#i could do a 36 hour week probs?
teazzle · 1 year
hm im awake still
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kayliemusing · 3 years
1: Name - Kaylie
2: Age - 23
3: 3 Fears - Spiders, failure, loss
4: 3 things I love - Reading, writing, Taylor Swift
5: 4 turns on - Kindness, nice hands, humor, someone who has a really warm heart.
6: 4 turns off - Arrogance, moustaches lmao, narcissism, basket ball shorts *shudders*
7: My best friend - Her name is Megan (but also my mom lmao)
8: Sexual orientation - Heterosexual
9: My best first date - I have never been on a date.
10: How tall am I - 5'2
11: What do I miss - My childhood mostly
12: What time were I born - 2:45 pm
13: Favorite color - Red, but sometimes a nice summery, pastel yellow
14: Do I have a crush - no
15: Favorite quote - I have so many that I can't say my utmost favourite, but one that I always think about is from Richard Siken "He was pointing at the moon but I was looking at his hand." I'm not even sure how this is supposed to be interpreted, but I just love the detail of this. Of someone looking at the moon and pointing at it, but you're looking at their hand because you're that consumed by them and also they're like your moon. anyway-
16: Favorite place - My house lol
17: Favorite food - Cheesecake
18: Do I use sarcasm - Yes, but very dryly
19: What am I listening to right now - Nothing actually. I'm just sitting in the quiet.
20: First thing I notice in new person - I used to think it was physical, like eyes or their smile, but I think it's actually their demeanor. i.e., confidence, if they're laid back, talkative or quiet, etc. Or even just how they handle things. Like when I'm at work and I meet a new co-worker I'm always noticing how they are with people.
21: Shoe size - 6.5 US but I can manage a 7 US too.
22: Eye color - Grey
23: Hair color - Ashy blonde, but I usually get it highlighted to be a brighter blonde
24: Favorite style of clothing - I'm super into the French girl vibe right now (elegany, classy, ribbed sweaters tucked into high waisted jeans or dress pants, a blazer thrown over and a nice gold necklace) but I'm also really into a summery boho look (flowy maxi dresses and skirts)
25: Ever done a prank call? No
27: Meaning behind my URL - On this account, it's just my name and then 'muses' because this account is just me talking to myself tbh. My main account is called autumnsletters which is just a combo of my fav things: autumn and handwritten love letters, and finally, my embarrassing taylor swift account is called sixteenavenue which is a lyric from her song I Think He Knows where she mentions her heart skipping down sixteenth avenue.
28: Favorite movie - I feel like i don't have one answer bc I always have a different answer to this question lmao. I think it's called A Christmas Carol (the 2009 version w/ Jim Carrey). It just makes me feel cozy and warm inside. Also: Clueless.
29: Favorite song - All Too Well by Taylor Swift I think.
30: Favorite band - Of Monsters and Men
31: How I feel right now - I actually feel really happy today, which is a change lol. I had an awful week last week, but over the last couple of days I've just felt more creative and happier.
32: Someone I love - My mom
33: My current relationship status - Single
34: My relationship with my parents - Excellent.
35: Favorite holiday - Christmas
36: Tattoos and piercing i have -0 :'(
37: Tattoos and piercing i want - I want to get my ears pierced again bc the holes grew over. Low key want a nose piericing and low key want a tattoo on my collarbone (or somewhere around there)
38: The reason I joined Tumblr - Because everyone else had it and I felt left out LOL
39: Do I and my last ex hate each other? - I don't have an ex
40: Do I ever get “good morning” or “good night ” texts? - No
41: Have I ever kissed the last person you texted? - No i've never been kissed rip
42: When did I last hold hands? - never but it's ok bc i can hold my own hand
43: How long does it take me to get ready in the morning? - Depending on what I'm doing. If I showered the night before and I'm just doing a very low-maintenance look, roughly 15-20 mins. On a normal day in which I shower in the morning and am trying to actually be presentable, roughly an hour.
44: Have I shaved your legs in the past three days? - Have YOU shaved MY legs? No. Have I shaved my own? Yes
45: Where am I right now? - My room
46: If I were drunk & can’t stand, who’s taking care of me? - Most likely I'm not drunk, but IF I WAS, it would be my friend, my mom, or my sister (my sister would probs make fun of me and film me tho tbh)
47: Do I like my music loud or at a reasonable level? - Loud if I'm jamming with nothing else to do but sing along. If I'm trying to do something, I'll turn it down bc I can't focus with loud music (especially if I'm trying to write something/talk to someone/text someone)
48: Do I live with my Mom and Dad? - My mom bc my dads dead
49: Am I excited for anything? - My sister and I are going to Banff in about three weeks so I'm excited for a getaway.
50: Do I have someone of the opposite sex I can tell everything to? - No
51: How often do I wear a fake smile? - I work in retail so
52: When was the last time I hugged someone? - I don't know. I think I hugged my mom at some point this week lol
53: What if the last person I kissed was kissing someone else right in front of me? - Bye bye babyyyy
54: Is there anyone I trust even though I should not? - my cat
55: What is something I disliked about today? - I had to go to work
56: If I could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be? - Taylor Alison Swift baby
57: What do I think about most? - Probably Taylor Swift.
58: What’s my strangest talent? - I can make stomach gurgling noises with my mouth closed.
59: Do I have any strange phobias? - Nah, pretty generic ones
60: Do I prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it? - Behind the camera
61: What was the last lie I told? - Some lady asked if a product was good and I said yes so I wouldn't have to help her find another one
62: Do I prefer talking on the phone or video chatting online? - Neither what the hell
63: Do I believe in ghosts? How about aliens? - Neither
64: Do I believe in magic? - No
65: Do I believe in luck? - No
66: What's the weather like right now? - It's calm, but a little cloudy. It was really warm and sunny earlier, but it's gotten a little grey.
67: What was the last book I've read? - I just finished this series called The Winner's Curse by Marie Rutkoski and it was so good but so stressful omg. Still 5/5 stars.
68: Do I like the smell of gasoline? - Yes
69: Do I have any nicknames? - Not really, but sometimes my coworkers call my Kayls
70: What was the worst injury I've ever had? - Oh my god when I was like 10 I fell during grounders and the bar hit me right on the cooch. Most painful event of my entire life.
71: Do I spend money or save it? - Spend it bitch
72: Can I touch my nose with a tongue? - No
73: Is there anything pink in 10 feet from me? - yes!! my blanket!!
74: Favorite animal? - I love hippos and I don't know why.
75: What was I doing last night at 12 AM? - Reading on my phone to avoid sleeping so I could prolong not going to work
76: What do I think is Satan’s last name is? - Devil. Kind of like Satan The Devil is his full name
77: What’s a song that always makes me happy when I hear it? - Shake It Off
78: How can you win my heart? - Learning Taylor Swift's entire discography for my sake
79: What would I want to be written on my tombstone? - tbh I really don't know
80: What is my favorite word? - Wonderstruck
81: My top 5 blogs on tumblr - n/a
82: If the whole world were listening to me right now, what would I say? - stream fearless taylor's version
83: Do I have any relatives in jail? - no
84: I accidentally eat some radioactive vegetables. They were good, and what’s even cooler is that they endow me with the super-power of my choice! What is that power? - Healing
85: What would be a question I’d be afraid to tell the truth on? - N/A
86: What is my current desktop picture? - it's a misty forest
87: Had sex? - no
88: Bought condoms? - no
89: Gotten pregnant? - no
90: Failed a class? - yes
91: Kissed a boy? - no
92: Kissed a girl? - no
93: Have I ever kissed somebody in the rain? - no but it's a dream
94: Had a job? - I've had two so far
95: Left the house without my wallet? - Yes, sometimes I do it on purpose so I can make my mom pay for something lmao (chill i'm talking something small like candy)
96: Bullied someone on the internet? - no
97: Had sex in public? - no
98: Played on a sports team? - no
99: Smoked weed? - no
100: Did drugs? - no
101: Smoked cigarettes? - no
102: Drank alcohol? - yes
103: Am I a vegetarian/vegan? - no
104: Been overweight? - I feel overweight, but technically no
105: Been underweight? - No
106: Been to a wedding? - Yes
107: Been on the computer for 5 hours straight? - Yes, but not since I was younger. I'm mostly on my phone now.
108: Watched TV for 5 hours straight? - Oh yeah lmao
109: Been outside my home country? - No
110: Gotten my heart broken? - Yes
111: Been to a professional sports game? - No
112: Broken a bone? - No
113: Cut myself? - Yes
114: Been to prom? - Sort of. I'm Canadian so I had grad.
115: Been in airplane? - No
116: Fly by helicopter? - No
117: What concerts have I been to? - Jonas Brothers when I was about 10 lmao and Marianas Trench when I was 15
118: Had a crush on someone of the same sex? - No
119: Learned another language? - Tried to
120: Wore make up? - Yes. I do work at a makeup store.
121: Lost my virginity before I was 18? - no
122: Had oral sex? - no
123: Dyed my hair? - not a funky color, no
124: Voted in a presidential election? - Sort of; I voted for a prime minister
125: Rode in an ambulance? - Yes
126: Had a surgery? - No
127: Met someone famous? - No
128: Stalked someone on a social network? - No
129: Peed outside? - No
130: Been fishing? - No
131: Helped with charity? - Yes
132: Been rejected by a crush? - No bc I never fessed up to any crush lol
133: Broken a mirror? - No
134: What do I want for birthday? - A jewelry box
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Get to know me?
Yoooo - yall remember Myspace, and people would blog survey posts lol. Well thats me, I’m people. And I just wanna write my lil heart out and avoid all of my real life responsibilities. So found a lil questionnaire thing and I’m gonna fill it out. Also lowkey like doing this every so often so I can look back on it and reflect and see how much I may have grown/changed/shifted viewzzz ya feel? :) 
Sooo here yall go <3 
1. Who was the last person you held hands with?
My neice maybe?
2. Are you outgoing or shy?
People who know me would tell me to put outgoing, but I honestly feel shy on the inside, so it just depends.
3. Who are you looking forward to seeing?
Literally anyone lmao fuck this quarantine
4. Are you easy to get along with?
5. If you were drunk would the person you like take care of you?
Lets hope so
6. What kind of people are you attracted to?
Kind souls <3 always notice how they talk to their friends and family, but even people they don’t know like servers or janitors, etc. that shit matters heavy.
7. Do you think you’ll be in a relationship two months from now?
Probably not
8. Who from the opposite gender is on your mind?
A few homies
9. Does talking about sex make you uncomfortable?
Nah not really, just depends
10. Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with?
Not sure -it’s been a min since I had a “deep” connection or convo that I can remember - but was probably with my bestie R’Bo
11. What does the most recent text that you sent say?
“Google that shit” lmao me, giving advice to my friends
12. What are your 5 favorite songs right now?
TOUGH!!!! After Hours by The Weeknd is up there, Cayendo by Frank Ocean (been jamming his shit HAARD lately) and Inside Friend by Leon Bridges & John Mayer….but also been listening to albums - like Childish’s new album, Floreyyy for lo-fi shit, and also got into 070 Shake recently just to name a few.
13. Do you like it when people play with your hair?
14. Do you believe in luck and miracles?
Yeah budddyy
15. What good thing happened this summer?
Idk, my bday party was lit?? And lots of river floats happened
16. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again?
17. Do you think there is life on other planets?
Cant deny that there isn’t so yaaa
18. Do you still talk to your first crush?
19. Do you like bubble baths?
20. Do you like your neighbors?
Just moved, so don’t know em
21. What are you bad habits?
Procrastination lol and biting my nails
22. Where would you like to travel?
Literally ANNNYY-fuckin-WHERE!
23. Do you have trust issues?
Hmm I wanna say generally no, but I also always keep it one hunnnid with myself, and as much as I’d like to say I don’t have any - I think I def have insecurities with myself, that have the potential to become “trust issues” in certain relationships, but overall no. I live by the whole “you have my trust til you fuck it up” mantra
24. Favorite part of your daily routine?
Coffee in the morning lately, missed it and forgot how energized it makes me - gives me time to wake up and reflect/set daily goals
25. What part of your body are you most uncomfortable with?
Stomach forever :((((
26. What do you do when you wake up?
Scroll on my phone, pee usually, or feed my cat lol
27. Do you wish your skin was lighter or darker?
Tanner maybe?
28. Who are you most comfortable around?
My mom or my best friend R’Bonney - but any of my close friends and fam honestly
29. Have any of your ex’s told you they regret breaking up?
Not directly
30. Do you ever want to get married?
Lol ok, so this is always changing…but lately (and by lately I mean the past few years) its been a no. I’m open minded though and am aware that I’m always changing my mind sooo who knows
31. Is your hair long enough for a pony tail?
32. Which celebrities would you have a threesome with?
Honestly, those aren’t my “thing” lollike id prob laugh or be awkward or just have to be hellllla drunk - but like I wouldn’t mind Jason Momoa and Tom Hardy tossin me around
33. Spell your name with your chin.
34. Do you play sports? What sports?
Scocer back in the day - actually went and kicked it like a week ago for the first time in YEARSSSS - felt so damn good
35. Would you rather live without TV or music?
TV, music forreeevverrr
36. Have you ever liked someone and never told them?
Lol story of my life
37. What do you say during awkward silences?
“Soooo” then probably ask a question or some shit lol
38. Describe your dream girl/guy?
Hmmm…definitely have to be funny/have a good sense of humor. They’d have to be open-minded for sure. Up for trying new things, places, cultures, food, music, etc. Just have an adventurous spirit I guess when it comes to that. Have a good line of communication/openness - and just be able to have a deep/intellectual convo about anything and everything. Bonuses: taller than me, likes cooking, and going to music shows.
39. What are your favorite stores to shop in?
Amazon lol I hate shopping
40. What do you want to do after high school?
To go back to high school :( lmao so much id re-do, cant believe its almost been a decade
41. Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance?
Hell yeah, this is life my dudes, dont take it so seriously - we all fuck up at some point or another
42. If your being extremely quiet what does it mean?
Something is on my mind for sure, or im just tired lol
43. Do you smile at strangers?
44. Trip to outer space or bottom of the ocean?
DAMNNN WHAT so hard - I guesss if I had to pick, space…just because it’s more rare/harder to do I’d think.
45. What makes you get out of bed in the morning?
My cat lol with his meowing ass
46. What are you paranoid about?
Lowkey a lot lol
47. Have you ever been high?
48. Have you ever been drunk?
Who hasn’t????
49. Have you done anything recently that you hope nobody finds out about?
50. What was the colour of the last hoodie you wore?
Black probably, like half my wardrobe
51. Ever wished you were someone else?
Of course
52. One thing you wish you could change about yourself?
My bad habits
56. Favourite colour?
Yelllllow :)
57. Favourite food?
Oh gaaawwd, literally anything - lately: PB&J’s, fries, wings, Mediterranean, Mexican, pickles, ice cream, ramenzzzz
58. Last thing you ate?
59. First thing you ate this morning?
Cofffeeee w creamer
60. Ever won a competition? For what?
Idk, not off the top of my head - maybe something back in elementary
61. Been suspended/expelled? For what?
62. Been arrested? For what?
Yeah lmao
63. Ever been in love?
64. Tell us the story of your first kiss?
No its really not that interesting and idc to type it out
65. Are you hungry right now?
66. Do you like your tumblr friends more than your real friends?
Lol yes a few of them <333
67. Facebook or Twitter?
68. Twitter or Tumblr?
69. Are you watching tv right now?
70. Names of your bestfriends?
R’Bonney is number 1
71. Craving something? What?
Foooood, and companionship? Lol
72. What colour are your towels?
Idk, random, mostly blue
72. How many pillows do you sleep with?
A lot lol
73. Do you sleep with stuffed animals?
Lol no, but I have my one from my childhood in my room
74. How many stuffed animals do you think you have?
1 - shout out to you Mr.Fluffy
75. Favourite animal?
I am fascinated by sharks; and like gators/crocs. But I have mad respect for elephants, they’re sooo damn smart and beautiful.
76. What colour is your underwear?
Dont have any on
77. Chocolate or Vanilla?
78. Favourite ice cream flavour?
All of them
79. What colour shirt are you wearing?
80. What colour pants?
81. Favourite tv show?
Game of Thrones prob
82. Favourite movie?
Avatar or Shawshank Redemption
87. First person you talked to today?
88. Last person you talked to today?
Friend on FT
89. Name a person you hate?
No one, maybe Trump? lol
90. Name a person you love?
Everyone, fr fr
91. Is there anyone you want to punch in the face right now?
92. In a fight with someone?
93. How many sweatpants do you have?
Not enough <3
94. How many sweaters/hoodies do you have?
Not enough <3
95. Last movie you watched?
The Decline on Netflix, short lil foreign oil, was deep/interesting
96. Favourite actress?
Not sure-Sandra Bullock? Or Meryl
97. Favourite actor?
Denzel or Morgan Freeman
98. Do you tan a lot?
Nah not anymore honestly
99. Have any pets?
100. How are you feeling?
101. Do you type fast?
102. Do you regret anything from your past?
Im sure
103. Can you spell well?
104. Do you miss anyone from your past?
Lol im nostalgic af, so yes
105. Ever been to a bonfire party?
Yes litttty tittyyy
106. Ever broken someone’s heart?
Probably :(
107. Have you ever been on a horse?
Hell yeah brother, I’m from TX
108. What should you be doing?
So much shit lol
109. Is something irritating you right now?
The fact that I ain’t doing all the shit I should be lol
110. Have you ever liked someone so much it hurt?
Yooo yes
112. Who was the last person you cried in front of?
Prob my sister or my mom?? Lol I cry a lot, idk and idc
113. What was your childhood nickname?
114. Have you ever been out of your province/state?
115. Do you play the Wii?
Back in the day
116. Are you listening to music right now?
Surprisingly, no
117. Do you like chicken noodle soup?
Nah, unless maybe if its homemade
118. Do you like Chinese food?
Yeah occasionally, more of a Thai food chick or Japanese
119. Favourite book?
Kite Runner
120. Are you afraid of the dark?
Low-key sometimes lol
121. Are you mean?
Hell noooo
122. Is cheating ever okay?
Ok, this is an interesting one lol I mean no, it’s not “okay” - since it usually constitutes lying/hiding/hurting someone - BUTTTT, for a lack of a better term - I wanna say it’s “normal”? But thats because I, personally, am on the fence about the concept of monogamy. Like no, I’ve never cheated nor experienced that in return - but the whole concept of monogamy and like that a person can love and only love or be with one person is WILLLLDDD and I can’t help but note that its a social construct that we, as a society, are conditioned to from the time we are born. Idk if that makes sense bc im high af lol but those are my thoughts…like to sum it up - cheating is fucked up and sucks, but at the same time its not all that surprising/shocking anymore, like borderline “normalized” just as divorces are and shit, so I feel like bc biologically we aren’t made to be with one person lol. I don’t condone it tho. Thanks for coming to my TedTalk.
123. Can you keep white shoes clean?
Hell to the naw naw
124. Do you believe in love at first sight?
Hmmm idk about that one, but also can’t deny it
125. Do you believe in true love?
Yeah of course, you’re talking to a hopeless romantic
126. Are you currently bored?
I guess we could say that
127. What makes you happy?
Food and close, loved ones
128. Would you change your name?
Nah, too much paper work
129. What your zodiac sign?
Cancer, with my lil moody, sensitive ass
130. Do you like subway?
I did lol
131. Your bestfriend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do?
Story of my mf life lol literally all my exes are “best friends turned lovers” situation, so guess it would just depend lmao
132. Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with?
133. Favourite lyrics right now?
Lol oh godddd; ok off the top of my head - Tupac - Keep Ya Head Up is what comes to mind; just a timeless song and the lyrics are still relevant/apply to this day and idk just really resonate with the message behind that song <3
135. Dumbest lie you ever told?
Idk, but it was probably SO dumb, and told to my parents lol
136. Do you sleep with your doors open or closed?
Either or, lately open so my cat can go in and out lol
137. How tall are you?
5’6 mayyybeee 5’5 actually lol
140. Summer or Winter?
141. Night or Day?
Def a lil night owl, always have been
142. Favourite month?
April and October for weather at least
143. Are you a vegetarian?
No but I try, and go through phases, I’m definitely mindful the older I get and more focused on my health I become
144. Dark, milk or white chocolate?
145. Tea or Coffee?
Coffee but I like tea too, just seem to drink coffee more regularly
146. Was today a good day?
The grateful-to-just-be-alive in me wants to say yes lol but idk, felt off/unaccomplished and cried a lot, so no.
147. Mars or Snickers?
148. What’s your favourite quote?
“This too shall pass”
149. Do you believe in ghosts?
Sure why not
150. Get the closest book next to you, open it to page 42, what’s the first line on that page?
“After all, what he had always wanted was just that: to know new places.” -The Alchemist, Paulo Coelho
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thewritingstar · 4 years
1-200 we're all in quarantine so got nothing to do. Might as well ask pls
oo anon you were gonna ask anyways lol. But I did this hella quick during a zoom.....
1. What is your middle name?
2. Do you have any nicknames that aren’t derived from your actual name?
2. Do you have any allergies?
-Penicillin (not really thou), but no
4. What is the longest your hair has ever been?
-Lower back
5. How well can you write in cursive?
-Its readable
6. Name one item on your bucket list.
-Going to all the Disney parks in the world
7. Have you ever been on a blind date?
-haven’t even been on a real date
8. What is the oldest piece of clothing you still wear and how old is it?
-prob like five years ago and its jeans
9. How often do you eat out at a fancy restaurant?
-nothing like I have to dress up but maybe once a year??
10. How grammatically correct are you when you text?
-rules don’t apply in text
11. Can you drive stick?
-hell no
12. What foreign country would you most like to visit and why?
-japan because I think it would be so cool
13. Nutella or peanut butter?
14. At what age did you have your first kiss?
15. DC or Marvel?
-DC. Harley Quinn owns my ass
16. Have you ever hosted a wild party?
-my parties consist of drinking capri suns and playing cards against humanity and Mario kart
17. Name/author of the last book you read cover to cover. Do you recommend it?
-...ooof haven’t read a book in a while
18. How many of your Facebook friends do you actually hang with?
-my mom
19. Have you ever donated blood?
-I was apart of a cancer study so I used to donate my blood (and pee) to science
20. From 1-10, how much do you like decorating for holidays?
-8 I love to decorate but I’m not allow near the Christmas trees
21. Coffee or tea?
-vaniila iced lattes or raspberry ice tea own me
22. What is your go-to Starbucks drink?
-Vanilla bean frap with extra vanilla
23. Last show you binge watched?
-currently its assassination classroom
24. Dogs or cats?
25. Favorite animated Disney character?
-Jessica Rabbit, Dumbo, Rey, Tamatoa and Guedo
26. Have you ever cooked a big family meal by yourself?
-mostly baking for my family
27. Favorite winter activity?
-Staying inside
28. Have you ever butt dialed anyone?
29. Can you blow a bubble gum bubble?
30. How early in the year do you start celebrating Christmas?
-my mom plays Xmas music year round
31. What emoji best describes your life right now?
-the wilting rose
32. Are you fluent in more than one language?
33. What is the longest you’ve ever kept a New Year’s resolution?
-I don’t make them
34. Have you ever successfully been on a diet? Did you gain any of the weight back?
-I’m on a diet to gain weight and its not going well
35. Are any of your grandparents still alive?
-only on my moms side
36. How good are you at communicating through facial expressions?
-hahaha my face gives everything away and I can read people pretty well
37. Have you ever gotten a commercial jingle stuck in your head?
-EDUCATION CONNECTION! Get connected for free
38. Have you ever left a movie theater before the movie was over?
39. Do you consider rapping singing?
-rapping is in its own ballpark...its why its called rapping
40. Does your home have a fireplace?
41. Favorite non-chocolate candy?
-sour gummies worms
42. If you could have only one superpower, what would you want and why?
-oooof ummmmmm maybe teleportation
43. Have you ever locked your keys in your car?
44. Do you listen to any religious music?
45. Do you drink soda? If so, which one is your favorite?
-I hate soda
46. What was your ACT score?
-do not do me like this (21)
47. Rice or quinoa?
48. From 1-10, how good of a driver do you consider yourself?
-like an 8
49. Do you like horror movies?
50. How easily do you cry?
-uh depends on what it is
51. Do you have any tattoos? If so, of what and where?
-no but I want some
52. You are hanging with your closest friends. What are you most likely doing?
-being dumb and quoting tik toks at target
53. Can you handle spicy foods? What is your spice limit?
-not very well
54. Can you play any musical instruments? If so, which ones?
55. Are you more introverted or extroverted?
-middle of the road
56. Last CD you bought?
-Folklore by Taylor Swift
57. Do you like roller coasters?
-yessss but they cant be extremely tall
58. What day of the week is laundry day for you?
-uhhh depends on when I have time
59. Have you ever played spin the bottle?
-uh maybe once but I was in fourth grade and walked away
60. How long have you known your best friend?
-I’ve known my bestie for 16 years (met when we were 4)
61. Can you eat using chopsticks?
-yes!! I usually eat my Chinese food with them
62. Do you have any stickers on your laptop computer? If so, what are they of?
-no because I need to get a case for my iMac and iPad
63. How often do you say y'all?
-every fucking day. Y’all is my go too
64. Favorite flavor of ice cream?
-cookie dough, pralines and cream, blue raspberry sherbert, vanilla, coffee
65. How long was your longest relationship? Are you still with that person?
-my longest relationship was like three weeks in fourth grade with my friends cousin who I saw twice
66. Star Trek or Star Wars?
-haven’t seen either but prob Star Wars cause r2d2 is cute
67. How good are you at math?
-ehhh I’m okay at stats
68. Have you ever acted in a play or a musical?
-used to do the plays in middle school :)
69. How often do you read/pay attention to your horoscope?
-not much my horoscope but just my sign in general
70. What is the shortest your hair has ever been?
-just above my shoulders
71. Have you ever broken any bones?
-my big toe
72. Do you like to go fishing?
-nooooooo I went fishing once and it pooped on me
73. Do you believe in evolution?
-of course
74. Favorite costume you wore for Hallowen? How old were you?
-I was perry the platypus…. 19
75. Real or fake Christmas trees?
76. How many pillows do you sleep with?
-usually 1-2 but like 5 in the winter
77. Do you live in an apartment or a house?
-House rn
78. How many of your friends are of the opposite gender?
-in my close circle, one but I do have many boy homies
79. Have you ever had a near-death experience?
-many times
80. How long have you been at your current job?
-four weeks
81. What kind of car do you drive (year, brand, model, color)?
-white car
82. How flexible are you?
-not super but mama can bend
83. Have you ever ended a romantic relationship?
-haven’t even started one
84. Phrase you say the most?
-“I’m uncomfortable” “Y’all” “I would let J.D from heathers…..”
85. Have you ever kissed anyone of the same gender? If so, did you like it?
-no but I wish
86. Do you own any homemade clothing?
-not that I know of
87. Do you like fast food?
88. Have you ever given anyone CPR?
89. Have you ever learned to do anything from a how-to video on YouTube?
-I fixed my moms glasses yesterday with a video so she wouldn’t have to spend a shit ton of money
90. Describe your sense of humor.
-if Always Sunny in Philadelphia and “vine comp that butters my eggroll” had a baby
92. Favorite cereal?
93. Have you ever auditioned for a reality competition show?
94. Have you ever gotten a TV theme song stuck in your head?
-Sugar, spice and everything nice, these were the ingredients…….
95. Do you believe in ghosts?
96. Do you think there is life on other planets?
-hell yeah
97. Have you ever given money to a street performer?
98. Your deepest fear?
-lets not go there
99. Pancakes or waffles?
-waffles but I don’t even like them that much
100. Are you still friends with anyone from high school?
-yep, my friend circle dates back to elementary
101. From 1-10, how good of a dancer do you consider yourself?
102. How much of a patient person are you?
-I can be extremely patient. Once waited three hours in a dressing room with my friend and I didn’t have a phone
103. Do you know your IQ?
-no but its prob god level
104. Do you eat meat at all?
-mama loves meat
105. Do you own any clothes from a garage sale or a thrift store?
-I think so
106. Have you ever bought anything from a flea market?
-yess my mom used to take me to flea markets all the time
107. Have you ever quit a job?
-early this year
108. Have you ever gotten a song you dislike stuck in your head?
-many times
109. Any movie(s) you can watch over and over and over again and enjoy just as much each time?
-robots to ratatouille
110. Do you or have you ever worn glasses?
-just sun glasses
111. Have you ever skinny dipped?
-when I was like 6
112. Are your birth parents still together?
113. Have you ever been in the audience for the taping of a TV show?
-not that I know of
114. Favorite type of cookie?
-chocolate chip or the sugar cookies with the pink frosting on them (I’m a whore for them)
115. Have you ever been broken up with?
116. How often do you smile when getting your picture taken?
-most of the time
117. Have you ever accidentally dialed 911?
-yes I have and I was 6 and bullied for it for years by my uncle even though my cousins tricked me into doing it
118. Oldest memory?
-throwing a chair at a kid in preschool for stealing my cookie
119. Have you ever been the victim of a nasty prank?
120. How often do you snort when you laugh?
-uhhhh a lot
121. From 1-10, how good of a singer do you consider yourself?
122. Favorite Disney song?
-uuuuuuhhh Shiny, See the Light, Why Don’t you Do Right, Show Yourself
123. Where do you see yourself 10 years from now?
-hopefully in la
124. What is your Myers-Briggs personality type?
-I’m an advocate
125. Have you ever had a fortune cookie fortune come true?
-I think so
126. Name one thing you wish people would stop posting on social media.
-fascist, racist, homophobia stuff
127. Last musical artist you saw live?
-Jonas brothers
128. Credit cards or cash?
-cash cause I feel like I didn’t spend anything
129. Favorite fandom?
-the powderpuff girls or fairy tail
130. What is your astrological sign?
131. Have you ever been fired from a job?
-nope I’m a good noodle
132. Any hidden talents?
-I can do the cinnamon challenge
133. Can you surf?
134. What motivates you to do well in life?
-the fear of failure
135. Your worst physical feature?
-my acne
136. From 1-10, how much are you like your father?
-mehhhhhhhh like a 4
137. How lucky do you consider yourself?
-I’m a pretty lucky person ngl
138. Name a moment in your life when you were pleasently surprised.
-when I won a coffee maker at my senior grad night raffle
139. Have you ever been summoned for jury duty?
140. What type of shoes do you wear the most?
-my converse
141. Favorite summer activity?
-getting coffee
142. Favorite song to sing in the shower?
-any Taylor swift song
143. Have you ever lived with a roommate you did not get along with?
-my parents sometimes
144. Have you ever lived on a farm?
-my grandparents owned a cherry farm when I was little
145. Have you ever kept a diary or a journal?
-tumblr is my diary
146. TV show or movie you quote/reference the most?
-Always Sunny, The Office, Gotham
147. How often do you get mad at yourself?
148. Have you ever gotten any stitches?
-only in animal crossing (he’s so cute)
149. Have you ever been hunting?
150. Favorite YouTube channel?
-Jenna marbles, try guys, mukbang edit channel, drama channels
151. Have you ever had a pet besides a dog or a cat?
-I had a mouse once
152. From 1-10, how well do you work with others?
153. Are you friends with any of your exes?
-I don’t got exes
154. Apple or PC?
-I have an Apple Mac rn but I think I loved my pc so much so I’m getting used to the format
155. Do you collect anything?
-what don’t I collect? Funko, pins, so much stuff
156. Have you ever seen any Broadway plays or musicals?
-I saw Newsies and A Music chorus
157. Any missed opporunites you wish you had taken?
-I’m not too sure
158. Have you ever uttered a spoken hashtag?
159. Do you have a pool at your house?
160. What is the longest you’ve gone without sleep?
-like 24 hours and it was hell
161. Last thing that made you laugh?
-a meme 20 sec ago
162. Disney or Nickelodeon?
163. Name one celebrity you wish was still alive.
-Billy Mays (Oxyclean dude)
164. From 1-10, how much are you like your mother?
-maybe a 6
165. Your best physical feature?
-my hair
166. Earbud or earmuff headphones?
167. Have you ever wished you were born the opposite gender?
-..hmmmm sometimes I think it would be cool but I’m pretty content with being a girl...
168. Do you have any piercings anywhere besides your ear lobes?
-my nose
169. How often do you wash your hair?
-every other day usually
170. Showers or baths?
-I love a good bath but I take showers more
171. Have you ever been a bridesmaid or a groomsman?
-noooo but I wanna be
172. Bottled or tap water?
173. What was your favorite TV show when you were a kid?
174. Any guilty pleasures you’re willing to discuss?
-watching glee
175. Favorite video game?
-Mario kart
176. Have you ever gotten a New Year’s kiss exactly at midnight?
-nooooo why are there so many questions about kissing
177. How many of the United States have you visited?
-four, ive passed over a few more in a plane
178. Have you ever given money to a homeless person?
179. Have you ever gotten a surgery?
180. Your least favorite food?
181. From 1-10, how competitive are you?
-depends. I’m like a 6 but I can be pushed to a 10 when motivated
182. Do you like wearing hats?
-only a snap back occasionally
183. How much of a jealous peron are you?
-ehh not really
184. What was your SAT score?
-900-1100 (stop nationwide testing doesn’t work and I didn’t learn eveything)
185. Have you ever voted for a reality competition show?
186. Does anyone in your family currently serve in your country’s military?
-my cousin
187. Snowboarding or skiing?
-I don’t do snow
188. What celebrity would you most want to play you in a movie about your life?
-jack black
189. Have you ever been a Boy or Girl Scout?
-hell no
190. Have you ever dyed your hair?
-many times
191. From 1-10, how good of a cook do you consider yourself?
192. You have just opened up a web browser. What is the first site you visit?
-this cursed site
193. How many things can you do with your weaker hand?
-a lot
194. Were you involved in any academic clubs in high school?
-honors i guess
195. Have you ever played hooky from school?
-like twice
196. Are you comfortable with watching rated R movies?
—-not with my parents
197. Do you root for any sports teams?
-bold of you to assume i do sport
198. First thing you do when you wake up in the morning?
199. If you could take home any one animal from the zoo, which one would you choose?
-a lizard
200. Tell something about yourself most people don’t know.
-uhhh ummmm (I have a tik tok with 7.5k followers) 
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corpse-sex · 4 years
Do ALL 92 NSFW asks 🔥🔥
Oof! Okay 😅
1. When did you lose your virginity?
When I was 18
2. Rough sex or soft sex?
Definitely rough sex 💁🏻‍♀️
3. Do you have any unusual kinks/fetishes?
I don’t actually think I do tbh
4. Weirdest place you’ve had sex?
Probably up a mountain road in the car, it was super foggy and creepy
5. Favourite sex position?
Probably doggy or cowgirl 🤠
6. Do you like to be dominant or submissive?
90% of the time submissive but I don’t mind trying to switch it up sometimes
7. Have you ever had any one night stands?
Can’t say that I have nope
8. Sex on the bed, couch or the floor?
Bed for sure, like I don’t mind spontaneous places sometimes but ya gal likes to be comfortable!
9. Have you ever had sex in a public place?
Yaaasssss 😈
10. Have you ever been caught masturbating?
11. What does your favourite sexy underwear look like?
Black, lace, mostly see through, quite plain tbh but still looks nice
12. How often do you have sex?
Usually most days/nights but when I’m on night shift, not so much cause all I do is sleep 😂
13. Is there anybody right now you’d like to have sex with?
Always wanna have sex with my fiancé 😏
14. Do you prefer giving or receiving oral sex?
I’m a people pleaser so I love giving oral sex but honestly my man is that good it’s a tough decision 🤤
15. Most embarrassing thing that’s ever happened to you during sex?
Not sure anything overly embarrassing has happened -during- sex but I have had someone else’s parents walk in right after while we were still naked
16. A song you’d listen to during hard/rough/kinky sex?
Putting it out there that I’ve never actually had music on when I’ve had sex like what are people’s thoughts on that? I feel like I’d be too focused on the song and just start singing along 😂
17. A song you’d listen to during soft/slow/passionate sex?
18. Are you into dressing up for sex?
For sure!
19. Would you prefer sex in the bath or in the shower?
Definitely the shower, my other half is 6ft 3 so the bath really would not work for us 😅
20. If you could have sex with anyone right now who would it be?
Well I’m rewatching Supernatural for the millionth time so I’ll say Jensen Ackles 😂
21. Have you ever had a threesome? If not, would you?
I never have and I don’t think I’d be into it tbh I’m waaay to jealous and would not like to share
22. Do you/would you use sex toys?
I actually haven’t, I know people who have and they seem to love them so I don’t know if I’m missing out?
23. Have you ever sent someone a dirty text/picture?
Definitely! For the first year or so of my relationship we lived in different countries so it was kind of necessary
24. Would you have sex with your best friend?
I love my best friend and they’re hella attractive but I would never want to ruin it and lose them for any reason so probs not ❤️
25. Is there anything you do after sex? (For example, smoke, eat, drink?)
Uaully get a drink, sometimes it can be a couple of hours 😂
26. Something that will never fail to get you horny?
Back massages! My partner straddles my bum and he always gets horny and then I do too
27. Early morning sex or late night sex?
Any time of day sex!!!
28. Favourite body part on the opposite sex?
That cute lil butt!
29. Favourite part on the same sex?
Also butt!!!!
30. Something that you’ve hidden in your room that you don’t want anyone to find?
I’ve hidden weed and edibles in my room cause although my fiancé is cool with me smoking etc he just doesn’t want it in our house (it’s not legal where we live)
31. Weirdest sexual act someone has performed [or tried to perform] on/with you?
I can’t think of anything I’ve found really weird or like out of the blue tbh
32. Have you ever tasted yourself? [if no would you?] [if yes, what did you think]
I have off my partners fingers, can’t say I’d order it at a restaurant like...don’t really know an appropriate response 😂
33. Is it ever okay to not use a condom?
I mean if you’re both tested and know you’re safe then I suppose but if you’re with someone new then I think it’s definitely safest to use condoms. We don’t, we’ve been together for 4 years and I take the pill but each to their own I suppose 💁🏻‍♀️
34. A food that you would like to use during a sexual experience?
Have used whipped cream before but it just ended in a sticky horrible mess so I’m not a big fan tbh
35. Worst possible time to get horny?
At a family gathering
36. Do you like it when your sexual partner moans?
Definitely! 🤤
37. How much fapping is too much fapping?
You can never have too much fapping 😂
38. Best sexual compliment you ever got?
My partner compliments me so much during sex so I don’t really know what to pick
39. Favourite foreplay activities?
Back massages, making out, neck kisses
40. What do you wear to bed?
Most of the time just a big tshirt but sometimes nothing
41. When was the first time you masturbated
I’m not really sure, I’ll say maybe when I was 15?
42. Do you have any nude/masturbating pictures/videos of yourself?
43. Have you ever/when was the last time you had sex outside?
Yeah maybe like a year ago?
44. Have/would you ever have sex in public?
45. Have/would you ever have a threesome?
Same question as Q21 ^
46. What is one random object you’ve used to masturbate?
Hmm maybe just a bunched up blanket? Can’t really think of anything else
47. Do you watch gay/lesbian porn? Why/why not?
I don’t really watch a lot of porn but I have watched both gay and lesbian, I find males, females, trans and non binary people attractive so why not?
48. Do you like oral sex?
Love it!
49. How do you feel about tattoos on someone you’re insterested in?
Love tattoos!
50. How would you feel about taking someone’s virginity?
Totally fine I suppose 💁🏻‍♀️
51. Is there any food you would NOT recommend using during a sexual encounter?
Whipped cream ^^^
52. Would you rather be a pornstar or a prostitute?
I think probably a prostitute
53. Do you watch porn?
Not that often
54. Have you ever been called a freak? Why?
I mean probably at some point in my life, I’m into weird movies and tv shows and my personality is a bit wacky. But not sexually
55. Do you feel comfortable going “commando”?
Definitely, I do most days juts lounging around the house 😂
56. Would you have a problem going down on someone if they hadn’t shaved their pubic hair?
Not at all, if they want to be au naturel that’s their choice and I have no problem with it
57. If you could give yourself head, would you?
Sounds like too much work to me, would rather just lie back and enjoy it being done by someone else
58. Booty or boobs?
Booty for sure!
59. Have you ever cheated on someone? (Why?)
I have not
60. If you were the other sex for a day, what are five things you would do?
Fuck someone, walk around outside with my shirt off, fuck someone, helicopter dick and fuck someone 😂
61. Have you ever watched someone masturbate
62. Has anyone ever watched you masturbate
63. Have you ever had an erection and someone noticed?
I have a vagina so nope
64. What is your method of masturbation? (ie toys, clitoral, prostate?)
Mostly clitoral with some penatrative thrown in
65. What is your bra/penis size?
36G (•Y•)
66. What is the strangest thing you’ve ever put up your vagina/anus
Nothing strange or exciting, just dick
67. When was the last time you masturbated?
A few days ago
68. When was the last time you had sex?
Earlier today
69. When was the last time you watched porn?
A few weeks ago maybe?
70. Have you ever bought a sex toy? If so, which one did you buy last? First sex toy? If not, which one do you plan on buying when you do?
I don’t have any and have never used any but I suppose if I ever did I’d start with a clit vibrator
71. Guys: circumcised?
Not sure if this question is asking is my penis circumcised or if I prefer a guy to be circumcised? I don’t have a penis but I’ve been with both and definitely would say I prefer circumcised. Think I got lucky with my fiancé cause I don’t think it’s that common where we live
72. Which non-genital part of your body do you like being touched?
73. Which genital part of your body do you like being touched?
I mean, like all of them? 😂💁🏻‍♀️
74. Girls: are you able to achieve orgasm just through breast stimulation?
Definitely 😅😩🤤
75. Have you anonymously sent a sexual ask to someone on tumblr?
I haven’t, up until like two weeks ago I didn’t even know how to ask anonymously on here, my bestie had to explain it to me even tho I’ve had this account for years 😂
76. When was the last time you had a wet dream?
Honestly not even sure if I’ve had one!
77. Which wet dream was your favourite?
78. Is there a friend you would willing have sex with?
I have like 2 friends total 😂 but like I said before, although they are attractive and I love them probably not because I wouldn’t want to ruin things plus I’m happy with my fiancé
79. Is there a celebrity/character you would willingly have sex with?
I know it’s hella weird but I’ve always had a thing for Jack Nicholson 😂 I would just to say I had
80. Favourite sexual position?
Same as a previous question ^^^
81. Do you like being called a slut or whore in bed?
Definitely, especially while he’s choking me
82. Are you into any BDSM
Probably only light BDSM but I’d try most things once
83. Have you ever wanted to have sex with someone but knew you couldn’t for any reason? Why?
I don’t think so
84. So you like dirty talk
Feel like it’s a must 💁🏻‍♀️😈
85. Are you loud/quiet during sex? Masturbation?
I’d say quite loud yeah 😅
86. Have you ever been interrupted during sex/masturbation? Who/what?
Yeah, my other half came to visit me at uni and my house mate was banging on the door asking me to come help her take her high heels off cause she was drunk and couldn’t work the straps 🙄
87. What kind of porn do you like to watch?
Don’t watch a lot but I don’t really have anything I watch most, just normal stuff I suppose?
88. Have you ever confessed to someone that you got an erection over them? What about masturbated to them?
Probably just my fiancé
89. Have you ever masturbated because your sexual partner wasn’t there when you needed them?
Definitely, lived in different countries for a year, what else was I supposed to do? 😂
90. Have you ever had a one night stand? Do you still keep in contact with them?
Same as a previous question ^^^
91. Have you ever had a friend with benefits? Are they still beneficial?
Not sure they were even beneficial to begin wit tbh 🙄
Thanks so much for the ask, nobody ever sends asks so I suppose doing them all isn’t a bad thing 😂
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queerlynx · 4 years
tagged by @elinaline​ lets fucking go 
1. What is the colour of your hairbrush?
my what (have you seen my hair, seriously) 
2. name of a food you never eat?
garlic and i WILL die on that hill 
3. are you typically too warm or too cold?
always too fucking warm. im literally never cold. people ask me 10x/day ‘arent you cold’ even tho ive told them 1000x that no, i am never cold 
4. what were you doing 45 minutes ago?
i think i was still at the shops or maybe getting ready to go to the shops? 
5. what’s your favourite candy bar?
always a slut for a snickers 
6. have you ever been to a professional sports event?
i dont think so? what would i do there anyways ……oh wait no i went along to a professional tennis game w my ex’s brother i think? i can barely remember it was like 6 years ago 
7. what is the last thing you said out loud?
genuinely can’t remember even tho it was probs less than 15mn ago to my flatmate. most likely something about the cat being cute. or maybe it was TO the cat. who knows. 
8. what is your favourite ice cream?
chocolate probably? or banana? banana and chocolate is also good 
9. what is the last thing you had to drink?
lemonade cause thats all i drink 
10. do you like your wallet?
it’s BB-8!!! so yeah of fucking course 
11. what was the last thing you ate?
a bagel w blue cheese laughing cow, ham, and one of them shitty toastie super processed cheese slices 
12. did you buy any new clothes last week?
me and whose money lmaoo i can barely afford food rn 
13. last sporting event you watched?
14. what’s your favourite flavour of popcorn?
recently ive discovered you can drizzle maple syrup on popcorn and oh boy. other than that probs salted caramel sauce. but like i almost never have popcorn 
15. who was the last person you sent a message to?
im gonna assume this is any message and not just tumblr, in which case it was my fiancé @yearningcurve on whatsapp 
16. ever go camping?
i love camping but last time i went was at least 6 years ago ): 
17. do you take vitamins?
lol no 
18. do you go to church every Sunday?
………moving swiftly on 
19. do you have a tan?
i avoid sunlight like the plague so i’ll let you figure that one out 
20. do you prefer Chinese food or pizza?
probs pizza but i like both 
21. do you drink soda with a straw?                      
i chug it straight from the bottle lol who’s got the time 
22. what colour socks do you wear?
im almost constantly barefoot unless i HAVE to put on shoes and even then i won’t always put socks on if i’m not gonna be outside for long 
23. do you ever drive above the speed limit?
im always p much 5mph above the speed limit (fun fact, the display in cars shows your speed as roughly 2mph higher than it actually is, you can check it against a gps on your phone; AND speed cameras allow for +5mph anyway, so why the fuck wouldnt i be) 
24. what terrifies you?
like in general?? people leaving me, rejecting me, abandoning me, cutting me out, hating me in secret; not being a good person or liked or useful; people thinking i’m annoying or embarrassing or ridiculous or boring; the list goes on 
25. look to your left what do you see?
a very roumd and somft kitty :3 
26. what chore do you hate?
anything administrative or on the phone. i dont think it counts as chores but i genuinely enjoy tidying and cleaning so. 
27. what do you think of when you hear an Australian accent?
i cant tell an australian accent when i hear one 
28. what’s your favourite soda?
lemonade, or fanta 
29. do you go into fast food places or drive thru?
ever since ive gotten a car p much always drive thru cause why would i sit in a crowded fast food restaurant w screeching kids and angry karens when i could enjoy my disgusting feast in my own home??? 
30. who was the last person you talked to?
IRL that’d be my flatmate 
t31. favourite cut of beef?
32. last song you listened to?
Echoes by the Rapture, it played on my shuffle in my car and reminded me of how good Misfits was lmao 
33. last book you read?
it would’ve been over seven or eight years ago. can’t remember. 
34. can you say the alphabet backwards?
z y x w v u t s r q p o n m l k j i h g f e d c b a 
apparently so but it took a while tbh 
35. how do you like your coffee?
i mostly drink flat whites w hazelnut when i drink coffee but tbh despite being a barista w a professional grade home coffee machine i barely ever drink any outside of work lmao 
36. favourite pair of shoes?
grinders boots AND my trans pride converses. can’t pick between them soz 
37. the time you normally go to bed?
really is no normal. anytime between midnight and like up to 5am esp rn during lockdown. i never went to sleep last night actually i’ve been awake for like 28h now 
38. the time you normally wake up?
see above. anytime between 10am and like 6pm depending on when i went to bed. outside of lockdown i would wake up exactly an hour before i have work, so anytime between 5am-11am 
39. what do you prefer sunrise or sunsets?
sunsets but i really love both 
40. how many blankets are on your bed?
one bedsheet and one soft blanket 
41. describe your kitchen plates?
they’re green. nobody is surprised 
42. do you have a favourite alcoholic beverage?
cider. i be drinkin that shit like its juice 
43. do you play cards?
not really altho on lockdown i’ve taught my flatmates a french card/money game called Nain Jaune and they enjoy it so that makes me happy 
44. what colour is your car?
dark red like……burgundy kinda? 
45. can you change a tire?
probably not lol 
46. your favourite province?
province of what lol. either way it’s Brittany. 
47. favourite job you’ve had?
ive only ever had the one lmao so, barista it is 
48. how did you get your biggest scar?
top surgery (’: 
49. what did you do today that made someone happy?
fuck if i know. i guess i made coffee for my flatmates but like i do it everyday so they p much expect it by now i dont think it makes them any happier or like if it does they dont really say it rip 
not a big fan of tagging ppl so just. do it if you wanna lol 
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thetimeturners · 4 years
50 questions you’ve never been asked.
Thank you very much @floralotp for tagging me in this! 💜 Here is a long list of questions about me:
1. what is the colour of your hairbrush? Millennial pink (it's cute, don't judge!)
2. a food you never eat? Mushrooms 🍄
3. are you typically too warm or too cold? Too cold at home and too hot at work/college (I'm always the opposite temperature to everyone else in the room 😂)
4. what were you doing 45 minutes ago? Tearing through season one of Jane the Virgin (I've watched the first 11 episodes today)
5. what is your favourite candy bar? Cadbury's creme eggs count right?
6. have you ever been to a professional sports event? Yeah, I've been to a few football games in the UK/Germany, I saw the Judo at the London Olympics and I went to one cricket match with my colleagues last summer but I also generally prefer to watch on TV because I find I get swept up in the atmosphere (which is fun but I miss out on the actual sport)
8. what is your favourite ice cream? Mint chocolate chip! 🍦
9. what was the last thing you had to drink? Water
10. do you like your wallet? It's fine, I preferred the one I had before but it was too tattered after 10 years so I had to let it go 😔
11. what was the last thing you ate? An Easter egg
12. did you buy any new clothes last weekend? Nope
14. what is your favourite flavour of popcorn? Toffee maybe? Or mixed salty & sweet. Popcorn's not my fave snack tbh
15. who is the last person you sent a text message to? My cousin
16. ever go camping? Not properly (just in friends' back gardens for sleepovers a few times)
17. do you take vitamins? Yep
18. do you go to church every sunday? Nope
19. do you have a tan? No, I used to tan really easily as a kid but now I seem to burn really easily instead?? Not sure what happened there.
20. do you prefer chinese food or pizza? Ooh depends on my mood, normally pizza tho.
21. do you drink your soda with a straw? Not unless it comes with one at a restaurant/MacDo etc
22. what colour socks do you usually wear? Black for work, white/red/pink/purple elsewhere
23. do you ever drive above the speed limit? I'm not about that driving life
24. what terrifies you? Me driving
25. look to your left, what do you see? A wall, soz - not so interesting!
26. what chore do you hate? Hoovering stairs - a back killer!
27. what do you think of when you hear an australian accent? The sun and the beach?? Idk
28. what’s your favourite soda? Fanta zero for sure
29. do you go in a fast food place or just hit the drive-thru? Go in
30. who’s the last person you talked to? My mum
31. favourite cut of beef? I have no idea
32. last song you listened to? I think my brother was playing Khalid's album? while we were playing poker earlier so probs a song from there?
33. last book you read? I'm rereading pride and prejudice atm
34. favourite day of the week? Saturday for sure!
35. can you say the alphabet backwards? If I had to?
36. how do you like your coffee? I don't drink coffee
37. favourite pair of shoes? Some running trainers I got recently which are v comfy
38. at what time do you normally go to bed? Idk
39. at what time do you normally get up? 8 on a work day, 10:30 on a non-work day?
40. what do you prefer, sunrise or sunsets? Sunsets? They're more my time of day!
41. how many blankets are on your bed? 1 duvet, plus 1 blanket if I'm cold
42. describe your kitchen plates. White on the upside, pale blue underneath. They match my pots and pans :')
43. do you have a favourite alcoholic beverage? Probs gin
44. do you play cards? Sometimes, normally with my family
45. what colour is your car? N/A
46. can you change a tire? I'm sure I could figure it out if I had to
47. what is your favourite province? This seems like an American Q, I don't think I've ever visited an area I'd describe as a province apart from British Columbia? So I'll go with that one!
48. favourite job you’ve ever had? Probs au-pairing in France
49. how did you get your biggest scar? I think I've been lucky enough not to have any so far 🤞
50. what did you do today that made someone else happy? I arranged an Easter Egg hunt for my family around our back garden (I had to wait an hour in the queue to get into Tesco to get creme eggs (as well as other essentials ofc) yesterday!) and everyone really enjoyed it 😊 It was the first Easter we've spent without my aunts, uncles and cousins due to the lockdown so it was nice to do something together.
@everyone consider yourselves tagged if you see this on your dash and fancy sharing!
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thefatkiwibird · 5 years
Tumblr media
I did it. I completed the 60 hour fast.
I swear to god breakfast hits different when you haven't eaten for 2.5 days. Couldn't really get a lot of it down though.
I will probably take a couple of days break from fasting, but will probs do my usual 36 hour fast sometime during the next week. Also, I'm weighing myself tomorrow and I'm so excited, yesterday I could fit into a 40 size (EU) jacket which was too tight around the waist and chest last week.
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soysaucevictim · 4 years
Last week of current things. Still on shaky ground.
Feb. 1
I woke up a bit after 11AM.
After a bit of the usual, and ruminating on a lot of the shit that’s been happening...  did some exercise.
First, today’s DD. 40 reverse lunges with EC. Winding and not a personal favorite but mission accomplished. :P
Second, Day 25 of the BLP. Level 3, one superset. Enough leg work for warm-up, I decided.
Third, Day 31 of the KCP. Active day. Same way as the last week’s active days.
The uncle wasn’t around pretty much all day, coming back around midnight. Slept at our place, I think?
Anyways, made some dinner and showed dad some videos before clocking out (rather late again).
Feb. 2
I woke up a bit closer to 11AM.
Watched some videos and picked up my meds before getting in my exercise.
First, today’s DD. 2′ sitting punches with EC. This took a bit of willpower to maintain the hold, but it was pretty enjoyable work. I counted 283 punches thrown in the time given.
Second, Day 26 of the BLP. Level Level 3, one superset. Yeah. Warmup.
Last, Day 32 of the KCP. Active day. Don’t feel like saying much about it - other than it was pretty straightforward.
Did spend time getting some oven racks soaking in the tub and light scrubbing of the oven. But didn’t do a whole lot else and got to bed too late again..
Feb. 3
I woke up a bit before noon.
The first thing I attempted to do today was begin cleaning the oven proper.
Until I had a damaging argument with the uncle, he crossed the line. It really fucked me up. One reason why I lapsed on recording the fitness stuff in much detail, for several days...
But I did make myself get through my exercises...
First, today’s DD. 2′ raised leg hold with EC (frontal). After a crummy day and trying to  get the oven clean, I'm just happy I managed to do this in first try. The hard part was the building muscle fatigue. :P
Second, Day 27 of the BLP. Level 3, one superset. Solely upperbody work, this time. Manageable, despite fatigued arm muscles from the oven stuff.
Third, 5′ warmup. March steps.
Last, Day 33 of the KCP. Active day. Yeah. I’m not sure if I’ve always been on top of my rep/set counts at times. If I lost track and dropped some... I don’t really care at this point. I did something.
Taking a shower and finishing cleaning the oven to the best of my ability were the last things I did that were actually productive.
Feb. 4
I woke up a bit after 8AM.
Ran into probs getting transit this morning. LogistiCare tried to get Lyft to pick me up instead of the usual local service (”GR”). Lyft probably never picked me up and still counted me as a no show. :/
Had to ask bro if he was willing to take me to the facility, even though I missed Seeking Safety at that point, mostly so that I could touch base with my case manager. Also worked a bit on some art, while I was there.
Had an awkward/painful trip home... but I don’t feel like getting into that here.
Once home, I spent a few hours archiving and building a timeline back to Jan. 18. It was exhausting, but I felt it necessary, before getting in my exercise again.
First, today’s DD. 60 leg extensions with EC (AKA donkey kicks). This was reasonably fun for a day that could be best defined as a mixed bag. :P
Second, Day 28 of the BLP. Level 3, one superset. Enough legwork for it to count as warmup.
Last, Day 34 of the KCP. Rest day. For rest days, I’ve not been modifying things (read: no weights while doing the calf raises).
I had kind of a bad night, Dad got drunk and I stayed up way too late playing solitaire. :/
Feb. 5
I woke up a bit after noon.
Did a bit of the usual before starting on some exercise.
First, today’s DD. 40 raised leg circles with EC. Not much to say other than I found it just manageable. :P
Second, Day 29 of the BLP. Level 3, one superset. Another day I considered this for warmup.
Third, Day 35 of the KCP. Active day, final one. I’ve run out of stuff to say, at this point.
(After making dinner, feeling exasperation while doing it, and the usual noise...)
Last, Day 16 of the G2BC.  Yeah, remembered how I wanted to do this challenge? Yellow zone, anyways.
Feb. 6
I woke up a bit after 8AM.
Didn’t have transit trouble this time around. Happy about that.
Got to facility, went to diner, did some art, attended WRAP Group, and played some solitaire.
Got home and anxiously waiting for my case manager’s home visit today. The meeting went pretty well. Mostly because the uncle stayed outside while me, dad, and CM talked. I mostly shared the timeline and we both related the situation to the CM. He's going to make weekly home visits to check our collective pulse.
Did some dishes and some more of the usual before getting in today’s exercise.
First, today’s DD. 60 climbers with EC. Still in a relatively fragile state - but I did get a morale boost earlier today. Happy I could manage this one, despite a bit of indigestion and sleep deprivation. :P
Second, Day 30 of the Baseline Program. Level 3, one superset. Good enough for warmup. Just happy I completed this program
Third, Day 36 of the Knee Conditioning Program. Rest day. Ditto on the completion thing.
Last, Day 17 of the G2BC. Yellow zone.
Feb. 7
I woke up a bit before 11AM
One of the first things I did today was the DD. 40 glute flexes with EC. This was a bit of a challenge - but still manageable. That Knee Conditioning Program I just finished did have some glute work, which I did think helped. :P
Then played some rummy with grandma and Dad, before and after my psych appt. Which went better than I was anticipated. Doctor was pretty understanding and apologetic. One of the things I liked was getting the mood lightened up in thinking about what I could do on my birthday.
Partly because of overeating and it being a rest day - I didn’t do a lot else, today.
Didn’t manage to get to bed on time.
I finished my programs in Feb. 6.
They were going pretty okay, for the first 2-3 weeks, until family issues arose. My enthusiasm waned afterwards, even though I stayed on schedule.
The Baseline Program was pretty breezy and I was happy I could accomplish Level 3 and in single sets every day. I kind of wish I was in a better headspace to appreciate this experience.
The Knee Conditioning Program did get a bit tedious - for want of variety. Assigned Sat-Mon & Wed as active days (all 12 exercises), Tues & Thurs as rest days (just heel cord stretches + calf raise; because I go to groups those days).
I shaved down my rest periods and probably rushed through the reps as I went along. For the leg presses: 3 lbs resistance for weeks 1&2, 3.7 lbs for 3&4, and 4.6 for 5&6. I started without additional weight - then used them for every active day in the schedule.
I was a lot less consistent with trying to rerun the Get to Bed on Time Challenge... but I’m just going to give myself some grace, given everything.
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chelsorz07 · 5 years
I posted these as asks four years ago and never got to answer any so
1. First thing you wash in the shower? Hair.
2. Are you more of a coffee or alcohol drinker? I have like two cups of coffee a month but have only drank booze twice in the past year so coffee I guess.
3. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again? Many times.
4. Do you plan outfits? Sometimes I’ll want to wear a specific shirt but it’s rarely ever clean and I never pick out clothes sooner than right before my shower.
5. How are you feeling RIGHT now? Tired but I still have to put the garbage out before I can go to bed and my neck and knees are killing me so I can’t get off the couch. But I’m in an okay mood.
6. Whats the closest thing to you thats red? Throw pillow.
7. What would you do if you opened your door and saw a dead body? Idk I’d like to say I’d be a badass about it but honestly I’d probs scream.
8. Tell me about the last dream you remember having? I legit don’t remember. I dream every night but they usually fly right out of my head when I wake up.
9. Three of your current feelings? Tired, hungry, in pain. 
10. What are you craving right now? Cheeseburger and onion rings.
11. Turn ons? Um...intelligence, wit, shoulders, eyes, ginger beards.
12. Turn offs? Arrogance, chauvinism, people who don’t like cats.
13. What comes to mind when I say cabbage? Coleslaw.
14. When was the last time you cried? Why? I was doing a concert in my living room last night, as I often do, and some of the songs got me a little emosh.
15. If you could be a superhero, who would you want to be? Black Widow or Loki.
16. Did the one person who hurt you most in your life apologize? No but she did change the way she treated me so I’m taking that for what it is.
17. Do you bite into your ice cream or just lick it? I don’t eat ice cream because it hurts my teeth no matter which method of eating I use.
18. Favorite movie ever? Bring it On.
19. Do you like yourself? Depends on the day. Actually it changes even more frequently than that.
20. Have you ever met a celebrity? Many. None will top Jensen Ackles though. Well. Except Misha. Note the double entendre lol
21. Could you handle being in the military? I definitely could not. I’m also too old to enlist even if I wanted to.
22. What are you listening to right now? Walking Dead, season 1 episode 2. Because every time I start the series over, I pick up from episode 3 since I don’t really care about anyone but Daryl until Jesus happens. But today I felt like a refresher from the beginning.
23. How many countries have you visited? I went to Canada once.
24. Are your parents strict? They were while I was being raised. Then my little sister had like no rules.
25. Would you go sky diving? No way.
26. Would you go out to eat with George W. Bush? Hell yeah.
27. Whats on your mind right now? I’m really just trying to gather the motivation to get up and pee, then take the garbage out so I can go to sleep.
28. Is there anything you want to say to someone? Ehh not really.
29. Have you ever been in a castle? No but I would tour the shit out of some if I had the opportunity.
30. Do you rent movies often? Almost never because who does that anymore? But we did just rent Mile 22 from the Redbox a few weeks ago. It was pretty meh for Wahlberg.
31. Whats your zodiac sign? Leo.
32. When was the last time you had sex? A month ago. Purely by circumstance. My husband is currently on week four of a five week work rotation in Texas.
33. Name five facts about yourself. Lord. I have rapidly deteriorating joints and it fucking hurts everywhere all the time. I’ve spent the past 48 hours going back through my entire tumblr, over 300 pages. I only make homemade mac n cheese, not boxed. I’m almost finished rereading every Desus fic on AO3 for the second time (some more than two but I mean going through literally every page). One of my cats is sitting above my head and purring really loudly and another is sitting to my left snoring.
34. Ever had a near death experience? If so, what happened? Got caught driving in a blizzard. Spun off the road several times, including once off of an on-ramp. Like do not enter, wrong direction. If I hadn’t made it to the hotel right next to the on-ramp I really would’ve been fucked.
35. Do you believe in karma or predestiny? Not really.
36. Brown or white eggs? White.
37. Do you own something from Hot Topic? Most of my material possessions are from the hot topical, yes. Clothes, jewelry, funkos, makeup, miscellaneous other merch. It’s like a lot.
38. Ever been on a train? I have not.
39. Ever been in love? I am.
40. If you were paid 1 million dollars to spend the night in a supposed haunted house, would you do it? I hate this question. Of course I want a million dollars. But I’ve always wanted to stay in a haunted house anyway.
41. If you could trade places with any person living or dead, who would you trade places with? JJ Ackles. Except that I wouldn’t wish my life on her. Can we just be siblings instead?
42. If you could shorten your life expectancy by 10 years to become more attractive, would you do it? I’m already attractive. And my life expectancy isn’t that high as it is.
43. Whom do you admire and why? My husband because he does crazy shit like work 35 days in a row when he’s only supposed to work 14 just to make sure all our bills are paid and we have savings because I’m too crippled to work at all right now.
44. What was your favorite bedtime story as a child? I didn’t get bedtime stories.
45. You’re walking down the street, you come across a burning building. A woman says her baby is trapped inside, what would you do? I am literally capable of doing nothing, except maybe let her use my phone to call 911 if she hasn’t already.
46. If you could choose the future profession of your son or daughter, would you? No. I can’t even choose my own profession.
47. What was your best experience on drugs or alcohol? Idk about best but my most recent one was pretty good. I hadn’t had alcohol in over a year but a few weeks ago my sister turned 21 and we had family game night at my parents’ house so I got a little buzzed on some grapefruit White Claws and for about four hours I wasn’t in physical pain. Plus we all had a really good time just hanging out and playing games and everybody got along. That has 100% never happened in my family before. Also the last time I smoked weed, which was MANY years ago, like 6 or 7, it had the same effect and reduced my joint pain.
48. What was your worst experience on drugs or alcohol? Worst with drugs was the night I smoked an entire joint just in my living room alone and it must have been strong shit because I threw up immediately. Worst experience drinking was probably all of 2010.
50. As you’re walking down the street you find a suitcase full of money sitting next to a parked car, would you take it? Probs I’m desperate and not that great of a person.
51. If you found that a close friend has AIDS, would you still hang out with them? Yes? WTF kind of question is that? It’s 2019, AIDS isn’t cooties.
52. In front of you are 10 pistols, 5 of which are loaded. If you survive you’d receive 100 million dollars. Would you be willing to place 1 to your head and pull the trigger? Depends what kind of pistol. If it’s a revolver you can see the rounds in the barrel. 
53. How old were you when you lost your virginity? 20.
54. Do you believe in ghosts, werewolves or vampires? Nope. Well I still haven’t ruled out ghosts but I also know how to dispatch them so.
55. If you could live forever, would you want to? HELL naw.
56. Which fictional movie character most resembles who you are? Janice Ian.
57. If you could go back in time, which time period would you visit? We love a renaissance.
58. If they were to televise a live execution, would you watch it? Probably.
59. If you could be the president of the USA, would you be willing to do it? Not even for like a day.
60. If you could choose the sex of your unborn child, would you want to? Yes. I want a girl. Come for me.
61. Would you rather live longer or be wealthy? I want that money beech.
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typicalmidnight · 5 years
100 Questions
1.) Name Kaleea
2.) Where are you from? Canada
3.) How old are you? 13
4.) Do you have any siblings? yes, a younger brother
5.) Pets? an aquatic frog (i kinda hate it tho)
6.) Describe yourself um smart, funnyish, sarcastic 24/7
7.) What do you do for fun? read, watch youtube and netflix, sing
8.) Do you have a job? What do you do? nope i just go to school
9.) Have you had other jobs? i used to babysit?
10.) What’s your favorite memory? i have no freaking idea
11.) What is one thing you regret? so many things
12.) What is one thing you wish you would’ve done, but didn’t? tried out for my school musical
13.) One thing about yourself you wish you could change my hair cause i cut it and regret it so much
14.) What do you love about yourself? my singing voice
15.) Who inspires you? brooke sanchez, zendaya, emma watson, idk who else
16.) Do you collect anything? no?? i don’t think so lol
17.) Do you have any fears? SPIDERS
18.) Is there anything that annoys you about your job? uh homework?? lol
19.) Can you tell us a secret about yourself? 
20.) How about another secret? :)
21.) Favorite band? One Direction
22.) What music are you currently listening to? well currently as i’m writing this, i’m listening to Eyes Wide Open by Sabrina Carpenter. but in general lots of oldish pop from 2012-2016/17
23.) Do you have a favorite song? i don’t think so
24.) Do you have a favorite movie? ooooooh ummmm spiderman: homecoming at the moment i think
25.)What’s your favorite color? purpleeee
26.) What’s your favorite place you’ve ever been to? cuba!
27.) Ever broken a promise? i mean probably, small ones tho. wait actually tho this girl that i don’t really like told me her crush and made me promise not to tell anyone but i broke that one soooooo that was a mess. regret that a lot.
28.) Do you have a favorite book? harry potter and the deathly hallows
29.) What’s your favorite school subject? language (english)
30.) Least favorite school subject? GYM
31.) What’s your favorite food? sushi
32.) How about least favorite food? so many i have no idea
33.) What’s your favorite Holiday? Christmas!!!!
34.) What makes you mad? ahhhh so much but usually my brother
35.) What makes you happy? peter parker, reading, harry potter, brooke sanchez, music
36.) Do you have a favorite scent? no, but if i had to pick i would say vanilla
38.) Do you have a favorite TV show? uhhhhh full house maybe?
39.) Can you share an extremely embarrassing moment? once i punched my crush in the face by accident...
40.) When is a time you were extremely irritated? a few weeks ago i was under a lot of stress and my friend stole my earbuds but when she said she took them she seemed like she was lying and my anxiety levels were really high (i have diagnosed anxiety okay i’m not just saying that) and she was really stressing out and i was super mad at her. that’s long sorry. also super random.
41.) Is there anybody you hate? millie bobby brown (sorry y’all that like her) and this kid in my class.
42.) What do you look for in a person? a strong personality, funny, outgoing, nice, someone i can relate too
43.) How’s the weather? sucky it’s coldddd and even tho it’s winter there’s no snow even tho i’m in CANADA and like we usually get snow but there isn’t any so that’s making me kinda mad
44.) Are you currently in school? not at the moment, but yes, i do go to school
45.) What is your goal in life? to become a professional singer maybe??
46.) Is there something you should be doing, but keep putting off? homework, cleaning my room
47.) Ever been to a concert? yes, i saw johnny orlando and mackezie ziegler, and hayden summerall, brooke butler, and johnny orlando again
48.) What was the last movie you saw in theater? fantastic beasts: the crimes of grindelwald
49.) What was the last book you read? mockingjay (hunger games trilogy)
50.) What is your favorite season? fall
51.) Do you prefer it to be hot or cold? cold i guess but i hate both
52.) Do you prefer the sun, the rain, or snow? sun, but not too hot
53.) If you could go anywhere, where would you go? paris maybe
54.) Any current travel plans? nah but i wanna go to vidcon. i might go to flordia tho possibly to go to playlist live.
55.) Do you prefer day or night? idk
56.) Are you an introvert or extrovert? in👏tro👏vert👏
57.) What is something not many people know about you? i write fics, and i actually really love writing (nobody i know in real life knows this i don’t think)
58.) Where are you right now? my living room
59.) Look in front of you. What do you see? a blanket
60.) If you could meet one person, alive or dead, who would it be? does peter parker count?
61.) Would you rather look into your future, or fix something from your past? i honestly have no idea
62.) If you could sit down with anyone in the world, and talk to them for an hour, who would you like to speak with? zendaya
63.) What was the first CD you ever owned? i don’t own any
64.) What was the first CD you ever purchased with your own money? noneee
65.) If you own any Vinyls, which was your first? um none!
66.) How many CDs do you own? 0. nobody uses cds!
67.) What relaxes you? music
68.) Do you have any talents? singing?? idk sometimes i think i’m good at it, and others i think i’m terrible
69.) If you could give yourself the ability to do anything, what would it be? like a superpower?? um be a witch like hermione granger but without a wand. or combat my anxiety and ask out my crush (he would prob say no tho i’m pretty sure he doesn’t like me back)
70.) Favorite candy? gummies
71.) Is anything bothering you right now? i’m going to a new school soon i think and i’m hella nervous
72.) Are you happy with where you are in life right now? not really, the reason i’m going to a new school is actually because of my anxiety, so i’m upset with myself for letting it take this much control over me.
73.) Is there anyone you regret ever associating with? none that i can think of
74.) Do you have a favorite memory from your childhood? uh well one time i was eating ice cream in front of my tv when i was really little. that was fun.
75.) What is your least favorite memory from your childhood. when i was 3 i had a dream cookie monster was in my basement and he was trying to eat me. that traumatized me for years.
76.) Favorite memory of your parents? idk i have terrible memory i’m sorry
77.) Do you have a least favorite memory of your parents? again, terrible memory
78.) How is your relationship with your parents? um i’m closer with my mom than my dad, but there’s other stuff i shouldn’t get into on the internet
79.) What’s your family like? good? idk
80.) Are you clean or messy? messyyyy even tho i hate messiness
81.) What is your most recent purchase? books
82.) What’s the most amount of money you’ve spent at once? i have no idea
83.) What are you saving up for? vidcon tickets
84.) How much money do you have to your name currently? a lot? idk
85.) Have you ever done anything last minute? EVERYTHING
86.) What’s the furthest in advance you’ve planned something? nothing i’m terrible at planning
87.) Are you an introvert or Extrovert? you already asked this?? in👏tro👏vert👏
88.) What’s the latest you’ve ever been out of your house? 5 am?? maybe??? i have no idea
89.) Cats or Dogs? D👏O👏G👏S👏 (i’m not against cats, just not a cat person)
90.) How long have you gone without sleep? like the longest? 22 hours i think. currently tho like 5 hours i woke up late cause i’m sick
91.) What were you like as a child? shyyyyy but also very loud if i was comfortable
92.) What do you miss from your childhood? the innocence you have when you’re a child, and not having drama all the time
93.) Do you have a favorite memory from work? i don’t workkkkkkk. but from school, we went on a trip to Washington DC and that was cool.
94.) What’s the scariest thing that’s ever happened to you? I almost got hit by a car once? (but like i almost did no joke my friend saved me tho) (happens to be the same friend who stole my earbuds)
95.) What’s a bad habit that you have? biting my nails oof
96.) What are your plans for the summer? uhhhhhhhh
97.) What was the last thing that made you happy? writing these answers
98.) What was the last picture you took on your phone? screenshot of the new spider-man trailer!!!
99.) Who was the last person you texted and why? my friends, because i was super excited about the new trailer
100.) Send me your own questions in the ask box!
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death-noot · 6 years
1-116 👈👈😎
lez do this 
1: Let’s start with a tricky one; what is the real reason you are confused right now? kinda just confused about whether or not im making the right choice moving back home idk 
2: Do you ever get “good morning” texts from anyone? sure do
3: If your significant other smoked pot, would you care? of course not 
4: Do you find it easy to trust others? most of the time yeah 
5: What were you doing at 11PM last night? trying to sleep 
6: You’re drunk and lost walking down the road; who is with you? deffo my pal madi, we’ve done this multiple times
7: What would you do if you found out you had been cheated on? i honestly dont know 
8: Are you close with your dad? sure am
9: I bet you kissed someone last night, right? the human i kiss is 7 hours away from me so sadly i did not. 
10: What are you listening to? tell me that i’m wrong by future jr. 
11: You can only drink ONE liquid for the rest of your life - what is it? fk me probably like juice or somethin 
12. Do you like hickeys? yess
13: What time do you go to bed? usually about 10ish
14: Is there someone who continuously lets you down? nah 
15: Can you text as quickly with one hand as you do both? god no 
16: Do you always answer your texts? ya 
17: Do you hate the person you fell the hardest for? nope i love her quite a bit 
18: When was the last time you talked to one of your best friends? earlier today
19: Is there someone that makes you happy every time you see them? multiple people 
20: What was your last thought before you went to bed last night?i hope we’re okay 
21: Is anyone else in the room with you? nope  
22: Do you believe what goes around comes around? definitely 
23: Were you happier four months ago than you are now? im much happier now 
24: Is there someone you wish you could fix things with? nah 
25: In the past week, have you cried? nope
26: What colour is the shirt you are wearing? kinda a navy blue 
27: Do people ever call you by your last name? yep 
28: Is anyone ignoring you right now? dont think so 
29: Do you have a best friend? ye
30: Would it be hard seeing someone else kiss the last person you kissed? depends on the context of the kisss 
31: Who was your last call from? my sister 
32: Are you mad at anyone? nope 
33: Have you ever kissed someone older than you? lol yes 
34: How old will the last person you kissed be on his/her next birthday? 25 
35: How many more days until your birthday? fk like just under a year 
36: Do you have any summer plans yet? kinda  
37: Do you have any good friends of the opposite sex? not really 
38: Are you keeping anything from your best friend(s) now? nope 
39: Do you have a secret that you’ve never told anyone? nope
40: Have you ever regretted kissing someone? yuP
41: Do you think age matters in relationships? obviously yes like if someones in their teens but i feel like past that its not so bad 
42: Are you available? depends on what that means 
43: How many people have you had real, strong feelings for since high school ended? 2
44: If you had to get a piercing (not ears), what would you get? nose probs 
45: Do you believe exes can be friends? ye
46: Do you regret anything? REALLY regret leaving school 
47: Honestly, what’s on your mind right now? my girlfriend bc im gay 
48: Did you ever lose a best friend? ye
49: Was your last kiss a mistake? no
50: Why aren’t you pursuing the person you like? she’s already mine but i never wanna stop trying to impress her 
51: Has the last person you kissed ever seen you cry? nope
52: Do you still talk with the person you LAST kissed? yes jesus christ 
53: What was the last thing you ate? a schnitty 
54: Did you get any compliments today? dont think so 
55: Where are you going on your next vacation? goin to see the girly 
56: Do you own anything from other countries? yep 
57: Are most of your friend guys or girls? girls 
58: Where have you lived most of your life? always lived in the same small town 
59: When was the last time you took a long drive? today 
60: Have you ever played Spin the Bottle? nope
61: Have you ever TPd someone’s house? nope
62: Who do you text the most? Rach 
63: What was the last movie you saw? the happytime murders i think 
64: What’s preventing your current boyfriend/girlfriend from going back to their ex? hopefully a lot of things
65: How many boyfriends/girlfriends did you have in 2010? none lmfao 
66: Is the last person you kissed younger than you? only by a few months 
67: Do you curse around your parents? ye
68: Are you happy with where you live? fuck no 
69. Picture of yourself? i cbf right now i’ll post one tomorrow lmao  
70. Are you a monogamous person or do you believe in open-ended relationships? monogamous, i get rly possessive lmao 
71. Have you ever been dumped? kinda 
72. What do you most like about making out? all the grabbing and lil noises   73. Have you ever casually made out with someone who you weren’t seriously involved with? mhm
74. When you kiss someone for the first time, is it usually you who initiates it or the other? the other 
75. What part of a person’s body do you find most attractive? eyes 
76. Who was the last person you talked to last night before you went to bed? rach 
77. Had sex with someone you knew less than an hour? nope 
78. Had sex with someone you didn’t know their name? nope 
79. What makes your heart flutter and brings a big cheesy smile to your face? rach, jesus im soft 
80. Would you get involved with someone if they had a child already? probably not
81. Has someone who had a crush on you ever confessed to you? ya 
82. Do you tell a lot of people when you have a crush? not really 
83. Do you miss your last sweetie? what does this mean 
84. Last time you slow danced with someone? nope 
85. Have you ever ‘dated’ someone you’ve never met? kinda 
86. How can I win your heart? be urself, make me laugh, do nice things for me
87. What is your astrological sign? scorpio 
88. What were you doing last night at 12 AM? sleepin 
89. Do you cook? not often 
90. Have you ever gotten back in touch with an old flame after a time of more than 3 months of no communication? nope
91. If you’re single right now, do you wish you were in a relationship? 
92. Do you prefer to date various people or do you pretty much fall into monogamous relationships quickly? i feel like i fall into monogamy pretty quick 
93. What physical traits do you look for in a potential interest? funny, kind, considerate, 
94. Name four things that you wish you had: money, full licence, money, money
95. Are you a player? nah 
96. Have you ever kissed 2 people in one day? nope
97. Are you a tease? I’ve been told i can be lmao 
98. Ever meet anyone you met on Tumblr? i think so 
99. Have you ever been deeply in love with someone? rn  
100. Anybody on Tumblr that you’d go on a date with? platonic dates sure 
101. Hugs or Kisses? b o t h 
102. Are you too shy to ask someone out? usually lmao 
103. The first thing you notice about the opposite sex? how tall they are or their hair tbh 
104. Is it cute when a boy/girl calls you babe? luv it 
105. If a sexy person was pursuing you, but you knew he/she was in relationship, would you go for it? tbh probably i’m a dick 
106. Do you flirt a lot? not really 
107. Your last kiss? rach 
108. Have you kissed more than 5 people since the start of 2011? how old is this 
109. Have you kissed anyone in the past month? ye 
110. If you could kiss anyone who would it be? r a ch 
111. Do you know who you’ll kiss next? guess 
112. Does someone like you currently? u kno it 
113. Do you currently have feelings for anyone? this is so repetitive 
114. Do you like to be in serious relationships or just flings? relationships
115. Ever made out with just a friend? no
116. Are you happier single or in a relationship? relationship
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thewritingstar · 4 years
Ah well were all at home better ask all 200 questions g, don't really know much about u
hope you enjoy me spending an hour answering all of these :) 
200: My crush’s name is: N/A 199: I was born in: 2000 198: I am really: nice 197: My cellphone company is: idk 196: My eye color is: Hazel, can turn dark brown or light green sometimes 195: My shoe size is: 8 194: My ring size is: 7 I think 193: My height is: 5′3 192: I am allergic to: penicillin  191: My 1st car was: Toyota  190: My 1st job was: Baskin Robbins  189: Last book you read: Suicide Notes (highly recommend)  188: My bed is: galaxy bedding and is currently on the floor in my bed fram cause my friends broke it... 187: My pet: Black cockapoo and a white cockapoo named Abby and Molly 186: My best friend: is a hoe 185: My favorite shampoo is: herbal essence color me happy  184: Xbox or ps3: I perfer Wii, Wii U or Nintendo switch  183: Piggy banks are: cute, Mine is a ducktales cup  182: In my pockets: nothing rn 181: On my calendar: nothing rn 180: Marriage is: a good thing but not a necessity for a happy life 179: Spongebob can: get it  178: My mom: is a queen  177: The last three songs I bought were? i only buy cds for my car so: Lover, Hozier, Blink 182 176: Last YouTube video watched: The Office deleted scenes 175: How many cousins do you have? 8 but I only see four of them and two of them are adults with kids so i consider them more of aunt and uncle figures 174: Do you have any siblings? One older sister  173: Are your parents divorced? Nope  172: Are you taller than your mom? Nope 171: Do you play an instrument? Nope 170: What did you do yesterday? Sat on ass and watched youtube 
[ I Believe In ] 169: Love at first sight: ye why not 168: Luck: yes  167: Fate: yes 166: Yourself: kinda 165: Aliens: yes 164: Heaven: mmmm yes i guess 163: Hell: yes 162: God: uhhhhh yes and no, kinda indifferent 161: Horoscopes: yep 160: Soul mates: yesss 159: Ghosts: ye 158: Gay Marriage: WHO THE FUCK DOESNT BELIEVE IN THISS?? ITS REAL  157: War: think it does more harm than good 156: Orbs: ye 155: Magic: ye i wanna be a wizard 
[ This or That ] 154: Hugs or Kisses: hugs 153: Drunk or High: drunk, i dont do drugs and i dont drink yet but ill prob get drunk  152: Phone or Online: oo i use both but Online i guess 151: Red heads or Black haired: Black hair 150: Blondes or Brunettes: Brunettes 149: Hot or cold: HOT 148: Summer or winter: Summer 147: Autumn or Spring: Both 146: Chocolate or vanilla: Vanilla  145: Night or Day: Day 144: Oranges or Apples: Oranges 143: Curly or Straight hair: I have straight hair but curly hair is also beautiful 142: McDonalds or Burger King: BURGER KING..I HATE MCDONALDS 141: White Chocolate or Milk Chocolate: MILK 140: Mac or PC: Pc 139: Flip flops or high heals:...High heels prob 138: Ugly and rich OR sweet and poor: SWEET AND POOR, IM ALREADY UGLY 137: Coke or Pepsi: NEITHER 136: Hillary or Obama: obama  135: Burried or cremated: cremated 134: Singing or Dancing: love both but maybe dancing rn 133: Coach or Chanel: Coach  132: Kat McPhee or Taylor Hicks: idk who they are 131: Small town or Big city: Big city, i grew up in a small town 130: Wal-Mart or Target: TARGET 129: Ben Stiller or Adam Sandler: Adam 128: Manicure or Pedicure: Mani 127: East Coast or West Coast: West Coast 126: Your Birthday or Christmas: Christmas  125: Chocolate or Flowers: Chocolate 124: Disney or Six Flags: DISNEY  123: Yankees or Red Sox: eww sports 
[ Here’s What I Think About ] 122: War:....does more harm than good  121: George Bush:....dont know enough to say but im pretty sure he was an awful human  120: Gay Marriage: It should just be called marriage, just because you’re gay doesnt make it any less or any more, its equal to other marriages  119: The presidential election: 118: Abortion: Pro Choice, no one has the right to tell someone what to do with their body 117: MySpace: i never used it cause i was too young but i bet it was lit 116: Reality TV: its funny af  115: Parents: are nice if they care about their child but if they are abusive or horrible then they dont deserve respect  114: Back stabbers: should be stabbed  113: Ebay: its nice  112: Facebook: full of idiots and boomers  111: Work: a scam  110: My Neighbors: they fine 109: Gas Prices: A SCAM 108: Designer Clothes: a nice but really $200 for socks, no mama 107: College: SHOULD BE FREE 106: Sports: fun but no one needs to make that much money for throwing a ball 105: My family: i like them 104: The future: is wild and idk at this point 
[ Last time I ] 103: Hugged someone: my mom like a few days ago 102: Last time you ate: at 11 today! 101: Saw someone I haven’t seen in awhile:  100: Cried in front of someone: my mom after i yelled at her 99: Went to a movie theater: i saw Onward when we were allowed outside 98: Took a vacation: went to disneyland last October  97: Swam in a pool: like almost two years sadly  96: Changed a diaper: when i was like 8  95: Got my nails done: never got them done because my mom wouldnt take me cause i was a ‘tom boy’  94: Went to a wedding: never  93: Broke a bone: when i was three, my big toe 92: Got a piercing: my nose in January  91: Broke the law: i guess i sped the other day  90: Texted: literally as im doing this 
[ MISC ] 89: Who makes you laugh the most: my friend 88: Something I will really miss when I leave home is: the silence of being alone 87: The last movie I saw: Princess and the Frog 86: The thing that I’m looking forward to the most: Moving for college 85: The thing im not looking forward to:  84: People call me: Deanna (real name), Dean, Star (what yall call me) ton of others 83: The most difficult thing to do is: idk  82: I have gotten a speeding ticket: never 81: My zodiac sign is: Aries 80: The first person i talked to today was:  79: First time you had a crush: Ive had  78: The one person who i can’t hide things from: my best friends 77: Last time someone said something you were thinking: my friends over ft  76: Right now I am talking to: no one 75: What are you going to do when you grow up: hopefully being an animator  74: I have/will get a job: at disney  73: Tomorrow: doing nothing 72: Today: doing nothing  71: Next Summer: hopefully not on quarantine  70: Next Weekend: nothing special  69: I have these pets: 2 doggos 68: The worst sound in the world: ICE SCRAPING OR MOUTH BREATHING 67: The person that makes me cry the most is:  66: People that make you happy: my friends 65: Last time I cried: few days ago  64: My friends are: my world 63: My computer is: a Dell  62: My School: is a community college  61: My Car: it goes 60: I lose all respect for people who: are bigots, dehumanize people, republicans  59: The movie I cried at was: Onward had me sobbing  58: Your hair color is: Brown rn 57: TV shows you watch: theres too many 56: Favorite web site: tumblr or youtube 55: Your dream vacation: every disney park  54: The worst pain I was ever in was: i think when i cut my finger or when i went to the hospital for my chest  53: How do you like your steak cooked: Medium rare  52: My room is: disney themed and my safe zone 51: My favorite celebrity is: Tara Strong  50: Where would you like to be: Disneyland 49: Do you want children: ehh maybe  48: Ever been in love: nope 47: Who’s your best friend: my neighbor that ive known since i was 4 46: More guy friends or girl friends: more girl 45: One thing that makes you feel great is: making cake  44: One person that you wish you could see right now: my cousin 43: Do you have a 5 year plan: not really  42: Have you made a list of things to do before you die: ye 41: Have you pre-named your children: kinda 40: Last person I got mad at: my mom 39: I would like to move to: La 38: I wish I was a professional: animator
[ My Favorites ] 37: Candy: Kitkat 36: Vehicle: Cars 35: President: 34: State visited: California, Nevada, Texas, Hawaii,  33: Cellphone provider: 32: Athlete: n/a 31: Actor: Colin O'Donoghue 30: Actress: Lana Parrilla 29: Singer: Joe Jonas, Taylor Swift  28: Band: Big Time Rush 27: Clothing store: Hot topic, Ross,  26: Grocery store: Safeway  25: TV show: Once Upon A Time or PPG  24: Movie: Princess and the Frog and Ratatouille  23: Website: tumblr  22: Animal: elephant  21: Theme park: disneyland  20: Holiday: Halloween  19: Sport to watch: hockey  18: Sport to play:..i do not play  17: Magazine: i dont read mags  16: Book: Kingdom Keepers  15: Day of the week: Friday  14: Beach: one i went to in Hawaii  13: Concert attended: Jonas Brothers  12: Thing to cook: chowmein and strawberry shortcake  11: Food: Chowmein  10: Restaurant: my fav Chinese restaurant  9: Radio station: I don’t listen to the radio  8: Yankee candle scent: Vanilla  7: Perfume: Vanilla  6: Flower: Rose or Larkspur  5: Color: Black or blue  4: Talk show host: umm i dont watch many but i guess Jimmy Fallon  3: Comedian: Jaboukie Young-White or John Mulaney  2: Dog breed: Pomeranian  1: Did you answer all these truthfully? ye 
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bladeghost · 6 years
tagged by @skylar102 (it’s been a while and I hope you’re doing well ^_^) sorry was this a tad late lol
1. have you ever been in love? 
2. who is your favourite artist? 
Breaking Benjamin
3. what is your favourite music genre? 
4. have you ever had a penpal? 
In elementary school at some point. 
5. are you single or in a relationship?  
6. what colour are your eyes? 
They change with what I where, but somewhere between blue and hazel. 
7. what is your favourite word? 
Defenestration (def. The act of throwing someone out a window.)
8. do you play any instruments?
Guitar and piano. (Also singing if that counts)
9. what is your favourite colour? 
Blue and silver
10. do you have any nicknames?
I’ve used Bladeghost for years for games and discord and what not, so “Blade” has been a name a lot of friends have or still call me that. And a few rock stereotype names, (like Tom Petty, VanHalen, Metallica, etc) because of my hair and being a musician lol. 
11. what is your favourite flower? 
Any that don’t murder my sinuses, but also Orchids they’re a really cool. 
12. what qualities do you find attractive in a person? 
Showing passion towards things they find important. Being funny/dorky/aloof. Being trustworthy. 
13. do you have any pets? 
A dog named Tootsie that makes up 99% of my snapchats that aren’t food. She’s the goofiest little dog ever and I love her. 
14. have you ever travelled outside of your home country? 
Ya, only one place so far which was Aruba. But I really wanna go to more places, I’d really like to go to Europe someday. 
15. what language(s) do you speak? 
English and some broken German, enough to ask some basic questions.
16. who was your first crush?
Oof, I’m gonna answer from during Highschool because I can’t even remember that type of thing from before. And it was my friend Cynthia. 
17. do you wear glasses? 
Yup, haven’t met a person with worse eyes then me to date! Rip. Though I am having surgery in a month that is going to fix my eyes so I will hopefully be able to see perfectly afterwards. 
18. what is your favourite pastry? 
Cinnamon Rolls or Brownies 
19. do you prefer swimming in a pool or in the ocean? 
20. bright, dark, or pastel colours? 
Dark colors. I’ll wear black till they make something darker. 
21. what is your favourite social media app? 
Is Youtube considered social media? Because I spend like 20+ hours a week listening or watching youtube… If not then Tumblr.
22. what is your sexuality?
23. do you have any siblings?
Ya, I have one brother that’s 10 months younger then me. (born in the same year)
24. what is your favourite scent? 
New leather or plastic. Its just like a pleasant smell. 
25. where do you want to travel to? 
Europe, especially England and Ireland. Also Germany. 
26. what is your favourite film? 
Lord of the Rings (the extended versions) because me and my brother will sit and watch all 3 over the course of 10 hours in one sitting. 
27. who do people say you look like?
Rockstar/Viking/Thor Some variation of someone with long hair lol. 
28. who is your best friend? 
29. what is your dream job? 
Honestly I don’t just have one job, I love creating things, whether its cosplay, props, metal working, wood working, music and/or recording, editing and directing videos. All of it I just love and my dream would be to be able to be in a position professionally to be able to do any and all when the inspiration strikes. It may seem a tad unrealistic, but as long as I am creating all the time then I will be happy. 
30. do you know how to drive? 
31. who is/was your favourite teacher? 
My percussion director from my highschool. He was and is an amazing teacher who just embodies the passion he has for music, preforming, and teaching. My respect for him has only grown after all the years I have worked with him since highschool. 
32. are you a feminist? 
33. what is your zodiac sign? 
34. do you enjoy reading? 
I do, though I haven’t had a ton of time for it for a while, and I don’t always have the patience to sit and read. But! I have recently gotten into audio books so I’ve been starting to get through quite a few books once again.
35. do you have any hidden talents? 
Hidden, not really. A few I don’t show a whole lot, like singing. Or like a weird one is I can drink a whole bottle of water in 6-8secs lol 
36. have you ever dyed your hair? 
Yes! I have dyed it silver, with the roots being black. It’s currently faded to a kinda white with a hint of blonde and my nature blonde has been growing in, which has actually been fading into everything decently. 
37. what is your favourite thing in your bedroom? 
A wood box full of Zelda trinkets/emblems, that were a gift from one of best friends. 
38. what is your biggest fear? 
Not accomplishing anything. 
39. can you whistle?
40. do you make your bed every day? 
41. do you have any tattoos and/or piercings? 
No, though I am interested in getting a few tattoos at some point. 
42. have you ever been on a roller coaster? 
43. surfing or skateboarding? 
I have done neither, surfing I think would be more interesting to me. But I’m gonna say skiing because I am actually very good at that! (FIGHT ME)
44. are you a dog or a cat person?
Cats are great, but I am definitely more of a dog person. Though I would love to have both when I have my own place.
45. what is your favourite animal? 
Dragons. (Wait real? Shit. Ummm… puppies)
46. do you have a skincare routine? 
Not really, just shower every day lol.
47. what time do you typically go to bed at and what time do you wake up at? 
I don’t. What is sleep? Usually, sometime between 2-4 am for going to bed. And waking up between 10-11am.
48. what is your favourite memory? 
Sappy shit with a friend x//x
49. how tall are you? 
50. what is the best gift you’ve ever received? 
Idk… I don’t think I can pick one and I’m really thankful to have enough great people in my life that I can say that. 
51. do you have a garden?
52. do you like bugs? 
Not really but I tolerate them and respect them, unless they’re in my room. 
53. what is your natural hair colour? 
54. what is your favourite food and drink?
Cheeseburger or chicken tenders with honey mustard. It’s a tie because I will get both most of the time rofl. And Cherry vanilla coke. 
55. do you want kids?
I am fairly in the middle on this, definitely not right now. 
56. what is/was your favourite class?
57. what colour shirt are you wearing?
58. if you could time travel, what year would you go to and why? 
Ummm. When ever our next technological revolution for our planet it. 1 because forward presents less probs then back and 2 because there would be some amazing stuff if we made it long!
59. what is your skin colour?
Pale af. 
60. hugs or kisses? 
61. have you ever drunk alcohol? 
62. have you ever done drugs?
63. netflix or youtube?
I’d like to tag: @wearywithoutsleep @arachno-va if you are up for it! Np if not 😁
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tumblr fweinds
a year ago, i was tagged by @suplosers on two questionnaires and it is only now, a year later that i was able to answer em. i’m so sorry it took me this long but yah i’m just glad to get thru dis milestone, answering the first tumblr get to know ya post i was @ at... yaayyy ^^
rules: answer these 85 statements and tag 20 people.
I tag: tbd haha i still have to dig thru meh notifs to see which ones apparently took an interest in me so i’d like to take an interest in as well haha but oh @you-guys--are-losers, ur doing this whahaha hope it’s not too much of a bother, no presh watsoever ;3
the last
1. drink: ughh it's dis shitty stuff called hydrite w/c is basically salt water cus im sick rn and it's supposed to rehydrate ur shts or something hahaha
but dat was like a week ago... as of da moment i posted dis, it’s coffee from mini stop dat i drank at like 530 in da morn while i waited until i could enter the school cus i had to commute 3 hours w/ lil to none sleep
2. phone call: my father or one of my best friends
3. text message: the last one i texted was my sister and the last one i got a text from was dis org in school about the location for recruitment/auditions/interview
4. song you listened to: billy jean by michael jackson and i listened to it for meh tomdaya fic hahaha. But i also listened to halo by beyonce, untouchable and dress by taylor swift, and some other songs magmt mentions in her tomdaya fic hehe a week ago
rn, a metal cover of toxic by our last night
5. time you cried: haha i don't actually remember the context of it (i could find out tho haha cus i sent da pic to my best friend) but i took a pic of it while i did it which was on... july 16 hahaha. Oh but w8 oh sht i think i cried after that fudge w8 i don't remember the date (i think i can find this out too hahaha) but i wrote a sortof goodbye confessions letter to one of my dear friends and i wrote there that i externally cried (b4 i just said internally haha) so i'm not entirely sure i cried but i think im pretty sure i teared up hehe
6. dated someone twice: hahaha i haven't even had a legit love interest yet 😆😂 buuutt my best friend and i have "dated" as in spent entire days together w/ just the two of us, we even went to mcdonalds for valentine's day and got each other gifts hihihi aahhh gosh i miss her :'(
7. kissed someone and regretted it: haha im not even sure if dis happened and i have no plans on asking her about it but i remember when i was a kiddo, when my sis came home for some reason i kissed her on the lips hahaha dont remember if accidental or i just brain farted heck i aint even sure if it happened but das all i can answer cus well like i said, see #6 😆😂😆😂
8. been cheated on: hhmmm probs not, i have no idea if ive been cheated on in an unromantic way hahaha but in da romantic way, like i said, no love interest hahaha
Oh w8 does being someone's crush (i aint sure but it seemed like it) and crushing on dat dude but dat dude crushing on someone else too count as cheating? 😆😂😆😂
9. lost someone special: yes, all of my grandparents are dead. I've also lost pets, and i fear i may lose some of my friends due to the distance among us in this time of our lives
10. been depressed: i always wanna be careful over how to define depression. Like wat constitutes it... but yes, i think i have. Not sure, mind you, but yes, at the beginning of gr 7 i was really alone, i think i was bullied and i think i was depressed and going thru a really dark phase of my life back then. But then again, i have to say, i'm not sure.
11. gotten drunk and thrown up: hahaha nope. I'm looking forward to getting drunk tho. Im currently underage so im not allowed to drink dat much yet but yeah i wanna know my limits hehehe i hope im da kinda gurl who can handle her liquor but i have drank and i have to say it made me all loopy and weird and just like woke or high or something hahaha so yeah man im excited to get trashed on my 18th bday hahaha (hopefully i get to do this tho huhuhu)
3 favourite colours
12. Pink
13. Blue
14. Gray
in the last year have you
15. made new friends: yyeeesssss and i'm so glad i have hihi. I have made friends w/ a select group of my blockmates and they're awesome and weird, i hope to strengthen our bond in da future hehe. Ooohhh and i sure hope that you guys are losers is my friend cus she's been rlly great :')
16. fallen out of love: i guess the closest i've come to falling out of love in a romantic way is moving on from da heavy crushin on meh crush. But i dunno, i still think he's a unicorn n pretty special to me so i dunno hahaha.
But bro, i do think i have fallen out of love. With tv shows, with characters. Like i used to be so passionate about a few shows and characters but now all i have towards them is regret heck i cant even remember wat dey are but i know dat der was love lost. I know it.
17. laughed until you cried: hahaha yaasss i think so. It's either when i was with my best dearest friends or during the class of dis really cool and funny as heck joker teacher who makes us laugh in EVERY SINGLE CLASS hahaha ahhh das guy's so cool
18. found out someone was talking about you: oohh yah yah i think so. Either from my best friends or from a few of my old classmates i care about and had gotten close with. Da best friend ones was about something in my past/history (g7) and the classmates one i think was just dem talking about me and they told me about it ooohhh i think it was my crush hahahaha. They told me dat my crush actually admired me a lot hehe. There was one time my friend (the one who told me about dis) was putting make up on me for a school film, and my crush was da cam guy and he told my friend i looked pretty. Sooo im pretty lucky dat- oh sht w8 i dunno if it's dis year but oh w8 no, it was on my bday last year (dec 20) and da same friend said she was sorry cus apparently da bois make fun of me or something and she was sorry cus she laughed along too hahaha but i didnt mind cus i know im weird and i dont even know what dey say about me in da first place hahahaha. Ok das it im done, i think ive overshared now hahaha 😆😂😆😂
19. met someone who changed you: my best friends. Ive thought about it based on wat sup losers said about change for da better and i dont rlly think of change as something dat happens quick, i think it happens over time and u dont even notice it. So ok oh sht i think im wrong cus i met my best friends 4/6 years ago hahaha but for reals tho, i was in a dark place and if it werent for dem i think id still be lost lonely and sad. Uuhhmmm in regards to answering the question correctly, i guess my blockmates count since they inspire/challenge me to be better. OH SHT W8 i def think you guys are losers and dead end street and tomdaya receipts and tout de suite have changed me hehehe. Da first 2 in dat dey inspired me to write more hehe. Da 1st one inspired me to do this so i think this counts as change hehe. And da last 2 changed me in dat bcus i met dem, i became OBSESSED w/ tomdaya hahaha.
20. found out who your friends are: yes, i have actually. And it's all because i am now currently a college freshman as well as my friends.
21. kissed someone on your Facebook list: hahaha my fam i guess hahaha. But no one in a romantic context.
22. how many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: hhmmm i guess id say about 200 since i know 4 sections of around 40 ppl and da rest is like fam and ppl ive met once/twice or have passed by haha
23. do you have any pets: yaaaassss 3 doggos: albie, juju, and biggie girl. Juju has a pupper named tchalla called dat cus he black hehehe and biggie has 2 biglets named mermer (meredith) and crissy (cristina) cus they're sisters 😍😊😊
My fam have also had a buncha dogs n puppers before but they were either given away or passed away. My bro also has dis cat named bob and i think he counts as a semi pet since my bro's home is a fam home.
24. do you want to change your name: uuhhh i wish i had an alliterative name like superheroes. Buutt im pretty happy w/ my name :')
25. what did you do for your last birthday: oohhhh i think i was at my section's christmas party it was pretty nice n emotional and i spent da rest of da day w/ 2 of meh best friends who bought me cake n food when my own fam didn't 😆😂😆😂
26. what time did you wake up: 4 am to shit cus im sick, but fell asleep again and officially got up around 730 or 8ish
27. what were you doing at midnight last night: haha tryna stay awake cus i had to drink meh meds and failed oh so much and i think i was asleep by midnight hahaha
28. name something you can’t wait for: tomdaya content, chatting/being w/ my best friends, watching da stuff i wanna watch, tumblring, reading sht i wanna read, vacation, writing fanfics, learning how to do a buncha stuff (write screenplays, make films n gifs, draw better), my bday when i hopefully get to do wat i want haha, avengers 4 and smffh, and captain marvel and antman and the wasp too i guess haha oh and the incredibles 2 and httyd 3 😍😍😍 oohhh and crazy rich asians
29. when was the last time you saw your mom: on monday which was when i was at home and not at my dad's n sis' n i's apartment in manila for school/work
31. what are you listening to right now: commercials on da tv as i answer this long ass questionnaire hahaha
32. have you ever talked to a person named tom: hahaha i had to think about dis one but yah i have actually haha he was my gr 8 class mate n i like to think semi friend back den at least haha. Oh w8 but he doesn't go by tom tho, it's just thomas haha
33. something that is getting on your nerves: myself hahaha my shitty lazy ass procrastinating self hahaha 😅🙍
34. most visited website: fb specifically messenger, youtube, and tumblr
35. hair colour: hmmm black w/ a bit of brown i guess (ASIAN, YO! 😆😂😆😂)
36. long or short hair: neither, medium i guess haha. I like how long hair looks but it's such a bother n hassle haha. So i def would prefer short hair on a practical standpoint hahaha (im actually thinking of shaving the hair above my nape, yknow on da back of my head hehe)
37. do you have a crush on someone: well i dont have dat much of a crush on da crush i mentioned before, like i said haha. I have a crush on tomdaya, does dat count? 😆😂
38. what do you like about yourself: hahahaha nothing 😆😂😆😂🙍
Naahh uhhh i guess i like how much i love tv shows, i love meh fangirl self, and i like how diff n unique n weird i am, how i stand out, n dat i think my dreams are noble n worth tryin out. N i like how supportive n nice i am n im just chill on da outside haha. N sometimes i like meh face hehe. And i think dat im hilarious n weird n ppl should appreciate me more hahaha das y i crave for more validation dan consulting researchers hahaha (no one laughs at dat jokes and it's like im da only one who finds it funny and come on, man, i managed to make a research joke. Cant ya give a girl a break?)
n i guess sometimes it's good how much i care but sometimes i wish my feels could just chill for just like a minute pls
Thanks, man. I usually just focus on meh bad qualities so thanks for dis question, man :')
oh and i like dat i can swim hehe
39. piercings: i have holes on my ears for earrings but i don't really wear dem
40. blood type: a, i think?
41. nickname: sam, sab, and i rlly want to be called smells cus it's like a more me version of mels from melody hahaha
42. relationship status: single, yo. Oh w8 but i am married to my bed and fandoms so dey always come first. Plus i love my friends 😍😊
43. zodiac: sagittarius i think but i dont rlly know/care about zodiac sht. Tho it's nice if it does match up hehe
44. pronouns: uhhh i dont know wat to put here but i assume dis refers to wat i wish to be referred by ssoooo she, her, and a genderless pronoun in my language siya
45. favourite tv show: ughh i cant choose. Friends, grey's anatomy, phineas and ferb, avatar: the last airbender, black mirror, doctor who, and all of michael schur's stuff, and modern family, grimm, person of interest, pushing daisies, scrubs, happy endings, forever, how i met your mother, gravity falls, sherlock, and yknow wat? Yah, supernatural too and the httyd shows and suits :') oooohhh w8 and how to get away w/ murder and i guess big bang theory as well 😃 the end of the fucking world, legends of tomorrow, crazy ex-girlfriend, the good place, timeless but it’s kinda depressing so speaking of w/c game of thrones and west world and a series of unfortunate events and stranger things and scorpion and lost in space and for anime, let’s go with yakitate japan and boku no hero academia
46. tattoos: none, but i rlly want one and even have a list of tattoos i want (pretty minimalist), i just have to think of da perf place tho (both where to put it and where to get it) and find out if i can still donate meh bod if i have tattoos, but one of da ones i rlly want is smileys on meh fingers hehe
47. right or left handed: right, but my ma says im kinda ambidextrous n i kinda wish i could develop it hehe
48. surgery: haha nope, never. But in terms of an interest, i love grey's anatomy 😆😂
50. sport: ooohh my main sport is swimming cus my siblings are all swimmers so i am too. But i have played other sports for school like badminton, table tennis, volleyball, some water game i dont remember haha, and a combat sport in my country called arnis
51. vacation: christmas vacay and i cant wait huhu
52. pair of trainers: uhhh are trainers rubber shoes? I have a couple, i guess.
53. eating: my dad (who cooked our meal), sis, and i ate afritada (chicken dat's tomatoey basically) for dinner
54. drinking: just water, but ugh i have to drink da hydrite sht again 😑😒
55. I’m about to: finish dis questionnaire n fall asleep haha
56. waiting for: sleep n happiness
57. want: to sleep n write n tumblr n watch n read n for all my problems to disappear
58. get married: yeahhh... but i think it's highly unlikely, man. So i aint counting on it but i do want it to happen, it seems nice having someone to spend da rest of your life with :')
59. career: hahaha i'm still just a college student, just a newly minted freshman actually. But i like to consider myself a fulltime fangirl hahaha
60. hugs or kisses: well, i havent rlly made out with anyone yet so im gonna have to say hugs i guess w/c ofc i love haha but i wish someone bigger than me could cuddle me for once in my life 😢
61. lips or eyes: lips cus they just seem so soft and sensual hehe. Plus i dunno man, eyes are kinda gross with muta (da sht in da corner of ur eyes when you wake up, it's a filipino word) and sht. And ya have to wear glasses/contacts if dey weak so it's just such a hassle. Tho i do recognize their importance n stuff 😊
62. shorter or taller: ugh TALLER. im a pretty tall gal so for once id like to be da lil spoon for once, for someone to be able to carry me and ya know all dat jazz. But i wouldnt give up my height for anything, makes me feel confident and better than everyone else mwuehehehehehehe
63. older or younger: uuuhhh for now i think it's a bit weird to date someone younger dan me, but for me personally, wat age i'd like to be, YOUNGER ALL DA WAY. it was just way less stressful and innocent back den, id give anything to go back 🙍
64. nice arms or nice stomach: haha nice arms if it means i can swing around them and they can carry me whahaha. But i do like em abs, i wanna feel wat abs feel like just once in my life hahaha
65. hookup or relationship: ooohhh i guess i fancy myself having a relationship for now hehe. Havent even had one yet haha.
66. troublemaker or hesitant: i am a hesitant troublemaker whahahahaha. Like i have all these ideas of thangs to do n sometimes i do dem but sometimes da situation n context scares me into not doing it like a wuss hahaha
67. kissed a stranger: haha nope.
68. drank hard liquor: haha nope but am looking forward to it hehe
69. lost glasses/contact lenses: thankfully i havent needed any yet whew
70. turned someone down: uhhh i guess the closest i came to "turning someone down" was being awkward around my crush haha but to be fair i think he was awkward too hahaha. And in an unromantic sense, i turned down a blockmate who offered to be my partner in an assignment becus i already had a partner hahahaha 😅
71. sex on the first date: haha havent experienced it if das wat ur askin. Maybe imma be dat kinda person after ive had a couple of relationships but for now i'll settle for someone actually being interested in me hahaha
73. had your heart broken: yes, by tv shows, and by da crappiness of life in general 🙇
74. been arrested: hahahaha nope but dat would be CRAZY hahaha
75. cried when someone died: yes, whether in real life or in tv shows, i have cried bcus of death 😢
76. fallen for a friend: look, man, my best friend's probably the most important person in my life who i couldnt bear to lose. I love her more dan anything in da world so i dunno if our friendship is something more dan da "typical" best friends i just know dat i love her n dat i dont wanna lose her n dat our bond's nothing like any other relationship ive ever had
77. yourself: hahahaha not rlly 😅 im pretty unreliable tbh and i make tons of mistakes and ill never be enough ever and just in general hate myself and have 0 self esteem hahaha 😅😅😅😓
But there's a chance i could improve tho, a very very VERY small tiny chance... but i guess i'll take wat i can get :/
78. miracles: hhmmm not in da way most ppl think about miracles in dat, it's da impossible event. I like to think it's a miracle that i have the family dat i have, da friends dat i have, and da life dat i have cus honestly i think i'd be dead w/o em. It's a fucking miracle i have things im passionate about and things that i love and im surrounded by ppl who i love and who love me as well. So yeah, i guess i believe in those kinds of miracles :')
79. love at first sight: hahaha not rlly. Look, man, im a fat girl who doesnt rlly care dat much about looks so unless a person manages to fall for someone while dat someone was doing something dat was a huge indicator of their personality and thus it's not only da appearance dat da person "fell in love w/", den i rlly dont believe in love at first sight. It's just infatuation, bruh. Love at first sight is cheap and u dont rlly know any thing about dat person other than the fact that they're pretty (why they caught ur eye in da 1st place imo) and nothin, zilch. Unless, like i said, they were doing something important to dem n indicative of deir personality. But even then, it wouldnt be love. Like i said, it'd be infatuation cus imo love is deep and takes time and cant just HAPPEN just cus u looked at someone and thought he/she was pretty 😒. True love would mean knowing dat person to deir bone but wanting to know more about dem. So to conclude a ted talk from a bitter person w/ a non existent love life 😆😂😂😂, love at first sight doesnt exist, is cheap, and is discriminatory to "ugly" ppl.
80. santa claus: hahaha i know he probs doesnt exist and is u know basically just capitalism n marketing hahaha. But i dunno, man, i kinda wanna believe he exists just cus it's more fun n childlike n innocent 😍
81. kiss on the first date: hahaha yeah i guess so but i think i probs would have had to known dat person for a while before we decided to date. I havent had a first kiss yet sooo i aint just willin to give dat out to someone i just met/knew for like a day or something hahaha (i have no idea how dating works) 😆😂😆😂😆😂
82. angels: huh... i like to think guardian angels exist cus dat means there are like angels of pure light sent down from heaven to protect us from any harm w/c is just nice to think about, yknow? Hehe. But angels in da catholic sense... i dont think i do, bruh. Sorry :/ *shrugs*
84. eye colour: uuhhhh brown, i guess? Like i said, i dont rlly care much for eyes hahaha 😅 ooohh but da purple eyes thang ive seen on da internet sounds cool hahaha
85. favourite movie: aaaahhhhh there's just so many good movies thoo
But agghh fine. Ive come to notice dat my genre's pretty lighthearted w/c is nice actually hehe
Spider-Man: Homecoming, Rogue One, 10 Things I Hate About You, Moana, Coco, Mulan, Avengers: Infinity War, White Chicks cus it's just so goddamn funny and iconic 😆😂😆😂😍, i'm not- ok you know wat, da Pixar movies in general ok? I mean, how can ya not? Oh which reminds me, Tangled, and The Princess and The Frog, oohh The Avengers is also a pretty solid movie, ooohhh Love, Simon, godhs dat was just such a wholesome sweet n nice movie :'), oh and den i freaking love the Scream franchise, man. It's so good :'), oooohhh w8 maybe The Dark Knight cus heath ledger was just da fuking bomb in dat movie, oohh and About Time's da sweetest time travel movie :') w/c reminds me dat the Back to the Future franchise was just such a classic, man :') oh and yknow wat? Unbreakable's actually pretty fucking cool, man. I get shyamalan know haha. Oh and yknow wat? 100 Tula Para Kay Stella is da 1st filipino film i actually liked so it has a special place in meh heart :')
ooohhh and Black Panther, man, gods how can one not bring up Da King™? WAKANDA FOREVER :') 😄
Oh and hey yknow wat? I have a sweet spot for the Sorcerer's Apprentice. It's kinda a guilty pleasure of mine hehe 😅
Oh and i also rlly like when harry met sally hihi :') and i guess the OG Star Wars trilogy's got a special place in my heart even if it is da way dat it is now 😢 :')
oh and i can't forget meh guardians :') Guardians of The Galaxy is such a solid film, bro. I loved it :') ooohhh and yknow wat? I actually rlly like Ready Player One, Baby Driver, and The Mummy (the brendan frasier one, who ya kiddin 😑)
oh and yknow wat? The Wedding Singer, 50 First Dates, and Music & Lyrics has got a special place in my heart, man. Gotta admit it :')
aawww and amelie, and begin again, and flipped and hercules, and room, and spotlight, and shape of water, and ladybird, and the princess bride, and the iron giant, and the lobster, and we're the millers, and what if and man up and shrek and kimi no na wa and a quiet place and inception and the lion king and to all the boys I’ve loved before and oooh tim burton movies are pretty cool, the animated ones, and I did spend a good amount of time obsessed w/ dis one so I guess cap civil war, and then big hero 6 and wreck it ralph, and the martian and inside out, and gone girl, and the lion king and forrest gump and spider-man 1 and 2, and les miserables and the devil wears prada and the book of life and the intern and the princess diaries and miss congeniality and aladdin and confessions of a shopaholic
And ok, ok, i think im done. Hahaha das it das my list of meh all time fav movies and i feel like rewatching all of em now hahaha 😍
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1: 6 of the songs you listen to most?
You are enough by sleeping at last, Good old days by macklemore and kesha, Blood//Water by Grandson, Eyes to the sky by Jon Bellion, High hopes by panic! at the disco, and Cowboy casanova by Carrie Underwood (I know its alot of genres)
2: If you could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be?
3: Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 23, give me line 17.
“We looked carefully, but saw no apparitions”
4: What do you think about most?
This is going to sound full of myself, but i think about myself alot. I just like to self reflect and try to improve whatever i think can be improved upon.
5: What does your latest text message from someone else say?
“No problem, I can try to make it work”
6: Do you sleep with or without clothes on?
with. I live with too many people to be sleeping nude.
7: What’s your strangest talent?
I can scream EXACTLY like a horror movie. I had to pretend to be a murdered scream for this real life clue thing once and it was awesome
8: Girls… (finish the sentence); Boys… (finish the sentence)
Girls…. are absolutely goddesses and I fall in love with every one.
Boys…. are devilish jokers I wish I could stop falling for.
9: Ever had a poem or song written about you?
I think so? There’s a guy who likes me and would send me poems about “some mystery girl” who I’m like 98% sure is me
10: When is the last time you played the air guitar?
probs like last week
11: Do you have any strange phobias?
I have zoophobia actually, I love animals but they give me a huge amount of anxiety so I’ve been trying to get over it
12: Ever stuck a foreign object up your nose?
I- I don’t know
13: What’s your religion?
I’m a christian, I actually got saved last year around this time!
14: If you are outside, what are you most likely doing?
15: Do you prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it?
behind. always.
16: Simple but extremely complex. Favorite band?
Lately it’s been Sleeping at Last. They’re so calm but meaningful I love it
17: What was the last lie you told?
“Nooooooooooo, hahahahahaha, why would I like you???? No offense I mean you’re really… uhm. nevermind. no, I don’t” 
18: Do you believe in karma?
19: What does your URL mean?
nothing really
20: What is your greatest weakness; your greatest strength?
I’ve been told they’re the same thing: I’m a really caring and sympathetic person which makes me good with people but also too trusting and gullible
21: Who is your celebrity crush?
22: Have you ever gone skinny dipping?
no, but I lowkey really want to??? when I was little I read about it in nancy drew without even fully realizing what it was and I always wanted to try it
23: How do you vent your anger?
Usually by working out? I always joke that I don’t work out alot, but I bike/swim/walk/dance/do a ton of random muscle workouts pretty daily
24: Do you have a collection of anything?
I have a collection of lipsticks if that counts
25: Do you prefer talking on the phone or video chatting online?
it depends on the person, but I personally prefer video chatting just cause it’s easier to read body language
26: Are you happy with the person you’ve become?
I feel like there’s ALOT of room to improve tbh
27: What’s a sound you hate; sound you love?
nails on a chalkboard ; dude anyone with a deep voice (no matter what they identify as) has my heart in a second of speaking
28: What’s your biggest “what if”?
probably the usual “what if this had worked out” with a previous crush
29: Do you believe in ghosts? How about aliens?
yes. also yes. (don’t judge me)
30: Stick your right arm out; what do you touch first? Do the same with your left arm.
my pillow and my bed
31: Smell the air. What do you smell?
stale air. it is summer and hot. please send help.
32: What’s the worst place you have ever been to?
this is gonna sound terrible, but probably in our car? I have so many bad memories and I hate driving it with a passion
33: Choose: East Coast or West Coast?
west coast
34: Most attractive singer of your opposite gender?
Shawn mendes, no doubt
35: To you, what is the meaning of life?
Helping other people
36: Define Art.
An expression of emotion so strong it makes the viewer also feel emotion
37: Do you believe in luck?
38: What’s the weather like right now?
39: What time is it?
early evening
40: Do you drive? If so, have you ever crashed?
yes, not yet cause I barely ever drive
41: What was the last book you read?
the Odesseye
42: Do you like the smell of gasoline?
43: Do you have any nicknames?
Way too many. My latest was “miracle” given to me by a ton of adorable middle schoolers who couldn’t remember anything but the first three letters of my name
44: What was the last film you saw?
the greatest showman
45: What’s the worst injury you’ve ever had?
A sprained ankle
46: Have you ever caught a butterfly?
Yeah, it’s a long story but this one I think tried to have sex with my finger
47: Do you have any obsessions right now?
dude I always do. Jane the Virgin is television gOLD
48: What’s your sexual orientation?
Right now I identify as either bisexual or pansexual 
49: Ever had a rumour spread about you?
just small ones about who I like (that weren’t true and complicated friendships)
50: Do you believe in magic?
I don’t know
51: Do you tend to hold grudges against people who have done you wrong?
yeah, I’ve been trying to get better at it
52: What is your astrological sign?
53: Do you save money or spend it?
I spend money way too easily, I’ve been trying to learn how to save more
54: What’s the last thing you purchased?
A pretzel 
55: Love or lust?
56: In a relationship?
I wish
57: How many relationships have you had?
None that I’d like to count
58: Can you touch your nose with your tongue?
59: Where were you yesterday?
At a bonfire
60: Is there anything pink within 10 feet of you?
ohhhhh yeah
61: Are you wearing socks right now?
62: What’s your favourite animal?
63: What is your secret weapon to get someone to like you?
Friendship wise it’s just asking how their day is and asking if their doing okay. Romantic wise, I am soooo mean to people I like so usually just teasing them and buying them food
64: Where is your best friend?
right now at her home hopefully
65: Give me your top 5 favourite blogs on Tumblr.
@sophietheadventurer @s1n-am0n @darhwolf @undead-aesthetic @xqueenofpunsx
66: What is your heritage?
Mostly irish but my dad’s side has a heck of a lot of russian cause my great grandma is from Ukraine
67: What were you doing last night at 12AM?
sleeping like a wimp
68: What do you think is Satan’s last name?
69: Be honest. Ever gotten yourself off?
70: Are you the kind of friend you would want to have as a friend?
I don’t know actually, I try to be the type of person I think a person NEEDS, so I would probs be pretty different if i was my friend
71: You are walking down the street on your way to work. There is a dog drowning in the canal on the side of the street. Your boss has told you if you are late one more time you get fired. What do you do?
drown with the dog cause I can’t swim for crap but I’ll die trying
72: You are at the doctor’s office and she has just informed you that you have approximately one month to live. a) Do you tell anyone/everyone you are going to die? b) What do you do with your remaining days? c) Would you be afraid?
a) I would only tell a couple people at first, the rest I’d tell farther in b) spend time with my family and friends and travel a whole lot/probs write ALOT c) I’d be more sad I didn’t have more time with the people I care about
73: You can only have one of these things; trust or love.
love, I already don’t have trust let’s be real
74: What’s a song that always makes you happy when you hear it?
Good old days by macklemore just cause it’s amazing 
75: What are the last four digits in your cell phone number?
I’d give them out but like I already have way too many unknown numbers calling me
76: In your opinion, what makes a great relationship?
Two people who connect on a mental/emotional/spiritual level who can be completely themselves with each other and don’t have to spend all their time together, but cherish every single minute
77: How can I win your heart?
food and musicals
78: Can insanity bring on more creativity?
I think in a lot of ways it can, but that’s a whole debate in and of itself
79: What is the single best decision you have made in your life so far?
coming back to the same summer camp every year
80: What size shoes do you wear?
7 and ½
81: What would you want to be written on your tombstone?
“Now the only extra she is is dead”
82: What is your favourite word?
chimney (long story)
83: Give me the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word; heart.
falling in love
84: What is a saying you say a lot?
“It’s not a look” or “oH honEy nO”
85: What’s the last song you listened to?
“God made girls” It’s been stuck in my head for ages
86: Basic question; what’s your favourite colour/colours?
it changes almost daily but right now it’s a bright pink
87: What is your current desktop picture?
subtle gay art
88: If you could press a button and make anyone in the world instantaneously explode, who would it be?
That’s a hard question, too many horrible people alive
89: What would be a question you’d be afraid to tell the truth on?
Someone irl asking my sexuality (i am very very deep in the closet)
90: One night you wake up because you heard a noise. You turn on the light to find that you are surrounded by MUMMIES. The mummies aren’t really doing anything, they’re just standing around your bed. What do you do?
Probs go back to bed I’m a tired chick man
91: You accidentally eat some radioactive vegetables. They were good, and what’s even cooler is that they endow you with the super-power of your choice! What is that power?
92: You can re-live any point of time in your life. The time-span can only be a half-hour, though. What half-hour of your past would you like to experience again?
this one specific car ride I had with my sister when I was younger
93: You can erase any horrible experience from your past. What will it be?
my entire life as a thirteen year old
94: You have the opportunity to sleep with the music-celebrity of your choice. Who would it be?
tie between Kesha and Shawn Mendes
95: You just got a free plane ticket to anywhere. You have to depart right now. Where are you gonna go?
96: Do you have any relatives in jail?
not that I know of but most likely yeah
97: Have you ever thrown up in the car?
wayyyyy too many times
98: Ever been on a plane?
99: If the whole world were listening to you right now, what would you say?
I would probably freeze up and say nothing
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