#i assure you i have seen some VERY fluffy doves that were very very content and relaxed
triptychofvoids · 4 months
i dont lije when people go on about fluffy doves and then theyre thinking about doves tgat purposefully have theur feathers fluffed up.... that means theyre cold......
not always! doves do fluff their feathers up when they are cold as it allows them to create air pockets with their feathers that will keep them warm, but thats not the only reason a dove may fluff up their feathers! they may also do this if they are sick or injured, but also as a sign of relaxation or confort! so no, it is not wrong to assume a dove is happy because its feathers are fluffed up, it all depends on context and the rest of their body language my friend!
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dreamcatcherrs · 4 years
3 types of kisses - sapnap
(suggestive content! 18+ or read with caution)
this guy, I swear to god, he is such a brat, and don’t think for a second that that’ll change once he’s in a relationship. I mean yeah, he’s a soft boy, but gosh he’s a wild card as well. one second he’s all soft, the next he's acting like a brat and annoying the shit out of you, and then he’s all over you like a horny 15-year old boy. you never know what mood he’s gonna be in next.
“nick, don't you even think about it,” you snarled, squinting your eyes at your boyfriend as his hands hovered over your sides. his face held a mischievous smirk, which really wasn't giving you a good feeling about escaping the crazed man above you. “I will kill you if you even just as much as lay a finger on me.”
but alas, your hisses and threats had no effect on him and he proceeded with his mischievous actions by letting his fingers run loose across your sides. you squirmed in your place, letting out a loud squeak as he laughed at your misery.
“nick, don't do this!” you screamed, attempting to push his hands away to stop the uncomfortable tingles shooting through your body, but failing miserably. your breathing became harder to control as a fit of unstoppable giggles escaped your mouth, unable to do anything until your idiot boyfriend stopped tickling you.
that son of a bitch was laughing, too.
what did you do to deserve this kind of pain? apparently a lot since nick had no plans of stopping anytime soon. you had to do something. so, as anyone else would, you curled yourself into a ball as best as you could, before kicking out your legs to knock him backwards.
it worked for a moment, your boyfriend falling back onto the bed for just enough time for you to catch your breath again, before he was on top of you again in an instant.
“very smart, but too bad you're still the one under me.” he grabbed your wrists before you could push him back again, this time straddling your legs so you couldn't escape. he collected your wrists with one hand, placing them above your head whilst his other hand continued the sinful actions of tickling you to death.
you yelled out his name in agony, nails clawing into his hand. you HATED being tickled, and your prick of a boyfriend knew exactly just how much. you had just been peacefully putting your clothes back in your drawer as nick played on dream’s smp, when all of a sudden he tackled you onto your bed and started tickling you like it was the last thing he did.
“c’mon y/n, out of breath already? I haven't even started yet,” he teased, laughing at your face when you sent him a mean stare.
“no~ please stop,” you whined, trying to shake him off of you. the tickles were getting worse, your heart beating so loudly that you were sure he could hear it. you felt him slow down his hand movements a little, making your eyes light up. “please don't, babe. I’ll do anything.” you pouted at him, giving him puppy eyes. his hand stopped moving completely at your suggestion.
“you’ll do anything?” he gave you a smug look, raising an eyebrow. you nodded profusely, blinking a set of innocent eyes at him, when of course you weren't going to do anything for that little shit. “well, in that case…”
he released the grip on your wrists slowly, stupid fucker, and without hesitation you used all of your weight to tackle him onto his back, using the same technique as him by straddling his legs.
“hah!” you grinned, forcing his hands on each side of his head. “not so tough now, are you?” he quickly wiped off his shocked expression, replacing it with an eye roll. he easily ripped his hands from your grip, and grabbed your shoulders with a strong enough force to roll you onto your back again.
you groaned in annoyance, quickly raising your arms up in front of you as some sort of shield. there was no way you were letting him tickle you again.
“ohhh, you sneaky little snake,” he chuckled darkly, locking your chin between his thumb and index finger to hold you still. “what ever should I do with you now? I can't believe you lied to me.”
“I told you to stop...!” you trailed off with a weak voice when seeing the disapproval in his eyes, telling you to shut up. suddenly, you didn't feel so brave anymore.
“tickles don't work on you, so I guess I’m just gonna have to try something else..”
you looked into his green eyes, noticing how they'd grown dull and hooded. his thumb latched onto your bottom lip, pulling the flesh downwards and staring at it attentively. your heart stopped for a second at the feeling, blood rushing to your cheeks in an instant.
before you could react further, his face dove into your neck, lips soft against your skin as he planted a sweet kiss just below your jaw. the feeling made you sigh out, body relaxing underneath his. he took your pleased sound as an invitation to further his kisses, running his tongue across the kiss he’d planted, its warmth and wetness sending shivers down your spine. he latched his lips onto the skin and sucked it gently, making a low hum escape your lips.
the noises you were starting to make made him smirk, teeth clamping down on the bruised skin to nibble on it gently, and then continued downwards to leave another burning hickey on a different part of your unmarked skin in that same order.
“nick,” you breathed out, raking your fingers through his brown locks. your eyes closed shut in pure bliss at the feeling, heat pooling between your thighs as he explored your unmarked skin. you moved a daring hand to his lower region, placing it softly on his growing erection.
he let out a groan at the sensation, but moved your hand away before you could pleasure him further. he pulled away from your neck, his breathing in sync with yours and eyes wide from the sudden outburst of passion coming from him.
“I’m still on a call with dream,” he huffed, eyes following your lips like a moth would to a flame. he cupped your cheek with one of his hands, and your fingers crawled up under his shirt ever so slightly, playing with the material.
“I don’t care.” you stared at his lustfilled eyes, darkening at your words. he hovered above you for a little, before crashing his lips onto yours in a heated kiss, and you pulled at his roots to push his face closer to yours, not even thinking about letting him go for a second.
dream was not happy with the noises he heard, and had to end the call once realising that his friend wasn’t coming back anytime soon.
sapnap really loves being passionate with his kisses - like he really gets into it. once you start making out with him it’s hard to stop again because he almost always wants to take it further when things get heated. french kisses has to be on this list, like there's just no way this isn't one of his favourites.
it felt like time had stopped completely, everything becoming still around you. nothing else mattered in this moment - only the touch of his lips and your breaths mixed together mattered, and everything that was to come. the room didn't feel so cold anymore, actually you weren't sure you'd ever been this hot in your life.
your teeth clashed with his as you kissed him, tongue swirling around his in a wet and warm embrace. his hand felt up your sides, squeezing the soft flesh that exposed itself to him - his other hand pulling you closer to him by your thigh. he took your straddled position on his lap to his advantage and pushed your hips down to lean your weight on his groin.
you hummed in surprise, cupping his cheek with one hand to press your lips to his harder. he groaned at your close proximity, placing both of his hands on your hips instead to help you grind down on him.
the friction made you moan into his mouth, biting down on his bottom lip gently to mute yourself. his fingers sneaked their way under the hem of your shirt, pushing the material upwards with his hands as they roamed your warm and untouched skin.
you shivered at the coldness of his hands, and pulled away from his lips to catch your breath again. he had left you panting, lips wet and bruised from the rough kiss. he kept himself busy and moved his kisses downwards, venturing towards your collarbone and pulling off your shirt to get easier access to your skin.
you blushed at your sudden bareness, shying away from him even though it was no new sight for him to see. he grabbed your hand that was about to cover you up, lacing his fingers with yours whilst giving you an assuring look.
you swallowed subtly, slowly nodding at him and closing in on him again. he smiled gently at your shyness. even though there'd been many other times he'd seen you wearing less clothes than you were now, you still managed to get shy around him.
he leaned in again, placing an open-mouthed kiss on your lips, before kissing you fully again. you relaxed in his embrace, quickly falling into submission as your tongues met again, not wishing for a second that this moment would end.
of course I had to leave in a soft kiss, because even though sap can get kind of wild with his s/o, he is such a cuddly bear and just wants to devour his partner and squeeze them to death. he always wants to kiss you, why wouldn't he? angel kisses are for soft bois only.
he had only noticed you’d fallen asleep once he heard light snores come from your parted lips, looking down only to see your eyes closed shut and your eyebrows furrowed together slightly.
he smiled down at you, mumbling a very quiet “cute” and turned down the volume of the movie, so you wouldn't wake up again. he scooted down further from his place against the bedrest to lay down on the bed fully, being careful yet again not to wake you up.
he gently moved your head onto the pillow instead of his chest, covering your bodies in the fluffy duvet that just waited to wrap you up in its warmth. he pushed a loose strand of hair away from your face and behind your ear, stroking your cheek gently with the back of his fingers while he was there.
“how are you so cute?” he whispered, knowing that you couldn't hear him, but his heart not being able to keep his emotions hidden when looking at you. the more he looked at you, the faster his heart beat and the more his eyes lit up with love.
he carefully approached you, placing very light and delicate pecks onto your closed eyelids once he was close enough to your face. the feeling was almost as light as a feather, but just enough to make a small smile cross your face in your sleep.
he pulled away once seeing the smile on your face, causing him to smile as well, and pressed his forehead to yours. he cozied up to you before closing his eyes as well, dozing off to dreamland after mumbling into your ear; “I love you, princess.”
this is actually insane, thank you all so much. this wouldn't have been possible without you guys, not to mention that this follow base is filled with the kindest and most incredible people out there. I seriously love you guys so much and if my writing can make your day at least 1% better when you're at 0%, that makes all of this worth it💜 I love each and every one of you with all of my heart💕
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queenxxxsupreme · 4 years
Dad!Witchers and Their Newborns (pt.2)
 A/N: Thank you @thecomfortofoldstorries for this little prompt! In case you haven’t seen, I’ve redone my taglists so you now have to go here in order to be on any of my taglists. Here is my masterlist for more dad!witchers content and more!
Warnings: none, just pure fluffy, maybe some worried dads but that’s it
“Bug? Hey, bug?” Lambert shook your shoulder, trying to get you to wake up. 
“Lambert, I’m sleeping.” You muttered, rolling over in the bed to put your back to him. 
“It’s Eva, Y/N.”
You sat up too quickly, bumping your head against his.
“Damn it, bug!” He cursed, rubbing his head. You didn’t linger on the pain too long. You were more worried about your daughter.
“Is something wrong with her?” You hastily pushed the blankets off of yourself and started to stand up. But since you weren’t fully awake, your head spun and you nearly stumbled. Lambert’s hands grabbed you to steady you.
“I-I don’t know.” He said, taking your hand and guiding you towards Eva’s bassinet. “Her heart is beating all funny.”
“Funny like what?”
“I don’t know! It just sounds funny! Can’t you hear it?”
You shook your head, knowing very well you couldn’t hear what his sensitive ears could pick up. You leaned over the bassinet to find your daughter sound asleep. 
“I’m gonna hold her.” Lambert muttered. He began to carefully unbutton her sleeper. 
You couldn’t help but worry about her. What if something was wrong with her?
“I’m going to read through that book the midwife gave me.” You thought out loud.
You moved away from him to find the book that rested on the stand beside your bed. You sat down on the edge of the bed and flipped through a few pages, skimming over the words until you found what you were looking for.
While you did that, Lambert picked Eva up and placed her against his chest. He moved to sit on the bed beside you, gently rocking her. 
“Bug, it’s not weird anymore.”
“What I’m reading right now says that it’s good for a baby to be able to feel and hear one of their parents’ heartbeat. It can help stabilize their own heart as well as their body temperature.” Your finger guided your eyes as you read the words. 
“So…. we just can’t put her down ever?” Lambert furrowed his brows together. 
“No, that’s not it.” You shook your head. “Just while she’s a baby…. I think.”
He looked down at Eva, who was still fast asleep.
“You’re lucky I love you, you spoiled little shit.”
You reached out in search of your witcher, only half awake. 
“Eskel?” You called out, unable to bring yourself to open your eyes just yet.
There was no response.
You rubbed your eyes then forced them open. The room was dark so you couldn’t see a damned thing.
Just as you were about to call out for him again, the door to the bedroom opened and a little light came in.
“Is everything okay, doll?” Eskel stood in the doorway with Nadia cradled against his chest. His top was unlaced and the little newborn was tucked safely beneath the cloth so that she could rest against Eskel’s skin.
“What are you doing out of bed?” You sat up, yawning.
“Just wanted to check on her.” He answered, nodding down to the baby.
“Was she crying? I didn’t hear a thing.”
“No, no. She didn’t cry.” Eskel shook his head. He moved into the room, using his foot to gently kick the door shut behind himself. 
With a simple hand gesture, the candles by the bed were lit. You moved closer to his side of the bed as he settled down on the edge of the bed. He shifted Nadia around a little so she was cradled more horizontally across his chest. 
“I just…. just couldn’t sleep because of her heart. It was beating so weirdly. One second, it was beating like a hummingbird’s wings. The next, it was beating so slowly.”
“The midwife said that could happen. She’s only a day old.” You leaned against his shoulder, gazing down at your daughter. 
“I don’t like it, Y/N.” Eskel said, shaking his head softly. “I remember after I had gone through all of my training and I was still at Kaer Morhen. Listening to the boys who were going through the Trial of the Grasses…. Their hearts would beat so frantically and then just…. just give out.”
“That isn’t going to happen to her, love.” You assured him, pressing a kiss to his shoulder. “She’s safe here with us. Nothing bad is going to happen to her.”
“I know. I just…. I can’t help but worry.” A little crinkle formed between his brows. “She’s just so small and-and fragile.”
“She will grow into a strong girl. Just give her time.”
Eskel nodded his head, letting out a soft little breath. 
You were busy folding laundry when you noticed Geralt creep into the room. He started off by the door, his eyes focused on Bram. The little newborn was laying on your bed, staring at the ceiling and sucking on his fingers. 
From the doorway, Geralt moved slowly to the bedside, brows drawn together. 
“What is it, Geralt?” You asked him. You were a little worried with his behavior. 
“His heartbeat is just…. It’s not normal.” He muttered.
“What do you mean?” You put the article of clothing in your hand down and moved towards your son. “Is she okay?”
“I-I don’t know.” Geralt followed your actions, concern and worry creating a tornado in his stomach. “It just-I’ve been listening to it for a couple hours now and it just started sounding weird a few minutes ago. Did you do anything?”
“Well, I put her down so I could do the laundry.” You brushed your fingertips gently over Bram’s cheek. His eyes focused on you and he smiled. 
“I’ll hold him.” Geralt offered, needing to know if that was the reason his newborn’s heart wasn’t beating properly. Maybe if he wasn’t being held, his little newborn heart couldn’t figure out how to beat properly. “You said skin to skin contact was good for her, right?”
“Yes, that’s what the midwife said.” You nodded. Bram was just two days old. Perhaps he could still benefit from skin to skin contact. 
“Help me take this off him, dove.” Geralt spoke quietly as he started to unbutton the sleeper Bram was in. He didn’t want to move Bram the wrong way while undressing him and hurt the newborn. 
You stood next to him, unbuttoning the sleeper. Geralt brought a hand up to rub over his face. What if something was wrong with his son? What if he was ill? What if it was something that couldn’t be cured?
Once he was down to his diaper, Geralt picked Bram up and held him against his chest with his head on his shoulder. 
“Here.” You placed a little blanket around Bram’s back to help keep him warm. “Go sit down, love.” Your hand brushed along his arm as he moved away from you. 
He sat down in a rocking chair in the corner, carefully rocking Bram with his eyes closed.
You knew he was listening, focusing on any little noise his body might make. 
You returned to folding laundry, glancing up occasionally to your husband and son. 
A few moments passed before Geralt stopped rocking. 
“What is it?” You asked him. 
“It’s normal now.” He muttered, looking down at Bram. “His heartbeat isn’t erratic.”
“I wasn’t aware the skin to skin contact would work now.” You moved to his side, brushing your fingers over the back of his head, through his white hair. 
“How the hell are we supposed to get anything done when we have to hold him all the time?” Geralt sighed, only a little irritated. He was more upset at the idea of his son having such an unusual and abnormal heartbeat than he was actually upset about not getting anything done.
You chuckled softly and leaned down to kiss his head.
Taglist: @pressedinthepages @MishaFaye  @whitewolfandthefox @ayamenimthiriel @c-a-v-a-l-r-y @wolfyland07  @belalugosisdead @persephonehemingway @romancebibliophilia @keira-hulmaster @dinonuggs69 @greatestauthorofmygeneration @shadow-hunters-lover @dancingwith-thesunflowers @tedi-fach-las @thecomfortofoldstorries @raspberrydreamclouds @natkowaa @disasteren @weathervanes-my-oneandlonely @onlyhenrys @crazybutconfidentaf @wackylurker @criminaly-supernatural  @magpie343 @permanently-exhausted-witcher @hina-chans-stuff @the-space-between-heartbeats @havenoffandoms @carriebee1 @ger-bearofrivia @naominami @thefirelordm @writingawaymylife @reaganjenelle @badassspaceprincess @theawkwardpedestrian @scarlettwitcher 
If your name is in italics, it wouldn’t let me tag you :(
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