#i cant way for ch3
aquariiium · 11 months
COMPUTER. give me arturo giles
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northern-passage · 1 year
Is sign language something the Order teaches?
After asking that, I realise that it's much more likely that Handlers learn it as part of their education (being the one who engages with the common folk out of the duo).
But what if a Hunter wanted to learn it? Would they have to request being taught as well?
And outside of the Order, how is sign language treated in the overall world?
it is, actually! sign language is pretty widely taught as a second language in Adrania. that's not to say that everyone is fluent, though, and there are different dialects just like in real life (ie ASL vs BASL) if someone is fortunate enough to receive schooling they will typically study common sign language (which is mainly used for trade and is very formal), but whether or not they retain it and can still understand it varies from person to person, and again there are variations that will differ from the basic common version taught in a school. with the class divide in Adrania, i also imagine there would be a drastic difference between the culture and sign of lower classes (who most likely will not have received any kind of education) and the upper classes.
and you're right, Lea is the one that is more proficient in it between the two, mainly because they are the one doing most of the talking. the hunter has a basic understanding and can typically interpret signs, but isn't the best at signing themself. if you go with Merry in Blackwater, you can see her, Mal, and Branwen all sign to each other, with Branwen actually being hoh. the hunter recognizes that Branwen calls Merry a bastard, but for the most part the three sign too fast for the hunter to understand. Merry and Mal will continue to use sign throughout the story, and they actually use a variation that neither the hunter nor Lea will recognize, even if they were signing slower; think of it like the thieves cant, but in sign.
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onskepa · 11 months
Tstew ch 3
Helloooooooo everyone! Long awaited chapter! This, like the others, I had to re-write over and over. But! I have come to the conclusion that this will be the final chapter. Idk how long this will be but hopefully it shall satisfy everyone. Enjoy!
Ch1 , ch2 , Ch3
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It has been a few weeks since tstew began using her avatar. Things were sooooo much better than before. She can climb better, faster, and farther lengths. Eat meats that tasted delicious on her na'vi tongue! Swim without the need to carry the oxygen filter, to smell things without the mask in the way. Truly the best thing tstew could have ever wanted.
And truly the best thing the boys every wanted too. Every smile, hiss, sound that tstew makes, the three boys just cant help themselves. If they already loved tstew in her human form well they are down for her na'vi form.
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Spider, the amazing, adventure seeking sunny boy loves his dear friend tstew. Growing up together, the firsts human pandoran beings. Native in their planet yet foreign. Not being able to truly be with the people. While spider wants to be na'vi, he admires tstew for doing her thing. While she was given a avatar, he admires she doesn't use it to greedy advantage. Still not wishing to connect with the Omatikaya clan but still connect with the fauna around her. Strong, flirty, and loud, spider knows her better than anyone else. They grew up together. He finds that it is only fair he should have her affections.
Lo'ak, trouble seeking, trouble seeks him, and breaks the rules rather than follow. He sees himself in tstew, and he sees her in him. Always pranking, causing chaos where ever they go, not being sorry for who they are. Lo'ak could never get bored with tstew around. She is just that fun! Always making games, cracking a few jokes, or even just scare others for laughs. Every time lo'ak looks into tstew's emerald eyes, it is like a window to a new world. He could never get tired of tstew. She always has something to show, new change and experience. Something lo'ak wants to have in his life.
Neteyam being the oldest of his siblings, wise and calm for his age. But with tstew? he is a melting mess. Tstew is like the sun to his moon. Bringing warmth, life, and color. Her little remarks and quick snaps makes him want to laugh. Not in a bad way. Her witty humor is always so refreshing and welcoming. What he lacks, she provides. When he is with tstew, he can easily drop his "big brother" role and just be a kid like those his age. When he sees her, be it human or na'vi form, he gets those tingling feelings deep in his stomach. Those fluttery feelings when you see someone you like. That is what he gets every time he sees tstew. He loves her for who she is all that is all there is to it.
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Kiri wasn't dumb, she knew the attempts her brothers are trying to do. Gift giving, cracking specific jokes only tstew will understand, make things tstew will like. Or even mention something about an animal she likes. Tuk was thankfully oblivious to those things. Best to stay that way.
Tstew on the other hand noticed the boys change of....perceiving things. "lo'ak, not that I am complaining buuuut....I think I have more than enough fruit" she tells him while pointing to 5 baskets full of her favorite fruit. Lo'ak was just ready to fill a sixth basket. "Perhaps its best you give at least 4 baskets to your family? you found some really ripe ones" she continues. Lo'ak puts down the fruits he was holding into the basket before turning to her. "But they don't like them very much. So that is why I am giving them to you" he replies. Tstew holds one in her hand and takes a bite, savoring its yummy taste.
"but it will seem like I am greedy. I can take one basket and share it with the others back at the post. If your family doesn't like them, give some to the people. We cant let these yummy fruits go to waste". That is another thing lo'ak loves about tstew. Her genuine care for others, better to give than to receive.
"yeah lo'ak! just a sad waste to see all those fruits-"
"spider you either take those stones back or I am throwing them at you" tstew says without even turning around. "yes ma'am" spider quickly replies and turns back.
Neteyam was observing the whole thing and took metal notes. Tstew doesn't like it when she is being over gifted, ok so something minimal can do.
"neteyam! that bow better be for yourself or for someone else because I am NOT hunting!" she shouts at him. Ok so the bow was not a good idea. Got it.
Tstew loves the animals too much to kill them. Yes she eats their meats but will do a small thank you for the deceased animal for their sacrifice. She may be tall and a bit athletic, she draws the line on pandora's precious fauna.
Trying to impress tstew sure is a challenge. She either wont accept it or when she does, wont think too much on it and go on about her day. The boys think she is that blind or turning her head away. Despite her flirting, no one knows if she was genuine or just playing around.
"boys will be boys" kiri says as she weaves a simple bracelet. Tstew sighs as she sits next to her. "you tell me, I don't know what made to act so.....gifting? so weird, if only they put the same effort in DOING THEIR ACTUAL SHIT AND NOT PROCRASINATE!".
Tstew looked to her surroundings and noticed tuk wasn't there with them. "hey kiri, where is tuk? I didn't see her leave?" she asks, kiri point to a direction to her left, "she said she got bored and went to play with her friends over there".
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What no one knew.....was tuk making a collective BANK.
"two green stones and 5 arrows for neteyam confessing"
Tuk was having a large bet meeting with the other omatikaya children as they are betting on which boy will confess first.
"ok next!" tuk shouts.
Another child steps up, "10 arrows, 20 beads, and 5 feathers on spider!"
Tuk hopes neither confess so she can keep her hoard.
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And that completes this tstew tribology! no more of this cause idk where else to go but! either way! I hope you all enjoyed it! until next time! see ya!
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g0nta-g0kuhara · 1 year
SORRY to come in askbox and rant but i agree with u so hard about how gonta is treated. the worst of it is when ppl 1. assume he is a dumb and therefore 2. assume that his percieved lack of intelligence means that he cant make decisions for himself. People so easily assume that kokichi *forced* him to kill miu, or that gonta didnt fully understand what he was doing. both of those statements are prove-ably false by his dialogue. he knows what he is doing. he is fully aware of the situation and the consequences, but he believes it to be the right thing to do, and even if he was manipulated it was his decision in the end, because he loved his friends so much and didnt want to see them suffer. and to ignore all that diminishes the themes of the *series as a whole* and it's very saddening to see that ppl legit see him as unintelligent, to the point of ignoring his ability to think for himself
ITS SO IMPORTANT in ch4 to recognize Gonta's autonomy. I strongly believe he wouldn't have done what he did if Kokichi wasn't there but I also believe that he still chose to do it. The idea that he didn't fully understand what he was doing is so ridiculous to me. Like, would someone who didn't know what he was doing know to toss the murder weapon away and to lie and act as natural as possible in front of Shuichi and Tsumugi after he got spotted??
Gonta's deal the entire game was him getting progressively sadder and more desperate as more murders occurred and blaming himself because he couldn't stop them even if there was no reasonable way he could. Two murders back to back in ch3 despite his presence on the student council was the breaking point. When you talk to him at the beginning of ch4 he's already made up his mind to potentially sacrifice himself against monokuma to try and stop the killings. The groundwork was already there for Gonta to do something self-sacrificing and drastic.
He has this huge amount of guilt and powerlessness weighing on him, that Kokichi then used to push him to do what he did. (not to mention also using Gonta's established distrust in him after the insect meet n greet)
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Thinking gonta is stupid or doubting his autonomy enough to call him just a tool of Kokichi in this moment because of the way he speaks and his trustful naivete is just. so rancid to me. And it ignores how hard he was trying the entire game to help his friends and again, ignores all serious aspects of his character.
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coeluvr · 5 months
i was already a vincentmancer but now i really cant Not fuck him. my poor mc 😞
You're gonna feel this way x10 when you read ch3 (if you're like me 😔)
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coconoct · 2 months
my whb progress 2
as of apr 7, 2024
since whb's half anni has passed, i thought i'd do a progress check to reflect on how much has happened btwn now and this post
general info
lvl: 47
status: 🤨 mostly f2p
i say mostly cause i just recently broke the f2p status and bought bp for ppyong
i refuse to buy packs and in the future i'll prob be very selective over who i pick for bp (aka i wont buy every bp), so for the most part i'll just be having the f2p experience
when i started: launch (10/03 my timezone)
ver: erolabs
team setup
i finally have levi now lmao
sometimes i'll switch out one of the levis for attacker satan but this is what i use generally
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everyone's lvls and artifacts
skill lvls (normal atk-ult-passive)
attacker mammon: 1-3-1
selfie mammon: 4-5-4
selfie satan: 4-4-1
selfie beel: 4-4-4
bloodshed levi: 3-3-1
selfie levi: 3-3-1
secret club
i only work on completing mammon's unholy board
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stuck on needing attacker mammon's sig atm :'))
too lazy to screenshot it all but im basically broke on pies, tears, pretzels (tbf i dont play the minigame whatsoever), red keys, yellow keys, and seals
everything else im either ok in supply or overflowing w it
overall thoughts / reflection
this section is for me to look back on in the future when i do progress posts. i'll break down this section into multiple parts similar to my prev post for consistency
honestly, its interesting in concept. since sadly only 1 chapter has released btwn now and my last post so thoughts havent really drastically changed
ch5 imo wasnt really a full on hades chapter. yes, it takes place in hades and yes we get some intro abt hades, but i think this was supposed to act more like a bridge to tartaros, which is prob why we didnt have any h scenes w any hades chars aside from levi. ofc we'll get back to it being hades-focused eventually, but the story for a while is most likely gonna pivot to tartaros bc of that big lore drop abt mammon at the end
i assume we'll prob be introduced to the cherubs in tartaros bc of selaphiel txting us near the end + it being mentioned at the end that theres a hub of angels in the lab, and hopefully part 2 of mammon's h scene. it was strange at first for mammon to only have 1 h scene, compared to satan or levi that had 2, but w him implying theres probably gonna be a part 2 in his h scene + we'll most likely see him again in ch6 (or however many chapters tartaros will be played out), we'll prob experience part 2 in his home country. tbh that prob just me inhaling MASSIVE hopium since mammon isnt rlly that popular but i can dream ok-
i hope us being in tartaros doesnt last for just 1 chapter. you cant condense the experiments tartaros went through to create a clone of mammon only for them to fail + bring up the fact that the seed is prob also in tartaros in just 1 chapter. well— technically you can, but not at the pace chapters are at atm. chapters have roughly 15 parts of story on the main branch, and imo that much info abt tartaros cant be condensed into 1 chapter unless if they make the story bits like WAY longer than what they normally do
tl;dr as an endgame player, its too easy 💀
working on the spreadsheet ever since the games 1st month of release and now just recently testing multiple team comps, the "meta" is so monkos HSHFJDJ
this game is INSANELY dependent on you having more than 1 dps/tank light card. light is also just an unstoppable element and i wish the game was balanced a bit more to let other elements shine
enemies are now way too easy to defeat. ik i prob shouldnt be complaining abt this but pls im a pgr and neural cloud player at heart I NEED SOME CHALLENGE
ch3 and ch4 were prob the most tedious and awful chapters, but at least they actually made me think when it comes to battles. now i just place down chars and let it play in the bg while i go do smth else. ofc this may just be bc i have a team that im comfortable w using everywhere, but id like to see at least a bit more "challenge" outside of holy coin portal
also, for weekly achievements, lvling artifacts is not a great requirement
i only pull when theres a new s rank or when mammon is moved to standard, so its very, VERY rare compared to avg users. having the artifact req is essentially forcing me to pull during those gaps just so i could fulfill a weekly req which sucks. i also dont need to lvl anymore artifacts in general for my team comp. lvl 15 is the bare minimum i need to get through all content w ease, anything after that is just a small boost tbh
on the note of daily/weekly requirements, there needs to be more of them
i mean in a sense of theres still gonna be 9 daily achievements, but you get more options on HOW you get to the 9 daily achievement req. most gachas that ive played always have more options than necessary to fulfill the overall requirement to get all rewards, so having this strict number w strict reqs is rlly not that great tbh
thoughts from last time still havent rlly changed. pies and candies especially are still rng dependent which sucks, and now there gonna revamp pancakes while also keeping the old pancakes ???? theres way too many currencies (w some even having very little to no use) atp which can and will get overwhelming for new players
i hate solomon seals. you can tell that red keys were supposed to be the main gacha currency if you ever look at old packs, but smth happened along the way and now we have seals
pity is also way too high for what we're earning atm. based off of f2p earnings, every week we get roughly 1 pull of red keys, maybe 2 pulls of yellow keys (red and yellow keys are more dependent on the key boxes which again, dependent on rng), and 1 pull of solomon seals. this doesnt include the stuff earned outside of dailies/weeklies, and i think there should be more ways to earn said currency through dailies/weeklies and not be so dependent on either paying or pulling chars
speaking of pity, i wish we had pity for both of the standard banners
i also wish theyd separate char and artifacts into their own banners. that way, if someone has a char but needs their sig, they can just pull in the artifact-only banner and try to get said sig
tl;dr in general i wish everything wasnt so strict and rng dependent, also wish numbers made sense like why do we get at least 5 red keys a week when 1 pull is 3, JUST GIVE ME 6 KEYS ATP
so yeah thats all for now lmao. im pretty sure i have a lot more to say abt this game but my minds at a blank atm, so ig thatll be saved for the next progress post which will be around 1st anni
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kozykricket · 12 days
ch3 talk
in terms of the knight, im just thinking about like... how we would be thinking about the game if we didnt have several years between each chapter -- what would the twists be like for someone playing through the chapters in a normal speed? i think... you'll be led to start thinking kris is the knight, and in chapter 3 itll be like, the big reveal. like the end of chapter 2 you're like "oh my god what??? wait... but. what?? kris is doing this... huh that makes sense... maybe..." but well, in ch3 we'll be in a dark world MADE by kris, so we'll be able to look at what the darkners say in the context of that. if they didnt mention a knight at all, or if they recognized kris, it'd make it clear that kris isn't the knight. but i think they'll end up mentioning the knight... and so it'll further "confirm" that kris is the knight, and they just wont recognize kris. it'll be like oh, so they totally made the chapter 2 fountain (because you'll just kinda think about them sneaking out with the knife after ch1, and not about the logic of When the knight made the dark world in the computer lab) you'll be like "hm, so the darkners just cant recognize the knight, then... so due to that, it probably means kris is the knight!" and then in ch4 or 5 we'll see someone else make a fountain , and . well, that'll be the big twist of "HUH?? BUT I THOUGHT KRIS WAS THE KNIGHT" and then it ends up being revealed that as anyone can make a dark world, so too can anyone be "The Knight" no matter who makes the dark world, to the darkners, they are simply "The Knight" ... even if its multiple individuals
also, i think ch3 may give some great insight into kris, but like. that feels kinda obvious? as its literally gonna be in their house? even if its just contained within the tv in their house... theyre still the one whos will was used to make the fountain. so, if their will is reflected in any way, then. we may get to psychoanalyze them a bit also im really, really confident that the secret boss will A) be ENVIOUS of kris for being the PROTAGONIST and be like "you get to be the HERO, the MAIN CHARACTER and you're RUINING it because you're not FLASHY enough with it. be the STAR you're MEANT to BE" and it'll make us both question the prophecy more and . further dig into kris' role as being forced into being a protagonist by us... B) just talk about protagonism vs antagonism in general, and how we have the power to make choices and decide where the story goes. maybe they dont like that the script is just following our command. maybe they'll comment on what the script we've been making so far is. or maybe you can add in some touch of secret-boss-nihilism with that and be like “are you the protagonist or the antagonist? who knows! you have the power to control that… but do you really? you have no choice in your role at the end of the day...”
anyways yeah itll totally be the case that like . theyll refer to a knight, and we’ll think they mean kris, and also think that because they both dont recognize kris And mention the knight who we know 100% is kris, that kris can easily be the knight of the other fountains but itll be revealed they were only the knight of one fountain. thats all i really wanted to say i think. that i think the big twists for a Normal Player will be -who is the knight -whats up with kris -IS KRIS THE KNIGHT THEY JUST MADE A FOUNTAIN?? -okay so kris IS the knight but the knight is just. wait whats the deal with the role of the knight. whats up with kris then. why did they- -NEVERMIND THERES. SOMEONE ELSE IS THE KNIGHT?? THEN WHY DID THEY CALL KRIS THE KNIGHT IN CH3?? -OH so EVERYONE is hypothetically the knight if they just make a dark fountain alright (hell maybe you can throw everyman into this idfk lol)
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ikoarts · 5 months
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September 2022 Art
vvv dates + info under the cut vvv
1, 2, 3, 4 - 05/09/2022 : drawing Ru in various styles, somewhat x laika puppet style, cosgrove hall (esque) puppet style, ace attorney, then invader zim. I still have such a soft spot for the laika Ru, shes so cute... when will they make a film about her life...
5, 6 - 09/09/2022 : toni is a spectre ghost who taunts u. how spooky of her. also toni n ru but little shop hehe.. alhamdulillah toni will be eaten by a plant soon
7, 8, 9, 10 - 10/09/2022 : rip to queen liz. happy for u or soz that happened idc. caspian is my resident anglophobe (im litrally english). also moar rurus, ofc, i never stop drawing her, my autistic muse...
11, 12, 13 - 13/09/2022 : i held a OC tournament thing around this time which was good fun, so i did a couple doodles for that, Phoebe was sweeping the competition which was funny like yall got beaten by a fucking baby,, also wren being wren, he beat noah in the vote. also i drew a lemmy
14 - 15/09/2022 : my deltarune MTT AU!!!! one of my aus i get funny about coz i love it a lot and ive had it for ages like since the ch3 teasers dropped but theres way more popular and newer versions of the same concept....... forever stuck between not wanting to be a big artist at all but at the same time getting stuck on my ideas being overshadowed by similar ones by more popular artists.......... (no hate to them im just mental)
ANYWAY he rocks, i liked the idea of him goin crazy sicko mode and being the antagonist, or, secondary to a greater power, hehe.... only coz hes in a form way more affirming in the dark world, so REFUSES to give it up, u will pry his trans joy from his cold dead ghost hands
15 - 16/09/2022 : horse. she is horse
16 - 23/09/2022 : was thinkin of my koopa ocs again so did a super quick doodle of Vermillia (lemmy & iggy's mam x)
17, 18 - 30/09/2022 : first one i cant believe i never uploaded since its a polished digital piece?? anyway i saw a cool shirt and wanted to draw Ru in it, also a doodle of Alice bc i was redesigning her, way happier with this hairstyle on her
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coquettedragoon · 2 years
do you have any favourite design work, just in general? your mecha work has always struck me (as someone obsessed with that kind of thing), but the dreamlike feeling of the semi-abstracted backgrounds is incredible
im gonna make this a bit long and also gonna introduce the 'good asks' tag for asks i spend a long time writing an answer for so its not lost to time
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a huge inspo for my sense of design, wildly enough, was space patrol lulucos backgrounds. i cant find a better shot in google images of the way it renders space, but the screentone clouds really stuck with me and influenced how i use it heavily. i was really obsessed w the collage like bgs in particular and v singular color grading
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gunbuster and diebuster are hugely influential, in different ways. im obsessed with the palettes in diebuster.. everything about the lilac stems from the exelion in gunbuster, the zephyrantes took its root entirely from the idea of a warship so large it has a train network and painted skies inside of it etc... the oppressive mech cockpits are heavily drawn from gunbusters. the nerv stuff in eva is also a big source of inspo.
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a huge impact on how i approached backgrounds for coquette was tsukihimes, the singular blue color is why i only use a v limited palette for coquettes backgrounds... where i got started with planning coquettes bgs was the thought of using the same filtered approach but to simple 3d instead of photos. i ended up good at 3d so it never was simple though
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hidamari sketch is maybe my fav work on the planet, and its a huge part of why im obsessed with screentone... my attention to detail with the living spaces of characters comes from it and the detail it gives to every characters room in the apartments, and how they each use the same floorplan differently. its visually stunning top to bottom in a way that only comes through when you watch it imo.. the use of photos etc has stuck with me forever, it rly is a show using 20000 art styles at once and rly gave me a lot of thought on treating direction as collage of styles you like
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heartcatch precure is one of my favs ever, especially visually... i love how far it leans into like being very digital looking and uses color so strongly to convey a mood.. i remember being immediately struck by how it uses this sickly green color for the world/sky during the fights etc to build unease. i love how high contrast it is, i definitely drew a lot from its stark orange and black backgrounds for doing the duchy stuff
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a lot of movies definitely stick with me visually, but its easier for me to think in terms of 2d/3d... the mishima movie (lmao) has directly influenced my bg art heavily, especially when i use these kind of overhead diorama esque shots
in terms of how i do 3d and shade it etc... a lot of is heavily inspired by the use of 3d in the code geass ovas (lmao), noone watched this ever so none of its documented but this AMV has quite a lot of it. the harsh shading in the scene around 00:20 is what influenced me using that style in the ch3 opening animation... the snappy fast violent animation is kind of my ideal for how i wanna animate mechs
i think a lot of how i design things is through trial and error, but theres a lot consciously floating thru my head around what kind of look id like to achieve... i dont actually plan much, ever. i animate with no storyboards, write without an outline, only do one sketch before settling on any designs, and mess around w colors for a scene until its done
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valeriianz · 1 year
17, 37, 42 (Am I allowed to ask for so many? Oh well, I'm doing it anyway)
what the heckin heck lol i got home late from work and knew this one would take me a while so i got the wine out. lets go!
17. What highly specific AU do you want to read or write even though you might be the only person to appreciate it?
Chef Hob! And yeah ive read a couple fics where he is a chef, but ive yet to read one with him like, on the line. cooking the food or barking out orders. (Dream could be a food critic? a meet ugly?? hmm). @wordsinhaled had that cooking show idea and like... yo N, if you want we could collaborate. im serious lol.
otherwise that roadtrip au is still sitting in the back of my brain as well... but Hob will be a traveling chef (the Gordon Ramsey kind that freelances in helping out new restaurants in menu building. but less shouting and insulting. like how the job is actually done).
37. Promote one of your own “deep cut” fics (an underrated one, or one that never got as much traction as you think it deserves!). What do you like about it?
i dont think i have a "deep cut" fic yet lol. im like, embarrassingly pleased that my fics (even the little ones on tumblr) get decent traction. i come from very small fandoms where my average note count would lay between 30-50. the fact that i get notes in the triple digits now still shocks me. im very happy people seem to enjoy my stupid little human AUs lol.
but ah... if i had to pick one that im particularly proud of, and want people to read, i'd say Let Me Down Easy. it's got everything i want in a fic: angst, drama, arguing, pining... we love melodrama in this house (also im nearly done with chapter 2 so y'all should read it anyway in preparation haha). steam is on the way!
42. Have you ever received a comment that particularly stood out to you for whatever reason?
SO MANY. omg i couldn't possibly pick one. i cant handle how fucking nice my readers are, how they freak out just as much as i do. i love all of them.
actually, as im typing this ive remembered this crazy comment from ch3 of Bolt in the Blue:
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so, when this person commented, BitB was still small. i had maybe 10-15 readers who might comment (which is still a lot) but even then, the traction just wasn't there. low hits, low kudos, i was really writing this fic just for funzies. this guy saying my fic would be a "must-read" in the fandom was so friggin nice and ive never gotten a comment like that. i still think about it, sometimes. especially as BitB steadily climbs as my most popular fic ever, not just for The Sandman.
and a quick shout-out to some of my favorite commenters who, when i see your name in my email, i get so giddy and weird lol i LIVE for your comments:
@fulcrvm, @likemmmcookies, @chaosheadspace, @ghostboyjules, @tj-dragonblade, ausgezeichnet @rockangelwicked and the loyal ones like, lostinalaska lily_lovely DearHeartofMars EnthusiasticRambler and fuck, SO MANY MORE! im missing A LOT. but just know i go absolutely insane over every comment. thank you all so much for your support and for always taking the time to leave such inspiring and feral comments <3 <3 <3
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chihirolovebot · 2 years
I emphasize with phys but I feel like in sleep awake the use of first person unintentionally comes off as egocentric, self-centered, self-congratulatory, or self pitying, inexplicably omniscient, and the world revolves around them. While yes I get that's the point because it's a x reader, but it feels like the situations that phys gets in I feel like: Yes, it's logical for them to feel this way, but at the same time it's like: “I felt miserable” reads as self pitying but “they felt miserable” doesn't. Maybe I'm biased because I'm not used to reading first point of view? It's kinda like if another person doesn't tell the story it's like a “oh get over yourself” feeling which doesn't feel right because I find phys relatable at times. Even though it's a Kokichi x reader centric it feels like sometimes feels like it's a phys goes through a terrible time and sometimes kokichi shits on her for it or sometimes has pity for her.
i dont . really know what to say to this ? i guess. i mean first of all it's second person not first but the point still stands i suppose. in any case like. the story is written already dude like its 320k words strong i cant change it . like i get what ur saying and ur not necessarily wrong its just like okay. im just writing a dumb little fanfic for fun and ive stopped asking for constructive criticism or anything like that so i dont . really know what the point of this was. i guess.
i dont understand ur last point exactly ? i like to think that there is a clear progression of ouma's feelings but maybe i didnt communicate it well enough . in the beginning , say pre ch3, ouma likes phys well enough and wants to keep them safe , and appreciates that they try to understand his philosophy. post ch3 his feelings are very complicated considering they've killed someone and he's struggling to conflate that with his own steadfast beliefs that murder is always wrong . he pities them for what they had to do but he also can't help but feel angry and disillusioned at them for it. when ouma is mean or cruel to them it's because he feels personally disappointed in something they've done and is taking it out on them, even if they dont know exactly how they've upset him . because thats the kind of guy ouma is . he's petty and egocentric and occasionally very cruel . he's the central relationship because i wanted to EXPLORE those aspects of his personality . to shy away from them would be disingenuous and a whitewash of his character .
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hungryhannya · 5 months
I am tempted to inquire by a lot of these titles (I might have to send a separate ask), but I have to push the bhf agenda first and asks for more of, "Death's Door at the count of 10 - Boxing AU" pretty please!! 🥺 👉 👈 💕💕💕
Haha, of course you would! Ty for the ask, I need to get back on this too! Feel free to ask for others too if you would like :D
Boxing AU or Death's Door at the Count of 10 is a modern AU featuring Coach Tardif and his rookie boxer, Damian - while both men lost their way and try to rebuild themselves on their own, both ended up at each other sides. Now they are both on the path to see how long can they last in the cruel world of boxing. It's way easier than fighting eldritch horrors but they still need to pay the bill.
Plan to add other DD characters too, like Margaret and Dismas, with a lot of boxing references. It was slightly inspired by a picture of Damian with a black robe - my mind raced towards "oh this is how he would look like as a boxer", and the story slowly started to form. It's definitely a fun project, hopefully can release sometime soon since first and second chapter only needs some editing. Hope to return to this one in the near future~
Ch1 snippet:
„Okay smartass. Last question: you remember what happened to you?”
The lunatics eyes focused on him. His expression changed to an unnerving smile – full teeth, ear-to-ear, the blood on the lips just adding to the maniac feeling.
„Ah, it was a fun night! It was such a lovely, lovely fight! Ended too soon sadly.” His grin shows off a clipped, no, a missing tooth. There was no blood there, not a recent injury – this wasn’t his first fight ending badly, Tardif guessed.
„Wouldn’t call getting beat up a fun night. You’re lucky they couldn’t take a hit, or you would have been in trouble.”
„Well, good to know a guardian angel showed up for me. Thank you for helping me out.”
Tardifs scoffs. Thats a first. To be fair to him, he was hit multiple times in the head not even an hour ago. He may or may not be concussed.
„So tell me – where did you take me, dear angel?”
Definitely concussed."
And for you Jozzyh, some ch2 (or ch3?) content! (sorry its still pretty rough!)
CW: a lot of swearing for no reason
There in kitchen he saw a tall muscular woman, her red hair tied up in a knot, now having a staring contest with a broken blender. Around her, there were sings of vegetable scraps thrown around – it was hard to determine if it was the cause of the blender or her.
„Good morning to you, Bobo!”
„Go fuck yerself.” The red-headed murmured, barely registering her roommate entering the kitchen. She was still focused on the broken piece before her, clearly lost both the fight and whatever food she was trying to make.
„Bad morning? Did the forces of the universe bend their will to make your life miserable?”
Oh how lucky she would be, he envied.
The woman, Boudica, turned to Damian, her vegetable scraps covered face showing killing intent. Damian always loved being the target of that look, but the forces this time spared him from her righteous anger.
„Blender broke down.”
„How unfortunate. Is this the third time? I hoped it has warmed up to our presence.” the man sighed, scratching his covered wound on his face. It stopped hurting a bit, might actually healed up faster than usually. The itchy feeling was stronger than usual.
„It cant warm up to us if that fucking whore of a woman keep selling me broken down shit.” Boudica swapped Damians hand off his wound way more gentle than her attitude and temper would make you believe she could do. „A good deal she said! I’m gonna strangle her next time i saw her.”
Damian looked over the broken blender, with its blades turning downside, with more cuts on the downside of the blender than the veggies around it. The plastic wrapper outside barely hold unto the base, only remaining still in place since Boudica was still holding it down.
„She can give you your money for it back, right?”
„If she wont, I strangle her even harder.”
She let go of the plastic, which fall down on the counter, some fluid leaving its contains.
The woman let out a low sigh, like a lioness letting out a low growl, seeing how her prey run away from her.
„Fuck it. Soup it is.” she started gathering the vegetable pieces off the counter.
„Want me to cut up the vegetables?”
„Be my fucking guest.”
He helped her clean up the blended out and exploded juices, taking the salvagable part out and into a pot, cleaning the remaining vegetables off the floor.
Boudica started cleaning up some carrots and cucumbers, giving it to Damian to cut them into sizable pieces, a familiar routine started form between them.
„Don't cut your fingers off.”
„No promises.”
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onstoryladders · 1 year
ok so im writing ch3 of my secret admirer au and mike gets stuck in a double date with max, lucas, and a girl he doesn't know
now i have two ideas for how the date is gonna go and i cant decide which one to write
1) mike is rude to the girl and kinda ignores her and even when he tries to make an effort because max and lucas are staring daggers at him he only makes things worse and the girl leaves
2) mike is super awkward but for some reason he and the girl hit it off, she's super nice and funny and seems to like him, but as soon as she goes to the restroom mike says he cant do it and RUNS
they're both funny in their own way i think so lets see what y'all think (i won't choose based on which wins the poll but it'll help me anyway)
you can vote even if you dont know the fic it's just to see which idea people like better lmao
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onskepa · 9 months
Uniltsa ch3
Hi everyone! So I have thought hard on this one. There might be a few time skips. I type as I go but hopefully you all enjoy this one!
Uniltsa series
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[first pov]
1 year.
I have arrived on pandora 1 year before the way of water plot begins. Tuk was 8 in the film. She just turned 7 a few days back. Knowing this, it doesn't help me with anything. I cant tell lo'ak or anyone for the matter that I am not from their world! They are gonna think I am crazy.
What worse...no one will believe me that neteyam will die. That boy is a good son, a good brother. Being reminded of his death every time i see him just breaks my heart. I don't know if I can prevent it.
Even worse, knowing the RDA will come back. Oh just thinking about it gets me paranoid!
Not only that, every time I try to remember my life before all of this, it gets hazy. Memories of my parents or my life was starting to fade. It scares me and I try my best to act normal but my head is wrapped in so many things I cant think straight!
Oh Eywa...if you can hear me. Hear my internal worries. Please help me. I don't know what to do.
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[third pov]
Lo'ak was collecting some special nectar from the Tawtsngal flower. These past few days his dear human friend wasn't....acting right. She acts hesitant, nervous and easily scared. As if everything was new to her. But it cant be right. Uniltsa was born and raised here along side with spider.
Perhaps she is sick, maybe she has what the humans call a "fever" or a "cold" something like that. Common human sickness. So Lo'ak thinks the nectar from the Tawtsngal flower, which has healing properties, can help her.
After collecting a good amount, he began to carefully dig out the flowers he used and carry them home. Perhaps mo'at or kiri would have some use for them. Maybe make a new basket. His old one is starting to give up.
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[first pov]
Tuk and kiri were taking me to the "usual" spot, that being a lovely lake surrounded by flowers and all kinds of plants. A really beautiful place.
"Nice to have a day to ourselves" kiri says as we all sat near the water. As if by muscle memory, I took a few long grass and began to weave. Guess the other me did this often. Perhaps I can make something for lo'ak. Like a arm band. Yeah, I like the idea.
"You two are always busy! hardly any time to play" tuk claims as she sits between me and kiri. I bring her closer to me, giving her some grass to weave whatever she likes.
"We have responsibilities tuktuk, and when you are old enough, soon you will be busy too" kiri says while playfully tugging one of her braids. Honestly, its really sweet to see them both like this. Nice and having a moment of peace to themselves.
"chores are boring! I rather play!" tuk replies. I sigh and pull tuk closer, "me too tuktuk, me too" agreeing with her. She giggles and continues weaving, looking at it, looks like a bracelet. I continued doing mine. I know lo'ak will like it, whatever I am making.
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[first pov]
After a nice hearty lunch, I met up with lo'ak. Said he wanted to show me something. I thought of many things......but this wasnt one of them. Looking at what lo'ak crafted from this morning, I did my best....I really really did. But it was just sooooo.....!!
I ended up laughing at the top of my lungs.
"Oh please! I may not the best weaver in the whole dang clan but at least I am trying!" lo'ak ranted on. But I couldn't stop laughing, the so called 'basket' looked like a weirdly shape gourd!
"HAHAHAHA!!! oh lo'ak, I am sure tuk can do a better job that you!" I said, my back facing the grass land as I still laugh. Truly lo'ak is a comedic genius without even trying!
Taking deep breathes to calm down, I see him coming closer to me, kneeling down. "You think its funny eh?" he smirks while saying that.
Oh shit......
Quickly I tried to scamper away but lo'ak was faster. He tackled me and playfully pull of my arms in his. "Lo'ak!! come on!! you know I speak the truth!" I argued. Didnt seem to faze him. He pulled my arms behind my back more, I can feel him grinning. "Say you are sorry then I will let go!" he said. Had to tap out.
"ok ok! Im sorry!!! im sorry!!" quickly he let go of my arms. Face meeting dirt. Great.
"see? what that so hard?" I can hear lo'ak's smugness in his voice.
Getting back up, dusting off the dirt I gave him a unimpressed look. "Cant handle a bit of constructional critic?" I asked him. Lo'ak rolls his eyes and comes closer to me. "No, I try my best and it is the best I can give" he replies.
"Alright, if it is your best, then it is your best" I say, he grabs my hand and holding his craft, we head somewhere else.
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[third pov]
Was quite a long day, both lo'ak and uniltsa were spending the last hours of the day back at the lab, just enjoying each others prescence. Until something brough up in lo'aks mind. He takes out a small vial from his small pouch.
"I almost forgot. Here, I brought this for you" he says to his human friend. Uniltsa looks to see the vial in the na'vi's hand. "What is it?" she asks while gently taking the vial in her hands.
"It is nectar from Tawtsngal flower, drinking it will help you get better. It has healing properties" lo'ak replies with a hopeful smile on his face. At that, uniltsa looks up at him with confusion. "Healing? But I'm not sick or anything like that" she says, feeling a bit worried.
Lo'ak's ears flatten a bit, his smile gone, "well....these past few days you have been acting weird. Not exactly like your usual self. I know humans can get sick but I dont know how sick you were so I brought some in case.....you know".
His explanation pulled uniltsa's heart. Feeling touched of his genuine concern. "Im sorry if I worried you lo'ak, my mind lately is...just filled with things. But I am not sick, I promise you that", the human girl smiles as to reassure her friend.
While lo'ak was glad she wasnt sick, it still hasnt dimmed his worries. "Then what is wrong? What is on your mind? You know you can share with me" he insists. Anything to help her. But uniltsa smiles again, places her small hands over his. "It is something I have to figure out on my own. But I promise, I will tell you if I cant help it myself".
"pinky promise?" lo'ak asks while raising his pinky finger. Smiling wider, uniltsa wraps her pinky finger around his, "I pinky promise".
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aaaaaaaaaand that is it for this one! Sorry it took so long for this! Honestly, I have no idea where to go after this. I will try to figure it out. But hope you all liked this one! until next time! see ya!
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Taglist: @deathislame , @mochacoffeeumai26 , @shit-i-say-shit-i-think , @tojisleftarm ,
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frankiistein · 9 months
the only story content of the alt timeline is one comic (i know some of the mv stuff shows it but its just art with no words) and i decided to reread it today
general comment: i rly like the art for this update, the color scheme is nice and the seamless horizontal transition is so cool
anyway commentary time:
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i think the all black shadow forms is just a symbolic thing because nobody comments on it, so to other characters bon and bien just look human
still its interesting that in the main timeline their default is the shadow forms and in the alt tl its the human forms. personally i also like how it emphasize the gulf between bon and bien in this tl i think, because they look very different and not related at all, compared to their shadow forms that look practically the same.
i think its a good way to portray how in the main timeline they see their father/son relationship as important probably to the point of codependents that they look so similar to each other, while in the alt timeline they seem more distant
i also like their outfits here, i think its like royal-ish outfits since theyre arguably the equivalent of the royal family because theyre the monarchs "children" there main color is blue instead of red too
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wires on the tail so spooky
reality is "brought about by the sounds of wires vibrating" and media and jacques are connected with a wire in the annotations, i dont fullt get the "rules" of how to "use" them yet but i think they tie things down to "reality" (in the annotations you use a wire to make the hypothetical "real" sorta) so ig guess the idea here is that jacques is manipulating reality (or, closer to what he does in a1 too, is used by a tether by someone else who is manipulating reality)
"from violence comes the birth of you" is a based title
bien once again forced to listen to The Analogies. i noticed a trend where people try to explain things to him using analogies and he just finds it more confusing than ever hes so autism coded
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this lines here by media are rly interesting especially because medias relationship to bien has never been showed yet. we dont know how exactly bien was made (afaik it doesnt seem they know either because it was accidental but we dont know either if they found out eventually) so we dont know the extent of his demon powers esp since hes probably not a "real" demon or at least not a "pure" one
in the main timeline he obviously has his powers so i wonder if media is just wrong int thinking bien has no powers or if he rly just never had them in this timeline. my personal theory is that (main)biens powers awokened as a teenager (or whenever it was bon started having problems with him) maybe triggered by him killing animals so much? just that since (alt)bien never got exiled his powers never awokened because hes never had/wanted to kill
demons need to get their powers by communicating with hell so that also means (main)bien does (idk yet if hell is meant to be a place, a state or things like that)
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"golly" let him say FUCK
theres not a lot of bien and jacques interaction in either tl but tbf it always seemed like they get along nice enough? in main tl bien at least recognizes jacques for giving him bday gifts and doesnt have a want to kill him lol. in this tl jacques shows concern for bien in the tyam mv, the vibe i get so far is like that child who helplessly observes one of their parents get abused by the other and cant do anything abt it. so sad :(
a rly interesting thing to me is that media shows concern for jacques here ("did you hurt yourself?")
jacques stim toy so cute :3
jacques is the weirdest behavior here bcuz he acts rly... idk confused? stupid? just very different from his main tl self. but in ch3 and tyam he actually acts more "normal" so 🤔🤔🤔 thinking emoji
my first thoughts was, maybe something happened that effected his intelligence but this comic happened before the scenes in tyam (bcuz alt!bien already lost his hands there) so i think it just shifts around? idk
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he explains it as the annotation effects but i just dont trust him lmao xD
'that or i have stuffed him full of way too much ink' lol innuendo spotted jkjk
'mind consummation' so basically theyre married in this tl (obvi they have the rings) and this is some. idk marginal marriage ritual that eats ur mind ig
i think whats more itneresting to me than whats happening to jacques is why he agreed to marry media in this tl (or if he didnt agree why media forced him to here when he wouldnt in the main tl)
from main biens wish this tl is basically the au where bon wasnt exiled so assuming all the other events before that point were the same, then the presence of bon and bien as me/ja's "children" rly had a strong effect for their relationship
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this is main bread idk how she got here shes so hardcore
alt! jacques recognizes her too 🤨🤨
this is biens 18th bday so this happened four years ago (since main!bien has been dead for four years) so bread essentially not only went to the alt timeline but did so in the past. the chronology in the story is homestuck-shenanigans style weird tho so im not going to look too deep into that
the question is how she got here from curators world specifically
are you a construction worker? because you are building😘🥰🤗🤩
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once again media here listens to jacques instead of bien. that media seems to hold some regard for jacques despite abusing him so much in this timeline makes their relationship feel a lot more complicated than "just" abuse
i think bcuz i have a hard time grasping why media loves jacques so much in the main timeline its rly hard for me to gauge how media "really" feels abt jacques in any situation? medias clearly sadistic and in the main tl its implied hes embarrassed of himself bcuz he doesnt want to actually kill jacques, although its vaguely implied that his resistant may not necessarily be out of an empathetic concern for jacques, but that if jacques dies then..... well hed be jacquesless lmao.
i think in the alt timeline we already saw media behead jacques so it feels like to me this is a tl where jacques cant die and so media has no reason to resist hurting him so much.
i do think media enjoys both harming jacques AND spending time with him in normal loveydovey ways though, so even int he alt timeline he has his usual "simps for the hj"personality that he has in the main
this hasnt been stated in the comic yet, only in one of the scattered posts i think, but i think its confirmed that media is so sadistic specifically because he loves the "caretaker" role and wants others to be as helpless and unable to be independent as possible, so it makes sense for him to simultaneously love coddling jacques and want him to get hurt to the point of utter dependence (jacques "stupidity" is most likely medias fault)
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bien cant catch a break frfr
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at least give him anaesthesia bro
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yomiurinikei · 1 year
You know which character I want to send for meme but yeah it is obvious can I get Kinji in that meme template?
ah yes, so obvious, we all know ur favorite character is kinji hakar1 (dont wanna invade tags akdsjksd), who everyone associates u with, and totally isn't just the first fictional kinji that popped up when i googled the name.
my identity hc for them
GAY gay homosexual gay. sorry kiyoka calling him out just. i cant view him as anything else. i do think there's canonical backing for this, not specifically him being exclusively into guys, but for him liking guys in general, i think its canon supported. i also Just Like it.
i think he's like. amab, but i think he just doesnt really Get It/feel any particular way- he's comfortable with how he presents and is perceived the way he is, and doesn't really feel a desire to change! he's content, and i don't think he'd be any happier if he changed how he performs gender. and seeing as i want this boy to do some soul searching and examine his relationship with faith, ill let him have a constant in his life. just this once
Thoughts on their home life/family
aaaaa.... i think like. mentioned this in the hcs i wrote for him recently, but i think his dad (the bishop) was a genuinely good person, and a good dad! i just think like..... it would've been cool if after being adopted and coming to italy, he had more than one role model and like. god. i dunno i think that mayyyybe having the person who chose him, who chose to take care of him, be a well-respected bishop who wound up living a secular life and etc etc mightve maybe impacted kinjis path in life. i don't think he was forced into anything, but i do wonder the degree to which kinjis faith started as a way of feeling connected to his dad and feeling that he was part of a community.
anyways though. i think he was a happy child, well cared for, etc. but i feel like maybe someone should have forced him to go outside and make friends, or stopped to question why he might be throwing himself into religious studies so much, or, after all that. maybe. i dont know. NOT SENT HIM TO JAPAN BY HIMSELF AS A MIDDLE SCHOOLER? ??????
its kinda a miracle hes as stable as he is. and while i don't think he's... literally traumatized, i feel like there was some side effects of his childhood past "oh he doesn't Understand friends". honestly a vv interesting example of how childhood and environment shapes people.
anyways though. i wouldn't be surprised if his focus on orphanages/caring for kids stemmed from him being a like... pre-teen/younger, and his brain just naturally orienting towards "wanna be with peers, wanna play, wanna form social bonds", but he had already placed himself in the role of an adult, and so he took on the same place as the priests he was trying to emulate. its kinda silly why did literally everyone go like. well if everyone else is treating him as an adult i guess i will too... kinji is the poster child for "was called mature as a kid"
How i feel about their canonical writing/handling
mmm... its objectively Good. i just feel like.... kinji kinda falls into the issue of so many characters to explore, so little time? like. we don't really get to see a whole lot of the depth that i see (linuj may not get him the way i do), and it makes sense, but it still kinda sucks... it'd be nice if he survived and made it to the end (and then held hands with tsurugi i mean-) buuut. i understand why he didn't. :(
tho one thing i wanna note is. linuj originally intended for his ch3 meltdown to be his true personality of sorts. and was gonna have his motivation just be that he liked murder. and he acknowledges that how he acts in ch3 isn't kinjis normal personality, and that he likes having a actual motive better than his old plan for kinji. but i feeeel like linujs old plan kinda pokes through at times with how kinji is handled? specifically like.. tsurugis response of "woah i didnt know a priest would act like that"- tbf, that does reflect on tsurugis black and white thinking and how he struggles to remedy his values. but also it just kinda feels like linuj is still treating it as a shock value twist that kinji is Just Like That, despite textually saying otherwise. that kinda sucks
The one thing i’d want to make canon about them
im not fucking joking im trying to think of something else. i would like canon gay kinji. again we have NO TIME FOR THIS. but if he had survived, i think that could be something nice to write in + subtextually show. i wont ask for the complete and utter tone shifts that would have to happen for more than subtext to be real. but. i think it'd be a good thing to do w/kinji if he had more time with us.
also i think it'd be neat to hear more about kinjis bio parents, just because im curious? but ya know. i kinda dont trust linuj and can just be weird about why he still uses uehara as his family name in my head, and have that be canon to me, instead of having to ignore linuj, so.. im content
My number one favorite ship for them
tsuhara. nobody look at me.... i promise i will post my thoughts on them one day. currently im trying to handle all myyy.. non-spring quarter graduation requirements (aka, some stuff my hs wants me to get done other than the classes im taking this quarter), so thats kinda my goal for april. and then may will have midterms and then ill be working on finals ughhhh... so im not really dedicating time to it. but its like... the only canon sdra fan content im working on rn? its. its in the works and its on my schedule and it wont take long. its just a matter of when i can get around to it, so i wanna explain why im not prioritizing it akjdjskjdjsdk.
anyways. im so not normal about them and ive been not normal about them for the past ninety three years. my beloved boys with their moral beliefs and their systems of justifying their actions and and and. aaaaaa.....
…Now everyone else i ship with them
uhhhhhhm. i think his ftes were cute? hm. i think there's stuff i objectively like, like... i think it'd be nice for him and would be cute. but there's nothing im really Passionate about/see myself spinning around in my head. for ex like.. i go out of my way to think about tsuhara. theyre just in my brain sometimes. but whereas like... i was uekoba posting a few days back- that was vv nice and fun! but i wouldnt have really talked about my thoughts on kinji and haru if it wasn't for outside prompting, if that makes sense.
u all will never escape my tsuhara posting. kinji canonically got tsurugi to change both in and out of the killing game. he is the one who looked at tsurugi and did not think "oh i can fix him" but simply by existing!! fixed him!!!! aaaaa!!!!! aaaaa.
The thing i will NEVER ship
hm. hmmm. i think ive chatted about them before. ive indulged. but im honestly not a huge fan of kakeru/kinji/kanata? it feels v much so to me like.. just pairing off whoevers there. i could get behind kakeru/kinji if i saw a good argument for it. i think they could be fun i a "everything goes wrong" (aka, every murder plot fails) au, but like. yeah. and then with kanata and kinji. i just dont see the vision
also i did not want to say it. but uehiga because i dont. get. it..... this delves more into mitch's writing and i dont want to talk about him on kinjis ask. but i do not understand it. it feels to me just like when people were shipping mitch and haru but repackaged. im never going to see the vision of mitch getting fixed by his having a crush on one of his male classmates.
a dynamic/relationship i wish was explored more (in canon, or in fandom)
kinda stems from beta. but i think he and mikako could be fun. spiritual buddies!!!! it could be a nice learning experience for them both. also maybe the gamblers ornament crew? that could be fun thats a friendly group of people (and also utsuro is there too/j). i just want kinji to have friends man.
thoughts on their design (appearance-wise)
mmm.. something about it is off. i dont know. it could be the linework the silhouette i dont. knowww? it just. feels blocky or bulky or something. its plain but it works for a priest and it makes sense. i like his hair color and eye color and etc etc theres just Something about his design that feels off to me if i look at it for too long
also. i dont think this is a issue anymore? but he wears a stole. thats what he's wearing. its not a scarf. (also. i still want to tie it into a bow.)
A music-related thought- a song that reminds me of them, or what their music taste is, etc
not even gonna lie i thought i had some sort of song on one of my spotify playlists that would work. wtf.
hmmmm. mercy, by sir chloe, kinda gives me like. kinji ch3 vibes. not really though why is this so evil. every song i see just winds up making me think of a different character.
okay. ive just been sitting down working on this post since i posted the rei one tbh. so. i think that no matter where u hc kinji ends up after evaluating his relationship with faith (personally i think his beliefs stay the same, he never really looses her faith, moreso what changes is his relationship with the church), he likes hearing hymns. i think harmonies and 'pretty' voices is just something he'll always appreciate in music.
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