#i could go on but i might start crying and i don’t wanna deal with that rn tbh
neixins · 8 months
ngl i don’t think any of my irl friends care about me all that much…………
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vetitiscripta · 10 months
i wanna see ren grow horrified when he realizes mc only follows instruction because theyre literally being controlled by strade. i want to see him question it all and maybe even lose it a bit when he realizes mc hadn't acted alone. and most of the violence had been the same man he'd let bleed out that day on the ground. i want to see how bad that takes a toll on his mind.
anon your mind. mentally kissing you on the mouth anon
for those who missed it- this is regarding my ghost strade au
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for this au, i like to think that strade can really only interact/“control” mc in certain moments, probably something like due to strong emotions (take that as you will 😏) or whatever
but god!! ren thinking that mc genuinely wants to do this type of stuff or hang out with him of their own free will only to find out its all because of strade. he would start thinking about everything that has happened and would wonder if any of it was genuine
he’d think about the time he found you late at night on the couch, watching one of strade’s old snuff films. he thought that you had finally understood, had come to appreciate the beauty of it all like he had. he cuddled with you on the couch as you put on another one on. (you had woken up that night in a cold sweat, an intense urge to watch one. strade stood in the corner of your room just watching you, smile on his face every time you looked at him. you tried to ignore the urge, ignore him, but it eventually wore you down. you trudged down the stairs and stood in front of the dvds, letting strade pick the one he wanted. you watched 3 films before ren found you, your tears already dried)
he’d remember the time you willingly slept in the same bed with him for the first time. it was late at night and he was trying to find an anime to watch when you softly knocked on his door. when he opened the door you were basically shaking, eyes darting around. “can i sleep with you tonight?” ren was over the moon when you asked, basically had hearts in his eyes (he’s down bad don’t make fun of him). he thinks you’ve come around, you finally see that you love him like he loves you. he happily welcomes you in his bed, arms wrapped around you so tight you fear he may snap you in half, anime playing in the background as you both fall asleep. (strade wouldn’t leave you alone that day. he was constantly around you, pestering you. sometimes he would just hover over your shoulder, watching your every movement, other times he would be telling you stories, the things he did and how he did them. every waking moment was spent with strade, you were so tired. you were happy when it was finally night and you could sleep. but then you felt the bed dip and felt hands on your legs, slowing inching their way up. you shot out of bed faster than ever and made your way to ren’s room. swallowing your pride for the night would be better than dealing with strade for another 5 minutes)
the encounter with lawrence was a staple in your relationship, you two were brought together since then (he believed) and he was so happy with you, he knows that he you were meant to be his
the day you tell him everything, he seems to crumble. he’s frozen as you tell him everything, fear on his face. he wanted to believe it was a joke, a bad joke that he could punish you for but you knew too much for it to be a coincidental joke. you were crying at the end of it, overwhelmed by everything that had been going on, and ren felt close to tears himself
he thought he was done with strade. sure his body is in the basement freezer, but he was no longer controlled by him, strade had no power over him anymore. (he might be lying to himself on that, he tries to be what strade was, tries to fill the empty feeling he got when he watched strade die)
and now you’re telling him that strade is still here just as a ghost? that strade was watching everything? that strade still had control?
i think that ren would try to regain control, would try to show that strade might still be around, but he is in charge now. he’d shock you before you can comprehend what he’s doing and you would wake up in the basement, tied to the pole. ren stood over you, knife in hand. strade stood just behind him, biggest smile you have ever seen on his face. you focused back on ren as he crouched down, “is he here?” you looked back up at strade before nodding. “good” a glint of metal caught your eye as ren brought the knife to your skin
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moralisist · 1 year
earth 42! miles x reader
summary: you just wanna understand miles and why he’s been so off. once he’s dealt with you finally ready to leave him, will he tell you the truth?
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“miles.. what’s going on?? you’ve been flaky on dates, i’m left on delivered 8 out of 10 times, you’ve even been missing school.” you’re sat on miles bed talking to him as soon as he enters his room by climbing through the window. “and you’re even coming in through the window knowing damn well your door is always open to you. if you wanna end things because you got your own shit going on then-” “no!” the first time miles speaks, its with panic.
“no baby. it’s not even like that. i just- im just dealing w a lot right now. shits busy.” he says slowly trying to speak cautiously. “oh yeah shits busy with you and your uncles shady ass business huh? you think i dont notice you miles? you think i don’t see the small ticks you have when nervous? or the way you bite your lip slightly whenever i mention about it or when you try to deflect like you’re trying to do right now? i love you miles but you know i’m not an idiot. don’t treat me like it.” “baby,” he chuckles trying to diffuse the situation. “you wouldn’t leave me, right mi amor? you just gotta understand, i’m busy i don’t have time for all the shit you talkin bout.”
you’re silent as you look in miles eyes. he’s looking at you intently really realizing that you just might leave him after all the shit he’s putting you through. he can feel his resolve crumbling. he doesn’t know how to smooth talk his way out of this. “miles all the ‘shit’ i’m talking about is us. you don’t want this do you? because i need you to let me know now. i’m tired miles. i’m exhausted feeling like i’m the only person trying to get things to work out. i wanna hear you out, i want to know what’s going on through your head but you won’t let me. i don’t know what to do. i’m so tired of calling your mom every other day to make sure you’re eating and that you’re well on days you don’t talk to me. i’m tired of writing notes for you in class so you can catch up when you barely even pay attention to when i try to teach you. and i’m tired of sitting at booths while waiters look at me with pity after saying ‘would you like the check?’ when you don’t come for hours. i’m really tired miles.” you sigh as you hold your face in your hands finally relieved to get to tell him all the shit you’ve been holding in.
miles genuinely wants to cry. he’s been so selfish. he knew deep down even when pushing it away he’s been hurting you. he knew he was hurting you when his mom would give him the silent treatment after receiving one of your calls and telling him, “don’t string that poor girl along. you got lucky and you don’t even know it mijo.” he just didn’t know how to tell you about him being the prowler. it seems like no matter what he does, whether he tells you or not, he could lose you. when you finish speaking miles looks down at the floor blinking back tears that he doesn’t want you to see. he clears his throat before speaking.
“i’m so sorry baby.” you can hear his voice crack but he refuses to cry in front of you. “i’ll tell you everything. i’m so so sorry. i didnt mean to hurt you cariño. can i hug you baby?” he’s finally walking over to you after putting some distance between the two of you with him leaning against his window and you on the bed. you nod finally ready to get some answers from your boyfriend. he’s holding you close flipping you onto him so that you’re on his lap. he says he focuses better that way.
as he’s telling you about him being the prowler he’s playing with your shirt clearly nervous. he starts to stutter with some sentences and it makes you sad because your boyfriend never stutters. he’s always so confident so you can tell this was really affecting him. he’s rubbing your thighs while telling you stories about him and uncle aaron’s “business”. once he’s done you hug him and put your arms around him as you caress the back of his neck while he’s inhaling your scent rubbing circles with his thumb on your waist.
you move back to see him, the boy you love letting all his emotions out and finally visibly relaxing as he tells you everything he’s been wanting to tell you for months. “thank you for telling me miles. it all makes sense now but i wish you told me sooner. i don’t want you to share this burden all on your own.” you give him a warm smile and he smiles feeling such love for you. “i don’t deserve you, you know that? i know you know that.” he says easing the tension looking at you lightly laugh at his joke. “oh trust i know that. you just charity work.” you both begin to laugh finally easing into each other. “can i get a kiss baby? been needing one for so long.” you hold his face in his arms and kiss him. this kiss is a much more intimate kiss than the others. it holds emotion. he grips onto you tighter, never wanting to remember the feeling of you almost leaving him. he needs you here and he needs you here to stay. and he’s ready to man up and prove it to you.
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tmntxthings · 3 months
Anon from before who asked about the request! So happy to hear you’re interested I’m so excited!! I can’t remember if there is a word limit to asks so I may have to send this in two parts. I’ll refer to future Leo as F!Leo and regular Leo as just Leo 
So the request is inspired by that one shot you did were Future Leo (rip-) ends up in the past and sees his younger s/o, yelling at his younger self to cherish them before they’re gone 
That request? *chefs kiss* mwah, le magnifique~
So a what if idea for a bittersweet contention! 
So F!Leo is stuck at the lair while the bros are out patrolling, it’s been a while since F!Leo ran into his s/o’s younger self, and he’s adamant on not letting it happen again. It’s easier for everyone that way…but then his s/o shows up at the lair, looking for younger him. He’s panicked, naturally, but eventually his younger s/o stumbles into him (it’s not like F!Leo had anywhere else to hide aside from the lair anyway). F!Leo speaks in short sentences to his younger s/o as they try to make small talk while making some tea, saying they can just wait for the boys to get back (to F!Leo’s slight, very mild annoyance) 
F!Leo is trying to be polite, but the lasting sting is still there
The sting that tells him yes, this is his darling, but it’s not HIS darling. His darling died to the Kraang, he let them down. This alternate version of her wasn’t his. His s/o was gone, nothing was going to bring her back. 
While Leo is showing off at nothing, his younger s/o ends up burning themselves with the hot water, having been distracted. Instantly, F!Leo is up out of his chair and making a beeline to them. He’s carefully inspecting their hand, assuring that it’s not a serious burn, and careful getting them a wet flannel
There’s a beat of awkward silence as F!Leo focuses intently on his younger s/o’s hand to avoid looking at their face, meanwhile, his s/o shifts uncomfortably….but F!Leo has his attention on them when they nervously speak up “Do you…not like me, or something?” 
Before F!Leo can even say anything, in a desperate, nervous tone, his s/o could reply with soemthing along the lines of 
“I mean- it’s just, ever since we met it..it just feels like you’ve been avoiding me? Whenever I come round you’re always so quite, a-and whenever I talk to you it’s like,  I dunno, you always try to use as few words as possible? Yet when you talk with the others, you seem fine” 
His s/o would then go on to ask if they did something to upset him, or if in in his timeline she did something bad. All the while F!Leo is just sat there, stunned, because he made his younger s/o feel like they where doing something *wrong?*
Maybe for a fluffy/happy ending it could be wrapped up with F!Leo admitting that - in his timeline - he messed up the lives of so many people (due to the Kraang war). I doubt he’d admit his s/o died in his timeline, but he still has a sad, broken expression on his face as he recalls the day he lost them, HIS s/o. 
But then, before he can start crying, his younger s/o places her hand on his arm and says something reassuring? Maybe how no matter how messy things might have been, if she got to spend a messy future with Leo, they’d be happy 
Anywho sorry this is SUPER long plz take your time and no worries if you don’t wanna do this one since I know the FUture Leo post was a while ago! 
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author’s notes: anon lemme just say, you are most definitely a writer, likeeee i hope you have a writer blog 🙌 phenomenal!! this may be a tad more sad than u wanted 😅
warnings: angst, fluff, unedited, flashbacks, mentions of death?
The work we are discussing ↑
→ Blast From the Past ←
This was uncharted territory. Which of course shouldn’t be a big deal to Leo. Not after dealing with Yokai or the Hidden City. Weird shit happens down there all the time. Mysticism is something that no one really understands. (Which drove Donnie crazy) And let’s not forget about the organized crime, like the Foot Clan. Or literal aliens escaping from a prison dimension.
No Man’s Land should be right up Leo’s alley with a track record like that. He should be used to the weird, to the abnormal.
But even with the world’s fate suddenly thrust into his hands, Leo may pick that over getting thrown back into the past. Or a different timeline. Whatever. See! It’s already getting confusing.
Alas fate doesn’t give two shits as to what Leo would rather choose. So here he is, six months later after being dropped 40 years back in time. Back before he royally screwed everything up for everyone. It was heavy at first. The burden of not repeating the same mistake twice. With that out of the way, Kraang imprisoned once again, Leo felt like his purpose was complete.
That was why he got sent back wasn’t it? To right his wrongs. Shouldn’t he have gone up in a cloud of dust? Or a portal should’ve opened up for him to waltz into?! Needless to say none of that happened. So he’s still here, with a bunch of teenagers and his dad and April. All alive and healthy and happy.
Talk about a culture shock. Leo could eat good food again. Go to sleep with both eyes closed. Or well, try to. Old habits die hard. He tries to keep to himself for the most part. There is this weird sense of déjà vu that happens when he runs into anyone from this timeline. Over time the feeling has faded, especially to those who he can’t really avoid. All the brothers check in on him regularly. Leon, (his younger self) begrudgingly does so.
Ever since they had that little spat Leon maintains a certain distance which is perfectly fine with Leo. Boundaries are good. Leo feels safe for the most part in the lair.
That is until you come in. Leo would’ve heard you coming if he hadn’t had headphones on. A luxury that he lost in his own timeline. He missed music. Reading comics. So he thoroughly enjoys all of those things now.
His hearing is a bit impaired due to y’know a war lifestyle. Gunshots and laser canons and all the other weapons Donnie could piece together took their toll overtime. So when he listens to music he has to turn it up pretty high. (Which he would’ve done anyhow).
Leo sits motionless in Dad’s recliner, eyes wide as he watches you shake your umbrella. It’s obviously raining topside. Little water droplets hit the cement floor. Like your umbrella, you aren’t exactly dry either.
You haven’t noticed him yet. Leo hasn’t seen you since the very first time. Back on the rooftops when he used to patrol with the boys. You haven’t changed a bit, and that nostalgic feeling takes over. He sees you and your future self. The way you move, the way you groan in dismay at the tears in your umbrella. How you run your fingers through your damp hair. It’s all so achingly familiar.
Maybe he can make a quick portal getaway. Maybe you’ll never have to know he was here. Maybe if he doesn’t move, doesn’t breathe, you won’t see him.
But as you sigh and place the umbrella propped up to dry, you finally check your surroundings. Your own eyes widening before a smile graces your face. It’s more than he deserves. He wishes he could smile back. But his mouth doesn’t move, in fact it feels like he ate sand. It’s dry and uncomfortable. He’s uncomfortable.
He watches on as you begin to speak. The older version of yourself still right beside you, doing the same thing. Mimicking. Leo swallows as he schools his features and tugs the headphones down to hang around his neck.
“W-what was that?” He asks, clearing his throat after the words come out a bit stilted.
“I hadn’t realized anyone was home! It sure is pouring down and I happened to be nearby when the wind suddenly ramped up and—“ You point over to your damaged umbrella.
“The darn thing couldn’t handle the weather! So I decided to come take refuge here until it dies down.” You pause for a moment. Then continue.
“I called Donnie after getting past the manhole cover. Something about a day in the Hidden City..?”
Leo nods.
You shift your weight. Still standing by the entrance. A bead of rainwater slowly making its way from your hairline, down your cheek, to your jaw. “So I guess they won’t be back til later!” You add on.
“Yeah,” is all Leo can think to say.
He doesn’t want to talk to you. Well he does. But he knows he shouldn’t. He really really shouldn’t. It’s a bad idea for multiple reasons. Even if you already know he’s from the future and all that drama. The less you know the better.
And yet, he can’t help but notice how you’re starting to shiver. His tongue clicks inside his mouth. He’ll just get you a blanket. That’s it! After that he’ll go off to his own subway car.
Leo stands, grabbing a throw blanket off the back of the old couch and walks over to you. He offers the blanket, his eyes firmly planted on the ground. You’re wearing converse, socks that go up to what he would guess is your mid-shin.
Your hand grazes his as you take the blanket. “Thank you,” and that’s all it takes for his eyes to be magnetically drawn upwards. He doesn’t deserve those words. “It’s nothing. You should go sit… or whatever! I’ll get out of here-“ Leo is moving as he talks. Already tearing his gaze away, turning his shell towards you. Making for the exit. To go to his room and hide.
“Don’t go!” You call out to stop him. And he does. Immediately he stills. His shoulders tense as he closes his eyes. Déjà vu. You’ve said that before. In the future...in his timeline. So many times.
“Leo don’t go, we can last a little while longer on the supplies we have.”
“The longer we wait the more dire of a situation it’ll be later on, don’t worry I’ll be back, I’ll be safe,”
“Please don’t go! This mission is impossible!”
“It’s not impossible Donnie ran the numbers and our chances aren’t zero, not trying at all makes it impossible hermosa, don’t worry I’ll be back, I’ll be safe,”
“Y/N?! Nononono. C’mon not like this. You can’t leave me. You’re the one always saying don’t go. So you can’t go either! Don’t go, don’t go, don’t go, please don’t go!
“Leo?” You say softly. He must’ve missed the sound of your footfalls. Because your voice is right behind him. Next to him once more. “Okay,” he sighs after a moment. He turns to see you bundled up in the blanket and squashes down the complicated feelings that try to bubble to the surface.
“Let’s go to the kitchen, Splinter has tea right? Or should I try for the hot chocolate stash?” Leo wonders if these questions are purposefully asked to get him to answer. Thankfully you just keep on talking. You grab onto one of his fingers, and gently pull for him to follow.
So he does, into the kitchen you both go. You tug him towards a stool, where he sits as you get busy. Chatting away about different kinds of tea. How it isn’t your preferred drink but it’s sure to warm you up. Asking what his own favorite is to which he shrugs. Leo’s decided nonverbal is the hill he wants to die on.
You keep on talking. Wondering aloud how the trip to the Hidden City is for everyone. Leo has a feeling that if everyone split up like last time, it’s probably just as hectic as before. Nothing ever goes as planned down in that city.
“The future must’ve been rough…”
Leo blinks, as looks over at you. You’re leaning your back against the countertop. Next to the stove where a kettle has been placed on the nearest burner. Your arms are crossed and you meet his gaze, you don’t say anything else.
“Yeah? What gave it away?” Leo can only let out a dry chuckle. Attempting at humor and failing miserably. His eyes can’t handle staring at you for too long. So his gaze wanders away, finding the silhouette of your future self once more. He looks away from future you as well. He can’t handle that either.
“I don’t know. Maybe your eyes? Like you’ve seen stuff… bad stuff and it haunts you.” And Leo can’t help but think how perceptive you are. He always felt seen when it came to you. He couldn’t hide for long with you in the room. His good hand squeezes into a fist.
“Yeah..?” His voice is weak in his own ears. Cracking. Fragile. And he smells you. The scent of rainwater and lingering tones from your perfume. They get closer. And he closes his eyes. Because they are filling with tears. He breathes in, and out. Then opens to see you standing before him. Even with his sitting down in the stool he’s just a tad bit taller. But he feels so small under your gaze.
“It’s okay,” you whisper. As if you could possibly know. If the boys told you all they knew, that Leo had failed the world, that Kraang had invaded not just New York. That the resistance he led had slowly but surely been picked apart until it was only him left standing. You don’t know what you’re talking about. He knows this, and yet he finds so much comfort in those words.
Maybe because they are coming from you. He doesn’t say anything as his eyes fill with tears once more. And he can’t help but be annoyed at that fact. That all he wants to do is cry around you. He looks up at the overhead light hoping to burn his retinas into submission. That he won’t cry.
Then he feels you touch his good arm. And he doesn’t flinch. But he stills. Not moving at all. As you slowly get closer, coming to stand in between his legs. And your arms go up around his neck. And you hug him.
Leo is frozen. The light above going a bit fuzzy. A second passes. Two. Three. And Leo thaws as you continue to hold him. His own hands going around your sides, pulling you in impossible closer. His chest starting to heave, tears starting to fall, so he squeezes his eyes shuts and buries his snout into the warmth of your neck.
It’s not exactly the same. Your scent is just slightly different from the you in the future. But he can almost imagine it is you from his timeline. That you’re okay. Telling him that all the things he did, tried to do—
“It’s okay Leo,” your hand is soft as it goes up and down the top part of his shell. Maybe you do know. Maybe his eyes did give it all away. And despite his eyes being shut so tightly, tears still manage to leak out.
“Thanks” he croaks into your skin. Allowing himself this one reprieve. Or maybe he just can’t help himself now that you’re here in his arms. He nuzzles his snout into your skin. Just once. His hands tighten around your sides, just once. Before he goes slack and the sound of the kettle is piercing as it squeals. His hands fall away from you, and he leans back in his stool letting you go.
You have tears in your eyes too. Now that he can see your face again. So he gives you a grin, shaking his head. “Like you said, it’s okay.” And he stands, offering you the stool, passing you by to go to the kettle. To finish making your tea.
Leo tells you all his guesses as to what is happening to everyone in the Hidden City. Laughs are shared, and the conversation flows pretty smoothly from then on. April, Dad, and the boys get back not too much later and they regal all of their adventures to you. Every time Leo's guesses are confirmed you can't help but look over at him. A big smile on your face. Tears no more.
That's how you should be, Leo thinks. You should get to be happy in this life. In this timeline. And for the first time ever since he was able to defeat the Kraang. Leo feels hopeful that you will be.
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msdi0r · 5 months
Hello! Could you write a max brinly fic about him being interested in reader but he’s nervous? Thanks!! <3
Yes, this is so cute!! We need more Max love he’s so cute <3
Max Brinly x Fem! Reader
requested? yes/no
summary: your best friend has something he needs to get off his chest but he’s too nervous to act on it
warnings: fluff - swearing - use of y/n - Max and y/n have been friends for a few years before this - kissing 🙈 (nothing spicy) - not proofread but used Grammarly 😭
a/n: might be a little out of character at some points but it's finee - AU where Max and Laura made it to the quarry and aren't dating.
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it was the hottest day of the summer and you and Emma were trying to hide from the kids and the rest of the counselors, mainly Mr H but whatever.
Emma groaned, “hand me the water bottle.” You grabbed the bottle and groaned, “It's warm.” Emma dramatically pretended to cry while fanning her face.
“Ah look, damsels in distress!” You heard Jacob walking towards you both. You and Emma rolled your eyes and looked over at Jacob who was walking towards you both with Dylan and Max.
Max held up 2 cold water bottles making you get up quickly and grab the bottles, you tossed one to Emma who caught it enthusiastically then you hugged Max tightly, “Thank you so much.” Max laughed nervously but hugged you back, “Yeah no problem.”
You pulled away and sat down next to Emma. “Have fun while you can ladies, I heard Mr H is looking for you two,” Dylan said smiling. “Shhh you can leave now!” Emma said waving them off while I laughed and waved to Max. He waved back and the other boys rolled their eyes and walked off mocking Emma.
“Is it just me or was there a little something in that hug?” Jacob asked when they got far enough away from the girls. “W-What? No.” Max tried to defend himself but stumbled over his words. “Yeah, my point exactly,” Jacob said laughing with Dylan.
“She’s my best friend that’s it! There’s nothing else going on.” Max said, he fidgeted with his hands and leaned against the cabin they walked to. “But you like her,” Dylan said crossing his arms. Max went to protest but Jacob cut him off, “It's okay, we’ll help you.”
They had a plan, it wasn’t great but it was better than Max’s original plan. He was just gonna never tell you and hope you found out.
All the kids had gone to bed and you were hanging out with a couple of others by the bonfire now. “Hey Em can you uh help me with putting the canoes away?” Jacob asked Emma. Emma nodded, “Sure, yeah. Kaitlyn come with us.” Kaitlyn followed them both. Dylan looked at them and then over at Ryan next to him. He nudged his shoulder, “Wanna go.. Uh. Walk?” Ryan looked at him and laughed, “Yeah okay.”
Abi, Laura, and Nick weren't there to leave with the others so now it was officially just you and Max alone. It wasn't a big deal though because you guys would normally hang out alone anyway. “I feel like something's going on,” you say suspiciously looking at him. He gave you a weird confused look trying to hide something but it was too obvious.
You rolled your eyes and walked over to the log he was sitting at and sat next to him, “I’ve known you for too long you can’t hide anything from me.” He ran his fingers through his hair and laughed softly, “Yeah I guess I can’t.”
He sighed, “There’s something I need to tell you that I’ve wanted to tell you for a while.” I turned my body towards him with a confused look on my face.
“I like you,” he said not making eye contact with you. You felt yourself slowly start to smile as he kept talking, “You don’t have to like me back- of course. That would be dumb if I was like ya know forcing you.” he was rambling now.
“Max.” You said smiling. He didn't hear you through his rant and you held his hand to get him to look at you and shut up, he did exactly that.
“I like you too,” you said softly and still smiling. His eyes widened and he started smiling, “really?” you nodded and he hugged you. You hugged him back tightly and when you pulled away he looked at you with a small smile, “Can I kiss you?” you smiled, “Absolutely.”
He gently grabbed your chin and pulled you into a kiss, as soon as you kissed you heard a twig snap and you both turned your head quickly. “Dude seriously?” you heard Kaitlyn whisper-yell. “It’s not my fault! Dylan pushed me!” Jacob argues back, also whisper-yelling. “I did not push you!” Dylan joined in.
You and Max got up and walked over to the bushes. “Oh my god can you both shut the fuck up? You’re going to blow our cover.” You heard Ryan lecturing the others. “Already did,” Max said. They all looked up at you and Max with fake innocent smiles on their faces.
You rolled your eyes and they all stood up awkwardly. Except for Jacob who was smiling in both of our faces, “My plan worked! I’m amazing guys.” “oh please,” Kaitlyn said pushing him out of her way. “Now that you two are finally together can we get back to the cabin? The bugs are eating me alive.” “Yes please!” Emma agreed.
As you walked back to the cabin, holding hands with Max, Emma nudged you gently and smiled widely at you. She knew since the beginning, apparently everyone did.
“Look who finally came to their senses.” Mr Hackett joked the next morning seeing you both holding hands. Yeah, everyone knew.
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trigunwritings · 1 year
Vash x Fem!Reader
Vash slowly realizing that he’s falling in love with her and might even wanna marry her one day. Just him enjoying every bit of time he spends with her.
When the thought first crosses his mind, its too early in the morning to ponder upon it—the sun has barely risen from its hiding spot behind the horizon, and the sky is aglow in pinks and oranges so beautiful that it’s hard to believe someone could die beneath it in the span of just a few hours. The land is barren for iles beyond where the sand kisses the sky, but it looks so peaceful at a mere glance. Strokes of golden dunes beneath the brief but peaceful dawn.
But the sky isn’t what’s holding Vash’s attention.
You must have gotten up early, possibly when the sky was dark and the stars still visible. You’re lightly dressed, but facing away from him and sipping lightly a drink which must have been warmed by the fire not too long ago given that the ashes are still smoldering. Coffee? Tea? Vash can’t tell, but it smells nice on the soft morning breeze.
He watches your silhouette against the horizon as the thought crosses his mind for a second time, but ultimately decides it’s better to pretend that he’s still sleeping.
When it happens again, the two of you are at a nameless bar in an equally nameless town—one of many across this stretch of the desert, if only because of the multiple reserves of ground water and compact soil that make it easier to grow small patches of crops. Not easy, but easier; there’s always a difference.
But it means the town is lively and the booze is all too easy to get ahold of. Vash never intended for the two of you to get tipsy, but you’re giggling at his stupid jokes all the same with a soft smile that never quite leaves your lips.
Maybe it’s the alcohol, but Vash feels his heart race for the entire evening, even when he finally retires to his rented bed, and tries not to think of you in the room next door and how nice it might be to sleep beside you.
He fails spectacularly and barely gets a moment of rest in the entire night.
It’s almost too easy to ignore his injury. Given that his body is more scars than smooth flesh, Vash can ignore a majority of the pain flashing and flaring across his thoughts. It was a small bullet, and it had just barely caught the side of his abdomen—missed anything important, but there was still so much blood to deal with.
He tries to assure you that he’s okay, but it doesn’t help; you fuss over him with hands grasping at his coat, tugging off his layers of clothes until fear is gripping harder around Vash’s heart than the pain of being shot. But before he can say anything, before he can even prepare himself for the inevitable disgust-laced pity sure to come over your eyes, your hands are already tearing apart strips of cloth from anything you can spare to destroy off your own body.
Don’t you notice? Don’t you see? The countless marks, the poorly-healed wounds and broken bones of a man who would barely keep his own mind and body together.
Still, the look across your tear-filled eyes is nothing short of desperate and miserable, voice muddled with sobs as you try to assure Vash that he’s going to be okay, even as your hands are stained with his blood soaking through all the layers of makeshift gauze.
And Vash—the one who is injured, the one who should arguably be the most concerned in the situation—can only feel one thing as he watches you cry for him.
The pain is dull and distant in comparison.
“I love you.”
Vash blinks, taken a bit by surprise when the words leaves your lips. It takes a few moments for him to fully comprehend what you’ve said, and a few moments more to react to it—his eyes widen and his heart starts to race just like that one drunken night together, only this time he can’t blame the alcohol.
You look so scared. Eyes flickering across the ground as if unable to meet his, your hands twisting together so tight that he’s almost worried that you’ll hurt yourself without meaning to.
But the words, they echo over and over themselves within his mind.
And this time, the response comes from him all too easily. It’s natural and instinctive, blooming forth like a flower as it drinks up the sunlight. No longer idle thoughts, no longer ignored, no longer denied.
“I love you too.”
And he wants to keep repeating it forever.
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barbiiecams · 6 months
Can you write about Drew with his little family visiting him for his days off from filming? 🩷
Also I love that you write about black oc readers!! It’s rare in this fandom to find that.
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dad!drew starkey x mom!reader, not proof read, & yes more black representation for the obx fandom pls! also this is kinda long soo enjoy 😖
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drew had been gone filming for about a month now.
for you, it was easy not to get so hung up over the fact he was gone for such a long time.
when you first started dating, it was definitely a tragedy. and it pained you everytime that you couldn’t just go with him.
and even now, of course you missed him like crazy. but after all these years of being together, you’ve learned how to deal with it and it got easier.
but for his baby aaliyah who’s never been separated from her daddy? oh this was hell.
she couldn’t even stand the sight of him walking out the door for 10 minutes, so now that he’s walked out the door, and hasn’t come back for weeks?
she definitely was not having it.
you knew how she was going to react as well, so for weeks you prepared yourself for the endless tears and tantrums.
“you know she’s going to be a pain when i’m gone, right?” drew reminds you while you guys get ready for bed.
“trust me, i know. im getting myself ready for it as we speak.” you reply as you start to wrap your hair up for bed.
he chuckles. “you guys can always come with, though. that’d be a good idea especially for her.”
“maybe like a visit for a few days, but i don’t think her being out of the country for that long is a good idea.” you said as you laid down in the bed. drew agreed with that statement and you both moved on to the next topic.
that was weeks ago. but now? you were starting to consider whether or not you should’ve just taken drew’s idea.
you tried so many resolutions with liyah, and nothing seemed to work.
the girl never seemed to tire herself out either. she just recently turned one, yet you were already seeing the tunnel to the terrible 2’s somehow.
to be fair, she was an angel. but once she got started, you didn’t know if and when she was going to stop.
currently you were trying to feed her. you had ms rachel on your phone in front of her because that seemed to calm her down in the tiniest bit when she would get upset.
it was going good, until drew had started to call you.
and as soon as she saw the picture of you and him pop on the screen, waterworks flooded all over again.
“i just calmed this baby down and now he wanna call me.” you mutter to yourself, partially annoyed even though he couldn’t control it.
facetimes never seemed to make her feel better and it actually quite made her even more upset, but maybe hearing his voice at the very beginning of a breakdown could ease her, so you went ahead and picked up.
“hello?” you propped the phone up on the table then picked her up and tried shushing her.
he didn’t even need to ask ‘how are my girls?’ because he could clearly tell.
“awe, i miss my baby too.” he pouts.
you picked up the phone and put it in her face so she could see him. “talk to her, your voice might help.”
“hi my love. shh, it’s okay daddy’s right here.” he says through the phone.
she stops wailing, but she’s still making whining and crying noises.
“she’s taking this even worse than i thought,” you say. “i knew it was going to be bad, but not this terrible.”
“she’s just a true daddy’s girl. what can i say?” drew smirks through the phone.
“you might find this funny but i have real life headaches from her, joseph.” he laughs at the use of his real name.
“i bet you do, im sorry baby.” he says, “why don’t you guys come and visit for a little bit?”
this time, you were quick to actually be on board.
“i think that’s a good idea too.” you started bouncing aaliyah up and down and gave her kisses. she wasn’t as loud with her whining, but she was still continuing. “i think it’s time we go see daddy.”
drew smiles, “i can’t wait. i’m gonna take some time off and buy your tickets. when do you wanna come out?”
“shit, tomorrow.” you sigh.
he laughs again at your comments but knows you’re being completely serious at the same time. “get to packing then baby.”
that’s all he had to say for you to pick the phone up and make your way upstairs with liyah.
first you started in liyah’s room. drew was still on the phone with you, talking way more than you were because she seemed to be getting quieter and quieter. it bothered her that she couldn’t feel him, but right now she’s was taking whatever she could take.
you showed him outfits, he decided whatever or not he liked him. you made sure to pack a whole separate bag for all of her baby necessities as well.
because you were connecting with drew in some way, it felt like an easy task you were able to accomplish. you knew for a fact if he wasn’t on the phone it would’ve taken you the rest of the day with her wailing and screaming.
when you were done packing her bag, you tried putting her to sleep. of course it took about an hour, but eventually she was soundly asleep. all you could do was thank heavens.
placing her in her crib, you had to really tiptoe out the door. if she woke up while you were in the middle of trying to walk out and leave, that would be another meltdown waiting to happen.
you and drew stayed on the phone even after she was liyah was put to sleep, but you made sure to keep the volume of the phone down so that his voice didn’t travel to her. now it was time to pack your clothes. he helped you pick out your outfits, and you did a mini fashion show for him with your outfits.
he loved them all, and occasionally gave a ‘do a little spin for me.’
every moment with him, or even just talking to him was great. no matter if you were actually next to him, or through the phone.
but unfortunately, you guys couldn’t stay on the phone forever. it was soon time for him to start filming again.
“i gotta go baby, but i love you so much, and i’ll see you two soon.” he said while walking back to his set. “kiss my baby for me.”
“i will. i love you too.” you smile then hang up the phone. you sighed and rubbed your face, thinking about how quick this was happening, but how ready you were at the same time. if it was going to get her to stop crying so much and was also going to get you to see your man again, a win is a win!
after everything, it was about 5 pm. this was a late nap for liyah and she would be up end up being bouncing up off the walls, but maybe that was good cus then she would sleep on the plane ride tomorrow.
heading back downstairs, you made dinner for yourself & made sure to leave a little for liyah cus she’ll get hungry out of nowhere.
you also made it a chore to clean the entire downstairs of your house, because coming back to a clean house after a few days on vacay is always a nice thing.
surprisingly, liyah didn’t wake up once. you weren’t too loud, but loud enough for her to start yelling, waiting for mommy or daddy to pick her up.
you love that girl to death, but her tantrums are for the birds.
after you were done, you went to check on her. she was still soundly asleep, most likely for once tired herself out with all the noises. soon, you were going to have to wake her up so she could take a bath. but you weren’t worried about that at the moment. you were finally able to pamper yourself for the evening, then deal with her later.
your phone dinged, and knowing what the message was you opened it right away.
2 attachments from drew, and they were your tickets to morocco for 10 days at 6 am.
hearting both of the attachments, you started to get excited.
one month wasn’t too much of a long period of time, but it was always enough for you and your baby to miss him more and more each day.
you could finally see him again, and you’d be reunited as a family.
the night went smoothly. she only woke up once, and that was to bathe and eat a bit of what you had made. she was easy to put back to sleep, and that’s what matter the most. you could’ve had more sleep for yourself, but the hours were efficient enough.
sooner than later your alarm rang for 4:30. you weren’t a morning person whatsoever, but you definitely did not have a problem waking up right now since you knew what was to come in only a matter of time.
it was going to be a real long ride of 11 hours, but the outcome would be worth it.
getting up out of bed, you brushed your teeth and washed your face with your products, then put those into your suitcase.
you let liyah sleep for a few more minutes, then woke her up knowing you were just going to put her in her mini uggs and throw a coat over her pajamas.
and as for you, you were keeping your hair the way it was and throwing on a hoodie and sweatpants.
you took this time to order the uber to the airport, and bring both of your suitcases and her baby bag downstairs.
walking back up to her room, you picked her up from the crib and started to pat her back while bouncing her. the movement would keep her asleep and peaceful instead of awake and cranky.
“we’ll see daddy sooner than you know it, mama.” you whispered to her.
not even bothering to make breakfast since it was too early for the both of you to be eating, you turned off everything in the house and waited for the car. it was now 5:15 and the car was going to pull up any minute.
liyah woke up for just two seconds, “mama?”
“yes baby?”
“where dada?”
“we’re gonna see him in a few hours, don’t worry.” you softly laid her head back down so she could close her eyes again. as she was falling asleep, the car pulled up and it was time to go.
stepping outside with a baby and one hand and dragging suitcases in the other, the driver stepped out to help you load up, and you placed aaliyah in the car seat you had requested the driver to have.
he closed the trunk and hopped right back into the car. he pulled out from your driveway and made small talk with you. you tried your best to keep up, but it was just too damn early.
after a 10 minute ride to the airport, he unloaded your things for you and helped you bring them inside while you carried liyah. you thanked him, then did all the stuff you needed to do before waiting to board the plane.
aaliyah was still asleep, clearly all the tantrums finally caught up with her.
you texted drew a few times, even though he was most likely resting.
but about 30 minutes later, it was time to board the plane. you had all your luggage ready, and you guys were finally able to start the real travel.
the plane ride was long, but it wasn’t bad.
you kept liyah busy with movies, coloring, and eating a few things.
she didn’t eat everything since plane food isn’t the greatest, but she ate some and so did you.
you had boarded the plane around 6 in the morning, well now it was 4:30 and you had just landed.
aaliyah had a burst of energy, and you knew she was ready to just play and be carefree again.
thankfully, the passengers were nice enough to help you walk off the plane and help with your luggage when they saw you with a baby, so the plane experience overall was definitely a 10/10.
you had called drew on the plane, and he let you know he’d been waiting with open arms. you were overjoyed, practically jumping with excitement on the inside and out.
but if you think you were over the top happy, seeing the look on aaliyah’s face while you walked to find drew waiting at the morocco airport had you all the way beat.
“DADDY!!!” she screamed in your arms once you started to make it towards him.
you giggled at her her volume, and was also just happy enough yourself to laugh at anything knowing you were finally with drew again.
he walked towards the two of you and met you halfway, “is that my baby girl?” he smiled and took her from you. their bond was something so special to you, and you were so grateful for how strong their relationship was.
he gave her many kisses and tickles, which made her laugh. this was the first time you saw her so excited in a while.
“and my other baby girl.” he turned to you, pulling you in and giving you a passionate kiss. you weren’t holding back either, you hadn’t seen your man for far too long now. because of this, you covered liyah’s eyes which made drew laugh.
finally pulling away, he kisses your forehead. “i got our whole week planned out.”
this made you smile. “and what will we be doing?”
“there’s restaurants i want you guys to try, there’s a really nice beach, and i got us a really nice hotel. i promise you these 10 days are gonna make up for the month i left you with this little drama queen,” he started liyah a bit at the last part which made her laugh again. her laughs were always so contagious and it made the two of you laugh as well.
“i know they will, you never disappoint.” you kissed his cheek.
he gets close to your ear and whispers so liyah doesn’t hear, “and i promise once we wrap filming, i’ll make you finish everynight, baby.”
this gets your cheeks hot. you can’t lie at all, you really did miss being tossed and turned by him once she was asleep at night.
“be careful with what you say,” you point a finger at him, “i’ll make you a daddy for the second time.”
he laughs, “please do.”
you roll your eyes at him, then start walking out to where his car is.
drew spent the wholeeee time talking to liyah, even though she mostly still speaks in her baby language.
he was having so much fun too, constantly giving an occasional ‘oh really’ and ‘what happened after that?’
it kept him entertained and so did you. you stayed recording the entire thing and could barely hold in your laughter.
you made finally made it to the hotel (not before stopping for some real food though of course.) and he was definitely not lying when he said it was really nice.
nice wasn’t even a good word, it was gorgeous.
“wow,” the three of you walked in. your hands dealing with the cart of luggage while his carried aaliyah. “this really is beautiful.”
“i know,” he looks like he’s in awe himself while he takes in the hotel. “only the best for my girls.”
you smile at him and he wraps an arm around you, the three of you making your way to the hotel room.
you were very happy you took this vacation.
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Hi!! I saw your most recent fic, and I absolutely loved it! I’ve been watching YouTube like crazy and got an idea for Steve Rogers. If you don’t like it I am perfectly understanding of it! I was thinking of something where the reader had her wisdom teeth removed and Steve is there to help, but along the way, he deals with the silliness of it all. It’s okay if you don’t want to, as I said I completely understand! Xx
Truth serum
Hey ! I'm super happy you loved my last fic ! And I absolutely love your idea !! Here's what came from your ask, hope you'll enjoy it !
TW: none, fluff, nonsense because of anesthesia.
not beta read, english is not my first language, all mistakes are my own.
Don't be shy: reblog, comment, like !!
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You felt dizzy, fuzzy and you couldn't focus your eyes. You knew, you were at the dentist, you just had your wisdom teeth removed. You didn’t feel your tongue or your lips, making you sob quietly… well not so quietly, when your super soldier boyfriend was in the corridor, waiting to come and see you.
“Honey?” he whispered not to startle you.
“Weve?” you slurred. 
Your head is rolling from side to side, looking for him, you relax when he takes your hand in his, you intend to smile, but..well only half of your mouth lifts, making Steve smile tenderly. 
“How do you feel, love?”
You groan, trying to pucker your lips.
“ca’t fwel my lups”, another sob, “ow ca i iss ou?”
He takes a moment for him to understand what you’re saying, but when he does, he leans in and kisses you softly, it tickles you, but it’s not like usual and you let another sob out.
“Ca’t fwel! nooo, m’roken” you gasp and open your eyes wide. “Mean i no longe’ yo gurfwiend!”, you cry, fully cry and Steve is taken aback. He knew that anaesthesia could lead to unexpected reactions, but he was not ready for this.
“You’re still my girlfriend, honey, you’re even my fiancé, remember?”
You stop crying and look at him, well you intend to, but you cross eyed and blink. 
“Fiancé?”, you whisper to yourself. “You want to marry me?”, you ask him in disbelief. 
Steve chuckles quietly “Of course i want to marry you, i’m in love with you”
He rubs your knuckle tenderly and nods, you look at him, shocked. 
“you wove me?”, you whisper-yell.
“I do, I love you sweetie”. 
The nurse comes in to monitor you and you look at her.
“He woves me. he ant mary me. he woves me, nat!”
The nurse looks at Steve and smiles. “Do I look like the black widow?”
He laughs softly, “I think yeah, it must be the red hair.” She laughs with him and you’re sure they’re mocking you.
“It a prank? You no wove me, you wove nat. i’m fool. nobody woves me. i’m alone.”
Steve sits on the bed and holds your hand tightly, “No, baby, absolutely not. I only want you.”
He realises slowly that you might express all your insecurities. The nurse looks at him and gives him a reassuring smile. “She’s all good, just have to wait for the doc before she can go.”
The nurse leaves, but you can’t stop the tears from rolling. Steve realises you are having a panic attack, he starts to draw circles on your wrist and hums your favourite song. It helps a little, but your brain can’t decide if he’s lying or not about the wedding. It’s all fuzzy and you feel dizzy and sleepy. 
“Honey, baby, i love you, i only love you, since the moment i saw you for the first time in the office.” 
You sniffle, nodding.
“I ha trush on you sin you tame out of the ite. A tupid fangurl… sorry, I'm treep. No want to make you fall in love with me. I just…”
He kisses your forehead, shutting you up.
“But steve, yo-”
“No, baby, I know all of that. And you’re not a creep. You’re my love. I had a crush on you too, the first you came to work, I had my eyes on you. See we are both creeps.”
You chuckle and sigh. “Amatin ‘tevie, wanna ave ur baby”, you start to drift off, letting a Captain flushed and hot. “Ant all you baby…wanna mate you a daddy…”
You continue to babble nonsense about making the Captain America the best daddy ever, have all his little ones, being full of him all the time. Steve feels hot more and more, shaking his head, because even with saying such filthy words you were the most adorable woman he ever lays his eyes on. 
Later that day
You’re back home with Steve, sipping a little soup and he keeps looking at you with a new hunger in his eyes. 
“What is it Steve? You keep looking at me weird”.
“You don’t remember?”
You arch a brow… shaking your head “no…what should I remember?”
Steve looks at you dead in the eyes “About making me a daddy and being full of my children?”
You choke on your soup. “No I did not say that ? Did I?”. You hide behind your hands. Steve chuckles tenderly. 
“It’s just we never talk about it and you blurted that out… and i…couldn’t stop thinking about it since then.”
At that moment, you’re both blushing hard. After a long silence, you look at him.
“Marry me first Rogers, then we can work on making you a Daddy.”
The end
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gretavangroupie · 1 year
Vigilance (Chapter 19 Part 2)
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Word count: 15.1k
Pairings: Jake x Reader, OC x Reader, Sam x Reader, Sam x OC, Jake x OC
Warnings: Alcohol, Gambling, Smoking, Marijuana, Cursing, Dramatic Themes. Smut Including: Kissing, Touching, Making Out, Light Degradation, Dirty Talk, Praise Kink, Biting, Fingering, Name Calling, Edging, Mentions of Sub/Dom Themes, Voyeurism, Orgasm Denial, Unprotected Sex, Rough Sex, Pet Names, Digital Penetration, Spanking. Angst Including: Jealousy, Possessiveness, Toxic Themes, Arguments, Yelling, Verbal Abuse, Verbal Fighting, Extreme Portrayal of Sadness, Crying, Sexual Assault, Cheating on Partner, Abandonment.
This story is a collaboration with my best pal @gretavanmoon.
A/N: Part two of chapter nineteen! This was never intended to be two parts, but it was longer than tumblrs limits would allow, thus, requiring two parts. If you haven't read part one, you can read it here.
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Holding the napkin in your hand your face was hot, flushed with nerves, shyness and embarrassment, but you knew all those emotions were unnecessary. You had Jake by your side, and Elle and Sam were your best friends…the night was yours, and it was young. 
You both slid your empty glasses to the edge of the bar, thanking the bartender as you made your departure. You stood and Jake grabbed your hand, lacing his strong and calloused fingers with yours as you headed out the exit into the main lobby of the hotel in search of the elevator. 
The hotel was still buzzing with people, gamblers left and right looking for a place to cash in their chips. Once you found the elevator, you hopped inside with a slew of other people, you stepping to one side, and Jake to the other. You were happy you’d had that giant glass of water; it made you feel a little less wasted than you were earlier, and definitely a lot better about what you were doing now. 
Amongst the ten or so other just-as-drunk people on the elevator, you and Jake stuck out like sore thumbs. Both pressed against the walls as far as you could get, nonchalant and buzzing with anticipation. You held steady glances to one another as you picked at your nails, and he brushed his fingers over his lips. The elevator must have stopped four times before you even made it to the fifth floor, each time it stopped making time seem to drag on. 
Finally, when the elevator had emptied, you were approaching the fifth floor, your departure floor. 
“Babe, we don’t have to do this, you know. We can get off right here and go to our room, tell them you started to feel sick or something…” Jake finally spoke once the doors closed. 
“I’m anxious, Jake. But I’m okay. I…wanna go. Are you okay with this? If we go…? I want you with me…” you offered. 
“Yes. I want to go. Believe me, I want to go. Badly. I just want you to feel comfortable.” He said, taking your hand in his. 
“I promise I feel comfortable. Sam…he’s no big deal. But this is something new with Elle. And for you…I might just need a pep-talk.” You laughed, trying to shake off your nerves, speaking in chopped sentences. 
He took both of your hands in his. “Love, it’s okay. I’m yours, you’re mine. That’s all that matters. We’re just going to have some fun, experiment…live a little. You and I aren’t married yet, it’s okay for us to go and be young together while we still can.”
You sighed. “You’re right. It’ll be fun. What the hell are we doing?” You laughed, physically shaking your hands out. 
Suddenly your back was pressed against the wall of the elevator. “Do you need me to get you worked up again? Need me to remind you of anything, love?” His mouth was to your neck, and his hand was trailing up your dress, fingers brushing up the back of your thigh and over the curve of your ass. 
“I don’t have a problem with reminding you, little preview, hm?” He gripped your ass hard in his hand, pain shooting through from the residual swollen marks from the belt, but all it did was spur you on. The pain was a hellacious reminder of what he was capable of, and who you belonged to. 
“How was that kiss at the bar earlier? Did you like it?” He asked, a low grainy voice by your ear. 
You nodded harshly, “Yeah, I did.”
“Well let’s go see what else you can come up with. Maybe Elle has some tricks up her sleeve…” his tongue was running along the shell of your ear now, his breath heavy as he exhaled into your ear. 
Just then the elevator stopped and the door opened, leading out to a surprisingly empty corridor. The both of you stepped out, and you brought the napkin up to remind yourself of the room number. 
“508.” You said. You walked down the long hallway to almost the very end, stopping short when you heard music coming through the door to their room. You both laughed. “Definitely them.”
Jake knocked hard on the door as you stood back against the opposite wall, crossing your arms over your chest. Jake stood leaning in the doorway, one hand in his pocket and one high on the door frame. God, he’s hot. 
He knocked again as you heard the music turn down, and Sam greeted him at the door. “Room service!” Jake yelled, pushing Sam back into the room. He turned to catch the door for you, allowing you to follow him inside. 
“I didn’t order anything, dipshit.” Sam said as you both came into the room, the smell of marijuana lighting up your senses. 
“No? Well, your girlfriend did. Wrote her order on a nice bar napkin. Just for us.” Jake sat down confidently in a chair, crossing one leg over the other and resting his hands behind his head. 
Elle was seated on the bed, rolling up a few joints when she saw you. Her sultry eyes darted to you as she licked the paper. “Hey there, gorgeous. Samuel, you not going to offer our guests something to drink? Has my southern hospitality not rubbed off on you at all?” She slurred. 
“Shit, sorry.” Sam said, popping up from just sitting down. He made his way to the mini fridge and bar. “We have tequila, spiced rum, and vodka. And sprite and club soda and some type of weird juice.”
“You know what I want.” Jake said, brushing over his chin with his fingertips. Maybe he is anxious. 
“I’ll have the same.” You offered. “Thank you Sammy.” You plopped down on the bed next to Elle. 
“My pleasure, babe.” He said, winking over his shoulder. 
Jake turned the music back up a bit, and tapped his fingers on the arms of the chair. 
Sam brought you your drinks as Elle stood from the bed, presenting three perfectly rolled joints. “Who wants to do the honors?”
“Got a lighter?” You asked, taking one from her hands. Sam stood quickly, pulling one from his pocket, and handing it to you. He walked over to the large sliding door, opening it up to let the smoke out. A bit of fresh air blew through the room, bringing with it the smell of fried foods and the city. 
You lit the joint, taking a long hit and holding the smoke in. You leaned back on your arms, letting the THC do its work. You passed the joint to Elle as you exhaled, a big cloud of smoke falling from your lips as you coughed a little bit. Instant headrush, your favorite. 
She hit the joint next, following suit and passing it to Sam. “Thanks for coming back with us, we weren’t sure you were going to.” She said quietly under the music. 
“Why would you think that?” Jake added. 
“I dunno, thought I pissed you off earlier. You got awfully cutthroat, Jacob.” Elle replied. 
“Hm, I like a little competition. Little challenge sometimes.” He said, cracking his knuckles as Sam passed him the dwindling joint. “Seems as though you knew just what buttons to push, didn’t you?”
“Seems as though I did.” She said. 
He passed the joint back to you. “Well, it earned you something nice, though, didn’t it?” He said, taking his finger and swirling it in his drink as he exhaled. 
“That it did.” She said sternly, a devilish smirk finding her face. You exhaled the smoke back into the air, letting the high find you once again. Elle scooted closer to you on the bed, sliding her legs underneath her. You passed the joint to her as she took it from your fingers, taking one last giant hit. 
She motioned for you to come closer to her as she held the smoke in, and signaled for you to make a kissy face. You did as she asked, and she placed her hand on your cheek, slowly blowing the smoke directly into your mouth slowly as you inhaled it all. Her hand stayed on your face as you met her eyes, red and glassy and full of lust. You held the smoke for just a few seconds, getting the last bit of a high you were chasing so frantically. 
Once you exhaled, you felt her lips on yours again, this time a bit more relaxed. Your head began to spin, the entire world around you falling into nothingness. Her hand moved from your cheek to around the back of your neck, pulling you a bit closer. The kiss turned from a peck into something a little deeper, with a little more feeling behind it. 
You allowed your lips to part just slightly, letting the kiss move a bit more. You felt her tongue reach to brush your bottom lip before she pulled it back again. No, come back. You copied her motion, slightly bringing your tongue to graze against her lip. She tastes…so sweet…
You breathed a relaxed exhale as you parted slightly, catching her eyes as you both smiled. You dove back in, this time feeling confident. You positioned your body in such a way that you were leaning in toward her across your legs, giving yourself some purchase to reach your hand out and let your fingers play in her hair. Your heart was beating a million miles a minute, but you didn’t want to stop. 
Finally her tongue found yours, plunging into your mouth as she explored. God, you couldn’t get enough. As she pulled back, you let your body weight chase her, not wanting to disconnect. Both of your hands were on her face now, fingers gripping into her waves as she deepened the kiss, sitting up higher on her legs to tower over you. 
Keep going, Elle. 
You felt her fingertip tickle over your barren collarbone, down around to your chest, and trail right between your breasts. Her hand landed on your side, squeezing your hip as she stood on her knees above you. You let a hand leave her hair, finding a grip on her hip, and you pushed your fingers into her curves. You felt like you were floating on a bobber, getting sucked underwater every few seconds only to resurface to the air again. The pit of your stomach grew warm, and you wondered what she was going to do next. 
Her hands felt heavenly on you, without her having touched you much at all. They were small and dainty, but still comfortable and intriguing, a lot like Jake’s touch. 
You had completely forgotten they were even in the room. Damnit. Well, they were getting a show. You began to slow the kiss a bit, feeling like it was heating up, but you needed to recenter. You pulled back a little, releasing your grip on her hip and face. She sat back down on her heels, smiling as she disconnected from you. 
“God…damnit, why did you fucking stop?” You heard Sam ask, his voice crackly and low. 
“Yeah, why did you…stop…” Jake added with the almost exact same tone of voice. 
You both laughed at the situation, bringing yourselves right back to your normal goofy selves, but still full of complete and utter attraction for each other. 
“I have an idea. Samuel, bring me that tequila bottle.” She snapped her fingers to him, and he jumped up like a trained puppy, grabbing the small bottle and placing it in her hand. 
“Y/N, how comfortable are you being topless?” Her words shocked you. 
“What? What do you mean?” You asked, eyes flitting across the room. You couldn’t bring yourself to look at Jake yet, or Sam for that matter. 
“Topless. I can be too, if it makes you feel better.” She said. 
You thought on her words for a second. You obviously weren’t embarrassed in front of Jake, Sam had also seen every part of your body, and you and Elle had seen each other nude plenty of times, changing in front of each other over the years. 
“Um, I guess I’m okay with that. Yeah. Why not?” You said, shrugging it off. You truly felt comfortable, your drunkenness definitely lowering your inhibitions again. You reached for your drink on the table, taking a long swig. 
“Cool. Jake, is it okay with you if Sam and I see her topless?” Elle asked. “And me too, I guess?”
“As long as she’s fine with it, I don’t care.” You heard him mumble, sincerity in his voice. 
“Agreed.” Sam added. 
You nodded, slipping one shoulder free from the strap of your dress, letting it fall to your waist. You looked up to Elle who was still sitting with the bottle of tequila in her hand. You reached for the second strap, letting it fall to your side, too. This exposed your entire bare chest to three people who know you better than anyone, who have all seen more of you than this many times before, but this time, you felt extremely exposed. And you liked it. 
“You’re truly a sight, Y/N. I hope you know. Guys, isn’t she gorgeous?” Elle said sweetly. 
You heard Jake take a long exhale and reposition in the leather seat.
“Absolutely stunning.” Sam said. 
“Driving me wild, Y/N, just like you always do.” Jake’s hollow voice followed. Fuck, his voice. Here we go again. 
You felt your insides churn at their praises, and suddenly you felt all your caution leave your body. This was going to be fine. 
“My turn?” Elle asked, looking at all three of you before she slipped free of her top, exposing herself as well. 
“God, I’ve got competition…” you managed, giving the guys permission to comment as well. 
“Lie back, Y/N. Flat on the bed.” She instructed, and you did. Next she opened the bottle of tequila, pouring just a little bit into your belly button, and into the hollow of your throat. “Stay still, babe.” The tequila was cold, giving you instant goosebumps all over your body, effectively making your nipples stand at attention. 
She hopped off the bed, kneeling down on the floor beside you. She connected her mouth to your neck, sipping up all the liquor and swallowing before lightly trailing her tongue down the center of your torso, over your ribs, and straight to your navel, repeating the sip. 
She took a little more time here, allowing her lips to graze the sensitive skin around your navel. 
“Son of a bitch…” you heard Jake mumble, laughing quietly in astonishment. 
“No shit, you two are truly…” you glanced at Sam, watching him bury his face in his hands as he leaned forward. 
“Jake? A shot?” Elle piped up, more cheerful than you expected. 
“Yeah, definitely.” He responded, his voice sounding sleepy. 
Elle poured the liquor again. Here came Jake, your first eye contact with him since you made out with a woman in front of him. You felt him kneel beside you, catching his eyes as he did so. 
“Hey gorgeous, ready for body shots round two?” He asked. 
“Hell yes, baby. Let me see what you’ve got.” You played, trying not to move or spill the liquor. 
He threw his hair back into a low knot, not caring a bit how it looked, and reached his head down, sipping up the liquor from your throat, then trailing his mouth up your neck and to your ear. He let his face nuzzle in your tangled hair, breathing heavily as he did so. 
“You’re so fuckin’ sexy, baby…” he mumbled just loudly enough for you to hear, before nipping at your ear lobe. He then returned to your neck, trailing tiny kisses down your sternum toward your stomach. The chill bumps returned at his touch, your head spinning wondering what was in store from his beautiful brain. 
You felt one hand snake up and grasp your tit as his tongue met your bellybutton, swirling it around before connecting his lips and pulling the drink. His hand squeezed your breast, and you couldn’t help the tiny whimper that fell from your lips. Instant arousal. 
“Fuck, baby…” you breathed as he sat up and wiped his mouth free of the tiny dribbles. 
“Mmm, say that again…” he growled as he brought his lips to yours, soaked and stained with the strong taste of tequila. You giggled into his mouth. 
“Sam?” Elle offered, handing the bottle to him. The room went silent. “Not up to me, up to you guys. Just thought I’d open the door…” Elle went on. 
Jake sighed. “Just one.” 
Sam chuckled as he took the bottle, pouring the liquid into your navel, lifting the bottle high for a second and making the stream a few inches long. 
“Remember what I said about leftovers, Samuel.” You heard Jake quip. You normally would be offended, but you were too turned on to care. You were about to have Sam’s mouth on you again.
“We see how that worked out, don’t we Jake?” Sam spat back. 
Just then Sam grabbed both of your hands at your sides, and lowered himself onto the bed, perching to face you between your slightly parted legs. Both his hands held his weight on either side of you as he towered above, pinning your hands to your sides. Quickly, he caught your eyes with that look you knew so well. So damn well. 
He bent his elbows, bringing his mouth down low, running his tongue from between your breasts straight to your stomach. His tongue dipped inside your belly button, similarly to the way Jake’s just had, but instead he dug his teeth in a bit, slurping up the tequila, his eyes never once leaving yours. You couldn’t help the tiny arch in your back as he bit into your skin, your body reacting on its own accord. 
Fucking. Hell. 
“Sam…” Jake warned. 
Sam released your hands, sat up and cleaned his mouth off, resting on his knees between yours, a position you never thought you’d see yourselves in ever again. 
“What? Not my fault I remember all her sweet spots. I could show you a few sometime if you’re interested…” Sam said with a quick wink. 
Oh, he’s gonna pay for that one. 
“Just watch your fucking mouth, okay?” Jake warned, knowing that Sam was not paying any attention to him. 
“Alright alright…” Elle interrupted as Sam took his seat back in the chair. Elle came in front of you and grabbed your hands, helping you to sit up. “Open up, baby.” She tilted the bottle back, and poured the tequila into her mouth as you followed her instruction. 
She towered above you again as you tilted your head back, mouth wide open and ready to accept. She pursed her lips, letting the liquid fall in a steady stream from her mouth to yours, dripping a little bit onto your cheeks as she did so. You felt the warm liquor drip down your neck, sliding all the way down your throat and between your breasts. Your immediate reaction was to wipe it clean, but you decided to give the guys a little show, instead. 
You swallowed the tequila, the burn lighting your insides on fire. You took your finger, running it up your skin from where the drink had trailed, chasing it up and collecting it, before licking your finger clean of the remnants. 
You left your finger in your mouth for more than a few seconds, swirling your tongue around it until you found Elle’s gaze, leaving your eyes to stare into hers while you left your finger in your mouth. 
“Damn, Y/N, you really make this easy…” Elle complimented. “Ok, my turn.”
Elle layed back on the bed, her long curls falling over the side in lustrous waves. She handed you the bottle and you continued the theme of the activity, switching back and forth from her navel to her neck. 
You decided it was time to involve the guys. Your head was spinning even more so now, the tequila taking effect and the marijuana now buried deep in your bones. 
“Jake, come here.” You held your finger to him, signaling for him to come and join the festivities. “Take a shot from Elle.” 
“Don’t have to ask me twice.” He relayed, filling her navel with the chilled liquid. He licked his lips before he lowered his head, connecting his mouth to her. She shuddered at his touch, her hand instantly finding his hair as he moved his lips against her. Uh oh, he loved that. It seemed to spur him on, as he slowly ghosted his tongue down to her side, using his teeth to nip at her love handles. 
Elle let out a breathy laugh, showing that she enjoyed it, maybe a little too much. “Jake…biting is my thing…” she said, as either a warning or an invitation. You were fine with the latter. 
“Is that right?” He said, voice gravelly. His eyes shot to yours, then to Sam’s. You saw Sam shrug one shoulder to his side, telling him to go ahead. He continued his tiny love bites, up her side under her arm, onto her shoulder and onto her neck. He leaned his weight to hover above her, the visual of him with his mouth on her making you squirm. 
He went slowly, taking his time as he moved higher, letting his tongue reach out and taste her every so often. God, you were going to dream about this for months. He was in the crook of her neck now, slowly and sensually lying tiny bites right below her ear. His tongue slid tactfully out, leaving a tiny wet trail. You watched as her eyes rolled back and closed, fluttering open and shut as he spoke into her ear. You couldn’t hear what he said, but you could have probably guessed. 
Suddenly you felt Sam’s hand on your upper thigh, squeezing his fingers lightly and ghosting his fingertips as he watched them. Elle let out another breathy giggle, inhaling sharply as he brought his kisses to her jawline, moving closer and closer to her mouth. 
“Sam, Y/N…?” He said without looking to either of you, his mouth hovering directly above hers. You and Sam simultaneously gave him permission, and his lips connected to hers in a fury. You watched as your boyfriend kissed her, slowly at first, just exploring…her hand finding his hair once again. Sam’s hand continued to squeeze your leg, moving dangerously closer in toward your heat as his body inched closer to yours. 
Elle’s hand shot up to cup Jake’s neck, pulling him closer into her. His tongue grazed her lips as the kiss deepened. You felt yourself getting extremely aroused, and felt Sam’s mouth pressed against the back of your shoulder. Another one of your sweet spots. He just kept fucking remembering them. His mouth opened wider on your back, laying hot and wet kisses to the back of your neck now. Fuck, Sam. Stop remembering. 
His hand gripped your thigh, pulling your leg apart from the other as you rolled your head, the combination of his mouth and hand on you making you go crazy. 
Elle’s leg bent at the knee, pulling Jake to lie more closely on top of her. She was enjoying him. And you didn’t care. How could you blame her?
“Careful over there, Jake. Don’t get too carried away.” Sam said, disconnecting his mouth from you for a second. 
“Shut the fuck up, Sam.” He quipped back. 
“With pleasure, brother.” Suddenly Sam grabbed your chin and turned your face to meet his. “I still love pumpkin…”
His kiss. His mouth…your head was spinning, flying off your shoulders like a boomerang into the sky. Every nerve ending, on fire. Your heart was racing, feeling his lips on yours again, his touch…you could hardly form a coherent thought, much less take a second to recognize what was happening. All you could feel was him. Your Sam. Kissing you again. You felt like fireworks were going off in the room, in your head and in your body…insane amounts of excitement filling you to the brim. 
Your brow furrowed as you leaned into him, kissing him back with more unhinged passion than you probably should have in this instance. You knew you had to hold back, but god, you didn’t want to. 
You pulled away, completely flustered and ready, looking directly at him. His eyes were blown out with lust, his hand still buried deep in your thigh muscle, squeezing and massaging as you fought yourself from jumping into him again. 
You slowly shook your head ‘no’, the look on his face like he could devour you right then and there. God damnit, Sam. 
Jake pulled away from Elle soon thereafter, sitting back on the bed, his shirt all the way unbuttoned now, instead of his normal two-button style. Elle must have done that. 
“Shit, Jacob. Maybe we should argue more often, if it’s gonna end up like that.” Elle breathed as she sat back up, hair and appearance a mess. “Y/N, come back to me.” 
You did as she told you, fully entranced by the air in the room, making you feel vulnerable and uninhibited. You crawled her way, letting your mouth find hers again, with Sam still at your back and Jake by your sides. You heard their noises of some type of carnal attraction, speaking little sounds and whispers as they watched the show unfold. But it wasn’t a show, you truly did enjoy making out with Elle. And you weren’t ashamed of it. 
After a few seconds she pulled back. “God, now I understand what you guys meant…she’s absolutely delicious. You’re so tasty, Y/N.” Elle purred, making you feel like you could collapse. 
“Thank you, Elle. You’re fuckin sweet, yourself…” you answered honestly, blushing. 
“I couldn’t agree more…” Sam said quietly. 
“Baby, come here. Come sit with me.” Elle asked of Sam. He moved from behind you on the bed, joining Elle as she began pulling at the hem of his shirt, pulling it above his head and tossing it to the floor. “It’s getting a little warm in here. Thought you might need to cool off some.” 
“The one thing I don’t need to do is cool off…” he kissed her hard, both hands tangling in her hair as they kissed, heating up the scene exponentially. Sam always had his own way of making things so much hotter than they actually were…
You felt Elle’s hand on you as she kissed Sam, pulling you their way. You glanced to Jake, and he raised an eyebrow, silently saying you could make your own decision. 
You took it as an OK, shifting your weight toward them as her hand began tickling over your chest. She pulled away, letting Sam kiss her neck while she looked at you, a devious stare as she cupped her hand around your breast, making you feel something that you’ve never felt before. You let her massage as she held eye contact with you. 
“Christ…” Jake mumbled from beside you. 
Instantly, Sam’s hand was on top of Elle’s, letting her guide their hands as she began to feel all over your body, sometimes gently and sometimes rough. Finding your favorite pressure points and concentrating on them, squeezing your nipples and digging nails into your hips. After a few seconds, you realized that it wasn’t Elle’s hand doing the guiding at all, it was Sam’s. He knew exactly where to touch you to make you go crazy.
Suddenly Jake was on his knees behind Elle, leaning down to whisper in her ear, most likely the same thing he had said to her earlier, something to drive her crazy. Her eyes rolled back again, and her hand disconnected from Sam’s. 
“Babe, can I…touch you?” Elle asked you, the same devilish look pasted across her face. Jake’s face was directly beside hers, the same wicked look of intrigue, looking as though he wanted you to say yes. 
You nodded, slowly, deciding that you were in this deep, might as well take the next step. “Say it out loud, hun. Tell me.” She went on, asking your permission. 
“Yes. You can touch me.” You answered. 
“Jake…?” She asked next. 
“Fuck yeah….” Of course. 
You laid back a bit, not quite sure what to do. This territory was still very much uncharted. “It’s okay, love. Don’t be nervous. Just gonna make you feel good…” Elle went on. 
You relaxed on the pillows, letting one leg bend at the knee, the flowy skirt of your dress falling toward your upper thigh. She gingerly drifted her fingertips up your legs, inching closer toward your center. Your breathing began to pick up a bit as you became more anxious, the nerves finding their way back. This is so strange…but so good…
Her hand pulled the skirt up and she covered your heat with her palm, her touch soft and gentle, much different than what you were used to. Her hand glided slowly, back and forth, side to side overtop of your panties. You realized you had closed your eyes tight, still a bit self conscious of what was happening. She’s your best friend in the world…everything is fine…just let yourself feel it…
You let your eyes open, seeing the three of them watching you intently, the same look on all their faces. One that you absolutely couldn’t describe even if your life depended on it. But it was good. It was so good.
Elle’s hand dipped into your underwear, taking her sweet time as you allowed her to explore you. You felt like you might explode, her touch so intricate and concentrated, even given how drunk you both were. It was madness, how much you felt, how turned on you were…you let your legs separate a bit as she went a little deeper, finding your clit and giving it special attention. 
“Fuck…” Jake growled.
You couldn’t help the reaction your body was giving, your back arched and your hands found your tits, pulling and squeezing them as her hand felt you. “God Elle, yeah…” you breathed. You felt yourself beginning to rush to the peak, the edge of the cliff just within reach. Suddenly your mind snapped to another place. 
“Don’t wanna cum, Elle. I don’t…” you said. 
“You don’t? You don’t have to, hun.” She said, slowing her movement. 
“Not fair to everyone else if I’m the only one who gets to…” you said, earning a little giggle from everyone. 
“Aww, so considerate, Y/N. You’re sweet. But I’ll get mine…” Elle said, looking over to Jake. 
“But god, I don’t want you to stop…” you laughed as she continued gliding her fingers over you. 
She smiled a knowing smile. “I don’t want to stop.” 
You sat up as she removed her hand, giving you a tiny wink as she sat back. 
“I don’t think I’ve ever seen anything as hot as what I saw just now…” Sam said flatly, he and Jake’s expressions both full of wild lust. Jake wiped his hand across his face, recollecting himself. 
“Mmm, it was hot, wasn’t it? Come here, Sam.” You let the words fall from your mouth before you could stop them, wanting to continue the madness. He glanced to Jake, but found Elle already walking toward him, trailing her fingers along Jake’s jawline. 
Sam took that as an ok, and followed your command, crawling over to you, placing his lips directly on yours again. You weren’t sure how this happened, how you’d ended up completely swapping, but you were enraptured in Sam’s touch right now. His hands trailed up and down you, your hand buried deep behind his neck as his tongue explored your mouth, truly tasting you again for the first time in so long. Your drunken lust was amplified, damn him for being so inebriating to you. 
You glanced behind him, seeing Elle half straddled across Jake’s lap, engaging in the same activity you and Sam were. Wow. This is…insane. 
The room air was heady now, the four of you jumbled into a mess of hands and bad decisions, thick with want and desire and attraction…you never wanted it to end. In an act of weakness, you let your hand brush against Sam’s dick, making him groan quietly into your mouth. 
“Fucking watch it, little one…” he whispered. “You’ll make me do something I regret…”
“This place is already full of regret, haven’t you noticed?” You grinned, letting your hand brush by him again. Damnit, Y/N. Slow down. But you couldn’t help yourself. Sam held some type of nefarious power over you, something you were drawn to in the worst way, one that destroyed you with every passing second. 
He hissed through his teeth, clenching his jaw and closing his eyes as he mentally tried to break away. 
“You still…taste so fucking good…” he mouthed, very quietly. “I don’t think I will ever get over it…”
Shut up, Sam…
“Did Elle treat you right? Make you feel good?” He asked, as you nodded. 
“She made me feel so good…but not as good as you used to…” you breathed into his ear, causing his body to stiffen. 
All of a sudden Jake’s hand was on your leg, his fingertips in your thigh, bringing you back down to earth. 
“Baby, you still good over there?” You heard him ask from behind Sam. 
“Great, baby, you okay?” You responded. 
“Mmmhmm…excellent actually…” you glanced again, Elle completely straddled across his lap, his hand grasping her ass as she hid her head in the crook of his neck whispering to him unintelligibly. You could hear the low growl of his voice, but couldn't make out the words over the sound of the music and the thrum of the blood rushing through your head.
You smiled as he looked over to you, giving you a sweet wink. Where on earth had you found yourselves? Sam looked behind him as well, seeing them in the unholy position. He looked back to you, shrugging his shoulders, and pulling you closer.
You went on this way for a bit, letting Sam’s hands and tongue explore you again, completely not caring for what Jake and Elle were doing at the end of the bed. At one point you felt Jake lie back on his elbows, letting out a guttural moan as Elle must have done something to set him off. You turned your head and watched as he whispered something into her ear again and as she pulled back from him you heard her ask him, voice full of lust, “You promise?”
He hummed in agreement and you looked away quickly before either of them had a chance to notice that you were listening. Your brain began to swirl with thoughts, and part of you felt like ending everything there. Getting up right now and dragging him back to your room. But the warm hands wrapped around your waist drew you back in, reminding you that you were most likely having the exact same thoughts.
“Feeling good over there, brother?” Sam asked. 
“Ha ha, sure as fuck am…she is…” he trailed off as Elle’s mouth cut his words. 
You smiled into Sam’s kiss again, torn up and twisted in your passionate draw to him, coming full-circle in an act that you never ever thought you’d find yourself performing again. 
The whispers filled the room again, and you found yourself trying to listen, but again no luck.
Looking over to Jake and Elle you watched her say something, causing Jake to toss his head back, “Jesus fuck, Elle…”
You weren’t sure what was happening, but he didn’t tell her to stop.
Sam suddenly stopped his actions, bringing his eyes to look deeply into yours, speaking a thousand words in the span of five seconds, telling you everything you already knew, and that it was still true. 
“I know, Sam. I know.” You whispered. 
He laid his head down beside yours with a thud, his mouth directly beside your ear. “I swear to god, I wish…I had…a time machine…” he whispered, making your insides wrench, twisting your heart into a million shreds. His fingers wiped a few stray hairs from your face, the tender touch making you want to cry. 
“Well, we don’t have one, so you better make this count while you can.” You suggested, leaning your mouth closely to his lips, connecting them again. What you felt in Sam’s kiss was undoubtedly something else, something rooted so deeply that you could hardly fathom it. A feeling that was created millennia ago, when we were nothing but stardust, the cosmos creating us out of nothing but the sands of time. 
Pure, infatuating, implanted and ingrained into the soul of every living being. And you felt it, wholeheartedly, with Sam. Just like you had all those years ago, and a few times here and there since. 
But the strange and cruel part of it all was that you also felt it with Jake. The exact…same…feeling. 
You looked behind Sam to find Jake’s head arched back, Elle going crazy in doing everything she could except sexing him. Shit, you found yourself thinking dark thoughts…Is that something you felt like you could watch? In the moment, you thought you could. It would be an absolutely insane visual, both of them so ethereally gorgeous, unhinged and writhing with each other…
You perked up again, Sam standing up to grab his drink. Elle removed herself from Jake, taking his hand to sit him back up. 
“Enjoying my girlfriend, Jake?” Sam spat, sipping from the edge of his cup. 
“You enjoying mine?” He quipped back. 
“Mhm, seems mutual.” Sam said. 
“Definitely mutual…” he growled.
You watched as Jake’s eyes traveled to Elle, standing with her hands behind her back leaned against the table, in nothing but her tight black skirt. You realized that she was just straddling Jake; he had to have seen a bit more than he thought he would. His gaze was sultry, and he bit his lip as she smiled shyly. He was very…very into her. How could he not be? 
“How are you feeling, ladies? Doing okay? Anyone need a drink?” Sam asked, keeping up the role of the host. 
“I’m good, thanks.” You answered as Jake came and sat beside you on the bed, the straps of your dress still hanging low around you. 
“Enjoying yourself, love?” You asked him, smoothing his tousled hair. 
He glanced back to Elle as she spoke closely with Sam. “Yes, very much so…she’s really, coming on strong.”
“Mhmm, I can tell. I think she’s really into you, Jake.” You said, putting a finger to his shoulder. 
“I think she is, too…” he said, falling into a shy grin. 
“Do you want her? Is all of… this…going where I think it’s going?” You asked. 
“What do you mean babe…I…” he looked to you, puzzled. 
“Do you wanna fuck her, Jake?” His face was full of surprise at your inquiry. 
“What? No, baby. What do you mean? No…” you could tell his face absolutely flushed at your words, and he stumbled to find the right ones of his own.
“Jake. You don’t have to lie…I can tell you’re into her, too…shit, look at her…I would be. I can see whatever is happening between you two…I’m not mad baby…” you trailed off, thinking hard about the subject. 
“Why? Do you want to fuck him?” he asks.
“Answer me, and I’ll answer you…” you pressed.
“Fine. Yeah I want to fuck her. I want to fuck her, badly. But you know you’re my girl.” he answers, looking over your shoulder at her.
“What if we….what about a free pass, babe… If that’s what you want…go for it. I trust you, I trust Elle. Asking Sam, that’s another story, but. I promise you, it’s not something that would make me mad, look at us. Look what we’re doing right now…” you motioned around. 
“At this point…” you shrugged, for some reason, somehow or another, you felt as though you could truly let him do this. One time, if it’s what he wanted. You could both have what you wanted. “It’s just sex, babe…I want you to feel good.” you continued.
He brought his eyes back to you, an answer hanging on the tip of his tongue as his eyes flicked to her, then over to Sam. He was considering it, the alcohol helping his decision. 
Yes or no?
“Maybe just–” he was cut off, snapping his head to his phone ringing loudly on the table.
“Who the fuck? Couldn’t have picked a worse time…” he paused, picking it up, “Of course it’s fucking Josh.”
“Hello?” he answered angrily.
“You’re where?” 
“Are you ok, are you with Danny?” he asks.
“What do you mean you don’t know where you are? How the hell did you…?”
“You fuckers got too drunk, didn’t you? No, I won’t come find you! What-where is Daniel?”
“What do you mean you can’t find him? Why did you separate anyway?”
“No, absolutely not. I’m fucking busy, Josh. I can’t come down there.”
“None of your business…” 
“No…Can you please just…”
He pinched the bridge of his nose, sighing heavily. 
“Fuck, fine… I’ll come find you, you damn idiots. Don’t go anywhere, just stay there. I’ll call you when I get downstairs.” he snaps.
He hung up the phone. “Goddamnit, I can never have a single second for myself.” He complained. 
“Are they okay?” Sam asked, turning the music down. 
“They’re fine, I think. Josh got too drunk and twisted around trying to find Danny. Lost him. Said he’s been searching forever.” He answered, looking over to Elle.
“You ready babe? I’ll walk you back to our room first.” He says. 
“Wait! She doesn’t have to go, does she?” Elle chimes in. 
Jake pauses, looking over to you, sitting on the edge of the bed.
“Uhh, I don’t suppose so…Baby? Do you… wanna stay? Without me?” He looked to you. 
You bit your lip, and nodded. You didn’t want to leave. 
Jake sighed heavily. “Okay, I don’t like this, but I guess…if you want to stay…”
He bent down to kiss your lips. “God, right when things were getting really fun…I’ll be back baby. Behave, okay? I love you.”
“I love you too, Jake.” You murmured. “Be careful.”
He nodded in agreement but before he left, he leaned over and whispered into your ear, “Remember who you belong to…”
He stepped back and turned to Sam, poking a finger into his barren chest, silently warning him to not cross the line in his absence. 
“I’ll be back, soon hopefully.” Jake walked out, letting the door slam behind him. 
“Mmm…Now we can have some real fun…We have her all to ourselves baby…” Elle breathed. 
Just like that it was the three of you. Left wanting and waiting, and wondering where exactly that line was drawn.
The festivities resumed, just as they had begun. Except this time, you felt less pressured to hold back, letting yourself focus your attention a little better. Letting yourself feel a little more…a thrashing mess of the three of you wound up and not thinking, the alcohol seeping into your brains, lowering any standards you may have had. 
Your mind and body were flowing separately but all together at the same time���hot, heavy, wasted and untamed…and you were living for every second of it. 
Still, in the back of your mind, you wondered what Jake’s answer would have been if Josh hadn’t called. Though you were certain you knew. You could see the look in his eye. 
At one point, you let your hand slide down the curve of Elle’s body, and you felt her shiver and pull back. 
“You okay baby?” Sam asks, putting his hand on her suddenly clammy face. 
She shifts back a bit, swallowing heavily as she runs her hand over her face, “No…I…I’ll be right back.” she says, standing up and sprinting to the bathroom.
“Fuck, is she okay?” you ask, nervously.
Sam sighs, and spins to stand from the bed. “No, she hit her limit before we ever left the bar. The tequila was a bad idea. I’ll be right back.” he says, letting his hand ghost over your cheek, swiping over your bottom lip. 
His eyes break away from yours as he makes his way to the bathroom, leaving you sitting on the disheveled sheets of the bed. Understanding that the fun was more than likely over, you pull the straps of your dress back over your shoulders, and stand up from the bed. 
Looking over the room you spot your clutch and fish for your phone, and any word from Jake, but as you pull your phone out you see nothing and toss it back inside. You make your way over to the sliding door and stare out onto the strip, marveling at the colorful lights and flashing signs. 
You let your mind wander as you let the incomprehensible feelings swirl through your body. As much as you loved Jake, why did your few moments with Sam feel like so much more than they should?
You shake the thoughts from your mind as you hear the two of them coming out of the bathroom. Sam pulls Elle’s dress from her body and slides his t-shirt over her slender frame. Your breath catches in your throat, catching such a sweet and tender moment between the two of them. Something you remember Sam doing with you, time and time again. 
You look away as you hear him tuck her into the bed, whispering into her ear. You make your way back to the dresser, gathering your clutch and heels and making your way to the side of the bed. 
“I hope you feel better Elle, I had fun with you tonight.” You say, leaning down to kiss her forehead. 
Before she can even respond her eyes are closing, and Sam is tossing you a smirk.
You start to make your way to the door, and Sam catches your hand. “Let me walk you back. I want to go smoke anyway.”
“Shouldn’t you stay with her?” You ask. 
“She got sick, I think she should be okay now. Said she just wanted to sleep.” He responded. 
You nod your head, and put your shoes back on as he redresses himself and grabs his room key. Seconds later he is whisking you through the door and towards the elevators. 
“What floor are you on?” he asks. “Actually, do you… want to come smoke with me?”
You turn to catch his gaze, knowing full well he just doesn’t want to leave you yet. 
“Sure Sammy.” you say, looping your arm with his.
He presses the button for the rooftop terrace and after a few minutes the doors are opening, depositing you at the windy rooftop bar. There are very few people around, considering that it's nearly three in the morning, the bar starting to close down. 
Sam pulls you out of the elevator, hand in hand as he tries to find a place for the two of you to stand and smoke.
Around a corner, the wall blocks the harsh wind, giving him his best chance of lighting his cigarette. With a flick of his zippo, the tip of the cigarette glows to life, a stream of smoke blowing from his lips.
He offers it to you but you decline, knowing that the rush of nicotine is the last thing you need in your system.
“You know, you never let me fully apologize for the role I played in the whole Andy thing. I need you to know I’m sorry. More sorry than I have ever been for anything in my life.” he says, taking a pull from the cigarette between his fingers, gazing out onto the strip. 
“I know you are Sammy. I forgive you. It’s done and over now. I was hurt and sad, but I am moving past it. I’m not letting him have control of my emotions anymore. Breaking my relationships with the people I loved is what he got off on. I’m not letting him do that anymore. I know you’d never hurt me. Ever. You all thought you were doing the right thing.” you reply.
He grabs your hand and squeezes it tight, acknowledging your forgiveness, and cementing the words into his mind. It’s quiet for a few minutes, and you can feel his gaze on you as you stare out onto the busy street. 
“I kind of wondered what would happen…” he trails off, looking out into the desert. 
“Just now? With Elle?” you ask, leaning your back to the railing. 
“No. With you and me. After some time…after we were both settled, so to speak. If the flame would still be there.” he admits.
“Oh…” you say.
He takes another drag from his cigarette, his hair blowing gently in the wind. 
“You know what I think?” you ask.
He turns to look at you, eyes dark and piercing even in the dead of the night. He raises an eyebrow.
“I think that you and I both know the flame will never burn out completely. Even if we both want it to. An eternal flame…” you say, trailing off. 
“Do we both want it to?” he asks, resting his hip on the rail as he faces you. 
“I think we need it to…” you answer, as he nods his head. 
“Tonight was…” you start, shaking your head struggling to find the words to say.
“Amazing? Cruel…” he finishes, reaching his hand to your hip, letting his fingers grip into your side. “To have you so close…but still just out of reach. Jake, watching my every move, like I didn’t ruin you a hundred times over right under his nose…”
You swallow harshly, knowing the exact feeling he was talking about. You knew that no matter what could have transpired tonight, it would only be a brief glimpse of what you knew he was capable of.
“What would have happened if Elle never came back?” he asks.
“Sam…” you whine, feeling his grip pull you closer to him.
“Do you ever think about it?” he asks, tamping out his cigarette.
“I don’t know.” you answer.
“Yes you do.” he says, sliding his hand up to rest at your neck, letting his thumb dig into your skin. He always did remember those special points of your body. You groaned at the sensation of his hands on you, away from prying eyes.
“I think… we would have continued doing whatever it was we were doing. I think Nashville wouldn’t have been the last time. Not by a long shot.” you answer.
“No. It wouldn’t have. Fuck, I… I would have done things so differently…I know I sound like a broken record but, I had no idea it would be the last time.” he pauses, “But then tonight…”
You nod your head as you bring your face closer to his, letting your hands rest on his arms. “Tonight…”
“Fuck…” he exhales a shaky breath, “Tonight, yesterday, every day before that, fuck Y/N…”
“What, Sammy…” you say, your lips barely ghosting over his.
“I’ll never stop.” he says, his lips grazing yours.
“Stop what?” you breathe.
“Wanting you just one more time…” he whispers.
“So don’t.” you reply, feeling his lips, cold and wet press to yours. 
The electricity zapped from your toes up through your body, a whimper leaving your throat as his tongue slid across your lips. His hands pulled you closer into him, feeling his bulge press into your stomach. Your hand slid under his shirt, and you were met with the soft warmth of his skin. His lips felt different away from Jake and Elle. Like he was the gravity holding you down to Earth, keeping you from floating away into the cosmos. His hand wound into your hair, pulling your mouth closer to his as his lips reacquainted with yours.
He inhaled a shaky breath, almost as if the contact was bringing him to tears. You peeped your eyes open to see his eyebrows furrowed, kissing you with so much intention you felt dizzy. So you returned it. You let your nails dig into his sides under his shirt, dragging them around to his front, making him physically shudder. Finally, you brought your hands back up to cup his face, pulling yourself away to catch him in a look so devastatingly intense that you felt like you might disintegrate. You were almost in tears yourself. 
His lips plush and pink, still stained with the pressure of trying to consume as much of you as he could, while he could, he blinked rapidly, honestly probably fighting back tears that you knew were also threatening you, too. He clenched his jaw and flared his nostrils, swallowing hard. 
“Y/N, I swear on my life…there will never…” he shook his head slowly, unable to find the words as he held your head steady. He breathed again. 
“You don’t need to say it, Sammy.” You whispered. “I know. I’ve known for years and years…” 
He let a laugh fall from his throat as he tilted his head back, eyes sparkling with tears he just wouldn’t let fall. 
“And what about you, huh?” His eyebrows raised. You knew what he was asking. 
You looked to the ground, searching for some way, any way to tell him, without telling him. 
So instead of speaking, you simply smiled. A wide, toothy and genuine smile that stretched from ear to ear, making you fall into a fit of shyness…nodding your head and pushing back tears. 
He returned your smile. “That’s all I needed, babe. That’s all I needed.” You let a singular tear finally crawl down your cheek, and before you could catch it, Sam’s lips caught it, kissing it away. 
He rested his forehead to yours, bringing you in for a final embrace. “Happy tears, lover. Always happy tears.” 
Your phone buzzing in your clutch pulled you back down to earth, the realization hitting you of what had just occurred. 
You pulled away quickly, grabbing your phone from your bag, seeing a text from Jake.
3:08 am
Jake: I found them. Taking Josh and Danny back to their rooms. Coming for you next. Going to finish what I started…
You let out the breath you were holding, and looked to Sam. 
“I know…” he says, nodding his head in defeat. “I’ll take you back. Thanks for coming up here with me. For this.”
“Sam, we…” you start, but his finger presses to your lips, stopping the words from escaping.
“Let’s go.” he says, sliding his finger down your arm, and lacing his fingers with yours. 
“What floor are you on?” Sam asked as you approached the elevator doors. 
“Eight. Room 801.” You responded as the doors opened, and you pulled the room key from your bag. The two of you stood in silence as the elevator ascended, way too quickly for your drunken state to handle. 
The doors opened and you headed down the hall, hands brushing by one another as you walked. 
“I had a…really good time tonight, Sam. I wish…we could have made it last just a bit longer.” You said quietly as you approached the door. 
“I had a great time, too. Never thought I’d get to be with you like that again. Ever.” He said, inching closer to you. 
“Mm, me neither. It was… a very welcome surprise.” You breathed, his mouth close to yours again. You could feel the tension growing again, threatening to break with every passing second. It was taking everything in you not to push him against the wall, run your hands all over his body, bury your tongue deep in his mouth…and let all the dirty thoughts explode from yours. 
His lips were within centimeters of yours, his nose brushing against your cheek as you fought to keep your breath steady. Your eyes began watering at the situation, the draw so strong you could faint. 
“Goodnight, lover…” he whispered, words hot on your lips as he pulled away, leaving you a heaving mess of winded breaths. You watched as he walked quickly down the hall back the opposite way you came, toward the stairwell. Strange. Maybe he needed to walk. 
As he approached the door, he turned to look at you, giving you one last longing glance before pushing through it. 
You stood for a second. Looking at the door of your hotel room, and then back to the stairwell. A thousand memories replaying in your mind in a flash of noise and color.
Before you could stop yourself, you were rushing down the hallway, not looking back. Your legs carrying you faster than you could think as you ran to the door, busting through it into the dark, shadowy stairwell. 
You found him there, leaned against the brick wall running his hands through his hair. You stood before him as his eyes found yours, chest heaving up and down with his labored breaths. You watched as his breath caught in his throat, face riddled with shock. 
“You fucking came…”
Suddenly his hands were on you, pushing you against the wall with force. His mouth instantly connected with yours as he wound his hands into your hair. 
You kissed him back, hard, violently searching for something you didn’t know you were still looking for. Something you wished away. Something that no matter how hard you tried to deny, would always be there.
He growled with anticipation, grabbing your hand and locking his fingers with yours, trailing your hands between you, forcing you to feel his erection. 
“You feel that, baby? You did that. You’ve been doing that to me all night…” you squeezed him hard through his jeans, cupping him just so that his muscles softened, a whine falling from his beautiful pink lips. 
In a flurry, you unbuckled his belt, button, and zipper, forcefully pulling him free of his confines, taking his dick fully in your hand, already pulsing. 
“God Sam you’re so hard already, what is it you want? What have you been thinking about?” You breathed, all coherent thoughts flying out the window as you let your animalistic instincts take over, beginning to move your hand up and down him quickly. 
“Shiiit baby, you. I’ve been thinking about you, fucking you, making love to you like we used to…miss it so bad, Y/N…” he whispered. 
You quickened your movements on him as he kissed you hard again, hiking your leg up over his hip, your panties absolutely drenched from want. He held your leg up with one hand, pressing himself against you. You swore you could orgasm right then and there, the feeling of his bare skin pressed against you again. Your whimpers carried out quietly through the echoey stairwell as Sam brought his hand to your center, threatening to touch you in the place that for the longest time, belonged to him. 
“Mmm, still get wet for me, baby? Let me see…” 
His fingers found your folds, tracing along the insides as he maneuvered them perfectly, quickly shaking them as he glided up your wetness. 
“Just as I thought, fucking soaked. For me, babe?” He asked. 
“A little bit for your girlfriend, but…” you teased. 
“Shut the hell up.” He laughed, shaking his head. His beautiful, adorable, sweet laugh. 
You pushed your lower half in toward him again, searching for any type of contact as he continued assaulting you with his fingers. Your hand had released him; he was gliding himself in between your folds now, feeling your warmth on him. 
“God damnit, you feel so fucking amazing, and I haven’t even…” his breath caught as you connected your mouth to his throat. 
“I fucking want you, Y/N, so bad I can hardly breathe…I literally can’t stop it….” He went on. 
You felt like another person, floating above watching yourself in the position you found yourself in. So bad, so wrong. Fuck. 
Sam’s hand was around your neck, his fingers on your pressure points as he pressed his dick against your bundle of nerves, making you gush with arousal. 
You whined hard at the feeling. “Fuck me then, Sam. Do it. Like you used to. Fill me up, I need it. I need to feel you again…” someone else was speaking through your mouth, this horrible, detrimental decision already weighing hard on you, but you needed Sam so badly right now, you surely would cease to exist if you didn’t have him. 
Just then he lifted your leg higher, and pressed into you, gently at first, then all the way in to the hilt. The noises that escaped both of your lips were filthy, foul and obscene…your mouth hung slack as you fought to catch your breath, the feeling of him inside you again climbing to the very top of your list. 
“Jesus Christ, Sam, don’t fucking stop…” you sounded pornographic in your words, the sounds you both whined echoing and bouncing off the walls. But you couldn’t care less. He pulled in and out of you at a pace that could kill you, long and languid strokes, already hitting your G-spot with ease. 
“You’re fucking beautiful, Y/N, so perfect, god I missed you, so bad…” he grunted, fighting for his life as he pressed you harder against the wall, cutting off your air supply in the most beautiful way. 
“Sammy…” you whined into his neck, pulling him in closer to you. Arching your back off the wall in an attempt to take him further. Suddenly he pulls out of you, and you hiss with the loss of contact.
“Turn around, put your hands on the wall.” he instructs, spinning you away from him, and lifting your dress.
His arm comes around to your front, and gathers your slick rubbing tight circles over your clit as you feel him press into you from this new angle. 
“Fuck me. I swear to god you feel better than I even remember.” he groans, grabbing a handful of your ass as he pounds into you. You wince as his fingers press into your bruised skin.
“Shit, baby, are you okay?” he asks, feeling you cringe against him, and you look over your shoulder to tell him to continue, but you watch as his eyes take in the state of your backside littered with tiny red bruises. 
“What is this? What is this from?” he asks, continuing to fuck into you at a slower pace. 
“Last night. Jake…He was a little jealous.” you pant out. 
“What at the piano? So he put his hands on you?” he asks, a tinge of anger in his voice.
“No. Not his hands anyways… I asked him to. I wanted it. Just forget it Sammy. He’s not here. You are. You and me.” you plead.
“If he did that for last night, what’s he gonna do about this?” he says, plunging into you with more force.
“Fuck…I don’t know. Kill us both… He’s never going to know. This is it. The last time…” you whine. “Shit Sam… you feel so fucking good…”
“You’re right. The last time…” he says, pounding into you, the loud smack of your bodies echoing through the stairwell.
“Turn around. I want to see your face when I make you cum.” he growls.
“Let’s see if you still can.” you say playfully.
“Don’t fucking test me, baby.” he says as you turn back around, pressing your back to the cold brick wall.
He grabs both of your legs and pulls them to rest around his waist as he re-enters you, a moan drifting into the air. 
“Goddamnit, how am I supposed to fucking live without this?” he grunts.
You arch into him as he hits your g-spot, and you tense around him. 
“Squeeze me like that again, gonna memorize the way your pussy feels around me.” he says, fucking up into you harder.
“I’m…I’m close Sam…I’m…” you stammer.
“I know, I know you are. I fucking know you are, I can feel you. Want you to cum lover, want you to fucking soak me while I ruin you.” he says, his words pushing you over the ledge. His lips connect to your throat, licking and nipping and biting your skin as you pulse around him, the high you’d be chasing for so long finally within reach.
“Let go. Tell me who fucks you like this while you do it. Say it. Say my name as you cum baby.” he praises.
“You! You do Sam, fuck! You do!” you cry, letting his name fall from your lips over and over as the high takes over your body, squeezing him inside of you with everything you’ve got. 
“I’m not gonna last much longer, I’ve fought it too long already.” he pants, slipping in and out of you with precision.
“Cum for me Sammy. Fucking fill me. Want to feel you everywhere.” you whisper against his lips.
A door opening below you, snaps the two of you from your trance, both of you immediately going silent.
“Y/N?” you hear Jake’s voice echo through the empty stairwell just a few floors below you. 
Oh fuck. Oh fuck. Jake. 
What have you done?
Sam slaps his hand across your mouth to stifle the sob ready to spill from your chest, causing you to clench around him. 
Seconds later you hear the door slam closed, and Sam removes his hand. “We have seconds… and I want every last one.”
You let your lips crash to his as his hips snap into you one more time, “I need you Y/N. Need this. I always will…” and with that, you feel him spill into you, the warm sensation collecting inside of you, as his moans drift directly into your ear. You close your eyes and for just a moment you let the outside world fade away. He buries his face into your neck as he cums, holding you tightly against him.
When his grip on you loosens you let your legs drop to the floor as he pulls out. He reaches between you to pull your panties back where they belong, effectively catching the release ready to spill out of you at any second. 
A sick feeling creeps into your stomach as you fix your dress, “Sam, I–” you start.
“I know. Fuck, I know. Go, quickly. Get straight into the shower. Don’t stop for anything. If you see him it’ll be too late.” he says, smoothing his sweaty hair away from his neck.
You turn to walk to the door, and just as you twist the handle, Sam’s hand catches yours. Your eyes flick to his, meeting his deep brown eyes for just a moment as he speaks, “I’ll never stop loving you, Y/N.” 
Your fingertips glide over his as you slide out the door, and away from Sam for the last time.
The walk back to your room felt like it took one hundred years, pacing up and down hallways, losing track of which floor you were on, the elevators being at opposite ends of the hotel…your mind was racing and your bearings were lost, you had fucked up. Royally. 
What the hell were you thinking? That this would just be okay? No. It wasn’t okay. It was bewildering. Breathtaking, the most high-end and insane sex you might have ever had…feeling her again was like seeing someone you thought was dead and gone, rise up and extend their hand to you, dragging you back down into purgatory with them. 
Except this purgatory was heavenly. Blissful, erotic, and downright forbidden. And it was the sweetest thing you’d ever fucking tasted. 
“Fuck!” You yelled as you lost your direction once again, finding yourself crouching on the floor on the complete wrong end of the building. You grabbed your hair in your hands, feeling like like you could rip out each and every strand, just to torture yourself for what you’d just done. 
There was no justifying this one. No explaining yourselves. You’d cheated. On the best thing you’d found in your life. With your brother’s girl. God damnit…He was never going to speak to you again. This was going to ruin everything. Ruin your relationship with him, with Elle, maybe even Josh and Daniel…the band. Fuck. Right before tour. 
You hoped to god that maybe, by some miracle, Jake wouldn’t find out. You’d rather live with the secret guilt than have him learn about it. 
You must have been walking for a half hour at least before you finally found your room, pulling the key card from your wallet and unlocking the door. You sighed heavily in preparation, easing into the dark shadowy room, finding Elle fast asleep right where you left her. You gently covered her back up, tucking the heavy blankets around her. You walked over to the mini bar and grabbed a bottle of water, placing it beside her on the table, should she wake up and need it. 
You took your shirt off and laid back down in bed, as far away from Elle as you could possibly get…the feeling of showing her affection making your stomach curdle. Maybe you should shower. Yes. 
You let yourself stand under the steaming hot water, trying like hell to wash away the scent of sex and Y/N, still lingering heavily on your body. You normally wanted to bathe in it, bask in it, but right now you felt like you couldn’t scrub it off fast enough. You cleaned yourself over and over, until your skin was red and blotchy. 
You finally decided that your skin may fall off the bone, so you stepped out and dried off, slipping back into the bed to let your body drift off into what would hopefully be the deepest sleep you’d ever had. But instead your mind wandered. Tortured itself. The memories of what you’d done, everything building up to it…it was so wrong. 
You rolled over to look to Elle, her chest heaving slowly as she breathed, deep in her sleep. Your sweet, beautiful, strong and perfect girl, like nothing you’d ever imagined…and you stepped out on her. Did the ultimate thing that no trusting person should ever do. You’d made a truly grave mistake. And you knew you were going to pay for it. 
You tap the key card to the door barely letting the light flash before you throw it open. As you step into the room, you see Y/N rushing around the room, tossing her heels to the floor and throwing down her bag as she tried to make her way into the bathroom. 
“Where the hell have you been?” you ask, “I’ve been looking everywhere for you. I texted you!”
You take notice of her flushed cheeks and her heaving chest as you step further into the room. Odd.
“I’ve been in here for a few minutes!” she says, pulling down the straps of her dress.
“No, actually you haven’t. I was just in here, and you weren’t. I thought maybe you were still in Sam and Elle’s room, but when I knocked no one answered the door.” you snap.
“Must have just missed me in passing then.” she says, letting her dress slide to the floor. Your eyes flash to her nipples, hard and standing at attention, her tits slightly swollen and red, her panties twisted to the side. Interesting.
“Well, I took the elevator straight here and you weren’t in here darlin’…thought to myself, ‘Huh, must have taken the stairs.’ A strange choice surely, but what the hell…Still no sign of you…” you say, placing your hand on her shoulder. Her skin is warm, warmer than usual, and her cheeks pink.
“Oh, I went up to the rooftop bar with Sam, he wanted to smoke a cigarette before he walked me back...” she says. 
You swipe the tangled mess of hair from her bare shoulder, as you pull her body into yours and lean into her ear. “Really baby? Because you don't smell like cigarettes.” you pause, breathing her in, “You smell like sex.”
She turns away from your grasp, and makes strides towards her suitcase. “Did you forget what we were doing earlier?” she says, busying herself with the items in her suitcase.
“Oh, I surely didn’t forget what we were doing. But I’m finding myself more intrigued by what happened when I left. Because this...” you motion to her, “...Is not how I left you.” you snap.
“Nothing happened Jake. Elle felt sick, we all stopped. Sam walked me back to the room.” she says, motioning to the door with her hand. You bite your lips together at the use of her hands. Always her dead giveaway that she was lying, but you hoped to god you were wrong.
“But first a quick pit stop on the roof, right…” you correct.
“Oh, yeah…sorry. What’s with the inquisition? Aren’t you exhausted? Let’s go to bed…” she says, trying to change the subject. But you know. You know her better than anyone knows her. You know exactly how she looks when she's been satisfied.  
“Suddenly I’m not tired at all…” you say, grabbing her hand and pulling her towards you.
You bring your face to her neck and inhale, but what you breathe in is not just her.
“You know, on second thought, you do smell like cigarettes. But you’re not the one that smoked them.” you say, releasing her to stumble back a few steps.
“Yeah, I told you. Sam smoked.” she says, defensively.
“Right, so then what the fuck was his mouth doing on your neck? Your throat? Your chest?! I can smell him all over you Y/N!” you yell, gesturing to her throat.
Her face flashes red as she realizes what you’re asking.
“What are you insinuating Jacob?” she snaps.
“I think you know goddamn good and well what i’m insinuating Y/N! Answer the fucking question!” you yell.
She doesn’t answer, and instead faces away from you, cementing her guilt. 
“Tell me I’m fucking wrong, Y/N! Tell me it’s not what I think! Tell me it's the alcohol messing with my head, because surely it can’t be what I think it is!”
“Stop it Jake!” she screams, a tear springing from her eye.
You step back, and look her up and down, her disheveled appearance finally clicking in your brain. Shock is surely painted all over your face. They didn’t just makeout, no. He fucked her. He fucked her minutes ago.
“Should have known the second I turned my back you would do this. Should have never gone up to their room. In fact, it was never about Elle was it? Just used her as a pawn to get what you wanted. Always just getting what you want, huh, Y/N? You two probably fucking planned this didn’t you?” you seethe.
“Yesterday all cuddled up on the fucking piano… Should have fucking known. I knew this shit would happen.” you snap.
She recoils at your statement, crying harder than you’ve probably ever seen her, but you feel nothing.
“Did he fuck you real good, Y/N? Remember all those special places you just love so much?” you say, shaking your head at her.
“Jake, stop! We…we talked about it! I thought you–” she pleads, trying to grab your hands, but you yank them away from her, completely repulsed by her touch.
“We did?! When exactly did I say it was okay to fuck my brother behind my back? I may have been drinking but I’ll be goddamned if I would ever agree to that! Where’d he fuck you? The bathroom? The elevator? The roof? The stairwell?” you snap, seeing her eyes flash to yours.
“Oh, the stairs…The fucking stairwell I was just in. Probably heard me call your name as he was fucking you, huh? Few more flights and I could have seen you whoring it up with my brother? Fucking sick.” you say, pushing off the dresser, beginning to gather a few things into your pockets.
“You have two seconds…two seconds to tell me the truth. Tell me what you’ve done or I’m fucking out of here.” you say, locking eyes with her.
Her eyes blink away the tears rapidly falling, and her lip trembles, but no sound comes out.
“One.” you say, grabbing your things from the bed. 
“Jake…” she breathes.
“Tell me right fucking now Y/N…Say it out loud. Did you fuck him yes or no…” you press, knowing the answer, but wanting to hear her say it.
You make your way over to her, grabbing her chin between your thumb and pointer finger, as you look into her eyes that are frantically searching yours. 
“Two.” you snap, but still no words leave her lips. She’s done it, and didn’t even have the decency to admit it.
You push her face away, spotting the necklace hanging around her neck, gripping the chain in your fist and snapping the metal as you free it from her. You throw it against the wall as hard as you can as you make your way to the door. “Fucking means nothing! Nothing!”
Her sobs rip through the room, completely devastated, but she deserves it. She completely betrayed you. 
“No! Jake, please! Where are you going?” she begs, tears streaming down her sobbing body.
You swallow harshly, “Anywhere you’re not. Do not fucking call me. Do not text me. Disappear for all I care.” and you slip through the door, slamming it shut behind you.
Your world feels like it’s crashing down around you the second the door shuts. You can hear her cries through the heavy wooden door, and you feel your heart twist in your chest. 
You frantically pull your phone from your pocket, but as your screen lights up with a photo of her you quickly shove it back into your pocket with a disgusted huff.
Trekking to the elevator you press the button for floor eleven, thanking yourself for swiping Josh’s extra room key earlier. You are completely out of your mind as the elevator makes its way up the few floors. 
Stepping out with only your phone and your wallet you search for his room, completely unsure of what you’re even going to say to him when you do barge in. Tapping the key to his door you are met with pitch black darkness and the sound of his snores. 
You shut the door quietly behind you, and kick off your shoes, making your way to the small couch near the window calling the small expanse of cushions home for the night. He hasn’t heard you enter, and you’re definitely not going to wake him up and explain all of this. 
Instead you lay down onto your side and try to close your eyes, but the image of her and Sam in the hotel room tonight is still fresh in your mind. You would have never agreed to any of this had you known. The part that was eating you alive was the fact she wanted him enough to even consider sleeping with him when you left. 
Did you really not satisfy her? Had you ever?
Rolling to your back, you pushed the images from your head, but were met with a new image of her face just a few short minutes ago. Red, puffy, completely distraught. What did she expect? You to not notice?
You felt your eyes well with tears. Surely this wasn’t the same girl you’d loved your whole life. The same girl who said she loved you just the same? The girl who promised to love no other?
A tear slipped down your cheek as you brought your phone to life, once again being met with the image of her, just a few weeks ago at the cabin, curled up in front of the fireplace in nothing but your flannel.
Your heart constricted and a choked sob left your chest. How could she do this to you? Had she not tortured you enough? When was enough, enough? How could the two of you ever come back from this? You half expected her to call you, text you, even though you told her not to. Telling her to disappear? How could you be so cruel?  How could she be so cruel?
Then, your mind drifted to Sam. Your own flesh and blood. The ultimate betrayal. You had been kind enough to agree to the things that happened in your presence. Something you didn’t even have to do. In fact you had even given him a little more than anticipated, and how did he repay you? 
You flipped to your other side, repositioning the pillow underneath you, hoping and praying you would fall asleep soon, and be taken somewhere else. Somewhere where none of this existed. But as your eyes finally grew heavy, your mind was filled with her, and the broken look on her face, as if she already knew it was over.
In his drunken stupor Josh didn’t close the blinds and the blazing hot morning sun peered in through the window promptly at 6:00am. You had managed a few hours of sleep on the stiff couch, and through Josh’s snoring, but you knew you had to slip out before he ever knew you were here. The last thing you wanted to do was answer his questions. 
You pulled yourself up from the couch, and slid your shoes on, making a quick stop in the bathroom before quietly slipping out the door. Your phone buzzed in your pocket, alerting you to your flight in a few hours. Fuck I still have to pack. 
Your mind raced as you made your way back to your room, wondering what you would find when you got there. Your heart was pounding as you opened the door, finding the room silent and a complete mess. It was dark, just a small peek of light shining through the curtains. Just enough to find your girl in one of your t-shirts, and completely wrapped around one of your flannels, clearly falling asleep as she cried into it. 
Your heart ached at the sight of her, mostly because you weren’t sure if she was your girl still. Or if you even still wanted her to be. You took one last look at her, letting yourself have a few more seconds to feel sorry for yourself, and then you looked away. Now it was time to get serious.
You walked over to the curtains, pulling them open to let the bright light in, and searching for your suitcase. You picked it up and tossed it on the bed, before collecting your things and throwing them inside with no care on whether or not you would wake her. She hadn’t considered you, why should you consider her?
The commotion caused Y/N to sit up suddenly, looking around the room. Her eyes were still red and puffy, and you’re sure she had only fallen asleep what must have been minutes prior to your arrival.
“Jake…” she groaned.
You ignored her, staying focused on your task, packing your things neatly into the metal suitcase.
You made your way to the bathroom, collecting up your toiletries and returning to the room. 
“Jake?” she asks, a little louder. 
You take a deep breath and look at her. “Yes?” you snap.
“Can you– Can we talk?” she begs.
“Are you ready to tell the truth?” you ask.
She looks at you, searching for any words that could possibly explain her situation.
“I said, are you ready to tell the truth…” you quip.
You grab a change of clothes from your suitcase, quickly stripping off your dirty, slept in clothes and exchanging them for the clean items. The items that smell like her favorite laundry detergent. That she washed and folded for you, just for this trip. You swallow heavily, pushing the sentiment to the side of your mind. 
Nothing leaves her lips, and her eyes begin to blink rapidly at the harshness of your tone. 
“Thought you wanted to talk.” you seethe.
“I do!” she begs.
“Then fucking say something!” you shout. “It’s simple Y/N. Did you fuck my brother, yes or no?” you ask, condescendingly.
A tear rolls down her cheek, a quiet few seconds passing before she finally whispers, “Yes.”
“I fucking knew it.” you say, slamming your suitcase shut, and pulling the zipper.
“Jake I–” she starts, before you cut her off.
“Do you love him?” you snap. 
She stares at you wide eyed.
“Answer the question.” you say.
She shakes her head in confusion, and scrambles to stand from the bed. She walks over to you, placing her hand on your arm. Her skin on yours feels like hot coals, burning you in the worst way.
“Yes or no, Y/N.” you say, snapping your arm away from her.
“I don’t know! No! I used to love him, I think! I don’t anymore! It was a mistake, Jake!” she cries. 
“You don’t know!? Well, here’s an easy one for you…Do you love me?” you ask, pulling your suitcase to the floor.
“Yes! Of course I do! You know I love you Jake! I love you more than anything!” she shouts.
“Really?! You could have fucking fooled me! I’m pretty sure love doesn’t look like getting railed by my brother in a fucking stairwell while I search the entire goddamn hotel for you! Then trying to lie and say nothing happened!” you screamed.
“Jake! It wasn’t like that! It–It just happened! We were drinking and smoking, none of us were in our right minds! I don’t know what happened! It didn’t mean anything it just…I don’t know…I fucked up! I don’t know!” she trailed off, trying to collect her thoughts.
“I don’t understand Y/N! I give and I give and I give, and it’s still not enough! You still want him! Why? Why am I not enough?! How can you stand there and tell me that you love me, and then do something like this? How can I ever trust you again?” you shout.
“You are enough Jake! I’m just an idiot! I fucked up. I will never forgive myself. Please, please just stay! We can fix this! I will fix this!” she cries.
“As far as I’m concerned, this…” you pause, motioning between the two of you, “...is fucking destroyed. There is no fix. Do you get that?” you say.
She all but crumbles onto the bed, “Jake…please, you–you don’t mean that…”
You roll your suitcase to the door, and twist the handle, “I do. I do mean it.”
“Are you trying to tell me that you weren’t going to sleep with Elle last night? I saw you! I saw you two together. You wanted her just as bad as she wanted you! The whispering! The noises!” she says.
Heat rises into your face, as you let your words simmer in your mind before letting them fall like razors from your tongue. “Of course I fucking wanted to! Fuck we almost did! But you know what would have happened first? I would have fucking told you. I would have made one hundred percent sure that you were okay with it. Sam too. Then and only then, would I have actually considered it. But you know what? Given the circumstances, maybe I still can. What’s fair is fair, right Y/N?” you say with a shrug. You watch her visibly recoil at the thought.
“Jake! No!” she begs, pulling herself up from the bed. 
“What? It’s okay for you to go behind my back, but it’s not okay for me to go behind yours? Interesting rules in your fucked up little game, Y/N…” you seethe, turning towards her.
“It was a mistake…Please don’t go…I’m so sorry.” she cries.
You shake your head, completely distraught over her every painfilled word. It’s then you spot the necklace you threw so carelessly the night before, crumpled and twisted on the floor, causing your own eyes to well with tears. You flip your sunglasses down over your eyes, and swallow back the lump in your throat. 
You turn to look at her one last time. “It’s too late for ‘I’m sorry’, you should have thought about this while you were screaming someone else's name in a stairwell like a whore… I have to go. Need to go pay someone a visit.”
“Jake, please! Please, you can’t tell her! She–Let Sam tell her. Please!” she hardly manages through her constant tears. 
“I’ll take that into consideration…” you say facetiously. 
“I’ll do anything! Anything! Just don’t go…I…”
“No...You know what? I think you’ve done enough.” you snap.
It guts you as the words leave your mouth. The finality of your words rolling around in your head as you force yourself to step through the door and let it close behind you.
As your feet drag you down the hallway, you press the button for the elevator and as the doors slide open you finally know how it feels to be on the giving end of leaving.
Chapter 20
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thenewblackcanvas · 11 months
Spooky 3 (California Kings// Poly Chanlix)
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poly chanlix (bang chan x reader x felix) themes: polyamory/throuple, fluffy, funny, two boyfriend shenanigans, mention of sex, alaskan king bed (not californian king), three parts of halloween with your boyfriends ♡ Spooky Season 2023♡
Part I: Costumes
“Ok boys,” you announced as you jumped onto the bed where the two were relaxing. “spooky season is upon us. It is time to decide on costumes.“
Felix sat up excitedly. “Oh yeah! We have to do something good.”
“Should we go trio again?”
Chan, who was watching tv, paused his video. “It’s one of the fun things about being together. You have to take advantage of it.”
You nodded. “Important question: are either of you opposed to wearing dresses?”
Chan seemed confused but Felix just shrugged. “Nah.” Chan echoed the same sentiment after a moment before adding “Do you have a good idea or do you just want to see us in dresses?”
“Yeah,” Felix added. “Because we’ll do it anytime.”
The thought made you giddy but you refocused. “In that case, we could always go classic trio. Powerpuff Girls!”
The men seemed less than enthused. 
You shrugged “Just a thought.”
“Hmm,” Chan hummed in thought. “What about Ghostbusters?”
“There are 4 Ghostbusters.” You frowned.
He groaned, rolling his eyes. “Ok maybe we just say Stantz is sick.”
Felix shook the mattress as he jumped up and down in excitement. “O! What about Batman, Robin, and Batgirl!”
Your eyes light up. “That’s a great idea!”
Chan sat up, now excited as well. “Good idea, Lix!”
“I wanna be Robin!” the younger says.
“I’ll be Batman. Robin shouldn’t go kissing my girl though.” Chan jests.
He starts searching for costumes on his laptop as Felix protests next to him. “Actually Dick and Barbara were together-” 
“Sure, Boy Wonder.”
Felix jumps on Chan as they begin to play fight. You laugh as you take the laptop and peruse through a list of trio costumes. Some are interesting though less fun than Felix’s idea, others have you cringing at the suggestions.
“Oh what about Woody, Buzz, and Jessie from Toy Story!”
Chan sits up from where he has Felix pinned under him, holding the boy’s wrists in his hand. “Oh that’s a good one too!”
Felix squirms under him. “I wanna be Buzz!”
“Trying to get with my girl again, Lightyear?”
“Buzz and Jessie are together!”
Chan knows that but has fun egging his boyfriend’s ranting on.
Next to them, you add both positively received ideas to the list, knowing you might have to deal with it more later since your boyfriends seem riled up now.
Part II: Party Party...yeah?
Three drunks at party can get rough.
Part of the time you three are glued together, somewhere in the middle of where the dancing is happening, grinding on each other in a way that has people that don’t know you questioning if they’re going to see a threesome and the three of you about to give them that show.
The other times you are all lost in the dim party lighting unsure of when you separated. You become aware of the lack of warmth you’re used to and drunkenly look for your boyfriends. Thankfully, you find your oldest boyfriend with a trash bag. Somehow he’s managed to clean part of the kitchen in the time you lost track of him. With a groan, you take the bag from him. “We need to find Lixxie. I’m tired and the music is making me want to hit someone.”
He seems to sober up ever so slightly, recognizing you’re at the point where you can’t handle being around other people like this. Last time he and Felix insisted on you staying with them you ended up passing out in a linen closet and they couldn’t find you for three hours.
He takes your hand intending to lead you but you walk much faster. You want to find your third before you start crying. Alcohol and your emotions make for a rollercoaster when you aren’t careful. 
And with the way the three of you were downing "ghost shots" when you arrived, you weren’t careful at all.
Chan spots the blonde in his Robin costume. You didn’t see him at first but saw the man sifting through the bowl of candy as you approached. 
“You remember we have candy at home right?” Chan says making Felix jump. He was barely phased by the older being strangely close, instead, his attention turned to your purse. “Yeah, but this is free candy.” He gently tugs you closer to him by the strap. You’re confused for a second, not having paid attention too much thanks to how good he looks in his costume, until you realize what he’s doing. He unzips your bag, dumping his loot in. The purse is more decorative than anything else but he doesn’t seem to care much.
“Technically our candy IS free for you because I bought it.” Chan chastises though doesn’t try to stop him. Clearly, he wasn’t listening anyway as he took a final mini snicker before zipping the bag.
He finally looks up at you, whining. “Can we go home now?”
Chan rolls his eyes probably muttering how that is why you both came to find him but you're so endeared by him you just nod and take his hand.
Part III: Back to Bed
Coming into the house was already alleviating the pressure you felt. As if you couldn’t stand it anymore you started to strip as you made for the bedroom immediately. Felix follows suit, mask then cape, before basically breaking the back of the outfit to pull it down around his waist. Chan starts cleaning up behind you two silently.
By the time you flop back on the bed, you’ve somehow managed to pull yours completely off.
Chan sees Felix struggling with the tightness of the pants. You open your eyes at the grunt Felix lets out. As you watch Chan start to strip Felix you feel the sparks of arousal. Felix in turn helps your Batman do the same. Your mind starts to delve further into desire as he fixes Chan’s hair after undressing him. It’s short-lived as Felix pouts, putting his arms out to hug you but tackling you backward onto the bed instead. You laugh as you stroke his head. His hair tickles you while he buries his face in your neck. You look up, wondering why Chan hasn’t joined yet. 
Silently, he’s picking up everything on the floor. You watch for a moment as he flints around the room like a fairy, cleaning the tornado that is his drunken partners. You laugh to yourself as you get up. Doing as you did earlier, you take the discarded costume from his hand. He looks confused but lets you lead him to the bed. You sit on the bed, holding his hand to drag him with you as you scoot back. Felix finds you again with his eyes still closed as Chan lays on his back with a deep sigh. 
The alcohol settles in your system again as you feel how tired you are. 
Chan seems to feel the same. “Only two more to go.”
“Huh?” you look over to him, his hands behind his head and his eyes closed.
He opens an eye to peek at you. “Minho’s party is next week.” Chan states.
“And our company party is on Halloween.” Felix adds.
You groan loudly rolling to your side to curl into a ball. Somehow you’d forgotten it was only the 20th. “We shoulda just gone as ghosts.”
Felix laughs and he sits up resting on your side. “Sounds like more free candy to me.”
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spooky season mlist * poly chanlix
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agaypanic · 1 year
Can you pretty pretty please do like idk an extension or like same world as the first time fic but Reese gives reader head for the first time, beggingggg, the first time fic was so good I need more reese smut like pumped into my veins
On His Knees (Reese Wilkerson X Reader Smut)
Request Something
Summary: Reese just wants to please you. Who are you to deny him?
A/N: the amount of requests i have for reese rn are insane, yall are horny for this mf i swear lol also this can be seen as part 2 to The First Time or as a stand alone. again, i’ve never written anything like this before so feedback would be greatly appreciated :) 
CW: oral sex (fem receiving)
“I dunno, Reese.” You said nervously, twiddling your fingers as you sat on your bed. “My parents will be home soon, and… we’ve never done that before.” You hated that you felt so shy, which was a stark contrast to your boyfriend’s boldness. You had brought him over after school to spend time together, and while watching some dumb show, he suddenly asked if he could give you head.
Reese was known to speak before thinking.
“So now is the perfect time to try it!” He grinned, grabbing your hands. “Look, if you don’t wanna do it, we don’t have to. I’m just saying it could be fun.” You thought for a moment. He was right. How could you know if it’d be something you’d enjoy if you don’t at least attempt it? Plus, there was something about him being so excited to get you off that made you really horny.
“But, if I feel weird about it at any point, we stop. Deal?”
“Deal.” To seal it, he squeezed your hands before letting go to lean over and kiss you. You lost yourself in the moment; his lips on you always had that effect. One moment you were sitting on your bed facing each other and making out. The next, you were lying down with your legs hanging off the side, Reese’s lips trailing down your neck and chest while he kneeled on the floor before you. As he ventured lower, you were suddenly very grateful that you were wearing a skirt.
You moaned at Reese flipping your skirt up and prying your thighs apart. After giving you a look that asked for permission, he hooked his fingers in your underwear and pulled them down and off your legs. You shuddered at the sudden air that hit you.
Sensing that you might still be nervous, Reese grabbed one of your hands that lay on the bed, giving a tight squeeze before diving in. He gave an experimental lick through your folds, and you became even more grateful that you were alone in the house. A moan rips its way through your body, way louder than you expected. You went to cover your mouth, and Reese pulled away.
“Don’t do that.” He gently ordered. “Wanna make sure I’m making you feel good, pretty girl.” The nickname just made you wetter as he dove back in. He gently sucked on your clit and you stiffened, making him raise his head again. “Want me to-”
Reese was quickly cut off by you burying your free hand in his hair, pushing his face back to your pussy, and squeezing your thighs around his head.
“More.” That was all you said, but he got the message loud and clear. 
He went to work, alternating between licking and sucking. You’d give out a moan and tug on his hair, making him groan into you, the vibrations leading to another cry from you, so the cycle continued. The abuse on your clit was wearing you down fast, and soon enough, you felt yourself teetering on the edge of an orgasm.
“Reese, please.” You begged, grinding on his face. His free hand gripped your hip and after a few laps at your slit, you were a loud, shaking mess. He moved to pin your hips down with his arm and continued his assault on your pussy, helping you ride out your high.
When you came down and started to squirm away from him, Reese pulled away and massaged your thighs as he looked up at you.
“So… How was that?” You lifted your head to look down at him. The sight almost made you push his head back to your core. His lips and chin were covered in your juices, cheeks flushed, and hair sticking out in different directions.
“Good.” With the little bit of strength you had, you tugged Reese off of the floor and on top of you. You kissed him, tasting yourself. “So good.”
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hi!! i understand if you don’t feel comfortable writing this but could you maybe do a lil thing where someone from the gang realizes reader tried to like. die. and the gang kinda comforts them? again u don’t need to lol
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Mental health with the boys
A/N: i’ve got these two asks that are kinda similar so i’m gonna write a bit of a combination of the two. i’ll also say i’m not very yk- all knowing when it comes to this stuff so i’m only taking from my own experiences.
Tags: angsty fluff maybe?
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if you told him you were struggling with your mental health Darry would most likely be the most sensible of the boys in the sense that he’d help you find a therapist over just helping you deal with stuff himself. he’d always be there for you when you needed him and he’d help you come up with coping mechanisms. if it was an ED he might make a meal plan with you and you could come over to the curtis’ every evening for dinner if that helped you to eat. he wouldn’t put pressure to eat though of course.
Soda would be like darry in some ways but also he wouldn’t be in other ways. If he found out you were struggling he would be the most caring and supportive person ever in your healing journey. i honestly doubt that a therapist would be his first thought process but it might come a little later. i think he’d try to keep things lighthearted for the most part to try and help you maybe to forget your problems for a little while when you’re together.
Ponyboy, oh poor pony. he really wouldn’t know what to do, especially since he’s so young. he’d try to comfort you hand help as much as he can but he would most likely go to darry for advice on what to do. the one thing i think he’d do well is noticing when you’re getting anxious or something. maybe you tap your foot or bounce your knee, maybe you fiddle with your pen or switchblade or something. whatever it is he’d notice and when he does notice these things, he probably won’t say anything but he’d put his hand on your arm and then if he knew that you didn’t mind hugs when you were anxious he’d hug you.
Dally..as much as i wanna say “he’d be so supportive and always there for you blah blah blah” he wouldn’t really. i mean he’d try to understand but since he’s spent his whole life burying his emotions and ignoring his problems that he wouldn’t know where to begin when trying to help someone else. because of that he’d go to darry for help, so then like i said in darry’s section he’d help you find a councillor or a therapist or something. one thing that i like to think is that when you come home from your therapy sessions that you talk about stuff like coping mechanisms that you can use and then dal would start trying to use them. in some way, you’d be learning how to heal together.
Two-Bit ml, he’d be very different than you might think he would. i mean in the film specifically (in my opinion) he’s presented as always joking and quite frankly- dumb. in the book he is presented similarly but he has a few moments where he can get very philosophical even (dk if that’s the right word or not) when he talks about what life is like for the greasers. given these i think that Two would be very helpful, i honestly think that he secretly has his own stuff going on so he might be able to relate to how you feel and he would 100% help as much as possible. same as pony he’d notice what you do when you get anxious so he’d be first to help you when you do.
I love Steve but if you started crying in front of him he’d be so awkward. he doesn’t really- get sad. he gets angry instead. so he has no clue what to do when someone cries in front of him. he’d go to soda for help on what to do. then soda would go to darry and basically what he does it what darry would do. just like dally over time he’d start to adopt the coping mechanisms you learned and he’d start dealing with his own things too. he’d start journaling. don’t ask why, he just would.
Johnny…well as always with johnny im kinda stumped so ignore how bad this is ok? johnnys sweet, but he’s dealing with so much he just finds it hard to help you yk? you two would lay in the lot and vent to each other but i don’t know if either of you would help each other too much? i say maybe you would convince each other to get professional help n stuff though. in school you two would sneak off together if one of you needed to get away from everything for a bit. again like some of the others, you’d learn to heal together, only this time you’re both aware of it. unlike dal and steve who would try to hide it.
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firecrxtch · 8 months
Frilly fuckin' smelly shit
hiii i wrote a silly little thing🫧🛁💙🩵
Summary: Maybe a bath with your hubby isn't so bad after all
Tags: Fluff, pure fucking fluff, bath bombs as a love language, post-canon
Words: 766
Rating: Teen
or read under the cut
When Ian emerges from the bathroom, he finds Mickey sprawled out on the couch, phone in hand while the TV is playing in the background.
“Ey,” he says. “What are you up to?”
“I, uh, just filled up the tub. Thought you might join me?” Ian says, fiddling with the ring on his finger.
Micky opens his mouth to speak, but Ian interrupts before he can get any words out.
“I got that soap that doesn’t smell too strong, because I know you hate that, and just one big candle so we don’t sit in total darkness - or we could just keep the lamp on, if you prefer. I don’t know, I just thought it could be nice if…”
“Ian,” Mickey says, looking tense.
Ian instantly regrets asking.  
“Listen, man, I-uh, I’m just not really into it. There’s not enough room for both of us and the faucet was digging into my back the whole time and… I just don’t like it.”
Ian tries his hardest not to look like a kicked puppy and he’s clearly not succeeding, because Mickey’s eyes grow soft, and Ian can tell he’s choosing his words very carefully.
“I’d rather just hang out with you on the couch, we could watch a movie or something?”
Ian keeps fiddling with his ring.
“Yeah, of course. Sorry, you told me you didn’t like it last time. I’m gonna go take a bath, I guess.” Ian says and turns around before Mickey can protest.
He closes the door to the bathroom, feeling fucking pathetic when his vision blurs. It’s not that big of a deal. It’s just a bath, not the end of the world, there’s no reason to be crying over a fucking bath. He quickly undresses and looks at the burning candle standing on the edge of the tub. He blows it out and turns on the overhead lights before submerging himself in the warm water. It's just a bath and Mickey doesn’t like it and Ian needs to get the fuck over it. He's not even in the mood for a bath anymore, but he already filled the tub, so he might as well fucking use it. Besides, he could do with a little alone time right now.
His eyes blink open when he hears the bathroom door creak. Mickey is standing in the door, looking at him with soft apologetic eyes. Mcikey’s eyes land on the blown-out candle before he fishes a lighter from his pocket and lights it. He then turns off the lamp and bares his skin in the golden candlelight. Neither of them says anything when Mickey gets into the tub.
They stare at each other from across the tub for a good minute before Mickey, with great difficulty, turns around and ankers his back against Ian’s chest, causing a bit of water to splash out and land on a little brown bag on the floor.
“What’s that?” Mickey asks.
In the midst of feeling sorry for himself, Ian had almost forgotten that he bought it.
“Oh, uh, it’s just a bath bomb. It’s stupid, don’t know why I bought it. Could give it to Franny, maybe.” Once again Mickey remains silent as his dripping hand emerges from the tub and picks up the bath bomb. It’s dark blue with a bit of glitter. It smells like lavender with a hint of citrus and Ian might have thought of Mickey when he bought it.
“Wanna do the honors?” Mickey asks hands it to Ian.
It quickly darkens the water, looking almost black, the glitter reflecting in the candlelight like starts in the night sky.
“You didn’t have to do that. I know you hate it,” Ian says reveling in the feeling of Mickey’s naked back against his chest, the way he fits so perfectly, tucked under Ian’s chin.
“I couldn’t just leave you out here alone, haven’t got a chance against those puppy eyes you gave me. Anyway, it’s not too bad when I don’t have metal digging into my back, you know,” Mickey shrugs, and Ian can’t help but smile.
“Got something else digging into my back, though,” he says, wiggling around where Ian’s soft cock kisses Mickey’s lower back.
“Shut up,” Ian giggles and he can feel Mickey laughing along with him.
“You are gonna have to clean all this glitter from my ass later, though,” he says.
Ian can’t help but plant a kiss on top if Mickey’s head.
“I can probably manage that.”
“Also, I get to pick the bath bomb next time,” Mickey says and turns his head, matching Ian’s beaming smile.
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lunajay33 · 2 years
Destiny Part.3🐺
Summary: Paul has just shifted to his new life as a wolf and feels empty without his imprint hoping he finds her soon, y/n just moved to forks to live with her dad and sister Bella and decides to go to the bone fire to make new friends
This chapter: Y/n tells Paul how she feels about being lonely and always living in her sisters shadow and Paul is there for her
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Paul stayed with me all day at Emily’s and Sams, they all made me feel better but just the thought of having to go home and deal with Bella quickly ruined my mood and the pain from my accident was only getting worse, more sore
“Are you okay?” Paul asked as he pushed my hair out of my face
“Oh ya I’m….I can’t lie to you for some reason” I sighed
“Then don’t, let it out” he said sitting closer, giving me his full attention
“I’m in so much pain, physical obviously my body is basically just one big bruise but…. I hate being around Bella, sure she’s my sister but she makes me feel like I’m stupid and worthless, she never lets me be me, it’s always what she wants, it’s always been about her, ever since I was born I can’t remember a moment that didn’t revolve around her, even my birthdays she’d somehow take the spotlight, not that I want to be the center of attention all the time, I just want to be me already”
It was silent for a moment making me feel like this was a mistake
“I’m sorry I shouldn’t have….I” I had to be alone for a moment
I walked up to the bathroom and sat on the floor letting my emotions through, my tears streaming down my face like a waterfall, I tried to stay quiet but I couldn’t help the few whimpers
Paul’s POV~
Y/n just spilled her heart out to me and I was stunned I needed a moment to calm down and not get angry over what Bella made her feel like
Then she stumbled over to the washroom and I could hear her crying it broke my heart, I was so new to this I didn’t know what to do, that’s when everyone came into the house
“Hey where’s y/n?” Emily asked and I knew that all of the pack could already hear her crying
“I….she told me her, she not feeling okay and I just wanna make her feel better but I don’t know how”
“Just be there for her Paul, that’s all she wants” Emily said reassuring me
I quickly made my way to the bathroom and knocked on the door
“Y/n please let me in” slowly the door opened and the emotional pain she showed made me want to hold her in my arms and never let her go
“Paul I’m sorry if I made you uncomfortable, I’ve just been holding that in for so long”
“No I’m glad you could confide in me, you always can”
Normal pov~
Paul opened his arms and I didn’t need to think twice, I threw myself into his arms, he was so warm he was home
“Paul can I ask you a question?”
“Of course” he said leaning back to look at me
“Why do I feel so peaceful around you like this is always where I was meant to be, even as I kid I got butterflies just thinking about you”
“I suppose I should finally tell you, but first let me show you” he said holding my hand and leading me out to the backyard
I didn’t say anything, even though I was confused I trusted him wholeheartedly
“I know this might scare you but please just stay there and then after I’ll explain everything okay” he said stepping back from me leaving a big space between us
He started shaking and the next thing I know his clothes rip apart and there’s a huge beautiful wolf in front of me
He whined when I didn’t say anything for awhile so I walked up to him and dragged my hand through his fur
He was so soft and I couldn’t help but wrap my arms around his neck and snuggled close, for a while I stayed there just wanting to stay he forever, I pulled back to look at him
“You’re so beautiful!” I smiled and slowly he shifted back
“You’re not scared?” He asked confused
“Why would I be scared I trust you, but I would love to understand how you can do this, and how it relates to my question” I said smiling
He looked at me shocked, he leaned in and pulled me into a kiss, it was sweet and I knew that we were meant to be
“What was that for?”
“Because I couldn’t hold myself back anymore, I’ve wanted to do that since the fire” he said as we walked back inside
Everyone was sitting around seemingly like they were waiting for us, we sat down and everyone looked at us
“So are you all wolves?” I asked breaking the silence
“Yes everyone here except Emily” Sam said
“When we become wolves we can find our imprint, soulmate, it’s rare but when it happens you know instantly because they are the only one you want, to be with, to protect, to love, that’s what Emily is, she my imprint I’m the o my one in the pack to have an imprint well….until now” Sam stated
I looked over at Paul excited
“Wait am I your imprint?!”
“Yes, it makes sense, why I always had this pull towards you even as kids all I wanted to do was play around with you but since you were with Jake all the time I thought you liked him”
“I always felt the same about you but Jake is like my brother, right Jake?”
“Ya she’s my little sis, I could never see her like that”
“See, but what does that mean for us now?” I asked
“Anything you want, friend, boyfriend” Paul said nervously
“Well its not just my life, what do you want Paul”
“I’d like to be your boyfriend honestly” I could see a little blush creeping up his cheeks
“I’d like that very much, a lot actually” I smiled and he pulled me into a hug
“Oooh I’m still sore” I laughed
“Sorry beautiful, I should probably bring you home now though don’t want your dad killing me”
“Okay, thanks for having me here, I’ll see you guys later” I said as we left
I went to get on my bike but Paul pulled me back
“Nuh uh I’m not letting you on that death machine”
“How else am I suppose to get home?”
“Ill get you home in a second” he backed up again and grew into a wolf, its still so amazing to me
He leaned down motioning to his back with his head
“Are you sure?” I asked as I walked up to him
He nodded and I slowly got on not wanting to hurt him
I held on and we were off, he was so fast I felt so free and like he said we were back at my place in an instant
I hoped off rubbing him as I walked forward so he could see me
“Thanks for today Paul” I said as I kissed his snout and he licked my face
“Jake has my number, get it from him so we can talk” I said as I rubbed behind his ear
“Goodnight Paul!”
He pushed up against me and he ran off
I walked into my house and was instantly bombarded
“Where have you been?” Bella asked as she crossed her arms
“I was with Paul at Emily’s house”
“I told you not to be around him”
“My life isn’t your business, just like how you live those blood suckers aren’t my business”
“How do you know that?”
“I’m Paul’s imprint, he told me everything”
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tangerinesperfume · 1 year
Safe in the silence, we don’t have to leave (just hold on to me, I’ll hold on to you)
Sam does not know what to do. She has no idea how to fix this.
She’s starting to think that maybe she’s not qualified for this. She knew how to deal with hungry Tara, upset Tara, out-of-breath Tara, shy Tara, chatty Tara, almost every version of Tara
But right now, she’s experiencing a Tara that’s panicking and sobbing so hard that she’s probably unaware of her surroundings. Pretty much inconsolable.
Sam’s best guess is that a nightmare occurred since she’s 100% sure that Tara went to bed.
So, here she is, trying her best to fix this.
“Tara sweetie,” Sam quietly says, “do you wanna tell me what’s wrong?”
Tara is underneath the dining table, huddled in a fetal position, unresponsive to Sam’s words. Just crying very loudly, only slightly muffled by the way her face is hidden in her knees.
She’s been there for the last 20 minutes and Sam is getting a little bit scared.
She considers reaching out for Tara and just pulling her into her embrace to hide and protect her from the world, keep her cocooned in the empty curves of her heart that only fit her little Tara.
But she knows better, Tara just started getting used to holding onto Sam’s arms whenever they’re out and about and she gave Sam a total of 3 hugs. She’s doesn’t want to push it when Tara is this vulnerable.
She’s not used to being patient but she sits there, a few feet away, waiting for Tara to give any sort of sign.
Sam starts humming a sweet tune, praying that it might have some effect on Tara; she knows Tara likes it when she sings. She’s known for a while now that Tara hides herself close by her whenever she’s singing, she’s been singing to herself a little more loudly for her one special, hidden audience member.
Time passes by, either Tara feels better or she’s just worn out. The loud sobbing is reduced to hiccups and tears, while Sam’s soft humming is the loudest sound in the house accompanied by Tara’s shaky breathing.
When Tara turns her head to face Sam. She’s met with her big sister’s sweet smile, her big sister’s face that she knows will never hurt her, her big sister’s voice that can bring her back to earth.
Swollen, dry eyes could not deny her from seeing the possibility of hope that exists in the shape of her Sammy.
She decided right then and there to be brave. She gathers all her courage and crawls out from under the table right into Sam’s arms.
Sam’s arms that welcomed her so warmly, so safely.
She puts her head in the crook of Sam neck where she knows the world won’t find her. Sam’s hand reach out to Tara’s head, patting her and the other arm secures her into position as she stands on her feet to rock them both side to side.
“Hey, hey, sweet girl,” Sam softly coos, “are you okay? Do you need an inhaler?”
Tara shakes her head, she just wants to be where she is right now.
Sam realizes that this is a huge moment. For both of them.
They have never ever been this close and Sam recognizes for the first time that she might’ve needed this as well.
Maybe they missed this their whole lives. Anyone could tell you that they did, seeing how tightly they’re both holding onto each other.
Sam sways them for a few minutes, continues humming and waits for Tara, this time less nervous.
A few minutes go by and Tara finally speaks,
“Mommy came back again,” there’s a tremor in her voice, “she had a knife to hurt us, even sam.”
Sam’s movements stop for a second, she wants to say something quickly to reassure Tara but she beats her to it,
“It was so scary. I couldn’t protect us.” Tara whimpers, Sam can feel the tears coming back.
“Shhh, baby, no,” Sam retorts, “I won’t let anything bad ever happen to you, okay?”
Tara hesitates but nods weakly into Sam’s shoulder.
Not enough, Sam thinks.
“Do you even know how strong I am?” Sam tries to brighten the mood, “everyone’s scared to fight me and even, little sam is a tough cat.”
That gets a little laugh from Tara and Sam kisses her on the head.
“And you, my sweet girl, are strongest and smartest and bravest girl I’ve ever seen, but you don’t even have to be strong because you’re so safe here with me, okay?”
“Okay.” Tara says as she’s playing with the string of Sam’s hoodie.
“Can I please see your face?” Sam asks.
Tara moved her head to meet Sam’s eyes. They’re red and swollen and her cheeks are blotchy from all the crying but there’s new look of determination in her face. A look inherited from Sam.
“As long as the three of us are together, no one will ever hurt us or even think about it, okay?” Sam reassures, “not in here or in your dreams.”
“I’ll just tell them that my big sister will come and get them.”
“Yeah, that’s my girl.” Sam laughs and kisses Tara’s cheeks (she seems to welcome them.) and brings her back into the hug.
If only the Carpenter sisters, at that moment, realized this gravity of this exchange.
If only the Carpenter sisters understood that this moment would define their lives forever.
Did they accidentally seal their fates? Or were they always walking towards this path?
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mama-scarebear · 10 months
My first time writing in. So sorry you’re dealing with all the creepy, ill-mannered, disrespectful guys on here. Definitely the worst thing about tumblr. I feel like mommies definitely get the worst of it. It understandably chases a lot of them away, which fucking sucks for us LGs who absolutely LOVE seeing & hearing from mommies who are all about LGs & the MD/LG dynamic. You seem tough and like the one who typically does the scaring, however I, and I’m sure lots of others, totally understand if these dudes have gotten on your last nerve.
Don’t know if sharing this little fantasy will make your night better, but I hope it does 😊. You shouldn’t feel like you’re the one who’s gotta provide the kinky fun all the time 😋
I can’t get the idea out of my mind of Mommy telling me we are going to have such a “special night” together while she straps and secures me into a high chair. She tells me there will be lots of wine, candles, lingerie and orgasms, which makes me super squirmy and drippy with excitement, as of course I’ve been on orgasm denial for over a month. She then begins to push spoonful after spoonful of undisclosed mush into my mouth which I assume had to be some sort of chicken & gravy baby food. The taste and smell make me wanna gag, but Mommy just told me I might not only get 1 orgasm tonight, but multiple and I didn’t wanna do anything to risk that whatsoever. Feeling full and like that first jar of baby food will never end she quickly pulls out another jar of equally disgusting green colored mush. By the end of the 2nd jar I’m gagging, covered in baby food from what seems like head to toe, looking as pathetic as possible. She laughs triumphantly, as if that was her intent from the get go, and comments how messy a baby I am, but not as messy as I probably will be by the end of the night. Which strikes fear in my core and makes me blush a bright shade of pink, while at the same time causes me to drip wetness into my padding. I involuntarily squeeze my legs together. She calls me pathetic and says I’m clearly way too much of a helpless baby to satisfy her tonight. I visibly start to pout which makes me look even more pathetic. She giggles and says, “did you really think when Mommy talked about wine, lingerie and orgasms you would be taking part? Aww that’s so cute. Sorry I forgot you are too little to understand adult talk. Mommy meant she was going to call the really hot woman she met at the bar the other night to come over so the two of us can have playtime.” I start visibly tearing up, overwhelmed by the loss of the ability to have an adult kinky orgasm-filled night with Mommy, but also by the fact Mommy needed someone else to satisfy her. She sees the tears welling up in my eyes and says, “Oh don’t worry baby you’re too little to leave alone, so Mommy is going to set you up in the playpen in Mommy’s room so I can keep an eye on you the whole time.” After hearing that I no longer could hold back the tears, knowing not only was Mommy going to fuck someone else that night, but that I was going to be forced to watch the two of them sitting in my diaper. She immediately shushes me & shoves a pacifier into my mouth and says, “aww you seem upset baby. I think someone might have to go potty. Hopefully you don’t try to hold it cause it would be awfully embarrassing to lose control in front of Mommy’s friend huh?”
Oh sweetie you don't even realise youre being Mommy's little helper. You whimpering and crying in the corner in your diapers is going to help me have an extra special night with another woman. Luckily you'll be in your little pj's and have been fed and have blankies and soft toys to play with if you ever manage to get those tears in check. Unluckily though I tend to fall asleep after sex so you'll be alright to sleep in your playpen won't you sweetie pie? I'll tend to your swollen padding the next day. Try not to squirm too much I hear it helps.
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