#i bet you can tell which one of these guys is my favourite.
sedge-and-sanctuary · 9 months
Moon Eight - Frostcreep
Sedgeclan has no Deputy!
Coniferstar and Snowstreak find a dead cat by the thunderpath while on patrol. Harebolt has an encounter with a Starclan cat. Clan Rule Established: No cat of Sedgeclan is permitted to cross the southern border.
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Cats Mentioned: Coniferstar - 28 moons - Leader Harebolt- 106 moons - Medicine Cat Snowstreak - 107 moons - Warrior Rookpaw - ?? moons - ???
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“He’s lying to you,” A voice says, from over Harebolt’s shoulder. Harebolt turns, bristling. Did every strange cat she came across have to sneak up behind her to start a conversation? “You could start with ‘hello'.”
The cat who’d spoken laughs; a stranger to her, though Harebolt knows most of the rogues and loners of the tundra, at least in passing. A thick-furred black tom, with bright, glittering green eyes. Young– but big, for a loner, and well-muscled. In the early, Frostcreep night, his fur looks almost silver; brushed paler by the waxing moon. He blinks a greeting to her. “Hello, then. I’m sorry. But there isn’t very much time.” Harebolt frowns. “Why not? Why does every tom I meet lately speak in riddles?” He dips his head, apologetic. “I don’t mean to. I’m only passing on a message.” “From who?” Harebolt’s fur bristles. “You’re not with Boss? I’m not alone, you know. I have a clan to back me.” And that is a nice thing, about their strange new lives. That she can say, I’ve got backup, and can mean it.
But the stranger shakes his head. “No– no. Harebolt. My name is Rookpaw. I came to find your leader. But I–” Harebolt shivers. “How do you know–” An owl stoops, suddenly, some hare-leaps away, a shadow dropping from the sky. A rabbit shrieks, as its talons strike home. Harebolt swings around to look; her claws unsheathing. An embarrassing, instinctual display. A cloud, drifting over the moon, plunges the tundra back into darkness, and hides the owl from her sight. Harebolt can still hear the wet, messy sounds of it eating, smell blood drifting in on the wind. She shakes herself, irritated, and turns back to face the stranger- Rookpaw. But he’s nowhere to be seen. Harebolt blinks. The wide, Frostcreep tundra sprawls around her, its reds and golds all washed to silver, in the night. Harebolt’s spine prickles; she glances up, uneasy, some dread in her like a hunted thing. She hears, again, the sound of the rabbit, dying; a high, red scream, in the dark. A black cat could hide, easily, in the undergrowth, with the moon covered as it is. But… She scents the air. Salt, blowing in from distant waters. The fragrant, last-ditch blooms of sedgegrass, and of shrub. No cat-scent except her own. Shivering hard, in the chill of a sudden wind, Harebolt turns tail, and flees for home.
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When she arrives, Snowstreak and Coniferstar are already back from patrol, their heads bent close together. They both startle, as she bursts into camp, whipping around to face her. Snowstreak’s pelt is bristling, just like Harebolt’s; her shoulders, too, have an uneasy set. Harebolt pauses, collecting herself. Studies the other cats. “Is everything– alright?” Snowstreak doesn’t answer, right away, but moves to press her forehead into Harebolt’s chest, trembling a little. Harebolt breathes out a sigh, and licks Snowstreak’s ear, forcing out a comforting purr. She always felt bigger– stronger, when Snowstreak leaned on her like this. The strangeness of her earlier encounter fades away. “It’s okay,” she says, gently. “You’re fine.” “Your mate and I just had a bit of a scare, out on patrol.” Coniferstar’s expression is warm, watching them. “I find myself a little shaken, too.” Harebolt blinks at him, gratefully- nothing wrong with Snowstreak, then. Snowstreak speaks up, finally, though she stays tucked up against Harebolt’s shoulder. “I wasn’t hurt, or anything. But– there was a cat. By the road, I mean. When we were out.” “The thunderpath,” Coniferstar says– a gentle correction. Another of those strange, clan-cat words. “He had been struck. We weren’t swift enough to help him.” Harebolt looks up to meet his eyes; he looks… troubled. But when he catches her looking, his expression flattens out; wiped clean, like sand smoothed as a wave recedes. “It’s silly,” Snowstreak says, sniffling. Harebolt blinks, and turns back to her mate, pressing in closer. “I know– I didn’t even know him. I just–” “No,” Harehold says, soothingly; though her pelt prickles, with some instinctual unease. “It isn’t. I’m sorry that happened.” “Me too,” Coniferstar says, quietly. “The land that way is dangerous– my friends. I think it best if no one ventures to that thunderpath again.” Harebolt’s ears twitch back. “The southern one? By that human’s place, the–” “Twoleg,” Snowstreak says. “That’s– what they’re called, isn’t it?” “Twoleg,” Harebolt echoes, after a moment, a strange weight settling in her stomach. “I gather raspberries by there. The… twoleg grows them. In his garden.” Coniferstar’s eyes sharpen, just for a moment. Harebolt blinks; had their leader spotted her? That day, a few moons back, when she’d seen him out by the trailer? But he only ducks his head, after a beat, contrite. “I know it won’t be easy. But I believe this is a sign; Starclan sent this cat to us– to me. As a message.” I’ve come to find your leader, that strange cat had said. A cold wind slithers in, between the boundary rocks, and goes right through Harebolt’s fur. I’m passing on a message. “The only thing that comes that way is danger.” Coniferstar sighs. “I’m afraid the risk is just– too great. From this day on; no Sedgeclan cat will be permitted to venture that far south. I regret that this... stranger had to die, in order to pass on the warning. But– from all frosts, a thaw.” "Yeah," Snowstreak says, her voice still a little shaky, “I’m just glad it wasn’t one of you.” She pulls away from Harebolt, and bumps her forehead, gently, against Coniferstar’s shoulder. Their leader purrs, and leans into her touch. And Harebolt’s pelt feels cold, in her sudden absence.
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xxblairexxss · 1 year
I’ll be back before 10
Pairing : Charles Leclerc x reader
Theme : Angst
In which Pierre forced Charles to go out on a date behind your back but he didn’t want to betray your love.
I’m so sorryyy this was so sad I cried a few times while writing it but I’m not sure if it’s worthy of your tears because I’m an emotional human being I cry at everything. Not proofread!
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“How many times do I have to tell you, the answer is no.”
Pierre groaned and leaned his head back against the coach. “There’s nothing wrong with it, dude! Come on! Live your life a little.”
“I can’t, Pierre. I can’t betray her.” Charles threw his body on the couch and turned on his phone to look at your picture that he had made as his wallpaper for the longest time ever. The picture was a candid picture of you looking cozy in his oversized hoodie and a packet of gummy, your favourite kind of gummy in your hand.
“Baby, smile!” The flash went off before you could even catch what he was saying. “Perfect. I’m gonna make this as my wallpaper.”
“No! I bet I look ugly. Should have told me you were taking a picture so I can give you my model face.”
“Model face? Since when is my girlfriend a model? Hm?” Charles cackled. He took a bite from the gummy on your hand and poked you on your waist. He loved tickling you, the sound of your giggle will always be his favourite. He should have recorded it so he won’t forget what it sounded like.
“Stop making me laugh!” You tried to make a run but he had locked you in his arms and continued tickling you.
“You are not betraying her.”
“Don’t. Please don’t talk as if you knew what she would say.” This is the sixth times Pierre had come to ask him to agree on a date though Charles had already declined the offer the first time he asked.
“There’s nothing wrong with it!”
“Everything is wrong with it, Pierre! Which part of I can’t betray her did you not get? I can’t betray Y/N.”
Pierre exhaled deeply. He had tried so hard to bring his friend to branch out and meet new people but every time he asked, he would get rejected. Now that he mentioned a girl name, Charles became more defensive. He didn’t even suggested it to be a date, it was just a proper hang out, got to know each other’s hobbies, favourite foods, favourite colors but Charles hated every idea if it involved a girl because of the same reason, he can’t betray you.
“No one’s forcing you to date her. It wasn’t even a date! I was just asking you to go out, hang out, and come home. No hands or whatsoever.”
Charles shook his head in annoyance. “You’ll never get it.”
“Fine, I’ll be there. I’ll bring Kika. I’ll ask Kika to bring any other friends she has. We’ll make it a school trip even.” Pierre saw the was Charles stop scrolling on his phone and he grinned because he knew his words had gotten his friend’s attention. Sure, Charles wouldn’t change his decision right away but at least this gave him a little hope. “I’ll pick you up tomorrow. No excuse this time.”
“Faster, faster! We need to go home before 10!” You pulled on his hand eagerly while the event was still ongoing.
“I know, baby. Let me tell Pierre I’ll take my leave first.” He intertwined your hand with his and made his way to his best friend that was too engrossed in a conversation.
“Y/N and I will get going first.”
“You guys always take a leave before 10. What’s with the curfew? Couldn’t wait to have your own private show on the bed?”
“Something like that.” Charles replied to which your cheeks went red as you slapped him on his arm.
Pierre cackled at the couple then went on to hug you and kissed on your cheek. “Goodbye, then. I’ll see you soon, yeah? Tell Charles not to go too rough.”
“Very funny, Pierre. Bye! I’ll see you soon. Let’s go, honey!” You turned around and took the lead as you guys left the event.
“I don’t know why you always want to watch the movie from the television channel programme when we have everything ready to watch on our Disney and Netflix account.” Charles had laid down on the cozy couch after he changed from a formal suit to a cozy outfit and opened his arms to welcome you in his embrace as he saw you walked to the living room with his hoodie.
“I know but it felt like a surprise, no? Every weekend they would play a random movie with a random genre. It was mystery the last two weeks. Last week was horror. There’s no surprise element if we choose our own movie.” You made yourself comfortable on his chest and pecked on his stubble.
“Whatever you said, baby. Pierre really thought we needed to come home early for a spicy stuff when my girlfriend right here is just a huge fan of movies.” Charles laughed remembering the way his best friend looked at him suspiciously when he was leaving the event earlier.
“I know! You should have denied him. Oh, I place my bet on comedy tonight!” You laughed along.
“Nah, I think it’s gonna be horror again!”
“That’s impossible! They won’t play horror twice in a row!”
Charles felt so bad. So, so bad. There was a tiny spot in his heart that felt some sort of excitement for what was gonna happen in 10 minutes once Pierre picked him up. He couldn’t believe he would be excited doing things behind your back but Pierre basically forced him, telling him that this was gonna worth it. Plus, it was just a casual hang out. No touching, no kissing. Just making new friends.
Charles fixed his hair in front of the mirror and received a text from Pierre saying he’s arriving in 2 minutes. He took out his phone and turned it on to see his wallpaper, a picture of you, his favourite picture of you and found himself smiling fondly at it. He stroked his thumb on the screen, feeling himself growing enamoured at your bright smile in the picture.
“I hope you don’t mind, Y/N. Pierre said you wouldn’t mind seeing me making new friends. I’ll be back by 10, I promise. I wonder what genre are they choosing for today. Last week it was comedy. What do you reckon? I place my bet on comedy again.” He tilted his head up and forced himself to look at the ceiling to stop his tears from spilling off his eyes. “You will always be my girl, Y/N. Always. Wait for me, okay?”
“Dude, you ready?” Pierre walked in and set his hand on Charles’s shoulder to give it a squeeze.
“Yeah, I am. But Pierre, I can’t be late—”
“I know, Charles. I’ll send you home before 10.” Pierre would make sure the hang out will end before the curfew. Having successfully forced his friend to go out on weekend was enough, he couldn’t force him to do anything more than that. He knew it will be a slow step but he will be with Charles within every step he took because he knew you would want to see him happy and learn how to live without you. Even when you were no longer by his side.
Once they stepped out of the apartment, Pierre looked up to the orangy hue in the sky. He knew you were looking out for him, you would always look out for him from above. Charles had told him the sky had always looked beautiful after you passed away. It was as if heaven gained another angel, his angel, along with a piece of his heart and kept it up in the sky for him to keep on reminding himself that you were still here with him, far, distant, but still with him.
“I’m sure you don’t mind me taking Charles away this weekend. You would have wanted this for him too, wouldn’t you? I promise your man is safe with me, Y/N but please, keep on watching him from up there. It gives him the comfort and peace that no one else could give, not even me.”
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only-1-a · 3 days
Imagining this within the first week of Charles and Edwin knowing each other. Charles has helped Edwin catch up on a BIT of what’s happened in the last 70 years, but Edwin can tell that Charles’ knowledge and strengths are not in history (finding out there was an even worse world war right after The Great War was certainly horrific though). So Edwin decides his best bet is to look in the public archives. Charles is sitting in the room with him absolutely bored out of his skull when he comments “Wow, you weren’t joking about not being great at people, were you?”
To which Edwin’s patience runs out, and he snidely responds, “Evidently not. If my researching the events of the last seventy years is so off-putting to you, then you can leave.”
Edwin was expecting some kind of token protest, but instead Charles just hops up, and says, “Cheers mate. See you.” Then LEAVES. Just like that. Edwin would like to be offended, but he supposes he did tell Charles to go. He just thought there would have been more to it than that? It almost feels…anticlimactic. At least he and Charles barely knew each other. Better to cut their losses now than get attached. Even as he thinks it he can’t help but feel maybe he was already growing attached.
So he spends the whole day digging through the archive and he learns so much about the past half century. It’s amazing and daunting just how much as changed. No wonder Charles hadn’t been able to go over even a fraction of it. It’s like the world is a completely different place.
He’s engrossed in his research when a head pops in through the door, and violently startles him with a cheerful, “Hey mate!” Edwin doesn’t have a heartbeat, but if he did it would be running a mile a minute from that fright. Charles is just grinning as he walks through the door. “I have to say, that’s my favourite part of being dead so far. I can just walk through walls.” Charles continues to chat happily, completely oblivious to Edwin’s shock.
Eventually Edwin gains enough of his senses back to interrupt Charles and say, “You came back.”
Charles just cocks his head, but he’s still smiling. “Yeah bruv. You’ve been here ALL DAY. The sun’s started going down. I know we don’t need to eat or sleep, but I figure you should take a break. Plus all the people playing football at the park left, so I got bored.”
Edwin doesn’t quite know what to say to that. He’s still working on the fact Charles came back. Charles hadn’t planned on leaving in any permanent way. He just went to do his own thing while Edwin did his. Yet instead of anything intelligent coming out of his mouth, he says “Football?”
“Oh c’mon! I know you had football even a thousand years ago. Yeah, I went to play with some other guys at the park across the street.”
Edwin snorts at that, and isn’t that a strange and wonderful feeling, laughing after all this time. He doesn’t even know if he did it often before he went to Hell, but here Charles has been making him laugh on and off for the week they’ve known each other. “Yes, we had football. You’ll have to explain how you managed to play a team sport without being seen by either team. You are right though. If it’s getting dark out, they’ll be turning the lights out in here soon. We might as well leave for the day.”
“Cheers. Mostly it involved messing with the ball so it went the wrong way when they kicked it. Oh! I kicked one over a fence. Do you think we can go grab it? How about your day? Learn anything exciting?”
Edwin leads them out, and now in a much better mood he shares something he thinks Charles will enjoy. “As a matter of fact, there was quite a lot about how music evolved, and styles from the Americas really took off since the 20s.”
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gor3-hound · 8 months
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daddy's home
ft. fushiguro toji x fem!reader
cw: 18+ content, dark content, dad/daughter incest, oral(f!recieving), degradation, dacryphilia, praise, daddy kink, p in v, he's got a fat cock idk, creampie, overstimulation, pussy spanking, he's kind of an asshole
a/n: hiii! not a resident evil fic omg who am i? so down bad for toji it's not even funny... this got out of hand so quickly it was meant to be half this size... oops? jjk works now being uploaded to @puppykento
word count: 2.3k words
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You never saw your dad much growing up. To call him a deadbeat would be an understatement. He was the type of guy to pawn off the presents that ‘Santa’ got you a week or two after Christmas to get some extra cash.
He was rarely ever home, and when he was, he'd bum whatever he could off of you and Megumi. Although Megumi had gone off to that school now, which was great, really. You were happy for him. He comes to visit whenever he can, and he's always bringing you things to help out.
Really, you should be looking after him. He was your younger brother, after all. But he also knew that your dad tended to bother you more than him, so he's always been a little protective of you. He sends you a text everyday to check in on you, asking if you'd seen Toji.
Toji. Not dad. You're not sure when Megumi got into that habit, but you can't bring yourself to do the same. He's still your dad, even if he's a bit of an asshole. He cares about you deep down, you know he does. He might not show it, but you like to believe he thinks about you when he's gone.
Safe to say, you're surprised when he shows up at the door on your twenty-first birthday with a cake tucked securely under his arm. He flashes you a grin, pushing past you and into the apartment without so much as a ‘hello’.
He sets the cake down on the table before flopping down on the couch with his feet up on the coffee table like he owns the place. Which, okay, technically he does. His name is on the tenancy agreement, but he's not the one paying the rent.
“Didn't expect to see you here today.” You say after a moment, standing awkwardly off to the side. You never knew what to do with your dad. You didn't know him, really. Talking to him was always hard for you.
Your gaze falls to the cake after he doesn't respond. It's some cheap, pre-made grocery store cake. You can't imagine he spent much on it at all, but the gesture was nice. He hadn't gotten you anything for your birthday since you were twelve and he got you that shitty plastic bracelet that broke after a day.
“You didn't need to get me anything.”
“Mm. But you're my kid. It's a big birthday.” He says simply, grabbing the remote and turning on the TV, using the cable that you pay for. Typical.
You're surprised he even remembers your age, but you'd take it. Guess your suspicions were confirmed. He cares about you, at least a little.
“Where's the brat?” He asks after a moment, as if he registered Megumi hadn't shown his face. His eyes flick across the room before settling on you.
“He couldn't make it today. He's coming on the weekend.” He just shrugs when you tell him that, spreading his legs a little to get comfortable.
“Ah. You're my favourite, anyway.” He tells you, and you smile. You know you're only his favourite because you put up with his shit, but it still makes you happy to hear him say that. You can see the way his lips curl into a smirk at that, and he slowly drags his gaze along your body.
You're not sure you appreciate the way he's looking at you, though. Like, it's great to get some attention from your dad for once, but that doesn't exactly mean you want him looking at you like you're a piece of meat.
“What're you doin’ now, anyway? You dropped out, no?” Yeah. You had to. Someone had to pay the bills. “So, what… you working as a stripper or something? Got the body for it. Bet you'd make a killing.”
Your face wrinkles up in disgust immediately at that. You cross your arms over your chest in an attempt to cover yourself a little more, your brows furrowing as you look at him.
“Jesus, dad. That's nasty. Why are you even looking at me like that?” You ask with a frown, shifting uncomfortably from foot to foot.
“Alright!” He raises his hands in a gesture of surrender, brows raising slightly. He lets his hands drop onto his thighs and shrugs again. “Just a joke. Tough crowd, huh?”
You roll your eyes and huff, crossing your arms over your chest. That seems to draw Toji's attention, his gaze lingering on your tits for a moment before he's looking up at you with that stupid fucking grin again.
“What? I'm proud of my work, ‘n you're just another one of my many successes.” He has an air of cockiness around him as he says that, and it just weirds you out even more. What a creep.
“Anyway, I been thinkin’...” He begins, his eyes trailing your body again. You shift uncomfortably yet again, staring him down. “Your daddy is a little strapped for cash at the moment… but I gotta give my special girl a gift for her birthday, don't I?”
“Real interesting, ‘cause you haven't bothered before.”
He starts scowling at that, his lip curling. “I'm tryna be nice. Don't need to be a bitch about it. I'm a busy man.” He pauses, giving you a once over. “Always so fuckin’ bratty. Bet a good dick'd fix that shitty attitude.”
“The hell is wrong with you today?” You snap, trying to ignore the way your dad was very obviously checking you out. It makes you uneasy, in more ways than one. Most notably is the way it's weirdly hot, and that thought alone makes you feel queasy.
“Just c'mere, will ya? No need to be pissy on your birthday. I'm tryna be nice.” He huffs, patting the spot next to him. You walk over to him, but before you can sit, he's tugging you into his lap and holding you down against his hardening cock.
“Dad, wha-”
“Now here's what's gonna happen.” He grunts, nosing at your neck before he's attaching his lips to your skin, his grip on your hips tightening. “I'm gonna make you cum on my tongue, ‘cause it's your birthday, and I'm so sweet. Then you're gonna sit on my cock. Understand?”
You open your mouth to speak, but Toji is quick to cut you off, biting down on the spot where your neck meets your shoulder. “If the words that're about to leave your mouth are anything but ‘yes, daddy’, then I don't wanna hear it.”
Your mouth snaps shut, opens again, and you're repeating the words back to him.
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
That's how you end up lying on your back in your bed, the sheets crumpled beneath you with your dad's face buried in your cunt. He's got one hand pressed firmly on your stomach to stop you from moving too much, his other hand keeping a strong grip on your thigh to keep your legs spread.
He eats pussy sloppy. The only time he pulls away is to spit on you before he dives right back in, tongue thrusting in and out of your drippy hole. He's already made you cum twice, a puddle forming on the sheets under your ass from how wet you are.
“Ah… dad, I can't. S'too much.” You tell him, trying to squirm away from his mouth. He glares up at you from between your legs, and then he pulls away. You sigh in relief, but then he's spreading your folds with one hand and bringing the other down harshly against your clit.
You yelp, kicking your feet out. He does it again. And again. “You'll take what you're given.” He growls with another harsh slap, then he's lowering his head again to suck greedily at your swollen clit as he slips two fingers into your pussy without resistance.
His spits dribbling down to your hole as he makes the dirtiest sounds you've ever heard. You didn't know it was possible to be this greedy when it came to eating pussy. Doesn't even feel like it's for you, at this point. He's just eating away to his heart's content.
“You're such a messy girl, baby. Gettin’ my wrists all wet. Didn't know pussies could leak this much.” He mumbles into your cunt, flicking his tongue and curling his fingers. “Must really love your daddy, huh?”
You clench around him, cumming for the third time with a whimper and the bastard finally lifts his face away from you. Gives you that stupid smirk again, darting his tongue out to lick as much of your juices from his face as he can manage, then he uses his free hand to wipe the rest off on the back of his hand. Slob.
“Having a good birthday?” He asks with a shit-eating grin, scissoring his fingers open inside of you, ignoring the way you whine and try to pull away again. All you can do is nod, already so dumb from the pleasure he's giving you that you can barely respond.
“That's my girl.” He coos, patting your face a few times before he's pulling his hand away, leaving you mourning the loss. Can't let any of your cum go to waste, so he pops them in his mouth and sucks them clean.
Doesn't take him long to pull his cock out. It's fat and heavy, hanging low even though it's hard. Your breath hitches as you see it, and you start to push away from him.
“Dad, what the fuck?” That's a boost to his ego. “That's not… there's no way that's gonna fit.”
“I'll make it work. Been between your legs long enough.” He mumbles, grabbing you by your hips and tugging you towards him on the bed. He pushes the tip in, and he can't bite back the smile that forms at the noise you make.
He pushes in so slowly that he's barely even moving. The stretch still hurts, tears forming in your eyes. When he finally bottoms out with a groan, you're so full that you can barely breathe. You swear you can feel that shit in your lungs. Your poor mother.
“Fuck… you're so fucking tight. Shoulda done this years ago…” He breathes out, bangs hanging in front of his eyes as he lets his head hang low. He's nice enough to stay put for a moment, his cock throbbing against your cervix - which is definitely going to be bruised after this. You don't think you're gonna be able to walk for a week.
He pulls out slowly until just the tip left inside, his length glistening from your slick pussy. He stares down appreciatively at the sight before thrusting back in. He builds a rhythm, rocking his hips against yours.
The sound of your moans fill the room, but he's more of a grunter. His grip on your hip is bruising, and it starts to hurt a little. He's using his hold on you so that he can manhandle you into his thrusts, making sure he's filling up every inch of you.
“Such a good fucking slut.” He pants, rocking into you even harder, a crease forming between his brow. “Gonna mould this pretty pussy to the shape of my dick. No other guy's gonna be able to fuck you, baby. Just daddy.”
You nod at his words, too fucked out to even register what he's saying. You'd agree to anything he said as long as he kept up with what he was doing.
“She's sucking me in, princess. Never had anyone take me so well before. My dick's splittin’ you open, and you're just. Fucking. Taking it.” He punctuates his words with deep, slow thrusts that have you pulsing around his cock.
“Made just for me, huh? My own daughter bein’ the one who's got the perfect pussy for my cock.” He growls, shifting slightly so his hands are gripping your thighs. He presses them against your chest, leaning over you as he starts fucking you again.
He's so much deeper like this, punching the air out of your lungs every time his hips slap against your ass. Tears start streaming down your face, your walls tightening around him.
“Shit… you tryna push me out?” He asks, his voice sounding a little strained. “God… she's fuckin’ milking me. She's cryin’ for me even more than you are.”
He lets out a breathless laugh, his thrusts growing sloppier. “Gonna fill you up, but you gotta cum for me first. You gonna do that for me?”
You nod weakly, gripping his shoulders as he pounds you into the mattress. Your nails claw at his skin, and you feel the wetness of his own blood beneath your fingers, but he doesn't even flinch. He seems to like it, letting out a low moan as your nails dig into him.
Your eyes roll back as you cum, your lips parting as you cry out ‘daddy’. You gush around his cock, leaking all over your own thighs until it's dripping down his balls.
“Such a dirty girl.” He grunts, his movements becoming erratic as his balls tighten. “Shit, baby. Gonna cum, and you're gonna fucking take it.”
He pushes in one last time, burying himself to the hilt and holding himself there. He grinds against you weakly as his cock kicks, shooting ropes of cum deep into you.
“Gooood… that's my good fucking girl.” Toji collapses on the bed, his dick slipping out as he lays back on your bed. “Happy birthday, baby.”
There's that smile again. Arrogant prick.
He stays put for a while, leaning back against your pillows with his legs spread and his arms behind his head, taking up a good 80% of your bed and leaving you to lay on the edge.
“I need a beer…” He grumbles, running a hand over his face before he tilts his head to look at you. “You got any cash?”
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pretty-circa006 · 2 months
Big Bad Wolf
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Sugar Daddy! Coach! Negan x F! Camgirl! Reader
summary Negan takes interest in a pretty camgirl who he doesn't know is also his student tags online sex work, sex toys, female and male masturbation, age gap (reader is 20 and Negan is 50s-ish probably), dirty talk,
wc 3.1k
note this is part one of a three part mini series
*you are responsible for your own content consumption. if this is something you DO NOT like, simply DO NOT read or interact! :) *
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚⋆ ˚。⋆ 
She adjusts her ring light before angling her laptop just right so the webcam captures her body but not her face. Once she’s happy with everything, she starts the livestream. Comments quickly fill her screen, the first of them being her regulars. 
@ b3nd0ver long time no see! i’ve been missing my favourite girl 
@ milflover69 pop a titty 
@ freak4feet do u do foot stuff???
@ milkmann_u look so sexy I can’t breath 
“Welcome back you guys, I’ve been missin’ ya,” she tells her viewers in a sultry voice that bears little resemblance to her own. The thin strap of her tank top slides off her shoulder as she adjusts her position to something more comfortable. 
“I got something new just for y’all!” She excitedly pulls her shoebox full of sex toys into view before opening it. 
@ MikeHunt wtf is in taht box
@ pussypounder take off ur cloths bbg
“Hey, you gotta be patient or else I’m ending this early.” It’s an empty threat, but it always seems to work regardless. She slowly, teasingly removes the lid from the box and tosses it aside. Holding the box up to the webcam, she shows her viewers the collection of different sized dildos, vibrations, butt plugs, and other toys. 
“Which should I use first?” 
@ 1-800-dickudown me! use me. its ab time u put a real dick in that pussy 
“Well why don’t ya come on over here, one eight hundred dick you down, and dick me down?” She teases in reply to that comment. 
1-800-dickudown sent $50.00
“Think I’ll use…” she trails off as she digs through the box, “this one! I bought it with the help of all your donations,” she explains as she shows them the thick, six inch glass dildo. 
“Ribbed for pleasure!” She says, running her finger along the toy to show off the artificial veins. 
@ freak4feet stroke it with ur feet! 
@ oversexxxed ur so pretty show me ur pussy pls
She spreads her thighs giving a full view of her soaked panties. With one hand, she slides her panties aside, exposing her freshly shaven cunt to the webcam. She rubs her clit a few times and lets out some overdramatic moans before grabbing the dildo with her free hand. She slides the toy up and down her slick folds before teasing her entrance with it. 
@ bigdickDILF I could please you better than that piece of crap can. 
bigdickDILF sent $117.23 
She lets out a girlish giggle. “I’d love to test that, big dick DILF. But this’ll have to do for now.” She shoves the tip in as she continues rubbing her clit, making sure to let out some moans and breathy whimpers along the way.
@ milkmann_you never fail to make my dick hard. 
The increase of her pace emits wet erotic sounds. She fights to keep her thighs from squeezing closed as she continues to pleasure herself. The toy hits her g-spot which turns her dramatized moans into real ones. 
“O-Oh, I’m about to cum!” She moans, fucking herself harder with the toy. 
@ sleazyb0iii me too
@ milflover69 POP. A. TITTY >:( 
The fingers of her free hand tangle into the fuzzy rug beneath her as her back arches and toes curl. She screams out as her juices squirt from around the dildo. 
Dogwater sent you $3.00 
b00bman sent you $20.00 
SitOnMyFace sent you $85.00 
“T-thanks for the tips,” she says shakily as she’s coming down from her high. 
@ mustache_MAN lick it clean 
“Yes, sir!” She pulls the toy from her cunt and its covered in her juices. She tilts her screen back so her glossy lips are in view before bringing the dildo up to her mouth. She licks it up and down before putting the tip between her lips. 
“Mmmm, bet you guys wish you could get a taste.” She takes the toy as deep down her throat as she can before gagging, sending tears cascading down her face. She bobs her head up and down the glass dildo as if she were giving a blowjob. She pulls her mouth from the toy before setting it aside. 
mustache_MAN sent $2.47
“Thanks for the tip, mustache man! I know this was a short stream, but that’s all I have for tonight,” she informs her users. Before she she can move her cursor to the ‘end stream’ button, another notification catches her eye. 
BigBadWolf  sent $1,000.00
Her eyes go wide at the amount. She’s never made that much on a single stream before and that catches her off guard. 
“Oh..Oh my gosh, thank you so much big bad wolf,” she says, still in shock. 
@ BigBadWolf Do you take requests? I’d love to see you use your fingers. 
She can’t be sure if she’s turned on by his politeness or the large amount of money, but her cunt clenches around nothing as she swallows dryly. 
“Anything for you,” she purrs, playing it up on the sexiness in hopes for another big tip. She moves from her sitting position to a kneeling position before sliding her panties down her legs. She sits back down and kicks them off before spreading her legs so her viewers get the perfect view of her soaking cunt. She rubs her stiffened clit in tight circles which sent tingles of pleasure down her spine. Her hand drifts down to her entrance before she slips in two fingers. Her free hand pulls down the front of her tank top, freeing her breasts before she squeezes it. 
@ milflover69 finally! 
milflover69 sent $1.00
@ BigBadWolf One more baby, I know you can do it ;)
“Yes, sir,” she moans before sliding in a third finger. She slightly winces at the stretch, but it feels good. Her thumb and index finger pinch and tweaked her nipple as she fucks herself with her fingers. Involuntarily, she ruts up against her own hand, chasing another orgasm. 
“‘M gonna cum again,” she whines as her legs begin to shake. She gropes at her breast as her second orgasm overtakes her. She rests her head against the floor as she catches her breath. With two fingers, she spreads open her lower lips, showcasing her overstimulated cunt. 
“Look at what you guys do to me!” She teases her loyal fans. 
@ BigBadWolf Beautiful
She sits upright and drags her cursor over the ‘end stream’ button. “Okay, I’m ending this for real this time. Love y’all, bye!” She ends the stream and shuts her laptop before fixing her top and putting her panties back on. Apprehensively, she opens her laptop and scrolls to look at her total amount of tips–$2,276.23. That’s almost enough for her to pay for another month of rent in her shitty apartment. A message in her inbox catches her eye and she curiously opens it. It’s from @ BigBadWolf, the seemingly loaded guy from her stream. 
@ BigBadWolf You’re so fucking beautiful. Do you take requests? I’ll happily pay, just name your amount. 
She stares at the message in awe. Typically, the kind of people that message her are weirdos who tell her about their sick fantasies in full detail, so this is a nice change. 
@ virginesque ya, if u subscribe to my profile u can see i post requests all the time
@ BigBadWolf I want these all to myself not something for all your goddamn subscribers to see
@ virginesque oh! i dont usually do that…
@ BigBadWolf Not trying to pressure you or anything, but I’ll pay whatever amount you want
@ virginesque ya? like a million dollars lol
@ BigBadWolf Within reason haha
@ virginesque fuck it why not. whats ur request ???
@ BigBadWolf I’d love to see you in the shower 
After a moment of thinking, she deems his request to be reasonable. Even though she had already showered for the night, she doesn't mind doing it again for a couple of extra bucks. She brings her phone with her into the shower after she had undressed. For the longest time, she just stands there beneath the stream of warm water contemplating if this is something she really wants to do. She needs the money and he’s willing to give it and it’s not like this is too much more than what she already does. After opening the camera, she holds her phone up so her body from the shoulders down is in view. She hits record and with her free hand she lathers her body in soap. Her hands caress over as much of her body she can reach before coming back up to her breasts, lathering soap and squeezing them a few times before ending the video. 
@ virginesque sent a video
She lays in bed, staring at her phone anxiously awaiting the stranger’s reply. Half an hour passes and inbox is still the same–empty. She shuts off her phone and tosses it aside, cursing herself for being so stupid. Of course it seemed too good it be true and she felt like a fool for believing otherwise.
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚⋆ ˚。⋆ 
 When she awoke the next morning, she was still pissed and remained that way for most of the day. 
“Girl, are you okay?” Her friend asks her during stretches. 
“Just a little irritated, y’know, workloads and stuff,” she lies. She makes it a priority to keep her double life as a camgirl a secret. 
“Ugh, tell me about it. If I have to write another fucking paper-“ 
“Enough chit-chat, ladies, keep stretching,” the track and field coach, Coach Negan, orders. 
She can’t help the huff and eye roll that escapes her, but she begrudgingly gets back to her stretches anyway. 
“What crawled up your ass and died?” Coach Negan asks her with a shit eating grin spreading across his face.
“Nothing!” She snaps. Both her friend and Coach Negan give her a strange look. 
“Whatever it is, don’t let it fuck with your performance out there,” he encourages before walking off. 
“I can’t stand him,” she mutters under her breath. 
“Really? I think he’s great,” her friend disagrees. 
“Nuh uh, you just think he’s hot!” She teases before they burst into a fit of giggles. 
“Okay, that’s five extra laps for you two!” An irritated Coach Negan shouts. 
After practice and the extra laps she heads directly to her apartment off campus. With her getting scammed on top of her coach being a hardass, she’s so stressed that she’s ready to just roll over and go to bed. But no, she has a presentation to put together. She flings open her computer and sees that the tab with her camgirl account is still open and there’s a new message in her inbox. 
@ BigBadWolf Sorry for the late reply, had shit to do. 
@ BigBadWolf  You are so fucking sexy babygirl 
@ BigBadWolf sent $500.00
Her eyes widen and mood brightens when she sees he actually replied and the amount he sent. 
@ virginesque oh wow, thank u 
@ BigBadWolf How was your day?
She glares suspiciously at her screen. The first impression she got of him was that he’s some old rich guy who has a porn addiction and a lot of money to fuel it, so him asking about her day comes as a surprise. 
@ virginesque uh good? how was urs?
@ BigBadWolf Better once I watched your video ;) 
She’s sure he’s just using flattery to get more out of her, but still can’t help that her cheeks warmed at his comment. 
@ virginesque glad i could help 
@ BigBadWolf I know this is forward, but do you do video calls?
The question takes her aback. Video calls aren’t something she’s done before, but with the money he’s sent her thus far, she’d be willing to try. 
@ virginesque i’ve never done them before but for u i would
@ BigBadWolf Well aren’t you just sweet as shit
@ virginesque when do u wanna call?
@ BigBadWolf Is now okay?
@ virginesque sure
BigBadWolf is calling….
Her heart races in her chest as she debates actually answering or not. She angles down her laptop screen down so he can’t see her face and answers the call. 
“Hello?” she asks the black screen. 
“Hey, baby,” a deep, raspy voice replies. It’s oddly familiar, but not in a way she can pinpoint. 
“Um, thanks for all the money.” 
“Anything for my favorite girl.” 
She tries to bite back the smile she can feel forming on her face, but his voice is so sexy and words are so flattering. 
“Favorite girl?” 
“Uh huh, no one else makes me feel the way you do.”
“So, uh…what’s your name? Or do I have to keep calling you ‘big bad wolf?’”
He lets out a laugh before replying. "You don't have to call me that, you can just call me sir." 
"Okay, sir, can I see you?" 
He pauses for a moment as if he were in thought and when he turns on his camera, he's in a similar position to hers–sitting down with his face out of view. He has on a white t-shirt and his arms are decorated with tattoos. From what she can see, he seems to be in good shape and could potentially be an attractive man. 
“Will I ever get to see that pretty face of yours?” 
The laugh she lets out is sarcastic. “What makes you so sure my face is pretty?”
“Trust me, I can just tell.” 
“Pfff, okay. Did you just want to video call to flirt with me?”
“I just wanted to see you again, but with my eyes only. None of those other assholes watching you from their screens.” 
“Yeah? What do you want me to do?” 
“Take off your clothes.” 
The impudence of his request catches her off guard. Getting naked on camera and adhering to the wishes of random people on the internet are all things she’s used to, but doing it over a video call made her feel shy. It’s more personable. Instead of just reading comments, she’s hearing him tell her what to do and gets to hear his reaction. With shaky hands, she pulls her shirt over her head and tosses it aside. Reaching behind her back, she nervously unclasps her bra and lets it fall down her shoulders, exposing her breasts to him. 
“Beautiful, baby,” he compliments, sending warmth flooding throughout her body. She gets comments like this all the time, but hearing it from this man has a different affect on her. Like his words and validation actually mean something to her. She stands from her desk chair and unbuttons her jeans before turning around and bending over as she pulls them down. Her panties go next and she sways her hips seductively as she pulls them down too. She steps out of the garments before returning back to her chair. 
“I could just stare at you all day. You are a goddamn piece of artwork.”  
“Stop! You flatter me too much,” she giggles, hiding her face in her hands even though he can’t even see it. 
“Really, I can’t get enough of you. Lemme see that pretty pussy.” She adjusts herself in the chair and lifts her legs, spreading open her thighs and holding them up by the backs of her knees. 
“I wanna see it from the back.” 
“Yes, sir.” She turns around in her chair and holds on to the back of it for support it. She arches her back to give him a better view. 
“That’s it, baby. Touch yourself.” She slides her hand between her legs and rubs her clit. Arousal builds up within her as she pleasures herself. 
“I wish it was you touching me right now,” she whines. 
“Me too, baby, me too. I wanna feel you come undone around my fingers and then taste you all over.” 
“I just know you’d stuff me so good. My cunt and my throat.” 
“Oh honey, you have no idea how fuckin’ good I’d make you feel.” 
She slides two fingers into her now soaking hole. It’s difficult for her to hit her g-spot in this position, but hearing him talk dirty is enough to get her off. She silently whimpers as her orgasm quickly approaches and the man continues to praise her. 
“Attagirl. Lemme see you cum,” he says right when her orgasm hits. Her free hand grips the back of her chair as her thighs shake. She sits back down properly and awaits the man’s next words. 
“Look at what you do to me.” He tilts his camera down so she can see his lap, particularly the tent he’s pitching in his pants. 
“I wish I could help you with that…especially since I caused it,” she teases with feigned innocence. 
“Can I uh…can I watch you take care of it?” 
“Of course, babygirl.” He undoes his belt before pulling down his pants just enough to free his cock from his boxers, and once he did, it slapped against his abdomen. Her eyes widen at the size of him. He’s thick and long and slightly curved and veins run along his shaft. He’s circumcised and keeps it neat down there, too. Out of all the dicks she’s seen from unsolicited dick pics, this man’s is the best, prettiest one she’s ever seen. If he could see her, he’d see that her jaw is dropped with awe. 
“Just met me and you’re already droolin’ over my dick?” 
“So what if I am?” she retorts. 
He just laughs his handsome laugh before spitting into his hand. His large, veiny hand wraps around his shaft before he starts stroking it slowly. 
“Bet you wanna suck it, don’t you?” 
“I’m sure you’d like that,” she laughs. 
“You know me so well.” 
As she watches him stroke his dick, all she can think of is how it would feel inside of her. Heat floods her core and she’s sure he’d be able to put out that fire within her. He occasionally lets out a few grunts and moans as he brings himself closer to his peak. 
“Fuck, baby, I know your pretty little mouth would feel so good around my dick.” 
“Mmmhmm, I’d even let you cum down my throat.” 
“You are such a naughty girl.”  She giggles at the string of profanities that flow from his mouth as he cums all over his hand. 
“If I were there, I’d clean you off with my tongue,” she fantasizes. 
“You are just trying to get me hard all over again, aren't you?” 
“I gotta go get ready for work tomorrow, but let’s do this again sometime, yeah?” 
“You really can’t get enough of me,” she jokes before ending the call. 
@ BigBadWolf sent $2,500.00 
She stares at her screen in disbelief. No way did she just do that, but what shocks her even more was how much she genuinely enjoyed it, how much it turned her on. They seemed to have a genuine connection, too. The way they flirted back and forth effortlessly without any awkward moments in between made her look forward to interacting with him again. 
next part ➤
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oh-koenig-my-koenig · 9 months
concert, part 2
part 1 | part 2 | (cw: age gap 25/41, nsfw smut)
The concert is a fucking blast. König and I are headbanging in unison to the songs blaring from the speakers and I love seeing the wild expression on his face. It’s exactly how I imagined it. Lorna Shore is also an amazing live experience, my god. I think I’m gonna have a bunch more lines on my face because every breakdown is bringing out my stank face.
Most of the concert goes well, without any incidents. Most of it.
If it wasn’t for the guy who almost knocked me off my feet running past us to the moshpit. König catches me when I topple over, his hands grabbing my waist and pulling me up again. The look on his face as he stares down the guy that just shoots a little “sorry” in my direction is downright abysmal that for a moment even I get a bit scared.
And I grab his arm putting my whole body weight on it when I see that he wants to go after the guy. “König, please, I’m fine.”, I shout at him, pulling on his arm to get his attention on me.
He stops, turns around and leans down, coming face to face with me. His eyes search it for any indication that would go against my claim, his hand cupping my cheek, the thumb softly caressing just once. And I just want him to do it again.
“I swear, I’m fine, it happens. I’m not made of glass.”, I explain to him and do a little dancydancy to demonstrate that my limbs are still working.
That pulls a little chuckle from him and he finally relaxes. Nodding, pulling back, and then he straightens back up, re-taking his position right behind me like my own personal bodyguard. And I lean into him again, shamelessly so, somebody might even call it ‘snuggling into him’.
I’m feeling touchy and I maybe would have had a guilty conscience if he didn’t do the same. His hand skimming over my naked arm, him pulling me against him when somebody pushes past us again. His big burly arms framing me. And it feels good. Oh, so good.
Luckily the heavy music blasting from the speakers is distracting me from the attractive man at my side, so I can keep some of my sanity while I try and tell myself that this totally is just two strangers going to a concert and not at all a date. Mh-mh, not a date.
I push those thoughts away and will myself to stay in the moment and let the music carry me away. I’m already getting tired and sweaty from all the jumping, shouting and moshing I’ve been doing, but also the concert is slowly but surely coming to an end.
I jump up a bit, going on my tiptoes, but I can’t see the band members on stage through the sea of bodies in front of me. König leans down, one of his hands on my shoulder.
“Everything okay?”, he asks me, loud against the noise, his breath skitting over the shell of my ear, and I ignore the tickling feeling that this elicits.
I turn to him speaking into his ear as well. “I don’t see anything.”, I complain to him. “But this is my favourite song.”
“You wanna sit on my shoulders? I bet you’d have a better view from up there.”, he suggests, patting said shoulders. They do look like a very comfy seat. Or a comfy leg rest. *cough cough* Get yourself together and the mind out of the gutter, I tell myself.
“Uh, sure.”, I say, totally not sure how this will work. He pulls his hair to the side and just leans down a bit, hoists me up at my waist and places me on his right shoulder. He holds up his hands and I grab them as I reposition myself, slinging my leg over the other shoulder, so that my thighs are now resting on both of them.
I didn’t factor in that I’m only wearing a skirt. The fabric is bunched up, which means that there are only the two thin layers of my panties and my tights between his neck and my pussy. Great. Just peachy.
His hands grab my thighs, his fingers digging into me, holding me steady and save. I’m so high up, so I can see everything, but right now my attention and more importantly the attention of my body is on the man whose head is between my thighs – so to speak.
“All good?”, he shouts up at me and I shout back a “yes”. Holding onto his head, making sure not to pull on his hair. But I can’t ignore the way it feels silkily smooth underneath my fingertips. I resist the urge to run my fingers through it and focus on the concert going on in front of me, joining in the refrain of ‘Dancing like Flames’.
And so the 'Pain Remains' Trilogy plays out with me on his shoulders experiencing the end of the concert with maybe the best seat in the house.
“Did you have fun?”, he asks as we leave the venue.
I’m doing double time on my steps to keep up with his long strides and the adrenaline from the concert still coursing through my veins turns my almost running into skipping along. “Yes, I did.”, I say smiling up at him.
A cold gust of wind blows through the street and a shiver runs down my spine which makes me slow down and cross my arms in front of my body.
“Wait, here, have my jacket.”, he says, slowing down as well, already putting the worn leather onto my shoulders.
I pull the piece of clothing tighter around me, getting enveloped in his scent while the smooth fabric of the inner lining skims against my skin. “Thanks.” We’re making our way to the car and he opens the door for me again, just like he did before.
“So, do you feel like you kept up with me today?”, I ask him then, a sly smile forming on my lips. He shoots me a look, an intense one, before he closes the car door. The look alone should have totally shut me up. But it doesn’t.
“So, how does it feel to still be out past your bedtime, old man?”, I continue as he climbs into the driver’s seat.
He doesn’t even look at me while he puts the seatbelt on and pushes the key into the ignition. “I’m glad you were more well behaved when we were at the concert.”, he says, a light gravel in his voice. A sound that does stuff to me. A sound that makes me brave and stupid.
"Do you know what a brat is?", I ask him and amusement paints my voice. I’m enjoying this way too much right now. Teasing him in person is so much better than over text.
He fully sideeyes me, pulling up one of his brows, then he turns his head to look at me. His gaze is heated, but I can see the restraint in it as well. He slowly tilts his head to the side and at the same pace the grin on my face falters, melting away. The hairs in my neck are starting to stand up and I have to suppress a shiver of excitement. From him just looking at me like I'm prey, someone to chase down, someone to devour.
"I'm familiar with the concept.", he says nonchalantly, leaning a bit towards me, when one of the corners of his mouth tips up. "Do you know what a brat tamer is?", he asks, smirking at me. And my brain short-circuits. My jaw drops, my chin is on the floor, figuratively speaking.
He laughs, short and darkly, as I'm still recovering from the sentence he just dropped. He straightens back up and fiddles with the ignition until the car starts.
"Sit up straight and put your seatbelt on for me, Liebes.", he says, his voice getting all authoritative. The tone makes my spine stiffen up and I do as he told me. He laughs again, seeing how I'm following his orders, when he shifts the car into gear. Without even looking at me, he drawls: "Good girl.", and I fold like a goddamn lawn chair. The little sigh dropping from my lips telling him (and me) exactly how this is making me feel.
He doesn't say anything, so I glance at him while he pulls onto the street. The smirk on his face is cocky and self-indulgent, his hair is still swept to one side and my god, the jawline with the scruff 5 o'clock shadow is doing stuff to me. The mental image forming in my head is so not safe for work.
Me splayed out on the bed, my front to the mattress. Him kneeling over me, his knees framing my ass as he's buried balls deep in my pussy. His strong hands have a tight grip on me, pushing me down into the soft sheets while he fucks me deep and slow, his hair whipping back and forth when his hips snap forward, his groin pressing up against the soft pillows of my ass repeatedly. Praise is falling from his lips, telling me that I'm his good girl, that I'm doing so well for him, that I feel so fucking good while his hand spanks my booty, alternating between my left and right cheek, reddening the skin with every slap.
His chuckle, the real König chuckling at me while driving, is pulling me from my dirty daydream and I can't help the blush forming on my cheeks. "Now where did you just drift off to?", he asks me.
"Nowhere.", I say, trying to deflect.
"Uh-huh.", he pulls up his brows, totally not believing me.
“Well, what did you expect when you told me-“ I lower my voice and mumble: “that you’re a brat tamer…” That pulls a laugh from him, a sound I’m already addicted to.
“You mean like when you told me that you’re a little brat?”, he throws back at me. “Two can play that game, Fräulein.”
I tilt my head to the side, but I can’t argue with that. “Touché.” I feel like we just dipped our toes into some unchartered territory that made everything a little bit more sexual than it already was, a little clearer where this is headed – probably sooner than later. Because even if we keep making jokes and bringing up our age difference (which I still think isn’t that bad), I can feel the pull of attraction towards him. And with the way he keeps looking at me, I’m sure he feels the same way.
We were flirty in our texts and we were touchy all evening. I remember the way my thighs hugged his neck when I sat on his shoulders. How his fingers dug into the pillowy flesh, holding me tight.
The way his arms closed around me, shielding me off from the people around us. Me shamelessly leaning into him, relishing the way his body feels against mine. How I felt safe at the concert with him as my personal bodyguard.
And every single thing heightened the feeling of need, of want, of desire that was already there when I saw him sitting at that table at the pub.
I try to hold off from squirming in my seat, having a hard time keeping my cool, especially when my eyes wander to him all the time while driving. How his knees almost graze the steering wheel, the way his knuckles strain when he grips it. His hair falling over the side of his face. The tattoos, the shirt he got hugging his biceps just the right way, just… every single detail.
I spend the ride home trying to keep my thoughts holy, but I can’t. His image and my imagination don’t seem to mix well.
He pulls up to my apartment complex, parking the car and turning the engine off, but he keeps the sound system running. He turns to me and the sentence I wanted to say gets stuck in my throat. I wanted to thank him for taking me to the concert, making me feel safe. Very obviously going out of his own comfort zone to accommodate me. Even when we still didn’t know each other for that long.
But the way he’s looking at me shuts me up before I can start talking. His gaze is intense, just like before and the effect is all the same. And I can’t tear my eyes from him, drinking him in.
“Don’t look at me like that.”, he says, not breaking eyecontact.
I bat my eyelashes at him, feigning nonchalance. “Like what?”
A little growl drops from his lips and the sound sends a wave of need between my legs. Like I even needed more of that. He leans a bit forward, inching closer and closer. “Like you want me to do something about this tension between us.”, he whispers, low and darkly.
“Maybe I do want that.”, I answer and he doesn’t need more encouragement than that.
His hands grab my face, his fingers tangle in my hair, and he presses his lips onto mine. His hold on me is soft, but the kiss is fiery. And for the first time I can really feel that he wants me as desperately as I want him.
I grab him, his t-shirt, pulling him against me. I can feel his broad chest under my fingertips, the warmth of his body, the hard muscles that I also was snuggled up against before. His leatherjacket falls from my shoulders and pools around my hips.
“Fuck.”, he grunts against my lips, letting one hand drop down to push the car seat back. He pulls me with him, onto his lap, my thighs spreading over it. His hand brushes down my back as his mouth finds mine once more to kiss me, feverish, demanding, needy. And I answer it with the same fervor, brushing my tongue against his, moaning as I taste him for the first time. The flavour of beer that we both drank cutting through his own scent.
He grabs my ass cheek, squeezing it through the fabric of my skirt and the touch is making me squirm in his lap, grinding onto him. I feel his hard length against me, straining against his jeans, my tights and panties not really being a barrier as I roll my hips, relishing the feeling of the fabric on my wetness. The feeling of his dick right underneath me.
“Do you wanna come upstairs?”, I breathe against his lips. I almost add that I don’t want to give my neighbors a show, but that seems to be a little on the nose.
He pulls my head back a bit, his eyes searching mine and I can see the unbridled lust in them. Other than that, it seems like he’s exercising restraint, stopping the movement of my hips on his lap. “If we do that, we’re gonna fuck.”, he states matter-of-factly.
His words colour my cheeks red. “I guess so.” is all I manage to say because the imagination alone is already making me hotter than I was before.
His gaze flits between my right and left eye, back and forth, like the answers are already pouring out of them. “Are you sure you want this?”, he asks softly.
I break eyecontact and nod because this whole interaction is making me shy all of a sudden. The brattiness is gone.
His hand that was still tangled in my hair strokes down the side of my face until his fingers grab my chin and turn it up, to make me look at him again. “Use your words, Liebes. Do you want me to fuck you?”, he rewords his question.
My breath halts in my throat and for a moment my mind goes completely blank. I just stare at him, swallowing down the nervousness I feel. “Yes.”, I answer him, my voice steadier than I would have expected.
He pulls up one of his eyebrows, looking at me like he’s expecting something more, the serious expression on his face turning heated and cocky.
“Please.”, I whisper which earns me a satisfied growl as he captures my lips again. The kiss is sloppier than the ones before, he bites my lower lip which sends a zap of pleasure right to my core and makes me moan against his lips some more.
He pulls back a little bit, his hot mouth pressing small pecks to my cheek and down to my neck, all while scooping me up and opening up the car door. He presses me flush against him as he gets out the car with me in his grasp, making sure I don’t bump my head on the car frame.
My arms wrap around his neck, my fingers digging into his shoulder, holding onto him, my thighs resting against his hips, while he locks the car and just uses one arm to steady me, like I weigh nothing. Well, to him I probably don’t.
Determination in his step, he approaches the building and I dig into my little bag with one hand to get the keys to my flat.
part 4
~ or More Stuff in the Masterlist ~
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primarinite · 2 months
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started thinking about my pmd au designs again and wanted to touch up on them while giving design notes
reasons for my choices under the cut! (spoiler warning)
first and foremost full credit to my wife @vaugarde for being the one to come up with brionne!siffrin because despite being The Popplio Guy i probably wouldn't have thought of this lmao
her reasons for deciding on brionne comes down to three simple reasons:
brionne being a pop star/entertainer aligns with siffrin's whole thing of being a performer in a play
brionne's dex entries say it tries very hard to make everyone around it happy, while also masking its own sadness. both of these things are very siffrincore.
my wife and i are both massive popplio line fans. they're literally my favourite pokemon ever (they're not his all-time favourites but they're close). of course we're going to be biased with this pick LMAO.
when it comes to a pokemon au mirabelle i usually see her be turned into an eevee and i LOVE this idea and fully agree with them and love the designs i've seen of it, but i wanted to do something a little different, so i decided on unovan zorua. as zorua can make illusions that kinda fits with mira's thing of changing but also staying the same. like deep down there's some aspects of yourself you can't change and you shouldn't have to change them.
trans people love the ralts line. i'm being so serious when i say that this post was the main inspiration behind making isa a gallade
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i also figured the psychic/fighting would be really good for alluding to the nerd/jock metaphor.
honestly? vibes. making the resting bitch face woman the resting bitch face pokemon. she's also obviously very intelligent which fits with the general perception of psychic types. and also i really love meowstic it's my 4th favourite pokemon behind the popplio line, koraidon and lopunny.
the note about how meowstic aren't usually seen in ka bue is meant to be a reference to how meowstic was introduced alongside the pokemon region that's based on france, referencing her half-vaugardian heritage.
the main inspo behind this choice was based on that one piece of flavour text where bonnie tells the story of how nille once made a huge ass hammer and when she tried to hang it up on their walls it ended up breaking the wall. so that made me think of of tinkaton!nille so by proxy that would give us tinkatink!bonnie. i love the idea bonnie making their own pan using metal like how tinkatink tends to mess around with bits of metal it finds (<- guy that is enjoying seeing the shenanigans dot's tinkatink is getting up to in the horizons anime).
ok i didn't draw them because i got lazy but you bet they're a jirachi because of course
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sadesluvr · 9 months
Hello, I hope you’re doing well!! This is kinda like the last request you got so sorry if it’s repetitive for you :,) but can you do a smut Fic with Jealous Mike Schmidt x Reader? :D
A/N: I love Mike asks! This is a combination of headcanons and a drabble bc I think it’s a fun scenario :3
Mike is very subtle when it comes to his jealousy
It usually mixes with his darker side - his insecurities - and it can lead him to some not so nice thoughts
He gets very quiet when someone flirts with you in front of him
Body language is key - He slumps his shoulders, bites his lip, looks down, shakes his head
He furrows his brows a lot
If the person isn’t taking no for an answer he’ll speak up, perhaps with a little snarky comment
He doesn’t react so much in the aftermath, but always snakes his hand in yours, and he’ll keep it that way
He’s dead quiet afterwards 
It takes a lot for him to punch someone over you. It’s very rare and it’s always to defend your case
Still, it all depends on the situation - He’s good at holding back his anger but he’ll go nuts if it was your ex
“Was that Cody? The guy who dumped you for his job?”
“Yeah…We were just catching up,” you shrug. “I’m not mad at him anymore. His job is great,”
Mike frowns and licks his lips. 
“Let me guess…He’s some big time lawyer?”
“Wall Street banker, actually. He’s back visiting family,”
Great. Just great. Bankers, let alone ones who work on Wall Street were the complete opposite of what he was. Charismatic and rich.
“Did he hit on you?”
“Yeah, but I told him I wasn’t interested,” you said as if it were the most obvious thing in the world. “You really don’t need to worry about him, Mike. Everyone knows bankers are assholes,”
“Does he know you’re taken?” Mike says, and there’s an implacable look in his eye. He isn’t going to stop prying anytime soon.
“Oh my God…” you say, putting down your magazine to look at him clearly. His fists are stuck by his side, slightly clenched, and his shoulders are squared. His eyes are narrowed and he head cocked, wanting you to go on. 
“…Mike, are you jealous?” You laugh, and it kind of pisses him off. 
You’re not doing it out of enjoyment - even though it’s nice to see him being protective - but one of uncertainty. Mike never gave the impression of someone capable of jealousy. Insecurity yes, but you supposed they were one in the same.
He doesn’t answer.
“Did you tell him that I can make you cum with just my tongue?”
Jealous sex (if that’s a thing??) with Mike is definitely hot
He’s slightly aggressive, wasting no time in getting on top of you
Orders you around a lot, but it's all done in a really calm manner…Which is scary but it turns you on
“Take off your clothes. I wanna see you naked,”
“Bra and panties…Now,”
His eyes never leave yours the entire time. His usually warm hazel eyes are filled with lust and possession - He’s desperate to prove to you just how much better he is — how much he can be — and wants you to know it
When he’s jealous he takes you in missionary so he can see your face - Doggystyle is his second favourite
He wants control
He’s still very gentle and respectful of boundaries as always
ALWAYS makes you cum first. It’s a power thing
“You like that, huh?” He says, voice muffled between your thighs as he teased your clit with his tongue. “I bet Cody can’t do that. I bet he didn’t even like giving head…”
Gives you as many orgasms as he can (He’s of the rare guys who actually knows how to please a woman)
He’s attentive to your needs, but still gets himself off. He wants you to remember who you belong to, and how good he is
“Fuck,” he groans in your ear. He doesn’t show it, but your moans and whimpers do wonders for his ego as he slides in and out of you. Your hands are tight on his forearms as he daggers you, pussy still aching from your previous orgasm. “I love you so much….”
He gets kinda subby in these moments, and you know what he’s looking for
“I love you too, Mike,” you smile, holding his head to the crook of your neck as he thrusts deeper. “I’ll never leave you. Those other guys can never compare to you…”
He finishes deep in you, uncaring as to whether he had a condom on or not. He’ll deal with it in the morning - all that matters is your closeness in the now.
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bulbabutt · 1 year
ok i wanna talk about tmnt 2007 and the way i think this is the best version of a leo and raph conflict, and also leo as a character
for context i've been talking about tmnt things kinda chronologically, so i'm gonna mention an unconditional understanding in 03 i bring that up in a previous post about that show and the family dynamics in it here if u want context for what i mean
i think this movie can really be appreciated for the place it has between adaptations, and the way character-wise everyone is more or less the same as they've always been but with a more interpersonal relationship as the focus. the main villain of this movie doesn't really matter, the conflict, the fights, that's not where the strength is (although, it is reflected in the conflict and ill get into that)
so tmnt 07 is one movie that kind of combines the 90s movies, 03, and mirage all in one place, and tonally is is similar to the show that will come after it, 12. if the 90s movies give us conflict between leo and raph, and 03 gives us the unconditional understanding between the two, 07 takes these two aspects and creates a story out of it. (debate in your own mind if this movie is a literal sequel to the 90s ones or not, its not that important)
the set up of this movie is we are in a post killing the shredder world. leo has been told by splinter to go get training elsewhere, there isn't much context for what happened to cause this, but i would bet its a similar cause to 03, where he had ptsd and lashed out at his father to which splinter sends him to his grandfather to get better advice than he thinks he can give him. the difference here is there is no grandfather hes sent to, he's sent on a journey of self discovery around the world to learn about it and himself.
the thing about leo as a character, and this goes for all leos, he's has a very black and white way of thinking. leo thinks he's been sent away because he's failing his family, that he's not a good enough leader. so he stays away for longer because he doesn't feel good enough. he finds a place where he can help and he does that. leo always needs a bad guy to fight, or else he's fighting his own demons. so he stays there for a long time. finding a place he can help quietly, never letting anyone see him, and becoming a legend to the locals because no one knows what's really going down.
april manages to track him down and tell him about whats going on with his brothers, how they're holding up without him and without being a team, and i think thats a good reminder for him that they miss him. he doesn't tell april but he finds a way home only after hearing about this. when he arrives and speaks to splinter, he says "i was so caught up in my own world i forgot about everyone else, i'm sorry i failed" he still doesn't feel like he's done anything of worth.
i'm gonna jump in here and say, you know how we all love rise raph? cuz hes the big brother and some traits that come from that are like being overprotective and taking on everyone else's problems and trying to handle emotions alone? well that's a trait thats usually leo's. but the difference with leo is sometimes that concept doesn't make you as likeable. sometimes it means you come off like a nagging mother hen who thinks they know best but in an arrogant way. sometimes it makes you mirror being a parent when no one asked you to be. leo's less of a passionate character than raph, hes more analytical and full of himself. he takes splinters lessons more seriously, and hes always trying to do whats best for everyone so they don't have to worry. this is something evident with 03 and 12, but its so specifically noticeable here because these traits make up the main conflict. i just want to bring that up so we start seeing leo as no different than some of our other favourite iterations.
splinter responds to his apology by saying "you owe me no apology, but perhaps you should talk to raphael, your absence has been particularly difficult for him, though he'll never admit it" but when leo greets him raph is brushing him off.
on raph's end, this is him being angry that leo left, and angry that hes back and everyone wants to pretend that he wasn't gone at all. as if the time he was gone didn't happen. hes lashing out because he too cant handle talking about these emotions. and hes lashing out by becoming a vigilante in his own right.
i see a lot of people misunderstand what raph is doing here, that "this is what the turtles always do" or "this is the same as what leo was doing how could he be mad" when that is not true. that's what casey does. its true that both leo and raph have been fighting bad guys on their own (as a way of dealing with their issues) but raphael has made himself a costume to disguise himself which means hes prepared to be seen. hes riding a motorcycle around, which is loud. this isn't stealthy, this is aggressive. his vigilante name is in the news. the turtles are ninjas, they silently help where they can and fade into the night and, very specifically, they work as a team. these turtles live in a dangerous world, what if something happened to him while no one else was around? they would never know because he never told anyone.
so raph is lashing out, and leo doesn't have a good way of dealing with it. he tries to slide back into being leader, doing what splinter says but he forgets how his brothers are, and with raph egging them on they get into fights they shouldn't. which leo specifically gets in trouble for, as the oldest brother, and as their leader. leo tries to be this better leader hes supposed to have learned to be, but it doesn't work and raph ends up back out there in his vigilante get up. leo tracks down said vigilante, and in his peak "leo knows best" moment, lectures him, not knowing its his brother. there's a scuffle, and the mask comes off. let me point out that casey knew this vigilante was raph but his own brother didn't, because leo has been gone that long.
so lets get into what this fight is really about. on the surface, its "wow you've been going out at night alone putting yourself in dangerous situations with no backup" and "so what you're just mad that i can do it without you" which leo would be right about. and this is the analytical leo, he really thinks that's all that's going on here. what hes missing is that raphael has missed him as a brother, and hes hurt that leonardo left and just came back no big deal. that he wants everything to be normal. raphael is always a character with big emotions and the only outlet he knows to express them is violence.
leo, who as we've established, went away to learn to be better for his family is angry that raph doesn't see that. he's mad raph doesn't appreciate the effort he went to, and he thinks he's just angry because he's not in charge. each brother sees the other as being arrogant.
this leads them to the big fight. no one can disagree that this is the best part of the movie (seriously watch the movie for this scene if you haven't seen it before) , but the real best part of it is that raphael wins. raph proves hes just as capable of a fighter as his brother, if not more-so. he uses those sais as they're supposed to be used, catching leo's swords and in a fit of rage he fucking breaks them, leaving leo defenceless and completely vulnerable to attack. you'd think he'd be smug that leo lost but he pauses, going through a lot of emotions in a moment, questioning what he's doing, why hes doing it. and leo finally looks his brother in the eye and sees raph going through something he didn't before, realizing raph hasn't been angry that he's back, but that he's angry that he ever left. they don't have a conversation, because raph cant handle all these emotions and he runs away, crying as he does. leo just watches him, taking it all in and realizing the error of his ways.
hearing leo scream turns raph around, but he's too late to help him, and this is where raph regrets his own actions because right then, leo is also proven right in his argument. because he gets kidnapped. if leo hadn't chased raph down, there is a very good chance that would have been raph being kidnapped. with no backup, with no one knowing what happened to him. that's why its important that the turtles are a team.
raph goes home full of guilt, and there's a good moment of showing how he cannot open up emotionally here, because he grunts, punches the wall, knocks over some weights and forces splinter to ask him what happened, because that's how raphael is. he laments to his father that he finally understands why leo is the better son, proving that to raph none of this was about their team, but about their family. conflating the two ideas in his head. splinter gives him a talk that mirrors what he said to leo when he returned earlier in the movie, encouraging him that he is a good son and brother. this shows that these brothers have very similar insecurities about their value to their family.
the rest of the movie plays out as you expect, they go save leo, they stop the bad guy, they reconcile and behave as the team they're supposed to be. but i just want to point out that the villains plot is mirrored in leo and raph's conflict. the 'villain' here is a brother who has been cursed to be immortal without his own siblings. for 3000 years he lived to regret his actions and decided to undo his curse, but he used the cursed stone versions of his siblings to do so. no communication, just thinking he knew better (which maybe he did) and lying about it. that caused them to lie to him right back, and try to overthrow him and destroy the world. this is just one family whose inner turmoil could have destroyed the world. you might say, oh that's not a very interesting turtles villain, but its not supposed to be. its not the focus.
this movie is all about the complicated relationship between a family, and i see so many people talk about it by trying to ask who's right and who's wrong. that's not how it works. life is more complicated than that, people are more complicated than that. its boring to look at this movie and just say "leo is wrong and raph is right" because that's not even how the characters see it. this movie is about leo and raph being mirrors of each other in their arrogance, in their insecurities, and in their stubborn pig-headed refusal to let the other know how they feel. splinter says as much at the start of the movie. this whole movie shows that without each other, they need to be fighting something so they don't get swept up by their own emotions, which they are both bad at processing. they are SUCH brothers. they are so similar emotionally, yet they have such a hard time understanding each other.
personally 07 leo is my favourite leo for his complexity, his flaws his strength, his growth. its sad we never got those sequel movies to get into the other brothers heads as much as we got into leo and raphs heads.
also nolan north and james arnold taylor gave the best vocal performances in this movie and they deserve all the credit for it.
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bigbadvoxbox · 6 months
Would you be okay with doing a Adam x Fem reader? I need more possessive sex from Adam I can't help it
absolutely yes
warnings: nsfw. possessive sex. unprotected sex too, and he cums inside. we hate the drummer too.
- Adam loved his fangirls. He knew he fuckin rocked, but it was still so fuckin hot to hear them tell him that he rocked.
- You were his favourite fangirl in particular, always cheering him on, in your cute little homemade tees with his logo on.
- He hadn't yet had the chance to whisk you away backstage and show you something that he's even more skilled at than guitar. But he figured you'd wait for him, like the adoring little fangirl you are.
- That was, until he saw his band's drummer gettin all close n touchy with you at a meet n greet. Of course it was the fucking drummer, that fuckin dick. He couldn't help but feel a bit pissed. Of all the fans, he had to go and choose you? No! You were Adam's number one fan!
- That was when his brilliant, genius, amazing idea came to mind. He yanked a microphone from whoever the fuck, he didn't care,
"Announcement everyone! I have a fuckin' announcement to make so listen up! I'm gonna choose a toootally random person here today, and you get to spend the day with me! Fuckin' Adam!"
- It was not random at all.
- He immediately chose you.
- Fuck you drummer, whatever the fuck your name is.
- You were absolutely ecstatic. Sure the drummer was cool, but Adam? He was your dream guy. You found him so awesome, and jumped at the chance to spend some time with him.
- 'That's my girl. You fucking know who's best.' he couldn't help but think to himself.
- You spent the day at his place listening to him play guitar, and tell you allll about how awesome band life was, and just how awesome Adam was in general, to which you agreed.
- You briefly mentioned your encounter with the drummer, explaining how he had offered to take you out some time. Adam couldn't allow that, you were his girl!
- He needed to act fast.
- "Y'know Babe, I saw those cute little t-shirts you made for our last gig. I especially loved the ones with my logo on 'em." he started, before his voice quietened, "And I bet... if I were to take a little look under this jacket of yours... I'd see that tshirt, wouldn't I?" he asked, a knowing smirk on his face.
- Your face turned red with embarrassment. How did he know? You unzipped your jacket, showing off the homemade tee you wore, his logo proud and bold in the centre of your chest.
- "I fuckin' knew it." his grin was smug as fuck.
- He started off with a few light touches, grazing your thighs, moving upwards to your waist. "Y'know... you got a pretty nice pair on ya." he'd say, his eyes roaming over your chest for a moment.
- Before long, you had returned his gentle touches, which turned very quickly into a heated makeout session. You just couldn't resist him. (and I can't blame you)
- The kisses escalated into his hands groping at your chest while you clung to his shoulders.
- "You ready to have the best fuckin' night of your life?"
- As he got closer and touchier, he noticed a little bracelet around your wrist. A gift from the drummer in a pathetic attempt to convert you to a whatever-the-fuck-their-name-is-fangirl. He can feel his eye twitch slightly.
- "Let's just get this off." he says as he removes the bracelet. "You don't fuckin' need shit from that asshole. You got me, right?"
- When you both get to the main event, he is so fucking eager to touch you everywhere, get his hands on you and make you his, his girl.
- Hovers over you on the couch, not even knowing where to start. He needs you now.
- Soon enough, whatever pants or skirt you were wearing has been tossed across the room, underwear pulled to one side. But you're keeping that cute t-shirt of yours on. No fucking way is he missing out on fucking you while you wear that.
- He starts with his fingers, since he's gotta treat his pretty little fangirl right, doesn't he? Has you blushing and flustered and he thinks it's the cutest thing ever. He likes that only he will get to see that face.
- But once you're all prepared, his fingers now slick, he cannot wait to be inside you. And god his cock does not disappoint. He leans in, your foreheads almost pressed together. He loves the closeness, making that sweet blush spread across your face as he pushes his cock into you.
- That's when the fun starts, he starts off easy, since no doubt you're a cute little virgin who's been saving yourself for him. But while he starts off gentle and... almost romantic, that image of the drummer gettin too close with you flashes in his mind, and then his hips start to move faster.
- He's now grabbed you by the hips, moving your body in time with his thrusts, to push him even deeper, driving you absolutely wild. Your moans echo off the walls, and he revels in it.
- He can't help himself, and one hand slips under your homemade t-shirt to touch your tits again. What can he say? He loves a good pair of tits.
- The hickeys! My god, the hickeys. He leaves you covered. Everyone will know you are not up for grabs. He'll make sure of that. He's not quite used to feeling so possessive over someone, but you were special.
- It drives you crazy that he slows down, but his thrusts get deeper as he whispers filthy things into your ears. He has you twitching and panting beneath him, which in turn, drives him crazy.
- He then thinks of the perfect way to claim you as his.
- "You want my fucking cum?" he murmurs into your ear as you get closer and closer to cumming. You feel euphoric and dazed, nodding your head dumbly. He can't help but chuckle a little, proud at the state he's reduced you to.
- He makes sure all of it stays inside, keeping you plugged with his cock for a little bit, just letting you both stay in that position even after you've both came. You have another small makeout session as you both come down from it, and he just knows.
- You're always gonna be his girl.
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hanbindans · 1 year
zb1 as boyfriends!!
word count: 2.8k (only ca 350 for each) a/n: requested!! I wrote them in bulletpoint form in an attempt to keep a structure, but I do apologize if it's in-cohesive because my brain is still in finals mode (cries). I also apologize if you think my use of emojis is too much but it just makes sense. Hanbin stans who hate coffee just pretend you don't for this 1 post <33 thanks
You guys. Jiwoong is THE boyfriend. He knows all the in's and out's of boyfriending™ at this point. Will not disappoint.
He might fall in love a liiittle before you, but honestly it would be pretty mutual from the beginning. I think he would have to meet someone with the mindset that it would lead to a relationship (probably doesn't go from being friends to dating) so if he meets you and likes you he would make it known :)
Pretends to like dates in the beginning; going out to have nice dinners, going on late night walks in the city, visiting animal cafés, anything that gives you a chance to talk a lot and really get to know each other.
When he knows he's got you he will prefer at-home dates though because going out is a little too much effort and he'd rather just chill on his couch <333 If you still want to go out for dates though he would of course compromise!!!
Speaking of which- he's so good at communicating and making sure you're both happy, in the relationship and otherwise. Kind of loves when you come to him for advice or admit when you're struggling with something because he sees that as a big sign of trust.
"hey I bet you can't get me a bag of chips from the convenience store in 15 minutes" and you speed to the convenience store because you're a fool in love <3
I don't think he is super lovey dovey- he's more about the casual displays of affection. A "hey, you look really nice today" when he can tell you made an extra effort. A packed lunch waiting for you in the fridge when he knows you're going to have a busy day. Of course he lets you know he loves you, just not every second of every day.
In general he is a very chill, low maintenance boyfriend who is secure in your relationship. Is mature enough to communicate and compromise with you whenever you disagree on something (which is very sexy of him 🤌 we love).
zhang hao
Oh you're totally the one who falls in love first. He has insane rizz- like you're going to be crushing on him for a good few months before he develops feelings back.
Once he does though he's allllll yours. Looks at you with full on heart eyes and giggles at everything you say but is cool about it if that makes sense?? Like he acts unaffected and tries to be the cool and sophisticated boyfriend but it's painfully obvious he's totally head-over-heels in love.
He is 1. a busy man, and 2. an introvert, so his favourite type of dates are in calm and not-so busy places where you can just wind down and spend time together, like small cafés or going for long strolls in nature and just talking. He would also love to just stay at home as you both do your own things, just vibing in peace and being productive.
Will nag at you for every little thing but it's out of love. It's always "babe a granola bar isn't a meal 😒" and "I can't believe you never remember to apply sunscreen!!" but it's not to be annoying he just cares about you (and most of the time he's right).
Brings you cut fruits to snack on when you're busy doing something <3
One thing about Zhang Hao is that he IS a great boyfriend, but he will remind you himself through small comments. "Am I not the best boyfriend... Where else could you find a boyfriend like me... You're so lucky to have the handsomest boyfriend...." He loves you so much and he doesn't want you to find another boyfriend so he is pitching himself so you don't go away <3
The most caring boyfriend who will look after you and make you feel so so loved. Life is exhausting sometimes but this relationship is the perfect safe space for the both of you to relax and be unapologetically yourselves.
I don't know if this is an unpopular opinion but I think he would fall in love first!! He's a soft boi at heart, when he meets someone he likes he falls hard and FAST. Luckily for him you fall back though because duh he's Sung Hanbin.
COOKING AND BAKING DATES OF COURSE!!!!!! He will seduce you by cooking your favourite homemade dishes and making you the best cup of coffee you've ever had. Also learns how to make bread so he can lure you into being his partner forever and ever 😈
If you were up for it, I think he would love to take you out dancing. He will teach you if you want and are worried about embarrassing yourself, he just wants you to go out and have fun together!! Probably knows all the good spots and will take you out on the occasional Friday night 🕺🕺
We know this man stays busy, so he might not have that much free time to spend with you... That being said you have his undivided attention whenever he does see you. You have something to say?? All other conversations are unimportant. You're going into another room?? He won't follow you around but he IS counting the seconds until you come back.
If you compliment him on pretty much anything he is an emotional wreck the rest of the day. Wuws his praise, especially from you <3333
Kind of his favourite thing to do is to sit down with you after a long week, have some snacks and some nice drinks ready, and you just rant to each other about work/school/people or whatever. Sometimes you just need to complain to someone you confide in, ya know?? And he needs to know who your enemies are because they are his enemies too.
He just likes you a LOT and wants to involve you in all his favourite things. Hanbin loves life and having fun- and he wants you to have fun too!! You are his most beloved person ever and he shows that by making you a part of his life in all the ways he can.
There's not a single alternate universe where a relationship with Matthew wouldn't start as friends to lovers. I'm sorry it just works too well with him. You start falling for each other at around the same time, but he's probably the first one to confess. You're both just two fools extremely in love <3
Absolute date master but it's completely unintentional?? Idk, I think he would plan really cute date like picnics in the park or at-home movie nights with dinner. He just has a knack for dates that make you feel like the main character in a movie.
He has one (1) mission and it is to devastate you all the time. Prepare to receive cute texts for no reason, matching jewellery, and for him to ask to take couple pics that he can use as his phone background 🥲
Will teach you his choreographies. Even if it's only two easy steps. Doesn't matter if you are a dancer or not. His baby will be able to dance to his songs!!!
You know how he wants to be the hot Canadian oppa or whatever? Your partner privilege is that you're the only one allowed to tell him he's cute. Like he loves when you giggle and ruffle his hair and kiss his cheeks but that's only because he loves you. If Gyubin tried that shit on Matthew he would be on the floor in a chokehold. Use this privilege wisely.
When it's just the two of you he literally can't keep his hands off of you. Wraps his arms around you so you have no choice but to lie down on the couch and let him hold you and press kisses all over your face. He just likes his cuddles.
Overall a very loving boyfriend who lives to let you know how special you are. You deserve to be treated like a k-drama main character- so he ends up doing all the cliché, cute and romantic things for you that he never imagined himself enjoying before- but now has a special person to do them with <3
You both start liking each other around the same time. He's a pretty social guy and just very easy to like, so I feel like you would become close pretty fast, and he would confess that he likes you pretty quickly too.
As great as he is to spend time with and talk to- he sucks at the whole dating thing. He does really like you and wants to spend time with you almost always, he just doesn't like the logistics of arranging a date. What do you mean they don't show that movie next Friday?? What do you mean we have to decide where to have dinner?? Please just tell him where you want to go and he will happily go there with you. He just doesn't want to do the whole planning bit.
Sitting together in his bedroom as he strums on his guitar and you do something else.
Very cheesy boyfriend but it's so cute <3 Tooth-rottingly sweet texts and compliments for absolutely no reason, thoughtful birthday gifts, randomly getting you flowers, the works.
He could be the mature, calm, chill boyfriend..... but why would he want to?? Much more fun being your kind of insane boyfriend who acts like the calm and chill boyfriend in front of other people. Like sometimes he has Einstein level thoughts. Sometimes he lies to you that there is a dog behind you just for shits and giggles.
I think he has a pretty high EQ and he would give great comfort and advice if you needed it. Always there for you if you need to rant about your day and that annoying person you don't like, or if you have a problem that he has to help you solve. Empathises really well and never judges you for your honest thoughts.
Taerae really is just a great guy to begin with, but when he's in a relationship with you he is the nicest, most fun and supportive boyfriend . Always willing to go the extra mile for you and make you feel like the most loved person in the world :)
Hmmm.... I mean there's a much bigger chance that you fall in love first than the other way around. That being said: he's absolutely whipped when he does start liking you back. Like. Gyubin would make fun of him because he literally can't focus on anything else when you're around. So in the end you're both fools in love <3
Oh the dates are going to be top tier. Your wish is his command and the budget is LARGE, so pretty much wherever you want to go or whatever you want to do, he will make it happen. But I think he has a soft spot for museums, art galleries, basically anything "cultural". Or just walking around the city at night and seeing what's open.
Wants to engage in your hobbies!! He will ask a million questions about your interests (sports, music, cinema, drawing, whatever you're passionate about) so he can see you nerd out and maybe understand you a little better. He will also be SO SO SO happy if you're willing to engage in his interests and watch his favourite shows with him because THAT is true love <33
Tbh he's not always great at clearly expressing or asking for affection- but the one thing he would actually ask for is head massages. After a long day, he just can't resist the temptation of spacing out while you run your hands through his hair. He is still too embarrassed to ask for it with his words though, so he just gets all quiet and leans his head onto you and hopes you get the hint (you do).
He also wants to share everything. Mostly shirts, hoodies, jackets- sometimes jewellery. Be careful because while this does mean you can borrow his stuff, he will also borrow yours. Hide your shit if there's something you want to keep to yourself.
He is trying to be the cool, sophisticated boyfriend- but he's just a big softie at the end of the day!! He secretly loves all the cute coupley things like fancy dates and matching necklaces, and he loves to surprise you and watch your eyes go all wide in awe. Really just wants to walk around and be in love all day <3
Friends to lovers where you meet through mutual friends and are in the same friend group for a while, silently crushing on each other until one of your other friends gets sick of the tension and tells both of you that you like each other.
Dates are very spontaneous but always fun!! If he has to run errands or go somewhere he will force you to come with him to keep him company. In return he says something to make you laugh approx. every 4 minutes to keep you entertained.
Oh when I say that he is attached to you at the hip... He can't go a full day without talking to you- either by text, on the phone, or face to face. Even when he is with you he HAS to be touching you pretty much all the time- holding your hand and playing with your fingers. If you ask him to tone it down in public he will... Begrudgingly..... Actually physically holding himself back from grabbing your hand.
His one mission every day is to make you laugh at least once. Has a folder of memes saved on his phone that he updates regularly so he can send you something every day.
Prepare to share all your drinks and food for the rest of your life. You got a smoothie?? He's taking the first sip "tO mAkE sUrE iT's nOt pOiSonEd" (you get to try his smoothie too don't worry).
Other than the fact that he needs to be next to you all the time?? He's pretty low maintenance!! Is perfectly fine with spending a whole weekend rotting away in his bedroom, cuddling up to you and scrolling through tiktok as you show each other funny videos that pop up on your fyp's.
In general I see him as being a very fun and loving boyfriend. You are kind of just besties who kiss, ya know? He genuinely likes spending time with you doing whatever- you're the funniest, kindest, best person he knows- and he lets you know by sending "ily" texts at least twice a day and holding your hand everywhere you go <3
Oh he has the world's biggest crush on you for a while before you ask him out (yes you need to ask first he's too scared <3). I'm talking "doodling your name in his notebook with hearts next to it" levels of crush. Loses his mind when you ask him out like YOU LIKE HIM BACK???? Crazy.
A very sweet and polite young man to begin with (lucky you!!), but it's going to be 10x more intense with the person he likes. Prepare yourself to be treated like you saved the world 3 times, ended world poverty, hung the stars in the sky, etc.
He's still pretty young and gets too attached too fast so initially he's very scared to mess things up. Googles 'date ideas' to come up with stuff to do and watches K-dramas to learn how to boyfriend (he has NO idea what he's doing. send help. but it's very cute). With time he becomes more chill though.
Think classic dates in the beginning; watching a movie at the cinema, going to a café, stuff like that. When he gets more comfortable it's more like chilling in his bedroom as you binge watch a netflix show or cuddle and scroll through social media in comfortable silence.
A little dramatic sometimes: he gets super excited over all your small achievements and exaggerates when he tells you how TERRIBLE and AWFUL his day was. Also needs reassurance every once in a while that you really do like him back because he gets in his own head too much. Kind of a drama queen but in the best way.
Wayyy too shy to initiate pretty much ANY type of physical affection so he hopes you will just initiate instead and hold his hand. Ya boy is trying to play it cool but is also a little ~insecure~ so he is in a constant dilemma between holding your hand versus not holding your hand. WHAT IF HE DOESN'T HOLD YOUR HAND AND THEN YOU BREAK UP WITH HIM????? He is distressed 24/7.
Overall- very sweet and shy and confused but he WILL try his best to be the bf you deserve!! He's still working on exactly how to do that but rest assured: he does love you to bits and wants more than anything to make you smile every day 🥲 Best boy.
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cafeacademia · 2 years
𝐒𝐥𝐢𝐩 𝐔𝐩
𝐒𝐩𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐫 𝐑𝐞𝐢𝐝 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 | 𝐒𝐌𝐔𝐓 𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐨𝐫𝐬 𝐃𝐍𝐈
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𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: While at Rossi's for a dinner party, Spencer has a bit too much to drink and accidentally spills the details about your secret relationship...
𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭: Some sex descriptions, oral, Spencer's a little bit wine drunk but mostly just chatty and giggly, reader is embarrassed, flirting, you can look at Morgan and Penelope as a couple or just flirty friends in this one.
𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐂𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: Approx 1k
𝐌𝐲 𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐤𝐬 | 𝐓𝐚𝐠𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
𝐀𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐞: Hello! This one was requested by @reidsbookclub! I hope this turned out okay and you enjoy it!!
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Rossi had decided that after a string of particularly heavy cases you had all worked on nearly back to back over the last few months, that it was well and truly time for a proper night off. He’d invited you all over to his house for dinner, you’d offered to help him with cooking, being good with cooking yourself, but he refused and told you that you needed to relax.
Which was what led you to sitting next to a partially wine drunk Spencer while rain poured down in torrential sheets outside. Dinner had been and gone and now the evening continued with casual chatter in the living room. But Spencer kept letting Rossi and Derek top up his wine glass a few times, to the point that he was now a bit beyond tipsy and oh so giggly and chatty.
“Oof, no I think my worst experience was with a guy who bragged so much about knowing what he was doing but when it came to it, he had no idea how to please a lady.” Emily said, adding to the current conversation about awkward and embarrassing sexapades. “What about you, Morgan?” JJ moved the conversation across the room to him and he raised a brow, smirking while he thought about what could be the best story to tell. “It better not be about me.” Penelope warned and he grinned over at her. “Oh no, baby girl. You know you’re the best for me.” He winked.
But as Morgan told his story, Spencer was getting lost in his thoughts. He’d had sex before, but nothing compared to the sex he had with you. But no one on the team knew that. They had no idea you’d even kissed before, let alone the secret nights where he fucked you deep into the motel mattress after sneaking to your room on a case, or the times you had a heated makeout session in the back of one of the SUVs or… Well any of it.
But the thought that came to his mind almost made his mouth water. You loved to let him dom you, you loved the way he treated you in bed. He was the perfect mixture of soft and dominating and you would do anything he told you to so long as he called you his good girl.
But his favourite of all things to do to you was work you up and up until you were so sensitive, making you cum on his tongue over and over again until you couldn’t take any more orgasms. It was a thought that almost made him feel even more drunk just imagining it.
“Spence?” “Mm?” Spencer snapped out of his daydream and locked eyes with JJ. “Any embarrassing sex stories, boy wonder?” Penelope asked, almost teasingly. He didn’t even think, the words just poured out from his lips before he even had a chance to consider that it was a secret. He looked right at you, heart eyes and all as he spoke. “I wouldn’t know, but I do know that my good girl loves it when I use my-.” He was quickly interrupted by a sharp jab to the side and he looked over at your shocked face as the realisation dawned upon him. “Oh shit.” He muttered. “Oh my god! You two? You two are dating?!” Penelope gasped. “I knew it! I knew you were a thing!” Emily was all too ecstatic about it with JJ at her side getting excited that you two were in fact together.
You wanted the sofa to swallow you whole when you saw Rossi, Hotch and Morgan passing their bets to each other. “I told you.” Hotch told Rossi in his very I told you so dad tone. Fuck knows how long he’d known this was going on for and you weren’t really sure you wanted to know how he’d guessed.
“Sweetheart I’m so sorry.” Spencer whispered to you. While part of you was absolutely mortified, you were grateful at least that he hadn’t actually said the full act out loud. But maybe a little part of you was a tiny bit turned on by how much you had short circuited him into accidentally blabbing your sex life to everyone. Okay, no, you were very turned on, but you couldn’t deny that you were horribly embarrassed all at the same time. But you thanked yourself at least that it wasn’t like anyone had walked in on you and Spencer doing something in secret, especially on a case when you definitely shouldn’t be fucking.
“So when did this happen?” Penelope asked, sitting forwards in her seat and pointing between you two. “Seven months, thirteen days and,” Spencer paused to look at his watch. “Approximately three hours ago.” He confirmed and you wanted to fully climb behind the sofa and escape. “You’ve been keeping it secret for seven months?” Penelope asked.
“You okay, baby girl?” Spencer asked, leaning in to speak to you quietly. “I don’t know if I was ready for them to know about us.” You sighed softly. “But it’s okay, they seem happy about it at least.” You smiled. “I’m sorry, I’ll make it up to you later.” Spencer dropped his voice to a whisper, hand coming to rest on your thigh and the dark tone in his voice was enough to make your breath hitch in your throat. “I’ll do anything you want.” He whispered while the others chatted loudly about how surprised some of them were and the rest of them boasting about how they’d always known you’d make a good couple.
“Anything I want?” You asked quietly. “Yeah, baby girl. Anything.” You might have felt embarrassed by Spencer’s slip up, but you knew he’d more than make up for it. You were in for a few nights of anything you asked for… Maybe letting that secret slip wasn’t such a bad thing after all.
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@reidsbookclub @russian-potatoes @hallecarey1 @deanhisbaby @alexxavicry @guridoodles @liltimmyst @f-me-reid
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elina-bnhagirl4 · 4 months
Not me starting my first post with my first husband. It's an example of my current writing.
Abbreviations here:
N/N: His nickname for you
Y/N L/N: Your official name
H/N: Your nickname for him
F/I: Favourite Ice Cream
F/B: Favourite Beverage
B/S: Body size (All of you are beautiful no matter what size you are, remember that 🥰)
Bold! Izuku Midoriya Boyfriend Headcannons
• He'd definitely pray to God that he got a girlfriend/boyfriend/Significant Other as youself.
"Oh heavens, I pray to thy self..."
You raised a brow at his kneeling figure, having head bowed to the ground, "Izuku, what're you doing?"
"Praying to whatever deity is out there who have blessed me"
"With what?" "You"
• He won't believe that he'd get a gorgeous/handsome/amazing partner like you. Even though, he knew you'd retaliate saying otherwise.
"Like, how did I get so lucky to have you? Maybe having a bad past was worth it after all"
You chuckled nervously feeling the stares around you due to his continuous rambles, "Izuku, sometimes your mentality makes me question myself"
• He'd everything in his power to make you happy such as weekly dates, late night calls and even skipping his plans if you'd ask him to.
"Izuku, are you sure you don't have any plans?"
He replied back sweetly as if he didn't had his one hand covering Denki's mouth to stop him from making fake kissing noises, "It's no worries, N/N. I didn't have anything to do all day"
• If you're in the same high school as him, he'll immediately introduce you to his friends and even invite in their sleepovers, parties or just in general.
"Hey guys, this is my partner Y/N L/N"
"Wow, you look so cute!"
"It is my pleasure to meet the significant other of our fellow friend"
• He'd tell you about his past after he got to know you a lot better. And I mean very very well. It's a very sensitive topic afterall.
"Izuku, are you sure you want to tell me about this now?"
He raised an eyebrow at your worried look, "Do you want to talk about yours?"
"No... I don't think it's the right time"
He shrugged and held you closer while continuing, "So, you know these guys, they made me..."
• He'd do his best to cheer you up when you're feeling down. He'd also immediately know when you are sad, depressed or in a bad mood.
"Hey, are you okay? Do you want to talk about it? Who made you sad? I just need a name. I think I have F/I and F/B in the mini fridge. Do you want them?"
He quiet down feeling your body slump on his. He held you close feeling your murmur, "I need peace and quiet"
He hugged back gently before laying on his bed comfortably, "Okay"
• Even though you warn him about not being self sacrificing, he exactly does that.
"H/N, I told you to not be so reckless everyday!"
"But N/N, this is the only way to improve myself to be the hero I aim to be"
"Izuku, getting admitted in the hospital three times a week is not in the quota of being a hero!"
• If someone both of you may or may not know implies to leave the other, you'd get defensive to prevent the other for being self conscious.
"Hey, cutie~ How about you and me ditch your plain boyfriend and spend quality time together"
The person began sweating feeling the invisible daggers digging in the body from your stare, "You got a lot of nerve to insult my boyfriend right in front of me. If you want your body intact, I suggest you leave right this second"
"Hey, handsome~ What do you even see in that B/S person, anyway? I bet I can make you feel much better"
She got a nasty glare with deep voice oozing in hatred, "One, get your chest away from me. Two, I dare insult my partner one more time and you won't have any less than 5 bones to be mend after I'm done with your B.S."
The girl flinched back before scurrying away without a glance.
• If he's sure, you're his one and only, he'd introduce you to his mother after the 3rd date.
"Mom! Look who I brought!"
"Sweety, is that you?!"
"Yes, Aunty Inko"
• He'd propose to you after 3 years of becoming officially together, which is 1 year after debuting as a Pro Hero. He's sure in his life that there is no one else for him other than the love of his life.
"Y/N L/N, will you make me the happiest hero in the world by being my Mrs. Midoriya?"
You stood speechless staring at his sheepish expression while he held a small box having the most beautiful emarald ring in it.
Your eyes watered and you nodded not finding any words in your brain right now, just the grin on his face and him putting the ring on your figure.
Ignoring the clapping sounds echoing around you, you knelt down and hugged him tightly while sobbing quietly.
He hugged back just as tightly while murmuring soft words of how gorgeous you look right now. He definitely knew he made the right decision by choosing for a life together with you.
(⁠つ⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠)⁠つ⊂⁠(⁠・⁠﹏⁠・⁠⊂⁠) ✧⁠◝⁠(⁠⁰⁠▿⁠⁰⁠)⁠◜⁠✧✧⁠◝⁠(⁠⁰⁠▿⁠⁰⁠)⁠◜⁠✧
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daxerian · 1 year
Out of all, you are my favourite flower
Mick Shumacher x Reader
Warnings: FLUFF, and my wonderful grammar😜
Words: it's 3:20am please, this info is too much to ask for
A/N: So basically I'm kinda sick rn again😻🤞🏼 and I was too lazy to write another fic but here I am at 3:20am ❤️
Also I read every comment, inbox message, etc. And I am so incredibly greatful for the ideas, sweet messages and all❤️❤️ and I will be writing soon enough the ideas you guys left on here ‼️ and take care, stay hydrated and don't lose your lip balm!!! Now enjoy reading 🧁
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Mick Schumacher dashed into the quiet flower shop, his racing heart matching his hurried footsteps. He had promised his friend a gift for the birthday party they were attending, but in his rush, he had forgotten to buy one. His eyes scanned the vibrant display of blooms, searching for the perfect gift.
"Excuse me, do you need any help?" a sweet voice called out from behind the counter. "Um, well yes! I'm attending a birthday party and I forgot to buy a gift in all that rush, would you mind helping in any sort of way?" Mick was honestly surprised he could say more than one sentence without stuttering because, in his eyes, he was talking to the most beautiful woman ever to walk on earth.
"Well, to save you some time, you can pick one of the pre-made flowers we made this morning or you could pick some flowers and we can do a custom bouquet for you." Y/N softly told Mick the two options he could pick from with a smile on her face. "If we did a custom one, how long would it take?" Mick asked her, "About 10 minutes? It also depends on what kind of bouquet and how many types of flowers you want" Y/N once again answered softly with a happy face.
"Ooh, I'm afraid I don't have a lot of time to wait out for that custom one" Mick told her, "Oh, no worries! You can take a look and pick out one of the pre-made ones" Y/N told Mick with this tone in her voice that made Mick feel this weird but in a good way..
"These are all so beautiful too, which one do you like the most?" Mick asked Y/N, of course, he would go with the classic red roses but he wanted to talk to her more, "Well I would choose the one with peonies and irises, since it's giving such a fresh look and never looks bad anywhere you know? And it's also one of my favorites so that's the other reason" Mick listened to Y/N carefully, making mental notes to himself that Y/N likes peonies and irises together.
"I'll gladly take them then" Mick smiled while looking at her. "Perfect choice! That would be 27 euros" Y/N told him. Mick paid, thanked Y/N for her time and was now rushing to the party destination.
"Honey, I bet he's gonna come soon again" Y/N's colleague and friend, Layla, told her once Mick left the shop. "And what do you mean by that Lala?" Y/N asked Layla with curiosity in her. "He was looking at you like you were some kind of goddess, and with these big love heart eyes" Layla was now excited to tease her friend a bit, since she only told the truth, she could have all that fun in the world.
"He wasn't! He needed help and I helped him, that's part of our job you know?" Y/N told her, trying to deny the fact that Mick was looking at her like that. "Now what exactly are you trying to deny?" Layla asked Y/N, raising her eyebrow because she saw all of those lovie-dovie looks he was giving her friend. "Nothing Lala! I'm just saying the basic facts, he needed help and that's what I did, helped him" Y/N told her.
"So you are telling me that a man that's in a rush stops his spinning world just to talk to you more? Girl, you know damn well that if someone is in a rush they just pick out these pre-made flowers that we put our souls into, pay and leave, running to their destination so they can look like they are on time. And that man stopped his rush mode to listen to you, to adore your passion about this whole flower business, and I'm telling you, he'll come back soon" Layla just told her friend the truth, she wanted Y/N to understand that the stranger that came to the shop was gonna return, for her.
2 weeks passed and Layla was right. Mick Schumacher was back in the flower shop again, but this time more chilled with no intention of rushing to get somewhere. "Hello, how was your day so far?" Mick asked Y/N with a smile on his face, "Welcome again! I'm feeling perfect, what can I help you with today?" Y/N was happy to see Mick back in the shop, but she also knew that Layla wouldn't shut up about how right she was.
"Could we do a custom bouquet today?" Mick asked, "I hope we don't have to rush it this time" Y/N laughed a bit, bringing up the situation from 2 weeks ago. "No rush today" Mick laughed alongside her, oh how pretty she looked with her hair down. He thought to himself, "So a special bouquet for somebody, who might that person be?" Y/N asked him, to know a bit about the person she's gonna be making a bouquet for, because it can't be just good, it needs to be perfect.
"For my mum, she's visiting after what seems like a long time" Mick answered her question, having this cheeky smile on. "A special bouquet for a special person then," Y/N told him. "Yeah, and she likes roses kinda classic but I don't want to get her only roses, and I have no idea what goes with them" Mick told her. "They go along with a lot of types of flowers, one of the more fresh combos that I recommend to people are these pinkish roses with daisies and dahlias but maybe, for a more classic red rose bouquet, you could just do with a few baby's-breath, the little white flowers."
Mick listened, he could honestly listen to her talking about different types of flowers all day and wouldn't get tired of it."Let's do the fresh one you like to recommend to people" Mick told her, "Okay, perfect" and just like that Y/N started working her magic on the flowers. "So, I never quite caught your name?" Mick told her, "It's Y/N" She answered him, not looking at him but only focusing on the flowers. "Beautiful name for a beautiful woman" Mick told her while truly admiring her, he never met anybody with such a dedication and love towards flowers. And that's what made him like her, adore her, love her.
"What's your name" Y/N asked him, "Mick" "That's a very beautiful name, Mick" Y/N looked at him and gave him a soft smile before continuing her job. And the two of them made a small talk, got to know each other a bit more and then came the time when Mick had to pay and leave. "28€ today" Y/N told Mick, "There you go, and thank you so much again Y/N" Mick told her after he paid, "No problem, I hope your mum will like them" Y/N told him before they told each other goodbyes.
"And you didn't believe me, honey" Layla told her, feeling proud of herself that Mick had come again. "You should start listening to me more" she also added. "I will listen to you more than ever before Queen Lala" Y/N told her friend.
*time skip to like a year later cause I don't have the energy to write everything 😔*
After months of being friends, Mick finally got brave enough to ask Y/N to be his girlfriend and of course, she said yes. (My dream fr, sorry) Now the two of them were having a lazy evening in Mick's apartment, a movie they weren't paying attention to and just focusing on each other's company. "You know Mick, out of all, you are my favourite flower" Y/N told him, "And you are my favourite thrilling memory, Meine Liebe"
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Can you do headcanons for what the guys and their SO do on their birthday (like if they have the same birthday as their SO, what do they do?)
A/N: i really liked writing this actually! it was surprisingly wholesome since i was crying watching the movie while writing this. i really need more angst asks 😭
Tags: Fluff, hcs, birthday, all the boys
Warnings: it does kind of hint at sexual activity (thanks for that dal) but there’s no detail or anything like that so it should be fine!
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The boys on their S/O’s birthday
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Always the gentleman Dar would make sure you feel like the most important person in the world on your birthday.
Breakfast. In. Bed. Darry will make you the most extravagant breakfast with all your favourite foods and deliver it to you as soon as you wake up.
He’ll take the day off work (which is really rare for him!) just so the two of you can have fun and spend time together.
If he was planning a party he would let you know, just so you could tell him whether you wanted one or not
He would be so cute omg-
He’d slip you a piece of paper during class telling you to meet him either in an empty classroom or under the bleachers at lunch that day. when you get there he will have made you a card and bought you a single cupcake. unless you go with my other hcs, in that case he would have gotten johnny to make cupcakes for you.
I don’t think that Pony would want to throw you a party. i think he would be more for hanging out in the vacant lot all night.
Ok hear me out- you two have been dating about a month and you’re just hanging out in the lot for your birthday. you two are talking and chatting when he realises he didn’t get you anything for your birthday. you try to tell him that it’s ok that you don’t need anything but he insists on giving you something so….BOOM first kiss right there!
Soda is just a tiny bit cruel so he’d probably pretend that he forgot your birthday as a joke.
You would go down to visit him in the DX and he’d be there like “i know i’m forgettin’ somethin’ bit i dunno what. is it Stevo’s birthday?”
He’d do this until you either got really upset or told him it was your birthday.
Once he revealed he didn’t forget he’d have a party planned for you and by god it would be a good party. He’d have your favourite foods, he would have rented out bucks and paid Tim Shepard or someone to act as a bouncer so nobody you didn’t like could get in.
This boy- he wouldn’t be able to keep his hands off you all night. Kissing, holding your hand, hugging you from behind, simply having his hand around your waist/shoulders? he doesn’t care as long as you’re with him.
Dally wouldn’t be one to treat you special on your birthday. he’d go on like normal. it’s just how he is 🤷‍♂️
I think he’d say something like “it’s your birthday today, ain’t it?” and when you said yeah he’d just say something like “thought so” and walk away.
If he gets you a gift? i wouldn’t bet that it was acquired legally. but he still cares. he would most likely get you a new blade or something like that.
Even though on the day he wouldn’t be very attentive that night he’d get buck to close the bar early so you two could have some alone time. I’m thinking slow dancing in the bar alone. he’s a really bad dancer but he still tries. and i mean it’s dally we’re talking about so you probably know what would happen later that night…
Your birthday to Two is just the perfect time for pranks, he doesn’t really know why, it just is. he would switch your orange juice for milk that he put orange food dye into, hide random things in your room, the basic pranks yk? maybe switch the fruit in your fruit bowl for that wax fruit.
He would be planning a surprise party in the Curtis’ place for like- a month before your birthday. it would be the best party ever. he’d even watch his drinking so you could have fun without having to babysit Two.
Exact same as soda, he wouldn’t be able to keep his hands off you. though he’d probably be a little less wholesome, kinda like Dal.
He’d make some drunken toast at the party about how hot you are and how lucky he is to have you. he’s cringy like that plus he’s pissed drunk when he gives the roast so it’s not his fault
Steve doesn’t get as much appreciation as he should, he’s adorable! he wouldn’t be a gentleman like Darry but he wouldn’t be ignoring the fact it was your birthday like Dal. He would probably make some agreement that if you could win a challenge that on your birthday he couldn’t say no to you (with limits ofc. you couldn’t tell him to jump into freezing water cause you dropped a sandwich into it or you couldn’t tell him to kill someone yk? limits.) he’d probably let you win though tbh
So you’ve won this bet. now what? he’s your personal butler for the day! want coffee? ask Steve! need a hug? ask Steve! He would be at your beckon call at all times (that’s the saying right?)
He’d also plan you a party, just not a surprise party. He would have it in the lot since it has the most space so nobody will be cramped together.
He would make you a present rather than buy one since he doesn’t have much money. i think that’s cuter and more thoughtful than anything else tbh.
He would want to hang out together all day. maybe you two would go to the drive in that night?
I don’t think parties are johnnies thing so he would plan that you and the rest of the boys have dinner in the Curtis’ and then if you wanted to go out he wouldn’t stop you.
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writingmia · 1 year
i really liked your pjo headcannons post. i thought it was interesting, since most people always put physical touch as some of the main ll for the characters, esp leo n percy. do u have any other headcanons for either of them? it can be generic things, like what they would do with a s/o, or it can be weird shit idc? i swear ive read lit every single post to exist on tumblr n i need more
Oh my god thank you so much! This is so sweet. I'm surprised my first ever post is doing as well as it is. I expected to pass as pretty unnoticed in the beginning. I do have a lot of headcanons for the characters, but I'm going to do Leo in this one since he's my absolute favourite
Note: I haven't read the HOO books in a while, but I just finished my reread of PJO, so if any 'headcanon' is actually canon, please just pretend that I'm Uncle Rick himself.
Warnings: none
Leo Valdez Headcanons - loves sweet&spicy. If that's an option in the menu at the restaurant he went to, he will absolutely get it. He's kind of obsessed with it to the point where one might get worried about his taste buds
- if he had to choose between sweet and sour, he would absolutely pick sweet any day. That's not really the best considering he's very ADHD, even for a demigod and his intake of sugar doesn't really help much, but he just loves sweet. He doesn't care if it's chocolate-type sweet or sugar-sweet, he just likes it. You can bet that when he comes out of Bunker 9 after a long day, his tongue would be all types of colours because his 'meal' for the day was whatever candy was in his stash of sweets
- now if you made the choice between sweet, sour and spicy, he would struggle to pick
- he hates coffee. he's simply not a coffee guy. he thinks it tastes nasty, since we established he loves anything sweet and coffee is definitely not sweet. and he doesn't need it anyway, he's hyper as is. if anything, coffee makes him more tired
- i feel like he would get pretty into anime if he tried watching it. from the trending shonen, chainsaw man would be his fave, but in general he would be such a fan of one piece imo. he is that person who has unironically watched the whole thing like three times - he feels guilty when he isn't doing something productive since he feels this need to constantly be creating something, but he also loves to just get distracted by something and do his own thing for hours, even if there's no 'productive' outcome. so he 'wastes' his time and feels guilty the entire time, but the enjoyment he gets out of it evens out the guilt (what do you mean i'm not projecting on my favourite character... at all...)
- secretly a good singer. piper once caught him singing in the shower and then dragged him out and forced him to sing out loud because she was not expecting such an angelic voice to come out of him
- his go to karaoke song is 'cake by the ocean' by dnce
- i feel like he would learn how to play the guitar and he will be shockingly good at it. like he learns a song so fast and because his fingers are always doing something and tinkering with things, this is the perfect way for him to get his energy out while also having lots of fun
- i also feel like he would purposefully not tell anyone he learned the guitar and one day he just whips out this new talent of his and everyone's like '????'
- honestly, leo is just good at everything. if he wasn't a hephaestus kid, he would be a son of hermes, because he is such a jack of all trades. he is incredibly intelligent (which is canon, btw, and if it's not yes it fucking is have you seen the guy, he is borderline as smart as Annabeth, if not smarter, just in another flavour), but also anything he attempts to do, he succeeds in. he can draw, he can play the guitar, he can sing, he absolutely is a great dancer. you would expect he sucks at cooking but nope, there he goes, making a gourmet meal like it's nothing. he isn't much of a fighter, but if he needs to hold his ground, he can. he's just so versatile, you can barely catch him off guard with something he can't master in a few hours
I fucking love Leo, can you notice this from my post?? Anyway, I got too lazy to edit this after I wrote it, so if it's not grammatically perfect or things don't make sense, apologies and please let me know. I will post more headcanons because I frankly have too many. And a lot of AU ideas. I'm preparing one rn actually so... stay tuned? Maybe follow if you're interested in seeing more shit by me. - mia
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