#i could probably slap it together in 20-25 minutes but it would not look good at all
bigmammallama5 · 2 months
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I decided to quickly practice a “gift box” shape I might teach in a workshop and uh. That was NOT a beginner’s level pot to make lmao. It was a little challenging for me, being primarily a wheel thrower and having never taught this particular shape, but I had to make it in such a way that a beginner could handle with the least risk of failure (not necessarily how I would for myself). I know a simpler (and easier) way to make a box, but this particular design including an additional lid with a flange would be awful daunting for someone who’s never touched clay before. So we’ll see. If anything I have a cute mother’s day gift now LOL.
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thatbritishactor · 3 years
Together we stand (part 26)
Together we stand (part 26)
Pairing: Billy Russo x Reader
Summary: Together We Stand explores the relationship between Billy Russo and Reader (You), over the course of twenty years. You meet as children, and you two are best friends until life tears you apart. You always find your way to each other over the years, although you witness him becoming someone you barely recognize. Billy is your weakness, the one person you cannot resist, and as he grows into a selfish, cold, manipulative man, you can’t let go of the Billy you once knew.
Warning: Mature (SMUT), 18+, language (cursing), abuse (psychological), toxic relationship dynamics.
Words: 3,100
The * indicates steamy/ mature content
Together we stand playlist
My Masterlist
Part 1 Part 2*   Part 3   Part 4* Part 5 Part 6* Part 7*  Part 8  
Part 9*   Part 10   Part 11*   Part 12*   Part 13   Part 14  Part 15
Part 16   Part 17*   Part 18   Part 19   Part 20   Part 21*   Part 22
Part 23     Part 24    Part 25
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You: I’m sorry I’ve been such an asshole. Can we talk?
Billy stares at your text message, sighing. He’s lying in his bed, one hand behind his head, the other one holding his phone. You’ve sent the text this morning, probably after you’ve woken up. He feels relieved that you’re apologizing, but he knows that he would have reached out to you even if you hadn’t. He was pissed at you sure, but he remained worried. You looked pretty shaken off, and he wanted to take care of you.
Billy quickly types an answer:
Billy: It’s fine. Tonight?
He waits for a few minutes before your answers lights his screen.
You: 7 pm? Usual place? I could use a drink.
He grins, satisfied. At least you’re eager to see him again, and that’s a relief. He remembers a time during which it would take days, months, years even, to talk to each other after a fight. Ever since you became adults, communication’s been easier between the two of you, and he’s thankful for that.
Billy: Sure. But you’re paying.
You: Fine 🙄
He chuckles to himself, relieved that he’ll be seeing you by the end of the day. He’d be lying if he said that he didn’t regret rejecting you the night before. Sure, he felt like he was a second choice, and you’ve been kind of a bitch. But he’s tired of pretending like he doesn’t want you, and he can’t wait to make you remember how good you can be together.
He glances at his dick that’s hardening, remembering what it felt like to have you sitting on his lap last night. He moans before grabbing his length, conjuring thoughts of you. He feels like he’s done this a thousand times: pleasing himself thinking of you, and he’s often wondered if you were doing the same. He’s even pictured you while he slept with other girls, because every woman he’s slept with didn’t compare to you. Not even close.  
He tightens his grasp on his cock to the point of pleasure and starts to stroke himself, licking his lips. Pleasure starts to wash over him, and he conjures an image of you bouncing off his dick, his hands roughly cupping your breasts, you nipping your lower lip. He can almost hear your soft whimpers of pleasure, moving his hand up and down his length more quickly. He imagines flipping you over to take you from behind, picturing your back arched and your hair sliding over your shoulders. He almost hears his hips slapping against your ass, and he feels his climax approaching, biting his lower lip. He strokes himself faster, and it doesn’t take him long to reach orgasm, all the pent-up frustration and anger from last night putting him on edge. He comes in his hand, groaning, and he opens his eyes to stare at the ceiling. He grins, promising himself that he’ll have you soon, and looks for something to wipe himself with.
* * * * * * * * *
Billy’s been distracted all day. He’s gone to visit old warehouses, looking for a place to build his business in. He’s picky and he’s looked at countless places already, but he’s got a clear image of what he wants in his mind, and he won’t settle for less.
It’s almost time to meet you, and he comes back home to change. He looks for a black shirt in his wardrobe, his body buzzing with excitement. He changes his jeans, brushes his teeth, puts perfume on, and tries to tame his hair. It’s grown fast since he’s left the marines, and he’s thinking of styling it a certain way when it’ll be long enough, short on the sides with the length slicked back. He glances at his closet, wishing he already had the money to buy the expensive suits he wants. He checks himself out in the mirror, happy with the way he looks, and leaves his apartment, slamming the door behind him.
He makes his way uptown, trying to soothe his nerves, and enters the bar filled with determination. He’s had enough of this dancing around, and he intends to take you home tonight. You’ve already apologized, the frog’s out of the picture, if not now, when? Sure, he’s not where he wanted to be for you. He doesn’t have the status and the power, although he does have the money. But he can’t wait any longer, he must be with you. Every day passing by without you is a waste, and he can’t live like this anymore. His life without you doesn’t make sense, everything he does is to make you proud, and to convince you that you belong together.
He spots you on the green velvet couch where you usually sit, and he walks towards you, shaking his right shoulder unconsciously. You glance at him, a small smile graces your lips, making his stomach flip. He approaches and you stand up, leaning towards him to place a kiss on his cheek. He stares at you, serious and intense, and he watches your smile disappear.
“Hi” he says, looking down at you through his eyelashes. He knows the effect he has on you, and he relishes in it as he watches you swallow thickly and blink a few times, tearing your eyes from his to glance at his lips for a split second.
“Hi back” you reply, and he grins at you, having to resist kissing you. “Thank you for coming” you say, going back to sit, and he follows you on the couch. He’s careful not to sit too far, nor too close: he doesn’t want to look desperate.
“Well, you said you were buying” he jokes, and he removes his leather jacket to put it on the back of the couch. He catches your eyes roaming over his torso and smirks, satisfied.
“I’m sorry” you smile apologetically “I was a mess and I… I shouldn’t have lashed out at you”.
Billy frowns. “It’s fine. Consider us even." You chuckle, putting a strand of your hair behind your ear.
He details you, noticing the pendant hanging from your neck, the dark green blouse you’re wearing that’s showing a bit of cleavage, and his breathing accelerates, his cock hardening in his pants. You’re wearing a high waisted pencil skirt – your professor looks – and he pities your students, because he wouldn’t have been able to concentrate on your classes if he was them.
He swallows before asking “What are you drinking?” and when you answer him, he spots heat in your eyes. It might be more complicated to hold himself off than he’s anticipated, and he welcomes his drink, feeling relieved to take a bit of the edge off.
“You feeling better?” he asks, sipping on his drink, and he appreciates the warmth of the alcohol lining his throat.
“I am” your finger is dancing over the edge of your drink. “I thought about what you said last night” you hold his gaze, putting your chin up.
“Which part?” he questions, putting a hand over the back of the couch and making himself more comfortable.
“That he wasn’t the right one for me” your eyes don't leave his. Billy takes a breath, places his drink on the coffee table and sits up straight.
You put your own drink down and face him, approaching him slowly. “You said you wanted it to mean something… that you didn’t want to be my second choice” you look into his eyes before briefly glimpsing at his lips.
Billy feels his cock twitch, but he doesn’t care; he’s entranced by you, and hanging on to your every word. He looks at your lips and a small groan escapes from the back of his throat. You speak again:
“You were never a second choice, Billy” you breathe, and your faces are much closer to each other. He can smell your perfume, the alcohol on your lips, and the smell of your hair.
“You’ve always been the one, and I’m sorry I ever made you feel otherwise”. Billy looks deeply into your eyes, his heart slamming rapidly against his ribs. He watches your cheeks reddening, a clear sign that you’re aroused. Your eyes are shimmering, your mouth slightly open, and he lets out a shaky breath before leaning in and crushing his lips on yours.
Your hands immediately tug at his hair, and you bring him closer to you, your chests slamming against each other. He grasps your face, his tongue enters your mouth, and he moans as he tastes you, the liquor making you impossibly more delicious.
You kiss for a few minutes, lost in the feeling of each other, your lips brushing with fervor and urgency, years of resisting each other finally coming to an end. He pulls back, and you look up at him, your lips crimson and swollen, and his hands slide from your face to your shoulders, holding you against him. You pant, detailing his face, and his erection starts to ache.
“Let’s get out of here” he whispers, and you nod, smiling, your eyes beaming. He kisses you again, his lips conveying the repressed passion he’s felt for you all this time, and you moan against his lips, making him pull back again.
He smirks, slips away from you, grabbing his leather jacket and putting it on before standing on his feet. You search for your bag, grab dollar bills out of your wallet and toss them on the table without even looking. You look back up at him, grabbing your coat and getting up, and he takes your hand before leading you out of the bar and into the street. He searches for a cab while you walk beside him, and he doesn’t dare to look at you, knowing that if he does, he won’t resist kissing you again.
He finds a cab, opens the door for you, and you get on. He gives the driver your address, the cab starts, and before he can say anything you’re kissing him again, claiming his lips with a wildness that makes him dizzy. He kisses you back, and he’s thankful that you live close by, because the cab pulls over a few minutes later.
He pays the cab driver before thanking him and you both gets out of the car. He grabs you by the hand and you lead him into your building, before jamming the elevator button frantically. Waiting for it is torture, and when the doors finally slide open, he looks at you. You stare back, stepping inside and he follows you in, standing in front of you, towering over you. The doors close with a “ding”, and he crushes you against the mirror in the back of the elevator, kissing you hungrily, and dragging a hand along your thigh and underneath your skirt. He feels you quiver under him, and he smirks into the kiss, his fingers grazing at your folds over your panties, making you whimper out loud. The doors open again, and you push him off, rushing to your door and looking for your keys into your bag. He comes behind you, slides your hair over your shoulders and kisses your neck before biting it, making you whine again.
You open the door to your apartment, your hands shaking, and Billy closes it behind him, watching you closely as you remove your shoes and your coat, staring heatedly into his eyes. He takes his jacket off, and you step closer to him before capturing his mouth again, slamming him against the wall and tugging at his shirt to slide it over his head. He grins against your lips, his hands tearing your blouse open, buttons flying across the room, making you gasp.
“I loved that blouse” you pant, and he bites your lower lip, undoing the zipper of your skirt.
“I don’t give a fuck” he replies, and he slides your skirt off your legs in a harsh move that removes your panties as well. He grabs you off the floor, you wrap your legs around him, and he carries you to the couch, throwing you on it before kissing your chest. Your hands find their way into his hair, holding him closer to you, and he breathes you in, his tongue lazily caressing your hot skin.
“Take your bra off” he commands, leaning back, and he watches you obey while he removes his jeans, licking his lips. You toss your bra across the room before lying down on the couch again, and he hovers over you, his hands resting at your sides. He kisses you languidly, and you moan against his mouth, before he moves down to your neck, then your breasts, lightly nibbling your nipples.
Your hands clench his hair, and he lets you, loving the sounds coming out of you. He moves to your stomach, placing featherlight kisses on your belly, then bites the skin of your hips, until he reaches your wet core aching for him. He looks up at you once more, taking in the way you gaze at him expectantly, until he buries his face between your legs. Your grip on his hair tightens when he licks your clit and applies pressure on it, making you gasp. He licks your folds then, applying himself, paying attention to your soft gasps and your whimpers. Your taste intoxicates him, and he must repress himself from eating you whole. He kisses you with more force before licking you, alternating between the flat and the tip of his tongue, and you start to shake against his mouth, making him grin. Billy keeps licking and kissing your core, until he feels you tense against him, and your whimpers turn into cries. He speeds up, his moves a bit harsher, and your legs tremble against him, letting him know that you’re close. He fucks you with his mouth until you come against his tongue, and he licks every drop, your orgasm coming alive on his tongue.
He pulls back and moves over your body, sucking feverishly the skin of your chest, then your neck, while you catch your breath. Once your breathing is normal again, you grab his face to kiss him, and he lets you until he can’t ignore his painful erection anymore. As if you’re heard his thoughts, your hands find their way to his boxer briefs to remove them, and you grab his pulsing length, slowly stroking him. His lips leave yours and he sets his head back, his eyes shut, letting you caress him until he can’t wait any longer. He grabs your hands, tosses them aside and sits on the couch.
“C’me here” he pants, and you comply, straddling him like you did the night before. You look into his eyes, your hands tousling his hair, as you slowly slide on his throbbing cock, taking him inch by inch, and making him close his eyes in ecstasy.
You start to move slowly against him, and he moans, grabbing your back and nestling his face against your breasts, breathing hard. You move faster, thrusting against him, and he focuses so he doesn’t come yet, because he wants this to last. You moan, clenching around him, and his hands grab your hips, guiding your movements against him. You kiss him again, your nails digging into his shoulders, the pain enhancing his pleasure, making him scream.
“Fuck! So good!” he says, panting, and you nod, agreeing with him, still bouncing on his dick, bringing him closer to the edge.
Your movements become a bit more erratic, and he feels that you’re close, bracing himself. He lets you move against him the way you like it, kissing your neck while you come – loudly- all over him. He closes him eyes, concentrating, and he lets you come down slowly. He looks up at you and strokes the hair away from your face, watching you catch your breath. You slide off him and lie on the couch again, and he comes on top, swiftly entering you. He stretches your walls exquisitely, you’re so tight against him, the feeling is amazing, and he stills for a while, trying to catch his breath. Your lips find his, and he slowly thrusts into you, making you moan against his mouth. You lift your leg a bit higher, so he penetrates you deeper, and he starts to see stars. He slides in and out of you at a steady pace, groaning, until his climax hits him and waves of pleasure wash over him. He buries his face against your neck as he comes, and he feels you clench around him, coming for the third time tonight, holding him tightly against you.
Once he’s caught his breath, he leans back to look at you and finds you smiling at him.
“What?” he asks, blinking.
“Nothing” you breathe softly, and you look tenderly at him. “I’m just happy” you add, and his heart bursts in his chest, because he feels exactly the same.
* * * * * * * * *
The hot water slides against his shoulders, and he’s placing lazy kisses on your neck and your shoulders while you wash yourself, the smell of your soap grazing his nostrils. His arms are tightly pressed around you, and he feels as though he can never let you go again, terrified of being apart from you. He feels whole for the first time in years, and he can’t believe that you’re finally his, all of his. He feels you turning in his arms and opens his eyes to find you staring up at him.
You step on your tip toes and kiss him before stepping back.
“I love you” you say, smiling and placing a hand over his face to stroke his cheek.
“Me too” he replies, and he kisses you again, pushing you against the wall of the shower, feeling himself grow hard again. You chuckle against him, and he grabs your thigh to wrap it around his waist, pushing his hardening member against your core.
* * * * * * * * *
After the shower, you took him to lie in your bed and he’s facing you, his fingers lightly stroking your naked arm up and down. You’re both slowly falling asleep, lulled to sleep by each other’s quiet breathing.
“Can I ask you a question?” you ask, and although the room is dark, he can see that you’re blushing.
“Sure” he replies in a low voice.
“Can we please be together now? For real?” Billy looks into your eyes to find the purest form of hope, and his heart bursts of happiness in his chest.
“Yes. For real” you close your eyes, smiling. Billy watches you falling asleep, and he thinks to himself that he’s never been this happy in his whole life.
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honey-boyyoongi · 3 years
La Vie en Rose
Part: 40/??
Jungkook x Yn
Y/N is just trying to survive school and her best friends. As well as the cutie from her tutoring group.
Warning: a few curse words; violence? there’s a couple of slaps; this is not beta read and the author doesn’t know what they’re doing :)
Word count: 2.5k (my longest yet)
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Was this a good idea? Objectively, no. Y/n knew she shouldn’t speak with Yubin, but the burning curiosity was overwhelming. Why did she feel the need to ruin her friends' relationships? Why did she feel entitled to them? What does she gain from this? Does Yubin actually harbor feelings for Namjoon and Jungkook? Was Yubin taking forever, because she wants to make a dramatic entry? No, but right now Y/N is trying to calm herself down with silly thoughts.
Jiminie 12:44 pm
Y/n where are you?
She knows she should respond, but this is the one thing she wants to do on her own. Y/n spots Yubin, and motions towards her table. Yubin looks like she doesn’t have a care in the world, as she takes her seat. Which is a drastic difference between them. Y/n knows her eyes are puffy, her hair is not done, but she did enough to manage it, her nail polish is cracked from the constant picking, and she’s in her most comfortable clothes. Yubin looks likes she’s ready to go out for the day, hair immaculately done, falling gracefully down her shoulders. Makeup done to perfection, nails done without a single chip in them. Dress fitting her lovely figure and showing off her long legs.
“You’re probably wondering why I asked you to be here. I need to talk about your relationship with Jungkook.”
Yubin sighed, trying hard not to roll her eyes,” what exactly do you want to know?”
“When did your relationship start?”
“We started sleeping together before school started, we stopped for a bit, then one night he invited me over and we fucked. We slept together more frequently, then I found out you were a thing. I felt bad that he was lying to you, so I decided to tell the truth,” she explained with ease.
Y/n didn’t miss how vulgarly she pronounced ‘fucked’, like Yubin was trying to indifferently apply more salt to her wound.
“Did that stop before, or after you started sleeping with Namjoon?”
Yubin’s indifference almost cracked, almost. With practiced ease she replied,” I don’t know what you mean. I’ve never slept with Joonie, he’s one of my best friends.”
“But you slept with Jungkook… who’s your other best friend?”
Yubin was starting to get irritated, what did Y/n know? She couldn’t possibly understand the connection she, and the boys had,“Yes, Jungkook and I share a special bond. It was natural for us to go the next step.”
“Oh, really,” Y/n paused, pulled her phone out and unlocked it to her gallery,” if you didn’t sleep with Namjoon, then why does he have these pictures of the both of you?” Y/n slid through the pictures Namjoon was kind enough to send,” You look so happy together, it’s such a pity that it didn’t last.”
There in the palm of Y/n’s hand, were Yubin’s and Namjoon’s happy moments. Their dates in his dorm, the trips to the park, early mornings at the cafe, and the nights they spent together. Yubin was seething, how did she have those pictures? More importantly, who did she think she was questioning what she did with the people she loved.
“Why do you have those pictures?”
“Namjoon was kind enough to tell Jungkook about your relationship. They told me everything Yubin,” Y/n muttered. “Why did you lie?”
“You wouldn’t understand. We have a bond, ever since we were kids it’s always been the three of us. They promised it would always be us, then Namjoon started attracting girls, obviously I had to keep them away. Those girls weren’t good enough for him. Jungkook was always shy with people, I wasn’t worried until he got his first girlfriend senior year. They didn’t last long, I made sure of it,” Yubin explained. Y/n felt uneasy hearing her explain her motives with fondness. “I didn’t lie about sleeping with Jungkook, we shared our first time together, and Joonie had a lot of firsts with me. We’re meant to be, I’ve been trying to show them but they just can’t seem to get it. You showed up… and all of the sudden I wasn’t important. They didn’t tell me about you, they didn’t introduce you, Jungkook was blowing off plans. Namjoon rejected me, and so did Jungkook. All because some random little girl got involved in our friendship. Could you imagine if out of nowhere your best friends left you for some person they barely know?”
“Did you ever think that maybe you’re the issue Yubin,” Y/n hesitated,” I’ve been friends with Jimin, Yoongi, and Seokjin for years, obviously things change as we grow up. There was a time where I felt we were drifting apart, but that happens. I always encouraged healthy relationships, we always got along with each other’s different friends.”
“What do you know? Have you ever felt connected to someone to the point you’d do anything to stay with them? You don’t understand what I feel,” Yubin was starting to get frustrated. She didn’t need to explain herself to someone so insignificant, Yubin started to raise her voice,”Leave us alone, they are mine. They are my friends, they are going to be with me as long as I can keep them.”
“Where do you think she is?”
“I don’t know Jin, she hasn’t answered,” Jimin sighed.
“Do you think she’s ignoring us,” Yoongi asked.
“No, I don- guys it’s better if we look around and see if we can find her.”
Y/n had ignored all of their texts and calls, which was very odd. They all agreed to answer texts, even if it was short to let each other know they were still breathing. She was a big enforcer with this agreement, ever since Yoongi and Seokjin started getting busier with their 3rd year. They checked the park, the local bookstore, the library, and even texted Jennie to see if she knew where Y/n was. Jennie hadn’t seen Y/n since she left in the morning for breakfast with her girlfriends, but she’ll keep an eye for her since they were leaving the restaurant.
They were starting to get worried, Seokjin decided to text Jungkook as he was the last to talk to Y/n.
Seokjin 01:15
Have you seen Y/n?
Jungkook 01:16
Not since last night.
Why, did something happen?
Seokjin 01:20
We’ve been trying to reach her, but she’s been ignoring our calls and texts. Jennie hasn’t seen her since this morning and says she’s going to help look as well.
Jungkook 01:25
I’ll start looking for her too. I’ll let you know if I find her.
Just as Jimin was going to inform Yoongi and Seokjin to split, there at the corner of the cafe was Y/n speaking with Yubin. It didn’t take a genius to see the tension between them. He motioned towards them and Seokjin was visibly confused, “What’s y/n doing with Yubin?”
“Y/n is with Yubin?” All three made their way into the cafe, trying their hardest to be inconspicuous. They ordered small items, and slowly made way to a table opposite of them. So far everything looked calm. In Jimin’s opinion something in Yubin looked defensive and rigid.
Seokjin 01:30
We found her. She’s at the cafe with Yubin.
Seokjin found it a bit masochistic of his friend, to be here with the person who is saying they slept with their boyfriend. But knowing Y/n, this is probably a last ditch effort to find out what exactly is going on.
Seokjin sees Jungkook pass by, and flags him down. He makes hand motions to be inconspicuous and hopes he understands. The way Jungkook’s eyes widen at the sight of them, he immediately becomes hyper aware of his surroundings. Jungkook attempts to make himself as small as possible, and slithers on the sidelines. He sneaks up on the boys and tries to hide behind Seokjin and Yoongi. “Has anything happened?”
They all shake their head no and Jimin whispers,” They’ve been talking a little too calmly for the last 20 minutes. It’s a little worrying to be honest.”
They watch Y/N pull out her phone and show Yubin the screen. They immediately see a change in Yubin, her eased demeanor cracks looking at what Y/N shows her. “What do you think Y/N is showing Yubin?” Yoongi whispered. Jungkook has an idea of what it could be, “It might be the screenshots I showed Y/N.”
“Screenshots?” Seokjin asked
Jungkook nodded, “I meant it when I said I wasn’t anything with Yubin. I showed Y/N everything.”
Seokjin and Yoongi sighed in relief, Jimin was still hesitant. While he knows the history between them, that still doesn’t mean Jungkook was honest about their past relationship, if you could call it that. Taehyung had told Jimin not to be harsh with Jungkook. It’s not his fault Yubin was the way she was, and they’ve tried to call her out on her behavior without any success. Taehyung said while yes, Jungkook should have been honest about his past with Yubin, it wasn’t anything serious. They never had a relationship, and only had their first intimacy with each other based on mutual trust. Jimin didn’t want to budge.
“What do you know?” They all turn their attention to Yubin’s raised voice. “Should we do something?” Yoongi hissed. Jimin shook his and responded, “Only if they get a bit more aggressive.”
“Have you ever felt connected to someone to the point you’d do anything to stay with them? You don’t understand what I feel!”
Jungkook is starting to get nervous. Yubin has never been a physically violent person, verbally mean absolutely, but the way her hands are whitening at the sheer grip she has on the table says otherwise.
Seokjin has had his fair share of upset women in his life. Comes with the territory of being a T.A. and his mother’s friends trying to set him up with their children. All those instances could not have gotten him ready for this type of situation. Should Yubin lay a hand on Y/N he knows she’d defend herself, but if it got too out of hand he knows he’d have to step in as the oldest. He’s never had to get between Y/N and altercation and he hopes today isn’t that day.
“Leave us alone, they are mine. They are my friends, they are going to be with me as long as I can keep them.” Yubin abruptly stood up and sneered at Y/N. “Stay away from them.” In a split second Y/N’s head shifts to the side and a loud smack sounds through the cafe.
Instantly all four are out of their seats and go directly to their table. Before either of them could realize the guys were there a loud smack rang through once more. “Don’t you ever put your hands on me.”
Jungkook could see Yubin was absolutely seething. He and Yoongi pulled Y/N towards them along with her bag.
“What are you guys doing here?”
“We were looking for you because you hadn’t responded to our texts. We saw you were in here while we passed by and wanted to make sure you were okay.” Jimin responded.
“Well you found me and I’m going home.” Y/n tried rushing out. She could feel the stares of all the patrons. She grabs her bag from Yoongi and quickly makes her way out, ignoring the barista trying to check on her.
One by one the guys made their way out, each one apologizing to the baffled employees. Trying to make his way through, Jungkook is pulled back by Yubin. He pulls away, and rushes to catch up to the guys and Y/n. He can hear the quick clacking of Yubin trying to catch up to them. He wants, no he needs to speak with Y/n. He needs to make sure she’s okay.
“Jungkook! Stop ignoring me!” Yubin screeches.
He keeps ignoring Yubin, and finally catches us to Y/n. Jimin looks behind him, and sees Yubin making her way towards them. Jimin motions his head towards her, “You have to get rid of her Jeon. If she gets close to us I’m going to go off on her.” Jimin pulls Y/n away from the commotion and whispers words of comfort.
Jungkook nods and turns to face Yubin. He decides to meet her halfway and instantly regrets it “Jungkook, stop walking away from me! Why do you keep ignoring me? I’ve been trying to talk to you and Joonie, but both of you don’t answer.” She crashes into him, and starts to breath heavily. “Did you see what she did to me? I was trying to talk to her, and she hit me!” she sobbed. She started to cling onto him more, and attempted to wrap his arms around her. “No, Yubin” he mumbled, “We’re done.”
“You’re done with her? Oh good, maybe you can talk with Joon, and we can get this situation figured out. Then may-“
“No,” he interrupts her, “Yubin, we’re done. Us being friends, I can’t do it anymore.” He gently gets her hands off his shirt, and pushes her away from him.
“What do you.. what do you mean done? We’ve been friends since kindergarten. We can’t stop being friends. What about Namjoon? Are you going to stop being his friend too?”
Jungkook shakes his head, “Joon is still my friend Yubin. I, we can’t be friends with you anymore. What you’re doing is not okay. It’s never been okay. Yes, the three of us have been friends for a long time, but you’re not who you used to be Binnie. I don’t know who you are anymore, and I don’t want to be friends with the person you are now.”
He could see Yubin go from heartbroken to completely livid. “Are you fucking kidding me!” she screamed “ I did this for you! For Namjoon!” She enunciated by slamming her fists to Jungkook’s chest. Yubin slowly started to sob heavily. She tried to explain her reasoning between her cries, but her words came out mumbled.
Jungkook didn’t know what to do. Should he help her calm down? Should he call one of her friends? Should he walk away? He decides to pull Yubin to the side, and wait for her to at least get back to breathing normally. He whispers to her how to control her breathing, and hopes that’s enough to calm her down. He waits a few more moments, and decides it’s time for him to leave.
As he starts to walk away Yubin pulls on his sleeve “Kookie please don’t leave.” For a tiny moment, Jungkook sees the Yubin he was friends with years ago. Jungkook removes Yubin’s hand from his shirt and starts the walk back to campus.
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A/N: geez haven’t posted in a hot minute. Time passes by when you’re an adult lol. We’re almost to the end y’all! If you have any feedback pls let me know!
Tag list: @papamochiissad @smoljams @betysotelo18 @atomickokorox @xxxanimangxxx @icedoutmywristtitanic @lyndseygoregasmxo @beeeb05 @glossyrere @nanskidoodle
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pindaleng · 3 years
Merry Pitchmas @anotherbechloeshipper !!
Had so much fun writing this one, hope you enjoy it :)
Title: In From the Snow
Pairing: Bechloe
Chapters: 1/1
Wordcount: 2943
Summary: Beca didn’t anticipate making many friends her freshman year, much less become best friends with one Chloe Beale. When a snow storm ruins both their plans to travel home, they get to spend some quality time together. Beca thinks this might be her best chance to tell the other girl how she feels.
Read on AO3 or below.
Beca stared gloomily at the large flakes falling outside her dorm window.
There was no way her old Camry would be able drive more than ten miles an hour in these conditions. The forecast said “heavy snow”, but she didn’t realize it’d be this bad.
She totally would have left a few days earlier if she didn’t have a final scheduled for the absolute last day of the semester. It’s not like she was super excited about heading back home either, but she knew her dad and step mom would give her shit for it.
She sighed. Might as well text them now to rip off that band-aid.
Shortly after she sent the message, she heard a knock on her opened door.
“Hey, you’re still here!”
In the doorway stood Chloe Beale, undoubtedly the coolest person on their dorm floor. Beca (to her surprise) got along with most of the people on her floor, but something about Chloe specifically drew her in.
Admittedly, she found the other girl annoying at first, as she seemed like the high school girls that were fake nice just to talk about you behind your back. She soon learned, though, that Chloe was the real deal.
But not of course before giving her a hard time for a couple of months. Frustratingly, but thankfully, Chloe was incredibly persistent. Beca hadn’t really expected to make so many friends, intending to keep her head down and make her way through, but everyone grew on her. Especially Chloe.
“Yeah, unfortunately still here.” Beca replied. “Wanted to drive out today but doesn’t look like that’s gonna happen.”
Chloe invited herself in and hopped onto Beca’s bed. She hummed in understanding. “I just got back from the store and driving was for sure a struggle. Definitely would not recommend.”
“Great. You’re staying here too, then?”
“Yep! Which means you get to spend time with little ol’ me.” She propped her head on her hands. “Any plans for the day?”
There wasn’t really a Plan B since she didn’t expect her driving-back-home Plan A to not work out. “Not really, probably just gonna work on some mixes.”
“Can I join?”
“Yes, please make it a little less sad that I’m stuck here on Christmas Eve.”
“Sweet, I’ll be back.” Chloe slid off the bed and make her way out the room. “Don’t have too much fun without me!”
Beca just rolled her eyes and started setting up her laptop.
Chloe came back moments later with her sketchbook and colored pencils, and settled on Beca’s roommate’s bed. Both of them were friends with Stacie, so they knew she wouldn’t mind her bed being used.
They passed time peacefully like this for a couple of hours, each doing their separate thing.
Beca was so engrossed in her music that she doesn’t notice Chloe call out her name until the other girl waved at her to get her attention.
She slipped off her headphones. “What’s up?”
“I was thinking about getting some food soon. You in?”
The hunger hit her stomach now that food was mentioned. “Yeah, I could eat. Where at?” Though the dorms stayed open, dining halls were closed. There were plenty of places nearby though, and many of whom delivered. They went back and forth suggesting restaurants until Chloe looked like she had an epiphany. “We should go to that new ramen place!”
Beca’s immediate reaction was to pout, as they didn’t deliver. Chloe laughed.
“Oh come on, it’s a five minute walk, max. You big baby.” Chloe playfully poked her cheek. “Plus it’s super pretty outside.”
“And it’s super warm inside.”
Chloe rolled her eyes. “I’m going with or without you.”
The ultimatum was effective. Beca grumbled but put her coat on anyways. The reluctance was really just all show, as she would probably walk naked into a freezing lake for the other girl.
Snow was steadily falling outside, blanketing all the surfaces in a thick layer of white. Campus was quiet, as most of the students had already left for the holidays. It was both eerie and calming. The absence of drunk frat guys yelling, though, was definitely a plus.
“Okay I admit, it is pretty outside.” But you’re prettier. The automatic thought was so cheesy she almost threw up a bit in her mouth. Since when did she think such gross things? She could practically see Stacie smirking annoyingly at her.
Chloe grinned in victory, and Beca’s heart swooped.
Her brain definitely wasn’t lying though: Chloe was undoubtedly beautiful. The snowflakes in Chloe’s hair contrasted perfectly with the red color, making her look like some sort of magazine model. It felt kind of unfair that she could exist like that and not know what she was doing to poor Beca’s soul.
When the waitress asked if they needed one or two checks, Chloe replied “just one” before Beca could get a word in.
As the waitress walked away, Beca sent a questioning look to the redhead.
Chloe shrugged, “It’s easier for them to just run a single card.” Beca offered to pay her back, but she insisted it to be a holiday present. If Beca didn’t know better, she would have swore it was a date.
They were on their way back to the dorms when Beca felt something hit the back of her head.
She whipped around. “Hey!”
Chloe was already packing another snowball, clearly out for blood. She quickly launched that one too, which Beca barely managed to sidestep. She bent down to create her own snow projectile.
Chloe began to run away to get out of range, so Beca went to chase her. Unfortunately, Beca slipped on the snow and fell. Chloe was immediately at her side. “Oh my god, are you okay?”
The snow cushioned her fall pretty well, but Beca didn’t want to give that away just yet. She faked a grimace. “I think I broke my leg.”
“Oh shit.” Chloe furrowed her eyebrows in worry. “I’m so sorry I-“
Beca felt too bad that she immediately stopped her. “I’m joking, I’m actually fine.”
It took a moment to register, and then Chloe slapped her on the arm. “You scared me!”
Beca rubbed the spot where she was hit. “Ok now I actually have to go to the hospital.”
Chloe just slapped her arm again, before offering a hand to pull her up. Beca took it but didn’t get up. Chloe looked confused as Beca smirked, and then pulled the other girl down into the snow with her. She fell on her face in the fresh snow with a satisfying poof.
“Oh my god, you asshole.” Chloe laughed after pulling her face up, and shoved at the other girl, who was still laying in the snow.
“Chlo you have a beard.” Beca was practically wheezing at the sight of Chloe having snow stuck all over her face. “Still hot though.”
Chloe modeled it, striking poses and getting up to walk down an imaginary runway, while Beca yelled after her, hyping her up.
They messed around in the snow for a while longer, then took the long way back. Beca considered complaining about the cold and wet seeping in, but Chloe just looked so happy. Plus, it really was nice outside. Walking with Chloe in the peace of campus was a moment Beca wanted to keep tucked in her pocket forever.
After getting back, they went to take showers (separately) to warm themselves up, deciding to reconvene later in Chloe’s room. Beca sat on her bed with her hair in a towel, scrolling through her phone. She opened a message from Stacie, who was definitely one of her best friends in college so far. She flew out a couple of days ago and told Beca not to “get too freaky” while she was gone. Beca practically shoved her out the door.
Stacie [6:31 pm]: You make it home?
Beca [7:13 pm]: No, stuck here. Stupid snow.
A reply immediately came in.
Stacie [7:13 pm]: Ugh that sucks, are you by yourself then?
Beca hesitated on what exactly to say, knowing Stacie would immediately make fun of her for the truth.
Beca [7:15 pm]: Not exactly…..Chloe is also still here
Stacie [7:16 pm]: !!!!!!!!!!
Stacie [7:16 pm]: BECA
Stacie [7:16 pm]: THIS IS YOUR CHANCE
Beca [7:17 pm]: Dude she doesn’t like me
Stacie [7:18 pm]: Do NOT bother coming back to campus if you don’t shoot your shot right now
Stacie [7:19 pm]: Joking but also not
Stacie [7:19 pm]: She hangs out w you all the time. She actually listens to your music recs. Plz do something.
Stacie [7:20 pm]: Ok talk later family is calling for dinner, good luck!!!!!
Beca [7:21 pm]: ??? I’m going to ignore that you basically implied not listening to any of the music I’ve suggested
She fell back onto her bed. She wanted to make a move, and she did feel like there could be something between them. However, each time Chloe was nice to someone else, she got psyched out believing that Chloe was always just being platonically nice to her. No flirting involved.
With each passing day, though, it became harder to deny she wanted her. And how badly she did. She caught herself staring a bit too long, and hung endlessly on the small touches Chloe would always do. A brush of the finger here, and a hair tucked behind an ear there. Beca thought some days she might explode.
She texted Chloe to ask if she was ready yet.
Chloe [7:25 pm]: Sorry got distracted!! Hopping in the shower now.
With the extra time, Beca decided to finish the mix she was working on earlier that day. There was something off about it that she couldn’t quite figure out, but coming back to it now, she figured out what it was missing. She listened to it a few times to make sure she was really happy with it before mastering it.
A text came in from Chloe, letting her know she could come over whenever.
Beca quickly added the song to a USB which already contained many music files, then placed the drive into a small pink, cardboard box she got from Stacie. The box originally held a necklace, which made it the perfect size for her gift.
She stashed it in her sweater pocket then made her way to Chloe’s room in the other wing of the floor.
It was still relatively early in the night, so Chloe suggested a movie. Beca wasn’t one for movies usually, but it wasn’t like she had any better ideas.
They cuddled together on the small dorm bed in Chloe’s den of pillows, with the laptop in front of them. The movie was actually pretty good, despite all the bad decisions the main character kept making, and the fact that Beca missed half the plot due to glancing at Chloe instead, and being nervous about how close they were.
“Thoughts?” Chloe turned down the volume as the credits began to roll.
“I think she should have gone with the second guy.”
“Really? I thought he was kind of iffy.”
They proceeded have a lively discussion about the movie, with Beca continuing to argue mostly to mess with Chloe, who seemed quite adamant about the main character’s end choice of romantic partner. It ended with Chloe tickling her until Beca finally admitted her defeat.
“Okay, close your eyes.”
Beca looked at Chloe warily, still catching her breath from the tickling attack. “Um, why?”
“Just do it.”
She sighed but did as she was told.
“No peeking!”
Her index finger drew a cross above her heart, signaling her promise to not look.
“Okay, you can open them now.”
In front of her was a piece of paper carefully rolled into a tube and bound with a red bow. Beca picked it up, gingerly untying the ribbon, unraveling her gift. Her jaw dropped.
In her hands was a pencil sketch of her with headphones on, smiling and almost on the verge of laughing. Honestly, she never thought about what she looked like while she was happy. The image of herself in her mind was always some version of broody. Is this how Chloe saw her? Beca wasn’t one to usually cry, but she might have teared up a bit.
“This is…incredible.”
Chloe looked kind of nervous. The same way that Beca was protective of showing others her music, Chloe was hesitant to show much of her art. “You like it?”
“Dude I love it. Seriously.” That reassurance seemed to put Chloe at ease. “Okay, your turn to close your eyes.”
Chloe did it without hesitation, and also held out her hands. Beca shook her head a bit in amusement and placed the small box into her palm.
“Okay, open.”
She opened her eyes and lifted the lid of the box to find a black USB drive, with a piece of tape on the side simply labeled “For Chloe”.
Her smile widened as she realized what her present was. “Do I get to finally listen to your music?”
“It means a lot, Beca. Thank you.”
“Um yeah, no problem. Don’t tell me if you end up thinking it’s bad.” She joked.
“Oh please, you’re going to have to block me with how many good things I’ll say.”
“Don’t tempt me, I might delete your contact right now.”
Chloe laughed. “Oh please, like you could last a day without me. Also, I actually have another present for you.” She scotched a bit closer to Beca.
“Oh,” Beca furrowed her eyebrows. “Well, I don’t have anything el-“
She was swiftly cut off as Chloe kissed her, soft and sweet. So polite and unassuming it almost felt platonic.
But god did it give Beca butterflies.
Chloe pulled away so quickly that Beca wasn’t sure it even happened. Like maybe she just daydreamed too hard and manifested a hallucination.
She must have had a deer in the headlights look because Chloe suddenly got super shy. “Was that okay?” She whispered, face still close.
Beca finally came to her senses. “Yeah, totally. More than okay. Amazing really.” She must look like a blushing mess.
The corner of Chloe’s mouth quirked up in amusement and relief. “Yeah?”
“Still could be better, though.” Good work Beca, make a joke to regain some semblance of having her shit together.
“Oh?” She watched Chloe lick her lips, a mesmerizing motion. The shyness was all but gone, replaced by something much more confident, and destined to ruin Beca’s life. And she knew she’d welcome it with open arms.
Beca woke up in the morning to the light touch of fingers trailing along her jaw. She smiled, remembering where she was, and more importantly, who was besides her. She probably had the best night of sleep in her life. “Can’t keep your hands off of me, Beale?” She asked, keeping her eyes closed.
“Are you going to try and stop me?” Chloe whispered. Her raspy morning voice was really so damn attractive.
She opened one eye, smiling. “I wouldn’t dare.”
“Good.” Chloe leaned in for a long kiss, the hand on her face pulling Beca closer. Her breath hitched. She didn’t think she could ever get used to this. Kissing Chloe Beale. Touching her.
She pulled away all too soon, just as Beca began to want her even more. Beca was quickly learning how much of a tease Chloe was.
“i’m going to get ready, and then maybe we can go get breakfast somewhere?”
“Or…we can stay in bed all day.”
Chloe giggled, and Beca almost professed her love. “Becs, both of us gotta head home.”
“Do we though?”
Chloe just smiled as she slipped out of bed and grabbed her toothbrush and face towel. Before she was completely out the door, she gave her butt a little shake, as if she could tell Beca was staring at her clad in a large t-shirt and sleep shorts. Beca was sure Chloe was smirking as she did it.
As soon as she was out of sight, Beca grabbed her phone from the desk. A text from her dad and a couple from Stacie. She opened the messages from the latter.
Stacie [11:13 pm]: How’d it go?
Stacie [11:30 pm]: I’m assuming the silence is a good thing and ur just too busy making out with Chloe to reply ;)
Beca typed out a quick message.
Beca [9:30 am]: So…..
Stacie [9:30 am]: THIS BETTER BE GOOD NEWS
Beca [9:31 am]: How do you keep replying so quickly??
Stacie [9:31 am]: How about you stop avoiding
Beca thought of the million different things she could say, but opted for simplicity.
Beca [9:32 am]: :)
Stacie [9:33 am]: Is that good
Stacie [9:33 am]: Beca is that good
Stacie [9:34 am]: ?????
She set her phone down, feeling giddy. It might have been a bit cruel to leave Stacie hanging, but she’d get over it. She’d get the full story eventually, but right now, Beca wanted to keep as much of this thing with Chloe to herself as possible. Definitely not like a shameful secret, though.
Something about telling someone about it, however vaguely, made last night and this morning seem actually real.  She had this feeling deep in her chest that this was the start of something incredible, which made her both excited and a bit scared. Ok a lot scared. Terrified even.
It sucked that they’d have be apart right as they were starting something. Winter break couldn’t be over soon enough.
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lizacstuff · 3 years
Can’t wait to read you thoughts on this episode. Eda and Serkan are getting engaged! ngl seeing the rings did something to me, I haven’t recovered yet.
I KNOW!!!!! I missed the rings so much. When folks were upset during the filming of 20 when it became apparent he wasn't wearing the ring anymore, I remember saying that they have to take them off so they can put them back on for real, and it will be oh so sweet when they do. Flashforward six weeks and YES!!!! Just seeing those rings again is sweet we're going to die when they actually slip them on during the next episode. I'm not attached to any of my own jewelry the way I'm attached to their rings, lmao.
As a whole this episode was very enjoyable for me.  The new writers clearly realized they needed a mood change after episode 25, and I was thrilled to see the show return to its roots. The tone felt more like the first batch of episodes than any in recent memory. What a relief. Also I've said prior to this that I suspected that where we would feel Ayse's absence was in the humor and lack of sparkle.  Well I thought this episode had plenty of both, so I stand corrected. The first Edser scene with Serkan gliding by Eda without saying a word and then having his trusty sidekick Leyla keep an eye on what they were doing outside set the light comedic tone and put everything on the right footing from the get go. 
More later on Edser, let's start with all the nonsense they use to fill the rest of the 2+ hours. 
(continue under the read more)
What in the frack is Babaanne's endgame?  Does she have one?  Is it to take revenge on Serkan? To get Eda back in her orbit? Or just to cause chaos? Or is she testing them? Not sure. 
I enjoyed the scene between mom and son, Aydan and Serkan's relationship has really become one of the best on the show, certainly better than recent Eda/Ayfer.  Which is interesting, because in the pilot they established that while Serkan may be rich with material things, he was lacking in love and emotional familial support, while Eda was poor in regards to material things, but was surrounded by love in the form of her family/friends. Though perhaps one of the greatest gifts Eda's given Serkan is an improved relationship with his mother, and the impetus to distance himself from his unloving father. While Serkan has inspired her growing independence from her aunt. 
Speaking of them, let's move on to Aydan and Ayfer. PLEASE MADE THIS CHEF NONSENSE END! Good grief. I really don't enjoy watching these two ladies making total asses of themselves over this douche. Both of them trying to catch him on his jog and then going along with his aikido nonsense. It feels like he's just playing with them for his own amusement. Both deserve better and I don't even like Ayfer. Also if my boss gave me a single red rose for being employee of the month, I'd find that both creepy and hella disappointing (crash prizes please.) 
Meanwhile Ayfer is still testing my last nerve. When Aydan and Seyfi show up and inform her that they've found out that Serkan and Eda broke up and she responds with, "Were they even together to break up?" I wanted to slap her upside the head. Whatever official relationship status Eda and Serkan have, they have been connected and in a romantic relationship this entire time. The bit of time jump at the start of 15 before she goes back to work for Efe, is really the only section of time since they've met where they weren't in a relationship. And while Eda isn't all that forthcoming with Ayfer when it comes to Serkan, she hasn't really hidden it well. It was at Ayfer's birthday when they were on the ice together being very romantic, Ayfer was at Aydan's 70s party and could very well see Eda and Serkan attached at the hip all night and wound around one another intimately slow dancing, Ayfer knows Eda spent the night at Serkan's when she left because of Babaanne, Ayfer was at the NY party and saw them together there. Not to mention Ayfer knows Serkan saved her business and why, she knows Serkan was still wearing his ring, and she knows Eda looked completely shattered over leaving Serkan as Ayfer heartlessly reacted with glee in the last episode. 
So asking "were they even together" just completely diminishes what Eda is currently going through, as if parting with him is no big deal because there was nothing there to begin with, when she knows better. When she's seen it with her own two eyes. Seriously.. fuck her. Every other character who is a friend of Eda and Serkan all know that they're a unit. I don't even feel bad that she came to ArtLife to beg for Eda's company, but Eda ended up blowing her off. Surprising Serkan with a proposal was a much better use of her time.
Engin and Piril, yeeesh, I feel for Piril, trying to put off this meeting. I'm sure she's thinking it's for Engin's own good, but her flipping into total bitch mode when they're newlyweds... not great. Not an auspicious start to the marriage. Even if she wants to keep Engin away from her father, she ought to confide in Engin and tell him why she's freaked. I'm assuming we'll get more of that in the next episode since Engin is looking rough in those promo stills. 
My favorite side plot was probably Grandog's henchman's (what is his name?) crush on Melo. Melo deserves to be crushed on, and I love that she is so uninterested that she doesn't see it.  Much more fun to have him chasing her, and her being oblivious. Poor Leyla, trying in vain to get his attention when he only has eyes for Melo. Enjoyed that Melo and Leyla made the agreement that Melo would help Leyla get the dude and Leyla would help get rid of Erdem. I'm looking forward to see where this goes. 
Ceren and Ferit... were there too. 
Now onto the A story (and let's be real the only one that matters) Eda and Serkan. Obviously 25 left us off in a very sad, heartbroken place. I'm not sure what decisions were made, when or why, but at some point TPTB decided they needed to get back to their roots and thank goodness. Episode 25 was just so dark, Eda was miserable the entire episode, as was Serkan, and that's not fun to watch for 2 hours. The way they handled them here is much better. 
I know some feel the tone shift was too much. To that I would say, it was so dark in ep 25, I'm happy to do a 180, no matter the reason, to get back to a place where watching is fun, and also I think of the breakup as Eda throwing the breaks on a runaway train and once she did, and she was sure the train was stopped at least for the time being, then she could take a moment, reassess the situation and potentially decide it wasn’t as dire as she thought. In the last episode, every moment Eda delayed giving that old bitty what she wanted, something catastrophic befell Serkan, his business, or his family. The pressure mounted, the stakes were high and in the end she had to do whatever was necessary to stop Babaanne's assault on Serkan. 
This episode we saw her catch her breath and then formulate a plan. I think a tone shift fits with that. Of course she feels lighter knowing that even though she hurt Serkan, he's protected for the moment. Now that that's taken care of, she's ready for next steps. So it works that the next morning we see her telling Melo and Ceren that she's not going to give up Serkan, and outlining her plan around getting close to Babaanne in order to get something on her. Good girl!  
As I said above, I just adored that first scene outside ArtLife. The girls gathered around, trying to warn Eda that Serkan was coming, and then his walk by where he KNEW EXACTLY WHAT HE WAS DOING when he got right up in Eda's business without even looking at her.  He knows what makes her weak in the knees. And I love that Serkan decided to play it like this. HE KNOWS. He knows she loves him, he knows there's more to the breakup, and he knows how to deal with it. Drive her crazy until she cracks and tells him everything. OR drive her crazy until they end in a passionate, possessive sex explosion. One or the other.  
Quick poll, who didn't love watching Serkan take back the reigns of his company? This gal did. YAAAAAAAAAAASSSSS. Alpha Serkan is back. Kick the old bag's throne to the curb. Kick the old bag's creepy client to the curb. Now we just have to kick the old bag and her deranged, obsessed sidekick to the curb as well.  But for now, I loved seeing him at the end of the table, making decisions, not brooking opposition. The team squabbling over his decision, but he just sits back, unbothered. Total power move. I appreciate Ferit questioning the decision, questioning it is the right thing to do in his position, but he may have gotten a little too pissy about it. Dude, this entire company IS Serkan. The success of the company is due to his talent, his vision, his business acumen. I get they're all worried he's making a decision because of Eda, but he's got a proven track record of, you know, being right, so there's no reason to get shirty. If Serkan doesn't want to work with someone, his instinct is probably on target.
Eda getting Babaanne to stand down warmed me from the inside out. I find it interesting that she used the argument that they were pushing him too hard and he didn't deserve it, and Babaanne bought it. For one I think Eda was worried Serkan was going to snap and do something that might start Babs' Bolat revenge cycle again. For two, she just wants the love of her life to win and be calm. However, if anyone in that room didn't catch onto what happened there, that Eda and BigB leave and then come back a minute later and BigB has done a 180, I question their competence. *cough* Ferit *cough* He's just not the sharpest tool in the shed. However, obviously, Serkan knew. 
On another note, they've gotten pretty murky with the line between ArtLife and the holding.  Babaanne has 45% of the Holding, not ArtLife. Ferit has 5% of the holding, not ArtLife. So which company was working with the Prince?  Since it was a project to design a house, seems like that should be ArtLife? But Babs and Ferit seemed to think they had a vote which they shouldn't if it's ArtLife.  Who knows... whatever. 
Have you ever seen anything cuter than Eda in her coat and boots and protective helmet, leaning over, clutching her chest, exhausted after climbing all those stairs?  I mean she's an adorable bean just bent over and huffing and puffing, but the fact that she just climbed up goodness knows how many flights of stairs (judging by that view, an impossible number, but we'll allow it) just to see Serkan?  We giggle at her excuse that she did that because he gave her too much work. Eda, he's not going to buy that, luckily none of us want him to buy it. These two, they can't stay away from each other. Ever. She was also probably worried after the foreman told her he'd been up there for hours. Again, I think she's concerned that she's pushed him too far. So now she's in Serkan's shoes after the first breakup. Navigating that push pull of wanting to be with him, but sticking to the decision to end it for his sake. 
It's nice to see that her claustrophobia was not "cured" after going up in the elevator with Serkan one-time. On her own, she's still not able to face it. I'm sure she could do it again with him, but there's more work to be done before she can face it without him. 
Serkan was surprisingly vulnerable in both his conversation with Engin and with Eda on the top of that skyscraper. Even just telling Engin he was too out of sorts to join him for lunch, tells us that while he knows what he's doing, he knows there's more to the story, but he's still hurting and unsettled after the breakup. Then, "I create to make people happy, but I myself can't be happy. It's strange." Oh Serkan. I think you ripped my heart out with that... Eda's too. 
Eda was so discombobulated by Serkan's attitude. Whatever she expected from him, his acceptance of the break up, wasn't it. His proposal that they be "friends" threw her and she looked so distressed when he said, "Everyone will live their own life." Alarm bells started going off for her, much as they did for him at the top of ep 19 when Eda said she was going to start living her life. She did NOT like the idea of Serkan Bolat out there living a life that didn't include her, lmao. 
It's crazy to me that Eda has a friend like Fifi, who probably breaks and enters for a living, and yet she chooses Melo for a clandestine operation. Come on, Eda, you got to choose the right person for the job, lmao. I also question Eda's choice of cat burglar wardrobe. Seemed a bit... restricting and flashy. Though her skin-tight, snakeskin breaking-and-entering dress and fashionable trespassing boots did make it easier to transition to fine dining and driving your man towards rambunctious breakup/makeup/jealousy sex.  Not much to say about the restaurant scenes. The prince is creepy af, and was that the most awkward dance.... ever? The looks back and forth between Edser were excellent, so much tension and longing and jealousy. But boy is it hard to watch a scene with Balca in it, ugh she makes my skin crawl and I don’t even like looking at her. Also the deliberate way the actress has chosen to speak is irritating. Anyway, we now know Balca is pretty much capable of anything, if she’s capable of essentially poisoning the man she thinks she loves. Yikes. Did Nana realize that Balca poisoned him? I have to believe she did, because him being sick seemed part of the plan. THEY'RE ALL FULL EVIL!!! .
One thing I don't believe is that Eda Yildiz would ever walk out of that restaurant with Serkan looking that bad. No way she leaves him to Balca's care, or anyone else's for that matter. Nope, regardless of who was watching she would have insisted on taking him to the doctor herself.  But I get they were setting up the plot, so they sacrificed that bit. 
These villains are really bad at driving a wedge between two people who love each other. AngryGran is all like, "I know a foolproof plan, let's put them in the same room and get 'em all riled up with jealousy, then make Serkan sick so Eda's worried, then I'll convince her to go check on him and let's see what happens!" LMAO. Cheers to you, dumbasses, you brought us a whole heaping plate full of S.E.X. They were really banking that Eda was going to fly off the handle and think that Serkan went from an allergic reaction to sexing up the new obsessed employee very quickly. It's great that they all underestimate Eda and Serkan's relationship and connection, that should continue to help Edser as long as these fools continue to meddle. 
Eda was, wait for it, LEGENDARY, in her smackdown of Balca. QUEEEEEEEN. I'll never be over the, "You can only be with a statue of Serkan, darling." BWAHAHAHAHA. Yes! Throw her creepy, inappropriate present back in her face. And Balca's gall asking Eda to leave and then continually lecture Eda that they'd broken up. That takes either big cajones or huge helpings of delusion, because Balca has very little information when it comes to their relationship, yet she's playing her hand like she knows it all and like she doesn't care what gets back to Serkan. However, got to hand it to Balca for keeping her composure once Eda saw through her little staged production, because her story was painfully weak. Let's say for real that you're at your boss's house, the boss is sick so you're hanging around downstairs by yourself just to make sure everything is okay. What's the problem with just... you know... wearing your outfit with a coffee stain?  Unless you had a massive big gulp sized coffee and poured it over your head, why even change? Don't you just... live with the stain? It's not like you're making a presentation to the board of directors in 5 minutes.  For the love of god you're sitting there and no one else is around. Weak alibi.  
Poor Serkan, he's just there trying to sleep off having his allergies maliciously triggered, and he completely misses out on the love of his life fighting for him downstairs. Oh how he would have loved to see that. But oh what a way to wake up, with Eda Yildiz standing over him, looking magnificent, and rousing him with a scolding tone. I've already talked about how HOT the jealousy and possessiveness was here, so I'll focus on the scene itself. 
Let’s talk about the fragman first. Due to the short production timeline of this show, when they create a trailer they're doing it from the dailies, not from the show itself. That part of the show usually hasn't even been edited yet so the fragman exists before the episode. That means often there are scenes or angles that appear in the fragman, but not in the episode. It happened bigtime with the shower scene in 19, it happened randomly with the fragman for 20, they showed that really great shot of heartbroken Serkan in red, but didn't show the full thing in the episode, (when giffing it I had to use the fragman) and here, several of the best shots of Eda and Serkan ripping each other's clothes off were in the fragman and didn't make the episode. We can live with it for a lonely Serkan shot, but it's quite a bait and switch in this instance. Especially when pretty much every member of the cast (except Hande, Kerem didn't post anything either, but he did appear in that IGlive where the cast mercilessly teased him about it) promoted the scene. Not cool. I realize that they're dealing with sensors and may have had to cut things in order to avoid fines and such, but then they probably should have found a way to release the uncut scene on the internet as I've read other Turkish shows have done and like they did with episode 13. If you're gonna put something like this in the fragman to entice viewers, and have the cast promote it, you need to be willing to deliver. Badly done on the part of both Fox and MF Yapim.
That being said, one of the great things about the tighter restrictions this show has to adhere to, is they really show the intimacy instead. On an American show, these characters would have started eating each other's faces off and then tumbled into bed. There is something very hot, though, about them just invading each other's space, breathing each other's scent, nose to nose, nose to neck, nose to cheek... without breaching. Plus we got to see him carry her to the bed... even if they darkened it to the point you can barely see. I saw enough. HOT. The scene was short, but more tantalizing than lots of love scenes I've seen.
I was sad she left while he still slept in the morning. For him not to feel her get out of bed, she must have worn him out! It really would have been nice to see them wake up together, but I'm sure that will come. Plus it gave us the tension filled scene in the office. The knocked over lamp in the background was a delicious detail. Things got rambunctious! I'm glad Eda got to return the sentiment that only she can touch him, if only Serkan had heard it! Another thing that would have made him so happy if only he knew about it.
Melo is all of us upon learning about their night of passion. She's a whole cheerleader for them, and I love it. 
The post-sex scenes at the office were amazing. For several seconds I thought that he really did think it was a dream. Panic started to set in until she admitted she'd had it too. Phew. No hiding for Eda. I'm glad he flirted, instead of getting offended, and that she was at least honest about there being something she needed to do before they could really be together. Eda also handled the office conversation with Balca well. Love that she didn't show any reaction to her claim about Paris, just wished her a good trip. I felt that deep breath she took before going into his office. Yes, girl, calm down before you march in and accuse him of something, good thing he immediately invited her. I just about melted at, "I don't want to argue... you're precious to me." Serkan is gradually learning how to head off her fits of pique. 
The proposal... I... just... okay... my heart... I need a minute... still not over it. 
It was perfect. She made a surprise for him!!!!  After he asked her for a surprise a few episodes ago she did it and surpassed even his wildest dreams. It was quite a surprise for us too! Thank you for not spoiling it, show!  Serkan has told Eda he loves her about 3 dozen different ways, he's made it clear how he feels and what he wants ("Eda Bolat, sounds nice."). There is no doubt that he was ready to propose the moment he felt she'd be receptive, so it was wonderful that she threw caution to the wind and did it. Both Serkan and the audience needed to see exactly how much she loves him, and this was a wonderful way to do that. It's pretty much the biggest thing she could have done.  Also for those of us in other parts of the world (I'm in the US) it might not be too out of the ordinary for a woman to propose, but from what I understand it's rare and possibly non-existent on Turkish shows. That's pretty cool.
Did you see his face!?!? He was so happy at first when he registered that she was actually standing in front of him and then just totally gobsmacked when he saw the rings and realized what was happening. As for Eda, she was just glowing. GLOWING. And don't even get me started on the plane. That trip on the day after they met is such an important part of their love story and the call back here is wonderful. The first time around he thought she was there for him, this time he can't believe that she's there for him.  
Can't wait to see the way the full conversation/proposal plays out, do ya'll think he'll say yes? (hee)
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wannabepygmalion · 3 years
30 factoids let’s gooo
( i just felt like doing these for fun... seeing briar do it + the ask memes got me thinking and i had the urge lmao )
1. His favorite Sanrio character is Cinnamoroll!! Also a fan of Marumofubiyori and Pompompurin.
2. Domino enjoys some music from pretty much any genre, but his favorite music usually is of the pop rock-pop punk-rock umbrella of sounds. He likes music that you could shout along to for Emotional Release (even though he will not actually do the shouting. he just still likes that vibe). 
3. He likes Animal Crossing. Probably doesn’t care too much about having a super finished and decorated island, but I imagine he tends to drift towards fall/autumn aesthetics and cottagecore vibes for what he does do… I think some of his favorite villagers would include Sylvana, Marshal, Teddy, Patty, Chief, Benjamin, Anabelle, Eunice, Shep, Hazel… he likes most of the Sanrio villagers too.
4. His favorite season is autumn, unsurprisingly.
5. Domino really likes dyeing his hair! He likes the sensation of looking in the mirror afterwards and his reflection feeling Different. 
6. He’s just so into art and art history. Once you get him to open up and he doesn’t feel like he’s annoying you, he will happily talk your ear off about (checks watch) the Corinthian order of Ancient Greek architecture. 
7. Also he does enjoy himself a little K-pop. He’s not super, super into it, but he has some groups he follows. Likes some songs he comes across. This is largely because I like to think about what kind of idols he’d bias since I”m so into it. I would name some groups he’d like, but I doubt any of them would still be around by 2030--
8. Growing up, his family never had any pets! Too busy. I think, honestly, Domino’s maybe never lived in a household that had pets, only met other people’s briefly. He would enjoy having a pet someday, but right now he doesn’t feel stable enough or like his life situation is good for a pet.
9. He has a couple fake succulents in his bedroom. He is currently too nervous that he’ll accidentally kill one and feel awful about it to try looking after a real plant.
10. His roommate’s name is Atlas! Atlas is a Twitch streamer who’s been getting more popular recently due to Minecraft roleplay, and is also a musician. Atlas’ online handle is Bird; his real identity is not public information.
11. Which. Yes, Domino has played Minecraft. But only on creative mode. He thinks it’s fun to build when his brain needs to chill, not really here for combat and all that.
12. He has a tattoo of a larkspur flower on one of his forearms; he got this pretty recently! Within the last 3 months or so.
13. He is banned from every Jamba Juice. If you ask him about this, he will either avoid it or tell you a different story every time.
14. Domino is actually really good at drawing as well as sculpting, but he heavily prefers sculpting. He’s been drawing for longer, but, when he first tried sculpting, something about it just clicked with him that he’d never experienced prior. 
15. He doesn’t drink alcohol, nor does he consume caffeine!
16. Atlas is also a faceless streamer -- his audience doesn’t know Domino exists beyond Atlas mentioning he has a roommate. Domino would like to keep it that way as much as possible.
17. He’s not a big spender… a good chunk of the money he earns from working goes to general life expenses -- rent, groceries, etc. He is not rich by any means. Money that’s leftover gets put away for when he needs to buy more art supplies; he spent a hot minute saving up for his tattoo since he wanted it to be nice.
18. Domino has an Instagram, but he doesn’t really do the “social” aspect of it. He just uses it more like a portfolio to post his work. Doesn’t respond to comments or anything, doesn’t look at it otherwise.
19. In general, he kinda avoids social media besides, like. Youtube and Twitch, and even then, he’s a diehard lurker for everything. He has spent some time browsing R/ddit, though, because it’s a decent place to see people talking about extremely specific experiences. Been on some specific forums too. Sometimes stuff like that makes him feel more validated and shit. Only valid R/dditor on the planet, etc. He absorbs other internet culture via osmosis from Atlas anyway.
20. He doesn’t drive! He still has a license for the sake of having a valid ID, but doesn’t drive with it. Doesn’t even have a car.
21. He has an older brother, who’s an engineer. He’s a couple years older and is off married somewhere else having an extremely normal life. Domino is estranged from his brother and has never met said brother’s wife. Probably didn’t even go to their wedding, honestly.
22. Domino doesn’t do commission work! He just kinda… does things at his own pace, then displays and eventually sells his work when it’s done.
23. The agent Domino works with is an older woman who works at a local art gallery that kinda took him under her wing. For obvious reasons. I mean, look at him. Her name is Veronica McCoy. Yes, I just took two names from Riverdale and slapped them together.
24. He doesn’t believe in soulmates! Or love at first sight, for that matter.
25. Domino’s usual typing style is actually a lot more laid back and casual -- no capitals, more prone to shortening words, etc. However, he types a lot more formally when it’s appropriate and/or he’s not comfortable with everyone in the convo. Similarly, he’ll loosen up a little in-person as he grows more at ease with you. To no one’s surprise, he will not give anyone nicknames unless they tell him to call them something else… he doesn’t want to offend.
26. Yes, he can and will swear if he’s comfortable with you. Yes, Domino can and will say ‘fuck’ -- though, he doesn’t throw it around constantly like some of my other characters. 
27. Domino has read a translation of all of Ovid’s ‘Metamorphoses.’ He loves that shit.
28. I think cows are one of his favorite animals… he just thinks they’re cute and have very sweet faces. He never wants to touch T/kTok (or its future equivalent) with a 10-foot pole, but he would be very pleased if you sent him videos of cute animals. Curated content with none of the stress.
29. When very focused working on something, he tends to stick his tongue out. :P
30. Some plants I would associate with him include: cyclamen, columbine, and meadow saffron!
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horansqueen · 4 years
You & Me : chapter 43
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A Niall Horan fanfiction ; rated MA
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-one chapter is her pov, the next is his -4.5k -im sorry, i never proofread, i hate it. -there WILL be smut. but not only smut. -this is a romance, comedy, smut story. -for the summary, check my MASTERLIST.
- notes: wow, it took a while didnt it? i have a hard time writing this story for a few specific reasons and thats why it takes me longer. i also need to plan the ending of this and its not easy because im scared to forget something. but i hope you enjoy this chapter! thanks so much for still reading this story!!!
if you want to be on the list of blogs i notify when this is updated, just message me :)
requests! : its late and i hope i dont forget any! i didnt add everything from the 2nd request in my chapter tho. i also promise more requests in the next chapter! its all planned so thank you!
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Chapter 43 : His chapter
June 25th, 2018
"Okay, move slightly on the right." I heard her, doing what she told me cautiously. "Now watch out, there's a step."
"Big or small?"
"Uhm, medium" she replied after thinking about it.
"Gee Liv, thanks!" I replied sarcastically before I carefully tried to put my foot on the step.
She guided me with difficulty until the car and I packed her last few boxes in the trunk. We sat in the car and I started it, feeling her gaze on me but I tried to ignore it until I felt her hand on my thigh. I suddenly relaxed and my eyes met hers for half a second before going back on the road.
"You should have let me help you." she pointed out with a soft voice. "I can carry more than one box, you know."
The left corner of my lips raised gently and I glanced at her again before stopping at a red light and turning my head completely her way. Her eyebrows raised and I sent her a small smile, shaking my head.
"I want you to let me take care of you." I admitted, bending closer to press my lips gently against hers in a quick kiss. "Besides, an old lady like you shouldn't carry heavy things."
With a chuckle, she slapped my arm gently as I started laughing and started driving again. It was already mid june and we had been working on her moving in with me for about a week. Most things were actually bought by Louis so all the furniture stayed there but it took us a while to pack all her stuff and bring the boxes to my house. I mean, our house.
"I'm only two years older than you!" she argued, making me laugh even more. "Do I have to call you 'kiddo'?"
"Please, I'm a man." I let out with a frown, half-joking. "You know it, you've seen me naked."
"Oh how my life has changed since then." she replied wih a chuckle, making me smile too.
We brought her stuff to our room and started unpacking together after I put music on. It invaded the house so loudly that the neighbours probably heard since we had opened the windows. It was a warm saturday afternoon and I still had a little bit more than a week off. I knew we were going to miss each other since I was about to leave for three months (even if i was going to be back here at some point in august for a few concerts) but we didn't talk about it much, as if it would make things worst.
I kept glancing at her from time to time as I was putting her stuff in my closet and my lips curled when I noticed she was dancing while putting her clothes in her dresser. It was nothing new. She had always been like that but somehow, at this exact moment, it made me realize how perfect this moment was. Loud music, finally sharing a house with the woman I loved, watching my girlfriend dance and sing happily close to me with a promise ring hidden in my underwear drawer. That whole scenario happening right in front of me felt like the accomplishment of something very very important and even if I couldn't define exactly what, I tried to remember this in my brain like the movie of a memory I wanted to watch over and over again until i'd be on my death bed. The smallest details seemed important and when she moved a lock of hair that had stuck on her lips behind her ear, I held my breath. Could I write a song about this?
She turned around and our eyes met and suddenly, her lips curled into a fond smile. I loved when she looked at me like that. I was used to it, because she's looked at me like that for as long as I could remember, but it's only now, the second time we're dating, that I realized what it meant and how important it was.
"Are you gonna help me or are you just going to stare at me while I do all the work?"
I chuckled and rolled my eyes before shaking my head and grabbing an other box. It was heavy and when I opened it, I saw a bunch of books, the first one on the top being the one she was reading at the moment. I knew because sometimes we'd just sit together in the living room in silence. She'd read and sometimes i would too, or id end up writing, or playing guitar. Just being in the same room was enough sometimes and I liked it. I grabbed the book and turned it around to read the summary but something else caught my attention and I frowned. Something was sticking out of the book and I pulled on it slightly only to see my face and hers on a few pictures. It came from the photobooth and if my memory served me right, it was from the first time we dated. I pulled on it more to see all the pictures and finally just opened the book so she wouldn't lose her page and let my eyes roam on the older pictures of us. I remembered how I felt, but I was well aware it was not comparable to the feelings I had now.
"Can't believe you kept this."
My eyes didn't move from the pictures but I felt her stop moving and finally get closer to me. I sat on my bed and I felt her sit next to me in silence until I finally looked up in her eyes.
"You have no idea of all the things I kept." she admitted and I could swear her cheeks turned a soft shade of pink. "I kept a lot of souvenirs of you, Niall."
My smile curled a bit and she chuckled. "Really?"
"Oh don't look at me like that, it's not like I built a shrine for you or anything." she just rolled her eyes. "But your friendship and your love... yea, it's important for me."
I ran my thumb gently on the pictures for a few more minutes and finally put them back in the book before closing it. I stared at it until Liv grabbed my hand and I squeezed her fingers, looking up at her and sending her a smile.
"You know we need to christen the rooms." This time, she let out a loud laughter and it made my lips curl. "It's true!"
"It only applies to new places, Niall!" she laughed more. "We've already had sex pretty much in all the rooms of this house, and that says a lot!"
"Are you sure?" I asked, raising my eyebrows before she nodded. "All the bathrooms? Bedrooms?" She nodded again and I raised my nose up with a low groan, making her laugh again. "There must be somewhere we didn't fuck!"
"On the dryer."
"What?" I frowned.
"We never fucked on your dryer." she repeated with an amused smile, her head tilted. "We fucked in the showers, kitchen's table, kitchen's counter, on the couch, on the floor of the living room, in all the beds, on all the bedroom floors, in the music room and against that piano.. One time you even grabbed me when I got out of the shower to fuck me against the wall in the hall."
The left corner of my lips curled as the memory came back to my head and I raised my eyebrows. "Oh yea, I remember."
"But I don't remember fucking on the dryer."
My eyes roamed on her and I licked my lips. "We can do that now."
"Join me in 5 minutes?"
I raised my eyebrows in surprise when she suddenly got up and left. My fingers gripped the book in my hands tighter and I finally put it on the bed before turning my eyes to the alarm clock on the bedside table. It was the longest 5 minutes of my life and if I wanted to be honest, I only waited 3 and a half anyway.
I heard the dryer's noise and frowned a bit when I realized she had started it and when I got there, she was sitting on it and I noticed the matching black and silk panties and bra she was wearing. Her legs were hanging down the dryer and she was holding herself with her hands slightly behind her body, her dark hair falling near her back, and I stopped as soon as our eyes met.
"When did you put this on?"
"I wore them all day." she admitted with a smirk before chuckling when my face changed. "I mean, I wanted to show you but we were sort of busy."
I took a few steps closer slowly and put my palms on her thighs, sliding my hands up very slowly on her soft skin.
"Spread your legs, petal." I whispered as she bit her bottom lip but did as I asked.
"I wasn't sure if it actually looked good on me." she admitted low and I shook my head quickly.
"Oh shut up, darling, this makes me so fucking hard." To prove my point, I turned my hips a bit and pressed my hard cock through my pants against her naked thigh. "See?"
I ran my hands up to her breasts, touching them before slipping one of my hands under it to run the tip of two of my fingers on her nipple. "I'm so torn right now. I want to rip it off of you, but watching them on you is so fucking hot."
"Just move my panties aside and fuck me."
Her eyes seemed to sparkle but her expression was needy and I just licked my lips, bringing my hands down to my jeans and unzipping them as I kept staring at her.
"Such a needy little slut." I let out in a low tone. "Tell me how bad you want my cock. Beg me."
Her eyes never leaving mine, she brought her feet on the dryer, exposing her panties even more to me and slowly, I took my cock out and started stroking it. I could feel the dryer getting warmer and the way she seemed to shake over it made me want her even more.
"Fuck, Niall, I want you so bad. I need you deep inside me." she whimpered and licked her lips. "Please, Niall, I need your cock, please i'm begging you, fuck me."
I jerked off harder, making sure the tip of my dick rubbed against her pussy over her panties, and she whimpered and bit her bottom lip harder.
"Move your panties, pet. Show me your pretty little cunt."
She did as I asked and my eyes dropped between her legs as I moved even closer, close enough for the tip of my cock to push inside her. I groaned low and she let out a short whimper as I felt her throb around me.
"Deeper." she breathed out. "Fill me."
Quickly, I pushed myself inside her until I was balls deep and she let out a moan, her head falling back slightly and her eyes fluttering.
"Like this petal? How does my cock feel?"
She squirmed slightly and with difficulty but I watched her shake glancing a few times down to watch her grind despite herself on my dick. The feeling was amazing and I groaned louder when I felt her clench around me.
"So good, so fucking good." she whimpered again.
"You're so fucking wet and horny I just want to watch you fuck yourself on my cock until you cum all over it, baby girl." I let out without thinking. "How about you do that?"
I moved as close as I could and she ground on me for a few minutes. I loved the way she moved, all her facial expressions and the way her moans sounded but after a while, I couldn't take it anymore and grabbed her waist, my fingers sinking in her skin as I pulled her against me in motion with my thrusts.
"Fuck, i'm gonna cum." I just said still going hard.
I didn't know if it was because of my words or if she had been holding it for a while but she started shaking even harder against me as she came, my name escaping her lips in incredible moans and bringing me to my own orgasm. I shut my eyes tight, pushing myself so hard against her to make sure I went as deep as I could, and when I got down from my high, I leaned my forehead against hers, eyes still closed, as we both panted with parted lips.
"This is so much better." I whispered, moving a bit to reach her lips with mine.
"Better than what?" she asked in a breath as I kissed her gently again.
"Better than anything. Better than anyone." I confessed. "Better than sex without feelings."
It took her about a minute to talk but her words made me open my eyes suddenly.
"Are you in love with me, Niall?"
I pulled away to look in her eyes and frowned for a few seconds before shaking my head. I knew she was probably asking me simply because she wanted to hear it but I couldn't help but fear that she doubted it.
"Yes. I am in love with you, Olivia." I affirmed. "It will never change. I'll always be in love with you, for as long as I live, and maybe even after."
June 29th, 2018
I was a bit sad she had insisted on inviting Louis and Eleanor on her birthday but I went along with it because it was her day and I loved her. She also had asked for nothing big, just a movie and games night with our friends, and somehow, I was down with that. Normally, I'd want to celebrate in a bar with many more friends but we were about to be separated for a while and I was not in the mood to celebrate that. I was just grateful I could spend her birth day with her.
"Okay, Liv, you sit next to me. Your boyfriend can sit next to El." I heard Louis say as I walked back in the living room with two bowls of popcorn.
"Excuse me? I pretty much intend on watching this movie cuddling my girlfriend, thank you very much!" I argued with a frown as I stood in the middle of the living room.
"If we do that we'll just spend an hour and a half making out!" Louis explained with round eyes. "At least you two will! You're both horny animals!"
"It's not like we were gonna fuck in front of you." I pointed out, rolling my eyes before sitting next to Eleanor who just laughed.
"Don't be a jealous boyfriend, Niall. Liv was my roommate before being your girlfriend again and I'm very sad that I can't wake her up by literally jumping in her bed at 6 in the morning anymore!" he joked with a chuckle before turning to my girlfriend. "Bet you miss it too!"
"6 in the morning?" I repeated with a frown again. "You never wake up so early."
"He did when he had meetings for his album." Olivia pointed out. "As you already know, 'pain in the ass' is in his DNA."
I laughed and she did too but the way she looked at me made me smile. Louis placed his arm on the back of the couch, near her shoulders, and I groaned low at sight. It's not that I wanted to read too much into this, but it was bothering me a lot and it was tough to hide. I was not the type to be jealous and I knew Olivia loved me, but every time I saw them near each other, I couldn't help but remember that they fucked multiple times and that nothing could ever erase that.
What took me out of my thoughts was something hitting my nose and the sweet laughter of my girlfriend. I shook my head slightly and sent her a smile as she sent me more popcorn and I grabbed some from my own bowl before throwing it at her, too. She laughed louder and we kept on throwing popcorn at each other until Louis groaned and stopped the movie. It was crazy how easily Louis could make himself home. He was using my remote for my tv, was sitting on my favorite spot on the couch, cuddling with my girlfriend.
"Fine! Fine I get it!" Louis gave in, raising his hand up in defeat. "You guys can't stay too far away from each other for too long. It's sad but it is what it is!"
He practically jumped off the couch and walked up to me. After a quick head movement, I sent him a smile and got up to. I let myself fall next to Liv and immediately, she cuddled my side like a magnet, making me smile more. I had no idea why I was insecure when it came to Louis, but she proved over and over again that I had no reason to be. I wrapped my arm around her to pull her closer and we finished the movie before grabbing a few beers and talking. It was almost 3 in the morning when Louis and El left and I watched as Liv got up, yawned and stretched.
"I'm so tired, let's go to bed, yea?"
"We really should clean first." I pointed out, grabbing a few bottles.
I was about to bring them to the kitchen but she stopped me with a grimace and a groan. "Niall, we need to sleep. Come onnnn, we can do that tomorrow."
I stared at her and sighed, not really sure I liked the idea but I finally nodded and followed her to the room as she held my hand and pulled me with her. We fell asleep quickly but she did before me and for some reason, I enjoyed watching her snore lightly, her lips parted, as I held her close to me. These days, we fell asleep holding each other face to face and it was very different from our usual spooning. Still, I liked it but when I woke up, she was on the other side of the bed, her legs were over mine, and I smiled at how much she had moved.
I got up, put sweatpants on and made coffee before drinking a cup as I looked at the mess in the living room and the kitchen. She joined me about half an hour later, entering the kitchen as she yawned. It made me chuckle but I liked the mess of her hair and her lazy smile. I wanted that every single morning of my life.
"Slept well?"
"Yes but not enough." she just shrugged with an other yawn.
I poured her coffee in her favorite mug and we both drank in silence, leaned against the counter. After I was done, I put my cup in the sink and without turning back to look at her, I sighed.
"We need to clean now."
"Mm, I just woke up. We can do that later in the afternoon." she just shrugged.
"Liv, we need to clean now. That's what happens when we postpone these kind of things. It'll never be fun but doing it now means we can do something else after."
She stared at me a few seconds and sighed, letting her head fall back on her shoulders. I didn't want to argue with her, and I knew how messy she was, but she also knew I was the opposite and that leaving everything as is the night before had been annoying to me.
"Well I don't want to do it now."
I didn't expect that answer and took a step back as my eyebrows raised.
"Why are you being like that?"
"Why are you being like that?" she repeated. "This can wait! I can't believe we're arguing over that!"
"Olivia, please! We left this mess last night and we need to clean!"
"You knew how i was before I started living here, it's nothing new!" she let out a bit roughly.
"And you know how I was too!" I argued before she brought her hands to her face and sighed. "You need to make efforts, okay? I am!"
My voice was a bit too loud and I knew it but I was getting pissed. I couldn't believe we were arguing over something like that. After all we had been through, I didn't want to accept that something so silly could be what would end us.
"I just... I need a shower."
I left without waiting for her answer and stayed a bit too long under the hot stream but when I got out of the bathroom with clean clothes, my lips curled at the sight. She had cleaned a good part of the living room and was now working on filling the dishwasher. I walked up to her and wrapped my arms around her waist from behind, leaning my chin on her shoulder.
"Thank you." I whispered, leaving a few kisses on her neck and she finally turned in my arms to look in my eyes.
"I'm sorry."she sighed and licked her lips. "I'll make efforts, I promise."
We finished cleaning and ended up sitting at the table with an other cup of coffee and eggs. The problem was, I couldn't stop thinking that I was leaving in a few days and it bothered me. I wanted us to discuss it but at the same time, I was not sure she wanted to talk about it. I knew that she thought mentioning things out loud made them more real or concrete but ignoring them and pretending the problems weren't there wouldn't make them disappear.
"It's gonna be tough, you know. We'll be away from each other for quite a while."
It took her a few seconds to answer as she seemed focused on her coffee but after a while, she breathed in and sighed.
"I know it won't be easy, Niall, but I also know that it will never be as hard as it was without you for a whole year. So yea, I think we can get through this and come out stronger." she said in a calm way before looking up in my eyes. "I hate being away from you but that won't change my love for you, not even just a little."
I reached for her hand on the table and squeezed her fingers before sending her a small smile. "It won't change mine either. And you're right, that year without you was the worse I've ever been through."
"It's... different." she told cautiously, looking up at me and noticing my questioning look. "You spent that year without me because you decided it, it was your choice. You did it for a reason and you wanted to be alone to live things you clearly thought you couldn't live with me. But me... I suffered through it. You broke up with me, broke my heart... I lost my best friend and the love of my life at the same time, you know? We didn't live that year the same way."
I felt my heart thump hard in my chest and I just nodded very slightly, as we stared at each other.
"You know, Niall... you left me with nothing." she said and I could swear I heard her voice crack. "I tried to find someone else, to find what I was missing from someone else, but I never really found it because what I was missing was you." Once again, she breathed in and sighed. "I know it's not easy but maybe you should try to put yourself in my shoes and... try to understand how I feel, you know? How I felt all those months."
I remembered that she told me it was tough for her but I never really understood how hard it had been until I found out she had literally tried to kill herself. Still, I felt like I couldn't really know the feeling and never would be able to. I remained silent as her words kept running in my head and finally held my breath. I couldn't believe I was thinking about writing a song in such a deep moment but I was and I just shook my head.
"You're right, Liv." I admitted, reaching for her other hand and squeezing both of them tight. "I'll try to understand how you felt in that year we were apart, after I broke you. It's hard to imagine but, I know I've hurt you more than I ever hurt anyone else, and I'll listen to everything you have to say about it."
She sent me a fond smile and nodded. "I can't really put it in the past." she added low. "Not because I don't want to, but because I feel like it's part of our story. I thought I knew who you were, I thought you'd never leave. I mean, we've known each other for decades... I thought you would never break my heart. But it was hard to accept, you know? That I didn't know you as well as I thought I did. I felt like... you ripped my heart out. Like you stole something from me that I could never get back without really knowing what it was. And I wanted it back. The worst was.. I still wanted to be with you. If you had came back I would have said yes in a heartbeat. I was always thinking of you, no matter who I was with, and yes, it includes Louis."
I stared at her, blinking a few times but still remained silent. I didn't want to let go of her hands and I also didn't want to talk. I thought it was just time to listen.
"I just... I went in bars and clubs to change my mind, I tried to date other people, I tried to drink my pain away... I just wanted to get over you and nothing worked, because I had nothing left." She paused again and shrugged. "I learned that making you the center of my life was not a good idea but it was something I was used to, I did it since I was a kid. Now I don't want to do things for you, Niall. I want to do things for us, and I want you to do the same. It's a team work. I mean, it's us against the world, right? That's what we said?"
I sent her a bigger smile and nodded. "It is. You and me."
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snowdice · 4 years
Gaps in His Files (Part 9) [Relabeled; Refiled Series]
Fandom: Sanders Sides
Relationships: Logan/Patton
Main: Logan, Patton
Appear: Remy, Virgil (but only in the epilogue)
Logan Berry has learned many things the last 10 years: a lot of math and physics, a bit of humility, and how to be a hero being just a few. Through his education, his experience teaching, and his exploits as the superhero Bluebird, he’s changed in a lot of small and large ways. He has recorded these changes in well-organized documents and files. He’s even had to create two new file designations: a red one for files about his moonlighting at Bluebird, and a light blue one dedicated to his boyfriend, Patton.
When Bluebird is targeted by a memory device and all of those 10 years of progress suddenly disappear, Patton Sanders and Logan’s extensive files are left as his only resource to get those memories back. But what is Patton supposed to do when there are clear gaps in his files? And what does he do when he is one of them?
This is set 25 years before Sometimes Labels Fail though it’s story is completely independent of it and it is not necessary to read that one first.
Notes: Superhero AU, memory loss, past child abuse, past child neglect, unhealthy ideas about ones place in relationships, emotional suppression, self-deprecating thoughts, medical procedures mentioned, very brief unhealthy views of sex
In which Logan was being a petulant little shit and so I slapped him in the face.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8
Logan’s future-self had made this ridiculously easy. He and Patton had fallen asleep on the floor of the office and woken up at about 6am. Logan had complained of boredom over breakfast and asked if they could take a break from the files and go to the library to get him a book to read whenever they were not trying to jog his memory. Patton had, predictably, told him that he wasn’t comfortable taking Logan out especially to the library since he frequented the location and people who know him might try to talk to him. Instead, he suggested Logan stay at the apartment and he would go alone to get a book for him himself. The man was surprisingly easy to manipulate for someone his future-self deemed a worthy romantic partner.
Said future-self had written his weekly schedule out in the front of his planner along with the buildings and classroom numbers each event took place in. So, he knew where he needed to be and when. He also had written the sections he was supposed to cover in the calculus textbook that day in the daily part of the planner. Logan could not find said textbook in his apartment, so he imagined it was in his on-campus office. Luckily, his future-self had the foresight to write his office number on the inside front cover of the planner in case it was lost and needed to be returned.
Now he just had to find these places. Getting to the campus was easy. When he exited the apartment building, he could see large buildings that were likely dorms only a few blocks away and, upon walking in that direction, easily found himself on a college campus. Then, it was simply the task of finding a map of the campus to locate the buildings he needed and going through the needlessly complicated process of figuring out his office building’s strange numbering system. Honestly why were rooms 7-9 and 13-15 in a separate hallway than all of the other numbers? It took him under half an hour all together to find the little room in the basement with a door who’s lock perfectly fit one of the keys on his keychain.
Perfect. Now, he just had to find the textbook in his desk, glance through the sections the planner had indicated, and make it to the classroom in less than 25 minutes.
He was honestly quite pleased with his own cleverness when he opened the door to the office.
Patton was there.
He was sitting on one of the three desks in the room, arms folded over his chest. They stared at each other for a long moment.
“Hey Logan,” a woman seated at a different desk said looking between the two of them. “Everything okay?”
“Oh, everything’s fine Lia,” Patton said cheerfully, but there was a bite to his smile. “Logan is just being stubborn even though he’s in no state to teach today.”
“I’m perfectly fine,” Logan said, teeth clenched.
“Is this another Logan gets pneumonia incident?” Lia asked.
“Yep,” Patton replied without hesitation.
Logan frowned at him. “I am fine.”
“You are not,” Patton hissed.
“I have no physical ailments,” he insisted. Lia and Patton exchanged a look Logan did not understand, but which still made him bristle.
“Look Logan,” she said. “I owe you a couple for last semester; I can teach your classes for you today and next week too if need be. Like, we really don’t want a repeat of fourth year, do we?”
He had no idea what she was talking about. “That won’t ha…”
“Thank you, Lia!” Patton interrupted. “I’m going to go and take him home. We’ll have to get together once Logan’s all sorted out.” He hopped off the desk and grabbed Logan’s arm in a firm grip before yanking him out of the room. He was clearly irate, but Logan was too; he ground his teeth together.
“How did you even get here before me?” Logan grumbled.
“Because I know where your office is,” he spat back. “Unlike you who knows nothing about anything.”
Logan gave an irritated huff.
“Don’t,” Patton warned. “Listen to me. You cannot teach this class. I would do a better job at teaching that class than you right now and I don’t even have a bachelor’s degree in mathematics. Lia is a great teacher with as much experience as you’re supposed to have. She will handle it. You need to focus on trying to get better. Not on ruining your own life for whenever things get back to normal.”
This felt infuriatingly like a scolding. “I don’t appreciate being coddled,” Logan said coldly.
Patton took a breath. “I will endeavor to stop doing so as soon as you’re mentally in your 20s again.”
“We don’t even know if I even can get my memories back.”
“Maybe you will or maybe you won’t, but I am not letting you risk what you spent the last 10 years building because you have a pathological need to not take a day off.”
“Maybe I don’t want what I built,” he said stubbornly. Patton went stiff and Logan realized his error. He honestly hadn’t meant it in that way, not even in anger, but he didn’t know how to explain that when he saw Patton’s face smooth out.
“The parking lot is this way,” Patton told him, turning from him. Logan opened his mouth, but nothing came out.
They didn’t speak again until they were inside Patton’s car. “Here,” Patton said, shoving a book at him.
“What’s this?” he asked, snapping out of the mix of panic and anger still pounding in his ears.
“You said you wanted a book,” he replied and clearly nothing had snapped him out of his own anger yet. “You like that one and you said you always wanted to forget it and read it again, so I guess you get your wish.”
Logan stared at it as Patton started the car. He’d known Logan was lying when he’d asked for the book, but he’d still gone to the library and gotten him one anyway. What type of person would do that? What kind of person would still go through the effort to get Logan a book he liked even though his anger was clearly boiling under his skin?
No one was like that. At least, no one Logan had ever met was like that. Not even his parents, no matter how kind they were, would ever do something like that, for fear that it would be like rewarding bad behavior. This didn’t feel like it was a reward for bad behavior though. In fact, Logan felt bad even though he still thought he was in the right. It was an odd sensation.
He looked down at the library book. It was a symbol of something Logan couldn’t quite put his finger on. A lesson he had a feeling he’d probably learned already.
Affection coexisting with ire.
His parents had always been good people and loved him, but he’d spent most of his life living up to expectations. Teachers liked him because he was smart and rarely misbehaved. His peers tolerated him because he was able to help them with their schoolwork. His parents loved him for loves sake, but he was pretty sure they liked him because he obeyed their rules and he was good at things.
So, who was this man who got him a book he liked and gave it to him even when they stood opposed to each other? Even when Logan had lied to him and tried to manipulate him? Even when anger hung in the air between them in this car? Who was this man? Why did his kindness and affection not require Logan’s compliance?
He had the sudden though that while he didn’t know if he’d ever remember anything else about this life he’d found himself in, he could probably remember how to love this man.
Want to read more? Click below!
Part 10
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the-fiction-witch · 4 years
NSFW 100 : Whitey Winn
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1. What's the dirtiest thought you've ever had about a total stranger?
Uuuhhh I don't really think about stranger's.
2. Do you prefer sex at night, in the morning, mid-afternoon, or NOW?
Now is good. All times are good none better then the other. But I do like mornin's before y/ns properly awake shes so much louder when she's sleepy.
3. What's your favourite way to be seduced?
I like when y/n starts hintin' it's so cute because she starts blushin' and gettin' all embarrassed for askin'
4. What's the dirtiest fantasy you've had at work?
Ummmm... well did Imagine handcuffin' my little darlin'to the bars and stripping her naked leavin' her there all day so I could come back and fuck her whenever I wanted
5. How would you dominate your boss sexually if given the chance?
Noooo... I do not want to do that!
6. What do you do when you get horny in public?
Go jerk off. Or hide in the office till it goes down, or call y/n over.
7. Have you ever masturbated in a public bathroom?
No that's disgustin'. My house or the river that's it... or outside y/ns window before we where married.
8. What's the weirdest thing you've thought about while touching yourself?
I don't really think of odd thin's I kinda just imaginin' y/n,
9. What's the strangest prop you've used to get yourself off?
A Sponge... I was in the tub and I maybe have uhh tried to see what it felt like, it didn't feel that good but I got off so I was happy.
10. Do you remember the first time you felt aroused?
Not really I remember the first time I kinda felt with being horny but it happened so often I just kinda ignored it until I jerked off for the first time.
11. Who gave you your first orgasm?
I did I was curious so I did and I've been a dirty little pervy boy ever since.
12. Do you remember what that first orgasm felt like?
Ohh I remember it like it was yesterday, it felt so good so amazin' I can't describe it and that was with my own hand I can't even begin to explain the amazin' waves of pleasure from her hand, her mouth, her pussy the first times I ever got those.
13. Have you ever had sex with someone whose name you never knew?
Nope that seems like a werid thing to do.
14. What's your favourite thing about a quickie?
The gratification. And if course gettin' to secretly ruin my darlin'
15. What the most sexually daring thing you've ever done?
Lettin' y/n lock me up. And lettin' her do whatever she wanted to me. I was a little worried but my God it was fun.
16. Have you ever fantasized about fucking one of your teachers?
Noooo the teacher in la belle before his dunn was.... Not good.
17. Do you ever mentally strip strangers just for kicks?
Not strangers just y/n.
18. And then imagine, in dirty detail, what it would be like to fuck them?
Of course I do, I can't help thinkin' of fuckin' her every time I see her.
19. Have you ever kissed someone of the same sex?
No. And as the options in la belle are the drygoods man, the funeral director, the bar keep, or bill... I do not want to.
20. What inspires you to make the first move?
Hormones mostly. But y/n made the first move with us just sittin' down the river and she nuzzled into my neck and gave my cheek a little kiss so I kinda have her lips a little kiss back and now she's my wife.
21. In your opinion, what does it mean to be good in bed?
To make your partner happy.
22. Have you ever cheated on a boyfriend or girlfriend because you just couldn't help yourself?
No! Anyone who has I will personally shot your dick off ya don't deserve a beautiful woman if ya can't 'help yourself'. I have the most beautiful, intelligent, sexy woman in the world that I love very dearly why would I ever want anyone else much less betray her trust and cheat on her she's my wife why would I do that?
23. Have you ever pushed the boundaries of fidelity to the brink and then retreated just for the rush?
What! No? Who has? That's a dickhole thin' to do to someone especially someone ya love? Why would ya do that?
24. Do you have a go-to masturbation fantasy?
Just imaginin' my sexy little darlin' strippin' for me and rubbin' soapy bubbles all over her sluttyy body.
25. What kind of porn turns you on?
Lookin' at y/n. That's all that make me hard
26. Have you ever had sex with your eyes closed?
Not on purpose sometimes they shut when I feel good?
27. Have you ever blindfolded or handcuffed your partner?
Many times I like handcuffs not so much blindfoldin'
28. Does naughty talk get you aroused?
Depends what's bein' said I think I like sayin' it more then listenin' to it.
29. Are you sure about that, my dirty little forest nymph of a sex goddess?
Humm... I'm sure my sexy little darlin', but if ya wanted to try I don't mind sittin" with ya lettin' ya try and talk dirty too me? Maybe I'll slap ya sexy ass when you've gone wrong and I'd ya get me hard enough ya can jump on my cock for a while?
30. What's the dirtiest thing someone's ever said to you during sex?
"Whitey I want you to cum so deep inside me that you get me pregnant"
I think it's sexy as hell but also kinda frightin', to be fair I did edge her for an hour so it was expected she'd go a little crazy.
31. Have you ever watched another couple get it on without them knowing?
No... why does this stuff?
32. Have you ever watched another couple have sex with their permission?
No and I don't ever want to
33. How would you respond if a couple approached you to be their "third"?
What kinda couple? Because if it's two girls then... maybe. But I don't know Id think about it, depends who it was
34. What's the most flattering thing someone's said about your naked body?
"Uuummm it's so sexy and big I don't ever want you do not be inside me"
I am very proud of myself that she said that to me.
35. When's the last time you had a vivid sex dream?
I don't get sexy dreams that much I think about sex durin' the day like sexy say dreams but never at night.
36. What do you think an orgy would be like?
I imagine very fun atleast for me just bein' able to torcher as many people as I wanted but I think I'd rather just snuggle with y/n after all she knows what I like.
37. Have you ever propositioned a total stranger?
No, why would I do that.
38. What does your ideal one-night stand look like?
Some good forplay, some nice kinky sex and a cuddle in the mornin'.
39. How long does it take you to get yourself off, on average?
Mostly it's fourty five minutes but it depends on what's bein' done for example a blowjob I'm done in like five minutes.
40. What's the weirdest thing that turns you on?
The weirdest? I guess baths? They make me hard.
41. Have you ever had a naughty dream about a close friend or family member?
I did about y/n before we got together. And maybe a couple times about louise but that was before y/n.
42. Have you ever woken up humping your pillow?
No, not my pillow I've woken up humpin' y/n but I can't help that.
43. When's the last time you orgasmed in your sleep?
In my sleep? I don't think I've ever done that? Maybe I jerk off too much?
44. What's the most embarrassing thing that's happened to you while hooking up?
The incident. Okay we kinda where foolin' around in the office one night and I let her handcuff me inside the cell and then uhh... bill came in while we where naked and we couldn't find the key.
45. Do you like touching yourself in front of the people you sleep with?
Not really, because why would I be doin' it in front of her surely if she's there we should just have sex? But if she wanted to watch I wouldn't tell my darlin' no.
46. What's the dirtiest text you've ever sent or received?
I hate not. I got a note that said go to her house she was waitin' does that count?
47. Do you prefer professional or amateur porn?
Uuuh... I guess lookin' thought y/n's window while she's havin' a bath is kinda amateur porn?
48. What's your favourite blowjob technique?
I don't really care, it's a blowjob in happy just be receivin' one at all.
49. If you had to pick, would you be a dominatrix or a submissive?
Uhhh dominate I guess, I kinda switch but Dom if I had to choose
50. Is there anything you won't do in bed?
Nothin' that's goin' to hurt like spankin' is one thing but I'm not goin' to like slap her face or choak her
51. What's your dirtiest sexual fantasy?
Ummm comin' home from work to see my little y/n all dressed up for me in her undergarments, her runnin' me a hot bath and scrubbin' all over me with her soft hands then givin' in and climbin' in with me
52. How many people have you slept with?
Uuuuuuuuuuhhhhh... one I think. Yeah I never did anythin' with Louise so one and that's y/n.
53. Where's the weirdest place you've had sex?
On my horse.
54. What's your favourite part of Y/n's body?
Her legs or more specifically her thighs I don't know why I just think there sexy especially when I'm runnin' my hands all over them.
55. Have you ever had anal sex?
Yes, but I didn't enjoy it all that much and I know y/n didn't either.
56. If you could choose what Y/n was wearing right now, what would you choose?
Oooohh well nothin'.
But if I had to choose her a beautiful outfit I would probably pick, those thick ridin' boots with her fishnet stockin' then her big brown skirt with the huge slit and her little shite shirt that has the lace all the way across and shoes off her chest and shoulders.
57. Where on your body is your favourite place to be touched?
Well... my cock of course I like when my darlin' decides to start touching me but also hair I like her playin' with my hair while we snuggle
58. If you could have sex anywhere in the world, where would it be?
In our bed I think. Or in the river.
59. When did you first had sex?
The first time was actually in the office bent over the desk one night we got a little drunk
60. What's the best sex you've ever had?
Our weddin' night, by God I was exhausted but it was all soooo good.
61. What's your favourite position?
Bent over!! Just bend her over the nearest thin' and get goin'
62. Have you ever been caught having sex?
Yeah bill caught us in the office a few times, Maggie has many many times, some guy caught us down the river Last week but I kinda like the idea someone could see us they could watch us havin' amazin' sex watch her sexy naked body scream for me as she cums make sure the world knows shes my little darlin'
63. Do you watch porn?
I do... some would call it peepin'.
64. What kind of porn do you watch?
65. How often do you masturbate?
One a week I'd say now I have my darlin' but before I was fuckin' her on the regular I was like six times a day.
66. Name a sex position you'd like to try?
I would like to try on the side even though it seems complicated
67. Do you prefer to give or receive?
I love receivin' but I gave a very good girl who gives it to me
68. Have you ever been skinny dipping?
So many times, she looks so good climbin' out the water naked I'd skinny dip with y/n everyday if it weren't so dam cold in there.
69. What's the most sex you've had in a day?
I have up countin' all I know is I couldn't cum for a four days after this day but to be fair it was our weddin' after all
70. Are you loud or quiet during sex?
Loud! I want her to squeal, scream, be' for me, and I want her to force the noise of off me I don't care if la belle hears us I wanna destroy her with all of them listenin'
71. Have you ever tried using food during foreplay?
We tried honey once...it didn't go well. So dam sticky.
72. What's the first thing that sexually attracts you to someone?
How much skin there showin', how much leg, how much of the breasts, luckily if I wanna see any I just rip y/ns dress off her
73. Would you say you have any fetishes?
I like restrainin' to the extent sometimes she doesn't even want it when I start but I'll just handcuff her or make it so she has no escape and fuck her till she agrees she won't deny me again and she'll bend over wherever I want her too
74. When it comes to BDSM, how far have you gone/would go?
I would go all the way If my little darlin' let me but so far just teasin', tiein' up Maybe a little torcher
75. What's your favourite toy?
Hummmm? Well my favorite of course is my little darlin' but to use on her? Umm I love handcuffs I love cuffin' her to our bed she she can't try and run away from me and all the things I'm gonna do to her
76. Do you ever read erotic fiction?
No... I like those post cards the miners used it get with the ladies in there underwear?
77. Have you joined the mile high club?
No but I would be thrilled to.
78. Do you think you could take off Y/n underwear with no hands?
I bet a hundred dollars I could, and I would enjoy every moment of tryin'
79. Would you say you're kinky?
I would say I am? Some would probably argue and say I'm just a dirty bastard?
80. Do you enjoy shower sex?
We do not have showers? We have baths? I do like bath sex just an extra excuse to get y/n naked
81. Where's the weirdest place you've ever masturbated?
Down by the river I guess... maybe the woods?
82. Do you like to be spanked?
I do not. However I'm not apposed to givin' my darlin' a spankin' if she's been a naughty girl.
83. Have you ever fantasised about someone else during sex?
No, why would I need to fantasie when I have a sexy little darlin' bouncin' on my cock?
84. If y/n caught you masturbating, would you stop or would you finish?
I'd sit there and keep jerking while I looked at her maybe ask her to take her pretty dress off? Or maybe pull her to sit on my lap and deal with it for me either way I'd finish.
85. Have you ever had an inappropriate crush?
Uuuuhhh... I don't think so.
86. Have you ever cried or fallen asleep during sex?
No, my eyes watered once... when I had just had my fourth orgasm In a row when we where playin' torcher does that count?
87. Do you prefer eye contact or not during sex?
I'm not that bothered I'm not I to it but I don't mind either way, I do like when my little darlin' makes eye contact when she's suckin' on me especially if she makes that innocent little gave she does...ummm it makes me wanna fuck her pretty little mouth.
88. Do you like to kiss during sex?
There is a time for kisses durrin' sex when ya gettin' heated up or when ya coolin' down but once ya inside it's no time for slow little kisses
89. Do you get tired after sex?
It depends what we did if I just spend and hour roughly havin' sex then yeah I might get a little tried but usually orgasms just make me wanna cuddle someone
90. How many positions do you think you've tried?
All of them! I think maybe we've missed like one or two but I doubt anymore then that.
91. What's the longest you've ever gone without sex?
On week. And I only did that because y/n was havin' her womanly time. It doesn't bother me I was happy to continue as normal but she said no so one week and I don't indent tryin' any longer then that.
92. How high is your sex drive?
Do I really need to answer this or does ^ and ↓ answer question?
But pretty high.
93. What's a surefire way to turn you on?
Look at me. Suggest sex. Take off ya clothes? I guess
94. Sex with lights on or lights off?
On, why would I wanna miss a moment of the sexy lady takin' her clothes off for me? And lettin' me inside her? No lights on I wanna watch my cock slippin' in and out of ya drippin' pussy darlin'
95. Do you like dirty talk?
You tell me darlin' ;)
96. Do you prefer one night stands or longer-term sexual partners?
I actually prefer lon' term. Ya can get much more used to a person what they like what you like and that makes overall just better sex
97. Do you prefer to be on top or bottom?
Depends on mood, and how lazy I feel that day if it's been a lon' day at the office maybe I'll be on the bottom, or if it's early and I can't be bothered to get up yet but other then that top so I can do whatever I want
98.Rough or romantic?
Rough, so we can have some dirty smutty times
99. Quickie or marathon session?
Quickie everyone's happy and satisfied, why go for hours when ya can rock each of for a few minutes and both be equally happy
100. What's the best thing about our sex life?  
The fact it's constant and amazing darlin' ya my pretty little wifey that I can make love to whenever I want it means so much more to me then just sex it's makin' love to ya my darlin' and maybe soon we can fool around that special way so we can plan for Jr.
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marvels-writings · 4 years
Phoenix and the Stars (2)
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| Part 1 |
Carol Danvers Masterlist
Series Masterlist
A/N: woop had a mental breakdown on saturday, so that’s fun, i talked to a close friend after and wrote this, so hey not that bad. (also reader has the same background as the Maria hill one shot The One Where You Accidentally Threw a Punching Bag at Her (or sm similarly named) but check it out for the backstory)
A loud knocking at your door woke you up, you groggily checked the alarm clock, it was 4:27, what the hell. You got up and walked to the door, hand rubbing your head slightly.
“What the hell are you doing?” Carol asked, she wore a thick jacket on top of a light pink t shirt and light blue jeans with white vans. And she had a duffel bag in her hand.
“I was sleeping, now I’m asking you why I’m not sleeping anymore.” You retorted groggily, glaring at Carol who raised an eyebrow.
“We have a mission to go to in 2 minutes.” Carol stated.
“SHIT!” You yelled, retracting your hand from your head and sprinting across your room, gathering everything you could need.
Underwear, bras, t shirts, jeans, pajamas, hoodies, your thickest jacket, a fancy outfit and a dance outfit just in case. You tripped over about five pairs of shoes in order to find the right pair. Carol started laughing at you sprinting across the bed to get your things.
“Can you stop laughing and turn around so I can change?” You said aggressively, taking off your sweatshirt before she could answer. You saw her face turn a bright red before you threw your sweatshirt into the Adidas duffel bag you were preparing. You hurriedly changed into a light blue t shirt, navy blue jeans, dark blue hoodie and your signature white adidas. Grabbing a jacket while putting your shoes wasn’t the best idea, you crashed face first into your closet.
“Is Maria really that bad?” Carol joked, she had seen you prepare enough outfits for an entire week in less than a minute and you fell face first into a wooden closet not to be late.
“Oh you have no idea.” You shouted, putting on your shoes and zipping up the duffel bag. You glanced at your alarm clock to see it was 4:30 already. “Let’s go.” You said, grabbing your jacket and shouldering past Carol.
Of course, you tripped on your shoelaces instantly. A small squeal came out at the sudden loss of balance, but something stopped you before you could touch the ground. You opened your eyes as you were pulled back up by your waist.
“You’re such an idiot.” Carol said, rolling her eyes and pulling you up by your shirt, resting her arm on your waist after. “You okay?” She asked, closer to you than before.
“Uh, I’m fine, I think.” You said, your gaze accidentally slipping to her lips before you rushed back into your room to get your phone and bluetooth speaker and headphones.
“I said 4:30 sharp.” Maria said, walking through the doors with her arms crossed.
“I know, I forgot, I’m sorry.” You apologized hurriedly, shoving your phone in your back pocket and your speaker in your duffel bag.
“Let’s just go.” Maria said, walking away. You and Carol jogged a little to catch up with her. “Try to be punctual next time.”
“Well she did get 20 outfits together in a minute, cut her a bit of slack.” Carol commented, then smirked when she saw a surprised expression at her defending you. “She only forgot about the mission.”
“And here I thought you were defending me!” You said, slapping her arm slightly, causing Carol to laugh and Maria to roll her eyes.
“Would I ever?” Carol joked, you joined Maria in rolling her eyes this time.
The position for the stakeout wasn’t bad, it was terrible. The meeting for the arms dealing was across a frozen lake from a small wooden cabin, the stakeout. The cabin was barely insulated, with a broken heating system but it had multiple fireplaces.
“At least there’s two rooms.” You offered, trying to be more optimistic about it.
“Optimistic phoenix at it again.” Carol joked, setting her duffel bag in the small living room.
The ground floor was small, if anything. There was a small wooden kitchen with maybe 10 small cabinets and a fridge. The counter had 3 barstools set across from it. Right next to it, there was the living room. It had a loveseat, two single couches across a fireplace. There was a TV on the wall next to the fireplace. The door was across from the fireplace.
After going up the creaky wooden steps, you found a small hallway with two rooms directly across from each other, the only bathroom just ahead of the two doors. And no attic or basement.
“This was the best Maria could do?” Carol asked, letting out a frustrated groan and flopping down on the loveseat.
“It was the closest she could get us.” You shouted from upstairs after finding a vinyl player in one room and recordings in the other.
“Hey look what I found.” You offered, heading downstairs with the objects in your hands, the stairs creaking.
“A vinyl player?” She asked, raising a skeptical eyebrow.
“Yeah, and some newer recordings.” You stated, setting up the player on the counter and plugging it into the plug next to the barstools.
“So much fun.” Carol remarked, walking over behind you to find a few vinyls from the mid 2010’s. She picked up the 25 Adele album.
“Didn’t know you were a person for Adele.” You remarked, taking the record and putting it in. Water Under The Bridge started playing the instant you plugged it in, you couldn’t help but grin.
“I haven’t really heard much of Adele to be honest,” Carol said, her eyes widening slightly at the music. “But this sounds really good!”
“Star Girl really needs to keep up with pop culture.” You remarked, digging through the box for the first album. She slapped you on the arm jokingly and sat down in front of the fireplace, shivering slightly through her hoodie. After sorting through the records, you learnt there were only two albums from 2015, Oh Wonder and 25 by Adele. There were tons of other records from the early 2010’s and a few One Direction albums. You even found Halsey’s first album there.
You switched off the music and sat across from Carol on one of the single seaters. You noticed her shivering slightly and shot a small fireball towards the already prepared logs in the fireplace. Carol gave you a small nod and continued to stare at the fire, deep in thought.
“What’s on your mind?” You asked, leaning forwards on your elbows to get closer to the fire and to look at Carol.
“Nothing, I just,” She paused slightly and sighed. “I missed so much in the five years I was gone.”
“You only missed a ton of pop culture and memes, you’re fine.” You joked, leaning back in your chair as Carol glared at you. “No seriously, you only missed 5 years, Captain America missed a hundred, you’re honestly fine.”
Carol nodded  her head, considering what you said. She knew you were right, five years wasn’t as bad as a hundred, but still.
“Thanks.” She said after a pause.
“Sure, friends?” You asked, outreaching a hand for her to shake. She looked at you skeptically before shaking your hand.
“Carol we’ve been cooped up here for 3 days.” You whined, sitting next to her on the loveseat as she read one of the books she brought.
The target was supposed to arrive for the deal two days ago, and there was little to no entertainment here. You and Carol had started talking, mainly about the things in the house and a little bit about your past. You had found out she was human but captured by Kree for 5 years, and now she worked with the Avengers, neat.
“I’m aware of that.” She retorted, glancing up at you before returning to her book. You rolled your eyes and snatched her book, raising your eyebrows at her annoyance.
Both of you knew the only reason this mission was lasting so long was because of the delay, but you were bored. Currently, you were wearing a thin short sleeved t shirt and sweatpants, Carol wore a thick strapped tank top and leggings.
“I’m bored.” You stated, she raised an eyebrow in turn.
“Do you want to dance?” She joked, meaning to say if you wanted her to dance. But actually, dancing together didn’t seem like such a bad idea.
“You mean together?” You asked, she made a confused face but before she could react, you glanced at the records, shrugged and answered your own question. “Sure.”
You got up and sorted through the records, deciding the Oh Wonder records would probably be the best. ‘Technicolour beat’ started playing softly through the house as you plugged the vinyl player in. Carol was still sitting in the same place.
“Hey you said you wanted to dance.” You commented, leaning back against the window as the song continued to play.
‘Let loose your glow
Come settle down, settle down’
“Fine.” Carol grumbled and walked over to you, still a little confused on how to dance since you’d picked a slow song.
“Do you want to do a slow dance or…?” You asked curiously, watching her fidget with her hands.
“Not sure, what songs are on the recording?” She asked, you knelt down next to the record to see. “Bad idea.” She commented, seeing you were about to lift up the needle.
“Fine, though last time I listened to this album they only had the slow songs.” You commented, getting back up before realized Carol didn’t really know how to dance. “You don’t really know how to dance, do you?” You asked curiously, tilting your head to the side.
“There’s no need to rub it in.” Carol defended, crossing her arms. You laughed slightly at her defensive behaviour.
“I’m not, I’m offering to teach you.” You chuckled slightly at her shocked expression as you offered her your hand.
Carol glanced from your hand to your face, her arms still crossed for a few seconds with a raised eyebrow. You shrugged slightly and were about to take back your offer when she took your hand, your face lighting up with a smile.
“So, it’s actually really simple, don’t worry.” You joked, taking her other hand as well. “We can do waltz or the usual casual style.” You said, holding her hands in yours like it was a normal thing, Carol’s face starting to light up a bright pink.
“A mix?” She asked, you laughed slightly and nodded, missing her smile when you laughed.
“Sure, so you put your hand in mine, like this.” You instructed holding up your joined hands at eye level. “Then, since this is usually a male and a female, I’ll be the male to show-”
“Nah, let’s do it the other way around.” Carol joked, grinning at you. You giggled slightly, mirroring her grin before rethinking your instructions.
“Fine, so I put my hand on your shoulder,” You said, hesitantly resting your hand on her shoulder, directly on her skin. She blushed slightly, you could feel her tense up slightly, drawing your hand away. “Is this okay?” You asked, looking up at her slightly, a bit scared you had over stepped.
“No, it’s fine.” Carol said, relaxing slightly when you put your hand back on her shoulder.
‘Warm, unalone
Come settle down, settle down’
“Ok, well you put your hand around my waist.” You instructed, when Carol raised an eyebrow you rolled your eyes and took your hand away from her shoulder to instruct her hand, you put it right above your hip. “Like so.”
Carol blushed slightly, clenching her jaw at the closeness. Even though she wouldn’t admit it, it had been forever since she had been close with someone, it had been forever since she had danced, or waltzed as you liked to call it, and it felt… nice.
“And now?” Carol asked curiously, her voice lower than it was before. Both of you were warm, the sunlight glinting softly in your eyes and hair.
“And now we just sway.” You whispered, looking up into her eyes, feeling more relaxed than you have anytime before this mission. The two of you gently rocked from side to side, sharing body heat while everything else was cold around you.
‘And I feel life for the very first time
Love in my arms, and the sun in my eyes’
Both of you couldn’t help but blush at the lyric. You rested your head on her shoulder, shuffling slightly closer to her while swaying. You felt her tense up again, you were about to pull away before she interrupted you.
“It’s okay, you’re not making me uncomfortable.” She comforted, almost like she was reading your mind. You smiled slightly and rested your head back onto her shoulder, letting her warmth envelop you as the two of you swayed gently in the sunset. You hadn’t felt this relaxed or well, intimate in a long time. SHIELD had kind of taken away your chance at a normal relationship. But now, well you never thought you’d have this chance with the great Captain marvel, taking in the fact the two of you had only become friends a few days ago. Honestly, you wish you could read minds.
If you could, you would’ve found Carol felt a similar way. She wanted to be in a relationship, badly, but she was terrified of the consequences. She was away most of the time, her partner would suffer and so would she. To be honest, she was terrified of what loving someone could mean, but she never thought it would be as easy as this.
‘In a technicolour beat, you and me (found another feeling)
Caught up in a dream, in a technicolour beat’
The relationship had started off as enemies, gone to friends. And now, it was about to go a completely different direction, but you were ready to go through it with Carol, you didn’t know yet she felt the same way.
Tag list: @capcarolsdanver​​, @versdan​​, @lesbian-girls-wayhaught​​, @lovebotlarson​​, @dhengkt​​, @5aftermidnight​​, let me know if you’d like to be in any of my tag lists!
A/N: This was extra long to pay up for the inactivity. I’m just getting back results for exams and they are a bit disappointing. Especially English, which I expected a bit better in. This is actually one of my new fav writing pieces, so reblogs would be AMAZING, thanks. But anyway, here’s the next part of Phoenix and the Stars, feedback is amazing, thank you!
| Part 3 |
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sub4bondage86 · 4 years
(Stories found on Slaveboys - amupfurit)
I sit here writing this wearing white Adidas trackie bottoms, white McKenzie T-Shirt, Air Max Cap and Lacoste trainers, smoking, with a chastity cage on and a large black butt plug lodged firmly up my ass.. Ned-Slave Well, where do I start? I’m Dan, 20 years old from Glasgow in Scotland, kinda tall at 6ft, got dark hair and eyes and a great body, if I do say so myself! I was considered a bit of a scally, or Ned as they’re called in Scotland, always walking about with trackies, Lacoste trainers and a fag in my mouth. I got on well with my pals, all lads, proper lads, we got wrecked every weekend and ended up doing shit that really wasn’t cool; vandalism, happy slapping, etc. Sex talk didn’t really come up in day to day conversation with the lads, sometimes our pack leader, Jamie, would tell us of the bitches he had taken over the week and the others would all act impressed and cheer him on whereas I just smiled and lit up a fag or kept myself distracted to not look like the pussy I was... I’ve been into kink for a while now, looking on various websites to get my kicks out of other ‘slaves’ being used and abused, thinking to myself how great it would be to be put in bondage, even for just a little while. From my mid-teens I found myself looking less and less at girl porn, and more at guy porn, but I had fooled around with girls in the past and have had my fair share of pussy mostly just to keep the guys impressed and to stop the torrent of abuse the other guys who seemed to never get any action got. I had convinced myself I wasn’t ‘gay’ but I knew that I needed to be dominated by another man. I had looked and tried to get hard at Femdom stuff, but it just wasn’t for me, I couldn’t see me being used by a woman and from what I had seen most of them seemed pretty desperate, but I guess I didn’t look too hard cause I knew deep down that only a man could make me feel the way I needed to feel! It was my secret taboo and no one could find out, regularly deleting all my history and cookies, making sure there was no way my older brother Cameron could see, even if he did manage to log on as me. Cameron was not only my older brother, but my guardian as our parents had left some time ago, and despite being in and out of homes, Cameron took me in as soon as he could and we set up home together, 2 brothers having a great lads time in Glasgow. The house really was the party central in town, with mine’s and Cammie’s pals coming round most weekends for a good ol’ booze up. One weekend, a good few months ago Cameron was away at his girlfriend’s house, so I took this as prime time to have a major wank session while browsing the internet, trying to find a master or someone kinky to go on cam with. I’d told all my pals I was away with Cammie for the weekend, so had from Friday morning til Monday night to myself and man, was I looking forward to it! I finished work at the builders at 3 and went straight back to the house, sat down at the computer with a bottle of beer and a pack of fags to see me through the night. I found a website and quickly made a profile to see what it had on it. Wow. It was awesome. I didn’t realise there were as many guys out there into the same stuff. Some of it was pretty wierd for me though, guys pissing on each other and stuff like that I could never find a turn on. I read some of the forum messages, and man was there some horny stuff. I quickly had a look to see who was online and messaged a guy quite local to me in Glasgow... “Awryte man, nice pics, wud luv 2 get sum action wi u!” I clicked Send, and for some reason I was nervous. It was the fucking internet! He didn’t know anything about me apart from what was on my bare profile, age and location! Why the hell was I nervous. I got a reply quickly. “Boy, you will call me Sir from now on, I am not ‘man’ or ‘m8’, I am Master and you will treat me accordingly. Now boy, do you have a way for us to chat like MSN? If so, I want you to send me your user name immediately.” I got an instant boner when I read that, this hot sounding 25 year old with great pictures was telling me to send my MSN username to him. I lit up a fag and had a quick look around the site before another message popped up “Boy, I don’t take time wasters lying down, either message me your MSN now or never contact me again”. I kinda laughed but thought what the hell and sent him my e-mail address and waited. Just after I put out my first smoke I was messaged on MSN by ‘Master T’: “So boy, why haven’t I seen you on here before?” I explained to him I was new to this and was having a look around to see what I was interested in and maybe have a wank over cam. I explained that I was straight but was curious to find out more about this lifestyle and so far I was pretty turned on. “Very good, a newbie boi for me to break in! U look good boi...” I shat myself, how the hell did he know what I looked like? I started looking around me to see if there was someone looking or any hidden cameras like on the TV shows. I messages him back “LOL man, how the hell u know if I look good? “BOI, U will address me as Sir or master, and Mr Ford, I know everything” By now I was freaked out, he knew apparently what I looked like, but hell.. He knew my surname! I lost the horn and was shaking a little, wondering how this pervert had found out my sir name without me telling it to him. “Sir how do you know my surname? Please tell me or I’ll block you and that’s it!” There was no reply for a good 5 minutes, I was sweating and was swithering on blocking him and hoping it was a really good bluff! He replied and I just about jumped out my seat... Not only did he know who I was, but he had access to all the lads and my pals! “Facebook boi!” Shit what an idiot I had been, I had given him my real e-mail address which I used for everything, Insta, Twitter, facebook! Everything! I didn’t reply, I was shitting myself, what if this guy was going to out me in one go to all my pals? What if he was going to harass me or contact my brother!
“Well boi, get on cam, I want to see my new boi live! Don’t worry, if you please your new master, no one will ever find out. Trust me boy, Im not an old perv, I’ll show you my cam too.” Somehow, this eased my nerves a little. This guy probably didn’t want to be found out either and what the hell, if he did try anything I would just get the police involved. I clicked the send camera button and within a few seconds he sent his and my, oh my, he was stunning. He was muscled, with blonde hair and great blue eyes, he had a cool tribal tattoo similar to mine on his arm and both his nipples were shining with the little silver rings hanging through them. I got hard again and told him he was amazing looking. He looked like an Abercrombie model, only with a wild streak! “Good boi, now, tell ur master what you are into!” I told him I had been looking around the site and loved the look of cages and collars, even the handcuffs and masks looked horny. I explained I wasn't into getting fucked and I wouldn’t suck another dude’s dick for anything. I lit up another fag and told him a bit more about me and asked him what he liked and what he has done in the past. “Boi, I love getting wee ned fuckers like you all chained up and doing things to them beyond their wildest imaginations. Do you have any gear boi?” I asked what gear was, to me it was dope, but how wrong I was... He asked if I had any toys, anal toys! Any handcuffs or tape? I explained I really was new to this and only had handcuffs on once before, and that was after being in a fight on Argyle Street! I was still hard as a rock, sitting here like a faggot looking at this hot guy talking to me about dildos and things called butt plugs. He told me he had to go for an hour, but to research about kink and hopefully open my mind to the things he was going to do to me. I was wanking slightly and he said not wank or touch my cock before he came back. I said OK and started doing my homework for this amazing guy! I started looking around the site some more, reading the forums and trying to find out more about this new found fetish of mine. I read about loads of positions, different gear that guys use and looked at more photos of guys chained up with their cracks’ stuffed with dildos and these plug things. I googled most of the gear and found some sites that sold stuff and man, I didn’t realise there was so much and so many sites that sold them, it was amazing. I found it hard not to touch my dick which was tenting up through my trackie bottoms but just kept lighting up fag after fag to keep my mind (and hands) off my cock. Messenger popped up again, “Well boi Dan, how’s the research coming along?” “Hi Sir, Done loadsa lookin aboot n its aw fuckin horny stuff. Here, u got ne of it?” Master T replied instantly, “More than you could ever realise boi, and you are going to get to try it all out! Now get back on cam!” I quickly turned the camera on as I lit up another fag, shit, I only had 5 left, I wasn’t going to be able to make it through the night chatting to this stud with 5 fags! “Boi, smoke that cig quick, inhale each and every drag well, stand up, then strip. In that order. Go!” I puffed as quick as I could pulled the smokey goodness into my lungs, stubbed it out, stood up and stripped quicker than I ever had before. Fuck, what the hell was I doing? Stripping to another bro on a webcam, it seemed so fucking wierd but man I was as horny as hell and with my dick pointing straight up, I quickly realised he knew I was horny too. I typed to him, still standing, leaning over the keyboard, “ Like wot u see man” then quickly changed man to Sir! before hitting enter. “Yes boi, but it will be better to see you in real life. When are you free for me to train you up real good?” I asked him how he meant by train and he referred me to some of the pictures on the site and on another site while explaining that soon, very soon, I would be his trained cock slave. Reading what he said and looking at the pictures only made me hornier and my twitching cock gave it away. “We’ll need to get that greedy cock locked away too boi, can’t have my boys wanking without Sir’s direct permission...” I laughed out loud thinking it was a joke and Master T clearly saw this on cam. “That was NOT a joke boi, I have a CB-6000 waiting for you and you WILL be locked up until I say otherwise. Kneel down.” In my complete ignorance I asked what a CB-6000 thing was and kneeled on the floor in-front of the computer. I was still horny as hell even although this guy had managed to find out everything about me in not such a long period of time and have me do what he wants without him actually forcing me to. He replied saying I must not have done my homework well enough and not to worry cause I would be having it on very soon! He asked once again when I was free to come over. I quickly said, stupidly, that I was free all weekend.
“Excellent boi, I will be training you!” I started rubbing my dick again, hoping he wouldn’t see. Man I was horny, but I was nervous as hell about talking about this training. Over the past few hours I had learned so much and truly realised how much it got me horny. “Leave your dick alone boi, you will be punished! What’s your phone number?” I read his comment and instantly let go of my dick, this guy really did have power over me, and he didn’t even need to remind me that he could out me instantly if he wanted, but it didn’t bother me. I wanted, for some stupid fucking reason to let this guy tell me what to do and make me do it. “Eh sir, I dunno if I wanna give oot ma number the now” “OK boi, thats fine, who do you want me to tell that ur a little bitch to a man first?” I got nervous again and changed my mind, its only a number, I could change it if things got wierd and I wanted to call it off. I sent him my mobile number and started staring at my phone, excited and nervous about him calling or texting me. “Good boi! Now, I am going to phone you, you are going to pick up and we are going to discuss what time you are to meet me and what I want you do to beforehand.” “Awrite sir, no bother!” The phone rang and despite me knowing it was coming I just about jumped up with the fright, my heart was racing as I went to pick it up “Private Number”. “Good boi” His voice was gruff but soothing at the same time. “Now, while on cam, stand up and turn around, bend over and spread your crack for me to see whats now mine!” I didn’t say a word but did exactly as he wanted. He told me again I was a good boi, this pleased me more than I expected and was still hard as a rock. He told me what to do before meeting him and we talked about where I was in relation to him in Glasgow. Turned out he was only 5 minutes by car away from the centre so I could meet him in town and go back to his with him. “Boi, I want you to go to a sex shop and buy the following items, a large butt plug, lubricant, and a vibrating cock ring” “Yes Sir” I replied, thinking where the nearest sex shop was. He hung up and told me on messenger to turn off my cam and get going, and that he would text me further details. I lit up another fag as the first text came through: put your trackies back on, make sure u r as neddy as possible and get going. I finished my fag and replied Yes Sir, just leaving the house. I went on google after I got dressed and found a gay sex shop not too far from me and the city centre and found out how to go there. I was nervous, yet horny as hell. I left the house, wearing my tracksuit, a white cap, reebok classics, with only my fags, lighter, phone, keys and wallet on me... I walked round to the city centre, took ten minutes and started having second thoughts, man this guy could fuck me or make me suck his dick, eugh! I was into the domination, but wasn’t so keen on getting my arse violated. I made my way to the sex shop, looking all around me to make sure there was no cunt I new about before entering the shop. I was blushing and just about jumped out my skin when the shop helper offered me some help. “Eh, erm, aye man, just gettin some stuff for me n ma burd tae use! She’s into this kinky stuff like!” He sniggered, and clearly new my ‘burd’ was a man. I was red as a post box and started getting hard, I hoped he wouldn’t notice, but my bulge was clear through my CKs and white trackie bottoms. I pointed out a plug, and a cock ring with a vibrating egg attached and got some lube. He packed it all and I paid in cash to be discreet as possible. I walked out the shed as coy as possible with my cap pulled down and face down so not to be seen. I looked at the bag, SHIT! There was a muscled man’s silhouette on the bag! I had to walk with this bag, trying to keep with to side streets to try and avoid people. I felt my phone buzzing in my pocket, a text... “Now boi I assume you have made your purchases, I wont be meeting you in town so head to Central Station and get the train to Bridgeton, but first, stop in the toilet and remove your pants and dispose of them. If they are on when you get here, you will be punished. Text me back when they’re off.”
Holy fuck! This guy was serious and I didn’t seem to have a chance to meet him before going to his, plus I had to walk along one of the busiest streets to get the train. I was going to get on at another stop closer to me, but realised there was no bogs and nowhere to take off my knickers. I started walking briskly towards the station with my head hung low and lit up a fag. Shit, last one! I nipped into a wee shop on the way and got some, fuck there was some wee neds in the shop doing the same thing. I waited behind them in the queue while they bought their cigs and then got mine, not before one of them pointed at my bag and started laughing and telling his mates what it was. I was so embarrassed, even the shop keeper was sniggering as he handed me over my 40 fags and change. I left the shop and headed to the station, lighting up yet another fag en route to calm my nerves. When I got to the station I saw the train was leaving in 6 minutes, so quickly went to the toilets, locked myself in a cubicle and took my pants off. I thought about putting them in my bag for later, but realised I might be caught by Master T and though otherwise. I walked out the toilet and dumped my underwear in a bin before jumping on the train just before it pulled away. My phone buzzed again, this time a picture message. It was him, Master T, completely naked with handcuffs in his hand, the message read, Im just leaving for the station, you better get on a train soon. I replied instantly, just on the train Sir, be there in 5 mins. I started getting hard again, the train was busy and I had to stand, fuck! I was aware of people staring at me, my bag and now, my raging hard-on poking up through my nylon trackies. Nervous as I was, thinking of this meeting with a guy I barely knew for my first male-male experience was turning me on so much! The train announcer came over the tannoy: Next Stop, Bridgeton. My stop. My stomach was churning, my head was spinning and I was bright red with embarrassment but I knew I couldn’t turn back now, he would probably be waiting for me at the train as I got off. The next two minutes seemed to take an age to go by, then finally, the train stopped and I was at Bridgeton. For those of you who don’t know, Bridgeton isn’t the nicest part of Glasgow, its full of other neds like me, but harder, with teeth missing and shit like that, I wasn’t too comfortable with getting off with this hard on and bag in hand, but I did as I needed and stepped out into the cold air. I looked around and fortunately there was no one around, including Master T. I text him saying that I had arrived and asked what he was wearing to help me identify him. I never got a text back for a couple of minutes, I started worrying that he wasn’t going to come and I would have to make my embarrassing journey back to my house, underwear-less and horny. Then, a blue Audi RS4 pulled up beside me and I saw him for the first time in the flesh, he rolled the window down and shouted, get in the back boi, now!
I opened the door and climbed in, sitting opposite him in the back of the car. It smelled of smoke, leather and male musk, “Hi boi, glad to see you didn’t ditch on me like the other fuckwits I have had try it with me.” I laughed nevously, “Yeah man, eh, Sir! Nice motor!” He reminded me that I was to call him Sir, or Master T all times and I would be punished if I didn’t. I was still horny as hell, but worried about my fate. This guy could kill me for all he wanted and there would be little anyone could find out, I had deleted all my history. My mind was racing but deep down I knew he was all right. The guy was stunning, even better in real life. I kept staring at his face as he told me the journey was short, but he wanted to examine me before we went to his place so we were going to a deserted industrial area for him to check me out. He threw back a pair of handcuffs, proper police ones with the black plastic mould in the middle so they couldn’t be moved. “Put them on, tight!” I did as he said and was now trapped in his car with my hands cuffed between the seatbelt strap. I couldn’t get out if I wanted, not that I did. This was the horniest thing I had ever done. We drove in silence for 10 minutes, I wanted to ask him so many questions but he had told me not to speak without permission. Finally we pulled up outside a warehouse and he leaned back to undo my cuffs after pulled my trackies down over my knees. “Good lad, you followed my orders, my, my your a big boy!” I laughed again, trying to hide my embarrassment. He ordered me out the car, and told me to recuff behind me back, with my trackies lying at my ankles. I hobbled out and stood there in all my glory half naked. He revved the engine and moved the car off, I panicked and started hobbling towards the moving car, falling flat on my face, with no hands to stop my fall. I picked myself up, glad to see the car had stopped and saw him laughing at my trip. Master T climbed out the car with a cigarette behind his ear. “Thanks for the toys and smokes boi, all mine now!”. I spoke up, “Can a have a smoke please Sir?” “ I told you not to speak without permission boi! But as you are new to this and you asked so politely, you may” He pulled out my smokes and put one in his mouth and one in mine before lighting them both. I didn’t have free hands, so had to dangle my cig in my mouth while he walked around me checking me out, occasionally slapping my ass and feeling my abs. I was quite uncomfortable with him touching me, but my dick was more than happy. After he had thoroughly checked my body out he stepped back and nodded, taking a deep drag of his fag. “You’ll do boi!”. I felt so degraded and used, and I had a niggling feeling this was only the start. I finished dragging on my fag and spat it out. He commanded me back to the back of the car and opened the boot, “Get it, now!”. I stammered, “eh, whit?!!” Smack! He had hit slapped me hard on the side of my face. I was stunned, I must have started weeping. “Fucking pussy, get in the boot”. I whimpered, “Yes Sir” and tried to throw my self into the boot, which luckily for me had a blanket to land on. He grabbed my legs and tucked them in, “It’s only going to be a 5 minute drive boi, stop greeting and get a grip, you’re about to have the best weekend of your life, and so am I!” I felt comforted by his words and pulled myself together as the boot lid shut, the engine started and I lay there as the car was pulling away. I was scared, but excited. I had the biggest boner I had ever had and I was looking forward to jerking off when I got the chance, with my hands cuffed still behind my back it wasn’t possible and with it being so dark and confined I couldn’t manoeuvre them to my front to have a fondle. For the duration of the journey I just kept quiet lying in the boot, not quite sure what to think. I was awestruck by his attitude, demeanour and sheer manliness. After what seemed like a good hour (probably only 15 minutes), the car stopped and I breathed a sigh of relief. We were here, wherever here was. The boot was flung open and Master T lifted me out the boot. He quickly slung a blindfold over my face before I got a chance to take in my surroundings, which seemed like a generic housing estate. He grabbed my cock and started walking me to what I assumed was his house. I was strangely at ease for a man to be holding my cock, nay; I was aroused even more by it. I heard a door open and I carefully stepped up into the room.
“Welcome to my humble abode boi” Master said “Now, kneel down and open your mouth.” I did as he said as he closed the door, and I heard multiple locks turning. I opened my mouth and felt something hard, like a small tennis ball being shoved in my gob and something being strapped behind my neck. After some fiddling, Master stepped away and I tried to push the ball out my mouth with my tongue with no avail, it must have been one of the ball gags I had seen on the site, man, I grew even more horny! Then I felt something cold round my neck, “Boi, you will wear this for the duration of the weekend, and even longer if I feel it needs to be worn in public.” I heard a lock and realised I had been collared. I was now owned. “Kneel down boi”. I knelt there with a metal collar round my neck, a rubber ball gag planted firmly in my mouth, a leather blindfold on and my hands cuffed behind my back. I was as hard as a rock, but nervous to find out what was going to happen next. “Now boi, I am going to get you ready for a weekend of servitude, and fun before I release you back to your home comforts” Master T was laying out his plan, “ I don’t expect to be questioned and I don’t ever want to hear No as your first answer to any question I may ask you, of course when your gagged like that I don’t suppose you will be the conversation starter anyway.” He laughed. Master T whipped off my blindfold, the light hurt my eyes a little, but I was delighted to see him in his masculine form towering over me like a god! “Follow me boi” I went to stand up to follow him up the staircase in front, but Master T barked back “I did not give you permission to stand up slut, crawl!” I quickly jumped back down onto all 4s and struggled to ascend the stairs behind him with my hands cuffed. I must have looked some sight! Master T opened the door to the bathroom and pointed for me to go in, he instructed me to get in the bath, face up and to close my eyes. Once again, the leather blindfold was applied. Shit this was horny! Shit, is he going to drown me? I panicked and jumped up, only to be pushed back down by Master. “ Fuck sake boi, stay still, I’m not gonna kill ya! Relax, and trust me”. His manly, calm demeanour eased me a little and I sunk back into the bath. I felt his touch on my arms and the right cuff was removed. It was then clipped to the bar on the left side of the bath. “Be right back boi”. I was now cuffed to the bath unable to see or speak, and my boner was still raging. I must be sick. "Don't dare touch your cock!" I heard Master leave the room and listened some extensive fumbling around in the room next door, what the fuck was he doing in there?! I didn't touch my cock incase I got too excited and shot my load, which given my predicament wouldn't have been a good move. Finally, Master came back, I could smell cigarette smoke, damn I needed a fag! I heard metal knocking together, just lightly, and then my right arm was cuffed to the right side of the bath. Totally unable to move now! “Right boi, slave prep stage 1 begins” Master laughed, then blew some smoke in my direction. Aghh, this was torture; the smoke, the suspense, my raging boner not being touched! I felt something cold being squirted on my pubic area; I didn’t have a lot of pubes to begin with as I trimmed them down, but I knew what was coming… I was 100% right in my thoughts, he was shaving my pubes and dick, slowly and carefully, making sure there wasn’t a stray hair in sight. Laughing and coughing occasionally, he paused, presumably to take a drag from his fag and to admire his handy work. What a god!
With my pubes now as bald as the day I was born, I felt more and more horny. Damn, this guy was good! He leaned over and whispered, “we’re not done yet boi”! He lifted my blindfold and once again I could see his face, beautiful – God this guy is turning me into a right faggot. He took out both my diamond earrings, and my gold chain and bracelet; “Slaves don’t need these embellishments” apparently, “you’ll get them back when I release you”. “What do you think boi?” I strained to look down and I was truly bald, he really did take his time and make a good job. I mumbled “Amazing Sir!” and nodded. I was drooling by this stage and pretty thirsty, I was having a great time but wanted out of the cold bath soon to get a drink, a fag and a comfy seat. “Now boi, I’m gonna flip you over and do the back side”. Shit, why would he want my arse shaved?! I didn’t wanted fucked, well… I wanted to know get fucked, but it was taking it to a new level. I didn’t have a choice, so no point in protesting. He uncuffed my right arm at the bath side, and attached it to the left bar, then uncuffed the left cuff and attached it to the right side; this guy’s a pro, not letting my free at any point, whilst flipping me onto me knees face down. Once again, the shaving crème was applied and the razor was dragged across my bare arse and arse crack, slowly and carefully as before. I didn’t have much hair but he wanted to be sure, clearly! “We’re done boi, you look like a good wee slave” Master T chortled, “Best get you washed down and cleaned up before we move on to stage 2!” With that, he uncuffed my right arm and attached the cuffs together, then did the same with the left, double security! He turned me round just before I fell on my face and proceeded to take out my ball gag. Finally! My jaw was aching! “Well boi, how do you feel?” “Good Sir, cheers! I am so fuckin horny right now! I’m dying for a fag as well, Jeez Master, that was amazi…” He cut my verbal diarrhoea of whith a swift slap on the face “Shut up boi, your mumbling away like you’ve just discovered speech, but I am glad your having fun. Now, you thirsty?” “Aye Sir, im parched with drooling so much, please can I have a drink n a fag?” “Very well boi, I’ll get you a drink and we can have a smoke when we’re downstairs” He put my blindfold on, and there was silence, then I heard a zipper open “Open your mouth boi, I’ve got you a drink” He then started pissing straight in my mouth, I was black affronted, I didn’t know what to do. Pissing? In my mouth? I started to choke. “Swallow boy, you’ll be supping the rest out the tub if you don’t. I swallowed, trying not to gag, taking as much in my throat as possible without having to taste it. He laughed as I coughed a little, but shit, he was pissing like a stallion. He finally finished by showering me down with his piss. He rubbed it into my bald pubic area and grunted “That’s you washed down, and watered, lets get you cleaned up!”
I was totally turned off by this, my cock finally subsided and I was speechless. How could someone piss on me? Master T totally freaked me out, but he didn’t seem to think anything of it! Are people into this? What the fuck?! “What’s the matter lad, not like golden showers?” He laughed “Stay still til I clean you up”. He started the shower, shit it was cold! It soon warmed up and Master T rubbed me down. I still had my T-Shirt on, my favourite McKenzie one, it was now pissed on and soaked. Fuck. Master T turned off the shower and helped me stand up. “Now boi, I am going to un-cuff you, I don’t want any funny business or you’ll be drinking your meals from now on!” “Yes Sir” I mumbled, shivering with the cold air. I now resented even coming, how disgusting was that?! “Out the tub, come on slut, easy does it” Sir guided me over the tub. “Stand still whilst I dry you off”. I heard the sound of metal on metal again and I felt my right leg, then left leg be cuffed with a sharp click. “Not sure I could trust you to not run away before I take off your handcuffs, so these leg irons wlll reduce you to a hobble.” He uncuffed both sets of handcuffs holding my arms together and whipped off my T-Shirt “Fuckin nice body boi, felt good earlier but it looks great all covered in Goosebumps” He said as he rubbed the towel over them. I was proud of my body, with doing manual labour I had developed strong core muscles and good pair of strong arms; still, nothing like his amazing god-like physique. Following my rough towelling off, he clicked a pair of metal cuffs back on, damn they felt sexy. My libido returned a little, hey that experience wasn't that bad. “Right boi, stage 2 is coming soon, lets get that blindfold off you and go down stairs” He said as he pointed to the floor, obviously I was to crawl again. I crawled behind Master T down the stairs and into his living room. It was really nice, but had a definite man’s touch; big telly, awesome sound system and all the gadgets you could think of. He must be quite well moneyed I thought. “Right ya cheeky little cunt, sit on the floor at my feet til I catch up on Sky Sports News, I don’t wanna hear a sound out u, so here” He handed me an ashtray and a pack of fags, “Smoke away all u like but don’t fucking dare touch your dick” I sat in front of him with my back to the chair, he put his muscular legs over my shoulders pinning my in place. After watching the match highlights and us both having a good share of smokes, he said to me that it was now time for stage 2, and I was going to enjoy what was coming next. I was already boned watching the footie highlights with him, but after saying that I was rock solid. “Stay there, be right back cunt boi”
Master T came back a couple of minutes later as I finished off another smoke, wearing nothing but a pair of army camo fand boots, damn his body was amazing, I must have dropped my jaw as I saw him. “Haha boi, like what you see?” He said getting even closer. His nipple rings glistened in the light, highlighting his perfect torso, I was so aroused. “Crawl over here bitch” he beckoned as he sat down on the sofa across the room, “Lick my fucking boots clean” I don’t know what came over me but I went for them like a hungry dog, slurping and licking them all over, left then right foot then back again. “Nice work boi, I see you like my boots. C’mon upstairs”. He jogged up the stairs in front of me crawling, trying to keep pace, I tripped over on the stairs planting my face on the carpet “Ah ya fucker” I yelped. Slap. He leaned down, “I said, don’t say a fucking word earlier and I meant it, speak when spoken to, hurry up”. His verbal abuse just got me hornier, my dick was just about hitting off the stairs as I crawled to the top. I crawled after him into a room next to the bathroom where I had been shaved bald earlier, this was definitely not a bedroom, it was like a medieval torture room. Metal chains, a sling, numerous whips and paddles, wow. There were evil looking metal stocks and things I had no idea what they did, this was too horny. What kind of weirdo was I turning into, getting off on all this stuff I had only glimpsed at online?! “Right boi, stage 2 begins. Over here” He bellowed in a deep, sexy voice, pointing at the stocks. I crawled over to him standing at the stocks and looked into his eyes, for even a hint of what was coming next. “Stay” he said as he walked over, took a key out and locked the door. They key was returned to his pocked and he came back to me. “I’m going to unlock you and get you dressed in my favourite gear, seen as you have been so compliant.” I took this as a compliment and smiled, favourite gear? I wonder…
Master T reached down and unlocked my handcuffs and leg irons with care and speed, he reminded me not to say a word and do as I was “fucking told, or else”. I was completely at ease now, despite still being in a compromised situation, but I trusted him. His demeanour and attitude was so manly and powerful, yet it seemed he cared for me. He went over to a closet in the corner and rummaged around for what was presumably his favourite gear. After some time, apparently ensuring he got the right image, he shouted for me to close my eyes before being presented with my outfit. I closed my eyes and waited with baited breath for my outfit. “Right boi, open your eyes” Master whispered in my ear. I opened my eyes and saw some horny stuff… Firstly there was a leather upper body cross harness with a shiny metal cock ring, like I had seen online that afternoon, then a pair of leather shorts, then a chain with a clip on each end and finally a rubber gas mask. Jeez, if I wasn’t hard already, I was rock solid now. ”Lets get you dressed, slut” Sir said. Firstly my arms were lifted up, and the harness slid over and tightened. Then, Master grabbed my cock and slid the cock ring over to the base and popped my balls through. Master told me to lie on my back, then lifted my legs to slid on the shorts, “Boi, these aren’t any normal shorts, these are chastity shorts, just to make sure you don’t get off when I’m not looking”. He tightened them and added some padlocks. Total lockdown! “Right now boi, lets get you restrained for some training”… Master T led me behind the metal stocks and opened them up “You know what to do”. I put my wrists and neck in the recessions in the metal, the ‘lid’ was brought down and a big metal padlock was added. My legs were then restrained with cold metal shackles. Now it was complete and total lockdown, I wasn’t going anywhere. After stepping back to admire his work, Master T came back over to me and smiled “Want a fag?” He kneeled down on one knee in front of me and lit up a cigarette, blowing the smoke on my face, gawd did I want a smoke! He smoked most of it, teasing my by holding the filter near my mouth but not close enough for me to get a toke. Finally I got a good hit and exhaled. Nice. “It’s getting late boy, I had better get on before its time to lock you up for the night! Hows ur ass like a good ramming?” Master T enquired “Fuck off, you’re not fucking touching my ass” I stupidly blurted out. “Firstly, If I want to fuck you, I will. Secondly, don’t dare speak unless spoken to. Thirdly, you were doing so well, I guess I’ll need to punish you for refusing to accept whats coming to you”. Master T said calmly. “I am now going to have to whip your ass, which unfortunately means pulling down these chastity shorts, luckly there is no moving for you!” He unlocked the padlocks and pulled the shorts down with a sharp tug, my naked, bald ass free in the air. “Count em out slut, or we’ll see how long you last in that cage over there without a fag and only my piss for liquid!” WHACK! It took me a second to get what he meant to count them out “One, Master” WHACK “Two, Master” WHACK “Three Master”. This went on up to 15, by this point my ass was in agony and likely bright red. I was sobbing slightly, “Shut up pussy, that’s nothing” He said. What did he mean that was nothing, it was fucking torture and I couldn’t move to caress my butt.
“Right boi, that is enough for now” Master T said, “Now, lets have some fun, eh?!” Fun sounded good, anything to let me forget about the throbbing pain coming from my ass. Master T then moved to in front of me, ripped off a piece of silver duct tap & whapped it on my gob before I had a chance to protest. He repeated the strips of tape a few times over my mouth and down below my chin until he was confident I was going to be silenced. He then placed the S10 gas mask on my face and tightened the elastic straps behind my head. What a strange, horny sensation! The sound of my own breath through the mask was exciting me, my cock was rock hard swaying between my spread legs. Despite kneeling down on the floor with my legs locked down and my arms and head locked in a stockade, I was very comfortable and felt quite at home here. “Slut, now you are gagged and locked up, I want one nod for yes and 2 shakes for no, got it?” Nod. “Good boi, now, have you ever had anything up your hole?” I presumed he meant my ass-hole. Shake, shake. “Hehe, nice, did you expect to come here and get anything up your hole?” Shake shake. “Well boi, I am not going to fuck your tight little scally hole with my monster cock, I’ll rip you in half… We had better leave my cock out of there for now, agree?” Nod!! “Thought you might ‘say’ that”, haha! Well, the good news is I wont fuck you with my dick, infact tonight, I won’t even make you suck my dick, but you will be sleeping with a butt plug in, do you know what that is?” Nod. I knew exactly what they were, and I didn’t like the look of them. “Eager, I see boi!” Master T laughed as he walked towards his toy chest. After some rummaging around he came back with a handful of black rubber plugs in different sizes and shapes, some even had things hanging off them. Wow, what the hell was I doing here?! “Right boi, new game, I have the a 14cm plug in one hand and a 16.5cm plug in the other hand. I am going to shuffle then behind my back and the one you pick goes up your ass until breakfast tomorrow, ok?” Slow Nod. I saw they both had a wide girth but the larger one was less tapered at the base. “I’m going with your thumbs up to whichever hand you want” Nod. He then shuffled the plugs behind his back and asked the question, “Left, or Right?” I put up my left thumb. “Well boi… you’ve picked…
(Sadly it wasn't finished......if anyone wants to.....)
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nekokoaa · 5 years
May I get a deaf! reader x Present Mic? I just love the idea of him slowing down his speech so she can read his lips, or him going out of his way to learn sign language? (I need more than one author to do this because he's a sweet bean, and this idea should be spread like a plague.) -Perhaps when they meet he gets offended cuz she's 'ignoring' him?-
Fandom: bnha
Character: Present Mic (Hizashi Yamada)
No warnings.
I really feel for this request because recently I watched a documentary on deaf children in Japan and it was the most empowering thing I ever watched. Those children are so inspiring. It honestly made me want to try and learn sign language, so I was really happy to write this request and I hope it represented the deaf community well. It’s in three short parts.
**Signing or other means of communication is in italics. If it’s hard to see for some of you guys, I can change it and make it Bold or just add the quotations instead.
Also, sorry that this request took so long to get out! I hope you enjoy, love!
Hizashi’s life had always revolved around sound for as long as he could remember. From an energetic child to a raging teenager and even now, as an adult, he couldn’t imagine his life without it. It became a part of him, literally, his quirk was the embodiment of sound and his reason for being the hero he is. Silence was never an option.
Until now.
Hizashi wouldn’t call himself a flirt as he was always a respecter of women and was aware that most women hated to be randomly flirted on, so he didn’t understand what came over him when he saw you treading down the halls of U.A. It was the first time he ever saw you and it was probably the first time a woman ever made him freeze up like that. He couldn’t recall when was the last time he became shaken up because of a woman, but once you were about to pass him, he had called out to you on impulse and to his surprise, you brushed past him without a glance in his direction. Questions emerged within his brain as to why you ignored him, all he did was simply sent a greeting your way, he didn’t comment on your looks or sounded flirtatious in his speech. It was just a simple good morning.
Hizashi pondered about this moment for the rest of the day. He couldn’t understand what was wrong with his approach and later realized how rude you were for not greeting him back, especially a teacher of U.A. He didn’t know what profession you were in or your reason for being at the school, but he at least knew a simple greeting wouldn’t have hurt you.
And once again, to his surprise, he found out the very reason why you ignored him that morning. He stumbled upon it the next day while he interrupted Aizawa’s abnormally large class to inform him about a sudden schedule change for the teachers and the reason for Aizawa’s class being abnormally large was because it was being combined with another class, specifically, your class. Hizashi found out that day that you were actually a teacher for the hearing-impaired middle school not too far from U.A. You had brought your students to U.A on a field trip to inspire and learn from their students and that they can, despite their differences, become a hero too. Each of Aizawa’s students were paired with yours and was engaging in a simple activity together. Aizawa took this as a chance to introduce you to Hizashi and Hizashi, needless to say, almost froze again when you approached him. Just a glimpse of you in the hallway was enough to know that you were a beautiful woman but seeing you in front of his eyes had him wondering if this was reality.
“Nice to meet you, Present Mic. I’ve heard such great things about your work as a hero.” Those words didn’t form from your voice but from your hands in a series of symbols and the woman next to you brought them to life with her voice. He assumed she was your translator.
“Uhh…” For the first time in his life, Hizashi was speechless and Aizawa raised an eyebrow at that. But Hizashi knew he had to get the cog in his brain to work somehow, he couldn’t physically slap himself in your presence (and he sure wanted to) instead he managed to hold his hand out for a shake and his brain started to lag behind slowly. “G-Great to meet you too!” He said, rather loudly, fast even.
Although, you didn’t need your translator to understand what was said. You smiled gently, and it almost made him melt. The next, your hand met with his in a firm grip for a shake and this time, he melted. For such a firm grip, you had the softest hands in the world, smaller than his yet it didn’t falter in strength. You held a steady stare towards him and even though Hizashi’s shades covered his eyes, it was like you penetrated the material. You struck through his soul, his heart, all from a simple shake of hands. Is this what they call ‘love at first sight’? He didn’t believe in such a thing before but seeing you within his sights made it feel all the more real.
Since that fated day, Hizashi had made it his mission get closer to you. He managed to get your number to “continue to plan out events with U.A and your students” but in reality, he just wanted to talk to you more. It started out as simple brainstorming session through text before it took off into casual talk. He learned that you were born deaf but had a quirk that allowed you to physically feel all types of sound waves—even the ones that average human ears couldn’t pick up—absorbed them and reflect them back onto an object.
                                        Today 1:30 PM
2:15 PM: Even though, I can’t hear it. I can feel it. It’s like a vibration. Sometimes they’re small, other times they’re large. And if I wanted to, I can use those vibrations to break something—like glass, I guess.
Hizashi’s eyes widened when he read your text, he was at his desk in the teacher’s office, spinning around mindlessly in his chair. He really should’ve been looking over some documents, but he became lost within his phone, eagerly waiting for your replies.
2:17 PM: Seriously!? That’s one hell of a quirk! You could’ve become a hero if you wanted to!
He sent the text and set his phone down only to pick it back up a minute later when he saw it lit up.
2:18 PM: I wanted to.
Was what he received and nothing else. His eyebrows furrowed at it. His fingers dashed wildly upon the screen and his thumb hovered over the send button.
2:18 PM: I came up with a new activity my students can do with your students. We should inform Aizawa.
But your message came faster, and the message he wanted to send, ‘what stopped you?’, was replaced. You changed the subject for a reason, so he wasn’t going to pry.
2:20 PM: We should talk it over a drink then! I’m free after 5!
Hizashi taut his lips. Was that too friendly? Flirtatious? Damn, he never had to think of his words this much before. He was always a smooth talker, it came to him easy, so why was it so hard to talk to you? He knew his suggestion was a shot in the dark. There was a high chance that you would reject him, but that was the key word, right? Chance. As long as there was a chance of rejection, there was also a chance of acceptance.
2:25 PM: Sure! There’s this bar in the city I like to go to. I’ll send you the address.
“Yeaaah hoooooo!!” Hizashi suddenly jumped to his feet as he howled, thrusting his fists towards the ceiling when he read your text. You said yes! You actually said yes! Is this considered a date? Maybe not, but who cares, you said yes!
Around 5 pm, Hizashi already met up with you at a relatively chilled bar in the southside of the city. He definitely wasn’t planning to get drunk, so he just ordered a beer while you ordered a pina colada. The conversation was simple between you, it started as completely work related. You relayed your ideas to Hizashi by small notebook and pen and he intently read whatever you wanted to say. You read his lips whenever he spoke, at times he had to slow down because you would miss what he said. And Hizashi, at that moment, realized how annoying it was to communicate this way. He somewhat wished he knew sign language to make the conversation smoother between you two.
The conversation shifted from work to personal as the atmosphere of the bar couldn’t help but make it so.
“So, about your quirk…” Hizashi started. He saw your eyes flicker away for a moment before they returned. “Isn’t it annoying being around all these sounds?”
You quickly turned to your notebook and wrote your answer down.
I’m used to it already. When I was little, it was the scariest thing. I remember crying to my parents about it all the time, but I came to terms with it.
“And you’re telling me, you can absorb those sonic waves and reflect them back onto objects?” You didn’t need your notebook for this. A simple smile and a nod were all Hizashi needed. “That’s pretty damn powerful, it’s kind of like my quirk!”
Well… Not really. You project your voice to a certain frequency to where it could cause someone’s ears to bleed! You started to laugh which was the most adorable thing to Hizashi. It was a silent laugh, but your shaking form and your hand that covered your large smile gave it away. Besides… I can take your quirk’s power and use it against you. The louder it is, the stronger I get! Was what you wrote, and it earned a very loud laugh from Hizashi, so loud that the other patrons of the bar glanced at you two. Hizashi didn’t care and neither did you.
“You know, we’re still accepting applications for U.A! Feel free to fill them out!!” Hizashi was expecting to see you laugh again but something about his joke struck a chord with you. Your smile dropped, and you suddenly looked away from him. You reached for your pina colada and stirred it with the straw hanging off the curvy glass.
“W-Was it something I said?” You didn’t know what he said but you felt the sound waves of his voice when he spoke. It was very distinguishable from all the other voices in the bar. There was just something about it that made you know it was coming from Hizashi. “Miss ____?” A nervous laugh after was all he could do to make the mood seem less tense. You started to write in your notebook, your knuckles protruded as your gripped your pen tightly.
Earlier today, I told you I wanted to be hero. Well, I did try back in middle school, I applied for U.A but I was denied.
“Denied…?” You avoided looking at Hizashi and kept your eyes on your notebook. You began to tap your pen against the paper like you were trying to decide your next words.
The reason why they denied me was because of my disability. They didn’t have the resources to accommodate me, so they couldn’t accept me.
Hizashi knew that U.A was harder to get accepted to back when he applied, but he didn’t think they were rejecting students they couldn’t accommodate for.
Till this day, U.A has not accepted anyone who is deaf. Which is why I’m working together with Aizawa to ensure that will change in the future. My students, some of them have amazing quirks… and It’s hard for me to believe that they can’t become heroes because of something they were born with.
“That’s… very heroic of you.” Hizashi lowered his eyes, somewhat ashamed to hear of U.A’s past faults.
Someone has to pave the way for these kids.
Silence had fallen between the two of you, something Hizashi wasn’t used to. You continued to stare at him, waiting for him to say something about the current subject, but he suddenly changed it, his eyes met yours as he spoke. For some reason, it felt as if time had stopped, seeing Hizashi so serious had thrown you off. “If there was a chance to be reborn with hearing, would you take it?”
Your eyes had widened slightly to his question, but it didn’t delay your answer. You began to furiously write in your notebook and Hizashi hovered over slightly to see your words.
I don’t regret being born deaf. It’s not my fault. It’s not a fault. It’s part of who I am… and I’m content with that. So, no.
“I can’t imagine my life without sound.” He grumbled, but you were still able to make out his words from his lips.
Most people can’t. You scribbled.
“I guess that’s what makes you strong.” You were taken aback when you saw Hizashi’s lips slowly changed into a warm smile after he spoke. His eyes behind his shades softened as they gazed upon your face and his arm propped up his head as he leaned his head against his knuckles. He might not have noticed the dreamy expression he was making at you, but you surely did.
You blushed profusely, your eyes started fidgeting between Hizashi and your notebook. You weren’t sure what to do as it looked like he completely lost himself within his head and wasn’t talking anymore. You quickly snatched your notebook off the counter and started to write with your shaky hands and when you were done, you pushed your notebook towards him and leaned your head upon your hand that covered your mouth as you shyly looked in the opposite direction.
Thank you.
Hizashi didn’t know how hard it was going to be to communicate with just his hands and subtle movements of lips, but he practiced for months for this day, the day he would finally ask you out on a date. You and Hizashi talked and nearly saw each other every day, it was only a matter of time until you two start going out, right? At least that’s what Hizashi believed. He hoped he didn’t imagine all those intimate moments you shared with him for these past months. It couldn’t have been all in his head, right?
He sighed heavily and ran a hand over his face. He nearly knocked his shades off his head in doing so and he straightened them when they became crooked. He was practicing his sign language in front of his bathroom’s mirror for the last time until he leaves for your school.
Even though it was Saturday, you invited Hizashi to a poetry event that your students were taking part in and you really wanted him to come. How could he have said no when you looked so sweet when you asked him? Of course, he was going to go. He might’ve overdressed a bit for the occasion though, he was wearing a white suit jacket which was opened and showed his black collared shirt under. His shirt was without a tie and was unbuttoned at the top until his collar flared out slightly. He made sure to gel his hair to perfection where not even a single strand was out of place. This day had to be perfect. It had to be.
Hizashi left his apartment with renewed vigor and he made it to your school just an hour before the event started. You greeted Hizashi with a hug at the entrance of your classroom. He melted in your arms, he honestly wished the hug didn’t last seconds but hours, days even. You guided him to a chair in the front row before you left him to greet more parents that piled into the classroom. Excited smiles were on their faces when they spotted their children all sitting together at the front of the class. The children, however, looked a little nervous until you came to talk to them. You signed a bit at them and their nerves were quickly replaced with soft smiles.
Hizashi was honored to come to this event. It was definitely his first time attending a poetry session in sign language. As like anyone learning a new language, it was still hard to interpret what was being said but you helped him by giving him the written translation of the poems. He still tried to interpret it on his own, only using the translation if he had no idea what was being signed. He also had to make sure you didn’t find out that he’s been learning sign, he wanted to surprise you when he asks you out.
Poems of simple messages like nature or family were the majority but there was one poem that stuck with Hizashi. A loud voice in a silent world, was the title and by just that, he was captured by it. It was a story about the struggles of being deaf in the hearing world, a voice so loud yet silent to the world. He couldn’t help but give the poem a standing ovation once it ended. He clapped loudly and cheered, and your student bowed happily to the audience. You showed him how to cheer in sign after, raising your hands in the air and shaking them with excitement. Once he learned, it was all he did for every student, cheering with his hands rather than his voice.
“That was amazing! Your students have so much talent!” Hizashi had said once you escorted all the parents and students out of the classroom. It was only you two that remained in it. He immediately thought it was his chance. You had a permanent smile on your face and looked absolutely delighted while you were writing your response in your notebook.
Yes, they do! Thank you so much for coming! I’m so happy you came.
“You know I would!”
You smiled with flushed cheeks and looked away shyly before you moved to straighten some desks. You felt Hizashi’s eyes linger on you after you had walked away from him, you had a feeling he wanted to tell you something, but you were still feeling shy from before and continued to avoid his eyes.
The vibration you felt against your skin was all too familiar. Straightaway you knew it was coming from Hizashi. No longer could you avoid his gaze, his hands moved swiftly and shakily but you understood every symbol that was made out by his fingers. Language wasn’t coming from his voice but from his hands through sign. You nearly dropped your notebook in surprise, bringing a hand to cover on your lips as you watched his hands.
Do you want to go on a date with me?
He had such a handsome, wide smile on his face once he was done like he was proud to be able to communicate to you with your language. He knew your answer already once he saw that warm smile he loved spread your lips from ear to ear.
Of course, I will!
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thatmultifandomhoe · 5 years
Strawberry Cream and BBQ - 20
Tumblr media
Pairing: Hybrid Hoseok and Human Reader
Overview: Your best friend knows she can count on you for anything, so when she asks you to watch her hybrid while she’s gone for a study abroad trip for four months, you can’t say no. But when these four months are over, things have changed in a way no one expected.
Word Count: 1.8k
Genre: Hybrid AU, Fluff, Future smut, Angst, Best friends to Lovers
Warning: Feeling a smudge of angst today
Master List
Sneak Peak - Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6 - Part 7 - Part 8 - Part 9 - Part 10 - Part 11 - Part 12 - Part 13 - Part 14 - Part 15 - Part 16 - Part 17 - Part 18 - Part 19 - Part 20 - Part 21 - Part 22 - Part 23 - Part 24 - Part 25 (Final) - Move in Day: A SC&BBQ Drabble
©thatmultifandomhoe Do not repost, translate, or use my stories without permission.
Sitting at the high counter, your coffee was cradled to your chest, cell phone sitting in your free hand. By some miracle this morning, you were actually able to get out of bed when your alarm went off at then. Maybe it was the sleep that you caught back up on, or the fact that the weather was warming up to decent temperatures lately, but there had been a bounce in your step as you made your coffee. It felt fantastic to not have to rush around for once. For a few minutes, you were starting to think that getting up on time wasn’t a terrible thing and that today was going to be a good day.
Then the sound of wind chimes filled the apartment.
In that instant, the light-hearted mood you were in disappeared. Your body going rigid as you held the mug against your lips, the coffee aroma intoxicating and begging you to take a sip first. To put off checking the text for just a little while. If you looked at before drinking your coffee, your entire day was ruined.
With one last shred of hope, you picked up the phone while setting down the coffee. Maybe…maybe it was good news for once. As the text finally loaded on to the screen, the black letters worming their way into a message that made sense, you swore that the world was crashing around you.
“No,” you whispered. As your mind rushed to find a reason for this, your heart raced. You weren’t ready for this. Not yet. Running a hand through your hair, you took a deep breath to try and calm yourself. Maybe it would be better if your just skipped classes today and call it a mental health day.
You were in such a state that you never heard the footsteps hurrying towards your door, the jingling of keys going completely over your head.
“I’m taking you out on a date tonight.”
At the sound of Hoseok’s voice you jumped, eyes widening as you pressed your hand against your heart, the phone clattering onto the counter. It was beating so fast that you couldn’t believe it hadn’t jumped out of your chest yet. His sudden appearance had you doing a double take between him and the time on the microwave.
He was in a rush though, hurrying past you and into the bedroom, not even noticing that it was his shirt that you were wearing when he walked right by you.
“Wha…huh?” You asked. Setting your coffee and turning the phone face down, you turned towards him, trying to comprehend what was happening while blindly trying to reign in your emotions. In your defense, it was the best you were capable of saying for only being awake for ten minutes.
There was the clashing of metal and a few seconds later he was back in the living room, a pair of keys attached to a red lanyard bouncing in his hand. He redirected his path so it led to you, easily slipping his arms around your waist to pull you against him.
“I said,” he repeated, kissing the side of your neck where the mark was. A tingling sensation ran the length of your body when he did that, a sudden warmth that you always associated with Hoseok vanquishing the cold away. “That I’m taking you on a date. Tonight. Technically it’ll be our first date being together, but in my mind, it’s date number three.”
Raising an eyebrow, you tried to recount the others. “Remind me, what was one and two?”
Mischief lightened up Hoseok’s eyes as he grinned. “Chinese dinner at the Dance Studio.” Without missing a beat, he kissed the small wrinkle the appeared in the middle of your eyebrows. You weren’t even sure if that counted as a date. “Then, our movie night with Korean BBQ. And now, tonight. Date number three.”
You hummed in response, leaning the side of your head against his bicep. “You’re not counting the three days of your heat?” You teased. “I’m shocked.”
Hoseok rolled his eyes. For his own amusement, he flexed his arm that you were resting on, smiling as you gleefully giggled. “I thought about it. But I’m not some kind of fuckboy who counts sex as a date. I’m this old-fashioned thing that people once called a gentleman.”
There was no arguing with him. He was without a doubt, a true gentleman. With a slight shake of your head, you curled closer to him, feeling his arms tighten just the slightest around your body. The text was still running through your mind despite your attempts to focus on Hoseok. Once again, your heart and mind were competing against each other.
His chest rumbled with a soft growl as he leaned down to nuzzle the side of your face, gently kissing your cheek a few times. Whether he suspected your true emotions or not, he didn’t mention it. But you had a feeling that he did, or that he had some idea of what you were doing. It wasn’t just because he was hybrid – although that probably didn’t hurt – but because he always knew when you were even the slightest bit upset.
“Where are we going?”
Raising his head so he could look at you, his heart shaped smile melted your heart. “It’s a surprise.”
You pouted your lips, but Hoseok only retaliated by kissing them, making you giggle in amusement. He swore that he’d never tire of hearing you make that sound. Sighing, he pressed his forehead against yours, not wanting to leave your arms even though he had to. “You’ll love it,” he promised. “Not super fancy, but it’s fancy in its own special way.”
“Okay,” you softly whispered. Tugging on the grey Dance Studio shirt he wore, you regretfully leaned back. He obviously had only come back to pick up those keys. “What time tonight?”
“Be ready for seven.” He informed you. He had begun to pull away when he sensed it. Technically, he knew the entire time, but he didn’t want to bring it up just yet. Sometimes the simple gesture of holding you made it go away. It was a perk of being a hybrid, being able to sense emotions and whether or not that person wanted to talk about it.
When he first walked through the door, it was relatively small, something he passed off as you wishing you were back in bed. Or maybe you had to do some public speaking in a class that you were nervous about. But the longer you were in his arms, the stronger it became. You were anxious, there was no doubt about it, but it went deeper than that. If he focused long and hard enough, he was able to sense that you were scared.
He didn’t plan on telling you this, but he was scared too.
There hadn’t been any contact from Sue in the last day or so, and with the strange encounter with Beth the other day, it had become an unspoken agreement that no communication from Sue should be considered a good thing.
It was terrible that things had resulted to this, but there didn’t appear to be any other way around it. You didn’t want to lose your best friend and he didn’t want to see either of you hurting, he just wasn’t Superman. He couldn’t travel across the world to figure out how to help Sue while being there for you. If he were being honest, he already made his choice.
Sighing, you leaned back, stealing a glance at the microwave. It was ten fifteen. Plenty of time. “Okay. Seven it is. Now you need to get back to work. What did you forget anyway?”
“Keys to the supply closet,” Hoseok breathed out, kissing the top of your head. “I had to get something from there last time I used it and forgot to put the keys back.”
You hummed, shifting so your head was on his chest. There was a stirring in your heart each time Hoseok was close, and when you were like this, it felt almost impossible to step out of his arms. And with that message waiting for you on your phone, it only made the urge to drag him to bed and waste the day away in his arms that much more irresistible.
Seeming to understand your dilemma, Hoseok chuckled as he peppered your mark with kisses before finally planting one on your lips. “I gotta head back. I’ll see you tonight Strawberry.” Since you didn’t seem to be letting him go anytime soon, he figured a distraction was in perfect order. With a quirk of his eyebrow, he slapped your ass. Not enough to make it hurt, but enough to make you jump in surprise and allow him to sneak out of your arms. Even though he was in complete agreement with your thoughts.
“Hobi!” You squealed.
He just laughed. Double checking that he had the keys, he blew you a kiss from the door. “Remember. Seven tonight baby.”
“It’s a date.” You said, retrieving your coffee.
As the door softly closed behind Hoseok, you sighed in relief. The promise of a date made you feel like you were on cloud nine, but with a glance in the direction of your phone, you were carefully lowered back down to Earth. It didn’t ring since you set it down upon his sudden arrival, which partially made you happy. At least it was giving you more time to figure out a way to tell Hoseok. To come up with some plan and explanation for everything that’s happened, and will happen.
A month ago, while you would have been confused with Sue’s decision – especially since she had been so excited to go to Hong Kong – you would have been happy to have your best friend back. Now the mere idea of her being in the same town made you want to take Hoseok away from here and go somewhere far away, that way the two of you could have your happy ending without the risk of it being ruined.
Knocking back a mouthful of coffee, you reopened the conversation thread you had with Sue. She hadn’t sent anything else, but you still chewed on your bottom lip. There’s no knowing with her anymore. All you knew, was that the two of you were running out of time.
I’ve decided that I’m coming home early. I told the professor in charge that there was a serious issue back home involving my hybrid that’s requiring me to be there by next month or so. I’m not sure when, but I’ll be back sometime in April instead of May. If I’m lucky, maybe even sooner. I’ll let you know if there’s a change.
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this-geek · 4 years
Dialogue prompts, Major Crimes, 21? Thank you 💜
Okay, this took a bit longer but I had to fact check a little and I only have my phone with me. I hope this is good.
Apologies if there are any errors cultural or grammatical.
I'm not 100% sure this is plausible but this is fanfiction so I don't care as long as its fun, right?
21: "Sometimes, being a complete nerd comes in handy" 
In an attempt to have the divisions of the LAPD work in better harmony together a New Year Quiz had been organised. The divisions had had a week to submit answers for 10 questions then there would be a New Year's Party where every division had to have some people there to answer a further 20 questions which would determine who would win the secret prize promised to them by Pope. 
Now the major Crimes division had struggled somewhat with the initial questions due to the level of tension coursing through the group who were still adjusting to the change in commanding officer. Captain Raydor had tried to promote it and Amy along with Sanchez and Buzz tried to contribute something but the influence of Provenza had dampened their enthusiasm but it got done. Nobody had wanted to go to the party but Flynn felt a bit bad and offered to go with the Captain who despite her professional exterior had seemed quite excited at the idea of a party. 
They had driven to venue separately but managed to arrive at almost the same time. He watched her get out of her car and grabbed a small bag; she was wearing her black coat that had become familiar over the years. She smiled at him. 
"Lieutenant, you didn't have to come. I could have represented is just fine on my own" they walked in together Andy shaking his head a little. 
"That would have defeated the purpose of team spirit Captain. I don't mind a little quizzing anyway" he explained and held open the door. They quickly found a seat and looked at the question sheet which didn't have the questions laid out which probably meant they'd have a live host read them out. 
"So, how is you general knowledge?" Andy asked glancing round the room at the other officers laughing and chatting amongst themselves. 
"I know a decent amount of knowledge that might help" she shrugged and glanced in the same direction as Flynn was looking, "it's not great just the two of us is it?" she rolled her lips and placed her hands on the table lacing her fingers
"It's not your fault…" 
"but it is because I am the commanding officer. I should be able to bring my team together" she interrupted, her voice quiet and almost bitter as though she were annoyed with herself. In a move he didn't expect himself to make he took her hand and squeezed it. 
"then let's win this quiz together and show our team that we all could have had a good time together" Sharon nodded her eyes wide as she glanced at their hands clasped together. He dropped her hand and went to the bar getting them both a drink. 
Andy couldn't help but stare at her, she was actually really good at quizzing. The movie questions had been water off a ducks back and he'd barely said a thing during the music round. In the penultimate history round he had tried to help but she had shut him down quickly; she was a bigger nerd than he ever thought her to be. Knowing the law off by heart was clearly just the start of Sharon Raydor's knowledge. 
"Captain, how do you know all this stuff about the civil war and the war of independence?" he asked as she tallied up their score so far. She shrugged. 
"It won't shock you that I wasn't the most popular person in school; it was better in college but high school my first friend was the librarian. She'd recommend so many books. I think it stuck because my mother was a teacher too so learning was central in my life growing up" She smiled mentioning her mother. Flynn seemed almost shocked, he would be lying if he said he'd never assumed that the Captain's mother was more of a lady of leisure. 
"What did she teach?" he asked, while they had the chance to talk. 
"She taught maths, that was her speciality but after she retired she helped run a community programme for children who did not have ready access to education, I had to help too" she added turning their paper over to the final general knowledge questions space. 
"Ah, so you were a bit of nerd and it carried through to now" he joked at her but she didn't quite see it as funny as him. Her eyes rolled, she was not impressed. 
"Alright folks here is your last question," Pope announced, "which country did Chinese Checkers originate from?" Andy scoffed and started writing but the pen was quickly slapped from his hand. In neat writing Sharon wrote Germany. 
"um, captain the clue is in the name" Andy whispered trying to take the pen from her. 
"no, I'll tell you why in a minute" the sheets were handed in and Sharon turned to explain but heard some others boasting about the answers they put down. She rolled her eyes she knew she was right anyway. Andy came over to her. 
"it's only one question" he muttered as he drank his cranberry juice. 
"it's not, Chinese checkers comes from Germany and was renamed by Americans to sound more exotic. Had the question been a bout Chinese chess the answer would have been China but it was not" she replied matter of factly. Andy shhook his head he did not believe her at all. Music started and people started to get up and dance. 
"you can find someone to dance with" Sharon smiled happily nursing her 2nd glass of wine. Andys head shook. 
"so what did your father do?" he asked turning to her. She looked at him her head tilted, her lips rolled and she placed her glass on the table. 
"he was JAG. He went to Law school, passed the bar but wanted something else so he joined the Judge advocate General Corp. Both my parents have a love of learning and education, my brother is a doctor. What about your family? "she explained, Andy watched surprising Sharon in his interest. 
"My old man was a…" he was interrupted by Pope clearing his throat at the mic, the music being turned down. 
"Now then before we welcome the new year quickly I want to thank all for coming and tell you who has won the soon to be annual quiz. In third place with 23/30 is Robbery Homicide," there was a pause as the division went up to collect a trophy and a small envelope." in second place with 25 is Forensic Sciences" again a pause occured so the group could collect their trophy and envelope "now first place, just pipped the post by 1 point it is Major Crimes" Sharon smiled Andy pulling him up from his chair. She took the trophy from Pope with, a smile that if you did not like her would you'd say was a shit eating grin but if you did; as Andy did, you would say it was a giddy and quite excitable grin. 
The two returned to their table and opened their envelope to find a voucher for some fancy restaurant and by the look of it, it had enough for the whole division to have something. Andy chuckled
"I suggest we tell everyone we lost and keep this for us, and Rusty if he wanted to join" he rushed to add, although if he was being honest he would mind have dinner alone with the captain at all. 
"we can't do that, can we?" she started to chuckle. Her expression changed suddenly and she rushed from the table returning moments later with the marked question sheet her grin went smug as she pointed to the final question. 
"would you look at that, sometimes being a complete nerd comes in handy" as she boasted her win over Andy, the man in question realised the countdown to New Year had begun. He congratulated Sharon and as the countdown reached one he took a chance, kissing her cheek. 
"I really want to spend that dinner voucher on us, our win" he whispered in her ear. She looked at him and maybe it was the wine or the joy of outsmarting someone but she kissed his cheek and agreed  to go to dinner with him.
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bromfieldhall · 5 years
101 Days of Captain Swan - Day 51 - CS Fanfic
Read from the beginning on FF.Net or AO3 or
Day 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50,
For crazyforyou9422 (ffnet) and Nina_WaFers
047:"My ex just invited me to their wedding and I need you to be my date so it doesn’t look like I’ve spent the last few years failing to get over them."
“Walsh is getting married!”
Emma slapped a piece of card down hard onto the table and practically fell into the chair opposite her brother’s best friend.
Killian eyed his coffee mug with a faint grimace as the contents sloshed around from the sudden impact before spilling over the sides.
“And this is bad news?” he queried wryly, mopping up the mess with a napkin.
He screwed it up and placed it to one side as Emma leaned forward and rested her arms on the table.
“It is when he asks me to his wedding,” she remarked unhappily.
“How so? Simply decline his invitation and be done with it,” he told her dismissively.
“And have him think that I’m still pining over him or something?” she burst out aghast. “Hell no!”
“It’s been two years since you gave that prat his marching orders, Swan. Even with an ego the size of his I doubt that he’d expect you to still be missing him,” Killian pointed out reasonably.
“Don’t bet on it,” she groused. “Last thing he said to me was that I’d never find someone better than him. If I turn up to this thing alone, he’ll think he was right.”
The dark haired man rose a brow at that and picked up his drink. “Maybe he had a point,” he muttered a shade bitterly before taking a sip.
“What the hell is that supposed to mean?” she snapped, eyes narrowing in censure at his gibe.
Killian shrugged, annoyed with himself for allowing even the tiniest hint of his feelings to show.
“Merely that you haven’t exactly had a steady relationship to speak of since you and Walsh split up, have you?”
Killian sighed in faint exasperation and put his coffee back down. “So, maybe that’s because you haven’t really gotten over him yet,” he spelt out flatly.
Emma let out a derisive snort. “My feelings for Walsh have nothing at all to do with me not staying with those guys,” she denied in annoyance. “They didn’t work out because they weren’t...” She stopped suddenly and stared at Killian, eyes widening for a moment before her cheeks flushed lightly and she looked away with a mumbled, “...right for me.”
Dear God, but she’d been about to say, ‘you’.
Abruptly, she grabbed her bag and made a show of looking through it; anything to stop herself from gazing at the man seated opposite until she had herself under control again.
It’d always been Killian.  She’d finally accepted that when Walsh had started making noises about them possibly taking their relationship to the next level. That’s why she’d broken it off with him.  How could she even entertain the idea of getting engaged to one guy, when she was completely and irrevocably in love with another?
One that was oblivious to her as anything other than his best friend’s kid sister.
“You haven’t lost your phone again, have you?” Killian asked suddenly, his long suffering tone breaking into her internal ruminations.
Emma looked up at him in puzzlement then realised that she was still rifling through her bag.
“Oh...no...I just wanted some money to get a coffee,” she covered quickly, pulling out her purse.
Without warning, he reached over and lightly touched her hand to still her movement. “I’ll get it,” he informed her a little tersely, then got up and left her sitting there alone.
She let out the breath she hadn’t realised she’d been holding and watched him walk towards the counter. He ran a hand through his hair a couple of times as though agitated but she noted he was all charm by the time he placed his order with the flirtacious brunette who ran the coffee shop.
Wasn’t that always the way?
She got his snark and all the other girls got his smiles.
She glanced down at the invite again and grimaced slightly.  Whatever her feelings for Killian, she still had to figure out a way around the problem of Walsh’s wedding. She needed to go and she needed to take someone with her...but not someone who’d she’d just met. No. It had to be someone who knew her and her history, someone she could get to play along, someone like…
Eyes widening, she looked up to see Killian coming back to the table.
Slowly, she began to grin...
Killian almost stumbled on his way back when he saw Emma smiling at him with a speculative gaze. He knew that look and it never boded well. Not for him anyway. She was cooking up an idea and he wasn’t sure he was going to like it.
Five minutes later, he was certain he didn’t like it.
Shaking his head slightly, he stared at Emma’s expectant face and huffed out an aggravated breath.
“Let me get this straight,” he stated with a frown, “you want me to go with you to that idiot’s wedding and for us to pretend to be a couple?”
“Come on, it’ll be fun,” she coaxed with a grin. “Food, drink, maybe some dancing...”
Torture more like, he decided, squirming slightly in his seat as a certain part of his body hardened at the mere thought of having her in his arms, body pressed flush against him…
Bloody hell.
“I don’t dance,” he informed her curtly and reached for his coffee. He’d bought himself a fresh one when he’d got Emma’s and now took a heathy swallow. The liquid burned his throat but even that didn’t dampen his unwelcome ardour.
Emma picked up her own drink and tried hard not to let her disappointment show at his obvious rejection of her idea. Of her. Summoning what she hoped was a bright smile, she gave a little shrug of her shoulders.
“Don’t worry about it, I’ll ask Graham instead.”
Killian almost choked on his drink at that announcement and quickly put his cup back down. The hell she was going to ask someone else. Especially Graham. That loser had had his chance, he wasn’t going to get another. Not if he had anything to do with it.
“I never said I wouldn’t do it.”
Emma stared at him in surprise.
“Are you saying you will?” she demanded, trying not to sound too eager.
“Do you really think Walsh would buy it? I mean us? Together?” he hedged.
“Of course he will if we make it look good,” she assured him quickly.
Make it look good.
Killian almost let out a rueful laugh. To spend an evening with Emma Swan, pretending to be in love with her…
Oh, he had no doubt that he could make it look very good given half the chance, especially considering he wouldn’t be pretending at all. But this was Emma, his best mate’s little sister. She was off limits. It was the unwritten code. No ex’s, no vying for the same woman and absolutely, definitely, no little sisters, no matter how much his heart seemed determined to ignore that fact.
Damn it.
He gazed at her beautiful, expectant face and let out his best impression of a long suffering sigh.
“Very well, Swan, send your acceptance. I’ll go with you.” He glanced down at his watch then stood up. “And now I’d better get back to work. Send me a text with the details and I’ll make sure I’m free.”
He gave her a brief smile then turned to go. He’d not gone far when he felt a hand on his arm and looked over to see Emma standing beside him with a happy grin. Without warning, she leaned forward and placed a soft kiss upon his cheek.
“Thank you, Killian,” she told him warmly as she drew back a little.
Swallowing hard, he held her gaze a moment before his focus dropped to her lips, so tantalisingly within reach. Suddenly, it was as if her simple gesture had unlocked the door that he’d always kept tightly sealed on his emotions when it came to her.  Or maybe he just was tired of denying his heart what it wanted most. Whatever the reason, the faint scent of her slightly musky perfume teased his senses, drawing him in and before he’d even realised he’d moved, his lips were on hers and he was kissing her deeply.
Her small moan of pleasure brought him back to reality and he ended the kiss as abruptly as he’d started it. Pulling back, he had to practically order his arms to loosen their hold and almost let out a moan of protest at the loss of contact.
“Practice,” he blurted out.  
Was that hoarse sound really his voice?
Cheeks flushed, breathing heavy, Emma blinked up at him and shook her head slightly as her arms slid down his chest from where she’d been clutching him around the neck.  She took a step backwards as though needing the distance to think properly.
“Practice,” he repeated, relieved that he sounded more himself now as he desperately tried to excuse his impulsive action. “If you want to ‘make it look good’ at the wedding, we’ll probably need to kiss a couple of times or your ex prat won’t believe it.”
She stared at him as if he’d grown another head then suddenly, much to his chagrin, she burst into laughter.
“You tell yourself that’s all it was if it makes you feel better, Killian, but I know the real thing when I feel it,” she told him with certainty as she moved closer to him again. Lowering her voice, she added huskily, “You kissed me because you wanted to, not for any other reason and I’m glad...because I wanted to kiss you too. Have done for a long time.”
Faced with such stark honesty, there really was only one thing a man could do.
Pulling her to him, he kissed her again.
The code be dammed, he’d deal with Emma’s brother later.
Right now, this felt right, this felt good and if he had any say in it, their proposed fake romance was definitely going to become a real romance very soon.
Send me a number from my blog!!
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let-it-raines · 5 years
Betting on the Bullseye (26/30)
Tumblr media
Summary: Emma Swan loses a drunken bet that means she has to ask her celebrity crush - if you can call him that - to be her date to her office’s annual fundraising gala for Boston’s Children Shelter. Killian Jones is that celebrity. She expects all kinds of humiliation and for her dignity to be completely lost all because of the ridiculousness of the situation. 
What she doesn’t expect is for him to say yes.What she truly doesn’t expect is to actually like the man.
Rating: Mature
A/N: This has turned into one of my favorite stories, so if you guys have to force me to give you the new chapters, don’t be surprised. They’re all just chilling in my documents ❤️
AO3: Beginning | Current
Tumblr: Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | Part 11 | Part 12 | Part 13 | Part 14 | Part 15 | Part 16 | Part 17 | Part 18 | Part 19 | Part 20 | Part 21 | Part 22 | Part 23 | Part 24 | Part 25 | Part 26
Tag list: @idristardis @nikkiemms @resident-of-storybrooke @wellhellotragic @bmbbcs4evr @onceuponaprincessworld @jennjenn615 @mayquita @captainsjedi @teamhook @skyewardolicitycloisdelena91 @artistic-writer @branlovesouat @dreadpirateemma @kmomof4 @ekr032-blog-blog @galaxyzxstark @lifeinahole27 @andiirivera @ultimiflos @hollyethecurious @thejollyroger-writer @superchocovian @cs-forlife @qualitycoffeethings @jonirobinson64 @notoriouscs
“Have you seen my nude heels?”
“Have I seen you nude?”
“My nude heels.”
“Swan, I have seen you nude. Are you okay? I feel like you should remember things like that.”
He doesn’t hear back from her until suddenly she’s walking out of the bathroom and back into the bedroom with her arms crossed over her chest, already dressed in a red skirt and tucked in white blouse with sleeves that flow from her elbows. He’s not really looking at her elbows.
“Well you’re certainly not nude,” he sighs, thumbing a page of his novel and flipping it over. “That’s only a little disappointing.”
She clicks her tongue before she starts tapping her foot on the ground, her lips continuously parting and closing like she can’t decide just which way she wants to tell him off.
Living with her is the joy of his life.
“I asked if you had seen my nude heels, not if you had seen me nude.”
“Well that makes a hell of a lot more sense.”
“You need to get your hearing checked.”
“My hearing is fine, love. The walls are thick, and you’ve got your music playing. Plus, I was concentrating on this novel. I think the murderer is about to be revealed.”
“Killian, I promise I will listen to you talk about whatever you want when I get home from work, but I’m running late and need these shoes so I don’t look like a bum for my presentation.”
“Alright, alright,” he mumbles, sticking his bookmark on the page and throwing the covers on the bed back so that he can climb out and help her look for her shoes. He probably needs to get ready for today as well, but it’s usually easier to wait for Emma to be mostly ready before he starts moving around in the bathroom. “So the nude ones, then? Your black ones would look nice with your skirt.”
“Ruby borrowed them.”
“Ah,” he sighs, walking into the closet and over to her shelf of shoes to try to look for them. They have to be here. He cleaned the living room yesterday when he was finishing up some of their final touches of unpacking so that they could start decorating for Christmas, and they weren’t in there. It’s a never-ending cycle, but he’s enjoying it. “They’re up at the top with your boots, Swan.”
“What? They are not.”
“They are,” he points out, reaching up to grab them out between two of her riding boots. “You probably just looked over them in your haste.”
“You had to have put them there. I wouldn’t have. It’s up too high.”
“I promise you it wasn’t me.”
“It had to have been you.”
“Fine, we can say it was me if you put the shoes on and stop freaking out about them.”
“Sorry,” she huffs, taking them out of his hands and sliding them onto her feet, using his shoulder to prop herself up. “I’m nervous over this final presentation for the gala next week. It’s so far and above what I do on a daily basis, and I’ll never understand why we didn’t hire an event planner after how well it went last year.”
“Because you cost less.”
“True, but I don’t like that answer.”
“You’re going to do wonderful,” he promises, placing his hands on her hips and pulling her closer so that he can brush his lips against her cheek, letting his nose inhale the flowery scent of her perfume that she’s spritzed on her collarbone. It’s new, and he’s rather fond of it. “You’ll kick arse like you do every time, and then instead of stressing out about it, we can go and enjoy the night.”
“I don’t remember asking you to be my date.”
“I figured it was assumed,” he murmurs against her neck, teasing her with the way she cranes her head to the side to give him more access, the smallest of moans escaping past her red-painted lips. “Though if you want to ask me out again over a video, I’d be okay with that. You can even wear your sweater.”
“I’d only do that if I lost a bet, and I’m smarter than to do that now.”
“How quickly they grow up.”
“You’re – ah – ridiculous.”
“I know,” he whispers before gently biting her neck, pulling back only after he’s gotten a firm squeeze of her arse. “You look beautiful, and you’re going to have a good day today at work. I’m sure of it.”
She reaches up to mess with his hair, pushing it back off of his forehead while her lips are pressed together in a kind smile. “How?”
“I can feel it in my bones.”
“I think that’s the cold weather.”
“Go to work, Swan. I need you to financially support me while I lounge around at home all day.”
“What are you doing today?” she asks as she steps back from him and over to the case where she keeps all of her jewelry, picking up her pearl necklace and clasping it over her neck. “Do you have any plans?”
He does, but he’s not about to tell her all of them.
“I’m going to go to the gym to work out for awhile before running a few errands and coming back here to clean up and to get some more decorations put up. I’ll save the tree for us to do tonight. I might go meet David for lunch.”
“That would be nice. I’m sure you love sitting at his messy desk at the precinct.”
“We go out, thank you very much.”
“I’m sure you do,” she hums, putting an earring in. “Well, have fun. Give him all of my love and invite them and the kids over to lunch one night soon. Like, next Sunday or something.”
“Won’t we be exhausted from the gala?”
She shrugs. “So we invite them over for late lunch or early dinner. This month is super busy with work and the holidays, and I don’t want to let anything slip.”
“You’re not going to.”
“Thanks, KJ. Alright,” she sighs, slapping her hands against her skirt, “how do I look?”
“Beautiful. Go kick some arse.”
The moment Emma leaves the apartment, he quickly gets dressed in some of his gym clothes, pulling on sweatpants and a jacket over his shorts and t-shirt to combat the cold. Emma says it’s not too bad, but he’s not used to this weather yet, not at all, and he knows it’s only going to get worse. He remembers when he came in for the gala last year, in the few times that they were outside, he was freezing. It wasn’t even that cold, the winter chill not nipping at his nose quite yet.
He’s been listening to a few too many Christmas carols.
It’s also been a long time since he lived somewhere with weather like this. England was a bit similar, but it’s been…sixteen years. He’s practically been gone for longer than he lived there.
That’s an odd thing to think about.
It’s a quick drive to the gym now that he has his car here, having had it shipped to Boston instead of driving it across the country, and he spends the next hour running, letting his legs burn and his lungs gasp for air while his entire body drips in sweat. He needs to find a trainer here in town, but it can mostly likely wait until he has to start prepping for Life After, which is so close to what Emma had suggested for the movie title and yet so far. She’d been damn frustrated when he told her the title they were officially going with, but there’s always time for them to change it. They might not require him to train much for it, especially since he’s playing a father who is likely going to spend most of his time indoors grieving, but he never knows.
Plus the script is being written for the next Superman movie, and, well, his suit is indecently tight. It’s not so much about looks for him but for comfort. How he managed to score that roll, he’s got no clue, but damn it if it’s not fun to do it.
That’s his mindset with everything he does if he’s honest with himself, though he does think he’s becoming rather adept at historical and fantasy pieces. He’d like to do something like Highland Waters again.
So he runs and runs and runs until he knows that he has to stop. He doesn’t want his legs to be like jello tomorrow, even when he’ll likely only work on his upper body, so he does eventually stop and head to the showers, letting the cool water rinse him off before he gets dressed in jeans and a sweatshirt, lacing up his boots and pulling a beanie over his head before he pays for a few more hours for parking and walks the seven blocks to David’s precinct, pushing through the double doors and waiting in the lobby as he pulls his phone out.
Killian: I’m in the lobby.
David: Give me ten minutes to finish up this paperwork, and I’ll be right with you.
So he finds a seat in the corner of the lobby, tugging his beanie off and shaking his hair out, letting it dry a bit more as he thumbs through his phone, reviewing the list of jewelry places he’s found and the pictures he’s saved to his phone. It’s been a bit of a covert operation managing to find a ring. He’s only told David and Liam. He thought about telling Mary Margaret, Ruby, and Elsa a million times so that they could help him, but honestly, between the three of them, one of them would definitely let it slip to Emma. They all talk to her so often that he knows it would slip. He and David talk to her as well, but he had to tell someone who lived here. Plus, David already knew from Emma’s birthday dinner.
Lying to Emma is difficult, but there’s no way he could lie to her about reasons for flying back to California to get Elsa or Liam to help him look at rings.
She’d spot the lie in a second with her superpower and uncanny ability to know just when he’s telling the truth and when he’s not.
And she definitely knows him far too well that she’d realize something was up with him. So he doesn’t lie. He simply…leaves things out.
It’s a fine line, especially when Emma has put her trust in him after having others betray that trust, so he doesn’t want to do that, even if this is a good thing. He’s not cheating on her or hiding a family. He’s not doing something to hurt her, and he doesn’t want her to think that he is.
There’s the element of surprise as well. They’ve talked about the future, how they want one, so this won’t be out of the blue, especially with what Anna told him after Thanksgiving. He simply wants to be able to do something romantic for Emma…not that he knows how he’s going to propose yet.
He wants to have this ring in his possession and not need to sneak around Emma. The tenseness in his shoulders will go away, and absolutely everything will be fine. He’s got no bloody clue how people do this. That’s another reason he’s told both Dave and Liam. They’ve both been through the exact same thing, and it seemed to work well for them.
Support in numbers and experience, he guesses.
“You look familiar,” a woman starts, and he startles a bit as he looks up at the older woman sitting across from in, her legs crossed at the ankles as she taps her fingers on the chair’s arm. “Do I know you? Do you work with Lance?”
“I don’t think so, love,” he says, flashing her a smile, “but I do get that a lot. I believe I’ve just got one of those faces. Is Lance your son? Does he work here?”
“My grandson. He’s a forensic analyst. Just started. He’s supposed to take me out to lunch today.”
“That’s sweet of him.”
“He’s a sweet boy. Are you meeting someone for lunch or are you here to file papers or something? Have you gotten yourself in trouble?”
“No,” he laughs, amused by this woman’s concern for him and if he’s gotten on the wrong side of the law, “I haven’t. I’m meeting a friend.”
“For lunch?”
“Aye. I’m taking him to lunch since he’s doing a bit of a favor and helping me with something for my girlfriend.”
He doesn’t know why he’s sharing this, but he figures it can’t hurt to talk to an elderly woman who has absolutely no idea who he is, even if she does recognize him on a certain level. She seems kind, and he realizes that he didn’t ask her what her name is when they started talking. He should have, but he might be able to coast by without it now.
“I should have known a handsome young man like you would have a girlfriend.” He winks at her, making sure to really exaggerate his movements. “Oh, lass, you flatter me, but don’t try to hide your disappointment that I can’t take you out on a date. I can see it written all over your face.”
She throws her head back in laughter, all of the lines on her face scrunching up. “I don’t think my husband would be very happy, but then again, he’s not as handsome as you are.”
“Well, I promise I won’t tell your husband that you said that if you don’t tell my girlfriend that I practically asked another beautiful woman out on a date.” “Oh I don’t know. I think it might be good for George to hear that he needs to be sweeter to me. Is your girlfriend good to you?”
“She’s wonderful,” he gushes, totally amused by the situation he’s found himself in. “I’m actually taking one of her best friends to go with me so that I can find her an engagement ring.”
“Truly, love,” he promises, reaching over and holding out his hand so that so he can shake hers, figuring now is as good of a time as any to introduce himself since this woman is one of three people in the world who knows that he’s getting engaged (hopefully). “My name is Killian. It’s been a pleasure to meet you.”
“Sarah,” she smiles, squeezing his hand before letting go. “It’s been lovely talking to you. I’ll have to tell Lance to be as kind as you. I hope your bride says yes.”
“Ah now, Sarah, she has to say yes to the question before she’s my bride.”
“With a face like yours, how could she say no?”
“If you keep charming me like that, I’ll be asking you to marry me instead of Emma.”
He smiles at her one last time while she continues to laugh before getting up and walking to the other side of the lobby, waiting by the door that David should be coming out of any second now. He could have stayed talking to Sarah, but he’s a bit anxious to start looking at rings. He does have other things he needs to get done today, decorating included, and he only gets David for an hour and a half. He’ll have to do everything else alone.
The doors swing open three minutes later, David coming out as he shrugs on his jacket, and he flashes him a smile before David pulls him in for a brief hug.
“You ready to do this?”
“I’m ready.”
He almost says “I’m ready, Freddie”, and that’s when he knows that he’s past the point of no return on picking up on Emma’s speech patterns. It’ll only truly be bad when Emma starts calling people lass and love.
Sometimes she calls him “my love.” That makes his heart swell three sizes.
Maybe he is a bit of a sentimental fool.
He doesn’t mind.
When he asks, David fills him in on Mary Margaret and their kids, telling him all about how excited Leo is for the upcoming holidays and sharing far too much information about Brody’s growth and bodily functions, but the man is taking time out of his day to help him find a ring. He can listen to him talk about his kids, even the things that are a little too much information. Dave is simply a proud husband and father, and Killian can only bemoan him a little bit for it all. As long as he doesn’t keep talking about bathroom habits, of course.
There’s only so much he can handle.
Something very obviously gets twisted in one’s mind when they have kids to think that other people want to hear about how often they use the toilet…diaper.
This is not the thought process he should be having right now.
It only takes a few minutes for them to hop on the train and get to Bond and Green. Parking has been hellish lately, so even if they could have taken either of their cars, it takes up too much time to walk to their lots, work their way through traffic, and then find new spots. This is the place he’s most wanted to go to look at rings, and he’s in a hurry to look over it all. There’s one he found online that’s an oval cut with a halo surrounding it (he’s now pretty much an expert in rings now), and he wants to see it.
“Why do I feel like they’re watching us?” David asks him as they peruse the cases, thick glass covering every type of sparkling jewelry that he can think of. There’s an entire case of broaches, and he wonders if people still wear those.
He wonders if they ever.
“Because they are,” he answers simply, his eyes glancing up at the sales assistants watching them before he looks back at a few sapphire rings. “They want to make sure we don’t steal anything.” “I’m a detective.” “They don’t know that.”
“I have on my badge.” “It’s underneath your shirt, Dave,” he laughs, pointing out a diamond ring in the case and ignoring David’s offense that anyone could ever possibly think that he could be a thief. “Do you like this one?”
“It’s nice.”
Nice isn’t what he’s looking for.
He’s known that he was stressed about this whole thing, known it for the weeks that he’s been thinking about that, but he didn’t honestly feel it until right about now with all of these options in front of him and none of them seeming right.
Emma deserves right.
“I don’t think it’s very Emma, though,” he sighs, eyes glancing up again at the saleswoman who’s been following them behind the cases. “Excuse me,” he glances down at her name tag, “Mallory, do you have any like this, with the oval cut, but with a gold band?”
“We have a few that I can bring out from the back if you’d like.”
He curls his lips up into a smile, some of anxieties calming. “I’d like that.”
Mallory nods her head and walks away, disappearing behind a door that he assumes is where they keep the nicer jewels. He imagines that the security in this place is wonderful, but it’s likely smart to keep some things in the back. He really doesn’t know. He’s never bought an engagement ring before. It’s always been earrings or a necklace, and those seem to be a little different than this.
No, those are different than this.
For one, there’s far less security.
For another, there’s far more meaning in an engagement ring.
“You’re vibrating out of your skin, Jones.”
He rolls his eyes at David. How the man romanced Mary Margaret he’ll never know. “I’m excited. I want to find a ring, get it sized and, and then have it with me. Do you think if we don’t find anything today I should think about customization?”
“I think you should look at all of the stores beforehand and then maybe. Do you know when you want to ask Emma? If you keep it a secret for too much longer, she’ll figure it out. She would have been the best detective in the city had she gone that route.”
“Aye, she’d be a hell of a lot better than you,” he agrees, tracing his finger over the glass case at some sapphire earrings he might get Elsa for Christmas. He’s got to get his gifts together as well. It’s difficult when no one says what they want. Maybe he’s bad at gift shopping. “And if I can, sometime before Christmas. I don’t know. It just feels…right. We met this time of year, and I think that’d be nice. Not on Christmas, though. I think it should be a separate day, and I was kind of thinking before my family flew in. I have a feeling Anna would somehow find the ring even though she wasn’t looking, and she’d definitely tell Emma.”
“There’s less than a month until Christmas,” David points out, tapping his fingers before checking his watch. They’ve only been to one place, and they’re nearly out of time.
“I know. I should have started looking back in October, but life was so busy with the move and with all that comes with it. I’m probably crazy for doing all of this.”
“Being crazy and in love are kind of synonymous, but it’s in a good way.”
And there’s a bit of the romantic Dave that likely helped him court Mary Margaret.
“Look at you acting a bit like your wife,” he laughs, his fingers tracing the case a bit more while Mallory continues to take too much time in the back. “That happens more and more every time I see you.”
“I’ve been with Mary Margaret for eight years. It was bound to happen sooner or later. It won’t be weird until she starts being realistic like me.”
He briefly wonders if he and Emma have picked up on each other’s tendencies and speech patterns too quickly, but he brushes it away. It’s not an important thought, and he’s rather fond of Emma telling him “it’s a plan, Stan.” It means she’s happy and willing to play around.
“The world will be ending if there were to ever happen.”
“Alright,” Mallory sighs, walking out the door with a black case of what he assumes are the rings, “so these are all of the ones with the similar oval and pear shapes that you’ve been looking at but with the gold and rose gold bands. I put a few different ones that you might like too.”
“Thank you.” His eyes scan over the box quickly, each ring getting a little of his attention. He definitely likes the gold better, thinks Emma will too, and when his eyes scan over a singular oval cut diamond with a gold band, he knows that’s the one he wants. It’s stunning but it’s simple, and that’s what Emma likes. And somehow he knows just like every cliché that’s ever been written. “Do you think she’ll like this one?” he asks David, pointing to the ring.
“Yeah, I think she will.”
It takes longer than he expects to fill out the paperwork for the ring, and while for a brief moment he considers going to other shops, he’s sure on this one. He’s done enough research to know, and he’s got this gut feeling that he’s planning on trusting. So he fills out the insurance, pays for Emma’s ring (bloody hell is that insane to think about) and the earrings for Elsa, and then makes his appointment to pick it up once they’ve sized it for Emma. It’s all a bit of a blur, which likely shouldn’t happen when he’s in the middle of one of the most important decisions of his life, but David assures him that it’s normal as they leave the store and grab lunch to go since they’ve run out of time. It’s the least that he can do for David coming to help him when he should be working.
After he and David part ways at the precinct, David going back to work and Killian walking to his car still in the garage at the gym, he pulls his phone out to text his brother, knowing that Liam won’t answer a call while at work.
Killian: I’ve bought a ring and will pick it up after it’s sized in a few days. Hope you’re having a good morning!
He stuffs his phone in his pocket and hurries the rest of the way to his car, excitement bubbling over him so that he walks a bit more quickly than usual. Maybe it’s relief, maybe it’s nerves. He really doesn’t know. But as the day goes on, as he goes grocery shopping and picks up dry cleaning (one of his favorite things about living in Boston is the fact that he has more anonymity than California and can do things like picking up his dry cleaning without too much trouble), everything starts to settle. The nervous beating of his heart becomes steady, the erratic tapping of his fingers becomes measured, and he’s able to simply focus on what is ahead of him to do for the day.
And maybe a bit for his entire future.
He’s got to stop watching soap operas during the day.
The rest of his afternoon is spent hanging wreaths on their exterior doors, adding baubles and accents to them to brighten up the plain green. He notices that none of their neighbors have done anything outside, and he wonders if they’ll be the only ones to do it. Then again, they’ve lived in this building for over a month now and despite many efforts, he still hasn’t met anyone who lives on his floor. Maybe they’re not interested in decorating for the holidays. Maybe they don’t celebrate them. It doesn’t matter to him. He’s going to leave the wreath up.
His phone starts ringing in his back pocket, and he quickly pulls it out, sliding his finger across the screen and hitting the speaker button as Liam’s voice booms through. “So you bought a ring? Are you feeling like Gollum?”
“That may very well be the nerdiest joke you’ve ever made.”
“You and I both know that’s not true,” Liam laughs, the gentle thud of a door closing clicking behind him. “All jokes aside, you’ve bought it?”
“I have, so I guess that makes it all pretty official.”
“My baby brother is all grown up.”
He scoffs at Liam’s condescending tone, and even though Liam can’t see him, he rolls his eyes while he shuffles through a box of string lights to find some to put out on the balcony and in the bedroom.
“Is this what finally makes me a man in your outdated ways?”
“Possibly. So how long am I going to have to keep this from my wife? I already deleted your text because somehow she’ll see it from across town.”
“She has superpowers, that woman.”
“And figuring out my lies is the main one.”
“Maybe if you didn’t lie to your wife so much.”
“Oi,” Liam laughs, the sound of a can popping open mixing in with the laughter, “you know what I mean.”
“Aye, I do.” He turns the phone off speaker and presses it between his shoulder and ear before he grabs three boxes of white lights and pushes out onto the balcony door, gooseflesh rising across his arms almost immediately, all of the warmth of inside fading away. “I’ll hopefully have asked before you all come in for Christmas. I’m not…I have no idea how to ask her. I know what I want to say, but I haven’t figured out all of the logistics of it.”
“I’ll let you in on a secret. It’s never going to go like you plan. And your speech, whichever one you have in your head, you’ll remember to say about one sentence out of it.”
“That’s how it went with you and Els, right?”
“Elsa didn’t even let me ask the question.”
“She does like to take charge.”
“You have no idea.”
“Oh God no,” he groans, his eyes scanning the balcony to try to figure out just how he wants to set up the lights. He thinks stringing them around the top of the trellis and down the sides will work since he can’t really hang them on the glass railing. “I love you, but that is not something I’m going to talk about with you.”
“Your mind is dirty, brother.”
“The tone of your voice was absolutely salacious.”
“It was perfectly innocent.”
“I don’t believe you’ve ever been innocent.”
“I am as pure as the driven snow.”
“That’s a lie if I’ve ever heard one.”
“Well, according to you I lie to my wife all the time.”
“Because you do, and you’ll continue to until I ask Emma.”
He’s eternally grateful for a lot of things, but in this moment, there’s nothing he’s more grateful for than the fact that he stopped speaking when he did. He didn’t see Emma come into the apartment through his view from outside, and he definitely didn’t see her make her way outside. She’s already changed into her pajamas, warm flannel and thick socks covering her from head to toe. He has no idea how long she’s been home, but he could have ruined absolutely everything there.
Every cent that he’s worth comes from acting, and he can’t manage to act in his personal life when he really needs to.
“Who’s that?” she mouths, crossing her arms over her chest and walking further toward him.
“Liam,” he says aloud, opening his right arm and letting her come to stand beside him, tugging her close and kissing her temple in greeting. She’s warm, so much warmer than he is. He hasn’t even put the lights up yet.
“Why are you saying my name?” Liam asks, his voice raising in pitch.
“I was telling Emma who I’m on the phone with,” he explains, rubbing his hand up and down her waist. He’s not sure if it’s to warm him or her up.
“Tell him I said hi.”
“Tell her I said hello.”
He chuckles at that, their timing of their demands almost identical. Emma and Liam are two peas in a pod for two people who had a bit of a rocky start. It was all Liam’s doing, but everything seems to be fine now.
“Emma said hello,” he tells Liam, knowing that Emma can likely hear the conversation now. “I’m going to let you go, okay? Text me later. You still haven’t told me what I need to get Aiden for Christmas.”
“Preferably a new aunt.”
He practically drops his phone at that, the glass screen only saved because he does manage to get his bearings. Man does he hope that Emma did not hear that.
She probably couldn’t over all of the hysterical coughing that he’s doing.
Has he officially turned into a madman.
“Bye,” he coughs, not able to get anything else out even with the way that Emma is patting his back.
“Are you okay, KJ?”
“Y-yeah,” he sputters, trying to take a few deep breaths before he looks down at Emma, dipping his head to quickly slide his lips over hers. He can briefly taste chocolate, which means that she stopped for a milkshake on the way home. He’s not sure if that’s a good sign for her day or a bad sign. “Hello, darling,” he mumbles, greeting her properly. “How was your day? How did the presentation go?”
“Can we go inside to talk about it? It’s nothing bad. I’m just really freaking cold and want to sit down on the couch. Besides, I don’t think you’re ever going to get these lights up tonight.”
“I could.”
“You’re not going to.”
He nods before they walk inside, Emma’s steps hurrying until she’s inside first, practically jogging down the hallway to the living room, grabbing a blanket out of the basket and curling up into her favorite corner of the sofa before he even manages to get into the living room. She’s either full of energy or really got that cold in such a short amount of time. Emma should most definitely be used to this weather, but she is cold natured.
“So,” he hums, plopping down on the opposite end of the couch and sticking his feet next to Emma’s legs, “how was your presentation? Did you crush it?”
“Like Fat Amy.”
“Yeah?” he laughs, his eyes crinkling at her reference. He’s so damn proud of her all of the time, but he’s mostly happy that she likely doesn’t feel as much stress as she has been, even if the gala is still a little over a week away. “You’re amazing, Emma.”
“I know.” She winks, but he still sees the blush rise on her cheeks. “But thank you. I’m so damn excited that it’s over. I mean, I’ve still got the actual gala, but I’m only in charge of a little of that. But John and Ella gave the stamp of approval on everything. I’m free, baby.”
“So celebrations are in order then?”
“If by celebration you mean some hot chocolate that you spike with your good rum, then yes.”
“You’re not interested in decorating the tree?”
“Maybe after I’ve had something to drink. And eat. And maybe after a nap. Ooh, and after catching up on Superstore.”
“So never?”
She reaches forward and grabs his toe, wiggling it a little bit. “Later. I promise we’ll decorate later. You know how I feel about Christmas now.”
He does, and they do.
It’s slow going. Emma takes awhile to get up and get her drink, her exhaustion from weeks of stress hitting her the slightest bit, but once she’s had her hot chocolate (rum included) and watched two and a half episodes of Superstore, she gets up off the couch and they start decorating the tree. With the two of them, it doesn’t take long. Really, it’s pretty quick, even if Emma keeps leaving giant spots in the tree without ornaments. But it does get done.
As do the lights out on the balcony, the white glow covering the trellis. It mixes in with all of the lights of their other apartments and some of the boats down below, but really, all he can think about is the fact that if he can manage to get Emma out into the cold again, this would be a nice spot to ask her to marry him.
Then again, if he truly thinks about it, it doesn’t really matter where or how. He thinks it’d be just fine to ask her like they are now, curled up on the couch with Emma’s head resting on a pillow in his lap while he threads his fingers through her hair, lulling them both to sleep with the comfort of it all.
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