#i currently have tears in my eyes nbd
cpyclopse · 1 year
I listened to "everything in you"- half shy from fiona and cake and now im sad. Expect simon and betty soon<333
A doodle to tie me over
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thisdreamplace · 3 years
Hey, you're amazing. Okay so I've got acne ever since my early teens. It's as if it's a part of me. They said it would 'go away' when I reached my early 20s. Nope. I don't really mind it anymore (as in no more obsessing over it) especially considering the tears, the dermatologist-prescribed ointment I've used so many times (and it only gets... less acne-ridden. For a while. Then boom, guess who's back? Lol it's just always there y'know?), the tactless and not-so-tactless comments, the secret longing of looking at others whose acne did clear up, or grimacing inside when someone exclaims: "oh no. I've got a 'pimple'" 🙄 "Why don't you try doing so and so?" "Try this mask, it works for me!" "Wow, why do you have so many spots on your face?" U get it?
Anyway, I'm thinking... Why don't I try manifesting, seriously, all this away? (Don't get me wrong, I have been using skin subs somewhat regularly for about a year (and like, idk, it's like a 'no pressure, imma put on the skin subs playlist while I study or chill or whatev' gig.) And like... Y'know, the only thing is, the acne waxes and wanes like a moon aka no real difference ig?) So, I mean, that's what the Law is all about yeah? Taking control of my life and myself? As I started working on my self-concept and wiring in new thoughts in my brain, lately it came to me: Why can't I get clear skin? Don't I deserve experiencing what that feels like just once in my life? Why did I give up? Why not me?
So, my amazing Law teach', here's the thing. I, as in the human whose body this consciousness is currently occupying, have got acne. Nbd. But Imma wave bye to the old me who 'had acne that wouldn't go away' for over a decade now. It's okay, I accept it. I accept I could've enjoyed life, especially school life, more had I not had others pointing out the acne or being inadvertently reminded of how I could've enjoyed looking 'okay' had I had the clear/okay/not-always-acne'fied skin. I let go of the old me and embrace new possibilities of great, fantastic, non-acne skin
So, applying the gorgeous Law to this matter. how? What do I do? I deserve having okay skin, man, right?
Tell me, guide me, direct me, dear friend 🌟💙
PS: i don't mind if the law'll help me get fine skin or not. I've been disappointed enough times in the past regarding this skin matter so... Ig that's actually a good thing? Detachment and all haha 😆 I want to try this out as an experiment+ rack up xp with the law lol
Hi! Thank you! :)
Okay so as I read through your ask, you really seem like you're approaching this from a place where you really know what you're doing. Actually, I was going to say the first thing you should stop doing is continuing to identify so deeply with the version of you who had bad acne. And you even hit on that yourself in the ask! By saying you let go of the old you. Yeah, that's exactly what needs to happen here. We cannot bring the "old man" into the new story. There's no room for them there!
Although you identified like that for so long, it doesn't have to continue for a second longer. So where do you go from here? Well, congrats! You have consistently clear skin now. You have seen it in your mind's eye, so therefore it is so. What does it feel like? What do you think about, now that you have the perfect clear skin you always wanted?
Answer those questions, then embody your answers every day in your mind. Become the person with clear skin within. You don't need validation from the mirror to know you have clear skin. You already have clear skin and the mirror must end up showing you this as true. Whatever you have/are within yourself, the outer world must reflect it. It is law.
Remember, even if you get thrown off sometimes it really doesn't matter. Neville said it's about the state you embody that most that constitutes your dwelling place. So, if you are embodying the person who has clear skin most of the time, and only get thrown off sometimes, it's not big deal at all. As long as you spend more time knowing you have clear skin within, your mental efforts will matched by the outer world.
Hopefully this helps! 💖
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museswithinx · 3 years
❛ it’s late , you look tired . ❜ { Hades for Tristan bc just trying to dad Seph's kids nbd, sure Adrian loves it }
After safely seeing Marlene home for the evening, Tristan busied himself in some work. They had an enhanced version of the dagger with a source to power it as well as some other weapons that were in the works, but he thought he'd double check some good sources to see if there was anything else they could throw into their basket. Then there was his duties to the pack as well, which needed their alpha and second-in-command now more than ever. So his sessions with Chance and all others would resume tomorrow as scheduled.
Multi-tasking between research and lesson-planning, Tristan barely noticed the passage of time till someone came to peak over his shoulder. At first he had thought it was Berry or possibly Mom coming to check on him and send him to bed. Dad would already be in bed. However, it was neither as an unwelcome presence commented to him, ❛ it’s late , you look tired . ❜
"Fuck!" He was startled by Hades, slamming the book shut as he moved to stand and face the source of all their current problems. His heart hammered in his chest from the surprise but as soon as it passed, his eyes narrowed at the man who had stolen choices from his mother, tried to kill his father, and sought to tear apart their whole family.
"Thanks, but I’m good on parents. Even if I wasn’t, definitely wouldn’t pick you for the job. I already have a father to scold me and he’s the best that there is, so you can shove that 'fatherly concern’ right up your ass. I know exactly what you’re trying to do and it isn’t going to work on either of us.” Tristan retorts to Hades’s piss poor attempts to ‘parent’ him like he had any right to even try.
It was unbelievable how delusional and obsessed this man was. His mom marrying his dad and having two kids with him was a very clear indicator she’d made her choice. Hades didn’t fit into that picture, he never had and never would. Yet still he persisted under some delusion of love and he was willing to destroy everything for it. 
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“If you had ever loved my mother at all, you would have just let her live her life the way that she chose to live it. That’s what real love is, it’s selfless and it’s respect. It means letting go. It also means leaving us the fuck alone. But you’ve never really been selfless, have you? No. You care far more about what you want than what she does and that’s never going to change. All those decades to reflect and you’re still selfish to your very core.”
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munsonsduchess · 4 years
So, I re-watched The Old Guard, again. Just like my Mag 7 re-watch I made some notes, six pages of them to be exact which is why I’m gonna drop them under the cut so I don’t clutter up anyone’s dash with my mildest of observations and all my feelings for a sad alcoholic Frenchman. 
I love how we’re introduced to everyone, Andy walking alone through Marrakesh and Booker speeding through the narrow streets on his bike. Are we supposed to think they’re strangers or do they know each other
Bookers little smile when he catches up to Andy like he’s so happy to see her again and Andy’s face lighting up to see him again too
Andy spent a fortune on a book because she knew Booker would like it. “First edition Don Quixote, that wouldn’t come cheap” “it didn’t”
“What brings you to Marrakech?” // “Family'' leave me alone I’m already sobbing
Andy honey they’ll still be able to see that picture in deleted photos but you tried and that’s what matters
Nicky and Joe!
Nicky is so happy to see Andy. That little smile. It’s adorable
“You look good” “you look ok” gentle family teasing is the best ok
It’s been a year since they saw one and other and they just love each other so much. No one touch me.
Nicky and Booker betting on the baklava and Joe just sitting there like “let him lose his money it’s fine, he won’t learn and it’s funny”
Everyone teasing Nicky for loosing and he’s just stood there like “no it’s fine ”
These are the best people for the job and Copley knows it and doesn’t care how much it will cost him. He has faith
Copley knowing Nicky is there and the little wave
Andy taking her axe with her. I love that axe
Just a group of immortals walking through the desert with swords and guns nothing to see here
“Peace be with you” those catholic teachings never quite leave
“It’s a trap!”
That has got to hurt. Those guys emptied full clips into them. Like I get the need to do a job and do it well but come on guys that’s overkill
This is what women want. Andy and her axe
Nicky still having faith there are girls
The picture on Copley’s desk. Like if you knew why did you have to go through this bullshit?
Andy has lived too long and seen too much
Like I know now that Booker knew what was happening or maybe he didn’t know the extent of it but him saying sorry did feel genuine
Andy is just all kinds of done. She didn’t want to do the job in the first place
Nile proving that yes you can be in a strange place and you can serve your country but you don’t have to be a dick about it
“Keep it respectful”
She made an effort to learn the language and learn the customs which goes a long way to establish trust
How traumatic must this have been for Nile? She always knew there was a possibility of being injured in combat or worse never coming home but to be injured so fatally and have your friend hold your life in their hands only to come back and be rejected because you’re an anomaly. A freak
Goes a long way to explain Booker’s feelings too
Nicky and Joe sleeping in the train car is something that is obviously so normal for couples and goes such a long way to show people how ‘normal’ queer people are
“What did you see?” “Part of a name tag” thanks Booker that’s helpful
“I felt her die”
“Everything happens for a reason boss”
Booker didn’t want to go after Nile. He didn’t want her involved
Nicky pushing for them to go after Nile. The emotional centre of the group, appealing to their own experiences and feelings from their first times
Andy is not happy and I can understand how she feels. Given their current situation bringing an unknown element into the mix is only going to complicate everything
“I know I saw her die”
No scarring. Nothing to suggest that anything happened to Nile
The seeds of doubt already growing amongst Nike’s friends and allies
Merrick looks like he should have been a doctor who villain who got his shit kicked in by Donna
Copley you asshole what did you think was gonna happen? They were just gonna get clips emptied into their bodies and let the mercs walk away? Use your big boy brain
Nile trying to come to terms with what happened to her. Everyone around her looking at her with suspicion. Even her Sargent who’s sending her away from more tests
The hostility in the barracks. The fact that her things are already packed.
Everyone knows what happened. Nile has never been more alone just like Nicky said
Trying to drown out the noise of the world and decompress and understand what happened“
But you can call me Andy”
Just casually steals a military transport. Nbd
MA’AM PLEASE I AM ALREADY GAY. Riding around in a tank top and shades like that is not helping
“These damn kids” 
Zero hesitation in shooting Nile. This is a woman who has run out of every kind of fuck
“Why does it always have to be so goddamn slow the first couple of times?”
“You shot me” “yes honey now back in the car
”Andy might think she’s cold and heartless and only here to do a job but you can see how much she already cares about what happens to Nile
Soldiers. Fighters. Family
You know what I’m really glad they didn’t make Andy’s tank top skin tight or moulded to show off her body. That isn’t how she rolls
Andy is so proud that Nile stabbed her. Look at that smile
!Nile already having the makings of a plan within minutes of stepping onto the plane
Andy just like “god isn’t real, I’m real though and people thought I was god”
I wonder how many nights the group sat up until the wee hours discussing things like theology. Andy who was worshiped as a god. Nicky and Joe who fought in a holy war for their beliefs and Booker who probably had his own feelings on the subject 
Andy being so chill about the crash. The best poker face
It was a good try Nile and look Andy is proud of you!
The smile on Andy’s face when she’s fighting with Nile gives me so much serotonin
Soft Andy. Who had to be tough to teach a lesson
Poor Nile. Coming to terms with what she is and the fact that she might never see her family again
Family dinner time!
Awkward family dinner time
Nicky and Joe staring at each each other with their puppy dog eyes “we’re meant to find each other”
Then Booker and Andy like “misery loves company”
Everyone’s just like “awh Nicky and Joe are so cute”
Andy reliving the people she’s fought with and lost
Booker knows just how much ‘help’ talking to ones family about the situation is
Booker do not put your finger on the trigger of your gun when it’s still in your trousers! You might be immortal but that’s gonna hurt a lot more
Oh no. Quynh.
Andy’s face. I can’t
Joe in tears telling the story“
Before me and Nicky it was just the two of them”
Booker knowing exactly how it feels to hang there for hours and not die or dying and coming back time and time again. Knowing how Quynh and Andy must have felt
I cannot imagine what it must have been like for Andy. To be with someone for so long. The only other person who understands you. To be ripped apart like that
“Why do you blame yourself” that’s not a nice question to ask people
The big emotional talk with Andy and Nile in the churchyard being interrupted by the gunfire
Andy being so afraid Booker wouldn’t come back and delegating to Nile who just accepts her orders
“Welcome back asshole” / “it feels like someone was dancing on my chest”
The banter
Nicky being banished to the table in the corner after 2006 is my favourite headcanon
“Wait for my signal” Andy is more pissed than ever at the people coming after her family
“Big wounds take longer to heal” Nile as a millennial presses x to doubt
The sheer emotion in Andy’s eyes as she fights. The tears. She’s doing this for her family.
Will I ever stop harping on about found family in this show? No I will not“
How can you even tell what the signal is?” One explosion later “oh wait nvm”
The wound on Andy’s shoulder probably doesn’t even feel like anything with the amount of adrenaline
The van. These two“
What is he your boyfriend?” Stanzas of Arabic poetry later, “he’s not my boyfriend he’s all and he’s more”
Nicky and Joe Horny on Main all day every day
These cocky little shits “can you remove the chains? no? ok”“
There’s a TV Joe!” “Champagne?” it’s not a field trip boys
“I used to keep my stuff here” in an abandoned mine she found in the 1150s or that’s when she thinks she found it
Nile being amazed by Andy’s ‘stuff’
Booker meanwhile makes a joke at the expense of his sister
Merrick really should have been a doctor who villain honestly. The grand gesturing the weird mood swings. He could have been great in a two part episode and then had to reckon with Donna
Donna Noble is my favourite companion don’t @ me
Copley beginning to have second thoughts on everything
Andy realising only now that she hasn’t healed from the fight in the church“
Just because we keep living doesn’t mean we stop hurting” I have a lot of Booker feelings ok“
I thought you were the brains of this outfit” oh honey no
Bookers family. Oh no.
No but really how hard must it have been for Booker. To know that his son, his baby was suffering from cancer such an awful disease all the whole cursing his father for being selfish, uncaring, cursing Booker and Booker can’t do anything about it. He’s immortal, he heals, disease will never ravage his body, but he can’t share it with his son. He can only sit and watch as death claims everyone he’s ever loved. Living with the fact that his family despised him at the end of their lives because they didn’t understand that his immortality is a curse.
I have a lot of Booker feels don’t @ me
The pharmacy girl though. Helping just because she could
Reaffirming the reason why Andy started to help people in the first place
A selfless act. A purely good deed. Nothing expected in return. An unselfish act
Andy’s wound and Lykon’s death causing Andy to come to terms with her own mortality
Merrick “prosperity data” and Copley “I’m sorry those are people not objects”
Nicky is not here for your bullshit
Malta Sex Vacation ™
Family bonding time with Nile and Andy
Andy “whatever it takes” and Nile “not on my watch”
So what I want to know is obviously Booker was in on it from the beginning but did actively derail Andy looking into Copley after Joe and Nicky were taken or was he just genuinely having a hard time
Nile prioritising her flesh and blood family and Andy totally understanding because she’s doing this for family too“
You and me Book. Now and always” my heart can’t cope
Nile finding the empty clip. Realising what’s about to happen and going back for her new family because as much as she loves her flesh and blood family this one matters to her as well
Meanwhile Copley I guess got a tip off from Booker (?) and knew this was all going down
The conspiracy wall
Booker you bastard why did you shoot her in the back?
I love this man but god damn
Booker wanting to be ‘normal’ because the memory of being rejected is still so raw
Suicidal tendencies in a 200 year old man
They’re both so upset by the whole thing. The betrayal
Book loves this woman with all his heart and soul. This is the woman who saved him and now she isn’t healing. She’s dying
Booker putting up so much of a fight so they wouldn’t take Andy
“I’m sorry Andy I’m sorry”
You might disagree with me but in my mind Booker never meant to hurt anyone. He didn’t want to be a lab rat. Didn’t want anyone else to be a lab rat. He just wanted to be ‘normal’“
All things die”
“Your time is coming” // “As is yours” Nicky is gonna fuck someone up
“I’m new” says Nile after shooting herself in the foot to make a point
Copley’s conspiracy wall or his fanboy wall for all the good Andy, Booker, Joe and Nicky have done
Copley’s grief at losing his wife being the driving factor for handing the group over to Merrick is tragic and heart breaking and just goes to show how much of a human story this really is
Nile said no guns Copley
Nile is here to save her family
“Those three men in there and I we’ll keep you safe” // Nile coming in guns blazing for them instead
Joe is going to kill Booker himself
“You and Nicky always had each other. All we had was our grief”
Everyone being so surprised to see Nile like “what the fuck?”“
Just leave me here” // “No man left behind”
Meanwhile Joe is fine with just leaving Booker right there to be the last lab rat
The groups concern for Andy who’s always been so strong
The concern. The subtle little head nods Andy does to let them know she’s ok
Andy spies an axe
Joe being so concerned for Nicky and making sure he comes back ok
Nicky immediately scrambling to his feet to go and help Andy
“What happened in 1934?” // “1834”
“Wait for the signal” “like the last one?” “Go big or go home!”
Arguing over who goes first and Andy just “if it doesn’t work our next time you can go first”
And there’s your signal
“You shot Nicky” Joe is not messing around when it comes to his other half“
You ok?” // “Everything hurts”
Andy has been immortal for so long she’s lost all sense of feeling human. Then Nile shows up to do just that. Remind her
Merrick calling Nile selfish like I’m sorry you entitled little shit what did you say“
Do you think he speaks Russian?”
That one must have hurt
Nicky and Joe just like “wow the new girl is hardcore”
“Faster than the elevator”
Gotta save Andy’s axe
Nicky sits in the middle which is the actual worst place to sit in a car
Do you think they al rocked up to a hotel covered in blood like “don’t ask just give us a room and a shower”
Joe still seething at Booker through the pub window
Nile having to live with the fact that her family will never know what really happened to her. That they’ll all think she was KIA and whatever body they send back won’t be hers
The 100 year naughty step
I love that Nile was gonna let Booker off with an apology like “he didn’t mean it he’s just a sad alcoholic”
Nobody look at me. Ok. Andy and Booker saying goodbye on the shore. I can’t. This is it. This is the scene that breaks me
“I won’t see you again” // “Have a little faith Book”
Joe really wants to hit Booker. Probably did in the interim
The big picture“
Maybe this is the why Andy”
Andy laying down the law and Joe in the background like “yeah this isn’t a request”
Meanwhile in Paris. Booker is tired and just wants a drink
I am a fan of the scruff though
If that’s water Quynh definitely brought it in herself for The Drama ™
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sporadicposthideout · 5 years
I'm just going to say it.
How come when Mon-El lied about being a prince, everyone pounced on him? Yes, I understand, that was a rhetorical question, let me finish before you attack. Yes, he lied to her face, but it was more because he was ashamed of himself, not because he wanted her to go through some pain she caused him. If anything, Lena should have her "revenge" by now.
If she really saw Kara as her friend and saw the anguish in her eyes as she bawled her secret to her during the Pulitzer party, would she not have seen true repentance? Would seeing the pain she was in not be enough? WhY IS SHE DOING THIS????
Imo, SC isn't becoming canon when Kara finds out bc then Alex is going to find out and we KNOOOOOW Alex isn't going to take kindly to someone trying to alter her sister's mind. I'd like for it to happen, I like the ship. BUT with the current direction of the season, I'm not biting my tongue.
Anyway, I got side tracked, my point was this: I keep seeing gifs of "oh look they love eachother, look at how they look at eachother🤩😍" but I just don't know if any of you realize how unhealthy that is. It's more twisted to make Kara believe that everything is okay, which I understand as Lena's goal; however, it's just going to backfire and they're all going to regret it.
I don't understand why we're calling this "progress". More screentime does not mean Supercorp is going to be canon. If anything, it's more time for it not to happen given that they put so much damage into every episode.
Aaaaand another thing... when we women shout for equal rights, it does not mean that we get to tear down men. It does not mean that when men do things, we let women get away with worse/equal versions (*ahem* Lena taking advantage of Kara for her own purposes, which would ALTER HER FRIEND'S MIND AND TAKE AWAY HER FREE WILL, ESSENTIALLY, nbd).
End men hating culture and MAYBE people will stop seeing the few bad apples when they think of feminism. I'm tired of seeing Mon El be taken down solely because he 1) "is a straight guy" and 2) he lied (you try being raised in that culture and having that be what you know as right, it's called perspective).
Equality is EQUALITY. If you're going to call someone on their shit, you have to call all you see who are also guilty out on that. If it hasn't been made clear yet, I ship both. Yes, that's possible, and yes, that's all I had to say.
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ywjaeha · 5 years
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helo budz i’m ayn and this is my cityslicker jaeha! he’s 26, city boi, and brand spankin new to yangwon. currently filling in as a veterinarian until he finds a long-term replacement! :’) he’s a pretty chill dude, just rly shy so like. u know. is he against making friends? not really. would he rather befriend the stray dog that keeps trying to steal his zucchini? yea. ANYWAY ! ! ! more info and wanted connections below the cut and also here!! if you’re interested in plotting ! please like this post and i’ll im u! i also have a discord (heunjeok#6758) if that’d be more convenient zz
TL;DR (but not rly bc i ramble lol)
born and raised in the big city! only kid, grew up pretty well-off. his grandparents moved to yangwon when he was a lil baby and lived the rest of their lives out there until passing. he’s visited yangwon a few times (every week every summer through middle school! and then every now and then for a day—sometimes less haha—high school onward) so he’s not Brand New but it sure feels like it :’)
he’s a...... veterinarian. just like his grandpa! finished his post-vet school internship a few months back and he was abt to sign a contract to work in seoul when his grandparents passed. 
originally he just came to yangwon to help tidy up his grandparents’ affairs but ended up committing to filling in as the veterinarian for a year max until a “more suitable replacement” could be found for his grandpa. 
so now he’s living here. in his grandparents’ old house on mugunghwa (neighbors where u at). hasn’t unpacked completely and probably never will bc at this point (he's only been in yangwon since september!) he’s still pretty set on going back to seoul asap. 
still he kind of ! likes it in yangwon ! even tho he won’t admit it! 
generally he’s a pretty polite, even-tempered dude. comes across as a little cold and stilted @ first bc he’s reallllylyyly really shy and it kind of manifests as stiffness instead lmao. that being said, he’s not too great at pretenses and when he smiles/laughs, he rly means it!!! so !!!!! pls dont give up on him he needs friends lmao 
seems kinda like a pushover but he’s pretty str8forward about things he does/doesn’t want to do. like for example when ppl try 2 flirt with him he’s like Im not interested [and then after a pause] but thank u!
internalizes everything bc he’s a grownass man who never learned how to cope w/ his emotions
probably cried watching old yeller but did u not? u heartless b*tch?
some random facts and tidbits: spends way too much time watching reality television (think trashy shows like love island) but is way 2 ashamed so it’s like a dirty secret and he’ll die if anyone finds out. has terrible vision but he’s wearing contacts these days and they’re so gd THICK sometimes his eyes start watering and it looks like he’s just having a bad day and crying it out. he’s super duper fond of kids and animals. likes 2 garden (he’s maintaining his grandma’s garden atm). uhhhhhHhhH he was engaged to a long-time gf but she broke it off maybe one? almost two years ago and he’s #okcool abt it (but not rly, genuinely he’s very exasperated w/ the idea of romance rn). has the tastes of an old lady (his fave snack is yanggeng). and. 
idk what else man. 
he’s (vague hand gesture) really just trying his best. 
people he met when he was way younger and visited yangwon! chances are he won’t recognize u and u won’t recognize him but maybe once u get to talking some gears will shift and something will click! even if it’s been a longass time since he was last in yangwon, he’s pretty desperate for any semblance of familiarity he can anchor himself to ha ha ha
have a pet? or just a ton of animals? as long as they’re not seriously injured/in need of surgery or specialized attention (in which case he’ll reroute the case to haesan, but dw! he’ll make sure the transition goes smoothly!), he’s ur dude :’) 
he’s watching this show called heart signal (it’s a reality show abt finding love) RELIGIOUSLY and u catch him and he’s humiliated but maybe ur a big fan and now u guys have viewing sessions and it’s honestly embarrassing at first but now he’s just glad he has someone to talk to about it
ur mom/dad is seriously concerned that a single dude like jaeha is living on his lonesome in a house built 4 a FAMILY and keeps sending u to check up on him with banchan in tow. it’s really fucking awkward at first! but maybe a rapport develops somewhere along the way ...! 
u think he wants to be friends with u but in reality he just thinks ur kid/dog/cat/literally anything that isn’t an adult human is cute
catch him tearing up in the middle of a conversation bc of his contacts and ur like holy fuck i just made this newcomer CRY and jump to conclusions before jaeha can explain (haha no it’s just my eyes- wait- why are u apologizi- uh-) and now ur dragging him around and going out of ur way to be nice to him in penance and he’s just standing there awkwardly like I’m Never Wearing Contacts Again 
U step on his only pair of glasses and break it to SMITHEREENS! it’s fine but it’ll take a couple of days to get a replacement so it’s chill.... he’ll just walk around........... Hopelessly lost............. vision obscured......... nbd.... 
doesn’t usually drink bc he’s hella #cleanliving but also hella #lightweight so idk... drunk shenanigans... he’s so embarrassed he trips into a bush the next day trying to avoid eye contact w/ u 
only child!!!!!!!!!! but he’s always wanted siblings so idk? maybe a younger sibling figure :’)
ok im [steam comin out of my ears] running out of ideas but we’re just generally looking for some friends! acquaintances! people who were familiar w/ his grandparents! ppl he might have met before! anyone! Anything! let’s go find a wendigo together!
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boystownbirdie · 7 years
It’s time for another installment of let me watch TV for you (LMWTV4U) where I watch TV shows so you don’t have to! Today I’ll be re-capping the latest ep of Game of Thrones, Season 7.
As always, spoiler alert! Also, reminder that I have a new feature called WHY DOES THIS SCENE EVEN MATTER or (WDTSEM?) to help us decipher those random scenes that seemingly serve no purpose. SO MUCH HAPPENED TONIGHT SO LET’S GO!!!!!
We start at Dragonstone where Khaleesi and co are still strategizin’
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Khaleesi’s pals are trying to get her to attack QPC ASAP but she’s not really havin’ it. She proceeds to rip Sleevey a new a-hole for his lack of loyalty. If you’ll recall Sleevey is a schemer and is the one who basically brought together all of Khaleesi’s current crew but also was the one who sent assassins to kill Khaleesi back in season 1. She’s like will you be loyal 2 me? And he’s like sure...until I’m not anymore. And then you can kill me. And she’s like kewl good plan also will you lemme know if I’m doing a bad job as Kween and he’s like yep, sure.
Next, the red witch lady (who Bae sent away at the end of Season 6 because she burned alive this sweet bb gurl but also who brought him back from the dead) shows up on Khaleesi’s doorstep. Khaleesi is like hey what up I also speak the fanciest language and your religion is #trending back home and helping to keep people calm so… thanks. And the witch lady is like great, also FYI Bae is pretty fine and just got named “King of the North” thought you should know. Tyrion, who is like basically vice president, is like ya I remember Bae he was a kewl kid we met in Season 1. Obvi Khaleesi doesn’t know that Bae is her nephew yet but she’s like, well let’s invite him to hang out here but he’s got to #bowdownbitches to moi.
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Later in the ep, we pop back by Dragonstone and Khaleesi is meeting with her peeps in the map room. Previously-traumatized Theon’s (PTT’s) sister is like we should launch our armies and dragons on Queen Pixie Cut (QPC) like right now please because she’s a shady bitch. And then the Sand Queen (she’s the one whose daughters are called the “Sand Snakes” and who stabbed her brother in law and took over down South last season) is like BTW I hate the Lannisters and my hubby got his head squeezed to death 2 seasons ago when he was defending YOUR honor, Tyrion and I’m not over it. And also Queen Makeunder’s (who got ‘sploded last season) grandma is there and she is like I miss my granddaughter and also you shouldn’t worry about burning up innocent people with dragons because QPC did it and now look at her!
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Khaleesi is like I #respectmyelders but also, naw dawg. She decides PTT’s sis and Sand Queen will head down south and round up all of their troops together then they’ll attack QPC slowly because she can’t bring her Dothraki dudes and Unsullied troops over there it would be CHAOS. She does decide to send the unsullied troops to Tyrion’s hometown, Casterly Rock, to take that place over. Everyone is pretty on board with this plan except for Grandma so Khaleesi’s like DM- me, k? Khaleesi and grandma sit down and gma is like you should not trust Tyrion, this plan is dumb. Also, you ARE a dragon. And Khaleesi is like thnx for the inspo but.... I don’t wanna burn everyone up. 
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Then, Khaleesi’s bestie/translator who is FLY AS HELL and has the coolest outfits and hairstyles, goes to talk to Greyworm, the leader of the unsullied army. These 2 have had the hots for eachother forever, so it’s no surprise when they FINALLY HOOKUP YAASSS GAGA! If you’ll recall the unsullied are all castrated as kids so he’s kinda embarrassed about his lack-of-package, but hottie translator is like NBD let’s do this. And so he, much like Jon Snow season 3, is like NBD lemme go down on you and she is LOVING IT. And it’s a great scene because we haven’t had nearly as much sensuality on GoT in the past few years and we needed it.
Let’s stop in Winterfell to check in on Bae and Sansa, shall we?
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That letter that Khaleesi mailed to Bae has already arrived and Bae is like I know it’s legit because Tyrion put an inside joke in there that only he and I would get, OK? Sansa is like yep I was briefly married to Tyrion against both of our wills and he was v nice to me and treated me well. And No-Knuckles is there too and he’s like fire kills those ice zombies and dragons = fire and everyone is like sure but can we trust her?
Later in the ep, Bae gets the letter that his bestie, Sam, sent him in last week’s ep about how there’s heaps o’ dragonglass under dragonstone. Bae is like ok now that I’ve got these 2 very informative letters, I need to go see Khaleesi. All of his pals/ people loyal to him are like BAD IDEA, BAE don’t leave us we need you. And Sansa is like ya dude you can’t just leave and then no one’s in charge over here and he’s like LEAN IN GURL YOU DA KWEEN OF WINTERFELL. And she’s like I guess I never considered that but Ok, fine.
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Then Bae stops by to visit their dad’s grave (well actually his uncle but he doesn’t know yet) and Littlefinger comes creepin’ around like hey remember how your stepmom was always mean to you? I was in love with her! And Bae’s like GTFO. And Littlefinger is like #you’rewelcome #dwaynetherockjohnsoninmoana  for helping you win this place back last season. And Bae is like don’t touch Sansa, k?
WDTSEM? We’re supposed to think Sansa might just take Littlefinger’s advice and do some sort of plot to take over from Bae, especially now that they’re fighting on the regs and now she’s all in charge. Personally, I think Sansa is smarter than that and also she’s made it quite clear that she’s grossed out by Littlefinger, esp his obsession with her mom. WHO KNOWS what will happen, but this last scene is probably supposed to plant some seeds of doubt.
We briefly touch base in King’s Landing with QPC…
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She’s sitting on the coveted throne-of-swords and telling people how awful Khaleesi is. She’s like ya…. She’s gonna burn y’all up with her dragons. And everyone is like but remember last season when you burned up half of this city? Sam’s dad is there and he was a major dick last season and nothing seems to have changed in that department. QPC’s bro/lover, Jamie, is like will you please fight for us? And he’s like I would but I promised that grandma (who is currently #teamKhaleesi) that I’d be loyal to her so… no. But Jamie is like well if you change your mind I can put you in charge and you can forget about grandma. He doesn’t seem convinced but we’ll see.
Later in the ep, QPC checks out some dragon skulls with the “maester” because now that Khaleesi has these dragons, she’s gotta figure something out. He shows her this giant crossbow/catapult thing he’s made that can kill dragons and she’s like wow kewl.
We also briefly check in with Sam in “Old Town”
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He’s still interning at the maester-training-academy and he’s treating Khaleesi’s former bestie, Stoney, who has that terrible skin-turning-to-stone disease. Sam’s boss is like sorry, Stoney, you’re done-zo, you have to go live with the stonemen. And Sam is like hold up, you’re a Mormont? My old boss when I was in the celibate-dude-ice-wall-guarding-army was your dad and he was a badass. Also, I had to watch these creepy dudes stab him so I owe your fam. He tries to talk about cures for the Stone disease but his boss is like SHUT UP YOU’RE JUST AN INTERN!
So Sam comes back that night and is like ok would it be kewl with you if I perform surgery on you, Stoney? I am just an intern and I’ve never practiced this before but let’s try it. And then we have to watch a truly disgusting surgical-removal of stone-skin that honestly even writing about it I’m dry heaving.
Arya is still on the road, headed to kill QPC last we checked…
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She stops in to this pub to see an old friend name HOT PIE (that’s his real name, not a nickname) who is a wonderful chef. She eats some of his bread and drinks some beer and he keeps asking her questions but she is REALLY EVASIVE and won’t look him in the eye. He asks about Ladyknight, who we know is now working for Sansa full time, but who previously was trying to find Arya too. Arya is like, ya, she found me but then I had to head east to the face-swapping-assassin-training-academy. And he’s like you should check out Winterfell because I know you’re secretly a Stark. And she’s like NO THANKS, the Boltons are in charge over there and I don’t wanna get skinned alive. And he’s like NAW BITCH your bro, Bae, is in charge over there now. Which I guess in all of her travels she still didn’t know this? IDK seems fishy. But then she’s getting ready to leave and is about to keep heading to kill QPC but then CHANGES HER MIND AND HEADS TOWARD WINTERFELL! It was a very sweet moment in the episode and full disclosure I did tear up a little.
WDTSEM? Arya, in her current life as an assassin, has lost some of her humanity, as shown when she can’t even look her old pal in the eye. But finding out that her bro is still alive and that her old home, Winterfell, is in the Starks’ hands again has changed her. After meeting Ed Sheeran last week and his whole crew who reminded her of the importance of home and being with family, she’s finally deciding there are more important things in life than revenge. Which is kind of sweet.
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Later, she stops for the night and is trying to stay warm by a fire when her horse starts gettin’ real spooked. Suddenly a pack of giant wolves (which are totally her brand because #stark) surrounds her, and she realizes one of them is her old pet who she set free back in season 1. She’s like hey.... Remember me… we were friends? And the wolf is like ummm… new phone who dis? And she’s like please come with me, I’m headed home. But the wolf is like sorz, can’t. And she says “that’s not you.” IDK if she means this is literally not her old pet or if she’s saying this feral version of you with a pack of wolves is not the wolf I knew. It doesn’t take a TV genius to figure out wolf = Arya and she’s conflicted between her new “feral side” and her old, daughter of a Stark side.
Our last scene is A DOOZY and it takes place on the high seas…
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PTT and his sis are headed south with the Sand Queen (SQ) lady per Khaleesi’s instructions. We get a quick scene with her daughters, the Sand Snakes, just to remind us they’re all badasses and then we check in on SQ, PTT and his sis. SQ is like why do you keep your bro around he’s always acting all previously-traumatized. And his sis is like he protects me, but SQ is like you don’t need protection… and she and the sis start touching each other. PTT is like that’s my cue to leave, but just as some hawt SQ on PTT-sis action is about to go down, their ship is under attack. PTT and sis head upstairs and it turns out their crazy Uncle has come to find them! 
He sets all of their ships on fire and is tearing through all of their armies. The Sand Snakes put up a fight but sadly are taken out one-by-one. SQ is captured and is like, please kill me, but they do not. Then PTT’s sis and uncle go head to head. PTT’s sis is a major badass but uncle crazy-pants has craziness on his side and also captures her. He’s holding her hostage, about to cut her throat, so PTT is like ummmmmm….idk what to do. He’s clearly having some serious PTSD, so rather than make any decision, he jumps off the boat. His sis seems v v disappointed because she was literally just bragging about how he can protect her. He survives but is last seen floating sadly, watching all of their ships burn and his sis get taken away…
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WDTSEM? Remember last week when uncle crazy-pants came to see QPC and bragged about having 2 hands? Well he promised to bring her a gift, and while my initial guess that it would be some sort of dragon-horn was probably off, it seems like the gift he’s bringing are these hostages. He now has the Sand Queen and PTT’s sis, both of whom are v powerful players. Having them to bargain with will be very helpful for QPC, assuming that’s the plan.
Final thoughts:
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This ep was actually pretty great, minus the disgusting amateur surgery scenes! The fight scene at the end clearly had a huge budget and it showed- the fiery sparks throughout the entire scene were so cool and we’ve never seen much fighting-at-sea (with ships v. ships instead of ships v. land). The CGI people really did a bang up job if you ask me! #nerdalert
Biggest surprise this ep: I did NOT see that whole attack at the end coming! Also, everything is happening so fast! Everyone is learning about everyone else so quickly. I feel like in past seasons it would have taken us 2 eps at least to get something in the mail but now the mail’s coming 2-3 times an ep!
Biggest letdown:I was hoping, based on the preview, that Bae would really come for Littlefinger and squeeze him real good, but he was pretty gentle. Shoulda known because Bae is not one to strangle willy-nilly but DAMN I am sick of listening to Littlefinger.
Important fashion moments: Khaleesi’s shiny black get up was pretty great and I’m coming around to Sansa’s weird chain necklace.
Who died this ep? The Sand Snakes (RIP) and a bunch of Iron-Islanders (PTT’s people) and probably some Dornish people too (SQ’s people)
Thanks for reading, tell your friends! Check in next week! 
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feveredreams · 7 years
92 truths tag
RULES: Once you’ve been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 92 truths about you. at the end choose 25 people to be tagged.
Tagged by @ardentlythieving
drink: coffee 
phone call: hmmm um my best friend probs
text message: my dad
song you listened to: currently listening to cheap thrills from pitch perfect 3
time you cried: yesterday morning when we were discussing native american cultural erasure and I was so tired that I teared up thinking about all the stuff that was lost bc of colonization
dated someone twice: haha good one! nope.
been cheated on: lmao no
lost someone special: yes
been depressed: who hasn’t?
been drunk and thrown up: yeah, but it was nbd. 
made a new friend: so many!!! college is lit as fuck
fallen out of love: I suppose? I got over them, does that count
laughed until you cried: absolutely
met someone who changed you: oh, and how much! 
found out who your true friends are: yeah, kinda?
found out someone was talking about you: in a positive way, yes. in a negative way? block out the haters ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
how many people on tumblr do you know in real life?: several? idk 
do you have any pets?: two doggos :D
do you want to change your name?: I used to want to change my name to Jack when I was a kid, but i like my name now
what time did you wake up this morning: 7:00, as per usual
what were you doing last night: went to crew practice, watched the boys play mario kart
name something you cannot wait for: going on a caving trip this weekend!!
have you ever talked to a person named tom?: yeah. 
what’s getting on your nerves right now: uh honestly thursdays are really good days for me so nothing? I do have two interviews today tho so that’s stressing me out, not really on my nerves tho
blood type: every time i ask my dad he makes me draw a punnett square and every time the conclusion is we don’t know for sure! why won’t he just tell me!!
nickname: my sister calls me Ni, my guy friends call my baller now bc of certain..things
relationship status: single? there’s this girl i kiss on the reg...but we’re not dating...¯\_(ツ)_/¯
zodiac sign: pisces
pronouns: she/her/hers
favorite show: *immediately forgets all shows ever watched* sense8, b99, parks n rec
college: go wildcats!!! 
hair color: dark brown, tints of red in the sun? 
do you have a crush on someone: not really. I mean, I lowkey love her but like, it’s chill
what do you like about yourself: today is a good day, so everything. I’m a motherfuckin’ queen, bitches (but really, I love how weird I am.)
first surgery: wisdom teeth were my first and only
first piercing: nope
first sport you joined: uhhh i guess gymnastics when I was a kid? 
first vacation: honestly i don’t even recall my breakfast, how am I supposed to remember this?
first pair of sneakers: who tf knows?
eating: nothing
drinking: nothing lmao I had breakfast earlier, i’m distracting myself rn
i’m about to: go to class in half an hour
listening to: pitch perfect 3 soundtrack, but abt to switch to my twentygayteen spotify playlist to get hyped
want kids: maybe? adopt, if my future wife wants 
get married: there’s no way I’m going to miss out on shouting “that’s my wife!” and decking somebody in the face right after
career: do i want one? yes. do I know what kind I want? nope
lips or eyes: eyes, for sure. they’re my kryptonite. but so are strong arms, and nice hair, and...girls, in general...
hugs or kisses: depends on from whom
shorter or taller: i’m five feet, guys, everybody is taller 
older or younger: i tend to like older people, but I’d be down to date either
romantic or spontaneous: is this question putting the two as opposites? cuz they definitely are not. both
sensitive or loud: i’m sensitive in that I’m super attuned to other people’s moods. I get loud when I’m drunk
hookup or relationship: both, neither, i dunno rn
troublemaker or hesitant: depends on the situation. usually more hesitant though, unless I’m in a wild mood or with people i know very well
kissed a stranger: i can say yes now! sort of
drank hard liquor: you mean people drink beer? 
lost contacts/glasses: all the fuckin’ time. 
sex on first date: I mean, if the chemistry is there?
broken someone’s heart: pffffffft
been arrested: not yet, but as a minority, it’s only a matter of time, right?
turned someone down: my friend asked for my fries the other day and I said “hell no”
fallen for a friend: I mean, how do you fall for somebody you don’t know? 
in yourself: goddesses run on belief
miracles: depends on the day
love at first sight: up for debate. I’ll get back to you on that.
this was a shit ton. if y’all feel up to it:
@randomnerd192, @katiemcgratheatinganoyster, @saywhhaaa, @kelseyshea, @seigetsu-ren, @omomoification, @raevalerius, @fuckingmonet, @shawxroot, @taliaarcher, @besiderunningwaters, @gayreyinspace, @thisis-control, @cunextues
0 notes
marianneforbes · 8 years
A response to “33 Ways Your Boyfriend Is Micro-Cheating (And Totally Getting Away With It)”
The Huffington Post is one of the most hilarious sites on the internet, and for good reasons. They make a big deal out of everything, and this list is just the crème de la crème of goodness. It’s called “33 Ways Your Boyfriend Is Micro-Cheating (And Totally Getting Away With It)”. The title alone indicates that you’‘re in for some good laughs.
1. Reaching out to a girl who’s “just a friend” for a recommendation or advice on an issue he could easily Google the answer to because he feels like bantering. 
Maybe he reached out to her because she knows about the subject in question, and tought that it was easier to just ask her than google. Would you have cared so much if the friend was a man?
2. Giving a waitress or a bartender an obscenely large tip just because she’s hot AF. 
Or maybe because she did a good job serving you and made you feel welcomed? It’s at least something worth considering.
3. Following a ton of hot girls on social media and beginning to feel like he actually knows them because he monitors their every post that closely. 
Or, he could follow them because he think that what they are intellectual beings whose opinions are worth considering. It is also quite common that when you follow someone for a while on social media that you feel like you are starting to know them.
4. Sending someone who’s not his girlfriend something blatantly provocative, like an article about sex or the porn industry, because he thinks she’ll find it interesting or whatever. 
Okay, I can give you this point to a certain degree, but instead of walking around being all suspicious why don’t you just ask him? Who knows, maybe the woman is either studying to become a sex therapist or is already one.
5. Logging a girl in his contacts folder under a code name to avoid detection when she call, texts, and emails. 
The question is, how do you know this? If you know this, then doesn’t that mean you have been snooping around on his phone? You have already shown a clear dislike over him having female friends, so I’m not surprised.
6. Tagging another girl in an Instagram that reminds him of her or references a seemingly innocuous inside joke between them. 
Does he do this with his male friends as well?
7. Obsessively checking another girl’s social media feeds and getting way more excited about the non-girlfriend’s posts than he does about his significant other’s. 
If his significant other only post stuff complaining about pink taxes and the “patriarchy”, then I will not judge him for gravitating towards someone who posts more relevant and intellectual stuff.
8. Confiding in or venting to someone other than his girlfriend when he’s feeling especially emotional because he craves the response he thinks he can only get from that other girl. 
Writer, you are a feminist! You are part of the movement that made up words such as “man tears” and “mansplaining”, and you always, ALWAYS, find a way to make someone else’s problems about yours. Maybe he talks to this woman because she will offer him actual comfort.
9. Going out of his way to tell a woman he met or ran into the night before that she looked amazing or seems to be “doing really well.” 
Maybe she looked upset when he last saw her, and now looks happy. What a horrible crime to be a considerate human being.
10. Purposefully neglecting to mention his significant other in conversation with the friends and colleagues he interacts with regularly so that many of them actually think he’s single. 
Ask him why he does it! Maybe, just maybe, the problem is you.
11. Diminishing his relationship as “not that serious” when in fact he’s cohabiting and maybe even engaged.
It seems to me that your fiancé is ashamed of you. Ask him why is that, talk to him like an adult to another adult.
12. Outright denying that he’s in a relationship to extend the flirtatious exchange he’s enjoying with some random girl on the train or at a bar, even if he has no intention of trying to hook up with her. 
This is a red flag, I’ll give you that. But like I said, talk to him like an adult. Throughout your post you have been giving clear signs that you are someone who like to control your boyfriend’s every move to the point that he has to hide his female friends.
13. Closing his eyes when he needs a minute to escape and daydreaming about the girl he’s crushing on because she’s his opium of the moment. 
Are you a mind reader now as well? How do you know what he’s daydreaming about? Can you honestly tell me that you have never tought about famous male celebrities with nicely toned bodies (Ryan Gosling, Tom Hardy, Jensen Ackles)? Why can’t men have their fantasies?
14. When something awesome happens to him and he chooses to share the good news with another woman first. 
Is she someone who shows genuine interest in his well being? Because you seem like someone who doesn’t. Perhaps he was just so eager to share this news openly with someone face-to-face and she just happened to be there.
15. Reaching out to an ex on a day that was once significant to them as a couple, like their anniversary or the day they first had sex. 
Seems to me that he’s quite unhappy in his current relationship, and wants to remember a time when he was happy. Given how paranoid and controlling the author seems to be, I can’t say I blame him.
16. Going out of his way to do something nice for someone who’s not his girlfriend, like hook her up with tickets to a concert or a reservation just because.
Yes, how dare he do something nice for another? Maybe this woman got robbed, or a close relative to her died, or she was recently dumped/cheated on. Just a little food for thoughts.
17. Telling another girl that he’s thinking about her on a day that’s not her birthday or a holiday. 
Maybe something bad happened to her recently. See my previous argument.
18. Worse yet, texting her “good morning” just to say good morning. 
Why is this bad exactly?
19. Picking up the tab like it’s nbd when he’s out with someone who’s not his girlfriend because he wants to impress her or seem cool. 
Or maybe to get her to laugh over how dorky he is. I know you feminist lack humor, but it can be quite a powerful tool.
20. Giving another girl a “hope certificate” (i.e. some degree of reassurance that he’ll be on the market soon) by insinuating that things are rocky between him and his girlfriend when they’re definitely not. 
To me it seems like your relationship is quite rocky, and it’s not because of him. If you think it’s fine, ask him why he would say such a thing. You are treating your man like a child, not like an equal. Funny, how you feminists complain about wantint to be treated like equals in a relationship, but won’t give the same courtecy to your men.
21. Meeting up with another woman for dinner or a drink and insisting that it’s work related when asked by his significant other for context (and it’s not). 
How do you know it’s not work related? Or maybe it’s just a friend from before the two of you got together, and he did not want to tell you because you would get all suspicious and force him to sleep on the couch.
22. Choosing to do something he knows his significant other would enjoy—like go for a bike ride, eat at a specific restaurant, or see a certain movie—with another woman, even when his girlfriend’s most likely available.
You kind of remind me of Leslie Mann’s character from Knocked Up, and I don’t blame your boyfriend for not wanting to spend time with you. You seem like a nagging, paranoid bitch who would rather have your boyfriend all to yourself than let him have a social life.
If you’re not like that, then I can agree that this is a red flag.
23. Sending a photo to an ex that reminds him of a good time past because he feels like reliving that old memory temporarily. 
See number 15.
24. Establishing secret code words and/or inside jokes with women outside his romantic relationship. 
See points number 5 and 6.
25. Recommending that his girlfriend starts wearing a certain type of clothing because he secretly wants her to look like the girl he’s kind of crushing on. 
Have you ever complained to your boyfriend about the way he dresses? And how do you know he does it so that you’ll look like another girl. Maybe he did it because he thought the clothes would look good on you. If he only mentions it once, and your answer is “no”, then there’s nothing to worry about.
26. Gifting his girlfriend with a bottle of the perfume his crush wears so she’ll smell like his latest fantasy chick. 
Maybe because it smells good? My fiancé buys me perfume bottles as well that he thought smelled good, because he knows that I like perfumes and enjoys trying out new ones.
27. Keeping a piece of clothing that reminds him of an ex even though it’s definitely tattered or completely out of style. 
Again, read point number 15.
28. Raving about how awesome some other girl is to his friends because it makes him genuinely happy to talk about her. 
Perhaps he is giving you some hints on how he wants you to treat him? You know, not being so overly paranoid all the time.
29. Downplaying a certain woman’s awesomeness whenever she’s mentioned around his significant other as if proactively doing damage control. 
This is literally contradicting your previous point. He can’t talk about how awesome she is because that is “micro-cheating”, and he can’t downplay it either for his SO because that is also “micro-cheating”. Your boyfriend has absolutely no chance of winning this, does he?
30. Asking for a girl’s contact information under the guise of potentially working together even though he knows there isn’t a chance in hell they’ll be collaborating professionally. 
Could be a potential red flag, yes. I would definately confront my fiancé about this, but the difference between you and me is that I will actually listen to my fiancé and hear what he has to say.
31. Following up with a “nice to meet you” message unnecessarily. 
What? This makes no fucking sense.
32. Spending all of his time engrossed in conversation with another woman at a party or event even though he brought his girlfriend as his date. 
Fair enough, this is a red flag and not an acceptable behavior at all. But instead of holding a grudge agains him for ages, confront him about it.
33. Mindfully leaving his wedding ring at home when he heads out with the boys (not so much because he wants to get lucky, but just because he wants to feel like it’s in the realm of possibility for him again). 
Or because he doesn’t want it to get lost. Ever thought about it like that?
With the exception of one point, this list tells more about the author herself than her boyfriend/husband.
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hakuna-my-ass · 7 years
I met 4 stoners in a club
We had a mutual friend, my friends left... dus ja. We went to smoke (a lot of walking) this time in a for me undiscovered smoke spot. After a lot of walking... walking... walking.... climbing?? Ducking??!! Jumping?!?!?! We got there. My smartass decides this is the perf moment to leaave to pee. "Oh it's only over there" (there being across a private part of the beach ((aka cameras aka security guards aka hounddogs aka prison aka death.)) And skipping i sunk my (now) dirty adidas superstars in the short sandy road. After I had quickly (paranoid that my bro would come before i had smoked) finished my business in the bathroom i jumped joyously (i was omw to weed, who wouldn't jump?)across the glistening pearly kingdom (tldr:sand). When...
Dundunduuuuunnnnn... ⚠SECURITY!!!⚠ :"We're closed miss" me: *twirly squeaky flirty voice* "oh? Hmkay good sir! I can just leave here? Sorryyy have a nice night! Enjoy it!" *runs off like I'm being chased by SWAT and rabid zoo animals*
Remember the whole"I can just leave here?" Part? No... the answer is no, unless you wanna walk a shitton to get to a gate at the end, the dude lied. Remember! Weed was calling me! Time was urgent! So with the supposed SWAT team and wild uncaged animals on my behind i jumped the highass spikey fence, lowkey ripped my former promdress. HA nbd! *cries*.
I arrived at the spot after more ducking and jumping n evading thorny bushes ugh. I sat in between scoobie (who's respect i earned for jumping the fencd) and rheave, both cuties😍 we conversed (i sound smart huh) about weed, moms and drugs. Apparently ppl talk about me and they know i smoke lmaoo *flips hair*. Time to gooo back to the party! Quincy dropped his grinder down in the sea while getting up from the huge pile of rocks. "Oh just leave it" *ryon jumps meticulously down the rocks one for one followed by our whispered cheering and arrives just before the current stole the grinder* "Oh, Here you go!" *my silent loud applause*.
Idk how long we were in the club for but it was revealing, fun, trippy and in our group (sosa gang; issa actual gang btw; +me= WiDemBoiz) i was the only one dancing.
We left too soon. Half went to the car other half went to get the brassknuckles scoobie left w a guard before entering da club. I can surprisingly get on w all the boys and easily conversate w them individually! I get my bag that i hid in the bushes prior to entering da club. The guard 'strangely flirts?' (*yells, even though i was right next to him* "how old are you? Me: 19 Him: *rolls eyes, kisses teeth, gives side eye* "oKaY" me:*ignore*.
We walked n talked (THEY BUILT A HUGE NET W A SWINGROPE IN DA WOODS *sings into the woods*) and hugged our 'nice meeting you' goodbyes
Scoobie: "if you ever wanna smoke! Hmu! Rheven: "yeah model, and imma start commenting on yo ig pics"
Me: FO SHO FO SHO *rapidly pinks away a flood of tears*
Arabian(later i found out Surinamese) ppl come sit w me.
"Do you have wifi?"
Me: *broad smile* *proudly types wifi password*
His ppl left and he stayed talking to me for a while: "where u from? U got bf? U got sweetheart? What DO u have?"
It was a surprisingly nice convo.
He went off into the electric rainbow lights. Never to be seen or heard of again*ding!* *receives fb friend request*
EVENTUALLY i got picked up. *knocks musically on house door* "PAPA IK BEN ER!"
Did I mention a lot of fights broke out between drunk people and a angry latina hissing "prgnant!! U cant be serious" at her boyfriend.
Bon nochi
0 notes
trendingnewsb · 7 years
What Harry Styles and Zayn can tell us about life after boy bands
One Direction is accidentally the best named boy band in the history of coordinated turtlenecks. Legend has it that Harry Styles picked it on a whim because it sounded cool after Simon Cowell gave the five boys a second chance to compete on X Factor if they were willing to go at it as a team.
For about five years, it worked remarkably well, and then the tears fell.
There’s a line in Zadie Smith’s The Autograph Man, a book about the the trappings of idolization published when Harry Styles was eight years old, that seems oddly prescient for the current situaton. Just after a line that happens to be about a character’s ruffled shift, Smith writes, “All fandom is a form of tunnel vision: warm and dark and infinite in one direction.”
And yes, there are plenty of horribly original “different directions” jokes to be made about the lads’ respective solo careers. But the truth of the matter, is that separating was the only way they could all head upwards.
Before 1D, the *NSYNC model was the best case scenario for life after a boy band’s prime years. Justin Timberlake was the one who got to keep the music career, and lives happily ever after in the A-List while the rest are relegated to TV hosting gigs. Joey Fatone’s Live Well Network show, My Family Recipe Rocks, is delightful, but it can’t be what he envisioned for himself. Or you have the Backstreet Boys, tethered together for eternity in Las Vegas playing the old hits. Harry Styles’ solo debut, out today, makes it clear that it doesn’t have to be that way anymore.
SEE ALSO: Harry Styles hasn’t quite mastered the stage dive yet, but his solo music sparkles live
Zayn Malik was, of course, the first to go. He exited the group in flames with some comments about wanting to be a normal 22-year-old but quickly came back with bold promises of #realmusic, as opposed to whatever he considered One Direction.
Malik wasn’t content to fall into traditional boy band roles and be “the shy one” when he was actually experiencing severe anxiety. Plus, he favored R&B over the classic rock influences that were beginning to dominate One Direction and he has the voice for it, so he left the band to make music that was more his speed, working with M.I.A., PartyNextDoor, and even Styles’ ex, Taylor Swift.
It’s no surprise that fans, despite some very harsh words on Twitter when he split, responded positively to the new music. One Direction was the first major boy band to treat young women with respect as music fans instead of just assuming they want washboard abs and a Max Martin hook, as great and necessary as those things can be to young fans coming of age.
When Styles was recently on the cover of Rolling Stone, Styles explained as much to Cameron Crowe, who just happened to be profiling him.
“Who’s to say that young girls who like pop music short for popular, right? have worse musical taste than a 30-year-old hipster guy? That’s not up to you to say. Music is something that’s always changing. There’s no goal posts,” he said. “Young girls like the Beatles. You gonna tell me they’re not serious? How can you say young girls don’t get it? They’re our future. Our future doctors, lawyers, mothers, presidents, they kind of keep the world going. Teenage-girl fans they don’t lie. If they like you, they’re there. They don’t act ‘too cool.’ They like you, and they tell you. Which is sick.”
Malik echoed the sentiment in his book. (Oh yeah, he has a book, some fashion collaborations and a TV show on the way, NBD.) “I think we need more women in positions of power across the world,” he wrote. “I think a lot of the world’s problems could be solved if we allowed more contribution from women.”
Instead of making the music they thought girls wanted to hear, they put a little faith in their fans and tried to make the best music they could. It paid off.
Instead of making the music they thought girls wanted to hear, they put a little faith in their fans and tried to make the best music they could. It paid off.
For Louis Tomlinson, that meant the sunny “Just Hold On” with DJ Steve Aoki, and if there is anything that’s a fairly sure bet, it’s a handsome boy with a devout social media following dipping his toes into EDM. Sometimes, I imagine I’m in a The Graduate situation, at pool party. Instead giving the tip “plastics” to a lost boy unsure what to do with his potential, I whisper, “EDM” into his ear. While Aoki is a veteran of the scene at this point, “Just Hold On” is actually his highest charting single in both the UK and the USA, where the song hit #2 and #52, respectively.
Liam Payne, meanwhile, signed a record deal with Republic in 2016. Like Tomlinson, his ambition has some EDM leanings, but he’s got his eye on hip hop, as well. He previously released a single with Juicy J and Wiz Khalifa and has a new single with Migos’ Quavo out on May 19.
Niall Horan and Styles were always the most likely to hit the ground running with One Direction’s ’70s rock influence. Horan, the guitar-wielding Irish man, was the most involved in the group’s songwriting process and Styles baked a damn carrot cake for Stevie Nicks on her birthday. Horan beat Styles to the punch releasing his first solo single, the sweet acoustic number “This Town,” but Styles’ solo album came first.
A good suit.
Image: mike coppola/Getty Images
He considered calling it Pink, because The Clash’s Paul Simonon once said that, “Pink is the only true rock & roll color.” Nearly every review of Harry Styles has focused on Harry Styles, the rock star, in an age when the form is limp. “Sign of the Times,” the lead single, is a bold statement of intention to fill that void. Styles announced the Bowie-channeling tune exactly 20 years after the Prince album the song borrows its name from was released.
But he ended up simply going with Harry Styles instead, and it’s a fitting choice. In interviews, he’s wants to make it clear how honest the lyrics are as he avoids getting into details about just about everything. “I didn’t want to write ‘stories,'” he told Rolling Stone. “I wanted to write my stories, things that happened to me. The number-one thing was I wanted to be honest. I hadn’t done that before.” Styles knows he’s not reinventing the wheel, but what he can offer that no one else can is a direct line into his psyche.
“Mature” details of the album will inevitably be sensationalized, sex, drugs, and rock n’ roll were never really absent from One Direction (sample lyric: “waking up beside you, I’m a loaded gun.”) The main difference is that now it doesn’t have to be sung with a wink.
Communication, or lack thereof, is the album’s focus. Styles desperately wants people to say what they mean. “Tell me something I don’t already know,” he begs and begs on “Ever Since New York.” Hell, he doesn’t even use emoji, as he confessed to the crowd at his very first solo show.
At his most confessional, the soft, Eliott Smith-indebted, “From the Dining Table,” Styles begs for resolution. “Woke up alone in this hotel room. Played with myself, where were you? Fell back to sleep, I got drunk by noon,” he confesses. “I’ve never felt less cool.”
The mumbling masturbator is, of course, not a traditional boy band archetype, and definitely not what would be expected of “the cute one.” But thanks in large part to the infinite feedback loop of fandom online, it’s what we know fans needed to hear. The boy they worship (and the subject of their own erotic fan fiction) gets lonely, too.
It’s too early to tell what the longevity of the One Direction boys solo careers will be, but they’re already tipping towards a higher success rate than any previous boy band. Their increasingly web-savvy fans seem poised to ensure a decent run.
Pop groups are no longer a survival of the fittest. They’re better prepared to service the passions and desires of their young, predominately female fanbase better than ever and even grow up with them after they grow up and start running the world.
Read more: http://ift.tt/2r1SQB5
from Viral News HQ http://ift.tt/2r3n5aI via Viral News HQ
0 notes
trendingnewsb · 7 years
What Harry Styles and Zayn can tell us about life after boy bands
One Direction is accidentally the best named boy band in the history of coordinated turtlenecks. Legend has it that Harry Styles picked it on a whim because it sounded cool after Simon Cowell gave the five boys a second chance to compete on X Factor if they were willing to go at it as a team.
For about five years, it worked remarkably well, and then the tears fell.
There’s a line in Zadie Smith’s The Autograph Man, a book about the the trappings of idolization published when Harry Styles was eight years old, that seems oddly prescient for the current situaton. Just after a line that happens to be about a character’s ruffled shift, Smith writes, “All fandom is a form of tunnel vision: warm and dark and infinite in one direction.”
And yes, there are plenty of horribly original “different directions” jokes to be made about the lads’ respective solo careers. But the truth of the matter, is that separating was the only way they could all head upwards.
Before 1D, the *NSYNC model was the best case scenario for life after a boy band’s prime years. Justin Timberlake was the one who got to keep the music career, and lives happily ever after in the A-List while the rest are relegated to TV hosting gigs. Joey Fatone’s Live Well Network show, My Family Recipe Rocks, is delightful, but it can’t be what he envisioned for himself. Or you have the Backstreet Boys, tethered together for eternity in Las Vegas playing the old hits. Harry Styles’ solo debut, out today, makes it clear that it doesn’t have to be that way anymore.
SEE ALSO: Harry Styles hasn’t quite mastered the stage dive yet, but his solo music sparkles live
Zayn Malik was, of course, the first to go. He exited the group in flames with some comments about wanting to be a normal 22-year-old but quickly came back with bold promises of #realmusic, as opposed to whatever he considered One Direction.
Malik wasn’t content to fall into traditional boy band roles and be “the shy one” when he was actually experiencing severe anxiety. Plus, he favored R&B over the classic rock influences that were beginning to dominate One Direction and he has the voice for it, so he left the band to make music that was more his speed, working with M.I.A., PartyNextDoor, and even Styles’ ex, Taylor Swift.
It’s no surprise that fans, despite some very harsh words on Twitter when he split, responded positively to the new music. One Direction was the first major boy band to treat young women with respect as music fans instead of just assuming they want washboard abs and a Max Martin hook, as great and necessary as those things can be to young fans coming of age.
When Styles was recently on the cover of Rolling Stone, Styles explained as much to Cameron Crowe, who just happened to be profiling him.
“Who’s to say that young girls who like pop music short for popular, right? have worse musical taste than a 30-year-old hipster guy? That’s not up to you to say. Music is something that’s always changing. There’s no goal posts,” he said. “Young girls like the Beatles. You gonna tell me they’re not serious? How can you say young girls don’t get it? They’re our future. Our future doctors, lawyers, mothers, presidents, they kind of keep the world going. Teenage-girl fans they don’t lie. If they like you, they’re there. They don’t act ‘too cool.’ They like you, and they tell you. Which is sick.”
Malik echoed the sentiment in his book. (Oh yeah, he has a book, some fashion collaborations and a TV show on the way, NBD.) “I think we need more women in positions of power across the world,” he wrote. “I think a lot of the world’s problems could be solved if we allowed more contribution from women.”
Instead of making the music they thought girls wanted to hear, they put a little faith in their fans and tried to make the best music they could. It paid off.
Instead of making the music they thought girls wanted to hear, they put a little faith in their fans and tried to make the best music they could. It paid off.
For Louis Tomlinson, that meant the sunny “Just Hold On” with DJ Steve Aoki, and if there is anything that’s a fairly sure bet, it’s a handsome boy with a devout social media following dipping his toes into EDM. Sometimes, I imagine I’m in a The Graduate situation, at pool party. Instead giving the tip “plastics” to a lost boy unsure what to do with his potential, I whisper, “EDM” into his ear. While Aoki is a veteran of the scene at this point, “Just Hold On” is actually his highest charting single in both the UK and the USA, where the song hit #2 and #52, respectively.
Liam Payne, meanwhile, signed a record deal with Republic in 2016. Like Tomlinson, his ambition has some EDM leanings, but he’s got his eye on hip hop, as well. He previously released a single with Juicy J and Wiz Khalifa and has a new single with Migos’ Quavo out on May 19.
Niall Horan and Styles were always the most likely to hit the ground running with One Direction’s ’70s rock influence. Horan, the guitar-wielding Irish man, was the most involved in the group’s songwriting process and Styles baked a damn carrot cake for Stevie Nicks on her birthday. Horan beat Styles to the punch releasing his first solo single, the sweet acoustic number “This Town,” but Styles’ solo album came first.
A good suit.
Image: mike coppola/Getty Images
He considered calling it Pink, because The Clash’s Paul Simonon once said that, “Pink is the only true rock & roll color.” Nearly every review of Harry Styles has focused on Harry Styles, the rock star, in an age when the form is limp. “Sign of the Times,” the lead single, is a bold statement of intention to fill that void. Styles announced the Bowie-channeling tune exactly 20 years after the Prince album the song borrows its name from was released.
But he ended up simply going with Harry Styles instead, and it’s a fitting choice. In interviews, he’s wants to make it clear how honest the lyrics are as he avoids getting into details about just about everything. “I didn’t want to write ‘stories,'” he told Rolling Stone. “I wanted to write my stories, things that happened to me. The number-one thing was I wanted to be honest. I hadn’t done that before.” Styles knows he’s not reinventing the wheel, but what he can offer that no one else can is a direct line into his psyche.
“Mature” details of the album will inevitably be sensationalized, sex, drugs, and rock n’ roll were never really absent from One Direction (sample lyric: “waking up beside you, I’m a loaded gun.”) The main difference is that now it doesn’t have to be sung with a wink.
Communication, or lack thereof, is the album’s focus. Styles desperately wants people to say what they mean. “Tell me something I don’t already know,” he begs and begs on “Ever Since New York.” Hell, he doesn’t even use emoji, as he confessed to the crowd at his very first solo show.
At his most confessional, the soft, Eliott Smith-indebted, “From the Dining Table,” Styles begs for resolution. “Woke up alone in this hotel room. Played with myself, where were you? Fell back to sleep, I got drunk by noon,” he confesses. “I’ve never felt less cool.”
The mumbling masturbator is, of course, not a traditional boy band archetype, and definitely not what would be expected of “the cute one.” But thanks in large part to the infinite feedback loop of fandom online, it’s what we know fans needed to hear. The boy they worship (and the subject of their own erotic fan fiction) gets lonely, too.
It’s too early to tell what the longevity of the One Direction boys solo careers will be, but they’re already tipping towards a higher success rate than any previous boy band. Their increasingly web-savvy fans seem poised to ensure a decent run.
Pop groups are no longer a survival of the fittest. They’re better prepared to service the passions and desires of their young, predominately female fanbase better than ever and even grow up with them after they grow up and start running the world.
Read more: http://ift.tt/2r1SQB5
from Viral News HQ http://ift.tt/2r3n5aI via Viral News HQ
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