#i cant really put it into words its like. i donated a lot to this. but im ready to let it die.
420fps · 1 year
I am watching tubbathon in shock basically. Chat held it around an hour all night AND day. I was so sure it'd end at 10am today. I went to bed, woke up, it was still going around an hour.
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gokartkid · 1 year
vampire au, ur choice in pairing<3
making it galex!
george is like, a real proper vampire. going to the monthly meetings, signed up to the local blood donation facilities, and a sire family that goes back into the centuries kind of proper vampire. he's young in vampire terms (like, a century) compared to lewis for instance or toto who goes WAY back (he hasn't said specifically but they all think original romanian transylvania. that would explain why he cant get rid of the accent)
alex is new. like, last week new. he was turned accidentally, george thinks, at least from what he told him over a pint. he'd been making out with this guy at a club, very normal (he stresses this) when they went into an alleyway outside (alex says this very normally and calmly, like this is something he does all the time. George is not homophobic, but he is just a bit of a prude still and he also tries to be normal. fails!) and then what was a harmless bit of necking turned into alex getting his blood sucked out of him. in his haze, he does remember hearing the other guy panicking, then being forced to drink something that was gross and delicious all at the same time. then, the next day, he got picked up by the magic part of the police dept. because the guys at the pub didn't really like having a half dead body on the ground outside.
they try and figure out who turned him, but can't work it out beyond alex's grand sire DEFINITELY being red bull affiliated. (the vampires have like. idk. family clan loyalties) but the mercedes lot are who he gets referred to first just because red bull can be a bit. tougher to work with, and Toto's got a finger in every pie. while they're doing this, alex is like dragging george kicking and screaming into the 21st century.
"you're not joking around with me right now." alex is looking at him, eyebrows raised. His glass is raised halfway to his mouth. the condensation from the beer is leaking onto his hand and pooling around his fingers. "what? no why?" george genuinely looks baffled, as if he hasn't just said the most insane sentence alex has ever heard. "you're saying-" alex puts down the glass, his hands on the table. he needs to stress every word, "-you're actually saying that you had a chat with anne boleyn before she had her head cut off and offered to make her a vampire." "well," george looks a bit embarassed now. he starts adjusting his cufflinks, probably to try and look cool and collected and aloof. alex has seen him do it about 50 times every time they've met up now though, so it has lost its original charm. "-i mean, yes, i was there, and i thought she might like a bit of help. it was rather a sticky situation you know, a lot of emotions running high." "and she said no?" he can't imagine george, posh george in the armani sweater, wearing ray bans sunglasses who's practically addicted to having a cuppa of tea in the morning as living in the middle ages. "it wasn't really her thing mate," george shrugs, "bit torn up still about the whole thing if im honest. always thought henry the 8th was naff after that."
alex is flatting with charles also, who is in my mind a cursebreaker sorry @tetrapod7 stealing ur scholarship.... blatant theft, anyway he comes back after Vampire Orientation (this is like a week of being at totos creepy mansion that he does vampire business in and basically being taught how to be normal and signing a bunch of forms declaring himself to the govt) and charles is all, alexander I thought you were dead, like really, dead, and you come back looking fine?! except he takes a closer look and then is like ahh. i was not far off mate, you are looking good but you are definitely dead. and alex is like yeah they had to teach me all the vampire skills. and charles is like well are you good at being a vampire now? and alex is like "um, well, probably going to have to get better really fast but I definitely won't kill people. By the way, do you think its semi-incestuous if you fuck another vampire who you're maybe like, sharing a grand-sire with. i don't really understand if its capital F family that they were going on about, or just like." waves his hands "metaphorical brothers in arms." (at this point he doesn't know who his grand sire is. so theres a conflict. BUT IT IS NOT. INCESTUOUS. but its funny!?)
bonus: the first time they have sex alex like tries to go down on george but he doesnt realise he's hungry (my lore ur teeth are like. retractable. he doesn't realise they come out spiky when ur a bit peckish) and george yelps and is like "teeth! teeth teeth teeth." and alex is like ooh fuck whoops sorry. and they have a snack break
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starry622 · 5 months
hello, im oliver, or v for short. i am 20 years old, bodily. im an artist, a dog, and the host of a system.
ive got bpd, hpd, dpd, and schizophrenia, all of which, of course, affect the system. my biggest psychotic symptom is that of clinical lycanthropy and cynanthropy, which you will see reflected often on this blog (especially under the tag #clinical zoanthropy). i cant effectively be reality checked, at least in this regard, so dont even try it. more info on this under the cut. :]
im very into social justice, mogai/liom, art, and general fandom stuff
i now have a somewhat stable home, but i still take donations, as i lost my job last month and currently have no way to make any money besides commissions and donations. i work hard every day applying to every job i can possibly find, following up on applications, and getting interviews, but that does not fund the cost of living in the meantime. im working to put up a commissions carrd (that will also function as a mini portfolio), though i will still be taking commissions before the carrd is finalized. i havent had a meal in a week, so i could really use the money, if anyone is willing to help.
if you need a dni, my basic boundaries are that proshippers, pro-contact harmful paraphiles, and radqueers dont interact. i do, however, have a byf, which is on my carrd (linked below)
my personal carrd is here: [link]
my commission carrd is: still unfinished
my cashapp is: $Starry622
do be warned, my tumblr webtheme (starry622.tumblr.com) is not safe for those who are sensitive to flashing or eyestrain. there is no necessary info on my webtheme, so you will not ever have to visit it for any reason.
for more zoanthropy info: my body can morph and change to become more canine-like, and it can go through certain stages. human-> boy with canine features -> full canine (with the regular animal anatomy) or werecanine (more like a hollywood werewolf) and my transformations can cause pain and discomfort, though i mostly just feel fur sprouting and my organs shifting. my mind is that of a humans, however my soul and dna are that of a canines.
i dont really know what a p-shifter is, but i guess you could call me one? i dont think shifting is something you can learn anyways and i cant control it, so i feel like most people either can or cant shift. theres always exceptions to the rule, however, not that i would be teaching anyone how, especially because that seems like a dangerous move for all involved parties. plus, i dont even know how i do it, i just do, so id be useless for that.
i dont know what the deal is and why i am both a wolf and a dog, and my identity as a whole is definitely more dog, all i know is that its me. thats why i use canine instead of specific dog or wolf when speaking generally, because "dog or wolf" is a mouthful.
i dont identify with the word human, but its easier to explain that way. i am more a person. my brain is and stays that of a sentient, sapient person living in a human society. im culturally human, you could say.
rarely, ill have short-ish bouts where i am a different animal, usually on top of being a canine, which confuses me, but i choose to go with the flow about it. if i think too too much about it, im afraid ill confuse myself more than just suddenly becoming a lagothrope/kounanthrope (family including rabbits, bunnies, hares) and accepting it until its over. i dont know what those little bouts are about, and i kinda dont wanna know!
i identify with my diagnosed clinical label simply because i experience a lot of double bookkeeping (i believe thats what its called). im aware of myself in some ways, and see how others see me alongside how i see myself. this is also exactly why reality checking doesnt work on me. i am aware of my symptoms, and i believe the delusions and semi-rare hallucinations that act as proof of my true self. my experience is constant clashing in that way, like i can see more than everyone else, but it rarely causes a problem, and so i go with it. no use fighting it. im a lazy dog, if youll forgive the pun.
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charmanderxerneas · 1 year
I can't sleep and i was having thoughts about Scott cawthon and fnaf. Lets ramble while im sleep deprived at 5 am. I have a weird perspective because i still think its okay to like fnaf and i dont think scott is the WORST person in the world, but i also dont think hes great and i think the fnaf fandom reacted very shittily. You can think of you will of me and my opinionz but i totally do understand and think youre justified if you disagree and think that fnaf is bad to support because of scott
(What the fuck where is the "read more" option on mobile.... Fuck it)
The whole drama with scott cawthon like. Last year. Was really fucking disheartening. As a fnaf fan who happens to be bigender and queer, seeing a majority of the stupid fucking fnaf fans immediately go "we support you scott you did nothing wrong!!" While being shitty to actual trans and queer people who were rightfully upset... I can't even put into words how disheartening and awful that is, i think those who jumped on the "i stand with scott" bandwagon should frankly feel ashamed.
I also understand that a majority of fnaf fans are kids and some were probably too young to understand the nuance of it all. It felt like their favorite game series was being attacked! And they wanted to feel like they could still like the game, so when scott made his super shitty response they were all like "its okay we forgive you" even though they weren't necessarily the ones able to make that call (not saying a cishet white person cant forgive Scott cawthon, just that they should listen to and seriously consider the voices of queer people or poc or anyone else who is harmed by the polititions he donated to.) But ultimately, being young isnt an excuse for excusing bad things.
Scott isnt the best person. And by supporting him, you do in a way support the shitty politicians he donates to.
However, i dont actually think scott is like. 100% completely immoral. Im going to be very generous here: this next paragraph is just giving him the entire benefit of the doubt and playing devils advocate, so feel free to disregard it: but hes not as bad as joanne rowling or anthing. He doesnt activly go out of his way to spread hatespeech, hasnt filled his game with antisemitism and homophobia and transphobia like she has, and by all accounts seems to be a nice guy who has been caring to queer fans, even if he is a Republican. I don't necessarily think being a Republican makes you an evil person. Yes, if youre extreme about it you are an evil person, but like. Im sure many of us have Republican family members you wouldnt necessarily call evil. Like, i have a wonderful grandma whos a Republican but she also fuckin hates trump and supports me and my identity and is generally a good person. I also think its worth mentioning that a lot of Republicans didnt like trump, but felt like they had to vote for him because they were Republican.
Now im not saying that last bit applies to scott cawthon: hes said he voted for trump so Yikes Man. He did support trump and other bad politicians, and in doing so he supported the terrible policys they push forward. Thats awful. And thats what makes him not the best person. More fnaf fans should consider that.
Finally: even if scott is bad, i don't think its bad to still like and play the fnaf games. Like i mentioned before, the politics of all that arent really written into fnaf and its story (claims to be pro life, makes a game where all the kids die anyways 😳). Scott has basically given steel wool the games now (even if he is still behind the scenes😔). And i dont think you're a bad person if you like. Buy fnaf merch and the games (yeah it sucks that in some way you are supporting someone who financially supports bad policies... But i can also see some removal from it simply because in this society today it is near impossible to not support Any Business Or Person that supports a Republican... In america at least, like half of our stores/businesses go towards that shit)
Sorry for this rant over i need some sleep i have a final paper due tomorrow that i havent started and im going to denver and im sleep deprived. FUCK
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piplupod · 2 years
lmao ppl really don't fucking understand how labour costs work when it comes to clothing and/or handmade items. this person on tiktok is saying that $50 usd is too expensive for binders because it's inaccessible to most trans ppl, especially with whats going on in the world
and i get that. but do you just want workers to go unpaid??? like. honestly thats a pretty low price for a quality binder, considering the time that goes into making it and the cost of supplies.
there should be more donation programs or giveaways, but we should not be lowering the costs imo. it costs that much bc small companies (im not talking about gc2b here, theyre shit) need to like...make money. so they can continue to make their product. and also have money to eat and pay bills.
i pointed this out in the comments but op just said that its inaccessible and put words in my mouth that i absolutely did not say. im fucking annoyed, this person has been extremely stupid in the past and now here we are again.
idk why ppl cant understand that two things can be true at once. yes, its not accessible to a lot of people, but also handmade products need to be priced properly for the worker to make a livable wage.
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morrak · 2 years
Untitled Wednesday Library Series, Part 59
Well, I’m back.
A friend who’s not (yet) on tumblr but occasionally reads these (hi) recently said she can tell I’m usually tired when writing them up. I maintain an old vice in thinking I’m hard to draw a bead on, but I admit I usually leave these for the end of a day. Do I wish I could spare enough brain to strop them into something more worthwhile? Definitely. Is that likely to happen soon? No, and that’s a shame. I don’t like wasting time or a swing at most of these items.
This one is especially important to put good wood on, I feel. From 1986, from Harvard’s Office for Information Technology, from various authors and original publishers, proximally from a friend who is yet on tumblr, From Sand to Circuits and Other Inquiries, edited by one John Simon.
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The How
This series’ start was forestalled by a couple months of waffling about a title and format. I’ve since decided I fucked up by settling for the How/Text/Object/Why skeleton, but I think the name is justified: my collection is, it turns out, somehow big enough and subject to sufficient lending and churn to be called a library. That means I can safely use the words ‘acquisition’ and ‘donation’ here.
I sent out a batch of poetry collections — some I was looking to dearchive, but mostly a bunch of new copies of my favorite little Simic book — a while back and got a flood of delightful rejoinders. This gem is the kind gift of @believerindaydreams, who I’ve put off thanking for too long. Thank you.
The Text
A collection of articles, all quite different but united by each of: being obviously crafted under careful direction from Simon; talking about computers; and being more quaint than anything. The lineup of contributors is precisely what you’d expect for something of this pedigree.
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Not much of this has aged very usefully, but it’s more fun to poke through than it should be. There are Beatles references, there are unqualified brain-computer analogies at the level of corpus callosum-bus, and boy are there ever some corporate namedrops.
Some answers to questions you might ask: Yes, Čapek is mentioned in the article about robotics. Yes, it hurts to read. Yes, the one about Xerox development is interesting and a better read than most treatments written since. Yes, the typesetting one utterly fucks. Yes, the library speculation came true within a few years and we’re living in the future of that future.
Much of this was obviously prepared for freestanding use in magazines, and that’s its own kind of fun. Simon’s writing — that’s about 75% of the book, mind you — is sharp and clear but a little short on pacing or interest. Not fun to read but fun to have read, which contributes to the feel of artifactness, maybe. I like it for that.
The Object
So very good. D, I don’t know where you found this, but the condition is aces. Not a single blemish on the pages, and the cover only has normal friction and even exposure wear. Sometimes academic presses put out things of practical beauty; all glued fabric covers should be canted and embossed like this. Some of the page registration is off, but whatever.
The diagram and printing work is inspired, really. The illustrators are rightfully named and thanked in both the front and rear matter. Lots of fine touches.
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The Why, Though?
Because it’s got a bad joke and a picture of a dog in it and for no other reasons.
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Now that’s how you write an article about the neurosystems of the microcomputer.
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shoezuki · 3 years
Preamble that I feel bad for the guy tbh but how he's dealing w/ it is on him. End a the day he's a whole stranger and he's not like two, he can handle himself (presumably) and if he can't it ain't our business. Also necessary preamble that there are many Ranboo enjoyers who aren't cringe. A lot of them actually. To the point where I don't really like to bring stuff like this up in specific bc it Does magnify problems via exposure
However. Disclaimer that this is a complaint about the worst aspects of my time in a fandom and that this is not all of it aside
TWT RANBOO STANS *DESPISE* LISTENING TO "OUR" STREAMER LIKE NO ONE FUCKING ELSE. THEY FUCKIN' HATE IT. EVERY WORD THAT IS SAID ONSTREAM OR ON ANY OF HIS MEDIA ACCTS IS NOTHING TO THEM. Ranboo is literally not even a streamer to them the way they act. The man will beg, literally fucking BEG over and over to not mention him in people's chats, to not *yell at people in chat to not spam,* to please not use him as a profpic if they're getting into drama, and then concede ground to please not use him as a profpic if you're sending threats, please do not fucking send threats, please, he has said this so many times, and Yet my comrades' twt blocklists are full of Ranboo profpics that send death threats with 0 shame. 0 shame, what so fucking ever. Chat too! Chat the fuck too! Chat is way better than twt bc at least it's not violent but I swear to Christ they are literally deaf! Begging for answers to questions that are answered in his bios and over and over onstream already and in the FAQ that is RIGHT THERE if you scroll down a HALF FUCKING CENTIMETER! Spamming stupid shit, and then spamming "CHAT STOP" even as streamer exhaustedly says "chaaat putting 'chat stop' just makes more spam".
Literally not a single Ranboo stan has basic damn listening or reading comprehension. It shows in how people fail to comprehend basic fucking facts abt his RP character (everyone knew this was coming) and it shows in how no matter how much he fucking pleads people to stop sending fucking death threats with his face attached or says he's uncomfortable giving out certain information people will just trample on those boundaries as if they ain't fucking there. Being in the Ranboo stan twtbase is literally training to blatantly ignore boundaries and dehumanize streamers and it shows in every aspect of how they treat not just "our" streamer but every single person, character, and social media personality they goddamned come across as text to speech machines, dressup dolls, and punching bags
It honestly blows my fucking mind. Like. Ostensibly, you enjoy this streamer and his content, right? Which I would think means you watch his content? But apparently fucking not!
It is honestly fucking disgusting it is unbelievable. I don't like to dwell on it for aforementioned reasons and like, dwelling is also smth streamer has mentioned correctly as Not Good, but genuinely the situation in certain small vocal pockets of the Ranboo stanbase is horrific and I hope these people get so much help and also maybe better material than increasingly unreadable censorship for "die." Actual productive debate is really fun, guys, come have a redemption arc and argue about the effects New L'Manberg had on c!Ranboo with me, please, why can't we all be nice, god, why,
Anyway that's my piece. Thank you for hearing me out I believe this is the first time I've gotten the chance to try to flex the new lack of charalimit for asks and I must say I enjoy it
tbhtbh I USED to watch ranboo but i jus like. Cant anymore from donations n the unfortunate fact that So Many People whove gotten At me on twitter have ranboo pfps and how a lot of them treat him is genuinely Gross to me. Even jus w like. Seeing shit bout him and tubbo being 'roommates' rn like i HATE that shit. Ppl objectify him n ignore his boundaries n jus do such horrible shit w his name all over their accts n its despicable. I feel so harshly for the dude like that shit Sucks. But also he does tend to 'give in' to twitter shit sometimes like when he was saying not to trend stuff bout his meetup because he didnt want to 'overshadow' current events (altho ppl on twitter couldnt even listen to him for THAT)
Its jus a Shame cuz like. The dude Is genuinely cool. N he cares a lot. I feel his 'fans' of this calibre take advantage of his leniency/desire to please people and his Anxieties around messing up in any minor way n they jus. Walk on him in that regard. Cant even respect their own streamer
I think a bit ago i said somethin on it like. How sometimes i think these twitter ppl dont even LIKE ranboo or actually Watch Him. They jus want to feel some sort of moral superiority of stanning an 'unproblematic' cc and have some sense of control over a cc considering how he was made to apologize on his alt for those largrly harmless 'i dress like a lesbian' jokes he made. Like truly this weirdass gross community they made under his name is such a fucking shame n it sucks. No doubt its turned other ppl away from his streams Like Me
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whatgaviiformes · 3 years
Uh hi? So I plopped in with a fic then slid out again and I'm sorry it's been a month of this. Hopefully things will lighten up soon. I keep seeing all of you amazing people posting and I want to be able to interact and read everything I can get my hands on. Hopefully soon.
So anyway I'm due for an update. Putting under a read more this time. So if you like, grab some tea and join me for a chat. I am drinking chamomile with vanilla and cinnamon and honey for sweetener. Support artisans! My mug is one of my favorites by a company called tmdceramics
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So ...
Here's the latest scoop.
Move out day for MIL is this coming saturday
On top of everything else our dryer went up so we are getting a new washer dryer set (I couldn't find the flying money emoji but insert it here)
This laundry set is also. Supposed to deliver. Saturday. (Lol)
No one talks. Tension is still high. Dino is still supposed to go with her. He still is not good enough on the leash which makes me scared for him. This is going to be hard on us, and our dogs, and him. And I am still a lot of emotions over it. I think its selfish and I don't know how I or my husband are going to be able to forgive this.
It's not clear what she is planning on taking so LOL I just get to guess or sit and wait. Some stuff in the kitchen has started to move to a pile for pack up like a few dishes and wall art, but a ton hasn't. In the meantime I've made the executive decision we are donating things she leaves and buying new shit. I splurged and got some dishware, flatware, tablecloths, placemats and some kitchen rugs ordered. Art has got to come next because I cant stand bare walls.
Work. Work is. (Yes. I am still Scott)
My tea has melatonin in it because I need it shhh.
Guys. I kind of have self worth issues. I'm trying not to let all of this affect my space here but I can't help it. I don't need anything, I am just sharing - It means a lot that you all interact with me and reblog my stuff and share nice words. I just want you to know it goes a long way.
I booked a spontaneous trip to disney with my mom for a month's time. Yes, really. I need something to look forward to.
My tea is very good, how's yours? What did you make for yourself?
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nyan-koii · 3 years
Hashira ft. Sabito as genshin impact players
aunotes : Bad grammar ahead! I didnt proofread it so be aware of brain damage. plus i initially wrote it at the 1.6 update
PART 1 : T.Muichiro, R.Kyojuro, K.Shinobu, S.Sanemi, U.Tengen 
Muichiro : he probably would be uninterested at first. He's more to first person shooting game or anything other than this concept of farming or investing. So that's why when he saw yuichirou banging his fist on his desk, trying to get his fav character, he would simply just watch
"Fck this game, i've had enough,"
"But you havent finish your wishing things yet,"
Stares. "How about you give it a try mui. You might get the character i want,"
"You sure about that? You might get angry at me," "better than nothing. Now go go, get em you donkey,"
His first ten pulls on the game brings out a light we all want to see
Apparently, it was one of the luckiest wish yuichiro had ever seen so far
"I think i get your fav character?"
"Yeahh!! More than that to be honest. I want klee but you brought me two more person," sniffles and cries "you're really lucky mui. You should try and play the game,"
"It's probably the system. I doubt im that lucky tho,"
Nah, he really is lucky. Apparently he wished for his friends and got what they all really wanted for so long
"Thank you for getting me the aquila favonia, muichiro,"
"It's nothing really. I just simply press the button. It might be the system that's giving you the thing you want when i wish,"
"But still, even if i were to wish, i can get really scared and paranoid over it,"
"That's bad. You shouldnt invest yourself that much in the game tanjiro. It's just a game,"
"Ehehehe, i guess so. But you're really good at it muichiro! If you download it, we can play together :D!"
It took the word "play together" to get muichiro down on his knee for that game. Usually the idea of playing with your friends is not that interesting. So when tanjiro said that, you bet he's going to play it
Type of player
Extremely lucky it's not even real. He got a five star on the beginner's banner
Fast farming. He probably will complete all the quest and become an endgame player within one month
"I just wanted to play with tanjiro..." bashfully
He's really good with whatever he's doing. Attack combo, dodging, elemental reaction and all sorts of stuff. If he invest more of his time on artifacts, he would probably even one shot it!!
He's very lucky. Very
Kyojuro : he wouldnt even know the existence of this game. Well, he took a glimpse of it one day and boom, heart stolen. Maybe it was the fiery burning passion in bennett that made him play the game.
'oh wow!! What a determined young boy! Even though he has a very bad luck he still keep pushing forward! Amazing!!'
'I want to be like him'
Kyojuro's the type of player to read and pay attention to every single lore of his fav character. Bennett, oh my how he wish he could've had bennett in his team. Every wishes he made would make him a c6 bennett main if only barbara wont stop coming home
"I really like you barbara but i dont want you!! Thank you for the c6 though!! I promise to use you in the future but just-" he prepares to wish
"not NOW!!" Clicks
The highest con of bennett he had ever gotten is probably c1. One day the paimon's bargain shop offered bennett as their monthly character. Kyojuro had never been so excited over a game before. He usually perks up over academics and not this kind of thing. But it's bennett, the character he admires the most.
Unfortunately he couldnt get it due to low currency. He had never feel so sad in his life.
"I shall not give up. Dont worry, i will be a c6 bennett main!!!"
He will be a c6 bennett haver!!
Type of player :
Carefully reads every stories and listens to their lines attentively. He finds it amazing how the company spent their everything on this game. It amazes him. From the stories, lores and lines, he truly appreciates it.
Balance his team pretty well. He mains bennett so he doesnt need that much of a healer in his team.
Enjoys bennett's hangout very much!! He tried to not get him killed by the dungeon's trap but ended up having to sacrifice him which ultimately ends the route. He had never felt so down and guilty before.
Not much of a damage dealer. He prefers to play it in normal mode and doesnt care that much about one shotting monster.
He feeds his character three meals a day!! If only there's a sleep option, he would be sending bennett to sleep first before the rest.
Everyone loves his teapot
Shinobu : found the game while she's scrolling through the app store out of boredom. Initially she played it on her phone but due to the fps and a really bad ping, so bad that douma wouldnt find her interesting anymore, she finally downloaded the game on her pc where things has starting to get real
"Ara, shinobu chan, it's lunch time already. Come downstairs please,"
"Sis give me five more minutes, JUST FIVE PLEASE I NEED TO KICK CHILDE's ASS,"
"he's not going anywhere sweetie,"
"DIE DIE DIE!!" Aggresive clicking intensifies
"Shinobu chan dont hurt the keyboard that much!!"
She got lucky on the beginner's banner too and pulled a 5 star along with bennett and noelle. Who's the 5 star? Diluc Ragnvindr in all of his glory. Shinobu benched him sadly. She prefers sword over any other weapon
"I mean he's cool i guess but i just really dont get that 'WOAHHH COOL' vibe from him you know?"
"then give your diluc to me! I really want him so bad shinobu chan!"
Deep sighs "yeah sure. You can have my c2 diluc mitsuri..."
Loses 50/50 to diluc everytime everyone would think she either is lucky or cursed by the amount of that man greeting him on the screen. She still bench him though, sadly
Type of player :
Suffers a lot in the abyss because she just want the primos which is a valid reason to do because that's the only thing that keeps her going
She's a sword character main. She'll properly build every character as either support or dps. The support would be kaeya and bennett, and her main dps ayaka
Ayaka main btw
Honestly at some point she wanted to quit the game because of how tiring it is but then inazuma came out
Fragile resin = 0
Resin = 160/160 happens once in a blue moon
"i should probably control myself with the amount of resin i've used,"
"But i cant,"
Hates domain but always can be seen playing in there
Only coops if mitsuri is there
"So that someone can calm me down,"
"That's not a really good reason shinobu chan,"
Sanemi : dude probably know the game through obanai. He watched the latter play and finds it interesting on how high the numbers he dealt. He loves challenges so a game like genshin impact would probably satisfy his need.
"Obanai, are you hearing this shit?"
"What is it sanemi, im busy doing this event,"
"That loser giyuu is also playing the game,"
"Oh yeah i know,"
"i just know right after you told me,"
Sanemi's a meta but a mediocre one. He's meta but he doesnt show it that much. Probably buys welkin once in every three months or when he really needs it same goes with battle pass too. Honestly, he really just use his money when he really needs something
"Donno if my allowance can buy me a welkin so i'll probably skip,"
"But the next banner is zhongli's,"
"Ah fuck it," buys
My man cant dodge after he got zhongli. Its very painful because he used to studies the enemies movement in the early game so that he can utilizes it on the team but zhongli's shield is so tank he forgot that dodging exists
"Im gonna kill you and you and you hhahaahhaah just you wait im gonna shred all of yo- oh shit zhongli's shield. puT IT BACK PUT IT BACK ON,"
That one event where zhongli's shield plays an important role in the domain? Yeah, he felt like a god at that time. Even got his c2 on his rerun. Sanemi just really like zhongli because it kinda reminds him of himejima. Calm and wise and strong too. He looks up on that kind of person
"Zhongli sama, im in debt for all of your hard work protecting my team," bows and wipes tears
Type of player :
Spends a little money on the game to get what he wants
Zhongli main
Is that one player that has hoards of food but doesnt even use it
"Why need healer when you have zhongli's shield,"
Compare to kyojuro, he doesnt even touch the teapot because he finds it ridiculous and bothersome to create and design everything in it
Loves one shotting bosses and compares it to giyuu. He ask for advices from obanai regarding team build supports and stuffs
Doesnt do character's story quest. The key is full every single time. He unlocks it but leaves the quest like that.
"Ah shit, i accidentally activate the quest,"
His friend list only has obanai in it. Whenever people sent him friend request, he wouldnt hesitate, more like wouldnt care to accept it
They either have to coop in obanai's world or his world and after that, unfriend immediately
Says thank you after coop because he has manners and then completely disappears
"Zhongli main forever,"
Tengen : played since 1.0 this madlad has been staying loyal to the game ever since. Quite huge amount of money he spend on this game to be honest but he never gets broke by it. You can see his regular donation to the game by purchasing welkin and battle pass and some genesis crystal too. He's loaded with money, he didnt know what to do with it.
Uzui also plays honkai impact and guns girl Z so when he saw the unknown god at the intro , he was not surprised.
"Oh we have to pick between the siblings? Cool cool co- oh hi kiana,"
"Thats so herrscher of void hahahahah,"
Although he is a loyal fan to MihoYo games, he lost his composure when he saw the 1st genshin anniversary reward because what was that. Imagine getting billions of money and they give us this? Tengen cant believe this shit
"Oh god wtf was that reward, i have to draw to get a welkin and some primos?? aND I ALSO HAVE TO BE LUCKY? WHAT-"
In need of mona. He needs mona so bad he literally spent his money on standard banner to get mona but always ends up with qiqi. Not that he's complaining but he just wants the astrologist to complete the support team
"GOD QIQI YOU AGAIN? WTF WFF WTF-" converts genesis crystal to primigems
"Tengen, you should control yourself!"
"yeah but my f2p ass is hurting with how many bennett cons you got," droops
Tengen sees potential in every character. Everyone has their weakness and strength so when kokomi comes out, he diss her at first but then realize maybe its a new way for a character. Adds the uniqueness if he may say so.
"Meh i dont care honestly. You guys should pull whoever you find nice or beautiful. Like me ;)"
"Who do you main uzui?"
Type of player
Spoils the storylines, lores, leaks A LOT THE REST HAVE TO BLOCK HIM ON SOCIAL MEDIA
Speed runs the game and has become an endgame player ever since but he still does his daily commission and helps people with domains and stuffs
R5 every battle pass weapon
Fights azhdaha for fun and to test out his characters rather than ruin guards and stuff
Mona wanter
Puts traveller as the pfp and doesnt display any showcase of his characters and namecards. You can only see his achievements and spiral abyss ( 12-3 ). Says its for fun and mystery
Throws a lot of pickup lines and roleplays a lot. Spams your chatbox messages with stickers and censored stuffs
Probably steals your ores and exotic things like violetgrass, qingxin and silk flowers
Screams in the chatbox whenever he saw Mona until Kyojuro had to calm him down
Changes signature every single time and sometimes put spoilers in it
In every survey he would complain "MihoYo where the fuck is my Mona,"
Doesnt heals his characters
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foryouthegays · 3 years
spreading propaganda [Dream SMP] liveblog yall lets go. this is so long i am sorry but the end is an actual summary of what happens asldkfa
sellout timer pog: 00:30:20, 01:00:40, 01:31:35, 02:02:03 (for like a second), 02:03:00, 02:34:35
time spent reading donations: 10 minutes, 20ish seconds. 
fanart credit he puts up (all from twitter i think): snumkt, reinneart, lihnsu, sestqr, jester_u, Brigade_Lost, natonyy
also taggin @antarctic-empire-technoblade​ :) theres an actual summary at the end that isnt just me ramblin so,,,,,,ye. i am so sorry its so long a;dkfja i dont know how to condense things 
00:00:35 “i stole a lot of sand recently,” ah yes, a casual conversation starter, the admission of theft 
tubbo: -..--...--- 
ranboo: that means beans right
no, ranboo, not it does not (i put it into a translator and it just. it doesnt mean anything. i didnt see any spaces so im just. what was mr tubbo trying to say
00:04:35: relationship advice with technoblade! [reading donation] “‘techno, my boyfriend said he’ll never sub to you, how do i handle this travesty?’ uh, clearly you need to break up with him, and send me more money, is the most- that’s the most unbiased opinion I can give you, it’s just a good life decision, alright? It’s just a good life decision.”
00:16:00 ranboo hi!!!! him garden :D 
00:20:15 ‘i have not made a tier list [for dinosaurs] yet’ Y E T? ? ? ?? ? 
“‘Hey, are you uncomfortable with being part of the SBI family dynamic?’ Uh, I don’t really- it’s not a matter of being uncomfortable, it’s just a matter of people making massive revisions to my character and the lore three months into the story without telling me, and it’s like, ‘no, that doesn’t- the story doesn’t- so many things don’t make sense now! What?? What???’ but if you want to make like, fanart of it, it’s fine”
00:21:25 imagine believing in airplanes, couldnt be me
00:21:35 SKLDJFAK a dono is like, hey can u call my new cousin a nerd, and technos like [claps] yOUVE COME TO THE RIGHT MAN im all about bullying infant children 
lakjshdfl 00:26:15 ‘philza this does not sound lore at all please’ poor techno
00:27:30 HKJSFDL :crab: TUBBO IS GONE :crab: also i cant tell if techno says ‘KILL HIM DEAD’ or ‘KILL HIM, DAD’ 
00:30:20 ‘we should have a grinch episode, where i go around stealing presents from l’manburg’ DO IT
also i was in chat at 00:31:25ish and i said ‘subscribe to technoblade’ and RIGHT AFTER techno said ‘did i hear subscribe to technoblade?’ and i felt so heard 
00:33:25 why is his only response to being seen in enemy lines to just stay realllyyyyy still a;lkdfjasf 
00:39:45 ‘this is crucial information coming to you live from anarchy news’ A;LSDKFJA;LSDF
alkdfja; 00:47:55 techno talks (sarcastically) abt how great it is when chat tells him where his stuff is
00:48:50 awww techno showin his not-dad his hound army!!! so cute 
00:55:30 techno specifies that theyre all characters/roleplayin!!!
techno talkin to phil is literally like a kid talkin to his dad after not seein him for a while. like yeah yeah family isnt canon in this but KSJDFLA hes like ‘phillll tommys being annoying also look at this new poster!!!!’ its so cute
techno nd phil reference smp earth at 01:19:50!!!!
(ik some people dont like enbyctechno so heres ur warnin, its just for this line tho) techno says ‘no one man should have this power’ but he HAS that power. therefore. mr c!blade is not a guy 01:35:00ish idk im not goin back to check
01:38:35 alright gang lets split up and look for clues 
01:45:20 ‘my chat’s sayin theres a 0% chance this is gonna work,,,,thATS A CHANCE I’M WILLING TO TAKE, CHAT’ skjdflasl;dfjaf (also, bit after, after readin the wiki say its 0% chance: ‘i like those odds’) 
01:48:15 [abt the zombie villager baby] 
Techno: on the bright side, we may have inflicted the optimal amount of trauma onto this child for it to become funny? 
Ranboo: ooooh yeah! it can become a minecraft youtuber!
techno: yeeeeeeah!!
pls get some therapy
a;ldkfassa the mental image of techno ownin an orphanage,,,,paldkfajslfasf 01:51:35
a;ldsifjasdklf ranboo is canonically a villager now, pog 01:56:50
01:57:50 ranboo: ‘they say that im built different, i am built different, in the fact that i have no moral backbone.’
01:58:30 BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD also why is techno so good at the bow like WHAT he looks in third person and turns nd shoots in like a second and hits most of the time its scary literally look at ranboo a;ldsjkfadsf hes like a porcupine 
Tumblr media
02:06:35 “i feel there has been an attempt on my life,” "no thats just how we greet each other in our country” nether lore pog?
02:08:45 why does techno casually type at 120 wpm?????  god i hate him so much why is he like thisssss ugh (also it took ~3 seconds to type 7 words (34 characters) which is 140 wpm and 680 cpm if i know how to do math i hate it here) /lh
nd then he types ‘punz we’re all outside your house get over here’ which is 47 characters nd 9 words nd it took him 5 seconds to type which is 564 cpm and 108 wpm so his average (from these two samples which. isnt a lot. should i do a post abt this in the future?) is 124 wpm and 622 cpm. hes so fast. 
technos complainin bout the fights bein boring,,,,,,,fight them all, techno. do it. 1v8. do it, coward. 
02:24:02 ‘maybe the real combat was the friends we made along the way’ 
02:25:16 i love that technos first instinct when someone dies is to check what sword/axe killed them nd what enchants r on it aldskfjads
i love how techno calls the manhunt music ‘dream music’ its so funny to me
right before he ends the stream he says ‘p e r h a p s’ to techno plushies and i just,,,, wa n t 
if ya just want an actual summary and not that MESS:
Technoblade starts the stream in his house. the first thing he does is put another piece of fanart in his house, this one by snumkt on twitter. he goes to l’manburg, where he sneaks around very sneakily (/s) and replaces anti-techno propaganda with pro-techno fanart, stating that “If they take it down, it’s ‘cause they hate fanartists.” (00:09:18). 
While placing posters, Techno checks in on his hound army, and reveals that he thinks someone had been in the area, because a wolf teleported to him while he was home. He thinks someone placed water, the dog stood up, and then teleported. (00:18:25)
After breeding the dogs, Techno reads donations and one of the questions is about the SBI family dynamics. Here’s what he says at 00:20:55 
“‘Hey, are you uncomfortable with being part of the SBI family dynamic?’ Uh, I don’t really- it’s not a matter of being uncomfortable, it’s just a matter of people making massive revisions to my character and the lore three months into the story without telling me, and it’s like, ‘no, that doesn’t- the story doesn’t- so many things don’t make sense now! What?? What???’ but if you want to make like, fanart of it, it’s fine”
He then meets up with Philza, who is being escorted by Tubbo. Techno goes to Philzas house, and hides in his new basement. He joins their VC and finds Phil, Wilbur, Tommy, and Tubbo. talking about birthdays. Tubbo goes to the basement and sees Technos invis particles, hits him, and he is revealed. Techno kills tubbo, and declares it canon as a joke. 
He goes back outside, deafened on Discord, and puts down more propaganda. Philza joins his call, and they meet up to try and find Technos stolen items. They don’t find the barrel, but they do find a hidden room under the podium. Techno puts a piece of propaganda in the room. (00:43:30)
While Phil is killing an enderman, Ranboo finds them, and is killed by Techno. (00:46:25) 
Techno takes Phil to see his Hound Army, but they’re stopped by Tubbo. Techno tries to pretend to be Ranboo, but Ranboo goes up to them, so his cover is blown. Techno’s chased to the portal. Phil and Techno meet again in the Nether, and they go back to the house. 
At the house, Phil and Techno talk about the SBI characters, the sellout timer goes off, and then they go downstairs to cure a zombie villager. While it’s curing, Techno gathers books to make a new bow, with Power V, Punch II, Unbreaking III, Flame, and Mending. 
Philza reveals that Ranboo is coming over to give Phil a present. Techno seems excited at this, mostly at the fact that Ranboo can be his new bows test subject. 
Before Ranboo arrives, the villager is cured, and they find out it is a nitwit, meaning it can’t trade or get a job. Techno and Phil start working on a tunnel to bring the villager to a lava pool, so the other villagers won’t gossip and raise their prices. 
Ranboo joins the call at 01:15:35, right before they’re going to bring the villager to the lava pool. He gifts Techno and Phil four Netherite ingots.
After struggling to get the villager to the right height, Techno forces Ranboo to boat the villager into the lava. Ranboo escapes by throwing a pearl, and the villager dies.
Ranboo, Techno, and Phil talk about duping Netherite, and the current plot, and then Techno finds a zombie baby villager. It’s caught in a boat, and Techno nametags it ‘Orphan.’ They talk about the cobblestone tower, Philzas’ death to a baby zombie, and how if you don’t see a child's parents, you should assume that they are an orphan and attack them. 
Techno talks to Jack Manifold through chat about his axe. Techno, Philza, and Ranboo go around and look for zombie villagers. Techno finds an igloo, with two villagers. Techno was going to try and turn them into zombie villagers, but decides to not when he finds out that theres a 0% chance of that happening on Easy mode. 
They all go back to Orphan, and bully it when they find out it still hasn’t grown up. Techno and Ranboo make a joke about how it’s traumatized, so it’ll be funny and can be come a minecraft youtuber. please get some help. (01:48:15)
After Orphan grows up, Techno trades and gets the Bottle of Enchanting trade for one emerald. They all joke about Techno owning an orphanage at 01:51:35.
Phil, Techno, and Ranboo decide go to the Hound Army, but Techno remembers that Ranboo is part of L’manburg, and tries to kill him (with his new bow) when they enter the nether. He doesn’t succeed, and he continues fighting until he drinks and invis pot on the Prime Path. Techno and Phil meet up in the Bee Dome, where Ranboo finds them. Techno tries to kill him, but runs out of arrows. 
After reading donations, Techno, Ranboo, and Phil are back together at the Bee Dome, and they decide to team up in case someone finds them. They go outside of the Dome, and chase Jack Manifold out of his own country.
Manifold joins the VC, and they try to blame Punz on his attempted murder. After Manifold says “i feel there has been an attempt on my life,” Techno says that that’s how he greets people in his country.
Manifold asks if they want to help him get revenge on Punz, and Techno agrees. They gather more people, and by the time they get to Punz’s tower, their party is Manifold, Techno, Phil, Ranboo, Fundy, and Antfrost. Punz is in the Nether, so they wait until he gets back. 
Ranboo and Techno have a whisper conversation:
Ranboo: are you just going to jump fundy
Techno: no im gonna make jack 1v1 LMAO
Ranboo: good plan
While Fundy is taking a screenshot of Techno for his thumbnail, Philza attacks Fundy with a crossbow and his sword. He claims it was because he was getting bored. 
In the same spirit, Techno asks if they could kill Manifold to pass the time. The mob, which now includes Fundy, chases Manifold. He runs to the Holy Land, and the mob boos him.  Techno tells Antfrost to kill Manifold, and that the mob won’t tell that he was killed in the Holy Land. Manifold hands Antfrost his sword. 
While Antfrost debates killing Manifold or not, the mob chants ‘peer pressure!’ at him. Techno quickly realizes that Antfrost isn’t in the VC, and is extremely confused. The sword gets handed to Fundy, who gets into a battle with Manifold. Philza tells Fundy that he’s forgiven, if he can kill Manifold. The battle calms, and neither of the contestants die.
Techno convinces the mob to go to the pit trap, and tries to lure someone onto the trapped blocks using rotten flesh. Fundy takes the bait, but moves out of the way before the button is pressed. Antfrost sneaks up behind him and punches him into the pit. Fundy survives the fall, but is shot by Manifold to death. 
During the commotion, Punz makes his way back to his house, and the mob moves towards him to end his life. Manifold says that he’s going to kill Punz, and Techno says that the mob’ll have his back. He tells the mob to not have Manifold’s back. 
at 02:17:00, Punz joins the call, and is confused as to why Manifold wants to kill him. Manifold explains that Punz tried to kill him, siting his source as Technoblade. 
also, 2:17:15 technoswear!
Techno encourages Punz, saying “Punz, he actually dropped his sword by accident and now I have it, so it’d be really easy to beat him up,” and “he also just killed in the holy land, so you have a sort of...religious motivation to take him out.”
Punz tries to fight Manifold without armor (Manifold is wearing a full enchanted set of armor, with a Netherite chestplate and everything else Diamond), which fails miserably, and Manifold is killed. 
Techno decides to fight Manifold with his goons (the mob) for the audience retention, and Manifold’s quickly killed. The final hit was from CaptainPuffy. Ponk rushes in and grabs some of Manifold’s items. Puffy takes the rest.
Manifold complains about getting bullied, so Techno gives him his sword back and tells him to avenge himself. While looking for Ponk (or Punz? this is kinda unclear), Punz swoops in and kills Manifold in two hits. 
Manifold finds Ponk and chases after him, trying to kill him. The mob follows, and Ranboo kills Ponk with thorns. Manifold takes Ponks stuff. 
Right after respawning, Ponk was blown up by a creeper, and Techno claimed both as canon. 
The mini fights continue, and Manifold is killed by Punz. 
Ranboo changes the ‘Days since last war crime’ sign to 0.
Phil tells Techno that he’s going back to the base, and the L’manburgians question him as to what base he’s talking about. Phil tells Fundy that he ripped off his ankle shackles and left. While they talk, Techno starts running back to the base, and Ranboo whispers “lets run back” to him. Ranboo follows Techno, but quickly looses him.
Phil and Techno join a separate VC together and they go back to the base. 
At 02:29:15, Phil says “I trust you” to Techno and I am going to cry. 
Right before getting to the base, Phil drinks some honey, and Techno says “that’s the only thing we have honey for, now that we’ve uh...uh I guess you don’t know about that.” He’s referring to the Vault, I think, because the redstone required honey to work properly. 
Philza responds, “the honey- wait, what did you use the honey for?” 
“uhhh....food.” Techno, for some reason, doesn’t want to show Phil the vault. 
Ranboo whispers to Techno: “My alliance isnt with lmanburg, its with the people who help me. phil helped me.”
out loud, Techno laughs about it with phil, saying, “well, I’ve stabbed him like twelve times this week, so, I [laughs] I don’t know if that entirely qualifies here.”
Techno messages Ranboo back with “new phone who this” 
Ranboo replies, “no one,” and then, “:)”
Going back to the honey talk, Philza asked if Techno had been hiding anything diabolical from him, and Techno asks if he would do such a thing. Philza guesses several things he could use honey for, such as a flying machine, TNT dupers, and a door.
Techno takes him to the vault. 02:32:00. i LOVE peoples reactions to the vault, it’s always so good. Philza responds with a surprised ‘HOLY SHIT’ and some laughing. Techno also confirms my math of 55 withers. 
02:34:10 “i’ve seen this government, on the server, and everything to do with government is just bad. I’ve watched it completely destroy and tear down people’s wills and change people, I’ve seen it change the nicest people into complete and utter tyrants, so...I think it’s about time--”
“We need revenge. [sellout timer goes off] and more importantly, we neED SUBSCRIBERS ON YOUTUBE DOT COM” phil joinin anarchy pog? 
anyway that was it ;alskdfjas;f
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pagutheshadydealer · 3 years
So ima say something very controversial in regards to something that just happened earlier.
So @transette reblogged a post from bisuccubus, the post basically says "i hear black people getting shot every day, so pay me money to help other people fight against these white fucking pigs but if you send me hate I will bully you so shut up or pay up**" and transette blocked me because of what I expanded on below
First of all that just makes you seem like you are in it for the money and not to actually help, and when someone didnt send hate but said "this is ridiculous" bisuccubus responded with "that's not what your mom said when i blew my load in her last night" and to a different person they basically said "shut up or pay me reparations*" ok now you are being childish and just straight up entitled. But apparently this person cant get a job and is demanding to be paid money. even though its really easy if you are willing to put in the work for it and they know they shouldn't be demanding money. Do arts and crafts and sell on etsy, buy trading cards and sell on tcgplayer go work for a temp agency or a day job company, hell work at McDonald's, it's not the best but it's something to tide you over until you find something better. HELL DONATE PLASMA IF YOU CAN!!!
There are so many ways to make money out there especially in the world we live in today with almost everyone on the internet nowadays. For those who are in bad situations that are very hard to get out of make the system work for you or get somebody to help you by asking politely to put some money aside for you to help get you out of a bad situation. Be smart about things and dont let the world tell you how to live and dont let anybody tell you that you cant do something to make your life better
Transette, honestly you were one of the few people I have followed on here that posted a lot of good stuff, (everyone else has but a lot of the people I follow dont post at all sometimes) but to block me over an opinion, which I stand by, and calling someone out on their entitled behavior... literally just stop and move on with your life instead of blocking people who have different opinions then you. And IF you actually didnt block me, let me know and I will retract my statement and apologize for the assumption, there is a chance tumblr may have glitched.
Either word what you say differently or dont get mad when people get pissed at you for being entitled or an asshole or bitch
Literally jobs are easier to get if you know how to look aka google shit
Dont demand money for anything ask and if someone cant do it they cant do it, say thanks for trying and move on
*may have spelled that incorrectly
**one post and one comment combined
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warmau · 4 years
★ donation request: rich kid!au hongseok
judging by the huge amount of applause that’s just come from outside of the gym
you assume that means that the star of this show has just arrived
other volunteers start running around, frazzled and worried
this one - yang hongseok - is known to be a bit of a,,,,,,,,handful
which you don’t understand 
the guys just another athlete like everyone else 
granted he has won an insane amount of titles in such a short amount of time
and is currently the world champion of his boxing class
(oh -  you know - is well on his way to being a self-made millionaire)
you just ,,,,, don’t get it
how can you be moody and snappy when your life revolves around punching people - like get your anger out in the ring, dude.
either way, scoring such a huge star for your charity work is amazing 
so you’re going to bend to his every will, even if you spend the majority of the time hating it
hongseok strolls in, followed by his manager - kino - who you spent most of your time talking to on the phone in order to set this up
you introduce yourself to him and shake his hand, he’s been nothing but nice 
your worry is all but focused on hongseok
your charity is all about working with kids and helping them get into free sports programs
which means a lot of the people in attendance are innocent children 
so you hope hongseok keeps it ,,,,,, together
he shakes your hand - but seems almost annoyed by it - taking the glasses he’s wearing off and chucking them toward kino
“how long is this gonna take?”
is the first thing he asks and you’re already gritting your teeth
“only half an hour, we want you to talk to the kids about how you got into boxing and then take some photo-”
“kino, did they say photo-op? i never agreed to that.”
kino looks like he’s gritting his teeth too, but he’s probably so used to the treatment that he just pats hongseok’s shoulder
“it’s only two or three photos. it’ll look so good for your publicity hong”
hongseok shrugs his hand off, but veers off toward the table where your volunteers have set up drinks
kino gives you an apologetic smile as he follows suit and you just stand there gripping the clipboard in your hands so hard you think you might break it
it’s only been 5 seconds and i already know - i hate him.
you turn you attention away from hongseok though, you’ve got to make sure the gym is prepped and the kids who’ve come out to hear hongseok speak are all here
as you pass by, you hear hongseok mutter something about how this place is subpar and hot 
you wish you could tell him to shut it, he’s an athlete - a little sweat won’t hurt him
but instead you remind yourself: you need this, and the kids need this.
when you’re done and you’re ready to introduce hongseok to the eager crowd
you walk over to let him know, he has his glasses on again and when you tell him everything is ready 
he barely reacts - just stands up and takes off the denim jacket he’s wearing
it’s hard not to stare - the shirt is black and tight, and he’s a boxer so his body looks like its been carved from marble
but you make a point to focus your eyes on your clipboard and not on his dumb, beautiful face
hongseok notes that you aren’t oggling like just about everyone else 
as you lead him toward the gym, you have the urge to say something - to beg him not to put on that bravado hes known for when hes both out of the ring and in it
sometimes, he gets a little scary and mean, and these are kids so -
you skid to a stop and turn, hongseok raises an eyebrow and an annoyed look paints his otherwise (stupid, but godly) face
“um,,,,,,just so you know - the kids out there respect you, and they all think you’re cool so im hoping you can just,,,,,be professional?”
his mouth thins into a line
“oh, so you think im going to go out there and act like a jackass?”
yes, that’s what im worried about genius.
“no, im just - theyre all young so-”
he doesn’t bother to let you finish, instead he walks right on past you and out into the gym
the kids roar into applause and you pale - you were supposed to go out there and introduce him!!!!
but its too late, and you swallow the horror that building up in your stomach 
because you feel like you just made everything so much worse-
“hi kids, im hongseok and im here to teach you that everyone in this room can follow their dreams! i followed mine and now im a?”
he points the microphone toward the crowd as everyone cheers out the words “world champion”
hongseok laughs, a big and warm smile on his face
and you blink in surprise because
oh my god, he’s doing really well actually?!!??!
the whole event goes so smoothly that you almost dont believe its happening
hongseok not only connects with the kids and plays with them well, but the photo-op he was dreading so much - is so sweet
hongseok is letting kids hang off his bicepes, he’s picking kids up on his shoulders, he’s letting them play with his boxing gloves and even has kino bring out some merch he has signed to give out
you’re in awe - this is not the snooty, flashy dude you saw half an hour ago
and whose been splayed across online news pages since he debuted in the boxing scene
he’s just,,,,,,,,,,,,nice
but then again - you remember what kino had said:this is good publicity
it could all just be an act
one of your volunteers, tall and often lost looking yuto, taps your shoulder and asks if you can go get some supplies from the charity van you guys have out back
you agree, rushing over to get the things and as you’re piling out the boxes full of tshirts and applications packets
you hear the back door open
you’re half hidden by the car, but you immediately recognize kino’s voice and ,,,,,,, hongseoks?
“i want to sponsor all of the kids.”
“hongseok, that’s gonna be a hefty check you know?”
“doesn’t matter, but don’t put my name on it - just make sure the charity people know those kids are all going to be able to pick whatever program they want and ill pay for uniforms or baseball bats or whatever they need.”
“alright, ill go find the manager.”
you almost drop the box you’re holding - there are over fifty kids in there and he’s going to sponsor all of them?!?!?! and not for the free publicity?!?!?
you rush back inside, dropping the boxes in yuto’s hands who gives you a confused look as soon as you ask where hongseok is
he tilts his head and you turn toward the gym, through the door you see hongseok is taking a couple of more photos and waving goodbye to the kids
kino finds you, and asks if you two can talk for a moment, but you shake your head
“i need to talk to hongseok.”
standing out back in the parking lot, you thank him - embarrassed about how you had acted before
“i heard you say you wanted to sponsor all the kids, and im going to be honest i -”
“you thought i was an asshole, just the way i am when im boxing or on a late night tv show right?”
you kind of give him a - can you blame me? kind of look and hongseok laughs again
up close, its brighter and more comforting then you imagined
“being a ‘softie’ doesnt get you far in my sport - so i act out, everyones like if you have abs like that whyd you ever be humble you know?”
you try not to giggle, but hongseok says its true 
“well thanks again, and i know it was rude of me to tell you to ‘act professional’ you-”
“listen, id do the same thing. plus, you are probably the first person with the balls to say it to me - you do know im a boxer right?”
you kind of fumble a little, because you dont know what to say
his tone is kinda flirty, but you’re trying not to think to much into it 
kino suddenly appears, reminding hongseok of another event he has to get to
he smiles and says another goodbye to you, before you have to ask
“wait- why don’t you want people to know you donated so much to us?”
“ah, same reason. the guys arent going to let me live it down when these photos of me letting kids crawl me like a tree get out so i cant imagine what theyd say if they know i spent most of my championship money to help out these kids and not buy like....a yacht.”
he waves again and you cant believe it but you feel something in your heart twinge
that night you get a voicemail from the number you’d used when talking to kino
you assume its a message from him about the event, but you’re surprised to hear hongseok’s voice when you play it
‘aside from the fact i donated a buttload to your charity - do you wanna have dinner sometime? i actually have enough money left over for that?’
you don’t believe your ears and play it back one million or so times
in the morning you drag yuto into a corner and play it for him
“do you thin its a prank?”
yuto scratches his head, “no - i think yang hongseok is interested in you.”
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riverleyk · 3 years
SCRAPPED CHAPTER: Dimitri Watches his father's broadcast (MK3: Dimitri Project)
Dimitri watches his father’s broadcast Jack and Dimitri go to a cafe. A small ginger boy greets them Emilien: Hewwo! Welcome to Flavorsham Bistro! I’m Emilien and I’ll be your waiter :3 Jack: How old are you!? Emilien: 13! I started working here 2 weeks ago! I’m so excited- do you want chocowate!? It’s on special! She turns to dimitri in shock: What kind of labor laws do you even have in Canada!? Dimitri shrugs: Hey dont look at me, I dont know why a kid is working here either. Emilien: I dont work here, I volunteer! I do home schwool, and my mummy’s sick so I take her shifts He points to a small can with a picture of a woman on it Emilien: Will you donate, pwease? Jack: you lisp and accent are disgusting. What is she sick with? Emilien whistles out of his 2 buck teeth. He’s missing them because, ya know baby teeth fall out. Emilien: I don’t twalk like this normally! I’m missing teeths! Jack: How cute, but I dont care. Emilien (nervous): I was told to tell people that she has cancer.
Jack: How suspicious, I’ll send a formal complaint to the bureau of investigations. They sit down and get hot chocolate, because they’re just teens. Jack: I’m glad you could meet me here dimitri. Dimitri: Yes… just us eating croissants at our favorite British cafe that serves French cuisine. And its not a date. Jack nods: Not a date. Anywho… You’re interested in why my father and I moved to canada? Dimitri: yes Jack: Yes… it’s a top secret case, but… it’s so cool! Antonio Dreyas escaped from prison lately, and canada reached out to MY FATHER, the world’s greatest detective to go find him! Dimitri goes pale: Tony drey? Jack: Yea! Antonio Dreyas. Dimitri: Nobody calls him that, and your dad is going after my dad!? I didnt even know he escaped Jack: No… the probability that- *gasp* That’s why I recognized you when we first met! You cant be serious… you look so much- Dimitri: I know I look like my dad… I hate my face. Jack: Well… thats great! She gets out a note pad and pen: Tell me everything you know about him! This cafe isnt exactly a prison cell but I can interrogate you here! Dimitri glares Jack: What? I’m just curious Dimitri: Jacquelyn, this is impolite on so many levels. Jack: ok, well I supposed I can tell you the information I have first. Tony broke out in the middle of July, and Canadian officials have been on high alert ever since. The public wasn’t informed because it would cause panic, but my dad is close to finding me. We located a safe in northern Montreal, and right now my dad and the rcmp are negotiating with those thugs to let us have access inside. It contains a lot of cash, and potentially, Tony. Dimitri looks away: Then why did you want to interrogate me? I havent seen my dad since I was a kid. 6 Jack: its interesting that you still refer to him as your father. Havent you disowned him? He’s done so many terrible things… Dimitri: Because I still have memories of him as my dad. He was kind, and caring. He was there for me when I was a kid. it’s… he was a family man and a criminal, why dont nobody understand that? Jack: because its a confirmed fact that he was a womanizer and potentially god a dozen or so women pregnant. Havent you seen the trial where all those women testify against him? Dimitri whimpers: I have… a memory of it, but I watched it when I was young Jack gasps: wait thats right… you’re 16! You must have only been- Dimitri: 7. I was 7 when he was arrested. Jack: how did it happen? Dimitri: I was in third grade. Coming home from school. There were police officers all around my house and my dad was in cuffs. I was really small so I ran thru the crowd and hugged onto my dad’s leg. Nobody pulled me away ///////////// Flash back /////////////// Young dimitri: Daddy! Whats going on? Tony: Its alright, Walt. Dont cry. He kneels down by his boy and pets his hair Tony: I have to go. I’ll be gone for a very long time, but even tho I wont be with you, daddy loves you, Walter. I really do. Dimitri just cries and goes under the cuffs to hug him: Where are you going? Tony: Prison. I made a lot of mistakes. But promise me dimitri, you wont watch the new with mommy anymore. Dimitri: uh… what did you do??? Tony kisses his forehead before being forcefully put into the care Kiel picks up the boy and holds him. /////////// Back to reality //////////////// Dimitri: I did watch the news. My mom encouraged me too. It was confusing. There were so many words I had to look up in the dictionary. I remember him arguing with a woman about a baby that she killed… and him being guilty… It took me years to understand, but those who knew my dad, they started to hate me. My own mother stopped talking to me, I grew up into his face and people on the street give me bad looks. I was 13 and some woman called the cops on me. She thought I was him. Jack and him stay quiet for a bit Jack: I have that broad cast recorded at home. I- Dimitri: Can I watch it again? Jack: Why? Dimitri: I want to understand what it means. Im old
enough now, I can handle it. Jack sighs but accepts Later that night they do to her house and sit on the couch They watch the broad cast Im getting really tired of typing but essentially They accuse Tony of rape, murder, theif and drug selling Annabelle testifies that he was at raves trying to sell drugs and would cause violent riots Kiel testifies that she didnt know he was a monster. She cries and apologizes saying she would have called the police sooner if she knew and that her heart is broken due to the number of women he raped Nick’s mom testifies that he raped her Then theres Stellas mom. She was his second in command in the mafia. They grill her about her cries but she’s silent on trial, until they mention a baby. Tony eggs her to know where the baby is, but she’s quiet until she cracks… “I disposed of it.” Tony for the first time on trial breaks and shows fear. He screams what he wanted that child, that he wanted to be a father and run away with her Dimitri breaks while watching that. Knowing his father wanted to run away to start a new family, as well as finally understanding the severity of the crimes he committed. He cries I’M REALLY TIRED OF WRITING THIS Basically Jack sucks at comforting dimitri, and he explodes at her Calling her out for trying to be better than him even tho he has no dad, is failing school, has no friends and his life sucks. Her trying to be better than him, a guy with a pathetic life makes her worse than him by default cause its pathetic . He tells her he refuses to tutor her in French and leaves.
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The Intern | Part Five
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Summary: You move to New York to focus on your art but end up working as an intern at Stark Enterprises
Chapter Summary: it’s the night of the fundraiser ball, a night that will change your life forever
Pairing: Tony Stark x Reader, Peter Parker x Reader (friendship)
Word Count: 2803
Warnings: gets kinda intense towards the end
A/N: for the purposes of this story Stark Enterprise is set out like an office building in New York and the story does not follow the same timeline as the movies. Reader does not know Peter is SpiderMan. Also, spelling and grammar is not my strongest skill so please be kind :)
Part Four | Masterlist
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When you arrive at the location of the fundraiser ball, Tony gets out of the car first and walks around to open the door for you. He holds his hand out for you to take and you get out of the car, thanking him. You take a moment to brush down your dress and he presents his arm for you to hold onto. You walk together up the steps towards the grand building and the man at the door ticks your names off the guest list before opening the door to let you in. Tony gives him a small knowing nod as you walk past.
Once inside the building you feel a sudden wave of anxiety hit you. What if this event goes horribly wrong, it would surely be your fault as the one who helped organise it. What if no one bids on the items at auction and no money is raised? Tony gives you arm a small squeeze.
“you ready?”
Then another thought pops in your mind. What will people think when they see you and Tony walk in together, arm in arm? Will they judge you? Will they think you only got this job because you’ve been flirting with him? You push all those thoughts out of your mind. You’ve worked so hard to make tonight happen, you are not going to let anything ruin it. Especially not your own mind. You take a deep breath, turn to Tony and smile.
“lets do this”
You make your way down the grand staircase into the ballroom where already a lot of the guests are waiting. A few turn to look at Tony, and then at the girl on his arm.  You spot Peter stood over by the wall, all dressed up in his suit, talking to MJ who looks almost unrecognisable out of her barista outfit. Peter gives you an excited wave and you smile back at him.
When you reach the bottom of the stairs you're instantly crowded by press flashing their cameras at you both and asking for statements from Tony, mostly about this evenings event but you hear a few questions asking who you are. Tony holds his hand up and they all stop to listen.
“You were invited here tonight to report of the fantastic charities were fundraising for, not to look for gossip. I will be answering questions later on this evening but for now, I have to buy my wonderful PA a drink. Excuse us.” He says and they all watch as Tony walks you past them all in the direction of the bar. You're stunned at how much control he has over them and relieved that he got you out of that overwhelming situation. You wonder how celebrities must cope having paparazzi and press following them around.
The bartender comes straight over when you reach the bar and Tony orders you both some drinks. As you wait you look around the room at everyone looking lovely in their fancy tuxedos and ball gowns and you smile. Suddenly you're aware that Tony is watching you. You turn to look at him, leaning against the bar looking like someone out of a James Bond movie in his tuxedo.
“what?” You say when he just continues looking at you.
“you really do look beautiful” he replies and you blush.
“well I must say you do look rather dapper yourself sir” you say putting on a posh voice. Tony laughs.
“sir? You haven’t called me that in a while” he takes the drinks from the bartender and hands you yours.
“can you believe I used to be scared of you” you laugh and take a sip of your drink.
“and how do you feel about me now?” He smirks and takes a drink, looking at you over the top of his glass. Is he flirting with you?
Before either of you can say anything else Peter appears next to you with MJ.
“hey y/n. Mr Stark, sir. This is MJ.” He says confidently and you find yourself feeling proud of him.
“I hear you’re the one I have to thank for the exceptionally good coffee?” Tony says.
“thats me” MJ replies taking a bow.
“look after this one kid, she’s a keeper” he says to Peter who smiles awkwardly and you take another sip of your drink to cover your laugh.
“as much as I am enjoying embarrassing you Peter, I’m afraid my duty calls. People to greet, awful jokes to fake laugh at…” Tony says and you roll your eyes playfully “nice to finally meet you MJ, this kid don't shut up about you” he pats Peter on the shoulder and leaves. Peter looks like he wants the ground to open up and swallow him whole.
“lets get you guys some drinks eh?” You say as you get the bartenders attention. “soft drinks only” you clarify, remembering they’re both still underage.
You give them their drinks and the three of you head over to a seating area in the corner to chat.
After about an hour of talking and laughing with Peter and MJ, Tony appears behind you and puts his hands on your shoulder. He leans forward so he can talk to you.
“I have someone who wants to meet you” he says and as you turn to look at him Steve Rogers sits down on the sofa next to you.
“good evening y/n”
“hi” is all you manage to say back, feeling slightly starstruck. Right in front of you is the face you’ve sketched so many times. His jawline really is perfect.
“Tony tells me you're quite the artist, I cant wait to see what you’ve painted for the auction tonight”
“yeah y/n’s paintings are wonderful, but you should really see some of the stuff in her sketchbook. Now that is interesting.” Tony teases
“oh no no, no one wants to see the stuff in there. Just full of doodles really” you respond shooting Tony a look, he winks at you.
“hey cap?” You hear someone call and Steve looks over then back to you.
“ah I gotta go. But it was lovely to meet you y/n. I’ll see you around.” He stands up and looks at Peter “good to see you again kid” he says, and you sense theres some history between the two of them.
Peter smiles awkwardly, sinking into his chair slightly. Steve walks off in the direction of whoever was calling him and Tony takes his space on the sofa. He nudges you.
“i’m sorry but that was brilliant. You're face was priceless” he laughs
“you couldn’t have warned me he was going to be here? When did you even add him to the guest list?” You respond
“I wanted it to be a surprise”
You punch him playfully in the arm, and turn your attention to Peter.
“you didn’t tell me you knew Captain America?” You say and he looks startled.
“oh, I don't really. uh, we just… kinda met once” he stutters and you look confused. Why is he being so secretive?
“ladies and gentlemen, the auction is about to begin. Please take your seats” The announcer calls from the stage. Tony stands up and holds his hand out for you to take.
“m’lady” he says trying to sound like a posh British butler.
You hold his hand and stand up. You walk over in the direction of the stage and find your seats. Peter and MJ sit next to you. Once everyone is sat ready the announcer starts speaking.
“ladies and gentlemen, thank you for coming tonight. Before the auction starts I would like to invite to the stage the man who made tonight possible, Mr Tony Stark!”
The crowd start applauding as Tony stands up. He turns and give a wave to everyone before heading up to the stage and taking the mic.
“thank you, thank you everyone” the applause dies down “tonight is a very important night. We’re raising money for some really important charities and we’ve got some great items on offer for you guys tonight so make sure you get out your wallets and dig deep. Before we start I do have some thank yous I need to give out. Firstly thank you to the owners of this amazing building for letting us use it tonight. Thank you Richard for hosting the auction.” he gestures to the announcer stood at the side of the stage who takes a bow “Thank you to my incredible PA y/n for working so hard to arrange all of this. Everyone thinks its me that arranged tonight but she’s the one who’s done all the work really. Without her this wouldn’t have been possible, so thank you y/n” he points you out in the audience and Peter gives a loud ‘woop’ next to you. You can feel yourself blushing. “and lastly thank you to all of you for coming. Now let’s spend lots of money!” The audience laugh and applaud as Tony makes his way off stage back over to sit by you. He squeezes your knee gently and whispers “sorry if that embarrassed you”
“its fine” you shake your head and smile at him.
— — — —
“and now we come to lot number 24 in the auction. A painting made and donated to us by a miss Y/N Y/L/N”
You feel your heart flutter with a mix of excitement and nerves as your painting is bought on stage and the announcer walks over to remove the sheet covering it. You take a deep breath and hold it as the painting is revealed, wondering what people will think of it. You sneakily look at Tony’s face to see his reaction at seeing it for the first time, but he just stares forward at the stage expressionless. Does he not like it?
The bidding starts and a few people raise their boards to bid. The price is slowly creeping up, but not by much. Suddenly Tony raises his board.
“five thousand dollars” he shouts confidently and your mouth drops open in shock.  You hear a few gasps from members of the audience, and even the announcer himself looks amazed.
“wow! Generous bid there of five thousand, do I head any advances on five?”
Everything after that was a bit of a blur and before you knew it the price was up to seven thousand. It seemed people actually wanted your painting. Tony stands out of his chair, raises his board and bids ten thousand dollars.
“oh my God, y/n!” you hear Peter say in amazement next to you and he excitedly nudges you.
“ten thousand going once, going twice” the announcer bangs his hammer “sold for ten thousand dollars to Mr Tony Stark”
The crowd applaud and you bring your hands up to your face in shock, laughing. You cant believe that something you painted just sold for ten thousand dollars. Even though you wouldn’t see any of that money you didn’t care.
Tony sits down again and turns to you.
“I told you I wanted something to brighten up my office.”
“you could have just asked me, id have painted you something for free” you say, still laughing.
“oh. Is it too late to take back my bid?” he jokes, putting his arm around your shoulder to hug you.
— — — —
After the event is finished Happy drives you back to your apartment. Tony opens the car door for you and walks you inside to your front door. You unlock the door, step inside and turn around to look at Tony.
“I think we can call tonight a success” Tony says and you nod
“yeah, we did do good didn’t we”
“you did. I meant what I said up on that stage, tonight would not have happened if you hadn’t been so dedicated to making it work. Im really proud of you y/n”
You blush and look down at the floor.
“hey” Tony says putting a hand under your chin to gently lift your head up to look at him “you should be proud of yourself too”
You nod slightly, looking into his eyes. He moves towards you slowly, eyes flicking down to your lips. You have plenty of time to back away, but you don’t. And neither does he. You close your eyes and your lips meet. He moves his hand to the side of your face and you bring yours up to behind his neck, pulling him in more. The kiss naturally comes to an end and you both pull away slowly, looking at each other smiling.
“now get some sleep. We’ve got a long day of clean up tomorrow”
“cant wait” you joke sarcastically
“good night y/n” Tony starts to walk away.
“good night Tony”
You shut the door and stand there for a moment, taking in everything that happened tonight. It went so much better than you could have imagined and you did feel proud. You go to bed smiling.
— — — —
In the early hours of the morning you're woken up by a crash coming from the living room, like something had been knocked over. You lie in bed for a moment, presuming it was nothing but then you think you hear something else and you sit bolt upright listening carefully. You get out of bed and slowly creep towards your bedroom door, opening it as quietly as possible. Peering through you cant see anything out there so you continue to tip toe out the door. You walk into your living room and notice your window is open. You must have forgotten to shut it and the breeze knocked something over. You walk over to pull it closed and suddenly feel an arm come around you from behind, restraining you. You try to scream but another hand covers your mouth.
”got her” you hear the male voice say.
You kick as much as you can as the man with a mask covering his face throws you down on the sofa, holding you down.
“get the shot” he says and another man in a mask appears next to him holding a needle with some sort of liquid in it. You continue to try kick and scream but its no good. The other man pushes your head back and you feel a sharp pain as the needle jabs into your neck. He starts injecting the liquid into you but is stopped half way as he’s suddenly thrown across the room. The other man holding you down gets up to try fight but is soon sent flying too. You sit up and see Spiderman coming to help you up.
“run y/n, find somewhere to hide! quick!” He shouts as one of the men starts getting back up. You do as he says and run back to your room, grabbing your watch off the bedside table and climbing into your small closet to hide. You pull the door shut behind you and sit on the floor, swiping at the watch face to bring up the alarm button just like Tony had shown you. Your hands are shaking as you press the button and hold the watch close to your chest. After a few moments you hear the sound of fighting stop, then you hear footsteps running into your room. You bring your hand up to cover your mouth, trying to quiet your breathing not knowing who is in your room. The closet door flies open and Iron Man stands looking at you. He immediately crouches down, removes his helmet and Tony pulls you into him tightly.
“its okay y/n, I’m here. I’m here. You're safe.” He can feel how much you're shaking as you sob, struggling to catch your breath. He releases you from the hug and puts his hands on your shoulders. “breathe y/n, I need you to breath. okay? Can you fo that for me?”
You look at him, tears streaming down your face trying to focus on him. He tells you to breath with him and you do, not taking your eyes off him until finally you're breathing stabilises. “Did they hurt you?” He asks full of concern but before you can answer someone else runs into your room calling your name. You look over to see Spiderman stood in your bedroom doorway without his mask on. You squint through your teary eyes and recognise the face.
“Peter?! Why are you dressed like… you're the Spiderman?!” You say, finally realising the truth.
“I can explain” he blurts but stops talking when you start screaming and writhing in agony. You feel like your blood is on fire. You don't know what’s happening to you but you hate it. Tony tries to get you to tell him what’s wrong but you cant speak.
Then everything goes black.
Part Six
Taglist: @brownbuble​, @star-trek-is-my-lifesource​, @shookie-shookie​
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confessinbouthanson · 4 years
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“ an open letter to everyone about zac
i just found out about this a few days ago, i have looked at the twitter account that posted screenshots, i have been to the reddit. and i feel like i must still be missing something? nowhere did i see anything like  f**k n******s /jews/trans people ect. i saw a lot of republican support and gun humor…that were posted on his PRIVATE ACCOUNTS .         there WILL be people in this world who do out and do and say things that offend YOU. be an adult and move on. dont stalk, shame, harass or start an online rampage on 3 websites causing the person involved to turn off comments and his wife to straight up leave. who do YOU people think you are? you think you have the right to do that because youve been a ‘fan’ since '97 so your entitled to bash him?   because hes a celebrity? hes  still human he has the right to privacy and makes mistakes.if your so offended they didnt post blm or anything like that guess what alot of other celebrities and bands didnt eaither. some people dont want to post anything about it because its very controversial and last i checked hanson is not about contravercy. zac stated the bitter truth him posting blm will not stop it from happening again, just like celebrities donating money wont stop it. the way this generation of kids are raised will and so will changing laws .thats it.          he didnt makes those memes he reposted them. they have been on the internet forever alot of other people reposted them too. again most of what i saw was gun humor and republican support ect.  not for everyone. some people are die hard republicans and will vote for the candidate   JUST because they want their party to win, does not matter who it is or what they stand for. you cant just say oh hes a trump supporter so hes racist. you sound so ignorant. people want to twist things and make things much bigger than they are.if i missed a post saying n******rs and je*s /tans gays ect suck and need to die or anything along those lines please share id love to see. and all of you saying how can kate put up with him ect and how their first few years were shaky, post proof of that too.  how the hell would you know what goes on behind closed doors?do you live with them?  even if they did have a rough start, every relationship has growing pains esp when you are young.    everyone who is a 'fanson’ should already know   blues, jazz motown-mostly black artists were huge influence on hanson. they have worked with many black aritsts.  just like anyone who is a 'fanson’ should know they  are DEVOUT greek  orthodox christians. ie: very very oldschool stream of Christianity that follows the OLD testiment, basic Christianity follows the new testimate ie: living through the example of jesus , jesus loves everyone gay straight black white ect  look into it, the believes ect. its their right to live that way if thats what they choose to do, alot of religions do look down on gays trans ect and truely belive you will go to hell for it    because the way  the testimate is written and translated. very duggar esq. some strains of that dont even allow the women to wear pants  and you can only eat certain foods on certain days ect.  again if thats his beliefs thats his beliefs.not everyone supports those lifestyles just because the internet popularized them. hell mainstream tv was sill making stereotype jokes about gays up until like 6 years ago. i saw no uproar online about celebrities that follow kabballah (the red bracelets) no half of you dont even know what that REALLY is,  no you just wear the bracelet because its trendy and your fav celeb  wears it.  im  not even gonna sit here and be all like 'well he is from oklahoma and alot of people are biggots there'  because guess what? its like that everywhere. ive lived all over the country and it is like that in small towns and large citys. north south east west. and kate posting things on her ig about not supporting planned parenthood,  well although they do offer many medical services they also preform abortions.  again religious  and republican people have a very big issue with that. and shes from ga so maybe she had family that were confederate soldiers which is why she said save the flag.                               im not saying this is right or not disgusting, im saying there are all kinds of people in the world and you CAN NOT hate, harass, bully ect someone because they dont believe the same stuff you do. it does not matter they are a celebrity   dont even go there with them having a 'responsibility’ the ONLY thing they are responsible for is what made them famous-making music. you guys went out of your way to stalk him and invade his privacy, you had a certain image of him in your minds and put him on a pedestal and when he proved it to be wrong, now your pissed off. you all need to grow the fuck up. what are you gonna go through life bashing everyone that does not  drop their beliefs for whats socially popular? posting memes does not mean hes a straight up ass in person to people that are black, gay, trans, fat ect. actions speak louder than words. i dont care for the movie american hisotry x  because most of it is very racist and violent, but the MESSAGE of the movie  shows that a person can be involved in a group, live a certain way, believe certain things to the point where the inflict DEATH on someone and tattoo their entire body with racist tattoos,  but then change  their lives and be remorseful once they break free. its like a drug addict. if you hang around the same group of people, do not change your contact info, no matter how hard your desperately want to get sober, you wont. because you need to change your lifestyle . it is absolutely no secret that walker and diana dictate all those kids lives, everything about them, including who they married. the guys and the girls. walker worked with natalies  family member, not directly but they were contacts, they met  they had similar  beliefes, and had $$$$$  kates family also has $$$$$$  so does everyone elce that married into that family . unless your rich and have similar lifestyle you never had a chance girls. youd have to be preapproved by mom and dad. dont you think its odd zac never had a girlfriend that was  the friend of one of his brothers? marrion , kate and another girl who im not even gonna mention because honestly none of you know who she is anyway lol.
it takes all kinds of people in this world. if you like their music you like their music. half the celebrities musicians youlook up to and admire have EXTREMELY different lives behind closed doors and because you dont know about it its fine.  what they do at the end of the day  in private is up to them . just like what you do is up to you are you people prefect? i doubt it.”
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mysmedrabbles · 5 years
RFA Reacting to a Muslim MC
requested: twice by the same anon :P
a/n: note that I am not a muslim nor am i a hijabi, so if i get a detail wrong, im super sorry and please pLEAse let me know so it can be fixed!! :D this was really interesting to write, enjoy!! 
would you like to support this Muslim MC? want more specific WoC MC’s? buy me a coffee to support my dangerous coffee addiction so i can do em for ya!
warnings: n/a
-hyped mod alex
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-his strong faith in Christianity was admirable, his ideals set in stone as he abided by them; but of course there was the smallest bit of apprehension in getting to know him, how would he react to someone with ideals different than his?
-he was never one to announce his faith publicly, he still isn’t, however he likes taking with you about your respective religions, sitting on the balcony of his penthouse taking in the cool night air,,, wine for him and Aryana’s Halal Cola shipped all the way from Montreal for you
-orders you the finest hijabs for you to wear, most of them custom made exactly the way you love them, elegant and refined. he also learns the level of modesty you tend to wear your clothes, buying you occasional stunning gala outfit that he knows you’ll both love and feel comfortable with
-you own the most stunning abayas
-absolutely takes you with him on his trips to the middle east. he’s an avid believer in learning about your own roots, and especially if you have family there, he’ll more than certainly take you, going together to see all the sights, take private tours of museums and enjoy life
-makes Chef learn specific halal recipes, and is more than willing to import any food you want from other countries that you cant get in Korea
-learns Arabic in about a year flat,, of course his Korean accent hits heavily, but its so sweet hearing him carefully pronounce sentences to your parents and or relatives
-on eid al-adha he’s aware of the old tradition to sacrifice animals and share with the poor, needy and family; so as a compromise he decides to donate 300 lbs of meat to various homeless shelters and soup kitchens. both you and him going down to help with transport, hand every box to the people, a sort of community service combined with observing a time old tradition.
-comes down with you to the night prayer at the mosque during ramadan, and even though he stays near the entrance and the garden out front, hearing the prayers coming from the inside and seeing all the people that you know and love around you, smiling and having a good time, it makes him happy
-she grew up catholic, lives catholic; but this isn’t to say she’s close-minded to other religions,, she always loves learning more, especially if its about you, who she loves with all her heart
-when youre cuddling, she likes fiddling with the edge of your hijab, just feeling the material and knowing you’re there makes any day of hers better, no matter how hard it may have been
-you being muslim doesn’t have much of an impact, she’s respectful to your beliefs, and even puts in halal foods in the cafe
-this is, of course, after months of her experimenting with different recipes, often finding her in the kitchen at midnight, flour on her face and apron dirtied, sleeves rolled up in a frenzy as she mutters under her breath 
-shes so proud to finally present the finished deserts and foods to you!!
-one time you used one of her woven silk scarves as a makeshift hijab when all of yours were in the wash and she almost cries seeing how pretty you are in her stuff (the scarf is yours now)
-always interested in your religion, and she likes learning the differences between the traditions she was raised with and the ones you were
-during Ramadan, the two of you keep the shop open later for anyone wanting to eat after the sun has set, figuring that no one had to break their fast alone if they didn’t want to
-she gets up very early to prepare Suhoor for you in the morning, a simple oatmeal with dates, blueberries, grapes, almonds and honey
-likes to read her own books aside you while you read the Quran and do your morning prayer, its often the most peaceful part of your day, just having a clean and quiet space as you both enjoy each others company while also doing your own morning routines
-sweet boy, he knows very little of,, well any religion to be honest, and outside of 10th grade history, his knowledge on Islam as a whole is quite limited
-always asking questions about your traditions
-he reads the Quran at some point, wanting to understand you better,, and even though it takes him a long time (mostly due to having to re-read the passages over and over again to understand what was going on), but he’s devoted to learning about your culture
-he drives/walks you to the mosque, but doesn’t leave,, he’s not sure if he can go in, so instead he opts to walk around the area, enjoying the park and waiting for you to come back out so you can walk/drive back together
-he learns so many recipes specifically for you everything from mawmenye, harira, and moroccan krsa to berber bread
-he loves spending time with your family, he loves the sense of community and the celebrations that take place in your household, specifically during religious holidays
-he legitimately cries when you eventually decide to go to Mecca, leaving for hajj, because he knows he cant be with you for around a week and a half,, he can’t help it, he’s so sad he won't be able to see you for more than a week
-he’s so used to stopping all gaming and quieting down devices during salah, that even when you’re not around he still stops for five minutes at the designated times, mostly out of habit, but it also serves as a break from working, studying or gaming
-Lisa,, lisa loves your prayer mat, always trying to knock it down from its rolled up position next to the couch and sleep on it, so instead yoosung buys her a smaller prayer rug to lay on and its the cutest thing you've ever seen
-although he’s always been the one to mention his own faith in Catholicism, he’s also the one to be most curious about other faiths.
-he likes hearing you talk about the way you grew up, specifically hearing you talk about Islam and asking questions about traditions and practices you have to do
- “wait y/n!!,,, are honey buddha chips halal???”
-if theyre not, he opts to buy pringles in bulk instead. hes going to binge eat chips and damnit he wants you to join him!!! 
-when it comes time for you to perform Salah, he makes sure that you have total peace, even stopping his typing for the duration, letting you connect fully with Allah and your spirit
-since theres little to no sunlight that appears in the bunker, he makes a simple little app that alerts you when the times of prayer come, pre-dawn, noon, afternoon, sunset, and night, using the bells that are primarily heard in mosques as the ringtone for the app
-if anyone dares to mess with you or insult you in any way, Defender of Justice 707 will send a nasty virus their way, because theres no way anyone is getting away with hurting his angel
-its canon that he knows Arabic, and often times, when you can’t go to sleep he’ll sing to you in the language, and although his singing isn't the best, focusing on the strength and passion in his words, the almost comforting way he sings, it sends you calmly to sleep
-incredibly respectful of your religion and the fact that you’re Muslim
-he sets himself to learn everything he can about your faith and things he might have to change or alter in his own life to be respectful of the way you live yours
-he cuts down on alcohol. a lot.
-this isn’t to say he stops drinking altogether but he certainly cuts down, only having a beer or two in the fridge for emergencies
-bursts in one day, phone in hand as he wheezes, leaning on the couch for support, “y/n ArE wE hALaL dATiNg Or?”
-if you believe that sex should be saved to be only after marriage, he respects that, if not,, well he respects that too
-WILL spend extra money on an abaya from serenity scarves as a gift, just for you being you
-his only goal is to make you as comfortable as you can be, and he Will Not Stand for islamophobic comments directed towards you, but in most cases he won't even let them reach you, cutting off interviewers before they can say anything with a stream of gushing about how perfect you are, and smoothly taking you to the other side of the room if he thinks someone is looking at you, shooting them a mean glare before looking back at you and smiling, whispering something to make you laugh as you guys walk away hand in hand
-respect is this mans middle name, he’ll meet your family the second you start officially dating, making sure to make a good first impression, the second, and third, and fourth impressions
-likes going shopping with you, and is constantly in awe of how stunning you can make anything look, going to the little middle eastern kiosk in the mall to buy food
-he’s such a shameless fan of those cute matching couples outfits, and his heart bursts everytime your hijab matches the colour or pattern of his shirt or jacket
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