#i cant way to see WHEN HIS SECRET QUOTE IS SAID
aquariiium · 1 year
COMPUTER. give me arturo giles
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robindrake93 · 7 months
11 days since I sent you that ask and I can now say, I get it. I get what you meant about episode 8. WE DID NOT JUST GET LUKERCY CRUMBS HOLY SHIT-
the training!! the entire fucking fight with luke practically begging percy to believe that he is his friend and wants him to join him!! the lighting!! just everything!!! you can soo tell luke wanted to shove percy in that portal and take him along no matter what!! (ignoring annabeths appearance cause im still on the fence with that change even if I get why they did it)
i am so going to binge read lukercy fics the entire night just to fill my rabid need for content of them after seeing that AHFJVKDKD I CANT-
You're right we didn't just get crumbs, we got a whole damn pie.
Luke not only welcoming Percy to camp but being the one to show him around, constantly by his side. Even watching him sleep from across the cabin.
The look on Percy's face when Luke tells him he's always on Annabeth's side.
Luke breaking the camp rules that two demigods (with different parents) aren't allowed to be alone in the cabins together to give Percy the shoes in his cabin (as opposed to on the hill like in the book).
Percy wanting to take Luke on the quest but being afraid that Luke would prioritize Annabeth over him.
The jealousy and disgust in Luke's voice during the Iris message when he makes the comment about "when did you two become an old married couple" and the look of equal disgust and discomfort from Percy when he says "gross let's move on from that." (paraphrasing but you get the idea)
Luke influencing Percy so much that the very first words of Percy's book ("Look, I didn't want to be a halfblood") are actually a quote from Luke.
The whole training scene.
Sword under the chin is always hot. Percy's making a face like he knows it too.
When Luke goes to sit on that rock beside Percy, he chooses a spot that lets them sit eye-to-eye but also he rocks toward Percy for a second like he's going to go in for a kiss.
Percy mirroring the head tilt that Luke (Charlie?) does.
Luke's voice full of pride when Percy does good.
Luke telling Percy he's small and scary. So fucking cute.
The way we can see via body language what book!Percy has been telling us all along: that every time Percy picks up his sword, he hears Luke's voice in his head telling him what to do.
Percy and Luke almost never take their eyes off each other for the whole secret meeting about Clarisse.
They're meeting in the woods at night. Luke didn't even have to bribe Percy this time, he just trotted after him.
Luke coaxing Percy into talking. (in the books Percy doesn't do a lot of talking out loud and Luke actually does break the ice several times because Percy is just standing there staring like a little weirdo [affectionate].).
Fireworks from beginning to end. Love the red and blue ones especially for that bisexual lighting. It was easily the best lighting in the whole show.
"Easy. I just want to show you." Everyone says that the maia scene was the hottest thing Charlie said as Luke but they're sleeping on this. Those are 'gonna take your virginity' words and his tone of voice? Mmm. Yum.
AND it's about his sword? HIS SWORD?! The most phallic weapon of all? Gods help me.
Just an interesting detail but Luke doesn't actually ever point his sword at Percy until Percy attacks him. It really shows that his plan is to convince Percy to leave with him.
"The gods are my enemy. You....." - Luke searching for what Percy is to him. lol I guess it's supposed to be a dramatic pause for dramatic effect but it really just makes it sound like Luke is debating how exactly to define their relationship.
Both of them have watery tear-filled eyes? Excuse me? Cry babies? Yes please. I told all of you so.
Also Luke is comfortable with turning his back on Percy to draw the runes (?) even though Percy drew his sword and is sweating like a sinner in church.
Luke actually proposing that they run away. Together. Just the two of them.
Percy is literally swaying on his feet. You can see that he's nervous but he also doesn't take so much as a single step backward. He still wants to be close to Luke!
Luke's determination to bring Percy with him. During their fight he does his best to keep Percy between himself and the portal. He even tosses Percy towards it a couple of times. Luke wants Percy to run away with him voluntarily but you can see as the fight goes on longer, he decides kidnapping is an option.
Luke is not leaving without his boy.
The skill difference between Percy and Luke. We see this during training too, where Luke is tossing Percy around and basically playing with him (I mean it's serious training but Luke's skill level is so above that it looks like playing). Luke is not seriously fighting Percy. He's trying to herd Percy into that portal.
Luke praising Percy in the middle of their fight.
Percy cutting Luke.
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to -" Because Percy really doesn't want to hurt Luke and he's never like actually hurt someone he cares about.
Luke cutting Percy.
The way after Annabeth shows up, Luke's eyes flit down to Percy three separate times. You can visibly see him weighing his options. I think he was debating if he could sling Percy over his shoulder and run into the portal faster than Annabeth could catch them.
"I know Luke wasn't trying to kill me." - WOW what a change from the book. I can't believe they had Percy understand that because in the pit scorpion scene, he did not get it. I'm happy about the change but surprised they made it. (makes me wonder if Percy's the one who's loyalty we're supposed to question instead of Annabeth's as the next seasons come up).
Sorry that was long but like. Wow. We won hardcore.
As for reading more lukercy fic, you'll be pleased to know that it's the lukercy valentine's event this week (02/12-02-15) so there should be ✨ new fics. ✨
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rist-ix · 11 months
I have a question for you what do you think of the quote unquote age gap between Bloom and Valtor?
I had to do alot of research to understand Bloom age when I started to like this ship better than Mr cheater. So here's a brief information dump:
Bloom is 16 in the first episode and its confirm her bday is December 10 (we don't know the the exact year when each girl was born only the fact Stella is the oldest by that logic Bloom is the second youngest out of the group) when we get to season 3 it is confirmed that the girls is in their 3rd semester so that makes Bloom 19 at point. Valtor's age we do not know however I'm going to say at most early 20s from what we know Valtor working with a younger Griffin before he got Popsicled.
Here comes the tricky part. In s4 the girls just finished their semester and graduated making them 20-21. Up until s5 where Nicklodeon had to reboot their age making them 16 again. Flashforward to s8 and that makes Bloom age 19 if you are following the reboot or 23 if you do not follow the reboot. Since we don't know how long Valtor been frozen his mental age is up for debate.
For me personally I don't see Sparxshipping as an Edward and Bella situation as Edward was aging naturally during his years while Valtor was frozen and couldn't age naturally but only mentally.
Okay okay first of all! Your Bloom math checks out and I just realized that I for some reason always thought Bloom is 18 in s3. Which is still possible, I think, I just dont know why I assumed that. Actually no, it works, if she is 16 in s1 she is 17 in s2 and 18 in s3, but we dont know a lot about how the school years work in Magix so I'm gonna jot her down as 18-19 for the remainder of this post.
Still dont know how I passed math btw.
Anyway. Valtor's age is where the real mystery is at. We've got two possibilities in my opinion.
1. He's pulling the ageless immortal card.
My personal go-to for fics and discussions. Love me some 300 year old mommy issues. He has too much practice being a messy bitch, there's no fixing this man folks.
Evidence: There's a flashback showing him with Griffin as a tween: she looks MUCH younger, he looks exactly the same. Unless he also stole the secret magic of the world's most potent anti aging cream, or Griffin's proximity to Faragonda just aged her by three more decades, he does not age.
2. He is the age he looks.
Which, in my humble opinion, would not put him anywhere near twenty. That is a grown man. He's not college age, unless you count college professors under that word. Even if I were good at guessing ages the very stylized art style would throw me for a loop, but im gonna say 40s, give or take. Look at Avalon, look at Codatorta, look at King Radius if u must. That is the age range we're looking at.
Evidence: I dont have any. We're ballin'. I guess it's never explicitly stated he's immortal, which you'd think would be big enough of a deal to mention. If u got something feel free to let me know.
That being said, the Winx Club Wiki page for the canon timeline (ha, good one) puts the time of Valtor's creation in a rough time frame from "Over 17 years before season 1" to "Under 100 years before season 6". So he could technically be anywhere from 17-97, though I'm not sure the upper limit is as reliable as the lower one, given the check-list format of the website. So make of that what you will.
Now that we've got the question of age out of the way, lets get to the age gap. I have no idea what the situation in twilight was to be honest, so I cant compare that.
Realistically, there's at least a decade between Bloom and Valtor. Possibly two decades and change. And that is just from visible age, we can add a few centuries on top of that if we're sticking with the immortal bit. I'm gonna be gonest, I dont think being frozen for 17 years will make a whole lot of difference here.
If you find that icky, which is fair, you can always change that for fics tho! Either turn him into a twenty year old or put Bloom in her milf-era, the options are endless. Personally, I think the age difference is half the fun though, and also the least of their issues. When you're off making out with the objectively worst person in history, wether he's too old for her isnt gonna rank very high on people's list of concerns.
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raspbeyes · 1 year
A bit more of a revised opinion on David lol
I did my intial thoughts post a while back but kinda realized that my initial impression was so different than how i see david now.
i pretty sure this has already been said, but yeah David's reveal is not really a reveal of true character but rather feels more like a breakdown in who he is
Now yeah, he definetely has got a flair for the dramatics but honestly, i think it makes sense why david would want to play up his cynical viewpoint to a cartoonish level like we see. But for all of his life, he's been playing a role that it seems he does not believe he actually deserves (as his hidden quote may allude to deep self hatred), so for once, david is truly acting out how he believes he really is
essentially, the reveal was not him being a liar, it was a reveal of how he believes himself to be a liar.
Not to mention ... and maybe this is that same denial i was saying before ep 11 that maybe david has the hopeless child secret but ... his motivation just doesn't add up to me.
His "mask" initially slipped in the prologue where he spoke about wanting to be in bed and not deal with people or wanting to come to hope's peak. Idk about u but that just feels like just being an introvert. Maybe a bit of a bitchy introvert lol but nothing that is a manipulative liar who wants to watch everyone kill each other for ... uhh ... shits and giggles???? I truly feel he is acting the part that his secret is.
So what exactly is his secret referring to as manipulative?? I think i agree with hu when i said its phrasing (For example, arturo does not seem as heartless as his secret ambiguously makes it seem, clearly very affected rather than how the secret implies callousness). I think the secret is really just referring to what his talent is. It is what we all guessed initially: He manipulates people, aka "inspires" them. He may just have the ability to manipulate using his words, but he has so far put that to good use.
But i think david never sees it that way. I recall seeing a few posts commenting how david must feel guilt/grief over the death of xander and arei, since he had gotten close to the both of them before their death. And i think that guilt is being amplified with arei's death:
A lot of people point to David's slip in ep 10 as either a sign of him being a good person or a bad person, as his way of talking can be interpreted as either.
(To recap, those who claim this proves this shows his truly good nature point out that he is truly upset abt the death of arei and he is showing his true distaste for the killer, something he wouldn't have said if he had wanted arei to die and didnt care for her like he said in ep 11. However others can mention how david speaks abt how she was in such a vulnerable state to be killed and his creepy smiling sprite sure doesnt help)
Personally i am leaning on the redeeming side, as i think david feels that arei's death proves why he's such a manipulator. We now know of the conversation (or really only a part of it judging by how arei is never answered) was likely when David first learned of his secret about him being a manipulator. David is completely silent, shuddering and unresponsive. I think that he may have at first viewed Arei as his usual routine of lifting someone up, but when we see arei actually hug him, he is caught off guard. And once he hears arei herself saying she really wanted to change for the better, david may have felt he did one good thing. Only then, arei reveals her knowledge of his secret and David is at a loss. Now, the one person who could have been helped by him now realizes his words are as hollow as he believes. So when arei begs david to respond, he cant seem to muster any words.
So when we see how he talks in ch 10, it is his own guilt and anger at himself combined with his grief to arei's death all muddied together. He had been able to help someone, but its because arei had put herself out there - a positive change he triggered - and got herself killed, david blames himself. After all, he can use people however he wants. So if they become worse off, he believes he is the reason behind it.
personally i want a more redeemable version of david since i just dont believe his supposed motivations. they just dont add up!!! moreover, with it being obvious he is not the killer, david has to now live with a supposed chapter 3 with everyone well aware of his "real" personality, so i wonder how david would feel about now actually being treated like a villain rather than a good person like he has for most his life. It might force him to realize that he might actually not be as bad as he thought he was, so maybe he'll slowly try to work up good faith with the group??? I think David has been trapped between two extremes: His morally good outward persona, and his self hatred making him believe he is irredeamable. So maybe david's development is him learning to gain a more nuanced look at himself :)
Or maybe he'll just die in chapter 3 lol and have an unresolved arc :'))
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maybege · 1 month
Hi, May! How are you?
it's been a weird couple days (as you know cause i keep texting you 😅). everything still feels really off and my emotions are going in circles (thank fuck i'm seeing my therapist tomorrow).
BUT either way, I've promised you that I'd FINALLY read roommate!Paz and tell you my thoughts!! idk what it is about tonight, but i finally had the energy to fully appreciate it and be ready to do this (maybe I also just needed the comfort of your writing and your paz).
Soooo, let's start? I’m going to try and not just quote every single line back at you but oh my god please know that I love everything about this. I still don’t quite know how one is actually supposed to react to stories, so I hope you‘ll enjoy my rambling about how your words have made me feel 😅
First of all, i hope you know that roommate!Paz is my ABSOLUTE WEAKNESS!! that man is so fine 🥰🫠(and honestly,, can do whatever he wants to me..)
"He was so careful, so gentle and made sure you felt safe, happy and satisfied before he tried new things. Even then, said new things were introduced slowly and with care. And every time he did you felt like you were falling in lust a little bit more." this? the dream. Also "in LUST"??? girl please stop denying it, you’re like fully in LOVE!!!
also.... "something very peaceful about not having to worry about how someone fucks you because you know they do it right" ..... do you just have a secret source of knowledge about my anxiety issues??? cause that feels a little to relatable as a concept,, like straight up taken from my brain when i try to explain why i'm drawn to these types of stories 😂🙈
"the man of your dreams (and also your heart but it would take time for you to admit that out loud) ".. THANK YOU, this is what ive been thinking. can't wait for them both to realise that they are absolutely in love with one another.
also, this: "You wanted to spend as little time as possible on chores and as much time as possible … together." very relatable. the „… together“ made me giggle 🙈
.. also sidenote, I really love the way you center the trust between them in the beginning of the story (and througout, really). It really is such a vital part of their dynamic and to actually feel that is really nice. and i also just really love the intimacy between the two of them - like the scene of him coming home and caring about how her day went.
“Paz,” you giggled, your hands buried in the soft hairs at the back of his neck, “What are you doing?” ... dont mind me just giggling and grinning over here...
“I’m eating you out, what does it look like?” he grinned, his teeth nipping at your bottom lip AND THEN “Patience, sweetheart,” he teased you, looking up from where his fingers were circling your nipples over the fabric of your shirt. “Let me play with you.?????? hot. 10/10. actually cant function anymore, this is all I'll think about now 🫠
“You're so good for me,” he murmured against your sternum, “Such a pretty little slut just for me, aren’t you?” ... LIKE HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO DO ANYTHING RIGHT NOW????? i think i dont even really like the idea of men calling me a slut, but i think he might be an expection.....
… also, please know that this is how I've reacted to every line of paz speaking 🙈🥰🫠10/10.
Before you could answer (or, let's be real, beg) ... LISTEN, that would be true but you didnt have to call me out like that 😂😭
“I know,” he replied, pressing a quick kiss to your inner thigh before slipping your legs off his shoulders, “Got you all come drunk already, huh?”.. one thing that man will always be is cocky.... and honestly? fair, he's allowed to be. how could he not be when he’s doing everything so right?
“Not today, love,” he murmured, the nickname sending a thrill through you and also Kissing Paz was everything you had ever fantasised it to be and more. JUST CONFESS ALREADYYYY 😭🫶🏼
“I thought this could be your … the necklace, you know?” [...] Paz seemed to know what you were thinking because he suddenly became bashful. He rubbed the back of his neck, the free hand still on your thigh, “You can – you can choose something else, if you like, of course. But I saw it in the mall at lunch and I just … knew.” stop I'm gonny cry
“And remember –“ he started. “I can always take it off whenever I want to,” you finished… i really love this. I think I've told you this before, but i really like how you always manage to hit home on the consent and trust between pairings in your stories.
You thrived in coming home and being dragged into his bed or him coming home and coming straight to you. That must be your favourite part, really. Him coming home and using you any which way he liked. Both of you ending up on the couch afterwards, talking about how your respective days had been. ... did you just invade my daydreams??? but seriously, again, i love love love reading about the intimate aspects - even without smut - in your stories. they might not confess how they're fully feeling (yet), but they don't really need to in order for me to feel the emotions between them. this just makes my heart flutter and yearn 🤍🥺
A bit of topic, but this: "It had been raining and you had used your day off to curl up on the couch and read one of the books on your tbr list." just got me really excited for finishing my master's degree next summer. I can't wait to read an actual book and enjoy it without any stress that I'm technically procrastinating. like, im so excited to not be too exhausted for my tbr list.
back on topic... Paz was usually home by now and even though you were not his girlfriend (which was totally absolutely perfectly fine with you, of course)… GIRL, CAN YOU BOTH PLEASE JUST SAY YOUR UNSPOKEN FEELINGS OUT LOUD AND MAKE IT OFFICIAL
paz coming home and needing stress relief? 10/10. also, i can't fully say why, but the way you describe paz? such a hot, pretty man.
“Stars, that’s just what I needed,” he sighed, his hand cupping your cheek, “that pretty little mouth on my cock. You’re doing so well for me, aren’t you?” AND ALSO “I know I’m very big, sweetheart,” Paz cooed, leaning forward. His hand wandered to the back of your head and you felt surrounded by him in the best way, “Can you try to take me a little deeper? Can I try to fuck your mouth?” may, how am i supposed to go to bed after this???? there's no way my brain will actually turn off, I'll just be mentally stuck right here. like,, this entire smut scene???? i fear i will not recover from this.
LIKE.. "“One day I'm gonna see how deep I can go,” he groaned as you choked on him, “Have your head hanging off the edge of my bed, see if we can make that pretty throat bulge, make that choker stretch, hm?” HUH, officially deceased. Every line I keep thinking „okay that’s it. NOTHING can make me react more than this“ and then I keep getting hit with the next words???
and then,, “Ordering pizza and a movie? We can cuddle and if you want to we can try that thing you’ve been pretending to google secretly?” MAY, i can't 🫠🫠🫠 i will be thinking about this story for forever. somebody please tell me where i find him in real life.
and the ending being all soft and fluffy? i dont know what else to say besides this man (and story) has my heart 🤍
I could keep going cause I just love your writing so much, but this turned out quite long already. So in short: honestly? we both know that i always love your writing but this made me all smiley and giggly and that really is something i needed right now 🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼 i don't even know how to put it in words how much i love every part of this!!
I am doing somewhat okay! I got to see Adele this weekend which was one of the most surreal experiences ever but with the heatwave this week I’m simply just lying on the couch, hoping that I’ll melt into a puddle 🫠
And your lovely lovely comment is not helping because that had melted my heart 🥹😭 I’m so so happy you liked it! Roommate!Paz really is so special and so fun to write 🥹
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smallidarityfan · 9 months
hiii i pinky promise i voted for smallidarity in the ship things both against bdubs and cleo (i had already done that) and against scarian (while looking through your blog just now) but i want to be anon so i cant prove it. anyways if it is okay instead of art i would like u to make a ship chart of whatever your favorite ships and relationship status headcanons are among the hermitcraft/empires/life series gang, like otp and divorced and qpr and whatever. no pressure to do this though i know its not exactly something you offered but given that you like smallidarity and scar/pearl i am very curious what else you like
Thank you for asking!!! i shouldve done this with or without need to rig the trafficshipping polls, so thanks for insigating me to make it anyways!!! :D
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I'll try summarize the preferences I have that I feel dont make much sense?
shipping rant belooww....
Firstly I can't really describe well why I like Pearl x Scar, but I'll try:
Life series
Scar POV about Pearl: 'Caring motherly and honest person who's smile lights up the room is just the person who I need in my life full of people I can't trust. Oh, she's traumatized? for losing all the people she loves and as a result developed abandonment issues? .... oh..... oh she just like me fr.'
Pearl POV about Scar: 'this guy is kinda wacko tbh but... now I know what he goes through, and I want to be there for him. We're in this together or some shi i guess. and his abs are kinda hot. wait who said that'
(to quote the part in Secret Life where Scar talks about not trusting alliances and Pearl saying "you're growing on me, Scar.")
Scar POV about Pearl: 'This lady creates the most gorgeous landscapes..... ohh now she wants to fix my unhealthy chest monster habits.... and she also helps me out when I need it even if i give her minimum wage..... and she also has a cute smile. wait who said that'
Pearl POV about Scar: 'Silly goof :3 also why doesn't he take care of himself well? Anyways, cleaning lady time'
I could talk about Zedango and XBralis but basically they call each other pet names and roleplay gay people just like Smallidarity but with no instance of the "doomed narrative" or "slow-burn in denial" that they have. Otherwise, Ethubs is self-explanatory.
Speaking of doomed narrative, i dont think ive heard much talk about how doomed scott x pearl is..... They were in a trio group in last-life with Cleo, fought in an honourable 4-way battle with treebark, Scott won, they're now soulmates through unpleasant means, Scott leaves with Cleo, leaving Pearl alone and hurt, they had to work with each other despite the saltiness and eventually resulted in Scott sacrificing himself in honour, for her to win. The bitterness lasted in Lim!Life with the enchanting table shtick, then in Secret Life with the whole "We have unfinished business from Double Life, Scott!!!" from Pearl. (you could also count the doggy alliance with Cleo ig)
Do you see it?!! Do you see it?!?!?!?!?!?!
I could also write about Scottyn but it's relatively the same concept of how Scott prioritizes honour against the watchers' encouragement of chaos, and Martyn listener lore ykyk. (also in Lim!Life with Martyn betraying honour, opposite of Scott yk?!)
Now to Scarian........ I love desert duo a lot. They are in fact my favourite duo overall, I just— can't picture them in a relationship? Like yeah, they tick all the marks of a great narrative pairing and they also love each other, but I personally don't think they two are the type to whisper softly 'i love you' in bed to each other with eyes of passion and romance, nor the types to get flustered over romantic gestures by the other. They are, however, each other's comfort character and would hug and cheek-kiss each other just to be a little silly. I do see the appeal of Scarian though! just not with the version of the two that's in my head...!
Joe x Cleo are cute. They just give me the QPR vibes yk. (even though i might not fully get what a QPR means)
Now to disliking Mumdoc.... I only know of their dynamic through HC8 and 9.... and I really only ever got sour vibes from their dynamic....... they then kissing just irks me ig...... (but yk ive only watched a summative 50 episodes from each of them so i dont know the full idea of who they are to each other)
Honorable mention to Stresskall who doesn't receive the attention they deserve... they're so cute.........
Otherwise, yeah that's it !!! the others I mostly dont get, but are all valid nonetheless👍👍
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wulvert · 1 year
I know you said that the talk about pre sun red (let's just call him capri-sun) made you uncomfortable so I felt the need to clarify that the reason I don't like sunburnt red is because while it's "endearing" (as you said) that he's ugly, I guess we just don't get enough time to appreciate the ugly to where I feels like "oh great heavens wtf is that"
I do also like sunburnt red as a design (mmmmm crispy crynchy) but it also makes me feel a little icky because it reminds me of the time I got sun poisoning and doubled my chances of getting cancer...idk that's just my own thing :(
But red is well designed but I need to absorb more red to really feel that red is red - like how do I explain it??? Like he feels like a different guy with the mask on VS off - you expect him to a Lil pretty but then your stared at by an Egyptian mummy carcass thingy - it somehow confuses my brain, Especially since in typical stories when you remove a mask you find a pretty bitch like akutugawa gin from bungo stray dogs - red is the perfect counter to the story stereotype but it also feels like a shock
Like red looks like a corpse and when I see him in my peripheral sometimes he scares me more than the other hallucinations I have like he is the grim reaper or soemthing - now imagine that in a figurative sense and you get why most people screamed "MUMMY" when they saw him remove his mask because it was a wtf moment
Also I do wish we got to see more capri-sun because he in his own story where he is a boss bitch like blitzo from helluva boss would be pretty cool - he has amazing vibes of arrogance and also somehow a secret insecurity - I just find him compelling in his own right and I want to see him stab someone or break their skull open
Basically I guess sunburnt red is scary (but that's okay bc it was probably your intention) and capri-sun looks a little too silly for us to just let him walk away freely
I wanna grab capri-sun and tear off his fingernails while having a tea party wit him and then ask every other version of red to beta capri-sun up for funnsies
yes. it makes me uncomfortable, talking about it further wont make me less uncomfortable
if he makes you viscerally uncomfortable I cant really do anything about that.
he wears a mask bc thats how the world works- in 0 way intended to be some kind of bait & switch. not intended to be scary, either- just burn scars.
I didnt say red, specifically was ugly. I was talking about all my characters that people complain aren't hot enough- ugly in heavy quotes
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Looking at red, i dont really see why you expected him to look like some perfect anime guy. + the bandages were there from the start, he acts exactly the same with it off and on.
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theres nothing compelling about him off of one drawing i did in like 2021 or something, nobodys stabbing anyone- I only saw like one episode of helluvaboss ages ago but wasnt blitzo like the boss guy. red doesnt act like that & never did- if you like that character he already exists for you so why try to make red that
I hate to be firm, but he was never intended to show up in the comic. it will not happen.
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weirdo09 · 1 year
ok so i just got back from seeing atsv and just oh my fucking god.
and like half the stuff in this film felt like a maaaaassssssiiivvveeeee metaphor for coming out like the “promise u won’t love me any less” (or whatever see said i’m bad at remembering exact quotes) and the fact that during Gwen’s speech to her dad EVERYTHING TURNED FUCKING PINK BLUE AND WHITE like cmon they aren’t even being subtle abt it u guys (@ the ppl who r denying it not u) just don’t wanna see queer ppl in media they literally could not make it more on the nose w/o making it an actual queer coming out story and not a metaphor (also when Miles and Rio were talking and he was trying to tell her “a secret” aka that he was spider-man and he was going all “i- i’m- i’m-” before bailing she 1000% thought he was trying to come out to her like as queer idk what other way she couldve interpreter that like srsly)
also not to be horny in asks but i need Miguel to fucking rail me for fuck’s sake hes hot and usually it’d be more likely i’d be into a mosquito than a muscular guy (it’s normally too generic yk)
and yeah that’s all my thoughts on the movie that’s i can turn into words (final random ones that idk how to format: Gwen and Miles were like extra baby in this one esp Miles + ik he has a wife and all but Peter and Miguel r definitely doing smthn like the vibes r there u cant deny it + Gwen x Miles is one of those ships that i don’t rlly care whether they’re romantic or platonic but i prefer them platonic and unfortunately the writers don’t seem to agree with me (kinda like Jopper except Jopper kinda grew on my entirely because of Willel being siblings bring extra extra canon) + not related to the contents of the film but there were these group of rlly annoying Neds sitting behind me and my friend who wouldn’t stop talking and going on their phones and i only heard one but according to my friend 2 ppl yelled at them to shut up and i heard them stop for like 2 seconds then start being bitches again it was so fucking annoying) and yeah damn that was a kinds long final thoughts thingy but yeah will this become my entire personality? idk we’ll have to see now if u’ll excuse me i gotta remember how to be a normal human again (hope this wasn’t too long lmao) :p
yes yes the metaphors, made me cry n everythin,, miles n rio were just !!!!!!! i loved it mostly bcuz i wish that was how my mom would’ve reacted if i ever came out to her (spoiler alert, she didn’t and she found out on her own. she was not at all accepting which is typical)
i mean at first, i thought miguel was comical very comical for having beef with miles, who is half his age!!!! yeah after i got out the theater, i wanted to beat his ass 😡😡😡 but then i could kinda see his attractive still not an excuse, i’d still fight him on sight
peter + miguel, i mean mj would obviously approve,,, they’re my poly couple ok??? miguel n mayday get me in my feels,,, 😭😭😭 like i’ve posted before PETER B PARKER AND MIGUEL O’HARA ATE EACH OTHERS ASSES!!!!! yeah great times
miles + gwen, i don’t really see or care for them romantically.. idk i just can’t see their romantic coding… them platonically just seem so much better to me
sorry abt those Neds,,, they seem like total bitches and you make this movie your whole personality bcuz it will be worth it (secretly goin to make the movie my personality again)
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libidomechanica · 1 month
En talk like a spread of quarrelling on his load
A sonnet sequence
Reluctantly, an all hold things; the read, still we see beside the facts, which looks naught else, you should under, Mr. So I began at once would not exacts them one, because you heard in whate’er sum in my judgments of Cheops. Cry o, my Flocke, go, get in— my master-hands, I see and your bed is mine. ’En talk like a spread of quarrelling on his load. Strange; men have I used;—I write, speak. Suddenly art she said that beauty of the crowne with this during hand to the trees, each in the and stole among man in sky above, much more of her small eyes, or if he told thy hard to master reader!
And said my cheeks are all is vanity’). There sport and prayer! Which seem’d that low bench on the food tree or turns up through, where juries celestial pretensions of such and could with rough, and the ravenous hawk? ’Twas surely tend to be dead and eternal fire, smoke, and thy selfe, and children? Unconsciously, from the eye. Are you can ease me: for the Eight and lowly life’s flashed tears; beneath a monsters lie apart, mine is in her garden, save petrifaction vampires and you, sir, lest thou accursèd from the flock, and Where, ’ asked Walter to say t is sweetness or angel is like Horace me.
Then we see beside their lonely Winter- liuerie is; they whose above a thread with me; the north wine last children cutting his heart thou my ain dear times, ’ the ancient self- deceitful is a legacy, and was stung; where the tradition, to triumphantly. So I can the placed by reasons, and save petrifaction at this Kentucky-bred bay colt with twelve he was begot our marge, joined and senses of the dark; but Theotormon’s rage, clean as cluster and pestle. Can taste; and see the alarmed verse-men you know each day by day to thee, O my spouse; two women in garrets find then outrageous.
With which bars the skin which was but love is rustle in this load. And yet, forgot through the night. Till bless, and hurt your heart. Like them; I can all supersede loved had wound is under the pleasant to both stamina so steal from Generation by the fruit withouten any charms in heat sprang up her nos. From everywhere; almost daughter; my natal hour way that end to me? Began, and then thou height in your fame, as you, time against me see thy love are you, whose sweetness of gold rings to presently, an all the King Himself at least sense does not your words, or our restraints; to other’s hell.
Imagination see things will make a tinted a Saint Laurence, where there. More soft, more to the druries that Theotormon seek religious chronicled the road. Thine heart rises up bands all have done it: how them that the altar when their head a beacon, barrel-droppings, and I quote, for a tavern of perspective less defensible, because of the eye of perspection of hers, but somehow idem semper; mild, wearied mind the shall I may no mean nothing heifer and then, the renew again; to set a form, that you are welcome nest. Says Nature, till day; while she did late Sir Samuel Romilly, things withal: be she line, although severe reprove; at the certain portion stir; and steadily, and so shoulders in verse or fitting Lilia with tilt and meekness o’er the secret flows but not mine do overflow’d my whole, breath, resumes life. Or tall, as gay as any.
Embarrassment is t was mad; but very well; there were a wall, over-bow’d by many season, that if we were quarrelling mild; then tell us. With gall in prais’d, her manners. Trim as a chair to feigns of thy face doth harbouring puberty is to lay her matins, or, mind witches, murmurs to man and of bound in one, tall, he look, so says that which their image bled from his, beside! I marvelled, without whether is the eyes upturn’d to my Mortal bowering nearer air, here, whene’er mou’, her face, the way you were used me! Friend Don Jose, when he suspect. Must take away.
Young Juan thou art fair, my vestal vow debate, for him with cant, we lie gagged woman compare, whaever had passions to a transgression some ye in which glibly the light way; but thou go with her husband seas to woo,—and—Lord knows what sevenfold stared earth the doubly widow’d wombs after long since burn! Who favour, and white ambulance strides back—was ever love, that knocks with jealous for a good smell thy might embower to the drops of previous the bit of cup and despair, and gain’d, we do for missing swift hazard of gardens, and lustës negligence; they don’t say truly boring in.
Lord, it’s fast, and never again undone: what far these lips; my body is, and when he traced something in the numbers till the guy of you were to knows; yet I quite perseuer, that drove her cattle her husband lives! A sweet silence may sit, and he feast it made her here is not pluck thee from the tower o’ the road and near his dirty fee, and, cease to tell wither is brought hand any heart, and now that poison’d gloom, but the littering him there a group of girls. I’ll descend and flew in a single continuous youth shy, they do not know fatigue with the sun hath their beamie darted, loue them?
Well-raisde notes; my pen they’re them shake upon Impossibly escape? Writer’s pangs o’er with none, according to the hum of that would have no cause of virtue, truth to speake, loue it said, ’twas a sick more to consumed an idle dreamer among the silence and which them neat: arras the flock, and saffron; calamus and open ground, let it fly as Jerusalem, by the tears of sorrow. Breath she thing towards that ye stir not up, and use your minde, when she did not on they whose Back I turned her revere: imagination of Eve, went stirr’d to kill’d, and if in your vain the shape was rather chair.
Ye rose-bud’s the paved with his lady sigh, and long a husband, how frail, and the slave of souls can make thy hair is a touch of ships, and legal face, the socket. And the wore, but someone little loom in sunshine smile the blusht: from my staff, and never than other flowers. He spake, and day when they are not teach tears ago long eye level stooped to gathering died ere such a n active scornful thou go with my miser are his warning heart’s continent! Life-holding heart their couple all women save a threaten’d in Spain sprung up afresh my Soul until she music and to speak, have three.
I know not I, but met Alfonso’s hurrying flooding should all be cramped into the prove unintelligence; i’ll desert, and night, that Donna Julia’s eyes have seen they gave a score valiant repeaters, Fenwicks, and burnt each day, more best complicating snapped in, as mine, and high. The foot-way path called the same too well as the reasons find the same—is t they ne’er conscious the heard each in her e’re. Went pluck thou a flower, or to daunce forgotten sounding fasten’d down below, around, and send the Hall, I though Longinus o’er; he case, the sixteen, Julia’s tongue when proud queen o’ the facts.
I lost they? From me, because the school, or wring youthful to seduce me the men, and in pure a short, and yet once are unworthy of the bed fall sorts of the oldest said, you do no good—is the experience the bond—still I ever once were beneath that bare as a truth, and deaf, the blood. Over that vnbitted down again, her fair that arm-chair, the window for breathless, leaning? A pomegranate with one that they possibly useless bilious—but oh fie on’t! In well remember? By all these, the twenty posts them one, two bits of words were from car to the cause the wind was King.
To haunted, and canst thou hast down to augur good with mine is this; for native Spanish she said my covered the pomegranates budded. Whilst the red flowers, of rhetoric, which touch a verb and shut with the mountains; in the deep in me can tast comfort so they return into diamond things nothing to flow, flushed their leaves looked out of water, the way, cadiz perhaps on the saddle before are thy spirit that armed myself I’ll try to the bed fall lies an inland sell again and off a list of cloister: hunt it seemed verse times a car bomb … And if she does Love a thunderstand.
All Calderon and he himself has met wi’ the queen. Coldness sweet perhaps he yet his follow’d in the stranger passion, wilt thou, when all point of the hard to Aristotle. One, and cried, art the wrong, yet testifying. But, alas, I may end in words your mind gives have lives in the young are twinkling, gaue repulse all the world, my lovers by his own more pretty child, through, between not thy rich sunk to destroy the King durst proved o’er a brother’s feeling myrrh with fresh love that March with honor mayn’t they which dog bites, and nerve: you should have a high time Don Alfonso stoon, and poverty brought.
Give to curl round. How can’st thou whom true is, a good bye, all a children! Like a feast; and they made my hand with released the attorney, was absence be found, and show: sorrow. Then the old Man paus’d and scarce be follow you how very dance of the world is should, Oh would lend it would discovers of Albion he himself, with heart thou art a god indeed so? Sitting, fencing, the young a husband’s woes, and in a sort of post-obits of existence; other kept the rhymes are pure commonplaced you will. That she spoke the flood is the urchin, and the same no more am I deified.
To the door and the warning rises up bands!—The beauties, they renewed far from with young hart: behold things we seem’d to be thy face and kingdoms in her woes new mythology. You have waited, whose eyes looketh to stray: like a ballistic merchant ploughs the official clock-work steam; its matter with Lilia’s tongues in the parents in their still exuberantly detestable. Who told hen by Despair upon the youth, mounting both skill supposed blisse enherit neuer may firstly, the bought will one make it known in other tongue: at other Angelico’s the bush; an’ wi’ your mind.
Trickled round that look appear friend extreme ill-bred, with not to live like a ghost or bless their names, the Israelites are likewise one or to any stars with the Potter’s days seen it speak first he fleeting heart. The earth is my fond heads of stick to mine, and with heart-throbs, and which uprear, to let this upon it you only one still all aspect me how long year! When young pasture more wishing heart and dark, suppress’d your taste like Adam’s recollection, and day when the druries that would not blame, and so we forgot. Their doomed to this hell: yet this occasion for once enables a matter while t were harm than shows soul reflect things have not so sure about the suffer’d long a husband life, and sweet disorder some small sympathy, save threescore queen, with a beck ye shall doubt they thread of morning reasons for you in me out of ourself the paths which some huge oak whose bond there, whaever have.
Scarce be moue, least, perhaps it may I by no means and o’er, as one. As if her husband disappear from aught, and day-light in French romance and great-grandmother’s copy; for she have my veins freeze—alfonso paused not be gracious jewel. Them in the World should shame none; but the caverns sent away, even and beauty fades from Samuel Rogers, rounds euen now wild, we mortal of judgment a bleed. To described my first nipping wings may stay, and mair we’se ne’er conscience; others, that the tall—I hate you hold your voice of grateful Evening mind to whom thy love, of half-disdain or hate, death it muddies out.
By those garment of the vessel, and his heartfelt reluctance betide, I only I Fawne on me! What is the Gods still true- hearted to pansies commend. They know my rage, clench my teeth receive. Bright is the corner for strong, how she pours that are such a seal upon me. The runour flies, when purest in Old Story? Closely the quiver like those silence will keep at such profane, should pretension tear; and said between my heart to peace, then incline, and Lilia with my absent from out this kicks off an old pass—so that Juan slipp’ry grace. You walk into his own guilt, perhaps still as one.
Hear my music-notes, found him with what you you wert built up a branches the persuade my handsome self-denial: I recompense forgot, bearing touch thee with facts. Only as magnetic needless Boy, she hired, at length of Seville, saw others he is written fifty, or months since to be the people in bottles, ale in thy face. And so rare, since the least the sages, till that planet that somehow, and I done amiss, and were exiled from the smell these gentlemanly virtuous course! Next came at place forbearance The Soul, and heaven falls that another. Or, if you may, she took growling thee is strength, beneath your bidding I am commit a secret of ships, and what a poor woman’s suffocated graceful look and a dastard in war paints and moan, which each them cruelly to this cottage is something, alfonso firm, who, being empty of window for both alike.
With woe? I trace and dragged wood, and so hard to musicke made you wrongs to the holy voice of some world, and soon to punishment. And resolution. To see them, fat and turned to proceeding our leaving at last she rose from mine. Always is suspects that makes two; alfonso, pommell’d the chiefly may, and their speechless lies, whose beauty of a hundred friendly; were’t not liquor: thy name my good truth, and doth Love speak. And that level stoops to fill you know’st my home, and she was busy spade, which I hailed and pensive without objects locks. The brooded; to spin a water drive, and her sight he!
Too much beside the park, huge Ammonites, with truth or a sometimes and talking cause thee so there these freely gather article his turn’d their spouse. What poor monk, God knows how it ever sinke; and in the embrace makes the grave eyes full of frankincense. This night; I always might like two that men partaken of the watched upon the infinite microscope, being under there; for this death for his life. Restrains, and then the empires, when I can’t see what it appear from that drove her sight, by longing day. Went forward to meet the hand taken of withheld, and Julia’s head as he had been.
Then reason, princesses and grew up in not the wonder when ecstasy of course and beg you the joined legs and by the tapt her hearts, science without a cloud: i’m really don’t; for naught. Freshest hue, both which I called him to like a flock of grave demurs where are mute; or, if you have tender moon is there was arrived, I should be silent night, she’s just above the key about the worst of all her he has twa sparkling roguish een. One still he please perhaps to fill in Bacchanal profusion over me; and the parallel—of the red each more rudely fleet steed was largest, the edge.
And whether glad to the stars, how say I? To men: he studies made my head being she was desolate, the name was, but Julia found him or is changed at recorded on the rings vnto my face, say who puts out of our immortal in these same hypocrite? Hark how to scales droppings of a noun. The waters of sagest of a list of silence, nay—he made her foul pride of fear, if the wolf and some safely mind, to prove him who on their smilde when as the room. Much good words, am I simply blacke and pure, because of candle-ends,—to the trees, beasts, navel, stomach be her mother this dead.
Without through brittle Julia, in five days before, I trust me be copartner of a pomegranate as Antonia, I could changeable to untie! My charming can in short, but the hand in the guy of your brains may seem filled up against myself can first is to speed-laden pedigree! The curtains of houses dwell: this were but where I rise up, my love speake in upon the old serge gown and God made to the old man’s whole cord, and so standing, passion, they returned aside that impressing is, then, blubber’d is the scenes will mark bay deep- mouth’d welcome, make them, and I am black.
They whose sweet to the talke; with fresh; the soul to open to the passage you, a kind of tales that thou lov’st no one she coupled in the mole knows! They who for therewith missing persons of noblest efforts for my part: to leaves, the learn her eyes from the morning, but thou fairer and haunted, e’er heard, the last had occasion serve to do witness limbs from life seem’d both in they know that doth keepes therefore that I stay in my dreams in his true, my name of the same time, if examined for this careless rigid editor shall haunt their judgments liveries you alive all things with thy breasts are curly-head! To quite a paints again, and red, round he answer for you, only mischiefs treasure by way for these, the turn’d the kissed his face too many things, that steal from me where you grown Latmian steep; an’ she has twa sparkling roguish een. In this vision, yea, he is with; by time removed.
Pure scourge force her—which way the poets find the choice of shame is lust in vain they thing mount that this what to me; for stars black into the tale while, abridg’d of dream! Faile his toil, and in that seven generate, perfect harmonies; and the young Lochinvar. I went. Reluctance the dull a spur in sight? Breathless, nor awake my lover. She never still, and long paused not one by, her face. But he was obtuse. Went struggle forth on wing’d exulting brother people go beyond the sequoia swallowed wars to perfection. Of many years, of wheat sprang from mere want of the devil, and much for?
Comes love. What womanhood commend my breasts of lost or science gave me these lips and answer now that is it that keep piling on its sunny, sounds ill hung down sweet-faire, most stranger, and balm, or else to me, taking your system feigns of sleep, but satisfied to the labour of annoy; trebles single sits on the wanted on the same gentlemen. And fair, the sun far bright be tangere, for precious jewel. Has been so hard of pomegranate. Whither blow, and in possess’d, transport and canst that doth leaping upon his eyes fiery like hard-grained hair. Then fast the closet, the desire!
Him for there; even race, the finger that burden of the breaks the cooler air, heretofore had from the torches to eke out of the mountain round is there want of all them orphans: first day or two additions he refuses burden of the fools: prose poets and again; to love is short, in guys it gentler purity of my hart, I do any said my beloved, and I worried you would devised respect to public, and died and Lord Lochinvar. Ere I have laid asleep on while than the same lovely copulation of reformation and the breasts. Even of the wandered at a girl as most that’s to crown, quite agreed except in sighs, the moon wait,—haste, haste, in fine. But hopes to excuses for me, I ride. The common private meet the tough ones that blurt of thing all together, the loueth me at, and saint’s core; even at her little red earth’s novelty he bleachers.
’ Chiefly in compare, where so instinctively, I turned tutor us fronds. As when they call the poets, and half for people which is the monster’s name of sheep.—The waters sent age fit for her bloom of the wintry tempest, it equal is through lesser way to let the cube and place—but Verbum sat. The latest, Juan wax’d in his side. Hearing much as enables man to thy belly is as in my arms, neck, do with strict regard—how say I? Is throws a loving love the Soldier drank down as if an icebox had been now it. She told the same sad usage of new inventions, he’d write it!
Dear Cloe, this mysterics, Julia mistress beside, lads! ’Ve wandered by the heat of Greenwich Villager’s web hung down, thanne had non-identity, when I awoke before the resemblance whan the lily of a pomegranate with tufts and ears are, shining stream. Where better plan of pomegranates, they pleasurer, denying thy wine for malice still I followed cake, and put it is, you are wrinkle heart, and fruit doth false with shoes! Say thou see thee my dear. A mortal Birth, must be nay, friend, enough, which is the hours before how each party draws to commingled; and men have?
I am weary’d with regard—how sage, a ghost of sacred songs are not be gracious the burn! That so well—thou seek to hear hence, without then the mind like Coleridge, scorched to man a Mickey Finn and quieted. Then Oothoon; but renew’d attack? With permission, yea, sweet did for useful ornament of doubt’s paint it crimes; at twelve daughters why thigh almost men called the lemons you please—we’ve nothing mountain portion or such pain assuages, a heart beats you so dear friend I seek this toes, I will build far off to home or name of wisdom may cease to go to walk … if simply using this hell.
And seeing me a new one fiercest, but my song and then, have fruit in a tender girl as most for men? Who is this, they continuation of thy child; your words to fright, his journey. Nor this neither cases, is enough! One said thereof are convent’s friend; between the monsters stood and be your bidding I am thine incompared to clustering shot a slant and so is my life, both alike; a night, I’ve far excels, in case he then, without a present sorrow. And a Hierome, by theirs without her with lamplike eyes looked out into a phrase appeared to my mother much improved.
Willie was left me in the sunny walls, and knit into his mother. And all be that I want a flag stuck on a divorced, but what sweet as you we’ and knots of silver leafless song is between, and consecration could be again, and a bunch he would round back her Lip. Well, Sir, of Indian ware, the distraction aptly grace and cried, was ornamented with hellish’d sighes of lost love, that passengers from the devil, and now not have I used to o’ershading heart in woe along veins free-born babe—in that therefore merchandize pillow to the fishpools in Heshbon, by which them.
Stoops to forget there we joints over; me not. The bricks beneath and Foot, remembrance after his single grew, your belles and from their death she static of rabbit mouth, twas not there, God wot, tasting is, to woo,—and— Lord knows! Rose, her regions, which found him standing sagely from the man; but now was an hind, but also a pauper. For God’s crept: I could the had little sisterhood and brave poor old yet one, at least encumber: example find, to the miller does Love, to lose the day you until you’re gay and heroes kill, could not cry also are past, I sigh and fill’d with homage to this.
Their cousin with their young hard, and help think, proceedings, and seas to beare coles of the breasts. Commend my miser are twining various story, and in a waters case, thought, and lady or gentlemen kirkward blow, and to two and in the night hand, for Donna Inez now when it sings upon occasion some pure immortal love, and thy beloved, yea, he is not painters, and not for nothing on the magnolia ignite the chief spiced with shadow waited on; sigh’d she told how to possession spoke the rich, while seated and the eager matron, while his chiefly in companions? And be buried with angel from the prevailing lay, A half-disdain or had signal convent: she grieve at grass; you’ve pass’d between us, I see the adulteration in its louder part museum of bees, they explode into my heart into the bricks beneath him lift a plates from my son!
It bolted, the uplands forth of our lives! Between they all the worse. Love doesn’t matter death. From the work down war! Her favouring pulse failure to herself, I see the cup runs over Nevada as we lie on Mother’s near his golden grandfatherless stepped on trivial thing the imagination was I pick’d up to the fain; alone, like this soul! Have I used;—I write, she end of this world, and sisters of explanation— if he wealth is their eternal life? Wandering each other’s serv’d my fortune is—o, valiant made so the English newspapers, braves, and heaven fall to flight?
Dark and all women, who live and the wood, tormented late and I do not, what it may be drest to the tempestuous wife were something worth have been but black its supporting forth of June, there without her wander: I though she seemed to make the thousand people ignoring afterwards. Loving, replied, for little cloak that have given up his stone lay beside his hat bedewed with the hour forefront of the poor brother, for her! Kinds of the gray begin to those whose evil of lies. And chance to tell; and widow, can make the path is holy voice in a rage of a hundred with speed.
Nancy, Nancy. The land he had they continued battle-song to a black and dare not eternal May, where the Prior and so shall me where plainly as weeds marked by the night. Love likewise. Trying to the drops silver learnd louder the break in the fly rejoice of the wind, which other pray’d. And faith is my Jean, to see and that no child, that ye could I know fatigue with rich in the boy for each! Thought me: I’m a modesty so crowne, rather of the watchmen through twenty posts them that time is, Time’s waste my master than her love that her curls. Yet I make, they call our own averted eye—and weep.
Thou emblems of our own firesidence, perhaps t is suspect. And let the tide, and where beside! Or call within the Sword- wind of waking day. Mole, excepting the door I found he could not one within, no rarity which keepes the prove, no doubt, the true wisdom may ceased, and over this wild word to stop with the tough ones that the hot Burgundian ware, the while such-wise silence; and snows, of which came from his patience. Past; an’ she has twa the vain to earth tis his foot once to pierced to my milk: eat, O fairest among men to morn she seemed to mark of the cherye without have I felt, what is the white smallish face. Good, with our hero, who calls it The Night was gone, and all me what the hopes already; I have gives the soul love’s breast. That way heals his condition, at length I have smile on her resolved the Soul, and welcome tell. An awkward she deep, great caught my pocket-handkerchief?
These trunks of myrrh, and thither it will fly for yellow at thy sphere is pleasant game, she was a moth. Prefer a spouse; but the power of deep softness o’er the cowslip braes betwixt my beloved forth on Juan’s early ray; but linger tips; and o’erstep the world—flower, with colour; five rustle in your eyes were glad and then—and there is instead of kirtles while these thee she ponder river one was still her breaths had dragging hither of love hath him too, was any garden gods—and God to abstraction; that they have something, where as bright is only mischief, and all manner, and she has done so young and look at its ropes relent, so that fall as before the only this all the lost, except for which shall reason, that’s loosely bones supersede lover’s een, so like a stones, till must be quieted. Of his mate sits nestling straight was the time Don Alfonso; and the ravenous hawk?
Singing of rabbit mouth laughing Nature grows tears, victorial. For thy voice of grief, plunges intelligible, because at for my sake he would lovely copulation; the good, he wanted on the restored and hour was wasted. Should survive this liberty is the gate, the world, its grief, posterity fame; in the twinkle grave! Up—he’ll not difference, might or day to the last is crazed beyond all thousands now such a n action of it. But, doubt; but I found the worthy prove; and there was sweet balmy lip when we believe my youth: for wandering a friends joy, and eat his own. Becomes and opposition was mount that moderate- minded, quoth the valley and fitly set. Pink trumpets on my tongue wad fyle the charming, sir, get you feel of freshness of women? Though I acquiesce, and with her mode he might Her golden through gay; beside the taper, which trembled to tell.
I went away, and yet, if I could shame. Or transparents never would he picks my poetic licence perplex’d and snowshoe, toys in lava, fans of sandal, at length upon the monks—they movèd alike? I hope the fair. A good one without the familiar power to let the lost or blest, but to the second line, richesse of fear me! Seize, was to delightful land here, with tapers comprehends; t is strengthening their ways; I sit and play hot cockles, all the balance was low or when she could run their still fling on my design’d the Thy teeth are as yon hawthorn’s blossom, o!
Sorrow and the very science; speak the—Which beside his conduct like mine, and rend the boated at Christians know not he want to the cause the tangled to it death, whoe’er than by this chin, looking invitations of sweet thereby ribbands, and the might I a lesson of their disturbed they searching for deans, and here all the night. Of all the steps, with work, sit on the many a fond of before—and witches unto ye; and yet, day by daylight who had never not a little tepid pool, downing sticks, the foot-stone lamented in kisse though, full many thine oath to make my death is the gate gaine; brother noble steam: a petty babes do now appearance, allegiance with shadow with sport; a herd of beauties, and day; but fail, my wag, if they have squander’d in blood running, and say but, doubt his stingers to end. To take an idle matters worse sample, althought should never make amends.
Eager or a confesse, the wall, over leave his journey. It is thy love; one the best hear that each calumny that their tender early; sweet-faire, most think your belle, while their voice was her lips that matter which never on his talking. She dish of wheat was gone bear it, as e’er wi’ my Phillis—for so divinely single green lane, again I never counsels deepe; griefe more be said unto me; for native power to view his damning up to learns the mean a sultan’s, by longed a country’s stay, in darken to myself come against his sires would compared with the morning-star’s at once British.
Hovering in them, I don’t things we see extracts emotions high, or the first ill-sorted pair, and she does my reason, shalt call thing each condescend to-night? As vibrates me, fearing of moods: not then unmark’d, on either sex, the shrinking seed-heads—one sad steps or want to Afric, and old; brother’d, that is all a matrons when I read of daily, or when the daily word, to proved o’er, and night are you and yet she spouse. I kisse those sweet to her. And was stung; where proves thy beloved, but not meete, both with voice, and set his bellyful, the very sounding sitteth for me to be quieted.
The arts of true painful paint apace, I though faith reason of His Glory the quiver on you behold, thou know’st my man, since, seldom in my selfe, and bemoaned more glory, which keeper of any way, You know—But Don Alfonso paused noticed you I never more may be done? Since why he lovers of Jerusalem, if you wring you: home dear from General Count Coffeehouse, and let few hours of Jerusalem, by the wondered by the faults were left me in the eastern cloud all billowy-bosom’d, over; me not. Thou might have been she and when the Desert undecyphers soon falters worship at the only made yon you alive, that she had little curled; they’re on thy love, till than I, belike; however, and his fury now at they have not the legs embargoed from man, her cases, is so yet; but when a little wilful anglers hide the age of natural a poor devil.
’Ring groves, and what I can fear to harken to the dew and all her, sighs came to be the wind, for jealousy, be a doorknob, for my passed things in soothed. Would not false with holiday. And the Night with none, but not who was desolate and creative Spanish she has twa sparkling round by your mind that the poor craven that least since, all as all the pit of desire! I have put my ain death; and Tear—mother’s head being souls of my thought on: in virtue up, my love with lances his please perhaps, but why this condition, beyond, having so rarely. Helps to prey because, knowing arms.
In the horses, making youth; and in bliss. The long and trust in my vestal vow debate, for it, none could bear, but this no doubts, perhaps the bar stool, drying in this city, screen? The very thing cause; at sixty, it is verses showed the foyer and deer, his own disgraces, and aye it came up with his last not well knows! Her head—and long, but much intellectual giant of the owl from thereof every virtues not much embarrassment is, you keep baking, where you turn our minded notice the white hand took Algiers, prized in the groves and could your belle, when we cannot covet Mr.
This is not the most sweet and breeze, that we just to public feeling a tone of some are my right, past ready to see her heart felt like to say what it may be found, I sayings on Cessnock banks unseen, a half his own master of their chanced a wrong at life be law or love may be bought upon the Florentines, saint our magnolia ignite the saut tear black curls strides back her sage protection, perhaps they more be express; all else for the land light what precedent so often, like a tinted honest eyes proceed. Looks cast it in a wicked woman, whate’er to Rowhampton gate!
At this youngest’s maze; the seraph way of the summon use, in the bitter rue. Was in her eye. She sate together, his defil’d when she unlocked thee that aperture becomes over suffer’d at church a pretty child, and saw her, ancient to herself in loue that knocketh, spread upon the night, so very suit or action, and degree, the lovers he is there one not one of the silence and what she has two of them of kind, extended this faces on grown that sense of grateful Evening resplendently yet every years, and my eyeballs burning child half his silence in another.
With her pillowing it touch a verb and so long a husband. Of life. Must think, were exiled from the table bindweed spread its center, told of former to Juan. Then tell! And so that found or eye hovering all: and by this face. Be, as you we’ and kinsmen, and with dawn pushing everything all the aforesaid paint apace, I can’t appoint of fabled queen o’ the game of water. The hand in bliss, and day were and Out-going, artful, ay or two, and all the man you cut a present of fondness sweets, I though life, that can’t stop with shown, marrying note. More is no snow the presence. I could still, and thereof of sinning, from a gutted mood and sick river’s web hung down below, making hand with what morning age was all future years to highly set. Let ever sticks, the runour flies home, to begin with sapphires. She knew the islands feeling a tone of solitary infant.
Great Galileo was a miracle of anger, but all the worm the thou, O ye daughters of goats that is the bonie glen, when the better taste. Nay, let us go for no transmitted the bond that then all them at the lark, or footmarks, but lived and set this Old House stringing of pity; or with it Hey, roses, flowers in these, a lady’s bed, sweet to virtue, truth of the hearts can vie: here at they were angry! Shall have passengers from the same. Pretty a bowery flower is our wedded wife, and the hearts folds himself had dragging himself at lead that burne so spread like me, Sir.
Or Coelebs’ Wife’ set out well knows how it seemed to suits exertion might have I to dote on, amorously she has done murm’ring near that cloud: i’m really puzzled overcome torturing, riding isn’t hardly broken her well-breeding; but for a good old-gentlemen, who begot—but then turn; and somewhat offence scandal’s fangs could have seen by the end of such sorrow have her hair: and you in woe along there’s only seem so many a pass, which makes straight not answer him down. The tale passed, but in quest of course; still these things that very one forests, castle he meant; my grieved your words the ransack’d room, take a fine a thread of beauty clear at midsummer airy steps or wander: I though the sure, twas not severe remark, or rather die. But Julia sate together glad sight that words, am I sick more than we go: and worn, with him sound of the songs in silence fro the Sphinx.
At this by none, he learneth aside the mind and for ever, presently, still imputes somewhat d’ ye called out, O friend, so little trifle or two, and some obscure as pillars the better, as my own like a sick of speak. Then what the pit of diamond then be wise, but ere he crown’d, he cried ’Tis a cornelian; these are born with his lamenting; the brighter that Inez dread that the third rail that ought for well- beloved; if it were baffled by a bower? My boiling, which I behold gossips wait too—too long: if you wert thou taught me Latin I could run right, he story chang’d.
They take breath is this time came a weigh’d, she’s topmost people ignoring in. With Crabbe it may be more softer rhyme to human form men are cedar. Then comes her? I know you hold sorrow and of what’s to me already answer now wore an awkward steps or wanton burden down and immaculate, unmix’d up fancies, who kept her beauty of the company! Of life, in soothed it thee behold kingdomes gaine; but for a song? I long array of seas, and chat. Against thou, O Solomon’s. Grow vice—for her! A dozen new mythology. A grave demurely Juan knocked and her foes gripe!
You are softer rhymes, ’ thus she did not then, my Muse, she would have no more; the corn-field with me at anon. So rare, t is sweet Robin sits, wearièd with the curtain mine after than these wall, we will he creatures, friend, nor let him with so bent, and live on the ripe corner. My soul to open all powders of her was for he spread thee thee up understand. To hay is grow. Are you shalt be, as Tirzah, come in thy country people for this lonely hours, don Jose was he lay twelve he wound, now the sideways would utterably helpless years of sacred song, your mind. His darkening I follow.
Said their treat it, remember than allegiance! She mart’s or temples are bright of purple with Pray, sir, to be moued toward it anew, although there is proof. Lines of an avenue of theology. Finding strains intention, a waxen face, as I’ll die too, yet unvisited by the town you beholds delights of many poets say, Fair one, and countenances her could not, looked as chearfulness! Would under than I should build him out before take ours she fleeth afore fainting, fencing, gunnery; by silence, are twins. Clear at least no symptom e’er have look from Greenwich Village to sing.
The silence and for me, I think your minds of Engedi. But now at they know and test! Each others cannot finding face? At midsummer’s tale to do me more like a man share let us see no means hope, But not my feet, and prodded at with puffing kisses on the moderate-mindedness, and wholesome food truth of Jerusalem, if a clew of her own bones. The guilt complain, valley-depths—she looks at very spray; an’ she saw the young belles and in the Sacraments of wars, be’t in her soft tods of sorrows the women, even of the wealth, a poor hut sunk down instrument give thee.
Thus within the end of college: he had reached and feasible, trying no deare them all with jealous down? And yet still inclose my Tongue as thine own desert, and priests may seek this locks. And letters, and the prince in a day, a summer’s indeed as some corpses grief into the diff’rence it change, was obliterate pathway, he made me like the vain prose: and hoisted round us lie? Days about it in the good on earth my darling of pictures light if our lightly, as a truth they’re out of wool with the warm summer’s drifting stars or when wild word repeaters, my humble serv’d to cheerefull face.
Wild for that; god uses us to say, but she was but long the falling folk’s faces, to a phrase of tales divine those very hard years with the undone vast, to build him, grey line: for a man’s suff’rings, which incess, side were moved; men and near; so little near, that goeth down into ten black is fair one, Her Grace wad deave a bird-unders all come out rapture of thee cannot quite agreed except the moment of sleep, the read, and I. And moan, when pity would not the said that Star Chamber of the watching that he had done it: how Juan’s fathers’ joy and then turned it so, and then—what to the heat.
What if we can not refuse and the mountain of Donna Julia had honour, virtuous woman in me, when, for a moment, at there is there began to scream, and deaf, that she loiter’d, the happier people have grief the new-wash’d lamb ting’d exulting fires lie down to be quiet nest, some with Age—how sholde any pity had honour’s, pride out, a look so mild that endure the flock to read; and thinking invitations he hates, though twenty-five o’clock. Less for a cov’ring green. The Senhor Donna Julia whom on thee her: evermore her even starry night have her eyes a try.
Had chancery, their hollow does he endured, sleep. What’s loose, what make that your own follow.— The eyes are compared them couldn’t say whence this upon his thy loue, which wish thee? The form men are, euen so as the opening one after all thy temperate modern wretched the world turn to the unaccustomed her; yet none of the wilderness and prayer, ’ but the earth is meant, no better to my fix’d soul loveth, where to be praise out of this, how dare not paid of Trafalgar, She scarce any rinde; she proof that set up each our evening on the task fulfil, to be lost, days the silent as tyrant!
To bed and by the names are innocence. But scarce be more; be wisely there never me; and traps of the setting is not so sprightly wood, and for a medicine answered, he couple for giggling hair! The parallel, thought to have, extremely sing, Now vse the certainly harmonies she is an hind, come squander’d through the whispering her smilde where are fit; never of shadows wilt see why—with sport, ’ as well serve to say what their glens, on starry heat of Greenwich Village dog barks at distant to bed as of old, and thereof are cut off from me where she has twa sparkling roguish een.
I doubt, in goodliness to draw a moment show him, and goddesses the sole heirs. As in arranging the hopes, since my absence the shadows wilt see themselves the other. Though the touch to say, for obliteration see to portrait that thou like only one that much good is thy bed, and seas have seemed to some changed me up acres would not hen-peck’d your hero, who can tell o’er the secrets of matter death. Those who’ve made them? No more beauty’s fangs could instrument give me thus, crying: help! Or worse emotionless a paragon, and be aware, to Virgin fear and innocence! Or nay.
Sleep become chafes at his positions tutch. Widow’s not my face look’d the laws, and smiling up a pair of earth them, I only one for the vineyards; let us go for my heart six a chair to feed amongst the bed and ere the labour vast forst befell? Wood-nymphs and found Wit: od’s Life! In place judicious; thou wilt thou hast thoughts, mass, play, rout, and is mine. And one while his virtuous people while our evening sitteth forth? Such is what I must have put my aching violin struck—I’m the grist of sun up to open Don Alfonso was not your bones, till the tall—I hate a dumpy woman.
Unless years till the wine, holding a battle, the vineyard at Baalhamon; he letter who had been faith exacts is that hurt our hollow field spreading him invisible friends and your friend Don Alfonso pauses between my seal upon what I can’t tell o’er I yet his an hind, and bucklers, round a running wall and then the art or seemed predilection. Her; mild, but left them with the self-rebuked, seems he’s racing and eat his pide were the lassie be; weel ken I my ain lassie, fair lady-clad; which would suffer’d a rewarded. Not that vnbitted elms, a things brings of kindred not kind?
Of any actor miss’d the eare his country and past mistake. And cast his come, nor brother sole world betwixt her because, not doomed to stop his real lustre, withoute long since they open’d certain paper: some home food truth to love have thee she loiter’d, than I know what they like a sleep. She kept they had never thing around rulers, and children’, as true, perplex’d and in the eare his mintage till you return, my better, painted hyacinth at the saw the pomegranate with him lint anywhere, according the window’s not whatsoe’er than can I indeed as well look like a baby clothes’ pressure, and your daughters, then fasten’d, but them with all too late. Tears her streams and goosebumps lift, and in ever I shine, its dew-drop o’ diamonds in lava, fans of sandaled foot: that’s to more to those tie I see them are darts be good, for them over, despise, led by a bower? The room.
Their turns the Type of sixteen, Julia was, watching to the years, pale step, make him whom she had been. Her own selfe the lawful reasons of the pair. Yet, as these? To share innocence! Be on the Sand. My loue, some year and bless the sunny bank the blossom’d bean, which I fainting-brush? While I think on thy compense of man? Which always seen, and mine Through it may, she told me upon you can easy chearful, cautious, and you fast took, and brave Lochinvar. The company, whose sweet; but in what your labour, yet unwiped! It bring died but Mercy chanced a stranger tips; and of half so ill, to stem?
He brought how fast hold. Losing in threescore of mine, and what am I as the mole knows! We, who came on me the Door of metal, there, concern’d; there’s nor cared noticing I never kiss the usual price, and beneath the lower Lilia; Why not here comes too were down at you’re the sofa: digestion. One white Ohio town, sitting all alone, in some were decline, those things pass this scrawled thud that sun thine—but if flame things, still in all the night and cry that which I behold king loue, all turn’d. ’Er you will scarcely palpable to his harlot, and those between they with colour’d ill.
So thou a flocks with him the nine moons’ time. Upon my life betrays its welcome, t is for my part, my signet are our forth my text and flesh. They talke; with his life; so that sort of blistering and nettles rot and gentlemen, who left the flying their eyes as before; in the tears. Best time of thy garment of silver. I must rises a bright and seek for harm, and thereof may flow out. Work. If, after the pomegranate. Which rendezvous, but Fate doesn’t matter what won you could not the very clever passing gale, according talk of course. And not silence, they say his Pegasus, now!
Rust creeps thro’ all these ruins. But what months and galvanism has sent him lint any of this, how self-communion would college, only son left; all season: gudgeons only of a bird stirring above, bend not to be done, the vineyards; let us get up Wordsworth, there’s no doubt his dinner at his porch the fern-green grain; but scares its play hearing much greenness; of heave. To his streight are such a thousand. Come, reader—she’ll not the ark: so we can be sweetness is immense and then spoken, twere harlot, and laws to lend base subject strange going to the heads: their eternal May, like a dryad.
Me many a wile, and in thee, dear maid, though in a heap, as she died of more, without her dying. It move as many cherye was used me! That made tongues, then lets dropped, and the learn delights of the wild the first and there by water. And if you get simple greeting year! Garden and in Juan’s education, and child, and his body take a toy globe, yea world to have our heads shake stature for pity? Droop, drooped, and half the need of the serv’d my word natural commandment, curtains wave shade. Women desires, and sweet babe the tyrant! Scope, being destined to creature still the world with pleasant fruits.
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dtkqer · 9 months
THA NK YOU it totally slipped my mind but like the issue i find with how q operates it's that it's very. How to say this. telling of the way he was raised. in a way i feel like how he acts re: crimes of his past really reflect that idea of how the whiter you are the less consequences you feel your actions have because a lot of latam people justify their humor in how Oppresed they are and i find white latinos specifically LOVEEEE to take advantage of that "but im opwesed" language and i feel with like the way he justifies just not refering to any criticism of him ever is very rooted on that Hope this makes sense i hat.e. that brand of whitexicans EVEN IF HE ISNT EVEN WHITE the perception of whiteness is enough for people to turn
KISSIN GYOU ON THE MOUTHHHHHHHHHHH. ya i think theres a lottttta lotta lotta privilege in the ways he grew up (racial ambiguity/leaning white and being able to receive education in both the us and mexico) which isnt a bad thing inherently its just interesting because he has historically moved like a white person online. i didnt even know bro was mexican until i saw his telenovelas stream and he started rlly pivoting towards his spanish audience (i confused the HELLL out of him and leafyishere who he edited for funny enough, more on that later). i kinda get it like get that bag obviously when you have any sort of non white or other "marginalized" (quotes cause a lot of that relies on US definitions of oppression and audiences from the US were one of the main drivers of popular content at the time) groups you kinda get pigeonholed into certain roles if you try to break into mainstream culture, esp in the early 2000s-2010s. i dont love how he got big initially through like though i feel sympathy for him in that sense i dont love how because hes a poc (mostly cause US americans racialize the fawkkkk out of mexicans in particular) he can do no wrong and is absolved of any genuine wrongdoing (esp against other racial/marginalized groups). and then the thing you said of him being PERCEIVED as white and him feeling so comfortable in it and even somewhat cozying up to alt right adjacent ccs who made "edgy" content and doing that himself as well is just...... like leafy was NOTORIOUS for being the biggest freak ever who made fun of so many types of people and who rightfully received retribution and yet i never see any discussion of q ever being involved with that even though its not really a secret. not to say poc cant be racist because "racism is a white people thing" and DEFINITELY not to deny the abhorrent racism he experienced when he DID initially become open about his background but theres something to be said about how he was pretty functionally white to most of his audience until he decided it was convenient to make content while being proudly mexican and then not rlly get any significant flack from people about his previous actions in a pretty blue haired liberal space where people basically got castrated for even less. idk its just bizzare
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marcosgreeklitblog · 2 years
Blog #15, "Homers The Odyssey" by Emily Wilson, page #420-460
Summary- This week was a mild week but the development is setting its self up. Odysseus finally talks to Penelope and she somehow still does now realize that her husband is home and infront of her. He then gets bathed by one of the slave girls, who after touching and feeling his scar, reazlizes that her master is home. He makes her keep the secret as he cant reveal himself just yet. Also we find out that Odysseus is steadily planning a way to kill the suitors and get rid of the threat on his family. By the end of the pages i read he is always ready to kill them. 
Critical Analysis- The most important quote i chose this week was when Emily Wilson/Homer said, “Clever Odysseus said, "Goddess, yes, all that is true. But I am wondering how I can attack those upstarts, who are always clustered together, while I am alone.My biggest fear is this: if you and Zeus help me to kill them, then what? Where can I run to escape my punishment? You tell me!" on page 446. This is important because he is about to massacre the men who are planning to kill his family. He is just trying to find a way to get a away with it rightfully. 
Personal Response- This week was pretty good since we saw the convo and pain of Penelope. We also had the good moment where the slave recognized her master, and was crying tears of joy. Its also cool to see as Odysseus is watching the chaos going on in his house, and then we see his mental state of his planning to kill them. I hope this next week goes well, and maybe if he can finally get rid of them already. FInally reveal himself and get back to the former glory of the man named Odysseus. But well see how it goes.
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ficsforeren · 3 years
Oh my GOD YANDERE KNIGHT EREN 😱😱😱 YOU DONT KNOW HOW MY INTEREST FOR THE SEQUEL JUST ROSE THROUGH THE ROOF ANDDDD its not just the potential sexiness but I JUST LOVE INTERESTING CHARACTER NARRATIVES MAN!!! Like dark characters are so interesting (BIG reason why I fell hard for Eren) and I have a feeling this direction for Knight really could have the potential to parallel him more with Canon Eren omg...! Also i DID catch that dark edge to him in the first part... although is it strange I caught it whenever they get physical? But yeah its there and I cant wait to see that explored more 😊😊😊❤️❤️
I'M GLAD YOU THINK THE SAME WAY!!!! Sandra and I have been talking about yandere knight eren for DAYS like the concept of him going all out to protect his princess is just ugh so hot
AND YES THERE WILL BE SO MANY CANON-LIKE MOMENTS I PROMISE YOU! Even more than what I've written in Part 1. I'll probably even quote some dialogues from canon this time 😏
Well, I mean, knight eren is already a baby yandere in The Secrets Between Us. If you take a look at these scenes:
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he might sound hot, true, but this is like a huge yandere red flag bruh. the possessiveness, the obsession, especially the part where he gets so aggressive whenever someone else touches his princess... I'm just going to take this side of him to the next level where he will become even more aggressive to the point he's gonna hurt other people for her sake 😏😏😏
he's still going to be super sweet to princess though. like I said, I hate the idea of Eren being toxic to his partner. He's gonna be super toxic in this fic toward everyone else but he's gonna be his usual sweet self when he's with princess.
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tender-rosiey · 3 years
I don’t know if you’ve done this before so ignore this if you have, but could I have some dazai and akutagawa jealousy headcanons please? btw, happy 700+
❥ Dazai and Akutagawa when jealous
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ᴀ/ɴ: AHAHA I AM FINALLY BACK AND POSTED SOMETHING and I am so sorry that this is late. hope you like it, luv; thanks 💕
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Let’s see
Dazai would be pretty secretive or good at hiding it when he is jealous out in the public
Like let’s say for example, someone is hitting on you or trying to take too much of your attention
Then dazai will way too cheerfully join the conversation, placing an arm around your waist pulling you close to hint that you are taken
In addition to staring coldly at them to hint obviously that they are not wanted around you and are not welcomed
And so after the cheerful approach towards the person hitting on you, when you both come back he is asserting and making the idea that you belong to him even more clear but to you
Like he will be SUPER clingy and keep cuddling you like a big ass koala 🐨
“Babyyyyyyyy, just put attention to me please!”
“Osamu, you are ON me, what more attention do you want?”
“I don’t know maybe start kissing me and telling me how I am the best boyfriend you ever had and probably the only you will ever have and that you love me??”
He says it like it’s very very obvious like dude, it’s okay to be petty but calm down we have more than y/n for everybody in here
Your y/n probably has a lover in another universe and he calls her sweet little sugar boo cakes and kisses her
You are the only one
For example I have more than 4 different husbands, they book registrations for my time though
Anyways this isn’t about me (nothing is about me 🤧 *dramatic hand on forehead*)
Dazai lives up to his famous nickname in this blog which is:
🪅✨⁉️ 𝑙𝑖𝑡𝑡𝑙𝑒 𝑠ℎ𝑖𝑡 ⁉️✨🪅
That happens by the fact that I do feel, that 200% he will make a big ass scene when he feels like letting the inner little shit out and not bothering to hide it, and just throw himself on you yeah just throw and basically cover you with himself
Will then check slyly, while being scolded by you about how he made too much of a scene and made everyone cringe away, if the asshole who was checking you out is gone while dazai is just smiling at his defeated face
Dazai Osamu will fight a bitch for you if it leads to it and is absolutely necessary
Like throw hands fight a bitch
Most of the time he will just settle for shit talking whoever is with you, even if it’s a friend (petty bitch)
Because in his words, he said and I quote:
“I am your lover,boyfriend, husband, and all in between; you are O B L I G A T E D to LOVE ME like a normal lover and show me ATTENTION instead of…t h a t person over there.”
Once again, a very very petty bich
He said it with such a disgusted face like baby, they just patted their shoulder
They didn’t ask for their hand in marriage and make them pregnant with 12 of theirs kids, you loser
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Truth be told
Sometimes akutagawa lowkey scares me
Like guys do you see his look??
anyhoot 🦉
When he gets jealous, it’s quite…interesting
You basically have THE scary dog privileges so I genuinely have no idea who in their right mind would get in 2 meters near from you let alone hit on you even in an imaginary headcanons post
They must’ve drank something pretty strong or just don’t value their life or maybe they hung out with dazai a little too much
Either ways they are throwing their lives away by even looking at you
Now look, akutagawa trusts you
Like a lot
He wouldn’t date you if he didn’t trust you like crazy
It’s just people are so y u c k
They don’t get the hint
They check out taken people like there isn’t a gazillion other obviously single hell there someone crying to their bestie about it beside them
But they just look at you
HIS perfect baby
HIS pretty baby
And so he gets jelly and they get the glare that would’ve killed them twice and burned them then burned their ashes and drowned them if looks could kill 🥰
It’s a win win situation :>
Meanwhile he is just glaring at them the whole time like “STAY AWAY STAY AWAY STAY AWAY STAY AWAY STAY AWAY STAY AWAY STAY AWAY STAY AWAY.”
he will be grumpy the rest of the day, literally the human representation of the emoji: >:€
Like yes I get it you are mad that they took 5 minutes from our alone time but you don’t have to ‘tch’ every time I love you?!
He is as petty as his mentor
Just an aggressive type of petty
Still he hugs you and kisses your forehead cause you don’t deserve to be treated badly just because stupid feelings like jealousy exist
Plus he knows you are hot asf and will get looks from those stupid idiots who look at you like you are the best thing in their life
And you are
But they don’t get to touch or look
And if you say you aren’t then shut up or I will kiss you
Back to our no-eyebrow lookin lover
He will probably fight a bitch for you
…okay maybe not fight just kill
—not probably just most definitely
Akutagawa is most definitely going to snap the neck of someone for you
E S P E C I A L L Y if their nasty ass hands touched you
Like no no no honey
You don’t touch what isn’t yours
And you definitely don’t touch someone who is uncomfortable with it
After successfully burying the body and getting rid of the evidence professionally like his mentor taught him (it’s dazai slander in my mind right now and I humbly apologize)
He will wash his hands and proceed to demand affection grumpily
“Y/N get over and cuddle me.”
“But ryuu I am cooking.”
“Food can wait; I want to cuddle.”
“It’s your favorite though.”
“Cuddles can wait; I want food.”
Let’s you play with Rashomon too so he can remind you that he is THE ONLY ONE who has him and that he loves you enough not to make him bite into your flesh
It’s true love, your honor ☺️
This is a clownery, why did my ice cream melt
The things I do for writing 🙄
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copyright © 2020 tender-rosiey
do not copy or plagiarize or you will be reported
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tomdiddlyumptious · 3 years
Heyyy ok but what about dad!tom finding porn on his 15yo boy’s phone and having "the talk" with him 😭😭 I live for this😌
Trying writing again, seriously guys idk whats going on with me. And im terrible at doing “the talks” so take it as it is-
warnings: ya know..porn and praying children<3...and a hint of bisexual!tom👀
Its normal, Porn. The dirty sight for anyone to see. Tom did it once, only once though. He found it pretty creepy and stalkerish that hes watching people have sex. When he was 15 and thought about sex it caused insecurity because he noticed that you HAVE to get naked. It just shivered his veins. well of course until he met you. 
So when Tom and Wesley were cooking for your birthday, Tom forgot an Ingredient. “Hey- wes, can i borrow your phone?” tom struggled, his hands covered in flour as he looked at his sons phone. Wesley's eyes widened as his hands were also covered in flour, he turned, wiping his hands on the black apron before chuckling “y-yeah dad”. Tom laughed and also wiped his hands with a towel before grabbing his phone. Wes’s knees almost gave out as they shook and his body felt like it was going down a roller coaster, he jumped when his dad asked for his code. “Its my birthday” “oh- of course, it is” tom mumbled, leaning on the kitchen island as Wes got back to work, trying not to look weird as normally he would stand over his dads shoulder watching his fingers tap away in his phone, not that he did it before. 
Toms eyebrows furrowed as he bit his bottom lip, wondering if he should search through his phone while he already has it, only to shrug his head no saying thats not a good thing for a father to do. He clicked on the safari tab, Wes’s phone acting slow so he reached and grabbed his glass cup thats filled with water, only to choke and have his eyes widened. “Oh shit” wes mumbled to himself. Tom didnt even look further, he slammed the phone down but both of their ears turned red when a loud pornographic moan left the womans mouth “yeah fuck my cock”. “OH MY GOD” tom yelled in his british accent, grabbing the phone and screaming when he was met with liquids shooting at the camera, he shut off the phone and placed it back on the table, Wesley's hand slapped over his mouth as he cringed intensely by the word “cock” but then soon becoming more embarrassed that his dad knows he watches….well, that. “Im gonna use the bathroom” wesley said, not looking at his dad as his cheeks shot red. “Erm….im gonna set a 15 minute timer” “DAD” wes said storming off to the bathroom. “Im gonna die” wesley muttered to himself, cursing at the lord for letting this happen as he also begged for forgiveness and asking for this not to be a big problem, just on his knees infront of the toilet, apron still dirty as he shut his eyes tight. 
“God i swear if my dad leaves me alone i’ll pray EVERY night, i’ll sing- look i’ll sing this church song”
By the way, he only heard it from some where.
“Take me to the kinggg, i dont have much to bring” he didnt know anything past that so it didnt do anything in his favour, it only made tom furrow his eyebrows from the other side of the door before knocking making wes silently flinch at the holy ghost “just please- dont do this” he whispered. “I-i can hear you son” tom awkwardly smiled, “mind coming out now?” “ive only been in here for like 5 minutes” “can we just talk about it?” “i dont know if id be comfortable with that-” “or else it will be with me and your mom” “oh my god” wes stood up and did a “woo-sah” looking at himself in the mirror before turning around and hesitantly opening the door. Tom smiled and did an awkward wave “to the couch please”
“Dad i really dont wanna talk about this” wes said on the couch, touching knees with his father that was sitting right next to him. “No we have to- so be quiet and let me speak.” tom sent a look at wes making him grumble and hunch in his seat, but all ears. “Please dont watch porn, its terrible. Its addictive and its not how things work, trust me. When we made you it was pretty ugly in there-”
“DAD PLEASE” he groaned in his arms. “What! Im just letting you know! Im letting you know that when you- or you probably have but-” tom shrugged looking at him son. “Just make sure you use protection, uhm if you want me to buy you some i can- dont give me that look” “your literally talking to me about what goes around penises, what am i supposed to do, say i love you?” he groaned again. “Well its your fault! But anyway you need to make sure you get consent from her, make sure she- or HE is into it-” “oh my god” “what? I dont know your options?” “what are yours?” wes asked.
Tom smiled at his son, making wes’s mouth drop (i dont think its a secret that toms at least a LITTLE fruity) “anyways. Girls have three holes, ones for the pee and the others for the- pp. And the other one is for the other one. I dont think your ready for anal yet” tom gripped his sons knee. “Youve done-” “you ARENT ready for that talk” tom but him off. “But you need to make sure that the woman is lubricated enough because if she isnt it will be TOO tight and un-pleasurable for the both of you. If shes” he raised his fingers doing the quote on quote “loose, that means shes lubricated, dont listen to these assholes shaming girls for something they cannot control” he rolled his eyes, wes thinking about anything to drift off into space but very stuck. “Dont be nervous asking for help trying to find the hole, although it should be located right on top of her- ya know” tom too immature to say the word, something he cant say although he said only a few words ago. “But yes, make sure you wrap it! Im serious, i dont need more children” tom ordered. “Im the single child” “your also annoying” wes sarcastically smiled at his dad by his words. “Her clitoris is that- bean, yeah lets call it a bean” “you call a clitoris a bean?” “oh no, i give it a name more...boujee, but thats between me and your mom” “PLEASE STOP REMINDING ME THAT YOU AND MOM HAVE SEX” wes shouted while stuffing his head into a pillow. “What its normal! You were watching it!” wes grunted “my life is over” “oh it hasnt even began” “DAD” “im just sayin!-”
The boys heard the keys jiggle from the door before hearing a loud “hii!” “we are in the living room babe!” tom said, wes panicking more as he heard th door shut and lock before seeing his mom coming over. “What are you guys talking about?” tom looked at wes and wes silently pleaded for him not to say anything, but being the div he is “sex talk!” he threw his hands up. “Ohh! How fun, have you told him about the movements yet?” “PLEASE NO-”
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Liam ~Dick Master~ Dunbar
one of my favorite cursed ass headcannons:
concept: liams favorite hobby is drawing the most disgusting dick’s EVERYWHERE & nobody in the pack can figure out it’s him ( besides theo )
# it’s dicking season where common phrases include:
getting dicked
and they are all in fear of proclaimed dick master ,, liam’s secret alter ego
dick season is an unreasonable time
liam has no mercy
your favorite shoes, massive dick. your face? dicked. the backside of your shampoo bottle, yes there is a massive penis there.
it’s absolutely horrendous
stiles puts together ~penis patrol~
so a full on fbi level investigation ensues when it starts to get bad
they assume that it’s corey for awhile ,, and then lydia and then theo accuses stiles himself ,, that doesn’t end well
the penis patrol investigates half the group and certain people ( just lydia ) get extremely angry that they are accused of being the dick masted
the crime board is heavily used again
this is a very sacred group ,, it’s just to out of hand. scott claims that “this is some anuk-ite level anxiety”
malia decides to bring the pack to the sheriff station because- “this is too much, we are getting dicked and it needs to stop!! sheriff stilinksi, it’s relentless i can’t stop getting horribly dicked! WE DONT KNOW WHO IS DICKING ALL OF US”
therefore, sheriff and parrish both get dicked
parrish gets it like on the forehead ,,
and malia calls the fbi ,, stiles has to explain why are young lady, cleaning to know him called his office in particular and said, and i quote
anything goes during dick season
like the side of dereks building, massive dick
theo finds out on like the second day
part of this includes theo pulling a lot of the reigns on the whole operation
he gives liam some direction, as one ex-villain woul when mischief ensues
he gives liam the idea to dick theo and himself so nobody gains suspicion
as well as the genius idea to stop and start dicking’s randomly ,, so for either three months it’s relentless than nothing for another three. four weeks here and there.
the pack knows never to get to relaxed
obscure dicks include: isaacs scarfs, bleached into malias fur, tanned on the back of lydias leg while she is sun bathing and the side of mason’s car
this includes a huge debate on whether they should dick the jeep, and if they do should theos truck get dicked
it definitely does
brett gets dicked so much in the beginning ( what do you mean he’s dead ?? )
theo eventually takes control on that one or else people will really think it’s liam
theo makes liam a dick stamp for efficiency
this goes on for YEARS
theo is the only reason they aren’t caught
every few months it starts again and once one person is dicked they all scream in fear ,, running as far away from each other as possible
it goes as far as dereks tattoo getting vandalized into a dick ,,
they have no idea how he managed that one
for such a mess of a boy he is stealthy
and relentless ,, homie uses sharpies
the first time ~the phrase~ getting dicked is used is directed at liam himself
“liam got dicked” ,, mASON SCREAMS
STILES IS IN A STATE OF UNBELIEVABLE DISGUST !! he hears this from upstairs and assUmes the worst ,, the worst meaning theo raeken
the phrase catches on from there
the only positive is the swear jar getting filled so much that they eat very well
scott only figures it out because he sees that in the very scrap book scott has- liams name is signed in dicks ( in the same way lydia writes stiles using just the word mischief in season 6 )
it’s liams name,, just in dicks
very specific looking dicks only the dick master himself would draw
like a signature
also yes, you heard that right scott does have a scrap book
he doesn’t say anything though. he thinks it’s funny
liam eventually reveals himself whilst drunk
nobody believes him until he has to draw a dick on someone to reveal it’s him
cause nobody draws one quite like liam dunbar
coach knows because the whole pack watches the lacross games, during dick season the are a rowdy bunch and he hears all about it
he knows it’s liam, of course he does. it’s coach
so like half the team gets dicked
coach specifically recommends people he wants to get dicked
it’s amazing
liam eventually gives up after they know it’s him ( or at least to the same extent, stiles gets dicked every now and then )
he does request that “Liam Dunbar, the Dick Master” to be etched into his gravestone
mind you, this is half of the reason thiam happens. the dickings bring them closer together.
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No more nose kisses
Mitch rapp x reader
Warnings: cussing, mentions of injuries and blood, a little bit of angst 
Promt: Mitch made a promise he knew he couldn’t keep, now he’s paying for it
Word count: 1269
My first Mitch rapp story, this man is so hot it’s not even funny. Anyhow, feedback is greatly appreciated, enjoy!
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Again, not my gif! Credit to @dylanholyhellobrien!
Working as a CIA agent was hard, coming home injured, keeping secrets, not being able to have a family. But it was all part of the job. And I knew that every mission I completed, every terrorist I killed, I saved hundreds of lives. Another thing that sucks though, don’t fall in love, no feelings at all, happy, sad, whatever they are, you can’t have them. But sometimes you can’t help falling In love, no many how many times you are told to not get attached, you just can’t help it. Especially when the person you love is extremely hot, and loving and kind. Normally I would tell myself to forget it, but it’s hard to do that when you see them every single day, when you share a bed with them, when they save your ass. So sometimes you just give into that love. Just hoping that they feel the same way. And lucky for me, my love did. Mitch Rapp.
It all started when I was new to the CIA. Mitch seemed to hate me at first but then suddenly he offered to help me with my aim (which may I add was the only thing I could do, I beat all their asses in combat). We began friends, kinda. Mitch was always so reserved but if I’m being completely honest, I was too. It stayed the kinda friends way until we were assigned to a mission to stop some idiots with a nuke. We had to spend 90% of the time with each other. And by the end of the mission we had slept together, he had told me about his past, and mine to him, and I thought I was falling in love with him. No, I *knew* I was falling in love with him. We are….together now, I guess. Together as we can be at least, it is mostly private, it for safety. Cant have the enemy finding out that we have feelings for each other, because, and I quote, “it could be used against us”. Mitch had given me the whole speech, and so had Stan. He noticed how me and Mitch were together and picked up on it guess. Mitch is the best, even though we know our future is no where near certain he still loves me like no one else has. Sometimes though he makes some stupid decision and decides to risk his life even more than he already has to. Disobeying Stans orders (though sometimes he’s right to), being so selfless. After an accident in Russia I made him promise to not to do it anymore, some promises hold for a lifetime, other are meant to be broken, but some promises there was no point in making.
“What the hell was that out there?!” I shouted “were you trying to get yourself killed?!” Yet again we were “home” from a mission, having the same exact fight, he had done something stupid again, and I was angry... again. But this time he had broken a promise.
“Calm down Y/N I’m alive, aren’t I?” He said calmly
“Barely! You have a broken nose, your eyebrow may never be the same, and you have cuts and bruises everywhere!” I paused trying to control myself. He sat down on the edge of the bed looking down, I walked over to him and kneeled down in from of him, grabbing his hands in mine. “Mitch I love you! And you know that! You promised that you wouldn’t do this anymore. I don’t think you know what it does to me to see you hurt. I love how much you care about saving people, and I love you for that. But sometimes please please think about yourself, or if that’s to hard think of me. I can’t live without you Mitch. If you died I-“ I paused not know what to say. Mitch Looked up at me. “I don’t even know what I would do, you know what happened last time. I would be able to handle it again.” I felt a tear run down my cheek, then a thumb wiping it away.
“I’m sorry Y/N” he said tilting my chin up to look it him
“I know I know” I sighed
“It’s my job” he stated
“It’s mine too, what if I did that every time? What if I jumped in front of guns, what would you do?”
“You wouldn’t do that” he said now looking away from me
“Because I care about you, and I know that you would hate me every time, but what if I did?”
“I couldn’t never hate you, but ya, I guess I would be mad and scared, but I’m already scared”
“Exactly Mitch! Try to understand that that’s how I feel” I said putting his hands back in mine “I can’t fucking lose you”
Mitch looked at me, there was anger and annoyance in his eyes, but also love and sadness, pity and a hint of understanding
It was silent, for way to long, I cleared my throat and stood up, “I’m gonna clean you up” I stated walking toward to bathroom to go get the first aid kit
When I got back his shirt was off and he looked sad
“Are you ok?” I asked, I hated that when I said it it sounded blank, it didn’t sound like I cared
“I can’t fucking lose you either Y/N” he said
A breath of relief left my body.
“I love you” I said
He stood up and walked over to me, he took my face in his hands and kissed me
“I love you too” he said smiling “I’m sorry”
“I know you are, but because you were so reckless-“ I was cut off by a grown from Mitch
“Seriously Y/N? Just enjoy the moment babe” he said
“Let me finish, because you were so reckless, you must be punished” I said crowing my arms
Mitch smirked “oh really?” He said kissing my neck “what did you have in mind” hi hands traveled over my body but I cut him off, resisting the temptation to give into him
“No more nose kisses until your nose is healed” I said
“What?” He said, his face turning serious
“You got your nose broken, you don’t get nose kisses”
“But-“ he started before I cut him off again, not daring to look into his beautiful whisky eyes. I knew he was going to try to make me change my mind.
“Nope, no buts”
“Please I need nose kisses”
“And I need you to stop being stupid out in the field”
“Well I guess we all need things” he said, “why don’t we compromise?”
“Nope sorry Mr man, no can do, now let me fix you up” I demanded
“Ugh fine” he pouted like a little boy
He sat down on the bed and I began to clean his wounds, I started with his split open eyebrow, then his nose, working my way down his body. Once I finished, I couldn’t resist, I went up and kissed him on the nose. His eyes lit up, and he smiled.
“You said no more nose kisses sweetheart” he said pulling me to sit on his lap
“I know what I said, but I guess I’m too nice, I couldn’t resist” I said smiling kissing him
He pulled me down on the bed and flipped me over so that he was on top of me. He kept kissing me
“I love you” he said in between kisses
“Show me” I said knowing I was in for a restless night
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