#i can't remember the last time i binged a whole season in one day but i just did that
claratwelve · 9 months
yeah no okay i just finished s13 and i loved it, that was some good cinema
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stinalotte · 1 year
Six (or rather, three) ways from Sunday
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I'm not gonna warn for Spoilers because come on, we're over a decade after the fact.
I just watched Sunday for the third time in my life and had my heart ripped out just like the last two times.
The first time, I saw it on TV when it aired. I was so shocked that I literally stopped watching the show. Like, I turned off the TV, said nope, can't do this, and stopped.
The second time, it was my rewatch around 2016 or 2017, and I had completely forgotten about the plot or the fact that I had stopped watching because of how shocked I was. I didn't even remember when the title came on or when they mentioned the explosions. I didn't remember literally until the very moment the last bomb went off.
So if you want to know the emotional equivalent of taking a rusty blunt knife and twisting it in scar tissue, there you go. I bawled my eyes out and had to go for a walk even though I was sick with influenza at the time and could barely make it down the stairs.
I did decide to power through and watch the rest of the season (and the two subsequent ones) that time, but man, that hurt.
And now for the third time: I'm on my second rewatch — not binging it, mostly just one episode per day, if even that. I'm pacing myself. Only I was inching closer and closer to Sunday and this time I knew what was in store. And still I'm sitting here crying.
I think one of the reasons this episode hits so hard is because everything that comes before the third act is so lighthearted. I love seeing glimpses of everyday life, people wearing jeans instead of uniform, friendships, people playing and having lunch together (go get your man, Liz, he cute!), people just having a life and hobbies (Lorne you absolute gem, you're an ARTIST!). You get a real sense of the community that has formed.
Another reason is because of how the big blow - pardon the expression - comes at a time when the audience has just breathed a sigh of relief. Carson gets the tumor out, the bomb disposal unit takes over, he radioes the others, everything is okay.... And then it all collapses in an instant and suddenly there's a eulogy and a coffin and 50 people in the gateroom desperately trying to keep it together.
Of course, this time I was screaming for someone, anyone to take Carson fishing the whole time. God, the guilt they must have felt. (And yes, it's nobody's fault, but still - when you lose someone, you ask yourself, what if I had done X or Y or Z differently. It's human nature.)
Man, what an episode. I'm gonna need some time to recover from this one.
One thing though, and I say this with all due respect for the gravity of the story: hot damn, Sheppard in dress blues is FOINE. Sorry for your loss, babe, but dayum!
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fountainpenguin · 1 year
What got you into watching / liking / writing fanfics for FOP?
A large part of it I think is the fact that I didn't grow up watching the show, so it was completely new to me to analyze and I had the chance to binge all 9 seasons that were out at the time (And the first couple episodes of Season 10 that had dropped).
Growing up, I glimpsed a few episodes like "The Switch Glitch," "My Big Super Hero Wish," "Mr. Right," and "The Big Scoop" but I didn't remember much of them. I also saw the last few minutes of "Abra-Catastrophe" when I was young (at a pizza place, muted but with subtitles, which is also where I first saw all of the above).
When I was high school aged, I stumbled across a post somewhere that was someone commenting about how wild it is that FOP straight-up just dropped the lore one day that Timmy froze the timestream for 50 years. Someone's response to that post was "WHAT??" and OP wrote a brief explanation about "Timmy's Secret Wish."
Immediately, my mind was captured. I was sunk. Suddenly, this random episodic kids' show that I'd never had an interest in became something that - as far as I knew from that post I'd seen - had been carefully crafted with incredible lore.
About two months after that (?), I left my room one day to find my sister watching "Abra-Catastrophe," which was playing live on TV. It was at the start and I hadn't seen it before, so I decided to watch an episode... not realizing this thing was movie-length. She didn't stay for long, but I didn't turn it off and watched the whole thing.
After that, I spent a while searching for a way to watch the show. I'd watch in between study sessions and would often stay up late to watch "just a couple more episodes" on my phone in bed, which wasn't something I've done before or since. I was already interested in psychology (got a bachelor's degree in it) and was incredibly charmed by this show about a kid who carried the weight of things like trauma, abuse, and neglect on his shoulders.
I just loved the way this children's show casually portrayed these things, such as by dropping in mentions of Timmy going to therapy when he was 5, and it all weaves into this story about how he's a troubled kid and how his fairy godparents care for him. I hold so much love for "School's Out - The Musical" and a lot of that probably has to do with the fact that I was lying in bed crying over it at 3 AM, ha ha.
It took weeks and weeks of watching, but I finally made it to "Timmy's Secret Wish" and I had a blast. I love it... I've heard it's not everyone's favorite for X or Y reason, but to me, "Secret Wish" was THE reason I found a spark in FOP. I binged the entire series knowing full well that "omg, one day Timmy's going to reveal that he freaking FROZE TIME FOR 50 YEARS, WHAT THE ACTUAL HECK, they really DID THAT AND I CAN'T WAIT" and it was extremely cathartic to watch that episode unfold, while I had known all along that someday he'd get called out for what he did.
I still adore that episode so much, I love the stupidity of Foop trying to erase Poof's existence, he wins the court case, and finally Jorgen turns to him and points out that Foop is about to die and he starts freaking out and acting like a scared little kid. I love his stupid face as he tries to bribe the Fairy Council for his life with a one dollar bill.
I love the dark drama of these ancient fae ripping children out of existence. They are children. They did not waste time with good-byes. Foop didn't even have his parents in the room, he just got sucked into a vortex and disintegrated from existence. That's so messed up, I love it. And the Fairy Council took away Cosmo and Wanda's memory of losing their child, but they left freaking Jorgen to deal with that guilt on his own - dealing with the fact that he's partly responsible for getting his best friends' kid wiped from existence - and that's also super messed up.
It's literally always hilarious that FOP lore allows time travel in multiple episodes, to the point that Jorgen even straight-up tells Timmy that he's "free to muck around in the past as long as he doesn't touch March 15th, 1972 again" and I absolutely love the fact that Timmy made this secret wish and carried this massive secret, unable to tell anyone, unable to speak up as the world around him was stuck in a loop, and MAN....... man, man, man I love it so much. It's so good, this already traumatized and panicky kid had to deal with this on his own for 50 years and it's so messed up.
I love FOP because it appeals to the inner child me who never saw this goofy slapstick show growing up, it appeals to the author in me who loves the characters and worldbuilding, and it appeals to the psychology lover in me who really enjoys how Timmy's home life is portrayed and how he changes through the years.
There's just so much that can be said about Timmy and his fairies, like how Cosmo and Wanda are supposed to be treating Timmy as just another job but they keep getting pulled in deeper and deeper to the point that their attachment to him starts interfering with their work, but they don't want to stop loving him... and so much can be said about Timmy and the fact that he made the deliberate choice to stall everyone's aging for 50 years because he didn't want to let go.
Just... idk, the sense of peace and confidence that it must have brought him to know he could wake up day after day and never age, and the MASSIVE guilt-trip that must have dropped on his head when he got dragged to Fairy Court, forced to confess, and he watched everything started falling apart... watched his godbrother get ripped from reality... Like, that must have really messed him up and I am absolutely HERE for it. Last man on earth, more like only person on the planet who's conscious about how much time is passing and he watches everyone around him celebrate the same new year, the same birthday, over and over and over for 50. flipping. years and he tells nobody. Geez.
Where else can I go to see this kind of content? Where else can I go to see "the characters never age and are trapped in a time loop" become actual canon, and furthermore where can I go to see this piece of canon get treated as the absolutely twisted, un-okay decision it was? Nowhere else. I love this show. I love "Secret Wish."
I also love the frozen timestream because it's just messed up on so many levels in such delightful ways. For example, Chloe's parents are absent so often that it's implied she raised herself watching Fair Bears cartoons. She's so oblivious to the outside world that she didn't even know who Catman was, and he's one of the in-universe equivalents for Batman.
When you take this in the context of the frozen timestream, you're forced to face the fact that oh, yeah... This girl totally just spent 50 years raising herself on kids' cartoons, no biggie. It makes her distant relationship with her parents so much darker if they couldn't make time for her for 50 years instead of just 2 or 3.
Also while yeah, I don't totally love Timmy's parents sliding off the deep end in their flanderized, over the top way, I do really like toying with the idea that they got burned out on raising a kid because they were raising him for over 60 years straight without a break when obviously he should have moved out a long time ago if time had kept progressing. Their later personalities are not my favorite, but I can acknowledge the exhaustion they must have felt after running themselves ragged with childcare for an extra 50 years without their consent. They didn't ask for that. It was more than they could handle.
Foop's in the exact same boat with the repeating timestream. He was sentenced to solitary confinement in a maximum security prison from the day he was born. The day he got out of there, he accidentally fell into a "portal of oblivion" and isn't seen again until the first day he goes to school. Like. bruh. Geez. No matter which way you slice it, you've got 50 years you have to sort out for his backstory, so he either spent a huge portion of his childhood in solitary confinement, a huge portion in the void, or both. It's very messed up and I love that for him.
There's so much lore that I love, and so many good episodes I treasure. The Juandissimo arc is definitely something to behold, because this guy went from "I live and breathe Da Rules" to this massive depressive spiral after losing Remy where he literally was unable to hold a job because he just kept sobbing over his ex-godson, and then when Remy gets stranded on a deserted island and kicked aside by his parents, Juandissimo finally snaps and says "Screw the freaking rules, I love my godson and he's mine now, I'm giving his memories back and his parents can't have him." I'm so obsessed. Juandissimo for godfather of the year, doing the right thing for a miserable child no matter what Da Rules say.
I love the implications this has in future episodes too, because Juandissimo and Remy reunited in Season 5, and we have confirmation that they're still together in Season 7 (after Crocker kidnaps Juandissimo from Remy's mansion)... I'm glad that was a long-lasting bond for them.
But also the episode "Jerk of All Trades" gets me reeling because Jorgen made it explicitly clear in "Cosmo Rules" that only a member of the von Strangle bloodline was worthy to be Keeper of Da Rules, which is why he needed Cosmo to fill in while he was sick because Cosmo is a member of that bloodline. Yeah, the Fairy Council HATES Cosmo and when Jorgen got fired in Season 9, they really turned around and said "Juandissimo, you're in charge" which is MIND-BOGGLING because they straight-up went "Yeah, the guy who broke Da Rules is more worthy of being Keeper than Cosmo is" and the sheer POLITICS that would be involved in that backhanded move are insane, sdlfkj.
Love me some good fae politics, they know what they did. And then when they end up firing Juandissimo, they take his HOUSE so he goes crawling back to his ex, only for Cosmo to throw him in the freezer, it's so hilarious, it's so insane, Juandissimo takes the biggest freaking Fs...
Also just while we're talking about how much I love Juandissimo, shout out to him backing the heck away from Wanda when she was under influence of a Cupid arrow and fell in love with him, she tried to kiss him and this man really went "Nope, nope, nope, nope, nope" and took off running down the street, love that for him slkdjfs. He might still be in love with his ex but he definitely wanted her old personality back, good on you bro.
I freaking love this show, it's fun and layered and silly and shallow and deep and dumb and incredible and I love flopping into it like a snowdrift and just letting it sink under my skin.
I just love thinking about this show, its psychology, and the effect the frozen timestream had on its characters. I love the joy I get out of digging up weird pieces of extra content like the OG episode scripts on Scribd, or the old games or comics - I can't get enough of H.P. and Sanderson almost running over Vicky with a squad car and then arguing with her about how they really are police officers, skldfjs - I love thinking about Da Rules, making even the obscure ones as canon as possible, and fleshing out the worldbuilding.
I like thinking about life for Fairies who just, y'know, go about their daily business and they have flipping Anti-Fairy counterparts who just. exist. Imagine if that was your life, you had this identical twin who opposes you in every way, and they're locked up behind a magical barrier so you might go your entire life without even meeting yours. Wild.
FOP is a unique flavor for me to write, especially with the canon time manipulation. That level of "10-year-old desperate to not be ripped apart from his foster family so he bends reality and keeps it quiet for 50 years" is a vibe I wouldn't be able to capture in original projects, and I just really enjoy writing 'fics for the series because I can't have this anywhere else <3 It's a goofy fairy show but it's MY goofy fairy show and I adore it for what it is. I love the characters, I love the world, and I freaking love "Timmy's Secret Wish."
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a-wolf-at-the-door · 3 months
Hey so not an ask but I just had to rant. I had a day off so I figured I would binge the howling series, And by God I am having to sit with the weight of it. It was depressing it was joyful there were times I literally screamed. I didn't know I could cheer out at snort but okay! Like it felt more of a psychologically driven epic than a fanfiction. Sometimes I forget why I don't watch TV or movies that much this is why you can't get this much of a character driven story as much as TV and movies are great.
Like Martha's moments with her family and how she feels so much in the shadow of her siblings. How kind of wishes for everyone's approval but doesn't need it! The scene at 42 genuinely hits some nerves when they were in the space pod.
And oh God the doctor as he's slowly to deteriorates through the book, but you get it If you read book one and book two. He spent literal lives fighting his love. just to lose her at the last second, And how even though he wants to live with her memory He's just tired. In every possible way, And how unfairly he's kind of putting so much pressure on Martha. But again you get it!
Just in a sick twisted way the master kind of a character piece, how he is everyone's toxic relationship whether that's platonic or romantic or domestic. He's just a slimy being! Who totally gets what he deserves so glad that Lucy comes in clutch, And just like everyone else I forgot that she was a thing! And I watch the show! I should know everything that happens!
Ugh, a part of me is kind of upset that I didn't wait for season 4 (book 4 whatever you want to call it I'm just calling it seasons now because this is better than the TV show). To binge the whole thing, And I'm kind of on the fence and if I'm going to keep up with season 4 or just binge it like I did with this one.
But by God if you could give a standing ovation over a screen I would. Amazing work. Beautiful time spent. And by God Rose just needs to come back and fix this man!
pal you legit just made me tear up... i'm going through a rough patch lifewise rn that i don't particularly feel a need to elaborate on publicly, but suffice to say it's been too easy for my brain gremlins to focus on negativity (guilt for not updating sooner, shame for struggling so much with this section when it's by rights the one i started writing this series for in the first place, embarrassment at the lil mistakes or perceived shortcomings in the work, etc.)... so it's super meaningful and gratifying to hear how much you and others love this work and believe in me and want more :)
i've also been doing a reread to try to get myself back into the writing of it and remember what I was doing with various plot threads (i have notes but like, i also have adhd... so they aren't all notes that make 100% sense to read back through lol)
i'm doing my best to fight off the brain gremlins and life gremlins and find the fun again, and i really do hope to get more content to you all soon! in the meantime thanks so much for your ongoing support and engagement and i hope very nice things happen to you
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bereft-of-frogs · 6 months
friday update!
we are reaching the end of my vacation week which is both good (I miss my routine and my own apartment) and sad (I have to go back to work and no longer have all day just to write)
(finished) The Great Transition - Nick Fuller Goggins : Not quite as good as Station Eleven but...surprisingly decent for a book doing stuff I normally find annoying.
(in-progress) Kill Show: A True Crime Novel - Daniel Sweren-Becker : Look I LOVE trying to recreate found footage in literature. House of Leaves, S...I'm not sure this one is doing it for me. I wish there was something more than just the interview transcripts, which he has room for. Like at one point there have been quotes from a journalist and a professor, instead of doing the same interview block quote, he could have put in excerpts from articles/dissertations, we could have had more narration and description that way. It's just a little flat with it all being the same and also I'm not sure he has enough distinct character voices to justify it all exclusively being interview quotes. I feel like you need really good, unique character voices to exclusively do transcript quotes. And there are other issues I feel like he didn't think through, like I still don't really know how old the brother is supposed to be in relation to the main missing girl because it's not in the character intro and no one's mentioned it. But I'm not super far in, I'm going to stick with it to see if it gets better.
(in-progress) Jaw Bone - Monica Ojeda: Also only a little ways in, intriguing though, I like this one much better than Kill Show so far.
Lord of the Rings reread: I did fall a little bit behind by a couple chapters this week, but! We're onto the last book of Return of the King.
(phone book) Into the Dark - Claudia Gray: haven't had to read on my phone much this week since I've been on vacation, but the High Republic reread continues!
watching (tv):
*vibrates* Yellowjackets (Paramount+/Showtime): oh my GOD I have been wanting to watch this for years and I finally did, binged all two seasons this week. (Minus two episodes I have left to watch, so no season finale spoilers yet!) Yellowjackets. What is there to say? It's great, you all knew it was great, I was late to this party. There's like a venn diagram you could make between this show, NBC's Hannibal, and Black Spot/Zone Blanche but I can't articulate it yet. It's just got everything to appeal to me specifically: spooky forest settings, plane crashes, cannibalism, antler gods, murder, not one but two cults. It's great, extremely on brand for me, Shauna is my poor little meow meow, Melanie Lynskey should play more cannibals, murderers and warlords, she does it so well.
watching (film):
Pearl / X (2022) (double feature): Is it an unpopular opinion that I like X better? I'm also a bit late to this party but I feel like I remember people being like 'oh X is fine but Pearl is so good!' (Confirmed by looking at their comparative Letterboxd scores.) I just think X had a more interesting time period setting, better ensemble cast, better cinematography...which I think make sense given my understanding was X was the film they were originally making, and then they added on Pearl as an origin story project while they were working on X. It felt like more thought was put into X. Also, the 'Don't Fear the Reaper' scene was great. It seems like most of the reviews just comment on Mia Goth's performance as a highlight but like...it's just a lot of yelling and then a very long monologue and then the end credits. Idk, I think X just worked better as a whole, with the ensemble cast.
Bodies Bodies Bodies (2023): This movie was so funny, probably my favorite ending/explanation to a 'wow everyone went from no murder to yes murder really fast' film I've ever seen. I also just love Lee Pace. Lee Pace sabre-ing a bottle of champagne. That is all.
there is no video game update because I have no mobile video game consoles so they are all at my apartment and I am not there, and since I had to leave early Friday instead of my original plan (Sunday) I didn't get to do anything before I left
craft update: slow sweater progress, so close to linking up the armholes and no longer having to purl, so close...
writing to-do list update:
I didn't end up working a ton on oneshots or 'omens' because...
I did it! I got up through chapter 6 on the longfic tentatively titled 'the station'. that's about the halfway point in chapter count, and I've been doing a pretty good job keeping the lengths even and hovering around 5k so far. It's 33k words now so I expect the final word count to be around 65-70k? Thereabouts? Which will be my longest Star Wars fic by quite a lot, even counting adding up the two pieces of the dark ocean duology. But since I'm only at the halfway point, maybe I shouldn't get ahead of myself. It's so much. I love it. I'm terrified it's secretly bad. But it's probably fine haha, I'm actually feeling pretty good about the plot I'm using to string together a bunch of self-indulgent angst, which really, what is fanfiction if not finding a suitable plot to tie together self-indulgent scenes, angst or otherwise?
list for the upcoming week:
I still have to extract my dogsitting fee aka do all of my laundry
got a couple social events over the weekend
pack up and head back to the city sunday
I'm considering doing a probably ill-advised chaos rearranging of my room when I get home unless reason and logic kicks back in and stops me
go back to work (boo)
also clean whole apartment throughout the week because I have eclipse guests
eep somehow acquire eclipse glasses yikes I put this one off
keep chipping away chapter-by-chapter on this fic. I'm just getting to the action, which is both fun because a bunch of things are coming to a head and terrible because oh god writing action scenes is so hard
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miafi · 1 year
Lovely @caromitpunkt tagged me to list 9 of my favourite shows in no particular order.
Now, I haven't watched a show in a loooong time, so let's see if I can think of nine shows in general 😅
1. The Simpsons: ultimate comfort show. I watch reruns in TV when I'm at my parents. I think I've seen every episode (till season 20) about ten times each.
2. IT Crowd: another comfort show. It makes me laugh every. Single. Time.
FIRE, exclamation mark, FIRE, exclamation mark, HELP ME, exclamation mark. 123 Carrendon Road. Looking forward to hearing from you. All the best, Maurice Moss.
3. Black Books: look, I have a lot of comfort shows that I keep watching over and over, don't judge me. And Bernard doing his tax returns lives in my head rent free.
4. Monty Python's Flying Circus: this show has shaped my sense of humour. Either you find Monty Python's humour funny or you can't be helped. I'm happy I'm in the first groups. I remember way too many quotes from the show instead of important things. But I don't care.
The. Larch.
5. Derry Girls: one of newer shows that have the comfort show potential. I haven't watched the last season yet. But hey, as a fan of Take That, I LOVED the episode when they went to the show.
6. Skam: I think this is the only show that I binge watched. I don't do binge watching because of my attention span and there's always something that has to be done and you can't spend the whole evening, night and morning watching a TV show, but Skam (and Druck) did it.
7. Gilmore Girls: the older I get, the more annoying I find both Lorelei and Rory and I wish I could forget the clusterfuck that was Gilmore Girls: A Year in the Life. But this show was a too big part of my life to not mention it. (And Rory jumping with Logan from that scaffolding with umbrellas? Poetic cinema.)
8. Doctor Who: I haven't watched all episodes, it is a show I keep telling myself "when you have the time, you'll catch up with the rest of the episodes" but it's hard to find the time with a full time job, a life AND multiple hours of cycling to watch every day 😅 I find some of the companions annoying (cough Amy cough), but the comedic genius duo that was David Tennant and Catherine Tate is iconic.
Don't blink.
9. Mistresses: (the UK version PLEASE) look, I'm gay. And there's Sarah Parish and Orla Brady in this show. There are few moments that make me want to climb the walls (in a good way). Too many 'we shouldn't be doing this' that I enjoy way too much. Another sort of comfort show. Did I mention Sarah Parish is in this? 😍
Now, my least favourite part, tagging 🫣 @1337wtfomgbbq @snark--maiden @catsanyesz @mwrites666 @missanathea @paris-roubaix @sunflowersofme @stylesbandshirts @emsails and anyone who wants to chime in and share their fave shows. No pressure, of course!
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spnj2fanlw · 8 months
Was tagged by @waywardcheshire to answer these 9 questions.
I will try not to write books for answers but be warned i talk too much... okay here goes:
Last Song: Had Radio Company's Keep on Ramblin' on as I had a nap earlier so something from there.
Favourite Colour: (Yes i gave Canadian spelling) Black. I LOVE Black way too much but if you don't consider that or white colours then its a tie between blue and yellow.
Last Movie/TV show: Supernatural of course for tv. Movie i can't remember off the top of my head so I'll give a second last tv show which was Ally McBeal.
Sweet/Spicy/Savory: Sweet for sure. I'm so addicted to chocolate and sweets its bad. Then Savory.
Relationship Status: Married to my high school sweetheart. We met when I was 15 and he was 16 and been together ever since. 32 years and still going. We are the epitome of boring old married couple and I love it even when he's a cranky asshole!
Last thing I googled: Hair colour photo's because i decided to drastically change my hair. Think long (mid back) thick and blond to a dark chocolate bob. Needed a big change. Needed to not live with it pulled into a bun all the time because I'm too lazy to do anything with it, lol.
Current Obsession: A friend just recommended Tangents with Tyler and Todd podcast on Youtube and I have binged it all. first they talk a lot about their relationship and history then they get into what they call tea time and those eps are HILARIOUS. Basically people writing in their scandalous situations and the boys comment and give their advice. Once I binged that in like 3 days I then went back to watch all their rv trip (right before covid) and am now watching them set up land off grid during covid, lol. They are the sweetest gay couple who married after university and have been together 15 years and they are the cutest most adorable couple. I cannot recommend them enough to anyone looking for something to watch.
and of course SPN ever since i started it during the pandemic. I will forever be grateful to Covid for this particular thing, giving me time to tackle a 15 season show. By the end of the first year i had seen the whole thing three times already and was deep into youtube con videos.
Last book: Although I used to read romance novels and some biographies all the time I haven't read anything except fanfiction in like a year, year and a half. Too obsessed with Wincest to read anything else these days.
Looking forward to: So many things. Looking forward in what sense... entertainment? Well I'm going to watch the He-Man Revolution with two of my kids tomorrow that we have wanted to see. Looking forward to any J2 content from the next convention. Looking forward to finding my muse again and getting back to writing (really want that one to happen but its been gone since a medications change at the end of summer). Oh here's a personal one, looking forward to more snow so my husband and three kids (teens - 20s) go away sledding and i can have the whole house to myself. peace and quiet!!!!!
How's that?
tagging @fallenfar @fandom-hoarder @jinkieswouldyoulookatthis @dadrockenjoyer if you have already done this or just done want to please ignore the tag.
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i-am-megalodonna · 2 years
Collector's Curse AU - finally back babey
Soooo season 3 amirite???? Haa
This is just gonna be me rambling about possibilities. Most of them are pretty solid but I like to keep things flexible just in case
Anyway. First things first, major differences from canon. This is kind of a review of things I've discussed earlier. The gang escapes through the portal door to escape the collapsing skull. The main difference is that we're +1 King and -1 Belos. Also Luz is passed the fuck out.
The gang initially hesitates, obviously. They're in a strange land they have no experience with or even knowledge of outside of what Luz has told them, and their only possible guide is in a coma. What I decided on after the finale is that they remember Luz telling them that she found the portal pretty much in her backyard, so they know her house has to be close. With that in mind they venture out, and as they pass her house they see Camilla through the window and recognize her. Bing bang boom, goal spotted, reunion successful.
Naturally Camilla is horribly alarmed to see a bunch of unfamiliar children and a weird skull dog thing huddled around her unconscious and very worse for wear daughter, but she lets them in and starts trying to get everything sorted. The group tries to explain things to her as best they can, but they don't say too much about the Collector situation because they all agree that Luz has to be the one to explain that. They only recently learned about it, and they know far from all the context. The last thing they want to do right now is misrepresent something and make things even worse.
The only one who can kind of elaborate on things is King, because he's the only one who's actually talked to them. So at the very least he can, with certainty, vouch for their character and the fact that they and Luz are very close.
He draws a picture for them. It doesn't really clarify anything.
Luz is out for a few days, which definitely doesn't help with the adjustment process. My current idea is that the Collector actually wakes up first, which gives him and King some actual alone time to just.. talk. About everything, really.
Eventually Luz wakes up and they all end up having a bit of a midnight feast because they're overjoyed to see her and she is very malnourished.
From there things get blurry ig. Which makes sense, it is a timeskip and all.
The Collector still can't help much with the portal. In their words, "if I knew how to travel between dimensions I would've done it forever ago."
If King wants to go out they could illusion him to look like a kid or a dog. Probably kid because he's mostly bipedal.
Luz's scars would be one of the harder things to deal with. In the past they just faded away, but this time she done fucked herself up but good. She could excuse the hair as being dyed (or she could just dye it to look normal again, like she did in the past), but the residual scars on her arms aren't so easily explained away with cosmetics (and wearing cosmetics on your hands and arms every day sounds very unpleasant and messy). For the time being she'd probably take to wearing long sleeves and gloves and use the excuse that it's fall and her skin gets really dry in the cold or something.
The Collector would have her constantly explaining everything under the sun. Learning about an unfamiliar demon realm was one thing, learning about a whole new dimension is another thing entirely.
Whether or not the Collector's powers work in the human realm is. A question? I guess? I've seen a lot of people theorize that they wouldn't, but I don't remember seeing any evidence that would support that theory. For now I'll just say that it doesn't matter because he and Luz are taking a hard break from magic for a while.
I'll have to go back and look at notes but depending on what's already been said Luz's secret might be compounded with the Collector's own. The others don't know that Luz helped Philip get to the Collector, or that the Collector was a key helper in Philip's plan. The two barely got through those revelations intact, they don't even want to THINK about how the others would react.
And idk how they'd react either. TBD.
Philip is a pickle. On one hand, I've established that he's still in the demon realm, which works out pretty well for him. He's still got shit to do there, all the better that he doesn't have to waste precious time getting back. It does make the plot a bit more difficult tho. Two options.
1) Philly does manage to get through the portal in some form and everything happens basically the same.
2) Have Philip not be there and deal with the ripple effect. I like this one better. Less of a cop out. Also because of the added tension of basically leaving off on a cliffhanger, which was kind of the whole point. The Hexsquad doesn't have the Collector to worry about, but the fate of Belos is unknown to them.
And thinking about it, it doesn't change the core plot ALL that much. They found the scroll outside of Belos' influence, and both groups could've found the blood itself without his influence. Belos not being there doesn't change a TON, it just takes away a key drama point, which I could probably supplement with another liar revealed type moment with Luz, Hunter, and the Collector. Not easy per se, but definitely doable.
Flapjack's also still alive, yippee. :))
Okay that's all I have for now. That was a lot. Like always, if y'all have any ideas or suggestions or thoughts or anything feel free to send them my way, it's super helpful and I love reading and responding to them.
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Okay, I think I have finally found a cleaning strategy that is compatible with my fucking MYRIAD MENTAL HEALTH ISSUES while also not being so hard on my body that it causes an autoimmune flare up so buckle up lets go.
First things first, I have taken to using Grove for all of my cleaning supplies. Are they bougie as hell? Yes. Could I pay less for the literal same products (down to the volume and brand) somewhere else? Usually yes. Does the environmental footprint of the delivery of these supply boxes every month probably outweigh the environmental friendliness of their packaging? Almost certainly. BUT!!!!!!
My brain doesn't do the feel-good biochemicals real good (or really any of the biochemicals) so getting a delivery of pretty, autoimmune safe household goods every month triggers that lovely little hit of dopamine so without fucking fail every time one arrives, within a day I have carefully unpacked all my little goodies (they even send me a surprise** present with every box???? What more could a depressed burnt out bitch with no executive functioning want???), and within a week I have gone on a cleaning binge where I hyper fixate on my apartment one room at a time until the whole goddamn thing looks like it could be coming straight out of a designer tiny house catalog because I'm just???? So excited???? To smell all my nice scented cleaning supplies and play with my pretty new organizer items????
**the best part is that the surprise gift isn't actually a surprise because you get to pick it yourself from one of three options during the order process, but because I have extremely limited working memory and recall, I never remember which one I picked and can somehow have both the experience of a specifically chosen by me tailored extra gift AND a special surprise present I didn't expect at the same goddamn time.
So. A+ marketing strategy honestly, hits me right in the neurotransmitters every time, and given how long I can go without lifting a fucking spray bottle normally, I'm calling it an accessibility tax.
Anyway, horrifically this is only step one of my new cleaning process, and, honestly the rest of it is probably A) personal, and B) gross as hell so I'm gonna put this under a cut and you can feel free to skip it. But all my comrades out there who can't for the life of them keep a cleaning schedule because the dopamine don't work good, get you a cleaning product subscription (Grove isn't the only one but they're all about the same) because that bad boi will get ya every time, tricking you into thinking cleaning is fun by making it feel new and jazzy.
Okay, so your cleaning supplies arrived this week and have been burning a seasonally scented hole in the back of your fucking brain for the last 4 days, and you finally have an entire 24 hour period with zero time specific obligations, which means the cleaning fest can begin as soon as you convince your executive functioning to allow you to put down your phone, stand up, and walk into the other goddamn room.
This takes approximately.....six hours. Mostly because that's how long it takes for your wife to take the dogs to the park for the afternoon and the day has some serious "may not be perceived in your natural habitat" vibes, so that's how long it takes for the house to be empty of every living thing that cannot help but be up in your business. The cats don't go anywhere but that's okay because the second they see you go for the cleaning supplies the retreat to their dens and refuse to come out until at least 24 hours have passed. There is no danger of the cats perceiving you until this whole farce has ended, so the cats can stay.
Now your brain is on some unmedicated OCD, autism, ADHD, CPTSD, and suicidal depression shit and has been since at least 1997, so there's a lot of conflicting motivations/needs happening up in your grey matter meats right now and here's how you're going to rank them for the duration of your cleaning binge:
You skipped your last couple of cleaning deliveries because you were broke and miserable and that means it's been about 2 months since the last time you cleaned anything which would be fine if it weren't for the fact that 2 people, 2 dogs, and 2 cats live in this 550sqft apartment and these 6 living creatures somehow seem to secrete filth like a weird protective outer layer, which means that for the past 2 weeks at minimum you have been Carefully Never Thinking about what might be on the surfaces that you're touching and the only thing allowing you to still set your bare foot down on your hardwood floor is the layer of dirty laundry that develops over everything when you've forgotten to do laundry for a month, and if you have to really think about what you're cleaning you're going to cry, vomit, and then bite something, only possibly in that order
This is true in all 3 total rooms of the house, which means some of what you might have to clean is definitively more triggering than others, but also the dogs DO have a tendency to destroy anything they can fit in their unhinged maws directly on top of your sheets and pillows on the bed and this means that while technically the content is less upsetting, the experience is So Unfathomably Much Worse, but you only ever have one room's worth of cleaning in you per 24 hour period and anyway your wife will be back with the dogs in a max of 2 hrs so some Decisions TM will need to be made
Once the momentum stops so does the cleaning and god help you if you're halfway done because neither your wife nor your trained service animal nor g-d them fucking selves will be able to stop the meltdown that happens every time you have to walk in that room until you manage to finish the job
So you decide to clean in the following order:
Galley kitchen/front entry combo
Pros to this decision:
If your wife brings the dogs back before you're done cleaning the bathroom is the only room where you can close yourself in long enough to finish cleaning.
Tiniest room in the house
Clean tub (don't think about the implications here or you will spend the rest of day in paralyzed hysterics)
Clean toilet (if you even begin to consider the implications of this, drop 50mg of THC tincture immediately or wifey will find you flat on the floor screaming so hard you don't make any noise)
This is where most of your preferred clothes end up when they turn into laundry so the basket of clothes you collect is an absolute guarantee of having the Good Clothes back in rotation if you can also schlep down 3 flights of stairs to the basement at least 3 times to do some washing.
Bathroom is very pretty when clean, and will stand out really fucking hard from the rest of the house after your done which will increase the chances of the OCD making you clean the other two rooms on future 24 hour periods of zero obligation, which will help you roll the cleaning motivation from your delivery over until next weekend because you will need 2-3 weeks to actually clean every room (there is only 24 hr period of zero obligation guaranteed per week)
When you're done cleaning you can take a bath and it'll feel really fucking good as long as you rinse down the shower enough not to have a dermatological reaction to your cleaning products from soaking in tainted water
Now that you have crossed the first hurdle you will need the following supplies in order to complete your mission (supply list backfilled after writing out your entire process because like fuck will you ever remember every item you need in order to clean a room literally ever):
Multi purpose cleaner (with secret ingredient dish soap)
Tub and tile cleaner
Paper towels
Microfiber cleaning clothes (at least 3)
A pair of those shitty dish washing gloves from the dollar tree
Broom and dustpan
Trash bags
Trash bins
Sponge/scrub brush
Phone (for music and also missing all of your wife's text messages and phone calls about the dogs because your brain literally cannot comprehend external existence while cleaning)
Your oldest pair of ER scrub pants and a sports bra built for a fucking linebacker's worth of titty (mine's made of terrycloth because I love myself and would rather die than feel sweat on my skin)
Empty laundry hamper
Now that you collected all of your shit (definitely prior to starting and not by scampering in and out of the bathroom the entire cleaning process like a deranged chicken looking for the Good Foraged Seeds) you're going to hunker down and get to work. You put on your most boogying playlist and get to work.
Step 1) pick up all the textiles on the floor and add them to the hamper (step 1a is to shake them out before throwing them in but you have to walk the line of thinking about this just enough to remember to do it but not so much that you notice all the fuckingggggggg debris????? that falls out of your clothes.
Step 2) pick up any objects off the floor that you will not be throwing away and set them in the bathtub, you'll come back to this later
Step 3) grab that broom and sweep up your floors into a big pile on the floor. Best if you sing and dance and really get all hyped up about your music while this one happens or you will be forced to reckon with how many times your skin has made contact with your floor seasonings.
Step 4) take your new trash pile and scoop that shit into one of your trash bags you don't need to be meticulous here because you'll be doing another pass on the floors later, but you need to get the big stuff up and outta your way.
Step 5) take all the stuff off your sink and add it to the bathtub pile
Step 6) empty the bathroom trash and then pop the bin into the bathtub with everything else
Step 7) spray down every goddamn surface (except the bathtub and its contents) with your multi purpose cleaner. Mine's in an orange bottle and smells like grapefruit because I'm not allowed to eat grapefruit anymore or I'll die, but fuck man I just love grapefruit?????? Floors are included as a surface in this spraydown.
Step 8) use your paper towels to do a first pass of "wiping up" on your surfaces. This will be upsetting. Keep the toilet lid up for emergency vomiting, vut try to head it off by breathing in through your nose for a 4 count and out through your mouth for a 6 count.
Step 9) now that your surfaces are sanitary, spray down another layer of multi purpose cleaner. Floors are included as a surface in this spraydown.
Step 10) use your microfiber cloth to scrub your surfaces and really clean up any of the stuff underneath the stuff. This will be the first time you feel capable of acknowledging the reality of what you are cleaning because at least now it doesn't look like a fucking yeti tracked hair, mud, and plant matter through every inch of your home
Step 11) shake your microfiber cloth out in a trash bag, and then drop it into the laundry hamper
Step 12) remove any items from the tub pile that shouldn't get wet and wipe them down with wet wipes or a damp paper towel before putting them In Their Spot
Step 13) fill the tub with about 2 inches of the hottest water you can manage and toss any rim-of-tub items into your remaining tub pile
Step 14) start washing, drying, and putting away each of the items in the tub pile one at a time until the tub pile is gone. Rim of tub items go in the sink temporarily.
Step 15) spray down the tub with tub and tile cleaner on the outside, inside, and rim
Step 16) use your sponge to scrub the tub with the cleaner and wipe the leavings down onto the floor of the tub.
Step 17) use paper towels to wipe up the leavings on the floor of the tub until it's nearly dry and all debris is removed
Step 18) rinse tub, but no need to get meticulous
Step 18) spray down the tub, the walls of the shower, and the lower half of the shower curtain with multi purpose cleaner
Step 19) use a cleaning cloth to wipe down the entire tub, walls, and curtain
Step 20) thoroughly rinse the tub, walls, and curtain with water and wipe down the outside with damp paper towels
Step 21) spray some multi purpose cleaner directly onto a clean cloth and use it to wipe down baseboards, heaters/radiators, walls, etc.
Step 22) put the rim-of-tub items back on the tub rim now that it's mostly dry
Step 23) spray scented disinfectant in the room including two spritzes directly into the trash can and two spritzes directly into the toilet bowl
Step 24) restock the toilet paper and top off the soap dispenser, etc
Step 25) add a bleach tablet to the toilet tank which you thankfully HAVE been remembering to do regularly because it means you don't have to scrub your toilet bowl literally ever and honestly that's a small mercy because you used to just end every bathroom cleaning day vomiting into the bowl as you cleaned it, so life hack those consequences!
Optional step 26 is to excitedly tell your wife as soon as she and the dogs roll up that you just cleaned the bathroom and she should go see it when she has a minute and she looks at you and says "i take it that's why I couldn't reach you?" And you go "oh shit, we did talk about this didn't we?" And she goes "it wasn't an emergency, but I am glad you're alive" and you go "I'm really sorry I'll figure something out for next time but also it really does look super clean and pretty and I am still waiting on the last little bit of dopamine that comes from external validation and praise?" And she says "fine" and goes to look and then gives you a forehead kiss and says "it looks really good baby, thank you" and you say "!!!!!!!" and then you go collapse in bed for at least an hour while your body catches up with the fucking stunt you just pulled.
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Your bathroom does look fucking spectacular tho, so at least there's that.
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n7viper · 2 years
getting to know y'all~
Tagged by @commander-krios 💖 Thanks bb! I was gonna try to be cool and be like "well I tagged [these people] last time but I'm gonna tag someone else this time!" Except that it turns out I left it open last time 😎 So I'm STILL leaving it open because I'm shy today teehee :3c If you see this, you're tagged! Tag me so I can see your answers! 💖
Nickname: Just Viper :) I've been going by it for probably about 7 or 8 years now. You can call me Nic if you'd like, though. That's technically a nickname too (but is also just my name)
Sign: Aries ♈️ If you're into astrology, I'm apparently Aries sun, Pisces moon, and Libra rising. Whatever that means haha
Last Google Search: Alfajores! A friend sent me a video that had people eating them, so I asked my Chilean friend about them and also went searching for recipes. They look like tasty little cookies, and I wanna try them so badly.
Song stuck in my head: "Remember Me" by Currents
Sleep: I don't typically get as much sleep as I should. I'm a big night owl, and no amount of conditioning changes that. I usually get around 5-6 hours a night because I can't sleep until 2 or 3 but need to get up at 8. (I have tried everything, including medication, trust me) In an ideal world, my sleep schedule would be, like, 6am-2pm lol
Dream Job: This is unchanged from last time. I hate the term "dream job" but I would ideally work in a specific healthcare field or in animal welfare.
Wearing: Comfy black athletic shorts, a blue tie-dye Spiritbox t-shirt, and an Underoath hoodie from the Voyeurist Tour last year :3 (I'm seeing them in a few days, too!)
Favorite Song: Oh, I can't ever just pick one. However, according to last.fm, my most played song of all time is "Slaughterhouse (feat. Bryan Garris) by Motionless in White" with 210 scrobbles. It came out 10 months ago... lmao
Favorite Instrument: I can't play any, but my favourite to listen to is drums. I love absolutely disgusting blast beats; gets me hyped up every time.
Aesthetic: Modern, neon, or pastel-based things. I know, those are all a bit contrasting. My previous answer was fairy kei, and that still stands. Pastel goth.
Favorite Authors: I also don't read books much anymore. My favourite authors are all of the gay ppl writing fanfic in my phone 😘
Favorite Colour: PINK! Pink pink pink pink! I tend to gravitate more towards softer blushes or baby pinks, but most pinks are good. Green used to be my favourite as a kid, and I'm still partial to it.
Favorite animal sound: Same as Kay - cats purring. Alice has a slightly squeaky purr, and it melts my heart every time. It never gets old.
Last song: I'm listening to "Call of the Wild" by Powerwolf right this second.
Last series: I don't really watch much TV. I keep up with AEW Dynamite and Rampage every week, but that's not exactly the same. I binged the first 6 seasons of Letterkenny recently.
Random: Is mashed potatoes and gravy a whole meal? Because that's what I ate for lunch at 3:30pm like a normal human.
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twilightstoned · 3 days
ranking my top 10 anime i've watched so far
this is ranked by personal enjoyment NOT by what's objectively the best! so i can't be wrong! :)
10. Erased
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This one is short and sweet. 12 episodes that keeps you invested the whole time. The only reason why it's not higher for me is because I didn't love the ending, but the whole story leading up to it was such a thrilling, emotional ride.
9. Hunter x Hunter
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I haven't seen this one in like 10 years, but it was the only anime (alongside Cowboy Bebop) that I claimed to like even just a year ago. It's a super fun watch that gets pretty dark and serious as it goes on. The nen power system is one of my favorites in fiction. The chimera ant arc hits hard by the end, I love it. I hope we get a real ending some day.
8. Cowboy Bebop
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Cowboy Bebop was the first anime I ever liked. I was introduced to it by my cousin when I'd sleep over and we'd be watching Adult Swim all night together. I do hold some nostalgia for it, but also it holds up well in all aspects (story, animation, OST, characters). The animation in this show is probably my favorite in all anime. It's such a vibe. It's probably the anime I rewatch the most just because I always throw it on for the vibes.
7. Death Note
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I'm actually surprised at how much I enjoyed Death Note. Like, I know it's beloved by so many, but I had tried it years ago and dropped it (probs due to my undiagnosed ADHD at the time). Regardless, it's fuckin good. The only reason why it isn't in my top 5 I'd say is because I don't love the ending. I think the stronger points were when a specific character was still alive. With that said, I still had a good time watching the whole thing.
Ugh, okay. The top 6 is really hard to rank for me because I love them ALL so freaking much. They can be swapped any other day you ask me (except for my #1 hehe).
6. Fruits Basket
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I have a history w/ this story. I lowkey watched the early 00s version of this like way back in junior high maybe? or high school? I remember loving it, but not finishing it. I had forgotten most of the story over the years and forgotten it even existed for all these years. The only things I can remember from then is that the guys turned into zodiac animals for some reason and Tohru and Kyo had a thing going on.
So, watching the 2019 version this year was such a treat. The story really hits you in the feels. I LOVE that every single character is developed strongly. Tohru is the best girl. It's just such a wonderful story with both heartbreaking and heartwarming moments throughout. I truly love this show SO much. I think I binged the final season in one day. I feel like this could be tied with #5 really.
5. Jujutsu Kaisen
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I watched s1 of JJK like a couple of years ago and then watching S2 while I was sick in bed with the flu late last year is what got me into anime fully. That's why I settled on this being top 5. I don't think JJK has the strongest story out there, but the characters being cool looking and likable plus the cool ass fights are why I adore this show. MAPPA really cooked with the fights. This is the first anime I had to read the manga ASAP after I finished the anime. Yeah, that's about it. It's just a really dope show with sick fights and sick characters.
4. Haikyu!!
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Who would have thought a show about playing volleyball would be THIS good? There are so many hyped moments that had me tearing up out of pure joy. I found myself cheering like I was watching a real live sports match ahahah. The volleyball aspect of this show is quite accurate. It's wonderful to see each player's hard work pay off throughout the seasons/matches. Haikyuu is brilliant at character development and character interactions. It's crazy how it gets you to even feel bad, root for, and even love the players on the opposing teams. I love my main boys at Karasuno so much more though. This show can cure depression. Especially if that depression is from your irl sports team -.- lmfao.
3. Steins; Gate
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This is one of the best stories in anime. I also think that it is the best time traveling story I have ever watched. I know people say up until episode 12 is a slow burner, but I never thought it felt that way. I could just watch all the characters do weird science experiments and random shenanigans together for a whole season or two. Plus, the building up of the mystery and tension during the first half of the show is exquisite. It all pays off in the 2nd half when shit gets crazy. Seriously, this story gets so good it's *chefs kiss* Also, the ending is great and REWARDING after all the suffering Okabe goes through. (Even more after watching Steins; Gate 0!)
2. Frieren: Beyond Journey's End
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Well, Frieren is #1 on My Anime List for a reason. I think the first season we got was perfect in literally every single aspect when it comes to anime. Frieren has my favorite modern animation and artstyle out of everything else I've watched. It's become my comfort show. It's hard to say much more than it's just perfect. The story, the OST, the world building, the characters, the animation. It's all perfect. It's a beautiful reminder to appreciate the people in your life and to live in the moment.
1. Attack on Titan
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Watching Attack on Titan was one of the rare pieces of media where I started watching because of all the hype and it still exceeded my expectations. Before I started this show, I didn't even really think I'd like it because of the dumbest reasons: I didn't like the colors and the story seemed not interesting to me at all. AND OH MAN I WAS SO WRONG! I knew by the middle of s1 that I was watching something special tbf lol.
AoT is the only anime that no other anime can even touch when it comes to brilliance imo. I keep trying to find another tv show that hits as hard for me. This is one of THE greatest stories of all time. I truly wish I could erase my memory of this show and watch it again for the first time.
It has the craziest plot twists. There's so many mysteries throughout the first 3 seasons that kept me absolutely hooked. I love how it takes an even darker and realistic turn in s4 too. It's one of the rare shows where it keeps getting better and better as it goes on. Rewatches of this show are insane as well because of all the foreshadowing that you don't recognize the first time. And to top it all off, the OST by Hiroyuki Sawano is absolutely breathtaking. I seriously can't stop listening to itttt. This has genuinely become my favorite show of all time (sorry Arc*ne, I still love you). It's insane how invested I became in the story and its characters. I still think about it daily. It has some of the PEAK moments in fiction, especially in season 3 and 4. I never thought I'd actually cry watching anime until this one; there were many moments that had me bawling. I could go on and on about this show.
TLDR?: AoT is simply a 10/10 goddamn masterpiece that everyone should watch.
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Okay... that's all. I think this list will most likely change as I watch more anime. I got a long watchlist still.
0 notes
mouseycakes · 10 months
Nine People You Want to Get to Know Better
A rare tag encounter appeared!!! This one's inchresting for sure, so thanks @blind-the-winds for the tag!! :3
To get the tags out first, anyone seeing this can jump in if they wanna!
Now, to the answers:
Current Book I'm Reading: Off to a solid start, I actually admit I haven't picked up a long novel in a while between being caught up in life stuff and work. Hooowever, I've been finally eyeing to read Dead Man in a Ditch by Luke Arnold- basically a mixture of noir mystery and urban fantasy to make for a fun twist about murders- and magic? But also magic's still gone so, no magic. Perhaps. And also finally starting in on The Dark Crystal series as a whole, a goal I made since finishing both the movie for the fifth time alongside a second or third run through of the Netflix series.
Last Song I Listened To: "Square Hammer" by Ghost, based on more like, "last song I binged multiple times in a day recently." I'd be lying if the reason was anything but getting crazy animations in my head for ocs again, this time Lucius flavored! :> Also in general, Ghost's songs have just the right vibes for Forbidden Fruits content in general with the religious/demon themes, plus the ascension vibes on top of that with the echoes.
Currently Watching: If we're talkin' on YouTube, I've reached a ton of rabbit hole content ranging from essays on Tumblr, to essays about way old fibercrafting internet drama, to lost media games. I think I'm starting to realize I really love just popping on video essays of one thing or another and gaining knowledge on something in the middle of drawing and/or crocheting. Course I end up more wrapped up in the essays that I forget the project I'm working on......... On top of that, the last thing I remember watching on streaming services either has to be Arcane, or Across the Spiderverse, both of which I totally recommend watching if you haven't already as a character dynamic enjoyer.
Current Fic I'm Reading: Oof, okay I can vouch on this I actually have been slow to start reading more fics as of recent-recently, but if we count the last thing I read it'd probably be somewhere around chapter 4 of TIS (gotta give kudos where kudos is due, Jax!!! I'm hooked!!). Besides that... does. Does Homestuck count? Dare I say? Either way, it's a Thing I've been on and off reading since Freshman year college so. Better late than never!
Next On My Watch List: I've been meaning to finally finish up Adventure Time AND Tuca and Bertie if that counts!! Outside of that, I know there's a bunch of stuff I have on the bucketlist that I promised to finally watch for both my best friends and my partner alike (in fact I'm supposed to be having a duo watch sesh of the first few seasons of Game of Thrones with one of said besties sometime soon). Otherwise, my watchlist usually consists of random discovery and bouts of "Oh hey, remember that show you were curious about? Yeah, let's see that one!"
Current Obsession: No matter what media I get into next, I always find myself right back with my ocs and building them- the two primary stories for them being Forbidden Fruits and Embroidered Tercet. I can't help it either, the silly little gays lived rent free in my noodle noggin for abouttt... almost 10 years now??? Moreso the FF crew, ET came much, much later. Besides the little guys, I've been bouncing around with various analog horror and general horror game essays, as well as D&D stuff!! Craft/hobby wise, I've been bouncing between crochet, cooking/baking, aaand polymer clay sculpting, with weaving and decoupage as potential pursuits when time and money allows hfhfhf. There's other little things too, but there's a lot to list!
0 notes
mish-tique · 2 years
Hi! Rose here! 🥺🌹
Oh god this is so late, SG gp was so exhausting, had to sleep right after it (but hey C^2 double podium! I missed those)
Gonna be live-asking for kinktober day 2, so SPOILERS after the rose line (even tho i'm very very late to the party)!!
Respect so much for saying fuck u to canon
omega!max my beloved - the nests he'd have would be so full of redbull merch and hoodies stolen from older drivers, but really the best would be his hugs; yeah baby, youre an omega that can still win
“Are you always going to brood when you lose to an omega?” Max asks, “Because if so, the next few years will be hard.” <- OH!!! Love the confidence baby
“Some things are about me. And possibly us.” <- I really am loving the confidence and just going out there to claim what he wants
“What is it that’s stopping you from chasing something you want when you could chase a title a whole season long. Or did you give up on that too? Did you get so close by accident?” <- the dialogues really are WOW
Omega being in control in bed with an alpha! i support this so much
HANDS ON THIGHS!! Lewis' hands on Max's thighs <- it just looks perfect
"Max has a lot to say about that — he doesn’t need permission from anyone to come, but the words are his undoing as he’s pushed over the edge of pleasure and everything is white, the last thing on his mind telling Lewis off." <- hehe, bc at the end of the day, no matter the confidence, the brattiness, we're all just living in Lewis' world
I loved this!! I mean, I haven't read a good 4433 in a while, might go through ao3 to binge read some more. love LOVE the characterisations ( i really loved omega!max if u can't tell). “Oh baby, you come so prettily,” Lewis praises, “But we aren’t done yet.” this last line?! this killed me because then suddenly, after humoring the omega 'in charge' we know that in the next rouunds, it'll be him in charge and max would be just submitting
Using your emoji system, 🚔
As always, roses for you:
-Rose 🥺🌹
Rose sweety!! Hi! Hope you're doing well. And yes, let's just say that a C2 double podium is one of the few good things that came from yesterday's race because what a mess. It was sad that I had to drive bc otherwise I would've fully been able to get drunk. And don't worry, the party will continue to go on a month long so you'll be never late!!
canon is just a suggestion anyways
honestly. confident but bratty 2016 omega max was the only way I could write him but can you imagine that version of max as meek and submissive?? especially to an alpha like lewis? never. at least not until he's like two orgasms in.
Thank you!! I used to write fics with barely any dialogue but it's so much fun to add dialogue in porn
omega's on top!! the agenda i will continue into the neverending world
Tbh I was about to post that fic and that made me realize I hadn't posted any 4433 in a hot minute and when I checked, the last time was July. Whew, wild. Ngl the ship is dying a bit but that can't be that surprising when the bar was 2021 which had me running on anxiety, like, continuously.
Tbh, Lewis is still going to fight to be able to take over from Max. His nest his rules, remember? ehehe.
Thank you for the flowers sweetheart <33
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fyudorx · 3 years
Dear Laura,
It's been eons since we last smashed the keyboard keys to text each other (Was that too dramatic? I don't even know if that's correct English). So, my love, I must ask how are you doing these beautifully gloomy October days? Obsessing over anime as far as I can guess.
Has the pumpkin season started there? I hate pumpkins, I find them too sweet for my tastes. Do you celebrate Halloween? I wish we had something like that in my religion, it's awfully boring being a Hindu. But there are no scruples against celebrating festivals/events from other religions, so maybe I might end up celebrating Halloween afterall. How's it there in your country? Is the coronavirus still a thing? Out here it has partly subsided, but I'm still not allowed to wander off even a single metre away from the neighbourhood. I've started taking care of a little golden-coloured kitten who lives around my house on the streets, since my parents won't allow me to keep any pets. How is your family? I'm hoping they're fine.
My first semester exams are supposed to start on the 15th of November, which means that I'll be gone again soon. I really have to secure a good grade this time, and by good I mean an excellent one because my whole damn future depends on it. I am dead serious. Anyways, I hope you're having/ you had a good day.
Your fellow tumblrina,
P.S. I just realized that I sound like a self-absorbed narcissistic shit.
hello Daisy!
It's truly a misfortune that we have not texted. Your guess is quite correct but besides simply being obsessed with anime I've been obsessed with horror films and books as well. The gloomy October days are my favourites, as I love Halloween and all themes that have to do with horror. I likewise adore the rainy days which are many in October. And because of my birthday being in October. And how has October been for you?
I personally adore pumpkins, especially pumpkin pies. Miserably in my country, we only celebrate midsummer and Christmas, but I like to celebrate Halloween by binge-watching horror films in a dark room. Sadly coronavirus is still a thing but thankfully not as bad as it used to be. That's adorable! I love cats, but sadly my family prefers dogs. How is the kitten? My family is doing fine! And how is your family doing? I hope they're fine as well.
I truly hope your exams will go well! And remember to study, but remember to take care of your health as well, do not overwork yourself! I have exams every other week (sadly) and also two projects and I can't but be quite stressed, but to hope they all will go well.
P.S no, you do not sound like a self-absorbed narcissistic shit at all!
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aistoday · 3 years
Should I watch The Walking Dead again?
I was a huge, I mean, H-U-G-E huge, fan of The Walking Dead. I remember binge-watching the entire first and second season even before binge-watching was a thing.
The internet connection was poor back in those days so I had to wait days, literally, DAYS, before the entire season finished downloading. I'd then spend entire weekends watching every episode back to back. I remember the opening theme music playing in the back of my subconscious mind for months on end. I loved the series that much.
This was me after watching entire seasons in one go.
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However, somewhere along the lengthy ride of season 4 or 5 (I really can't remember), I began losing interest. What started as one of TV's most captivating stories began to feel like an elastic band on the verge of tearing apart. I remember hating The Governor so much that I would want to skip entire episodes just because I hated his guts.
Eventually, I stopped watching. A pattern emerged where the group would settle down in a place, begin civil war among themselves, invite the zombies so they can help tear the place apart, causing the group to leave their temporary home behind before starting the whole cycle again.
If the comments section on The Walking Dead's official Facebook page is any indication, I'm not the only one who felt this way. Many people gave up on the show after a few seasons. But the hype never quite died. I still see TWD coming up on the news and the newsfeed every once in a while, especially when there's a new season and season finale around the corner.
Now, apparently, there's a final season out there. Since I don't remember anything after the first season, if I had to quench my thirst for the renewed interest in the show, I would have to start at season two and watch 9 long seasons to get up to speed.
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That's a big commitment, one that usually keeps me away from getting into critically acclaimed shows like Game of Thrones.
But I'm thinking of giving TWD another go. I don't think I'll like The Governor anymore than I did the last time. But my language knowledge has improved, and I'm sure I'll discover new things that I might have missed the first time around.
I'm still undecided on whether to start this long journey of 10 seasons of The Walking Dead again. They're on Netflix, so I don't have to download anything or keep track of where I am, which is a big reason why I pay for the streaming services.
I'm not looking forward to meeting again the likes of Lori or the Governor, nor am I thrilled for the ride on the elastic band of episodes. However, because I'm bored and I need something at every meal to watch without paying too much attention, I'm thinking of giving it another go.
What do you say? Should I watch all seasons of The Walking Dead again or should I just rely on recaps to binge-read all 10 seasons before heading into the final one?
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eve-berry · 3 years
Happy Holidays People
Heroes of Olympus x OC AU
A world where demigods are just normal kids who want to celebrate christmas.
Gingerbread house decorating with 10+ adhd kids and a child. What could go wrong?
Reviving some dead characters for this oneshot.
“I’ve got a gingerbread house with my name on it. Now if you’ll excuse me, I got some frosting to dye blue.”
“No Leo, you can’t eat the whole house by yourself, you’ll get sick!!”
Warnings: None (if there is something tell me), swearing (because they’re 13-17 years olds, why wouldn’t they swear?)
"So you're telling me you can't bake?" Elena asked, looking apprehensive. Leo grunted in frustration.
"I'm talented. But not that talented, baking simply doesn't fall under my umbrella of talents." He said pouting. Elena pressed a kiss to his lips.
"Great cook. Terrible baker. Good thing for you, the Jackson family has an extensive line of great bakers. Even Percy can bake really well. You should've tried his cheesecake that he made last time. To die for." Elena grinned as she snuggled closer to him on the sofa. The two were wrapped up in a warm blanket
"Don't actually die though." Percy said whispering from his seat beside Annabeth. The two couples had decided to binge watch shows until the Blofis family had returned from their shopping trip. So far they had made it through one season of Merlin before their attention had been turned towards the inevitable Christmas celebrations.
“I just don’t get it, Mom is hell bent on making gingerbread houses. I think the only one who likes gingerbread is Luke and he left for Uni so…” Percy continued chewing his popcorn.
“I think you forgot Estelle and Ere. They are obsessed with the stuff, did you see last Halloween when we made those gingerbread skeletons? I think they went on a sugar high. Mom was literally sobbing trying to get Ere to sleep.” Elena laughed as she went to turn the lights on.
Percy shuddered, “I remember that, Paul and Mom fell asleep before Estelle. That was a terrifying day for everyone, I can still hear those giggles even now.”
“Gingerbread houses are a cool thing to make, sounds fun but why is it taking Mrs Blofis so long?” Leo asked, wrapping himself in the blanket.
“We’ve got loads of people coming. There’s Grover, Reyna, Jason, Piper, Nico, Will, Frank, Hazel, maybe even Bianca and Thalia. I don’t really know.” Elena replied. She and Annabeth cleared the table of all their snacks just as the doorbell rang.
“They’re here.” Annabeth stated.
“They’re here.” Leo squealed.
“Who’s here?” Percy asked.
“Someone’s here.” Elena replied.
The four stood completely silent. 1. 2. 3. They burst out laughing.
“That was some horror movie storyline right there.” Leo wheezed.
“I’ll get the door.” Percy replied walking into the hallway. Elena held her breath straining to hear who it was. That was not necessary at all, the person, or people as it may were so loud Ellie would have needed headphones to hear it in a sensible decibel.
“PERCYYYYY.” A voice rang through the apartment.
“GROVVVVVERRR, MY BRO FROM ANOTHER HOE!!!” Percy yelled in reply, “How's it going? How’s Juniper?”
“She’s doing great.” He replied, a series of loud thunks followed by a certain curly haired boy.
Elena and Annabeth scurried to give him a hug, “Hey Grover.” The two smiled, ruffling his hair.
“Wow.” Leo said, “I’m jealous of you man, I didn’t get such a welcome when I arrived.”
“Oh hush, Leo.” Elena chided, smiling.
“It’s fine man, you’ve got me.” Percy said, pulling Leo into a fist bump.
“Brooo~” Leo said, closing his eyes pretending to wipe away a tear.
“Broo,” Percy replied, wrapping his arms around Leo’s shoulders.
“Oh no. It’s the attack of the homosexuals.” Annabeth groaned as Elena laughed.
“We’re literally the straightest things in the room right now. ” She wheezed as Leo and Percy pulled Grover into their ‘Bromance’ scene. They let this go on for a while as Annabeth and Ellie made their way into the kitchen to clean some dishes.
“Phew.” Elena began washing the last of the soap off her hands, “We really indulged in those snacks.”
“Won’t be surprised if I gain weight by the end of the holidays.” Annabeth muttered.
“It’s fine, you’ll look beautiful regardless.” Elena assured. Annabeth grunted and continued drying the dishes. After a few more dishes, the door bell was heard again. She heard Leo shout for whoever it was to wait. A few thumping footsteps later, the door was open and the sound of voices was heard.
“ANNIEEEEE, ELLLLLLE,” Thalia shouted exuberantly, “MERRY CHRISTMAS.”
The two left the kitchen, the padding of their feet hitting the carpet walking into the living room. “Hey, Thalia. Merry Christmas. Where’s Jason?-”
“MERRY CRISIS MY HOMIES.” Leo called from the hallway.
“It’s Merry Christmas,” Jason corrected as he greeted Percy. The three at the door came carrying gifts and decorations and pretty much a whole banquet.
“Close enough.” Leo replied cheerfully, “Ayo Piper, where’s Shel?”
“She’s celebrating with her family this year. It’s just me, Jason and Reyna this year.”
“Hmm. Bummer. I was gonna show her this new anime Ellie and I found.” Leo deflated as they walked into the living room. Reyna walked in behind them acknowledging the small group, Annabeth shook her hand firmly.
“It’s cool, I’ll just text her the details,” Elena assured her boyfriend. He pecked her forehead affectionately. Annabeth found their relationship so sweet at times.
The soon growing group made themselves comfortable by occupying every seat in the house, dining tables, floors, sofas, if there was space it’ll be used soon.
Annabeth wondered when the others would arrive, she wanted to begin the festivities. Only a few minutes later did the whole gang arrive.
“DING DONG.” A voice called out (screamed), from the front door. Elena and Leo made their way to open the door. Percy made a face.
“Hey guys.” Elena greeted. In front of her stood Will, Nico, Bianca, Frank and Hazel. Leo gave Frank a fistbump. “Merry crisis.” She said, Leo gave her a beaming smile and a firm squeeze to her hand.
“It’ll catch on, just you wait.” Leo said smiling.
“Sure baby. Let’s go inside, it’s getting cold.”
The group walked in greeting everyone exchanging high fives and claps to the back. Nico in particular looked delighted to be there.
“Nico.” Percy began, raising his eyebrows, “why didn’t you just ring the doorbell?”
“I didn’t want to.”
“Why didn’t you open the door?”
“It was locked.”
“Nico. You literally have a set of keys with you.” That last statement was ignored.
“This is gonna be great.” He mused to Will who stood at his side, their arms intertwined. He nodded in agreement.
“They are so cute.” Elena whispered to Bianca. She nodded in return.
“I’m so glad he trusted us enough to come out. He and Will look so good together, don’t know what I’d do if they had kept this a secret.” She whispered back.
“That would be truly tragic. Solangelo for life.” Leo whispered, joining their conversation.
Bianca and Elena nodded, “Solangelo for life.” They agreed.
“Mom says, they’ll be here soon, we should move things away to make more space.” Percy said, putting his phone away, “We’ll make the food on the floor, let’s put down some newspaper.”
They all nodded, and soon the floor was spotless and covered in newspaper.
They all chatted some more, before the familiar jingling of the keys and two excited squeals. The door opened and two very excitable toddlers came waddling into the room. Estelle and Ere both looked delighted by the number of people in the room.
“Ere, my baby, come to Percy.” He cooed, holding out his arms.
“My shining Stella, come here.” Elena said, spreading her arms wide for a hug. The two children waddled to their cousins. Ere embraced Percy, his blonde curls bouncing, whilst Estelle moved to Elena, her green eyes shining with babyish innocence. It was no secret the two doted on their siblings and would do anything for them.
“Hello Mrs Blofis, Mr Blofis.” The group said as they took turns to hold the two children. The two adults came in holding an assortment of bags which Will and Reyna quickly took off them. Estelle had just been passed to Annabeth when Elena’s mother and step-father had entered.
She jumped up from her seat. “Hey mom, dad. Did you get everything?”
Phanes nodded, “Everything’s in the car, these are just the beginning, we need help unloading.”
Leo sprang up, eager to impress. “I’ll go with you Mr Galanis.” He said.
“Sure. We’ll need more help though it’s a lot of stuff.”
“We’ll come as well,'' Frank and Hazel volunteered, walking with them. The five of them went down and out into the street, the cold air nipping at their cheeks, turning their faces red and white. Very festive.
“I heard that it’s meant to snow today.” Phanes said, staring up at the grey clouded sky.
“With climate change happening, I doubt it. It’s only good luck that it hasn’t rained yet but it’ll take a Christamas miracle for it to snow.” Elena stated.
“Someone’s feeling christmassy aren’t they?” He retorted snorting.
“Not at all Papa. I’m just saying,” She refuted indignantly. She could be very christmassy.
“Your father called.” He said as they hauled the groceries up the stairs.
“Really?” she said, “What for?”
“He wants to know if you like your gift.”
“What gift?”
“That’s what I said.”
“It’s probably late, Dad always forgets to do things on time.”
Phanes laughed, “Perhaps.”
“Alright, everything’s set up and ready to go, first we make the gingerbread, then we bake. Make then Bake. Let's get a-moving people” Percy instructed, “recipes are at the table, frosting is made after they’re baked.”
“You can send these to your family once they’re done.” Sophie said as she washed Ere’s hands.
“We’ll make smaller individual ones so we save time and avoid sugar highs.” Sally finished aiming the last part at Estelle in particular who just sat and giggled in Reyna’s lap.
“Move it or lose it people, time to bake!!” Percy yelled as he placed bags of sugar and flour on the floor.
“Is it me,” Leo whispered to Elena, “Or is Percy really motivated?”
“Oh this is nothing. You should have seen the great cookie disaster of 2019.” Elena whispered back.
“What happened then?” Leo asked.
“All I’m saying is that Thalia and Nico shouldn’t be allowed to bake together. You’ll have to ask Percy about it, his point of view is so much better.”
“ELLIE!! LEO!! More making, less talking!!” Percy barked as he furiously stirred a bowl of mixture.
“YES SIR. PERCY SIR.” Leo saluted as the two furiously began mixing. “How’d he do that so quickly?” He asked turning to Elena who also had miraculously almost completed her batter.
“Jackson family magic.” She said simply.
“It’s a Christmas miracle!!” Grover shouted as he watched Sophia Galanis place her trays in the oven. Ere giggled excitedly. The group laughed at the outburst before quickly returning to work.
“MY DOUGH!” Thalia yelped as she dropped her tray. The baking tray fell to the floor quickly clattering loudly as the gingerbread slid slowly revealing a thick sludge.
“Is that your dough Thalia?” Reyna asked apprehensively.
“Are you sure that’s not a biohazard?” Piper asked, looking concerned.
Thalia scowled at the group of teens, “No,” She began, “That’s not a biohazard, it’s my dough.” Ere and Estelle began waddling toward the unknown substance, smiling hysterically.
Percy and Elena lunged at the two before they ever got to their destination. The two children gurgled unhappily as they were given to their respective mothers. “I’m not sure if it's dough.” Hazel began sweetly.
“I’m not sure Thalia knows the difference between dough and batter.” Nico snorted before being elbowed by his boyfriend who muttered something in his ear. “What?! It’s true though.”
Elena rolled her eyes. “Yours isn’t looking so hot either Nico.” She pointed to a dry slab of brown that was placed on his rolling board. He smiled sheepishly.
“We can remake it for you Thalia, I’ll help you.” Hazel offered. Thalia muttered her thanks before sitting beside Frank and Hazel who began reconstructing her piece. Percy and Jason wiped away the last remains of Thalia’s hazardous waste and continued making his.
Eventually after ten bags of flour and copious amounts of sugar, everyone’s houses were ready for construction.
In the time it had taken for everyone’s houses to bake, they cleaned up. Bowls were washed and floors were cleaned. Soon everyone had a mug of hot chocolate and were humming to the Christmas songs that played on the tv. Everyone sat on a couch chattering away, recommending movies and songs to each other.
“KIDSS!!” Sophia yelled, startling the group, “Cookies are ready, time to get that frosting ready.”
Everyone scrambled from their seats hoping to get a glimpse of their cookies. “I think someone burned theirs.” Sally announced.
Will cursed. “Dammit, I knew I should have made the walls thicker.”
“Don’t worry Will. It’s mine.” Jason confirmed sadly.
“Oh. How?” Will asked sympathetically.
“I have no idea man.” Jason said, shaking his head.
“It’s alright Jason, we can share mine.” Thalia offered. “Thank God Hazel helped me remake mine, I think I would be houseless by now if it weren’t for her.”
Hazel blushed, “It was no problem, really.”
“Accept the compliment Hazel,” Bianca said, “It’s not everyday Thalia gives those out.”
“So what’s your favourite christmas song?” Frank asked as they whipped their frosting and made the glue for their houses’ foundations.
“Mines probably, Last Christmas.” Reyna replied.
“Same,” Elena, Piper, Thalia and Bianca said in unison.
“I like Jingle Bells by Michael Bublé.” Jason answered.
“Me too.” Grover said fistbumping Jason.
“Deck the Halls.” Will and Leo replied.
“Underneath the Tree - Kelly Clarkson.” Nico remarked. Heads turned to him as he shrugged. “I like her voice, it's very powerful.” He said simply.
“All I want for Christmas is You.” Annabeth answered violently, whipping her icing.
“Cool- Annie… Calm down. The frosting will become too stiff if you beat it up like that.” Elena said awkwardly as Annabeth slowed down.
“What about you Percy?” Frank asked, setting his bowl down on the dining table.
“Ughh.” Annabeth and Elena groaned.
“What?” Frank questioned.
“Don’t even get us started on Percy’s favourite.” Elena moaned in annoyance. “He wouldn’t stop singing it from the beginning of December until the new year. It was all we heard him sing.”
“It’s probably the only song that he can sing with his musical talent.” Annabeth said, rolling her eyes.
“Well I’m dying to know now.” Leo objected. Percy, who had been quietly stirring his frosting, looked up and smirked.
“Oh no. He’s gonna sing it. Aight, I’m out.” Elena said, throwing her hands up in defeat. She had only just managed to join the adults in the kitchen before she heard him wail loudly.
“Is Percy singing again?” Paul asked, patting Estelle’s hair down.
Elena groaned, “Of course he is.”
Sally laughed airily, “Sometimes I wonder if that is my child.”
Sophie laughed, “Oh be quiet Sally, he’s exactly like you when you were younger. A literal wild child.”
The group laughed for a while before Elena decided it was safe to return to the living room. When she renentered she almost started sobbing. Percy had roped all the boys into an impromptu karaoke and apart from Will, the others couldn’t carry the tune and had begun (deliberately) singing off-key. Bianca looked as if she would burst out in tears from trying to hold in her laugh.
“I can see me now on Christmas morning. Creeping down the stairs~” Nico warbled as he blushed bright red. This was not going how he wanted at all. The song finally came to an end with Percy who screamed loudly.
“I should have stayed with the adults.” Elena groaned.
“You should have stayed with the adults.” Thalia agreed.
“I did stay with the adults.” Reyna said, appearing from the kitchen.
“Good choice.” Piper said, breaking a tiny piece of her gingerbread man. She frowned, “Oh look Mini Jason lost his leg.” She ate the piece. Piper offered it to the girls around her. “Oopsie,” Elena said, “He seems to have lost his head.” She began chewing slowly.
“I take it he lost an arm as well?” Annabeth questioned breaking off the right hand. Jason shuddered in horror.
“Oh dear,” Hazel said grinning, “He’s just lost his other leg.” She broke off his left leg.
“The other hand seems to be missing too.” Bianca said joining in her eyes shone maliciously.
Soon only the torso was left. They stared at Thalia and Reyna who snapped it in two.
“What body?” Thalia asked as she ate her piece. Reyna followed suit as the boys quivered in fear.
“I think you're a dead man Jason.” Leo whispered.
The girls cackled. “Nah, it’s cool Jason won’t die.” “Then why’d you do that?” He asked in a small voice.
“We can’t let you boys get away with thinking you get to have all the fun. We just had to show you who really rules around here.” Piper said, winking.
“That was your idea of fun?” Grover whimpered, “I almost wet myself.” Annabeth shrugged, “No harm done… Except for Mini Jason. He lived a good life. Sweet, crispy and the perfect amount of ginger. Piper’s cookies taste good.”
Percy stood and nodded his head apathetically. “Reasonable enough.”
“You’re okay with this?” Leo asked near shrieking.
He nodded, “ This is nothing bro. When I was little, I accidentally broke Ellie’s hair clip and she carried a doll named Perseus around for weeks. Every time I saw him he had less and less body parts.” Percy shuddered involuntarily.
“That was my favorite hair clip.” Elena said nonchalantly.
“We were 13 and I almost pissed myself every night.” Percy protested.
“I apologized, didn't I?” Elena countered. Percy almost went blue in the face. He breathed in, inhaling and exhaling deeply. “I’m doing this for the cookies, not the drama.”
Elena smirked, “I came here for both.” Percy grinned and stood up.
“Where are you going?” Grover asked.
“I’ve got a gingerbread house with my name on it. Now if you’ll excuse me, I got some frosting to dye blue.” He flounced off sassily into the kitchen to retrieve his house.
“Oh right. We were baking.” Will said. Nico smacked his forehead.
“How did we forget?” Reyna smiled.
“No idea.” Piper mused.
The floor was covered in sprinkles. Everytime someone moved you heard the jarring crunch of sprinkles as someone swore.
“Holy motherfu-” Hazel began as she stepped on a particularly pointy snowflake decoration.
“Language.” Reyna cut in.
“Sorry.” Hazel apologized, underneath her breath she mumbled the rest of her curse. “Why the heck are the decorations so bloody painful?”
“No idea.” Percy said, piping his frosting. Estelle waddled in holding a cookie in her hand.
“Percyyy.” she giggled.
“Hello little star. Wanna help me decorate?” he asked, kneeling down. She nodded her head enthusiastically. Percy picked up his sister and set her at the edge of the table holding her down in case she wiggled around. He put some frosting on the roof as Estelle watched. He handed her a blue piece of candy. “Stick it on wherever you feel like Stella.”
Percy watched as Estelle sloppily stuck the candy onto the roof. He pressed it in further to keep it in place. “Let’s do the rest ok Stella?” She nodded, biting into the cookie she held in her hand.
“Stella, you're drooling.” Elena commented, wiping it away with a tissue. Estelle simply giggled.
“Like brother, like sister.” Annabeth said, earning a snort from Elena. Percy gave an offended huff but continued decorating with Estelle. He turned to look at everyone else’s houses, his jaw dropped.
“Leo… Annabeth… How?? When?? Why are they so good??” He asked as he watched the two working on one big piece.
“What do you mean?” Leo asked licking some frosting off a spoon.
“There were five pieces for each person. Meaning there are probably only ten pieces for you two. How???” Percy asked. The group turned to stare at Leo and Annabeth’s creation. Elena choked on her hot chocolate.
“Baby… Annabeth… How the fu-” She covered Estelle’s ears. “How the fuck did you manage to build the fucking Disney castle with only ten pieces?!”
Leo scratched his head quizzically. “Well. We stole Jason’s burnt one and scraped off the burnt parts and Annabeth did the design and dimensions. It was easy so we built it. It could be better though if we had more parts.”
“You did this in what? One hour and say ‘it could be better’ you’re kidding right?” Bianca asked. “Here take my pieces. I’m gonna be out of business now. I’m selling my house to you.”
Leo shook her hand. “Pleasure doing business with you Bianca Di Angelo. Anyone else looking to sell?”
Everyone gave their pieces.
“Well we can’t do all this by ourselves. Come on time to help out guys.” Annabeth said, handing out piping bags. “We’ll show you where to stick and decorate. It’s simple. Plan. Stick. Decorate.”
“Yes Ma’am.” They saluted before continuing helping out. In about an hour, they were done with their castle. The tower had thousands of sprinkles and intricate icing in layers holding together hundreds of sweet confectioneries.
“Where did you find the panes for the windows?” Nico asked.
“Found them.” Leo said proudly.
“Is it edible?” Nico asked.
“Leo.” Nico narrowed his eyes. “Is it edible??”
“Well.” Leo began, “You see…”
“Leo.” Nico said growling.
Leo threw up his hands, “I’m joking, it’s made of sugar, Aunt Sophie made it.”
“So much for sending them to friends.” Elena laughed.
“Let’s take a photo. We can use them as holiday cards.” Will suggested.
“That could work.” Sally said, “Everyone gather around Disney castle.” They shuffled around kneeling to the floor. Tallest on the floor and shortest at the back. Hazel and Elena were placed in the back. Ere and Estelle were placed at the front being held by Jason and Percy.
Paul brandished a camera. “Everyone say ‘Merry Crisis.’ ’’ Leo punched the air in triumph.
“I told you it’ll catch on.” he said happily to Elena.
“I never said it wouldn't,” She replied, patting his head, “When did Paul even catch that phrase?”
“I might have been very sublty substituting it with Merry Christmas.” Leo admitted.
“Everyone ready. 3. 2. 1.”
“MERRY CRISIS!!!” They yelled.
After they sat for the photo they broke off pieces of the castle either to send to relatives or to eat.
“I really like this.” Leo commented swallowing his
“You’re only saying that cuz’ someone spiked the eggnog.” Percy smirked.
Leo dropped his cup. “What?!”
“Look!!!” Nico yelled pointing to the window. Everyone looked out the window. Nothing. “Haha. There’s nothing there I just wanted to see which one of you losers would look outside.”
“Nico play nice.” Bianca chided smacking the back of his head.
“Look.” Will said. They stared at him apprehensively. “Not at me. Look out the window now. It’s snowing.”
Elena looked out the window to see small snowflakes fluttering down from the sky, she peered down to see the whole street partially buried in snow. “That wasn’t there before.”
“It’s a Christmas miracle.” Phanes exclaimed.
“It’s a miracle no one looked out the window for the last five hours.” Elena retorted.
“Well let’s go outside then.”
After multiple attempts, everyone was successfully out the door and into the nearest playground.
“OOF” Elena said as she slipped on the sidewalk falling face first into a fresh field of snow.
“Careful baby.” An unfamiliar voice cautioned her. She looked up and saw someone unexpected.
She looked up, “Dad?”
“Hello Angel.” the voice said again.
She let herself be helped up from the floor before giving her dad a hug.
“Hey Angel.”
“What are you doing here? You live in California.”
“Surprise~ Do you like your christmas gift? I’m staying in NY for the week.” He asked in a sing-song voice.
“That’s great Dad.” Elena said enthusiastically.
“I also bought a gift for Nico and Bianca.”
“Really? Where?” She asked.
“Behind you.” Another voice whispered.
“HADES?” Elena exclaimed. “FATHER?!” Nico yelled.
“DAD??” Bianca asked
“It’s me!!” Hades said awkwardly.
“I managed to convince this man to get off work to spend time with his children.” Thanatos admitted proudly.
“I’m here for a week and I’m going back to work.” Hades piped in.
“That’s… that’s… wonderful.” Nico said slowly. Bianca ran (read: stumbled and wobbled worse than Bambi as a newborn baby) to hug her father. “Hey Dad, it’s been so long. We’re gonna have so much fun with the four of us and Will.” She said, squeezing him tightly.
“That’s amazing,” he wheezed, “One question, who’s Will?”
“Dude you didn’t tell your dad about me?” Will asked, sounding more bemused than hurt.
“I haven’t seen the man in person in over two years, how am I gonna introduce you to him over the phone in a three minute conversation?” Nico asked defensively.
“Nico.” Hades began, “Who is this handsome young man? Why haven't we been introduced before?”
“He’s…” Will raised his eyebrows, “He’s… let’s get you and Thanatos inside, it must be cold out here.”
Elena laughed, patting Nico on his back as he led his father back towards the apartment block.
“Merry crisis Nico, merry crisis.”
“YESS!!” Leo pumped the air in celebration, “I knew it’d catch on.”
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