#i cry abt this trio all the time i love them so much
deltavelta · 2 years
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Halcyon Days
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mono-dot-jpeg · 1 year
the tiny exception - express crew
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summary; there's only one exception to the few rules that the express crew have...
genre/extra tags; fluff, family dynamics, pompom is the softest rabbit thing in the universe i love them, papa welt (real), auntie himeko iykyk, the rest of the gang are the siblings, caelus learns abt the world with you :'), your honor they're just trash raccoons, selective mute! caelus
[platonic] [child (7-9)! reader]
[warnings; reader implied to have a tough life before getting taken in, trash digging mentioned/j]
word count; 608
a/n; whoops i made another hsr fic and it's another family fic :) im watching blue lock rn and it's definitely passed some expectations and i like it so far so that's good, there's some silly little guys i like (it's the crazies unsurprisingly) maybe i'll write something to test the waters for blue lock. this show wildin tho
i use caelus for hsr so im writing caelus, sorry stelle enjoyers
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[rule 1; no touching pompom]
caelus learned that one after attempting to comfort the conductor. and yet,
"you're so squishy, pompom!" a pure as snow giggle rings in the train as the trailblazer watches you cuddle pompom. "so fluffy!"
"oi! don't hug me too hard!" they squirm, trying to loosen your grip.
"sorry!" you smile innocently as you look up to see the silver-haired trailblazer, watching you. "hey caelie!" you let go of pompom, running straight to him.
he's quick to pick you up as you stretch your own arms out towards him. he looks at you with curious eyes and then glances at pompom who is cleaning their uniform.
"i wanted to hug pompom! and i did!" you cheered. it earns you a silent chuckle from caelus. much to pompom's relief, he takes you away and to the passenger rooms.
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[rule 2; don't drink mr. welt's coffee]
that rule was interesting. it was set because of you really. you tried the coffee once and almost cried. turns out you can't handle the bitter taste unsurprisingly.
"i know you're gonna do it, y/n." you freeze in his lap as welt continues to answer caelus's questions on the phone.
"but what if it tastes different?"
"it's still coffee, dear." you rest your cheek on welt's shoulder, face squished as you stare at the cup of dark liquid. welt doesn't say anything after that, a gentle sigh leaving his lips.
"did auntie himeko make it?"
"no, she didn't."
"then it will taste different." you reason but it doesn't sway the tired father figure. you reach to take a sip. you look up at welt as if expecting the male to stop you but he doesn't.
he knows. he knows what's going to happen and he's not going to stop it. (he does have a different drink on hand, ready for you.)
you take a sip.
and you cry. "papa!" he sets your favorite drink down, moving the coffee towards him. "why do you drink that?!" he guides your favorite drink towards you and you immediately drink it.
"i drink it because i like it."
"you have bad tastes, papa." you stick your tongue out at him.
"and yet you keep drinking it every time."
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[rule 3; sleep on time!]
another rule in place for you. did you ever follow it? sometimes.
but you were only a kid.
"but i don't wanna sleep!" you tugged onto dan heng's clothes as if he would help.
he does not.
"you need to sleep. you're going to be all sleepy in the morning."
"but i want to stay with you guys!" dan heng picks you up into his slightly awkward hold. "please?" you drag out your pleas in hopes of convincing your older brother figure to let you stay up with the trio.
"sorry, y/n. but i don't think welt would allow that."
"but i'm not ti.. tired!" you yawn between your last word, your hands reaching to rub your eyes.
"you totally are, y/n." march cooed, taking you from dan heng's arms. "let's get you to himeko or welt, hm?" the trio is gentle to bid you a goodnight and a pat on the head (and kiss on the cheek from march) while you're taken to rest with himeko.
"there's the sweetie. awh, you must be exhausted." you're laying in himeko's arms, feeling sleepy with her warmth wrapped around you. "thank you march, have a good time with the others." march waves her goodbye before leaving with the trailblazer and dan heng.
"but i wanna go..." you frown, twisting and turning in the redhead's arms.
"how about you spend sometime with me, welt, and pompom before bed?" himeko suggests.
"are we gonna read some stories?"
"we'll let you pick."
you fell asleep about 3 minutes later before you could even hear a story.
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sillydummydum · 5 days
Hello Everybody!!!
My name's Luna, I'm an autistic 16y old demiaroace bissexual girl who really enjoys playing games, drawing and self shipping!! I've been doing it without knowing since I was like 8 so yeah -v-" I'm a little bit shy and definitely don't know how to make pretty aah tumblr posts but I try to have fun! Never interacted with much people from the self shipping community due to shyness-- but I'm happy to make new self shipper friends!! I tend to talk allot so sorry if I yap! I got the silly--
☆ She/her ☆
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I really like:
- Persona (main special interest)
- Pokemon (very strong special interest!!)
- Sonic
- Undertale
- Touhou
- Rpg
- Honestly videogame and uh-- hell! even anime in general!! sign me in! I really like to learn abt other people's passions so plz show me lots of cool media!! I'll love it!
- Does my boyfriend counts?... cuz I do like him allot
- Making friends!!
I don't really enjoy:
- fighting on the Internet (I swear don't fight me I'll cry) /j
- Basic dni stuff yk just bad people in general
- Anti self shippers duhh
- People who don't like my boyfriend
- People who DO like my boyfriend/j
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Romantic F/O's:
- Goro Akechi ♡ (my main f/o!! My boyfriend! My silly!~ Will mostly if not a 100% of the time talk about him!! And I'm usually mocking him lol he's stupid, miserable and fun to laugh at/pos Not really comfy with sharing! Aaah sorry i mean i don't mind if you interact but you knoooow... ><")
- Naoto Shirogane (kinda jealous so nu-uh)
- X!tale Chara (don't mind!)
- Satori Komeiji (don't mind~)
- Shuichi Saihara (don't mind!!)
Short list lol the only ones I am very invested in are Goro and Naoto, i'm a detective kisser ig 😭
Platonic F/O's:
- Honestly all the persona 3/4/5 main cast are my best friends in my respective persona alternate universes, change my mind. BESTIES BESTIES BESTIES!!! I LOVE MAKING FRIENDS AND BEING SILLY WITH THEM!!!
- Akiren and Futaba specially tho, Leblanc familly makes me happy happy happy hi Sojiro plz adopt me :3
- Sumire too, THAT'S MY BESTIE RIGHT HERE EVERYONE!!!! (Can my royal trio favoritism be noticed throughout this post? Impossible challenge.)
- Nanako as well!~ my cute little consideration sis <3
- Sumireko is my absolute Touhou bestie!!!
- Flandres is my sis <3 (Remi too naturally cof cof)
- Cream the rabbit as my little sister? HELL YEAH, CLAIMED!! (I really enjoy having siblings leave me alone 😭)
- If a character exists in a media I self insert into, i'll probably be their friend or steal their blood/hj
Okay let me stop myself before i start becoming a friends/sister with the whole fictional universe...
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So that's it! I'm not really good at using tumblr or... talking to people-- so yeah lol sorry!! I just really really like my boyfriend and wanted to share that! he makes me happy and joyful and makes me forget about my problems to worry about his ♡ And i wish that everyone could be able to experience that hapinnes without judgements! happy self shipping for everyone!!! And remember...
Your F/O loves you ♡
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idyllic-affections · 1 year
how abt hcs abt gn teen (around 15-16) reader being kaeya’s biological younger sibling !!
if we have each other.
summary. what is it like being kaeya's teen younger sibling?
trigger & content warnings. child abandonment.
tropes, pairings, fic length, & other notes. fluff, slight angst. kaeya & younger sibling!reader. 0.7k words. they/them pronouns for reader.
author's thoughts. anon omg... ive been wanting an excuse to write something like this again for a while! i am a professional platonic kaeya enjoyer <3 anyway i hope you like these!!! i decided not to go into the whole ragnvindr family drama thing because honestly? i go into that a little too often when i write about kaeya. i chose to give him a break today!
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i see kaeya being very protective of his sibling. he's not so protective that it comes off as overbearing, but he's definitely very involved in their life only because he just... doesn't know what he'd do with himself if he let them get hurt.
given that he basically had to raise them...
it makes sense for him to be so involved. sure, he had help from the ragnvindr family, but kaeya did the most work when it came to raising his baby sibling.
when his father abandoned him in mondstadt, he also abandoned his youngest child, [name]. they were about two or three at the time.
he doesn't necessarily hold the same resentment towards the seven that other khaenri'ahns might, though he doesn't exactly lean in their favor either.
still... kaeya thanked the seven that they didn't get deathly sick (they were so young and frail that it really was a valid concern) that night in the pouring rain, despite how badly they shivered and cried. he'll never forget how utterly visceral their sobs were.
he doesn't doubt that they understood what was happening that night, despite how little they were.
because of that, kaeya doesn't hide anything from them. he tells them the entire truth about their origins as soon as they're old enough to coherently ask why their father abandoned them.
when kaeya and [name] were young, they were absolutely attached at the hip. once they're both older, they aren't seen together as much, but that isn't to say they aren't seen together; it's just that kaeya does have obligations as a knight and his sibling has their own commitments.
he loves them wholeheartedly.
if he had to betray khaenri'ah to protect them, archons know he'd do it. if he had to betray mondstadt to protect them, archons know he'd do it. he doesn't care as long as it means they'll be safe.
to kaeya, they are probably the most precious thing he has—ever since his falling out with diluc, at least. well... they were always his most precious thing. after his falling out with diluc, it just made them moreso.
part of the reason he despises those who threaten others' families is simply because of his sibling.
he does not take threats to their safety lightly, not at all.
kaeya's a very good brother overall, but he is 100% also the most annoying mf.
he's the type of older brother that makes his sibling do things for him and then guilt trips them when they tell him to do it himself LMAO
i feel like he can cry on command and does it just to make them feel bad when they tell him no!
you know that "i'm hungry. grill me a cheese" audio? yeah.
Kaeya: I'm hungry.
[Name]: So lick that coat, you smell like a—
Kaeya: Grilled cheese.
[Name]: What????
Kaeya: Grill me a cheese.
[Name]: I'm not grilling you a cheese!
Kaeya, sobbing on the floor:
[Name]: ...Oh, for Barbatos' sake.
kaeya, as protective as he is, is also very laid-back. his sibling has just about as much freedom as they could want (within reason, of course).
kaeya, his sibling, and klee are a chaos trio. the three of them have lit a concerning amount of things on fire.
he's very physically affectionate!
ruffling their hair, leading them along by the dip in their back, shoving them (lovingly)... he's clingy, really, and just likes being able to touch his sibling because it reminds him that they're safe and alive.
if they ever wanted to become a knight, he's right there to support them. if they wanted to become an adventurer, again, he's there to help them out.
whatever they want to do with their life, he's their greatest cheerleader.
kaeya will always support them, but he's also very tough on them when it comes to training them physically if their aspiration demands physical strength.
they want to be a knight? an adventurer? a traveler, perhaps? alright, but they need to take him down in a fight first.
he makes every duel with him the hardest fight of their life.
kaeya needs to be confident that they can effectively defend themselves, and if he isn't? sorry. they aren't going anywhere until he is certain beyond a shadow of a doubt. he needs to know they can handle themselves, because—as much as he hates to admit it—he may not always be there to protect them.
wouldn't it be interesting if they got a vision while in a duel with him?
that'd be a very fascinating twist of fate.
please consider reblogging, it helps me out quite a lot!
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rustyarcade · 1 year
None of you will ever understand Wednesday, Enid, and Bianca friend group like I do NONE OF YOU GRAHHHHH!!! (A reuploaded 🧵 from my twt)
They lay on the roof of Ophelia Hall and stare at the stars above them like once a week to talk about literally everything and nothing at the same time
They have the constellations memorized at this point and talk about them like they’re old friends
They talk about their moms a lot. And the night when Crackstone was revived. Or whatever other internal issue. It usually ends up with one of them crying. Almost always Enid. But there were times where Bianca cried. And Wednesday did once too. But no one likes mentioning it
It’s the one time a week where Bianca doesn’t have to keep her bossy, queen bee demeanor, Enid doesn’t have to keep her peppy, always happy attitude, and Wednesday doesn’t have to completely shut out the world around her
Sometimes when it’s a rainy night, they run into the forest and just chase each other for hours. When they get tired, the sit up against a tree and talk. But as soon as that energy returns, they go back to running and giggling
They consider each other closer than Yoko is with Enid, Divina is with Bianca, and Eugene is with Wednesday
They are each others biggest supporters no matter what and are willing to sacrifice themselves to make sure the others are happy
Their friendship isn’t loud to the world it’s more of a winky thing. Not that they’re hiding it, but there’s no need to announce it either. But at the same time it’s so obvious that they’re friends
They tease each other so much. It’s their love language. They’ll make comments to each other. They’ll pretend to throw each others’ stuff to make each other laugh
When fencing club is over they’ll talk for HOURS in the club room afterwards and even do some more spars if they’re up for it
Bianca was the third ever person Wednesday hugged (first being Enid, then Eugene) but it was after such a vulnerable moment that as much as she’d love to brag about it to everyone, Bianca will take it to the grave just for Wednesday
Enid loves buying them all subtle matching gifts. From plushes to bracelets to anything really, Enid will find one for each of them and theme them accordingly
She especially loves getting them powerpuff girl themed stuff. Bianca is Blossom, Enid is Bubbles, and Wednesday is Buttercup easy
If Yoko is wenclair nation president, Bianca is vice president. She loves their relationship and is honestly so happy for them. Both reached out to her for advice. She felt like a proud mother watching them realize their feelings right in front of her eyes.
Wednesday and Enid’s relationship isn’t overbearing in their friendship. Bianca is never treated like a third wheel and Wednesday and Enid have the absolute respect and comfortability being themselves around Bianca
They were the first people Bianca told about her being Poly and Pan. She was terrified and so nervous but they accepted her immediately and let her know that she could tell them anything
They’re the biggest biayokovina Stans as well
Everyone at school knows they’re the most powerful trio in the universe and they love each other so much UGH-
Ok thanks for reading goodnight feel free to add ur own ideas/headcanons abt them cuz I love them so much
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lonslibrary · 2 years
best characterization lines from the crows—matthias helvar
“This was something different. If the demon Brekker spoke the truth, Matthias would get to go home. The longing for it twisted in his chest—to hear his language spoken, to see his friends again, taste semla filled with sweet almond paste, feel the bite of the northern wind as it came roaring over the ice. To return home and be welcomed there without the burden of dishonour.” 
when you consider him as the teenager that he is, matthias has also been to hell and back and his homesickness always reminds me of it :(( the fact that he chooses nina over everything he knew and loved is the reason why i believe in love
“Even so, the words were bitter in Matthias’ mouth when he said, ‘I’ll do it.’ 
Brekker winked at Nina, and Matthias wanted to knock his teeth in.”
OK this is just my personal bonus bc i love this trio’s dynamic so much and i’ll never get over how they could have made kaz more like he is in the book in the netflix show bc i feel like kaz is not as outwardly dark and brooding as ppl think !!! he’s moody as shit but he’s seventeen and playful sometimes and he snorts and winks and is sarcastic and sometimes "played along with one of [jesper’s] jokes” and says things like “i’ll just hire matthias’ ghost to kick your ghost’s ass” LIKE PLS. but this is not abt kaz and we will now return to the regularly scheduled program...
“Matthias returned his mentor’s embrace. 
‘I don’t know if you’re wrong about the Grisha,” he said gently. ‘I just know you’re wrong about her.’ 
He held Brum tight, in a hold Matthias had learned in the echoing training rooms of the drüskelle stronghold, rooms he would never see again. He held Brum as he struggled briefly and as his body went slack. When Matthias pulled away, Brum had slipped into unconsciousness, but Matthias did not think he imagined the rage that lingered on his mentor’s features. He made himself memorise it. It was right that he should remember that look. He was a true traitor at last, and he should carry the burden of it” 
matthias’s honor comes from his loyalty and honesty and i love that he admits he still isn’t sure about the other grisha yet, just nina. a turning point for him for sure, and i’ll forever be in awe of his character development. 
“Matthias was running through the streets of a foreign city, into dangers he did not know, but for the first time since he’d looked into Nina’s eyes and seen his own humanity reflected back at him, the war inside him quieted. 
We’ll find a way to change their minds, she’d said. All of them. He would locate Nina. They would survive this night. They would free themselves of this damp, misbegotten city, and then...Well, then they’d change the world.”
this entire chapter !!!! matthias has never been my personal favorite but he is such. a. well. written. character and i will never get over him d-wording. he realizes that his duty to his god and nina can be one and the same and that it was Djel who caused the shipwreck and his fateful meeting with nina and finally, is able to accept himself as not a traitor, but instead a revolutionary !! when i think about him sleeping and eating with nina just days before he died, my heart breaks for the future he could have had. 
“Matthias wanted to scream as the wolf’s teeth sank into his forearm. He toppled to the ground, the wolf on top of him, the pain beyond anything he’d ever known. But he did not make a sound. He held the wolf’s gaze as its teeth sank more deeply into the muscle of his arm, a growl rumbling through the animal’s chest. 
Matthias suspected that the wolf’s jaws were strong enough to break bone, but he did not struggle, did not cry out, did not drop his gaze. I won’t hurt you, he swore, even if you hurt me.”
is matthias’s promise to trassel not his promise to his country? despite his realization about grisha, his loyalties lay with his home. the one that brainwashed him, forced him into a way of life, taught him everything he knew. the boy matthias faces at his death is also just another version of trassel: matthias holds up his hands, tells the boy he is unarmed, tells the young soldier he can take him to the law if he wishes. matthias’s only fault is his faith—faith that resides in his people until even the last moments of his life.
kaz’s version | wylan’s version | jesper’s version | nina’s version | matthias’s version | inej’s version
and that is it, people! the series that took more than a year to finish comes to an end with our favorite blonde soldier. i’m personally waiting to watch until friday, but happy shadow and bone season 2 day!! 
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polydeuces · 2 years
𝐤𝐞𝐞𝐩 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐢𝐧 𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐝
𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫: austin butler x black fem! reader
𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: your husband austin is away shooting dune part two. you start to go down memory lane when you realize how much you miss him and your little family you have together.
— requests are open !
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liked by pollyannabennett, florencepugh, and 3,959,294 others
therealy/n: do you gaze at your doorstep and picture me there? is your heart filled with pain, shall i come back again? tell me dear, are you lonesome tonight?
view all 39,925 comments
rileykeough: I wonder if you're lonesome tonight?
devonleecarlson: crying. this is so bittersweet :(
florencepugh: you'll see him soon, darling! tell the baby i can't wait to see them blossom in the world!
emmalouisecorrin: coming over and i’m bringing ice cream 🍨
tessamaethompson: i want a love like your love.
pollyannabennett: two souls bound to fall deeply in love.
nattyiceofficail: ohh my heart is melting
altonmason: tell your man to stop texting me about how you're doing! love you btw
anyataylorjoy: a love that not only Shakespeare could write
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liked by y/nistrouble, auspresley, viadejonge4ever, and 129,294 others
y/nbutlerupdates: not abt y/n/n, but about her husband. pic a fan took of florence pugh and austin butler out to dinner in budapest. 2022. flo and aus are in budapest filming dune part two. photo via arnoldicaro on instagram.
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gowiththeflo: flo looks so cute omg & this duo is everything
y/nistrouble: take the hat off, butler i wanna see the hair.
auspresley: he can do anything and ill fall apart
viajonge4ever: HES IN DUNE PART TWO?? SINCE WJEN??
austindaily: the fake picture of your friend trick a classic
mydarlingy/n: y/n is so damn lucky
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liked by bazluhrmann, olivia_dejonge, and 5,284,838 others
austinbutler: I feel so honored to have loved you for as long as I have and to create something so beautiful with you. Thank you, my love, for being my rock. Thank you for supporting everything I do. You are divine. I can’t wait to see you and to see my family once again. I adore you.
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they/nbulter: to quote Ian McEwan, “I’ve never had a moment’s doubt. I love you. I believe in you completely. You are my dearest one. My reason for life.” You’re a star. 🤍
ausfan29: 🥺❤️❤️
bazluhrmann: To be killing it in the industry and be such a dotting husband- and father - is hard work but you have excelled at it. Can’t wait to see what the future has in store for you and your family.
y/naus35: stopp im sobbing sliding down the wall!! this is so cute!!
olivia_dejonge: I’m so happy that y/n came into your life. You have a permanent smile etched onto your face now, you guys are a perfect duo! (Soon to be trio!!) send me baby pics Xx
y/nfan29: husband!aus in real life?? omg ??
_ashleybee_ : So proud of you Austin! I cherish the times you and y/n/n come over and now you’ll have a little one around too!! Can’t wait. Love you!
cancely/n: PR RELATIONSHIP!!! ⚠️⚠️ ⤿ inlovewithaus: bffr. they have a child on the way. ⤿ y/nupdates: bro be so serious rn lmao they’ve been together FOREVER! just say you wanted Austin but couldn’t have him and move on.
yourmom: Thank YOU for being y/n’s rock and for being the best husband anyone could ever have. Grateful for you. Xx.
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lotus-pear · 9 months
GOD I LOVE KNKDZ SM I wanna hold them and treasure them like literally they could be so precious they have so much potential and ik we have to wait a few more months but I'm sooo fuckin excited to see if they have a reunion if they don't I'll probs cry from stress or smth like even if someone doesn't ship it they're partners istg they are soo important and I hope we can see more of them in action cuz kunikida has been crying (canon) from stress and trying to bring shit together, like he was really working on gathering the members together again and like poor bby I feel so bad he needs a warm hug, also I feel like getting your hands cut off and your ideals crumbling in front of you was traumatic like he's ok now physically but I feel so bad and dazai is being fucking shot and falling of an elevator while defeating fyodor and walking it all of like ??? I need a sick fic with knkdz and the ada in general he deserves that and I hope so fucking sooo FUCKING much that they get a fuckin reunion like this is all I can talk and think abt now I keep repeating myself, I hope atsushi, dazai and kunikida get one bc I miss their trio so idk what is happening now that s5 is over and the Manga is catching up in a few months bc we saw that they're fighting again like oh fuck ngl I hope dazai gets hurt more so more sickfics or maybe Canon sickfics like in it actually fucking happens in the series but whatever in the end I want the ada to be safe again and destress a little bc oh my god this was their biggest fucking mission in their life and its been going on practically since the guild but whatever I have so so so so so so high hopes for the future and the rise of knkdz (I also ship skk but knkdz is my no. 1 and need way more of them) I hope knkdz will rise and conquer we have to get our fucking game up us knkdz advocates we have a DUTY anyways love ya ur so hot for that knkdz vs skk rant its fucking unfair pls pls pls pls post more knkdz I'm going feral its my last will to live I will kms if the Manga doesn't have them I will defenestrate asagiri I will find him trust me I fucking will anyways anywho anyfuckingway thank you for being a part of the knkdz cult we can soo win we just have to wait for asagiri and like OMG I just had SUCH a dopamine rush like I practically almost jumped bc IM SO EXCITED to see them YOU DONT UNDERSTAND I LOVE THEM SO MUCH PLS PLS PLS ASAGIRI PLS DONT DO THIS TO ME I CAN HEAR THEM I CANNN HEAAAAAR THEM PLS PLS PLS DONT PUNISH ME I WANT MORE KNKDZ I WILL FUCKING COMBUST anyways ur so cool and ur art is fuckin awesome have a great day and new year hopefully full with happiness, success, change, and kunikidazai
REAL OMFG‼️‼️ bitches forget that kunikida has been partnered with dazai for two entire years, only one less year than dazai’s partnership w chuuya (before ur like noooo it was seven!!!!! that doesn’t count. chuuya and dazai met at fifteen and didn’t even get partnered that year. it was only during the events of stormbringer when mori realized the only counter to chuuyas corruption was dazai’s ability and he made them go on missions together like they did during the arahabaki incident and they became known as double black. dazai left the mafia when he was eighteen due to oda’s death)
anyway knkdz have also had to trust each other with their lives time and time again and kunikida values this trust more than anything, always relying on dazai even if dazai pisses him the fuck off. dazai says himself that the ada is home to him when talking abt it to sigma, AND WHAT IS HOME BUT A PLACE FILLED WITH HAPPINESS AND THOSE WHOM YOU LOVE DEARLY AND WOULD DO ANYTHING TO PROTECT
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wheeboo · 2 months
coming here just to blab about 'tell me that you love me' cause appreciation needs to be expressed (things i particularly enjoyed and without any kind of organization HAHA)
wheein and seungkwan? perfect. for some reason i imagined seungkwan in his juice collab outfit the whole time and MAN THE TRIO AS A WHOLE HAS MY HEART and the way you can just feel how much they care for y/n :(( the flashlight thing was so shakhsbs
lemme tell you rn that joshua back-hugging our dead sweet y/n made me want to sob LIKE I GENUINELY FELT SO WARM AND FUZZY READING IT HAKAWIHEHDSJ LIKE TELL ME IT WASNT ME REACHING UNSEEN LEVELS OF DELUSION and more-so ur writing dude <3
the way everyone and their mothers-minus woozi (although if he found out he'd hop on that ship real quick) and that *insert pi-cheolin cussing* a-hole wonsik (i now hc that jeonghan made him clean the whole cafe again before telling him he was fired idc LMAO) was just shipping joshua and y/n like??
joshua and y/n just being in love and all lovey dovey WAS JUST HDKAIWHE THE BEST LIKE GIRL UR WRITING IS SOOO-😤😤 the more emotional parts were so wonderful too and i just-everytime they're together i wanna melt :(( the fluffiness between them is diff from the fluffiness from like ur other fics like the catnapping one (which is amazing in its own way ily wonu but let josh be my bias for a hot sec) idk it just felt so emotional?? IDK BUT PROPS 👐
i've never read a deaf reader fic before and it was honestly nice getting to understand or at least get a glimpse of the perspective of those who are actually deaf 🙏
anyways, props! was an amazing read and definitely one to obsess over now hehe so pat yourself on the back 🫶🫶 the effort effort'd 😳 (i now want an actual back hug from actual joshua >:( )
crying not to sob rn WAHHSBSBSB stop please thank you so so much for telling me your thoughts and sweet words :((
STOPPPP i don’t blame ur for imagining him in that fit cuz IT FITS SO WELL???? i just HAD to make the 2 ppl who complete my username as yns besties,,,
IEJSN NO CUZ ANHTIME I THINK OF BACKHUGS I THINK OF JOSHUA. like it’s that certain affectionate action that FITS him so well and LET ME TELL U HOW DELULU I WAS FOR THIS MAN WHILE WRITING. he isn’t even in my bias line and istg he is now LMAOO
yess i wasnt kidding when everyone shipped cuz if i was in the story i would be too HAHA and seokmin def told jihoon abt the shua and yn tea fr. he ships them on the side. jeonghan DEF told him to clean the entire cafe from top to bottom before firing him it’s canon now
I LOVED SEEINF TBEM BE ALL LOVEY DOVEY cuz yk how fics most of the time don’t explore the couple being couple… well i wanted to do that AHHA. and really omg?? it’s interesting to see that there’s different fluff between them and catnaps couple omg… i love ur brain (happy to hear u love catnaps too 🥺)
thank u so much for enjoying!! i had a lot of fun exploring this dynamic and writing a deaf reader for the first time :)) i also want a backhug from shua i swear it would make me breakdown fr (in a good way)
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yuukei-yikes · 1 year
hi gang. this is a second manga route (lost days arc) hate post 💖 it's implied in the seventh novel that haruka&takane ending up in the same highschool is all part of saeru's plan being perfected route after route, like placing the mekadan everywhere it needs them to be right?? for haruka, since his dad was a colleague of kenjirou's, it would've been easy for saeru to be like hey u should enroll ur kid in this school!! but for takane's grandpa to suddenly start insisting on that school is a mystery. how the hell did saeru have any influence in that..??
second manga route lost days arc is stupid as shit and i hate it and it doesn't exist to me❤ like if haruka and takane were gonna meet and both die on august 15 and both get an exception of “dying alone but still gets a snake” anyways, without saeru's intervention what's the fucking point lmao.
like it COULD HAVE BEEN that with saeru's intervention, what differs is that instead of one snake per 2 people's deaths, it gets 2 snakes out for each person dead, both haruka and takane. does this make sense? like since the daze needs TWO people to die to get ONE snake out, haruka and takane (and ayano) have always been a ridiculous obvious exception with no justification since they die alone and get their own snakes anyway. second manga route HAD the opportunity to explain WHY exactly saeru needed to intervene with haruka and takane at all. like, if in this initial route both die but only one gets a snake! so saeru can be like OK i can grab these 2 people and, with all the "experimenting" on haruka and takane serving as some inference to how it happens, that’s how saeru gets two snakes out in one day to go according to its plans since it needs as many snakes to come out as soon as possible.
but second manga route STILL ignores this and gives both haruka and takane their own snakes even though they die alone (and ayano but im not talking abt her though it still applies in second manga route when she dies with her parents making it THREE people not two but whatever IM TALKING ABOUT HARUTAKA)(and in main route ayano also has her own bit like this but on the contrary, she just opens the daze by herself and stays. as if she had any jurisdiction over who stays or not in the daze and it doesn’t keep or spit out whoever it chooses)(like this all also applies to ayano but her case is different to haruka and takane’s intertwined cases so she’s a different subject ALSO ayano gets a pass because she gets AN AMAZING arc in second manga route as opposed to haruka and takane’s... WHATEVER THAT IS)
it's SO ridiculous, by all means bad writing with plot holes and i can excuse it in a main route because i know kagepro is the kind of thing that's just written as it goes and it's made by 1 person and to be honest all this nonsense stuff is infinitely charming to me and i love getting annoyed about it and dissecting it because it’s fun. but THIS...!!!! WELL I STILL LOVE DISSECTING IT AND IT’S STILL FUN BUT IT DOES MAKE ME ANGRY TOO.. come on. u didnt plan it at all!?!? and by the time second manga route started coming out kagepro WAS a lot more grounded on what it was yknow!! like come on. it's stupid as all shit also takane is so painfully ooc. maybe that’s the reason i wanna attack this route with hammers but all the other stuff is also true. like i keep saying lol second manga route I HATE YOUUU
like ugh the whole retaining eyes backstory IS SO INTERESTING and I DO LOVE LOVE LOOOVE ayano’s arc and the exploration of her being abandoned by the trio and being such a failgirl, and kagepro getting more meta than ever and having her realise she’s a supporting character. how it goes in depth about saeru’s motivations is so awesome too and oh my god shintaro and ene crying and calling each other a best friend my dude this route has so much going for it but. it still sucks so bad because it does my faves dirty. takane would never fucking kill herself. thank you.
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whalesforhands · 1 year
hi hello it’s the omori anon back to cause depression (and headaches^tm)
i wanted to focus on the sss trio and dyf!mc a bit more today, but mainly their techniques, so this is more of an analysis if not a headcanon.
it’s a fact that mc is a 2nd grade sorcerer, and that her shield can be easily broken by those above her level (vice versa for those below level). in a fight, she would be hinderance to someone like satosugu. although, that is not why i am talking abt her ability— and i don’t mean her cursed technique— i mean her ability outside of battle.
her ability to care, to feel, to be human; and most important of all, to love. she loved so much that her love transcended life and death, it reached heights that brought the heavens to its knees; hell to the surface. also, did i mention she technically represents what is in between “red” and “blue”?? (probably not but i’m getting into that rn)
red is considered repulsion, while blue attraction. the in between is what makes hollow purple, both everything and one thing at once. she can be considered what hollow purple is: destruction. her love was destructive, in both good and bad ways— even if it was never meant to be bad.
in a way, she was the crutch of the sss trio, the backbone. she was love herself to them. i bet they would’ve rended the earth, scorched the skies and reshaped the universe if it meant she could stay. when she didn’t, she left a void. like i said, SHE was love, not tje destruction love leaves. instead of destruction, she was obstruction. she blinded them with how much she cared. she CHANGED them. (and changed me fr this story got me crying as much as the canon does LMAO)
good LORD i must sound like a lunatic in this whole analogy and stuff but i hope my thoughts get across to u <3 love ur writing as always!! take care & until next time lol
-omori anon
omori anon do u also want to take over my account and replace me as the only writer? goddamn
i love how intricate this thought of yours is, and i’m so flattered you even spent time enjoying my silly little series i thought of.
i don’t want to say much here since i’m real scared of giving away my drafts (some of u in my inbox are scarily accurate, i’m terrified fr). but i’m going to say that you did a wonderful job of describing this, so i can’t just let you rot away in my inbox! maybe even major parts of it is canon in dyf haha
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subskz · 1 year
Aur right Miss Rin, I WANNA KNOW when u became a Stay. You honestly give Stay since Debut vibes (especially w/ ur love of Levanter) but I am often Wrong saur...
I, personally, only became a Stay in April 2021. My friends peer-pressured me into changing my pfp on Discord to Felix and I was like "He's actually p cute.. what group is he from?" and the rest is history. Now I'm the #1 Yeni Lover and Awkward Silence Enthusiast.
I also dragged my mom into this mess too in June 2021 (she's Felix biased with Chan as a bias wrecker and she also loves Hyunjin, Han, & Seungmin too). She went to the concert with me, so we both witnessed the infamous:
"Felix!!! Take me, Felix!!!" -Han Jisung; July 14, 2022
She laughed, I was absolutely Going Insane in the seat next to her with the thought: "The sub!skz council must know abt this"
Bonus Question: What's your favorite random Skz song? Can be a title track, b-side, solo, duet, trio, sub-unit, player, record, cover, etc.
Bonus BONUS Question: What's your favorite "era" for each member? For me, it's:
Chan - Miroh or Yellow Wood
Minho: Levanter (specifically all these looks⬇️ the satin(?) shirts with the sheer ascots)
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Changbin: Go Live
Hyunjin: Oddinary
Han: I am Who?
Felix: Noeasy
Seungmin: 5-star
Jeongin: Maxident
hello my dearest pink! please the way u got into skz is killing me…lix is the most dangerous gateway drug huh 😭 what drew u to yeni? im wondering if back door being their most recent cb at the time had anything to do w it bc i think he shone so much in that era <3
i am unfortunately not a debut stay ㅠ but i’m kinda honored i give off that vibe hehe i got into skz in january 2019! my friend had been trying to get me into kpop for so long but i just never clicked w any groups she showed me…then one day i came across the name “stray kids” on twt and it stood out to me bc i thought it was cool! so i checked out i am you and immediately fell in love…my friend was so mad LOL. miroh will always hold a special place in my heart bc it was not only my first comeback w skz but their first win too!!
it’s so cute that u got ur mother into them too!! she has good taste 😼 I REMEMBER WHEN U SENT UR ASK ABT THAT LMAOO little did she know the absolute illness that unleashed on us all…a moment in sub skz history
hmm if im understanding the question right u mean just any random song out of their discography? if that’s the case i’ll go w silent cry! how abt u?
i agree so much abt lino’s levanter styling…the soft sweaters n silk shirts they had him in made him look so so angelic 😞 i’m a bit indecisive so i probably cant settle on just one era for each member heh
chan - i am you/go live
lino - levanter/i am who
binnie - miroh/go live
hyune - i am who/levanter
jisung - miroh/5 star
felix - yellow wood/oddinary
seungmo - 5 star/maxident
innie - maxident/in life
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caps-clever-girl · 1 year
Okay I'm going slightly wild because I think I know your opinions on the mainstream ships - don't feel the need to do all of these 😆
I ABSOLUTELY answered all of these and you did actually include one of my fave rarepairs in this jkjshdfkj THANK YOU!!!!!! Ship game here!
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Fell in love with this pairing in the peach milk fic, i CANNOT EXPAIN this??? But i just lve how soft robin can be and i think thomas would do well with that. Also having someone who’s a bit more blase about monogamy could help thomas calm down a bit with how obsessive he is (or it could of course backfire and make him sad :c ) also i feel robins pranking/little shit-ness could go well with toms dramatics IF he let himself.
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This one was DIFFICULT. I love burnt bread ok annie/mary is absolute soulmate shit. Its funny bc at the start of ghosts i did think kitty/mary was very cute, but between a growing fondness for kitmas and my LOVE for annie/mary i lost interest. I personally perfer this trio as annie/mary and their bestie kitty? But i do think the potential is cute as fuck and i an happy to be convinced of an ot3!!!!!!
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I FUCKING LOVE JULIAN FANNY AND I WANT THEM TO BANG. I WANT THEM TO BANG A LOT. I WANT FANNY TO FINALLY SHOW HER TRUE HORNY COLOURS AND I WANT IT TO BE WITH JULIAN!!!!!!!!!!!!! Seriously i fucking love these two as an item, they were giving VIBES in s4 and i want those vibes to continue in s5 DESPERATELY. I think they get on so well when they arent insulting eachother (and when they are) like they’re both smart and can go toe to toe with eachother. And fanny is soooo repressed, i think she should unleash that and finally be her horny self and who better to do that with than julian? Yes he’s an ass but there is a chance he actually knows his stuff. Repressed posh horndog x huge manslut <3. The concept of these two send me so bonkers. I dont think its romantic, though i would not be opposed to seeing that develop, but i do think they would become besties with nasty benefits. Enemies to lovers, to Frenemies to lovers, to besties to lovers.
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CAP AND ROBIN CAP AND ROBIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE THEM I LOVE THEM I LOVE THEM!!!!!!!!!!!! 100% a case of have 2 fave characters? Ship them! Its a shame bc they have SUCH little interraction in canon :( i cry about that every day. But i think they would work and actually work WELL. Robin not only lets cap infodump about weaponry but he’s interested in it!! And again, robin is a little shit but he is also a soft bitch. He would be patient with cap, but in particular because sexuality doesnt really bother him?? (Twas simply not really a concept in is day) he has like…. idk how to explain it but like he has no kid gloves around cap navigating himself. He just says it how it is. He doesnt go overboard with encouragement or praises but its clear that he cares and that he understands its hard for cap?? Yeah?? And cap would appreciate that. Cap can go at whatever pace he wants, talk as much or as little abt it as he wants and robin wouldnt pester him, but would be VERY helpful if cap did need it. PLUS!!! They are nature boys. Tell me they would not spend HOURS out on the grounds looking at birds. Robin would show cap his mouse family and cap would LOVE it, and in turn he would show Robin the ants and robin would be intrigued by the fact insects can be organised and have jobs. Robin would teach him about the animals from his time and cap would be so interested. They would absolutely watch nature docs together. And robin would watch weaponry docs with him (not neccesarily war docs themselves). They would both spend hours watching How Its Made vids. God i love them. So so much.
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Ok my opinion on cap/mike. I do love the concept of this, but i do believe its one sided? Its hard to imagine mike falling for a ghost in general bc he cant see or interract with them in any way (hence i dont mind robin/julian/mike bc they kind of can have a bit of a chat and a joke). HOWEVER cap is canonically attracted to mike at the start of the series so hell yeah if that continued and developed that would be so good. The consequences of him being in love with mike would be excellent at any stage - pre-realisation of his sexuality would be incredible to watch, and it would maybe help him realise. It would be interesting to compare an infatuation with mike to one with havers and see the differences, esp if mike was mid/post realisation. I do think mike would be good mates tho. Just a vibe i have. I would love to see them interract so much. ALSO!!!!! I think the paralell of cap and fanny both having a thing for mike would be SO FUCKING FUNNY. Both of them sat bitching about it like “why me” “why me? Why HIM?” And “he lifted that box of silverware the other day and i fell through a wall.”
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winterdusktales · 1 year
man i really thought the dynamic of the three leads in oasis would be somewhat similar to the three leads in chicago typewriter or my country. well at least that's what the first few eps seemed to be going for
but it became just one of those many annoying kdrama love triangles bcs of the 2nd lead. idek where the plot is going atp
i still like the drama tho. cuz im a sucker for angst no matter how frustrating it gets. and i dont rlly mind where the plot goes. i just wish the three leads maintained their unbreakable bond no matter how complicated their circumstances turn out
like with the 2nd male leads in chicago typewriter and my country, as frustrating as it may be, i still understood why they had to make the choices they made. i wouldnt defend them but i get them. i loooove the 2nd lead in chicago typewriter no matter what and the three leads are still among my top fav kdrama trios. i hated the 2nd lead in my country but i get why he had to turn to the bad side. like theres an actual depth in his characterization
but with cheolwoong its rlly just immaturity, jealousy, and insecurity.
(get ready for a cheolwoong hate essay)
hes still the same highschool boy who would come home crying bcs doohak ranked 1st on top of the whole class. the same boy who was competing "fair and square" to win the heart of their highschool crush. the same boy who would make other ppl do the dirty work for him cuz hes a pretentious coward
the way he is so ready to throw away his lifelong brotherhood with doohak for his highschool crush who he knew for a few yrs and who never even led him on to make him think he has any chance with her
the doohak who he called his hyung his entire life. the doohak who did everything he told him to until highschool. the doohak who would fight his fights. the doohak who /involuntarily/ went to prison for a crime HE COMMITTED just bcs he begged him to tho he knew it would ruin doohaks life. like id be so ashamed to even show up in front of him. if he asks for something, id do it right away without considering it as a payment for my debt cuz nothing could make up for what doohak had to go through bcs of me
not to mention doohak also singlehandedly saved him (again... for the nth time) against that group of college students without any help from anyone
he couldnt even make up his mind if he wishes to save or betray doohak like how he remained neutral with the student activists vs gov thing in his college days. like if ure gonna be the bad guy, just be the bad guy and let me hate u entirely
like u can tell he still cares for doohak (reason why i thought theyd have this unbreakable brotherhood even when they act like enemies in front of eo but theyd come running to save eo when needed to cuz they know deep down they love eo like the male leads in the 2 dramas i mentioned above) but i guess he doesnt care for him enough to let him be happy after all those years of suffering (which he caused)
doohaks friendship with his gang members is even more precious than theirs. like i would trust any of the gang members with doohaks life but not cheolwoong
also the lack of self awareness??? he always brings up doohaks flaws when hes actually way worse
anyway i hope the writers dont give him redemption arc just for the sake of giving everyone a good ending. i want him miserable and i want to hate him until the end. when he finds out the truth abt his birth, i want him IN SEVERE PAIN. i want him to be so ashamed to even go near doohak. on top of that, i want jungshin cutting him off her life for good and giving him the same disgusted face she gave doohak when she found out hes part of a gang. I WANT HIM SUFFERING
and give doohak and jungshin their happy ending ffs! they literally just want a peaceful life together without all these makjang drama. theyve been through soooo much since they were young and until now. enough is enough
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pechebeche · 2 years
for the character thing!!! xion from kingdom hearts?
favorite thing about them: OH to be a female character in the kh series whose combat specialization isn't magic
favorite line: "You're going where I belong." when she kills you during her data fight...... oh the existential horror and lashing out of it all
brOTP: the seasalt trio is my favorite kh trio tbh.....something about getting to see the entire process from strangers to best friends rather than just being told "they're friends" and going from there. really worked for me
OTP: rokunamishi....it's about memory it's about loss its about three teens who are all supposed to be dead finding meaning in each other
random headcanon: xion is ABSOLUTELY butch the kh3 skirt is a lie that girl wears pants and works out and shows off her muscles at any given opportunity
unpopular opinion: i think ive talked abt this before but my god i hate that roxas and xion and namine were all brought back with no consequences. i would've much preferred that Just Xion came back and chose to carry on the others' legacy with axel
song i associate with them: pray for rain by massive attack
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m1ckeyb3rry · 6 days
Foreshadowing mmm but wait I need to go back and reread hollyhock now I sincerely remember there being some part where I was like “this is prime foreshadowing material Mira def slid sth in here” but I can’t remember exactly what so off I go
LMAO Nagi putting in actual effort whenever he battles mc while chigiri and Reo are looking at each other like “there’s no way this mf doesn’t like her he never battles like this”
My exact thought fr I typed otullia out and thought “wait this name lowk looks unbalanced I don’t like the way shit ship name sounds or looks just like phonetically” SHSGSH ok as much as I love the Otoya Tullia dynamic I do agree I think keeping the four of the platonic would kinda keep that familial vibe of the group throughout the story…also them eventually dating kinda gives me those “dating within the friend group” vibes LMAO (not that it’s a problem all the time but usually means they’ll eventually sorta grow apart/kinda separate within the group from the instances I’ve seen so) but lowk I kinda vibe with her being with some from from the mc trio?? (Or ig duo since Nagi is def off limits LMFAO) idk why it sticks out to me particularly but I feel like it’d probably also be easiest to integrate without you going out of your way to create interactions (since they probably encounter reader and co enough considering nagi and reader are rivals)…ultimately up to you though ofc LOL I think it also kinda boils down to how prominent you want their relationship to be? Like if it’s something you wanna showcase more then mc trio probably gives more room to show development (kinda like Tullia and toge from pi LOL) but if it’s kinda more just something you’d hint at and then show in the epilogue then tullisagi or yuki or hiori would work (from these options i kinda vibe with tullisagi the most though)!! But lowk from the vibes I got from pi Tullia though I will say that mc duo is what my gut is feeling LMAO
Pause you should curate a listening playlist for this fr im sobbing you KNOW a story will cook when it manages to show a characters importance even if they’re dead the entire time SHSHDDK but YESS THE TITLE ATE another stroke of genius lowk I love how your titles all strike the balance between simple and complex like usually only one to two words but there’s soooo much analysis you can do abt the meaning behind them!! (Ignoring the crackier fics LMFAO those are still genius but in a diff way yk)
Your graphics slap too I’m still not over how nice the oaeu one looks too (and that epigraph you showed me LMFAOOO) but I LOVE THE SCREENCAPS we’re fr on the same page because my first thought was also “LMFAO PANGORO JUMPSCARE” but WAIT MC TRIO GROWLITHES wait the one on the right is so Reo too I think it’s the eye shape but I totally see the vision
IM SAT TWENTY FOUR ARCS GUYSSSSSSS we’re in for a ride this is gonna be fire and based off your other works I would also be surprised if every arc is just 10k (considering sae oaeu got to 7.9k too LOL) imagine the 240k increases exponentially like Karasu bfb /hj guys are we gonna hit that orv wc (jk LMAO….unless….)
EPILOGUE I’m fr getting all the exclusive tea on this I love it but WAITTT I LOVE THE TIMESKIPS??? The grave visits have me crying /sad (bonus imagine everytime she visits she leaves him pudding from their childhood) and AWEEWE everyone fulfilling their dreams I love it and reader giving up the champion status is so real and such a move like no I don’t wanna be a politician lemme live my life with my pokemon and my white haired sloth
The “(otoya?? Isagi??)” has me laughing LMAO NAGIY/N CHILDREN I’m gonna need full profiles for their kids when you decide to develop them omgggggg THE FINAL LINE GOES HARD bro gege could never I love how fleshed out the epilogue is too like we get the full picture essentially of their lives which is honestly so nice
I love stupid dumbass otoya LMAOOO the tabieita dynamic is just too peak but im crying those lighter/faded ends of karasus hair are grey hairs because of the stress he’s endured LMFAOOO Karasu going through the stages of grief three separate times only to be like “there’s no way that happened to me AGAIN”
FRRRR I feel like the pokemon fandom is one where it’s like almost always active but in a very different way than most fandoms like bllk jjk etc…probably because the content is very different LOL trust you’re reviving it with this fic
BEST OF BOTH WORLDS problem solved im crying mc is actually so chaotic when you put it that way like neither nagi or chigiri care to manage (??? Im suddenly forgetting the English word for this) other people’s bad decisions and when Reo has his moments reason just flies out the window LMAO
I SAW THAT POST I fr looked at it and was like “hah I already got the vip premier screening two asks ago sucks to suck” /j but UGHHB ROUGH AND TUMBLE YUKI ON TOP I’m just really hoping kaneshiro doesn’t sideline characters like him and even Kunigami too (although idc THAT much abt him) like a certain author does…especially since the way he kinda prepped them all for their moments way showing their backstory too like don’t drop the lore and leave like that please!!! I have faith though I don’t think kaneshiro will follow in a certain someone’s footsteps sooo
LMFAOAO wait so real if you can get through orv like that you can read anything…from the like three chapters I read I almost passed out trying to understand wtf was going on between the romanization of the names and the plot but I’m glad you were able to understand LMAOO but yes do lmk if anything’s ever really confusing (yk it’s bad when even I don’t know what I was trying to say)
People just don’t see the vision smh (or they’re just trying to project a little too hard LMAO) guys why do none of you want the cute clueless losers??? Anyways…but HAHAHA nah when in doubt just blame aiku for any ooc moments he just brings out a hidden side to the characters he’s wingmannjng for dw about it….LOL you should pull up one of those generated spin the wheel sites and use that to pick what to do
Also NOEL NOA ok the jacket unzipping thing is just kinda >>>> the whole pants thing has me laughing though because there’s no way that feels completely comfortable to wear although ig they have to to keep their bodies warm SHSHSH
- Karasu anon
AHH idk if you managed to find it or not but i shall spoil down below because i need someone to freak out w me over the ending (and also because it’s technically not a spoiler?? like if you know anything abt oda nobunaga you know how reader’s story ends)
the spoiler is in the dream that reader has of her “mother’s” death which she explains to anri!! that’s actually HER death and the man is otoya 😰 basically in actual japanese history there’s this one battle where the opposing general almost certainly would’ve beaten nobunaga’s forces but he mysteriously dies before he can reach there?? so in hollyhock the explanation is that reader sends otoya to do it…he’s initially very reluctant as he doesn’t think he can do it but reader is very very paranoid and drunk on her power so she tells him he has to and eventually he’s like “ok 👍” and vanishes but he never returns?? this makes reader go INSANE she’s like convinced that he’s betrayed her until karasu tells her oh btw your enemy is dead…and then she’s like okay so where’s otoya then?? and karasu’s like bruh idfk 😭 so she’s lowkey spiraling because she thinks otoya’s plotting on her downfall (and otoya knows EVERYTHING about her so if he betrays it’ll be awful and she, karasu, and otoya all know it) anyways then in actual history nobunaga is betrayed by one of his retainer lords who sets his castle on fire and he commits suicide in his chambers so his body is never found by the enemies and uh. well. in hollyhock land there’s only one relevant retainer lord who swore allegiance to reader and that’s yukimiya 😓 they never got over reader ruining their plans and they believe that reader’s power should be theirs so it’s yuki who sets the mansion on fire and reader kills herself in her room…as she’s bleeding out she has a vision that otoya appears and embraces her (as the man in her dream embraced her “mother”) and she asks him why he left her but he doesn’t respond and she doesn’t argue, instead just telling him he’s not allowed to do so ever again and commanding (although it’s really more begging) him to die by her side 😔 it’s never outright stated (since we’re supposed to have reader’s twisted mindset) but heavily implied by the narrative, otoya’s characterization, and also karasu, that otoya died earlier assassinating that general, which goes against his earlier goals of just doing as he pleases because he loves reader enough that he’ll die doing as she commands and literally nothing BUT death could stop him from coming back to her 😩 anyways this isn’t written because the story ends with reader’s death but as a small consolation (??) in actual history hideyoshi (who karasu is based off of) kills the lord who betrayed nobunaga so karasu does get rid of yuki, thereby avenging reader, but then he’s the only one left which is sad ☹️
OKAY back to pokémon au LMAOAOA YESSS nagi has all of these creative strategies and he’s genuinely engaged whenever he’s battling reader meanwhile chigiri and reo are giggling to themselves because this is the only time they’ve seen him put effort into anything!! SEISHIRO NAGI WE KNOW WHAT YOU ARE…(a loser)
tbh i agree i also think that by making otoya and tullia romantic it also changes reader and karasu’s dynamic a bit?? idk how but it just somehow makes karasu seem like more of a love interest for some reason when he is explicitly meant to be a barou panel…def changes up the vibe of the group too so i do think we’ll have to hold off on ei/otullia (also their ship name isn’t good so that’s another sign…actually wait tullieita isn’t horrible maybe tullia’s name just has to be first in all of her ships) and yeah mc trio definitely pulls up a lot!! nagi more than the others for obvious reasons but all of them are def around much more than any characters aside from reader and co…the only reason i would hesitate to put tullia with reo is because i don’t want people being like “you always put reo with girls in your nagi fics because you hate gay people” or smth LMAOAO and tullia + chigiri give gossiping bestie vibes more than anything (you know every single reader and co + manshine trio link up is just them updating one another on the tea while reader and nagi battle) so lowkey tullisagi might be the play…tbh isagi is actually kind of relevant now that i have everything planned out so i could def have that brewing in the background!! especially because romance isn’t the main focus of the story so it’s not a big deal if it’s not front and center yk
the difference between my crack fic titles and my actual fic titles is so funny to me like wdym my blue lock masterlist has “pursuit”, “hollyhock”, and “peregrine” next to “freaky friday” and “oliver aiku’s guide to getting girls” LMAOAOA omg a pursuit playlist would kind of go crazy though tbh
that’s exactly what i was thinking ngl like if my silly crack one shots are now reaching like 8k+ words each there’s no way i’ll be able to fit entire arcs into 10k words 😭 some of the arcs are def single chapter events more than anything so those ones might be shorter but again plenty are longer…with 24 arcs though even if each arc is only one 5k word chapter a piece that’s still almost 100k words so either way this will be long 😩 LMAOO PLEASE THE ORV WORD COUNT FOR A POKÉMON X BLLK CROSSOVER WOULD BE CRAZY WORK 😱 maybe not that long but i can def see something hefty cooking up in the future
I LOVE THE EPILOGUE i think it’s so nice that everyone managed to accomplish their dreams and AGREED reader wants 0 part of being champion she just wants to sit on the couch and take naps with houndoom and nagi 😭 she did her time protecting the region it’s someone else’s turn now fr 🙂‍↕️ PLSSS YK THE NAGIY/N KIDS ARE SO CUTE my headcanon is that they have two and one of them takes reader’s aegislash as their starter and the other takes nagi’s reuniclus (since both give the vibes that they age super super slowly and they’re probably bored without getting to battle much anymore) and they literally storm through the region without any difficulty because their parents’ pokémon are literally champion level (since reader resigned instead of being beaten her team is technically undefeated in league battles)
I’M CRYING no because after the third time karasu’s deadass like “i’m not mourning for you until your literal ghost appears in front of me and tells me you’re dead 😐” someone free this man 😭💔
THAT’S EXACTLY THE TRIO’S VIBE as we know from epinagi reo does occasionally crash out (omg wait not to world build even more but maybe reo has a rival too [zantetsu] we just never see him because it’s not relevant to reader) and when he does nagi and chigiri are just like “you do you man 👌” because they cannot be bothered to give him actual advice (tbh even if they did it would not be good) honestly whenever mc trio links up with reader and co i bet reo BEGS karasu to talk to him so he can interact with someone else intellectual for a change
i do trust kaneshiro more than gege i think the nel arc just isn’t as strong as some of the others!! but also you can’t expect every single arc to be 100% perfect honestly he’s doing great w what he has so i def appreciate him…i doubt he’d drop that much lore and then just do nothing (unless it’s a naruhaya situation where he’d make it very obvious what he’s planning) so i will be patient hehe
LMAOOO okay sae nation is slowly finding the sae oaeu and it seems like people are kind of liking it so that’s good 🤩 agreed there needs to be more love for losers in the world they truly are so peak…agreed when in doubt blame aiku!! also having aiku’s perspective in the story adds a diff viewpoint which is pretty unfavorable for all of the characters so that can also add to some “ooc” energy because it’s just aiku slandering them DHSKDHSJSJ i think at one point aiku literally says sae is being ooc but then he’s like eh whatever 😭
NOEL NOA IN THAT PANEL???? OMG??? you know my fav of the masters is chris prince but i am SEEING the noel noa vision FBDJSJNSA this is reminding me of the ego fic i started where noel noa and reader have a very uhhh interesting dynamic 🤫 yeah icl the pants are silly but he looks so good unzipping the jacket that he gets a pass 😏
0 notes