#i can remix or parody a song right now without asking
ridragon · 8 months
If you are capable of replacing any ai complaints with the word Photoshop and match the quote to things people actually said back when that was introduced maybe you should think about how wrong and silly we see those anti Photoshop people now. That's just my salt on the topic. Idk.
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youngerdrgrey · 3 years
[excerpt from] I know you (even if you don't want me to) - chapter seven
since I'm hearing how hungry y'all are (cough @aliyahtheghost + @breeleroux especially), here's the start of chapter seven of I know you (even if you don't want me to) -- Ryan's recovery period is nearly up, so Batwoman is (almost) back bbs. Read on for some roommate talk into some WildMoore texting goodness. This chapter is a true fav.
(includes some talk of police brutality / Crow brutality + violence)
Ryan hops from one foot to the other. She keeps the pressure mostly on the pads of her feet. Light and nimble. Finally back at full form with only one day left in her two week recovery period. She’d do a flip if it wouldn’t make Mary’s head explode. Or disrupt the perfect tuck of her Center Volunteer shirt. Then again, Mary does anxiously hover in the doorway of Ryan’s bathroom. Maybe she’ll explode on her own.
“Mary, seriously?” Ryan reaches for her favorite purple lipstick. “I’m making mocktails and guarding the punch bowl. I’m not even dancing. Doctor’s orders.”
The doctor in question stabs a finger out at Ryan. Mary manages to look menacing even in her little scrubs. “If you so much as think about doing the Wobble—” She stomps into the bathroom.
It’s truly one of the greatest dances of all mankind. Ryan crosses her lipstick tube across her heart.
Mary continues, “I’m leaving you to climb up the stairs on your own. No ice pack, or pain meds, or anything.” Mary takes a deep breath. “Fortunately for you….” She walks over to Ryan to adjust the hair on Ryan’s shoulder. “I know someone who might help you out. Depending on how well your side mission is going.”
If they can call Ryan talking to Sophie a side mission. Ryan applies her lipstick and rubs her lips together.
Mary bats expectant eyes towards the mirror. “You’ve been getting along. Can I draft up the offer letter?”
Ryan smacks her lips. “She’s still a Crow, Mary.”
“A Crow you spent, like, all of yesterday on the phone with.”
Ryan didn’t spend all of yesterday on the phone with Sophie. In the morning, they texted about how awful the playlist for the dance might be. Then they swapped bad songs in the afternoon. Ryan’s personal favorite was a religious remix of ‘The Thong Song’ that truly had to be a parody. (“That God, Go-God, God, God.”) Then they told their personal dance horror stories after Sophie was off work. There were breaks.
Before Ryan can defend herself, her phone lights up from beside the sink. Sophie’s name flashes, and Ryan’s got her phone in her hands in seconds. Mary snorts.
Crowphie to Ryan Have fun making Shirley Temples all night. Here’s hoping someone will forget their school ID so there’s some action at the ticket table
Ryan leans her hip into the sink as she types.
Ryan to Crowphie 👀 You’re looking for action at a school dance?
Crowphie to Ryan Oh yeah, fingers crossed my crush saves me a slow one.
It’s a joke. It has to be, but Ryan thinks back to each near moment between them and feels hope and heat in her cheeks.
Ryan to Crowphie Too bad Batwoman doesn’t do dances
Crowphie to Ryan That’s probably for the best. We’re not on the best terms right now.
Not since the night Sophie rejected Batwoman. The night of “Figure that out, and get back to me. Until you do, I’m done.” Did she really mean that?
Ryan to Crowphie What happened there? She miss a signal flip this week?
Crowphie to Ryan haven’t used it. I doubt she’d want me to. I think I hurt her feelings.
That’s an understatement.
Mary clears her throat behind Ryan. Ryan glances up into the mirror to see Mary’s reflection. The teasing grin matches the tilt in Mary’s voice as she says, “You were saying? About not texting Sophie all day?”
Ryan narrows her eyes as dramatically as she can. “Don’t you have lives to save?”
Mary backs away. “Fine, go back to texting, just think about how much fun you could have talking to Sophie on the comms if she were part of the team.”
Ryan can’t help the sarcasm. “Because me and Luke have so much fun?”
“Obviously it’d be a different kind of fun. Less brother-sister fighting and more….” Mary pauses to think and cringes at whatever she thinks of. Ryan turns around to gently push Mary out of her bathroom.
“Good night, Mary!” she says before closing the door behind her roommate. She probably should’ve stepped out there too, come to think of it. Her phone buzzes again though.
Crowphie to Ryan I do miss going up to the roof. You know, feeling like I’m a part of something, even if I never will be
Ryan drops down onto the stool in the bathroom. It’s an accessibility aid that’s kind of perfect for moments like this. She can take her time. Process without having to actually move around in here. Close her eyes and remember what the wind of the rooftop felt like against her cheeks. With the suit tight to her body and all of Gotham below them. Sophie looks amazing up there.
Ryan to Crowphie You could go flip the signal. Send out that city-wide ‘you up?’ Or an actual you up since you have her number.
Sophie hasn’t texted Batwoman once in the last two weeks.
Crowphie to Ryan You don’t understand.
Ryan chuckles. She’s the only other person that could.
Ryan to Crowphie No, I get it. You could text her if you wanted to talk. Going up there would mean that you want to see her. You want to be with her.
Want to touch her the way Ryan did that night on the roof. The pads of her fingers over Sophie’s waist, their faces so close that it’s a wonder Sophie hasn’t recognized her yet. It goes to show that Sophie’s not that into Ryan as Ryan. Hasn’t memorized the way her jaw sits, or the shade of her eyes.
Crowphie to Ryan yeah
Yeah what? Yeah which? Because Sophie didn’t say it back.
Ryan to Crowphie So you admit it? You want Batwoman?
The typing dots come and go, then come again. Maybe it’s not about Batwoman at all. Maybe Sophie just wants to make out on the roof and be a part of the team. She wants to be Batwoman’s friend with benefits and can’t bring herself to admit it. Fine. Don’t admit anything.
Ryan to Crowphie Can’t blame you. She looks good in the suit 😏 — probably looks good out of it too lol
A perfect cop out for the cop.
Crowphie to Ryan If I wanted to see her without the mask, I could have. We flew together, remember?
Ryan tenses. A painful chill zips down her spine. Does Sophie know? Has she known all this time?
Crowphie to Ryan I didn’t look then because it’s not about her looks or who’s behind the mask. She makes me think. Both Batwomen have. 1.0 got me suspended. It’s the closest I’ve ever come to leaving the Crows. But it wasn’t about everyone then, you know? Jacob Kane hated Batwoman, and I really liked her. Those couldn’t exist at the same time. Meanwhile, 2.0 will not remove her boots from my neck. She’s like you in that way. She takes every opportunity to question my loyalty to the Crows and the people of Gotham. I just wish I knew if I was doing the same. If I was more than just another compromise for her
Fuck, it’s a good thing that they’re texting. Ryan’s whole face burns with that message. Since when is Sophie questioning anything? She never wavers.
Ryan to Crowphie Your Crow-workers beat the shit out of Batwoman 1.0, and you stayed.
Crowphie to Ryan Where else was I supposed to go? The GCPD? I *HATE* what they did, but that will NEVER happen again.
Ryan to Sophie And if it does?
She’s being generous by not saying “when it does.”
Crowphie to Ryan Then I slap my resume on the Bat-signal and hope she doesn’t throw it in the shredder.
Ryan to Crowphie Much more fun to use it for target practice.
Crowphie to Ryan Throw a bunch of Batarangs at it?
Ryan to Crowphie See, you get it 😉
Crowphie to Ryan It’s important to me that little Black girls can see women like us in law enforcement and positions of powers. I want them to know that they can save the world if they want to. It’s not their responsibility, but if it’s their purpose? If protecting people makes them happy, then I want them to know that they are not alone out there. They can make a difference.
There are so many other ways to make a difference. Ryan might have to let Sophie have this for now though. Her heart’s in the right place at least.
Ryan to Crowphie And if that doesn’t work out, there’s always being a ticket taker for a community dance. Shine that flashlight. Ruin somebody’s night!
Crowphie to Ryan Wowww. Spoken like a trouble maker.
Ryan to Crowphie Trouble finds me, okay? No need to worry about me, Agent Moore.
Crowphie to Ryan You sure about that? Your kids might try to fight you, just to see if you’ve still got it.
Ryan to Crowphie Oh I’ve got it. They’ll be too busy following you around to even notice me. Ol’ “Miss Sophie, Miss Sophie” punk asses
Crowphie to Ryan LOL. Ten bucks says they ask me where Batwoman’s been hiding.
Ryan to Crowphie Twenty says they don’t.
Crowphie to Ryan Easy money. You can drop it off at the lobby on your way in 😉
more to come when I drop the rest of the chapter! reply and let me know if you're still with me. try and guess what happens at the dance?
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bean-pole-art · 4 years
Ed’s Borderlands Fics Masterpost
well finally
here is the masterpost of all of my Borderlands fics posted. most of them are Rhysothy focused to various AUs. I’m gonna update it as I post more but here it is, along with some of my commentary
right from the start big big BIG shoutout to @spoks-illogical-art​, my partner in crime, my biggest inspo, without them honestly most of these fics wouldn’t exist, please check out their amazing art <3
(latest edit - 21/02/2021)
Atlas AU - our main timeline, follows events of Moxxi’s Heist. lots of different concepts and ideas but the core really is Tim moving to Promethea to get help from Rhys. gonna sort em here with posting date, check the ao3 series for the “timeline”
Hypothetically - 2240 words summary: Rhys talks a lot, but usually thinks about it too little.
coffee, cats & monographs - 2880 words summary: “Hey hey, easy. You don’t want to repeat the accident from last week, do you?” Rhys cooed towards the cat and picked her up, just as Timothy instructed him to. Hearing these words, Felicity meowed. “Oh, don’t say that. This is my office and I have the power here,” he answered, carrying her back to his personal space.
Or Timothy's cat pays a visit to Rhys' office in the morning. note: I am a stupid mofo and at this point Tim would also have Loader Bot fkjbfd just imagine hes not mentioned cause hes wandering off, typical LB
Have Faith - 1470 words summary: During the 7 year lockdown at the Handsome Jackpot, Timothy couldn't really have any hope for himself. But maybe on Promethea it could be different. note: sudden feelings while watching JoltzDude139′s stream
Warm Cheeks, Cold Hands - 1170 words summary: Rhys comes home early and wants to say hi to his husband. With no ulterior motive. None at all. note: first fic Ive ever posted where characters are married, actually. fuck it, Rhysothy Real, his name is Rhys Lawrence
the battle (and the aftermath) of the ages - 2970 words summary: In a situation like this everything was possible, they could pull any punches they could think of. Four beasts playing against each other, every single one of them thinking of striking the winning blow.
Or Promethea Squad plays UNO. And then watches a movie. note: I love Promethea Squad with my whole heart
okurimono (贈り物) - 4/4, 17170 words summary: “Not a bomb. Just a device with a message for Rhys. Trust me on that,” this time an emoji of both winking and showing off a tongue [;P] appeared on the surface of Zer0’s helmet. Ah. So they were definitely trying to mess him up. In a way. Unfortunately, he really didn’t have any other options. Almost with a defeat, Timothy took the ECHOrecorder right from their hands and looked around it again. Or Zer0 gives Timothy a peculiar mission. note: my first ever multichapter fic. took me legit abt 8 months to finish but I am absolutely satisfied with this. also the bonus ending. yes
(there is) something I see in you - 8690 words summary: How one Rhys Strongfork met one Timothy Lawrence and how they fell for each other. More or less. note: best to go into this one blind, I swear. dumbest fic Ive ever written and please take this as a recommendation
this world is gonna pull through - 14380 words summary: Timothy really hoped it wasn’t anything important. He had that tendency to forget things easily, even if he tried to fight it. But Rhys kept on smiling and went by his side. So it couldn’t have been that bad. Still dumbfounded, he felt Rhys leaving a kiss right on his cheek.“November 11th? 
That- That seriously doesn’t ring any bells?” Rhys continued, brushing his hands against his shoulders. Or how Timothy spent one of his birthdays. note: also a love letter for Tim but a nicer one I guess kdjfnb dont ask how old is he i have no gdamn idea man
Strawberry Sweet - 3560 words summary: Rhys surprises Timothy with a gift for their date night in.
Happy Mercenary Day, Mr. Lawrence - 4670 words summary: How Timothy spent his first Mercenary Day on Promethea. note: I swear this is the best writer night Ive ever had. Ive written this whole thing in one night on Christmas day, solely on the inspo of that song I linked
Don’t Go Wasting Your Emotion - 4/4, 17080 words summary:  Afterwards, he went around with his usual duties. Getting a quick roundabout from his PA, checking several sectors himself and looking through the thousands of messages already sent to him via ECHOs. Rhys was ready to finally take on the day, yet when he made his way to the office, he saw the unusual envelope right by the edge of his desk. “For Rhys” was written on it. Straightforward enough. Or Rhys gets a letter from a secret admirer. note: another multichapter fic!! this one also took some time and well. its inspired by ABBA songs. cause only I would write a Rhysothy fic inspired by ABBA
Ratchet Effect - 7130 words summary: Knowing just how much overworked Rhys has been, Timothy wants to let them have a nice getaway in Lazy River Land. There's only one problem to overcome - ratch infestation. note: first fic of 2021!! Ive been playing a lot of bl3 suring the writing of it so it has a lot of stuff I had observed both on Promethea and on Jackpot
Reflections - 2250 words summary: Sometimes, Timothy needs a reminder.
Tales AU - second most important timeline. it’s Tales but Tim is a part of the group. sorted chronologically
A Story For Another Day - ongoing, for now -  2/25, 15280 words Tales AU main fic. it’s gonna be a big one
Connection Interrupted - 3240 words summary: With his driving shift finished, Timothy checks up on Rhys and Vaughn's plans.
Completely Hopeless - 1040 words summary: In which Fiona notices that Rhys behaves differently in front of a certain doppelganger.
infinity times infinity times infinity - 3460 words summary: Rhys and Timothy share some dreams and secrets underneath the stars. note: the beautiful combination of Sleeping At Last and Minecraft parodies. I promise it makes sense
reality can be whatever I want - 11420 words summary: “Hey, Tim?” Timothy didn’t even spare him a look, “Are we alone, or is he there with you?” Oh, this definitely won’t be pretty.
After the confession of Handsome Jack's AI in his head and his plan to infiltrate Helios, Rhys needs to set things right with Timothy. Somehow. note: thanosdancing.gif to Backstreet Boys’ “I Want It That Way” 80′s remix and a guest appearance from Ferocity but I cant legally say her name here
still here - 2820 words summary: It all had to go down, after Helios crashed. note: I have...a love/hate relationship with this one kjdfbfg I like it but it’s honestly an alternate ending and doesnt fit within our usual bad ending, so take it with a grain of salt. i ten jebany błąd językowy w summary, kiedy ja go poprawię
together at last - 5590 words summary: It all struck him down in an instant, in this one minute. They were all safe. And they were all alive. Nothing was threatening neither him, nor Timothy, nor Fiona. He could finally breathe out.
They all found each other again. note: I am multitasking most time of my life but I dont relate any other fic to multitasking more than this one. I was honestly doing 10 things at once while writing this dfkjbndf
David AU - this one is a sub AU to Tales AU and the plot is kind of complicated dfjkbfb please check the fic for further explanation
building in curved lines - 22490 words summary: “To be fair, you look terrible. You’re barely standing in one piece and none of your coffees will hold you together for that long,” Lilith paused, seemingly weighing the correct words in her head. “You haven’t really been holding on since… We rescued The Double.” Rhys sighed heavily. Why did she have to be so right about everything. Or how Rhys and Timothy adjust to the reality after the Handsome Jack AI. note: bday gift for Spok, EASILY one of my absolute faves and the longest fic Ive written thus far
outside of AUs - some concepts I play with that are honestly outside any of our concrete timelines/concepts + fics not focused on Rhysothy
Real - 770 words summary: Reconciling with your past is a little easier, when you have someone you love right in your arms. note: first blands fic I’ve ever written. the characterization isn’t really there yet but as a first shot at the game and my kind of “introduction”, I am still satisfied of it
(Un)Familiar Faces - 9620 words summary: Timothy pursed his lips and leaned over the wall a little. He’s had enough of this solitude of closed doppelganger cabinet. Today wasn’t the day for another self-loathing session. Today, he should go off on Helios and do something for himself.
Or Timothy spends the night at a Helios bar. But not as Handsome Jack. And not as Timothy Lawrence either. note: personal favorite of mine, tough love letter to Timothy Lawrence. I have so many fond memories of writing this, including getting drunk out of my mind just like Tim and Rhys here
basics of survival - 2010 words summary: Athena taught Timothy everything he needed to know about survival. Now, it was time to put these skills into use. note: wrote this right before rona outbreak on last day in my dorms. thats all
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johannesviii · 5 years
Top 15 Personal Favorite Hit Songs from 2002
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13 to 14 years old. Most of the year was pretty good. Summer was great. But in September I arrived in 2nd (local equivalent of 10th grade), so I was 14 in a class of mostly 15/16 years old students, and I looked so out of place that inevitably, bad shit started to happen very quickly.
Thankfully, it was a damn good year for hits. They say music never sounds better than when you are a teenager, as if that was a bad thing - but maybe they’re right? So yeah, nostalgia is in full force there. This year was so good for music, in fact, that this is a top 15 instead of 10. It was already super difficult to keep only 10 songs before I even looked at the French year-end list, and then I just gave up.
Keep in mind I’m using both the year-end top 100 lists from the US and from France while making these top 10 things. There’s songs in English that charted in my country way higher than they did in their home countries, or even earlier or later, so that might get surprising at times.
Of course there will be stuff in French. We suck. I know. It’s my list. Deal with it.
My musical tastes have always been terrible and I’m not a critic, just a listener and an idiot.
I have sound to color synesthesia which justifies nothing but might explain why I have trouble describing some songs in other terms than visual ones.
This list originally had SIX horribly painful cuts so I decided to do some damage control and make it a top 15. There’s still a whole bunch of honorable mentions, though.
Heaven remix (DJ Sammy) - [Insert here rant about Johannes liking overproduced dance garbage full of colors and lights]
Move b█tch (Ludacris) - Just a ton of fun to sing along that chorus.
Whenever Wherever (Shakira) - I claim overplay, but that is still legendary.
How You Remind Me (Nickelback) - Nobody’s gonna disagree if I say they’re a terrible band, but you gotta admit, their first hit was pretty great.
The Middle (Jimmy Eat World) - In a year full of fantastic earworms, some had to stay out of the list.
Can’t Fight the Moonlight (LeAnn Rimes) - Just re-read the previous statement.
Get the Party Started (Pink) - More on that later.
Inch’Allah (MC Solaar) - Not his best song by a mile (obviously; I mean, the guy who wrote a song about making Satan explode into antimatter can’t really top that because nobody can) but still very nice.
Cleanin’ Out My Closet (Eminem) - Yeah, the rethread of The Real Slim Shady is on the list and not this. What can I say, I told you I had bad taste.
Just Like a Pill (Pink) - The last cut from the list. I just really, really liked Pink, can you tell?
This is when I started to listen to the radio A LOT in my room, because my access to the family computer was restricted and radio was basically the only media I still had 100% access to and full control of. Which might explain why I suddenly liked a ton of pop music. Or maybe that year was simply really good. I guess it’s a mix of both.
Also, I still didn’t have a key to the appartment, but I was a lot less supervised when I was outside, and I would sometimes sneak out to go the library or to the disc store.
So... here’s some of the first singles I ever bought, for the record, and also because I think it’s fun to see all of them together.
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They’re all on this list, just to clarify.
15 - I’m Gonna Getcha Good (Shania Twain)
US: Not on the list / FR: #67
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Well, that was quick. So yeah, I loved this song. The accent meant I couldn’t understand half of the lyrics, but it was still a ton of fun and a delight every time it was on the radio.
14 - Wherever You Will Go (The Calling)
US: #5 / FR: #53
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I didn’t love this song that much at the time and only put it on one tape, but it really grew on my over the years. Yeah, it’s your standard 2000s pop-rock song, objectively, but I don’t know. It didn’t have to go that hard with its metaphors. I mean the guy is ready to follow that person into hell and turn back time if necessary. I really don’t know. It shouldn’t work so well but it does for me. Maybe it’s because I’m very literal-minded.
13 - Le Chemin (Kyo ft. Sita)
US: Not on the list / FR: #55
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Basically: A Ma Place by Axel Bauer & Zazie from the previous honorable mentions of 2001, except with half the amount of Hetero Drama(tm) and a pop-rock flavour to make it more palatable.
The first hit of a band it would very quickly be super cool to hate in my country (and I do mean very quickly, like a year or so) because everyone (including me, mind you) thought their lyrics were a bit too cringy even for pop-rock songs.
Doesn’t mean I didn’t buy the album and listened the shit out of it for like two years, though. The saddest part is that my favorite single from it by far, Je Cours (”I Run”), isn’t elligible for any list. Dammit.
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12 - Murder On The Dancefloor (Sophie Ellis-Bextor)
US: Not on the list / FR: #26
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This was a huge hit in Europe and somehow I thought it had reached the US, but apparently it didn’t. That’s a shame.
Also, overplay didn’t manage to kill it for me and that’s impressive.
11 - Complicated (Avril Lavigne)
US: #11 / FR: #83
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Loved it, bought the single, loved it even more, and then one of my uncles sent me the album for christmas, and all was nice and good in the world.
For the record, I thought Sk8er Boi was one of the worst songs on the album (my favorite was My World), and I still dislike this particular song to this day, so this is why it’s nowhere to be found here.
10 - Don’t Let Me Get Me (Pink)
US: #36 / FR: Not on the list
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You already know that because of the honorable mentions, but yeah, I loved Pink. This was the second album I decided I had to save money for months to acquire instead of just a single and which my parents would probably find acceptable. And this song is the best and it kicks some serious ass, on top of being full of self-loathing and extremely relatable at the time ("everyday I fight a war against the mirror, can't take the person staring back at me"? "I wanna be somebody else"?? Big, big dysphoria mood right there).
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No regrets, baby.
9 - Hands Clean (Alanis Morissette)
US: #95 / FR: Not on the list
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In just about every list I’ve made so far, there’s one song which makes me think “if I had better taste, this would be much higher”. This is one of these songs. Still love it, still put it on a tape and burned it on a cd. I found the cd in question again yesterday while making this list and it contains, in that exact order: Visage, Evanescence, Kyo, Orchestral Manoeuvres In The Dark, Talk Talk, Scatman John, Sophie Ellis-Bextor, Shania Twain, INXS, Freur, Alizée, Linkin Park and this exact song by Alanis Morissette. It’s a great little time-capsule of my debatable tastes.
8 - Die Another Day (Madonna)
US: Not on the list / FR: #86
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This has the same kind of weird, disjointed beat as Music, but it sounds much more aggressive and sinister. This dropped right when I started to have real problems at school, so it’s a bit difficult for me to listen to it nowadays without having unpleasant flashbacks at the same time, which is why it’s so low on the list even though I listened to it on a loop back in the day. It might be a subpar James Bond theme, and might have dumb lyrics (god the Sigmund Freud line sdfghjhgfdfg), but on its own? It’s great.
Also I loved the music video. My mother, obviously, hated it, which only made me like it more, because, I mean, obviously it did. That’s how it works when you’re 14.
Speaking of which.
7 - Without Me (Eminem)
US: #21 / FR: #11
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By that point, it was becoming pretty clear that I would never be able to buy the music I wanted if my parents disapproved of it, so I had to be sneaky and buy every, uh “debatable” single with a second more acceptable single to hide the first one. The one I bought alongside this one was a cover of Désenchantée, sung by Kate Ryan.
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It is, in fact, less good than The Real Slim Shady, and I could only understand about one third of the lyrics, but still. I listened to it a loooooot. Because I actually had that single and not the other one which it was basically referencing to the point of self-parody. And just like the other one, I obviously don’t endorse all the lyrics, and the beat is great.
6 - All the Things She Said (Tatu)
US: Not on the list / FR: #12
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Just like Die Another Day this one is a bit difficult to listen to nowadays for me but it’s a monster of a hit nonetheless. Have to say, though: I listened to Not Gonna Get Us even more, which means THAT one is even more linked to bad memories, to the point of basically being unlistenable because it triggers a literal fight-or-flight response with me. Not kidding in the slightest. Still love it though.
5 - J’ai Demandé à la Lune (Indochine)
US: Not on the list / FR: #4
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This is one of my least favorite hit songs from Indochine. It’s still #5 on a list where I had to keep 15 entries instead of 10. This is because almost no other song I really really like from them will ever be elligible for these lists and if I can’t put a single Indochine song somewhere, especially from the Paradize album, I will have to punch a wall, dammit.
So here. Have the one in which the guy asks the moon if his significant other still loves him and where the moon answers “dude it’s not my problem”.
I love them and Paradize is an absolute monster of an album which rightfully made them relevant again, from new wave sensations of the 80s to favorite mainstream band for every young French punk/goth kid ever in the 2000s. This is not a diss, by the way, considering I was very clearly in that core demographic. Especially if you look at the top three I made for that year (and for the next one but let’s not get ahead of ourselves).
4 - A Thousand Miles (Vanessa Carlton)
US: #6 / FR: #51
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Yeah yeah, you knew this was coming when you saw that pic of the first singles I bought, and you can start laughing now. I know it’s basically a meme now (and a good one, mind you), but sometimes, songs are remembered for more than one reason, and you have to admit that one is still great on its own. I listened to it SO. MUCH. Especially before everything started to go wrong for me that year, so basically this is the sound of “how things should have been”, and it’s so pleasant and nice to listen to it even today. It’s no longer on my mp3 player, but, no joke, I think it stayed on it from the day I bought my first mp3 player to something like 2017. Is it an indicator of quality or yet another indicator of my debatable taste? Probably both.
In any other year, there would be a clear #1 either towering above the other songs or just slightly ahead of the rest. 2002 was so good I can’t, for the life of me, decide which of these next three songs is the best one, even subjectively, in a “hey I like this one a little bit more” kind of way.
So I’m ranking the top 3 according to the lengths I went to to listen to each of these songs at the time.
Let’s go.
3 - C’est Une Belle Journée (Mylène Farmer)
US: Not on the list / FR: #46
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This is what I’d call the Last Great Mylène Farmer Song. Oh she was still making music, pretty great music, in fact, after that. She’s still making decent stuff nowadays, from time to time. But in my opinion, it’s all downhill from there.
Still. This kickstarted my obsession with her at the time, because someone (I still have no idea who that was) was foolish enough to buy me the cd for Christmas. This is also why it’s #3 and not higher; I didn’t have to work at all to listen to it.
So... This is a song about killing yourself, disguised as a bouncy energetic pop tune. And it works horribly well. It’s very vaguely sinister but if you don’t listen to it very closely, it’s nearly impossible to notice what it’s actually about (translation here), and it charted super high and for a super long time without any controversy in its wake.
As I said: all downhill from there, because... how do you even top this?
2 - Lose Yourself (Eminem)
US: #63 / FR: Not on the list
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You probably guessed this was coming. I’m not sure what the consensus for the “best Eminem hit song” is nowadays, but that one has to be pretty high on the list. And it’s also kind of a meme because of the spaghetti line, I know, but still, quality, man. The most important thing about it in the context of this list is that it was juuuuust slow enough to allow me to understand most of the important parts with my still-limited English, and I loved the little story it told. I remember trying to put it on a tape for days and waiting for it to pop up on the radio and instantly pressing Record after the first note.
And of course I wanted to see 8 Mile and I couldn’t, but a few months later, the local book/dvd/music store, which had screens broadcasting scenes from new stuff they were selling, had a screen with a few battle rap scenes from 8 Mile on it, and once I noticed I stood in front of the screen for a long time in silent admiration. What can I say, I was an angry little thing, and seeing angry people fighting each other in ways where no-one gets hurt was very satisfying and cathartic.
1 - In the End (Linkin Park)
US: #7 / FR: Not on the list
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The music video had hilariously bad cgi even at the time, just to clarify. But yeah, that sound right there had the perfect balance of color, energy, sadness and anger to be the hit of the year for me back then. And I could understand nearly all the lyrics! I. Loved it. The local library had Hybrid Theory and I listened to it so. MUCH (my favorite song on it was actually One Step Closer (singing CAUSE I’M ONE-STEP-CLOSER-TO-THE-EDGE, ANDI’MABOUTTOBREAK felt great) and I thought Crawling was a bit embarrassing). Thank god that library didn’t have fines if you returned your stuff after the due date because I had to wait until I was able to make a copy of it first. The “parents-proof” “”cryptic”” label I wrote on said copy wasn’t particularly cryptic, though, and I’m gonna share it with you right now because that’s kind of funny.
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So what do you do when you’re 14, pretty sure you understood the whole song, are finally able to listen to the whole album, burn it on a cd, and listen to it way too often? You write down the lyrics, painstakingly, with a fountain pen, in a small notebook where you try to write down the lyrics of every single song you love & can understand entirely. That’s what you do. Of course.
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When I stopped doing that in 2007, there were two notebooks like that. I lost one of them, apparently, but the one I was able to find already had 63 songs in it. I finally had my own internet access later that year and I could find all the lyrics I wanted whenever I wanted, and I stopped doing that once and for all.
But it helped me get a lot better with English, so in the end, it doesn’t even matter.
So yeah, In the End?
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Loved it and loved that band. I still do.
Next up: wow, “all edge no point”, uh?
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amoralto · 6 years
Q: Paul McCartney: An Innocent Man? (October, 1986)
(Note: I’ve posted so many quotes and audio clips from this interview in the past (#interviewer: chris salewicz), I may as well post the entire printed interview as well. Still remains one of my very favourite Paul interviews - candid, emotionally fraught, brimming with preoccupations, and all the more revealing for it.
Paul McCartney curls up on the couch and relives the Beatles’ story for the first time since the death of John Lennon. “He was one great guy, but part of his greatness was that he wasn’t a saint.”
by Chris Salewicz
Paul McCartney is 44. He was 20 when his first composition appeared on record. Today he’s just returned from remixing a second single from his new LP Press To Play, his 27th solo or group studio album in 24 years.
He’s sitting on a sofa on the second floor of the building in Central London from which he directs his activities. Outside, on this sunny early afternoon, lie the neatly trimmed lawns of Soho Square; inside a forest of deco mahogany woodwork, a De Kooning on the wall and a chrome and neon-garlanded Wurlitzer jukebox of quite archetypal proportions and splendour. He’s wearing fawn moccasins, yellow socks, and a blue and white striped shirt and trousers and, despite the omnipresent grey hair, he looks in immensely good shape for someone who was still in the studio at three in the morning.
Part of McCartney’s agility as a communicator has been the paradoxical mastery of revealing nothing whatsoever of himself to journalists. This was particularly notable during the interviews he gave for Give My Regards To Broad Street, an almost unprecedented barrage of publicity in which it seemed that the more people he spoke to, the less he said. This was perhaps connected with a comprehension of the transparent unsubstantiality of the work. “Broad Street?” he says now. “You don’t stop things just because they’re not good; if you’ve done a bit of work, you put it out. I mean, if Picasso’s painted a thing…”
Today, however, on this Friday afternoon, Paul McCartney is immensely forthcoming. Possibly this is a reflection of the confidence he feels in his new LP, a work that stands almost on a par with Band On The Run, his finest solo record and one which, in many ways, seems to have a direct conduit to post-Sgt. Pepper Beatles albums.
The interview has a relaxed, conversational tone with no sense of formally structured questions and answers. In the cold light of print, his replies can occasionally take on a tone that seems almost petty in its self-justification, but such an emphasis is completely absent when he’s delivering these words to you in person.
The principle strength of the new LP is the quality of the songs, six of which McCartney co-wrote with Eric Stewart, the former 10cc singer and writer of such classics as ‘I’m Not In Love’, a song that is almost a parody of a McCartney love ballad.
The numbers were written, he says, in the manner in which he would work with John Lennon, sitting side-by-side, watching each other search for appropriate chords.
You’ve been in the studio all night re-mixing tracks from the new album for single release. How do you feel about the new LP?
I like it. I have a lot of trouble saying, ‘I think it’s great.’ I wish I was just a fan and I could genuinely like it without seeming wildly immodest. I can’t be objective yet. It’s going to take me a couple of months. I can listen to McCartney, I can just listen to that. I like that one; it’s growing on me. It’s a touchy subject. You’ve done a thing and there it is, it’s your presentation. You mean to get every bit of it right.
So how do you react to criticism?
When I see bad reviews, it’ll hurt me. I am giving myself a bit easier time in life these days. I’ve gone through so much criticism, and not just from critics. From people like John, over so many things, that like a fool I just stood there and said, ‘Yeah, you must be right.’ All those things I was said to be the cause of, I just accepted that I was to blame. I’m beginning to see it a bit differently now. I’m beginning to see a lot of what they say is their problem, not mine.
John was going through a lot of pain when he said a lot of that stuff, and he felt that we were being vindictive towards him and Yoko. In fact I think we were quite good, looking back on it; many people would’ve just downed tools in a situation like that, would’ve just said: ‘Look man, she’s not sitting on our amps while we’re making a film.’ That wouldn’t be unheard of. Most people just say, ‘We’re not having this person here, don’t care how much you love her.’
But we were actually quite supportive. Not supportive enough, you know; it would have been nice to have been really supportive because then we could look back and say, Weren’t we really terrific? But looking back on it, I think we were OK. We were never really that mean to them, but I think a lot of the time John suspected meanness where it wasn’t really there.
He was presumably fairly paranoid.
I think so. He warned me off Yoko once: ‘Look, this is my chick!’ Just because he knew my reputation. We knew each other rather well. I just said, ‘Yeah, no problem.’ But I did feel he ought to have known I wouldn’t. That was John; just a jealous guy. He was a paranoid guy. And he was into drugs … heavy. He was into heroin, the extent of which I hadn’t realised, till just now.
It’s all starting to click a bit in my brain. I just figured, Oh, there’s John, my buddy, and he’s turning on me. He once said to me, ‘Oh, they’re all on the McCartney bandwagon.’ Yet things like that were hurting him, and looking back on it now I just think that it’s a bit sad really.
I saw that thing in The Observer the other week, about the manuscript of the Apple Beatles biography and the vitriolic comments John made in the margins.
I think that shows the sort of pain he was going through. Look, he was a great guy, great sense of humour and I’d do it all again. I’d go through it all again, and have him slagging me off again just because he was so great; those are all the down moments, there was much more pleasure than has really come out. I had a wonderful time, with one of the world’s most talented people. We had all that craziness, but if someone took one of your wedding photos and put ‘funeral’ on it, as he did on that manuscript, you’d tend to feel a bit sorry for the guy. I’ll tell you what, if I’d ever done that to him, he would’ve just hit the roof. But I just sat through it all like mild-mannered Clark Kent.
This was hurting you, presumably.
Not half.
When did you actually get a perspective on it?
I still haven’t. It’s still inside me. John was lucky. He got all his hurt out. I’m a different sort of a personality. There’s still a lot inside me that’s trying to work it out. And that’s why it’s good to see that wedding-funeral bit, because I started to think, ‘Wait a minute, this is someone who’s going over the top. This is paranoia manifesting itself.’ And so my feeling is just like it was at the time, which is like, He’s my buddy, I don’t really want to do anything to hurt him, or his memory, or anything. I don’t want to hurt Yoko. But, at the same time, it doesn’t mean that I understand what went down.
I went at Yoko’s request to New York recently. She said she wanted to see me, I said I was going through New York and so I stopped off and rang her, and she said she couldn’t see me that day. I was 400 yards away from her. I said, ‘Well, I’ll pop over any time today; five minutes, ten minutes, whenever you can squeeze me in.’ She said. ‘It’s going to be very difficult.’ I said, ‘Well, OK, I understand; what is the reason, by the way?’ She said, ‘I was up all night with Sean.’ I said, ‘Well, I understand that. I’ve got four kids, you know. But you’re bound to have a minute today, sometime.’
She asked me to come. I’d flown in specially to see her, and she wouldn’t even see me. So I felt a little humiliated, but I said, ‘OK, 9.30 tomorrow morning, let’s make an appointment.’ She rang up at about 9.00 and said, ‘Could you make it tomorrow morning?’
So that’s the kind of thing. I’m beginning to think it wasn’t all my fault. I’m beginning to let myself off a lot of the guilt. I always felt guilty, but looking back on it I can say OK, let’s try and outline some things. John was hurt; what was he hurt by? What is the single biggest thing that we can find in all our research that hurt John? And the biggest thing that I can find is that I told the world that The Beatles were finished. I don’t think that’s so hurtful.
I’ll tell you what was unfortunate was the method of announcing it all. I said to the guy at the office. Peter Brown, of book fame, I’ve got an album coming out called McCartney. And I don’t really want to see too much press. Can you do me some question-and-answer things?
So he sent all those questions over and I answered them all. We had them printed up and put in the press copies of the album. It wasn’t a number. I see it now and shudder. At the time it was me trying to answer some questions that were being asked and I decided not to fudge those questions.
We didn’t accept Yoko totally, but how many groups do you know who would? It’s a joke, like Spinal Tap. You know, I loved John, I was his best mate for a long time. Then the group started to break up. It was very sad. I got the rap as the guy who broke the group up. It wasn’t actually true.
But legally you had to do that to get out of the contract with Allen Klein, didn’t you?
Yeah, legally I had to. I had to take the other Beatles to court. And I got a lot of guilt off that. But you tell me what you would have done if the entire earnings that you’d made — and it was something like The Beatles’ entire earnings, a big figure, everything we’d ever done up to somewhere round about ‘Hey Jude’ — was about to disappear into someone’s pocket. The guy I’m talking about, Allen Klein, had £5 million the first year he managed The Beatles. So I smelled a rat and thought, £5 million in one year, how long’s it going to take him to get rid of it all?
So I started to resist, and I was given a lot of pressure. The others said, ‘Oh, you’re always stalling’ when I kept refusing to sign Klein’s contract.
But the others suspected you of looking after number one by wanting to bring in your wife’s family as managers.
Obviously everyone worried that because it was my father-in-law, I’d be the one he’d look after. Quite naturally, they said, ‘No, we can’t have him.’ So in the end it turned out to be Klein. And I said, ‘Well, I want out of this. I want to sue this guy Klein.’
They said, ‘You can’t, because he’s not party to any of the agreements.’ So it became clear that I had to sue The Beatles. So obviously I became the baddie. I did take The Beatles to the High Court, which was a highly traumatic period for me, living to front that one out. Imagine, seriously, having to front that one out.
How did you feel through all that?
Crazy, just insane. So insecure. Half the reason I grew the beard.
People often put hair on their faces to hide.
It’s often a cover-up. And I had this big beard and I went to the High Court and actually managed to save the situation. But my whole life was on the line at that point. I felt this was the fire, this was the furnace. It had finally arrived. And we used to get shakes in our voices in court. We used to get the Nixon shakes, something we’d never ever had before. So we went through a lot of those problems. But the nice thing was afterwards each one of them in turn very, very quietly and very briefly said, ‘Oh, thanks for that.’ That was about all I ever heard about it.
But again, John turned it round. He said, ‘But you’re always right, aren’t you?’ See, there was always this thing. I mean, it seemed crazy for me because I thought the idea was to try and get it right, you know. It was quite surprising to find that if you did get it right, people could then turn that one around and say: ‘But you’re always right aren’t you?’ It’s like moving the goal posts.
I mean, it occurred quite a few times because I’m pretty ruthless, ambitious, all that stuff. No more than anyone trying to break into showbiz, but I can be pretty forceful. If we’ve gotta make a record, I’ll actually sit down and write songs. This could be interpreted as being overpowering and forceful.
I’d heard that you were the driving force of The Beatles, but that John would be more interested in doing anything but what The Beatles were supposed to be doing.
Yeah, I remember doing Let It Be and we sat around the table in Apple and I came up with this idea that we should get it on film. I remember John said, ‘Why? What for?’ I explained a bit more. He said, ‘I get it. You want a job!’ Yeah, that’s it! But it seemed strange to me that he didn’t. He seemed quite happy languishing out in St George’s Hill in Weybridge.
I always wanted to make the group great, and even greater. When we made the Let It Be album, and it was a bit crummy, I insisted that we made Abbey Road because I knew what we were capable of. I didn’t think that we’d pulled it off on Let It Be and then with the Phil Spector remix, we kinda walked away from that LP. In fact, the best version of it was before anyone got hold of it: the Glyn Johns early mixes were great but they were very spartan; it would be one of the hippest records going if they brought it out. Before it had all its raw edges off it, that was one of the best Beatles albums because it was a bit avant-garde. I loved it.
So then it was Abbey Road we were doing and I got some grief on that because it took three days to do ‘Maxwell’s Silver Hammer’. You know how long Trevor Horn takes to do a mix for Frankie Goes to Hollywood? It takes two days to switch on the Fairlight! I had a group in the other day, spent two days trying to find the ON switch! That’s what we’re into these days, you know.
I’m sure I did piss people off at the time, much as I tried not to. It just seemed to me when we had a session booked it was a cool idea to turn up. Like Sgt. Pepper: George turned up for his number and a couple of other sessions but not for very much else.
George was supposed to have resented you for always getting on his back.
He did resent it. Two examples; one on Abbey Road. I was beginning to get too producery for everyone. George Martin was the actual producer and I was beginning to be too definite, and George and Ringo turned around and said, ‘Look, piss off, we’re grown-ups and we can do it without you fine.’ People like me who don’t realise when they’re being very overbearing, it comes as a great surprise to be told.
So I completely clammed up and backed off: right, ‘OK, they’re right, I’m a turd.’ So a day or so went by and the session started to flag a bit and so eventually Ringo turned round to me and said, ‘Come on… produce’, and so it was like you couldn’t have it both ways. You either had to have me doing what I did, which, let’s face it, I hadn’t done too bad, or I was going to back off and become paranoid myself, which was what happened.
A lot of Wings was to do with that; I’d been told that I was so overbearing. If the guitarists in Wings wanted to play a solo a certain way, I wouldn’t dare tell them that it wasn’t good.
The other example that really pissed George off was when we were making ‘Hey Jude’. To me it had to have a sparse opening and it was going to build. So I started off ‘Hey Jude’ (sings) and George went ‘durnurnawnaww’ (makes guitar noise), and then ‘Don’t make it bad’, and he’d go ‘Derdlederlederdle’ and he was answering every line through the whole song and I just said, ‘No, man, I really don’t want that, it’s my song.’ The rule was whoever’s song it was to say how we did the arrangement for them.
That pissed him off, and I’m sure it pissed Ringo off when he couldn’t quite get the drums to ‘Back In The U.S.S.R.’, and I sat in. I remember sitting for hours thinking, ‘Should I say this thing?’ In the end it always came down to, ‘You should have said something,’ so it’s very hard to balance that. In the end I have to say that sometimes I was overbearing and sometimes they liked it.
Do you have much to do with them now?
I’m just starting to get back with them. It’s all business troubles. If we don’t talk about Apple then we get on like a house on fire. So I’ve just started to see them again. I had a great day the other day when George came down to visit me and for the first time in billions of years we had a really nice time. George was my original mate in The Beatles.
More than John?
He lived near me in Upton Green and I lived in Ardwick Road, and it was like half a mile away, so we took the same bus to the same school — the 500, which was the express — and then we got guitars at about the same time. We went through the Bert Weedon books and learned D and A together and we were quite big buddies then, so that was something I’d missed for all these years. We’d got all professional and Beatles and everything, and you lose that obviously, and he just came down the other day and we didn’t talk about Apple and we didn’t touch an instrument. It was just back as mates, like on the bus. He’s very into trees and planting and horticulture, as I am more now, and so we talked about planting trees. It was great to actually relate as two people and try and get all that crap out the window.
But that seems to be part of the process; he seems to be emerging more now anyway.
We’re all kind of coming to. We all brushed off this whole Beatles episode and sort of said, Well, it’s no big deal. Obviously it’s a big deal… it was a huge deal… if there ever was a big deal, that was it! So I don’t think half of us know what happened to us, really. I can never tell you what year anything was; literally they all go into a haze for me, the years and stuff. I keep seeing pictures of myself shaking hands with Mitzi Gaynor and I think, I didn’t know I met her. It’s that vague. And yet I look as straight as a die in there.
Were you on speed or something?
I don’t think so. I think it was just that life was speeding; you just met Mitzi Gaynor for five minutes and then you’d go and meet Jerry Lewis’s kids. It becomes very difficult after a while to know if you met 50 of them. I keep seeing weird photos of me with people that I didn’t even know I’d met. It’s quite embarrassing. Bowie’s got that problem too; he’s got huge periods of his life where he just does not know what happened.
When the money started to come in, were you aware of that or were you just living your life and you’d hear suddenly you were worth so much?
We used to ask them, ‘Am I a millionaire yet?’ and they used to say cryptic things like ‘On paper you are’ and we’d say, ‘Well, what does that mean? Am I or aren’t I? Are there more than a million of those green things in my bank yet?’ and they’d say, ‘Well, it’s not actually in a bank… we think you are.’ It was actually very difficult to get anything out of these people and the accountants never made you feel successful.
I remember we had the whole top five in America and I decided I wanted to buy a country house. I wasn’t asking for the world. In those days it would have cost about £30,000, top whack, and so I went to the accountants and they said, ‘You’ll have to get a mortgage’ and I said, ‘What do you mean, a mortgage? Aren’t we doing well yet? We’ve got the whole top five in the biggest market in the world! There’s gotta be some money coming in off that!’
They always try and keep you down. So you didn’t actually get much of a feeling of being very rich. The first time I actually saw cheques was when I left Apple, and it wasn’t me that saw them, it was Linda, because we’d co-written a few of our early things.
There are lots of stories about you and money. Miles, once the editor of International Times, who was a friend of yours in the mid-‘60s, told me about finding your MBE and a bunch of £20 notes stuffed into a sock drawer in your bedroom at the Asher house.
Yeah, I’ve heard that story too. I never remember actually having a wad of money like that. Still, it was nice of him not to nick it anyway, wasn’t it? I did know Miles very well. He was my mate. We had many a wondrous stoned evening in his place listening to all sorts of stuff.
That was another of the interesting things. I think that I’ve got a certain personality and if I give charity I don’t like to shout about it. If I get into avant-garde stuff, I don’t particularly shout about that either. I just get on with it. So way before John met Yoko and got avant-garde, I was like the avant-garde London bachelor with Miles in my pad in St. John’s Wood. I was making 8mm movies and showing them to Antonioni. I had all sorts of theories of music — we’d put on a Ravi Shankar record to our home movies and it’d synchronise and John used to come from Weybridge, kind of looking slightly goofy and saying ‘Wow! This is great! We should do more of this!’
I used to sit in a basement in Montagu Square with William Burroughs and a couple of gay guys he knew from Morocco and that Marianne Faithfull-John Dunbar crowd doing little tapes, crazy stuff with guitar and cello. But it didn’t occur to me in the next NME interview I did to rave about William Burroughs. Maybe it would have been good for me to do that.
It’s like Yoko met me before she met John. She turned up for a charity thing, she wanted manuscripts, any spare lyric sheets you had around. Ours tended to be on the backs of envelopes and to tell you the truth I didn’t want to give her any. They were very precious to me and the cause didn’t seem so great. So I said, ‘Look, my mate might be interested,’ and I gave her John’s address, and I think that’s how they first hooked up, and then she had her exhibition and stuff and then their side of the story started to happen.
I feel as though I have to justify living, you know, which is a bit of a piss-off. I don’t really want to have to sit around and justify myself; it’s a bit humiliating. But there are lots of things that haven’t come out. For instance, when they bust up their marriage, she came through London. He was in LA doing Pussy Cats with Nilsson and having a generally quite crazy time of it all, fighting with photographers and haranguing the Smothers Brothers, all because he genuinely loved Yoko and they had a very, very deep, strong relationship, but they were into all sorts of crazy stuff, stuff I don’t know the half of. A lot of people don’t know the half of that. Hints of it keep coming out in books but you never know if you can believe them.
You mean occultism?
All sorts. I certainly did get a postcard from Yoko saying ‘Go round the world in a South-Easterly direction. It’d be good for you. You’re allowed to stop at four places.’ George Martin got one of those and he sort of said, ‘Would it be alright if I go to Montserrat?’, and she said, ‘No.’ Actually, John did the voyage. John went in a South-Easterly direction around the world, but we all kind of went, ‘Sure, sure, we’ll go round the South-East.’ There are so many memories that come flooding in and it’s like a psycho session, the minute I get on this stuff. I’m on a couch and I’m just trying to purge it all.
Linda and me came over for dinner once and John said, ‘You fancy getting the trepanning tiling done?’ I said, ‘Well, what is it?’ and he said, ‘Well, you kind of have a hole bored in your skull and it relieves the pressure.’ We’re sitting at dinner and this is seriously being offered! Now this wasn’t a joke, this was like, ‘Let’s go next week, we know a guy who can do it and maybe we could all go together.’ So I said. ‘Look, you go and have it done, and if it works, great. Tell us all about it and we’ll all have it.’
But I’m afraid I’ve always been a little bit cynical about stuff like that — thank God! — because I think that there’s so much crap that you’ve got to be careful of. But John was more open to things like that.
Anyway, I was telling you about the marriage break-up thing. Yoko came through London and visited us, which was very nice. Linda and I were just married and living in this big old house in St John’s Wood. She came by and we started talking, and obviously the important subject for us is: ‘What’s happened? You’ve broken up then? I mean, you’re here and he’s there.’
She was very nice and confided in us but she was being very strong about it. She said, ‘No, he’s got to work his way back.’ I said, ‘Well look, do you still love him?’, and she said, ‘Yes.’ So I said, ‘Well, would you think it was an intrusion if I said to him, “Look, man, she loves you and there’s a way to get back”— sounds like a Beatles’ song — and I said ‘Would that be OK?’
She said she didn’t mind and we went out to visit him in L.A. in that house where all the crazy things went on and I took him into the back room and said, ‘This girl of yours, she really still loves you. Do you love her?’ And he said he did but he didn’t know what to do.
So I said, ‘You’re going to have to work your little ass off, man. You have to get back to New York, you have to take a separate flat, you have to send her roses every fucking day, you have to work at it like a bitch! Then you just might get her back.’ And he did. I mean, if you hear it from John’s point of view, it’ll just be that he spoke to Yoko on the phone and she said to him, ‘Come back.’
I always found it interesting that he got married a month after you.
I think we spurred each other into marriage. They were very strong together which left me out of the picture, so then I got together with Linda and we got our own kind of strength. I think again that they were a little bit peeved that we got married first.
Was it the kind of thing where there are two blokes who are good mates and one of them finds a girl and then the friendship breaks up?
‘Wedding Bells’ is what it was. ‘Wedding bells are breaking up that old gang of mine.’ We used to sing that song, Gene Vincent did it. It was like an army song and for us the Beatles became the army. We always knew that one day ‘Wedding Bells’ would come true, and that was when it did.
Trouble is, in trying to set the record straight I don’t want to blame John. I did this thing recently with Hunter Davies and they pulled out the one line, ‘John could be a manoeuvring swine.’ Well, I still stick to that, but I’d better not say it to The Sun because I’m just going to get hauled over the coals again.
I’ll tell you exactly why I said that. We had a business meeting to break up The Beatles, one of the famous ones that we’d been having — we’re still having them 17 years later, actually. We all flew in to New York specially. George came off his disastrous tour, Ring of flew in and we were at the Plaza for the big final settlement meeting. John was half a mile away at the Dakota and he sent a balloon over with a note that said ‘Listen to this balloon.’ I mean, you’ve got to be pretty cool to handle that kind of stuff.
George blew his cool and rang him up: ’You fucking maniac!! You take your fucking dark glasses off and come and look at us, man!!’ and gave him a whole load of that shit. Around the same time at another meeting we had it all settled, and John asked for an extra million pounds at the last minute. So of course that meeting blew up in disarray. Later, when we got a bit friendlier — and from time to time there would be these little stepping-stones of friendship in the Apple sea — I asked him why he’d actually wanted that million and he said, I just wanted cards to play with. It’s absolutely standard business practice. He wanted a couple of jacks to up your pair of nines. He was one great guy, but part of his greatness was that he wasn’t a saint.
You got an awful lot of shit for saying “It’s a drag” after he’d been killed.
Yea. I think why some politicians are so successful is that they have a little bleeper box in their heads and before they say something they run things through and they can see it as a headline. If it doesn’t look good they edit it. I have that sometimes, but in moments like that all my bleepers go out the window. I just came out of the place and somebody just stuck the proverbial microphone in the window of the car, which I’m mad enough to have open because, you see, I’m quite outgoing and I was telling the fans ‘Thank you, it’s alright.’ You know. Fab Macca, thumbs aloft, wacky… to me that’s just being nice… that’s just ordinary. I’m not going to carry any can for that kind of shit, for me that was OK… Sticking my thumb up isn’t some armour against the fans, it’s just a perfectly straightforward way of being friendly with people.
But, anyway, I said, ‘It’s a dra-a-ag.’ If I could’ve I might’ve just lengthened that word ‘drag’ for about a thousand years, to get the full meaning. Hunter Davies was on television that night, giving a very reasoned account of John, and all the puppets sprang right up there. I thought it was well tasteless. Jesus Christ, ready with the answers, aren’t we? Aren’t we just ready with a summary? Mind you, Hunter admitted to us years ago that he already had our obituaries written. They’re on file at The Times and they just update them, which is chilling to learn.
The question is, which is the more sensitive: my thing or his thing? He was the one I rang up about ‘manoeuvring swine’ too, so it shows what a buddy he is, he immediately put it in print.
That incident reminded me of John saying ‘We’re bigger than Jesus,’ which was a Maureen Cleave article for the Evening Standard. John and Maureen were good friends and in context it was actually John saying to the church, ‘Hey, wake up! We’re bigger than you.’
But you take it out of context, you send it to Selma, Alabama, you put it on the front page and you’ve got little 11-year-olds thumping on your coach window saying, ‘Blasphemer! Devil Worshipper!’ and I’ll never forget the sight of a little blond kid trying to get to us, and he would have done it, if he’d have got to us. I mean, at 11, what does this kid know of life and religion or anything? He’d just been whipped up.
It’s like Phillip Norman’s book Shout. It’s shameful the way it says that George spent the whole of his career holding a plectrum waiting for a solo. To dismiss George like that is just stupid, nothing less. George was a major influence musically. Trouble is with all these guys, when they come to interview you they come with a clipboard of facts that they’ve got from the files. That’s how Willie Russell wrote his play, John, Paul, George, Ringo… and Bert. That’s how I’ve become known as the one who broke up the Beatles.
The only thing I’m thankful for is that now the truth is starting to come out, and when I see that wedding changed to funeral, I start to realise that it was John’s problem, not mine.
What was his problem, do you think?
Heroin, a slight problem.
When did you know he was doing heroin?
When he was living in Montagu Square with Yoko after he’d split up with Cynthia. He never actually told us, no one ever actually saw him take it, but we heard. I was very lucky to miss that whole scene. I was the first one on coke in the group, which horrified the whole group, and I just thought, No sweat. The minute I stopped, the whole record industry got into it and has never stopped since.
I knew the time was up when I saw Jim Webb — Up Up And Away! — offering me a toot. I thought, ‘Hello, this is getting way too popular.’
When was this that you were doing it?
In LA, it was Sgt. Pepper time, it was my circle of friends: the William Burroughs, the Robert Frasers, the Rolling Stones crowd, and we’d use it to wake up after the pot. But that was quite shortlived and I hated it. I soon got the message that it was a big downer.
There’s a story that sums up all that drugs thing. When I went out to LA at the time of that Pussy Cats album I was offered angel dust. I said, ‘What is it?’ and they said, ‘It’s an elephant tranquillizer,’ and I said to the guy, ‘Is it fun?’ He thought for a moment and said, ‘No it’s not fun.’ So I said, ‘OK, I won’t have any then.’ That sums it up, you know. You had anything, man, even if it wasn’t fun! You sort of had to do it — peer pressure.
I was given a lot of stick for being the last one to take acid. I wish I’d held out now in a way, Although it was the times. I don’t really regret anything actually. I remember John going on The Old Grey Whistle Test and saying, ‘Paul only took it four times! We all took it twenty times!!’ It was as if you’d scored points…
Real twenty pints a night stuff, isn’t it?
It really is!! That’s it, exactly! Very northern. It’s the same thing. If you get it right with one crowd; of people, it’s wrong with another crowd, so you can’t win, basically. But it was great times and I really don’t regret it. I love a lot of what we did; we had screwed-up moments too, but who doesn’t?
Like Geldof — there’s this guy who does great stuff, but that doesn’t mean that he’s a saint. In fact, it’s often the opposite with these people; it just means that they’ve got Go Power.
I love the story where they finished the USA For Africa record and Geldof is buzzing and Michael Jackson and his family were having a light meal at about three in the morning. They’re all devout Jehovah’s Witnesses and they were all sitting there and Bob walks in and says, ‘You lot fucking disgust me!!’ The jaws just drop.
He didn’t make himself too wildly popular. I think that’s why he got a bit elbowed in the States. They never mention him. It’s the American guy they always mention. I don’t even know what his name is. Ken something. They all thank him. They never say, ‘And by the way, he got the idea off this mad Irish bog bandit.’
How did you feel at Live Aid? The first time you’d been on stage for ages and it all went wrong.
When the mic went? I felt very strange. It was very loosely organised and I turned up not knowing quite what was expected of me, other than that I had to do ‘Let It Be’. So I sat down at the piano, looked around for a cue to go, and there was just one roadie, and I looked at him for a signal. I started and the monitor was off and I thought, No sweat, this is BBC, this is world television, someone’s bound to have a feed, it’s just that my monitor’s off.
Then I wondered if the audience could hear because I knew some of the words of ‘Let It Be’ were kind of relevant to what we were doing. Anyway, I thought, This is OK, they can hear me, they’re singing along. I just had to keep going, so it was very embarrassing. The terrible thing was that in the middle I heard the roadies come through on the monitor, shouting, ’No, this plug doesn’t go here!‘ I thought, Hello, we have problems. The worst moment was watching it on telly later.
The event itself was so great, but it wasn’t for my ego. It was for people who are dying and it raised over £50 million, and so it was like having been at the battle of Agincourt. It’s something you’ll tell your grandchildren about. I know Paul Simon slightly regrets that he didn’t do it. He was asked, but he had other things to do. I very nearly didn’t do it; Bob just badgered me into it.
That’s your mother invoked in ‘Let It Be’, isn’t it?
Yeah, well, I had a lot of bad times in the ‘60s there, and we used to sort of — probably all the drugs — lie in bed and wonder what was going on and feel quite paranoid. I had a dream one night about my mother. She died when I was 14 so I hadn’t really heard from her in quite a while, and it was very good. It gave me some strength. In my darkest hour Mother Mary comes to me. I don’t know whether you’ve got parents that are still living, but if you do… I get dreams with John in, and my Dad. It’s very nice because you meet them again. It’s wondrous, it’s like magic. Of course, you’re not meeting them, you’re meeting yourself, or whatever…
What about ‘Lady Madonna’?
Lady Madonna’s all women. How do they do it? — bless ‘em — it’s that one, you know. Baby at your breast, how do they get the time to feed them? Where do you get the money? How do you do this thing that women do?
Was your mother a very strong force in your life?
Well, I loved her, you know, yeah.
Was it very traumatic when she died?
Yeah, but I’m a bit of a cover-up. There are many people like me in the world who don’t find it easy to have public grief. But that was one of the things that brought John and I very close together. We used to actually talk about it, being 16 or 17. We actually used to know, not in a cynical way, but a way that was accepting the reality of the situation, how people felt when they said, ‘How’s your mother?’ And we’d say, ‘Well, she’s dead.’ We almost had a sort of joke, we’d have to say, ‘It’s alright, don’t worry.’ We’d both lost our mothers. It was never really spoken about much; no-one really spoke about anything real. There was a famous expression: ‘Don’t get real on me, man.’
How did you feel about all the stick Linda got?
I feel sorry for her. She got a lot of stick, more than we admit to.
It presumably affected your relationship in some way?
It made us stronger, really; the thing I’m beginning to understand now about Linda was that we were just two people who liked each other and found a lot in common and fell in love, got married and found that we liked it. To the world, of course, she was the girl that Paul McCartney had married, and she was a divorcee, which didn’t seem right. People preferred Jane Asher. Jane Asher fitted. She was a better Fergie.
Linda wasn’t a very good Fergie for me, and people generally tended to disapprove of me marrying a divorcee and an American. That wasn’t too clever. None of that made a blind bit of difference; I actually just liked her, I still do and that’s all it’s to do with.
I mean, we got married in the craziest clothes when I look back on it. We didn’t even bother to buy her a decent outfit. I can see it all now; I can see why people were amazed that I’d put her in the group. At the time it didn’t seem the least bit unusual. I even had quotes from Jagger saying, ‘Oh, he’s got his old lady up onstage man.’
A lot of people give her stick for playing with one finger, but as a matter of fact they weren’t polyphonic, the Moogs, in those days. You can only play them with one finger; you can play them with five if you like, but only one’s gonna register, so it’s things like that all added to the picture, and by the time she did the ’76 tour with Wings, she was well good at stuff and actually I was quite surprised, I mean, she was holding down the keyboard job with one of the big bands in the world. From knowing nothing! I mean, the balls of the girl!
But along with the public condemnations, there were always millions of people who liked her. Our shows always did OK, and our records occasionally did OK. Occasionally we’d have a whopper burger that’d suddenly make it worthwhile. Then we’d have our big whopper failures, but as long as you measure them against your successes, it’s alright.
How do you feel about the Wings output?
I was never very happy with the whole thing but I’m actually starting to think that it was a bit churlish of me, because I’m meeting a lot of people now who had a completely different perception of the whole thing. I met a nurse recently who was a Wings fan! I mean, forget me, forget The Beatles, she was an actual die-hard Wings fan. I didn’t think they existed.
A lot of the younger people coming up didn’t really know the Beatles history. There are people who don’t know what Sgt. Pepper was. We find it a bit difficult to understand. It’s like not knowing what War And Peace is.So it’s OK. I was never very pleased with the whole thing, but I’m warming to it now. I’m starting to look at it through my own eyes, and saying, Wait a minute. What did we do? Where did we go wrong? Most people would give their right arm for the Wings career, to have hits as big as ‘Mull Of Kintyre’, ‘My Love’, ‘Band On The Run’, ‘Maybe I’m Amazed’.
But it came to an end when you were busted in Japan. How did that happen?
It happened because we got some good grass in America and no-one could face putting it down the toilet. It was an absolutely crazy move. We knew we weren’t going to get any in Japan. Anybody else would have given it to their roadies, but I didn’t want them to take the rap. It was lying on top of the bloody suitcase. I’ll never forget the guy’s face as he pulled it out. He almost put it back. He just did not want the embarrassment. But it’s a hysterical subject and I’d prefer to skirt round it these days, because I don’t want any of the pressures that go with it, so I’m telling everyone, stay clean, be cool.
I’m pretty straight. I know what crazy is.
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grimelords · 6 years
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Hello I’ve finished my February playlist for you. There’s no timeline on these things anymore they just come out whenever they come out it seems. A good mix, and I’m sure there’ll be at least one thing in here you’ve never heard before that you’ll like. 
Doncamatic (feat. Daley) - Gorillaz: This song is extremely traumatic for me because they released it after Plastic Beach as a standalone single and Damon Albarn said they had a whole other album worth of songs from the Plastic Beach sessions that they were thinking about releasing with Doncamatic as the lead single that just never materialised, and the idea of Plastic Beach 2 sitting on a hard drive while we get The Now Now (The Fall 2) instead is maddening.
Portait Of A Man (live) - Marlon Williams: I feel like I've used The Secret to bring this album into existence. It's exactly what I wanted from him - no studio artifice or weird genre pigeonholing and his huge voice on full display. It's incredible and long as hell and this is definitely the highlight.
Houdini Crush - Buke & Gase: I'm in love with the structure of this song. It takes SO long to get back to the chorus. It takes about three different sections in the middle and then finally gets back there and it's so satisfying because of it. You could edit this song into a tight indie pop piece but instead it has the space to go wild and jam and it's great.
AE_LIVE_KRAKOW_200914 - Autechre: Sorry but Autechre finally put all their live albums on spotify and they're very VERY good. Not the sort of thing that you want to listen to as part of a playlist exactly cause they go for an hour each but a very nice reminder nonetheless.
Sheet Metal Girl - Pig Destroyer: I think Pig Destroyer is one of the best band names I've ever heard. I found out later they meant pigs like cops which is still good but the idea of absolutely eviscerating a hog for no reason is very palpably metal. Just looked up the lyrics and this song seems to literally about having sex with a girl made out of sheet metal. Good!
Horizon - Aldous Harding: I absolutely love this song and the way she says 'babe' lights my brain up like a christmas tree. Every now and then I think about when you’ll die baaaaabe.
Born Slippy (Nux) - Underworld: There's a good bit on the Genius page for this song that says "Lots of 1990s acts helped popularize techno, but in Karl Hyde, Underworld had something that was the exclusive province of rock bands: a totally full-of-it frontman who sounded cool." and it's interesting that Underworld and The Prodigy are the biggest names to survive that time and still be at least slightly relevant now. No matter how much you put into your instrumentals nothing can really compare to just having an insane guy yell a bunch of garbage over it.
A Change Is Going To Come - Baby Huey & The Baby Sitters: This is like all good all normal and then he does that huge squeal at 2 minutes in and you're rocked to your core and then it only gets bigger and bigger and better from there. Also maybe one of the best mid song monologues I've ever heard.
No Signal (feat. Roy Woods) - 24hrs: The whole thing of emo rap mirroring mid 2000s emo is still so strange because it's not just the mindset and content being repurposed it's the literal melodic conventions. Change the instrumentation of this song and it's melodically just an emo song. Very strange, but this song is great regardless.
De Aqui No Sales - Cap.4: Disputa - Rosalia: Rosalia rocks and I only just found out El Guincho co-produced this album which is very exciting to me. I love the way this song feels like it never really gets to the big build up it's promising. It has a big intro for about half the song and then when it feels like it's about to blow up when the handclaps come in it just sits in that groove for a while and ends. I also feel like I should mention the video for this song because it's like the platonic ideal of a music video. It's got everything you could ask for. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AvGt2BcDl_g
Glass Jar - Gang Gang Dance: Here's how good brains are: I had a sudden urge to listen to this album the other day but couldn't remember what it was called or who it was by, only the album cover, but for some reason locked away in my brain was the fact that it was from 2011 so I just looked through Pitchfork's Best Of 2011 list until I recognised it. Incredible. Anyway I'm so glad I did because I ended up having a huge phase with this album. They walk the fine line of psychedelic jammy bands like this of taking up a lot of space with atmospherics but it never feeling like it's lost momentum. Even when this song takes fully half of its 11 minute runtime to properly get started it never feels like wasted time somehow, it's always moving somewhere.
Heavyweight - Infected Mushroom: It's unbelievable that this song's good because it absolutely shouldn't be. The unholy mix of goa trance and metal usually reserved for Command And Conquer soundtracks is so unbelievably naff that it's come all the way around again and I absolutely love it.
Black Static - Health: I'm still absolutely furious about Pitchfork giving this album a 3 and not particularly for the score but because it's some of the worst Pitchfork Writing I've seen in a quite a while. They tried to cancel them for calling the album Slaves Of Fear I think: "The “we,” it seems, refers to the slaves, the slaves of fear, and if I try any harder to connect the dual sensation of edginess and laziness with slavery, the all-American institution that killed and brutalized millions of people for hundreds of years, I am going to have to take a long walk into the sun." Not sure about that. Anyway this song's great sorry for talking about a review instead of the song!
Burn Bridges - The Grates: Twee pop is an underrated genre and The Grates are an underrated band because they brought so much attitude and power to it it's hardly twee at all. It's huge and it rocks!
Girlfriend (feat. Lil Mama) - Dr. Luke Mix - Avril Lavigne: Sorry for putting Dr Luke on your dash in 2019 but this is mostly for Lil Mama. Removing Avril's verses and replacing them with Lil Mama but keeping the chorus and big guitars makes it sound like a lost Girl Talk song and it's so, so much better than the original. There's also a good bit in this where she really puts a lot of emphasis on saying 'Jennifer Hudson' and the weird harmony vocals in the background mirror it which I like a lot.
Panic Switch - Silversun Pickups: It seems like Silversun Pickups had no lasting impact beyond being one hit wonders for Lazy Eye which is so strange to me because their first two albums were absolutely solid. This is also a good example of totally nonsense lyrics feeling like they have meaning because the melody it so good.
3 - Seekae: It's very strange now to think that Alex Cameron was in Seekae. But that's not important. What is important is how good this song is. In the extremely narrow genre of Mount Kimbie-ites +Dome really stood out to me as album from guys who really got it. It's extremely catchy music but it still sounds like nothing you've ever heard before which when you think about it sounds like it should be impossible.
Shooting Stars - Bag Raiders: Bag Raiders did a little Song Exploder thing for Triple J about this song a little while ago and pointed out something I'd never noticed before which is that this song has the extremely strange structure of 1 really long verse, breakdown, 1 really long chorus, end. Which is.... completely amazing. And also that this song blew up and charted higher than it ever had before via memes like 6 years after it came out is still bizarre. Remember when it was in the video for Swish Swish by Katy Perry? God I hope they got paid a million dollars for that.
Romantic Rights (Erol Alkan's Love From Below Re-Edit) - Death From Above 1979: Huge fan of this remix that seems to just drop the full song unedited right in the middle. The perfect way to remix an already great song - just make it longer.
Dwa Serduszka - Joanna Kulig: I saw Cold War and subsequently couldn't get this song out of my head. I loved that movie so much but I also extremely agreed when @cyborgbree said the ending was like a Simpsons parody or foreign movies.
Holes - Mercury Rev: This song gives me depression and makes me feel like I'm sorting through old records and merch from my old band that tried really hard but never got anywhere even though I've never even been in a band. That's the power of music!
It's Never Over (Hey Orpheus) - Arcade Fire: Reflektor is a great and underrated album and to this day I am still finding new things to love about it! Namely this song which I've never paid much attention to before but massively jumped out at me last time I listened. It's a 3 note riff but it's absolutely amazing.
Dance Your Life Away - Audiobooks: Huge fan of having the gall to name your band Audiobooks and a huge fan of this song! It sounds like if Life Without Buildings was a dance band, which is a theoretically perfect idea. It sounds like she's just making the words up on the spot and she probably is and it's absolutely great.
Everything (Deathless) - JW Ridley: I'm so glad that War On Drugs brought heartland rock back for the masses and finally gave us back extended guitar solos outside of a metal or prog context. It is so inspiring what you can do with two chords and a propulsive groove.
Unmarked Helicopters - Soul Coughing: Sorry for continually putting Soul Coughing in these playlists but check out how good this song they did for the X Files movie soundtrack was. 'check out this Soul Coughing song they did for the X Files movie soundtrack' is a very specific kind of 90s sentence. Anyway the 'black black black black and blacker' part with the distortion on the vocals is so good, love it lots.
Don't Sit Down Cause I've Moved Your Chair - Arctic Monkeys: I saw Arctic Monkeys a couple of weeks ago and it was amazing but also extra good because they played this song that I'd completely forgotten about and it went off. The Josh Homme produced Arctic Monkeys albums are very good because his fingerprints are all over them and they sound like Queens Of The Stone Age covers.
What Can I Do If The Fire Goes Out? - Gang Of Youths: It's fucked up how good this song is. I listened to it the other day and was like 'what the fuck how come I never listened to Gang Of Youths second album that much? But then I kept going and realised it was 70 minutes long and had about five interlude tracks on it. I love Gang Of Youths but they need a producer that will yell at them until they make a 40 minute album. Fuck this song's good though. So good I'm mad I haven't seen it live yet.
Shark Smile - Big Thief: I don't even know the words to this song or what it's about but it makes me cry anyway. I'm very glad I found out about Big Thief this month, like two years after everyone else. Their description on Bandcamp says "Listening to Big Thief is like the feeling of looking at a dog and suddenly marvelling that it is like you but very not like you; when you are accustomed to looking at a dog and thinking 'dog', watching Big Thief is like forgetting the word 'dog' and looking at that naked animal and getting much closer to it and how different it is to you" which is a certainly a way to feel.
Inhaler - Foals: I don't know how I've avoided it but I've never really gotten much into Foals even though they have multiple songs that I really really love, this one being one of them. I think it's an amazing piece of recording simply for how huge it gets. This song swells to about ten times its original size as the chorus hits before totally deflating again. Also a huge fan of anyone that can make a Battles riff work in a conventional song like this does.
Red Bull & Hennessy - Jenny Lewis: Another fantastic song in the long pantheon of great songs about getting twisted and being horny. The isolated 'ohh' after 'all we've been through' feels like a real Shania Twain piece of production and I love it. Also the drums on this song are absolutely massive for some reason which is very cool.​
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bereft-of-frogs · 5 years
If you are ever so inclined - I'd be very interested in your horror recommendations.
This got…probably more involved than you intended. :D It was a good procrastination tool/distraction from A Thing I didn’t want to do though, and I had fun revisiting some of these old trailers.
This ended up really long. I’m sorry. I don’t know why I’m like this.
“The New Golden Age”
[These are what I’m talking about when I talk about us entering in a new golden age - really genre bending, specifically out to subvert tropes, make social statements, and empower people who have been shut out by horror in the past.]
Jordan Peele - Get Out (2017) and Us (2019)
Ah, Jordan Peele. The master of the comedy to horror turn. Get Out was the most fun I’ve had watching a horror movie in a long time. I love how it really fits itself to classic tropes but subverts them by flipping the genre and race dynamics. (Daniel Kaluuya’s character embodies the ‘Final Girl’ trope.)
Us fucked me up. Like, woke up at 3am thinking about it, couldn’t really look at Lupita Nyong’o for a while. The remix of the song that plays over the trailer literally gives me goosebumps. It freaked me out, so much. That one is a genre bender - you think you’re watching one thing (a classic home-invasion type trope with some weird mystery to it) and then the final scene basically upends everything you thought you were watching. Fucked. Me. Up.
Ari Aster - Hereditary (2018) and Midsommar (2019)
I’ve been talking a bunch about how much I loved Midsommar. It’s gorgeous visually, Ari Aster is so great at just letting things hang and letting tension build and build - and it was the first horror movie I think I’ve ever felt weirdly empowered by. Like, similar to when I saw Captain Marvel, I walked out of the theater like “is this how men feel all the time?” Hereditary is probably a better movie overall, not counting the fact that it was practically made for me. At its core it’s a grief drama, a phenomenal portrait of mourning…and it’s also really fucking scary. Those slow-tension building scenes are really used effectively in Hereditary.
I also think it’s interesting because Ari Aster is keeping pace with Jordan Peele, but did it in the opposite order. Hereditary is the genre-bender - you kind of think it’s a family drama/psychological horror for most of it, and then it takes a hard turn and makes you question everything you were watching. Midsommar is more on-genre norms - it’s essentially the classic ‘bunch of terrible people getting picked off one by one’ trope (I don’t know if there’s a better name for that), but by applying folk horror and really centering female characters as both pro- and an- tagonist, it does a lot of unexpected things.
Robin Aubert - Les Affamés (”The Ravenous”) (2017)
It’s a zombie movie, but it’s more than that. This movie is so layered. I saw it at a festival when it first came out and then we watched it again this year on St. Jean-Baptiste (Québec national holiday) because we wanted to be #OnTheme. (And to celebrate St. Jean-Baptiste without having to interact with crowds) and it kind of clicked what it was doing. It’s really about the absorbing of difference into the dominant, hegemonic culture and the struggle for marginalized individuals to survive. Robin Aubert has a couple others I haven’t seen yet, but have heard good things about and are on my list. I saw a critic call his main brand ‘pastoral terror’ (terreur pastorale) which I absolutely love as a concept.
Alex Garland - Annihilation (2018)
Some people might argue with me if this is horror or not, if it’s sci-fi, but I think it’s body horror. And it’s beautiful body horror! See this is what I’m here for. Body horror is not just gore - there’s not a lot of blood in this movie. Body horror is about distortion and the grotesque. There’s this one scene that still gives me chills when I think about it and Tessa Thompson’s final scene is beautiful body horror at its finest. (There was also a really similar scene in Midsommar, so I clearly know what I like.) The soundtrack is also phenomenal.
[I had a whole rant about the book series, which I hated, here, but it was getting long and derailing so I cut it out. the tldr is I hated the book.]
“Classics I actually Enjoy”
[I don’t always love what appears at the top of the like ‘essential horror’ lists, but these are the ones I think are worth it.]
Dario Argento - Deep Red (1975)
I really, really wanted to like Suspiria more, because the concept and Goblin’s score for Suspiria both appeal to me a lot more. But I had a lot more fun watching Deep Red. So far it’s my favorite of the giallos.
Richard Donner - The Omen (1976)
Classic. It’s so good. “It’s all for you, Damian!” Plus, I love any movie that comes with rumors of a curse.
Alfred Hitchcock - Psycho (1960)
I would classify most of Hitchcock as ‘thriller’ rather than horror, but Psycho is firmly psychological horror, and The Classic.
Stuart Gordon - Re-animator (1985)
I couldn’t really decide if I wanted to put this one. Especially because on a long drive my friend and we basically covered how this was really ripe for a remake because it’s flaws…did not age particularly well, especially re: gender and race. (But it could be so, so good. It could be an amazing commentary about consent and the use of marginalized bodies…but the original …is…not.) But I’m putting this on here because of body horror. They clearly hired dancers or choreographers to do the reanimated movements because they really lean into it and it’s great. It gets…heavily derailed at the end by an absolutely ridiculous gore climax and missing the opportunity to actually have a coherent storyline or a message of any kind…but they got the grotesque movements down.
Honorable Mentions: The Amityville Horror, The Exorcist, Rosemary’s Baby, *sigh* Cannibal Holocaust (like…I don’t actually recommend anyone watch it. I’m glad I did, because it’s really important for how the ‘found footage’ genre developed, so it’s a piece of film history but like. Don’t actually watch it.), The House on Haunted Hill
“Random Others In Between”
Adrian Lyne - Jacob’s Ladder (1990)
You might recognize Jacob’s Ladder as the movie that more heavily inspired the first chapter of ‘dark underground//violent sky’ more than I had originally thought. I had originally been basing a lot of the tone and style on current trends in horror TV, but then I happened to watch Jacob’s Ladder while I was in the middle of writing the second half and was like…oh. Like, I knew I had been heavily influenced by Jacob’s Ladder and the ending, but I had forgotten about how the film differentiates between ‘reality’ and ‘dream’ - in that it doesn’t! And that was an effect I was specifically striving for when I was writing ‘dark underground’. It’s also just a really weird, trippy late-80s/early-90s movie set in New York when New York was still really dirty and that’s fun.
Hideo Nakata - Dark Water (2002)
This is my favorite Japanese horror film. I think it gets a little bit looked over in favor of some others (Ringu, Ju-on, Audition), but it’s my favorite. (Has a terrible American remake, so be sure to avoid that one. It comes up first when you google. -_-)
James Wan - The Conjuring (2013)
I did really like this first entry - the sequels are kind of aggressively meh.
Scott Derrickson - Sinister (2012)
Honorable Mentions: Session 9, Se7en, The Ritual, It Follows, The Descent, The Hills Have Eyes (I just really like bright horror movies), The Exorcism of Emily Rose (for fun bonus pretension, you can also watch Requiem, and then when people ask you if you’ve seen The Exorcism of Emily Rose, you get to be like “Yeah, have you seen the German original?” though, technically, it’s that they’re both based off of the same true-story. it’s still fun to say), Hard Candy, Ils (Them), THE VVITCH (should only ever be pronounced ‘The Va-Vitch’ lol)
“The Parody Films”
[What is there to say? They’re great, so much fun.]
Joss Whedon - Cabin in the Woods (2012)
Remember back in 2012 when Avengers 1 came out, and then Cabin in the Woods came out, like, immediately afterwards, and we all loved Joss Whedon? We were so innocent back then.
Eli Craig - Tucker and Dale vs. Evil (2010)
This movie is so pure. I love how they both play into and subvert the rural hillbilly tropes with the two main characters. They just want a vacation home! These kids keep killing themselves on their property!
Honorable Mentions: Shaun of the Dead, I was googling to confirm the year of Tucker and Dale vs. Evil and I saw What We Do In The Shadows listed as horror paraody, but I would count that more as a Gothic mockumentary, but I listed it here because I love it so much.
Xavier Burgin - Horror Noire: A History of Black Horror (2019)
This movie was so interesting! Highly recommend. I think Shudder is planning on producing more of these documentaries, about marginalized groups in horror, and I am Here For It.
Honorable Mentions: Cropsey/Killer Legends, Best Worst Movie
I think I’ll stop here and maybe someday do a separate one for books. And maybe TV series, but I’m having a hard time teasing out the line between mystery and horror because of how popular and kind of unique Nordic Noir is right now. It’s just hard to draw the line for TV.
But I’ll end by summarizing reading thoughts (in a more disorganized manner):
-I have two separate ‘complete tales and poems’ editions of Edgar Allen Poe - one to look pretty and one to annotate.
-If you come for my girl Mary Shelley I will come @ you. Once a kind of asshole-y friend once was like ‘Frankenstein is terrible because it was written by a teenage girl’ and, I swear to God, I almost fought him right there in the bar. The Last Man is also great.
-I also almost forgot how much I loved Dracula. The Harkers especially. (I once tried to read League of Extraordinary Gentleman and gave up with a rage-headache 15 pages in because of what they did to Mina.) (Ah yes, let’s make her a “Strong Female Character ™” by having her divorce Jonathan and almost be raped in the first 15 pages.) (Couldn’t deal with it.) (I’m sure I would in general like that series but I just had too much attachment to Mina Harker to get over it.)
-I physically cannot get through Lovecraft. I can’t do it. I’ve tried so many times, I know how important it is but I just. Can’t. Don’t want to. Won’t. Sorry.
-A lot of adapted books I tend to prefer the books they were based on. Some are kind of obvious, like I Am Legend by Richard Matheson, which is a way, way better book than the movie. (They changed the ending which undercut the actual message.) But others are still decent movies, I just tend to prefer the book. Like, everyone always puts Let the Right One In on ‘essential horror’ lists, but I actually liked the book by John Ajvide Lindqvist a lot better.
-Similarly, you may have noticed I put no Stephen King movies on this list - there are a few I really like, but I think they work better as complements to the novels. Misery and the original Pet Sematary (haven’t seen the new one yet) are my two favorite movies-based-on-king. The Shining is visually stunning by character-wise, wildly disappointing, so point to the novel for this one. (King also hated the adaptation for what Kubrick did to Wendy.) My general King recommendations are: Carrie, Misery, The Shining, The Mist, Insomnia
I’m having a bit of an issue with how male-dominated this list is. It’s partially my problem that I’m working on correcting (I’m at the point where I’m actively trying not to read horror books by white men anymore) and partially a general problem in the industry. It’s hard to get into an industry that for a long time unquestioningly based itself on violence against women and other marginalized peoples’ bodies. -_-  But yeah, I have a list of contemporary horror novels by women that I’m working my way through, and I’m trying to catch up on some older staples like Shirley Jackson, Angela Carter, and Octavia Butler.
UPDATE: After I finished compiling this list, I googled ‘Horror movies directed by women’ and there are a couple that I would recommend, I think they’re just not as visible. (Did not realize they’d been directed by women until this Google.):
Mary Lambert - Pet Sematary (1989)
Karen Kusama - Jennifer’s Body (2009)
Mary Harron - American Psycho (2000)
Lynne Ramsay - We Need To Talk About Kevin (2011) (though I liked the book better)
This list was probably incomplete and I’ve probably forgotten a bunch of things I really like! It’s also only made up of things I’ve already seen/read (though it’s not comprehensive). If something’s not on here and you think it should be, lmk! It may be that I haven’t seen it yet and I’ll add it to my to-watch list. Always taking suggestions, especially for more horror (films or books) from underrepresented groups.
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fuckyeahfrenchsongs · 7 years
Translation: The world was ours, now it belongs to no one It happened quietly, don’t worry, there won’t be Larsen I buried it all in a small part of my heart But it’ll always be here, like a pacemaker Why do I feel like you’re still at my place ? Why does time fly so fast since I don’t feel you in my arms ? I miss you, my heart is heavy like a tank My hopes locked with three locks in a bank I know it’s dead, so why do I still think about it ? I try my best but sometimes I hate you to death It destroyed me, but as we say “C’est la vie” But it still hurts to know that it’s over [Chorus x2] How’s it going ? How’s your life going ? Do you think about me when you’re with him ? It felt so good being next to you It hurts like a pickaxe But I won’t make any reproach Sad story, ugly, really cruel I remember you in this hotel room at Bruxels You said “I never said I wasn’t in love with you” So why are you in his arms now ? If you knew how long a minute passes Listen to the sound of my heart when it explodes like a pressure cooker Now I’m not your friend, nor your lover I’m nothing, just a guy who wanted to be happy You see, I still do Stup but I don’t feel it anymore I’ll still be sad What is the difference between me and you ? It’s that I count the days while I know you clearly don’t [Chorus x2] Nancy… The artist: Stupeflip is a rap/punk/french chanson trio which marked the early 2000s french music scene for being an unexpected band, promoting their music by being vulgar during TV appearances. This kind of behaviour put them into trouble with their record company and their contract got cancelled in 2005 after two albums, until they came back years after, thanks to crowdfunding. Besides their appearance as a trio, the band is mostly handled by Julien Barthélémy (also known as King Ju) who does the writing, producing and also the visual arts for the albums.
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Stupeflip’s musical style is certainly various, but it also mixes absurd lyrics with a heavy load of alliterations and a constant use of sampling (in their own terms, they “pick little bits of stuff and then put them together”). Behind their gritty humor, there are sometime some heavy messages related to their hardships as an uncommon band and how their members worked in an unfair bureaucratic society (their debut self-titled album talks in great length about these subjects), but also a mysterious lore about the “Stupeflip crou”, an universe consisting of 894 members and different regions and eras (each era representing the release of a Stupeflip album). With this universe also comes a handful of characters representing Stupeflip such as Pop-Hip, a parody of pop musicians who are only in it for the money, and King Ju, the great mastermind behind the band. With each album coming out, the listener gets to know slightly more about Stupeflip but not enough to get the full picture as it’s supposed to stay in a fuzzy middle-ground. The Song:  Nan?… Si? is one of the rare Stupeflip songs which talk about heartbreak and is also recognised, amongst stupeflip fans, as one of their most mature songs. The narrator, possibly King Ju, is talking about how his relationship with a woman went down and how it’s difficult for him to move on with it. Right at the beginning, Ju specifies that there won’t be any Larsen (a larsen effect is an ear-hurting audio effect you hear when you put a mic in front of a speaker) but he’ll keep the memories in his heart, just like a pacemaker. Even though they are now separated, he still thinks she’s part of his life as he probably thinks that she was the only woman he could love (this is accentuated with the metaphor of hopes locked with three locks in a bank in the first verse). In the original french lyrics, the chorus starts off with an incredible play on words. How’s it going ? How’s your life going ? can be translated as Est-ce que ça va ? Comment c’est ta vie ? but if you mix the two sentences into one you get Est-ce que ça va commencer ta vie ? which translates to Is your life going to start ? These are different questions but they all fit into the same context, which is how the narrator’s ex is living her life with another man. He still thinks about her but does she still think about him ? On top of the fact that she lives with a new boyfriend, the narrator also thinks that her life is finally off to a start and that he was nobody to her. The use of the term pickaxe for the fact the she left him, also describes the state of his heart: not destroyed, yet shattered. The second verse tells more about the aftermaths of their breakup but also memories of their relationship. The narrator remembers how her ex promised to stay faithful to him, even though she left him for somebody else. She left him but he still wants to her to feel how his life is going hard without her (and the line Now I’m not your friend, nor your lover insists on the fact that he’ll prefer to grant her a death wish than ask her to come back). The use of terms such as heavy like a tank and pressure cooker could sound as a corny way of writing rhymes, but it also shows how Ju’s speech is bold and clear to understand as he is confused by sadness. The line You see, I still do Stup but I don’t feel it anymore brings us back to reality: this song is clearly about how King Ju had a hard time with someone he loved and how it has affected his creative flow (also note the use of reversed vocals, a recurring element in Stupeflip’s music which gives a replay value to their albums). The song ends with King Ju reminding her ex that he’ll never forget the life they had together, stating that his grieving process might be eternal, and finally says her name: Nancy, making a connection to the title of the track (Nan ? Si ? means Nah ? Yes ?, two terms which contradict each other, just like how Ju and her ex are living different lives now). At the very last seconds of the song, you can hear the sound of a gun being loaded, possibly the sign of Ju wanting to commit suicide, but the track ends before you could hear the sound of a gunshot or not. As a whole, Nan ? Si ? is about how bad you can feel after someone has used you during a relationship. The simplistic choice of words, as well as some contradicting lyrics, show how the narrator is struck by sadness and tries his best to put his feelings into lyrics. With the help of an ethereal instrumental (which remixes the soundtrack of Tim Burton’s Alice In Wonderland in reverse), the listener is put into an intimate ambiance which is far ahead of other Stupeflip songs.
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murasaki-murasame · 7 years
Monogatari Series Rewatch Part 4: Bakemonogatari [Nadeko Snake]
I’m doing it, I’m finally getting around to this, aah. Here we go.
Who else is ready for two episodes of ‘if only you could understand how much drama and pain your superficial understanding of Nadeko’s emotional problems is gonna cause you down the line, Araragi’, cause I sure am.
Thoughts under the cut.
[This got way longer than expected. Can you tell that I really love Nadeko as a character, and love talking about her?]
-I haven’t talked a whole lot about any art-related things in a while [since I never know how to phrase my praise for this sorta thing without being kinda repetitive and aimless], but I really love the plain colour/gradient effect used for stuff like the bamboo forest. It’s definitely a cost-cutting measure, but for some reason I really like it. I guess, in a weird way, I really like the simple backgrounds that draw more focus to the characters, and make the show feel like even more of a stage play where everything other than the characters themselves are just props.
-It still gives me the warm fuzzies, that Araragi and Kanbaru immediately got back to being friends after the last arc. Their friendship is a wonderful part of the series.
-And here she is! Snake girl! Hoo boy, this is where we get into the start of some of the extended story elements. Though from what I remember, you tend to leave this arc for the first time not thinking that there’s anything deeper to her character and that she won’t show up again. LOLNOPE.
-Just to get it said right off the bat, Nadeko is honestly one of my favourite characters in the entire show, at least from my vague memories of my first time watching the series. I found myself relating to her and understanding her issues way more than I thought I would. I think it wasn’t until Otori that I paid much attention to her, but I feel like that goes for everyone. I totally get why she’s such a divisive character, though. I respect that.
-And here we have one of the single most iconic and memorable anime OPs of all time. Holy shit this song used to be EVERYWHERE. So many parodies and mash-ups and remixes. It’s weird to look back at the original. Especially since there’s so many little elements to it, mostly in the lyrics, that really bluntly hint at her various issues, and the direction her story takes. One of the very first lines in the OP is, more or less, ‘if words will destroy our relationship, then silence is fine’. Though it’s hard not to see this entire OP as being really meaningful when it’s so connected in my head to the Nadeko Medusa OP. I still adore how Renai Circulation is basically Nadeko’s idealized view of herself and her unrequited crush on Araragi, while Mousou Express is a more objective look at how obsessive her feelings actually are. I love it so much. But I’m getting ahead of myself.
-Also, as a side note, I think this OP was my first exposure to the series before I actually sat down and watched it about three or so years ago, and for the longest damn time I seriously thought that Nadeko had green hair. It took me a while to get used to her normal hair colour.
-Oh yeah, this is the first time we see the shrine, as well as the talisman thingy. Huh. I at least thought that the talisman didn’t appear until as far as Nise or SS. Weird. It makes me remember how sorta surprising it was to see the shrine become such a recurring setting, and such a big element of the overall story. But it really does just keep popping up. It’s probably one of the things I have the least of a grasp of, though, especially with how the various goings-on with it fit into the timeline. But I at least remember that the whole deal with the shrine is that it’s like the spiritual hotspot of the town, and that everyone wants to use it for their own purposes, mostly in terms of using it to maintain ‘balance’ in the town.
-Senjougahara continues to be utterly savage even when she’s not part of the scene. NICE.
-Huh, I genuinely forgot that apparently Kanbaru’s arm is gonna heal over the next five years or so. Huh. That’s a pretty major thing to forget. I feel like they never bring it up after this point, though. So that’s probably why. I guess it slightly lessens the whole tragedy of what happened to her, but I guess it was probably a bit too fucked up of a concept for her to be stuck with a monkey arm for the rest of her life.
-For some reason I thought that the shrine was intact by this point in time and just got destroyed in a later arc. Guess not. [[If it’s not clear already I have a surprisingly shit memory of a lot of specific story details with this show. Especially in the early arcs like this. Since I haven’t watched them in several years. Also I’ve only read the LN versions of the first three Bake arcs, and have been procrastinating about the rest, so this is the start of where I truly haven’t really experienced the story in years]]
-Obviously this is a bigger aspect of later arcs, and I’ll discuss it more then, but holy shit does Araragi have the WORST memory possible. It’s almost hilarious how many issues in his life are caused by it. I can’t exactly blame him for not remembering one of his little sisters’ school friends who he hasn’t seen in six years but still. This is just a hint of what’s to come, I guess. And really his issue with Nadeko is less him forgetting her, and more him just not paying that much attention to her or trying to investigate her issues. Which, again, I can’t blame him for. Most of the things Araragi does like this are completely realistic and understandable even if we as the audience can see the dramatic irony involved.
-[Oh man, now that I’m remembering more of Nadeko’s story, it’s just now dawning on me for the first time how similar a lot of her story is to that one character from Umineko who I won’t name because of spoilers. They’re very different characters in general, but wow there’s at least some pretty overt superficial comparisons to be made. Huh. I need to remember to make a post about that character once I’m properly done with Umineko]
-Oh yeah, by this point in the story Nadeko was already going off into the mountains to ritualistically murder small animals. Yep. This sure is a thing that’s already happening. I forget the exact context of this, but yeah in hindsight this is a pretty clear indicator that she has some serious issues. Even if I can at least remember enough to know that she was trying to take the snake curse off herself. Still, stabbing hordes of snakes to a tree is messed up.
-I love all of Hanekawa’s shifty/squinty expressions during the whole scene here at the bookstore. She really does have a way of coming across as really composed, even though you can always tell, especially in hindsight, that she’s not as composed as she might let on.
-It’s still interesting to me how Nadeko’s hat makes her look a bit like a snake. Even her loose jacket kinda reminds me of shed snake skin. I know that basically all of the main girls have elements of their oddities incorporated into their designs, but I feel like Nadeko is probably the most subtle about it. Other than maybe Hanekawa. Either way, I really love this outfit of hers. I sometimes feel like wearing a jacket like that, but it always feels a little silly and pointless, and I’d probably worry about it not sitting still properly.
-I just got reminded by this one particular shot where he looks really nice, but, I really do think that Araragi is pretty dang attractive. I only really notice it with certain scenes, though. But when it’s there, it’s there. Obviously I’m sorta alone in feeling this way, lol.
-I appreciate Hanekawa taking the time to try and explain to Araragi that he’s way too wishy washy with his feelings, and way too nice and open with girls in a way that can come across as a lack of faithfulness to his actual girlfriend. It’s a lesson that he really needs to learn, as do many such protagonists. You can really get why Senjougahara is so clingy and distrustful in her own way. [Although I also do feel like Kanbaru is a weird character to use to set up this topic considering that she’s, you know, a lesbian. Oh well. Hanekawa’s point still stands]
-Huh, they’re already bringing up her intentions to travel the world once she graduates. Huh. I thought that only got bought up around Neko:Shiro. It’s also making me even more antsy about waiting for the eventual adaptation of Off Season because I REALLY wanna see that one arc that’s apparently about her travels.
-Oh boy, all these not so subtle hints about Hanekawa’s home life. My heart is not ready for when we actually focus on that.
-I seriously love every scene in this show that has red/orange lighting like this. It looks so fantastic. It really sets the mood.
-Of course the first thing Kanbaru does upon entering Araragi’s room for the first time is to loudly search for his porn while taunting him about how much she’s aware of his kinks and fetishes. Isn’t she the best?
-Yeah this whole scene is just as creepy as ever. Christ. Although I still cannot fucking believe that they reference that one goddamn meme during this scene as well. It’s surreal. Though not quite as surreal as Attack on Titan referencing it for a recent magazine cover spread. I’m still reeling from that one.
-I’m pretty sure that Nadeko is still only like two or three years younger than him, but this whole thing is still . . . iffy. But obviously it’s meant to be iffy and weird.
-Especially in hindsight, it’s really sad seeing Nadeko talk about hating her body, and wanting to be saved by the person she has a crush on. Damn. Though the whole idea of her actively asking to be saved really sets up the big issue with this arc [so to say] and how it sets up Otori. I just feel bad for everyone involved.
-I’m loving the shadow puppet hands going on that look like snakes. It really adds to the creepy atmosphere. Same with the really stark contrast between the dark shadows and the bright bluish-white lighting. Also, I dunno if I’ve mentioned it yet, but I love how Oshino is just the master of setting up school desks and chairs in increasingly elaborate ways, and sitting on them in increasingly implausible ways. In general I just love the use of props, staging, framing, and body language to construct a scene, in addition to the dialogue that makes up the meat of it. Obviously this is where Shaft’s influence shines through the most, since this is exactly the sort of stuff that’s fundamentally not part of the LNs. It’s really interesting to me how they took something like the basic descriptions of Oshino sleeping on a makeshift bed made of desks and blankets and whatnot, and went completely wild with the imagery of it.
-This is just a matter of the version of the subs I’m reading, but man is it throwing me off how the dialogue subtitles translate certain terms differently than the on-screen text subtitles do. Especially since I can also obviously hear the Japanese term being used and I have a vague idea of it’s inherent meaning, so I wind up with like three separate terms for the same thing being thrown at me at once and it’s sorta disorienting. 
-[On the note of subs, I probably should have mentioned this before but it’s so weird to me seeing Hanekawa’s catchphrase translated any way other than ‘I don’t know everything. I just know what I know’. Anything else feels kinda blasphemous, even though it’s by far the most petty issue I could have translation-wise. I at least feel like any translation of that line should be consistent, to get across the fact that it’s the same line being repeated. I feel like the subs I’m using have translated it inconsistently once or twice, and it bugs me.]
-OK I guess this is another sub note, but I must have glazed over the line of ‘Living without words, no, dying, huh?’ in the OP the first time round. Huh. It comes across slightly mangled in English even though it’s a kinda neat pun in Japanese [it’s basically using ‘shi nuki’ vs ‘shinu ki’. I’d use the actual kanji they use if I knew what they were, but yeah that gets it across well enough]. Either way, it’s one of the various lines in this OP that really bluntly hint at how much of an issue it is for Nadeko to hide her true feelings behind a mask of cuteness and silence. I like how, via puns, it manages to effectively equate silence with death, which is pretty accurate and foreboding, considering that her repressed issues turn into murderous violence.
-It’s one of those things that makes me seriously wonder how much of Nadeko’s character arc Nisioisin had planned from the start. I know that he kinda plays it off as ‘haha, her voice actress wants to play an evil character, let’s make Nadeko into the final boss lol’, but I’d be surprised if it was anything so spontaneous and unplanned. So much of this arc really blatantly hints at how disturbed and unhealthy Nadeko is, and her issues are left so blatantly unresolved in this arc in a way that feels almost counter to the entire theme of the story [which is exactly why it comes back to bite everyone later]. I at least like to think that he was planning it all from the start, and was kinda messing around with stereotypes to try and make both Araragi and the reader glaze over all of Nadeko’s problems, and the logical consequences of this arc, while just seeing her as a cute girl. I dunno. Maybe I’m giving him too much credit. I know that it sometimes bothers me how much the series really, unironically plays up the ‘look what a [superficially] cute and innocent and naive little girl she is! So moe!’ angle at times, even though pretty much the entire idea of her character is how damaging it is to ignore and glaze over a person’s depth and their problems by valuing them solely for their cuteness or youth or purity or whatever, so . . . eh.
-It’s definitely interesting how it looks like Oshino never even sees Nadeko for himself in this arc, and just hears about her problem from Araragi. Given how good he tends to be at noticing when a person isn’t a pure, innocent victim in their whole story. I wonder how things might have gone if he’d seen her up close. I could at least see him noticing the thing she does where she hides behind her hair.
-I just thought after seeing the scene describing the invisible snake that’s constricting her body and about to kill her, but there’s a lot of parts of the story that are interesting to examine if you want to interpret the oddities as mostly just being reflective metaphors for emotional problems. Obviously in the context of the story they’re literally real, but still, I think it’s valid to interpret things this way if only as a way to understand what role each oddity plays, and what they show about each character. [And it seems relevant to bring up with Nadeko in particular, since the entire twist of Otori is that the oddity in that was literally just a reflection of her emotional issues and not even a ‘real supernatural thing’]. It’s interesting to look at how, at least thus far [I forget what else we learn about the snake curse incident later in this episode since I have it paused partway at the moment so I’m probably gonna feel real dumb in a few minutes lol], we’re dealing with a case of Nadeko being bitterly hated by one of her classmates for simply turning down a guy that the other girl liked, and now she’s off in the mountains killing small animals to try and lessen this horrible, constricting pain that makes her feel like she’s about to die, which is making her hate her body, and just want somebody to save her. I mean, I know I’m just literally describing what’s going on at this point, but it’s definitely easy to not quite consider the extent of what’s going on here if you get caught up in the snake curse concept. It’s a bit too easy to get the order of events wrong and assume that this magical curse is the sole cause of her problems and her negative feelings, and that it’ll be totally fine to just exorcise it. And it’s kinda sad how even Nadeko, understandably, sees it that way too. It’s pretty obvious that she doesn’t want to examine her feelings and their root causes and how they affect her life and how she thinks, and as a young, sheltered girl she might not even have any real idea HOW to do that sort of introspection. It’s pretty depressing, really.
-They even point out that ‘the curse’ was mostly caused by Nadeko’s whole ‘killing small animals’ thing, but Araragi of course thinks it’d be totally fine if Nadeko just did the animal-killing in a different place. In terms of the in-universe logic at hand, yes it might have prevented the supernatural curse placed upon her by it, but even with that in mind, we’re still dealing with someone who’s ritualistically killing animals to try and alleviate their psychological pain and the self-loathing tied in with that. The story even implicitly spells out the fact that Nadeko’s actions weren’t caused by the supernatural cause, but by her own emotional pain, when it talks about how the animal-killing caused her curse. So the blindingly obvious issue at hand here really has barely anything to do with the curse itself. The curse isn’t really the cause of anything, it’s the RESULT of everything else. It’s almost physically painful to see Araragi saying all this and obviously not even considering that there’s issues at hand that will persist even after this exorcism. But again, it’s the sort of thing where it’s just dramatically ironic that he isn’t noticing something that we can more easily see as outside readers. Still doesn’t make it any less painful to watch, though.
-I seriously cannot even state enough that the story is really openly talking about how Nadeko was *ritualistically killing small animals* before any sort of a life-threatening snake curse was involved. Again, it’s super hard not to think that the author was totally aware of all this, and was planning her arc out from the start. I mean, the big thing with each arc, especially in Bake, tends to be about Araragi being mistaken about the order of events involved in a case, and/or not letting himself notice something about the girl in question that should be obvious to anyone else. But in each arc he’s usually told about the things he’s about about, and he figures out the truth in the end. So it’s super obvious how in this arc that point just . . . never quite connects. Araragi gets his moment of pointing out that the curse came after the snake-killing, but nobody steps in to push him to consider what that actually MEANS. And honestly I know that I give him a lot of slack for not really trying to get deeper into her problems, but at the same time it feels like you should really look into getting someone actual, non-supernatural help when they start killing animals to cope with their emotions. JUST SAYING.
-And yeah here’s a big reason why I find Araragi’s role in this to be kinda tragically realistic and understandable. He DOES, in his own way, start to consider Nadeko’s own emotional pain and her unhealthy way of repressing her emotions, and he DOES tell her that she doesn’t need to do that, and that she can open up to him if she wants. I think he handles the situation much better than a lot of people might. So I can’t really blame him much. Really, the major issue is just that even after hearing all this, Nadeko still doesn’t really follow his advice. Which is realistic and understandable and tragic in it’s own way. She clearly appreciates his kindness and dependability, but it doesn’t change the fact that she probably barely even knows how to comprehend and vocalize her feelings, and it doesn’t change the fact that she presumably doesn’t want to do anything more to violate her cute-girl image. She probably doesn’t want Araragi hating her, or being grossed out by her, or anything. Which just reminds me how much it also hurt me when she literally started crying when Araragi admitted that he felt kinda dirty seeing her mostly naked body. Like damn. I didn’t really talk about it at the time, but it’s honestly kinda just sad to watch how even when she was at her most exposed and vulnerable, even when she was literally begging Araragi to save her from her pain and self-loathing and how much her body feels constricted and stifling, his and Kanbaru’s reaction was mostly just to talk about Nadeko’s bloomer shorts and whatnot. Again, not really casting any blame here, but . . . damn. I don’t really know if I would have reacted any differently if I was in her shoes.
-On a different topic, I love the shot of the winding path and the river looking like two intersecting black and white snakes when seem from above. It’s a really neat image.
-’I don’t really remember that much from my childhood. My memory’s not that great’. I’m just gonna sit here and keep laughing at this whenever it gets bought up in the story. This is seriously the root of like 50% of his problems in life. It’s hilarious.
-But on a more serious note, we get yet another moment where he makes a vague yet sincere attempt at learning more about her and understanding her situation more accurately, but she doesn’t really tell him the whole truth [since he doesn’t really remember her and it’d just make things awkward if she discussed it openly] and so he obviously doesn’t really have a chance to understand the true overall situation. He clearly just ends up seeing it as something he can forget about and not dig too deeply into because ‘it doesn’t concern him’, but HOO BOY is that so not the case. It’s seriously painful how accurate and relatable it is for Nadeko to be hiding the exact truth from him, though, even if it’s unhealthy. It’s obviously worth pointing out that, just like Araragi, she also isn’t exactly aware how bad things will get for her and how much her own lack of action and communication will mess with her. And so she just continues to be evasive and quiet, while letting herself be happy that Araragi is at least being nice to her, and talking to her, and trying to understand her.
-I can just imagine Nadeko as a little girl, being pretty much alone, and envying the idea of having an older brother. Aww :C Especially when, as we learn way later in Koi, she’s pretty emotionally distant with her parents as well, and they also just mostly see her as being their cute daughter [I’m getting WAY ahead of myself and will discuss this more when we get to Koi itself, but I still vividly remember the moment of Kaiki trying to ask Nadeko’s parents to actually describe her as a person and they just . . . can’t.]
-Along the lines of what I said about the scene at the end of part one, it’s seriously uncomfortable and awkward how Nadeko gets put in a school swimsuit for this whole scene. Seeing her severe self-esteem issues and whatnot be framed through a lens of sexualization is . . . kinda disturbing. Even the fact that, even though she’s clearly not entirely comfortable with the entire situation, she still wants Araragi to look at her is kinda sad.
-Why you gotta twist the knife in my heart with all these flashbacks, anime? :C My heart just hurts so much for Nadeko on so many levels. I can perfectly understand how she so quickly and obsessively developed these feelings of romantic love and a broader desire to be seen and understood and cared for. [[Also this is a really nice instrumental remix of Renai Circulation]]
-Part of me wonders what’s going on in Nadeko’s head while she’s sitting there, praying to have her pain taken away. Part of me thinks it might just make me feel even worse if I knew.
-Oh yeah, right, this ends with them just . . . throwing the snake away and being like ‘eeeeh it’s not our issue anymore’, doesn’t it? And then lo and behold, the snake goes back to it’s sender who then gets manipulated by Ougi into attacking Kaiki. WELP. Like seriously so much of this arc is just ‘well this surely won’t come back to bite us, right???’ it’s hilarious. In a sad way. Also, I forget, but wasn’t the person who attacked Kaiki a boy, implying that the sender of the curse was the guy who confessed to Nadeko and not her friend? I can’t remember, and I forget if it’s ever even discussed. I guess it doesn’t matter that much.
-And then literally thirty seconds after I resume watching the episode, Araragi literally spells out that the guy did indeed send at least one of the snakes. Welp. I sure feel awkward now, lol. I guess I was kinda right, though, even though I forgot that BOTH of the other people sent her curses.
-Yeah this entire scene is just so goddamn uncomfortable to watch. Urgh. Seeing her writhing in pain like that is just disturbing.
-It’s still kinda surprising to me how this series manages to be more graphically violent and bloody than a good amount of anime out there. You really wouldn’t expect it. I always feel so bad for Araragi in these moments where he just gets the ever-loving shit beaten out of him.
-Oh yeah I forgot that Araragi is totally aware that it’s a really bad idea to let the snake go but he has to do it or else it’ll kill him. Huh. I guess it’s yet another thing where Araragi isn’t necessarily stupid about everything going on and the consequences of certain things, but they still turn out in such a dramatically ironic and tragic way. Welp. Though I do also like how it furthers the recurring deal with how the answer is pretty much never for Araragi to just physically beat down or tear away an oddity and solve the problem that way.
-Also, mad props for my girl Kanbaru for stepping in to stop him from getting murdered. He seriously needs people like her around or else his hero complex would have gotten him killed a thousand times over.
-It really is pretty messed up that they’re forced to perpetuate this cycle of curses and pain in order to save themselves and Nadeko. But it’s perfectly fitting for the pretty damn tragic nature of this arc and how the consequences of it play out for all involved.
-So I guess we’re meant to think that the snake sent by the other girl got successfully exorcised, and it was just the snake from the guy that was still around?
-Oh boy, and here we get into Araragi’s own issues with self-loathing. It really is sad seeing him feel undeserving of Nadeko’s gratitude because of how he had basically tried to protect the dude that placed a curse on her, and had almost died in the process. And of course it gets into his issues with being not fully human and how that messes with his self-image/worth. But at the same time I also get why Nadeko is sincerely grateful to him for saving her.
-Of course, this also leads to a really awkward yet understandable scenario where the story just . . . ends here, with Araragi clearly too defeated and depressed to even think about whether or not this actually fixed Nadeko’s root problems. Again, he’s pretty much always entirely understandable and realistic with how he never quite figures out her issues in time or succeeds in getting her to completely open up to him. He doesn’t really have the time or energy to think that he might have stopped short of the truth, so to say. And Nadeko is obviously unwilling to talk about her deeper issues, and wants to just express her genuine gratitude to him for having ‘saved her’, even if it’s pretty much only a temporary measure, as we get oh so brutally shown down the track.
-So that’s it for this arc. Now onto Tsubasa Cat. No idea how long it’ll take me to get around to it at this rate. I’m probably going to split it into two posts, focusing on parts one and two, and then three, four, and five. I’m not about to try and attempt five entire episodes at once, with this sort of set-up.
Inaction and miscommunication are pretty horrible, toxic things, but they’re still fundamental parts of human nature that will probably never go away. People will always have things about themselves that they don’t want to share. They’ll always have a constricting pain that’s too much to put into words. A person’s body can become something that they hate, even if it’s only so they can have something to direct their inexpressible, vague frustration and agitation and pain at. Especially when communicating and connecting with others on a deep level can be so painful. When it can lead you to just hurting them and burdening them with your feelings. When it can lead to them not properly understanding you [even if it’s partially because you don’t let yourself be properly understood]. It can be so much easier to wrap yourself in comfortable, romanticized, unchanging silence, even though a life without words is the same as dying. I’ll get more into the topic of Nadeko’s self-image and the concept of ‘being a cute girl’ later on when it becomes a bit more relevant.
This arc is an interesting one, especially in hindsight. But even the first time around, it’s still surprisingly dark and disturbing and uncomfortable to watch in a way that you’d never quite expect from how incredibly fluffy and upbeat of an OP it has [at least on the surface]. I’ve been on the outskirts of the fandom for a few years now, and it’s pretty obvious that this is among people’s most commonly disliked arcs, along with ones like Neko:Kuro and Tsuki. Though I’ve also seen people have issues with some of the pacing/exposition elements of Oni and the second half of Owari S1. But back onto this arc, I totally get why a lot of people dislike this arc. Especially when viewed on it’s own. Considering that it’s mostly interesting to examine as the first section of the overall Nadeko story arc. And obviously it’s not exactly clear to the viewer that there even IS an actual wider story arc for her until we get to about a third of the way into SS. It also doesn’t help that the TV version of this arc was apparently godawful, but I can’t really talk about that since I’ve only ever watched the BD version.
Personally I find this arc to be a fascinating start for Nadeko’s character, even if I probably didn’t like it much the first time around. But in a sense, I like it in hindsight for the same reasons I disliked it at first. Like how it seems to subtly but noticeably go against the structure of the show by having Nadeko’s issues not get truly solved. Especially if we look at it in terms of Nadeko’s perspective of events and where she’s at by the time things end. I imagine I probably also felt that the whole idea of Nadeko killing snakes felt sorta pointless, and that nobody in the story really cared about it. But that’s what makes it so tragic, I guess. It’s another way in which it goes against the grain of how the past arcs worked in a way that feels really subtly dissonant. Even when the characters acknowledge that Nadeko was doing these fucked up, violent things BEFORE she even had a curse placed on her, they don’t really stop to think ‘what exactly would lead to someone doing that?’ or ‘will those sorts of feelings and thoughts truly go away if we just get rid of this curse?’. You can’t really blame Araragi or Kanbaru for not properly understanding, for not realizing how much is going on in Nadeko’s head, and how much is festering in there and waiting to burst out in the most unhealthy way possible. She only lets people see a certain, relatively superficial side of her. And so this arc ends with the true issue not even being solved, and with only a temporary bandage put over it. And even then, the curse plaguing Nadeko just ends up stuck on it’s sender, so even that’s barely solved or gotten rid of. And obviously we end specifically on the note of Araragi being depressed and unable to accept any praise for what genuine good he did, and Nadeko being genuinely grateful for what he did, while not even fully understanding for herself what’s in store.
So basically this arc doesn’t resolve anything, it simply introduces Nadeko and her problems, and sets the stage for how these issues become so much more serious and lethal later on. And in that sense it’s pretty fascinating, even if it’s divisive.
Nadeko is one of my favourite characters in the show and I’m really happy to have a chance to talk about her. Even if I worry that I might end up repeating myself a lot when the story gets back to her, since I covered so much here already.
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eliottdemauries · 8 years
This might be unusual of me to ask but can you post the song list of Tarjei's playlist if it's not too much bc Spotify doesn't work in my country and i can't see all the songs rip 😔😑
it’s a lot of songs and the playlist is literally so mixed when it comes to genre (loads of classics though) but yeah here is the list:
my name is - eminem
the real slim shady - eminem
the birmingham ho - morten abel
wonderwall - oasis
everybody hurts - r.e.m.
too close - alex clare
bitter sweet symphony - the verve
friday i’m in love - the cure
hjerteknuser - kaizers orcestra
butterfly, butterfly (the lasy hurrah) - a-ha
losing my religion - r.e.m.
stop for a minute - keane k’naan
everybody’s changing - keane
se på meg - delillos
yellow - coldplay
in the backseat - jonas alaska
take on me - a-ha
sail - awolnation
do i wanna know? - arctic monkey 
human - the killers
pump it - the black eyed peas
just can’t get enough - the black eyed peas
rather be - clean bandit feat. jess glynne
somebody told me - the killers
where is the love? - the black eyed peas
i see fire - ed sheeran
can’t stop loving you - phil collins
never let me down again (remastered) - depeche mode
personal jesus (remastered) - depeche mode
open up your eyes - tom hugo
spiralling - keane
you’re beautiful - james blunt
moves like jagger - maroon 5 feat- christina aguilera 
bonfire heart - james blunt
ampersand - stephen walking soulero
love me again - john newman
puttin’ on the ritz - fred astaire 
daybreak (gopro hero3 edit) - overwerk
with or without you - u2
there she goes - the la’s
from nowhere - dan croll
paper planes - m.i.a.
april come she will - simon & garfunkel
seven nation army - the white stripes
pretty fly (for a white guy) - the offspring
i got you (i feel good) - james brown
one - mary j. blige feat. u2
our house - madness
baggy trousers - madness
your song - elton john
changes - butterfly boucher feat. david bowie
the logical song - supertramp
‘74-’75 - the connells
nothing compares 2 u - sinéad o’connor
the one i love - r.e.m.
i’m too sexy - right said fred (literally why tarjei??)
livin’ la vida loca - ricky martin (he basically have the entire shrek 2 soundtrack in this playlist,, i hate him)
hurt - johnny cash
can’t help falling in love - elvis presley 
supermassive black hole - muse (i got way to exicted when i saw that he listens to muse)
fell in love with a girl - the white stripes 
every breath you take - the police
roxanne - the police 
wannabe - spice girls
don’t look back in anger (remastered) - oasis
basket case - green day (bae listens to green day,, day is made)
good riddance (time of your life) - green day (tHIS SONG THOUGH)
don’t stop me now (remastered) - queen
tears in heaven - eric clapton 
young and beautiful - lana del rey
summertime sadness - lana del rey
feel good inc - gorillaz
on melancholy hill - gorillaz
clint eastwood - gorillaz (he seems to like gorillaz)
far from any road - the handsome family
man on the moon - r.e.m. (also seems to be a fav of his)
pokemon theme - pokémon (fucking hate this guy..)
homecoming - kanye west feat. chris martin
i wanna be sedated (remastered) - ramones
stuck in the middle with you - stealers wheel
lay all your love on me (from mamma mia) - dominic cooper & amanda seyfried (this musical is everything)
the sound of silence - simon & garfunkel
i need a hero - andrew spencer (blue nature mix edit) (again with the songs from shrek 2,,,,)
rock the casbah (remastered) - the clash
you can call me al - paul simon
shout - bernhoft
styggen på ryggen - onklp & de fjerne slektingene 
don’t you (forget about me) - simple minds (the breakfast club
wicked games - chris isaak 
everybody wants to rule the world - lorde (this boy seriously listens to all my favs??!!)
dragostea din tei (original romanian version) - o-zone
tusen bitar - laleh (favvvvvvv)
outside - calvin harris feat. ellie goulding)
i’m an albatroz - aronchupa
lie to me - chris isaak
the scientist - coldplay 
halo - ane brun & linnea olsson
man in black - johnny cash
ave maria - beyoncé
little green bag - george baker selection
always on my mind - pet shop boys
a little less conversation - elvis presley (jxl radio edit)
hooked on a feeling - blue swede
unchained melody - the righteous brothers
go your own way - fleetwood mac
i will survive - gloria gaynor
hotel california - eagles
september - earth, wind & fire
cheerleader (felix jaehn remix) - omi
livet er for kjipt - lars kilevold
gdfr - flo rida feat. sage the gemini & lookas
blue velvet - lana del rey
one of us - joan osborne
glemte minner - delillos
eple - röyksopp
monument - röyksopp feat. robyn
this love - maroon 5
mad world - gary jules feat. michael andrews
old thing back - matoma & the notorious b.i.g. feat. ja rule and ralph tresvant
pumped up kicks - foster the people
i’m on fire - awolnation
creep - radiohead
karma police - radiohead (he listens to radiohead,,what more can you ask for)
hypnotize - the notorious b.i.g.
ghetto gospel - 2pac
this summer - maroon 5
tandtråd - tjuvjakt
you don’t own me - grace feat. g-ezy
i get around - the beach boys
ms.jackson - outkast
no surprises - radiohead
big in japan - alphaville
save tonight - eagle-eye cherry
hero - family of the year
iris - the goo goo dolls
kast alle papirene - delillos (this translates to “throw away all paper”,, i’m looking at you even)
wuthering heights - kate bush
starman - david bowie
spis din syvende sans - karpe diem
tusen tegninger - karpe diem (”thousand drawings”,, why all the s3 references)
like a stone - audioslave
california dremin’ - the mamas & the papas
bridge over troubled water - simon & garfunkel
ave maria - johann sebastian bach & charles gounod (’cause he seems to need ave maria twice)
evig forelsket da - delillos 
forelsket - delillos
hemingway 2016 - ganic & johnny whitehouse
sugar - robin schulz feat. francesco yates
suser avgårde alle man - delillos 
mindre alvorlige ting - delillos (this dude and delillos….)
the hardest part - coldplay
swedish television - bigbang
sike 2016 - mehiko & n.o. beats (russ music deluxe)
relax, take it easy - mika
hjernen er alene - delillos (skam soundtrack yay)
varsko - klovner i kamp
glade dager - klovner i kamp
du og jeg og livet - lars lillo-stenberg
finns de en kvinne - delillos (i think i have found his fav band)
the penetrators 2016 - hanzee (skam soundtrack yay pt.2)
gå hjem - delillos (surprise it’s delillos again)
didn’t i (blow your mind this time) - the delfonics
girls just want to have fun (demo) - greg laswell
mine peannøtter er ikke gode - delillos (i get it tarjei,, u like ‘em)
i’d rather dance with you - kings of convenience 
ikke gå - delillos (……)
the pop kids (radio edit) - pet shop boys
go west - pet shop boys
forever young - alphaville (skam soundtrack yay pt.3)
boat behind - kings of convenience 
24-25 - kings of convenience 
love to hate you - erasure
a little respect - erasure 
running out - matoma feat. astrid s
trendsetter - morten abel
i don’t want to be - gavin degraw 
if only as a ghost - jonas alaska
lonely - akon (this boy is just a parody on himself really) 
i believe in a thing called love - the darkness
this list is so random but i think that we can get quite a good idea of how tarjei is through it (,, which seems to be a fucking dork). note that this playlist hasn’t been updated since july so it’s a bit outdated.
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avaliveradio · 5 years
11.10 New Music Monday Release Radar with Jacqueline Jax
Musicians create music to express their creativity and skill. Listening to new music is an experience and an opportunity to connect with that creative spark. Explore some exciting new music from creators all over the world recently discovered by our host Jacqueline Jax as she searches the far corners of the globe for talented songwriters and music creators who are telling their truth to bring the listener a unique experience.
SUBSCRIBE to our broadcast here: www.wavve.link/avaliveradio
Listen to the show now: https://anchor.fm/ava-live-radio/episodes/11-10-Mixed-Genre-and-Holiday-New-Music-Monday-Play-with-Jacqueline-Jax-e8ujq4
Artist: Living Waters
New Release: Sing to Jesus
Genre: Christian Rock
Sounds like: Beatles, Byrds, Boston, U2
Located in: : New England
This is one or our 'classic' tunes from the 70's. This brand new production of it is from our latest thematic album, "Overflow". It addresses the basic predicament each person faces within themselves. The answer is THE Good News, the Best News of all. It has been described as very "catchy"; you can't just listen one time. It is a brand new production that goes back to our earliest roots 40 years ago: it has roots and wings. It is filled with infectious joy that springs from the Best News anyone can get: we are NOT alone!
Right now we are...: Launching a brand new podcast about our music:  https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/id1482663884 or https://anchor.fm/livingwatersband
Social Media:  Spotify LINK: https://open.spotify.com/track/2CkXZ552610iNee7A2drbO?si=pujoRLKESiGJEtpll6Y0tA https://www.facebook.com/livingwatersband/ https://www.instagram.com/livingwatersmsc/ https://twitter.com/LivingWatersMsc https://www.tumblr.com/blog/livingwatersmsc https://www.pinterest.com/marklajoie1/ https://www.youtube.com/user/LivingWatersUtube https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/id1482663884 https://anchor.fm/livingwatersband
Artist: Beautiful Things
New Release: When the Night Comes Down (Bliss Mix)
Genre: Pop/Electronica/Alternative Rock/Singer-Songwriter
Sounds like: : Chvrchs/Evanesence/Kate Bush/Metric/School of Seven Bells/The Corrs
Located in: : Los Angeles, CA
This song is about overcoming anxiety and fear when making decisions about your life. I’ve had some dark times in my past where I was filled with anxiety about my future and my abilities and that attitude didn’t serve me well, nor does it serve anyone well. I had to learn to overcome fear and make bold decisions that ultimately improved my life. You can’t just stay in your comfort zone because then you will never grow, and you can't be quick to give up and think defeatist thoughts. We chose to do this "Bliss" remix of this song because we thought it would be a good contender to re-do with some new electronic soundscapes we had been experimenting with. We stripped the song to its skeleton and re-did it using these new sounds.
Spotify LINK: https://open.spotify.com/track/763jHhoTLvkmgcCgMTJcMt
Right now we are...: We are working on a brand new single and an epic new video! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mEZaYgoOAww Twitter - https://twitter.com/officialthings Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/beautifulthingsmusic Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/beautifulthingsmusic/
Artist: Janet Odani
New Release: Rising
Music Genre:: Gospel/Easy Listening/Alternative Rising is yet another inspirational song I wrote out a very desperate situation. I would like to encourage listeners to that in such times we are eligible for help from above - all we need to do is ask.
Link to play:: https://open.spotify.com/track/1eMxyYPEjdxIbU9bcDLcbx?si=e72E3KU3QA6fy_Xrxf270Q
I have to say without a doubt, that would be the Savior of my soul, Jesus Christ. I distinctly remember writing my first song when I was only 6 years old and I didn't know at the time just how much music is a part of me. Looking back I always found myself involved in something to do with music from being in choirs at church or performing in talent shows at school. I have always enjoyed being involved in activities related to music. I think the right path found me way before I even realized!! The fact that I can encourage others through my music is what inspires me most.
Website & social media links: :  Website: www.janetodani.com Facebook:  www.facebook.com/janetodanimusic Youtube : https://www.youtube.com/user/janetodanimusic Instagram : http://instagram.com/janetodani Twitter : https://twitter.com/OdaniJanet Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/7Jk85PgZin4TnnBx9S8fev Apple: http://itunes.apple.com/album/id/1483760814 iTunes : http://itunes.apple.com/album/id1483760814?ls=1&app=itunes www.eyeem.com/u/Janetodani
Artist: John O'Brien New Release: The Christmas Song
Genre: Holiday Pop
Sounds like: Michael McDonald, Todd Rundgren, Boz Skaggs
Located in: Saint Augustine Beach, Florida, US
A remake of the most popular Christmas carol ever recorded. "The Christmas Song". Nat King Cole originally popularized the song. This is the first Christmas song on an EP that has been released with 5 songs on it titled "3 Ghosts and a Sailor's Christmas". It includes "The Christmas Song" plus, John Lennon's song "Happy Xmas (The War Is Over)" popularly known as "So This Is Christmas", Jimmy Buffett's "A Sailor's Christmas", Dan Fogelberg's "Same Auld Lang Syne" and the Christmas classic "Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas". A YouTube lyric video playlist with all five songs has been released that is a perfect singalong piece for friends and families and even total strangers to sing together this holiday season. Put it on your TV and sing along with the holiday spirit!
We will be doing a tour of the UK in May 2020. We are so looking forward to it. We will also release an EP of new original material in April 2020 for the tour and our fans.
LINKS:  Sound Cloud Christmas Album Link: https://soundcloud.com/john-obrien/sets/3-ghosts-and-a-sailors/s-5KMZr YouTube Christmas Album Link: https://youtu.be/YUjPV7kt_SM http://johnobriensmusic.com Linktree: linktr.ee/johnobriensmusic Listen to my New Album: : https://johnobrien.hearnow.com EPK: http://johnobriensmusic.com/gallery Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/6lRwXnKMf5nIw0THEttkXJ YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwzP4-jgRZ1ofrEaKgQWX4w?view_as=subscriber Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/john-obrien Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/johnobriensmusic Twitter: @JohnMacsss111 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/johnobriensmusic/?ref=bookmarks
Artist: Jimmy Francis
New Release: Christmas In Hawaii
Genre: Alternative and holiday
Located in: Los Angeles, California USA
My music is mostly alternative rock but I also have a strong blues and classic rock influence. This song is meant to be a quirky parody of “White Christmas” with a little angst and some comedy. “Christmas In Hawaii” was inspired by an incident in high school where my mom brought up going to Hawaii for Christmas and got me all excited only to have the trip not take place which left me disappointed and depressed but then I started turning my pain into a song, I tend to do this a lot.
Being around Christmas season, I kept hearing Christmas songs like “White Christmas” but I started changing the words and premise of the song from being about White snow to being about the white, sandy beaches of Hawaii.
LINKS:  Twitter: www.twitter.com/hyperpiperjlf Instagram: www.instagram.com/hyperpiperjlf Spotify link: ‪ https://open.spotify.com/artist/52iNdli7Vl7enT7ku1gG7W?si=3oqOwoQORneEL5-KeMsl6w‬
Band Name: Joey Stuckey
Song name: Santa That Plays Guitar
Music Genre: Holiday/Blues
I live in... : Macon, Georgia
Link to play:
This is an original Christmas song about what guitar players always want—to play guitar. And at Christmas, it would be even more exciting to play guitar with Santa.
I didn’t choose music—it chose me. As a blind brain tumor survivor, music helped me as a child when I was sick to take me away from the hospital and into my own creative world. Music is the closest we can get to the language of the angels and it is an amazing vehicle for positive change. I’m driven and inspired by the fact that music helps put the lie to the idea that we are alone and that no one else could possibly understand us or what we are going through. If music isn’t so necessary to your life that you don’t hurt without it, then you’re in the wrong business.
Website & social media links:  https://www.joeystuckey.com Twitter https://twitter.com/Jstuckeymusic IG https://www.instagram.com/jstuckeymusic FB https://www.facebook.com/JoeyStuckeyMusic Newsletter https://eepurl.com/dg6LqT Bandsintown http://www.bandsintown.com/joey-stuckey
Artist: BlindSide Thunder
New Release: Bring Me To My Knees
Genre: Rock, Rebel Rock
Sounds like: : Motley Crue, Guns N Roses, ZZ Top, etc.
Located in: : Providence, RI USA
‘Bring Me To My Knees’ has a straight forward 80's rock feel. The song is about uncertainty and questioning things that are delivered to you as fact. It has a religious overtone to it, but it's really about 'who do you believe?' Are your parents right? The Church? Your politicians? People naturally question things, especially today. We think it's OK to question things.
BlindSide Thunder is the original Rebel Rock band. Bring Me To My Knees is a track from our latest CD, Unchained. Right now BST is writing new material to be released in 2020. We have all new merchandise being developed to be introduced with the new material, possibly for the 2019 holidays! We are looking at some tour dates for 2020 also, to conclude with a real Rebel Rock bang in Providence, RI.
Social Media:  Spotify LINK: https://open.spotify.com/track/1NCnTDjN26XR7bDel3lZV7 www.blindsidethunder.com www.facebook.com/BlindSideThunderOfficial Twitter @BlindSideT Instagram @blindsidethunderofficial
Artist: Vovkulaka
New Release: Purple Door
Genre: Metal/Dubstep
Sounds like: : Korn meets xKore
Located in: Odessa, Ukraine
What happens when you go deep into meditation and something goes wrong? This song is about what happens when you meet a Dark Force on your way to the Purple Door... Like Metal? Ghost Hunting? Beautiful Ladies? Then you've got to listen to VolK, Naya G, and JuleZ from the Ukrainian Metal Band:Vovkulaka. This track, a mix of "Korn meets xKore", is about meeting the 'Demon Mara' in a Buddhist quest for the seventh door...The "Purple Door"!
Social Media:  Spotify LINK: https://open.spotify.com/track/2TzM4AsfwvIT9kE4AV7iSo?si=BCCYM7g4TYS16FVnHXPFpQ http://Vovkulaka.com http://Twitter.com/VovkulakaMusic http://YouTube.com/VovkulakaMusic http://Instagram.com/VovkulakaMusic http://Facebook.com/VovkulakaFanPage http://SoundCloud.com/VovkulakaMusic
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Valve, Lasers & G.I.Joe with special guest Shaun from Comics2Movies
Well do we have a surprise for you all this week, oh my goodness, you are getting a bumper edition with a special guest appearance. Now if I was nasty I would just leave it at that, but cliffhangers lead to binge watching an entire season normally. So, in a sense of harmonious respect we are only building the tension with this prattle, it is less irritating apparently. Honestly though don’t you just hate it when those jokers asking questions on trivia shows drag it out then go to a commercial break? We’ll be right back after this message….
Okay, so down to business, first up is our special guest Shaun from Comics2Movies fresh back from San Diego Comic-Con… Yep and he has some awesome news for us also. Who did he meet, what did he do, what has he got planned for us? You will need to listen in to find out.
Next up we have the Professor with news about a monumental stuff up due to ambiguity in the terms of a contract from Valve relating to Steam. Yep, due to some over sight or sheer stupidity a detected vulnerability to Steam was ignored and the researchers involved were treated pretty badly. Which let’s face it is kind of the dumbest thing you can do right. But if you would like to know more we have it, and you will laugh at some of the comments involved in this topic. We did.
Then we have Buck with the development of a new process of welding ceramics that has major implications for all kind of endeavors. This process means that the component technologies for everything ranging from pace makers to an endless variety of circuitry can now be ceramic. This is espically awesome, this is another of those ground breaking moments that might slip by unnoticed by some people. But the changes that will result from this in years to come will be immense.
Then we have the DJ to talk about the reboot of G.I.Joe to help cash in further on an already established brand, or is it? That is a question that arises, similar to the recent reboot of Ghost In The Shell: Arise. Like what we did there, cool huh, and no the Professor didn’t write that Segway, honestly. But this is certainly a moment when having to crusty old blokes on the show is interesting. We round out with the usual shout outs, remembrances, birthdays, and events of interest. As always take care of yourselves, look out for each other and stay hydrated.
Valve turning away researcher - https://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2019/08/valve-says-turning-away-researcher-reporting-steam-vulnerability-was-a-mistake/
Lasers can weld ceramics - https://www.technology.org/2019/08/26/lasers-can-weld-ceramics-without-a-furnace/
G.I Joe comics relaunch - https://www.bleedingcool.com/2019/08/25/hasbro-vp-promises-new-gi-joe-series-wont-replace-larry-hamas-real-american-hero/
Games currently playing
– Albion Online - https://albiononline.com/en/home
– Rainbow Six Siege - https://rainbow6.ubisoft.com/siege/en-us/home/index.aspx
– Warframe - https://www.warframe.com/landing
Other topics discussed
Robert Kirkman (The Walking Dead creator)
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Kirkman
Titans crew member killed during rehearsal
- https://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/tv/news/titans-death-crew-member-dies-car-stunt-netflix-dc-universe-a9011826.html
Mayans M.C. cast
- J. D. Pardo as Ezekiel "EZ" Reyes - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/J._D._Pardo
- Antonio Jaramillo as Michael 'Riz' Ariza - https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0418544/
- Sarah Bolger as Emily Thomas - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sarah_Bolger
- Tony Plana as Devante Cano - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tony_Plana
- Edward James Olmos as Felipe Reyes - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edward_James_Olmos
Comic book artists present at San Diego Comic Con 2019
- J. Scott Campbell - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/J._Scott_Campbell
- Ron Lim - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ron_Lim
- Humberto Ramos - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Humberto_Ramos
- Jerry Gaylord - https://www.deviantart.com/thefranchize
- Adam Hughes - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adam_Hughes
- Terry Dodson - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Terry_Dodson
- Jerry Vanderstelt - https://www.vandersteltstudio.com/
Star Wars Galaxy Edge (themed area inspired by the Star Wars universe, located within Disneyland Park at the Disneyland Resort in Anaheim, California, and Disney's Hollywood Studios at the Walt Disney World Resort in Orlando,Florida.)
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Star_Wars:_Galaxy%27s_Edge
Sons of Obiwan Saber Academy
- https://www.sonsofobiwan.com/
Tom Cruise makes Hall H appearance to promote Top Gun: Maverick
- https://www.thewrap.com/tom-cruise-makes-surprise-appearance-at-comic-con-2019/
The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Dark_Crystal:_Age_of_Resistance
Black Hat hacker vs White Hat hacker
- https://www.lifewire.com/black-hat-hacker-a-white-hat-hacker-4061415
Famous breaches
- 2014 Sony Hack - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sony_Pictures_hack
- Samsung Hack - https://bgr.com/2019/07/16/sprint-hack-account-information-samsung/
Ceramic Knife
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ceramic_knife
Oxyacetylene Welding
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oxy-fuel_welding_and_cutting
Ceramic Car Engines
- http://ceramicrotaryengines.com/
Supercar Blondie - The Porcelain Bugatti - L'Or Blanc!
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fjuZ8-KQiA8
Porcelain Bugatti Veyron
- https://www.businessinsider.com.au/24-million-bugatti-veyron-made-porcelain-rare-car-2018-5?r=US&IR=T
Kia Stinger (5-door fastback)
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kia_Stinger
G.I.Joe PSA Compilation Parody
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z8K08AcVru0&feature=youtu.be
G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero (Marvel Comics) by Larry Hama
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/G.I._Joe:_A_Real_American_Hero_(Marvel_Comics)
The Matrix 4
- https://www.gamespot.com/articles/the-matrix-4-is-happening-with-keanu-reeves-and-ca/1100-6469266/
Dragon Ball (Anime Franchise)
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dragon_Ball
Hail Hydra meme
- https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/hostedimages/1511758537i/24540855._SY540_.jpg
Ghost in the Shell: Arise
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ghost_in_the_Shell:_Arise
The Longest Yard (1974 American sports comedy film)
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Longest_Yard_(1974_film)
Mean Machine (2001 adaptation of the 1974 American film The Longest Yard)
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mean_Machine_(film)
The Longest Yard (2005 American sports prison comedy film and a remake of the 1974 film of the same name)
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Longest_Yard_(2005_film)
G.I. Joe: Retaliation (2013 American military science fiction action film)
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/G.I._Joe:_Retaliation
Stormtrooper (Star Wars)
- https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Stormtrooper
Blaster (Star Wars)
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blaster_(Star_Wars)
The Phantom
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Phantom
Kid Phantom by Frew Publications
- https://www.phantomcomic.com.au/collections/kid-phantom
Zorro (comic character)
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zorro
Batman Beyond (DC Comics)
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Batman_Beyond_(comics)
Jay Garrick the first Flash
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flash_(Jay_Garrick)
Spider-Gwen (2015 Marvel comic series)
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spider-Gwen
Warframe- Playerbase mourning for TotalBiscuit
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-vfndrBjGaI
Star Wars: Republic Commando (2005 game)
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Star_Wars:_Republic_Commando
Zardoz (1974 film starring Sean Connery)
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zardoz
The Italian Job (1969 film)
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Italian_Job
Latest Comics2movies project: TalosofSparta
- https://www.facebook.com/TalosofSparta-357425974946546/
Check out more stuff from Comics2movies
- https://www.comics2movies.com.au/
General Queeries (TNC Podcast)
- https://thatsnotcanon.com/generalqueeriespodcast
Artist – Goblins from Mars
Song Title – Super Mario - Overworld Theme (GFM Trap Remix)
Song Link - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-GNMe6kF0j0&index=4&list=PLHmTsVREU3Ar1AJWkimkl6Pux3R5PB-QJ
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The Absurdity of Bee-stiality
(The Video I’ll be analyzing for this assignment) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VONRQMx78YI
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The Absurdity of Bee-stiatlity
A postmodernist look at how a questionable Jerry Seinfeld movie brought humor to the disenfranchised youth of 4-chan
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On April 18, 2016, a man known as Brendaniel uploaded an entire reading of the Bee Movie script on a popular site known as YouTube.
Before you ask, yes. It’s the entire Bee Movie script. It’s almost an hour long, and it’s a movie about Jerry Seinfeld, as a bee, suing the entire human race with the help of his human girlfriend—all filled with bee-utiful bee puns that transcended the expectations of its creators.
Soon after people took this script and did readings of their own.
Some screamed the words rather than just read them aloud.
A couple whispered them like one of those ASMR videos.
A lot of them interspersed the script into videos known as word replacement remixes. Examples include “The bee movie but everytime they say bee it gets faster”, “the bee movie but everytime they say bee it gets slower”, The bee movie trailer but everytime they say bee it duplicates (16384 videos playing at once)”, “The Bee Movie trailer but every time they say bee the Bee Movie and All Star play twice as fast”—I can go on
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And before no one asks, my personal favorite is the “Pokemon Theme Song But With Every Pokemon Replaced With The Entire Bee Movie Script Dramatic Reading”. It’s 8 hours long, there’s a 23 hour version of the video, and I played it on loop last night typing up this analysis on Post-modernism.
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Did I mention that? This is an analysis on post-modernism. More specifically, it’s an analysis of post modernism in relation to the Bee Movie, only a singular part in a vast genre of Internet culture simply known as a shitpost.
Like how post modernists don’t hold any more importance to any culture, idea or visual medium, choosing to deconstruct these ideas to find new meaning in work, shitposters ironically take culture, ideas, or visual mediums to derail conversations, find humor in absurdity and choose to generally confuse everyone in a culture of memes, finding new meaning in work as well. But this is a specific and old-fashioned interpretation of shitposting; like anything on the Internet, ideas evolve and change in no time at all.
This is all said to preface that the Bee Movie is nothing special by itself. In fact, the Bee Movie was, and still is, a decade-old mediocre animated movie that would have otherwise never seen the light of day. Since picking apart the visual effect of a script reading isn’t interesting at all, I’ve taken the liberty of instead analyzing the trailer for this meme-tastic un-bee-lievable story, which I’ll play now. Hopefully I’ll demonstrate that the source material is, from a post-modernist point of view, highly derivative on its own. And hopefully it puts into context the lengths people went through to mock and parody the movie.
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We start with this green screen, ushering viewers into what’s known as a preview. The highly saturated green is jarring so people aren’t lulled to sleep by the dark atmosphere of a movie theater.
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We hear a narrator dramatically introduce us to a dramatic hero, made to save the world—also letting us know that this oh-so-dramatic hero is a bee that wears a turtle-neck. Turtle necks is a trope used by writers to characterize their characters as meek, mild-mannered or all of the above. Jerry Seinfeld isn’t supposed to be your average hero, but the everyman trope is used so many times you might as well call it a cliché.
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Then we see a burly clean-shaved man voiced by Patrick Warburton. Warburton voices a lot of burly men, and is also often a clear indicator that the character is most likely going to be one-dimensionally macho. This is especially evident when he tries to kill the protagonist, cinematically framed to almost be eaten alive. If you watch the movie, you’ll eventually find out he’s the one-dimensional ex of the story’s love interest.
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This moment here is an important meme in the bee movie lore. Like the script and the trailer, this two second clip of Seinfeld asking his love interest if he likes Jazz is subject to word replacement memes. It’s also an instance of Dreamworks trying to subvert the trope of animals and people co-inhabiting and communicating with each other, with Vanessa, the love interest, acting surprised a bee can talk. Of course this all gets thrown out the window when Barry the Bee tries to sue the world.
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Goofy sidekick voiced by Ferris Bueller.  He doesn’t do much in the film, but he plays an important role by his eventual absence. This is often a common trope to signify loss without really raising the stakes for the protagonist.
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Product placement of Bumble Bee Tuna, chicken of the sea. Because what good movie doesn’t have product placement?
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This instance plays on the rules of thirds, a trope most of writing relies on for enhanced impact. Also obligatory celebrity appearance of Hannibal’s cannibal victim Ray Liotta.
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Did I mention how the movie loves B-related puns? Because that’s the gimmick of the whole movie. If you listen to the script, you’ll know right away. Also rule of thirds
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Murder aside, this instance of the movie is part of Barry the Bee’s fantasy with his human companion. The romantic pairing, often known as a ship, is affectionally referred to as “Bee-stiality.” Because Banessa doesn’t sound as catchy and also bee pun.
The movie would have been forgotten. It wasn’t the worst thing Dreamworks made, and it made enough money for it to be swept under the rug. While I attribute a lot of the meme-power to the fact that someone went out of their way to type up a script to this movie, I believe it’s also because someone went out of their way to upload the whole movie on Twitter in 5 second clips
Dreamworks did the sensible thing anyone would have done and took the clips down. But if there’s anything the Internet hates, it’s the censorship of any kind. People soon helped oversaturate Twitter with clips of the movie, and it eventually evolved into a thing all on its own
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