#i could really use some mojo right about now that's for sure
Happy STS!
(I hope your fine with me sending you an ask)
What inspires you to write? Are there things that you know that you can get inspiration from or does it just come randomly?
Happy STS, Aria!
Many things inspire me to write! My dreams, a friend's writing, my friends wishing they could include smth but not being able to and then I steal it *cough* lol, bad writing for a good idea I think I could do better, or just pure hyperfocus on a current story are some off the top of my head.
These things really just come randomly, unfortunately. I can't just pull something up when I need the mojo. It just has to come to me :')
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wlntrsldler · 6 months
poisoned mercury | end up here
a/n: i'm going FERALLLLLLL over this chapter. enjoy poisoned mercury's debut album hehe.
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iv. end up here by 5sos
series masterlist | previous | next
“your band name doesn’t even make any sense,” you argued, eyes narrowing at the boy in front of you. 
luke crashed your secret spot, again, and refused to let you smoke in silence until you gave him a detailed explanation of how your day went. he knew you didn’t smoke every day, only on days that were particularly hard. he noticed that your bad days always had something to do with your dad, but it didn’t feel like the right moment to bring that up. 
anyway, you got fed up with his badgering and that stupid smirk on his face because he knew you were about to crack, and decided that if he was going to act like a toddler, you would too. hence, why you were now bringing up his band name. 
luke took offense to that because he thought the band name was cool. he was the one to suggest it. he crossed his arms over his chest, trying not to let his hurt show on his face, “what do you mean? poisoned mercury is a sick name.” 
“mercury is already poisonous. your band name is like redundant or some shit.” 
“then why did so many people in history ingest it?” luke asked, recalling the one thing he remembered from his high school history class before he dropped out. he took a drag from his cigarette, turning his body a bit so the wind didn’t blow the smoke directly in your face. 
“they fucking died, castellan,” you replied, deadpan. 
“oh,” he blinked, staring off, “i didn’t know that.” 
you rolled your eyes, a habit that you’ve picked up whenever you were with him and sat back down on the bench. luke joined you, silent as he thought about what you just said. he really needed to stop zoning out during lessons, but since he was already out of high school, he guessed it didn’t matter anymore. 
as much as you hate to admit it, luke castellan was growing on you. sure, he got on your nerves like nobody else– the boy just doesn’t quit– but, he wasn’t half as bad as you originally thought. not that you’d ever tell him that though. 
when you got back to the cabin last week after helping with concert prep, the cabin was spotless. there were no empty red bull cans in sight, the table tops were free of crumbs, floor vacuumed and mopped, and there was even a candle burning on the counter. you approached your bedroom door to find a post-it on the handle. luke’s messy writing was smudged around the corners, but you could still make out what it said. 
“five star, 
i snitched on the boys and my mom will have a stern talk with them about their cleanliness. can’t promise that people will stop talking about me, but i can promise you won’t have to live in the dojo casa house mojo or whatever it was. 
ps i’m using the spot tomorrow, just thought i should let you know. maybe we can set up a calendar for reservations. 
luke :)” 
the cabin hasn’t been as messy since. whatever may castellan told the boys worked like a charm. there was still the occasional trash, but nothing crazy. it smelled better in the cabin too, still like a boy, but it smelled like expensive cologne more than anything. cedarwood and pine. 
and thankfully, the luke castellan hype train was starting to run out of steam, with many people finally realizing that he was also just a human being and the surprising revelation that luke castellan was not entertaining anyone during his time at camp helped with it as well. you still heard whispers about him here and there, but you were glad the topic of conversation was beginning to switch to something else. 
you and luke walked to the gym and back home every morning together. he and the boys sat with you and clarisse during meals. they tagged along for music lessons and spoke to the kids, which they really appreciated. they helped the older campers with writing music, luke particularly. you’d been around a few musicians in your life and many of them only kissed ass when your dad was around, but poisoned mercury was different. they were passionate about their music. that was clear.
after a conversation with clarisse, where she managed to convince you that not all musicians are like your ex, you began to let loose a little bit. you hung out with the boys more, partly as an excuse so clarisse could hang out with chris without causing too much suspicion, and found that you actually enjoyed their company. and luke castellan? well, he wasn’t half bad. that doesn’t mean he got off easy though. 
you took a hit of your vape, facing him, “are you done interrogating me?” 
“for now, yeah,” he smiled as you shook your head. “are you coming to the concert tonight?” 
“well, i did help organize it.” 
“a simple yes would’ve sufficed, five star,” luke teased, relighting his cigarette. it was burning unevenly and luke was never one to waste his cigarettes. “you gonna watch us play?” 
“don’t have a choice. dad wants me there the whole time.” 
“you can act a little excited,” luke ran a hand through his curls, “we are pretty good, you know.” 
“i know,” you hummed. the sun was beginning to set and there was a slight breeze in the air. goosebumps formed on your skin, the t-shirt and denim shorts you wore didn’t offer much comfort. you shivered, “i have listened to your music.” 
“are you cold?” 
your teeth chattered, but you shook your head, “i’m fine.” 
luke took off his hoodie, tossing it in your direction, “take it.” 
“no,” you tossed it back to him, “told you i’m good.”
always so stubborn, luke thought.  
“if you catch a cold, that’s not on me,” he placed the hoodie on the bench between the two of you. “which songs have you listened to?” 
“kilby girl, of course. it played on the radio so much when you guys first dropped it,” you said, remembering the days where you and your hometown friends would blast it in the car. it reminded you of high school, reckless decisions, life-long memories, and the thrill of knowing you were going to be playing the sport you’d worked so hard to excel in at a d1 level in the fall. you looked at him, sincerity in your eyes, “i really like family line. it might be my favorite.” 
luke’s eyebrows shot up. not many people talked about family line. it was probably their least streamed song. they never performed the song on tour because it was difficult for luke to sing it. it was a personal song to him. it was inspired by his relationship with his father, or lack thereof. 
when poisoned mercury first got signed to olympus records, luke sent a message to his dad on facebook. luke hadn’t tried to contact him since he was ten, not since his father returned his letter to him unopened, no response but a “return to sender” stamp plastered over the envelope. but after the small congratulatory party his mom set up for the band after they signed, luke felt like a little kid again, a kid who wanted to share the great news with his dad, so he found his dad on facebook, made an account, and sent him a message. 
he didn’t get a reply, which was expected, but it felt good for a second to pretend that he had a father to tell his good news to. luke thought he didn’t care about whether or not his dad was proud of him, but when his message went from “sent” to “read” a few days later, he was brought back to those moments in his life when he cried and wondered why he wasn’t enough to make his dad stay. he wrote family line in one sitting, on his bed in his bedroom in connecticut, looking at the little league medals on his wall that seemed to mock him. 
he originally didn’t want it on the album because he felt like it didn’t fit the vibe of the rest of the songs and that it was too real, too vulnerable for a debut album, but then he played it for his mom and she loved it. she cried when she first heard it and luke knew that even if people didn’t like the song, he was going to put it out for his mom. 
“huh,” he cleared his throat, trying to regain his composure, “wasn’t expecting that one. thought you’d be more of a crash my car type of girl.” 
“i like that too,” you shrugged, “but family line. that song. i don’t think i have the words to describe it.” 
“thanks, five star,” luke looked down at his feet, taking a puff from his dying cigarette. “that’s my mom’s favorite, too.” 
“did you write it?” 
luke nodded, looking to face you. there was a new expression on your face, one that you’d never used with him before. it was a mix of disbelief and awe. he tried not to get offended that you didn’t think he could write something like family line, but he couldn’t blame you. he didn’t really portray the type of person who would be able to be that raw and vulnerable on a song. “me and trav write the lyrics for our songs, mostly. chris and connor help too, but the bulk of the lyrics are me.” 
“you need to stop doing that.”
he cocked his head to the side, crushing the cigarette butt on the hardware of the bench, “doing what?” 
“surprising me,” you shook your head, “i don’t like it.” 
“i don’t know what to tell you,” he chuckled, leaning back on the bench. he looked out into the lake, watching the sun disappear behind the mountains, “i have layers. you just gotta give me a chance.” 
“how do you do it?” you sat criss cross on the bench, leaning against the arm rest. “how do you write like that?” 
you’d always been curious about music, even if you weren’t good at it. your dad was never one to answer your questions, especially because you were interested in lyrics more than anything, and that wasn’t his forte. 
luke mimicked your actions, “i dunno. personal experience, i guess?”
you frowned, thinking about the lyrics of family line. luke never talked about his dad, but spoke highly of his mom. was family line based on his own life? if it was, his dad was an asshole. 
you relented to the cold, grabbing the hoodie that he left in between the two of you. you ignored the triumphant smile on his face when you draped the sweater over your bare legs, shielding them from the wind chills. 
he continued, “sometimes things happen to me that get me worked up and i have to write a song about it. sometimes, it’s based on my imagination. it depends.”
you wanted to ask him about his dad, but you didn’t know if he considered you guys friends yet. it’s not like you made it easy for him anyway. you could deal with the banters and annoyance, but you didn’t want to push him to talk about something he wasn’t ready to. you could be a dick, but you weren’t cruel. 
you changed the subject, “okay, let’s play a game.” 
“21 questions?” luke bit his bottom lip, trying not to laugh. he waggled his eyebrows, dodging your arm that reached out to smack him. 
“you’re gross,” you gagged, knowing the implications of the game, “no, i’m gonna ask about the songs on your album and you tell me if it’s real life or from your imagination.” 
“alright, go for it five star,” he beamed, propping his elbows on his crossed knees. he loved talking about music with anyone. he could go on and on for hours. 
“real,” luke snorted, remembering the first time travis pitched the idea for the song to the band, “but not my experience. it was trav. he met this girl at one of our gigs in new york, right after we got signed, and he was obsessed. she was a freshman at nyu and she kept telling him he was too young for her, even though she was just less than a year older. trav was hooked.” 
you could picture it. it was definitely something travis would do. “okay, another one of my favorites. only angel?” 
“not real,” luke shook his head, a slight blush creeping up on his face. “if you tell anyone, five star, i will vehemently deny it, but i had a crush on jade west from victorious and i wrote it about her.” 
there was something about jade west that made luke like a love-sick puppy. ignoring the fact that she was hot, her attitude was something that luke was attracted to. she had a tough exterior and acted like she didn’t care about people, but she had her moments where she was soft and kind to the people she cared about the most. luke liked that. the idea that someone could be sensitive but only to the people they deemed worthy. 
he’d spent so much of his life trying to be worthy, in whatever way the stage of his life defined it, and he craved it– a pat on the back, an approval, a confirmation that he was worthy of it. 
you threw your head back laughing, surprised by his ridiculous confession. the sound of your laughter rang across the woods, making luke smile. your voice echoed throughout the trees and he his senses were surrounded by you. it hit luke like a truck. 
he sucked in a breath, taking out his phone. he jolted from his seat for more than one reason. “shit, five star. we gotta go.” 
you took out your phone too, checking the time. your eyes widened as you got up from your seat. you threw his hoodie over to him, “fuck, we’re late.” 
the two of you raced out of the woods, arriving to the concert venue with flushed faces and rapid breaths. you could feel clarisse’s knowing eyes on you as you got ready for the concert. you tried your best to ignore it. you were going to deal with that later. 
“and for the final event, i know you guys are looking forward to this one,” your dad laughed into the mic. the sun was long gone and there were disco lights illuminating the stage. a smoke machine was on either corner, making it difficult to see the bottom half of the stage. you and clarisse stood in the front row, listening to the deafening cheers of the campers. “ladies and gents, welcome poisoned mercury!” 
the screams got louder which you didn’t even know was possible. travis entered the stage first, sticking his tongue out as he expertly twirled his drumsticks around his fingers. connor came in next, smiling and waving at the crowd as he plugged his guitar into the amp. chris walked in with his bass strapped around his neck, eyes immediately finding clarisse and sending her a shy smile. you nudged her teasingly, enjoying the way she blushed under the lights. 
then luke castellan walked in. he ditched his hoodie and t-shirt and walked in with a white tank top on, messing with the curls on his head. he tugged on the silver necklace around his neck as his eyes scanned the crowd. he threw a wink to the group of the older girls in the back, turning to travis to let out a laugh at their reaction. the lights on the boys were blinding and a thin layer of sweat already began to form on their skin despite the bite to the air. 
luke took center stage, picking up his guitar. he leaned over directly in front of you, fingers pretending to mess with the wires connecting his guitar to the speakers, “hey, five star.” 
he straightened his back before you could reply. clarisse’s eyes darted between you and the boy, now nudging you like you did to her earlier. you rolled your eyes, smiling at the rest of the boys as luke began talking on the mic. 
“what’s up, camp half blood?” luke screamed into the mic. the crowd roared. “we’re poisoned mercury and we are so happy to be with you guys here this summer. before we close out this awesome concert, i wanna introduce our lovely band.” 
“on drums, we have the one and only, travis stoll!” luke turned around to applaud travis as he did a little drum solo, head banging as he hit the drums. he turned to connor, “on lead guitar, we have the amazing connor stoll!” 
connor strummed his guitar, leaning over on the left side to soak in the applause of the crowd. the girls beside you swooned as he unleashed one of his award-winning smiles. 
luke faced chris, “and on bass, we have my very best friend in the entire world, my 4lifer, chris rodriguez!” clarisse cheered loudly for chris as he played a tune on his bass, mouthing, “love you, brother,” to luke as he played. the crowd quited for a second as luke addressed them again, “and my name is luke castellan. we’re poisoned mercury!” 
you turned around to look at the crowd. the size of the crowd tripled when the boys got on stage. everyone had a smile on their face, excited to hear them play. 
“the song we’ll be singing for you guys today is from our debut album,” luke adjusted his mic on the stand. he got closer to it, lips touching the metal, “this is only angel.” 
you couldn’t help but let out a laugh at their song choice. this was not the song they were supposed to sing. they’d been rehearsing kilby girl for the past week. luke saw your reaction, laughing along with you. 
the instrumentals began and you nearly missed the beat drop because of the cheers from the crowd. as the song progressed, the boys were one with the music. you watched luke sing, working the crowd like a pro. his skin glistened under the spotlight, beads of sweat tricking down the side of his face. he approached chris when the chorus started, dragging his mic stand with him. he swung his guitar around so it rested on his back as he sang the lyrics. his curls were sticking to his forehead, eyebrows raised in glee as he performed. 
you couldn’t take your eyes off the lead singer, not even when the rest of the band had their own solos in the song. your eyes were glued on luke; how his adam’s apple was on full display as he threw his head back, getting lost in the music, how his arms flexed as he wrapped the mic cord around his fist, how his thin tank top stuck to his body and how it raised when he lifted his arm up to bring the mic closer to his lips. you saw the outline of his abdomen and his v-line. 
but what really got you was his face. he looked at peace on stage, a wide smile on his face, full lips pink and glossy as he licked them in between verses. he looked incredible up there, like that was where he belonged. he was born to be on stage like this. 
“fuck,” you mumbled, applauding at the end of their song. luke’s eyes found yours as he sang the last bit of the song, smiling at you. you hoped clarisse couldn’t hear you talk to yourself. you looked down at your feet, tugging nervously on the collar of your shirt, “i get it now.”
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daffi-990 · 11 months
Wip Wednesday ✍️
Tagged by the lovely @jesuisici33. Be sure to check out what they shared 😊
I had a little bit of writing mojo for The Lightning Amnesia Fic and have the day off tomorrow so fingers crossed I’m able to get some more done … maybe even finish it 🤷🏻‍♀️(wishful thinking haha)
This is a continuation of the last snippet I shared for this fic, which you can find here
Buck’s frame shakes with barely contained laughter as Eddie removes his lips to crane his neck so he can see his son. “Sorry, didn’t mean to offend your sensitive eyeballs”. He adds an eye roll for good measure.
Chris returns the eye roll with one of his own, “Just save it for later. I’m happy for you guys and everything, but no kid wants to see their parents being all”, he gestures at the two of them with one hand, "this".
Parents. It’s just one word but it has Eddie’s heart lightening up like a fucking Christmas tree. Chris sees Buck as his other dad. Fuck, he’s so ridiculously happy right now he could cry, and by the shine in Buck’s eyes, he’s in the same boat. Eddie loosens his hold on Buck and moves his hands down to his waist, squeezing gently.
“Hey buddy, you may want to look away cos I’m about to kiss Buck now”, it's the only warning he gives Chris before he’s using the hands on Buck’s waist to turn him so they’re standing chest to chest. Buck’s hands come up to drape over his shoulders as Eddie leans in to kiss him, swears he can taste the happiness on Buck’s smile. He wants to dive deeper and relish it on his tongue, but Chris is here and dinner is cooking and they only have a few more hours until they’ll be alone where they can lose themselves in each other. His nose brushes along Buck’s as he pulls back from the kiss.
“Later” he promises before pulling away to open the cupboard, grabbing plates amd cups for the table. He can feel Buck’s gaze lingering on him and looks over his shoulder to find Buck’s eyes tracing his body, looking him up and down with a hunger that has a pool of warmth forming in Eddie’s belly. The way Buck looks at him, he’s never felt so wanted, so desired and if he keeps it up, well Eddie only has so much will power and really doesn’t want to traumatise his son by dropping to his knees in front of Buck right here in the kitchen.
Buck’s lips curl into a smirk like he knows exactly what’s running through Eddie’s mind. “I’m holding you to that”. His voice is low and full of promise and Eddie feels himself shudder in anticipation.
“Like I’m going to forget” he mutters under his breath. Buck hears him anyway and chuckles quietly before turning back to the stove as Eddie makes his escape to the dining room to set the table, Chris following after him with the salad and rolls.
No pressure tagging: @exhuastedpigeon @lover-of-mine @giddyupbuck @fortheloveofbuddie @forthewolves @thewolvesof1998 @hippolotamus @callaplums @callmenewbie @spotsandsocks @wikiangela @eddiebabygirldiaz @monsterrae1 @steadfastsaturnsrings @wildlife4life @rainbow-nerdss @rewritetheending @try-set-me-on-fire @athenagranted @devirnis @disasterbuckdiaz @honestlydarkprincess @hoodie-buck @ladydorian05 @loserdiaz @captain-hen and as always, anyone else who wants to share 💕
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weirdgirl92 · 6 months
So, I looked up the article for WatchMojo’s “Top 10 Darkest Powerpuff Girls Episodes”, just for funsies. Most of their picks are pretty understandable, but some of them are complete bullshit, like this one for instance:
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I’m sorry, but…huh??? I mean, sure, The Sandman being forced into an endless cycle of insomnia is rather harsh, given that he hasn’t had a good night’s sleep in a long time, but there’s nothing particularly dark or scarring in that episode. It’s quite possibly one of the silliest, most lighthearted episodes of PPG to date.
This next one’s also a big head scratcher for me, especially since it’s ranked above much darker episodes on the list like Tough Love, Power-Noia, and Knock it Off…
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Okay, listen, I love this episode as much as the next Powerpuff fan, but really, the only genuinely “dark” thing about Twisted Sister was the ending. I’m sure a lot of us back in the day were sad when Bunny died (I was too), but one sad ending doesn’t automatically make it a “dark episode”.
However, the worst thing about this list, are the honorable mentions…
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Now, you could make a case for Octi Evil, and maybe Candy is Dandy, but the other three are laughably ridiculous! Yes, Boogie Frights does have a spooky, Halloween-esque atmosphere, but what’s so dark about it, aside from Buttercup’s scary story at the beginning?
Also, saying that A Made Up Story is somehow a “dark episode” is truly asinine. How exactly is an episode about a supervillain whose only gimmick is to paint everything in gaudy makeup even remotely dark?! Not only is it a terrible choice for a “dark episodes” list (let alone an honorable mention), but it’s just a terrible episode in general. It has everyone act completely out of character throughout the whole thing, especially Blossom!
And Supper Villain?? PUH-LEEZE! Like I’d ever take an episode like this seriously!
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I get the feeling the folks at WatchMojo didn’t see enough of the original Powerpuff Girls series, because I can name 5 episodes right off the bat that are way darker than most of those honorable mentions:
Mommy Fearest
The Headsucker’s Moxy
See Me, Feel Me, Gnomey
Insect Inside
Mr. Mojo’s Rising
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anonymousewrites · 5 months
Adolescent Antichrist (Book 5) Chapter Eleven
Father Figure! Lucifer Morningstar x Teen! Reader
Demon! OC x Reader
Chapter Eleven: That was the Most Mature Advice You’ve Ever Given Me
Summary: Lucifer gets and, surprisingly, gives good relationship advice.
            “So you woke up with Chloe—congrats by the way—and now you can’t use your mojo?” said (Y/N), tilting their head.
            Poor Lucifer’s power had been “stolen” by Chloe after they finally, finally, worked things out and got into a proper relationship. Now, (Y/N) was very proud of Lucifer, but they also weren’t surprised that somehow things had already hit a roadblock since Celestials were apparently terrible about understanding when they were self-actualizing or whatever.
            Also, (Y/N) wanted to bang their head against a wall because everyone was getting into a successful relationship except for them since the world seemed determined to interfere with them and Em. Marcel and Leon? Easy. Noa and Olive? Took a bit to get going but happened. Chloe and Lucifer? So many problems but they were together.
            (Y/N) and Em? (Y/N) wasn’t sure, but maybe God was against them having a love life.
            Still, their own gay pining wasn’t going to stop them from helping out Lucifer where they could. They wanted their dad and Chloe to have a good relationship. They would be good for each other.
            “Yes. She can ask people what they desire, and I can’t,” sighed Lucifer. “It worked on me!”
            “I think that’s hilarious,” said (Y/N), grinning.
            “But…But what if I’ve become powerless?” said Lucifer. “Then I can’t help her, and I can’t protect you.”
            (Y/N)’s heart thumped at the kindness of their dad. “I’m not worried about that.” They smiled. “And if I’m honest, I think it’s just you deciding to be vulnerable around Chloe. You’re willing to share your true desires with her because you feel comfortable with her.”
            “…What about the other people she asked?” said Lucifer hesitantly.
            (Y/N) rolled their eyes. “It was one person, and one person might just be nervous or something,” they said. “I don’t think humans can steal Celestial power. This is just you getting nervous about being vulnerable.” They smiled. “Relax.”
            Lucifer took a deep breath. “Yes. Yes, you’re right.” He looked at (Y/N). “I’m sorry you always have to remind me of these things.”
            (Y/N) shrugged. “I don’t mind.” They shifted. “But, uh, I wouldn’t mind some advice.”
            “Advice?” asked Lucifer. “About what?”
            “Dating. Relationships,” said (Y/N).
            Lucifer froze. “…Has someone asked you out?”
            “Well, no, but I want to ask someone out,” said (Y/N). “And I don’t know how to do it.”
            “Are they even worthy of you?” said Lucifer instantly. “Do they treat you well? You’re Celestial, literally royalty, and I don’t want anyone who doesn’t treat you well going out with you!”
            (Y/N) rolled their eyes and turned bright red. “Dad! It’s not that serious!”
            “Your first relationship.” Lucifer began to pace. “I mean, I’m happy for you, but I can’t believe it! I’m not prepared at all. How are dads supposed to act about dating? Should I be against it? For it?”
            “How about you just support me and give me some helpful advice?” suggested (Y/N).
            “Who is it?” said Lucifer, eagerly turning towards them.
            “…Em,” said (Y/N).
            “Emeranne?” Lucifer blinked. The young demon was (Y/N)’s age, and they’d known each other for years now, but if he remembered correctly, they had started out not getting along. “When did—how—huh?”
            “I don’t know,” said (Y/N), shrugging. “It just kind of…happened. I became their friend, her best friend, and now I really like her. I want to ask them out.”
            “…Okay,” said Lucifer.
            He could approve of Em. He knew they would never hurt (Y/N). In fact, she was more loyal to (Y/N) than she was Lucifer, King of Hell. They would treat (Y/N) the way they deserved. Plus, they were also non-human, so she could understand that aspect of life, too.
            “You approve?” said (Y/N), surprised but pleased.
            “Emeranne is a good choice,” said Lucifer, nodding. He smiled. “And they will treat you how you deserved to be treated.”
            (Y/N) relaxed. They were glad Lucifer would support their relationship, if it ever happened. “Yeah. I know they will. And I want to treat them well.” They cleared their throat. “But, uh, I don’t know how to ask someone out.”
            “…I’m not great at it,” admitted Lucifer.
            “Yeah, but you and Chloe are dating,” pointed out (Y/N). “I just need a little help about how to not be…nervous about this.”
            Lucifer smiled and held (Y/N)’s shoulders. “(Y/N), you are a good person. You’re helpful and strong and kind. Anyone would be lucky to date you. Em knows who you are. You just need to be honest and trust in yourself.” He hugged them. “And if it doesn’t work out, there will be someone else.”
            (Y/N) let out a nervous laugh and hugged Lucifer back. “That was the most mature advice you’ve ever given me.”
            “Don’t talk to your father that way,” teased Lucifer.
            (Y/N) laughed, and Lucifer smiled at seeing their nerves abate.
            “And although you protect so many people, I’m here for you when you need it. Even if I am a mess,” said Lucifer softly.
            (Y/N) hugged him tightly. “I know, Dad. I know.” They could count on him. They were incredibly lucky and happy to have him. After so many years of being with biological parents that didn’t support who they were, (Y/N) had Lucifer. They had a good dad.
            “I got your text, Maze,” said Em, walking into the empty Lux. “What’s the matter…” She trailed off as she saw Maze holding a drink in her hand and wearing an old, demonic outfit. A demon blade rested on the counter. “Maze? What’s that doing out?”
            Maze huffed and downed her drink. “I wanted a fight.”
            Em raised their hands. “Yeah, I’m not interested.”
            Maze scoffed. “I know that. You don’t fight because (Y/N) would get mad at you.”
            “Well, they can kick my ass, so it’s a pretty good idea to listen to them,” said Em brightly.
            Maze rolled her eyes. “You’re soft.”
            “I’m not going to take that to heart because you don’t look like you’re doing well,” said Em, sitting down next to Maze. “What’s up?”
            “Amenadiel didn’t want to fight me, so now I’m more pissed than usual,” said Maze.
            Em gave Maze a look. “I know that you’re upset about something, and it has to be from before Amenadiel didn’t want to fight you. I mean, no one just tries to fight Celestials.”
            “He’s a good fight, and then he’s a good f—”
            “Don’t finish that sentence,” said Em, making a face. “You’re just avoiding the question.”
            Maze groaned and just poured herself another drink. “How do you do it?”
            “What?” said Em.
            “Act so…human,” said Maze. “Doing this ‘feelings’ thing.”
            “I’m not acting human,” said Em. “I’m just acting like myself.”
            Maze scoffed. “I don’t believe that. I mean, you act like you like being on Earth. We’re demons. We’re not made for that.”
            “I like being here, actually,” said Em.
            Maze froze. “You…You do?”
            “Yeah,” said Em. They looked at Maze. “Do you not?”
            “I don’t belong here,” said Maze. “I just don’t. I’m not like humans.”
            “Humans don’t actually care,” said Em.
            Scoffing, Maze glared at them. “Yes, they do. So then I just have to be alone.”
            “You have Linda. And Ella. And Chloe. And even Dan,” pointed out Em.
            “They don’t really like me,” said Maze.
            Em let out a loud laugh, and Maze looked at her in surprise.
            “Maze, you’re a personality,” said Em. “And I can assure you, if they didn’t actually like you, they wouldn’t hang out with you.”
            “…You really think so?” said Maze, dubious.
            “Yeah,” said Em. She smiled. “And I like you. So just…focus on that. Having fun with friends helps make Earth fun.” They chuckled. “If I had to guess, it’s probably the same for humans.”
            “I doubt you’re right, but I’m desperate, so I guess I’ll give it a try,” grumbled Maze.
            “Right,” said Em, rolling her eyes.
            “Hey, Em,” said (Y/N), walking into her room.
            “Oh, hey, Birdie,” said Em, taking off their headphones and letting them hang around her neck. “What’s up?”
            “I saved my dad and Chloe’s relationship,” said (Y/N), sitting down on Em’s bed.
            “Really?” laughed Em.
            “Yeah, just had to remind my dad that he self-actualizes again,” said (Y/N). They rolled their eyes fondly. “He’ll get it eventually.”
            “Especially if you keep drilling it into him,” teased Em. “You’re a tough one.”
            “Someone has to be,” said (Y/N), leaning back. “But anyways, what have you been up to?”
            “I talked to Maze,” said Em. “She just needed some advice on making friends on Earth.”
            “Celestials are bad at social cues and relationships, aren’t they?” said (Y/N), chuckling.
            “We’re not exactly ones to talk,” said Em wryly.
            “Maybe not, but at least I’m straightforward,” said (Y/N). “I handle myself and my situations.” They sat up and looked at Em. “Actually…that’s what I wanted to talk about.”
            Em froze, and nervousness raced through them. Was (Y/N) going to address the strangely intimate moments they’d been having? Fear clutched their heart. Were they going to tell Em they didn’t like it? Excitement pulsed through them. Or were they going to tell Em they liked them?
            Em swallowed and tried to compose herself. “Oh? What about?” They tried to seem nonchalant, but her voice cracked nervously.
            “Us,” said (Y/N), getting straight to the point. They squared their shoulders and looked at Em. “Listen, Em, I don’t know if I’ve been imagining it or if it’s just been the heat of the moment, but you and I…there’s been something going on. And I just want to be honest and say that I like it. I like you. A lot. Like, in the romantic sense.”
            Em stared at (Y/N) as their cheeks turned pink and her heartbeat raced. “You…you really like me?”
            (Y/N) nodded and smiled. “Yeah. I do. And I just want to be honest. You deserve to know how I feel.”
            Em reached out and took (Y/N)’s hand. “You deserve the same.” She grinned. “And Birdie, I really like you too.”
            (Y/N) felt a large smile spread across their face. “Would you want to go to prom with me, then? As a date?”
            “I would,” said Em, still grinning like an idiot. They moved closer and swallowed nervously. “Can I…Can I kiss you, Birdie?”
            Heat rushed to (Y/N)’s cheeks, but they giddily nodded. “Yeah. You can.”
            Em leaned in, and (Y/N) leaned in. Nervously, Em and (Y/N) kiss. They pulled back almost instantly afterwards, way too nervous since that was both of their first kisses.
            “Was that, uh, okay?” said Em.
            “Yeah,” said (Y/N), smiling shyly. “It was.”
            Em smiled back. “I’m glad.”
            (Y/N) felt light as a feather as they ran upstairs to tell Lucifer that they had confessed to Em and it had gone fantastically—they had a date to the prom they had a date with Em they had a date with Em holy shit!
            “Hey, Dad!” said (Y/N), rounding the corner. They slowed as they saw Chloe standing with Lucifer on the terrace. “Oh, uh, sorry to interrupt.”
            “Oh, no, it’s alright, (Y/N),” said Chloe, smiling. She understood as a coparent of Trixie that parents needed to prioritize their kids, so she wasn’t going to interrupt (Y/N) looking for Lucifer.
            “(Y/N), is everything alright?” asked Lucifer, instantly on the attack in case (Y/N) was in danger or needed help.
            “Oh, yeah,” said (Y/N) quickly. “I just wanted to let you that I took your advice, and it…it went well.” They smiled.
            Lucifer grinned. “I’m glad!” He hugged them. “I’m so proud of you.”
            “Something good happened?” said Chloe, smiling.
            “Uh, yeah, I managed to ask someone out,” said (Y/N), smiling nervously.
            Chloe smiled softly. “Emeranne, right?”
            (Y/N) froze. “Was it that obvious?”
            “Yes,” said Chloe, chuckling.
            “It wasn’t to me,” said Lucifer, blinking.
            “Well, you’re not the most observant,” said (Y/N), and Chloe laughed.
            “Oh, dear, I don’t like the two of you getting along,” said Lucifer, making a face.
            “Get used to it,” teased (Y/N). “If Chloe’s going to be around more, then we’re going to be teaming up more.”
            “That’s very unfair,” sighed Lucifer.
            “Someone has to help (Y/N) keep you in line,” laughed Chloe.
            The three chuckled and stood side-by-side, almost like a little family.
            The penthouse elevator doors opened, and they all turned to see Dan, looking very fragile, stepping out.
            “Dearie me,” said Lucifer, laughing. “Still suffering with a bout of the old trotskies, are we?” He took a friendly step towards Dan.
            Dan reached into his pocket and drew his gun. Chloe and (Y/N) froze, and (Y/N) tensed. The shadows around their feet swirled angrily.
            “I was only joking, Daniel,” said Lucifer, frowning.
            “Dad…” said (Y/N) worriedly. “Please step back.”
            “Dan? What are you doing?” said Chloe, staring in fear at the gun.
            Dan swallowed and tried not to look at her or (Y/N) as he focused on Lucifer.
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stargazing15 · 2 years
What a timing
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Bob x Fem! reader
Summary: Your friendship with Bob was going in the right direction and then the call came.
Warnings: mentions of alcohol, some innuendo's, but nothing's happening here, protective Hangman
Previous: Hello again - Next: Worth the wait
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It's been a week since Bob stayed over for dinner and things have been wonderful. You were currently on your way to the Hard Deck with your coworker, who was still going strong with Phoenix.
"Sometimes I start to doubt who Nat is dating, me or you? Because all she talks about is you." Your coworker/friend joked, even though it was mostly truth. In a world dominated by man, she was extremely happy you were back, she liked the guys, but talking with you was different, gossiping on a ... higher level.
"What can I say? I found my mojo back and no one is safe now." You joked back.
"That's my girl, so," he interrupted his question for you to quickly park his car, "where was I? Right! Do you think you and Bob could ever, you know?"
"I miss him so much." Your eyes started to water.
"Oh sweetheart, I didn't mean to to make you sad."
"No, it's not that, ever since we started to talk again, he's been getting a place in my heart again. I really like, no love having him around. And sometimes I want to jump him, he might look cute underneath those glasses, but the thins that man did with me. I'm just so scared he is going to hurt me again."
"You two will figure things out, I'm sure of it. I'm so happy you gave him a second chance. You two are so perfect together."
"Thank you, come here, big hug and we can crash their clubhouse." You winked at your friend.
"Look who is here! Sunshine, we missed you, A LOT! Damn you look fine as hell." Hangman and Coyote picked you up and threw you in the air. Okay, maybe you missed these two goofballs too.
"Don't let her fall on the ground, morons."
"Calm your tits mother hen, she's safe with us, have you seen our muscles?" Both men flexed their arms at Rooster once they put you back on the ground.
"Missed you too guys, by the way, apparently I have to thank you Jake, for smacking some sense in Bob."
"My pleasure and if he's ever doing something stupid again or bothering you, give me a call."
"I guess you will have to wait your turn, Nat is going to eject him first."
"Well Phoenix, I don't say this a lot but apparently we're on the same team."
"Don't try anything funny."
You ignored their little bickering contest and went to greet Payback. "Hi Rueben, how are you and the kids?"
"Everything good, both still the smartest and goofiest of class and the oldest, you know him, wrapping everyone around his fingers, he's going to be a heartbreaker."
Your conversation with Payback got interrupted by Hangman noticing Bob entering. "How dare he show up here? You need us to escort him out?"
"Jeez Jake, YOU calm your tits, I'm on good terms with Bob. Do I need to put a leash on you, or can you be a good boy?" Everyone almost fell on the ground by your answer from laughing. Hangman growled and resumed his darts game with Coyote.
Bob quietly joined the group, still a bit scared of the them when you're around.
"Hi Bob", you started, letting everyone know it was alright for Bob to join, "the guard dogs won't bite, put a leash on them." You joked while pointing at the darting duo.
"H-hi." Bob was lost, completely lost in his world where only you and him were at the Hard Deck, admiring your soft features and your beautiful smile. "How are you? You look really beautiful." He was again as nervous as the day he met you. His mind started to wander off as he finally noticed the dress you were wearing. He had to snap out of his thoughts or he would have lock himself in the bathroom to take care of some business. That dress was perfect on you, accenting your features on the right places, but more importantly, he remembered the last time you were wearing it with him, or rather how soon it ended up on the ground.
You noticed Bob's thoughts wander off and secretly you were happy your little sneaky plan was working. He still likes the dress.
Phoenix pulled you away from the group for a little interrogation, actually saving Bob from getting hard in front of everyone.
"You are so wearing this on purpose!"
"Maybe I am." You tried to look as innocent as possible at her.
"Oh my god, you want him back, don't you? Are you sure you're going to make it this easy for him?"
"I never said I was just going to take him back. The man has got sweat to get me. And to make sure he really wants me."
"And I always thought you were a innocent one. Under that cute smile of yours hides a woman I like a lot! Make 'em sweat, if you need any help, give the sign. And I sure think some others like to help too." She high fives you at your plans and made you way back to the group. Phoenix of course keeping your friend up to date with your plans. He send you a wink to let you know he was on board with your plan. But you didn't expect him to go to guard dog number 2 and whisper something in his ear after send you a smirk. They already started something.
After getting a drink, you joined again, positioning yourself across Bob. After a couple sips, letting the alcohol work, you were still feeling a bit uneasy about making Bob sweat. It all was unlike you, but he had to learn his lesson.
Suddenly you felt Coyote's breath on your neck. You stiffened, counted to three and took another sip, finally relaxing on the inside, you turned your body to Coyote. He had made himself comfortable on a barstool, spreading his legs wide for you to join by sending you a wink. You had barely joined him and you felt already a bunch of stares burning on the back of your head, but Bob's stare burning the most as the others stares turned in to smirks knowing what was going on.
"I'm so nervous Javy, what if he backs out?" You whispered in Coyote's ear, still trying to be convincing by your act.
"It will all be okay, the guys will make sure of that. Now let's make that idiot jealous, giggle after this." Your body made a half turn so Bob could see you better as you giggled. That was what you were doing for the next hour, whisper in Coyote's ear and giggling when he whispered something back. Eventually you and Coyote were talking about his massive sneaker collection, most importantly his newest additions, the man was proud of his babies.
And Bob, sweet Bob was sweating, what was happening? You two were finally on good terms, he thought you were still single, so something in him believed he still might have a chance. And just like that Coyote was glued to you, making your smile. Was that why you called him one of your guard dogs, of course Hangman being the second one as he was Coyote's best friend. Did you call him that because he was guarding your heart now? He wanted to sink in the deepest, darkest hole. Wait, was this how you must have been feeling?
"Now watch this." Coyote whispered in your ear with a hinting smile and gently put his warm hands on your hips so you could face Bob again completely.
Rooster and Hangman were talking to him and he looked flushed, but still adorable. You weren't able to hear them, but you could definitely read 'come on' on their lips, right before Bob stood up and made his way over to you.
"H-hi do you think we could talk for, for a second beautiful angel?"
"Of course, let's go for a walk." While making your way to the door you turned your head to mouth a 'thank you' to Coyote.
It was not cold outside but it felt a bit chilly, probably your nerves taking over. Bob made a little o with his arm signalling you could link your arm in his, what you gladly did.
"Uh, so, you and, you and Coyote. Are you happy? I didn't know you two..."
"He's nice and caring."
"I'm sorry if I have overstepped."
"I can't do this anymore, Bob," you came to a halt and faced him, "there is nothing going on with Javy, he was helping out, getting back at you."
"Wait, so you're not-, they all knew, oh" Suddenly it clicked in his head and he took you in his embrace. You nuzzled you nose immediately in his chest, letting yourself go for a moment, forgetting everything and enjoying the moment. When the embrace ended, you both stayed silent and looked each other in the eye, it felt comfortable and neither wanted to move or say anything. It felt like everything around you paused. It was just you and Bob, Bob and you. And what was it hard not to give in just like this, but the look in Bob's eyes made you relax, it said that it was okay like this, don't rush, enjoy. And you did, your heart and mind relaxed and found happiness in this moment.
Until his phone went off, it was not the ringtone you were used to hear.
"No no no, it's work," he saw you raising your eyebrow, "the ringtone is different. This is Lieutenant Floyd."
After the call ended, Bob's expression softened again, but the tension in his jaw was still visible. "We have to go to base." Everyone got the call he explained, he made sure you were able to go home safe with your coworker before leaving with the rest. They looked like they had a competition going on for the grumpiest face.
"Do you think they have to go?" You coworker asked worriedly.
"I'm afraid so."
"Did you patch things up with Bob? I liked the show to be honest, don't break your head over it, I know you. He still deserved a little payback."
"Almost, the call came at worst timing possible. I'm a little scared."
"Me too, come on let's go home."
That night you couldn't find much sleep, tossing and turning in your bed. What if this was a dangerous mission? What if the Navy didn't let them say goodbye?
The next morning you got a text from Bob asking if you could join him on the parking lot of the Hard Deck asap. Never in your life you have been able to get yourself ready this quickly.
You've seen him a dozen times in his khakis and still je managed to take your breath away. The moment he saw you he came running towards you, making your bodies collide in a hug.
"I'm so so sorry beautiful angel, we have to leave today. It's an urgent mission. They don't give us much time to say goodbye. Normally family and partners are allowed on base to say goodbye, but you're not on my list because we're not dating and-"
"It's okay Bob, when do you have to leave?"
He looked at his watch and panic hit him, "f-fifteen minutes."
"Do you remember when we talked about you job? And that I might want to curse at the Navy sometimes?" Bob smiled a little at the memory. "Let's do that together."
You both turned yourself facing the sea and counted down, "one, two, three ... stupid dipshit!" "horseshitting fuckface!" You fell on the sand of laughter at Bob's choice of curse words. When you recovered from laughter a couple of minutes later, Bob stuck out his hand to help you up. When you reached his hand with yours, he accidentally used more force to help you up than expected. Your face was now so close to his, you could feel his breath on your lips. Having the thought in the back of his mind that with any mission the possibility existed he might not come back, he leaned in and kissed you. Feeling the train of thought spooking in Bob's head through his lips, you kissed back.
"Beautiful angel. Sorry, I-"
"No sorry, I know Robby, I know, be safe. Come back and we'll talk further. Say hi from me to everyone."
Bob took you in his embrace for the last time before leaving. This time he had to make it back, 100%. He was going to fight for you and win back. The kiss and you calling him Robby again just confirmed him it was all going to be worth it .
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Taglist: @mrsjaderogers @cycbaby @bradleybeachbabe @mavrellover91 @rhirhikingston @luckyladycreator2 @iamdannyday @callsignwidow
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#006 Sins of the past
You approached Princess Morbucks and her friends...friends probably isn't the right term considering she was yelling at the boy and didn't seem to know the girl. It was entirely possible that they had only met today. Of course you did wonder how such a passionate argument could have broken out between strangers.
"You should know exactly how serious I am about this, Dexter. There's a huge vaccum in the market for villains right now since Mojo disappeared, and since I'm so generous I'll even fund your evil schemes." As always, Princess is pretentious and demanding. No surprises there. You do listen closely though, since you want to know exactly where Mojo might have disappeared to. It's possible that Blossom didn't tell you the entire truth
"I've already told you. I don't do that anymore. I broke off our contract for a reason" The guy in the lab coat, supposedly named Dexter, now speaks. He speaks in a thick accent though you can still tell he's upset. He has curly red hair and wears headphones though you can't tell if they're playing any music
Princess: "Didn't you used to be in a rivalry with Mandark? He's the top ranking right now?"
Dexter: "That's not my problem anymore"
Princess: "So you're just letting him be better than you?"
Dexter: "I already hurt someone important to me once, I don't want to risk it again"
Princess: "What, is this all because you fell in love with a Powerpuff girl?"
Dexter: "It's more-"
Princess: " I saw Blossom here and she hasn't said a word to you, so clearly she doesn't feel the same~"
Dexter: "That's not-wait, isn't that the reason you quit too?"
Princess: "Literally shut up right now"
Dexter: "Because I recall reading a tabloid magazine about how Bubbles left you because you che-"
Princess: "ENOUGH!"
All 3 of you were silent and just stared at her until you spoke.
"Wait, who's Mandark again?" The black haired girl looks like she's about to say answer you but then changes her mind. Princess speaks instead because of her need to dominate any given conversation.
"Oh...you're here. Greeeeeeeat". Of course she doesn't like you. Your last interaction ended with you and your brothers refusing to let her join you. But you were also like, 5. She still seemed petty though.
"Of course you wouldn't know someone that famous. Is it because you were never a real villain? But anyway he's like...mad scientist guy. Reads a lot of nerd shit but actually makes it kind of cool. It's called like...cloud rock or whatever"
"It's called steampunk...For someone acting like she's the grand authority of villainy, you really need to do more research. Anyway I saw him here earlier. He has like black hair, and some stupid cape"
"Oh uh-" You remember that description exactly fits the guy who you just punched. Thinking about it further, a future supervillain interning on whatever weird project had them kidnapped made a lot of sense.
"I may have taken him out...Didn't kill him but uhhh" You showed your now stained gloves, expecting a freakout but they seemed almost uncomfortably calm. The black haired girl looked as if she wanted to say something but realized she probably shouldn't. The guy in the lab coat seemed to smirk a bit. Princess, as always, looked annoyed.
"So...if whatever villain contract you were talking about is open, you should probably be offering it to me, if anyone" You weren't sure if it was something you actually wanted...but job security sounds nice. Even with someone as annoying as her.
"Yeah that's...never gonna happen. If a hero just wants to rely on physical strength and powers that's one thing. But villains have to be smarter. And you...I don't think you have that. Sure, your dad was a real villain. Regardless of my personal feelings I can't deny Mojo's impact. But you and your brothers...you were just a scheme. A means to take down the Powerpuff girls. And that's all you'll EVER be"
Rage flashes through you again but unlike last time you hold back, though your gaze is terrifying. She knows enough about you to know that you can shoot lasers out of your eyes.
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ttwt episode 12
“Last time, on Total Takes, World Tour: Our surviving- I mean, remaining- teens ate, prayed, and loved in beautiful Rome, Italy! With an even number of players, the teams were divided in two- one half sent to a brutal, vein-popping, blood-spilling cooking challenge, and the others almost died in the arena. Tensions rose between Ass and Courtney, who’s promise to return to normal fell through the cracks faster than Team Friendship took the fall, leaving Mojo and Yaoi to share first class… much to everyone’s dismay, hah! With Mal and Albert coming to the same conclusion about the aforementioned, we’re just on the cusp of some class A drama! Will either of them spill the beans? Who will be mauled by man-eating lions this time? Find out right now, on Total Takes: World Tour!”
Without its usual two teams, economy class feels emptier than usual this morning. No one is really talking- with nothing to say about the game, there’s not much to say at all. None of the remaining players are here to chat, after all… except for one bubbly blond. 
“Good morning! Rise and shine, everyone!” Kelly beams, walking into the cabin with a large tray in their perfectly manicured hands. “I have a special treat for you!”
Max opens his eyes groggily, staring at them as if they’d come barreling through the room with a Mariachi band. “Please tell me it’s ear plugs,”
“Nope! Breakfast in bed,” Kelly says, gracefully dishing out plates from the metal tray. “Well… breakfast in bench.”
They laugh at their own joke, as sunny and high-spirited as ever. Bonnie rolls their eyes. 
KELLY: “The team could use a little cheer… after all, we’ll be together for a few more days at the least- why not make the best of it?”
Max sets the gruel-loaded plate aside and turns over in a vague attempt to fall back asleep. Bonnie notices him sulking, and quickly turns away, taking a bite of what looked like oatmeal to dissuade anyone from striking up a conversation. Max sulks further, and they sigh. 
“Fine. What’s wrong now?”
Bonnie grits their teeth- they were already going out of their way to be friendly, but they wouldn’t play cat and mouse with him. “Okay, good. I’ll just go back to my side of the cabin, then,”
They stand, ready to return to their seat without another word, and Max shoots up. “Wait!”
“There we go,” they sigh, sitting back down on the bench beside him. “What’s up?”
“I just… don’t feel right about this. When I could keep an eye on him, sure, but now? They’re off in first class, talking about who knows what, doing who knows what…” he trails off, shaking his head. “It’s not that I don’t trust her, I swear- he’s just shady. I know he’s up to something.”
Bonnie sighs, vaguely gesturing around. “Listen, I’ve told you a million times. Albert is just some guy. He’s a little eccentric, sure, but…”
They stop when they could tell Max wasn’t listening. He stares dead ahead, out the window, lost in his own thoughts. They stand, mumbling “Why do I even bother?” before returning to their original seating. 
Kelly scooches over to them. “You’re being a real team player, Bonnie. I’m so proud of you!”
Phillip licks his plate clean and sets it aside. “Yeah, you’re kind of like the team mom!”
Bonnie visibly cringes at this, standing and walking to the least occupied corner of the cabin. 
First class is positively buzzing this morning, but not in a good way. 
Julia rolls over in her seat, covering her ears as Mal’s phone goes off for the umpteenth time. The aforementioned brunette is happily dozing, sleeping away without a care in the world as another loud chime emanates from her pocket every other second. 
Finally, Michela snaps. “Can you just take it from her already?”
“No way. Last time I tried, she woke up and tried to bite my fingers off!” Julia snaps right back, whispering harshly. “If you wanna risk a pinky, be my guest!”
The two begin bickering back and forth, forcing Albert to sigh loudly and retreat to the confessional. 
ALBERT: “It’s essentially just what I thought- Michela is too caught up in the manure of human drama to make good decisions for the team. I suppose I’ll have to take the lead on this one. My first target? The goody two-shoes,”
“Guys, please stop fighting! Save your energy for the game!” Courtney chides, speaking down to the two like an exhausted substitute teacher. 
After a few moments of standing between them, Michela and Julia finally give in and sit in silence, exchanging glares with deep purple eyebags. Mal’s phone goes off again. Courtney smiles, and takes a seat next to Ass. 
They chuckle. “Way to go, Mama Bear,”
“Oh, it’s nothing,” Courtney shrugs. “I just figured if us, of all people, can put our differences aside, then mediating other conflicts can’t be too hard. I may not be a leader, but I can scold.”
“I know,” Ass sighs, rolling their eyes. The two giggle between each other for a moment before Albert returns from the bathroom, glaring at the display. 
ALBERT: “I have my ammo. I could tear apart Team “Yaoi” any time I like. But I need to reveal the information in a way that seems inconspicuous. I can’t be too excited…”
He takes his usual seat next to Michela, across from Julia, and clicks his tongue. 
“What’re you looking at me like that for?” the blonde snaps, turning up from where she’d been picking her nails. 
“Nothing. I just…” he sighs dramatically. “Never mind… I just feel sorry for you.”
She turns red, and almost raises her voice to a shout before the intercom clicked and Chris’ voice covered her berating. 
“Gooooood morning, passengers! It’s a bright and sunny morning over the Atlantic ocean, and we are dropping in hot! LITERALLY! You all have about two minutes to grab a chute and jump head-first into the water before we throw you out ourselves. Good luck!”
There was a split second of nervous glances and tensions lifting before every teen jumped from their seats and ran to the cabinet where Chris had left a bundle of packs. 
“I hate that man,” Courtney growls, buckling the chute around them. 
Ass shrugs. “At least we’ll outlive his ancient ass,”
The two snicker. Albert glares before quickly turning to Julia with a sympathetic expression. 
“Here, let me help,”
“HEY!” she hisses as he pulls her in and snaps the parachute pack around her with a strange amount of expertise- or rather, confidence. Michela watched the interaction with a mystified expression. 
Once Albert returns to her side, she whispers. “What’s with the touchy-feely? We hate her, remember?”
He tsked again and shakes his head. “I’ll explain the whole thing later. For today, let’s take it easy on Julia,”
Michela stares at him, frozen in shock. Before she can comment on his sanity, Albert grabs her and drags her out of the plane, Team Yaoi following closely behind. 
The screams of the teens fade out as they release their chutes and land delicately on a floating platform in the middle of the sea. Chris stands on one end, in a red beanie and blue windbreaker, checking his nails. Once the teams are less disoriented, he clears his throat. 
“Welcome to the Atlantic Ocean! We’re somewhere about, say… days from any sign of land, so you better get comfortable,” he chuckles. “Today’s challenge is all about the great unknown- the ocean! Did you know that-”
“We’ve explored more of our own solar system than the ocean. Yes, we’ve heard that one a million times,” Max says, crossing his arms. Chris glares. 
“Alright, Smart Guy. Then I’m sure you’ll really enjoy being under that ocean, alone, for the next few hours, right? ANYWAY, as I was saying- today’s challenge is all about exploration. Each team will be cramming in this teeny tiny little submarine in order to find some of these!” Chris says, tossing each team a rolled up sheet of paper. Max catches theirs and unfurls it, squinting. “And before you say anything- that is, indeed, a treasure map! The first time to uncover the buried booty wins immunity, and first class privileges. Last team to the surface will sleep with the fishes. Hope no one here is afraid of sharks!” he gives the teams a big, toothy grin, as three small yellow submarines surface out of the inky depths. 
Michela swallows a lump in her throat. 
MICHELA: “I hate fish, I hate the ocean, and most of all- I hate being underwater. I am a proud landlubber, and no amount of gold and jewels is getting me into that thing!”
Team Yaoi bounds into their submarine first, closing the hatch tightly behind them. Team Friendship follows, having to half-drag, half-persuade Bonnie to enter an enclosed space with their teammates. 
Albert huffs as he studies them. “Looks like we won’t have much competition today, right? Michela?”
He turns to see her completely stiffened and sheet-white, as if she’d died and gone into rigor mortis. Albert raises an eyebrow. 
“No, no, no, no! You can do it by yourself, I’ll stay up here!” Michela shouts, clawing the docks as Albert drags her to the submarine hatch. 
He narrowly dodges a kick from her platform boots and huffs. “We… are… a team! We do this… together!”
“I can’t!”
“You WILL!”
ALBERT: “I know you’re probably wondering why I’ve suddenly decided to put so much effort into this nonsense. The answer is this: when you have no purpose in life, then you can get really rich and spend the rest of your days a hollowed-out shell of a human being… but in a yacht. Plus, this gives me something to do so I don’t have to focus on… all that,”
Michela cowers on the floor of the sub, curled into the fetal position. Albert mans the captain’s seat, flicking switches and tapping lights. 
“Seems set. Are you sure you’re not going to vomit? Passing out is okay, but we’re going to be stuck in here with a limited air supply, and I don’t want this place to smell,” he asks, looking at her from over his shoulder. 
She shudders. “I’ll… I’ll be okay… I didn’t eat this morning…”
A red light suddenly illuminates the dashboard and Chris’ voice sounds over a small speaker. “Testing, testing! This right here is your only communication with the outside world- use it wisely! You can also broadcast messages to your fellow teammates, like so- just press that button under the speaker whenever you want to talk, and your message will be sent out to all receiving parties. You have about three hours of oxygen. Good luck!”
Michela shakes, wrapping her arms around herself. Albert turns back to the dashboard and rolls his eyes. “Beginning descent,”
Julia squints ahead as their submarine swims through the depths, dodging schools of fish and volcanic mounds. 
Courtney stares at their faded-out paper. “The map seems to indicate the treasure is in some kind of cave system, just up ahead,”
“Oh, great. Even deeper!” Ass sighs, leaning against the back of the sub. A large shadow casts over them from the window behind them and they quickly turn, but there’s nothing there. 
“Stop being such a scaredy pants, the ocean is nothing to be afraid of!” Mal scoffs, pulling her phone out of her pocket. “I can give you a prayer if you need something to- wait- no- NOOO!”
“WHAT?!” Julia and Courtney ask in unison, whirling around. 
“I have no bars!”
JULIA: “Did she hit her head on something? That chick has been all over the place- one minute she’s a genius, next she’s back to being a lapdog. Unless she has early onset dementia… something is up,”
Despite having the same number of players as Team Yaoi, Team Friendship’s submarine seems much more crowded. Kelly and Phillip are hovering over Max, one on either side of his shoulder- the blonde is ooh-ing and ah-ing at the colorful fish out the main window, and Phillip is backseat driving by pointing out all the controls. 
“And that’s the water pressure gauge. It’s really helpful, because without it, we’d explode into a million pieces, and they’d never find our bodies. Because they'd be exploded into a million pieces,”
“Uh-huh,” Max says dryly, staring ahead. 
“I know a lot about World War Two submarines. I think I was destined for the battlefield,”
“Listen, this is all really fascinating, but this isn’t exactly rocket science. I’m sure I can handle it,” Max says, shooing the two of them away. “Bonnie, what does the map say?”
Bonnie hangs at the back of the group, sighing. 
BONNIE: “Sure, I’ve always been outcasted, and sure, people have never really liked me, but at least back then I didn’t feel this weird pressure to be nice and helpful all the time. It’s like… saying no is a bad thing to these people- but letting them walk all over me just makes me feel gross,”
“A few more meters and we should be at the mouth of the cave,” they say dryly. Kelly pats them on the back and praises their contribution to the team, which makes Bonnie cringe. 
Albert spits out a wad of gum and tears it in two, using the sticky substance to fasten the map to one side of the window. 
Michela is still cowering in the back, hands over her eyes to avoid looking out into the inky depths, which puts Albert on both piloting and navigational duty. 
“I’m sorry I can’t help more,” she quivers, blindly inching closer to the front. 
He sighs. “It’s fine. I won’t let us lose,”
And with that, he pushes the controls down and they begin their descent into the cave. 
“Roger, roger!” Kelly says into the speaker, their finger pressed flat against the red communication button. “How’s everyone doing tonight?”
“Kelly, that isn’t a toy,” Max says. They ignore him. 
After a moment, a response crackles back. “Hi, person from other team! We’re gonna getcha!” Mal squeaks. 
Courtney’s faint voice echoes in the background. “Mal, that isn’t a toy!”
The speaker dies again, and Kelly giggles. Max rolls his eyes. “How close are we?”
“Take a left at the next fork,” Bonnie says, staring at the map. Phillip inches over to them and peers over their shoulder, breathing loudly. They grimace. “Haven’t any of you heard of personal space?”
He leaps backwards. “Eek! Sorry! I’m just really good at reading old maps, especially for stolen treasure. In World War Two-”
Bonnie presses their hands over their ears and sulks. 
“We’re close- I can feel it!” Julia grins, leaning forward and pressing the controls onward, bringing their sub deeper into the cave. “No more sharing, no more other teams, no more fake pity- hello, victory!”
Courtney and Ass exchange glances, but don’t push. Mal, on the other hand, turns away from the phone she’d been holding to the roof, hoping for a signal. 
“Pity? Who pities the villain?” she asks. 
Julia sighs. “I resent that title, you know. And it’s not important,”
Mal leans over her shoulder, squinting at her. “I don’t pity you. Assney doesn’t pity you… Michela doesn’t, either…” a thought occurs to her suddenly, and she frowns. 
MAL: “So, Albert knows about the Assney kiss. Big whoop! He’ll never spill. He’s totally evil, I know- I’ve seen his confessions! But he’s also a big mopey baby, and he’s cautious around Michela. I’m leagues ahead of him,”
“We’re too far behind,” Albert says, checking the sonar on the control panel. His blip is comically behind the other two, with Team Yaoi in dead first. “If we can-”
Ksssssh. The speaker crackles to life again, and Chris’ ever-grating voice rings out through the depths. “Team Yaoi has entered the treasure chamber!”
“Shit!” Albert yells, looking around. If they lose- he’ll be forced to vote for Michela, something he didn’t want to risk. “Crap… I didn’t want to do this yet, but…”
He sighs and pushes the speaker button, putting on a cheery tone. “Good job, Team Yaoi. You guys really deserve the win. Or, should I say, Julia deserves the win,”
Back in the Yaoi Submarine, everyone turns to the blonde with raised eyebrows. Mal’s eyes are wide. Ass scoffs. “What’s he mean?”
“After all, it can’t have been easy… people going behind your back like that, forsaking the team for their own selfish wants,” he shook his head. “I’m just glad you won’t have to vote anyone off today.”
Ass and Courtney go pale as Julia leans over and presses on the button. “What are you talking about?”
Mal squeaks. “Wait-!”
“You really don’t know? Now… I just feel even sadder,” Albert’s voice said- his tone was depressed, but there was a twinge of glee in his words. “Ass and Courtney-”
“I SAW ALBERT AND MICHELA KISS!” Mal blurts out, shouting into the speaker. 
Everyone falls silent. The feedback from the other end disappears, indicating Team Mojo has backed out of the communication line. Ass and Courtney blink, both too stunned to speak, and Julia just looks sick. 
The crackling resumes, but it sounds much clearer than before. A new voice speaks. 
“You. Saw. What,” Max hisses. 
Mal leans in, nodding to no one as he teammates stare. “In the confessional! After the Los Angeles challenge!”
“What are you DOING?” Julia hisses, her eyes narrowing. “What’s your angle here?”
Mal hushes her. “I was waiting for the right time to say something… after I’d posted about it, of course… but I just couldn’t keep it in!”
The line goes dead again. 
Everyone in Team Friendship is pale. Even Kelly’s sunny disposition is clouded over, and Bonnie looks like they’re about to diffuse a bomb. “Max…”
But none look more mortified than Team Mojo themselves. Michela has been snapped out of her anxiety, and is now staring straight out the window in shock. Albert grits his teeth. 
ALBERT: “I can’t believe it. I’ve… been outplayed. It’s almost impressive,”
A faint ding sounds over the speaker, but Chris doesn’t have to urge anyone on before they burst into a musical number. 
Max scoffs. “Girlfriend kisser! I knew he was a jerk, and now you’ve gone and dissed her,”
“Sure, he had his moments, but we’re not gonna miss him now!”
Mal sings along over the intercom, a grin breaking across her face as her impulsive move rides out. “Girlfriend kisser!”
“You’re gonna get- what’s coming to you- if it’s the last thing, I ever do-oo-ooh!” Max continues. 
“That’s right!” Mal eggs him on. “That’s right!”
“That’s right!” the two sing in unison. 
Max clears his throat and goes on. “Let’s go a little back, you got McLean sacked- 
“Then he got out, you hack!” Mal continues. “And you set out for your attack!”
“All those times I knew you were bad news- I was right, it was true!”
Julia scoffs to herself. “Duh, it was so obvious!”
“Girlfriend kisser!” They sing in unison. 
“You are not her new mister- you’re a jobless, vegan, nasty blister!” he huffs, jobbing his finger at the speaker as if it’s a person. “Girlfriend kisser! You’re gonna get, what’s coming to you- if it’s the last thing, I ever do-oo-ooh!”
The communication cuts out and Team Yaoi stares at each other, flabbergasted while Mal grins maliciously. Ass and Courtney share a guilty look, but neither one of them says anything.
Mal turns back to the team with a wide grin. “Well? Let’s win this thing!”
Max slams on the submarine brake, holding them in place. He huffs and turns to the rest of the team. “Change of plans. We’re on a suicide mission- Team Mojo CAN. NOT. WIN!”
Bonnie grimaces. “I hate to be the last sane person on the team, but do you think that’s really-”
“YES, it’s necessary! Let’s move!”
Bonnie grumbles but concedes as he turns the sub around. Both Phillip and Kelly look to them nervously, the blond leaning in. “Um, shouldn’t you stop him?”
“Why should I do anything? I’m not your mom,”
“Yes, but I mean… you’re a voice of reason. Everyone listens to you!”
They grunt, and cross their arms. “Well, maybe you shouldn’t. Max- go get them!”
He nods back to Bonnie and speeds up, the goth smiling wickedly and watching as Kelly and Phillip watch, flabbergasted. 
“Bonnie, don’t you think that’s a little mean to-”
“No! You know what? I’m sick of playing nice! I need SPACE!” They shout, storming off to the back of the sub (which albeit, only took a few steps). “You can like me all you want, but I don’t owe you anything!”
Phillip and Kelly wince at their outburst. Max chuckles and presses on. 
MAX: “It’s about time they learned about the wonderful world of boundaries. Sometimes they remind me too much of a dog that wasn’t socialized enough as a puppy,”
Michela is still in shock as Albert presses on, speeding deeper into the cave system. His plan may have backfired, but there’s no stopping him now- except for Team Yaoi flying by in the opposite direction, treasure chest located firmly between the claws of the sub. 
“CRAP!” He shouts, quickly turning around. It’s a race to the surface now- and all inhibitions are gone. 
“Follow that sub!” Bonnie shouts, pointing dead ahead at Team Mojo. Max grimaces and speeds up, going as fast as he can. “Get them, Max!”
Just as they’re about to ram into the back of the yellow sub ahead of them, it breaches the surface- Team Friendship just behind. Chris’ voice crackles over the speaker, now clearer.
“Team Yaoi has won the challenge! Team Friendship, as the last ones to surface, you’ll be up for elimination. Ciao!”
And with that, his voice disappears. 
“For the last time, Mal is a liar,” Albert says, storming through economy with Max shortly behind. Michela is sitting on one of the benches, hunched forward as if about to be sick. She hasn't once said a word since they docked, and based on the pale and sickly complexion she's sporting, no one has pushed her.
“How should I know? Mal's the only one who’s treated me with any DECENCY!” he shouts. Albert grits his teeth. 
Bonnie, Phillip, and Kelly watch the display with tired eyes, none enjoying the back and forth that’d been consuming the cabin for hours. 
First class is much different. Courtney and Ass are attempting to sleep, though none have been very successful so far. Julia is huffing, pacing back and forth. 
She spoke aloud as she walked the length of the cabin. “Mal did something insanely impulsive, incredibly risky, and just smart enough to win- she’s keeping something from me,”
“So? She’s a pathological liar who likes watching people squirm. Tell me something new,” Courtney yawns, turning over in their seat. 
The blonde growls. “I’m not talking about her weird Chris McLean photocard Etsy or her AO3 account. I mean she’s hiding something big time, and it’s starting to irk me,”
Ass and Courtney looked between each other nervously. 
COURTNEY: “Could Mal have… no, no, she wouldn’t know. There’s no way! She probably just lied to get a kick out of it... right?,”
“Welcome one, welcome all- what a day!” Chris chuckles. Max glares at him so coldly it makes the host shiver. “...Alright. Kelly and Phillip, you’re safe. Max, you’re partially responsible for the team loss today… and Bonnie, you might be the only person he would’ve listened to, and you egged him on out of spite! Hah!”
The campers stare back blankly. He clears his throat. 
“But your team has voted, and decided that only one of you is expendable- and one of you is not,” Chris says, bouncing a bag of pretzels in his hand. “And that expendable person… Is…
…Bonnie. Sorry, dude, you’re out!”
They stand, breathing a quick sigh of relief. Bonnie graciously accepts the parachute from Chef and turns back to their team one last time. 
“I hope you all learned a valuable lesson today-”
“Don’t push someone to their limit?” Kelly smiles nervously. 
“Don’t kiss Max’s girlfriend?” Phillip says, earning himself a sharp glare. 
“NO! Well, I guess- I mean, never mind. The lesson is to leave loners alone. We’re not all secret saps, you know,” they say, pointing. “And Max… man, good luck.”
And with that, they jump. Chris wipes a crocodile tear from his eye and gives scattered applause. “Beautiful!”
Max stands and storms off. 
“Okay, I acted impulsively. So what? I panicked! What was I supposed to do, let that rat take my prize blackmail?” Mal scoffs, pacing back and forth. A few rats perched on the boxes surrounding her give a round disapproving squeaks. “Sorry. I just mean… Albert is a snake, that’s what he is. And I won’t let him win.”
“You’ve made the correct decision. A later blow to your team can cause far more damage than an early one. He is quite the fool,”
The words are spoken with a faint smile, half amused, half in agreement.
The air in the cargo hold is stale and stuffy, towers of crates and luggage rising above the two teens like a jungle of pleather and plywood. Rats scutter around Mal’s feet, scaling her clothes and scurrying past the cross-legged boy sitting adjacent to her. 
“I know. But there’s no way he’s coming back from this,” she grins wickedly, crossing her arms. “And if I can get Max on my side… Well, then that’s just easy-pickings until the finale!”
Frollo rolls his eyes at her glee, though not necessarily in judgment, wrapping a rosary around his hand. “What ever. If you think you can adequately punish those degenerates, then by all means,”
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the-ragingenby · 3 months
Edit: AO3 Cross-post
Dear Fellow Traveler
When Spencer opened his eyes, he was surprised to find himself in the hospital with bandages wrapped around his forehead. “Oww.” He groaned a little, sitting up in his bed and glancing around.
He was in a perfectly white room that was a little too far on the colder side. At least he had a blanket, however thin it was. And they were kind enough to give him some comfy socks. No one was around. Spencer felt a little pang of sadness. I’m all alone.
This was soon remedied, however, as his room’s door gently opened, revealing Derek gingerly holding a box. “Spence! You’re awake.” He looked so relieved, and made his way to the bed, gently placing the box by Spencer’s feet. “Are you okay? How are you feeling?”
“I’m fine. Just a little sore, I think.” Spencer hesitated for a moment before going on. “I thought I was all alone.” He added softly.
“You’ll never be alone, Spence. Not while you’ve got me.” Derek said with a decisive nod. “I just had to run a little errand for you.” Now Spencer was confused. He carefully eyed the box as Derek opened it up.
Out popped Mojo and Milo, who let out little mews of greeting and picked their way across the bed to snuggle against Spencer. “Y-you brought them? How? Pets aren’t usually allowed…” Spencer gasped as he took Milo in his hands, running his hand over the soft fur.
“Well, it turns out that if you bother a doctor enough they’ll eventually give in.” Derek snorted, setting the box on the floor. “Besides, they missed you a lot. And I thought that being with them would be good for you.”
“You’re the best.” Spencer smiled, allowing Mojo to clamber into his lap and settle in with loud purrs.
“Yeah, I know.” Derek sighed, settling into the chair beside Spencer’s bed. They sat in relative silence for a while, save for the soft purrs of the kittens on his bed. But it needed to be broken eventually, and Spencer didn’t want to be the one to do it. He didn’t want to talk about what had happened…it still hurt.
“I know you probably need to interrogate me for information regarding…what happened.” Spencer murmured, unable to bring himself to meet Derek’s eyes. “I don’t know much that’s useful to you. Gideon kept all his stories and secrets close to his chest. I had to catch him in his best moods to get even a piece of a story out of him. He knew Marcus way back when, but I’m not sure if he knew he was the one stalking me. Hell if I even knew it was him.”
“Spence-” Derek began, but Spencer continued, unhearing.
“I know I’m a suspect. It’s understandable, but you have to believe me when I say that I really knew nothing about all this. I wish I knew where Gideon went, but I honestly don’t know. I wish…I could’ve stopped this all somehow but…” Spencer stopped talking then, his voice cracking as he bowed his head in defeat. “Sorry for putting you through all this.” He added with a whisper, holding the kittens close.
“Spence, hey, listen to me, pretty boy.” Derek murmured, leaning a little closer to him. “We don’t suspect you of anything, alright? You’ve been through a lot, so there’s no reason for you to be apologizing to me. I’m the one who should be sorry. I promised that I’d protect you, take care of you, and I couldn’t even do that right.”
“Nobody’s perfect.” Spencer snickered, good-humoredly. “But seriously, don’t feel bad. I got myself into that mess. I’m just glad you got me out. I almost didn’t think you’d get what I was referring to, but it all worked out.” Spencer adjusted the kittens’ positions so he could reach out to tentatively take Derek’s hand in his own. “I’m so glad you’re here.”
“I’d give anything to stay by your side, so long as you want me, Spence.” Derek replied easily, flipping Spencer’s hand over to kiss his palm.
“Like I’d ever want to get rid of you, dummy.”
Spencer was in the hospital for another day and a half before being cleared to go back home. Derek was glued to his side the whole time, even when Spencer insisted he go back to work. “If you get to take time off from the university, then I can take a few days off work.” Derek mumbled, tugging Spencer ever closer from where they sat huddled together on the couch.
“Your job is much more important than mine. I can afford to take some time off. But your team needs you.” Spencer replied, rolling his eyes.
“Yeah, but I need you. And I never get time off anyway. I deserve it.” Derek retorted, letting out a soft huff of laughter when Mojo and Milo skittered past, chasing each other down the hall.
“Alright, alright. But you’d better head back soon before Penelope starts blowing up my phone, wondering where you are and if I’ve kidnapped you.” Spencer decided, sounding mostly serious. Derek let out an amused snort, but eventually conceded to his demands.
“Won’t let nothing happen to you again.” He murmured, falling into a light doze against Spencer’s shoulder, not quite asleep just yet.
“Mmm. I know, Derek. And…thanks.” Derek simply responded by pressing a tender kiss to Spencer’s cheek and tugging him closer. Spencer couldn’t believe how he could be so astoundingly lucky. He’d always gotten the short end of the stick throughout his life and finally, finally, things were looking up.
He may have lost his mentor and spent years of his life constantly looking over his shoulder, but this…he would give anything to stay like this forever.
How could I have gotten so lucky?
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ozimagines · 4 months
Do you have any thoughts on what dating Dr Gloria Nathan would be like? Also I love this blog and hope that you are feeling better soon.
Awwww you’re too sweet! Honestly made this page just because I ran out of fanfiction to read so I was like I’ll just keep my fics here. Now I’ve got some regulars who seem to enjoy my work, plus a community of people as stoked on this show as I am. And thank you! Had PT today, which was ROUGH but now I get to write this! 🥹😁
Dating Dr. Gloria Nathan would include…
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Oh she’s had bad fucking luck when it’s come to love.
She’s ready. Ready to love with everything she has and then… the rug gets pulled out from under her. Who knows. Maybe it’s just not her thing.
She’s lost a little bit of that bedside mojo working in Oz. So when she’s asked as extra hands at the local hospital, she’s told she’s a little stand offish with the patients.
“Breath in. Breath out. Breath in.”
“Shake it all about?”
Her eyes flit up to see you on the bed, smile on your face.
“Oh, you’re joking sorry. I, uh, don’t get out much.”
“I can see that. Good for my health. Bad for yours.”
She chuckled again. You were funny.
“I knew you were gonna be a good doctor.”
“How so?”
“You were 30 minutes late. I’m not being a dick. My mom always told me be wary of a doctor that’s on time. It means they care about the schedule more than the patients. If someone needs extra care, they get it. I can tell, you’re a good doctor.”
She checked how many painkillers you were on, but found nothing.
“Is this a make a wish clinic? Do I get to make a request?”
“You’re not dying, but sure.”
“One night out with the beautiful but terrifyingly serious doctor? For a dying person’s sake?”
“Again; fractured wrist. Not dying.”
She’s giggling like a school girl by the time she leaves your room. She wonders if it wouldn’t have been a complete breach of protocol to leave her number with you, but shakes it off. She’s a professional.
When you leave the hospital, you wait by her desk.
“Mr/Mrs/Mx L/N-“
“Can you at least let me bring you coffee tomorrow? Or lunch on your break? Just to say thank you.”
“It’s not just a thank you, is it?”
“Nope.” 😇
She doesn’t really expect to see you the next day, but you’re holding eight coffees.
“What happened?”
“I realized I didn’t know how you take your coffee. So I prepared seven alternatives to the black coffee I got you. All the milks and sugars.”
Sister Pete is watching from her desk and can’t help but giggle. Gloria is taken a little off guard.
Somewhere Tim is being mopey because someone else likes Gloria.
“Thank you, you really didn’t have to go through the trouble.”
You smile good-naturedly.
“Not a trouble.”
She smiled at you and tells you she has to go take care of a patient.
“One of those many cups has my number on it. Maybe give me a call?”
She agrees and then continues to work. Her and Sister Pete have lunch together.
“Saw Starbucks came to visit you at work today.”
Dr. Nathan explained the situation.
“He/she/they’re really sweet but… I don’t know. Think I’m a little too uptight for dating right now.”
“I don’t know. Starbucks seems sweet.”
Sister Pete learns your name later but all she calls you is Starbucks.
You text for a little while, her always blowing you off because she’s busy, but she appreciates the good morning texts all the same.
She gets all red faced and bashful whenever she’s complimented.
She’s grown a thick skin in Oz that’s hard to undo.
You show up at the hospital, but she’s back in Oz for the day Sister Pete tells you. You look dejected and just say “oh. Thank you.”
“Why don’t you step back into my office. We can talk if you’d like?”
“I promise I’m not some stalker. We talked and she seemed really nice. I figured if she didn’t have the time I could make it for us. I don’t know. I think I’m just annoying her. I’m gonna stop now.”
Sister Pete listens to you non-judgmentally.
“Tell you what, if you don’t receive a text by tonight telling you that she’s interested, I think you should stop… just let me talk to her first. Figure out what’s going on.”
“You would do that?”
“For you. For her. For a little romance.”💝
You’re about to leave the room when Sister Pete says; “shd likes French toast, fluffy cats, and the beach.”
Sister Pete makes good on her word to talk to Gloria.
“I talked to Starbucks today.”
“He/she/they were here?”
“Yup. Asking about you. Wondering if they should stop pursuing you before they annoy you.”
Gloria thinks for a second. She feels badly for you, really. She does like you; the kind eyes and the jovial personality.
“Why are you dragging your feet? I can tell you care about him/her/them.”
“Since my husband-“
“And Tim and O’Reily. I know, Gloria. You’ve had terrible luck. But it’s never going to get better if you don’t take some chances.”
She thinks about what Sister says all day. All night. You get a text at two in the morning.
Hi, Mr/MrsMx L/N. I’m sorry I’ve been so aloof. I’d like to have dinner with you tomorrow if it’s not too much of a trouble.
You respond with this:
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She didn’t stop laughing for twenty minutes.
You to to the diner Tim took her to.
She always gets French toast. Has a love for it but hates cooking. She gets powdered sugar and blackberries on top.
You rapid fire questions to get to know her. Her small talk is crap.
She likes berry flavored anything. Gets way too into watching Judge Vonda B. She also loves swimming.
You ask what her favorite flavor of milkshake is. She thinks for a second.
“Orange dreamsicle.”
You surprise her with one on her shift the next day.
She finds she really enjoys being at around you. You seem to genuinely care about her.
It takes her a while to talk about herself without prompting. She’s just generally very closed off.
When you guys do go out, she prefers smaller things.
Wine tastings, cafes, book stores.
She prefers just spending time around you, not necessarily the whole city.
You find out she likes having sweet snacks while she works. Sister Pete lets you into her office one day in secret.
When she comes in the next day, her desk if filled with treats.
Pulparindos, pelon pelo rico, and revocladitas (watermelon, her favorite)
The Latinos are jealous lol
Murphy and Tim tease her a little for being so smitten.
When you come to pick her up from work one day, you meet them, Tim being a little bitter about losing Gloria.
“Wow, Gloria, it’s like they’re your boyfriend/girlfriend/partner.” -Tim teases.
Gloria looks at him, and then at you, and smiles:
“Yeah, I guess he/she/they are.”🥰
You love seeing her work; she’s so passionate.
You deal with a few O’Reily jabs here and there
After a while, Gloria is able to talk about what happened to her. With Keenan.
You hold her as she cries and tell her she’s safe.
She really does feel safe with you.
Everyone at work notices her smiling more, that broken look in her eyes is gone. 😄
You learn she’s not bad at cooking, but she hates it, so you cook often.
She likes to watch you cook as she does her work at home.
She’s stupid for the Harry Potter series. Remembers reading them as she was getting her doctorate.
(Not so much after Joann’s newest rants but that wasn’t really known in the early 2000s.)
She likes to marathon the movies.
You find her novelty food like the Bertie Bots every flavored Beans, chocolate frog, popping chocolates.
She enjoys them all, especially when you dress up in your house robes for her.
She’s a Ravenclaw. All the way.
She likes gardening. Keeping a small tomato and cucumber garden. She grows MASSIVE cucumbers.
“Hey, we need to talk, Y/N.”
You get nervous.
“I just… I mean, I’ve said these words so many times I didn’t think I could still mean them. I love you, Y/N.”
You actually do dance in front of her this time. 😁
She’s a very good domestic partner. Always helps around the house no matter how tired she is.
You get married, because you decide together to get married.
She still plans a proposal.
Something small and personal.
She takes you to a secluded spot in the city. A rooftop of her old building, in her old neighborhood.
You watch the sky together, counting the birds and planes overhead.
“My life is better with you. I hope yours is better with me.”
The ring is simple. Just a band and a stone, but the stone is bright yellow like the sun. It’s a gorgeous ring.
The wedding is with all of the Oz crew. Sister Pete and Mukada congratulating you. Murphy making Tim not act like a mopey asshole the whole time. Howell is raiding the bar.
You adopt a cat together afterward. A beautiful rag doll cat that becomes your baby (even though you adopted older because Gloria said it wasn’t too late for anyone to find love)
Her/his name is Maria/Peter.
(For obvious reasons lol)
She speaks in Spanish to her little baby doll.
“Thank you, Y/N, for everything.”
“Te amo.”
“Te amo, Y/N.”😘
Bonus: You get Christmas sweaters to match every year. Usually with one half of a joke on one, and the other half on the other. No one can deny you’re a cute couple. ☺️
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May not look like it, but this guy is indeed part of the original continuity tmnt iteration I'm doing, called Sideways Skateboards. He's kind of this universe's "mystic force", like how rottmnt had the yokai and mystic mojo. More about him under the cut, as well as world lore for Sideways Skateboards.
His name is Hi Hi, which can be written as one word, two, or with a hyphen, and he's a self-described agent of chaos. The 'God' bit is untrue, as he's really more of a force, not something that people would notice and worship. In the Sideways Skateboards universe, North America looks a bit different. Here's a very sketchy map of it:
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Scientists theorize that this region of the world once looked very different, but some huge seismic or even meteoric event caused there to be a huge rift that carves right through North America and Mexico. That big red dot is New San Francisco, this world's combination San Fran and New York, and where the turtles reside. And unbeknownst to them, the land NSF was built on was the place where the great chaos spirit, Yonchi, made its last appearance 5000 years ago. Its said that the spirit had 2 sides: Hi-Hi, the creator, and Yonchi, the destructor. There used to be balance between the 2, but Yonchi became too greedy, wishing to blight the entire connected landmass. So Hi-Hi swallowed Yonchi whole, sewing his teeth with a needle and thread so they could never escape. But if he simply tried to hold back all the chaos in his throat, he would surely choke, so he opened great holes in his teeth so that little bits of negativity could leak out and keep him from dying.
WHOOF that was a lot of lore, but I hope everyone enjoyed it. I'm gonna be getting the first chapter of the TMNT: Sideways Skateboards fic out soon, so I can turn this into an actual thing and not just a few reference pics. For now, please enjoy a few more concept pictures of the 2 spirits. Cheers! Here's another of Hi-Hi...
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One of Yonchi....
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And one of them both.
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roninreverie · 1 year
Raph's Paper Powers:
I had this idea like a year ago and am never going to get around to drawing it out properly; plus, seeing yet another review channel doing the Frankenfoot episode has reminded me this has been sitting in my drafts for a lot of months. So ENJOY in the only way I can muster right now!
[The boys are standing around, Raph patching up Frankenfoot with the last of the tape. Leo and Mikey are praising his skills. Donnie is in the background, hardly paying attention and texting--probably April.]
Mikey: Wow Raph! You sure have a way with Frankenfoot!
Leo: Yeah. Any other paper ninja would be toast and a half by now, but he still looks great, even after all the sparring and wear n tear he goes through.
Raph: What can I say?  Raph just had the magic touch!
Frankenfoot: Buddy!
Raph: Speaking of… don't worry buddy,  Raph’s got ya covered. 
Leo: Oh, hey, I think there's a spare roll of duct tape in the--
(Magically repairs the tear.) 
Leo (cont.): Whaaaaaa?
Mikey: What the heck was that? 
Donnie: Hold the proverbial phone! Did Raph get a new power? I wasn’t paying attention. I’m taking notes this time. Do it again! Do you need me to cause an accident to do it again?
(Buzzsaw comes out, goggles go down, and notepad is opened.) 
Raph: No! What? This? Nah. Buddy just gets tape-heavy after a while and needs a paper-refresh.
Leo: He said as if that’s just something NORMAL to do with his BARE hands!
Mikey: Ohmigosh! Raph! You totally have Origami ninja powers just like the Foot Clan! What’s next? A flaming head?
Leo: Never really saw our Raphy as the hotheaded sort, but-- 
Raph: Huh? Nah… listen guys! This is just buddy's own paper-magic mojo and the healing powers of friendship at work! Nothing Foot Clan about it! 
Leo: What? No way! 
Donnie: Emotional nonsense aside, this ability explains everything and yet nothing! But why manifest now? How? Hmmm?
Mikey: Admit it! You’ve been holding out on us and getting super secret ex-foot recruit training from Cassandra! No fair!
Raph: Wha---no!!?
Donnie: Aha! Of course! The only logical explanation is that Raph must have absorbed a fraction of the unique mystical ability from ingesting that temporarily sentient salami paper that we confronted on that cargo ship the night we first met the Foot.
Mikey: Raph got a new superpower from eating salami-origami!? Lucky…
Leo: Huh… he “ate” himself a new superpower! GASP! Like Kirby!! 
[Cass walking in overhearing everything, she is here for a sparring session of her own, a gym bag over her shoulder.]
Cass: Raph got a new superpower from eating something!? Well don’t hold out! I want some too! Fork it over!
Raph: Oh, hey Cass. Nah, my brother’s are sayin’ I got Foot Clan paper powers just cause I ate some briefly “ninja-fied” salami a long time ago-- but I’m trying to tell them that ain't it and that they’re jumping to conclusions.
Donnie: HOW DARE YOU SIR! I never jump to conclusions! My theories and hypotheses are always based on facts and science thank you very---oof!
(Cass enters, throwing her heavy bag into Donnie and toppling him over.)
Cass: Yeah, no… All of you have it wrong. Dude… origami manipulation is a sacred ability passed down through generations of worthy Foot Clan warriors. It’s even more rare than the flaming skull and footprint ceremony held with Hatsu the boiling tomato soup cauldron of eternal power. 
Leo: Wait, can we go back to that last par---
Cass (Ignoring Leo): Anyway, after learning that Shredder was your ancestor during the whole "stealing your dad's essence and betraying my clan" situation… I realized that must be why that rogue paper ninja--
Frankenfoot: BUDDIES!
Cass (cont.): --was so drawn to you to begin with.  Based on lineage, you all should have the latent abilities for paper no jutsu. Kind of like how you all have your Ninpo thing. Shredder lost his connection to all that after he became Shredder, cutting off his opportunities at gaining full power but he still could pass along the origami technique used by his clan, which managed to continue to this day like with my old sensei. Raph here is obviously just better at harnessing it than the rest of you. I thought everyone here knew this already? It’s kind of obvious.
Mikey: Uhhhh…. It is?
Raph: Aww, thanks Cass!
Frankenfoot: Buddy! 
Leo: Wait! So does that mean we might also be related to the Foot Brute and/ or Lieutenant?  Man Family get-togethers just keep getting more and more awkward in this house.
Donnie: Not everybody in a clan is related, Nardo--- (under his breath with sinister intent) But yes, we can’t rule out the possibility just yet. We’ll need a blood sample to be sure.
Mikey: Daaaaad! Quick! It’s an emergency! I need all the paper we’ve got in the lair!
Splinter (panicked, off-screen): What!?! Wait! Why?!? 
Donnie (taking notes): This is all incredibly useful information… and coming from Cassandra of all sources. 
Cass: Hey!? (Instant Headlock)
Raph: Huh? An ancient clan power that isn't the same as ninpo. Guess I gotta learn more about origami, huh?
Leo: With those digits?  Pffft! Good luck! 
Raph: *Grumbles*
Frankenfoot: Buddy!
[End on Leo making fun of Raph’s huge hands. Splinter trying to make sure whatever Mikey’s doing doesn’t destroy the lair. Donnie getting beat up by Cassandra. Frankenfoot is just happy to be there. April walking in with pizza like that meme from Community where everything is on fire and chaotic.]
Bonus: Comic draft that never made it out of doodles:
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dingusships · 1 year
istg this is us today
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anyway do you think Green sent the truent officer after the gang because he heard Oh. a bunch of green teenagers. one of ems gotta be my kid
BECAUSE LIKE the gang was found by Jack Wednesday at the arcade right they have no clue they live at the dump, the government doesn't anyway, they wouldn't really, I guess know or care to send somebody? ok I'm just saying maybe Green was asking for some favors
Yeah they have no government papers or documentation or anything like that aside from whatever would be leftover & outdated in the foster system files (prob buried in a drawer that hasn’t been touched in 4 years)… EXCEPT for police reports & arrest records. They wrack up a LOT of those. And probably in Wednesday’s case he had new papers made up for them so they could attend school, although I imagine a lot of basic info is missing due to no one having any of their papers on them.
Assuming Mr Green lives in Townsville/relatively close by, I wonder if the first time he heard of/saw Ace would have been on a local news report. They’ve been mentioned on the news in canon at least once for some kind of crime they did WITH their picture shown. Imagine you’re Mr Green sitting down to eat dinner, watching the 6:00 news, gettin all cozy. All of a sudden this kid who looks JUST like you & your ex, who’s the same age your missing kid would be, flashes on the screen because he got arrested for tipping porta potties. Imagine the rollercoaster of “Holy fuck he looks just like my kid….holy fuck that HAS TO BE MY KID! holy fuck my kid is in a GANG? holy fuck my kid is…doing stupid shit oh my god I need to find him” 😭 Being a substitute teacher I’d assume he’d have Wednesday on speed dial (perhaps even for this exact moment) and immediately be like “WEDNESDAY GO FIND THOSE KIDS ONE OF THEM IS MINE. ENROLL THEM I’LL BE THERE ASAP”. Wednesday manages to get info from the cops to Mr Green and is like…I’ll do my best but first you’ll need to sit down for this one bud.
The gang gets in and out of trouble all the time; the trouble is annoying enough for them to wind up in jail but nonviolent enough for the govt to be like “meh whatever let the girls deal with em if they think they need to. we gotta worry more about mojo or HIM etc”. So ur right they don’t seem to seek the gang out and the gang sure as hell keeps their location off the radar just in case
They’re a Very slippery bunch who are difficult to catch and keep in one place for long. The second they’re released from jail they take off. When that old lady Bought Them Bound In Rope they somehow (thankfully) got the hell outta there. And as we know at the end of Schoolhouse Rocked, Wednesday takes the gang away but he’s never seen again & the gang is back to their regular activities in the rest of the episodes 😞 Wednesday prob tried his best to keep them wrangled for Mr Green but I can assume they did their usual & escaped without a trace before Mr Green could meet them. He’s prob crushed bc not only is it like losing his kid all over again, but now he knows there’s a strong chance that his kid IS a horridly suffering teenager with a track record, and he has no way to help him. He has no idea how to find Ace but also feels a lot of anxiety about facing him, because he blames himself for Ace’s suffering :(
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Yellowjackets s2e6 thoughts and guesses
Misty does not get paid enough for this
Bet they all wished they paid more attention during that class
God it's nice to see them at school living normal lives
And Van was just as funny back then. If anything ever happens to her I will die.
Honestly kind of excited to see Misty meet Lottie. I didn't care much about this plotline between Lottie and Nat or Misty and William but now that Misty and Nat and Lottie are intersecting I am very interested.
But I wanna get back to the baby that probably won't be.
Lottie saw Misty and shat herself. That is canon. She poooed all over her pants.
Misty is here to get her girl-nay, wife- back.
Lottie asking Misty to stay and Sleep!Tai sweeping definitely-not-dying Van towards some mystery location...are the yellowjackets gonna gather at Lottie's compound?
Shauna Shipman is not gonna get that mother of the year award anytime soon
Poor Misty. You amputate one leg and all of a sudden you're assigned group medic. Poor girl is suffering so much right now. Shauna too, yes, but also Misty.
The good news is that the baby's coming. The bad news is it could be coming for a WHILE... And we're giving birth mediaeval style... In a blizzard...
I feel like Shauna talking shit about how she's gonna have to have her baby delivered by Misty is gonna bite her in the ass. Karma is gonna get all of them for being shitty to Misty, I suspect. I feel like in a life or death scenario you really ought to put more respect on someone who can prevent your death, like Misty or Nat. If this show has shown anything it's that it's brutal and that shit always hits the fan, so I just know this is going to be traumatic as fuck.
I'm all for Taissa telling Lottie to fuck off. Shauna is clearly disturbed by her antics and she's the last thing she needs right now. I'm still sure they're going to be all culty, but I question whether it's Lottie that will be the leader of their cult. Tai has power and command of the girls but not faith. They acknowledge her intelligence and strategic superiority but nobody believes in her. She hasn't proven herself in the wild. And she's more of a wildcard than Lottie with the sleepwalking. Van is definitely the one with the most influence. She was the one that sort of started the Lottie cult. She was the first believer and the one that spread the gospel so to speak. But she's more of a behind the scenes influence than a cult leader. She doesn't take charge, she leads by following.
There's Shauna but she's too disconnected and she doesn't really have a clear aim. She serves as a mirror and a foil for Jackie and Jackie represented their old life and it could be Shauna representing the wild but again, so far while she hasn't been a follower she also hasn't been a leader either. And like while she doesn't abide by Lottie's terms she's not actively trying to thwart her like Nat or Tai either. She's a more subdued nonbeliever.
This leaves Nat I guess. I could see her taking power. She is stronger than she gives herself credit for and she has had a few successes. For example she has successfully hunted and kept them alive for so long. The pelts and antlers and all those things they use in their rituals all come from Natalie. She stood up to Lottie and stopped the drunken near-sacrifice of Travis. And there was something else that slipped my mind. She did have that vision of Misty before they crashed and shows Lottie is not the only one who sees these things so maybe it's not all Lottie's schizophrenia. And Nat is constantly challenging Lottie's authority. While she didn't win that showdown, she didn't lose it either so maybe Lottie isn't as all powerful or maybe Nat is on her way up or maybe they'll face off again. Future Nat doesn't seem to trust Lot either so I'm guessing she never bent the knee for her, and it was someone else that was their leader. Maybe even Misty. Or maybe Nat.
Did Nat really lose her shooting mojo or is she drunk? Or maybe it's the emotions.
That girl has a point though, Nat didn't kill Travis.
Nat's self loathing is real though. God I hope she doesn't try to kill herself again.
My babies!
I thought they would have left already.
Interesting Van doesn't admit she let Tai kiss her. 🥺 I'm guessing because she doesn't want to guilt Tai. She did it because she thought it was the real Tai and they would get back together and she finally came for her but when she realised it was her she was hurt, and now she's lashing out because she knows Taissa has a family and she knows she shouldn't have dreamed of this but she wants it so bad 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 and that's why she can't go with her. Because she can't handle another rejection like that. But it's Taissa so she HAS to go and she can never say no to her and she hates that she has no choice because she knew when Taissa walked in she wouldn't be able to stop her from taking whatever it is she wanted because she's still so deeply in love with her that it makes her mad that she's so weak and I know I'm writing fanfiction at this point but I can't help it.
Taissa saw the bills
Taissa knows something is up with Van too
I am dying from the suspense
Also I love how Taissa was this entire scene. So needy and apologetic. All the fight has been knocked out of her and she's just rolling with whatever Van wants right now. She's just vibing. "Sure I'll stock those shelves babe, whatever you want." 🥺
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Aside: I took a picture and flipped it and those weren't just normal bills, they were medical bills 😭 this unfortunately confirms my suspicion that Van is sick. If they kill her off I will die. I'm gonna start believing in Lottie's gods of the wilderness if that's what it takes to keep my baby Van alive 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
Misty is traumatised and I can't blame her.
Ben is like a fish out of water here guys, I don't think he can help much either.
Was it Akilah who mentioned having a sister who gave birth? That's probably your best bet right now.
Akilah just got promoted 😅
For real though that blood does not look good. I am not an expert but even I know that's not a good sign.
Yeah women have been giving birth for eons but they've also been dying while giving birth for eons and the main reason they're not dying so much anymore is because we now have hospitals and healthcare and did Akilah really just pet her pet rat for courage? Fuck, Shauna is gonna get infected as fuck and I don't see the baby surviving either.
If I didn't know Shauna survived this I would think she was a goner.
Van looks shocked. Like "I've never seen one open that much 😶‍🌫️"
Travis now is not the time to redecorate
Oh no, nevermind, they're not redecorating, they're doing arts and crafts
I still don't know if Lottie's therapist sessions are real or a hallucination. The things she says scream hallucination.
Lottie's going off the deep end here. She's spiralling. She's using all these coincidences (although they're not coincidences, they're just a pattern of other people spiralling as well due to their shared trauma) as evidence to support her biases and basically whatever happens she's just got her mind made up to worship the old gods of the woods and stuff.
If they heal Van though maybe she should. Like at this point I'd be willing to pray to everyone I could think of as well. I can see why she might be able to convince Van to join in. And with Taissas's sleepwalking I can see her influencing her also. Shauna is just a pile of trauma and guilt and resentment. They're all really easy to manipulate at this point. Misty would go along with anything to feel accepted and Nat...well future Nat was suicidal and easy to brainwash too.
Ma'am that's not an entity, that's trauma.
Ben's maladaptive daydreaming is honestly lowkey relatable. But I'd never admit it.
Are their clothes way too clean or am I just so slovenly that their clothes look relatively too clean for this scenario?
Yeah newborn babies look all kinds of fucked up, don't read into the fact that this one's head is purple. And the placenta IS supposed to come after isn't it?
Is no one gonna check in on Misty?
Spoke too soon.
Am I now going to ship Lottie with Misty? Probably not. But would I welcome the idea of Lottie joining Misty and Nat? Also still probably not. But maybe..
Oh thank the woods, Misty is checking back in. I didn't have much faith in Akilah if I am being honest. Not after she turned into this gif
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Honestly I would probably trust Misty with my life at this point. My anxiety went down 30% my skin is clean, my crops are watered, we've got this!
Shauna I love you but adult Shauna is getting in the way from young Shauna giving birth and honestly I know they're setting up other stuff but I couldn't care less about adult Shauna right now.
Van and Tai can cut in at any point they want though and I would simply thank them.
Van is too proud to ask Tai for help even when she's doing exactly the thing she needs help with 😭😭😭😭😭
It makes Tai dolling out for Nat's rehab stays even sadder cause she's willing to pay to help them but Van is just so adamant on going alone and not having to feel like she owes Tai anything -especially Tai but also anyone else- that's she's willing to crash and burn before she asks again.
Like how badly did Tai hurt her? How bad did she let her down that she's learned that not only can she not depend on her but she can't even think of asking her for help? 😭😭😭😭😭
For a second I thought Misty called Van's landline and I was like "omg she knew Tai was gonna head straight there" but then I realised it was Tai's mobile.
Anyway Taissa literally just covered up a murder with Misty so that whole "I don't have time for you now" line felt like a joke.
Van's reactions are everything
And so is Misty
Even teen Tai's starting to cave into the cult stuff. This goes beyond plausible deniability.
Is it over? Did it happen?
Oh god is this a dream?
Is she dead? 😭
Wait, no, is the baby dead?
This has to be a dream right? The show is too horrible for this to be real 😭
Is the baby dead? Did they eat the baby?
It's trying to make this seem like a happy thing, with everybody smiling and Shauna looking content but I am so terrified, I feel like I aged twenty years just now because I am positive that baby doesn't make it and she gave birth to it, only to watch it die and I am suffering right now seeing those smiles on their faces because I know this shit is NOT going to last.
Van drove Taissa ☺️
The adult TaiVan vibes are immaculate.
Van acting like she didn't have a choice as if she couldn't just let Tai uber there or just lend her her car or do one of like a dozen possible scenarios that don't involve her sitting in a hunk of metal with the love of her life and going away for the weekend while her business and the rest of her life is spinning out of control 😭
Van's really calling Lottie a diagnosed schizophrenic right now and deriding her like she wasn't the first to think she was psychic back in the woods. Oh how the turn tables.
Tai calling her out for also living in the past like she didn't run so far from it she looped the fuck back to her shadow self pressing against Van in the night and smooching the crap out of her.
Oh wait she doesn't know she did that. She doesn't even know Van kissed her back. Honestly don't blame Can for being cranky either. If my ex girlfriend's shadow self felt me up the other night and now I had to chill with her I'd be pretty volatile too.
"I get my needs met"
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Van reads sexy fanfiction. That's the only thing that can mean. That's the only interpretation. If she's too proud to ask Taissa for a hand she is too proud to ask strangers on the internet for a handy is my theory, so I'm doubling down on the porn/fanfiction theory. The only apps she's on are chrome, where she can google sexy Willow X Tara fanfiction and sometimes even look at fanart of Xena and Gabriella getting it on.
Van don't lie, you didn't stop believing in love, you just don't want it with anybody else but Taissa 😭😭😭😭😭
Also way to keep things chill and casual Tai.
Like, her wife is lying in a hospital bed while she is making uwu faces at her ex and asking if she still believes in love and unicorns and stuff and she is so fucking whipped by Van it's not even funny.
Like does she even remember she has a kid? Cause I barely do. Sam who?
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If Lottie's cult doesn't fix Van's illness I'm gonna take those antlers and shove them all the way up her ass
Nat doesn't want fish, she wants Misty's cat.
Watch them release the fish into the wild and see it become the final boss
I can't even focus anymore between the lesbians and the baby. How are they even gonna feed it? That poor girl is starving! She can't make milk.
Oh god. Poor Shauna. Going through all this alone.
Words cannot express how little I wanted to see Jeff right now.
At least we get to see Tai and Van again.
Not Misty talking Nat up to Lottie's cultists 😅
This feels like character development on Nat's part but I haven't been paying much attention because I've been getting distracted by the baby and Tai and Van.
Like I'm watching but my brain is loudly talking over Nat and stuff. Like was she jealous of the guy Misty was with or was she deflecting? Is Shauna's baby going to starve? Is Nat having a rare moment of self-awareness with Misty? Is Tai going to just kiss Van for realsies and admit she never got over her?
Shauna's teen mom bits are genuinely heartbreaking. I feel genuinely bad for the real life baby they cast as Shauna's baby cause of all that crying they're making it do.
I feel so bad for this poor girl.
Adult Shauna I can do without right now. I love Melanie Lynskey but again, there's just too much other stuff going on right now for me to care when I know that nothing will probably come of this investigation cause tv shows like to maintain the statues quo. I can maybe focus on 2-3 things at most and adult Shauna's police investigation debacle is very low on my list of priorities.
I just want to slap the rapey moustache off that cop's face.
God I love Shauna. And Melanie Lynskey.
Like you go into a scene like 'here we go again' and you're just waiting for the next scene but damnit they really get you immersed in this show, even with the bits you didn't want to pay attention to or the bits you thought would be filler.
Honestly, credit to the showrunners.
Callie really got her mother's genes. Not the physical appearance ones, but the genius manipulation ones.
I'm pretty saw this was a Reddit post... Did Lottie manage to feed the baby though?
I'm actually starting to like Callie now?! Maybe?
I guess I was right about them all converging at Lottie's compound. Shauna just got the go ahead from Jeff.
Nat continues to be the softest, squishiest marshmallow.
The baby stuff is harrowing.
Both Nats are the softest squishiest marshmallows.
Poor Tai really thinks this is a resolution but I know they got picked up for another season so this is definitely not going to be the fix she thinks it is.
It's cute that Van is acting like she's not gonna follow Tai to hell and back, let alone a wellness centre reunion.
Did Shauna really beat them there?
Also Van has exactly the car I should have expected she would have.
That reunion was so freaking cute.
Nat and Shauna hugging. All their facial expressions. Van's joke about Nikes that went over my head. Misty and Tai hugging (even though they make all those jokes about her they still have love in their hearts for little guy Misty). And my daughter Misty was so happy to see Tai and Van together 🥹 that's my girl right there
Why was Van looking at Lottie that way though. That better be about cultish activities and not lesbian ones.
Shauna smiling in her sleep though 😭
The baby was the one good thing keeping her afloat after Jackie's death 😭😭
Wait, tell me Nat didn't drug her.
They ATE the baby? Tell me it's another dream.
Oh no, it was worse than I thought. Or kind of exactly what I guessed but sadder. Cause we got that vision of her succeeding, having the baby and managing to feed it and then seeing everybody eat the baby and then we get to flash back to reality and the baby was never alive to begin with 😭😭😭
My heart is absolutely shattered. I dont even know how they can top this in the finale. I genuinely can't see this ending with them all alive and intact. Their facades are all cracking. Even Van's who hasn't been in the first season but has clearly been contending with her own demons. I'm guessing/hoping we will get some flashbacks of her to make up for the episodes she was missing later on though.
Anyways what an episode. And what a way to end the episode. I'm pretty speechless right now.
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Long Distance
This book tour is killing him. A man in his health shouldn't be on tour doing anything, but his publicist says it's a necessity. Mostly, he just misses his own bed. Not that this hotel they've put him up in isn't nice. But it isn't home.
He's ready to call it a night, when his phone vibrates. Armand. He considers ignoring it to get some sleep, but knows there will be hell to pay if he does. He crawls into the king sized bed and answers, “It's past my bedtime.”
“Daniel,” His voice is like honey. Daniel's missed it more than he cares to admit.
“Armand,” Daniel says back. He's almost expecting the typical questions, the normal everyday shit he's gotten used to since him and Armand started this thing.
Instead, Armand goes for something completely different. “What are you wearing?”
And no, no way. He's too old for this shit. “Sweatpants.”
Armand seems unfazed. “Would you like to know what I'm wearing?”
“I bet you're going to tell me anyway.”
“One of your shirts you left behind. I can still smell you on it. It's like being surrounded by you.”
It's unfair that a voice can sound that erotic. Despite himself, Daniel starts to feel intrigued. “Yeah?”
“Mm. I miss you.”
It's a rare moment of vulnerability from Armand. He doesn't just hand those out. He must really be missing him. “Only a few more weeks and I'm back.”
Armand is silent, and Daniel realizes it was the wrong thing to say. Naturally, Armand was angling to hear that he's missed as well. He internally curses himself. “Armand-”
“And what will you do to me, when you return?”
Daniel holds back a sigh and gives in. He's too fucking old for phone sex, but then, he's too fucking old for someone with Armand's stamina. “What would you like me to do to you?”
“I could show you, if I were there now.”
Ah, so that's why he called. Not for a fuck, for a fight. “This again?”
“Louis goes on tour with Lestat.”
Daniel pinches the bridge of his nose. He's getting whiplash from this conversation. Sometimes he thinks Armand picks fights with him just to prove he can, like some twisted measure of affection. “Because Lestat needs a babysitter. I don't.”
“I could pretend to be your assistant. Play Rashid again.”
“Yeah, because guys that fuck their assistants always look good.” They've had this talk. Armand would be bored by the second day anyway. He just wants to feel wanted. Wants Daniel to be unable to function without him, like some lovesick codependent fool.
“No one would know.”
“Right, like it wasn't obvious you and Louis were boning,” Daniel says. “You aren't as subtle as you think.”
Armand makes an offended little noise. Daniel is pretty sure at this point, he isn't getting laid now or when he gets back. Armand can be prickly, when he gets in his moods. “Look, why don't I cancel the next part of the tour? Come back home.”
“I don't need you to placate me, Daniel.”
Jesus H Christ, it's like walking over landmines with Armand sometimes. “Seriously, fuck the tour. I miss you.”
“Do you?” Armand all but purrs. Like a cat, Daniel thinks. One of those big ones that stalk their prey and pounce. The kind with sharp claws and sharper teeth. Teeth he is well acquainted with.
“Don't pretend you don't know. You've been sending me dreams, haven't you?” Daniel's been dreaming of Armand the last few nights. Very vivid, very detailed dreams. The sort of wet dreams he hasn't had since he was young.
“Daniel, I don't know what you're talking about.”
“Right,” Daniel says dryly. Armand makes him crazy. Literally, he sometimes thinks. Some vampire mojo he works on him. But he isn't having that argument now; Armand always denies it.
“Tell me about these dreams.”
It's absurd, asking Daniel about dreams Armand no doubt sent himself. The audacity of it...Daniel laughs and says “I love you.”
“Are you certain?”
Another vulnerability. Given their history, Armand isn't sure sometimes. Gets too inside his own head to realize things may be different inside Daniel's. “Yes. You drive me crazy.”
Daniel sees a way out of the pit he's dug and takes it.
“It's why you couldn't be my assistant. I wouldn't be able to keep my hands off of you.” Daniel says, dropping his voice low and husky, the way he talked in the bedroom. “I'd sneak you under my desk during a book signing. Make you suck me off while I signed some college girl's tits.”
Conversationally, he went on “They're always at this kind of thing you know, women who want you to write on their tits. Never had a man ask me to sign my name on him. Liked to sign it on you, have it there permanently so everyone can see who you belong to.”
He hears Armand whimper softly. “Fuck, Daniel.”
“Are you touching yourself, baby? Imagining it's me touching you?”
A sharp breath. “Yes.”
“I'd keep you there on your knees all day. Then once the crowd cleared out, I'd bend you over the desk and fuck you raw.”
Daniel hears the rustle of fabric, then the slick sound of skin on skin. He can hear Armand's little noises—so vocal, his Armand—and it's making him insane. He's almost willing to say fuck it and book the next flight home. He wants to be inside Armand, or Armand to be inside him, he isn't particular to which. But he needs to focus. There's a task at hand.
“I wouldn't let you touch yourself. I'd keep fucking you until you came on my cock alone, or not at all. Do you think you could do that, baby? When I get back, do you think you can come on just my cock?”
“I could right now, if you were here,” Armand says and Daniel's afraid it's the start of another fight. But Armand continues “I wish you could come through the door and take me now. I'd ride you at a full gallop until my knees collapsed.”
Fuck. Daniel starts looking up flights on his laptop.
“Fuck, your voice. You sound so pretty. Let me hear you come, baby.”
Armand moans, then pants. The pants become increasingly faster, and he starts making short little 'ah' sounds. He says Daniel's name when he comes, and Daniel hasn't been hard without touching his dick the last ten years, but he's rock solid now.
There's a flight leaving in four hours. Still has empty seats. He could book it now.
“Are you coming home to me, Daniel?”
Faintly, Daniel realizes that may have been the whole point of this call. But he can't find it in himself to be angry; he's thinking with his dick right now. He doesn't even mind the obvious poking around his thoughts. “Yeah, yeah, baby. I'll be there soon.”
“I'll be waiting.” Armand sounds pleased. Daniel wonders if it's all been a manipulation. Doesn't know if it's worth the fight if it isn't and he accuses Armand. Hell, he doesn't want the fight he'll get if he accuses him and he did. Wouldn't matter anyway. If they fought, Armand would win.
He always did.
read it here on ao3
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cartooncartoonpanic · 23 days
#004 On the brink
(CW: Medical trauma, mentions of child test subjects and amputations)
You ask Blossom if she's still a superhero, and this, at least, she seems excited to talk about.
"Well...crime's kind of slowed down in the past few years. Obviously we haven't been fighting you. Mojo got taken to a facility outside of the city I think. Him got kind of bored since we aren't as scared anymore-"
"Yeah, too bored to be a parent" You interrupt, understandably bitter that the man who brought you back to life never checked up on you in the past few years.
"I'm sorry-"
"Don't... You don't have to apologize for what HE did. Keep going. "
"Well...I think Sedusa got a modelling contract or something? Someone in the Gangreen gang joined a popular band I think and they all went for a tour, Fuzzy invested in some ear plugs and doesn't really care about what goes on in Townsville, and the Ameboa boys...well they're still at it I guess. So yeah...we don't really go out as a team anymore like that" That last part did sound a bit sad.
"That's really all the big criminals in Townsville?" You could have sworn there was another one who he had met before
"Oh right, Princess...that's an entire situation" She whispered and tried to hint with her eyes at someone else in the room.
"She's not a criminal anymore but...she's still sort of our enemy. Or at least making Bubbles' life harder..." Sure enough a girl in a suit with gold trim and a crown hair clip was looking at both of you. Was that Princess? Did she know you were talking about her?
"Do you do any fighting?" You change the subject back, agreeing that it's probably for the best not to get into any drama.
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"To be honest...I'm kind of a soloist these days. I don't know if thats the term...but Bubbles has her veterenarian internship and Buttercup has a pretty intense training schedule so usually I'm the one who takes on any new villains who pop up. Aside from this mech robot guy though, most of them don't come back. The process is a bit different though. Since its just me most of the time, I wear a costume and use a cool nickname. It's a secret though" She seemed to be having a lot of fun.
You wonder briefly, if you were a hero with a secret identity, and did all of the things that the girls did, would people praise you? Give you the benefit of the doubt? Stop treating you like a dangerous criminal? Was it possible for you, of all people, to be good? But you don't vocalize these thoughts. Especially not to her. And definitely not now of all times.
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You ask Blossom if she knows anybody else here, aside from the obvious she and her siblings, you and your siblings, and princess.
"Hmmm...I think so. Some of them I only know from tv but if you mean personally...The guy with the striped shirt is one of Buttercups workout partners...I remember his name also starts with a B but I don't know what it is. And then that guy with the white hair is Edd.
Apparently his two best friends are named that too. I know, confusing... They seem exhausting to be around when they're all together but Edd's pretty nice when it's just us. We were in chess club together. The girl with the ballet shoes the really tall blonde one, her name is Deedee, and she was a big fan of my sisters and I when she was younger so we got asked to come to her birthday party as special guests and our parents got along enough that we went over to their house pretty often. And then there's her brother~" She dreamily sighed before covering her mouth, embarassed.
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So she had a crush. For some reason the thought bothered you a lot. Maybe it was because you wished she spoke about you that way. Maybe it's because the fact that she's able to be comfortable enough with someone to fall in love is more proof that she got to live a happy normal life, while you didn't. Is there anything that's fair?
"I wonder why all of these people are here though. Do you know any of them?"
You look around. Aside from the obvious of the powerpuff girls, your own brothers, and princess, nobody seems like someone you've seen before. Except...there's a guy with black hair in what seems to be goggles and a cape. Even among villains people would think this guy is trying to hard and this is coming from the kid of a monkey who wore a turban. You could have sworn you recognized that face. you don't remember where you saw him, but just looking at him makes you tense.
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Wait. He recognizes you too.
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And he's coming towards you.
A flood of memories come back to you and leave you paralyzed at the same time. The sterile white walls. The injections. The blood samples. The sedatives.
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The invasive examinations. The terrifying people in lab coats. The repeated talk about how this is all you would be good for.
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The amputation.
Your panic becomes rage as everything around you tunes out. There is no hotel dining room. There are no other people. It's you and the evil scientist. He's speaking but you can barely hear him over everything racing through your head. Even now he doesn't have a sense of boundaries. He seems to be trying to pull your jacket off of your body, saying something about not believing they went through with it. At first you dont know what he's doing until he grabs your arm. Or rather...your metal prosthetic arm.
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