#i can't boop the shit out of you without getting closer
haarute · 6 months
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me and the mutuals logging onto tumblr on april 1st
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sweetheart-satoru · 1 year
his eyes, breathtaking
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you tried to ignore him and your feelings, but they were stubborn.
author's note: me cuz i promised part two in october and now it's here 🙈🙈 don't hate me at least it's here 💋 i love you silly billies 🫶🏽
part one here !!
"you two in a fight or somethin'?" shoko says, leaning back in her chair. satoru places his cheek in his palm, "dunno, she's definitely mad at me, though." suguru tilts his head, "how come?"
"i dont know, can you ask her about it?" shoko shrugs, "i'll ask her at break." satoru nods, "thanks." you and satoru sit behind shoko and suguru. two seats in each spot.
when you walk into class you just stare out the window until shoko makes small talk with you, hoping the awkwardness would pass. “y/n, your bracelet is pretty.”
“thank you!” you grin at her, mood changing instantly. “yeahh,” satoru agrees, and he frowns as he watches your grin turn neutral, “i like it too, by the way.” he coughs. “mhm.. thanks, gojo.” you went back to the last name basis, and his heart drops.
shoko gives him a look, pointing at his phone, telling him to text her. and he does, along does suguru.
shoko: shes def mad
satoru: thanks a lot, i didn’t notice 😐!!
suguru: why is she mad tho?? what did you do??
satoru: why are you guys blaming me?! i don’t know either.
you cough, “hey- uh, shoko.. i’m gonna go to the washroom, ‘kay? if the bell rings before im back i’ll meet you by the gates.” you tell her before walking out. “mhm, okay!” she calls out. and when you shut the door she immediately turns to satoru and suguru.
“suguru, did you hear that? earlier, she called satoru by his last name. something is totally wrong.” and suguru nods, agreeing. “well, satoru. you should go follow her. this is your chance. the bell will ring soon so it doesn’t matter how much time you take, go!”
satoru nods, “mhm, okay!” and then he rushes out of class, going to see if he can finally talk to you.
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you splash cold water on your face. mumbling to yourself, "get your shit together, y/n." you weren't going to lie, on a hot day like this, the cold water felt nice. patting your cheeks, you stare into the mirror, feeling a little bit less disgusted with yourself.
"oh, hey! i don't look too ugly today!" you give yourself a half grin, taking out a tube of lipgloss and lip tint from your pocket. "i'll just fix this up.." you say to yourself quietly.
when you're done you fix your hair, "not too bad, y/n." you smile to yourself, quietly feeling good. you were right to tell shoko to leave class and not wait, you were taking too much time and the bell did ring.
you check your phone and see that she texted you.
shoko: me and suguru are headed to the convenience store, satoru also went to the washroom so you two can meet up with us together
you visibly frown, oh shit. okay, y/n. just play it cool. if you hurry up maybe you can rush to them and you won't need to see him. yeah, if you hurry up you can make it without it. or you can wait it out and hope he leaves without you.
feeling your stomach growl, you screw idea #2 and just speed walk out of the washroom, making a quick turn before in the corner of your eye you see satoru leaning on the wall with his arms crossed. he was looking down at his phone, but now that your in his eye line, he raises his brows.
"wow, you sure take your time. im telling shoko she can't blame me for being late as this time it was your fault." he walks up to you and boops your nose.
you push his hand away, scrunching your nose. "mhm," you nod, cursing yourself for being too late, "lets uh, just go." he shakes his head, "nope."
narrowing your eyes, "huh? nope?" he grabs your wrist, "yeah, nope." he repeats, bringing you closer to him, and he frowns when you pull back. "lets talk."
"talk? talk about what? can we just go? im hungry." you complain, trying to pull your arm out. before (pt 1), when he grabbed your wrist he only held it lightly, now he was gripping it like if he let go, you would disappear.
"you're," you grunt, "hurting me." quietly, he mumbles a quick apology, but never fully lets go, just loosening his hold. "are you mad at me? and be serious, i don't want any half assed answer. tell me what you're feeling." he frowns.
"im.. im not mad at you." you look down to your shoes, and it's true. you weren't mad at him. you were mad at how he made you feel. you hate having feelings, especially with someone you're close with. it always comes back to bite you back in the ass. "then what is it?"
you stay silent. "y/n i know it has to be something to do with me, every time you speak to someone else you're back to being yourself, but when it's me it's like you hate me." your eyes widen, "i don't hate you." you blurt, and he gives you a sad smile. "then what is it? did i make you sad?"
"yes, but no, but like yes maybe kinda no. yes as in yes it has something to do with you, but no nothing you did intentionally." he raises his brow at that, "then what did i 'yes but no like yes maybe kinda no' do to you to make you stop talking to me for seven days?" you watch the hurt and sadness swirl in his eyes, his beautiful, breathtaking eyes.
"it's.. complicated! i don't know how to explain, it's just complicated!" you crouch down, into a frog like position. and he mimics your frog pose, bringing his face closer to yours, trying to figure out what was wrong.
"it's just, all in my head! i don't.. know.." you mutter, trailing off. "what're you thinking in here," he mumbles, "what are you thinking in your pretty little head." he taps two fingers on your forehead, and all you can think about his making out with him until your lips are too kiss-swollen to be touched.
"..stuff." you whisper, burying your face inside your hands, trying to hide your face that's on the verge of exploding with embarrassment. "oh, i get it." his lips curve into a smirk. all sadness gone.
he chuckles, and his chuckles turn into loud laughter. and his loud laughing turns into full on cackling until he really, truly cannot breathe.
"what are you laughing at..." you feel your heart pounding. it feels like its about to burst and fall right in between you two. he's still laughing, trying to cover his mouth to try and stop it. he's laughing so hard you see tears fall out of his eyes. "i can't fucking breathe!" he gasps for air, still laughing.
"oh my god, you're in love with me!" your heart drops to your stomach, and he's still laughing. his eyes are squeezed shut, he's gripping onto his pants like his life depends on it because he seriously cannot breathe.
all this time, for seven days you've ignored talking to him and texting him back, not because you were mad at him but because you had fucking feelings for him! oh god, he should've put the pieces together!
every time you would smile to yourself if your fingers brushed together, how you would look sad when someone who go up to him and confess, how you would smile down at him with a certain time of warmth when he would tie your shoelaces for you, how you would hug him longer than nessasary when he would pay for you food
"god! it's impossible to talk to you!" you hiss, getting up to leave to god knows where. just as you're about to turn your heel, going to walk away, he grabs your wrist.
"satoru, let go, just leave me alo-" he cuts you off by placing his hands on your cheeks, and then you feel his soft lips on yours. your eyes widen as you feel him bringing you closer to him. squeezing your eyes shut, you try and keep up with his skilled lips. he just took your first kiss and you don't know what you're doing!
he breaks the kiss off and grins down at you. "was that your first kiss?" you just turn your head away, trying to hide your flustered face. "you suck." he snickers, teasing you.
you frown, "shut up! you just caught me off guard, that's all! and if you must know i have kissed many people!" you were straight up lying through your teeth and he smirks, knowing.
"prove it. kiss me again. show me you're experienced." he leans against the wall, eyeing you like a hawk. "no. let's go to shoko and suguru, im hungry!" it wasn't like you were lying now, it's true. you were starved. "no?" he questions, cocking his head to the side. "no." you repeat, "now lets go." you try and drag his arm. he just chuckles and follows you.
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he intertwines your fingers together, holding you close to him. he watches you from the corner of his eyes as you randomly look at both of your hands, and then turn away smiling. he also turns his head away to smile. a faint blush rested on his cheeks before he stops you both.
he lets go of your hand before using it to turn your head to him to place a small kiss on your lips again. when you pull back, "you still suck." he leans in to kiss you again but you just shove him. "ugh shut up!"
you speed walk ahead of him, "you're the one who sucks!" he just laughs, "don't leave me behinddddd!!" to which the response he got back was getting flipped off.
as you keep walking ahead, even though he could easily catch up with his lanky long legs, he just runs and jumps on your back, yelling out, "piggy back ride!"
you stumble forwards, holding onto his legs making sure he doesn't fall over, "you idiot, we could've fallen!" you laugh, and he just wraps his arms around you, careful as not to choke you, and kisses your head, "but you love me so even if we fell you'll forgive me."
"yeah, yeah, whatever." you grumble, adjusting him on your back. and he grins, snuggling his face into your neck, loving the sweet smell of (whatever you smell like that's good) and shutting his eyes.
"i love you too." and he can basically feel the grin stretched onto your face.
i accidentally deleted most of the work so now it's not even good :( it literally looks like i shat in my hand, gave it to you and called it writing.. the first version was so much better 🤐
anyways tags for the lovelies that have been waiting months of this <3 @ari-hatake15 @chuuberrysworld @solialuna @kazuahhh @voidsatoru <3 @loquia @mykyoon @i-be-teff @arminsgfloll @4evahevah @the-devilskid @ys2800 sorry if i didn't tag you some of them aren't showing up :(
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vexing-imogen · 11 months
a minor cat-tastrophe
Freddie is not freaking out. She is soooo not freaking out. She is one hundred percent cool and calm and collected and not freaking out. Please ignore the furrow in the rug from her pacing. Not. Freaking. Out.
"I can fix this," she says, scoffing. "I can fix this. This is totally fixable, right?" She laughs, a little hysterical. "Why haven't I fixed this yet?"
The tiny black kitten sitting on Freddie's keyboard tilts her head, blinks her large amber eyes, and lets out a concerned sounding mrrrp.
Freddie sighs, running both hands through her hair. "You're not helping, Grace."
The trouble had started, as it usually did, with Grace being bored out of her mind. The tour was over, requests for interviews with "the Voice of the Idols" had died off, and Persephone was currently out of town, only available for a few short hours each night. Which left Grace with little more to do than mope around the apartment and distract Freddie from studying the spell book that Hecate had gifted her.
"If you're not going to leave me alone," she says, "the least you could do is help me practice."
"Help how?" Grace asks, her pout morphing into a look of intrigue. She flips off the couch with a thud, barely avoiding cracking her head on the coffee table. "You mean, like, be your magical guinea pig?"
"Yeah?" Freddie says with a shrug. "If you're okay with that, I mean."
"Um, absolutely I am." Grace shuffles closer to Freddie and her book. "What kind of stuff do you got in there?"
"Oh, uhhh..." She flips through the book, sticking to the pages that Hecate marked as spells within her current power level. "Oooh, this could be fun. Transmogrification."
"Trans-what-ifi-whatnow?" Grace asks, sticking her head under Freddie's arm to read the page, pouting again when she sees it's written in Ancient Greek.
"Uh, basically turning something into something else," Freddie explains. "Like a prince into a frog, or a mouse into a coachman. That sort of thing."
Grace mulls it over for approximately five seconds before she shrugs. "Sounds dope. Let's do it."
"Oh, uh, are you sure?" Freddie asks, tucking hair behind her ear. "I'm still a total novice, you know."
"Yeah, totally." She says it like it's nothing. "I trust you, Fred."
A nervous chuckle escapes her. "Okay, uh." She scans the spell, wishes the page was laid out like her D&D handbook. "This says the spell duration is one to two hours, so. What do you want to be?"
Grace thinks for a second before she smirks. "Surprise me."
That was six hours ago.
And, obviously, Grace is still a kitten. An exceptionally adorable kitten, if Freddie does say so herself. But so not the point. Best friend. Still a cat. Focus, Farishta.
Grace meows, the slight wiggle of her butt the only indication that she's about to leap off of the keyboard. Freddie scoops her up before she can, wincing at the sharp little claws that dig into her arm. "Look, I get that you probably have, like, the zoomies or something right now," she says, booping Grace's nose and earning a disgruntled look for her troubles, "but since your girlfriend is already going to kill me if I can't turn you back, we're at least going to keep you in one piece, 'kay?"
The only answer she gets is a gentle gnawing on her thumb. "Wow," she says, shaking her head fondly. "There really is nothing between those cute little ears, huh?"
Grace tries to meow without releasing Freddie's thumb, which really only serves to prove her point.
She slumps down onto the couch, trying to figure out how she's supposed to search her spell book for a solution while trying to keep hold of a rambunctious kitten. Grace has discovered the dangly bits of Freddie's necklace, so really she can't be blamed for going on autopilot and answering the phone when it rings.
There's a short pause and then, "Freddie?" Persephone's voice comes through, confused. "Why are you answering Grace's phone?"
"Shit," she mutters. She pulls the phone away from her ear for a second, and yeah, that's Grace's obnoxious neon phone case. "Sorry, uh, long day, super distracted. You know how it is."
"Mhmm." Persephone sighs, sounding more tired than anything else. "May I speak to Grace, please?"
"Oh, yeah, of course." The lie slips out automatically, and Freddie cringes at her own stupidity. "She's just...in the bathroom." Welp, she totally biffed that deception check.
There's another sigh, and, yup, this one sounds annoyed. "Freddie, what is going on? Where's Grace?"
She'd had delusions of finding a solution and fixing this mess before Persephone ever found out how badly she screwed up, but. She caves. "Okay, okay, please don't be mad, but...IturnedGraceintoakittenandnowIcan'tfigureouthowtochangeherback."
There's a very long pause, and then, "Come again?"
Freddie sighs. "I-with her full consent, of course-turned Grace into a kitten with magic," she says miserably. "But the spell was supposed to wear off hours ago, and it hasn't. And I don't know what to do."
She hears a hm and then Persephone starts cackling. It's loud enough that Grace's ears perk up, and she starts making her way across Freddie's chest towards the source of her girlfriend's voice, purring all the way. She meows directly into the receiver, setting off another peal of laughter.
Once Persephone has calmed down, she risks a question. "So, you aren't mad?"
That earns her a chuckle. "This is quite possibly the most absurd situation someone could get themselves into, so of course it's happening to you and Grace."
"I, yeah." Freddie sinks even further into the couch cushions. "Do you have any advice?"
"Well," Persephone says patiently, "have you tried asking Hecate?"
Okay, now she just feels dumb. "I, uh...can I call you back later?"
"I have found the answer that you seek, Farishta," Hecate announces.
Freddie blinks, impressed. "Whoa, that was fast." The tea in her cup is still warm.
Hecate smiles. "It was written that you would spend no more than an hour here today." She beckons Freddie over to where she has the book laid out, page turned to the Transmogrification spell.
"So, what did I do wrong?" Freddie asks. "I messed it up somewhere, right?"
"Actually, no," Hecate says. "Your execution of the spell itself was exemplary. Your issue is nothing more than a simple translation error."
"Wait, really?" She leans in to look, follows Hecate's finger.
"You see this here?" her teacher asks. "You translated this as "one to two hours". In actuality, it translates to "up to one hundred hours"."
Freddie's jaw drops. "One hundred hours?" she asks. "You're telling me that Grace is stuck as a cat for four days?"
"Up to four days," Hecate corrects. "Though, it is written that she shall regain her true form before that time."
Freddie collects Grace from where she's wrestling with Hecate's newest kitten. "Alright, bestie," she says, "looks like you and I are taking a trip to PetSmart."
Grace is still a kitten when Persephone returns from her trip two days later. She sprints across the apartment the moment that Persephone steps through the door, and immediately starts trying to climb her pants leg. She is plucked up and cradled to Persephone's chest, where she settles in, purring contentedly.
"Hi there, sweet girl." Grace butts her head against Persephone's chin, earning a laugh. "Yes, I missed you, too."
It's all sickeningly adorable, Freddie thinks. And then the image is immediately ruined when Persephone starts sneezing.
"Uhh, P?" Freddie asks cautiously, "Are you allergic to cats?"
Persephone purses her lips, attempting to hold back another sneeze. "It would appear so." And yet, she makes no move to put Grace down, only stops her from batting at her earrings.
Freddie goes into the bathroom and starts rummaging through the medicine cabinet. "How bad is it on a scale of Benadryl to EpiPen?" she calls.
"Itchy eyes, scratchy throat," Persephone reports. "I can breathe without issue."
"Benadryl it is," Freddie says, shaking out a couple of pills. "Good thing, too, we're fresh out of EpiPens." She watches Persephone curiously. "So is that something that passes with the Eidolon? Because I'd rather not have to deal with seasonal allergies for eternity."
"I don't believe so," Persephone says, "though I suppose I can't be certain. I've always been more of a dog person." She smiles down at the kitten that is now asleep on her chest. "Though, I think I'm starting to see the appeal."
When Freddie gets up to use the bathroom in the middle of the night, a very human Grace is perched on the kitchen counter, eating a bowl of leftover mac 'n cheese.
"Hey!" she exclaims softly. "You're you again. When did this happen?"
Grace shrugs. "I dunno," she says, taking another bite. "An hour ago at the most?"
Freddie nods a little longer than necessary. "I am so sorry."
Grace shrugs again. "No harm, no foul," she says. "I'm the one that volunteered, remember?"
"Well yeah," Freddie says, "but neither of us thought that you'd be stuck as a cat for three days."
"I mean..." Grace grins, a spark of mischief in her eyes. "I had a lot of fun." She thinks for a moment. "I can do without the pooping in a box thing, though."
Freddie chuckles. "Maybe next time we turn you into something that your girlfriend isn't allergic to."
Grace throws her arms around Freddie in a quick hug. "I like the sound of next time."
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midnightfrappe · 6 months
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I can't boop the shit out of you without getting closer
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e-m-p-error · 1 year
"Are you serious?" - Vaggie to Velvette!
[ Velvette ]
Holding her hands up in a mock-placating gesture, Velvette's sneer belied her true intentions. This one was wily, and often lied about whatever she was doing or saying.
"Unfortunately, I don't make the rules," She did, "Company policy. If I could do something, I would," She wouldn't, "But it looks like you're in some serious shit with my good ol' buddy ol' pal. Val's such a sweetheart if you know how to deal with him, you know?"
She knew, between her and Vox, how to placate him, how to get him to chill out. It took some effort, but it always worked, without fail.
Cackling behind her hand as though it might hide some of her teeth when she did so, she grinned brightly, her eyes nearly closing with the motion. Leaning forward a little more, she pointed at Vaggie's face and swirled her finger as it edged closer to her nose. She was going in for that boop.
"Just a wittle kitten cat. An angwy bunnya. Buuuut, I can offer you something he can't. And that's a fair trade here. You're cute, and you're smart, and you know better than to mess with him. Val's deals are raw ten times out of nine. Shit end of the stick sitch kinda deal, right? You know that, I know that. He's a slave driver."
It was rare to hear of people contracted to Velvette, but a lot of that had to do with a spell she did to keep them under control. A good love potion usually kept them docile and sweet on her, and she wasn't above using it on everyone she contracted.
Absently poking Vaggie's nose suddenly, she dropped her hand immediately after, seemingly bored with it. It lost it's charm fast.
"But, a deal with me? I'm honest," She wasn't, "I wouldn't lead you astray," She would, "And I can protect you from Cali Vallie! It's not like he can take my contracts. He's... Oh. I dunno. He knows the line's thin between ownership and sharing is caring."
Tapping her lips with one finger, she nodded definitively, as if assuring both of them that she was right.
"We share a lot of everything all the time, but what's mine is still mine. You and your pretty girl contract with me and it's a safe bet he can't have you. Sooooooo, whaddya say? Wanna be a shiny, new soul for me, Schnookie Bear? Or you gonna keep fuckin' with Val until he breaks you down and takes you?"
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ticklepinions · 3 years
I just love platonic intimacy. I just love the concept of it. I love being able to just freely love my friends without it meaning anything romantic or having any sexual intention to it. It brings me so much joy. It makes me feel whole and not broken. Cause man society is fckd up. It tells you that you can't be happy unless you're in a relationship and that shit do be hurtin. Or the way it says that you can't kiss the homies goodnight. The way it's applauded women for cuddling and being more physical with each other and frowned upon men being closer than 5 ft apart in a hot tub. Here are some acts of physical affection that make me yearn:
Holding hands
When someone rubs your hand with their thumb is just such a little gesture that says a lot, its just comforting
A gentle hand on the shoulder, telling you it will be okay
A playful shove or punch
Getting an arm slung around your shoulder
Getting your cheeks squished
Back rubs
Measuring hand sizes, especially when there's such a huge difference
Getting playfully kicked under the table while they pretend to be innocent
Getting pulled into an unexpected hug 😩
Piggyback rides
Getting tackled out of love
Wrasslin and maybe getting pinned with them hovering over you 👁👄👁
A gentle thumb swiping away your tears
A boop to the snoot
Leaning on someone's shoulder
Human blanket/pillow
Using someone's lap as a foot/leg rest
Nuzzling your cheek with theirs
"Annoying" and "incessant" pokes to get your attention
Tight hugs that leave you gasping for air
Being picked up and spun around
Sitting in someone's lap
Someone keeping your arm/leg hostage
Being slung across someone's shoulder
Listening to someone's heartbeat during a hug
Getting pulled into a loving chokehold
Tickle fights
Squeezing someone's hand for reassurance
Doing that spider thing on someone's knee
Hugs from behind
Getting your hair played with
I just love it all. Having physical touch as a love language is such a weird thing. The want and need to be held. The way our brain is wired to feel safe in the arms of those we love. How we can connect deeply with one another just through touch. It's beautiful and never fails to amaze me.
People idly tracing shapes onto your hands/sides/back/tummy
Being bonked by someone's head like a cat would
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strawberrysohn · 3 years
omg pls some xiaojun smut 😵‍💫
man i am doing this just for you because xiaojun makes me 😵‍💫 like he bias wrecks me so bad it's not even funny 🥴 thinking of making him my second wayv bias but anyway, i hope you enjoy <33333
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warnings // little to no plot, xiaojun is a tease but you love it, established relationship, rough sex, sex on a couch, usage of the word slut, reader is a bit too loud while the members are home smh
xiaojun x female reader
"come on just this once," your boyfriend pleads as you walk straight past him to get the food ready.
"no," you quickly shake your head, setting the timer on the oven. "you make weird shit. i don't want a repeat of last time."
xiaojun crosses his arms over his chest, following around the kitchen area like a lost dog. "you don't even know what happened last time because you weren't here."
"xiao, baby," you turn to face him for a moment to emphasize your point more. "i got like a hundred texts from yangyang telling me that he was so glad that we were together because that meant that i could save their asses from having to eat anymore of your food."
as your boyfriend pouts, you begin preparing the meal that had already been approved by the boys. you knew it was one of xiaojun's favorites too, but he was too stubborn and grouchy to admit it.
you put the dish in the oven, humming to yourself, and your boyfriend watches as you do so. he can't help but admire your ass when you bend, your thin yoga pants not leaving much to the imagination.
he bites his lip as you stand up straight again, not knowing what to do now. his attempts at getting you to let him cook instead had failed, and now he needed a way to get in your pants without any of the members walking in or hearing anything.
"you know," he starts, sliding over to you, who scrolled through your phone, elbows rested on the counter, not daring to glance at the boy beside you. "yangyang and ten are both sleeping, kun and winwin are still out, lucas is still playing his game, and hendery is downstairs."
"i'm glad you know the whereabouts of your band mates, jun," you reply, still not bothering to look up. "what's your point?"
"my point is," he continues, moving to stand directly behind you, his hot breath on the back of your neck. “we basically have the whole place to ourselves.”
your eyes widen at his closeness and you blush when you get his hint. “you’ve gotta be kidding me.” you try to cover your flustered state with one of resentment instead.
“what?” the male looks at you, pressing himself even closer against you, allowing you to feel exactly how eager he was. “you’re telling me no?”
you gulp and bite your lip as you sit your phone down on the counter. “xiao dejun, you are not getting to fuck me on the kitchen counter.”
your boyfriend frowns. “well you’re no fun,” he pouts playfully and you giggle, booping his nose.
“maybe next time,” you tell him. “let’s go watch something while the food cooks, yeah?” you grab his hand and lead him over to the sofa in the main room.
you’re ten minutes into grey’s anatomy and xiaojun is done. as much as he loved watching your favorite shows and movies with you, you couldn’t have asked at a worse time. even though you politely declined his offer of a quick fuck, he was still as turned on and needy as before.
then he got an idea.
xiaojun leans in to plant what starts off as a soft kiss to your cheek, making you blush and giggle. “watch the show, silly,” you mumble to him, who ignores your words and moves his mouth done from your cheek to your neck.
he sucks at the skin of your neck, your eyelids fluttering at the pleasurable feeling. “x-xiaojun, what are you doing?” you stumble on your words, your vision getting blurry from the pleasure.
“well, you said i wasn’t going to fuck you on the counter,” his lips part from your neck to speak. “so i’m gonna fuck you on the couch instead.”
your eyes widen at his direct words. you simply nod your head, feeling a stirring in your stomach.
he smirks as he looks at you, his fingers finding the waistband of your leggings. “let me take these off for you, babe.” he hums as you lift your hips so he can slide both your leggings and panties down with ease.
“lay down,” he tells you, watching with that mischievous look in his eyes as you lower yourself to lay on the couch, staring up at him with need in your eyes. “good girl.” 
you watch eagerly as your boyfriend pulls off his sweatpants, revealing that he was in fact not wearing underwear underneath. the sight makes you drool.
for a moment, you slip back into reality. “what if someone comes in?” you bite your lip nervously before shaking your head. “it’s too risky, jun.” “come on, y/n,” xiaojun pouts. “you really wanna pass up on all this?” he gestures at himself in a cocky manner.
never wanting to give him the satisfaction, you shrug. “you’re meh,” you respond, watching as xiaojun’s face changes.
“ah, really?” he raises a brow at you. you nod confidently. your boyfriend hums and nods back at you, with a suspicious look on his face. “that’s not what you said last night.”
you blush and roll your eyes. “whatever, just,” you sigh, giving in finally. “don’t make so much noise.”
xiaojun scoffs. “i don’t think i’m the one you’ll have to worry about along those lines,” he chuckles before aligning his hardened length with your aching core. “i could tell you the same thing.” he pushes himself into you without a warning and you gasp, your eyes widening at the sudden stretch.
“a little warning would be nice,” you groan as he starts to move at a steady rhythm. you tug your bottom lip under your top one as you try desperately to stay quiet.
xiaojun lets out small, harsh breaths as he thrusts into you at a harder and faster pace. “fuck, y/n,” he groans, leaning his head back before looking back down at you who stares back up at him with need. “so tight still and i just fucked you yesterday.”
his crude words send you spiraling as you roll your eyes back slightly, accidently letting a small moan emit from your throat. you partly wished he wasn’t so good at this so you could stay quiet. but the other half of you was glad he was so good at this so you could let the world know how good he was making you feel.
“dejun,” you moan out his name, feeling his hips snap into yours even harder than before. “dejun, more, please!” you plea, a little louder than you wanted to.
your boyfriend picks one of your legs up and places it on his shoulder, allowing him to fuck you at a new, deeper angle. “like this, hm?” he asks you, knowing you wouldn’t be able to respond.
“fuck, yes,” you try to bite your lip to keep yourself quiet again but to no avail. “it’s s-so good,” you stumble on your words as his cock rams into you at an impossible speed. 
xiaojun grips your hips so roughly you were sure you’d be bruised there later. he leans down to place his lips by your ear so he could whisper to you. “at least i know how to be quiet,” he speaks in a low toned whisper, making you shiver. “unlike some people,” he smirks at you, who only whimpers as his hips keep their harsh rhythm.
“wasn’t it you who told me to keep it down and now look at you, barely able to keep your mouth shut,” he hisses, eyes darkening as your noises get louder. “guess you’re just too much of a slut for me to care, huh?”
you nod your head, your hands gripping at his arms with a death grip. 
“use your words, darling, you know you can,” he hums, waiting to hear what he wanted to hear. you usually wouldn’t give in that easy but he just felt so good, you couldn’t resist.
“fuck, yes, jun,” you finally open your mouth again. “i-i’m a slut for you.” you pant out, feeling that familiar knot in your stomach.
xiaojun chuckles darkly at your response, rolling his hips just so to make you **almost** scream.
“fuck!” you whisper yell as you release all over his length, your nails digging into the skin of his arm. the intensity of your orgasm triggers his and he releases after you.
“oh, fuck, babe,” he groans as his cum spills into you (you were on the pill no worries). “fuck, you’re so perfect.” he pants heavily as he stares down you, who pants equally as heavy.
“i love you, dejun.” you mumble as he pulls out of you and lays beside you, pulling the throw blanket over yourselves.
your boyfriend smiles warmly, planting a soft kiss on the bridge of your nose. “i love you too, y/n.”
“...are y’all done fucking now?”
sorry this took so long :,) i hope it’s good or better than you wanted :) <33
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kittyymew · 3 years
Accidental Surprise
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Story Summary- Levi walks in on you pleasuring yourself. You, the Reader, and Levi are not a couple in this scenario, however, both of you like each other romantically without each other's knowledge.
You groan as you enter your room after a long stressful day, plopping down on your bed. You were tired, annoyed, angry, and frustrated. Hell! Why wouldn't you be? Another failed mission, and the worst part of it all? You were blamed for the unforeseeable factor which caused the mission to fail. Well, at least there wasn't a single casualty. A rare occurrence.
"Urgh fucking great! Of course, it's my fault! I mean yeah I controlled the titans who made us break our formation!" You let out in an exasperated tone, sitting up on your bed as you start undressing out of that stupid, uncomfortable uniform, tossing it all in a corner.
""Y/N! WhAt aRe yOu dOiNg WhY aRe tHeRe sO mAny tItAns? WhY DiDn'T YoU TeLL uS thErE aRe gOinG To Be sO mAnY aBnoRmALs iN oUr wAy?!"", you mock Levi's words as you get up from your bed and make your way over to the closet to get a change of clothes. He's been like this, blaming you for the most irrelevant things, ever since you were assigned a squad leader yourself. You tried ignoring his condescending remarks, illogical arguments, and wrongfully placed blames in the beginning but it's getting more and more unbearable with every mission you go on.
"Um... I don't know... MAYBE THE FACT THAT THERE WAS NO WAY I WOULD'VE KNOWN!" You yell out in the empty room.
"I can not believe I used to like-like him. Who am I kidding? I still like that stupid ass head! URRRGH WHY DID I HAD TO HAVE FEELINGS FOR HIM OUT OF ALL PEOPLE?!", you shriek out in an irritated tone, opening your closet door with such force that a box tumbles down from the top shelf, spilling its contents on the ground.
You sigh, closing your eyes and massaging your temples in an attempt to calm yourself down. You glance down at the box that had just tumbled out of your closet, seeing a pair of cuffs and a collar that had fallen out of the box. "Oop," you think as you realize it was your sex-toy box that had fallen out of your closet.
"Oh... I forgot I even had these things..." You mumble, bending down to pick up the items and the box, making your way back to your bed and emptying all the contents on the mattress. The collars, handcuffs, vibrators, dildos, butt plugs, ropes, etc. You had bought most of these items when you were with your ex.
Amidst the breakup and you gaining more responsibilities in the scouts, it's been a little over a year since you've used any of the items inside the box. Hell, you barely have any time to pleasure yourself with your fingers, let alone have sex with someone or have the luxury of using all these toys on yourself.
You pick up the pretty pink coloured wand-type vibrator, pressing down on the power button, the vibrator buzzing to life. You didn't think it was even charged. Well, at least you hadn't ran out of luck... yet. You turn it back off, biting down on your bottom lip, contemplating whether you should use it on yourself right now or not.
You quickly get up and get rid of your panties, climbing back on your bed as you crawl to the center, propping the pillows against the headboard, turning around and leaning back on it, spreading your legs.
Your mind automatically travels back to the one person you've liked for so long. As creepy or weird as it may feel, you can't help it. How his lips might feel against yours, or his hand wrapped around your throat, his fingers tangled in your hair tugging on it, or how his fingers would feel inside you... or even better his d-
Taking a deep breath to relax, you trail your fingertips down your chest, stopping at your nipples to gently squeeze and tug on them.
"Maybe this is how his fingers would feel..."
You bite back a small moan at the sensation, it's been a while since the (Y/N/C) buds received any attention.
You take your sweet time to rile yourself up, switching between squeezing your boobs and pinching and tugging on your nipples. Your mind clouding up with all kinds of inappropriate thoughts and you can already feel the heat pooling between your legs by just stimulating your nipples and by the thoughts of how Levi would fuck you...
You keep your left hand on your left boob and trail your right hand down until your fingers touch slick folds, your fingers rubbing up and down, spreading your arousal. A small, almost inaudible whimper falls off your lips as your fingers finally connect with your throbbing clit.
In the blink of an eye, your fingers are moving in a circular motion over your clit, applying just enough pressure to have you squirming and moaning. It's been so long, even the slightest touch has you going crazy.
You begrudgingly disconnect your fingers with your clit, just for a few moments until your fingers were replaced with the head of your wand vibrator, your other hand spreading your folds as you press down the vibrating head against your clit. You throw your head back, moaning loudly as pleasure spreads through your body like wildfire.
"O-oh... fuuck..."
You moan out as you apply more pressure, moving the vibrator up and down your clit slightly, the movement combined with the intense vibration causing your toes to curl and your eyes to roll at the back of your head in pleasure.
Sliding your fingers down towards your entrance, you push a finger inside your wet cunt that slides in with ease, and curl it upwards in a come hither motion, with your walls clenching around your finger as the tip rubs against your g-spot and the vibrator's sweet assault on your clit, it doesn't take long to feel the knot in your lower stomach tighten.
Throwing your head back in pleasure, small moans and whimpers fall off your lips, quickly adding in another finger inside, plunging them as deep as they can go, the tips rubbing against that sweet spot inside your tight pussy, as you draw your orgasm closer and closer with each thrust and movement of your fingers against your g-spot, combined with the intense vibration against your swollen clit.
"Fuck fuck fuck... oh... god... L-Leviii fuck...!"
You scream out in pleasure, applying more pressure on your clit with the vibrator, your fingers halting their thrusting movement as your cunt clenches around them, your lower stomach fluttering, your toes curling and back arching, as the euphoric sensation takes over your mind and body.
Pulling your fingers out of your throbbing pussy and turning the vibrator off, you try to catch your breath, still coming down from the high of the orgasm you just had.
"I- uh... *ahem*..."  Your head snaps up towards the direction of the door, the moment you heard someone clear their throat, and there he stood in your doorway, in all his red-faced glory, your soul leaving your body when you see his face.
It takes a moment for your brain to register, but you snap out of it when you see Levi take the tiniest step forward.
You yell as you jump up to cover yourself with the blanket and hastily trying to hide the multiple sex toys that were splattered all over your bed.
"I- uh...." Levi opens and closes his mouth, failing to realise that he's gawking at your naked figure. He averts his gaze only after you pull the blanket up to your chest and awkwardly try to hide his hard-on. He quickly turns around, his mind finally processes the situation, but not before you catch a glimpse of his situation down there.
"I just... came here to apologise for how I had been acting towards you over the past few weeks Y/N," Levi says, trying to make everything less.. awkward?
You just stare at the back of his head. You're way too embarrassed to even breathe at this point. How long was he standing there? How the hell did you not hear him come in? How did you even forget to lock the door before your genius self decided to masturbate?
Levi breaks the silence when you don't say anything. "Y/N...? I'm sorry the door was open and I-..."
"How long were you standing there for?" You ask.
You'd much rather die of a heart attack or something at this moment instead of having to face him. It'd be much easier than having to go through this.
"A while I guess...." He replies, scratching the back of his head.
You throw the first thing that you could reach. It was a purple dildo.
"Hey, Ow!" He mumbles, rubbing the spot where the dildo just hit him.
"AND YOU JUST STOOD THERE WATCHING ME INSTEAD OF LEAVING OR AT LEAST SAYING SOMETHING?!?!" You yell at him, throwing a pillow at his head this time.
"Well, you did moan my name brat!" Levi sasses in response when the pillow hits him.
"Stop throwing things at me brat!" Levi says, turning around on his feet to face you with a glare until he catches the sight of the purple dildo lying near his feet. He bends down to pick it up and smirks at you.
"Or I can just remind you whose name you were just moaning..." He says as he dangles your purple dildo in front of him
"LEVI!" You yell at him again, moving forward and attacking him by throwing everything that is within range at him.
"OKAY SORRY! SORRY!!!" Levi laughs as he dodges everything that's plunged in his direction and he's on the bed in front of you, holding your wrists down.
Your breath hitches in your throat at the close proximity between the two of you and you freeze up.
"I never said I was complaining about it. If anything it's nice to know that you think of me when you touch yourself. Because it just means that I wouldn't have to worry about you liking me back when I ask you out tomorrow" Levi says, letting go of your wrists and booping your nose with his stupid cocky grin before turning around and leaving your room.
"What just... happened..."
You think to yourself as you're left alone in your room, dumbfounded, to say the least.
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latte-fairytaekwoon · 4 years
𝑻𝒆𝒆𝒏𝒂𝒈𝒆 𝑫𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒎 (𝑱𝒆𝒐𝒏𝒈 𝒀𝒖𝒏𝒉𝒐) 𝑹𝒂𝒕𝒆𝒅
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𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: 𝐉𝐞𝐨𝐧𝐠 𝐘𝐮𝐧𝐡𝐨 (𝐀𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐳)× 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 (𝐅𝐞𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐞)
𝐆𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞: 𝐒𝐦𝐮𝐭, 𝐅𝐥𝐮𝐟𝐟, 𝐂𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐠𝐞 𝐀𝐔, 𝐁𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬.
𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: 𝐓𝐰𝐨 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐠 𝐚𝐝𝐮𝐥𝐭𝐬 𝐞𝐧𝐚𝐦𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫, 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐲 𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐭 𝐭𝐨 𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐰 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐲 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝𝐧'𝐭 𝐝𝐞𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐲 𝐰𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐣𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐚 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐩𝐥𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐝𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧𝐚𝐠𝐞𝐫𝐬.
𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐂𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 𝟓.𝟖𝐊
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: 𝐀𝐥𝐜𝐨𝐡𝐨𝐥 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐩𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧, 𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐝 𝐛𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐡 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐢𝐞𝐬, 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐯𝐲 𝐦𝐚𝐤𝐞𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐠𝐫𝐨𝐩𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐬, 𝐞𝐱𝐡𝐢𝐛𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐢𝐬𝐦, 𝐬𝐞𝐦𝐢-𝐬𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐲 𝐝𝐢𝐩𝐩𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐢𝐧 𝐩𝐨𝐨𝐥, 𝐨𝐫𝐚𝐥 (𝐟𝐞𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐞 𝐫𝐞𝐜𝐞𝐢𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐠), 𝐬𝐨𝐟𝐭, 𝐯𝐚𝐧𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐚 𝐮𝐧𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐬𝐞𝐱 (𝐮𝐬𝐞 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧).
𝐈𝐧𝐬𝐩𝐢𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧: 𝐓𝐞𝐞𝐧𝐚𝐠𝐞 𝐃𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦 𝐛𝐲 𝐊𝐚𝐭𝐲 𝐏𝐞𝐫𝐫𝐲
𝐓𝐚𝐠𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭: @yunhoiseyecandy @yunhofingers @galaxteez @little-precious-baby @multidreams-and-desires @vocalyunho
The girl's eyes peered with great attention onto the map in front of her. Making sure it was the correct hallway, she proceeded to make her way down the small staircase. Being so attentive towards the schedule and diagram given to her, not to mention carrying her binder and some of her journals, she nearly tripped on the last couple of stairs but luckily regained her balance before any disaster happened. Faced with a wall full of lockers, she made a right turn and carefully looked for the number written on her paper. Her locker was one of the last ones, which she didn't mind. A door at the end of the lockers was half open, letting her have a peak inside what she assumed to be the training room for the boxing club, given the huge punching bag that was hanging and all sorts of other equipment that she would never guess what they were for.
Squinting her eyes, she began to put in her combination, safely maneuvering the lock and getting her locker to open. With a soft grunt, she tossed her heavy book bag into the compartment, her shoulder aching after having carried so many things at once. She began organizing things so loudly in there she didn't notice the tall, lean figure that approached the punching bag, one of his hands finishing the task of wrapping the safety bandages on the other. His black hair was already sticking to his forehead after having run some laps outside in the track field, his usual warm up before heading inside. Making sure the bandages were tightly secured, he held his fists up before landing a couple of punches onto the bag, stopping momentarily before resuming to strike at it with as much force as he could. Through pants and grunts, he continued his punches, teeth clenched and eyes completely focused, his body beginning to perspire even more sweat, leaving his shirt nearly soaked through.
Gasping for air, he decided to take a break, body hunched over as he rested his hands on his knees, slowly getting his heart rate back to normal. Getting an unusual feeling, he suddenly lifted his head and tilted it to the left. He was both surprised and intrigued to see a girl he'd never seen before gaze at him, her eyes wide open and lips slightly agape, fascination clearly visible on her features. Having been caught eyeing him, she quickly hid her face behind the open locker door, her cheeks immediately reddening and her hands fumbling to quickly take out what she needed and just dash out of there to avoid any further embarrassment. The young athlete chuckled softly, smile still plastered on his face as he began walking out of her room and up to where she was.
"I take it you're new in the school right?"
Startled by his close proximity and tall height, she dropped all of the things she was currently holding, muttering out a slight curse as she began bending down to pick them up.
"Here. Let me help."
Pulling her back up, the male speedily gathered her things and held them back out to her.
"Thank you..." Her voice was barely above a whisper.
"You never answered my question." He gently reminded her.
"Oh...yeah I just transferred here." She responded, hand reaching up to brush some fallen hair behind her ear.
"Thought so, in my years here I'm pretty sure I would have remembered a cute little face like yours."
His compliment followed along by his large hand booping the bun on the top of her head only worked to make her feel more shy about standing in front of such a handsome guy.
"I'm Yunho." He held out his wrapped hand out to her, which she gratefully shook.
"I'm Y/N."
He looked at her with a fond smile upon hearing her name.
"Well Y/N, if you ever get lost or need something, please let me know. I'd be happy to help."
Unable to help himself, he leaned down and bumped his nose against hers, making her slightly crinkle her own after he pulled back.
"I like you. Let's be friends."
"Look! Yunho! I see the beach already!"
Yunho only took a small glance over at his friend, who had of course taken off her seatbelt in order to stand up and get a better view of the blue ocean that was now drawing closer and closer to them. Without taking his eyes off the road, he grabbed one of her belt loops and firmly sat her back down, not about to risk an accident happening.
"Y/N just because this car is convertible, doesn't mean you can just go wilding about and standing up. You could get hurt."
Poking her bottom lip out with crossed arms, the girl pushed the seat further back so she could rest her feet up on the dashboard. Still hyped up about their trip to California and unable to contain her excitement, Y/N moved one of her legs so it could nudge Yunho's arm. He merely rolled his eyes at her, so used to her mischievous yet rather adorable antics. He couldn't suppress the smile on his face when she kept bumping her knee up against his elbow or tapping her foot against one of the hands that was gripping the steering wheel. During one particular move of her leg, he got his hand off the wheel and grabbed her thigh, squeezing at it softly and keeping it within his reach.
"Do you have a death wish?" He questioned her.
"No..... I'm just too excited and I can't wait to see the rest of the gang." She bounced against the seat.
Releasing a light chuckle, Yunho used his thumb to rub circles against her exposed knee, tugging at the ripped fabric coming out.
"Seriously, couldn't you pick another pair of jeans?" He shook his head.
"What's wrong with them?" She exclaimed in offense.
"They're practically ripping from how skin tight they are. Honestly, did you just paint them on? Guys will stare at your ass." He involuntarily gripped her thigh a little tighter when he pictured some pervert eyeing his best friend up and down.
"Maybe that was the whole plan along."
Her little snort only made him smack her thigh rather abruptly, earning her a glare from him as well, which only served to make her burst into giggles.
"Hit me harder daddy." She teased him, sitting up to rest her head on his shoulders as she batted her eyelashes at him.
"Oh my fuck- I can't with you! You know I hate that word!" He cringed in disgust at the unholy word, lightly shoving her head off him, opting to instead turn up the volume of the music to hopefully calm his energetic friend down a bit.
Pulling into the parking lot, Y/N wasted no time in jumping out of the car and sprinting out towards the small crowd that was already gathered near the shoreline, a small bonfire already being started while the sun was still out. Finally catching sight of the last pair to get there, some of their friends waved them over.
"Hey guys! They're here! Yunho and Y/N are here!" A bright pink haired male who was donning a crop top began jumping up and down in excitement at the whole crew being gathered.
Meanwhile the jet black hair male next to him was not amused by his screeching.
"Ok ok geez, we get it." He held San down.
"Yeosang stop being a drag and let loose for once. We're on vacation, no more mean professors. No late night studying, no more presentations. Tonight we're just a bunch of adults who are going to get shit faced wasted and party all night long!" His friend let out a piercing holler.
"Ok but I'm not carrying your drunk ass back to the room then Woo." Yeosang warned him.
Y/N immediately ran up to her friend who was just as tall as Yunho. She was so happy to finally see him after so long, none of them having been able to see much of him since he had gone away on a transfer college program and had been living abroad for a while now. She clung onto him tightly.
"I missed you two munchkin." Mingi bent his face to kiss the top of her head before ruffling her hair into a tangled mess like he'd usually do.
"I'm not going to punch you for that only because I missed your clumsy ass too much." She squinted her eyes at him, but immediately went back to her happy self and began asking him so many questions about what he had done.
Yunho went over to see if anyone needed help, always stepping up to set up anything they needed. He had decided to help out his older friend, Seonghwa, bring out the coolers full of beer and other alcoholic beverages while another one, Hongjoong, began making a playlist on his phone which would soon blast all over the bluetooth speakers.
"How was the ride here?" Seonghwa asked Yunho, who could only let out an exhausted sigh.
"That crazy huh?" Hongjoong chuckled, looking over at Y/N who was practically hanging onto Mingi's arm like a koala, while San and Wooyoung were arguing about not being giving the same amount of hugs.
"Don't get me wrong, I'm happy she's already having fun, but even I think she's a little too much for me nowadays. I can barely keep up with her energy sometimes." Yunho admitted, although he found it ironic how ever since the years passed, it had seemed as if though his once bubbly and energetic nature switch somewhat with Y/N's more calm and mellow personality.
"Well I mean, don't worry about babysitting her tonight. Just drink some beer and go wild like we used to back in high school."
Popping off the cap, Seonghwa handed the bottle over to Yunho who immediately took a small sip of it.
"Are you kidding me? I'm going to have to stay sober and make sure she doesn't do anything too crazy."
Smirking, Hongjoong came up to him as he pulled something out of his pants.
"I thought you'd say that which is why I took the liberty of placing you two in the same motel room. Now you don't have to worry about rooming with tweedle dumb or tweedle idiot there." He nodded over to Wooyoung and San.
Yunho looked down at the room key with bewilderment.
"Oh Hong- why would you? Listen she's my best friend, but to share a room with her-"
"Is the best idea if you ask me. Seriously Yunho, we're here about to get fucked as hell. Maybe this is the chance for something between you two to finally happen. If you know what I mean." He wiggled his eyebrows suggestively, which made Yunho blush wildly.
"Nothing will happen. She only sees me as a friend." He tried to convince himself more than anyone else.
Seonghwa and Hongjoong looked at him and then at each other, both of them with a dead panned expression.
"Oh honey you are so lost." Seonghwa stated, letting out some very audible tsks.
"Jongho! Come here! We need an opinion from a level headed person." Hongjoong waved over a muscular red head over, who came over with arms crossed over his chest.
"What?" He looked unamused.
"On a scale of 1-10, how much would you say Yunho and Y/N want to fuck each other?"
Yunho covered Hongjoong's mouth at that.
"Hyung! What the fuck?!" He looked around to make sure Y/N didn't hear anything.
Shrugging, Jongho slid his hands into his pant's pockets.
"I don't really pay attention to hetero shit, but I'd say solid 12 if I'm being honest." Satisfying their curiosity, he went back towards Yeosang, who was already downing down another bottle and laughing a lot more than he'd usually do, which prompted his partner to take the bottle away from him, which Yeosang did not appreciate and began grumbling in a not so threatening manner.
Yunho looked over at his friend, talking so casually with the other girls, all of them showing off pictures of clothes or their pets no doubt. He began to think that maybe Hongjoong and Seonghwa were right. Perhaps this could be the night where something would spark between them.
He just had to wait and see.
Loud cheers and hollers were being poured out at the two females who were currently tongue deep inside each other's throats due to the dare they were given.
"3, 2, 1! Ok. 40 seconds is up."
The more dominant of the girls got off the other's lap, a smug look on her face while the other looked completely dazed as she tried to regain her composure.
"Dang Sua, you didn't need to go that intense. Poor Yoohyeon." Wooyoung shook a finger at her.
"I know for a fact you enjoyed that little show just as much as she did." She glanced in between his legs, eyeing the very visible boner that had formed there before brushing some hair out of Yoohyeon's face.
"Ok it's not my turn but I've really been wondering long and hard about something! Seungyeon! Is it true you got your nipples pierced last month?" San suddenly blurted out, words slightly slurring as all eyes looked over at the bronzed beauty who had a wicked grin on her face.
"I did." She confirmed the rumor.
"No way! You have low pain tolerance! I don't believe you!" He interjected.
Putting her drink down, she sauntered over to him, hands on her hips as she stood in front of him. Grabbing the end of her shirt, she lifted it up and let her well endowed tits pop out. San nearly choked as he stared at the metal bars piercing through her nipples.
"Hot damn. I love being Bi." He licked his lips.
With a giggle, Seungyeon gave her tits a little shake before covering them up again.
"Ok now that I blessed you with my chest, now you have to do something for me."
Always up for a challenge, San immediately agreed.
"What is it? Come on throw it at me. Who's dick or pussy am I sucking?" His question had everyone laughing.
"No, don't get ahead of yourself fuck boi. I dare you to strip and jump into the cold water." She smirked, really convinced he'd never do it.
But to everyone's shock, horror and amusement, San didn't waste a second before standing up and ridding himself of all his clothes, leaving some of his friends wide eyed while others were getting more turned on by the ever escalating game of truth or dare.
"You know if you wanted an excuse to just see my dick, all you had to do was ask."
With a wink towards the tanned female, San ran into the water and let his entire body submerge underneath the waves. Meanwhile the rest of the party got off their seats to witness or record the entire thing. Coming out of the water, San swiped his hair back before calling out to them.
"I bet none of you have the guts to do the same!" He challenged them.
"Bet!" Wooyoung responded before practically ripping his shirt off.
With a shrug, Seungyeon completely took off her top.
"You have all seen my tits already. What the heck?"
Soon a few more of them joined San in the water, while the others either stood there contemplating if they should do something or just let them be.
"I knew it. I knew this would eventually turn into one of those college parties that ends in an orgy- NOT THAT I'VE EVER SEEN THEM!" Mingi immediately shouted, but everyone around him just looked at him with absolutely no surprise or judgment.
"I wanna join!"
Yunho watched in horror as Y/N took off her shirt and threw it at him. Before she could even reach for her bra clasp, he took off his jacket and covered her, picking her up and slinging her over his shoulder.
"No you don't. We're going to our room and you're going straight to bed." He firmly said, ignoring the suggestive glances the others were giving him.
"Put me down Yunho! Put me down!" She wiggled in his grasp, trying to break free but in her tipsy state she couldn't really do much.
"Bye Y/N! Sorry you didn't get to show us your boobs! I bet they're great!" Yeosang waved at them, completely drunk with Jongho holding him up so he wouldn't fall.
Y/N eventually gave up and just let Yunho carry her across the motel parking lot, his car already having been moved over so it'd be easier for them to get their stuff. Not fully coherent and with still leftover energy, she began tapping on his back.
"Truth or dare."
"Y/N, I'm pretty sure the game already ended." He told her as he took out his key to lock and put the alarm on his car.
"But you didn't pick anything besides truth you boring old sack! Now pick dare! I wanna dare you to do something!" She insisted.
"Fine. What do you want me to do?" He wanted to satisfy her whims for a moment.
"Dare you to slam me on the hood of the car and make out with me."
Yunho wasn't sure if she was being serious or was playing around like she usually did, but her sentence made him freeze up.
"I knew it. I knew you didn't have the balls to do it." She snickered at him.
Finally deciding to snap, Yunho tore his jacket off her body before hauling her down and slamming her onto the hood of his car, not to hard so she wouldn't get hurt. With a dark look in his eyes, he smirked down at her.
Before she had time to respond or comprehend what was going on, Y/N was already melting into the kiss her long time friend was giving her. She didn't hesitate to allow his tongue to slither in her mouth. Y/N moaned as Yunho continued to massage his tongue against hers, rolling them over each other before sucking down on it. His hands which had been holding her arms over her head let go of them so they could snake down her torso before gripping her hips. Prying her legs open with his knee, Yunho pressed himself in between them, his growing bulge grinding against her jean clad core. Y/N could feel her underwear stick to her folds from how aroused she was becoming. Having nothing to lose, she wrapped her legs around Yunho's waist, squeezing him closer as she grinded harder against him, practically dry humping him.
"Fuck! You're driving me insane."
Wanting to get her as frustrated as him, he trailed wet and sloppy kisses down her sternum, licking on the top of her cleavage, while his fingers pushed underneath her bra cups so they could rub her nipples in between them.
"Oh! Oh my god!" She gasped out, her hands going to the back of his head, fingers harshly tugging at the strands of his hair as she pressed her chest out more forward him.
"Please suck my tits."
Yunho let out a brief awkward laugh at her request before pulling himself off her, which resulted in her writhing in an annoyed manner.
"That wasn't part of the dare Y/N and I'm not doing such a lewd action out in public."
He did not let her glare deter him from patting the top of her head softly. Turning his back to her, he made way towards their hotel room calling out to her so she could follow him. When he didn't hear nor sense her following behind him, he quickly turned around and saw that instead she was walking towards the pool.
"Y/N I'm not going to tell you again. Get in the room right now and- No! Y/N no!"
He chased after her as if she was a misbehaving cat, internally cursing himself as he saw her entering the pool area. He stopped in his tracks when he saw her peel off her tight skinny jeans before diving into the pool, some of the water splashing onto him.
"Holy hell, please give me the strength to deal with her." He muttered to himself as he picked up her discarded clothing.
He just stood there both admiring and just guarding her as she freely swam around without a care in the world. Emerging from underwater, she swam up to where Yunho was and propped her elbows on the concrete.
"Join me Yuyu." She made it a point to use the nickname he favored and to glance at him with puppy dog eyes.
"No. It's late and you have gone wild enough for one night. Now come on, out you go now."
Extending his hand out, he ordered her to take it so he could pull her out of there. Having other thoughts in mind, Y/N acted as if she was giving in. As soon as she took his hand, she took advantage of his unguarded state to strongly pull him down into the water with her. Yunho came back out of the water with a shocked expression.
"Have you completely lost your mind?!" He shouted at her, wiping some of the dripping water off his face.
"Maybe. I don't know."
With absolutely no remorse, she pushed him towards the pool steps, making him sit down on one of them before straddling his lap. Not giving him a chance to ask, Y/N just cupped his cheeks and began to fervently kiss him, not lingering long on his lips as she preferred to attack his neck, biting and sucking at various points in an effort to leave purple and red spots all over his milky skin. Yunho's hands cupped her hips in a futile attempt to hold her still but ultimately failing as they seemed to have a mind of their own and wandered further down to cup her ass. Kneading at her cheeks, Yunho bucked his hips up at hers, head tilting to the side to allow her to nibble away as she pleased at his skin.
"Just what exactly do you want with all this?" Yunho finally asked.
Humming against his skin, she placed a sweet peck on the recent mark she made.
"I want you to suck my boobs." She repeated her words from before.
Taking his hands off her ass, she placed them on her chest, making them massage them as she liked them to be.
"That's it? You go through all this just to get your boobs sucked?" Yunho found it ridiculous yet cute.
Shaking her head, Y/N began bouncing on his lap.
"No I want you to fuck me." She blurted out.
Yunho immediately retracted her hands off her body, eyes not even blinking as he began processing what she just said. Gulping down an imaginary lump, he took a deep breath and gathered his strength and self control.
"Y/N, baby. You're probably too wasted to think straight. You don't know what you're saying. So let's just go back to the room and go to sleep. Don't want you regretting anything in the morning."
Even though he said it to her, he mostly meant it for himself. He didn't want to ruin anything they had already built up over the years just because of some stupid decision. Y/N however clung onto him when he attempted to let her go.
"I'm not wasted trust me. I'm in full use of my 5 senses and I mean it when I say I want you to fuck me Jeong Yunho."
Trying to seduce him one last time, she began to nibble at his earlobe, knowing he was sensitive around that area. Wanting to rile him up, she whispered in his ear.
"If not then that's ok..... I'm sure Seonghwa or Hongjoong won't mind me joining them for a night."
Instantly, she was lifted up by his strong arms and carried away towards their room.
"You're not spending the night with anyone but me."
Yunho nearly broke the door down from how hard he opened it, using his foot to slam it close behind them. Setting his friend down on the bed, he began to rid himself of his soaked clothes, letting them pile up into a short wet stack on the floor. Y/N bit down at her bottom lip as she took in the size of Yunho's cock. It was well above average and the thickness had her mouth watering. When Yunho came over to her, she tried to reach out and stroke it, but he quickly grabbed her wrist and stopped her from getting closer. Pushing her further on the bed until her head hit the headboard, Yunho reached under her back so he could unclasp her bra and free her boobs from their confinement.
"Are you really going to fuck me? Fuck me like one of your exes? I heard a few naughty and interesting rumors." She let out a soft giggle.
With darkening eyes, Yunho used one of his hands to wrap itself her neck, tightening around it so as to cut off her breathing for a brief moment.
"First of all, don't mention any of those skanks right now."
Releasing her neck, he peeled her panties off her legs and threw them across the room, ignoring where it landed. Taking both of her hands in his, he pressed his forehead against hers, his lips tenderly brushing against her own.
"And second of all, I'm not going to fuck you...."
Giving her a loving peck, he smiled at her.
"I'm going to make love to you."
Unlike his previous hungry kiss, this time his kisses were more soft and drawn out, as if he wanted to take his time in savoring each and every time his lips enveloped hers in a tender yet passionate kiss. Every once in a while, he'd tug at her bottom lip with his teeth in a playful way. Once he got her fill of tasting her mouth, his lips traveled down her chest, finally giving her what she'd ask for since the beginning. Looking up towards her, he took hold of one of her delectable breasts and brought his mouth close to it, tongue circling around the sensitive nipple before it disappeared inside his mouth. Yunho couldn't hide the proud smirk on his face whenever he felt Y/N squirm underneath him, back arching everytime he gave her tits a particularly long and hard suck. Pressing them together, he squeezed them into his large hands before taking both of her nipples in his mouth, teeth grazing over them. Taking notice of her change in breathing, Yunho couldn't resist himself in teasing her a little.
"Finally satisfied that you got what you wanted? You got your tits sucked, should I stop now?"
When he began moving away from her, Y/N pulled him back to land on top of her.
"No! You said you were going to make love to me." She whined at him, lips pouting out.
Pecking her pouty lips, Yunho began crawling down her body.
"I did say that and I'm following through on it."
Pulling her body close to his face, he ran his nose against her slippery folds. Parting her lips with 2 of his fingers, he delved his tongue into her hole, collecting some of her arousal and lapping it up with such ardent intensity. His face was practically smothering itself into her heat, her juices staining not only his nose but even his chin. But Yunho couldn't help himself as he continued to feast on her taste, his tongue flicking out against her clit before sucking more of her juices out of her. He loved having her roll her hips against his face, her eyes shut tight as she let herself get lost in the addicting feeling of having his mouth swallow her mound and folds. It boosted his confidence when he heard her moans get louder and her the rising of her chest become more agitated. By the way her thighs began to clench around his head, he knew she was going to cum any second. Before that could happen, he released her delicious clit from his mouth with a loud popping sound and climbed back on top of her body.
Before she could complain about him leaving her hanging, he began to pump himself slowly, the tip of his dick running across her folds. Looking at her one last time, he asked her one more time if she was ok with it. Instead of answering, she replaced his hand with her own, getting a low hiss to spill out from his lips as she began to stroke his length. Thumb playing with his slit, her mouth was occupied in kissing all over the marks she had previously made on his neck. Not wanting to waste any more time, she lined him up at her entrance and pushed him inside enough to get the tip in.
"Go ahead Yuyu." She encouraged him, her hands steadying themselves on his arms for support.
Slowly easing the rest of himself inch by inch in her, Yunho gave them both a few seconds to get adjusted before he began to expertly roll his hips. It was a slow and steady pace, but he made sure to hit deep enough for both of them to start moaning against their lips, which were never more than a few inches apart from each other. Yunho never took his eyes off her face, drinking up every single one of her facial expressions. He moved her hands off his arms so he could hold them in his own, their fingers intertwining with one another. He began to pick up his pace, hips slamming further onto her body. Unable to contain his emotions any longer, Yunho captured her lips one more time in a desperate kiss. He only pulled away so she could hear what he had to say.
"You don't know how long I've wanted you. From the first moment I laid eyes on you back in high school, I've yearned to make you mine."
Y/N gasped when he sunk his teeth into her neck, his hands pressing her hard against the mattress as his thrusts became more forceful, ripping out whimper after whimper out of her throat.
"I tried to find someone else....hoping I'd get over you....but none compared to you. I've only ever wanted you."
Y/N was left completely speechless at his words, never imagining he'd actually feel the same way she felt about him. She could see the longing in his eyes and she had no doubts that her own were probably mirroring his feelings at that moment as well. Caressing his face, she found it difficult to get out any coherent words due to Yunho ramming his cock inside her, but eventually she found her voice.
"I love you Yunho."
His hips momentarily stopped when he heard those 4 words, his mind trying to decipher if it was real or another one of his fantasies. Knowing he was doubting what he heard, she repeated herself.
"I love you Yunho."
Lifting her up, Yunho sat her on top of him, his arms holding her so close to him, he could practically smother her.
"Say that again." He begged her.
Y/N began crying out when he began lifting her up and sinking her back down onto his cock, his hips relentlessly bucking up into her. His fingers were gripping onto the sides of her waist so hard they would probably leave prints for days to come. Her nails raked along his back, leaving scratch marks plastered on the top.
"I love you! I love you!" She began chanting loudly through chattering teeth and shaky breathing.
Yunho felt himself go feral at hearing her repeat her words, wanting to hear her say it for so many years.
"Fuck I love you too my darling."
When he shifted angles underneath her slightly, he brushed against her g-spot, making Y/N's whimpers turn even louder and her walls clenched tighter around him.
"Right there love? Does it feel good right there?" He cooed in her ear, fingers brushing against the bulge protruding out of her stomach.
Through tear brimmed eyes, Y/N frantically nodded.
"Yes! Right there feels good. Please keep going, I'm going to cum." She begged him, her nails digging sharply into his skin.
Yunho continued to stroke his hips up, watching intently as Y/N shut her eyes tightly and clenched her teeth. Holding onto her tightly, he witnessed as she began sputtering incoherent words while her body shook uncontrollably on top of him, her orgasm washing over her and coating Yunho's cock which was still sliding in and out of her. It was such a beautiful scene, seeing her dissolve into immense pleasure that he didn't fall far behind as he began pumping all of his cum into her, shooting a heavy load that some began to spill onto his thighs as he continued to bounce her on top of him, helping them both ride out their highs.
They were so exhausted they ended up collapsing on the bed, their breathing raspy and hoarse. Reaching his hand out, Yunho pulled her body back up against his, wanting to stay as close to her as possible. Brushing some of her hair out of her face, he wiped off some of the smudged eyeliner and mascara that had become messy.
"I look ugly don't I?" She questioned him.
"You're always gorgeous to me, although if you want my honest opinion, I think you're prettier without any makeup on." He nuzzled his nose against hers.
Snuggling close to him, Y/N buried her face in his chest, inhaling in his scent while her ears listened intently to the beating of his heart. Their fingers began to play with one another, bumping against each other or just clasping and unclasping back and forth.
"So does this make us....?" She looked up at him.
"I mean, I would hope so. I was literally balls deep inside you while I declared my love for you. I would expect us to be official at this rate."
They both laughed softly at his answer.
"We should have been honest with each other a long time ago." She lamented not saying anything before.
"I'll say, I could have been making love to you a long time ago."
Y/N squealed when Yunho flipped her over, making her lie face down while pushing her legs apart.
"Y-Yunho! Already?" She couldn't stop blushing as she felt his dick poking at her ass.
"What can I say beautiful? You rile me up as if I was a teenager again." He had absolutely no shame as he began pushing inside her once again.
"But what if they hear us?" She pointed to the walls, knowing fully well her friends were probably already back in their rooms by now.
Yunho didn't seem to care as he fully shoved himself inside her folds and pressed open mouth kisses on the nape of her neck.
"Well then I hope they brought ear plugs."
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xeo-kunsatan · 3 years
Beast Choices Chapter 3. Beast Blood
In the previous chapter...
Betrayus was reading a book about occultism but he noticed that Muriel haven't came back with the wood for the fireplace, he got Worried and left the cabin to look for her in the forest holding his flashlight.
Everything was dark and the singing of the owls were sounding around the forest.
Betrayus: M-Muriel!... Where are you?
Betrayus suddenly saw something strange in the woods.
Betrayus: Huh?...
???: Grrrrhh...
Betrayus: !!!!
Betrayus ran away from that place while the creature was chasing him but suddenly he tripped by a rock and fell down from a slightly short mountain leaving him unconscious for a moment.
After waking, he quickly get up but the creature was in front him, staring at him like a tasty prey.
Betrayus: *trembling* W-What are you?...*steps back*
???: Grrr
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The creature ran to Betrayus but it suddenly stopped and recognized him like it had meet him before.
???: Betrayus...
Bradley: How do you know my name?..
???: Oh dang.. I am so sorry!..
Betrayus: W-wait... Muriel?.. is that y-y-you?
Muriel: Yes...*sighs* this is other thing.. I haven't told you before...
Betrayus: Muriel...
The moment was interrupted by a shot in the Air.
Hunter: it's a good night to hunt coyotes.
*shots a coyote which was walking by*
Muriel: Holy Shit!!... Ok.. Betrayus.. I know you are probably angry with me.. but... the most important thing to me is your safety.
Betrayus: What the-...
Muriel: *takes Betrayus in her arms and runs off*
Betrayus: OH FUUUCK!
Muriel started running away from the hunter taking a way to lost him so she can take Betrayus safely to the cabin.
Muriel: Damn it, he is getting closer!...
Betrayus: Don't stop Muriel, pls don't stop!
Muriel; I'm trying!..
Muriel makes her paws transform into cheetah paws making her run faster
Betrayus: Wow... You have a lot to explain me later Mury!..
Muriel: I'll do it later!.. I'll promise!.
Hunter: Do you think you can escape from me?
The Hunter manages to shot Muriel but fortunately it missed it leaving her a simple scratch.
Muriel: ARRGGHH!! *She stopped*
Betrayus: Muriel!!
Hunter: Wait.. is that another person!?..
Betrayus: You son of a Bitch *throws him a fire ball*
The Hunter started burning and yelling of pain.
Muriel:.. Tray Tray..
Betrayus: Yeaaah .. I also have another thing to tell you.. hehehe sorry..
Muriel: Dummy.
Muriel taked Betrayus and ran away from the scene to their cabin, when they where about to go to the cabin Muriel's left paw was trapped in a bear trap.
Muriel: AAAARGHH!!!
Betrayus: Muriel!.. oh no this is even worst..
Muriel:*sarcastic* you're helping me a lot...
Betrayus: Sorry sorry!... *Opens slowly the trap to flee her paw*
Muriel: ouch ouch.. this..*she transforms into her normal form to then faints*..
Betrayus: Muriel No!!...*sighs* well at least we are close to the cabin..
Betrayus covered a naked Muriel with a jacket he was wearing and carries her to take her to the cabin.
Betrayus: We are back Yuū... Uhhhh.?..
Yuū:*changes channel* °\\\\°
Betrayus:.......*leaves with Muriel*..
Betrayus have taked Muriel to the bathroom to bath her to attend and clean her wounds
Muriel: *wakes up* B-b-betrayus?
Betrayus: Mury!..*hugs her carefully to not hurt her*... You're awake, you had me so worried..
Muriel: *Sighs* I'm so sorry... That makes me act like an animal..
Betrayus: what's exactly "that"?
Muriel: I dunno how to call it.. Uhh Animal Metamorphosis?... Uhh Shapeshifter Beast?
Betrayus: How does it work?
Muriel: In general I can transform myself or some parts of my body to animal parts but just if I touched, watched and remembered so well certain animals of certain races, my principal transformation is the awful beast you saw before.
Betrayus: Honestly you were cute and Fluffy in that form.
Muriel:*chuckles* stop Jocking~
Betrayus: Seriously hehehe~, and what animals you can transform?.
Muriel: Well if I can remember, an Arctic Wolf, a Cheetah, a Polar bear, Emperor penguin, Arctic hare, Arctic Owl, Arctic Fox, Deer, octopus, and a Raccoon.
Betrayus: Wow, Mury your power is so awesome!
Muriel: Heh really?
Betrayus: Yeah!
Muriel: and what about you? You're in fire
Betrayus: Well it's nothing, I just can create fire, it was so difficult for me with this power and my family.
Muriel: Same old dude.
B&M: Always we had to find a place to practice for myself...!!! *Both Chuckled*
Betrayus: Hehehe Even in this we have in common
Muriel: Yeah, hehehe what a coincidence
Betrayus: Hahahah, a really sweet coincidence~...*kisses her neck*
Muriel: Ohh~ Tray Tray~
Betrayus:*Hugs her* Don't worry me like that Mury... Please.. you're so important for me
Muriel: i'll promise, you're important for me too..
Both started kissing and... Not gonna write this in this family friendly post heheh.
The Next Morning.
Betrayus: *yawn* Morning Mury~ *kisses her forehead*
Muriel: Hehe~... Morning my sunlight..*holds the letter from her Dad*
Betrayus: oh so you finally will read it?
Muriel: Yeah, after all this is years without seeing him nor even know anything of him, I miss him, and at having this letter and money means that he didn't wanted to hurt me and that he miss me.
Betrayus: I see, so what does the letter says?
Muriel: Well...*Starts reading*
"Muriel... I send this money for you
So you can keep yourself..
I really sorry for all the things I said to you.. how i treated you.. because of something that.. it actually wasn't your fault....
I was completely blind by the remorse and the pain by losing your mother, in all this time I figured out how stupid I was at treating one of your mother's Treasures she left for me... You and your Sisters.
It's too late, it's okay if you never forgive for that.. but all I want.. is that at least you're okay... I love you
And I will always love you.
-Marlos Plizetxki."
Some tears appeared from Muriel's eyes.
Betrayus: Mury!.. you're okay?
Muriel: *sniff*...*sighs* Yeah... It's an apology of him.... I can't be really mad at him, even when that doesn't justified the fact he treated me as a freak since my childhood, it's no use to have remorse against him.. that Grumpy Boomer.
Betrayus:*sighs* Mury *hugs her*
Muriel: even when I was treated as a shit, I make a plan to leave my house, I studied too hard to finally leave them with my basic studies finished... Also finding out what was my purpose..I used to help out my old classmates with their problems because that made me forget my problems.. that's how I found out my purpose.....you know why am I lucky?
Betrayus: for what.
Muriel: Because I meet you, my Number 1 patient *boops him*
Betrayus: Heheh Muriel.. I am lucky too at meeting you.... I love you Muriel~
Muriel: and I love you too~
Both kissed on lips but suddenly Betrayus Tickled her.
Muriel: H-Hey Hehehe stop.
Betrayus: What? You don't like it..
Muriel: No-oh *steps back*
Betrayus: ohohoh so you wanna play like that? I'm gonna Catch you!
Muriel: Nuu!! *runs off*
They started playing tag you're it.
The vacations have ended for them,
It was time to go home, Muriel and Betrayus packed up to then Roxy taked them to the airport.
It was time to say goodbye.
Muriel: that were the best vacations we had, even more having you as our guide.
Roxy: it was a honor, *gives them a paper with her number* in case you need me when you came here, I'll be there.
Betrayus: Roxy thank you for everything
Roxy: you're welcome, Mis amigos.
During the travel.
Muriel: I will miss that beautiful place..
Betrayus: Me too ....*fall asleeps on her*
Muriel: *smiles and cuddles with him as well to Sleep*
Betrayus and Muriel left PacMexico completely happy by their adventures to then return to Pacopolis.
How much this can evolve?
Nobody knows.. for now.
Muriel: Hey Tray Tray, can you turn on this fireplace?
Betrayus: Sure, *uses his fire to turn on the fireplace*
Muriel; Ohh~ much better, did anyone told you that your power is beautiful?
Betrayus: *sniff* You're the first person who says me that *hugs her* Hmm~
Muriel: Aww don't cry my pogchamp~
Betrayus: can you transform into a Rabbit?
Muriel: Sure *transforms into a Arctic Hare*
Betrayus:*holds her and scratches her ears* Awww you're so cute~
Muriel: Hmm~ please continue~ *Bunny Purr*
Yuū: hmp..*jealous*
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radiorenjun · 4 years
I Don't Need It. i
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• Pairing: Na Jaemin x Reader
• Genre: Angst, Comedy, Fluff
• Na Jaemin despised the idea of soulmates, he wanted to fight against fate for choosing his soulmate for him. Even if it means his stubborn childhood best friend wouldn't stop trying to make him accept about the similar tattoos on their wrists.
• Masterlist here!
• Chapters: i, ii
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"Hey Jaemin?" you said, not looking up from your bucket filled with sand. "Yeah?" your friend replied, sitting down infront of you, sand moving everywhere from the impact. You flipped the bucket over, tapping it with your palms and the end of the plastic shovel.
"Do you think my soulmate is just gonna be like Daddy?" you asked, creating sand walls with your palm as Jaemin set up mini towers beside the bucket with his little cup. "Soulmate? Gross," his face scrunched up in disgust, sticking his tongue out which caused you to giggle.
"You're gonna have one, too, dummy!" your hands grabbed one of your stuffed animals and throwing it at him. "Yeah, but I don't wanna." he pouted, grabbing the shovel beside you to fill another bucket with the sand around you, putting your stuffed animal aside.
"Why not?"
"Cause it's stupid."
"It's not stupid!"
You look up at him with a pout, looking at Jaemin who's eyes was filled with anger. "Why?" you asked, pulling your bucket to reveal a perfectly made sand castle. "It's stupid how we can't choose our soulmates." he whined.
"Why?" you asked again, in the same calm tone as you decorated your sandcastle with tiny figurines of your latest favorite cartoon. "I want to choose myself." he ran his hand through the sand, picking a pile up with his palm before letting it pour out in between his fingers.
"I want to choose my soulmate." he stated after a sigh, looking at you with his lips sucked in between his teeth as you gave him a sweet understanding smile. "Dont you, Y/n?" he asked, making you look up at him with a small questioning hum.
"Don't you wanna choose your soulmate, too?" he asked. "Me?" you asked, pointing a finger at yourself, making him nod. You grabbed your tigger plushie and hugged it to yourself, "I want to. So bad. Mommy says soulmates are the ones that make you happy, and would protect you when Mommy and Daddy aren't around. And would always be with you forever and ever," you gushed.
You paused as you hugged your plushie tight, "I would do anything to meet my soulmate." you sighed dreamily. "I think Tigger might be your soulmate," Jaemin teased. "I wish." you stuck your tongue and blew a raspberry teasingly at him, making him laugh.
"But Mommy says Tigger can't have a tattoo when he's 16 years old." you whined, looking at your plushie with your lips pursed. "See! This is why I don't want a soulmate." Jaemin huffed, raising his arms out at you before crossing them against his chest dramatically.
"I thought you said you want to choose your soulmate," you smiled, nuzzling your head against Tigger. Jaemin frowned, kicking some sand off the soles of his shoes, "That too." he grumbled under his breath.
"Even if your soulmate was me?" you asked teasingly, poking your cheek with your hand to act cute. The boy let out a giggle, throwing your plushie that was previously thrown at him to you. "Especially you!"
His words made you frown, your bottom lip sticking out. "Meanie! Na Jaemin is a meanie!" you whined before looking at your Tigger plush. "Tigger, Jaemin is a big meanie. He's not my soulmate. My soulmate would make me happy, not be mean to me." You announced dramatically as Jaemin stuck his tongue out with a teasing smile.
"For now, you're my soulmate, Tigger! Tigger makes me happy all the time!" you grinned widely as Jaemin laughed. "Tigger can't be your soulmate, y/n!!" he laughed, clutching his stomach at your weird antics.
"Yes he can! And he's a better soulmate than you'll ever be, Jaemin! Soulmates make each other happy all the time, not be mean to them!" you turned your head away from Jaemin dramatically, making Jaemin snort.
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You were six years old when you found out Jaemin didn't want a soulmate. At least, a soulmate that was chosen for him. You didn't think he was serious, thinking it was merely just a phase that he would eventually get over and accept reality.
You were thirteen years old when you're beginning to think otherwise.
"Jaemin!!" you exclaimed, running up to him and hopping as you lay your hands on his shoulders, startling the boy. "How's my favorite bestfriend?" you grinned, tilting your head as you watch Jaemin chuckle softly at you.
"Im your only bestfriend, loser." he stated casually causing your smile to drop. "Damn, do you always have to ruin my mood? That is no way to speak to your precious best friend." you tutted, waving your index finger at him, making the boy giggle as he rolled his eyes.
"It's my job as a bestfriend to turn your life upside-down right?" he grinned as he shut his locker, walking by your side to your class. "Yeah, you're definitely not my soulmate." you stated in a monotone voice, your lips pursed dramatically.
"Could you stop talking bout soulmates for just a second?" he groaned loudly, tilting his head back in frustration. You grinned, "right, I forgot your sister found hers already. Must suck to hear how everyone in your family isn't single no more." you teased.
"Oh shut up, you're single too. Idiot." he sassed, gently flicking your forehead which caused you to let out a small yelp. "Yeah, yeah, yeah." you pouted, rubbing the slightly sore spot on your forehead as you continued to walk down the crowded halls.
"You still on that 'I'll reject my soulmate when I meet them' phase?" you mumbled, "this phase feels like its gonna last a whole lifetime, God." you continued as Jaemin let out an exasperated sigh. "It's not a phase, Y/n." he stated.
You raised your brow questioningly at your best friend, "you sure you won't change your mind?" you asked. You saw him nod without meeting your eyes, determined to keep his word. "Alright, dang, I feel bad whoever gets to be your soulmate." you chuckled.
"You're still love struck bout finding them? You got three years left til you actually get your tattoo. What's the rush?" he grinned after a moment of silence. You raise your eyebrows, "there's no rush. I just." you sighed, looking down at your two feet, your shoelaces both tied to a tight knot.
"I really really want to meet them." you sucked in your lips, hearing Jaemin let out a chuckle. "No kidding, y/n." he joked which made you glare at him. "I'm serious." you said, looking into his eyes with full seriousness to prove to him that you're actually that hyped up.
"I really really want to meet them. " you spoke. "My parents always show so much love for each other and they just make the concept seem so exciting. My mom says meeting your soulmate makes you feel whole and you can't stop yourself from smiling when you're around them." you explained.
"It's something you don't understand." you grinned, booping his nose which caused him to let out a small laugh. "Yeah, because I'm mostly sick of seeing my folks being all lovey dovey infront of me. Now I have my sister doing it," he scrunches his face in disgust.
"No matter, soulmates make each other happy. I'm sure mine is no different." you rolled your eyes, "your soulmate would just spend the rest of their lives being rejected by your stubborn ass," you nudged his side, making him smile. "Oh shut up," he laughed.
"Have you done your homework, mister?" you raised your brow teasingly. His face contorted from disgust to shock, his eyes widening. "We have homework?"
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On your sixteenth birthday, you couldn't be more excited. They say the moment you blow your candles, it will start to appear. Jaemin got his on his birthday since he was older, his frown evident everytime he looks at his wrist.
He would cover his mark up with a bracelet or a watch so he wouldn't have to look at it every moment of his life. 'He's still going strong with his distaste for soulmates, huh?' you thought as you stared at yourself at the mirror, preparing for your big day.
The people you love around you, your parents putting down your cake infront of you with candles in the shape of numbers brightly lit. Everyone clapping and singing a happy birthday song before ending it with you blowing your candles.
You felt the skin on your wrist fidget, looking down at your left wrist everyone came closer to see your tattoo. Ink began to appear on your skin, forming a familiar small red heart balloon flying in between two clouds, awing everyone in the room.
Your jaw dropped as your eyes widened at the mark. The ink had stopped appearing, leaving your wrist with a small odd feeling. Like a thin layered sticker sticking to your skin. You looked up at the people around you who gave you compliments at your mark.
Everyone was smiling and congratulating you, however, your parents and Jaemin's parents were'nt looking too bright at your mark. Jaemin was unconsciously holding onto his left wrist which was covered by his new watch.
"Dude, your tattoo looks so aesthetically pleasing."
"Your tattoo looks so cute, do you think you found your soulmate already?"
"I hope you find them soon!"
"Man, I can't wait til I'm 16. That shit looked amazing!"
"Wonder who your soulmate is"
Everyone's words blurred in your ears as your eyes subtly went to Jaemin who was talking to his friends in the corner with a drink in his hand. His eyes met yours before giving you a small half hearted smile. It wasn't genuine. You knew what he was going to say after this party was over.
You gazed at the mark on your left wrist, running your thumb over it gently. Your head deep in the clouds, ignoring the people around you.
"Hey." Jaemin mumbled awkwardly after the party ended, leaving your house empty with just you, Jaemin and both of your parents. "Hey," you replied, tugging the sleeves of your hoodie as you didn't know what to say to him.
"So. We're soulmates." he stated as if it wasn't the obvious. Your eyes went to his left wrist, seeing that he had taken his watch off, leaving the skin a bit red from how tight he put on the watch. The similar mark of a red heart balloon in between two clouds evident on his skin.
"I guess." you shrugged, hugging your pillow to your chest tightly, tightening your grip with every passing second. "Listen, I-" Jaemin spoke after a long excruciating moment of silence. He cut himself off with a deep inhale.
"You know how I feel bout soulmates more than anyone. And it still hasn't change. You know I don't want a soulmate, at least one that's chosen for me." he bit his lip nervously, eyes not meeting yours. You couldn't lie, it felt like a strong punch to your gut. "But, like," Jaemin scratched the back of his neck awkwardly, unsure of what to say. "I don't want to lose you, my best friend, because of this silly stupid mark."
You furrowed your brows. 'He's your soulmate. You're fated to be together. He'll accept the fact soon, right? He just needs a little convincing.' you bit your lip. You were stubborn and you know it. You're gonna change his mind even if it's the last thing you do.
"So, can we just put this behind us-" Jaemin spoke softly before you cut him off. "No," you said in a bold tone, making him look at you wide confused eyes, brows furrowed. "What?" he mumbled.
You look up at him with determined eyes and a bright smile. "I know this isn't going to be easy but I'm going to do whatever it takes to convince you that deep down I know you feel something for me. Why? Cause we're soul mates and sooner or later you're going to accept that!" you huffed dramatically.
Jaemin started at you in disbelief, "don't try to talk me out of this. I'm just as stubborn as you are! I'm not stopping til you accept me as your soulmate," you put your hands on your hips, standing up to push him out of the room. "Wait what, Y/n-" he started as he stumbled to the exit of your room.
"Now get out, starting tomorrow I'm going to convince you. Therefore, I'll be needing tons and tons of rest. Just you wait, Na Jaemin. L/N Y/N is going to work hard for this!" you stuck your tongue out before slamming the door shut. You heard him sigh from the other side of the door before walking away half a minute later.
You leaned your back against the door in exhaustion, sliding down to sit down on the floor. Your smile turning to a quick frown as you ran a hand through your hair in frustration. This is going to be tough.
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yunhosthetic · 3 years
this one shot is based on some my personal experiences with body image.
pairing: mingi x yeosang
top: mingi
bottom: yeosang
word count: 1320
genre: slight angst, romance, fluff.
this is my first one shot, so i am very sorry if it's weird and there are grammatical errors. enjoy~!
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Yeosang looked himself in the mirror, pointing out all of the insecurities he would hide all the time around Mingi and the others. His eyes were puffy and red from crying for two hours.
Yeosang could not stand the man he was looking at. He wanted to change everything about him. His body, his face, his personality. Everything that Mingi shouldn't deal with. At least that is what his mind tell him all the time.
When he heard the car pull up, Yeosang quickly cleaned his face with a tissue and put on light makeup. The front door opened and closed, indicating that Mingi came home from work. He glanced at himself in the mirror one last time.
"I'll be okay. He won't notice. I know he won't," he mumbled to himself and walked out of the bathroom with a forced smile on his face.
'I just have to lie to Mingi and pretend I'm fine when I'm not.'
Mingi was setting up the kitchen table with food, plates, and kitchen utensils. The food was most likely bought from a local restaurant he and Yeosang always go to. His back was turned, and his eyebrows were slightly furrowed when concentrating. Even though he could not see it, Yeosang smiled fondly and walked over to Mingi. He wrapped his arms on his boyfriend's torso and nuzzled his head on his shoulder.
"Welcome home, Mingi," he softly spoke. "How was work?"
"Long and boring. A bit too long, but I'm happy to see you," Mingi replied, turning around and kissing Yeosang's forehead and lips. "I bought us dinner tonight. We have chicken, japchae, gimbap, mandu..."
Yeosang's mind went blank while Mingi pointed out the foods he bought. His stomach growled from the sweet and sour smell of the chicken, but his mind told him otherwise.
"Sounds delicious. I'm not hungry though. You can eat without me tonight, babe. I'm feeling a little tired," Yeosang excused, forgetting half of what Mingi had said. He secretly held his pants up to his waist as if he were adjusting them.
Not letting the excuse fly, Mingi gently grabbed Yeosang's hand and gazed into his eyes. Yeosang felt his stomach dropped. His hands were shaky and cold, and he knew he was going to be in trouble for not eating a lot today. But, summer was coming up, and he wanted that summer body Mingi would be proud to have. Yeosang just needed to drop a few more pounds, and he'll be a whole new man.
"Sangie, you haven't eaten anything since this morning and last night," Mingi stated. "Are you sick?"
"No. No, Mingi. I'm not sick."
"Well, if you're not sick, then take a bite of this chicken. I know you love chicken," Mingi offered, holding a piece in front of Yeosang.
His mouth watered from the smell of it, and his stomach growled louder. He chewed on his bottom lip, trying to maintain his composer. Yeosang gently shook his head and murmured, "No thank you."
Mingi quirked an eyebrow.
"That's not what you're stomach is telling me," he chuckled, inching the food closer to Yeosang's mouth. "Eat this, and I'll leave you alone."
Sighing in defeat, Yeosang swallowed hard and parted his lips open. He felt Mingi's thumb press his chin, and he dropped his jaw open for him. Yeosang bit down on the fried chicken, chewed it, and swallowed it.
"You want another bite, baby," Mingi asked. Yeosang nodded his head and repeated the process again and again till he was left with two chicken leg bones, an empty bowl from the japchae, and ate three mandus just from Mingi feeding him.
"Must've been that hungry, huh," Mingi said while Yeosang nodded and looked down at the floor ashamed of himself to starve and let his boyfriend worry about him all because of his insecurities.
'I shouldn't have ate that much. Mingi is going to think I'm fat and ugly. I didn't want him to know about this shit.'
The couple sat down on the couch after cleaning up the dishes and packing up the leftovers. Yeosang was sitting on Mingi's lap, his head resting on his shoulder while watching a movie. He was currently thinking if he should speak about how and why he has been himself. The confident and happy Yeosang Mingi has known since they first met.
He grabbed the remote and paused the movie.
"Aw man, this is our favorite part. We've always laughed on this part, Yeosang," Mingi complained then felt Yeosang's hands on his cheeks and turned his head to look at him.
"Yes, Yeosang?"
"D-Do... Do you think I'm... I-I'm..."
Yeosang sniffled quietly, tears threatening to spill from his eyes again. He smiled to not show any pain, but it was too late when he finally asked, "Do you think I'm ugly?"
Mingi's heart broke when he saw his boyfriend sobbing on his shoulder. He wiped his tears with his thumbs and shook his head.
"No, Yeosang. No, no, no. I don't think you're ugly at all. You're beautiful just the way you are," Mingi assured, noticing the makeup on his fingers and Yeosang's face. "Who told you were ugly, baby?"
Yeosang pouted and lowered his head in shame.
"I did. I thought you wanted someone thinner, taller, and prettier, so I started eating less and working out more to make you happy and achieve those things," he confessed, wiping his tears with the bottom of his shirt. "A-And I still end up looking the same with the awkward personality and body, and I don't —"
Mingi placed a finger on Yeosang's lips and shushed him.
"You don't need to change anything for me, Yeosang. I love you just the way you are," he soothed, opening the coffee table dresser and taking out makeup wipes in case Yeosang decides to sleep on the couch if he didn't feel like sleeping in the bedroom.
"Bubby, no. I don't wanna do this again," Yeosang whined, covering his face with his hands. "You know how I feel when you do that love yourself makeup thingie."
"Angel, we've been married for three years. I'll keep reminding you to love yourself like this even if you don't wanna hear it," Mingi reminded, causing a blush to appear on Yeosang's face and stop hiding his face.
Mingi took out a wipe and began wiping off the eyeliner and eyeshadow.
"First and foremost, I love your pretty brown eyes. They were the first thing I noticed when we met in college," Mingi complimented. "They always shine when you smile, you get excited over a date, or you just see me when coming home from work or waking up with you."
"Mingi, my eyes aren't —"
Yeosang stop and thought for a moment. He tuck a loose hair behind his ear and smiled shyly.
"Okay, I take that back. Maybe they are pretty, but you have pretty eyes too," he replied. "Are we done now?"
"Nope. We've just started. Let me see your forehead."
Yeosang pouted and pushed his bangs back. Mingi gently wiped his husband's forehead.
"Sometimes I can't help but give you forehead kisses everyday. You always liked them, so I won't stop kissing your forehead anytime soon."
He then kissed Yeosang's forehead and grabbed another wiped to clean his nose and cheeks. He made sure to boop his nose and softly pinch his cheeks before kissing his lips. Soon after, there was no sign of make up left on Yeosang's skin.
"Thanks for taking off my makeup, Mingi,"Yeosang spoke, handing his husband the remote. "You always know how to make me smile and feel confident about myself. I love you."
"Anything for you, baby. I love you too."
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hejgyrus · 7 years
Cameron's First Time (p 1)
Pre-words: Ok just before we start... this is not legit, this is just the horny fantasy of a virgin fag (me!). Our story begins with Cameron (18 M) getting ready to go out on a date with his new boyfriend Ari (21 M).
//TL;DR to find fucking scene, do CTRL+F and type [FUCKING BOOKMARK]
Narrator: Tonight is Cameron's big night. His heart is flying all over the place as he prepares for his date with his new man he just met on the internet (this will end well, shut up). He has only seen pictures all over Instagram but he knows some things about Ari: he's ~6' 5", dirty blond, long-ass dreadlocks, works out, and tames horses. Cameron himself is: 5" 6', extremely white and red eye'd (he's somewhat albino, it's not obvious from a distance), 97 lb, white hair, and really smooth. For the past hour Cameron has been preparing for this event: choosing cloths, trying clear lipstick, regretting that choice, regretting that choice; and finally decided to just go for a cute messy look. A white button-down t-shirt, light grey shorts and some hair gel to make it seem as a bully gave him a nuggy. (he ended up going back on the lipstick).
Cameron: Fuck, shit, fuck, Fuck, FUCK!!!! Oh god, regret, regret! I'm not doing this, nope, nope, not today. I'll just... kill myself! Ya, that should be a good way out of this. No wait, science is too good for that, and Ari will find me dead.
*ding dong*
*door knocking*
*Cameron walks towards door regretting*
Cameron: I'll just throw up on his shoes, that should make him leave.
*Open's door to a giant Manticore*
Cameron: Woh, Hi!
Ari: *snickers* wSup?
Cameron: (gently)Panicking, (fully)still alive
Ari: Ready to go?
Cameron: (NO!) Sure
Narrator: The two get into Ari's decent looking open cockpit jeep, and head off to an outdoor restaurant on the beach. When they arrived they saw a pretty fun place with a small main building and a field of beach couches surrounding picknick-like coffee tables, the sun was setting beautifully on the horizon. Cameron finally managed to compose himself.
Ari: This place is great, I worked here as a bartender while I was at school.
Cameron: Wow, what were you studying?
Ari: Veterinary practices.
Cameron: Ah
Narrator: The two sit at a "table" closer to the water, when a waitress comes over to to her job, you fill in the dialog.
Narrator: Ari got a steak done cut up to be edible without leaning forward, and Cameron got a chicken salad, but the chicken is actually pork, it is a pork salad.
Ari: Aright, ya know what... I'm not good with dating...
Cameron: Oh don't worry, this is actually my first time.
Ari: Really! Then let's do the all the cliches, just for the lulz.
Cameron: Ok.
Ari: So tell me about yourself?
Cameron: Oh, god this is going to take a minute. I guess it all started when I was born.
Ari: ..
Cameron: I was born to a pair of Icelandic swingers who decided to elope to Israel, lying about being Jewish to get in free, who decided to fuck around and got stuck with me! I don't know much about them because the orphanage was incompetent for the most part, but they did tell me my mother was 7" 2'... I guess the Icelandic giant's gene.
Ari: Wait then why are you so short?
Cameron: There, actually, is a good reason for that! It's sad but good. Ok, so they left me at an orphanage... Now the Israelis are on the darker end of Caucasians, right? And the country is mostly a desert, so they didn't know my tolerance for sunlight, and decided to be conservative. I didn't really go out and play a lot. That didn't stunt my growth, but it did make me... smaller then the other kids.
Ari: How big did they get?
Cameron: Look at your arms and drop 3 inches
Ari: Oh
Cameron: So back to the house. *Narrator: Wow he opened up quick!* My first foster family was great, the dad was a high ranking military guy. The mother was very active in the community, her two sons were soo nice to me, always forcing me out of my shell and taking me out with their friends. Their friends, on the other hand, were not good people.
Ari: Y
Cameron: Well there's this word in Hebrew, "Arrsce"... It's a healthy mix of punk and bitch. They were that.
Ari: Where's this going...
Cameron: Well shit happened and they beat me up. Violently... comatose-ly. I lost 3 months of my life, and my Icelandic giant's gene.
Ari: Holy shit dude.
Cameron: Ya after that, and the media fire, technicalities happened and a US dignitary managed to "extradite" me to and keep me as his foster kid.
Ari: Lucky break?
Cameron: No he was pretty cold to me, and the rest of his family, but at 16 the state said I could leave the house and live somewhere else on their rent so long as I worked. And I did. I got an apartment over a subway where I still work.
Ari: Quite the life story.
Cameron: Ya I got use to my past.
Ari: But you can't accept that as normal, that was one of the saddest stories I heard in awhile.
Cameron: Too late.
Narrator: Ok I realize you have been waiting for the fucking, you fucking perv... I'll get to that soon...
Cameron: So what about you? You should have some stories.
Ari: Ahh well. My early life started off boring and bland from a broken family.
Cameron: Same!
Ari: He, sure... my life didn't really start until I got my first job a this little horse ranch. Well, like I said, bland and boring.
Cameron: You aren't boring, I love horses... at my size I need something under me to be my bitch (and it defiantly couldn't be you)
Narrator: The two continue to talk about meaningless drivvle to which I do not feel like writing out. If you have never been on a date, imagine a conversation... there ya go, that's what's happening. After a spectacular diner the two proceed to take a nice calm walk on the beach, now going dark.
Cameron: This is a day I won't forget for a long time, thanks for this luv.
Ari: Why dose it have to end? Ya know I have a whole tent and camping shit just lying around in my car, we could just camp out on the beach for the night.
Cameron: I don't know, I don't usually sleep with a guy I just met.
Ari: You've never dated.
Cameron: Point, let's do it!
Ari: Great, take this flashlight and start collecting fire wood, I'll go get the jeep... it's gonna take me about 10 minutes.
Cameron: *sarcastically* I miss you already.
Ari: Bye *kisses Cameron on the lips lightly, like they've been together for years*
Cameron: I... Iiii.. wut
Ari: *with slight regret* I'll be back *Leaves running*
Cameron: Wait I just let this guy leave me alone on a beach at night! He kissed me! How do I know he won't run away. Wait I just had my first kiss! *turns on this tiny pocket sized flashlight that lights up the entire rock face of the cliff the beach sits on* Wouw... I don't know how shallow he is but I'd come back for this flashlight.
Narrator: Cameron collects whatever scrap wood he could find, growing a large pile by the time Ari came back following the immensely powerful vibrator sized flashlight as a beacon.
Ari: Aright! Let's see what we got here...
Cameron: You kissed me.
Ari: Lemme just get started on this fire first.
Cameron: Is this how first times go?
Ari: *fiddling with matches* You mean me not thinking before I act, sure why not.
Cameron: Are we just going to forget that
Ari: *looks him in the eye awkwardly* Yes *Boops Cameron on his snoot*
Cameron: Ahowkey I'll just unpack the tent.
Ari: Oh its one of those spring loaded type deals, just pull off the straps and it will explode.
*Pulls off straps and out pops a giant tent*
Cameron: Oh!
Narrator: Now with the fire blazing and crackling because of moisture, the tent exploded out and tied in place with an inflatable mattress inside (No Ari isn't a creep who just caries around a fuck tent, and it isn't a fuck tent). The two just sit around staring off at the black horizon talking about some deep shit.
Cameron: I was beaten a lot.
Ari: Why
Cameron: Governor Shit-ass was for corporal punishment
Ari: What the cold American family
Cameron: Yup
Ari: You wanna talk about it.
Cameron: No.
Ari: What did they do.
Cameron: Everything.
Ari: Tell me.
Cameron: Nothing was ever right. I couldn't make my bed straight, speak without stuttering, keep straight A+(s) for 4 year.
Ari: *hold him* you're not alone.
Cameron: At some point, he couldn't stand me so much he put me in an orphanage in his town to teach me a lesson.
Ari: Did they also beat you?
Cameron: All because of him.
Ari: Hey, come here... ya wanna know something? One time my Dad was having one of his fits, and he threw me across the house so hard my arm broke in half. I came back at him so hard he lost consciousness.
Cameron: I've never been naked.
Ari: What.. how?
Cameron: I mean I bathe and everything, but in living alone for 2 years, I've never just been naked.
Ari: Was it Governor Shit-ass?
Cameron: The orphanage had a very creative way of punishing those who explore themselves.
Ari: What?
Cameron: The doctor said I started puberty, and the a week later, I got my first boner. I didn't understand what was happening so I ran to the bathroom and started poking around at it. And a nun followed me thinking I was sick, but she caught me, and she thought I was masturbating.
Ari: ..
Cameron: Then she dragged me out of the bathroom and kicked me senseless.
Ari: No
Cameron: But it didn't end there. The next day they took me to the auditorium, which had a thrust built out for a play. They stood me in the middle of the thrust and told me to strip.
Ari: Did you?
Cameron: I didn't understand why, but after I finished stripping and was just stood up there ashamed of myself I heard a storm of foot steps coming towards the door. I tried to run but the nuns were all there looking at me. Then the entire orphanage burst in looking confused until one boy pointed at me and started laughing.
Ari: Oh my god
Cameron: I tried to cover myself up but a nun whipped me on my back and told me to straighten up and put my hands on my head. *now crying a little* and I did.
Ari: *holds him tighter*
Cameron: Then she said, "This is what happens when you explore
your body, you have to share what you found!"
Ari: That's terrible
Cameron: The boys were just pointing at me laughing, and the girls were giggling and disgusted. I couldn't do anything but stand up there and cry. Then the nuns cleared a path for me to walk out naked and alone with my hands on my head, then they led me to my dorm and left me to get dressed.
Ari: ..
Cameron: I cried in my bed for hours until the rest of the boys came to go to sleep. I heard them talk about me, but they didn't notice me.
Ari: You were hiding.
Cameron: The next day no-one would look at me straight, and even one kid pantsed me in the middle of class so that everybody me see my bare ass like yesterday.
Ari: Hey look at me, that's all in the, loook at me. You're 18, you're out of the system. I'm here for you.
Cameron: *hugges Ari as hard as he could*
Ari: D.. Do you want to be naked?
Cameron: Yes.
Ari: Ok come here, stand up. I'm here for you, just follow my lead.
*Ari standing on his knees starts unbuttoning Cameron's shirt slowly*
*Cameron watches him as one half of his face is pitch black and the other glows in the fire*
*Ari gets to the bottom of the buttons, and pulls his shirt off, letting it fall to the ground*
Ari: How do you feel?
Cameron: Nervous.
*Ari undoes Cameron's belt and with one swift move pulls it out leaving it a few feet away*
*Cameron feels his pants drop slightly, suddenly he feels some of that same fear from the orphanage*
*Ari undoes the single button holding Cameron's pants up and slowly lets them drop while looking him in the eyes*
*Cameron feels his knees shutter*
Ari: Now how do you feel?
Cameron: Scared.
Ari: Do you wanna keep going?
Cameron: *nods*
*Ari looks at Cameron's underwear, they were big loose black boxers*
*Ari slowly moves his hands up Cameron's smooth legs to his pants and gently grabs each side*
*Cameron remembers the feeling of that one boy who too pantsed him and prepares to cover what's underneath*
*Ari pulls, ever so gently and slowly taking in every moment of the experience, Cameron is about to break out of a thick shell. The waist line almost got to the base of Cameron's cock when he moves his hands in to cover himself.*
*Ari continues to pull until they're all the way down*
*Cameron has his head down, he's all tense... like he's hiding*
Ari: Look at me *tilts Cameron's head up*, how do you feel?
Cameron: Alone.
*Ari swiftly grabs Cameron and gently lays him on his back, on the sand, next to the fire and sits over him. All of Ari's dreads flow off the the right, away from the fire, forming a curtain. The fire illuminates Ari's whole face glowed in the fire*
*Ari grabs Cameron's wrists, still firmly covering what little was left, and moves them to his sides. Cameron is now totally exposed*
Ari: *softly* How do you feel?
Cameron: Like running away.
*Ari puts hand on Cameron's chest. Even if he wanted to, Cameron couldn't run away... but he didn't want to.*
Ari: What about now?
Cameron: I want to scream.
*Ari comes down and kisses him on the lips, he was so slow and took his time*
*Cameron whimpers slightly, he can feel Ari's tongue slowly slip through his lips and rest on his tongue. The sensations, emotions, and fears finally got to him and he blacked out*
Narrator: Ok what? I just got back in after I was forced out of the script because I was labeled a distraction for this scene. Ok.. so, the night goes by and Cameron slept like a rock. The next day he wakes up to the sun and finds himself undisturbed, the fire somehow went on all night and Ari was asleep at his side. There were a few people at the beach that early, all nude... turns out this was a nudist beach. Cameron pays them no mind as he walks into the ocean to wake himself up; the water is warm. Ari wakes up a few minutes later and sees Cameron's white hair glisten in the sun as he plays in the water. Ari found some of that weird instant-coffee-juice-shit and pours out 2 red solo cups. When Cameron got back, his smooth white skin wet and glowing in the sun, he sat down on Ari's lap, wrapped his arms around his neck and started to make out with him. Neither of them cared that they were being watched.
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