#flirting is an automatic ko for me
lone-is-papyrus · 9 months
Not me being called pretty and automatically blushing. Haven't been called pretty in a bit haha, normally I'm the one flirting with the cute girls not the other way around
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zoeykallus · 6 months
Hi, Zoey! Are your requests open? I had an idea after watching Kenobi.
There’s a scene in Kenobi where the Inquisitors show up to a market place in search of Jedi. They throw a knife at the shop owner knowing that the Jedi hiding among the patrons will stop the knife from harming him. It would be interesting to see that with Hunter.
Maybe Hunter and Cid’s bartender have a relationship. Bartender was weary of the clones at first but warmed up to them and liked Hunter. They just started dating when Inquisitors show up. They use the knife trick on someone (maybe even Omega) and bartender is forced to expose themselves as a former Jedi.
I’d love to see how Hunter would react to that.
oh oh oh oh... I got something in my head!
*Running in circles*
I actually had a scene like this in my head for a while now, I put the whole batch in there but focus on Hunter as a love interest.
Hunter x Jedi/Reader - One-Shot - The Things We Do For Love
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Warnings: Angst/Canon Typical Violence/Blood/Fluff
No one knows about your past with the Jedi order. You are forced to drop your cover, when you try to save Hunter's life.
Ko-Fi (If you feel like giving me some coffee)
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It's strange, life after Order 66 - hiding, pretending to be someone else. And it doesn't get any easier every day as you'd hoped, at least not at first. Cid's Bar, that's where you ended up at some point. You work behind the counter. You serve all kinds of strange clientele. Cid's Bar is like a meeting place for all kinds of scum in the Galaxy. Life has changed, a lot. Priorities change. The code after you've lived so long is nowhere near as important as surviving and belonging somewhere so you're not completely alone in this universe. But you can't open up to anyone, not exactly the most decent people come and go here. So you keep a low profile. You even flirt here and there to keep up appearances, but at the same time, you keep everyone at a distance. And then, to make matters worse, these clones turn up. Automatically, every alarm sounds inside you. Order 66 flares up in your memory, sharp and painful. It takes so much willpower to stay calm, to not let anything get to you, so much trauma hangs in every thought of clones. No one knows who you are, no one even suspects that you were part of the Jedi Order.
And yet these men surprise you, especially one of them who leads the group. He is so thoughtful, so serious. Hunter always seems to be lost in thought, trying to keep everything under control, to ensure safety. He rarely leans back and really takes a breath. He's almost always worried and tense, you can feel it in the Force. But eventually, he thaws out, you somehow strike up a conversation, and you quickly learn how much depth and kindness lie beneath that brooding, skeptical exterior. Hunter can even be funny, very observant and above all else, he's decent, probably one of the most decent people to ever come and go in this bar. You catch yourself admiring him. Your eyes meet more and more often, you talk to each other more often, even flirt. But this flirting is different, it's not fake, it feels real, exciting and for you, with your past, completely new and almost reckless. You are both obviously interested in each other, just as you are both shy and cautious in a certain way. Weeks, even months go by before your hands touch for the first time, and he asks you out.
You can see it in his face, he can hardly believe it himself, hidden behind his smile is a nervous boy who is incredibly afraid of being rejected by you. The big, brooding leader has a great weakness, you. Of course, you say yes, you can hardly resist this special man, clone soldier or not, Hunter has so much good in him, he attracts you like a magnet, not to mention his good, bold looks do the rest.
It starts like any other evening. More or less. After your first date, Hunter usually comes into the bar smiling, automatically seeking your gaze as soon as he walks through the door. You can't help it, you smile back every time, accompanied by a warm tingling in your stomach, warmth rising in your cheeks and ears.
But something is different today. There is a presence in the room, dark, determined, hard as stone, surrounded by sharp edges. You sense this presence in the Force, its intransigence. You look around in alarm. The bar is a little busier today, your gaze wanders more or less inconspicuously around the room. Then you see him. You meet cold eyes, eyes as blue as sapphires, their gaze steely and sharp, so intense that you automatically lower your own gaze and distractedly clean a glass. But you know this person has already noticed you. Right now you're feverishly thinking about your next steps and how to get out of here alive without putting anyone in danger. Hunter frowns worriedly, watching you. He can tell something is wrong. Tech is talking to him, but he is focused on you right now. He leaves the table where he was sitting with his brothers and is about to come over to you when he hears a voice say clearly and distinctly, not shouting but loud enough, "CT 9901"
You feel hot and cold, a shiver runs down your spine, you're sure Hunter feels the same way, you can see it on his face. All the heads at the Bad Batch table look up in surprise, shock and alarm. Hunter turns to the voice that seems to be coming from one of the other tables a few meters away. A man suddenly stands up, slowly, unhurriedly, confidently. Like a predator who is sure of his prey, who has no reason to be afraid, no need to hurry. Neither you nor Hunter like the body language. What surprises you, however, is that this man, in his strange, dark uniform, is not looking for you as you expected, but obviously for Hunter and presumably his brothers. "All 99ers in one room, this must be my lucky day. And not only that, I feel like I'm getting a little something extra on top of that," the somber stranger says, his voice deep and clear, almost melodic.
The room falls silent, as if the presence of this man demands it. With a confident little smile, the man pulls a knife from his belt, the first movement is slow, almost sluggish, but the throw comes so suddenly that you barely have time to react. It has become so quiet in the bar that you could hear a pin drop. But when the blade suddenly seems to stop in mid-air barely a centimeter from Hunter's eye, a murmur goes through the room. You're sure you can hear someone whispering the word Jedi.
Hunter only lets out a quiet, "What the hell", he can't help but stare at the blade for a moment. He should be dead, he realizes, that vibro blade should have drilled into his skull, but there it is, hovering right in front of his face. Out of the corner of his eye he sees your outstretched hand, your concentrated gaze, and he begins to understand. You stopped the blade from killing him, you stopped it in its tracks. The stranger's cool voice draws you both back to him. "I knew I sensed a Jedi in the room, and I knew you couldn't resist to show yourself" In the next moment everything happens very quickly, there is no time to think, to process, to make plans. The man reaches out his hand, and you feel his grip on you in the force. You are swept over the bar counter, with a pull on your body, trough the force, knocking over two tables on your way to the floor. Everything around you happens in a haze, you hear Hunter cursing angrily, blaster shots, the distinctive buzz of an awakening lightsaber, screams from the other patrons. A red glow fills the room. The smell of burned flesh.
Your left side hurts. You landed hard on the tables when the Sith Force-wrenched you over the counter, maybe you cracked a few ribs. There are shards on the surrounding floor from the glasses that went down. As you try to pick yourself up, you accidentally reach in and cut your right palm. The pain is sharp, clear and distinct, bringing you back to reality from your surprise. You jump to your feet, skillfully, supported by the force that flows through and envelops you. It's been a long time since you've used the Force and your abilities in this way, but it's as if you've never let it out of your fingers, the lightsaber sliding into your hand, its blade glowing blue with its characteristic hum. Blood runs down the hilt of your weapon from the open cut on your hand, it burns, but you ignore the pain. You feel Hunter's gaze, he is still confused. He knows what you are now, but he certainly hasn't processed the news yet. At the moment, you all have other things to worry about. Did the Sith come alone? Are there Stormtroopers waiting for you outside the bar?
You concentrate on the force, on the intentions of your opponent. Everything you feel emanating from him is sharp, dark, glowing hot. He is driven by rage, and the moment your lightsabers cross, you feel all the hatred in his attacks, which are admittedly much stronger than you expected. You've never fought a real Sith before. The first touch of your lightsabers is like an electric shock, an incredibly hard impact, a wave of fury that seems to roll over you from your opponent. The hilt of your weapon is slippery with your own blood, you have to grab it hastily with both hands so that the sword doesn't slip from your grasp or your opponent will decapitate you. For a moment, Hunter's concern penetrates your perception, but you shut him out and have to concentrate. A quick exchange of blows follows, attack, parry, retreat, attack, parry... The handle of your weapon becomes increasingly slippery with your own blood. Then it happens, another hard blow, you parry, the impact of the blades causes your weapon to slip away.
You hear Hunter yell out, hear the shock in his voice, the terror in that simple word, "No!" His blaster lies on the ground, sliced in half by the Sith's blade. Hunter has pulled his knife from his belt in a split second, lunging in the Sith's direction. The blade of your attacker hovers just in front of your neck, you hold the Sith and his weapon in this position with all the strength you can muster with body and force. Your heart races, adrenaline flows through your body. There are only millimeters between your life and death. Millimeters before the red lightsaber could sever your head from your shoulders. Hunter reaches an arm around the Sith's neck and jabs his knife into his side. The sergeant's voice is dark and smoky as he rasps, "Not on my watch"
The red lightsaber goes out and falls to the ground. Hunter kicks it aside, away from the Sith's hands, and lets the mortally wounded attacker slide to the ground. You see Hunter's chest rise and fall, still electrified, while your adrenaline suddenly subsides and your hands begin to tremble a little. You concentrate on the force, your center, and banish the trembling from your limbs. With a sigh, you look at the man on the ground, who is taking his last breaths, his cold, sapphire eyes still looking up at you with hatred, but there is also reluctance in them, surprise, defiance. Echo kneels down next to him, feels his pulse. "Quite dead," he says dryly, and with a glance at your extinguished lightsaber, he asks, "Care to explain?" "Take it easy, Echo. I guess it's obvious why we're only finding out now, it would have been dangerous to reveal the truth," Hunter says calmly and steps closer, carefully grabbing your hand and looking at the cut.
"That needs stitching," Tech says with a sideways glance and adds, "I can do it when we get to the Marauder, we should get out of here, more will come" The others lead the way, Hunter and you follow at a slight distance. You can't quite believe it yet. CF99 accepts you into their midst, no ifs, no questions, yet. Admittedly, Echo is still a little skeptical, but he always is. But you're part of it now, you're no longer alone. The thought spikes a feeling of euphoria in you. "Looks like Clone Force 99 has its own Jedi now," Hunter says with a wry smile. You crack a smile, liking the idea, forgetting for a moment your bleeding hand and the drops of blood that fall to the ground and on your tunic. Crosshair, who is walking ahead of you, casts a jaunty glance over his shoulder and says dryly, "Just don't expect me to follow your orders, General." He says it with a wink, even if his words sound a little hostile, he is friendly to you, you sense his intentions in the Force.
You say quietly, "I wasn't going to give you orders, you have a working system as a group, I wouldn't dream of changing it" The Sniper laughs softly, "Clever Jedi" Hunter drops back a little, and you do the same, sensing that he has something to say to you. After a little while, on your way to the Marauder, he says seriously, "You gave up your cover to save my life, thank you" You chuckle and say softly, "The things we do for love" Hunter listens in surprise and asks, "So our dates aren't part of your cover?" You've opened up to him in the force, feeling his pulse, the tingling under his skin as if it were your own. "I would never play with your feelings, not even as a cover," you say seriously. Hunter breathes a sigh of relief and asks, "So nothing will change between us?" "I'd like us to continue our relationship and see where it takes us," you reply with a warm smile. You feel his relief, his affection, and you breathe a sigh of relief as well.
"That's what I want too," he says, carefully grabbing your hand and taking another look at the wound. "That looks really bad," he says, frowning. Wrecker comes rushing up and murmurs, "Now hurry up, or our Jedi will bleed to death!" Impatiently, he grabs you and lifts you off your feet to carry you to the Marauder. You make a small, startled noise. "Wrecker," Hunter says softly, admonishing. "What? The little Jedi got hurt!" Wrecker returns unperturbed and carries you to the Marauder. "It's just a cut on my hand," you say, waving it off. "It's bleeding a lot," Tech comments as Wrecker sets you down next to him and points at your stained tunic. Tech already has medical supplies ready, including a needle and thread, but first Echo cleans the wound. You grit your teeth, because the cleaning stings a lot. Echo says knowingly, "Don't worry, it'll be done in a minute"
Wrecker asks curiously, "Is the Jedi officially with us now?" Hunter sits down opposite you and watches as your wound is taken care of, he says, "I think so" "But I'm not really a Jedi anymore. There is no longer a Jedi order and I haven't been following the code for a while now, at least not to the letter," Hunter's eyes meet yours at the last words. Your heart beats faster as a smile twitches at the corner of his mouth. "We're not really regular clones either, we're not really soldiers anymore," Tech says lightly. Crosshair sticks a toothpick in his mouth and mutters, "Welcome to the defect squad, I have a feeling you'll fit in perfectly here"
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Ko-Fi (If you feel like giving me some coffee)
@andyoufollowyourheart @clone-whore-99
@brynhildrmimi @kaliel2310
@misogirl828 @tech-deck
@nahoney22 @ladykatakuri
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iviarellereads · 4 months
The Great Hunt, Chapter 32 - Dangerous Words
(THIS PROJECT IS SPOILER FREE! No spoilers past the chapter you click on. Curious what I'm doing here? Read this post! For the link index and a primer on The Wheel of Time, read this one! Like what you see? Send me a Ko-Fi.)
(Harp icon) In which someone's way, way out of his element.
PERSPECTIVE: Rand dismounts his horse, smooths his coat, and approaches the house, with an escort of ten Shienarans, plus Ingtar, Hurin, Verin, and Loial, with Mat acting as Rand's manservant, since he can feel the dagger when it's close. Rand presents the invitation, and makes introductions of the official major guests he brings with him, and they're all welcomed in.
There's a page of describing the inside of the house, and ongoing commentary about the outfits of the lords and ladies. Shortly, Barthanes himself greets them, then leaves. Loial whispers to Rand that there's a Waygate nearby, then they all separate to mingle for appearances, since they can't leave until Mat and Hurin find the stolen items anyway. Rand keeps walking firmly to avoid making small talk with anyone.
Eventually, Barthanes settles in to walk next to Rand, saying he seems restless. Rand says he just likes to walk, and settles into the arrogant sword practice walk he used that day meeting the Amyrlin. He says Bart has a lot of friends, and Bart says yes, and Rand can tell Galldrian how many and who they are. Rand insists he's never met the king and he doesn't expect to do so.
Bart is skeptical, and says of course, Rand just happened to be in that little village, he wasn't checking up on anything. Rand thinks a moment, then says it's dangerous to meddle with Age of Legends artifacts. Bart perks up and asks if Rand does *not* support Galldrian? Rand repeats that he's never met the King. Bart remarks that he didn't know Andormen played the Great Game so well. It takes all Rand's patience not to yell at him.(1)
Bart makes probing questions about the party, and Rand says they are who they said they were, thinking that that excepts himself. Bart says he's very young to carry a heron-marked blade, and Rand replies automatically that he's less than a year old, in the habit of Borderlanders to state their age by the time they received their swords. Bart latches on to this, an Andorman, but Borderland trained... or Warder trained. He mentions Morgase's only son, Gawyn, saying he must be very like Rand in age. Rand cautiously replies that he's met him. Bart says the royal line of Andor has almost Aiel colouring in their hair and eyes, by reputation.
Rand stumbles on the smooth marble floor and states he's not Aiel, and he's not a royal Andoran. Bart nods and says Rand has given him much to think about, then leaves. Rand prays that Mat and Hurin find something, anything, soon. As he enters another room, there's Thom strumming his harp and reciting a Horn tale.
As Rand makes to leave the room, a young noble lady stops him, stating Rand's name, and asking if it's true he plays the flute. Several other noble women converge on Rand and flirt with varying degrees of subtlety.(2) He sees that Thom has just finished playing and excuses himself from the ladies to go talk to him. Thom nearly chokes on his wine when Rand starts explaining about the women, and then the Game they think he's playing. Thom identifies the ladies, remarks about their plays, then turns back to Rand and says that he said he was clear of Aes Sedai, and now he's shown up with one at his side. Rand says he just needs to see the Horn safe and clear. Thom stops, remarking that Rand sounded like the Horn was safe the other day. Rand says it was stolen, and taken here, and Bart's a Darkfriend.
Thom looks around quickly, saying that's a dangerous accusation to make whether it's true or not. Well, the last time he helped Rand he got a limp out of it, so the boy will have to get out of this cookpot himself. He sounds more like he's trying to convince himself not to help than he's trying to tell Rand no to a question never asked. Rand confirms that he will get himself out, hoping for Hurin to appear.
And, as if summoned, so he does, saying Rand's servant fell and injured himself. Rand calls him a clumsy fool and says he'd better go see how badly, which is apparently the right call. Before he leaves, Thom whispers that Cairhien plays the Great Game, but the White Tower invented it, then goes back to his gleeman-ing. Rand just follows Hurin out.
(1) Rand has no patience for politicking. Mind, Cairhien takes politicking to a whole different level that might rival the White Tower. Who would have the patience for all that? (2) My husband leaves me all alone in my great big manor, I'd just looooove to have some company~~~
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himemiyasanthy · 1 year
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"putting me in overdrive"
trigun vash x wolfwood explicit 1.7k words pwp | canon compliant | flirting | '98 trigun flavor | whorewood
Vash and Wolfwood reunite in May City. “Later” can’t come soon enough.
(Sequel to “with you it’s automatic” in which Vash returns the favor.)
read here | prequel
this fic was commissioned by the lovely @pastayes ! Thank you so much!! 💖
interested in a fic commission of your own? see my post here
twitter | ko-fi | ao3
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sundersecrets · 8 months
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# SUNDERSECRETS : ind. & pr. roleplay blog for EDEN VEGA, an original character for Baldur's Gate 3. Proprietor of THE GARDEN : bathhouse, teahouse, hub of entertainment and pleasure. Broker of secrets. Warlock pacted to the fey Queen of the Unseelie Court.
Written by Ray, she/her, 32. Rules under cut. Minors DNI, 21+.
Ray, 32, she/her. This blog is 21+. If you are under the age of 21, do not follow me. This is for my own comfort. If I have reason to believe that you are lying or deliberately trying to conceal your age, I will block you.
Muse is Eden Vega, the sister of my OC Solomon Vega. This blog is a sideblog to Solomon's blog, which can be found @sunderdust. Follows will come from there.
FC is Ko Yoon-Jung from the series Alchemy of Souls.
This blog is private, meaning I will only interact with those I follow. My priority is always on writing; I follow those I'd be interested in writing with.
Asks are my primary means of starting new interactions, so my ask box is always open! I am incredibly open to using ask memes to explore different dynamics or test the waters for a ship, so don't feel shy if anything feels a bit flirtatious (or aggressive). These dynamics are open to everyone. You're also always welcome to continue asks as a thread—I put a lot of work into my ask replies, so it makes me happy when they're picked up.
I have a preference for blogs that use small text formatting, though if you choose not to format this way it doesn't automatically exclude you from a follow or interaction.
I am a sucker for shipping. I love it. Ships will happen, and flirting is always welcome. That said, ships with depth and development take time to build. A character professing their love after only a few days may not get the response they're looking for. And while I enjoy shipping, I always try to gauge mutual interest before moving in that direction. NSFT, if it happens, will be cut and tagged.
I do not have any triggers but will try to tag any that come up. If I miss anything, please let me know. I generally avoid subjects that could be triggering to others, because it's just not the content I'm here for.
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lancermylove · 3 years
My Beloved (HC)
Fandom: Magi
Pairing: Sinbad, Alexis, Kouen, Hakuryuu, Judal with fem!Reader
Warning: Mild angst in some of the hcs. 
Requested by: Spiraling anon
Prompt: THE LACK OF MAGI REQUESTS IS A CRIME can I get Sinbad, Alexis, Kouen, Hakuryuu, Judal and Alibaba hcs with a courtesan s/o? 👀 
A/N: Spiraling, I ended up binge watch half of Magi (S1) after seeing your request. XD I really want a third season, but at the same time, I don’t want it...Sin didn’t deserve what he got. Ohtaka seems to have a problem with powerful men or something. T_____T Also, I hope you were not looking for n.sfw because this hc is very sfw. 🤣
Sinbad will spoil you to no end, especially if he's busy and can't spend time with you. He will gift you the finest jewelry, clothes, and footwear. If you are interested in learning an art or studying, he will send the best instructors to you. Sinbad will fulfill any wish you have unless it involves you staying away from him for a long time, like traveling around the world. 
All the other women in the palace envy you to no end. In case any woman bullies you, Sinbad will ask Yamraiha to...you know, have a "nice chat" with her. 
If he is stressed, you're the first person he will visit...after Ja'far forces him to finish his work. Just seeing you is enough to make the king forget about his pain/stress. 
Since you are Sinbad's favorite, no other man is allowed to touch you. Not that anyone would dare unless they have a death wish. 
When Ja'far started noticing Sin's feelings towards you, he warned the king, and even now, the assassin continues to warn Sinbad to control his heart. Ja'far has nothing against you, but he is well aware of how Sin's mind and heart work. 
When the Fanalis learned from his sister that you had taken a liking to him, he was surprised. A lot of people find the Fanalis, including him, to be intimidating/scary.  It didn't take long for him to warm up to the idea of spending more time with you. 
If Muu is in the Reim Empire, he spends time with you every day, or at least stop by to check on you. If he is out on a diplomatic affair or accompanying Scheherazade, Muu will write letters to you. 
The Fanalis doesn't like that you're part of Nerva's court as he isn't fond of the prince. He wants to get you out of the court, even if it means stealing you away. 
Muu always thought he would spend his life alone, but after meeting you, he no longer likes the idea of being alone. He loves you with all his heart and is completely devoted to you. 
If, for some reason, you stop loving him or don't want to be with him, Muu will forever hold you in his heart. 
At first, Alibaba thought of you as a dear friend, but when he fell in love with you, he fell hard. 
The first thing he wants to do is get you out of the royal court (if you are part of anyone else's court). He has seen what his mother went through, and he doesn't want you to experience the same. Just the thought of it gives him anxiety. 
Out of all the men on this list, Alibaba treats you with the most respect. He doesn't shower you with gifts but does shower you with affection. Wherever he goes, you go - as long as it's not dangerous. 
Since you are with Alibaba, you are automatically Aladdin's best friend. The prince doesn't care about the magi touching women's chests as long he doesn't touch yours. He will force Aladdin to sister zone you if that happens. 
Overall, the prince treasures you dearly and plans to do that for the rest of his life. Who knows, one day you might be his wife...maybe his queen. 
At first, Judal only thought of you as a source of entertainment - someone he can tease and prank. That changed when the magi saw another man trying to flirt with you. Something snapped inside him, and well...the man turned into a popsicle...a very dead popsicle.  
Gifts? What are those? The magi spoils you with physical love, mostly cuddles. He LOVES to cuddle, and if you don't, too bad, so sad.
Judal is very possessive; you are HIS, and everyone needs to understand that. He will not let any other man get close to you and will throw a tantrum if needed.
The magi keeps you far away from Al-Thamen's business; he knows what they are capable of, and the last thing Judal wants is for them to use you against him.
There is just one thing Judal doesn't understand...whenever he thinks of something happening to you, he gets this tight feeling in his chest. Why is that?
Kouen would spoil you but within limits. He doesn't want you to think you have control over him, nor does he want to give a delusion of devotion.
He is a prince and of royal blood, meaning his future wife will be a princess. Even if he gets married, the prince will continue to spend time with you and spoil you. 
Like Sinbad, Kouen will not let any other man touch you or get close to you. Everyone in the palace is aware of this, and they also know the prince won't hesitate to kill them. This also means you are not allowed to look at any other man. 
If you can sing, paint, or play an instrument, Kouen will often ask you to show him your talent. 
If you are highly educated and can hold an intelligent conversation, the prince will be very impressed. Kouen will even consider bringing you with him when he travels for diplomatic meetings. 
Rather than giving you gifts, Hakuryuu prefers to spoil you with attention, hugs, and kisses. He still randomly surprises you with gifts since he is royalty and all. 
The prince tries to spend time with you at least once a week, but sometimes he is so busy that he doesn't have time to sleep. If that happens, Hakuryuu writes you an apology letter and promises to make it up to you. 
Like his cousin, Haku respects highly educated and/or talented individuals. If you have any talents, then he will admire you to no end. In case you want to learn a skill, Haku will be more than happy to find a suitable instructor for you. 
The prince loathes the day he has to marry someone else. He knows one day, his family members will force him to take in a royal wife. Even if this happens, Hakuryuu will assure you that his heart belongs to you and you only. He will spend more time with you than his wife, and in the Kou Empire, this is perfectly normal. 
➣ Magi Masterlist
➣ Buy me a Ko-fi? ➣ Commission: Open || Requests: Closed
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buildmeafairytale · 3 years
Female Reader x Male Selkie
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This is my very first commission! I was commissioned by @shy-basementchild for a birthday present for her friend, @anjhope1. They’re the sweetest and I’m so glad I got to write this for them! It was fun to write and a new experience to write for someone other than myself. I hope you guys enjoy reading it and if anyone is interested in a commission or monster match, my ko-fi is here. 
You leave your house in the afternoon and the cool air is nothing but a familiar comfort under the layers you have on. Like most days, the rocky beach beckons you to its shore. You manuvare the cliffs like you’ve done it a thousand times. You probably have by now. This place has been home for a while now. The town is more of a small fishing village but there’s a touristy block that has lots of shops that you frequent. It’s a cold and rainy place, but it just makes your house feel all the cozier for it.  
The beach is even colder, with the chill turning your nose rosie. You breathe in the crisp air, relishing in the way it stings your lungs. You gaze out towards the rolling waves only to see what looks like a head poking out of the water. It’s foggy and far enough away that you convince yourself it’s a seal, not dwelling on it while you take your walk. 
You’ve established a routine in this seaside village. You do a bit of freelance work in the mornings and leave the afternoons for your adventuring, finding the best coffee spots and shops in town. But the beach is your favorite by far. From the way the rocks crunch under your foot to the rhythmic sounds of the waves lapping the shore, this was your happy place. 
The next day is quite the same. You walk your beach, picking up stray bits of trash you find. This time when you look out to the ocean, the head that pops up looks much more like a man’s than a seal. Your breath catches in your throat and you can’t tear your eyes away. He’s still so far away, bobbing along with the waves and seemingly staring right back at you. And then he’s gone, just as quickly as he was there. As you walk the hair on the back of your neck prickles. You feel like you’re being watched but every time you turn to look no one is there. 
This goes on, but the next few times he seems to get closer. It takes some time to come to terms with the fact your mind isn’t playing tricks on you, but by the time he’s closer to the shore you can no longer deny it. You wave and he just tilts his head and stares. You’re confused and unsure about things, and feel a bit crazy. You wonder if the fishermen working the docks would know anything about the mysterious man in the water so you make a trip down there
The docks are several miles up the beach, and you always make a point to avoid it. It’s bustling with people going between boats emptying lobster traps and the air smells like fish. You're nervous and watching your feet, making sure you don’t misstep on the slippery wood underneath you. You feel like everyone is looking at you but hardly anyone has seemed to bat an eye at your presence, all of them too busy to worry about you. You keep scanning the crowd in hopes of finding someone to ask about your man in the water. You’re ready to give up when you lock eyes with a man. A man you would recognize anywhere, since you’ve seen him everyday floating in the waves.
He is a presence and something to behold. He sits high up on a fishing barrel and his feet are still firmly planted on the ground. Muscular legs connect to a thick middle wrapped in a classic fisherman’s sweater. Long chestnut hair is tied back from his face and he holds a knife and apple in his hands. You stare and he raises his hand in greeting. The noise of the docks retreats to a buzzing in the back of your mind and you hold your breath. Time stands still and butterflies build before you're being bumped into by busy workers. The spell is broken and you rush out apologies for being in the way. You turn and leave as quickly as you came, having even more questions than when you arrived. 
The next day you’re at your beach early with a book to occupy your time. You decide to stay there until you get some answers. You’re comfortable waiting and hope maybe he’ll come say hello. The grey eyes haunt you every time you close your own and you are restless. Was he some sort of creep, watching you from the water? He certainly didn’t look like the type to spy on women. He didn’t look like the type that would have to, gosh. Not that his good looks automatically made him trustworthy, but they certainly lowered your inhibitions. 
While you were lost in thought of the handsome stranger, he had materialized in the sea not a hundred feet away from you. It startled you, but you waved anyway. 
“Hi!” you yell out, tired of the voiceless staring contest that has been occurring. His lips twitch and he echoes your sentiment.
“Hi there,” he calls back, bobbing in the water.
“Isn’t it a bit too cold to swim?”
“A bit too cold for you, maybe,” he observes, his voice amused and carrying without strain despite the sound of the crashing waves.
You don’t know how to respond to this and the conversation fades when he dips under the surface, popping up a few feet away from where he was. His movements in the water are graceful and he swims in little laps not far from you. His upper body is bare to you above the black water, and he is thick corded muscle under a layer of softness that makes you want to touch him. He says nothing else to you but he doesn’t protest to your eyes on him. He seems content to be in your company and it isn’t for another while that he swims away and around the side of a cliff face, waving goodbye at you. You lose sight of him and while part of you is worried, the other part of you knows he must do this often and is obviously a practiced swimmer. 
He’s there before you the next day and chattier too. He tells you his name is Aegis and asks you for yours. He asks what you do for work and how you like living in the small town. You tell him about your house up on the cliff and how much you love it. For how brooding and intimidating you first had found him, he was quickly becoming a friend. The conversation flowed easily and was comfortable, the two of you bantering a bit too.
“There’s so much beach, too. I love to see the water.”
“Not much to do besides sit at the beach, yeah?” 
You shrug, “I like it here, it’s quiet. Or used to be, not that I oppose the company,” you jest at him, watching him take it all in stride. 
“I’d hope not,” he flashes you a grin, “can’t have my beach buddy getting sick of me so soon.” 
You give him a goofy grin back, trying to tamper down the butterflies growing in your stomach. You sit closer to him and the water, finding a comfortable seat on a washed up driftwood tree. “Maybe when it warms up I’ll join you for a swim,” you speak softly, picking at shells and rocks you like. You squeal when cold water splashes you, Aegis laughing when he has your attention.
“You ass!” you squeal out, going to splash him back. He bobs under the water again to evade you, an unmistakable grin stretched across his face. Your hand goes in the water to splash him back but it’s so cold it hurts and stings at your skin. That snaps you out of your playful game, and when Aegis comes up and sees the serious look in your eyes he tilts his head. 
“What’s that look for?”
“Aegis, seriously, how the hell are you okay to swim? You aren't even wearing a wetsuit!. I don’t know how you don’t get hypothermia! ” You’re concerned and can’t help but reprimand him, unsure how he manages to not even have red skin from the water.
“I guess I’m just built different, lovely,” he says with an easy smile, leaning into a backstroke.  
“Oh, built to withstand freezing cold water? Yeah, you’re different all right,” you tease back, retreating out of the water’s reach. 
Things go on like this for days and the two of you get familiar with each other’s schedules, seamlessly working into the other’s routine. Aegis seems down today though, and he doesn't hesitate to inform you why. 
“I have to go on a charter for a few days. I won’t be back until Tuesday,” he pouts, his pillowy lips exaggerated. You try not to let them distract you too much but he smirks like he notices you looking. You play along, pouting back.
“Aw, you’re gonna miss me too much?” you tease, despite knowing the next several days without him aren’t going to be as fun. 
“Desperately,” he says back, in an all too serious way that makes your heart race. He winks and grins, dispelling the intensity and turning things playful again, something he seemed greatly skilled at. He flirts in jokes but never leaves any tension or pressure lingering which you were grateful for. 
The days he is gone feel as if they last forever. It’s silly, really, how fond you’ve grown of him in such a short amount of time. You avoid the beach completely while he’s gone, knowing it will just make you miss your friend even more. Despite the way the time crawls by, though, Tuesday morning eventually comes around. 
Something shocking greets you when you arrive at your beach that day. Aegis is there, but is perched on a large flat boulder. Instead of the thick legs you saw filling his jeans like you did on the docks, his lower half is that of a seal. It’s longer than his legs would be and heavy with blubber. He studies your reaction and you’re fascinated. You’ve heard talk of selkies before, the legend being popular in this part of the country, but you hardly thought you would see one in real life. 
You try to look less confused than you are, not wanting to hurt aegis with an adverse reaction. You can feel his eyes on you, watching you watch him. 
“Uh, hi?” you say to him, getting a calculating ‘hello’ back.
You nod to yourself while looking at him, “Okay, this makes sense? This is a better explanation than I had, at least.”
 “Trying to rationalize my swimming habits, lovely?”
“Trying to rationalize you, lovely.” you toss back, feeling better when the same devious grin he’s worn around you makes an appearance. It’s still Aegis, and this is who he is. Or part of him, apparently. 
“I wanted to show you, but I have a rule, lovely.”
“Rule?” you ask him, confused.
“Yes, a rule. Humans have taken advantage of my kind far too many times. So if I’m showing you this, and I’m going to keep coming back to see you, I need you to listen to me,” he tells you, full intensity focused on you. He goes on to explain the history of his people, the power of the sealskin, and the way humans would steal them to control selkies. He tells you in the past someone tried to steal his sealskin, but he could feel their intentions and replaced it with a fake, catching them in the act. These stories obviously pain him, and hearing about the kind selkies being taken advantage of in such a way is enough to make your heart clench. 
“Never touch my sealskin.” He says, informing you of his rule. 
“I would never,” you vow, throat tight with emotion. He nods at you, and then smiles. “Well come on then, out with the questions.” He doesn’t have to ask you twice, beckoning you close. You sit by him and let the questions start. They pour out of your lips and he answers them readily with a gleam in his eyes. 
You’ve never been this close to him and you really soak in his appearance. His tail is mottled with creamy spots and patches, reminding you a little of your own birthmark. His lower half looks so soft and squishy but you know it must be powerful. Hair dusts his chest and other human skin, the curls making you want to run your hands over them. 
It feels like some beautiful dream. You thank him for sharing this part of him with you and head home for the day, but as soon as you’re inside you're doubting that it really happened. But it did, and you see him again and again, each time feeling less like a daydream and more like a wonderful and magical reality. 
“Your hair is going to get so tangled like that,” you tell him one day as he swims, watching his hair trail after him in the water. You wince in sympathy when you imagine him picking out the knots. 
He grunts, “You’re telling me, I go through so much conditioner getting the knots out,” he responds, peeved. 
“Well swimming with it down would do that! Why don’t you let me braid it?” you offer, instantly regretting it. The thought of sitting that close to him, of feeling the heat off of his skin as you run your hands through his hair is enough to make you feel light headed. Say no thanks, you think, unsure how you’ll handle this. Of course, he readily agrees. 
“Okay,” he smiles, and you turn to let him get out of his sealskin and cover up. He sits in front of you and his shoulders part your thick thighs. You pick up his hair and it’s a matted mess. You don’t feel like running up to your house to get any tools so you slowly part the tangles with your fingers.
“It’s a knotted mess, Aegis,” you scold, trying not to hurt his scalp. He whines and exaggerates his wincing, acting as if you’re wounding him. “Big baby,” you mutter, sectioning off chunks with your hands. By the time it’s braided and secured with your extra tie the sun is going down. He’s slumped against you, sleepy. 
“It’s supposed to be nice tomorrow, pretty girl. Swim with me?” he asks, voice slurred. You’re hesitant, not because you don’t trust him, but you’re a bit embarrassed about the idea of him seeing so much of your body. 
“I have a birthmark,” you mutter, not looking at him. He turns and frowns at you with his forehead scrunched. 
“Okay, and? You don’t owe me anything, but you know I have a literal tail right?”
“Oh what, you showed me yours and now I show you mine?” you giggle at him.
“I don’t think I’ve shown you anything yet,” he winks at you, flirting back while he gets up. The two of you get ready to leave your beach, packing things away. Aegis grabs his sealskin, but instead of putting it on he neatly folds it. “Would you give me a ride home? If you don’t mind, I mean. All dried off and I don't want to get in again.”
“Of course, just let me get my keys.” 
The drive is quiet and comfortable, and his house isn’t far. To be fair though, nothing in this town is very far. When you pull into his driveway he leans over and kisses you on the cheek, eliciting a small gasp from you. 
“Goodnight, sweet girl,” he tells you, an easy smile on his face. You feel your own heat up and you mumble back a goodnight. Your cheek tingles with his kiss your whole drive home. 
In the morning you’re there earlier than normal and in your bathing suit trying not to look nervous about his reaction. Your birthmark stretches across and over a great deal of your skin, and while a lot of people assure you that it is unique and beautiful, you have been ridiculed plenty for it in the past. It makes you nervous to show new people and you only reveal it to those you trust. But you trust Aegis and he obviously trusts you too. 
It’s as if Aegis can sense your nerves because he doesn’t make you wait long and talks you into the water right away. He compliments you but doesn’t linger or talk about your birthmark, only pulling you in the water with him. The cold has you sucking in air and your nipples pebbling in your swimsuit but Aegis pulls you close. The heat coming off of his body works to warm you, making the swim much more doable. 
“You’re not luring me out into the ocean to drown me or anything, right?” you ask, legs bumping into his tail. 
“I’m a selkie, not a siren,” he tsks, “we’re much nicer, I might just dunk you a few times,” he retorts, swimming further out. 
“Um, are there sharks out here?” you ask him, suddenly aware of how far you are from shore.
“I’ve never had a problem with them,” he shrugs casually, doing nothing to assuage your worries. 
“Sharks eat seals, ya know,” you point out to him.
“Good thing I have you here to protect me then, huh?” he teases, curling your legs around his middle. Once you’re secure, he gives a few strong thrusts of his tail and sends the two of you back closer to shore. You play in the water most of the day and go up to your house to eat. He showers and you take him home again, only after he insists you re-braid his hair. 
You spend more time together and swimming with him quickly becomes the best part of your day. He kisses your cheek every time you drop him off at home too, his lips lingering more and more. The touches shared as you swim together have gotten less and less innocent as well. You find yourself falling for him and you think he likes you too, but one day the two of you reach a breaking point. You’re having a nice picnic after a long swim when things take a turn. 
You reach across Aegis’s lap for the pitcher of juice, rattling on about your day, when it slips out of your hand. It spills onto his seal skin, and you don’t think you’ve ever panicked so quickly. “I’m so sorry! Oh my gosh let me clean that,” you grab towels to try to dab up your mess, picking up his seal skin in the process. Apologies keep falling from your lips but then you notice that Aegis is just staring at you with a clenched jaw. You gasp and drop the sealskin, realizing what you’ve done. As soon as it falls from your grasp, Aegis has it in his own, finally able to move to do so. He stands and starts to walk towards the shore and already has the sealskin halfway wrapped around himself before you can belt out another apology. 
He wades into the water and you run to try to catch up. You get close, begging him to wait, until he finally turns to you. “I had one rule!” he barks out at you, seething. “You’re just like everyone else! How dare you!” His words are laced with venom, and you can’t help but step back as if he’s striked you. There is a block in your throat and you don’t say anything else, you only stand there and watch him leave, taking his selkie form and swimming into the depths. 
Pitiful whimpering noises start to leave you, and since you’re all alone you let yourself cry. You’re ashamed you slipped up and touched his pelt, unable to get the betrayed look on his face out of your head. You’re angry at him too for not listening or giving you the benefit of the doubt, though. Some friend he was, you pout, shakily hiking up the cliffside. 
You hope that Aegis will come around. The guilt is like rolling concrete in your stomach and you try to assure yourself that things will be okay. You just go through the motions to try to make yourself feel better, showering and taking your time brushing out your hair. Everytime you blink, though, his angry eyes are there, looking so accusatory back at you. It was an accident, you know you didn’t mean to, you tell yourself, wishing you could take back your mistake. 
You go back to your beach the next day, hoping he’ll be there. He isn’t, and he isn’t there the next either. Or the day after that. You’re getting fed up with him avoiding you. You just want to talk things out and have your friend back, but it seems as though he is  set on being stubborn about it. 
You’ve been stress cooking the last few days, and when you looked to survey the damage you realize that you made most of Aegis’s favorite foods. The plan falls together then and you package it up to bring it to him at work. This could very well be crossing some boundaries but you could deal with that if it meant Aegis would forgive you. 
Traversing the docks is just as nerve racking at it was the first time, this time maybe even more so since you’re carrying a hot dish with you. You duck under the arms of the people towering over you, and you finally get to the stretch of winding docks Aegis can usually be found dwelling on. And he is there, sitting right next to his boat like you expect him to be. What you don’t expect, however, is the stunning woman sitting next to him, stroking his arm in a too familiar way. She’s almost tall as he is with a scarf tied around her hair in an effortless way. You feel your heart sink into your stomach when they both turn and see you. 
All of the sudden you feel ridiculous and humiliated, standing on the docks with a tupperware of food for a man who has already apparently moved on from you. You’re a deer caught in the headlights, but the woman starts to stand and smile at you. You pivot on your feet and hurry back the way you came, maneuvering through the crowd with a level of ease provided by your small stature. The whole walk home your face is burning in embarrassment. This isn't some stubborn silent treatment after a fight. You had broken his one rule and now all the romantic gestures and sweet words meant nothing. 
You know there was nothing official or set in stone, hell, the two of you hadn’t even really kissed yet, but it certainly felt like things were leading that way. Your eyes burn when you think of the way his lips lingered on your cheeks and the way he let you wrap yourself around him in the water. You think of him doing those things with another woman and feel sick to your stomach. You enjoyed life just fine before you met him, and you tell yourself you will enjoy life just the same now that he wants nothing to do with you. It was an obvious lie, especially to yourself. You cry when you reach the safety of your home, wrapping yourself in a nest of blankets you refuse to leave. 
You eventually have to leave though, just to get some fresh air and try to shock yourself into feeling better. Instead of walking your shore, you end up at one of the cliffs looking down on the water. You don’t stray too close to the edge in fear of the height but it still provides you a great view of the ocean. You sit and watch the waves crash against the rocks below. 
While you’re up there, you hear a car sputtering in the distance. You watch it get close and pull into your driveway and out steps one of the friends you made in town. His name is Jamie, and he works at the touristy coffee shop you frequent. “Hey!” he waves, walking over to you on gangly legs. “I hope you don’t mind me stopping by, you’re always gushing about this place and I wanted to see what all the fuss was about,” he tells you, giving you a boyish grin. He’s sweet and you don’t mind him joining you.
It feels good to reclaim your beach like this, hanging out with a new friend. Jamie is nice and genuine and has no rules to follow when it comes to your relationship with him. He feels safe and easy. After the first day he comes by, you don’t expect him to come back. But he does, he comes back again with your favorite drink order in hand. “I got your usual,” he tells you, a bright smile on his face when you open your door to him. 
“Aw thanks, you didn’t have to do that!” you tell him, excited and flattered by the gesture. He just shrugs and smiles at you more, scratching at the back of his neck. “Let me just get my coat,” you say, ready for another walk on the beach. He is too, and you spend the day rattling on to one another. He’s a little awkward and it makes you feel awkward too, but it’s more endearing than anything. You can’t help that your gaze keeps wandering out to the sea, waiting to see Aegis between the waves. You don’t, though, even if you think you feel his eyes on you. 
“You okay?” 
You shake yourself out of your thoughts, “Sorry,” you smile, “just daydreaming a bit is all.” Daydreaming about your days here spent with Aegis, the sun shining in his ocean grey eyes. You miss him and wish things had ended differently. 
Jamie sits on a rock and you follow his lead, getting comfortable and enjoying the rare moment of sunshine. Jamie suddenly clears his throat next to you, catching your attention. “Would you,” he sputters on, his cheeks pink, “would you want to go on a date sometime? I’d really love to take you on one.” Your heart is pounding and ears are ringing. This sort of thing always makes you anxious but you’re stopped before you’re able to respond. 
A firm and angry voice sounds from behind you. If you thought you were nervous before, it was nothing compared to this. Jamie’s gaze is locked above your head and he looks confused. 
“Uh, I wasn’t asking you?” 
“She will not be going on a date with you. I’d say sorry but I’m not,” Aegis snaps out, and you stop yourself from turning to look at him. 
“Aegis, what the fuck?” The woman from before is there too then, and you finally look at them. They’re both dripping wet and carrying seal skins. The woman is a selkie too, then. Your heart drops and it makes sense he would rather be with her. She was gorgeous and surely easier to trust than a human. 
 “I’m so sorry for my brother’s behavior,” she scowls, “he can be a real dickhead sometimes.” 
“Brother?” you ask, shock lacing your voice. Aegis and his sister snap their attention to you, then, and his face morphs from a mask of fury to one of understanding and sadness. He comes closer after a pause. 
“Yes, sweet girl, my sister. You thought the worst of me, yeah?”
Jamie chimes in “Uh, sweet girl?” he asks “Oh! Oh shoot, sorry, gosh, sorry I thought you were single.” Jamie looks at you though, and sees your red cheeks and your inability to form a response and comes to your aid. “Actually, do you want to go home? You look uncomfortable.” You just nod and get your things, grateful to have a friend like him. 
“Yeah, I think I should head home. Um, I’ll talk to you later Jamie. Nice to meet you, by the way,” you say, polite and looking at Aegis’s sister.
“Were you...swimming? It’s freezing!” is the last thing you hear Jamie say before you’re rushing away.
Aegis tails you to your house, pleading with you. “Please, at least let me talk to you,” he begs, desperation clear in his voice. You’re out of breath from your quick ascent up from the beach and too flustered and embarrassed to talk to him. You’re angry that he thinks he could ignore you after blowing up on you and then come back acting like he had some sort of claim on you. 
“Not now,” is all you manage to say.
“Aegis! For fucks sake, leave her be!” his sister yells out, and you’re grateful for the intervening. You head inside your house and leave the rest of them outside. Jamie leaves and Aegis and his sister head back down towards the water, likely leaving the same way they came. Aegis looks back several times, catching your eye in the window. I’ll talk to him soon, you think. Just not right now, not until you sort out the mess of feelings you have. 
You can’t help but be conflicted. Seeing Aegis standing there dripping wet and all possessive over you stirred your desire. You have to remind yourself to be angry and stand your ground. He needs to learn how to communicate, not just act like a neanderthal and manage to win you back based on sheer attractiveness. His words still stung and he had lots of making up to do. 
As you busy yourself in your home, you see dark clouds gathering through your window. You turn on the local news and it looks like a bad storm is set to ravage your town. You’re nervous. You knew the rainy season could be bad here but the locals often discussed the occasional hurricane-eske storms that tear through. You are unsure how well your home will hold up. You try to secure what you can and get ready to hunker down for a while. 
Sure enough, thunder starts to rumble. It’s deep and shakes the earth beneath you. The wind and rain howl outside and you pray your generator holds up. You entertain yourself for a bit, curled up watching a movie, but soon enough the weather is too bad to concentrate on anything else. When an especially loud bout of thunder hits you start to feel panicky. It rattles your windows and you make a point to stay away from them. They rattle so loudly that you almost miss the pounding on your door. 
Almost, though. When you realize someone is knocking your heart beats even faster. You pick up the closest thing you could use as a weapon, unsure who could be here. You peek through and see Aegis standing outside, soaked to the bone. You’re relieved that it’s him, but not entirely happy he’s here. You wrench the door open and allow him in, the wind promptly slamming the door back into place. He settles onto a stool and you stay on the opposite side of the room, occupying yourself with looking outside.
“I wanted to make sure you were okay,” he explains, and you nod. “I’m sorry,” he says.
“I didn’t mean to touch it, Aegis. I really didn’t! And you know that and still left,” you manage to get out past the knot in your throat. 
“Aye, I know. I made a mistake, I got angry.” His voice gets softer, “I got scared, my sweet girl.” 
You sniffle and look away, annoyed at the effect he has on you. He crumbles down your walls one word at a time. 
“I was stupid and didn’t know what to do. My sister had to come talk some sense into me.”
“I didn’t think she was your sister,” you mumble and he nods, giving you a watery smile.
“I’m sorry for that, too. After I saw you with that man on the beach I was so angry. She reminded me I had no right to be, I had no claim on you. I didn’t like hearing that,” he says. He stands then, eyes locked on your own.
You are on the other side of the room, backed up against your wall. As if the space between you could stop the pull of your heart. Your eyes are wide and flooded over and you don’t care to hold your tears back anymore. He walks towards you and he holds his sealskin in his hands. The closer he gets to you, the more you can feel your knees buckling. You feel them lock right as Aegis locks an arm around your waist, wrapping his seal skin over your shoulders at the same moment. When the pelt brushes against your skin and envelops you in its warmth, you feel more at peace than you have in days. It is like Aegis’s very being is intertwining around yours. His essence permeates through your skin and curls around your cells, and you relish it and relax into his hold. You knew the sealskin had magic to it but you didn’t realize how much it would affect you.  
“What-what are you doing?” you whimper out, making no move to stop him.
“I want you to know I trust you. I want you to trust me too. I know you didn’t mean to hurt me, sweet girl,” he says. “After my tantrum and being away from you, I realized I’d give you my damn sealskin if it meant I could be yours.” He wipes away your stray tears and brushes your hair out of your face, gentling you. “Shhh, I’ve got you. No more crying, not because of me,” he pleads. 
“O-okay,” you reply, wobbly and unsure what else to say. The euphoric feeling of his sealskin is still lingering and you know he’s speaking the truth to you.  
“My love,” he cooes, “won’t you let me earn your forgiveness?”
You sniffle and nod, stretching toward him for a kiss, a real one. He obliges you, his bearch a scratchy comfort to your flushed skin, grounding you. He tastes like salt and wind, his kiss flavored by the sea. It’s chaste but perfect and when lightning strikes and sounds you break away from his lips only to curl further into his arms. A fearful noise escapes you and you bury your face into his neck. His hands rub your back and you take some deep breaths. If your house has lasted this long then it’ll be okay. You’re safe in his arms with his sealskin warm around you. 
You pull back, intent on kissing him more thoroughly this time. He is eager too and pulls you flush against him. He pulls you away from the wall and shuffles you onto the couch, not allowing a centimeter space to form between your bodies. You kiss him over and over, soft moans leaving you every time his lips mould to your own. His hands find your skin under your sweater and you are eager for more, burying your own in his hair. . 
“Let me lay you down,” he says, “let me show you how much I missed you.” 
Heat has gathered between your legs and the tingling of the sealskin on your flesh feels as though it has concentrated itself there. You pinch them together and he notices, pulling a leg over his hip to grind into your center. You whimper into his mouth, his lips pulling into a smile. He strips you of your sweater and makes sure to plant kisses across your birthmark. You lose the rest of your clothes and as his hands wander, so do your own. 
You tease his waistband, slowly slipping your hand inside. He rumbles a deep encouraging noise and you take him in hand. His cock is thick and heavy, pulsing in your grasp. It’s bigger than anything you’ve taken before and you aren’t sure that it’ll fit. You tell him as much, looking up at him with wide lust filled eyes. 
“It’ll fit sweetheart,” he whispers, his fingers tracing the crease of your labia. “I’ll make sure you’re ready for me.” 
He parts your folds and coats his fingers, your legs spreading to give him more room. He dips the tips of his fingers just barely inside of you, becoming familiar with your entrance. You aren’t good at being patient, though, and his cock is so close. You arch and moan, shifting further toward him and presenting yourself only for him to halt your movements. “Don’t tease,” you whimper out, only earning an amused laugh from your selkie. 
“Alright then,” he kisses you with a smiling mouth, “no teasing,” he says, promptly thrusting two of his thick digits into you. A surprised moan is torn from your throat and he glides through your walls easily, aided by your arousal. He scissors and curls his fingers in and out, stretching you open for him and spreading around your wetness. His thumb finds you clit and your mouth falls open, making room for his tongue to tangle with your own in a sloppy kiss that makes your cunt tighten.  
“Please,” you beg him, “I want you,”
“You beg so pretty,” he relents, fingers retreating after a final movement. 
He places himself between your legs, bending to kiss you again as he does. He kisses your cheek too before rising back up. He presses and rubs himself between your lips, making sure he’s covered in your wetness. His hips stutter when the head of his cock meets your folds but you paw at his shoulders, wordlessly pleading with him to continue. As he splits you apart underneath him a shaky breath leaves his lips. He hilts himself and stays there for a moment, soaking in the feel of your velvet cunt pulsing around him. You tighten around him in an attempt to get him to move. You try to tilt your hips up but he grabs them, forcing them in place. 
“Don’t move,” he gasps out, looking strung out above you. His head is tilted back and his eyes are closed. He’s beautiful and all yours. The magic of his pelt connects the two of you on a deeper level that has you feeling floaty and out of control, but the stretch of his cock and feel of his hands ground you.
A whine leaves you and you clench down on him, hoping to spur him into action. “Fuck,” he sputters, pushing even harder into you. You can feel him so deeply and it’s impossible to tell where one of you ends and the other begins. 
“Aegis,” you moan out, “move, please.” you cry out, nails digging into him. With a clenched jaw he follows your request. He retreats then pumps into you again, slowly but forcefully. His pace starts slow and he fully hilts himself inside of you each time. Your hips twitch up and the head of his cock notches against a spot inside of you that has your eyes rolling up into your head. He notices and makes a point to angle his hips toward it. Your legs turn to jello as he speeds up, snapping his legs against you. You reach down and rub your clit, Aegis encouraging you. 
“You take me so well. Fucking made to be wrapped around me, weren’t you?” he says, “That’s right, take your pleasure,” he whispers, his hot breath on the shell of your ear. His words have a tightness building in your gut, the coil wrapping tighter and tighter until you cry out in release. With you cumming underneath him Aegis can’t hold back any longer. He drives into you with rhythmless thrusts and moans out above you, a high pornographic sound that has aftershocks running through you as he spills inside of you. Little jerks of his hips extend your pleasure as the two of you slowly sink together.
Aegis is twitching and cooing at you as the haze clears from your mind. He wraps his arms and legs around you, the heavy limbs tangling with your own. He nuzzles into you as content as can be. Sweat is cooling on your skin and he covers the two of you with a throw blanket, the storm outside long forgotten. Your face is peppered in kisses as you drift to sleep, his pelt still a comfort underneath you. 
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katsukiboom · 4 years
Hey lovely! I have come bearing a request! A silly one but one I’m kinda surprised I’ve never seen written before. Picture this: dabis s/o walking in and finding dabi and s/o’s cat tangled up and cats claws stuck in dabis staples. How they got like that can be up to you and how things turn out lol. I just think it would be funny. If you want anyway, if not that’s ok too. I hope you are doing well 🖤
you just don’t know how fun it was to write this whole thing though i worry that i overdid it as well - i’m just a sucker for backstory i guess aslkdfhalskdhfa i hope you enjoy it my dude!
Ko-Fi || Commissions
If someone ever asked you if dating a villain was hard, you’d reply with a resounding ‘yes’, yet it would only be because you were dating one of the laziest, most carefree villains you knew of.
You had found each other by mere luck one late night while you were coming back from work and happened to stop by the convenience store closest to your apartment – turns out he was in sort of good terms with the manager since he always bought a lot of stuff for his friends, something you thought was very weird due to his already strange appearance. You walked in and the bell rang, making both of them turn around to look at you; your gaze was met with intense blue eyes that seemed to burn right through you.
He had said nothing as you did your thing and only tried to talk to you when you were paying your groceries, letting one or two lame pickup lines slip through his thin lips but you only brushed past him. Your mind was busy trying to comprehend how one’s skin could become so scarred and why it seemed like his cheeks would come loose at any given moment and with the wrong movement, being only parched up with many surgical staples. You shuddered at the thought of what could’ve happened to the man, but you tried your best to push the images out of your mind.
Not paying attention to him you said goodbye to the manager and the cashier and quickly resumed your walk home only to hear the automatic doors open and close again, and you prayed that the stranger wasn’t some kind of stalker. You tried to look to the side to see if you could catch a glimpse of your behind to make sure you weren’t being followed, but as you didn’t pay attention to the sidewalk in front of you your body collapsed onto something hard – a lamppost.
You dropped everything on the ground and you fell as well, a soft pain starting to crawl its way up your back as you got on your knees to start picking up your items, but then a dark figure approached you kneeled beside you. It was the stranger from before, which didn’t make you feel anywhere near relieved.
“You should be paying more attention when you’re walking,” he said quietly, his raspy voice almost making you uncomfortable. Without saying anything else he started to pick up the things with you, putting them inside the cloth bag you were using and not attempting to say anything inappropriate again, which greatly surprised you; you had already taken him as the type to be rather unable to keep his mouth shut, but by the looks of it he had only wanted to lend you a hand.
“Why are you following me?”
You blurted out the question and immediately felt dumb – there you went, making assumptions again. A soft laugh escaped his mouth as you looked at each other, his staples faintly glistening under the street lights. “You sound just like a little mouse: terrified and easy to catch,” he muttered with what seemed like a threatening expression, “but I wouldn’t feel that important if I was you, sugar. I just live down the road, two blocks ahead.” You felt offended, yes, but at the same time you were wary – you didn’t know if you could trust this guy and he only gave off creeper vibes, but you decided to trust your gut and stop pressing for answers that didn’t need answers for the time being. As you got up and picked up the bag, you were about to go home when he stood right in front of you. “Does your Highness need to be taken home as well? There are plenty of lamps on the way, you might get attacked again.”
You felt as if the whole guy wasn’t more than a big red flag – you scoffed and walked around him, walking as fast as you could to get away from the man, but something in your mind told you it wouldn’t be the last time you saw him.
You would’ve never guessed how right you were.
After that fatidic encounter, you started to casually run into him a lot more whenever you went out but you were lucky enough to spot him before he could even see you, giving you time to sneak past without being detected. Every time you saw him though, you started to notice he wasn’t really bad looking if you ignored the same clothes, the scars and staples, and you hated to admit it to yourself; the man had tried to flirt with you and followed you that night, yet even if his appearance along with his aura felt threatening you couldn’t bring yourself to be scared of him and even thought about approaching him again only to discard the idea as quickly as it had come.
That was until one day when you had an awful day at work, and you returned crying all the way home until you spotted the already familiar man leaning against the outside of the convenience store you had met him at. You had neither the strength nor the will to even hide yourself from him so you just lowered your head and walked by, hoping he would act as if you weren’t there.
You had no such luck.
“Rough day, huh?” he muttered, a half-smoked cigarette hanging from the corners of his lips. You stopped right in front of him, still looking at the ground – somehow, the air around you felt colder. “You look like shit today.”
And so, you wasted no time on retaliating. “You know what?” you started, all the built-up rage seeping through every pore of your body. “I’ve had to deal with enough bullshit for today to take even more from someone like you – I don’t know you, I don’t want to see you, I don’t want you to talk to me, I don’t understand why I keep seeing you everywhere. You creep me out, and if you think I’ll stand by and just let you do whatever the fuck you want you’re very, very wrong.”
You hadn’t even noticed you were tearing up until your vision became blurry, and you hastily wiped your eyes before looking at him again; you hated that smug expression of his more than anything, but now there was something inherently… handsome about him, and you  couldn’t pinpoint what it was exactly. He said nothing as he eyed you up and down and then smirked but remained silent as he pushed himself off the wall. You thought he’d approach you but instead he turned around and walked inside the store, leaving you alone in the streets feeling like shit and also embarrassed.
Sighing, you took his place against the cold bricks and slid down until you were sitting hugging your knees tightly against your body, allowing tears to freely flow once more as you buried your face on them. You weren’t sure how much time had passed until you heard the bell and then steps walking towards you, but when someone sat down next to you again you didn’t need to look up to know who it was. “I thought you could need this,” he said quietly, no trace of the usual sarcasm in his voice. Looking up, you saw the man handing you a can of beer and what seemed to be like some sort of candy, and you eyed him suspiciously before taking the items from his hand. “Drink slowly or I’ll really have to take you home.”
You didn’t listen, and that was the first time you had shared something more than words with him.
The following weeks after that encounter you learnt his name was Dabi, a man who was only a few years older than you, and you weren’t truly surprised when he nonchalantly admitted to you he was a villain working for a group called League of Villains. As if that weren’t obvious enough, you told yourself – you had never met them personally but your new acquaintance told you a bit about them: the grumpy, crusty leader, the little girl with weird teeth, a lizard and the man made of black and purple mist. From the sound of it, they wouldn’t be people that would be intimidating to you but the more he told you about them, the more you found yourself being curious about their actions, despite your strong dislike for villainy.
Behind his persona though, you found he acted soft whenever the situation called for it; one night, as you opened the window for him to crawl inside, he noticed you had been crying. When you told him it had been because you had had a nightmare he took off most of his clothes and dragged you back to bed, getting in after you and pulling you against his bare chest. “Just so you don’t feel whatever you were feeling, don’t get your hopes up,” he said as you cuddled closer to him, a few wild hairs getting stuck on his staples. His scarred skin felt rough and hard, just like the shell you knew he had built for himself.
With the same levels of disinterest, you told Dabi you liked him after only a month of knowing each other – you were fairly surprised when he told you he liked you too, and from then on he was at your place more than ever, even coming there after missions or bringing you lunch on weekends. The one thing he openly disliked about your place, he said, was your big tabby cat named Letty; you had never understood his feelings towards her since even if the cat tried to approach him and laid on her back whenever he was around he would just brush her off, ignoring her willingness to let him get closer. “She’s telling you she trusts you,” you would explain but even you didn’t know why she had trusted him so easily.
You did your best to balance maintaining your relationship secret and your public life, as you couldn’t figure out the best way to tell your friends and family that you were, in fact, dating someone who wasn’t their ideal first choice. Deciding to start by letting your two closest friends know about it, you invited them to a small fast food restaurant near your apartment – you guessed it wouldn’t go all too well, as both of them jumped out of their seats as soon as you told them. “Is he forcing you into it?” they questioned. “Does he hurt you? Do you need help?”
“It’s nothing like that,” you explained with calm and a little blush crept up your cheeks as you spoke about him and how you had met, how he seemed to have a soft spot for his friends, how he always took care of you when you needed it and how Letty had trusted him so easily. You wanted nothing more than to feel their support, but you were only met with distant gazes and confused expressions. “You guys… still don’t like it, don’t you?”
“I mean,” one of them started, her voice shaking just enough for you to notice; “it is unexpected. You were always so against them and now you’re dating them no less. I think we need time to come to terms with it, that’s all.”
You came back home that day feeling as down as you could be, almost dragging your feet along the concrete sidewalks until you reached your building. When you got to your door you sighed and put your forehead against the cold wood, trying to make it calm the headache that was starting to grow and appease the unease that reigned in your heart.
That’s when you heard it coming from the inside – a gasp, a shout and a thud, all consecutive sounds that could only meant something was happening. For a moment you doubted whether to open the door or wait to see if Dabi came home to take care of the problem in case it was another villain who had found out about you two, but when his own voice reached you after a brief silence you were puzzled.
“I guess we got to stay like this now,” he said with annoyance. “Stupid cat.”
Opening the door, you were witness to one of the weirdest sights ever – he was sitting on the couch with his arm around your cat. Letty looked at you with pleading eyes and you followed her little leg to see her paw right on Dabi’s cheek, her claws having gotten stuck in two of his staples. She had managed to use enough strength to even open his wounds just a little bit though no blood came out of them, and you now looked straight at him, his bright blue eyes looking back with a mix of worry and a bit of anger. “Dabi, what… what happened?” you asked trying your best not to smile, not quite believing that what you were seeing was real at all. “Are you okay?”
You approached him and kneeled in front of him, looking at the injury a bit closer. “Your damn pet tried to get up on my head and I stopped her. That was all that happened.” He closed his mouth and looked away from you, but even with his scars you could tell he was blushing by the way his eyes averted you. You weren’t sure, however, if it was out of embarrassment or anger. “Could you please get her off me before I turn her into a burnt chicken nugget?”
“You wouldn’t dare,” you replied jokingly, but the menacing gaze he gave you reminded you he would have no remorse on doing so. “Okay, no need to get all worked up,” you muttered before you reached out and cupped his free cheek. “These things can happen, you know? It was an accident as well.” Carefully, you pulled Letty away from him and tried your best not to look at the little flap his loose skin was making as you worked. When she was finally free, she ran away and hid under your kitchen table, her eyes and ears alert in case he decided to come after her. He fixed his cheek and then faced you, his
None of you said anything for a moment until you couldn’t hold it any longer and burst out in laughter, and he only looked at you like you were crazy. “What’s the deal with you now?” he asked, now no longer trying to appear threatening but only putting on a serious expression. “Did that entertain you that much?”
He looked so unamused and it only made you laugh further, even when you noticed the cup of water that was now lying on the ground and that you were sure had fallen as he fought against your loving pet. You leaned back on the couch and kept laughing, your earlier worries now beginning to fade away for the time being, but just as you were about to get back up Dabi’s body towered over your own as he kept you locked in place.
You shut your mouth almost immediately; thinking he’d be annoyed with the whole situation you tried to wrap your arms around his neck to bring him down but he pinned them down with a single hand, demonstrating once more his muscles weren’t only for show. “I wonder,” he started, his smoky breath hitting your face and making you gulp and shiver all at once. How he could be this enticing without even trying, you didn’t even know. “Would you be laughing the same way once you can’t walk tomorrow?”
Swallowing whatever words you could’ve said to that, you only managed to get a few weak words through your lips as his face descended to your neck and his tongue gave a long lick. “Is that a threat?”
“It’s whatever you want it to be, sweetheart.”
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tiaragqueen · 4 years
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✂ Pairing: Yandere! Nanamine Sakura x Female! Reader
✂ Word Count: 938
✂ Trigger Warning: Possessiveness, manipulation
I’ve been dying to write a tbhk content for quite some time, and only now did I finally get the idea.
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“Let me show my love, girl. You can be my girlfriend. I just wanna talk to u, don't be afraid.” - You Can Be My Girlfriend [Cai Xu Kun]
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The tea party was more awkward than any party you’d ever attended. Not because there were barely any people aside from Sakura and you, but because you didn’t want to be here. The tea reflected the glowing chandelier above you, enclosed in an alabaster cup. The dainty cake lied forgotten on the oak table, and yet, the sweet taste that lingered in your throat reminded you of the underlying tension. It wasn’t that strong compared to Tsukasa's onerous presence, but it existed nonetheless. It floated in the air like an undercurrent, caging your body on to the antique chair she’d forced you to occupy.
If Sakura noticed your discomfort, she said nothing about it. She calmly flipped a page of the novel she’d been consuming the entire hour, expression neutral as always. However, you could discern the exhaustion that encircled itself around her jaded eyes and the way her lips descended a bit lower than usual. This wasn’t the first time you’d seen her in this state – Tsukasa could be quite overbearing with his demands, after all – but it still didn’t justify her action.
“[Name], can you please stop shaking? You’re ruining my focus.” A trace of irritation tainted her apathetic voice as she squinted, trying to absorb the content despite the unconscious quiver you were causing. There was a sadistic pleasure derived from her quiet pain, but you knew that she wouldn’t be hesitant to assert her dominance if she saw fit. Despite his caprice, Tsukasa tended to help her as a part of the contract. And that meant whatever she ordered him to do to you, he’d happily execute. Seeing the transition of your disturbed mien to fear was a ‘reward’ in itself.
But you had enough of her shenanigans, today.
“I want to leave.”
Sakura merely hummed. “I see.”
You frowned, slightly pissed by her blatant ignorance. “Aren’t you going to let me out of here?” You tapped the arm of the chair to emphasize your impatience, hoping that it might pressure her somehow. “It’s been like… what? An hour or so.”
“Forty minutes, to be exact,” she replied coolly as she glanced towards the grandfather clock in the corner of the strange room. You'd forgotten it was there in the first place, your brain easily dismissed its familiar sound.
Your frown deepened into a scowl. “Still, I’ve wasted too much time here when I could’ve been doing something else.”
“Like flirting with Teru?”
At the mention of the school prince, your body automatically froze.
“N-no, of course not.” you huffed, averting your gaze as though she was looking at you in the first place. Blood warmed your cheeks as you played with the hem of your skirt. “He’s just…” You coughed, trying to even your slightly pitched voice. Had Tsukasa was here, he'd surely tease you relentlessly. That was just in his nature to poke fun at people regardless of their reactions. Fortunately, Sakura wasn't as sadistic as him. “… a friend to me.”
“Friend or crush?”
“W-why does it matter anyway?” you grumbled, unable to keep the blush from spreading to your entire face.
“It matters to me.” Sakura finally clasped the book shut and put it on the table, narrowed eyes peering towards you. “Don’t you know why I keep inviting you here?”
Crossing your arms over your chest, you chose to ignore the irony of the situation and squinted. “What? Because you don’t like to see me interacting with other people?”
“Well, that,” Pausing, Sakura rose from her seat and slowly approached your wary figure. She bent down to stroke your cheek, eyes lidded with subtle fondness. “and because I like you.” Her fingers suddenly dug into your skin as her face hardened. “That’s why I don’t like it when I see you talking and laughing so freely with them, especially him. Have I not given you enough attention, [Name]? Why do you keep seeking theirs?”
“S-Sakura…” You tried to push her hand away, but her other one held down your wrists instead. “You can’t… you can’t do this. I’m not yours, I’m free to do whatever I wish.”
“[Name], I’m sure you already know about my affiliation with Tsukasa, right?” she inquired. “What is he to me?”
Yes, you knew. That’s why you always felt on edge around them, specifically him. He was the reason for your abrupt involvement with the upperclassman, after all. You just… didn’t expect her to threaten you.
Sensing your tentative compliance, Sakura loosened her hold and smiled gently. “I’ve always wanted you, you see. I don’t know exactly how it happened, but I think it started when you stumbled into me in the library at that time.” She chuckled at the memory; a quiet yet melodic sound that gripped your chest. “It was a long time ago, so I won’t blame you if you forgot.”
Indeed, you’d forgotten about your ‘first encounter’. Though, it didn’t mean you hadn’t passed by her in the hallways one or two times. And during those short meetings, you always caught the stray glances thrown in your direction. You didn’t think much of it at first, assuming that she was looking somewhere else. But when you spotted her lingering stare, you began to think that she had some kind of interest in you.
Again, you didn’t expect it to be romantic, either.
“Regardless,” she said, snapping you out of your thoughts. “I think we can be a great pair. Odd, but lovely.” Cocking her head, Sakura smiled. And despite the tenderness of her visage, the whisper of threat was flagrant to you. “You want that too, don’t you?”
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Parring: Tom Holland x reader
Word count: 721
Warnings: None, I think
Requested: nope I just had this idea
A/N: Okay so here is a Tom imagine. I'm sorry for any mistakes but I'm tired and really desperate to post something. How about you tell me if you liked it? Feedbback is always appreciated💕 If you ever want to be tagged just let me know
Please keep in mind that English is not my first language.
☕buy me a Ko-fi!☕
Gif is not mine. Credits to the owner.
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‘So Tom’ the interviewer asked’ who did you enjoy working with the most?
'Robert Downey Jr’ Tom answered immediately a small chuckle leaving his lips. You snorted softly and hit his arm playfully.
'Oi mate, what about me?’
'Oh (Y/N), the question was who did I enjoy working with not who is the most annoying.’ he stated teasingly making you giggle and stick your tounge out at him. The journalist was laughing soundly clearly enjoying herself. You were enjoying yourself too. What could you say? It was always like that between the two of you. Constant teasing, harmless flirting and pinning after each other were your daily basis. Tom and you were castmates and really good friends, you were working with him on Avengers set. Having a lot of scenes with Spider-Man, the two of you found out you have a lot in common and got along pretty quickly. You and Tom became almost inseparable. Everyone knew it was Tom would jump into the fire for (Y/N) and she would kill for a certain brown-haired Brit. You loved talking about everything and nothing, listening to music, watching movies and pranking your fellow castmates (Anthony Mackie and Sebastian Stan mostly).
Fans were crazy about your friendship, most of them were shipping you, making fanarts and coming up with creative conspiracy theories why you would be keeping your rumored relationship hidden to the public.
'Now a question for you, (Y/N)’ the interviewer said after everyone calmed down’ What can you tell us about your private life? Are you seeing anyone?’
Taken aback by such a straighforward question you chocked on your saliva, your eyes shot wide open. You tried to play it cool and attempted to laugh it off. Thoughts in your mind were racing rapidly as you gave Tom help-me-look. He instantly caught it.
'As you said it’s her private life and she doesn’t have to tell you this. Treat her with respect, you people’ he said looking staring into journalist’s eyes. You smiled thankfully at him, squeezing his hand.
For the rest of the interviews you stayed silent, still thinking about that question. Did  people really want to know that much about you? It didn’t make sense to you. You might have been one of the biggest celebrities in public eyes but in private you were an absolute bore. Although you knew it was just a curiosity of your fans, it still made you a little anxious. Beside that made you realize that you were in fact single.
‘(Y/N)? Everything okay? You seem a bit off’ Tom approached you after you were done with the interviews. You could see the concern on his face. You couldn’t help but feel familiar warmth spread in your chest, knowing that Tom was worried about you. He really cared.
‘Yeah, I’m just tired’ you lied biting your lip, a bad habit of yours You were doing that whenever you were nervous or scared.
‘Come on. You know that’s not true. What is it, love?’ Tom lifted your chin up and you felt your heart flutter at the new nickname. The two of you were very close but he had never called you ‘love’ before. You stared straight into his beautiful eyes, feeling like the time had stopped.
‘Why do they want to know so much about me, Tom?’ you asked him. It was barely a whisper but he caught it.
‘Oh, love…’
You looked up into his shiny pupils. It was only now when you noticed how smooth his skin was, how his perfect brown locks were falling on his forehead, how his hand fitted perfectly in yours. The smell of his magnificent cologne made your knees weak. You whispered bluntly ‘kiss me’ and the next thing you knew his lips were on yours. Tom’s hands automatically slid around your waist and pulled your body closer to his. You gently buried your fingers in his soft hair. The kiss was messy, full of teeth clashing and bumping noses but nevertheless it was perfect. When you pulled away, Tom rested his forehead on yours.
‘I guess now I know what to say when someone asks me about my private life’ you panted heavily a small chuckle leaving your swollen lips.
‘You’ll say that you have the sexiest boyfriend ever’ Tom laughed before kissing you once again.
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crystallized-shadow · 5 years
Rating: E Pairings: Madara/Tobirama, one-sided Madara/Hashirama, implied Hashirama/Mito Word Count: 2732 Warnings: Implied/Referenced Rape/Non-con, Physical Abuse, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Dark Hashirama, seriously he's a bastard in this Summary: A deal with the devil was the only way to save Madara from Hashirama, now Tobirama just has to play his part.
For @a-kid-named-hiro because Name is fucking amazing and inspired this!
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Follow the link or read it under the cut!
Tobirama leaves Madara unconscious and half naked in the archives, cleaning himself off with the Uchiha’s shirt, something he knows Hashirama has done before, unable to stand being with him a second longer. He felt bad about treating Madara so coldly, usually Tobirama would pick up the pieces but he couldn’t do that this time. As much as Tobirama wanted Madara, and he’d never desired anyone or anything as much as he did the Uchiha, he needed Madara to wake up and see what a bastard Hashirama is so they can be happy together.
“You better not have hurt him.” The words are growled in his own voice and Tobirama can’t help but smirk as he finishes descending the stairs into the basement of his personal lab.
“I don’t know what you could possibly mean Anija, “I’ve” been down here the whole time,” Tobirama drawls, easily mimicking his brother’s speech pattern, “you on the other hand…”
“If you hurt him I swear to god I’ll-!”
“You’ll what?!” Tobirama interrupts, his too dark hands slamming into the metal bars separating the brothers, “just what can you do in this cage?”
“Why are you doing this Tobira?” Hashirama asks, his pout a strange sight on Tobirama’s face, “why must you hurt us?”
“Because you don’t deserve him!” Tobirama growls, his borrowed face contorting into an ugly rage rarely seen on either brother. “You toyed with Madara’s feelings for years and left me to pick up the pieces! Then, when it was finally going to pay off you swooped in and stole him from me!”
“Otouto...I had no idea…”
“Bullshit!” Tobirama snarls, “I know you knew about my feelings.”
“How could you possibly know that?” Hashirama mutters, his eyes impossibly wide in shock. It was true he knew about Tobirama’s little crush, it was hard to draw any other conclusion from hearing his little brother moaning his best friend’s name while masturbating, but he was sure he’d never made it known to Tobirama he’d heard him that day.
“You were kind enough to mock my feelings last time you got drunk,” Tobirama states, hurt and anger warring for a spot in his too dark gaze. “In between throwing up on my textbooks and passing out in the bathroom you very graphically described how you’d fucked Madara, how I’d never get to feel that same joy, and how you’d left him passed out in some bedroom at the party you forced him to go to. Tell me Anija,” Tobirama snarls the word like it causes him physical pain, “did you even care if he was raped?”
“What…?” Hashirama mutters, his voice small in a way Tobirama’s never is.
“Who do you think had to call Izuna and tell him his big brother was so drunk he was unconscious and alone at a stranger’s house?” Tobirama continues, anger finally winning the battle in his eyes, “who do you think had to go get Madara because Izuna has a fucking broken leg and can’t leave the house for another week? Who do you think found Madara being taken advantage of because his fucking boyfriend abandoned him!?”
“I had no idea…”
“Of course you didn’t,” Tobirama sneers, his grin sharp and dangerous in a way that has Hashirama shrinking back, “because you don’t give a flying fuck about him! You're just fucking because he’s attractive and all you have to do is ask and he’ll do anything for you! You are nothing but scum, though I suppose I should thank you.”
“As it turns out Tajima doesn’t like you either, and with the lovely sacrificial offering you provided me with, he was willing to see things my way.” The chuckle that escapes Tobirama’s lips isn’t human and Hashirama presses himself as close to the brick wall as he can. “You’ll find your answer on my chest.” With that Tobirama leaves the basement, the door clicking behind him with a certain finality.
It takes Hashirama several moments to gather the courage to pull off Tobirama’s shirt, but when he does his heart nearly stops. Branded over Tobirama’s heart is an all too familiar pentagram, one he’s traced on Madara’s chest many times. It all made sense now, Madara had always joked it was a family symbol, but it seems he was serious; Tobirama had made a deal with the devil.
“What the hell Hashirama!?” Madara demands the next day as he corners Tobirama in Hashirama’s office, “that is the second time this week you’ve ditched me!”
“Sorry about that,” Tobirama says in Hashirama’s usual insincere voice, “something came up and I had to leave.”
“You said that last time,” Madara huffs, but Tobirama notices the hurt deep in his love’s obsidian eyes, “don’t do it again.”
“Of course not dear,” Tobirama lies, he hated hurting Madara but if he didn’t uphold his end of the bargain and crush Madara’s love for Hashirama, then Tajima got his soul. “I really didn’t mean to leave you at the party, I swear, but I’m sure Obito and the others took good care of you, right?”
Madara goes stiff, only noticeable because Tobirama is watching for it and that answers his question about how much Madara remembered from that night. “Where’s Tobirama?” Madara asks, his voice breathless in a way Hashirama wouldn’t normally notice.
“Tobi is indisposed right now,” Tobirama grins, his eyes cold in a way that usually reflects Hashirama’s anger, “why? Is he more fun to talk to than me?”
“Huh?” Madara blinks in confusion, seeming to pull out of his panic enough to pay attention to the current conversation, “no, we were just working on something together.”
“What kind of something?” Tobirama asks innocently as he stands up, though Madara is too distracted to notice.
“None of your business,” Madara snaps automatically and Tobirama can’t help but grin as he backhands the Uchiha hard enough to spend him sprawling to the floor.
“Do you take me for an idiot Madara?” Tobirama asks, crouching beside the prone form and grabbing a fistful of surprisingly soft black hair, “did you really think I had no idea?”
“W-what?” Madara spits, wiping blood off his chin as he struggles to get away from Hashirama’s hand.
“I know you’re cheating on me Dara-chan,” Tobirama coos, barely resisting the urge to gag at the stupid nickname Hashirama insisted on using as he yanks on the other’s hair, “with my baby brother no less.”
“I am not!” Madara instantly denies, a whimper slipping free as he is roughly flipped and his face is shoved into the ground. “Hashirama!”
“Shut up,” Tobirama growls, draping his larger frame over Madara, pressing him more firmly into the ground. He knew Madara was strong enough to get free, knew Madara had a well of inhuman power he refused to touch, just as he knew Madara would never raise a hand against Hashirama, still too desperate for his love. “I saw the text messages! You were flirting with my brother behind my back you bastard!”
Madara goes absolutely rigid, because he had been flirting with Tobirama, but only in a playful manner that the two often did when they just needed a good laugh. “It’s not like that Hashirama, I swear on my life I’m not cheating on you!”
“I don’t believe you,” Tobirama says, flipping Madara over and pinning his smaller frame underneath Hashirama’s tree trunk of a body, “but I know how you’re going to make it up to me; since you want to act like a whore I’m going to treat you like one.”
“I’m not a whore!” Madara exclaims, struggling to get free until his boyfriend’s free hand squeezes his throat hard enough to silence his protests.
“Our client has expressed how much he’d love to fuck you,” Tobirama explains, hating that he's just going with Hashirama’s original plan, “and you’re going to let him.”
“N-no-!” Madara manages to gasp, trying to kick Tobirama off him.
Tobirama presses down harder until Madara goes still under him. “You’re just a whore Dara-chan, you don’t get to tell your pimp no.” It breaks Tobirama’s heart to see the tears welling up in Madara’s eyes, but he ignores the guilt as he stands up straight. “We have a meeting, clean yourself up.”
“Please don’t do this to me Hashirama,” Madara begs, slowly picking himself up off the ground. “If you feel anything for me, don’t do this.”
“All right,” Tobirama agrees with an easy grin, knowing it’s going to happen during their meeting but this should be the last push he’d need to break Madara.
“Thank you,” Madara mutters, his spiriting lifting when his boyfriend gently kisses his bruised cheek.
“Clean up, I’ll see you in the meeting.” Tobirama doesn’t look back as he leaves, knowing that if he sees the soft smile he’s sure is on Madara’s face his resolve will break and that will just hurt them both.
Once Tobirama gets to the meeting, he goes over Hashirama’s plans with the clients, feeling like the worst kind of scum for letting this happen to Madara again. Madara shows up just after his water has been spiked and the meeting starts. It’s painfully easy for Tobirama to pretend to be his brother, he had helped the buffoon get this far in the corporate world and it seems Hashirama hadn’t changed much after he’d decided he no longer needed Tobirama’s help. About halfway through the meeting Hashirama’s secretary pokes her head in to let Tobirama know he has an urgent phone call. It turns out to be Mito, something about their daughter being really sick and if Hashirama wanted any chance of getting back together he’d better get their as soon as he could. Tobirama had explained he was nearly done with a very important meeting and then he’d be there. By the time he and Mito have come to an agreement and Tobirama gets back to the meeting the clients are finishing up with Madara. They sign the lucrative contract without complaint and leave.
“Good work Madara,” Tobirama chuckles as he crouches beside the naked body, “you just got us the deal of the century.”
“Why did you do this?” Madara mutters, barely more than a whisper as his tears fall freely, “I thought you loved me.”
“Loved you?” Tobirama snorts, because he knows that Hashirama has never loved Madara, “why would I love a whore like you?”
“You did this to me…”
“You don’t mind finishing up the paperwork, do you?” Tobirama asks, completely ignoring the quiet words, “Mito called and wants me to come over and it is your contract after all.”
“I hate you.”
Tobirama just smirks as he stands up, because he can tell Madara means those words for the first time in his life. “This room is empty for another hour, I suggest you clean up your mess before then.” Tobirama leaves the room without sparing the Uchiha a glance. He had just enough time to finish up his master plan before his 24 hours are up.
“You have no idea what you’ve done,” Hashirama growls when Tobirama returns to his basement, “I had the most important meeting of my life today.”
“I know, it went off without a hitch,” Tobirama states boredly, examining the dirt under his fingernails as he leans against the bars, “your plan was flawless.”
“You...allowed it to happen?” Hashirama asks in disbelief, hating the smirk that stretches across his own face.
“Of course, I just made sure Madara knew it was your doing. He hates you now.”
“You will pay for this.”
“I highly doubt it.” Tobirama mutters as he unlocks the door, seconds before he feels the pins and needles sensation of his soul being tugged back to the right body. Glancing down at familiar pale hands, he can’t help but grin as he looks at his brother still standing by the bars. “I suppose I should tell you; Tsunade is sick and Mito is expecting you soon.”
“You spoke to Mito?” Hashirama mutters, disbelief winning over his current anger, “and she wants me back?”
“I believe it’s provisional, but yes she wants you.” Rolling his eyes at the eagerness on Hashirama’s face, Tobirama can’t even pretend to be surprised when the cell door is slammed open and his brother steps in.
“Knowing you I have just enough time for this then,” Hashirama says, punching Tobirama squarely in the mouth and knocking his younger brother to the ground. “Since you got me the deal I won’t kill you, but you need to be punished.”
“Do your worst,” Tobirama chuckles, zoning out as blow after blow rains down on him. He feels his nose break first, followed by several ribs as Hashirama focuses on his torso, only stopping after half his rib cage is deformed. If Tobirama hadn’t made the deal with Tajima he’d be concerned, but as it stood all Hashirama was doing was hurting his own case.
“I’ll let you out later,” Hashirama decides as he steps out of the cell and locks the door behind him, shoving the key in his pocket as he leaves. He had more important things to worry about than his baby brother and his best friend.
Tobirama waits until he hears the basement door shut before he slowly props himself up against the wall; inhuman healing rate or not this is going to hurt for a while. Tearing his shirt into strips, Tobirama carefully mops up the blood on his face as best he can before he gently wraps his forearms; they may not have been broken in Hashirama’s assault but they were tender enough that he suspected they were fractured in a few places. Once he runs out of shirt, Tobirama leans back and lets his eyes slipped closed, waiting for Madara to show up like he knows the Uchiha will.
“T-Tobirama?” Madara’s voice wakes him some time later and Tobirama knows his relieved grin splits his busted lip.
“Madara, thank god!” Tobirama exclaims, forcing his battered body to move to the cell door, “you have to get away from Hashirama, he’s going to drug you!”
“It...already happened…” Madara mutters, hanging his head just enough so his bangs hide his face.
“Oh god, I’m too late…” Tobirama mutters, letting his earlier hurt and guilt come to the surface as he collapses to his knees, wincing as he does. “I’m so sorry Madara, I saw his plans and tried to warn you but…”
“He found out?” Madara guesses, glancing from Tobirama’s battered frame and the cell.
“Yeah,” Tobirama agrees, wrapping his arms around his bare torso, knowing it will draw Madara’s eyes to his brand, “it was bad.”
“Tobirama! That mark!” Madara gasps, grabbing the spare key and rushing to the door. Once he’s got the door open Madara storms in, unable to stop himself from hauling Tobirama to his feet and tracing the familiar mark. “Tell me you didn’t!”
“I did,” Tobirama mumbles, unable to make eye contact. Unlike Hashirama, Tobirama had figured out the truth about Madara’s father early on and Madara had made him swear to never make a deal the second he'd found out.
“Hashirama was mad, I think he wanted to kill me,” Tobirama admits because he knew that’s what Hashirama would have done if he hadn’t needed to rush off to meet Mito, “I couldn’t leave you alone to deal my brother.”
“Tobirama…” Madara sighs, pulling the younger man into a hug, both of them suppressing a wince, “you’ll never escape my family now.”
“Madara, as long as you’re safe, I don’t care what happens to me,” Tobirama states, staring deep into Madara’s eyes.
“But why? I’m just a whore according to your brother.”
“My brother is a fool,” Tobirama states, gently tucking a strand of hair behind Madara’s ear, “as for why, I love you, you insufferable Uchiha, I have for a long time.”
“I think I might love you too,” Madara mumbles, surprised to find he actually means the words.
“Well we have an eternity to find out,” Tobirama chuckles, placing his hand over the matching brand on Madara.
“Best news I’ve heard all day,” Madara can’t help but grin, pulling Tobirama in for a quick kiss. It felt right in a way nothing ever hand, but it was clear they both had some healing to do before anything else happened between them. “Let’s go home.”
“I’ll follow you anywhere.”
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axther · 5 years
Hey! Could I get a matchup? I'm a straight girl that goes by Naomi, I have wavy dark brown hair and eyes. I'm an ENFP-T and a Griffindor! I'm loud, kind and eccentric although I can be pretty lazy I'm trying to break out of that habit. Im a very proud person and can be pretty stubborn but went it comes to people I care about I'm more flexible. I tend to tease people and give them a lot compliments. And I'm Irish! Thank you!( ˘ ³˘)⁽⁽ଘ( ˊᵕˋ )ଓ⁾⁾
Like no homo but...bby...bby girl...anyone you uses japanese emoticons automatically make me soft. Also, irish gang rise up 
#1 is...Shoji! 
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While our boy is maybe SUPER slept on
We don’t sleep on good, handsome men on my blog 😤
He would be such a gentleman oh my god
You two probably met because let’s say you fell behind on your studies
(just like how I fell behind on these matchups 😔✊🏻)
Due to a common enemy; procrastination 
And someone tells you that there’s this really nice guy in 1-A who’s a good student, and maybe he has some tips that he could tell you?
So you go looking for him
And thanks to the preconceived notion that they made him sound like this meek, unpopular student, you actually don’t realise it’s him until he finds you
You ask around for Shoji and even ask Shoji himself, and he’s like ‘? Is there something I can help you with?’ 
And you just go ‘😶’ 
But then you bounce back and explain your situation 
He offers to help you with homework that you don’t get done right away, so that way the stuff you do get done you have to be proud of, while the rest actually does get done 
You take him up on that 
And you guys start a series of study dates! 
They take place in a variety of locations 
The library 
The 1-A dorm living room
Your class’ dorm living room 
The occasional cafe 
But then one day the 1-A living room that you guys had planned on taking is conquered by the ladies
And Shoji asks if you’d feel comfortable studying in his room 
Of course you agree, but not before making a joke about having a girl in his room 
With his face covered, you wouldn’t really be able to tell, except for one thing 
Right under his eye, just about and above the mask 
It gets bright fucking red
And naturally, as a good friend of his, you notice 
And you’re like ‘🤨?🤭?😳!’ 
And that’s when you knew 
Roughly a week later, you two are dating, and honestly no one notices right away 
Until one day you two meet at the entrance and Tsuyu notices and she just says 
‘Wow I didn’t know Shoji and Naomi were at the kissing stage.’ 
And everyone else just goes ‘!!!?????’ 
And now you’re 1-A’s star couple, the first to come and probably the longest to last 
(and now the most important question; do you kiss the lips attached to his arms, or do you kiss the mask??) 
#2 is...Kirishima! 
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Laziness BEGONE 
With kirishima at your side he will absolutely go after you laziness 
He will do anything in his power to help 
Boy be reading up options, maybe seeing if it’s something like ADHD where you really can’t help it, or having to hold back stuff like kisses to get you to do what you need to. 
‘Hey babe, did you do A, B, and/or C?’ 
Cue silence 
Kirishima would look over with a genuine frown and puppy dog eyes combo
Alone, they’re bad. Together, it’s a sure KO, 100%, Smash Ultimate combo 
Instantly, you’re up off the dorm couch and about to go and do whatever it is when he calls out 
‘Then i guess I won’t be able to watch (favourite movie) with you tonight…’ 
And this is where it sucks. 
Even if you get it done in record time, he still won’t retract his retraction of boyfriend-girlfriend privileges. 
He wants to make sure you stay on top of things, after all, not just fast 
So no matter what, until you make sure to stay industrious about your studies and other stuff you might procrastinate, you will not be able to do a lot. 
But lo and behold the day comes
And Kirishima would be skipping like a schoolgirl. 
It doesn’t matter to him how long it takes or how hard the process was for the two of you. 
You’ve beaten a personal evil, and that means all the cuddles in the world, baby!!! 
But now he works just as much to make sure you don’t relapse
He’ll keep you on your toes, going as far as to actually check to see if you’ve done what you need 
He really likes that you’re stubborn 
Since a lot of people he knows, and even considers himself to be, are pushovers, he likes that you stand your ground for most things. 
Catch him looking puffed up and proud when you tell someone that you won’t stand for their bs 
#3 is...Ojiro! 
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A lot like Shoji, Ojiro is slept on far too much 
This boy is fuckin MADE for cuddles, baby!! 
Y’all met because some students from Gen Ed were making fun of his quirk and how it’s not flashy 
When he just hears 
‘You guys be nice!! He’s in the hero course and you guys aren’t, remember??’ 
They try to tell you off but you just go for their metaphorical kneecaps 
While remaining sweet you call them out and lowkey roast them, letting them know that bullying was not ok! 
They don’t fight back as much as they might’ve, but that’s just because you were so nice about it that they just can’t get angry 
Ojiro approaches you afterwards and thanks you for standing up
You’re just like ‘!!! it’s what heroes do!’ 
And then you smile and he gets  s o f t 
He’s blushy and scratching the back of his neck, but he asks if maybe you would want to go somewhere with him 🥺
And when you say yes he visibly relaxes 
Gets jealous pretty easy, honestly 
He’s fully aware that between him not being super flashy and therefore is assumed to be unaggressive and just how nice you are, there’s bound to be someone that’s going to try and take you away 
So when someone tries to flirt with you, he is there in a second 
He’s at your side, and while you are capable of handling yourself, he makes it damn well aware that you’re taken 
His tail wraps around your waist and brings you in, and an arm is around your shoulder 
He glares as hard as he can, and until the guy leaves or gets the message 
He gives you kisses on the forehead after 
Please for the love of god had all the complements to him
He may not act like it but he’s a bit self-conscious
Please please please just smooch the boy 
The absolute lad  
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hyphypmic · 6 years
Doppo, Saburo and Samatoki crushing on/dating a barista and coffee connoisseur? (If you're comfortable with it, male reader please) thank you!!
Alright, before I get started on the pile of NSFW requests (which by the way I’m very excited about), here’s some fluff! Hope you like this anon!
This man lives breathes and drinks coffee
No seriously, his blood is more coffee and caffeine than actual red blood cells
Anyway, he always gets his order in a hurry, but the one time he looked up and saw the barista at the counter, he dropped his wallet, fumbled for his words and just… fucking died
“SORRY!” Like really loudly.
As in, he really says sorry a lot and drops coins before he manages to pay the poor guy
Barista may or may not be flirting with him
“You okay honey?” He says while batting his eyelashes.
Doppo while slightly trembling: “Nnggg yes.”
Barista “accidentally” brushes his fingers against Doppo’s and Doppo kind of just pales because he’s so fucking cute
when the barista calls for his order and gets him fucking name right Doppo literally loses his shit and scrambles to the counter.
“Don’t apologise for anything.” The barista winks at him
Doppo nods and just kinda stumbles away and when he sees the number on the cup he almost drops the coffee and he turns around
The barista is waving at him and Doppo waves back and scurries away before he can be late for work
Doppo texts barista in that cute fluttery manner where he rapid fire sends his nervous thoughts
The other man finds it ridiculously cute and legit the moment he asks for a date, Doppo just drops his phone and says yes
Oh you know, teenagers and their Starbucks
Saburo is with his friends when he sees the other teen making their drinks
Teen is an intern, so no uniform yet
Saburo is completely tongue tied so his straight friends have to order for him
Friends tease him as they hang around Starbucks and he keeps staring at the barista
Friends also pressure him to go up to the counter and ask for the guy’s number
“He’s not even gay!”
Friend: “bro. He has the pride flag on his uniform, talks like he’s gay, and and and, he was clearly flirting with you.”
“No he wasn’t!”
Anyway, Saburo musters the courage to walk to the counter, except he doesn’t ask for the number. He just wordlessly hands over the cup to the barista.
Barista is confused, but he turns the cup over to find that Saburo wrote his number and a little “I think you’re cute” on it
Barista is a blushing mess (they’re both blushing messes)
Well, it all works out in the end and they really hit it off through all the social media platforms
Ofc he automatically has to go through the buster bros filtration system, but when he makes coffee for the two he passes
Jiro and Ichiro are actually happy for him
His boyfriend is a barista
The Almighty Yakuza boss is dating a barista who can get his order right every time
And no, Yokohama bad boy used to only order the coffee right up the Starbucks menu
But now, his boyfriend predicts what he wants based on his mood
Mr. Ha Ko actually fucking likes pumpkin spice lattes, so boyfriend kinds saves some for him
Yes they have a coffee machine at their home and boyfriend always makes the cutest art and Samatoki (very secretly) takes pictures and instagrams all of them
Nah his account ins’t that popular, but to the followers, it’s ridiculously cute
Also no one (except MTC) knows its the Yokohama bad boy
When Samatoki goes to the Starbucks his boyfriend is at, he really hardcore flirts with his boyfriend as if they’re not together and puts the entire yakuza act
He like leans on the counter and flirts hard
Yes they have made out in the backroom after many of these flirtations
Like Samatoki fake complains about his Matcha Latte with Soy Milk and whipped cream and demands to see the barista
However, everyone working there just knows and just ignores the crashing going on in the backroom
Oh samatoki tries making coffee at home and… well tbh it’s not bad
Here we go: coffee tutorials thank you and good night
Also cute couple selfies that involve drinks
Jyuto and Riou love him for the drinks and the fact that Samatoki is very much like a puppy and very very calm when he’s around
“Is Samatoki… actually…. Leaning on his shoulder?”
“Unless my eyes deceive me Jyuto, he is.”
Samatoki stares at these fondly at the warehouse and threatens anyone who teases him about it
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raendown · 5 years
Commission for @cassieeeeanne!
Pairing: KakashiYamato Word count: 4273 Rated: G Summary: After a car accident leaves Kakashi without his memories Tenzou finds himself the only one having trouble moving forward - mostly because he is the only one left to remember all the years of being happily married, years that now exist only in his own mind. He visits still, of course he does, but over the past few months he's discovered that hope is hard to cling to when your other half is already letting go.
Follow the link or read it under the cut!
KO-FI and commission info in the header!
Memoir Redacted
The hospital hallways were warm, which felt wrong. Something about being denied the cliché of a cold uncaring hospital just didn’t sit right with him no matter that he tried to rationalize it away by reminding himself they were just entering the height of summer and one of the nurses had told him a month ago that their air conditioning wasn’t the best. Stepping out of the cool breeze outside and in to the muggy heat of the in-patient wing, Tenzou automatically pulled at the collar of his t-shirt. He could already feel the sweat gathering in the small of his back.
At the very least his partner was probably happy with the temperature. Kakashi had always abhorred the cold, although he wasn’t even sure if the man remembered that or if it was just instinct that had him leaning in to what small patches of sun reached his bed during the day.
Rubbing at his temple with one hand, Tenzou returned a greeting from one of the nurses with a small wave of his other hand. He was never sure if it bothered him or touched him that they all knew his face and his name by now. For the first week after Kakashi’s accident he had practically camped here and in the month after he woke up Tenzou had visited every day after work. Two more months down the road and he still visited just as frequently but he didn’t think many people would blame him for not staying as long each time anymore.
Looking in to the eyes of the man he loved and seeing nothing but blank politeness would drive anyone from the room, he was sure.
When he reached Kakashi’s room Tenzou paused to look in through the window, taking a moment just to admire the sight of his husband’s placid smile and the carefree lack of tension in his shoulders, the ease with which he held himself even in this sterile, foreign environment. For a man with little to no memories of who he was Kakashi had been incredibly brave from the moment he woke up. It was almost as admirable as it was painful to see all the qualities that Tenzou had fallen in love with him for all those years ago displayed so prominently despite the fact that, for all he knew, he was untethered to this world around him.
Clearing his throat, Tenzou pushed his thoughts aside just as he pushed the door open and stepped through.
“Knock, knock,” he called softly. Kakashi turned to look at him and his heart thudded painfully at the minute tightening around those beloved eyes, the flicker of impatience where there should have been loving welcome.
“I’m your husband,” he pointed out for the hundredth time. “There’s no need to be so formal.”
Kakashi closed his eyes in the way of his fake smile and tilted his head to one side, “Ah, I still forget things sometimes. Please excuse me.”
He apparently forgot, too, that as his husband Tenzou would know all his habits, could read the irritation behind that false smile and knew that Kakashi didn’t really want him here. They got along well enough. Of course they did, they had clicked together like puzzle pieces right from the moment they first met so many years ago. The problem now was that this wasn’t the first meeting and yet only Tenzou carried the baggage of their shared memories.
“I brought you a few things from home,” he offered, letting the fake smile pass without comment. “You’ve already read the other books I brought so I thought you’d like the last in the series. And this is just a little, uh, you play with this puzzle box a lot. Mostly just to keep your hands busy while we watch TV but I thought maybe…”
“That it might spark some memories?” Kakashi held out one hand but it was with the air of someone resigned to doing something just to get it out of the way.
Dropping the puzzle box in the outstretched hand, ignoring the screaming voice in his heart that yearned to weave their fingers together, Tenzou nodded and murmured quietly, “I had hoped so.”
“Maa, I appreciate the book,” Kakashi offered. “I’m dying to know what happens next.”
“I could spoil it for you,” Tenzou teased with a hesitant smile. He was pleased to see Kakashi huff and snatch the novel away from him as well to hold it close like a precious child. He always had gotten a little too in to his stories; it was good to see that was another thing about him that hadn’t changed.
“Don’t you dare! Junko has been through so much and I want to find out for myself how she deals with Haruya’s betrayal! A love story should be experienced, not recounted!”
Tenzou recoiled like he’d been slapped in the face and his reaction seemed to force Kakashi to realize what he’d just said. To his credit he did wince, a clear sign he hadn’t meant to be so blatantly insulting, and set the book down to rub awkwardly at the back of his head. No amount of apologetic expressions could make up for blunt honesty, however. The damage had already been done.
Fighting hard to keep his own face neutral, Tenzou took a step back. “Anyway, I just came to drop those off and to let you know that…that I’m still thinking of you. But I, uh, I suppose if you’re so excited then I should let you get to reading!”
He offered a false smile of his own but didn’t dare look up to see whether it worked in the slightest. Kakashi’s eyes burned in to him as they both murmured awkward goodbyes and even though he knew it was impossible Tenzou felt as though those eyes followed him all the way back out of the hospital, chasing him through the too-warm hallways and out in to the breeze where he was disappointed to realize that he still couldn’t breathe past the lead in his chest.
Of course, as weak as he was for the man he had married, Tenzou was back at the hospital only two days later. Kakashi had called him a sucker for punishment many times before and never had he felt so much like laughing and crying at the same time because the man was more right than ever and he wouldn’t even remember it.
A terrible irony considering how much he enjoyed being right.
Before going to Kakashi’s room he spoke to one of the nurses in the hallway who updated him on the fact that there were really no updates to be given, his condition unchanging. The blood clot they were so worried about was still in the same spot, not moving towards his brain yet but also not disappearing, and the blood thinners they had him on weren’t making as much of a difference as the doctor had hoped. If it weren’t for the blood thinners Kakashi could have actually come home. Tenzou supposed his husband was probably grateful that giving an adult so much Advil had such a potential to be dangerous since it gave him an excuse not to go live with a man whom he saw as a stranger.
The first thing Tenzou saw when he did enter the room was a smile he knew all too well. Kakashi had a cute face and a killer smile and he knew just how to use it, always had. It was one of the first things that caught Tenzou’s attention and it was one of the deadliest weapons against him whenever they bickered. The problem right then was that his favorite smile was being directed at someone who was absolutely not him.
Both Kakashi and the nurse stopped laughing as soon as they spotted him there in the doorway, the nameless young man who had probably come in to the room by accident cleared his throat and bid the patient a good day, edging around Tenzou with a nervous look in his eyes that said he knew all about the odd relationship between them but had chosen to stop and flirt anyway. Hopefully some of the other nurses would know his name so Tenzou could ask him very politely to step the fuck off.
“Tenzou-san,” Kakashi greeted him. His voice carried a firm note that elicited a very soft sigh from the doorway.
“You don’t have to- never mind. How are you?”
“Well I suppose most of my day has been pretty good.” When Kakashi smiled there was a layer of coldness behind it that said Tenzou was the one who had ruined that good day by interrupting the scene he had just now.
Choosing not to address that, Tenzou rather stubbornly stepped in to the room and parked himself in to visitor’s chair. Kakashi was his husband. They had been married for six years and dated for two before that. No wet behind the ears nurse boy was going to step in to his territory without a fight; just because it hurt to his very core that Kakashi would give so much warmth to someone he had no connections to and yet turned away from Tenzou on instinct, that didn’t mean he was ready to give up quite yet.
Almost. But not yet. He was worn and tired and the months of cool reception had been hard but he was also patient and so deeply in love he didn’t know if it was in him to turn away. This was the road he had chosen to walk and by god he would walk it until his knees gave out from underneath him. Or until he was asked to leave. That was an option he had very carefully considered, accepted, and then gently pushed to one side in the desperate hope that it would never happen.
“Have you gotten very far in your book?” he asked. It was the safest topic he could think of to talk about and was rewarded for his efforts by the excitement on Kakashi’s face.
“Already four chapters in! It’s thrilling! The romance, the action, the suspense and everything, it’s all so masterfully crafted. I really must have some good taste for these to be my favorites. This author is a genius!” While he spoke his hands traced shapes in the air, the most animated movements Tenzou had seen from him since the accident. It was heartening to see.
“You met him once, you know,” he said. “We went to a book signing two years ago when this last installment came out. You were first in line. We camped outside the bookstore all night.”
Kakashi’s jaw dropped with awe. “I met him!? Tell me! Tell me everything!”
There was really no denying that happy expression. For the first time since the man had woken from his coma he seemed excited to interact and Tenzou was human enough to take his wins where he could find them. It was incredible to be in the center of Kakashi’s focus again and for the next couple of hours he dredged up every scrap of knowledge he had about the Icha Icha series and its author, things he had picked up over the years from listening to this same man gush over them or reciting a few raunchy passages during intimate moments. He might have never read the books himself but after living with someone who obsessed over them for so long he was bound to know at least enough to carry his weight in the conversation.
Unfortunately the well of his knowledge did run dry eventually and even Kakashi could only ask so many questions about the author when their meeting with him had only lasted for about fifteen minutes, most of which had been spent standing to the side and speaking over his shoulder while the man continued to sign novels for other people in line. The description of how jealous the other book lovers had been to see him being so friendly with the author earned a laugh at least.
But as the conversation slowly began to peter out again Tenzou felt the same old frustration rising up in him.
“It shouldn’t be this awkward,” he blurted suddenly. “You always told me it was love at first sight, that you were captivated right from the beginning. I don’t understand. How is it different now?” He knew he had ruined all the good rapport he’d just built when Kakashi ran a tired hand through his messy silver hair.
“Maybe you look different,” was his blunt suggestion.
“Not that much. At least, you always said–”
“Or maybe that’s the problem! You’re always on about what I’ve said and what I’ve done and how you think I’m supposed to be. I don’t know that guy you want me to be, Tenzou-san, and I don’t know you. Maybe I fell in love with you the first time because you didn’t expect anything from me!”
Leaning back in his chair, Tenzou took a deep breath to steady himself. It was surprisingly difficult. “You’re right, I have been expecting a lot from you. It’s just hard. One day I have a husband who loves me and then the next…”
“Yes, yes, the next you have me. Well I’m very sorry to be a disappointment for you but I don’t think you’ve ever completely understood what it’s like from my side. I don’t know you! But you look at me like you’re just…waiting.” Kakashi shook his head. “I don’t even really know what you’re waiting for. My memories? Some sign that I’m falling in love with you all over again even though you haven’t given me any time or reason to? It stresses me out to have you here, Tenzou-san. I’m sorry if that hurts to hear but every time you visit…it’s just stressful trying to figure out who you’re waiting for me to be.”
Each word he spoke was like another knife in Tenzou’s heart. Ice ran through his veins and his lungs burned for the air he couldn’t seem to breathe in properly. No pain he had ever felt came even close to this except those first terrible hours after the accident when they weren’t sure if Kakashi would live or die. But worst of all was knowing that Kakashi hadn’t said anything that wasn’t true. Knowing that for all the hope in his heart Kakashi’s memories were gone, they might never come back, and there was absolutely nothing he could do about that.
“I’m sorry,” he whispered quietly, hands fisted on his knees. “You’re right, of course. I should never have put those expectations on you. It was unfair of me. Thank you for being honest. Perhaps it would be best if I…visited less often.” Despite his efforts he couldn’t quite bring himself to say he would stay away and he averted his gaze to avoid seeing any potential disappointment in Kakashi’s face.
“Right. I truly don’t mean to hurt you but I would appreciate a little space to just breathe and learn to be me again. Please don’t think I haven’t tried to remember. I have. I can see how much you love me and it isn’t that I don’t want that. I just…I don’t remember you.”
His voice had only been so soft on the few rare occasions when they fought for real and Tenzou hated himself for even making the comparison after what he had just been told. It took a great deal of effort to peel himself up out of the plastic chair and step back towards the door with both hands clasped together in the awkwardly polite manner so many had made fun of him for over the years.
“If space is what you ask of me then space is what I will give you.” He hovered for a couple of long minutes as he tried to think of something else to say but all the words in his head were jumbled and messy, emotional and so very much not what needed to be said at that moment. For all that he had always been the more mature between the two of them, more in tune with his emotions, it was sort of funny that now he had finally found a situation where that worked to his detriment. Now in the hour when he felt the most was the time when he needed to box himself in and display the least – and he had failed at that. It simply wasn’t in his nature. With a formal bow Tenzou excused himself and whispered his goodbyes.
When the door closed behind him Kakashi’s voice did not follow but the nurses in their station all watched him pass with sympathy in their eyes as tears began to spill over his cheeks. He ignored them. Their sympathy was not what he wanted right then.
Resisting the desire to go visit his beloved was about as hard as he’d thought it would be. Neither of them had ever had any family to fall back on and without Kakashi as the glue to keep them together he found his circle of friends less cohesive than he would have liked. He spent the next couple of weeks feeling isolated despite the people all around him at work or when he went out shopping, lonelier than he could ever remember feeling in his life.
Most of the time he spent away was filled with deep cleaning their home and flipping through magazines he had no real interest in, things he could do that didn’t require much brain power since his mind remained stuck in a hospital room where he apparently wasn’t welcome. Or needed. The sight of Kakashi smiling at another man played in his head a hundred times over until he thought it might make him physically ill to remind himself yet again that if the memories never came back then he had no right to stop Kakashi from falling in love with someone new and starting a new life over the ashes of their old one. It was a hard truth and it hurt to swallow but it was something he knew he couldn’t let himself forget.
He hadn’t been sent away entirely yet, however, and Tenzou could only keep his stupidly hopeful heart away for so long. Certain occasions should be spent together, after all. On the Monday of the third week he found himself trudging along muggy hospital hallways once again and fanning himself absently with one hand while he waved to the nurses with the other. Kakashi wasn’t in his bed when Tenzou came in to the room but the bathroom door was closed and the light was on so he hovered anxiously just inside the room feeling as though he were back in high school waiting for the principal to see him. When the door opened he did his best to assume a neutral face instead of the kicked puppy look he knew he was probably wearing.
“Oh. Tenzou. Jeez, you scared me.” Kakashi faltered in the bathroom doorway and put a hand over his heart, laughing a little at his own reaction. Then he continued on to clamor back in his bed before saying anything else, melting back against the pillows.
“I hope I haven’t come at a bad time,” Tenzou murmured, still not coming entirely in to the room yet also unwilling to send himself away. Not if he didn’t have to.
“Maa, I was pretty bored actually. The TV in here stopped working yesterday so I haven’t really had much to do.”
A half smile formed on his lips and he asked, “How will you ever watch your soaps now?”
“Right? All that drama and I’m missing it! They’re so messy and stupid and they draw you right in until you’re sitting on the edge of your seat because you’ve gotta know whether Takeshi survives that third brain transplant.”
“Brain transplants?” A snort of disbelief escaped him and he was thrilled to hear Kakashi laugh.
“I know, right!”
They both giggled over the stupidity of soap operas for a little while, coming up with more and more unbelievable problems for the characters to face and the stupidly dramatic solutions the show might bring out for them or the twists that would get thrown in to the mix. It was pleasant conversation, more pleasant than most they’d had, and not just because this time Tenzou could actually put his whole self in to it with no pretending. He could easily admit to feeling the draw of those stupid dramas as much as his husband. What made it truly nice though was the ease in Kakashi’s stance, the lack of tension in his shoulders, the way he seemed to sense that there was nothing being asked of him and so felt no need to raise his hackles defensively in the face of failure.
Eventually the conversation turned to other things in a natural manner and Tenzou happily followed along whatever path Kakashi wished to tread. Honestly he was just happy to finally sit here with no expectations and no burning in the back of his eyes as he compared every breath and blink to the man he wanted to be sitting in front of him. In a way it was like meeting Kakashi for the first time all over again and it was strangely refreshing.
More than three hours passed by almost without notice and he only truly realized the time when his stomach rumbled loudly enough he feared they might have heard it all the way over at the nurses’ station. With a faintly embarrassed look Tenzou held a hand over his stomach and apologized.
“Time for lunch?” Kakashi asked him with light humor. He nodded.
“Yeah, I think I’ll treat myself to my favorite.”
“Oh? What’s your favorite?” It was only an innocent question asked with a surprising amount of genuine curiosity but for Tenzou it felt like a bucket of ice dumped over his head.
For a little while it had been just like old times and whether that was because he’d been able to let go for a while or simply because he forgot about Kakashi’s condition in his eagerness wasn’t clear. Obviously he would need to do a little more work on this whole ‘no expectations’ thing; apparently his poor tired heart had been hoping that just this one nice conversation would solve all their problems. Pushing himself to his feet, Tenzou very firmly told himself to put a lock down on his emotions and keep this pain to himself lest he alienate his husband after all that work he’s just put in to growing closer again.
“I’m really boring,” he joked instead. “My favorite thing to eat is just this really great apple walnut salad I get from a place that’s a few miles from here.”
“Maa, a man’s got to eat his veggies.”
Tenzou smiled softly. “That he does. Well, this man is off to eat his veggies right now. Have a good day, Kakashi. I’ll come visit again…sometime. Not too soon, I promise, wouldn’t want you to get tired of my face or something.” He forced a little chuckle that even managed to sound half genuine and it seemed like he would manage to get away from this visit without any proverbial scratches.
He made it all the way to the door and halfway out before Kakashi’s voice called himself with an absent note, already distracting himself with something. When he turned back the man had one of the Icha Icha books open across his lap for yet another read through, his fingers fiddling with a worn puzzle box to keep them occupied.
“What is it?” he asked. Kakashi smiled vaguely.
“Happy birthday, Tenzou. Just thought I should say that before you go.”
“I…it is my birthday.”
“Mm. I hope it’s a good one.”
With that Kakashi went back to his book and Tenzou very carefully shut the door, leaned back against the corridor wall, and slid down to the floor with both hands clasped over his mouth to muffle the sobs bubbling up out of his chest.
Kakashi remembered his birthday. As calmly as though it were only normal he had remembered something he’d never being told, oh so casually stopping Tenzou’s heart and nearly ending his entire world because Kakashi remembered. It was only a single detail, small in the grand scheme of things, but to him it was the breath of fresh air after so long in the dark. It was a ray of hope when he had only just begun to accept that all may truly have been lost.
Tears streamed down his cheeks and Tenzou curled in to himself to muffle the sounds of his crying, desperately trying not to draw attention from the man just on the other side of the wall, but for once it was not pain that shook his form. It was joy. Joy so bright and hopeful it almost did become its own kind of pain but he could not have cared less, gave himself over to it without hesitation. After so long feeling nothing but the slow dwindling of his own hope it was a strange kind of ecstasy to latch on to something so small and seemingly insignificant.
Kakashi had remembered his birthday. And with that Tenzou was reminded of what it was like to believe that things might really be okay. Because if he remembered this one thing – well.
What else might he remember?
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jo-ships · 5 years
All of the ask meme with Judai!! >:3
Here it is, the full alphabet with my boy Judai, hope this is good! It took a while and it’s really long so I threw it under a read more, thank you very much for the request!
A: we like to open Duel Monster card packs together! We don’t find too many cards we want to add to our decks but it doesn’t really matter, we just have fun sitting down together and doing that. Sometimes we’ll open like 8-10 each and make a deck with every card we get and then duel each other!
B: Judai gets super embarrassed when his hair is down, whether because gravity finally got to it or because of water. I think it’s really cute but he doesn’t like it. I, on the other hand, get embarrassed about a lot of my traits but he never really cares, he doesn’t get why I’d be embarrassed.
C: Judai typically either gives me some space or tries to distract me, he usually prefers to be alone if something gets to him too much so i let him be until he feels better enough to be around me.
D: he usually gets himself out of trouble before i even realize what happened. When there’s any trouble regarding himself or me, he’s already got his duel disk ready to throw down before I even know what’s going on, lol.
E: we just cheer for each other no matter the situation like the dorks we are!
F: neither of us actually know how to flirt so we just send each other funny pictures while right next to each other. Closest Judai gets to flirting is sending me cute selfies with sweet captions when we’re apart, and i just lamely attempt at flirting but it goes over his head half the time. Lmao
G: we met in our first year at Duel Academia! Basically i made a big deal to the headmaster about not wanting to automatically be put in Obelisk Blue just because of the female dorm and for some reason, he listened. So i got put into Osiris Red because i didn’t do great on the duel part of the exam. Then i met Judai and we became friends!
H: Judai should never, ever be allowed in a kitchen. The guy can eat but holy hell he can’t cook! Usually if we’re somewhere with a kitchen, i do the cooking. I’m not great but I’m better than him.
I: I’d like to eventually settle down somewhere with him but he loves travelling and gets cabin fever being in one place for too long, so it’s probably pretty distant in the future.
J: i get jealous pretty easily but i try not to let it out negatively much. We both get kinda possessive when we’re jealous though.
K: he’s more of a hugger, but he’s fun to kiss~. I like to randomly kiss him time-to-time.
L: i had to confess to him first, i think the only reason he realized his feelings for me was because i put a name on it for myself. Guess it woke him up. Lol
M: my favorite is probably when he finally started to return to his old self after the supreme king thing. Seeing the light return to his eyes was really something special, plus that was only a little bit before we got together~!
N: we don’t really call each other many nicknames, i sometimes call him Jay or cutie but that’s about it.
O: we actually accidentally got each other the same little winged kuriboh plush once. We didn’t find out until we went to give it to each other but when we did, we both started laughing really hard.
P: anytime we can when we’re apart. We’ve been around each other so much it just feels weird not hearing each other’s voices.
Q: well, i already mentioned i call him cute and he gets flustered, but i on the other hand am super easy to fluster. All he has to do is smile at me the right way and it’s a one-hit KO.
R: don’t know if this counts but we are an unstoppable team in tag duels. Can’t say whether it’s just because we’re really in sync or what but we work really well together.
S: i love taking random pictures of him, and i like pulling him over and snapping a sudden selfie with him. He’s actually really photogenic!
T: hugging is about as much pda as we do, aside from my random kisses. We cuddle a lot when it’s just the two of us though.
U: he had to get used to being in a romantic relationship with someone, but other than that we were really used to each other after spending so much time being friends that there wasn’t much change.
V: we both would do absolutely anything we could to get each other back. I also know how Judai was with Johan but i trust that he’d be smarter nowadays and not let something like that happen again if i disappeared.
W: anywhere, really. Not much to say.
X: He’s an actual idiot and has not been sick. I don’t get sick much but when i do he’s an absolute dumbass and has no idea what to do. I usually have to order him around. Lmao
Y: i honestly couldn’t see him proposing but hey, he’s full of surprises so who knows. It would probably be someplace we’ve gone that we both liked.
Z: he latches onto me, which isn’t a problem when it’s cold but if we’re somewhere hot i just want to kill him
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