#so she was actively feeding this rom com between us
lone-is-papyrus · 9 months
Not me being called pretty and automatically blushing. Haven't been called pretty in a bit haha, normally I'm the one flirting with the cute girls not the other way around
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warningsine · 1 year
Cannibalism is considered the most inhumane of activities. In the last year, however, films and TV shows like Bones And All, Fresh, Dahmer – Monster: The Jeffrey Dahmer Story, House of Hammer, and Yellowjackets have forced viewers to grapple with the trope by digging into the metaphorical, social and political themes it may represent beyond all that body horror. What they’ve discovered is just how delicious cannibalistic themes can be when digging into capitalism, patriarchy, human connection and autonomy for those at the bottom of the food chain. 
In Luca Guadagnino’s Bones and All, based on Camille DeAngelis’s 2015 novel, two cannibal lovers face tragedy. In the final scene, Lee (Timothée Chalamet) is dying from a punctured lung and he’s not willing to let his partner Maren (Taylor Russell) do anything to help save him. Their lives thus far have been defined by marginalisation, abandonment, shame, violence and trauma with only romantic love between the two of them offering any sort of true solace. With his final breaths, Lee urges Maren to eat him, "bones and all." We’re told in an earlier speech it is the ultimate, cathartic cannibalistic feeding experience. And so, through tears and after initial reluctance, she does. Two disenfranchised people finding connection in the most tragic of circumstances.
Now if your takeaway from this ending is that it condones literal cannibalistic love, then screenwriter David Kajganich would like to interject. "If I felt we had somehow pointed an impressionable audience in the direction of ‘this is a beautiful vision of how love should work’ I would have not gotten my laptop out," he tells Mashable. "I think what's important isn't why Maren finally eats Lee, it's why Lee gives up." The teen maneater’s fatal injuries were incurred while killing Sully (Mark Rylance) an elder cannibal. It’s not the first time Lee’s killed; it started with his father’s death and ever since it's been the predominant means by which he secured human flesh to eat. "In his case, the specific trauma of murdering his father is a repeat cycle that even love can't break," says Kajganich. "The ending is less about cannibalism and more about Lee's character deciding, 'I don't want to be here anymore. I don't want to live even for this relationship.'" Living on the outskirts with his trauma, the guilt and the shame of his murderous cannibalistic secret is ultimately too much for Lee to bear.
A nuanced understanding is required when regarding the cannibalism trope employed in the novel and its 2022 screen adaptation, as several other social and cultural themes, such as class and gender, overlap and are presented through this taboo prism. But neither book nor film are alone in this resurgence of cannibalistic narrative exploration. Sebastian Stan raised red flags in Mimi Cave’s 2022 poppy rom-com horror Fresh as a hunky human flesh connoisseur using meat-cutes (spelling intended) to source female bodies to the highest bidder. Factual television series like House of Hammer and true crime drama Dahmer – Monster: The Jeffrey Dahmer Story have been readily consumed by audiences with a taste for sordid exploitation. But, as audiences, are we missing the memo that directors are trying to send us through this series and movies? 
Eat the rich
There’s something of the American Psycho about House of Hammer, which details not just actor Armie Hammer’s public downfall – following allegations of sexual abuse. The documentary examines Hammer's expression of cannibalistic fantasies in DMs and shows a backdrop of context by also looking at the alleged criminal legacy left by the powerful men in his super wealthy family. Patrick Bateman, the eponymous psycho in Bret Easton Ellis’ 1991 book and Mary Harron’s 2000 film adaptation, like Hammer, has the power, the wealth, the looks, and the cis white male privilege to have whatever he wants – so why not human flesh too? He’s the ultimate consumer but the bodies of his victims tell a bigger story about his immorality. "When Bateman’s seeking the service of sex workers they think it’s for sex that they're going to provide but he ends up cannibalising them," says Mary Wild, Freudian psychoanalyst, cinephile, and co-host of The Projections Podcast. "What he's lacking is humanity. He sees it in people just trying to make a living and he needs to take that away from them." In these contexts, cannibalism runs parallel to extreme wealth and privilege within a capitalist system, in which wealth often comes at the expense and exploitation of other less privileged humans. 
"But it is important to differentiate those who have cannibalistic sexual fantasies and those who literally act on. Although these two sometimes intersect, this seems to be the exception and not the rule," says Victoria Hartmann, Ph.D., an extreme pornography and paraphilia researcher and executive director at Erotic Heritage Museum Las Vegas. "I strongly believe it remains vital to carefully consider the chasm between those who are disordered in such a way they would cause harm to another human being in real life without a shred of empathy, and those who have unusual (which can also be considered extreme) sexual interests."
Texts attributed to Hammer suggest he has been "kink-shamed" for his sexual fetish which is commonly known as vorarephilia (vore). Vore is characterised as "the erotic desire to consume or be consumed by another person or creature," specifically being swallowed or swallowing someone whole which is a tad different to the allegations against Hammer. Many of the women claim they were coerced and manipulated into his so-called vore situations which left them feeling physically and emotionally damaged. In the vast majority of cases – because eating people is a horrific crime, of course – vorarephiles, whether they imagine themselves as predator or prey, mostly enjoy this kink in a fantasy realm reinforced through images, texts or video games shared online through websites like Eka’s Portal. "Research continues to indicate, and this has been reproduced in study after study (including my own studies from 2012-2014), that paraphilias (also known as fetishes) are not usually indicators of abusive tendencies," adds Hartmann. 
For some, however, the focus on cannibalism in this conversation says a lot about our social acceptance of certain heinous acts compared to others. "Sexuality scares us; it is a place where we as human beings are deeply vulnerable, both physically and emotionally," Hartmann tells Mashable. "Now add to that something of an ‘extreme’ nature (such as a cannibalism kink) and this creates even more fear — both existential and real….we are forced to ask ourselves why some people would be drawn to the idea of sexualising death, it’s process and its aftermath."
Death has never been an easy discussion topic let alone when overlapped with desire – unless vampires are thrown into the mix. "Most people cannot fathom even for a moment how those two could ever come together," says Hartmann. It’s disturbing and disgusting and yet, no less harrowing than assault, abuse and sexual violence, which is far more commonplace and continues to be. "We only have to look at the low incidence of convictions for these very real crimes to understand how little value we give to survivors of these forms of violence," she adds. And certainly in the case of Armie Hammer, those accusations were deemed less shocking than the claims relating to cannibalism.
What’s important to remember, says Hartmann, is that a person's cannibalistic desires may not be the root cause for their "impetus to harm others in a non-consensual manner." "Generally, it stems from a co-morbid set of personality disorders; it’s just that some happen to have a co-existing paraphilia(s)."
Consumptive love and desire
The serial killer Jeffrey Dahmer is a prime example of this sort of overlap. In the opening episode of Ryan Murphy’s Dahmer series, starring Evan Peters as the titular serial killer, he rests his head on the bare chest of Tracy Edwards (Shaun J. Brown), the man he has lured to his apartment in order to murder. "I wanna hear your heart," Jeff tells the scared Tracy as he pushes him back on a bloodstained bed, strokes his chest and breathes heavily. "'Cause I’m gonna eat it."
After Tracy’s escape and the serial killer’s arrest, we learn that he had been murdering, carving up and eating his victims while keeping some bones as keepsakes – a habit psychologically influenced by the perceived abandonment by his mother. This could be seen as a way of preventing his victims of "love" from ever truly leaving. 
"Cannibalism is the consumption of someone else so, as a Freudian psychoanalyst, I see that as a longing for intimacy, a longing for psychological or emotional closeness, that is actually taking the form of a physical reunion or keeping that person as close to you as possible," says Wild. "Physical intimacy in terms of intercourse, that's not going to do it. You actually need to ingest them, you need to metabolise that person."
In fictional works the cannibal trope can provide fertile metaphorical ground to explore consumptive behaviours involving romance, intimacy and desire, especially for female writers and/or female characters, as with Fresh and Bones and All. "The mere concept of pleasure, especially tied to feminine pleasure, has been considered taboo or worthy of derision, not just in art but society in general," says Kayleigh Donaldson, critic and pop culture writer for Pajiba. "In its most basic form, romantic fiction can be a great way to bust those taboos and dig deeper into our desires. It's a safe space, so to speak, and genre fiction can be a great way to dissect those trickier areas, if it's done well."
Cannibalism in this context can be seen as an expression of female desire and autonomy in a patriarchal world that suppresses and oppresses. "We're taught to walk this literal and figurative thin line of femininity," Chelsea G. Summer, author of cannibalistic body horror novel A Certain Hunger, tells Mashable. "You have to be desirable, but not too desiring. It’s a test that female humans are set up to fail."
Unrealistic feminine standards continue to cause body image issues and eating disorders for women and girls. While not solely female conditions, female cannibal characters like Bones and All’s Maren can provide a "diagnostic criteria," says Wild. "It’s a type of eating that is done in secret, that is shunned by the rest of society and that's seen as abnormal, or, taboo, or sinister. It's representing on a screen this total, emotional spiralling and falling into an eating habit that is shameful. And cannibals themselves will express shame."
Outsiders in a discriminatory world
The desire for self-expression in a still discriminatory world has meant cannibal stories — like Raw, Yellowjackets, and Hannibal — have also been embraced by members of the queer and LGBTQ community. Not in the Dahmer sense of a gay man who racially fetishized many of his gay victims. But in the keen sense of disenfranchisement and societal shame where cannibalism is a substitute for a marginalised queer identity. "It isn't hard to imagine anyone in the LGBTQ community who has ever felt targeted intuitively understanding this metaphor," Kajganich adds. "Cannibalism is such a taboo of the civilized world, such an emblem of what is considered immoral and contemptible outside of holy communion, of course." 
"Horror is often such an amplification of everyday anxieties. Why shouldn't those two things combine for those of us in the LGBTQ community as a great language for expressing how it feels when your completely natural way of being intimate is judged as morally violent and socially destructive?"
And yet, when writers, artists or filmmakers employ such cannibalistic themes, characterisations or narratives, an angry online mob is sure to follow. From right-wing groups to QAnon conspiracy theorists, pro-cannibalism accusations have been levied at varied marginalised creators and groups to justify discrimination and fascist politics. And it’s nothing new. "Cannibalism is a charge deployed by colonising people throughout the globe throughout history," Summers points out. "When [Christopher] Columbus hit the Americas he said [the indigenous people were] cannibals therefore we need to change that." 
"Now there's this whole network of far right fascist media saying things like, ‘The New York Times is promoting cannibalism, this author is saying everybody should be cannibals and that is why we need to assume control of the West.' It is a fascistic way of implementing control. Cannibalism is the thing we hold up for being inhuman; not murder, not rape, and certainly not colonising. It's cannibalism."
Cannibalism in film and TV is proving to be a nourishing narrative tool to embrace and exemplify the disenfranchised. As well as forcing readers and viewers to negotiate their own awareness and sensitives to morally-challenging stories that don’t serve up clear answers on a platter. "If the element of cannibalism in the film isn't testing your empathy with the characters," adds Kajganich. "If it isn't forcing you to continue to re-up your contract with them in terms of just being open to their lives, then we failed, right?"
And that’s the power of this storytelling tool. By using cannibalism to ask questions of societal power structures, the patriarchy as well as the shame and fear associated with marginalised identity, it forces the audience to seek answers inside themselves. Is cannibalism the problem – or are we? Food for thought. 
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akaraboonline · 2 years
7 Simple Marital Happiness Habits
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Disney movies and rom-coms always paint a pretty picture of everything that leads up to Happily Ever After, but they rarely ever take us there. Why? Because what follows a wedding, a.k.a. marriage, necessitates effort. You'll navigate highs and lows, hardships and prosperity, victories and failures, and everything in between in a life partnership. 7 Simple Marital Happiness Habits While there is no one-size-fits-all secret formula for riding the waves successfully, there are certain habits you can develop early—and practice frequently—to maintain a healthy relationship. Here, therapist Tamara Faulkner discusses the strategies she recommends to her clients for cultivating and maintaining marital happiness—as well as how to know when it's time to seek professional help.
Put Yourself First 
Flight attendants instruct their passengers to put on their own oxygen masks before helping others, and the same logic follows in a marriage: It’s much easier to attune yourself to the needs of others when your own are already taken care of. By seeking self satisfaction, we lower the expectations on others, particularly our spouses, to provide fulfillment. This eases undue pressure on the relationship. “If I’m hungry when I’m in partnership with someone—and I mean this as an analogy—I may get into the habit of asking, ‘Why aren’t they feeding me?’” says Faulkner. “But what’s more powerful is asking, ‘If I'm hungry, what can I do to satiate myself? So develop your own interests, address your own emotional issues, and spend time without your partner doing things you find gratifying. You'll be a more interesting and desirable partner if you strengthen your sense of self—the very person your spouse first fell in love with!—and you'll be better equipped to deal with issues that arise in the relationship.
Set Boundaries 
While some couples may declare, "we tell each other everything," it's perfectly fine if you don't. Setting boundaries is a productive and healthy way to ensure that you both feel comfortable in the relationship on your own terms. "Prentis Hemphill's definition of boundaries is my favorite," says Faulkner. "They define boundaries as the distance at which I can love both you and me at the same time." This type of self-preservation can be beneficial in maintaining the strong sense of self mentioned earlier.
Do Daily Check-Ins
Daily check-ins are one of Faulkner's favorite ways to strengthen relationships. You'll need two items for this activity: a timer and a deck of cards. Set a timer for ten minutes and then begin drawing cards. Whoever gets the highest card gets to go first. "I tell you what was good about my day and what was bad about my day," Faulkner says. "You then do the same." If someone later acts worried, upset, or stressed, the check-in provides outside context for the emotion, which helps us understand that just because our partner expresses negative emotion, it is not always directed at or about us. "It helps depersonalize things," adds Faulkner.
Treat Favors Like Poker Chips (Seriously!) 
“In a relationship, we’re all going to do things that don’t suit our personal interests,” says Faulkner, and that’s especially the case in a long-term partnership. As time goes on, the “favors”—such as attending your partner’s office happy hour or high school reunion—often get bigger and involve more time and mental and emotional commitment. In these scenarios, Faulkner suggests imagining that each of you has a set of $100 poker chips. When it comes to a big request, ask yourself if it is worth it to cash in that poker chip for the favor. If the answer is yes, tell your partner you’d like to cash in a chip. Not only will this process force you to stop and thoughtfully consider the ask you’re about to make, it will also communicate to your partner the importance of the ask. Because it adds a bit of imaginary weight to both sides of the conversation, the poker chip tactic helps remind us to continuously appreciate and respect our partnership.
Honor What Annoys You 
While it can be annoying (on both sides) to feel like you're constantly pointing out things your partner does that irritate you, it's important to bring up these minor irritations while they're still minor so they don't grow into larger grudges later on. According to Faulkner, your daily check-ins are an excellent opportunity to raise this material, but you must do so strategically. "Neuroscience backs this up: we need five positives to offset every negative," she says. While listing five compliments for your partner before telling them you really wish they'd stop leaving dirty dishes in the sink isn't always realistic, the habit forces us to regularly keep track of and share positive attributes in ways we might not otherwise.
Don’t Look to Social Media for Affirmation 
For certain generations, particularly millennials and Generation Z, posting about your partner online can seem necessary—and, in some cases, downright obligatory. "Before you do that, check in with yourself after a few minutes of scrolling," Faulkner advises. "What exactly am I looking for when I post? What is the narrative giving me if I'm attempting to establish one?" The narrative we develop with our partner is unique to our own dynamic, and it will likely benefit less from outside opinions in the comments section than from continued internal work."If you're looking for shareholders in your 'brand,' you're taking away from your own narrative," Faulkner says, implying that external validation of your relationship online should never replace the validation you personally feel within your relationship. That isn't to say you shouldn't post another sunset couple selfie, but rather that you should be honest with yourself about why you're posting in the first place.
Know When It’s Time to Seek Outside Help 
Though marriage counseling can benefit even the healthiest of relationships, many couples struggle to know when it's the "right" time to see a therapist. While there is no universal answer, Faulkner does provide a few general guidelines: - When the person you talk to becomes the person you talk about, that could be a sign you’re avoiding sharing larger issues directly with them. - When you lay beside your partner each night, does it consistently feel as though you’re harboring a secret? If so, that could be a sign you would benefit from a professional’s help in communicating it. However, expecting a single session with a counselor to magically solve your problems is unrealistic. Finding the right counselor, like dating, can take time, so Faulkner recommends making at least four visits. "Give yourself a few times, then ask yourself: Do I feel felt? Do I believe they understand? "Not all of the time, but enough?" she suggests. If you answered yes, you've found a suitable match.   Read the full article
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cloveroctobers · 4 years
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IG info/Bio: @/adventuresbyhenrik | 53.1k followers — “imma wild boi🌿🌏🧗 | happily taken👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨
23 (24) years old
Parents are both Swedish and only speak Swedish, leaving henrik to also become fluent
His father Halvi is a pilot
His mother Lova is a race car driver
Siblings? Probably a brother, named Jahan & younger by two or three years + they get along quite well
Born & raised in Isle of Wight, England + loves it there & thinks it’s the best place for him to live, it’s his own private island in his mind plus he’s always finding something to do. He stays active
Climbing & wilderness survival instructor, he gets to talk as much as he wants while also teaching people AND all while being active! Sounds like the perfect job for him
Probably developed ADHD around his pre-teen age, leaving his parents to find him something he enjoys + can slow down and focus on
used to be on meds for it
Was well-known in high school, probably in the yearbook club since he was able to run around & get to know people but was kinda shit at knowing the functions of a camera
His selfie game has gotten a lot better now but he mostly posts anything but his face. You’ll see more of his face on his stories & location shots on his feed
Feels his hair is his best physical feature & his prized possession, would never THINK about cutting it. Even just a trim is a bit much for him
Always tries to be positive but at the same time can be condescending since he sometimes won’t pick his words wisely ex.) when he gave MC a backhanded “compliment” about makeup, being active, + wanting them to “think of others ” feelings — just because someone is opposite from you doesn’t mean you have to shit on the way they carry themselves...that’s my issue with him
maybe he’s a Taurus?
Loves fall & spring, more so fall since that’s when the weather feels nicest to him plus allergy season is a REAL bitch
The guy’s real Adventurous & always managing to find something to do. If you’re ever bored just hit him up, he has plenty of recommendations 
Family owns a cottage & he’s the one who goes out there more than his own family does! “You should just sell it to me at this point!” He tells his parents over dinner often & it is strongly considered
Has five birds & a husky, when he goes on road trips they’re always with him. Which can get a little hectic at times but they’re his family, he’s a, “birdog dad”
BLAKE secretly dislikes them all, feeling like they take up space sometimes (especially when she wants to cuddle) but she deals with it since she cares for the guy — yes, they’re still dating
She’s been convincing him to cut a few inches off of his hair which he took like a slap in the face, “that’s like me asking you to quit speaking up for humans!” “No, no it’s not.”
They’re polar opposites with flaws which causes disagreements between the two of them by putting each other in their places but they learn to compromise? (*insert eartha Kitt gif laughing here*] if they want this to work
His mother seems to be the only one who dislikes blake (she strongly feels he should have bought MC back home...that’s right she watched the show from time to time. Not always since she doesn’t care for reality tv but her friends encouraged her to watch bits and pieces) while his dad and brother approve
It is tense when Blake and his mom are in the same room which makes Henrik sad since he believes Blake deserves a chance. He took a chance on her and it seems to be going pretty well so why couldn’t his mother just be happy for him like the rest of the family is?
Henrik loves his low-maintenance girls who are open to trying new things with him, Blake is usually down most of the time but she likes her personal space too..which henrik struggles to understand
He wants her to live with him, he’s sure his parents will let him have the cottage if Blake decides to live with him but Blake loves her freedom in Kingston
It’s hidden but I feel like he might be one of those guys that feels like “a woman should follow a man” since that’s what his father installed into his boys— which failed because his wife isn’t just a housewife, she has goals and went after them
I feel like Blake turns to social media almost always to post about her feelings (I can’t remember what I picked the first time around as my occupation but as I’m currently playing I picked human rights campaigner so) but it’s mostly subtle shade & it always goes recognized by fans which brings drama between her, mc x Bobby
Henrik jumps in because what kind of guy would he be if he didn’t have his gf’s back? Doesn’t care for the drama but he & Bobby usually said slick shit to each other in the villa, it’s safe to say they’re not really friends but they’re not enemies either that’s mostly between their gf/wife
Henrik doesn’t care enough about Bobby to dislike him but he won’t put up with his shit any longer and what easier way to do that than online? He feels like they can settle this with a phone call but Blake & MC aren’t with the shits and don’t want their men speaking to each other
Henrik & Bobby eventually have a chat in secret anyways
Henrik warns Blake that this can effect her job status if she doesn’t calm down since she uses social media for her cause
She usually knows when to stop but can’t help it if it slips out sometimes
They talk it out and move on usually with whatever fun idea henrik may have
Owns a ford bronco from the 90’s that used to be his uncle’s who builds tree houses for a living and is still running, a jeep gladitor, or some sort of pickup truck
Knows how to make the best apricot jam
All about saving the bees
Loves animals, probably on his journey to veganism if he’s not already there
We all know this fucking guy likes eating M0sS
“Embarrassing fact” but uh big fan of twilight, feels like Seth Clearwater and him are meant to be best buds but he also stans the Volturi 😷
Him and Lucas of course remained the best of mates, since they live 2 hrs away from each other and are always busy living their lives they always have to plan out when they can hangout but that fails 60% of the time when henrik pops up at Lucas’ job or at his flat not giving him a choice but to hang out
They’re always vacationing together too? Sure Henrik is his own version of low-key while Lucas likes a bit of luxury...they still find a balance to just have a good time regardless if they live different lifestyles...they’re basically married
Always texting if they’re not hanging out, henrik with his memes that Lucas doesn’t understand & Lucas just checking in on henrik’s well being which leads the conversation to many topics
He’s actually cool with Gary now? They like/comment on each other’s posts & even text here and there
Even ran into Rocco once on a road trip, that was interesting but when life gives you lemons...we’ll just say that
Even him and Ibrahim share recommendations through text or DM’s which is nice! Henrik is always down for friends even tho they’re not like his personal friends (except for Lucas, he fits into his criteria)
Most of his work is physical and talking but he goes the extra mile by hiking every Sunday either with his friends, Blake, or family — he’s genuinely likes being one with nature
If he’s at the cottage, he’s always outside, chopping extra wood, making sure the yard looks like it belongs on a magazine, or takes the boat out on lake to nap since he doesn’t like to fish as much anymore
Currently trying to grow strawberries but some animal keeps eating them :/
Adores adventure time, the x-files, bobs burgers + animal planet, and travel channels—like he’s a real dad
If he could shower outside everyday, he would, it’s such a freeing experience to him
His outings consist of being in the woods 24/7 so in his mind when he brings Blake out there with him, it’s a version of a date, whenever they spend time together is a date to him, which she has to remind him that she wants to do something different like getting dressed up every now and then + go out to dinner which he HATES but he’ll do his best to please her, as long as the restaurant is more earthy than snobby he’s okay
100% would survive the apocalypse, he knows how to make due with what he’s got, he’s always been that way
Enjoys rom-com’s so he’ll laugh at how cringe they are but still enjoy it, indie films, ALITA was the best film of 2019 to him & currently his fav film is, “the call of the wild” with Harrison Ford
His favorite films ever are Indiana Jones, Lara Coft: Tomb raider, Terminator, and I am legend
Aliens ARE real, they’re out there and he’ll be part of the reason they’ve been exposed
I feel like he wanted to be an astronaut growing up but then realized he’d be a confined space for long periods of time and said cancel that shit lol + he isn’t the greatest at science. History? He did real well in that subject
I think he loves Lorde, listens to Bon Iver—especially on early morning commutes to work, Rex Orange County, Omar Apollo, Joji, the nbhd, the driver era, kid cudi...yktfv
Celeb crushes?/types: The main girls from Charlie’s angels 2019, Alexa PenaVega... “you know Carmen from spy kids?” Diana silvers, Dove Cameron, JAMIE CHUNG, & VANESSA HUDGENS
Anthem = Wallows, “OK”
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randomguywithwords · 5 years
Something Just Like This (Kamijirou BNHA Fanfic)
Yeah, I know, another piece of writing by a single guy on Valentines’, how original. I hope you enjoy this.
Kaminari stared at the ceiling. Frustration built up in his brain, a torrent that drowned the drowsiness. He knew sleeping was not a thing he would be doing tonight, and by extension, he knew the reason. 
He turned on his side and reached for his bedside table. Turning on his phone was a painful reminder of the date. February the 13th. It was 11.04pm. In 56 minutes it would be Valentine’s Day. In approximately another 8 hours he would be meeting his class. He’d be seeing Jirou. 
What should he do? Show up empty? That wouldn’t be out of the ordinary. Would she expect him to give something to her? Did she even know? 
He thought back, something he found himself doing a lot when it came to memories of her. The same song and dance, finding minute details, discrepancies between her interactions with him, and with her friends. 
She was more rough with him, that’s for sure. Was that something? Maybe she just pulled her punches against the girls in the class. Maybe she hated him? 
She laughed at him a lot, whenever he shorted. It made him smile, thinking about her laughter. In that dazed state, memories were fuzzy. He couldn’t quite register what was in front of him, but Mina had recorded a video once during training, when he had shorted, and Jirou...the tears in her eyes. 
He must have watched the video a couple more times after that, feeling slightly shameful, but he smiled every time. 
So what did that mean, he thought, bringing himself back to the present. Was he just seen as some dumb kid that made her laugh from his sheer stupidity? 
He hadn’t gotten to talk to her. He thought he could over the course of the summer camp, but that had ended quite badly. He had wanted to accompany her recovery at the hospital, but either her parents or 1-A were there. So, no dice. 
Kaminari groaned and pulled a pillow over his face, contemplating suffocating himself to perhaps knock him unconscious. 
Why don’t you just ask her? A voice called out to him, mocking him. It was a myriad of voices from random places. Some videos he’d watched, sappy rom-coms, advice from his old classmates who had meaningful things to do tomorrow. They all gave the same message. Just try, it could work.
Well, yeah, he thought, but we’re classmates. If she saw me as a friend, that would change our friendship, right? She might feel bad for me if she doesn’t feel the same way. If she hates me, then that would...really suck. He chuckled at himself.
At the forefront of his mind rose a very helpful motto by a certain sportswear company. He sighed. 
He imagined how tomorrow could go. Would he pass her a card? Confess? Maybe if she rejected him, he could pass it off as a prank by Ashido or something. 
“Ugh. No, nope. Nope, nope.” It felt wrong. He scrolled through his message apps, his social media feed. He could feel an avalanche of posts and messages just waiting to explode over his screen once the clock ticked 12. Was he going to sit this one out, again?
That’s all it is, a leap of faith.
He banged his head against the wall. His brain was not helpful at all. 
Kaminari knew he made a lot of impulse decisions. Thinking through things wasn’t exactly his forte, but for some reason, he was considering a lot of things, factors, reasons, when it came to stuff like this. 
But maybe...he reasoned, an impulse decision here could be the thing he needed. 
Alarm bells started to ring, but he shut them off. He slid of his bed and turned on his study lamp. A piece of paper? A card? No way he’d be using single-lined paper from his exercise books. 
Shit. He didn’t have a card, and curfew was activated. Leaving the dorms was not an option. 
Groaning appeared to be his new favourite expression of his despair, as he sunk into his desk headfirst. “Guess I’ll use this, then.” He murmured sullenly, staring at a piece of A5, single-lined, exercise book paper. 
What would he write? 
“Oh, for fuck’s sake,” He knocked his temple with his fist. 
This would take a while.
Love was in the air. Not Kaminari’s air, only internal mental breakdowns. 
He’d waited a whole day. Not a single opportunity to pass his “card” to Jirou, since she was always with her friends, who were exchanging gifts of their own. You could do that? Kaminari did not know that was a thing. 
And now the school day was ending. Maybe he could slide it under he door or something. At this point the mere thought of approaching her, something which he thought he could usually do with little issue, was giving him anxiety. 
Maybe a text message wouldn’t be so bad. The other parts of his brain berated him for even entertaining the thought. 
And so, as he slumped down at his desk in desolation, beginning to accept the reality of another Valentine’s Day spent being single, he realised he had forgot to cover up his letter, just as someone slapped his back. 
“Hey sparky, why the –” Jirou’s voice cut off. Kaminari looked up to see her looking at his letter on the table, of which said letter read: “To Jirou”
“It’s nothing!” He grabbed and stuffed it in his bag with the speed that would rival Tenya’s. 
“Was that...me? Wait. So, hold on. I don’t want to jump to conclusions, but...was that...” Her voice was a pitch higher, growing more flustered by the second. Her eyes sweeped the room quickly. Kaminari followed suit. Thank god the classroom was empty. 
“Um, y–yeah, I...actually I don’t want to give this, I’ll just say it. Uh, I like. You. Kind of.” The words were regurgitated with a fluency comparable to the gracefulness of an elephant. 
“Oh.” She was blushing. Kaminari’s cheeks felt hot too. He found his heart beating faster and faster. Was Jirou’s the same?
“I mean, I just wanted to tell you that.” He waved his hands like he was giving an overly enthusiastic greeting. “You don’t have to care. Or –” 
“I like you too, actually.” Jirou spouted out, her face flushed. Her earphone jacks tapped against each other awkwardly. 
“Oh.” A thousand feelings were unleashed with her words. 
Kaminari wasn’t sure how to process this. And I, the author, am equally unsure of how to handle the remainder of the conversation. I suck at dialogue.
And so our story ends. Don’t hate me. You got your awkwardness and your sappiness.
I’m not bitter about it. Well, not too bitter to hate on other couples. Happy Valentine’s Day to you guys. It passed for me already actually but hey, works for your timezone.
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joie-university-rp · 5 years
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It is with great pleasure we invite you admission to Joie University! Welcome to the Thunderclap family!
Congratulations, KEN! Please be sure to check the New Members’ Checklist and send in your character’s account within 24 hours from now. We cannot wait to see all that you will bring to this roleplay! We love you already!
Name/Alias; pronouns: Ken, he/him
Age, Timezone: 22, PST
Activity, short explanation: New job so activity will be lower but I’m still here!!
Ships: Vitya/Anyone (Sexually), Vitya/Men (Romantically)
Anti-Ships: None.
Triggers: None!
Preferred photo for Character’s ID : https://i.ytimg.com/vi/1mfjly7Dgd4/maxresdefault.jpg
Anything else: My feet hurt from this new job. Also, if there are any typos, I’m sorry, I wrote this tired.
Full Name: Vitya Alexsi Cristo
FC: Bill Skarsgard
Age/Year at University: 19, Freshman
Birth date: November 18th, 2000.
Hometown: Vladivostok, Russia.
Gender/Pronouns: Male, he/him.
Sexuality: Pansexual
Major(s): Creative Arts - Illustration
Minor(s): Gemology
Housing request: Beiste Dorms, Room 226
Extracurriculars: Freerunning/Parkour Club, Esports Club, Gymnastics
Greek Life Affiliation: None.
CHARACTER PROFILE (TW; Depression, suicidal tendencies, under age sex/drinking):
Vitya Cristo has always been the baby of his family. It was not due to his age, or order in the births of his siblings, but more his health. It was discovered in his infancy he was born with a congenital heart defect. His skin was pale, he would lose his breath while feeding, and his hands and feet would swell up. His father, being a rich man in the pharmaceutical industry, wanted to fix his boy, but the medical professionals said the case was not severe enough for infant surgery. In fact, he should live a relatively normal life. His father did not see it that way. While his siblings would wander their large, mansion-like house in Vladivostok, Vitya was ordered to stay indoors. He was not allowed to play sports if not escorted, and was even monitored by a personal nanny to most of his schooling. He was isolated, unable to be a regular child because of his helicopter-like father.
Vitya’s mother was the light of his life. The woman had a fire in her, one that was freer and looser than her husband. She loved the man, of course, but disagreed with how protective he was of their son. On nights where he was away, she would sneak Vitya into the fields and courtyards and let him run around and be free. One of Vitya’s most prized memories is running through their lawn with the fireflies. He loved these moments with his mother and he learned to never take the good things for granted.
When Vitya started to enter his teen years, his father would take him to work more and more. Some days, his father would show him the labs and workers that were developing medicines, pills, and more. His father was introducing him into the business, with the obvious intent to pass it on to him. It was a cushiony job, with minimal risk, and little to no physical activity and enough money to set him up for life. It was clear was his father was trying his best to keep his son sheltered as he entered those rebellious years. It was also during this time that Vitya started displaying depressive symptoms, including self-destructive tendencies like playing with lighters and razor knives. In a hope to loosen the leash, Vitya’s mother convinced her husband to send him to school instead of teaching him at home. He, woefully, agreed.
When Vitya was sent away to an all-boys boarding school, the hope was he would become a fine young man, ready to inherit the family riches and pharmaceutical business. At first, he lived every day as if his father was there, as if his nanny still tended to him. It all changed when one night, his dorm mate woke him up to sneak out for the night and meet several other boys at the river nearby. It was near mid-terms, and the boys needed a break. Little Vitya could barely contain himself when he saw all the contraband they brought along. Booze, weed, satellite internet for porn, and hours to get through it all. That night, he partied like an actual teen for the first time in his life. He had his first kiss that night, his first blowjob, and later, at around five in the morning, his first partner. He dove into the deep-end, his sheltered soul yearning for the release and freedom all this brought him. And he reveled in it.
Vitya lived a double life from then on. During his time at home, he was the model son. Well-behaved, well-spoken. But at school, away from prying eyes, he was an absolute devil. Hours of drunken parties, bad habits like casual sex and smoking being his two favorites, and sometimes, getting into physical fights when his anger got out of hand. Vitya and his growing band of misfits found a way to bypass the school’s firewall, getting access to explicit content without hindrance. Vitya’s grades started to slip, but he didn’t care. He kept them up enough so his father would be satisfied, but that did not mean he was studying more. There was many-a-teacher he had dirt on, blackmailing his way to reasonable grades. He became a terror on the innocent boarding school almost overnight.
With his time at the school coming to an end, Vitya knew one thing for certain; there was no way he was going to be some CEO ass, dominating over people he would never bother to learn the name of. He still played the model son, faking his way into his father’s good graces, but each sideways glance to his mother told her what he really wanted; to get out. So, she did the impossible. Under the sleeping eyes of his nanny and father, his mother woke him up and snuck him outside, just like when he was a child. This time, though, she handed him a packed bag, keys to one of the cars, and a plane ticket, telling him to go. She may love her life of luxury and easy living, but she knew this was not the place for her baby. She only asked that Vitya keep an eye on his health, and use those American doctors for all their worth.
Vitya left that night and never looked back. He started out in New York, wandering to all the sites. He went to Pittsburg, New Orleans, Austin, Los Angeles; he went everywhere, explored everything, and fucked anything that gave him ‘the look’. Vitya would even set up in some motels and just let anyone in, if they had cash in hand and a bottle of booze. He got into some hairier situations, too, when those very customers would catch him clearing out their wallet. He had been cut off from his father’s fortunes when he discovered his actions, so he needed to make money somehow!
It was sheer luck when he applied as a foreign student at Joie University. He really just needed a place to stay, running out of motels to sell his ‘services’ out of. He knew he’d have to get an actual job at some point, selecting an easy degree to go after. He did enjoy drawing while growing up, and left his lovely rock collection in Russia, so illustration and gemology seemed a perfect fit. If only he could kick the Russian accent, then maybe he could fit in a bit better.
(Please answer the following questions IN CHARACTER. Responses can be as long or short as you see fit!)
What made you want to attend Joie University?
It is a secure campus with a good curriculum. The housing seems nice and the students friendly enough. I am looking for a place to plan roots, to get started in life, and I want it to be here. There are loads of opportunities here and I want to find them.
What are at least 3 positive or neutral and at least 3 negative traits that you believe you possess?
I’m intelligent. Beyond the classroom. I am good at reading people, what they want or need from me, which helps me understand my task. I know what I want, so I am very direct and leave little room for misinterpretation. I also have a morbid curiosity that can get me into trouble. All of these combined makes me somewhat abrasive, but that is their loss. And I am not very personable. I’ll do what needs to be done of me, but ask if I want to watch a rom-com with some popcorn, and I’m going to have to say no.
Which of your traits do you value most?
My directness. If I know what I want, and it isn’t what someone else wants, then I know I need to look elsewhere. I’m not going to waste time, which is better for both involved.
How can that trait benefit the University (or its student body) as a whole?
Being Russian, I’m a cultural novelty that many haven’t seen before. The fact you Americans have to wait to twenty one to drink was a major newsflash for me, so now I have to wait three more years when I already was drinking back home. The more I learn about America, the more others can learn about the motherland, beyond what some media figurehead tells us.
What do you hope to gain from your experience at JU?
The obvious answer to this is a degree, but anther answer is possible dual citizenship. I hope through this, I will be able to travel between Russia and America with more than just a student visa. I truly believe I can call America home, if given the chance.
What is a quote or song lyric that describes you?
“Do you realize I’m the man and I’m in my prime? And it’s my time, I swear to God I won’t waste no time. You ain’t worth a dime, no, you ain’t worth a dime. Still on my mind, you’re still on my mind.” – ‘Let Me Know (I Wonder Why Freestyle)’ by Juice Wrld
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Any headcanons how would horror movie marathon go with MatsuHanaIwaOi? :3c Who pretends not to be scared, who freaks out all the time, who is bored, who leaves in the scariest moments bc he 'has to pee' or 'can't watch movies without popcorn and they just run out of it' and absolutely not bc he's scared (bc he's not. Not that others believe him)? And what's next? How do they sleep (if they sleep at all), who sees things in the dark? Etc. :3c
Hi dear! How’s going? I hope you’re holidays are going well. 
I’ve received a hard blow and lately I don’t feel really good in general, just…very stressed and sad under the surface? But I’m fighting it and writing is one of my ways! So I answered this ask because I LOVE MATSUHANAIWAOI and writing about them make me smile. (sorry for the selfishness) These dorks. I hope you’ll like it too.
 MatsuHanaIwaOi, Horror Movie Nights Headcanons
 -Let’ start with the kind of horror-watcher they are:
Iwaizumi usually prefers the ones leaning more toward the thriller side and doesn’t like the supernatural ones; however, he watches everything his boyfriends ask. He is sort of impossible to scare off, the worst they have seen him do was clenching his fists; it’s just that, in his mind, they are fictional, so there’s no reason to be afraid and consequently he’s not.
Matsukawa is the horror lover! He enjoys every type, even the most shitty and splatter ones. He freaks out at the right moments during the movies, but he loves the thrill and the adrenaline. He also likes to comment under his breath and talks with the characters.
Oikawa is the “I fake I’m not afraid because I’m too proud but I’m actually freaking out” type. He refuses to admit he’s scared, every time. Even if he knows they know he’s lying, he insists he can take it. And then he spends the movie trying to flee during the scary scenes with different excuses until the others reach their limit and block him down.
Hanamaki is terrified and has admitted it from the start. He hates horror movies. He protests and tries everything, from the puppy-eyes to the steamy kisses, to persuade them to choose something else; he gets scared easily and screams loudly, holding onto them or hiding under the blankets. He’s not embarrassed about that, he’s a man who can admit his weaknesses, not like somebody else…
-Every movie night, in a rotation, one of them chooses the movie. 99% Matsukawa chooses a horror movie. Iwa agrees easily, Oikawa pales and stifles a smile, Makki glares. Then, the latter two tries in a (not really) subtle way to make him change his mind. They bribe or threaten him, propose other movies or activities and, when nothing works, they make up excuses to go to their room and do something else.
-The problem is that Matsukawa and Iwaizumi love when they freak out and get all clingy, so they punctually force them to watch it. They literally drag them on the coach.
-“I’m not scared, Iwa-chan. I have homework to do!”
“You have already finished them for the entire week, you can’t take a break.”
“Well, unlike liar-Tooru here, I simply hate them and, yes, I’m scared so- ISSEI PUT ME DOWN!”
“Sorry babe, I watched your tooth-rotting rom-com last Friday and even went to buy a muffin to comfort you after the heartbreaking end. You can endure this for me, don’t you?”
“Sly devil…”
“Then you don’t have problems watching one, right Tooru?”
“…right. Don’t bother me when you’ll have nightmares!”
-The positions are: Iwaizumi on the left, near the light, switches ‘cause he’s the only one enough brave to stand up and switch them on after the end; Oikawa beside him, hugging a pillow and fidgeting nervously; Makki between Oikawa and Matsukawa, wrapped in blankets, and using Matsukawa’s arm as a shield.
-Oikawa waits exactly five minutes before saying they need popcorn to enjoy the movie properly, and it takes him like ten minutes, instead of three, to make them. Then, he has to go to the bathroom. Check his e-mails because maybe the professors needed something! Or he needs to walk a little because is legs have fallen asleep…at this point, Iwaizumi traps him by his side and prohibits him to move until the end.
-Actually, Mattsun and Iwa are not all that cruel and, when they think a scary or bloody scene is going to happen, they promptly cover their boyfriends’ eyes.
-Iwaizumi has the habit to make pragmatic (or cynic) remarks about surreal or absurd aspects of the movie, especially if it’s a supernatural one.
“A normal girl would have called for help instead of opening the door, is she retarded?”
“She had heard screaming!”
-Oikawa, since he thinks he has a pride to protect, doesn’t scream or tremble. He just tenses and pales, clenching his teeth hard to not let a sound escape. He also uses the excuse of Makki being scared to wrap himself around him and when he thinks nobody is looking, he hides his face in Makki’s neck.
-At this point, Mattsun and Iwa usually join the pile and hug protectively the two scaredy-cats.
-Makki empathizes easily with the characters and this ends with him mumbling or screaming at them.
“Wait! Don’t go! Oh shit she’s gonna die, isn’t she?”
“Hiro, please, she-”
“I KNEW IT! YOU IDIOT! Why are you this stupid?”
“Well, she was playing around with guys instead of studying so-”
“Really, Iwa-chan?”
-Oikawa and Hanamaki aren’t allowed to keep the popcorn because both, in different occasions, had thrown them in the air due to a jump scare. Iwaizumi isn’t allowed either since he finishes them in less than ten minutes. Matsukawa is too lazy for that, so they put the bowl on the small table in front of the couch.
-No really, Iwa loves popcorn. They have to slap his hands away before he ends up with a stomach ache.
-Movie nights require being in pajamas for three reasons: 1) PJs are cute and comfy 2) afterward, they don’t want to spend time alone to change 3) sometimes they fell asleep directly on the couch.
-In bed, they sleep with Matsukawa hugging Oikawa who snuggles Hanamaki who’s being hugged by Iwaizumi, but in the morning they end up huddled on each other in a hot mess of limbs.
-Hanamaki has the horrible habit of asking if that shadow is really a shadow or if they had heard that noise? during the night. And it’s incredibly creepy. Half of the times, Oikawa breaks down and kicks Iwaizumi off the bed to go and check everything is fine.
This happens more than once. Some nights they don’t fall asleep until the morning. (Dorks.)
-Mattsun usually starts wondering aloud if is it possible in real life to break into an apartment like that or if a demon infested their house what would happen? in a completely serious voice. And this is creepier than Hanamaki, so Iwaizumi has to shut him up before things escalate (Or Oikawa kisses him because he really can’t take it anymore)
-Hanamaki sometimes has very vivid nightmares, who makes him scream or waking up in the middle of the night covered in cold sweats. Luckily, his boyfriends are there for him to whisper fond and reassuring things in his ears as they lull him back to sleep. Oikawa is especially good with his words, while Iwaizumi’s arm around the waist screams safety. Matsukawa usually hums soft lullabies or songs, and he has an incredible calming voice.
-The first times, Mattsun hadn’t understood how scared Oikawa was, even if he hid it, and used to play pranks on him. Until one night, after a movie about demons, Mattsun jumped out from the closet while the boy changed, wearing a monster mask, and scared him so much he started crying. It broke Matsukawa’s heart and he swore he would never do it again (and he also cuddled him a lot to make up for it).
Hanamaki scolded him either way.
Next day, Oikawa had his revenge by putting salt instead of sugar n Matsukawa’s coffee and everything went back to normal.
-Sometimes, Makki stress-eats sugary treats to chase away the fear and it’s one of the funniest scenes: Wrapped in blankets like a burrito, eyes red and pale skin, cheeks full of ice-cream, box and big spoon pulled to his chest as if they were an anchor.
Oikawa whines to have some too and Makki spoon-feeds him just to have him shut up.
-One time, Iwaizumi literally growled “Alright, you two stop whining. Always fawning over my arms and now you don’t believe I can protect you from a puny assassin? Shut up and sleep. I’m here.” To calm Oikawa and Makki.
His three boyfriends fell in love all over again. The next morning, they teased him mercilessly and he was deeply embarrassed by his cheesiness.
-Halloween Horror Movie Night is Oikawa and Makki’s worst nightmare. However, Matsukawa gets so excited about it they can’t find the heart to crush his plan. He’s a dork.
-Iwaizumi and Matsukawa don’t like when their boyfriends watch horror movies with someone else. That clingy cuteness should be only theirs. They always go grumpy and pouty if they do.
-The most absurd thing is that Oikawa is not scared of alien movies, no matter how bloody and scary they are. His boyfriends still don’t understand how it is possible.
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aion-rsa · 4 years
Superintelligence Review: Melissa McCarthy Movie Needed to Upload More Laughs
Superintelligence is a strange experiment of a film. Maybe that’s by design since the crux of the movie pivots on a sentient artificial intelligence studying Melissa McCarthy for three days, using her “averageness” as a barometer to determine if humanity is worth saving. But the real test of the film appears to be if you can cast an entire troupe of charming actors, with McCarthy as the lead, and not include one laugh. If you pull that off… will audiences still think they’re watching a comedy?
To be sure there are plenty of pleasant actors doing pleasant enough work in Superintelligence, from McCarthy as everywoman Carol Peters to Bobby Cannavale as her dude bro, professorial ex; Jean Smart is the president; and Brian Tyree Henry is Carol’s BFF. And then of course there’s James Corden, who voices the sardonic computer overlord with a gift for gab.
But between them there is nary a chortle, guffaw, or chuckle. Rather Superintelligence washes over you like Corden’s AI machinations wash over McCarthy: with active engagement kept to a minimum.
The basic setup is McCarthy’s Carol is a woman who’s never failed but never really succeeded. Pushing middle age, she’s just gotten by and is now applying for a new tech job in Seattle despite the future having seemingly left her behind. In truth though, the future has picked her as its new guinea pig.
Waking up one day to find that a mysterious voice is speaking out of  all her electronic devices, from the alarm clock to rice maker, Carol discovers she’s been chosen for an experiment. A new superintelligence has the power to end world hunger or kill us all in nuclear holocaust, and it’s selected Carol as a representative for the human race (and selected Corden’s voice because it knows she’s a fan of the late night host). But really this is a not-so-subtle way to become a covert romantic comedy, with an omnipotent AI floating in the ether and wingman-ing Carol’s attempts to win back George (Cannavale). The government is also there to do something.
Superintelligence marks the fourth McCarthy film that her husband Ben Falcone has directed. It’s also the first to appear on streaming via HBO Max. However, to my surprise after watching the film, it was originally intended for theatrical release, with New Line Cinema completing the film in 2019 ahead of a Christmas release that year… which the studio then rightly scrapped in favor of HBO.
It’s easy to see why. Despite starring a generally reliable box office star like McCarthy, who recently earned a very deserved Oscar nomination for Can You Ever Forgive Me?, the picture seemed destined in its bones (or is that code?) to wind up on streaming. Playing like one of the more underdeveloped Netflix comedies that streamers greenlight exclusively to feed hungry algorithms, Superintelligence is a movie meant to be watched with a smartphone in hand, and maybe a rice cooker on in the back too.
With little in the way of actual wit or humor, Superintelligence attempts to coast by on the affability of its cast, all while its search engine finds no results for the word “funny.” In that respect, it has much in common with previous Falcone-McCarthy films, including The Boss and the downright dreary Tammy.
It’s a shame, because unlike those films, Superintelligence has an amusing premise. Your mileage might vary in regards to James Corden, but hearing his voice come out of a toaster oven and tell you the end of the world is nigh would be understandably baffling. And a comedian as gifted as McCarthy should have a field day playing that reaction. But Superintelligence is so determined to maintain Carol as an everyday gal, and one in a by the numbers rom-com no less, that her film passes by like so much digital white noise.
For some Superintelligence will do just fine as that background blur on the TV. But the experience is so passive that those same people likely wouldn’t notice if Corden’s voice suddenly started talking to them.
Superintelligence premieres on Nov. 26 on HBO Max.
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TWIGW: September 9th - 16th Edition!
Happy Sunday, Lovely Fandom!
We have a HUGE selection of new offerings for you this week, along with some things that got overlooked in the last update (please accept our humble apologies!).
As always, if you find something you love, leave the creator a token of your appreciation in the form of a comment, like, or reblog (or all three!).
Feedback keeps the fandom turning!
To those who have taken the time to submit to the blog - THANK YOU!  Many people even submit things for others and it warms the cockles of our cold, dead hearts.  Please don’t be shy about sending us content!  Even if it’s a duplicate, we still appreciate it, and so do the creators who get recognized.  Many blogs who aren’t active in the fandom, but have maybe posted a small thing and been featured on the blog, have been very grateful for our traffic and feedback.  Please keep up the good work recognizing the contributions you find!
Thank you for all that you do! -Mod CB
Mod note:  We are aware that tags/links are not working, and several mods have made every effort to fix them, including redoing every tag/link in the post and they won’t work, leading us to believe it’s a Tumblr problem.  Please accept our SINCERE apologies.
Below the cut!
(please take note of any warnings within the fics themselves, do not rely on this list as exhaustive)
Saudade, Chapter 9: Memento Park
Eventual 3x4, 2+3 bromance throughout
Trowa fluffs a golden opportunity for a snog, and a fun day trip turns unexpectedly introspective.
So You Know it isn’t Real, Chapter 1
2x5, pining, End of Summer Tropefest Submission, Love Potion trope
After extraction from a mission gone awry, Wufei notices some unusual side effects. After recruiting Heero to find a cure, Wufei just has to wait it out until a solution is found. And remember it's entirely synthetic...
2x3, NONsmut, giftfic for Kangofu_CB
Just back from a hellish undercover op, Duo is greeted by Trowa.
Ready for You, Chapter 6
2x3, angst, language, sex
Continuation of Kangofu_CB’s birthday fic.  Herein lies the smut!
Just So
3x5xM, NONsmut, giftfic for MaeveMauvaise
Wufei prepares for a very important day with the "help" of Meilan and Trowa.
Just Dancing
3xS, End of Summer Tropefest submission, fake dating, angst, het smut
Trowa has a mission, and it requires asking Sally Po to be his partner. Of course, this undercover op isn't the kind that sends them to a distant colony to track down weapons smugglers. It's the kind where he needs a girlfriend to take to an ex-lover's wedding.
Neon Genesis Evangelion Legacy - Gundam Invasion, Chapter 14
A Mobile Suit Gundam Wing and Mobile Fighter G Gundam Crossover.  IT’S A GUNDAM!!! *RANDOM EXPLOSION!* The cast of Gundam Wing meet our young heroes and befriend them in this tale of how those who understand, those who fight, those who doubt, and those who pass by, can claim victory against the forces of evil reborn. Mission Accepted. All systems go! Gundams… Evangelions… Launching!
Onoma Ovoua, Chapter 3: Given Rights
2xSolo, AU, angel incest
Sometimes it's necessary to choose a new name to live freely. [AU; 'Where my demons hide' side story (can be read independently of it); Something about Duo's past with Solo; Angst; Shounen-ai; probably yaoi/lemon at ending (Angel incest); Pairing Duo & Solo]
Dark Poetry, Chapter 4
It's ten years after the wars and Heero has now been forced into medical retirement. He had lost track of Duo, but looks him up ... and it's way different than he thought it would be - beyond anything he could have dreamed of.
2x3, rom-com, fluff
Trowa Barton is pulled out of his comfortable existence and pushed into the world dating by well-meaning friends and family.
AU, 3xR
Relena, a preventer agent, is sent on mandatory leave after the death of a colleague.  With no choice, she heads to her favorite vacation spot for some much needed R&R.  No one told her she would be neighbours with the very handsome, very intriguing Trowa Barton
1x2, End of Summer Tropefest submission, Tropes: Stuck In Traffic, Meet the Parents, Road Trip
Post-canon (following the events of A Queens Valentine's, but can be read separately). Heero isn't really the type of guy a girl would take home to her mother, but when Relena's mother invites them over for Labor Day Weekend, the two must work out their differences while being stuck in traffic.
1st installment of “The Heero Torture Series”
Heero’s fellow Preventer agents are playing a sick joke to make his life miserable
2nd Installment in “The Heero Torture Series”
Waking up with a black hole in his memory, Heero tries to recreate what he had done the previous night.  The answer will be his downfall.
For mature audiences only!
@gw-ficrecfriday (Bryony)
A Curious Turn
3x9, 6x9, Explicit, Lemon, Infidelity
Trowa has arrived to join Preventers. Noin picks him from the airport, but it seems his reasons for leaving the circus have decided to follow him.
Where the Night Goes
1x4, past 3x4, Mature, AU, End of Summer Tropefest submission, Trope: songfic, angst
"I wasn’t exactly welcome back around town." “Getting caught with the sheriff’s son’s dick in your mouth can do that." Two childhood friends meet after five years apart.
@helmistress (Talliya)
1x4, 2x5, 3xD, explicit, End of Summer Tropefest Submission, sex pollen trope
An archeological dig goes a little funky.
Dia an bhais
2x4, End of Summer Tropefest Submission, Supernatural trope
Wufei finds the God of Death, asking for favors.
The Wager
2x3, written for the Accidental Sex prompts challenge
“I lost a bet to you and the circumstances were supposed to be a joke but I took them seriously” sex “You were joking about something and I took you seriously” sex
A Healing Touch
Duo finds out that he is more than a normal human being, but more of the nickname he had given himself, The God of Death. Through a series of events, Heero and Duo's relationship is about to change. The question is it for the better or worse?
Kuroi Uma
Who is a soldier out of war? Who is a gundam pilot without a gundam?  Heero thought he knew, but in the aftermath of the Mariemaia incident, with Wing Zero in shambles, he’s no longer sure.  So he sets out in search of his origins and while the road leads him back to Japan, he meets people who will make him rethink his life and help him find his place in the world.
Hard Line, Chapter 7: Chapter 6
3x4, 2xH, 1xR
It's been nine years after the Eurussian Incident and the Earth Sphere Unified Nation continues to experience peace through communication and cooperation. Quatre Raberba Winner, while finishing his doctoral thesis in engineering at MIT in Boston, reconnects with his friend and ex-boyfriend, Trowa Barton. A romantic flame is rekindled while an old enemy plots his revenge.
Turbulence, Chapter 3
fem!Heero, language 
The story about what Agent Frank Parks has been up to between Evasion and now.  This is the seventh story in Navigation, a fem!Heero series.
Feed the Hunger
5x9.  Explicit.  Mild kinkplay (D/s).  For the Accidental Sex prompts challenge
“I didn’t know you were a Dom, and when I called you sir/ma'am, you almost jumped me” sex. Noin wasn't expecting much out of this meeting. She certainly wasn't expecting Wufei to call her ma'am and mean it.
Bonding Activities
1x2.  Explicit.  For the Accidental Sex prompts challenge
“Friends can totally watch porn together and nothing can happen… No, they can’t” sex.  This wasn't really the friendly bonding activity that Duo had in mind. Not that he's complaining.
Just a Little Paint Job
2x3.  Explicit.  For the Accidental Sex prompts challenge
“We’re just bros being bros and doing something 100% platonic, but somehow we’re turning each other on because of not-so-buried feelings for each other, and we can’t make it stop” sex. Trowa's tired of painting all day, but at least he has a nice distraction in the form of Duo Maxwell.
Maldoror_Chant (Mod Note - yes this IS the original Maldoror of Freeport fame!)
Trial and Error, 15 Chapters
Repost of older fandom fic.  Eventual 1x2, Mission Fic, Heero being, well, Heero.
Heero Yuy's mission planner Date: AC199 Mission objective: Find compatible partners for Gundam Pilots 2, 3, 4 and 5 in order to secure their emotional well-being. Timeframe: Undefined. Difficulty: Moderate, despite lack of personal information on the subject of romantic affection. How hard can it be to get people to fall in love?
Bring Your Own
weird humor
Total Peace has been declared, the Gundams were destroyed, swords have been beaten into plowshares, the whole nine yards. Yet someone out there, in space, has managed to rebuild several of the original Gundams. Who is this mysterious enemy? Are they trying to bring humanity to the brink of destruction again? Is this some kind of sick game? The one-time pilots of the original Gundams are going to find out.
@miss-m-muses (Miss_Murdered)
Sound of Silence
1x2, Mature, ANGST
Duo still visits even though all he hears is silence. 1x2. One-shot.
Mistaken Miracles
When the Tides Change
Preventers learn of a new underground rebellion group, along with the arrival of a new ally.  Can Heero put his feelings aside to trust this ally, or will new discoveries create tension between the Gundam Pilots?  Can they work together to keep the peace?  Or are there too many complications to control?
@namelesspierrot (MorbidBirdy)
past 1x3, DEATHFIC, suicide
Trowa wants the pain to go away
Breakfast at Midnight
If you've never had next day pizza before, you're lying. Heero winds down from a long-term mission commitment.
Home isn't the space you live in, but the space you make available on which others may intrude.
Aloft in Reality
1xR, Explicit
Heero Yuy was a pleasant by-product of her space-bound visits but at daylight, she belonged to the world. That it until a conference goes horribly wrong and the balance she'd worked so hard to keep begins to tipple.
Peppermint Teabag
A Previous Engagement, 2 Chapters
1xR,  mature
Foreplay takes on an entirely new meaning when you are the perfect soldier and the queen of the world.
Blooming for You, Chapter 4
1x3, eventual 1x2x3 (I hope!), Mature, End of Summer Tropefest submission, trope: Hanahaki disease
"You made flowers grow in my lungs, and though they are beautiful, I can't fucking breathe." Duo has silently loved for them for years. He watched them find each other, yet the feelings still remained. But now the love he's carried for so long may become the thing that ends him.
Rikku Shinra
Boys Boys Boys
A series of drabbles surrounding our favorite pilots and the people they interact with.  
Finding Home Again, Chapter 10: Big Brother???
4x5, 1x2, 3xOMC, Harry Potter Universe, past child abuse
Morgan lost any family he had left during the horrors of the Canadian Civil War, he lived on his own and carved out his own existence at eighteen years old. Adventure and magic only existed in fairy tales and daydreams, survival is all he knows anymore. The Civil War ends a little before the Eve Wars. So when the new laws after the Eve Wars come into place, his world was turned upside down and Canada's new government left little choice to the die-hard patriots. Finally escaping to the Sanq Kingdom wasn't the sanctuary he had hoped it would be. Add the former Gundam Pilots to the mix and he might just find his escape, or will he never find the freedom he craves?
Shadow Gals
Gundam Wing:  Lethal Beauty
1xR, 3xOC, 4xOC
Sequel to Missing Links.  The two perfect soldiers time forgot - may be the only hope in helping preserve the peace but with so many new and confusing events in their own lives such as politics, blending in, and (of course) romance, will they be able to keep their own lives toegether well enough to aid those closest to them? (Ignore Frozen Teardrop)
Imperial Guard
Duo Maxwell is trapped in another part of the galazy far from all that he knows and the woman he loves.  He must learn to survive among primitive violent people and accept that he may never be able to return to Earth.
Bound, Bonded, and Betrayed, Chapter 62
1x2, 1xR, 3x4 AU
Heero is the eldest son of the King of Colonia. His 21st birthday is approaching and as tradition dictates his betrothed is soon to arrive. However he is also bound by tradition to select his own personal slave. The events that unfold lead him down a path that not only tests his sanity but his humanity and love as well.
Not Just a Vacation, Chapter 5
1x2x5, mention of NCS, autistic!Heero, slow burn, 
Duo and Heero have to go undercover at a private high school to get close to the son of Archie Bravewater, a man who might have major ties to an underground slave-ring the Preventors have been trying to destroy for months.They're expecting Trowa to be their third and back-up reserve. But something comes up in Australia that he can't leave. They get Wufei instead.During the course of the mission the three not only navigate their assignment, but their developing friendships and, eventually, even deeper feelings.
The Forgotten, Chapter 7
1x4, past 3x4, implied rape/non-con, amnesia, abuse
The entire universe thinks that Quatre Winner is dead, but when Heero starts having strange black-outs he begins to realize the rumors of Quatre's death might not be true.
Years Go By
A collection of three sets of stories, revolving around conflicts in a relationship.  The expectation or hope that two people are fated to be together does not necessarily mean unending bliss.
1x2, 3x4, 13x5, AU, Dark, Romance, Vampire, Lemon
A beautiful male, betrothed to the Master Vampire of the City, enrolls himself into a Boarding School under trict orders to find the Human who’s been tracking cult-movements.  His mission: seduce and kill.  But can he do such a thing when his love for the Human becomes stronger than the love he has for his Master?
thehiddenbaroness ( @mercedes-carello )
Resurrecting the Viper, Chapter 15: Carry
Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans crossover
Following a routine visit to Vingolf, Orga, Mikazuki and Merribit are surprised by the sudden appearance of a practically naked, injured woman. Although Artima seems to have full recollection of who she is, she does not seem to understand the outside world. Against Orga's better judgment, the Isaribi is soon entangled in Artima's quest to find and destroy her old mobile suit - and discover both she and it are relics from over three hundred years ago that could hold the key to Tekkadan's future.
@the-indomitable-bhg, MorbidBirdy
End of Line, Chapter 16
1x3, Tron crossover, angst, action adventure, mentions of NCS
The Grid, the legendary Tron System, has always intrigued Duo Maxwell. After years of dreaming and months of tireless work, he finally receives the final part he needs to unlock the door to the digital frontier. A blast of a digitizing laser later he finds himself in the world of his dreams. However, soon that dream becomes a nightmare as he comes to realize that his existence in this new world is both a danger to him and to the programs who reside there. With the help of Security Program Trowa and a mysteriously damaged and glitchy program named Heero, he embarks on a journey through The Grid to seek help from a mysterious entity known as the Gatekeeper. Will he be able to get out of the Tron System, or will the organizations who are hunting him manage to derez him first?
May Demons Rest, Chapter 20: Anger and Exile
2x3, post-canon, bad language, underage drinking, suicidal thoughts
A re-write of my 2004 fanfic "Shinigami Sleeps" - To find and free Duo from his demons, Trowa leaves his uneventful life at the circus for the mean streets of an obscure colony in L2.
Anything But Perfect
6x2, romance, humor
Award-winning chef Zechs Merquise can effortlessly create the perfect meal, paired with the perfect wine, but he somehow hasn't managed to find the perfect partner for himself. Until, after a disastrous date, he accidentally comes across a feisty and very attractive young man in distress. Duo Maxwell is anything but perfect and yet....
@weiclown (Moreena)
no pairings
Treize has need of a unique uniform to announce the fact that he is the youngest general in history since pre-colony times.
@chronicwhimsy :
Study Buddies - Academic AU gift snippet  http://chronicwhimsy.tumblr.com/post/164983772637/study-buddies 
@claraxbarton​ :
@gw-ficrecfriday :
A Snippet Without A Story - post-canon https://gw-ficrecfriday.tumblr.com/post/165018991561/a-snippet-without-a-story 
@the-indomitable-bhg :
Crisscross - bodyswap! for End of Summer Tropefest https://the-indomitable-bhg.tumblr.com/post/164915630357/title-crisscross-bodyswapping-trope 
http://completelycathy.tumblr.com/post/165239738158/full-illo-of-gundam-wings-duo-maxwell-for  Duo Maxwell
http://chronicwhimsy.tumblr.com/post/164947740987/i-am-just-very-pleased-i-have-time-to-sketch  - Wufei Chang, Trowa Barton, Duo Maxwell
http://chronicwhimsy.tumblr.com/post/165009020842/i-am-enjoying-my-time-off-thisweekingundamwing  - Duo Maxwell, Wufei Chang
http://claraxbarton.tumblr.com/post/165015266990/did-a-sally-thing-her-lavender-jumpsuit-or-at   - Sally Po in a jumpsuit
https://drkstars-art.tumblr.com/post/164940702387/kangofu-cb-didnt-ask-for-this-but-i-got-a  - Duo Maxwell, Trowa Barton
http://dangerstreet.tumblr.com/post/164976501123/knocked-out-another-one-in-keyshot-with-booleans  - Wing Zero
http://eliaspsuedo.tumblr.com/post/164847808303/god-i-missed-gundam-wing  - photo manipulation
https://fictioncoefficient.tumblr.com/post/164979978614/sometimes-a-character-looks-wrong-just-because  - Trowa Barton
https://fictioncoefficient.tumblr.com/post/165189821427/testing-a-new-brush-pen-feat-an-unusually-pouty  - Heero Yuy/Duo Maxwell
https://guiltyaxer.tumblr.com/post/165079314131/that-didnt-turned-out-so-well  - Heero Yuy
https://guiltyaxer.tumblr.com/post/165114283989/i-tried-to-put-some-arabian-like-clothes-on-quatre  - Quatre Winner
https://gundamflexing.tumblr.com/post/165028314553  - Tallgeese... geese! (photomanipulation)
http://gundamwing-ellesmith.tumblr.com/post/165045105004  Duo Maxwell, Heero Yuy
https://jadeune.tumblr.com/post/164963562471/final-portrait-for-the-behind-their-eyes  - Heero Yuy
https://jadeune.tumblr.com/post/164961170496/after-a-short-chat-last-night-about-being-in-a  - Trowa Barton, Heavyarms
http://maevemauvaise.tumblr.com/post/161361838336/claraxbarton-and-chronicwhimsy-and-whoever  Dorothy in a black dress
http://maevemauvaise.tumblr.com/post/165352164941/claraxbarton-okay-so-this-is-version-one-of  Sally Po scar fic fanart
http://maevemauvaise.tumblr.com/post/165163749501/claraxbarton-okay-and-because-ive-never-done-a  - Sally Po in a violet shirtdress
http://napalmarts.tumblr.com/post/165035260993/14-years-of-drawing-the-boy  14 years of Duo Maxwell
http://outofworkshinigami.tumblr.com/post/164921742352/shinigami-of-excellence-look-at-my-masterpiece  Duo Maxwell
http://paulgq.tumblr.com/post/165073357313/just-wild-beat-communication  - Wing Zero
https://sir-phobos-boa.tumblr.com/post/165024911211/new-parts-for-grim-first-up-i-started-mounting  - custom Deathscythe model progress
https://thenumbersoftomorrow.tumblr.com/post/165120832068/boom-boom-pow-pow  - crossover featuring Trowa Barton and Sally Po
Horses in space:  https://the-indomitable-bhg.tumblr.com/post/165320550432/horses-in-space 
Treize’s change of heart: http://outofworkshinigami.tumblr.com/post/165320961552/treizes-change-of-heart 
Who Raised Zechs: http://outofworkshinigami.tumblr.com/post/165212645462/who-raised-zechs 
Duo Maxwell aesthetic:  http://sapphires-little-cave.tumblr.com/post/154669141811/duo-maxwell-aesthetics-home-the-streets 
Treize motivation headcanon:  http://outofworkshinigami.tumblr.com/post/165239615492/cynfinnegan-lbro009-outofworkshinigami 
Calendar Events
Unnatural November by @gwblockparty
Posting the entire month of November.
A fanworks celebration of all weird and supernatural.
Participation information here!
Eve War Event by @gw-evewar​
Posting December 23rd - December 24th.
A fanworks Science Fiction event.
Participation information here!
OC October by @gwoc-october
Posting the entire month of October.
A fanworks celebration of Original Characters.
Participation information here!
31 notes · View notes
sapphicspaceknight · 7 years
Fairy Lights and Saturday Nights
okay so this is kinda angsty so you’ve been warned, but I wanted to contribute to the Pinkberry tag, so this is what I have for you all! This takes place in their senior year (like halfway thru it :) I hope you guys enjoy!! - 💕queen 💕
Saturday nights for Chloe and Brooke had been a ritual since they’d met. They would grab Pinkberry to-go, rent a movie from the Red Box nearby, and then head back to Chloe’s place where they would curl up on the brunette’s bed and watch the movie as they ate the frozen yogurt from their favorite place in the world. It was sacred to the two girls, something that was just for them.
Junior year had flown by, the whole getting drugged at the play made it go by much faster somehow, and senior year was going by quicker than the two would’ve thought. They were only a semester away from leaving high school behind and moving on with their lives. It scared both of them, but they made sure not to let the other catch onto the hidden fears.
Brooke didn’t know what she was going to do with her life. Her grades were average and the only extracurricular activity she did was drama club. She didn’t exactly want to go to some big college, believing a simple community college would suit her much better. She watched as her friends sent in applications to colleges, some far away and some instate. The blonde would congratulate them once they did it. She was happy for them, they were ready to move on.
She was not.
Brooke had watched as Chloe sent her applications away, nearly all of them being out of state colleges, and congratulated her with a pained smile. She was proud of her best friend, but she wasn’t ready to give her up yet. She wasn’t ready to let her go. The blonde was afraid of the future, what her life would be like without Chloe by her side.
There would be no more Pinkberry, there would be no more Red Box movies, no more cuddling as they made stupid comments as the movie played, no more joyrides in her mom’s car, and no more late night talks on Facetime where they would bid their goodbyes with ‘I love you’s’ and ‘sweet dreams’.
It made Brooke tear up every time she thought about it. The blonde wasn’t ready to say goodbye to all of that. But she had to let Chloe go, the brunette was ready to move on. To leave New Jersey along with Brooke behind. The blonde would be a distant memory as the brunette moved on in life.
Without her best friend she would be alone.
Chloe had spent days and nights contemplating if she was ready to leave. She was scared of not being good enough and getting kicked out of school or failing at what career path she wishes to take. She was so scared of growing up and having to face the real world. She was 18 and she was having to make a decision that would determine the rest of her life.
The brunette wasn’t ready to take the next step of her life. Sure she had a few more months of high school, but after that… she’d be packing and getting ready for the long road ahead. Chloe still wanted to be young and stupid with some of the decisions she made. She wanted to be a kid while she still could.
She wanted to spend her Saturdays with Brooke as they talked about anything and everything they could think of as they held one another’s hand, Chloe’s fairy lights dimly lighting her room. She wanted to continue to instagram their adventures together as they tried to discover the ultimate Pinkberry combination. Chloe wanted to continue to be with her best friend.
Chloe was scared, and Chloe Valentine was rarely scared of anything, but the future was uncertain. She didn’t know when she would see Brooke depending on what college she was going to go to and she didn’t know if they would be able to have anymore Saturday nights once she goes away.
Chloe didn’t want to lose her best friend, she didn’t want to lose the most important person in her life.
She couldn’t just say goodbye to her world, the person she was (secretly) in love with, without destroying herself in the process.
Without her best friend she would be lost.
Saturday rolled around again and the two girls were in Pinkberry, ready to begin their weekly ritual.
Chloe watched as Brooke squinted at the menu (even though both of them had it memorized by now) and tapped her lips. The blonde was deep in thought and Chloe smiled at it. Finally Brooke ordered some odd combination of berry flavored frozen yogurts. Chloe had went with a simple mixture of chocolate, strawberry, and vanilla.
They got back into Brooke’s mom’s car and drove to the nearest Red Box. Brooke had reached her hand to grab Chloe’s in her own as she squeezed it and held onto it. Chloe smiled and gave a gentle squeeze back. They held hands until they pulled up to the red machine, letting go only to get out of the blue car. They then bantered back and forth over what movie they wanted to watch.
“But Chlo, we watched a horror movie last time!”
“Your point?”
“I’m just saying, I think I should get to pick the movie this time,” Brooke said, tugging on Chloe’s jacket sleeve.
Chloe looked at Brooke’s pouting face and crumbled as she sighed and nodded.
“Fine, but we are not watching another Barbie movie.”
“Oh stop, I know you secretly love them,” Brooke smirked at Chloe as she went and picked out a rom-com.
Chloe rolled her eyes, but smiled. They paid for the movie and let it dispense before they resumed their positions in the car and began the drive over to Chloe’s house. Brooke grabbed the brunette’s hand once more and let her thumb stroke the back of it. Chloe stared at the thumb, watching as it went back and forth. She bit her lip.
10 minutes of silence passed until they finally pulled into Chloe’s long driveway. Brooke parked and as she was turning off the car, Chloe spoke up.
“Do you ever think about what’s going to happen after school ends? Between us?” Chloe looks off after she finishes her sentence.
The thumb on her hand stops its movement and Chloe feels the warm hand go stiff. She looked over to Brooke and saw as the other girl’s smile fell.
“I think about it every single day Chlo, everyday I see you I think about it. About you leaving and not coming back. About how Saturday will become just another day. About how I’ll just become…” The blonde didn’t finish.
Brooke had a sad smile on her face, Chloe noticing it as the blonde looked over to her. She placed her other hand atop of Chloe’s and patted it.
“But let’s not worry about that and just enjoy tonight okay? We only have so many of these left,” Brooke said, quickly turning off the car and leaving Chloe alone in it.
The brunette watched her friend make her way into her home and she let out a shaky breath. Brooke was just as scared as she was. But scared about different things. She reeled herself back in and got out of the car and made her way into her house.
Hours into the Saturday night, the girls had changed into pajamas and curled up on Chloe’s bed, turning on the movie. They hadn’t spoken of their brief conversation in the car, but it was on both of their minds. The two girls sat next to each other, Brooke’s head resting on Chloe’s shoulder and Chloe’s arm around Brooke’s back. The movie played and they would make comments now and then, but things seemed more tense than usual.
The minutes passed and the credits eventually appeared on screen. Neither made a move to exit out of the finished movie, allowing the computer screen to go black before eventually shutting down. The two remained still and listened to the quiet breathing that filled the silent room.
Chloe’s fairy lights shined gently, casting a warm glow over them. On the wall underneath the lights were pictures of the two girls together. The one farthest to the left was one of them in 6th grade, when they first met, and the one farthest to the right was of them not even two weeks before. In between were random pictures from throughout the years. One was of Brooke lounging on top of her mom’s car in a field near Chloe’s house, as she pointed at the sky. Another was of the two of them at Pinkberry, feeding each other spoonfuls of frozen yogurt.
Chloe took a deep breath as she thought of the pictures on her wall. She let the breath out, hearing it was shaky. She felt Brooke nuzzle into her shoulder. The brunette closed her eyes.
“Brooke I’m terrified of what’s going to happen after senior year. I don’t know where I’m going to end up and I don’t know if I’m going to be any good at where I do go. I’m so scared of leaving everything behind. Of leaving you behind. You don’t understand how much you mean to me. I’m so scared of the future and I’m even more scared that I’m not going to see you in it. I want you in it Brooke. You’re my whole world, my ride or die, the only one who knows how to put up with me. How can I say goodbye to that?” Chloe rambled, squeezing her eyes tighter as she felt tears slip down her cheeks.
Brooke closed her eyes as she listened to Chloe, feeling her heartbreak towards the end and let a few tears slip down her cheek. She bit her lip as the brunette continued.
“Honestly, I don’t care if this is the worst time to say this but Brooke, I want you in my life forever. But not as my friend or my best friend, but as maybe something more? I care about you so much Brooke, more than all of the froyo flavors at Pinkberry and more than anything on my phone-” Chloe let out a small, teary laugh before continuing, “- I want you as something more Brooke. I want to be selfish and have you as mine.” Chloe finished, tears slipping down her cheeks.
The glow from the fairy lights continued to shine. It shined as Brooke’s head lifted from Chloe’s shoulder and it shined as she put a hand to her mouth and let out a silent sob. The lights shined as Brooke’s eyes widened and she got off of Chloe’s bed. They shined as she looked back at Chloe, the brunette’s eyes full of sadness and confusion as the blonde shook her head. The lights shined as Chloe tearfully sobbed out as Brooke ran away.
The glow continued to shine as Chloe cried in the dark, alone on a Saturday night.
A week passed and the two girls didn’t talk to each other. Chloe became colder and more vicious than she’s ever been. No one dared to go up to her, not even Jake. Jenna decided against spreading gossip for this incident, in fear of having her life ending short.
Brooke was resigned and navigated her way through the halls unnoticed and made sure not to come in contact with Chloe. She wasn’t sure why she ran. It was sudden and she didn’t know how to respond, and it overwhelmed her. She knows she probably shouldn’t of, but to have your best friend tell you she wanted something more? It was a lot to take in and Brooke needed time.
Chloe wasn’t mad, she was just… hurt. Very hurt. She knows she shouldn’t of thrown it on Brooke how she did, but at the same time Brooke didn’t have to run. She could’ve just talked to her. Something other than run. Chloe had spent the past week building up her defense system, becoming cold and callous to everyone.
It wasn’t until Saturday rolled around that Brooke truly felt the ache in her heart. She had sat at Pinkberry for an hour, waiting for someone who wasn’t coming. The workers gave her concerned looks, offering her free froyo. She ate 4 cups before driving off.
Once again she felt her heart break as she absentmindedly pulled in front of the Red Box. Resting her forehead onto her steering wheel, she cried. She cried for what she lost and who she lost. She cried because she didn’t think her and Chloe’s Saturday nights would be over so soon. She pulled herself together with a few deep breaths and decided she needed to fix things.
She drove with a purpose as she made her way to Chloe’s house in record speed, making a stop beforehand. She drove up the long driveway and she parked. The blonde quickly ran up to Chloe’s door and banged her right hand on the wood.
“Chloe Valentine!” She shouted, ringing the doorbell twice.
A minute passed before the door swung open, a disheveled brunette stood in front of her. Brooke looked at her best friend and felt as the tears fell down her cheeks and she slammed herself into Chloe. She wrapped her arms around the brunette and hugged the tall girl.
Chloe stood there, her hand still on the door as Brooke hugged her. She didn’t know what to do, she was still kind of mad at the blonde, but she missed the other girl. She felt the debate in her head before she finally wrapped her arms around Brooke. The blonde clung to Chloe’s shirt as she calmed her tears.
Brooke backed off and smiled up at the girl. She quickly apologized as she ran back to the blue car and grabbed two cups of Pinkberry before running back to Chloe.
“Can we talk and enjoy another one of our special Saturday’s? Please?” Brooke asked, stretching out the fro-yo.
Chloe looked between the two cups and Brooke, she sighed and accepted one of the cups. Brooke smiled as she walked in. They walked up to Chloe’s room, and shut the door. They ate their froyo and shared awkward glances. When they finished, Brooke was the first to speak.
“I’m sorry for running last week. I was just… overwhelmed and I was scared because I don’t know what to do with my emotions sometimes. You already know how many times I’ve been hurt in the past Chlo. And you telling me all that scared me. It scared me because I feel the same way about you. I’ve been scared of what will happen after senior year because I’m afraid of what I’m going to be without you. You make me better Chloe. I mean- now you do, after the whole ecstasy scare and shit. But Chloe, I’m yours in every way you’ll have me.” Brooke grabbed Chloe’s hand after she finished.
Chloe looked at the shorter girl and smiled. She pulled the other girl into her and kissed the blonde. She put one of her hands on the back of Brooke’s neck and the other on her cheek. Brooke smiled as she let herself kiss back, placing her hands on Chloe’s hips. They parted for a second before their lips met once more, smiles on both of their faces. They parted with a few short kisses before they laid down facing each other.
Brooke ran her hand gently through Chloe’s hair and Chloe had wrapped her arms around Brooke’s waist. Their lips met more than once as they simply stared at each other, talking about everything they could. They smiled and laughed and eventually just cuddled up with each other and closed their eyes.
It had become dark and Chloe’s lights were off, all except the gentle glow of her fairy lights. The light continued to shine as the two girls fell asleep in each other’s arms, at peace with what their future may hold because now they know they’ll always have one another.
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demitgibbs · 7 years
Gay Adoration: Why We’re Crazy for Actress Zoe Kazan
Why aren’t more gay men professing their love to Zoe Kazan?
I wonder this after doing just that. I dote on the 33-year-old film and theater actress – star of “Ruby Sparks,” “Revolutionary Road” and HBO’s “Olive Kitteridge” – like she’s my best girlfriend. Like we have history. Like we sip cosmos and talk about what it was like to play Meryl Streep’s daughter in “It’s Complicated.”
I don’t know Kazan, but I love that she’s so committed to being the best LGBT ally she can be that she follows me on Twitter after ending the interview by telling me, “I will say, just FYI, if you ever feel like I’m not being the greatest ally, please write me on Twitter. I really do feel like I want to do the best job I can.”
I love her socially-conscious Twitter feed. Love her latest statement film, “The Big Sick,” based on the real courtship of comedian Kumail Nanjiani and his now-wife, Emily Gordon, and the turmoil it causes when his family discovers Emily is white. I love her longtime boyfriend, the also supremely talented Paul Dano. And when Kazan tells me she wants to shine a spotlight on gay actors and prefers a gay actor play her romantic interest should she ever play a lesbian role herself, I love that too.
“I have never had a gay man profess his love to me before,” Kazan demures, somehow not kidding.
Universal gay adoration is inevitable as Kazan calls on powerful, white, cisgender filmmakers to make a mainstream gay rom-com, and talks about Dano’s onscreen kiss with Daniel Radcliffe and her very human reason for advocating for the LGBT community.  
Q: Growing up in Los Angeles, California, what was your earliest connection to the LGBT community?
A: I think I was really lucky to – yes, to grow up in a neighborhood that was very diverse and inclusive, and to grow up in a family that had those values. I grew up in the ’80s and ’90s, not as progressive of a time as now. I’m sure children today have it a lot better. But I went to a really progressive school with a lot of gay teachers and that wasn’t treated special or different. It just… was. Yeah, it just was. And I had two teachers who died of AIDS in the early and mid ’90s and that was something that was talked about really openly at my school. The school advocated for them and there was a real warmth and inclusiveness. I grew up a bit outside of the reality of the world at large at that point, so when I got into high school – and, again, this was the ’90s – people would be like, “That’s so gay,” and it was a rude awakening.
Q: Is it fair to say that because of your upbringing you’re woke when it comes to gay issues and queer stuff?
A: It is to my benefit as a human that everyone has equal rights and that gay people are treated with respect in the world. That’s the way in which it feels like my issue too. It matters deeply to me. So, if that’s woke, then I guess so. Not a word I use personally but, yeah, go for it!
Q: In addition to a post regarding gay musician Perfume Genius on your Twitter…
A: Oh my god, I love Perfume Genius! Honestly, all I wanted was to go to his concert and Paul didn’t make it happen. It’s a real point of contention in our relationship right now.  
Q: Ha! You are socially and politically active on Twitter as well, with posts about Planned Parenthood, feminism and one regarding the lack of acknowledgement about Pride month from Trump and his administration. It seems like this is a part of you even though you’re not gay.
A: I care deeply about it. Part of that is, as a feminist, I always sort of rankle when people are like, “I have a mother, I have a daughter” – no, you should care about this because of basic fundamental rights for, like, a huge portion of our population. I feel the same way about LGBTQ relations where, like I said, those rights are important to me as a human.
After this administration came into power in November, one of the first things I thought about was actually what happened to gay people under Reagan – the way he ignored the AIDS crisis and how that resulted in so many more deaths, especially in the gay community. And I really felt this thing of, well, yes, our rights recovered from that and our society recovered, but there was a huge cost and not everyone made it. And I thought of that when people were saying, “We’ll get through these four years.” I thought, “Well, not everybody will get through it.” And I think a lot of Republicans think of Reagan as a beaming icon of Republicanism. In fact, during the Democratic Convention, Democrats kept referencing him as being a good example of Republican values that Democrats also shared and I was like, does no one remember the AIDS crisis? He f*cked up.
Q: We tend to forget what history told us.
A: And also what casual bigotry results in. We’re saying that right now with the rise of hate crimes in this country and what happened to that poor Muslim girl (17-year-old Nabra Hassanen was assaulted and killed on June 18 after leaving a Virginia mosque). I know that’s not the direct responsibility of our president, but I am 100 percent certain that the atmosphere of hate that he has engendered set in those man’s actions.
Q: Let’s talk about compassion, and how your new film, “The Big Sick,” is steeped in it. As a gay man, I found myself completely empathizing with these characters in ways that I didn’t think I would. For you, how do you think the overarching themes of forbidden love and familial acceptance of another’s partners may resonate with LGBT audiences?
A: One thing that really speaks so much to me about the film is how much Kumail loves his family. He loves them and part of what is dividing them is a generational divide and their relationship with religion. I would guess that a lot of gay people growing up in really religious communities might feel like their religion could be a source of division between them and their families based on what some Christians, for instance, think of gay people. There’s a part of you that feels like they’ll love you no matter what and there’s a part of you that feels like they might excommunicate you from the family. I’m very moved by the scene in which he tells them that he’s not going to leave his family after he reveals himself to them. It feels really potent to me and I’m glad it spoke to you.
Q: When do you think we can have two gay people as leads in a major romantic comedy?
A: There’s no reason that time can’t be right now. And considering the current climate in this country politically, vis-à-vis Muslims, this feels as risky a movie as a movie with two gay leads. Maybe it’s not. Maybe I’m wrong about that. But Kumail and Emily were brave and told their own story, and a lot of people took a chance on them and got behind them. And they just tried to do the best job they could of telling their story. They weren’t just striving for representation – they had one story they were burning to tell.
I would just encourage everyone out there who is like, “Maybe my story isn’t mainstream enough,” to just do it. Work really hard. They worked on this script for three years before they brought anybody else on. This movie was started because Kumail was at some standup thing that Judd Apatow saw him at and Judd came up to him and was like, “Come in and pitch me every story that you have.” And Kumail went in and pitched and Judd was like, “That’s the one.” We need our allies. Especially people in power like Judd – straight, white men. We need them to step up and be like, “I’m gonna help you tell your story.” So to all the dudes out there in power: I think everybody is hungry to see a story that hasn’t been told a million times, and truly there’s no reason that can’t be right now for many more different kinds of people who are traditionally not as represented in popular culture.
Q: Not to put this weight on you, but you did write yourself a lead in “Ruby Sparks,” so surely you can just make this happen too, right?
A: (Laughs) I have to say I do think that my mind is turned more toward, “How can I be more responsible in who I’m putting in the spotlight?” Trying to think about casting that way. Trying to think about my writing that way. But I also think everybody’s gotta do it for themselves. I think back to writing “Ruby Sparks” and it’s crazy to me that at 25, or however old I was when I wrote that, that I was like, “Oh, we’re gonna get it financed, we’re gonna make this film,” without any sense of, “I shouldn’t be raising my voice.” I think a lot of people struggle with that, and it’s hard to do. It’s not easy. It requires a huge amount of hutzpah, but I think it’s more important now than ever.
Q: To speak out on issues?
A: And to have faith in yourself. One thing that is really hard for me is, I don’t think I give myself full power of what I already know. I will ask for permission or feel I need someone to come from on high. So, I would just stress that there are a lot of ways to get a film financed and there are actually so many people now who are finding ways to do that through creative channels, so don’t wait for someone to do it for you.
Q: If you were to play a lesbian in a romantic comedy, who would you want to cast as your romantic interest?
A: Robin Wright. I just love her. Or Juliette Binoche. Some beautiful woman of the generation before me. No – honestly, if I were going to make a movie I would probably find someone who’s actually gay. I think in terms of trying to be a good ally you want to give people an opportunity who don’t have the spotlight on them as much and who don’t have as many opportunities. I think that some people are marginalized for whatever reason for their sexuality and I would probably make an effort in that direction.
Q: Speaking of onscreen gayness: Paul famously kissed Daniel Radcliffe in “Swiss Army Man.” As his longtime girlfriend, how much say do you have as to which gay men he kisses on screen?
A: Very little! And honestly, I didn’t even know they kissed in that. I really didn’t! And then I saw some clips from it and I was like, “Oh, you guys make out.” And he was like, “No, we don’t.” And I go, “Yeah, you do.” He’s like, “But we’re saving each other’s lives!” He said something that made it seem like it was the purest love. (Laughs) It was so sweet. I loved that movie, and I love that scene! Kissing underwater – it’s so romantic.
Q: You have the best taste in rom-coms. What kind of romantic comedies won’t you do?
A: I have to say that when “The Big Sick” came along I was really not looking to do another romantic comedy. Like, I’ve done it. Also, it’s not really what I got into acting to do. I love to do parts that feel more transformative to me – much more of what I’ve gotten to do on stage from what I’ve gotten to do on film. Stuff like “Olive Kitteridge” is where my true hunger lies. So, when they called me and were like, “We have a script. It’s a romantic comedy. They want you to come in,” I read it and was like, “Oh, this is so good.” It felt like a movie I hadn’t seen before.
You know, it’s hard sometimes when you’re a working actor and you need to make a living. Sometimes a script comes to you and you’re like, it’s a little bit sexist, there’s something kind of racist in here, but I guess I can improv around it or I just won’t say that line. But now I have a much harder, faster rule when scripts come to me and the representation doesn’t feel totally great, and around gay issues too. I just don’t want to be an irreverent torchbearer for something I don’t believe in, especially now.
Chris Azzopardi has interviewed a multitude of superstars, including Meryl Streep, Mariah Carey and Beyoncé. Reach him via his website at www.chris-azzopardi.com.
from Hotspots! Magazine https://hotspotsmagazine.com/2017/08/09/gay-adoration-why-were-crazy-for-actress-zoe-kazan/ from Hot Spots Magazine https://hotspotsmagazine.tumblr.com/post/163993050775
0 notes
cynthiajayusa · 7 years
Gay Adoration: Why We’re Crazy for Actress Zoe Kazan
Why aren’t more gay men professing their love to Zoe Kazan?
I wonder this after doing just that. I dote on the 33-year-old film and theater actress – star of “Ruby Sparks,” “Revolutionary Road” and HBO’s “Olive Kitteridge” – like she’s my best girlfriend. Like we have history. Like we sip cosmos and talk about what it was like to play Meryl Streep’s daughter in “It’s Complicated.”
I don’t know Kazan, but I love that she’s so committed to being the best LGBT ally she can be that she follows me on Twitter after ending the interview by telling me, “I will say, just FYI, if you ever feel like I’m not being the greatest ally, please write me on Twitter. I really do feel like I want to do the best job I can.”
I love her socially-conscious Twitter feed. Love her latest statement film, “The Big Sick,” based on the real courtship of comedian Kumail Nanjiani and his now-wife, Emily Gordon, and the turmoil it causes when his family discovers Emily is white. I love her longtime boyfriend, the also supremely talented Paul Dano. And when Kazan tells me she wants to shine a spotlight on gay actors and prefers a gay actor play her romantic interest should she ever play a lesbian role herself, I love that too.
“I have never had a gay man profess his love to me before,” Kazan demures, somehow not kidding.
Universal gay adoration is inevitable as Kazan calls on powerful, white, cisgender filmmakers to make a mainstream gay rom-com, and talks about Dano’s onscreen kiss with Daniel Radcliffe and her very human reason for advocating for the LGBT community.  
Q: Growing up in Los Angeles, California, what was your earliest connection to the LGBT community?
A: I think I was really lucky to – yes, to grow up in a neighborhood that was very diverse and inclusive, and to grow up in a family that had those values. I grew up in the ’80s and ’90s, not as progressive of a time as now. I’m sure children today have it a lot better. But I went to a really progressive school with a lot of gay teachers and that wasn’t treated special or different. It just… was. Yeah, it just was. And I had two teachers who died of AIDS in the early and mid ’90s and that was something that was talked about really openly at my school. The school advocated for them and there was a real warmth and inclusiveness. I grew up a bit outside of the reality of the world at large at that point, so when I got into high school – and, again, this was the ’90s – people would be like, “That’s so gay,” and it was a rude awakening.
Q: Is it fair to say that because of your upbringing you’re woke when it comes to gay issues and queer stuff?
A: It is to my benefit as a human that everyone has equal rights and that gay people are treated with respect in the world. That’s the way in which it feels like my issue too. It matters deeply to me. So, if that’s woke, then I guess so. Not a word I use personally but, yeah, go for it!
Q: In addition to a post regarding gay musician Perfume Genius on your Twitter…
A: Oh my god, I love Perfume Genius! Honestly, all I wanted was to go to his concert and Paul didn’t make it happen. It’s a real point of contention in our relationship right now.  
Q: Ha! You are socially and politically active on Twitter as well, with posts about Planned Parenthood, feminism and one regarding the lack of acknowledgement about Pride month from Trump and his administration. It seems like this is a part of you even though you’re not gay.
A: I care deeply about it. Part of that is, as a feminist, I always sort of rankle when people are like, “I have a mother, I have a daughter” – no, you should care about this because of basic fundamental rights for, like, a huge portion of our population. I feel the same way about LGBTQ relations where, like I said, those rights are important to me as a human.
After this administration came into power in November, one of the first things I thought about was actually what happened to gay people under Reagan – the way he ignored the AIDS crisis and how that resulted in so many more deaths, especially in the gay community. And I really felt this thing of, well, yes, our rights recovered from that and our society recovered, but there was a huge cost and not everyone made it. And I thought of that when people were saying, “We’ll get through these four years.” I thought, “Well, not everybody will get through it.” And I think a lot of Republicans think of Reagan as a beaming icon of Republicanism. In fact, during the Democratic Convention, Democrats kept referencing him as being a good example of Republican values that Democrats also shared and I was like, does no one remember the AIDS crisis? He f*cked up.
Q: We tend to forget what history told us.
A: And also what casual bigotry results in. We’re saying that right now with the rise of hate crimes in this country and what happened to that poor Muslim girl (17-year-old Nabra Hassanen was assaulted and killed on June 18 after leaving a Virginia mosque). I know that’s not the direct responsibility of our president, but I am 100 percent certain that the atmosphere of hate that he has engendered set in those man’s actions.
Q: Let’s talk about compassion, and how your new film, “The Big Sick,” is steeped in it. As a gay man, I found myself completely empathizing with these characters in ways that I didn’t think I would. For you, how do you think the overarching themes of forbidden love and familial acceptance of another’s partners may resonate with LGBT audiences?
A: One thing that really speaks so much to me about the film is how much Kumail loves his family. He loves them and part of what is dividing them is a generational divide and their relationship with religion. I would guess that a lot of gay people growing up in really religious communities might feel like their religion could be a source of division between them and their families based on what some Christians, for instance, think of gay people. There’s a part of you that feels like they’ll love you no matter what and there’s a part of you that feels like they might excommunicate you from the family. I’m very moved by the scene in which he tells them that he’s not going to leave his family after he reveals himself to them. It feels really potent to me and I’m glad it spoke to you.
Q: When do you think we can have two gay people as leads in a major romantic comedy?
A: There’s no reason that time can’t be right now. And considering the current climate in this country politically, vis-à-vis Muslims, this feels as risky a movie as a movie with two gay leads. Maybe it’s not. Maybe I’m wrong about that. But Kumail and Emily were brave and told their own story, and a lot of people took a chance on them and got behind them. And they just tried to do the best job they could of telling their story. They weren’t just striving for representation – they had one story they were burning to tell.
I would just encourage everyone out there who is like, “Maybe my story isn’t mainstream enough,” to just do it. Work really hard. They worked on this script for three years before they brought anybody else on. This movie was started because Kumail was at some standup thing that Judd Apatow saw him at and Judd came up to him and was like, “Come in and pitch me every story that you have.” And Kumail went in and pitched and Judd was like, “That’s the one.” We need our allies. Especially people in power like Judd – straight, white men. We need them to step up and be like, “I’m gonna help you tell your story.” So to all the dudes out there in power: I think everybody is hungry to see a story that hasn’t been told a million times, and truly there’s no reason that can’t be right now for many more different kinds of people who are traditionally not as represented in popular culture.
Q: Not to put this weight on you, but you did write yourself a lead in “Ruby Sparks,” so surely you can just make this happen too, right?
A: (Laughs) I have to say I do think that my mind is turned more toward, “How can I be more responsible in who I’m putting in the spotlight?” Trying to think about casting that way. Trying to think about my writing that way. But I also think everybody’s gotta do it for themselves. I think back to writing “Ruby Sparks” and it’s crazy to me that at 25, or however old I was when I wrote that, that I was like, “Oh, we’re gonna get it financed, we’re gonna make this film,” without any sense of, “I shouldn’t be raising my voice.” I think a lot of people struggle with that, and it’s hard to do. It’s not easy. It requires a huge amount of hutzpah, but I think it’s more important now than ever.
Q: To speak out on issues?
A: And to have faith in yourself. One thing that is really hard for me is, I don’t think I give myself full power of what I already know. I will ask for permission or feel I need someone to come from on high. So, I would just stress that there are a lot of ways to get a film financed and there are actually so many people now who are finding ways to do that through creative channels, so don’t wait for someone to do it for you.
Q: If you were to play a lesbian in a romantic comedy, who would you want to cast as your romantic interest?
A: Robin Wright. I just love her. Or Juliette Binoche. Some beautiful woman of the generation before me. No – honestly, if I were going to make a movie I would probably find someone who’s actually gay. I think in terms of trying to be a good ally you want to give people an opportunity who don’t have the spotlight on them as much and who don’t have as many opportunities. I think that some people are marginalized for whatever reason for their sexuality and I would probably make an effort in that direction.
Q: Speaking of onscreen gayness: Paul famously kissed Daniel Radcliffe in “Swiss Army Man.” As his longtime girlfriend, how much say do you have as to which gay men he kisses on screen?
A: Very little! And honestly, I didn’t even know they kissed in that. I really didn’t! And then I saw some clips from it and I was like, “Oh, you guys make out.” And he was like, “No, we don’t.” And I go, “Yeah, you do.” He’s like, “But we’re saving each other’s lives!” He said something that made it seem like it was the purest love. (Laughs) It was so sweet. I loved that movie, and I love that scene! Kissing underwater – it’s so romantic.
Q: You have the best taste in rom-coms. What kind of romantic comedies won’t you do?
A: I have to say that when “The Big Sick” came along I was really not looking to do another romantic comedy. Like, I’ve done it. Also, it’s not really what I got into acting to do. I love to do parts that feel more transformative to me – much more of what I’ve gotten to do on stage from what I’ve gotten to do on film. Stuff like “Olive Kitteridge” is where my true hunger lies. So, when they called me and were like, “We have a script. It’s a romantic comedy. They want you to come in,” I read it and was like, “Oh, this is so good.” It felt like a movie I hadn’t seen before.
You know, it’s hard sometimes when you’re a working actor and you need to make a living. Sometimes a script comes to you and you’re like, it’s a little bit sexist, there’s something kind of racist in here, but I guess I can improv around it or I just won’t say that line. But now I have a much harder, faster rule when scripts come to me and the representation doesn’t feel totally great, and around gay issues too. I just don’t want to be an irreverent torchbearer for something I don’t believe in, especially now.
Chris Azzopardi has interviewed a multitude of superstars, including Meryl Streep, Mariah Carey and Beyoncé. Reach him via his website at www.chris-azzopardi.com.
source https://hotspotsmagazine.com/2017/08/09/gay-adoration-why-were-crazy-for-actress-zoe-kazan/ from Hot Spots Magazine http://hotspotsmagazin.blogspot.com/2017/08/gay-adoration-why-were-crazy-for.html
0 notes
hotspotsmagazine · 7 years
Gay Adoration: Why We’re Crazy for Actress Zoe Kazan
Why aren’t more gay men professing their love to Zoe Kazan?
I wonder this after doing just that. I dote on the 33-year-old film and theater actress – star of “Ruby Sparks,” “Revolutionary Road” and HBO’s “Olive Kitteridge” – like she’s my best girlfriend. Like we have history. Like we sip cosmos and talk about what it was like to play Meryl Streep’s daughter in “It’s Complicated.”
I don’t know Kazan, but I love that she’s so committed to being the best LGBT ally she can be that she follows me on Twitter after ending the interview by telling me, “I will say, just FYI, if you ever feel like I’m not being the greatest ally, please write me on Twitter. I really do feel like I want to do the best job I can.”
I love her socially-conscious Twitter feed. Love her latest statement film, “The Big Sick,” based on the real courtship of comedian Kumail Nanjiani and his now-wife, Emily Gordon, and the turmoil it causes when his family discovers Emily is white. I love her longtime boyfriend, the also supremely talented Paul Dano. And when Kazan tells me she wants to shine a spotlight on gay actors and prefers a gay actor play her romantic interest should she ever play a lesbian role herself, I love that too.
“I have never had a gay man profess his love to me before,” Kazan demures, somehow not kidding.
Universal gay adoration is inevitable as Kazan calls on powerful, white, cisgender filmmakers to make a mainstream gay rom-com, and talks about Dano’s onscreen kiss with Daniel Radcliffe and her very human reason for advocating for the LGBT community.  
Q: Growing up in Los Angeles, California, what was your earliest connection to the LGBT community?
A: I think I was really lucky to – yes, to grow up in a neighborhood that was very diverse and inclusive, and to grow up in a family that had those values. I grew up in the ’80s and ’90s, not as progressive of a time as now. I’m sure children today have it a lot better. But I went to a really progressive school with a lot of gay teachers and that wasn’t treated special or different. It just… was. Yeah, it just was. And I had two teachers who died of AIDS in the early and mid ’90s and that was something that was talked about really openly at my school. The school advocated for them and there was a real warmth and inclusiveness. I grew up a bit outside of the reality of the world at large at that point, so when I got into high school – and, again, this was the ’90s – people would be like, “That’s so gay,” and it was a rude awakening.
Q: Is it fair to say that because of your upbringing you’re woke when it comes to gay issues and queer stuff?
A: It is to my benefit as a human that everyone has equal rights and that gay people are treated with respect in the world. That’s the way in which it feels like my issue too. It matters deeply to me. So, if that’s woke, then I guess so. Not a word I use personally but, yeah, go for it!
Q: In addition to a post regarding gay musician Perfume Genius on your Twitter…
A: Oh my god, I love Perfume Genius! Honestly, all I wanted was to go to his concert and Paul didn’t make it happen. It’s a real point of contention in our relationship right now.  
Q: Ha! You are socially and politically active on Twitter as well, with posts about Planned Parenthood, feminism and one regarding the lack of acknowledgement about Pride month from Trump and his administration. It seems like this is a part of you even though you’re not gay.
A: I care deeply about it. Part of that is, as a feminist, I always sort of rankle when people are like, “I have a mother, I have a daughter” – no, you should care about this because of basic fundamental rights for, like, a huge portion of our population. I feel the same way about LGBTQ relations where, like I said, those rights are important to me as a human.
After this administration came into power in November, one of the first things I thought about was actually what happened to gay people under Reagan – the way he ignored the AIDS crisis and how that resulted in so many more deaths, especially in the gay community. And I really felt this thing of, well, yes, our rights recovered from that and our society recovered, but there was a huge cost and not everyone made it. And I thought of that when people were saying, “We’ll get through these four years.” I thought, “Well, not everybody will get through it.” And I think a lot of Republicans think of Reagan as a beaming icon of Republicanism. In fact, during the Democratic Convention, Democrats kept referencing him as being a good example of Republican values that Democrats also shared and I was like, does no one remember the AIDS crisis? He f*cked up.
Q: We tend to forget what history told us.
A: And also what casual bigotry results in. We’re saying that right now with the rise of hate crimes in this country and what happened to that poor Muslim girl (17-year-old Nabra Hassanen was assaulted and killed on June 18 after leaving a Virginia mosque). I know that’s not the direct responsibility of our president, but I am 100 percent certain that the atmosphere of hate that he has engendered set in those man’s actions.
Q: Let’s talk about compassion, and how your new film, “The Big Sick,” is steeped in it. As a gay man, I found myself completely empathizing with these characters in ways that I didn’t think I would. For you, how do you think the overarching themes of forbidden love and familial acceptance of another’s partners may resonate with LGBT audiences?
A: One thing that really speaks so much to me about the film is how much Kumail loves his family. He loves them and part of what is dividing them is a generational divide and their relationship with religion. I would guess that a lot of gay people growing up in really religious communities might feel like their religion could be a source of division between them and their families based on what some Christians, for instance, think of gay people. There’s a part of you that feels like they’ll love you no matter what and there’s a part of you that feels like they might excommunicate you from the family. I’m very moved by the scene in which he tells them that he’s not going to leave his family after he reveals himself to them. It feels really potent to me and I’m glad it spoke to you.
Q: When do you think we can have two gay people as leads in a major romantic comedy?
A: There’s no reason that time can’t be right now. And considering the current climate in this country politically, vis-à-vis Muslims, this feels as risky a movie as a movie with two gay leads. Maybe it’s not. Maybe I’m wrong about that. But Kumail and Emily were brave and told their own story, and a lot of people took a chance on them and got behind them. And they just tried to do the best job they could of telling their story. They weren’t just striving for representation – they had one story they were burning to tell.
I would just encourage everyone out there who is like, “Maybe my story isn’t mainstream enough,” to just do it. Work really hard. They worked on this script for three years before they brought anybody else on. This movie was started because Kumail was at some standup thing that Judd Apatow saw him at and Judd came up to him and was like, “Come in and pitch me every story that you have.” And Kumail went in and pitched and Judd was like, “That’s the one.” We need our allies. Especially people in power like Judd – straight, white men. We need them to step up and be like, “I’m gonna help you tell your story.” So to all the dudes out there in power: I think everybody is hungry to see a story that hasn’t been told a million times, and truly there’s no reason that can’t be right now for many more different kinds of people who are traditionally not as represented in popular culture.
Q: Not to put this weight on you, but you did write yourself a lead in “Ruby Sparks,” so surely you can just make this happen too, right?
A: (Laughs) I have to say I do think that my mind is turned more toward, “How can I be more responsible in who I’m putting in the spotlight?” Trying to think about casting that way. Trying to think about my writing that way. But I also think everybody’s gotta do it for themselves. I think back to writing “Ruby Sparks” and it’s crazy to me that at 25, or however old I was when I wrote that, that I was like, “Oh, we’re gonna get it financed, we’re gonna make this film,” without any sense of, “I shouldn’t be raising my voice.” I think a lot of people struggle with that, and it’s hard to do. It’s not easy. It requires a huge amount of hutzpah, but I think it’s more important now than ever.
Q: To speak out on issues?
A: And to have faith in yourself. One thing that is really hard for me is, I don’t think I give myself full power of what I already know. I will ask for permission or feel I need someone to come from on high. So, I would just stress that there are a lot of ways to get a film financed and there are actually so many people now who are finding ways to do that through creative channels, so don’t wait for someone to do it for you.
Q: If you were to play a lesbian in a romantic comedy, who would you want to cast as your romantic interest?
A: Robin Wright. I just love her. Or Juliette Binoche. Some beautiful woman of the generation before me. No – honestly, if I were going to make a movie I would probably find someone who’s actually gay. I think in terms of trying to be a good ally you want to give people an opportunity who don’t have the spotlight on them as much and who don’t have as many opportunities. I think that some people are marginalized for whatever reason for their sexuality and I would probably make an effort in that direction.
Q: Speaking of onscreen gayness: Paul famously kissed Daniel Radcliffe in “Swiss Army Man.” As his longtime girlfriend, how much say do you have as to which gay men he kisses on screen?
A: Very little! And honestly, I didn’t even know they kissed in that. I really didn’t! And then I saw some clips from it and I was like, “Oh, you guys make out.” And he was like, “No, we don’t.” And I go, “Yeah, you do.” He’s like, “But we’re saving each other’s lives!” He said something that made it seem like it was the purest love. (Laughs) It was so sweet. I loved that movie, and I love that scene! Kissing underwater – it’s so romantic.
Q: You have the best taste in rom-coms. What kind of romantic comedies won’t you do?
A: I have to say that when “The Big Sick” came along I was really not looking to do another romantic comedy. Like, I’ve done it. Also, it’s not really what I got into acting to do. I love to do parts that feel more transformative to me – much more of what I’ve gotten to do on stage from what I’ve gotten to do on film. Stuff like “Olive Kitteridge” is where my true hunger lies. So, when they called me and were like, “We have a script. It’s a romantic comedy. They want you to come in,” I read it and was like, “Oh, this is so good.” It felt like a movie I hadn’t seen before.
You know, it’s hard sometimes when you’re a working actor and you need to make a living. Sometimes a script comes to you and you’re like, it’s a little bit sexist, there’s something kind of racist in here, but I guess I can improv around it or I just won’t say that line. But now I have a much harder, faster rule when scripts come to me and the representation doesn’t feel totally great, and around gay issues too. I just don’t want to be an irreverent torchbearer for something I don’t believe in, especially now.
Chris Azzopardi has interviewed a multitude of superstars, including Meryl Streep, Mariah Carey and Beyoncé. Reach him via his website at www.chris-azzopardi.com.
from Hotspots! Magazine https://hotspotsmagazine.com/2017/08/09/gay-adoration-why-were-crazy-for-actress-zoe-kazan/
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joie-university-rp · 4 years
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VITYA ALEXSI CRISTO is a NINETEEN year old FRESHMAN who lived in VLADIVOSTOK, RUS before coming to attend Joie University. HE is majoring in CREATIVE ARTS and minoring in GEMOLOGY. Some believe he looks like BILL SKARSGÅRD but VITYA just doesn’t see it. VITYA is currently a TAKEN character.
Student Census Response
What made you want to attend Joie University? It is a secure campus with a good curriculum. The housing seems nice and the students friendly enough. I am looking for a place to plan roots, to get started in life, and I want it to be here. There are loads of opportunities here and I want to find them.
What are at least 3 positive or neutral and at least 3 negative traits that you believe you possess? I’m intelligent. Beyond the classroom. I am good at reading people, what they want or need from me, which helps me understand my task. I know what I want, so I am very direct and leave little room for misinterpretation. I also have a morbid curiosity that can get me into trouble. All of these combined makes me somewhat abrasive, but that is their loss. And I am not very personable. I’ll do what needs to be done of me, but ask if I want to watch a rom-com with some popcorn, and I’m going to have to say no.
Which of your traits do you value most? My directness. If I know what I want, and it isn’t what someone else wants, then I know I need to look elsewhere. I’m not going to waste time, which is better for both involved.
How can that trait benefit the University (or its student body) as a whole? Being Russian, I’m a cultural novelty that many haven’t seen before. The fact you Americans have to wait to twenty one to drink was a major newsflash for me, so now I have to wait three more years when I already was drinking back home. The more I learn about America, the more others can learn about the motherland, beyond what some media figurehead tells us.
What do you hope to gain from your experience at JU? The obvious answer to this is a degree, but anther answer is possible dual citizenship. I hope through this, I will be able to travel between Russia and America with more than just a student visa. I truly believe I can call America home, if given the chance.
What is a quote or song lyric that describes you? “Do you realize I’m the man and I’m in my prime? And it’s my time, I swear to God I won’t waste no time. You ain’t worth a dime, no, you ain’t worth a dime. Still on my mind, you’re still on my mind.” – ‘Let Me Know (I Wonder Why Freestyle)’ by Juice Wrld
Additional Headcanons
TWs: Depression, suicidal tendencies, under age sex/drinking
Vitya Cristo has always been the baby of his family. It was not due to his age, or order in the births of his siblings, but more his health. It was discovered in his infancy he was born with a congenital heart defect. His skin was pale, he would lose his breath while feeding, and his hands and feet would swell up. His father, being a rich man in the pharmaceutical industry, wanted to fix his boy, but the medical professionals said the case was not severe enough for infant surgery. In fact, he should live a relatively normal life. His father did not see it that way. While his siblings would wander their large, mansion-like house in Vladivostok, Vitya was ordered to stay indoors. He was not allowed to play sports if not escorted, and was even monitored by a personal nanny to most of his schooling. He was isolated, unable to be a regular child because of his helicopter-like father.
Vitya’s mother was the light of his life. The woman had a fire in her, one that was freer and looser than her husband. She loved the man, of course, but disagreed with how protective he was of their son. On nights where he was away, she would sneak Vitya into the fields and courtyards and let him run around and be free. One of Vitya’s most prized memories is running through their lawn with the fireflies. He loved these moments with his mother and he learned to never take the good things for granted.
When Vitya started to enter his teen years, his father would take him to work more and more. Some days, his father would show him the labs and workers that were developing medicines, pills, and more. His father was introducing him into the business, with the obvious intent to pass it on to him. It was a cushiony job, with minimal risk, and little to no physical activity and enough money to set him up for life. It was clear was his father was trying his best to keep his son sheltered as he entered those rebellious years. It was also during this time that Vitya started displaying depressive symptoms, including self-destructive tendencies like playing with lighters and razor knives. In a hope to loosen the leash, Vitya’s mother convinced her husband to send him to school instead of teaching him at home. He, woefully, agreed.
When Vitya was sent away to an all-boys boarding school, the hope was he would become a fine young man, ready to inherit the family riches and pharmaceutical business. At first, he lived every day as if his father was there, as if his nanny still tended to him. It all changed when one night, his dorm mate woke him up to sneak out for the night and meet several other boys at the river nearby. It was near mid-terms, and the boys needed a break. Little Vitya could barely contain himself when he saw all the contraband they brought along. Booze, weed, satellite internet for porn, and hours to get through it all. That night, he partied like an actual teen for the first time in his life. He had his first kiss that night, his first blowjob, and later, at around five in the morning, his first partner. He dove into the deep-end, his sheltered soul yearning for the release and freedom all this brought him. And he reveled in it.
Vitya lived a double life from then on. During his time at home, he was the model son. Well-behaved, well-spoken. But at school, away from prying eyes, he was an absolute devil. Hours of drunken parties, bad habits like casual sex and smoking being his two favorites, and sometimes, getting into physical fights when his anger got out of hand. Vitya and his growing band of misfits found a way to bypass the school’s firewall, getting access to explicit content without hindrance. Vitya’s grades started to slip, but he didn’t care. He kept them up enough so his father would be satisfied, but that did not mean he was studying more. There was many-a-teacher he had dirt on, blackmailing his way to reasonable grades. He became a terror on the innocent boarding school almost overnight.
With his time at the school coming to an end, Vitya knew one thing for certain; there was no way he was going to be some CEO ass, dominating over people he would never bother to learn the name of. He still played the model son, faking his way into his father’s good graces, but each sideways glance to his mother told her what he really wanted; to get out. So, she did the impossible. Under the sleeping eyes of his nanny and father, his mother woke him up and snuck him outside, just like when he was a child. This time, though, she handed him a packed bag, keys to one of the cars, and a plane ticket, telling him to go. She may love her life of luxury and easy living, but she knew this was not the place for her baby. She only asked that Vitya keep an eye on his health, and use those American doctors for all their worth.
Vitya left that night and never looked back. He started out in New York, wandering to all the sites. He went to Pittsburg, New Orleans, Austin, Los Angeles; he went everywhere, explored everything, and fucked anything that gave him ‘the look’. Vitya would even set up in some motels and just let anyone in, if they had cash in hand and a bottle of booze. He got into some hairier situations, too, when those very customers would catch him clearing out their wallet. He had been cut off from his father’s fortunes when he discovered his actions, so he needed to make money somehow!
It was sheer luck when he applied as a foreign student at Joie University. He really just needed a place to stay, running out of motels to sell his ‘services’ out of. He knew he’d have to get an actual job at some point, selecting an easy degree to go after. He did enjoy drawing while growing up, and left his lovely rock collection in Russia, so illustration and gemology seemed a perfect fit. If only he could kick the Russian accent, then maybe he could fit in a bit better.
0 notes
njawaidofficial · 7 years
Critic's Notebook: Un-Demonizing Muslims, One Comedy at a Time
Critic's Notebook: Un-Demonizing Muslims, One Comedy at a Time
Using charm, humor and universal themes, a pair of Netflix shows and a big-screen rom-com are providing a timely corrective to Trump-era alarmism about Muslims.
Amid the inflammatory rhetoric and bigotry of the Trump presidency, film and television seem to be entering a brash new era of social activism. The ban on travel to the U.S. from certain Muslim countries may be in effect, but several smarter-than-fear autobiographical comedies are shattering the kind of ugly stereotypes that, at least in part, have provided the rationale for such a ban: Kumail Nanjiani’s hilarious, emotionally warm rom-com The Big Sick, Aziz Ansari’s brilliant Netflix series Master of None and Hasan Minhaj’s sharply funny Netflix standup special Homecoming King offer a realistic and refreshing corrective to alarmist images of Muslim immigrants and their American-raised children.
Separately, each of these actor-writers has a distinctive style, from Nanjiani’s droll, raised-eyebrow reactions to Ansari’s lightning-quick out-of-the-box social observations and Minhaj’s politely understated barbs. What unites them is the way their work approaches cultural identity — through the relatable theme of relationships between grown children and their parents.
The fictionalized Kumail, played by Nanjiani, pretends to his Pakistani parents that he’s religious, even though he watches YouTube videos while they think he’s praying in another room. He even lets them believe he’s up for an arranged marriage. Ansari’s character, Dev, hides another secret from his Indian parents: He eats pork. Meanwhile, Minhaj recalls in his standup how anxious he was when telling his Indian Muslim father that he wanted to marry a Hindu woman.
Each character respects his heritage but doesn’t want to turn into his parents. Nothing is more universal. The comic fear of being yelled at by your mom or dad, even as a grown-up, spans every ethnicity and religion in existence. In depicting that common experience, social themes emerge naturally in these works, with complexity and ambiguity.
In The Big Sick, Kumail performs a fumbling, earnest one-man show about his Pakistani roots. But the film is a romance before anything else, based on the true story of Nanjiani and his wife, the film’s co-author, Emily V. Gordon. Just before Emily becomes ill and is put into a medically induced coma, the couple breaks up because Kumail’s parents insist he marry a Pakistani woman or be cut off from them forever. “I can’t lose my family,” he tells Emily.
Later, he comes clean to his parents about his love for a white woman and his ambivalence about religion. “Islam has been good for you. It has made you good people,” he says. “But I don’t know what I believe. I just need to figure it out on my own.” His honesty is touching and his need to find his own way hints at a truth about generational change that goes beyond cultural particulars.
Dev, an actor, is only loosely based on Ansari, but it’s well known that Ansari’s real parents play his mother and father. The older generation’s different grasp of culture is woven throughout the series. The recently released second season of Master of None finds Dev having his own come-clean moment. His mother stops speaking to him because he has admitted he’s not religious and ordered pork in front of religious relatives. In a conciliatory conversation, Dev’s father explains that he can drink and eat pork, but “when you do it in front of Mom it hurts her feelings.” The exchange is about Islam but applies to hundreds of other situations. In fact, Dev and his Korean-American friend, Brian, often compare their similar generational issues.
The popularity of these comedies — especially The Big Sick, a major indie hit — reveals how effectively they have touched universal emotions. A major part of their appeal is that they make their points without preaching. The resolution of Dev’s quarrel with his mother is wry, loving and irreverent. He pulls out the Quran she gave him when he left for college and texts her a quote: “To you be your religion, and to me my religion.” She replies that at least he read it. When Dev asks if it’s OK to eat bacon, she texts back: “BOY GET OUTTA HERE.”
Although these comedies speak across ethnic divides, their creators are astutely aware of countering the demonized image of Muslims that persists in pop culture as well as politics. As Ansari noted in an interview with New York Magazine, if all Muslims on screen resemble the terrorists on Homeland or 24, of course, the public will be horrified. “If every time you saw a Muslim person on TV, and it’s my dad, you’ll be like, ‘These goofy people! They’re probably gonna ask me for a bite of my sandwich,’” he said.
The parents in these comedies are not just warm and goofy; they are white-collar professionals. Dev’s father and Minhaj’s mother, for example, are doctors. Their professions refute the stereotype of immigrants feeding off America. But Minhaj’s standup reveals that class doesn’t save anyone from bias. A major segment of his routine concerns his high-school girlfriend, whose parents were just fine with him until prom time, when they decided their white daughter could not turn up with a non-white date. The special is virtually a coming-of-age story about a California-born son of immigrants forging his own identity — which in Minhaj’s case includes skewering anti-Muslim images on The Daily Show and triumphing with anti-Trump jokes at the White House Correspondents Dinner.
Traditional comedies tend to deal with immigrants in a more timid way. Network and cable shows have broadened their range of ethnic groups recently to include families like the Taiwanese-American Huangs on ABC’s Fresh Off the Boat and the Cuban-American Alvarez clan on Netflix’s rebooted One Day At a Time. But most shows have avoided focusing on Muslims. Safely traditional sitcom characters don’t often deal with the type of problem Kumail does in The Big Sick, when a heckler at his comedy show yells: “Go back to ISIS.” And artistically, most series that touch on immigration and conflicts of cultural identity are still bound by the cookie-cutter tropes of the old-time network model. (The exception is Fresh Off the Boat, which deftly blends the parents’ immigrant status and culture with idiosyncrasies of character.)
Though the daring works by Ansari, Nanjiani and Minhaj are taking powerful steps in redefining the image of Muslims, the process may be long. Veep, the most pointed satire on television, reveals the distance between the humanistic optimism of these new comedies and the actual state of American politics today. This season, former President Selina Meyer has a romance with Jaffar, a Muslim diplomat from Qatar. (He’s also the great-grandson of an arms dealer: This is Veep, so no one is pristine.) She seems to have found happiness. Then she decides to run for president again. We have never seen her so emotionally raw or genuine; still, there is no question in her mind or her advisors’ about what she has to do — break up with the Muslim guy to preserve her political life. It’s not as charming a picture of American society as on Master of None, but capturing that brutal reality is its own kind of resistance.  
#Comedy #Critics #Muslims #Notebook #Time #UnDemonizing
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njawaidofficial · 7 years
Critic's Notebook: Un-Demonizing Muslims, One Comedy at a Time
Critic's Notebook: Un-Demonizing Muslims, One Comedy at a Time
Using charm, humor and universal themes, a pair of Netflix shows and a big-screen rom-com are providing a timely corrective to Trump-era alarmism about Muslims.
Amid the inflammatory rhetoric and bigotry of the Trump presidency, film and television seem to be entering a brash new era of social activism. The ban on travel to the U.S. from certain Muslim countries may be in effect, but several smarter-than-fear autobiographical comedies are shattering the kind of ugly stereotypes that, at least in part, have provided the rationale for such a ban: Kumail Nanjiani’s hilarious, emotionally warm rom-com The Big Sick, Aziz Ansari’s brilliant Netflix series Master of None and Hasan Minhaj’s sharply funny Netflix standup special Homecoming King offer a realistic and refreshing corrective to alarmist images of Muslim immigrants and their American-raised children.
Separately, each of these actor-writers has a distinctive style, from Nanjiani’s droll, raised-eyebrow reactions to Ansari’s lightning-quick out-of-the-box social observations and Minhaj’s politely understated barbs. What unites them is the way their work approaches cultural identity — through the relatable theme of relationships between grown children and their parents.
The fictionalized Kumail, played by Nanjiani, pretends to his Pakistani parents that he’s religious, even though he watches YouTube videos while they think he’s praying in another room. He even lets them believe he’s up for an arranged marriage. Ansari’s character, Dev, hides another secret from his Indian parents: He eats pork. Meanwhile, Minhaj recalls in his standup how anxious he was when telling his Indian Muslim father that he wanted to marry a Hindu woman.
Each character respects his heritage but doesn’t want to turn into his parents. Nothing is more universal. The comic fear of being yelled at by your mom or dad, even as a grown-up, spans every ethnicity and religion in existence. In depicting that common experience, social themes emerge naturally in these works, with complexity and ambiguity.
In The Big Sick, Kumail performs a fumbling, earnest one-man show about his Pakistani roots. But the film is a romance before anything else, based on the true story of Nanjiani and his wife, the film’s co-author, Emily V. Gordon. Just before Emily becomes ill and is put into a medically induced coma, the couple breaks up because Kumail’s parents insist he marry a Pakistani woman or be cut off from them forever. “I can’t lose my family,” he tells Emily.
Later, he comes clean to his parents about his love for a white woman and his ambivalence about religion. “Islam has been good for you. It has made you good people,” he says. “But I don’t know what I believe. I just need to figure it out on my own.” His honesty is touching and his need to find his own way hints at a truth about generational change that goes beyond cultural particulars.
Dev, an actor, is only loosely based on Ansari, but it’s well known that Ansari’s real parents play his mother and father. The older generation’s different grasp of culture is woven throughout the series. The recently released second season of Master of None finds Dev having his own come-clean moment. His mother stops speaking to him because he has admitted he’s not religious and ordered pork in front of religious relatives. In a conciliatory conversation, Dev’s father explains that he can drink and eat pork, but “when you do it in front of Mom it hurts her feelings.” The exchange is about Islam but applies to hundreds of other situations. In fact, Dev and his Korean-American friend, Brian, often compare their similar generational issues.
The popularity of these comedies — especially The Big Sick, a major indie hit — reveals how effectively they have touched universal emotions. A major part of their appeal is that they make their points without preaching. The resolution of Dev’s quarrel with his mother is wry, loving and irreverent. He pulls out the Quran she gave him when he left for college and texts her a quote: “To you be your religion, and to me my religion.” She replies that at least he read it. When Dev asks if it’s OK to eat bacon, she texts back: “BOY GET OUTTA HERE.”
Although these comedies speak across ethnic divides, their creators are astutely aware of countering the demonized image of Muslims that persists in pop culture as well as politics. As Ansari noted in an interview with New York Magazine, if all Muslims on screen resemble the terrorists on Homeland or 24, of course, the public will be horrified. “If every time you saw a Muslim person on TV, and it’s my dad, you’ll be like, ‘These goofy people! They’re probably gonna ask me for a bite of my sandwich,’” he said.
The parents in these comedies are not just warm and goofy; they are white-collar professionals. Dev’s father and Minhaj’s mother, for example, are doctors. Their professions refute the stereotype of immigrants feeding off America. But Minhaj’s standup reveals that class doesn’t save anyone from bias. A major segment of his routine concerns his high-school girlfriend, whose parents were just fine with him until prom time, when they decided their white daughter could not turn up with a non-white date. The special is virtually a coming-of-age story about a California-born son of immigrants forging his own identity — which in Minhaj’s case includes skewering anti-Muslim images on The Daily Show and triumphing with anti-Trump jokes at the White House Correspondents Dinner.
Traditional comedies tend to deal with immigrants in a more timid way. Network and cable shows have broadened their range of ethnic groups recently to include families like the Taiwanese-American Huangs on ABC’s Fresh Off the Boat and the Cuban-American Alvarez clan on Netflix’s rebooted One Day At a Time. But most shows have avoided focusing on Muslims. Safely traditional sitcom characters don’t often deal with the type of problem Kumail does in The Big Sick, when a heckler at his comedy show yells: “Go back to ISIS.” And artistically, most series that touch on immigration and conflicts of cultural identity are still bound by the cookie-cutter tropes of the old-time network model. (The exception is Fresh Off the Boat, which deftly blends the parents’ immigrant status and culture with idiosyncrasies of character.)
Though the daring works by Ansari, Nanjiani and Minhaj are taking powerful steps in redefining the image of Muslims, the process may be long. Veep, the most pointed satire on television, reveals the distance between the humanistic optimism of these new comedies and the actual state of American politics today. This season, former President Selina Meyer has a romance with Jaffar, a Muslim diplomat from Qatar. (He’s also the great-grandson of an arms dealer: This is Veep, so no one is pristine.) She seems to have found happiness. Then she decides to run for president again. We have never seen her so emotionally raw or genuine; still, there is no question in her mind or her advisors’ about what she has to do — break up with the Muslim guy to preserve her political life. It’s not as charming a picture of American society as on Master of None, but capturing that brutal reality is its own kind of resistance.  
#Comedy #Critics #Muslims #Notebook #Time #UnDemonizing
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