#i cant ban him from mobile
onemillionfurries · 8 months
discords ai bot "Clyde" just showed up in my personal friends server in the middle of the night im going to fucking strangle someone
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the-s1lly-corner · 5 months
Laughing Jack x baker!reader
Written on mobile so it might be a little hhhh.. not sure if I've written this before but it I did.. UHUH
Gonna write this up then imma try to work on art; I cant sleep
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He has a huge sweet tooth so hes going to be asking you for treats all the time.. expect him to make some requests
Good news is you have a taste tester for new recipes!
Down side, Jack is not at all picky and he cant offer any feedback that isnt "yummy :^)", he thinks everything you make is top tier, you could literally give him something that's been burnt to a crisp and hes still gonna think its tasty
Gets his hands on those silly aprons with sayings on them... dont ask where he got them from
Need something that requires candies? Be it as decor or otherwise? Jack's got you! Hes got all sorts of candy on him at all times
Probably tries to help you in the kitchen
Gets banned from the kitchen because he cant cook for shit, let alone bake
He just gets too excited....
But hes more than happy watching you bake! He might prefer that tbh
Ramps up on the cute/sweet nicknames he calls you
"Sweetie" "Sweetheart" "Cutie Pie" ect ect
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mageofarcane · 2 years
i have a LOT of random gaming headcanons pls (theyre all rly random and cant be backed up AT ALL lmao)
ok so starting off!! i feel like tsukasa wouldve played animal crossing together with saki when they were little and he would grow to love the games a lot <3 he would have a wonderland themed island on acnh and play happy home paradise a lot too!! i feel like he would play story heavy games too, but def avoids horror
he would play any games that are either talked abt by his s/o or recommended to him personally <3 he also likes to play games like stardew, minecraft, animal crossing, etc. with other ppl (even though he constantly dies or gets bullied lmao) ALSO idk why (maybe the fantasy aspect in a lot of them??) but i think he would be love nintendo games!! he would enjoy playing kirby, pokemon, mario (esp party), splatoon, animal crossing, fire emblem, etc. but would 100% avoid smash bc he cant even beat a cpu :') tsukasa also def played nintendogs as a kid and knows the entirety of the kingdom hearts lore!!
as for rui, i think he would play a wide variety of games (like literally anything that peaks his interest)! i think he would play any game his s/o likes bc he rly likes to play with them! <3 he also likes story heavy games bc they sometimes give him inspiration (he also loved laughing at games with bad writing) <3 ruis probably banned from a few minecraft servers after testing bizzare redstone contraptions (that caused the server to suffer a lag spike oops </3) idk why but i also feel like rui would also have a shit ton of mods that makes the game overly complicated lmao
i gave up on organizing my thoughts for the rest of this so heres my v random list on what i think rui would or has played and likes im sorry in advance bc these feel horribly spontaneous skdhkd i think he would be weirdly good at mario kart and splatoon (loves beating tsukasa), likes the persona series, played among us and phasmophobia a few times when they were trending, likes (usually laughing at) horror and psychological thrillers, was an undertale kid, played and likes omori and deltarune, has trolled kids on roblox, downloaded those weird mobile games for laughs, and he likes most building/simulation games (esp if they have a more complex system like minecraft)
I got a little spooked when I was greeted by a wall of texted in my inbox lmao
Honestly tho, I love these headcanons a lot and some of them made me laugh, especially of how funny it is to imagine Rui terrorizing poor kids online.
I like the idea of Tsukasa having played a bunch of older games with Saki when they were younger. He'd have a blasted with happy home paradise I'm sure. Overall I think he enjoys more relaxed and often story driven games but he'd play just about anything if it were with someone else. Both he and Rui like to find inspiration from fantasy story games.
Rui, oh boy... is absolute troll on multiplayer games just for the fun of it but never in a mean-spirited way. I could see him having fun playing awful games and watching terrible movies/tv shows with his s/o just to they could make fun of it together. I like to think that Rui has played against Nene a lot in the past and she's really good at pretty much any game so it's made him pretty good. I'm sure anything would building or creating he'd love.
I imagine an among us lobby of a bunch of pjsekai characters and it being chaos with Rui being very good at being an imposter and throwing blame and is an excellent liar and so no one ever trusts him no matter what. Would also team up with an imposter while he was a crew mate just to screw everyone up lmao.
Please, give me any and all of your headcanons. I love hearing what ideas others have for these two.
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mickstart · 2 years
i absolutely love reading all of ur star wars f1 au snippets but i am so curious how does anakin lose his arm in this verse? does dooku just crash into himdhdjsjsn
(i am so sorry losing a limb is never funny but dooku crashing into anakin and going u know what. fuck that guy and deliberately driving over his arm is a little funny. to me. dooku gets suspended from the championship w immediate effect and every time anakin wins after he gets his prostetic he writes an angry op ed that anakin is cheating bc his "robot reflexes" are faster than a human. anakin deliberately pulls a kubica and drives practically one handed next race only to win against the current sith racing driver (assajj??) to prove a point but gets a concussion climbing out of the car bc he forgot he cant use his hand to steady himself like the idiot he is)
feelfree to disregadrd all of this btw also sorry for the spelling mjstakes tumblr mobile is a pest
Okay honestly SW F1 au is pretty much just a for funsies Nothing Bad Happens Ever mashing together of my two big interests r/now. I am smashing the toys together and babbling like a toddler and just doing surface level observations of where people would fit. This is partly just BC... It's for fun! And partly because my own closeness to actual Motorsport makes me somewhat uncomfortable adapting its more serious consequences for an au for a silly space movie franchise.
That said. 1) you're so right anakin drives an unhinged amazing race and then gives himself concussion just to prove a point to an old man who got banned. 2) if there was to be a more serious version of this AU with plot. It would absolutely involve this.
Anakin being ground up and spat out by the cruel competitive world of Motorsport. Qui-Gon sells him and his mother the dream that he's going to be a world champion he's going to be everything he's ever dreamed of and bring home all the money his mum could ever need. So anakin develops this complex, devotes his life to racing, and becomes reckless in his pursuit of it. He definitely gains a prosthetic thanks to a horrible crash with dooku, but he still isn't a champion. He has to keep going and it makes him MORE reckless because now he's given up an ARM for this. He has to do it by any means necessary.
Inevitably, it ends in a fireball crash that ends his career for good without the championship he wanted so badly. He lashes out at everyone - especially obi-wan - and vanishes as soon as he's out of the hospital. This would then lead into the twins, given up at birth separately, getting into Motorsport of their own accord and anakin returning from wherever he fucked off to to try and stop them. (And tense reunions with Padme and obi-wan that are ultimately healing.)
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yelenassecretlover · 3 years
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medieval au hcs [sfw] pt 2
anime: attack on titan
characters: erwin, armin, mikasa
a/n: no thoughts head empty, y’all know I’m on mobile and I cant copy and paste from the google doc I work on to here, its so annoying I have to boot up my old ass desktop to copy and paste :)
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King, helped lead his kingdom into a golden age. Although it seems war is just over the horizon, maybe he can help prevent it once again?
It seems as if King Erwin has been in power for centuries…but that cant be. Rumors says he’s over 300 yrs old but those are just rumors
Can either be extremely intelligent and knowledgeable or a complete himbo, there is no in between
A Dilf, has a bunch of daughters who he loves dearly, will behead you if you so much as look at them in the wrong way
Had a beautiful garden made, named it “of eden” as he located every flower and beautiful plant in the kingdom and planted them there for his partner.
Is not intimidated by the demons he calls knights Levi and Yelena. One of the few people who isn’t scared of them, occasionally messes with them
Loves PARTIES, a new ball or some event is occurring every week. Truly he just makes up any excuse to party. (Levi’s usually stuck as the head of the party planning committee, claims to hate it but he volunteered)
“ The butler recently bought a new puppy. Let's celebrate the life of the animal with a ball. Invite everyone”
Many of his conquests and goals are questionable, but no one dares question him (except his daughters they’re always pestering him with new questions)
Has a throne room that he does sit in, but you’ll have a better time finding him in his office (he thinks the throne room is kind of tacky but Levi and Yelena insist on him using it)
Was raised in royalty his entire life but spent his young adulthood sneaking off into the villages, where he met Levi (No surprise, to his dismay, his daughters do the same)
Baker, inherited his parents business after they disappeared in a trip to the forbidden land
Extremely curious and inquisitive, questions everything around him. Even owns a couple of banned books but don't tell anyone
Always smells like the latest delight on the menu, on Mondays you’ll smell Snickerdoodle, Wednesday Blueberry muffins and Friday, well Friday is experiment day but sweet is one word to describe it.
Wears an apron regardless if he’s in the kitchen or not, although food isn’t the only thing cooking (some say at 3am you can heard weird spells being cast, but in the morning you merely smell the freshly made bread so who knows)
“ ha..silly rumors we all know casting spells is illegal. I’m just preparing for the next day”
Extremely kind and caring but not naive, picks up on things quickly. Book smart and Street smart
Humble origins. Not that it bothers him he’s always cared more about the way things are done, then the actual things themselves. To hung up on the can it be done not worried on the should it be, you already know this story
Animals really like him, although he hates it because they’re constantly stealing his sweets, he needs those to make a living so he’s a bit stressed
Such a sweet and lovely aura to him, no surprise he’s as sweet as his cookies
Constantly getting flour on his books, when he opens them he’s not sure if its dust or flour but he is currently in a coughing fit so he won't notice
Wanted to follow Eren and Mikasa into knighthood but didnt, although not because of his psychique (baking requires quite the workout, so he’s a bit toned) but rather decided to continue his families legacy in the sweets department
Knight, Joined for two reasons, for her friend but also her loyalty to her Kingdom.
Stern face but very warm once spoken to, looks mean but is the sweetest
Due to the kingdom being in a golden age her full potential has not been shown, but it has been noticed. Sworn into the head knights team at a young age, the first to do so.
Contrary to popular belief not in love with Eren, she’s very protective of all her close friends, the mom friend of the group. The one you can count on bringing in extra blankets for the mission
Doesn’t drink no matter how hard the day may have been, has to make sure Eren or Sasha dont get into any trouble
“Captain was pissed when you two snuck into his office, the next time you do some dumb shit like that I’ll snitch on you myself”
Touch starved, attention starved, really craves love but instead spends her days training to distract herself
Extremely agile, great fighter, master at swordcraft. Basically amazing at everything she does, Armin tried to bribe her to join his bakery, she refused.
Women of a few words, her actions are how she expresses herself
Cherishes the gifts given to her by the villagers no matter how useless
“Mika that’s the 10th letter opener you were given you do not need that give it away” “……no”
When not in her usual knight attire, she wears lovely summer dresses that go just below her knees, even in winter, claims she cant feel cold. (funny.... Levi claims this too)
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midoridragonuus · 2 years
(silverbrook-fr) 75 lore questions ask game!
23. How does your clan educate younger dragons? Is there a scribe, scholar, or mentor?
31. Who cares for the familiars? The familiar’s dragon, or a general caretaker?
55. Dragon most likely to bring back a stick from gathering?
67. How do skins and accents work in your lore?
73. Pick two dragons and talk about their relationship.
( 😭 ty so much for asking. I cant even begin to explain how much these asks helped with helping distract me. also sorry about lack of links bc mobile )
23. All children under 18 who do not have a job that takes them outside of the city are required private schooling. Depending on which subject they excel it, they can be taught by Kaito, Myrina, or Jinnoa until they are able to legally sign a contract with the company.
31. It is heavily dependant on the familiar. Small familiars that fall under proper city ordinances may be kept as companions or pets. Larger breeds are stored on farmland purchased by Schwartz Industries and tended to by Maggie and Lonnie. Those that are banned in both Light and Nature cannot be kept on company property.
55. It is incredibly common to send Gaet or Posey to the store with a grocery list, and for them to come back with a bunch of flowers, a few decorative sticks, and a vase no one has ever seen before.
67. Skins and accents are highly dependant on what they are. Some are clothing. Some are tattoos. Others are simply natural coloring.
73. I don't talk often about the relationship between Daixi and Prophet, which is tangentially important to the main lore (I haven't written).
Daixi's first interaction with SI was through the SSA. However, he wasn't alone. Prophet came with him, as the host declared he saved the body and thus was worthy of time. It irritates the Prophet to explain further, but it isn't from embarrassment. A lot of their frustrations come from communicating without the body.
Very few understand their roundabout way of thinking. Outside observations find that Daixi gets along so well with the Prophet because he too, speaks in a round about way. He'd rather ask you a seemingly unrelated question than give a straight answer. The Prophet appreciates the abstract and speaks in similarly obvious riddles, in a sharp contrast to the host, who is known for their jovial attitude and well-spoken demeanor. Since so few are willing to interact with the Prophet without frustration, it's no surprise that they cling to Daixi.
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soulsuckrrs · 3 years
mobile rules page-
Hey, I’m Po, 30+ mess of a person. They/Them or He/Him pronouns. I live in the states (EST) and I really enjoy writing. I have three blogs: soulsuckrrs, twistedthings, and thedesolated, they each have their own themes, the second two are sideblogs so all follows will come from this blog. Here are some basic rules for this blog and interacting with me. Before you start, I know there's a lot & don't feel stressed to read ALL my rules, just the overall is fine but what I've written is just a way to filter those I'll get along better with than others. With 10+ years of rping, I've become a little picky with some things. Thanks for taking the time to read this!
Content :
If you follow me, you’re saying that you’re over 18, I would prefer 21+. A lot will be triggering, but don’t expect anything like rxpe or incxst. But there will be death, gore, murder, violence, graphic details, drug and alcohol use, mental illness, stalking, and smut. If you're not about that life, don't follow me.
All my muses are an original character of mine, and although some lore is loosely inspired by some anime, tv shows, books and have been taken from some of my other retired blogs, I’ve taken creative liberties and changed some details to fit what I like.
None of the gifs that I use were made by me, that credit goes to the respected creators. You can find that info in my likes or my 'file: resources' tag.
I don't have a huge 'banned fcs' list but I'll add as more come to be in my disliking: Amber Heard, Gal Gadot, Taylor Swift, MGK, Kardashians/Jenners, youtubers, Justin & Hailey Bieber, Chris Pratt, problematic people (please let me know if I'm using or reblog someone who is problematic as a w/o, I cant keep track of the trash), more tbd. If you use any of these fcs, chances are I won't interact with those characters but I will always accept the use of alt fcs.
There will be MATURE and DARK content on this blog, I’ll do my best to tag things for my mutuals, but if something is triggering for you, let me know and I’ll tag it. I love the dark and disturbing. I'm big into horror, supernatural, sci-fi, and twisted stuff so my writing will reflect that.
If you follow me and we're writing together and you're wondering why I haven't followed you back, don't take it personally, I'm weird, a lot of stuff on my dash stresses me out sometimes so it takes a while for me to follow people back even if we have several threads and have been writing together for months. It's a me thing I swear I love writing with you. If you're curious about it just ask, chances are I'll follow you upon being asked about it 🤷 #anxiety
I have some werewolf characters and I’ll admit that I know very little about the omega verse and that whole universe, I will be very picky if I write anything from that world. Don’t assume the “pack dynamic” of my muses is the same as you might have come to know in other fandoms or lore. I kinda took things I liked from all the werewolf lores and rolled them into one.
WE FUCKING SUPPORT AND LOVE THE LGBTQIA+ COMMUNITY IN THIS HOUSE !!! I will not tolerate any hate or slander against them and P L E A S E give me your queer and trans muses, I'll love them down.
Smut will only be written with a mun & muse that is 21+. NO exceptions. That being said, if you're a minor... what are you doing here? kindly get off my blog, thanks.
With smut, I don't mind writing it out or fading to black, whatever you'd like is fine by me! If I write it, though, I drop the images/gifs and use just text. Whether or not I use a 'read more' depends on if my partner uses one, however, most of the time I won't use that and will try to tag it as 'usfw' or just 'x'. Most of the time though it won't be tagged.
As far as ships go, I’m basically a ship whore and already ship it. Just come scream at me in my IM’s and I’ll scream right back. I ship it all, especially of all things queer and gay.
Threads & Activity :
EXPECT LOW TO MEDIUM ACTIVITY | this is a hobby, I love to write but a lot of the time, I just don't have the energy to get online and focus on it-- that has nothing to do with you, we all have our days, mine sometimes last weeks to months on end of no activity and sometimes even when I do get online I can only do a couple replies. Please don't get upset if I don't reply to our threads when you see me replying or posting other things, it doesn't mean I hate you or don't have any interest in our threads, plots or ships. I'm so slow... so so slow.
If you want rapid, back and forth, every day or week type of interactions, I'm probably not the writing partner for you. I take forever to reply a lot of the time, lucky to get stuff done once a week, though I'm trying to be better now that I can reply to things on mobile instead of having to get on my laptop but I'm still a slug.
My muse and inspiration for characters fluxes, some days I have more muse for a certain character than others; sometimes I'm just in the headspace of certain threads or plots, don't take it personal if I don't reply to our threads or plots. I will get to them, I promise.
I'll be honest, I can write a lot, sometimes too much, I get struck by the muse and I just get carried away. I'm generally a novella and multi-paragraph writer. But for the most part, I do try to match my partners reply length. It doesn't always happen and I much prefer to let my muse flow than try to restrict myself. If that's not something you're into or you find it intimidating or difficult to keep up with that type of writing, I completely understand. There's never any pressure to keep up with that so long as your reply gives me enough to go off of, I prefer enthusiasm over length anyway but if you just reply with one line and I wrote 2+ paragraphs... I'm sorry, I probably won't reply back. I'm not always big on one-liners, they're good as initial starters but I'd rather you take your time to reply to our threads than give me nothing to write against.
As far as my thread formatting goes, my default is medium gifs & small text but I don't mind dropping the gifs & will do so for smut regardless. I'm not very fond of big gifs/search gifs so pls don't use those unless we've talked about it. It gives me so much anxiety thnx. Also, I have bad eyes so the double spacing and extra tiny font KILLS my eyes so pls refrain from doing that. Yes, it looks cool but damn do I have to squint to see it.
If you’d like to write and you have a plot or idea you want to go with, just tag me in a post or IM me, I’m open to a lot so long as there is communication. I’m not picky about formatting of threads, however I don’t like giant gifs or giant pictures of your fc, so PLEASE refrain from using those. I’d rather there be no image than something big and bulky, it gives me a lot of anxiety for some reason. I won't reply to you if you use a big gif or image and will likely block you too. Unless, we talk about it and I'm prepared for it. I just get the anxieties about it.
Plotting is usually the best way to get me interested, I like talking about my muses and the feelings I have for them. Feel free to share your ideas and plots you want with me! Chances are I’ll love it and want to write it out. I’m really easy to talk to, so please don’t be intimidated!! I'm awkward and goofy and honestly just a very anxious nerd.
For memes, send me all the memes, I do have the tendency to hoard them like a fucking dragon (same with replies tbh) but I'll likely either turn them into a new thread or just post them as a cute little moment for our muses. If it's the first time you send me a meme it is more likely to be posted as a new thread so keep that in mind!
On that note, however, I am a convo dropper and I can vanish suddenly as well. Sometimes my social meter just bottoms out or I just don’t want to talk, but more likely than that is that I totally read your message, mentally replied but didn’t have time to do so physically so I completely forgot about your message. Just send me another! Don’t worry about bugging me, I am a lonely boy, I would rather you message me all the time than let me go months being an asshole and forgetting :’)
Also, if you're gonna soft block me, let me know? Or just hard block me. I will just think Tumblr was a dummy and made me unfollow you if you soft block me. So just block me. I won't be offended, I get it. Do what makes you least stressed out and if that means blocking me for whatever reasons, then I understand, I want this to be a safe space for everyone.
Overall :
The basic rules apply here, no god-modding & meta gaming, if you don’t know what that is, google is a great resource. My BIGGEST pet-peeve is when people reblog resources (i.e. memes, muse fcs/muse inspo & such) from me but do not interact with me or reach out to plot, if you’re following me JUST for resources, just.. please don’t, I’m not a resource/rph blog. It annoys the shit out of me, if we’re mutuals or we write together it’s fine, just don’t be a dick and I’ll do the same. Honestly, other than that, I’m not really picky. I’m here for writing and meeting other writers.
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lavenderek · 3 years
hi, A/3 volunteer back again! i hope i can answer your questions properly, but i’m on mobile so sorry if i get a bit confused. it’s also going to be quite long but i hope you can figure out which questions i’m replying to. let me know if you need any more clarification!
1 - as tag wranglers, we don’t moderate content via deletion, etc - we just move fics into the correct tags, and it’s typically on a fandom basis (for example, i might solely wrangle for something like the supernatural fandom only). i’ve never come across ‘problematic’ tags since most of the time, it’s just sorting tags into like... more general tags? so example - someone tags a fic with ‘kinda fluffy kinda angsty’. we would then kind of make it so that tag redirects to ‘fluff with angst’, even though it still appears as the original tag on the fic. does that make sense? i’m also a little unsure of the other questions you had here - which is totally my fault, i’m in the middle of writing an essay for uni that needs to be in in like... 12 hours and my brain is frazzled - but if you were asking about a situation where if i was concerned that a single user had a collection of fics that were all entirely based upon something illegal and reported their entire account to mods, would it be deleted - i’m not sure. tag wranglers are kind of like low-level moderators, and we’re not what would typically be thought of as moderators since we simply reorganise content versus actually removing it. since the reporting process is typically through the site itself and is handled by an entirely separate team, i cant speak for how they think or what their process is.
2 - it’s up to our judgement as to if we want to report it, but again, the tags we wrangle are VERY general. tags like ‘dead dove don’t eat’ and stuff that are typically full of polarising content arent something i’ve come across, because i think they make up a minority of most fandoms when put against tags like ‘fluff’ and ‘angst’ and even stuff like ‘chocolate’, lmao. i’m not certain what happens when a report is processed and the fic is found to be removable - what i do know though is that with fics that are seen as breaking specific laws (i.e depictions of CSA, slander, etc) mods are often a lot more hard-handed for several reasons (reputation both within the community and in terms of the fact they could very much get in legal trouble). again though, i’m a low-level moderator and don’t see that side of the process. however, if i report something and it’s not taken down, i’m not implicated in any way. it’s been a while since i’ve been on the site and reported anything so i’m not entirely certain if reporting is 100% anonymous or if you have to supply details like email, but i think if you DO supply things, it’s to ensure you aren’t mass-reporting someone (bc i think that counts as targeted harassment). email is also possible to fake, so i think you can make the process anonymous if you want to. as for how often i personally report fic - not often. i’m a CSA victim (which is why this topic is touchy for me tbh), and i don’t like to go through the process because i find it arduous - you have to give an explanation as to why you’re reporting the fic, and i find it triggering at times. i’ve also never been in a position where i have found a fic while actively volunteering that i feel has been necessary to report, so i can’t speak for that either. all of that being said - i’ve heard of and seen on one occasion fics and entire accounts be deleted for harassment/slander - in particular, i’ve heard multiple times that accounts dedicated to purposely like... making fun of? or like technically harassing? kpop boy group members have been taken down because even though their content is ‘technically’ fanfiction, it’s obviously just there to incite hatred against a specific person. so, imo, if mods are quick on taking down accounts obviously run by 14 year olds in fandom drama writing numerous fics where boyband member A calls boyband member B stupid and tells him nobody likes him, i think they’re very likely just as serious about taking down more serious content. that’s just my opinion and my personal experience though, and it’s distinct from my volunteering.
overall, on the whole topic of CSA on the website - it’s really tough even just as a basic content moderator. there’s lots of reasons as to why people post it, and though people are very obviously welcome and encouraged to think critically about everything, it’s a fact that the topic is really really difficult to manoeuvre (culture, who is posting it, when was it posted, why it’s being posted aka vent fics, etc). as i said, i’m a CSA victim myself, so i understand the frustration, but it’s too nuanced and difficult a topic to be able to say ‘ban it all’. however, i do think the site is doing their best to crack down on stuff that is very obviously on there for one specific reason, and i also think generally, they’re changing things so people are able and sometimes encouraged to anonymise themselves by not giving any profile info and to protect themselves by turning off comments completely, etc. i find that you can make it really easy to curate your posting experience so that essentially, you can post but nobody can really interact.
3 - i like tag wrangling! i got into it because i saw a position on the front page of the site and decided to go for it. it wasn’t very taxing to get into and you don’t have to put much work in - a couple of hours a week is enough, and they’re understanding about work/uni/etc. it’s easy to meet other people through volunteering, and they ensure everyone is over 18. i don’t read through fic myself - just through tags, and then i sort them into their proper places. if something is tagged wrong, we don’t get in touch with the author, we just do our best to reorganise the tag so it redirects into the correct place - again, for instance, if someone writes a fantasy AU that they tag with ‘high fantasy prince/princess AU’ and that tag doesn’t exist, we would sort it into the main tag for a royalty AU or something like that. re: monetisation of fics: technically, monetised content is not allowed on A/3 - if someone is advertising their patreon or kofi in their authors notes or profile, you’re supposed to report it just as a general user. i think it’s because it puts the site at risk of being sued or something? but as a low level mod, i don’t HAVE to report these things unless i see them while i’m tag wrangling (aka i see a tag like ‘my patreon is XYZ!!!!! send me money!!!!!!’) and i personally don’t report monetised fics because ... i don’t find it a prominent issue, lmao. people are also learning to avoid it by being like this is my tumblr or this is my twitter, and when you click on their social media they link their patreon or whatever There instead. also, idk who decided the colour scheme! i think it was just like a generally agreed upon thing with the site designers. i also think there’s been convo for a few years about dark modes and stuff on the site, but i’m pretty sure the site has to get a few more things out of the way before they’ll prioritise that (i know they’re trying to work on a better moderating system for things like spam and harassment atm bc the spam filter absolutely sucks dick lol). i’ll totally drop a mention like WOW, wouldnt it be AMAZING if we could have this SPECIFIC COLOUR SCHEME, tho <3
thank you so much for responding!!! this is really cool to know, i've never even seen a post by an a*3 worker before so you're a total unicorn right now
heh uni-corn because you're in uni. sorry i'm tired too
good luck on your paper!
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pikawarrior · 4 years
Answer each about any of your OCs you want! Sorry it’s a lot XD 2, 4, 6, 7, 11, 14, 22, 23, 31, 32, 36, 39, 44, 48, 50, 62 (tell me about all of them!!!!), 69, 72, 74, 80, 86, 92, 96, 99, 100, 102, 114, 121, 122, 132, 138, 142, 146, 149, 150, 155, 161, 163, 164, 175?
2. What would history remember your character for?
Either being the Guardians or that one time Light almost destroyed all of North America
4. Has your character ever been handcuffed or tied up?
The main 7 got arrested.... multiple times, they're banned from Florida forever
6. Who did your character look up to as a child?
Light looked up to the creepypastas (she even wrote some fanfics and made art of them, which got pretty popular)
7. Do any of your characters have depression?
Yes, Moonlight, Light, and Em
11. What is your character’s favorite historical or fairy tale figure?
Em's favorite is Snow White!
14. Are any of your characters nonverbal?
Em's son Charly is
22. Do any of your characters have someone named after them? Or are they named after someone else?
No but there's a law somewhere named after Adara
23. Do any of your characters have facial markings?
Em, Flare, and Adara do. Em's is a small green star, for Flare its a broken heart, and for Adara its a small gold flame (her family's royal symbol)
24. What is your character’s opinions on squirrels?
All: cute
31. How much does your character care about their appearance?
None of them care that much
32. Do you have any characters who are twins?
Light and Em are twins! (They dont look like it but they are)
36. Would your character prefer to sit around and chill or be up and moving and doing something?
Moon amd Em like the first option, the others like doing stuff like training
39. Do any of your characters have the responsibilities of an adult despite being a child, or did they when they were?
Moon had to play messager when they're dad stop talking to their mom (again) and they had to juggle both their own mental health and their parents relationship
44. Are any of your characters overshadowed by other siblings? Or have parents who clearly have a favorite? (ex: Boromir and Faramir)
Adara and Midnight were alway overshadowed by their sisters, their 'parents' alway liked their sisters better
48. Are any of your characters apprentices?
Yes, Charly and Arias
50. Are any of your characters Good Dads ™?
Hahaha, No
62. Have any of your characters adopted anyone?
Yes, Adara/Light, Em and Pika
69. Has your character ever found themselves in with the wrong crowd and had to attempt to break from it?
Pika and Midnight
72. Would your character care for someone who needed it if it meant being ostracized from their society?
Yes (Midnight is the prime example of that)
74.  Are any of your characters associated with flowers?
Does the flower cult counts? Cuz theres a flower cult
80. Was your character ever considered shy?
Yes Moonlight, they were know as the quiet kid
86. Is your character’s fear reaction to fight, flight, or freeze?
Light, Adara, Midnight, Flare and Blizzard are fight.
Moon and Em or flight
And Pika is freeze
92. Have any of your characters started and/or led a revolution?
Yes Adara led two revolutions
96. Which character is The Proudest ™ of their kids?
The main 7: Me!
100. Are any of your characters queer?
Yes like *checks notes* about 70-80%
101. Which character is The Most dramatic?
All: Moon
102. What is your character’s greatest source of guilt?
Adara's is burning down the kingdom
114. Do any of your characters insist on going by their fullname rather than a nickname?
121. Do any of your characters have prosthetics?
Charly has a prosthetic arm, that Moon and Adara built for him!
122. What is your character’s greatest secret?
Em has the highest body count and the most scars
132. Who is the precious cinnamon roll?
Em, Charly, Arias, and Starlight
138. How good is your character with money and accounting?
Moon is the best, Pika is the worst (i mean who buys $2000 worth of haunted dolls?!?!? It took weeks to exorcise that house!)
142. Do any of your characters use wheelchairs, transportation devices, or mobility aids?
One of the old Guardians used a wheelchair
146. Were any of your characters disowned or abandoned by their parents?
Adara, her sisters, Light and Em
149: How good is your character at lying?
Most are good, then there's Em who can't lie, like physically cant lie she got cursed
150. Do any of your characters have to deal with family being concerned more about appearances and reputation than personal wellbeing?
Yes Adara's (now dead) family (not including her sisters)
155: Does your character cut and/or color their hair for any specific reason?
Em cut her hair as a symbol of her freedom from her 'parents'
161: Your character’s opinion of pineapple?
All but Flare: No
163: Are any of your characters autistic? (If so, do they have special interests and what are they?)
Charly and Starlight are. Charly special interest is art. Starlight special interest is collecting rocks
164: Are any of your characters tinkerers or inventors?
Moon and Adara
175: Are any of your characters badass (lesbian) pirate queens?
Light 100%
109. Would your character blackmail a god?
Moon would and has blackmailed a god
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Day 6 ..Friday          Struggling .. which is why i did nt see the news or spend time on Social Media yesterday..          I thought it would be a breeze and after a little concentration id have it down .. but no , even the first part…known as lumpedy lump was proving tough , because of the triplet  walk up from the V to the 1.. and i think thats the part Jimmy Reed himself is playing…   If you ve read previous episodes you will know i refer to Honest I Do….the song.   Im learning it on a You Tube lesson , now a lot of people who think of themselves as pros , seem to think there s some sort  of stigma ro learning stuff on You Tube, but i know a French guy , of Spanish descent , who is a really hot Flamenco guitarist who has mastered nearly all the Palos , and all on You Tube  They are right, if you dedicate yourself to different songs at the same time, but it s like working form home…you need time and discipline ..and take the lessons very slowly and don’t move on till you can play it 20 times with your eyes shut..preferably standing up .. then move on up. Yesterday  was the first time i managed to do this.   There is a different tone on Social media today .. angrier , more prone to blame others, more censorious…and on one group forum i saw they were going to ban Humour..well , i don’t personally know the Group leader.. but it does nt take much imagination to know she s not someone you d want to be quarantined with.    The only thing to fear is fear itself.. well i certainly don’t think that applies in this situation, quite the reverse, the more frightened we are the less we will venture forth on errands that are not strictly necessary..i was on my way out the door , literally, when my mobile rang…it was the charming woman from the bank.. she d got my message .. id gone way over my limit.. which was why i could nt withdraw funds…She , and i won’t name her, is working from Home and sorted it all out on her laptop..no need for me to go to town..      Is nt that great?..well , I thought it was..and a good thing too,as she has not been provided with any masks..and we are talking about a Bank..if they cant get basic stuff like that no wonder the Government  are nt testing people .. they don’t have the wherewithal…it is nt as though this has nt been on the News everyday since December the something.    .I remember listening to Radio Four as i was driving through Slough, in December,… don’t ask … the M4 was closed..and i was listening to a woman in Wuhan describing how her parents were dying in the Street.. that really got my attention.   It did nt seem to get the attention of the people in charge here however, as when the inevitable arrived nearly three months later , they had done nothing to prepare for it.   The Spanish Disease is politics, it creeps into every corner of life and spreads its poison , a bit like you know what,..and in the past when people got fed up with their venal politicians there was a Military Coup , and then they realised maybe life was better before with democracy … and the cycle starts again. This model has been exported successfully to Latin America.. with the possible  exception of Mexico. and Costa Rica   Its all very well for us stodgy Northerners with our bad weather , to criticise, but Sun affects people,and when things are good they seem so much better  in the Sunshine..but something about Sunny weather produces Volatility, and an @ i won’t fix the roof as its not raining @ World View… and Italys  colossal death rate is the price to be paid .. not that it is nt sunny in China..or South Korea..but they do a lot more than just fix the roof..and to put  it down to Confucianism .. well  maybe best not to start on that.   Australia will be interesting, they have lots of sun , but its a pretty organised place ..and i don’t see them making this sort of Balls up.. also they have the experience of natural disasters,,and pulling together, and will not let Politics interfere…any country that had leaders with  names  like Abbott and Costello doesn’t waste too energy on petty politics.  The Current Classic example of petty minded, spiteful, pointless,  negative ,oppurtunism , is the  attempt on social media and what sup groups to denigrate the Royal Family organising people to rattle saucepans at a given time, because apparently the current King s father had a rather large amount of money in a Swiss Account..well, it was Saudi Money , not money stolen from the Spanish taxpayer, unlike the billions stolen by the previous administration , the PP .The idea for this stupidity was inspired by the Custom of applauding the Medical profession every night at eight o clock.. an excellent morale boosting , bringing everyone together kind of gesture..well everything has its opposite and this is an excellent way to breed more discontent and fracture an all ready pretty fractured society.. it beggars belief and you really have to have lived here to see these Barca Madrid  idiocies at first hand.   Barca Madrid is a term used to describe the divide and conquer ,us and them , attitudes that have stopped Spains progress since the collapse of their Empire, culminating in the most vicious Civil War in recent European History, and one would have hoped  that after 40 plus years of Democracy it would have disappeared , but sadly, like in the USA and a lot of other democracies , it seems to be on the increase.The anger on Social Media which results from the claustrophobic frustration of a lockdown will hopefully not boil over into something with unpleasant political consequences, which would be very sad , as after Francos death and the adoption of constitution that is the envy of many countries, Spain was a beacon of hope in the last quarter of the 20 th century… how the mighty are fallen .. one hopes not.. SPANISH LOCKDOWN DAY  7   Slept really well , but then  I remember reading that people on Death row sleep 16 hours a day so possibly not a good sign.   Last Night i watched the Spanish news ,on the main channel and things are looking up , relatively speaking, in the sense that testing has arrived ..someone, or some country, has sent several thousand, or may be half a million test kits.. which is obviously excellent news , and testing in  Galicia is going full steam ahead. There was the obligatory item about a vaccine..which I think one can take with a pinch of salt. .Military erecting field hospitals next to various main hospitals…the eight o clock applause of medical staff…all in all well put together not too desperately pessimistic, and generally not as disheartening as Facebook.. afterwards i felt like some light relief so we watched eleven episodes of 2 and half men,  in Spanish ,to cheer ourselves up before going to bed.   ..   Today i decided to live a normal day .. if such a thing were possible , so , after taking Tina for a walk i got the Old TV and DVD working and put on Marty Schwarz s Intermediate Blues Guitar Course part one…and it started raining .. so that was encouraging as it took away any temptation to venture outside.. except for firewood that is.   I worked through the course without rushing , but also without too much pausing , as i d done those lessons before, and all that repetition of Honest I do  is paying off..   On going outside for firewood i could not ignore the noise of the generator that kicked in yesterday evening, as we ve had not Sun for several days, so i decided to fill it up with diesel, and see how much 15 hours constant running had used,only half the 20 litre can to fill  up the tank…but was it full to begin with?..anyway it s very rare to have 4 days without sun , so even if it did use  13 euros of diesel  Im not going to freak out as that was expensive diesel.. and I’m entitled to use the cheaper stuff .Of cause i spilled Diesel over my hands , and shoes , and when i spent a good 5 minutes trying to wash the smell out i realised this was the ultimate anti virus test.. so i will leave a bowl of Diesel outside every time i go to town and use that as first part of the disinfection process , yet another excuse not to go to town.    My neighbour M.  rang and suggested i look at his scheme on Facebook to institute Food Deliveries , so one does nt have to go to the Supermarket in person  and infect and be infected… a good idea of course , but like so many , i don’t see it happening…I pointed out several objections , lack of drivers, expense, one would need a sort of Uber program which will probably not be ready for a year .. etc..and the Supermarkets are making so much money i doubt they need this sort of input.I promised to look at it later , which I will , as Lunch was ready.   We ve run out of  Bread ,Oranges and Chocolate, Aurora has broken a nail and the nail bars are closed till further notice…but otherwise  we can probably get through till Monday without suffering too much ..on the other hand Monday is probably the worst day to go shopping..Im toying with the idea of going to the small Supermarket, at 8 am Sunday morning, and hopefully having it to myself , as i cant face the idea of a queue. I know English people are supposed to love queueing but i must be an exception, and queuing nowadays is a High Risk Activity.    The Sun is out and i did one of the jobs from a month old to do list… pumping the water out the flooded pump room , it all went very well , and i felt  very worthy , and now , with the Sunshine it s time for a walk , with Tina , of course.   I return , feeling optimistic .. and the phone rings, i assume it s my neighbour asking if I’ve read his article.it isn’t , it s C another near neighbour, with some very bad news .  The police are in Quarantine…and the Army will soon be here. No Tobacco..as they will close the Tobacconist.  A completely different ball game  I rang M, and gave him the news…I f he d had  a kalashnikov  he d have been checking the magazine  I rang another neighbour  F, whose office is next to the Police Station , to warn him. .When the Rumour , comes to your Town , It Grows and Grows, Where it Started No-one Knows…*Robbie Robertson   I rang my source in the Town Hall G…no , it s only one cop , and he has nt got the results yet..   I rang M  again…he had spoken to his friend who is a Guardia Civil .no , it was nt a Cop it was a Guardia Civil..he also told me the Cuban woman who cleans houses had been stopped, by the Police and they checked the receipt for her shopping    I rang the first neighbour and corrected the original story        I opened Facebook .. and there was the original story , which had started a firestorm of comments along the likes of whats your source? etc as though we were in the Watergate hearings, not only that,  the people reading the story imagined it referred to Mojacar , not Carboneras , and were all frantically ringing the Police Staion , The Town Hall and each other to see if it were true.    The tones of the respective comments went from shrill outrage that anyone should suggest such a story without due documentation , to fear , to I knew this would happen, all these irresponsible idiots .. blah blah   It began to increasingly resemble an episode of Dads Army with a false alarm about a German Landing.., which Facebook does anyway    There is the Captain Mainwaring..@While i was out today making sure everyone was behaving themselves i saw these irresponsible panic shoppers,  and these people walking around without a good reason @     The Fraser .. We Re Doomed     The Air raid Warden…Its all the fault of the Ruling Class, and rules are rules etc     Jones ..Dont Panic... in a tone of complete hysteria    Pikes mother…Be sure to wear your gloves , motorcycle helmet , hazchem suit, mask..galoshes, .Do you have your hand sanitiser , all clothes must be burnt on reentry etc     By this time Auroras original alarm had been replaced by hilarity, as she was sitting by the fire hearing one side of these conversations..     I went out for some more wood and we relaxed by watching a Documentary about the Boeing 737 MAX..complete with simulation in the Pilots cockpit    The best part was the CEO of Boeing trying to justify his 30 million Dollar salary at a Congressional hearing..…i wondered what the Shareholders thought about that , i know what the victims families thought , as they were being interviewed and did nt sound too impressed
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False information was spread about me with very little truth. While some is truth, others are either taken from untrustworthy sources or were said by people whom are enemies i made in the past to make me more hated. I dont know if all of you know the post im refering to, i wont link it here but it has been causing me a lot if stress
Now I’m not going to deny some parts of the post because they are factual. But other parts are false. I havent blackmailed people for roleplay, and I dont charge back payments. The charging back of commissioned artwork is only from the artists point of view. And even then its heavily exxagerated. What happened was I spent too much money on porn commissions using a family members credit card on my own paypal, i paid this family member to do this of course bit they didnt know what i was buying. After i spent over $1000 CAD they realized I was spending it on porn and called paypal to charge it back. Paypal charged it back. I tried and tried to get paypal to send the money back but they locked me out of the account and the family member refused to let me send the money to them. Since then I was only able to pay back one artist of many, its not just artists. Paypal took back all payments and I even lost some of my art programs such as Clip studio EX because of this. Ive also lost many mobile apps and more. This caused me a lot of stress and I wasn’t allowed to use a credit card for a long time. Now, You know who. A certain artist who made these claims. Yes I admit I tried to roleplay with them but I will be honest. This is a honest statement from my own mouth. There is many many people in the community who KNOW I’m sumlur and are of age who roleplay with me and I wont name them to keep them same from harassment. Im not innocent but neither are the people like YOU who spread this information. And I will send you this post privately. Yes it is not my place to be in the vore community but because I have it helped with my depression and I learned many things that made me better as a person. I know my mistakes and I understand even when 2021 comes I will be hated in the community or even not let back in at all. But all I’m going to say. Is that yes I was immature and regret a lot of my decisions. But i stopped ban evading and all that long ago. It is now 3 years since this ekas portal drama has started with me, I, because of outdated or false information spread by you and many others have been Doxxed and had my info leaked on 8chan by a user named cloud runner teeny on 12/24/2018. Its been over a year since i was doxxed and I have been struggiling with depression and at multiple times even was suicidal. I nearly killed myself on lean (purple drank). Im not asking for pity because we both know I did aome messed up shit but making a PSA about me and spreading things from your point of view is only half the story. Many people have harassed my social media because of this or even turned me into a laughing stock. So here, if it makes you happy Cham. I’ll make a statement right here right now publically for all to see. If i lose friends for this then whatever it is what it is. It took me a lot of guts and a long time to say this but the stress has gotten to much for me. for the sake of peace I’ll admit to everything Chammy was correct about me ane everything that was false along with some misconceptions about me: so firstly Chammy is right about my age. My birthday is 01/30/2003. I am nearly 17 years old. Chammy is also correct about me asking him for roleplay stuff. However many adults i know who know my age are fine roleplaying with me and I will make this very clear for all of tumblr and the world. Yes I know the underage law and why you think you would be at risk of becoming a sex offender. But hear me out, I’ve actually talked to online lawyers about this and there was never a statement in US Federal law about roleplaying with minors being wrong. The only thing that is bad is if your doing it with malicious intent or send real nudes. As for the age of consent, that is 16 and as far as I know you can legally have sex with anyone within 5 years apart from you as long as its not recorded at that age. So I would assume roleplay would be legal unless its recorded or screenshotted just the same. So yes although it might be risky there is almost a 100% gaurentee your not at risk unless you go bragging about it or the minors parents
Report you. And I don’t have parents, my birth parents abandoned me for a life of crime and my grandparents had custody over me since i was 2 years old. My grandparents know about my vore fetish and although they think its weird they are fine with it to some extent. I can assure you for a fact they won’t report you unless your asking me for literal nudes, which I’d never even give away. Secondly I wanted to bring up the fact I did NOT try to sneak into Cham’s server I was asking if somebody could vouch to let me in so at 18 my friend Andy (WHO KNOWS MY AGE) could vouch for me since he/you closed all invites because of people insulting male predators.
Nextly I want to say this, Chameleonette is not a bad person. They aren’t spreading lies about me on purpose they are only saying what they were told which was spread around by many people who hate me such as aljenserp, AlluringPredation, Reffles, Cloudrunnerteeny, and artists who think i charged back on purpose. Now I also want to bring up the accusations of blackmailing adults who roleplayed with me. This is false, the only adults i ever blackmailed where ones who knew my age and asked for nudes, or were ACTUAL MINORS pretending to be adults which i know for fact.
Now I will admit I exposed some of these friends as minors out of anger and lost friends for this. I regret this so i wont say which ones, But I blackmailed them about exposing their age for some fights in the past.
But I will also admit again I did some stupid shit in the past and I understand the hate I have but its been causing me lots of stress and Harassment on social media. Look cham, if you actually take the time to read this I’m sorry for everything ive done to you and the vore community but I want to say that the adults arent entirely innocent either. I caused these problems by lying about my age, joining ekas, ban evading, manipulating people, and buying art when I shouldnt have. All of it has come back to bite me in the ass. Combined with the stress from real life I couldn’t take things anymore and essentially ruined my life. As of now I dropped out of highschool because the stress was too much and couldn’t work anymore. Now I’m educationless and most likely won’t get a job. For those who are curious in one year and 29 days is when I will be 18. And if any of my friends whom dont know my age read this I want to say I’m sorry for lying. I strongly have issues and am really clingy to people I like so I end up lying to make friends. And i know many people are going to block me for this so in turn I will end up more stressed but its the most mature thing i could think to do. I would love it if nobody blocked me and we just talked like friends and save the vore stuff for when I’m 18, which I do with many of my friends already. As stated before the whole reason i joined ekas in the first place was to join a community i felt like i fit in with after getting depression from losing a friend i really cared about named anatoily
Many times in the past i used anatoily as an excuse for my actions but thats not what im doing. Anatoily if you see this i want to know im sorry for using your name as an excuse for my wrong actions. I originally joined Ekas for that purpose and used that as an excuse, on there i made many friends some of which i have even today. At one point i planned on leaving ekas but then I found somebody who reminded me of anatoily. I had an obsession with them and it led me to well ruin that friendship. Around this time i was exposed underage by Reffles on a minecraft server who had a incorectly dated birth date from a Enjin server about me claiming i was 14 when i was 15 which now i am 16 turning 17 and that link would display 15 turning 16. To explain this I want to say when I made this enjin account I mistyped the age and never bothered fixing it because I rarely used Enjin. I just used it to apply for minecraft admin positions.
I regret many of the things ive done and cant stress this enough that I’m sorry but in all honesty this is the true story of what happened with me and the vore community
In 2017 I joined ekas because my mind didn’t care about the consequences I was upset about anatoily, which isnt an excuse for my actions. I lied about my age and all was fine i was getting away with it. I met the person who reminded me of anatoily in February of 2018 whom helped me grow as an artist. I started working as a artist practicing for when I’m 18. When reffles found me out i was upset and was banned from ekas and the discord Work to Feed. I was upset for many reasons, one even being that i just got the first person ever to commission me and even today was never able to do the art or send it to them making me feel like a thief
So a lot of ban evading and ruined friendships later some problems happened with me and a friend named Aljenserp who like me was a minor. I was watching one of Silent_E’s streams and got banned because Tyrion13 recognized me. I betrayed Aljenserp like an asshole saying he was underage (i dont think he is underage anymore but he was at the time this happened) because he was a staff nobody believed me and i was banned from the stream and lost all trust aljenserp had in me. He became my enemy. Now after this a lot of people started hating me more and more, there was some drama on 8chan about me which i posted on being some idiot as i was younger and didnt know what i was doing.
This caused many people to not even feel any pity for me thinking i was stupid and deserved what i got. This was shortly before the problem happened with paypal. After that i was hated immensely more and many people startee saying some stupid rumors about me
One really dumb one was from the ekas user ExplosiveWaifu who has a Dragon OC named Lydia. Goes by DragonWaifu on discord. In one instance i was talking to Lydia about how one of my friends was a Maoist communist and his beliefs and how i support him because he is my friend. She believed because he had communist beliefs and i supported him that i was a terrorist and ceased all Communication with me for this. Another false rumor about me was spreaded by a friend of Explosivewaifu who i cant name as they are always changing their name. she is a trans woman, me and her used to talk a lot and whenever she got drunk she would well... be really irl lewd with me so i started calling her a pedophille (which is where the blackmail stuff ties in partially though i didnt blackmail her it was somebody else)
Many times this friend while sober would claim that i act to mature and that I couldnt be a minor, thus a rumor spread around that inwas a adult pretending to be a minor to get kicked out of the community for purposfully causing drama to make people think im a believable minor so i could easily prey on minors like a pedophille... honestly this is a really dumb rumor and dunno why it was believed by anybody at all
Next I want to talk about the ID theft accusations. Mettra Tonic gave me a health band from the hospital which in July of 2018 i tried to use as a ID to get me unbanned and it failed, this led to trust issues with Mettra who also spread false information about me which is mostly well known for the accusations of blackmail against her friends who were minors. There was another ID issue with a man named worthylightning and Kobayashi whom I tried to. Let them both help me get unbanned because friendship. It didnt work and i felt bad.
Lastly the only true case of ID theft is the one with reffles. Reffles gave somebody her ID who gave me the ID and I cropped out the age part of her ID and tried to use it. I since regret this action but i wouldnt concider the age part alone to be ID theft.
There was also accusations that I steal artwork which i dont own which is false. All artwork of Pumpkira is owned by me, either drawn by me, won in a raffle, requested, or given to me as a gift.
Moving on later in the year CloudRunnerTeeny doxxed me and made a group on discord called the Sumlur eradication squad where he blackmailed me and threatened to leak my info (which he did on christmas onto 8chan before it was taken down for breaking ToS) me and my friend tried to mislead him do he wouldnt Dox me and dox a fake person but this failed, made things worse infact. After that me and teeny came to a truce to leave eachother alone if i stay away from him and his friends. A promise I Semi-kept to today.
I already explained the whole issue with the art charged back, false rumors, and blackmail.
But I want to say this. Please stop sending information that is outdated or just speculation about me. Hear both sides of the story.
And yes when I turn 18 in 2021 I know I’ll still be hated and I have come to terms and accept that is my punishment for my mistakes. But please stop sending drama my way as I am very tempted to just delete all my social media at this point. Its gotten really stressful and I just cant...
Also Chammy again you aren’t a bad person i dont blame you for my hate as Its deserved. Although some of your claims were wrong or from your point of view, others were true and It is good you made a statement about me. But please tell people not to harass me and just block me. I’m going to make this post Private for a while before making it public. I want you to read this before it goes public on my Tumblr.
Lastly I heard you were feeling sick and hope you get better.
From artist to artist I have been improving my art and stories which like you one thing i hope for when im 18 is to be a successful artist or writer. Im already planning a large scale SFW webcomic as many people know. Though I feel like it is going to have a negative impact because Pumpkira is the protagonist and i gaurentee at least one person from the vore community would expost past me to everyone who reads future me’s work
Anyways thats all.
Update 2020: now 17
Update: 2021 now 18 as of January 30th 2021
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Banned for Discord Crimes on Main
Here’s a dose of Bullshit Defense AU nonsense no one asked for: Athena and Trucy’s Discord chat. I’m sorry for the length. Mostly I regret what scrolling down through my blog on mobile will look like with this.
[The server is named “The Dumpster”. There are seven text channels: general, space is gay, cat memes, all other memes, complaining about work that isn’t gay space, cryptids, and hell tier memes.]
August 17 6:27 pm [The Dumpster] [general]
Apollo has joined the server. Say hi! 
Apollo this was a mistake 
Nessie is real and she’s my girlfriend This is Uncle Ray’s new employee? 
Nessie is real and she’s my girlfriend Dope
Apollo so uh who are any of you Trucy did not tell me about who is in this chat when she explained it 
Arrested for Light Theme Crimes No introductions. Hell has no easy guide. 
Nessie is real and she’s my girlfriend Woah calm down Edgelord 
Arrested for Light Theme Crimes No. 
Nessie is real and she’s my girlfriend I made this server and am your god You live and die as I see fit And so do your usernames 
Apollo uh 
16 plants in a trenchcoat Thena why 
Nessie is real and she’s my girlfriend I am your god 
Back-Alley Dealer of Vintage Cat Memes Hi Apollo! I’m Pearl. Trucy’s told me about you. I hope Athena doesn’t scare you away. She’s Nessie’s girlfriend. Trenchcoat Plants is Juniper. 
Apollo oh thanks who’s edgelord 
Back-Alley Dealer of Vintage Cat Memes As best as I understand him, Batman. 
Arrested for Light Theme Crimes Yes. 
Apollo also does she mean nessie like the loch ness monster or 
Arrested for Light Theme Crimes Yes. 
Apollo uh ok 
Nessie is real and she’s my girlfriend She’s REAL and she’s MY GIRLFRIEND!! 
Apollo ok 
10:32 pm [general]
Dirt puns all day holy shit dude dude @Nessie is real and she’s my girlfriend why didnt u tell me u know apollo @GRAMARYEFFFYEAH EXPLAIN YOURSELF EXPLAIN WHO ARE YOU HOW HOW DID YOU GET APOLLO HERE 
A Polly … ……. Clay? 
Dirt puns all day Y E E T 
A Polly wtf also what is my name 
Nessie is real and she’s my girlfriend It’s you 
A Polly it’s reall ynot Clay what the fuck 
Nessie is real and she’s my girlfriend My mom works at the space center Holy shit I can’t believe you two know each other My entire social circle is just an increasingly overlapping venn diagram 
Arrested for Light Theme Crimes So you mean it is simply one circle. A social one, if you will. 
Nessie is real and she’s my girlfriend I am coming over to your house to kick your ass 
10:46 pm [space is gay]
Dirt puns all day @Arrested for Light Theme Crimes ur sister threw a robot at my head today 
Arrested for Light Theme Crimes She does that. 
11:15 pm [general] 
Dirt puns all day u cant answer every question w that 
It’s Magic~! Oh yeah?
Nessie is real and she’s my girlfriend Now look what you’ve done Also how have I never met Apollo before if you used to drag him to the center all the time Like How did our paths not cross 
Dirt puns all day It’s a mystery 
A Polly I was confused enough about how everyone knows each other even before this happened 
It’s Magic~! Me and @Back-Alley Dealer of Vintage Cat memes are cousins I think Wait no My grandpa is married to her aunt So that’s like Uh What is that 
Arrested for Light Theme Crimes First cousins, once removed, I believe. 
It’s Magic~! Oh cool thanks I didn’t know if it was still cousins or ended up at something complex like whatever the hell you and Thena are now 
Arrested for Light Theme Crimes I’m her uncle. It’s very simple. 
Nessie is real and she’s my girlfriend You’re like annoying brother material at best “Uncle” sounds like Real 
Arrested for Light Theme Crimes And I am just a figment of your imagination I presume. 
Nessie is real and she’s my girlfriend Ye No it sounds like Authoritative A position of respect But all it means is that your sis married my mom And you’re still just my shitty loser bff “““Uncle””” Lmao 
Arrested for Light Theme Crimes I thought Juniper was your best friend. 
Nessie is real and she’s my girlfriend Yeah she is my best friend You’re my Shitty Loser Best Friend It’s different titles
18 plants in a trenchcoat Aw thanks Thena 
A Polly this does not help me understand how everyone knows each other 
Nessie is real and she’s my girlfriend Junie and I have been bffs for ages And Trucy and I met bc her aunt works with my Shitty Loser Best Friend Whose sis married my mom And Clay and I are Space Center Bros And Trucy and Pearly are cousins It’s all pretty simple see 
A Polly I mean I guess Does anyone else lurk in here @everyone 
Surrounded by Fools No. 
A Polly uh ok cool 
August 18 9:22 am [general]
It’s Magic~! People Park an hour and a half be there or don’t get to see cool magic and get noodles later 
Nessie is real and she’s my girlfriend Dope 
August 29 12:49 pm [complaining about work that isn’t gay space]
Shitty Loser Best Friend @Surrounded By Fools Get down to my office. I need to speak with you. … @Nessie is real and she’s my girlfriend Seriously?
Nessie is real and she’s my girlfriend Yeet 
Escaped Prison for Light Theme Crimes No. 
Nessie is real and she’s my girlfriend Dude why do you want to stay a light theme heathen/convict 
Escaped Prison for Light Theme Crimes It is preferable to “Shitty Loser.” 
Nessie is real and she’s my girlfriend Noooo but the best friend part is good Is it still preferable now Is it Huh Is it Huh Answer me you coward 
Surrounded by Fools @Recaptured and Executed for Light Theme Crimes I have an office phone. You have an office phone. We also have office computers and office emails. You do not need to get my attention in this foolish chat with these foolish names.
Recaptured and Executed for Light Theme Crimes You could uninstall the app from your phone anytime, yet you continue to respond. Also yes Athena it is still preferable. 
Surrounded by Fools You come up to my office. 
Recaptured and Executed for Light Theme Crimes I cannot. Taka is asleep on my shoulder. Moving would wake him. 
Surrounded by Fools It is your choice whether he be woken now with your movement or soon when I arrive to yell at you. 
Nessie is real and she’s my girlfriend Noooo Taka is an innocent 
A Polly who the hell is taka 
Nessie is real and she’s my girlfriend Bird 
A Polly never mind 
Nessie is real and she’s my girlfriend No really bird 
[Attached is an image of a brown hawk wearing a yellow bandana.]
A Polly what 
Nessie is real and she’s my girlfriend Bird 
September 9 9:16 am [general]
Nessie is real and she’s my girlfriend !!!!!!!!!!!!!! 
23 plants in a trenchcoat Congratulations! That must be exciting! 
It’s Magic~! Congrats but also Polly is killing my eardrums I hear you screaming on the phone 
It’s Magic~! Are you talking to him while texting this chat Is that what’s happening 
Back-Alley Dealer of Vintage Cat Memes Wow! That’s amazing! Space! 
Back-Alley Dealer of Vintage Cat Memes Space!! 
SPACE! Space! 
SPACE Space 
SPACE~ Space!!! 
11:41 am [general] 
A Polly what the hell have I come back to
SPACE We are legion. 
Space! We have become as one in our excitement about space! 
SPACE! Space!! 
SPACE!!! I guess I have no choice 
Space! One of us! One of us! 
SPACE! Has “space” stopped looking like a word to anyone else or is it just me? 
Space! Oh I thought I was losing my mind. It’s not just you! 
SPACE!!! space 
SPACE~ S P A C E S  P A  C  E 
Space! Space! 
1:27 pm [general]
Recaptured and Executed for Light Theme Crimes What, perchance, the fuck. 
Recaptured and Executed for Light Theme Crimes I will make of my sister a request to throw more robots at your head. 
SPACEMAN Oh god please don’t
5:43 pm [general] 
A Polly @SPACEMAN  I can’t believe you’re actually going to space 
Remorseful for Space Crimes Bring me back a moon rock I mean I have a moon rock earring from my mom But I want more moon rock Because moon rock 
A Polly wouldn’t the samples be heavily regulated in their use and not be allowed to like take a part of it and yknow 
Remorseful for Space Crimes Ask not questions ye not want the answer to 
Recaptured and Executed for Light Theme Crimes Do not speak like that ever again. 
29.5 plants in a trenchcoat Thena is your mom a criminal? 
Remorseful for Space Crimes NO!!!! 
It’s Magic~! Your name would be fitting for that too 
Remorseful for Space Crimes No!! 
It’s Magic~! SPACE 
29.5 plants in a trenchcoat SPACE! 
Back-Alley Dealer of Vintage Cat Memes Space! 
Recaptured and Executed for Light Theme Crimes Enough.
Remorseful for Space Crimes Wow you’re really no fun allowed guy huh 
Unrepentant for Stopping Space Crimes Yes. 
October 9 3:02 pm [general]
Spacedude hey uh apollo apollo whatthe fuck is up with kristoph gavin what the fuck 
A Polly I will be asking that question for the rest of my life 
It’s Magic~! fuck 
4:34 pm [general] 
Widget Shut Up Challenge @It’s Magic~! @A Polly Are you guys okay 
It’s Magic~! yeah 
A Polly nop 
Widget Shut Up Challenge I’m coming over 
It’s Magic~! I’m fine 
Widget Shut Up Challenge I’m calling your dads and asking if that’s true 
It’s Magic~! Athena seriously 
Widget Shut Up Challenge Shit I don’t have your dads numbers I’m calling Uncle Ray
Legitimate Antique Cat Meme Appraiser I’m getting a train ticket. 
October 10 1:23 pm [general]
Kristoph Gavin Perish Challenge No one human was meant to eat that much Eldoons I think I’m dying
Gee Simon How Come You’re Allowed to Have TWO Katanas I am surprised. I wasn’t aware that you are human and bound by such limitations. 
Gramarye Yeet Three bowls. 
Surrounded by Fools Dunk her in a tank of water and that may help sustain her long enough to begin an infusion of water to flush the salt out. 
Kristoph Gavin Perish Challenge I’m not a frog I don’t drink through my skin I don’t think it would work like that anyway I’m fine 
Legitimate Antique Cat Meme Appraiser She’s lying facedown in the grass. Don’t believe her when she claims to be fine. 
127 plants in a trenchcoat Thena why
November 30 2:37 pm [general]
The Gavinner has arrived.
Suffering t trucy @Glam Gramarye trucy explain yourself trucy explain how how this has happened and why trucy i didnt want this name to be this appropriate 
The Gavinner Hello Forehead~ :D 
Suffering I’m abandoning this server effective immediately 
The Gavinner D: 
Spacedudeman apollo apollo u coward u can’t leave apollo @Suffering
Suffering we are literally in the same room don’t @ me 
Spacedudeman @Suffering
 One Very Small Very Angry Penguin O shit looks like we have to clean this place up Got a legit celeb in here now Uh Welcome to the dumpster @The Gavinner
The Gavinner You are right, space is gay 
Spacedudeman I’m screenshotting that and hanging it on my wall “space is gay” -- klavier gavin 
One Very Small Very Angry Penguin Hey I said it first 
Subscribe for Free Penguin Facts Actually, I believe I did. 
The Gavinner Can I have a penguin fact? 
Subscribe for Free Penguin Facts The majority of penguin species do not actually live in the Antarctic or cold climates.
One Very Small Very Angry Penguin Wait didn’t your sister say it first 
Subscribe for Free Penguin Facts No; I believe I said it in reference to her, however. 
Glam Gramarye @Suffering >:3c 
Suffering Trucy explain this to me 
Glam Gramarye >>:3c 
Do not make 3-mouth at me Trucy
>:3c >>>>:3c 
Surrounded by Fools @>:3c What have you done.
Do not make 3-mouth at me TRUCY EXPLAIN 
>:3c >>>>>>>>>>:3cc
The Gavinner I feel very unloved right now, Forehead :( Do you not love me?
Suffering no 
The Gavinner >:( 
3:08 pm [direct message: Earth Earth and Apollo]
Earth Earth dude i cant believe klavier gavin uses emoticons like a 15 year old girl
3:10 pm [The Dumpster] [general]
Suffering @Spacedudeman is dming me when we’re in the same room
One Very Small Very Angry Penguin Lmao 
Spacedudeman dude let me live 
Suffering perish 
Subscribe for Free Penguin Facts I will should he choose not to. 
Spacedudeman why do u do this to me simon 
3:13 pm [direct message: Earth Earth and Apollo] 
Apollo Trucy is a 15 yo girl and she doesnt use emoticons like that just >:3c
Earth Earth tru if klavier gavin kittyfaces at you ever i am gonna drop dead on the spot
29 notes · View notes
U make me answer 25 q I make u answer 1-50 :^)
Hey! Fuck you you hoe :D Tumblr mobile wouldnt let me.copy paste so i wrote this shit in a google doc admire how.much energy i put into this. You fuck 1) counter couch or top of the dryer? Easy couch its comfy and easy to sit on. Plus diff postions are easier2) Your last sexual encounter? Good or bad and why? Depends,  do u count phone sex? If so ugh…? A week ago? irl probs like...4 or 5 months ago. For real sex like 2 or 3 years. Phone sex was good! My mans hot. Irl dude was also goo! Hes a pretty close friend ive hooked up with b4 and probs will later but eh. And for real sex god he sucked. Last longer bro3)Fictional person you think would be good in bed? Lust from FMA.4)Something that never fails to make you horny?  A guy biting my neck and saying “like that baby/love/ect” my neck is SUPER sensitive and a homie love a good pet name5)Where is one place youd never have sex? A hospice 6)The most awkward moment during a sexual experience was when? I was with the dude from 2 and we were both WASTED. He like wanted me.to blow him so naturally i did but he thrusted into me without telling me. Now heres the thing i got a gag reflex but i can control it kinda well. Drunk me however cant and if a long phallic thing goes down outta nowhere i also cant. Anyway so i puked on him. Needless to say we didnt finish that night. 7) Weirdest thing to ever turn you on? When i was a kid id get horny  hearing the sex sounds from fable. Which after replaying them are SOOO bad8)What is the best way to sexually bind someone?Im a sub bottom dude dont fuvking ask me. Probs get them to love you?9)Fastest way to make you horny? Pin me to a bed force eye contact and then kiss/bite me neck/throat. Dirty talk also helps.10Top or bottom? Bottom 11)We were about to have sex but then…. I probs said im tired 12)Is one orgasm enough ? Are multiple necessary? SEE…depends..i fucking HATE over stim. I legit banned jd from doing it to me. THAT BEING SAID. If irs an ALL NIGHT thing and i only.cum.once (probs at the end edging fuck) im gonna be a mess. 13)Something you've hidden in your room that you dont want anyone to find? The body14)Weirdest  nickname a SO has ever called you? Ugh...idk ive never gotten more than babe till i started dating jd and his are nice like baby/my prince/my everything. I use cringy ones like darling  sweetie honey. Ughh t help one guy see if he liked she/her pronouns i called him princess. He later decided he like he/him so i just called him my prince15)Two things u like about oral? Taste, hearing a guy get more horny and start that low whimper/moan when they're close.16) weirdest sexual act someone has ever preformed  or tried to perform on you? All of my so and shit are basic af. Bondage and a collar are the furthest anyone has asked me. Though  a random asked if i was cool with water sports.17)Have u ever tasted yourself? Ive tasted my cum and it was….okay? Ive never sucked myself a bitcg aint flexable.18)Is it ever okay to not use a condom? Ive…never…..used….one...haha….19)Who was the sexiest teacher u ever had? I never had one but FUCK there one this one just outta college  history teacher (who apt had a big dick) and like DAMN he was fine.20)A food you would like to use during a sexual experience? I dont really wanna do food stuff? Its to messy and like...a waste of food? 21)How big is to big? 10+22)One sexual thing you would never do? IF YOUR FEET EVEN COME CLOSE TO FUCKING TOUCHING ME.23)biggest turn on? Wasn't this a q already? On a guy in gen i love singers. Abs and blonde hair dont hurt. Also being taller than me.24)Three spots that drive u insane? Neck hips collar bone25)Worst possible time to get horny? At work sense i work with old people (hey cas coulda stopped here you furry pope fucker)26)Do u like it when yoursexual partner moans? HELL FUCKING YEAH I DO! Im super audio based and i lovethat. I also have a praise kink so like moans are basically praise27)Worst sexual idea you ever had? What if i was straight?28)How much fapping is to much fapping? Ugh...HMMM...if you do it more than 3 times EVERY day maybe stop 29)Best sexual compliment youve ever had? So at the party me and the friend were at there wa:. Him. My ex. And another fuck buddy of.mine. a q came up about who gives rhe best head and whos the best kisser AND ALL OF THEM SAID ME. I was like “i am a damn good kisser “ and my ex said “fuck ya he is”30)Bald, landing strip, jumanji? Do whatever idc. Hairs hair.31)Is it good sex if you dontnut? No. Im impatient and needy.32) If they *love me* we fucking33)Fav part of your body? My eyes! I think they're nice. Other than that i hate myself lmao34)Fav forplay activities.  Idk never done much. Pinned make out sound like a blast with grinding35)Love or sex? Love. Id rather have someone who really cares about me over a good fuck.36)What do u wear to bed? Underwear.  Im not a pj or commando kinda guy37)First time u masturbated? Ugh….i must been like 11? It was b4 like i ever knew what it was and b4 i could cum. 38)Do u have any nude/masturbating pics/ videos of yourself? My boyfriend lives in another country, what do u think?39)Have you ever/when was the last time u had sex outside. Ive never had SEX but ive blown a couple.dudes in either a park or a park bathroom.  One time.in a casino parking lot40)Have/wouldu have sex in public. See 39? Full blown sex PROBS NAH but bjs probs 41)Have/would u have a 3some?Ive had one! The ex and the fuck buddy while me and the ex were together.  We never fucked but we all blew each other. Slash im down for a polyam resltionship if my partner is so id always be down. Slash slash me and jd are horny as fuck and have talked about having threesomes b4 so ye42)What is 1 random object you've used to masturbate? Ugh…? I humped my bed b4? Idfk?43)Have/would u ever masturbate at work/school. Ive blown several guys at school. So yeah id jo there.  Work ive debated but thats cause SOMEONE os a fucking tease. 44)Have/would u ever have sex on a plane. No45)What is one song youd like.to have sex to? Dead girl walking.46)What is something nonsexual that makes you horny ? Hey fuck u i said this one47)Most attractive celeb? Thomas sanders or tom holland. now THATD be a threesome. Please no one show thomas this.48)Do u watch gay/lesbian poor? Why/why not? HMM I FUCKING WONDER49) If a child was born on the occasion of the last time u had sex, how old would that child be? 2 or 3 years old. God i need to get fucked. Soon50)Has anyone ever posted nude pics of.you online? No and if they do I'll murder the prick.Thanks for the qs cas i stg the next time u post an over 50 ask im.making u do them all :’) love you bb 💛 that was more fun than i thought itd be
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statetalks · 3 years
Is The Media Biased Against Republicans
Opiniontrump And His Voters Are Drawn Together By A Shared Sense Of Defiance
Are Google, Facebook, Twitter Biased against Conservatives?
Americans in general have begun to catch on: 66 percent of Americans believe that the media has a hard time separating fact from opinion and, according to a recent Gallup poll, 62 percent of the country believes that the press is biased one way or the other in their reporting.
So when CNN, NBC News, Fox News, or another outlet break a hard news story, there is a good chance that a large swathe of the public wont view it as legitimate news.
And politicians, right and left, are taking advantage of this.
The entire ordeal is part of an ever-growing list of examples in which the media seemed to be biased, whether consciously or not, against Republicans.
Before Donald Trump, there was New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio, who in 2014 accused the media of dividing us because they asked him about some protesters who had chanted “NYPD is the KKK” and . He also accused the media of McCarthyism when they dug into the personal life of an aide of his, who reportedly had a relationship with a convicted murderer. The mayor also publicly and privately accused Bloomberg News of being biased against him, since it is owned by his predecessor. However, de Blasio is not terribly popular within his own party, so Democrats in New York did not buy what he was selling.
What To Watch For
The NYU report makes a series of recommendations for social media companies and the Biden administration to address the suspicions of anti-right bias, including giving more explanation for content moderation actions, letting users choose between different algorithms and creating a new Digital Regulatory Agency dedicated to social media oversight. The researchers also predict conservatives are unlikely to actually leave major sites like Twitter and Facebook because of their perceived biases. Conservatives like the wide platform those sites offer, researchers said, and appear to relish wielding the bias-claim cudgel, even though its based on distortions and falsehoods.
The Technology 202: New Report Calls Conservative Claims Of Social Media Censorship ‘a Form Of Disinformation’
with Aaron Schaffer
A new report concludes that social networks aren’t systematically biased against conservatives, directly contradicting Republican claims that social media companies are censoring them.;
Recent moves by Twitter and Facebook to suspend former president Donald Trump’s accounts in the wake of the violence at the Capitol are inflaming conservatives’ attacks on Silicon Valley. But New York University researchers today released a report stating claims of anti-conservative bias are a form of disinformation: a falsehood with no reliable evidence to support it.;
The report found there is no trustworthy large-scale data to support these claims, and even anecdotal examples that tech companies are biased against conservatives crumble under close examination. The report’s authors said, for instance, the companies’ suspensions of Trump were reasonable given his repeated violation of their terms of service and if anything, the companies took a hands-off approach for a long time given Trump’s position.
The report also noted several data sets underscore the prominent place conservative influencers enjoy on social media. For instance, CrowdTangle data shows that right-leaning pages dominate the list of sources providing the most engaged-with posts containing links on Facebook. Conservative commentator Dan Bongino, for instance, far out-performed most major news organizations in the run-up to the 2020 election.;
Also Check: Who Controls The Senate Republicans Or Democrats
Republicans Are Far More Likely Than Democrats To Say Major Tech Companies Favor The Views Of Liberals Over Conservatives At The Same Time Partisans Differ On Whether Social Media Companies Should Flag Inaccurate Information On Their Platforms
Pew Research Center has been studying the role of technology and technology companies in Americans lives for many years. This study was conducted to understand Americans views about the role of major technology companies in the political landscape. For this analysis, we surveyed 4,708 U.S. adults from June 16 to 22, 2020. Everyone who took part is a member of the Centers American Trends Panel , an online survey panel that is recruited through national, random sampling of residential addresses. This way nearly all U.S. adults have a chance of selection. The survey is weighted to be representative of the U.S. adult population by gender, race, ethnicity, partisan affiliation, education and other categories. Read more about the ATPs methodology.
Here are the questions used for this report, along with responses, and its methodology.
Americans have complicated feelings about their relationship with big technology companies. While they have appreciated the impact of technology over recent decades and rely on these companies products to communicate, shop and get news, many have also grown critical of the industry and have expressed concerns about the executives who run them.
Debates about censorship grew earlier this summer following Twitters from President Donald Trump as misleading. This prompted some of the presidents supporters to charge that these platforms are censoring conservative voices.
Top House Republican Opposes Bipartisan Commission To Investigate Capitol Riot
Tumblr media
But McCarthy replied by opposing Katkos product, and more than 80% of the other House Republicans did too. Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., initially said he was keeping an open mind but then announced that he too was opposed. This makes it highly unlikely that 10 of McConnells GOP colleagues will be willing to add their votes to the Democrats and defeat a filibuster of the bill.
Republicans have argued that two Senate committees are already looking at the events of Jan. 6, as House panels have done as well. The Justice Department is pursuing cases against hundreds of individuals who were involved. Former President Donald Trump and others have said any commission ought to also be tasked to look at street protests and violence that took place in the aftermath of the police killing of George Floyd.
But with all that on the table, several Republicans have alluded to their concern about a new commission dragging on into 2022, the year of the next midterm elections. A lot of our members want to be moving forward, said Sen. John Thune, R-S.D., the No. 2 Senate Republican toMcConnell. Anything that gets us rehashing to 2020 elections is, I think, a day lost.
Resistance even after 9/11
The Taliban were toppled but bin Laden escaped, and U.S. forces have been engaged there ever since. The troop numbers have declined in recent years, and President Biden has indicated that all combat troops will be out by this years anniversary of the 2001 attacks.
Recommended Reading: What Do Republicans Believe About Taxes
The Actual Reason Why Republicans And Their Media Are Discouraging People From Getting Vaccinated
Dr. Anthony Fauci told Jake Tapper on CNN last Sunday, I dont have a really good reason why this is happening.
But even if he cant think of a reason why Republicans would trash talk vaccination and people would believe them, its definitely there.
Which is why its important to ask a couple of simple questions that all point to the actual reason why Republicans and their media are discouraging people from getting vaccinated:
1. Why did Trump get vaccinated in secret after Joe Biden won the election and his January 6th coup attempt failed?
2. Why are Fox Newspersonalities discouraging people from getting vaccinated while refusing to say if they and the people they work with have been protected by vaccination?
3. Why was one of the biggest applause lines at CPAC: They were hoping the government was hoping that they could sort of sucker 90% of the population into getting vaccinated and it isnt happening!
Death is their electoral strategy.
Is there any other possible explanation?
So, whats left?
Censorship Of Conservative Content
Tech companies and social media sites have been accused of censorship by some conservative groups, although there is little or no evidence to support these claims.
At least one conservative theme, that of climate change denialism, is over-represented in the media, and some scientists have argued that media outlets have not done enough to combat false information. In November 2013, Nathan Allen, a PhD chemist and moderator on Reddit‘s science forum published an op-ed that argued that newspaper editors should refrain from publishing articles from people who deny the scientific consensus on climate change.
Shadow banning
Claims of shadow banning of conservative social media accounts were brought to the fore in 2016 when conservative news sites lashed out after a report from an unnamed Facebook employee on May 7 alleged that contractors for the social media giant were told to minimize links to their sites in its “trending news” column. The Nieman Foundation for Journalism at Harvard investigated and found no evidence of shadow-banning of conservatives.
Don’t Miss: Why Do Republicans Still Back Trump
Despite Cries Of Censorship Conservatives Dominate Social Media
GOP-friendly voices far outweigh liberals in driving conversations on hot topics leading up to the election, a POLITICO analysis shows.
The Twitter app on a mobile phone | Matt Rourke/AP Photo
10/27/2020 01:38 PM EDT
Link Copied
Republicans have turned alleged liberal bias in Silicon Valley into a major closing theme of the election cycle, hauling tech CEOs in for virtual grillings on Capitol Hill while President Donald Trump threatens legal punishment for companies that censor his supporters.
But a POLITICO analysis of millions of social media posts shows that conservatives still rule online.
Right-wing social media influencers, conservative media outlets and other GOP supporters dominate online discussions around two of the elections hottest issues, the Black Lives Matter movement and voter fraud, according to the review of Facebook posts, Instagram feeds, Twitter messages and conversations on two popular message boards. And their lead isnt close.
As racial protests engulfed the nation after George Floyds death, users shared the most-viral right-wing social media content more than 10 times as often as the most popular liberal posts, frequently associating the Black Lives Matter movement with violence and accusing Democrats like Joe Biden of supporting riots.
Trump Continues To Push Election Falsehoods Heres Why That Matters
Trump: Social media discriminates against Republicans
Republican opposition to the commission
Rice was featured in one of the very few congressional commissions ever to receive this level of attention. Most are created and live out their mission with little notice. Indeed, Congress has created nearly 150 commissions of various kinds in just the last 30 years, roughly five a year.
Some have a highly specific purpose, such as a commemoration. Others are more administrative, such as the five-member commission overseeing the disbursement of business loans during the early months of pandemic lockdown in 2020. Others have been wide-ranging and controversial, such as the one created to investigate synthetic opioid trafficking.
In the initial weeks after the Jan. 6 riot at the Capitol, the idea of an independent commission to probe the origins of the attack and the failures that let it happen seemed a no-brainer. It had broad support both in Congress and in public opinion polls. It still enjoys the latter, as about two-thirds of Americans indicate that they think an independent commission is needed. The idea has fared well particularly when described as being 9/11 Commission style.
Also Check: Who Is The Speaker Of The House For Republicans
Its Time To End This Forever War Biden Says Forces To Leave Afghanistan By 9/11
The enormous national anger generated by those attacks was also channeled by the administration toward the creation of the Department of Homeland Security, which was conceived to prevent any recurrence of attacks on such a massive scale. Arguments over that legislation consumed Congress through much of 2002 and became the fodder for campaign ads in that years midterms.
The same anger was also directed toward a resolution to use force, if needed, in dealing with security threats from the regime of Saddam Hussein in Iraq. That authorization passed Congress with bipartisan majorities in the fall of 2002, driven by administration claims that Saddam had weapons of mass destruction. It became law weeks before the midterm elections.
Once those elections were over, the Republicans in control of both chambers finally agreed to create an independent commission to seek answers about 9/11. Bush signed the legislation on Nov. 27, 2002.
The beginning was hobbled when the first chairman, former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, and vice chairman, former Senate Majority Leader George Mitchell of Maine, decided not to continue. But a new chairman, former New Jersey Gov. Thomas Kean, and vice chairman, former Rep. Lee Hamilton of Indiana, filled the breach and performed to generally laudatory reviews.
Long memories
The American Mainstream News Media May Be More Biased Than We Think
Barely a day goes by without President Trump firing off an angry tweet referring to the fake news media. But what do we know about actual political bias in the media? Eric Merkley studied 400,000 news stories published over three decades and has found that the tone of economic news is more favorable during Democratic presidencies compared to Republican administrations.
Since even before his election over two years ago, President Donald Trump and his Republican surrogates have made a habit of responding to critical news coverage with allegations that mainstream press reports are fake news. This allegation, regardless of how often it is repeated, has been shown to be fundamentally without merit.
However, there has also been a long history of complaints from conservative elites that journalists are biased against conservatives and the Republican Party in their reporting for mainstream news outlets. There is evidence that most journalists identify with the Democratic Party and as ideologicalliberals. Consequently, these allegations cannot be so easily dismissed.
In new research, I find evidence of considerable bias against Republican presidential administrations in mainstream economic news content.;
Also Check: How Many States Are Controlled By Republicans
Elections To Watch In 2021
In its study of the media landscape in the lead-up to the 2020 presidential election cycle, the Pew Research Center found that of the 30 news sources it asked about, only Fox News was trusted by a majority of Republicans. This finding stands in stark contrast with the views of Democrats, who said they trusted a variety of news sources, and it marks a further decline in Republicans trust of other news sources since Pew last conducted a similar survey in 2014.
This is in part because animosity toward the other party is at an all-time high and Republicans increasingly associate the news media with the Democratic Party. That means they are more likely to dismiss a source that isnt Fox News as politically biased. For example, in a among people who said they voted for then-President Trump in 2020, a staggering 92 percent strongly or somewhat agreed that the mainstream media today is just a part of the Democratic Party.
related:Why Attacking Cancel Culture And Woke People Is Becoming The GOPs New Political Strategy Read more. »
Views About Whether Social Media Companies Should Label Posts On Their Platforms As Inaccurate Are Sharply Divided Along Political Lines
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Americans are divided over whether social media companies should label posts on their sites as inaccurate or misleading, with most being skeptical that these sites can accurately determine what content should be flagged.
Some 51% of Americans say they strongly or somewhat approve of social media companies labeling posts from elected officials on their platforms as inaccurate or misleading, while a similar share say they at least somewhat disapprove of this.
Democrats and Republicans hold contrasting views about the appropriateness of social media companies flagging inaccurate information on their platforms. Fully 73% of Democrats say they strongly or somewhat approve of social media companies labeling posts on their platforms from elected officials as inaccurate or misleading, versus 25% who disapprove.
These sentiments are nearly reversed for Republicans: 71% say they disapprove of social media companies engaging in this type of labeling, including about four-in-ten who say they strongly disapprove. Just 27% say they approve of this labeling.
Liberal Democrats stand out as being the most supportive of this practice: 85% of this group say they approve of social media companies labeling elected officials posts as inaccurate or misleading, compared with 64% of conservative or moderate Democrats and even smaller shares of moderate or liberal Republicans and conservative Republicans .
Recommended Reading: How Many Registered Republicans In Illinois
The Capitol Siege: The Arrested And Their Stories
It would only be logical for that memory to inform the imagination of any Republican contemplating a similar independent commission to probe what happened on Jan. 6. The commission would likely look at various right-wing groups that were involved, including the Oath Keepers and the Proud Boys, some members of which have already been charged. The commission might also delve into the social media presence and influence of various white supremacists.
Moreover, just as the 9/11 Commission was expected to interview the current and preceding presidents, so might a new commission pursue testimony from Trump and some of his advisers, both official and otherwise, regarding their roles in the protest that wound up chasing members of Congress from both chambers into safe holding rooms underground.
House Minority Leader McCarthy was asked last week whether he would testify if a commission were created and called on him to discuss his conversations with Trump on Jan. 6.
Sure, McCarthy replied. Next question.
All this may soon be moot. If Senate Democrats are unable to secure 60 votes to overcome an expected filibuster of the House-passed bill, the measure will die and the questions to be asked will fall to existing congressional committees, federal prosecutors and the media. To some degree, all can at least claim to have the same goals and intentions as an independent commission might have.
The difference is the level of acceptance their findings are likely to have with the public.
source https://www.patriotsnet.com/is-the-media-biased-against-republicans/
0 notes
patriotsnet · 3 years
Is The Media Biased Against Republicans
New Post has been published on https://www.patriotsnet.com/is-the-media-biased-against-republicans/
Is The Media Biased Against Republicans
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Opiniontrump And His Voters Are Drawn Together By A Shared Sense Of Defiance
Are Google, Facebook, Twitter Biased against Conservatives?
Americans in general have begun to catch on: 66 percent of Americans believe that the media has a hard time separating fact from opinion and, according to a recent Gallup poll, 62 percent of the country believes that the press is biased one way or the other in their reporting.
So when CNN, NBC News, Fox News, or another outlet break a hard news story, there is a good chance that a large swathe of the public wont view it as legitimate news.
And politicians, right and left, are taking advantage of this.
The entire ordeal is part of an ever-growing list of examples in which the media seemed to be biased, whether consciously or not, against Republicans.
Before Donald Trump, there was New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio, who in 2014 accused the media of dividing us because they asked him about some protesters who had chanted “NYPD is the KKK” and . He also accused the media of McCarthyism when they dug into the personal life of an aide of his, who reportedly had a relationship with a convicted murderer. The mayor also publicly and privately accused Bloomberg News of being biased against him, since it is owned by his predecessor. However, de Blasio is not terribly popular within his own party, so Democrats in New York did not buy what he was selling.
What To Watch For
The NYU report makes a series of recommendations for social media companies and the Biden administration to address the suspicions of anti-right bias, including giving more explanation for content moderation actions, letting users choose between different algorithms and creating a new Digital Regulatory Agency dedicated to social media oversight. The researchers also predict conservatives are unlikely to actually leave major sites like Twitter and Facebook because of their perceived biases. Conservatives like the wide platform those sites offer, researchers said, and appear to relish wielding the bias-claim cudgel, even though its based on distortions and falsehoods.
The Technology 202: New Report Calls Conservative Claims Of Social Media Censorship ‘a Form Of Disinformation’
with Aaron Schaffer
A new report concludes that social networks aren’t systematically biased against conservatives, directly contradicting Republican claims that social media companies are censoring them.;
Recent moves by Twitter and Facebook to suspend former president Donald Trump’s accounts in the wake of the violence at the Capitol are inflaming conservatives’ attacks on Silicon Valley. But New York University researchers today released a report stating claims of anti-conservative bias are a form of disinformation: a falsehood with no reliable evidence to support it.;
The report found there is no trustworthy large-scale data to support these claims, and even anecdotal examples that tech companies are biased against conservatives crumble under close examination. The report’s authors said, for instance, the companies’ suspensions of Trump were reasonable given his repeated violation of their terms of service and if anything, the companies took a hands-off approach for a long time given Trump’s position.
The report also noted several data sets underscore the prominent place conservative influencers enjoy on social media. For instance, CrowdTangle data shows that right-leaning pages dominate the list of sources providing the most engaged-with posts containing links on Facebook. Conservative commentator Dan Bongino, for instance, far out-performed most major news organizations in the run-up to the 2020 election.;
Also Check: Who Controls The Senate Republicans Or Democrats
Republicans Are Far More Likely Than Democrats To Say Major Tech Companies Favor The Views Of Liberals Over Conservatives At The Same Time Partisans Differ On Whether Social Media Companies Should Flag Inaccurate Information On Their Platforms
Pew Research Center has been studying the role of technology and technology companies in Americans lives for many years. This study was conducted to understand Americans views about the role of major technology companies in the political landscape. For this analysis, we surveyed 4,708 U.S. adults from June 16 to 22, 2020. Everyone who took part is a member of the Centers American Trends Panel , an online survey panel that is recruited through national, random sampling of residential addresses. This way nearly all U.S. adults have a chance of selection. The survey is weighted to be representative of the U.S. adult population by gender, race, ethnicity, partisan affiliation, education and other categories. Read more about the ATPs methodology.
Here are the questions used for this report, along with responses, and its methodology.
Americans have complicated feelings about their relationship with big technology companies. While they have appreciated the impact of technology over recent decades and rely on these companies products to communicate, shop and get news, many have also grown critical of the industry and have expressed concerns about the executives who run them.
Debates about censorship grew earlier this summer following Twitters from President Donald Trump as misleading. This prompted some of the presidents supporters to charge that these platforms are censoring conservative voices.
Top House Republican Opposes Bipartisan Commission To Investigate Capitol Riot
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But McCarthy replied by opposing Katkos product, and more than 80% of the other House Republicans did too. Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., initially said he was keeping an open mind but then announced that he too was opposed. This makes it highly unlikely that 10 of McConnells GOP colleagues will be willing to add their votes to the Democrats and defeat a filibuster of the bill.
Republicans have argued that two Senate committees are already looking at the events of Jan. 6, as House panels have done as well. The Justice Department is pursuing cases against hundreds of individuals who were involved. Former President Donald Trump and others have said any commission ought to also be tasked to look at street protests and violence that took place in the aftermath of the police killing of George Floyd.
But with all that on the table, several Republicans have alluded to their concern about a new commission dragging on into 2022, the year of the next midterm elections. A lot of our members want to be moving forward, said Sen. John Thune, R-S.D., the No. 2 Senate Republican toMcConnell. Anything that gets us rehashing to 2020 elections is, I think, a day lost.
Resistance even after 9/11
The Taliban were toppled but bin Laden escaped, and U.S. forces have been engaged there ever since. The troop numbers have declined in recent years, and President Biden has indicated that all combat troops will be out by this years anniversary of the 2001 attacks.
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The Actual Reason Why Republicans And Their Media Are Discouraging People From Getting Vaccinated
Dr. Anthony Fauci told Jake Tapper on CNN last Sunday, I dont have a really good reason why this is happening.
But even if he cant think of a reason why Republicans would trash talk vaccination and people would believe them, its definitely there.
Which is why its important to ask a couple of simple questions that all point to the actual reason why Republicans and their media are discouraging people from getting vaccinated:
1. Why did Trump get vaccinated in secret after Joe Biden won the election and his January 6th coup attempt failed?
2. Why are Fox Newspersonalities discouraging people from getting vaccinated while refusing to say if they and the people they work with have been protected by vaccination?
3. Why was one of the biggest applause lines at CPAC: They were hoping the government was hoping that they could sort of sucker 90% of the population into getting vaccinated and it isnt happening!
Death is their electoral strategy.
Is there any other possible explanation?
So, whats left?
Censorship Of Conservative Content
Tech companies and social media sites have been accused of censorship by some conservative groups, although there is little or no evidence to support these claims.
At least one conservative theme, that of climate change denialism, is over-represented in the media, and some scientists have argued that media outlets have not done enough to combat false information. In November 2013, Nathan Allen, a PhD chemist and moderator on Reddit‘s science forum published an op-ed that argued that newspaper editors should refrain from publishing articles from people who deny the scientific consensus on climate change.
Shadow banning
Claims of shadow banning of conservative social media accounts were brought to the fore in 2016 when conservative news sites lashed out after a report from an unnamed Facebook employee on May 7 alleged that contractors for the social media giant were told to minimize links to their sites in its “trending news” column. The Nieman Foundation for Journalism at Harvard investigated and found no evidence of shadow-banning of conservatives.
Don’t Miss: Why Do Republicans Still Back Trump
Despite Cries Of Censorship Conservatives Dominate Social Media
GOP-friendly voices far outweigh liberals in driving conversations on hot topics leading up to the election, a POLITICO analysis shows.
The Twitter app on a mobile phone | Matt Rourke/AP Photo
10/27/2020 01:38 PM EDT
Link Copied
Republicans have turned alleged liberal bias in Silicon Valley into a major closing theme of the election cycle, hauling tech CEOs in for virtual grillings on Capitol Hill while President Donald Trump threatens legal punishment for companies that censor his supporters.
But a POLITICO analysis of millions of social media posts shows that conservatives still rule online.
Right-wing social media influencers, conservative media outlets and other GOP supporters dominate online discussions around two of the elections hottest issues, the Black Lives Matter movement and voter fraud, according to the review of Facebook posts, Instagram feeds, Twitter messages and conversations on two popular message boards. And their lead isnt close.
As racial protests engulfed the nation after George Floyds death, users shared the most-viral right-wing social media content more than 10 times as often as the most popular liberal posts, frequently associating the Black Lives Matter movement with violence and accusing Democrats like Joe Biden of supporting riots.
Trump Continues To Push Election Falsehoods Heres Why That Matters
Trump: Social media discriminates against Republicans
Republican opposition to the commission
Rice was featured in one of the very few congressional commissions ever to receive this level of attention. Most are created and live out their mission with little notice. Indeed, Congress has created nearly 150 commissions of various kinds in just the last 30 years, roughly five a year.
Some have a highly specific purpose, such as a commemoration. Others are more administrative, such as the five-member commission overseeing the disbursement of business loans during the early months of pandemic lockdown in 2020. Others have been wide-ranging and controversial, such as the one created to investigate synthetic opioid trafficking.
In the initial weeks after the Jan. 6 riot at the Capitol, the idea of an independent commission to probe the origins of the attack and the failures that let it happen seemed a no-brainer. It had broad support both in Congress and in public opinion polls. It still enjoys the latter, as about two-thirds of Americans indicate that they think an independent commission is needed. The idea has fared well particularly when described as being 9/11 Commission style.
Also Check: Who Is The Speaker Of The House For Republicans
Its Time To End This Forever War Biden Says Forces To Leave Afghanistan By 9/11
The enormous national anger generated by those attacks was also channeled by the administration toward the creation of the Department of Homeland Security, which was conceived to prevent any recurrence of attacks on such a massive scale. Arguments over that legislation consumed Congress through much of 2002 and became the fodder for campaign ads in that years midterms.
The same anger was also directed toward a resolution to use force, if needed, in dealing with security threats from the regime of Saddam Hussein in Iraq. That authorization passed Congress with bipartisan majorities in the fall of 2002, driven by administration claims that Saddam had weapons of mass destruction. It became law weeks before the midterm elections.
Once those elections were over, the Republicans in control of both chambers finally agreed to create an independent commission to seek answers about 9/11. Bush signed the legislation on Nov. 27, 2002.
The beginning was hobbled when the first chairman, former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, and vice chairman, former Senate Majority Leader George Mitchell of Maine, decided not to continue. But a new chairman, former New Jersey Gov. Thomas Kean, and vice chairman, former Rep. Lee Hamilton of Indiana, filled the breach and performed to generally laudatory reviews.
Long memories
The American Mainstream News Media May Be More Biased Than We Think
Barely a day goes by without President Trump firing off an angry tweet referring to the fake news media. But what do we know about actual political bias in the media? Eric Merkley studied 400,000 news stories published over three decades and has found that the tone of economic news is more favorable during Democratic presidencies compared to Republican administrations.
Since even before his election over two years ago, President Donald Trump and his Republican surrogates have made a habit of responding to critical news coverage with allegations that mainstream press reports are fake news. This allegation, regardless of how often it is repeated, has been shown to be fundamentally without merit.
However, there has also been a long history of complaints from conservative elites that journalists are biased against conservatives and the Republican Party in their reporting for mainstream news outlets. There is evidence that most journalists identify with the Democratic Party and as ideologicalliberals. Consequently, these allegations cannot be so easily dismissed.
In new research, I find evidence of considerable bias against Republican presidential administrations in mainstream economic news content.;
Also Check: How Many States Are Controlled By Republicans
Elections To Watch In 2021
In its study of the media landscape in the lead-up to the 2020 presidential election cycle, the Pew Research Center found that of the 30 news sources it asked about, only Fox News was trusted by a majority of Republicans. This finding stands in stark contrast with the views of Democrats, who said they trusted a variety of news sources, and it marks a further decline in Republicans trust of other news sources since Pew last conducted a similar survey in 2014.
This is in part because animosity toward the other party is at an all-time high and Republicans increasingly associate the news media with the Democratic Party. That means they are more likely to dismiss a source that isnt Fox News as politically biased. For example, in a among people who said they voted for then-President Trump in 2020, a staggering 92 percent strongly or somewhat agreed that the mainstream media today is just a part of the Democratic Party.
related:Why Attacking Cancel Culture And Woke People Is Becoming The GOPs New Political Strategy Read more. »
Views About Whether Social Media Companies Should Label Posts On Their Platforms As Inaccurate Are Sharply Divided Along Political Lines
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Americans are divided over whether social media companies should label posts on their sites as inaccurate or misleading, with most being skeptical that these sites can accurately determine what content should be flagged.
Some 51% of Americans say they strongly or somewhat approve of social media companies labeling posts from elected officials on their platforms as inaccurate or misleading, while a similar share say they at least somewhat disapprove of this.
Democrats and Republicans hold contrasting views about the appropriateness of social media companies flagging inaccurate information on their platforms. Fully 73% of Democrats say they strongly or somewhat approve of social media companies labeling posts on their platforms from elected officials as inaccurate or misleading, versus 25% who disapprove.
These sentiments are nearly reversed for Republicans: 71% say they disapprove of social media companies engaging in this type of labeling, including about four-in-ten who say they strongly disapprove. Just 27% say they approve of this labeling.
Liberal Democrats stand out as being the most supportive of this practice: 85% of this group say they approve of social media companies labeling elected officials posts as inaccurate or misleading, compared with 64% of conservative or moderate Democrats and even smaller shares of moderate or liberal Republicans and conservative Republicans .
Recommended Reading: How Many Registered Republicans In Illinois
The Capitol Siege: The Arrested And Their Stories
It would only be logical for that memory to inform the imagination of any Republican contemplating a similar independent commission to probe what happened on Jan. 6. The commission would likely look at various right-wing groups that were involved, including the Oath Keepers and the Proud Boys, some members of which have already been charged. The commission might also delve into the social media presence and influence of various white supremacists.
Moreover, just as the 9/11 Commission was expected to interview the current and preceding presidents, so might a new commission pursue testimony from Trump and some of his advisers, both official and otherwise, regarding their roles in the protest that wound up chasing members of Congress from both chambers into safe holding rooms underground.
House Minority Leader McCarthy was asked last week whether he would testify if a commission were created and called on him to discuss his conversations with Trump on Jan. 6.
Sure, McCarthy replied. Next question.
All this may soon be moot. If Senate Democrats are unable to secure 60 votes to overcome an expected filibuster of the House-passed bill, the measure will die and the questions to be asked will fall to existing congressional committees, federal prosecutors and the media. To some degree, all can at least claim to have the same goals and intentions as an independent commission might have.
The difference is the level of acceptance their findings are likely to have with the public.
0 notes
mechagalaxy · 4 years
Sten Hugo Hiller - 627184: An assignment stinking to high heavens
(By Sten Hugo Hiller - 627184) An assignment stinking to high heavens
The war of `58 was just around the corner, and we of the Star League had as usual signed up to participate in it.
Admittedly, our ranks have thinned over the decades, and finding Commanders willing to join us is harder than getting a double win in the lotto. At the moment, our rooster had just enough Commanders to allow us to participate in a regular clan war, but Tony Hoogheem, -head of the Rumors and Deduction department, had gone under the radar years back trying to localize all of Gorax` bases and henchmen.
When he succeeded, this hopefully would let the combined weight of the Mercenary clans wipe him out for good. But in the meantime it left a gaping hole in Star Leagues offensive capabilities.
I recieved a summon from the temporary head of Relations and Diplomacy (Clan leader) -Drake Hunter, and arrived promptly at his office. He was busy studying the roosters of the probable opponents we would face, and he was not a happy man. At the sight of me he shook his head and in a tone that signaled the decision had been made he said "I have a job for you, suited to your particular talents"
Last time those words were directed to me in that tone had been when the drill sergeant in my recruit platoon wanted me to clean the latrines. But surely that was not what Drake had in mind? But after listening to him explain what he wanted me to do, I fervently whished the job had been to lick the latrines clean instead.
As those of you that follows the news should be aware of, Team Banzai recently came upon one of Gorax` Mechs while it was being swarmed by Snavurms. It turned out the Snavurms skin oils somehow did kill off the Gorax virus, and had actually restored both the Mech and the pilot to normal. So far so good, but managing to get hordes of wild Snavurms into contact with the Gorax infested Mechs would be close to impossible. Say you found a tribe of them, how to get them to the Gorax infested Mechs instead of swarming over your own was more than I had any idea of.
Of course, Drake was not thinking of using some random tribe of wild Snavurms. He wanted me to bring my uplifted Snavurms along and take care of the problem.
I was really tempted to tell him where he could put that job, but held my tongue. While the uplifted Snavurms on Kongo at this point probably could field twice as many Mechs as the Shogunate and the Hegemony combined, having armies of Snavurms shoving up all over the Galaxy, -even on a mission to eradicate Gorax, could well trigger a xeno-war.
So I nodded and went to the hangar, mind busy trying to figure how to solve the problem, not just following orders. Getting the Snavurms to volunteer was no problem, and when I explained to Boris and Keikko what their part of the mission would be, they tried to kiss my hands while prostating themselves. Question was what Mechs to use.
I finally decided on using my Nifthels as the main force. Heidrun (my first Apototron) would be our mobile HQ/destillery/lab, Boris and Keikko would of course ride their customized Hoplites (Pala Hobog and Hobog Ka?), and we brought along some factory fresh Nephilax`es where all the armament and communication gear had been removed as test vehicles/lures. To avoid possible contamination risk we would operate from one of the recently discovered planets in the Clarke federation where no other humans were supposed to be.
The first part of the plan was to capture some pirates. Scouring the Pirate Moon we found some Kanabo Crusher posers. If the real Kanabo Crushers had discovered that those wannabees had posed as the real thing, their fates would probably have been even worse than what we had in mind for them. Meanwhile, Boris and Keikko had been busy distilling kiloliters of Snavurm spirit.
That concotion is probably the second worst drink ever made. 140 proof alcohool and 30% Snavurm sweat makes it something no sane person would want within lightyears of their solar system. The only drink that is worse is the Old Karelia. Produced from rotting fish oil, it is banned on most planets that have ever heard of it, and classified as chemical warfare on those that have experienced it. If you were to give a pilot a choiche between the two of them, the most likely choice would be to power up the Mech and vaporize both you and the drinks in question. -On second thought, they would prefer to burn you and the drinks.
While most of the task force was building holding facilities for the pirates, I got the dubious plesure of leading some Snavurms on what was perhaps the most foolhardy part of the plan. -Capture some live Gorax virus.
After blowing up some of Gorax`s minions, my Snavurms (in contamination suits so they wouldnt kill the virus) got plenty of samples sealed in specially prepared containers. Hopefully the virus would not escape into the Snavurm-smell filled cockpits and perish before we got back to the base and could put it to better use.
At the base, the holding facilities for the pirates had been finished. Each pirate was in a small, windowless cabin placed in a deep hollow it should be impossible to escape from. Now, the Nephilax`es were being prepared. Each of them were rigged with a small container of Gorax virus that would be released when the cockpit were opened.
Boris and Keikko had also been busy on the second part of their job. The question had been how to deliver the Snavurm spirit to Gorax infected Mechs. They had come up with three possibilities. Removing the warheads in the Small Cluster Rack missiles, and filling them with a container of Snavurm spirit. Tinkering with the Small Flame launchers so instead of a stream of fire it delivered a spray of Snavurm spirit. And putting some Snavurm spirit in the shells for the Dynamo Cannon.
Personally I thought the Small Cluster Rack missiles had the best potential. They had a decent payload and long reach. The Dynamo Cannon were faster, and had similar range, but would the small amount of liquid be enough? As for the Small Flamers, they sure would cover a target in fluid, but it was shorter ranged, and the tanks were after all not that big. -Besides, the stench would surely reach the one firing the Flamer as well, making its continued use questionable.
But it was time to test my theories. The first Nephilax were carefully winched to the outside of one of the cabins. The Snavrums ringed the rim in their Nifthels, and the locks in the cabin disengaged. It took a few minutes before the pirate inside pecked out. When he saw the parked Nephilax he sprinted for it, ripped open the Cockpit and dived inside. At first he tried to scale the walls, but soon the Nephilax started sprouting the spikes asosciated with the Gorax virus. The Mech started gyrating vildly as the pirate was infected, but after a couple minutes it started a methodic digging to make a ramp for its escape.
Now was the time to check the weapons. As feared, the Small Flamer`s Reach was short, but enough of the stream converted into droplets that the Nephilax soon glistened in the little light that reached it. The Gorax spikes vilted away and soon the cokpit opened and the pirate dived headfirst out of the Mech. The fall only stunned him for a minute, and when he came to he was scraming as a lost soul. "THE STENCH!!!! I CANT STAND IT" Stumbling around, he fell into a small puddle of snavrum spirit and the screams reached a feverish pitch. He ran toward the ramp he had tried to make, and before we had any inkling of what he planned he had picked up a big rock and bashed in his own head.
As it turned out, even one of the Dynamo Cannon`s shells had enough payload to do the job, -eventually. And as I had hoped, the Small Cluster Racks payload was big enough that one hit would kill off the virus in about eight seconds.
Three more pirates died during the testing when their headlong dives brpke their skulls or their necks. The rest were tranquilized and strapped down on the cots in the cabins we had preapared for them earlier.
Of course, that left the question of caring for them. The Snavurm stench was so strong that only a Snavurm could stand it, and using the Snavrums as nurses were both maintaining the smell, and driving the pirates into a catatonic state due to fear.
But. The mission were acomplished. And it was time for me to return and report the success. The blueprints for the changed weapons were copied, and the destillation process for making the Snavurm spirit was painstalkingly detailed.
Unfortunately, we had been away for a long time, and when we returned the base was in ruins. The first battleday had ended, and the Death`s Collectors had flattened us. Still, Drake took some time to listen to the reports, but was not satisfied. "What you have come up with, is a cure most will consider worse than the plague. You simply have to do something about the stench. And speaking of stench, get out of here before you contaminate the whole base."(By Sten Hugo Hiller - 627184) An assignment stinking to high heavensThe war of `58 was just around the corner, and we of the Star League had as usual signed up to participate in it.Admittedly, our ranks have thinned over the decades, and finding Commanders willing to join us is harder than getting a double win in the lotto. At the moment, our rooster had just enough Commanders to allow us to participate in a regular clan war, but Tony Hoogheem, -head of the Rumors and Deduction department, had gone under the radar years back trying to localize all of Gorax` bases and henchmen.When he succeeded, this hopefully would let the combined weight of the Mercenary clans wipe him out for good. But in the meantime it left a gaping hole in Star Leagues offensive capabilities.I recieved a summon from the temporary head of Relations and Diplomacy (Clan leader) -Drake Hunter, and arrived promptly at his office. He was busy studying the roosters of the probable opponents we would face, and he was not a happy man. At the sight of me he shook his head and in a tone that signaled the decision had been made he said "I have a job for you, suited to your particular talents"Last time those words were directed to me in that tone had been when the drill sergeant in my recruit platoon wanted me to clean the latrines. But surely that was not what Drake had in mind? But after listening to him explain what he wanted me to do, I fervently whished the job had been to lick the latrines clean instead.As those of you that follows the news should be aware of, Team Banzai recently came upon one of Gorax` Mechs while it was being swarmed by Snavurms. It turned out the Snavurms skin oils somehow did kill off the Gorax virus, and had actually restored both the Mech and the pilot to normal. So far so good, but managing to get hordes of wild Snavurms into contact with the Gorax infested Mechs would be close to impossible. Say you found a tribe of them, how to get them to the Gorax infested Mechs instead of swarming over your own was more than I had any idea of.Of course, Drake was not thinking of using some random tribe of wild Snavurms. He wanted me to bring my uplifted Snavurms along and take care of the problem.I was really tempted to tell him where he could put that job, but held my tongue. While the uplifted Snavurms on Kongo at this point probably could field twice as many Mechs as the Shogunate and the Hegemony combined, having armies of Snavurms shoving up all over the Galaxy, -even on a mission to eradicate Gorax, could well trigger a xeno-war.So I nodded and went to the hangar, mind busy trying to figure how to solve the problem, not just following orders. Getting the Snavurms to volunteer was no problem, and when I explained to Boris and Keikko what their part of the mission would be, they tried to kiss my hands while prostating themselves. Question was what Mechs to use.I finally decided on using my Nifthels as the main force. Heidrun (my first Apototron) would be our mobile HQ/destillery/lab, Boris and Keikko would of course ride their customized Hoplites (Pala Hobog and Hobog Ka?), and we brought along some factory fresh Nephilax`es where all the armament and communication gear had been removed as test vehicles/lures. To avoid possible contamination risk we would operate from one of the recently discovered planets in the Clarke federation where no other humans were supposed to be.The first part of the plan was to capture some pirates. Scouring the Pirate Moon we found some Kanabo Crusher posers. If the real Kanabo Crushers had discovered that those wannabees had posed as the real thing, their fates would probably have been even worse than what we had in mind for them. Meanwhile, Boris and Keikko had been busy distilling kiloliters of Snavurm spirit.That concotion is probably the second worst drink ever made. 140 proof alcohool and 30% Snavurm sweat makes it something no sane person would want within lightyears of their solar system. The only drink that is worse is the Old Karelia. Produced from rotting fish oil, it is banned on most planets that have ever heard of it, and classified as chemical warfare on those that have experienced it. If you were to give a pilot a choiche between the two of them, the most likely choice would be to power up the Mech and vaporize both you and the drinks in question. -On second thought, they would prefer to burn you and the drinks.While most of the task force was building holding facilities for the pirates, I got the dubious plesure of leading some Snavurms on what was perhaps the most foolhardy part of the plan. -Capture some live Gorax virus.After blowing up some of Gorax`s minions, my Snavurms (in contamination suits so they wouldnt kill the virus) got plenty of samples sealed in specially prepared containers. Hopefully the virus would not escape into the Snavurm-smell filled cockpits and perish before we got back to the base and could put it to better use.At the base, the holding facilities for the pirates had been finished. Each pirate was in a small, windowless cabin placed in a deep hollow it should be impossible to escape from. Now, the Nephilax`es were being prepared. Each of them were rigged with a small container of Gorax virus that would be released when the cockpit were opened.Boris and Keikko had also been busy on the second part of their job. The question had been how to deliver the Snavurm spirit to Gorax infected Mechs. They had come up with three possibilities. Removing the warheads in the Small Cluster Rack missiles, and filling them with a container of Snavurm spirit. Tinkering with the Small Flame launchers so instead of a stream of fire it delivered a spray of Snavurm spirit. And putting some Snavurm spirit in the shells for the Dynamo Cannon.Personally I thought the Small Cluster Rack missiles had the best potential. They had a decent payload and long reach. The Dynamo Cannon were faster, and had similar range, but would the small amount of liquid be enough? As for the Small Flamers, they sure would cover a target in fluid, but it was shorter ranged, and the tanks were after all not that big. -Besides, the stench would surely reach the one firing the Flamer as well, making its continued use questionable.But it was time to test my theories. The first Nephilax were carefully winched to the outside of one of the cabins. The Snavrums ringed the rim in their Nifthels, and the locks in the cabin disengaged. It took a few minutes before the pirate inside pecked out. When he saw the parked Nephilax he sprinted for it, ripped open the Cockpit and dived inside. At first he tried to scale the walls, but soon the Nephilax started sprouting the spikes asosciated with the Gorax virus. The Mech started gyrating vildly as the pirate was infected, but after a couple minutes it started a methodic digging to make a ramp for its escape.Now was the time to check the weapons. As feared, the Small Flamer`s Reach was short, but enough of the stream converted into droplets that the Nephilax soon glistened in the little light that reached it. The Gorax spikes vilted away and soon the cokpit opened and the pirate dived headfirst out of the Mech. The fall only stunned him for a minute, and when he came to he was scraming as a lost soul. "THE STENCH!!!! I CANT STAND IT" Stumbling around, he fell into a small puddle of snavrum spirit and the screams reached a feverish pitch. He ran toward the ramp he had tried to make, and before we had any inkling of what he planned he had picked up a big rock and bashed in his own head.As it turned out, even one of the Dynamo Cannon`s shells had enough payload to do the job, -eventually. And as I had hoped, the Small Cluster Racks payload was big enough that one hit would kill off the virus in about eight seconds.Three more pirates died during the testing when their headlong dives brpke their skulls or their necks. The rest were tranquilized and strapped down on the cots in the cabins we had preapared for them earlier.Of course, that left the question of caring for them. The Snavurm stench was so strong that only a Snavurm could stand it, and using the Snavrums as nurses were both maintaining the smell, and driving the pirates into a catatonic state due to fear.But. The mission were acomplished. And it was time for me to return and report the success. The blueprints for the changed weapons were copied, and the destillation process for making the Snavurm spirit was painstalkingly detailed.Unfortunately, we had been away for a long time, and when we returned the base was in ruins. The first battleday had ended, and the Death`s Collectors had flattened us. Still, Drake took some time to listen to the reports, but was not satisfied. "What you have come up with, is a cure most will consider worse than the plague. You simply have to do something about the stench. And speaking of stench, get out of here before you contaminate the whole base."
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