#i can offer you my life // jem carstairs
inheritedcreatures · 6 months
where: is there a hospital in this town idk
tags: @ivycovestarters
jem was the sort of tired that he could feel way deep down in his bones. his extremely poor, aching bones. having just gotten off his shift, he was still donning his scrubs and in the process of attempting to make his way home when he smacked directly into another person. lost in thought - mostly about what lond of food he had waiting at home - jem hadn't even see the person walking his direction.
" shit, i'm sorry. " he tried to reach out and grab them before they fell. " i really have to pay more attention. sorry. "
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clockwork-carstairs · 3 months
jem and julian: i’m not good with words / idk what im talking about 😓😪🗣️🚫🙅‍♂️
jem and julian:
You speak of sacrifice, but it is not my sacrifice I offer. It is yours I ask of you. I can offer you my life, but it is a short life; I can offer you my heart, though I have no idea how many more beats it shall sustain. But I love you enough to hope that you wil not care that I am being selfish in trying to make the rest of my life - whatever length - happy, by spending it with you. – jem “i’m not good with words i prefer using music” carstairs
When you love someone, they become a part of who you are. They're in everything you do. They're in the air you breathe and the water you drink and the blood in your veins. You know their dreams because their nightmares pierce your heart and their good dreams are your dreams too. And you don't think they're perfect, but you know their flaws, the deep-down truth of them, and the shadows of all their secrets, and they don't frighten you away; in fact you love them more for it, because you don't want perfect. You want them. – julian “nothing i’m just talking” blackthorn
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surshica · 2 years
synopsis : aib characters as sweet sappy quotes
genre : fluff :(
warnings : none! i kinda cried doing this tho.
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“i would’ve come for you and if i couldn’t walk, id crawl to you and no matter how broken we were, we’d fight our way out together.”
“i offer you my life, but it is a short life i can offer you my heart, though i have no idea how many more beats it shall sustain.” (jem carstairs)
“i swear on the angel. The hell with that, I swear on us.” “why us?” “Because there isn’t anything i believe in more.” (jace herondale)
“the world was collapsing, and the only thing that really mattered to me was that you were still alive.” (percy jackson)
“in our next lives i want our roles to be reversed me the one who fell in love first and you the loved one so i can give you all the love you have given me.” (choi soobin)
“that’s because you are cold-hearted.” “for everyone else maybe, but not for you.” (conard fisher)
“3 words, 8 letters, say it and i’m yours.”
“we are staying together. you’re not going away from me. never again.” (percy jackson)
“i’ll give you the world, the stars, whatever you want. i’m yours.” (aaron blackford)
“you’re not the villain in my story.” “i am” mira says. “but i’ll be the villain for you. not to you.” (plated prisoner)
“you are the first dream of my soul, and from that dream i hope will come all other dreams, a lifetime’s worth.” (will herondale)
“whatever our souls are made of, yours and mine are the same.” (hardin scott)
— this one is talking abt usagi. “to the world, she is formidable. to me? she is the world.” (aaron warner)
“if i had to live every eternity searching for you, i would. there isn’t a moment i would rest without you by my side. its you and i until the end.” (these stained glass hearts)
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tags — open !
@nanamora , @parkersmyth , @trinmadol , @noxceleste , @eissaaaa , @dr3amscap3 , @arizzu , @bwnniidump , @kerenz , @minyoungieee , @saiewithakatana
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mikhayhu · 10 months
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"Zhe shi jie shang, wo shi zui ai ne de" In all the world, you are what I love the most.
- Jem Carstairs to Tessa Gray
"For that was love, wasn't it. To burn bright in someone else's eyes" - Jem Carstairs to Tessa Gray
"You speak of sacrifice, but it is not my sacrifice I offer. It is yours I ask of you," he went on. - Jem Carstairs to Tessa Gray
"I can offer you my life, but it is a short life; I can offer you my heart, though I have no idea how many more beats it shall sustain. But I love you enough to hope that you will not care that I am being selfish in trying to make the rest of my life--whatever its length--happy, by spending it with you. I want to be married to you, Tessa. I want it more than I have ever wanted anything else in my life." - Jem Carstairs to Tessa Gray
"Your place is with me. It always will be". - Jem Carstairs to Tessa Gray
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My muse is stuck in bed (with either an injury or an illness), send “ 🛌” for your muse to keep them company.
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Jem wasn’t sure what’d happened, but he knew one thing; he was laying in a bed, and Tessa seemed to be reading in a chair beside him. Slowly, he remembered collapsing mid-battle, and grimaced at the horrible ache in his chest. He hadn’t been conscious, and so it was a Silent Brother who had cared for him this time. Pushing himself into a half seated position, he brought his fatigued silvery gaze to the other’s, “Which book is it?”
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Top 10 tsc ships as voted by my followers: 10. Jem Carstairs & Tessa Gray (3 votes) “You speak of sacrifice, but it is not my sacrifice I offer. It is yours I ask of you," he went on. "I can offer you my life, but it is a short life; I can offer you my heart, though I have no idea how many more beats it shall sustain. But I love you enough to hope that you wil not care that I am being selfish in trying to make the rest of my life - whatever length - happy, by spending it with you. I want to be married to you, Tessa. I want it more than I have ever wanted anything else in my life." He looked up at her through the veil of silvery hair that fell over his eyes. "That is," he said shyly, "if you love me, too.”
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apokalyps · 3 years
"You said I am a good man," he said. "But I am not that good a man. And I am—I am catastrophically in love with you.”
- Will Herondale
“I can offer you my life, but it is a short life; I can offer you my heart, though I have no idea how many more beats it shall sustain”
-Jem Carstairs
“Our souls are knit. We are one person, James.”
-Will Herondale
“They say you cannot love two people equally at once…and perhaps for others that is so. But you and Will—you are not like two ordinary people….I could not have loved Will so much if I had not loved you as well. And I could not love you as I do if I had not loved Will as I did.”
-Tessa Gray
It's been two years or more since I finished reading The Infernal Devices and no I am not over it and I shall never be.
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clockworkbee · 3 years
the perfect marriage proposal doesn't exist—
“I want to be with someone I love. I want to have a companion. I’d like to bring someone home to my family. I don’t want to live alone anymore. And I want a son or a daughter. We could have that together. I can’t give you everything. I know that. But I want to raise a family, and I’d love to raise one with you.”
Harry Cameron, from the seven husbands of evelyn hugo
“You speak of sacrifice, but it is not my sacrifice I offer. It is yours I ask of you,” he went on. “I can offer you my life, but it is a short life; I can offer you my heart, though I have no idea how many more beats it shall sustain. But I love you enough to hope that you will not care that I am being selfish in trying to make the rest of my life—whatever its length—happy, by spending it with you. I want to be married to you, Tessa. I want it more than I have ever wanted anything else in my life.”
“That is, if you love me, too.”
Jem Carstairs, from the clockwork prince
“You can have mine.”
“Your name?”
“Marry me. Marry me, Tess. Marry me and be Tessa Herondale. Or be Tessa Gray, or be whatever you wish to call yourself, but marry me and stay with me and never leave me, for I cannot bear another day of my life to go by that does not have you in it.”
Will Herondale, from the clockwork princess
“I never wanted you to think I didn’t love you. And even if you don’t want to marry me now, you deserved to have me ask you. Because I always, always wanted to marry you, and that’s the truth. I love you, Jace Herondale. I love you and I need you like light and air, like my chalk and my paint, like beautiful things in the world ...”
Clary Fairchild, from a love that never tires
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mortalfaerie · 3 years
Matthew Fairchild x Lost Herondale! Reader
Y/N Herondale gets her just deserts when snooping in Cirenworth's attic sends her back over 100 years.
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An indeterminate amount of time passed as you drifted in and out of consciousness. You recalled a silent brother standing over you, buts of hushed and worried conversation, and one occasion when you woke to Tessa sitting by your side, a cold cloth on your forehead and her mixing a tincture by your bedside.
You couldn't bring yourself to speak in your current state, but remembered vaguely that Tessa excelled in healing magic. You tried to reach out to her, but found you lost consciousness again before you could.
When you finally did wake without horrible pain, you found yourself in a narrow bed, in a cotton nightgown you'd never seen, but unmistakably in the London Institute's infirmary, the painted ceiling distinct.
What happened? Did Tessa and Jem take you here because you had been sick? Was Kit okay? Where was everyone? These questions pounded in your head as you stood from the bed, and cautiously padded to the double doors leading to the hallway. You opened the door to look out, but found Tessa and two people you didn't know - one being the man who had carried you - talking outside the door. They all looked to you, pausing, and then Tessa exclaimed, "Oh goodness, you're awake at last."
"I- what happened? Where's Kit? Why are we in London?" You asked, looking rapidly from person to person.
"You should have a seat, if you're able." said the other person - a petite woman of perhaps 40 or 50.
"What's going on?" you asked again, increasingly alarmed. "Is Kit okay? Where's my brother? I want to see him!"
"I'm sure we can help you find your brother as soon as we know who you are." The taller man assured you.
You looked again to Tessa, exasperated. "Tessa, what's going on? You know me, I- Kit and I live with you and Jem and Mina in Devonshire." Your voice started to wobble as panic set in.
"I- I'm sorry, I don't think that we've ever met before now." Tessa said, her face earnestly confused.
Tears spilled over your cheeks as you looked desperately to the other two adults.
"I'm Y/N Herondale." You choked out. "My little brother is Kit, you took us in after our dad was killed. We used to live in Los Angeles but we moved here after the Cohort - Tessa, please, you have to remember me."
At the name Herondale, all parties looked shocked and concerned. You cried earnestly now, shocked and panicked and feeling like you were living in a waking nightmare. You didn't pay much mind as they sheparded you into a chair in the infirmary, and the man called for tea from the kitchen. A blanket was draped around your shoulders, lest you go into shock, and when tea was pressed into your hands you finally ceased crying.
"Now," Tessa said softly, seated beside you and across from the others, "Why don't you tell us from the beginning what you remember, Y/N."
With a shuddering breath, you began. "My name is Y/N Herondale. My dad was Johnny Rook, and my mother was Rosemary Herondale. My mom died before I can remember, and only a bit after my brother Kit was born. We grew up with mundanes were always told we just had the true sight and to be quiet about it, until the day demons attacked my dad at our house, and Kit and I barely escaped with Jem Carstairs and -" you looked to Tessa, "You. We lived in the Los Angeles Institute for a bit, but eventually we decided to go to England with you and Jem when you offered - you said it was because we were the lost Herondale siblings, and that you owed a debt to the Herondales."
You looked to the man and woman across from you, silently imploring if you should continue. The man, who's black hair was flecked with gray and who's blue eyes mirrored your own, cleared his throat.
"Y/N, my name is William Herondale, and this is my wife, Tessa Herondale. And next to me is Charlotte Fairchild, the consul. We don't know how you happened to get here, but rest assured, you will not be turned away."
You could have cried again for relief, but you steeled yourself when the consul nodded to you. "Do you remember what happened before you were discovered outside?"
You nodded slowly. "I was at Cirenworth Hall. Tessa - my Tessa, I guess - gave me a book to read and it inspired me to look around in the attic, and I found something in a box. I - I can't remember what it was, but I remember feeling sick suddenly, and then I was lying in the grass with Jessamine over me."
"You could see Jessamine?" Charlotte asked, and you nodded.
"Yeah, my brother and I could both see ghosts after we got our voyance marks. Some that other people can't see, too." You said.
Tessa and Will exchanged a glance, and Will spoke. "That would give credence to your claim of being a Herondale. The issue is, however, that the only living Herondales are myself, my family here, and my sister, now Cecily Lightwood. Our father had a brother, but he and his wife both died before they had any children."
"But his name was Tobias, right?" You asked, gears beginning to turn in your head.
"Yes, actually." Will said, raising an eyebrow. "How would you know that?"
"Because Tobias Herondale was my ancestor. He had a son no one knew about, and that son married a faerie woman..." you trailed off. "And eventually, I happened."
"That raises another question, then." Charlotte said, her expression speculative. "If you are a Herondale, and you bear marks, how is the clave unaware of you?"
"I think," you began, bracing yourself to be called crazy. "That maybe I'm not from this time, or this dimension. I think something I did in the attic sent me here, wherever here is."
"London." Tessa supplied, "July, 1903."
You stood up in shock. "1903? You can't be serious! I - how? I wasn't even born until 1997 - oh my god, Kit, I can't -"
"Y/N!" Tessa exclaimed, placing her hands on your shoulders to push you back in your seat. "Please, calm down, I'm afraid you'll make yourself sick."
You let her push you back into your seat, but stared blankly at the floor as your jaw worked.
"Is such a thing possible?" Will asked quietly to Charlotte.
"To have travelled through time? Not as I know it, but perhaps it could be a cruel faerie trick? It's known that time moves differently in the faerie realms." She replied, still cautious in her tone.
You brought your arms around yourself and hugged your sides as the gravity of your situation set in. Kit - oh god, was he looking for you? Would they know to look in the attic? What would happen to your little makeshift family? You heaved a sob, and the attention of the adults turned back to you.
Tessa - motherly Tessa - let propriety slip and pulled you to her side, and you clung to her for dear life. The consul came closer and passed a comforting hand over your hair.
"No matter how you came to be here," she said softly, "You are a nephilim, and you are displaced and distressed, and so you will always be supported at this Institute. We will do all we can to discern this situation, but you will be in good hands with Tessa and Will."
You hiccuped and met her eyes, seeing genuine compassion in them. She offered you a hesitant smile, and turned to Tessa.
"She will remain here until we are able to reverse this. I will confer with the Silent Brothers on this matter, and see if they know of any case like this. Until then, perhaps she will be treated as a ward of the Institute?"
Tessa nodded, her hold on you still firm. "Of course. We'll see to it."
Will went to see the consul out, and Tessa stayed behind, with you still holding onto her. "Y/N?" she asked, all gentleness and care in her voice. You wanted to believe this was your Tessa, the one who had become like a mother to you, but this Tessa knew nothing of you at all.
"Yes?" you said, your voice hoarse from crying.
"I don't know how you've come here, but I want you to know - I trust what you say. I have seen many impossible things, but still I am met with surprises. I also know that since I am a warlock - I am fated to live many, many years. If you truly were not born until 90 years from now, it's possible you know me in your time. I am sorry that I don't know you, but know that you are safe here."
You squeezed her, and managed to say, "Thank you. You've always been so kind to me. I - I'm glad I crash landed somewhere with you here."
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pipoetry · 3 years
"I felt I was dreaming and thinking and feeling with you. I dreamed what you dreamed, wanted what you wanted- and then I realised that truly I just wanted you. The girl behind the scrawled letters. I loved you from the moment I read them. I love you still"
Will herondale
I can offer you my life, but it is a short life; I can offer you my heart, though I have no idea how many more beats it shall sustain. But I love you enough to hope that you will not care that I am being selfish in trying to make the rest of my life -whatever length- happy, by spending it with you. I want to be married to you, Tessa. I want it more than I have ever wanted anything else in my life. That is -he said shyly- if you love me too"
Jem Carstairs
Dropping here two of my all-times-favourite love confessions. You can drop here yours too <3
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inheritedcreatures · 6 months
james "jem" carstairs
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woah! was that JAMES “JEM” CARSTAIRS walking down main street? i heard they’re not actually from ivy cove but come from THE INFERNAL DEVICES. they’re TWENTY-FIVE and live in RADIAN HILLS but watch out because they can be SECRETIVE + JEALOUS but are actually INTELLIGENT + STEADFAST. despite them NOT HAVING memories, you’ll always think of THE URGE TO EXPERIENCE EVERYTHING BUT KNOWING YOU’LL RUN OUT OF TIME; A BED FOR TWO WITH ROOM FOR THREE; KNOWING A TYPE OF LOVE THAT TRANSCENDS AGE AND TIME; THE KNOWLEDGE THAT YOU WERE ALWAYS GOING TO DIE YOUNG; & THE DRIP, DRIP, DRIPPING OF AN IV when imagining them. / shannon chun-kook, he/him.
name. james carstairs. alias. jem. ki jian ming. age. 151 twenty-five (25). gender. cis male. pronouns. he/him. occupation. paramedic. memories. no.
talk / hoizer - i won't deny i've got in my mind now all the things we'd do / so i'll try to talk refined for fear that you find out how i'm imaginin' you burden / foy vance - let me carry your burden / get you back on a high when you're feeling low / when the weight's too heavy, but you won't let go to build a home / the cinematic orchestra - there is a house built out of stone / wooden floors, walls and window sills / tables and chairs worn by all of the dust / this is a place where i don't feel alone / this is a place where i feel at home
the urge to experience everything but knowing you'll never have enough time. being covered in tattoos that you don't remember getting. a bed made for two with more than enough room for three. what is life without a little bit of sacrifice? knowing a type of love that transcends time and age. being dependent on things you can't control and hating every second of it. the knowledge that you were always destined to die young. you love and you love and you love and it is still not enough. the drip, drip, dripping of an iv. 
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livvyofthelake · 3 years
hiiiiii omg hi ok what's up with kit herondale . just any context u would be willing to provide :~~)
omg he is literally my best friend… ok so he’s basically clary in the sense that he’s a shadowhunter by blood but raised as a mundane, except he always knew about the shadow world because his father was a con man who sold information to the general low life ne’er-do-wells that frequent the shadow market (including emma carstairs our beloved protagonist of the dark artifices). anyway so his whole deal is that his father had to keep him secret from the shadowhunters because he’s descended from two very specific very important people and the unseelie fairies want him dead because of that. (so on one side he’s descended from the lost herondale, who was a disgraced shadowhunter, and the first heir, who was a fairy princess meant to be the one uniting ruler of the seelie and unseelie courts. sorry all that was very lore-heavy). anyway so due to the events of lady midnight his father dies and he lives at the institute with emma and the blackthorns while they get caught up in their insane world shattering shadowhunter drama. there’s murder mystery there’s edgar allen poe references there’s evil fairy princes and parabatai falling in love with each other and becoming angelic super beings for like ten minutes that was wild. there is also the far more important events of kit’s weird codependent friendship with ty blackthorn. ty just latched onto this kid like a baby duckling and decided he wanted kit to be his sidekick a la sherlock holmes and watson i’m not kidding he says that that’s textual cassie is literally using ty to write shadowhunter au sherlock holmes fanfiction that’s not even a joke. and THEN ty’s twin sister livvy dies and ty is immediately like ok great i’ve always wondered what necromancy would be like let’s go. and kit goes along with it because idk what would you do if you were 15 and your only friend and crush just lost his twin and started talking about necromancy?? anyway so they botch the necromancy because of course they did they’re 15 and livvy was the brains of the operation and livvy comes back but as a ghost that only ty can see except kit can also see her because he can see ghosts (some shadowhunters can see ghosts but most can’t idk i didn’t make up the lore). but right before they brought her back kit tried to stop it because like, obviously it was a bad idea. so he told ty he loved him and that he didn’t need livvy to have a good life because he’d have kit, but ty absolutely did not listen and did the necromancy anyway because he’s a one track minded cunt and has autistic boy swag and he’s just like me fr. so naturally kit took this to mean ty didn’t care about him and after the big climactic event of queen of air and darkness he left without even saying goodbye because jem and tessa offered to take him in. (jem and tessa were looking for him the whole time the events of lady midnight were happening because they are incredibly invested in saving the herondale bloodline due to them both being in love with will herondale, who is long dead but he was married to tessa and he was jem’s parabatai and he’s jace’s ancestor). so now he lives in england with them as his adoptive parents and he Does Not Want To Talk About Ty ever because cardigandotmp3. and presumably the evil fairies still really wanna kill him sooo bad because he’s magic and the only living heir to both the seelie and unseelie courts.
also he’s my best friend <3
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Parabatai bond  Essay... Why they may all be destined to end
Parabatai: defined by Cassandra Clare as a rare intense where a pare of warriors connect/bond in childhood and then decide to knit their souls together so that they can always stay together and always carry a piece of the other inside them. Defined by the fandom as “ a type of (supposedly) platonic marriage”. Cassandra Clare also wants to claim it as a type of bond that is unique to the shadow world, but honestly I can name several pair of Parabatai all across different media’s. Just looking at early 2000′s children's anime and Disney esqu movies we have Ash/Pikachu, Yugi Muto/the Pharaoh, Hiccup/Toothless, Woody/Buzz, etc...
... If you share my taste in these media’s you probably noticed that of the 4 other series “Parabatai” I listed 3 out of 4 (Ash and Pikachu are still partners right?) have to split off from the other due to changes of destiny/life. This is also the case for man,y many parabatai in The Shadowhunter Chronicles. Sounding off pairs that are important enough for me to care about underneath
Jonathan Shadowhunter/David the Silent: Let’s began at the beginning. Jonathan Shadowhunter was the first ever Shadowhunter. His favorite person in the world was his companion David, who wasn’t as much of a fighter as Jonathan but was very smart and very good at keeping Jonathan grounded when necessary. After being traumatized by a greater demon when fighting alone one da, David gave up fighting (and speaking), and became the first ever silent brother. The story said this broke their bond and broke Jonathan down to tears. I am sure David still loved him though. David could have chosen to go back to being a mundane but instead chose to undergo the rituals to turn himself into a silent brother. David was never that into fighting/war. Everything he did he did out of love for Johnathan. When David was no longer able to be there for Jonathan as a solider, he found a new way as a Silent Brother.
Robert Lightwood/ Michael Wayland: Parabatai and joined at the hip as teenagers. When Michael confessed to having romantic feelings towards Robert confusion as to his own feelings and fears surrounded by change drove Robert to reject Michael in a cruel and harsh way. Their bond is officially severed after the uprising when Michael die,s and Robert is exiled. Decades later Robert still regards hurting Michael as the biggest mistake in his life, the persist moment when he lost faith in himself. It is only after he confesses to his oldest child what he did and how it still haunts him all these years, only after he is finally able to acknowledge within himself the importance of the memories he has of Michael, that Robert is able to finally turn his life around for the better.
Valentine Morgenstern/ Lucian Greymark: Parabatai while studying at the academy, and for a few years afterwards. When Luke started to doubt Valentine’s plans, Valentine took him to be ambushed by a pack of feral werewolves hoping Luke would be killed instead Luke was turned. After this Valentine and Luke became bitter enemy's. These two men who once had so much love for the other, now swore to destroy any plan the other had and would fight with the intent to kill upon seeing he other. Despite all this bad blood, both still loved the memories of who the other used to be, and it is implied that a lot of their hatred for who the other is now is born from grief over they Parabatai they lost.
William Herondale/James Carstairs: CC’s closest Parabatai pair. Both Will and Jem had their whole lives shattered by demons when they were just children, and afterwards questioned at times if it was still really had much of a reason to carry on. Then they met each other and decided that they had to carry on because they loved the other to much to leave them alone. These two are in a way echo’s of Jonathan and David, and like David Jem joins the brotherhood when it is no longer possible for him to stay with Will and Tessa as a shadowhunter. They lose the bonds, but keep their love for each other. Will calls silent city on a daily basis with some excuse for needing Brother Zachariah, and Jem faithfully answers every call.
Julian Backthorn/Emma Carstairs: Fall in love, turn into Giant “true Shadowhunters”. Their bond is severed when their runes are burned off by heavenly fire coursing though their veins. By this time though their relationship had already changed from a platonic one to a romantic one.
James Herondale/ Matthew Fairchild: The two that unquestionably love each other, but do not always love the others choices. As Parabatai they try to reach out to the other and help them. But both boys deal with so much and have trouble recognizing/excepting help when it when offered. Matthew is more aware of James issues than James is of Mathews, All though by the end of Chain of Iron even Matthew is at lose to understand James. James for his part only just starts to realize how sick Matthew may be. There are a lot of theories floating around that Matthew may being to sick to function as/ protect himself as a shadowhunter. With so much to recover from will their Parabatai bond last, or are they destined to seperate?
Cordelia Carstairs/ Lucie Herondale: The will they-won’t they pair. They have planed o one day become Parabatai since they were little girls, but have never gotten around to it. They are both nearly adults now and the story already seems to be puling them in opposite direction, so a lot of people now doubt that they will even make it to the ceremony. 
Jace Herondale/ Alexander Lightwood: CC’ first pair of Parabatai, and so far the only pair to keep their bond for the whole series. Like seriously even when Jace died, he came back with the bond intact and Alec reporting that he only felt a little off for a few minutes. CC’s newest reasoning behind that is that there is apparently a delay time between one parabatai dying and the bond severing, and Jace came back before his and Alec’s had time to do more than fray at the edges. So that means that our boys stayed tethered together even when Jace was on his way to the afterlife. WOW (keep this reason CC, it actually kinda works). Jace and Alec’s bond has lasted the longest, but we still have 4 more books where something bad can happen to one of them, and they are now fighting in 2 wars at once.
Clary Fairchild/ SImon Lovelace: became Parabatai in between series, after both failing as a couple, and Simon going through multiple species changes. They are still parabatai in the most recent book but, like with Jace and Alec, we still have 4 future books that could change in. Clary, Jace, and Simon are CC’s three original main characters. She claims that the plan is to wrap up the Shadowhunter Chronicles for good in The Wicked Powers. What is the likelihood that she will leave all three of her original mains alive. I mean Clary already had a vision where “a version of herself” died, and Simon was originally supposed to die in COHF, but CC’s friends begged her to let him live.
 While CC claims that Parabatai are rare in her universe, what seems to actually be rare is Parabatai staying bonded throughout the pairs lives. Why is that? Well lets remember that one of the rules for Parabatai is that they must meet and be bonded during childhood, Once they become adults they are no longer eligible. A fact of growing up is that lives and people change: We make friends, we love our friends,are there for them while we can be, and yet sometimes as we grow friends part ways. People die, they move away, or just grow apart. Memories of old friends and places we all used to hang out become beloved memories of being younger. During a time in our lives when we felt more innocent and care free. A time that sadly never lasts. In conclusion to why parabatai bonds tend to break parabatai could represent the close bonds of childhood, the friends who helped you grow into an adult, and some one who you are able to treasure your memories of as an adult, even if, due to circumstance, you no longer see that person as much or at all. Value your parabatai because you don’t know how long you will actually have them
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cry wipe away their tears.
Nonverbal Starters [x]
cry - wipe away their tears.
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“No, stop.”
Jem took the hand that laid atop his cheek, keeping it from wiping away the salted streaks of wetness from it. His eyes had never been more silver, with the redness of tears enhancing their metallic colour. Jem was known for his undyingly calm behaviour. This was not something anyone had ever seen. He was crying. 
“I will die, Tessa. And soon.” He surprised himself with the amount of fear in his voice. He’d never truly feared death, but now.. Now he had reason to. People who would suffer his loss. “It was so very selfish of me to ask you to be mine. Forgive me, Tessa. Oh, please, forgive me.” He lied his forehead down onto her hands, soft sobs forcing involuntary spasm onto his trembling shoulders. 
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chibi-tsukiko · 3 years
My dearest Dani,
Happy Birthday love!!🥳🎉
I hope this birthday brings you as much joy as you bring to everyone around you!
You truly are a gift. And I am so grateful to have you in my life and to be able to call you my friend. 💚
I wanted to do something for you, a gift of sorts, since it’s your special day. I know in the past I’ve done little chibis of all your fav TSC boys, so this year I wanted to do something a bit different.
You know I call you “Dragon Babe,” well, the inspiration for that doesn’t just come from your username @khaleesiofalicante . Though I can certainly see you as the Mother of Dragons. It comes from who you are, the wisdom of your soul and the kindness of your heart.
You are very much like your husband, the eloquent Jem Carstairs.
In fact, in Chinese culture, water dragons are healers and warriors. They bring peace and unity, and are powerful spirit guides, full of knowledge from Mother Earth and the wisdom of the ancients.
Remind you of anyone?
They are a perfect description of you, my fierce Dragon babe.
I hope you didn’t mind the long explanation, but I wanted you to know the meaning behind your gift.
I hope you like it ✨
I love you very, very much. And I wish you all the happiness this world has to offer!!
Happy Birthday 💚
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“I can offer you my life, but it is a short life; I can offer you my heart, though I have no idea how many more beats it shall sustain”
*jem carstairs requested by @jemiam
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