#yeah actually i do remember lol it was in 2014 and the show i was binging was doctor who
claratwelve · 6 months
yeah no okay i just finished s13 and i loved it, that was some good cinema
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watermelonsugacry · 1 year
I lovehe relationship yn has w the tomlinsons😫 like how she has a secrete handshake with the twins and how lottie is like her little sister and LOUIS IS LITERALLY A DREAM FRIENDSHIP
I have this thing where i like to think that yn was a big fan of paramore, and she also wrote some hits like only exeption (it just screams her and also it reminds me of how she would feel abt harry)
I also see her writing 'girl crush' when harry and taylor were dating and then saling it in 2014 but idk thats just me
And am i the only one who sees a PERFERT friendship between her and jennifer lawrence??
Whats the readers networth? Like i know that shes rich but how rich🤔
On a scale of 1-10 how famous is she? Like comparing to a big celebrity like Beyonce is she just as famous or..?
Whats her favorite colour?
Who is more clingy, harry or her?
Besides harry and louis who is her bestfriend that she hangs out w the most
What are some celebrities that got a crush on her and who has made that public
The weeknd has a song 'the party & after party' and it kind of sounds that hes describing a girl like yn "with your louis v bag, tats on your arms, high heels shoes make you 6 feet tall.." so are there some speculations ab this from the fans?
AND LAST is the reader the teaser in the relationship or does harry like to make fun of her more? ( srry if theres any mistakes)
same!! they're family 🥰
funny enough, i actually picture a lot of paramore's music to be the music that yn would make with her band when she was in high school!
in the 1d!yn universe, she wrote Girl Crush!! (I remember talking about it a while ago on here but I forgot what year she wrote & sold it lol)
I don't know much about jennifer lawrence but thats an interesting pair 👀
I'll base it off of ariana grande's net worth at 240 million. But we all know that no number can amount to her actual worth 💅
I'd say that on a scale of 1-10, she's about an 8. She's a household name and an absolute force to be reckoned with. She's the type of famous that she forgets that she is and she'll record herself reacting to tiktoks lying down in bed, make-up free, and just lose her mind laughing. Or there was another time when she took herself out on a brunch date bc Harry went out to play golf that morning. Two girls approached her table and politely greeted her, said how much they loved her and had tickets to see her show that night. But before they could leave, YN invited them to sit with her and spent the rest of the morning eating and chatting with them.
Her favorite color is lavender 💜
Harry is the more clingy of the two! He's always the one who lays himself on top of her when she's about to get out of bed. When they arrive at the stadium he's going to perform at, her hand is constantly intertwined with his. When she's doing some last-minute rehearsals and sound checks, he's sitting at the edge of the room as he watches her work while still giving her her space. Or when she's in her home studio, he insists that she sits in his lap as she works because he's missed her all day, promising that he won't be a distraction to her (even though he totally is). And don't get it twisted, she can be clingy too sometimes; she's just better at hiding it.
Her other good friends that she hangs out with whenever she can are: Abel (the weeknd), Perrie Edwards, and Alisha Davies (an old friend from Doncaster turned choreographer).
oh my gosh where do I even begin?! There's a couple that initially come to mind: Matt Healy, Alex Turner, and Taron Egerton. For some reason, I can hear Matt say in an interview: "YN YLN is totally fit. Yeah, she's a fucking babe she is."
OOO definitely! Fans from both fan bases had speculated that they might have dated in 2017 (they didn't) bc that's when they hung out in public for the first time. Some people still speculate that Abel might have a crush on her til this day.
I'd say they share the teasing role. She throws playful jabs at him left and right, but she's the one who helped coax out that side of him. While they tease one another behind closed doors ALL the time, their favorite time to make fun of each other is at each other's shows.
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hrodvitnon · 4 months
On Godzilla's voice, cuz I've seen a few people weigh in on it:
I do like the Kratos idea. Fits very well and I hadn't actually heard that as his headcanon voice before. I've actually heard and had this exact conversation a lot with people lol, so here's some other ones I've heard as well as my own personal HC for this.
Surprisingly, I've heard Iron Bull more for Goji than I have Kong. Granted, in the same breath I've also heard Ramon Tikaram (voice of Godrick in Elden Ring, Ramattra in Overwatch, someone from FF16 who's name I can't remember and doesn't show up on IMDB, and most importantly Dorian Pavus from DA:I) as Ichi's voice. I actually really vibe with Ichi sounding like Dorian just because I think it's funny, but yeah I can also see why you'd have him sounding much more menacing having written Abraxas. Also the implication of Goji being Bull and Ichi being Dorian is equally funny to me.
A long time ago someone made the connection between Mothra and Aerith from FF7 and that has lived in my head rent free for so long that I can never unhear it. Had a brief period when I thought of Goji sounding like Cloud, eventually abandoned that for my actual HC in the next paragraph.
The voice I personally hear him with is Daisuke Tsuji's Jin Sakai from Ghost of Tsushima. Someone (I think it was Dougherty, can't remember exactly tho) once described Legendary Goji's personality as 'The Last Samurai' archetype, and I guess that really stuck with me when I played Tsushima. Jin's just general- everything- in that game reminds me of Goji a lot. He's protecting his domain from those that seek to conquer it or do it harm, calm and stoic with rare bursts of emotion, can occasionally be snarky or humorous with people he trusts, etc. Idk he just really does it for me lol.
(just now checking his imdb and realizing he also voiced Scorpion in the newest mortal kombat and a fortnite character lmfao)
Y'know, I've only ever heard the Japanese dub for Ghost of Tsushima (I keep forgetting there's an English dub), but I'd say Jin's Japanese VA might be good for Goji as well. I wanna say Gareth Edwards was the one who made the samurai comparison? It feels appropriate considering Goji was characterized as old and tired in 2014.
...Aaaaaand now I'm picturing a gijinka Ichi trying to grow out some facial hair appropriate of his Kingly Status and ends up with Dorian's silly hipster 'stache and nobody takes him seriously because of it. (Ni gets mutton chops and San a goatee; they only have a full beard if they're in one body.)
"Uh-oh! Look out, guys, Hipster McObscure from the 2010s is mad about the mainstream! He's gonna wear a scarf ironically because it's warm outside!"
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danphantom · 4 months
oh hey i wanna talk abt smth thats been on my mind both lately and on and off for a while in general. sorry this ended up being a hella long post lol. but i have a lot to say
so...for context, ive been in the phandom for 10 years--since 2014--though it has admittedly been on and off in terms of engagement from me. in 2017 i got into dragon ball and all but dropped danny phantom completely with a few small drawings here and there. it was only like..within the past week that i actually got back into the phandom legitimately again, actively making art and posts about it and engaging with the source material and etc
anyway, i was obsessed with dp from 2014-late 2017 (until i got into dbz). i made lots and lots of fanart, played the gba games like all the damn time (i got to where i could speedrun tue lol), rewatched the show regularly...i was even one of those fans that bought obscure merch and learned useless trivia that ive since forgotten. in 2015 a lot of you may remember that i made @doppelgangercomic, a comic about an au i had where dan got a redemption arc (albeit a bumpy one) and future vlad was there and stuff happened (go read the comic LOL). it got a LOT of love and traction! it made me really happy to see all the positivity around my work like that :) i actually got a lot of positive responses towards my work in general. i had a really great time in the phandom back then
then i changed fandoms and kinda fell out of the phandom space. after being on a hiatus from the phandom until literally a week ago, i honestly have to say ive felt like i kind of...faded into obscurity in the phandom's eyes? basically i feel like old news. people dont generally know what doppelganger is now. they may have seen my art in passing here and there but they dont know who i am anymore. i think the only place people actively still find my old danny phantom art from when i was heavily active is...deviantart lol. i get notifications from favorites literally every day there. but uh anyway--im not saying this to garner pity or tell a sob story or anything! im just expressing some thoughts and feelings ive had for a long time lol.
the reason i bring this ^ up though, is because like...i know its not true? logically, i know that i DID make an impact in the fandom i loved/love so so much. i left my mark on both the fandom in an artistic sense, and also the people in the fandom, and sometimes i forget that because i get significantly less engagement on my posts than i used to. but i know that doesnt mean that people dont like my stuff anymore, or that ive been forgotten.
i actually got a message from someone today--a friend i made kinda recently who approached me bc they liked doppelganger actually. they told me that basically its surreal to them that theyre talking to me as a friend because they remember reading doppelganger when they were younger and looking up to me because of it. and it really reminded me of what i said previously--ive not been forgotten, and people still do appreciate and love what ive put out into the world (specifically about danny phantom in this case). ive made an impact on people's lives even when i dont realize it or see it physically. the message and sentiment made me feel really really good and nice and happy and honestly relieved, because the phandom and danny phantom as a media has been an extremely important and impactful part of my life ever since i got into it ten years ago. i literally changed my name to dan because of it lol. it was the reason i found stephen silver's work and went down that path of my art journey. its the reason i found so many amazing people and friends and artists and continue to do that even now. i owe a lot to danny phantom and the phandom as a whole, and i try to give back in the only ways i know how--mainly thru showing my passion through my art and posts.
anyway erm. yeah. all of this to say i wanted to thank yall--the phandom--for supporting me all this time, whether youve been with me from the beginning or if youre just joining me recently. youve been an absolute delight in my life and i know youll continue to be for a long time. :)
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ilynpilled · 1 year
im curious how you envision bran and jaime's reunion going down? or at least your thoughts on their future relationship? if jaime is making it to winterfell to fight in the long night which i think he does he will certainly have to fight his case. i personally think whats gonna bridge the gap between dany + the starks and jaime is brienne, tyrion and JO bringing the lannister army). but jaime's adwd chapter and the whole idea of forgoing blood feuds is definitely foreshadowing for the starks and lannisters in my opinion. anyway i kinda went off track but yeah bran lol
i do desperately want a bran jaime interaction in the books. and not really like the one in the show. though in some ways the show version is the worst thing jaime can get because it is so ‘neutral’. it is not forgiveness nor is it damnation and judgement/punishment. and from what we have seen in the books and his confessions it does drive him crazy if he does not get an answer. because then he has to fill up the blanks. and that leads to worst case scenario. so that is kind of torturous and sexy to me personally, but what bugs me about the show version is just the handling of bran’s character in general, and also how none of this was fleshed out on jaime’s part either really. in terms of book canon, i actually would really like jaime not receiving forgiveness from him necessarily. bran being unable to fully give it. like i do not think it is necessary for bran for catharsis, though george has his own view of forgiveness, and he expressed it regarding jaime in specific a lot:
“he said something like he wanted to explore the concept of forgiveness (with jaime) and whether it's ever possible to be forgiven for doing such horrible things, and that his goal was to ask the question, not give an answer.” (2006)
“One of the things I wanted to explore with Jaime, and with so many of the characters, is the whole issue of redemption. When can we be redeemed? Is redemption even possible? I don't have an answer. This is one of the areas where I'm asking the next question-just the two of us talking here, but also in my fiction. Is there the possibility of redemption? How do we forgive people? When do we forgive people? You see it all around in our society, in constant debates. Should we forgive Michael Vick? I have friends who are dog-lovers who will never forgive Michael Vick. Michael Vick has served years in prison; he’s apologized … Our society is full of people who have fallen in one way or another, and what do we do with these people? Can they have redemption? Can they rejoin society? Does a good act make up for a bad act? How many good acts make up for a bad act? If you're a Nazi war criminal and then spend the next 40 years doing good deeds and feeding the hungry, does that make up for being a concentration-camp guard? I don't know the answer, but these are questions worth thinking about. I want there to be a possibility of redemption for us, because we all do terrible things. We should be able to be forgiven. Because if there is no possibility of redemption, what's the answer then?” (2014)
Interviewer: Your books have a very strong storyline associated with the atonement of sins. For example, the way of Jaime Lannister, do you yourself believe in karma?
GRRM: “I don't believe in karma per se, although sometimes I have my doubts because sometimes I think I see things that could be explained by karma. [Laughs.] But no, I don't really have any beliefs in the supernatural. I do believe in the possibility of redemption. And I believe that human beings, all human beings are gray. And I try to remember that when I write my characters. We are all heroes, we are all villains, we all have the capacity for great good and we all have the capacity to do things that are selfish and evil and wrong. Sometimes it's hard to tell the difference. In your lifetime, you can be both. And it's making choices that defines us as human beings…There's this sensation of compartmentalism. This eagerness to judge everybody based on the worst thing they ever did, not the best thing they ever did. And you know, I think Shakespeare in Julius Caesar wrote the evil that men do lives after them. The good is often interred with their bones. And sadly that's true. And I think it should be the reverse. We should remember the good things and the noble things that people did, and forgive them for their failures and moments of selfishness or wrongdoing because we all have them. When we forgive them we are essentially forgiving ourselves. Redemption should be possible.” (2018)
the whole concept is a prevalent motif all throughout his chapters very obviously, has been explicitly mentioned since his second asos chapter, and interrogated a lot through his journey in affc. but what i think i would personally like is the reality that sometimes changing does not result in absolution. some actions you cannot come back from like that. you are not entitled to the forgiveness of the individuals you hurt so drastically, even if you have changed. certain things cannot be reversed or undone. but that puts the weight back on you. you might have done things that are unforgivable to certain people. and i like the question that poses. like what then? what is reformation truly about? that should not mean you stop changing. anyhow, the result i would want from a jaime/bran interaction is jaime psychological torture chamber of his own making and some kind of catharsis for bran 😁 jaime is a very mature interrogation of redemption, and george so far did not simplify it or make it easily digestible. despite his personal beliefs, and how they have evolved a little bit over time slightly it seems, i do think george is still posing a question rather than giving a clear cut answer, and i do believe someone like bran not fully forgiving him would fit that. as for the rest, i wont extrapolate that much. we will see, i might change my mind depending on what things happen
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turtle--soup · 5 days
1 for all Raphs
1. What do you like or dislike about this character?
Wow. Buckle up kiddos - I may be here for some time...
Mirage Raph
My favourite thing about this idiot boy is that he goes at everything full force. Everything. There is no chill with this guy. And yes that means he's sometimes very aggressive. But this Raph is also very emotional - like when he thinks Splinter is dead when they find him in a tank in TCRI and Raph immediately bursts into tears and rushes to retrieve his sensei's body.
He can also be a silly little goofball sometimes - the antics he gets up to while the others are preparing Christmas dinner and putting up decorations in the Leonardo Microseries issue puts me in mind of 2003 and 2012 Mikey. I think he's the one that the 'teenage' part of the series title applies to most out of the Mirage Turtles, at least in the parts I've read, and I love how messy and rough he is because of that.
1987 Raph
My boy! (Heads up - I am likely to say this more than once...)
Okay, part of my love for this particular red boy is nostalgia. I grew up with the 1987 cartoon and Raph has been my favourite turtle for as long as I can remember. Little me thought he was the funniest (I was right) and Rob Paulsen was in other shows I watched (that man was everywhere back in the day it seemed) so he felt familiar too I guess?
But outside of that, I love his trademark sarcasm. Being someone who deals with Situations badly and kind of automatically responds with sarcasm and eye-rolling to cover up for the fact that I am genuinely uncomfortable or nervous... yeah, he's a relatable kinda guy! Role model. Absolute icon. The silly ever.
1990s Movie Raph
I don't know how to word this exactly, but he's really cool? Like, actually cool. In an awkward, grumpy 90s teenager kind of way.
I love the relationships this boy makes with people - he's so surly but everyone seems to be able to see straight through that, and he's just so adorable with Yoshi in the third movie! Also that bit in the third movie when he gets all excited about how clean the water is... He's a sensitive little guy really!
2003 Raph
My boy! (See?)
I love this boy like... so much. I have Many Emotions!
He is such a sweet little guy. Yeah sure, he will take every opportunity to throw shade and throw hands, but he is so protective of his family and anyone else who he thinks deserves it. Which is a surprisingly large about of people.
I love how he interacts with Tyler in Lone Raph and Cub and with Mrs Morrison in Touch and Go because I think they're good episodes to show how adaptable he is with others. He approaches different people differently and is pretty sensitive to their emotions - like when Leo is going through it at the start of season four Raph steps up and responds in the way that he thinks will help Leo most...
Yeah, I could probably go on for ages about 2003 Raph! But I won't...
2007 Raph
Ah, Mr Abandonment Issues! I love the fact that he's missing his big bro really mad that Leo hasn't gotten in contact and everything's changed and he's uncomfortable about that the others just don't seem to care that there's still crime on the streets so obviously the only thing to do is give himself an edgy name, dress up and take on all the thugs in New York City by himself. Obviously. Batman gets it.
Honestly though I love him. I just really wish there had been some less tense interaction between him and Donnie and Mikey...
2012 Raph
He does a really good impression of someone who doesn't care for someone who's so highly strung!
One of the things I love most about him is how Disney Princess he is with small animals lol
I also love his fighting style (2012 is good with fight scenes!)
2014/OotS Raph
You know when Mikey is introducing all of them and he says that Raph is a big cuddly teddy bear if teddy bears were incredibly violent? He's... not wrong!
My favourite scenes for him include the one where he's racing to save his brothers in the 2014 movie and he is just tearing through everything and everybody who gets in his way and he just throws this one guy at a wall like he's just throwing like a pillow or something (MM Raph does this too in the No Diggity scene!) and the bit in the aeroplane in OotS. Also just the fact that when he finds out that Leo told Donnie to forget about them turning into humans without consulting the others, most of Raph's issue with that is 'but what about Mikey though?' He's just... such a big baby!
Batman vs TMNT Raph
He is. So square.
Like the shape, not the 70s slang.
Just... a wall of turtle.
He is gruff as all hell and I love his relationship with Damian Wayne. Raphs just like to adopt small boys, apparently.
Has anyone read the Batman/TMNT comics btw? Just thought I would take the chance to ask! There are two whole Raphs at the same time in Batman/TMNT 3!
Mutant Mayhem Raph
My boy my son my terrible child!
He's so full of chaotic energy when he's in his comfort zone - fighting and messing about with his bros - but when he uncertain about something he can get really quiet and looks for reassurance. If you look at him in the background when other characters are talking, a lot of the time he looks like he's really trying to take everything in. I feel like he's naturally a worrier, like Leo, but he tries to hide it by being loud and angry. One of the things I really want to see in TOTTMNT and the MM sequel is how he gets on with Bebop and Rocksteady now they're living with them in the lair! They had a lot in common in MM and I've always wanted Bebop and Rocksteady to make friends with the turtles because I love those idiots! We'll see...
I'll just briefly mention a few more that I haven't actually seen much of...
I haven't read much of IDW but I liked Raph in the Turtles in Time time travel thingy bit that I read I guess? He seems pretty standard?
I've seen like... one episode of Rise so far. Raph seems like a sweet dude, and I love his voice. I am interested to see the tough guy/ big softie ratio getting played differently when I do get around to it!
I'm two episodes into Next Mutation. Raph is kind of a meathead but honestly I feel like that's just the vibe of the show?
Uh. I watched Choujin Densetsu-hen once many moons ago? From what I remember, Raph in that is just a Japanese take on 87 Raph?? I need to watch that again...
Um. Yeah.
tl;dr - I'm a sucker for characters who have 'opposing' character traits and 'tough guy who's actually an absolute sweetheart' is one of the best examples of that I guess?
Apologies to any Raphs I may have missed! I am very forgetful!
Anyway, thank you for the ask and I'm sorry I took so long to reply! (I kept getting carried away...)
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Hiii, for the arctic monkeys asks, 7, 17 and 20? ❤️
hi lovely!! thanks for sending me these, i hope you’re having a great (alex’s birth)day! 🥰
7. how long have you been a fan? tell us about your journey!
i’ve been a fan for about 12 years now! i liked some of their songs before, but i only got properly into them in 2012. i was doing an internship in cardiff at the time, and i remember going to a bar one night and ‘i bet you look good on the dancefloor’ came on and everyone lost it, and even though i kind of knew the song already, that was the moment i really went ‘oh shit this is such a tune??’
so then when i finished my internship and went back home, i was hanging out with my brother and i mentioned arctic monkeys, and he immediately was like “YEAH, they’re awesome, you need to listen to all their stuff, you’ll love it.” and then he played me ‘riot van’ and some other early stuff, and then he went “actually, you know what you’ll also love? this other band that alex turner has with a guy called miles kane called the last shadow puppets” and he showed me the video for 'standing next to me' and uuhhh, i was instantly obsessed, both with am and tlsp (and milex) 🙈 (my brother probably now regrets ever getting me into them, lol). so yeah, that was the start of a long obsession with am and tlsp!
i saw them live twice in 2013 and twice in 2014, then i saw tlsp in 2016, then i saw am again twice in 2018, and three times last year. i was more or less normal about them between 2018 and halfway through 2023 though, probably because i got swallowed up by my studies and then another fandom for a few years, but i got re-obsessed with am (and milex) biiiig time last year and finally discovered the fandom on here, and it honestly felt like coming home
17. favourite album cover?
i think my favourite album cover has to be humbug, because the boys are all on there <3 but i do also love the bluntness of sias, it’s kind of excellent
20. favourite record ender track?
i answered that one here! thanks so much for asking!! ❤️
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kokokulto · 2 years
hi ! long time fan of your work Koko :) i wanted to ask you what your experience has been like delving into each social media platform, trying to get a feel for each, and now settling on tumblr ? how would you compare each of them, and why do you feel that tumblr has been your best experience so far? thank you for your time <3
[really long post lol]
There are so many things going on in my mind that I want to be able to articulate into words as I read this question lmaooo.
To have a fuller understanding I've talked about quality over quantity of social media interaction here and here. To summarize, I did some reflecting after attempting to 'reboot my art accounts' earlier this year. I realized that attempting to spread myself thin doesn't make me happy and I should only focus on a platform that encourages meaningful feedback and thoughts from other people. To me, Twitter and Instagram was not a place for it due to the nature of its design and algorithm.
I prefer comments over numbers. Something that in my experience isn't super common on Twitter or Insta (unless you're a really big account, or your post blown up to a massive audience). Most interactions there start and end with a like, and perhaps if they are generous enough, maybe a Insta Story share or retweet. The stories are just plain, and it's not often one get's a quote retweet (if you have more qrts, then you are being ratio'd LOL). It's a numbers game. The only parameters you base your "success" on these platforms is through the amount of likes or retweets you have. I am not saying it is impossible to have a good experience on these platforms, nor saying it's impossible to get mutuals there. However, I personally did not feel that people are actively encouraged to actually say something about the artwork if the person isn't a mutual or someone they already know. One experience that put it into perspective was when an old FNAF painting I did got around 1,500 likes despite the account being new and bare. Flopped on Insta but blew up on twitter; it dawned on me how meaningless and based on luck these large numbers were.
Now, here is where tumblr kicked in! Tumblr was part of the social media 'i tried to reboot'. I know that the growth here can be long (the ban, and people left blah blah yeah), and honestly did not expect much from it. But, I channeled my familiarity with tumblr from 2014 and remembered: "hey! In the tags, guys". Posting and reblogging made me enjoy the "tag culture" of this hellsite—even WAY more than before! The "comments via tags" thing is almost a way to give your thoughts and prayers remarks without the expectation for direct social interaction. Some people prefer this over the actual comment section, and it makes them more comfortable to say something about the work! I value every reblog that has comments and tags. Being able to hear your thoughts about the piece, why you like it is 1000% better than tons of likes. I get to actually see why people interact with the post; I'd describe it as having a touch of humanity in the interaction. Actual quality!
This is inherent to Tumblr's design from the beginning. There were no likes on this site before. At its core, people must reblog. And with the whole craze back then on this site with fandoms and such, people just started blurting out comments via tags. Even when likes were first introduced, the number reblogs often out weighed the likes. Because tapping a singular button and ending it there doesn't actually show much appreciation! Being on a platform where the community is encourage to use the tags beyond blog organization is amazing. Input and thoughts, are valued here and I think that's pretty cool. I look at the type of interaction the platform can give, not its quantity. I had fun time here at 40 followers, am still having that same fun at 200+. Probably will be the same throughout! (hopefully)
At the end, this place is still social media and one's relationship with it should be monitored. All comments (good and bad) shouldn't go to your head too much. But, at the very least, Tumblr's design and community allows a bit more of a humane touch when interacting with someone's work.
In terms of design though, I like that tumblr allows for different types of media (videos, audio, image sizes, long posts, asks + answers). Its archival system and the ability to open different blogs is also cool. Customization and markups are really nice! I love how personalized this place can be.
Hopefully this answers your question, and is comprehensive enough LOL . Again, this is my experience, and my journey. It may be different from yours. Just remember to go where you grow while having fun!
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deviantartdramahub · 10 months
TriagonalisClown4, admits he's racist. : The_Saints : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive <- Fake accounts to fool people into believing me and Tri are guilty. No solid evidence? Nah, just trying to manipulate the situation into something they can fully control.
Much like this one: Kinda sounds a bit sexual, just saying. : Volunteer : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive <- A little bit sexual, wouldn't you think?
Remember the first link I showed you? Well, here's more proof they are trying to manipulate the situation: He creates a fake account then claims it was me? : Volunteer : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
BirdThatWhispers has finally admitted to yet another cybercrime. : The_Volunteer : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive <- There you have it, first time ever, he actually told the truth. Bird is a wackjob, and is only doing this shit for the lolz... his main account is AnimeCitizen by the way, just to let you know.
Now, this one is the very same one that took place back in 2014, of course he has changed his username by now, but it don't change the comment: Web capture_29-9-2022_141533_www.deviantart.com.jpeg (724×988) (archive.org)
You fucking clowns think we were born yesterday, lol : The_Volunteer : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive <- Gellygirl, I want you to pay close attention to this one seeing how you're that dumb to think I would. Twonaps created all these fake accounts via a computer tronjin, and added me countless times to each watchlist... Why would "I" do that? People add me free by their own choice, I'm not bothered about not getting watchers, because I know that my friends, care more about me than that twisted fuck.
Note from a troublemaker. : The_King : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive <- Can't say I didn't try. I fucking defend that cunt, and stealing my server is how he repays me.
You gave me ownership of the server, and I mentioned not wanting it so I gave it to Club, who I realize doesn’t understand how those work. That was my fault (or yours, you pick). Sorry. Don’t blame him. But yeah, you provided a lot of insight here. Identity is not a sum of what similar ways of interacting someone has with someone.
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berlinini · 2 years
I think they weren't as big in the UK as they were in other parts of Europe but I believe in like 2012 Tokio Hotel won an EMA against One Direction so at least he might know the name.
It's so funny because Tokio Hotel was basically the Emo version of a boyband and when I read Bill Kaulitz' biography I was actually thinking about the parallels between them and One Direction. They were also so young when everything began, and from the very beginning they were confronted with all of this madness, stalkers, paparazzi, greedy label bosses, an insane amount of touring to a point where it affected their health etc. And it only lasted a few years as well. They were obviously not as sucessfull globally as 1D but at least in Germany and some other European countries it was pretty similar.
Yeah, I think they could've been so big internationally, and that was Sony's plan (lol....them again!) when they started doing the English albums. However their spoken English wasn't good enough to allow them to do proper promo in the USA. And the internet back then was different... I remember being on fan blogs on Skyrock (RIP). I guess they had no problem in the European market because radio and tv shows are used to having translators on set.
1D definitely benefited from being English and from the creation of Twitter.
I wonder if Sony decided to put its eggs with 1D and kicked TH off the curb around 2012. Their 2014 album was kinda techno and honestly bad, and you could tell they were unofficially dropped by their label, the way they no longer had promo. They made another album a few years ago, which makes me think they still had deliverables.
Anyways, if you were in the Tokio Hotel fandom in the mid-2000s, you deserve financial compensation.
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vro0m · 2 years
vro0m’s rewatch - 122/304
2013 Italian GP
Round 12!
There's drama at Ferrari. Alonso sarcastically called his engineers "geniuses" over the radio. Although some Italian speaking people are pretty sure he said (I quote because that's not a word I would use myself) "morons". Cue the rumours about him leaving Ferrari. 
Also, at Redbull, the team had to change both cars' gear boxes ahead of the race. No penalties, but it's always worrying. Oh come on, really? They're going to perform a 1'000km test in Barcelona for Pirelli. After what happened to Mercedes?! Apparently it's allowed because they're doing it with the 2011 car. Bullshit. And to add to that they're not only testing this year's tyre but also the 2014 one. That's just. Fucking ridiculous. 
There's also rumours that Brawn bought out Toto's share of Williams which wouldn't make much sense according to the journalists. Damon Hill asked Brawn about it who reportedly laughed and said that surely he could tell from that laugh that it was ridiculous. To which Hill answered he could in fact not because he's way too mysterious. 
Time for the quali report. Oh dear. Lewis was out in Q2. As were both Lotuses. Hulkenberg somehow made it to third on the grid. But it's a Redbull front row with Seb on pole. Nico is 6th behind Alonso, himself outqualified by Massa. Lewis is only 12th.
He still tells us about his lap, explaining why it didn't work.
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He went wide actually, and damaged his floor and it fucked the car's balance. Then he got a chance for a second lap and had to slow down because Sutil was in the way. Lewis says he's listened to Sutil's radio and it was not his fault but the fault of the team not telling him Lewis was coming. 
Now they change the topic to do a masterclass on overtaking. First is a 2007 overtake over a Ferrari which I do remember from my rewatch actually. He says when he looks at the replay he still feels like he's not gonna make it but he did.
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Then it's Seb from the outside over Alonso. Lewis says Alonso could have squeezed him out but he left him room.
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Basically it shows how important it is to know who you're racing against.
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Then it's a DRS overtake from Perez on Alonso and Lewis describes how fast you get with the DRS and how very little you can do to defend against that.
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It's started to rain. 
There's a problem with Jenson's car, the floor is off. It's KERS-related. As they're leaving the garages, the rain is easing off. 
Formation lap. 
And they're racing! 
Good start for the two Redbulls but the two ferraris are just behind them swerving like agitated wasps. Seb locks up into turn 1! But he stays ahead, THERE'S BEEN CONTACT Webber is behind Alonso now many people cut the chicane. It's MESSY. Perez slows down. No wait, it's actually Massa in P2, not Alonso! Where's Lewis. Di Resta DNF. OOOH whoop Raikkonen, Lewis and Jenson are side-by-side in the straight but Lewis comes out ahead! He's in the points. Raikkonen pits ? Oh yeah he has front wing damage. The yellow flags keep flashing on and off lol I don't know what's happening. Alonso is attacking Webber. He overtakes him honestly quite impressively. Alonso overtakes Massa in an obviously too easy way. Lewis is closing on whoever is P9. It's JEV. He overtakes him but is overtaken right away. He's also under pressure from Jenson. Who overtakes him! Lewis is back in P11… well he's on hard tyres unlike all of them, he'll stay out longer but will it work out? Seb has serious issues with his rear tyres apparently, after the lock up at the start. 
On lap 10 Lewis is now losing on Jenson. He is told to box, he has a slow puncture! Aw fuck. It's fucks up the whole strategy. Also he has radio issues and they can't hear him. But he does not come in. And still not. They tell him again. Does his radio not work in the other way as well? This time he does pit for mediums. He's now down in 19th… JEV DNFs. It's lap 20.
Lewis is up in 15th. 14th. He sets the fastest lap. Seb pits from the lead. Webber pits. Lewis P12. Pit stops ongoing. Lewis P8 chasing Rosberg for P7. Done. 
We're on lap 30 already. Lewis sets another fastest lap. Let's take a second. Seb is back in the lead, Alonso is now less than 10 seconds behind already. Then it's Webber, Massa, Hulkenberg, and Lewis is P6. It's cloooose, P5! Of course he'll have to stop again, probably soon. But for now it's another fastest lap. Ah the mechanics were in the pit but he didn't come in. The radio issues again I guess. He does pit this time. He's out in 14th. 
Lap 40. 13 laps to go. Webber has issues with his car. 10 laps to go. Seb also has issues with his car. They're gearbox related. Lewis overtakes Gutierrez for P12. 9 laps to go. Wait? Lewis still P13… now he overtakes Sutil for P12. Weird. 8 laps to go. KERS problems for Raikkonen, under pressure from Lewis. 6 laps to go. He overtakes him with 5 laps to go. 4 laps to go, and he's up in the points after overtaking Perez! 3 laps to go. He overtakes Jenson for P9, unbelievable. Final lap… come on… Ah he overtook Grosjean but cut the chicane so he gave the place back. 
It's the end of the race. 
Seb wins. Webber and Raikkonen stop their cars in the pit straight because of how bad they're doing. Lewis P9.
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Lewis says the radio problems started lap 1. Pinkham asks how much of an impact it had. He frowns. "Well it's erm…" he sighs. "It's almost like, it almost blinds you a little bit, you know? You just don't know what's happening in the race, I didn't know when to stop."
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He says of course there are pit boards (the journalists were discussing it during the race when he didn't come in when he was supposed to) but he finds them confusing, there's so many of them. You also don't know when to push and to not push, when to switch the settings. He says it was more on him, without the help it's a bit trickier (slight smile) "but I managed, so it was cool." Natalie says 9th place doesn't do him justice in terms of the entertainment he gave and the pace of the car (he set the fastest lap of the race). "Yeah, I mean…" he says slowly "the team did a great job and I didn't deliver this weekend." (Big sigh.) "I gotta go away and reset and try to recover in the next race."
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She asks if he's encouraged by the pace of the car. He answers he believes it'll be doing well once they go back to the high downforce circuits. He's looking forward to it. 
About the rumours on Brawn buying in Williams, Ted says "so many people  have denied this I'm starting to believe that it's true." 
There's also a whole montage of Lewis overtakes because he's just that good. 
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uglypastels · 1 year
Damn so you saw everyone lol that literally is peak everything. Yeah 2014 quality rip, well at least you have the memories, also your mom...she's a trooper😆 sounds like an amazing first concert tho especially as a kid
Lol I know the feeling of liking someone that has the same first letter in their name. Idk why that gets the heart pumpin like its just a name😭 but yeah I can see the zain thing being a bonus, especially since it isn't really a common name I think.
I wanted to like Liam and I did actually try but no he twas not it. Lol I guess were Liam haters (jk)
Also this is horrible how much I can relate to you lmao I also had a presentation for school😭🤣 but it wasn't about the same thing for me it was a acting class and the presentation was like if you could do different facial expressions and the song i chose was Story of my life. Now my mom sings it to me or when we hear it at stores shes like "DO YOU REMEMBER?" Like yes...I want to forget that presentation lmao cuz a whole class of kids just saw a slide show of my face and the music being the story of my life. It wasn't even my first choice song from them, I wanted to do does he know but everyone I showed it to stopped me lol
No but Does He Know would not have been appropriate i feel like 🤣😭 so many of their songs are pure filth which went sooo over my head. I distinctly remember trying to defend them to my uncle (who is a professional hater lmao. He loves to piss people off by slagging off things they enjoy). It was about Love While We're Young and i was just like Naurr its just about loving in the moment and being yong. Meanwhile they're out there, singing "Let's get some..." Like, i was delusional, but also 12 🤣
Story of My Life is such a good song but the music video is too emo. The bit with Louis' grandparents makes me sob. So then everytime i hear the song, those emotions immediately come up with it too. I have a similar, yet opposite, reaction for Night Changes. Also emotions attached to music video which then tie in to my experience of the song. Problem is that i fucking despise the mv. Its so cringy and so uncalled for (zayn, louis and niall did not deserve any shit from their dates.) And just the whole concept- until very recently i still had a physical cringe reaction from just hearing the intro.
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tuiyla · 1 year
oh no, I didn't watch Legend of Korra while it aired! I binge watched the four seasons in 2018 or 2019 (and yeah I did start watching the show because of Korrasami in particular), but I did watch most of Glee (from season three onwards) and Adventure Time (I remember Olivia Olson confirming that Marcy and PB used to date was what made me want to watch all of the episodes and be a lurker in the AT fandom way back in 2014 lol) while they aired. So my experience with Bubbline kind of resembles yours with Korrasami, especially the excitement over them becoming canon (I read many of your Bubbline analyses around the same time you posted them, for instance, and happened to find your blog again bc I'm currently rewatching Glee and was looking for Brittana and Faberry content). I also wish Bubbline was more often praised by media outlets too; Rebecca Sugar planted the seeds for it way back in 2011 with "What Was Missing", after all, before either LoK or SU began. I think they probably aren't given enough credit bc of (as you pointed out) timing (Bubbline only became canon at the very end of the show in 2018, while LoK made Korrasami canon in 2014 and SU had canonically queer characters ever since the s1 finale iirc) and bc neither PB nor Marcy were the show's leads and also who knows if the AT writers would've made their romantic relationship canon if SU and LoK hadn't happened (they certainly wouldn't have back in 2012, as the Mathematical controversy shows). And yeah, you're right that having expectations about Korrasami vs. interacting with the fandom and dissecting each of their scenes weekly really is a world of difference. That said, I'm still curious as to why you thought Korrasami were more well-developed than Bubbline? I mean, Bubbline received so many episodes solely about their relationship spanning over multiple seasons (and I know you know this ofc, you're a Bubbline expert), it's hard for me to see how Korrasami could compare (I remember I thought Korrasami was underdeveloped because Asami herself didn't get a lot of screentime, so idk if her being with Korra for 90% of her scenes in Book 3 would mean all that much (sorry!!), especially bc it felt to me that they really dropped the ball with them afterwards in Book 4. However, I only watched that show once; your review was interesting and made me want to rewatch it). So yeah, I'm asking why you thought Korrasami were more well-developed than Bubbline bc iirc you said you have a media studies degree at some point, so I think you have an interesting perspective that goes beyond personal preference.
Oh happy days, turns out you and I go way back Anon haha. That’s kind of a nice full circle then. Before Glee took over this blog Bubbline was the most I was ever asked about. I wonder if you remember that I declared them canon post-Stakes in 2015? Obviously no worries if not it’s just a fun thing for me to remember because I was the most fucking vindicated person ever in September of 2018 for that very reason.
I do indeed have a media studies degree (Media, Culture and Journalism uwu), something I often forget about lol and though I appreciate the credence you put in that I’m not sure that makes my perspective any more valuable, to be honest. If anything, I’d use that degree to further argue that it does come down to personal preference. I’ll always place Korrasami just a little bit higher and I have no intention of stopping you from placing Bubbline higher. I will get into some, let’s say, more media studies perspectives here but ultimately, like I said in the prev post even picking a more well-developed relationship is subjective. Do I have reasons informed by my £8,000 student loan, sure, but it’s also the emotional bias of Avatar meaning what it does to me and Korrasami meaning what they do me. Fun little side note before jumping in, but literally days before Adventure Time’s finale aired I actually wrote an article for a series talking first queer TV experiences. In that piece, I hailed both Bubbline and Korrasami as the two first instances of real, meaningful queer rep I saw on TV. I credited Bubbline as something that kickstarted not only this golden TV trend but my own journey, and Korrasami as something that gave me, personally, that final push towards coming out. Okay, side quest over.
So first off I need to acknowledge that this: “Asami herself didn't get a lot of screentime, so idk if her being with Korra for 90% of her scenes in Book 3 would mean all that much“ is kind of misconstruing what I said or at least taking only half of it. Asami’s character is admittedly one of the less developed aspects of all of LoK, but reading my original point I’ve also said that Korra, the main character who spends time with everyone and is focused on for the majority of the show, also spends more than half her screentime with Asami in Book 3. And that’s not insignificant. Again, don’t remember the exact numbers and fuck if I can find that post 8 and a half years later (😱) but the sheer volume of it. That screentime isn’t for nothing, either, as the two go from tentatively discussing past relationships with Mako to Asami symbolically taking a similar place next to Korra that Katara did to Aang. Or, in the same series and season, P’Li to Zaheer. Here is where I would advise watching the series again because holy shit how can you only watch LoK once?? Sorry that’s not a serious note I’m just incapable of not living in a world where I’ve seen ATLA ~15 times and LoK... ~7? Eight. Maybe nine or ten honestly who knows oh what’s that time for another rewatch?
Another imperfection of LoK I have to admit is the time jump’s effect on events. No one was more wary of a time jump happening in-between seasons than me and overall, I think it was not only the right shout executed well. That said, the comics canonize that this largely off-screen period was when both Korra and Asami realized they had feelings for each other and so the transition from Book 3′s best gal pals hastag friends forever to Book 4′s romantic undertones isn’t the smoothest. I think the signs are there, particularly in Reunion, but this is an area where Korrasami could have done better. Additionally, as mentioned the show does not give Asami her dues and her moments tend to be understated, her development very internal, a lowkey journey in a world full of exploding spirit beams and mountains literally moved. There’s a beauty in that but an understated beauty where the audience is required to put in the work. Contrasted with Korra, the actual centre of her show and when put together to form a joint development, it doesn’t do the most it could, had Asami been a bigger presence throughout the show. Love my girl, I continue putting her in my top 5, but her overall lack of focus in the show was to Korrasami’s detriment. That said, I’d still push back against what you said because Asami spending the majority of her screentime with Korra does mean much, even if she doesn’t have all that much screentime to begin with. We’re still talking about a major character whose character arc in the entire second half of the show is intertwined with that of Korra’s. Again, not insignificant.
The reason I started off with where LoK is lacking in this regard is to point out that Bubbline is plagued by the same curse of relying on off-screen development. As you yourself stated, Marcy and Bonnie weren’t the leads in their show, unlike Korra being the eponymous character and Asami growing form tertiary character to deuteragonist-adjacent levels. Their disadvantage comes from a combination of this overall placement in the series’ character hierarchy, Adventure Time’s general structure and, I’d argue, the timeline of their relationship. Which is where I promise what I just said about off-screen development will become relevant. First the two points about character hierarchy and series structure because they’re intertwined. Bubbline did have episodes focused entirely or almost entirely on their relationship as a perk of the AT structure but the downside of that is that these were 10 minute chunks every three years or so. AT is mostly Finn and Jake running around and having fun and whole the show does get deep as early as season 2 and evolves beyond its two main characters, Marceline in particular was in very few episodes compared to the overall scope of literally hundreds of episodes. This means that when she does appear, when they do have substantial roles with PB it is significant, yes, but that time in-between passes in-universe as much as it does in the real world. This is most notable after their reconciliation. I think the arc from What Was Missing through Sky Witch and into Varmints is done well and we can see how they gradually rebuilt... whatever it was they had. (Distant Lands makes their past relationship and breakup explicit, but we’re not considering that retroactive confirmation for the purposes of this.)
It just feels strange to compare that, essentially a three-episode arc told over the course of, jesus, 4 years(!) to how Korrasami had Books 3 and 4 to develop. It’s just so apples and oranges. Jfc, thinking about it the three episodes I mentioned are essentially a trilogy but it took AT four years?? Insanity. Anyway, like LoK had its challenges I think AT did too in its structure. Even if we overlook that, to see this Bubbline trilogy for what it was in terms of their reconciliation the audience had to a) remember and b) infer a lot, post-Stakes PB and Marcy fulfill different roles in the story. Used to be, in Marceline’s case, that she appeared rarely but when she did she was the focus. After season 4 or so, PB’s appearances were also less frequent compared to her earlier run but more significant. After Stakes I feel like there’s a shift where they hang around more but are often designated to the background even Marceline. And save for Broke His Crown, the “meet the surrogate dad” episode, which came very shortly after Stakes, there are no more Bubbline Episodes™ until Distant Lands watered my crops with Obsidian (which I’m not over, btw). Meaning, Bubbline-centric episodes are all about the reconciliation and even though I declared that they became canon in Stakes, there’s little actual focus on and therefore development for them later on. And again, apples and oranges, hard to compare to Korrasami’s gradual but more constant-feeling development over two seasons compared to a bazillion but it just doesn’t feel more substantial.
And, the off-screenness of it all. The fact that Bubbline were implied, subtextually, to have been an item before (subtext no more obvious than Korrasami’s) so their story is fundamentally different. We don’t see them meet and develop feelings for the first time, we essentially see the get back together. That’s an entirely different dynamic where so much of their story happened hundreds of years before Finn was even born. Again, Distant Lands shows some of that but at that point they’re already a couple again and we’re not looking for further development of the past. (It’s welcome, I eat it up, if just doesn’t contribute to development re: becoming a couple.) There’s so much unsaid and people like me did infer it but there were those gaps occasional episodes every third season maybe filled out. It’s so different from following the journey of the main character and another major one from her established group of friends. And even after Stakes, which is what I consider them getting back together but is never explicitly confirmed, things happen off-screen. Case in point, who’s to say Stakes is actually when they restart a romantic relationship! Literally just me, internet rando. These more focused episodes we get before Stakes are great, but they carry a lot and imply gradual development in-between. Meaning things had to happen off-screen and we have to try and imagine certain dots to connect, so not too dissimilar from what Korrasami requires to truly buy their story.
I don’t think this is necessarily a bad thing, though I would have wanted much more Bubbline post-Stakes. I just think we see what we want to see, and I wanted to see both Bubbline and Korrasami. I inferred and connected those dots for both as I followed the two series as they aired, and I don’t think watching LoK years later, knowing the finale, people do that. Or watching AT years later, even just the Bubbline eps, knowing the finale, people do that. It’s just in the nature we consume media and why binging is... an interesting topic. Off-screen events implicitly require for you to take that time away from the text, consider what might be happening in the meantime, and get back into the flow willing to accept that some time has passed. And with LoK’s structure, even with the time jump, I think this is easier to accept them with AT’s. And with Korrasami’s arc happening almost entirely on-screen and getting to follow from the very beginning, as opposed to Bubbline having these long-ass lives and tumutous past that’s mainly only hinted at. It still works, obviously, I still love it, but LoK feels more like tangible development to me. On the note of AT’s difference in structure, there’s a lot AT implies and leaves up for interpretation, that’s just the kind of show it is. But in terms of developing a Sapphic relationship in Western animation at a time where that was Super not allowed (as opposed to now, when it Kinda is), it’s just not the best combo.
The emotional investment I gave Korrasami was there with Bubbline as well, of course, and I was more than willing to connect those dots and imagine them and just do everything. As you know, seeing as you read those posts back then. And this is still subjective, but if we’re talking actual on-screen development than Korrasami’s reading between the lines as opposed to Bubbline’s annual breadcrumbs just felt better handled and certainly better paced. It’s a difference between the series themselves but a difference nonetheless. And yeah, having so much of their story happen off-screen just didn’t do Bubbline many favours in this regard. LoK’s approach feels more hands on, more continuous, more tangibly traceable whereas with AT and Bubbline we were dropped down in the middle of the rode, at the lowest point at that, were told to guess what the history was and then hopscotched our way to the conclusion. It worked, I loved every second of it, I went feral with every single Bubbline moment, but they were few and far between comparatively.
Again, as a final note: I’m not going to convince you nor do I want to. I hope you’re not looking to be convinced about Korrasami here because I can’t transfer my own emotional bias. Sounds like you’ve read a lot of what I’ve written on this blog so I hope you know I mean this in the nicest way, but I frankly don’t have the bandwidth to be debating Korrasami’s development. Obviously you’re not questioning their validity but in the aftermath of LoK ending I had to fight for that validity a lot and it was of my own free will but it took a lot out of me. Arguing for Korrasami well-written-ness is just not something I really, truly want to put my media studies degree behind because I had to fight those fights before I had that degree and in such hostile environments and I’m just tired. Been in the trenches, one might say. I just wanna enjoy my favourite ship of all time without justifying it, you know? And again, I mean this in the nicest way possible and I wouldn’t have engaged with either of your asks if I had thought they were mal-intentioned in any way whatsoever. I appreciate you asking these questions and engaging in a convo and it’s really good to hear that you’ve come full circle with my blog, from Bubbline to Brittana. I’d be happy to talk more about any of these couples with you, including Korrasami, I just had to make this disclaimer that I can’t argue more than I did in this post for their development. In particular, not against Bubbline of all ships haha, I inadvertently feel like I’m putting down something I also deeply, deeply love when viewed in contrast with Korrasami.
Did I just rank Bubbline below Korrasami again today, yeah. And I would say that, in whatever almighty metric “development” is, Bubbline has less just by virtue of not being the main focus of their show and much of their relationship happening off-screen. But I really feel like these distinctions are meaningless when both ships mean the world to me, and I wouldn’t normally be thinking about which one I value more if not for rankings on tumblr dot com. Even with everything I said “against” Bubbline when stating my case, I still go batshit insane for them because they’re a ridiculously good duo of two characters who are already well-rounded with deep lores individually. And together? My gosh. Empires have fallen for less.
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angelfate · 5 months
beats me, man. I remember seeing it years ago and doing a quick research, this was written in 2014 so yeah a decade ago I guess. I don't think he cares for her tbh. He is just attracted to her. Maybe respects her a tiny bit for her strength
YEAH... I rarely trust Harada's tweets, but like, I REALLY don't trust 'em if they were from years ago. Just because if they constantly retcon things from the actual games, then I can't imagine them having much faith in simple tweets being canon.
Either way, I'm not sure if Kazuya is supposed to care about Jun or not. It feels like 8 is somewhat trying to express that he may. But the games have been very vague about it. And even when they had chances to, they didn't take them to show that he loved her at one point. The closest I can think is the minimum 8 is doing, and Devil Kaz's Tag 1 ending. Like even when Kaz mentions her in 6, he just refers to her as a mysterious woman and that's it... nothing about how he had a woman he loved once or anything.
Which I don't get why shippers get so mad when somebody says Jun deserves better than Kaz. Because even if he DID love her, it's like... he's still a horrible person lol. I know he's a sad meow meow but like... he's still a war criminal, he's still a killer, he still threatened to wipe out countries, he still tried to kill their son. And even if people wanna say "SO?! CANONICALLY JIN IS JUST AS BAD AS KAZ!11!" Kaz wanted to kill Jin before Jin did anything wrong (see Tk4). Yes, Jin was planning on killing Kaz, too. But... Kaz probably didn't know that. And even if he DID... he didn't consider any alternatives for his son? The only piece of Jun that's left? Like it is a lil weird that if he did care for Jun, he doesn't have a single care for what she left behind (Jin). And doesn't consider how heartbroken she'd be if he did kill their son. But no, in Tk4, Kaz literally saw an opportunity to kill Jin in order to become more powerful lol.
So yeah, Jun does deserve better.
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alsjeblieft-zeg · 9 months
485 of 2023
Elaborate on a way you have volunteered?
I've never volunteered.
Do you use a full length mirror daily?
No, but we have one on the closet door in our bedroom, so I can't avoid my reflection anyway.
Can you walk in heels, or do you feel awkward in them?
Hehe I would try one day, just for lolz. But no, I don't walk in heels. Not so many men do it, I think.
Any TV shows you sit down weekly to watch?
No, I watch some of them daily. Typically old British sitcoms because they're brilliant.
Does anybody know about your sex life other than your partners?
My sister. I can tell her everything.
Even if you don’t like politics, do you still have opinions on the issues?
Nah, I don't feel competent enough to have them. I just believe in equality and human rights.
Are you one to sneak food into movie theaters?
No, I'm the one to avoid movies anywhere lol.
Will you tell someone if there’s something in their teeth?
Nah. I'd act typical Belgian way, pretend I see nothing and then comment behind their back lol. I know it's not a good trait.
Do you ever actually make your bed?
I do, but briefly. Nobody visits our bedroom anyway.
Do you make an effort to eat healthy?
Yup, but I have my moments of eating fast food, especially in recent times. Most of the time I eat vegetables, though.
How are things between the person you like / love / are with?
Brilliant. I low key expect another bollocking today, but oh well, he's right most of the time.
Where did you sleep last night?
Long, waking up two times. The weather makes me sleepy, though. I'm very sensitive to weather changes.
The last time you kissed someone, what color of shirt were they wearing?
Let's think. Today at the very morning when he was getting up to work and I got up to go to the toilet, I think it was dark grey? We'll see when he comes back home, I was too sleepy to remember such things lol.
What year do / did you graduate?
Secondary school 2010, university 2014.
What kind of booze did you last take shots of?
What is booze even lol. I'm not allowed to drink alcohol at all, it messe up with my medication.
What’s something you want to purchase next time you’re at the mall?
Some kind of vase for flowers.
Has someone of the opposite sex ever told you that you were sexy?
Yeah, a few times. Too bad I'm gay lol.
If you could see any musician live, front row, who would you choose?
Cult of Luna or Katatonia.
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sungtaro · 10 months
looks like tumblr swallowed my ask, again. i'm gonna write it, again. i'm sorry it's gonna be long this time i just have so much to talk about i hope you don't mind
but yeah anyway first of all i'm so happy you had a nice august and enjoyed your time!! i'm also sending you all the luck for the move and that everything goes well!!
my august was really fun, bunch of meet ups with friends and little outings with my family :) though my trip was the highlight, as expected lol i loved brighton so so so much. i'm usually someone who gets pretty homesick the first day/evening away but this time??? nothing. i instantly felt so happy and at home in that city and i had an amazing week there. my sibling and i already got plans to visit again next year lol
i'm really excited for september too!! i got movie night plans with my friends, we want to watch all the animated barbie movies, there are plans with my sibling and the childhood bestie, and things in my family are looking up too!! my mum is starting her new job soon, my brother's just started his last year of school, i have some plans and ideas for the future... things are looking up :)
though there are two things i'm most looking forward to: one is meeting my internet bestie (who's german too and lives only around three hours away but we never had the time to actually meet until now) and two is seeing 5sos live at the end of the month!!! it might sound sappy but i've been a fan of them for almost nine years now and them and their music have been with me through some of the toughest times of my life. to finally see them in concert is probably gonna be a life-changing night. i am so so excited for it.
naur i'm sorry what happens is i lose the notification 😭 i always try to leave it so i remember to come back and answer but i end up checking my inbox when i get other asks, it gets buried and then i just have nothing reminding me that i have messages to answer and then i wake up in a cold sweat when randomly my brain is like ERI U FORGOT TO GO BACK TO THAT ASK so i'm sorry adkjsgnsfjgb but thank you for sending again feel free to like . send me a DM if i keep you waiting in the future so you don't have to rewrite your messages !
aw i'm so happy you had such a good experience on your trip, and your september plans sound so fun !! i hope you and your bestie have a great time when you meet, it's the best when you can finally take a friendship offline. and aw i'm jealous you're seeing 5sos !! i saw them literalllyyyy opening for one direction in 2014 (😭) but their music has only gotten better and cooler since then, i bet the show will be awesome.
i'm glad to hear you and your loved ones are all doing well and have so much good stuff on the horizon ! hoping for a lucky and lovely month for all of us 💗
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