#like the front page is just recently played and the rest is blank
hiperchile · 1 year
lmao tf is going on with spotify ??
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cj-schlatt · 3 months
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Pairing: Schlatt x gn!reader (no pronouns, no use of y/n)
Word Count: ~780
Summary: What do you get as a gift for someone who has it all?
Content: Fluff, pet names (angel). Schlatt and reader are childhood best friends who recently reconnected :)
A/N: Hi! This is my first attempt at writing for Schlatt. Let me know how I did! :)
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You’ve been stressing ever since you flipped the calendar page over this morning. Your first anniversary with Schlatt is this month, the date marked with a heart, and you have no idea what you’re going to get him.
What do you get as a gift for someone who has it all?
You’re in your parents’ attic, helping them to clean it up a bit, when you find the answer to your dilemma.
You come across an unmarked cardboard box, which by itself isn’t unusual; you’ve already sorted through a dozen just like it. What makes it special is what you find inside—it’s filled with VHS-C tapes from your family’s old camcorder. You’ve just stumbled upon a treasure trove of memories.
You know for a fact that there is footage of Schlatt within these tapes, from birthday celebrations to stupid “movies” the two of you made together. As you pick up a tape, labeled with both of your names and the date it was captured, you start to form a plan.
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Your childhood bedroom is exactly as you left it when you moved out, down to the old CRT TV and combination VHS and DVD player. After some quick Googling, you’re turning on the TV and popping the first tape, along with a blank DVD, into the player.
Static. Then, a picture comes into view: a grainy scene of a much younger version of you in front of a birthday cake, Schlatt right at your side as he and the rest of the party-goers sing “Happy Birthday” and you blow out the candles. You can’t help but smile at the display.
The video continues, showing you tearing into your birthday presents (with Schlatt right there to help you, of course). You’re transported back to that day, long forgotten until now, where you almost had more fun playing with the wrapping paper and tissue paper than the actual presents you received.
Soon, the first tape ends. If all went well, it should be copied onto the DVD now. You stay up well into the night converting tapes, too excited revisiting old memories to want to continue later.
The next day, phase two of your plan begins, with you uploading the new DVDs to your computer and putting your video editing skills to the test. You’re grinning like an idiot when it’s finally done.
You just hope Schlatt will like it.
You’re pretty sure he will.
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It’s a few weeks later when the big day finally arrives. You can’t even count how many times you’ve had to hold yourself back from giving him his gift early, so excited to see his reaction.
You’re practically vibrating when you lead him to the living room and turn the TV on.
“What’s all this about?” he asks, plopping down on the couch.
“You’ll see,” you say, smiling as you connect your laptop to the TV.
You watch with him as little you and Schlatt are projected onto the big screen. You join him on the couch, listening to your younger self introduce your imagined audience to what the two of you creatively titled “The Dumb Idiots Show.”
You glance over at Schlatt, who is completely glued to the TV. You think you see that his eyes are glistening a little, reflecting the light of the screen, but you don’t say anything, just let the video continue.
The video came out pretty damn good, if you do say so yourself. It had been so much fun reliving these memories, and it’s even better now that you get to share them with your best friend, the one who was with you for all of it.
Eventually, the screen fades to black, and the room falls silent.
“Wow,” is the first thing Schlatt says. He leans back into the couch, running a hand through his hair.
“Did you like it?” you ask, not quite able to keep the nervousness out of your voice.
“Are you kidding?” he asks, voice tinged with disbelief. “I loved it.”
“Really, angel,” he says, pulling you in for a hug.
You sink into the embrace, relief flooding through you.
“I’m impressed,” he says when you part.
“Looks like I’m not the only one with video-making skills around here.”
You grin at him. “I mean, did you see my camera work on episode two of ‘The Dumb Idiots Show?’ I’ve always had a knack for it.”
He laughs. “You oughta start your own channel.”
“Maybe I will,” you say with a little smirk. After a moment, your face softens. “Happy anniversary, J.”
“Happy anniversary,” he echoes, a lovesick smile on his own face as he leans in to kiss you.
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A/N: Thanks for reading! :)
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kelcemenow · 1 year
Touchdown - Chapter 2.
Pairing Travis Kelce x Reader
Words 825
Warnings Slightly less of a slow burn for this chapter, but we're still only getting started.
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Taking a long and deep breath, you held the phone in your left hand whilst your pen was poised over the blank page of the notepad in front of you. The relaxing hold music had been playing for what seemed like forever. Terry had said he would contact Travis personally and then transfer the call over so you could speak to him. You had run through a few simple questions to ask him, hoping that the call wouldn’t last too long.  
“Y/N?” Terry’s voice rang out.  
You suddenly sat bolt upright in your seat, “Y-yes, I’m still here.”  
“I’m putting Travis through now for you.” Terry had a hint of an American accent, but you could tell that he had travelled a lot. He sounded older, friendly but straight to the point when it came to the job.  
“Thank you, Terry.”  
There was a quiet click before a short period of silence. You glanced over at the phone to make sure you was still connected when a deep, slightly gruff voice rang into your ear. 
“Hey, Y/N? Travis Kelce here.”  
“Hi Travis, um, thank you for taking my call.” You said brightly, trying to sound as professional as you could.  
“Don’t sweat it.”  
You awkwardly cleared your throat, your eyes scanning the computer screen in front of you, “So, I just wanted to hear from you regarding your recent success. The fastest Tight End to reach 10,000 yards is pretty impressive. Tell me how you’re feeling after last night’s game.”  
“I feel awesome, obviously. But I couldn’t have done it without everyone. Pat, Andy and rest of the guys have led me to that win. I just want to play football and everything else is just a bonus.”  
“Sure, of course. Um…can you tell me…um…”  
A nervous feeling washed over you. “Yes?”  
“Relax. We’re just talking.”  
You laughed under your breath as you furiously scribbled what he had said onto the paper, “Sorry, I’m new to this. I erm…”  
“Hey. I’ll make this easy. Football is more than my career, it’s my life.” You could hear a smile in his voice, “Achievements like this make it all worthwhile to make my family proud for all of those years taking me to football practice and buying my sneakers and jerseys year after year. How was that?”  
“Um, great, actually. Thank you so much Mr Kelce.”  
He laughed loudly, “Ah man, come on. It’s Travis! You don’t have to be so serious with me ma’am.”  
You laughed back, “You can’t call me ma’am then! It makes me sound so old.”  
“I’m sorry, my Momma brought me up right, especially when I’m talking to a lady.”  
You giggled and glanced up, a few colleagues were looking over at you. You cleared your throat and settled into your seat, resting your chin on the heel of your hand, “So, what is next for Travis Kelce?”
“More football, more victories and more good times. Anyway, we’re talking an awful lot about me here, tell me about you.”
You were taken aback, “Um…well…wait-what?”
“I mean, I’m sure interviewing football stars has been your life’s dream and all, but what’s your deal?”
You supressed a small smirk, “Why don’t you just let me ask the questions, Mr Kelce?”
“Ah ah ah, Travis.”
“We should probably keep this professional, Mr Kelce.”
There was a pause before he breathed a laugh, “Of course, do go on.”
“So, we’re about halfway through the season now and-“
“Are you single?”
You sighed, “Are you always this difficult?”
There was another laugh, “Only when I’m being interviewed by someone with an irresistible British accent.”
“I’ll take that as a compliment.”
“You should.”
You paused again whilst you tried to think of another question. He had you nervous, fumbling your words and distracted heavily from your work. You shook your head at yourself, failing at the first big job that had been assigned to you.
He broke the silence first, “Do you have any more questions?”
“Um, I think I’m done. Thank you for your statement and good luck for the rest of the season.”  
“That’s quite alright. I hope to speak to you again in the future.”
You paused, unsure of what to say. “You too. I…um, I mean…I-“  
He laughed again, “You’re cute. Peace.”  
“Yeah…bye. Goodbye.” You put the phone down before lowering your head to the desk. The cool wood against your forehead just highlighted how much heat was coming from your skin. You could feel your face turning red from embarrassment.   
“Not good?” Your head snapped up to see Hannah standing in front of you with her arms crossed.  
“I was an absolute idiot.” You smiled, “Please don’t say I have to do that anymore?” 
Hannah smirked, “I don’t know, maybe? Although if it was as bad as you think, you might not be asked to do it again.”  
Your head returned to the desk, letting out a small groan on its way. 
I have so much planned for this! I am on holiday next week but the next chapter will be out soon! If you would like to be added to my taglist so that you never miss a chapter, just give me a shout!
Taglist @rd14 @dandelionwrites8 @keiva1000
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stardustedsins · 1 year
Just a little something for Jonathan’s birthday, under 500 words
“This is wonderful, thank you all.” Jonathan closes the journal. “I think I’ll save reading the messages for when I’m away.“
The journal had been Zeppeli’s idea. As a frequent traveler in his quest to defeat the stone mask, he understands being homesick away from your loved ones. You’d each had a full page to write personal messages for when Jonathan has to travel to a dig site, even one from little George (written by Erina, of course). The rest of the pages are blank for him to use for his research notes or a diary. 
It’s the last of his presents, with one special exception. Jonathan has told you about his childhood dog, and you know the poor thing met a sad end. Erina had confirmed that he never had another pet afterwards, for fear of Dio using another innocent animal against him. But now that Dio is gone…
“We do have one more surprise for you.” Erina smiles, and Speedwagon puts two fingers in his mouth and whistles loudly. Jonathan looks puzzled until a knee-high grey blur races around the corner of the mansion, skidding to a stop in front of your little group on the lawn.
“Jonathan, meet Molly.” You introduce the Irish wolfhound puppy as she wags her tail, tongue lolling out as Speedwagon pats her head. 
Jonathan drops to his knees in the grass to pet her, beaming as she licks his face. George babbles in his mother’s arms, reaching tiny hands out towards the dog.
“Not yet, dear.” Erina laughs. “It’ll be some time before you’re big enough to play with Molly.”
“Yes, I didn’t get Danny until I was five.” Jonathan adds. “Of course, I hope George and Molly won’t start off on the wrong foot like I did with Danny.”
“They won’t.” You tell him. “You’ll be there to make sure of it.” 
“I will.” He says, though you get the sense he’s speaking more to himself than to any of you. 
When he stands up again, it’s with dirt on his knees and dog hair on his shirt, but a smile on his face. Carefully, for the sake of the baby, he sweeps the four of you up into a big hug. 
“Thank you, this has been a wonderful birthday.” 
You’re glad you could help make the day special for him. He certainly deserves it after everything he’s been through. His last birthday had passed by without much cheer to mark the occasion, since he’d recently lost his home and his father, so you’d all wanted to make up for it with this year’s birthday. 
Squished into a bear hug with your loved ones, you’d say you’ve succeeded. 
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neckromantics · 3 years
Trips in the Regalia:
Chocobro Headcanons—
could be seen as platonic or not! whatever you want. :) SFW and gender neutral.
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Went on a road trip recently so these just kinda popped into my head. Also I missed you guys. :)
Okay, so Noct or Ignis are in charge of driving, obviously. Poor Prompto is pretty much banned from ever touching the wheel unsupervised bc the one time they let him behind the wheel it ended in disaster.
You’re totally allowed to drive but you outright refuse to do so now-a-days because someone distracted you by standing up in his seat and you almost drove off into a ravine out of fright.
Ignis has been known to let one of you sit on his lap and steer just for fun. Sure it looks ridiculous, but he can not handle the puppy dog eyes that are sent his way whenever he's asked.
There’s a cooler in the back by your feet that’s stocked full of Ebony and tiny little seltzer waters just in case Ignis gets cranky or someone starts to feel a little car sick.
The glove box might as well be considered a medicine cabinet with the amount of curatives that's stuffed inside.
Long road trips ALWAYS become even longer road trips because no one in the car knows how to synchronize their pee breaks. You keep telling them to just go all at once but they never listen. Someone always insists they don’t have to go and then changes their mind five minutes after you’ve left the rest area.
Parking at the side of the road where said someone has to do the walk of shame to nearby shrubbery while everyone else stays in the car and talks shit about them.
The Regalia always smells strongly of whatever essential oil that’s been dripped into the USB powered diffuser Iris gifted to you guys. It's a godsend, especially after those particularly long hunts where you all could use a shower. If it weren't for her it'd always reek of sweat and desperation in there.
It doesn’t happen very often, but there have been a couple of times that you’ve miscalculated the distance to the next fuel station and had to push the car the rest of the way after running out of fuel a few miles away.
Now Ignis has to reassure you constantly that there's enough gas in the tank, but you still peer over his shoulder to check the fuel gage and start to nervous sweat whenever it drops below half full.
Prom’s always trying to initiate a game of I Spy and you’re the only one that will entertain it lol.
No one in the car is allowed to have the aux due to past music-based arguments. You all have a joint playlist on a music app that you take turns adding songs to, and it gets played on shuffle. The genre is almost never the same back to back, which makes things interesting and also ridiculous.
Naturally Prompto takes so many photos he has to bring what is essentially a briefcase of backup storage. Will crawl into the back seat when he’s bored to sit half on your and Noct’s lap to show you some of them instead of just handing the camera over like a normal person.
Whoever gets to be in the passenger seat has the privilege of feeding Ignis while he’s driving. Apparently, Iggy burns a crazy amount of energy at the wheel because he’s ALWAYS hungry up there. He could feed himself just fine, but where’s the fun in that?
Honestly everyone’s just always feeding each other for some reason.
At some point when Noct’s driving you sneak a carrot stick into his mouth instead of a potato chip and he tries to kill you. Like, I’m not kidding he slams on the breaks and throws himself across the car at you like a rabid animal. It’s not threatening at all because he’s mostly flailing around, but it does take all three of the remaining guys to pry him away from you. You are cackling the entire time.
Gladio spends most trips reading (and then re-reading) the book he brought with him. Will let you lean in close to read it if you ask nicely. Always waits for you to give him the go ahead to turn the page.
You, Noct, and Prompto play rock paper scissors to see who gets shotgun and somehow Prompto wins nine times out of ten.
Ignis is an excellent driver but for some strange reason he loves to do U-turns in the WORST places possible. Will miss an exit and say whatever posh equivalent there is to “My Bad.” and just do a complete one eighty like your lives mean nothing to him. Also? He will slam the breaks on if any of you start misbehaving and it’s hilarious.
Gladio likes to mess with people in passing cars.
He’ll do this blank, dead-eyed stare at them at red lights until they make eye contact with him.
If the top of the Regalia is up for some reason, he’ll roll his window down and motion for them to do the same only to immediately roll his window back up as soon as they roll theirs down.
There's a compartment in between the two front seats that has five sets of matching novelty sunglasses that Noct bought at the shop in Hammerhead. It also has some lip balm, sunscreen, and bandages for when someone inevitably scrapes their knee or something.
There's not a lot of room in the car with all of you inside, so naturally you're forced to sleep in the weirdest of positions. Half on one boy, half on another. An arm or leg hanging out the side of the car. Nearly upside down in the seat.
It’s safe to say the Regalia is like your tiny home away from home by now. Sometimes it’s easier for you to just to pull a blanket into the car and sleep rather than attempt to sleep in some strange, fancy hotel room. The bros will wake up wondering where you are, only to find you curled up like a baby in the back seat.
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i have ye some prompts! based on the stuffed animals hcs, Illinois is obviously someone who doesn’t open up easy and instead puts distance. however, he does give little snippets of information, and reader keeps track of them so that one day they just might be able to fluster him with a personal gift filled with his favorite things and he didn’t even realize that reader cared like that (a friend for apples mayhaps?)
(also so so sorry this took me so long to write. procrastination is a bitch)
Illinois was never the type to open up to others much. You had found that he much preferred to hide behind a flirtatious demeanor than actually reveal his true thoughts and emotions.
Despite all of this, you had slowly been gathering information about the adventurer's past in order to give him a special gift. It was exactly a week before his birthday when the idea had struck you. You had realized that Illinois never really brought up the topic of his birthday often. You, of course, had committed the day to memory as it was important that you knew these kinds of things about him. It wasn't often that he'd tell you about himself, but when he did, it was a moment you couldn't forget if you tried.
Sitting down, you opened your journal and flipped to the next blank page. Once you found it, you brought your pen down to the paper to write "Things I know about Illinois:" in large letters at the top.
Sighing, Illinois entered through the front door of his home. His most recent adventure had been a success, but he was exhausted. The only thing he could think of doing was falling asleep in his partner's arms.
Looking around for a moment, he found said partner standing next to the couch, with their hands behind their back. Just seeing them made him feel a little more rested as he walked further into the room.
"Heyyyy there, darlin'." he muttered, trying and failing to maintain his charismatic persona due to his fatigue. The couch creaked and groaned as Illinois plopped down onto it.
"Hi there Illi. How'd the trip go?" (Y/N) responded softly before coming around and sitting down beside him without turning their back to him for even a moment. Typically Illinois would've questioned it, or at least thought it odd, but he was so tired he didn't even really seem to notice.
The adventurer could barely mutter out a "good" before he collapsed against his partner. He was so ready to just sleep, and he couldn't think of anything that could make this moment better as (Y/N) brought one of their hands around to play with his hair.
"I- uh, I got you a present if you want to look at it?" they suddenly spoke after a moment. A weight was lifted from (Y/N)'s lap as a confused but curious figure turned to face them. Illinois suddenly felt less sleepy, more fixated on the object in his significant other's hand.
Staring back at him with adorable beady eyes lay a cheetah. The plush figure had a small hook coming out it's head for the purpose of hanging it on something, and a hat nearly identical to Illinois' own, despite it being shrunken to fit the tiny plushie. As a finishing touch, a yellow ribbon was tied around its neck, his favorite color.
"Well uh- I knew you had that other stuffed animal from your mom. Apples right? And your mom got you that hat that you never take off so uh-"
"Spots." Illinois suddenly cut through his love's unprompted explanation using a single word. He was smiling ear to ear, his eyes still glued onto the small cheetah.
"His name is Spots." Illinois brought his eyes up to meet his significant others before wrapping them in a giant hug.
"It's perfect my dove. I love it."
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marshmallow-phd · 3 years
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Genre: Angst, Unrequited Love
Pairing: Junmyeon x Reader
A/N: This was basically just a therapy write. 
What is worth? It is neither tangible nor seeable. It doesn’t have a body or a shell. Yet, the endless chase to catch it, to hold it captive, is a never ending disease that eats away at the brain and tears apart the heart. It’s only descriptor is feeling. A judgement. Something either is or isn’t. When it's an object in question, the call for worth is passive, innocent. It’s wanted or it's not. The deterioration comes into play when the worth is applied to a person. 
Kim Junmyeon was worth the world. 
With a smile that could chase away a storm and a heart too good and pure for the human populace, he was truly worth more than the world. He was worth more than you deserved. 
Not only was his face kind, but it was handsome. Beautiful, even. Candid photos were museum worthy masterpieces. There was a gentleness, a softness to his eyes and cheeks that contradicted the sharpness of his jaw and the strength of his body. His laugh was infectious and his mind as vast and deep as the ocean. The sum of his whole was worth so much. 
But you were not worthy of such a person. You weren’t as stunning as a sunset over the mountains or as extraordinary as a new discovery. You were simply… you. Staring from afar, admiring but never touching. 
You wished you could be worthy. You wished you could be special enough - good enough to be with him. Pretty enough would be something decent to settle for. But you were invisible. A person on the sidelines. Out of the spotlight. You were an admirer - not one to be admired. 
“You’re doing it again.”
You blinked, your attention torn away from the spot where Junmyeon was standing, laughing and chatting with a few of his seniors. Kyungsoo, who sat to your left at the small table in the entertainment building’s cafe, didn’t even look up from the script he was currently reviewing. He’d only been given it the day before and was still considering if he wanted the part that was being offered to him. 
Your gaze dropped to the opened yet untouched notebook lying in front of you on the somewhat sticky surface. Someone must have spilled their syprup-y coffee and didn’t do the best job at cleaning it up. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
Without moving his head, Kyungsoo looked at you over the rim of his glasses. Even though you were sure you were nothing more than a blur to his eyes at the moment, he could always see right through you. “If you keep staring at him like that, you’re going to give yourself away.”
The ultimate nightmare. The humiliation of being found out. The sweet but awkward rejection that you knew would follow. With his laugh still ringing in your ears, you forced yourself to tune Junmyeon out. 
Pushing his glasses up his nose with his middle finger, Kyungsoo straightened and closed the script. “We can go somewhere else, if that would help.”
You wanted to argue no. That you weren’t a coward. That you weren’t going to run and hide simply because you looked at him like he was the night sky while you were stuck on the ground. You used to have better control of yourself. You used to be able to hide it better. But lately, it had only gotten worse. 
And you were a coward. 
“Yeah. Maybe one of the practice rooms is empty.”
“There’s usually one.”
After gathering up your things, you followed Kyungsoo out of the cafe, stealing a final glance. Junmyeon didn’t so much as twitch in your direction. It wouldn’t have been surprising if he hadn’t even realized that you were there in the cafe for the past half hour. 
Kyungsoo settled into one corner of the worn navy blue couch while you squeezed into the other. Not speaking a word, he went back to reading the script. That was a nicety of your friendship. Comfortable silence was more than readily available when needed. He didn’t push or give unasked for advice. He was an ear to listen and a presence to take in when you didn’t want to be alone. 
You stared down at the notebook in your lap where your next story ideas were supposed to be filling the pages. But nothing was coming out. Not even the vague pictures you’d had earlier this morning. The only things being called to the paper were the sentences held in the invisible tears you refused to shed. Words of wishes and frustrations swirled around inside the tiny droplets, every letter as heavy as lead. Your cruel mind kept echoing at you the conversation that had constricted the air in your lungs. 
Two days ago, you’d accidentally overheard a drama staff worker jokingly say that Junmyeon and his current co-star seemed awfully close, more than merely friends. Stomach lurching, you ran to the nearest bathroom. Nothing came out but almost fifteen minutes of deliberate breathing had gone by before you emerged again. Kyungsoo was quick to dismiss the comment after barely three words from you. The effect, however, still lingered. 
Despite the history of your intrusive thoughts, you wanted to believe that you could be good enough. That you were worthy of being beside someone like Junmyeon. His co-costar was stunning, even in real life. Someone who didn’t need photoshop to draw out gasps of awe and astonishment. Someone you most certainly couldn’t compete with in any race. 
You weren’t asking for much. Just to be able to hold his hand, your fingers interlaced between his own. The fantasy you allowed yourself to indulge in at times wasn’t a grand gesture or a modern fairytale. You wanted simplicity. The smaller moments that could mean so much. Mundane, to some eyes. 
Warm sun rays leaked through the closed blinds over the living room windows. A clock on the wall ticked away the meaningless minutes. Sometimes soft music hummed in the background, sometimes there was nothing but silence. Junmyeon would lay across the length of the couch with you wrapped around his side. His fingers would absentmindedly caress your shoulder or arm. In his other hand was a book, held open by his thumb and pinky. Your own hand drifted through his hair while he read aloud. 
The two of you had dozens of endless conversations about books. About the ones you loved and the ones you hated. About deeper meanings and the reflections of life. His love of literature - from the celebrated classics to the obscure unknown - had been what initially drew you in. Everything else was what made you stay.
A muscle in your hand cramped. The peaceful scene faded from your eyes. The page was now filled with barely legible, ink-smeared words. You’d written the entire scenario out, along with your heart, without even realizing it. 
In a panic, you ripped the paper from its spiral hold, crumpled it up, and tossed it to the trash can across the room. It missed. 
“I doubt whatever you wrote was that bad,” Kyungsoo murmured. He read the final few lines of the script and closed it. 
“It wasn’t,” you admitted bitterly. “But I shouldn’t have written it.” You described the scene to him while your eyes stayed trained on the loose thread twirling between your fingers. 
He sighed. “You’re never going to tell him, are you?”
“I can’t.”
“You can. You’re just stopping yourself.”
You scoffed. “Why would I deliberately set myself up like that? Break me the rest of the way?”
Kyungsoo stared at you, long and hard, his expression blank to those who couldn’t read the tell-tale signs that his thoughts were in overdrive. “You’re really hurting, aren’t you?”
You sniffed, though no tears were yet forcing their way to the surface. “Most days.”
“Then walk away.”
“I can’t.” Your voice broke - just like your heart. The world blurred when you shook your head. “I can’t… simplify it. But-- It’s like I was this stupid lump of rock drifting aimlessly through space, content with my life. Then suddenly, I came across this brilliant star that shined so brightly and… we collided. And now I’m stuck in his orbit. But he just keeps on spinning while my whole world had changed completely. He’s… my gravity. I don’t know anything else anymore.”
“Maybe it’s time to find your own orbit.”
Afraid it might crack again, your voice was barely a whisper. “I don’t know how.”
The door creaked open and your heart leapt. Junmyeon stuck his head inside. Had he overheard everything?
“There you are! I turned away for a second and suddenly you two weren’t in the cafe anymore.”
He’d… He’d seen you? In the cafe?
“It was too loud,” Kyungsoo lied, covering up for you like he always did. 
“It’s always too loud for you,” Junmyeon teased. Then his face morphed into that leader-esque expression. “We need to head to rehearsal. You’re welcome to join us,” he nodded to you.
“No, that’s okay,” you said quickly in response. “I have a writer’s meeting.” No, you didn’t, but space felt like the right choice at the moment. You tried not to focus on the lack of disappointment coming from the direction of the door. 
“Maybe next time.” Junmyeon slapped the side of the door. “Let’s go, Soo.”
You were actually the first one on your feet, muttering goodbyes to both of them and then walking down the hall perhaps a little too fast. 
You didn’t allow your mind to think the whole way home. Every action was done in automatic mode. Only the minimal amount of awareness was used. But when the apartment door clicked behind you, when the near darkness wrapped you up, when the silence crept in and the empty couch mocked you… you broke. 
Knees buckling from under you, the cold hard floor came closer and you didn’t leave that spot just inside the room as the tears and sobs crashed out in waves. 
This was what you hated the most. The breakdowns that came with no excuse. They were built up by your own mind, by your intrusive thoughts. You tortured yourself with what you could never have. The attacks were random and it was only recently that you had learned to hold them in long enough until you were safe within your own walls. One time, you hadn’t made it. Kyungsoo had been there to pat your shoulder. 
Kyungsoo. He was right. 
That clarity was coming through as the tears dried and your breathing evened out again. You needed space. You needed to separate yourself from what wasn’t good for you and not see him. Not even have the temptation to. 
This was going to hurt like hell. 
The office somehow looked smaller with the bare walls. Since the day you moved in, you tried to liven it up, give it character, make it reflect the interests you loved. How were you supposed to write if this place felt like a stifling corporate desert, dry of any creativity?
Not that you ever actually wrote in this twelve by eight space. This place had been reserved for meetings and other usually boring necessities. You didn’t know the next time a budget meeting or an email check would be conducted here. You could be back in a few months and move back in as if you never left. Or someone else could take over. Only time would tell. 
The box that currently had your attention was nearly full. You’d have to come back for the rest. There wasn’t much left, anyway. You took another look around to see if there was anything else you could do at the moment. The monitors were black, the tower underneath - so much smaller than the one you’d had as a kid - was powered off, and the chair that was aligned just so to your favored adjustments was pushed into the gray desk. Saying goodbye to this place really did hurt. 
But you needed to do this. 
And yet, you felt like you were drowning, being dragged deeper into the black water. Your lungs were screaming for relief. 
“You’re really leaving?”
Your shoulders stiffened. At first, you didn’t look up at him. You weren’t sure what to say to him. Being here… it was the last place you expected him to be today. Kyungsoo would have told him, but you wouldn’t have waited around for him to appear. 
“Hi, Junmyeon.” You folded up the top of the box, overlapping the pieces so it would stay shut in transport. 
“I thought you liked it here?”
“I love it,” you confessed. “But I- I need to go home for a little while.”
“Are you homesick?”
“Something like that.” Definitely some version of sick. 
He nodded. “Will you be gone long?” His eyes drifted over the holes in the walls leftover from the frames that used to hang in front of them. 
“I don’t know.” You shifted your weight from one foot to the other. This was…. You should go. Pushing your fingers under the box, you started to lift it to take it home. 
“Do you have to go?”
The question stalled you. Confused, the box went back down on the desk. “Why are you here, Junmyeon?”
He shrugged, though it didn’t shake off the stiffness in his shoulders. His hands were stuffed in his pockets, his arms all the way to his wrists covered up by the sleeves of his shirt. Lately he had been rolling them up. You wondered what had changed today. “You’re our friend.”
Friend. Friend. Friend. 
The word rang over and over like a declaration of war. Our friend. 
The smart thing to do would have been to nod, say goodbye, and leave. But - instead - you opened your mouth. 
“I will always be your friend.”
That didn't make him smile like you would have thought. “So, then why do you have to leave?”
You rubbed your eyebrow, fighting within yourself. You lost. 
“Have you ever had a friend so head over heels for someone that won’t even look at them twice? But they don’t care? Because as long as the person they’re looking at is happy, then they’re happy. Even if your friend is completely miserable in the process. Because they no longer care about their own self. They just keep looking at the other person, doing anything that entails that they’re still happy.” You swallowed thickly to try and keep your voice steady. By your sides, your hands were trembling at this roundabout confession. “And you want to shake them. You want to tell them to get out. Because as long as they stick around, they won’t look at one else. No one else exists. Well, this is me. Getting out.”
The frown on Junmyeon’s face deepened as he let your words sink in. “Who is it? Will you tell me?”
No. Because this was enough of an admittance. Because it was time to find your own sense of gravity. 
So, without a word, you picked up the box and left the office. 
Waiting for you when you came back was the scene you had written in the practice room that day, flattened out but still wrinkled as it laid on the desk. 
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pascalpanic · 3 years
Caffeine Rush: Chapter Two / Mocha
Pairing: Javier Peña x f!Reader
Summary: Javier learns his fate. You take him out to that dinner you promised.
W/C: 2.8k
Warnings: language, mentions of food, tooth-rotting fluff. I mean it. 
A/N: HI FRIENDS if you can’t already tell from my blog, I LOVE red velvet cake and this chapter is highly self indulgent. This fic is so near and dear to me because I really relate to the reader and put more of myself in her than I do others. I hope you guys enjoy!!!
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Mocha: espresso, steamed milk, and chocolate. Beloved for the sweet taste.
To his surprise, Javier didn’t get fired. In fact, they didn’t even mention Los Pepes. He walked in there, sweating bullets and filled with anxiety and caffeine, only to learn that they weren’t the review board. They were operations, and asked Javier what he knew about the Calí cartel. Afraid it was a trap, he didn’t answer, until the man across from him cracked a smile and told him about his new assignment.
“Your work with Escobar and the Medellín cartel was unconventional, but we needed it. If you’ll accept our offer, we’d like to assign you to Calí to head the investigation into their cartel.”
Javier’s brain froze in shock. He was wordless, staring blankly ahead and furrowing his brow. After a few moments, he mustered out all that he could. “You’re serious?”
“Yes, Agent Peña. With the assignment would additionally come a raise in pay and rank, as well as-”
He shook his head. “Doesn’t matter. I’ll take it.”
“We haven’t finished the offer-”
“I’ll take it, sir. Thank you,” he said, nodding.
“Well… take this,” he said, making Javier stand from the chair across from the room and take the file from his hands. “This is the information you’ll need, including your new pay and details. We are asking that you take at least some of your banked vacation time. You have several months of it, Peña. Our code requires that-” 
Javier’s fully aware of this policy. Use it or lose it. Unfortunately, he’d never had much time or want for vacation while chasing Escobar. What would he do? “Yeah, give me a month off,” he said mindlessly as he opened the file and scanned over the front page, in utter disbelief. He registered his surroundings after a second and looked up. “You won’t regret it, sir. Thank you,” he says and shakes the man’s hand before leaving the room.
Now, Javier stands at a payphone outside of the embassy, dialing your number in his pocket. When you pick up and ask who’s there, he laughs happily. “They didn’t fire me!”
“Congratulations,” you laugh as you realize it must be Javier. “What all happened?”
“I actually got promoted,” he admits, the adrenaline and caffeine rushing through his bloodstream. “It was absolutely crazy. They didn’t even mention Los Pepes or anything, just-”
“Are you ready for me to pick you up now?” You ask, cutting him off. “You can tell me the rest over some food. You need it. You didn’t eat that muffin I brought you.”
“What are you, my mother?” He asks dryly, but he’s too excited to be too annoyed. “No, I’ll head back to the hotel. Pick me up in 30 minutes?”
“Sounds great. Congratulations, Javier,” you tell him, grinning into the receiver. 
“Call me Javi.”
“Okay… Javi,” you say, biting your lip to hold back from giggling. “I’ll see you then.”
There’s a click and the phone line goes dead. You start giggling happily, flopping back onto the couch. Javier makes his way to the hotel, smiling. He lights up a cigarette, sighing at the way the warmth of the lighter contrasts the cold and snowy air. 
Holy fuck. You’re going on what could possibly be considered a date with a really hot guy and you need to get dressed, quick. You hurry around your tiny apartment, throwing on something nice-looking and messing with your hair. You spritz on some perfume, straighten yourself in the mirror, and rush out to the street. 
Georgetown is beautiful in the snow, you smile to yourself, but you wince as you realize the snow might slow you down. Your car is a piece of shit, you have to admit, but you love it. Her name is Whitney, in honor of Whitney Houston, and you beg and plead with her to behave as you make your way to Javier’s hotel. 
The radio plays some music quietly, and a handsome dark-haired man stands outside of the hotel, smoking a cigarette when you arrive. You flash your high-beams at him and he smiles as he puts out the cigarette and tosses it in the trash. “Hi,” you almost sing as he gets in the car. “Are you a hugger?”
“Am I a what?” He frowns and asks, looking at you. 
“Do you like hugs?” You ask, as if it’s obvious.
“I… don’t really receive many. They’re nice, I guess,” he shrugs as he looks you up and down quickly. “You look beautiful, by the way,” he tells you.
Warmth collects in your chest at his words. “Well, thank you. And I ask because I wanted to give you a hug of congratulations. I’m a big hugger,” you shrug a little and tilt your head as you look at him. He looks nice, in a button-up and those tight jeans you saw him in earlier.
A car honks behind you and you jump, awkwardly waving behind you and taking off so the next car can drive up to the hotel. Javier chuckles a little. “Well… I do like hugs, I guess. No one has ever asked me that.”
You look at him briefly, with confusion in your eyes, before they find the road again. “What a sad, sad life,” you chuckle. “I suppose. Are you… like, recently single? Did you date when you were in Colombia?” You ask innocently.
Javier exhales in a light chuckle. “No, never really had a relationship. Lots of flings,” he admits, finding that to be the best word to describe his situation. “But no relationships.”
You nod along, eyes scanning the road as you drive to dinner. “I see.”
“How about you?” He asks, wanting to deflect the attention from himself. That seems to be a common theme with him, you’ve noticed. All the conversations center around you, no matter how hard you try to talk about him. 
“Well, no. I haven’t really gone out much or done anything, really. I’m a bit of a homebody, but once I’m out I enjoy it. Problem is you can’t find a date from the couch.”
You reach the restaurant not much later, parking outside. You get out after chatting a little more, and Javi is taken by surprise when you wrap your arms around him in a big hug. “Uh, hi?” He laughs. He instinctively returns it, enjoying the feeling of your body pressed to his. He hasn’t had anything so tender in a long time. 
“I told you, it’s a congratulatory hug!” You say with a grin as you squeeze him then break away. “I’m happy for you.”
He smiles down at you. “I… thank you. That was nice.”
“Well, there’s plenty more where that came from,” you tell him and lead him inside, opening the door and heading into the restaurant. 
Javier is a fantastic conversationalist. He tells stories with his hands, vividly explaining stories from the chase for Escobar. He tells you of his partner, Steve, and his crazy methods; about Colonel Carillo, who he still thinks is one of the strongest men he’s ever met; of Stechner, who you already want to gut-punch if you ever meet. 
You watch him and admire the way his eyes dart about when he’s telling a story, the way he draws maps on the table with his fingers that you have no hope of understanding. 
The food is great but the company is better. Javier’s laugh is a beautiful sound, one rarely heard by others. He listens to you just as attentively, smiling as you talk about the coffee shop, about Georgetown, all of your life. 
By the end of the night, it’s easy to declare that you really, really like Javier. You like the way his lips quirk up in a smile, his intelligence and humor. You don’t want the night to end, truly. 
When the bill comes, he takes it before you can even try. “Hey, I told you I was paying as a congratulatory dinner,” you frown. 
“That can be another dinner,” he says mindlessly as he signs the receipt. “I always pay on the first date.”
“Oh, is that what this is?” You beam at him, tilting your head, eyes twinkling. 
He smiles as he looks up at you. “I was thinking it was. I have at least a month off work now, to be wherever I want and I have nothing to do. I’d like to properly take my time to get to know you,” he offers, and it makes your heart flutter in your chest. 
“It seems like nothing about you is proper, Javi,” you tease and sip your drink, quirking an eyebrow. 
He mirrors you, sipping his drink too. “That’s fair. But we’re in the nation’s capital, I suppose we should be a little more…”
You look at him and try to fill in the blank, smiling. “Practical? Traditional?”
He shrugs. “I don’t know what I meant to say there.”
You chuckle a little. “Well, it doesn’t matter. I like the sound of that.”
After dinner, you give Javier a little tour of Georgetown through the windows of your crappy car. The snow from earlier in the day has collected, dusting the tops of window sills and awnings over shop entries. Despite the snow, the car thermometer reads that it’s somewhat warm for the time of year.
There’s one warm little place with glowing lights. Despite the hour of night, it’s clearly open. Javier asks what it is. “Oh, that’s a little bakery,” you comment. “My favorite place, honestly. Their red velvet cupcake is fantastic.”
“That sounds good. I like chocolate more, to be honest,” he comments. 
You continue driving for a few seconds, rolling your eyes. “They have a good one there, but it’s so one-dimensional. It’s just chocolate with chocolate on top. Red velvet is the best because you have the cake and the tangy frosting, and-“
“Pull over?” Javier asks, and you look at him in confusion but pull into a parking spot obediently and quickly. 
Your eyes are wide in confusion. “What?” You ask him, concerned that something is wrong with the car. 
“I’m buying you dessert,” he chuckles and gets out. 
Your heart falls then and there for him. If you haven’t already decided, now you know that there’s no turning back. You want Javier Peña with a passion. “Jesus Christ, you could’ve told me that,” you laugh and turn off the car, getting off and bounding behind him. His long legs have already made strides ahead of you, leaving you to catch up. 
“You wouldn’t have stopped, would you?” He asks, the gentle snow leaving white flakes on his dark coat. He looks so pretty like this, the warm light from inside the bakery glowing against his dark hair. 
You roll your eyes but you’re smiling. “No, maybe not.” He opens the door for you and you thank him and follow him in. 
Javier walks to the counter and wastes no time. “Hi. I’ll take two red velvet cupcakes and two large coffees. How do you take yours?” He asks you as you join him at his side. 
“From my café,” you tease him, before turning to the woman behind the counter with a polite smile and asking for two sugars and two creams. Javier asks for his black. 
The two of you step back while she gets your order ready and you look at him, smiling a little. There are still soft white flakes in his wavy hair, which are slowly melting into water drops. 
You don’t know it, but he’s looking at you just the same. He admires you, smiling a little, just enough the quirk up one side of his mouth. “Thanks for buying,” you tell him and step a little closer. He’s warm, you can feel it radiating off of him, and the shop’s blasting cool air throughout. 
“Like I said,” he chuckles. “I always buy on the first date.” He reaches out to tuck a strand of your stray hair behind your ear. “Would you want to come up to my hotel room to eat the cupcakes?” He offers. 
You shake your head. “I work early tomorrow morning, I shouldn’t.”
Normally, Javier would be disappointed. Normally, he’d want to fuck you on the first date, leave you screaming his name until you can’t help but come back for more. But to his surprise, he doesn’t mind. He has a whole month to be with you, a whole month to fall for the woman he’s already half-lovesick over. “Not a problem,” he nods and walks to the counter as the woman calls that your order is ready. 
He hands you a large coffee, and you take a sip of the warm liquid, sighing. “There’s a little shelter out there,” you say, pointing to a bench with an awning above it to keep it clear from the snow. “Do you want to eat them out there?”
Javier half-smiles and nods. “That sounds good.”
It’s warm for the season, but there’s still a cool breeze. You hurry over and sit on the small bench, Javier sitting next to you. The sides of your thighs touch, and you’re both aware of it, the proximity this small bench forces you to squeeze into. Javier sets the box on his lap and opens it, revealing two red velvet cupcakes. “These look delicious.”
“They are,” you grin and pick one up, licking a bit of the frosting off the top and sighing in content with the taste. Javier watches you, and you’re suddenly very aware of the connotation. You look over at him with wide eyes, holding back a laugh. You both break down giggling at the action, your head falling against his shoulder. “I didn’t mean to do that like... that, I swear,” you shake your head as you sit up straight again. 
“You looked good doing it,” he teases you and bumps your shoulder as you unwrap the paper. “I’m going to save mine for later.”
You frown at him. “Come on. I have to be here when you try the best dessert of all time.”
“No,” he shakes his head. “I’m too full. I’ll have it for breakfast tomorrow or something.”
“Javi,” you whine. “There’s no point of you getting two if we don’t eat them together. You have to eat it, come on.”
Javier looks over at your cupcake, which has one bite taken. “Let me take a little bite of yours then.”
An idea strikes and you nod. “Sure,” you say casually, holding it up for him to eat it. When he goes in to bite it, you move it closer to his face, causing the cupcake to smash into his chin and onto his nose.
Javier thinks he’s the one that missed. “Fuck,” he laughs as he crosses his eyes as he looks down at his nose, seeing the cupcake and frosting smeared on his face. He sees you giggling and laughs. “Hey, you didn’t… what the fuck?” He laughs, bringing his face close to yours. “That was uncalled for.”
“You were being a grump. I had to,” you giggle, your face naturally coming closer to his.
“And we don’t even have napkins,” he shakes his head and looks at you. “How can I clean this up?”
Tilting your head, your eyes dart between his, smiling at the dark brown color and the way they soften under your gaze. “I have an idea,” you murmur, cupping the side of Javier’s face and setting the mashed cupcake back in the box. 
Just a moment later, your lips are on his. His eyes have fallen shut and he sighs as you kiss him, a hand finding your waist and pulling you closer to him. He sets the box on the bench behind him and scoots closer, a hand on the side of your neck. 
He tastes like coffee and cream cheese frosting, his lips unbearably soft for such a hardened man. You soften him with your touch, when you wrap your arms around his neck and pull him closer to you. 
He’s in fucking Heaven, he thinks, murmuring your name against your lips. He knows you already, knows the kind of person you are. He’d figured you’d maybe give a chaste kiss on the first date if you liked the person enough. The voracity of your lips against his tells him you might just reciprocate the intensity of the deep ache in his ribs he feels for you. 
After a moment, you break away and smile softly. “I didn’t get all of it,” you frown as you see that there’s still some frosting on Javier’s nose. 
“At least now we match,” he teases and wipes your face of some red crumbs that transferred to your chin with the pad of his thumb. 
You giggle and press your forehead to his, the warmth of his body perfect against yours in the slight chill of the December night. “Will you come visit me at work again tomorrow?” You ask him. 
“Only if you make me a drink that tastes as good as you do.”
@remmysbounty @mishasminion360 @blo0dangel @binarydanvvers  @sleep-tight1 @apascalrascal @randomness501 @spideysimpossiblegirl @notabotiswear @pedro-pastel @sanchosammy @lv7867 @greeneyedblondie44 @hunnambabe @astoryisaloveaffair @emesispo @pedritobalmando @magikfanatic @yooforia @oceanablue @sara-alonso @pedrosmustache @feelingmadclever @hnt-escape @radiowallet @obsessivelysearching @sugarontherims @a-court-of-feysand-and-elorcan @linnie0119 @1800-fight-me @autumnleaves1991-blog @toilet-keeper @evelynseventyr @metalarmsandmanbuns @shannababyy
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Request: Hii!! It’s me again :) Can i request a Fred x reader were the reader is staying at the burrow and she loves drawing people, so one day she decides to draw Fred without him knowing and it sort of ends with Fred confessing? Thank youuu
A/N: Not to be dramatic, so this is the cutest fucking thing ever, thank you so much for requesting @florencxs​ I hope you enjoy!
Prompt: You absolutely love drawing people, especially a particular Fred Weasley, which becomes obvious when you stay at the burrow for the summer, and he catches you drawing him.
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You were sitting on the couch in the main room of the Burrow, sitting in front of the fire, and doodling in your sketchbook as you waited for inspiration to strike you with an actual subject to draw. You were the only one in the main room, the rest of the Burrow residence either asleep, or in the kitchen finding something to eat, Fred included.
You were invited to the Burrow by Fred and George. Earlier in the year, you were talking about not being excited to go home, because your parents were never really home and you would most likely spend the Holidays alone. So as soon as they could, Fred and George sent a letter home asking if you could stay during the holiday, and of course Molly said yes.
You were disrupted from your drawing when Fred walked into the room, looking at you before trying to peer over the edge of your notebook.
“What cha doing?” Fred asked, pouting when you shut the book which made you laugh.
“Just doodling, nothing interesting” You said, brushing it off. 
“Well that's a lie, you’re always interesting” Fred said sitting in the spot across from you while a blush dusted your face.
You weren't going to lie, you had a crush on the older Weasley twin, ever since second year when you accidentally tackled him as you were running from Filtch after you dyed Mrs. Norris Purple. It was harmless, easily reversible with a spell and pet friendly, but that didn’t help to water down his rage at all. Still, it was worth it because it was how you were introduced to the Weasleys in the first place. Now in your sixth year, you and the twins were nearly inseparable, though your crush on Fred remained. 
You opened your mouth to answer Fred’s compliment, but were interrupted as Molly entered the room, followed by everyone else.
“We’re off to Diagon Ally to do some last minute Holiday shopping, would you two like to come?” Molly asked you and Fred
“I’m alright, thank you!” You said smiling at Molly
“I think I’ll stay back as well” Fred said
“Alright, well we’ll be back in a few hours, you know where everything is if you need it, have fun” Molly said, and with that, her and everyone else left though the fireplace, leaving you and Fred alone.
“Is it cool if I hang out in here with you? I need to work on an assignment. Snape, assigning reading over a holiday. It should be a crime” Fred said, making you laugh and nod. You had been assigned to read the same book, something about different herbs and their properties, but you had finished it earlier in the week.
“Sure, I don’t mind” You said, watching as Fred got situated on the other side of the couch before opening his book. You watched him for a second, before opening your sketchbook and opening to a new page, inspiration suddenly striking you.
About half an hour had gone by and you were currently working on getting the freckles on your drawing just right, your eyes darting from Fred, to your page, and back again, but you still couldn’t get those damn freckles right.
You placed a few more dots, looking up to make sure you placed them correctly before making eye contact with the man you were currently drawing, causing you to jump a bit in surprise.
“Its hard to focus on reading when you keep checking me out” Fred joked, causing your face to heat up but you played it off by rolling your eyes.
“Don’t flatter yourself Weasley, I was looking at..... The wall” You said like a question, just saying the first thing that you saw.
“....The wall” Fred said, more like a statement.
“Yep” You said, not giving into his look of disbelief.
“You mean to tell me... you’ve spent the last half hour drawing that wall” He said pointing behind him. “The only wall in the whole house with absolutely nothing on it by the way.”
“Yeah, Its very complex” You said, continuing worth your lie, trying your best to look him in the eye.
“Huh, well can I see your complex recreation?” He asked, causing your face to heat up even more.
“No, its not done yet, and I haven't gotten the blankness quite right and- Hey!” You stammered, suddenly stopping when Fred snatched the book out of your hands and turning to your most recent drawing, which of course, was of him.
You didn’t even try to grab the book back out of his hands. It was too late. He had seen it. He was currently still seeing it. You were screwed. This was it. This was the end of days, the day he found out that you liked him and-
“You drew this?” Fred suddenly asked, snapping you out of your trance. The softness of his tone surprising you.
“Well, yeah” You said, not quite sure how you were supposed to respond.
Fred held the sketchbook, eyes looking over every fine detail as a smile crossed his face.
“Do you like it?” You asked after a moment of silence, not sure how to feel about his reaction.
Fred's eyes finally met yours and suddenly you realized how close you were together, Fred having moved closer when he stole your book.
“Yeah, I do” He said, looking back at the page “The way you’re able to pay attention to every detail, how you are able to see the pieces of a persons personality poking through, how you make every line seem so delicate but so intent. Its amazing” He finished, looking back at you.
There was a beat of silence as you both looked into each others eyes, before suddenly yours darted down to his lips and back. His eyes did the same, but his gaze lingered for longer, it was more intentional.
“Y/n, can I-” Fred asked, but you didn’t let him finish, you knew what he was going to ask. So before he could complete his question, you closed the space between you two and placed your lips on his.
Fred took no time to respond to the kiss, moving his hand to the back of your neck to bring you even closer together. Meanwhile your hands moved up to cup his face, reveling in the feeling of his lips finally being on yours.
After a moment, you pulled away, needing to get some air, not being able to hide the giant smile on your face, which Fred mirrored.
“We’ll about time” Fred said, making you laugh before swatting his shoulder.
“You weren’t giving me many hints ya know” You defended.
“We’ll I didn’t know if you liked me or not! But now thanks to your amazing drawing skills I do” He said, making you smile.
“Well I’m glad you like it, even though its actually of George” You joked, causing Fred to make a horrified face
“It is not!” Fred said as you laughed hysterically.
“No Its you I’m kidding, George had much better hair” You said, continuing the joke before being tackled onto the couch, Fred poking your sides and making you laugh.
“Take it back!” Fred said, not letting up on the tickling attack as you tried to squirm away.
“Okay! Ok, your hair is better” You said, Fred finally stopping and looking at you, a smile on his face.
“That’s what I thought” Fred said, causing you to roll your eyes.
“You’re so full of it” You laughed
“Nah, you love me” Fred defended, a smile on his face.
“Its truly a curse” You replied, making Fred laugh before he ducked his head to re connect his lips to yours, the notebook now long forgotten on the floor.
A/N: I hope you liked it! I never know how to end these so sorry if the ending sucks lol. Feel free to leave any requests you may have!
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argylemnwrites · 3 years
Fight or Flight  - Chapter 15: Hiccup
Pairing: Drake Walker x MC (Riley Liu)
Book: The Royal Heir (canon divergent from the end of book 2)
Word Count: ~4300
Rating: PG-13 (brief language)
Summary: Almost four weeks since The Walker Absconding
Author’s Note: And we’re back! Since it’s been ages... Previously on Fight or Flight - Hana had learned that Barthelemy and Godfrey were working with Auvernal from Kiara, but Liam didn’t seem motivated to take much action regarding that fact. Leo had gotten money and belongings to Riley, who shared an intimate moment with Drake when she returned to their hotel.
This series follows the Walkers, their friends, and Cordonia as a whole after they flee the country with their daughter during Barthelemy Beaumont’s attempted coup. To catch up on this series, check out it’s masterlist. (link can be found via my bio - sorry, Tumblr is once again not putting my posts with links in tag searches)
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Liam let out a sigh as he changed the channel back to CBC. He needed to be actively watching, probably should be taking notes, in all honesty. This hour of programming consisted of discussion with three of the most connected political pundits in the country. It was the easiest and most reliable way to get a feel for the leanings of both the journalists and the common citizens, and it aired every weekday, so it was far more up to date than waiting for the biweekly polling.
The issue was that the panelists were revelling in the recent turn of events with such glee. It was understandable, he supposed. This was the most exciting political turn of events this country had seen in centuries. It put the mild speculation that he was Bridget’s biological father, a rumor had surfaced around the time of his announcement that Drake and Riley’s child would be heir and had briefly flared again at Bridget’s first public appearance when people had seen that she indeed looked like a child with some East Asian heritage, to shame. This wasn’t just baseless gossip and stirring the pot to increase ratings. This was true turmoil, plain and simple. There was a relative unknown carrying the power of the Crown, the current Queen-regent had been “kidnapped” and not seen in weeks, citizens were protesting daily, and this was all expected to last for months until the Conclave, where all the tension and drama would culminate in a vote among the five major noble houses to name a new monarch. The journalists and talking heads had a seemingly endless feast in front of them. All of it at his expense.
He took another sip of his scotch as he tried to focus on the screen ahead of him. If he could figure out how to gain a majority of the public’s support, then he could apply some pressure to Kiara and Landon prior to the Conclave vote. Not that he was naive enough to think that would be enough to assure that he would regain his title, but at least it would be one more piece of ammunition in his arsenal.
“The protests outside of the Capital aren’t going to be as easily quieted as the ones in Valtoria, Victor,” Francine Giorano stated, leaning forward and gesturing across the table to Victor Blussé. Blussé was the moderate on the panel, while Giorano was a staunch traditionalist. “They have had fears about the role the essentially-American Walkers played in our government for years, and look how right those fears turned out to be.”
“How is any of this the Walkers’ fault, Francine? This can all be traced to Barthelemy Beaumont!”
“The Conventus Nobilis was written into our foundational laws for a reason, Victor,” chimed in Willa Hyllop, the final member of the panel, added to the program in the past year to bring in a more modern, pro-democratic viewpoint.
“Surely you aren’t saying you are on the side of Beaumont, Willa! He represents an even less progressive faction than Liam Rys ever did.”
“I may not agree with everything he stands for, but I will always support measures that place some checks and accountability on our monarchy,” said Hyllop with a shrug. “Besides, the fact that Rys surrounded himself with yes-men and granted titles and appointments on the basis of friendship since he ascended the throne did little to convince me that he was the ‘progressive king’ he swore he was. He was more of the same, just without the aggressive rhetoric of his father.”
“And look how that turned out! Lest we forget, he stood by while Auvernal brought warships to our shore last year,” added Giorano.
Liam closed his eyes and took a deep breath. Giorano and Hyllop were never on the same page about anything, and here they were, agreeing that he had been an ineffectual king. He tuned out Blussé’s response, knowing that some lukewarm rebuttal from him was going to do little to bolster his confidence. The fact was simple - his fall from grace was widespread. There were few left who saw him as worthy of the title of king. He had failed, completely and entirely.
 “Liam?” Olivia’s voice cut over the television. 
Liam opened his eyes to find her staring at him from the lounge’s doorway, a frown cutting across her face. He forced a smile as he gestured for her to join him. “Just taking a little break from hearing how incompetent I am.”
Olivia’s green eyes narrowed at his poor attempt at humor, but she strode over to him, joining him on the couch, undoubtedly taking in the blank notepad, the untouched stacks of documents, and the glass of liquor that sat on the table in front of him. “Well, that’s the perception we’re going to have to work to change.”
He tipped his head to rest along the back of the couch, sighing as he did so. “I know, Liv. It just seems so impossible at the moment.”
She didn’t say anything for several excruciating seconds. He rolled his head to the side, taking in her face, concerned eyes boring into him as she slid a hand around her neck, her blood-red nails digging into her skin. “We’ve got months still, Liam. Calling our goal impossible is premature.”
“You’re right. I know you’re right, and I’m all ears if you have any recommendations for where to start.”
“Well, I got confirmation that Landon and Emmeline’s driver is loyal to us, so Ray is going to approach him at the Derby this weekend to see if he might be willing to earn a little extra cash by divulging some secrets. And their new head of kitchen has a brother with significant gambling debts, so that’s another lead worth pursuing.”
“Sounds good, Olivia.”
“Now, as far as next steps for you, I was hoping you might give reporters a few minutes for questions before the derby.”
Liam swallowed, his brain scrambling to come up with a reason, any reason, against her suggestion, when his phone vibrated on the table, the name “Bastien” flashing across the screen.
“Why is he calling you?” Olivia asked. All Liam could do was shrug as he leaned forward, grabbing his phone and swiping to accept the call.
“I don’t have long,” he started, not even taking the time for a greeting. “I don’t know if you are in touch with Drake, but if you are, you need to let him know that they need to get out of Athens.”
“What are you-”
“Rashad is negotiating with Greek authorities right now to allow the King’s Guard to be the ones to make the arrest. We are waiting on the tarmac for clearance to fly to Athens.”
“He’s requesting Greek surveillance of their hotel until we get there. They need to leave now.”
“Bastien, what-”
“I have to go.” And then, the line was dead.
Liam sat there, numb and frozen, trying to process the slew of information that had just been dumped into his lap by his former head of security. 
“What the hell is going on?” Olivia’s voice drew him out of his daze, prompting him to set down his phone on the couch, digging frantically through the stacks of papers.
“I need my burner.” He heard his voice as if he were an outsider observer. It was thin and shaky, frail and panicked. His hands shook as he felt around the table in front of him, knocking over a pile containing reproductions of the accounts of the last Conclave, dozens of papers spilling onto the floor.
“Liam, what the fuck did he tell you?”
“They know where they are. We have to warn them.” All his frustrations and pain related to Drake and Riley suddenly felt so petty, so ridiculous. The stakes were higher for them, always had been higher for them. They were about to get arrested over wanting to keep custody of their daughter. And while they left him to fend for himself, left Cordonia in a state of political upheaval, he knew that was a price that was wildly unfair.
“Who knows where they are? Rashad?”
“Yes,” said Liam, shoving more and more documents around the table. Where was his burner?
“How does he know?”
“I don’t know! Where the fuck is it?” Liam swiped his arm across the table, books and papers flying, the sound of glass breaking echoing through the room as his scotch tumbled to the ground.
A strong set of fingers with sharp red nails slid around his wrist, holding him still. He took a rough breath as he turned to face Olivia, who was eyeing him as she tugged her own burner out of her pocket, only breaking his gaze to glance down at the screen, tapping three times before holding it to her ear and looking back at Liam.
The few seconds of silence on her end were maddening, but then she was speaking, her voice curt and all business. “Drake, authorities are coming. You gotta go. Now.”
Liam tried to rein in his rapid breathing, tried to calm his heart rate down to something more human. “The King’s Guard is flying into Athens. They are leaving now. Rashad asked for Greek surveillance until-” but Olivia nodded at him, cutting him off.
“I don’t know how. But your hotel is about to be under Greek surveillance until the King’s Guard arrives, so you guys have to get moving. Good luck.” She hung up at that, letting out a massive sigh. “Shit,” she breathed out after a few seconds, her eyes bouncing back and forth before she slammed them shut, clearly planning and preparing.
Liam felt her fingers trembling around his wrist for just a second, but then she let go. She pushed herself off the couch with a flourish. “Find your burner. I’m gonna make some calls, but we need to destroy any evidence that we were in contact with them,” she said, nearly jogging towards the door.
She spun around and let out a little breath before walking back towards the couch. Her hand settled on his shoulder with a gentle squeeze as she gave him a nod. “We warned them as soon as we could, but we need to be the ones worried about the big picture right now. And things will only be worse for them if you and I are arrested, right?”
All he could do was nod. She was 100 percent correct.
“Okay, so find your burner. I’ll be back in a little bit, Liam.” And with that, she was off, a woman on a mission, leaving him sitting there, shaking on the couch, just trying to find his footing.
Hana shook hands with the final citizen, a woman in her late 40s who had been born and raised in Valtoria.
“Thank you so much, Your Grace,” she said, smiling as she returned the handshake.
“Of course. Just because our country is going through a period of transition doesn’t mean that I am going to ignore the needs of Valtoria’s citizens.”
The woman thanked her again before turning and exiting the formal dining room, the location Hana had chosen for the first Citizen Open Forum she’d scheduled. The large table provided ample seating, but the room was close enough to the main entrance to make it unlikely that anyone could wander into private areas of the estate without being caught by staff. 
Olivia had been irritated when Hana had told her she was opening up the estate to the public. “You are giving Barthelemy’s people free access,” she told her. But Hana knew that she couldn’t just sidestep her duties as a duchess. Not only would that weaken people’s perception of Liam by association, but morally she just couldn’t do that. The country was in such turmoil because of a few members of the nobility trying to wrest power from some other nobles. For her citizens to be left neglected due to the whims of the highly privileged was ethically something she couldn’t allow to happen. So she’d hosted the forum, hearing directly from Valtoria’s residents what she should prioritize to improve their lives, but made sure to instruct her staff to notify her immediately if anyone was caught wandering too far from the dining room or bathroom. It was the best she felt she could do under the circumstances.
However, the last citizen had now vacated the estate, and Hana couldn’t help but let out a contented sigh. It had gone well, she thought. She had clear budgetary priorities to request at the upcoming meeting between the social season’s derby and the stop in Lythikos. Plus, one of the leaders of the protesters in front of the estate had come, and conversation with him had been productive. Obviously, she couldn’t outright tell him that she wished she could be right out there with them, carrying a sign that said “She’s their kid,” but he had given her a knowing smile when she told him she saw no reason to intervene when Cordonia citizens were just exercising a right to free speech. He had all but promised her that the protests would stay peaceful and would not target her for her assumption of the role of Duchess of Valtoria.
As she wandered into the kitchen to make herself some tea, she felt her phone vibrating in her pocket. She turned on the tap to fill the kettle with one hand as she moved to answer the call with the other.
“Olivia, how are you?” she asked, watching the kettle fill.
“Do you not answer your phone anymore?”
Hana frowned, pulling the phone away from her ear and swiping the screen. “I don’t have any missed calls, Olivia.”
“Not this phone. I’ve called you no less than ten times.”
She turned off the tap and set the full kettle on the counter, a nagging thread of anxiety and fear worming its way into her heart with that statement. “What’s wrong?”
“Turn on the news.”
Hana spun around, finding the remote laying on the island and turning on the television mounted in the eat-in nook.
“-these exclusively obtained photos show a woman who appears to be the former duchess, Riley Walker, conversing with the former Crown Prince, Leo Rys, at a bar in Athens.”
The screen filled with a low-quality image, clearly zoomed in several times. The lighting was a sort of orange color, and the faces were grainy and fuzzy, but there was Riley, although her hair was clearly dyed a much lighter color. Leo’s face was only seen in profile, not as identifiable, but he was obviously talking to her. The screen changed to a new photo, Leo a bit more recognizable in this one, passing Riley something.
“Oh no,” said Hana, leaning against the counter.
“-clear evidence of collusion between the former Crown Prince and Riley Walker, who has been charged with treason and kidnapping of the monarch,” the anchor droned on, but Olivia’s response drowned out the quiet volume of the television.
“Yeah, that’s an understatement. So what was so pressing that you were ignoring your burner?”
“I had the forum with the citizens, and I thought if I was carrying two cell phones, that might-”
A massive groan from Olivia cut her off. “Whatever. Well, you need to destroy your burner. Now.”
“But what about Riley and-”
“I warned them. Hopefully they are able to get out of Athens, but nothing else we can do there. It’s time to protect ourselves.”
“Olivia, what-”
“I gotta go check on Liam. Destroy the phone, Hana. And don’t call me.”
“Why can’t I-”
“-Liam is definitely going to be questioned since Leo is now known to be involved. We can talk at the derby, but if they start monitoring our phone records, I don’t want to give them any reason to think we are scheming.”
Before Hana could as much as tell Olivia she understood, she heard the line click dead. Taking a few seconds for some calming breaths, she centered herself before she climbed the stairs to her quarters, a pit of dread cementing itself firmly in her stomach with each step. She reached her room and opened the top drawer of her dresser, pulling the burner phone out from underneath her nylons. Sure enough, she had dozens of missed notifications from Olivia, and a couple from Maxwell as well. Well, she knew what those were regarding. No need to deal with them at this point. Instead, she walked over to her dressing table and grabbed her manicure kit.
She wandered down the hallway towards the lounge, taking in the quiet and calm. It was odd; the estate probably had more people in it currently than it had for most of the time Riley and Drake had lived there. Hana didn’t feel compelled to aggressively minimize the staff presence like they had, far more used to having employees around from her upbringing. But staff were expected to be as discreet and silent as possible, to make themselves scarce, particularly in the private quarters. 
No one had ever called Riley quiet. There was a certain vibrancy she brought to any room, and her voice and laughter were always echoing through the halls. And even though Drake wasn’t the most talkative, he certainly would quip, snark, and joke in the privacy of his own home. Of course, once Bridget was born, there was more noise and energy and life than ever before. Now, it was just Hana and the corgis. The estate felt hollow and soulless.
Once in the lounge, Hana shut the door behind her firmly. Anderson glanced up, but quickly draped his head back over Vera, all the dogs curled up on their giant cushion in the corner. Hana knew that the maids had cleaned the lounge yesterday, so she was unlikely to be found there. She sat down in one of the armchairs, and pried the cover off the back of her phone using her cuticle pusher. All the electronic components stared up at her, ready for her to do her worst. But before she could bring herself to kill the only connection she had to her best friend, she flipped the phone over and sent one last message to Riley.
I love you all. Stay safe. I’ll find a way to get in touch when I can.
Letting out a sigh, she turned the phone back over. She spent the next 15 minutes prying off motherboards and any chips and cards she could find, dropping them one by one into her container of acetone nail polish remover. Then, she removed the battery before placing the remaining elements into the fireplace. She would just have to store the battery under her floorboards until she could figure out how to safely dispose of it. 
She started a fire, then curled up on the couch, tugging a quilt over her lap as she watched her only connection to the first person to show her unconditional love melt and warp, eventually turning to ash. Tears started trailing down her cheeks, dripping onto her blouse and the quilt, but she didn’t care. She was devastated - for herself, for her found family, and for her country. At some point, Anderson jumped up to join her, nestling in against her legs.
“I miss them so much,” she said, dropping a hand to the top of his head. “So, so much.”
Bridget was wailing in her crib, but Riley didn’t have time to calm her. She needed to pack. Now.
When Drake had called her, she knew something bad was happening. He’d left with their passports this afternoon to take them to a cousin of a friend of someone Drake had met at the restaurant, someone who was supposed to be able to help with fake documents and forgeries. The plan had been to change their names and their country of origin, allowing them to catch a flight to the States without getting stopped at the airport. The final destination once there hadn’t been decided. Drake had wanted to go to Texas, but Leona’s presence scared Riley. She had already sold out their safety for a quick payday once before.
But that debate was a moot point now. So was the uncertainty about this unknown forger on whom they were relying. Drake had called, frantic and alarmed, clearly running and somewhat out of breath as he spoke to her. Telling her Olivia had called to warn them they were about to be arrested. Telling her to pack. Telling her they needed to run.
So Bridget was unceremoniously dumped into her travel crib as Riley tried to shove everything into the duffel bags from Leo. She knew she should leave the impractical things, like the framed photos, but those would incriminate their friends. So they had to come with. Toiletries seemed essential, too. Some of the clothes were going to have to get left behind. Some of the toys as well. She had to be able to carry everything in one trip. She had to get to the car as quickly as possible. 
She knew it had probably been less than five minutes since Drake had called, but it felt like she was moving too slowly, taking way too long. Drake hadn’t given her any sort of time frame. Who knew if Olivia had even given him one. But for all she knew, police were rounding the corner, waiting for her in the hallway, about to burst through the hotel door. So she shoved and crammed and squeezed everything she could into the duffel bags and the diaper bag. Those would go over her shoulders, the crib would collapse and go in one arm, Bridget in the other. That would have to be good enough. 
Once she was sure that the bags were as full as they could be, she pulled Bridget out, placing her on the floor as she scrambled to collapse the crib, fumbling with the locking mechanism for just a few seconds before it folded in on itself, allowing her to tuck it into her elbow. By some mad miracle, Bridget was hanging close by, not trying to crawl away to explore and cause trouble. Maybe she was frightened by the way Riley was acting. Regardless, it was a blessing.
Knowing she was as ready as she was going to be, she loaded everything up and grabbed Bridget, pausing just briefly to juggle their possessions as she opened the door. She didn’t bother closing it behind her, just moved as quickly as she could with her load down the hallway, down the stairs, through the lobby, and around the corner to the street where their car was parked. No one tried to stop her or talk to her, so she took the time to toss everything on the ground and properly latch Bridget into her car seat. Then, she threw everything in the hatchback before climbing into the passenger’s seat and locking the doors behind her. Bridget continued to cry, but there was little Riley could do to comfort her at this point. All that was left to do was wait for Drake.
Drake had told her to meet him in the car, but she didn’t like feeling exposed, sitting where anyone could see her during broad daylight. Add to that the fact that she was in the passenger seat, so she wouldn’t even be able to make a quick getaway if need be. Her piss-poor driving skills were just one more area where she was making their life harder, but there was no way to fix that right now. All she could do was hang tight. She was contemplating what in the car she could use as a weapon if it came down to it when her phone buzzed. She swiped to answer instantly when she saw it was Drake’s number.
“Drake, where are you?”
“Around the corner from the hotel. You in the car?”
“Yeah. How did-” but before she could get her question out, she saw Drake through the driver’s side window. She let out a little yelp of surprise before reaching over and unlocking the door, handing him the keys as soon as he sat down. 
He didn’t even bother to say anything, just started the car and eased off the clutch as he shifted into first gear, pulling out onto the road. Bridget quieted soon after they got moving, but Riley didn’t feel any better as the yelling and screaming subsided. She just stared at Drake, one hand braced on the steering wheel, the other on the gear shift, his neck and shoulders so tense and coiled, he looked ready to burst.
“Where are we going?” she finally chanced asking.
Drake shook his head, never taking his eyes off the road. “I don’t know. Out of Athens.”
“Then why are we making so many turns?”
“Don’t know if we were being watched or followed. Gotta lose anyone who might be tailing us.” His voice was clipped and frayed. He sounded about five seconds away from losing it completely. Riley wanted to hold his hand, to comfort him in some way. But she didn’t want to distract him, both from driving and from the tiny amount of control he had over his emotional response to everything that was unfolding. After all, they weren’t safe yet. So she just nodded and grabbed her phone off her lap.
“I’ll pull up some maps, okay?”
He nodded and let out a rough breath at that. “Thanks, Walker,” he said before flipping on the radio. “Can you try and find us a news station?”
“Drake, I won’t-”
“I’ll translate.”
And so they were off, unsure where or how far they needed to go to be safe. All they could do at this point was keep moving forward.
Tumblr media
Perma: @walkerswhiskeygirl​ @octobereighth​ @kimmiedoo5​ @mom2000aggie​
TRR/TRH: @twinkleallnight​ @iaminlovewithtrr​ @mskaneko​ @axwalker​ @jovialyouthmusic​ @marshmallowsandfire​ @kingliam2019​ @sirbeepsalot​ @texaskitten30 @princessleac1​ @ladyangel70​ @debramcg1106​ @masterofbluff​  
Drake/MC:  @no-one-u-know   @iplaydrake​
FoF: @burnsoslow​ @bobasheebaby​
59 notes · View notes
gay-salt-amber · 3 years
Kitten had a bad day
TW: panic attacks, (swearing prolly)
General content warning: Gay, platonic Levken, mentioned Bokuakakuroken, Yuri on ice x Haikyuu, NB kenma
●Kenma pov●
Today... Todays class is going to be rough on me. Its not anybody's fault, that's obvious enough, Its my fault if anything. Overworking is a bad thing to do a lot, I know this, hell I've sent Kuroo and Akaashi articles on why NOT to overwork. But, it seems I'm a hypocrite today. I turned 16 recently, meaning I'm in the senior figure skating division. Such a shift can cause anyone to over-work, perfecting jumps, steps, etc.
Today, the effects are really starting to ware on me, currently I'm sitting in class working on a English assignment. Typically I breeze right through them, since I grew up around people like Leo and Otabek who spoke English well so I know what is on the paper infront of me quite well. I should of had this done in five minutes flat, but all I can do is stare at a blank page, thinking about all the mess ups I made during practice and how I should go to the rink by myself and practice then. The thoughts get overwhelming at times but at the same time, I don't really want to be the one in a family with world-record breakers and not at least have won a gold in a senior competition. While it will cause sleep to leave me, I also know that the skating season doesn't last forever and after the grand prix I can rest for a while and breathe. I know my parents wouldn't approve, especially Yurio who has always insisted I rest.
The bells sudden ringing and the teachers loud shout of goodbyes nearly made me jump out of my own skin. It was lunch, meaning I could be alone for the first time that day. Maybe I could take a nap or something during the half hour we get to eat. Some of the team would use that time for practice but I would much rather play my game or sleep. I didn't pack anything for lunch today anyway since I assumed I wouldn't be hungry, and I was right, tiredness was eating at me if anything. While I was walking to the roof to rest, my phone dinged, 'Who's texting me now? Isn't everyone busy?' I thought.
I opened it and read the message, my sight was a little blurry due to the lack of sleep and the light was giving me a slight headache but it was fine. The message read:
"Do you wanna eat with me? I'm outside by that tree you sit at a lot!"
I grinned and texted back that I'd be there and walked down the stairs and out the front door, as I looked I spotted Lev quickly. His tall figure and silver hair quite easy to identify. Lev and I had been friends for years, we were raised together, with our parents being really close. Although, I give him a hard time during volleyball practice, I truly do care for the younger middle blocker. Right when I reached his line of sight his arms waved frantically in the air, "Kenma! Over here!" He called
"Coming!" I called back.
I quickly reached Lev's side who was sipping out of a water bottle when I got to him. He was in his practice clothes for figure skating, he was probably going to practice after school with me. I let out a yawn when I sat down, which caused Lev to remove the bottle from his lips,
"You tired?" He asked
Him saying that just made me feel sleepier, "Yeah, practice has been getting to me a bit."
He smiled lightly, "Do you want me to do anything? To help I mean."
I groaned, embarrassed, "Uh.. Can I just lay on your lap and rest?"
Lev's smile grew, it was bright enough to put Shoyo's smile to shame, "Of course!"
"Do you want me to run my hands through your hair too?" His tone wasn't jokey, he was being genuine which I appreciated.
I nodded as my head slowly lowered to the Russian first years lap. It didn't take long for my eyes to close and for his hands to slowly rake through my hair, this was something we did all the time but it always made me red.
"Don't overwork ok? I know you feel the need to but its not good for you, Kenma-san!"
I chuckled, "Don't worry, once the grand prix is over, I'll relax, ok?"
Lev seemed like he wanted to say more but he stayed quiet as he sat his hand across my chest, like a safety belt almost. I relaxed and dozed off on Lev's lap for the rest of rest of the time
20 minutes later--
When I awoke I felt a light tapping on my shoulder, it was Lev, "Sorry for waking you early but I didn't want for you to miss the bell or something!" I groaned at his words and tried to go back to sleep with Lev trying to keep me awake until the bell rang, signaling for me to get my ass to history and Lev to head to math class, classes we both despised. However, the class was going to be shortened today according to the teacher, so that's nice I guess. Me and Lev parted ways once we entered,
Lev waved back to me "Have a good class! See you during practice Kenma-san!"
"Cya." As soon as I said that, Lev disappeared.
When I stepped foot into my history class my mood dipped back to its prior state from before lunch, moody, tired and just wanting to leave. Once I sat down, I got out my phone and airpods and tried to space out the teachers yelling and nonsense since it was stuff that we already went over on our notes. Everything was going well, I was writing down what was on the board, taking down notes, etc, etc. This may not be bad afterall, I wonder if Lev is having a more difficult time in his math class, since he hates that subject about as much as I hate history.
Taking down notes has been easy so far, while I was writing however, the music I was listening to cut off. The sudden boom in voices around me made me jump and made me nervous. I checked my phones notifications which informed me that my airpods were indeed dead. Which would be fine, that is if my anxiety wasn't spiking and if I wasn't running on about 30 minutes of sleep today! I took a deep breath and tried to regain my composure and relax, which isnt working but it was worth a shot.
The bell rung and I got up from my seat, grabbed my stuff and exited, only to be met by a loud boom, "KENMA!" I flinched from the sudden noise and turned to see one of my boyfriends, Kuroo leaning on the wall waiting for me
He walked up to me, holding out his hand which I happily took, "How was class?"
"Well lets get to practice then." Kuroo started dragging me to the gym
"Hey y'know I can walk."
Kuroo didn't answer so we just walked in comfortable silence, Lev and Yaku, his boyfriend eventually walked with us we shared light conversations until we reached the gym. We went into the locker room and changed into our practice clothes, wheeled out the volleyball cart, put the net up and started practice.
I couldn't even stand on the court for ten minutes before I said, "I need to sit down."
Kuroos face grew concerned, along with the rest of the Nekoma team, "Are you feeling ok?" He asked as he walked me over to the bench.
"I'm fine I just need to rest."
"Alright, let me know if you need anything." With that, Kuroo ran back onto the court to hit volleyballs back and forth with the others.
I took sips of my water and tried to relax but I couldn't my mind was running laps but my body was tired. Thoughts whirled, 'Should I call Yakov and tell him I need to take a day off? He'll blow up in my face for not resting! Do I go into practice and get yelled at for being tired?! What do I do.." Can my mind just stop?!
The sound of the volleyballs slamming and the yelling coming from the others is growing to be too much, my emotions haven't been good all day but now, they're worse. They're in overdrive. The sounds soon grew louder and louder to a point where I can't drown them out, without thinking tears started streaming down my face. I tried to stop them but they just kept coming and the more I tried to stop them the harder they ran down my face. Shibayama, our first year libero was the first one to notice and run over.
He sat down next to me and softly asked, "Kenma? Are you ok?"
All I could do was shake my head as the tears formed waterfalls, "Kenma! Honey, are you ok? What can I do to help?" Kuroos voice only made me flinch and did nothing to help which was strange because it typically did when I had emotion overload like this.
For what seemed like hours there were people constantly trying to comfort me but nothing was working, I just needed to cry it all out.
●Lev pov●
"Sorry dad! I have to go, I'll be there at practice today!" I was on the phone with my dad Viktor Nikiforov-Katsuki
"Alright, alright. I'll stop pestering you now! Have a good day at volleyball practice and don't bug Kozume too much!"
"I'll try, bye dad! Love you!"
"Love you too Lyovochka" With that, the call was over and I walked into the locker room and got changed.
The locker room was empty by the time I entered, "Crap Yaku-sans gonna be so mad!" I said to myself, worried. When I got my bag open I realized something.. I grabbed my figure skating bag instead! Shit! I sighed and rolled with it. I put on my black training shirt and pants, put the stuff in a locker and left.
Once I entered the gym, everyone was focused on practicing and Kenma was sitting on a bench, alone. I don't know why but I'm going to stay behind and make sure they're ok. I know they're tired so, I wonder if they're just exhausted. Regardless, I quietly slumped to the ground, got out my phone and listened to music, in plain sight of the others who I am sure will scold me for this later. I got to space out for the first time in a while, I enjoy just being able to listen to music and relax, all the practice is tiring and even the best figure skaters and volley ball players need breaks every now and then.
Kenma still isn't looking very well, I took an earbud out and scooted closer, not enough for them to notice, not to be creepy, I just wanna make sure they're ok. The fake blonde setters breathing was getting more uneven and they were playing with their fingers which over the years I have grown to learn that was something they did when they were panicky and needed to do something with their hands. They were drinking their water though which seemed to help a little bit. Not much, but a little. A few minutes later, I saw tears streaming down their face.
●3rd person●
Everyone on the Nekoma was trying to comfort Kenma. Shibayama, Inuoka, Kuroo, Yaku, Kai, everybody. But, despite their best efforts nothing worked. After a few minutes, the half Russian self declared ace of the team perked his head up and saw the tears streaming down like rain on Kenma's face. Upon seeing this, Lev turned off his music, put his phone into his pocket and walked up to the teams 3rd year libero, Morisuke Yaku,
"Hey, Mori?" He whispered
Yaku turned to him, "Whats up Lev? We're trying to take care of Kenma here."
"Can you do me a favor and get me my bag?"
"Cant you get it yourself?" He scoffed
"I want you to step away from this for a second, take a breath, y'know?" Lev explained
Yaku rolled his eyes but walked to the locker room and got Lev's bad anyway. When he got back, Lev was still keeping a close eye on their setter, his face grew worried as the situation didn't get better.
Yaku shoved the bag onto Lev, "Here's your bag, titan."
Lev grinned and slowly walked over to Kenma, the others saw him and stood up from the bench so he could sit and try and comfort them.
"No offense, Lev, I don't think you'll be able to comfort Kenma. I mean they don't really like you much."
"We'll see." After that, Lev payed the comment no mind, he didn't care. Nobody really knew how close Kenma and Lev actually were after all. well at least nobody from this team did.
At the sight of Lev, Kenma relaxed.
●Lev pov●
Kenma looked relax at the sight of me, that's good. Although I'm sure it surprise the team a bit.
"Hey, Kenma, what's wrong?" I asked quietly
Kenma tried to wipe their eyes, "I-I don't know, I just started crying and I cant stop.."
I grabbed my bag and slung it onto the bench, "Can I try something, Kenma?"
They nodded, "Go ahead."
I slowly unzipped my bag and got out my laptop and a pair of headphones, this made the rest of the team (especially Kuroo) crowd around me to see what I was doing.
My eyes then lit up when I found the video file I wanted, "Ah there it is!"
Kenma's head perked up, "What?"
I raised the earbuds to above his head and said, "Can I put these on you?"
Kenma nodded, which made me smile. Then, I hit play on the video. The video was titled, "XXX Cup, Men's free-skate, Russia, 2XXX". Their eyes lit up instantly when the video started playing, Michele Chrispino of Italy taking the ice first. When I turned around, the teams eyes were wide as Kenma's tears started to fade.
Kuroos face was all types of confused, "How did you do that?!"
I rubbed hand on my neck in embarrassment, "I've always helped them like this! It's just familiar to them so its comforting."
"I didn't know they were into that stuff." Yaku chimed in
"Yeah, they've liked it since they were a kid."
Kai's head then popped into view, "Not gonna lie, I'm curious on what's going on in the video."
Upon hearing that I tapped Kenma on the shoulder who promptly slid one of the headset ears off to listen, "Do you mind if the others listen to it too?"
Kenma let out a noise of agreement and unplugged the headset and turned it up. The announcers voice was loud, "Next up is Kenjiro Minami-Altin Plisetsky of Japan!" Under his breath he said something that made us all chuckle, "Man that's a mouthful of a name." At the announcement of their dads name the setter started acting all giddy and happy, clapping their hands together and moving from side to side,
These things caused me to snicker, "You've seen this performance a thousand times."
Kenma's voice then dropped to a whisper, "He's one of my dads, I'd be happy to see his skate anytime."
I chuckled, and went back to watching again, Minami's theme for that season was 'punk' which is quite contrasting to his sunflower personality but, anyone could admit that the skating was amazing, along with the outfit and music that was made especially for that program. However, JJ was on afterwards. Me and Kenma let out a groan of disappointment and hatred towards the Canadian skater and promptly skipped it.
"Hey! Why'd you skip that?" Yaku exclaimed
"Hes a dick, that's why." Me and Kenma both said in unison
After a while, I turned away from the screen and walked over to my libero boyfriend, gave him a kiss on the head and said, "I'll be back in a bit dear, I need to make a call real fast!" Yaku's turned back, cheeks still full of blush, kissed my nose, then wished me luck and let me leave the gym. Right when I got out there, I instantly opened my call app.
My eyes quickly grazed through the contacts in my 'Skater family list'. After a few seconds I scrolled down to the 'O' section and hit call on Otabek Altin's contact... Well I guess his name is Otabek Minami-Altin-Plisetsky now. Meh, not like it matters now, I can change that contact name later,
After a second, the Kazakh skater answered, "Hello?"
"Hi Otabek!"
He let out a sigh, "I know you're in school right now, is something wrong?"
"Well not anymore~"
He paused, "...What?..."
"Uh, you see, Kenma had a emotion overload and started uncontrollably crying, so I turned on a figure skating thing and now they're fine." I explained
"Oh, why did they have an emotion overload?" He asked
"I guess it was from a lack of sleep, you know how they are with wanting to get every ounce of practice in.. Even if this kind of thing can happen as a result."
"Alright, I'm going to go get Yura and then we'll come get you guys, Kenjiro isn't in town so.."
"That's fine! Get here soon, I think Kenma needs sleep asap."
"Alright, goodbye Lev, see you soon."
"Bye!" And with that the call was over
I entered the gym and spotted Kenma instantly, they were now laying on Kuroo's lap because the video was over. I walked over to get my laptop and saw that their eyes were closed, they must have been getting a light amount of rest. Once I put my laptop in my bag, Yaku walked over and sat next to me, laying his orange haired head on my shoulder.
"How'd that call go?"
I smiled, starting to run my fingers through his scalp, "Good, how long has Kenma-san been laying down?"
"About twenty minutes."
With that, almost like it was magic, Kenma's eyes opened slightly, "Hey Lev."
"Morning sleepy head~" I teased lightly
They sat up from Kuroos lap who was still holding their hand, "Do you mind if we get some ballet practice? I know we can't do figure skating practice obviously but I want to get some type of practice in."
Kuroos eyes widened, "You need sleep Kenma! You can't just practice all the time no matter how important it is."
Kenma gave their boyfriend a kiss, "I know dear, just a little doesn't hurt though."
"Alright but if you faint or something I will call Kotaro and Keiji to give you so many cuddles, smother you in love and take care of you all day~" A grin began to grow on the rooster looking boys face
"So I SHOULD faint!" Kenma then stood up, and sped off to the locker room
"No!" It was too late though, Kenma was already in the changing room getting into his navy figure skating practice outfit
When they walked out, I stood to my feet quickly and lightly grabbed the 2nd years hand, dragging him to the middle of the gym. Kenma's face quickly shined with a smile of genuine happiness, then I got a fun idea.
"Wanna see who can raise their leg higher?" Kenma's eyes shone, a competitive tint grew, "Oh you're on you titan!"
I know I would lose something like this, or at least most likely will. But its nice seeing Kenma come out of their shell because of something like this. Kenma's foot finally came up too far for my own foot to reach which caused the rest of the team, along with Kenma to laugh.
"I'll win next time!"
"I would like to see your beanstalk lookin' ass try." Kenma joked, giving me a light jab in the shoulder.
"Hey guys! C'mere! We had a few questions!" Kai, our vice captain and wing-spiker called out
We walked over and sat down together, "What's the first question?"
Shibayama's voice piped up first, "Be honest, how long have you two REALLY known each other?"
"Uh... since we were like.. three?" I think it was closer to two but I remember us being three, I thought
Yaku came and sat by us before speaking, "Are you guys figure-skaters? Like competitively?"
"Yeah, we have some clips if you wanna see them later." Kenma's voice was nonchalant but I could tell that he really was excited to be talking about something they liked, such as figure skating with the team.
Inuoka's head tilted sideways, "Is that why you're so tired, Kenma-san?"
"Yeah, I push myself to hard, but I don't mind it, I'll rest after the figure skating during the off season."
I chimed in, "Even during the off season, we still need to choreograph new programs, although its not as much time on the ice its still not off of it entirely."
Kenma nodded, "Yeah, but its still better then nothing."
Yaku then brought a hand up to my face and gave me a light kiss on the cheek before laying his head back down, "Can we come watch you sometime? I wanna see you skate, love."
"Of course! We just practice at the local rink, I would have to ask our coaches but I'm sure they'd be fine with it!"
Kenma then looked up, "That goes for you Kuroo, Kōtarō and Keiji too."
Kuroos face blushed lightly, "Yeah, I'll tell them. Thanks kitten."
"Stop calling me that."
"Any other questions?" I asked
"Are you guys just starting in the senior division this year?"
Eventually we talked and talked until we heard the sound of a motorcycle from outside, "Does anyone own a motorcycle?" Someone asked from the back
Kenma's eyes went wider then dinner plates when they heard that. After a few seconds a familiar figure walked in the door, the figure of Otabek Altin, or as many know him, 'The hero of Kazakhstan', 'The stealer of the Russian Fairy.' along with other nicknames. Kenma ran over as fast as they could and hugged him,
"Hey dad." They muttered
Otabek chuckled and shared the hug, "Hey Kozume,"
"Lets get you home and rested ok?"
Kenma nodded but walked over to Kuroo first, grabbed his hand, making him stand and placed a kiss on his lips, "I'll see you tomorrow, we'll go see Bo-bo and Kaashi then, ok?"
Kuroo nodded, giving the long haired skater a kiss on the cheek and bid them farewell,
"Oh, by the way, thank you Lev, see you at practice." With that, Kozume Kenma was out the door.
Yaku stood up, offering me a hand, "Well, I guess we should head home too Lev."
I took it and smiled, "Sure! And I assume you wanna stay with me tonight?"
The short boy nodded and we walked to the locker room, got changed into warmer clothing, gave our goodbyes to the rest of the Nekoma volleyball team and left the gym and set off for my house which was only a couple blocks down.
"Good job with helping out Kenma today."
"Thank you! I've done it a lot so I guess I just know what to do now."
Yaku sighed, grabbing my hand to hold, "I'm glad they have such a good support system, family and the team."
"Yeah, I'm glad too."
Once we reached my house, I opened the door with my key and we were instantly tackled by Makkachin, "Down girl!" I called with a chuckle. Me and Yaku reached the kitchen, I didn't wanna cook so I heated up some leftovers in the microwave and we ate that. I was happy to just have Yaku here! After days like this, anybody would want to be with their loved one after all!
"Did I ever tell you how much I love you?" I asked, half genuine and half teasing
Yaku laughed, "Yes, but tell me anyway."
"Well, I love you this much," I then spread my arms out wide and engulfed the short third year into a hug, "I love you, I love you, I love you!"
"I love you too, now lets get up to the room and sleep, alright?"
We walked upstairs and both flopped face first onto my bed in unison which caused us both to cackle, Yaku crawled onto my chest once we got comfy and I brough the blanket over both of us. We both fell asleep quickly after that, in each others embrace and with the feeling of love filling the room......
And now, Lev's kitten has a good, loving day.
That's all! Ik I haven't written in a while but I have had this idea for a long time and I got it from another tumblr user who's a Levken shipper (I don't know their @ ;w;) anyway, I hope yall have a good day :D
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ohmyjinsus · 3 years
the right reasons
yang hongseok x gender neutral! reader
recent college grads nonsense idk || 5.9k
** there is some drinking in this (they are of age, after all), but no swearing uwu**
finally, a fic not inspired by a taylor swift song, shocking, I know (I listened to cruel summer on a loop while I was writing this though, I think y’all will see why)
summary: when your best friend, hongseok, decides to audition for bachelor in paradise after graduation, you don’t want to believe it ….. mainly because you’re in love with him, even if you haven’t realized it yet
“Do you think I should apply?”
You look up. The two of you are watching The Bachelor in his apartment. Hongseok’s the only other person you know who’s into it. Once you found out, you immediately agreed to watch it together. Ordering takeout and making fun of the contestants has been your tradition ever since you met 4 years ago.
“I’m confused,” you say. You were checking your phone during the commercials.
“Bachelor in Paradise,” Hongseok replies, gesturing to the TV. “They’re casting for next season, there was an ad.”
“That came out of nowhere.” He doesn’t look phased.
“We’ve graduated now,” he says. “I don’t know what else to do with my life.”
“You have a point,” you reply. It’s been one month since all of you finished university. Lots of your other friends had jobs lined up beforehand, but you and Hongseok still have no idea what you’re doing.
“Right?” He grins. “I could go on, I’d have something to do, then I’d come back and I’d have a bunch of new Instagram followers and I could do sponsorships or something.”
“You realize that sounds crazy, right?” You grab a french fry from the box on the coffee table.
“It’s not!” You roll your eyes. “Think about it y/n, I’m smart, funny, attractive, nice-”
“Wrong, wrong, wrong, and wrong, but okay.” He laughs.
“I’m exactly what they’re looking for on these shows.”
“But you want to go on for the wrong reasons.”
“Shhhh,” he tells you. “Nobody needs to know that.”
“What’s your story then?” You ask.
“I grew up seeing my parents being so in love,” you make a gagging noise, but he keeps going. “And now, I want that kind of love for myself. The apps are just no good, and I need to find a special someone to spend the rest of my life with.”
“Jesus christ,” you mutter. “You didn’t mention anything about your personal journey to find love.”
“Oh right,” he says. “Now that I’m finished university, my main focus is to settle down, get married, have kids, and I’m on my personal journey to find all of that.”
“Amazing,” you fake clap for him. “You’re a shoo-in.”
“There’s no harm in applying, right?” He shrugs. “I doubt it’ll lead anywhere, but it could be fun.”
“I guess so,” you admit. “Your chances are slim, but you never know.”
“What do you mean?” He says, offended. “Have you seen me in a swimsuit?”
“Shut up.” You throw your napkin at him, but you’re laughing.
Hongseok offers to grab you another drink, so you tell him yes. He doesn’t mention anything else about the show for the rest of the night. By the time you’ve gone home, it’s completely slipped your mind.
When Hongseok invites you over 2 weeks later, you assume he just wants to hang out and have dinner. You’re shocked when he sits you down on the couch and says he has news to share.
“You’re dating someone.” He shakes his head. “Someone died.”
“No,” he tells you, laughing. “I love how those are your first two guesses though.”
“What is it?”
“I got a call yesterday from the Bachelor in Paradise producers...”
“You’re joking.” You didn’t expect that to go anywhere. You just assumed Hongseok would send in his audition tape and never hear back. The possibility of him actually being on the show makes you feel uneasy. “Really?”
“Yes, y/n, really.” He sits down on the armchair, facing you. “They want to meet me in person next week.”
“Oh my god,” you say. “Congratulations.”
“You don’t sound that happy,” he smirks. “Are you jealous?” You shake your head right away.
“I’m just surprised.”
“You didn’t think they’d want me?” He asks quietly.
“No, of course not,” you reassure him. “You’re kind, and funny, and attractive, why wouldn’t they want you?”
“Exactly,” he grins at you.
“So are you gonna go?” He nods.
“Why not? The worst they could do is say no.”
“That’s so exciting,” you tell him. He seems very happy about it, and the last thing you want to do is bring him down. As his best friend, you should definitely be supportive.
“Will you come with me?”
“What?” You glance at him.
“Downtown, for my interview,” he clarifies. “I have to take the train down and meet them there, I don’t really want to go alone.”
“Are you nervous?”
“A little bit,” he admits. “I’d just feel better if I had someone with me.”
“What about Changgu?” Hongseok shakes his head. “Shinwon?”
“You’re my first choice.” That catches you off guard. “We can make a day of it,” he suggests. “We can go to that bakery you wanted to try on Queen, and we can go shopping, get dinner, it’ll be fun.”
“Sure,” you say. Going on adventures with Hongseok is always a good time. “How long will your interview be?”
“They didn’t say,” he replies. “I just know it’s at 10 on Wednesday.”
“Cool,” you pull out your phone so you can put it in your calendar. “So if it goes horribly, I can cheer you up, and if it goes well, we can celebrate.”
“Sounds good.” He smiles at you. “Thanks y/n.”
You nod but there’s a small part of you that’s anxious. You decide to ignore your feelings for the time being. Your day with Hongseok is going to be great, you should focus on that and enjoy your time together.
Hongseok meets you outside the train station the morning of his interview. The first thing you notice is how nicely he’s dressed. As he gets closer to you, you notice he smells really great too.
“I should’ve dressed up some more,” you mutter, glancing down at your own outfit. You’re dressed like you’re going to class, while Hongseok’s dressed for a first date.
“You look fine, don’t worry.” He heads towards the entrance, so you follow close behind.
You were right to have Hongseok come early, as the train is at the platform the second you get there. He follows you to the back of the car, and sits down facing you.
He hasn’t seen you in person since he asked you to join him on this trip. Apparently he went on a shopping trip with Changgu yesterday. That’s when he got his current outfit.
“No wonder this cardigan is so nice, you couldn’t have picked out anything like that yourself.” Hongseok rolls his eyes at you, but he’s smiling.
The train leaves soon after. Hongseok watches out the window like a little kid. He keeps his eyes on the station until it’s all the way out of sight. And you keep your eyes on him until he catches you looking.
“Are you nervous?” You ask him. He shakes his head, but you notice his leg bouncing up and down.
“It’s just like a first date, right?”
“Exactly,” you reassure him. “And you’re great at those.”
“Are you sure?” He asks. “You’ve never been on one with me.” You don’t know how to respond to that. You almost want to tell him to take you on one. But you’re just friends, you remind yourself, you can’t do that.
“You’ve dated more people than I have,” you point out. “You’ll be fine.”
“I hope you’re right.”
The two of you sit in silence for a little while. Hongseok goes on his phone, so you focus on yours. You brought your AirPods so you can listen to music or watch a show while Hongseok’s busy with the producers.
“y/n-” You look up. Hongseok looks like he’s about to ask you something, but he hesitates.
“What’s up?” He shakes his head.
“What’s the plan for the rest of the day?” He asks you. You know that’s not what he was planning on saying, but you go with it.
“While you’re busy, I’ll get us breakfast,” you tell him. “There’s a café across the street, let me show you.” You sit down next to him so you can show him your phone. When he leans over to get a look at the screen, you’re suddenly aware of how close he is. You push it out of your mind.
By the time you’ve planned out your day, you’ve arrived at the train station. The two of you grab all your things and leave the train. Once you’re out of the station, the interview location isn’t too far away. There’s still 20 minutes before Hongseok’s meant to be there. He’s adamant about getting there early though. Although he won’t outright say it, you can tell he’s nervous. No wonder he brought you instead of one of his other friends; they wouldn’t let him live this down.
Once you get there, there’s a line of all the other candidates running through the main hallway. You and Hongseok join the end of the line.
“You don’t have to stay,” he tells you. You shake your head.
“It’s fine,” you say. There’s a check-in desk a few metres ahead of you. “I’ll stay until you get past there.”
“Okay,” he replies. “Thanks.” You bump your shoulder against his.
He’s brought his application package with him, so you ask to look it over while the two of you wait. There’s tons of pictures of him, some of them shirtless, which you quickly flip through. Then there’s copies of all of Hongseok’s identification. At the very back, there’s the printed copy of his application. You move that to the front, flipping through to make sure he didn’t leave anything blank.
He never asked you to look over his online application before he handed it in, so you’re interested to see what he had to say. There are the stereotypical questions about his career, education, background, and all of that. But there are also some more personal questions further down.
Why do you want to be on this show? Are you prepared to get engaged at the end of the season?
Hongseok’s answer is cookie cutter perfect. He knows he’s the prime candidate for this kind of show. Kind, good-looking, easy to fall for. He’s played to all his strengths in his application. You know he’s lying about being prepared to propose at the end of the show, but everyone does that. His answer comes off as genuine though.
The line moves up a little bit while you flip to the next page. It’s all about his dating history. You’re shocked at how invasive these questions are. Then again, if it’s for reality TV, it has to be.
The first section asks for a detailed dating history from the past 5 years. You’re familiar with all of that. He’s never told you about any ex-girlfriends, or anyone he’s currently interested in. He’s a casual dater, and you’ve never seen him tied down for too long. The maximum amount of dates he’s been on with one person is 3. You haven’t seen anyone get past that point. He seems to get bored easily. You’re honestly surprised he’s been friends with you for this long.
Despite all of his casual dating history, he’s made it clear he’s ready to settle down now. You thought he was just making this up to get on the show, but the more you read, the less you’re sure. Maybe he’s just persuasive.
The line moves a little bit more. Now there are just 3 other people ahead of you. Hongseok’s on his phone again. You figure you have enough time to skim the rest of his answers.
Have you ever been in love? is the next question. You know the answer is no, so you’re surprised when there’s a couple paragraphs written underneath it.
I have, but I was never brave enough to act on it. You try to read the entire section as quickly as you possibly can, but your brain doesn’t work that well. You grab some words here and there, years, class, close friends but not enough to fully comprehend.
“C’mon y/n,” Hongseok says to you. “We’re next.” He holds his hand out for the folder.
You glance down at the page you’re on. Although you want to read the rest, you also realize you’ve stumbled upon something incredibly personal. Granted, Hongseok may wind up sharing this on national television, but for now, it’s none of your business.
“Here,” you close it and hand it to him.
Hongseok gets checked in soon after that. It takes about 5 minutes for them to verify his identity and double check his application. Finally, they direct him to a room down the hall where he’ll meet some of the producers. They tell you you can’t go beyond this point.
“Good luck,” you say to Hongseok, not sure what else to say. He smiles.
“Thanks y/n.”
Some of his hair is falling in his face, so you reach out to quickly brush it out of the way. When you pull away, he’s looking at you with an expression you’ve never seen before. It feels surprisingly intimate.
“Text me when you’re done,” you tell him, pulling yourself out of your thoughts. “You’ll be great.”
He nods, and the two of you go your separate ways. You know you’ll see him again in an hour, but it still feels weird to say bye to him like this. You hope nothing changes if he does wind up on this stupid show.
You walk out the doors onto the sidewalk again, thankful for the fresh air. You pull your AirPods out of your bag, so you can listen to some music. As you walk along the street, you can’t help but think of Hongseok and what he might be saying to the producers in there.
You tell yourself you’re curious just because you’re best friends. But you can’t get that look on his face out of your mind. You have no idea what it means. You’re just really close friends, right?
You turn the music up, hoping to distract yourself. It works until you pass a small playground. You can’t help but think of Hongseok yet again.
The two of you met during your university’s orientation week, but it wasn’t until halfway during the semester that you actually spoke to him. You knew you were taking some classes together, but you never really thought about it until then.
Speaking in class was something that always terrified you, but one of your professors was adamant that everyone do it in order to get full marks. It took a while for you to work up the courage to raise your hand that day in October. When you were called on, you hesitated for a second, before sharing your answer. You don’t even remember the question anymore, you just remember your professor outright laughing at you. You’d been so sure you were right, but your professor made it very clear that you were not. Right away, you threw all your things into your backpack and ran out of the lecture hall. Your heart was beating so fast and you had no idea where to go. You wound up outside, walking as far as your legs could possibly take you, until you found a park off campus. As soon as you sat down on the swings, you couldn’t help but cry.
It was one thing to get an answer wrong, but to have your professor react like that was humiliating. You were never going back to that class ever again. You’d drop the course, or only show up on test days, whatever it took to never see that godforsaken man ever again. You were so lost in your thoughts that you didn’t even notice when someone sat down on the swing next to you.
After that day, you and Hongseok quickly became friends. You still can’t believe he was kind enough to follow you out of class like that, but he always tells you it was nothing. As you think back to it now, you can’t help but feel a rush of affection for him. Maybe he is more than a friend to you.
You head to the playground and sit on the swings alone, thinking back to some of your other memories with Hongseok. He’s always been there for you to lean on, and you’ve always done the same for him, like today. You remember feeling this way when he’d specifically asked you to come with him. At this point, you’re about 90% sure you have feelings for him. You don’t know how you didn’t clue in earlier.
You stay there until your phone buzzes. Hongseok’s done sooner than you expected. He says he’ll meet you at the café where you wanted to get breakfast. You respond, saying you’ll see him there soon.
You didn’t walk that far, so it only takes about 5 minutes of speed walking to get back there. When you spot him waiting outside on his phone, you can’t help but smile.
The two of you head inside, while you tell him what you got up to. You say you found a park bench and wound up doing some work there. He rolls his eyes and tells you you should’ve found something more entertaining to do.
After you’ve got your food and sat down, you ask him about the interview.
“It was okay,” he says, taking a sip of his coffee. “I think they liked me.”
“What do you mean think?”
“It seems like they believed me when I told them how passionate I am about my journey for love.” You smirk at that.
“Are you sure you weren’t speaking from the heart?”
“Of course I was y/n,” he says, jokingly. “How dare you insinuate I’m applying for the wrong reasons.”
You’re still unsure if he’s joking or not. After your earlier revelation, you’re praying he is.
He tells you some more about the interview and the producers. Apparently they asked even more invasive questions about his dating history, like his body count. That makes you cringe.
“If they offer you a spot,” you ask, “which I’m not saying they will, but if they do, would you take it?” You expect him to say yes right away, but he ponders it for a second.
“I don’t know,” he replies. “What do you think I should do?”
You want to tell him to say no, and to stay at home. Preferably so you can spend more time with him, and then maybe he’ll realize he’s into you as well. But you can’t say that, of course.
“I think it could benefit you,” you tell him, honestly. “But it’ll also change your life in multiple different ways, and that’s something you’d really have to think about.”
“What do you mean?”
“Well,” you hesitate, taking a sip of your drink. “Assuming you wound up in a relationship by the end of the season, the odds of it working out aren’t that high,” he laughs at that, but doesn’t disagree. “Anyone you date after that will always see you as that guy who was on Bachelor in Paradise. You’ll probably have a wider range of people to choose from, but a lot of them will be fake too, so, it’s up to you.” You shrug.
“All valid points,” he replies.
“I don’t know if you’re ever planning on settling down,” you admit. “But if you do, it’ll affect that and whoever you wind up with.”
“I would like to settle down someday,” he says quietly. You glance across the booth at him. “What?”
“I’ve never really thought about you in a long term relationship. It doesn’t seem like your type of thing.”
“It could be,” he tells you, “with the right person.”
You just nod, afraid you might say something stupid if you open your mouth.
Once you’re finished eating, the two of you head out to the closest subway station. You have a list of stores you want to visit, and Hongseok happily follows along. He helps you pick out some gifts for your friend’s upcoming birthday and some clothes. He winds up buying some things for himself as well. You joke that he’ll have to buy an entirely new wardrobe if he winds up on national television. He promises to take you swimsuit shopping with him if that happens. That makes you roll your eyes, but you’re blushing the whole time.
You stop for lunch at a random fast food chain, then head to that bakery you told him about the week before. The two of you get some extra goodies for your roommates as well.
Finally, it’s almost 7 o’clock and you decide to go to a decent sit down restaurant for dinner. Earlier you told Hongseok you were in the mood to drink tonight, so he promised to take care of you. He lets you pick where to go, so you choose a restaurant with a rooftop bar. You know he likes to take nice photos for his Instagram feed.
The food is good, and the drinks are even better. You only have a few, but you can feel them getting to you. Hongseok’s extremely entertained by you. Normally you’re not this talkative, but you’re asking more questions and telling him more random things than usual.
You wind up telling him the truth about how you wound up at the park this morning. He’s surprised you lied, but you refuse to tell him why. Instead he just smiles and tells you it’s cute you thought of him. You wind up blushing profusely, hoping he doesn’t notice. The two of you reminisce over some other memories from early on in your friendship. You’re surprised he remembers them as well as you do. Maybe that means something.
When you’re finished eating, you stay a little longer. Hongseok has 2 drinks as well, but he can handle his liquor much better than you. It seems to have no effect on him at all. By the time you leave, it’s almost 9:30.
The second you step out of the restaurant, you’re met with a crowd of people. As you awkwardly navigate yourself around them, you’re separated from Hongseok. Once you’re free, you glance around, afraid you might have to call him. Thankfully, he’s waving at you from a couple metres ahead. You run over to him and immediately interlock your arms.
“C’mon,” he says, pulling you in the direction of the train station. You could have taken the subway back, but Hongseok suggested you walk instead, as it’s not too far. It’s dark out now, but it looks nice with all the street lamps lit up.
“I forgot to ask something about Bachelor in Paradise,” you say as the two of you head down the sidewalk. “Did they mention when they’ll get back to you?”
“In two weeks or so.”
“Will they let you know if you get rejected?” Hongseok smirks at that.
“Do you want me to get rejected?” You know he’s joking, but you can’t bring yourself to smile.
“Yes.” You mumble, mostly to yourself. Hongseok must not hear you.
“I was scared earlier,” he says. “But it might be fun. It’s a free vacation, technically.”
“Yeah, for the cost of your sanity.” That makes him laugh too. You rest your head against his arm.
“Do you think I could actually find someone worthwhile on there?” He asks quietly. “I know the premise is to date multiple people, but maybe I could find something real.”
“Hongseok-” You almost want to punch him. You wish you could yell at him, here on the sidewalk, and tell him off for not realizing there’s been something real right in front of him for the past 4 years, but you can’t bring yourself to do it. “Please.”
“I know, it sounds ridiculous, but you never know.” You two turn the corner and wind up right in front of the train station’s main entrance. “Crazier things have happened.”
You don’t know if it’s because you’re tired, or slightly drunk, or what, but you pull your arm out of his and turn to face him.
“Hongseok-” He glances into your eyes. This time, he notices something serious is happening.
“y/n, what is it?”
“Please don’t go,” you say quietly. He takes a step closer so he can hear you better. “Just… don’t do it.”
“I mean, I haven’t made up my mind yet,” he says, awkwardly. “But I thought you wanted me to do what’s best for me.” You shake your head.
“I was wrong,” you tell him. “I can’t do it.”
“You can’t do what?” You freeze. You wish you hadn’t used that choice of words, but at this point, there’s no turning back now.
“I can’t stay here and watch you on TV, dating other people, kissing other people, being with other people.” You’re not dumb, you know what the fantasy suites on that show are for, and imagining Hongseok in one of them with somebody else makes you simultaneously want to cry and throw up.
“I don’t understand.” You groan. You were hoping that would’ve been enough to get your point across, but of course, your best friend isn’t that smart.
“I’m going to be so jealous.” You hate yourself for even saying it, but it’s true. Hongseok reaches out, taking your hands in his. “My heart can’t handle it.”
“y/n,” he says. “You’ll always be my best friend, regardless of what happens-”
You pull your hands away from his. You don’t understand how he’s not getting it at this point. Granted, you’re not thinking clearly because of the alcohol, but he should be able to read between the lines.
“That’s not what I meant,” you tell him. “I don’t just want to be your best friend.”
“What?” It seems like it’s starting to click now. But just to be sure, you decide to outright say it.
“I’m in love with you.” It comes out louder than you intended, but the second you say it, you know it’s true. Even though the realization only, truly, hit you today, you’ve never been more sure of anything in your life. Your heart is beating a million miles a minute, but it doesn’t matter. “Hongseok, I love you.”
“You do?” He asks quietly. You nod, too scared to say anything else. “I don’t know what to say.”
You wait, not sure what to say either. Both of you just stand there, awkwardly staring at each other for a few seconds. Panic starts to set in at that point, maybe you shouldn’t have said anything.
“y/n-” You can tell from the tone of his voice that he’s going to turn you down. You really shouldn’t have said anything at all.
“It’s okay.” You cut him off right away. You don’t want to hear him outright rejecting you, not now. “It’s okay.”
“y/n, I-” You reach over and press a finger to his lips. Maybe he’ll just brush it off as you being drunk, that’s what you’re hoping for anyway. You wish you could take it back, but that would be the next best thing.
“Really,” you force a smile. “It’s okay. I’m sorry.” You glance at the time on your phone, realizing your train will be there any second. You don’t want to think about the awkward train ride home.
“Here,” you tell him, gesturing towards the entrance to the train station. “You can take this one and I’ll wait for the next one, it’s okay.” Maybe if you say it enough times, it’ll be true.
“y/n, I can’t leave you waiting here for an hour on your own.”
“Fine, I’ll take a cab,” you tell him. “Just go, before I make a fool of myself again.”
“Don’t be ridiculous,” he walks through the doors, so you awkwardly follow him. “Nothing’s changed.”
That hurts more than an actual rejection. You could tell he doesn’t have feelings for you too, but for him to dismiss your feelings like this stings. You can’t stand sitting next to him in dead silence on a 30 minute train ride. You can feel the tears starting to form in your eyes, but you try to ignore them.
Once you’re both on the platform, the train is already there, waiting.
“I’m going to go down there,” you say to him, pointing to the far end of the train. “Don’t follow me.” You hope he can’t tell your voice is about to break.
“Okay,” he replies, right away. That hurts too. You expect him to say something else, but he jumps into the first car.
You wait until he disappears from your sight before you turn and walk all the way to the other end of the train. Once you’re inside, and you’ve found a seat by the window, you take out your phone. You were hoping there would be some kind of text from Hongseok, but there’s one from your roommate instead.
Hongseok called me and said the two of you are out right now and he was going to take you home but something happened ???
You roll your eyes. You really don’t want to get into this right now. But you text your roommate back and say yes, that’s all true.
he asked me to pick you up from the train station, he said you’re arriving at 11 or so, I’ll meet you there
You immediately respond saying that isn’t necessary.
y/n, he said you’ve been drinking…. he’s worried about you getting home by yourself
The second you read that, the tears start to fall. You hate him so much. How could he have no reaction to your confession, but still worry about you like this? It doesn’t make any sense.
You respond and tell your roommate you’ll be there soon.
As the train pulls out of the station, you rest your head on the window and close your eyes. This train ride is so much different than the one this morning. You honestly wish you hadn’t said anything at all. Now you’ve probably lost your best friend forever.
Three days go by without hearing anything from Hongseok. At this point, you don’t know what there is to say. You spent a long time wondering if you should be the first to reach out, but you’ve said all you need to. If you’ve ruined your friendship by telling him your feelings, then that’s on you.
You really don’t want to make things any harder for him. You knew he was trying to get on the show, so you really shouldn’t have said anything to begin with. You hope he still makes the right choice for him, regardless of you confessing.
On Saturday afternoon, the doorbell rings. You expect it to be one of your roommates, as they tend to forget their keys often. When you open the door and see Hongseok, you’re stunned.
“Hi y/n,” he says, smiling. Seeing his face makes you want to smile too, but you can’t, considering all you’ve been thinking about these past few days.
“Hi,” you reply. “I’m sorry.”
“Don’t say sorry,” he laughs. “You have nothing to be sorry for.”
“Why are you here?”
“I came to say sorry.” You frown. “I was thrown off guard so my reaction may have come off the wrong way, and I’m sorry for that.”
“What do you mean the wrong way?” Now Hongseok looks nervous.
“How did you feel?” He asks you. “When you told me you’d take a different train, why did you say that?”
“You were rejecting me,” you say. “I didn’t want to sit in a train with you for 30 minutes trying not to cry.”
“You cried?” Hongseok looks like he’s about to cry himself, just hearing that. “I’m so sorry y/n.”
“It’s fine,” you tell him, shaking your head.
“I withdrew my application.”
“You did what?” You’re shocked.
“I called the producers and told them I wasn’t interested anymore.”
“I hope this isn’t because of me,” you say.
“Of course it’s because of you.”
Hongseok’s looking at you that way again, the same way he did downtown, right before his interview. Maybe he wasn’t rejecting you after all. You suddenly feel really nervous.
“I did some thinking,” he explains. “I did want to be on the show, but it was obviously for all the wrong reasons.” You smile at that.
“So you changed your mind?” He nods.
“I want to stay here, and be with you.” That makes your heart rate jump.
“For the right reasons?” You ask, jokingly.
“Yeah, I’m sorry I didn’t realize it sooner,” he replies. “y/n, I love you too.”
You practically throw yourself at him, wrapping your arms around his neck. His arms are tight around your waist as he hugs you back.
“What if I had changed my mind?” You ask, pulling away a little bit. His arms are still around you.
“I knew you wouldn’t,” he rolls his eyes. “And I have a surprise for you, so that would’ve won you back.”
“A surprise?” Hongseok smiles, letting go of you. There’s a small paper bag sitting outside your front door, to the side, that you hadn’t noticed before. He grabs it, and pulls out your favourite cold drink.
“Here you are.” You say thanks and take a sip. “I have food as well, I was thinking we could go to the park.”
“The swings?”
“The way your eyes just lit up is the most adorable thing I’ve ever seen.” You roll your eyes at that. “But yes, the swings would be great.”
“Let me grab my things,” you tell him, stepping back into your apartment to get your phone and keys.
“This is going to be such a fun first date,” Hongseok says, as you lock the door.
“Date?” Technically, you knew that’s what this is, but it’s still shocking to hear him say it out loud.
“Yes… If that’s okay.”
“You didn’t bring me a date card though.” Hongseok laughs at that.
“This isn’t Bachelor in Paradise!”
“Well, no, but a card still would have been nice,” you say jokingly. The two of you walk down the hall to the elevator.
“Next time.” You nod in agreement. “Can I offer you a kiss instead?”
“I’m sorry what-” Before you can say anything else, Hongseok takes your hand and plants a kiss on the back of it. “Oh.”
“What did you think I meant, y/n?” He asks, a smirk on his face.
“Don’t worry about it.” The two of you step into the elevator and he pushes the button for the bottom floor.
“As your boyfriend, it’s my duty to worry about you.”
“Boyfriend?” You mean to tease him, but you’re more soft than anything. The word sounds so nice to say.
“Well yeah,” Hongseok says. “You love me, I love you, it only makes sense.”
“You should say that more often,” you tell him, as the elevator stops. He follows you as you step out.
“What?” He asks. “That I love you?” You can’t help but blush.
“Yeah,” you reply, absolutely smitten.
As Hongseok opens the door, and you step out into the warm air, he wraps an arm around your shoulders.
“I won’t let you forget it.”
36 notes · View notes
spookyboywhump · 4 years
Oooh boy, this got LONG (3,036 words), and the whumpiest part ain’t even till towards the end, my bad
 It’s Valentine’s day in the Bad Timeline and nobody is really vibing
CW: Pet whump, creepy whumper, intimate whump, very brief nsfw mention, brief emeto mention, hand whump, beating, strangulation, nonsexual noncon touch
 He had a bad feeling about this, staring down at the boxes in front of him. Nicholas had presented them to him that morning before locking him and Cain in the bedroom, after warning him it would be in his best interest to accept the gifts and be looking presentable in the next few hours. Hours had passed though and he still hadn’t done much but stare at the white boxes, decorated with blue silk ribbons. 
 “You should be thankful,” Cain said, and Wren almost hit him, “The last gift he gave me was my fucking collar.” He said bitterly.
 “I don’t think any of this is going to be better than a collar.” He muttered.
 “He’s going to be back any minute now, you might as well get it over with.” He hated to admit it but he knew he was right, he wasn’t in the mood to deal with more than Nicholas’ attitude. Finally, he started opening the gifts, discarding the ribbons to the side, which Cain didn’t hesitate to pick up and start fidgeting with. Wren could tell he was bitter that Nicholas hadn’t left him anything, and he would’ve felt bad for him if not for the fact that he already knew he didn’t want a single one of these gifts. 
 Inside the boxes he found a new outfit to add to the growing wardrobe Nicholas had for him. More pretty clothing that he only hated because it came from Nicholas, and he wasn’t particularly fond of the new earrings, or the headband with a bow hanging off it, however, he did like the idea of kicking Nicholas with the new shoes he’d been given. Nicholas had gotten rid of his beloved red converse a long time ago, and barefoot kicks simply weren’t cutting it. 
 “He’s disgusting…” He muttered more to himself.
 “It could be worse.” Cain said. “You’ve seen the kind of things other owners will make their pets wear. I think we’re lucky he’s not that bad.”
 “Would you stop making excuses for him?” He snapped at him. “I know you have some sick crush on him but I don’t, and I don’t give a damn how good he is compared to other owners.” He said, not looking up at Cain as he looked over the envelope Nicholas had left him, addressed to Love. He opened it, and cringed at what looked like a typical flowery Valentine’s Day card. He didn’t even bother reading it, opening the card to see if there was anything worthwhile inside. A part of him thought it would be really funny to find money, but instead he found something else, he found photos. His breath caught in his throat, he dropped the card and frantically shuffled through the photos, Cara, Lila, Alec, Zander, even Alondra. They were all clearly taken without the subject’s knowledge, they were all recent, and Wren swore he was going to be sick. Cain had picked up the card when he’d dropped it, but now he was holding it out to him.
 “You might want to read this…” He said softly, and Wren snatched it from him. Nicholas hadn’t written anything exceptionally creepy, not in the way Wren expected anyway. Instead he’d just left a simple, direct message.
 ”Behave and you can keep the photos- and keep the people in them safe.”
 Out of anger, he dropped the photos and tore the card in half, tearing it up into small pieces before getting to his feet, angrily pacing the room. He was more scared than anything really, his heart pounding away in his chest.
 “That fucking creep.” He muttered angrily. “I’m so-so fucking sick of him! What the fuck is he gonna do, he- he can’t- he can’t hurt them-!”
 “If he got you, then he can get them.” Cain said, looking through the photos. “Fuck- Zander looks like a wreck.” He muttered, and Wren stormed over, snatching the photos from him. He held them close to his chest for a moment, anxiously looking around the room before going over to the bookshelf, grabbing a random book off it and sticking the photos between the pages, memorizing the title before putting it back where he’d gotten it. He’d never seen Nicholas touch any of those books, and he knew that his safest bet to keep the photos would be to keep them out of sight. Even if Nicholas wanted to take them he likely wouldn’t be able to find them, and while he couldn’t do much to keep the actual people safe, it did make him feel a little better. 
 He knew he was running out of time so he finally changed into the clothes Nicholas had left for him, swearing and muttering the entire time. He felt ridiculous when he looked at himself in the mirror, though he was glad it wasn’t one of the more revealing looks, he still didn’t like the big bow hanging off the shirt, he thought the headband was a bit too much, and he got so frustrated trying to get the earrings he was wearing out to switch them that Cain had to get up and help him. He hated letting him near him, he was still getting used to the shift in their dynamic, really he wasn’t sure he’d ever get used to it at all. 
 He’d just barely finished getting ready when Nicholas returned, the sound of the door unlocking startling both of them. Cain backed off of him, and for now, Wren tried to play nice with his new owner. He didn’t flash him a big fake smile and greet him with love and adoration in his voice, but he did tone down the glare he gave him, keeping his hands behind his back for now so Nicholas wouldn’t see his hands clenched into fists. The man smiled as he looked him over, he seemed pleased with his work and that was enough to make Wren angry all over again, though he kept his face blank. 
 “You look beautiful, Love.” He said as he approached him, and Wren held still as he stood in front of him, reaching up to tilt his chin up. 
 “Thank you.” He said through gritted teeth, and Nicholas seemed more amused than anything. 
 “You’ll behave for me, right?” He asked, and Wren nodded as he subtly pulled away from him.
 “Of course, sir.” He said, having to force himself back into the behavior he’d exhibited with Cain. Nicholas slipped his arm around his shoulders, and spared a glance at Cain. 
 “We’ll be back later, darling.” He told him, and Wren could see the way his face fell. He didn’t like it, but he couldn’t help but feel slightly bad for him. He knew if they could trade places he’d gladly return him to Nicholas’ attention. For now he was stuck with him, led away to simply be a pretty accessory to the man for the time being.
 He knew he shouldn’t have been angry at him, he didn’t have a say in it, he didn’t want to be here, but Cain couldn’t help it. He sat on Nicholas’ bed with his knees pulled up to his chest, struggling to blink back tears. 
 Things weren’t good before. He was still a pet, Nicholas treated him like a toy at the best of times and like a horrible, misbehaving mutt at the worst of times. But the longer that Wren was here, the more he was beginning to feel that maybe, being a toy wasn’t so bad. It hadn’t even been that long but he missed Nicholas’ affection, he missed being held by him and he missed the feeling of his hand carding through his hair. He wasn’t sure if he was doing it to hurt Cain on purpose, but it was obvious which pet he liked more. Wren was at his side more often, Wren was treated like a delicate, fragile thing when he behaved, and when he was good Nicholas would let him sleep next to him- more like he forced him to, really- while Cain was confined to a cage. At this point, he only gave Cain attention when he wanted to hurt him or when he wanted to fuck him, though the two often overlapped. 
 He reached up and angrily wiped at his eyes. He never once thought he’d be this hurt and jealous over Wren of all people. He’d been jealous of Zander before, incredibly so, and really he knew that Nicholas was unnaturally, creepily interested in the boy since the beginning. He didn’t think it would turn into this though, and he should’ve felt bad for Wren, he should’ve wanted him safe but he hardly cared about the circumstances, he just wanted him gone. 
 He hated to admit it, but he wanted his master back.
 He had been walking on eggshells the entire time he’d been with Nicholas. It was easy through his meeting, if not a little embarrassing to kneel at his side like an obedient dog. He’d tried to keep some distance between them but Nicholas had grabbed him by the hair, forcing him to rest his head against his leg and let him play with his hair, the most attention he gave him while he talked with the other man. He couldn’t stand to be so pliant with him, typically he’d have acted out the first chance he got, but Nicholas hadn’t really given him much reason to. Aside from tugging on his hair, he’d been almost nice to him. Wren couldn’t stand it. 
 He managed to last through the rest of the day, for once keeping his mouth shut, wearily watching Nicholas’ every move, waiting for him to snap, waiting for him to just do something. His fear and anxiety finally got the best of him that evening, not only had Nicholas been generous enough to feed him, he was letting him sit at the table, something he’d never done before in Wren’s short time here. 
 “What’s the point of all this?” He finally asked, failing to hide the irritation in his voice. 
 “What do you mean, Love?” Nicholas asked him, as though this was all completely normal.
 “All… all of this.” He said, gesturing with his hands as he spoke. “The- The gifts, the keeping me at your side all day, and now this.” He said, gesturing to the table now. “What’s the catch, huh? What are you fucking doing?” 
 “I’m just treating my love the way I should.” He said with a laugh. “I must say, I didn’t expect you to behave the entire time. I like it though, obedience suits you.” He said, and Wren glared at him. His questioning was interrupted when dinner was finally served to them, and it had been so long since he’d eaten that he couldn’t help but eagerly go to dig in. He paused though, the fork halfway to his mouth before he looked at Nicholas, who didn’t seem to find anything wrong. 
 “You try it first.” He said, holding the fork out to him.
 “Why?” Nicholas asked, one eyebrow raised.
 “So I know you aren’t trying to fuck with me. How am I supposed to know whether or not you had them slip something into my food specifically?” He said seriously. 
 “You’re far too paranoid, but fine.” Nicholas said, allowing Wren to feed him the bite of food, and it took all his self control to not shove the fork down his throat. It did ease his fears though, now that he knew it was safe he finally started eating. At one point Nicholas had to warn him to slow down, he was eating as though it would be taken from him at any moment, he couldn’t help it though. He’d just barely been getting accustomed to eating whenever and however much he liked when Nicholas had taken him, leaving him starving more often than not. 
 He sat back in his chair when he was done, though he couldn’t bring himself to relax. He knew something was coming, he could feel it, he just didn’t know what. Typically he tried to ignore Nicholas, but he found himself talking to him before he could remind himself to shut up. 
 “You really don’t have something fucked up planned?” He asked.
 “I do not.” Nicholas said, that amused look on his face again. Wren wanted to hit him. 
 “You want something.” He said bluntly. “The gifts, the card, the fucking photos. You want something and I’m not going to fucking give it to you.” He said, sitting up straight again. It made his skin crawl to think about the things he knew Nicholas wanted from him, but even then if he wanted that so bad he could’ve drugged him, and he didn’t. 
 “All I want from you is your obedience.” Nicholas told him. “You were perfect for me today, that’s all that I want from you. You just need to be my sweet, well behaved Love.” He said. “My quiet, lovely pet.” Wren was quickly getting sick of this, that rage and defiance he’d buried all day finally bubbling up. He abruptly got to his feet, his hands slamming down on the table.
 “I’m not your fucking pet!” He snapped. “I’m not your pet, I’m not your “Love”, I’m sure as hell not your fucking doll! You can’t fucking keep me like this!”
 “Can’t I?” Nicholas smiled at him. “Nobody is looking for you. It was all too easy for their miserable, alcoholic friend to simply disappear, likely an accident. Nobody is going to stop me, and nobody is going to rescue you.” He said, speaking calmly, which only further angered Wren. 
 “I don’t need somebody to rescue me, I’ll get out of this place myself if I fucking have to. You don’t, and you never will own me.” He snarled.
 “Are you done?” Nicholas asked him. “You know, I really don’t like lying, Love.” He said, and Wren noticed him grab the steak-knife too late, before he could move Nicholas plunged the blade into his hand, pinning his hand to the table. Wren clapped his other hand over his mouth to muffle his scream, the pain so severe he nearly collapsed, his legs feeling weak all of a sudden. Nicholas stood up now, roughly grabbing Wren by the wrist, pulling his hand away from his face. He leaned in close to him, that cruel smile on his face now. “And saying I don’t own you is a terrible lie.” He let go of his wrist, and Wren sobbed as he wrenched the knife out of his hand. He instinctively pulled his hand close to his chest, struggling to hold back his cries, but Nicholas was quick to drag him away from the table, throwing him to the floor, angry enough to carry out his punishment there in the dining room.
 All Wren could do was try to cover his head as Nicholas kicked him over and over again, a particularly well placed blow to the stomach almost causing him to vomit. He tried to get up before it could get worse, but Nicholas hit him hard enough to knock him back down, hard enough he swore he blacked out for a moment. He didn’t get a chance to defend himself, Nicholas got down on the floor with him, straddling his waist and landing another hit on his face, causing his nose to bleed. 
 “Is this what you wanted me to do to you?” He snarled, his hands wrapping around Wren’s throat, the boy desperately grabbing and clawing at his wrists in an attempt to make him let go. “Do you want me to treat you like a disobedient little bitch? You were doing so well all day long, what do you gain by ruining that?” His grip around his throat got tighter and tighter, cutting off his cries for help, effectively silencing him, only the slightest wheeze escaping his mouth. His vision was going dark, finally his arms fell limply at his sides, and that was when Nicholas let go of him, not moving from his spot on top of him though. Wren gasped for air, taking deep, heaving breaths, only stopping when a cough would wrack his body. 
 “You stupid, ungrateful bitch.” Nicholas muttered, looking down on him disdainfully. “I’ve been nothing but kind to you all day and you still reject it. And look- you got blood all over your new clothes, you really are good for nothing, aren’t you?” He said, finally getting off him. Wren didn’t move though, he laid there trying to catch his breath, holding his still bleeding hand close to his chest.
 He’d been worried, waiting for something to happen all day, he’d been so sure that Nicholas planned to harm in, and in the end it was all his own, stupid fault he got hurt.
 He stared his reflection down, shuddering as Nicholas trailed a hand down his bare back. His torso was painted with bruises, dark, ugly splotches against his skin, the punishment he earned for daring to lie to his master. On some level he considered himself lucky, he hadn’t been allowed back in the bedroom the night before and when he saw Cain he looked rough, but that didn’t change the fact that he was in so much pain, sore and aching after the beating. There were even bruises around his throat where Nicholas had strangled him, his pretty blue collar doing nothing to hide them. 
 “It’s a shame you made me do this to you, Love.” Nicholas said, his voice excessively gentle compared to the way he dug his fingers into a bruise on his ribs, causing Wren to wince in pain, screwing his eyes shut.
 “I didn’t make you do anything…” He muttered, glancing down at his bandaged hand. He couldn’t believe that simply snapping at him got him all this, he hadn’t even bit him or tried to hit him like he had in the past. He had a feeling that Nicholas was getting tired of him, his defiance was losing its charm and though he didn’t want to admit it, Wren was terrified of what would happen when Nicholas was finally and completely over him.
79 notes · View notes
a-cupof-jo · 3 years
Set Up My Heart Pt. 8
PT. 7 – PT. 8 – PT.9
College volleyball player!Johnny Suh x reader
Fluff and angst
Synopsis: Ever since that fateful day Sophomore year of high school, Johnny Suh had been an insufferable thorn in your side. Once you made it to college you thought the two of you would never have to see each other again. That is, until a sudden school transfer has the entire university buzzing
We’ve been seeing Y/n’s story in college, but how did she and Johnny become so combative with each other? Will Johnny’s high school story tell all?
First part to Johnny’s side of the story.
Johnny looked up as the door swung open, “There’s no way that the team will win.” Two girls walked in front of his seat as the bell ran for the start of class, “They haven’t done anything decent in 5 years.”
“Isn’t there that new girl on the team,” the second girl asked. “I heard someone say that she transferred here from across town. What was her name?”
“Class,” the teacher stood from behind his desk. Johnny noticed a girl standing next to him. Her eyes were slightly narrowed and her shoulders were pulled back tight. He recognized her immediately. Y/n L/n, recent transfer from RVHS, sophomore who was the youngest starter for RVHS’s volleyball team and who had helped bring her previous team to a state championship. Based on what he had seen, she was full of herself too and reports from her former teammates stated that she claimed all the glory for herself. Johnny didn’t get along well with people who weren’t team players, “I’d like you all to meet your new peer, Y/n.”
Johnny watched as the girl gave a slight wave the small smile on her face disappearing as she looked into blank eyes and empty faces. Johnny gave a light scoff. She couldn’t have expected to be welcomed with a parade. While she may have been a big deal at RVHS, nobody cared at SJHS. She didn’t get to parade in here as if she was going to make a difference in the high school.
“Okay,” the science teacher coughed. “Why don’t you go sit by Mr. Suh?” Johnny startled as the teacher motioned to the empty seat next to him. Johnny frowned as he pulled his backpack off the seat. There were plenty of other tables for Y/n to sit at. Why did he have to give up his empty seat? He watched as she set her bag under the table and moved to sit on the raised chair.
His eyes widened as he watched the chair slide back and she gasped. Next thing he knew she was on the ground, the chair she had been sitting on lay in pieces. He heard a mocking gasp before small laughs echoed around the room. He glanced at the two girls from earlier laughing and pointing to the now splintered wood. “Are you okay?” he extended an arm towards her.
“I’m fine,” Y/n said curtly, embarrassment heating up her cheeks. She ignored his hand pushing to stand. The hand she had held to her chest came down and wiped dust off her pants. She scowled with a glance around the classroom. Laughs had turned into titters and pointing fingers turned to grab pencils.
Mr. Byun stood hands hanging by his side. He coughed, “Well, just leave that for now.” He motioned to a chair on the other side of the classroom. “You can sit by Mr. Nakamoto instead.” Yuta didn’t look up from the playbook in his lap. Soccer season was starting soon and he was already preparing. “Okay,” Byun clapped his hands as he turned back to the board. “Let’s get started. Can anyone tell me what noble gases are?”
Johnny leaned his head on his hand zoning the teacher out. He caught her eye as she glanced worriedly back at the broken chair. The intimidating look on her face from earlier had turned into a concerned, almost sad, look. Johnny raised an eyebrow at Y/n. He wondered why she kept looking back here. The chair wasn’t going anywhere. Maybe she was scared the school was going to make her pay for it. Which is ridiculous when they have probably close to 100 sitting in storage that haven’t seen the light of day in 40 years. He watched as she turned toward him again. This time her eyes narrowed and glared at him. Johnny was confused to say the least. What was with the sudden hostility? Johnny shrugged, his chin jutting out.  She rolled her eyes before looking forward again.  He let his eyes slide away from her and back over to the front of the classroom, Byun had moved on to explaining the periodic table.
“Under extreme pressure these gases will not react well,” Byun pointed out on the table. “Which is why we must be cautious. If we aren’t careful, these gases will turn against us and once they do that, they are not very forgiving.” Johnny rolled his eyes. He barely caught the look Y/n sent him. He sighed as he looked to the clock, only 20 minutes had passed.
The camera shutter clicked before Johnny pulled it down to his chest. “I heard there’s a new girl on the volleyball team,” a boy sitting across from him slightly twisted the lens on his camera. “She’s supposed to be good too. I heard one of the seniors talking about her though. They said that she’s not very personable.”
Kun sat next to Johnny, his hands clanking away on a keyboard, “So she’s not meshing well.” He hummed as he continued to stare at the screen. As a co-editor for the school newspaper Kun tried to stay in the know about all school affairs. “She will eventually. They still have a couple of weeks before the first tournament of the season. That’s really gonna help us know whether or not Y/n’s addition to the team is going to be beneficial or not.”
Johnny fiddled with his camera again. Obviously, Y/n had left a big enough impact on the local sports community that everyone knew about her. How could they not? Last year she started out on varsity as a Freshman. Her team had gone to the State Championships and won. She was the prodigy child, but that doesn’t answer Johnny’s biggest question. Why did she come here? RVHS had a respectable sports program and academics, SJHS’s girls volleyball team was less than respectable. “I don’t know. Y/n is a good player. We can see that from her stats, but if she can’t get along with the team then they’re going to have problems.”
“It’s her first week,” Kun gave a kind grin. “Give her some slack. We won’t come to a consensus about the team until we can watch them actually play.” He turned back to the screen he was editing. Kun was right. Johnny knew this, but he couldn’t help but remember her glare at him as she sat next to Yuta in Chemistry that morning. Can’t she get along with anybody? He didn’t even move, but she was acting like the chair breaking was his fault.
“I wouldn’t be optimistic,” Johnny shrugged and stood from his chair. Kun gave him a confused look. “I have some pictures to take. I’ll be back before class ends.” Escaping the classroom and the questioning looks of his peers, Johnny sighed before wandering away from the journalism room.
To be fair, he probably should have been paying attention in class, but all he could think about was the bomb Kun dropped on him. How was he supposed to know that Kun was going to want him to go with him to the girls volleyball team to their first tournament? They had never done that before.
“We want to be able to track how the team is doing with their new superstar,” Kun had told him. Apparently, Kun was trying to feed into all of the school drama surrounding, Y/n L/n. “You’re the best person for the job. Think of it as a resume booster, Traveling Reporter.” Johnny had rolled his eyes at Kun, but ultimately agreed, if he wanted to be editor next year, he was going to have to make some sacrifices.
“Mr. Suh, can you please tell me the answer to question 2,” Mr. Byun had a hand resting on the whiteboard and an eyebrow raised. Johnny had glanced down to the textbook. Calorimetry. Great, he spaced out on one of the most important lectures of Chemistry.
Johnny glared at the page. “Umm 8.23 to the power of 10.”
The teacher shook his head, a disappointed look on his face, “Please be paying attention, Johnny. Y/n?”
“8.314 J mol -1 K -1,” Y/n glanced up, her voice pitched in a panic.
“Correct,” Byun scribbled on the board. “Next, we are going to see if-”
Johnny couldn’t help but send a small glare to the back of her head. He didn’t understand how she could continually have no self confidence in the classroom, but be cocky and egotistical outside of that. He scoffed lightly rolling his eyes as he watched her smile at Yuta.
She turned slightly towards him. Glancing at him from the corner of her eye she gave Johnny a sour look. Johnny tried to ignore her as the class continued on, and succeeded, until a group of guys from the boy’s volleyball team met him at the door. They all spoke to each other as they tried to get closer to Johnny. “Hey guys,” he grinned as they walked out of the doorway. He glanced away from the group to see Y/n running into an open locker door as she tried to push around the group. He tried to stifle a laugh as he saw her apologize to a kid and rub the growing spot on her forehead. Johnny watched as she sent a withering look to the group before moving on to her next class.
He had to admit, albeit begrudgingly, that this year’s girl’s volleyball team was good, shockingly good. It took two tournaments for Johnny to decide that Y/n was a vital part of the team and their success.
Now he watched as Y/n passed the ball up to the setter and the team made a kill. SJHS was in the lead. They had won the first set and the third set, now, all they needed to do was lock in the 4th and they would be on to the state championships. How they got there? Johnny had no good answer except that Y/n were on the team.
While his admiration for her on the court had grown, he could not say the same for in the classroom. Week after week he watched as she floundered through Chemistry and supposedly thrived in the rest of her classes. Not only that, but Y/n seemed to have a clumsy streak. It seemed like every time Johnny saw her, she was running into lockers, doors, or shelves. He could still picture the look on her face when an ice cream she was eating for lunch flew out of her hand and landed on the shirt of the girl sitting across from her.
“Game point,” the up referee called before motioning for SJHS to serve. Johnny took out his notepad jotting down the server and the point difference. 24-21, not a bad lead, but if the team messed up here their chances for state champion finals could be over. The server sent the ball floating over the net. Johnny knew that the libero’s float serve would throw any team. It was an almost surefire way of winning. Almost. The ball bounced off a hand laying flat on the court. SJHS cannot allow them to make a play off the ball. Johnny watched as the opposing them was able to get the ball to the middle hitter. His breath caught as you dived for the ball screaming toward the floor. Y/n scooped it up and gave it to the setter. The opposite side rushed to the net and before Johnny knew it the ball hit the floor on the other side of the net. SJHS had taken the point and were now on their way to the State Championship game tomorrow.
He stepped down the bleachers as the team made their way back to the locker room. His notepad crinkled as he stood down the hall from the room he watched the team go into. He needed to speak with a few members for a post he was going to write on tonight’s game and, if he’s optimistic, the state championship game. Johnny looked up as the door swung open and several of the team members came out. Y/n came into his view first, hair hanging down by her shoulders and a smile on her face.
“Hey,” he greeted the group. “Could I get a quick comment from a couple of you about tonight’s game?”
“Sure,” the girl he recognized as the varsity setter grinned a hand resting on her hip. “But please make it short and if you need a picture get my good side.”
Johnny snorted as she turned to the left, “I don’t think I want a sweaty volleyball player as the picture for my article.” He laughed as the girl swatted at him. “Great I need, you,” he pointed to the setter. “J. Lim, and.” He glanced around the group, his eyes settled on Y/n’s, “and M. Lee.” Y/n rolled her eyes and he raised an eyebrow at her, “and this should just take a few minutes. We’ll worry about longer comments after you win the state champs tomorrow.”
tag list: @beyond-gethsemane , @lanadreamie , @michplusb @qianinterprises @jaxminskale @stayctday @nanascupid
*Reposted from previous blog*
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knchins · 4 years
Heaven Sent, Hell Proof - Two
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Summary: An angel named Keigo is assigned to win over the soul of a mysterious woman for heaven. He quickly finds that he is not the only one with his eyes on her. Can he get to her before his arch rival does?
Pairing: Angel!Hawks x Reader x Demon!Dabi
Rating: M (for now)
Word Count: 3k
Bingo Prompt: Angels and Demons
Warnings: Mentions of noncon, minor yandere themes
Notes: This is only going to be three parts! I figure it was going to be around 10k and it looks like I was right lol. I hope everyone enjoys part two! And stay tuned in the upcoming weeks for the final part that will include some very...steamy scenes.
Part One → Part Two →  Part Three
 Keigo had always been confident in his speed, especially while flying. What he wasn’t confident in, however, was how skilled his demonic adversary was in tailing him. Any time he left headquarters, he would sense Dabi nearby. They were after the same thing of course, but what the red winged angel didn’t understand was why he didn't try to find her independently. Why was Dabi so focused on whether or not he could find her himself?
 On the third day, he finally got sick of it. He coasted back down to the ground where the demon was hiding in plain sight and landed right in front of him. “Shouldn’t you be out searching for my girl instead of sniffing after my trail?” He asked, an indifferent look on his face.
 Dabi smiled in a particularly devious way that had Keigo taking a step backwards. “What’s wrong, Feathers? Can’t take the heat of a demon on your six? Don’t you trust me?”
 “I trust that you have some ulterior motive.” Hawks snapped back, wings flexing behind his back as some sort of show of strength. Not that it had any affect on Dabi.
 The demon shrugged nonchalantly, “Actually, I thought maybe we could team up this time. Just this once. This girl is something special, don’t you think? Half angel, half human, left to live on earth and not in heaven. Definitely the sluttiest virgin I’ve ever met. I can’t wait to rip that flower from her dainty little hands.”
 Dabi noticed the sharp feathers of his wings puff out, standing on end as they tended to do whenever Keigo felt threatened or aggravated. “Don’t talk about her like that. You are not going to defile an angel.”
 “She’s not an angel, Keigo.” Dabi said, his voice turning serious suddenly. “She is an abomination, said so by the gods. She belongs in hell with the rest of us. Do you not read your own holy scripture? What do you think they do with nephilim in heaven, bird brain? You think they let them exist as they are?”
 Keigo was silent. That had been what he was led to believe. That their half angelic souls resided in heaven. That they were given the same treatment as any god-made angel. However, Dabi was right. The scripture did state that hybrids between man and the celestial were not natural. However anything beyond that just fell short from his memory.
 “The pages were missing, right?” Dabi said, seeing the turning wheels in Keigo’s head creaking to a stop as they were met with an impasse. “Ripped out of every version in heaven and earth. Trust me, I know. I know because I’ve been there- and you know that I was. You work for my father, after all. I fell because I wanted answers no one could provide. The gaps in memory. The rules that didn’t make sense. The missing information. It’s all in hell, bird brain. I know everything your daddy wants to keep hush hush.”
 “Why would the creators do something so demonic?” Keigo asked with a huff, his feathers relaxing the tiniest bit. “What purpose would that have?”
 “What purpose?” Dabi scoffed, “What did my father tell you about this girl? That heaven needed her for the apocalypse? Do you always believe everything you’re told?”
 Keigo stared at him with a blank expression, unsure of how he should answer. Why would Enji lie to him? Why would anyone lie to him? Again what purpose would that serve? He was clearly growing frustrated.
 The demon knew exactly how Keigo felt, because he too had once been in his shoes. An angel trying to do the right thing. When would he learn that Heaven wasn’t always about doing the right thing? “Listen, Feathers, the reason she was able to live this long is because no one could find her. Her powers only recently awakened and when they did it was like a homing beacon for everyone above and below. She’s more powerful than the average nephilim because of her lineage.”
 “Who is her father?” Hawks asked, tired of the run around. “If he is so powerful then why could he not find her?”
 “He kept her secret, no one knew she existed until a week ago. Why they sent you, bird brain, I’ll never know. Maybe my dear old dad just enjoys using his little soldier boy to do his dirty work. Maybe you’re just so naive and eager to believe their lies that they thought you could be trusted. What they didn’t count on was me.” Blue flames sprouted from either of Dabi’s hands. “If this is such an important mission, why not send the angel who sired her himself? Why not let him deal with it?”
 Again, Keigo was quiet. Dabi did have a valid point. If something as big as the apocalypse was on the line, then why send a lower ranking official such as himself. “Who is her-”
 The flames grew brighter. “Haven’t you figured it out yet? Angels that copulate with humans get dusted. They get thrown down to hell. But this angel is  so   powerful that Heaven wouldn’t dream of doing that. Who is the one angel that that could possibly be?”
 His golden eyes widened, jaw slackening, “Toshinori Yagi…”
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  The urge to use her powers had been growing more and more prevalent in the back of her mind. She had lived twenty years without them, so why did she suddenly feel the need to use them at any time she could? Was it simply because of convenience? The thrill of teleporting anywhere in the matter of seconds was just so exhilarating. No more driving, no more waiting at the bus stop, and no more walking. Just pop in and pop back home, that’s it.
 She had lived in isolation for most of her life without the need for others. True, up until a year ago it had been with her mother and at first the loneliness was suffocating, but now it was just simpler to be by herself. She didn’t have to explain why she could do the things no one else could. She didn’t have to worry if they were really an angel or demon in disguise to whisk her away. The only one she could trust was herself and that was the one person in all of the realms that she needed.
 While she had conceded that not interacting with people was necessary, she did admit that it could be quite lonesome. She had found herself watching more and more romance movies as a way to surrogate that feeling of being with someone. Twenty years old and never been touched, what a joke. Virginity had been hammered into her brain since she was old enough to understand what it was.
 But since that fateful encounter with the red winged angel and burn scar demon, she had found herself longing for companionship more and more. The demon had spoken incessantly about the things he would do to her, and at this point she kind of hoped it was more a promise. To her, her innocence was a curse that would haunt her until she could finally get rid of it once and for all.
 She had been praying to her father at night for guidance, but she had heard nothing in return. Typical. She had never seen his face and didn’t know his real name. Heaven’s mightiest angel, my ass, she thought bitterly as she walked down the street to the convenience store.
 Her mother had taught her not to trust neither angels nor demons. Other angels would kill her and demons would want her for more nefarious purposes, ones she didn’t have to think too hard to figure out. Maybe though, just maybe those things wouldn’t be too bad. Was it possible for her to fall into hell and become a half-demon instead of half-angel? She wished she had asked her mother while she was still alive. It was too late now though.
 A sigh left her lips as she lifted her head. She walked past an alleyway where she could hear two men talking. She stopped abruptly, recognizing the voices.
     “Toshinori Yagi…”  
 The name stirred something deep within her, she recognized it but couldn’t place who the person was. She blinked in surprise, having never guessed she’d run into the two after her randomly like that. Not after she had taken precaution not to use her powers and keep herself hidden.
 Something stopped her from running away. Fight, flight, or freeze as they say. She stood still, watching them with a curious mixture of horror and fascination.
 Dabi noticed her first, a smirk on his mismatched face. “Well, looky here. Guess we don’t have to keep combing the city any longer, bird brain.”
 Keigo turned his head, eye widening when he saw her. She was radiant as ever, standing there with a dumbfounded look on her face. Clearly she wasn’t expecting to run into them either. Quickly his eyes snapped to Dabi, “Don’t you dare lay a finger on her.” He said through gritted teeth. His feathers stood on end once more, wings flexing as they tended to do when he got anxious.
 “Please, I wouldn’t dream of it, Feathers. At least, not while you’re here.” Dabi said in a sly voice as he approached the nephilim in front of him. “Don’t you want to come with us, doll? Maybe decide who’s side you want to join? The one willing to snuff out your existence or the one that will make you more powerful than you can even imagine?”
 Her eyes seemed to grow even larger at his words. Power? Did she want power? There was no denying that the small amount she had been playing around with since her gifts awakened had breathed new life into her. All her life she had felt as if she were going through the motions, not real thought put into anything she did. She kept her head down and kept out of sight, doing the same boring thing day in and day out.
 Now that she could do so much more, she truly felt alive for the first time. It was amazing, euphoric even. She knew the gods would rip this power from her and dismantle her existence into nothingness. Were the demons any better though? What would they do to her besides a lifetime of torture? Of course, that was just what her mother told her. She had never had any contact with an actual demon, though she was reluctant to even trust what one would tell her.
  “You can give me that?” She asked tentatively, her voice portraying her uncertainty. Dabi didn’t seem to take an offense to this as Keigo watched him with doubt.
 The demon reached out, brushing her hair back behind her ear in a way that caused butterflies to erupt in her chest. “I can give you that and so much more.”
 Suddenly Keigo’s hand was on Dabi’s wrist, ripping the scarred hand away from the woman before him. “Wait a minute, I deserve a chance for her to hear my side too.” He said, releasing the demon once he was confident that he wouldn’t touch his charge again.
 “Settle down, I said she could decide, didn’t I?” He asked with a scoff. “Though once you know the full truth, I believe you may be more...accepting of my offer to her. After all, heaven would have her smote for simply existing.”
 Keigo fell silent once more, his gold eyes piercing the half-angel. Her beauty was astounding, captivating him yet like a shiny object might a crow. He didn’t know what to think about what Dabi was confessing to him, but he did know that he would do anything to protect her. Even if that meant he had to fall from heaven to do so. He took her delicate hands into his. “Please, come with us.” His voice was deep and pleading. “I’ll keep you safe, no matter what.”
 She quickly realized she had no will to resist him and found herself nodding her head. She took both of his hands into hers as she fell deep into his bright golden eyes. “What is your name?”
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  The three of them arrived at her apartment and she told them to make themselves comfortable. Dabi took the opportunity to tell her that the only way he’d be comfortable was if he were between her naked legs, but she chose to ignore the statement.
 Hawks sat on the couch while Dabi took to the plush recliner. Their host was in the kitchen making tea for the three of them. “I have always heard conflicting things of what would happen to me if I were to ascend to heaven.” She said, speaking loudly enough for her two guests to hear her. “My mother would say one thing and then turn around and contradict herself in the same breath.”
 Dabi was nodding his head, despite her inability to see it. Keigo was giving him a wicked side-eye. “So what have you heard, princess?” He asked. “Just so I can point you in the right direction.”
 “Heaven wants me dead.” She said calmly as she entered the living room with a tray of hot tea and a small assortment of cookies. “However, also that angels were trustworthy and will protect me. My father loves me, but won’t respond to my prayers or give me some kind of sign that he even knows that I exist.”
 She took a seat next to the angel as she poured herself some tea. “How can angels be trusted if they only want me dead? How can my father love me if he denies my very existence?”
 The demon tutted, giving her a mock sympathetic look that she saw right through. “I bet bird brain here will tell you something similar. That you are important to heaven and that you will be reunited with your family there once and for all. The truth is, princess, heaven doesn’t just want you dead. It wants to see your existence completely erased for good. Nephilim don’t go to heaven or hell or even purgatory. The road stops completely for them. Only a god has the power to make a soul completely vanish, but I can assure that every single nephilim that has ever existed has wound up in the hands of one in one way or another. And that’s because they employ some idiot lower tier angel to guide them up there sooner rather than later.”
 “You see, we’re only sent after people that are about to die. Your time on Earth was counting down the second we were assigned to your case.” Dabi said rather nonchalantly as he sat with one leg thrown over the arm of the chair. “So this here angel is trying to aid in your demise. You don’t want that, do you?”
 Keigo was uncharacteristically silent. Was what Dabi was saying true? Would she vanish without a trace as soon as he took her to the proverbial pearly gates? He had never in his life been faced with such a terrible decision.
 He had never felt enamored with anyone before her. The need to wrap his wings around her and shield her from harm felt like his most basic instinct at this point. No other charge had that sort of affect on him. And because of that, he was actually thinking of believing Dabi. He took the demons words in carefully, assessing them, and searching for any sort of dishonesty.
 His heart shattered when he could find none. He knew in the deepest recesses of his soul that Dabi was telling the truth about what the gods would do with his little half-angel. Nothing was more terrifying to him than losing her.
 “I am…” he almost choked on the words, hating himself for having to even say them, “in agreement with Touya- I mean, Dabi.” He said, correcting himself. “It doesn’t seem like heaven will be a safe place for you.”
 She looked at him with warm and caring eyes, clearly seeing how much he was hurting. Many angels had empathic abilities, so it wasn’t farfetched to think that she would have them too. “Demons are supposed to be great liars, but even I can sense that he’s telling the truth.” She said, rather plainly. “But if I do choose him and descend into hell, then what will become of you? I do not want you to get in trouble for my decision.”
 “I will go with you.” He said, as if it were the most obvious thing in the mortal world. “Tear my wings from my back and accept damnation with open arms as long as I could stay by your side.”
 Dabi straightened himself in the chair, somewhat surprised by his confession. Was his arch rival serious in changing sides? Falling from heaven, transitioning from angel to devil, was an extremely painful process. Obviously, he had the scars to prove it. Keigo’s signature red wings would be ripped from his flesh and a creature that had previously never known the feeling of pain would know nothing but. Some didn’t survive the fall and instead descended into madness.
 There was always a chance of something going wrong, however the demon kept it to himself for the time being. “I know how to take care of you two birds with one stone.” He said, unable to stop the twisted smile that graced over his mismatched features.
 Keigo didn’t like that look, not one big. The nephilim next to him was also feeling a little weary, thinking that perhaps she should take more time in her decision. “What is it?” She asked tentatively.
 “Feathers is not going to like it.” He said in a taunting voice, as if he were dangling something irresistible over their heads.
 Keigo’s sharp eyes were narrowed with distrust. “Just spit it out, Monster Mash.” He said in a rumbling tone as one feathered wing flexed to wrap around his charge so that he could force her closer to him for protection. She moved so that she was sitting right against him, his wing enveloping her with his body heat.
 “It’s time for you two to pop your cherries.” He said, grin growing even wider in the process. “And I’m going to be the one to do it.”
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Masterlist || Request Rules
Tag List: @dabi-hates-fish​, @hawksward​, @httppariis​, @kurinhimenezu​, @sinclairsamess​ (comment/message to be added to the taglist to the final part or my permanent tag list!)
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ororowrites · 4 years
By the Open Fire - Yahya x Black Character
I’m getting back into the writing spirit and decided to write a little Christmas one-shot about my latest celebrity crush. Merry Christmas, Happy Kwanzaa and Happy Holidays! 
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Warnings: Very, very, light smut, fluffy as hell
Word Count: 2,664
Six months was entirely too long to be away from the love of her life. 
Candace tapped the tip of her pen against the blank page, hoping her writer’s block would magically disappear. Being an actress was so much easier than trying to write a novel. Why didn’t Candace just stick to her day job? Since the pandemic began, she was trying her hand at other talents and writing a novel seemed to be the one wish on her wish list that stood out. On top of Yahya being out of the country filming for most of the year, Candace was in search of a way to fight a depression that was on the brink of flooding her life. Her filming project had come to a halt until 2021 and she was stuck in her Manhattan apartment until it was safe to come out again.
Yahya would be home in a couple of days and Candace was looking forward to his arrival. So many months a part made her heart ache and the heart below her waist. After hundreds of facetime calls, numerous texts a day and a few Zoom sessions that included their shared friends, her man would be there in the flesh. 
“Fuck,” Candace cursed under her breath. The block wasn’t budging, forcing the actress to give up and retreat to the kitchen for wine. Her phone rang, interrupting her attempt to brainstorm for the next chapter in her book. “You always call at the perfect time,” she groaned at her twin sister on the other end of the line. 
“Candy, you can never just say hello like a normal human,” Trinity laughed. “But did mama call you with the latest gossip?” 
“No, but she’s been texting me all damn day. I’ve been busy so I haven’t checked them yet. Wassup,” she pressed, knowing the gossip was most likely church related. Their mother had been an usher at the same church since they were nine. 
“Girl,” Trinity exclaimed, before explaining the recent Chicago gossip. “Mrs. Jackson got caught cheating with James. Someone saw them out at the park together, kissing up on each other and all that.” 
“Ewww, in this panoramic,” Candace gagged. “I’m not shocked though. That old floozy was always flirting with daddy and almost made mama beat her ass one Easter Sunday. Remember that?” 
Trinity cackled, “Boooooy, mama was about to peel that woman’s skin back and break her neck. Ol’ girl was trying it that day and knows she is too old to still be acting like that. But enough about Florence, what have you been up to today? Ain’t your man on his way back to New York?” 
 Candace rolled her eyes because she knew where this conversation was going. Her sister had four children, leaving Candace the only childless sibling left in the pack of five children. 
“He’ll be back in two days and then we’re going to Colorado for Christmas. Since we can’t gather for the holidays, figured we’d go somewhere where we can safely distance ourselves but still get away. You know,” Candace said, swirling the wine around in her glass before taking a sip. 
“Mmmhhhhmmm. You gon’ get knocked up in them mountains,” Trinity added in a serious tone. “You two renting out a cabin or something up there?” 
“Ain’t nobody getting knocked up until she has a ring on her finger. Yes, we’re getting a cabin and just chillin’ out. Yahya has been working and needs a break. I’ve been....lonely.” Candace paced her kitchen, trying to think of an excuse to end this call before her twin irritated her soul. 
“Ya’ll haven’t seen each in months, he’s going to tear--” 
“Trin!” One major difference between the two of them was the lack of filter on Trinity’s part. The woman would say anything in front of anyone. “Look, I need to go straighten up before before Yah gets here. I’ll talk to you later?” 
Trinity sighed loudly on the other end because she knew her sister was rushing her off the call. Not liking people in her relationship business bugged Trinity because she was the nosey twin that wanted to know everything, much like their mother. “Well at least you won’t be needing to replace the batteries in that vibrator any time soon since the real Dr. Manhattan is back in the picture.” Before Candace could reply to the vulgar comment, Trinity squeezed out a quick ‘love you’ before hanging up. 
“Nasty ass,” Candace rolled her eyes and placed the phone back in the pocket of her jeans. 
The next two days were the same song. Candace’s brain did not want to focus on writing, so she eventually gave up and settled on online shopping to ease her frustration. The night her beautiful man was supposed to return, the actress fell asleep on the couch. His flight had been delayed by a couple of hours and he didn’t make it home until 3AM. 
He quietly entered the apartment, knowing Candace could never stay awake past twelve. The 6′3 actor, tip toed across the floor doing his best ballerina impression. Light snores could be heard over the infomercial playing on the television. She looked peaceful, almost child-like curled up on the sofa under her favorite coral throw. Yahya slowly leaned in, placing a soft kiss on Candace’s pouted lips. She stirred slightly, mumbling under her breath and fell back into a slumber. 
“Baby,” he sung into her ear, placing another kiss on her cheek. 
“Hmm.” Candace finally opened her eyes to see her Christmas gift standing right in front of her. Even with blurred vision, the smell of his cologne was a dead giveaway. She screeched and scurried to her feet to throw her arms around Yahya’s neck. Naturally, her legs wrapped around his waist as he rocked them back and forth. “I missed you so much.” 
“I missed you too,” he grunted, peppering Candace’s face in kisses. “My baaaaaaby,” Yahya sang as they fell to the sofa in a heap of long limbs. “It smells good in here, what you cook?” 
“Negro, you’re always looking for the food. Ol’ hungry ass,” Candace shook her head and playfully punched her lover’s bicep. “But, I saved you some fried rice and shrimp...homemade because that’s the only dish I’m good at.” 
“Oh, that’s not the only dish you’re good at,” he bit his lip, pulling Candace into a slow, passionate kiss, showing her how much he really missed her. With both of them being in the industry, they understood the heartache that came with being in a relationship and not seeing your significant other for weeks or months at a time. In this case, their time away from each other was extended due to the pandemic. “Mmmmm,” Yahya hummed into Candace’s lips before pulling away. He wanted to save the X-rated loving for their trip when he would have more time to rest and beat the severe jet lag from flying across the world for 12 hours. 
“We should get some food in this belly, babe,” Candace couldn’t contain the big cheesy grin that made her cheeks hurt. 
Christmas Eve 
Toni Braxton’s sultry voice filled the cabin as Yahya finished pouring the wine for their night cap. They had a busy day on the slopes trying not to kill themselves or break any bones. 
“Baby, where your fine ass at,” Yahya called out, making his way to the living room. The fireplace crackled, sending waves of heat throughout the cabin’s living area. The sun had set, but the mountains were still glowing against the dark sky. Their view was impeccable and the mood was set for a night of bonding and loving. “Candy, don’t make me come get you.” He warned playfully, sitting in front of the fire on their floor palette they had built earlier that night. 
“What was that,” Candace teased, stopping in the doorway getting a front row view of Yahya’s bare upper half. His back muscles bulged as he tended to the fire. 
“You back there sleeping, old lady,” he asked, with his back still turned away from her. 
“No, I was back there wrapping one last gift,” she replied, her voice dropping an octave prompting Yahya to turn around. 
His eyes almost fell out of his head, “Damn girl.” Pulling his bottom lip into his mouth, he moved forward, inspecting the gift that was screaming to be unwrapped. “This all for me?” 
“Every inch of it.” Her words almost came out as a moan. The way this man was eyeing her had moisture pooling between her legs. The fancy lingerie wouldn’t last long at this rate. Words became an afterthought when actions began to do all the talking. All it took was a soul turning kiss to send them both to the floor on their palette in front of the fireplace. Candace couldn’t tell if the fire had her skin tingling or the anticipation of having his hands rubbing over the most sensitive parts of her body. The wine and fruits sitting on the mantle quickly became an afterthought. 
For minutes, they enjoyed exploring each other and parts they hadn’t touched in months. Yahya was nestled between Candace’s thighs, both of them breathless and horny. Candace’s lace get up was quickly removed and thrown to the side. She giggled when his lips grazed her belly button, those giggles soon turning into pants and whispered obscenities. With gentle licks, he coaxed her clit out of its hood.
 Toys were fun but they weren’t the real thing and oh did she miss the real thing. See, the real thing knew exactly how to pull her close to the edge before sending her back. Her man’s skilled tongue sank deeper drawing intricate patterns in her center as she massaged the top of his head with her fingertips. 
Candace’s breath hitched in her throat and her thighs shook awaiting the impending release. “Jesus,” she moaned as her body suddenly felt light and her center thumped. 
“Still as sweet as I remember,” he grinned, kissing Candace’s inner thigh. 
Another track on their Toni Braxton Christmas playlist began to play and Yahya rested his head on Candace’s stomach. Time was precious and Yahya didn’t want to waste an ounce of the rare quiet moment they had. Soon, they’d both be filming again and the world would be back to normal. 
“What’s on your mind, baby,” Candace asked, her heart and breath back to a steady rhythm. 
“I don’t spend enough time with you. At least not lately,” he began. “I knew what I was getting into when we were back in school. Still makes me feel bad though.” 
“Yah, I enjoy all the moments that we do get to spend together. You’ve been working your ass off this year. Yes, I would love more times like this but we should also celebrate all your accomplishments. Because you’re doing the damn thang and I’m so proud of you.” 
“Thank you. You always say the right shit to get me together,” he chuckled. “Sometimes a nigga just be in his feelings and I missed the hell out of you those six months.” 
“Yeah, six months has never gone by that slowly. You should see my credit card statements. I’ve never purchased that many sex toys in my life,” Candace covered her face with her arm. 
“Word? Well.... you won’t be needing those sex toys for awhile.” 
A smirk formed on her lips when she felt him bump against her thigh, “No, no, you just sit back and relax. I got this.” Sitting up, Candace placed a hand on Yahya’s chest, prompting him to switch her spots. 
“You are beautiful,” Yahya’s eyes gleamed. After all these years, he could still make Candace blush like a little school girl. “Don’t hide that smile, girl.” His large hands massaged her thighs as she eased him inside of her. 
They both exhaled, letting Toni Braxton serenade them through the night.
Christmas Morning
They had finally made it to bed and got a few hours of sleep before Christmas morning arrived and it was time to get up for their next day of adventures. 
First, they needed to re-fuel their bodies after the festivities that took place the night before in front of the fireplace and in the bedroom. The shower also got some of their loving that morning. Candace could hear Yahya singing his own version of Joy to the World while whipping up his famous oatmeal. That man never knew the words to any song but sung his own words with all the confidence in the world. 
“Yah, do you ever know the words,” Candace questioned, placing a quick kiss on his cheek before grabbing a bowl from one of the kitchen shelves. 
“Nope,” he replied in a matter of fact tone. “It’s the Abdul-Mateen version.”
“Uh huh, sure.” 
Over breakfast, they continued joking about Yahya’s talent of making up his own versions of songs. Joy and love was on full display. They had always been the couple to roast each other and the next minute adore each other like the two biggest saps in the world.. Their relationship was built on a strong friendship they developed while they were in film school before reconnecting a few years later. 
They walked a short distance to one of the coffee shops near their cabin to grab hot chocolate. It was a chilly 45 degrees, but to avoid sitting in the shop, they walked back to their rental, taking a scenic route that Yahya suggested. 
“If we get lost or I end up falling off one of these mountains, I hope my family doesn’t kill you,” Candace joked, admiring the beautiful scene before them. 
“Oh, I know where we are. I was out here early yesterday morning trying to find the perfect spot,” Yahya replied. 
“Huh, perfect spot for what?” 
He didn’t answer right away and instead reached for Candace’s hand, stopping her in her tracks. “Something I’ve been wanting to do for awhile.” Placing his cup on one of the rocks, Yahya pulled a box from his pocket and got down on one knee. 
“What...what...” For once, Candace was speechless and caught completely off guard. 
“It’s hard as hell to surprise you and I’ve been trying to think of the perfect time to do this without your nosey ass finding out.” Tears began to flow down Candace’s cheeks. “We’ve been at this for a few years and I’ve had some of my best moments with you by my side. I want to make what we have forever.” He opened the small box to reveal a beautiful emerald cut ring. “Say love... would you marry me?” 
Being the goofball that she was, Candace laughed between her tears “You’re trying to get me pregnant on this trip, aren’t you?” 
“Well that can be arranged if you say yes.” 
“Ye...yes, of course!” Her vision blurred as Yahya slid the rock on her finger and stood to his feet to kiss his future bride. Moments later Yahya’s phone rang with an incoming Facetime call. 
“Hey Trinity, hey moms,” Yahya cheesed, turning his phone to share the screen with Candace. “Looks like you two aren’t getting rid of me anytime soon.” 
“She said yes,” Trinity screamed, jumping up and down with their mother. “Aye, aye, ayyyeeeeee.” 
Still in complete shock and happiness overflowing, Candace shrieked, “Wait, you two knew about this the entire time!” 
“Yep! It’s been burning my ass to keep this secret from you all this time,” Trinity teased, sticking out her tongue. “He took mom with him to ring shop last year and everything.” 
“Welcome to the family, son. Congratulations baby,” Ms. Fredrick sang, clapping for the happy couple on the other end of the call. 
“Now, I hope you two are using protection out there because having a baby before the wedding is-” 
“Trinity,” Candace called out, shaking her head. 
They should have followed Trinity’s advice because approximately two months later..... 
Hope you all enjoyed! This is the first piece I’ve written in a year. I have no idea if I’ m going to continue the stories I began before my hiatus, yet. But, we will explore that in the coming year! Who knows, we may get more Candace and Yahya depending on how hard writer’s block slaps me. May the new year bring you all peace and joy! 
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