow fits what you were asking for! Have a good rest of your year everyone, hopefully 2021 is better? 
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It was nearly four in the morning the last time that you checked, and you were almost half asleep over your laptop. Squinting one eye open, you gazed around the room to find a selection of your coworkers staring at you with little smirks.
"You're drooling, Y/N," one voice calls out; it had to be Mulaney's.
"Okay, you didn't have to tell her that!" another one chimes out, Jost?
Furiously you wipe the drool that was currently dangling from your chin and give the two the meanest glare that you could possibly muster.
At four in the morning, Tuesday's were the worst. Okay, well, technically, it's Wednesday now.
Mulaney only smirked before sliding a post-it note your way. You grimace, reading the details of the message scrawled out in what appeared to be Jost's messy script.
P. G. A. D, weekend update, orgasms onstage.
You practically gape at the note in awe; you were a writer, weren't you the one who was supposed to write this shit? Not perform it.
"Um, I'm not complaining, but isn't this more up Kristen's alley?" you protest, trying not to sound whiny.
"She's on vacation this week, and honestly we think you'd be perfect for it." Jost says matter of factly, giving you a small smile.
"Fine," you sigh before flopping back onto the table to get some more sleep. Earning another chuckle from the boys.
It ate at you all week, but I mean, you had the potential. If anyone would understand your feelings, it'd be Hader. His anxiety always got the best of him, and it hurt you to still see the man so stressed and uncomfortable.
Often, you'd be the one to find him after a sketch, rubbing soothing circles into his back. While he stares off rigidly into the curtain, he was fantastic at his job; it just didn't sit well with his anxiety. Although you knew it followed him home, into the late hours of the night, disappointment settling in.
It wasn't public, but the two of you had managed to make things work for the past two years. You had met Bill back when he had first arrived at 30 Rock, as you had gotten hired the same year Mulaney did.
Seth, who was practically your best friend at this point, could tell within an instant that you harbored a small crush for Hader. Often picking at you with little side comments that'd make you stammer and feel your body heat up in embarrassment.
For some time, you didn't even realize that Bill had reciprocated your feelings until he asked you on a date. The two of you curled up back at his place while he showed you some of his favorite movies, it was nice, and the rest was history.
The only problem was, it was safer not letting the rest of the group know about this advancement. God knows what they would do to Bill onstage with sketches...you didn't wanna know.
Alongside the fact that the two of you had quite a bit of an age gap, it wasn't that big, but you knew that Bill often internalized the seven-year gap between the two of you. You were only twenty when you had started at 30 Rock while Bill was twenty-seven. You loved him nonetheless, but you could tell it made him stress a little.
So you both kept it a secret, although you were pretty sure that Meyers and Mulaney knew at this point. While Jost continued to remain oblivious towards your little endeavor.
For this sketch in particular, maybe it was best to keep this one secret as well. Rarely did you ever perform on the show, and you wanted Bill to be proud.
Seth, who had been motivating you all week, motioned you into his office early Thursday morning.
"Okay, just spoke to Lorne about this, we're gonna fit you into one more sketch due to Kristen's absence." you nod apprehensively.  
"It's the easiest thing ever, all you have to do is sit there with Franco, and Hader, and read the cue cards about environmental issues. Keenan will cut you off, and you should be good." Seth explains before giving you a quick thumbs-up, causing you to smile slightly.
"God I am so nervous, is that normal?" you admit as Seth sits back into his seat.
"Oh my god yeah, it is not always easy going up onstage like that, but trust me you have the talent and potential. Lorne hired you for a reason, I'm sure if you brought this up to Bill he could give you a few tips on how to release stress." Seth replied as he gave you a warm smile.
You nodded, thanked him for the advice, and began heading back towards the writer's room to help the rest cut the left-over sketches that you all had mulled over during that week. Only to run straight into someone, their hands instantly going out to hold your shoulders steady. 
"Oh I'm so sorry I didn't even see where I was going!" you yelp, only to look up and see Bill trying to hold in a laugh. Only causing you to laugh slightly as well at the situation the two of you were in. 
"You okay?" he asks sweetly after taking in your somewhat frazzled state; without a second thought, you shook your head and went into his arms.
"I'm just stressed," you murmured into his chest as he quickly reciprocated the hug and wrapped his arms tightly around your waist. 
"About what?" he replied softly, his hold growing just a little bit stronger, that is until the two of you heard nearby footsteps and quickly broke away. 
A random production assistant walks past while you and Bill clear your throats awkwardly. 
"Uhm, I am actually going on a sketch this week, you're gonna be in the same one actually. It's with Keenan, I just barely ever go on, since I am a writer, you know?" you exhale softly, only to look back up to Bill. Who is nodding furiously in agreement.
"Oh my god, I mean, you know me," he stops to chuckle, "Y/N, I am a literal mess, I mean don't act like I am totally oblivious to you and John changing the cue cards before Stefon sketches." Bill exclaims as you find yourself beginning to smile.
"I mean, it's really cute seeing you break babe," he fake gasps. "I mean you just make it look so easy sometimes even when I know you're stressing out." Bill sighs slightly before meeting your gaze.
"It's not easy, it never is. It's just you learn how to cope over time, if you want I'll meet you at the end of the sketch. Does that sound okay? Just like you always do for me, which I can never thank you enough for." he says, grinning as you slowly nod in agreement. 
Giving you a quick peck on the forehead, he explains he has to go back to his costume fittings and that he'll see you later in the night. 
He always knew how to help. 
You watched anxiously while Seth said the cue that would lead you on stage. Letting yourself take a deep breath, you allowed yourself to block out the situation's overwhelmingness.
 Also, was it always this hot up here? 
With the cue cards coming into focus, you delved into the script, finding yourself ease into it over time. It was comforting to hear the audience laugh at your delivery, often seeing Seth trying to hold back a grin. 
Especially upon the time, you began to describe what made your character Tamara Parks go into orgasms from her specific condition, of Persistent Genital Arousal Disorder. 
"With the help of my physician I was able to find treatment, and today I can say that I am fully-" you let out a moan, trying not to break as you look down. Only to continue on the moaning and the appearance of discomfort as the script goes on. Seth progressively tries not to laugh as well.  
It almost was shocking that you were pretending to be aroused on live national television. Still, clearly, you were doing something right given the reactions that had been intended. 
You began to find yourself grateful for the ability to look down and away from the audience to compose yourself against the fake orgasms you were portraying. Seth's hand leaning to rest upon your shoulder, setting your character's orgasms off even more until the sketch was nearing its finish. The crowd applauded as Seth called you offstage. 
You had let out a breath that you didn't even know that you had been holding the minute you had left the stage. Clearly, you had done the job just as Meyers and Mulaney had anticipated, the crowd going wild, it felt nice, but you also felt like you needed a nap. Many of your coworkers had come up to congratulate you, but all you wanted was just to see Bill.
 Except, Bill and Fred were going up to another sketch for Weekend Update, you had asked a production assistant for some water as you took a seat in a nearby corner. It wasn't long before you had spotted Mulaney from out of the corner of your eye, within seconds; his eyes met yours, and he rather awkwardly stumbled over.
You had to stifle your laughter at how ridiculous he appeared in that moment, his rather tall figure colliding with the floor as he slid down beside you. 
"You did fantastic out there! See, I knew you could do it!" he whispered enthusiastically while nudging you playfully in the side.
The two of you commented on the show's progress and or which sketch that you had written was your favorite. Until your stage manager had motioned for you to go on for your second sketch of the night. John gave you a reassuring smile before giving you a little push off into the side wing you were supposed to enter on. 
The sketch was going well, that is until you felt an intense stare out of your peripheral vision coming from Bill, who was sitting beside you. Instead, it felt more dominant and tense than comfortable and safe as his thigh began to press up against yours. You gulped slightly before Keenan made his way over to you, feeling Bill's thigh against yours, almost making you lose control. 
The skit's premise was that Keenan's character would never let the guests speak, which was probably a good thing as soon as the cameras went off of you; you had to stifle a moan of your own, a real one. 
You were flustered beyond belief, and you couldn't tell why for the life of you that Bill was screwing with you on live television, but he was, and it was working. Of course, you appreciated the man's dominance but now was clearly not the time, except all you could feel was the heat pooling at the pit of your stomach. 
While you were slightly annoyed with him, something about that leather jacket he was wearing was really turning you on. Or the way he did all of this was genuine ease like he wasn't putting you in complete arousal right now was so intimidatingly hot. 
The crowd's cheering almost caught you off-guard as you realized the sketch was over, and Bill and Franco were getting up to leave the stage. You almost had to steady yourself as your legs felt wobbly and out of place, but you managed to maneuver yourself off the stage with as much grace as you could possibly muster. 
It didn't take long for you to feel Bill's hand slip under yours and tug you along to a back room, his taller figure looming over yours with a side of him that you had never seen before. His lips practically hovering over yours as you inhaled deeply and ultimately tried to compose yourself only to stammer your words a little bit.
"Um, heh, what did you do that for?" you murmured quietly so that only he could hear you.
"You really think I would let you get away so quickly with that sketch, I simply had to remind you that you're mine babe, mine." he growled as he leaned down close to your height, whispering the words in your ear. 
Your breath hitching at the contact, goosebumps spreading directly across your skin, and your heart skipping a beat. Except, you were in public, for crying out loud; why couldn't he have waited to save this for the bedroom later tonight?
"I-um, Bill did you forget that this is sorta a live show?" you retort back, stepping away from his slight hold. It finally hits you all at once, "Wait, Bill, are you jealous of my sketch with Seth?" you quickly ask, his eyes widening before quickly denying it.
"What? No of course not since when do I get jealous Y/N?" he says defensively, only to see you start to form a small grin.
"Oh my god you totally are!" you practically yelp, his eyes staring daggers at you.
"Hader, quick change happening for Daveheart in four minutes!" Bobby calls as he walks past the two of you unbeknownst to the little debacle going on. 
Bill's eyes darting between yours and the dressing room, you sigh and motion for him to go-on for how you would somehow resolve this later. After the door closes behind him, you allow yourself to slide down against the wall once again, trying to compose yourself after everything that had just happened.
It doesn't take long for him to find you, this time in a Scottish get-up, you were assuming, and still painfully as ever, you still couldn't help but think that he looked hot, even with his long brown wig. 
He sits down beside you, looking at you with a hesitant look in his eyes. 
"Okay, so maybe I am jealous okay?" he admits quietly, completely catching you off guard. "It's just sometimes I wish we didn't have to have this weird age gap, or have to worry about judgement from others or the press. I guess, just seeing you like that today, it just really made me jealous. Proud of course, I mean babe you killed it out there, I didn't even notice that you were anxious. It's just hearing you moan like that, god that was so hot, the things you do to me." he says, no longer making eye contact as he goes into his little tangent. 
God, you loved him. 
You sigh before wrapping your hands around his, before slowly pushing forward to envelop him in a kiss. He hesitates for a split second before going in at once, his hands reaching up to cup your face deepening the kiss.
It was like a breath of fresh air whenever the two of you had kissed, whether in the late nights after shows and you can see the sunrise. Or in walks home from work, fingers entwined, and quick glances before sneaking a quick kiss, or even just whenever Bill can spare one. 
The two of you pull away, only to catch your breath for a second. Bill's wig now tousled, and his eyes staring at you with admiration that you couldn't help but melt under. 
"You know Bill, I wouldn't change a thing about us. I love you just the way that you are." you say softly, sneaking in a little kiss before pulling away to finish your statement, a small pout grazing his lips. 
"Just maybe not during a live sketch, please?" you giggle softly, his eyes never leaving yours. 
"Hey, Y/N, I just wanted to say that you killed it out there-woah, what's going on here?" Seth calls out, startling the two of you; you moving to jump away before Bill quickly stops you.
"We're dating!" you blurt out randomly, "we have been for the past two years, and its time that we probably tell others about it."
 You clamp your mouth shut, ignoring Bill's jaw-dropping, and focusing on Seth entirely.
"Oh my god I knew it! Mulaney get your ass over here, we've been right this entire time! Hader and Y/L/N have been boning for two years." Seth yells over to John, who was busy cleaning up the cue cards as the show was coming to an end for the night. 
You practically groan, digging your head into Hader's chest in pure embarrassment as Mulaney comes bounding over to cheerfully laugh at your combined misery.
"And to think that Jost said that we were lying about the two of them, guys come on we're gonna go tell Colin!" Seth exclaims, beckoning for the two of you to follow to the writer's room down the hall. 
"Might as well join them," Bill whines as he pulls you off the ground and drags you along after them. 
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stuonsongs · 3 years
My Top 10 Favorite Songs of All Time - 2006 Edition
2021 Editor’s Note: I was looking through some old files and found this thing that I wrote sometime in the summer of 2006 at age 22. For all I know, it could’ve been 15 years to the day! Looking back, I’m not sure how many of these songs would still make my top 10. Don’t get me wrong, I still love all of these tunes, but I’m sure you know how it goes - You get older, you get exposed to more things, and your idea of good music expands. Anyway, I thought it might be nice to share with anyone who still uses this site. I present it in its original format without edits to my writing. I ended up writing full posts in this blog about some of these songs if you go through the archive. 
Stu’s Top 10 Favorite Songs…Ever
Let’s start with some honorable mentions. These were so close, and I thought about it for so long, but they had to be left off.
Honorable Mentions
All Summer Long – The Beach Boys
All Summer Long. 1964. Capitol
This song has been described so many times as being “the perfect summer song.” When you listen to it, you can’t help but smile from the opening marimba intro, all the way through. It just screams “summer” and it hurt me to leave The Beach Boys off my top 10.
Bleed American – Jimmy Eat World
Bleed American. 2001. Grand Royal
So full of energy, so rocking, and so what would’ve been the most recent song on my list. I wanted to keep it in the top 10 just so I could have a song from the ‘00s, but it wasn’t meant to be. When the chorus kicks in, I can’t help but headbang.
Marie – Randy Newman
Good Old Boys. 1974. Reprise
Randy has said that a lot of young composers pick “Marie” as their favorite Newman song, and I can see why. The idea of a guy having to be drunk to tell his wife that he loves her is pretty funny, and throughout the whole song it’s just the beautiful melody with tons of strings, all to a tune about a guy ripping on himself as he comes home drunk to his wife.
Does He Love You? – Rilo Kiley
More Adventurous. 2004. Brute/Beaute
I guess this is newer than Bleed American, so it would’ve worked too. This is another more recent song that it killed me to leave off the list. The outro is an arrangement of the main tune with a different chord progression performed by a string quartet. Very beautiful. Also when Jenny Lewis screams “Your husband will never leave you, he will never leave you for me,” I get chills every time.
So here it is. After a long day’s work, I’m finally finished. It actually turned out much different than I was thinking when I first started. The number one wasn’t really even in my top five when I started, but I slowly realized I loved it so much. I also left Ben Folds (Five) off this list completely, and I don’t know, I just feel the whole catalogue of Ben is so solid, none of the songs stick out to me that much. But anyways, here it is! After the break of course…
Stu’s Top 10
(Love Is Like A) Heat Wave – Martha and the Vandellas
Heat Wave. 1963. Motown.
This one beat out “Bleed American” just barely. The reason being that somehow, despite being nearly 40 years older than Bleed American, it still has so much energy that it kills. Dan Bukvich once told our Jazz Arranging class that you can boil all the oldies you hear on the radio down to three categories: 1) Great Song. 2) Great Performance. 3) Great Arrangement. This song is one of the great performances. The handclaps throughout, combined with the driving baritone sax behind everything and constant snare drum action will keep anybody with blood running through their veins dancing all night long.
Bodhisattva – Steely Dan
Countdown to Ecstasy. 1973. MCA
This song is my Freebird. It’s just a basic blues progression song at its core with some minor changes at the end of the form. The real kicker that drives this song home is the three minute guitar solo in the middle that isn’t nearly as rocking as Freebird, but it is highly proficient and takes me to places that just make me want to play the song over and over again. I have no idea what this song is about, probably Buddhism, but hey, this once again proves that lyrics rarely matter and the music itself is the core.
Zanzibar – Billy Joel
52nd Street. 1978. Columbia
This song reminds me of long car rides on vacations down the west coast with my parents growing up. They used to play a tape of 52nd Street, or at least their favorite selections, constantly on these trips. I didn’t hear this song again until early in my senior year in college and remembered why I loved it so much. The song has a heavy jazz influence, displayed in the breakdown where Jazz trumpeter Freddie Hubbard does a solo. The best part of this song though is at the end of the 4th line of each verse, Billy does this “Woah oh oh!” thing that just makes me want to sing every time. It was between this and “Miami 2017 (Lights Go Out On Broadway)” which is also a great song, but the “Woah oh oh!” is too much for ol’ Stu boy.
Rosalita (Come Out Tonight) – Bruce Springsteen
The Wild, the Innocent, and the E Street Shuffle. 1973. Columbia
Early Bruce Springsteen records have something that very few other artists can ever pull off without sounding cheesy or forced. It has this undeniable sense of urgency, like the world will fall apart and life will crumble through your fingers if this one moment in time doesn’t work out the way Bruce describes it. There are so many early Springsteen songs that just set a scene of “We have to get out of this town right now girl before it kills us, no matter what any of our parents, friends, anybody has to say.” There’s a line that kinda sums it up: “Well hold on tight, stay up all night ‘cause Rosie I’m comin’ on strong. By the time we meet the morning light, I will hold you in my arms. I know a pretty little place in southern California down San Diego way. There’s a little café where they play guitars all night and all day. You can hear ‘em in the back room strummin’, so hold tight baby ‘cause don’t you know daddy’s comin’.”
I’ve Got You Under My Skin – Frank Sinatra
Songs For Swingin’ Lovers! 1956. Capitol
This song falls into the category of great arrangement. This Cole Porter classic tune was arranged for Sinatra by Nelson Riddle. The story goes that he was still copying down parts for the players while riding in the cab to the recording studio on the day of recording. After the players ran through it once with Frank, they stood up and applauded. The Baritone sax takes control here, outlining a Db6/9 chord throughout the intro. Of course, Frank’s vocal delivery is spot on and goes up and down in all the right places for the biggest emotion impact. It’s amazing how a song with no real chorus can be so good.
A Change Is Gonna Come – Sam Cooke
Ain’t That Good News. 1964. RCA Victor
This song was not even going to be on this list, but then I ran across it while scouring my collection of music and remembered how good it was. Then I listened to it and was blown away by the level of detail that went into this arrangement. Sam’s vocals soar above the mind blowingly beautiful arrangement. The lyrics to this one actually add to the tune itself, speaking of wrongdoings in the world around him, and how social change is on its way in the form of the civil rights movement. The song flows with such ease out of Cooke that one might forget the weightiness of the content, but the song’s content is just so heavy that it’s impossible to deny it.
Whatever – Oasis
Whatever EP. 1994. Creation
This song was released as a Christmas present to the U.K. from the Gallagher brothers and company. It never appeared on any full album, only being released as a single, and amazingly, it blows away anything else they’ve ever done. Think “All You Need Is Love,” but with tons of rocking energy and a snide, nonchalant attitude. The chorus speaks, “I’m free to be whatever I, whatever I choose and I’ll sing the blues if I want. I’m free to be whatever I, whatever I like, if it’s wrong or right, it’s alright.” Not exactly poetry, and the song isn’t exactly breaking any new ground either, but the song is absolutely perfect in every way, and it was going to be my #1, but perhaps the only reason it’s not at number one is because I’ve played this song so many times that at the moment, these next three are beating it, but who knows how I’ll feel in a few months. This song also pulls the same “outro performed by a string quartet” thing as “Does He Love You?” but even better. It’s so simple, but I can’t get enough of it.
Mr. Blue Sky – Electric Light Orchestra
Out of the Blue. 1977. Jet
This is obviously the best Beatles song that the Beatles never wrote. The staccato guitar during the verse combined with the strings present in just about every ELO song combine to make a force that is undeniably catchy and musically challenging at the same time. This is really what makes ELO so good. I didn’t discover this song till probably Nov. 2005, and it was one of the best days of my life. I didn’t want to include two songs by the same artist in my top 10, but if I did, I probably would’ve added “Turn To Stone” on this list too because it is almost as awesome as this one. It’s a shame that just like Billy Joel, most critics at the time hated ELO for being overly creative musically (they called it pretentiousness). These days we have acts that really are pretentious (see Radiohead), but everyone loves them, even critics. I’m not knocking all Radiohead, just most everything post OK Computer. Sorry, got a little sidetracked there.
Only In Dreams – Weezer
Weezer. 1994. Geffen
This has been my favorite Weezer song since about a month into me picking up Weezer’s debut album back around early 2000. It has this ostinato (a repeated motif over and over again) in the bass throughout most of the whole song, never even really resolving to the Gb major chord (excluding chorus, which never really resolves) that it wants to until the end of a 3 minute contrapuntal guitar duet when everything dies out except the bass which just retards on its own until it finally plays the single Gb we’ve all been waiting for. The song on the whole up until the guitar duet is pretty tame, but once those contrapuntal guitar lines start intertwining, my ears perk up every time. I can sing both lines at separate times upon request and when the drums finally kick back in fully at the climax of the song, I let out a sigh of relief or bang on my car wheel in exultant joy, whichever is more of an option at the time.
All Is Forgiven – Jellyfish
Spilt Milk. 1993. Charisma
I always loved this song from the first time I heard it, but I didn’t realize how much I loved it until maybe April 2006. I found out about Jellyfish first semester of college in the Fall of ’02 and heard this song, and knew it was great. The constant tom-tom driven drums, the fuzzy, almost white noise distorted guitar, and the half time bass throughout. It was great. Then in April I put it on my mp3 player for the walk to school, and then I listened to it for about two weeks straight. Seriously. It runs into the next song entitled “Russian Hill” which is almost as good, but because it’s a separate song, I couldn’t include it on the list, but in my mind, they always run together and are basically one long 9 minute song. The ending just gets more and more white noise filled until you can barely take it anymore and then it just cuts off completely into the slow acoustic intro for Russian Hill. It’s perfect in every way. I think this would fall into the category of great song. And the way the song builds up right to the middle of the song and then cuts out completely except for some very VERY faint xylophone noodling, and then busts back in with some feedback directly into guitar solo. Man I love this song.
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doof-doofblog · 4 years
Friday 11th December 2020
Hello again everyone! Hope you've all had a good weekend. I apologise this post is late, I feel over the weekend the news about Barbara Windsor's death got me more than I had expected and I just didn't feel up to writing anything, also working 2 jobs as well can get in the way of writing this blog. But I'm now going to focus on getting this blog up to date. Hopefully come Thursday this week, I will all up to date with the blog and EastEnders. Thank you all for your on-going support and patience.
So let's jump into the episode - oh my it was another jam packed one wasn't it! Firstly, I just want mention Bobby and what such a brilliant actor Clay Milner Russell is! The beginning of the episode I found really intriguing. Bobby stood in the police station, waiting to be questioned, he is absolutely convinced that he's to blame for his Father's attack. At first you seem to think it really was him - he confesses by basically saying that it's his fault that his Dad got attacked. However as Jack continues to question him, it becomes aware that Bobby truly isn't the one to blame for the attack on his Dad. I don't know whether it has something to do with his mental health or OCD or religion, but he truly believes that because he didn't count the correct amount of numbers, he's to blame for his Dad's attack. I can't applaud Clay Milner Russell enough, having to come into a new role (even though he's been in the soap for a while now) without having any previous acting jobs, and to have been given such a gripping storyline - it's pretty impressive I have to say! I think it's easy to say that Bobby can be cleared a suspect, as it's come to clear to us a viewers and to Jack, being a police officer, Bobby is mentally unwell and maybe needs to be assessed, why does he think he's to blame? Just because he's gotten into a ritual of counting and he firmly believes that if he counts to a certain number, everything will be okay. It must be his OCD making him believe it? I hope he'll eventually get the help he needs as it's quite clear he needs it.
The second thing I want to mention is Rainie!! She's finally returned to the Square after disappearing for about 48 hours (or maybe more)! Her poor husband has been going out his mind with worry, leaving her countless phone calls and text messages, you can understand his relief when he's finally reunited with her. However it's not long before a police officer approaches them and inform them they're needed at the station for questioning. Firstly, Rainie appears to have no idea what has happened on the Square in her absence, she appears to be shocked after hearing the news about Ian. Only the interesting thing is, later on in the episode, she's on her own walking to the Cafe, when Callum spots her and hurries to have a word with her. When they're sat together and Callum is asking her all sorts of questions, it becomes clear that she's knows more than what she's letting on. She informs her Brother-In-Law that she told the police that during the night Ian was attacked, she was in fact at home with her husband watching Deal Or No Deal - (Is that even still on TV?!). But when Callum asks her further questions she responds with "No Comment!" - as if she doesn't want to give out any more information, or maybe to hide the fact that she does know something? Later on in the episode, Rainie appears to have cleaned herself up and had a wash as Stuart returns home from the police station. Rainie starts to beg forgiveness from her husband after leaving him in the lurch the way she did, and also not responding to his messages, I think we can all tell that she simply hasn't been with her Mum's - had she been sleeping rough? Or maybe gone to a hostel of some kind? Her face is in complete worry and concern as she panics her husband might've thrown her under the bus. Stuart softly questions her statement to the police, about them being home together, she nods tearfully. He then drops the bomb that he in fact gave the police the exact same statement - he was at home with his wife watching Deal Or No Deal! They both jump for joy in unison as they believe that they're alibi's are clear and that they've helped each other.
This episode seems to be all about alibi's doesn't it? Another person who's fretting about their alibi is Max. After pleading Linda to tell the police that they were together on the night in question, he seems to be having second thoughts? He visits her at the laundrette and she informs him that she told Jack that Max with with her. However, Max reveals the one thing that we didn't know earlier, that they didn't spend the whole night together, just part of it. So in all fairness, what did he do for the rest of the night? Where did go? Who did he see? As much as he seems grateful to Linda for giving him the alibi, later he informs his brother Jack, not to listen to a word she has said. It's quite interesting that he's chosen not to accept her alibi, as Jack states, the whole entire Square will be pointing at him and questioning him! Max admits that he can live with being looked at and gossiped about. Part of me is thinking is he doing this for Linda?! Is he doing it for her sake as he doesn't want to be the reason for her and Mick to call an end to their marriage?! It is an interesting one - why would Max not snatch up the alibi whilst he can? Or is he really a proud man and is certain that he has nothing to hide - so why would he need one? I don't know, I am simply guessing at this point. I'm just simply giving out my thoughts on what Max could be thinking.
Meanwhile, whilst all this is going on in the Square, sweet Honey has come up with an idea to hold a community Christmas dinner for those who have very little on Christmas Day. After what happened with her son, Will, shoplifting for his poor friend, she feels that maybe this should be the time when everyone rallies round together and help the community. She pulls in Jay and Isaac to help and even Billy agrees to help by asking Max if they could use the restaurant as a venue. I think this is a lovely idea and it seems only perfect for Honey to be the one behind it, as Jay explains she can cook and she seems to be the only one who cares. If this community Christmas Dinner takes place, it'll be very interesting to see on Christmas Day, that's for sure. Either way I'm looking forward to seeing it come together and have Honey be right in the centre of it, as she well deserves to be after what she's recently been through! Could this Christmas Dinner in fact be the start of her blossoming romance with Jay? (Yes! I'm still convinced it's going to happen - sooner or later!)
Looks like there are still people who are still needing an alibi, specifically Tina and Ben. Even though Tina admitted to hitting Ian, the main thing is is that their encounter happened at the Beale household and not the Vic. After being questioned, it was revealed that Tina went straight home after her punch up with Ian and the only person who will be able to vouch for her for would be a pizza delivery boy who delivered pizza to the wrong house. Since then, Tina has been trying to track down the pizza boy but to no avail. She spots Jack on the Square and asks him about Ian's condition, which we then find out is that he survived his operation, much to her relief. However it's then that Jack states that Ian isn't out of the woods yet, plus the main fact is, if Tina can't find the pizza boy for give her the alibi she so desperately needs, she will remain a suspect. Whereas Ben's story hasn't been mentioned yet - as far as we're concerned, no one knows when Ben was when Ian got attacked, the only thing that's known for sure, is that Ben did leave the pub that night - but did anyone see him? Will anyone really be able to give him an alibi? Callum perhaps? If it comes to it that Ben doesn't have an alibi, will Callum fight for his boyfriend and possibly give him a false one? Who knows? Things still yet remain to be seen when it comes to Ben, what do you think?!
Does anyone else think Sharon is acting very shifty?! Since agreeing to marry Ian, I am so convinced that she has something to do with Ian's attack - or maybe she knows more than what she's letting on. the thing that really stood out for me was when she and Kathy were talking to Ian just before he was due to go in for surgery. She happened to mention something along the lines of "I'm waiting for my wedding ring!" - what a thing to say just as someone is about to go into theatre! The thing that pops into my head as soon as she says that, is that as soon as she gets the ring on her finger, she'll basically own half of what Ian has - I'm guessing. I am still SO convinced that she's learned the truth about Ian's involvement in Dennis's death, that she is definitely out for revenge. If killing him hadn't worked, she will go to the next best thing and take him for everything that he's got! Even later on the in episode, Kathy questions whether Sharon will have their marriage annulled, as everyone knows she doesn't love him the way he loves her. However, interestingly, Sharon admits to Kathy that after seeing Ian pleading to her to marry him, she explains that it's become clear how much they need each other, and especially him during this tough time he's having. For her it's not a case of she won't annul the marriage, but she can't. In all seriousness - what's the difference?! Or am I just missing something? Don't you guys agree though? Why on Earth would she marry her best friend after just a few weeks prior to rejecting him?! She must be out for revenge or something?!
Right so, the Panesar's are also looking shifty! On the Square, it looks as if a van has some interesting with regards to Ian's attack. Kheerat is walking along the street as he watches with great suspense at the police investigating the vehicle. However it's only later on when Jack visits the shop to question both Suki and Kheerat about their whereabouts on the night in question, Suki reveals that she was at Ruby's club. Which, I guess is try - as we saw she was sat at the bar, but how long was she there for? Could she and Kheerat have cooked up the plan to attack Ian together?! However, when Jack takes an interest in Kheerat's whereabouts, Kheerat reveals that he wasn't even on the Square at the time of the attack and just happened to be out of time in a meeting. But then, to his surprise, Jack questions the vehicle in which he drove to the business meeting and whether there was some kind of accident. He then drops the bombshell that the van has been taken for testing as there had traces of blood found on the vehicle. Instantly you can see Suki and Kheerat have a panicked look in their faces, as Jack leaves the scene, Suki seems to lay into her son about being careful, however Kheerat informs his Mother not worry as he will sort it. Later on in the episode, we see a hooded figure enter some type of building after entering it in some kind of alley way. As Kheerat enters his office we see a hooded figure sat in a chair waiting for him, he mentions to the unknown figure that the police are sniffing round and asking them dodgy questions. Suddenly the figure removes his hood and we see that it's actually Peter!!! He asks why the police would go the Minute Mart, but as their conversation continues it looks as if Peter and Kheerat are more involved together as they are in the attack than we first believed. They agree to give each other alibis!
So what the heck does this mean?! The only thing I can think of is that both Peter and Kheerat had it out for Ian and they both went to the Vic for the same reason, but maybe things got out of hand and one witnessed the other attacking Ian? I'm unsure. I don't think they would've planned anything together, I do think they crossed paths purely by accident and because of their mistakes of getting caught, they basically have no choice but to give each other an alibi. So - who do I think attacked Ian?! Sharon, Peter and Max are on the top of my list. However I could be wrong, as we still yet to hear/see Ben's encounter of the evening. My opinion could change over the coming episodes, I do not however, think it was either Bobby or Tina - I feel I can positively rule them out! I'm feeling a little unsure when it comes to Stuart and Rainie, I'd like to think it's not either of them, but like I said - who knows? My views could change.
Do you guys have any thoughts or theories as to who could be Ian's attacker?! I'd love to hear your thoughts and opinions! Please feel free to leave me a comment or message I'll always find the time to respond. Enjoy the rest of your evening folks and I'll be back again tomorrow evening! Love you all xXx
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lonelypond · 3 years
A Coffeeshop Christmas Carol, Ch. 6
NicoMaki, HonoKotoUmi, Love Live, 2.4K, 6/?
Summary: We see what Professor Sonoda's day is like.
An Umi Day
A yawn. Soft hair tickling her nose. Honoka probably, Umi thought, smiling. Had the alarm gone off? No, something else had woken her. Umi opened her eyes. Kotori was staring, a lost look in her eyes that worried Umi. Perhaps New York was lonely and that was why Kotori was pushing them to spend the holiday there?
“Eeep?!?!?!” An adorable jump accompanied the squeal. Kotori wrapped her kimono closer, the cranes flying across the blue a soothing morning view.
“Is there something worrying you?”
Kotori shook her head, biting her lip. Umi considered kicking Honoka awake, but decided Honoka needed sleep and Kotori needed some individual attention. Their relationship was a garden Umi tended carefully.
“Let’s talk over coffee.”
“I wanted to visit that coffeeshop today.”
Umi grabbed her bathrobe, glancing back at a soundly sleeping Honoka. Bakery hours and Kotori time made for long days.
“Why don’t we let Honoka sleep in and come back and surprise her with our ratings of her pastries? She’s been perfecting her cheese danishes.”
“Ooohh.” A gleam in Kotori’s eye. Umi was pleased.
“Just give me five minutes.”
“What about your exercises?”
“I will do a warm up form while you pick your coat for today,” Umi pulled Kotori into a tight hug. “And we can walk briskly. I’m sure you will need to burn some calories in advance.” Umi teased lightly, relishing the feel of Kotori relaxing into her embrace. Perhaps it was time for an adjustment in the geographical distribution of their relationship.
Umi paused and lowered her violin. She had been demonstrating the different effects of bouncing a bow sautillé or spiccato on an Antonio Vivaldi piece but Nana Nakagawa was paying no attention, very unusual for the usually diligent sophomore.
“Nan, is something concerning you?”
Nana’s expression turned discomfited and she lowered her own bow and violin, gray eyes wide behind her glasses. “My apologies, Professor Sonoda. I am allowing other concerns to distract me.”
Umi gestured to a stool with her bow, sitting herself to encourage Nana to engage, “If you are preoccupied with something serious enough to disturb your focus, perhaps discussing it will help.”
Nana sat and said nothing and Umi was about to pick up her bow and begin again when words rushed out of her pupil, “I scheduled an audition after this, for a singing role, and I’ve never done anything like that before, well, never on a public stage, just in choirs and choruses and I don’t know what to do, or if I want to stay on the conducting track, but nothing feels like singing...at karaoke, even, just the way people NOTICE…” Gray eyes were gleaming and the bow was conducting an imaginary audience.
Ah, Umi could make a jump from those clues. “So you’re auditioning for A Christmas Carol and…”
Umi hoped her pupil's speeding words would continue.
“If I like it, really like it, what am I going to do, my parents already had to deal with me not being an engineer or a pre med, will they just think I’m a dilettante? I can’t tell them, Professor Sonoda, I just can't, but if I get a part, I’ll have to explain why I’m staying on campus.”
Time to interrupt the panic. Raising a hand to quiet Nana, Umi spoke,“First, audition. Do your tasks in their proper order. There may be nothing to tell your parents.”
Her audience doubted that statement but was willing to devote some thought to it, “So don’t plan my post audition life yet?”
Umi nodded, “Exactly. You are worrying about conversations that may not be required. You should save your energy and focus on communicating to Professor Yazawa your suitability for a role.”
Nana zoomed back to panic, pale face, shaky hands, never good for a violinist. Umi sighed. Time for a task they could succeed at. Confidence carried forward. Umi put her violin in its case, indicating her pupil should do the same.
“Let’s take a moment to analyze this piece. The composer has done some very clever things with the general arrangement.”
Nana leaned forward, switching her bow for a pencil, eyes intent on the pages before her, all worries lost in the challenge of music.
“UMI!” Honoka’s voice always gladdened Umi’s mood. The door of her office swung open with a vigor no one else could manage. “Thanks for letting me sleep in. Kotori’s got a bunch of business calls so I brought you lunch.” Honoka pulled Umi into a hug that neither of them wanted to break, Umi enjoying the comfort of a never too familiar warmth and strength. “How’s your day?”
Umi hugged tighter, surprising Honoka.
“What’s wrong, Umi?”
Umi broke the hug, but Honoka’s bright blue eyes maintained the warm connection.
“Other people’s worries.”
Honoka nodded, “Yeah, it’s that kind of a day, isn’t it.” Honoka closed the door and set two sandwiches on Umi’s desk, carefully spreading two cloth napkins first, “Nozomi was kinda grumpy and sad when I stopped in to see if she needed to reorder any pastries.”
“How was Kotori?” Had Honoka noticed anything? Or had Kotori hid her worries. Their coffeeshop conversation had yielded no insights, just Kotori describing the early sketches of her Summer theme.
“Kotori?” Honoka had a sandwich unwrapped, Umi’s lower filing cabinet drawer pulled out to prop her feet on, and a surprised look. “Is something wrong?”
Umi moved her chair next to Honoka, her own sandwich in hand, “I don’t think so.”
“That’s not convincing, Umi.”
Umi chuckled. Honoka always called out her hesitancies, “No, it’s not. Kotori, too, seems to be in a mood.”
“That kind of a day.”
A sharp rap on the door pushed it open and Nico came halfway into the room. “Hi Honoka. Umi, fix your replacement. She doesn’t know anything.”
Honoka leaned her head on Umi’s shoulder, whispering, “Grumpus Contagious.”
Umi bit back a giggle. Her replacement? Oh, Nico must mean Maki. Nico vibrated impatiently in the center of the office. And Umi wanted to eat her lunch. Honoka had done something with pumpernickel and mustard from the tantalizing smell and Umi wondered what else had made its way into the combination.
“Are you going to fix Maki or not?”
“What did Maki do?”
“Walked in to my auditions and applauded the first two auditionees.”
“That is unusual.”
“Unusual?” Nico stomped. “It’s rude, it’s problematic, and it gives two freshmen inflated views of their audition.”
“Was it a bad audition.”
“No,” Nico fake punched in the direction of the door, “It was fine, but Nico needs an ensemble leader who is aware of theatrical etiquette.” Nico’s emphasis on the word etiquette snapped Umi out of her Honoka induced laissez-faire attitude. Especially with first year students, proper behavior modeling by teachers was essential.
“I am sorry I did not initially take this as seriously as it deserved, Nico.”
Nico nodded, pleased at the adjustment of Umi's tone.
“I will talk to Maki this afternoon and make sure that she is aware of how auditions and rehearsals are conducted.”
“Make sure you go over tech three times. Nico doesn’t need a rookie who thinks it only takes two hours.”
“I will ensure that Maki performs all of her required duties.”
“Good. Nico is flexible but…”
“There are students involved.”
“Exactly.” That problem solved, Nico smiled at Honoka, “Those look tasty.”
“They are.” Honoka had finished hers, “Nozomi’s going to try them out next week. Kasumi’s a mad scientist with spices and bread dough. It’s fun.”
“She may be busy soon.”
Honoka shrugged, “She’ll probably still come in. Kneading dough works out a lot of stress.”
Umi wanted her private lunch relaxation zone back, “Is there anything else, Nico?”
“Nope, Nico’s good. Sorry to interrupt…”
“Nah, it was good to see you, Nico.” Honoka waved, “Having another speakeasy this Friday. Be sure to come.”
“Nico’s looking forward to it.”
“I’ll let you know how my conversation with Maki goes.”
“Thanks, Umi. See you, Honoka.”
And finally, Umi could relish her lunch treat.
Honoka had overstayed her lunch hour and run off to meet a delivery truck. If Umi went to Maki’s studio, she would have no time to practice this afternoon. And today’s rehearsal with Nana had turned into a mostly conversational session, not the duet Umi had planned. No practice time always threw off everything, especially Umi's mood. “Grumpus Contagious” Umi thought as she moved her chair back to its usual spot.
Maybe a carefully worded text to Maki would be a good conversational starter.
U: Nico has expressed some concern that you are lacking an elementary awareness of theatrical etiquette.
Rather than stare at her phone and wait for a reply, Umi would begin her violin warm ups. Perhaps she should be added in more regular vocal practice as well. Kotori seemed very serious about the New York City Christmas Cabaret. Umi had seen glimpses of a dress sketches. It would be an elegant mood.
M: I’m fine.
U: Not having any experience with production, you may not be aware of all the quirks involved in staging a show.
M: I’ll read a book.
U: It’s not that simple.
M: I get a schedule, right?
M: You know, I’ll just talk to Nico.
Umi believed that Nico would consider Umi derelict in her duties if after her attempt at educating Maki, the result was that Maki asked Nico 1,000 questions.
U: There will be stage managers. Talk to the production stage manager and have them explain to you how Nico usually works.
M: Production Stage Manager?
U: Nico’s assistant. It’s usually one of the older students. Their job is coping.
M: There must be a book. I’ll look.
U: Directing is difficult, takes time, and Nico does a very good job. Please do not unduly add to her burden.
M: Don’t worry. I got this.
U: I will hold you to that.
M: (^-^)ゝ
Umi nodded. Maki was now aware of the gravity of the situation.
This was one of Umi’s favorite classes. An advanced seminar that rotated topics and instructors. Managing An Orchestra was this quarter’s theme. Only half a dozen students: Nana, a sophomore, three juniors, two seniors.
They were discussing Japanese conductors, Hideo Sato and one of his most prominent students, Seiji Ozawa. Umi occasionally wore a white turtleneck under her tuxedo jacket to honor Owaza’s unique style. She had handed out an interview with Owaza from Joshua Jampol’s Living Opera book.
Nana had the floor, “I looked up Hideo Saito, Professor Sonoda, and read that he brought discipline to generally disorganized Japanese orchestras. Is this the first job of the conductor?”
Umi, perched on a stool, considered the question, leaving a space for another student to speak. But it seemed no one else had done supplemental research specifically into Ozawa’s influences. “I think the entire profession has evolved, both in Japan and internationally, and with the rigorous training most professional musicians receive, there is less need to educate them on basic courtesies like preparing for rehearsals.”
Ronna Emem raised a point from the article, “Ozawa quotes Saito and says that “For a conductor, the most important thing is if he can conduct an a cappella chorus. Because every note, every voice is important. Every word is important.” Do you agree, Professor?”
A direct question for Umi to field, “Ozawa says a little later that with the” best vocalists, the voice becomes the best instrument” and I certainly agree with that. For myself, with the violin, I have found much wisdom in Francesco Geminiani’s belief that the violinist’s job was to create “a tone that shall in a manner rival the most perfect human voice.”
“So if you believe all this,” Ronna leaned forward, “why do we spend most of our time conducting instrumental ensembles and not vocal ones?”
Umi blinked. Advanced seminars allowing opportunities for the teacher to learn from the students was why they were her favorite type of class.
“That is a very sound point, Ronna. And one which I believe requires a review of our current conducting curriculum. So what would each of you like to see added?”
Umi was still perched on the stool, mulling her students’ suggestions. Her next meeting with Director Minami would be a challenge. She would have to make time to prepare a thorough presentation.
“Did you talk to Maki?”
Her students had left the door open and Nico had bopped in, looking wearier than earlier.
“Are your auditions over? I trust they went well.”
Nico waved a hand, not to be distracted, “Maki?”
“We have agreed that she should not put any extra burdens on you.”
“And she said? You did talk, right?” Nico leaned in the doorway, arms crossed, suspicious.
Umi shook her head, “Text.”
Nico rolled her eyes, “Nico has to do everything.”
“I did suggest she talk to a stage manager.”
Nico’s eyes lit up, “That’s a great idea, Umi. Nico will assign one to babysit her.”
Umi thought that would be best because (^-^)ゝaside, there was no way that Maki was going to initiate a conversation with a student she didn’t know.
“Maybe don’t call it babysitting?” Umi offered hesitantly.
Another dismissive hand wave, “Nico handles more divas than you. Don’t help.”
Umi shrugged. As soon as Nico stopped talking, Umi could go home. So if the conversation continued, it would not be because Umi spoke.
Nico pushed off, “Thanks for the stage manager idea. Let Nico know before you head out for the holidays. Will you be in town for Thanksgiving?”
“I believe so.”
“Stop by for Friendsgiving carolling. The more the merrier. And the less isolated the students who aren’t welcome at home feel.”
Nico was much more involved in the lives of her students than Umi, but productions were a much more intense environment than classes. And Nico, having cared for young siblings from a young age, had mastered a quirky aunt vibe that made some of the most skittish students willing to be chivvied and teased by her. Umi wondered if that pushiness would also charm the reclusive Maki.
“Honoka and I will plan to be there; I’m not sure if Kotori is heading back to New York before then.”
“All are welcome. Spread the word.” Nico blew a kiss, “Thanks, Umi. See you Friday.”
Umi waved, no longer paying attention, thinking once again about how to approach expanding vocal opportunities on campus. Nico would surely relish adding a full scale musical to the performance repertoire.
A/N: Tired, obsessed with Romeo and Juliet (have you watched Romeo X Juliet, they give her a sword and a secret identity), and not going to rush this because I love backstage stories.
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whtaft · 5 years
Baked on the Hill: A President!Steve/Baker!Bucky AU to support Planned Parenthood
Currently writing ficlets for donations to Planned Parenthood. For more information, see this post. spacerenegades asked for a ficlet based on President!Steve/Baker!Bucky! Thanks for your donation!!!
“Mr. President, your afternoon delivery is here,” Agent Barton says as he sets the small, cardboard box from Baked on the Hill onto his desk in the Oval Office.
“Oh, thank God,” Steve says, loosening his tie as he lifts the box’s lid with greedy fingers.
Because there it is, the world’s most perfect cupcake.
Or, well, one of them. Because every time he opens up a box from Baked on the Hill he tells himself that he’s just received the world’s most perfect cupcake. Today’s offering from Baked on the Hill’s daily cupcake special is a graham cracker-flavored cupcake with a chocolate ganache center with torched marshmallow fondant on top. The cupcake’s name is S’more for Me! and President of the United States Steven Grant Rogers has wanted nothing more than to place this cupcake directly into his mouth since his Secretary of Defense mentioned the daily special to him this morning.
He may not be the only person in the White House with an addiction to Baked on the Hill’s goods.
Unfortunately, as the actual President of the United States of America, Steve has to multi-task as he eats his cupcake. He can solve geopolitical problems while also savoring every morsel of the best part of his day. It’s fine. Everything is fine.
Except when Republican congressman Brock Rumlow comes in for his appointment and sees Steve licking the last of the ganache out of the cupcake’s core. “Bad time, Mr. President?” he asks with a smirk.
“No, not at all,” Steve says, attempting to maintain any sense of decorum he has left by mournfully placing the cupcake to the side of his desk. He clears his throat and glances to Agent Barton, who gives him a slight nod — he doesn’t have any crumbs on his lip. Thank God. “What can I do for you?”
“Baked on the Hill?” Congressman Rumlow asks, inspecting the box. “Not the most politically correct choice for an afternoon treat.”
“What do you mean?” Steve asks, brain going into overdrive. If he can’t have his afternoon Baked on the Hill fix, he won’t run for reelection. No, that’s crazy talk. But it would probably, genuinely ruin his life.
“Oh, just that the guy who runs it is not a favorite around the Republican chambers. But I don’t need to tell anyone you’re walking around, eating those if you work with me a little on…”
Steve is not paying attention to Congressman Rumlow anymore. Instead, he makes eye contact with Agent Wilson, who slips out of the room for a moment, then reenters a minute or so later. Five minutes after that, Steve glances at his desktop and sees that he has a new email: intel on Baked on the Hill.
“Excuse me, Congressman,” Steve says as Rumlow goes on his eighth minute of ranting. “I have an important meeting to get to.”
Thankfully, Congressman Rumlow doesn’t put up much of a fight, so Steve has a full six minutes to read the quickly-gathered dossier on Bucky Barnes, the Army Vet and peace protestor who runs Baked on the Hill.
— —
“Mr. President?” Agent Barton asks as Steve Rogers, President of the United States, stares at the beautiful man in front of him.
Steve realizes that he’s staring, so he clears his throat, then holds out his hand. “Hello, Mr. Barnes,” he says, trying to maintain some sense of presidential gravitas.
Bucky Barnes reaches out with a somewhat confused smile, and shakes Steve’s hand. Steve can feel the flour on his palms and suddenly goes weak in the knees. “Uh, hello Mr. President.”
“Hi,” Steve says and could mentally kick himself. He can hear his Press Secretary in the corner snorting.
“Yeah, hi,” Bucky says, plush lips curling into a smile as he retracts his hand from Steve’s.
The thing is! The thing is. Bucky Barnes is the most beautiful man Steve Rogers has ever seen with his eyes. His dark hair is pulled up into a tiny ponytail at the nape of his neck. His black, form-fitting Baked on the Hill t-shirt shows the defined muscles on his right arm and the silver of his left prosthetic. And his eyes… his icy blue eyes are like two of the perfect blue dishes that Baked on the Hill serves their cupcakes on.
It doesn’t hurt that there are literally framed photographs of Bucky being arrested at various anti-war protests around the country hanging on the walls of the tiny bakery.
“Your daily cupcakes are my favorite part of my day. They have singlehandedly kept the United States from engaging in nuclear war,” Steve says stupidly.
Bucky Barnes’ eyebrows shoot up. “Would you so easily engage in something that would kill thousands and change the lives of millions forever, not to mention hasten the effects of climate change.”
Steve stares at the man in front of him, who is looking at him with this challenging little smile, and struggles not to tell him that he’s in love.
“I’m infatuated with you,” he says, instead.
Bucky Barnes’ eyes grow wide as Press Secretary Romanov actively groans.
“Can I please get one of the daily special cupcakes?” Steve adds, looking at the chalk-written specials board as his cheeks go increasingly red. The special is the Presidential Special: cream cheese frosting, red velvet cake, and a blueberry filling. Sounds delicious.
— —
“Are you serious?” Bucky asks an hour later. They’re sitting in the cramped back office of Baked on the Hill. Agent Wilson is guarding the other side of the door, but other than that, they’re blessedly alone.
“I’m not smooth around people I like. I wasn’t elected President because I’m good at flirting,” Steve says.
“Obviously. Electing a President based solely on charisma would be a terrible idea,” Bucky says.
“Well, JFK,” Steve interjects.
Bucky rolls his eyes. “Sure, JFK.” He pauses, shakes his head. “So you were actually flirting with me?”
“Would that be a problem?”
“National Emergency, maybe. You do know that I have particular opinions on a lot of your policies.”
“I can only applaud you for being a well-informed citizen.”
Bucky looks away from Steve for a moment, then shakes his head. “This is some kind of rom com bullshit,” he says, then looks Steve in the eyes. “One date,” he says. “No promises after that, leader of the somewhat-free world or not.”
“One date,” Steve agrees. “That’s more than enough.”
— —
Except it’s not, for either of them. One date becomes two, then five, then Bucky starts delivering his cupcakes to the White House himself on a daily basis. And sleeping over in the West Wing after.
Some people — Congressman Rumlow included — aren’t all that happy with the President’s new boyfriend. But most people — voters included — are charmed by the way Steve looks at Bucky with metaphorical hearts in his eyes at the White House Correspondent’s Dinner.
And on re-election night, when the public overwhelmingly votes for another four years of President Steve Rogers, Steve is surprised and overjoyed to find an engagement ring hidden in the celebratory cupcake display made by Baked on the Hill, his favorite bakery in the world.
(The cupcakes on the display have a variety of flavors: lemon meringue, salted caramel, chocolate chip pretzel, and cinnamon hot chocolate.)
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thisolddag · 5 years
They Always Say Good Day
Today I woke up to the sound of my two and a half year old nephew walking downstairs to the room next to our bedroom, to greet his grandmother, his Babcia, my mom.
His voice is so sweet, so small, a voice just finding itself - and it’s an incredibly soothing sound, a reassuring sound, a sound that makes me smile. 
There’s a song he’s been singing to himself every day for the whole week he’s been at our house. His little hand taps his little thigh and he stares at pictures of animals and this is what we hear, and what us adults have now been attuned to, and what we sing to each other to be funny.
“When cows get up in the morning, they always say good day, good day.”
It was a nice way to wake up to a new decade.
I told myself I would go downstairs, after reaching for my husband before reaching for my phone (something we’re both working on) and make coffee and write a short blog post. Writing first thing on the first day of 2020 seemed like a good idea.
Oh yes, we live in a time when most people need to weigh in, need to be validated, included, appraised, applauded, and heard online - and it grates on me and I think it’s going to be our downfall - but yes, here I was, fucking blogging at 9:13 in the morning. 
That’s part of who we are these days too - hypocrites, well-meaning and otherwise. I’m going to accept it as human flaw. I want flaws to be thing again. I want my kids to be offered the opportunity to make mistakes - with a high chance that their fuck-ups will be documented somehow - and be allowed to evolve, learn, and be forgiven, and to forgive themselves. It’s pressing, this yearning, because I feel like they're growing up in an age when being perfect, infallible humans is a requisite. Kindness is the currency of the day, but forgiveness is often overlooked. So I am going to be far more accepting in general. I’m going to be open to dialogue, and realness, and I’m going to say shit I want to say, truthfully but mindfully, because it’s all in the delivery. 
Over the holidays, I strung two sets of twinkly lights in my office. I wrote NOTHING. I got sad that my novel has yet to find a home. I got angry with my sister and that wasn't fun at all, but again, we are full of flaws, and sometimes we are incorrigible. I did not make out with my husband, or touch him enough. I did not cook a single meal. I ate comfort food. I played games with my niece and nephews. I read a little each night. I worked on jigsaw puzzles, and spent time with friends, and every time CNN or any news was on, I gave it a glance, a quick listen, and turned that shit off. I cocooned myself a bit, I barely tweeted or posted, I checked out. I laughed, and went around the house singing “they always say good day, good day.” My sister and I drove to Clifton to buy Polish ham and bread. For an hour, I lay on the rug in my office with my ten-year-old niece drawing daffodils and sunflowers, wetting the tips of our colored pencils to create watercolor effects, and talking a little bit about life. I said a super mean thing to my husband without formally apologizing. The whole family ate a big Italian dinner up in the Bronx, a dinner that ended at ten-thirty pm, and left us all feeling satiated, and tired, and really really happy to be together. I counted the days left before school started with a heavy heart. I counted down to midnight with a small group of lovely people whom I call family. And then I cleaned up and worked on the jigsaw puzzle till 2 in the morning. 
Some of this was wonderful, some banal, some disheartening. And I will forever look back on the last week with love, gratitude, and a smidge of regret. 
There are no resolutions here. There are only small, clear-eyed desires. Like staying off social media as much as I can. Like eschewing trends. Like traveling someplace new. Selling my novel. Spending meaningful time with family, friends, my children. Moving my body every day. Learning a language, or how to bake something. Not worrying too much. Bullet journaling. Reading. Writing. Letting go of bullshit, but not putting up with it either. 
I want smallness, intimacy. I want to take care of mine, by not taking what’s mine for granted. 
And when I fuck up, I will learn from it, and forgive myself quicker. A wise friend reminded me, it’s the recovery that is more important than the struggle sometimes.
So here’s to the recovery, to forgiveness, and good days, good days ahead.
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ducktracy · 5 years
98. i haven’t got a hat (1935)
release date: march 2nd, 1935
series: merrie melodies
director: friz freleng
starring: joe dougherty (porky), billy bletcher (beans, ex), bernice hansen (kitty, ham), martha wentworth (miss cud)
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the fated day at last, the day the world was shook to its core... kind of. i haven’t got a hat marks the introduction of our favorite porky pig, along with a few others: beans, ham and ex, little kitty, and oliver owl. buddy’s lack of success was obvious. he couldn’t adequately fill the gap that bosko had left. thus, this cartoon serves as a “free for all”, introducing a number of new characters to see who would work out the best. beans was looking to be the star of the new franchise, but his stuttering sidekick was much more endearing to audiences. to put it this way, beans starred in 11 cartoons. porky starred in 153. buddy would continue to have a few cartoons afterwards, bidding his last “that’s all, folks” with buddy the gee-man. 1936 would see a rise in porky cartoons, thanks to jack king, tex avery, and frank tashlin. 1937 is when stuff gets REALLY good. but for now, we’ll focus on this cartoon. various school children put on a musical and recital, but trouble arises when beans’ jealousy causes the show to run amuck.
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right off the bat, we’re introduced to our selection of characters. miss cud, “school teacher”—a clarabelle cow facsimile who rings her school bell cheekily. beans, a mischievous cat introduced by eating jam by the fistfuls. an offscreen voice yells “HEY!”, to which beans responds by sticking out his tongue after wiping the offending jam off his face. very amusing to note how different in personality he is here, a rambunctious, mischievous kid. i haven’t seen too many beans cartoons, only gold diggers of ‘49, alpine antics, and westward whoa, and in those he seems to be following the good natured, likable yet flat personality that buddy (and bosko) had exuded. this whole introduction scene is great—forcing some personality out of these characters. porky and oliver owl are next, porky giving a happy salute and oliver owl pretentiously tipping his hat. ham and ex, two troublemaking twins, spot the camera and eagerly whisper to each other. they’d be featured in a few beans cartoons, usually causing trouble that beans has to remedy.
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an underscore of “i haven’t got a hat” plays jauntily as we’re introduced to the scenario: a flyer posted on the side of the schoolhouse reading “MUSICAL and RECITAL — sponsored by the children of this school for the benefit of teachers and parents — ALL CHILDREN ARE ELIGIBLE!” sure enough, happy parents stream inside with their kids. a mother cat and her child, a mother dog and her two pups, a mother pig and her three little pigs, and a mother hen with her long line of chicks that zigzag inside, a straggler catching up.
once all the parents and children are settled, miss cud rings her cowbell to introduce the show, stating “we will now open our exercises with a recitation by our little friend, porky pig.” porky misses the cue, too engrossed with the book “custer’s last stand”. beans glares at porky, tapping on his book and signaling for him to go up.
porky meanders his way to the front of the schoolhouse and recites “the midnight ride of paul revere”. as always, his stuttering gets in the way of his presentation.
here’s the thing about joe dougherty—i’ve really come to appreciate him. there certainly is that “poor guy” feeling when you listen to him characterize porky because of his actual uncontrollable stutter, but i don’t think it’s THAT painful to listen to. maybe because i’ve seen all of the dougherty porkys. honestly, i think his most “painful” performance is here and in gold diggers of ‘49, which were his first two cartoons. it’s not even the stuttering, but then figuring out how to perfect his character. his voice is especially high, aluminum sounding in this one, and in gold diggers it isn’t sped up at all, and sounds rather jarring to hear joe dougherty’s natural voice, which is VERY deep. joe dougherty would use his regular speaking voice for porky’s father, in cartoons such as porky the rain maker and milk and money. i think the stuttering is the most “out of control” here—i really don’t find his performances that bad at all. i think it really fits him, especially when he was so chubby. it’s really odd to hear mel do porky in his chubby design in porky’s double trouble.
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(my) blabbering aside, porky recites the poem, exerting so much effort that he begins to sweat—wonderful animation done by bob mckimson. once he finishes the first stanza, he imitates a horse, complete with slapping his butt like a whip. he gives another stanza, whipping out an american flag and marching to “the girl i left behind me”. he recites some more, (even confusing poems and reciting a snippet of “the charge of the light brigade”), declaring “cannon to the right of them!” i love the little inkling of personality as he deliberately points to the left (which actually WOULD be his right), recognizing his mistake and pointing the other direction. a turtle drums on its stomach with some mallets.
“cannon to the left of them!” another wrong direction: this scene is especially amusing because of his determined expression, so confident in his delivery. what a ham. a dog tilts a basket of lightbulbs, breaking them one by one to imitate the sound of gunshots.
porky struggles to finish his poem, and the entire classmates whistle at him to get it over with—a reoccurring gag in the dougherty era. the whistle plays out like a dog whistle, an army of dogs playfully licking and hopping on porky, who walks backwards out of the scene as the children applaud. quite an introduction!
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miss cud introduces “little kitty”, who’d serve as beans’ love interest in the beans cartoons. she’s obviously reluctant to go on, panicking and struggling against her parent’s arms. the parent gives her a final push as she stumbles on stage. she pauses before reciting “mary had a little... a little... uh...” she seeks miss cud for help, who mouths “lamb!” and provides a picture. kitty beams and continues “lamb! it’s fleece was white as... white as...”
once more, miss cud displays thinly veiled frustration as she tosses cornflakes above her head to imitate snow. bernice hansen’s delivery is great as kitty says “cornflakes!” with such utter confidence. she corrects herself bashfully, and what continues is a very nervous, possibly the most annoying yet entertaining recitation of mary had a little lamb. it’s amusing to watch her pace around and grimace, wringing her dress. her voice gets pitched up higher and higher, speeding up so her open is borderline incomprehensible. it’s certainly annoying and technology rather primitive, but amusing because of that. the best part is when she runs out of the school building and heads for home, her voice fading away as she’s still frantically reciting it.
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next is ham and ex, who sing the criminally catchy “i haven’t got a hat”. bernice hansen’s squeaky voice singing the lyrics matched with billy bletcher’s deep bass voice of “bom bom bom bom” makes the perfect contrast, especially as ex sings the bass line and squats with each “bom”.
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elsewhere, bob clampett animated a scene of beans and oliver, who are both bored by the performance—beans especially. oliver snacks on some candy canes, to which beans eagerly extends his arms towards. oliver tricks him into giving him a piece, stuffing it in his mouth and sticking his tongue out at the last minute. man, what a jerk! i’d be pissed too! especially amusing to watch beans silently mutter obscenities are oliver as the song continues on.
once the song ends, miss cud introduces oliver. if the introduction where he haughtily tips his hat or when he denies beans food isn’t enough of an indicator for his snobby personality, miss cud introduces him as “master oliver owl” as a very confident musician. a great scene as oliver grins at beans, but remembers his rivalry. he stalks off with his nose (beak?) in the air, his peppermint ripe for the picking. beans reaches over for it eagerly... until oliver runs back into the scene and snatches it away, scowling.
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oliver plays a standard “school kid playing piano for the class” tune. beans isn’t impressed... until an idea hatches. he sneaks out of the classroom, where he spots a sleeping cat on a ladder right outside the window. perfect! he opens the lid of the piano and drops the cat in, his sabotage unfolding as he spots a dog and drops it inside, too. what a little bastard! i wish they kept him that way.
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at once, the keys start playing for themselves, a thunderous rendition of “poet and peasant overture”. oliver ogles in astonishment as the keys (great animation) wiggle on their own, the piano jumping up and down as the dog and cat duke it out inside. friz’s musical timing is excellent, and oliver’s reactions are priceless as he doesn’t even know what to do with himself. everyone claps thunderously as he stares at the audience in astonishment.
not one to question his unseen methods, oliver recognizes he is receiving glory and eats it up. unfortunately, he stops in his tracks once the piano continues to play. the dog and the cat leap out of the piano and chase each other around, oliver’s head spinning as he attempts to keep track of the chase. he grins nervously and sweats, his performance exposed.
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all the kids boo and hiss, except for beans, who’s laughing outside the window. oliver spots him and squirts green ink on him in retaliation. beans falls off the ladder and lands on a bench, which throws both beans AND a can of red paint into the window. the paint can lands right on oliver’s head, beans toppling next to him. they exchange bewildered looks, and their rivalry is transformed into camaraderie as they shake hands. iris out.
obviously, i’m pretty biased since porky is one of my favorite characters, just barely shy of daffy. however, i truly think this is a really good cartoon, and probably one of the best we’ve seen. the attempt to really get some personality out of these characters is absolutely there. facial acting, body language, acting in GENERAL, it’s all there. the characters are all endearing, even oliver. some beautiful animation, especially the porky scenes by bob mckimson and the piano scene with the dog and cat. nothing feels too drawn out—of course, porky’s recitation is VERY long, but that’s also the point. it’ll be interesting to see how joe dougherty improves—maybe i just feel bad for the guy, but i think he needs some more credit. anyway, VERY good cartoon. the song is dreadfully catchy! if anything, it’s certainly worth watching for its historical significance. even then, it’s just an entertaining, light-hearted, fun cartoon.
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grainking · 5 years
CoAi Secret Santa Post (Finally!)
Hello hello~ this is Rice here, posting this to my giftee, @toxicvirgo08! I’m sorry this came as late as it is... though technically and arguably it is on time within my timezone, it might be out of bounds in your area. If it is, I truly apologize. A lot of stuff happened like my PC breaking (of course I’d bent a damn gold pin while putting in my cpu) but regardless, here it is and I hope you enjoy!
“Kudo-kun… Kudo-kun!”
Snapping out of his previous daydreams, Kudo Shinichi, better known in his current child form as Edogawa Conan shook his head and found himself level with the gaze of Haibara Ai.
“Were you even listening to anything I was saying?”
Conan could only fumble an apology over his embarrassment. “Ah… sorry Haibara, I was just a little preoccupied.”
She could only respond with her ever famous sigh, wondering what he could be so focused on when he was the one that approached her for this technology lesson. Although she applauded his efforts to learn more about computers and coding in an attempt to stop any Black Organization member from hacking them, it would all be in vain if he didn’t pay attention, even if it was just the last ten minutes. Though, sparing a glance at the dutiful notes he took for the better part of an hour did make her soften her stance a bit, as well as experience a small rush of pride, not that she’d ever admit it to him.
“Well it doesn’t matter too much at this point. I think that’ll do for today’s lesson on basic coding and reading code. Any questions, my ‘star’ pupil?” Haibara teased.
“Hey! I was doing great until the last few minutes, go easy on me. Besides, I’m amazed you know so much about computers. Are you sure you’re actually 18?” Conan joked back.
Feeling a little coy, she responded “I already told you Conan-kun, I’m 18. Just the perfect age for you,” giving him a smirk as she turned to leave the room. Of course, she was sure to turn slowly enough that she could see the light pink dusting on his cheeks. Satisfied with her results, she left the room and turned the corner to head downstairs and maybe enlist Hakase’s help in making a good dinner tonight.
Still in his room, Conan could hear Ai’s fading voice exclaiming “Hakase! Where are you?” as she stepped downstairs to find their mentor. Staring at the blank wall, he let out a thoughtful sigh as he considered his next options. Becoming lost in his thoughts again, he started pacing around the room. “Hmm I don’t know if she would find it lame or cute, but I guess there’s no telling unless I-“
“Oh by the way Conan-kun?” A voice came from behind him.
“Ack! Don’t surprise me like that Ai,” he exclaimed, turning to face his companion and partner. “Anyway, what’s up? I thought you went downstairs to find the Hakase.”
“I did,” She replied. “But I also remembered, you don’t have to help with dinner preparations tonight. I’m planning on making something special so don’t step into the kitchen until I call you, okay?”
“Huh… okay Haibara” was his confused reply.
Noting the shift in his usage of her name, she playfully asked “What’s the matter Conan-kun? I thought you were following my lead and going by first name basis now. Was I wrong?”
“Oh I did call you Ai,” breathed Conan. “Sorry, I didn’t realize the slip up there.”
Haibara was a bit shocked and disappointed by his response. But in retrospect, she should’ve known that dense detective would completely misinterpret her statement. Realizing that, she could only quitely stammer out a “Never mind… I just liked it better when you called me Ai.”
“If that was the case, then you should’ve just told me so. I don’t have a problem calling you Ai, we’re so close after all!” exclaimed Conan, completely oblivious to her inner turmoil.
“A-anyway, just don’t come down until I call for you, okay?” And with that, Haibara practically dashed out of Conan’s bedroom in an attempt to escape her embarrassment coming from the object of her affections.
Conan called out to her retreating figure, “Got it! I’m going to be tinkering around with my laptop anyway, maybe put your lessons today to good use.” After closing his door, he returned to his desk. Contrary to popular belief, even Conan wasn’t so dense as to be unaware of Haibara’s feelings towards him. At first, he didn’t know how to deal with it, but eventually he accepted and even came to return those feelings, bringing him back to his present day predicament. But what was a good way to confess to her? Finally deciding upon a confession idea following the previous conversation, he promptly began coding a cute animation that he desperately hoped she would like.
Meanwhile, Haibara was scrambling to make preparations. After some searching downstairs, she found a note from Hakase stating that he would be out for the night and left them some money for delivery. Snorting at his lack of faith in her cooking skills(that she found disturbing), she decided to pocket the money for another occasion and began emptying the fridge of some of its contents. Tonight, she determined, would be the night she would truly impress him. It was the one way she could silently express her feelings without him ever knowing, after all. Haibara loved Conan, yes. But having such a dark past also made her fear rejection from the one she saw as her savior. So she decided to keep a lid on her feelings, even though sometimes she couldn’t help but express them through jokes and actions such as sleeping on his shoulder or teaching him basic coding.
Breaking out of her stupor, she began concentrating on her cooking to prepare one of his favorite meals. She tasted her creation throughout the entire process, making sure the balance of ingredients and seasoning were up to her standards. At the same time, Conan was frantically typing away to make sure his animation-confession was also up to his standards and fixing bugs that happened when compiling the code. Unbeknownst to each other, both Conan and Haibara finished their respective works at around the same time. Just as Conan was feeling satisfied with his finished code, he heard Haibara call out to him.
“Conan-kun! Come down for dinner, everything is ready!” she shouted
“Alright Ai!” came from an excited Conan.
Running downstairs, he was met with the sight of a rather intimate dinner setting, with a few candles on the table and a pesto pasta dish that appeared scrumptious. Eager to dig in, he was stopped by Haibara who all but whispered “Don’t eat too much, I’ve made your favorite for your dessert as well.”
His eyes widened at the sound of that. “That must’ve taken a lot of effort,” he breathlessly spoke. “Thank you Ai, today gave me a lot of good memories. And I hope I can make a really good one tonight as well.”
Now it was her turn to be surprised at his declaration.
“What do you mean Conan-kun?”
But to her disappointment, she was only met with a sly smile and a rather infuriating but charming wink as he started eating their dinner. Deciding to let him have his fun for now, she decided to eat as well. Succeeding a serving of lemon pie for dessert, the two sat there for a while, simply soaking up each other’s presence and company. It was a rare kind of companionship that could bring satisfaction even without any exchange of words. After a while though, Conan surprised Haibara yet again by gently grasping her hand and pulling her upstairs.
“Come on Haibara,” he quietly remarked. “There’s something I want to show you.”
Deciding this would finally unravel the mysterious comment he set up earlier, Haibara quickly followed his footsteps up to his bedroom. Upon entering, she saw that the computer screen was lit and that Conan was clicking away at a few things.
“Alright, here we go. Before I show you this though, I have to tell you a few things Ai.”
Haibara raised her eyebrows, opting to stay silent and let him continue speaking.
“I know you’ve loved me for a while now. Years, in fact. At first I didn’t return those feelings but after everything we’ve gone through and experienced together, well, things started changing little by little. One day, I came to the realization that I needed you in my life just as much as you needed me. So… here’s my confession to you,” he nervously rambled. Conan then stepped away from the computer, only to reveal the screen that depicted an animation of a rose fading into the background and a simple but heartfelt phrase appearing on the screen.
“Ai love you. - Conan”
Her blush was as red as the rose that just appeared, but her smile was undeniable and glowing. For once, she decided to truly express her feelings, no holds barred and nothing held back.
“I love you too Conan.”
Thus came a stronger partnership between the two, an almost perfect kind of bond where one would get the other even without having to speak. And they were content with it, as well as one another.
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dumbbitchnumberone · 5 years
Peter meets Lucky the pizza dog in TVG?
Peter hardly ever finds himself in Brooklyn. It’s not that he has a problem with the place—it’s just that he spends 80% of his waking hours slingshotting back and forth between Queens and Manhattan either as Peter Parker going to the Stark Internship or Spider-Man going to meet with any one of his various superhero contacts, most frequently Daredevil and Deadpool though. But for once he’s made time to go out and do something other than his obligations to society.
Peter isn’t quite sure how Wade picked up on it, but the camera really was the perfect gift. He used to love taking pictures with the little digital camera that May and Ben got him for the photography class he took in eighth grade. It was a good camera, but a combination of Peter’s hideously bad luck and clumsiness doomed it to a watery death in one of the many ponds of Central Park shortly before Ben passed away. They hadn’t had the money to get another one then, and Peter hadn’t really been in much of a mood for doing much of anything what with the emerging superpowers and Ben dying.
A couple days after Wade and Matt showed up to his birthday dinner to deliver an incredibly nice camera, Peter is desperate to take it out and use it. Taking pictures of the city is good and well, but for this occasion, Peter wants a subject who might actually follow his directions, unlike the city itself.
Peter feels incredibly awkward asking MJ if she’ll let him photograph her, and after one of her dead-pan delivery jokes that sends Peter’s heart into his throat, she agrees to it. Despite it being incredibly mainstream, MJ agrees to go to Williamsburg because there’s a food truck that hangs out there and apparently has the world’s best chicken and waffles, and she’s been wanting to try them for a while.
Peter buys her chicken and waffles and takes pictures of her and they talk and laugh and have a good time. He’s honestly not sure, but he thinks that it just might possibly maybe be a date. And if it is a date then he’s… he’s really okay with that.
Peter’s practically on the ground taking a picture of MJ sitting on someone’s brick steps when the spidey sense starts up with a barely-there tingle.
“Peter? What is it?” MJ asks as he stands up and sets the camera on the lowest step. She’s gotten really good at telling when the spidey sense is going off.
“I’m not sure,” he mumbles, turning to look at the street.
Nothing is happening. Cars are stopped at traffic lights, people are using crosswalks. Peter’s just about to write it off as something like a used needle in a nearby alley until a dog shoots out of an alley about ten feet away from them and runs straight into the road with the now-moving traffic. 
“Oh shit,” Peter says because the stupid dog just stops in the road and there’s a car coming right at it.
He doesn’t even think about it before running out into the street and grabbing the dog just before someone who is definitely texting and driving plows right through the spot where the dog was. 
Peter’s standing there on the sidewalk, now across the street from MJ, with an easily seventy-pound dog in his arms, and of course, of-fucking-course, the people who saw what happened actually applaud. Peter feels like he’s in a bad Tumblr post as he watches MJ lift up his camera and take a picture of him.
The dog actually seems surprisingly okay with being carried around as Peter makes his way to the nearest crosswalk to head back over to MJ. The dog is totally drooling all over his arm, and he can feel its tail thumping against his side.
MJ continues to take pictures until he’s back with her, and she smiles at him.
“Wow Peter, you’re a real hero now,” she teases, taking a step forward to scratch behind the dog’s ears.
She reaches down to the dog’s collar and looks over the tag, snorting as she does. “Says his name is Lucky. Pretty accurate.”
“Does it say where he lives?” Peter asks, adjusting his hold on the dog slightly so it at least looks like he’s struggling with the weight. 
“Ummm, yeah—it does,” MJ answers as she turns the tag over and puts the address from it into her phone. “It’s like half an hour away. You good to carry him?”
“As long as you can carry the camera,” Peter replies.
They laugh and joke on their way over, Peter grimacing at the way the dog’s drool slowly starts to soak his sleeve through.
“What do you think happened to his eye?” MJ asks, petting the dog’s head as they walk.
“I dunno. Probably just got an infection and had to get it removed. That happens a lot,” Peter replies.
“Lame. Where’s your sense of story? I think he lost it fighting the Russian mafia.”
Peter snorts at that. “Oh so now the dog’s a bigger hero than me, is he?”
“Maybe. Not sure if he’s cuter though,” MJ replies, and Peter blushes up to his hairline.
Their destination ends up being a pretty innocuous apartment building, and MJ is the one who steps forward to ring the buzzer for the apartment listed on the dog’s collar.
A man’s voice answers after about a minute of MJ mashing the button.
“Shit—fuck—uh, yes? Hello?” he says.
“We found your dog,” MJ says.
“Describe him,” the guy says.
“Uh, the tag says Lucky, big, yellow, one eye, drooling all over my friend, purple collar,” MJ says.
“Oh hell yeah!” the guy says. “Come on in.”
The guy buzzes them in, and MJ and Peter share a look.
“If he ends up being a weirdo then I think I can handle it,” Peter says as they head up to the right apartment.
“You ever fought while holding a dog?” 
“Nah, but how hard can it be?”
They get to the apartment, and MJ knocks on the door before stepping back.
A big blond guy with a black eye and a lot of butterfly bandages on his face opens the door.
“Lucky!” he says, and Peter sets the dog down on the floor. It immediately runs over to the guy and bounces around him.
“Mr. Barton?” Peter says.
Clint looks up from his dog. “Oh hey, Pete! You found my dog?”
“Found him in the middle of the road about to get run over,” MJ says. 
“Lucky!” Clint scolds. “I thought you knew that cars were bad!”
“Alright well, it’s nice to see you Mr. Barton, but we gotta head out,” Peter says. “You should keep a better eye on your dog—considering that’s your whole thing,” he tacks on in a joking tone.
Clint snorts. “I’ll do my absolute best.”
Peter and MJ head back down after that and start walking in the general direction of the way they came from.
“So, how did you know that guy?” MJ asks as Peter’s taking her picture by an interesting bit of graffiti. 
“Oh, that was Hawkeye.”
“The Avenger?”
“Huh,” MJ says. “He was less put together than I expected.”
“Most of the heroes are like that.”
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topfygad · 4 years
A Stay at The Eccleston Square Hotel in Belgravia
If you have a penchant for personalised, boutique hotels, you might like to check out the Eccleston Square Hotel. This family-run hotel located in SW1 opened in 2011 when Olivia Byrne decided to create one of the most ‘technologically advanced hotels’ in London. At 23, the Paris-born entrepreneur was dubbed one of the youngest hoteliers of the time.
Since then, the 4.5-star hotel has picked up quite a few accolades. Conde Nast Traveler listed it in the top 15 best boutique hotels in London and it picked up their Reader’s Choice Award in 2016. You’ll also find many articles applauding the hotel’s various hi-tech features and massage beds that come with every room.
With no plans to travel far over the Easter weekend, BC and I took up the opportunity to enjoy a one-night stay here and make the most of some ‘London time’ following our recent move. Here’s how it went.
Eccleston Square Hotel: The Location
The location of Eccleston Square Hotel is definitely one of its strengths. Eccleston Square is located in the SW1V area of London. And overlooking a leafy garden, it feels surprisingly quiet, but is actually, very accessible. Victoria coach, railway and tube stations are just a five-minute walk away. And you have Pimlico, Belgravia and the attractions of Westminster right on your doorstep. It’s a great location for anyone visiting the theatres in Victoria too.
The building itself is a Grade II listed Georgian townhouse, which is immediately appealing for travellers who appreciate a bit of character, although, as you’ll read below, this is a super modern hotel inside.
Interestingly, you’ll find the house that Winston Churchill lived in, just a few doors down and I’m told that Queen Victoria’s granddaughter once lived in the building that is now the hotel.
How’s that for a bit of history?
The Arrival
It was very quiet when we first arrived, and we waited a few minutes at reception for someone to greet us. Once they did, the front-of-house staff were very warm and friendly, and check-in was quick and seamless. They’ve taken a very contemporary approach at the Eccleston Square Hotel, with lots of monochrome, marble and sparkling chandeliers.
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Once we’d checked in, one of the hotel staff took us up to our room on the first floor and gave us a thorough explanation of the technology and services in the room, which was a nice touch.
The hotel entrance hall
The entrance to our guest room at the Eccleston Square Hotel
The guestroom interiors & amenities
The guestroom interiors, much like the hotel reception, are contemporary and quite business-like with dark wooden wardrobes and furniture, grey carpets and black faux-fur cushions and throws.
There are two fluffy towelling robes and slippers in the wardrobe and guests who have booked directly through the hotel can enjoy a complimentary mini-bar (choice of Evian water, two types of beer and soft drinks). There’s also a Nespresso coffee machine and while there’s no kettle, they do offer a free 24-hour tea service – something I think every hotel should adopt!
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My favourite part, style-wise, was the bathroom – a sleek, white marble space where you’ll find a huge two-person shower cubicle fitted with four (yes FOUR) showers. Two rainforest showers were overhead, and an excellent power shower and hand-held shower were fitted to the wall. Eccleston Square Hotel provides various L’Occitane bathroom miniatures (including a lovely Lavender sleep spray) and the whole room was bright and airy, thanks to the natural light that flooded through the frosted floor-to-ceiling windows.
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Hi-tech features
The technology at Eccleston Square Hotel is evident as soon as you walk through the traditional front door that’s fitted with automatic sensors. There’s an iPad on the front desk telling you the weather forecast in London and even the lifts are fitted with six miniature TV screens, all tuned into different channels.
Once inside the guest room, all the light fixtures, except for the bedside lamps, are controlled using electronic switches and the heating, curtains and ‘Do Not Disturb’ sign at your door (no need to hang a sign up) are also electronically controlled. There is also, of course, free wifi.
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On the bedside table, you’ll find an iPad that’s been installed with a variety of features that are particularly useful for first-time visitors to London. There’s a catalogue of restaurants to try in the area, a list of local attractions (you’ll also find tips for things to do on the Eccleston Square Hotel blog) and a delivery-app called Night Room Service, offering food delivery from around 50 London restaurants, which is great if you fancy eating in. There’s the option for in-room dining from the hotel’s in-house chefs and the local restaurant Lobster & More will also deliver a wide range of dishes to the hotel. For a fee, the in-room iPad also offers the option of late check-out (which we took advantage of) – very handy indeed.
One of the most noteworthy features for foreign travellers is the smartphone which every guest has in their room. You can take it out with you, use the social media and make use of the unlimited data – you can even make international calls to selected countries. It wasn’t something I needed but if you’re travelling from overseas, this is a great added extra.
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The massage bed
The feature I’d been looking forward to the most was the Hästens massage bed. After an afternoon walk in the area, I enjoyed a bit of down time ahead of us going out for dinner (I’m pregnant, I have an excuse) so it was the perfect time to try it out.
If you haven’t heard of them, Hästens beds are pretty highly sought-after. Hand-made in Sweden, they cost upwards of £12,000 each and are crafted using sustainable materials such as pure flax and hypoallergenic horsehair, which are said to channel away moisture and excess heat and lead to a better night’s sleep. (I can back that up, I slept very well).
When it comes to the massage function, I have to admit, the massage beds were quite loud and provided a strong vibration rather than a kneading motion (which is what I was expecting) to your body or feet area. That said, I liked the way you could raise the head and feet to your preferred position – a great way to watch the 46-inch TV in comfort.
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Speaking of TVs, there were two screens in our hotel room – one at the end of your bed, and a small one fitted inside the bathroom which syncs to whatever you’re watching in the main bedroom.
I’m not sure if it’s the case in every guestroom, but our bathroom TV was located opposite the toilet and you could just about see it from the shower. It’s great if you want to listen to a music channel, but personally, I’d have loved to see a bathtub in there, so you could enjoy a long soak with your favourite programme in front of you.
I think you’ll agree, it’s a pretty cool feature nonetheless. And we got a surprise when we discovered that the bathroom door can switch between frosted and transparent, again, at the touch of a button. The last time I saw this was at a hotel in Kuala Lumpur – another feature that technology geeks will no doubt love.
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3D movies
The final hi-tech feature you’ll want to check out is the option to watch 3D movies which are all complimentary with your stay. In keeping with their convenient ordering system, guests can pick from a selection of 3D Blu-ray movie options on the iPad and within minutes, a member of staff will arrive at your door with the DVD and Panasonic 3D glasses.
PJs on and massage bed set at the perfect incline, we were ready for our 3D experience, but sadly, neither of the movies could be supported as it turned out, the TV needed an upgrade. It wasn’t something the staff could fix at the time and they were incredibly apologetic; however, after all the hype, we were gutted we couldn’t experience it!
Downstairs in the hotel, next to the bar, they do have a ‘media room’ where guests have the option to watch movies on the 103-inch LED TV. We were already in our PJs at this point so didn’t fancy coming back downstairs, however it’s a great option for watching sport if you know it’s going to be available. You can also sync your laptop to the screen, so it’s well set up for events and private meetings.
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Food and Drink at Eccleston Square Hotel
Once you check out the in-room iPad at the Eccleston Square Hotel, as mentioned, you’ll see that you can order a number of food options to your room, or in the dining area downstairs.
We went out for dinner in Victoria, however, we did order from the hotel breakfast menu the next morning. The Eggs Benedict and Eggs Royale were both delicious even though my request for the sauce to be served ‘on the side’ wasn’t noted. The fresh fruit with yoghurt was also fantastic with thick gooey yoghurt, fresh mint and a drizzle of honey. It all arrived fairly promptly and was a great way to end a lovely London stay.
I’ll also be writing a separate post about the afternoon tea at Eccleston Square Hotel, very soon.
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Although we felt this hotel didn’t quite hit the mark in some areas, the service was extremely warm and welcoming, the room was super clean and cosy, and we felt it had lots of brilliant features that made for a comfortable stay. If you’re looking for something super luxurious, do check out their new townhouses which recently opened. However, I would recommend the Eccleston Square Hotel for couples enjoying a weekend away in London and anyone looking for a personalised stay with excellent access to central London and all its attractions.
It’s not often you can enjoy a free mini-bar, 24-hour tea service and an array of services which you can conveniently order from a screen. With rooms starting from just £125, this boutique hotel gets a thumbs up for convenience, value-for-money and style.
For more information, visit the Eccleston Square Hotel website and follow them on Instagram, twitter and Facebook.
Have you been to Eccleston Square Hotel? Feel free to leave a comment and share your travel tips and thoughts.
Eccleston Square Hotel, 37 Eccleston Square, London SW1V 1PB, 020 8068 1011
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Our stay at Eccleston Square Hotel was complimentary. All views here are my own.
source http://cheaprtravels.com/a-stay-at-the-eccleston-square-hotel-in-belgravia-2/
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Drama in Drama
Synopsis: Just two theatre nerds best friends... who also have to kiss.
Word count: 1879
Wanrings: Nothing really. Just a sappy drama nerd stuff.
I smiled triumphantly as I looked at the posted cast list. Freshman year it was Aunt March in 'Little Women.' This year it will be Kim in 'Check Please and Check Please Take 2.'
It's not surprising that I made the cast. I may be shy and timid in class, but on stage is where I shine. It also helped that I was in the actual Drama class and was basically the director's TA. Seeing Peter's name on the list was certainly shocking though. He was definitely an appreciator of the dramatic arts (as evident from our multiple broadway trips. Courtesy of Tony Stark), but he didn't seem like an actual preformer.
I pulled out my phone and shot him a text.
"Thanks for telling me you auditioned. Congrats btw, Hank."
A few seconds later he replied,
"I thought it'd be a nice surprise. We don't really get to hang out anymore."
"How do you even plan to do this AND be Mr. Spiderman?"
It was an honest question. He was pretty much always busy since he became Queen's favourite crime fighting spider.
No response. Looks like he didn't know either.
We went through the school day as normal, but we were called out of class for about 15 minutes to discuss the practice schedule. Tonight we would have a simple read through right after school.
We all sat in the comfortable auditorium seats. I smiled at my usual friends and introduced myself to newcomers.
"Sorry, I'm late!" A breathy excuse fell over the room.
We all looked to the doors to see Peter walking in looking disheveled.
I waved him over to me and explained that our director wasn't even there yet. He immediately looked relieved.
As if fate willed it so, the director walked in right after I said that to him.
"Hello, sorry I'm late, but I trust you all were entertained." He said as he walked in and stood in front of the group.
"First things first, I don't actually have scripts for all of us, so some script sharing will have to be done. Betty, Flash you two have the most lines so you'll get personal scripts. (Y/n) and Peter, you guys will be sharing…" he continued to explain, but I didn't really have a need to listen at this point.
Our director invited us on the stage and we all sat in a semicircle. Peter and I sat by one another as we had one script. He was the main guy's best friend. And I was the main girl's best friend. We had a section at the opening of the play, but not anything after until the second Act. We both found the story funny, so we listened to the read through.
"Act two is set up pretty cool. Basically we'll have Kim and Hank sat on a couch centre stage. Girl and Guy will be on their respective friend's side." The director explained as he moved us around.
As there was no couch on the stage, Peter and I just sat cross-legged in the middle of the circle. Betty was a few feet away from me, and Flash was a few feet away from Peter.
"And scene."
This prompted us to begin our scene. Guy and Girl went on about how their date attempts were not going well. It didn't take long to realize Kim and Hank were an item. That's not what threw us off. We were supposed to be playing a video game and just talking to our friends. To be honest, it's what Peter and I do with most of our time.
What made things interesting was the stage direction.
"Think they'll be okay?" Peter read.
"Yeah, they're fine." I replied.
Then our director read the directions out loud.
"They peck each other briefly on the lips. Oh my God."
Suddenly an eruption of laugher and dramatic smooching sounds filled the auditorium.
Peter looked at me with red cheeks that could rival how red mine were.
"Ha! Go on and kiss him!" A student nudged my arm.
"Mr. Reed you literally can't make her do that. It's cruel and unusual punishment." Flash shouted at the director.
"(Y/n), Peter it's up to you guys. We could just do a peck on the cheek." He suggested.
"Pete?" I cleared my throat and asked him.
"I mean, if you're okay with that." He mumbled while scratching the back of his head.
I looked at my best friend. Sure, why not? It's just a kiss.
I leaned in and placed a chaste kiss on his cheek. The momentary contact allowed me to feel just how hot his cheeks were.
I don't think the rest of the group expected me to actually kiss him. Everybody fell deathly silent after. After a beat, Mr. Reed continued to read the stage directions.
We continued our scene as a blubbering mess. Once it was over Mr. Reed began to set up the next scene. Peter and I immediately retreated to our spot in the circle.
A boy next to me, James, smiled and said I looked like I was in pain. I laughed at his comment. He was pretty funny. For the rest of the read through he kept me thoroughly entertained. He had funny comments to make during every scene. I could tell we would become fast friends.
Practice went on for six weeks. Peter magically found a balance between school, the play, and his heroic responsibilities.
At this point, I've kissed Peter more times than I've ever thought possible. We had our lines memorized, but our director suggested we came in to work on our delivery before opening night.
Other groups were in the auditorium too. I instantly noticed James doing something over the top on the back. Just seeing him doing something like that made me smile.
"(Y/n), Peter, perfect, hop on stage and we'll work on your scene."
Peter hopped up first and offered me a hand. Before I could even accept his hand I saw James run on stage. He also offered me a hand up. As I began to develop a crush on James these past few weeks, so I accepted James' help. Once I was on stage, I felt James place a had on the small of my back. He whispered a quick good luck in my ear before running off.
I turned back to Peter and saw him eyeing James as he went in a completely different direction.
"You nervous?" I asked with excitement.
This may be Peter's first play, but it's all a routine to me now. I loved performing.
"Is it obvious?" He nervously fidgeted with his hands.
"A little." I joked and took my seat on the couch.
He followed and looked out to the currently empty audience.
"Okay, you two we need to figure out this scene." Our director came up out of nowhere.
"I looked at other people doing this scene on YouTube and they're just more convincing. I want to capture some of that realness. This time with the kiss, I want you to kiss her cheek, Peter."
"What?" We both said simultaneously.
"I just want to see how it looks. From the top."
We did our scene as usual, but I was so in the routine of kissing Peter that I still went to do it as before. But Peter also went in to kiss my cheek. Before we even processed what was happening we were kissing. On the lips.
I was the first to pull away. I felt my cheeks go up in flames. I heard our director applaud. My mouth remained agape. I looked at his shocked facial expression. His face mirrored mine.
"I'm sorry!" I quickly jumped off the couch. "Peter, I am so sorry. I forgot. I'm so used to doing the scene the other way and I just…"
Peter didn't get to say anything as Mr. Reed stopped my apologies.
"(Y/n), don't apologize. That made the scene 10 times better! We figured out your scene." He walked off to help others with their scenes.
When I looked back at the couch, Peter was gone.
I took off backstage in an attempt to find him. I'd be damned if I let our friendship be ruined by a mistake I made.
But I couldn't deny that kissing him felt invigorating. As cliche as having your best friend be your first kiss, and suddenly realizing you had a crush on them this whole time sounds, it's what just happened to me.
"Hey, so I was wondering if you'd be willing to... woah, where are you in a rush to?"
James. I felt him place his arms on either side of me, locking me in place. My eyes still wondered around, trying to find Peter.
"Uh, yeah, have you seen Peter?" I asked.
"Yeah, he just went outside."
James gestured to the stage exit. I shrugged his hands off of me and jogged outside.
There he was. My best friend for 10 years hiding his face in his hands while leaning on the railing. I heard light sniffles. Had he been crying?
"Peter?" I asked while gently placing my hand on his shoulder.
He visibly tensed at the contact. I drew my hand back.
"Peter, I am extremely sorry, but we can just forget this. Because I don't particularly want our friendship to end like this." I moved so I was now leaning on the railing with him.
In that moment I decided to mask the newly found feelings I had for him. I didn't want to lose him, so if that meant I had to bury what I felt, so be it.
He let out a breathy laugh. "You are oblivious."
I looked at him, expecting an explanation.
He closed his eyes and took a breath.
"(Y/n), I've liked you since 7th grade."
He looked up to meet my gaze. His deep brown eyes showed fear. I even noticed the hair on his arms standing up.
"And you're telling me we need to forget that kiss so we can go back to the friend zone." He added.
I was speechless. Peter having a crush on me all the way back in 7th grade is an insane thought. Seventh grade (Y/n) was not particularly attractive in any way, shape, or form.
"Well, I don't think I can forget it." He suddenly turned to face me fully.
"Peter, that was a stage kiss." I paused, he looked immediately disappointed.
"We need a real one." I continued in a small voice.
He perked up. With some newfound confidence he grabbed one of my hands. He looked down at our hands and then back up to my face. His eyes flicked to my lips. Mine also found themselves looking at his light pink lips. He tucked some loose hair behind my ear and began leaning in. While we were standing, he was too tall for me. I had to stand on my tippy toes to even have a chance to reach him. Even then, he still had to lower himself a tad.
We both smiled as our lips connected. This one was much longer and sweeter than the first.
All previous "feelings" for James disintegrated into thin air.
I had a feeling our scene was going to be 100 times better now.
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wendylewis-blog · 5 years
03.22.2020 /bad.morning.
I woke up around 6:30 am. The sky was getting lighter through the brown blinds hung on the south side bedroom window. It looked so peaceful peeking through the slats. Pink smeared with grey, the next day arriving. Here it is. The next day. When I let Sonny out, I saw a skim of snow had fallen overnight, covering the ground. It felt like a clouded metaphor. 
A reply in FB this morning from a NC high school friend sorta clarified that metaphor in some way. Donna said, Most all of the cherry trees in Winston-Salem have been replaced with Bradford Pears and, while beautiful when they bloom, they have a pungent, unpleasant odor . . . maybe a sign that beauty is truly only skin deep. Thank you, Donna. 
And maybe truth is only skin deep? At least, the truth being espoused by our government lately? I dunno, huh? Politicians are only saving themselves right now and it feels exceedingly shallow, skin deep and dirty. There is no real leadership on top but plenty of ego and fairytales spinning. Gah. Fk. We are all being rendered helpless for so many reasons, ones I cannot possibly enumerate. I’m not even gonna try. That’s not the point. 
Meanwhile, in my state of MN, I’m gonna take a minute to applaud our Gov Tim Walz. He is in touch with us, speaking hard truths without lip gloss, and working to come up with survival plans and simply—good solid advice for our state going forward. I am sure he is working hard for us.
Meanwhile, I honestly don’t give a shit about the stock market (sorry for those of you who are losing your investments and retirement :((( ) but am very much more concerned about those working in service industries; restaurants, small businesses and retailers, vintage stores, musicians and performers of every kind, daycare workers, delivery drivers and so many more I’m not able to list right now—it’s too enormous, all of us hinged with each other on any working calendar day. Bless all of you. Hang in there... be in touch. I want to hear from you.
OK. Pulling myself together a little more. My personal deal is, I’m away from my children and my 6-month old grandson, Ezra. I don’t know when I’ll see them in person again. Fk. But I am gratefully in place with my amazing husband and that guy makes me laugh every damn day. Like, what would I do without him? We DO have to keep laughing, it’s a Vonnegut thing. I also recommend all of you following Tony Baker on Instagram. If you don’t have Instagram, just GET IT. In addition to my husband, Tony is keeping me afloat all day every day. He’s posting like a maniac. Skiddlety-paps! Thanks to my friend Annie who connected me. 
OK! Pulling myself together even a little more. Today is a Sunday. It helps to talk with anyone who is reading this. It might be a bit warmer today and at some point I will venture out onto the prairie and walk along the river with my trusted companion, Sonny. I’ll probably cry my face off. That will help. 
I’m listening to NPR right now, Michelle Lee in Alexandria, VA—a store owner. She’s on the front lines the same way the medical industry is. Honor them! They are putting themselves at risk, ALL DAY EVERY DAY, to check us out at the register with our provisions and stay as risk free as possible or treat us at the doors of clinics and hospitals. 
I thought about that yesterday as I paid cash for a purchase and felt like I was pouring contagion change into my wallet. Yikes! But, dood had hand sanitizer at the ready and was cleaning his hands after every customer came through. Way to GO! Soooo maybe my wallet isn’t a virus breeding container. Still, when I got home, I washed it. :) We can actually wash cash as well, if we are being uber careful, and soak our change in white vinegar. NOTE: There are more ways to disinfect than buying Clorox Bleach wipes which are utterly unavailable on the shelves. 
For those of you who care at all about cooking, and lately, we all might be, since we are stuck at home (but DO support your local restaurants with curb service take-out if you are WFH and financially able) you might wanna visit BonAppetit vids on YouTube. Super entertaining, instructive and FREE. If you go there and like beans (which are extremely available dried), check out Carla making the perfect pot of beans. I made them last week and they are still in my refrigerator—delivering for quesadillas, soup, cold from the fridge next to kraut, arugula, and cottage cheese (haha... me and my weird small cold plates)—and you can always freeze them in bags or containers. Super delicious and nutritious. Once you click on my BonAppetit link, you can scroll through endless other videos, go into that rabbit hole, calm yourself, trance out. After I finish this post, that’s what I’m gonna do. 
Final note. Friend Alissa wrote me on FB this morning and said this, in regard to cherry blossoms mentioned in my previous post: I just got my mom in touch with her family in Japan today after a long hiatus. and they were like pass this message on to her. which basically translated to the cherry blossoms are in season... (thanking my friend Kevin in Bed Stuy who sent me the link via FB mssngr)
It will be warmer today and—rain is coming. I might just take a walk in the rain with my deep sadness that I am trying to beat back. Thanks for listening, ppl. We all have our own worry and pain and separation from our loved ones. One day we’ll feel okay and the next, annihilated. It’s all good—we have to stay real and let our frustration and sadness be there and hopefully, later, be released. 
Let’s stick together. We have to, right? We do. YES. We do. I’ll be back sooner than you want me to. Hahaha. Gotcha. 
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