#i blame my sappiness on my period
borathae · 2 years
Heeey Sibi! I know we're still in kinktober, but can we talk about The Astronaut for a moment please?
Do you know Contact by Carl Sagan? In the book, this girl spends most of her life trying to find any life form beyond earth. When that happens, she faces a journey that changes her life.
In the end, the book gives you "the moral of the story". It says that we, as humans, are just as vast and complicated as the universe, and yet we spend more time looking for something outside of us than taking a moment to look for what's within ourselves.
The Astronaut made me think of that...
Think about us, as army, looking at the boys as if they are the universe.
At the end of the mv, that was my only feeling, this really quiet and solid confort. Cause what if this is their ultimate lesson? What have they been trying to teach us all this time? Love yourself, i do believe your galaxy...
Cause we have everything we need with us. And Jin was saying that, he said we'll be fine even if they're not around. What they've created, the magic shop, this great self love and care that we have for each other... that will always be our home, is beyond just the boys at this point.
Aaaaan i am crying again
That's a very nice take! I really like it, although I must say that the boys are responsible for a lot of my happiness, like A LOT and sometimes they are the only thing bringing me through an especially dark day. I mean it, I know how dark days feel and during those days the only thing I can really do is watch Run!BTS and find some solace in the fact that I got the honour to be alive at the same time as them. So I think my happiness would very much brittle if they weren't around anymore hahah I gotta be honest here for a sec, I'm a sap what can I say fadfja
Also from what I have learned from living in loneliness for most of my adult life and using that time to learn to love myself. It is okay to want to seek happiness in other people. It is okay to find happiness in the company of humans and it is also okay to want to find something, someone, someplace other than our own selves to find happiness in. A human can only find so much solace in themselves before being alone turns into being lonely. So don’t beat yourself up if you find laughter and happiness in your friends, your family, your pets, a certain place and object or in our case right now, Bangtan. You are allowed to want that and do that. It’s human to want those things and I am sure the boys find happiness in their true fans as well! 💜
Gosh look at me being sappy at ten in the morning adjfjadf I'm just so grateful for them. They are truly seven treasures on earth :( I hope that they are always happy and healthy :(
also omgmgm I can't stop listening to The Astronaut. I'm so, so happy when I listen to it. Seokjin is such an emotional singer and his voice brings me a lot of peace. When he sings the "when I'm with you there is no one else" part, holy fUCK I COULD LISTEN TO THE WAY HE SINGS THAT PART A MILLION TIMES . I wanna listen to this song when I'm driving with my windows down and the air smells like fresh forests or clear oceans and then I wanna scream not because I'm upset, but because I wanna scream for the sake of screaming and at the core of it it's a happy scream. Like that song is my newest treasure. I wanna kiss it on the forehead and then put it to sleep in a cozy blanket 😔
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littlerequiem · 5 months
in love with your character writing. you have very careful and thoughtful considerations when you write for characters that feel make them feel very realistic, especially when trying to portray their demographics (especially with levi, gives off a very honest portrayal of a man in his 40s or so without being infantilizing or really overdoing the “old man” thing). love seeing your canon stuff, but your au stuff is very fun and breathes something fresh into the same old tropes without being tired. really appreciate that you share your work with us. thanks, hope all is well. :)
oh gosh, thank you so much ;-; I'm so immensely flattered and touched that you like the way I write Levi, I know he is The Character for so many people on here (myself included), so I really appreciate your words 💖💖💖
just know i'm gonna be thinking about your message long after this, friend, thank you so much!
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vgilantee · 7 months
he’s sweet and hot and i’m 🫠
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ovaryacted · 8 months
So, I was not expecting this to be so fucking long, but here we are. At this rate, this should just be considered a fic & analysis post all on its own lmao. But yes, here are some extensive headcanons of Leon being a girl dad because as a writer it’s my duty to make this man happy since others won’t (I’m looking at you Capcom). No specific age of the child is mentioned but look at this as a general periodic analysis of Leon being a father. Hope you like it! :)
2.0k words | cw: tooth-rotting fluff, just Leon being a sappy dad
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I think it’s become a universal and widely accepted headcanon that Leon would be a girl dad, and likewise that he will become the softest man imaginable. A man like him who has seen and witnessed so much violence and gore in his life, completely melting because his little girl has him wrapped around her finger is the most precious thing ever.
During the pregnancy, Leon would already be protective and gentle, wanting his partner to never lift a finger so he’d do everything and anything possible to make it an easy time for them. I also would like to think that he doesn’t care what sex his child is, whether it be a boy or a girl, he doesn’t have a preference, all he wants is for his baby to be healthy and happy. So throughout the pregnancy, you both agree to keep the sex of the baby a surprise, focusing more on their health and how they’re doing as they develop every week.
So the day you go into labor a week earlier than expected, he’s worried that things might go badly and his anxiety is on 10. But after hours of pain and distress during childbirth, the second he hears the loud shrill cry of his child he feels tears building in his eyes. He’s happy, genuinely happy that his baby is here in the world, and his emotions only intensify when he hears the words “Congrats, it’s a healthy baby girl!” from one of the nurses.
A baby girl. His baby girl.
He finds himself crying more than he’d like, and obviously, he’s trying to be strong for you as your body shakes from the over-exertion of labor, but he can’t help himself. As he watches the nurse put your crying baby onto your warm chest and notices how she instantly calms down the moment she hears your voice, he can feel his heart growing in size at the sight.
His two perfect girls, all in one place.
It’s a while before he gets the chance to see his child once they’re all cleaned up and swaddled in a comforting blanket, rocking a baby pink hat. His eyes are taking in his daughter’s features for the first time, going over her cute little nose and round cheeks. He doesn’t think he’s ever seen something so perfect, so small, and it amazes him that he managed to partake in creating something like that. Leon doesn’t believe in love at first sight, but the moment he looks at his daughter he thinks he finally understands what that feels like.
The first time he gets to hold his daughter, he’s terrified, thinking that he shouldn’t be touching her to begin with. His child is pure, untouched by the horrors of the real world and his hands aren’t unwashed of everything he’s done. He’s held weapons of destruction and killed more things than he could count. You’d have to remind him constantly that his child doesn’t know anything about what he’s done to survive, about what he’s been through, and that no matter what she won’t blame him for it and will still love him because he’s her father.
Over time, he gets used to holding her, thinking it’s almost comical how small she looks tucked nicely against his bicep and chest. Holding his daughter quickly becomes a source of comfort for Leon, feeling like the world just stops the moment he has her in his arms where she’s safe. You would find him sleeping on the couch with her on his chest, her head right against his heartbeat and lulling her to sleep.
As his daughter grows, Leon only becomes more attached. He’s always taking care of her, ready to feed her, change her, tend to all of her needs, and talk to her. In a way, he knows it’s good on your end so you can rest and recover, and he gets closer to his child, a child he never knew he could have. He could spend hours just looking at her, watch how her big blue eyes take in her surroundings, and he loves having her tiny fingers wrap around one of his own.
Sometimes at night, he’d just look over her as she slept in her crib, watching her little body take in every breath while the nagging voice in his head told him that she’s a figment of his imagination. He’d spend some nights sleeping in the rocking chair in her nursery to watch over her, not caring for his sore back in the morning. It’s a process Leon has to go through on his own, and you don’t push him in any direction, just let him handle it while reminding him you’re there to support him. He has to do it to accept that his child is real and isn’t going to disappear the next time he blinks, and once his mind finally accepts that fact he’ll be less paranoid.
Eventually, he’s around his daughter so much that he develops a sixth sense to her moods. He knows when she’s about to cry, when she needs a bath or to be changed, when she’s hungry. He gets so good at taking care of his daughter that he’s in tune with her emotions, his fatherly intuition becoming stronger the more he interacts with her. This also means that he generally hates seeing his baby girl cry, it tugs at his heartstrings when he thinks she’s upset or hurt. That’s why when it’s time to bring her to the doctor to get her first shots, Leon starts to cry when his daughter cries from the injections. He hates thinking he’s hurting his child despite knowing it’s necessary for her health, but that doesn’t mean he hates it any less.
“I know sweet pea, I know it hurts. I’m sorry darling”
For the record, he’d have a list of terms of endearment he’d call his daughter on top of her name, but the one he reserves specifically for her would be sweet pea. Of course, he’s called you that once or twice, but during the pregnancy he called the baby sweet pea when they were the actual size of a pea. That name just stuck with him, and now that he has a daughter, it’ll be the one name that’s solely for her.
Leon is always shopping for her, buying her stuffed animals or anything she remotely likes. He quickly develops a bad habit of not being able to tell his daughter “no”, and that doesn’t make her into a brat, she just has a dad that wants to spoil her. In Leon’s mind, whatever his daughter says she wants, she gets, no matter how ridiculous or expensive. If she says she wants a kitchen set and it’s tea party time, Leon will get one for her and sit down with the rest of her plushies at the table and act the part. If she says she wants a damn pony he’s gonna get it for her (obviously he doesn’t because you stop him from doing something ridiculous) but he tries and it’s endearing.
His daughter will continue to grow and develops a personality that closely resembles his own, matching her appearance she got mostly from her father, moles and all. She’s smart and perceptive, a sweetheart and so kind it warms his chest. But his favorite part of his child’s personality is her spunk and sense of humor. He makes it a habit to test out his corny dad jokes on his kid, just so he can hear her laugh and giggle regardless of how old she gets. Leon does it so he can see her bright smile, not caring if it’s just gums or a full set of pearly white teeth, it’s all he looks for. He tries to be the cool dad, and he thinks as long as he has his daughter’s approval he can do anything.
Leon is always open to spending quality time with his daughter, and if anything she’s the one that initiates. He remembers when she first started walking, her wobbly little legs making him worry when he glanced at her taking her first steps. Now that she can run mostly anywhere around the house, she’ll walk towards his direction, raising her arms above her head so Leon could carry her. He always does, always says yes no matter how his body feels. He’ll try to hold her and carry her for as long as he possibly could because that’s his baby girl and he’d do anything to make her happy. Leon is fully aware that eventually, he will get too old or potentially too weak from an injury to carry her, so he stays active as much as he can and maintains his strength for that reason.
He’s always with her, whether that be playing with her and her toys, or just talking to her about anything that comes to mind. Leon and his daughter become attached at the hip, twins essentially. She’ll ramble about things and ask him silly questions, and Leon will communicate with her too. When he does talk to his daughter, he speaks to her like an actual adult and it’s the funniest thing ever. She could be babbling when she’s a toddler and Leon would give a very lengthy explanation of the anti-capitalistic ideology and how much he hates how taxes are broken down. It would be even funnier when she starts to talk and he becomes the designated person she goes to when seeking answers to anything on her mind.
“Daddy, is the moon made of cheese?”
“Yes, I think it’s made out of mozzarella”
“Really? So does that mean cheese balls are moon rocks?”
“Exactly sweetheart”
He loves to entertain her, to make sure he keeps up with her curiosity and interests no matter how silly they are. In a way, this is how he protects her innocence and makes sure his daughter knows that he’s her friend, that he cares for her, and that she will always be safe with him. He tries very hard to keep all of the negative and toxic things he knows is out in the real world away from his kid and household all together, prioritizing her happiness and health above all else. That includes not mentioning anything about his job or what he does, and actively going to therapy so he can show up better than the last time she saw him. He tries every day to be the best dad he could be for his daughter, because he wants to be the father he never had, so he tries and that’s what matters.
His child knows that sometimes he has to go away for days to weeks at a time for work. She doesn’t fully understand what Leon’s job pertains to but just knows that he goes off to fight the bad guys. In her precious mind, she sees her dad as a superhero, looks up to him in admiration, and gets sad whenever he has to leave. But when it’s time for him to part ways with his family, she gives him a big hug and words of encouragement and love. She sticks out her small pinky finger, which Leon curls with his. It was part of his good luck ritual, making sure to pinkie promise his return and that he’ll be safe and he never breaks his promise. He always adored how her eyes carried the same determination he has when he’s focused on his missions. 
“Promise to be back daddy?”
“I will sweet pea. I’ll always come back for you”
When it comes to him out on the field, he usually doesn’t keep any form of identification on him as a safety precaution, so he keeps stuff like his wedding band at home. But his daughter will give him a friendship-beaded bracelet to carry with him, and he’ll wear it proudly on the opposite wrist that isn’t occupied by his watch. It’s not visible to others because of his gloves, but the weight of it against his skin is what keeps him going and keeps him motivated as he takes out any threat that presents itself. When he returns home no matter how his body feels, his daughter is the first one to come running towards him with that wide smile on her face. He wraps his arms around her, hugging her tightly as if she will disappear at any moment, and he will continue to do that for as long as he can.
Leon and his daughter are two peas in a pod, she is his missing piece and makes him feel whole with every moment they share. He’ll do anything to make his daughter happy, and he doesn’t mind being wrapped around his baby girl’s finger, because that’s where he belongs. 
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©️ ovaryacted 2024. Please don’t repost, copy, translate, or feed into any AI. Support your fellow creators by reblogging, commenting, and liking!
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gavisuntiedboot · 1 year
Gavi Fluff Alphabet
The long awaited and highly requested. I can't bring myself to write smut rn tbh. Like my head is pounding and I'm about to vom. So sexy. Please keep expectations in the dirt so I can exceed them with my sleepy writing.
a = affection (how affectionate are they? how do they show affection?)
I don't think Pablo is the type to show much affection in public
He's still quite young and shy, not eager to be teased in person or online about PDA
I think affection in public would be limited to hand-holding, maybe a side hug
Even the gentlemen stuff would escape him in an effort not to come across too sappy.
Like he'll hold your bags, but you're getting your own doors
In private though? Man is a teddy bear
Attached to you
Always wants to be touching you in some way - sitting too close, laying on your lap, anything
Will actually pout if he's not given kisses and affection hourly
b = best friend (what would they be like as a best friend?)
Scary dog privileges but as a person
Would always be FaceTiming you just to have your presence there in the background
Sends you at least 20 tiktoks a day because they remind him of you
Always pays when y'all are out
c = cuddles (do they like to cuddle? how would they cuddle?)
Absolutely necessary
Actually so touch starved that he might die without some quality time from you
Started out with you wrapping yourself around his shoulders to get his attention (since he's confirmed always on his phone)
Now you'll be minding your business and feel him wrap his arms around you
Like to be the baby, laying on top of you, getting his hair played with
Prefers when neither of you have a proper shirt on so the two of you can share body heat
Must be a separate activity from sleeping - Gavi get's too hot and restless in his sleep to cuddle
Age regression - literally a little puppy when he’s in your arms, responding in nods and whimpers
d = domestic (do they want to settle down? how are they around the house?)
Pablo cannot imagine settling down right now
He loves his youth and his job and his freedom
But looking at you in his house, laying on his couch or waking up next to him, he thinks he could get used to this
Quite lazy around the house tbh
Regular teenage boy; does the bare minimum to not be living in filth
Very good about one thing: dishes.
Fun fact: gavi seems like the type to be afraid of cockroaches and other critters, so he’s amazing at doing everything to prevent them from entering his house
Baby steps towards domesticity: letting you stay over, then buying you a toothbrush, then a drawer, then a key to the front door
e = ending (if they had to break up with their s/o, how would they do it?)
Pablo is not good at feelings or confrontation
So if he ever needed to break up with a girl, he would do it indirectly
Probably over text or through a phone call, because he doesn’t know how to handle heartbreak
If it was in person, he would do it in public, buying you a meal or coffee before breaking the news
He would always repeat how it’s a problem with him, how he needed to figure himself out, and how there was no blame on you
Getaway car waiting outside
f = fiancé (how would they feel about commitment? how quick would they want to get married?)
Rather terrifying prospect for pablito
Wants to have his own accomplishments in his career before he looks to lock you down
Type to give you a promise ring on a necklace
“Princesa, im going to be the best someday, and you deserve nothing but the best. So wait for me until I get there?”
Not the type to do long engagements - as long as it takes to plan the wedding and that’s all
Once he proposes, he wants you to be his as soon as possible - Mrs. Gavira can’t come soon enough
g = gentle (how gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
Physically? Not so gentle
Forgets that he’s gone through a bulk period and he now has a lot of muscle
Still play fights like he’s a scrawny 14 year old, occasionally being too harsh
Everything is a little too intense but that’s what makes it Gavi
His hugs are a little tight on your ribs, his grip restricting the blood flow to your hand slightly
But you love it all the same because it’s him
Emotionally tho? My man is a marshmallow over an open flame
Still young and rather volatile - emotions are right on the surface
His happiness is immediate and overflowing, radiating even
But when he’s sad or anxious? His whole being changes
Sad eyes, dropped shoulders, crossed arms - be was a different person
Tries to be as gentle as possible with your feelings because he didn’t want to lose you or compromise what y’all have
Also wants to establish a dynamic where you two are gentle with each other
Because otherwise he’ll break down and close off from you entirely
h = hugs (do they like hugs? how often do they do it? what are their hugs like?)
Any Gavi girl knows what I’m about to say
Man loves hugs
Adores them
Occur every time he sees you
What type of hug?? Girl
You know the one
One arm around the waist, securing you to his chest
The other around your head, bringing you in gently to rest beneath his chin
And of course it’s couple with that little smooth on the side of the head
For hello, good bye, good luck, and I L*** Y**, this was his delivery message of choice
Sometimes Pablo will pull you in for long hugs where he can just breathe you in, enjoying the feeling of you in his arms
Always ended with a sweet kiss on the top of your forehead, eyes meeting yours to describe what you should call your situation
i = i love you (how fast do they say the L-word?)
Okay so someone please educate me - is saying I love you like a big moment in other cultures?
Like I’m Arab, and saying بحبك for the first time is not a huge thing
So I think that would influence when he says it out loud
But I think Pablo would take a while to realize that he’s in love
He’s young and doesn’t really understand the feeling of being in love with someone else
I think it would take a good 6-8 months before he would be able to look at you and think “wow. So this is what being in love feels like.”
j = jealousy (how jealous do they get? what do they do when they're jealous?)
Controversial opinion: I don’t think Gavi would be the type to get jealous quickly
I know I know but before you get the pitchforks lemme explain
Everyone talks about how Gavi doesn’t get nervous or really doubt himself
He knows he’s hot shit okay?
Both on the field and off, he’s confident in what he brings to the table
So when he gets a girl, he’s gonna be confident in that as well, knowing that he was able to pull her
He gets a kick watching guys flirt with you, because he knows that you’ll never give them the time of day
The only time he might get jealous is when you fawn over another man in front of him
Especially if it’s another footballer
He’s the type to pout and get quiet, scowling at the thought of you all giddy about someone else
Would pull you onto his lap and ask you in a soft voice
“You’re happy with me right?”
Just needs a little bit of reassurance that he’s doing everything in his power to be the best for you
k = kisses (what are their kisses like? where do they like to kiss their partner? where do they like to be kissed?)
Not to be predictable, but I think he would love kissing you on the neck and the forehead
Like he seems like the type to give you affectionate kisses on the cheek and stuff rather than kissing on the lips all the time
The type to kiss the back of your hand, the top of your head, your bare shoulder
Just a thousand little pecks everywhere
Will grab your face with both hands and give you a fat kiss when he’s feeling excited
otherwise, he’s quite gentle in the way he kisses you
Soft lips moving against yours slowly, takes a while to warm up to intense making out (in the session not overall - hes 18 )
Likes to be kissed on cheek and on the neck
Loves when you sit on his lap and kiss him deeply
l = little ones (how are they around children?)
You’d think he’d not be great with kids because he’s young and kind of aggressive
But you and me both have seen the videos of him in the hospital
So sweet and gentle with the young ones
Loves to pick them up and put them on his shoulders
Very patient with little kid nonsense
Can’t help but think about having his own kids one day
Tells you off handedly that’s he’s excited to be a father one day
“You think our kids will be good at football?”
m = morning (how are mornings spent with them?)
Very energetic in the morning on account of having training so early
Always practically jumping out of bed ready to go
Wakes you up by squeezing you tightly and kissing all over your face
Makes sure you eat in the morning no matter how much you object
n = nights (how are nights spent with them?)
On weekdays, Pablo is fucking tired
Comes home ready to pass the fuck out from training
Lots of eating dinner on the couch and lazy nights
Ready to go to bed by like 10pm
Gets very childish and cranky when he’s tired - lots of pouting and whining to go to sleep
On weekends, he’s a little more enthused
Ready to go out to a restaurant or club with you and have fun
Still keeps things within limits - no blacking out or throwing up
o = open (when would they start revealing things about themselves?)
A while y’all
Pablo is a great listener - loves to hear about you and your interests
But about himself? He’s not a fan
Gets too shy and nervous - thinks he’s boring or bothering you with details about his life
Stuff will slip here and there when he’s stressed, and he starts blushing immediately upon realizing he’s over shared
Starts warming up to you 3-4 months in, just with little tid bits about his family and early life
More likely to speak to you when you were cuddled up, playing with his hair, running your fingers up and down his arm
p = patience (how easily angered are they?)
Be for real y’all
My man has little to no patience
Very short fuse
Was a major point of tension early in the relationship
Quick to anger, but also quick to calm down
Doesn’t dwell on things and it’s always ready to move on
Learning to be more calm and patient with you
q = quizzes (how much would they remember about their partner?)
Takes learning about you very seriously
Always super interested when you speak, completely taken by you
Makes notes in his phone about everything: your favorite flowers, dream vacation spots, and more
Interestingly enough, forgets super simple things about you, like your favorite color
r = remember (what is their favourite moment in your relationship?)
There were so many little domestic moments that Gavi loved experiencing with you
But the one moment he treasured the most with you was the first time you went to Sevilla with him
Your laughter, your energy, just lit up his hometown
He loved watching your interactions with his family and friends
You both were laying in bed in his parents’ house, just laying with you and being silly when you talked about how much you missed the beach
“The beach is only like an hour away. We can go tomorrow morning if you want.”
You looked at him with wide eyes, smiling from ear to ear
The following morning, you woke up to Gavi running around
He already had everything packed in the car
His newly licensed ass drove you to the beach, and you just played around like kids
You sat on the sand, laying on Pablo’s shoulder
“Pablo, this is the best day ever.”
He pushed your hair behind your ear and kissed you deeply
His heart physically swelled whenever he thought about that moment
s = security (how protective are they? would they like to be protected?)
Super protective of you when he feels like you could be hurt
Whenever you two were out at somewhere rowdy, he always had a hand on you
Ready to fight anybody that touched you
Honestly felt a little emasculated whenever you tried to protect him
Got irritated whenever you fussed over him and his injuries
Started to warm up to it after he got a cut on his face, liking you babying him and being so close to his face
t = try (how much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
Initially, he wasn’t trying very hard
Just being a teenager really - simple dates and texting a lot
“Pablo, when are we going to go on a real date?”
The question threw him off immensely, causing him to consult his teammates about what classifies as a date
He realized he had been severely lacking in the effort department
Started trying harder - restaurants, cute picnics, thoughtful gifts
You had started thinking he had done something wrong and was trying to compensate
u = ugly (what would be some bad habits of theirs?)
Homie is a S L O B
Like does not pick up after himself at all
Not a problem until you start staying over at his place
He has to remove piles of clothes from the bed just for you two to sleep
He’s also always on his phone
Can’t put it down
Can get really annoying when you’re trying to talk to him and he’s staring at his screen
v = vanity (how concerned are they with their looks?)
In the face, Gavi is not supper confident in his looks
He’s a little insecure that he still looks so young
Wants to look more mature
His body tho????
Yeah, homie knows he’s fine
He’s worked hard on his physique, and so he’s confident in the fruits of his efforts
Loves sitting shirtless around the house
You catch him staring at himself in reflective surfaces
Would never say it out loud, but knows he’s got a body to drool over, and uses it to his advantage
w = whole (would they feel incomplete without you?)
I don’t think so
Gavi needs to play football to be complete
That’s the only thing I think he could lose that would make it feel like a piece of his soul was missing
You didn’t complete his world - you were a different world entirely
When you weren’t around, it just felt like he was stuck in a routine
x - xtra (a random headcanon for them.)
Pablo loves seeing you in Barça merch
He just thinks it’s the culmination of all his life coming together when he sees you in the blaugrana
You have a pair of Barça sweats that be especially loves
Literally so careless with all your clothes except your merch
Washes it per label instructions, never rips it off you - the whole nine
y = yuck (what are some things they wouldn't like, either in general or in a partner?)
Hates people who are stuck up
Needs a girl to be down to earth - he’s not making that much money
Can’t deal with anyone uptight either - needs someone willing to just go with the flow
z = zzz (what is a sleep habit of theirs?)
As mentioned previously, gets very hot in his sleep
Can’t cuddle or be too close because man will sweat and stay up all night
Has had a habit of kicking the blankets off since he was a kid
Had to adjust when you started staying over because you would be freezing and curled into a ball in the morning
Has the room super cold and sleeps basically naked when you’re there so he doesn’t get the urge to kick the sheets to the floor
Guys I’m so sleeeeeepyyyyyyyyyy so hope your expectations were low. Also just realized that people schedule things to be posted. Like not everyone posts their fics the second they finish at crackhead hours like me. Oh well.
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spadesolace · 2 years
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pairings: idol! haerin x model! reader
warning/s: a few hints of hate comments, overworking, you might feel single bc i did while writing it, and just fluff... plus reader secretly watching haerin's fancams.
requested: yes, and i was planning on writing a haerin fic the other day, this anon knows my brain and idk how.
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Haerin was tired.
Everything would have been fine if they were given a break but the amount of performances they had to do was too much for her. She loved performing, it was her passion. She knew the consequences of being an idol, the amount of cameras on her, the prying eyes, little to no personal space (sometimes), and the negative comments. she couldn’t wait for promotions to end and get her well deserved rest. During one of their lives, it was part of promotions to be active online and connect with fans, she knew that trolls would come once in a while and she didn’t mind it until it was hitting her insecurities. Haerin was tired and being attacked online, the girls took notice and wanted to help but she brushed it off. she needed you.
Haerin hasn’t seen you for a while, could she blame you? You had quite the schedule as a model, sometimes flying around the country and you were finishing your classes online. Luckily, she had a copy of your schedule, she knew you had the entire month to finish your classes as exams were coming. You were home and Haerin can’t wait to see you, hold you, and stay by your side. She wanted to be alone with you.
Once promotions for omg ended, Haerin could already feel her energy draining faster. She was expected to be at the dorms but she needed you, she wanted the comfort you brought. What did she do? She talked to her managers, asking to be dropped off at your place instead, they were open with your relationship. You were a good influence to Haerin and the girls, and they could see it whenever you would visit the dorms. Whenever the girls were tired and you were in town, only one call from you without any hesitation you’d take care of them. Haerin wanted to be selfish this time, just the two of you alone, no distractions, no Minji asking Haerin to leave the door open, no Hanni and Danielle asking you about your trip to Australia, and no Hyein asking for your hugs.
It was an easy yes from the managers, if anyone deserved a break it was all of the girls and they had a month. While everyone piled into the van, tired but happy, Haerin was tired and excited to see you. You were her home, and as sappy as it is, it was the truth. A simple gesture from you could make haerin happy, from holding her hand under the blanket as you watched movies at her dorm, cooking her favorite meals because you hate seeing her hungry and skipping meals, running to the dorms if her period came and she needed a pick me up, to always checking up on her everyday.
When the van had parked inside your apartment, the girls waved her goodbye as Haerin went down getting ready to see you.
“Tell y/n we said hi and make sure to bring her tomorrow in the dorms.” Haerin nodded at Hanni before closing the door only for Hyein to complain why they couldn’t stay at your place for the night.
Haerin ran to your place, luckily there weren’t many people using the elevator when she got in. punching your apartment’s door lock, which was your anniversary. She could faintly hear the music coming from the living room. You were letting the show play as your background, but Haerin took notice that you were now watching once the familiar tune of their new song played. As soon as Haerin could perfectly see you, smiling as you watched the recording of her dancing, she could feel her heart swell. It was her first time seeing you watch her perform and she never knew how much you enjoyed it.
To you, Haerin was your comfort. You may not see her on a daily basis physically, but you’ll take any chance you could get to call her or see a video of her. She was the medicine to keep you sane throughout the day; a fancam of hers? You'll watch it and notice the littlest of things she’d do. Would you admit that you watch her videos whenever you miss her and she can’t answer the phone? No, but there was no point hiding it now that Haerin was literally behind you as you cheered her on.
You feel a soft pair of arms around your neck, the familiar scent of grapefruit finally hits you. Haerin.
“Hello, sweetie.” Haerin only hummed as she finally rested on your back, her fatigue was nowhere to be found but her mind wasn't quiet. Her entire body might show her relaxing but her thoughts were buzzing.
“Tired?” She nodded, you held her hands in place, giving it a small peck when she wasn’t moving from her spot.
“Sit down, I'll prepare you a bath and we can order whatever you want for dinner.”
You could only smile as you let go of Haerin so she could walk around the couch to sit next to you getting her well deserved cuddles. In your embrace, where Haerin could let everything go, she finally let her thoughts out, from how tired she was from practice to promoting for three weeks, getting hate online, and not seeing you. Pulling her closer to you, slowly laying down on the couch so you wouldn’t disturb her cuddle time, sometimes you think she’s more of a koala rather than a cat.
“Haerin-ah, don’t forget to rest even if schedules get hectic and those trolls better be ready when I find out who they are.”  Haerin laughed at your joke, a sign that she isn’t that much bothered by it anymore.
“I know the advice ‘don’t listen to them’ is easy to hear but a bit hard to do… You’re perfect and the fans know it, I know it, heck how did I even get such a perfect girlfriend?”
“Shut up… and thank you.”
You kissed her forehead, letting her rest on top of you. A few minutes later, you heard light snores coming from Haerin, she was indeed tired and holding you helped her calm down from the hectic schedules she had.
You were home for Haerin, and she was yours.
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tervaneula · 10 months
So i read the title and am instantly having so many thoughts such as; " What?! Do you mean with do boys lay eggs?! Is f!leo pregnant?! What's going on ". The title was enough to put my brain in storm.
The more i read the more i get flapergasted; SLIDERS BOYS CAN LAY EGGS?!??? WUT?! WUT?! THIS INFORMATION IS TURNING ME UPSIDE DOWN!!
And what more painful and heartbreaking is F!Leo had to go through it on his own,Wonder if it happened when he was at war, things like this makes me more and more anxious and worried about him.
But it made me happy how little leo decided to go for help for older him - especially it's late at night -, reminds me when a daughter seek out her mom when her first period come, it shows how little leo trust F!leo enough to ask about this💙
The more i read about the " healing " part the more am convinced it's like period in a way. Little leo thanking future him showed to me how much he's feeling weak and vulnerable right now, i wouldn't blame him if he wanted to cry, the poor child is suffering big amount of pain.
" Welp, looks like I’ve got an extra teddy bear to keep me company tonight, then " this have to be one of my favorite, wholesome comments i ever read 💙💙💙
Believe me when i say this; The moment i read about little leo feeling comfortable with hot water bottle and begin hugged by future him as he lay on couple of blankets... I felt that warmth!
Now my biggest question; what would they do to the eggs? I mean leo layed 3, no?
Finally, ngl my period started so am feeling nasty, and this fic is all i needed to feel warmth again, call me sappy all you want but this fic is making feel comfortable, thank you so much for it💙✨
AHHHH FINALLY I'M HERE... IT'S BEEN 84 YEARS... Thank you for your patience<3<3
Oh gosh yeah I try to put in enough tags to not have anyone confused about anything that might happen in my fics but I did just kind of jump right in in this one XD I apologise!
Things were undeservedly rough for Leonardo in his youth but while he didn't have the kind of support he's now able to give Leo, he still had his family and they obviously had his back, no matter what. Everything sucked but he survived and now all that's left is to look forward to the future and keep healing.<3
AND YES OMG Leo might bully Leonardo every chance he gets but he does love him and looks up to him. They've got the mutual desire to keep each other safe, just like they want to keep their whole family safe, and Leo knows he can trust Leonardo with this, even if it's awkward and scary. And you're right, it's their equivalent of a period!
I love it so much that this fic gave you warm feelings and ahshgdh especially that you liked the teddy bear line, I was grinning like a fool because I imagined Leo in a teddy bear mascot suit, complete with a huge bow tie LMAO
Shjdfgsdhjkbf oh. Yeah. Right. The eggs. I mean they could make an omelette....... Rofl no, I think Leo just threw them in the trash in his initial panic X'D
Thank you so so much for reading and commenting once again, I'm SO HAPPY this little story gave you comfort, it's all I could ever ask for!!! This fic is so important to me and I still get emotional over it :') You're probably feeling much better now than when you sent this ask but please take care and sleep and eat well and treat yourself with as much kindness as you can<333
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helpinghanikan · 1 year
Poison Control (NSFW)
Miguel O'hara x reader
Chapter 1: A warm feeling
Chapter 2: A long month
Chapter 3: Worth the wait
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Only once did Miguel break your skin with his fangs. You had sex together several times before this. So, it didn’t make any sense to flinch when you felt his fangs start to dig in.
“Miguel…” You had whispered, hands gripping his dark brown hair.
He was going down on you the only way he could; with a ferocity that can hardly be controlled. Your legs over his shoulders, hands digging into the sensitive skin. He turns his head into said thighs, kissing and nipping before losing what little control he had left.
The pain was little more than a harsh pinch, like a shock directed into two little points. In the time it took you to gasp warmth had already started to flood in. Your entire nervous system felt just a bit too hot, but you couldn’t move to see why.
You couldn’t move, at all.
Miguel didn’t need his senses to know something was wrong. He says your name when your hands slide out from his hair. You can’t even look down at him when he starts saying your name a bit more panicked. The only thing to be done was stare up at the ceiling.
Your view of said ceiling is obstructed by an angel. Miguel’s face is sharp and shadowed from this angle. To most of the world and several universes, they only got to see Miguel’s business face. The face was grumpy, downright mean, and certainly not one that anyone would go to for comfort. This time his face was one of fear and concern. Less likely to be found than a smile, but no less precious.
“Oh, oh shit,” Miguel says, holding your face and looking somewhere you couldn’t see. “Lyla! Lyla! Get here now!”
“What’s up-Uh oh, that’s not good,” Lyla says when she sees you.
“Shut up and get the table!” Miguel barked and your body was carried from the bed.
It wasn’t like Miguel had never used his venom before. The times he had done this was done on his enemies, not a loved one. This fact alone made a major difference in his reaction. He’s never given a full medical workup done on a bank robber.
Don’t bother trying to say anything; you weren’t going to be able to move your mouth. The only thing you could move was your eyes. And they were moving double time, trying to find Miguel.
“I got you,” Miguel says, his face hovering over yours. “I got you.”
The venom wore off after three hours or so. That didn’t stop Miguel from acting like you had been dead for those three hours.
“Never again,” He promised, kissing your head.
“Why aren’t you ever sappy like that for me?” Lyla asked but was ignored.
Miguel kept that promise. Months on and he has yet to bite you hard enough to break the skin. This hasn’t stopped the feeling from coming back, though.
It was just little things that made you pause. Tingling in your fingers, Charlie horses that seem to last longer than normal, and just an inexplicable feeling of warmth. At first, you could blame stress or your period for these weird symptoms.
It was never enough to cause concern. So when that hot feeling started to creep through your body, it was too late to do anything about it.
It started as just a little bit of a warm temp as you sit down. Although you weren’t a spider-person that didn’t mean you couldn’t make use of the cafeteria. Especially not when you could eat Miguel’s in burger form.
Jessica sat across from you. You weren’t close in the same way she was with Miguel. She was his lieutenant, one of the first recruited into the society. By default, the two of you spent quite a bit of time together, too. Not enough to be invited to the baby shower but enough that you could dish on each other’s husbands.
“He thinks that by just giving that smile I’m gonna do whatever he wants. Like, I come home, and he wants Garden Olive when we leftovers right there.” Jess says with a wave of her hand.
“Did you go out, though?” You ask, already knowing the answer.
“Yes, but, it’s because of the breadsticks not because of my husband’s smile,” Jess explains.
“I’m guessing that helped though, right?”
“I’m going to stop eating with you.” She says but smiles while doing so.
The heat has started to spread out from your stomach. It’s not the same as when you were completely bitten. That was quicker, this was like a slow crawl to their destination.
Jess is still talking. Something about her husband and his love for takeout. Usually, you would add your own stories about Miguel. How Miguel has all this money but still prefers street food worth several thousand calories in each bite.
“You don’t look so hot,” Jess says, pointing at you with her fork.
You smile, seemingly the only thing you can do. “It’s all this heat. I don’t know how you spiders deal with it with the spandex and-.”
You don’t get to finish whatever you were saying. Instead being interrupted by your face planting into your plate. Fries and ketchup smearing your face and the ground, more than one witness will claim that it’s blood.
Jess immediately goes into lieutenant mode. Calling over your head to the nearest spider; “Get her med bay for me.”
The next few minutes are nothing but an annoying blur. Unable to open your eyes you couldn’t tell who was the one to take you to med bay. Based on the poking pins it’s a good bet that Hobie was your savior, though.
The panicking voices leave as you’re carried into the med bay. The walls are some of the thickest in the building for privacy’s sake. It makes the stomping boots louder and the rustling of fabric as you sat down so much more prominent. The same scenario with Jess’s voice as she follows close behind.
“Thanks for the quick work but I need you to get out,” Jess says, her shoes walking around your table. “Lyla, how do I use this scanner thing?”
A gentle fist bump is placed against your shoulder. “Take care, dear,” Hobie says, his boots leaving the room.
Lyla’s voice filters through the room. “See the green button? Hold that down and wave it over her head. It’s like a grocery store. Instead of bananas, you’re scanning a dying patient.”
Miguel enters the room as Jess is giving you a once-over. His hand is heavy on your knee, setting it there as if to reassure the both of you that he was there.
“Get out, I got it.” He says, hand leaving your knee.
“Is this infectious, Miguel? Do we need to be worried-.” She starts but is interrupted by his hand.
“Jessica, please, I’ll explain later,” Miguel says, his voice a note that very few ever get to hear.
The door isn’t closed for a full heartbeat before Miguel is shouting orders.
“Lyla! Blood sample, spit sample, every sample.” He says, looking at the screens next to your bed.
For the next few hours, you aren’t his wife. You’re one of his projects that suddenly stopped working. Like when his platform was moving too fast after being installed.
He’d spent weeks on that stupid thing. Convinced that if he found the right problem he could fix it, and everything would be right in the world. More than once you had to drag him away from it, sometimes literally, to get any sort of attention from him.
Apparently, this was a common thing for spider-people. Becoming obsessive over a project to either distract or fix whatever bad thing is currently going on. Mary-Jane told you about Peter B Parker’s fixation with little web-slinger for Mayday. She just assumed it was a toy, by the time she figured it out Mayday had tied up the fridge.
“How we looking?” Miguel asked, tapping the screen twice.
“I think I figured it out, want me to give the run down? I’ll use small words.” Lyla said.
“Give me a minute,” Miguel says finally acknowledging you.
The feeling was starting to come back. First the little twitch of your toes, then your fingers. Trying to move your legs too quickly, a Charlie horse threatened to rip through your calves. Not a serious injury, but it hurt enough for you to groan about it.
“Slow, slow, Amada.” He whispers, a hand on the back of your head to help you raise up.
“I’m all right. But, what the hell happened?” You asked, taking his hand.
“I am so glad you asked!” Lyla announced, floating in front of you. “So, as we know, Miguel has a kind of venom in those fangs of his. This causes paralysis when he bites. It’s what happened you got a little too excited, big boy.”
“That was months ago. I haven’t broken the skin sense,” Miguel argues.
“I’m getting to that.” A display opens up above the bed. Showing images of a full-length Miguel, his mouth open. An arrow pointing at his canines. “Now, it’s not just your fangs that pack a punch. Everything that comes out of you has a bit of venom in it. Your spit, your blood, the snot that comes out when you sneeze, and your little swimmers are gonna be carrying it too.”
With each example listed a little arrow pops up. First into his mouth for the spit. At his elbow for blood. Pointed at his nose for the snot. And, finally, towards his crotch.
Lyla continues: “So all that adds up into the equivalent of a bite.”
You look to Miguel Who is rubbing his mouth. The same way he does when he’s processing not-so-good information.
“So, every time we kiss or have sex, I’m being poisoned?” You ask to clarify.
“Just a little bit, but yes. As of right now, you are one little kiss away from hitting the floor.” Lyla explained.
It’s quiet for a hot second. Miguel still doing his glaring thing as if he could scare the problem away.
It’s had been one little kiss that brought you over the edge. Just before heading to the cafeteria, you asked if Miguel wanted anything. Although he didn’t want anything you still got a peck on the lips. Just a small action that is practically muscle memory at this point.
“Don’t worry, you won’t have to go completely celibate. I can make a ‘cure’ that’ll destroy the build-up faster.” Lyla said, typing away on her fake computer.
“How long would that take?” Miguel asked facing the monitor he was working on before. He was already turning back into obsessive-fixing mode.
“A few weeks, but it will probably drag into a month. Oh,” Her image stands before you. “Your system will need to be clear for it to really work. So keep your hands to yourself for the time being.”
Miguel stops typing at that. It’s hard to say how Lyla was expecting the two of you to act. Probably hoping for some flushed faces and maybe a dramatic look. The fact that both of you were trying to play it off as no big deal was somehow funnier.
“If that’s what it takes, then we’ll do it,” Miguel says, fingers working away.
“Absolutely,” You agreed, although not as confident as Miguel. “But, Lyla, try to be fast.”
“On it!” Lyla says, disappearing into the air with a salute.
The two of you didn’t make it a day.
Just like before it was a natural movement done a million times. Miguel sliding into the bed next to you. Lightly touching your hair and giving your cheek a kiss. It would have been a truly beautiful, domestic, moment. If only it wasn’t ruined by an alarm going off.
“What?!” You screamed, forced to wake up with an almost heart attack.
“Wow, seven whole hours. That’s more than I expected from the two of you.” Lyla says, floating over your shared bed. “Anyway, we gotta restart the clock.”
Miguel swears in Spanish next to you. Staring at Lyla like his glare might be able to change her entire personality software. “Not that much DNA passed from a kiss on the cheek. We don’t need to restart-.”
“It’s your call, boss. But personally, I wouldn’t put my wife at risk.” Lyla says.
You can see the difference that comment made on Miguel. How he looked at you with a flash of fear.
“That was low,” You said but the damage was already done.
“We need to behave. Starting right now.” Miguel states, his hand taking yours.
It’s a weird line that Miguel walks with that comment. Holding your hands gently but speaking with an attitude that screams no arguments. But that didn’t mean you couldn’t find some loopholes.
“Lyla, can I kiss Miguel on the cheek? Or is that gonna pass anything on?” You ask.
Lyla thinks for a second, hand on her chin. “No, you should be good to give his cheek a peck. But no lips, or anything else that’ll transfer DNA.”
“Thank you,” You said, waving the AI away. “Come here.”
Miguel simply opens his arms as you fall over him. Kissing his cheek and down to his neck. Hands roaming over strong arms and thick, squishable pectorals.
Your time together at night is never a scheduled thing. Sometimes Miguel will come in at the same time you do. Undressing each other and cumming while your fingers are interlaced. Sometimes he comes in later when you’re already asleep and gets as close as he can. When you stir a bit the kisses start, asking if he can have you.
Of course, you say yes. Then you’re half awake, pillows under your hips to keep that ass in the air, and your face in the bed. Dully aware of the orgasm rolling through your entire body. Miguel a growling, moaning mess behind you.
“Hey, wait…” Miguel whispers.
You don’t hear his protests at first. Too focused on running your lips over his sternum. The end goal is to squeeze his tits until he’s too busy begging to say any actual words.
“This is not fair,” Miguel whines through his teeth.
Any other time your hands would wander lower down. You’d help him with the problem pressing against your leg. It’s not that you didn’t want to, but the alarm going off again would absolutely suck.
“I don’t know about that, I’m having fun.” You say, getting more than a bit of joy when your teeth dig into his pectoral. The gasp coming out of him was loud and strong, enough to rupture another hole in the universe.
His cock is hard, pressing into your stomach through the material of his pants. His entire body jolted when you dared to slide your knee up between his thighs. Gently rolling over the bulge as a wet spot slowly emerges on the crotch of his pants.
You have nobody to blame but yourself for what came next. One of your hands snaking down his chest, his stomach, and into the soft fabric of his pants. Not thinking about consequences or about the venom when you gently free his cock. Stroking him in time with your knees gently rolling over his balls.
Miguel is speaking Spanish just above your head. It’s hard to hear with his knuckle tucked into his mouth. Moaning and groaning like an animal desperate to fight.
“Cum for me, baby,” You whisper, kissing his chest.
He takes that order and runs with it. Back arching and crying out with a moan that shakes the room. White coats your hands and his chest. His hips roll as you stroke him through the last little bit of his orgasm.
The post-orgasm face Miguel makes is sometimes better than the sex itself. His face, which is usually scrunched up in annoyance, is relaxed and free. His eyes, half open and blinking slowly, look at you with admiration and love. His mouth was slightly slack, but the sides rolled up into a smile that only a select few ever got to see.
“There’s my, pretty boy.” You said, your hand holding his cheek with a loving touch.
As usual, the moment is ruined by Lyla.
“This is very sweet. So sweet that I’m going to restart your time.” She says, playing with a watch on her wrist.
Lyla disappears before Miguel can yell at her again. Leaving the two of you to look at each other. White semen is still on Miguel’s stomach and your hand. Proof of your rule-breaking.
“I blame you for this.” Miguel declares, throwing his legs over the side of the bed.
“Me? You’re the one walking around with all that ass. I mean, seriously, I think you need a license for those tits if you’re gonna use them to get your way.” You argue from the bed.
“Oh, so now you’re victim blaming? Ha, you think you know a person.” Miguel says, turning towards the door. “Lyla, unlock the guest room. We need some space if we’re going to last a month.”
It takes a second to realize he was serious. It sucks when Miguel is right, but you will need some time apart to last for a long time.
“I’m the victim here, Miguel! Victim to those tits!” You yell from the bed, hoping that at least one spider-person could hear from the hallway.
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journey-to-the-attic · 11 months
sdjbfkdshk i 4got that saying thot instead of thought isn't just an inside joke me n my friends have sorry 😭 ✋ i would never call you a thot (unless u wanted me too...)
that aside the angst is SOOOO good bro (gn). i was thinking actually that if ik is stained by the brothers' sins maybe she starts mirroring what they did when they had their sin stuff going on?? like bc levi went to hide in the lake maybe ik goes to there (and then levi has to fish her out before she drowns herself 😭)
i was acc thinking belphie would do the puttin to sleep part?? like he has special avatar of sloth magic. idk i was just imagining ik spiralling and he like hugs her and uses his magic to just sort of gently get her to rest...
can we get an amen for dadcifer though 🙏 he must be absolutely going thru it rn his poor daughter
no worries! i wouldn't really have minded either way, to be honest
that aside - these are really cute (and also really sad)!! i really like idea of belphie being the one to put her to sleep actually, he probably has some kind of special sloth magic that he'd use to watch over her dreams or something to keep her sleep peaceful :')
also yeah lucifer would be having such a bad time. he's been having a bad time since he first getting the whole pride flare-up thing, with only a brief period of relief between recovering and ik abruptly going off the deep end. he's probably blaming himself entirely for this happening (seeing the state ik was in before being put to sleep is probably one of the few things that could make him shed a tear)
i have been thinking on and off about how ik's whole situation would be resolved! and this is admittedly sorta similar to 'the long nightmare' in jtta, but the idea is that the brothers (+solomon bc i think his relationship with ik is especially important in this nightbringer situation) would enter her 'inner world' using some kind of ritual originating with sonno (ik's in deep sleep at this point, sonno's whole thing is dreams)
basically once in ik's own dreamscape (so to speak), she's been split into seven 'fragments', each holding and/or representing a piece of her soul - each brother encounters a fragment that's trapped in an empty memory of when she was trying to save each of them -asmo's is digging through the shattered remains of the glass coffin he was asleep in, satan's is wandering in the castle where he had his whole d&d showdown with his brothers, mammon's is hiding in the celestial realm's gardens
the idea is that the brothers have to do for the fragments as ik did for them at the time, thus removing the 'stain' of their sin. at that point the ik apparition disappears, and they're left with what i'm picturing as a sort of crystal piece? once each brother has recovered their fragment, solomon puts them back together - puts her 'soul' back together - which brings back their ik as they know her, without the sins affecting her, but still with her own personal anguish in tow
at that point i think solomon would reassure her (i can imagine ik would be afraid of waking up and facing everything again), lucifer in particular would probably have a moment to properly apologise. basically it's all very sappy and then the crystal pieces properly meld together - putting ik's 'heart' back together - at which point she wakes up
(i feel like there's a fnaf 'i will put you back together joke' to be made here)
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wishingstarinajar · 9 months
i slept past Rewind’s AND your birthday???
oh geez I normally don’t do this but happy late birthday to you and Rewind!
if I could get a lil sappy here- you’ve been my biggest inspiration ever since I was in the 6th grade (currently going on 19 now)
I found you through your wakfu art and I’d periodically pop in here and there for your Alys and Joris drawings.
but now seeing you in my childhood fandom and creating drawings that inspire me even more??
It’s a treat.
I eat my meal seeing art of Rewind and all of your amazing ocs on my feed each time I come back here.
so I guess once again- happy late birthday to the both of you! 🎉🎊🎊🎊
and you’re prolly one of the biggest inspirations I have as an artist- if I could eat your style I would 🍽️
anywhoooooo you have yourself a good evening/morning💕💕💕
thank you for listening to me ramble
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Since 6th grade? Damn, that's been for quite some time! I'm honored, even more so with how good your art is. Very yummy, love your coloring and traditional sketches.
And thank you for the birthday wishes, it's all good if it's late; I still appreciate it! I did kind of do it on short notice and I'm usually not very vocal about my birthday (or that of OCs) so I don't blame peeps for not knowing or seeing it too late and so forth. It's all good!
You keep on creating, be awesome and have a great week!
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planetjinko · 2 months
LONG-ISH (half icky half sappy-ish) RANT INCOMING!!!
Ngl this week just sucked brain-chemically wise I felt so off and so NOT there so much of the time I was/am growing concerned. Hopefully, I get my period soon and I can blame that on hormones <3
Truly though, the main reason ive been able to rationalize my feelings and just exist without overthinking it as much as I usually do is bc of one my closest friends and a mutual w some super real posts that remind me I am not alone (they also happen to be a sweetheart) (this could also double as a lesson as to why sharing experiences and destigmatizing mental health related topics are so important but I can't think in a smart way rn so maybe later). I do appreciate them both sm bc even if its a small thing like letting me talk for a few mins, it helped me put stuff in perspective while my therapist appt. was pushed back (legitimately sobbed bc wdym). For my emotions to feel so distant, I do still feel a warm sensation of appreciation for them both especially one of my dearest friends (whos name ill shorten to c) for dealing with me while im like...envying a trainwreck in terms of stability. Thank you so so so very much and youll probably get a paragraph in a few hours about how much I love and appreciate you and your kindness and gentleness especially when Ive been so flip floppy and probably not the easiest to be around at times (esp w everything u have going on). I love you and I hope i didnt kill u w this post bc you will be hearing from me later. You've been such a comfort and I had an extra appreciation for the time I spent yapping with u this week. Im not sure where the random motivation to yap into the void came from but I feel silly so its ok!! uh just thank u both so very much. lets hope my joy and whimsy and sparkles return soon >_< u guys r both super very cool!!
no grammar checks, we die like real (wo)men
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a564bdgasmga5 · 1 month
One year remains.
hm. okay! on second thought, you can take your apology back. i wouldn't consider myself deserving of a scumbag's apology, either. dunno what's gotten into you, but you're clearly not the same person i knew two years ago. excuse me, nari, for trying to look out for you. sorry i screwed you over by ruining your fun in fomt. didn't know that speaking out against the kinda stuff i had to endure as a kid was "godawful sappy bullshit" to you. i'm sorry! i won't do it again! i'm not gonna deny that i wasn't the greatest friend but at least i can commit to things for more than three seconds instead of shouldering it on unwilling people. at least i can answer people instead of running away and hiding behind alts for days on end. you're two years my senior yet have nothing to show for it because you're a coward who can't take what they dish out. bet that's why you're banned from the siivagunner server, too. you just can't stop burning your bridges. take your own advice and try harder next time you weasel your way into a community. oh, and don't think i didn't notice you're friends with sercy now—or that you've BEEN friends, if steam's anything to go by. not like you care that she's hung out with kint, scratch and their ilk! that, of course, would require making a godawful sappy effort to confront the fact (lmao). if you wanna openly associate with sex pests you can do me a favor and fuck right off because it doesn't take an idiot to figure out that you get up to some sleazy shit behind closed doors. so stop showing your face around here and stay the hell away from me and my friends. you don't deserve our company. not in goplu's server, not in the wiki camp, not anywhere, period. not even 2 years down the line, when you come crawling back on your umpteenth discord account after you inevitably fall out with sercy. we're done here. quit blaming me for your mistakes and go fuck yourself. ✌
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charmercharm3r · 2 years
Body by Heart
wc: 12.9k (it's killing me I couldn't get it to 13k)
Synopsis: Fate is twisted in so many ways, but that doesn't really apply when you're frozen in time.
warnings: smut, sexual explicit content, demon!minho, they're both switches by now lol, implied past minsung, gets really sappy and I love it, not really proof read I'm really sorry if things get confusing
Part 1: Heart by Heart
Part 2: Soul by Heart
Part 3: Body by Heart
He’d rather be anywhere but here, surrounded by anyone other than the three demons that stood in front of him. Two centuries hadn’t been long enough when Minho had last told them to go to Hell, metaphorically and literally. At least they did what he asked.
But besides the never ending feud with himself, second on Minho’s “to kill” list was the one “brother” that just happened to be front and center of his commando show. Steam practically shot from his ears, “you’d better have a good reason for dragging me from—“
“Your human fleshlight?”
A triumphant smirk was sprawled across the younger demon’s face. Still bare and aired out, Minho took two powerful strides to stand in front of his face. Through his teeth he said, “from my soulmate, Jisung.”
Jisung, a loud, scattered demon that Minho purposely avoided. There was a reason he refused to acknowledge his brothers, and he happened to be it. Minho occupied the storms while Jisung ruled over the seas, a deadly combination that when met, created typhoons and hurricanes that could wipe out civilizations. It just so happened that Jisung loved the rain.
The smile on his lips refused to disappear as he tipped his head at the silver haired demon. “There was a long period of time where you called me your soulmate. Things can always change.”
Minho’s eyes were dead set on the younger who couldn’t take his own off the body that stood before him. “I’ve been wrong before. My eyes are up here.” Jisung turned his back, pretending to look around the room before nonchalantly gazing over his shoulder, “sorry. Old habits die hard, hm? You always did like eye contact.”
“Why are you wet?” Another presence Minho chose to ignore asked, bringing his attention back to the other two demons. Jeongin, the youngest of his seven brothers whose specialty lies as messenger between the heavens and Hell. Translation, he doesn’t do much now that gates everywhere are closed. He had Minho to blame for that. It was a dumb mistake where he accidentally set a storm on the same day as the god’s gathering and drenched every single attendee. Gods being gods, they threw a tantrum and have kept the heavenly gates shut for almost a century.
“He’s standing there with his dick out and you’re wondering why he’s wet?” Changbin, right hand man to the guy in red himself who also happened to have the power of influence— even on demons, which is what made him so special. He could talk anyone into doing whatever he wanted. 
Anger coursed through every one of Minho’s veins. “If you aren’t going to tell me why I’m here, I’m leaving,” he turned to walk towards his front door.
“You broke the one rule,” Changbin called out, making Minho stop in his tracks. “The one rule we have.”
He didn’t look back, everything in his body telling him to just make a run for it. “To be fair, we have many rules. Whatever I did couldn’t have possibly been so bad that you three had to show up here.”
The silence was deafening, worse than when he spent twenty years by himself. But when everyone refused to answer, Minho faced his brothers again. Seldom, disheartened expressions cradled their faces, looking anywhere but him. “No,” he affirmed strongly. The lack of response made him second guess his confidence. “I didn’t.”
Jisung took the initiative to speak again, “two kisses,” he twiddled with his thumbs as he regained his place next to the two demons. “One in front of the heart, one behind.”
“I did not condemn her. That’s impossible.” Minho wanted to be mad at Jisung for the smug smile that never faded and the way he seemed to be enjoying his ex-partner’s suffering. However he was beginning to be more angry at himself. “There was twenty years between the two–“
“Twenty years for you, brother.” Changbin was telling him things he already knew, but still refused to accept.
The realization hit him like a freight train. The sound of his own blood running through his undead veins echoed in Minho’s ears louder than the consequences that his brothers were explaining to him. One of them emerged from his bedroom and tossed some clothes at his chest while another led him to the couch. Everything moved in slow motion, words became gargled together as Minho zoned out.
He remembered everything about that night that Chan granted his wish, everything except for what he actually wished for. But he knew it wasn’t to be turned into a demon– hence the resentment for the older.
That also meant he remembered the physical agony, every little tweak of his muscles and scraping of his joints rubbing together. Minho could practically hear his hair growing right from his skull, feeling the blood pooling under his skin with no heartbeat. That was the most jarring part of the transformation, everything he felt was so human. He knew his body still technically worked the same except for his heart that laid as deadweight in his chest. Part of him knew he would survive, but he also knew you. He wasn’t sure his human-shaped glass sculpture could take it.
Changbin continued to talk to him as he slipped his pants on, but Minho couldn’t register a single word until your name fell from his brother��s lips. “We need to get her here before she goes on a killing spree.”
“Take me back,” he whispered, eyes boring into the brother in front of him.
Again, the three other demons went quiet at his request. Even Jisung, who ghosted along the edges of the room, had no words. Changbin squinted his eyes, “did you hear anything I just said? You’re being summoned by Lucifer himself, you can’t leave.”
“Lucifer can kiss my ass,” he stood angrily, slipping the shirt over his shoulders without bothering to button it up. As he trekked towards the front door again, a hand strongly gripped around his bicep. Jisung looked up at Minho, eyes big and pleading. That look brought back a lot of memories for him again. It was an expression that used to have Minho falling to his knees, willing to do anything for him.
He had to remind himself that that was a long time ago. Jisung was no longer the same person and history will always be just history. As the younger stared up at him, he fought the urge to push him away. “If you go,” he whispered, “we can’t help you.”
Minho didn’t take himself as someone that needed saving, he was kind of insulted that Jisung would even suggest such a thing. Shrugging Jisung’s hand away, he snarled, “I never needed your help.” It was a cheap shot, but as icing on the cake, he shoved the younger back by his chest and made him stumble. Changbin and Jeongin stood, warning Minho with their eyes not to leave. “Try to stop me and I’ll leave all three of your asses in the mirror dimension.”
Shooting daggers, he looked down at Jisung, “especially you.” Ignoring the obviously pained look on his face, Minho left.
The water pounding against your body hurt, like millions of bee stings that just kept coming. Sandpaper scratched against the inside of your skull and could barely open your eyes, the white light of the bathroom suddenly feeling all too bright. Rose overpowered your sense of smell, something you could briefly recall loving now being too sickly sweet and making you feel nauseous. You felt stuck in your own skin, trying to claw your way out by dragging your nails over your arms, chest, stomach, everywhere. But to no avail, all you could do was leave deep red scratch marks that were on the verge of drawing blood.
With shaking hands, you reached up to scratch at your scalp, pulling your hair so hard that absolutely would’ve been ripped out if you could feel your fingers. Then through the sound of your nails dragging along your skin, the water hitting the shower floor was like someone beating a drum next to your ears, rattling and pounding you further into the floor. It took all the strength you had to reach up and shut the water off.
It was relieving to an extent, as if you could finally catch your breath. But as you sucked air in to fill your lungs, you coughed it out just as quick. You tried again, ribs restricting you from taking in the oxygen and forcing it back out. You reached a numb hand up to your neck, erratically feeling for a pulse only to find that there was none. There was no thumping of your heart, no rise and fall of your chest as you attempted to breathe. Yet, you were alive somehow. In unbearable pain, but alive.
Aching all over, you pushed off the wall and rolled onto your knees. Your hands against the white of the shower floor were so similar in color, pale and wet and… glittering?
Uncoordinated and feeble, you got yourself to your feet and wiped away the water that you were sure was playing tricks on your mind. You rubbed your skin raw until there was no moisture left, but the shimmer never drifted from your skin. Every stumbling step you took to reach the bathroom mirror was like walking on needles. You swiped away the fog on the glass to find your reflection.
What stared back wasn’t you.
An entirely new person was in your home, standing where you stood and looking straight at you. This new person was beautiful, plump skin that was glowing, full rosy lips, and eyes that were pitch black.
Your voice caught in your throat, fingertips running along this new version of you in the mirror. Was this another one of Minho’s tricks? Was he playing mind games with you? Why did he leave you again? Who are you?
The steam that filled the bathroom started to subside, condensation on the mirror beginning to drip. The clearer the room became, the more disorientated you felt, your head spinning in tighter circles. Amidst your nausea, you noticed a slight shadow over your shoulder in the open doorway, turning and coming face to face with a man who’s name you didn’t know.
The intrusion didn’t frighten you, perse. It was absolutely something you should be concerned about, people entering your home uninvited, but a raging energy coursed through you. The figure stepped into the frame of the mirror, big and bulky and towering. For some reason, they didn’t feel threatening the nearer they came, finally coming into the light. His eyes were the same as Minho’s– now yours, as well– but almost instantly, he blinked them away. The stance he took made him seem as though he tried to be intimidating, but his face was soft, gentle.
He came closer hesitantly, maintaining eye contact as he blindly draped a towel over your shoulders for decency. His fingers accidentally brushed against your skin, instantly raising goosebumps and a low almost growl rumbled at the back of your throat. There was a flip in your emotions, aching disappearing and suddenly surging with the strength of ten thousand men. You couldn’t figure out how to make it stop as rushes of adrenaline made your veins pump erratically. Part of you wanted to bare your teeth at the man, fighting against the urge to rip out his spine all because he’d barely touched you.
Almost inaudibly, he said, “you’re okay.” His words made the hairs on your skin stand even straighter. You tugged the towel tighter around you, trying to ignore how scratchy it felt.
Tears almost flooded your eyes as you powered through the painful vibrations of your vocal chords, “what’s wrong with me?”
“Nothing’s wrong with you,” the man raised a hand over your shoulder, but you flinched and he paused, “I’m trying to help you. If you’ll let me.” When you didn’t respond, the palm of his hand just barely rested over the top of your shoulder. Almost immediately, all the viciousness and uncomfortable feelings disappeared, somewhat feeling normal again. You just about relaxed into his hand and let out a sigh. The man watched your eyes close, hoping that when you opened them, they’d be back to normal. But as his hand guided you to slowly turn and face the mirror, you were met with the same demonic being wearing your skin.
“Not sure if your boyfriend mentioned me before,” his hand didn’t leave you, keeping his volume level to a minimum to compensate for the sensitivity. It didn’t necessarily register how he’d described Minho, but you were sure it’d be brought up again later.
You shook your head, no. “I’m Chan, his… oldest friend.” You didn’t respond, the adrenaline starting to make your body shake again, slowly but surely. “He’s sort of being reprimanded at the moment, probably doesn’t even know what’s happening to you. But I owe him a favor. A lot of favors, actually.” Chan’s features softened more than you realized they could, as if he was wrapped in some sort of sadness.
“I won’t let anything bad happen to you. God knows what he’ll do if something does.” A shortened laugh puffed from your lips, sarcastic at the way he didn’t consider this feeling to be that “bad.”
Chan ignored your scoff, gently trailing his hand down to yours and pulling you out of the bathroom, into your bedroom. The cold air wafted painfully against your skin, like you were stuck in the north pole butt naked. Whatever relief you felt from the first few seconds of his touch was fading quicker now, pinpricks stabbing the bottoms of your feet with every step.
Your wet clothes were ripped apart and strewn in various places of the room alongside Minho’s, piled on top of one another as evidence of his existence. The vague memories of the past moments with him ran through your brain again, almost being able to feel his hands on your body with your new overactive imagination. It was like Chan sensed this, taking his hand away from you and rushing to pick up the soggy clothes, tossing them into the bathroom then shutting the door. He rummaged around your room, finding a shirt and pair of shorts for you to put on, turning to face the wall while you changed. You had asked him to wait outside, but he was reluctant, “can’t have you going on a murder spree in the two minutes I take my eyes off you.”
You didn’t know what he meant by that, you didn’t feel like wanting to murder anyone let alone want to even talk to someone else while in your current state. But you complied anyway, avoiding touching your own skin as you let the towel drop to the floor and slip the clothes on.
The buzzing of the lamp in the corner was annoying, you almost threw whatever was in arms reach at it just to make it stop. There was also the urge to rip the air conditioning unit from your wall just to turn off the freezing atmosphere. Then on top of that, it felt like your tongue was too big for your mouth and there was no way to let it rest comfortably. Everything was too much. 
“I feel like…” your voice was weak, but still made Chan jump and face you in an instant. He waited for you to continue. “Do you see that?” Chan looked around, trying to spot what it was you were referring to.
“No? You alright? Look like you’re about to–“
You practically floated to where the clock on your bedside table sat. The red lights flickered in a way that made your pupils dilate rapidly, unable to focus on anything but the flashing numbers. Before either you or Chan could react, you were slamming your fist onto the top of the electronic clock, smashing it.
The flickering stopped, but your eyes couldn’t focus any better. Chan stood just as still as you, watching as you lifted your fist from the now crumbled plastic. 
“Feel better?” There was a moment of silence as you contemplated his question. 
Your ears perked at the sound of your next door neighbors turning on their shower, their footsteps stomping loudly from behind the wall. “No. It’s too loud.” You were about to raise your fist again, every intention of putting a hole in the wall, but the other demon grabbed your wrist before you could. 
“Maybe don’t…” he suggested, keeping the grip on your arm as you tried to pull away. The longer you fought against him, the less you wanted to throw the punch, beginning to feel just as relaxed as you did the first time he laid a hand on you.
“How do you do that?” You shrugged yourself out of his grip, pacing around the room to turn off the lights, shut off appliances, get rid of anything that felt like a sensory overload.
“The same way you’re able to feel the electricity buzzing through the floor.”
“I couldn’t until you just said it. Thanks.” Sarcastic, you let your body fall back onto the bed, trying to ignore the vibrations from said electricity that dully tickled your toes. 
Chan smirked to himself, only able to see the way you covered your face with your arms through the little light that shone through the open door. “What you’re feeling right now,” he pushed the door closed ever so slightly, making it easier on your eyes.
“I think we’ve figured out your perk.” You didn’t respond, not caring as the bed dipped next to you. “I could ease all your emotions with a single touch. Neat, right?” He laughed to himself, but the sort of laugh someone does when they feel like they’ve been given the short end of the stick. Sorrow and disbelief.
“We don’t know how we get our perks. Not everyone gets one, they just sort of happen. Our brother, Changbin, has a theory that it has to do with aspects of our human lives. Once you come to terms with it, you’ll be able to control it.” Chan didn’t raise his voice more than he needed to, the whole time he’d been with you he spoke at no higher level than a mumble. But even that was almost too loud.
In your head, you thought of all the ways that Minho had touched you, his skin against yours. The smell of him was still so present on your bed sheets, you wanted to flip over and smother yourself in it. But it was riddled with rain, smoke, like something burning and you couldn’t escape it.
Just stop, you thought, exhaling as deep as your lungs would allow and letting your darting eyes close. 
Although you didn’t need the air, it didn’t stop you from being able to take in scents. It felt strange, only taking in short puffs of air enough to feel it in your nerves then release it immediately. Such a humanly habit that was only natural to continue doing. 
When you tried to look for the scent of him again, there was nothing. It was as if all the scents in the room disappeared. Your eyes shot open, looking frantically around the room only to see Chan staring at you with caution. Nostrils flaring, you almost resembled a bloodhound with the erratic way you were sniffing. “What is it?”
“I– I can’t smell anything.”
“What do you mean?”
“I don’t know! It’s all gone, I can’t smell him anymore!” You yelled louder than intended, making Chan tense beside you. But he didn’t shy away, staying true to his word and reaching his hand out again to ease your anxiety. As soon as the calm flooded your body you gripped tightly onto his hand that rested on your shoulder, eyes starting to water.
You were scared, now. Not by the strange intrusion from someone you weren’t sure you could trust, not by the fact that Minho had vanished into thin air, but of yourself. All you did was think about how much your blood curdled at the rotten smell and suddenly your entire sense of smell was gone. If that was all it took to rid it, what about your other senses? “Stay calm,” Chan reassuringly squeezed your shoulder, like he knew something you didn’t. “Think. How did you do it?”
The question rang in your ears. All you did was think. Think, think, think.
Rotting and smoke suffocated your nose again, sickening coughs escaping your chest. “Of all things, superhuman fucking sense of smell?” You spoke more to yourself than Chan, disappointed that that was your prominent human feature.
“Don’t underestimate yourself.”
His words reminded you of a bittersweet memory, when he’d done that exact thing. It left a sour taste in your mouth until the rest of that night ran through your mind. The savory touches, flittering kisses and the taste of his skin. But with every wonderful remembrance was accompanied by the twisting of a knife in your gut, pulling your head from the glittering haze of him. 
The demon beside you did his best to ease you, but the only other thing your mind could process besides the worsening body buzz was Minho. “You said he’s in trouble. I thought demons don’t follow rules.” The darkness in the bedroom wasn’t enough, shutting your eyes again and staring at the back of your lids.
“Minho doesn’t follow rules. Which is why you’re… going through some things right now.”
“You call wanting to rip my own skin off ‘going through something?’” Chan didn’t mind the sarcasm that dripped from your words, seeing so much of his friend in you just by the way you spoke. He was beginning to understand why he’d made such a big deal about the soulmate factor.
“I’ll admit, your case is a bit strange, a lot more sensitive than normal demons during the transformation. You sure you don’t feel like tearing someone apart?”
“The only thing I want to tear up is your tongue from your mouth if you don’t stop shouting at me.”
“Not shouting— if anything, I’m barely speaking. But I see why he made such a big deal about you,” he smiled, a sort of proud grin that a mother makes at their child.
Just then, an almost silent woosh slurred in the corner of your bedroom. You’d almost had half the mind to think nothing of it, probably just another earthly sound that just happens.
But then it got louder, only ever so slightly but enough to make you sit up and stare pinpoint at the mirror in the corner of the room. There was a strange tinge to it, something like a ripple that there was no way anyone else could’ve caught, including Chan. He followed your gaze, squinting as he attempted to see what you saw. You felt entranced by it, feet unconsciously carrying you to stand before your reflection.
You could see Chan, still sitting on the bed, you could see the mask of your previous self, but there was another thing that lingered behind the glass. The mirror shuddered the teensiest bit again, making you tilt your head at the movement that happened just above your stomach. When you peered up slowly to look straight on, there was a flash of him. Just a glimpse, the silver hair and black attire that made his skin glow disappeared in a millisecond. Your throat tightened, lifting a hand to place onto the mirror. It rippled again just under your palm as soon as you’d touched it.
It happened so quickly, you were standing in your bedroom then the next moment you were being suffocated by the smell of him. Your face was being pressed into a searing hot chest and arms locked you in place against the body. There weren’t any other words that needed to be said, you knew who it was. Your own arms flew to embrace him, feel every inch that you could and engrave the softness of his skin into your brain. You could do that now, truly feel him. One of his hands caressed your hair while the other stayed firm on the small of your back, almost shielding in a way. Nonetheless, you felt safe.
But the joyfulness of his presence was short lived, the uneasy stirring in your bones resurfacing and making you lightly push him away to see where it was you were. It was the hyper awareness that made you look everywhere except his face. Your bed was on the wrong side of the room, lights just slightly dimmer, there was no humming of any household appliances, peaceful if you could call it that. There was a slightly more fabricated smell to the room, like fake sugar, the kind that made you nauseous if too much was consumed. Without the touch of Chan’s powers, you were relaxed.
“Just when I thought you couldn’t be any more beautiful,” the same chocolatey voice rang like harps, symphonic and pure. His hand on your back slid up, bringing you chest to chest while the hand in your hair gently cupped your cheek. It raised goosebumps, but in a more euphoric way rather than uncomfortable, his skin on yours.
His fingers guided your eyes up to meet, falling onto the black abyss he had to match. It was like the puzzle pieces fell more into place, completing a picture you didn’t realize was being drawn. You could see stars, glaciers, oceans, solar systems that all reflected back to the two of you, hidden deep within his eyes. It wasn’t adrenaline, like before when you were together, but something much greater than that. Electricity was nothing compared to the urge you felt, the overwhelming need to protect him, shield him from any harm. What made it even better– you knew you could now.
You could see every detail of his face, smooth skin and perfectly plump lips, the endearing little mole on the tip of his nose that just added to his modelesque features. There were no thoughts in your brain as your fingers found themselves gently running over his cheekbone, trailing down to his lips and letting the pads just linger there. Minho softly smiled into your touch, relishing in the way your body temperatures were now the same. “You’re so… pretty,” the words fell from your mouth before you realized.
“Was I not before, doll?” Minho toyed, knowing exactly what you meant.
“It’s just,” both hands came up to cup the sides of his face, brushing back his hair and exposing his forehead, “I can see you now. Really see you.” Lines formed at the corners of his eyes as his smile grew larger, slipping the handle on your cheek to tangle in the back of your hair and pull you in. When your lips met, there was an explosion of emotions, feelings that jarred your body and made you internally buzz. Love and lust were the two most prominent, together they made you want to just take a bite out of him.
Minho didn’t rush the kiss, didn’t move too fast or too slow, letting you feel every muscle beneath his skin collide in sync with yours. He was much plusher than you recalled, but that was just because of the transformation. Everything he did felt sweeter, ecstasy as he left closed lipped pecks all across your face and made you giggle in return. It was as if he was all you needed to feel okay.
“I can feel you,” you whispered, “everywhere.” His lips made their way down your neck, tugging you lightly by the hair to expose more. The burns his kisses left behind were amplified that much more by your sensitivity, body melting into his. You were so close to entirely forgetting about the outside world, until you heard the faintest woosh again. “M– Min, I think–”
“No, no. Don’t think. No thinking,” he said as his hands traveled anywhere on your body he could get to.
“There’s a–” Minho’s teeth nipped into the crook of your neck, a quiet moan interrupting you, “the mirror.” He stopped instantly, head snapping and turning you so you stood behind him. You saw the short ripple again, but much less than when it was Minho behind the glass.
“Where?” His eyes darted all around the frame. He could see Chan on the other side, with the perk of his powers, but was confused as to how you could as well. The two of you stood in silence for a moment, waiting for it again.
You saw the movement, so feather light across the glass, “there.”
Minho had no idea what you were seeing, sure it wasn’t the same thing he was witnessing, looking back and forth between you and the mirror. “How do you see that?” When you shrugged, he tilted his head at you. “You amaze me,” so casually rolled off his tongue, as if he said it every day.
He placed another gentle kiss to your lips, “stay put.” Brushing your hair from your face, Minho looked into your pitch black eyes with his own. “I mean it this time. I won’t let them put a hand on you, but you need to stay here.” You drew a cross over your heart with your fingers, kissing it then putting the digits to his lips, to which he followed and pecked as well. As reluctant as you were to let him go, Minho left you with one last reassuring smooch on your forehead and stepped into the mirror, leaving you in this offputting dimension by yourself.
In the middle of your actual bedroom stood Chan, who was still waiting and wondering how it is you disappeared. When he saw Minho emerge into the plane, it made sense. As soon as the two made eye contact with each other, Minho’s head fell back in an exasperated and sarcastic laugh. “Please tell me you were here to steal her from me and not to try and ease your conscience.”
“I’d be lying to you if I did,” the older demon crossed his arms over his chest, finding his feet interesting.
Minho thought back to all the times that Chan had been there for him, sticking by his side even though he knew that he’d get caught in the fall out as well. It hurt his heart, the same man who’d done him so wrong could also do so right– for him. “I thought you said you couldn’t help me.”
“No, I said I could only do so much.” Chan looked back up at his brother, the two caught in a moment of sadness, regret, carefulness as they tiptoed back and forth around one another. Minho wanted to address it, his reason for existing and all the other times that his brother saved his ass from punishment after punishment.
But in reality, to him, there were no words that could do his gratefulness justice. Chan being there for you today was just what he needed to realize that. So, in Minho-like fashion, he gave his brother a smile, light and quick but still heartwarming. “I’d really rather prefer it if you were trying to take my soulmate from me.”
“I also would prefer if you didn’t start sentences with, ‘actually.’”
“You’ve got a bit of a bounty on your head. Nothing a few decades of hiding can’t fix but…” Chan looked over Minho’s shoulder at the mirror. “Is she really worth it?”
His breath caught in his throat, surprised his brother would even ask such a question. “You know my answer.” 
Nodding and smiling at the floor, Chan started walking towards the door. “I guess I’ll see you later then?”
“I’ll probably see you before you see me, brother.”
Chan winced at what he implied, knowing well the extent of Minho’s perks. “Please don’t show up in my mirror. That’s terrifying.” They laughed, both of them chuckling at the memory of antics Minho used to do as a newborn demon. When the laughter died down, Chan spoke again, more serious this time. “After this is over, I don’t think I can pull any more weight for you.”
Immediately Minho shook his head, “you won’t have to. I have everything I need.” He thought of you waiting in the other dimension for him, probably twiddling your thumbs and exploring his little hide away bored out of your mind. He knows this because that’s exactly what he’d be doing if he were in your position. 
There was a brief moment of silence while Chan contemplated what he’d do. His eyes went back and forth between Minho and the mirror, ultimately smiling and nodding again before taking the door handle and leaving.
It wasn’t so much a sigh of relief that left Minho’s lips when his brother was out of sight, but anticipation. There was no way he nor you were going to come out of this situation unpunished. But for now, he had time– so much time. And with you, alone and untouchable.
Minho turned off all his useless overthinking for now, he’d deal with the consequences later. His dick had a mind of its own when it came to you, already sporting a half chub just at the thought of the person waiting for him on the other side. So he’d given himself a few moments to check out his hair in the reflection, touch up his appearance and hype himself up. He knew he didn’t need to do this, but Minho was just always so giddy around you, needing to collect himself and be the soulmate you needed him to be. 
When he’d worked up enough courage to step into the mirror space, you were sprawled out on the bed, eyes closed. Whether you heard him enter or not, you didn’t move. Another fond smile spread across his face at the sight of you, smooth legs out on display in the tiniest shorts, shirt riding up to expose just a bit of your stomach while your hair covered the pillows like a halo. Minho wished he could’ve taken a picture of you, just to remember the moment where he finally had you all for himself.
The sound of your voice pulled him from his trance, “your walk is so cute.” The compliment took him aback for a second, smirking wider and padding to the edge of the bed, kneeling at your feet. “I can hear every step you take.”
“Should I be thanking you?” You giggled, feeling him climb higher up the bed between your legs with his hands running up them, fingertips just barely touching your skin. It still raised goosebumps.
“You never have before,” the joke came out sounding more serious than intended, you hoped he didn’t take it the wrong way.
But Minho knew you better than anyone. He gently took the undersides of your thighs, scooting closer on his knees and lifting them to wrap around his hips. Taking his time to respond, Minho couldn’t help but want to feel every bit of you, cheekily slipping his hands under the legs of your shorts as well as your underwear, kneading the skin of your love handles. “Maybe I should. You should know how much I appreciate you.”
With your eyes still closed, you focused on every movement he made, every caress of his hands and how hard he tried to calm the tremble in his bones. You’d felt all of it, buzzing through the bed springs. “You appreciate me?” It was playful, you just wanted to rile him up— not like you needed to do much. “Hm, I was hoping for a little more than that.”
“What else do you want me to say? You won’t even look at me,” his voice dropped an octave, teasing. It wasn’t a command, but you obeyed anyways, opening your pitch black eyes to stare up at him.
You felt at ease upon seeing he didn’t put up the human facade anymore, letting the darkness take over his pupils. Minho towered over you, complacent with his hands still attached to your hips beneath your clothes. He was just barely near your core, but it still sent little shocks through your body in arousal.
“My good girl,” the corners of his mouth tweaked, “you want me to praise you? Thank you? Tell you I love you?”
“Tell me you love me,” you requested embarrassingly fast. You’d felt small under him, but veins coursing with the strength of gods. The buttons of his sheer shirt were still undone, showing off the smooth planes of his abdomen. There was a scar across them, faded and undetectable to human eyes. You spotted it now, mentally slapping yourself for not doing so earlier. It was endearing, reminding you that he was once human, too. But none of that mattered if he didn’t tell you what you wanted to hear.
Minho tipped his head down, tracking his eyes from yours, to your lips, down your neck and chest until he came to the exposed flesh of your belly. He snapped the leg bands of your underwear before pushing your shirt higher, stopping just under your breasts for decency, if that’s what he thought.
His palms were warm against your stomach, sneaking their way behind your waist as he dipped his head in to drag his lips over your belly button. “No, I don’t think I will, doll. Wanna know why?“ He asked, eyes peering at you through his lashes. Your hands found themselves carding through this hair, tugging softly as you nodded, yes. “Because we have forever together.” Kisses peppered themselves over the expanse of your midsection, his soft lips tingling your skin wherever they touched.
Your eyes threatened to close again, this transformation making you feel overwhelmed in sensation. Everything from his touch to his soft puffs of breath, the sheets beneath you and the vibrations of his words, all made your head spin and stomach twist.
“I have forever,” Minho continued smothering your belly in kisses, using his arms snaked around you to pull you impossibly closer, “to feel you. Forever to hold you, please you, worship you. Make you feel things you’ve never felt before.” He forced himself back up, stripping the shirt from your body to finally free your breasts. Immediately, he used his thumbs to tweak over both nipples, circling them before lowering his face in the valley of them.
His hands ran up and down your entire upper body now, engraving you into his brain like a map to follow. All you could do as he laid more kisses up the center of your bare chest was shut your eyes and let your head fall back, letting the smallest groan escape. Upon hearing you, he used one hand to trail down the center of your belly again, getting to the waistband of your shorts and doing nothing but play with them. “Minho,” you breathily called out.
Dipping below your shorts and underwear, he snuck around to grip the flesh of your ass, biting into your chest, “that’s not my name.”
“It is until you tell me you love me.”
Minho stopped dead in his tracks, coming up face to face with you. When you opened your eyes, he was staring with the utmost devotion, longing, and desire. His lips almost quivered, “I won’t tell you I love you.” 
Your heart wanted to shatter, knife twisting in your chest as he continued to look into your spirit. “If I tell you I love you, you’ll say it, too. I don’t think I can handle that.”
That was the icing on the cake, the final nail in your coffin as you took his face in your hands and pulled him in close. You searched for any reason why you shouldn’t feel this way for him, why he shouldn’t for you. Just as you could feel everything in the natural world, it was like you could feel his soul, as well. There was a warmth to it, like freshly made bread or a puppy running to greet you. Something of an epiphany washed over you, a film reel passing through your memories and suddenly, you understood everything. How he’d “heard” you that first storm, how he knew everything you’d fantasized about, it made sense. Because now, it was almost as though you saw right into his very soul, as well.
“Minho,” your thumb smoothed over his lips, gently pushing him to lay on his back and take over on top. His hands snuck under the back of your shorts again, lightly gripping your ass as you sat on his aching crotch. Just the pressure of your body weight on him had Minho groaning quietly. But your touch electrified something within him, nerves amplified in a way he’d never felt, even before when he was with you.
“I don’t care if you like it or not,” the protective way you caressed his cheeks made the fire in his heart burn brighter. “I love you. And Chan, Lucifer, God– whoever be damned if they try to take you away from me again.”
Every slide of your skin on him made Minho crumble into you. You could feel him simultaneously relaxing and anticipating your next move. His eyes fluttered shut at the sensation of one of your hands finding solace in his hair while the other trailed down to wrap around his neck gently. Lips parting and letting out a shaky breath, Minho whispered, “I can feel you, too.”
Your hips grinded slowly into his, friction of the clothes both of you still wore being uncomfortably delicious. He used the handle on your ass to push and pull your core along his restrained dick, so close to biting his lip to contain any moan that wanted to slip. Whereas you let your cries of pleasure out, sighing as your arousal seeped through your underwear. 
As badly as you wanted to focus solely on Minho, his comment stayed etched into your mind, unable to shake the way he’d suddenly been able to understand what it was you were physically feeling. Keeping your hands steady in his hair and on his neck, you leaned down to place a quick kiss to his lips before bringing up your concerns. “You should know,” he chased after you for more kisses, eyes still closed. “Chan mentioned something,” more quick pecks in between words, “about a perk.”
Minho muttered a mindless, “mhm,” as he dug his fingernails into your skin. The more he guided your hips along one another, the less you were able to put your thoughts into words. It took you a few more moments of grinding and soft kisses to remember what it was you were trying to say.
“I think–” 
“What did I say about thinking?” He pushed his hips up while pulling you down to rub harder through the fabric, sending shocks of pleasure through you. Your hands somewhat spasmed in his hair and neck, clamping around both and causing him to cry out in pleasure with you. “God, you feel so good,” he mumbled. It seemed as though he was completely oblivious to what you were trying to hint at, not that he’d have understood immediately anyways.
It was dawning on you that there was much more to your perk than you’d initially understood. The unusual way you’d been overly sensitive to the elements of the natural world began to make sense. Being able to lose and regain your sense of smell couldn’t have just been a random fluke, not when even Chan found it strange that you could feel the smallest of sensations. Maybe, there was more to it. The way Minho was practically purring and writhing beneath you made you want to experiment.
You forced yourself to part from his lips, letting go of his throat to bite into it instead. As soon as you did, Minho had moaned the loudest you’d ever heard from him. 
He felt as if he was on fire within his own skin, but in the most pleasurable way possible. Every touch, lick, kiss, bite, it made him feel as though he was drowning in ecstasy. As soon as he’d let the moan escape, Minho’s own eyes shot open at the sound that he emitted. It shocked the both of you, to say the least. You pulled away from him and sat up straight in his lap. The two of you stared at one another with wide eyes and surprised expressions. Minho looked as if he was about to burst into flames while you smiled, wanting to hear him moan like that again. “Baby,” you quietly said.
“Mhm,” Minho all but choked.
“I think I have a perk you’ll really… really enjoy.” A look of confusion spread across his face now, the gears finally turning.
“That was you? H– how the fuck did you do that?”
“I’m not totally sure,” you replied honestly, letting your hands run mindlessly through his hair and up his chest. Even as you did just and only that, Minho’s eyes struggled to stay open, his stomach contracting beneath you. “I can feel every one of your movements,” your voice dropped to a whisper now, coming back down to nibble on his ear lobe. “Can smell the pheromones dripping off of you,” the hand not tangled in his hair circled around his nipple, not doing any more than that and he was already trembling. “I can hear how you’re trying so hard to not scream my name.”
As you detached yourself from him long enough to fumble with the button of his jeans, Minho found the strength to open his eyes again. However he couldn’t help but fall victim to the euphoric feeling of your fingers just barely brushing against the skin of his pelvis. “Some sort of sex perk? That would make sense why your pussy is so good,” he joked, even during such a heated moment.
You’d gotten the button undone and unzipped, coming back up to face him. “I don’t think that’s what it is, but I appreciate your love for cunt.”
“No, no. Not cunt. Your cunt, doll.” The lewd compliment made you smile, assisting him in removing his pants as you connected your lips again. However, you were still covered. Just to show him you weren’t still just a delicate human, you quickly ripped the material of your shorts, earning an approving smile and laugh from Minho.
“Aw, you’re so cute, doll. So strong now, aren’t you?” He was still teasing you, even though he was the one on his back. As sexy as it was, his playfulness fueled your urge to just eat him up, make him beg and plead for you and your body.
Minho kept a firm hand on your hip, toying with the waistband of your underwear while the other dryly and lazily pumped his cock, angry and red. You could tell he was needy with how hungrily he looked at your soaking cunt, arousal messily spread to the front of your panties. “More than you think,” his tongue poked out, licking his lips. “Do you trust me?”
The question caught him off guard, making Minho snap his head up. Although he narrowed his eyes at you in suspicion, he still said, “with my life.”
You giggled deviously, kissing him again and running both hands through his hair. Gripping the roots, you tugged his head back, “good boy.” The praise and your hands on him again sent blood rushing straight to his cock again, twitching against the inside of your thigh. “Do me a favor and take these off for me,” you guided his hands to the band of your panties. Minho ripped them apart as well, throwing them along with your destroyed shorts and other clothes. He smiled up at you proudly. However, his smirk was wiped clean from his face immediately.
A light smack was sent across his cheek, making him whip his head to the side in confusion. He couldn’t think of a response before you said, “that wasn’t what was asked. And after I had just called you my good boy.” He let out a short whimper, still stunned as he faced you again. “Was that good of you? Ripping my panties like a horny little school boy?”
Minho was confused, for sure. No one had ever treated him this way before, so used to be the dominant one in bed. However, you had a knack for surprising him.
He suddenly felt the overwhelming need to please you, shaking his head, no. You looked down at him, tilting your head in the cat-like way he’d do to you. Staring into his glazed over eyes, you sat yourself fully onto his erect cock, feeling the heat from his body flush through your core. Just barely, you began to slick up and down his shaft and spread your arousal. Both you and Minho threw your heads back, your hands running up his chest for stability. You felt as though you were on fire and drowning in his scent.
You’d insulted him by calling him a school boy, but the way the two of you animalistically grinded and humped into each other resembled just that. It was sloppy, uncoordinated, and so lustful that neither of you could truly control yourselves. If you’d had just a little less of a mind than he did at the moment, both of you could’ve come from that alone.
However, the tingling in your fingers as they scraped down his abs and had Minho mewling reminded you of the new powers you held. Halting your brainless humping, you brought a hand to cup under his jaw, squeezing his cheeks and making his lips pucker. You gave him a hardly satisfying kiss, having to force his head back into the pillow as he tried to chase after you again. “You trust me, but don’t listen. How does that work, baby boy?”
The corners of his lips perked, “I don’t listen to anyone, doll. You should know this.”
“You will if you wanna see my new party trick.”
Minho hummed, looking at the ceiling in false contemplation. He’d known all night he was going to do whatever it is you wanted, planning from the very beginning that it was going to be all about you. But if what you wanted was for him to submit, he’d make you work for it just a little. “Okay, love. You’ve piqued my interest.”
You smiled down at him, cupping his face again with both hands and leaving a sweet kiss to his lips. This one, you savored, keeping it soft and sensual by starting out closed-lipped. He just felt so plush against you, it was almost dizzying. So slowly that he barely noticed, you slid your hands around the back of his neck and pulled at the nape. It began to get more heated, running your tongue along his lower lip as he whined softly into your mouth. The feeling of your nails against his scalp was both calming and arousing, making Minho grip harder at your hips.
It was almost inaudible when you pulled away from his lips, Minho reluctantly obliged as you kept him in place by the hair, “sight.”
He’d almost missed the word as he shut his eyes to blink. It wouldn’t have made any sense to him if he opened them to find you looking back, but he didn’t. All Minho could see was black, darkness while his eyes were wide open. For a second he wanted to panic, start calling out for you even though your entire body weight sat on his leaking cock.
With the loss of one sense, the overpowering of another started to arise. Minho could feel every fold and crevice of your sopping cunt wetly rubbing against him ten times that of how much he could while he could see you. He wanted to jump out of his skin at the tingling of your hands running down the lengths of his arms, intertwining your fingers. “Steady, baby,” your voice was loud and clear in his ears.
“How did you— where—“
“I told you, you’re gonna like this. Now,” you started leaving gentle kisses to his cheeks and forehead, working your way slowly to his lips again so as not to startle him. ”Let me take care of you.”
You kept one hand locked with his, releasing the other to track up and down his torso, slowly inching your way further south. “Have I ever told you— fuck!” The feeling of your fingertips coming in contact with the tip of his cock cut Minho off mid sentence. His eyes rolled back and shut completely. “Tell me what, baby boy?”
You began to shimmy down his body, leaving light kisses on his chest, sometimes dragging your tongue just to give him a different sensation. It rose goosebumps on his skin, making you smirk proudly— not that he could see it. You just toyed with his cock, swiping the leaking precum from his slit. That alone made Minho shiver, physically and fully recoil in stimulation. Another whimper left his lips loudly. Just as you’d gotten to the V-line of his lower body, his hips bucked up and almost hit you. To keep him in place, you let go of his dick all together and pushed firmly into his pelvis but not without a fight.
“How f— fucking unreal you are?” The stutter in his words made you temporarily forget about his spasming hips.
“Funny. I remember you telling me otherwise.” Minho couldn’t concentrate much on your words, too lost in the feeling of your teeth now sinking into the skin around his cock. You bit and sucked and licked everywhere except for the place he wanted most. Though he couldn’t see it, you were leaving nasty red marks all across his pelvic bone and base. The fluttering in his gut only grew along with his desperate attempts at rutting into you. 
His moans grew impossibly louder, higher pitched the closer your mouth got to his cock. You continued to hold onto his hand, squeezing it reassuringly when Minho started to get riled up. Like now, he was having trouble controlling the twitching of his dick and hips, making it difficult for you to continue leaving hickies on his skin. At a particularly hard nibble, Minho squeezed your hand hard as he simultaneously let out another whimper. You paused, looking up at his face to find his eyes still screwed shut and his lips between his teeth. He looked so cute, already fucked out and lost to the pleasure you’d hardly had to work to give him.
But to keep him grounded you squeezed his hand back, coming up for a second to place a peck to the back of it. The muscles of his stomach relaxed for a moment as he readjusted his grip. You stole his comfort from him too soon, unexpectedly kitten licking up the length of his cock. “Fuck, fuck, fuck,” was all he could manage to say— or rather, cry.
With your other hand you managed to keep his dick upright by the base, also keeping him pinned to the bed. But when you restricted his hips, Minho’s thighs began flexing instead, twitching and threatening to clamp closed with you between them. Not that you were necessarily opposed to that, his thighs were just as delectable as the rest of his body. When your tongue finally reached the tip, he did just that.
You were trapped between his legs, what would’ve been crushing for a human was perfectly comfortable to you. In fact, you could feel his muscles beneath the skin struggling to keep from contracting harder. “I’ve hardly touched you and you’re already a mess. What am I going to do with you, baby boy?”
“Please, please,” Minho whined. You were almost worried that he’d draw blood at how hard he was biting his lip.
“Please what?” You flattened your tongue against the underside of his cock, running it up and letting the tip of the muscle trace the vein underneath.
As you got to the head, you continued to tongue at the ridge where it met the length. “Nghf—“ he muffled his cries. “More. Please, more— too much.”
“Be specific, do you want more or is it too much, baby?” The heavy lifting and falling of his chest was still a natural response, even if he wasn’t fully breathing.
“More! God, more!”
“Hm, god?” You smiled up at him, feeling Minho squeeze your hand tighter. “I kinda like that.”
“For fucks sake, Y/N—“
Before he could finish, you took the head of his cock into your mouth, lapping your tongue over the slit lightly. Minho’s whole body convulsed in pleasure, marinating in the feeling of your hot, wet mouth surrounding him. Every one of his nerve endings were scorched, the loss of his eyesight heightening everything else within him. By now you were sure that it was your touch projecting his sensitivity, afraid that if you let go of his hand he’d lose the sensation. 
How could you take that away when he looked so pretty on the verge of tears?
Your tongue circled his tip for a second, letting him get used to the feeling before sinking further onto him. The lower you got the tighter he squeezed your hand. You’d somehow managed to bottom out, lips reaching his pelvis as you moved to grab at his thigh. Minho’s own free hand found its way into your hair. He wasn’t pushing down, but rather fighting the urge to.
Guttural groans roared from him, clearly overwhelmed and loving every second of it. The lack of need for air made keeping him lodged in your throat much easier, not to say that the position was necessarily comfortable. However, hearing him cry the way he did made it all tolerable.
The clamping of his thighs around your upper body made it hard to direct Minho, having to pry his hand from your hair so that you could pull it into a ponytail for him to grab. You could tell he was holding back, fingernails now digging into the top of your hand that stayed entangled.
It didn’t take him long to understand your intentions behind pulling your hair together. Almost immediately, he took hold of your makeshift ponytail and lifted your head up slowly. You used his thigh as an anchor while he guided you. Slowly, Minho relished in the feeling of your lips and tongue surrounding him, eyebrows furrowing as he dragged you up and down. When you moaned with him completely sheathed in your mouth, he lost all resolution.
His hips rutted up while his hand kept your nose pressed to his skin. The tip of his cock hit the back of your throat harshly, causing you to gag and almost cough. With the handle on your hair, Minho guided you faster on his dick, thrusting up and meeting halfway. Saliva dripped from your mouth and made a mess over his V-line. If you were still human, the impact might’ve hurt. But all you could hear were his sweet sounds echoing back. 
Minho used you for a bit longer, but his stomach began contracting harder and you knew he was close. He’d suddenly pulled you off his cock entirely, grunting deeply and reluctantly as he did so.
“Fuck— give me my sight back. Need to fuck you now,” he said before you could even wipe the drool from the corners of your lips. Just as you raked your nails over his thigh, you whispered the command again. Minho’s eyes snapped open to the sight of you with your own spit dripping down your chin.
Using the grip on your hair, he tugged you up his body, all but falling onto his chest as he messily connected your lips. That was when Minho was finally okay enough to let go of your hand and caress both your cheeks. Somehow he’d managed to roll the two of you over, slotting himself between your legs and leaning onto his knees.
The smell of your arousal was incredibly strong, much more than Minho’s, practically soaking the sheets beneath you. Without leaving your lips, he ran his hands down your torso to hook under your legs. He held the underside of your thighs for a few moments, kneading the flesh of them as his tongue took in the taste of his own cock. Your hands on him kept the sensitivity of his body at an all time high, never ceasing even now as he was able to see you. The accidental swipe of his length against your untouched cunt made you moan into his mouth.
Hungrily, Minho pulled away from your mouth only to reattach at your neck, roughly biting and pulling at the skin. He did that all the way down your chest, leaving a rather dark hickey in the very center of the valley of your breasts. It was carnal, the intensity at which his tongue lapped at your nipples and teethed the nubs. You couldn’t stop yourself from arching deeply into him. “Your fragile little human isn’t so fragile anymore,” you said dreamily, almost hazy as Minho continued to leave teeth marks down your stomach. 
He continued to nip lower towards your core, hiking your knees up and chomping at your fleshy thighs in the gentlest yet most primal way possible. “Really, now? Mind if I test that theory?” You giggled, lightheaded. 
“I thought you said you wanted to fuck me.” When he’d come to face your cunt, he took in as deep a breath as his constricted lungs would let him.
“I do. You just smell so fucking good, even better than before. I don’t even know how that’s possible,” he purred into your pussy, nose just barely nudging your clit. “Just a taste.”
Minho licked one single stripe up the center of your cunt, taking his time over the bundle of nerves. The feeling had your toes curling, chest rising from the bed and back bending at an unholy angle. If Minho thought what he was feeling was as good as it got, you were absolutely ascending. And all he did was lick you.
Nothing could’ve prepared you for the euphoric feeling of him suckling at your clit, suctioning you in and slurping noises bouncing off the walls from the slick. For some reason, you couldn’t take your eyes off him, ravaging your cunt like it was his last meal on earth. The fact that he stared back only added to the tension, piercing black eyes almost looking right through you as your jaw slacked. Minho’s hands keeping your legs up allowed for you to take full control of his hair, pushing his face deeper into you as you attempted to grind your hips harder against his tongue. He let you use him, let you smother him into your core as he held you to the bed. If it were anyone else, Minho would’ve hated the assertiveness, always opting to be the one in control. But there was something so sexy about you taking what you wanted, mewling out like you were in heat all because of him.
He doesn’t know why he did it, maybe because the cute aggression he felt when looking at you made him want to take bites out of you. But Minho lightly teethed at your clit, hardly grazing them when you screamed the loudest you had all night, orgasm suddenly taking over your body at the strangely wonderful feeling. It caught him off guard, letting your thighs slip from his grasp and trap his head between them as your body convulsed. It felt as if your orgasm lasted forever, feeling as if your vision would never return from the bright white and body never stopping its spasming. Not that either of you minded, Minho was more than content with staying with his nose to your cunt for as long as you’d let him.
Your moans turned into whines as you finally began to come down, though Minho couldn’t pull away even after you’d released him. His tongue was smoothly running through your folds, overstimulation kicking in as the tip ran over your clit. When you recoiled, he smirked into you, tracing circles around your entrance. That alone was enough for the sensitivity to turn into pleasure again. Minho was gently kneading at your thighs again when you yanked him up by the hair– so hard that he almost winced.
His body fell on top of yours again, lips crashing and teeth knocking. The lustful kisses soon turned sultry as you both regained your composure. It only took you a handful of seconds to get distracted by how soft his lips were, even more now that he was covered in your essence.
Minho made the kisses sweet somehow. Despite him lifting and tossing your legs over his shoulders, his still throbbing cock sweeping across your pussy, the pecks he left didn’t feel anything but sensual. There was no more rush to get the deed done and no urgency behind his lingering touches. Your arms snaked around his neck as his large palms calmingly held onto your love handles for the nth time that night– another part of your body that he just couldn’t stay away from.
But he paused, stopping his kissing attack and bringing up one hand to tip your chin higher. “So beautiful,” he whispered, “and all mine.”
Your fixation with his lips was just as present as ever, hand coming around to press your fingers to them. “All mine,” you repeated back, unable to think of anything besides how warm he was against your skin. 
It felt like hours before either of you moved again, just staring into one another’s deep black eyes. There didn’t feel like a need for words anymore, until your hips twitched up and smacked against his cock. That was when Minho’s eyes rolled back, the aching in his lower region suddenly coming back to him. 
You almost wanted to whine for him to take you, trying to find friction against him as you aimlessly and pathetically rutted up. “We have all the time in the world, doll,” Minho whispered as if he could read your mind. “Let me appreciate you.”
“There’s that word again,” you grunted, teasingly pinching his bottom lip between your thumb and pointer finger. “I don’t want you to appreciate me. I want you to fuck me.” 
His mouth slightly dropped in disbelief, giving you the opportunity to shove your thumb in. Immediately his lips wrapped around the digit, tongue circling it while lightly biting down to keep you from moving. “Good boy,” you cooed, pushing your thumb deeper. Minho watched you intently, noting the way the praise made him shiver as you bit your lip in adoration.
When you pulled your hand away and held your palm open, you commanded, “spit.” How quickly Minho complied made even his head spin. Eyes never straying from his, you reached between your bodies with a smirk for his cock. His eyes fluttered at the feeling of your wet hand around him again and lazily pumping the length. You didn’t necessarily need the extra slick, but it was such a turn on seeing how easily he followed. Aligning the blunt cockhead with your core should’ve been enough for him to enter, but Minho awaited your orders.
“What are you waiting for?” You’d already known the answer, but you wanted to hear it from him.
“Permission,” the octave his voice fell to was almost a growl, deep from within his chest as he restrained from bucking into you.
“So cute. You’re so strong, aren’t you?” His own words being thrown back at him made Minho whimper ever so slightly. As if against his will, he nodded. The condescending smirk that played on your lips made him twitch, “go ahead, baby. Use me.”
He sunk into you then, head falling to the side of yours as he did. The stretch of your walls had your mouth dropping and letting a stifled groan sound. It didn’t take much effort for him to reach his hilt against your clit, but used every ounce of strength he had to not physically cry from the pleasure. He’d felt every little pulse of your cunt engulfing him, almost as much as you could feel him halt in your gut. After a moment of just feeling one another, Minho gathered the energy to lift his head and rest his forehead against yours, looking down at your tummy. Just as a gag, he shoved himself deeper into you– if that was even possible. The tip of his cock jumped from under your skin, proof of how far inside he was.
Minho let out another animalistic groan, barely pulling out just to stuff you full again. And again. And again. Shallow thrusts in a grinding motion had you clawing at his back as he kept his eyes open in search of his bulge inside you.
You followed his gaze down to where your bodies connected, seeing exactly what it was he couldn’t take his eyes off of. “Fuck– so big.” Your words made him go practically nonverbal.
He’d been trying so hard not to take advantage of your kindness even though you’d given him the okay, holding himself back from focusing solely on himself. But he couldn’t stop it, readjusting to sit up straight on his knees and tower over you. The loss of his weight on you made your mind slip a little, wishing that he’d stay. However he reassuringly kissed the inside of your knee as if to apologize for the wreckage he was about to leave on your cunt.
The grip on your love handles slid up to the tops of your thighs as he pulled out all the way, pausing for a second to meet your eyes before slamming back into you. Minho didn’t look away for a second as he repeated the action, loving how your face contorted in heightened pleasure. He could still feel the sting of your scratches across his back even now as your nails dug into his forearms, grabbing any part of him you could reach.
Even when you struggled to maintain eye contact, eventually your eyes rolling back and shutting, Minho couldn’t look anywhere else. He was in love with every little thing you did, every small twitch of your lips, scrunch of your nose, and incoherent slur of your words, he was helplessly enamored. If there were an explanation for the feeling in his chest as you cried his name, he’d become a fucking poet. But there was none. No words could have possibly described how awfully light you made his deadbeat heart feel, yet still so heavy with fascination.
In that moment as he watched you lose yourself to him again, Minho wondered if there truly was a connection between a demon and their perks. Before you, he knew his strengths, how attractive he was and how he could easily get what he wanted on looks alone. Perhaps that’s why he was blessed– if that was the right word for it– with influence over the reflective space. Before you, he was obsessed with his own self preservation, even if he broke every rule in the book that contradicted that.
Now that there is you, frail and precious and definitely not in need of his protection, he wanted nothing more than to be your suit of armor. Maybe you were just what he needed. He’d put together in that moment that you held a physical perk, not an interdimensional one like his. Whereas Minho’s allowed for surface level evaluation, yours emitted something deeper. Being able to control his senses showed him everything he wasn’t paying attention to in this frozen life. Even before your transformation, your touch was all he needed to feel complete again. There was something worth surviving for.
Your walls pulsed around him harder, overwhelmed by your two scents mixing together in the air. He’d come to his senses, overcoming the initial carnal desire to pound into you and falling back onto his knees. Gently, Minho slid your legs off his shoulders and wrapped them around his waist, locking himself between them. His hands roamed all up and down, settling on your ass by lifting your hips for better access. Not once did he look away, he couldn’t. When your eyes focused on him again, neither could you.
Your eyebrows knitted tighter together as his hammering slowed to a rhythmic grind. You wanted to feel him, need him to be closer somehow. As Minho stared down at you, occasionally letting his eyes wander to your jiggling breasts, you clawed at his forearms. He’d picked up on this eventually, letting you tug him down so you were chest to chest, but still keeping a firm grip on your ass. It was lazy how you wrapped your arms around his neck while he buried his face in yours, not letting more than a centimeter of space fall between the two of you.
“Doll, you’re so needy– crushing me,” he lovingly joked into you. If he hadn’t spoken up, you wouldn’t have noticed how tightly you held on.
But you didn’t care, only barely loosening your grip. “Not close enough,” the words fell before you could truly comprehend them. That seemed to happen a lot around Minho, heart speaking louder than your brain.
His hands slid up at your confession, laying you into his lap and continuing to slowly wave his hips into yours. The length of his arms came around your back, also coming to the conclusion that you’ll never be close enough.
There was no more lingering adulterated lust, just the pure need to feel one another as deeply as physically possible. But that was more than enough as you started feeling the heat in your core building brighter. Every little ridge of and ripple of your impending orgasm, Minho could feel along his cock, tugging him closer to the edge right alongside you. But it was your words that sent him head over heels off the cliff, “you’re like a dream I never want to wake up from.”
Minho wasn’t a hundred percent sure you even realized you’d said it, probably too lost in sensation to put two and two together. Not until he was biting into your shoulder and groaning did you feel him sheath completely inside you and release. The warmth of his seed and rubbing of his pelvis to your clit oh so nicely made you cock your head back and let your orgasm take over your body for the second time. He continued to rut into you sloppily and in short strokes, prolonging both of your highs as you melted into one another. Minho couldn’t think of a single word to say as your walls milked him for everything he had. One of your hands stayed glued in his hair while the other grounded you both, running soothingly up and down his back.
He didn’t want to move from his position on top of you, feeling content and weightless. Post nut clarity was a very real thing, however. So Minho sat up, bringing you with him so you were perched on his lap and looking down at him. From between your shoulder blades, he traced a hand upwards to cup your cheek. The only indication that you were alive and, well– you, was the blush that made your face glow. “If I’m a dream, you’re a drug,” it came out almost inaudibly, a whisper. “Medicate me until there’s nothing left.”
You couldn’t help but brush your hand through his hair, exposing his entire face for you to admire. The stupid smiles and comfortable silence that followed was more than enough for you, wanting to stare at him forever in his post orgasm radiance. “Can we stay here?”
“We can stay for as long as you’ll let me love you.”
The four letter word rolled off his tongue so nicely, “so you love me now?”
Minho jokingly rolled his eyes, “was I not obvious enough? Need me to show you again?”
Exhaustion started to take a toll on your body, the overwhelming of your new being finally hitting its mental limit as you slumped your body into him. Minho noticed, gently laying you back into the pillows and nuzzling at your side, not letting you go for a second. Your eyes started to close as he brushed your hair from your face, placing soft kisses all along your cheeks, forehead, and lips. The plush of them was sweet, comforting like a lullaby. Just as you were about to drift off, Minho shifted and rested his head on your chest, laying his ear over your heart.
“I won’t tell you I love you,” you were able to catch him muttering, “I could say it a million and one times, in a million and one lives and it will still never be enough.”
“Good thing you’re stuck with me for a million more lives,” was the last thing you found the energy to say before letting the drowsiness fall over you.
This time, he was able to as well. Minho could sleep knowing you’d be there in his arms when he woke up. “A million and one.”
A/N: aaaand that brings this miniseries to an end!! I had so much fun writing this and seeing all the reactions to the (shitty and mean) cliffhangers that I didn't expect people to want more from. I'm ending this on another open-for-interpretation-ending only because I don't think anything I write past this could do them justice.
I know I've been kinda IA for most of this summer but that's cus I've been working a butt load lol. Most of the inspiration I get has been from music and recently I saw skz during their concerts and had the privilege of getting barricade for the shows I attended! They're all seriously so much prettier in person and I hope everyone gets to witness it at least once in their lives.
anyways this outro is getting long so leave feedback and let me know what you think! My asks are always open for requests or just chitchatting hehehehe. Much love!
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agentmmayy · 2 years
april rotation roundup
keepintouch- love you later: the way i have been abusing this song for the past month... the beat is everything and then the lyrics socked me in the face. something something the passage of time and losing friends while trying to find yourself something something. perfectly captures that liminal and confusing period after graduation imo and just getting older in general. immediately added to my ‘songs to sad twerk to’ playlist.
taste- sawyer: you know how sometimes people describe things they like as wanting to eat them? this is that in song form. 
i know- micah & julia: this is one of the most different songs i’ve heard in a while, most notably in the composition and how they sing and harmonize. it’s amazing. i want to belt the chorus out with them
that’s where i am- maggie rogers: as always, miss maggie knocks it out of the park. the vocals are insane. the vibes are impeccable. also ‘wherever you go that’s where i am’ MAGGIE?????
walk with you- michael & michelle: honestly? did not think i would be as obsessed with this song as i am. the imagery and overall tone of grief is beyond gorgeous as well as the vocals. it’s comforting. it makes me cry. i don’t feel alone when i listen to it. this is a song you have to listen and sway to with your eyes closed.
gasoline- ralph: when i say this song has got me shaking crying screaming throwing up i mean it. it’s not even a song to me. it’s a ballad. it’s an anthem. it’s everything. not to blorbo this and i WILL. i will blorbo this. derek hale. 
better by now- abby holliday: an absolute bop. really emphasizes my fear of loving someone more than they love me and vice versa. definitely a song about guilt and expectations but one you can’t help but groove to
secret- fleur electra: the perfect song to dance with someone to and singing it to each other. it feels lighthearted and magical 
sidelines- phoebe bridgers: oh man. this song came for my soul. i want to gently cup it in my hands like a wounded animal. i’ve laid in bed cathartically crying listening to this more than once
every shade of blue- the head and the heart: the opening notes of this remind me of almost heaven by isak danielson so i loved it at the start then i fell further in love with the lyrics and the imagery and how the vocals remind me of sleeping at last. but this song is it’s own entity and i adore its sappiness and how gentle it is
i blame the world- sasha sloan: another song on my sad twerking playlist. perfect song to lose yourself in. you get lost in the rhythm and never want it to end. 
crystalline- dakota deyoc: this is something you play when you’re road tripping through the mountains. the synth is other worldly. big 80′s vibes. every time this came on from my playlist i got very happy. another song i think would be on the twilight renaissance playlist
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We've had so much happy sappy things lately. How about some angst? Companions react to sole getting super pissed at them and just leaving forever?
Oh, no..... I knew this was going to come soon enough... All good things must come to an end, after all 😔💙💛
All jokes aside, this literally broke my heart to write, but I very much enjoyed your suggestion for the new perspective it gave and the opportunity to write some good, old-fashioned angst 🥰 I didn't provide an explanation for what they said or what they did to make F!Sole mad, which I hope is okay! (I couldn't picture my F!Sole leaving any of them for any reason but I'm sure everyone's Sole varies in that respect)
Warnings: Light mentions of suicide, heavy mentions of drug and alcohol use.
Cait - Falls back into chems and will likely drug and drink herself to the grave. She can't believe that she went and screwed everything up again. She let down and upset the one person she vowed to never do that to, and now she's alone. Again. She's managed to run off the one person in her whole lifetime that actually cared about her and all she knows is that life is not even really worth living sober if she has to endure pain like this.
Piper - Cries herself to sleep for many nights after and sometimes finds herself crying during the day while she's typing an article or doing small mundane things, her guilt and sadness consuming her. (If F!Sole let her interview her back when she first came to Diamond City) Piper keeps a copy of the View from the Vault articles beside her bed and numbly reads them sometimes before going to sleep just to remind her of the only best friend she had ever had in her life. The only person that had stuck by her and tried to look out for her since her dad. Eventually she stops crying, but it takes a long time for her to rebound and her smile to come back. It never is as bright as it used to be when F!Sole was there, though.
Curie - Breaks her heart and completely destroys her. She cries for days, weeks, forever. All she knows is that there is a huge hole in her heart and she thinks of F!Sole every day. Her humanity is a constant reminder of the great person that she had lost and she will forever blame and kick herself for being so horrible that F!Sole would leave her. Curie will always care about F!Sole even if F!Sole doesn't care about her and Curie will forever miss her.
MacCready - Ends up heading back to go be with Duncan permanently. F!Sole was the only thing keeping him in the Commonwealth but now that he screwed that up, there is no reason left to stay. He was originally going to have his son brought to him as soon as possible, but he decides that they're better off away from where all of the sad memories are lingering. When he returns to his son, he is very happy, but he soon falls into a basic routine, trying to get through his grief of losing a true friend because of his own stupidity. He will eventually come out of the depression, but he will always carry the intense guilt of driving her away for good.
Deacon - Despite the fact that he just continues on with that constant mask of looking like he's just as calm and happy as anyone else, he is hurting deeply on the inside. It is easy to tell because of how he seems even more distant than usual and he very rarely ever comes back to the Railroad HQ. Guilt turns him into someone even more detached than he used to be before she left. However, he sometimes goes undercover just to watch her at a safe enough distance to keep her from recognizing him. After all, he has not changed his face since she left, preferring to keep some souvenir from his time with her. Unfortunately, his face is all he has left of those days.
Codsworth - Is broken-hearted and is at the epitome of guilt because he cannot believe he has made her so mad that she will have nothing more to do with him. He has absolutely no one left to serve and there is no one left who cares about him at all. He ends up falling into a state of denial, somehow glitching and convincing himself that she, sir, and young Shaun are simply away and will come back eventually. He sadly remains in this deluded state for the remainder of his days.
Hancock - Somehow does even more chems than before, knowing it cannot kill him but needing the rush to distract him from the complete and utter pain after sending away one of the few people that actually stood by him through thick and thin. He goes back to being the full-time mayor of Goodneighbor, but when he falls so deeply into the chems, the citizens begin thinking that it would be best to overthrow him. When he figures this out, he knows he has to stop doing the chems quite so much. He cuts back just enough to be coherent and make speeches to inspire people, but anyone can see that he is by no means doing as well as he used to before F!Sole left. At some point he is completely numb and he takes the chems to just feel something besides this deadness inside.
Danse - Is devastated. She is all he had left after being kicked out of the Brotherhood. He can't believe that he drove away the person that convinced him to see his own worth despite his true identity. He finds himself in deep, inescapable depression, and he eventually loses sight of why he should even keep going on at all. After all, he is just an instrument of evil that breaks friendship, families, and all good things. Why would the world need something like that?
Preston - Despite the fact that he does not believe he can do it, he forces himself to take up the mantel of General. He tries to lead and maintain a brave face even though he feels like he is falling apart. He knows the Minutemen are depending on him, and he feels so helpless. Eventually, he hands leadership over to Ronnie Shaw, returning to a second-in-command position as he throws himself into duties and work to try not to think about the loss of one of the few people that actually saw his vision and tried to help him achieve his dream. However, he can't quite forget the fact that it's all his fault that it ended up like this.
Valentine - Honestly cannot believe it and is in pure shock and devastation for several days before the grief and depression finally sets in. He throws himself into his work and becomes even more self-endangering, caring very little about himself and what happens to him. He knows he still has Ellie and the agency, but it just kind of seems to fade in importance as he thinks of F!Sole and how he drove her away. If he doesn't manage to get himself killed during this period, Ellie has a stern talk with him, and he actually does start being a little more careful. Not quite the level of careful he was when he had both F!Sole and Ellie on his back about it, but he tries for Ellie's sake if not his own.
X6-88 - Is quite angry at himself for angering and isolating such a vital and valuable asset of the Institute, but there is something else inside of him that pricks and pokes at his mind and gut. It is something he cannot identify and something he has never experienced before. It frequently brings her face to the forefront of his mind, homing in on just how angry that she looked and how she looked like she would rather be looking upon a pile of Brahmin dung than to be staring into his face. It bothers him for some reason, and when he returns to the Institute and expresses his thoughts, it is the last thing on his mind before they wipe his memory of her and reset him entirely.
Dogmeat - Tries to follow her even though she does not want him to. When she screams and throws things at him, he lowers his ears and tucks his tail, confused at what in the world he did wrong. He just wants her to love him again like she used to. He could be a better boy. He could stop pooping in Cait's shoes and stop chewing holes in things. Eventually, after weeks of following her and being rejected, he finally leaves her alone, heading back to Red Rocket Truck Stop where he decides to wait for her in hopes she will one day come back and give him all the pets or at least one pet. He ends up living his days waiting for her and pacing the place, waking up every morning with hopes that the sunrise will bring her back to him until he doesn't see the sunrise again.
Strong - Stays mad at her forever. However, he sometimes does wish that he had tiny human to help him with some things like fighting or cooking, but he quickly remembers that he's mad at her and tells himself that super mutants don't need puny humans. But there is something strange in his stomach when he thinks of her, but he usually smashes something to try to make himself feel better. The feeling never goes away quickly, though.
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levis-hazelnut · 4 years
Levi x Reader How To Be The Perfect Boyfriend
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Summary: Levi advising others on how to make a woman happy (because men just seem to be oblivious to this and don’t know how to be the perfect boyfriend).
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1. Always make time for her, brats. If you try to push her away, she'll find a way to get you to spend time with her.
As always, Levi would wake up after a couple of hours of sleep, which wasn't very healthy for him, and he would start his day. He has breakfast, has a half an hour break to do whatever he wants before his squad awaits him on the training ground. Once their training session finishes, he heads to his office, getting ready to make a start on the paperwork that resided on his desk. And that's when she comes in with a tray and a smile adorning her lips. She placed the tray on the wooden surface and gave him a cup of tea with steam dancing around over it. Levi quietly thanked her as she took her own cup of tea and sat on the edge of the desk. After taking a sip, smoky hues glanced at the face of the person he loved (though, he would never say that aloud unless he was in the mood to be sappy). He shot her a questioning look since she was just staring at him, her tea long forgotten. "What do you want?" he inquired. Without a single word leaving her lips, she leapt off of the desk and made herself comfortable on Levi's lap. He bit back a huff when she buried her face into the crook of his neck and placed butterfly kisses over his skin. "(Y/N), I have a shit ton of paperwork to do." "And...? Are you prioritising your work over me - your wonderful, loving, best ever girlfriend?" she sassed back, removing her face from his neck.
"You know I'm always putting you first. It's just that I want to finish this and deliver it to Eyebrows so he can get off my back." "Fine," the curt word left her lips as she got off of the raven-haired male. "I guess you don't love me anymore." The last thing he saw was a pout before she disappeared into his bedroom. He knew she was doing this just for attention, but he couldn’t sit around like this. Sighing, Levi ran a hand through his hair and scraped his chair against the floor, standing up and walking into the room his girlfriend decided to retreat to. She laid on her side, beautiful, (E/C) orbs on the radiant sky outside the window that was slightly ajar, letting a refreshing breeze into the room. Levi laid behind her, his chest barely brushing her back as he looped his muscular arms around her waist, tugging her closer to him. Even though he couldn't see her face, he could bet that she still forced on a pout that deterred a smirk from appearing. "I'm sorry, (Y/N)," he hummed, kissing the back of her neck. "I can leave the paperwork for later since I don't have to finish it until tomorrow." A smile sprang onto (Y/N)'s lips when she twisted her body around and snuggled into Levi after pecking his lips. He let a smile of his own conquer his lips, even though he was still mildly irritated that she always finds a way to make him waste time. "I love you, Levi." "And you know I do, too, otherwise, I wouldn't be here cuddling with you." 2. Do not call her 'brat' (unless you don't wish to reproduce).
There she was, training a bunch of poor excuses of soldiers meant to protect humanity. Yeah, well, forget about them, they have no significance. Only the woman teaching them does. She stood there with a wrinkle formed in between her brows, yet a miniature smile rested on her soft lips. Her arms were crossed over her chest as her melodic voice sounded over the hushed voices of scouts who had the fucking audacity to talk over her. She could obviously hear them, but being the generous person she is, she didn't bother in shouting at them. Or maybe it was because she knew it wouldn't make them stop. Anyway, back to her beautiful self: her luscious tresses danced with the faint breeze that caressed her face, which held glistening eyes, a boopable nose, and lips that Levi made swollen. Then, let's go to her amazing body that Levi has caused to ache and covered it in love bites and such. If you're getting sick of the description, just imagine the sexiest goddess and multiply her beauty by fifty. You'll still be nowhere near imagining the woman standing there, but it's the closest you could get. Once the scouts got to training and (Y/N) just watched over them, her boyfriend came into sight as he approached her. "Hey, my love," she beamed. "Hi, brat," Levi replied and was about to peck her nose, however, that didn't happen when he stumbled back when his girlfriend pushed him. A frown danced on his face. "What the hell are you doing?" "Don't call me 'brat'," she growled and edged closer to him before thrusting her knee into a place that seemed as if it had an effect on the boys watching as they all winced and let out sounds of pain. The Corporal dropped to the ground as his 'wonderful, loving, best ever girlfriend' smirked down at him before facing her squad. "Girls, this is how you deal with jerks that don't know how to treat you right. Now, get back to training!" After her little piece of advice, (Y/N) turned back around to the groaning Levi, sprawled on the floor. "Love ya, my honey," she piped and crouched down to peck his forehead. Fucking brat... Levi thought once her lips touched his skin. 3. Show that you love her; randomly attack her with affection, or just cheer her up when she's down, or simply keep her company while she's relaxing. Cheesy shit like that (do excuse my language, dipshits).
The sun beamed down on the training grounds (though, the sun could never compare to her smile) where scouts were lazing around because of the heat smouldering them. Levi could care less since he wasn't in the mood to scold them or train them. So, he headed over to (Y/N), who took cover under the shade of a tree that loomed over her as if protecting her. She sat down cross-legged on the emerald grass, leaning her back against the trunk of a tree as she had a book in her lap. As to not disturb her too much, Levi quietly neared her before settling on the grass beside her. She gazed at him with a tender smile touching her lips before facing the book again. He draped an arm around her shoulders and made her rest her head on his shoulder as he started to run his hands over her (H/C), silky tresses. The action soothed both of them. Shortly, lips softly pressed against the top of her head, which made her put the book down as she lifted her head off of Levi's shoulder to face him. A smirk stained his lips and (Y/N) leaned forward to kiss him. Fingers tangled themselves in her hair as she placed a single hand on his shoulder and shuffled closer to him. Teeth gently nibbled on her bottom lip and she parted them, letting his tongue slip into her mouth and dance with her wet muscle. A soft sigh left her lips and vibrated against his before they pulled away. (Y/N) licked the string of their combined saliva away, leaning her forehead against Levi's. No words were spoken, but that didn't matter since no words were needed. ~/~ Everyone had distress written all over their faces after another miserable expedition. Many losses, many injuries, many disasters. And everyone included (Y/N). She was in her room, lying down in her bed with the covers encasing her as she quietly sobbed, clutching a piece of fabric against her chest. Marie, her best friend that she's known ever since she joined the Survey Corps, had died on this expedition. She hadn't been there to try to save Marie and she blamed herself for that. She blamed herself for being a terrible friend. "(Y/N)?" Levi softly called once he padded into her bedroom. He got no response, except sobs as he approached her. The raven sat on the edge of the bed and gently tugged (Y/N) onto his lap and cradled her, tucking her head under his chin. He hushed her like a mother to a child and rubbed comforting circles on her back.
He knew anything he tried to do would be useless since it was her best friend that she lost. Losing anyone was difficult, but losing someone that was close to you was something that no one wished to experience. "... I-I wasn't eve-en th-there in h-he-er... last mo-oments-s..." "Shh. It’s not your fault, my love." With some more calming words, her sobs soon quietened and there were only a few tears. Levi forced her to get ready for bed and sleep since she hasn't rested since they came back from the expedition. Her boyfriend changed into something more comfortable before crawling in next to her. He wrapped his arms around his girlfriend protectively and pulled her close, promising that he'll keep her safe, no matter what. ~/~ The (H/C)-haired female stared out of her open window, watching over the scouts that messed around on the training grounds as a subconscious smile fell on her face. She was so engrossed in the azure sky, the puffs of white, the luminous spotlight and the scouts, that she didn't even hear her office door open. She continued smiling and staring until a fit of giggles suddenly took over. She tried slapping away the hands that tickled her sides and squirmed in her spot before slowly dropping to the ground as fingers proceeded to tickle her further. "Levi!! Stop, stop!! Levi, seriously...! I'm going to pee myself!" she said in between giggles and pants, trying to push the human on top of her off. Soon, there was no movement, only (Y/N)'s chest rising and falling as she caught her breath and gazed into grey hues. Once oxygen was back into her lungs, slightly chapped lips moulded with hers for a slow dance as she was pinned to the floor. "What was all this for?" she whispered with a grin when their lips parted. "I was bored and you were off guard." "Hm. I love you so much, Levi," she hummed and brushed his ebony locks back from his forehead. "I love you so much, too," he murmured before smashing his lips against hers once more. 4. Never call her a monster when she's on her period. Also, always attend to her needs before said monster comes out.
Levi just barely dodged the book that was thrown at him as he retreated into his office, trying to take cover from the monster that lay in his bed. Though, he shouldn't call her monster anymore since the book was launched at him for that very reason. Not wanting to interact with the beast any further, he sat at his desk and finished off the pile of paperwork that decided to wander onto the surface. "Levi!!” At the scream of his name, the aforementioned male's hand had slipped and caused the ink to ruin the page. He clicked his tongue as quietly as he could before getting up and leaning against the doorframe of his bedroom. "Yes?" "Could you get me some mint tea, my darling?" she asked with an innocent voice. "Okay," Levi said and walked away, leaving to get (Y/N) tea, being the amazing boyfriend he is. "Levi!" What's the fuck is wrong now? Levi groaned internally before facing her once again. "When you come back, can you cuddle with me?" "... Sure." "Okay. Thank you, my sweetheart." Finally, he was able to leave his office and not have to her screaming his name. Yeah, she was in a bed, but he would prefer if he was in that bed with her as she screamed his name. However, he can't do that right now. Levi made (Y/N) her tea before going back to his room and giving it to her. She took a sip, let out a satisfied sigh before yanking the short male down onto the bed. Damn, even though she's in pain, she's fucking strong. His chest collided with hers before he rolled onto the side, embracing her and rubbing circles on her abdomen that seemed to help her. "Levi?" "Hm?" "Do you hate me?" "... No." Ah, the hesitation. Why did he hesitate? If he didn't, everything would be fine. "I said: Levi, do you hate me?" she repeated, gritting her teeth. "Of course not, darling. I love you more than you could ever imagine." Ugh, those words made him feel nauseous, but if it meant he could keep his head, he would say it.
Well, it's not like he was lying. 5. Help her. She may be terrifying and strong at times, but she still acts like a damsel in distress when she's perfectly fine.
Levi sat at his desk, pen in hand as his eyes grazed over the words written on a piece of paper that resided on his desk. It was almost fucking midnight and he had to send in this report to Erwin by tomorrow morning. Distracting him from his work, (Y/N) stumbled into his office and dropped a tray that held two cups of tea. He barely regarded her before getting back to his task, knowing she was glaring at him, but decided to do nothing about it. "Levi!" "What do you want?" he muttered. "Would you mind helping me?" "You're the one that dropped it." Her eyes narrowed and she clenched her fists before standing up and storming over to his desk. This is when he finally decided to look at her when she towered over him with her index finger pointing towards him. "You're such a jerk, you know." "I know. Go clean up that mess." She sighed and flicked his forehead before doing as he said, no matter how impolite he was being. Once she wiped up the tea with wipes and a spray, she started to clean up the shattered glass. As she did that, Levi crouched down in front of her and helped his girlfriend, who just stared at him. "Stop looking at me like that, just be grateful I'm helping your clumsy ass." She smiled before quietly hissing in pain. Concern flickered in the raven's eyes, but soon confusion appeared when she was still smiling. "I'm fine. I just got a bit of glass in my finger." The female with (E/C) eyes stood up and put her finger in the light so she could see the glass. A shadow prevented that from happening as Levi took her hand and easily removed it before putting it into a tissue. "Thank you, my love,” she beamed. 6. Push bitches away. Once you do that, show her that she's the only one you want.
Levi had been forced to go to a ball of sorts with Erwin and Hanji. But of course, he despises snobby shitheads and pigs flaunting their money, so why would he want to go to an event full of those creatures? After much complaining, Erwin had told him that he could bring (Y/N) along, and that had shut Levi up. And there they were, dressed in formal clothes as they followed Erwin around, conversing with people. "This shit's boring as hell," Levi murmured to his beloved who had hooked her arm with his. "Do you want to dance?" "Are you stupid? I hate dancing." "Oh, come on, baby. We've danced before." "Yeah, I did that for you. I'm not doing it again. Not even if it would get rid of titans." "Fine... Could you get me a drink, please, then?" "Sure." She let Levi go over to a table and get drinks for both of them as she wandered over to Hanji who was talking to some woman. The brunette gave (Y/N) a grin before introducing her to the woman she was talking to. "It's nice meeting you, (Y/N). And I just want to say that the man you were walking with is gorgeous." "Yes, he definitely is," she smiled. Only Hanji knew that it was a fake smile. "I'm lucky since I've been with him for a few years now," she made sure to add, so this woman knows to stay the fuck away. "Oi, you lot, get off of me," Levi snarled, trying to push a couple of women away and making sure not to spill the drinks he was holding. "Well, you have nowhere to go, do you now?" one of them spoke, batting her eyelashes and dragging a finger from his collarbone down to his waistband. He put a glass down on the table and slapped that hand away before it could go further, shooting the woman a glare. "Touch me one more fucking time and you're going to lose that hand," he threatened darkly. Levi doesn't care who he's talking to, be it a woman or not. No one touches him like that. Yeah, right now, he sounds like a dickhead for treating women like this, but he would be even more of a dickhead if he didn't attempt to push them away when he has the most perfect woman by his side. "And I actually do have a place to go to. You see, my girlfriend over there wants to dance. You know the one in that icy blue dress? Yeah, that's her. And, oh look, she sees me so she's going to slap every single one of you if you don't fucking get your shitty hands off of me." Hm. Looks like that scared them, Levi smirked mentally once they all decided to move away. He straightened his clothes and passed (Y/N) a glass of wine as she glared at the women that scurried away. "Come, let's dance," the Corporal slipped her hand into his and led her to the other dancing couples. "I thought that you didn't want to dance." "I will if it means that those b*tches will leave me alone." The (H/C)-haired female gave Levi a tender smile (she knew that it wasn't because of that reason) as she placed one hand on his shoulder as the other clutched his hand. The raven's other hand rested on her waist before they swiftly danced as (E/C) and grey clashed. (Y/N) lifted her hand off of Levi's shoulder and he spun her around before bringing her back close to him. Soon, their dancing slowed down and all they focused on was each other's eyes before standing completely still amidst the other couples that moved their way around the hall. Levi rested his forehead against the one of the woman he loved, their lips barely brushing. However, a couple bumped into them which disrupted their moment that felt as if they were the only two people in the room. Levi caught his beloved before she could tumble over. Looking to see who it was, grey hues met blue and brown ones. Hanji and Erwin. "Tch." "Hi, (Y/N), Shorty! Keep your kissing for later." 7. If you love her as much as you claim to, propose. That will make her feel as if she's the happiest woman alive (and it will make you feel as if you’re the happiest man alive).
(Y/N) and Levi laid in bed together, entangled in each other's arms with their legs overlapping as they peacefully slept. (Y/N) had her face hidden in the crook of Levi's neck as her chest pressed against his. The raven tucked her head under his chin as his arms rested around her naked figure. They had stayed up most of the night, doing things. And the good thing is that everyone had a day off today so they could sleep in as much as they wanted. They may miss breakfast, but that didn't matter. The sunlight scattered through the curtains in Levi's bedroom, resting on his girlfriend's face which caused her to close her eyes tighter as a frown settled onto her visage. She turned away from the light, which meant turning her back to her boyfriend, who quietly groaned. He subconsciously tugged her closer to him and buried his nose in her hair. A yawn left her lips as she slowly opened her eyes, blinking a few times. She smiled at the feeling of Levi's arms that kept her warm and safe before closing her eyes again. When she did that, she felt light kisses peppering over her neck, causing a sigh of delight to leave her lips as lips trailed down her spine. He went further down and nipped on one of her butt cheeks so she let out a small yelp and lifted her foot to kick him. Of course, however, she had no idea where she was aiming. A grunt sounded and the grip on her loosened. "You really don't want kids, do you?" he grumbled in his husky, morning voice that also hinted with pain. "You want kids? Even though you hate brats?" she snapped with her back still facing him. She felt his hands travel over her hips to find her hands. He acknowledged which hand was which and took her left one in his. "If they're yours, I want them after we get married," he hummed, slipping something light and cold onto her finger. "... Wait... No. Are you joking? Levi, I swear, if you're joking, I'll straight-up murder you," she threatened after turning around to face him when she noticed a smile resting on his lips. "I'm not joking. I'm being serious," he chuckled lightly. "I love you, (Y/N). I don't want to lose you and I always want you by my side. So, (Y/N) (L/N), will you marry me?" "You idiot, of course, I will," (Y/N) sobbed and embraced her, now, fiancé. "I love you so fucking so much." And that, brats, is how to be the perfect boyfriend. You're welcome, dumbshits - by Levi.
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