#i could list every horror muse but that's like
deflvwered-a · 2 years
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be nice and pretend you didn’t see that other starter call i just posted and deleted but anyway; 
im jumping on board the ~cool kids~ train since its spooky season and none of them will shut up, muse roulette for one of my horror muses, specify who its for if you’re a multi otherwise ill leave it vague enough for whoever <3
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joanquill · 7 months
Confession time + "Surprise!"
Hello thanks for the opportunity *-* I would like to request : - After reader came back badly hurt from a mission(but will survive) -> 5 (if you do not like it maybe 25) - Albert - well then romantic x) - fluff (And I'll wait next year to ask 28 or 4 xD haha) Thanks <3
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Albert James Moriarty
A/N: I kind of made Albert more on the teasing side if that's okay ^^"
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You gasped as you shot upright, cold sweat trickling down your forehead as you panted, finding yourself on a bed and covered in bandages.
'What-Ow!'  you flinched as a sharp pain shot through your side.
You groaned as you looked around, seeing you were inside a hospital room and found a vase of red roses on your bedside table.
"...What happened in the mission?..." you muttered, trying to recall what led you here.
"Excuse me-" the door opened, and you saw a doctor walk in, a shocked expression on his face when he saw you.
You awkwardly waved your hand, snapping him out of it, and called for a nurse in a hurry, making you more nervous.
'How long was I out?'
"Four weeks!?" you repeated, stunned by the answer as the doctor confirmed.
"Aside from a traumatic brain injury, you also had a couple of broken ribs and numerous cuts all over your arms, legs, and torso," the doctor listed as he wrote on his clipboard, making you look down at your bandage-covered body.
"You will need to stay in the hospital for at least two more weeks so we can monitor your recovery," he added, making you internally sigh.
"Okay..." you muttered, processing this new information.
"You're quite lucky," the doctor added, pocketing his pen, "If you were brought just a minute too late, you might not have survived,"
"Yes! You have quite the loving husband," the nurse happily added, making you blink at her in confusion.
"I-I'm sorry... husband?"
"A man brought you in. It was quite the sight, seeing a noble covered in blood while carrying someone in his arms," the doctor mused, making you freeze.
'A noble... That means...'  you thought, knowing only two people who can fit the title.
"E-Excuse me..." you called out, catching the two's attention, "The man who brought me here... What color was his hair?"
'That's what I thought...!'  you thought in horror, already hearing the teasing and jokes from a mile away.
"He's quite the devoted husband, too! Visiting you every day with roses in hand," the nurse happily sighed as if congratulating you.
You felt your face flush at her comment, making you quickly deny it.
"N-No, you've got it all wrong!"
"Speaking of him," the doctor quipped, pulling out his pocketwatch as he ignored your protests, "He should be arriving soon,"
The door opened as if on cue, revealing a tired Albert holding a bouquet of roses.
His eyes slowly looked up and landed on you, making him gasp as his eyes widened.
"We'll take this as a sign to leave," the nurse whispered, winking at you as she pulled the doctor along and left the room, unable to give you a second to protest.
As the door closed, you could feel the heavy awkwardness in the air.
"S-Surprise...!" we weakly greeted, wanting to feel the silence with something while Albert kept quiet.
"S-Sorry, I guess that's not the first you should say when you wake up from a-" you felt Albert hug you tightly, not applying pressure on your injuries as you saw the roses he had a second ago fall on the floor.
"You're awake..." he whispered, his whole body trembling as he kept you close.
You took a deep breath as you hugged him back.
"Yeah... I'm back..."
"I can feed myself," you grumbled with flushed cheeks, avoiding the apple slice Albert was trying to feed you.
"You shouldn't move so much," he warned with a glare, making you sigh and reluctantly take the slice.
As you chewed, you looked over to the roses Albert brought in, now replacing the roses from before.
"Say... The flowers," you turned around to him, making him look at the vase.
"...I've been changing them whenever I visit," he confirmed, giving you another slice.
"I see..." you replied, remembering the nurse's comment as you looked away in embarrassment.
"Is something wrong?" Albert quickly got up from his seat, touching your forehead as he checked your temperature.
"I'm fine! I'm okay!" you quickly confirmed, pulling his hand off as he sighed in relief.
"That's good to hear..." he muttered, grabbing the fruits again.
You raised a brow as you looked at him, not used to seeing this side of him.
"...Since when have you been this caring?" you bluntly asked, catching him off guard.
He breathed out a smirk as he peeled another apple.
"Since I almost lost the person I love," he confessed, making you freeze.
"Don't joke about that," you grumbled, feeling your face warm up as Albert chuckled with a teasing grin.
"Who said it was a joke?"
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kit-williams · 27 days
Perturabo & Penelope Drabbles
Collection of random ass plotpoints that will eventually be made into proper fics (also remember ya'll if you wanna be on my regular non-husbandry tag list please ask me)
@bispecsual @egrets-not-regrets @moodymisty @bleedingichorhearts @liar-anubiass-blog
@thevoidscreams @barn-anon @gallifreyianrosearkytiorsusan @squishyowl @ms--lobotomy
@nekotaetae @sleepyfan-blog
Non tag list people but people who I want to see this @the-raven-lady @remembrancer-of-heresy
So how this goes will be
A one line premise
the blurb
Pertrabo asks Fulgrim something (Pre Horus Heresy)
I realized something that Bo might had only casually thought of. He'd be going into their marriage knowing he would outlive her. She went into it and was fine probably musing she would be the first of many perhaps Perturabo was initially content but then asked Fulgrim about it suddenly seeing the sadness in his eyes... maybe getting such raw advice as to "treasure her. They live such short lives." or "Perhaps you'll marry again akin to how they might get another pet. It will never be the same as that first one... the one you're so madly in love with... maybe you'll marry again"
Penelope's reunion with Perturabo: Peaceful
Penelope's part Her hair was out of place as she bit her nails... she could hear his voice... telling her to stop biting them. The ship had been boarded... Castor was the Judas goat... eager to welcome mother home but be a beacon to let Bo know exactly where she was. Ajax was being ferried to the secondary safe zone. She didn't know what a demon was... but she was trembling and there would be no Bo to comfort her in his arms just tucking her under his chin and making her feel like she is the most precious thing in the galaxy. She knew his footsteps... the room was dim as she took a final drink of wine to calm her nerves. The Automata outside were quiet... of course they wouldn't shoot their maker. She turned and looked up at the doors... before having to look down and only seeing a man a head taller then her with the most striking blue eyes... and cornrows of wires- "B-Bo?" Perturabo's part He might as well utilize his lesser used powers... he hardly cared about the shapeshifting and how he looked. But the way she looked at him and flinched as his hands were finally able to cup her face as they should have been. To kiss her as she deserved! To feel her form press up against his in a way that he only held fleeting desires for... the sensation of her wrapping her legs around his waist. His nose pressing into the skin of her neck as he had memorized this delicate smell ten thousand years prior... he always told her he would be okay with her death but he was a filthy liar... he had lied to himself and to her. He wasn't ready to lose her when he did... and no he wouldn't ever have to as now the Iron Mother would be /eternal/
A part just right after the part above and them having passionate sex this is some conversation they had just laying in the afterglow
"She was right Bo." She finally said with her head on his chest... it was quiet. It disturbed her and as if he read her mind she could hear the beating of his hearts again. "I know. I knew after I killed her." He says softly just drawing on her back, "I also realized you would have stopped me if you were there." He says staring at the ceiling he designed, every piece in their bedroom he designed and made. "I blamed myself. I had called you to follow me to Olympia. Even if you couldn't stop me from doing what I did you would have stopped me from being a monster." "What do you look like now?" He held her tightly shaking his head how many baselines looked at him in horror... how many tried to kill themselves. "No." He said in a tone to not question him. How easy for him to slip back into being a husband.
@bispecsual's character study/read of Castor
Castor is such a sad dude, he wanted to be at her side, wanted the glory of protecting his legion mother for so so long and he never got the chance, now she’s back and she hasn’t changed at all. It’s been no time at all to her, the universe hasn’t had a chance to break dear sweet Penelope who was always so kind to them all. He wants that love again, he wants her to smile, he wants to be her son again. His eyes would flash to that warm brown she remembers from uncountable lifetimes ago she’s now learning, just like his father he’s trying to look how she remembers him. “Aren’t you proud of me, mother?” He smiles with the giddiness of a little boy showing off a trophy he won, his teeth are too sharp, there’s blood smeared on his armor and she tries so desperately to remember the fresh-faced neophyte who positively beamed at her from his scout battalion. “I’ve risen to the rank of warsmith! Isn’t that grand?” He wants to grab her hands, wants to press them to his face and feel softness for the first time in so long. Father had always been selfish with his wife’s touch, glaring at any of their sons he stepped a bit too close to the warm maternal hearth fire of the Iron Warriors Legion. Some of his older brothers (the apothecaries) even got to touch her belly when she was pregnant, they said it was quite odd feeling Ajax kick from inside her womb but he still had wanted to experience it. She was back now, and so was their littlest brother, the heir of Olympia, little Ajax. He could finally have everything he wanted. He didn’t even notice the conflicted horror on Penelope’s face as she stared up at him. Oh sweet boy what had her absence done to you?
Penelope's reunion with Perturabo: Violent
Angsty ass idea: Penelope decides to fight and over the ship’s vox she addresses the 5000 men with her and asks them to help defend the ship with her. She may not have been a fan of fighting but she’s still the Iron Mother, it’s still her duty to defend her family. “I would never ask that you die for me, my sons. But today I will ask you to die WITH me if necessary.” Those on the bridge salute her. As if they’d ever refuse a call to arms from their legion mother But of course... How could she win against a Primarch? Much less against a Demon Primarch... She held Ajax tightly as it was getting quiet. Tears fell as she sat on the command throne just waiting. Castor came in looking like a kicked dog. Her sons were dead or captured but most likely dead given who her husband was. She tries her best to be strong... but she fails as tears roll down her cheeks. "Mother..." Castor says softly as others enter the room as bolters are holstered. She looks up at the impassive face looking down at her, "So now what." She says trying to sound fierce and defiant but it comes out broken and small. "You come home. Lest you want /all/ your sons dead." Perturabo says with blood... most likely Antioch's smeared on his weapon. He did not like to twist her arm... but he knew sometimes it was for her best... sometimes he had to manipulate her into behaving. She opens her mouth to say something before he murmurs, "No. I will not hurt our son." Again reading her mind as she stands up holding Ajax protectively as her attendants come back closer. She feels Perturabo pick her up as that move cements that it is over... she is back in his grasp. She sniffles as she feels him press kisses into the side of her head as she is carried to the Iron Blood. The Iron Amaranth is draped in red as she weeps for her sons as she is carried away as the warmth of her ship is replaced with such a cold cruelty of the Blood... she tried to fight the Lord of Iron and she broke first.
The Iron Mother with Perturabo receiving an unusual visitor
She looked down at the visitor ... hardly any of her husband's newer sons came to visit her. He did not look like a typical Iron Warrior... not as stocky. "Have you come to see the mother of Iron?" "Yes." His voice said. "I am a curiosity." She spoke with a warmth that all of her sons deserved even if these new ones frightened her. But it is why he kept her locked away in this seemingly endless place with what feels like a real sun... real weather... just it feels like a slice of Olympia. "You are. Castor talks of you fondly." He says and he watches her warm smile spread over her lips as she stands up and walks closer. She had begged and pleaded for her guards lives eventually promising to eventually bear Perturabo another child. "He is fond of me. What is your name?" She asks looking up at him. "I am Honsu." "Ah the half breed." She says before motioning for him to kneel as she looks over him. Touching his chin looking into his eyes before she hugs him and places a kiss on his temple. "A half breed you might be but like all my sons you get all of my affection."
Penelope confronts Pertruabo
I wrote enough that it would be its own short stand alone blurb HOWEVER I have a timeline for the Pertrabo and Penelope plot and really do not want to post stuff super out of order
Penelope realizing she's not dealing with the same Perturabo (No dialogue because it hasn't been planned yet)
She said too much... Penelope pales... She let out all her frustrations and sadness out at this thing that was in front of her far too small to be her husband yet he was! Her makeup ruined from the hot tears that ran down her cheeks as she crossed a line she looks down trying to figure out how to apologize but she wasn't sorry for everything she said just she knew she went too far. Her head snaps up when she feels his hand move her chin up... his face unreadable and a part of her was naturally scared. She wasn't ready for the soft kiss on her forehead and the gentle smile from him as she listened to him... validate her concerns and feelings... pointing out where she let her emotions get the better of her and misremembering things but recognizing her feelings in the moment? Penelope looked up at her husband confused as this was not the reaction she was expecting... the confusion leaves and is replaced as he whispers in her ear what he is going to do to her for her little outburst as she was thoughtless with her words... his tongue tracing her ear as he allows the extra bass in his voice, due to his ascension, to run down her spine. He could smell the immediate effect he was having on her body. And he couldn't resist as their hands gripped each other tightly and pulled at clothing that was in the way.
Lewd Idea: Penelope is a size queen; blame really only having a Primarch as a sexual partner for like a decade. And Perturabo being absolutely N O R M A L about his wife
Ajax the half primarch interacting with his demonic father
Ajax knew this presence! He knew it because it loved him! His formless body floated and rolled near the large warp presence as he popped and made his noises! Why wasn't he up? Was it like when mama was looking away? He needed this... he could feel mama holding him tightly... he missed papa holding him too... it has been so long since he was held by them both. Oh! He knew what do! He SCREAMED "PAPA" Shapeless eyes that burnt like fire formed and dissipated as they looked at the tiny floating "bundle" of wool. Both formless and shapeless... but they knew each other. 'pop' 'pop' 'pop' the little cloud made as tiny tethers tried to make their connections
Perturabo and Penelope being catastrophically in love with each other
there are moments like that for them of... having to get use to the new "normal" The fact that you can only interact with your husband through what you eventually learn is basically a metal puppet because if you see what he actually looks like now you might go insane Perty: I’m kinda a psychic eldritch being now Nelly: so does that mean you're no longer interested in me- Perty: no no I love you still Nelly: wasn't finished... are you no longer interest in sex dear? Bo: I've been half mast this entire conversation Nelly: Perfect or Perty: I’m kinda a psychic eldritch being now Nelly: figure it tf out I want your dick Perty: WELL WHEN YOU PUT IT THAT WAY
Alternative reunion with Perturabo if she had gone to Roboute
Penelope had resigned herself already... Her stepsons were dying. Roboute and Ajax back on Macragge waiting for the Iron Warriors... Of course they hid her away. Of course, Bo would find her... She could feel his presence bearing down on her like a breeze behind her eyes... The taste of ozone on her tongue. She already dismissed the handmaidens and just waited by the window... Roboute had lied about his death it seems... Penelope closed her eyes at the sound of sickening crushing noises outside the door. She was certain he was going to kill her for her infidelity. She looked to the poison unopened nearby as she knew it was foolish for her to let herself be found alive but... She was a foolish and emotional woman... She wanted to see her Bo. "Blue doesn't look good on you mother." Castor says entering the room, "Don't you have anything more suitable?" Penelope smiled sadly, her face having more wrinkles and her hair with more streaks of grey, "Unfortunately no. You all weren't supposed to be here so I did not bring anything..." "Father is eager to see you." "To punish me?" She asks softly. "No," Perturabo's voice distorted by his vox forces her attention to him, "To bring you home. Just like those Epics you enjoyed reading."
Perturabo has an unexpected visitor
There was something else on his planet. He groused as he couldn't feel which pesky brother was trying to seek his aid without being seen. He doubts it was Mortarion given how they had fought recently... He had laid the rules that Fulgrim was not allowed... Angron was to be redirected... Magnus was allowed only to a few selected places keeping him far from where Penelope and Ajax were being kept... Lorgar was trapped... Perturabo frowned as he started to pluck strands of reality like a spider feeling its web for prey. He frowns as nothing comes up and yet the feeling remains... He goes to pluck the golden thread gently to respond to Ajax's near constant plucking of their warp bond. His fingers slip through it... His entire consciousness looks down at to where the tiny bundle of golden wool should be at the other end of the bond and all he can see is blackness and feathers. Perturabo's hearts seize... Corvus was in his domain... And Corvus was where his wife was! The grim thought that danced across his mind as he rushed down was that at least Corvus wouldn't make her suffer unlike Konrad... But still he moved with a dying hope that she would still be there even if Ajax wasn't....
Penelope witnessing his death (another she went to Roboute timeline)((the image is the inspiration))
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She looked back... She couldn't stop herself knowing there was a monster right there but she couldn't stop her mouth from forming the word for husband. It was her fault Macragge was being invaded... And it was her fault that flaming sword was stabbed deep into his chest. And all she could do was let out that dying shriek for him as his eyes never wavered from her own and she even through tears kept her eyes on him... It was her fault... And she would have to live with that...
Demon Perturabo being normal about his wife, the march of time, and totally not making anything profane for her
His mouth moved over each blemish of her skin being reminded how she got each one and where there was a fragment of his being the whole was deep in his workshop working... Flesh crafting... Because why should death come for Nelly? Why should he be /okay/ with only having her for a few centuries and even then her youthfulness will be gone after that first century... Why should he be okay with it? He never liked her being okay with being his "first" wife seemingly accepting the fact that she wouldn't be his only just accepting that her memory would fade in time... His tongue pushes into her mouth as she melts to his touch just as the flesh in his hands melts under his own... Fabius demanded a high price for his knowledge but it would be worth it. Each small scar was marked upon the skin...Flesh pulled to mimic Her stretch marks ... Even the odd asymmetry that she had on her face... The fact that her fingers on her left hand were millimeters longer then her right... Whimpers in his ear... Unlike from the body underneath his hands... He nuzzled the empty flesh body in his hands all just missing a soul to start it up. He wouldn't use it just yet... But in time she would have a form fitting for the wife of a Primarch... And he wouldn't have to worry about her falling to his corruption either... The high pitched sigh in his ear tells him she climaxed as his eyes return to the enclosure... He could feel the "rain" against him as they sat under a tree just enjoying a moment to themselves
Perturabo being a little evil (some of you might know this as being the gore sex idea...)
He rounds the corner looking at the body on the floor wailing... it shouldn't be awake or alive really. He could see the bone growth of the wraithbone construct having grown even when it should have been suppressed. He sends a son to go check on Penelope but as far as he can tell she is asleep and yet he can feel a shard of her soul in this imperfect body. "B- B- Bo." She struggles to say as her eyes are cloudy for Penelope it was a nightmare... hair and teeth falling out... pain... darkness... elements of the nightmares she was so use to having since coming here... she weeps wanting her husband to save her! To hold her while she sleeps... to feel... "Shhh I am here Nelly." His voice rumbles in her ear as her fingers grip his armor so tightly that the flesh rips free of the muscle. He should kill it and return the shard of her soul to her body... but his mask peels away as his blackened tongue licks her bottom lip as he closes the space between them... just a few kisses...
Penelope having a sensory overload in her new body
Penelope suddenly waking up in a body that feels too big for her... She's suddenly stronger.... Faster... Her mind sharper and she's scared because she went from feeling weakness in her joints and having to slow down to suddenly being in her prime again again thank you @bispecsual for the blurb Even better than her prime even. It would be overwhelming. Everything is too loud, too bright, too sharp. Al this information pouring into her mind at a speed she isn’t used to. Why can she hear Ajax’s little heartbeat rooms away? Why can she see the microabrasions on the cold steel walls? Why oh why can she feel this suffocating PRESSURE like a storm has been stuffed in the room with her? The choking, stifling, smell of ozone and the sensation of immense barometric pressure. She feels a touch against her cheek, so familiar but too sharp, too rough, on this skin that feels the same but not. She knows those calluses, she knows that warmth but instead of comfort it feels like sandpaper and glass right now. She hasn’t flinched away from her husband since she was a servant, but she can’t help it now. She doesn’t mean it. She tries to tell him that but her voice catches in her throat. Is it her throat? It doesn’t feel like it’s ever been used before. It’ll pass, she’s told. What will pass? What has he done? WHAT DID HE DO TO HER? My part again Perturabo's voice is soft... So soft as she struggles to control her body... She wails loudly as everything feels wrong and feels helpless and unable to control her body. Why do her limbs so heavy? She looks up at Perturabo trying to soothe her wiping away her tears all with a patient smile on his face After some time... Ajax looks at her with the same blue eyes as his father... A look on his face as if he /knew/ what his father had been planning... But Nelly would never accuse her son of that... No she just was feeling miserable and scared as she struggled to use her body again. She wasn't allowed back into her "home" until she could walk and talk properly again meaning she had to deal with what she was calling dealing with him Raw. It made her heart race and her feel like she was going to throw up and yet she could feel Ajax... That soft and fluffy feeling she always had with her son just amplified. She flinched at the sudden heaviness before the doors opened up to reveal the demon Primarch. She was upset at Perturabo but she had to wait to be able to voice it again... She was struggling to talk still and not bite her tongue off...
And Finally... another in the timeline of Penelope goes to Roboute first but of her dealing with the Inquisition
Pain blossomed through her cheek as she glared at the Lord Inquisitor who had dared backhanded her. If there was one thing she had learned being Perturabo's wife... it was /spite/ not that she didn't have much of it before becoming his wife but she learned how to weaponize it. The room was in an intense stalemate of guns and bolters and weapons all pointed, rifle red dots danced across his brow from outside the large windows. She exhaled from her nose like a grox bull as she turned back to face him; religious fanatics /all/ of them... but he especially so... "Was that that best you could do? I've had head serf mistresses beat me harder than that slap..." Penelope says ignoring the still red hot pain in her cheek. Such a passionate man stood in front of her as she goaded his anger. Her hand fiddling with the iron necklace... her finger pushing the hidden button on the Legion emblem on the necklace. A barrel pushed to her forehead, "Whatever trick you think you could pull isn't going to work. I don't see why the Regent bothered inviting /you/ in... a whore to a traitor." "Not a whore... a wife." Penelope says softly as if she is gently chiding one of her handmaidens, she is pleased that he allowed Ajax to be removed from the room by her handmaids. "Tell me Lord Inquisitor what do you know of my husband? Do you know how wonderfully brilliant he is-" She pauses inhaling remembering..., "How brilliant he was? How skilled he was inventing and crafting? He made the entirety of the Iron Amaranthos... all of her designs was his doing. So tell me... what do you know of him?" Penelope just smiles as he glares at her. "Tell me... do you feel like you have reflexes faster than a Primarch?" "What-" Her Iron Circle teleported in... two right next to her enveloping her within the personal shields of the automata. The Inquisitor was disarmed and two swords a hairs width away from his neck rested. Her Iron Circle was made to guarantee her survival... her sons were there to guarantee that Ajax could survive. "Aren't they beautiful?" She gestures to the automata. Iron Gladiolus flowers decorate the automata as they were far more visually appealing then his personal Iron Circle, "He hand made these." Her fingers brush along the delicate looking metal work, "Made to be exactly like his personal Iron Circle... made to keep up with a Primarch and be his honor guard. I told him they were overkill... it was far too much to give me five thousand of his sons and an Iron Circle of my own... much less four of them." Penelope's gaze dims slightly lost in the memory, "He told me four was only right since I was legion mother of the fourth legion." Sadness warbles in her voice but it hardens back as she looks at him leaning against Odysseys as Ares and Helios held the swords to his throat as Zeus took his place beside her.  /Why bother naming them?/ Perturabo said trying to keep the dismissive tone in his voice away. /Because you made them and everything you make gets some sort of a name/ "So Lord Inquisitor... Do you think your  reflexes are better than a Primarchs?" Penelope cooed pressing a kiss against the metal
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oakenshieldbaggins · 3 months
xedgin fic rec list
so because i binge read a ton of fics these last two months, i thought why not make a rec list if it can help people find out great fics.
i just wanted to say i came across so many good fics, like comparing to other fandoms i find the overall quality to be quite high. so what i'm trying to say is you guys are really talented and we're lucky to have you in this fandom. and thank you for sharing your work.
now the recs:
Three words everybody knows by violet_pencil
Speaking the words of an oath isn't what makes you a good paladin, and knowing how to tell lies is only part of what makes a great con man. Where do they find common ground? Well, turns out they both know how to commit to the bit.
Sunlight is a Kind of Burning by letmetellyouaboutmyfeels
Ed's excited to get his life back on track in the wake of saving Neverwinter. He's less excited at how a certain paladin keeps popping up everywhere he goes. Except for how he's starting to miss the guy when he's not around. Yeah, let's not think about that too hard.
a ballad from a reverie by forsworn
On a cold evening, the party stop to drink at a crowded tavern. Xenk tries to ignore the way his chest tightens when Edgin squeezes close to him. But that gets much harder when the tavern's bard starts singing a love song. About a paladin. And Edgin seems to recognise it…
tys hard to be a seinte in the cytie by indigostohelit
“The Material Planes are not realms of punishment,” said Xenk. “The gods no more deny us the warmth of physical pleasure than they would the warmth of the sun. They only warn us, through each, of the dangers that lie in excess.” “…Huh,” said Ed again, and, lacking further retort, grabbed up the new tankard and swigged deeply. Then he spat it across the bar. “This is water, though,” said Xenk peacefully. “You are going to have a hangover in the morning.”
Universal Glue by Korwwa
Edgin and Xenk get stuck in a glue trap. The close-quarters situation forces Edgin to decide if succumbing to the charms of certain overpowered paladin is more likely to ruin, or elevate, the plan of his life.
Polyphonic by Geese_In_Flight
Ed can’t stand Xenk. Xenk keeps showing up anyway. It’s not entirely clear how that became everyone else’s problem.
Muses lost and found anew by Mikhail
Edgin Darvis never considered himself to be a hero. Of course, he was full of dreams and ideals back when he was still young. He wanted to save the world. But the world, as it turned out, didn’t really want to be saved. Instead, it barged into Edgin’s life uninvited and made him a widower, a thief, and an escaped convict. As he was looking back at his life and naivete, he couldn’t feel but contempt and bitterness. That is until he crossed paths with Xenk Yendar, a paladin whose sword was only nearly as strong as his righteousness. Confronted with Xenk’s tragic past, the bard realized they were both touched by the same evil. Before he could dwell on some uncomfortable truths, however, Xenk disappeared from his life just as suddenly as he first appeared. When they meet for the second time, it’s clear the two of them have much more in common than they first thought. Well, it’s clear to everyone except for them. The question is, are they going to realize this before it’s too late?
in the absence of truth by floralprintshark
Five times Ed says that he hates Xenk and one time he doesn't.
Perception Check (Roll for Romance) by kaydeefalls
"I bet Xenk fucks like a metronome, too. You know." Holga makes a highly suggestive, repetitive gesture. "In, out. In, out. No variation. Same exact rhythm every time. Boring." Edgin stares at her, torn between horror and fascination. "You've really thought about this, huh?" (So has he. Unfortunately.)
give me two damn minutes (and I'll be fine) by PH03N1X_360
Xenk Yendar is a hero. It’s his job, his identity, his [life]. It comes as easily as breathing. Saving children, fighting hordes of undead, it’s always come naturally to him. As each new challenge arises, people look to him to protect them. The warmth of their gazes never fail to fill him with pride. No matter how many scars he acquires, how many nights the horrors of his past rouse him from sleep, or how many people he fails to save in the process, it is always worth the price. Yet sometimes, when the darkness around him feels too oppressive and tight bandages make his bones ache, he wonders how much more he can take before he cracks under the pressure. Or: Xenk sees the Beckoning Death spell from afar. Even upon realizing the party took care of it, it still fucks him over severely... not that he would show it. Edgin knows a mask when he sees one.
Falling For The First Time by Powderpuff
In retrospect, falling in love with Edgin was inevitable. There was no recourse for Xenk; no guild nor court to appeal to, and even Ilmater could not return his property to him, nor Ed himself; for you cannot return something you do not know you have.
O happy dagger! This is thy sheath by Kabbal (Aledane)
"Ed wants to bash his face in with his lute, just to shatter that perfect, flawless skin, see if there’s flesh and blood running under that pristine marble. He wants to flee to the end of the world, to never be reminded of the existence of a being who seems to never have failed at anything, ever. He also wants to crush his lips against his, cling to that steady neck and feel the weight of all that perfection over him, spearing him like it could make him holy‒ Hm. Strange thought to have. Let’s forget it ever existed."
Affection and Love by AkataLily
Edgin is affectionate towards Xenk. Not love, affectionate, because those are two very different things! Xenk is oblivious and uninterested, that is, until Edgin fucks up and the cat is suddenly out of the bag. Things get akward, then they get complicated, but eventually, we all have to admit what goes on in our hearts.
Winning Prizes for Rotten Judgment by letmetellyouaboutmyfeels
In which Ed admits he's in love with Xenk, woos Xenk, and sleeps with Xenk, all in completely the wrong order. To be fair, it's only half his fault.
keystone by weatheredlaw
key·stone noun | a central stone at the summit of an arch, locking the pieces together. or: edgin dies, but there's magic for that. holga and xenk make good on a thirty-five year old favor to bring him back from the other side.
So Deep As the Love I'm In by Geese_In_Flight
Holga takes a step forward and claps Ed on the shoulder sympathetically, which is a terrible sign. “Swept you right off your feet, did he?” she asks, with a grin. Five times Xenk courted Ed, and one time Ed decided to take matters into his own hands.
the weight of fingers pressing deep by forsworn
When Xenk slips his fingers into Edgin's mouth during sex, they're both surprised by how good it feels.
you'll find us in the meadowland by audenrain
He was standing at Xenk’s desk, tucked into the corner and lined by shelves stacked with holy texts. Not his most valuable, of course - he wouldn’t be so careless as to keep the most precious of his collection here - but any one of them would feed a hungry man for a few days, at least. And yet this man wasn’t hungry, and he was no ordinary thief. Xenk judged this not only by the strong slope of his shoulders and broad back and the fine weave of his coat but also by the fact that he had recently been awarded the highest honours the Lord of Neverwinter could bestow. No, Edgin could want for nothing; even he could not have spent his rewards so quickly. There was only one explanation. This was an affliction of the soul.
To Touch The Divine by New1Romantic
Xenk asks for Edgin's help to retrieve an evil artefact from a cult. The fact that the cult is definitely just a front for the elite of Waterdeep to have kinky sex is, presumably, just happenstance.
Freely given (Wanted) by sb_essebi
Ed can’t. He can’t anymore. Can’t take the fervour in Xenk’s words, the shine in his eyes, the way the light of the sunset plays across his skin. He’s just so beautiful at sunset, Xenk. He is. To the point of unfairness, to the point it makes Ed almost angry, makes him want to cry, to scream. Ed kisses him. Or: Ed steals a kiss. Xenk shows him why he needn't have.
Edgin Needs to Get Laid and Edgin Gets Laid by Isoltan
There was a pause. "And that's when you started the one night stands," Holga said, only a hint of a question in her voice. Xenk raised his tankard in her direction and took a long swig. "You have sexual desire?" Simon asked. Doric turned to him and exploded, "Jesus, do you ever think before you speak?" "Tell the truth, you thought he was celibate too. Edgin sure did!" Simon said, gesturing to Edgin. "Hey, leave me out of this," Edgin said. "Exactly!" Simon continued. "Tell me, out of the two of them, you'd have pegged Edgin as the celibate and XENK as the whore!" -----------‐ Very loose f*ck-or-die fic. Basically, Edgin's magic needs to improve and the group decides he needs to get laid. But he reveals he's demi and can only be intimate with people he trusts. This was meant to be a one-off but I got caught up with the group's banter.
this distance between us by forsworn
Xenk and Edgin have to share a bed. It’s not even a big bed. The perfect time for Xenk to have a nightmare…
Origin Point series by Neyiea
“It wasn’t a risk. I knew that if I jumped you would catch me.” Xenk’s pinched expression becomes thoughtful, then turns serious. “I see,” he intones solemnly. “I am honored to have earned your trust.”
close to the skin by forsworn
Edgin's going undercover; Xenk's determined to make him look respectable. But Edgin finds submitting to a flat-razor shaving at those steady hands to be far more intense than he expected.
Solitary Burdens by cupiscent
Edgin's wife died years ago, but he's only just now letting go. He can't talk about it with any of the others, but Xenk - aggravatingly - understands. Perhaps neither of them need to carry these burdens alone.
in for a silver by weatheredlaw
Edgin was, at the very least, two things: a great kisser, and a phenomenal liar. or: xenk gets hit by something weird in the jungle. edgin lends a hand.
Canon Divergence (happens during the movie):
We Are So (Not) Breaking Up by murdertrashbabyrat
Edgin isn’t mad because of the idea of a kind Thayan, he’s mad because it’s Xenk Yendar his lightly insufferable not-ex. They didn’t break up because they were never together thank you very much Holga, so Xenk is his…his something that isn’t his anymore. It’s fine he’s not dwelling on it he has to get his wife back and stop thinking about the man he’s been sharing a bed with for years. Denial is a hell of a drug OR they are exes when they meet up again in the movie
A Cherry When It's Blooming by Geese_In_Flight
Lord Yendar, once a paladin of Ilmater, has been called back to Waterdeep in the aftermath of his father’s death. Upon his arrival, he discovers he must reckon with an untrustworthy executor, an estate in shambles, and a wholly unexpected stipulation in his father’s will. Edgin Darvis is trying to find the one big score that will let him build back a life that went off the rails years ago. When he hears the rumors that a young and inexperienced Lord Yendar has come back to town, he knows just what he has to do.
Romance in the time of LoveChat by cicia3
What's worse than being a loser writer reduced to releasing third-rate romance novels for Forge Publishing? Being an uninspired writer with three months' back rent to pay. Driven by desperation, Edgin, a single father who's also perhaps juuust a tad too much anchored in the past, signs up on the nation's largest dating site. The goal? To find a character unique enough to inspire him for his new novel. And then Xenk Yendar shows up.
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sanjisboyfie · 11 months
halloween with the strawhats !
little headcanons i have for halloween !! ! ! ( a a couple days after )
male reader, platonic pairings, straw hats are just a cute lil friendgrouip + don't ask me why zoro and luffys are so short, i don't know why either. i think they just got longer the more down the list you go sooorrryyyyy
also more so modern???au
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— luffy definitely wants to do a group costume, something silly and fun. he tries his hardest in convincing everyone to get on board with the idea, but it seems like usopp and chopper are the only ones hearing him out </3 luffy would try hitting you with the puppy dog eyes, but you were already committed to your costume for a while so you had to reject the poor boy.
"b-but, [name]!!!" it was obvious the man was putting on his best whiny voice, elongating every syllable in your name just to sway you. he was also rocking the both of you back and forth in a hug to woo you over in joining his group costume. "it won't be the same without you dressed up with us!"
"luffy, i already decided my costume much earlier in the year, i'm sorry," you said, petting down his raven hair with an apologetic look on your face. but your words only sullened his mood further and made the pout on his face turn into an outright frown.
"but, [name]!!!" luffy began shaking you even more roughly, turning you into a bobble head figure basically. you couldn't do anything to break out of his strong grip and just had to take his torment with a smile.
"i'm sorry luffy," you said softly, runnng a hand up and down his arm to comfort him.
"i don't forgive you!" luffy childishly whined, releasing you from his hold and walking off to a different aisle in the halloween costume store. "whatever, you're the one missing out!"
"i believe you, luffy," you called out, laughing when you heard him grumble under his breath and stomp in annoyance.
— zoro definitely has a lazy ass costume, mainly because he thinks the holiday is a silly thing for children (usopp, luffy, and chopper all lectured him on how it wasn't like that at all). i'm thinking he jsut wrapped himself in toilet paper and said he was a mummy, also using his costume as an excuse to just speaks in grunts and groans to everyone else.
"zoro, could you pour me some more punch!" you had politely asked him as he was closest to the juice bowl. he simply shook his head with his arms crossed over his wrapped chest, giving you a firm, "arrhhggh,"
"zoro, what?"
"okay, fuck you too,"
— nami is invested in making some money off of the holiday!! she's committed to it. she has a really pretty costume planned out and forces everyone to participate in a costume contest with a submission fee of 50 bucks, even though it was just your friend group participating. either way, she decides that the winner of the contest gets all the profit. so she wins - obviously in a non-rigged way - and cheers in victory. but even with all of her focus being on getting some cash out of the holiday, she does compliment your costume and slide you a couple bills.
"hm, i was scared you were gonna beat me, y'know?" she mused, looking at you with a mischeviously look on her face, "because i really like your costume, [name]! you look great!"
you grinned at the compliment, "thanks, you do too! and that's why you won, you have the best costume. plus, sanji would have never let me won that prize since he knows how badly you wanted the reward,"
she playfully rolled her eyes at the mention of the blonde, "yeah, well, sanji doesn't have to know about this then," she said, pulling some bills out from her pocket and putting it into your own. "next year don't expect this treatment though! i was feeling generous just now,"
you smirked, taking the cash from her happily and watching as she joined robin's side.
— usopp is the life of the celebration. he is the best story teller of horror stories, even if he himself gets scared of his own made up tales. he brings everyone into the center, under a huge blanket fort and tells the scariest story known to man. but when he reaches the climax, luffy suddenly pops his head into the enclosed space, loudly asking if anyone else wanted food, and completely threw usopp off of his game. the poor man let out a loud girlish scream and jumped into your lap to hide from luffy's grinning face.
"and then when the killer," usopp took a deep breath, looking at everyone's face individually, "finally came knocking on poor little billy's door, he was greeted by the sight of-"
"oh!! i'm getting more food from the kitchen, do you guys want anything?!" luffy had got up for a bathroom break earlier and completely ruined usopp's horror story. his make-up drenched face pushed the blankets aside and completely surprised everyone in the fort. especially usopp.
usopp jumped off of his sitting position and into your lap, hiding his face in your neck for some comfort. he was practically crying and whimpering from fear, eyes screwed shut as he refused to look at the demon (luffy) that was there to terrorize him and his friends (ask if they wanted more food).
"begone, demon!! begone!!" usopp pathetically cried out, also not even looking up at the supposed demon to condemn them.
"usopp, it's just luffy-"
"demon! demonic activity! demon!!!"
— chopper really enjoys the nature of halloween despite being scared very easily. while the place is in an uproar of just ultimate chaos, he's very kindly giving out candy to whoever comes by. unfortunately, not everyone that comes around is dressed in peaceful, cute costumes.
just as you were pouring another drink for zoro. there was a loud, girlish scream that was coming from the front door. the green haired man took the drink for himself, grunting at you. you could only guess what he meant by that.
but you didn't dwell on it further, moving to see what was at the front door. and lo and behold, there was chopper stiffly standing in front of someone in a freddy krueger costume.
"ah, sorry, he scares easily," you explained quickly, resting a hand on chopper shoulder and asking if he was alright. seeing that his shaking eyes were still trained on the figure, you decided to take the candy bowl from his hands and protectively stand in front of him.
even though this guy definitely didn't pose any harm to chopper, it would make the scared guy feel better (probably) to have a physical barrier between the two.
"here, have a good halloween," you said with a smile, making the freddy krueger nod in appreciation and then walk off of the porch. when they were gone, you closed and locked the door behind them and turned to chopper with a grin.
"c'mon man, they were just in costume," you teased, relieved to see chopper was out of his fearful state and instead blushing in embarassment.
"freddy was a scary guy!!" he argued, but it only made you pinch his cheeks in a harmless way.
"right, right, well you were very brave just now chopper,"
"of course i was!!!"
— sanji is dressed up as a prince and goes around proclaiming his loyalty to robin and nami the whole night. he becomes more playful, though, so he doesn't really give you guys (literally, the guys) a hard time. if anything, he joins in the shenagians and lets loose a little bit. one of the rare times you get to see sanji being a mischevious little shit.
"bleh! who put salt in the cupcakes instead of sugar?!"
cue sanji giggling behind his hand and shooting you a knowing look. you laugh with him, fist bumping him under the table while he watched luffy run around and wash his mouth under the kitchen sink.
"why is the frosting sour cream?! sanji, i'm gonna beat your ass up!!"
zoro chases after sanji, those being the first coherent words he says the entire night, mind you. and now they're both running in circles around you. sanji is laughing his ass off while zoro is spitting out globs of sour cream at him.
"sanji!!! why did you pout bittermelon in the stew this tastes like ass!"
"oh! i'm sorry, [name], that was supposed to be for franky," sanji apologized, going through the cabinets and finding some stew he put in the tupperware. it was still hot, you could tell from the bottom of the container.
"why are you so mean to them today?"
"i can just get away with it by sying it's a ghost," sanji shrugged, half-assedly answering your question. "besides, don't you think it's funny?"
"it is, but sooo heartless," you laughed, making the blonde nod his head in acknowledgement.
just as he was about to say something else, there was another shriek coming from the living area, "sanji!!! this isn't strawberry glaze, this is hot sauce!!!"
"why are you yelling for me, it was the ghost!!" sanji shouted back, making the both of you collapse on each other in laughter.
— robin enjoys how everything is so lively during halloween. she loves the spookiness, the decorations, the horror movies!!!, she just loves everything about the holiday. it's a genuinely fun time of the year for her so she just loves to take it easy with you guys.
robin was slumped against the sofa, chuckling at the way chopper and usopp shrieked at the character on the screen killing another person. it was a classic slasher film she suggested and no one had a problem with it, except for usopp and chopper being scared straight through their teeth.
meanwhile, you and robin were enjoying the movie with grins on your faces. you'd sometimes feed her popcorn, her doing the same for you, and then you'd both laugh quietly whenever usopp and chopper started getting really spooked.
after the movie, you and robin reconvened in the kitchen to get more refreshments. you were talking about the movie, chatting in good nature.
"i don't know, i still think stu macher is the best ghostface," you said with a smile, "billy is the one people always talk about, but stu is my favorite,"
"well, maybe the best ghostface, but i don't know about best slasher," she said in amusement, "i like jason,"
you grimaced, "really? his mask is so creepy,"
"that's why, his character is cool," robin shrugged, taking a cherry from the platter of eating it with a hum, "also, the movie was good, i liked it,"
you grinned, ruffling her hair as she shot you a mischevious grin. her affinity towards slasher, or any horror, movie was known amongst the friendgroup. she enjoyed the rush scary movies gave watchers.
"remind me to never cross you, who knows what you might do," you joked, making her scoff and lightly jab her finger into your side. she allowed you to rest your arm around her shoulder, the both of you walking back to the living room with a big bowl of popcorn and tray of drinks.
— franky is a big decorations guy. he makes everything so festive!! plus he goes all out. don't ask him why he decided to put a fake skeleton in the shower, he'll just respond that it was his creative vision and it was a good one too. you appreciate his dedication to the holiday, although you do wish you could just walk around the house without fearing for your life at hyper realistic decorations all around.
when you first arrived to the party, you told franky you were going to drop something off in the bedroom of brook. it was some prop he was asking for his performance coming up.
you were supposed to just drop it off in his bedroom. but why was it that after you turned around from brook's bedside table, there was a figure in a scary mask standing behind the door and staring right at you. you were about to scream before the figure suddenly fell ont he ground, showing that it was just a paper cut out.
"franky!! what the fuck!!" you shouted in frustration, stomping out of the room and going to give the man a piece of your mind.
but as you were walking out of the room, and into the hallway, a figure jumped out of one of the many open doors and scared the shit out of you. this time your fist shot out and nailed the masked figure in the face, making them fold over and hold their nose.
"c'mon [name]!! what the hell!!"
"no, franky, what the hell at yourself!!" you screeched, seeing the familiar face after he took off his mask. you fretted over his face, apologizing over and over again at him. "i'm so sorry, but - seriously what was that thing in brook's room!?"
"it's called a halloween decoration, asshole!" franky cursed, holding onto his nose.
"yeah, and i thought that someone was there to kill me! why'd you put shit in his room anyway?"
"to scare you, obviously!" franky said, allowing you to examine his face and wincing when you saw the damage that was done. "sorry for scaring you,"
you softened at his apology, lightly tugging on a strand of his hair and murmuring an "i'm sorry, too." he grinned at your apology, smiling ear to ear as he assured you he'd be fine.
"they were scary, i'll tell you that," you said, standing the both of you up and guiding him to the sink. but he shook his head, nursing his nose with his hand.
"you know how many time i've broken my nose, this is just a scratch. didn't even make my nose bleed," franky assured you, laughing as you realized that what he was saying was true. how many times franky has broken his nose when he'd been working was uncountable.
"yeah, let's just forget it happened then," you said, making franky hum in approval.
"oh! but don't tell zoro about that thing up there, i plan on scaring him too,"
you laughed, nodding your head and deciding that it would be funny to hear zoro scream out in fear.
— brook is another person that like robin, enjoys anything horror related. he hides around corners or in closests and waits to make someone his victim. and if it isn't anyone in your friend group, he will go around terrorizing the trick or treaters.
there was a scream that followed brook's and then a parent could be heard yelling at him. the rest of the strawhats all ran to the window to see what was happening and everyone winced when they saw a parent was easily chewing out brook for hiding in the bushes and scaring their poor child.
you sighed, running a hand through your hair and walking over to the front door to collect brook since everyone else was too busy laughing their asses off at his predicament.
"ma'am, i'm sorry for his behavior," you started, walking up to brook and taking ahold of him by his elbow, "i'll just bring him inside,"
"no! i'm not done yelling at him yet!"
"have a lovely night, ma'am," you said, turning away from her and taking brook inside to scold him yourself. you looked over your shoulder and saw the woman was disgruntled, but instead focused on comforting her scared to death child.
"what is up with you?! that was a kid who wasn't even 10 years old!"
"but-but!!" brook's laughter echoed in the home, making everyone else join in, "his face was so funny!!!"
you bit your lip, trying to keep a level head and be responsible instead of just joining in on the laughter. but when brook was beginning to mimic the kid's expression, you broke out laughing along with eveyone else.
"and his mom was so mad! and began scolding me like i was her own kid too!!"
"just quit scaring the shit out of kids!" you shouted, slapping him on the backside of his head - but your words didn't really get your point across because you were laughing as much as he was.
— jinbe doesn't really understand the hype of halloween, but he can see how enjoyable it is for everyone else. he doesn't rain down on anyone's parade, bearing through the scares that brook and franky get up to, while also being a reliable figure for usopp and chopper during the horror movie. let's just say by the end of the night, you and jinbe are all tired out as you were being the "baby sitters" of everyone for the whole day.
on the night of halloween, it was basically a big party and sleepover for everyone in the friend group. you and jinbe were working overtime basically to make sure everyone was alright. luffy could possibly be eating suspicious candy, but thank god jinbe knocked it out of his hand before then. you were on duty to be comforting usopp and chopper whenever a shadow passed over the window - even though it was just a tree branch swaying in the wind.
finally, the night was over (it was the early hours in the morning by the time everyone was tired) and you and jinbe were tiredly spread acorss the couch. the group had set up a fort on the floor with the couches surrounding them. they were all sleeping on the mats and blankets they set out for themselves, cuddling to their hearts' content.
jinbe sighed in content of finally being able to rest, putting on a calming nature show on the tv instead of the horror movies that we were all binging.
you laughed at his obvious exasperation and he just waved his hand to you dismissively, showing that he didn't care about showing just how tired he was.
"i can't believe sanji made the glaze tabasco sauce," jinbe said under his breath, making another rouse of laughter come from your mouth.
"did you hear zoro finally say anything besides belrrhh and uurgghh," you said, exaggerating the sounds zoro was making. jinbe covered his mouth to stop his laughter from waking everyone else up. "i mean, seriously if he wanted to just not talk to us, he could've just stayed home,"
jinbe smacked the couch cushion as a means of hiding his laughter, turning to you with tears in his eyes, "you know he enjoys arguing with you and sanji more than he'd admit, there's no way he would have missed out on this,"
you both broke out into loud laughter, making zoro turn over and throw a pillow at you in his sleep ridden state. he sleepily told you to shut up, making jinbe point a finger at his sleepy state.
"see! like i said, in his sleep he can't help it!!!!"
the strawhats are just the cutest ugh. happy halloween everyone 😻☝️school is my biggest opp rn so i ltr have noooo chances to write or upload but hipefully this weekend i can ‼️‼️‼️
tags - platonic
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isolaradiale · 7 days
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. . . . .
"Mmhm, I see, I see... Your father did tell us you had a bit of a mishap with your art project. We couldn't help coming to give some advice." Solaris muses, circling the diorama of the city. Currently, it's been moved to a coffee table.
"Yes, he told me I should try and spin it as if I had done such a thing on purpose. But I don't see how I could possibly..." "Oh, we had an idea for that!"
Mimosa flutters from behind, resting her hands on Janus' shoulders. The glint of mischief hiding in her rosy glasses does not escape his notice.
"We could help you mirror it in the city proper, you know!" "What?" "It's an interesting theory. The structures you made still stand, but what gives them life and personality has been greyed out." "I wouldn't say that--" "So how do you fix it? Do you paint them with the hues and values they're supposed to be, or do you pick something new?" "What do you do with the spots where the paint bled together? Do you paint over that, too?"
As the two bounce back and forth in this terrible game of brainstorming, Janus begins to put his hands to his cheeks in mounting horror.
"Oh, no. No no no. Absolutely not--" "If we make someone look like an old black and white movie, what happens? Will they try to change to technicolour?" "Would they paint themselves the colour palettes they're used to? Maybe it's something entirely different. If we make those hues correspond with their personalities..." "I--I'll have no part in this! The last time something like this happened, everything--" "Ah-ah, don't worry."
Mimosa leaves Janus side to twirl next to Solaris, who makes an artful pose himself, as if framing the splotchy mess of a diorama in his hands.
"We have this one completely under control. Not like last time." "I'll make sure of it. Just a little bit of editing... ah, Mimosa, what if we..."
Janus can only move his head as the two take their leave, watching them scheme and snicker. He turns back to look at the model of the city. And in a scramble that almost makes him trip over his own feet, he rushes to his boxes of paints.
"--I have to at least put the base coat back on, or they really won't have anything at all!"
. . . . .
Welcome to another zany event for the fall season! It looks like Mimosa and Solaris aren't done causing trouble, but this time, it should be harmless. Right? (Right...?)
Taking inspiration from a creative mishap, the Stars have decided to effectively render the city in greyscale--including the people residing in it--to see what really makes everyone so colourful. Thankfully, most people will start with a base hue.
What does that mean, though? Here's a handy-dandy list of notes!
As soon as it strikes midnight that night, your muse will find that they've been completely greyscaled, save for one colour that represents who they are at their core, and only that colour! - Think of it like those 'what colour is your soul' quizzes. If your muse was only one hue, what would it be? For example, a character that is inherently cheery might turn completely yellow or pink, while a hot-headed character may turn red or orange to reflect their personality.
Your muse cannot help but feel and act whatever hue/personality they seem to be. However! The more your muse interacts with the people around them, the more colours (and feelings/facets of their personality) will open up to them. This will also physically reflect on them. - If your cheery yellow muse bumps into a sad, blue muse, you'll both have a new colour to express. Now you can feel happy (yellow) AND sad (blue)! And perhaps a sort of melancholy joy, like watching your best friend win that prize you wanted instead of you. Of course, you're happy for them, but sad you didn't win. - Or maybe those two colours mix into being green with envy... And suddenly, you have a new colour ;3
Any inanimate object your muse interacts with (except their Island Issued Cell Phone) will take on your muse's hue. Every step you take will leave a colourful footprint in its wake, every hand rail will have colourful handprints. More on that later.
With enough interactions and perspectives, your muse will be back to their old selves in no time! If, that is, they want to go back to their old selves at all. Maybe another colour palette suits them better than before...?
"It can't be that easy, though."
And, you're right! The experiment did more than reduce everyone to solid (or no) colours! Some other strange things are happening, too. Such as...
The NPCs of the city have not escaped unscathed. Unlike you, though, they have no hue to them at all. However, they'll absorb colours from your muses by proximity and action. - If your deep-green jealous muse is around, NPCs will turn deep-green too, and may want what you have--and might try to take it by force. But a calm mint-coloured muse may just leave you alone and soak up some vibes. - This extends to creatures of the island, too, so watch out!
Sources of water in the city (the ocean, lakes, ponds, swimming pools, etc) will wash away at least one colour from you. (You can still drink and cook with it without any effect, though.) Better not get caught in a rainstorm any time soon!
To combat this, you can find paint cans with a random colour paint in them around the city. You never know what you're going to get, though!
The city itself is completely greyscale, so navigating it might be a challenge without any colourful landmarks to stand out. That being said, your muse will leave colour wherever they go, like they're a giant paint roller. And so will everyone else's muses! Figuring out populated areas will be Very Easy, but you might get disoriented in places that don't get a lot of foot traffic.
These are the major issues...... for now :)
"Do I have to pick a hue at the beginning? I can't decide on one."
It's entirely possible that your muse can start in greyscale, and just has No Personality. In that case, they'll take on the hue of the first person they interact with.
"What do we do if a colour has multiple associations with it?"
Each association of that colour is a valid one, and there are no incorrect colour associations. Each colour is whatever you need it to be in the moment. The definition of "red" for your muse may not match the "red" of your RP partner--and that's okay! What may be helpful is to make an event info post explaining your colour choice, how you interpret it, and how it would affect your character!
"Do we have to stick to basic colours like red, yellow, green, blue, etc?"
Nope. Maybe your muse is a mauve, emerald, beige, or aquamarine. Pick any colour you think is best for the moment!
"In theory, could we use the paint cans laying around to add hues to others by splashing them with it or something?"
PVP is enabled, if you want to be a menace! (with mun permission, of course)
"Is the comic in black and white for plot reasons?"
No, I'm just lazy :c
Have a question you don't see on here? You can message the Masterlist!
See you in a week! Make sure to get as many colour perspectives as you can, okay? :)
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pinkberrytea · 1 month
✨Writing Interview Tag Game✨
Eeee tysm for the tag @nyx-knox and @honeybee-bard! 🥹🙌❣️
When did you start writing?
I used to write fanfiction when I was 13 years old, but as an adult, this is actually my first time dabbling in creative writing! I released my first work back in April, crazy to think it’s been barely four months since I started!
Are there different themes or genres you enjoy reading than what you write?
Horror and mystery are actually my favorite genres, though I'm not sure I'd be able to pull either off? I should give it a go one day, maybe!
Is there a writer you want to emulate or get compared to often?
To be honest any comparisons at all would make me plenty happy since I barely consider myself a writer 😅 There are some people in the fandom who are endless sources of inspiration for me though, all authors in my recs list and ao3 bookmarks, for starters.
Can you tell me a bit about your writing space?
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No BG3 merch sadly, yet!
What's your most effective way to muster up a muse?
Just daydreaming honestly. Also listening to music helps plenty! Researching lore and brainstorming ideas with friends too. But mostly just daydreaming!
Are there any recurring themes in your writing? Do they surprise you?
Hurt and comfort, and also angst. Lots of it, for some reason. It does surprise me how angsty all my writing ends up coming across, but I try to balance it out with some melodramatic fluff, I guess? I do want to try my hand at some less serious/more lighthearted themes eventually though, branch out a little!
What is your reason for writing?
Coping, mostly. Also as a sort of therapy, to sort out my feelings about themes that are important to me and that I’ve been processing through media. And no less relevant, simply as a self-indulgent outlet! I write what I myself would like to read.
Is there any specific comment or type of comment you find particularly motivating?
Every single comment is incredibly motivating for me, but of course, I do twirl my hair and kick my feet whenever someone tells me about which passages they liked the best and how they specifically felt about a certain scene. Also, whenever people pick up on a detail I was sure would go by unnoticed!
How do you want to be thought about by your readers?
I want my readers to think of me as a friend, as someone who is always accessible and up for talking about writing, be it mine or just in general!
What do you feel is your greatest strength as a writer?
Oh, this is a toughie. I have a very flowery and verbose style, though I’m not sure that’s a strength? I guess it could be, depending on your preferences. It’s a bit of a double-edged sword, really.
How do you feel about your own writing?
I don’t think highly of it from a technical standpoint, but I do pour my heart and soul into every single piece, and that makes them all special to me.
When you write, are you influenced by what others might enjoy reading, or do you write purely for yourself, or a mix of both?
I can sincerely say I write mostly for myself, otherwise I wouldn’t even be able to write anything at all because I don’t think I could live up to anyone’s expectations. Though of course, the feedback I receive on a piece may in fact influence whether I feel inspired to expand on it or just move on to something new. Even if I’m typically my own main target audience, comments are always greatly appreciated!
No pressure tags ✨ @locallegume, @judasiskariot, @inkymoonbunny, @starryjuicebox and @kalmiaphlox!
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analogwriting · 5 months
The Other Side of Paradise
Chapter 3: Tangerine
Killer x gn!reader word count: 2.4k first|next a/n: more date niiiiiight
Once finished with your frozen treats, the two of you headed to the movies. You still hadn’t fully decided on one. You didn't care too much about what to see, you were just glad to finally be spending some alone time with your beau - and you more than likely wouldn’t be paying attention anyway. Your mind was either going to be running or you were going to be too occupied doing something else.
“Did you decide?” Killer looked at you once you were at the ticket booth. You shrugged, looking over at the movie list. “Mm, how about that one?” It looked like a horror movie parody. The perfect combo of what you were feeling. Something that wouldn’t require too much attention.
He nodded, purchasing the tickets and concessions before the two of you headed for the theater. 
Once you took your seats, you looked around. The theater you were in was empty for the most part, save for a handful of other people in different groups. You were surprised, you figured that on a Friday afternoon - it’d be busier. Maybe it didn’t really start getting busy until later, but it didn’t bother you at all. You kind of liked it when it was empty - felt like a private showing.
Either way, you didn't care really. It's not like you were gungho to see the movie either. 
As it started, you were already only half paying attention. Your mind kept wandering to the big news. He said he wanted the two of you to enjoy yourselves before he told you, but you couldn’t enjoy yourself at all. You couldn't focus in the slightest, all the possibilities playing over and over in your head.
You didn't even really notice that you had zoned out until you felt Killer tap your thigh. You looked over to him, blinking. “Are you alright?” he mumbled. You nodded, flashing a smile. “Just thinking,” you whispered. 
Killer raised an eyebrow. He knew what you were thinking, no doubt. You leaned over, kissing him softly, resting your forehead against his for a moment. Then you had a small idea - a little payback for making you wait for so long. 
Your hand slowly made its way to his thigh and he glanced down before looking back at you as you slowly neared towards his groin. “Here?” You shrugged, smiling. 
“Why not?” You hands groped at him through his jeans and he groaned softly, clenching his jaw to keep himself quiet. The movie was pretty quiet at the moment and there might have only been a few other people, but he still didn't want to broadcast what the two of you were doing. 
Though, it's likely the others were doing the same. 
He let out a long sigh, trying to keep it together as you quickly undid his pants with one hand. “You're almost too good at that.”
“This ain't our first rodeo, love,” you mused, stroking him through his boxers. You thought about fooling around in the theater the entire time. You didn’t plan on investing in a movie, but you realized that you didn’t want to give in to lust now. You wanted Killer to have just a taste of his own medicine.
“I’m…” He was already panting slightly. “I was the one who was supposed to be treating you,” he breathed. You grinned, squeezing him slightly, making his eyes roll back slightly. “You'll have plenty of time for that later, I'm sure.” You winked at him. You knew how the date was going to end - the two of you boning somewhere. It’s how it always ended and you loved it every time.
He grunted. “Fuck, I love you,” he mumbled. He rested his forehead against yours as he panted softly, trying to keep himself quiet as you worked him through his boxers. You could feel him slowly building up to his climax, rock hard in your hand.
“Babe,” he mumbled, clenching his jaw. You felt him twitch, telling you everything you needed to know about just how close it was. “I-”
Before he could get the remaining words out or even reach his peak, you pulled your hand away. He looked at you through half lidded eyes, confusion taking over his features as he tried to figure out your angle or what was even going on.
You kissed the tip of his nose. “That's for making me wait so long. Now you're gonna wait too,” you whispered. He just stared at you through his bangs in disbelief as you turned, getting comfortable in your chair.
He just sat there, trying to figure out what the hell just happened as you tried to suppress a grin. You definitely knew that he was gonna let you have it later and you wouldn’t have it any other way.
After your little prank, the two of you finished up the movie as if nothing happened. It took him a bit to gather himself again. It had been a while since the two of you were really able to go at it, so you knew he was more than ready to burst before you cucked him of that.
On your way home, you realized he wasn't, in fact, driving home. “Where are we going?” Excitement filled your chest again.
Killer was quiet for a moment before speaking in a monotonous tone.  “I'm taking you to the middle of nowhere and killing you.”
You snorted, looking from out your window to him. “Don't threaten me with a good time.” You leaned over, kissing his cheek. You knew he would never do something like that. Plus, if he wanted to, he would’ve by now - long ago.
You did notice he was kind of taking you in the middle of nowhere, and it was dark so you were having a hard time making it out. However, you had a feeling you knew where you were going. The way felt familiar and there wasn’t exactly anywhere else. “Our spot?”
He didn't say anything, just smiled as he continued driving. It'd been quite a while since you've been out here, so now you were even more excited. Once more, you were practically bouncing in your seat.
The place that you had dubbed ‘our spot’ was on an overlook that had a beautiful view of your small town. It was beautiful both during the day and at night. At night, you could see the stars because there wasn't too much light pollution and during the day, the natural landscape was just breathtaking. 
A lot of people didn't know about this particular outlook either. Everyone knew about the other one, but you and Killer had accidentally discovered this one while out hiking one day and it became a place the two of you went to spend alone time together. It was always nice and relaxing out here. Quiet.
You were pulled from your thoughts as you felt Killers arms wrap around your waist from behind and his lips on your neck. A small smile spread across your face as you turned around, wrapping your arms around his neck to kiss him properly. 
He lifted you up, carrying you over to the truck and setting you on the tailgate that was now pulled down. You realized he had set down a blanket and some pillows. “Oh, you got it aaaall set up, huh?” you mused. 
He kissed you again before hopping into the truck with you. He kicked off his boots and you did the same before crawling onto the little palette he made in the bed of the truck. “I know how much you just love sitting under the stars.”
You felt your face warm up and you couldn't help but smile. He was right - you loved stargazing, especially with him. Any activity where the two of you just sat, simply existing in a beautiful place was your favorite. 
He laid back onto the pile of pillows and you curled up on his chest. The two of you were quiet, just enjoying the sounds of the night as you stared up at the stars.
“We got signed.” There it was - the news.
Your heart stopped and you immediately sat up to look at him. “What? Signed? You mean…?” Your eyes were wide as you processed what he was saying. 
He nodded, a large smile slowly taking over his features as his excitement began to seep through. “A record label reached out to us. Apparently watched our last couple of shows. They want to sign us.”
Your head was spinning. Sure, this is what you hoped and dreamed of for him, but you still couldn't believe it! You stared at him as the information sunk in. 
“Baby, that's fantastic!” You kissed him hard, grinning from ear to ear. He chuckled, wrapping his arms around you as he held you close. You were so elated - you could only imagine how he must be feeling. Their hard work was finally paying off!
After a moment of rolling around, he pulled away from you. There was a troubled look on his face. “What's wrong?” You frowned, worried.
He took a moment, clearly thinking of how to bring whatever it was up. “They want us to move to the big city. Across the country…”
You blinked, looking at him for a moment as you, once again, processed the information. 
“All four of us would have to move,” he said, helping you process things a bit faster. It was clear that he was worried how you’d react to this part of the news.
Then it hit you. He was leaving. Without you. Your eyes widened, unable to find words. You were happy for him but also somewhat…scared. 
Not in an insecure way. You weren't scared of him finding someone else without you - that wasn't it. No, it was the fact the two of you have practically been attached to the hip since you were seven. 
“We just need time to settle in and adjust, then you can move out there with us. We don’t exactly know what we’re gonna be set up with or how much room there will be. Hell, for all we know, it could be the four of us in a bedsit.” Panic was setting into his features the longer you were silent. You realized that he probably thought you were angry. 
Finally, you snapped out of it, finding your voice again. “Sorry. Processing.” You shook your head, smiling at him. You reached up, taking his face in your hands before pulling him in for the most tender and passionate kiss you could muster. 
“This is a good thing, baby. This is your dream come true.” You looked at him, slowly crawling into his lap and straddling him. He looked up at you with wide eyes, fear in them. 
“You go to the big city. I'll stay here - finish school, visit when I can. You focus on your dream, just call and check in every once and a while so I know you're okay.” You weren’t sure if you were trying to talk him down or yourself - maybe both.
“You're not upset?”
A soft expression relaxed over your features and you shook your head. “Why would I be upset? Its true that I'm sad that I can't go with you. But this is also bigger than both of us. This is something that you've been dreaming about since we were eleven. Ever since Kid brought it up when we were eleven.” Both of you smiled fondly at the memory.
“Well, actually. My dream is to marry you but yeah.”
You snorted, kissing him softly. He was such a goober and you loved him so much. “That one’s already a given and in the bag. Might as well get this one too, yeah?”
“I'm not sure what I'm gonna do when I don't get to see your face every morning when I wake up.” He pouted. You weren’t sure what you were going to do either. You already knew you weren’t going to be sleeping much without him.
You chuckled, resting your foreheads together. “I'm only one facetime away.” Again, you weren’t sure if you were trying to convince him it was going to be okay or yourself.
“That's true but we’ll be in different time zones and different schedules and I’m just afraid that we won't be able to talk as much as i want to.” He frowned. You knew he didn’t really mean ‘talk’. You knew damn well that he’d face time you and you both would just sit in silence. Again, just simply existing near each other was enough for you.
“Texting is a thing you know.” You grinned at him. Neither of you were worried about the other cheating or the distance being too much to lead to a break up or finding other people. The two of you knew you were meant to be together and there was comfort in that fact. 
It was just going to suck to not be able to talk and see each other every single day. 
“We'll make it work. Then I'll graduate and move out there. You'll be a famous rockstar. We’ll have our dream wedding. Then live happily ever after.” You nodded, your smile widening. Nothing was going to stop your dreams. You were going to make sure of that. You were almost done with school anyway. It was your last semester - you were in the home stretch. You just needed to stick it out for a few months and then you’d be able to do whatever you wanted.
Killer smiled up at you. He already seemed to have calmed down for the most part. You’d never seen him so worried before. “You’re right. I'm just going to miss you so much.” His grip tightened around you. 
“When do you have to leave?”
“Next week.” You paled, eyes widening. That fast? You supposed that the label company probably wanted to start making money off of them as soon as possible. Still, you thought you’d have more time than barely a week.
You pushed all that aside. “Then we better make every second count then.” You kissed him hard, tugging his hair slightly to make him groan against you as you made your own intentions clear. You were going to pick up where you left off in the theater.
You were going to make sure he remembered tonight.
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saveugoodmadam · 8 months
A Most Unfortunate Condition
Word count: c. 1,889
Awoosies masterpost
The boy in question stirred groggily in his sleep, then awoke with a start as he saw Jack's face at the window next to his bunk. Around him, other newsies told the pair to be quiet and put held their pillows over their ears. 
"What is it?" he hissed, indignant at being distributed.
"Penthouse, now." Jack whispered back.
Grumbling, Race allowed Jack to pull him through the window and they made their way up to the fire escape. He took one look at what appeared to be a wolf on a mattress, swore loudly, and turned around to go back down the fire escape. Jack's hand clamped down on his shoulder to stop him.
"Not so fast."
Race raised an eyebrow . "Why's there a wolf on the roof?"
Jack's face was set in steel. "That's Crutchie, and I want to know why."
Race followed Jack's finger to where it was pointing at the wolf. Now he thought about it, the canine did look an awful lot like the boy. He swore again in surprise, pulling his cigar out from his shirt pocket and chewing on it with wide eyes. Then his eyes narrowed and he looked at Jack.
"Why's you assuming I'm gonna know?"
"Well, if you knows how to hide a body I'm more likely to assume you knows how a newsie can be a wolf."
"Doesn't mean I knows everything, Kelly! Finch knows animals. Buttons knows medical stuff. Go ask them." he grumbled. "G'night, Jack. G'night, Crutchie."
"Tell Finch and Buttons to get themselves up here."
"Yes boss." he replied, leaving Jack up top, looking bewilderedly at an equally bewildered Crutchie.
"What'd he mean by 'and it's Crutchie, by the way'?" Finch mused to Buttons as they climbed the fire escape together, yawning slightly. Race had just shaken them both awake and told them to go up top without explaining anything. 
"I dunn- oh, Holy Mary!" Buttons exclaimed, clinging to him as they reached the top. "I think he meant that- uh- uh- uh- " Button's eyes went wide at the sight of a wolf laying casually on a mattress. "I think that uh, that's Crutchie..."
"Oh, hey, Crutchie." Finch said softly, gently prising Buttons off him and sitting cross-legged in front of the mattress. 
"I wanna know why he's like this." Jack demanded, standing behind Finch. "Cause he ain't never done something like this before."
"I think we'd have noticed if he'd done this before, Jack." Buttons said, raising an eyebrow. He came to join Finch in front of the mattress. "Crutchie, can I see your arm- or, uh, leg, I guess?"
Crutchie nodded and let Buttons gently examine the spot where he had been bitten earlier that day.
"No, nothing. Uh, I'm sorry Jack, that's all I could've gone on."
"He's, uh, a little bigger than a normal wolf, but that's all I can tell. Oh, and I guess normal wolves ain't blond. And don't have hazel eyes."
"So, a wolf that's kinda not normal..." Jack mused. 
"We got nuthin'. Sorry, Jack." Finch apologised.
"Any idea who'd know?"
They shook their heads. Jack looked defeated, and sat down next to Crutchie on the mattress, head in hands. "Someone's done something to somebody I care about. We's getting to the bottom of this. I'll ask Davey in the morning, or Katherine, or Medda. They might know." His voice sounded so horribly small and vulnerable. For a moment, Finch could see the boy behind the tough façade.
"What's going on?" drifted a voice from the fire escape. The group turned to see Romeo looking at the scene in confusion.
"Something's happened to Crutchie." Finch explained. "We can't figure out wh-"
"Werewolf." Romeo deadpanned.
"What?" Jack asked, incredulous.
"He's a werewolf." Romeo repeated. "Believe me, I've read enough trashy novels to know." He held up a hand and pointed to each finger, listing things off as he went. "Full moon. He got bitten. The bite healed quickly. His arm went itchy. Now he's a wolf. It's the plot of every dime horror story from here to the Sahara."
All that could be heard on the penthouse was stunned silence before Jack piped up. "Thanks, Romeo. That's... that's unexpectedly helpful."
"I's not just a pretty face, huh?" Romeo winked and then went back down the fire escape to bed.
Crutchie woke up feeling like his body was on fire. It wasn't just his bad leg- every muscle was sore. He opened his eyes and groaned, unable to do anything but look up at the sky for a good ten minutes before the pain started to ease. 
"You's awake, then. Finally." Jack chuckled, crouching down next to him. He had a smile on his face that straddled the border between brotherly and parental. Crutchie knew that smile. He knew it from when he was eleven and broke his arm climbing a tree in Central Park. He knew it from when he'd caught chickenpox at thirteen. He knew it from when he'd been brought back home from the Refuge, beaten black and blue, and Jack had to slowly nurse him back to health. That smile meant something had gone wrong.
"Yeah, I's awake. What gives?"
"You don't... um... remember? Last night? Y'know, uh..." Jack bared his teeth and raised his hands in a pantomime of a predator animal. Crutchie raised an eyebrow, then his eyes widened as everything came flooding back to him.
"That wasn't- no, that didn't- couldn't have..." he whispered, clutching desperately at his friend. "Jack, I..."
"Crutchie... I's known you since you was eight years old with gappy teeth. You're my best friend, okay? You ain't dangerous, or a threat, and don't you dare say you's a monster because you ain't, you don't deserve all this happenin' outta nowhere!"
Crutchie watched as Jack started to cry, then made a soft 'oof' noise as he was engulfed in a hug through his blanket. 
"Alright, ya goof." Crutchie said softly. He paused, letting Jack calm down a little. "But I was actually eight and a half when we met."
He smiled when Jack spluttered out a laugh.
"You got me there." Then the other boy's face became stern. "You's not sellin' today, though. Neither am I. We's going to the theatre. Medda'll give you a few bucks for doing some odd jobs backstage, more than you'd earn if you was selling papes."
"Why the theatre?"
"You'll see."
"And when I got back, he was a wolf."
Medda looked to where Crutchie was sat on a chair, sewing up holes in a few of the costumes. 
"A werewolf, huh?"
Jack nodded. "I was wondering if anyone here knows anything about it."
Medda smiled to herself. It certainly was helpful, running a theatre. One could learn a lot from the people at the stage door, from whispers overheard from the audience, from the workers themselves. She wracked her brains, remembering a whispered conversation in the wings from a while back, when spring had just started to thaw out winter's freeze. 
"Mireia!" she called in the direction of the dressing rooms. A dancer poked her head out of the door.
"Yes, Ms Medda?"
"Your beau, from mid-March. Are you still with him?"
Mireia walked out fully into the corridor.
"No, ma'am. He moved to Maine in June."
"He was a werewolf, wasn't he?"
"Yes, ma'am. Why, is someone asking after him?"
"I have a couple of newsies here to talk to you about lycanthropy. Do you have the time to spare?"
Mireia nodded. 
"Alright. I'll be in my office if any of you need me. I think I must have some books on the supernatural somewhere."
"Thank you, Medda." Jack said, bowing slightly. 
"It's no problem, Jack Kelly." she replied, patting his cheek.
She made her way to her office, knowing not for the first or last time that her trade and memory had once again saved the day.
"Basic stuff first, if you don't mind." Crutchie said, his gaze flickering between the dancer and the costume he was mending.
"Okay. Well, Peter said that his kind aren't naturally aggressive. Only violent people make for violent wolves."
"That explains Morris." Jack sneered.
"I dunno, Jack. He's a dick, sure, but he seemed more scared than anything."
Mireia nodded. "Trauma can lead to wolves lashing out, as with any animal under the sun."
"Well, it's at least good to know I ain't gonna go all murderous on you, Jack. Uh, any more specifics though?"
The dancer looked pensive. "Transformations aren't only on full moons, I remember that. The first transformation happens the night the werewolf is bitten, then it's voluntary on any night other than full moons. That's the night all lycanthropes are forced to change. And it gets less painful as time goes on."
Crutchie couldn't hide his smile at that. It was good to know that the agony of last night wasn't going to continue for the rest of his life.
"What about alphas and stuff?" Jack asked, looking concerned.
"I don't know how much trashy romance you've read, but most of it isn't true in the least. Alpha is just the role given to the leader and co-ordinator of the pack."
"Oh, yeah, packs. Uh, are there any I should join? Do they gotta be all wolves?" He held his breath as he asked, the needle paused mid-stitch.
"The newsies as a community function very well as a pack, and no they don't all have to be wolves."
"So I'm alpha?" Jack's brow was furrowed, as if this was something he really wanted to make sure.
"I think you are." Crutchie told him. "You're leader of us 'Hattan newsies, so why not?"
"Just one more thing, then, and we'll leave you be. Is there any other wolves in New York? Apart from Crutchie. And Morris, I guess." Jack twirled a paintbrush between his fingers to alleviate the stress.
There was silence for a minute or so. Crutchie and Jack held their breath as they leant in, enraptured, awaiting Mireia's answer.
"Not that I know of. Not since Peter left for Maine."
Hidden in an alleyway, a large grey shadow watched two newsies walk past on their way to sell their papers. The slightly taller one identified the birds they saw as they passed, the smaller one captivated by his friend's face. It had to suppress a growl. The plan had failed, ever so slightly. One had been turned before the plan called for it. It would make sure that mistake was paid for, when the time came. For now, both of its targets were in plain sight. It flew out of the alley, paws pounding against the ground, towards the unsuspecting victims.
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A Sisters Love Sequel
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You could almost laugh at the enforcers escorting you.
Each cautious of you, even in cuffs.
Some when you were in a cell had even shit talked about you, Silco and Jinx.
That didn't go over well, especially since they had to come into your cell to give you meals.
But now, here you were.
Handcuffed and shackled at the waist, arms and legs as you headed to the top.
You were being sentenced today, by shit for brain councilors, at that.
"Walk." An enforcer ordered, shoving you closer to the middle of the room.
It almost looked like you were on display, displayed as one of the most wanted Undercity residents.
From the whispers that you could hear once they heard your chains clicking, you could tell you had an audience.
The enforcer led you to the middle, standing you still as they tightened your cuffs.
"Don't try to pull anything." The obvious woman under the mask sneered.
"Me? Never." You mused with a smirk, only infuriating the enforcer more.
But they couldn't do shit to you. Not in front of your admires.
It was pitch black in the tower, barely able to see In front of you.
But as a light shone above you, whispers flickered throughout the entire tower.
All you could do was smile at them all, even with their disgusted eyes judging you.
You looked at every councilor, picking each apart until you got to Jayce.
The man just stared at you, but you could see the slight fear and disgust in them.
"Do you know why you are here today?" A sudden voice called out.
It was the councilor Mel Medarda, you'd heard of her from down below.
"Don't you have a list or something?" You shrugged, feeling too tired and annoyed to answer.
"Yes, we do. We just need a verbal answer." Medarda continued, her professionalism almost making you puke.
"Murder, explosives, theft, treason, plotting, other bullshit I can't remember…" you trailed off, almost laughing at the horror on the citizens faces.
"Do you have anything to say for yourself? Or for your companion?" Jayce asked, catching your attention.
You finally got angry, him telling the council Jinx was dead was part of your deal.
The guy seemed to fucking lazy to even hold up his end.
"Jinx is dead." You sneered, hearing the whispers disperse as they listened.
"I'm the one who is on trial, not her." You finished, shrugging off the man's glare.
"Again, do you have anything to say for yourself before you are sentenced?" Council Medarda cut in.
You sighed, not angry or tired, just utterly annoyed at the fucking inconvenience.
"What's the point? I did what I did against your bitch ass city. Get over it."
You heard the gasps at your language at the councilors, but who the hell cares?
You quite actually giggled at the citizens gasps and the arrogant councilors faces.
"Your city is full of assholes who spit on my people for years. I did what I did to fuck over your city for ruining lives, do you expect me to apologize?"
"Watch your mouth!" A councilor man finally stood up, angered at your words as an enforcer held his shoulder.
"Or what? Whatcha gonna do? Bite me?" You teased, laughing at his face.
"Enough!" Jayce exclaimed, seemingly as fed up with this all also.
"You," He turned a pointed look at you, getting a smile in return.
"Are sentenced to Stillwater Prison where you belong, where you will rot for the rest of your life."
Jayce finally finished, waiting for a reaction from you but merely getting a yawn.
Jayce shook his head, looking around as the citizens all looked ready to spit on you.
You simply waved your fingers at them all, holding out your cuffed hands to be dragged away.
You were escorted by more enforcers than before, surrounded as angry citizens tried getting to you.
You laughed at the whole ordeal, waving at them like some sort of celebrity.
Butt, you sorta were right now, weren't you?
Finally you got outside and the fun ended.
"Get in." An enforcer pulled open a car door, another shoving you inside.
You rolled your eyes at them before getting situated yourself.
Other enforcers joined you before the van finally started, looking out the window you could tell you were headed for the shore.
You had to cross with a boat to get to the prison, maybe you can throw an enforcer or two down into the water.
But that thought was quickly put to rest once you heard a deafening boom and the van stop.
Enforcers all looked around confused before another went off, right next to the van.
They all looked at you once you laughed at their horror.
"Never been through this before?" You asked, just as the van's doors were pulled open.
You could see rubble everywhere, fires started and most of all, Sevika was there to pull you out of the van.
"Get your ass out here, Kid." Sevika threw. "Gladly." You smiled, slipping out your handcuffs and ankle shackles.
You'll lazer the others off.
Sevika grabbed your arm and helped you down from the van, just for you to see Silcos goons helping distract enforcers.
Just as you got out the van and far enough away, the enforcers stuck in there were blown to bits.
You watched happily as the van burnt up in flames before you heard a yell.
"(Name)! Did you see that?! I did that?!" You turned around with a smile to see Jinx.
Silco stood there with her, both watching you before Jinx ran.
You followed her lead, meeting her in the middle with a hug as Silco joined.
"Why'd you give yourself up for me?!" Jinx exclaimed, pulling away from the hug to punch your chest with tears welled.
"Cause I knew there would be a plan, plus, your explosives work better than mine."
You laughed, pulling Jinx's hands from punching you as you made her look at you.
"Were you treated well?" Silco finally asked, inspecting you for injuries.
"They were too afraid to do anything." You shrugged, getting a nod from Silco.
You knew he would never do it so you did it yourself.
You hugged the man. Feeling him tense before relaxing, Jinx joined you.
The man stood there with his hands at his sides for a moment.
Then he finally allowed himself to hug his daughters back.
"Come on. No need to linger." Silco finally cleared his throat after a minute.
"Oh! Come on, (Name)! He got new goons we can bother." Jinx excitedly told you as the other goons who dealt with the enforcers began to disperse.
"I just wanna sleep." You complained, being dragged back to the Undercity where you belong.
"Too bad. Well watch the news later."
You did, in fact, watch the news.
It told the terrible story on how enforcers we're killed by Undercity citizens angry at your arrest.
And enforcers and you, were killed in the chaos.
People mourned the enforcers while celebrating your death.
But you weren't really dead, were you?
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animasola86 · 6 days
Writer Interview Game
Thank you for the tag @moongurl95 - what a fun game! Let me ramble about my writing for a bit! :D
When did you start writing?
My earliest memory of writing anything was in elementary school. I went to a Montessori school where you had a few "free" periods before the actual classes, and I used that time mostly to write silly little stories about whatever I was into at that time.
That continued throughout my school life, I always enjoyed writing for school projects, and it really motivated me when the teachers would be surprised at what came out of my head (I was a shy kid, so my only outlet were these stories).
As for fanfiction, I think I started in 2005 when I joined FanFiction.net, and of course it was a Harry Potter fanfic. Several, actually. I even finished at least two long fics back then - an accomplishment I haven't been able to do since then, I guess. Ah well.
What really kickstarted my writing spree was Hogwarts Legacy and how the fandom used to be back in 2023 when it was all fresh and exciting. I've never written so much in my life! So I'm really grateful I can still sit down and write whatever comes to mind.
Are there different themes or genres you enjoy reading than what you write?
Hmm. I usually write what I read/read what I write, if that makes sense, but I used to be a big thriller and horror book enthusiast (before the smut took over my brain), so those genres I certainly have yet to explore in my own writings more.
Is there a writer you want to emulate or get compared to often?
I'm not sure I like to be compared, to be honest. I don't compare myself with anyone, either. And emulating anyone? Hmm. I mean, every single piece of fiction I ever read has a place in my brain, and subconsciously or not, my writing style will have traces of whatever I read last.
And I could name names now, but honestly, I just want to be an author, one day have my own story published, hold it in my own two hands, not to see my name on the cover (because that's actually a terrifying thought), but to know I've made it somehow, made it on the shelf next to all these other authors.
Can you tell me a bit about your writing space?
I have a bedroom with a desk and a laptop hooked to a screen and a nice keyboard that makes writing very easy (if the words flow, that is...). Nothing fancy, it's really cluttered too, but it works. I also wrote some of my drabbles on my phone before, but I prefer to write on the pc (autocorrect is a bitch), I need the control!
What's your most effective way to muster up a muse?
Hyperfixation. Very hard to achieve, but when it's there, oh boy, hold me back or I'll write ten oneshots in a day (not really, but it did feel like it at the best times). Once I'm in the process of writing, I also need peace and quiet. I wrote a lot of my pieces early in the morning, right after waking up, even before breakfast, just to get the thoughts out. But I don't usually have a set time to write. If the muse is musing, I'll just write, no matter where and when.
And to muster that muse, I'll either doomscroll through a particular fandom or I read similar stories, sometimes even my own works to get back in the flow of things.
Are there any recurring themes in your writing? Do they surprise you?
Well, I am a smut writer, I write smut, in various shapes and forms and positions and you know the deal. Does not surprise me at all. Though a year ago, I wouldn't have believed you if you told me I'd become what I am today. I always had smutty thoughts and love and affection were always themes in my writings (see below!) but to write as explicitly as I do now, well, okay, that does surprise me, or it did at first. Now I'm writing about these themes like others write their shopping lists.
What is your reason for writing?
Love. Or lack thereof. I used to be really into psychological or criminal thrillers, and what these types of stories all lacked was love, or relationships, or simply put: feelings, or that bit of fluff between all the killings, you know? So I decided one day to write my own thriller but add a lot of love into it, make love the major theme that drives the crimes so to speak.
Emotions can influence so many things, and I was always reading those stories with these interesting characters and none of them had any connections, or so it felt, and if they had, it was always mentioned in the very back, and I needed details! (I could have tried to find romance thrillers, but instead I took to writing, and I'm not mad!)
Same with my early Harry Potter fanfics. I was always missing real romance in the books, so I made my own stories, put these characters together, smashed their heads against each other and told them to kiss. Worked great. Still works fine.
Apart from my need for romance, I just enjoy thinking up stories, building worlds, creating characters. It's a nice distraction from the real world, and as unhealthy as it may be, I enjoy getting lost in various fantasies. It's helped me a lot over the years.
Is there any specific comment or type of comment you find particularly motivating?
I'm just happy if I get a comment at all. For someone to not only read and like my writing, but to take the time to share their thoughts? Makes my day every time. Of course I like those comments that go into details, reference the story, ponder over the things I've written. It's really nice to discuss what came out of my head with someone reading it for the first time, gives me a new perspective on things for sure.
How do you want to be thought about by your readers?
Hmm. As someone they like to return to if they're in need of some spicy fics? I don't know, honestly. I hope my readers think good of me, even if I take a long time to come up with new stuff or leave them hanging for a bit. I hope they'll keep coming back, maybe go over my old stuff, enjoy what I already gave them.
I'm okay with being reduced to a smut writer, because that's what I am most of the time, and honestly, I just hope my readers have a good time with my filthy little stories. If, at the end of the day/night, they still remember who wrote that steamy scene, I couldn't be happier.
What do you feel is your greatest strength as a writer?
Juicy details. Writing explicit smut was a challenge at first, but I've conquered it, and now it comes (hehe) so easy for me, I just need to think of a scenario, that tiny bit of necessary plot (which is the hardest part now), and all the puzzle pieces fall together. The challenge is to keep it somewhat diverse, spice it up, not repeat myself (which, in my genre, isn't as easy... you can only do so much with two bodies, right?), which is why I keep diving into various kinks, and oh boy, there are still so many, and I keep learning so much as I surf the very dirty waves of the Internet (until I reach a point where it gets too dark and filthy even for me and I have to go back to reading/writing fluff for a while...).
How do you feel about your own writing?
I enjoy writing, and I do enjoy going back to my older pieces and re-read them, brings me joy to know that *I* was able to write *that*. To be honest, I've never felt uncomfortable sharing my writing, no matter how depraved it's gotten, so, yeah, I feel good about my writing. I enjoy it, and some other people seem to like it too, and that is all that matters to me, to share my joy.
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csolarstorm · 11 months
Thoughts on: Digimon: The Last Evolution Kizuna (and 02 musings)
Tomorrow I'm going to go see Digimon 02: The Beginning in the theater! I'm so glad I decided to do this. It's been a while since I got out and did something, and the timing is perfect to see my favorite Digimon team again!
I try to imagine that Kari sounds the same though. That...can't be helped I guess. 😮‍💨 They couldn't afford her VA apparently.
To get myself caught up, I finally watched Last Evolution Kizuna! This is definitely my favorite Digimon movie now.
Okay, I've only watched two. And Summer Wars is probably my second favorite Digimon movie.
Okay yes, I like the Fox Kids Digimon Movie. But more in a nostalgic way. Last Evolution Kizuna (and on a different subject Summer Wars) are really enjoyable as an adult. Maybe I should watch the original Japanese Digimon movies that Fox Kids cut up.
There's one glaring flaw in the premise of the movie though. How is it that Digimon disappear when their chosen kids run out of potential when almost every member of the team BESIDES Tai and Matt already settled on a career path and their Digimon are fine?
That's supposed to be why Sora's Digivice was already rusting. She had already grown up, embraced flower arranging, and decided to stay with Biyomon until she disappeared.
Izzy's already a freakin' tech tycoon. (Calls to mind Cranston Industries from Power Rangers Once and Always.) I'm pretty sure he's not going to change his mind and go into basket weaving.
Unless "run out of potential" has a darker meaning, and Tai and Matt are out of potential career paths.
They also said it had to do with Omnimon using up their power - and that would make sense considering Agumon and Gabumon fought a lot more than the other Digimon...but that doesn't explain Sora and Biyomon.
The premise was a good idea though, and I thought they handled the emotion of it skillfully. That last moment where Tai and Matt look over and their Digimon have already vanished...you could see it from a mile away, but that doesn't lessen the moment.
How can you write a thesis about Digimon and people coexisting? What professor can possibly check that paper?
There was a part in the movie where Tai is talking about what each of the Digidestined are doing with their lives, and as he lists them, he mentions "Kari and Davis". Excusez-moi? Are they...dating?
I know Kari and TK don't necessarily get together in the 02 epilogue, but...did she date Davis?!
I heard that 02: The Beginning gives the new character more screen time than the actual 02 kids. And that's fine. I'm looking forward to seeing this new character's story, which will hopefully have 02's brand of horror. Kizuna had some fun scenes with the 02 team, and it was nice to reminisce, even if Davis sounds wrong.
And Kizuna's story felt like it could fit in 02! It's really unsettling that Menoa messed with Morphomon's data, nevertheless that she had the "lifeless" data of her partner at all. She must have been mistaken about what that data represented — Digimon never die. The way she says Morphomon's voice talked to her reminded me of Myotismon talking to Oikawa.
It never explained where the aurora came from, and I have trouble believing that the real Morphomon wanted her to do this, so either Menoa accessed some real craziness power inside her, or there was a Digimon that came through the aurora and pulled the strings. I expected the source of that voice to be the final boss, just like MaloMyotismon at the end of 02. Then again, Eosmon did smile at Menoa at the end, suggesting that it was Morphomon, so...maybe it was Morphomon who came through the aurora. Maybe they were villains together.
My favorite 02 movie would be...just more of 02, I guess. More Ken grappling with his identity. More Kari fighting off the Dark Ocean. A confrontation with Dragomon and the Daemon Corps. And some actual stories with the international Digidestined! I loved seeing all the cameos of the international Digidestined in Kizuna. It would just be cool to develop some of them.
The thing is...02 was the season to get a literal epilogue. Even though Adventure had that teary goodbye (the first of many 🙄) 02 actually ended with the truth that life just keeps changing and moving forward.
It wouldn't make sense for Ken to still be plagued by his days as the Digimon Emperor, or for Kari to still be running from Cthulu. After all, she definitely has a restraining order on him now. The 02 kids have grown and changed; that's not what they're dealing with anymore. And in that sense, even though the characters aren't, 02 is over.
So when it gets a new movie, it only makes sense to make it about a new character, with the old characters to help them.
That's the other problem with Kizuna that 02 technically does better. Growing up is one thing, but when you get older, your past doesn't just disappear, it's a part of you that develops with you as you change and grow. Our memories richen with new meanings as we gain new perspectives. And you also don't suddenly lose all your potential either! People change careers and they learn new things throughout their whole life. The fact that Matt had to keep asking TK to babysit Gabumon seems more realistic than Agumon and Gabumon conveniently disappearing.
Despite this, I do like the idea that potential is what powers the partner Digimon. This is why Digimon Digivolve when their partners learn something new. It makes sense.
And Kizuna does not contradict the 02 epilogue. Digimon never truly die. They'll meet again, but they'll just be normal Digimon, leaving the battle between good and evil to the next generation.
Or the franchise will drag them out for another adventure. 🤷‍♂️ I'd watch it!
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poorks · 1 year
What’s your partners top three favorite characters of yours and why?
I asked him and he separated them into two categories: Horny and Story
I'm just gonna copy/paste what he said in here:
Claire "Biased, because she is my ideal woman. Short, spunky, incredibly burpy, with a big belly and pretty colors. The hinge of her character is on the mundanity of her. She’s a character you could meet at work or eating way more than anyone else at the buffet or showing off her huge pregnant belly at Yoga class. She lives such a normal life, and as such, is a profound object of affection as she deals with life as a very pregnant working woman. I think everyone on the blog dreams of meeting a Claire. Someone to muse on after she touches your shoulder and smiles at you while brushing past you at a movie Theater. Look at that enormous belly. She’s someone else’s. But you still get lost in the idea of her. Like watching sunshine dappled leaves from behind the cold iron of a prison cell. You must imagine the leaves feel good, nurtured by it. You must imagine."
ViVi "I’ve always had a thing for monsters. ViVi represents what’s so alluring about the different varieties of pregnancy story. She’s ineffable, she’s unchanging, she’s predatory. She’s the horror nestled in the innocent. My favorite part about her is how easy it is to set her down in a narrative. It’s not hard to admire the brilliance of her design and themes, it’s even less difficult to imagine her as a central figure in a story. She is hot, yes, but she’s also inhumanity underneath a shell of porcelain. And like any truly great monster, she has a core of sympathy (at least in our RP)"
Suyin "All memes aside, she is a tragic figure. A dark reflection of the transformative power of self loathing. The endless spiral into thinking and becoming. Suyin is colonized by an alien being beyond understanding, but also, by her own dysmorphia and self hate. If only she knew she was truly a woman. Truly worthy of love. But she never does. She accepts anything but herself. In every version, Witch and Demigod or Internet Femcel, she is the Azoth, animating spirit hidden in all matter that makes transmutation possible.The woman poisoned by her own inability to accept what she is does not have to be wretched."
Claire "UGHHHH PREGNANT BOSS LADY???? I have a thing for Claire’s design and what I said about her story is 78% of what is hot about her. But also she’s the peak Mommy design. Soft and sweet and beautiful. Of all the characters on Poorks, I could fall for Claire (or Ife)"
Victore "I have a thing for Victore. She is the model of pregnancy versatility. Any creature…any a man pleases. Aha…hahaha…a man shall fill indeed."
Manu "I LOVEEEE Manu’s design so much. The story isn’t there for me to put them on the story list, but I have to give Manu this, they are my most treasured indulgence. Biggest burper and trends towards a much larger pregnancy. I have to put them here for the sake of my monkey brain. Also slime pregnancies are underrated"
"Honorable mention: Everyone else"
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neondiamond · 9 months
2023 Writing Self Evaluation ✨
Thank you to @disgruntledkittenface for tagging me! 💕
1. List of works published this year:
I’m just going to link the masterpost I made a few days ago because I published 26 works this year and I don’t feel like listing them all again here lol
2. Work you are most proud of (and why):
Inner Crisis, for sure. I had written fics with ace characters before, but this one just took it to the next level for me in terms of how personal and vulnerable it is, and I’m very proud of the way it turned out, and of myself for putting it out there. 🥰
3. Work you are least proud of (and why):
I’m going to take the easy way out here and say none. I can honestly say I’m proud of every single fic I have put out into the world this year. <3
4. A favorite excerpt of your writing:
I always find this question hard, but the one that comes to mind first is this bit from You’re Family:
“Anyone want tea?” Anne asks.
Louis lets the others answer first as he allows his eyes to scan the room around him.
A tall tree is tucked away in one corner of the room, decorated beautifully with a mixture of whites, reds and golds, along with a few handmade decorations sprinkled throughout, most likely some of Gemma’s and Harry’s creations from back when they were kids. 
Underneath it, a dozen or so meticulously wrapped gifts await the moment they’ll be unwrapped.
To his left, an imposing fireplace anchors the room, the fire lit within bathing the room in warmth along with a soft amber glow. 
Five traditional red and white stockings are hung along the mantle, and Louis smiles as he reads the names embroidered on each of them, fondly thinking of a time his Mum used to do this for him and his multiple siblings too.
Anne. Gemma. Michal. Harry. Louis.
That’s him.
“Louis?” Anne asks, and Louis whips his head around to look at her in disbelief. “How do you take your tea, darling?”
“You got me a stocking?” Louis asks instead of answering her question.
Anne smiles softly at him. “Of course, you’re family.”
Louis tries really hard not to tear up. He mostly succeeds, save for maybe a tear or two he fails to conceal.
Beside him, Harry squeezes his knee and pulls him closer.
“So, your tea?” Anne asks again with a knowing smile.
“Oh, hm,” Louis clears his throat. “Just a splash of milk, please.”
“You got it, darling,” she says before disappearing in the direction of the kitchen.
Louis finds his gaze going back to the stockings again, still shocked to find his name on the last one.
“See,” Harry whispers in his ear. “I told you they’d love you.”
5. Share or describe a favorite review you received:
I don’t think I can pick only one, but I have to say the response to Inner Crisis as a whole. The number of comments and messages I’ve received from people telling me they relate to Louis’ story has just blown my mind and each one of them has made me cry
6. A time when writing was really, really hard:
I’ve found it quite difficult to find time to write this whole year, to be honest. 2023 turned out to be pretty busy for me personally, and it’s resulted in many periods of not writing at all, and then I always find it hard to get back into it.
7. A scene or character you wrote that surprised you:
All of I See You. This is the second year in a row that I wrote horror for the 1D Trick or Treat fest, and I am still baffled that I, someone who usually writes mostly fluff, am somehow able to do that lol.
8. How did you grow as a writer this year:
Most of what I wrote has been very self indulgent. I had so little time to write that when I did, I just wrote what I wanted to write, rather than what I thought other people would enjoy, which is quite freeing actually.
9. How do you hope to grow next year:
I’d like to step out of my comfort zone a little and attempt working on a longer fic.
10. Who was your greatest positive influence this year as a writer (could be another writer or beta or cheerleader or muse etc etc):
Anyone that has left a comment on any of my fics this year. Here are a few people in particular whose support has really made a difference over the past year ❤️: @disgruntledkittenface @bigxrig @parmahamlarrie
11. Anything from your real life show up in your writing this year:
A lot of Inner Crisis is inspired by my own experiences with asexuality.
Oh and A Special Bond literally has links to pictures I took while travelling for visuals!
12. Any new wisdom you can share with other writers:
I’m pretty sure this is what I say every year, so not new wisdom, but, just write what YOU want to write. Have fun with it, and the rest will work itself out!
13. Any projects you’re looking forward to starting (or finishing) in the new year:
I haven’t written in over a month at this point, so I don’t have any active WIPs that I’m bringing into 2024, but there are definitely a lot of ideas I’m excited to get to explore next year, including a fake relationship fic idea I meant to write this year but ran out of time to.
14. Tag three writers whose answers you’d like to read. ;)
@cyantific @so-why-let-your-voice-be-tamed @hellolovers13
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yanderes-galore · 1 year
Alphabet thing I'm talking about: https://www.tumblr.com/yanderes-galore/694826177262682112/i-believe-op-reblogged-you-can-use-this-so-should?source=share
Fandom: BioShock
Character: Sander Cohen!
Pairing: romantic.
Type of Fic: prompts from an A-Z list.
(Required for prompts) Prompt numbers and what list they're from: letter D, numbers 1 and 3
I dont normally include links in my asks but I'm pretty sure u reblogged this and I wanna make sure you know which one I'm talking about
I was originally going to ask for help on the plot but I know exactly what to do with this!
Prompts Here
Yandere! Sander Cohen Prompts D-1, D-3
“This hurts me more than it hurts you.”
“Why are you running? I did this for you!”
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Murder, Obsession, Manipulation, Delusional behavior, Implied kidnapping, Forced relationship, Darling's fate is implied yet vague, Death.
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What better way to show you care than with the beauty of art? Cohen simply had to show his greatest muse how much he adores them. They provide him with inspiration, he cares about them more than anyone else in this place.
With you in mind, Cohen put on an entire private exhibit for you. He made sure every piece of art sung the same tune. He wanted you to experience one big message when he shows you.
He wants it all to say that he loves you.
Cohen puts his heart and soul into his art. He made it strictly private so it could just be you and him. Such art is not meant for prying eyes!
It would ruin everything.
Cohen wrote the invitation himself. He even gave you a mask to go along with it. Everything was then wrapped in a box and sent to where you lived in Rapture. It was just time to wait now!
He made it all seem like you were just coming in to be his muse, inspiration. In reality you were coming in for much more than you expected. Much much more....
When you approach Cohen, wearing the mask he gave you with confusion, he grins.
"Right this way! Have a look, my rabbit."
Then Cohen pulls the curtain aside, blessing your eyes with...
Your jaw slacks open as you look around. The studio smelled of blood and rot. Plaster sculptures are portrayed in all sorts of sporadic poses. The paintings that depicts strange artistic depictions of hearts and intimacy smell of metal and quite possibly lead.
You back away, completely unaware of Cohen locking to doors behind you. When you turn to leave, Cohen looks at you eagerly. You are cut off from the door when he sees the fear and disgust on your face.
"Dear, why do you look at me so?"
You want to run, you need to run.
As Cohen walks away from the locked door in an attempt to hold you, you dart away. You shake your head and plead with him. He's always been a psychopath, you hate that you're scared of him enough to follow his invitations.
“Why are you running? I did this for you!” Cohen yells, stepping closer. "Is my work not enough for you!?"
You scramble away from him but he grabs your arm. You struggle but Cohen holds you still with a frown. Oh you're so dead....
"Let me go, Mr Cohen! You're hurting me!" You plead to him, stopping your pulling while tightens his grip.
“This hurts me more than it hurts you.” Cohen answers bitterly, glaring at you. "I make you a gift and you HATE it!"
"I-I don't hate it...!" You try to appeal to him but he shakes his head.
"Fine, fine... maybe it isn't enough for you. I just need to come up with something grander..." Cohen hums, eying the plaster sculptures in thought. He then looks back at you. You hate the look in his eyes. "Well... if you didn't like this gift. Then maybe you can provide me some inspiration to make something you'll like?"
You give a look of confusion before he pulls you along through the studio. You plead to him more when he stops in front of buckets of plaster. You give him a look of worry and he ignores it.
"Maybe you're right... I need a new way to express my love for you."
It's only then he turns to you with a wicked grin. Your heart stops when he picks up a bucket and turns to you.
"I just need you to help me."
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peerlessscowl · 1 year
TOA Anniversary; Mun Day!
Celebrating TOA and the people who contribute to make our group what it is.
Repost, don't reblog. Only fill in what you feel comfortable sharing!
Happy anniversary, TOA! Here's to many more years spent together.
tagging: you! come closer
Name: tches
Pronouns: she/they
Birthday (no year): Dec 22
Where are you from? What is your time zone? I'm currently in Colorado, but I'm not American djfkld and I live in Mountain timezone (MST/MDT)
Roleplay experience: About five or six years? All LJ.
Got any pets? My beloved one-eared baby Coriander, whom you have all seen me posting. I also live with two GSDs, Ursa and Solo.
Favorite time of year: Winter!
Some interests and things you like: I have so many interests, so many hobbies. I like languages and history and writing most. Cooking also. I hope sometime in the next year to write my first novel finally. I try to be active and used to really enjoy it before The Bad Period - I used to rock climb and hike every day, and during the pandemic I was buff. Nowadays I'm a lot more sedate.
Some funfacts & trivia about you: Here's two truths and a lie: my spine is made of titanium, I'm directly related to Erik the Red, and I'm a licensed yoga instructor. Have fun!
What non-Fire Emblem games do you play? Kingdom Hearts, Final Fantasy, Octopath, Triangle Strategy, Pokemon. Some indie games.
Favorite Pokemon type & Pokemon: Fire, Gyarados (close tie with Delibird)
How did you get into Fire Emblem? :thinking: I was looking through the GBA games in the video game aisle of the PX, and saw Blazing was on sale. That was it. Not much fanfare.
What Fire Emblem games have you played? All except Archanea, Thracia, and Tellius.
First Fire Emblem game: Blazing Blade
Favorite Fire Emblem game: Blazing Blade
Any Fire Emblem crushes? Listen Jeralt can get it.
If you’ve played the following games, who was your first S support? - Awakening: Lon'Qu - Fates: Kaze - Three Houses: Claude (but I like Hubert best) - Engage: Pandreo
Favorite Fire Emblem class: Mercenary-Hero
If you were a Fire Emblem character, what would be your class? :thinking: Not to be biased, but probably Mercenary-Hero
If you were a Three Houses character, what would be your affiliation? Blue Lions
If you were an Engage character, which Emblem would you Engage with? Probably Sigurd. Dat Momentum.
How did you find TOA? I knew of it in the periphery because I thought I'd check the Raven tag to see who else creates Raven content on Tumblr. I saw the post where mirae dropped him. Then in February, Elf popped into a mutual server and posted, I checked the Wanted List and saw my boy. And here we are.
Current TOA muses: Raven, Igrene and Beowolf
Who was your first TOA muse? If you don’t have them anymore, could you see yourself picking them up again? Raven. My son with every disease, always and forever.
Have you had any other TOA muses? I've also written Sigurd and Saber. Fly high kings, legends in my heart always.
Do you think you have a type of character you gravitate towards? Sad Family TM. Joking aside, I like to think I have a pretty good range, and I still have more musetypes, simply waiting to be released from their enclosures.
What do you believe you enjoy writing the most? I love writing rage, and horror. On the flip side, I also genuinely love writing cheesy, healthy romantic fluff. Duality of man. And of course I froth at the mouth for Family. Reaches -
Favorite TOA-related memory: When I flipped from writing Sigurd re-proposing to Deirdre immediately to responding to a Hector interaction with Raven. Also, when Sigurd got accepted - my heart rate skyrocketed, I was so excited.
Got any delusions that didn’t see the light of day in TOA that you’d like to share? We'll see what the future (Halloween) holds.
How do you pronounce TOA? The acronym! T-O-A, but blended together. Teaoea
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