#at least we watched a fun movie while i was there iirc
jonny-b-meowborn · 1 year
I know I don't have to justify my yesterday's breakdown after seeing my mom's ex, but I just want to make it clear how much I hate this man.
When I was ~14 years old one night I heard/witnessed an argument between them so bad, that the next morning I ran away to my sister. Back then she used to live in this small town near mine, but there was no public transport connecting the towns and she doesn't have a driver's license, so she hitchhiked to pick me up, and we walked along the road until someone picked us up. I left a note at home to my mom, saying where I am and that I don't want to come back as long as her partner lives with us. She didn't acknowledge the contents of the note, but she read it. I ignored her texts and calls the whole day, until in the afternoon she texted me that if I don't come back right now to take care of my younger brother (he was ~8 then) I won't be allowed to visit my cousin the entire winter break. So basically she didn't even ask me to come back because she was worried, but because she wanted me to look after my sibling, and she pretty much blackmailed me to come back. And I had to come back that afternoon, but since it was january it was dark already, and really cold, and no one wanted to pick us up for like half the way. The town my sister lived in wasn't too far, it is a walkable distance, but like, we walked for like over two hours in the cold before someone drove us to my town. And mom never acknowledged the whole situation, she was just angry but didn't talk about any of it. So yeah. I think if his presences made me do that I'm absolutely justified in panicking when I see him now.
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lara-cairncross · 3 months
Ok I literally just submitted an ask but I am now watching the Pirate FAIRY and I have more questions for you!
First, would we ever see a talent switcheroo for the boys? And if so, who would switch with who??
Secondly, I had a sudden revelation. What if, and hear me out, what if instead of Captain Hook we have Cassandra???? I think she would be super fun in that role!! You could even make her have a REAL turnaround at the end for a full redemption arc! Again, just ideas, fully your au and I just wanted to share my thoughts!
Lastly, I realized that we need a Zarina, and I thought for a while about it. Then it came to me.
What about Kendra? She's a Tinker Fairy too iirc, so she could totally be a dust keeper who likes to experiment and everything from the movie could happen!
Again, just some ideas lol. Thanks for everything you do, I get so excited everytime it crosses my dashboard!! You are so wonderfully skilled and talented!!
HI HI HI ITS YOU AGAIN!!! :DDD this is a very late answer (again) but shhhhhhhh--
I've gotten so many people ask about talent switching!! While I don't think it'll ever be, like, a plot point or anything, I've been doodling little designs of the boys with swapped talents while I'm at work and it's SO MUCH FUN!!! I love swapping their designs around!!!! I definitely wanna do a more finished version at some point, especially since the pirate fairy movie isssss probably my favorite? top 2 at least :D
I'm not sure who would get who's power yet, honestly. There are a few cool things I could try with this concept. I like the idea of Donnie getting the animal talent, since I think it'd be funny for all of these animals to absolutely LOVE him despite the fact that he's not crazy about em. And Leo with the tinker talent would be funny to me purely because he would think it's the lamest thing ever HAH--
oooooo boy Cassandra. holy fuck. I have literally like, three different possible ideas for her that I just CANNOT DECIDE between. And uh I guess I now have four???? FUCK MAN THE IDEA OF HER BEING A PIRATE IS JUST SO COOL-- LIKE SHE WOULD ROCK THAT STYLE OG MY GOD. UH. might draw her as a pirate now even if it doesn't end up being canon AHHHH
and lastly: there IS a Zarina counterpart in this story! it's not a 1:1 ration by any means, but there is a bit of dabbling into pixie dust alchemy and dust-keeping by one fairy in particular...
not sayin' who yet, though :3
(I'll be keeping the kendra idea in mind though, that could solve a plothole or two--)
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rudikawhy · 1 year
Just some thoughts after watching Mission:Impossible - Dead Reckoning, Part 1 tonight...
Okay, first of all: I absolutely LOVED it! Like the whole movie and I know that I will watch it multiple times in the cinema. I mean, yes, it was exciting, of course, it's M:I, but also really funny. My friend and I had to try so hard sometimes not to laugh out too loud. The car race? Amazing. Probably because I love car races in movies in general (even though I am always sorry for all the innocent cars and other things that get destroyed), there are always many funny one-liners, this time no exception.
But let me come to the point that is the reason why I'm writing this. Ilsa. My beloved. I have so many questions (Why the eye patch in the beginning?, for example) but first: No, you can't tell me you're really FUCKING dead!! There were a lot of reasons why I wasn't really, really sad when she "died". One was because so many things were happening immediately after that, there was no time to be sad, even for the audience. Another is; I don't really believe she's dead. I was always half expecting she'd appear in the next second. Like Paris. Apparently, she's not really dead either. And now I have one year, in which I can keep on believing she's still alive.
I mean, I finally get a few (very few) beautiful Ilsa/Ethan moments (this hug, when she realised it's Ethan in the dessert!! was my favorite because unexpected, because not in the trailer, iirc; but also the little looks they give each other), and then this happens!! AHHH. I'm sorry, I just can't handle this Ilsa-loss
Even though it meant less Ilsa, I was positively surprised by Grace. When the movie was promoted and Hayley Atwell seemed more important than Rebecca Ferguson, I was seriously disappointed, partly upset. But Ilsa aside, was Grace actually a really good character. She made me laugh, I didn't want her to die (nor Ilsa), and I the end in the train I wasn't just concerned about Ethan but also about her.
What I did realize was that Grace is kind of like Ilsa was in the beginning. Or at least similar. I realized it when Grace wanted to leave the party, was attacked by two men, and Ethan came to help her. The moment she was free and the men fought with Ethan, she left the scene instead of now helping Ethan. I feel like this is something Rogue-Nation-Ilsa would have done too.
I'm glad that Benji had his bomb defusing scene. When he's under pressure he often has funny lines, and while I know that Benji isn't just there for the funny lines, I appreciate and love them. Also I love that we had multiple (at least two??) times when Benji gave Ethan directions while Ethan ran/drove. My immediate comparison was "like in MI3", one of Benjis first actions, but then I realized that he also does it in Fallout, and it's even more iconic there.
I was seriously confused by Paris. It's probably due to something I missed at one point, but like, what does she even do (aside from having too much fun when driving a car that is too big through streets that are too small, with the intention of apparently killing two people in a yellow Fiat 500, while looking like a maniac)?? I really didn't get it.
Okay, I would love to say more about Ilsa but also about everyone and everything else, maybe another time, I need to sleep...
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thyandrawrites · 2 years
how would you rate each of hawks' civilian outfits? 👀
Asks that test your memory djkdjfs I think I got most of his civilian outfits (excluding any that might've appeared in the spinoffs because I don't follow those)
So... I am a fashion disaster too irl so this will be mostly lighthearted teasing. Don't take me too seriously. Fashion can be very personal, but this is Hawks and my blog is not a bully-Hawks-free zone, so.
Here's my ranking from best to worst fit. I could've done it the other way around but what's the fun in that, right? 😂
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The "someone vetoed the actual suit I wanted to wear and we all must thank them for it" look
Alright don't judge me. It's very basic formal wear and all black is an easy choice for a man, but it does flatter him. I also like the red accents of the accessories. Another obvious choice to complement his wings, but. No one said I had good standards. Now if only he rolled up those sleeves. Smh
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The "if you don't look too closely you might miss all the trauma and backstabbing and think I'm a normal twenty-something" look
Ok full disclosure: I like bolero jackets. That's all. Fhhdhdhd
Iirc the anime had him wear his hero costume in this scene and that's a shame because this is probably the only time Hawks dressed his age. It's all very sleek and looks put together without much of an effort, and it looks good on him even if the color-coordination is very basic. But the casual look of the watch, headphones and sneakers combo adds a certain fuckboy touch to the fit. Which is so inexplicably funny because it's Hawks. Bxhdhdj but oh well. Whatever works, works
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The "I only look good because someone put shiny things on me" look
I was gonna put this more on top before realizing that without the jewelry he looks like he's on his way to the grocery store. That was probably by design since it's a modeling shot. I assume he was asked to dress plainly not to draw attention away from the advertised products, so I'll give him a pass.
But all that shiny metal looks amazing on him. I am a Dabi stan why are you surprised I like shiny things
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The "must be fashionable while committing retconned murder" look
I know what you're thinking. It's gaudy. I won't argue against that. But depending on its colors, the paisley jacket could've been a Look. Too bad Bones was a coward and cut it. I guess the year 2021 wasn't ready for Hawks' fashion choices
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The "oh no the postman was here and caught me in my pajamas" look
This one isn't even bad. It's just. Plain. Baby pls, you have a ton of money. At least put some color in your wardrobe
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The "all the money in my bank account can't buy common sense" look
Now we're actually getting into Hawks' peculiar fashion sense. I know there's a name for those big sneakers but he must like them because that's the second time we see him wear them.
What I find amusing about this is that all of those clothes kinda clash with each other. There's a lot going on with his torso in particular. He's wearing geometric patterns on his shirt, which would be eye-catching on its own, but then he trew on a cross between a travel jacket and... Skater-like streetwear, almost? Idk, I don't know the first thing about fashion but when I first saw this ensemble my eyes didn't know where to look lol
Also, those visors. They're not his usual work ones. He definitely put them on as an accessory. I guess he has a brand. Nerd.
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The "my strategy on my days off is to dress so ugly people don't look me in the eyes and thus can't ask me to work" look
Okay, I cheated. Pretty sure this outfit is from one of the movies, but I couldn't not include it. I had to leave you on an outfit that deals some kind of psychic damage, lest you thought my more moderate opinions hinted towards me thinking this man can dress himself
Anyway, this was fun. Thank you for the ask!
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crystal-lillies · 1 year
After watching Peter Pan and Wendy I had the urge to delve into the Peter Pan properties I love, and since I was already there in Disney Plus, I fired up Return to Neverland.
And god man even all these years later it still slaps and shows why it was one of the few (if the only? Iirc, don't quote me) 2000s sequels that was released in theaters rather than DTV.
It's far from perfect but the animation is really good, the heart and through line of the film ring clear and true, and after the dozens of times watching it I still get emotional at the feels gut punch moments like Tink's light going out and Peter's reunion with Wendy at the end.
And something I really appreciated this time was noticing how very young boy-ish Peter and the Lost Boys really are depicted. Playing keep away, the incessant "why" badgering, spit handshakes, chaos incarnate, "we're rolling in dirt and we don't change our shirts" (how BAD must they stink oh my GOD 😂). But then they really do care when and where it counts.
And Hook, despite being a bit tamed and toon-y compared to the '53 original, still has a menace and cunning that's fun to watch.
Peter in this iteration is arguably the animated Peter I enjoy the most because he's softened from his more asshole rigid style of the '53 movie, but it feels like at least a believable progression from his arc in that movie. But like I said, he's still pretty vain and childlike, but he's more in touch with his empathy, which I've always liked. And he has to be so that he can encourage Jane out of her defensive coping mindset.
Also have I mentioned the fucking baller move to set this movie during wartime? The scene of the Jolly Roger flying through London dodging planes is epic, despite the aging CG effects.
Don't even get me started on Mama Wendy, she's so good. A part of me still wishes she could deck Hook in the face for kidnapping Jane because I feel like she totally would if given the chance 😂 Where else did Jane learn to fight?
And Jane. Jane my love! They did such a good job of showing her characterization from start to finish. Even while trying to be serious and grown up at the beginning, she can't help but listen to Wendy tell stories, can't help but enjoy them, despite herself. She doesn't think she has the right to enjoy them, to indulge in fantasy when she's old enough to see and understand war as a concept and how it makes things hard. She thinks Wendy is just making light of things for Danny instead of preparing him for hardship (being practical), when Wendy is doing what she can to keep hope (+faith, trust, pixie dust) alive BECAUSE she knows of the hardship and that holding tight to that will help through any painful time.
It's so good! Executed in a bit less of a nuanced manner than I'm making it out as lol but that's okay for what it is! We don't have time to unpack that because it is a Peter Pan story after all and we gotta spend at least 85% of the time in Neverland haha. But the fact that it's there and serves as one of the emotional cores of the story is more than you can ask for, especially of a Disney sequel let alone a movie in general.
And I'm starting to ramble but point being Return to Neverland is a lot better than it probably needs to be but I'm so glad it went as hard as it did and everyone who worked on it should be proud and anyone who hasn't yet seen it that likes Peter Pan should watch it!
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riddlerosehearts · 1 year
ngl i think every twisted wonderland fan should like... watch classic disney movies. both because they're really good movies and because i just think being familiar with them genuinely enriches the experience since you get to understand all the different references and inspirations and fun little twists the game puts on the original stories. i was so overjoyed when i realized that lilia is likely inspired at least partially by the three fairies from sleeping beauty despite not being a light magic user--not just because he took in a human child as a fae but because of several other references to them in his character--and that the story of aladdin and jasmine is a legend in the scalding sands, and that silver looks up to mulan as a heroic figure. that ruggie used to work at a restaurant inspired by the story of lady and the tramp. that the story of snow white is a legend in epel's hometown and so many of their traditions are inspired by her. that the minigames in book 6 were filled with hercules references and that child idia quotes hades when he recreates ortho. that when we hear about people like ursula and ariel or aladdin and jafar it's not "oh well in this world the great sea witch was actually good and the mermaid princess was evil", it's always that they were both good. iirc the ursula of this world is said to have started out a villain and turned over a new leaf in the end, while ariel founded the very charity that allows the octatrio to attend NRC, and that's fascinating to me. it's also fascinating to me thinking about the contrast between ursula and azul's backstories, and how idia seems to be a little bit inspired by not just hades but hercules himself as well, and how ortho has a bit of baymax and pinocchio in him. how rook is a light magic user based on a redeemed villain and attends NRC, and chenya (is he a dark magic user? do we have any way of knowing?) is an RSA student based on such a morally gray character as the cheshire cat. how jamil is obviously jafar but seems to take a bit of inspiration from the genie as well, and kalim from both the sultan and aladdin. like i just love twisted wonderland so so so much for things like these and i don't think i'd love it half as much if i weren't also a fan of disney itself. to be honest i highly doubt i would've ever even touched a game about high school boys based on disney villains if i weren't already a disney fan, but i'm so glad i did end up getting into it!
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fowl-leaf · 9 months
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my 2023 summary of art!
still not consistently posting anywhere, but I like doing these. they're fun there's a lot of things i would've liked to include but had to exclude, due to not being shareable on this account. maybe i'll have more stuff next year!
this is long, so details under the cut
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JANUARY silly lizard oc i generally dont do much single line hatching, so it was nice to fiddle with it this time
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FEBRUARY the wittle scrunkly lizard last time i drew this one, they were an lps shitpost, so its nice to like draw them normally lol
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MARCH herman is running out of time glasses axolotl but make him neon idk
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APRIL fancy calico i honestly dont know whats up with the clothes, i just kinda drew whatever tbh
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MAY yippie!! toontown oc! was playing ttcc w/shard and co, this is the character i ended up making i also got covid around april-march iirc so i was feeling horrid for a while (and the remaining symptoms didnt clear up till like june)
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JUNE an oc i got years ago but didnt have the confidence to draw for a while lmao anyways i like her colors and shape, she's fun
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JULY mandatory artfight posting this was one of the last ones i did! ocs belong to pookapooka and they were so fun to paint
idk if ill be doing artfight again tbh. ive been doing it consistently since sun vs moon but its honestly felt less fun ever since the tiktok invasion`and how ppls behavior has changed, and especially since the whole ownership thing that happened mid fight this year. (not interested in any of the alternatives ive seen either bc they have the same issues, notably worse issues, or are not furry friendly) but tbh that might just be me being disenchanted with online art spaces due to the intensifying shittification of basically everything, fucking rip
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AUGUST ring but hes going to jail (again but for real this time) the staxie monthly prompt was barbie mugshots but i . . . i did this with ring and lumos and promptly forgor to do this with cakes and ale like i was planning to lmfao im actually gonna watch the barbie movie tonight, renting it so i can watch it on the big tv (didnt watch in theaters bc expensive (movie tickets are generally 15-25 bucks in my area (compared to the 5-10 in my aunt's area (renting is cheaper per person)), and they changed the chairs to these weird uncomfy pleather recliners that make my skin crawl to "justify the price raise" + i hate sitting for more than an hour i need water, bathroom, stretch, and snack breaks))
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SEPTEMBER ganache went over the hedge was very busy w/projects so i did little casual art this was inspired by me comparing the over the hedge version of supermarket by ben folds (upbeat & high energy) vs the one by the clash (melancholy + commercial-induced agony) ever since then i cant stop thinking abt how much the lemon demon guy's voice sounds like the fucking clash guy sdjkhfkjsd also over the hedge was one of my favorite movies as a kid and i watched it at least 10 times before we had to return the dvd to netflix. i also regularly played the flash games on the site until i forgot about it after finding out about miniclip + notdoppler from other kids and decided to use those for flash games instead bc more options lol
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OCTOBER dta img for a new oc i got, funny long neck budgie thingy busy w/projects again so little casual art had to use old mini tablet bc previous tablet was completely unusable fucking rip
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NOVEMBER ganache + cactus pony, they want to know if you have any bubblegum. do you? busy w/projects again so little casual art doodle i made in heavypaint (one of the old layerless versions, i bought a lisence for it a while ago.) i got a new tablet on black friday since the mini tablet was horrible + my broken tablet was making me work very slow
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DECEMBER ring in the void (this is lore accurate) or as nic put it, "fucked up twilight sparkle" lol busy w/projects + gifts so little casual art i actually sketched this w/the mini tablet, but didnt finish it up till getting the new tablet
for reading this far, you get to see amogus.
i would've put amogus whisper on the chart but decided against it since im not done with that one yet lmao
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sarah-dipitous · 10 months
Hellsite Nostalgia Tour 2023 Day 321
Don’t Go In The Woods/Spyfall: Part One
“Don’t Go In The Woods”
Plot Description: the Winchesters face off against a ravenous monster, while Jack makes a big mistake trying to make some friends of his own
Would I Survive the First Five Minutes??: I wouldn’t have to sneak out to the woods at night to make out with a significant other for SEVERAL reasons
They really think someone’s gonna sell Jack beer?? He still very much looks like a teenager
Omg there’s a kid in town watching the Ghostfacers (I hate that this year has caused my phone to AUTOMATICALLY CAPITALIZE the g in Ghostfacers)
Oh, oh baby boy. I hope they don’t make fun of you for your autistic traits. Him lying about his age is…hilarious “well, im two—wenty. I’m twenty…two. I’m twenty- two”
Why would you hike like this at night?
Oh they actually put some effort into this monster
I know he’s going to make a big mistake but I don’t want him to 😭 he’s finally making friends, even if they don’t really understand each other
Why is the sheriff so shady?? I mean…so are Sam and Dean, really, but we trust them because we know them
Oh Jack, you don’t need to be showing off like this. Oh yeah, you’re getting run out of town for SURE, Jack. You needed to stop showing off with the angel blade when they asked you to. Ok you healed her, but you are not getting asked to hang out again
Oh…that’s a really bad way to get rid of the problem you’re having. That tribe should have just killed the last remaining member of the first family of white settlers, I’m sorry. I don’t care that he did a cannibalism and went crazy, you kill him. You don’t curse him to roam the woods you live in, you don’t curse him to always need to feed…why would you do that?
Is this the first time anyone’s ever told them “why don’t you tell people that monsters are real?”
I hope the sheriff’s son makes it out okay. He did, that’s good
Ok sounds like he has at least SOME part of his soul left…maybe. It’s so hard to tell. He doesn’t want to lie by using a fake ID to buy beer but he has no problem lying to the boys about what happened while they were away
“Spyfall: Part One”
Plot Description: when intelligence agents around the world come under attack from alien forces, MI6 turns to the only person who can help, the Doctor
These two episodes better be good because aliens attacking secret agents seems like the plot to a bad movie, but at least they’re up front about two parters now
I miss when companions didn’t have steady jobs: they were students or temps or kissograms or their workplace literally blew up. Easier times
13 should be able to wear the goggles more often
Cars on this show haven’t been this deadly since ATMOS
The companions getting high tech weapons is giving Totally Spies and I mean that as the utmost compliment
Omg I’ve never seen anything get that close to successfully breaking into the TARDIS
“No panicking when you’re not trusting anyone” I could not do espionage
The payoff of this eventual reveal would have been better if I didn’t know O was the Master
Ok the spy toys are cool and fun…
Why is that—why are those beings made purely out of light. They’re terrifying. Look like me first time I wear shorts after a long winter
They wanna take over this whole universe…
Ok, the guy Ryan and Yaz were sent to spy on IS working with (or maybe just for) the aliens
I knew Yaz couldn’t be completely gone even though she got absorbed (?) by the alien and is now in some weird foresty place
I’m nearly CERTAIN that’s not really Yaz OR her dna is being rewritten as I type this. How did she get from (iirc) San Francisco to Australia?!
I love the friendship between Yaz and Ryan
Why is the Master always hot??
I’m just realizing the dude’s company VOR would be pronounced like vore and I don’t know how I feel about it
I NEED to know if this is a situation like during Utopia or if he’s just REALLY GOOD at lying
Omg did she put on 12’s coat again 🥹 plus a bow tie?
I think the Doctor and Castiel should get to have a conversation. I just think the way their blunt way of communicating would mesh….not well but funnily. This is how superwholock was created, wasn’t it?
I wish Doctor Who would remember it’s campy fun and not a blockbuster action movie
Oh he’s so fun already. Of course he controls the aliens they’ve been fighting
Oh, now the Doctor is where Yaz was as her friends are plummeting to their deaths on an exploding plane. What a nice way to end this part one
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solradguy · 2 years
Some random Sol things I think about occasionally:
☀️ Some of Sin’s early outfit designs from art where he’s a kid have the Riot clothing brand tags on them, which is the same brand as Sol’s clothes, instead of the Oath brand he has on his adult designs. The art of him as a kid mostly comes from the Overture concept art and a lot of that has since been retconned or ignored in recent GG media, but I think it’s cute to assume that Sol realized he needed to get this kid some clothes and took him to the same place he gets his clothes from before Sin was old enough to make his own fashion decisions lol. He could’ve left him wearing like a bag or something but he didn’t.  Although, I really want to know what the deal with the collar is. Hoping that Sin’s GG2OMC story elaborates on that detail. 
☀️ In the beginning of Strive’s story mode, Sol gets stabbed through the chest with a spear (IIRC?) by a human bounty he’s going after. He then pulls the spear out and uses magic to fix his clothes. Idk why, but I think it’s really funny how he probably went out of his way to learn the spell needed to instantly repair clothing lmfao. It makes sense, but it also adds a slight layer of vanity to his personality too. 
☀️ I could type a whole other post on why I love that his favorite band is Queen but I’m gonna condense it down since this post is already really long haha. Sol’s themes, for the most part, have a pretty obvious thrash metal inspiration to them, but I don’t think it’s mentioned anywhere in the lore what his favorite bands are alongside Queen. While Queen has a few tracks that could be considered proto-thrash (Stone Cold Crazy, Ogre Battle, and Sheer Heart Attack (the song), etc), they have even more songs that are slow/soft, definitely not metal/rock, or are straight up about love, and that adds such a complex layer to Sol’s personality that I think a lot of people overlook when they write analyses about him. Especially since his favorite album is Sheer Heart Attack, which isn’t exactly a “light” album, but definitely has a lot of those slower/gentler tracks on it. Sol has this really rough outward personality and short temper, but then his favorite album is the one that’s got She Makes Me and Lily of the Valley on it. 
GGBegin spoilers below the cut.
☀️ Based on some lines in the first few chapters of Begin, we can probably assume that Frederick watched a lot of horror/action/thriller movies for fun.  From chapter 2:
[Viidia] “I'm just used to blood, that's all. Besides, with a monster like that, wouldn't it be more dangerous to be alone?"
[Frederick] “The one who runs away dies in the end, huh? It's a classic in the movies.”
Chapter 3: 
[Viidia] "Hey, there's a duct on the way that looks like it could hold people, how about we take the other way?”
[Frederick] “You want me to jump off the ramp? You've got to be kidding me.”
Frederick chuckled. It wouldn't work so well in real life as it did in the movies. Frederick knew that the ducts existed, but they were some distance from the ramp, and the grid cover sealing it off was locked firmly in place. He couldn't just jump into it, he would have to remove or break the cover.
There’s some narration in Begin that also draws comparisons to scenes happening with movie tropes but I don’t think those have as much weight, coming from a neutral 3rd person perspective, than the lines coming more or less directly from Frederick himself.
☀️ Also from chapter 2: There’s a scene where Frederick’s beating some Gear owls with a crowbar and mentions batting cages, so he probably either used to play baseball or at least enjoyed going to batting cages for fun. Baseball is incredibly popular in Japan too and it wouldn’t be out of place to make that a sport he liked to help the readers connect with him more. 
Another shot, as if in rhythm with his rising heartbeat. And then one more. Frederick swung the crowbar around incessantly. Crunch, crunch, crunch! The crowbar caught the owl several times. The recoil was exhilarating to say the least. 
[Frederick’s internal monologue] I've never been to a batting cage like this!
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puto-el-que-lo--lea · 3 years
Stuff I didn't like about Encanto (spoilers obviously):
-The first song being a very unnecessary exposition song explaining to us the roles of everyone in the family when it was something that we could already see with them interacting with each other.
-I watched it yesterday and I already forgot about the rest of the songs except for We don't talk about Bruno and Familia Madrigal. While visually stunning I felt like most of them were shoved into the movie just to justify it being a musical. LMM did a way better job with the songs in Vivo (please watch that movie it's amazing.)
-There was a lack of tension in the conflict due to the worst thing that could've happen was that they would lose their magic powers which in my opinion would've been completely fine. The town didn't depend on their magic, and I thought the lesson was gonna be that they would all lose their magic but just like Maribel, learn that there's more to them than that. They can fix their family issues without the need of magic but they seemed to miss the point?
-There were some parts of the movie that they clearly bullshited through. For one, Dolores is very nosy and couldn't keep Maribel's secret, but she could keep the secret that Bruno was still inside the walls?
The house building montage was also ??? They built it in very little time (since they never changed clothes and weren't many day and night cycles in the background iirc) and also where did they live in the meantime? That scene left me puzzled.
-The family excluded, ignored and made fun of Bruno and Maribel for at least a decade, even when they were trying to just help the family, and they were forgiven way too quickly over just a chat and a family meeting. Her abuela recognized that Maribel was right about the magic losing power and still scolded her in front of the whole town just to save face. She did not deserve to be forgiven just because she spilled the backstory and said she tried to protect the family. To me it seemed like she cared more about the magic and honor of the family (forcing Isabella to marry someone) than the members.
I felt more for Bruno having to live between the walls of the house pretending he was still a part of the family despite how much rejection he received (even a whole a** diss song about him which he probably heard) than in the supposed emotionally charged moment where Maribel and Abuela talk it out. When the house literally fell on her trying to save the candle only her mom went to check if she was fine 😐 and she didn't even benefit from the magic herself!
For latino culture family is really important, but unlike Coco I didn't feel like the message in this was quite right. I believe Pixar would've done this movie better justice even without the musical numbers with their more realistic, nuanced approach.
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eijiroukiriot · 4 years
here are my thoughts of all the filler/anime original content (filler) added to the bnha anime except i’m not looking up a list this is just everything i can remember 
iirc there wasn’t really any filler in season 1 (probably because they had the least episodes to work with and a brand new show doesn’t really want to waste viewer time on boring/unimportant content) BUT season 1 did come with the first OVA which, although it was pretty forgettable, had some genuinely fun moments i.e. iida and uraraka’s very cute interactions and that part where 13 praises bkg like “he’ll surely become a beautiful hero” and sero’s like “well, he’ll never be beautiful”. i don’t have bad feelings towards it but since all the rest of the OVAs and even though i’m complaining about training exercise plots the show had just started and it was still a good way to get new viewers acquainted with the class 
okay so this is gonna get wordy but bear with me: since anime moved away from the “popular series air year round” structure to the “popular series air in 1-2 cour chunks at a time” the definition of filler changed a lot - in like the early 2010s all you’d hear is “naruto is unwatchable because of how much time they waste on meaningless filler arcs” and i’ve never watched naruto myself but i’d imagine the fact that studios were expected to air 50 episodes a year was a huge part of why it turned out like that. but since things are different now the game is more about “how much of our original story can we fit into a short burst of episodes, and if we have extra time, what can we do to expand on it” and i think bnha proved in season 2 that they were really good at playing that game! s2 does not waste any filler time. like. that tsuyu episode is one of the most beloved episodes of the season and a GREAT example of how to use an extra episode to give a minor character some time to shine while also checking in on some other characters (i’m not gonna get into jean man thoughts right now but Bakugou Makes Kids Cry was a really good scene to expand on how horikoshi first wrote that internship and sorta. a part of why everything after it feels less credible) 
s2 also had the OVA with the zombies and tsuyu’s backstory which only took up the first few minutes BUT made it so that OVA checked off both the boxes of adding something to the story while also just being fun to watch. that scene at the end where all might offers a mummified deku cake in the hospital and he’s just like “i can’t eat this” is just so good 
obviously i’m biased about pool episode but also i think krbks are the only people who came out of that episode really happy. other than really firmly establishing their friendship (which is actually really good & important buildup to kamino) it’s a pretty clunky way to recap the characters and not even all of the flashback sequences were really handled in a way that made sense. i think the concept of a pool episode/race could’ve been done better if they had spent more time on it but what’s there is fine and it’s always nice to see the kids being kids. still don’t get why the girls didn’t get to race though 
i remember being so excited when miss saiko intelli was revealed because that was one of the first anime original GIRLS and i thought everything about the fight with her was fun! very fun watching her and her weird school friends, very fun watching momo and jirou work together while shouji held tsuyu like a baby. i enjoyed it  
i hate that mystery episode. like. not all filler really has to add anything to the story, if it was a really fun and exciting episode that would’ve been just fine but the whole episode was just deku walking around explaining a mystery that the audience had no chance of figuring out on their own. i liked the shot where all the kids poked their heads out from behind a corner in a little stack though 
i don’t remember if it was that episode or not but i do remember there also being a scene with melissa sort of promoing the movie in the anime which i didn’t mind because it was pretty quick and well integrated
i liked the first episode of season 4! camera guy’s quirk was cool, there were a lot of fun shots of the kids, and i thought the moment with him and deku at the end was really heartwarming. i don’t 100% remember what it was but it was heartwarming 
season 4 had a good amount of side arcs and the school festival arc was lighthearted and character-focused enough that i don’t think they had or needed any filler but also if i’m wrong please don’t correct me about it i like living with the mystery 
i just put this in the tags for that ask 1 second ago but season 4 ova was. boring. especially because they got 2 episodes to work with and decided to do another training episode. not much came out of it plot or character-wise other than 3 musketeers (is that what we’re calling them now .) working together and bkg accepting deku as a cane to lean on. those were good scenes but they could’ve shown them in a different scenario (like in team up mission!). idk what there really is to gain from making ovas anyway (unless they’re on a streaming service or something?) so i guess profit isn’t really the issue at hand but you gotta imagine that the people in charge know that another training exercise OVA isn’t gonna be the most exciting thing possible for fans. i’m not gonna demand that they make a fantasy au OVA or anything but if they had the resources to make 44 minutes of new animation and content it feels like a waste that they repeated what they already did without really fleshing anything new out 
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aurieeeeeenyx · 3 years
thanks for the tag, @veneritia :D
30 QUESTIONS: get to know me!
1. name/nickname: nyx (i also go by aurie cuz lol my url...haha...)
2. gender: uhhh good question *sweats* i generally use the label gnc (gender non-conforming) tho i think i also like agender? still figuring that out sjfjnabs (i use all pronouns btw; i like when multiple pronouns are used for me, though if you want to use one pronoun for me they/them is good)
3. star sign: gemini (don't know what moon and rising are)
4. height: you'll never know
5. time: too late to be doing my laundry that's for sure (jk it's late afternoon as of writing this...but i have been procrastinating doing laundry for the past four hours)
6. birthday: ;)
7. favorite band: the score
8. favorite solo artist: alec benjamin probably??? tbh i haven't listened to his stuff in a while but he's good go check out his music :) i mostly listen to random music that shows up in my recommended sdjfhds
9. song stuck in my head: all of them /j most recently maybe "i'm gonna win" by rob cantor tho honestly i always have at least 4 songs looping in my head at any given time /hj
10. last movie: howl's moving castle
11. last show: no idea; i don't think i've watched any recently, tho i have been thinking of rewatching atla
12. when i created this blog: april 2020 iirc
13. what i post: literally anything. this blog is just full of reblogs of random stuff (especially fandom related things for whatever fandom i've inevitably fallen into lmao) and the occasional creation of my own (art, animation, writing, etc)
14. last thing i googled: naginata
15. other blogs: i have a writing-only blog, @/aurienyx, which is...kinda dead, honestly. usually i post whatever to this blog, and then if it's writing (like Actual writing, and also original writing only-ish) then i'll reblog it to that blog. this blog was originally supposed to be a side blog but then...well, here we are (i post fics/drabbles and stuff to this blog only cuz yeah this one's more fandom-oriented; i think i post fic updates to the other one though)
16. do i get asks? rarely, but yes! i love getting asks, so feel free to send me one anytime :D
(getting long so the rest is under the cut!)
17. why i chose my url: oh boy. time for an explanation nobody asked for but i'm gonna give it anyways >:) a saga in three parts:
1, my url for this blog (aurieeeeeenyx) has 6 e's because it stems from the original (aurienyx), and that's because it was originally supposed to be a sideblog/joke-y blog—being unoriginal (/hj), i decided to stretch the vowels cuz that's what meme subreddits did and i thought it would be funny
2, the name "aurienyx" has two parts: "aurie" and "nyx". "aurie" is cuz i take latin, and "aureus" is "gold (coin)" in latin and like. that's cool (also we used to do this thing in class where we'd give ourselves names in latin and mine was "aurelius/a"). "aurenyx" looked funky to me so i stuck an "i" in there and that was that. the "nyx" part is where it gets fun: i used to be (and still kinda am) a mythology geek thanks, pjo/hoo and i always liked the name "nix/nyx", so i was like ah yes goddess of night nyx that's great—BUT i also really like(d) phoenixes so i was like aha! double whammy! and then i mixed them together and here we are
3, the less important part, "aurienyx" is a fairly short name with three distinct syllables and therefore easier to remember so like. branding or something ig (i didn't think abt this til after lmao) (this doesn't apply much to the url for this blog cuz it's loooooong)
so that's why! thank you for coming to my ted talk—
18. following: 256
19. followers: 129
20. average hours of sleep: .....don't attack me like this (not enough, clearly /j)
21. lucky numbers: don't really have them, but maybe 3 and 8?
22. instruments: piano, and i'm currently teaching myself (ish) ukulele! :D used to play oboe and cello but unfortunately not anymore...maybe i'll get back into cello someday (also thinking about learning guitar but uh 6 strings brain says no thank you /lh)
23. what am i wearing: right now i'm wearing a grey shirt/hoodie thing and black shorts
24. dream job: no idea/don't really have one; would love to be a part-time author though...kinda (i just wanna be able to create things for fun on the side ig)
25. favorite food: potatoes, maybe? they're so versatile it's great. but there's a lot of foods contesting for the spot so who knows
26. ?
27. nationality: :)
28. favorite song: oh god don't ask me this i can't chooooooose (but recently, probably "favorite color is blue" by robert delong ft k. flay... or maybe "revenge, and a little more" by unlike pluto... or maybe—)
29. last book i read: uhh besides an ungodly amount of fics i think the last book i actually finished was none of the above by i. w. gregorio. it was alright, though i wasn't really a fan. there's several other books i started but haven't finished reading, including (but not limited to) leviathan by scott westerfield, song of achilles by madeline miller, vicious by v.e. schwab, the night circus by erin morgernstern, the raven boys by maggie stiefvater....the list goes on
30. top 3 fictional universes i would like to live in: that's....really hard, honestly. i don't know, but if i had to choose: 1, harry potter bc i wanna explore hogwarts dammit; 2, the world in the game monument valley cuz wow those graphics are so pretty (the world of sky: children of the light too); and 3, this wonderland-based world i created a couple months ago lol (yes i'm biased but also i did a Lot of worldbuilding and i think it's really cool >:>)
tagging: @charlesjosephwrites, @belialwrites, @ryns-ramblings, @oasis-of-you, @djthedumbass, @iwantadamusername, @kittycatinblue, and anyone who wants to join :D
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sillyfudgemonkeys · 3 years
Comic buff with a thought, I notice the P5MM art and composition is more striking and closer to p5's art and style than the other manga, which is fine, but kinda... flat. (I find myself thinking there's something missing when I read it, then I look back at P5MM and I notice how there's more clever paneling, imagery, and stylistic choices akin to the games in it (like that one goro panel ya had a rant about) and I realize what's missing) That could be why P5MM is brought up more, just a guess. I dunno how you feel about all that though, I'm curious.
Under the cut cause it gets long cause of pictures:
I am very big on art style and visual presentation. I do actually judge a book by it's cover (manga, game, movie, show, yadda). If I find something pleasing to my eye I'll read it.....even if the contents are trash. Domestic Girlfriend is one, horrible manga (didn't finish, was holding out for Momo, aka best girl, and getting closure for her....then I bounced). Didn't watch the anime (didn't need to I was way ahead in the manga I think), but I know that opening is wasted on it. ldskfjaf Don't invest your time into it, it's not worth it, you would probably learn better morals from P5.......probably. But yeah I found the art style pleasing enough to try it out (I's not amazing by any means, but I like looking at it....or did.....that writing man....dat was bad ;w;).... *waves hands vaguely in air* yeah.
Fun fact, it's why I got into Persona. I happened across an ad for P4 on the PS2 in the Gameinformer magazine, it showed a screenshot from an animated cutscene plus one of the fully body art for the chars and I was like "Yes this is my jam!" (which only doubled down when I read what it was about, and it was a murder mystery and the article also talked up "the mystery of the glasses" which fakldjsalkfs yeah). So yeah it really clicked for me.
Tbh it's why I'm probably going to get back into freaking Bleach, and it's why I got into it and Naruto over One Piece (I don't think I'll ever read ON I'm sorry). Tite Kubo has sexy art what can I say? Can't trust a thing that man writes now but eh. It's also the reason I read a lot of Shojo (and now Yuri) manga, cause their art style is usually what I find very appealing (even if I've read the same gd shojo love story just by a different name for the 1000th time, give me the flowers and sparkly eyes! they are my life blood!)
And I've mentioned I really like Saito's art style. I've (attempted) to color some of his pieces on top of animate some manga frames (most of which I haven't actually published......I...I should....get around to finishing those up....haha...aha....haaaa). I really like his art, it's pleasant. But even with good art, I can still see past it and see what BS it's peddling and it can hamper my enjoyment of it. If I don't look at the context of the scene or the words on the page, I can be down with it. But when I'm reading.......I get annoyed. I balk at anything with Goro. I guffaw whenever Makoto's on screen (cause Saito nails her from P5, she acts useful but really she's useless but the narrative views her as useful it ironically makes her useless......it's the weirdest thing I've ever witnessed >.>). Like Saito really.....gets P5 it seems, down to it's flaws even (tho he can actually make the good parts of P5 shine, or at least parts that P5 failed to execute....execute in a way). But he also makes the flaws.....shine that much harder for me.
Now the Reg manga? it's nothing special art style wise, in fact it starts off VERY wonky, and while still wonky, has gotten a lot....better/cuter (esp Ryu). Not like shojo cute just.......I wanna squish their wittle faces cute (at times when it's not serious).
Like when it comes to Reg Manga these are the two pieces that have appeared in it that I feel kinda hit the P5 mark in terms of style:
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(look at Mona, coming into this world like the pustule that he is 8U)
Which isn't much, but it's something. At least Reg's AOA is better looking than the anime. 8U
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But I dunno, as the chapters go on, the Mangaka allows for more cuter expressions, and I just like their neat:
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(btw I colored that page)
I dunno, it's not as overtly cutsey as Saito:
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But they are still charming in a more simple way (without out having them go full chibi), it subtle but it gives it flavor. "Silly why are most, if not all those pics of Ryu and Anne?" I dunno guys maybe you should ask them how their backs are doing, cause they're the ones who are carrying the Reg manga when it comes to this! 8U
Tho I do think the first ch or two of Reg does a better job capturing P5's feel than the rest of the chapters, I think the mangaka is just.....bogged down by exposition and the game's BS that a lot of text on their pages so it almost reads like a novel:
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ALots of text, not the most dynamic of framing with the panels. It's kinda eh. I haven't really read the manga past the 2nd dungeon tbh (I mean......as the residential #1 Makoto hater, I think that's fair.....that I'd start to zone out during my least fav dungeon....and then continue zoning out during my 2nd least fav dungeon askfdjaflk)
But during the first two dungeon arcs, I liked how.....bad the PT were at thieving, I liked how green they were. It was obviously a learning process. I also like some of the fight choreo (Saito did the best hand to hand one in the series in P4U's Yu vs Sho....which I actually animated....spoiler.....no I have no released that...my dumbass wants to tempt fate and see if I can redo it in color even tho it took me 4 days non stop to get that animated in just black and white.....but I am a fool so alas 8U). I mean it's not mind blowing, but it was simple and decently thought out, which is more than I feel like we usually get (esp with the anime shows....or at least P4/5's).
But I think what draws me in is....it's lack of P5 style. P5 style has them being still oh so cool despite being new at everything. It's tired me out. P5's how identity is style. It's....style over substance (gonna rile some feathers with that....Cvit(?) vid title). But P5 is overtly stylish, to the point it......weighs on me. Drags me down. Tires me out. I don't think they're cool, I'm bored with it. Ironically, Reg manga lacks that, which......def would make someone (and me usually) give it much of a passing glance. It's very basic I guess. But.....consider me, being in P5 hell, surrounded by all it's nausea inducing stylishness, sees a small break in the hellish hurricane to see.......normalcy. It kinda makes me connect better with the kids (kinda, it's still P5).
They feel like normal kids, trying to do their thing (sometimes trying to look/act cool and failing), and.....it's just the absolute antitheses to P5's brand......and I think that's why I like it. KLFJDSAFLKJA;
Anyway, who knows, maybe when I catch up on Reg in english and re-read MM with the official translation I might change my mind about a few things, or at least how I rank them. But for post length sake, and my sanity sake, I think I should keep the anime and mangas out of the "Which entry do you hate least" post......because I should just make another post where I go into both mangas as well as compare and contrast the anime! :D I'm just delaying some insanity for later haha....
Wait.........I just remember Day Breakers exists......and I liked it....still do....don't have much issue with it. Well shit, that is probably the one entry I hate the least. fklsdjfalkjdfkla;jsL;FJljsfdlskafaj *sobs* nO NO, I committed, and that's just a sad loophole. fdklsajflakfj *sobs* I still need to the game thing, cause let's be honest, the games are where it counts.
So right now my ranking for manga/anime is:
Daybreakers>Reg manga> MM>>>>>>>>>>TV Show Anime and it's OVAs (may the burn in the hell fire from which they spawned)
Oh, one last thing, forgot to put it in but I dunno where to put it now. I like how the manga tones down the pervyness some:
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I mean Ryu is a fellow monkey. u_u .......but it's for the best I don't have to see his ape expression. ;w; (iirc the pyramid scene was a lot shorter/faster, but that's by the grace of reading and books rather than animation I suppose).
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kitkatopinions · 4 years
To be fair heroes overcoming great odds isn't unheard of and I don't expect Salem to literally win outright and end the show this volume (now THAT would be unexpected). However, that doesn't mean they can build up Salem like this and then have her fail while causing minimal no name casualties. I really wanted her to kill off at least 1/4 of the named cast. That would show the survivors though she might have been defeated, there were serious consequences to their screw ups and Salem is dangerous.
I absolutely agree with this.
Let’s look at the Fall of Beacon as an example of how the heroes overcame great odds and the bad guys didn’t win outright, but there were still plenty of casualties, the losses were significant, and the main characters had things they needed to learn from. Not only were the main cast dealing with hordes of Grimm and all the villains that have been established so far at once, the city was also overrun with Grimm, the White Fang was attacking, and the Atlas robots that were meant to protect everyone got hacked and turned against people, and then a massive and clearly very powerful Grimm got released as well, while Cinder claimed the second half of the Fall Maiden powers. These were massively hard to beat odds. And funnily enough, many of the problems got taken out without much victory from the main characters. Roman was eaten by a bird and the crashing ship cut off the signal to the Atlas robots, Blake was running from Adam and he just didn’t chase her, Cinder and the dragon Grimm were both taken out by Ruby discovering her silver eyes, which were a suddenly introduced magic power.
There are two things that made the Fall of Beacon still much more significant than the battle at Atlas. Number one is effort. Everyone was desperate and scrambling to help, everyone was seen fighting off Grimm and the Atlas robots throughout the whole of the Fall, everyone ended the battle exhausted or wounded. The only people who were making quips were the longtime hunters and inner circle members who had seen all kinds of battle before like Qrow, and only in moments of temporary reprieve. Before Roman got swallowed by a bird, Ruby had spent time fighting him and Neo in an effort to stop him from shooting down other ships. It doesn’t feel like she did nothing to earn a victory, because she was distracting Roman and trying to save people and clearly was fighting as hard as she could. Roman even being out of the cockpit in order to be eaten was a direct result of Ruby’s actions. Blake escaping didn’t feel like Adam just let her go without a fight because they did have a fight, Blake put in a lot of work for it. When Blake ran away and Adam didn’t go after her, it didn’t feel like Blake did nothing to earn it because she fought him for a time despite her trauma, pushed down the pain of her injury, and used cleverness to get some distance between them. The second thing that made the Fall of Beacon still feel more significant than Atlas was loss. They were in a situation where it was impossible to save everything and everyone, and the writing reflected that. Ironwood lost a lot of resources, the school had to shut down, there was a ton of property damage, but those are all smaller stakes. What really hit was the injuries and the deaths. Penny’s death started the whole thing, and whether or not she’s back now, she literally was dismembered on screen, leading the audience to be shocked, emotional, sad, and to know this is serious. In the fight against Adam, Yang lost her arm, which was something that her character dealt with the fallout of for the next three seasons. Roman was a villain, but Roman died as a causality to the Grimm despite being on Cinder’s side, which proved just how dangerous the Grimm were to everyone and that no character was safe. We didn’t see many civilians die, but it was obvious that they had to have died.
And then there was Cinder and the dragon Grimm. Ruby triggered her silver eyes for the first time accidentally and took out Cinder and the dragon Grimm at once without even meaning to or fighting Cinder at all. But it still felt earned and significant. Partly because Ruby didn’t know she could do this, so it wasn’t a ‘why didn’t you just use this earlier?’ moment, it wasn’t a ‘so you’ve been sitting on this power for what reason?’ moment. Partly because it came at a cost and directly after the loss of Pyrrha, another emotional loss for both the characters and the fanbase - and a main character. When I was watching this scene, I wasn’t worried about small details because a main character had just had an on-screen death! And Ruby’s emotional reaction, freezing for a second and then screaming Pyrrha’s name was impactful. The cost of Ruby acquiring this new sudden power was Pyrrha’s death, so it didn’t feel unearned for Ruby to use it. And then it clearly took a lot of her, the consequence of acquiring her power was passing out for at least days, likely weeks. The other reason why this scene in particular didn’t feel like a deus ex machina was because it didn’t solve the problems before they could start. They already lost Penny, they already lost Pyrrha, they already lost Ozpin, Yang already lost her arm, Blake already had her trauma reignited and felt like she had to run, the city had already been over-run, civilians had died, the school had already fallen. Ruby’s silver eyes stopped Cinder from continuing and stopped the largest and most dangerous Grimm in its tracks, but it wasn’t a fix. They triumphed, technically. They had stopped Cinder for the moment, taken out the largest Grimm, saved a lot of people, stopped the Atlas robots... But there was still massive cost.
Of course, it doesn’t have to even be that big. Although I’d have preferred it, the kingdom doesn’t have to fall, the school doesn’t have to go down, no main characters need to die. I can’t think of a good example in RWBY, but let’s talk about a part in the Lord of the Rings movies, Helms Deep. The people of Rohan holed up in a fortress to try and outlast the armies of orcs attacking them, but they had already lost a strong number of (nameless, characterless) fighters. So they started pulling mostly nameless and characterless children and elderly men from the civilians to fight to save their people (yes, it’s incredibly stupid that there were able bodied adult women literally asking to fight that aren’t allowed, but we’re not talking about that.) Our hero, Aragorn got in a fight with Legolas where they made it very clear that they both knew that all of these kids and elderly people would die and that if they fought, they’d likely die too. A group of elves came to join in their desperate last stand, and during the large fight, a side character elf from the last movie died brutally, on screen, while Aragorn yelled and fought to try to get to him and held him in his arms as he passed away. Later on, we saw very few live soldiers trying to barricade what seemed to be the last door between the Orcs and the civilians hiding in the caves. The king, Théoden, seemed to have lost all hope, but Aragorn talked him into trying to make one last stand to give the civilians a chance to escape and Theoden clearly thought they were riding to their deaths. Gandalf arrived conveniently just in time with an army of more Rohan soldiers (previously exiled) and turned the tide of the battle. The people of Rohan survived, Rohan itself survived and could start recovering, none of the (very capable of fighting) women or children younger than seemingly thirteen were lost, none of our main characters died or even seemed to obtain severe injuries, and not too long after that, Rohan threw a party. The only named character we know we lost was a side character who we didn’t have a lot of time to get attached to. But this still seemed like a well earned and hard fought victory, where the stakes had been incredibly high.
The Battle at Atlas is completely empty. We didn’t lose anyone other than Hazel, who was killed by his own boss (iirc.) Three of our four main protagonists spent episodes sitting around doing nothing. JRY interjected quips and fun times into even serious moments (like Oscar being kidnapped by the Hound.) The only losses we received were nameless and characterless soldiers that the writing clearly doesn’t want us to really feel for. Ruby’s silver eyes haven’t come at a cost for seasons and have just been an easy way to get rid of Grimm before they can do much damage, which is exactly what happens with the Hound. Ironwood, a villain, is the one who keeps Salem back for episodes, and then Oz just pulls a sudden power out of nowhere to get rid of the whale and temporarily remove Salem from the picture with very little effort and zero consequences. No civilians die, no main characters die, everyone is fine, only Nora is even injured and she still seems mostly fine and like she’s already well on her way to recovery. It’s so disappointing, really. They gave us endless stakes and then had next to nothing come of it. I honestly don’t know if their writing could get any sloppier.
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Tagged by: @neurosismancer​
Name: If you know it, you know it. If not, you’ve probably got no shortage of things to call me anyway.
Gender: *siiiiiigh* Goddammit, I’m tired. Potted version: Two of us in here, one woman, one agender using he/him pronouns, and the whole combined entity uses they/them and goes “enh, I guess” to the idea of “demi-woman” as a gender.
Star sign: Sagittarius. Or Ophiuchus, if we’re doing the sidereal thing, which I have a certain affection for because of who it pisses off.
Height: 5'4″/163 cm
Time: 10:41 PM US Eastern Daylight Time as I type this.
Birthdays: ...do people other than my mom have more than one? Anyway, it was a few months ago.
Favorite band(s): Are we doing this again? Anyway, I’ve recently looked back in on Triakel, Garmarna, and Hedningarna, who’ve been quite active while I was gone.
Favorite solo artist(s): Similarly with Kepa Junkera, who seems to average releasing/guesting on three albums a year. The last I’d checked in on him was in 2008 when Etxea dropped, and it took me about four days to listen to everything he’s put out since then. That’s a lot of accordion. (My dad rather liked him, even if he did have a habit of ‘humorously’ mispronouncing his name as “Creepy Junkie”, and I couldn’t help but think he would’ve liked some of the new material—one of the few occasions where I’ve felt anything other than relief that he’s gone.)
Song stuck in my head: Bok-Espok by Kepa Junkera, which he seems to reprise every other album. Which means I’ve heard it many, many times this week.
Last movie I watched: None recently, no.
Last show I watched Last game I played: I don’t watch TV, so let me hijack this question like I usually do. I’m currently partway through the When Twilight Strikes demo, and while I’m thiiiiiis close to offering my services as a local consultant for the NYC stuff and found the “exotic beauty” kind of tone to Blane’s initial description somewhat uncomfortable, it’s otherwise been great fun, and I’m looking forward to future updates.
When did I create this blog: 2013. April, if I’m not mistaken.
When I post: Post post? Not often, it’s just about wall-to-wall reblogs around here.
Last thing googled: "shaped like a friend”, because I was curious about how long ago that phrase was coined. The Internet was unhelpful on the matter.
Other blogs: Nope! I’ve been Team Let It All Hang Out since day 1.
Do I get asks: Sometimes, usually when I’ve posted an ask meme.
Why I chose my URL: Paul Celan, “Die hellen/Steine” (The bright/Stones) Celan’s good, you ought to read him. Depressing, mind.
Followers: 324, which IIRC is more than double what I had a year ago. Dragon Age fandom is probably responsible for quite a lot of the increase. I can only imagine what the people who followed me for my DA diaries think of me now!
Average hours of sleep: 6-7. A bit more when I’m not waking up early for work, but not by much.
Lucky number: 7, I’m boring.
Instruments: Not anymore. Somewhere among the infinite possibilities of the multiverse is a timeline where I’m not cursed with cloth ears, tiny fingers, and bullshit lung capacity and was able to get reasonably good at something. Maybe an instrument, maybe singing. I liked singing.
What I’m wearing: My black pajama pants again, this time with a galaxy-print T-shirt in ace flag colors. (I needed some purple shirts to go with the purple skirts in my summer wardrobe, and I was like, “I know what’s purple!”)
Dream trip: No. I’m done.
Favorite food: All of them, leave me alone. OK, not all of them, I’m actually kind of picky and a lot of fruits and vegetables that I used to like now make me violently sick, but you get the idea. I do make a point of ordering mofongo on special occasions (and Election Day), though. Good stuff.
Nationality: American. Mom thinks I might be eligible for a Greek passport, but I’m not so sure, especially since she was naturalized here years before I was born.
Favorite song: You know I’m not going to give this an actual answer, but here, have a song: Stina by Triakel, which I haven’t found an English translation of but is definitely catchy as hell.
Last book I read: Currently about halfway through Arkady Martine’s A Desolation Called Peace. What an incredible book, she’s somehow gotten even better at writing since the first one. In particular, I’m going to be shoving it in the face of anyone writing about a child being raised for rulership, like a crown prince in a monarchy—the characterization of Imperial Associate Eight Antidote (bright, socially and politically aware, and eleven goddamn years old someone please hug this child what are you doing to him) is one of the highlights of the whole thing so far.
Top 3 fictional universes i’d like to live in: Oof. Teixcalaan might not be so terrible, if I were Teixcalaanli of reasonably comfortable socioeconomic status. (Oh, stop, no way in hell was I the only one idly wondering what I might use as a Teixcalaanli name by halfway through the first book—how’s Fourteen Reflection sound?) I’m starting to feel like the Star Wars universe would be a lateral move, and if I can petition to specifically be plopped into an Alexander Freed novel, at least my self-destructive tendencies will be beautifully rendered in graceful prose. And in the universe of AJ Hackwith’s The Library of the Unwritten, I’d be curious to see what my hypothetical creations would look like (though creators aren’t supposed to see them, at least not while alive).
Favorite color: Burgundy? Purple? Silver? White? Black? I’ve got a few. Basically, if it’s not green or orange, I’m probably OK with it.
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redacted-metallum · 4 years
Classic Slashers I've seen aligned with TMA Fears even though I haven't listened to the podcast in months bc it was fucking w my head and i woke up half an hour ago and im writing this on my phone lets go:
Definitely Flesh, like HARDCORE Flesh like probably Jonny Sims the Creator of the Podcast was Inspired by this movie for the Flesh hardcore Fleshcore.
I honestly get Stranger vibes too both because like. The early 20 somethings were like who the fuck is THIS guy when Bubba showed up and Bubba was like who the fuck are THESE people why are they in my house (and then he killed them)
A sprinkling of Corruption bc the whole movie looks like it smells bad. I will not elaborate you either understand what that means or you don't.
Just a dash of the Hunt as well bc people do get chased but it feels less like "oh god oh fuck im being chased" and more "if that man gets me im gonna die bc he has a fucking chainsaw" which is more Flesh than Hunt
Also the Slaughter that's like. Inherent. It's a given. Probably going to exclude it from further things just bc. It's The Slaughter and these are Slashers
If the Hunt and the Stranger had a baby you would get this movie. Im also including Halloween II (1981) bc that's one of my favorite versions of Michael Myers even though ive only seen the two movies. Thats how good of a Michael he is.
Ngl??? The Spiral. The whole blurring of dreams and reality thing is 100% the Spiral.
Probably also a bit of the Hunt?
Idk man it's been a while since I've seen this one I just know if I go up against a Freddy in DBD im gonna die quickly and be mad as hell the whole time. Also if I saw Freddy in my dream I'd simply wake up bc I had to pee. Rip to those teenagers but I'm different.
I also didn't like this movie but that's more because I want to tear Freddy apart. Fucking hate that guy. I heard the 2nd one was better but I havent seen it yet.
SCREAM (1996)
God I need to watch Scream again it's so good.
I'm gonna mention Slaughter specifically for this one even though it's implied by nature of the type of movie I'm talking about here. Something abt just. The fact that in the OG Scream nothing supernatural is going on and it's just. Two shithead teens doing murder distills it to Slaughter in an almost pure form.
I havent seen any of the other ones yet but ive heard theyre also good.
I do think there's an aspect of the Stranger to it as well in that like. You don't know WHO Ghostface is for most of the movie but it's to a lesser degree than like, Halloween.
FRIDAY THE 13TH (1980)
Im still disappointed there was no Jason in this one. I just wanted to see a large man with a machete.
This movie honestly almost had no vibes if you ask me it was like. I had fun watching it but it was mostly bc i was on a vc with a friend who was also watching it and we were making fun of it.
I guess Stranger?? Idk
Mrs Voorhees effectively utilized girl power when she killed those late teens early 20s.
SAW I, II, and III (2004, 2005, 2006)
Flesh. Flesh Flesh Flesh. Did I mention Flesh?
I'm honestly also gonna say Eye because I really feel like an Aspect of the Saw movies is that you are being Watched through it all that's like. Different to the being watched in Halloween.
Also Slaughter mostly just bc in my head Grifter's Bone sounds like NIN and iirc NIN did the soundtrack to at least one of those movies.
I watched them all in like one sitting and then I had to Stop.
HELLRAISER I, II, III (1987, 1988, 1992)
Is this even a slasher?? I'm including it.
It's got like. Flesh and Spiral vibes. The Spiral vibes might just be because it's weird.
There's no fear thats specifically horny so I can't properly assign one based off of the vibes bc these movies are so goddamn horny.
I watched these 3 in under 24 hours while also graduating high school
If Hellraiser is a slasher so is the Shining.
If the Slaughter and the Spiral had a baby it would be this movie. I cannot articulate more clearly how strong the vibes are. When i imagine the Spiral's hallway it has the Overlook Hotel's carpet.
I've been to the hotel where they filmed the outside parts. We went there and I was like, mad abt being on a mountain until i saw the hotel and I was like holy SHIT and then i had beef stew
Another movie of pure Slaughter/Spiral vibes. The Spiral vibes are only there because watching it feels almost Exactly like dissociation.
Like I watch this movie and then im like where am i who am i
I think about the business card scene every goddamn day
This took like. An hour. You're welcome.
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