#i can’t even blame him either have u seen his bf??
m3ntal-hiatus · 6 months
jjk would’ve been this 🤏 long if gojo had thought with his head, not his weiner.
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shadyteacup · 3 years
If you’re still doing requestsssssss how about a hcs of Dazai x fem! Reader who is like Midari from Kakegurui 😌
Ooh thats a nice one! Yes love, I'm still doing requestss
And I'm so sorry, this is so late... also it's very long n I'm not exaggerating. It's not even funny I'm so sorry
I'm Crazy, But I'm Free
Dazai x Fem!reader who is like Midari
• You and Dazai probably met during his days at the port mafia.
• I can imagine the mafia capturing you because of how much trouble you were causing in a casino.
• UK, when big businesses pay gangsters for security?? Yeah, similarly the casino you were playing at, has paid the mafia.
• You were already banned from many other casinos, as your games either end with you gaining a lot of money, or begin with a dangerous condition.
• Many people were quite afraid of you, and wanted to avoid even being in the same room as you, as they couldn't handle the severity of the danger you pose with every game.
• Anyways, so you were warned by a few members of the mafia twice, but you, being the fearless adventurer you are, flipped them off and continued to seek a life threatening game.
• So then the mafia decided to use violence, and cornered you in a dark alley. You pulled out your beloved gun.
"Well, well, well! Do you boys want a fight!?", you excitedly point the gun at them.
"Put your weapon down, Ms. L/N. We are here to warn you for the final time. Stay away from this casino. Further misbehavior will lead to dangerous consequences."
You hum, thinking up a plan.
"How about this. My revolver has 5 bullets. And there are five of us. How about we all take turns to shoot blindfolded!"
You excitedly shove them in a circular arrangement.
"I'll go first! The rules are that every person gets a chance to shoot from the center of the circle. If the bullet misses, everyone takes a step ahead, closer to the center."
You explain, grinning at the men clad in all black.
"If a bullet hits me, I'll agree to your terms. If it hits one of you lot, then you can't stop me anymore. What do you say?!"
The mafiosi were weirded out by this. What if you had a good aim, or an ability that allowed you to shoot them with your eyes closed? They didn't have much intel on you, and only knew you to be a girl from a rich background, who had come to Yokohama for higher studies.
"That's enough. Grab her-"
• Thats when our boy showed up. Dazai was curious when he overheard some of the men talk about some 'fearless girl that had flipped them off even after two rather threatening warnings.'
• So he had decided to tag along, staying in the shadows, until now.
• "I think it will be a wonderful idea. Play along, gentlemen. I want to see where this goes."
• You shot, and missed. So did the other guy. Then the other one. Now, the circle had shrunk really small. You were almost in the line of fire at this point. There was an 80% chance of getting shot.
• "That's enough." ,Dazai said, as he walked to stand in front of you.
• "You are daring, aren't you. You're not afraid of death."
• Staring into his eyes, you saw a reflection of yourself. A dark, lost soul stared back at you.
• "In fact, you arranged this little game to ensure that you got hurt. You perfectly planned it out, and ensured that as the circle gets smaller, you would be in the direct line of fire."
• "You missed the first shot on purpose, didn't you?"
• He had seen right through your game.
'What's this guy's deal?', you thought.
"Why would you stop the game when it was at its peak? Hah? Whats wrong with you, man?!", you angrily grab his collar. "I was just beginning to have fun, and here you are, ruinjng it!"
• Taken aback by your bravery, he just blinked at you.
"Do you know who I am?"
"Yes, obviously, idiot. But that doesn't give you any right to interrupt our game."
"Oh? So who do you think I am."
You give him a 'baka janiono?' look.
"You are their leader. Probably an executive of the mafia, judging by your expensive suit. Why?"
The thoughts running through Dazai's head were along the lines of :
'Just who is this girl? How does she know about the mafia? Surely my men weren't dumb enough to tell her who they work for. How does she know about my position? She surely didn't just guess that, right?? And why the fuck does a student have a gun? Does her family have connections within the underworld? She obviously doesn't fear death. Will she be a good addition to the mafia?'
• "What are you thinking about, baka? Answer me."
• He smiled sweetly at you, and firmly gripped your wrist, pushing it off his collar.
"There's someone who would like to meet you"
Before you can retort back, he continues,"You seek adventure, do you not? You want to feel something worthwhile. Something akin to facing death, something that will give you an adrenaline rush. I can give you all of that. If you come with me, that is."
• Mori was shocked when he heard about what had happened. He agreed with Dazai's decision to make you join the ranks. He needed such fearless crackheads in his organization.
• He paired you up with the double black, making you an executive too. You hadn't quite agreed to his terms, but he had offered you to just accompany the ginger and the brunette on a mission. And had let you make the final decision .
• You three had to go to an abandoned warehouse, where some people were tampering with the mafia goods. There, you saw how sadistic Dazai was. How manipulative and bad he was. It made you fall for him. Hard. Plus, you realized the risk of being a mafiosi. It was quite thrilling.
• When you got back, you had screamed at mori to let you join. Quite literally begged. And he, ofcourse, agreed. You hadn't even given him a chance to threaten your life, which was the usual norm, when a valuable asset wasn't willing to join the ranks of the feared organization.
• You trained with dazai. And purposely got hit. It turned you on. But you never mentioned anything, in fear of being rejected.
• Dazai, ofcourse, noticed this, and one fine day, confronted you about it. You told him just how much you love him. He was always intrigued by your sadistic side. He saw a part of himself in you. The daring, brave, smart side of yours was something so similar to himself, yet unique. You were seeking the same thing that he was, that is to feel something. He felt sadness, and loneliness, and he never had a purpose in life. You, someone who had it all, a good family, a great marksheet, and a pre set goal in life, were willing to give it away, just to feel something. He, someone who was stripped off of a normal childhood, was never given the opportunity to choose. He used to think that maybe he was to blame. Maybe if he had had better luck, he would have gotten a good childhood, a purpose. But now that he knows you, a genius, smart person, who had it all, but threw it away, he realized that maybe life really is worthless. Maybe, he wasn't to be blamed. And that, oddly enough, made him feel better. To know that no matter how much lady luck favors him, life would still be fucked up, and that it wasn't his fault, made him hate himself less.
• And so, you two became a thing.
• Let's just say, that both of you are equally freaky.
• You want him to dom u, and he gladly accepts
• You guys try it all... I mean, especially with guns.
• I can imagine you both sitting at a boring meeting, when you decide to edge him on, and you're not even touching him. Your gun is.
• You both claim atleast one spare room on every floor of the building, for your.... activities.
• You are like his praise queen.
• He loves that.
• Always rough. Always. And you guys are into spicing it up.
• Anyways, you both never decide to commit double suicide.
• Thats because dazai wants a beautiful way out, while you want to feel the thrill of facing death. You don't really want to die, you just want to know the feeling of almost dying. You want to feel something exhilarating.
• When Dazai decides to leave the mafia, you are all for it. As long as you get to stay by his side, you were ok with it.
• Like Midari, you are a very perceptive person, and can easily guess what's going on in someone's mind. Dazai was easy to read for you, as his thoughts were pretty similar to your own.
• You were smart, cunning, and could read peoples mind with ease. So it was pretty easy for you to guess what's going on in Dazai's mind, sometimes even predicting his next moves.
• You really fit in with the ada, coz that place is filled with crackheads, and you and dazai are no exception lol
• Also, you get along with Yosano really well.
• Like, if you weren't so loyal to dazai, you would have become Yosanos slave. So would i ngl
• Anyways, you and dazai always mess with kunikida. You two prank him till the breaking point. You two are such a menace in the office. Always skipping work, slacking off, but really shining when it comes to actual detective work, like solving mysteries.
• You are a valuable asset to the ada, coz 1. You are smart and 2. You can intimidate the enemy into giving in, thanks to your sadistic games.
• You are also a very good companion. You can easily understand what the other is feeling, and end up comforting the gang.
• I can imagine you roasting Kunikida for being such a nerd, but at the same time giving him accurate and well needed advice .
• You do the same for your bf, and the two of you have many late night convos about topic that Dazai had never discussed with anyone before. Because no one had quite understood him the way you did.
• Midari is actually a pretty deep character, and just like her, you have many layers. There's the sadistic side, the goofy side, the careless side, the intelligent side and the insightful nature.
• You would be his perfect partner, as you'd support his crazy, reckless ideas, but at the same time keep him afloat, and prevent him from drowning in his own thoughts.
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baka-writings · 3 years
𝗩𝗶𝗰𝘁𝗼𝗻 𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗰𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻: 𝗦𝗲𝗲𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗮𝗻𝗼𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗿 𝗴𝘂𝘆 𝗳𝗹𝗶𝗿𝘁 𝘄𝗶𝘁𝗵 𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗶𝘁 𝗴𝗳/𝗠𝗧𝗟 𝗯𝗲𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗷𝗲𝗮𝗹𝗼𝘂𝘀
𝗪𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀: none actually
I combined MTL with a bullet reaction so I hope you like it~
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fourth most jealous, which puts him in the middle
when it comes to plain jealousy he wouldn't be that much jealous
cuz he knows you love him and he trusts you
he'd only get jealous if there were legit proofs of something ex. you kissing another guy, flirty text messages etc
but we won't talk about that rn, cuz cheating is not okay
(just tried to point out when he would get really jealous)
jealous Seungwoo I think would be mature
like he wouldn't unnecessarily yell or something and would talk it out with you
if he saw another guy flirting with you eve despite knowing you had a bf
i must say rip to that guy tbh
Seungwoo would put his arm around your waist and try to intimidate the guy with his face expression which would be kinda scary tbh
more like a glare tbh
if that person didn't get the hint (or more like didn't want to get the hint)
Seungwoo would lowkey threaten and scare him (not beat him or anything)
or tell him off with some scary expressions
then he'd ask you if you were okay and tell you that if someone ever tries to flirt with you again you should tell him
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the second least jealous from the group or maybe shares the least jealous with a certain someone 😌
i can't see him being jealous at all (in overal)
like he trusts you and also i think he wouldn't get in a relationship with someone he didn't know well
so by the time you are dating he'd know your personality very well
for example you had guy friends or something
he'd already know about them and know that you're classmates/former classmates etc
you get me
If he saw a guy flirting with you he'd frown
and tell that asshole to leave you alone
like he'd handle it without any yelling, swearing etc
maybe would raise his voice tho, but not on the level of yelling, just to scold him
if that guy ignored him and didn't want to leave, he'd just take your hand and leave with you
because first, he doesn't talk to people who don't respect others, second he doesn't want to get involved in dumb fights
so in overal a chill man 😌
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the most jealous in VICTON, fight me
in overal he'd really jealous and possessive
if you were spending way too much time with one of his members for example, he'd get jealous
but it's not because he wouldn't trust you,oh no
it's because he needs you attention and love too much
so if you spent time with someone else instead of him he'd be possessive about it
you're supposed to be with him only
but in his case it's not the dangerous type of possessiveness
it's just as i said the "affection seeking" possessiveness
i think he'd be flustered when jealous
like he wouldn't know how to approach it correctly so he doesn't hurt you ya know
he doesn't want to blame you, but also on the other hand doesn't like you hanging out with someone else
but he'd mostly handle it well, unless he's tired from work and gets jealous
then he'd probably snap, regretting it at instant
if he saw another guy flirting with you, he'd immediately death glare him
he'd stand in front of you, shielding you from the guy and then tell him to gtfo with the same death glare as before
honestly he'd death glare every single person who looks at you either with flirty, hungry or hateful eyes
also after scaring the guy away, he'd turn to you with a cute expression again and pretend like he didn't turn into the devil himself a few moments ago lmao
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(this gif😭😭😭 shit)
the second most jealous
kinda similar to Chan
but more sassy and sarcastic
he'd glare at anyone who'd pass him when he's jelly
whether it's their fault or not
honestly he'd get jealous even if someone is looking at you for more that 3 seconds
he'd be like *mine* and pull you closer to himself
he wouldn't be 'loud' about it
all his jealousy would be mostly seen on his face expressions and they way he'd talk
if he saw someone flirting with you he'd be furious
he'd diss the guy who'd have the audacity to flirt with his girl, all with a death glare tho
keeping you close and safe
"you wanna flirt huh? why don't you flirt with me too then"
you'd probably chuckle ngl and the guy would be confused
however, I don't think someone flirting with his girlfriend would happen much, because he'd be always close especially when you go to a bar/club or anywhere where someone could flirt
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third most jealous, but maybe at times I'd also let him share the second place with Sejun
his general jealousy could go two ways
one; he'd be sarcastic and mad
i think he'd be one of those people who'd be on the 'loud' side
like he'd raise his voice and snap
but it would most likely be due to the 'pain' of maybe feeling like you might leave him
he'd give you a cold shoulder for a day (not more cuz he loves u) and in meantime write everything down for his future lyrics maybe
the next day he'd apologize for snapping, sit down with you explain to you why he did it and how he felt, which would probably make u cry cuz WE DON'T HURT HANSE .. NEVER
two; he'd NOT be impressed at all, If it was you who made him jealous
he'd probably show you in a very nice way 😏😈 who you belong to
okAy now If he saw anyone flirting with you he'd go after them immediately
call them out, death glare at them, scare them away while keeping you close, never leaving the assholes eyes until they leave
but also same like Sejun, he wouldn't really give anyone time to flirt with you as he'd be always around and honestly you'd never want to be around anyone else but him-
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the certain someone I was talking about in Seungsik's reaction
which makes him the least jealous
he'd be the 'playful jealous' type
he'd either pout or just cross his arms
for example you're chilling with him in their dorm and a half naked other member walks by, you're looking at them
this would make others jealous, but Byungchan would be like "hey i have a good and tall body too, you can look as well"
or would cover your eyes with his hands
but he knows you love him and even If you looked at *his half naked friend* like that, he wouldn't necessarily take it as you thirsting over them, if that makes sense lol
if he saw another guy flirting with you he'd shield you with his body so the guy doesn't see you
and then tell him off with a smile and some snarky comments
"look, I know Y/N is very beautiful, but she has me" smiles, showing his dimples
"She has everything she needs with me so I don't think she'd ever need you"
"Please don't embarrass yourself anymore and leave" flashes another cute smile as he sees the asshole leave
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Subin is in the middle when it comes to jealousy
he's not THAT jealous, but can make a fuss about it If he becomes jelly
he's a babie, but he's also scary so in this case I wouldn't really count on the cuter image of his
the reason Subin would feel jealousy is most likely because he's young and small to (since he's the shortest in his group)
don't get me wrong, Im not trying to diss him of course
but let's say you'd hang out with Byungchan a lot or Sejun
he'd feel a bit self-conscious that you don't like him anymore and that you'd want someone older and/or taller
he'd either call you out for it, a bit raising his voice, but not too much
"Why do you spend so much time with Sejun? I know he's more handsome and taller than me, but I'm your boyfriend you know"
there could be some sassy comments/sassy tone too tbh
you'd have to reassure him that you love him as he is and that he doesn't need to be scared of you leaving him
(whoever hurts my son, will be badly beaten by Seungwoo and me)
okay but when he sees someone flirting with you, he'd go on beast mode tbh
I'd say something similar to Seungwoo
like he'd observe with a death glare, getting ready to kill a bitch, but at the same time containing himself
"Huh what did you just say?" he'd give the look same as in the gif below
daring the guy to repeat what he just said
honestly if they guy wasn't intimidated yet, he'd make his gaze more deathly
but if the guy got already intimidated, he'd be happy with himself, turn to you and smirk/kiss or both at you-
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reversecreek · 3 years
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ziggy strutting up to me like this gif as i hold up a crucifix n say begone begone vile beast BEGONE from my vicinity i will NOT buy u a happy meal wretched little boy...... some live action rp to start this off..... and SCENE. takes my bow. his pinterest is here n his playlist is here.
* dylan minnette, cis male + he/him  | you know ziggy benson, right? they’re twenty-four, and they’ve lived in irving for, like, all of his life? well, their spotify wrapped says they listened to hand crushed by a mallet by 100 gecs like, a million times this year, which makes sense ‘cause they’ve got that whole glitching televisions impaled by remotes, nonchalantly texting the babes as a stove fire ravages your kitchen & cartoons turned up so loud it fries your eardrums thing going on. i just checked and their birthday is november 24th, so they’re a sagittarius, which is unsurprising, all things considered. ( nai, 24, gmt she/her  )
from the second ziggy ws born he didnt stop screaming. within the first hours of his life he gave his father an ear splitting headache tht prompted him to say “that uncooked chicken’s fucking demonic” n joke abt popping “it” in the oven to roast. when this understandably received disgusted glances frm the nursing staff he ws all like “jeez alright alright i’m kiddin i’m kiddin can’t a guy have a joke around here?” n i feel like that sets up their dynamic so nice n sweetly <3 (sarcasm) (lips pursed)
frm day one he ws just honestly a rly hyperactive child. when he laughed he’d shriek it out at the absolute top of his lungs bc he’d just get this huge giddy surge of energy all the way to the very tips of his toes n it’d hit him like a shock from a fork in a plug socket. their parenting style ws rly just lazy tbh.... they didn’t have much time for disciplining him. ziggy’s mum wld halfheartedly be like “ziggy quiet now....” n then go bk to nuking whatever vegetables she’d defrosted until they tasted like dinosaur bones..... this wld not make any difference in ziggy’s behaviour
his father rly just took the stance that it ws ziggy’s mum’s job to discipline him or raise him in general which is. 🔪 please enter the 20th century sir.... get ur noggin sorted..... needless to say he wsn’t much involved in ziggy’s life n honestly generally jst didn’t like him. ziggy was a responsibility he didn’t want (accidental prregnancy) n in his literal words once said (blatantly while ziggy ws watching cartoons on the sofa) tht ziggy just “harshes my fucking vibe a lil bit”. 
he wound up leaving when ziggy was six ish.... ziggy watched thru a crack in the blinds as his mum tried to grab at his jacket to make him stay as he lugged out his suitcase..... she even tried to physically cling onto him so he cldn’t get in his ride bt the door wound up slamming n she sat on her knees watching the lights pull out the drive n even long after they were gone. ziggy didn’t rly kno what to do abt this (emotions hd never been smthn he particularly understood, his own or how to handle other people’s) so after watching her fr 5 minutes he went out n gently shook her shoulder n was like. mom come inside u look weird out here. FKGHSFHGSFHKGFHKSGSFGHK. this was him trying to show love <3
ziggy’s mum is like.... rly relationship dependent. she gets all her self worth n validation frm whtever man she’s dating.... so she went on this like.... wild rampage of jst. dating a very large string of men. they ranged frm dreadfully boring to downright awful n were always below her standards. ziggy quite literally hated. all of them. every last one. even one that tried to b nice to him by offering to help him do his math homework when he ws 13 (bc ziggy was struggling a lot w this) n in response ziggy loudly barked until the man gt scared n stumbled backwards into a dining chair on his way out of the room. KGHFHKSJHFJGSHKFG
while him n his mum hv a kind of strained situation (there’s a great deal of resentment from her end n kind of. blaming him fr “driving his father away” n it’s never spoken abt bt it’s very much Present in their relationship n honestly ziggy kind of resents her too fr bringing some of the men into their lives tht she did) there is. love there...... sometimes she’ll like. reach out to cup the back of his head n he’ll duck his head away n be like wtf are u doing checking me for lice? n she’ll jst smile like :)...... knowing that’s how he loves. KHSFGKJGHKSFGFHKGSHF. ugh we love men who know how to process their emotions yesssss king give us nothing <3
(abuse n violence tw) idk i won’t go into it too much bt even tho ziggy’s constantly like 🙄 when his mum shows him affection he wld quite literally. kill fr her n almost did one time.......... narrowly avoided getting charged w assault when one of her bfs was drunk n evil n he went into protective mode.... idk he. has gone thru a lot n seen a lot n so has his mum. they look after each other the best they kno how despite the negatives in their relationship.... it’s complex <3
literally got in trouble so. often. at school. he ws always hyperactive (undiagnosed adhd n also probably not helped by the fact he ws jst allowed to eat sm junk food w 459729457952 sugar percentage all hours of the day) bt when his dad left n like. dealing w acting out so severely at home where his mum’s bfs were concerned it rly escalated..... i jst think he ws like. literally a terror. probably got suspended so many times. maybe even was permanently expelled before he cld get his diploma honestly. set off a firework in school hallway. smthn absolutely reckless n stupid.
hs hd a bunch of jobs mostly in the service industry...... usually ends up getting fired.... worked at mcdonald’s fr a while n then one day he went in rly high n ate three cheeseburgers in front of a weeping child who hd ordered one.... promptly gt fired bt he ws like yo fuck this place i’m quitting n threw off his apron n was like who’s with me??? who’s joining the union??????? to the rest of the staff n they were all mostly like >_> <_< before security approached to forcibly remove him n he grabbed a cookie n crammed it into his mouth in rebellion mid frantic n frankly possessed escape.....
in terms of wht’s going on to this day w his living situation i honestly think he still lives w his mum. i can just see this. KHGFSKGHSFGKSFGH. in like. a ramshackle bungalow in delphinus heights.... having said tht she probably isn’t. there tht often nw she’s dating her latest man (jonas, somehow always sweaty no matter the weather, wears too many gold rings n smells like shoe cleaner) who owns a car dealership n thinks he’s a kingpin for it. still home sometimes tho.
ziggy spends his days working shifts at an ice cream parlour (one he got fired from once bc he broke in high n ate sm ice cream he was lay on the floor in the bk pants unbuttoned stomach bulging sm calling himself garfield saying he had too much lasagna. they hired him bk tho bc he has a harem of middle aged women who lust after him n it brings customers....) or like. cruising parties...... setting off fireworks.... skateboarding...... breaking into abandoned buildings.... filming stupid jackass type tricks....... playing guitar hero...... getting drunk at the arcade..... sometimes busking fr cash in a tossed dwn hat (very badly) (thinks he’s sick at it however)........ or alternatively...... fucking chicks aha...... fuck.......... not exclusive to chicks tho just had to sound despicable bt :smirk: he’s bi Baby.... 
i won’t lie he’s kind of an asshole................ never rly was taught properly how to empathise with ppl so like he struggles w that....... sometimes he’ll say smthn tht’s genuinely just quite mean n doesn’t need to be said but he doesn’t rly realise it’s like bad. n he’s like. what’s the deal haha why are u mad...... 
fuckboy. genuinely jst. rly summarises it well. insatiable. sleeps around wildly. will say he’ll call u back n then will not call u back. lies like oh babe i’m moving to france tomorrow fuckkkkkkkkk sucks so bad that we can only have one night but let’s make it special yeah? tits? n then they’ll see him casually skating past them on the street a week later n be like well clearly he’s not in france. ziggy doesn’t care.
calls himself a “genius inventor” bc he once gutted a vintage analog television n made it into a fish tank. it literally leaked water a bit. still convinced he is a literal visionary never seen before never done again. he’s like i’m on the brink of greatness. i’m the next einstein.
has a bit of a god complex where he thinks he’s the sexiest person in any given room n it’s kind of funny bc like dylan minnette’s sexy to me bt tht isn’t a widespread opinion n ur being a bit bold ziggy...... regardless has confidence thru the roof tht isn’t rly deterred by anything or anyone.....
dyes his hair 49729572459752 colours every colour under the sun. sometimes all at once jst different patches. wears lots of tie dye tshirts n basketball shorts even tho he doesn’t play basketball. rly colourful sneakers. just lots of loud colours tbh. often wears a paper clip in his ear as an earring. pierced it himself. someone probably recorded him doing it fr his insta story. probably was drunk.
drives a vespa around tht is baby blue with pastel yellow polka dots. it has lots of tin cans attached to the back by string like on those cars when u just got married. he did not just get married. u can hear him arriving frm over a street away.
almost never pays fr anything bt is always like “yo it’s my treat” n then either dine n dashes or u have to pay
his idea of romance is nuking a hot pocket as breakfast in bed n then complaining he’s hungry n eating half
fuckboy antics: he’s insatiable. rabid. notorious. mayb they fkd n he didn’t call........ jst completely ghosted........ mayb they were genuinely into him n he honestly built up kind of false pretences abt them having a connection n then jst dipped..... cld  b good fr angst n drama <3 someone please egg his house he deserves it <3
high skl heathens: locals tht were equally chaotic in hs..... just picture him having this group of misfits tht were like so loud n always getting up to no good doing god knows what god knows where.... probably gt arrested together breaking into an old abandoned hospital one time........... rly just doing the absolute most at all times............. probably so loud........... drinking n smoking far too much.....
an attempted teenage relationship: i’m like. tentative to even put this one bc i just feel like ziggy wld be a shit bf. KJHGFSHGFHGSFHGFKGHFKSG. but. maybe it ended in drama.....i’d say this wld probably be a girl bc in hs he probably ws less open w his sexuality... maybe ziggy cheated on her or she cheated on him................ angst........ strife.... we love it we love it........ i crash my car into the bridge... i don’t care... i love it... sudden icona pop moment me stood on stage singing karaoke.... it��s just gone 7am as i write this so i apologise if this is losing any. coherency. smiles so sexy....
last adolescent plot i swear: i picture when ziggy was expelled he somehow amassed a large group to protest w signs outside the school fr him to be accepted back. it didn’t work. he threw a party when he received news he hadn’t got back in anyway. maybe ur muse was involved or helped organise this or was violently opposed.
enemies: ppl who just. don’t like ziggy bc like honestly that’s so fair n valid. KJHGFKGHKSFGHSGKHSFHG..... mayb he like. exploded their mailbox one time when they were younger. mayb he skated over their toes. mayb he fucked their bitch aha fuck................. (joking btw) (don’t condone misogyny) (hashtag feminism). cld be fun to play around w
fwb: probably hs a few of these......... mayb they’re cool w things being no strings attached n lax n at ease w ziggy being the mess tht he is in general..... mayb they want more bt ziggy cannot provide...... mayb they literally don’t get on at all n this is their only mutual ground n they keep coming bk to each other.... :smirk:..... whatever u Farncy....
maybe ziggy’s mum dated ur muse’s dad at one point???? we can discuss this if u think it fits..... cld be fun to play around w............
coworkers: past or present r fun..... mayb they were like WTFFF is this guy fking ONNN at a past job (he’s had a few in the food service industry so pretty open in tht area)... mayb they work w him at the ice cream parlour now..... cn discuss the dynamic probably wld be dependent on the muse involved fr like. how he’d act n stuff.... :yum:
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urichannie · 5 years
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〘boyfriend baekhyun moodboard ❆ christmas ❆ edition!〙
| chanyeol | sehun (soon) |
yo where do i even begin with this man
a welsh corgi trapped inside a 26 year old man’s body
holidays with baekhyun is just,,, pure bliss
ok basically whatever season it is as long as you’re with this crackhead, you’re happy
but christmas + baek is something else 
who even is mariah carey bih we only know a bbh
bf! baek’s hype level will be up ^ there from dec 1 until new year
this cutie will be extra enthusiastic bc of the holidays
and the fact that he’ll be spending it with you, his world
skskjsjhs he treats you like you’re his world okay he won’t be able to function without your presence
or at least it will be very hard for him
that’s why whenever he’s not able to spend the night with you, he’ll video call you 
“Jagi, can’t you go here? ' ^ ' The space is so big and i’m not used to it. The sheets are spotless and fragrant too. Just like how you wanted, you neat freak.” he said not too loud, almost sounding like an asmr, but loud enough for you to hear his sincerity 
“Don’t you have your PC there? Go cover the empty space with it. You have my permission.” you reply in a teasing tone, causing him to shriek 
“Ayh you, how many times do I have to tell you that I love you more than my pc??”
but when you are to spend the night with him,,
he’ll prep himself for the whole night 
and by prep i mean be highly caffeinated 
this pup can sumtimes tend to be lil sleepy so he made sure he’ll not sleep on you this time
In times that you didn’t cook food, he’ll bring full course meal and snacks for the both of you, making sure that he will not have to go out anymore to buy anything
but what is baek without games, right?
expect battles every night whether it’s through PSP, Nintendo, VR, PC, or even phone
being in a relationship with him means having to try all the games he plays
and impossible it may seem to you, but your interest in it will grow
explains why you two are shouting at each other at 10:00 pm
either celebrating your victory in League of Legends, or blaming each other for the defeat
can also be yelling by instructing each other where the enemy is as you both play PUBG through your phones
and after your gaming session, you’ll snack in to the food he brought, quickly and quietly, no conversations in between
this guy eats so well have you seen him eat kaskjkds i want to give him all the food in the world and just stare at him as he eats and so are you
you two will then get ready for bed after that
and maybe brush each other’s teeth and laugh midway everything he is just happy to be spending the night with you okur 
and slop yourselves to bed the second after you both dress in your pjs
and pretty much talk about everything, anything, even the silliest thing you could ever think of
boi he clingy, always always touching you
there can be surprise tickle fights too this man is too in love with u
tickle fights will end by you two catching your breaths from laughing so much
and you both will now finally  try to get each other to sleep
all wrapped up in clean and warm comforter, squeezing your bodies together in the middle of the queen sized bed bc you two are cold and you just love each other very much dskhdhs
he’d play his favorite laid back songs through his phone
u in his  a   r   m   s
boy he may be a smol puppy but this man has been gifted a whole ass 50 cm wide shoulders u can his upper proportion ur habitat
and once he believe u’ve fallen asleep, he’ll start whispering sweet words to you as he plays with your hair and eyelashes, tracing your face with his fingertips (fingertips that u envy of)
phrases he doesn’t have the balls to tell you when you’re conscious
his sweet words will wake the heck out of the butterflies in your stomach
and that will make you hard to pretend you’re asleep
so you take your arms off his waist and wrap it all over his neck
fully aware that u’ll get to be really close to his face, or ears rather as what you’ve planned
“I heard everything, silly.” you softly whisper to his ears
which caused him to pull you even closer to him and let go a deep chuckle
“I know, kitten. Your acting as if you’re asleep was awful.”
bitch can i fucking cry i am so jealous of whom i wrote
➵ this is a request by @92byunie (hi babe! thankyou for requesting~ I hope you liked it. ♡) also tagging @g-exo [my co-whipped hoe for mr. byun].
➵ send in asks for moodboard requests! [ exo member + theme ]
➵ asks are open too for literally anything, i just want to talk and interact before i go hiatus again this january :c
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soomstudies · 6 years
grocery shopping with svt
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a/n: i!! went grocery shopping with my friends and suddenly got inspiration lol enjoy sorry the lengths are uneven AHAHAHA ( can be idol or non idol au )
i feel he kinda tries to get only what’s on the shopping list
but he fails miserably at it
“we came here for eggs and rice only!”
“but the ramyeon... is on sale...”
carries all the shopping bags because he insists that he should do it
and even if he doesn’t insist, it kinda becomes the norm for him to carry
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he doesn’t go grocery shopping until you’re down to the very last ramyeon packet or the last cup of orange juice
when he realises, he immediately rushes out with you to go shopping
like you’re just chilling and suddenly
“we need to go shopping tonight.”
he tries to buy as much as possible in one go so he doesn’t need to go again so soon??
y’all struggle a little carrying so many bags back to the dorm/house/apartment but he insists it’s better to struggle at once than to go all the time
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yes i really had to use this gif for jeonghan
so you two go shopping pretty normally
it’s nothing super special
but he likes to shop with one hand holding the basket and the other holding yours
soft bb i love shua i mean who doesnt
and you guys talk about your day as you shop
about the cute cat you petted on your way to school/work
or about the new project hes working on
or sometimes you even complain about those stupid classmates/coworkers or at how annoying it is that the train was delayed
and as you’re complaining, he quietly adds some strawberries and chocolate into the basket
because the moment you go home, he rushes to make some nice strawberry chocolate desserts because he knows you love them
and he just wants to make you feel better and make sure you end your day well!
and after a delicious dinner that you may or may not have cooked together,
you two fall asleep satisfied with your tummy filled, and cuddled together under the warm blanket
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Jun Hui
sneaky boi he makes sure you two eat before shopping so you’re not hungry and impulse buy
psychological stuff yo
he’s not cheap he just wants to stick to the list
because if not i feel he just impulse buys a lot ;;
you: hey im gonna go grocery shopping tomorrow, you wanna come?
him: !!! yes!! but after dinner
you: sure sounds good
it usually works pretty well
just that sometimes he gets so excited about dinner with you that you two completely forget to go grocery shopping 
smh cuties
it ends up you have to go on a completely different day
even then sometimes he makes a booking for a nice restaurant that’s nowhere near a supermarket
and the process repeats
but how can you blame him? he just loves spending time with you
hes a cute dork hes the best
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hes the one who wants you to sit in the trolley and pretends its a racecar
going nYOOOOOOM down the aisles and drifting to the next one
you kinda fear for your life
but don’t worry hes got it under control!
for the most part.
there was this one time he accidentally let go of you and you went right into a tower of chocolate powder tins.
it was super embarrassing and no one stops teasing either of you over it.
you two raced in the grocery store a little less after that but still occasionally do have your fun!
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you know the video of the dude making ikea puns with his gf?
yeah that’s wonwoo in the grocery store
and he does it in this really monotonous voice
“hey... do you think we should’ve taken a trolley instead of a basket?”
“hm? why?”
“i don’t think we have mushroom left”
his nose scrunches up in his iconic laugh and you have to laugh because hes so adorable!!!!
“but really, i think we need a trolley instead”
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the type to go to the grocery store and stand in the freezer aisle for ten minutes in the summer
he’s not browsing he just wants free aircon
hes also the one who sees grocery shopping as a chore the most. :(
if hes alone he tends to just grab what he needs and get out as quickly as possible
but if hes with you he doesn’t mind have to stay a little longer and ponder over which type of ramyeon he wants most that week or which packaging of cola he wants to have today
he wont say it, but if it gives him an excuse to spend a little more time with you, he’ll stay
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Ming Hao
the one whos a master at finding discounts and the most “worth-it” item.
you: “let’s just get the 4 pack one...”
hes keying it into his phone calculator
“no no this is better. buy 5 get 1 free”
he just puts it in the trolley and you go with it
you: hm. looks like the cereal price increased a little...
him: the cereal whAT?!??! excuse me who the Fuck decided they can do this
“boi u can buy gucci???? but not a little more pricey cereal????????”
“look ok-”
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hes the main reason i wanted to write this ok 
as a man who can cook, he must go grocery shopping once a week
he likes to drag you along
if you’re short he likes to tease you because you can’t reach things
like you’re halfway diving into the icecream freezer because the icecream you want is at the very back and he’ll just be giggling for a bit
of course he helps you in the end what a gentleman
lol jk he puts it even further at the back
because he really loves seeing your cute pout and you hitting him lightly in annoyance
and he really just likes to spend time with you so he drags this on for as long as possible until he finally helps and passes you the icecream you wanted
ugh im so soft for bf!mingyu :(
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he does the thing that dude in the vine does where he pronounces everything weirdly
i can see him doing it in his high tone rap voice too
“yo look at these kehloggeh’s frosetitties flakuhs” 
“ras kraspas yo”
i really dont know how to write what hes saying forgive me
and sometimes he will pronounce regular korean words in a really bad foreigner accent??
“당근 구매하자” -> “danggoon gumayhayjya” pardon google translate
overall super fun to shop with and always makes you laugh while shopping
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i feel that... he (like minghao) tries to buy food at a cheaper rate...
to the point he buys wholesale.
he also likes to phone his mom a lot
mama boo knows whats best
whatever she suggests, he will buy straight away, and he’ll make sure to get enough for you too
except cucumber and tomato
he steers very clear of those
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the worst at grocery shopping sorry
like you HAVE to go together because if you don’t,
hes just walking around with his headphones in and spacing out while looking for some peanut butter idk (like im sure yall seen the clap choreo video)
when you go shopping together, he makes sure to take out his earphones but he likes to hum a lot when you guys shop
he also likes to talk a lot about new artists he’s into and songs he likes!
and even though it’s been a long day and you had to go shopping or starve,
because it’s his voice, you feel at peace and like all the stress has left you
hes your healing <3
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a little different and cliche this is way longer than expected
you were shopping late at night and realised you wanted to buy some squid for supper
you go to the seafood section and are relieved to see there’s just one left
sp you run to it but you grab it at the same time as some really cute guy
the two of you look at each other for a while in awkwardness but he finally lets go and says “sorry, you can have it”
mc why didnt u talk to him
the next week you went again for shopping but guess what happened at the fruit aisle this time?
the dude from before is there and he grabbed the same pack of blueberries!
he lets you take it once again
and this just keeps happening all the time, even when you try to go at different times??
sometimes he lets you take it sometimes he asks for it claiming “the hyungs will kill me” whatever that means
one day he’s with a friend and the moment they see you, they start walking to you very quickly
??? two cute guys coming closer what they doin
the friend pushes him to you and tells him “ok chan go talk to the cute person”
he very awkwardly goes “hi i’m lee chan and uh... well i think you’re pretty cute. could we go shopping together sometimes?”
he’s nervous and blushing and cute and hoW CAN YOU SAY NO
it’s the start of the cutest relationship
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svtbiasrekt · 6 years
Seventeen reacts to s/o bottling up emotions
Anon asked: “omg i absolutely loved ur hijabi reaction and i was wondering can u do a reaction to seventeen's girlfriend always bottling up her sadness and anger, like if she ever had a problem she would never tell them about it and just silently go in the washroom and cry and then refuse to even talk about it all no matter how much or for how long she cried if u cant do it then its okay but if u do i would be thankful😂”
(sorry this took so long anon! I had to wait until testing was over so I could do this over break! hope you enjoy!)
You were having a really unfortunate day. You felt like you absolutely failed the test in (your worst subject) that you had spent so long studying for. To make it worse, it was a Friday, and usually you would hang out with your boyfriend after school. Though you loved your boyfriend, you were feeling really upset when he arrived to your place; you didn’t want him to see you like this. He came in with a great mood. He was really happy to spend time with you after an endless week and you didn’t blame him. You would’ve acted the same if it wasn’t for that stupid test.
“God this week was so long,” he said as he sat down on the couch next to you.
“Yeah it was,” you said with a sarcastic tone that almost sounded angry at the same time.
He didn’t seem to notice and continued, “Yeah I’m glad it’s over, finally I get to hang out with you!”
“Cool,” you shrugged him off. You didn’t mean to come across as rude but you were not really feeling it at all.
“Uh, yeah,” he uttered kind of awkwardly. Noticing your frame even refusing to look at him, he sensed something was off. “Hey, (Y/n)?”
“What?” you muttered trying not to face him as you felt tears welling up in your eyes as you remembered the test again.
“Is something the matter? You can always tell me-” he was cut off when you abruptly stood up and rushed to the bathroom. “(Y/n)!” he called as he heard the bathroom door being shut.
Seungcheol, Wonwoo, Mingyu, Vernon, Chan:
As soon as you shut the bathroom door with a bang (Bf/n) knew something was wrong. You normally don’t storm off like that. He sat on the couch for a moment and sighed. Were you mad at him?
“Did I accidentally say something stupid? God I’m an idiot,” he thought before standing up and walking to the bathroom door.
(Bf/n) was about to knock but stopped when he heard your silent crying. He felt his heart break when he heard you trying so hard to conceal your tears. He really hoped you weren’t crying because of him.
“(Y/n)?” he asked calmly, “Are you okay?”
The crying on the other side of the door abruptly stopped at the sound of (Bf/n)’s voice, “Yeah I’m fine.”
(Bf/n) knew that was clearly a lie. He didn’t like that you were trying to avoid him because as your boyfriend it is his job to take care of you. “If you’re fine will you tell me what happened earlier?” he asked.
“Nothing,” you murmured.
“(Y/n) please tell me! Did I do anything wrong?” pleaded (Bf/n).
The fact that (Bf/n) thought he was the reason for your anger and sadness broke your heart. (Bf/n) is perfect in your eyes and he has never wronged you in any way. You felt guilty and couldn’t help but cry more. You felt absolutely weak. First you failed your important test and second your boyfriend misunderstood you and blamed himself.
Upon hearing more sobs come from you, (Bf/n) decided to take matters into his own hands.
“(Y/n), I’m coming in,” he said. Before you had a chance to react, he barged in somehow and found you sitting on the floor drowning in your own tears. This sight broke (Bf/n)’s heart once again and before he knew it he was hugging you tightly in his arms.
“(Y/n), please tell me what’s the matter. I can’t stand seeing you like this,” he pleaded once more. Actually seeing the worry in his eyes face to face caused you to sob more.
After what seemed like years you finally found the courage to admit to him what made you so angry and sad at the same time. You explained to him how hard you studied for this test and how much time you put in only to end up in failure. After hearing your story, (Bf/n) uttered words you would never forget and always recall whenever you felt like this.
“(Y/n), we all have our ups and downs, We have to struggle in order to succeed. There will be difficult days, but you gotta do your best. Also next time you feel like this, please don’t run to the bathroom. I’m always here for you okay? You’ll never be alone I’m in this with you,” he said as he smiled and hugged you once again. He knew how to make you feel better and you loved him for that.
Soonyoung, Seokmin, Seungkwan, Minghao, Joshua:
(Bf/n) immediately chased after you. You sounded so distraught and so un-(Y/n), so something had to be wrong. You entered the bathroom quickly enough to lock the door after you and immediately the tears poured out. (Bf/n) was about to call your name again until he heard your sobbing from the other side of the door. He froze at the sound of you fighting to keep your sobbing quiet. It sounded like you were releasing emotions that have been concealed for so long. (Bf/n) felt his heart break into a million pieces hearing your pain. The only thing he wanted to know was the reason behind your sadness.
“(Y/n)?” he began, “Are you alright?”
As soon as you heard his voice, you tried to stop the tears. “Yeah it’s fine,” you lied badly.
“Whatever it is that’s making you so upset, you can tell me about it,” he said hoping you’ll open up.
You still felt uncomfortable about telling him that you made such a fuss over a test so you decided not to reply to (Bf/n). A moment of silence passed when (Bf/n) spoke up.
“(Y/n), please come out. I’m always here for you,” he said.
From the other end of the door, (Bf/n) sounded like he was going to cry because of your sadness. You didn’t want him to feel this way either so you decided to open the door. (Bf/n)’s sad expression turned into one of relief when you stepped out and he immediately engulfed you into a hug. You don’t understand why, but his simple embrace was enough to make you start bawling again, yet this time your emotions were a mixture of relief and familiarity taking you away from your stress.
“It’s okay, (Y/n). Let it out,” he said as he rubbed your back and held you a little closer.
Once you felt like you let out all of your emotions, you looked up at (Bf/n). “Thank you,” you said softly, “I was only upset because I think I failed that huge test in (worst subject).”
(Bf/n)’s eyes softened, “That’s what all the fuss was about?” he joked, “(Y/n) you’re one of the smartest people I know! I’m sure you did well. Believe in yourself as much as I believe in you!”
God no words could describe how much you love (Bf/n) right now. He instantly made you feel better with his sincere kindness.
Jeonghan, Jun, Woozi:
(Bf/n) was instantly taken aback at your sudden move. He has never seen you storm off ever. He paused in confusion and surprise as he took a moment to process what had just happened. The sound of quiet sobbing however snapped him out of his thoughts. Hearing your crying led him to the bathroom door where he felt his heart shatter at your choked sobs.
“(Y/n)? Are you okay?” he asked softly.
You felt yourself jump when you heard his voice. He obviously seemed worried about you though, but you were too much of a sobbing mess to even coherently speak.
“Listen (Y/n), please say something. Something is obviously not right and I want to help you,” he said calmly with a tone of sadness.  
It took you a couple of breaths to calm yourself down to the point where you could actually speak without sounding like a blubbering mess. Finally you said, “I’m okay,” which was clearly a lie.
“No you aren’t okay. Please open the door I don’t want you to suffer alone,” he pleaded.
You didn’t want to deal with (Bf/n)’s constant pleading so you decided to just open up the door. But at the same time you wanted his comforting embrace so badly. As you opened the door (Bf/n) immediately captured you in an embrace you needed so badly. You continued sobbing against his chest as he held you close. After what felt like hours your sobbing finally stopped as you felt fatigue overcome you. (Bf/n) felt so bad seeing you exhaust yourself from crying so much. He just had to know what was wrong to help prevent something like this again. In order to do so, he would have to talk to you about your problems.
“(Y/n), go to sleep, you’ve had a long day,” he said quietly as he wiped some of the last tears that escaped your eyes. You only nodded and held his hand like a child as he lead you to your bedroom. He even tucked you in and placed a sweet kiss to your forehead. As he was about to leave you grabbed his wrist, “Please stay a bit.”
He nodded and sat at the edge of your bed. Getting a better look at his face he clearly looked stressed out from worrying about you. You felt kind of bad that he was worrying so much but felt blessed at the same time that he cares so much about your wellbeing.
“(Bf/n), I was just upset over that stupid (worst subject) test I had earlier today. I’m pretty sure I failed it even though I studied for it for so long,” you admitted.
(Bf/n)’s faced kind of had that “ahh” look of realization as he finally figured out what was bothering you. He spoke up and said, “(Y/n), next time you feel this way, please don’t be afraid to tell me. You’re really smart (Y/n) and one bad test grade shouldn’t hurt you so badly. If it stresses you out this much, I’ll be there to help you get through it, I promise.”
With that, you felt better and more reassured than ever this past week knowing how kind your boyfriend is and how you can always rely on him.
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runwiththieves-blog · 7 years
coffee in the morning ;
“I could do that,” he states a minute later, and he nods his heads a few times as if it’s some sort of confirmation as he mulls it over, and you look at him like you’re confused.
“Do what?” You question, and he blinks at you.
“Be your boyfriend,” he says it like it’s the most obvious thing in the world, and it makes your heart beat a bit faster.
“You mean fake boyfriend.”
Harry and Y/N work at a coffee shop and he’s never been a good actor
12k+, fluff, smut, ripping of panties mid-fuck, and just a dash of angst
OKAAAY SO, i’ve been dead around here because i’ve been working on this for a few days now! special shoutout to @mermaidsonships for letting me yell about apple (that’s what we named the girlie in this amongst our texts) and harry as well as bounce ideas off of u! i love u sister! i’ve got a fixation of fake bf harry + harry being rly teasing so if u combine those 2 things u get this big mess of a thing! i hope u enjoy!
You hate talking to your mother on the phone.  
Correction: you hate that ever since you moved a few states away for university the only thing your mother seems to want to ask when you’re on the phone is whether or not you’ve made any friends yet or if you’re seeing anyone. It’s repetitive, annoying, and if you’re completely honest it makes you feel pretty bad about your current social life (or lack thereof). It wasn’t that you didn’t want an Instagram worthy college experience, you just never had time for anything other than a passing conversation with your roommate or one of your co-workers. Grades and a decent living were too important to let your priorities get mixed up. You had one goal: graduate, land your dream job, and then you can live your life. You’ve told your mom those exact words a hundred times over and her response is always the same: “I just don’t want you to feel so lonely, Y/N. Being a functioning member of society is important, too.”
You know she’s right, is the thing, and you think that’s probably why it annoys you so much. You already know. You know having someone who can really be there for you when you need a shoulder to lean on is important. You know that keeping yourself locked away in your apartment or in a library when you’re not in class or at work isn’t exactly healthy. You know that having no real life human interactions, aside from the ones you have at work, isn’t the way to convince her that you’re happy where you are. You sigh, tearing yourself away from your own thoughts when you read the number on the clock on your dashboard, signaling that your break is over and you need to go back into work. Death would be more inviting, considering the mood you’re in after that phone call.
Eventually, you drag yourself back into the small café, and your mood is almost instantly lifted. One of your co-workers, Harry, is standing behind the counter now. You’re guessing his shift started while you were away, but he throws his hands up in the air in celebration as soon as he sees you. “There she is!” The way he all but yells it makes you blush, and you push a strand of hair that had managed to escape the bun on top of your head behind your ear. You look down in an attempt to hide the smile that has spread across your face. Harry was the closest thing you had to a friend in this town, but he was more of just a work friend than anything else. He was usually who you worked your shifts with and you think that’s part of why you loved your job so much, despite it being a simple barista job. Harry had a way of lighting up a room and any situation he was thrown into. It was just who he was as a person, and that’s something you had learned quickly. Not to mention he was awfully sweet and ridiculously cute, so you didn’t imagine it took much for him to have entire rooms of people falling for his charm.
“Was afraid you’d left me f’good this time, love.” You hear his voice again when you’re back behind the counter and you’re pulling your apron over your head. You don’t have the chance to tie it yourself before you realize Harry’s doing it for you. “Would’ve broken m’heart, y’know,” he says, and you can hear the smile in his voice. It makes your heart flutter, even if he is joking. Pretending to be your boyfriend was something Harry had started up when you first started working at the shop. He had slinked up beside you while you were ringing up an elderly woman at the beginning of your second week, put an arm around you and began quizzing the poor woman on whether or not she thought you were beautiful. “Most beautiful girl ‘ve ever seen, I swear it,” he had said, and you felt yourself go warm all over at the sentiment. “Don’ y’agree? Jus’ lovely, isn’t she?” He had pressed on, looking down at you, and you let out a breath of nervous laughter. His thick British accent and slow way about talking was enough to have you melting, so the things he said definitely didn’t help matters. “You two make an adorable couple,” the woman finally said, and Harry beamed as he passed her order over to her. “Thank you very much,” he’d told her proudly, patting at your hip as you watched the lady place a few bills in the tip jar. After that, it just became a normal thing between the two of you. You never asked him why he did it, you just let him have his fun and played along. It helps pass the time and there’s likely something a just little bit worse than people thinking you’re dating Harry.
“You know I’d never leave you,” you tell him, smoothing your apron as you turn to face him. He’s grinning down at you, his eyes bright and green and seemingly extra sparkly today. That’s where you place your blame as to why you held his gaze for maybe a beat too long before looking down to the ground. “Really did miss ya’,” he says, and you roll your eyes fondly as you step towards the sink to wash your hands. “You weren’t even here before I went to lunch, Styles,” you point out and he only shrugs. “Don’ have t’be here t’miss ya’.” He makes a point that even you can’t argue with, but that doesn’t stop you from shaking your head and ignoring the butterflies that his words give you. “You’re ridiculous.” This time he’s the one rolling his eyes. “And you love it,” he smirks, staring down at you again. “I do not,” you argue, and he taps your cheek gently. “Then why y’blushin’, pet?” The gesture only makes you blush more. You’d hate Harry Styles if he weren’t so damn wonderful.
You’re fucked.
You didn’t realize how incredibly fucked you actually were until you hung up the phone with your mother, but you are completely and undeniably fucked. You thought it would be a little white lie to soothe your mother’s constant interrogating and never ending bickering. She was always nagging you to get out of the house and to put yourself out there, and it made you want to scream. Today you had finally had enough of it, and when she asked you the inevitable question, you told her that you had a boyfriend, and had you had been together for a few months. She was so excited that you suppose you just couldn’t leave it at that. No, you had to go and tell her that said boyfriend was Harry. Fucking Harry as in the Harry that you work with, because you throw that in as if it’s some sort of bonus fact. You don’t know why you said his name. Maybe it was because he’s not only the only guy, but the only person in this town that you really talk to. Or perhaps it’s because he’s always joking about it, anyway. Whatever the reason, you were kicking yourself for doing it at all now. Especially when you remember that she’s asked you to video chat with her the next time you’re with him. And. Well. You don’t know how you’re going to pull that off, but you agreed to it nonetheless. Maybe you’ll fake a breakup and then your own death.
The café has been ridiculously busy for a Tuesday night, but you and Harry assume it’s due to finals, considering all the laptops and endless cups of coffee you two have been serving all night. The tips have been nice, but it also means that you and Harry have hardly spoken, which is even nicer considering you can hardly look him in the eye after your earlier conversation with your mom. What isn’t so nice is the fact that you’re certain the two of you will be here an hour later than usual to close tonight, and you know that he’s going to try and make up for how impersonal all of your conversations were tonight. You can’t look him in the eye, but you also can’t act different from how you normally are, because then he’s going to know something’s up with you.
The door has only been locked five minutes before that plan has fallen through already. “’S wrong?” He asks, and you shake your head and shrug far too quick for him to think you’re telling the truth.“‘M fine. Just tired, ‘s all.” Harry shakes his head and scrunches his nose like he doesn’t believe you. “No – don’ think tha’s it, love. ‘Ve seen y’tired after a long night. This ‘s somethin’ different.” He says it so matter-of-factly that you’re almost mad at him for it, but he’s right – you both know it. You sigh, and it makes you feel guilty, because you’re getting annoyed, and it’s not even his fault. He doesn’t know what you’ve done and he’s just trying to be a good friend. “Just – leave it alone, Harry,” you try, and he shakes his head again and shrugs his shoulders. “Can’t do that, m’afraid. ‘Specially now ‘cos I feel like ‘ve got somethin’ t’do with it,” he replies, and you feel like you’re about to start crying. Or lock yourself in the freezer. Either one works. Harry leans the broom he’s been sweeping with against the wall and comes to lean over the counter across from you.
“I just wiped that down,” you tell him, glancing down to where his arms are folded on top of the counter. “I know – wish I’d realized that before I tried t’be smooth and lean over t’talk t’you. Now ‘m all wet,” and his laugh makes you smile. “Would ya’ look a’that. Y’ve still got a sense ‘f humor,” he teases, and your eyes roll as you work along rest of the countertop. “Come sit down ‘nd talk t’me,” he says, and you glance back over to him. “Harry – we’ll be here all night ‘f we stop cleaning,” you answer and he grins widely. “Wouldn’t mind that. Not with you,” and he’s got you flushing all over like he always does at that.
“You’ve got to stop saying things like that,” you tell him, and it just makes him smirk as he lifts up to circle back behind the counter. “Why’s that?” He challenges, and you look over and up to where he’s standing beside you now. You give him the one-word answer of “because,” and he grabs your wrist to still your hand with the washcloth in it. “Come talk to me,” he’s looking down at you with such a soft expression, but the only reason you agree is to get his hand off of you before he feels that you’re literally warm all over from his shameless flirting.
It’s a booth that Harry leads you to. He slides in first, and then seems almost disappointed when you don’t slide into the same side as him, but he doesn’t mention it if he is. “Will y’please tell me wha’s botherin’ you now?” He questions, and you sigh, your hands resting against the table between you. “Do I have to?” You counter, and he nods, can’t help but grin at you as he does so. “You do, ‘cos ‘m not leavin’ this table ‘til you talk t’me,” he says, and you open your mouth to speak again, but he’s speaking again before you get the first syllable out, “’Nd you’re not, either.”
You’re silent for a long time, just staring at him as if he’ll give in and change his mind at any moment. Which he doesn’t, and it’s not surprising at all. You let out a breath as you seemingly relax back against the softness of the booth and Harry shifts in anticipation. “Fine – just promise me you’re not gonna’, like, freak out, okay? It was an honest mistake,” you explain, and his eyebrows furrow for a moment before he nods. “’M not gonna’ freak out,” he assures you, and your eyes flick over his face and you stretch a hand towards him with your pinky out. “Promise,” you urge, and he glances down to your hand before he’s lacing your fingers together and holding your hand rather than just pinky promising you. You let him, though, watching him as he brushes his thumb along your knuckles. “I promise.”
Apparently that’s all it takes for him to have you talking. You’re pretty sure you’d answer anything he asked you, so long as he’s holding your hand while you do it. “I told my mom we were dating.” You don’t ease him into it anymore than you already had, and you expect some sort of reaction, but you get nothing because Harry’s just staring at you with the tiniest smirk. It makes you anxious and you decide you should probably further explain yourself. “She just – she’s something else, y’know? Like, she’s always pried into my social life, but it’s like it got twenty times worse when I moved away from home. She asks me all the time if I’m seeing anyone, Harry – and it’s so fucking frustrating, because I have exactly one friend here – which is you, by the way – so of course I don’t have a boyfriend. I mean, like, shouldn’t that be obvious? But she always asks and I’ve always told her no, until today, and I don’t know why I did it, but I did,” by the time the words are out of your mouth, Harry’s full on smirking at you, and you squeeze his hand harshly, because if you tried to swat at him with your non-dominant hand it’d be a fail, and you don’t need the added embarrassment right now.
“Think you made tellin’ me ‘m your only friend here a bigger deal than what it was, love,” are the first words he says to you and you blink at him. He’s teasing you. You’re in the middle of a crisis and Harry’s teasing you. “Harry, I swear to God,” you start, and he’s laughing as he smiles at you from across the table. “’M jokin’, sweetheart,” he reminds, and you think you could kill him if for no other reason than that pet name alone. “I could do that,” he states a minute later, and he nods his heads a few times as if it’s some sort of confirmation as he mulls it over, and you look at him like you’re confused. “Do what?” You question, and he blinks at you. “Be your boyfriend,” he says it like it’s the most obvious thing in the world, and it makes your heart beat a bit faster. “You mean fake boyfriend,” you question, even though it comes out as more of a correction. He shifts so that he’s closer to the table, but he still hasn’t let your hand fall from his grasp. “Yeah, yeah – I could – I wouldn’t mind. I do it anyway, don’t I?” He sounds so sure of himself, of the situation, of you that it makes you want to crawl out of your own skin.
You almost agree to it, but you shake your head before the words escape and you fall into an even bigger web of lies than you’ve already gotten yourself into. “No – Harry, we can’t. It’s not like she’s here, anyway, so she’ll never have to know. I’ll just tell her we ended it in a week or two. It’ll be fine,” you assure and he rubs his thumb against your skin. He’s got really nice, big hands. They’re unexpectedly soft, warm, and he’s got a ring on nearly every finger. The realization sends a chill down your spine that you instantly try to shake off, and then you hear Harry’s voice again. “Isn’t that just gonna’ have her buggin’ y’even more? Askin’ ‘f you’re alright, ‘nd stuff ‘cos now y’goin’ through a breakup, too?” He asks, and you practically whine. “Jus’ – lemme’ help ya’, lovebug. We’ll take some selfies, look all coupley and cozy – y’can send ‘em t’her. Hell, we can even FaceTime her sometime, yeah? Let her see that I really do exist,” and it’s an offer that you really can’t refuse, considering that’s all she wanted from you, and you never even had to ask Harry if he’d do it. “Are you sure?” You murmur, and he nods almost immediately. “’F course ‘m sure. Just need ya’ t’promise me one thing now,” he starts, and you look at him nervously. “Gotta’ promise y’not gonna’ fall in love w’me,” he says, and you laugh loudly. “Couldn’t be more of a cliché if you tried, Styles.”
You’re on a date with Harry.
Well, you’re kind of on a date with Harry. It’s a faux date, all for show when your mom FaceTimes you in a bit, but still. Currently, you’re leaning against his kitchen counter as you watch him cook for the two of you, scrolling through various apps before getting bored and closing them all. “Have you been studying the index cards I gave you?” You ask, and he snickers as he chops various vegetables. “Mhm,” he hums, and you decide it wouldn’t hurt to quiz him on the things you think your mom will probably ask. “How’d we meet?” You ask right after that, and his smile widens, but he’s still not looking at you. “House party -- did a half naked body shot ‘ff ‘f you, and the rest is history.” He sounds completely serious and you’re already pouting at him, but you decide to press on. “Where was our first date, then?”
“Took y’to a drive-in movie and fucked you in the backseat of m’car, didn’t I?” He’s smirking as he speaks, and you whine this time, because these are not the notes you gave him.
“What? S’what ya’ wrote in the notes, innit?” He’s got more of a teasing tone now, and there’s a smirk tugging at his lips.
“No. It’s not and you know it’s not,” You answer. Harry laughs. “It’s not funny, Harry.”
“’S a little funny,” he argues, and you roll your eyes, pushing back from the counter and it’s looks like you’re about to leave, which just isn’t going to do for him. “Hey -- no, love. ‘M jokin’, yeah?” He says, pushing a pan onto one of the cool burners on the stove while he steps away and towards you. “Promise ‘m not gonna’ fuck it up,” he murmurs, reaching for one of your hands and lacing your fingers together like he had the night you had told him about the whole situation. “Promise,” he repeats, squeezing your hand and you nod, a small smile tugging at your lips as you look him over. “You look like a prince.” You give him the compliment while you’ve still got his hand in his, and he grins widely. “You look like a princess,” he replies, and you can’t help but smile despite the fact that you know it’s not true. He’s in a ruffled white button down, and you’re in jeans and a shirt you pulled out of the back of your closet. You make sure you point that out. “I’m wearing jeans, Styles.” He only shrugs, smiling fondly. “Doesn’t mean anything. You’re still gorgeous. Still can be m’princess.” His words make your heart flutter, and you seriously consider just walking out of his apartment, because there’s no way you deserve this man as even your fake boyfriend.
He ruins all of that in the next moment, though, because he’s Harry, so of course he’s got to make you want to slap him right after he’s given you the sweetest compliment. “I might forgive ya’ f’not dressin’ up if ya’ just take it all off, though. Think we’d be even, then,” he teases, and you decide it’s about time you give him a taste of his own medicine. “You take it all off first, ‘nd we’ll see,” and it comes out much flirtier than you’d ever meant for it to, but you gently remind yourself that you also just told him to take off all his clothes, so was there really a different way that could have come out? He raises an eyebrow, and you nod towards him as if to say ‘go on.’ “You sure tha’s wha’ ya’ want, kitten?” You force yourself not to press your thighs together at that, because he’s asked you if you want him to strip and called you ‘kitten’ all within the same breath, and it makes you feel a little lightheaded. You tease him still, looking at him with a face of sheer confidence as you nod.
You expect him to start laughing, go back to cooking, literally anything else besides actually untuck his shirt and start unbuttoning it not a second after. “Wait, Harry -- no. I was joking,” you protest, and he just smirks and licks his lips absently. “Harry, stop,” you whine as his hands move lower and lower, but he catches the way you look at him when you spot the black ink contrasting with his tan skin in the center of his torso. You must stare for a long time, because he’s got his shirt unbuttoned completely, hanging off of his shoulders, and it’s revealed a fern leaf inked on either side of his hips. You think your mouth may actually be watering. You don’t think about it when your fingertips trace over the slightly raised lines in his skin, following the pattern carefully. You hear Harry’s breath hitch above you when your fingers accidentally brush against the waist of his black skinnies. You move your hand away from him altogether then, feeling hot all over, and you can barely force yourself to look back up at him. You can feel where his eyes are still on you, though, and you swallow hard when you do finally manage to make eye contact once again. “They’re pretty,” you tell him, noticing how dark his eyes look now, and how his gaze falls down to your mouth when you speak. His lips are on yours before you ever have the chance to ask why he’s so uncharacteristically quiet all of the sudden.
Harry is a fucking remarkable kisser. You’ve discovered this because you, surprisingly, don’t pull away as soon as you realize what’s happening. No, you let your lips meld with his and kiss him like it’s the last thing you’re ever going to do. There’s a moment after the first initial kiss when Harry pulls back and rests his forehead against yours, his breathing heavy, but the sight of your lips curling into a small smile makes him kiss you again. Except this time, he’s got his hands on your hips and he’s guiding back towards the couch in the connected living room. “The food,” you murmur against his mouth, your hands holding him at the back of his neck, and Harry just shakes his head. “Turned it off,” he informs, and you’re collapsing onto the couch with the weight of him on top of you with the confirmation that his apartment isn’t going to burn to the ground anytime soon.
There are no whispered confessions about this having been a long time coming, how he’s wanted to kiss you for ages, and there are none from you, either. It’s so intense that you feel like any words would be lost in the feeling of his mouth on yours, anyway. Especially when his insistent mouth pries open your own to slide his tongue against yours, and you can’t help but moan into the kiss. You make note of the way he kisses in the back of your mind -- he’s gentle, but he’s demanding, and it makes your melt under his touch. He seems to know just how much teeth and tongue to throw in to make it enjoyable for the both of you, and his fucking hands are everywhere, on your neck, under your shirt against your hip, big and warm and absolutely welcome on your skin. Your hand presses back against one of the ferns, and you tease along his waistline, scratching your fingers through his happy trail and smirking into the kiss when he grinds down against you in response. He’s the one with his fingers playing at the button of your jeans a second later, and he’s just about to thumb them open... But then your phone rings.
Your eyes are wide as soon as you hear your mom’s ringtone blaring, and you want to scream at just the thought of having to stop whatever it is you and Harry were just minutes from doing. “I’m sorry,” you apologize as he sits up and settles into a corner of the couch, pushing a hand through his hair as he looks over to you. “”S okay, love -- jus’ got caught up in the moment,” he assures, and you nod before you walk back towards the kitchen to get your phone from the counter. You’ve got one notification of a missed FaceTime call from your mom, and you inform Harry of your newest discovery. “’M gonna’ go change shirts, ‘f that’s ‘lright? Got this one all wrinkly.” You nod, but you’re also blushing, doing your best to make yourself look presentable after all of that. You had a million different thoughts racing through your mind, and there wasn’t one that didn’t have to do with Harry.
You’re back on the couch when he comes back, and you try not to laugh when you see his shirt. “Is that Britney Spears?” You question, and he glances down and nods as he comes to sit beside you, his arm wrapping around your shoulders. “I prefer t’call her ‘Queen of Pop,’ but to each their own,” he says matter-of-factly, and you laugh loudly as your head falls back against his shoulder. “Ridiculous, I tell you,” you mumble, and he squeezes your shoulder. “Y’gonna’ call y’mum back or keep her waitin’ ‘cos you like makin’ fun ‘f me?” He raises a brow at you and you grin. “Could really keep going, honestly. She’ll be fine,” you shrug, and he takes your phone from your hand and swipes the notification so that it’s calling her back instantly. “Should we be makin’ out when she answers?” He questions, and you swat his arm as you try to lean into frame, because as it is, he’s holding the phone so that it’s only him in the camera. You tense against him when you hear your mom’s voice.
“One day you’ll learn to answer th--” She cuts herself off, and your best guess is that Harry’s image has just come through on her screen, “Oh! Hi, you must be Harry!” She sounds so excited that it makes your insides twist. “’S me. Harry,” he says, and he sounds so smiley and happy through the exchange. “It’s lovely to meet you! You’re so cute. Y/N said you were, but I didn’t think she meant quite this cute,” Harry smirks down at you, you blush, and he digs his fingertips into your skin. You remember now when you told your mom about how cute Harry is, without even being prompted -- ‘he’s got dark hair and the prettiest eyes, mom. And, god, his smile. It’s my favorite thing about him.’ Maybe you shouldn’t have gone quite that far with her. “Did she now? Always braggin’ on me, that one.” Harry’s teasing you through a conversation with your mother, and you think he’s reached a whole new level of annoying.
Eventually, Harry tilts the phone so that it’s on its side and you’re both visible. The three of you carry on like that for an hour or so. Your mom asks Harry a million questions, and he answers every one of them perfectly. It makes you swoon. He’s sort of the perfect fake boyfriend, but you decide it’s best if you keep that to yourself. When you hang up (Harry with a promise to chat again soon), you shift so you’re not leaning into his side anymore. He blinks at you and you watch him silently. “Your mum is nice,” he says, and you let out a breath you didn’t realize you were holding. “She likes you,” you state, and he grins. “I like her,” he replies, reaching out to poke your cheek, “and her daughter.” You shake your head fondly, letting out a breathy laugh. You wonder for a moment if he’s expecting things to pick up where they left off before your phone rang, and you almost want them to, but then he’s standing from the couch and offering an outstretched hand to you. “We never finished dinner,” he says as an explanation, and you follow his lead to the kitchen. Neither of you bring up what happened between the two of you and you go home to sleep in your own bed that night.
You hate Harry Styles.
You realized your hatred this morning, precisely an entire week after you nearly let him fuck you on his couch. An entire week has gone by, and there has been no mention whatsoever of him even kissing you, let alone the fact that he was about a millisecond away from popping the button on your jeans open when your mother called and ruined it all. It’s so frustrating; it’s all you’ve been able to think about, and he’s just gone back to normal as if nothing ever happened. Then again, it’s sort of your fault, too. You are just as capable of speaking up as Harry is, but you haven’t said anything about it, either. Maybe that’s what he’s waiting for; after all, he’s the one who made the first move and kissed you, anyway. Maybe it wasn’t fair that you were expecting him to do all the work. The only problem is that you are much more stubborn than you’d like to admit, so you make the mental decision to not bring it up, either.
You’re currently at the register taking orders while Harry makes said orders. It’s a nice system the two of you worked out a long time ago. It also gave you the chance to doodle and write little notes on the to-go cups for Harry. It was one of the quirkier things about your friendship (and just you in general), but the customers were always endeared and Harry had voiced a million times over how cute he thought it was. It was usually little doodles of the sun with 'hi!' written out beside it, a few hearts here and there, sometimes quick portraits of the night sky, but more often than anything else it was a line or two from one of your favorite songs at the moment. You were clueless to the fact that Harry always looked up the lyrics and added the songs to a playlist under your name. He didn't know why he did it, but to be fair he didn't really know why you spent a few moments a day doodling on cups for him, either. He also didn’t know if the lyrics had any sort of significance to your relationship with him. He had decided it was all just part of your system awhile back to save himself the headache of wondering. You only think for a moment before you decide to go for it, penning the lyrics from a Rolling Stones song, one of your shared favorites: ‘we spent a lonely night at the memory motel.’ You followed it with a dainty heart beside it, and you wonder whether or not he’ll catch onto the message you’re trying to send this time around. If he does, he doesn’t show it.
When you turn back to the register there is a very cute boy standing in front of you and he’s smiling, looking far too happy to just be ordering a cup of coffee. You ask for his order and then his name, nonetheless, but he catches you off guard when he asks you to write your number down, too. Your laugh comes out a bit breathless, but Harry’s by your side before you get past the ‘seven’ at the beginning of your number. “’Fraid she can’t do that, man. ‘S policy,” Harry says, and the guy stands up a bit straighter as if he’s trying to appear taller than Harry (which he’s definitely not). You’re staring up at Harry, confused, and when he looks down at you, you raise an eyebrow expectantly. “Sorry, Y/N -- guess I forgot t’mention it when I was trainin’ you. People normally feel too weird and stalkerish to do it, so I figured it’d never be an issue,” he tells you, glancing to the boy on the other side of the counter after the dig at him, and you can feel the rush of heat to your cheeks. You’re not stupid -- there is no book of policies lying around, just a set of general, basic rules given to you by the owner of the café. He pats your shoulder as he takes the cup from your hand, looking down to read what the guy has ordered. “Fuckin’ disgustin’ drink, mate,” he tells him. Apparently cursing at the customers is permitted. Harry definitely makes the drink taste awful on purpose.
The tension between you and Harry is different from what it was the other night. There’s tension now because you’re pissed at him, and not because you want him to fuck you into any surface he possibly can. He clearly didn’t want you, not really, so how could he ruin any chance you might have with someone else? It wasn’t fair. You’ve been angry all day, really, and you know he knows. Especially when you only speak to him when he asks a question about an order. You’ve just locked the doors for the night and finished cleaning in silence when you corner him in the stockroom, because you just can’t take it anymore. “What the fuck was that?” He looks so surprised when you speak that it makes you even angrier. “What?” He asks it so innocently, like he’s clueless as to what he’s done, but you both know exactly what you’re talking about. It makes your blood boil. “’S policy,” you repeat his own words back to him in a mocking tone, and he fucking smirks like he always does. “It is policy,” he answers, and you huff. “You’re a fucking liar -- we have, like, ten rules, maybe. That’s not one of them,” you tell him, and he looks you over quickly and clicks his tongue. “You’re hot when you’re pissed off.” You could slap him. And you do -- you slap his chest, and he chuckles low in his throat.
“I just don’t understand, Harry -- why’d you do it?” You press further, and he shrugs. “You’re mine. Not a fan ‘f sharin’,” he replies nonchalantly and you stare at him. The back room feels like it’s closing in on you and it’s making you feel a little dizzy. How can he pretend he’s never even kissed you and call you his all at the same time? “You’re supposed to be my fake boyfriend, ‘nd only on occasion,” you argue, and he licks his lips as he looks you over again. It makes you feel incredibly small, despite how in-charge of the situation you’re trying to be. His next statement hits you like a ton of bricks: “Yeah, well, I can’t stop thinkin’ about fuckin’ ya’ ‘til ya’ can’t walk, but I ‘spose that’s fake, too, innit?” You’re on him before he’s hardly even got the words out of his mouth.
You’re on don’t know what comes over you, but you’re the one pressing yourself up against him and he’s being shoved up against the wall, your hands on his chest as you kiss him. This kiss is harder than any other one you’ve shared -- a whole lot of teeth, tongue, and your lips are pressing against his so harshly that you practically feel them bruising. You can feel his hands everywhere on you, can hear him when he lets out a throaty sort of laugh after you bite his bottom lip and tug. “Thought ya’ were mad at me,” he teases, and you’ve got your hands up under his t-shirt, so you dig your nails into the skin. “I am,” you answer, and he smirks, his fingers curling over your hips, digging into the skin as he pushes you back until you’re the one up against the wall opposite from where you’re standing. You’re pretty sure something falls from a shelf, but neither of you could be fucked to care right now. “Doesn’t seem like it,” he murmurs, and you hate how cocky he is, but what you hate even more is how fucking hot it is. “Shut up,” you groan, and you press your hips up against his, and he lets his hands slip around to cup your ass, pushing you up against his growing bulge as he squeezes.
“Quite mouthy when ya’ mad, kitten,” he whispers, and you whine at the pet name, grinding up against him, your arms snaked around his neck and your lips working over his jaw until he reconnects them to his own. It’s the kind of kiss that’s so distracting that you don’t even realize he’s successfully popped the button on your jeans, and is slipping a hand inside to cup your cunt over your panties, and he groans into the kiss when he feels where you’ve soaked through. He doesn’t let you get away with it without saying something. “Soak y’knickers when y’mad at me, too, apparently,” he whispers, and your hips buck against his hand when his fingers press against your clit through the lace. “Please,” you breathe, all but clawing at the back of his shoulders every time his hand moves the least bit. He quite likes how desperate he’s gotten you, he realizes, and he presses his fingers up against your clit a bit harder just to get a rise out of you. “Harry -- swear to fucking God I’m never going to fucking speak t’you again iff you don’t do something,” you threaten, and he just holds his smirk. “Yeah? Y’want it that bad, sweetheart?” He’s still teasing you, his fingers dragging over your folds slowly as he speaks, his lips right at your ear, and his touches combined with his voice send a shiver down your back.
“Think I can make y’cum on jus’ m’fingers?” He questions, and you nod quickly, your lips brushing against his neck as he looks down between the two of you. You’d never pictured that the first time you and Harry successfully hook up, it’d be in the stockroom of the coffee shop, but you also never thought you’d get this far with him. He apparently has intentions of actually following through this time, though, because he’s slipping his hand past the waistband of your panties in the next second. “Gotta’ be good ‘nd use my fingers on ya’ pretty clit t’get off,” he instructs, pressing his thigh between your legs and you groan at the feeling almost instantly. You do use his fingers, grinding against the tips of them, along with his thigh, and you’ve got your face buried in his neck as you do so.
Harry’s rubbing against your clit furiously, dipping his fingers between your folds every few moments to collect some of your wet and make the glide against your clit easier. He’s also really fucking hard against your thigh, you realize, and it makes you nip at the side of his neck and grind harder against him. “Wanna’ cum, Harry,” you practically moan, but it’s quiet, right in his ear, and it makes him slide his hand further until his wrist is covered with you and he has two fingers pressing inside your entrance. It’s difficult, considering you’re still fully clothed and the angle isn’t the best, but it’s so fucking nice to feel his fingers fucking into your cunt the way that they are. He’s so good about curling them just enough, petting along your walls, and pressing the tips of them right against the spongy place inside of you that has you crying out. He’s pressing his thumb back to your clit as if it’s some sort of reward to your scream, and he rubs in quick circles. “‘M gonna’ fucking cum,” you tell him, and he presses a kiss to your jaw, fucks his fingers into you a bit harder, a bit deeper, and you can feel the ridges where his fingers meet his rings inside your cunt -- it makes you clench around them. “Cum, love -- soak my whole hand, yeah? Give it t’me,” he encourages, and he moans when you tighten around his digits as you cum not a minute later. He’s watching you as you do -- your lips parted in the prettiest ‘o’ shape he’s ever seen, and you are clawing at the back of his shoulders now, crying out his name repeatedly. He thinks it’s probably the most beautiful symphony he’s ever heard.
When you come down, he finally pulls his fingers from inside of you, licks them clean -- which is obscene, and you know it’s something that’s going to play a hundred times over in the back of your head -- and buttons your jeans for you.
“Y’still mad?” He murmurs, nudging his nose against yours and you pretend to consider the question for a moment before shaking your head.
“Y’wanna’ help me out?” He presses his hard cock to your thigh.
You pat him over his jeans, squeezing at his cock, and you smirk at the breathless sound he makes in response as you slip from between him and the wall and turn around so you’re walking backwards towards the exit. “Oh -- Harry! My mom wants us to come for the weekend in a couple of weeks. Fourth of July,” you tell him, smiling from ear to ear. “You in?” You question, licking over your lips as you grab for your purse from under the counter, looking back up to see where he’s still hard and leaning against the wall. “Wouldn’t miss it,” he grits out after a moment, and you smile small and to yourself as you wait for him to gather himself so you two can leave for the night.
You hate flying.
You always have. It’s always been something you’ve complained about. You had just never realized how much you truly loathe it until today. It’s not just the being up in the air, either, it’s the whole experience -- from the moment you load the car to go to the airport, to the parking, to checking in, to security, to getting to your gate and waiting to board. It’s every little thing, and having Harry along for the ride really isn’t helping like you thought it might, because he’s probably more anxious than you are. He can’t stop bouncing his knee, for one, and it’s something you noticed the second you sat down at the gate. “Haven’t flown since I came here for m’freshman year,” he tells you when he notices that you’re staring at him, and you realize why he’s telling you that just after. He’s nervous. “Didn’t think you were afraid of anything,” you respond, because you didn’t. Especially not something as common as flying. He was always so smug and cocky, so you assumed that part of his personality always overlapped into everything he ever did. He looks at you after that, though, and his eyes have softened from the panic that you saw in them just moments ago. “’S gonna’ be okay. Gonna have a good flight there, and lots of fun with your new best friend after we land,” you assure, and he smiles when you reference your mom as his new best friend.
The actual flight there isn’t nearly as bad as you and Harry had been silently anticipating. In fact, it’s not bad at all. It’s short and nonstop, so you’re thankful for that. You’re also thankful for the way Harry holds your hand and lets you lean against him for most of the flight, curled up into his side. You told him it was only fair for him to cuddle you, considering he got the window seat, and he had agreed easily, but you don’t think he would’ve needed much convincing regardless. As for the hand holding: that had started when you placed your hand on his thigh, and he had been quick to notice and trace around where your fingers were spread against the fabric of his jeans with his own. When you flipped your hand and he traced along the lines in your palm, he had simply laced your fingers together and neither of you said a word about it.
Unsurprisingly, neither of you have said a word about what happened right before you asked him to come on this trip with you a couple of weeks ago, either. It was exhausting pretending that every time you had to go into the back at work for a refill of to-go cups or sweeteners, all you could think about is the way Harry had pressed you up against the wall and fucked you with his fingers until you were cumming around them. It makes you press your thighs together each time you think about it, and you honestly can’t figure out how the two of you just keep going right back to normal every time something abnormal happens in your relationship. It’s probably even more frustrating for him, because you just left him high and dry in the back. It probably put a dent in his ego, now that you think about it, but he also sort of deserved it. He was being a dick, so really you were the only one who deserved to cum that night.
“You nervous?” You hear Harry’s voice suddenly; it pulls you from your thoughts and you peer up at him, your thumb dragging against his skin. “No, think we’re gonna’ have fun,” you answer, and you stare at him as he nods, “What about you?” He huffs, his eyebrows knitted together like he’s debating his answer. “I mean -- yeah, kinda’. ‘M meetin’ y’family,” he explains, and you grin in response. “What? Scared they’re gonna’ figure out ‘s all fake?” You see his expression drop as soon as you ask the question, and he shifts until you’ve got no choice but to sit up straight, and he lets your hand go. You’d give anything to rewind ten seconds and not say that. It was so dumb and mindless, and you can’t believe you actually said it outloud, given all that’s happened -- how honest Harry has been, even if you run from him every single time. “Harry -- I,” you start, and he shakes his head as he turns to look out the window. “’S fine. ‘S fake, right? Nothin’ to worry about,” he says after he cuts you off, and he doesn’t sound bitter or angry, just sad. It makes your heart hurt because it’s your fault. It’s all you can think of the rest of the flight, no matter how hard you try not to.
It’s been around two hours since you got home from the airport, but you’re alone with Harry for the first time since this morning in his car. Between the flight and visiting with your family when you first got here, you haven’t had time to talk about what happened on the plane. Then again, you two sort of have a trend of not talking about things, so you shouldn’t be surprised, honestly. You’re standing in the middle of your childhood bedroom and he’s sat in your desk chair, scrolling through his phone when you decide to bring it up. Except you more so just jump right into apologizing.
“I’m sorry,” he glances up at you and shakes his head at your sudden words, his tongue poking out to wet the pout on his lips. “Don’t be,” he replies, and you sigh, taking a seat on the edge of your bed as you watch him. “I am, though -- I didn’t mean to upset you,” you feel defeated no matter how hard you really are trying, because Harry’s just not having it. “Didn’t mean to, but ya’ did. ‘M a big boy, though. ‘Ll be okay. Don’t need m’fake girlfriend t’baby me,” this time his voice does sound bitter, and the slightest bit angry, and you want to lock yourself in a room and never come out again at the emphasis on ‘fake.’ “Harry, stop,” and he’s locking his phone and setting it on the desk in front of him. “I told you -- I’m fine, Y/N. Leave it alone. We’re good.” You don’t think he’s called you by your actual name since the first week he met you.
He does seem to be okay, though, because he’s holding actual conversations with you when you head back downstairs to be with your family. You don’t ask anymore questions. You just go along with it and hope that it’s not going to change as soon as you’re behind closed doors again. Whatever issues the two of you have seem to be the last thing on Harry’s mind, and you’re almost certain it has to have something to do with the fact that your entire family seems to be falling in love with him and all his wit and charm. Your mom and grandma can’t stop gushing over him, asking him questions about his life and his family. He tells them that he’s an art major with a minor in women’s studies (they both flash a smile at you at that), that he grew up in England, and moved to the states when he was nineteen for university. He tells them that he has a sister and she’s his favorite person besides you, his mum, and Stevie Nicks. They ask about his future, where he sees himself by the time he’s thirty, and he pauses for a long moment to just watch you where you’re sat on the ground playing with one of your nieces. “Think -- I dunno’. Think ‘s gonna’ be good, though. Really good,” he says, and he doesn’t look back to your grandma until he’s finished the sentence and is smiling like an idiot.
Your two nieces and nephew have Harry in the floor next, and he’s laying on his back, grabbing their hands and pushing them up in the air with his socked feet when they lean forward, and shouting that they’re airplanes, and he’s laughing loudly as he does it probably twenty times to each of them. “He’s a keeper, y’know,” and your eyes snap from Harry to your grandma, and a small grin you just can’t help tugging at your lips. “Can see how in love with you he is just by the way he looks at you,” she explains, and you feel a blush creep up your neck, a nervous laugh sounding from you. You don’t realize Harry was definitely listening until you see him peeking up at you with a fond smile.
The sun is just a couple of hours from setting when you find yourself helping your mom out in the kitchen while Harry helps your dad with the grill out on the patio. You can see him through the French doors as you work through each task your mom assigns you, and it makes you smile to see them talking and laughing together. Your mom catches you, and she smirks. “Think your grandmother might’ve been onto somethin’ earlier. You seem just as lovestruck as Harry does,” she tells you, and you blush furiously, shaking your head. “Oh c’mon, Y/N. Never seen you look at anyone in y’life the way you look at that boy,” she adds, and you roll your eyes. “Whatever you say,” you sing-song back at her, but it doesn’t stop the way you’re grinning from ear to ear as you coat the berries she told you were going to be used to decorate a cake in sugar. It’s the only thing you’ve got left on your to-do list, so she’s left you to finish up in the kitchen alone.
You don’t hear the door open, but you guess that was sort of the point when you feel someone slink up behind you and wrap their arms around your waist, you half scream and half squeal, because it scares you but you almost instantly realize whose arms around you. “What’re ya’ makin’?” Harry murmurs, his chin hooked over your shoulder, and you hum, glancing back at him over your shoulder. “’S already been made, just gotta’ decorate it. Like a star, I think,” you explain, giving the blueberries one last stir before you turn around in his arms to face him. “You scared me,” you murmur, looking his face over. He smells like smoke, charcoal, and burgers, and it’s disgusting, but you can think of a million things you’d let happen before you ever let go of him right now. “That was the point, pet,” he smirks, and you let your mind wander for a moment. What if he’s only got you pinned up against the counter right now for show? What if he’s still just as angry as he was earlier and has every intention of giving you the cold shoulder when everyone goes to bed tonight. You’re working yourself into a bit of a frenzy of over thinking, so you decide it’s best if you distract yourself. “Wanna’ help me?” Harry presses a kiss to your forehead and you take that as a ‘yes.’
“Your father is terrifying,” he tells you once he’s stood beside you, and you smirk, looking up to him. “Told me exactly how he’d kill me ‘f I ever break your heart,” he explains, and you laugh, nudging your hip against his. “Told you he’d chop you up and dump you in the ocean, didn’t he? He watches a lot of Dexter,” you’re both laughing, and this suddenly really does not feel fake anymore, and it makes you wonder if it really ever had. “Tell me what y’need me to do,” he says after you’ve both stopped laughing, looking you over, and in your mind you’re screaming ‘kiss me again,’ but in reality you tell him you’ve got to line the blueberries up perfectly to create a star on top, and then fill in the gaps with the strawberries. He nods and then gets to work.
The two of you joke and work between comfortable silences with no problem -- it’s just like being back at work in the café. Between the two of you, you finish in record time and you reach for one of the leftover strawberry slices as you turn to him. “Got m’fingers all sticky,” he murmurs, watching as you swallow down the strawberry and you grin mischievously as you take a step towards him, reaching for his wrist and guiding his fingers up until you feel a couple brush against your lower lip, looking up to him from under your eyelashes. You think you could cut the tension that has suddenly filled the room with a knife. “There’s a sink right there,” is what you say, your tongue flicking against his middle finger playfully, and Harry can breathe for the first time since you looked at him after he spoke after you let him go. “Fuckin’ tease,” he jokes, walking towards the sink to wash his hands and you lean back against the counter.
When he turns around, Harry looks like he can’t breathe again, because you’re sucking your own fingers clean of the juice from the berries and sugar. He should not be as affected as he is, but he undeniably is, and he’s got a hand on your hip before you know it, his thumb slipping up underneath your t-shirt and rubbing at the skin just above the waist of your jeans. “Need something else from you,” you tell him, and he raises his eyebrows, waiting for your next set of instructions as he stares down at you. “Wha’s that?” He questions, and you place your hands on his chest. “Need y’to kiss me,” you whisper, and he brings a hand up to pinch your chin between his fingers, tilting your head up towards him. “Not ‘f we’re jus’ gonna’ pretend it never happened again,” he nearly mumbles, and you do your best to shake your head. “Wouldn’t -- don’t wan’ t’do that anymore.” He glances down to your lips and back up to your eyes. “’S not fake then?” He presses, and you shake your head again, dragging your hands from his chest to his shoulders. “Don’t think it ever was, honestly.”
He’s kissing you after that, soft and gentle, and it doesn’t feel nearly as rushed as your previous kisses have been. It’s clean enough that if someone were to glance into the kitchen, they wouldn’t have anything to say about it, but it’s also very much Harry who is kissing you like this, and that fact alone is enough to cloud your senses. You’re smiling into the kiss out of nowhere and he pulls back just enough to speak. “Wha’ is it?” He questions, and you peck his lips. “We’re so dumb,” you laugh, and he scrunches his nose. “Nah -- told you I wanted t’be your boyfriend at the very start. Never said anything about being ‘fake.’ You’re the only dumb one in this situation, baby,” and you can’t even argue with him, because he is technically right. He never told you he’d be your fake boyfriend. Those words never came out of his mouth. It makes you wonder if he knew that this was how it was going to end all along.
“You called me ‘baby,’“ you whisper, and he slides his hand to cup your cheek as he nudges his nose against yours. “Did, didn’t I?” He’s never called you that, is the thing. He’s called you every pet name in the book over the past six or so months, every single goddamn one that you could possibly think of, but he’s never called you ‘baby’ before now. “Wanted t’wait ‘til I made y’mine before I used that one on ya’,” he says and the statement gives you butterflies, because he’s intended for this to happen the entire time he’s known you. He’s never been joking, not once, about how he feels about you.
If anyone notices that the two of you are even more chipper the rest of the night, they don’t mention it.
The Fourth of July is your new favorite holiday.
It’s always been up there, but after a night of lots of food, fireworks, a zillion pictures (half of which are of you and Harry kissing underneath them), and time well spent with your family, you think it’s moved its way up to being your number one. You decide this while you’re flicking through the pictures on your phone while Harry helps your father with a bit of clean up downstairs. There are a million, probably, of you and Harry, you and Harry with various family members, quite a few you’d snapped of just Harry, and you can’t get over how Harry shines so bright beside you in the ones with the fireworks that you almost don’t even realize the fireworks are there.
You practically have to force yourself to stop looking at pictures and set your phone down, so that you can shower before Harry comes up for the night, but you manage to do so. You also have to force yourself to shower quickly when you realize you’ve stripped outside of your en suite and forgotten to grab a t-shirt from your duffle. Which you do, deciding dry shampoo can get you through until tomorrow morning and only washing what is absolutely necessary for any shower. You never heard him come in, so after you’ve dried off and slid into the underwear that you did remember to bring, you assume it’s safe for you to step out topless just long enough to get to the other side of the room to you overnight bag.
That assumption turns out to be very wrong. You are not safe. Not at all. In fact, when you step out, Harry’s standing about three feet away from the bathroom door, facing you, and his eyes go wide. You must look as if you’re properly trying to seduce him, and you weren’t at all -- not in your parents’ house -- but your hair looks as if it’s just recently been styled (and it has, thanks to the aforementioned dry shampoo) and the only piece of clothing (and you use that word lightly) you’ve got on is a baby pink lace thong. You can’t get mad at him when you see him definitely give you a once over, but you also bring your hands up to cover your breasts, cupping each of them. “Ya’ tryin’ t’seduce me, baby?” He finally says after the initial shock of it all, and he’s smirking, because he’s Harry, and of course he’s fucking smirking. “Didn’t have t’walk out naked t’get me t’fuck ya’, y’know. Told you weeks ago ‘s all I’ve been thinkin’ about,” he continues, and you feel like dying right then and there (but also very much like dropping to your knees and sucking his cock until he’s cumming down your throat) (he’s so hot) (it’s not fair).
You consider telling him that yes, you were just trying to seduce him, but the truth is what comes out of your mouth inside. “Forgot my shirt out here when I went to shower. Didn’t hear you come in, so I thought it’d be alright,” you explain and he nods like he understands perfectly, like maybe he’s been in the exact same situation before. He’s holding up a singular finger as if to tell you ‘hold on’ not a second later, and you watch him, your hands still covering your tits, and you realize he’s grabbing for a t-shirt from his own bag. He tosses it to you, and you cover yourself with it as soon as you’ve got it in your hands, because you remember that’s just given him another glimpse at your perky breasts. It’s when you go to tug it over your head that he stops you. “No, no, no -- what d’ya’ think you’re doing, hm?” You’re confused, but he’s pulling his own shirt over his head after that, dropping it to the floor. “Gotta’ earn it, baby girl,” he says, and you press your thighs together.
“Owe you for leaving you hard the other night, don’t I?” You murmur, because you can play this game, too. You take a step towards him, letting the shirt fall to the ground with the one he had been wearing, and palming over his hardening cock through his jeans. You watch your hand on him for awhile, feeling him growing harder under your touch, and your best guess is that he was watching, too, because as soon as you look up to him, he’s got you moaning into a kiss. The two of you end up on the bed behind him similarly to the way you had ended up on his couch the first night, after that, except this time, he’s underneath you and you’re situated so that you’re straddling his hips and grinding right on top of his cock. He’s got a hand fisted in your hair and the other is sliding down to your ass, grinning into the kiss at the feel of bare skin against his own.
You manage to get a hand between the two of you and pop the button on his jeans, and really, you’re not sure why these godforsaken things weren’t his clothing item of choice to remove before you fell into bed together, because they’re so tight, and all you want is his cock out now. You manage to finally get the jeans, along with his burgundy boxer briefs, down his toned legs, though, and then you’re straddling him again. His cock is gorgeous, and you feel silly for even thinking it, but it is -- it’s long and thick and it’s got the prettiest head that matches his lips in colors. You really do want to suck it, so you tell him as much as you wrap a hand around the base of him and work over him in strokes that are good, but not near enough to ever give him what he needs. “Jesus fuck,” he curses in response to your request, and you take that as your go ahead. You’re lying on the bed between his legs when you lean down and give the leaking tip the first tentative kitten lick, glancing up to make eye contact with him as you do. You collect the precum on your tongue in doing so, and swallow it down before you lick along the length of him, just getting him wet, before you bring your lips back up to wrap around the head and suck properly at it, dipping your tongue into the slit.
He’s got his hand fisted in your hair once again, but this time it’s to help guide you along his cock, and he finds that you take direction very well, as it turns out. You’re working your mouth over his cock slowly, sinking down until he’s hitting the back of your throat, and you swallow around him. Harry moans and tugs your hair harshly, watching as you drag your tongue along the thick vein on the underside of his cock when you pull off. “Got such a lovely mouth, baby. So good f’me,” he breathes, and you just flash him an innocent sort of smile before you’ve got your mouth back on him, and you press your tongue against the sensitive spot at his base when you swallow him back down. You feel the way his cock hit the back of your throat a bit when he begins rocking his hips up into the feeling, and you can’t help but moan around him, and that only causes a groan to escape him in response. “Take m’cock so well, baby girl,” he murmurs, and you let your eyes find his once again.
He leans up just a moment later, and you’ve got your lips wrapped tight around his shaft when you feel him sliding your panties to the side and sliding his fingers between your folds. “Fuckin’ soaked, love. Jus’ from suckin’ my cock?” He questions, and you suck a bit harder and hopes he gets the message that it is most definitely just from sucking his cock. “Tha’s a good girl,” he breathe, and then he presses a finger against your entrance, and you rock back against the touch. “Eager,” he murmurs, glancing down to your head in his lap, and placing a hand on the back of your neck as he lets two fingers slide inside of your cunt, fucking them into you slowly, and you clench around the feeling of them. “So fuckin’ tight, love. Can’t wait to feel ya’ on m’cock. Y’gonna’ give that t’me, hm? Le’ me make you cum on m’cock? Fill up your pretty little cunt?” You can’t believe the filth that seems to spew from his lips so easily, but you’re certain that you’ve never been wetter than you are right now, either.
You’re pulling off of his cock after a minute or two later, and his fingers are so nice inside of you, but god -- you want to be stretched and filled and fucked until you can’t fucking move, so you decide you’re going to need his cock for that. “Need you,” you breathe, and your voice is wrecked from taking him as far as you had, but he seems to understand you just fine, because he withdraws his fingers from you not a moment later. He’s tugging you up until you’re straddling him again, and you press your lips to his as you lean down, grinding down against his cock, and thanking any higher power listening that you’ve decided to don the prettiest, tiniest lace thong he’s ever seen tonight, because when he wraps a hand around his cock, he gets to watch as you simply pull the fabric to the side just before you line him up. Your wet is practically dripping down his cock as you hover over him, the head of him pressed to your entrance. You lean down to kiss him again as you sink down, and both your moans get lost somewhere on your tongues.
The stretch of him isn’t something you think you could have prepared yourself for no matter how long you had taken to hype yourself up. It burns at first, but the longer he’s inside of you, the nicer it feels. He’s is by far the biggest you’ve ever had, you’ve got no doubt about it, and you suppose it would only make sense for this gorgeous boy underneath you to have an equally glorious dick buried to the hilt inside of you. “Feel so good,” you breathe, rocking your hips just a bit, just feeling the length of him inside of you, filling you up better than anyone ever has. When you pull off until it’s just the head of him, you swear you can feel the way every ridged part of his cock drags against your walls and you moan loudly against Harry’s mouth. “Gotta’ stay quiet, love,” he tells you, and you just kiss him in response, grinding on his cock with your eyes screwed shut. “Be good f’me, ‘nd I promise as soon as we get home, ‘ll take y’on every surface ‘f my apartment ‘nd y’can be as loud as y’want,” he murmurs, and you do your best to nod, but you want to cry because he just feels so good inside of you.
You begin to really ride him after that promise, pulling off of him until it’s just the tip of his cock inside of you, and you drop back down in quick motions. You’re building a harsh rhythm, and you can feel where the short wiry hairs around his cock are brushing against your clit each time he presses his hips up into you, and it has you kissing him just that much harder to try and keep quiet. “Look a’ you, angel. Look so pretty fuckin’ y’self on m’cock,” he’s whispering as he speaks, watching you as you fuck down against him, and it makes you cup one of your tits again, your other hand steadying yourself on his chest, and he fucks up into you for the first time when he see the way you’re squeezing your breast, his fingers hooked into the waistband of your lace panties. The only bad thing about lace panties, however, is how incredibly easy they are to rip, and Harry does just that. You’re not sure if it’s on purpose or not, but you also couldn’t give less of a fuck, either. You’ve got more, and you assume he agrees with your thought process, because he’s the one who collects them and tosses them to the floor. You look sort of perfect, he thinks -- doesn’t think he’s ever had a better view than the one he’s got right now. You’re tight, wet, and hot around his bare cock, and his own reminder of that has him twitching inside of you, and it makes your clit throb. “Harry, Harry -- fuck me,” you whine, and he’s never been the kind of guy that has to be told twice.
You’re both so close, and it doesn’t surprise you. You hadn’t expected either of you to last this long, considering how inevitable this has been since the beginning, but as soon as Harry flips you over so you’re on you’re back, you know you’re fucked -- figuratively and literally. He’s driving into you with force, and you open your mouth to scream, but nothing comes out (thankfully). He uses the opportunity to his advantage, however. He’s got two fingers pressed to your tongue, and you waste no time and sucking them just as you had his cock just minutes before. The sight seems to do more for him than he’d expected because he groans as soon as you wrap your lips around the digits, and he fucks into you harder. He feels you clench around him, and he bites his lip at the feeling. “Gonna’ cum, baby?” He murmurs, and you try and fail to nod, but it’s enough for him to get it, and he’s so smug about it, despite the fact that he’s just holding out to feel you cum around his cock before he lets go. “Cum f’me, baby girl. Cum on m’cock,” he breathes, and he removes his fingers from your mouth to press against your clit instead, rubbing quickly. You don’t last another minute before you’ve drenched your thighs with your release.
You dig your nails into his back as your cunt pulses around his cock, biting at his shoulder to keep from crying out the way you want to, and you think it’s the way your teeth dig into his skin that does him in, because you feel hot spurts of his release covering your walls and filling you up so suddenly that it makes you shake against him just a second or two longer.
Harry doesn’t pull out for what seems like forever, but when he does, you can feel how sore you already are, but it’s the best kind of sore in the world. You whine and clench around nothing, and you still feel so fucking wet, despite just having the best orgasm of your life probably. You realize why that is when you see Harry looking between your legs, and you’re quick to close them, feeling overexposed, but he taps your hip, his head resting on your thigh as he peers up at you. “No, baby, lemme’ see, please,” He asks, and it comes out in such a gentle voice that you think you’d do anything he told you to do right then. You do spread your legs back open, and he watches as his release drips out of your cunt, and he seems fucking fascinated, and it makes you blush down to your chest. He stays put where he’s resting against your thigh for minutes probably, just watching. “’S gorgeous,” he murmurs, just before he leans in to press an open mouthed kiss your clit -- you gasp, he smirks. He’s kissing his way back up your body a minute later, and your entire body feels like it’s been put into overdrive and all of your senses are heightened right now. It’s as if you’re torn with wanting him all over you and wanting to push him off of you. You decide to go with the first one.
“Wanna’ know somethin’?” He questions once he’s reached your lips, grinning down at you. You hum in response, running your fingers through his hair. “I do,” you answer, grinning right back up at him. “Think ya’ earned privileges t’any shirt ‘f mine y’ever wanna wear.” You laugh into it when he kisses you again.
The next week at work, you tell Harry you love him by writing it on one of the to-go cups. He nearly gets you both fired when he kisses you breathless at the cash register (by the way, he loves you, too).
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briteboy · 7 years
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Why is her step-douche such a foken piece of shit? omg i hate him
some mysteries are never meant to be explained tbh. why is he so ugly and evil? who wronged him? but also who cares he’s in jail forever now good riddance ugly
I know this is probably really bad, but after I saw the newest molly posts, I thought of that video where the little girl is yelling "MISS KEISHA, MISS KEISHA, oh my fukin gosh she fukin dead"
i don’t blame u i bet when it happens i’m gonna be like “u know she ded”
(To the previous anon) i agree with you so, so much! In Poland, these dumbass politicians are letting shooting pregnant bisons (?? Im not sure how they're called) become legal. Like BITCH WHAT. Can you imagine??? A fucking pregnant lil' cow getting shot????? I feel Molly's pain on an emotional level rn (sorry if this is too nsfw, just needed to get that outta my system...)
i think this was in response to someone saying that hurting pregnant women is one of the worst crimes but um WTF shooting animals at all makes me itchy but pregnant ones..............nah that’s......nah
it’s ok get it outta ur system i’m here 4 u
the first thing I check in the morning is your account.... you have me whipped! ;|
OMG WHA LMAO REALLY that’s wild. i feel like i’m the only one who looks at my page which is dumb but like idk i still feel like a little kid that no one cares about lmao. but then you guys exist and amaze me with your responsiveness every day and i just ;____________; ily all
hi Sunny. first of all i'm gonna say i love your story and your editing style so much! your blog is goals like literally. i need an advice if you don't mind. you always find such amazing angles for your pictures while mine are so boring. any tips or tricks you can share?
HI thank you so much ;-; sooooo i’ve been thinking about this question the past couple of times i went in game, trying to figure out how to describe how i take pictures. for one thing i live in tab mode lmao. meaning you press the tab button on your keyboard to go into camera mode and get all these sexy angles and super zoom and stufffff. i almost always zoom in super far idk why. so there’s one tip. i honestly just play around with going up and down with the q and e keys (i think?) until i find angles i like. i take a lottttt of pictures with so many different angles just so i have a lot to choose from. basically i try to focus on different things in each picture in order to get a mix of the most diverse and dynamic shots possible. you just need to experiment and get creative. i know that’s the most vague advice ever but really just try a new angle that you’ve never considered before and i bet you’ll get cool results. an interesting setting is also the biggest factor, because certain objects and their placements will give you interesting results. 
i honestly want to print out your reaction pic to that one post and just hang it on my wall, put it in my heart locket necklace, stamp it on people's faces, start an email thread with it. i love it.
an add on to the last ask i sent about your reaction pic. i've been looking at it religiously since it was posted, and i dont regret a minute of it. LMAO I'LL STOP NOW.
SAKJDLJKGKSDAF STOPPPP LMAOOO i looked so ugly but that was my pure unadulterated reaction to that question and i trust you all to not judge my ugliness and instead share this reaction with me. i’m glad u liked it that much, i just printed it out and i’m cutting it into a small heart to put inside ur locket ok
everytime i hear cigarette daydreams by cage the elephant i think of a serious case of the novembers like its so fitting and then i get all emo when i listen to it lmao rip
OMMMMGGGGGGG YESSSSS how have i never made that connection before honestly. cage the elephant is one of my faves and i’ve seen them perform twice actually!! i’m watching the music vid for that song now and even that reminds me of my story ;-; i cry
thank you for sending this, and also i cry @ the fact that you used the actual title *dies* now this song is gonna make me emo til the end of time thx
i might sound like some crazy stalker fan but i just want to say you are so freakin awesome and nice and funny and cute and (i can go on forever) so caring! i love your blog so much and all the hard work and care you put into all your posts and followers. thanks for making my day and making me smile so much. you have no clue how much i look forward to seeing your posts and your hilarious hashtags and answers from asks and AMAZING story posts. im sorry i just wanted to let you know ur awesome ily
OFMG WHAT!!!!!! I AM ONLY AN EEL!!!!!! but no you don’t sound like a crazy stalker, i actually love this, you’re too sweet, thank you ;-; i’m just blushin so much reading this omg. YOU EVEN LIKE MY TAGS WOW that’s true love. ily ;-; <333
how do you get your sims' facial expressions to line up with your scenes? I feel like my sims' faces are never right :(
tbh i just use a lot of the same neutral poses...my go-to’s are @helgatisha‘s poses lol. they’re the easiest to work with when i do just plain talking scenes, and often i tweak my sims’ eyebrows and mouths with the liquify tool if i want them to look a bit more concerned, sad, mad, happy, etc., it works like a charm!! i also tend to play around with angles, you’d be surprised how much a different angle can enhance a scene.
Hey smol bean, I'm sent you an ask and now I feel bad that it probably made you feel anxious because you didn't answer it. It was the one about you not liking my posts, I have anxiety too so I'm sorry If I made you feel sad. I think I'm just looking for validation from people I look upto you get me? Anyway sorry again, don't worry about it! Love you!
hiya bb, i know you saw my answer to your original post (and i’m sorry it got some negative attention, i didn’t mean for that to happen by any means) anyway don’t sweat it, and i really appreciate this follow-up message. you didn’t make me feel sad, i just wanna know what i can do. it’s just a hard question y’know. i understand what you mean, i think everyone wants validation to some degree. tbh you can just come off anon and message me, i promise it’s not as nerve-wracking as it seems! ily
How did you make Santi's tattoos? I want some like that for my Sims but idk how to do it
how did you make your characters page on your blog like that?
uoohhh like what?? i used this theme (monolog) if that’s what you mean aheh. here’s a guide on how to use custom page themes
okay so THIS IS MY THEORY: they might keep the baby and molly might actually carry it to full term, but then the kid dies in childbirth and either molly also dies or maybe kills herself or gets killed later? or maybe she's still alive but just won't speak to santi anymore cause she like can't look him in the eye after all of that or idk?? since ppl were sending theories i wanted to add mine lmao. another possible theory is that the stepdad finds out and kills her but thats TOO DARK omg
TOO DARK U SAY...WELL!!! it’s not AS dark as you guessed but only marginally
If Molly turns out to be alive and raising their kid alone (though from what I'm seeing in response to most questions I think that may not be the route) am I allowed to slap Santi (unless Molly didn't give him the option to help) because raising a child alone is not easy I've watched my mom do it for years.
YEAH i would give you permission to slap him lmao he would be a grade A piece o’ shit if that were the case. i would never ever write that tho because santi does own up to his actions if they’re that detrimental. his altruistic nature, no matter how backwards, would never allow him to do that.
There will be complication with the abortion so she will not be able to carry a baby anymore and she's going to kill herself OR her step dad is going to find out and he'll beat her to death. And in both situation Santi his blaming himself because he wasn't there at the right time... Okay I really really hope I'm wrong now !
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I don't even follow your story very closely but every time I see your posts my heart hurts.
OMFG...that’s how u know the pain is real
but like wow my stuff is really so visceral that even my apathetic followers can feel the hurt...that’s real...that’s real my guy
omg!! you should 100% play or at least watch a playthrough of life is strange! legit the best game ever made, its so beautiful. the storyline kills you a thousand times over (much like your beautiful story) <3333
yaaaa i’ve heard lots of good things about it!! my bf played it actually, maybe he’ll revisit it again someday and i’ll watch him do it (i’m only a fan of video games if i can watch them like a movie lmao) thank you btw <3
I am shook and I worship you and your story and you are amazing WOW BYE
WORSHIP LMAO WHAT!!! PLS I AM UNDESERVING...ily tho don’t worship false gods
Do you let Molly and the younger versions of your characters frolic around your main save or do they have a separate one?
UM YES LMAO because i didn’t even know you could have separate saves until after i started the flashbacks lmao i’m...a noob. i don’t want separate saves anyway because 1) it’s too much of a hassle switching back and forth and 2) it gets too confusing for me and i’d be afraid of overwriting one save with another and NOPE too much anxiety for that soooo yeah there’s three santis in my game: child, teen and adult lmfao (fun fact: teen santi’s name is literally just Lil Santi)
I made it to my senior year with 6 A's and 1 B ... Be proud of me too? 😂 Lmao I told this to people and some of them were just like .. okay cool?! LMAO it's so funny but also kinda sad
I AM PROUD OF YOU TOO!!!!!!!!! my smart childrens
“okay cool” UM PLEASE that’s a feat...at my school if you got an A in a class in senior year you were allowed to be exempt from the final. so yeah that rules. ily
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seokjins · 7 years
soft minjoon headcanons? i can't find anything good out there
boy :)) i had an entire list of these but then i deleted them by accident im CHOKING please draft literally everything you ever write god my entire heart hurts
namjoon, 10000%, is the easily embarrassed bf who chokes on his words anytime someone says he and jimin are a cute couple?? he also turns bright red when jimin holds his hand in public lol
they’re also the kind of couple who must Always Be Touching,,like even if they’re on a huge ass sofa, the two of them will be squished together on one end & if they’re out on a date jimin will hook his ankles over namjoon’s under the table etc (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x)
jimin is obsessed w namjoon’s hands & he’ll play with them whenever he’s bored/anxious/distracted & finds them really pretty asldkghasdg
he also thinks namjoon’s glasses r one of the sexiest things in the entire world and loves it when namjoon’s got his Thinking Face on and solving a math problem or writing or composing boy Loves It
namjoon has perpetual heart eyes whenever he talks about jimin thinks about jimin looks at jimin someone mentions jimin he hears jimin’s name jimin texts him jimin snapchats him he’s talking on the phone w jimin
kim namjoon = dreamiest bf in the world, the biggest mcfucking romantic who always buys jimin flowers bc he feels extra In Love on a given day and picks him up from class even though he’s going to be late for lab or hasn’t slept in three days and takes him out on surprise date nights to stargaze or smth idk pick ur poison literally the sappiest thing u can think of is exactly what namjoon does alright i don’t make the rules that’s just how it is
jimin likes to kiss namjoon’s eyelids and his dimples and his nose bc those are his favorite parts of namjoon’s face besides the whole thing and he’s sad namjoon doesn’t think that highly of himself :((
god ,, jimin’s thighs make namjoon so weak. So Weak. SO  W E A K  SO WEAK honestly namjoon has credited his entire gay career solely to jimin’s thighs lol he’s waxed poetic abt them on multiple occasions while completely sober
namjoon really likes it when jimin has hands in his hair take this as u will maybe combine it w the bullet point above idk i can’t tell y’all what to do
also: monolid power couple tf ??
lol jimin had to make the first move bc namjoon was too Scared that he’d be imposing or rude or lowkey abusive or was “forcing” jimin into a relationship he wasn’t interested in
this lasted until jimin pulled his face down with two hands on his jaw n basically yelled at namjoon abt how romantically frustrated he’d been for the past however long they’d known each other and he should either shut up and kiss him or book it & never return
(namjoon kissed him)
he’s also hyper aware of maintaining healthy “relationship boundaries” and constantly proposes stuff like “taking time away from each other so we can redefine ourselves outside a relationship” but they both end up caving after like. a day and a half every time lol
jimin used to hate his height w a burning passion but he now?????he really likes being Small and Tall w namjoon bc hugging his bf and getting carried places when he’s too lazy to walk and burying his face in namjoon’s neck is A+ yes some good shit god bless cuddling w namjoon is truly an experience (x) (x) (x) (x)
jimin loves making namjoon blush it’s his mission to do it at least once a day
sometimes namjoon gets really stressed out and wound up and terribly anxious so jimin pull him to bed and curls up around namjoon’s head like a cat when they’re both lying down and plays with his hair and sings him to sleep
jimin likes it when he can sit in namjoon’s lap and namjoon hooks a chin over his shoulder and wraps his arms around his waist idk he’s a soft child can u blame him
namjoon: [sees his bf]namjoon: put him in the MoMA
lmao they don’t do little/big spoons they have to sleep face to face while holding hands ugh i know it’s so stupid and gross and sappy don’t blame me it’s the minjoon they made me do it
jimin also always steals clothes from namjoon’s closet bc ,,if the hoodie is oversized on his beansprout bf ,,it’s gonna drown him alive and BOY does he Love It
always takes #kimdaily photos for namjoon bc he thinks namjoon is literally the prettiest most beautiful most amazing glowing incredible caring sexy gorgeous ethereal breathtaking showstopping oscar worthy person in the entire world every single white model ever should be grateful namjoon’s not in the business tbh
jimin loves it when they kiss n he has to stand on his tip toes or namjoon has to bend down a little because he can wrap his arms around namjoon’s neck/shoulders and also bc he’s hella gay rip
jimin: [fixes namjoon’s lapel like in a stereotypical romcom]namjoon: [stares down @ his bf w the world’s softest smile n biggest heart eyes]
literally anything jimin does namjoon is like “GOD WHAT THE FUCK that’s the cutest thing i’ve ever seen in my entire life” and then dies (x)
they’ve been dating for a thousand years but namjoon still won’t shut up about his boyfriend lol everyone’s used to tuning him out by now like ok namjoon we get it he’s cute when he’s brushing his hair or buttoning up his jacket or unlocking the apartment door we get it please stop talking thanks
jimin always makes coffee in the morning if there’s enough time and hops up onto the counter to drink his coffee and wait for namjoon to leave the bathroom and join him in the kitchen bc they always trade morning kisses w namjoon standing in between jimin’s legs while looking up @ his bf while jimin’s got hands buried in namjoon’s ridiculous bedhead can they BE any more IN LOVE i honestly don’t know
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survivorwakea · 5 years
Episode #1: “To make a long mother fucking story short, i’m fucked.” - Zack
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This game starts in four minutes.....
I have to pee, I want an idol and I'm about to have a mental breakdown
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I feel attacked, Mark the Chicken wasn't the player represented for me in reveal 
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This game has more crackheads in it than a Seattle alleyway.
As the straightest male in this cast I feel like I need to share this beauty❤️ https://youtu.be/wyJdCFbqor4
Randy and Bodhi haven’t done SHIT. It looks like me Jared and Anabel are gonna carry this tribe huh.
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Chloe is one my tribe! <3! I'm finally in a game with Anabel again which is cool! Johnny is Alyssa bf so I recognized him immediately. I played with Cullan in tumblr Survivor: Kuwait (as it comes to mind Johnny hosted that), Elmo a legend I get to play with :) (I hope I interact with him). Ian I just met he's cool. God Dammit Peter Griffin (Adam) is in this game (I am not looking forward to when he learns I call him that).
As I previously mentioned playing with Chloe again is lit! I'm talking to Asya right now and she seems cool. Dean is Australian I love me some Australians (insert heart eyes emoji). Who's Julia?
What the fuck we already have a challenge! Shit's insane! We only just got here!
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Night 1: Alright so I had a really late start to the party but that’s okay because I made sure that I spoke with everybody on my tribe, I honestly like my tribe.... for the most part and I say that because this cast is JUST so ICONIC and that makes me scared or more so intimidated. I’m hoping somehow that I can continue to bond with everybody on my tribe and be able to be in the in when tribal comes around or IF Tribal comes around.  So who is on my tribe?
Elmo!! He is somebody that I have seen around the Facebook community and more importantly I often see him being loved and people speaking highly about him and honestly I can’t blame them he is such a nice dude in the short little time that we were able to chat. I hope that at the last I will be able to speak with him more and maybe...? Try and figure out a way to work together but I don’t want to rush into things with him as idk how he plays just yet.
Zack! A very very familiar face someone that I have actually played with before! We were tribe mates in 703 MDaro and it’s fair to say that at one point we were actually working together but one event turned to another and next thing you know I’m on the jury 😂😂. I always enjoyed talking with Zack back then and I hope that we can pick up where we somewhat left off at least with the getting along part!
Ian! I’m just unsure as to what to say about him and say that because I have seen him around but I have also not heard much about him, I’m unsure if he is new to orgs or even just not that good placement wise?? But besides all that I want to get to know him so I will spend my time getting to know him just like Big Ben
Ben!! Who’s Ben?? No clue!!! I love that I don’t know who this is and I love meeting somebody without any pre-thoughts just based on seeing someone around. Will see what he’s about... This cast also has Anabel she’s a sweetie I played with her when I was first out in UK Bb but she was a friend
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hiii!!!!!! omg im so glad that miss anna jane asked me to play this! she's been asking me every season but i just kept pushing it off because i have no idea how to use discord! but fuck it, i guess i'll learn! since the game just started, i guess i'll just do like a cast assessment? i don't know everyone in this game so it'll be only the people i actually know and my past experiences with them before i can actually talk to everyone else and make new experiences with everyone!
justin. i LOVE justin! i've never played a game with him, but i've seen him play. and i know he's an absolute crackhead but i also know how serious he takes the games he plays, since he doesn't play that many! we use to HATE each other but i actually consider justin one of my good online friends. we've known eachother for YEARS. this is gonna either be really good or a total fucking shit show for me.. i'll be looking out for him if we ever wind up on the same tribe/ merge together, ONLY if he will be doing the same. don't get it twisted... i'll snap his skinny ass breadstick legs in half if it's what has to be done. but i don't want that to happen so.....
asya. i personally don't even know asya. i just know we got into an argument a few weeks ago in a vl. but hopefully this doesn't effect her view on me and hopefully she doesn't even remember kJSFKGJSG....
julia. jesus CHRISSSSST.. i'm part of old school tumblr and i dipped from that bitch like 2 years ago so i'm hoping these 'tumblr' people don't remember me. all i remember about julia is that she's an actual WITCH and we've gotten into fights before. she's such a odd personality and we just don't mesh well together from what i remember. i have no interest in even talking to her honestly.
chloe. i LOVE chloe omggggggg. she's deff someone i know from other games and just from talking too. i have all the hope in the world that we'll wind up together soon and be able to work together. no bad words for her <3
randy. i gasped when i saw randy KLJDSGKLJSG... he's an absolute fucking mess but i live for it.. he's so funny and we have a past together. we've known each other for years, but never really been close, you know? hopefully this game can bring us closer together and we can wind up running shit, if it comes to that. fun fact: i met randy irl once so there's that...
bodhi. ugh i know i played a tumblr survivor season with him and i don't remember if we got along or not LKJHDSGKLJHG. i remember he is a complete mess tho... i actually just checked the tumblr wiki and the tumblr survivor game we played together was called "cutthroat" so.. this should be fun. also on his vote out, he voted for me. so i'm assuming we didn't get along. but if he wants to play cutthroat, we can surely do that! i winded up staying and he winded up leaving when he tried to vote me out so we can surely do a round 2 of that bitch.
jared. u g h! not 1 good experience i have with jared. he's dating nicole g and me and her have NEVER seen eye to eye. we would constantly fight and it would get so ugly. i've fought with jared and... it was just a mess.. i know this is gonna cause a problem for me and he's probably the one person i was least happy to see.... pray for me.
adam. played a facebook org with him and fought him in it and then contunued to fight with him in the reunion chat... ugh.
elmo. so happy i finally get to play with him! i've never even talked to him before but he's ALREADY my favorite person here!!!! i really hope we can run shit together thru this whole entire game... i have high hopes for us.
so there it is! to make a long mother fucking story short, i'm fucked.
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currently looking back at the idol systems of other seasons and they've all gone up pretty fast, and i don't see much of a pattern. I might have to assume there's no idol system just yet.
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Bonding with my tribe and trying to figure out what videos I’m doing. So far I like Elmo and Zach but the other 2 boys seem cool as well
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there are no idols yet and im convulsing i NEED one
i have a 70% success rate in finding idols in survivor games and i need one i also have a 78% win percentage for tribal immunity challenges in main seasons of tumblr survivor, so cullan is high key about to tank my tribal winning DOMINANCE but i'll wait
okay so yea like honestly,,,,,,,,, game starting wooo cool
i know a shit ton of people on other tribes which kinda scares me because there are two people on THIS tribe that i dont know a whole lot, but one of them definitely knows about a good amount of my prior connections as well.
justin watched me just play big brother pokemon and hopefully i can keep playing off that i played a very loyal game or somethin like that... what i DO know is that basically taylor, justin and i are the most active on my tribe, which is pretty darn cool considering the two other people on my tribe (cullan and lily) are people i know and have prior relationships with
im just getting nervous because going into a game with 4 tribes of 5, we're prob going to swap at 18, and if we lose one of those challenges, it just shoves us at a disadvantage because like...... the entire point of the premerge is to build relationships with enough people to get to the merge, and everyone has four other active people to get to know, and I really really REALLY wanted to win the first two immunities so we would be able to have a stronger game standpoint for ourselves going into a swap or whatnot, and just having more relationships overall, but with cullan not being around for the first 24 hours of the game really hurts him, and our entire tribe.... like if we lose, and he does nothing, he 100% has to get voted for, we have no choice in that matter, even thoguh i probably would've loved to work with him, i know he knows what he's doing, and he would probably be a scarier player down the road who would be utr, and my motto in survivor is always to just keep bigger louder personalities around, so if i consistently keep the social people, i can hopefully get to merge and ATTEMPT to hold that utr role, but i've gotta get to a swap first LMFAO
also like okay so here's the people i know
lily - darling love her never played with her but hosted once or twice, and she knows me and i know her. i love working with women so bring it on
asya - probably one of my five closest friends across all of orgs and we talk almost everyday and i know people are going to know about this because we don't really HIDE IT, and this is now our fourth game together in a year, two of which we worked very closely together, and i know justin knows im close to asya so ugh
jared - met irl three times.. very very very good friends, im also super duper close with nicole and jared and i have a lot in common, but weve played two orgs together and they've been literal disasters for us. while i think this one will be different, you never know
anabel - shes my fucking ANGEL i love her to death and she has a profile on the bbpokemon wiki saying that im her f2 and best friend, so love that?
joey2121 - lol i think him and i are pretty close. i know he values me as a friend and we talk pretty often, and he's never had the opportunity to play with me. i know he can be a little irrationally cutthroat, so im going to have to get a good read on him when we jump in and see how it goes, but i think he adores me and i casted him for his first game ever and cohosted with him his only time he's ever cohosted, so i'd like to think he would want to work with me, i just gotta pray
randy - host chat guested for me, good friend over the years, but we've never been able to REALLY talk, so i hope this does it for us
bodhi - never played with him either hardcore, but weve also been friends over the years so oop him and randy can be big wild cards on how they feel about me tbh
thomas, chloe, cullan - literally just hosted them ALL in an org, but i was kind of a loose host and i hope that makes them want to kinda work with me, but also have their options open when it comes to me idk? cullan is inact tho so he's gotta get his shit together
julia - this witch fucking scares me and i will do no harm to her and i hope that she doesnt hex me and we can be great friends for a long time :)
so YEA
I really want to try to have fun this season. I don't want to take it super seriously to the point where my nerves start getting to the best of me. I just played big brother pokemon, and honestly, i played without the fear of losing, and just went for the juggular to keep myself in the game, and i was never on edge at any point in that game, which i really love for my mental sanity. i know survivor just GETS TO YOU more than big brother does, but i wanna play a bit more care free and just go for some longevity, and play a strong, solid game and make some strong moves.
this is my first real confessional of the season. im very excited to be here and hopefully these long confessionals dont make me look foolish when im the fourth or fifth boot LMAO
if we win the challenge i wouldnt really EXPECT to hear more from me.
i do love my entire tribe, even though THEY dont know Cullan yet, I know that i do, and that's going to be a benefit to me. i've just gotta keep my social relationships up and really really hope that people don't wanna get rid of me until we swap, and then i can start being a little more aggressive with game talk and getting leverage that way?
P.S. Gosh i hope cullan logs on so we dont go to the first tribal bc that would fucking suck
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Just made an alliance with Elmo and Zack bc we all think that we are losing and we are the only ones (so far) who have put any effort into the challenge. I'm ready to ride these fat cats as far as their train will take me. Adam did just say in the tribe chat that he's posting all of his at once so maybe he's gonna drop a bomb on us? who knows but I'm preparing myself for all the options.
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things are going okay for me i think! I made a F2 deal with Zack yday and I'm rly happy I did bc I need a person I can be completely honest with. I am not sure if he trusts me as much as I do trust him but I hope that he would!!!
I also have the first alliance of the game with him and ben so thats good! I like them both a lot and they seem to put effort in challenges which is rly important right now! I think they are both trustworthy and at least would be here for short term game.
As for Adam and Ian, I like them both but I havent developed any game relationship with them yet, and thats ok. I dont think I should be overplaying right now because I could just be caught and that would be a whole new mess. I really don't want to sound cocky but I genuinely think that I'm in a fairly strong position on our tribe. Of course this is survivor and anything could change but so far so good. I am excited and hopefully I wont flop
Let the games begin, bitches!
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So, the immunity challenge is almost over. Good time to start on this. I can honestly say that this has been the craziest first cycle of a season that I’ve ever been a part of. I started the weekend on Cape Cod, having to throw in the beginning of this, and now that the weekend is done and I’m back home, I feel things are righting a bit for me. As for my tribe, I like all four of them so far. I hope we don’t lose this challenge, because I’m getting along with them pretty well. Whew. What a life.
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i miss johnny
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Omg yesss!!!!!!! We won the first challenge, well technically we came in second but the point is WERE NOT GOING to tribal council, and tbh I would be pooping my pants if we did as I had the fewest amount of points for my tribe so I fear that I would have been perceived as that weakest link and would have been voted off. That might not be true but that was my thoughts. I feel like I have connected really well with Elmo and I kind of get the vibe that he is connected with everyone on the tribe and that is why I think it’s crucial for me to connect with Ian and Zack which I feel like with Ian it’s hard because I don’t know how much he really wants to talk to people but with Zack it just clicks but I feel like on a game level the first Tribal is what will connect us further. Ben is someone that I like but I feel is being hesistant to connect? Ugh oh well goodbye for now I gotta get ready to go hunting for an idol
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Such an unexpected surprise to get 1st place in the challenge. In the past I’ve gone all our for selfie challenges, but I don’t really want to be perceived as a threat early on. I was happy I found a star fish last minute! I’m so happy that Johnny is on my tribe. I’m thinking I can count on him until at least merge/jury but he has hosted me before and I know it could quickly go bad. So I’ll have to be cautious. I also really like Taylor and Justin. I can tell they really care about the game and we could be really good allies. Cullen getting a strike and literally never messaging any of us def makes me nervous but hoping he signs on in the next two days so we can count on him to participate in the next challenge. So far I’m having a lot of fun getting to know my tribe mates and hoping for a successful season #positiveoutlook #mistake
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So we lost immunity! I couldn't give my 100% in the challenge and I explained to my team why. They seemed understanding. Julia, however, didn't submit anything so I am lucky, because everyone wants to vote her out. I will do the same, since I have not spoken to her yet.
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Here we go! New ORG...new me? So this is my 2nd Survivor ORG following EMV 8, and I want to take a different approach this time around. A more social, less strategic game. First impression on this game was OMG! 4 tribes of 5, vote me off now! As I mentioned above I want to emphasize my social game, because I think it may be my weakest area in my gameplay, so the small tribe terrifies me because there may not be much time to build genuine bonds, and there's definitely no room for error. So we're only a couple days into this game and I think I've made good efforts so far. I've made conversation and mutual connections with Johnny, Justin and Lily. It's unfortunate Cullan has been unable to join us because it limits my possibilities with who I choose to move forward with. It's hard to tell who I think I can work with moving forward. I connected with Johnny first, but I think Lily would be a great partner. I'm so glad that we ended up not only avoiding elimination but also winning the challenge. I was deathly afraid we'd be headed to tribal council. Since our tribe is immune, there's no need to talk strategy just yet, though it's obvious the elephant in the room is Cullan and would be an easy vote off for our tribe if we ended up losing a challenge. I'm going to continue to build relationships with every tribe mate in hopes they will each see me as their strongest ally. I'm not going to make final 2's, I'm not going to suggest alliances, I want to allow my tribe mates the time to approach me first. It's time to step out of the driver seat and move to the back; allowing myself to be vulnerable. Think of it this way, if Haumea is representative of fertility, this is my rebirth.
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HI. okay honesty, i don’t even know where to start so just bare with me bc this is gonna be a hot ass mess.
okay so. me and elmo have really been clicking it off. as soon as we saw each other we just instantly connected. we’ve never had a conversation prior to this game, but idk.. something just really connected us! he’s very honest with me and tells me how he is feeling about the other people so i feel like he really trust me because he gets straight to the point and tells me how he’s feeling game wise. we made a final 2 and i plan on sticking to that, for now at least. i really do see us dominating this game and i would surely not be upset if that happens!
now. i’m in a three person alliance. me elmo and ben. for this challenge us 3 seemed to be doing all the work so we all have a mutual respect to stick together while we’re on this tribe at least. i don’t really have any reaaaal loyalty with ben, this alliance is to just keep me and elmo safe on this tribe just incase we go to tribal. ben won’t be knowing any tea from me tho.
we won immunity and thank GOD because even though i feel safe, you just never know! and it’s very stressful and i’m glad i’m not gonna be the first boot.
the idol system got revealed and me and elmo instantly pmd each other saying that we’re gonna share our spots and shit with each other and try to get everyone else’s spots too just so we can kinda guarantee we or we know who would wind up with the idol.
so... idol search starts at 10pm and by 10:05 i.. found.. the.. IDOL! I FOUND THE FUCKING IDOL IN 5 MINUTES. MY FIRST GUESS AND I GUESSED THE IDOL! i was GAGGED!
now. since me and elmo where gonna share spots, i felt like i needed to tell him only because this was my first guess and i didn’t know what to make up to act like i didn’t find it... like i didn’t know how to word it because it’s so odd and i didn’t wanna be like “my guess said ‘oops wrong hole try again’” so i figured it be best for my game to just tell him so i don’t get caught in a lie. i honestly didn’t wanna tell him but i just felt like i needed to because, again, it was my first guess and idk what y’all would have said if i didn’t find the idol, so i didn’t wanna get caught in a lie.
i told elmo this isn’t just my idol, it’s our idol. is that true? no... it’s mine. and i’m stingy. BUT i hope this really shows him that he can trust me and i hope this doesn’t backfire and bite me in the ass. i just wish i could have kept it a secret, but i didn’t wanna get caught in a lie on my first guess and then him find out and think i’m a snake or some shit.
but who knows, if he really is gonna be a loyal ass ally, and it comes to the point where i might have to use it in him, i will surely think about it. but it’s still to early to even THINK about using it, because i want this idol for merge. i don’t wanna rely on this idol and i don’t want it to go to my bead and make me power hungry. i need to be very strategic about it and kinda just forget that i even have it until further notice. im here to play a game that i can say i’m proud of at the end of all this. win or lose, i wanna be proud of the game i played. i’m gonna fight so hard this season and be a fucking raging gamer.
xoxo, zack.
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i’m hungover and sad. like i knew we were gonna lose but like. what a mess. julia, my good sis, i love you but i’m gonna have enough challenges in this game without you getting strikes round 1.
positives are as follows: -easy first vote
that’s all folks !
but really i think my goal for this game is just to find an idol bc i haven’t before. i’m pretty much always at the mercy of other people and i just. really am not in the mood for that shit here so hosts rig me an idol pls <3
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Well, I’d call the challenge a success for us. We came in 2nd place in the challenge, so we’re all spared. Things are kinda quiet right now, which I like. Probably might not be the case for Kanaloa, but hey, what do I know?
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i need to slap myself on the wrists and learn how to play dead more often LMAO
hi so wooooooo we're back at it, and I guess I'm going to just rank my tribe mates to see postgame how much this changed and how stupid i was for ranking people the way i did
1. Justin - so he already acknowledged to me that he talked to me the most and that we were the two most active tribemates, and im hoping that i can lock something official down with him in the middle of next round that is more game relationship oriented opposed to just just spitting nonsense into each other's PMs currently lol
2. Lily - I really really think she's going to want to work with me in this game, and we have a prior relationship which is cool, and I want to use that to my advantage a SMIDGE, but I know she's pretty honest and loyal, and I just don't see her doing anything to me until merge???
3. Cullan - this bottom two is tough, and cullan is probably at the bottom for everyone on the tribe except for me. now that he's active, I need to keep that little nugget around for my own sake. I just hosted him and got to know him decently well, and I know he's loyal to his people, and if I know that for 99.99% certainty compared to some of these people i barely know at all, im going to try to use that. While I'd expect Cullan to be the first boot on our tribe if we lose, I fully expect him and I to work REALLY well together if we make it out of this tribe AND he was forward about sharing idol information with me immediately, so that's good
4. Taylor - I really really really want to work with him, but i haven't gotten much from him so far, and it's not even that i want him out, he's just at the bottom of three really strong relationships I already have. He was also on vacation and I've yet to find out more about his day to day life, so I hope that I can work more about that so i can develop reasons in my own head as to why he's not around as much, but i also know this is his third org, and i can tell he knows how to talk to people, i just want to talk to him MORE and i hope this next challenge brings us together as a team somehow?
so yea. we safe. i honestly do think this tribe is kickass in challenges, and i think that we can make it to a swap without losing any, so here's to hoping? LMFAO
johnny go bye bye now until next round heehee
praying for asya to stay and dean to go for tonight's tribal? yea. sounds like a plan
im also still really paranoid and nervous about people analyzing my past relationships (i.e. JUSTIN) but we'll see. i can tell he knows what he's doing in games and literally all i have to hope is that im already in his plans, because if not, i can foresee myself being in trouble?
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hello so
i joined the game and im happy im on a tribe of 5 because its easier to manage people.
i am good with everybody except for joey. i have an alliance with jared and bodhi which is amazing!
anabel is who i love the most! so fucking funny JFJSJSJ. so yeah if we ever go to tribal itll be joey going if i have a say 🙈
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Hi. So I’ve started the game later than everyone else as I’ve had a rough couple of days but I am sure kicking harder than anyone else. As soon as I woke up in this beach I started searching for the idol. I couldn’t get it because I’m to poor to afford a private jet so I have to wait until tomorrow to climb the mountain. I had a very deep conversation with I believe his name is Justin. I’m gonna call him Jus. We talked about my life ambitions and endeavors and we shared some of our most deepest and darkest secrets. He told me that his Zorua is diagnosed with Pokerus. I honestly home it gets the help it needs. I’m sure the doctors on Hawaii are good doctors. Hopefully they aren’t fucking witch doctors. In return I told him about how I raised a manaphy ever since it was an egg. I’ve had a pretty good day on the beach. My slow start isn’t gonna make me lose this race. All I gotta do is find my blue shell and I’ll get back in first. Cullan signing out
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HI I MADE  A NEW SOUND CLOUD TO SHOW YOU MY THOUGHTS IN AUDIO SOUND FORM https://soundcloud.com/bodhi-small/week1/s-4k3oW
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Julia is voted out 5-0.
0 notes