#i broke up with someone yesterday
rbr-seb · 2 months
Listening to 1940s blues and bawling my eyes out reading Stucky fics is one way to pass the Thursday scaries
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arinishi · 1 year
It’s really interesting how Lanyon Sr thinks of Lanyon being gay; he really does want the best for his son but, like every other character in this comic, he is Not Very Good At Expressing This !! We can see that he has good intentions, he found a wife for Lanyon who is also a lesbian so this should be saving both of them from their potentially doomed fates. It’s just that he doesn’t seem too open to constructive criticism and seems pretty dead set on this path for his son, whether he really wants to or not.
It also makes me think: Does Lanyon’s father know about him and Jekyll? What about the other boys? And why did Lanyon feel as though he had to leave Jekyll because of this when he was aware that the marriage would just act as a cover for him and Everly to Be Gay In Secret?
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hazlelnoot · 4 months
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bigothteddies · 1 month
bad day bad week bad month I need to tie someone up and do whatever I want with their body so bad
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inusmasha · 10 months
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tbh-entp · 5 months
on todays episode of i still miss infj, there are no changes, i still miss him
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wovenstarlight · 1 year
(on ao3)
Before Yoohyun even opens his door, Junhwan’s raising his head, ears flicking. Yoohyun eyes him; while he can’t hear anything himself, Junhwan’s ears are still sharper, so he trusts him—but whatever emotion his daemon is feeling, it isn’t alarm. If anything, it reads as pleased surprise.
Yoohyun opens the door to hyung’s laughter and understands immediately. His and Junhwan’s footsteps are cat-light as they enter their house, padding silently through the living room towards… Is the sound coming from the Horned Flame Lion’s enclosure? Yoohyun’s told hyung not to go in there unsupervised for a while! …But hearing him still laughing like that, he can’t be too angry. Not when the little beast has apparently managed to achieve what he hasn’t in the last two days. A curl of jealousy flares inside him, Junhwan’s lips pulling back to bare his teeth in the start of a growl as he presumably arrives at the same thought, but then there’s a soft, breathless giggle-snort from noona and that-
That makes them both very quiet.
They slow down as they get closer. Hyung isn’t immediately visible through the glass walls of the enclosure; Yoohyun dares to get closer, keeping to the side with some of the thicker foliage, and peers through the gaps.
Ah. There. Hyung’s lying on his side on the soft grass, the Lion perched on his hip and staring wide-eyed at… Noona, who’s up on a tree?
Yoohyun doesn’t understand. What’s so funny? He squints at the Lion, who’s doing… a grand total of precisely nothing. It’s just staring at noona and swishing its tail back and forth, the tip occasionally flicking over hyung’s side. Is it tickling him? But hyung isn’t ticklish, as far as he remembers… And even if he was, what’s noona laughing about? She’s halfway up one of the trees—Yoohyun takes a heart-stopping second to study it and make sure it’s not a Gillotinae, even though he knows objectively that she wouldn’t be stupid enough to get close to those—and peering down at hyung, wearing a silly smile.
She shifts as he watches, turning to jump across to another tree close by and scrambling up its branches. “Reckless,” Junhwan mumbles almost inaudibly, and Yoohyun agrees. There’s something almost childish about the fumbling, uncontrolled way in which she climbs. Like she’s not used to all her limbs being where they are. He remembers it from back when she’d first settled—for two weeks after that, Yoohyun and Junhwan had watched her jump off high spots and panic because she’d forgotten she couldn’t fly. (She was a cat, she’d always landed on her feet, of course, but that hadn’t stopped Junhwan from moving to catch her. Just in case.)
She’s climbing really high right now, actually. Yoohyun frowns as she clambers to the top of one particularly tall tree. Shouldn’t that be stretching their distance limit? Even if hyung’s Awakened now? She barely seems to notice, and the same goes for hyung, who continues lying there, watching her affectionately. Noona crawls out to the edge of the branch closest to hyung, peeks down at him, then hunches down and—
Her feet lift off the branch. Yoohyun and Junhwan lunge for the door. There’s rustling of cloth and grass and fur and creaking hinges and then—
And then, Yoohyun and Junhwan are staring at hyung lying on his back on the ground, noona pillowed safely on his chest and the Lion on his knees, all three of them staring back.
“Yoohyun-ah?” Hyung sits up, noona hopping up to his shoulders and winding around his neck. “What’s going on?”
“Nothing,” Yoohyun blurts. It was only in case— “Nothing. Are you okay?”
“I… Yes…?”
“Okay.” Yoohyun nods quickly. “Good.”
There’s words at the tip of his tongue—be careful, didn’t that pull hurt, why are you in here when I said—but he never gets to say any of them, because noona narrows her eyes at Junhwan and says, “Well, in that case, let them talk, I-wanna-play-tag-you’re-it!” and flings herself at him.
Junhwan bolts entirely on 17 years’ worth of reflex, and noona chases him in circles around them, yowling when he goes too far from hyung for her to follow. Hyung snorts when Junhwan sheepishly approaches them again, only to dance away from noona’s batting paws.
“Oh, that’s no fair,” hyung wheezes, and coaxes the Lion off his knees before bracing his hands against the ground, pausing for a moment (…?), then rolling to his feet—no, foot, all his weight is on his left leg (??) for a split second before he relaxes, balanced once more. “Let’s give her a fighting chance, huh?” he says, and Yoohyun's eyes belatedly flick up from his leg to his face when he starts jogging after Junhwan. Noona gleefully gives chase with the new extension to her leash, and Yoohyun’s forced after them as they cross to the far end of the enclosure.
There’s a pleased smile on hyung’s face as he goes, childish glee in noona’s cackling as she runs, and Yoohyun watches them for a moment before deciding to drop it. He can bring up the question another time; it hardly seems fair to ruin their fun now.
He can't stop himself from smiling as he follows.
#star.txt#my writing#my sranks#sranks daemons#han yoojin#han yoohyun#dilemma: do i tag daemon names when they're inextricably attached to their humans and im tagging for those already.#anyway! i had the Leg Agonies yesterday and was possessed to write this#also had someone leave wailing and weeping and screaming and crying tags on the last daemons post so i was like. well i owe you reparations#so here! siblings play tag now that two of them can run again :D#first pass at this was shj pov but i realized hyj would never be so relaxed in front of shj unless this was set in 250s-ish at the earliest#and again. i owed you guys han bros getting sillay#....actually... was this sillay enough.... i fear i need to write more fluff#but yes. please join me and hyj in giggling at the sight of big scary tiger fleeing for his fucking life from tiny cat two handfuls big#i think haeun gets mean with tag. because junhwan is very hard to catch but if he tries to make it easy for her she gets mad#so he goes at full capacity and she keeps up by going crazy going stupid as a chaser#girl probably almost broke a tv once in trying to catch him#but yeah. she's very happy to be able to play with her baby brother again :-)#also i wont lie i find it kind of funny how its like#hyh: do my elder siblings hate me even now that we've reconciled... it'd make sense...#hjh: damn they hate me fr </3 [only not sobbing his eyes out because he is a tiger]#hyj: :-) wow it sure is nice to be back with my baby brothers / hhe: I WILL LOVE THEM AND SHOWER THEM IN KISSES AND PLAY WITH THEM AN#hyj: hey can you dial it back a little you're making us look desperate. / hhe: YEAH CUZ WE ARE? THEY DIED IN OUR ARMS / hyj: ok. fair. but
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whywishesarehorses · 2 years
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How did I get the very best horse?
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princessithaca · 1 year
swifties leaving flowers outside her old flat on cornelia street.....NOBODY DIED!
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a9saga · 7 months
Nicole from big brother 2 is a better woman than I am because I personally would not shave my roommate's entire body, even if they asked me to.
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rowanthestrange · 1 year
i’ve found every other object i own, how have i lost a large manilla envelope that i had in my hand less than two weeks ago
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proteuus · 1 year
getting "hey are you going to [x thing]? I was thinking abt going but only if ur going" texts >>>
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jonny-b-meowborn · 10 months
I know I don't have to justify my yesterday's breakdown after seeing my mom's ex, but I just want to make it clear how much I hate this man.
When I was ~14 years old one night I heard/witnessed an argument between them so bad, that the next morning I ran away to my sister. Back then she used to live in this small town near mine, but there was no public transport connecting the towns and she doesn't have a driver's license, so she hitchhiked to pick me up, and we walked along the road until someone picked us up. I left a note at home to my mom, saying where I am and that I don't want to come back as long as her partner lives with us. She didn't acknowledge the contents of the note, but she read it. I ignored her texts and calls the whole day, until in the afternoon she texted me that if I don't come back right now to take care of my younger brother (he was ~8 then) I won't be allowed to visit my cousin the entire winter break. So basically she didn't even ask me to come back because she was worried, but because she wanted me to look after my sibling, and she pretty much blackmailed me to come back. And I had to come back that afternoon, but since it was january it was dark already, and really cold, and no one wanted to pick us up for like half the way. The town my sister lived in wasn't too far, it is a walkable distance, but like, we walked for like over two hours in the cold before someone drove us to my town. And mom never acknowledged the whole situation, she was just angry but didn't talk about any of it. So yeah. I think if his presences made me do that I'm absolutely justified in panicking when I see him now.
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merethessc · 1 year
how on earth do you draw so fast you're putting out like 100000 sketches every 6 hours and they're all so good
shh c’mere let me tell you a little secret
i haven’t drawn any new Afton stuff since the start of june(except for the last two michael posts), all you’ve seen was me going crazy after the trailer. Funny enough there are still drawings you haven��t seen, some that you have seen were actually panels for short comics that I didn't end up liking.  Most of the time you can actually see the dates over in the corners!
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^ this one can be considered the freshest page with FNAF-related stuff.
But otherwise I am a pretty fast artist, it usually takes me like 30 minutes tops to finish a thing
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celticwoman · 1 year
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