#i barely remember either suits lolol
solargeist · 2 years
thibking abt superhero fantasy mobility aids for HotGuy and my only thoughts r
1) Iron Man type suit for leg braces + flying
2) Dr Octopus extra arms to carry him around and climb buildings
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anonymousbaev · 4 years
RFA+Minor Trio Celebrating New Years Eve w/MC
I hope you enjoy it! It kind of sucks but it’s my first one...so pls bear with me! (づ。◕‿‿◕。)づ 
                                       ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)  !!WARNING!! ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
☆Everyone agreed on staying more lowkey for this year’s New Years and decided to stay home instead of doing their traditional New Years Eve get together party. Especially with the pandemic... it would be safer to stay home...
☆ Yoosung and you didn’t mind as you’d get to stay home being all lovely and touchy with each other. You two planned to chill playing LOLOL till 10 PM and have a mini party with just the two of you and Lisa waiting for the big count down on TV with an enormous box of fried chicken.
☆ Yes, that was the plan until...Yoosung had to whine about wanting to play a few more rounds. You gave in to his adorable begs and played a couple more rounds.
  ☆ Looking up to check the time after playing what only felt like two rounds, your heart dropped. It had past 12, the countdown that had only come once every year has passed as you stayed playing games- something you could do anytime, any day. Yoosung doesn’t notice the darkened expression on your face and continues to blabber on about his new favorite equipment. Yoosung stop...
☆ He stops talking, as he takes off his headset when he notices your silence and follows your heartbroken gaze up to the clock. The longer needle directly pointing at the 12 and the smaller pointing at the 20. He gasps, unable to close his mouth before shaking his head back into reality. He carefully reaches out to your cold hands before begging for forgiveness, “Baby I’m so sorry- I had no idea...” He knew how much you had looked up to this New Years Eve- the first New Years Eve you would spend with him, the New Years Eve you had talked about for 3 days straight on how perfect you wanted it to be. 
☆ You let out a helpless sigh before holding his hand, “It’s fine, really” you smile as he brightens back up standing up to lean towards you. He pecks your lips before a smug grin appears on his face, “It’s not too late to celebrate now.” You flush red as he pulls you into a deep make out session before he screams, “YAY ITS 2021!!!!” What the fuck, just ruined the moment there Yoosung... ಠ益ಠ
☕️ Jaehee ☕️
☕️ The timer on your phone rings as you and Jaehee jump up from the couch in excitement and rush over to the oven where the cookies you two have baked spread the scent of chocolate around the house. When Jaehee looks away to get plates , hallucinated by the sweet smell you reach out to the oven without second thought . “MC!” Jaehee yelps as she grabs your wrist, an inch away from the flaming hot oven. 
☕️ Startled you back away, “I’m so sorry I don’t know what I was thinking.” you reply still surprised on what you were about to do. She ruffles your hair, pinching your cheeks as she laughs, “Why’re you apologizing? Let me see your hand.” she lets out a sigh of relief when your small soft hands are clean from any burns. She grabs her oven mittens and take out the fresh batch of cookies.
☕️ You follow her into the living room where you put in Zen’s special New Years musical DVD. Jaehee holds your hands together quickly placing a kiss on it before blushing and looking away. “Be careful next time, I don’t want you to get hurt...” you giggle as you laugh at her adorable bright red face before nodding in agreement. 
☕️ You both sit down waiting for the plate of cookies to cool down as you both fangirl over Zen, a duvet over the both of you cuddling. You whisper a suggestive and gentle, “Happy New Years” before Jaehee places a quick peck on your cheek as she immediately looks away after, embarrassed. You giggle gently shifting her to look at you as you place a kiss on your adorable Baehee. ♥‿♥
🎤 Zen 🎤
🎤 You rub your eyes sitting up to see that you’ve been sleeping like a mess diagonally, thankfully though, the bed was a king sized and you were fairly petite so it didn’t really matter. Except, Zen was no where to be found on the bed. You brush it off as Zen was always an early riser. You head to the bathroom connected to the bedroom to freshen up. After brushing your teeth and hair, you wash your face. Looking at the mirror you blush, you’re wearing Zen shirt, only 3 buttons barely holding together from exposing your body. But you don’t remember putting it on after yesterdays interesting events with Zen so he must’ve dressed you when you were sleeping...
🎤 You get dressed in a comfy sweater dress because you know Zen will avoid you all day trying to contain the beast if you go out in his button up shirt. You close the bedroom door to be astonished when you look up to see the decorated living room. Lettered balloons writing out “Happy New Years”, confetti all over the apartments wide living room with Zen coming out of the corner with a party hat on his head. He kisses your forehead, “Jagiya good afternoon!~”
🎤 Something overwhelms you as happy tears swell in your eyes, Zen is flustered as he rushes to put down the plate of fruits in his hands and pulls you into his arms. “Thank you so much. I must’ve saved the world in my past life to deserve you...” He laughs as he brings your face closer into his lean build. You hug him for ten minutes straight and ask with a baffled expression, “But wait what time is it exactly? Good afternoon?!” He scratches the back of his neck wondering if he should really tell you, “3...PM...”
🎤 You stagger back before screeching, “THREE PM?”  He lifts your chin up to see your eyes, “To be fair I did keep you up all night.” your face turns red as you refuse to answer him. He scoffs before guiding you to the couch, “It doesn’t matter that you woke up super late. It actually gave me more time to decorate. Now let’s celebrate our first New Years Eve together babe~” He was right, and you didn’t really care that you woke up at three in the afternoon, just a little guilty he had to set this up all by himself. But either way you were super thrilled and touched that he’d taken so much time and effort to make your first New Years Eve with him the best. You kiss him thank you once again as he gets flustered, stumbling away to contain the beast.
🎤 Bonus: It took Zen 30 minutes trying to dress you in his shirt. One minute trying to dress you, another minute looking away with a flustered face as he apologizes to god. Back and forth, and barely manages to dress you...✌♫♪˙‿˙♫♪✌
♛Jumin ♛ 
♛ Let’s pretend the covid doesn’t exist here...You explain to Jumin about how excited you were for the first New Years Eve with him and you only. He doesn’t really see the point of celebrating New Years Eve. However regardless of what he thinks, he books a private jet so he can bring you to see the big countdown in New York. He’s just thrilled to see you so excited for something and is willing to do anything to make the day as perfect as you wish it to be.
♛ You’re SO-SO- surprised when he wakes you up five in the morning, telling you to get up and dressed for the private jet waiting for them outside. You haven’t known about this AT ALL! Either way you didn’t want to waste his money so you and Jumin fly to New York City first thing in the morning, barely keeping yourself awake.
♛ After spending the entire day eating delicious food, visiting intriguing landmarks, and relaxing at the luxury hotel suite it was finally around 11 pm when the countdown was soon gonna start. He makes sure you’re in warm clothing as he wraps a scarf around your neck. He holds your waist to keep you close to him as your eyes twinkle on the big screen of the countdown. He quietly laughs as he watches you without you noticing him. The entire crowd begins to countdown when the clock is at 10 seconds. You countdown along with the crowd as Jumin just watches you as he thinks you’re adorable. 
♛ “10!, 9!, 8!, 7!, 6!, 5!, 4!, 3!, 2!, 1!!! HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!” You pull on his tie and stand on your tippy toes to peck him on the lips. You blush as you brightly smile at him and look away quickly after. He stands still startled at first before he gently pulls your arm and leans in for a warm French kiss. Before you know it you’re on live TV on a channel as a camera records the both of you. 
♛ When you go back home a couple days later, the RFA can’t stop making fun of the two of you, you’re embarrassed and hides from all of them for the next couple days while Jumin is just proud he had showed you off. (n˘v˘•)¬
👓 Saeyoung 👓
👓 You’re upset to wake up, Saeyoung not next to you on the bed. He’d probably stayed up working again...even if he was piled with work he’d always make time for you except for the past 3 days. You understood as you assumed work had become incredibly overwhelming this time. Although, you’re a little upset because you were hoping to celebrate New Years with him. You put a long fluffy cardigan over your strapped night gown. You freshen up in the bathroom before heading out to the living room. It was chilly in the house, worried for Saeyoung you go down into the basement where you find to see the door is locked. You bang on the door, “Saeyoung?” 
👓 He seems to be awake already, his voice sounds like he is genuinely surprised as he says “I’ll be there in a bit!” He opens the door blocking your view from the room. You frown crossing your arms below your bosom before bursting into giggles when you see his worried expression. “Come on Sae, what’re you hiding? Let me see!” you try to jump up in attempt to get a glance but he’s too tall. “Just a bit later!” he laughs as he bops his finger gently on your nose. You jokingly act pissed before muttering fine. Suddenly Saeran comes from behind Saeyoung screaming, “ARGGG IM SO DONE!” he shoves his way through Saeyoung and heads upstairs. You take the chance to steal a glance, you see balloons everywhere, everything themed galaxy. But before your eyes explore more Saeyoung hugs you as he buries your face into his red shirt. You can feel his abs through the thin cloth.
👓 “Woahh!! C'mon let’s go up babe” he continues to walk up as you both struggle to waddle up the stairs still hugging. He suddenly picks you up like a princess and places you back on the bed. “Promise me you won’t come down until I’m done with...something?” you sigh before breaking into a smile, “Fine.” He pecks your cheeks thanks before heading down again.  
👓 You chill watching TV with ice cream on the couch with Saeran. You flood Saeran with questions like ‘Can you pretty please give me hints?’ ‘What were you doing down there?’ ‘Did you guys stay up all night?’ When he ignores everything you say you pout and quietly watch the TV again. 
👓 Later, it’s already night and Saeyoung finally runs up the stairs to hug you in his warmth. He pecks you on the lips and blushes as he says, “Sorry I made you wait long.” You pretend to wonder either to forgive him or not before saying, “Depends, let me see what you did first.” you smile as he immediately picks you up in his arms. He whispers in a seductive voice, “Don’t open your eyes until I say so.” You nod and smile nervously. Saeran follows you both into the basement.
👓 You feel your bum on something extremely soft as he whispers, “Open your eyes.” You slightly flutter your eyelashes as you peak up and around the room. In front of you is a big screening of the galaxy. Everything is magical and astonishing, you can’t take your eyes off of it all. Then you gasp, Saeyoung kneels down in front you neatly in a suit with his glasses hanging on the pocket of his shirt. He takes a quick cute little breath before saying...”Will you marry me?”
👓 You burst into tears as you can’t stop crying. You take a moment to take deep breaths so you can talk. You nod furiously, “Of course!!!” He smiles brightly, his bright pearl teeth showing as he brings you into a hug before kissing you with tongue. You hear Saeran whisper ew in the background but you also can see a slight grin on his face. New Years Eve celebration? Psshh, you didn’t need that. You were so thrilled your heart couldn’t stop pounding. You loved this man in front of your eyes so dearly. He stayed up 4 days straight to prepare such a wonderful proposal for you. You held onto him so tightly for dear life as if he would disappear if you didn’t. You wipe his tears of joy before he wipes yours. You would never forget about this day...♪ ♬ ヾ(´︶`♡)ノ ♬ ♪
👓BONUS: MY OWN HEADCANON MADE ME FALL IN LOVE WITH SAEYOUNG EVEN MORE...Vanderwood is dead on the floor after Saeyoung forced him to help him with no sleep for 4 days straight凸(¬‿¬)
🌚 Saeran 🌚
🌚 It was 8 pm, New Years Eve you were explaining all the fun things you and Saeran could do but Saeran rather seemed indifferent as he slumped back in his chair, drumming with his fingers on the table. You frown at his rather uninterested replies, you had even dressed in a white ruffle nightdress despite it being unbelievably uncomfortable.
🌚 You’re slightly disappointed but you also don’t want to show him you’re upset not wanting to force him into doing stuff he doesn’t want to do. You gently whisper, “It’s fine if you don’t want to do anything. I’ll be in bed.” you don’t see his surprised expression when you walk into your shared bedroom with him. 
🌚 He walks into the room as you put down your phone. You were watching memes. He sits down on the side of the bed as you lean your head against his shoulder. He stutters nervous to say, “Um... so shit, how do I say this. I wasn’t trying to be indifferent I was just nervous...because I have something for you. Sorry...” Your eyes light up and you smile so brightly you can’t even hide it- you don’t even make an attempt to hide it. 
🌚 You startle him when you immediately don’t hesitate to jump on his muscular back, wrapping yourself on him. “Well? Bring me to this little surprise of yours!”  you giggle as he scoffs and holds your legs to secure you. He stands up to bring you up to the rooftop?
🌚 You notice to see a telescope as you gasp in amusement. “Wow...” you don’t hesitate to run over and peak your eyes through the telescope and watch the stars before you pull Saeran as you both fit your eyes through the big glass. You laugh pointing out all the interesting and astonishing stars. “Thank you” you mutter still amazed. He takes off his coat and places it over your thin nightgown as he attempts to snuggle into your chest but he’s too tall. 
🌚You eventually fall asleep on the bench on the rooftop so Saeran carries you back into bed where he falls asleep next to you. ★~(◡‿⊙✿)
♧ Jihyun ♧
♧ You feel someone petting your head on the table when Jihyun takes his hand away flustered as soon as you wake up. He clears his throat and pretends to read his book attempting to keep his composure. You smile gently pulling his arm to kiss him on his lips. “Sorry I fell asleep while reading.” you blush as you fiddle with his sleeve. “Why are you apologizing? No worries.” He smiles, tucking a strand of your hair behind. 
♧ You and V didn’t care for New Years Eve at all. You both just spent the day just like any other day, loving each other without missing out a single second. You then come up with an idea, “You haven’t gone out for a long time! Let’s go out to the greenhouse!” He laughs as he gently ruffles your hair, it’s almost ticklish at out lightly he’s doing it afraid to hurt you. “If that’s what you want to do.” You help him grab his cane as he opens the backdoor. 
♧ You can immediately smell the scent of fresh flowers, each one you and Jihyun have planted personally together. He did most of all the work. He holds your waist and carries his cane with the other hand. He doesn’t really have to use it because he’s already so familiar with the garden. You lean your head against his strong and tall build before crouching down by a pot. “Wow look we planted this last week! It already has a sprout!” you help his finger gently touch it as he smiles. “I’m going to go get the watering can, wait here!” he nods as you search for the watering can before whimpering in pain at your finger that has slashed against a piece of broken glass. He rushes over to you so quickly he is able to immediately find you with his hands and pull you into his arms. “What happened? Are you okay darling?” 
♧ “I’m okay. I almost tripped that’s all.” he can smell your blood and holds onto your hand before feeling a streak of blood. “Where are you hurt really?” You blush embarrassed from your failed attempt of hiding your pain. “I cut my finger but I’m okay.” He holds your waist as he guides you back into the house, sitting you down. He takes a quick breather before he smiles, “I’m scared because you always try to hide your pain from me.” 
♧ “That’s not true! I just didn’t want you to...worry.” He bandages up your finger, pulling you into a hug “But we said we wouldn’t keep anything from each other. However, there’s something I have also kept from you...” You look up curious and kind of nervous awaiting his next words. “I’m going to get surgery for my eye.” 
♧ You’re so surprised, you knew he didn’t want it at first, so why so suddenly? You caresses his cheeks, “Because I’m so damn clumsy, and you can keep your eyes on me?” he nods as you frown, crossing your arms with a small “hmph” he must’ve heard you because he didn’t hesitate to apologize, “Ah sorry, I was joking...” You’re so startled, why was this man so kind? You giggle, “I was joking as well.” he rests his head on your lap “Actually I want to get this surgery because I  want to be here for you, and I know I can do more of that when I get my sight back. Are you okay with this?” He’s so damn surprised when you fall to the floor next to him and slightly sit on your knees to kiss him. “Of course! I’ll support you no matter what.” he’s touched by your words and pulls you into another kiss. ★~(◡ω◡✿)
🧸 Vanderwood 🧸 
🧸 He’s a teddy bear just because “So why’re we doing this...” Vanderwood faces down in shame as you scoot him over to sit next to him and turn on the Boogle meet. “What do you mean ‘why are we doing this’ silly. This is a safe and great way to interact with other people during quarantine!” You turn on your camera and mute your mic as you enter the room. Jaehee and Jumin are the only ones on so far, Jaehee with her camera facing the roof of her kitchen and Jumin’s camera in his neat apartment as he sits with Elizabeth the 3rd like a statue. Nobody really wants to be here except for you and Seven but they all agree to because you desperately want to and they all give in to you.
🧸 “Hi Juju! Hi Jaehee!” Jumin is taking aback as he quickly says, “I have told you not to call me that-...” he sighs as if saying ‘whatever’ when you pretend to be sad. He forgets to mute his mic afterwards but his house is extremely quiet and he doesn’t talk so it doesn’t really matter.  “Hello MC. I’d like to say this was rather quite an intelligent idea.” 
🧸 “Aw thanks Jaehee!” Jaehee also forgets to mute her mic afterwards, these two Boogle idiots. Soon after everyone begins to join and you introduce them to your boyfriend Vanderwood. Everything is utter chaos and you can’t help but regret this. Saeyoung even hacks the meeting at one point making everyone sound like demons. When Yoosung is drunk and begins to rant about V being here, you decide to leave. You look next to you, Vanderwood has left the chat his soul looks like it’s escaped his body.
🧸 “Thanks for doing this, I know you hate interacting with other people.” you peck him on the lips as his face flushes red. “It was okay...at least it was through a screen...”
🧸 “Still...I’ll make it up to you.” You kiss him as you push him down on the sofa until you’re interrupted with “MC! NO! ALL MEN ARE WOLVES!” You realize in fact that you’ve not left the meeting, flustered you immediately click ‘End Call’ You and Vanderwood awkwardly refuse to look at each other before he leads you to continue what you were doing. (●´ω`●)
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ᴇᴠᴇʀʏᴛʜɪɴɢ ʟᴏᴏᴋꜱ ɢᴏᴏᴅ ᴏɴ ʏᴏᴜ | ᴀᴋᴀᴀꜱʜɪ ᴋᴇɪᴊɪ x ꜰ!ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ | ᴅʀᴀʙʙʟᴇ
Hello hello~! Admin T relayed this to me-- so here I am writing this Akaashi in a skirt SKSKSK from what I’m aware of, she got this idea from @imaginethathaikyuu​ so I guess this goes out to both them and Admin T LOLOL I hope this lives up what y’all want ^^
» » Admin Ko
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»»————- ♡ ————-««
“I’m so sorry, I didn’t think I’d have to do a sudden grocery trip.”
With her eyebrows furrowed and a pout on her lip, (y/n) couldn’t help but feel guilt swirl in her heart as she held the crumpled grocery list in her hand. 
“It’s no big deal, darling. Honest. If you’re correct that it’ll be quick then by the time you get back here all the snacks and books will be laid out for you so you can jump right in.”
As always, the soothing calmness that filled Akaashi’s voice brought a sense of relief to her as she could only lightly nod. Still, the pout seemed to stay on her face as she wondered exactly how this situation came about. She was so certain that she had stocked the fridge up the night before.
Then again...it wouldn’t surprise her if her roommates had decided to have a sudden feast without her knowledge. Oh the absolute joys of college life.
“Hey now, stop pouting sweetheart. Like you said, the convenience store is just around the corner. Plus we can always order take out if you don’t get everything you need.”
Within that brief lapse of time, she was brought out of her stupor by the soft plush feel of his own lips against her own. A small sound of happiness escaped her throat as she met his loving oceanic gaze. 
“Yea...I’ll just get the bare minimum and I’ll come back to pitch in for take out. To apologize for it, it’s your pick on where we eat Keiji~. I won’t take no for an answer either.”
“...of course you have to make it at least a little bit difficult.”
Despite the connotative phrase, the warm loving look in his eyes never faltered as he tauntingly pinched her cheek lightly before giving her a light nudge.
 Rolling her eyes, she gave a mock salute before hurriedly grabbing her wallet and keys. On her way out the door, she tugged him forward for a quick kiss. As the light pink blush dusted his features, she couldn’t help but give him a teasing wink before escaping out the door with a promise of being quick.
»»————- ♡ ————-««
Fondly shaking his head, Akaashi watched her skip out the door with her own unique flourish before beginning to prepare her bedroom for their surprise study night sleep over.  
With ease, the former setter of Fukurodani began his tasks of lightly cleaning her bedroom before pulling out the mini table. Already, his hands worked on pulling out the necessary books and stationary for their little study session before lightly clapping his hands together at the simple yet aesthetically pleasing sight of their books neatly stacked together.
Though as he went about with his tasks, a thought had come to mind. One where he knew it could result in a large misunderstanding, yet here he was quickly escaping into the bathroom to change into a simple outfit. One that he had been meaning to try out eventually, but never really found the chance to. 
With shaky fingers, down came the jeans and up went a flowy simple deep space grey skirt. Though it was slightly short, the skirt itself brought a sense of relief to the male as he substituted his dress shirt for a large sweater-- courtesy of (y/n) as she had a rather large stash of over sized sweaters in her closet.
Shyly grinning to himself, the male couldn’t help but spin briefly in place to admire the style and comfortable fashion skirts had brought into his life. Though it was a suggestion by Kenma, he hadn’t necessarily thought he’d pull through with it. Now, the aspiring editor felt a new sense of curiosity peak as he left the bathroom for (y/n)’s bedroom once more. After all, he knew she had a full length mirror hidden somewhere.
“It’s...not that bad...”
Despite being flustered and shy, the dark haired male couldn’t help but give himself a long once over. Even though he was of a different build, he was still a lot leaner than a majority of his old teammates. In all honesty, he didn’t think the whole ensemble would suit him. That was obviously quickly shut down as he appeared much more...softer. The slight curls from his hair framed his already ‘pretty face’ as to what (y/n) had said, and the large sweater seemed to only add to the soft aesthetic.
Unbeknownst to Akaashi, (y/n) had returned home earlier than anticipated.
“Holy shit...”
»»————- ♡ ————-««
It was the first time she had ever heard so much emotion overtake his voice. She had known him for quite some time, hell the last time she ever remembered his portraying so much emotion was during one of the games during nationals.
Akaashi felt his heart stop as a dark blush overtook his normally pale features. His words came out in a jumbled mess as he tried to explain, though found his words were shut down almost immediately as he was tugged forward into a rough kiss by the other.
“Shit...I’ve imagined you in skirts...but holy shit you’re seriously too pretty Keiji...”
Absolutely dumbstruck, Akaashi could only stare at her in shock. That was short lived though as he was suddenly pushed down onto her bed. An immediate instinct to keep the skirt down from flying up before he was met with a sudden weight on his lap.
“Y..You’ve imagined me in a skirt?”
“Mmmhmm~. I always knew you’d look good in anything, but fuck you really look good in anything Keiji.”
(y/n) watched as the tips of his ears became an even darker shade of red as he struggled to keep his flustered expression down. 
“H-How...who even--”
“Kenma sprung the idea onto me. Can’t say I’m not thankful, but now I owe him $20 bucks.”
“What--- why?”
“I told him I wouldn’t jump you the moment you tried on a skirt-- easy to say I lost.”
A soft groan came from him as he struggled to cover the embarrassment on his face. Yet even as he tried, she easily caught his hands. Her fingers intertwining with his own as she leaned forward to lightly kiss the tip of his nose.
“Stop shying away from me Keiji~.”
“You’re...not upset?”
“Upset? Why would I be? Like I said, I lost a bet to Kenma because I was certain I could control myself. Besides, it’s literally the 21st century, who the fuck cares with how you act or what you want to wear? It’s all cute and hot to me.”
“I...thank you..”
“Don’t thank me, love...now. If I told you I had a cheerleader outfit in your size sitting in my closet right now, would you wear it for me?”
“What? I’ll still study! I promise! I just want you to model for me Keiji~!!”
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kennythecarrot12 · 5 years
I’m Leaving
Taken from one of my stories in AO3, maybe someone on this site might enjoy this. 
Ever since Jumin and I came back from our honeymoon, I thought everything would change.
I mean, those days left at the resort were heaven. I spent so much time with my husband, it felt like a dream.
….was it?
We got back, and he got triple the work he usually got. Many businesses, contracts, projects, and deadlines were coming up and it felt like I was being pushed aside.
“Jumin, dear, I thought we could go out and see-” I try to say. “Not tonight, MC, I've got to work until late today. The office has been chaotic as of late. I'll be back later.”
And with that, he was gone. It's been this way for months.
I don't think I can live like this.
Because you don't listen to what is so close to you,
Only the outside noise
And I that I'm by your side disappear from your eyes
But… I wasn't helping either.
During his day off, he asked me:
“MC,” I turn to him on the bed. He stared at my eyes. “I was thinking we could go out and look for a new dress for yourself. Seems that you're in need for one.” I narrowed my eyes.
“I already made plans.” He seemed confused. “Which I've already told you. Two days ago.” I turn back to my side of the bed. “I told you I was going out with Yoosung to the park with his cat. You even told me,” I clear my throat. “Alright. Have fun.” I try to imitate his voice.
He only stares at me. I feel his body leave the bed, and I sit up to see where he's going.
He goes to the bathroom and shuts the door. I jump at the sudden noise.
After getting up and dressing up, I see him with his suit on and suitcase in hand.
“I thought it was your day off?” I ask before he heads out the door.
“I have plans now too.” and with that, he leaves before I can answer.  
I'm not going to cry and say I don't deserve this,
Because it's probably that I deserve this but-
That day, I decided to cancel my meeting with Yoosung.
“Are you feeling alright, MC? You've never canceled on me… or anyone actually.” he says over the phone.
I sigh. “yeah, sorry Yoosung. I'm just… not in the mood, ya know?” I say. I felt bad for canceling on him but… I couldn't bear myself faking a smile when i felt rotten inside.
“Alright, but call me if anything comes up! You know you can count on me for anything!” I smile and nod, as if he could see me. “you bet.” and with that I hung up.
Jumin has been even more distant from that day on. He left on more overnight trips than usual, almost like he was asking for it.
I usually called Yoosung or Seven when I was feeling down, as they knew how to cheer me up easily. But I stopped calling.
I wanted to leave.
Leave this worthless life, being a wife that is not even loved.
Being a member in the RFA that didn't deserve their friendship.
--But I don't want It,
And that's why I leave
I began thinking about this a lot.
It would be best to leave. Jumin would be better off.
Before I knew it, I was sending letters to each of the RFA members. I thought it would be better to also send little things that remind me of them.
I told Yoosung that I was sorry for this, that I never meant to say goodbye this way. I kept thinking of my last words to him… but I couldn't remember no matter how hard I tried. In his package, I gave him LOLOL plush toys, of his and my avatars.
To Seven… I now knew what it would be like to run away from family. And that I was sorry I was doing it to him again. I wished him happiness. I gave him a cat plush toy with the words “God Seven” sewn into it.
To Zen… I wished him success in his career and that I would be watching him succeed. I truly appreciate him. I gifted him multiple face masks of his favorite and a copy of our first selfie together.
I wrote to Jaehee how I regret not spending as much time with her, as she was always busy because of Jumin. ‘I always begged Jumin to give you days off.’ I gifted her a coffee machine with her favorite type of coffee in it. I also gave her a poster of Zen.
To V…. I actually recorded to him. I knew he was losing his eyesight and was refusing treatment.  I gifted him a photograph I took of him with his camera when Jumin and I came over. It was a picture of him looking at the sky.
“Hey, V. I um… I decided to leave. Leave RFA and… to leave Jumin. It's just… not been okay for me. I felt unloved. Lonely. I even…” I chuckled. “I even wanted to escape forever without telling anyone… the only difference here is that I'm saying goodbye.” I inhaled. “You will all hate me for leaving so suddenly, but… I hope you understand, V. You know… knew… Jumin the best. You know how he is,” I smiled. “He is perfect in my eyes…” a tear escaped my eye but I quickly wiped it off my face.
“But even perfection has flaws. I wasn't happy by his side. Don't get me wrong, we were okay for a while but… I was too lonely and too neglected. I just hope you can forgive me.” I give a sad smile and turn off the camera.
I send the tape to V’s home to arrive the day the letters will arrive to the other members.
The last one is Jumin.
Because I know that something better waits for me,
That which sweetens salt, and makes the sun come out
Me, that thought I would never leave you, 
that this love was good and for life, 
but today I understood that there isn't enough for both of us.
I went to a lawyer and got the divorce papers. It was easy to move around since Jumin was never around.
The bad thing was paying people off to be quiet about my whereabouts.
Except to Driver Kim. He asked where I would like to go, no questions asked. I trusted him.
Eventually, I got home with the papers ready and signed from my part.
I wrote to him now.
“Dear Jumin,
It's been a hard year. You've been away so long, and I couldn't take it anymore. I'm sorry that I couldn't tell you this in your face, but I knew that once I told you this, you would convince me to stay. I can't do that anymore. On the bed, I left the divorce papers. They're all signed from my side. When you sign them, call my mother and she will pick them up. Please don't try to contact me or tell Seven to locate me… it won't be possible. I'm sorry I couldn't be stronger for you. I'm sorry I didn't have what it takes to be with you. I'm sorry I never gave you a family like you always wanted. I'm sure someone better awaits for you.
Someone that isn't me.
Please take good care of yourself.
P.S. Please take good care of Elizabeth the 3rd, she seems to miss you a lot.
I'm not going to cry and say I don't deserve this,
Because it's probably that I deserve this
but I don't want it
so that's why I leave
What a shame but goodbye
I say goodbye to you and I leave
What a shame but goodbye
I say goodbye to you
I could feel my heart pounding out of my chest as I leave the note next to the divorce papers. This wasn't going to be easy. But I need to leave.
To get away.
I pick up my luggage. I leave almost all my clothing, the one Jumin had bought me. I take the one I came into this home with. Mostly consisting of sweaters, leggings, t-shirts, underwear and such.
I inhale deeply as I pet Elizabeth the 3rd. A couple of tears escape.
“I'm sorry… that I'm leaving. If there was a way I could keep you, I would. I know how lonely you'll be here. Same as me… but even worse. You won't have me as company anymore.” Elizabeth purrs and rubs her head on my leg. I exhale.
I leave food and water for her.
A temptation comes from going in my phone. I sigh and log in the RFA chat.
Yoosung, Seven and Zen were in.
MC has entered the chat room.
Yoosung☆: MC! Hi hi hi!
707: MC!!!
707 : SO GLAD YOU'RE HERE!! ☆☆
ZEN: *annoyed emoji*
ZEN: There's no point in trying to convince me, I'm allergic lol
MC: hey guys
MC: leave Zen alone lmao he's allergic
ZEN: Finally someone with common sense!!
Yoosung☆: Hey MC you ok?? You haven't been missing your meals have you??
ZEN: Yeah, you have barely logged in this week
707: do u want me to come over?!?!?
707: Jumin is working late today right??? I can keep you company AND see Elly!!!
707: B☆O☆N☆U☆S☆!!
MC: lol I'm ok just tired
MC: and yeah he is working late as usual
MC: but don't worry I'm ok lol
Jumin Han has entered the chat room.
Jumin Han: Hello, MC. Are you and Elizabeth the 3rd doing alright?
MC : yeah.
Jumin Han: I'm glad.
707: ooooooooohhhh!!! Is our heir busy tonight?!?!?!
ZEN: *yet another annoyed emoji*
ZEN: That dude is always busy, I have a feeling MC is always alone;;
Yoosung☆: Yeah… me too.
Jumin Han: Nonsense. She understands I'm busy.
MC: …..
MC: I got to go. It was nice talking to you guys
MC : I love you all
707: awww!!
707 : *hearts emoji*
707: We love you back!!!!
Yoosung☆: have a good day MC! Don't skip meals!
ZEN: call if you need a friend, MC;;
Jumin Han: She has other people she can call other than you, Zen.
MC has left the chatroom.
You didn't realize you had been crying. That was your last chat with them.  
You wipe the tears away and leave the phone beside the letter and divorce papers before leaving the penthouse.
You get some looks from people inside the building, as you were carrying luggage.
Once inside Driver Kim’s car, you told him to drive you to the airport. He seemed worried for you.
You smiled at him. “I'm… okay.” He nods and continues driving. Once there, there was no going back.
“Next flight to… New York… leaving in 10 minutes.” that was your call to your new life.
That Night.
Jumin opened the door to his penthouse, noticing how quiet it was.
A sudden ‘meow’ startled him. It was only Elizabeth the 3rd rubbing against his leg.
By now, he would be hearing MC giggling at the TV show she usually watched. But… the house seemed quiet. Too quiet.
“MC?” He asked out loud. “I'm home.” he was met with more silence.
He checked every room until he got in the bedroom.
He saw a couple of papers on the bed and MC’s phone. He looked confused.
Once picking up the papers, his face went white.
“W...What…?” He said to himself.
‘Divorce Documentation’ read at the top.
This wasn't possible. It couldn't be.
He saw how every page was signed by MC.
He then noticed the paper next to those.
It was a letter from MC. He read it, and hasn't realized he was crying. It was not often he cried, but…
He physically felt his heart shatter.
He had driven his wife away from him.
Jumin then grabbed the phone she left behind, to tell him any clue as to where she had gone off to.
Jumin signed on her RFA account.
MC has joined the chat room.
Jaehee Kang: Hello, MC. How are you?
MC: ljkip
Jaehee Kang: MC?
MC has left the chat room.
Jumin couldn't believe this.
He called his chief of security, telling everyone to see or find out where she went.
He spent all night and all day the next day looking for her.
Jumin received a call from Driver Kim.
Jumin answered immediately. “Yes?? Do you know?” there was a pause. “airport?”
He hung up.
He went to his bed, no, -their- bed and cried. She was gone.
What a shame but goodbye
I say goodbye to you and I leave
What a shame but goodbye
I say goodbye….
And I leave.
His phone suddenly started ringing. It was V.
“Jumin… please go to the RFA chat room. Something has happened.” Jumin immediately logs in from his account.
Jumin Han has entered the chat room.
Yoosung☆: Did anyone get a weird package from MC??? I haven't opened it yet
707: …….
ZEN: yeah… I did too. Open it, Yoosung.
Jaehee Kang: So did I…
Jaehee Kang: Mr. Han…..
V: I don't know what to say. She sent me a tape.
Yoosung☆: a tape?? Why you?? I only got a letter T_T
Yoosung☆: oh nvm there's stuff here!!!
V: She was worried I wouldn't be able to read because of my eyesight.
Jumin Han: She gave me divorce papers.
ZEN: ?????!???????
ZEN: what???
Yoosung☆: omg …
707: she's leaving?????
Jumin Han: She already left… she hasn't been in the penthouse since yesterday, around the time she came in last time.
Jaehee Kang: Wait, Mr. Han. Are you sure? She came in last night and wrote random letters and left.
Jumin Han: That was me. I wanted to see with my own eyes that this was her phone and her app.
ZEN: Wait so she's gone?
ZEN: what the HELL did you do Jumin!!?
Jumin Han: …..
Jaehee Kang: Zen… please. Mr. Han must be having a hard time right now. He hasn't come into work all day today.
Yoosung☆: ….. We were supposed to go roller skating next week. How could she leave us like that?
V: She was having a hard time, Yoosung…
Jumin Han: it's all my fault. If I had been home more often to be there for her… I shouldn't have been mean to her.
ZEN: mean??? So you admit to treating her badly????
V: Not in the way you think, Hyun.
ZEN: Then?? What the hell is going on?;;
707: Jumin
Jumin Han: ?
707: I know where she went, but I'm gonna need time to locate her exact spot as she has no cellphone
Jumin Han: Where is she????
Jumin Han: TELL ME!
707: New York, USA
Yoosung☆: …..
ZEN: How did you find out so quickly??
707: She used Jumin’s account to pay for the ticket with card, but it shows she deposited the same amount of money later on on his account in cash
Jaehee Kang: I can only assume that she didn't want to owe Mr. Han any money…
V: Are you going after her, Jumin?
Yoosung☆: Obviously he is!!!!
ZEN: Yeah… He can't just leave her;;
707: idk
Jumin Han: No.
Yoosung☆: ???????
Jumin Han: She left for a reason. I can't change that. She's as stubborn as…
Jumin Han: point is… she doesn't want to be found.
Jumin Han: I'm signing the papers.
Jumin Han has left the chat room.
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nobodies-png · 5 years
If each member was a language, what language would they be and why?
I’m assuming you mean from the OrgXIII so here you go ! This was an interesting question lolol - I had to look up and read a lot of articles on wikipedia to make sure I didn’t end up saying bad or weird shit bUT IT WAS SUPER FUN 
Xemnas :
Greek, probably ? The language and culture that rivaled Latin and Rome throughout history and despite it’s age, it MANAGES to still be a living language (if you think I overthink too much about metaphors and shit just wait till you read the rest of answers). It also fits all Scala Ad Caelum’s aesthetic inspired by Greece and all the shenanigans with the Norts ! 
 Xigbar :
LEET Speak just to give every homestucker a heart attack. Maybe just surfer speak, if it counts.  Xigbar would fit Latin perfectly - it’s a dead language and the source of many other languages just like Xigbar is the fucking source of many things that go down in KH. Cryptic and old, like him ! And considering his ties with the KHux Foretellers and such, it makes sense for him to be Latin, right ? 
Xaldin :
I literally have no idea why but I think of Portuguese when I think of Xaldin. I havE LIKE NO ARGUMENTS OR EXPLANATIONS, IT’S JUST A THING (tm) SO YOU’RE FREE TO ADD TO THIS. Or give him a different language to be w h e e z e.
Vexen :
You know when old people try to be hip and come up with shit like How o You Do Fellow Kids / I’ll Krump With You Sweetie ? Yeah that’s him Okay but honestly, when I was a kid I really liked the idea of Vexen just screaming shit in Latin whenever his experiments went wrong. Now that i’m older, I like to imagine the same thing except now he speaks a Slavic language. I wouldn’t be able to tell you e x a c t l y which one, though. But I guess also a language from north Europe would work, like Finnish or Swedish - mostly because the countries remind me of cold weather lol
Lexaeus :
Nghhhh, I wanna say either ASL/Sign Language or Braille - but i’ll go with Braille ! Lexaeus is a quiet man of a few words, so I think it suits him just fine to be a language that doesn’t need to be spoken. And we know he’s tactful and gentle, considering he does a lot of puzzles in his free time, so Braille seems perfect for him ! While he might not actually need Braille, Lexaeus would be that kind of guy who just teaches others how to read and tries to normalize the use of Braille !
Zexion :
A lot of people might give me shit for not making Zexion Latin bUT LIKE LISTEN. THIS SMART BOY WOULD BE SOMETHING LIKE CHINESE/MANDARIN. Think about it, we’re talking about a super flexible language whose entonation can change the meaning of a sentence completely - yes, i’m talking about that one poem that only has ONE word and it still manages to be a fully fledged story. Like, i’m an artist, not a literary major but I still think that’s super smart and dope and i’ll gladly compare that to magic anytime. In retrospect, it matches Zexion’s illusion motif and complex character !
Saix :
Uhhhh, i’d say either Japanese or Russian. Cause both are languages with strong accents and pronunciations which suit Saix’s strong and firm character - and also because Russian reminds me of NASA and space for some reason and Japanese makes me think of that one tale about the rabbit on the moon. Also Japan puts a lot of emphasis in discipline, honor and loyalty too, traits that Saix shares.
Axel :
Axel is definitely Spanish. Not to be confused with the latino dialects from South America ! I’m talking Spain’s spanish ! And no, I didn’t choose this one because it’s an “exotic sexy firey language”, tRUST ME IT’S MY FIRST LANGUAGE AND IT’S ANYTHING BUT THAT - I chose spanish because it’s an abrasive and brash language. Most words (and the insults specially) give the feeling you’re about to spit on someone’s face and be a cocky disrespectful brat OR you’re just a super friendly and extroverted fella - it suits Axel’s previous ruthless mercenary personality with his current and contrasting kind, outgoing self. 50/50.
Demyx :
Okay hear me out, it’s been like 45 minutes since I went researching to write Demyx’s answer and I still don’t know if I have a proper one. I wanted to say a language from India, since it’s where his signature sitar originates from and what else can accompany a sitar better than the language of the place it was pretty much created in ? So researched Ravi Shankar, the Sitar Maestro and a super important figure in indian classical music. But I know barely nothing about that side of Asia, so i’m NOT exactly sure what language he spoke or used in his music ! Like I looked for his songs and they’re in Gujarati, but HMMMM, NOT SURE CHIEF. 
So if anyone feels like educating me on this subject, please go ahead. Otherwise I have to give Demyx the way us millennials talk and oH boy.
Luxord :
I’ll go with the obvious choice here : English. Like, back in the day, most people just HC’d Luxord as a britishman because of his mannerisms and etc etc - but like, it works for him ! He’s closely tied to Alice and Wonderland in both the game and the manga, as well as Pirates of the Caribbean like come on it’s rIGHT there. Also imo, british English just sounds like super polite and elegant, the way Luxord acts most of the time.
Marluxia :
Either German or the language of flowers. German because it’s That Type Of Language™ that seems to have a word for every specific thing, action and feeling no matter how obscure - which kinda seems to suit him somehow ? A language with a rough appearance, intimidating to most people due to the hard sounds but eloquent, deep and extensive ! The other option is pretty obvious, considering his power with nature and stuff - Marluxia is definitely the time to give bouquets and flowers as gifts with double edged meanings and intentions. 
Larxene :
The only one that comes to mind is French. Just cause I think Larxene reads french literature in the 358Days manga - but like, dark and smart stuff only Intellectuals™ can understand. And also because it’s a tricky language to speak properly (LISTEN I TOOK 5 YEARS OF FRENCH AND I STILL DIE WITH ALL THE VOWELS). There’s just something about the way it’s spoken that screams her name. It’s fast paced, coquettish, sounds mature, there’s a lot of sharp sounds. Y’know !
Roxas :
Not specifically a language, but Roxas reminds me of the mix every bilingual person speaks sometime when they can’t remember a specific way of saying or explaining something. Or when your group of friends is mostly bilingual too and y’all just mix both languages and it’s a fucking mess for outsiders ? ( Like “Me cago en la fucking madre que te parió” o “I swear to god pOR QUE ERES ASI” are examples from the groupchat I am, wheeze). So probably Spanish and English ! 
Xion :
I’m torN AGAIN between ASL/Sign Language and Braille. But I think i’ll go with sign language ! Not to get Deep and Philosophical, but Sign Language seems to fit Xion, someone whose voice was silenced by those around her. We know she’s timid and quiet, but she’s also young and energetic, quick and witty around her friends - so unlike Lexaeus who’d calmly read using Braille, Xion is the type who’d sign at the speed of sound when excited or panicking and she’d enjoy sending secret messages to her friends. 
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atopearth · 6 years
Final Fantasy X-2 HD Remaster Part 1 - Chapter 1 & 2 on YRP’s Adventures
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I still think that for all the dress spheres, only the main ones (including the songstress) had effort put into it because I remember the rest being pretty ugly lmao. . Anyway! Always happy to see Rikku. Not too fond of her costume since she’s barely wearing anything LOL, but I guess it suits her despite that. Leblanc the thief dancing in the form of Yuna is still weird lol, I know she took her garment grid but does that make her take on her face etc too?? Lol, I never understood that. I always find it so funny to go touch the crouched Yuna wearing the moogle costume to heal your HP/MP hahaha. I remember everything about the introduction so not much to say besides, I wonder when Yuna learnt to use a gun? Still think Yuna’s Gunner costume is like female Tidus, but I guess since the focus of FFX-2 is her seeing a sphere of Shuyin thinking it’s Tidus so she goes around looking for similar spheres to see if she can somehow find him again, it’s a very fitting costume haha. Brother learning their language to communicate better with Yuna is so cute. Anyway, let’s see if I enjoy FFX-2! I don’t remember much about it but I remember thinking it was okay…hahaha.
I still remember the running after and beating Leblanc to the top of the Mt Gagazet ruin in a limited amount of time! I remember thinking it was so annoying because I was so lost the first time I did it, and the timer being annoying didn’t help hahaha. Think I missed one item but whatever, I got there with like plenty of time to spare XD The most memorable optional visit is definitely the Luca one, I think it’s so funny to see Yuna’s perspective of the beginning, since she had to hide in a moogle costume whilst Rikku and Paine dealt with Leblanc the thief haha. Yuna’s so expressive in her moogle costume that it was pretty funny. Dona and Barthello in Luca are as meh as usual, never been fond of Dona haha. Running through Mi'ihen highroad was dangg tiring though, so many battles loll, the encounter rate is high. Oh well, I guess I learn my skills that way.
I remember visiting the Youth League headquarters and talking to Maechen, he gives a nice little background on what happened in these two years and how the Youth League came to be so it’s worth a listen even if it’s a bit long. Considering that Clasko enjoyed taking care of chocobos, I’m not sure why he’s playing tour guide here, at least he follows us along on the airship after? LOL when he asks if he can come along and the no option is “sorry loser”, so mean hahahaha. I also remember the mission at the Moonflow where you have to protect the hypello from bandits! I remember failing in the past hahahaah, I guess I’m better now since I did it on the first try?
Gippal was and will always be my favourite new guy in FFX-2, Nooj and Baralai have always been pretty meh to me. Gippal is funny, cool and pretty cute. I guess alike others, I would ship him with Rikku hahaha. As the leader of the machine faction, he’s doing a lot of good for Spira as well since he’s helping to improve their lives, such as fixing the lightning rods in the Thunder Plains so that we’ll never need to dodge lightning ever again hahaha! I still remember Macalania Woods very well because I really love how ethereal it all looks and since Tidus and Yuna had their scene here, it’s hard to not think it’s a beautiful place. So really, thinking about how the Fayth not being here anymore is causing the woods to slowly die is just so saddening. It only adds to the sadness to see the once proud Guado be left scattered everywhere, hiding in Macalania and other places after not being able to fend off the Ronsos that came for revenge. Considering how much the Guado did in support for Seymour, it’s difficult to not hate them, nevertheless it’s still sad though.
The Calm Lands seem even more vast now, so many mini games but yeah omg, that publicity campaign for one of the companies there, I remember that! I remember thinking it was so annoying lol. Had to track my footsteps and go back to all the places I went to, just to talk to all these people to get those publicity points zzzz. Argent it is btw! Seeing Kimahri as elder is really nice, too bad his job is difficult so it’s hard to get the approval of everyone there, but he’s trying so I’m happy. Wakka and Lulu expecting a baby is all I remember about Besaid haha. It was bad of Yuna to leave without telling anyone but I think it was the right choice, it was about time Yuna got the freedom she could never have and explore the world she saved. I remember silly Wakka hoping to find a sphere of his parents so that he could see how he should act as a father, but really, he just needs to act how he thinks he should and learn from there, no one knows how to be a parent from the start.
Lol, Yuna and them were so happy to steal that awesome sphere from both New Yevon and the Youth League and then felt bad so decided to return it to one of them? Okay lol. I’d definitely choose to give it back to the Youth League, so thankfully you have to choose them to get the 100% completion. I mean, New Yevon just continues to hide things all the time, like all these spheres etc, how do they want people to trust them? Well, Beclem (the guy that lets you play gunners gauntlet) is such an ass, no respect for the person that brought about the Eternal Calm, actually, he’s got no basic respect for even her as a person, zzzz. Otherwise, gunners gauntlet is a pretty fun game, I’m not bothered to get the points but it’s cool to shoot fiends with different bullets haha. Shelinda being a reporter now is very fascinating… Considering that she’s left the temples because she didn’t want to be ordered around like a slave anymore, why does she still wear her temple garments? Where’s her makeover lol. Seeing Calli (the girl that was excited for the Calm in FFX on the Mi'ihen highroad) was nice, just because it really shows that time has passed and people had the room to grow up doing what they want. Not sure if chocobo rights are best argued by saying we should get to ride them throughout the highroad since I feel like they should roam free but okay lol. At least the chocobo catching game was a bit fun, seeing it surrender was so cute but saddening lol.
If Yuna really joined the Youth League and got a Yunie Squad, that would be so funny loll. But really, as a high summoner and the person who brought the Calm, I’d agree that she should stay as neutral as possible but side more with the Youth League just because they really do have Spira’s best interests at heart. Not sure what Tobli’s concert is for but if I get the profits, sure thing! Easy way of earning 12,500 gil, yay! The data seller at Guadosalam is cool too! Got 70,000 gil for selling the data to the right person! Could have kept restarting to hopefully get the 100,000 gil but I was too lazy hahaha. As for the Thunder Plains mini games with calibrating the towers though? I hated that, I remember the pain so well lmao. I could only do 6 towers and gave up lolol. Could probably do 7 but if I can’t do all 10 to get the ribbon, why bother? Hahaha, sorry my reaction speed and hand eye coordination just isn’t that great lol. I also want to preserve my sanity. We even got Tobli the musicians at Macalania! Really, Tobli, what are you even doing lmao. Still sad to see them talk about how Macalania Woods is nearing its end since the Fayth are gone… Seriously though, everyone needs help lol, even Clasko deciding to open up a chocobo branch needs YRP to clean out the monster arena and catch chocobos for him lmao. I really wonder what Clasko really did as a soldier if he can’t even clean up some fiends though…🤔 Oh well, whatever, as long as he’s happy lol.
Alike Yuna, seeing Zanarkand as a tourist spot never sat well with me, so if pairing up monkeys can make them multiply and cause a monkey problem that will prevent people from coming, I guess it’s good? Lol, nah, I don’t like the idea of Zanarkand filled with monkeys either lmao, can’t they just label it as a historical site to be preserved? Sigh. Lmao at the way Yuna holds the monkey when you’re pairing them up though, it’s like the Lion King🤣🤣 Seeing that YRP quite blatantly stole the Leblanc syndicate uniforms (and spheres!) at every encounter, you’d think Ormi and Logos would strengthen their security on the premises but nope, YRP easily infiltrates! Also, kinda disappointed in Yuna dipping in the hot spring on Ronso sacred grounds, Kimahri trusted her to understand that so I didn’t think she’d be like the Leblanc goons and do such a thing as well, so yeah… Anyway, Leblanc is so smitten with Nooj, I wonder if he likes her at all? Are they together? That massage game was weird though lolll, I swear FFX-2 has the weirdest mini games to complete. How would I know which part Leblanc wants me to massage?!? Yes, I kept cracking her bones LOL. Anyway, just wanted to say that I’m glad I don’t write walkthroughs because I’ve been steamrolling through these boss battles so I don’t even know what they really do lmao. Paine as a Festivalist, Rikku as a Psychic and Yuna as a Songstress is the team I’ve been levelling and it easily deals with everything besides any instant kill moves lol.
Hmmm so there’s some sort of machina at the bottom of Bevelle called Vegnagun that could destroy all of Spira… Wouldn’t it suck if Yuna brought the Eternal Calm but then they all get killed by this machine? Lol. At least Nooj is aware and hopes to disassemble it before anything happens, guess Gippal might give him a hand? Not sure what Baralai’s objectives are right now though~ I see, so Baralai thinks that Vegnagun is too dangerous and shouldn’t be touched, so he’s stopping everyone from approaching, which is fair enough, what if it activates because you come close or whatever, very risky. Otherwise, underground Bevelle was pretty annoying with all the jumping, operating machines in different ways to get chests, kinda confusing but I guess it’s probably worth it? Lol, always good to get a ribbon! Anyway, fighting Dark Bahamut was kinda saddening, not the way we wanted Yuna to see aeons again, since it wanted to kill them etc. I wonder what happened to Vegnagun and Nooj and Baralai? Where did they all go?
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mysticmikalla · 7 years
Related to that ticklish headcanon and inspired in a scene from one of the shorts of Free!! Could you write an scenario in which Zen and Seven team to make Jumin laugh (Zen restraints his arms from behind and Seven ticklish him) and everyone has a "oh shit I'm gay (and for Jaehee bi)" moment because his laughter is just so damn beautiful? I love your writing thx thx!
I loooove this request I took a while to get to it bc I wanted it to be exactly how I pictured it in my head!! I havent proofread it yet but I hope it suits your palette!
“Operation TICKLEHAN commencing, over meow.”
 "Seven, I’m standing right next to you, there’s no need for walkie-talkies,“ Zen rolled his eyes, then sneezed, “And don’t say meow!”
“We must proceed with extreme caution, or else he’ll get suspicious.” Jaehee informed, looking worried.
“Don’t fret! Trust-fund-kid won’t know what hit him.” The silver-haired man snickered.
See, it all started with a bet.
Yoosung had seen a vine so funny, he said it could even make Jumin laugh
“No way,” typed Zen, “Trust fund kid is unable to laugh.”
“That’s just how funny that vine was!!” Insisted the blonde boy.
“I have serious doubts that Mr. Han would laugh at something as trivial as a…plant?” Mentioned Jaehee.
“Don’t tell me you don’t know what a vine is, Jaehee?” Seven gasped.
“If Jaehee doesn’t know, then Jumin definitely doesn’t, either.” Zen pointed out.
“But he would still laugh!”
“Have anyone of you…actually ever heard him laugh?” Wondered Seven.
“I can’t say that I have.” Jaehee thought about it and, in the 2 years she’d worked for Jumin, she’s never once heard him letting out a mere chuckle.
“I have,” V chirped in, “Although I can’t remember if I’ve ever heard him really laugh.”
“That proves it,” Zen pressed, “If even V has never heard it, that means that he is unable to laugh.”
After arguing about it, both Yoosung and Seven saying that it’s impossible for a human being to be physically incapable of laughing while Jaehee and Zen claimed that Mr. Han was, in fact, not a human being and V just chuckling on the sidelines…
“I bet a box of Honey Buddha Chips that we can get him to laugh.” Seven suggested.
“No way. Do you know how much sodium are in those chips?” Zen scoffed, “If we’re gonna bet…”
“Oh! Loser has to shave their hair off!” Yoosung eagerly suggested.
“If I may interject,” Said Jaehee, “Zen’s looks play a crucial in his career. It is unwise to suggest such a punishment.”
After even more bickering, they decided that whoever lost would have to take responsibility in any case that Jumin tried to sue them for assault.
So there they gathered, at a weekend RFA meeting in Jumin’s penthouse.
It was decided that Zen and Seven would work together to try and tickle him, while Yoosung distracted the business man.
“I want no part in such scheme that could potentially get me fired.” Jaehee huffed when she was offered the role of distracting him.
V was still laughing in the corner, shaking his head in amusement.
“Hey, Jumin…I was wondering if you could tell me about, uh, investment in stocks.” Yoosung shyly approached the businessman.
“You are interested in stock investments?” Jumin rose an eyebrow, awed.
“Uh, yes…It’s for a class I’m taking.” Yoosung improvised, drawing Jumin’s full attention as he explained this and that about the potential dangers and benefits of stocks, and then signaling for Zen and Seven to carry on the plan.
Silent as a cat, Zen stuck behind Jumin, and, in a flash, snaked his arms around him and restrained his arms.
“What the…?!”
Seven, putting his hacking fingers to good use, attacked his sides, moving them from his hips to under his arms
And Jumin, in his shocked state, squirmed and struggled under their attack.
Seven couldn’t lose the bet!
He moved his fingers faster, digging them deeper in his sides until it happened.
Everyone’s head snapped in the direction of the three men.
Jaehee’s coffee mug fell to the ground, as well as Yoosung’s jaw
Zen’s eyes widened, stunned
Seven’s glasses shattered right then and there.
For Jumin Han had laughed.
Crops? Grown.
Acne? Cleared.
Student loans? Paid off.
Grades? Up.
Cholesterol levels? Down.
Economy? Stable.
Jumin Han had laughed, giggled, cackled, howled.
And of course, V took a picture of the whole scene.
He was laughing so much under Seven and Zen’s touch, squeezing his eye shut and struggling to break free from their grasp.
“Zen…let me go!” He demanded, gasping for air, his laugh becoming high pitched. It reminded V of a younger Jumin, even though he had never laughed like this, even as a child.
When he finally broke free from their grasp, face red and tears forming on the corner of his eye, everyone was silent, dazed.
A mix of unusual adoration and- lust?- clouded everyone’s eyes
Zen violently shook his head, trying to get rid of improper thoughts he was having about the trust fund kid.
“Trust fund kind? Hopefully he’s more like thrust fund kid amirite-” thought Seven shamelessly.
Jaehee could barely look at her boss in the eyes, and Yoosung grew red, for the first time flustered at the mere fact that he was in the presence of someone so gorgeous.
V, bewildered that he was seeing his best friend in a whole new light, put his camera down. Maybe it was the lenses that were creating a halo around him?
Negative. The radiance and brilliance coming from Jumin himself was the cause of this.
The silence remained, everyone either aroused or in love with the man in the suit, and Jumin- equally as flustered, didn’t know how to act.
He cleared his throat, adjusting his tie and stepping away from the two men, “Luciel, Zen. You’ll be hearing from my lawyers.” He said as he exited the room
Finally, everyone  snapped out of their Jumin-induced trance, flustered enough with their individual, yet similar thoughts of the CEO-in-line that they avoided each other’s gaze, going home shortly after.
V sent the close up picture of Jumin laughing in the chatroom later that night.
His eyes were squeezed shut, his mouth big with a smile and face a little red. Gorgeous, spendid, delightful, they all thought, but none admitted.
Even Zen had a hard time keeping from asking Jumin to marry him right there.
That photo is now Jaehee’s new background, and Yoosung’s new LOLOL avatar is based off it.
Zen printed it out and kisses it every night before bed.
Seven built a small shrine around that photo in his home, and occasionally even Vanderwood comes by it to pay their respect.
Out there somewhere in Mint Eye, Saeran got a random boner.
They never mentioned the incident again, but one thing was certain.
After that day, everyone in the RFA, no matter how much they denied  or hid it, had the hots for Mr. Han.
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henry-hart · 6 years
"The Spy and the Kid...Spy Kid?" - Chapter 1
God that title is so lame lsdksdklks. I suck at titles, so I apologize for that. I try to be witty, and this is what happens. Also, this fic is pretty serious, so maybe a silly title doesn't fit the mood...oh well.
Dedicated to: @sunbeameyes @ramune-ray @up-the-tube @youngbloodthekilljoy @writing-excuses @an-anxious-gay-mess @kiwikwami​​​​​​​ 
Summary: Jasper's cousin, Elizabeth, is in town for spring break, but Henry suspects trouble when she arrives just as a new, unnamed villain begins terrorizing Swellview.
Fandom: Henry Danger
A/N: Okay, I know introducing a distant relative for one specific plot and making them relevant by saying, "Hey, this is so-and-so. We used to be tight as kids!" is weak (I always hated when tv shows did that only to have the character appear for one episode), but here I am, doing it anyway. Guess I'm a hypocrite. Sue me. lolol I needed a new character that I could somehow relate to the characters we already know, so Jasper has a cousin from out of state. *shrugs* I hope you like this! The idea came to me in a dream (lol), and I thought it was interesting and decided to go with it. Also in my fic Henry can drive because he's like seventeen, so, you know. And I've headcanoned that Piper is secretly intelligent because I like the idea of her being in advanced classes and whatnot but being incredibly hush-hush about it (she did go to the gizmo show, after all). Enjoy! xoxoxo
"Okay, that was the bell." Ms. Shapen snapped. "Get out of my face--all of you!"
Henry rolled his eyes; his teacher's sour attitude was nothing out of the ordinary. He collected his notebook and pens and everything else he had been using and put them in his book bag, sending a quick nod to Jasper as they both got out of their seats. They met Charlotte by the door, and the three of them left the classroom in the direction of their lockers.
"Man, Ms. Shapen really went heavy with the homework today." Jasper sighed, grabbing both his book bag straps as he walked. He was already thinking about how late he was going to be up finishing all that they had been given. Of course, he was already going to stay up late, but now it was going to be because of the inconvenience that is homework.
"Yeah," Henry grimaced. "I guess her date didn't go so well yesterday."
Charlotte stopped walking. "Or she's tired of having to deal with lazy students," she shot. She didn't think her teacher's love life or lack thereof was of any concern to them. The homework load they were assigned for tonight wasn't even that extensive; Henry and Jasper just liked doing the bare minimum.
Henry held his hands up in surrender and looked at Jasper with a "what's with her" look. Jasper shrugged and walked over to his locker. Henry and Charlotte walked to theirs as well.
Henry swung his backpack around and was pulling out notebooks he wouldn't need tonight when Jasper, who was done with his locker, leaned against the one next to Henry's. Henry noticed Jasper was trying for nonchalance, but subtlety had never been Jasper's strong-suit.
"What's going on?" Henry jested.
"You have a guest bedroom in your house, right?" Jasper wondered, but his tone told Henry that he wasn't really asking.
"I do." Henry clarified, his eyes narrowed apprehensively.
Jasper nodded. "I thought so." He played with one of the straps of his book bag. "Say, since that room is free and meant for guests, do you think my cousin could stay there over spring break?"
Henry stopped thumbing through his pre-calculus textbook and looked at Jasper, eyes wide at the onslaught of implications in that question. "What?"
"I need somewhere for my cousin to stay." Jasper explained, his eyes pleading. "My parents don't allow guests--not even family--and Charlotte won't let anyone even remotely related to me stay at her house after that incident."
Henry shuddered at the memory of Jasper's last girlfriend. He looked at Jasper's wide eyes and groaned. "I don't know, man. Last time I let someone's relative stay at my house, you, my little sister, and most of Swellview almost lost their teeth." He shuddered again, remembering that whole odd situation involving stealing teeth and the elderly. It wasn't something he enjoyed thinking about.
"Yeah but she's not like that." he pleaded. "Please, Henry. I haven't seen her since we were kids."
Henry paused. "Wait, you said she?"
Jasper nodded his head. "Her name's Elizabeth."
This changed things. "Is she cute?" Henry asked, a slight smirk on his face.
Jasper only shrugged; who was he to say whether his cousin was attractive or not? "I guess--if you're into that sort of thing."
Henry considered this for a moment, but he stopped himself. He wouldn't let that happen again--not after Noelle and the teeth and just, no. He would do this for Jasper to spend time with family. Nothing else.
"Alright, man. Sure, she can stay at my house." He shut his locker. "My mom loves having people over anyway." It was true; his mother loved being able to be, well, a mother to people.
Jasper jumped up and down and pulled Henry into a tight hug. "Thank you so much, Henry! You have no idea how much this means to me!"
Henry coughed, unable to breathe properly with Jasper squeezing him so tightly. "I have a pretty good idea." He groaned.
Jasper realized Henry couldn't breathe and let him go. "Do you mind picking her up from the airport too? I would, but I don't have a car."
Henry straightened his shirt out. "Sure. When does her flight arrive?"
"Today. Around seven."
"Wh--Today?" Henry sputtered. "It's Thursday. We have school tomorrow."
"I know," Jasper placated. "Her school gets out for spring break earlier than ours does." He finished with another pleading, wide-eyed look.
There wasn't much Henry could do now; he'd already agreed. "Yeah, fine. I'll just pick her up after work, I guess." Jasper jumped to give Henry another bone-crushing hug, but Henry held his hands up. "That's okay."
Jasper backed off, but he couldn't stop the wide smile on his face. Henry had made him so happy. He was going to see his cousin today.
Jasper remembered how much fun they had as kids; it was nice to know there was someone like him--someone else who was normal--in his family. Those weekends when Lizzie would visit Jasper were some of the best of his life. It had been years since he had seen her, and he could hardly contain himself from bursting with happiness now that it was only a matter of hours before he was going to be reunited with his favorite family member.
Charlotte walked up to the boys then. "Did he agree to do it?"
Jasper nodded vigorously. "He did."
Charlotte could see how happy Jasper was, and it made her smile. She looked at Henry apologetically. "Sorry about the ambush. I don't care how much Jasper says she's nice. I can't. Not after--" she trailed off, but they all knew.
There was a moment of silence as they all remembered her.
"Okay, let's get to work, shall we?" Henry announced, ready to be out of the school.
"Let's," Charlotte agreed. "Are you driving?"
Henry shook his head, avoiding his friend's eyes. "No, Piper has the car."
Jasper and Charlotte groaned in unison.
"Why would your parents let her drive the car when you have a legal license?" Jasper complained. He feared for his life every time he even got near Piper when she was behind the wheel of a car.
"You know how Piper is. No one lets her do anything. She just does it." Henry argued, throwing his hands up.
Charlotte rolled her eyes. She didn't like driver Piper either, but she knew there wasn't anything she could do about it. Like Henry said, Piper just does things. "Fine, but you're riding shotgun." She pointed a stern finger at Henry. 
Henry accepted the punishment as penance for being the older brother, and the gang walked out of the school to meet the girl who was currently laying on the horn.
 "Do you see them?" Kid Danger asked Captain Man.
They were currently scouring Swellview Park for two criminals by the names of Donnie and Hyde, a couple who got their kicks by stealing money, jewelry, and even sometimes home entertainment centers. They were petty thieves as far as Henry and Ray--Captain Man and Kid Danger--were concerned. It never took more than an hour to track them down. Captain Man and Kid Danger had busted them a few times, but like all the other criminals in Swellview seem to be capable of doing, they had broken out of jail and were on a crime-spree.
But something about tonight seemed off to Kid Danger.
Maybe it was the fact that Donnie and Clyde hadn't even stolen anything.
Or, better yet, that they had called the Captain Man hotline. 
It was some taunting video message that had said there was something big about to go down. The thieves stressed that Captain Man and Kid Danger wouldn't want to miss it, and they should come to Swellview Park immediately. That was all the video said.
Everything about the situation was bizarre to Kid Danger, but he pushed past it. They were criminals who had broken out of jail; they needed to be caught.
"No, I don't." Captain Man responded with a frown. He too had noticed that this wasn't going down like their usual gig. He had the nagging suspicion in the back of his mind that he and Kid Danger were missing a bigger, important piece of the puzzle.
Kid Danger stopped searching to let his mind sift through all that wasn't making sense. He sat down hard on one of the park benches. "Okay, this is weird, right?"
Captain Man chewed on his bottom lip. "Yeah, it's definitely weird." He scratched the back of his neck. "Donnie and Clyde calling us? What was that about?"
"Right?" Kid Danger agreed. He gestured to the empty park. "I mean, why lead us to the park if no one is even here?"
Captain Man didn't sit down. He was too anxious to sit. He paced back and forth nervously, trying to shake the feeling that he and Kid Danger were being set up for something. "I don't know." He spoke finally. "And I don't like not knowing."
Kid Danger dragged a hand through his hair. "Do you think they've moved on from stealing? Why break out of jail now. Is there some big plan? Are they working for someone?" He had to stop himself. "God, one question just makes five more."
Captain Man held a hand out. "Why don't we just stay on alert. They wanted us here. Obviously something is supposed to happen, so just be prepared for anything."
Kid Danger nodded and stood up from the bench, thinking it best to be standing if something did happen. Suddenly he felt something prick his neck.
"Ah, what the--" he slapped a hand to his neck and pulled it away, expecting to see a squished mosquito, but there was nothing there.
Captain Man rushed over to Kid Danger. "What is it? Are you alright?" He demanded. The waiting made him a bit high strung.
Kid Danger waved him off. "Yeah, I think a bug bit me or something." He wasn't completely certain though. He wasn't certain of anything today.
Captain Man jumped slightly then, slapping a hand to his neck just as Kid Danger had. "I think the same bug just bit me too."
They looked at each other, both thinking the exact same thing; too many weird things were happening today for this to be purely coincidence.
As if they didn't have enough to worry about.
They didn't have time to ponder it long. Suddenly, a noise sounded from the other end of the park.
"What was that?" Kid Danger whispered, moving into a fighting stance.
Captain Man did the same. "Get ready, Kid."
Donnie and Clyde walked out from behind the park's information kiosk then, smirking at Captain Man and Kid Danger. They were wearing their usual uniform: all black leather.
"So, I see you two decided to join us after all," Donnie drawled, taking slow steps in the direction of the superheroes.
"What do you two want?" Captain Man snapped, not liking that they seemed to know something he didn't. He didn't like the disadvantage that put him at.
Donnie looked back to Clyde with his arms spread out innocently. "We just want to talk." They walked closer.
"To talk?" Kid Danger scoffed. "That's why you brought us all here? To talk."
Donnie put a finger on the tip of his nose, "And the Kid gets one hundred points!" He mocked, walking closer still.
Kid Danger rolled his eyes. He didn't feel like wasting any more time on these clowns. He looked at Captain Man, an understanding passing between them. "Then let's talk." He snarled, and he and Captain Man lunged for the two men.
The two superheroes were too focused on Donnie and Clyde to realize that four more men were creeping up behind them. Normally, this would've been something the two of them picked up on immediately--especially Kid Danger with his super fast reflexes--but the two had been on such high alert waiting for Donnie and Clyde that they didn't leave room to think about much else.
Two men grabbed Captain Man while a third stood close in case the two weren't enough. Only one of the large men was needed to hold Kid Danger.
Clyde spoke up then. "You two seem to forget the most important thing about being a criminal." He gestured to the four burly men, "Henchmen! You don't ever actually have to do anything. They do everything for you!"
Captain Man fought against the two men who were holding him back, but his super power was not super strength. He couldn't break free. Kid Danger also couldn't get away from the henchman.
"It's not like you two to let anyone else in on your little schemes." Captain Man grunted, hoping to distract Donnie and Clyde. He still fought the arms around him despite the obvious futility. "What's with the extra muscle?"
Donnie and Clyde smiled at each other.
"It's one of the many perks of joining a cause." Donnie cooed, staring lovingly at Clyde.
"What cause?" Kid Danger growled. He too was still trying to break free. He twisted to reach his laser, hoping to use it on the brute holding him back, but the henchman had Kid Danger's arms pinned behind him. Too much movement sent pain radiating up to his shoulders.
Donnie and Clyde were telling the truth when they said they wanted to talk. They had been sent to the park to do so. Confident that Captain Man and Kid Danger were thoroughly indisposed, they both sat down on a park bench.
Clyde took a deep breath like he was preparing to tell a bed time story. "You see, Cap and Kiddo, breaking out of jail is no easy feat--especially for two petty thieves such as ourselves."
Donnie shook his head. "That's right. It's rather difficult, but with the right help, it's a--" he motioned all around them. "Well, it's a regular walk in the park!" He and Clyde erupted into a fight of laughter.
Captain Man looked over to Kid Danger, and they shared mutual expressions of annoyance.
"Will you two just get to the point?" Captain Man snapped. He was tired of being in the dark, tired of having these big--and quite frankly smelly--men holding him back, and he was tired of being dragged around by these two thieves. "What help are you talking about?"
Clyde clucked disapprovingly at Captain Man. "He doesn't like our witty banter, my love." He whispered to Donnie, but it was one of those obnoxious whispers that is meant to be heard by everyone. "Straight to the point, I see. Well, if you must know, Donnie and I have recently come upon a very lucrative business offer."
Donnie nodded. "Very lucrative." He gestured to his outfit. "This is genuine leather, you know."
Henry rolled his eyes. His patience was wearing thin. "I'm very happy for you two. Really."
Clyde waved him off. "What do they know of fashion? I mean, seriously. Red and blue block colors? What is this--a pre-school color test?"
The couple went into another one of their laughter spells, but Donnie quickly regained his composure.
"We digress." He stated, shaking his body as if to refocus. "We have called you here, on this lovely afternoon, to inform you that big things are at play."
"Things we can't disclose just yet," Clyde added, holding a finger up to stop his partner from revealing too much. "But rest assured, you two will be center stage for it all."
If Captain Man and Kid Danger had been confused before, they were completely lost now. Donnie and Clyde had explained nothing. All they did was give the superheroes half of the information, and it was the half that made more questions instead of answering the ones they already had.
Devices on Donnie and Clyde's belts beeped then, and they both jumped up from their seat.
"Ah, that would be our boss." Donnie said. "Duty calls, I'm afraid." He sighed almost as if he were sad to go. "We had to make sure our players are all in play, though, didn't we?"
"We'll be seeing you." Clyde promised with a secretive wink. They started to walk away, but Clyde turned back to address Captain Man and Kid Danger. "How's the neck by the way?" His gave a chilling smile that further proved he knew much that they didn't. "Ta-ta for now." He waved, and the pair walked away.
It made Captain Man and Kid Danger seethe to see the two criminals strutting away without a care in the world. They struggled against the men holding them back, but it was still to no avail.
The men couldn't hold the two forever though; they did have orders.
The large man holding Kid Danger suddenly let him go. Once free, Kid Danger immediately turned around to attack the big man, but the henchman had been expecting that. He sent heavy fist flying at Kid Danger's face.
"Kid!" Captain Man yelled when his sidekick fell motionless to the ground.
His henchman let Captain Man go then, confident that he wouldn't try to attack all four at once when Kid Danger was lying hurt on the ground. They were right.
Captain Man sent threatening glares in their direction, but he let them walk away. He ran over to Kid Danger, crouching down to make sure the kid was alright.
Kid Danger began to stir.
"Kid," Captain Man breathed, relieved to see him moving so quickly. "Are you alright?"
Kid Danger sat up with a groan and dropped his head into his hand. "That guy could really pack a punch."
Captain Man gave a dry laugh. "I know."
He looked around the park for the henchmen. "Where'd they go? You didn't fight all of them, did you?"
Captain Man shook his head. "No, I didn't." He side-eyed Kid Danger. "Though the lack of confidence is bit insulting." He helped his sidekick to his feet. "I let them get away so I could check on you."
Kid Danger nodded. He didn't blame Captain Man. Everything that had happened since they received that video call had been so unsettling; the only sure thing they had was each other.
Kid Danger swayed a bit on his feet, still a little disoriented, and Captain Man kept a hand on his arm to steady him. "I have so many questions." The sidekick admitted shakily.
Captain Man sighed deeply. "All I have is questions." He gave Kid Danger a light push. "Let's head back to the Man Cave and try to see if we can figure things out there. I'm tired of being in this park."
Kid Danger agreed. He almost felt sick to his stomach thinking about all that had happened--though some of that might have to do with the blow he took to the face. What unsettled him the most, what made him feel like the ground had been ripped out from under his feet, was the promise that bigger things--things revolving around the two of them--were to come.
What could that mean?
"Are you okay?" Charlotte asked as soon as Henry and Ray made it down the tubes and had changed back into their regular clothes. She rushed to Henry's side to make sure he wasn't severely injured from the punch. "We saw everything." She turned back to Schwoz who was nodding grimly.
"Define okay." Henry muttered. He gently pushed away Charlotte's helping hands, assuring her that he was fine. "You guys heard what they said then, yeah?"
Charlotte nodded. "What does it mean?"
Ray shook his head, his jaw clenched. "We don't know."
The four of them were silent for a moment.
"What did they mean about your necks?" Schwoz asked then, a terrible thought beginning to form in his head.
Henry felt his neck where it had stung like a bug bite. "Ray and I felt like a bug bite us or something, but it was all too weird, you know? All that happens, and then the same bug bites us both? It's hard to believe that was just coincidence."
Charlotte knitted her eyebrows together. "So, what? Something stung you that wasn't a bug?" She could admit that the events that unfolded all seemed to be happening according to some underlying plan, but what was Henry implying? The bugs were in on it too? That seemed a bit too far fetched for her, a girl of rational thought.
"I know it sounds crazy, but what about what Clyde said? He asked us how our necks were. How could he have known about that?" Henry turned to Ray for support. "They weren't even there when it happened."
Charlotte held her hands up to try and calm her quickly spiraling friend. "I'm not saying your wrong, okay? All I'm saying is that we don't have enough information to be making any kind of conclusions just yet."
Henry used her gentle tone to help calm himself. If he wasn't careful, he would spiral into a panic attack. He took a few deep breaths in and out, centering himself.
Ray walked over to the control panel to bring up the video feed from their suits. He wasn't looking for anything in particular, but he figured maybe there was something there that they had missed. Ray couldn't rely on what he and Henry remembered in the moment; they weren't firing on all pistons then. They had been pretty shaken up before Donnie and Clyde ever showed up. No, he needed to review the information with new eyes--repeatedly.
Schwoz, all the while, remained silent, his premonition quickly looking more and more like a reality. He kept this realization to himself; he was worried what the information would do to his friends who were already under incredible stress. He would figure this one out on his own, and he wouldn't go to Ray or Henry about it unless absolutely necessary. Schwoz feared that outcome though; if there wasn't anything he could do about what he knew, then there was no hope.
Henry and Charlotte joined Ray in front of the video screen.
Ray was playing the part of the recording where Donnie and Clyde warned of big things in the near future. Ray paused the video. He was silent before slamming his fist on the table, making Charlotte jump.
"Who could they be working for?" He demanded to no one in particular. He got up from his seat, fearing that if he didn't get up and move or do something, his anger would find some destructive way out. "Why not just get us there? Why all the chit-chat and the secrets and the mind games?" He looked at Donnie and Clyde's faces on the screen. "I hope they know we're coming for them."
Charlotte watched Ray. She was worried. The only other time she had seen Ray so worked up was when Drex came back. This could only mean bad things for the team, and that realization didn't sit well with Charlotte.
Henry's eyes were glued to the screen. He heard their voices bouncing around in his head on a constant loop. Over and over again he heard them joke about what the future had in store for Captain Man and Kid Danger. Over and over again they laughed and taunted him.
His phone buzzed in his back pocket, jolting him back to reality; Jasper was calling him.
"Yeah," he answered, not tearing his eyes away from the screen. 
"Henry, why are you still at Junk 'n Stuff?" Jasper demanded, his tone harsh.
Henry was so focused on what had happened that Junk 'n Stuff and Jasper and his normal life seemed to exist in another world entirely. It took him a few seconds to remember what Junk 'n Stuff even was.
"Because I work here," he responded absently.
"You seriously don't know what I'm talking about?"
Henry almost laughed aloud at the irony. He wanted to snap at Jasper for making him play along with whatever it was Jasper was on about because it seemed so miniscule to what he had just experienced, but that wouldn't be fair. Jasper didn't know that Henry was near to having a nervous break down.
"No, man, I don't." He sighed, finally looking away from the screen. Jasper's anger at Henry seemed to pull him away from his problem.
"Are you sure? Is there nothing--or no one--coming to mind?" Jasper's tone made it obvious he was more than angry at Henry.
"Okay," Henry stopped him, rubbing a hand over his tired eyes. "This could obviously go on for awhile, so will you just tell me whatever it is that has you freaking out?"
"Elizabeth, Henry. You were supposed to be picking my cousin up an hour ago." Jasper fumed.
Henry's jaw fell open. Crap. It had totally slipped his mind. He had forgotten all about picking her up from the airport--though with good reason. Up until just then, Henry had forgotten she existed. He felt ten times worse when he remembered it was now raining.
"Oh God, Jasper, I'm sorry. I completely forgot about Elizabeth." He drug a heavy hand down his face. He wasn't sure how much more he could take today. Charlotte looked up at him sympathetically.
"Don't apologize to me." Jasper snorted. "Elizabeth is the one who's been standing in the rain for an hour." Henry could tell he was going to have to spend awhile making this up to Jasper, but he couldn't worry about that now; his plate was already full.
He grabbed his jacket, put it on with one hand seeing how he was holding his phone with the other, and found his book bag where his car keys were. "Okay, I'm on my way now. Tell her I'll be there in fifteen minutes tops."
Henry couldn't see him, but Jasper was shaking his head in disbelief. "I'm sure she won't mind waiting fifteen minutes more. It's not like she's cold and wet or anything."
Henry closed his eyes. "Jasper, I said I was sorry. Ray and I were fighting some criminals, and I got sidetracked. What do you want me to say?"
"Nothing," Jasper sighed. "Just--Just go pick Liz up."
"I am." Henry reiterated.
"Yeah, now." Jasper muttered.
"Jasp--" Henry's phone beeped. "--per."
He slid his phone back into his back pocket. He didn't bother saying bye to anyone in the Man Cave; he knew it wouldn't have mattered. Ray was finding some way to vent his anger. Schwoz had disappeared to God knows where--he went to work on his theory in private--and Charlotte was watching the video feed again. None of them would've heard him anyway
He got in the elevator and pressed the button to go up.
Henry hoped that whoever Liz was, she was a lot more understanding than Jasper had been and that she wouldn't be too harsh on Henry for forgetting her.
He wasn't sure how much more emotional stress he could handle before he shut down completely.
"Again, I am so sorry about--" Henry gestured to both his and Liz's soaked clothes and wet hair. "Well, everything."
Elizabeth chuckled. "Don't sweat it. I needed to wash my hair anyway."
Henry smiled, relieved to find that Elizabeth was the forgiving type. He had felt horrible when he pulled up to the airport and found her completely drenched and alone. She didn't even have an umbrella. Fortunately for Henry, she wasn't one for public ridicule or holding grudges; she had merely thanked Henry for picking her up and helping her with her bags.
She didn't know it, but Elizabeth had helped Henry cope with today's stress. She had been kind and forgiving and level-headed in the midst of chaos, and that was Henry's life line.
Henry opened his front door, letting Elizabeth walk in front of him while he grabbed her bags. She hadn't brought much--just one small suitcase and an even smaller carry-on.
"This is my house." Henry stated once he was inside and had shut the door. He put Elizabeth's bags at the foot of the stairs. "There's a guest bedroom upstairs."
She nodded. "Cool deal." She looked around the living room of the Hart house and whistled appreciatively. "Nice digs you got here."
"Thanks," Henry noticed she was rubbing her hands up and down her arms. "Hey, do you want a towel or a dry shirt or something?"
Elizabeth felt goosebumps break out over her exposed legs and arms. "Yes, please," she urged.
"Alright, I'll go get that." He looked into the kitchen where Piper was sitting at the table on her phone. He was wary of introducing Elizabeth to his little sister, but he also knew it would be rude not to. "That's my little sister Piper, if you want to go talk to her." He started to go up the stairs, but he turned back to his guest. "Be careful, though. Her bark is just as bad as her bite."
"Oh?" Elizabeth inquired, turning to look at the little girl too absorbed in her phone to notice that a stranger had even walked into her house. "I'm sure I'll be just fine."
Henry wasn't so sure, but he admired her confidence and left to change and get her a towel.
Elizabeth looked around the house again, admiring how homey it all felt. She was cold from being wet, but the Hart house seemed to have a warm glow to it that made that cold not so bad. She liked it.
She made her way into the kitchen, stopping near where Piper was sitting.
"Hey," she said.
Piper, hearing a voice she didn't recognize, jumped suddenly and turned to see who was currently in her house.
She sized the wet girl up. "Who are you?"
Elizabeth took Piper's tone into account with the warning Henry had given her. "I'm Elizabeth, Jasper's cousin." She held a hand out. "You can call me Liz, though."
Piper looked at her hand but didn't extend one in return. "I'm Piper, but you can call me Piper." She went back to her phone.
Liz smiled, liking this little girl's spunk.
She looked over the papers and books laid out in front of Piper. "What're you doing?"  
Piper didn't even look up from her phone. "Homework," she snapped.
Liz ignored Piper's attitude. She held back a retort about how it looked to her more like Piper was avoiding it rather than doing it. "What kind of homework?"
Piper gripped her phone a little tighter. She didn't like all these questions--especially by some girl she had just met. Piper didn't even know what this "Liz" was doing in her house, dripping water all over the floor.
She set her phone down, narrowing her eyes at the stranger. "What exactly are you doing in my house?"
Liz was once again unmoved by Piper's brashness (this infuriated Piper who was so used to being feared). "Henry and your parents are letting me stay here while I'm in town visiting Jasper and my Aunt and Uncle."
Piper was hacked off no one had asked her if she was okay with a house guest--especially one related to Jasper--but she let it slide. "Why don't you just stay at Jasper's then?"
Liz picked up one of Piper's papers and studied it. "My cousin's parents are...strange, for lack of a better word. They don't allow guests. Your brother's probably never even been to Jasper's house before." She grabbed a few more of Piper's homework papers. "Do you want help with this?"
Piper was fuming over the fact that she now had no way to easily get rid of this girl, but Liz's offer to help her with her homework derailed her.
"What?" She asked.
Liz held the papers out to Piper. "Do you want help with your physics homework?"
Piper raised an eyebrow. "How do you know physics? My brother isn't even taking physics."
Liz smirked. "I think the better question is how do you know physics?" She grabbed the textbook and looked to Piper with her eyebrows raised. "So, are we doing this or what?"
Piper narrowed her eyes at Liz but accepted her offer of help anyway. Maybe this "Liz" wasn't so bad.
They had finished over half of Piper's physics homework--which she had stopped doing because she didn't understand it and had no one to help her--when the watch on Liz's left wrist beeped.
Piper cocked her head to the side. "My brother has a watch that beeps just like that."
Liz looked down to her watch and quickly smacked a hand over it, hoping to block the noise. She smiled to cover the strange reaction. "I have to make a phone call. Is there anywhere I can go for privacy?"
Piper thought she was acting strange all of a sudden--and that it was weird that someone else had a watch like Henry's--but she pointed to the front door. "My brother makes all his phone calls on the front porch."
Liz nodded, easily composing herself. "Then I'll go on the back porch."
"But it's raining," Piper pointed out.
"Can't get any more wet than I already am." Liz shrugged and got up from her seat to walk out to the back porch.
Piper thought this girl was definitely strange, but she had helped her with her homework when no one else could, and for that she was grateful.
Liz walked away from the windows and checked to make sure no one was around to see or hear her before she pressed a button on the side of her watch.
A life-size hologram of a man dressed in a freshly pressed black suit projected out of her watch and onto the ground in front of her. Liz straightened her posture as she addressed the man.
"Sir," she greeted.
The man had no expression. "You're late." He stated.
Liz cringed ever so slightly. "I know, and I apologize. There were...complications upon my arrival."
The man quirked one eyebrow--the only movement on his face besides his mouth. "Complications? I hope nothing went wrong." When he said hoped, what he really meant was that there better not have been anything wrong.
"No, sir," Liz quickly assured. She wouldn't let her boss believe she was incompetent. "Everything is fine. I just arrived at my host family's house."
The man nodded, "And what of the two superheroes?"
"To be determined." She answered. She knew he was looking for more information, but she had none to give. Closer inspection would be needed. "I could only see so much of the video feed while waiting at the airport."
"Then I expect you'll continue with the task entrusted to you." He paused to let the warning in his voice take effect. "Big things are ahead. All players must be in place."
"Yes, sir. I understand." She held her hand up to salute him one more time. "Dunlop out."
With a nod, the hologram of the man in the suit folded up and disappeared back into Liz' watch.
Once her boss was gone, Liz visibly relaxed. She even let her shoulders sag. She was tired from her long flight from California, and meetings with the boss always sucked whatever energy she had right up.
She only just realized she was standing in the rain.
She straightened her soaked clothes up, plastered on a fake smile, and prepared to walk back into civilian life, all the while thinking of those two superheroes whose roles in the near future would be crucial.
Henry expected to come downstairs and have to pull Piper off of Liz, but when he made it to the kitchen, he found Piper alone at the table.
"What did you do to her?" He asked immediately, expecting Piper to say she scared the girl all the way back to wherever she had come from.
Piper looked away from her phone and to her brother with a furrowed brow. "Who?"
"Elizabeth, Jasper's cousin." Henry groaned loudly. Piper had definitely chased her away. Now what would he tell Jasper? As if he needed another thing to worry about. He looked around the house and found that her bags were still there.
Oh God, did Piper kill her?
"It's Liz."
Henry snapped his attention back to Piper. "What?"
Piper sighed and set her phone down. "Her name is Elizabeth, but you can call her Liz." She held up her completed homework. "And she helped me with my homework."
Henry didn't know what to say. Did Piper actually like someone? Someone related to Jasper, of all people?
"So, you like her?" Henry hesitated, not believing it be true.
Piper shrugged. "I don't know about like. I've only known her for five minutes." She collected her homework and got up from the table. "She's not entirely horrible."
Henry smiled, and it felt like a huge weight being lifted off his shoulders. Finally, something had gone right today.
"You have no idea what that means to me." He breathed. Piper gave him a weird look, not understanding the emotional turmoil Henry had experienced. Henry, the smile still on his face, looked around the kitchen. "Where is Elizabeth--I mean Liz?"
Piper pointed to the back porch. "She had to make a phone call."
Henry looked out the window and saw it was still raining. "On the back porch? In the rain? Why?"
"I don't know, Henry. Why do you make your calls on the front porch?"
"Touche," Henry conceded, though Piper didn't know he went on the front porch for privacy to keep his secret identity just that. Why Liz went on the back porch was strange to him, but he also knew it wasn't his business.
Piper had all her stuff collected in her arms and was on her way upstairs when she stopped. "She has a funny watch like yours, though."
"Her watch," Piper explained. "It beeps like yours." She turned and continued up the stairs.
Henry thought that was definitely strange, but he was not going to let himself look too far into it. He wasn't going to ruin the one thing that had gone right today. He wasn't going to go looking for problems where there wasn't one.
Liz walked into the house then, more wet than before, but with a wide smile on her face. "Sorry about ducking out for a minute there." She apologized. "I had to call my mom and let her know I made it in okay." She looked at her wet clothes. "Well, mostly okay."
Henry laughed, running a hand through his own wet hair. "Sorry again for that. You wouldn't believe the day I had at work." He sighed, glad that the Liz situation had worked out, in the very least.
"Tell me about it." Liz muttered. "Are those for me?" She pointed to towel and clothes in Henry's hand.
Henry looked down at the stuff in his hands. "Oh, yeah. I got you a towel and one of my old hoodies." She raised her eyebrows at the hoodie. Henry laughed uneasily. "No, I don't mean--I just figured you had your own clothes, but maybe you were cold. If you don't want it, I'll under--"
"It's great, really." Liz smiled, accepting the hoodie. "Thank you, not just for this--" She lifted the towel and hoodie. "Thank you for letting me stay at your house. It means a lot to me to be able to see Jasper."
Henry shook his head. "It's no big deal, honest. My mom loves having people to take care of." He thought of Jasper. "You should probably call Jasper though. He was pretty mad at me for leaving you in the rain."
Liz nodded. "Yeah, I'll do that--but dry clothes first."
Henry smiled. "The guest bedroom is up the stairs, first door on the right. The bathroom is right across the hall."
She smiled and left him to go up the stairs.  
Henry watched her go thinking that Jasper was right; she was pretty. Of course, that's as far as Henry let that thought go. Her arrival had been the most uncomplicated thing he had faced today; he was not going to muck that up by trying to start some pointless relationship that would only last the length of spring break. He could handle being her friend, nothing more.
And Henry had a feeling she was going to be a great friend to have.
Liz walked up the stairs thinking about how sweet Henry was. Cute too--not that she was interested. She wasn't one to go trying to date anyone she even remotely found attractive. She was content having attractive people as just friends. Nothing wrong with that--except she wasn't here to make friends. She was here to make sure everything went according to plan.
She pulled her phone out of her pocket, thinking her boss could deal with her making some time for her favorite cousin.
A/N Part 2: Phew, that was long, but I enjoyed writing it, you better believe. It's a complete 180 from my last fic (lolol). None of my children are having a good time this go round. Oops. I like this kind of stuff though. The suspense. The mystery. The bigger the stakes, the better. What did you guys think of Donnie and Clyde?(see what I did with that one? hd likes to play on popular things, so I joined in. Ert and Bernie anyone?). I loved creating their dialogue. It was so fun! What about their boss and this big plan for CM and KD??? What about Liz? Love her? Hate her? Don't know yet? Don't care? lol How do you think she fits into all of this? Let me know what you think!!! xoxoxo
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hacker-error-707 · 7 years
You did the thing!
I wrote this little drabble to cheer up a friend of mine who had to do a presentation at work. I sneakily wrote it whilst I was at work so apologies for errors!
Word Count: 1,477
Pairing: YoosungxRhianna
Just a cute little fic, really
There was only one thing that could make the legendary Hump Day worse, and that wasn’t the fact that Friday felt like a lifetime away. No – it was the fact that later this afternoon Rhianna had to give a presentation to her colleagues with possible office Christmas party locations.
Dread. Pure dread was all she felt as she thought it over.
At first the idea of planning the office party seemed exciting. She’d be able to look over the different locations, check out what kind of activities would be safe for everyone (considering we all know how Christmas parties tend to go), and put forward her own personal preferences. Although she had enjoyed jotting everything down, now that push actually came to shove and she was sitting at her desk in fear of the nightmarish ticking of the clock she couldn’t help but to fidget with her phone, almost willing for an emergency to happen that would call her away.
When her screen lit up her heart stopped – had her wish been answered?
Yoosung☆: Heyy hey! I’m on a quick break because the lecturer realised he forgot to upload the slideshow to his USB. LOLOL!
Yoosung☆: How’d the presentation go?
Rhianna’s smile faded and her face contorted at the thought of speaking in front over everyone, her fingers quickly typing her response without her mind even needing to think about it.
Rhi-Rhi♡: Don’t remind me. My stomach is in knots just thinking about it!!!
It was Yoosung’s turn to frown as he looked at the message from his girlfriend. Just this morning he left her with a soft kiss on the cheek and a bright smile, wishing her all the best and reminding her that her ideas for the party were going to blow her work away. The sound of his professor returning barely even registered with him as he got up from his seat, his bag hurriedly thrown over his shoulder as he rushed out of the lecture theatre.
Yoosung☆: What did I tell you, Rhi-Rhi?? They’re going to love it! You’ve got such amazing ideeeeeeas! Iff they don’t watn to use them, we will!
A soft giggle broke from Rhianna’s lips and she read over the message, her eyes rolling naturally as she imagined the determined look that would have been on Yoosung’s face as he typed the message too quickly and sent it without reading over it.
Rhi-Rhi♡: lol. Just get back to class, sweetie. You haven’t got the concentration span to study and talk. But I’ll do my best today~ xx
She sighed as she sent the message, not really wanting to stop talking to him but knowing how easily distracted he was. Rhianna looked over to the clock and for a moment she wondered if it was broken because there was no way time had passed that quickly.
Before she knew it she sitting around a table surrounded by her colleagues, each one listening either intently or haphazardly to the person currently speaking. She was one of the later – her mind replaying the encouraging words Yoosung had repeated to her over the last few days, a smile playing on her lips as the familiar warmth filled her heart.
Somehow she had made it through her section of the meeting. Her notes slightly crinkled along the edges from how tightly she had been gripping them, the oxygen still not quite processing through her body like he normally would as she slowly came down from her anxiety.
With the presentations all concluded everyone slowly filed out of the room, a flurry of conversations being muttered between them all as they went. Rhianna finally pulled out her phone as she walked to the door, not looking up from the screen as she looked over the missed called and messages all from the same person.
Missed call from Yoosung☆.
Yoosung☆: Baaaaaaaaaaaabe
Yoosung☆: Babe what number is your building again? I’m asking for a friend…
Missed call from Yoosung☆
Yoosung☆: All gee – got it
Missed call from Yoosung☆
Yoosung☆: Rhi…I don’t got it. I can’t remember the floor.
Missed call from Yoosung☆
Missed call from Yoosung☆
Yoosung☆: This lady is looking at me weirdly. I think I took a wrong turn.
Missed call from Yoosung☆
Yoosung☆: Is your office meant to be this dark?
Missed call from Yoosung☆
Missed call from Yoosung☆
Missed call from Yoosung☆
Missed call from Yoosung☆
The last call had come only 10 minutes ago and Rhianna felt a panic forming in her chest as she hurried to swipe the call button over Yoosung’s name.
It had truly been an adventure for Yoosung to get to the building. He took a bus and a train, accidentally getting off at the wrong stop and having to run through the city until he found himself in a familiar location, which unfortunately wasn’t familiar enough. After almost 15 minutes of scrolling through old emails he found one Rhianna had sent from her work email and his face lit up when he saw the address included in the automatic signature.
The next delay in his plan was the fact that he had accidentally deleted the email when a pigeon had decided it wanted to eat the sandwich half sticking out of his bag. Out of breath and only partially lost, Yoosung walked into the building, feeling very out of place in his uni attire. He was about to walk up to the receptionist and ask which floor Rhianna worked on when the realisation dawned on him that he didn’t know the name of the company you worked for.
Yoosung stood awkwardly in the foyer, the receptionist’s eyes on him as he tried to scroll through his phone again hoping beyond hope that he had it saved somewhere. Relief filled him as he realised her work number was saved in his phone “in case of emergencies” – or for when he had to beg for Rhianna to stop by the grocer on the way home to re-fuel him because he was in the middle of a raid and couldn’t go out for food.
With a quick google of the number he found the level of the building Rhianna should be on and began making his way up the lift, standing shyly in the back corner surrounded by strangers in suits. When the bing of the elevator went off followed by a surprisingly calming voice indicating the level they were on told him he’d reached his destination Yoosung muttered apology after apology as he pushed his way through everyone.
The office was surprisingly empty (in hindsight because everyone was in the staff meeting) and Yoosung wandered around, trying to call Rhianna a few times until he heard her voice coming from behind a closed door. He sped up his footsteps, almost tripping over himself as he went, and hurried to the door. With a smile on his face he sunk down the wall of the room until he sat on the floor, listening with his eyes closed to Rhianna present her party ideas to the office.
His fingers were crossed as she went on, his mind imagining every small movement of her face as he picked up on the familiar quirks to her tone. Once her presentation was finished and everyone had finished excitedly discussing the possibilities, Yoosung let himself zone out and play on his phone as he waited for the meeting to end.
When the door opened and people started to make their way out of the room and back to their desks Yoosung sprung to his feet, waiting like a puppy for Rhianna to appear. His phone buzzed in his hand and he placed it to his ear as he stepped to the side of the door, watching Rhianna walk closer, her eyes on her feet.
“So?” Yoosung asked in a small voice, watching his girlfriend’s face eagerly.
Her brow furrowed at the question and she snapped back at him, worry still filling her tone, “So? Don’t so me! Is everything okay? I just saw your messages! What the hell is happening?”
His apologetic laugh seemed to echo which brought Rhianna’s attention up from her feet and to the familiar purple eyes of the blonde boy standing before her. “What are you…” She started, phone dropping to her side as Yoosung grinned at her.
“You did so well, baby girl.” He stepped forward, arms pulling Rhianna into a tight hug, “I told you they’d love your ideas! How could they not? Your ideas are amazing because your amazing!” Yoosung pulled back to look her in the eye, his hands cradling her face as a blush crept up Rhianna’s cheeks, “I am so, so proud of you, Rhi.”
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Sunday Morning
apparently I write yooran to warm up now?  apparently that’s a thing I do.
The sound of an avalanche in the kitchen is what woke him.  Blankets still tucked tight around him despite the summer heat and no sign of Yoosung anywhere near him.  He sighs and wiggles his arms free of his blanket cocoon.  From the sounds of crashing and whispered cursing he knows at the very least Yoosung isn’t still playing LOLOL but the other side of the bed is cold and he has to wonder if his boyfriend has even been to sleep yet.
Saeran yawns and listens to the muffled sounds of a losing battle coming from the kitchen, his phone reads 4:37am, the sun hasn’t even begun to rise but Saeran doesn’t raise an eyebrow. Classes have been out for two weeks and Yoosung has been taking advantage of this time between school and his summer job to regain his title on the Shooting Star server. 
“Hey Dummy,” Saeran calls turning the lamp on, “it’s four in the morning what the hell are you doing out there.”  He’s laughing as he swings his legs out of bed.  It wouldn’t be the first time this week his boyfriend had gotten the time of day wrong in his gaming haze.
“Don’t— Stop!  Stay there, don’t come out here.  Don’t get up!” Yoosung yells from the kitchen, his voice frantic.
Saeran is already half way there but he does what he’s told, stopping in the middle of the room.  “Do you,” he clears his throat, “do you need a hand or something?”
“N-NO!”  Yoosung shouts, his voice cracking.
Saeran chuckles, the way he’s acting Saeran would almost think he caught him, but he knows his boyfriend and he knows his habits and he was defiantly not jerking off in their kitchen, especially not while, apparently, tossing things out of the cupboards.
“Are you sure?”
“I didn’t mean to wake you,” Yoosung’s voice has settled as he slips his head around the doorframe, “go back to sleep I’ll be there soon.”
His bangs are pinned on top of his head, the way he does when he’s studying and there’s something smudged across his forehead, Saeran takes a step forward with the urge to wipe it off, kiss his face, drag him to the bed and wrap himself around Yoosung until he relaxes and falls asleep, certainly nothing he’s doing in the kitchen can’t wait a few more hours.
“S-stop!”  Yoosung says throwing his hands out and rushing to stop him.
Saeran swipes his thumb across the smudge on Yoosung’s forehead.  “Is this chocolate?”
Yoosung lets out a squeak and pushes Saeran’s hand away.  “N-no, it’s not, it’s something else go to bed.”  He tries to make Saeran turn around, tries to push him towards the bed but Saeran doesn’t budge, he takes a few determined steps towards the kitchen, Yoosung sliding backwards on sock feet as he tries to stop him.
“N-no!” he yelps, defeated. “S-stop, you’ll ruin the surprise!”
That stops him.  The smirk on his face fades to confusion.  “What surprise?”
Yoosung lets out a hiss between his teeth.  “Please just go back to bed?”
He tries.  He nods his head, eyebrows still knotted together at what could possibly be happening, and turns around, he yawns again on his way back to their bed and curls up in his blanket.  He closes his eyes, tries to fall back asleep but it starts to nag at him.
Had he forgotten something?  He wracks his brain, Yoosung was a romantic, he remembered every little detail and he liked to celebrate all the ones he didn’t think were embarrassing but Saeran only remembered the big things, the day they met, they first time they kissed, their first real date, the day the decided to be exclusive, the day he moved in, none of those things happened in June.
But he knew Yoosung had a better, more thorough list.  The first time they’d held hands, the first time Saeran had smiled at him, the first time they’d spoken, their first argument and subsequently the first time either of them had apologized.  Yoosung kept track of everything without writing a single thing down and Saeran could barely keep their first kiss straight from the first time they’d held hands.
He rolls over and grabs his phone, his birthday was last week.  The RFA had thrown him and Saeyoung a party at Jaehee’s café after it had closed.  There was still cake and pastries in their fridge left over, and the cards were still pinned on Yoosung’s corkboard.  He was wearing the sweater and pajama pants Yoosung had given him right now.
“Are you sure I can’t help?” He calls out.
“No, go to sleep,” Yoosung yells.
Saeran groans, he’s wide awake now.  He can’t turn his brain off, can’t stop thinking about what he’s forgotten.  He opens the messenger app but the chatroom is empty.  His brother and Zen had just left.  He hovers his thumb over Saeyoung’s name and weighs his options before he selects it and sends him a text.  His brother and his boyfriend were best friends, if anyone knows what he’s forgetting it’s Saeyoung.
[Unknown]: Did I forget something? [707]: Is that a trick question? [Unknown]:  Yoosung says he has a surprise, I fucking forgot something again, I don’t want to be an asshole today. [707]: hmmm, sorry bro you’re always an asshole. [Unknown]: Fuck off [707]: It’s the Choi curse, nothing we can do about it [Unknown]: You can just say you don’t know [707]: But maybe I do know~ [Unknown]: WTF Saeyoung [707]: I’m not going to ruin his surprise, are you kidding?  I’m not stupid. Saeran couldn’t tell if his brother was messing with him or if he really knew something.  There’s a few thumps from the kitchen a muffled curse and then the glow of the flashlight on Yoosung’s phone.
“Oh,” Yoosung squeaks when Saeren turns the lamp on, “you’re still up.”
Saeran frowns and huffs as Yoosung crawls across him. “You smell like chocolate.”
“No I don’t,” Yoosung laughs.  “You’re supposed to be sleeping.”  He wraps his arms around Saeran and buries his face in his shoulder.
“Ugh,” Saeran groans.  “I give up.”
“I give up, I forgot whatever you’re excited about.”
Yoosung’s face presses into his shoulder to suppress a snort.
“It’s not funny,” Saeran grumps, “this stuff is important to you and I can’t even remember to write it down so I don’t forget.”
Yousung laughs outright and presses a kiss to Saeran’s forehead.  “It’s nothing like that.”
“Then what is it,” he growls exasperated.
“Just go to sleep,” Yoosung coos. “You’ll see.”
He’s not sure when he falls asleep.  He remembers Yoosung laughing softly against him, and cursing just how fast his boyfriend could fall asleep.  Yoosung had been snoring before Saeran could even argue with him.
But now as his mind slowly rises to wakefulness he knows he smells chocolate, he can feel the sun from the window warm across his face and he stretches out in the beam like a cat before opening his eyes.  He reaches beside him meaning to shake Yoosung awake, demand his surprised or at the very least an explanation.
But Yoosung’s side of the bed is cold and empty and Saeran groans. “What the fuck are you doing?” he growls exasperated.
“Stay there,” Yoosung sings from the kitchen, “just two more minutes, I promise.”
Saeran makes a loud, disapproving noise but he stays where he is.  He folds his arms beneath his head and watches the ceiling, counts the glow-in-the-dark stars he’d helped Yoosung stick up there and listens to Yoosung humming in the kitchen.
He’s at 43 when he notices exactly what Yoosung is humming and turns his head.
Yoosung’s bangs are still pinned out of his face, the rest of his hair pulled into a nubby pony tail and he’s grinning like an idiot over a small cake and four huge scoops of bright green ice cream, humming Happy Birthday.
Saeran pushes himself to sitting and stares at Yoosung.  There’s frosting in his eyebrow, icing sugar in his hair and the first coherent thought that comes into his head is that the kitchen is probably a fucking disaster.  And he has to bite his tongue from saying it.  “What is this?”
“Happy Birthday!” Yoosung cheers, sitting down on the bed next to him.
“My birthday was last week,” he can’t stop frowning, he doesn’t mean to, he wants to smile but he’s so confused. 
“I uh, I know,” Yoosung stammers, blushing.  “I just thought, heh, I thought,” he looks away, “it’s stupid never mind.”  Yoosung shoves the plate with the cake and icecream at him.
Saeran looks down at it, mint ice cream and chocolate cake, Yoosung would have had to hide all this, or wait until he fell asleep to go buy it.  There are two forks and star funfetti.  “I’m sorry,” Saeran says softly pulling Yoosung against him. “Please tell me.”
“It’s stupid,” Yoosung repeats, shaking his head.  Saeran picks up one of the forks and Yoosung follows suit.  “Jaehee made Saeyoung’s favorite cake because she didn’t know yours, and you said before –uh before you’d never really got a birthday, and it didn’t seem fair.”
“What’s not fair about it?”  Saeran hadn’t really thought much about it, he’d never expected anyone to know anything about him he hadn’t told them, and he had never really thought about his birthday that much, it was just a day as far as he was concerned.
“Well you’ve never had your own birthday,” Yoosung’s voice his high, quiet and nervous, his leg shakes as he leans into Saeran, “and Saeyoung got, you know a few years to celebrate alone before we even knew about you, I don’t know it’s stupid I thought you deserved your own birthday.”
“That’s not stupid,” Saeran smiles finally.  “That’s really thoughtful. Thank you Yoosung.”  He turns and presses his lips to Yoosung’s quickly, cold and sweet from the icecream.
They sit quietly on the bed eating together for a few moments before Yoosung can’t take it anymore. “Do you like the cake?”
“It’s really good,” he nods.  “Did you get it from Jaehee’s?”
Yoosung pouts. “No, I made it myself, what do you think I was doing this morning?”
Saeran chuckles. “Honestly I thought you were having some kind of fit.  It sounded like a natural disaster in there.”
He blushes. “I’m sorry, I didn’t, uh oh no.” He stands up suddenly.  “You can’t, uh, you shouldn’t go in the kitchen.”
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aishiteruitsumo6 · 8 years
QUARTET NIGHT LIVE Evolution 2017 - 2017/02/12 - REPORT Part ①
Do NOT repost You can post the link but not the content.
As usually, not 100% accurate with the order, especially the talks, so much happened but I'm surprised with how much I remember.
I went to the Live Viewing at Saitama. They sold goods at each cinema during their open time.
My cinema opened at 8am and I got to the the place just after 7am, there was already about 60-100 people lined up.
There were Shoutan fans!! They wore the PRISM long Tshirt and had the bags, I briefly acknowledged them. I had my PRISM Itta bag with me too (and a tiny Ai-chan itta bag).
We started moving a few minutes before 8am.
I kept thinking how they are selling the goods, do we tick what we want from a sheet? Do we buy at the till and tell the staff what we want?
I was too distracted while walking in, my eyes briefly glanced at the goods on the table to my left. I kept walking on.
I realised you just pick up what you want along the way and quickly snatched the pamphlet! The next thing, oh the clothes...  It's pretty dark grey, hmm, just one left... Picks up to look at, about to put it back WAIT!! THATS THE CARDIGAN! THERE'S ONLY ONE LEFT!! I quickly held it close to me tightly. THE LAST ONE!! 。・゜・(ノД`)・゜・。 Most things were gone already! 😭 Only one Live towel left, I think there was 2 bags, I'm sure there was tshirts, but again my mind was somewhere else and never picked them up 😭 The next thing I picked up was Ai-chan's brooch, there was some left along with Reiji's, barely any character towels left. Some light sticks NO BADGES?! BANGLE LIGHTS?! RING?! CHOCOLATE?!😭😭😭 The charms were all gone too, but I wasn't going for them.
There was quite a few fans left, Ai-chan's had the most. I made a last minute decision to get one to make up for not being able to get the other goods I wanted.
So, I got the pamphlet, cardigan, brooch and fan. Plus 2 random keychains for spending over a certain amount *Will upload pics later*
I opened the first random packet, Ranran came out, not too bad, next one was Camus. Ai-chan~~~~ 😭
I went to the crowd of fans to try and exchange for Ai-chan, and if possible the QN logo
I seen the Shoutan fans again, they obviously would want Ai-chan, skip. Where's Ai-chan~~~
Ah!! Ai-chan!! I asked the girl who she was looking for and she said "Camus-sama" SCORE! Put Ai-chan's one away, kinda still want the logo~
I stood for a while holding Ranran's one And then a girl came to me asking if they can get Ranran for the logo Yatta!! Mission complete 💜 And now to roam about for 6 hours or so before the live (omg I was SOOOO bored! 😩)
Came back to the theatre and went to the screen, my seat was 7th row from the front
The girl next to me was wearing the Long T! Yeyy Fan: are you Mikaze Ai's fan? Me: Yes~ Shoutan's fan? ✨ Fan: Hai sou desu (yes that's correct) Me: Yatta! XD Fan: Yatta ^^ Yoroshiku onegaishimasu Me: Yoroshiku onegaishimasu~
I asked her name, she's Yukina.
The screen was showing the Live logo and then changed to the goods
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Not long after it showed the venue!!!!
Ahh!! It was beautiful!! All monochrome Part of the stage set was decorated with their character colours
We were saying how amazing it looks and she said it's very QN-like ✨
She was like "yabai yabai!!" I'm so glad a Shoutan, and a vocal fan is next to me!! For the past lives I've been to, apart from Shoutan's Osaka live(sat with a friend) Every stranger I've sat next to are SO quiet! Yeyy! It's gna be fun! XD
AHHH IT'S STARTING!! We both freaked out
Op movie
Morikubo (acting as Reiji) dressed in the pamphlet suit, was waking, swinging car keys. He walked to a garage, opened the door and the green car was there!!!!! He got in, adjusted and looked at mirror cooly and drove off.
Shoutan (as Ai-chan) sits reading a book by the sea, the cover and title(in Jap and Eng) of the book was shown, can't remember the name but it was a complex book. THEY SHOWED US AI-CHAN'S VISION SCANNING, ANALYZING THE BOOK!!! Me and Yukina died as soon as Shoutan appeared XD
Morikubo arrives in the car, Shoutan looks to the left behind him, closes book, gets up unimpressed pointing at his watch as he's late (perfect Ai-chan expression) Morikubo apologises Shoutan's like, whatever and gets in the car.
Next scene was night time. A limousine drives through the night, he pours tea, puts sugar in tea one by one, (in fast motion) takes nearly half the bowl!! The camera turns to Maeno (as Camus) drinking tea.
Maeno looks out to his right, Tatsun (as Ranmaru) passes, walking with his bass on his back.
There was a cat!! He goes to pet cat!!!! and left after.
Shoutan and Morikubo reaches their destination, gets out the car.
Maeno also arrives (kinda looked Joker Trap-like where they were) He throws his jacket to the chauffeur and walks away.
Tatsun throws his bass to his chauffeur. Lol
All of them gathered, walking together FRICKEN KAKKOI AS HELL!!!
I WISH @owbababy and @maenothanks WAS HERE!!!! 😭😭😭😭
I knew they were going to start with this song!! They appeared in monochrome suits (mostly black) 😍 Maeno wore contacts! His hair was done in such a nice way!! I've never seen him look this good before!!! Shoutan!!!!!! HE'S SO BEAUTIFUL (as always) his hair was so pretty with the green bits
They all danced to parts of the song, you can tell they really practices SO hard (their performance was perfect!)
They all gave us yabai expressions from time to time Kyaaaaaa~ 💕😆
The Dice Are Cast
Me & Yukina: KYAAAAA!! 😆 They played the video on screen 💖 They danced and again you can see how much they've improved!!
♪ Dou senaraba Number 1 ni~ They went back to back and hi5'ed! 😍
We all waved our lights left and right when they waved their hands too✨
Quick talk/Intro
Morikubo: Yoroshiku machocho! My girl and boy! My boy mo iru yo ne?? (My boy is here too right?) LOL And we heard the guy fans cheering! And Live Viewingggg! Us: YEYYYYY!!!!!
Tatsun: Are you all ready for this Live?! It's a full live, we won't be stopping So please don't leave for the toilet, but don't wet yourself Actually if you really need to go, you can go now, you've got 2 mins, but this is your only chance, we won't stop the live at all
You'll get wet anyway Omg Tatsun 😂
Maeno: well yeah, like sweating 😂
Shoutan introduced himself Morikubo: Shoutan are you manly today or are you going to be cute? Shoutan: Manly!! *in a slightly rougher voice* 😂 I'm a man after all, I'll be manly
Maeno: Everyone in the audience and everyone watching the Live Viewing, please enjoy today's live Something something Fans: ... Hmm? Maeno: Is there something that you're expecting??? Fans: XD QN: lolol Maeno: Everyone please by all means enjoy this. Something, ... you think I'll say that you GUMIN! Fans: KYAAAAA!!!! QN: *there it is www Maeno: What are you being all happy being called gumin YOU GUMIN!! I'm Maeno Tomoaki as Camus
Everyone are you ready for the next performance?! Who do you think is up next?
Shoutan as Ai-chan: Reiji, hurry and get ready Morikubo: Yes yes yes!! Runs upstairs
The 3 was left and they gave their regards to Reiji/Morikubo and dashed off stage to the left
Dekiai Temptation
I'm not a huge Reiji fan, but I really loved this super genki performance! Following Morikubo, we shook our lights back and forth as if it were maracas for parts of the song 😂 He shouted the "I love you" part
Junketsu Naru Aspiration Maeno danced so well to this!! If I remember correctly he had the cane too! As mentioned in my previous post how each Seiyuu is their character, Watching Maeno perform really made me think, he is Camus. The way he performed, his facial expressions, his seriousness, it was sooo Camus-like
Innocent Wind
Me and Yukina freaked out again hearing the music start!
There was more choreography at the start and the dancing began earlier than 5th. The music was off a bit at first, and also Shoutan seemed off too, I watched him really intently during this performance as soon as I noticed. Ok, he seems fine now.
His dancing was better, but he was half dancing missing certain steps Wait, he really does seem off I wonder if anyone else noticed or if it was just me, I was going to ask Yukina but didn't at the end I was so worried, thinking either his mind was somewhere else, or maybe his condition isn't 100%? I caught glimpses of his facial expressions. He looked uncomfortable at times and then his expressions quickly changed back to being in character.
He walked up at the last part. ♪ Arigatou, soba ni itte kurete~ Smoke came out at the end covering him and he disappeared. Ai-chan!!! 😭 Shoutan: Arigatou, soba ni itte kurete
Tatsun: This is my revenge! OMGGG!!!
Sadly I couldn't pay full attention to this performance (even though I love this song!) because I was still worried thinking about Shoutan 😢 Tatsun danced the full song!! His performance was so captivating! A perfect revenge ❤️
They all came back out Tatsun: We underestimated the response for this live But live viewings are held across the nation in 120 theaters.
We've prepared so much for today
Morikubo: This is the 4th time we've performed as Quartet Night We've spent so much time together, everyone even stayed over at my house before 4th Stage.
What was it? After 4th Stage we created a QN LINE group chat?
Shoutan: It would be nice to hold a proper national tour and not just live viewings.
Us: Yes please!!!!!! 😭
They went away after their talks
Photo of QN on screen
Reiji: we have prepared a surprise for you all Everyone at the venue, you where given a light stick To make sure that we have the best live, this light changes colour automatically
It's not broken! 😂
Camus: Let's practice a bit, everyone hold up the venue light *all changes colour automatically* Ahh it's amazing!!
Ai-chan: We would like you to turn off your own lights, rings and bangles too. Would you cooperate with us?
Ranmaru: We appreciate your feelings for showing your support to us, but the venue light is enough.
Reiji: My girl! Who are watching from the Live Viewing, although we can't change your lights from here, we can still feel your thoughts here, use whatever colour you like
Tsukiakari No Dearest
Shoutan and Maeno started in the center of the stage. The choreography was the same as 5th.
They walked to the sides of the stage, Shoutan left, Maeno right
Me and Yukina: Eh?! omgomgomgomg (they walked really far down! Extemely close to the audience!) Shoutan looks ok I think! Yeyy! ... Wait. No he doesn't.
There was platforms on either side, both of them got on and they were raised up!
Us: Sugoi!!
After being lowered they walked right in the tiny pathway in the audience!!!!😱😱😱😱 SO CLOSE And went to the platform held there
Shoutan... Is he hurting or something??????????
♪ Shining, Shining ima kara, gouin ni KAUNTODAUN 3.2.1 yoake made tabi o zutto issho ni iyou~
Shoutan looked really freaked out for a split second after the end, holding his chest briefly. What's wrong Shoutan????????! 😭😭😭 After thinking, I realised it might be the nerves from being so close to the audience? We all know how shy he is after all But... Although that was a possibility, to me it didn't look like that...
Itoshiki Hito e
Started off with Morikubo sitting on a chair at the right side of the stage and he danced a bit Next he walks left and the spot light hit the ground where a rose was lying there He picked it up performing with it, and dropped it afterward He went more to the left again, this time the spot light shone to an opened umbrella He picked it up and spinned it while resting it on his shoulder
Tatsun danced to the song too and performed SOOOO well!
Morikubo appears on the platform at the left, and asks if Ranran/Tatsun is ready The light shines to the right, where he is, he looked so exhausted from his performance!! and he look at Morikubu like “Ehh??” So cute!!
They also walked in the audience to get to the other platform
At the end they had their backs against each other and the Morikubo put his arm on Tatsun! THE KIZUNAAAA
Part ② to come!! Loow forward to it 💖
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atopearth · 6 years
Hakuoki: Kyoto Winds Part 2 - Toudou Heisuke Route
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Heisuke was so cute when Chizuru confessed to them that she’s actually a girl, the funniest was Shinpachi though, “girls aren’t supposed to wear pants"🤣🤣🤣 I guess he’s kinda right for that era😂 I love how blunt and straightforward Heisuke is though, he apologised for treating her as a man and for his display of shock haha. Lolol at Harada and Shinpachi going to drink at the red light district and just telling Chizuru about it, at least Harada really just wants to drink, well Shinpachi isn’t too bad either since he just wants pretty girls to pour sake for him hahaha. Btw, Heisuke and Chizuru’s exchange where he told her to just call her Heisuke and treat him as an equal since they’re the same age was so considerate and respectful of him. It was such a simple but nice gesture to redo their first meeting and try to get along hehe. How Heisuke-like to go along because he wants to hang with the guys haha. He was so adorable to be so happy and excited that Chizuru agreed to wear females clothes in the future if she got the chance to, he’s so cuteeee! Lmao when Gen caught them going out and they lied that they were going training instead so Gen asked if he can come along too🤣 Heisuke was so cute with his sad puppy eyes trying to get Chizuru to save him from all that by making the excuse that he’s showing her around the headquarters lolol. Hahahaha, Sano betrayed Shinpachi too and left him to train alone with Gen, poor him🤣🤣
I’m glad that in this route, the heroine helps out with chores pretty much straight away, I always felt like the heroine did nothing but listen to orders in Saito’s route so she legit did nothing for months until she could go on patrol rounds with them, I’d be bored out of my mind! Heisuke is rash and comes to conclusions fast, like when he assumed she was helping out so she could get them to trust her but really, she just didn’t want to dwell on thoughts that there isn’t much hope of finding her father, so when she told him that and he apologised, I really liked that. Heisuke might be rash and speak before he thinks, but he’s always ready to admit his wrongs and that’s something not everyone can do, so I really respect that! Lmao when he tried to apologise by giving her sake though😂 lolol that Heisuke and them are getting scolded by Hijikata for being so negligent and doing stuff like drinking in the middle of the day🤣 But awww, Heisuke came to talk to her because he was worried about how she was doing by herself~~~
Ohh wow the punishment was harsher than I thought, Heisuke’s under house arrest and his food portions have decreased! Hijikata is super strict! So sweet of the heroine to go visit him risking the consequences just to see if she can give him some food though hahaha. It’s all worth it when you see Heisuke beam with such a smile though! Not surprised that Souma doesn’t like the Shinsengumi, in a sense, they really are just following their own sense of justice and forcing others to go along with it through the fact that they have the sheer manpower and strength to back it up. At least, although people view them as hooligans, they’re much more understanding and kinder than hooligans haha. But I’m happy that Kondou’s courteous attitude got through to Souma that the Shinsengumi are a sincere group that are fighting for the future that they believe is for the best.
Omg, the fight at the Ikeda Inn was intense! How do they even fight in the dark, and the stench of blood! I guess that’s why their uniforms were changed to white so that they knew who were their allies. No wonder why Heisuke was so injured at Ikeda! He was facing Amagiri😯 So funny when Heisuke called Hijikata a demon for not letting him participate in the next battle because he was injured and Hijikata said he’d gut him and then he went all quiet and meek🤣 Be a good boy, Heisuke! Heisuke’s gone to recruit people at Edo for the Shinsengumi, I can relate to the heroine, it’s so lonely and quiet without him and his bright personality haha. How nice of Kondou to bother teaching her some sword skills before he leaves to join with Heisuke though. So nice that he doesn’t mind calling her a disciple of his sword style even though he barely taught her anything, he’s such a warm guy! He really knows how to make Chizuru feel like she belongs there for once.
Seeing Sanan take the concoction because he felt like he had no other choice was saddening, thinking about him betraying the Shinsengumi in Saito’s route and then dying at the hands of the people he betrayed the Shinsengumi for is just even more saddening, I hope he doesn’t succumb himself to madness this time. I never thought that the Furies actually consisted of men who had broken the rules of conduct and had been given the choice of seppuku or to drink that thing as part of the experiment… What a cruel choice… It’s nice to see some insight on what Heisuke thinks, I can kinda see why Heisuke initially left the Shinsengumi in Saito’s route, it wasn’t just because he felt responsible with Itou but also because he doesn’t view the shogun in a good light since the shogun doesn’t seem to take action for the things he says he would e.g. expelling foreigners from Edo, instead seeming to welcome them. Heisuke loves the Shinsengumi and respects Hijikata and everyone, but if your beliefs don’t align, it’s hard to continue with just loyalty to push you. The fact that there is uncertainty with the Shinsengumi can’t be helped especially with the Furies and the shogun being the one giving them that dodgy thing to improve etc.
It was so cute how Heisuke excitedly grabbed Chizuru’s hand to show her how much snow had fallen in one night, he’s such a kid hahaha. So true that Harada, Heisuke and Shinpachi are definitely not dressed for snowy weather lmao, just looking at them makes me feel cold🤣 It’s so funny how the three of them get along so well and are all so kiddish despite their different personalities hahaha. A snowball fight suits them so well, I knew they’d choose to do that. It’s legit hilarious how serious they take snowball fighting, too bad Chizuru could never possibly hit them🤣 Lmao that Hijikata caught them and got pissed because their snowballs broke holes into some sliding doors😂😂 Something I really like about Heisuke’s route is that he and Chizuru really talk and support each other by speaking about their problems and trying to find a solution together, they might not necessarily come to one but they listen to each other and try their best to answer each other and I think that’s important for communication!
I agree with Heisuke tbh that there isn’t much of a future in just listening to what the Shogunate says all the time. As I’ve said before, loyalty is good but you’ve got to understand when it becomes blind loyalty, you’ve got to think for yourself and I’m glad that Heisuke thought for himself on this occasion. I’m sure he’ll miss Harada and Shinpachi since they’re such good buddies, but knowing that Heisuke wants to follow a path he can believe in rather than just follow along with the others because he likes them is something very respectable and hard to do. It kinda reminds me of that time in high school when we had to choose which book stream we wanted to read for the HSC and all my friends chose Pride and Prejudice and I was nearly peer pressured into following, but I thought to myself that I knew that I’d be unhappy and disappointed in myself if I only chose something because I wanted to be with my friends rather than choose something I really wanted to do and believed that would be more interesting, and so I chose Frankenstein and I never regretted it, in fact I’m very proud and happy that I went along with that choice. I think for Heisuke, even if it may seem like the wrong choice for others, especially since Itou’s guard etc eventually were killed by the Shinsengumi, the fact that Heisuke chose this for himself is something to be proud of. What matters isn’t what is wrong or right, but whether you truly believed in it and did what you wanted to do. Which is why in the end, even though the Shinsengumi didn’t have the best ending and nor did their ideals come to fruition, but the truth of it was that they fought their hardest and tried their best to fight for the beliefs they believed in and I think that’s enough. And yeah, I also think that Itou isn’t exactly wrong or right, but the experimentation on comrades and hiding things from him even though he’s a part of them and one of the officers as well, it couldn’t be helped that he’d want to leave since Hijikata and them never trusted him. I’m glad Heisuke told her all this before he left though, he had no obligation to but he considered her a friend and told her what he thought. I really enjoyed that interaction. It was also really sweet of him to say that he was sad to leave her too…
Although Heisuke isn’t as strong as Saito or Amagiri, I thought it was really cool that Chizuru helped Heisuke out by hindering Amagiri from moving properly (since he captured her and was trying to take her away). I wonder what happened with Itou and the Guard that has made Heisuke kinda regret leaving the Shinsengumi though. I guess it’s because Itou and the rest could never trust him because they think he’s a spy? Omg, letting Chizuru in her female clothes meet with Heisuke at the tea house was so heartbreaking!! It was such a simple everyday conversation about nothing really, but seeing each other, hearing their voice and noticing the subtleties of their gestures really made them understand how they both were doing and how much they really needed that talk. When he said he wanted to talk longer and didn’t want to leave, I was so sad, I wanted to hear him talk longer too! It’s been months since Chizuru has seen him so it must have been so difficult for them to leave each other. I’m so happy he remembered that she said she’d show him how she looks in a female kimono, Heisuke is still Heisuke, I want to see him happy again, not so downtrodden like now😢😢 Luring the Guard out with Itou’s corpse is such a disgusting act that I just can’t approve of no matter how much I like the Shinsengumi tbh, I understood why they needed to kill Itou but this is a different story. I know that they can’t let their feelings get in the way but doing such a thing is just so…. dishonourable. I feel so terrible for Heisuke that he never thought Itou would frame Harada for Sakamoto’s death and do similar things that made him leave the Shinsengumi in the first place. Accompanied with the sudden battle, how do you want him to possibly act and choose what to do at that moment?! Even if he wants to go back to the Shinsengumi, how could he just up and attack the Guard so easily? He’s not that type of person! I guess the Guard attacking Chizuru and Heisuke protecting her has to be the trigger for him to decisively choose to go against the Guard. I’m happy that even though Heisuke is confused and doesn’t know what he should really do, he does know that he needs to protect Chizuru and that’s his decision. It really makes me so glad.
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Nooo! Not Heisuke, don’t die! I don’t want him to become a Fury. He threw his swords to save Chizuru, thus being open to Amagiri striking him with no time to block his blows. It just breaks my heart to think of Heisuke dying. I’m honestly so affected by Heisuke that when he was dying, I really cried, Heisuke doesn’t deserve this, he just wanted to find his own path in life, he just wanted what’s best for the future, he’s so young and he was so cheerful, I don’t want him to carry the burdens of being a Fury😭😭😭 It was sweet when she told Heisuke that she wanted to stay beside him as long as she could, her boldness really must have cheered him up since he’s probably so confused after becoming a Fury, not knowing how alive he really is and not knowing whether he really has escaped death, it must be really weird. I think my thoughts about the Water of Life are most akin to Harada right now, can understand it but also don’t want to accept it. When he said that maybe the Shinsengumi isn’t exactly changing but that they’ve only started to realise the misconception that everyone was working towards the same goals when they really aren’t might be the problem here. Harada’s a really good guy though, I like him. Mature and kind.
Chizuru is so optimistic, when Heisuke told her about him being an illegitimate son that gets hush money every month, it’s kinda cool how she could interpret positively as them wanting him to live even if they are separated since in the end they are his parents. I guess it’s true in a sense, if he really wanted Heisuke to be shut up, since he’s like a lord of a domain, it must be easy for him to send assassins to kill him if he really wanted to. It’s so heartbreaking to see Heisuke react to how he acted when he lost control of himself at the taste of blood. He was the most normal, most human and yet now he’s suffering from feeling less and less human every day… It’s just so terrible. Sometimes it just makes me think, maybe, just maybe it would have been better to have let him die that day instead of extending his suffering like this… Is it worth surviving if he has to drink other people’s blood? Honestly, I don’t know either, I don’t know whether it’s really worth it. But omg, I feel like with Heisuke, Chizuru really knows how to support him and cheer him up. When he lamented on always making the wrong decision, and she made him realise that despite the supposed wrong decisions and the sadness, there are happy times to live for as long as you’re alive, especially since Chizuru wants to see him live. Chizuru putting her hand on his really seemed so soothing, I think I feel healed too hahaha.
I love that whenever Heisuke feels like he’s lost his way, Chizuru is always the constant that reminds him that even if things go wrong, doing his best protecting her will never be a wrong decision. I never thought Sen was like such a highly respected Demon because of her ancestor, well enough that she could push Kazama and them back for breaking the Demon code of interfering with human politics. She’s such a nice girl~ When Heisuke and Chizuru are together, it’s hard to not feel like everything will work out in the end no matter what, I feel like when they’re together, they can face anything. It was so adorable when he said he’d show Kazama that Chizuru is his!😍 The Shinsengumi has really come a long way huh? From when they could barely feed themselves to establishing a name for their group and everything in 5 years. A lot of things must have changed so rapidly, it would have been difficult to accept at times.
Anyway, I love Heisuke’s route. Heisuke is great, his route is great. His self-reflections, his interactions with Chizuru, their cute moments, him sharing his feelings, his funny bond with Shinpachi and Harada, everything was just so enjoyable and beautiful, I loved it so much that I couldn’t stop reading hahaha. My heart is so warm from Heisuke hahaha, favourite boy right now🤣
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