#i can search only for podcasts and user profiles
hiperchile · 1 year
lmao tf is going on with spotify ??
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thisisthiago · 1 year
WeHeartIt is dead.
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It died in 2023, during a sunny June, though the process started taking place way before that date. It’s unclear, though, the reason why it started to happen. And, since I’m not a journalist, I might focus on why it meant so much to me for so long.
WeHeartIt, famous for embracing thousands of people around the idea of creating personal galleries and sharing them with friends, was born in 2008 from a Brazilian developer. He came up with the idea of creating a platform where people could save, share and, most importantly, heart images.
And didn't that work out? At its peak, the social network had 25 million monthly users and partnered with brands such as Teen Vogue to promote content and increase that reach. Of course, there was always Pinterest, but this wasn’t it. WeHeartIt was a hot mess of posting and hearting and expressing ourselves through the images we saved or the postcards we sent or even the collections we built. Of course, you could open Pinterest and organize your ideas, wishes, and... crochet templates, I guess? But at WeHeartIt, what looked like a mess would then become a gallery with layers of meanings and feelings, resembling the rings of trees. Our profiles, as rings of trees can tell us about a harsh winter or a particularly hot summer, would have layers composed of travel dreams, romantic ideas, or heartbreaking moments. It was safe and, as a 2018 article from Women’s Forum would point out, it was a mood booster.
Can you imagine such a lovely mess? "Dancing On My Own" was at the top of the parades (at least for hipsters worldwide), Tumblr was the next most favorite network, and Facebook wasn’t as cringe as it is now. In the middle of all that, WeHeartIt was thriving. Saving us from the boredom and helping us all to create a gallery where we could go back to see (and feel) all that was there to remember.
But then, things started to go somewhere out of the road, and we learned that good and new features don’t necessarily mean improvement. The app didn't have to try and be anything else. Of course, a design refreshment is always welcome, but some of the updates were simply needless or had no sense at all. All of that led to what we encounter today when we go into the platform website.
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I won’t refer to all of the annoying-but-still-not-changing-the-core-of-the-app updates and features. I’m talking about ads, postcards, articles and yes, podcasts. Though all of these were meaningless and even annoying, they never interfered in my possibility of using the core functions of the app: managing my profile, visiting other people’s profiles, and hearting images.
Then, all of a sudden, WeHeartIt starts rolling out a message saying that the app will now focus on other features and so, they would do part with profiles and hearting. Yes, you read that correctly. The owners of the app decided that the main functions of the website should no longer be available, in order to redirect the main focus of the app to photo editing.
As I said in a rather harsh review of the latest version of the app in Apple’s App Store:
The so-called "photo editing" capabilities are laughable, barely a patch on dedicated apps in that domain. It's utterly disheartening that even a relic like the 1967 app surpasses WeHeartIt as a creative tool at this point. There appears to be an overwhelming lack of satisfaction with this so-called "upgrade."
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Though scattered around the web, many of the platform users have shown their discomfort with the current state of the app. A quick search on Twitter, Reddit, App Store Reviews, and even Tumblr shows us. Even though some users still try to make some of the old features of the service work, it’s only a matter of time until the database is updated and we no longer have access to any image at all.
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It’s sad that WeHeartIt is dying. The idea was great, and the execution worked for a while, but now it just looks as if the owners of the platform are looking for an excuse to shut it down permanently. We might as well just end up with a page like the former ffffound.
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spacehead1127 · 5 months
Internet Wars and Woke Culture
Hi again! It has been quite a while since I last wrote here. Not much for an introduction, I’ll jump straight to the topic today. 
Disclaimer once again! (if you've read my posts before, you can ignore this part) Whatever I say here is never intended to bring harm or to hurt anyone, and do take what I say with a grain of salt. I never intend to appear aggressive through text if that's what you see, and I sincerely apologise if I have done so to you. In the end, all I want is to spark some interesting and meaningful conversations with people on the Internet who have similar or opposing thoughts and opinions. Thank you! 
If you're interested to read on, please proceed, but if you're not, you can leave quietly and ignore this and enjoy your day/night, wherever you are :) 
This is PART 3 of my text-podcast thing: go to my blog to see more! 
This “episode” is kind of like a follow-up to my very first text-podcast episode which was about the internet and especially the comment sections and how people can be so aggressive towards strangers who have offended them on the internet. Here it is if you want to read it before continuing on this one. 
Like I said on that post, I usually don’t interact with comments even if it makes my blood boil at times or if it contradicts my thoughts since I realised it’s never worth my energy to (I’m a pacifist yes). Though for the sake of this blog, I’ll share what I think of certain topics of arguments from online comment sections. I’m not here to hurt anyone, but purely just here to express my thoughts and opinions on things, so please don’t let this offend you if it does. 
I’ll use Instagram comment sections as an example, yes it’s pretty much a burning pit of fire at times. I don’t use Twitter/X though, but from what I hear from people of how the community is there I can only imagine it being an apocalypse every second. Every single thing you post online, you’re going to get judged or verbally attacked for it somehow, it’s almost inevitable. I know cyberbullying is a whole nother topic, but I’m talking about the burning pit of fire that is the internet all the time—how people spit back their opinions and “shouting” insults at each other, without even knowing who they really are in real life. Humans are complicated, and we shouldn’t judge each other based on just one aspect of our personalities and spend hours being aggressive online that will benefit no one in the end. And I’m serious about this being an issue, because at this point the internet is straying further and further away from being a safe and friendly place for users of all ages. 
I really don’t want to be seen as an old lady yapping about how bad the internet is and seemingly only ever speaking negatively of it. (Without the internet how am I going to send this message to people in the world lol) (And without the internet, I wouldn’t be who I am today) Communication and community wise it can give you a sense of belonging to reach out to people across the other side of the world, and of course there comes disadvantages as well. Give this video a watch, it explains this concept further and better than I can: The Internet is Worse Than Ever – Now What?
Allow me to give an example. Recently I was scrolling through Instagram and I stumbled upon a comment with raging replies under it. The post was by Billie Eilish, where she was in the same picture with Lana del Rey in it. (Feel free to search for it under Billie’s profile, unless she has removed the post. I’ll be summarising the little internet quarrel here as how I read and interpreted it) Instantly there were about 20 over comments there (at first glance) all having the same meaning: “free Palestine”.  If you were a new internet user and wasn’t really caught up with the news the past year, you’d be confused how this was related to Billie Eilish and Lana del Rey. Honestly I actually haven’t had a clue about it either, until I scroll further down the comments, and what I caught was Billie claiming to be a pro-Palestine while Lana was a pro-Israel, or something along those lines. There was a comment that accused Billie of being a hypocrite for being with Lana, and that’s where I saw 30+ (and still growing) replies under that comment. That’s where the battle of Israel-Hamas replies come in, where people supporting the opposing sides come in. There was one that stood out to me though, saying that there was nothing wrong for Billie to get along with someone despite their political disagreements (as a pacifist I couldn’t agree with this more, I wouldn’t let petty personal beliefs get in the way of a valuable interaction with another human being or treating them like they’re anything less than). But to that the OP of the comment said it wasn’t about that, it was about Billie being a hypocrite apparently. And then the argument goes on with many many more replies either opposing the OP or alongside the OP. 
There’s two things I’d like to discuss about this. If I were to say this in that comment section or anywhere else, I would be cancelled for it lmao. (Low-key we have no real freedom in saying our opinions on the internet these days, but I understand there needs to be boundaries and respect to others of course) First I’d like to talk about the woke culture part of this Israel-Hamas situation—I do not want to be saying anything about the actual situation itself, I only ever want to send my prayers to the victims involved on both sides who never wanted this war and thousands of souls lost because of it. In this case of woke culture, I am talking about the people around the world and especially the people online who support either side and constantly attack the other side for not agreeing with them. Woke culture as it is, is when people support something just because it’s trendy, is a good look on them, or it just seems to be a nice way to be accepted into mainstream society, until it’s inconvenient for them to support the cause and they end up seeming like they never meant what they said about supporting it. (Please correct me if I’m wrong about this definition of woke culture, I’m currently relying on my understandings and certain examples I read from the internet) 
A little trigger warning in case you get easily triggered by words you read online, and if it contradicts your beliefs, I urge you to stay calm and do not rush to the comments and bash me for it, (thanks for your cooperation and for making it this far, really I appreciate it, your patience and attention span is outstanding). Personally I find these rights supporters (of any kind, really, but more in light of the Israel-Hamas ongoing war) I find it sad, because they sound so passionate for one side of the war and its victims and yet I doubt they’re willing to actually travel to that country and pick up a gun and fight for the side they support. They spit their facts about what they know about the war’s history, who’s right and who’s wrong, and argue with the other side of it. I’m tired of seeing people say things they don’t really mean. What happened to us? What I absolutely hate about this at its core is there’s more talking than doing (hence the “actually being there irl to fight for their people” statement earlier), and besides that they’re wasting their energy arguing with people they don’t know and adding more fuel to the fire instead of actually helping, supporting, solving the cause itself. Shout “I don’t support genocide” all you want, but I ask you this question, what are you going to do about it? Do you think the presidents of Israel or Palestine or whoever is at the helm of this war are listening to you? I don’t mean this in an aggressive or mean way, but in a caring mother way that—this side of the internet is sounding a lot more like a whiny baby throwing a tantrum about something that upset them. A baby that cries and complains about the problem but can’t get up themselves to do something about it. These people might live on the other side of the world, have their daily tasks to do and their own things to stress about, so would they really sacrifice their lives just for a cause they claim to support?
The second thing (which isn’t really a big thing) about this situation is that sometimes people just spam comments about “free Palestine” under celebrities’ posts which seems really out of place. You can raise your voice about what you believe is right, but is commenting on a random celebrity’s post about it the right place to do it? I know it’s to spread the message to other internet users instead, but it seems that it’s just building more trenches for comment section verbal wars. As the Kurzgesagt video that I linked above says, this way of being online has sort of broken us apart further because we kept clashing with internet users across the world who have opposing beliefs. If only we had a little platform where we only gather and grow as a like-minded community instead of inviting conflict all the time. 
I’m genuinely not here to blame anyone who has done any of the above before, I’m only expressing what I feel about the situation as a whole and not directing any anger to anyone. (And I’m also aware that the way the internet is, most of its users aren’t here to share their opinions—they only want their own opinions to come out of other people’s mouths. I assure you, that is not my goal in my blog and I’m only here to begin discussions and conversations here) If you’d like to express your opinion in the comments below, please do but keep your calm and don’t spread hate, please. I’d love to discuss anything in a civil manner if it helps me grow as a person. I may be wrong about all this, and maybe supporting campaigns and protests—maybe it is what it is, and nothing more. Sometimes I don’t have to find anything wrong with everything and rant about it lmao. (I’m literally contradicting myself but genuinely, I mean what I say. I’m not a 2-dimensional person with single-minded thoughts haha) 
Anyway, I think that’s it for the topic of this post. I feel like I’ve apologised a lot already in this post but I’ll say it again just in case, I really am sorry if you felt deeply offended or contradicted or emotionally hurt under this post. I’d thought of sharing this because I feel it’s maybe sort of an unpopular opinion out there in mainstream society, and, well, I only live this long so why not share something with the world and make my mark here? But most of all, if you’ve read this far, thank you so much from the bottom of my heart that you took your time to read this essay bomb lol. If you have any thoughts, please feel free to express them below so we can have a discussion! Thank you. 
Enjoy the rest of your day/night!! Peace and love ♡
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blackyuna · 11 months
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Stars Palette drawing rules:
use only 24 colors that represents each talent
no blending
just my thoughts just the cut
I was gonna post this without the link to my inspiration. But this morning I randomly found it!! It was a Hakka drawing by WhiSha on Twitter (it was just a WIP when I saw it). I normally would bookmark posts but for some reason I didn’t bookmark that drawing. I know I liked it but I have this habit of going on my Twitter likes and would unconsciously like it again, thus removing the like. It’s been months and I don’t even know if the artist tagged the drawing. But today I found it! Funny thing about Twitter, you can search posts made by a user if you go to their profile and use the search box on the page BUT this only works on mobile.
Initially, I was planning to do just a couple of drawings. The simplest one I think would be Miyabi and it didn’t take me long to draw it. It wasn’t good though, so I ended up redrawing it. I was gonna stop after Arurandeisu but I don’t know I just feel like doing more. I did stop drawing by May to draw other things. Then continued in the last half of September and drew the first three graduates. I guess I was somewhat still sad because of Magni and Vesper. I was gonna stop at that but just to make it look good as a post on Tumblr, I also drew Roberu.
Then I just continued until I realized, I only needed to draw a bit more and I would have drawn all 24 Holostars talents. So I just drew the rest..
I really don’t know what I was thinking. Whenever I draw, I would either listen to Magnus Archives or a true crime podcast. Surprisingly therapeutic honestly.
I had 2 rules when I started. First one is obvious, use only the 24 colors representing Holostars. There are official Hex codes (mainly for Rio and Tempus HQ) but the rest I based on the background of the talent profile from the Holostars Official website. For Kaoru and Suzaku, I came across the color codes on Twitter. But I do take advantage of the canvas color which is always white. I’d like to think the color white represents Yagoo or Daidou Shinove. And the last rule, no blending. I was thinking, when you blend there will be a new color in between.
I do make sure to try to incorporate all the colors, which would explain why the details on Bettel’s collar are colored differently. Of course I couldn’t do that for all the talents so I just drew stars on the empty space.
I used an app called Sketchbook. When drawing I mainly used one brush that draws the sharpest lines, nothing much to say about that.
There were a couple of drawings I was worried about which is why I drew them last. But along the way, I kind of figured out what to do. Not all of the drawings were perfect. And when I couldn’t figure out what to do, I just changed the color instead of staying faithful to the design. Of course I wanted to stay as close to the original design, sometimes it just doesn’t work.
One drawing that surprised me was the Magni drawing. I was substituting colors but Magni with blond hair (Temma’s color), just looks weird. It feels like looking at a Magni we haven’t met. But somehow I managed to make it look different using grey for hair shadows (Vesper’s color) and using the skin shadow color (Rikka’s color). Then make sure to have a clear but subtle divide between hair and skin color. I was avoiding outlining the drawing but sometimes I can’t avoid it.
There are also moments that I’m thinking of a pose that would fit the talent’s personality (like Shien, Shinri and Uyu), then regret it cause gloves are hard to color especially because all of their gloves are black! But I kept it, especially Shinri cause I really want to draw his blue hand.
I wanted to draw Oga right from the beginning since he is one of my kamioshi but then again I was hesitant since Oga’s color scheme is dark. Also out of all the Stars, his skin tone is darker and it doesn’t look right to suddenly give him a light skin tone just cause it's convenient. I was going back and forth with the skin tone, I was debating Rikka’s color or Shinri’s color for the skin tone. Though Shinri’s color is probably the closest, it’s way too dark. I also wanted to color the hair mainly Magni’s color but there is no other darker color to give his hair shadows. So I ended up using the darkest blue (Izuru’s color) as base for the hair and every single black piece of clothing. Of course the colors are quite different from the original but it actually looks nice.
I’m planning to post the clean version. If you have noticed, on the posts I made, it has the line art. But I haven’t decided if I should post the clean version on the post I already created or post 3 new image sets (having 8 drawings each) for the clean version.
Well I’m done! I’m definitely gonna try and draw some other things. If I feel like it. But since I’m also doing a drawing summary for this year, I will definitely draw a couple more before the year ends. Heck, maybe I’ll draw Yagoo.
If the links aren’t working, here are the URL you can copy paste: Rio debut: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kEmz1bLVUNk Tempus HQ debut: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jar19J3HXQY Color codes from Twitter: https://twitter.com/byongbyongbyong/status/1610860361745567745 Hakka WIP by Whisha: https://twitter.com/WhiSha_Sub/status/1643568245503324160 Hakka finished by Whisha: https://twitter.com/WhiSha_Sub/status/1643947160222695424
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onlygirlasia · 1 year
Best Apps Every Content Creator Should Know In 2023
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Content creation needs skills and creativity, but aside from that, using a content creator app can turn the tables in your favor. In addition, it will enhance the skills that you already possess. For example, you are a script writer and video editor but you have little to no experience in graphic design, in that scenario, you’re going to need a content app that will effortlessly create graphics.
Also, looking for the best content creation app for your business/content can sometimes be tricky. Following your social media marketing plan is your main focus and the list of such apps is usually lengthy. Choosing one that doesn’t suit your needs can lead you astray from your goal.
So if you ask me how you should pick the best apps to reach your marketing efforts, truth be told, there’s a handful of elements to consider. You should look for its features, the price, whether they have a mobile version or a desktop and what can it contribute to you as a content creator.
1. Grammarly
Grammarly can help you avoid typos when you create posts on social media, scripts for videos and podcasts, blogs, or other written content. It’s a content creator app that checks grammatical errors, incorrect punctuation, unnecessary words, and spelling.
Grammarly is free and you just have to log in to its website, paste your text and it will automatically show you the mistakes. Now if you want to get vocabulary and tone suggestions to better fit with various writing styles, then use the premium version. The current monthly plan is $30 but if you pay for a year, it’s only $144 (you can save up to 60%).
2. Canva
Canva is a famous app for graphic design and it gives you a ton of templates that are not limited to social media. You can generate content for Instagram and Facebook, or be sophisticated with posts on Twitter or even newsletters and email headers. Another good thing is that you can also create videos.
Furthermore, the best part about Canva is its user interface. The site is easy to navigate, even a beginner can smoothly access most of what Canva can offer. You can use Canva for free but if you want to access over 6 million pre-licensed 4K and HD video clips, and a 1TB storage limit, then subscribe to Canva Pro for only $14.99 per month.
3. AllHashtag
Hashtags started in 2007 and have become widely popular ever since because it’s being used on the web to help people find a particular topic. So basically it’s a phrase preceded by a hash symbol “#”. For instance, if you want to find the latest fashion trend on a particular platform, you just use the search bar and type #latestfashiontrend and it will show all results or if you see that hashtag somewhere, you can just click it and it will redirect you to a page with all related latest fashion trends.
Why am I explaining this, you might ask, it’s because hashtags can help the internet’s algorithm go to your profile whenever you use a specific hashtag. AllHashtag is a free website that suggests hashtags. It does not limit the number of hashtag searches and you need this as a content creator because the choice of hashtags can affect your content discoverability.
4. Snapseed
There are thousands of free mobile photo editing apps that do not have pro-level edits like tone curves, blemish removal, and selective editing. However, Snapseed has those features and it’s completely free. You don’t have to unlock anything and pay for a subscription, plus, it’s accessible for both Android and iOS users.
Furthermore, Snapseed supports RAW files, which means that content creators who use mirrorless cameras or DSLRs can transfer their pictures and edit them immediately.
5. InShot
If you need a content creator app that’s free, with beneficial features for trimming, splitting, and merging clips, and editing videos, InShot is the best option for you. It lets you adjust video brightness, saturation, and contrast. Also, you can be creative with the visuals using this app for it comes with a variety of unique filters and transition effects.
Equally important, InShot offers a huge selection of royalty-free music to go with your video. Use them as a background track or replace the sound from the original video, it’s up to you. You can also do voiceover and add narrations if you don’t like talking in front of the camera.
Start Your Content Creator Journey Now!
At OnlyGirlsAsia, you can get verified as a content creator in 15 minutes or less! Our platform is designed with every content creator in mind, so you can share your creativity freely and engage with your fans/subscribers in real-time with our mobile app. Earn up to 80% of your exclusive daily content if you sign up now!
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nahasticket · 2 years
Is the podcast app free
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Is the podcast app free trial#
Is the podcast app freeload#
Used to work great, mostly.and it devours data even when it doesn’t have access to it Please contact us at so we can help you with this and further investigate what is the issue that you are having. Hi Michta2, how are you? We are so sorry to hear you are having a bad experience with our app. I was just resigned to this weird buggy thing until I just checked up on that other podcast and it actually started playing the next ep right away without nannying and cajoling, and before it had downloaded the whole thing. I know my connection speed is slow, but it does this when I’m connected in other locations with better speeds. Then I have to go to the podcast’s page, scroll to find the last ep I’d listened to, hit play on THAT, then go to the one I just loaded and hit play on that.
Is the podcast app freeload#
I have to hit play for it to start loading the ep, wait a few secs for it to stop loading and say “error,” turn my wifi off and back on again, go back to the app, hit “play” again, and usually do that a few more times while I wait 5-10 min for it to download the entire episode. Most of the time, when one episode ends, it moves to the next episode and just stops. I thought maybe they’d changed that in an update, but I just went back and caught up on another podcast with 4 new eps since the last time I’d listened, and those DID start right off-when one episode ended, the next one would start playing after only a second or two. It just has a weird quirk where podcasts don’t automatically play the next episode. I have used the heck out of this app and it is mostly awesome. it didn’t really change my LIFE, but it’s AWESOME!! Works flawlessly, the ads aren’t bad (just a screen pop when you start, and the ads are appropriate), and they have all the podcasts I could think of! Oh and the best part is it’s organized by someone who actually listens to podcasts and wants to access them in a rational and easy way (unlike the iPhone podcast app that has become less and less user friendly with all the hoops you have to jump through to get where you want, which had me so frustrated I looked for an alternative, but soooo glad I did!!)! Love the picture tiles that you can see all your podcasts on one screen! There is an episode favorites section, more like a queue that you can add a lot more than one to and listen to them in whatever order you want even if they’re episodes from different podcasts! Seriously download this! This is the happiest I’ve ever been from an app download! And I don’t usually take the time to write reviews either, that’s how happy I am with this!!! And it’s FREE!
Is the podcast app free trial#
Any unused portion of a free trial period, if offered, will be forfeited when you purchase a subscription to that publication, where applicable. Subscription automatically renews unless auto-renew is turned off at least 24-hours before the end of the current period. Auto-renewal may be turned off at any time by going to your settings in the iTunes Store after purchase. Your account will be charged for renewal 24 hours prior to the end of the current period and will identify the cost of the renewal. The payment will be charged to your iTunes account at confirmation of purchase. * Access our entire library of curated Deep Dive Playlists Our free app is ad-supported, but includes visual ads only. * We won't forget about you-easily keep up with your favorite shows, pick up where you left off, and track your history and streaks in your personal profile. Start building your podcast collection and settle in. * Favorite what you find, or save for later. * Infinite personalized recommendations and "Best of" lists to help you find exactly what you want to listen to. * Search any person, topic, sport, mood, and more to discover millions of the most popular and up-and-coming shows waiting for you. We provide the tools to take your time back and make the world of podcasts your own. Once you’re listening, pick up where you left off, speed it up or rewind 10 seconds and track your listening history. With endless personalized recommendations, interest categories, and our powerful search and filters, it’s easy to discover the perfect show or episode for your mood. Start feeding all of your interests from news and comedy to true crime, sports and infinitely more.įind something new to listen to in less than 10 seconds. Sharpen up in your downtime with free and easy access to millions of shows. Get millions of podcasts at your fingertips and any curiosity on-demand, only on Podcast App: the #1 most downloaded podcast app in The App Store.
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incarnateirony · 3 years
Jared and Jensen were both A minus on social blade. Misha and Gen were both B plus. Jared has now slipped to B plus. Does that grading matter, how is it calculated and who uses it? It seems strange to see him out of sync with Jensen, especially as he is the bigger social media user.
This is what I mean by the fact that Jared's been slipping, like it's not something I'm just *saying*, every form of metrics is betraying it.
Social blade calculates a variety of things--account size, tweet "quality"-- engagement (RTs, likes), comments, then maths together what tier the profile is at. Jared's engagement has been on the decline for a while, but most starkly since after Guttedgate, where you can see his IG and twitter followings go into Vfib, substantially downing his gain rate. Accounts of that size generally gain a fuckton just by being suggested by interest and clicked on.
Jensen is the one that not just maintained his presence entirely, post-SPN, but continued a northbound ascent in his engagement and following. Jared and Misha have become about follower on inbound gain, but Misha's started to pull ahead very VERY slowly, on things like his baseline engagement. The reason this isn't more complete/normal is he does a lot more random posting/replying, less "only big media posts". Even Jared's livetweeting barely counts in that vein, because the same people are trying to push it over and over again (which causes a spam repetition devaluation over time).
Beyond that, it's becoming a rare week Jared breaks the top 1300 on IMDB. He first *started* to dip into this fairly routinely, but that "routinely" part has become more frequent. Barring the inevitable buzz of SPN ending or walker premiering, this is just... the norm now. Whereas Jensen retains a *base* of at least that while releasing *nothing*, spikes for breathing, and my GOD what happens when he actually releases content. The Inside Of You podcast releases and jensen bounces 500+ ranks from the 800s to 302. Sometimes he just randomly spikes up like that for no good reason beyond being Jensen.
Misha always had lower imdb value, but at the same time, gained MUH MORE over his time at SPN. The J2s started at... well about the same numbers in recognition Jared's at now, Jared and Jensen were both around there or a little above at the time. Jared's a little down from there 15 years later, Jensen's considerably up.
Misha was in the 10,000 range before SPN, instantly jacked into the top 1000, rode towards the top 500 a few times, and then like the other guys as SPN aged lost some of that value the same as them, but what's interesting is his name search spiked not just with the finale but with the long road home even without being there, then again ofc with other projects like Bridgewater but overall--beyond finale hype decline they've all had, Misha's... maintained what he gained from SPN.
He's got the same recognition and search now that he had back in season 14 with the premiere. Jared, also, is at the same place as with the S14 premiere, but that's... actually kind of weird? Bc he was releasing content this whole time, facing on a show, announcing spinoffs and everything else, whereas Misha occasionally fed his pigeons crumbs until roadfood hit? And Misha's held through that period.
Jensen, on the other hand, clocked around 800 during the S14 premiere and squeaked into the top 500 once during the season. But since SPN resumed post-covid, Jensen hasn't really meaningfully been below the top 600, like period. He's been in the top 200 several chunks of weeks, or at least top 500 most in between. Some of his longest dry spells still kept him above 600. End of last year he was so quiet he dropped to a whole like, Top 1000, for like... a few weeks. Now he's 302 again.
Whereas the Walker S1 finale is the only time Jared broke the top 1000 all year. He's happy to stay in the 1500 line and sometimes drops under 2000. There's been a few weeks he almost hit the 3000s.
This is just. The Way Things Are Now. And if courses don't change dramatically, it's about to get worse. Misha's stable, Jensen's booming for breathing, and Jared is lashing out, playing at catch up and pretending he was there all along and just... idk man. It's kinda sad but it's a Reap What You Sow thing. At this point his fans shrieking in the background calling this "hate" are full on in reality denial and the longer they continue to encourage this behavior the more disappointed they're gonna be in a handful of years. So honestly just... irrelevant white noise from them on all of this.
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blazehedgehog · 4 years
Sorry to ask this, but what are your thoughts on Dunky's "I'm Done Making Good Videos" with regards to content you aspire to author vs what the average joe actually searches for
I don’t know if I’m the best person to be asking this, really.
Let’s get fully inside baseball here. Let’s pull the curtain all the way back. Actually, let’s burn down the curtain. I’m going to overshare like hell right now. Get ready for the most stream-of-consciousness rambling ever, because a lot of this has been boiling in my head and dying to get out.
For the entirety of my Youtube channel, I’ve pretty much only ever done what I want to do. Very rarely do I chase trends, or do what’s hot, or even do what people want me to do. I do whatever I feel like doing.
I have paid the price for that. My Youtube channel is 15 years old as of this year, and only now am I slowly inching towards 25,000 subscribers. I am incredibly inconsistent. What’s my channel post? Well, a couple times a year, maybe I put together an edited essay/review for a game. But I also sometimes post random, unedited, uncommentated gameplay footage. Maybe it’s a fan game, maybe it’s a gameplay demo, maybe it’s Fortnite. Sometimes, I also post remastered video game music. Every Halloween, I dump a bunch of one-off horror Let’s Plays on to my channel. And then, there’s the podcast.
I know exactly what my problems are. I don’t specialize enough, and I don’t put content out fast enough. Because most Youtube channels are, like, “shows”, right. The Did You Know Gaming show. The Markiplier show. The Angry Video Game Nerd show. And you can point at those and say exactly what they are in two sentences or less.
Did You Know Gaming specializes in informative videos uncovering obscure facts you might not know about popular video games.
Markiplier is a Youtuber that does Let’s Play videos for video games, primarily horror games, but he also focuses on general comedy skits and things of that nature.
The Angry Video Game Nerd is about one guy’s over the top reactions to bad video games.
What does BlazeHedgehog do? Well, he does a lot of Sonic fan content, but sometimes he does horror let’s plays, and sometimes he does multiplayer compilation videos sort of like Criken, but he also does music, and sometimes he makes video games and puts out videos of that, and in general he’s really low energy and sometimes there will be three or four weeks between uploads. Also he sounds like Booger from Revenge of the Nerds Snot from Family Guy (apparently).
If you come to my channel for something specific, you have to put up with everything else I upload. I could start separate channels for that content, but the barrier to entry on Youtube is so massive now that I would effectively sending those channels to their death. Videos that get 200-500 views on my main channel would get 10 views or less if they were on their own self-contained alt-channel.
So I languish. I struggle. I suffer. Youtube shows me red down arrows to tell me just how much worse I’m doing now than my last flash-in-the-pan success.
I’ve tried to chase success. It just makes me sad. I have a sense of humor, but I don’t think I can make “funny videos” like some people can. My Sonic 06 glitch video did gangbusters ten years ago, but I don’t often like kicking games when they’re down. It was a struggle to make that Sonic Boom glitch montage and that’s the reason I never followed through with Part 2 like I said I would.
My only wish is that people appreciate honesty. My Youtube channel might be a scattered mess, but that’s who I am. And more than anything, I think that’s what Dunkey’s video was about. His whole joke was about switching from thoughtful or funny videos to becoming a content farm for whatever is currently popular.
I’ve brought it up a few times here and there over the last few months, but I’ve had several brushes with the Fortnite side of Youtube recently. And there are so many dudes over there who are what I would generously call “grifters.” I follow Hypex on Twitter and routinely check Firemonkey and ShiinaBR because they datamine future Fortnite updates and often have the scoop days, weeks or sometimes months in advance.
Near the end of season 3, all three of them mentioned they had datamined “the next season” but wouldn’t say what it was because they didn’t want to spoil what was coming (the marvel season). They mentioned there were “others out there” that were spoiling things, but wouldn’t say who. I wanted to spoil myself, so I turned to Youtube.
And Youtube was a nightmare. Over and over and over, I would encounter tons of people downright thriving on the same grift. It’s an open secret that Youtube prioritizes longer videos, so if your video is under ten minutes (or I think now 8 minutes), the algorithm isn’t going to be as nice to you and won’t promote your video as well, and you aren’t going to get as much advertising money because fewer people are going to sit through a video advertisement that’s a quarter of your video’s entire length. Longer videos are more profitable for Youtube, and by extension, for the user uploading them.
So it was video after video of these guys making big bold claims about how they had all the answers on what the next season of Fortnite was, and you’re thinking, “oh wow, it’s a 17 minute video, they’re going to spoil everything!”
You load the video up and it’s some guy in his streamer man cave, he’s got his webcam on, and he loads in to a match of Fortnite with his squad. Keep in mind, this video was pitched as a news report of sorts, a big spoiling of future content... and it’s just a guy playing Fortnite with a crew. In the few seconds between matches as he queues for the next one, he stops to deliver a single shred of information, most of which start with “Hypex said...”
The one thing you came to this video for and it’s scattered like breadcrumbs across a 17 minute video of a guy just playing normal matches Fortnite to fill time. It’s not information they acquired for themselves, they all just regurgitate what Hypex said, or what other channels reported Hypex saying. 17 minutes of padding for scraps of second-hand leaks. And I found dozens of these channels, all repeating the same format, all repeating the same specks of leaked information, and all of them had 150,000 to 200,000 views on each of their videos in less than 24 hours. That’s hundreds of dollars per video on a format to scam the system.
But that’s a content farm. Those dudes are vultures. I have a hard time believing their hearts are really in it. I know it’s not a term that’s really in vogue anymore, but I see that as “selling out.” They know what they are doing and it’s to make money, not to make a community better. I mean, one of those videos was a guy who was reading Marvel comic hero profiles off of Wikipedia because it sounded like he literally did not know who guys like Iron Man, Thor and Wolverine even were. How are you in touch enough with pop culture that you’re cranking out factory-fresh Fortnite content for Youtube but you don’t know who Thor is? Answer: because you don’t really care and you’re in it for the money. Gotta hit that 15 minute threshold and put in six mid-roll ad breaks.
I could be that guy. That’s kind of what I was hoping “This Kinda Sucks” would turn in to, which would be sort of a rant video series like The Jimquisition or something. But I did not have the interest or energy to keep that up. So you get a playlist with two videos on it.
I’m sure Dunkey was just funnin’ around. Dude has 6 million subscribers. But for me, like... what he said in the video is mostly true. Following your heart and making thoughtful content you are personally interested in won’t pay the bills. I mean, as I predicted, that Jurassic Park video launched to the sound of crickets chirping. My most hardcore fans and a few curious onlookers checked it out but that was it. I’ve been working on that video since August, and it’s something my viewer base did not care about. But I cared about it, and that’s important for the long-run, I think.
The other problem, sort of a disconnect, is that I’m lucky to be in the position I’m in. I think guys like Dunkey probably make all of their money from places like Youtube and Twitch and Patreon and that’s their career. That work pays all of their bills.
My work does not pay my bills. Or it does, but it’s not enough to pay all of my bills. I am lucky enough right now that I am in a living situation where I can make fractions of money in intermittent spurts. That won’t always be the case. But for now, I get to be honest, and I get to follow my heart in whatever random, chaotic direction it feels like going that particular day. Dunkey faces a different sort of pressure than I do.
All of this is to say I have no idea what I’m doing, I guess. I make the content I want to see.
That being said, I increasingly think about something I heard Woolie say early on when he went solo for his WoolieVS channel, and that was the idea of “One for you, one for me, one for us.”
Because I’ve had more than one friend burn out doing, like, Twitch streams and stuff. You hear about Youtubers who get sick of being shackled to new releases or whatever’s popular. At some point these people wake up and realize they’ve had this struggle, maybe made some money in the process, but they’re miserable because they don’t get to do what they want to do. They’re always being pushed forward by the fans that are behind them.
The “One for you, one for me, one for us” mantra does at least keep you a little more sane. Balance in all things, right? So that Jurassic Park video, it can flop. It’d be nice if it didn’t flop, given what time of the year it is, but it’s a video for me. I have other video ideas in the chamber that I know will be for my audience, or “for us.”
I just have to stay true to myself, and to my messy brain.
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liskantope · 4 years
Hopefully this will be my last-ever post complaining about what someone said on social media, because current events are simmering down and once they’ve reached a moderate enough hum I’m going to redouble my previous efforts to stay away from it. But the particular interaction I’m going to describe seems to have furthered my progress slightly in understanding why so many people shout their views in the way that they do and how I should learn to better accept it.
One of my “closest” Facebook friends for over a decade, whose life’s passion nowadays revolves around anti-racist work (mainly in childhood education; she is white) posted a few hours after Biden’s victory was officially called last Saturday to preach that white Biden-voters shouldn’t claim any of the credit for his victory because it was BIPOC and particularly black women who carried this election (her justification for why they “carried us” was that as a demographic group most of them voted for Biden while as a demographic group a majority of white people voted for Trump), and that nothing will be better now except for who is in the White House because “whiteness and white supremacy have not disappeared” and that “your” responsibility is not diminished and “you” are not absolved as a good white person. She ended with an exhortation to bow down and “bend your knees” to BIPOC for “saving our asses”.
(Just realized looking back at her post to write this one that the phrasing was not “bend the knee” as I repeatedly misread at the time, assuming that it was a direct reference to Game of Thrones of which I know she’s a fan, and having recently listened to this insightful 8-minute Sam Harris podcast episode which used the phrase. This is slightly unfortunate since it was the obnoxiousness of that particular phrasing which tipped me over to acting against my better judgment in not just ignoring this like I have with so many dozens of other statements. I still find it obnoxious, though, and sanctimonious, and terrible messaging, and using poor arguments about causation, and reflecting an insistence on viewing as much as possible in terms of race at all times, and the epitome of identity politics.)
So yeah, after waiting a couple of days, I broke my usual silence and wrote a very polite but argumentative response that turned out to be enough paragraphs to make me feel a little embarrassed that I would take that much of my time on it. I knew there was virtually no chance of convincing her of anything substantial, but I figured just maybe some insight into how foreign and alienating this “you are responsible for what everyone of your color does and are never good enough and have to kneel in deference to those of a color which is” messaging is bound to be to anyone who’s less in an academic bubble than we are (which is, like, most people). I made the point that individual BIPOC didn’t contribute any more than individual white people did to Biden’s victory and that if we’re going to judge blocs of voters according to race we should be blaming Cuban-Americans for Biden’s loss in Florida, and that in fact Trump gained votes from among BIPOC and lost white male votes since four years ago. I wrote that implying that the only salient feature of us individuals is race is exactly what people complain about when they use the term “identity politics” and that the results of this election suggest that maybe we’re doing something wrong with our messaging.
It wasn’t a disaster. I got a very cordial response which completely avoided ad hominem and at least engaged the points I had made while clarifying her views. I didn’t find the supposed rebuttals of my points at all convincing, of course. For instance, my complaint about treating individual voters as merely people of a certain color was met with “It’s important in anti-racist scholarship to be able to analyze demographic trends in terms of race” (I would... never disagree with this?) and that focusing on individuals allows people to only look at their own actions and those of their friends and feel too good about themselves. She also expressed skepticism about my statistics about where Trump gained/lost support, which I was able to back up with a quick Google search which pulled up a Vox article among others (I thought it was only the insufficiently committed white liberals like me who sucked at Googling?). But her own views, while still resting on axioms I fundamentally differ on, just sounded a lot more reasonable when restated? E.g. “Moments like this shouldn’t be centered on whiteness” and “the ‘good white liberals’ should be aware that they aren’t as a big of a demographic in our race as they should be” (I don’t know any white liberal who would disagree or who doesn’t realize that white people vote majority Republican or is okay with that?) and that the bowing and bending the knee was not “a literal statement” but simply meant to convey that we should greatly respect how BIPOC voters contribute. She ended with providing a long list of anti-racist activists (the only one of whom I’m familiar with is Ally Henny, who I mainly remember for statements about how I’m encased in so many layers of racism that I would never be able to peel them off if I spent my whole lifetime doing nothing but trying) as a “starting point” of study.
I replied thanking her for pointing me to sources and agreeing with her implication that I should read more with a mind towards understanding what they’re saying before spouting off any more opinions. (Guess I have to make good on that promise now.) I made clear that I see a difference between her restatements and the way she worded things in her original post and suggested that some of this might even be on me for interpreting these kinds of posts more as logical arguments when they should be understood in a slightly more poetic manner. I gently gestured towards my suspicion that the current scholarship in this area might reflect a university culture (which I am very much a part of) more than the concrete priorities and concerns of the majority of people of color, although I’m in no position to positively claim anything about this. I got no response.
Anyway, in writing my last response, a little more clicked into place for me about a different lens through which I should process all the behavior that drives me nuts in a written context online (I mainly mean social media but am being even broader than that). This is going to sound condescending but ironically it might help me to have a less condescending attitude?
The fact is -- and I just have to accept this -- that making efforts to be nuanced and to “meet people who disagree where they are at” and to aim for the truth but no farther than the truth are simply not highly-valued principles for most people (social media -users and otherwise). They may kinda-sorta agree in the abstract with these principles, but in practice they hold a much lower status than the principles of conveying anger and strong words as a sign of commitment towards Fighting Evil. Some people I know do have an “argumentation value system” closer to mine, and I know who those people are -- it really shows in what they write online. But those people are a fairly small minority.
And this alien “argumentation value system” isn’t something that really shows in casual real-life interactions very plainly at all (which of course is what almost all human interactions were up until 10-15 years ago), while in contrast social media is an environment that augments its effect.
The sooner I accept this, the more moderation I’ll be able to manage in my negative reactions. I can remind myself that there’s less fundamental disagreement on most actual issues between me and the people I know: we instead disagree on a sort of meta-level issue of how one’s views should be presented. And that issue, taken by itself, seems somehow like something more minor. I wrote a few months ago about how knowing what so many people in my life write publicly oftentimes interferes with my capacity to view them as potential intimate friends/partners. Maybe I can be a little more accepting when I recognize that the things they write which turn me off perhaps don’t come from a place of such irrationality as I thought, that the differences in our ways of thinking might not be quite so fundamental (although this differing system of values for argumentation still strikes me as something that could badly affect a marriage, say). And in the practical short term, I can ignore things that bother me more easily in the future -- instead of feeling like I’m on a tilted playing field where everyone else gets to vent without inhibition while I have to carefully monitor and qualify everything I say, I can try to just round a lot of this off in terms of different preferred writing styles and somehow that bothers me less?
A similar underlying principle holds for the things that annoy me on dating profiles, what with the collective obsession with dogs and boasts of being “fluent in sarcasm” and so on. This probably doesn’t reflect much about the way the creators of these profiles actually are as humans in real life. Not that many single women really view their dogs as the most interesting thing that ever was or will be about their lives. They just choose to have a certain style of exposition about themselves because of peculiarities of the environment of online dating sites/apps, where showing enthusiasm and individuality in some way seems to pay and the topic of dogs would seem like a pretty safe place to direct this performed enthusiasm. Doesn’t mean that it doesn’t demonstrate some aspect of incompatibility with me or that I’m not going to be more instantly attracted to those with profiles that have more refreshing things to say than stuff about how amazing dogs are or of those who *gasp* actually prefer cats or *deeper gasp* prefer not to have pets at all. But it means that I can read the dogs-and-sarcasm-enthusiast profiles a little more charitably maybe?
This slightly altered mindset is a far from perfect solution, but I think it helps. A lasting three-quarters-of-the-way disconnect from social media entirely still needs to be a goal at this point.
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crafxstudio · 4 years
The 6 Best Social Media Platforms For Your Business in 2021
Some of the best social media platforms for business, like Facebook and Instagram, have become essential tools in the modern marketer’s toolbox.
More and more consumers are using these channels to find new companies and engage with their favourite brands. However, most companies can’t be everywhere at once, especially small businesses with tight marketing budgets. That’s why it’s vital for businesses to be strategic about which social media platforms they work to build a presence on.
The key to successful social media marketing will be choosing the best social media platform for your business. This is based on a number of factors, including the type of business you have, what audience you are trying to reach, your specific goals, and much more.
Below, we’ve put together a quick and simple guide to choosing the best social media for business in the new year.
1. Facebook
2. Instagram
3. LinkedIn
4. Twitter
5. Pinterest
6. YouTube
How to Choose the Best Social Media Platforms for Your Business
Before we start listing the best social media platforms, it is important that you know we curate such content often connect with us for more!
Here are the 3 biggest things you need to keep in mind.
#1 Choose Social Media Platforms Where Your Audience is Located
In order to choose the best social media platforms for your business, you need to understand your customers. Specifically, you need to understand who they are and how they spend their time online.
Ask yourself:
• What social media platforms are they using?
• Why are they using those social media platforms?
• How do they prefer to receive information about your type of products and services?
If you do not already know this, then we recommend mapping out a customer avatar first.
A customer avatar is simply an outline of your customer demographics, goals, preferences, challenges, and other psychographics.
The more you understand your customer, the better you can select the best social media platforms to reach and engage them.
#2 Choose Social Media Platforms That are Specific to Your Content Type
There are two types of content – macro content and micro content.
Macro-content is BIG-picture, long-form content. The 3 different types of macro content consists of Video, Audio, and Written content.
Therefore, if you have macro content, the best social media platforms to publish that content would be YouTube for video content, Apple Podcasts for Audio, and WordPress for long-form blog content.
Micro-content, on the other hand, is short-form, easy to digest content. Think of micro-content like the pictures you find on your Instagram feeds while you’re scrolling, or short witty tweets on Twitter.
Now, there are several different types of micro-content social media channels, like Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, and so on.
So, in order to choose the best social media platforms for your business, you need to pick the ones where your audience is located.
Also, when it comes to Macro vs Micro content, you should keep in mind that Macro content has a much longer shelf-life than Micro content.
For example, a single blog post that we published has been generating 300-400 views per day at LYFE Marketing.
If people continued to search for that all year, that single blog post would drive over 100,000 views in 1-year’s time.
Whereas a single Instagram post would be here today and gone and forgotten tomorrow. But at the same time, this content is much easier to create and push-out on a consistent basis.
So keep this in mind as your choose which social media platforms you want to specialize in.
#3 Limit the Number of Social Media Platforms You Choose to be On
Don’t spread yourself too thin by trying to be on every single social media platform that exists.
Each social media platform is like an art. You should master the art of 1-2 social media platforms before you consider adding more to your strategy.
It’s not necessary to be on every platform in the world. Facebook has 2 billion users. Instagram has 1 billion users. If you can do just one of these platforms very well, then you can have astronomical business results.
It takes a lot of work and money to develop a successful presence on these social media platforms. It’s not as simple as setting up a profile and pressing “publish” on a post.
No, in most cases, you will need to set aside some money to promote your content. In addition, you’ll need to review the analytics to determine if your content is effective or not.
So in short, as a small business with a limited budget, put all of your eggs in 1 or 2 baskets max to start. Then, consider expanding into other channels.
Alright, so that’s the criteria you need to keep in mind as you select the best social media platforms for your business.
Now, let’s go over some specific platforms to help you choose the best platforms for your business.
Here are the Best Social Media Platforms for Business
Platform #1: Facebook
Facebook is not the newest and coolest social media platform.
But the fact is that it is still the largest social media platform by far in terms of users.
It has over 2 billion monthly active users!
To know more about this in depth join our page!
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3/4 of Facebook users visit the site on a daily basis. Half of Facebook users visit the site several times per day.
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Oh and if you thought teenagers aren’t using Facebook, think again. Over half of teenagers use Facebook. And nearly half of people above the age 46 use Facebook!
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A better question would be, who doesn’t use Facebook?
Here’s a counterargument we hear a lot from our clients.
“I am targeting a high-income, highly educated, professional affluent audience. I don’t want to advertise on Facebook. How about LinkedIn?”
Well here’s the truth – According to Pew Research, 74% of people who have college degrees and are making above $75,000 per year have Facebook accounts. Only 49% of people making over $75,000 per year have LinkedIn accounts.
It doesn’t matter what you’re selling, .
Best Features for Your Business
In addition to providing you the ability to connect with a great number of people from diverse backgrounds, there are a few unique features that Facebook can offer your business. What makes Facebook one of the best social media platforms for business is its digital advertising program . With Facebook ads, you are able to target those who are most likely willing and ready to purchase your products or services. This ensures that your business gets your ad content in front of the right users at the right time.
Another reason why Facebook is one of the best social media platforms for business is their e-commerce integration. Facebook makes it easy for users to purchase from your company through the social media platform. Making a purchase is as easy as clicking one button. Now that Facebook has allowed brands to interact with customers through Facebook, you can also provide shipping updates and other order notifications through the Facebook platform as well!
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Here you can see just how easy it is for users to shop on Facebook, save items they are interested in, and head straight to the company’s website to make a final purchase.
Platform #2: Instagram
Instagram is another platform that feels like it’s non-negotiable.
Maybe it’s because it’s owned by Facebook, or maybe it’s because it also has another 1 billion users.
To determine if Instagram will be one of the best social media platforms for your business, let’s look at the demographics.
If you’re targeting a younger demographic, Instagram will be great for you.
72% of all teenagers use Instagram and 67% of all young adults under the age of 30 use Instagram.
You will also find about half of the people under the age of 50 years old on Instagram, and even a quarter of people between the ages of 50-65 on Instagram.
Because of the younger demographic of Instagram users, there are fewer users with college education and high income compared to Facebook.
Only 43% of people with college degrees use Instagram, and only 42% of high-income earners use Instagram on a daily basis.
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Because of the younger demographic of Instagram users, there are fewer users with college education and high income compared to Facebook.
Only 43% of people with college degrees use Instagram, and only 42% of high-income earners use Instagram on a daily basis.
Because of this, some professionals believe that while Instagram is an exciting platform, you will often find yourself competing for “cheap attention”.
Basically, people are mindlessly scrolling on Instagram and in order to be successful, you’re going to have to be very engaging to capture people’s attention.
Ultimately, Instagram is a great platform to reach consumers at large, but it may not contain the most sophisticated audience for specific industries, like engineering or information technology, for example.
Best Features for Your Business
Instagram’s unique social media platform can provide some powerful benefits for your business. One of the best benefits of Instagram is that it allows you to tell your brand’s story with unique and engaging visual content. Unlike other social media platforms, Instagram is heavily focused on visuals, both images and video. No matter what industry your company is in, you can use Instagram to showcase your products and tell your brand story in a way that’s visually appealing.
One interesting feature that can be useful is Instagram stories. With Instagram stories, you can take live video and share it with all of your followers. With this feature, you can easily provide behind-the-scenes footage of your business and share important news and updates with your followers.
Like Facebook, Instagram also allows you to message users directly. This can be a great tool for customer service. For instance, if a consumer finds you on Instagram and has a question about your products or services, they no longer have to navigate to your website or pick up the phone to ask. Instead, they can direct message you through Instagram, which allows you to answer questions and address concerns instantly. If this excites you, Instagram may be your best social media platform for business.
Platform #3: LinkedIn
LinkedIn got its start as a business and employment-based social media platform.
It’s full of professionals across a wide-spectrum of industries, especially B2B companies.
LinkedIn currently boasts just over 300 million users are active on a monthly basis.
So, in terms of audience size, it’s 4x smaller than Facebook, and 2x smaller than Instagram.
However, this fact is actually correlated with a major strength behind LinkedIn – it’s news feed.
Because LinkedIn’s newsfeed is not as competitive as other giants like Facebook and Instagram, businesses are able to reach more of their connections and followers without paying for advertisements.
For context here, because Facebook and Instagram news feeds are so crowded, they rely on specific algorithms and rules to determine if they will actually show your content to your followers.
I know, crazy right? I mean, you’d think that people who chose to follow you would automatically see your content. But no, it simply increases their chances of seeing your content on those platforms.
Anyway, the cool thing about LinkedIn is that it is not as stingy with its news feed. Not yet anyway. Which provides businesses and professionals an opportunity to build massive awareness and engagement on their platform.
Now regarding LinkedIn’s demographics, here are some noteworthy things.
LinkedIn is mostly used by professionals between the ages of 30-49 years of age. However, about a quarter of professionals above the age of 18-29, which I’d really say 22-29 use LinkedIn. As well as another quarter of people between the ages of 50-64 that use LinkedIn on a daily basis.
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As mentioned earlier, LinkedIn does have a high-income audience. About half of people making over $75,000/year use LinkedIn on a regular basis.
In addition, about half of people with college degrees use LinkedIn on a regular basis, probably searching for their next job opportunity or seeking to consume professional content.
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Best Features for Your Business
One of the best qualities of LinkedIn is that audiences on this social media platform are business-minded. This means that they are often open to networking opportunities and hearing about ways to improve the way they work or make their job easier. This provides an excellent opportunity for B2B brands that would like to connect with business decision-makers across different industries.
Another feature that makes LinkedIn one of the best social media platforms are the digital advertising opportunities. Though digital ads on LinkedIn may be more expensive than ads on Facebook, this ad opportunity allows B2B brands to reach individuals from the specific industries that they are targeting. Similarly, LinkedIn allows you to deliver ad content to those with the job roles that are involved with making purchasing decisions related to a company’s B2B offering.
LinkedIn also has groups that users can join and participate in based on their industry, job function, or career interests. This provides an excellent opportunity for brands to drive real engagement with influencers and decision makers across different industries.
Ultimately, if you serve businesses or professionals, then Linkedin Marketing should definitely be in the running as a top-contender for social media platforms to choose for your business.
Platform #4: Twitter
With an average of about 330 million active Twitter users worldwide, this channel is yet another one of the best social media platforms.
Twitter is a real-time social media platform. It’s like sending text messages to the whole world.
And it’s one of the only social media platforms where you don’t necessarily have to a bunch of videos or photos to stand-out.
Tweets can be up to 280 characters, which allows you the ability to craft a short, sharp, and concise message.
And because it’s limited in characters, it forces you to be creative with what you have to actually say.
So what are the hard stats on Twitter? Here they are:
Twitter has over 330 million active users, so about the same as LinkedIn and once again nowhere near Facebook and Instagram.
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In terms of age, Twitter’s biggest demographic consists of people between the ages of 18-29. 38% of people in their category actively use Twitter, and surprisingly 32% of all teenagers use Twitter as well. You can also find about 26% of its users between the ages of 30-49.
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In terms of income and education, Twitter is not the highest on our list here. Only 32% of high-earners use Twitter regularly, and likewise, only 32% of people with college degrees use Twitter regularly.
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Best Features for Your Business
When it comes to Twitter, there are a few valuable features that may help it qualify to be one of the best social media platforms for business. Brands can use Twitter to reach and engage their audience. Hashtags allow you to follow and participate in conversations about trending topics in your industry. You can use hashtags to reach new audiences who might be interested in your content. Your brand can also take advantage of topics that are trending to expand your reach.
Twitter also offers advertising opportunities for companies that want to deliver digital ads to their target customers on the social media platform. They have multiple options for ad formats, depending on your unique digital advertising goals. You can promote your account, which will show up in the left column or promote a tweet from your brand, which will appear in the user’s Twitter feed. There is also the option to promote a certain trend that your company may be using to start a conversation among target users.
It’s also worth noting that Twitter is well-known for its search engine. Twitter’s search engine gets over 2 billion search queries per day, which may also help your demographic find your business while it’s searching for specific keywords and content.
Platform #5: Pinterest
Pinterest is a great social media platform with major search engine capabilities.
Most people use Pinterest to find inspiration or helpful content. For example, if you wanted to try a new cooking recipe, you could jump use Pinterest to find a food you’re interested in cooking.
While this is just an example, it’s really how most people use Pinterest. Pinterest is full of home decor, fashion, food, and most importantly, shopping.
Now, here are the stats.
Pinterest has over 322 million monthly active users.
And here’s a new stat we haven’t talked about on gender. Pinterest is mostly used by woman. In fact, there are 3x more women on Pinterest than men.
This shouldn’t concern you if your business fits. When it comes to purchasing decisions around fashion, home decor, and so on, women are the normally the predominant decision makers.
This is backed by the high-income profile that Pinterest has. 41% of people with high incomes use Pinterest on a regular basis.
And 38% of people with college degrees use Pinterest as well.
So if your business primarily targets consumers, especially women, then Pinterest is a hard platform to avoid.
Best Features for Your Business
One of the greatest aspects of Pinterest is that it has a significant reach among women across different demographics, including age, income, education level, and location.
This makes it the perfect platform for any brand with products or services that are targeting women. The image-focus of the platform also makes it ideal for brands in the fashion, home décor, art, food, or fitness industries.
The Pinterest Buy Button makes it easier than ever to sell products directly from your Pinterest page. Users can now conveniently search and pin products on Pinterest, and then, with the click of a button, they can add their favourite items to their shopping bag. This feature makes Pinterest another way for brands to gain visibility and increase sales.
Platform #6: YouTube
Last but not least, YouTube.
YouTube is arguably the best social media platform that exists.
For one, over 1.9 billion people use YouTube on a regular basis. This puts YouTube above Instagram and almost eye-to-eye with Facebook in terms of usage.
But not only is YouTube widely used, but it is also the 2nd largest search engine behind no other than Google.
So not only do you have the ability to reach a broad audience, but you are also able to reach people searching for you.
If we add all of this to the simple fact that video is the most preferred type of media amongst consumers, then YouTube becomes even harder to avoid.
So we have…
• Roughly 2 billion people use YouTube
• You can reach people searching for your content
• Video is the most preferred media format today
Then, what could possibly be wrong with YouTube?
Well, nothing is fundamentally wrong with it. But it takes a ton of work to get it work.
Not only do you need content, but you need an entire video setup with a camera, lighting, microphones and video editing.
YouTube is very effective, but production can be quite expensive if you want to stand out.
With that said, let’s look at some YouTube stats.
In terms of age, people of all ages use YouTube. 85% of teenagers and even 38% of people over the age of 65.
In terms of income, YouTube is heavily used by high-income search engine optimization individuals. 83% of people earning over $75K a year use YouTube regularly.
The same is true for education. 80% of people with college degrees use YouTube.
So in terms of the benefits of YouTube, is arguably the best social media platform for businesses. However, again, there is an astronomical amount of work involved to produce video after to video in order to be successful.
Best Features for Your Business
Perhaps the greatest perk of YouTube is that it allows brands to access an unlimited amount of video hosting. This makes it an affordable way for businesses to publish video content that can drive more engagement and influence conversions. YouTube content can also be easily integrated onto your website or shared on other social media platforms for greater reach.
Not only does YouTube allow you to reach a wide audience of viewers across the globe, but it can also help with your The content that you post on your brand’s YouTube channel is searchable in both YouTube and Google.
That means that Google may just serve your Youtube video content in its search engine results page for keywords that you are trying to target. Remember, it’s important to make sure that your Youtube videos are optimized if you want to get the most out of this helpful feature.
Need Help with Your Social Media Marketing?
Still not sure which channels are the best social media platforms for your business? That’s where we come in. Our social media knows just what it takes to help you grow your brand online. Through our social media we will help you plan and implement a social media management strategy that allows you to develop your brand awareness, build relationships, and increase website exposure through the social media that are right for your business.
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cindylouwho-2 · 4 years
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Welcome to my latest summary of recent ecommerce news, resources & studies including search, analytics, content marketing, social media & Etsy! This covers articles, podcasts, videos and infographics I came across since the late June report, although some may be older than that.
I‘m still working on Etsy search testing and a few new blog posts and pages for my website, so it is still difficult for me to get this summary out more than 1-2 times a month. All suggestions on solutions to my time crunch are welcome. 
If you have an questions, comments or suggestions about my Tumblr or my blog, please contact me here or on my website. I’d love to know what you think! 
Latest change from Google: the free Google Shopping listings will now show up in US organic search as part of product knowledge panels. Unfortunately, since they are only doing this for product knowledge panels to begin with, it likely won't help handmade sellers, but could be useful to sellers of vintage & supply items that are known products that will have a knowledge panel. It may be a sign that they are planning on moving free ads to more Google "surfaces" over time, however. Note that it appears that all product knowledge panel ads will be free starting this summer (US only), so that means that any Etsy paid ads for these types of items will become free ads that you won't have to pay EOA fees on if you get a sale. Google claims the free ads are bringing more searcher engagement to Shopping.  
Amazon announced they will begin to show US sellers’ business name and address on the Seller Profile page as of September 1. The same requirement already exists in Europe, Japan and Mexico. 
The USPS will no longer be delivering mail as promptly every day, to cut costs. This potentially affects anyone shipping to a destination in the United States. 
How 7 different companies grew profits during the last recession - there will still be business opportunities during the upcoming recession, but you have to be positioned to take them. 
Etsy Labels no longer offer USPS international shipping options for all packages under 4.4 pounds other than Canadian orders, replacing them with the Global Postal Shipping Program (GPSP). Many US sellers dislike the GPSP, and have moved on to outside providers that integrate with an Etsy shop and other services, such as Pirate Ship, Shippo, Stamps, and Shipstation. 
The quarterly category & attributes updates are limited to face mask & hand sanitizer attributes for July. Etsy also made some other minor updates recently, including allowing us to set a message auto reply for up to 5 days. 
You may have noticed that Etsy is really pushing Etsy Ads on sellers right now, despite the numerous complaints about the average cost per click becoming far too high last year. I’ve turned mine off permanently, but if you are interested in trying them or fine-tuning them, Etsy released an article and a related podcast with a transcript.
Louisiana and Mississippi have been added to the list of states that Etsy collects sales tax from. 
Etsy raised fees on Reverb to 5%, “to make further investments on behalf of our sellers.” 
Etsy will release the second quarter results on August 5. We already know that April and May were record-setting, and June was also probably pretty good. 
The site has continued to receive decent media coverage for the mask initiative; Etsy is mentioned in several articles/broadcasts a day as a place to get masks, including stylish ones. This article briefly interviews a seller and looks at what Etsy will do next, as the mask demand peak might be over. 
Now that people think of Etsy for things like face masks, Etsy is continuing to market itself as a place to buy everyday items, something it shied away from for a few years. (Remember when Etsy was all about “owning special”?) They’ve added “Everyday Finds” links & Editors Picks pages, and have published tips on what pandemic shoppers are looking for. (Note that the year over year values compare this April to last April, and so were during peak lockdown for the US.)  “Keeping surfaces clean is top of mind these days, and shoppers are searching on Etsy for many types of cleaners, from all-purpose scrubs to washable sponges...134% YoY increase in searches on Etsy containing “ceramic sponge holder.”...”74% YoY increase in searches on Etsy containing “mug”...”352% YoY increase in searches on Etsy containing “diy”.
Please correct me if I am wrong, but this page on the search and ads algorithms appears to be relatively new. 
The sea change in online buyer behaviour during the pandemic may mean that you need to update your keyword research. Keyword volumes have changed, some very dramatically. For example “‘adult bikes’ shows a massive upturn.This represents over ten times as many searches for this term compared to just under a year ago. If you projected this back in 2019 you’d probably be laughed at.”
Speaking of keyword research, if you need a refresher on why you should do it and how to approach it, here is a recent article. 
There are many different ways to get backlinks; here are a few that are pretty easy [video & text]. 
Are longer blog posts better for SEO? Not necessarily, as long as you cover the topic well. The exception is that blog posts under 300 words are usually not worth writing. 
Most SEOs think there was an unannounced Google update around the third week of June. Some are reporting that sites that specialize made gains, as opposed to those who have more general material. That same study reports Etsy had one of the largest traffic increases, but not as much as Pinterest (I’ve been seeing a lot more pins when Googling lately, so this seems likely.) Government websites also seem to have received better visibility. “As Google has described in their document on how they fight disinformation, they describe that their systems are designed to prefer authority over other factors “in times of crisis”. If this truly is related to what we saw happen in June, these changes could possibly be reversed once the worldwide pandemic situation improves.”
Bing released a few basic tips on how to use its keyword planner. 
(CONTENT) MARKETING & SOCIAL MEDIA (includes blogging & emails) 
TikTok has moved out of Hong Kong, while the US government may be looking at banning them, following India’s move on July 6. With TikTok in peril, many people are now downloading its competitor Byte. 
If you use Facebook for your business, please read up on the changes required to comply with California’s new privacy law. 
Instagram is now testing an Instagram Shop tab, which allows users to filter by category. 
Twitter is planning on starting a subscription service, but deleted some of the details  from the job listing just hours later. 
One of the results of the big Twitter hack on July 15th was Google removing the Twitter carousel from its search results. 
Pinterest searches involving Christmas started way earlier this year, with a 77% increase YOY in April. “That includes a 3x increase in searches for “Christmas gift ideas”, while other queries like “holiday recipes” and “Christmas” were up more than 90% and 80% respectively.” These are good stats for marketers to have, helping us decide when to release and promote new products.
Spending too much on Facebook ads? Here are some common mistakes and some suggestions on fixing them. 
If you already know that ROAS stands for “return on ad spend” then some of this article may be old news to you. 
If you are using Google Shopping with your website, be aware that the Google bots may be inflating your abandoned cart rate. 
Google Analytics can help you track the effects of changes to your website, or other business conditions. You can also get alerts when certain types of events happen, or when traffic is abnormal. 
Walmart is expected to launch Walmart+, similar to Amazon Prime, this month. But note that while many brick & mortar businesses are now doing a lot more business online, it is more expensive for them. 
For those of you who use Stitch Labs, they have been purchased by Square, and the existing services will likely be cut in 2021. 
Deja vu for Etsy sellers - eBay was apparently offering incentive payments for signing up for their new Managed Payments system by mid-July. (Etsy did the same with its Etsy Payments system, but only for Americans.)
Is Amazon Handmade as good for small makers as it claims? Maybe not. If you sell on Amazon, consider these strategies to protect your core business from being swamped by the big A. 
Wix has introduced an ecommerce version with a lot more options and integrations. 
Shopify’s new “Shop” app has some good features but also some issues. [podcast & edited transcript]
BigCommerce filed to go public, and added Ayden as a payment option. More details on the Ayden move here. 
Did you know there are sites you can use to sell your ecommerce business? Here are 10 of them. 
US ecommerce sales are now expected to grow 18% this year, while overall retail is predicted to be down 10.5%. “In a pandemic economy, consumers have gravitated toward trusted and reliable retailers. As a result, we can expect the top 10 ecommerce retail businesses to grow at above average rates (21.8%). Amazon will gain US ecommerce market share this year, while Walmart's accelerating ecommerce growth will take it to the No. 2 position for the first time.”
Fear of missing out (FOMO) is a factor you can use to drive sales; here are 6 tips. 
Generation Z is acutely attached to internet use, and is more likely to be planning on starting their own business than any other generation. 
It’s possible that the increase in people working from home will lead to more work hours and therefore more burnout.
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topsenjok-blog · 4 years
The Best Dental Implant Treatment
Looking to get the best dental implant treatment? It is possible, when you know what to look for. In this latest article on cosmetic implants, you will discover how to find the best one!
Getting the best treatment comes down to two options. Either to get the best or to get the best prices for dental implants. You might want to find a combination of both, and this article aims to help you do both! The first thing to remember about implants is that you need the right parts to get a good treatment. Good cosmetic implants are made of titanium, so getting the best is a process of searching for one of these. In general, most dentists will give you these types of implants, but there are variations, and knowing what to look for is essential. In general, dental implants come in a few different versions. There are some that give you 15-year guarantees and others that have a 25-year or even a lifetime guarantee. As you can imagine, the cosmetic dentist and manufacturer must feel good about the parts so they can offer such long warranties! With the price, you can get the best prices, and you don't have to pay high prices for implants. The main aspect is knowing where to look. I have found that by connecting you can find amazing prices on dental implants. Go online. Not only can you find great information, but you can also find incredible prices that can make a difference. 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Technology driving design innovation
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It is quite evident that most of us interact with technology that is built using understanding human psychology to capture the essence of emotions too. It understands the needs of an individual and provides us with the right set of services and solutions in feasible ways. I come across technology on a daily basis, and as I think about it, it makes me wonder about the composition of this beautiful play between design and technology, a combination so powerful that we cannot imagine our life without it.
In our third episode of the podcast, I had a conversation with Ravi Badve. It was indeed a delightful conversation where we discussed the potential of "Designeering" and how organizations are making this their core motto to bring enhance their customer service a notch.
Ravi Badve leads as a Director of Customer Delivery at MasterCard, where he has continuously been collaborating with technology and design. With his enthusiasm for developing products that add value to people in their daily life, understanding Designeering from his point of view was insightful.
Rohit Lalwani: So, while you've been talking about so many interesting technological aspects, one of the organizations that we cannot miss talking about is Netflix. Now, obviously, our consumption during the last couple of days has gone high up, but if you look at what's interesting about it is; it is known for a personalized recommendation, and in fact, it goes out and claims that it is one of their biggest differentiators.
What they also did some time back is they moved to customize the artwork so that it entices the user to watch the content based on their past viewing experiences. The question that I have is; What is your view on technology for creating perfect customer scenarios?
Ravi Badve: Netflix is really an example in today's time, right? It's about how they have been able to adopt and deploy technology to beat the worldwide streaming companies. There's so much content, and if you think about it, it's not only the technology but how it understands the personas of all its subscribers, and that is a differentiator. Truly. How did it happen with you that you're all in the mood of watching a good movie or listen to good music, but when you go on to it, you don't know what to see or what to listen to?
Rohit Lalwani:  Happens very, very frequently with me.
Ravi Badve: Absolutely. And then when you come to see Netflix, it has never disappointed me personally, for sure, because they can understand the persona. Not only that, but they are also able to comprehend personas from the perspective of what I would like based on history and past watching experience. So I think they have done an excellent job, and a possible design-oriented, a designing approach of understanding the persona, creating a profile, and suggesting what the platform of Netflix can offer, will be the choice of a customer. So they have brought the technology, design, and empathy together to understand customers and their subscribers well.
Rohit Lalwani: So, while Ravi in your answers, you have been talking about 'experience' as a word very frequently, I think it's become a buzzword today, and you know it's become viral. The question that I have is, you know, I feel it's probably a recent phenomenon. How did companies create an experience even before this?
Ravi Badve: Well, I think companies have always stressed on creating an experience with the products and services they have, and this is not a new term or something new. It's just that we, as an organization, are more aware and conscious about what experience they will create in production services. It's only one of the things that come to my mind. Do you remember the single-screen experience that we all used to have watched a movie with all the claps and whistles?
Rohit Lalwani: Absolutely, Salman khan film today or even Rajnikanth film is an experience to watch them on a single screen.
Ravi Badve: See there. And then we have these multiplexes, and those are different new experiences altogether. I am not saying good or bad, but the company's organization is always stressed on creating experiences with products and services. It's now that we are talking more about an 'end to end' journey that we can provide to a customer, and it's just not a designer or a product that can be ring-fenced into a particular scope. So there, an experience is always essential.  It has become more critical now in cutthroat competition that all brands are into right now.
Rohit Lalwani: Absolutely. Ravi, to share a personal example, we saw this Marvel film Black Panther at PVR in 4DX, and I was amazed by that, sitting in a regular multiplex theatre, the kind of experience that you could receive in terms of watching the movie. It was thrilling to be there and watch that film.
Ravi Badve: one more thing that comes to my mind, Rohit; What was the first phone that you used?
Rohit Lalwani: I used the NOKIA 3310
Ravi Badve: Exactly. And I am not surprised by that answer. My phone was also Nokia, and we have all seen an evolution of how the giant companies like this were gone entirely in the coming days when the digital revolution came through. So you are talking about experiences. If organizations aren't able to understand the experiences that they can create, they lose the pulse of people, and that's how Nokia is no more seen, and so many others are in the market.
Rohit Lalwani: Absolutely. Taking a cue from here, Ravi, one of the other companies that come to my mind, is Amazon. One of the best examples of a human-centered organization that's using both technologies as well as designs to deliver a delightful customer experience. So my question to you; As an expert, can you share how they are blending both these domains to achieve their goals?
Ravi Badve: Well, Amazon is my favorite again there. There was a study on Amazon and another ten companies of similar nature, all big companies in the US like Costco, The Macy's and all different big tycoons who provided products and services, physically as well as they had a chance to move on to digital media. But Amazon, for the last ten years, in recent years, they've grown 2000 times. And you must look at their vision statement, Rohit, and I recommend the listeners also to go and see what Amazon's vision statement is. It's not about you. No. There are no numbers in it, first of all, it's not about being or growing 100% or in revenues or things like that you usually see. The vision statement talks about the most human-centered company that could deliver anything which is required on the planet. So there, that shows how much they care about the design and the human-centered part of it. So, Amazon is again an example of how they have brought design and technology together to create pleasurable experiences.
Sometimes, even if you're searching for a book on Amazon of your favorite author, Amazon has a technology to have the book to the nearest go down, near your house, so that they can promise a one-day delivery or the shortest time delivery. So those are the kind of thinking that happens in that organization, and I am amazed and also amused by the type of products and services they offer.
If you don't want to miss out more on how these two domains, technology, and design, are collaborating, head to our podcast to discover more. For details, do visit the profile.
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theonyxpath · 5 years
Full disclosure: with flying to Gen Con being two days away, my brain is squirming like a toad. So, quick points from the meeting, all arranged haphazardly just like that toad.
Trinity Continuum: Aberrant Kickstarter Woohoo: With the TC: Aberrant KS down to it’s last day, we are just thrilled by the number and quality of backers and their commentary. Considering that the original Trinity Continuum KS was for both the Core and TC: Aeon and this one is mostly for one book, it really speaks volumes for how the game is gripping people’s imaginations! Big thanks also to our “KS Concierge” James Bell for his tireless efforts and never-flagging good humor all through this one! (I’ll see James at Gen Con to deliver my personal thanks and buy him a drink or twenty!)
V5 Chicago By Night Response: We sent out the Backer PDF for CbyN last week and the comments have been all about how great it looks, and how fantastic the writing is. It’s been so wonderful to hear that our first V5 book has been given top marks for quality! We particularly love hearing how we were able to show how V5 can work in a concrete way. This was always what we intended for a new CbyN, so it’s really gratifying for the whole team! Thanks for all your positive feedback!
Dark Eras 2 art by Leo Albiero
GenCon Reminder: Like I said, going there in two days. Mighty Matt McElroy and I are representing for Onyx Path and will be walking around, hanging at our sales partners’ (Studio2 and Indie Press Revolution) booths. We’ll also stop in to where The Wrecking Crew are running demos of our games in the gaming area, and, of course, running our panels. We’ll be joined by Eddy Webb and some of our other creators on the panels, and we look forward to answering your questions. We will not have a booth – this year we chose not to have one. We’ll see if that’s a great idea, or a horrible, horrible mistake.
Twitch Goodness: If you missed it, last week we started our Onyx Path Twitch Kickoff, with TC:Aberrant and other actual play sessions, interviews, and an entire episode of the Onyx Pathcast that was broadcast live on Twitch. (Fear not, it’ll be up in audio-only form as usual for the Pathcast!) We are trying out a lot of different content; either our own or by hosting other folks’ streams, and not coincidentally moving towards “Affiliate Status”, which gives us even more fun ways for everyone to enjoy Twitch streams. https://www.twitch.tv/videos/459571845
VtR2 Spilled Blood art by Aaron Riley
5e Creature Collection Kickstarter Coming: Jon Hodgson and his crew at Handiworks Games are reaaaalllly close to launching the Kickstarter campaign for what promises to be an absolutely gorgeous book of Scarred Lands monsters! One of the cool things about this collaboration has been that it is also the launch of a new official Onyx Path Kickstarter account. Since we’ve started, our KSs have been run off of my account, with my picture in the corner and folks sending comments and questions directly to me even if it has actually been our KS “concierge” James who is running them. So Jon can run this one for Creature Collection, and we’ll see how to best migrate other KSs over to the official Onyx Path Kickstarters. Here’s a preview of the book: https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/283745/Scarred-Lands-Creature-Collection-Preview-2
Next Week’s MMN Blog Guest-blogger: Will be Dixie! She volunteered and so she gets the prize! We’ll send photos of the Con – some might even be worth showing off – and any other tidbits we glean out of the madness.
New Onyx Path Team Shirt Sizes Needed: Yes, we pretty much closed our meeting with this request from Mighty Matt, and we’re hoping to get these made up in time to wear to PAX Unplugged in the Fall. It has been a few years since the first official team shirt, and our crew thinks it’s time to get some that are a bit more lightweight than our previous ones. Which just goes to demonstrate that not all of our meeting is about our amazing:
Many Worlds, One Path!
The Trinity Continuum: Aberrant Kickstarter HAS ONE DAY LEFT!
We’ve already passed Stretch Goals that are enabling us to recreate missing first edition books, a compilation of the web comic, three sections of a book statting out the characters, digital wallpaper and dice, a backer-only T-Shirt, a jumpstart adventure, two novellas, an art budget increase, a three-part scenario including a Jumpstart called Novas Worldwide, and:
N!WE N!TERNATIONAL WRESTLING ENTERTAINMENT – A new PDF product discussing the N!WE, the performers and industry personnel, and various elements of professional wrestling in the world of Aberrant!
At $115,000 and climbing, we’ve still got more fantastic Stretch Goal rewards to come, so come check it out! https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/200664283/trinity-continuum-aberrant
Right now, we are working on Deviant: The Renegade as our next Kickstarter campaign, although the 5e Creature Collection for Scarred Lands may premiere first on our new official Onyx Path Kickstarter account!
Onyx Pathcast art by Michael Gaydos
This Friday’s Onyx Pathcast features the crew interviewing fledgling writer and developer, beer expert, and all-around Geist fanatic, Mike Tomasek: https://onyxpathcast.podbean.com/
And Here’s More Media About Our Worlds:
Our Twitch channel has been alive with content over the last week, and you can find it right here:  https://www.twitch.tv/theonyxpath So many of our fans and customers have been engaging with the livestreams we’ve been running through the channel, and we’re so grateful for your involvement in everything we’ve been doing. If you missed any of the episodes of Collateral Damage, the interviews with Matthew Dawkins, Eddy Webb, or the live Onyx Pathcast, or indeed any of the other videos we’ve put up, do not despair! Those videos have all been migrated to YouTube so you can watch them again. Our channel is here: https://www.youtube.com/user/TheOnyxPath
In other news, here’s The Story Told Podcast‘s review of the C20 Player’s Guide: http://thestorytold.libsyn.com/episode-32-changeling-the-dreaming-20th-anniversary-edition-players-guide-review
Have you been watching one of the best Exalted actual plays ever produced? If not, now’s the time to catch up with Beamduck‘s show right here: https://www.twitch.tv/beanduck
It’s Episode 31 of Occultists Anonymous, the Mage: The Awakening actual play. Wyrd the Seer prepares for the meeting with Mr. Johnson. Mammon readies for company. Atratus and Songbird have some study time. Here’s a link: https://youtu.be/nrAg-msByS0
Do check our Fandible for a two part actual play of Monarchies of Mau! http://www.fandible.com/
Strange Assembly perform a review of one of the most highly-acclaimed V20 sourcebooks, Anarchs Unbound: https://www.strangeassembly.com/2019/review-anarchs-unbound-vampire-the-masquerade
Review – Anarchs Unbound (Vampire: the Masquerade)
And do keep up with the Saving Throw show for an actual play of Pirates of Pugmire too! https://www.twitch.tv/SavingThrowShow
And if you’re looking for some background into the history of Aberrant, check out the Keeper of the Archive‘s series on Aberrant 1st Edition: https://youtu.be/9qkrQeLqZWQ and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l3SkWNjQyHc
Drop Matthew a message via the contact button on matthewdawkins.com if you have actual plays, reviews, or game overviews you want us to profile on the blog!
Please check any of these out and let us know if you find or produce any actual plays of our games!
As we find ways to enable our community to more easily play our games, the Onyx Dice Rolling App is now live! Our dev team has been doing updates since we launched based on the excellent use-case comments by our community, and this thing is awesome! (Seriously, you need to roll 100 dice for Exalted? This app has you covered.)
You can now read our fiction from the comfort and convenience of your Kindle (from Amazon) and Nook (from Barnes & Noble).
If you enjoy these or any other of our books, please help us by writing reviews on the site of the sales venue from which you bought it. Reviews really, really help us get folks interested in our amazing fiction!
Our selection includes these fiction books:
We’re working with Studio2 to get Pugmire and Monarchies of Mau out into stores, as well as to individuals through their online store. You can pick up the traditionally printed main book, the screen, and the official Pugmire dice through our friends there! https://studio2publishing.com/search?q=pugmire
We’ve added Prince’s Gambit to our Studio2 catalog: https://studio2publishing.com/products/prince-s-gambit-card-game
Now, we’ve added Changeling: The Lost 2nd Edition products to Studio2‘s store! See them here: https://studio2publishing.com/collections/all-products/changeling-the-lost
Scarred Lands (Pathfinder) books are also on sale at Studio2, and they have the 5e version, supplements, and dice as well!: https://studio2publishing.com/collections/scarred-lands
Scion 2e books and other products are available now at Studio2: https://studio2publishing.com/blogs/new-releases/scion-second-edition-book-one-origin-now-available-at-your-local-retailer-or-online
Looking for our Deluxe or Prestige Edition books? Try this link! http://www.indiepressrevolution.com/xcart/Onyx-Path-Publishing/
And you can order Pugmire, Monarchies of Mau, Cavaliers of Mars, and Changeling: The Lost 2e at the same link! And NOW Scion Origin and Scion Hero are available to order!
Running RIGHT NOW until August 11 is the Dog Days Of Summer Sale! 50% many of our Deluxe Editions!
It’s time for the Christmas In July Sale! Wild savings on PDFs all across DTRPG, including ours! Check it out – it runs until TOMORROW!
On Sale This Week!
This Wednesday, we are offering our monthly Exalted 3rd PDFs AND the Exalted 3rd Music Suites #2: Dreams of the Second Age music files on DTRPG!
Gen Con: August 1st – 4th THIS WEEK! Save Against Fear: October 12th – 14th GameHoleCon: October 31st – November 3rd We’ll also be back at PAX Unplugged later this year!
And now, the new project status updates!
DEVELOPMENT STATUS FROM EDDY WEBB (projects in bold have changed status since last week):
First Draft (The first phase of a project that is about the work being done by writers, not dev prep)
M20 Victorian Mage (Mage: the Ascension 20th Anniversary Edition)
Exalted Essay Collection (Exalted)
Dragon-Blooded Novella #2 (Exalted 3rd Edition)
Exigents (Exalted 3rd Edition)
Terra Firma (Trinity Continuum: Aeon)
Crucible of Legends (Exalted 3rd Edition)
Many-Faced Strangers – Lunars Companion (Exalted 3rd Edition)
Contagion Chronicle: Global Outbreaks (Chronicles of Darkness)
W20 Shattered Dreams Gift Cards (Werewolf: The Apocalypse 20th)
W20 Art Book (Werewolf: The Apocalypse 20th)
Yugman’s Guide to Ghelspad (Scarred Lands)
Vigil Watch (Scarred Lands)
Pirates of Pugmire KS-Added Adventure (Realms of Pugmire)
Player’s Guide to the Contagion Chronicle (Chronicles of Darkness)
Contagion Chronicle Jumpstart (Chronicles of Darkness)
Lunars Novella (Rosenberg) (Exalted 3rd Edition)
Monsters of the Deep (They Came From Beneath the Sea!)
Tales of Aquatic Terror (They Came From Beneath the Sea!)
Kith and Kin (Changeling: The Lost 2e)
Scion: Demigod (Scion 2nd Edition)
Titanomachy (Scion 2nd Edition)
Wraith20 Fiction Anthology (Wraith: The Oblivion 20th Anniversary Edition)
Trinity Continuum Jumpstart (Trinity Continuum Core)
Second Draft
Tales of Good Dogs – Pugmire Fiction Anthology (Pugmire)
Dragon-Blooded Novella #1 (Exalted 3rd Edition)
Across the Eight Directions (Exalted 3rd Edition)
Scion: Dragon (Scion 2nd Edition)
One Foot in the Grave Jumpstart (Geist: The Sin-Eaters 2e)
M20 The Technocracy Reloaded (Mage: the Ascension 20th Anniversary Edition)
Creatures of the World Bestiary (Scion 2nd Edition)
Heirs to the Shogunate (Exalted 3rd Edition)
Scion Companion: Mysteries of the World (Scion 2nd Edition)
Cults of the Blood Gods (Vampire: The Masquerade 5th Edition)
Legendlore core book (Legendlore)
City of the Towered Tombs (Cavaliers of Mars)
TC: Aeon Jumpstart (Trinity Continuum: Aeon)
Mummy: The Curse 2nd Edition core rulebook (Mummy: The Curse 2nd Edition)
Masks of the Mythos (Scion 2nd Edition)
Manuscript Approval
Trinity Continuum: Aberrant core (Trinity Continuum: Aberrant)
Deviant: The Renegades (Deviant: The Renegades)
Let the Streets Run Red (Vampire: The Masquerade 5th Edition)
WoD Ghost Hunters (World of Darkness)
Geist 2e Fiction Anthology (Geist: The Sin-Eaters 2nd Edition)
Oak, Ash, and Thorn: Changeling: The Lost 2nd Companion (Changeling: The Lost 2nd)
Night Horrors: Nameless and Accursed (Mage: the Awakening Second Edition)
Lunars: Fangs at the Gate (Exalted 3rd Edition)
Heroic Land Dwellers (They Came From Beneath the Sea!)
Pirates of Pugmire (Realms of Pugmire)
TC: Aeon Ready-Made Characters (Trinity Continuum: Aeon)
Hunter: The Vigil 2e core (Hunter: The Vigil 2nd Edition)
Chicago Folio/Dossier (Vampire: The Masquerade 5th Edition)
Post-Editing Development
M20 Book of the Fallen (Mage: the Ascension 20th Anniversary Edition)
V5 Chicago By Night (Vampire: The Masquerade)
V5 Chicago By Night Screen (Vampire: The Masquerade)
CofD Contagion Chronicle (Chronicles of Darkness)
Distant Worlds (Trinity Continuum: Aeon)
Dark Eras 2 (Chronicles of Darkness)
Spilled Blood (Vampire: The Requiem 2nd Edition)
Memento Mori: the GtSE 2e Companion (Geist: The Sin-Eaters 2nd Edition)
DR:E Threat Guide – Helnau’s Guide to Wasteland Beasties (Dystopia Rising: Evolution)
DR:E Jumpstart (Dystopia Rising: Evolution)
In Art Direction
Contagion Chronicle
VtR Spilled Blood – All the art that is in is approved. Felipe is working on stuff.
Trinity Continuum Aeon: Distant Worlds
Trinity Continuum Aberrant
Hunter: The Vigil 2e
Ex3 Lunars
They Came From Beneath the Sea – Contracted.
TCFBtS!: Heroic Land Dwellers
Night Horrors: Nameless and Accursed
Ex3 Monthly Stuff
DR:E Threat Guide – Helnau’s Guide to Wasteland Beasties – Gonna just get Michele to do this one
DR:E Jumpstart – Sam Denmark is doing this.
Deviant for KS – Contracted.
In Layout
M20 Book of the Fallen – Files with Josh
CoM – Witch Queen of the Shadowed Citadel
Dark Eras 2 – Files with Aileen
Shunned By the Moon – Errata gathering.
Aeon Aexpansion
C20 Cup of Dreams – Next week.
V5: Chicago – Backer PDF sent, errata coming in.
Geist 2e
Signs of Sorcery – Inputting Errata.
At Press
Dragon Blooded – Deluxe at Studio2, shipping after Gen Con.
Dragon-Blooded Cloth Map – At Studio2, shipping after Gen Con.
Dragon-Blooded Screen – Shipped to Studio2, shipping after Gen Con.
Trinity Core Screen – At Studio2.
TC Aeon Screen – At Studio2.
Book of Oblivion – PoD proofs coming.
Trinity: In Media Res – PoD proofs coming.
Scion Ready-Made Characters – PoD proofs coming.
Trinity Core – Files uploaded to printer, waiting for proofs.
Trinity Aeon – Files uploaded to printer, waiting for proofs.
DR: E – final PDF off for approval
EX3 Music Suite #2: Dreams of the Second Age – for sale on Weds.
Today’s Reason to Celebrate!
Gen Con is this week! I started going in 1987 – missed a couple of years, so I’m going to say 30 years of going to the coolest congregation of fellow gamers that still holds the crown as the biggest TTRPG convention evah!
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30 Ways To Drive Traffic To Your Website
30 Methods Of Drive Traffic Towards Your Websites
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linnea91g3993-blog · 5 years
Mp3 Minimize Merge Free Download
WAV Joiner is a simple-to-use tool to hitch a number of WAV files into one larger WAV file. The another finest audio modifying app for your Android that allows you to edit your media in response to your want. Media Converter permits you to convert every kind of media formats to fashionable media codecs: mp3, mp4 mpeg4, aac, Ogg, Avi (mpeg4, mp3), MPEG (mpeg1, mp2), Flv (Flv, mp3) and WAV. Additionally, audio profiles: m4a (aac-audio solely), 3ga (aac-audio only), OGA (FLAC-audio only) are available for comfort. 3. Click merge button to begin joining WAV file. It updates and writes the vbr headers of the destination MP3 files if doable. so, the joined file actually is >5GB on-disk, but reporting as much a lot shorter. now, I am well conscious there is a limitation of wav recordsdata: the RIFF header size is only a 32-bit quantity, so the playing time is successfully diminished modulo 4GB. I believe this is what I'm hitting above. Search audio file: Because it exhibits the checklist of music library of your phone to edit audio files, so you can easily search by title for your desired music with out getting irritated by scrolling. After performed, yow will discover the information merged in your specified output folder. Now, you possibly can press the Merge" button to create Pack 1. Drag the WAV recordsdata you want to mix together to Pack 1. You too can create Pack 2, Pack 3 and extra packs. Simply drag the WAV recordsdata into the corresponding packs. And make sure that at the least two WAV information exist in the same pack. After that, hit the OK" button. Choose the audio format to which you'd like to convert the consolidated audio file. Click "Convert" to save lots of changes. Using Freemake Audio Converter, you can convert WMA to MP3 and different audio codecs as well. Check IconIt does not only deal with MP3 formated audio but additionally more than 15 other audio codecs. This free MP3 joiner supports a considerable amount of enter audio codecs together with MP3, WMA, WAV, AAC, FLAC, OGG, APE, AC3, AIFF, join wave meeting via wave web portal MP2, M4A, CDA, VOX, RA, RAM, www.magicaudiotools.com TTA and way more as source codecs. Any audio files and audiobooks can be joined to the most popular audio formats as MP3, OGG, WMA, WAV, and so forth. Audio Cutter Joiner is a strong audio editor, which contains audio splitter and audio joiner in one program. Click on Add Information to open the Select information to merge window shown instantly under. In this information, you will learn how to combine 2 audio information into one online and the way to merge audio files offline with the very best audio merger software program. Then you definitely will not must manually choose to play each music file individually inside your media player. That is how one can merge your favourite music into a single file in Home windows 10. Click "File" → "Export Audio". Select "MP3 recordsdata" from the "Save as type" drop-down menu. If you're in search of a straightforward to use audio editor then Auphonic Edit is a must have app in your Android smartphone. This app is made together with the integrated Auphonic web service, you can post-course of, encode, tag and publish your podcasts, interviews, music recordings on the go together with a single click on. That is an MP3 and WAV tune editor with simple modifying instructions. Alternatively, you may merge music with the Audio Joiner net app. That app merges MP3, M4A and WAV recordsdata together. This is how you can mix sound files with Audio Joiner. The GUI version of the instruments, mkvtoolnix-gui, also allows you to merge movies. It has a really clear, intuitive interface. The thoughtful design of batch processing lets you be a part of and convert multiple audio files within minutes. What's extra, you'll be glad to see the handy noise reduction and click on pop elimination features. WavePad may do an excellent job directly with MixPad Multi-monitor Audio Mixer. Click on the Add tracks button to pick out the music information to merge. The online app then shows the chosen tracks as in the snapshot immediately under. Click on Browse…" to decide on an output folder for the reduce MP3 file. Select an output format within the menu of Target Format". Click Save" to output the file. Assist greater than 300 audio codecs, together with MP3, M4A, WMA, WAV, AC3, M4R and extra. Fast MP3 Cutter Joiner supports ahead and backward overlap for minimize pieces. It's totally useful when you are cutting an audio guide. Any Video Converter is a completely free music converter and editor tool for home windows users. You can simply obtain and set up. In case you like listening to MP3 music or audio books, this MP3 joiner is ideal for you. Mp3 Cutter and Merger is a superb app for 2 most important causes: it's really easy to use, and it takes very little house in your device's reminiscence (lower than 1 megabyte).
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