#im easily satisfied like that
claratwelve · 9 months
yeah no okay i just finished s13 and i loved it, that was some good cinema
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waywardsalt · 10 days
god im so glad i got smt iv and decided to go in blind
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seaquestions · 7 months
i dont know how it took me this long to fully come to terms with it but. im literally just aro. or something to that effect.
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carcarrot · 2 months
ok letterboxd update: ive logged everything ive watched since the start of september 2023 however:
im missing januarys movies (will update)
most of the gaps in movie diary months are when ive watched a tv episode (mostly columbo, occasionally mst3k or rare days when ive just watched what was on tv)
i havent counted movies ive watched while commuting/at work yet
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my-thoughts-and-junk · 3 months
i have to think about chilchuck and laios forever
#random thoughts#dungeon meshi#the fact laios is holding back so much anger and he's the one who chilchuck lets out so much of his anger on#like you've seen how many times he beats on him and degrades him and laios just takes it#they're both holding so many secrets from their party like???#chilchuck's entire personal life. laios's interest in monsters and kensuke.#the fact laios somehow hid his interest in eating monsters from the entire party before this???#laios is estranged from his parents and very close with his sister. chilchuck is estranged from his wife and very close with his daughters#chilchuck thinks laios knows him better than anyone else in the party. chilchuck canonically thinks laios is dangerous and unreasonable#which like? reductive but accurate.#laios holds the lives of those he cherishes above all else. the world could go to hell for all he cares as long as those he loves are safe#chilchuck fears intimacy and could never admit how much he values the people around him unless under severe threat#god. i have to read dungeon meshi again. i need to analyze them#one self-sacrificing dumbass and one self-preserving selfish dumbass#laios has problems putting his needs first when it comes to those he loves. i can easily see that conflicting with chilchucks selfishness#i do think after chilchucks failed marriage he would become more hypervigilant in his relationships once he allows himself to date again#like he doesn't necessarily understand what he did wrong but he knows he did something#god the irony of someone so perceptive failing to recognize his wife's needs#imagining chilchuck recognizing laios is not satisfied by something and he asks him abt it and laios is like 'no im fine dont worry abt me'#like fully sincere. laios is used to denying himself what he needs for others#ran away from home when falin was being mistreated. sacrifices his body in the end when he becomes The Big Guy#suppresses himself to try and make others like him more or at least dislike him less#do you think he'd suppress himself at first when in a relationship with chilchuck out of fear of driving him away#chilchuck's perception vs laios's poor masking fight fight fight#god they both fear each other leaving. laios because he fears being like his father and driving chilchuck away like his dad drove him away#and chilchuck because his wife left him and he didn't fully understand Why.#the fact chilchuck thinks laios should act like more of a leader. do you think he fears becoming a poor leader like his dad?#chilchuck trusts and values laios as a leader and that scaring the shit out of both of them 👌👌👌#this is why they're switches okay
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palukoo · 6 days
I know I’ve made other posts talking about or alluding to this but like. obviously there are like the old hollywood movies in the sort of dyke subtext canon (all about eve, rebecca, johnny guitar, etc) but like. there are so many movies that like 10 people have seen but I have such a clear gay vision or interpretation for it. most of them aren’t even GOOD. and yet!!
like the great lie is the one that haunts me the most (or the women but I think that one is kind of different for me perhaps bc I’ve already talked about it here a lot or perhaps bc I think of it as being more well known and watched than I think it actually is? actually it’s probably that I think it is an overall good and well executed and entertaining movie which isn’t really true of most of these tbh). but I also think a lot about like when ladies meet, or old acquaintance, or sadie mckee, or the shining hour, or the model and the marriage broker, or a woman’s secret, or the bigamist, or craig’s wife, or born to be bad, or separate tables, or even dark victory to a degree. others too certainly those are just the ones that come to mind. for half of these it’s not even like oh these women are gay together it’s just like hey I think she’s a lesbian. and I’m right. but my genius will never be fully appreciated in my day unfortunately.
#a woman’s secret has kind of been haunting me since I watched it like a week or so ago in that it’s literally got so many interesting#pieces and facets and I find so much of it very interesting but they just like really don’t dig in or come together so it’s enough that#I think about it and not remotely satisfying which I’m beginning to think is just how I feel about nicholas ray’s stuff. I don’t really#have a large sample but like born to be bad is not a movie that I think is good but it has like infected me somehow. which i did and still#do largely attribute to joantaine. but like idk. and also I wanted to like Johnny guitar and obviously there’s a lot of interesting stuff#in there to dissect it just… feels unsatisfying/like it doesn’t come together. idk what it is.#also like it is fully sampling bias that across the three I listed as noted subtext and then all the others I listed#there’s uh. 4 joan crawford movies 4 bette davis movies 3 joan fontaine movies#but it’s still really funny to me lmao… I will say how did I not list ANY babs movies… that can’t be right… I mean like night nurse#and ladies they talk about def have some gay moments and like. walk on the wild side exists lmao#but I wouldn’t really consider any of those to be consistent with the thing I’m trying to describe here lol#anyways. I think that’s enough rambling for now.#old hollywood#my post#also I would happily expand on my vision for any of these lmao. it’s just that I think it generally requires a certain familiarity with the#movie itself and. a lot of these I wouldn’t necessarily recommend? not that they’re all bad just like. not incredible idk#which kind of hinders this a bit. and now like I could give background provide clips etc but then that’s requiring a level of effort#that I’m not gonna spontaneously exert while sitting in bed Thinking. which is what this post is lmao. (‘that’s enough rambling for now’#I said several tags ago… a fact which I could easily change but shan’t.)#(edit of prior tags to say that I wrote the tags before mentioning the women in this post bc idk for a moment I lived in a world in which#everyone knew the women was about dykes. so anyways it’s now 5 joan movies 4 joantaine movies#which is neat. the sampling bias is also fun bc like yes 5 joan movies is a lot to mention but I’ve seen like 30 joan movies so.#of course there are other movies of hers where I would be calling her gay but like im less invested. joantaine is a lot funnier to me bc#I’ve only actually seen 7 joantaine movies. and like ok including the bigamist is admittedly wild given that my queer interpretation of it#is like. her and ida lupino who do not so much as meet in the film. but the extent to which I wish they did fuels me)
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Actually foaming at the mouth, I can't stand an unsatisfying ending, either everyone has to die so no hard feelings are left or it has to be the fairytale happily ever after, no in-between. I don't care if the shows not finished, I'm tweaking so hard rn.
(This is the post I found out you can only have 30 tags)
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bahoreal · 1 year
I love Number Four Was Always You so much. 😭 This last chapter was so good. I love that the others are so concerned for Trent. I am too! I know you're gonna give us a happy ending, but poor Trent doesn't. I love that Beard is being protective over him. It's just. So good. My favorite fix-it fic that I know I'm gonna reread over and over when it's done. Thank you. 💚
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you have no idea how much this means to me it makes me so happy that youre enjoying my fic!!! the ensemble cast and their dynamics are so important to me, and getting that across in fic is really difficult, so knowing its really resonating is making me go 🥹🥹🥹🥹 literally all the time! poor trent is in his dark forest right now but his happy ending is coming!! he'll get there!! the next two chapters will be a lot for him but there will absolutely be a happy ending!!! thank you so much for sending this and for reading!! ♥️♥️♥️
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queenangst · 2 months
why can't i enjoy how i draw characters like ever
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00queasy00 · 11 months
x rambles in the tags about my art struggles, nothing new to see :0
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rominasaintofthebud · 7 months
im very proud of myself i did all of dark souls 1 remastered today and i DIDNT even cheat myself to level 300. i only did that once id done everything else and wanted to try and twoshot gwyn with dark bead
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yasashiiku · 1 year
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@raytm sent a crow ;
⏰ something with shou’s dad !
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𝑷𝒓𝒐𝒇𝒆𝒔𝒔𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒂𝒍𝒊𝒔𝒎 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒆𝒕𝒊𝒒𝒖𝒆𝒕𝒕𝒆 𝒘𝒆𝒓𝒆 𝒏𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒓 𝒚𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒈𝒓𝒂𝒄𝒆 , necktie nearly suffocating your breath, it felt like a leash more than anything else, an invisible rope connecting your neck to the hands of forced obligations and fake roles. Usually, you could avoid gathering without a problem, you simply don't go, choosing to hide away in your room or in Fukuda's apartment. But things are different this time, not as easy, not when the meeting is in your own house, not when the party was alive right beneath your watching eyes. The second floor was somewhat calmer, the guests mostly crowding the first one more and more by the second, your arms rest upon polished marble railing, taking in the scene from above.
Everyone knows you, greetings and introduction were a painful duty, you bore too much a resemblance to the host to not be recognized. You don't know anyone except, of course, the host, the false king, the shithead with the tongue dripping of honeyed lies and promised power. Your father. He stands there surrounded by the adoring crowds, men and women well dressed for the occasion with greedy smiles and gleeful eyes and empty heads. Your father sure has way with words and people, that bastard, with how he managed to make all of those airheads believe that they'd get even a drop of benefit by joining him in his quest to " create a new world. "
What a laughing stock, fucking idiots, give it a few hours and whatever names were heard today would be erased from your father's mind the next day, only kept in tight contracts and signed papers that funneled whatever the hell Claw needed to grow. You can picture some of them getting recruited against their will or something, the ones with the psychic auras annoyingly clogging your senses, weak as they are, they might prove themselves useful. The rest, however, you just know terrible things await them, there was even the possibility of getting murdered, you scowl at their unpleasant gathering, you sure hope the majority get killed.
❝ Shou-kun, ❞ you don't respond, they don't intend on hearing you out anyway. ❝ Suzuki-san expects you down in the next 10 minutes. He says that your presence at the meeting is important. ❞
You want to do something, cause something, something stirs inside of you and it's growing and hurting and dangerous. You wonder what a hall full of terrified shrieking would sound like, you wonder who would be the victim, the guy who shook your hand earlier with bloodlust in his eyes, or the woman who whispered something about using telekinesis to get rid of witnesses of a crime. You wonder if anyone would try to stop you, but you just know that you'd end up with selfish cowards running away for their lives.
You can teach them a lesson, you can be terrifying and unforgiving and righteous. You can hurt them. Every single one of them is guilty of this hell arising, and every single one of them deserves to get hurt.
Your father's gaze meets yours from downstairs, and whatever moved inside of you was instantly slayed by the sharpness of those eyes so similar to yours. You move right away, not wasting a second in staring back.
They deserve a lot of things, you can do a lot of things, but it doesn't change what you are, just a cowardly thing bleeding on the inside.
You stand motionless in front of large doors, your father right besides you, his aura hidden so well that you can't even sense his presence and it aggregates you so much you simply want to curse him right then and there for everything he is putting you through and for everything he has ever done. He walks in before you do, you take off the necktie with so much force it almost hurts, the material burns in your hands thanks to pyrokinesis and disappears into thin air before you enter to greet yet another group of fools.
You, too, are a fool in your own way. You just refuse to accept it, you can't live with such knowledge.
❝ My son, ❞ Your father announces to wide windows and golden lights and conceited men surrounding the gleaming meeting table, his hands rest upon your shoulders, too close for your liking. You don't look at anything ahead, taking interest in the sickening white tiles beneath your feet. ❝ An esper. ❞
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Only then you decide, if you can give them a taste of what awaits, then you won't miss such a chance. You look up with a level to your head, and a smile helps you to bare your teeth. The force of your aura spreads across the room, pressing on the air and making it hard to inhale, your father wouldn't notice, and if he does, you can't give a shit, it's not like a little fun would ruin everything for him. Even if you foolishly wish from the bottom of your beaten heart that it just would.
Proud hands on your shoulders, a threatening smile to your lips.
You set beside the marble railing. The house is empty and dark just as it's large and deserted. The months killed the parties and the gatherings and Claw and everything that had to do with it. You're free of professional leashes and stupid obligations, yet you wonder if something inside of you got killed along everything else.
Proud hands on your shoulders, the same hands around your throat.
You wonder how long you will keep on bleeding for all the things you can do.
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orcelito · 1 year
ok i finished re-editing ITNL chapter 6 & posted it. also i finished chapter 5 yesterday & forgot to say anything lskdjfslkdjf
man. chapter 6 sure is something. lots of catharsis here.
#speculation nation#itnl shit#im now on page 60 of 190 for the overall doc. so. im making progress.#stilllll only about a third of the way thru in word count I Guess. but the latter stuff will hopefully not take me as long.#i was stuck on a bit of chapter 5 for a few days. which held me back. but im through that now.#and there were some wordings and such i wanted to change in chapter 6. minor things. but still things that were bothering me.#chapter 7... nothing major that i can think of. just gonna check for general wordings probably#chapter 8 there's smth that i know i want to fix. shouldnt be too hard to do.#chapter 9 has a sentence i struggled with and was not satisfied with so im probs gonna go back and try to improve that again#but HOPEFULLY it won't take me too long to do. chapter 9 is a pretty short chapter overall.#chapter 10 & onwards is around when i started taking More Time for chapters due to life things#which means they were less rushed AND THUS will hopefully have less things i want to fix with them#aka. they will not take as long to edit. Hopefully.#i know ITNL readers are wanting that chapter 15 already and Believe Me i want it to. but im committed to this full re-edit.#i needed to reread ITNL anyways to get back into the mindstate. and i sure am reading.#editing makes it so i take slower than a simple reread. i could read 75k words in a day Easily if it was just a matter of reading.#but i care about fixing up a bunch of the little issues that have been bothering me. and so im doing a total re-edit.#im making solid progress. best case scenario i could maybe finish in like a week. im gonna try.
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mmm-asbestos · 2 years
Like i feel like i should be wanting to draw something but i dont want to draw anything idk hows that supposed to be combated
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hoodiedeer · 1 year
whenever i look at stuff like other peoples artfight pages or dealers den booths or tumblr blog themes or ref sheet graphics, i get sad and wish that i had a consistent visual aesthetic or style like everyone else seems to have.......
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exculis · 1 year
i feel just as hungry now as i was before i ate a big bowl of ravioli.
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