#music translation
project-niji-official · 5 months
Portuguese Translation of Kairiki Bear's "Bug"
Translation by @lugu0305
Eu to perdida no meio dessa pa-pa paranóia
bzzz-zzzt corta meu coração essa pa-pa paranóia
Tentei fugir, amarrada nessa pa-pa-paranóia
triste, que triste – deitada no chão, cansada – pa-pa toda paranoica
Bora ver, é um in-in-inseto, agora, inseto; ape-pe-nas marcado como tal
Ugh, eu vou des-des-descascar essas emoções, o começo dessa dor, nada bom, nada bom…
Não não não!!!
Bem! isso foi aterrorizante. É toda a pa-pa-para paranóia! eu aumento minha voz afogada e giro e giro!
Bem! É uma situação desesperadora, eu  sou destinada a cair não importa o que eu faça ! Com certeza,Com certeza afundando, não não NÃO!
Bora ver, é um in-in-inseto, agora, inseto; sua afeição é equivocada, e eu odeio isso!
Bora ver, é um in-in-inseto, agora, inseto; inseto; a resposta é tão fraca, odeio!
gira-gira, ficando maluca
Crack! Pera, isso não vai funcionar, girando em 1,2! (maluca, maluca) Aah!
Crack! Pera, isso não vai funcionar–gira-gira, meus pezinhos acorrentados (maluca, maluca)
Uma dor sem fim? Uh? Huh!
apertada, apertada é uma criança desnecessária, pa-pa-paranóia
Boa garota, Boa garota - quem tá enchendo o chat com “bom trabalho” é o administrador…
Bora ver, é um in-in-inseto
La-lag-lag, atraso de execução
Re-re-registro de rebelião…
In-in-inseto, pa-pa-pa-la-pa; pa-paranóia
Pa-paranóia não, não, NÃO!!!
Agora então! Uma queda assustadora. É toda a pa-pa-para paranóia! Não importa se eu for pra direita ou esquerda, tudo que eu faço é girar, o sofrimento!
Minha cabeça tá no limite, ficando maluca com tudo que faço!! Perdida nessa escuridão, estamos brincando de esconde-esconde
Esconde-esconde, zero pontos pra você!
Isso foi aterrorizante. É toda a pa-pa-para paranóia! Eu aumento minha voz afogada e giro e giro!
Bem! É uma situação desesperadora, eu  sou destinada a cair não importa o que eu faça ! Com certeza,Com certeza afundando, não não NÃO!
Bora ver, é um in-in-inseto, agora, um inseto, inseto, essa tristeza, dolorosa e dura, eu a odeio! 
Bora ver, é um in-in-inseto, agora, um inseto, inseto, toda a razão que eu tinha está coberta pela escuridão, não, não, não… Agora, agora, agora
Não, não, não, não, não, não, não, não, não!
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halliescomut · 2 years
I have a question for Jeff Satur
I'm gonna give some background, because I think the background is kind of funny. So, I had not heard of Jeff before watching KinnPorsche, but I started listening to his music, and he's wonderful and incredibly talented. So I've been listening to his various songs and covers for about 7 months now. I have pretty varied musical taste, but in the car I do tend to lean towards, rock/metal. I also take my nephew (who's 4) to preschool every day and I don't want him to get too hyped up, you know? So I started just playing Jeff on shuffle, because he doesn't care that it's not always English, and for me it's more about the vibe. But, because I've been listening to his music for at least 30 minutes everyday, I will hear both the English and Thai versions of the songs, some of which are ones that Jeff composed and wrote...and I have a question. What is the process for writing a song that will be sung in both Thai and English?
I am making some assumptions. I'm not a songwriter, but I would imagine that the process to writing a song goes only a couple of ways. 1) You write the lyrics first, create the flow of the song with the verses and chorus, and then you compose the melody around that, enhancing the words with the music. 2) You write the melody first, maybe with a general idea of the theme/subject of the song, and you write lyrics to match the tempo/tone of the music. 3) You sort of write both the melody and lyrics at the same time, have bits of melody and lines and then start to kind of build the song like a little puzzle, then tweak it to be more cohesive. Any songwriters out there, I'd love your input on this.
But when you have to do this process with two pretty disparate languages...I wanna know how? Like, I can fairly easily understand how you would would do a translation to English from another romance language, like French, Italian, or Spanish, yes grammatically some things are different but there's enough similarity there. Also, music does give you some leeway to like add flourishes here or there to add syllables to help match the beat of a song. But Thai, and East Asian languages in general, from what I understand, are pretty allusionary, they're like a more flowery, poetic language versus English which is often straight to the point. So an expression in Thai would be six, seven, eight words to express what might be the equivalent of 3 words in English. So when writing lyrics, is Jeff writing them in Thai, then translating them to English? Is he considering both languages as he writes? I know more than likely he has both in mind to some extent if he's planning to release the song in both languages, but it might be more back of his mind or constant consideration? If he does write kind of wholly in one language and then translate, is he doing a kind of word for word translation with tweaks for grammar, is it more of a expressing a similar point/emotion regardless, is it a combination of the two?
I really want someone to ask him these questions. I'm so interested in what that process could be like. If you are a multi-lingual songwriter with experience in this specific thing, I'd also love to hear your thoughts.
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mindmedotwav · 1 year
Ride - General Mumble
It's a Spanish translation from General Mumble's song Ride.
Video includes english lyrics. Translation notes are at the end of the post.
Song: Ride by General Mumble (from Synesthesia)
Picture Resources: Synesthesia Album Cover (General Mumble), Homestuck Fanart (bastardnoodle on Tumblr), Edited by MindMe.wav
Translation: MindMe.wav
Edited picture won't be distributed unless original authors give permission. None of the authors of music or art were notified about the use of their works, however credit was given. These modifications were not made with intentions of damage or bad behavior, just for illustrative purposes.
Translation (Spanish)
¿Has leído la advertencia, has visto la señal?
“Mantén tus manos y pies dentro en todo momento”
Yendo abajo, yendo arriba, ¿has tenido suficiente ya?
Estarás vomitando incluso antes de que se ponga intenso
Juntos correremos hasta el fin del tiempo
Quizás no salgamos vivos
Pero, ¿por qué querrías hacerlo?
(¿Por qué querrías hacerlo?)
¿Has leído la advertencia para la escalada final?
No hay forma de irse, no, no esta vez
Yendo abajo, yendo arriba, ¿has tenido suficiente ya?
Estarás vomitando incluso antes de que se ponga intenso
Juntos correremos hasta el fin del tiempo
Quizás no salgamos vivos
Pero, ¿por qué querrías hacerlo?
Juntos correremos hasta el fin del tiempo
Quizás no salgamos vivos
Pero, ¿por qué querrías hacerlo?
Juntos correremos hasta el fin del tiempo
Quizás no salgamos vivos
Pero, ¿por qué querrías hacerlo?
(¿Por qué querrías hacerlo?)
Translation Notes
I tried to make it as a ready-to-sing translation/adaptation, however I coudln't do it if I wanted to make an accurate direct translation.
I couldn't find a better way to translate "going down, going up" in a "neutral-Spanish" to say it in some way.
"have you had enough?" is a phrase I also wanted to translate as "¿Aún no has tenido suficiente?" or "¿Aún no tuviste suficiente?", with alternatives such as "¿No ha sido suficiente aún?" and similar stuff.
"rough" is a word that has a violent tone, wich in terms of the song I could only translate as "intenso", beacuse I didn't find a more fitting word that didn't sound completely off-tone for this. (Have in mind the first note i put, this translation is as ready to adapt as it can be)
"the final climb" can be said as "la cima final" or something of that kind... wich I was debating if I should use that or a more literal thing, as this song can be implied that is about a rollercoaster, I tried to search a better way to describe the feeling.
"Together we ride until the end of time", okay this has stuff to say. A lot. First, in this context, the best translation would be "Juntos montaremos hasta el fin del tiempo" but it sounded pretty out of context. I could have used "Juntos iremos hasta el fin del tiempo" but the feeling of "riding" would get totally lost, that is why I used "correremos" instead, it mantains the fast-paced feeling a rollercoaster does.
In relation to the last note, "until the end of time", It gives a feeling of an infinite ride. I wanted to translate it as "hasta el fin del los tiempos", yet I couldn't decide if it was as good as "hasta el fin del tiempo". As one implied a longer journey, the other marked that there was an end, wich in context with "might not make it out alive - but why would you want to?" creates a sensation that the only end possible is death- and if there's more such as survival, it's just a matter of time that death catches you.
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warriorproducteur · 1 year
(Translation) - あの夏が飽和する。Cet été-là est saturé./That summer is saturated. (Ano Natsu ga Houwa Suru.) / 天音かなた(cover by Amane Kanata)
Traduction FR :
J'ai tué un homme hier. C'est ce que tu as dits. Tu étais trempée pendant la saison des pluies, Tu pleurais devant ta chambre, trempée par la saison des pluies. L'été venait de commencer, Tu grelottais terriblement. Le souvenir de cette journée d'été commence par cette histoire.
J'ai tué ce type assis à côté de moi, celui qui me maltraitait tout le temps. J'en avais marre, alors je l'ai poussé par-dessus mon épaule, C'était un mauvais coup. Je ne pense pas pouvoir rester ici plus longtemps, Je vais mourir quelque part, loin d'ici." C'est ce que je t'ai dit.
Alors emmène-moi avec toi.
Je prends mon portefeuille, je prends mon couteau, Mets tes jeux portables dans ton sac, Je détruirai tout ce dont je n'ai pas besoin. Les photos, le journal, Je n'en ai plus besoin maintenant. C'est un voyage pour toi et moi, un voyage de meurtriers et de bons à rien.
Et puis nous nous sommes enfuis. De ce petit, petit monde. J'ai quitté ma famille, mes camarades de classe, tout, juste toi et moi. Mourons ensemble dans un endroit très, très lointain où il n'y a personne. Il n'y a plus rien de valable dans ce monde. Les assassins sont partout. Tu n’a rien fait de mal. Il n'y a rien de mal en toi.
Après tout, nous n'avons jamais été aimés par personne. Nous avons cru l'un en l'autre si facilement parce que nous avions un terrain d'entente si dégoûtant. Quand j'ai pris ta main, le léger tremblement avait déjà disparu. Nous avons marché ensemble sur les rails, sans être liés par qui que ce soit.
Et puis nous nous sommes enfuis tous les deux, J'ai senti que nous pouvions aller n'importe où. Il n'y avait plus rien à craindre pour nous. La sueur sur nos fronts, les lunettes qui tombaient. Cela n'a plus d'importance. Ce n'est qu'une petite escapade de parias."
J'ai rêvé un jour d'être une héroïne gentille et appréciée de tous, "Est-ce qu'il nous aurait aussi sauvés de la saleté ? J'ai abandonné ce rêve, parce que, soyons réalistes, le bonheur n'existe pas. Il n'y avait pas quatre mots pour dire le bonheur, J'ai appris dans ma vie que je n'étais pas à blâmer. Tout le monde pense qu'il n'a rien fait de mal.
À un troupeau de cigales errant sans but, La vue de l'eau qui s'écoule et qui tremble, La rage des démons qui arrivent, Ils gambadaient comme des idiots. Soudain, tu as pris le couteau. C'est parce que tu as été à mes côtés pendant tout ce temps que je suis arrivé jusqu'ici. C'est pourquoi j'en ai eu assez. Ça suffit."
Je mourrai seule."
Et puis tu t'es coupée la tête. C'était comme une scène de film. J'avais l'impression de rêvasser. La prochaine chose que je sais, c'est que je suis pris au piège. Tu étais introuvable. Seulement tu étais introuvable.
Et le temps a passé. Des jours chauds, chauds, ont passé. Ma famille était là, mes camarades de classe étaient là, mais d'une manière ou d'une autre, tu étais introuvable. Mais pour une raison ou une autre, tu étais introuvable.
Je me souviens de ce jour d'été. Je chante encore maintenant, je chante encore. Je t'ai cherché. J'ai quelque chose à te dire. J'éternue à la fin du mois de septembre. Je répète l'odeur de juin. Ton sourire... Ton innocence. Sature ma tête.
Personne n'a rien fait de mal.
Parce que tu n’a rien fait de mal.
Ça suffit.
Laissons tomber.
C'est ce que tu veux que je dise, n'est-ce pas ? Tu vois ?
EN Translation :
I killed a man yesterday." That's what you said. You were soaking wet during the rainy season, You were crying in front of your room, soaking wet in the rainy season. Summer had just begun, You were trembling badly. The memory of that summer day begins with such a story.
The one who killed you was that guy sitting next to you, the one who always abused you. I was sick of it, so I pushed him over my shoulder, It was a bad hit. I don't think I can stay here anymore, I'm going to die somewhere far away." I'm going to die someplace far away," I said to you.
Then take me with you.
I'll take my wallet and my knife, Pack your bag with your wallet, your knives, and your cell phone games, I'll destroy everything I don't need. The pictures, the diary, I don't need them now. It's just you and me on a journey with a murderer and a deadbeat.
And then we ran away. From this small, small world. I left my family, my classmates, everything, just you and me. Let's die together in a far, far away place where no one is. There is no value in this world anymore. Murderers are everywhere. You've done nothing wrong. There is nothing wrong with you.
After all, we were never loved by anyone. We believed in each other so easily because of that disgusting common ground. When I held your hand, the slight tremor was already gone. We walked on the railroad tracks together, unbound by anyone.
We stole the "Mere Old Man" and ran away together, I felt like we could go anywhere. We had nothing to be afraid of now. The sweat on our foreheads, the glasses that fell off "It doesn't matter now," he said. It's just a little escapade for the outcasts.
If only we could have dreamed of being the kind, good-loving heroes we dreamed of being someday, Would he save us from the filth of the world? I gave up on that dream, because, let's face it, there was no such thing as happiness. There was no such thing as happiness, I've learned in my life that I'm not to blame. Everyone thinks they have done nothing wrong.
The cicadas wandering around aimlessly, The sight of the water running out and shaking, The raging of the demons that are closing in on us, They were frolicking around like idiots. Suddenly you picked up the knife. I've come this far because you've been by my side all this time. That's why I've had enough. I'm done.
I'll die alone.
And you cut off your head. It was like a scene from a movie. I felt like I was daydreaming. Next thing I know, I'm trapped. You were nowhere to be found. Only you were nowhere to be found.
And time passed. Just hot, hot days passed. My family was there, my classmates were there But for some reason, you were nowhere to be found.
I remember that summer day. I'm still singing. I've been looking for you. I have something to say to you. I sneeze at the end of September I repeat the smell of June. Your smile Your innocence. Saturates my head.
No one did anything wrong, you know. Because you didn't do anything wrong. That's enough. Let's throw it out.
That's what you wanted me to say, right? Right?
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jaurimlyrics · 2 years
다 지나간다 (It will all pass)
지난밤은 열병에 시달리다
Last night, I ran a fever
어지러운 상념에 잠 못 들고
With my mind in disarray, I could not sleep
괴로운 순간들이면 나도 모르게
In painful moments, I unknowingly
기도처럼 읊조리며 나를 다독인다
Murmur to myself comfortingly, as if saying a prayer
다 지나간다
It will all pass
다 잊혀진다
It will all be forgotten
상처는 아물어
Wounds will heal
언젠가는 꽃으로 피어난다
And someday bloom as flowers
다 지나간다
It will all pass
모두 지워진다
It will all be erased
시간은 흐른다
As time passes
상처는 아물어 사라진다
All wounds will heal and disappear
어두운 밤이면
The darker the night
별빛은 더 깊어진다
The deeper the starlight
다 지나간다
It will all pass
다 잊혀진다
It will all be forgotten
상처는 아물어
Wounds will heal
언젠가 꽃으로 피어난다
And someday bloom as flowers
다 지나간다
It will all pass
모두 잊혀진다
All will be forgotten
시간은 흐른다
As time passes
상처는 아물어 사라진다
Wounds will heal and disappear
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"Halloween" Da Matt Pond PA - Traduzione Italiana
Matt Pond PA – Halloween
Felice Halloween a tutti!
Went to where the people were on a saturday night Sono andato dove erano la gente un sabato note
Seems like it always seems Sembra come sembra sempre
Where i go i want to leave Dove vado, voglio partire
I thought we were doing fine with our lives Ho pensato che ce la stavamo cavando bene con le nostre vite
There are people who will tell you C’è sempre qualcosa di meglio
There is always something better C’è la gente che ti dirà
If you don't know or care you'll be alright Se non sai o non ti importa, starai bene
I heard it's modern to be stupid Ho sentito che è moderno essere stupido
You don't need to talk to look good Non hai bisogno di parlare per stare bene
I surprised myself as my mouth started speaking Mi sono sorpreso mentre la mia bocca ha cominciato parlare
There is nothing left of my nerves Non mi è rimasta pazienza
As i lean over to ask her Mentre mi chino per domandarle
Pardon the intrusion Perdona l’intrusione
Could we leave before it gets bad Possiamo andarcene prima che diventi spiacevole
I might smash up all these windows Potrei fracassare tutte queste finestre
And set fire to the curtains Ed incendierei le tende
Until it goes on and eats it with its blue and red orange Fino a che avanza e le mangia con il suo blu e rosso-arancio
Until the fire burns and eats it with its blue and red orange Fino a che il fuoco brucia e le mangia con il suo blu e rosso-arancio
If you don't know or care you'll be alright Se non sai o non ti importa, starai bene
I heard it's modern to be stupid Ho sentito che è moderno essere stupido
You don't need a thought to look good Non hai bisogno d’un pensiero per stare bene
Pardon the intrusion Perdona l’intrusione
Could we leave before it gets bad Possiamo andarcene prima che diventi spiacevole
I might smash up all the windows Potrei fracassare tutte queste finestre
And set fire to the curtains Ed incendierei le tende
Went to where the people were on a saturday night Sono andato dove erano la gente un sabato notte
Seems like it always seems Sembra come sembra sempre
Where i go i want to leave Dove vado, voglio partire
I surprised myself as my mouth started speaking Mi sono sorpreso mentre la mia bocca ha cominciato parlare
There is nothing left of my nerves Non mi è rimasta pazienza
As I lean over to ask her Mentre mi chino per domandarle
Pardon the intrusion Perdona l’intrusione
Could we leave before it gets bad Possiamo andarcene prima che diventi spiacevole
I might smash up all the windows Potrei fracassare tutte queste finestre
And set fire to the curtains Ed incendierei le tende
Until it goes on and eats it with its blue and red orange Fino a che avanza e le mangia con il suo blu e rosso-arancio
Until the fire burns and eats it with its blue and red orange Fino a che il fuoco brucia e le mangia con il suo blu e rosso-arancio
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mj-thrush-gxn · 5 months
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Oh my Talia- Я тебе кохаю
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metamorphesque · 18 days
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"Where were You, God?", Arthur Meschian (translated by Tathev Simonyan)
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ghostorbz · 9 months
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rawr x3 and stuff happy 2014 or something
+ original quality
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AUGZHAHXH I'm probably gonna make one of those uh art progress thingies I keep seeing they look fun :3
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 11 days
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Started a new book series, and has been a journey...an Odyssey, if you will.
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naminoor · 2 months
Bro i just finished reading the Odyssey and i swear Telemachus and Peisistratus r quite literally my favourite characters.
Like Nestor went: “Ah hello son of Odysseus, this is my !SINGLE! And !VERY STRONG AND HANDSOME! Son that is coincidentally !AROUND THE SAME AGE AS YOU! And you shall SLEEP IN THE SAME BED AS HIM and he will ACCOMPANY YOU ON YOUR JOURNEY!”
And also in Sparta where Telemachus had to wake up Peisistratus and just kicked him? And Peisistratus was like ‘bro go to bed it is like 3AM’.
Also Telemachus called Peistratus ‘light of my heart’
And Peistratus asked Menelaus about his brother bc he never knew him.
And when Telemachus had to like go back to Ithaka he asked Peisitratus for help since Nestor would try to find a way to make Tele stay and Peisitraus was like:’i got u dont worry!’
They r such underrated characters (which is wild considering Telemachus is quite literally odysseus’ son) .
I am also obsessed with EPIC the musical and i know Peisistratus is probably not gonna appear and that makes me sad bc i like him so much (still very excited for the wisdom saga though bc Telemachus)
Anyways that was my rant, one last message before i go:
Telemachus and Peisistratus were gay as hell
Bye bye :D
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project-niji-official · 2 months
Portuguese translation of Penelope Scott's "Pseudophed"
Bem, uma vez nevou em Oregon Bem, na verdade nevou algumas vezes Mas, eu te vi uma vez no frio Eu pulei para a minha cama Eu matei meus amigos de susto Eu tirei uma foto sua, mas você não apareceu Pura luz, puro pavor, puro Pseudoefedrina Se você quisesse a minha morte, eu estaria morta Eu amei um garoto o suficiente, eu definhei por ele E eu o mataria se você dissesse No ar congelante da floresta assustadora Galhos quebram abaixo dos pés que pertencem ao vazio Me encontrou, quer encostar nossas entranhas E me colocar seis palmas abaixo, do lado de Freud Pura luz, puro pavor, puro Pseudoefedrina Se você quisesse a minha morte, eu estaria morta Eu amei um homem o suficiente, eu definhei por ele E eu o mataria se você pedisse
Translation by @lugu0305
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scribefindegil · 1 year
As much as I adore conlangs, I really like how the Imperial Radch books handle language. The book is entirely in English but you're constantly aware that you're reading a "translation," both of the Radchaai language Breq speaks as default, and also the various other languages she encounters. We don't hear the words but we hear her fretting about terms of address (the beloathed gendering on Nilt) and concepts that do or don't translate (Awn switching out of Radchaai when she needs a language where "citizen," "civilized," and "Radchaai person" aren't all the same word) and noting people's registers and accents. The snatches of lyrics we hear don't scan or rhyme--even, and this is what sells it to me, the real-world songs with English lyrics, which get the same "literal translation" style as everything else--because we aren't hearing the actual words, we're hearing Breq's understanding of what they mean. I think it's a cool way to acknowledge linguistic complexity and some of the difficulties of multilingual/multicultural communication, which of course becomes a larger theme when we get to the plot with the Presgar Translators.
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sushiisiu · 7 months
klapollo fans have you seen the new drama cds from the trilogy it is so gay. first one has apollo, phoenix and ema going to klav's solo concert and apollo changing his mind on klav's music because of their experiences together in court and geeking out and then klav invites him on stage to duet love love guilty together. this is so huge this is enormous bro. look at this. polly sounds so cute
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itsajollyjester · 5 months
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Fun fact: I’ve been having a minor to severe Odyssey hyper fixation for over a year now
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jaurimlyrics · 2 years
알아 (I know)
바람이 드는 가봐 
The wind seems to be blowing
텅빈 나에게 
Onto my empty self
세상은 알수없어 
This world is unknowable
나는 두려워
I am afraid
무엇을 말해야 해
What is there to say?
너는 모르지 
You don’t know, do you?
눈물이 흐르나봐 
Tears seem to be falling
추운 뺨위로
Onto my cold cheeks
알아 알아 알아
I know, I know, I know
나는 당신이 원하는 사람이 될 수 있어
I can be the person you want me to be
알아 알아 알아
I know, I know, I know
나는 엄마가 원하는 사람이 될 수 있어
Mom, I can be the person you want me to be
무엇을 원해야 해 
What must I want?
무엇을 믿어야 해 
What must I believe?
무엇을 말해야 해
What must I say?
너는 아나봐
You seem to know
내게는 아무것도 보이지 않아
As for me, I can’t see anything
알아 알아 알아 
I know, I know, I know
나는 당신이 원하는 사람이 될 수 있어
I can be the person you want me to be
알아 알아 알아
I know, I know, I know
나는 엄마가 원하는 사람이 될 수 있어
Mom, I can be the person you want me to be
내가 원하는 사람이 될 수 없을 뿐
I just can’t be the person I want to be
당신이 원하는 사람이 될 수 있어
I can be the person you want me to be
알아 알아 알아
I know, I know, I know
나는 당신이 원하는 사람이 될 수 있어
I can be the person you want me to be
알아 알아 알아
I know, I know, I know
나는 엄마가 원하는 사람이 될 수 있어
Mom, I can be the person you want me to be
알아 알아 알아
I know, I know, I know
나는 당신이 원하는 사람이 될 수 있어
I can be the person you want me to be
알아 알아 알아
I know, I know, I know
나는 엄마가 원하는 사람이 될 수 있어
Mom, I can be the person you want me to be
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