#i can take a compliment but the moment its a flirty compliment im blushing and stuttering
lone-is-papyrus · 5 months
Not me being called pretty and automatically blushing. Haven't been called pretty in a bit haha, normally I'm the one flirting with the cute girls not the other way around
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aonungyou-shit · 1 year
hey, i love ur fics🤍🫶 (louder than everyone else)
can i request an ao’nung x fem! metkayina! reader? he’s REALLY overprotective of her and when the sully’s arrive, he notices how neteyam is being flirty with her and she’s completely oblivious to it. so ao’nung gets jealous and eventually just goes off on neteyam, they start fighting, it’s just a MESS. so while y/n is patching up ao’nung’s bruises, it just turns into a little comforting moment w/ reassurance and yeah (sorry if this is a lot, i tried to be as specific as possible😭)
Oblivious of my heart
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Ao'nung x Fem Metkayina Reader
//Aw Thank you anon! I love when people love my fics. Dont worry i actually prefer a lot over too little! You did great
Ao'nung adored you. You knew that. Ever since the farthest of your memory could serve you.
And you adored him just as much
Truthfully it was a no brainer when he stake claim over being the one who would court you. But it still surprised you nonetheless.
It was nice to feel wanted and that's the life that you had known for the mean time.
Until the Sully's arrived.
At least that was what Ao'nung felt.
You were excited to finally have something new. Not that it wasn't an eventful life you lived. You taught the kids the basics with Tsireya, Went on hunting trips with Ao'nung and the rest of the hunters.
Or you helped the weavers as they taught you new things here and there.
and it had been not that long ago that Ronal sought that you also learned the ways of the Tsahik.
But it had grown a little boring. Same schedule same routine. You craved something different.
And that's when they showed up.
You were just as excited as Tsireya to help teach the Sully's. Though obviously you could tell what her reasoning was.
Without much thinking you went to help the girls with their things. Making eye contact with the eldest boy.
You giving him a smile as he returned it. But unaware to you his eyes lingered just a little longer that Ao'nung deemed okay.
You Followed behind them. Next to Ao'nung and Rotxo who were close behind you.
"im not all to happy with you dearest" You said not even turning to look at Ao'nung
"You two no better than to make such crude remarks"
Ao'nung rolled his eyes as Rotxo nodded and apologized that you managed to somehow see that.
You handed over the bags that you had helped carry, The eldest taking it and looking at you with something in his eyes. Something Ao'nung held to you before you two became a pair.
"Thank you, Sorry i never got your name"
"Y/n. And you?"
"Im Neteyam. Nice to meet you"
You smiled Shaking his hand smiling at him. "I cant wait to teach you two"
"I cant wait to learn!"
The ever swinging tail that he had was overlooked by you. His growing smile and blush was as well. But Ao'nung saw, and the distaste he had for the sully's now had its target
Now You found that you liked Neteyam's company. You did. He was kind always willing to help and really it was almost like having an elder brother.
However Neteyam took this time to get closer in other ways that you hadn't really thought off. He would steal you away for things that he wanted to 'learn'
You loved to teach the wonders of the Metkayina life.
During this time Ao'nung would often stalk you. And with good reason. He often heard Neteyam compliment you, Throw little jokes your way. He made you laugh. He was flirting.
"you are beautiful"
"Your eyes are stunning"
"you look great today"
And he wasnt gonna disagree with it either. You were everything and more. The Purest of fruits and the beauty that radiated out of many.
Today he decided to seek you out. No doubt around Neteyam as he wouldn't be far from you.
"I think i should like to know about you? What didn't you have anyone at home you miss? no girl? or guy?"
Neteyam laugh a little his gaze now turning to you. The softness was one he knew to well. That gentle feeling of adoration when he saw you. He knew too well
"No. I never found to like anyone like you"
You were by far too oblivious. He knew that. Often when he voiced that he didn't like Neteyam you would brush it off telling him that everything was fine. And all you did was smile
"im sure you could find many women here that like you! Im sure if you look they'll be willing to give you a shot"
"Would you?"
That was it. Ao'nung thought. He had enough of you doing nothing about it cause you liked to believe he wanted to be your friend. Ao'nung marched out to the shore and glared daggers at Neteyam.
"I think its time you back off"
"me?" Neteyam asked raising a brow as he couldnt believe his eyes. Every time he tried to talk to you more intimately Ao'nugn would steal you away. Anytime he wanted to ask you about where you two stood Ao'nung ruined it. And he had enough.
"Yes you!"
"You're the one always getting in the way!" Neteyam yelled back.
It happened honestly too quickly. You couldn't react quickly as you watched Ao'nung and Neteyam hit the ground hard. Punches being throw and you did your best of breaking them apart. But yelling to get any attention for help.
You heard the crunch of Ao'nung's nose being broke but saw the busted lip on Neteyam.
Rotxo and Lo'ak bless their soul had come to help you finally seperating the two fighting Na'vi's
"Stay Away From What's Mine! Or So help me"
"That's enough Ao'nung" You yelled looking over his wounds. You prayed for the patience to not twist his arm in two.
"She is mine! My Tsahik! My Mate Get it through your skull Forest boy"
You hit him again. Not caring for his injuries as you then turned to Neteyam. He didnt look as bad as Ao'nung but none the less still hurt.
Taking a small little bow from your medicine pouch you gave it to him. Excusing Ao'nung's actions too
"I'm so sorry for Ma Ao'nung! I swear he's never this way"
But when you spoke it really did solidify what Ao'nung had said. You were his. And he was stupid enough to believe or even see how he was also yours.
Bidding him a goodbye you left to go treat Ao'nung. No doubt about to have an earful from his mother too.
"I pray for the strength that i myself dont break your nose some more" You said patching up Ao'nung here and there with the help if his mother.
Ronal had been quiet. She felt prideful that she didn't have to scold him. no Doubt you would get to him much more than herself.
"I mean what goes on in this tiny mind of yours to think it was a good idea to fight?"
"I told you many times, He keeps flirting with you its about time he learned a thing or two"
You sighed. Biting down your tongue as you looked at Ronal. "May we be left alone Tsahik?"
Oh this was juicy. She thought but she respected your wishes and left.
You two sat in silence for a while. You throwing on the paste harshly at his bruises and split open skin.
"Dont be upset with me please" Ao'nung said. Now not being able to fight back the tears of frustration he held on for too long. " I cannot bare the thought of you finding someone better than me. Someone who is so deserving of all you are"
"Ao'nung no no!" You said now putting the bowl down and going to give him a tight squeeze. "what ever made you think that?"
"Every time i saw you with him. You seemed so much happier. Like an Atokirina floating blissfully within the world. Happy and light at your feet with him. And im afraid, Im terribly afraid you will leave me dearest"
You sighed. Kissing his temple laying him on your lap. Stroking his hair as you let him sob a bit.
"I cant wait to mate with you"
"I can not wait to be your mate. To be one in the eyes of Eywa. I can not wait to be your muntxate. I cannot wait to have kids with you. Cant wait to be the Tsahik to your Olo'eyktan. I cannot wait to grow old with you. But you have to trust me that you make me the happiest"
Ao'nung and you sat there in silence for a second. The words sinking into ao'nung before you looked back to him.
"do you?"
"I do, Ma yawntutsyìp"
//I hope you liked it Anon! Be sure if you got any more great ideas to send em my way! I love writing requests!!
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mytholora · 5 years
do you hear my heart beating
Fandom: Mamamoo
Rated: T
Pairings: Moonsun
Characters: Solar, Moonbyul, Wheein, Hwasa
Summary: Yongsun knows she’s an idiot but she’d thought herself to be an idiot with good ideas.
Yongsun knows she’s an idiot but she’d thought herself to be an idiot with good ideas.
They’re in a seedy club at some inhumane hour of the morning. Byulyi has somehow managed to convince her to go even though she’s got a paper due tomorrow and hasn’t washed her hair in 3 days.
“ISN’T THIS AMAZING?” Byulyi yells over the crowd of people wildly bumping their bodies into each other and the blaring music. It’s humid. Yongsun’s sure she’s stepped on something gross. At least 2 people have tried grinding on her, she doesn’t know. What she does know is that Byulyi’s holding her hand tight and she’s about to spontaneously combust.
“It’s really loud in here!”
“WHAT? WHAT DID YOU SAY?” Byul makes a pained face at her, stretching back to hear her better.
“WHAT Oh—never mind.” Yongsun sighs, realising that no matter how loud she shouts, Byulyi can’t hear her over the loud music. How is she supposed to flirt with Byulyi if they can’t even hear each other? Another body falls on her and Yongsun is this close to biting someone’s ear off. She grunts under the weight of a clearly inebriated body and struggles to push him back on his feet. Of course this fucking caveman has to fall on me, of all the people in this hellcave.
Suddenly, Byulyi appears in front of her and pushes the man off her.
“Hey, watch where you’re falling, asshole!” Byulyi snarls, anger flaring in her eyes, arms holding Yongsun closely, tightly, and Yongsun feels her face heat up as she presses herself closer to Byulyi’s frame.
“Thanks, bodyguard,” Yongsun breathes out.
“I said thanks!”
“Forget it!”
“I can’t hear you, let’s just go!” Byulyi pulls her arm to signal her to start moving and they start wading through the swamp of people once more. A light bulb flickers to life above Yongsun’s head instantly. They can barely hear themselves in the noise, much less each other. It’s an opportunity falling on her lap and Yongsun’s damned if she won’t take it.
She clears her throat. “Your hands really turn me on.”
Byulyi doesn’t even turn around to look at her, just keeps pushing forward through the crowd. Yongsun bites back laughter and squeezes Byulyi’s hand. She turns around at that, tilting her head in slight confusion, face sporting a grin. Yongsun shakes her head and they continue moving as glee at the prospect of what she can do in her current situation fills her up.
Walking deeper in still, the club gets louder and darker even though Yongsun didn’t think it was possible mere minutes ago.
“Hey, hot ass lady holding my hand,” Yongsun tries. “Could we go get some drinks before hitting the dance floor?” No reaction.
“You sexy beast. Hold me tight. Grab my tiddies and drag me into a kiss.”
Nothing. If Byulyi can hear her, she doesn’t show any indication that she does.
It’s even better than I thought, Yongsun thinks incredulously. She gives a tug to the hand that’s holding hers.
“Can we get a drink first?” She asks in her normal voice, not even trying to compete against the noise. Byulyi frowns and leans closer, lips forming a ‘what’. Yongsun smiles and gestures towards what distinctly looks like a bar and tilts her head back to mimic the act of drinking. Byulyi perks up, nods, and they head off to a new destination.
It’s a little quieter at the bar, the air still shaking with heavy bass, but Yongsun can actually hear her own thoughts now. A familiar beautiful woman with a smouldering gaze is already waiting for them at the bar, an eyebrow raised, and Yongsun fights back a blush when the woman glances between Byulyi and herself as they walk towards her.
“Surprise!” Byulyi yells and almost leaps across the counter to wrap the woman in a hug.
“How did you manage to find me? I barely started working, like, two days ago!” Hyejin laughs, arms going around to return the hug before pulling Yongsun into another smothering one.
“I have my sources!” Byulyi says and Hyejin rolls her eyes.
“Wheein! Of course.”
“Where is she anyway? She owes me 15 bucks!” Hyejin motions to somewhere behind her and not even a moment later, a young dimpled girl appears beside Hyejin and squeals, dragging all four of them into a group huddle.
“HELL YEAH! The gang’s back together for a night of booze and bad decisions!” She jumps around excitedly and Yongsun feels her heart melt at the sight. She glances at Hyejin and Byulyi and she’s sure she’s not the only one. They are all soft for Wheein and her bubbly energy.
“Making bad decisions won’t be a problem with how fucking LOUD this place is! Are the speakers busted or something?” Yongsun winces as the music somehow gets louder than before, a remix of some top 10 EDM song reverberating in her skull.
“We don’t really know why but the other bartenders tell us it’s the DJ! He always plays the music this loud just cuz it ‘sets him in the mood’!” Wheein explains and Byulyi rolls her eyes.
“What an asshole.”
“Right?! Most of the DJs we’ve met here are really nice but he’s the only one that’s a big meanie! Just earlier tonight he…” Wheein launches into a story and Byulyi listens attentively, straining her neck forward to pick up on Wheein’s excited chatter. Hyejin quickly fills up two mugs with some cheap beer for them and is off to respond to a customer calling for her. Byulyi sends a wink her way as thanks before focusing her attention back onto Wheein and her flailing arms.
Yongsun adores that part of Byulyi that is so attentive and pays attention to details. The one that tries her best to be inclusive. The one with so much kindness and care in her heart. It was a quality that attracted so many of her friends to her and helped her to easily make more.
“I love you so much,” Yongsun stares at Byulyi and the words slip out before she can stop it. A spike of anxiety stabs her before realising that it is too loud for anyone to pick up what she’s saying. “That jacket looks great around you but you know what would look better? Me.”
Byulyi doesn't react. She’s still listening attentively to Wheein’s enthusiastic storytelling. It’s a chance she can’t miss.
“You funky lesbian, why the fuck are you so perfect, huh? Wanna fight? Wanna sit on my face? I dare you. I’m so in love with you. I’m not even joking. I would lay my life down for you like a knight for her queen, except like, I don’t wanna die, so maybe not. I’d fight a man for you, though. I’d choke all the men in the world for you. Fuck, you look so good. Marry me.”
Yongsun is on a roll, spitting out cheesy compliments and flirty pick-up lines. She says it to no-one in particular, keeping her eyes on the hyper duo next to her as she nurses her drink in one hand.
That is, until she realises her phone has been incessantly buzzing in her pocket. It’s enough to get her to take it out and look through her notifications.
Hyegi: oi
Hyegi: im on the other side
Hyegi: bitch dont ignore me look here
Hyegi: are u talking to yourself or smth wat the fuck
Hyegi: who you talking to
Hyegi: oh my god
Hyegi: omg u hopeless gay
Hyegi: sit on your face???
Hyegi: yong pls
Hyegi: pls do not start fighting here i dont wanna be fired
Hyegi: im begging you pls stop
Hyegi: o fuk that’s so NSFW im gagging
Hyegi: bicth
Hyegi: thicc byulssy???? UVE GONE TOO FAR
Yongsun is absolutely mortified. Her eyes quickly dart to where Hyejin is leaning against the counter a few metres away, smoothly typing away on her phone, as if she didn’t just ruin Yongsun’s entire night in a few texts. Hyejin glances up to look at her and smirks. Yongsun's fight or flight response is fully activated and screaming at her to somehow knock Hyejin unconscious and make her lose all memory of tonight.
Yong: FUCK
Yong: dkjfhsljdfh
Yong: what the fuck
Hyegi: calm down
Yong: im gonna fukcking
Yong: what the FUCK
Hyegi: CHILL i wont tell
Yong: i will die on the spot if you do
Hyegi: please dont
Yong: DIE you hear me
Yong: this whole time
Yong: how
Yong: did you bug me with a mic
Hyegi: what?? no i can lip read
Yong: how? since when??? what the fuck
Hyegi: took a course back in college
Yong: why
Hyegi: i wanted to be a spy
Yong: uh
Yong: ok
Yong: anyway pls dont spill
Hyegi: chillax i wont. I got u babe
Yong: thanks ily
Hyegi: ily too
Hyegi: also u are one giant horndog u know that?? fuckin intense!!
Yong: and what about it? she’s hot. im hot. we’re perfect for each other
Hyegi: LMAO right so why u seducing thin air
Yong: im just
Yong: building up my offense u know
Yong: training to fight fire with fire
Hyegi: by talking to the air
Yong: im TRAINING u fool
Yong: im like zuko and she’s azula because im gonna take her down
Yong: except we’re not siblings and i wanna date her
Hyegi: fuck u dont ruin that show for me
Yong: im not supporting incense im just saying they were both hot
Hyegi: incense im its incest u illiterate
Hyegi: ok look if i give u another drink on the house will u PLEASE shut the fuck up
Yong: a nicer one please
Yong: thanks
Yong: also zutara should have been endgame
Hyegi: dont test me because i will throw this drink in ur face
Yongsun laughs and looks up only to see Wheein gone and Byulyi staring at her and smiling. She feels her heart jump out her chest and tries to not let it show. She raises an eyebrow and Byulyi shakes her head and takes another swig of her now finished beer. Hyejin walks up to them with Yongsun’s drink on the house.
“Hey, how come she gets another one?!” Byulyi pouts, shifting closer to Yongsun and her new drink.
“What can I say? I’m a natural charmer!” Yongsun shrugs, a teasing lilt in her voice, which makes Byulyi pout even more. Hyejin rolls her eyes and walks away. Yongsun realises that it’s just her and Byulyi now. She clears her throat uncomfortably, unprepared to face Byulyi one-on-one, despite all the ‘training’ she’s undergone.
“Holy shit, I love this song! For a shitty DJ, he’s got pretty good taste in music!” Byulyi perks up. She gets off her chair and sways to the song now playing through the speakers. Yongsun watches awkwardly as Byulyi dances without a care in front of her.
She thinks she’s disassociating. In another dimension.
Byulyi? Sexy dancing in front of her as she sits and watches? Not even trying to escape? Absolutely unheard of.
She’d already be running for the hills on a normal day.
I’m too fucking gay for this shit. Is this happening? Is this really happening? What the fuck.
Yongsun doesn’t budge an inch on her seat, doesn’t even grab her drink. Her eyes watch Byulyi intensely, expression unchanging as the younger girl dances without a care in the world, unaware of the quickly deteriorating mess that is Yongsun’s sanity. Byulyi’s eyes lock with hers and she feels something important escape her body.
Her phone buzzes again and again and Yongsun forces herself to tear her eyes away from the spectacle that is Byulyi and respond to it.
Hyegi: u lesbian
Hyegi: SHUT UP ur sex eyes are so obvious
Hyegi: U look like u are one blink away from pushing her down!! Fuck
Hyegi: i cant deal with this
Hyegi: remember to use protection xoxo hwasa
Yongsun rolls her eyes. Her phone buzzes again. What now?
Wheenie: byul-unnie
Wheeinie: i got him to play the song u wanted
Wheeinie: r u sure dis will work
Wheeinie: make sure u do wat we discussed
Wheeinie: unnie u luk v intense
Wheeinie: ya work those sexy moves
Wheein: sway ur hips more!! bat ur eyes!!
Wheeinie: she looks turned on as fUK keep doing it
Wheeinie: lmao she’s looking here?? move closer
Wheeinie: get more in her face!! blast ur hormones! show her ur willing and ready!!!
Wheeinie: wait
Wheeinie: OH FUCK
from this shitpost of mine
after more than a year here i am...... my measly attempt at comedy..
comments r appreciated and criticism even more so because i get turned on by both
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With All Your Heart - Part 3
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"Jesus Y/N where is your head at today?" Nat scolded you as she knocked you on my ass for the 100th time in the past hour.
"In the gutter Nat where else" you smirk at her, it wasn't a lie! All you kept thinking about was Bucky!! How nice it was waking up in his arms.... how you wanted more!
"We need to get you laid girl!" Nat laughed holding her hand out to help you up off the floor.
"I know right!" You admitted whilst grabbing your towel from the side and wiping the sweat from your brow "I've got all this pent up energy i need to get out of my system.... even being in here aint helping! Especially when we've got half naked super soldiers standing across from us" you nod in the direction of where Steve and Bucky were working out in just a pair of shorts, both doing weights and making the most sexual grunting noises you have ever heard in a gym!!
"Is it just me or are those grunting noises...."
"Sounding very sexual??" She finished and nodded her head "its not just you"
"Oh thank god" you laughed and caught the attention of the two grunting soldiers.
"You ladies okay?" Steve called over sitting up on the bench.
"Peachy Cap" you called back while turning your back to them to hide your laughing.
"You sure?? You seem to find something quite amusing"
"Its nothing Steve, just girl talk" Nat winked at him as you both walked over to the treadmills.
"Well if you need anything we'd be happy to assist you" he said politely and Nat and you both burst out laughing before starting a quick paced jog on the treadmills.
"What??" You hear Steve ask as he walked over to us, he wanted to know what was going on now. Bucky was looking over curious to what we were talking about.
"The kinda help she needs is a little outta your job description Steve"
"Natasha!!" You snap shaking your head at her, the woman had no filter sometimes.
"Oh.... oh you mean...."
"Sex Steven, you can say it. Its not a bad word" Nat said teasing him at how uncomfortable he looked.
"Nat leave him alone" you say hitting the stop button and slowly coming to a stop.
"Steve can you help me stretch, if i don't do it properly I'm gonna cramp like a bitch later"
"S..sure" he nodded quickly with a smile and walked over to the mats. He led you through some basic stretches, then he was kneeling between your legs pushing one back towards your chest a little further than you could manage on my own. It felt so good you let out a quiet moan and instantly felt your cheeks flush red "you okay?" Steve asked looking concerned, you nod quickly and laughed nervously "yeah I'm fine, that just felt really good"
"Oh my god get a room you two" Nat laughed as she walked passed.
"Nat i swear to god I'm gonna kick your ass you keep on" you called after your best friend.
"You don't stand a chance while that mind of yours is in the gutter Stark!"
"Shes right" you huff throwing your arm over your eyes dramatically.
"That we should get a room??" Steve asked wide eyed making you laugh.
"No, about me not standing a chance while my mind is in the gutter" you sat up and tapped him on the arm "don't worry cap i wont corrupt you".
"Maybe id corrupt you" he shrugged casually "how would you know??"
"Fair point" you smirked getting to your feet "id be too much for you to handle though Cap" you say patting his chest and walking out.
"See ya later Buck" you smile sweetly at him as you passed.
"What the hell was that about??" Bucky asked Steve once they were alone, Steve shook his head looking just as confused as Bucky.
"I have no idea!!"
"Was you coming onto her??"
"I.... i don't think so"
"Well do you like her?"
"Of course i like her"
"You know what i mean!"
"I don't know Buck, i think i just got caught in the moment" he shrugged then looked at his best friend with wide eyes "wait... do YOU like her??"
"W..what.... no of course not" he said quickly but the red blush that crossed his face said he did.
"Bucky you can tell me pal, I'm not going to judge you. It will stay between us i promise" Steve said to his friend, now he thought about it he couldn't believe he didn't see it sooner.
"So what if i do like her Steve?? Y/N will never see me like that" he said sadly.
"How do you know that?? You haven't even given her a chance"
"Come on man if shes into anyone its you! She's always so open and flirty with you. Don't think i haven't noticed the way shes so comfortable around you, the touches between you"
"Maybe shes trying to see if she gets a reaction from you when shes close with me. You were always so stand offish with her.... she didn't think you liked her pal"
"She makes me nervous okay!" Bucky suddenly snapped "i don't know how to act around her! And then she was always sitting there talking about all these terrible dates she was going on.... i couldn't stay and listen to her talk about being with other guys, so id just leave the room"
"Well then maybe you should ask to take her out yourself??" Steve smirked.
"She'd never say yes to me Steve" Bucky said dropping his head sadly.
"Well you better make your move pal, that girl is needing some attention and she'll go on more of those ridiculous dates to get it" he slapped Bucky on the back and went to go take a shower.
After the show put on by the super soldiers in the gym and having Steve between your legs while stretching you were super horny! On the way back to your rooms Nat had suggested a girls night which you instantly agreed to. Now you were in the shower with your vibrator trying to relieve some of the sexual tension you were experiencing before going out. Your breathing was heavy as you felt yourself start to clench tighter.... your mind replaying the images of a shirtless Bucky and those amazing grunting noises he had been making. It was enough to send you over the edge and let out a loud moan as your free hand grabbed hold of the wall to steady your wobbly legs.
"Fucking hell" you sighed closing your eyes and trying to catch your breath, this was getting ridiculous! It was then you heard a knocking at your door "just a second" you call out quickly turning off the shower and grabbing a towel, you wrap it around yourself and make your way through your room to open the door.
"Oh.... S..sorry!" Bucky stuttered looking away from you when he saw you in just a towel.
"Its okay Buck" you say smiling up at him "whats up?"
"I just... i thought we could talk"
"Id love that, really i would but I'm getting ready to go out for girls night with Nat and Wanda"
"Oh okay never mind... it was just an idea..." he said looking flustered at you rejecting his offer.
"Hey, how about tomorrow morning? We can go to that diner down the street that you like, Just you and me?" You offer and he smiles instantly.
"Yeah id like that" he nodded "have a nice night" he gave you a smile before making his way back to his room.
You chose to wear a tight fitted burgundy dress (that didn't leave too much to the imagination but made you feel sexy) and a pair of black heals, your hair was curled loosely and your make up natural looking with a slight smokey eye. You were ready for a night out with your girls and you felt good about yourself!
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You head out to the kitchen to meet Nat and Wanda. Wanda was already out there waiting for us like usual making some drinks before we started our night.
"Y/N dear?" Tony said looking at you over the papers he was reading.
"yes brother?" You say in a tone that warned him you were not in the mood for his witty comments, of course that didnt stop him.
"Did you loose half of that dress??" He asked, making you instantly roll your eyes "i mean your almost exposing your....." he waved his hand over his groin area.
"Im perfectly covered, you cant see anything" you assured him.
"Im just saying you could have picked a dress with a bit more material to it sweetheart"
"I bet Nats is worse than mine and you wont say a word to her"
"Like i said before Nat is not my baby sister"
"Tony im not a baby anymore you dont have to worry about me"
"You will aways be my baby sister and i will always worry about you" he stated simply "im sorry kid but i cant just turn that off".
"Jesus christ...."
Came the voices of Steve and Bucky as they walked in and saw what you were wearing.
"Oh god your gonna give these old men a heart attack walking around dressed like that Y/N" Tony commented.
"Well i think she looks hot" Wanda smiled hooking her arm through yours and giving you a smile.
"She does! You both do!" Steve nodded
"Hey dont forget about me!" Nat said as she strolled in to join us finally.
"You all look stunning"
"Thank you Steve, we do look pretty hot tonight ladies" Nat said as she pushed the drinks Wanda had made towards us "drink up and lets get this party started!!"
You, Nat and Wanda down your drinks and start to get ready to leave, Bucky had walked over to get a bottle of water from the fridge behind you and as you was about to leave he leaned in and quietly said "you look real nice doll" with a killer smile that made your insides turn to mush. You feel your cheeks burn but wasn't sure if it was from your drink or Bucky's compliment!!
"Thanks Buck" you reply quickly following the girls out before you make a complete idiot of yourself in front of Bucky.
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willgayers · 7 years
eddie reacts to more richie tattoos
@tohzier .. i sCREAM i LOVE you SO MUCH for giving me the idea for this hc because i cant stop now??? i cant stop writing this??? SORRY THIS IS SO LONG BUT IT IS WORTH IT TRUST ME
ok so like… once eddie gets over richie’s inhaler tattoo (jk he never really gets over it) he kinda starts getting curious when will richie get more
randomly during breakfast when richie slept over;
“so… when are u gonna get another one”
“idk, why”
(not gonna let richie know how much he likes the idea bc again richie would get too excited and tattoo every inch of his skin)
but one day that day finally comes
“guess what eds”
“i got a new tattoo”
eddie’s tummy flips bc he has bEeN WAItiNG for this
“whoa r u seriously that excited???”
moment of awkward silence until eddie clears his throat
“uh. no. just show it to me”
this time it’s an old-skool pizza tattoo that says in crust we trust and it’s right next to eddie’s inhaler
eddie smiles bc its so cute and so richie
and well he says it’s cute and richie again has the biggest smile bc he likes the fact his bf is supportive™ of his tattoos
so he’s gonna get more and more tattoos and every time he gets a new one he’s gonna go over at eddie’s immediately to show them and eddie is getting really bad at hiding his excitement over the tattoos
so one day richie is like
“im getting a new tat today”
eddie inside: 😳😳😍😍💯💞💖👏🏽💗💯
eddie outside: nice great okay cool wow well that sure is NICE
*nervous sweating dont show him that u are emotionally (maybe even physically) bonering at this*
 richie smirks bc at this point he already knows eddie loves them
“do u wanna come with”
the answer kinda just rolls off eddie’s tongue almost desperatively like he’s been waiting for richie to ask that forever
so hand in hand they walk to the tattoo shop that is colored black and red and there are tattoo and band posters framed on the walls and rock music is playing and then richie nods at the tattooer who’s a v pretty girl with one sleeve tattooed and also there’s a huge tattoo on her thigh (she’s wearing a pair of shorts) and immediately eddie is kinda threatened bc he knows richie is bi and this girl looks very cool and WOw eddie just really feels like he shouldnt be here 
then richie lets go of eddie’s hand as he goes over to the tattoo girl
“sup leah im here again”
“you’re basically a regular richie”
they laugh together and eddie gets JEALOUS™ as he glares from the corner of the shop and he’s wondering if they’ve flirted every time richie was here
“i took my boyfriend with me” richie then says and eddie’s not that mad anymore bc that’s right u better tell that girl IM dating you
“oh wow this is the famous eddie????”
“the famous??” eddie questions
“r u serious you’re the ONLY thing this kid ever talks about. wow i can’t wait to show this one to eddie ,,, so im gonna take this tattooed in orange bc eddie likes orange”
eddie swoons bc he can’t believe he mentally accused richie of flirting with this girl when this is what he’s been talking with her
richie blushes ???? and he’s like “OooooKKKkaYYYY how about we get to work now”
so leah has drawn the tattoo already and richie goes lay in the leather chair,,, and leah presses the image to his skin and this time???? its at the crook of his neck??? eddie is very excited at this
he’s sitting on top of a desk ((with his feet hanging in the air bc he’s short)) next to the chair richie is in and is looking at everything very curiously bc he has no idea how tattoos work 
then leah starts tattooing and eddie looks at richie and how he winces a little every time the needle hits a nerve and he squeezes his eyes shut
eddie is not sure if he feels bad bc richie is hurting,,,,
or if he’s turned on bc richie can take that much pain and he looks like sUCH A BADASS
then he does a little sharp inhale through his teeth when the needle hits a nerve real bad
answer to eddie’s wonders; he’s turned on
richie opens one of his eyes and catches eddie staring at him, and a lazy smirk comes to his lips before he winks at eddie
kaspbrak almost passes out
halfway thru the tattoo another tattooer walks in to the shop ,,, he’s an older man with sO MANY tattoos and he has a grey beard and a leather vest and he looks like he’s part of hell’s angels
he looks straight at eddie who gets SO awkward and barely dares to breath because this man could probably eat eddie for breakfast 
but then the man smiles wide
“HI THERE!!!” he says and eddie lets out such a relieved laugh
“hello” he says and richie smiles to himself because his boyfriend is the cutest 
the tattoo is finally done,,, and it’s an old-skool wolf
“what do u think” richie asks once it’s done
“u r very good at ur job” eddie basically breathes out at leah who smiles wide
then richie pays and they walk out,, hand in hand again because they’re always walking hand in hand. its obvious for both of them that they r gonna hold hands when they r walking in public. i will fight you on this
“why a wolf tho??” eddie asks
“bc im a wolf.”
eddie looks up at him with a quirked brow
“…ur a wolf?”
richie just looks straight ahead
“yeah. misunderstood ,, wild ,, obviously im very beautiful …. and im strong enough to walk alone but value pack more than anything”
eddie is gaping at his boyfriend because ???? that was not the answer he was waiting for and that is so dEEP and eds is just very taken aback
richie notices he’s quiet and glances down at him
“honestly i just thought u were gonna say that you’re like. the alpha male or something”
“well that too”
richie flashes a flirty smirk at eddie with his upper teeth showing out and eddie can literally just like feel his heart go 💘💘💘💘
his gaze slides down to the tattoo that is peeking out from underneath richie’s oversized jean jacket that btw has patches on it. there’s definitely a misfits one and a metallica one
“honestly??? that is so fucking cool” eddie compliments the tattoo
“thanks babe”
eddie’s legs are just gonna go noodle at everything richie says and does that day bc he is overwhelmed @ richie and the sight of him in the tattoo chair is burned to his retinas forever now
“so…. which one did u purposely make orange” eddie asks with a teasing smirk 
richie blushes again
“wow jeez haha idk do you wanna like ,,, catch food or something im starVING” 
tozier is so embarrassed and doesnt wanna talk about it bc he doesnt want eddie to know what a softie he really is. but eddie knows. dont try to act tough richie
eddie just smiles wide again
because richie is the cutest
“sure” he just says
and pecks richie’s cheek
and richie blushes AGAIN
then he quickly says
“the heart”
“the heart. that is tattooed on my chest. it’s orange”
eddie for real passed out
@nopetaking @xbell22 @donthateonk8 @stenbroughbros @reddiebrekmyheart @itsgreywaterrichie @donvex @blueeyespurpleskies @ageorgymi @oh-youre-the-worst @eddiekaaspbraak @whipashwhipash @rissyq @richietoaster @edskasqbrak @waterlouis @wyattghouleff @urtury @bukiminajimu @kcutieeesblog @stansmansuris @adorefack@reddieaddict @icyeyes102 @denbroughbill @graveyardshipper @taletellingsir @anxiety-freak-yuuri@rheddie @queertrashmouth 
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coffeeschim · 7 years
exo ➸ as boyfriends
minseok/xiumin: • so soft and cute ??? • treats you like a legit princess • is down to do whatever you wanna do as long as you’re together • loves holding your hand - won’t do anything further than that in the public eye • but manages to sneak in little quick pecks on the cheek here and there • doesn’t really show pda and prefers to keep it more private • but that doesnt mean he won’t show you off to his members or any other person he knows really • he’s ALL about showing you off • talks about you nonstop when you’re not around • “oh, y/n really likes-” • “yes we know bc you tell us eveRYDAY” • then gets shy and flustered when exposed • melts when you play w his hair • especially when he lays his head in your lap after a long day • loves making you coffee in the morning • will take you to cafes all the time • dates mostly consist of staying inside w movies, hot cocoa, and tons of cuddles • or even having deep conversations at a cafe with lattes will be considered a date to you both • deep, passionate kisses • honestly the type of guy who’ll like be holding your hand and suddenly brings it up to his lips to plant a soft little kiss on it • bear hugs all the way • sends cheeky winks that’ll get you flustered • an overall fluff-ball who’ll love you infinitely junmyeon/suho: • so sweet and caring and just perfect • will support you in every way • he’s one of those people that tend to care and worry a lot for others • so it wouldn’t be surprising if he’s always trying to see if you’re okay or if you need anything • he’s just trying to make sure his baby isn’t hurt and gets what they need • suho may be really strict when it comes to pda in public • he’ll hold your hand and maybe a few hugs, or wrapping an arm around you, but that’s about it • prefers to keep you to himself and shows you all the affection you want when you’re alone • smiles whenever he hears your name • spoils you endlessly • you don’t mind; but sometimes it can get too much • but you still love him since you know he’s just trying to express his love for you and sometimes doesnt know how to • “i got you a new teddy bear-” • “suho i have like 12 already-” • “do you need more ?” • overprotective • not like possessively, but he just doesnt wanna lose you to anyone else • its cute tho • when he gets jealous, he’d try to take you away from the other person smoothly and make them know you’re his • FOREHEAD KISSES • sings softly to you to sleep • likes to rest his head on your shoulder when he gives you back hugs • gives those one hugs that like lets you know he’s always there for you and its so warm and protective
yixing/lay: • CUTEST COUPLE • yixing is a cutie overall tbh • he would be so sweet to you • daily naps and cuddles everyday he’s at home with you • but when he’s not home expect tons of good morning & goodnight texts w him saying how much he misses and loves you • you would be the first person he would want to show his babies off to • they’re really important to him so showing them first to his favorite person would be a must • always gives you encouraging words of motivation • he loves smothering you with tight hugs & kisses • he’d be the type to give you those gentle kisses on the nose or forehead whenever he can • kisses on the lips would still be long and passionate • back hugs ?? yes • giggles all day • even if it’s over nothing • MATCHING CLOTHES • he would be into having matching sweaters • “what is this?” • “i got us matching sweaters !!” • and they would have cute writings on it like ‘prince’ and 'princess’ lol baekhyun: • a puppy who needs love and attention • shows you never-ending affection • very touchy, so expect lots of skin ship all day every day • has to keep a hand on you at all times • this boy shows all kinds of pda • he doesnt really mind showing off in public, since it lets everyone know that you’re his • and he loves smothering you with affection and receiving it as well, so being in public wouldn’t stop him from doing so • hugs, kisses, hand-holding • just about everything but mostly kisses • dates would be full of surprises!! and sometimes chanyeol • the type to have super romantic dates - showing up to your doorstep with flowers, taking you on a nice dinner date, etc • or maybe even staying inside and playing video games w snacks and soda • or even like something extravagant like bungee jumping ??? • idk he really seems like one who’s willing to be up for adventures as long as he’s having fun and that you’re by his side • likes to talk to you about how his day went and the little things that reminded him of you • “there was a puppy brought to the shoot today, it reminded me of you” • “a puppy made you think of me ?” • “yeah, it was cute just like you. but you’re way cuter tho” • he’d go all out w compliments and flirty jokes • the only reason why he says them all the time is bc he knows you get flustered over it • baek’s sensitive, so he would be one to get jealous easily • he wouldn’t do anything to try to step in between you and the other person • but most definitely would sulk over it the whole entire day until you reassured him that it meant nothing
jongdae/chen: • your relationship would be so full of energy • he’s a cheerful person who would always bring you up whenever you’re down • and brings a smile to your face by just being himself • if you’re normally a quiet person, jongdae would most likely be one to bring out the louder side of you • there wouldn’t really be a silent moment with him • he’s an easy person to talk to, so it wouldn’t be hard to start up a conversation • really loves talking about his day and how much he loves and appreciates you • naturally has an arm around you at all times • more of a forehead and cheek kisser • prefers kisses on the lips when it’s the right timing bc he wants them all to be special • serenades you from time to time • happily obliges to sing you to sleep • “hey, tonight can you sing me to sl-” • “YES, i’ll be happy to sing your favorite song from the album !!” • the type to pull you into his chest while slow music is playing in the background and sway you guys back and forth • and when you cuddle he’d hum ballads and it’ll have you guys drift off to sleep in each others arms • whenever something big happens to you, he gets more excited than you chanyeol: • a literal sunshine • plays the piano or guitar for you - and learns your favorite songs to show off • sometimes even writes his own to express his love to you in words in a melodic way • teases you bc he’s so much taller than you • obviously would do things like putting things on the top shelf so you would have to ask him for help if you were mad at him • does it even if you’re not mad, just to see the cute little jump you do to attempt to grab it • lets you wear his hoodies • even tho he knows he’s never getting them back • purposely leaves them at your place just to see you wear it the next day • hugs always consist of him resting his chin gently on the top of your head • loves cuddling on rainy days • well everyday • baekhyun always tags along on dates • FOREHEAD KISSES FOR THE WIN • cute soft little pecks on the nose too • smiles in every single kiss • late night adventures !!! • midnight walks to get fast food • stargazing dates w him telling you how much he loves you • “the stars are beautiful just like you” im dead • a tall, lovable dork who’ll be deeply be in love with you
kyungsoo/d.o: • super shy • blushes so much when complimented • blushes when you kiss him • blushes when you hug him • just gets really flustered and blushes a lot in general • expresses his love for you in actions more than words • ofc he’ll talk to you, but he tends to show more affection by doing things with you and for you • like putting his head in your lap when you sit down on the couch • reads to you his favorite books when you ask him to • coffee dates !!! • sometimes when he’s tired after a long day at the studio, he’ll come straight to bed • and you’ll snuggle up next to him and hug him as you sense he’s stressed • a small smile will form onto his face and he’ll pull you closer to him • loves making you breakfast in the morning before you wake up • “what is this?” • “i wanted to make you breakfast, so i cooked as much as i could to find out what your favorite was” • a sly grin always appears on his face when he sees you doing something he finds cute • this little squish will get happy by just listening to you ramble on about the things you love • will try to love the same things as you so he can love them with you • kisses are sweet and tender • hugs are warm and protective • tends to love caressing your hand with his thumb when he holds it • makes sure you have everything you need and that he’s always there for you
jongin/kai: • such a gentlemen • will treat you like his baby • jongin will definitely show you so much love in any way he can • he’ll express it through words, actions, gifts; and every other way • he really loves showering you with a bunch of light kisses all over your face • in almost every single kiss you guys have, he’d be a giggling mess • he’ll get really shy, and then his little giggles just come out • likes it when you watch him when he’s practicing his dancing in the studio • always puts on his best performance for you when he knows you’ll be watching • a smile will never leave his face when you’re around • when it’s cold outside, he’s all for giving you his jacket and wrapping it over your shoulders for you • he’d be the big spoon and you’d be the little spoon • him being a big spoon makes him feel like he’s giving you protection and wants to make you feel at home in his arms • and you certainly did • big bear hugs bc his arms are always warm and he likes it when you rest your head in his chest • doesn’t like to stop cuddling • so almost every morning together consists of laying in bed till noon • “don’t go just yet, i still want cuddles” • “jongin, it’s literally almost 2 in the afternoon” • smiles cheekily when you agree to things and he gets his way
sehun: • oh boy • he will smother you endlessly with love • tends to always give you new album spoilers whenever he gets the chance • you get mad but he finds it adorable when you get mad and just laughs at how cute you look • he loves taking you out on dates • always up for an adventure and will be down to go anywhere • likes teasing you bc he finds it fun • but is super duper sweet to you all the time as well • honestly when he sasses you, you’ll sass him right back bc his sassiness wore off on you • he’d be your little baby • it could be the other way around too tho • you would never really know with sehun • even tho he would tease you a lot, it’s all out of love • never fails to show you how much he truly loves you either • he likes forehead kisses a lot, and likes it when you kiss him on the cheek • kisses on the lips were special to him, so he makes them vvv long • gives you his clothes when he thinks you looked really cute when you tried it on • “why are your clothes on my bed??” • “you looked cute in them, so i thought i’d give them to you” • you would be so special to him • he would tell you everything, and trust you with his life • vivi would also love you a lot • gets jealous when he sees you pay attention to him more than him • but finds it cute at the same time lol
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