#i cannot imagine receiving that
vilf-lover · 8 months
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salsflore · 1 year
the relationship with your rom!f/o when its still new and fresh and you’re both sort of just... clueless. they look at you and secretly wonder: “am i allowed to kiss them yet?” or “when do i get to tell them i love you? is it too soon? too late? should i do it right now?” or “am i doing this right? have i impressed them?”
when you’re in public and sort of shy about being openly affectionate with each other for the first time! getting all awkward when you’re both holding hands because you’re not really used to it just yet! getting to introduce your new partner to your friends! going on your first official date together!
y’know!! that phase where you’re both kind of just navigating your new relationship & being silly over stuff + getting to learn the small things about each other the more you spend time together. i dunno.
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tododeku-or-bust · 1 year
To my non-white viewers of this question: in the tags, what are some things you'd do if you didn't have to deal with racists or racism (let's say they all got somehow muted)? This can be anything, from fandom to professional spaces
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hanlimz · 1 year
j saw this tiktok and i am so pathetic bc it almost made me cry. after everything, after all the hate people spew about him and at him—riki is still so warm, still so kind. he loves pokémon and animals and mirror selfies and dancing; he adores kids and wants to make sure they know they are loved because he knows all too well what that coldness feels like. he loves to play pranks and mess around because truly, he is still a child. he is not mean or rude or selfish; in fact, this beautiful soul that so many people seem to impose these beliefs on, is the same person who said this about enhypen:
we take care of each other when we’re having a hard time or feeling sad … looking back now, i think it was fate for us to be together. i’m happy to have been able to debut with them.
and, the same person that said this about sunoo:
sunoo hyung is someone who is always bright and smiles a lot. like a member that lightens up the mood, and for that i’m very grateful … and, whenever i look at sunoo hyung, i feel really happy … sunoo hyung, thank you.
there are more examples, but from these two alone, you can feel his sensitivity and his love and his gratitude and his determination. riki is soft, and he takes great joy in complimenting his members. he loves to see himself improve. he cares deeply about the people he cherishes and holds them close to his heart. riki is sweet and thoughtful. to me, he is a blanket on a cool winter’s evening; tender and warm and something that picks you up after a long day of getting put down. riki is a kind soul with a gentle heart, and i wish more people would appreciate that.
anyways … riki <3
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lesbianlenas · 1 year
ok it’s funny bc like. i am NOT!!!!!!! in love w my friend anymore. ok keep that in mind bc i mean it. but sometimes when i talk to her i’m still like hi <3 and i smile to myself like :) u know……..it’s just a silly little thing i do i can’t help it………i need a gf more than anything in this world……
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unlimitedgolden · 5 months
hey I just found out I was special needs and apparently you're one of them
yes. can i help u with that, do u need my wisdom or like. are you looking to have a duel with me?
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kakusu-shipping · 8 months
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I'm very normal about Piranha Plants on Parade you can trust me with your country's most valuable resource I won't feed it to my Dinosaur Creature to see if it'll make him sing trust me.
#Emile's Arts#Mario Self Insert#Mario isn't even IN THIS ONE it's just ME and my PUBBY#I like to imagine Wonder Flowers are at least semi sentient#In that way most plants in Hive Mind situations are so they send other plants signals and receive ones back#They communicate#So what the Wonder Flower does when the Wonder energy is released is based on what the other plants around it may want#I am.. Debating considering Pipes in the Mario universe as Plants#Like.. Thick hollow grass...#Is that stupid? Maybe but I like the concept#Sense plants are a lot more sentient in the Mario Universe than irl and also a lot bigger#I was listening to a video yesterday of someone popping open Bamboo stalks#And it sounded to me like a less echoy version of the Pipe Sound#That's like. Unrelated.#Wonder Flowers do whatever they want they cannot be controlled#I think the game's got it backwards though#The Flower absorbs the Wonder Power and the Seed releases it#That's why the seed only appears after activating a flower#It spreads it's seeds through contact#That's my current theory anyway#I haven't like. played the game. I don't own it. I don't have money#But I did watch all the way up to the first Junior fight and a compilation of all the Musical Levels#And Piranha Plants on Parade at least 50 times on it's own now#So I feel like I know everything (I do not)#BUT I WILL#Florian was like 'Yeah I'll lend you a flower just be sure to bring back the seed okay?'#And then I had to call him I could not bring back the seed my dog ate it...
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historyherstory · 1 year
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On a sobering note: a telegram like this is what so many families would eventually receive, after a soldier's remains had been identified. The American Graves Registration Service are some of the unsung heroes of World War II, who did tremendous work locating graves, formally identifying previously unidentified remains, and interring them with dignity and honor in military cemeteries (or prepared remains to ship home to families, if that was their preference).
The Graves Registration Service would also identify foreign soldiers. This video covers one instance of circumstances where that occurred and detailed the meticulous work the Graves Registration Service did (including fingerprinting).
This particular telegram is the one my great grandmother received, informing her of her son's death. I've censored out her family information but to my knowledge, this was the primary method for informing families that their sons had passed.
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sunshinesteviee · 1 year
QUICK what position would steve play in baseball
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simplyghosting · 1 year
Me: *cleaning desk after months of putting it off*
Me: Okay, and let’s move these papers here and-
*spots library book*
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You should try getting fucked to please yourself instead of attacking Taylor Swift. Don't your have your own life to worry about? How does what she does affect your life in any manner whatsoever aside from you being an obsessive fuck focused on other people's lives because your life is so god damn pathetic?
the only reason you sent this really pathetic ask, you piece of shit bigot, is because you know that if we start holding taylor swift accountable for the MULTIPLE child rapists in she keeps in her orbit and the countless other problematic pieces of shit in her life, you'll be unable to turn a blind eye when you find your local nazi super fucking hot though.
you should be disgusted with yourself, like damn, imagine being this much of a brainless moron who defends sleeping with fucking nazis as long as "its a bit!" disgusting ass bitch 🤮
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hella1975 · 2 years
howdy howdy boy i have the best theory for you what if taob was all a dream!!!!!!! like zuko woke up and was on the erlong again what then 🤨‼️ i'd be flabbergasted
i think id get shot
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stillfruit · 2 years
i hate spending money i hate how it makes me feel even if there’s no rational reason for it i hate the guilt and the burden and the anxiety and the fear and the pressure and t
#i've been planning to buy an ipad for ltierally years now to upgrade my drawing setup from idk 2014#i did it today but fuck i hate how it makes me feel to buy things that cost a lot of money y#i have to make decisions and be responsible for them and i never make good decisions my track record on that is absolutely terrible#i always make the wrong ones and i feel guilty always no matter what i do#so it's so much easier to just? not do anything and stay stagnant but then again i can't possibly want that in the long run#bc not accomplishing or doing anything only mkaes me wanna die more#this is even if it's not my money or probably even more if it's someone elses bc this is my parents' gift to me but sfsvdfvjds i want to cry#they bought me one few christmases ago but i returned it bc it was just too much and ic ouldn't deal with it#why is it so difficult for me i cannot receive things#i'm buying all the accessories etc but like that's difficult for me as well#bc even if now i can comfortable afford this thing what if i can't in the future what if i need that money in the future#i've tried thinking this as a combined christmas birthday etc gift from my parents and my own gift for myself for getting my bachelors#but. yeah#i know how this sounds like if someone said this to me itd be reasonable to be like stfu youre getting an ipad what are you crying about#i know this is incredibly privileged whining about nothing but this aversion to gifts and spenidng money is just something that#bothers me about myself bc it's an example of whats wrong with me#i cannot imagine being a person who loves receiving and giving physical gifts how do you live with the implications of those#gifts are nice!!! but they're also a Lot for me#anyway waiting for the say i won't be on the edge for literally no reason <3333#shit talking
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oiphity · 2 years
i was reading choosing terror and um.
hello??????? why did brissot do this to himself at least six fucking times???
opening the confessions is akin to dumping several tons of sewage directly into your brain. it’s like wading through a river of shit, looking for less shitty shit but finding shit all the same.
i feel as though i am passing on a curse to myself whenever i even hold that unholy tome. how the fuck did he tolerate it that many times
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snazzyscarf · 2 years
obviously this is a personal blog first and foremost but this will also be the blog of someone who has been an avid fan of infinity train since 2016 so you should take all of my posts with an underlying tone of someone who has been repeatedly wronged and betrayed severely
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sashimiyas · 1 year
I’m trying to be normal about “The Burden of Being” but I literally CANT. I love the ending. Reading fanfic has made me love ambiguous/not directly final kind of endings more and more. It’s so hopeful and sometimes those really hopeful endings have more of an impact.
The journey that everyone takes in this fic is amazing. The growth, the learning, and fighting for love both romantic and platonic. The relationship between the reader and Atsumu is so special.
I loved having Akaashi in the fic! It was so comforting. Misery loves company but sometimes a little bit of company is what you need. The way he pushes the reader just enough at certain times just made my heart ache (in a good way). The way they bonded over pain and uncertainty, and fought through that together, and kept fighting, because healing isn’t linear or instantaneous.
I’m so glad you were able to write this. It was such a joy to read. And as someone who’s in a transitional season in my life, the middle part, the angsty bits actually really comforted me
ahHHHHSDIFISsDOOJ!! you read it? :(( i can't believe you did that :(( i am pouting because i feel so loved rn <3
YOU are trying to be normal about the burden of being? i have not been normal about it for months!! don't be normal with me! i would love to gush about the story that had literally invaded my life and latched onto me like a leech sucking my imagination for anything else
all the relationships in this fic are so dear to me but honestly, and im so sorry osamu, but atsumu truly was my favorite. it is sososo special you are so right.
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