#i continue to be in my giffing for only me and nobody else era i love this guy i rlly hope he passes this elm
seokmatthewz · 2 years
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kendallroydefender · 4 years
Always you (Alex Turner x reader)
A/n: this is not written for any specific era (the gif also has nothing to do with the story he just looks good in it)
TW: the story mentions cheating
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Matt, Nick, Jamie and Alex were sitting in a pub, they always met there with some of their old friends every second Saturday if they were free.
Dave, one of said friends, came through the door. Surprisingly without his girlfriend Y/n. Y/n and the boys were friends longer than they knew Dave.
"Hey man!“ Matt greeted him before adding "I thought Y/n wanted to come with you?“ Dave chuckled before saying "Yeah no we broke up.“ at this Alex head perked up. "What? Why?“ Jamie asked him "Just didn’t worked anymore, we needed some space... you know what i mean...“ Alex got his phone out and texted Y/n 'Heard what happened. Are you okay?' He listened to the others before he heard his phone buzzing 'Did you "heard what happened" or did he actually told the truth?‘ said the message and he furrowed his brows. "I’ll be right back.“ Alex mumbled getting up to go call you outside the pub. As he got up Nick and Matt, who sat opposite from each other glanced at each other with knowing looks. Before Y/n and Dave started seeing each other everybody thought it would be Alex and Y/n who ended up together. And to be honest they still hoped on it know, they never met to people who seemed to fit this much.
Outside Alex waited for the call to get picked up "Hello“ You said, Alex noticed right away that you sounded sad. "Hey Y/n/n it’s me.“ he said while lighting up a cigarette "I know you idiot, what’s up?“ you chuckled but he could hear that you weren’t your usual self "Dave turned up without you, and your message made it seem like he wasn’t completely honest so I wanted to check if you’re alright...“ he couldn’t see it but you smiled at his rambling "I’ve been better but I will survive.“ you tried to joke but couldn’t hide the sadness in your voice. "I will come over and we can talk okay? Don’t want you to be alone.“ he asked hopefully and after you agreed he went inside to grab his leather jacked and mumbled something about having to leave. Everyone except your ex knew where the singer was headed.
"Hey“ said as his arms went around you and you hugged him back tightly. His smell calmed you down and made you feel better instantly.
You went inside and sat down on your couch.
"He said you two needed space..“ Alex started and you chuckled without humor "That’s not what happened... Well it would have happened that way if it weren’t for what he did..“ Alex looked at you confused and you took a deep breath "I wanted to break up with him for a few weeks now. I realized that I don’t really love him. But then...“ you couldn’t help for the tears that started to gather in your eyes. Alex arms went around you again "Hey it’s okay.“ he stroked your hair softly "I just feel so worthless now... He cheated on me... with multiple other woman.." Alex felt his heart sink "What?" Was the only thing he could get out "And he told me it was my fault since I’m not enough to make him happy...“ You felt Alex stiffen for a second "Y/n you can’t believe that for even a second! You are one of the greatest people I know!“ you sniffled a little and he hugged you closer, running his hand up and down your back. "You can’t believe that, you deserve so much better than this fucker..“ you wiped your eyes "You really think so?" he nodded "I know so.“ you smiled a little and felt him kiss your head softly. Alex’s arms stayed around you while he rubbed your back soothingly and you nuzzled your head into his neck. "The thing is I’m not even sad that we ended things because there weren’t even feelings anymore but what he did still hurt.“ you rambled and Alex answered "it’s okay to be sad. What he did was a shit thing to do."
"Can you stay over today? I don’t wanna be alone..“ you mumbled the last part and Alex nodded "Of course, let’s order something to eat and we can watch a movie okay?“ you nodded exited.
Later you sat on your couch with him under a shared blanked, the empty food containers on the coffee table, his arm around you and your head resting on his shoulder as you watched some movie. You felt completely at ease in moments like that with Alex. You had a big crush on him before Dave came into the picture, but since you knew him since forever you decided it was best not to date your best friend and Dave kept asking you out so you gave in. And the relationship wasn’t bad at all, you had grown strong feeling for Dave at the beginning but then he showed his slightly controlling side and started to talk down on you a lot.
You felt yourself getting tired and closed your eyes. Alex noticed that your body was leaning into his side more, seeing you so peaceful made a smile appear on his lips. He really liked you and seeing you so hurt made his heart break too, he wouldn’t ever treat you like your ex had. "Time to sleep?“ he asked in a low tone to you and you nodded. Alex got up and held his hands out to pull you up with a smile. You started walking but stopped in your tracks "You‘re staying right?" You asked the dark haired man "If you want me to?“ he said and you nodded "Yeah I really do.“ he smiled and you went to the bathroom. Sleeping in the same bed wasn’t something new for you both, but since you had been dating someone else you hadn’t cuddled with Alex in some time. The prospect of being able to do so again lifted you Mood up a little.
When you changed into a big shirt and some joggers, you saw that Alex was already in bed in the clothes you gave him. When he saw you enter the room he couldn’t help but smile, you were in one of his old the strokes shirts that he left at your flat ages ago. You curled up next to him and smiled sweetly "Thank you Al.“ you mumbled tiredly "For what?“ he asked starting to play with your hair "For being here with me. Being around you always makes me happy.“ he smiled to himself hearing your words "Always Y/n." Alex said sincerely and you yawned a little "I know I made a mistake dating him when it was always you..“ you mumbled before drifting off to sleep. You weren’t supposed to say that, you hadn’t even noticed that you actually said it out loud instead of just thinking it. Alex heart started beating faster when he heard you mumbled that. He hugged you closer to him, wanting you to feel safe even in your sleep. He swore to himself that night that he wouldn’t let you get away again and not let his thoughts get in the way of his love.
You stirred awake the next morning to an empty bed. With furrowed brows you sat up, his place was still warm, that’s when you heard clatter from the other room. You got out of bed and followed the sounds into your kitchen where you found Alex making tea and toast. "Now that’s a sight I could get used to.“ you smiled and he grinned back to you. "You ruined my plan to make you breakfast in bed..“
"Breakfast in bed huh? What did I do to deserve this?“ you leaned against the counter, he got closer to you and pushed a strand of hair out of your face "You don’t have to do anything to be treated good.“ you just smiled at him and he planted a small kiss onto your forehead.
When he was ready he went to your bed with the coffee. You had breakfast in bed and talked. It was a nice and slow morning, just you two together with all the time in the world. It made you wonder if this could have been your life everyday but you got a little disappointed when you suddenly remembered that he would leave in a few hours and you would be alone again. "Hey what’s up with that face?“ Alex asked when he noticed the look you had, he nudged your leg lightly. "It’s nothing.“ you shook you head smiling and hoping he would just let it go. But he raised his eyebrows at you "Y/n." You looked down at your hands and said "I just remembered that I will be without you in a few hours...“ he pulled you towards him and gently took your hands "Hey I’m not going anywhere okay?“ You looked into his brown eyes "I’ll happily stay as long as you’ll have me.“ you bit your lip to stop the smile from growing too big and nodded "I would like that. But I-" "No "buts“. I’m staying." He interrupted you.
You and Alex stayed in your flat for the whole weekend and after that you felt a lot better even if your feelings for Alex were back as strong as ever.
You continued to text a lot more than before trough the week and talked on the phone almost every day. So when two weeks later another pub night was on. You entered the small pub spotting the others rather quickly and sending a small wave at Matt who spotted you first. Alex eyes followed the direction his mate was waving at and when he saw you his eyes lit up immediately. He got up and embraced you into a big hug, after greeting the others you sat down between Katie and Alex. You all catched up and it felt good to see your friends again after skipping the last meet up, however your mood instantly dropped when you saw Dave enter the pub. You tensed up and Alex seemed to notice the change in your behavior his jaw clenched when he saw what caused you to stiffen "What is he doing here?“ Alex mumbled under his breath looking at your Ex who now walked towards your table "Here you all are!“ he laughed but nobody answered him instead Matt said "You have nerve showing your face here...“ Dave just scoffed "Why? Im just having a night out with my mates?“
"You don’t really expect us to be your mates anymore do you?“ Alex said with narrowed eyes, you took his hand under the table and he gave it a squeeze. "So what lies has the slut told you?“ you stared at him getting angry "Excuse me?“ You spat at him he just looked at you with a grin.
"Really guys? You can’t believe her right?“ he asked "How are these lies if I have proof of what happened? Two of the girls messaged me on instagram. Don’t act like that when you know exactly what you did.“ you said angry.
Dave laughed but no one chimed in "I think it’s better if you go now.“ Alex said and your ex boyfriend turned towards him "Really Al you chose her over me?“
"Anytime.“ Alex answered him while his thumb caressed the back of your hand under the table. While Dave searched for words Alex turned towards you, he didn’t wanted you to be in this situation any longer so he asked you "Wanna get another drink?“ and you nodded he stood up and you followed him to the bar.
You ordered your drinks and you took his hand again "Thank you.“ you told him honestly he shook his head slightly, turning his body towards you "No need to thank me Y/n." You wanted to protest but he spoke up again "I like you. I really do and you mean hell of a lot to me.“ you were taken aback a little at his confession but soon a smile broke out on your face "I like you too Alex. So much and I’m sorry i didn’t act upon it until now but-" he pulled you closer to stop your rambling "No sorry’s! We have all the time in the world and no one is going to come in between us anymore. Okay?“. You smiled "Okay.“ "Want to stay at my place tonight?“ You nodded at him "Yeah I’d like that.“ he smiled "And then maybe tomorrow we could go out... like on a date?“ he asked almost shy and your smile only got bigger "Yes, God Alex, Yes!“ you let out in a breath and he chuckled as he pulled you closer, the two of you just looking into each other’s eyes with dopey smiles on their faces. Out of your peripheral you saw that your ex were leaving the pub but you couldn’t care less about what he did. Alex kissed the back of your hand wich was still intertwined with his and you both made your way back to the table where your friends were waiting.
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fandomfan315 · 3 years
Hmm, you mentioned your original stories in your bio. If you'd like to infodump I'm curious and happy to hear about them :)
Where do is start I haven't infodumped about my stories here on Tumblr in SO long ok so there's A Space Story, and there's The Otherworld
A Space Story has a main cast of 7 different people... let's see if I can remember names uhh there's Jackie, Robyn, Noah, Elizabeth, Kai, uhhh hold on real quick-- ok the last two are Skylar and Alexis.
Basic plot is that Noah, Robyn, and Jackie were stranded on earth alone for 4 years (earth was dying, most of humanity left via rockets into far corners of outer space, but ofc ppl were left behind bc they couldn't make it in time. :/). The rest of the cast (nonhuman, from somewhere else in outer space) crash lands on earth at the end of those 4 years. They meet, something something plot plot etc etc then boom found family but. In Space. The original goal I had for this was found family, happy times, and queer jokes/puns (I think every single one of the cast is queer in some way). I should try and find the original drawings of everyone...
God, that was all like... I don't even know... 3, 4 years ago? I didn't abandon it I just didn't know how to continue, yk? It was also created very early on in my time as an artist. I had just begun drawing and creating. I didn't have enough skills to portray what I wanted and I felt bad about it, but it's ok bc it was a stepping stone to The Otherworld :)
The Otherworld is another fantasy setting story. Two characters, Mc1 and Mc2 (I don't spend time on names like I used to. When I figure it out, I figure it out), are somehow thrown through a portal into another dimension. Mc1 lands deep in the Infinite Forest, whereas Mc2 lands in the middle of a castle. The castle, which is on a hill surrounded by a village, is home the Ruler Of The Kingdom-- Rotk for short. Rotk is not a kind being. Nobody knows their true intentions, but they don't use their powers for good, and in turn hurt the whole kingdom.
The first part of the story is how mc1 gets out of the forest (it takes a few years, actually) and finds Mc2. The second part is how Mc1, Mc2, and the 3 creatures they've befriended defeat Rotk. The third part is when everyone starts to really think about all the trauma they've gone through just to defeat Rotk. They have to work through what's happened, not only to them, but to all the people in the kingdom who are carrying massive generational trauma.
I have a whole Google doc dedicated to parts of the ecosystem, the history of this kingdom and its people, and the change over time in said kingdom. There's different social norms and expectations when the people first develop the kingdom vs after Rotk takes over and causes the Era Of Silence.
I don't know how the otherworld ends because I'm still chipping away at the world it encompasses. It's like, everything is already there, I just need to discover it :)
Thanks sm for letting me ramble >//< it's truly made my day!!
So have some content for the otherworld, made just last night actually!
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It's two gifs of Mc2 dancin :) the second one has magic ^-^ 14 frames total and it took only 2 hours to create! Ive never been able to animate someone turning around in a circle before so it was a big moment when I finished lol
Please do not steal, trace, repost, etc my art! My story ideas are original and my own as well :)
Have a nice day ^-^
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namelessblacksheep · 6 years
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Growing up I recall a soft drink advert where they used to make the claim ‘the revolution will not be televised’. Given all the crap we see on TV these days I kind of hope that it is.
Don’t get me wrong, a revolution does not have to be a long series of riots or violence. It could be something completely different, but something that leads to a shift. Who knows maybe something akin to a revolution is actually taking place.
The reason I feel we need something akin to a revolution is that bubbling away under the surface of life is deep unhappiness. In the past decade or two so many things have been surfaced that have shocked us.
Across the globe, politics has quite frankly gone bat shit crazy. Unrest and discomfort in daily life are becoming the norm.
We had a global financial crisis that didn’t correct any of the wrongs that underpinned it.
On a weekly basis, we are learning that the people we celebrate and reward so highly, flout their positions and commit heinous harms. Justice is never likely to be served.
Huge corporations and powerful individuals continue to increase the divide between the haves and have nots.
It’s as if all of the rich and powerful have totally forgotten the concept of ‘with great power comes responsibility’. Failure is richly rewarded for some, irrespective of the cost it brings.
The masses though are placated with toys and avenues to keep them from rising up. I have never witnessed such a monumentally awesome age of great television. Fuck the real world problems out there, I’ve got several hundred hours of Netflix marathons to get through.
Then you feel a bit guilty that you are failing in your civic duty, so you decide to send an ironic GIF to Donald Trump – you know doing your bit.
You could cancel your Amazon Prime account and vote with your feet, but then you’d have to wait a few days for your deliveries.
You’d use a search engine to find a different provider, but you like Google. Google knows you so well that when you start typing shit it predicts what you want and you don’t need to hit another key.
It doesn’t scare you at all, not even the fact that you clearly have an Asian babes obsession or some of the suggestions are a bit worrying.
Sure, someone else could get right on that issue. Politicians for instance. They should be sorting this shit out, except they are far too busy trying to pretend to rule the world and avoid answering difficult questions.
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Be honest. We are quite simply fucked right now. A revolution might be exactly what we need.
You may be in need of a little more convincing. You know as you are sat there skipping words and sentences for a quick fix that tells you whether this is worth your time or not.
5 minutes of your time, taking you from your busy life. The one where you're a battery plugged into a system that is fucking you every day. At least it all fits conveniently into your phone, I guess.
So, here it goes.
People have become weak
Everybody seems to be offended, like, all of the time. You can’t say shit anymore without someone either correcting you or reminding you of the new rules of engagement that nobody agreed to.
If you are one of these people, don’t be offended when I say that you are total Thundercunt. Seriously, I mean that from the bottom of my heart.
If you came here hoping to find something to annoy you, then you aren’t paying attention. Unplug your earphones and look at the world around you. It’s fucked. You could focus your efforts on doing something productive even if that’s being a better person, or a little less sensitive.
There’s plenty to be pissed about. People don’t want to focus on the big stuff that matters. They’d rather freak the fuck out about inconsequential nonsense that bruises their fragile egos.
We need a revolution so that we can all ‘man the fuck up’ (sorry feminazis) and start fixing shit like we’re Bob the Builder (or Betty if it makes you feel better).
We need to change the news narrative. Anyone else bored to tears with the daily Brexit coverage? Seriously, this storyline is more drawn out than the whole Ross and Rachael will-they-won’t-they saga.
For all the super-intelligent University educated geniuses that just graduated and have no fucking idea who Ross or Rachael are, go check out a TV show called ‘Friends’. It’s probably on the History channel these days anyway.
Brexit is like an un-flushable turd. A repetitive narrative that papers and broadcasters trot out every day. Seriously, this shite is more convoluted and contrived than the X Factor. It’s the epitome of the lowest form of entertainment and we need to change the record.
Whether you are for a Sunnyside-up Brexit or a Brexit with a side of Unicorn steak, I couldn’t give a damn. A revolution might at the very least give us all something new to get excited about and something we could all rally behind.
We need unity not division
Issues like politics, sport, and even mild banter have become so immersed in the underlying anger we're silently drowning in that no one seems able to have fun anymore.
I cannot remember a time when so many comedians couldn’t make a decent joke about the moronic state of the world and instead make sniping remarks to canned laughter.
Every decent sporting event seems to get overrun with people’s inability to enjoy the spectacle for what it is. Social media and chat forums are littered with petulant hatred and jingoistic tribal bullshit. The Brexit ‘have your say’ plays out like an anthem of bitterness with new vitriolic names invented every day.
We are descending into a bunch of spoiled children who express their pent up feelings through sending passive aggressive memes, angry hashtags and all manner of confusing emojis to make some innocuous point.
We are slowly becoming a mathematician with a broken calculator to solve all our problems. It can’t always be about division (see what I did there).
This diversity bullshit just isn’t working, let’s try something new like a bit of unity. You know: adding shit up to something bigger. I’m fairly sure Einstein would approve, and he was a smart guy.
Some folks need something better to do
If you spend most of your life sitting on your butt. You have all your stuff delivered to your door and your thoughts delivered to your phone or through your TV or laptop – you need a revolution.
We can call it a hobby or a social bonding activity. It’ll be a bit weird because all your new ‘friends’ might not look exactly like you, but you might learn a thing or two about the real world you live in.
Echo chambers are nice and safe because everyone in them thinks the same stuff. However, the real world is full of people ready to blow your mind in more than 140 characters or a 5-minute blog post. It could be exciting.
If you need convincing, watch the Matrix. Neo was simply sad old Thomas Anderson miserable as fuck, then he met Morpheus and learned to fly and loads of other cool shit.
If you already know what you think and it makes you comfortable to surround yourself with other people just like you, perhaps you should just join a cult and be done with it.
The system is broken
Seriously, guys, we have seriously screwed the pooch with the world at the moment.
The system’s broken and we are all just standing around waiting for inevitability to prevail.
The Avengers won't be coming to save us. Anyone who saw last year’s movie knows they are a bit down on their luck at the moment.
Thanos’ minions seem to be running the world and we all need to step up and become superheroes in our own right.
If you want to whip out the Lycra or Spandex – go for it. But do something, even if it’s just being better or not throwing hate out to the world because someone is different from you.
I don’t care if the revolution happens or even if it is streamed on Netflix or some other site. Change needs to happen and often that is as simple as everyone trying to be less of a douchebag than they might have normally been.
The only thing I can offer as a ‘reward’ or promise is that we might actually get some decent music back on the scene.
Revolutions tend to come out best in song. There has been no truly great era of music for decades now, and if ever there was a more compelling reason for a revolution this would be it.
Music is the anthem of the soul. It’s time for it to wake up and belt out something beautiful.
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Nepenthe - Steve Rogers x Reader (Part I)
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Request: Hello!! Could I possibly request a Steve x reader imagine where the reader is younger than him? (Well, anyone would be younger than him). So maybe she is around twenty with a tragic background and she is the one who has been helping him adjust and then she helps him with the whole Bucky thing and they kinda end up together somehow. She is a SHIELD agent. (Something like a timeline from the moment he was revived up until whenever you want). I don't know if it made sense, sorry. Thank you so much. Nepenthe: Something or someone that can make you forget grief or suffering. Safe heaven.  Warnings: My English, language, gifs aren't mine. Credits to their original owners. Also, it deviates from the movies at some points but it’s pretty close. A second(better) part is already planned.  Word Count~7.5k MASTERLIST Pending Requests
It wasn't something new. You should have gotten used it. It wasn't the first time you had woken up in the middle of the night with your breath stolen from you and it would definitely not be the last one. You didn't want to think of your past but every single time you thought you had put it to sleep, that fucking thing popped up unexpectedly and messed with your mind.  You had gone through so much and even more. Not even Fury knew exactly what. He had a clearer picture than all of the others but he didn't even dare to ask.  Your past had left you with so many scars, fears and nightmares that you tried every day to fight off. Some days you would win, some days you would lose. What mattered most was that you never gave up. It was exhausting but you would never surrender to them. You were stronger than that. Not unbreakable, but strong enough to know that there was hope. And to believe it would get better.  The first time you had been brought to SHIELD, you were eighteen years old. You had no relatives at all, no way to live on your own, no chance of survival. You didn't have a choice, really, but what they were offering was appealing in a way that made you think you had a chance. To begin again. That's why you didn't even hesitate.  You were the youngest agent but your progress was rather dynamic. Two years and many training sessions and missions later, you were a level eight. No one ever expected you to achieve so much within so little time. You didn't want yo admit it since your past made you eager to move forward, but it had helped you a lot. All the training you had undergone when you were captured by the Red Room and the missions you were sent to execute while you were under Hydra's capture had made you strong and lethal; you would barely blink an eye when you had to pull the trigger or to split someone's throat open. You used to follow orders blindly, without question because that would have gotten you killed.  However, you had noticed that lately... Something felt off.  A knock on your door alerted you and you immediately shot up and got off of your bed, putting on a jumper two sizes too big and your sneakers.  You opened the door, knowing that whatever had just happened must have been important. Otherwise, they wouldn't wake you up at three in the morning.  "Director Fury is demanding your presence in the Triskelion. You have ten minutes" a guard informed you and you just nodded.  You had ten minutes to get ready. 
When you arrived -when the helicarrier arrived- you were rushed to Fury's office. Some other people were there along with Natasha, Clint, and Maria. Nobody seemed to know why they were there. Until Fury spilled the beans. "Captain America, folks. Alive and frozen". Wait. What? Captain America? The Captain America? But that was impossible. He lived, what, seventy years ago? And he had died when he crushed that ..thing directly into the... ice. Oh, Dear Lord. You couldn't hear much because man, he was alive. He has been frozen for seventy years and now they want to revive him? How hard would it be for him to adjust?  'How awful must it feels to know that all of the people you cared about are dead and you are still here, not aged a day, trying to move on?' you thought to yourself. You would never let someone see your soft side because that was a weakness. Emotions clouded judgment. They were a distraction from your goal. "And I want you to help him adjust" Fury said a little louder than necessary, just to get your attention. And he was pointing at you. You would have to babysit him. You nodded and when you turned to face agent Coulson, you saw him glowing with excitement. Everyone knew that Phil was enchanted by the mighty hero. You arched you perfectly shaped eyebrow at him but if you wanted to be honest you had to admit that his story was actually tragically enchanting. People started moving towards different directions but you just stood there, unable to move so much as a muscle. Your mind was flooding you with your memories. All the tragedy that you had suffered. All the pain and the agony. And how... Guilty you felt once you escaped. Because you hadn't been able to save anyone else. Just yourself. And that was going to be exactly what he will face as well. "Come on, Y/N" Natasha spoke softly as she guided you by your arm. Natasha could understand your pain but only a part. She knew the Red Room and what it felt like to enter a child and leave an adult. When she had learned that you had escaped when you were only fourteen, she was jealous because you had been given the chance that was taken away from her. But then she found out that you had been recaptured by Hydra. She hated herself for ever feeling jealous in the first place. The Red Room was one thing. Hydra... Was another. Once your mind returned to reality, you saw that you were already inside a room. And he was lying on a surface, face pale, eyes closed, lips purple. You tilted your head to the side. Something about his features felt unbelievably intriguing. Agonizingly, perfectly still. He was unconscious but everything about him screamed alive. You tried to listen to Fury as he instructed everyone. They would pretend that it was still the 40s. Something that you thought of as hypocritical, to say the least. Why did they think that he would believe it? He clearly was smarter than that if the stories were true. You stopped paying attention to his words as you took in the picture in front of you. It was going to be one hell of a ride. 
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You didn't exactly remember if it had been a month or more, but Captain America was back. And you had been right. He didn't believe it for a second. You felt low-key proud. Your job was mainly to keep an eye on him, but you weren't his shadow. He needed space and time to be aware of his surroundings and the new era he had woken up. You had officially met him the very first day he was revived-after the fiasco. Even though you could feel his uncertainty and his worries, and you would definitely understand it if he was rude to you, he surprised the hell out of you when he politely introduced himself and called you ma'am. That sweet Brooklyn accent and his manners… Killer combination. He also appreciated the fact that you gave him his space. He would occasionally be annoyed by the other agents that took your place when you had to go out on the field. They weren't discreet nor quiet. He would never admit it but he had grown used to your presence around the place. It was somehow reassuring. Especially after seeing you training. He was impressed, afraid and awed. However, things made it difficult for you to keep your distance and let him adjust easier. When Fury told you about the Tesseract, you knew that he needed Steve and that he was recruiting a team. You also knew that he didn't tell you everything but you didn't push it. You would find out in a different way. He was punching and kicking the hell out of that punching bag until it crashed into the wall across the room. You were aware that he was strong but that seemed a bit maniac. "Trouble sleeping?" Fury asked him rhetorically and you felt the need to arch an eyebrow, but you fought against it. "I slept for seventy years, sir. I think I've had my fill" he answered and even though he was being sassy he was still polite. 'Then you should be out, celebrating, seeing the world" Fury continued as you both made your way to him. You felt bad for the punching bag. He stopped and walked over to his things as he nodded, acknowledging you. You sent him a small smile, something that you had been doing a lot more recently. And Natasha had noticed. After a whole bunch of dramatic, Fury handed him the file with the information he needed to know. "Trying to get me back in the world?" he almost spat out, darkness creeping up into his voice. "Trying to get you to save it" you popped up before things got out of hand. His expression softened and when he looked at you, he saw nothing more than a person being honest with him. And he liked that. And you liked him. Wait. What?
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"I gotta say, it's an honor to meet you, officially. I sort of met you, I mean, I watched you while you were sleeping" Phil was rambling again. His crazy obsession had taken over. You simply gave Steve an apologetic smile but you felt that your whole world brightened when he blushed.  There was no use denying the fact that he was handsome. But there was something more than plain looks. He was charming and charismatic. "I mean, I was present while you were unconscious from the ice. You know, it's really, it's just a huge honor to have you on board" Phil continued. Steve was looking at him with amusement. You were drooling over him.  You had caught yourself thinking about him more than once mainly because you had bonded over dinner. 
It was Monday and it sucked. You have had a particularly difficult day and your body felt sore. A shiver was trailing through your muscles and you just wanted comfort as you were drained of energy.  You wondered around in hopes that you would find something to eat and a fluffy cozy blanket. But plans changed. They became so much better. You made a beeline to the kitchen only to realize that nothing was eatable. 
You began to cook spaghetti and prepare a really spicy sauce with chili.  Working with your hands and not your brain was refreshing and appealing. You even found yourself humming a soft song. You remembered that there was a bottle of red wine hidden somewhere in the kitchen. Why not? The dinner was ready within no time. You placed your plate on the table and you poured a generous portion of wine into your glass and you were ready to sit down but Steve walked in. You didn't want to make him feel awkward and honestly, you liked his company.  "Hungry?" you gently asked him, a bright smile on your lips. He was taken aback and he tried to say no in a polite way but is stomach said otherwise. He blushed and sighed.  "Starving" he admitted and blushed even more. He was so adorable and sexy. How can you be both at the same time?  You added a plate and a glass, after seeking confirmation from him. You didn't know if wanted to drink. As you would find out later, he couldn't get drunk, just lightheaded.  He sat down next to you and you could smell his scent all over the place. It was a bit disorienting. He was hesitant to taste the food because he thought that you were too young to know how to cook and fight at the same time. He genuinely thought that you were too young but he was forgetting it a lot. However, he was pleasantly surprised.  "This is good. Like, really good!" he told you beaming and you laughed. He was just like a child. You didn't know this but he became determined to make you laugh again.  That night was only the beginning.  "Well, I hope I'm the man for the job" he quietly said. Phil was about to say something but you cut him off.  "You are" you simply yet boldly answered him, without leaving him any room for self-doubt.  His eyes pierced yours and nothing felt the same. 
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"Can you? Can you wipe off your past? Do you remember them? Do they let you sleep at night? Barton told me everything. Your ledger is dripping, it's gushing red, and you think saving the life of a man no more virtuous than yourself will change anything? This is the basest sentimentality. This is a child at prayer; pathetic! You lie and kill in the service of liars and killers. You pretend to be separate, to have your own code, something that makes up for the horrors, but they are a part of you, and they will never go away" he said, slamming his fist against the glass. You knew that this was just a plan. You knew that what he meant was to simply scare you. You knew that he wanted to unleash the Hulk. But it hurt, nonetheless. Mainly because he was right. You had killed and tortured and captured innocent people. It took everything in you to remember that it wasn't you. 'Yes. But I still did it' you thought. And most importantly... Now he knew. He would hate you. How could he not? He was a hero and you were an assassin. You didn't care about the others, not that much at least. You had out-sassed Stark and you were quite gentle with Natasha's new love interest. Thor... He was a God. He could handle it. But him... He was Captain America for fuck's sake. You did what you were told but when you returned to the lab, you were welcomed by six people fighting each other... And a gun? So that was why SHIELD wanted the Tesseract. New guns. "Congratulations. You out topped Hydra" you sarcastically told Fury. He was being just as dishonest and manipulative as your previous captures. Guess, you exchanged Hydra and the Red Room for SHIELD. They were all the same. Seeking profit for themselves. Steve looked at you, eyes on fire. "You didn't know?" he asked you in a provocative tone but you refused to give in. "I wouldn't be here if I did" you simply answered him. No sarcasm, no irony. You truly wanted him to know that you had no idea and you were definitely not supporting any of it. He seemed to realize that you would have never agreed on something like this, given your past. Because he knew. He had read your file, he had asked Fury-multiple times- and he had done his research on you. He was actually kind of surprised -not in a good way- that you were only twenty yet you had been through all that. You were just a child when the Red Room got you. He came to hate them for what they had made you do. And Hydra of course. But he had another reason to hate Hydra as well. His best friend. Zola and the red skull had killed him.. And suddenly he was back on that Train. He snapped out of it. But your eyes were still locked with his. And you couldn't avert them.
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You had survived the Chitauri invasion. You had all gotten out of that nightmare alive. Not completely alright but safe. "I think I would like a break" you admitted, tilting your head so you could see his face against the blinding light of the afternoon sun. He smiled, and you realized that the sun wasn't bright enough. "I think I might join you" he said amused. He wasn't usually this bold, but you loved it when he was. It was like a completely different side of his personality. You stood there watching Thor and Loki teleporting back to Asgard with the Tesseract before everyone said their goodbyes. You were no longer a SHIELD agent per se but not quite an Avenger as the group was being called. You had stopped taking orders without questioning them. You had also come clean with Steve about your past as you told him everything, things nobody else knew, things you wished to forget. And he was okay with that. He didn't criticize you or hated you. He was starting his motorcycle when he furrowed his eyebrows and turned his head to look at you. "Hop on" he told you and you couldn't hide your smile. You didn't question him or his impatient request. "Yes, Captain" you playfully answered as you sat down behind him and hugged his waist tightly, spreading your fingers out, gripping his shirt. You could feel his toned torso, his muscles tensing for a brief second. You could feel his heart beating steadily. A big smile was carved on your lips. He could feel your legs almost wrapped around him, your hands holding him close, your chest against his back, your breath fanning over his neck. He tried to remind himself that you were just twenty years old. But did it really matter?
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There was a dim light illuminating the room making everything appear still. You slowly awoke from your sleep. It had been a peaceful night; no nightmares, no memories hunting you, no screams. Your right hand was rested upon Steve's chest. Your eyes flickered open when you realized that he was shirtless. You found his apologetic gaze already fixed on you but there was a lighthearted smile plastered on his full lips. ‘’Hey...’’ your sleepy voice trailed off before your eyes closed once more, causing Steve to chuckle at the sight. This was normal. You had been sleeping in the same bed with Steve since the first night after New York. You were both too scared to be left alone with your minds. So, when you had slowly opened the door of his room and crept in, you had found a terrified Steve. You had never seen him that afraid. You hadn't given it much thought when you had climbed οnto his bed and hugged him tightly. And he had hugged you back, holding onto you for dear life. You didn't know where you two stood exactly. Like, what were you to him? His friend? But friends didn't sleep in one bed, friends didn't hug each other as much as you did, their touches wouldn't linger on for moments after... Friends didn't get that tingling sensation whenever the other's hand would brush against your own accidentally. You could safely say that he wasn't just your friend. You had developed feelings for him-feelings that ran deeper than blood, feelings you knew you weren't supposed to catch for someone that much older. But then again... He didn't seem to treat you any differently than the others, right? Hugging you tightly and cuddling you to sleep wasn't something that he wouldn't do for someone else. Treating you with breakfast in bed, was something anyone would do. Cooking with you, getting not-drunk with you, running a hot bath for you, carrying you when you were too tired or sleepy to function... For fuck's sake. It was his fault that you were in love with him. Hold it. What now? And there he was, looking all heaven sent in the soft light of the new day, making it hard for you to breathe. The way the light danced around his blonde hair, how golden strands fell to his eyes... His eyes. Those blue orbits that felt deeper than the ocean itself and seemed to change colors; from baby to royal blue. You have had the pleasure to witness his eyes becoming cobalt blue once. In your mind, you were the reason why his eyes darkened. And those lips... Perfectly shaped, full, plump and pouty that made you wonder how would they taste. You could go on and on about his appearance but what had won you over was his personality. He was gentle yet bold, soft yet fierce, polite yet daring. He did what he thought was better for everyone, not just him. He never considered himself a hero. He disliked being called that. In his mind, he was a person out of time. Not even Peggy could help. He had admitted that she was half the reason he joined SHIELD but then he thought about the other half. You didn't know this, but his mind wandered back to the very first time he had met you. "Goodmorning, doll" he breathed out. You felt like melting under his tender touch, as he had his arm wrapped around you, and you wanted to catch fire when he called you that. It wasn't something sexual, but it worked miracles. When you didn't move, he let out a breathy chuckle and draw small patterns with his fingers on your exposed thigh. You understood that it was unintentional, but you couldn't stop your heartbeat from accelerating. "Five more minutes" you husked, your voice thick and throaty. It sent shivers down his spine. "I could lay here all day long" he admitted under his breath. You heard it, but you had fallen asleep before you could answer. He stayed awake. He didn't dare to close his eyes.
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"You know, if you ask Kristen out, from Statistics, she'd probably say yes" Natasha told him and you felt your blood boiling. If that her way to piss you off... She was successful. "That's why I don't ask" Steve answered calmly and certain. "Too shy or too scared?" she pressed further. You wanted to slap her. What was she doing? You didn't stay around to catch his answer because you jumped out of the jet. Your mind was clouded and your judgment not on point. Of course. He was ten years older than you, extremely good-looking and single. He should date. Not her. Not any other girl. You landed on the ship and moments later Steve climbed on too. He beat up everyone on the deck (other times using his shield and other times with his hands but mostly mustering both) before somebody could raise the alarm but he was interrupted by one of the pirates pointing his gun at him. Without thinking about it too much, you removed yourself from your hiding place and shot him down. Steve gave you an amusing look. "Thanks" he told you, a bit out of breath. You raised both of your eyebrows in a sarcastic way. "Yeah. You seemed pretty helpless without me" you mocked him earning a playful smirk. Everyone else landed on the deck as well and Natasha picked up from where she had left it off. "What about the nurse that lives across the hall from you? She seems kind of nice" she informed him, seemingly emotionless. Steve rolled his eyes. At least, he wasn't interested right now. "Secure the engine room. Then find me a date" he answered nonchalantly as she jumped off the current level. "I'm multitasking". More like getting on your nerves. You didn't look at him and that was why you couldn't know but he was looking at you, trying to read your face. He wanted to know if -maybe- you were mad at... Natasha or him? Maybe, just maybe... You could have been jealous?   Mission first, then dames he thought. Shortly after that, you both had your head in the game. He needed your help because he didn't speak French (or so you thought because later you found out that he was fluent), so you were stuck with him, translating. "I do not like to wait. Call Durand. I want the ship ready to move when the ransom arrives" you quickly translated as you were eyeing Steve, trying to understand what he was planning. "He called Durant. He wants to start the engine. Natasha has to be there" you continued. He nodded and took off. You ran into the opposite direction so you could help Rumlow as already planned. He would need someone to deal with the hostiles. Everything went according to plan. But then Natasha never showed up. "Hostages en route to extraction. Romanoff missed the rendezvous point, Cap. Hostiles are still in play" Rumlow informed Steve. You were about to yell at her but there was no reply from her. "Get them out of here. I'll stay behind" you practically barked out the 'order'. Natasha had screwed you up. And you needed to fix this. Something that ended up biting you in the ass.
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Your head was heavy and you couldn't feel your body. She was dead. The moment you could get up, she was dead. You slowly opened your eyes and tried to move your sore muscles. At least, you weren't paralyzed. You looked around you only to find out that you weren't alone. "Steve?" your voice was raspy and it made you wince. His eyes were instantly on you and a relieved smile had just formed on his lips. "How are you?" he sheepishly asked. You would have laughed but your head was spinning and your mind was thinking about quitting. You slowly and carefully got out of the uncomfortable bed and placed your feet on the ground. "How long was I out?" you questioned rather seriously. He sifted his weight on his other leg. "A few hours. I had a talk with Fury but he doesn't... He is not very helpful" he told you and you could see that he was fighting a battle. Thankfully, you were wearing normal clothes. Because you had a few things to say to Fury too. "Let's go" you said clearly not giving a flying fuck. He knew better than questioned you that moment. All the way to Fury's office, you noticed that Steve walked closer to you than he had before, being a tad more protective than he usually was. And even though you wanted him to know that you were capable of protecting your ass, you were more than happy to feel his presence so close to you. He made you forget all the pain and the sadness. You slammed open the door. You weren't even surprised that Natasha was already there. "And she is alive!" Fury jocked. "You are alright" Natasha said. You walked straight to Fury and slapped him. He was taken aback that much that he didn't even say anything. You turned on your heel, gave Natasha a cold glare and almost hissed at her. "Not thanks to you". Steve was looking at you, debating whether he was impressed or confused by your actions. "Project Insight. Now" you clearly demanded. Fury seemed to come to his senses. "You waltzed in here, slapped me and now you are demanding information that is not to be shared with you?" he asked darkly. He wasn't used to people having authority over him. You tilted your head, a devilish smirk on your face and you waited for about five seconds before you gave him an answer. "Precisely". Everything was still. "Why?" he dared to ask. "I want to hear your version of the story, Nicky" you told him and he understood that you knew. He raised an eyebrow. "There is only one version" he said ominously as he nodded towards the elevator for you and Steve to enter. Steve and Nick had a stupid talk and you couldn't help but wonder. What exactly did they want to achieve? You knew that there was something fishy about the whole thing. Especially, Pierce. He gave you an off vibe. Once the elevator stopped, you came face to face with three huge Helicarrires. "This is Project Insight. Three next generation Helicarriers synced to a network of targeting satellites" Nick informed you proudly. You, however, felt sick. "Launched from the Lemurian Star" Steve commented, looking at him. "Once we get them in the air they never need to come down. Continuous suborbital flight courtesy of our new repulsor engines" he continued like it was something he should brag about. "Stark?" you guessed. He was good but not in the right way. "Well, he had a few suggestions once he got an up close look at our old turbines. These new long range precision guns can eliminate a thousand hostiles a minute. The satellites can read a terrorist's DNA before he steps outside his spider hole. We gonna neutralize a lot of threats before they even happen" Nick told you, while you noticed he still kept his distance from you. "I thought the punishment usually came after the crime" Steve butted in. He was always the one who wanted things to be right. And this didn't feel like it. "We can't afford to wait that long" came the answer. Of course he would say something like that. "Who's "we"?". Steve was so naive. So innocent. This was planned after New York. "After New York, I convinced the World Security Council we needed a quantum surge in threat analysis. For once we're way ahead of the curve" Nick admitted. He finally told you something true. "By holding a gun at everyone on Earth and calling it protection" you finished his line. Because that was exactly what he was about to do. Steve was zoning out. He knew this was bad. And so did you. "You know, I read those SSR files. Greatest generation? You guys did some nasty stuff" Nick turned back to Steve because he was an easier target. You... Well, he didn't fancy the idea of getting slapped again. And he knew that you were more than capable of way more than just that. He had read your file too. "Yeah, we compromised. Sometimes in ways that made us not sleep so well. But we did it, so the people could be free. This isn't freedom, this is fear" Steve answered truthfully, and you admired the fire inside him "SHIELD takes the world as it is, not as we'd like it to be. It's getting damn near past time for you to get with that program, Cap. And you, agent" Nick finally told you what was all about. "I'd rather not" you commented dryly and left. "Don't hold your breath" you heard Steve informing him fiercely. A small smile made its way to your lips.
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The moment you found out that Fury was dead was the moment you came face to face with the man that trained you when you were captured by Hydra. They called him 'The Winter Soldier'. To everyone else, he was a ghost story. You knew him as James. One of the few times that he could think on his own, he told you his name because he wanted someone to remember it for him, for he was going to get wiped. That was how things worked with Hydra. And that would be your future if you hadn't escaped. When SHIELD thought that they got you, you played along. They weren't capable of capturing you if you didn't want them to. You had escaped but you had tried to help him too. He was an innocent man that had been manipulated way too many times. But you couldn't. And there he was, standing in front of you, his metal arm wrapped around your neck, no sign of recognition in his eyes. "James, please" your voice was barely audible, but his eyes widened, and his grip loosened. Something sparked inside him, but he was hesitant. "I am sorry James" you breathed out and his hand left your neck for good. He took his mask off and you saw that he remembered something. You, maybe? Before you could do anything else, he jumped off the roof you were standing. You knew that he was gone. If he was here and in his Soldat mood, then Fury was killed. He never screwed up a mission. That was why he had been Hydra's secret weapon for years. More than you could possibly imagine. There was only one person that could help you and he was too occupied trying to get out of the Triskelion alive. So, you rushed to the only place you knew you would find him. The Hospital. If your assumptions were correct, then Pierce would have unleashed STRIKE to take down Steve. And he would have gotten away, only to go to the most obvious place in the world. You hoped that you knew him well enough.
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“Stop lying” he growled at Natasha. You almost ran towards him to peal him off of her. “I only act like I know everything, Rogers” she answered defensively. Steve looked at you once you enter the room. “I bet you knew Fury hired the pirates, didn't you?” he questioned her, but he let her go. Natasha nodded at you and you dared to take another step. “Well, it makes sense. The ship was dirty, Fury needed a way in, so do you” she told him. Steve wasn’t having any of it. He gripped her arms and shook her entire body. He was mad. “I'm not gonna ask you again”. You rushed and put your hand on his shoulder. That made him loosen up a bit, but Natasha was analyzing your every move and how Steve reacted when you were around. “I know who killed Fury. Most of the intelligence community doesn't believe he exists, the ones who do call him the Winter Soldier. He's credited with over two dozen assassinations in the last fifty years” she blurted. Steve looked confused. You, however, couldn’t stand there listening to her calling him a monster. “James. His name is James” you whispered. Both of them looked at you with furrowed eyebrows, expecting some kind of explanation. “He was the one who trained me back then” you simply told them, your voice becoming even weaker than before. Natasha continued her version of the story. How he had shot her and how he was a ghost story. But to you, he wasn’t a bad person who needed to be stopped. He was a helpless man who needed a chance. Steve, however, was worried. Someone from your past was messing up the timeline? Little did he know that he wasn’t just from your past. When they decided that you had to find out what was on that drive, Natasha thought that you would have to steal a laptop and Steve wanted to break into SHIELD’s base... You rolled your eyes at them. They weren’t practical at all. “The mall disguised as civilians, guys!” you exasperated. They were truly thinking like a spy and a hero. Since when did you become the practical one? “And then what?” Steve asked you mainly because he had no idea how a mall could help. “And then we go to a Mac store to use one of their computers, genius” you answered, your ‘duh’-tone being very well spotted. “Lead the way ma’am”. You had to contain yourself otherwise your blush would be visible to everyone in the building. Natasha saw it, Steve didn’t. She winked at you and smirked. She got it now; why you always seemed to be annoyed when she tried to hook Steve up with someone. You had a thing for him. She should have known. He must have had feelings for you as well because every time she suggested another woman, his eyes would fall onto you momentarily. You brushed the tension off and hoped that the closest mall was close enough. Once you arrived, Natasha made sure that you felt uncomfortable in all possible ways. “You are a couple. And I’m the creepy loner friend. Got it?”. She was actually giving orders, something that made you quirk an eyebrow, but you felt your cheeks burning when Steve didn’t say anything, instead, he looked down, trying to hide his own blush. You all walked to the first store you saw and found a laptop that could handle the drive. “The drive has a Level Six homing program, so as soon as we boot up SHIELD will know exactly where we are” Natasha informed you. You already knew that they weren’t stupid. “How much time do we have?” Steve asked, his eyeglasses getting in the way of his spasmodic moves. He really didn’t know how to hide in plain sight. “Uh...about nine minutes from... Now” she told him and popped the drive into the computer. “Fury was right about that ship, somebody's trying to hide something. This drive is protected by some sort of AI, it keeps rewriting itself to counter my commands” she continued as she was typing. Your brain was thinking ahead but Steve was impatient. “Can you override it?” he pressed. If you didn’t like him that much you would have kicked his ass. Big time. “Steve, first rule of going on the run is, don't run, walk. Stop it” you told him and gripped his arm tightly enough to make him flinch. He gave you an apologetic look. You knew that he didn’t know how to act naturally. “The person who developed this is slightly smarter than me. Slightly” she commented dryly. Yes, maybe. But you were running out of time. “Try running a tracer. This is a program that SHIELD developed to track hostile malware, so if we can't read the file, maybe we can find out where it came from” you suggested and she looked impressed. She didn’t know that you had hacked into SHIELD’s system too many times, but Steve did and he was proud. Not of your deviant behavior but… genuinely. Something had changed between you two and he felt it. Something in the way he would find solace in your scent or presence… or the fact that he would never consider dating someone else because, even if you were ten years younger than him and -in his mind- you deserved better, he had formed this huge school-boy crush on you. And he didn’t mind one bit. “Can I help you guys with anything?” an employee asked politely, and your eyes immediately scanned him. “Oh, no, thank you. I am just helping them with some honeymoon destinations” Natasha lied smoothly, and you followed suit even though your heart was pounding in your chest. “Right! We're getting married” Steve quickly agreed, a little too excited. You placed a hand on his chest, acting all wifey. “Congratulations! Where do you guys thinking about going?”. Fuck, he wasn’t stopping. Steve looked at the monitor and saw that the signal was traced somewhere in New Jersey. You knew that he was about to blurt it out. “New Jersey”. He was a terrible liar. Something that you found extremely attractive. “Oh” the poor guy answered. He looked at Steve for a moment and you felt that he stopped breathing. “I have the exact same glasses” he remarked. You had stopped paying attention to the conversation because, a) you were scanning the room and b) Steve. After tracing the signal to Wheaton you walked out, “Standard tac-team. Two behind, to across, two coming straight at us. If they make us, I'll engage, you hit the south escalator to the metro” he gave commands. You looked at Natasha and nodded once. Two agents were coming straight towards you. “Shut up and put your arm around me, laugh at something I said” you demanded curtly.  That made him turn his head too fast. “What?” he croaked. You wanted to slap him. You didn’t have time. “Do it!” you practically barked at him.  Steve quickly put his arm around you and laughed. Natasha quickly lowered her hoodie and walked by without getting noticed. All the agents walked by and Steve looked impressed. As you were going down the escalator you and Natasha spotted Rumlow on the escalator next to you going up and she turned to Steve. She was behind him and you were in front of him. “Kiss her” Natasha told him. You thought you would have frozen, but you were actually calm. Maybe because you didn’t believe that he would actually do it. He just kept looking at you with his eyes wide open. “Public displays of affection make people very uncomfortable” Natasha reasoned but before he could answer you quickly pulled down Steve's head and kissed him making Rumlow look away as he went past you on the escalator. The moment your lips touched, you lost yourself and you forgot about reality. Natasha smiled knowingly. Finally. His hands held your waist tightly and yours were resting around his neck. It couldn’t have lasted more than five seconds, but you were out of breath. Maybe it was his scent, maybe it was his body, maybe it was his lips… maybe you were not just in love with him. You pulled away and broke apart when you saw Nat’s smirk. “Still uncomfortable?” she questioned wiggling her eyebrows suggestively. “It's not exactly the word I would use” he told her truthfully and you saw him blush. You tried to hide your smile but failed.
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“Bucky?” “James” You were playing on repeat that scene for the last fifteen minutes. You couldn’t get over the fact the guy that had trained you, the Winter Soldier, James… was Steve’s best friend. The last days had been chaotic but that was something you would never imagine. Then again, you lived a pretty crazy life. “It was him. He looked right at me like he didn't even know me” Steve whispered heartbrokenly. You didn’t know how to soothe the pain. “How's that even possible? It was like seventy years ago” Sam asked confused but it wasn’t that confusing. “Zola. Bucky's whole unit was captured in '43, Zola experimented on him. Whatever he did helped Bucky survive the fall. They must have found him and...” Steve trailed off. You could taste your blood in your mouth. Your sight was weakening. “None of that's your fault, Steve” you tried to reassure him but he wasn’t listening. Not really. “Even when I had nothing, I had Bucky”. It felt like he was confessing his younger years and your heart ached for him. Sam seemed to notice yours and Nat’s wounds and he glanced at the guards. “We need to get a doctor here. We don't put pressure on those wounds they gonna bleed out here in the truck” he accused them but the world started spinning. Suddenly one of the guards pulled out an electric rod and you thought that you were gonna die but then it neutralized the other guard and knocked him out. The guard took off the helmet and- “Maria?” you questioned. What the fuck? You didn’t get to hear the rest of the story because you passed out in Steve’s hug. He made a promise to himself. If he was to survive this, he would take you out on a date. At least, he would man up and ask you.
You ran towards the bombs, where you knew that he was coming from. Finally, you saw him, rocket launcher in his hand as he made his way towards you. You shrunk back, forcing yourself to become invisible as the Soldier threw down his launcher, opting for his machine gun as he shot a man in the neck, throwing a grenade inside another plane. You launched yourself forward. You knew that you would have to muster Natasha’s thigh hold. You knew him but he knew you too. You threw yourself onto his back, locking your legs around his waist by your ankles as you grabbed your knife, one hand locked around his neck for support and your left hand aiming the knife for his face. “James stop” you tried to prevent what was about to follow. He didn’t answer. But he knew those moves. His reflexes were quicker than you remembered. His human hand grabbed yours and stopped the knife. The two of you struggled for a few moments before he tried throwing you off of him, something that didn’t quite work because your legs were locked around his waist…until he used his metal hand and stuck his thumb into your thigh, right into the wound that Rumlow had inflicted on you moments ago. You held your scream but your legs weakened their hold. He grabbed your arm holding the knife and flipped you over his shoulder. You landed hard on the ground. A groan escaped your lips before your eyes widened at the metal fist aimed towards your head. You quickly rolled over his fist hitting the cement next to you. “James, for fuck’s sake. Please!” you tried one last time. His face became a tragic mask. “You are my mission” he spat out, trying to convince himself more than you. “Bucky” you whispered but never got to see his reaction because he had already jumped off of the building. Later on, in the safety of the trees, you watched the destruction all around you. You simply watched. You couldn’t even more. However, as you were staring at the one helicarrier that still in the air, you saw Steve falling from it into the water. Your breath never made it out of your lungs. And then, moments later, another figure followed it. Bucky. “If you die, I’m gonna kill you” you hissed at Steve. Or, the image in your mind.
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Tags: @orionsirivsblack @kapolisradomthoughts @nadinissavage @geeksareunique
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