#i didn't even know how to tell my partner what i felt without sounding like i was nutso
zafiro-anyejo · 30 days
I've been so emotionally sensitive lately.
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mrs-weasley-reid · 3 months
Regrets Sting
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Spencer Reid x bau!reader | part 1
part 2
Summary: You have always been there for Spencer. Turns out, he's never going to be there for you.
Warning: Angst.
A/N: one of my many drafts... enjoy 👀?
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You love Dr. Spencer Reid.
As a colleague, a friend, and, well, a respected man.
Granted, you spent most of your days with a small herd of profilers, but you were great at hiding your feelings for him, if you do say so yourself.
You watched him smile awkwardly with love from one woman to the other. Then, there was Maeve. He was in love with her. You didn't need your profiling skills to lead to that conclusion.
It broke your heart when you heard Spencer's plea. It broke your heart when he couldn't even function properly. And your heart broke for him as you watched him fall on his knees, crying over Maeve.
So you chose friendship. You always have, after all.
You became his anchor. His support. His best friend.
You were there for him. You were there when he was ready to open up. You lent him your shoulder. You became his personal napkin, soaking up all his tears in the hopes that it would lessen the pain, even just a little bit. You kept him company, dragging him out of his apartment to bring him anywhere besides the gloom in his empty home.
And without him, or you, knowing, you gave him your heart. You were in love with Dr. Spencer Reid.
It made you feel guilty, but it was inevitable. Who would've known you could fall deeper than you already were? Not even you, apparently.
And yet, you remained the person he could cry on for two years. You pawned him a shoulder for a long, drawn-out two years. Shoving your feelings in the back of your mind as if it wasn't anything important to you.
The deeper you fell for him, the faster the team caught up with your feelings.
JJ figured it out first when she saw the ends of your hair as you walked in Spencer's apartment the first year of Maeve's death. Spencer had been unresponsive to everyone, but not to you. You managed to get him to open his door just by the sound of your footsteps. She knew, then, that he was in good hands.
Emily and Derek noticed how you felt at the same time. You were all on a case, and an officer who awfully looked a lot like Maeve emerged. You were protective of Spencer and knew exactly what his reaction would be. So you had everything he needed and offered to work with him before Hotch could even mention it. Of course, along with that was Penelope getting a confirmation about your feelings for Spencer.
Rossi always knew. He always saw the way you would giggle silently to yourself whenever Spencer sassed his statistics into them. One time, he saw you clean Spencer's desk before everyone arrived. And he suspected that you did so a while back before he caught you.
Hotch? He noticed, but he said nothing unless you verbally told him. He thought you weren't ready to openly admit your feelings to the team yet, so who was he to mention it?
And so it goes...
Emily would grin whenever Spencer gave you coffee every morning. Derek would wiggle his eyebrows whenever he caught your gaze on Spencer, then gossip about it with Penelope, which led to her teasing you 'til sundown. Rossi, at times, tried to ease your feelings when they surfaced. Your solid companion whenever you felt down. And Hotch was ever a menace, stern face or not. He would partner you and Spencer up, specifically on the days when your feelings for the genius were oddly stronger.
So, you could only imagine the heartbreak when Spencer arrived one morning with the wrong order of your coffee and a wide smile as he told you that he was going out on a date.
You immediately showed your protest. Of course, Spencer wasn't happy about it. What was worse was he didn't know why. And worse than that was you couldn't tell him why.
Or so you thought.
"I don't understand why you're making a big deal out of this," Spencer followed you as you walked around the bullpen.
"You just met this woman, Spence. I think it's safe to say, I'm worried. You don't even know whether this person is safe." You lied. You had to. He didn't need to know you didn't want him to go on a date because it would break you.
Spencer crossed his arms, knitting his eyebrows as he felt offended by your words. "I'm a profiler and have 187 IQ. I can take care of myself." He stated, earning a couple of stares from the other agents.
You mirrored his actions, "Really?" You challenged, nodding in his direction, specifically to his tie. "You can't even tie the same tie you've been wearing for years properly. Looks like you haven't done laundry too, because, as far as I can remember, you've been wearing that same vest for the past three days. Are you going to wear that on your date?" You raised a brow.
Emily's eyes blew wide, pursing her lips to eat her laughter in. She looked away in hopes that the urge to burst into fits of laughter would subside. Unfortunately, Derek was doing the same thing, and they both snorted at the same time.
"Obviously, I'm not going to wear this on the date. This is clearly not about how homeless I look like. Just be honest with me and tell me why you're so against me being happy." Spencer's voice climbed an octave higher. He was frustrated and confused, and you both knew how much he hated both.
You closed your eyes and sighed deeply. You really had no other choice, do you? You turned around to face Spencer, "I'm in love with you." You confessed, hoarding the entire bullpen's attention.
Spencer chuckled, shaking his head, "Right, nice joke."
"I'm not joking." It offended you a bit. How much he compared your confession to a silly joke.
Spencer's face darkened. He uncrossed his arms and dipped his hands inside his pockets. His next words broke your heart, "I'm very disappointed in you."
Your eyes widened. Your mouth fell open as you heard your heart break into pieces, so loud you couldn't get a sense of what more he was saying.
"I came to you for two years to mend. You became my best friend because I thought I could trust you. And now, you're in love with me? Did you help me just so you could gain my affection?"
It stung. The silence that fogged the bullpen was deafening. Emily wanted to claw Spencer's eyes, but JJ was fast to hold her back.
Derek began to move beside you, "Reid, don't—"
Your manic laugh cut him off.
Spencer's eyebrows narrowed, "What?" His voice was far from the gentle one you were used to.
"You know what, Reid?" You scoffed, running your tongue on your lower lip to control your anger. "You're right. I was there for you. I was there to lend you a shoulder to cry on. I was there to keep you company. I made you smile. I even made you laugh! And sure, you're very disappointed in me because, god forbid, I fell for the genius prodigy. With the 187 IQ you're boasting, imagine my disappointment when you can't even figure out that I have feelings for you."
The bullpen fell silently dead as you stared at Spencer with such hatred it made his stomach climb on his throat. He has never seen you so... disgusted.
You couldn't take it. You couldn't look at him in the eyes anymore. You felt like you were going to throw up the longer you stood in the center of it all.
His words insulted you. And it hurt like a bitch.
There were many possibilities on how Spencer could've responded to your feelings, but this was beyond your limit.
You bit your lower lip, hesitant yet eager to spill the next words that came out of your mouth. "For the record, I regret falling in love with you." And with that, you left.
An offer from another unit had been sitting in your inbox. And despite having no plan to leave such a beautiful family of colleagues, you filled out the transfer form. Somewhere in the back of your mind, you knew that you needed an out sooner or later. And Spencer's insensitive reaction was just the right motivation you needed.
The Monday after your outburst became the BAU team's worst nightmare.
Spencer immediately noticed your absence. He knew. Of course, he did. You were always the first person to greet him as you spun around in your seat. It was rare for you to be late.
You haven't contacted him for days, either. And he didn't have the guts to do it first. He has been drowning in guilt and couldn't figure out how he'd make it up to you. He realized how unfair he was to you, albeit too late.
Everyone arrived one by one, and there was still no sign of you until Hotch cleared his throat, "Let's start."
Penelope stumbled, hesitating at the sight of your empty seat. "What about..." She softly muttered and yet loud enough for everyone to hear.
"Agent..." Hotch sighed as he spoke your name. He still remembered how you went back to his office while everyone was out for their lunch break and submitted your transfer request. "She officially transferred to unit 4, violent criminal apprehension program... today," Hotch announced, much to his dismay.
Derek's eyebrows knitted, glancing outside the window of the conference room to your desk. "Are you kidding? Her stuff is still here."
Hotch took a deep breath, glancing at Spencer for a moment. "She said they were unnecessary items." He cleared his throat and gestured for Penelope to continue what she was doing.
Regrets stung Spencer like a thousand bees.
Most of the things that clattered on your desk were things that you both shared. His pens that you never gave back. Post-it notes he left for you that had no importance, but you kept them up on the wall of your cubicle. A photo booth picture of the two of you from one of Rossi's Christmas parties. The small bookshelf on top of your desk overflowing with Spencer's annotated books.
"But she didn't even tell us. She didn't say goodbye." Penelope exclaimed. Her eyes matched the frown on her lips. She couldn't help but talk about you. After all, they were your family for many years.
"Could you blame her though?" Emily scoffed, giving Spencer a glare.
Spencer messed up. Big time. And he has no idea how he would make it up to you.
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constantmourning · 9 months
On The Run
[Dracule Mihawk x Fem!Reader]
Summary: Mihawk tells you the exact opposite of what you want to hear, leaving you to do the only thing you know how: run. Fortunately for you, he finds you.
WARNINGS: 18+! MINORS DNI! Oral (fem and male receiving), unprotected sex, pulling out, harassment (not from Mihawk), p in v, not beta read, nothing too crazy (let me know if I forgot something though!! I will fix it!)
Word Count: 3.4k
A/N: My first time writing mihawk, please be kind to me sdfbsdf. I constantly get carried away oof. Nothing is explicitly stated about reader's abilities but it is hinted at that reader is Very Stealthy. Do with that what you will :) Anyway, Buggy may have me by the [REDACTED], but Mihawk got me by the throat right now. Let's get into it!
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You sat at the bar, eyes rolled in the back of your head as a man tried to talk to you. You sipped your water and stared ahead as he spoke to you. You were drowning him out rather nicely, you thought. You nodded along to whatever he was saying, hoping he'd eventually get too drunk to function and leave you alone.
"So," the man's hand hit your thigh, a sharp slap sound echoing around the nearby vicinity. Your head snapped towards him. "What do you say we leave-"
"No!" You didn't even let him finish. Your hand grabbed his wrist and you shoved him back. He did not like that reaction.
"You bitch!" His voice rose, catching the attention of everyone nearby. "You've been flirting with me-"
"By smiling at you? One time?" You matched his energy. "I'm gonna ask you nicely only one time, which you don't even fucking deserve, to leave me alone."
"Do not fucking interrupt me!" He yelled, standing from the bar. You almost flinched back. He was drunk, but he was still functioning, a little too well actually. "No respect, just like most women-"
"Shut the fuck up!" You snapped back at him. "Drink your beer and shut up!"
Within in an instant his hand was raised, "Stupid cu-"
His hand was snatched back, causing his entire body to fall back. Your eyes snapped to the pale hand holding his wrist and they followed who the hand belonged to and you saw Mihawk.  Your blood boiled a little more. Mihawk's eyes were on the man, not even paying you any attention. Yet.
The drunk looked back and his eyes widened. He tried to snatch away from Mihawk but it was futile. You stood up and turned away. You walked off from the scene and felt your breath hitch. It had been a week since you had seen or spoken with Mihawk. Which wasn't that long, really, but the foot you left off on was not a good one. You heard the guy hit the ground but you ignored it and kept walking.
"You're going to run from me again?" Mihawk was behind you rather quickly.
Your nose scrunched and you tensed. You kept walking. And so did he. He kept a couple steps behind you. The only thing playing in your head now was your last conversation with the swordsman, and how horribly sad it had left you.
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You approached Mihawk with intense anxiety. You were fidgeting and trying to focus on what was on your mind and all of the possible outcomes of addressing those things. Mihawk, without looking up from whatever it was he was busy doing, asked what was wrong.
You froze. "Um, actually, this is kinda important." Mihawk nodded, still not looking at you. "It requires your full attention." You bit your lip, pulling at it.
Mihawk sighed and looked up at you. "Go ahead."
"Look," you inhaled deeply and closed your eyes. You exhaled loudly and opened them back up. Mihawk stared at you, causing your stomach to jump into your throat. "Mihawk, I don't want this to ruin our, uh, whatever we got going on. I think we are great partners! But I can't not say this."
Mihawk's brow arched and he pushed the papers in front of him away. He was intrigued to say the least.
"I like you. A lot. And I don't want these feelings or thoughts to get in the way of our working together thing-" Mihawk watched you closely. Silently. The way his eyes bored into yours caused you to pause. "Please say something."
"We would never work."
Your heart stopped. You were sure of it. You felt like you had been knocked down and kicked. Repeatedly. "What?"
"This is strictly business." His expression was unchanging.
"It doesn't have to be." You tried to keep tears from forming. Mihawk stared. Your stomach knotted. "Okay. Maybe it does." You took a step back from Mihawk. He was still silent. You turned and hurried out of the room.
"Where are you-"
"I need to think."
You hadn't meant to get so emotional. Sadness filled you though. Tears began to fall as you swiftly left. He wouldn't have to worry about your feelings or it not working out. You wouldn't have to either.
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You continued to walk, Mihawk did not stop following you. Your fists balled and you stopped turning towards Mihawk, who stopped right in front of you. "Come to rub salt in my wound?"
"No." Mihawk's words were blunt. "You've been gone a week-"
"I've just been thinking." Mihawk inhaled sharply. Maybe you did have a problem with interrupting… "What made you come after me? It has been a week after all."
"I started looking for you the night you left. You seem to be impossibly hard to get a hold of."
"Oh." You were baffled. "Why?" You grew defensive again. "Because you couldn't stand-" Mihawk rolled his eyes. "Did you just- Mihawk! I'm being serious. You were so- so fucking inconsiderate of my feelings! It took a lot of courage for me to even tell you that and you just shot me all the way down!"
"I wouldn't say all the way-"
You wanted to rip your hair out. You let out a loud groan and turned away from Mihawk again. You began to walk a little faster than earlier and headed towards your room. Your breath hitched and you grew angry. Mihawk began to walk again as well, still on your tail. You wanted to scream.
"Go away." You hissed, venom absolutely dripping from your voice. When the footsteps did not stop or go in another direction you spun around again. "I'm fine. I'm safe. You know this now, you can leave. I'm not going back with you!"
"I didn't come here just to collect you. Or see if you are okay." Mihawk watched you, his stare becoming more intense. "We need to talk."
"Talk about how much you think we would never work?"  You snapped at him and crossed your arms.
"Where are you staying?"
"In a room here." You motioned around you. "I was going there until you stopped me."
"Don't stop on my behalf." Mihawk motioned for you to walk. "I think it'd be best if we spoke in private."
With narrowed eyes you watched him. You groaned, turned around, and motioned for him to follow you. The walk to your room was silent. Silent and awkward. The few people you did pass were confused by the greatest swordsman trailing behind you. They looked at your exasperated expression and then to the man following you. Their eyes were wide and you ignored them.
You made it to your room and unlocked the door. You walked in, threw your arm out for Mihawk to come in too, and you closed the door. You locked it, out of habit, and you noticed Mihawk raise a brow at you.
“Shut up.” You murmured.
“I didn’t say anything.” Mihawk seemed taken aback by your attitude.
“Yet.” You sighed, rolling your eyes. You leaned against the door. “What did you want to say? So that we can get it over with and you’re able to go on your way?”
“I’m not leaving without you,” Mihawk took a step closer to you. You were about to protest. “I never said I wasn’t here to collect you. I said that wasn’t the only thing I was here for.” Your eyes widened. Mihawk continued, “I’ve had time to think as well, since you were gone for a week. I care for you-”
You wanted so badly to interrupt, but you decided it would be best to bite your tongue and listen. But that didn’t stop your brain from worrying about what he was about to say. If it was anything along the lines of ‘but we are still strictly business’ he was going to have to drag you back kicking and screaming.
“-and, maybe this doesn’t have to be strictly business.”
Mihawk’s words caught you so off guard you could not respond. You swallowed hard and looked at him with wide eyes. You were some small, wild animal staring at its predator. Your heart thumped into your ribcage. You were baffled.
“Hm?” Mihawk took another step closer, “This is your response?”
“Uh,” You rubbed the back of your neck before dropping your hand back to your side, “yes?” You pressed your back flat against the door. “Honestly? I didn’t think I’d get this far…” The smile that pulled at Mihawk’s lips caused your heart to flutter. “What?”
“For someone so calculated, you are reckless with your actions.”
“What?!” You gasped. “What does that mean?”
“You confessed your feelings, ran when you thought I did not reciprocate them, and now you’re saying you don’t know what to do knowing I feel the same.”
Your palms hit the door as you realized you could not possibly back up anymore. You wanted to run again. Unlock the door and sprint away. But, you decide it'd be best to actually calculate your next action. Since that is what you did after all, according to your all knowing friend Mihawk. You inhaled slowly through your nose and nodded.
"Okay… I'm not running now. Is that all you wanted to say? We can go back-" You stopped when Mihawk stepped closer to you. Your brows furrowed and your breath hitched when you realized just how close he was. "What?" Your voice was a whisper.
"Do you want to head back?" The way he asked it caught you off guard.
"I mean-" You were frozen, thinking about literally everything you two could be doing instead of going back, "What else is there to do?"
That smirk… His smirk caused your stomach to flip and you were sure your knees buckled. He took one final step towards you, and his face was inches from yours. "If you can't think of anything we can leave."
Your brain turned off, almost instantly. You began to move without thinking. You cupped Mihawk's face, pulled him to you and kissed him, harshly. Before Mihawk could kiss back you were pulling away. That was until he grabbed your hips and pulled you back to him. His head dipped down and his lips met yours again. The both of you were ravenous, kissing each other with reckless abandon.
You were pressed against the door, your arms snaking around Mihawk's neck. He pushed one of his legs in-between both of yours and pushed you up. You gasped and Mihawk slipped his tongue into your mouth. You moaned as Mihawk gripped your ass. Your hips rolled into his and he groaned.
You smiled and Mihawk pulled away from you. You frowned at him. "Are you sure you are okay with this?"
You cocked your head, "Are you having second thoughts? Mihawk… I want this- you. I need you."
"Perfect," Mihawk easily grabbed you and wrapped your legs around his waist, "because I've wanted to absolutely ruin you this past week." He easily lifted you and carried you to the bed. You were tossed onto the bed and Mihawk looked down at you. "You will never want to be with any other man once I'm done with you."
You believed him. If he gave you just half of the attention he gave his work you were sure you would never want to be with anyone else afterwards. You were more excited than ever.
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You ended up on your knees, staring up at Mihawk. You looked at him through your lashes as your hands grabbed his belt. You undid it slowly and waited for his okay to go any further. One of his hands locked on to your hair and he gave a gentle tug. You pulled at the waistband of his pants and they dropped. You were quick to move to his cock. Your hand wrapped around it and you brought your lips to the head.
"You are perfect," Mihawk sighed out. His fingers laced through your hair.
You took all of him in your mouth. As he hit the back of your throat you let out a small groan and Mihawk grunted. He tensed, your hair getting caught in his balled fist. Mihawk's hips jutted forward, pushing his cock down your throat. You gagged on him. Mihawk spoke praises as you sucked his dick.
"So good," he moaned, his voice raspy, "taking me so well."
Tears pricked your eyes and you looked up at Mihawk. He was staring down at you with those intense eyes. Your mouth slid off of his cock and your hand began pumping it.
"Touch yourself." Mihawk gasped out. Your brow cocked. "With your free hand, touch yourself."
You nodded. You slid your hand inside of your panties and slipped Mihawk's dick back into your mouth. Your fingers ghosted over your clit and pushed past your folds. You were already soaked. You pushed two fingers in and moaned as his cock hit the back of your throat again. Mihawk's hips bucked, ever so slightly, and you gagged again.
Touching yourself while also sucking Mihawk off was truly making your brain short circuit. You thought of nothing but making the both of you feel good.
"Ugh,” Mihawk's jaw clenched, "I'm gonna cum."
You did not slow down. You kept going, trying to reach your own orgasm. Your hips rolled into your hand and you let out a moan, causing Mihawk to go right into overdrive. His brain may have short circuited as well. Words were not forming, for once, as he came in your mouth.
You were quick to swallow down the cum, and pulled back, but his hand stayed in your hair. "Good girl," His chest heaved, "you took me so well." The praise sent you over the edge. You let out a cry and came undone by your own touch.
"Mihawk," you cried out, your jaw went slack. "Fuck!" You shook. Mihawk watched you, his hand giving your hair a gentle tug.
You looked up at him as your body went limp. You sighed as he removed his hand from your hair. He pulled you up and placed you on the bed. You gave him a confused look but you did not argue. Mihawk began to pepper kisses down your chest and towards your stomach. His fingers pushed past your folds and your hips instinctively rolled. Mihawk smiled against your skin. His name fell from your lips, soft and sweet.
Mihawk's teeth grazed your inner thigh and you whined for him. Begging for him to fuck you with his mouth. Mihawk did not deny you. He licked a stripe up your pussy and his tongue hit your clit. It was your turn to tangle your hands in his hair. You lied there, crying and begging for him. Your hips bucked up and Mihawk let out a low growl, his hands finding your hips and holding them down. Every time your hips rolled, Mihawk's grip grew tighter. You were sure you were going to be bruised in the morning.
Your back arched and your fingers tangled a little tighter in his hair. Mihawk’s tongue swirled around your clit and you quickly came undone. Your eyes screwed shut and you let out a sharp cry. Mihawk slowed down but was quick to lick you clean. His grip loosened on you once your body relaxed and fell back onto the bed.
Mihawk pulled away from you and you lied there for a second, collecting yourself. You were far from done though. Mihawk positioned himself over you and looked at you closely. Your half lidded eyes met his and you furrowed your brows. “What?” Your voice was almost hoarse.
“Are you good to continue?” Mihawk’s head tilted to the side. Your head bobbed and Mihawk smirked. He grabbed one of your legs and easily spread them apart. You wrapped your arms around his neck and pressed your forehead to his. He let out a quiet laugh. “Tired already?”
“No,” you sighed out, “okay maybe. I’ve been ‘on the run’ for a week, and also haven’t had an experience like this one, in… Well, ever.” You confessed to him, “No man has ever treated me like this. And I don’t think any other man ever will.”
“Ah,” Mihawk smirked, “smart girl.”
“Whatever,” You rolled your eyes but couldn’t help but smile, “just fuck me.”
You did not need to ask twice. Mihawk positioned himself at your entrance and you wrapped your legs locked around his hips. He pushed himself inside of you and you moaned, eyes closing. Mihawk’s tongue clicked and you opened your eyes to look at him. “I want to see your pretty eyes as I ruin you.” His hips pressed into yours.
Your grip on him suddenly grew tighter. You pressed your forehead to his and he picked up his pace. As he pulled out, your hips followed him. One of his hands was placed at the bend of your knee and the other kept him held up above you. Your legs tensed around him and you cried, begging for him to go faster, deeper, and harder.
“Do you deserve it?” The question caught you off guard. A quiet ‘what’ escaped you. “You were gone for a week-” His hips thrusted into you at a slower pace than you would have liked but at least he wasn’t stopping, “How can I know you won’t leave again?”
“Please,” You begged, clenching around him, “fuck! I’m so sorry,” You were a mess, “I won’t- I won’t leave again. I promise!”
Mihawk’s face dropped to your neck and he began to suck and nip at the sensitive skin. You could feel him smile against you as his pace finally picked up. The sound of skin on skin filled the room. Along with the sounds of your whines and Mihawk’s grunts. He wasn’t that loud… You weren’t too shocked by that though.
Your cries grew louder, higher pitched as his hips thrusted into yours. Your nails ran up and down his back, clawing him as you pleaded for him to let you cum, you were so close. You felt yourself crumbling again.
You started saying his name, quietly, until it was loud and the only thing your brain could process. Your toes curled, your eyes rolled in the back of your head, and your stomach was on fire. Your nails were doing more damage than you wanted to. Mihawk did not slow down, his pace quickened. He was absolutely losing his mind. He was close too.
“Where?” His voice was gruff as he lifted up from your neck.
Your legs loosened around him. “Stomach,” was the first thing you could say. Mihawk pulled out and pumped himself a couple times, before coming on your stomach. You leaned back on the bed and watched Mihawk. He rolled to the side, lying beside you. Your eyes followed his movements and you waited for him to say something. Anything.
“Well,” You moved to sit up, “I’m gonna clean up.” Mihawk followed you. You heard him behind you as you stood up and wandered to your bathroom. You smiled to yourself. “This shower is actually really nice,” you motioned towards it, “If you wanted to, uh, clean up yourself.”
Mihawk cocked a brow at you. You pouted. “You make it sound like I need to shower.”
“Oh!” Your jaw went slack, “no! I wanted to shower, but you can join me is what I’m trying to say.” You turned away from Mihawk, face burning from your awkward encounter.
“We just had sex,” Mihawk came up behind you, “you can ask me that outright.”
“Noted,” You turned the shower on, “Can I ask you another question? I’ll be more straightforward.” You looked at Mihawk over your shoulder. He nodded. “Did you really miss me while I was gone?” You were genuinely curious, you did not want to sound like a smart ass at all. You needed to know.
“Yes.” Mihawk answered honestly.
You turned to him once you got the shower on. “Well, I hope you like hot showers, because my ass is not taking a cold one.” You smiled at him. He huffed. “Come on, we have all night to discuss what I did, and all the trouble I narrowly escaped while running away from you!”
You had a feeling you’d be doing a lot more than talking for the rest of that night, though.
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fallingdownhell · 4 months
May I request Neuvillette, Diluc, Kaeya and Zhongli asking their s/o if they would choose them or the world and they (s/o) chose the world? At first they were upset until s/o hugs them and says they're their world.
THAT IS SO CUTE!!<3 Characters Included: Neuvillette; Kaeya; Diluc; Zhongli Content: gender neutral reader; established relationship; just some good old fluff; a bit angsty on Diluc's part but nothing too bad; not proofread yet Word count: 1,9k words Had a very stressful week and didn't get to writing at all. But now that it's over, I can finally work on requests again! Yay! Enjoy<3
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Neuvillette, when in a relationship, would be head over heels for his partner
it may not show in his face, because the Iudex was never good at expressing his emotions, but his actions are loud and clear
he adores you in every way possible and tries to spend as much time as he can with you, without neglecting his duties as Chief Justice of Fontaine
enjoys taking you on a leisure stroll through the city or just lay on the bed with you, cuddling all day/night long. Around you, he fells safe to let go of the strong hold he has over his dragon side. So, when in the privacy of your or his home, you can expect his tail to curl around some part of your body as soon as he gets close to you, but most of the time, it's either around your leg or your waist
one evening, while you were cuddling together, there was a thought that entered Neuvillette's mind
on his way home today, he saw a couple and he didn't mean to eavesdrop on them, but he overheard one of them asking the other, if they would choose the world or their partner
he thought it to be stupid at the time and didn't think anything of it, but having you in his arms now, he couldn't help but think what your answer to this would be
"Darling", he'd ask cautiously as to not scare you from suddenly speaking up. You hummed, signaling that he had your attention
"This might sound stupid, but... If you had to choose, would you save the world, or me?"
You don't answer for a while and Neuvillette almost thinks that you might have fallen asleep. He was about to lean down and check when you stirred and turned yourself around in his arms to face him
"Hmm.. I think I'd save the world.", you answered and then pressed yourself against his chest again, content with your answer
meanwhile, Neuvillette felt a bit disappointed. He was sure that you'd adore him as much as he did you. Was he.. wrong about it?
His mood drastically dampened as he continued to hold you, but then you spoke up again
"Wanna know why?", you ask him, and unable to refuse you anything, he agrees to hearing your reasoning
you rise from his arms, pushing yourself up so you can look at him. You smile at him, warm and full of love, as you tell him: "Because, you are my world."
for a moment, he's too stunned to speak. Then, he closes his eyes and lets out a chuckle, relieved to hear that and overwhelmingly happy right now
He catches you in his arms again and kisses you, holding you as close to him as humanly possible, not wanting to ever let you go again..
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he's usually not one to fall for such tricks. No, rather, he's the one who gets people into doing them, watching the scenes unfold in the chaos afterwards
but for reasons, this one hits a bit too close to home for his taste
choosing between saving one or the other.. it's not a situation he'd want to wish upon anyone, knowing first hand just how bad it feels to be forced to decide eventually
he tries to forget about it, pushes it to the back of his mind, but it's like the heavens are mocking him, as he sees couple after couple who'd ask each other this damned question
and almost every time, he'd see them happily fall into each others arms when they get confirmation from their partner that they'd choose them
it filled the Cavalry Captain with some sort of longing... a feeling he couldn't quite describe, but he wanted this for himself, too
so, he decided, that on his next outing with you, he'd just go ahead and shoot his shot, asking you the same thing. What could possibly go wrong, right?
you'd invited Kaeya over tonight for dinner, to which he obviously enthausiastically agreed to
the two of you had some fun goofing around, playfully throwing things at each other before you actually did the cooking together
while the food was boiling on the stove and there was a quiet moment, Kaeya felt that now was the time to ask you
"Hey, (Name).. I got a question for you."
"Shoot.", you'd answer, still focused on cleaning up, but waiting for Kaeya to ask what he wanted to
"It's just.. If you'd had to choose.. would you choose me? Or the world?"
you scoff, a smile on your lips, and without hesitation you answer "Obviously, the world."
"Oh.", Kaeya answers, his mood sinking by the second. He can't really blame you for your answer, but he can't help but be a bit disappointed
however, the next second, he feels your arms snaking around him, pulling him into a hug. "Because you are my world, dummy."
Kaeya is stunned for a second, but he quickly feels that warm feeling rising in his chest again, that you always seem to trigger in him
he hugs you back, burrying his face into your hair as he holds you close to him, the food forgotten for this moment
"Thank you", he whispers, his arms ever so slightly tightening around you. He didn't realise how desperately he'd needed this confirmation from you until now...
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Diluc is a man who often thinks of himself as unworthy and undeserving of your love and affection
he's flawed, broken, a fragment of the person he once was. He can't find anything good within himself, so he can't fathom you seeing him in a different light entirely
you love him, regardless of his broken self. Even more so, you help him in trying to overcome this feeling. You heal his very soul, with you, he finally feels complete again
but despite that, he still has his moments of doubt, but you're always quick to shut such thoughts down again
Diluc truly adores you, with everything he has. No matter what you want or ask of him, he'll personally see to it that you get what you asked for
You want some new clothes? Already bought. You want to spend time with him? His schedule is cleared out minutes later. You want his love? You already have it
but the doubt still gnaws in his mind today, not letting him focus on the good aspects of your lives together
it was a quiet evening at Dawn Winery. The Staff had gone to bed already but you were sitting on a couch in front of a fireplace, the fire crackling peacefully, while you read a book
Diluc was walking down the stairs, looking for you when he spotted you there, looking as stunning as ever
His heart clenched in his chest when he saw you, and that irresistable desire to be close to you took ahold of him
he carefully approaches you and slowly snakes his arms around you from behind, hidding his face in the crock of your neck where he breathes in your scent, calming down his mind a bit, but the thoughts are still racing in him
you chuckle a bit and raise a hand to play with his hair, while you kept part of your attention on your book still
the both of you stayed like that for a few minutes, before you closed your book and adressed your lover
"Why don't you sit down with me? It must be uncomfortable like this."
but Diluc remains where he is, totally content right now. And yet, something still gnaws on his mind..
"Love.. if there were ever a situation in which you'd have to choose.. would you save the entire world? Or me?"
if he were to be asked the same question, his answer now would be different compared to if he would have been asked that before meeting you
before, he would not have hesitated and saved the world. Eradicating all evil to save everyone else sounded like the right thing to do.
but now? Diluc was certain that he could not live in a world without you in it. He'd sacrifice anything and everything for you, even the entire world
you chuckle lightly, still playing with his hair. "I'd choose the world. Without a second thought. Because you are my world. And I wouldn't want it to be any other way."
hearing you say that eased his mind, his hold around you growing stronger. It was a relief for him to hear you thinking about him the same way he does about you
with little to no effort, he picks you up from your spot on the couch and carries you all the way to the bedroom, where the two of you cuddle well into the night, unitl none of you can stay awake any longer. And even in your sleep, he holds you close, thinking that maybe, it's okay to love you, that you were meant to be together...
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even as a god who's lived for thousands of years, there seems to be new things to learn still, with every single passing day
and since you entered his life, the things he learns have become all the more interesting to him
every little detail about you has been committed to his memory, never to be forgotten again. Zhongli never would have thought he could harbor such intense feelings for another being, much less a human, but he was proven wrong
only through you does he really learn to appreciate things that come with being human. He begins to take pleasure in the small things in life, his focus shifting from the greater good, and instead setting his sight on you, always aiming to make you feel as happy and appreciated as possible
after a bit of time, where he got to know you and trust you, he would also reveal the truth about himself to you
the moment you accepted him still, despite his true self, was the happiest Zhongli has felt in a long time. Now, whenenver it was just the two of you in private, he can let go of himself and allows himself to show some of his more draconic features around you
on one such day, the two of you were cuddled up on the couch, Zhongli laying on top of you, his arms around your body, his tail curling around one of your legs while you were stroking the horns protruding from his head
you were talking about mundane things, telling each other how your day has been going, but he really enjoyed listening to you
"Oh, I almost forgot! My coworker asked me something today that I found kind of ridiculous."
"Oh, really? What was that question, dearest?", Zhongli would inquire, interested but still resting comfortably on your chest
"Well, since she knows I'm in a relationship, she asked me if I would choose my lover over the entire world.", you laugh as you recall that conversation
suddenly, Zhongli's interest is peaked and he turns his head so he could look at you, a spark in his eyes
"And what did you answer?"
"Obviously, I picked the world. I mean, I don't think I could or really want to live without you at this point."
at that, Zhongli furrows his brows in confusion, your answer making no sense to him
he ponders about it a bit more, you laughing a bit at him, finding it cute that he didn't understand the implications of your words. So, you decide to just explain it to him
"It means that you are my world, Li. Nothing would feel right anymore if you weren't by my side."
the confusion now washed away, his gaze grew softer as he stared at you, love for you swelling in his chest, growing and growing until he couldn't take it anymore
with a low growl, he shot up and burried his face against your neck, his tail swaying back and forth behind him and you couldn't hold back the chuckle
"I love you, Darling.", he'd whisper against you. "with everything I am. My heart and soul will always belong to you."
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darlingdekarios · 11 months
the edge of paradise.
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rating: explicit. 18+ only. length: 3,682 content: Simon "Ghost" Riley x f!reader, established relationship, fluff, porn with no plot of substance, smut [softdom!Simon, overstimulation, fingering - receiving, unprotected p in v], kink(s) [marking, breeding], soft Simon
even in the middle of the night and at the expense of sleep, Simon is always willing to give you another round.
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A quiet whine and a frustrated huff from his bedside partner had him stirring, a quick glance at clock beside the bed confirming that it hadn't been long since the two of you had fallen asleep to begin with. His arms squeezed you tighter, his hold on you having loosened far too much for either of your liking as he had slept.
It was a combination of sounds he was familiar with, the shallow and shaking breaths fighting from your lungs telling his half-awake mind everything it needed to know to snap him to his senses in no time at all.
"Your breathing is agitated."
His observation served as the announcement that he was awake, his gravelly, sleep-filled voice enough to pull another whine from you, your ass rubbing back into his waist. One of the large hands that rested against your stomach slid down to grip your hip as he leaned forward to attach his lips to your neck, a rumbling laugh muffled by your skin.
His cock was already twitching in the sweatpants he'd pulled on before bed, teeth nipping at a slight raised bite mark from one of your earlier sessions. Simon had been gone for months, only just returning to you the afternoon before, and the two of you had found everything in your power to not leave one another…or more specifically, your bed.
To say the two of you were relieved to be in one another's presence again would have been an understatement, because in the twelve hours since he'd returned to you, the only thing that had pulled his eyes from you was the insufficient amount of sleep. But with the insatiability coursing through both of your bodies like a flooded river, he was more than happy to be woken up like this.
Especially when you moaned in reply to the attention you were receiving on your neck by his lips and tongue, grinding back into him in a silent plea again as you reached one of your hands behind you to grasp at the back of his head.
"Oh, you naughty minx," he had that layer of amusement behind his voice that you always loved to hear, his affection for you evident just in how he spoke. "Didn't get enough, huh? Thought you'd be sore, love."
"I am," you whined again, words shaking as you gave his hair a gentle tug, his lips curving into a smile against your skin until he nipped at another older mark. "Need m-more…"
"That's not how to ask," he remarked in a smug tone you were exceedingly familiar with, his lips lightly brushing behind your ear as he spoke. "What do you need? My fingers, my mouth…d'you think you could even take my cock again? You're not using your words."
At this point, you knew somewhere inside that Simon was going to insist on this game until you gave him exactly what he wanted. And yet, your mind was blurred just enough still by sleep and lust that you couldn't formulate anything remotely adequate and free of a desperate whine soaking your tone.
"Ask nicely."
You took the opportunity to do what you could always muster, what always felt like the most natural thing in the world to you - you turned in his arms, pressing your lips to his in a kiss you hoped communicated how lecherous you felt for him.
The kisses between you two were always easy - your mouths came together in synchrony, you never fought for dominance with him, and the result was a beautiful, perfect exchange of passion without words.
As much as Simon loved to hear you talk, to soak in breathless words as you told him exactly what you wanted from him, you also knew that there was little he loved more than a kiss like this from you, particularly out of need in the middle of the night.
"Need you, Si," you whined against his lips, trailing your soft kisses from his lips to the corner of his mouth to his jaw, inhaling the familiar musk that was him. You brushed your lips feather light over one of the scars on his face, causing the love he felt for you to flare in him, a rush of heat and adoration filling every inch of his body.
One of his hands slipped below the t-shirt you'd slipped over your head before bed that looked much better on you than it did him…in his opinion, anyway.
When your attempt went unanswered you nipped at a sensitive area on his neck before you claimed his lips again, an impatient whimper swallowed by him as he returned your kiss. Another low, short laugh vibrated through his chest as he nipped at your bottom lip again, his attention shifting to your neck again as he lowered his head.
"You can barely talk, love," you'd told him many times that it was unfair for him to talk so lowly right into your ear, and he'd only remembered it and made a point to exploit the weakness at every turn. "Let me take care of you."
A large hand slid to grasp your calf, encouraging you to raise one of your legs and throw it over his hip. The thigh you'd been pressed against had a visible spot where your arousal had soaked the fabric of his sweatpants, he didn't need much more than the moonlight coming through the blinds to aid him in that discovery, and he groaned in appreciation at the sight.
"Fuckin' hell. Already soaked and I've not even touched you."
To no surprise you whined again, grinding your still overstimulated sex against his thigh, desperate for any amount of friction or pressure that would relieve some of the heat engulfing you.
He stopped his movements as he went in to kiss a sensitive spot between your neck and collarbone, his tongue clicking against his teeth in light disapproval before he taunted aloud.
"Desperate, but still hasn't managed to ask nicely…"
He abandoned his attention elsewhere and reached to kiss you again as he pushed her panties to the side, grumbling against your lips about how wet they are as he connected his palm to your clit, his three middle fingers spreading your soaked folds. He smiled against your lips and nipped at the swollen bottom one again, feeling his smile widen briefly - as long as he'd allow it - as you whined out his name.
"You just gonna keeping whining?"
Your possible complaint or curse was cut off by two of his fingers slipping into your velvet channel with ease, your mouth hanging open as you looked into his eyes, your own wide and pupils blown as you lost your thought.
"There you go, sweetheart," he cooed, rubbing the most sensitive patch of sponginess inside you with expert precision. "I've got you. I know what you need."
"Please, Simon," you breathed out heavily, eyes rolling back slightly as he pumped his fingers into you and watched on in pride as your arousal coated his hand. Accepting he was too transfixed on the show he had created for himself to kiss him you instead leaned forward to kiss his chest, sucking a mark of your own where no one would see it should his return home be cut short.
Even with a hazy mind, you were considerate of every aspect of his life, no detail going forgotten in your memory and your actions always conscious of consequences. It was high on the list of reasons he loved you, a list he ran through when he needed to occupy his mind.
"Much better, darling," he complimented, his fingers slipping from you briefly before he pushed them back in, repeating the action until he set a steady pace with them. "Now you're sayin' please like a good fuckin' girl. I'll give you whatever you ask me to when you ask nicely."
"Please…need you again, Si."
He hummed his approval to your words as his other hand slipped beneath his shirt to cup one of your breasts, his thumb circling your nipple so delicately it only confirmed he viewed you as fragile as a flower.
"Such a nice way to ask," he cooed again, pinching your nipple between his fingers gently before rubbing it again. "You're not too sore?"
It was so like him to be considerate of your well-being, even with his obvious erection pressing into you. He wanted you, and there was never any doubt that he would rather be buried in your pussy than anything, but if your body needed a break he would happily give you the orgasm you needed with his tongue.
But there was no denying the hope he felt that you would give him another round before truly sleeping for the night.
"No," you finally managed out an answer through moans and gasps, his fingers still moving at perfect time and his palm still applying the perfect pressure to your clit to keep you on the edge. He pulled his shirt from you with one hand, needing to have unencumbered access to your body - it was honestly surprising he'd lasted this long with a barrier between you. "Promise, 'm fine…"
"You want another load that badly?"
"Yes," it came out in a choked, broken moan, your teeth sinking into his chest hard enough to give him another mark to communicate physically what you couldn't with words. Simon had always been infatuated with you leaving your mark on him in places only he could see, and the fact that you made a point to remember those details about him only made him want you more.
"Fuck, I'll give you one."
He pulled his fingers from you and raised his hand to his face to lick them clean, an appreciative him rumbling in his chest beneath your lips as you kissed the expanse of his toned muscles. Your affections were interrupted as he moved to his knees, grasping your hips gently to roll you to your stomach, reaching with one hand to grasp his pillow and slip it beneath your hips.
He pushed his sweats down as much as he needed to, grasping his cock and stroking it to the sight of you laying expectantly beneath him, your pussy glistening with your arousal. From behind you you could hear him spit into his hand, smearing his own saliva on his cock to help ease his entry into you.
He leaned forward to press a kiss behind your ear before his gentle words entered your ears again.
"You just lay still and take it like a good girl."
He was already slipping his thick cock into you as he finished his instruction, one of his hands gently gripping you hip as the other ensured your pillow was still beneath your head. He stayed laying against you, conscious not to rest his weight entirely against you but unwilling to stop pressing rough kisses anywhere he could connect his lips to on your neck, back, and shoulders.
A blissful sigh of a moan blossomed from your chest as he bottomed out, his movements stilling to appreciate how your walls clenched around him, welcoming every inch of his cock home into you.
"Thank you," the words were so quiet they'd have gone unheard at any other time, your appreciation genuine in them as you arched your back to improve his angle even more. His hold on you tightened and he pressed his forehead into your shoulder to steady himself, a smile spreading across his features before he leaned to press a kiss to your cheek.
It was that fleeting moment of non-verbal communications of love that he took as his signal to move, his hips rocking against yours in a gentle pace - clearly, his worries about your soreness remained.
"So cute," he muttered against your skin, unwilling to pull his lips away from your skin for even a moment. He reached to press a kiss to the corner of your lips, immediately wishing he had opted to keep you on your back so he could enjoy the full beauty of your face and kiss you properly. "You tell me if it's too much."
"Uh huh…"
It was as if you read his mind as you propped up on your elbows, turning your head in a silent plea for him to kiss you - one he happily obliged. From this angle it was messy, but it was the sort of imperfect harmony between the two of you that helped him set the perfect pace with his hips, his cock slowly pulling completely out of you and pushing back in in a way that made you both feel every inch massaging and stretching your walls again and again.
"You feel fucking incredible," he groaned out, stilling his movements again when he was buried to the hilt in you, waiting for you to give any sign of discomfort before he fucked you properly. In protest of his lack of movement you pulled your hips forward before fucking back onto him, immediately intoxicated by the deep groan that filled the room.
"Need more," you fought out through breaths, the whine returning to your voice as you became more desperate for release as the moments passed.
"'s not enough for you, love?" he questioned, leaning his head closer and running his nose along your jaw until he could nip at the delicate spot beneath your ear, "My needy girl needs more, eh?"
"Please," you gasped out, walls clenching around him tighter as your fingers gripped the sheets so hard you threatened to tear them. With the overstimulation building throughout the night, it had somehow become worse for him to be still and gentle than rough and demanding. "Please, Simon."
"Gonna turn you over."
The warning still wasn't enough to satiate the shock of him leaving you completely, your pussy clenching around nothing at the loss of him and a whine of objection ripping from your throat.
"I know, love, I'm cruel," his voice was gentle yet once again laced with that subtle tone of mockery, his teasing side flaring up no matter how much closer to the edge it drove you. "But I need to see that pretty face."
Once he had you comfortably on your back, your ass resting against the pillow and hips raised at the perfect angle for him you spread your legs without instruction, hands grasping for him to encourage him to come closer faster. He grasped his cock again as he moved between your legs, holding one of your hips in his hand again as he began to sink back into you.
"That's better," he groaned out in a heavy breath, his words less punctual as he allowed himself to find shelter and security in you again.
It was always best like this - when he was buried to the hilt in you, bodies so close your torsos were pressed together sharing an impossible amount of heat as your foreheads came together. He loved to watch your expressions shift - to ensure only pleasure crossed your features as he stretched and filled you, hell-bent on giving you nothing but pleasure.
Hurting you was out of the question, and any way he could avoid it, he would. It was his personal pride that you didn't need to worry about a thing when he was by your side.
"Kiss me," you whispered lowly, eyes adjusting to the briefest amount of light that had begun to form at the new hour to truly look him in the eyes, the tip of your nose bumping into his playfully. "Please."
"My polite girl."
He found the perfect pace again as he closed the distance to kiss you again, incredibly conscious with every movement of how much weight he was putting on your legs and hips as he leaned into you, desperate to close any space between the two of you.
The kiss reflected the relatively sleepless morning - tired and routine yet full of the optimism and vigor of a new day. Your fingers clutched to his shoulders, nails leaving crescents in his skin to silently beg him to stay closer, to plead with him not to pull away - an unnecessary thing as he had no intention of doing so.
When you needed air you pulled away to bury your face in his neck, wrapping your arms around his chest. Between shaking, heavy breaths you pressed kisses wherever you could reach on his neck and shoulders.
"I love you, Simon," you whispered quietly, knowing they were the four words he needed to hear to truly start his day.
His reply was to give you exactly what you needed to send you off to sleep fulfilled with the bliss of another orgasm, a verbal response unnecessary as he focused his attention on showing you his love with precision.
The sounds that filled the apartment were deliciously lewd, the kind he would embed in his memory to use for a quick release when he was away from you. The sounds of you moaning, his name falling from your lips in breathless whimpers, his cock slipping back into your soaked sex…all were embedded into his mind forever.
As much as he'd feigned complaint about your whining, it was no secret that he loved when he'd fucked you to the point where your mind seemed to lose all sense. What he loved more than anything was your response when you knew he was going to cum.
"You want me to fill you again?"
"Yes," the response from you was immediate and filled with desperation, your walls clenching around him hard as he fucked into you harder, his body becoming increasingly desperate for his own release with each passing moment, the temperature building around him so hot the air was heavy in his lungs. "Please…fuck…ah…please, Simon…"
"You're so desperate to be full of my cum," when his voice was somewhat broken like this - when he was forcing out words between grunts and heavy breaths - is when you found him the sexiest, because this side of Simon, free of any exterior walls, was only for you. "If you weren't on that birth control you'd be bred by the time I leave here again."
You cried out his name so loud he wondered how loud he'd have to make you be until the closest neighbors knew he was home, something he was more than willing to put to the test. Your nails dug into his skin again, dragging downward until you were able to grasp his ass, pushing him closer to you to silently beg.
"Oh, you like that, you naughty thing?"
"Fuckin' hell, Simon…"
His lips were on your neck again, a breathless laugh hot against your skin.
"Say it…"
"I do," you finally gave in, head spinning as your heart pounded hard in your chest, so hard you were certain he could feel it in his own. "Fuck, please fill me again."
"Only when you cum on my cock first, love," he breathed out, turning his head to claim your lips in a soft kiss, his teeth catching your swollen bottom lip briefly and as gently as possible before he kissed the tip of your nose. "You know the rule."
"Then fuck me."
This was the most relentless pace he'd set as he thrust into you, one of his hands reaching to rub your clit. When you moaned out his name a bit louder than the last he took it as a continued challenge, straightening up and grasping your hip tightly in one hand as he pounded into you at a bruising pace, accepting that you wouldn't be able to do much of anything outside of the house for the next day as you recovered from the day you'd had together.
He was more than happy to stay inside with you as long as you needed. In fact, it may have been his plan all along.
Your legs started to shake as you wrapped them around his waist to pull him in closer, your vision beginning to blur and the sounds of your bodies coming together and your sounds of pleasure becoming muffled as your brain flooded with pleasure.
Your hands slid down to his abs where you felt them tightening at your fingertips, his own release being fought off as he coaxed yours from you first.
"That's it, love," he breathed out, swiftly placing a messy kiss to the tip of your nose. "Fuck, love when your cunt starts clenching on me. Let me hear you."
The combination of his words, his hands and lips on you, and pure overstimulation finally pulled what he'd sought from you - you screamed his name, hopefully fulfilling his desire to let the neighbors know you were very happily taken. The thought alone made him go faster and harder until his own release was spilling from him in thick, hot spurts, his forehead resting against yours and eyes squeezed shut in focus as he lazily thrust through another massive load that filled you again.
When he had ridden you both through your orgasms he pulled away from you slowly, laying between her legs with his torso on top of you. His head found a comfortable position on your chest to relax, both of you focusing on catching your breath.
Though his eyes were closed and his attention was on his breath you were not forgotten, his hands lightly rubbing and caressing any part of you he could reach, his lips lazily pressing to your chest with no consistent frequency.
Both of you satiated for the night, there was no reason to disrupt the natural peace that surrounded the two of you. Instead, you found your breaths soon mirrored one another and with your fingers carded through his hair, holding him against your chest where your heartbeat served as a lullaby.
It was the fastest Simon had found sleep in weeks, and for the moment at least, everything was exactly as it should be.
masterlist. call of duty masterlist.
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love-hatred-stuff · 1 year
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"Doll, don't ignore me, please. Tell me what I can do to make it up to you."
All he heard from you was some unhappy mumbling. You looked at him with annoyance before you disappeared into the bedroom. Something he wasn't used to at all. Something that made him feel like someone you might hate. His heart wrenched in sadness.
There's nothing in this world he could hate more than you being upset with him. It made him feel lonely and even more angry at himself than you probably were. It was torture.
Bucky continued to sit there at the kitchen island, his face in his palms, devastated. He loved you so dearly, you were his god damn life and now you wouldn't speak a word to him. It felt like a knife was stuck in his ribcage and he couldn't seem to get it out as long as you were so mad at him.
He knew a relationship couldn't always be perfect. But with you it was. Nothing was as easy as loving you every step of the way. Sure there were some ups and downs, but nothing that wasn't fast to be solved.
He sighed in desperation. He didn't know how to make you talk to him again. All he could give you was some space. But it was your choice if you wanted to forgive him or not in the end. He knew that.
So he waited. Smoked more than usual, drank more than usual. On a Tuesday? Didn't matter as long as you wouldn't give him another chance.
He wrote you an apology letter, a love letter, bought your favourite flowers everyday.
He was lost without your love and everyone knew that. It was hard to overlook. You two weren't just lovers, you two were partners, friends, soulmates and everything in between. Bucky cherished the ground you walked on. Because you were always there as his emotional support, you calmed him down, made him feel safe and complete. He needed you.
James often worked from home, so he felt your absence immensely since you were always out until noon. And if you were home and not going anywhere else but work just to avoid him, you were never in the same room as him.
He could call himself lucky to still be able to sleep in the same bed as you. You weren't evil, you wouldn't let him sleep on one of your small leather couches alone, those were great for cuddling and taking a nap but not for a seven hour long rest. Besides, you knew he wouldn't be able to sleep if not beside you.
Everything went on for about a week. Until everything came crashing down on him.
Bucky couldn't sleep. He just couldn't stop thinking how you were slowly but surely falling out of love with him since the day that he decided to use your trust. And he couldn't help but start crying at this heartbreaking thought. First it were just tears that didn't seem to stop flowing but after a few minutes he couldn't stop letting out those heartwrenching sobs coming out of him. Of course you noticed it and it didn't bring you joy or whatsoever. It made you feel like crying too.
"Bucky? Bucky, please." You sat up immediately.
You shoved all those hurt feelings to the side for a moment and moved towards his side. He turned around slowly and looked at you. You couldn't describe how broken the man in front of you looked.
"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry, Y/n. Please forgive me. I- I need you. I can't breath-" He broke down again.
You brought him to your chest, letting him hug your waist while crying into your shirt. You shushed him, held him against you and gently stroked his hair. Until he slowly stopped sobbing and crying, though he didn't intend to let go of you anytime soon.
"James, I know you're sorry."
He looked up at you. That's the first words you spoke to him in days and you call him James? Tears were gathering in his eyes once again.
"Oh, my love." You touched his cheek and took a good look at him. Bucky sighed and closed his eyes. That sounded much better.
"Bucky." He snaps back into reality, opening his eyes and seeing your gorgeous face, that he missed so much looking at.
"Kiss me, you moron." And he immediately did, more than eager to rest his lips on yours after such a long time.
A/n: lol, just felt like breaking my heart again
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qtboni · 11 months
Hello again boni! its me, again, bc i adored your writing on my last req! i have another if that okay!
how would ghost (or maybe konig too, bc i luv him aswell) act if you told him you were pregnant? like this is early relationship, maybe a month or two into dating, only had sex about 4 times, and how would he go about telling soap and his friends and shit?
if you dont want to do this req u dont have to, but it was jus an idea! ^v^
again, thank you in advance, luv ya and your work!
HAI BBY! sorry this took so long to write >< i hope this makes up for it! i also saw your other req and im rly looking forward in writing it! thank you for this!
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PAIRING: Simon 'Ghost' Riley X Fem!Reader & König X Fem!Reader
OVERVIEW: Your partner's reaction to the news of your pregnancy.
C/W: A sprinkle of angst with cute comfort and fluff ^^ mentions of being pregnant.
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You took a deep breath, trying to still the trembling in your limbs. Your hands were shaking as you reached for the pregnancy test on the bathroom counter. You closed the door behind you and sat down on the cold tile floor, closing your eyes as you waited for the result.
Finally, after what felt like an eternity, you looked down at the test. Two bold lines were staring back up at you. You couldn't believe it - you were pregnant! At first, you felt a wave of joy wash over you, but it quickly turned into terror.
You were pregnant... with a baby. His baby.
You didn't know how to tell him, you were terrified that he would leave you if he found out. Tears streamed down your face as you collapsed onto the floor, sobbing inconsolably.
You had always dreamt of having a baby, but this was too much. It was too early. You were scared, alone, and entirely unsure of what to do. The idea of bringing a human being into this world was daunting, and you couldn't shake the fear that you wouldn't be a good parent.
You stayed there on the bathroom floor for what felt like hours, tears streaming down your face, until finally you heard the sound of your thoughts, telling you that you need to tell him. Your heart skipped a beat as you quickly wiped away your tears, trying to compose yourself, and scrambled to your feet to find him.
You opened the door and went out, sniffling away your tears. You were determined to do what was right, even though you knew it would be painful.
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── ◜‹3◞  SIMON ‘GHOST’ RILEY :
"I'm pregnant..." you said, your voice shaking.
You stood in front of Simon, your legs trembling as you held the positive pregnancy test in your hand. You had taken the test a dozen times, and each time it came back positive. You had tried to push the thought of it away, to pretend it wasn't happening, but the reality was sinking in. You were going to be a mother. But more than that, you might become a mother without the man you love.
The words echoed in the silence that followed, as if they hung in the air between you two. Simon took a step back, his eyes growing wider as he tried to make sense of what you had just told him.
Simon stood in front of you, his eyes searching yours for an answer. You could see the shock and confusion written all over his face, and you knew this was the moment to tell him.
"What.." you heard him whisper. You thought he was going to run, to leave you to face this alone. But he didn't move, he just stood there, frozen in place..
That isn't a good sign.
You felt a lump form in your throat as the tears welled up in your eyes. This was too much to bear on your own, and you needed him, you needed his support, or else you didn't know how you would make it through this. But the silence was unbearable, and you felt like you were suffocating.
"I.." You took a step forward, your hand extended towards him. "Please, Simon, I need you."
You cradled your stomach and felt hot tears slowly going down your cheeks. You sobbed as you managed to choke out, "I can't do this alone, Si'. Please..."
Long gone was the distress in his eyes. Softness emerged from them as he realized the situation. And you swore you saw a shimmer in his eyes. You slowly watch as he reached out and took your hand, his touch sending an electric shock through your body.
"I'm here, sorry, love," he said, his voice barely more than a whisper. "I'm here for you."
You felt like you could finally breathe again, like you had just been given a second chance. You felt a sense of relief wash over you, and you broke down in tears, finally letting go of all the fear and emotion that had been swirling inside of you.
Simon pulled you into his arms, holding you tight as you cried, his presence the only thing that kept you going. You look up at Simon, tears streaming down your face.
"I'm so sorry," you whisper. "I know this is a lot to take in, and I know it's not the right time."
Simon's eyes soften as he lowers himself to one knee, taking your hands in his. "Don't be sorry, love," he says. "We're in this together, we'll figure it out. I love you. I'll do everything I can to be there for you and our baby."
You feel a rush of relief and gratitude wash over you, and you lean in to hug him. "Thank you, Simon," you whisper.
Over the next few months, Simon goes above and beyond to show his support. He does research on pregnancy, childbirth, and newborn care, and he attends every doctor's appointment with you. He asks questions and listens carefully to the advice of the healthcare professionals, and he makes a point of being involved in every aspect of your pregnancy.
As you begin to show, Simon becomes more protective of you, helping you with simple tasks like carrying groceries or opening doors.
Despite his own uncertainties and insecurities from his abusive father, Simon still dreams to be a good father. He would spend time reading parenting books and attending parenting classes.
In those early days, Simon is a different man than the one he was before the baby arrived. He's more patient, more sensitive, and more thoughtful. He listens to you more deeply, and he makes an effort to truly see and understand you.
Simon walked into the pub, greeted by the familiar sound of laughter and the smell of beer. He made his way to the bar and ordered a beer, before taking a seat at their usual table in the corner.
Gaz, Captain Price, and Soap were already there, engaged in a conversation. As soon as Simon sat down, Soap noticed his presence and greeted him with a wave.
"Hey, mate," Soap said, his accent thicker than usual after a few beers. "What's up?"
Simon took a sip of his beer and cleared his throat, trying to come up with the right words to say. "I need to talk to you guys about something," he said, his voice sounding a little hoarse.
Gaz put down his beer and turned to face Simon. "What's up, man?" he asked, his concern evident on his face.
Simon took a deep breath, steeling himself for the reaction he was going to get. "My girlfriend and I are expecting a baby," he said, feeling a mix of emotions wash over him.
The three friends looked surprised for a moment, before bursting into a chorus of congratulations and questions.
Gaz asked if it was a boy or a girl, while Captain Price offered to help build the nursery and Soap promised to be there for Simon every step of the way, even bragged at the man jokingly that he would be the favorite uncle of his child amongst Gaz and Price.
Simon felt overwhelmed with gratitude for his friends' support. He felt like he could handle anything, knowing that he had people in his life who cared about him and were there for him, no matter what.
Simon, although still is quite insecure with himself to be a dad, he wants to be there for your child.
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── ◜‹3◞  KÖNIG :
König is sitting on the couch, scrolling through his phone, unaware of what's about to happen and you shakily inhaled.
"Hun," you say, your voice trembling, "I need to talk to you."
He looks up at you, sensing that something's off.
"What's wrong, schatz?" he asks, placing his phone down and coming closer to you.
"I'm pregnant," you blurt out, feeling a wave of emotions wash over you. His eyes widen in surprise, and he takes a step back.
"W-Was meinst du?" he stammers in German, clearly taken aback by the news.
For a moment, there's silence between the two of you. You can see the fear and uncertainty in his expression.
"Are you sure?" he adds, his voice quieter than usual.
"I've taken three tests," you assure him and fumbled on your fingers. "It's... I'm sure."
You watch as König sinks onto the couch, rubbing his forehead as he tries to process the news. His social anxiety is starting to kick in, and you can see him pulling inward. You know this is a lot for him to take in, and you want to give him the space he needs to process his emotions.
But as you stand there, waiting for him to respond, you notice a sudden change in his behavior. He stood up to pace back and forth, his hands clenched into fists at his sides. You can tell that he's getting increasingly agitated, and you're not sure what's going on.
This hurts you. So much.
Before you confront him about it, he abruptly storms out of the room, his footsteps echoing through the house. You're left standing there, confused and worried. Hurt, you cradled yourself for protection. Was it something you said? Did you do something wrong?
You spend the next few minutes in a state of anxiety, unable to shake the feeling that something is deeply amiss. You have no idea what to do or where to turn. But then, several minutes later, König finally comes back.
You hear him before you see him, his footsteps pounding against the floor. You jump up from the couch, your heart pounding in your chest. It's clear that he's in a state of panic, his hair disheveled and his eyes wide with distress.
"I'm sorry," König says, his voice shaking as he rushes to you.
He pulls you into a tight hug, his body trembling against yours. You can feel his heart pounding against your chest, and you wrap your arms around him, offering comfort and reassurance.
"I'm so sorry, mein liebling," he says, his voice barely above a whisper. "Please forgive me."
You're too stunned to even speak. Why'd he leave? And, he came back?
He takes your hands in his, tears streaming down his face.
"I never meant to hurt you," he says, his voice hitching. "It was just too much, too fast. I'm sorry, Es tut mir so leid, Süße."
"It's okay, König," you say, kissing the top of his head. "I understand. This is a lot for both of us to take in."
He pulls away slightly, looking up at you with teary eyes.
"I don't know if I'm ready for this," he says, his voice cracking. "I'm so scared. I don't want to mess this up."
You caress his cheek softly, smiling at him. "We'll figure this out together," you say, your voice filled with kindness and love. "Okay?"
He nods, clinging onto you tightly.
"Okay," he whispers, his voice filled with gratitude. "Danke, mein liebe. I love you so much."
König kissed your forehead and continued on peppering kisses all over your pretty face, making you giggle.
And in that moment, you know that everything will be alright. You're in this together, and you'll face whatever challenges come your way, hand in hand, united in love and determination.
The day König found out about the pregnancy was one of the most overwhelming moments of his life. He never expected to become a father so soon, and the thought of having so much responsibility suddenly weighed heavily on him.
As someone who struggles with social anxiety, he found it difficult to process his emotions and express them to you. He withdrew into myself, feeling isolated and like he was failing you.
But you refused to let him pull away. You gently but firmly pulled him back in, offering love and reassurance at every turn. You listened to his fears and concerns, and gave him the space to process them at his own pace. You were in this together, and he would be right there beside you every step of the way.
As the days passed, König slowly started to come out of his shell. He became more involved in the pregnancy, eager to learn and prepare for your new life as parents. He started to think about what kind of father he wanted to be, and how he could be the best partner he could be to you.
He was still anxious at times, but your support and love never wavered. You reminded him that he didn't have to be perfect, that you would face the future together, and that you would make mistakes along the way. Together, you faced every challenge that came your way, from picking out baby names to decorating the nursery. You became a team, united by your love for each other and your love for your child.
Through it all, König realized that you were his strength, his hope, and his happiness. You were his everything, and he couldn't imagine going through this journey without you. He knew that you were meant to be together, and that the road ahead would be filled with love, happiness, and joy.
König had always struggled with social anxiety, and it had been difficult for him to make friends. But he was incredibly close to his beloved grandmother, who he knew would be overjoyed to hear the news of his soon-to-be fatherhood.
So, he took a deep breath and started to write down what he wanted to say, practicing it a few times to help him feel more prepared. He knew that this was an important moment in his life, and he wanted to share it with the person he loved the most.
When he finally approached his grandmother's house, he could already hear her laughter and happy tears. It was as if she had been expecting the news, and he felt a weight lifted off his shoulders.
König takes a deep breath and approaches his grandmother, holding out the sonogram photo. His heart races as he waits for her to look up, eager to share the news.
"Großmutter," he trailed off. "I have some news to share with you."
"Oh, König, selbstverständlich!" the old woman said in her native tongue as she turns to him. "What is it, dear?"
"Großmutter," He clears his throat. "I'm going to be a father."
König watches his grandma's eyes light up and he felt so relieved to hear, "Oh König, that's wonderful news! I'm so happy for you!"
To his surprise, his grandmother responded with the sweetest words of love and encouragement that he had ever heard. She told him how proud she was of him, and how excited she was for your journey ahead as the mother of her grandkid.
He replies back in German, "Thank you, Großmutter. It means so much to have your support."
The old woman stood up and hugged him tightly, "Of course, dear. You know I'll always be here for you."
His grandma then kisses his cheek. He could see the joy on her face as he told her about the new life growing inside him, and he felt a warm sense of love and acceptance. Konig felt an overwhelming rush of happiness and gratitude as he hugged his grandmother tightly. For someone who struggled with social anxiety, the kindness and love that she showed him made him feel more confident and secure in the journey ahead.
With their love and guidance, König was excited to embrace the next chapter of his life as a father. He knew that he would never have to face life's challenges alone, he had you. You had always been there for him in the past, and he knew that you would continue to be there in the future. And with the new life growing inside him, he felt a sense of hope and happiness that he had never experienced before.
König can't wait to be the father of your child and shower him or her with endless affection and support.
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mariposa-drowned · 1 year
♡˖Broken glass˖⁠♡
Abby Anderson x fem!reader
Warnings- hurt/comfort, hints at past abuse in a partner, crybaby!reader, sensitive!reader, protective!Abby, pet names (angel, baby, hun, good girl), very slight hints at dom/sub dynamic, angst to fluff -Please let me know if I missed any!!
"Baby?" Abby rushed down the stairs to the sound of a loud crash which seemed to come from the kitchen.
Coming to the entryway of the kitchen Abby was met with your glassy eyes and a mess of broken glass all over the floor, remnants of what was once a bowl you utilized quite often had finally met it's fate, much to your horror.
"I'm sorry.. i- I didn't mean to, I was just trying to-" you spluttered out to Abby before she cut you off
"No, hey shhh you're alright hun, it's not a big deal. Stay right there okay? I'm gonna go get the broom so we can clean this up alright?" Abby cautiously stepped forward and over the glass to give your hand a light squeeze of reassurance and a peck on your forehead before walking to the hall closet where you kept the broom.
While Abby walked away you gently crouched down to start trying to pick up the largest pieces of the bowl, still feeling terrible you were the cause of it's break, you had only been trying to put away the dishes that had finished air drying overnight.
Going to grab a larger piece, only to be met with a sharp stinging pain in the palm of your hand, your cloudy eyes returning once again as you heard Abby's approaching footsteps and quicky dropped the piece of glass back to the floor while standing up, grabbing a dishcloth off the counter and trying to look natural as you press it firmly into your palm, lightly hissing to yourself over the sting it produced.
Abby reappeared in the kitchen, broom and dustpan in tow, her face dropped to a light frown as she found your slightly shaky frame where she last saw you, but now with a cloth in your hand? She found it a bit odd but continued towards the mess of glass, being careful of her steps.
You still felt guilty, trying to hold back your tears while you reached your hand out towards Abby "here, it's my mess, I can clean it up" you said in what was close to a whisper, trying to keep the cracking of your voice at bay.
Abby walked over to you, resting the broom up against the counter, she quickly lifted you from your waist onto the clean counter before you could even protest.
"How about I clean this up, because at least I have socks on, and you can sit here and look all pretty for me, m'kay? Promise I'm not mad and you are not in any trouble baby, it was an accident, they happen. Let me sweep this up and then we can go do whatever you'd like and get your mind off this, yeah?" Abby looked to you for confirmation, getting a slight nod in response as you kept your eyes downcast.
Abby gently but firmly lifted your chin, "words please"
"okay" you responded.
Abby seemed pleased enough with your response, kissing your cheek before turning around and starting to sweep up the glass. When her back was turned, you lifted the cloth covering your hand, a bit worried to find that the bleeding had slowed, but not stopped. You tried to keep you panic internal, but as you pressed the cloth back on your palm you let out a light whimper involuntary.
Abby had just finished throwing the last full dustpan into he trash before whipping her head around at the sound of you. She rushed over to you, dropping the broom and dustpan down without care.
"Hun? You alright?" Abby met your sitting frame at the edge of the counter, looking down at the cloth you still had clutched in your hand. "What's this for?" Abby lifted the cloth from your reluctant hands, her eyes widening at the sight of your blood.
"Did you get cut on the glass? Why didn't you tell me?" Abby swapped out the cloth you were using for a new, clean one, quickly grabbing the one of many first-aid kits kept around the house from the top of the fridge.
You kept your eyes downcast "m'sorry. It's just- you were already cleaning up my mess and I didn't wanna worry you." finishing your sentence you let out a small sob, another tear falling down your face before you felt a large, warm hand softly wipe away the tear.
"Hey" Abby put her palms of both sides of your face, making you look at her "deep breathe for me yeah? Good job, there you go, good girl baby. Okay let's take care of this hand then we can talk okay?"
This time she didn't wait for any confirmation, she lifted the cloth that was still covering your hand, wiping away the slightly dried blood on the outer edges of your palm, she grabbed a disinfectant wipe "gonna sting a little bit angel, can you be brave for me?" You nodded quickly, wanting to do good and to prove that you were really okay, even if your hand currently stung like a bitch.
Abby wiped down your hand, and subsequently, right over your cut. With a sharp intake of your breath Abby slowed her movements, giving you a quick kiss on the head "doin so good for me baby, almost done 'kay?" Once your hand was finally clean and disinfected, Abby took a few gauze placing them over the cut and grabbing some wrap to secure the gauze.
You both sat in silence as Abby wrapped up your hand, the only sounds to be heard being the faint sounds of the record that you had put on this morning while putting away the dishes and tidying up around your small but cosy house, trying to repay Abby for cooking dinner last night. She had made your favorite, and refused to let you do any of the cleaning, but she didn't say you couldnt do it the next day.
Which had led you to the current moment, with a wrapped up hand from a glass cut, and persistent tears on your face.
Once your hand was wrapped and the glass was cleaned, Abby lifted you off the counter, ignoring your protests that your legs did still work. Legs wrapping around her built frame to avoid falling, which your know wouldn't happen regardless due to Abby's strength and unlimited care for you.
Finally settled, you were both sat down on the couch, you strattling Abby's lap while she rubbed your back. You sniffled, burying your face in her neck, still embarrassed of your tears, even after all your years spent together, and her constant reassurances of how much she loved you and how you weren't afraid to show emotion, even in times where it did seem a bit silly. Like that one time you cried while watching one of the little kids staring at the Christmas tree for the first time, the one that was put up in the middle of town, decorated with a few strings of lights, and plenty of ornaments. The little boys eyes had shined with such amazement and innocence. As he was one of the kids born in town, hadn't seen the dangers of the outside world yet. You had teared up at the sight, telling Abby how much you wished you could go back to that state.
Abby's voice snapped you out of your thoughts. "Angel? Hey can you look at me please?"
Still feeling embarrassed and a bit too shy for the moment, you shook your head into where you still had your head buried in Abby's neck. Abby sighed, and gave you a soft reassuring pat on your bum.
"Okay, that's alright. Can you listen to me for a minute though?" You nodded to her, listening to what she was going to say next.
"Baby I need you to know that I am nothing like them. I will never, ever, be mad at you for something like what just happened. But you have to tell me when you get hurt, you are my number one priority at all times, you can't hide that from me, no matter how small. Understand?"
"yes" you whispered just loud enough for her to hear.
"My good girl" Abby gave you a reassuring squeeze in the hug you had trapped yourself in, and a kiss on the forehead. "How about we stay in today huh? Day just for us, you wanna cuddle in our room, or stay on the couch?"
"Wanna watch a movie together. Please?"
"Such good manners my love. Couch it is, I'm gonna go grab some stuff from the kitchen, you put on a movie."
Abby gently lifted you off her, finally seeing your face she leaned in, waiting for your permission as you closed the gap, trying to show Abby the appreciation you had for her through your kiss. Separated, Abby gave you a small smile, and one more kiss before heading into the kitchen.
You got off the couch, turning off the record player that was still playing quietly, kneeling down in front of your small tv, filing through your different dvds that you and abby had aquired over time. Finally finding your desired dvd, you popped it into the player, turning on the TV and pausing at the opening title.
You grabbed and extra blanket as well as the remote, and sat back down on the couch waiting for Abby. Speaking of Abby, you turned your head to see Abby coming back into the living room, hands full with a glass of water and a few snacks. Setting them down on the old wooden coffee table, but not before handing you the cup of water.
"Drink please, you're dehydrated." Abby said, still ushering the cup towards you.
Stubborn as ever, despite your morning, you gave Abby a small "Am not".
"Angel, I love you, but you've been crying all morning, and I don't want you getting a headache from the loss of fluids. So, drink."
You huffed a small breath, knowing she was right, taking the cup and drinking it all before setting the cup back down on the table. Looking up to Abby for approval, she smiled a rare smile at you and sat down next to you.
"Alright let's get settled, how do you want to sit?"
"Can I lay on you? Like listening to your heartbeat."
"'Course baby, you're my favorite blanket."
You smiled, waiting for Abby to lay down before you flopped down on her, giving her a kiss. Abby grabbed the blanket you had gotten earlier and spread it out over your back.
Settling down on her firm chest, you positioned yourself right over her heart, calming at the small thrum of her heartbeat. Abby grabbed the remote and pressed play, your movie playing on a low volume.
"Thank you for always taking care of me Abs"
"Of course, love taking care of my favorite girl."
"Love you Abby"
"I love you too sweet girl, get some rest, it's been a busy morning"
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heartfullofleeches · 1 year
Alright awesome, uh aHEM-
Y/N trying to comfort Theodore: “Listen man I’m really sorry about the divorce, you two really loved each other so it must’ve been really rough.. If you need any help or just want someone next to you then know I’ll be right here for you okay? And hey on the bright side, there are plenty of fish in the sea! I’m sure you’ll find your one and only eventually”
Meanwhile Theodore is internally flipping out cause: Oh my god the divorce was actually a blessing in disguise she’s finally gone and fuck I think I really love Y/N and they’re sitting here comforting me and touching me I want them so bad what do I do fuckfuckfuckfuckfuck-
Theodore never liked coffee. The bitterness clung to the roof of his mouth and caffeine gave him jitters til next week if he drank too much. With the kids and all his school work pilling up, he needed something to keep him awake and everything else he tried had no effect. He experimented with different creamers and sugars, and created the perfect mix to help it all go down. He figured it wouldn't be too much of a crime to ask his then girlfriend to pick up his drink of choice whenever she bought drinks for herself - only to be handed a black coffee everytime.
"Ta-da! One iced latte. They didn't have that toffee creamer you like so I raided your fridge. Once you're feeling better, we really need to get you out of this house, mister."
His blanket falls from his shoulders as he reaches out. "... thanks."
His voice was hoarse and scratchy; startling even him as it crawled from his throat. It sounded foreign to him, but that's exactly what that woman did. Somedays he couldn't look in the mirror without seeing a glimpse of the shy, awkward teen he used to be - and the stranger that person had because. He was a wreck. He hadn't slept. He only showered when he had to pick up the kids from their grandparents. He hadn't eaten anything in days... until you brought him food. Back in your highschool days you'd pay him with his favorite foods in favor of completing some project you forgotten about. While his tastes had changed a lot over the years, he gorged himself on everything you brought until he felt ill.
Theodore tears the lid of the cup and swallows the concoction, not stopping for a breath. Your hand flies to his back as he chokes. "Take it easy, Theo. Give me that."
You pry the cup from his hands as you sit beside him, weighting his palms against his lap until his shakes quiet. "It's going to be okay. You'll find someone when you're ready to look again and I'll always be here to support you."
You always have been. Years went when he forgot about his own birthday and it seemed like the entire world had to - and there you were, cake and a new book in hand. You were his rock through thick and thin; a vow he made with his ex. The guilty euphoria when people mistook you as his spouse instead of her. Beside what he did with his kids, Theodore had forgotten what it was like to enjoy another's company - reminded each time you came around. He couldn't make this about himself. He couldn't.
"The kids.... Erin's still so young. How am I going to tell them."
"Sometimes, a separated home is better than a dysfunction one. It won't be easy and they'll always come before anything, but right now you need to focus on yourself and what you want in life."
Your hands tighten around his. What does he want? He wants to go back to the night he took that cigarette from her. He wants to scream and hit his younger self for following her at that party. He wants to go back and stop the arrangement that kept his mind off the study partner that always came up with an excuse when it was time to hit the books, but there when he needed them most. He wants to tell them how they made him feel. He still does. He wants to love you - and now he finally.... finally can.
"Hold me.... Please, I just want...you to hold me."
His glasses fog up. You wipe the tears from behind his lenses as your arms envelope him. Eyes misty, all he feels is the pull of your warm embrace and he breaks. Theodore wraps the blanket around you and centers his hearing on the steady beat in your chest. It's the most beautiful thing in the world. If he has that to listen to every night, he won't need caffeine - or anything else for that matter. All he needed was you. All he ever needed was you.
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n3ptoonz · 7 months
Pairing: Smoke/F!Reader
Fandom: Mortal Kombat 1 (2023)
Warnings/tags: SMUT! Explicit!! Msub to Mdom, fluff elements, we use Tomas around these parts (literally and figuratively), implied breeding knk, dirty talk near the end, Tomas is a lover boy with a filthy mind, riding
Word count: 1.8k+
Explicit content under the cut
When he met you, his whole world was flipped upside down in the best way possible. You were strong, physically and emotionally, and tolerated no bullshit. All with grace and beauty. You were almost the opposite of him in personality, which drew him in even further since the day he met you at Madam Bo's. You were one of the customers that stayed behind to help out when the test was going, having you think the Lin Kuei was really trying to take over the restaurant.
You were and still are a fierce fighter. You really almost beat him if he didn't go invisible to take you down. So now, he was absolutely infatuated with everything about you. The day he came back to you, letting you know about the break in Kuai Liang and Bi Han's relationship and Kuai's new clan; how quick you were in agreeing to follow him wherever he goes was just the icing on the cake.
Tomas opened the door for you, a bright smile shining on his face. He finally married the woman of his dreams after so long of you proving you were fit to marry into the clan, which he held dear to his heart.
You kissed his cheek as a thank you, walking further into your suite. You both made your way to the back door, taking in some of the view --that wasn't covered by the fence--of Outworld's biggest city: Edenia.
"Beautiful..." Tomas murmured, "The view too." he chuckled, nudging you playfully.
You playfully rolled her eyes, nudging him back from his cute little joke. You wrapped your hands around his arm, laying your head on his broad shoulder as you two stared at the blue sky that was soon to change colors, sighing in content.
"If this is a dream, don't wake me up." you mumbled, quietly but just loud enough for him to hear what you said. You looked up at him, tracing the muscle lines on his thick biceps. It was one of your favorite physical features about him, his beautifully sculpted arms from the years and years of training in the Lin Kuei.
Tomas felt warmth spreading through his chest as you cuddled against him, and from the sound of your voice filled with pure contentment.
Leaning in, Tomas captured your lips in a gentle, lingering kiss. His hands found their way to your waist, pulling you closer. The delicate taste of your lips alone was intoxicating, causing a surge of desire to wash over him. The moment felt surreal and yet undeniably real, like a long-awaited fulfillment of your love.
Breaking the kiss, he rested his forehead against yours, his breaths coming out in soft, ragged puffs. "My beautiful wife," he murmured your name, his voice filled with devotion. "I am so lucky to finally be able to say you are mine, and I am yours. This honeymoon will be unforgettable, just you wait." he whispered, nuzzling his nose with yours with the giddiness that a newlywed would be expected to have.
You gently ran your fingers through his short silver locks, smiling at his love professions. Your gaze shifting oh so slightly, but he could easily tell what it meant after being with you for so long.
"Why don't show me in the hot springs?" you whispered, slowly pulling away from him and letting your eyes linger on him. You got undressed, wrapped yourself in a towel off the shelf, and headed towards the back door with a sway in your hips, looking back at a blushing Tomas.
Tomas couldn't help but stammer over his words as he stared at you. You've only ever engaged in intimate moments with each other a few times in the 5 years you've been together pre-marriage, but never got to the sexual part. This good old fashioned lover boy was raised on the idea that partners are to be cherished, and there were far more ways to show your love for someone without it always resulting in sexual activity.
However, today, that was about to change.
You both settled into the hot springs after washing up, sighing in relaxation. He stole a glimpse of you looking up at the sky changing from blue to yellow as the sun was setting along the horizon. One small part of him was nervous. Not because he was sitting across from you and your naked figure that was obscured by the water, but because this was your first time together. He hadn't much time to think about this sort of thing due to his new role in the Shirai Ryu and actively protecting Earthrealm. So this moment was very important and special to him.
"The sun's about to set." you said, looking over at him who was nearly frozen in place--his gaze already meeting yours.
"Outworld's skies are always so beautiful at night." you continued, tilting your head to the side and trying to get a read on him.
"I can think of something prettier..." he murmured. The calm waves rippling over his biceps and collarbones made your mouth water. He always found a way to round a statement back to how beautiful he found you, and he meant it every time seldom shame.
"Yeah? What's that?" you asked, slowly standing up out of the water. As soon as it dropped back down, the remaining drops just continued to fall down every inch of your body. The closer you stepped towards him, the more he could see the sun rays bounce off the water reflection sticking to your skin.
Tomas's next words were caught in his throat. The mere sight of the water dripping from your breasts, to your hips, to your thighs--and how some of the drops fell in between them. You re-settled into his lap and let his hands instinctively grab your hips.
Was this all a dream? A simulation? How did he get such a good-looking individual that could fight her heart out against strangers that were twice her size? Ugh, he felt so lucky and so selfish at the same time. He had you all to himself, and all his dreams were to be fulfilled.
You slowly sank down into his lap, drinking in his moans with a kiss. His body tensed underneath you as you took all of him. You briefly broke the kiss for a second to gasp at how much he filled you up.
"Tomas..." you breathed out, sitting still for a moment while you adjusted and gripping his shoulders.
He shuddered at the sound of his name escaping from your lips, letting his soft hands feel you up as much as he pleased.
"Take it, baby...it's all yours..." he whispered against your lips and smiled, pecking the corner of your mouth. "Take your time, we've got all night long."
This was your first time together and in general. All those times of sneaking off just for a few kisses and hugs were absolutely nothing in comparison to this.
Every movement of your hips felt like pure bliss for both ends. It's like your body was made for him and vice versa. The water making the flow smoother added a perfect touch too.
You could feel Tomas gripping your sides, panting like he just ran a mile.
"Shit-" he said, pulling you closer and letting himself loose. You softly gasped at the feeling of warm liquid pumping inside you, and it definitely wasn't the water from the hot springs.
His breaths were shaky and his body trembled beneath you. His face was bright pink from embarrassment since he didn't expect to cum so quickly.
You cupped his cheeks in yours hands and just looked at him with adoration.
"There's nothing to be embarrassed about, I'm actually flattered," you said, whispering the last part, "But we aren't done just yet."
The loud sounds of skin smacking together mixed with heavy breaths and moans filled the room like there was no tomorrow. You two managed to make your way back to the hotel room and get to work, but Tomas's attitude did a complete flip.
Underneath that lover boy, sweetheart exterior, tonight his main goal was to spread you wide and take you like you were his. because you are his, and he's yours, forever. Tomas was always the kind of man who made sure you were top priority. Nothing was changing tonight. In fact, it's being put into more practice tonight.
He had you on your side and holding your thigh in one hand while his free arm was wrapped comfortably around your neck. He couldn't help but feel obligated to give you the best time of your life after cumming so prematurely, and he knew that his bicep being so close to your face would send you into overdrive.
You were speechless. The words he uttered into your ear while he fucked into you had you stuttering and gasping. You grabbed and clawed at his arm, tears forming in the corners of your eyes from the overwhelming pleasure you received, pleading he doesn't stop.
As you neared your climax, he was getting closer too, as it was all going to his head in the hottest way possible. You had never seen such a side of him even though you knew he had it in him whenever you saw him fight. But this? Oh, this was different. This was sexually frustrated, passionate Tomas, who wanted to give you everything he had.
"I'm gonna cum inside you one more time, and you'll be having twins." he said, his voice getting raspier as he gripped your thigh a little tighter. You whined and clenched around him, still unable to form words and nearly drooling from the side of your mouth.
You came first, trembling under his touch and slightly bucking once his final thrust hit your sweet spot. You were simply a mess by the time he was finished with you, and you couldn't be happier.
He, in fact, came inside you one more time. That twins line surely did a number on you. You wondered just where the hell he had been hiding this side for as long as you knew him.
You both cleaned up and finally rested, tangled in each other's arms and lovingly looking into each other's eyes.
"Where'd you learn to talk like that?" you asked in half jest, playing with his hair.
"Honestly? I was surprised myself...But I was dedicated to taking care of you on this special night. And I hope I didn't freak you out with that whole twins thing..."
You raised your eyebrow, shaking your head to reassure him. "Please, I'd have your triplets."
"Deal." he responded rather quickly, earning a playful roll of the eyes and shared laugh between you two.
a/n: hii if you made it to the end, just know since bi han won in the poll i posted a few days ago he will be next so stay tuned! <3 also my asks are now open i finally figured it out
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jeonwonoow · 5 months
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Chapter 3. A love triangle
warnings: just kissing lol
taglist: @miraes-world @viewvuu
"Where do you think are you taking me?" You ask Wonwoo as he drags you out of the building, to the parking lot. He stops but he doesn't let you go, tightening his grip on you even. "Let go of me or I'll scream."
Your threat didn't make him budge a bit. Wonwoo only looked at you, eyebrows a little furrowed. "If I proved to you that I never cheated and I didn't get Yubin pregnant, does it even matter anymore? You seem like you wanna live without knowing the whole truth at this point, Y/N. I'm trying. I still am. You weren't the only one in pain. I never planned - hell, I never even thought about losing you."
You looked down and he slowly let go of your wrist. That action made your heart ache a thousand times more. You wanted him to let go of you but you also wanted him to hold you, and he did the first one. "I chose her because I thought I got her pregnant too. I never chose her because I wanted her. I had you. I only wanted to be with you. But remember? Neither of us didn't want to take away that child's chance to grow up with a family.
"Y/N, I still love you. I never stopped." It's true. He would always ask Soonyoung for help although he never showed up until now because Wonwoo knew you still felt this way, that you'd still react like how you did the first couple of his attempts to apologize. "Tell me, do you still...do you still want me?"
"I don't wanna be a homewrecker, Wonwoo." You gulp, still looking on the ground.
"You didn't answer my question," he says, voice lower. "Say it. To my face." You kept your mouth shut and turned away from him. "Y/N," Wonwoo calls again. "Are you gonna shut me out again?"
"I don't-" your voice cracks and your eyes find the comforting gaze of Myungho who's approaching with Mingyu. "I don't wanna ruin a relationship."
"He wasn't mine. The child. I didn't marry Yubin." You don't know how many times you've heard it from Soonyoung and Hayoon, but hearing it from him squeezed your heart so hard. But you were selfish, too prideful to accept it no matter how sincere Wonwoo sounded. You walked into Myungho's arms as if what Wonwoo said did not matter.
"Why?" Myungho asks softly as he strokes the back of your head, while Mingyu walks up to his friend, giving him a man hug before dragging him away but Wonwoo's eyes don't leave you, taking in the pain seeing you hugging that man whom he thinks owns your heart now.
You put Myungho's dress shirt on his desk and sat down with pursed lips. He told you he'll just take it home after you stained it when you cried on his chest but you insisted on washing it yourself.
"Do you feel better, Ma'am?" He asks and you only chuckle at the name.
"Yes, Sir," you answer. "Are we...are we still partnering with ONETech?"
Myungho let out a deep sigh and nodded. "Don't worry. If you're not comfortable, I'll let someone else cover you for our meetings." You respond by shaking your head 'no'. It's a personal problem you have with Wonwoo which you shouldn't take to work.
Myungho gets up and walks to you, taking your hand and making you stand up with him. He puts both hands on your waist and he pulls you closer. If you said you don't get flustered over Myungho, that'd be a lie. "Okay. But if there's anything wrong, tell me." He inches even closer until you both could feel the hotness of each other's breaths. "If it gets heavy for you, then carry it with me. I don't want you getting hurt."
Before you know it, your lips are pressed on his, moving along with his rhythm. And your hands find their way to the back of his head, fingers entangling with his hair. Myungho couldn't stop himself. You couldn't either. The last time you made out with someone, it was Wonwoo. Of course you've fooled around a few times after you two ended but you never let any man kiss you on the lips. You couldn't. But why Myungho?
When Myungho pulled away, you wanted to chase him. Maybe you felt needy. But you came to your senses and stepped back, giving him doe eyes, almost asking what just happened without saying a word. Myungho gave back just the same look and tilted his head before laughing it off when he noticed that you didn't get mad nor were you gonna protest at all. "I'm sorry! I've moved on. I swear."
"We're friends, right?"
"Of course, ma'am."
You accidentally push the door close too hard, making your heart pound at the sound. You had to check on the door knob to make sure you didn't damage it, then you turned to rest your back on the door. You just kissed your boss.
Before that scene completely floods your mind, you notice a bouquet of tulips on your desk. But you both just reminded yourselves you're just friends (who just kissed). "Ah! Seo Myungho!"
You hated how easy you get overwhelmed by things. It's starting again. Just after kissing your boss-slash-friend, you receive a bouquet from your ex.
"Hayoon, I can't," you cry that night, sitting at the porch of Hayoon and Soonyoung's house. "I can't do this. No. I-"
"Calm down," Hayoon gives your thigh a gentle slap. "I thought we'd be too old for boy problems," she laughs. "So, Wonwoo's back in the scene and you're confused about Myungho? I thought you rejected him before?"
"I did. Like, twice, I don't know." You were touching your lips as you spoke, remembering how his soft lips glided with them. "I know we're friends, he knows we're friends. Friends don't kiss on the lips. And- and I feel bad that friends don't."
Hayoon gasps, her other hand covering her mouth and the other pointing at you. "You feel bad because you want more?" You kick the air continuously while covering your face. "You may just be touch-deprived. Don't overthink. You don't like him. I'm team Wonwoo."
"Shut up." You sulk again. "That too. I pushed him away for nothing. I was wrong all this time."
"We've been telling you, Y/N. Wonwoo would never hurt you like that. Yubin was crazy, you should've known she tricked all of us."
All this time, you believed what you first heard. Then you became selfish and prideful. So much that nothing would change your mind and how you feel.
"If...if you were me, would you forgive him? Would you tell him it's all good now? Would you have the guts to face him and say it to his face after shutting him out for so long?" You ask Hayoon and she scoots closer, hugging you from your side.
Hayoon rests her cheek on your shoulder and you feel her nodding. "I'd be so ashamed but knowing Wonwoo, especially if it's you, he'd understand. But it's all up to you. You decide your own pace. Wonwoo is willing to wait until you're ready for him again. Even if it takes three more years, five, ten."
"We'd be old and gray then," you start crying again at the thought. "I hate myself!"
You didn't notice the footsteps approaching as you cried in Hayoon's embrace. Wonwoo leans on a wooden post on the porch with his arms crossed as he watches you. Hayoon only chuckles as she shoo him away with a hand, telling him to get inside. She rolls her eyes when Wonwoo sticks his tongue out and smirks after.
When you open your eyes, the first thing you see are his pair of shoes and the ends of his slacks. You immediately look up and just as fast, you look away while wiping your tears. His smirk morphs into a gentle smile and he walks closer to ruffle your hair before leaving you with Hayoon. It only made you stain the cheeks you just wiped with your tears again.
Wonwoo helped Soonyoung get the table ready while Hayoon walked you into the house, Hyungjun greeted you with a smile while chewing the tail of his stuffed dinosaur which Hayoon immediately took. "Honey, don't bite that."
"Oi!" Soonyoung's loud voice made you turn your head to the dining area.
"You-" you hiss at him. "You're setting us up again, are you?"
"Excuse me? You didn't even give us prior notice!"
"Hey, hey," Wonwoo covers Soonyoung's mouth, stopping him from being too loud while laughing. The scene looked almost like a flashback to whenever you guys gathered at Soonyoung's apartment when you were in college. "Nobody told me you're coming, Y/N. But if you're not comfortable, I can le-"
"No, I- it's okay, Wonu." Everyone turned to you with round eyes and as if on cue, Hyungjun lets out the purest giggle. "Come on! It's just his nickname!"
Only Soonyoung was blabbering stuff during the dinner. Not even Hayoon was talking a lot to support her husband due to the awkwardness.
"How old is Junnie again?" Wonwoo asks, eyes gently fixed at the kid who's been playing with his baby food. "Looks like a mini Soonyoung."
"He's one year old," Soonyoung happily answers but his smile falls when a spoonful of Hyungjun's food comes flying onto his cheek, making all of you laugh except him. "Right, right. Laugh at me, especially you two," the dad squints eyes at you and Wonwoo who are sitting next to each other. "Just wait till you get a baby." Hayoon was quick to kick her husband under the table.
"Crazy," Wonwoo comments and laughs it off awkwardly while looking at you, your lips pursed while you poke on your food with your chopsticks. "Just eat."
The end of an episode of the TV show you were watching in their living room after dinner signals you that it's already almost ten in the evening. Soonyoung already went inside their room earlier to put their son to sleep, while Hayoon stayed with you and Wonwoo, talking about stuff from college and what you're busy with at the moment. You just got to know that Wonwoo just came back two months ago from Japan.
"I think I should get going," you lean forward, getting ready to stand up from the couch. The two also get up and walk to the door with you.
"Are you gonna ride the taxi?" Hayoon worriedly asks because you didn't bring your car today. Wonwoo looks at you with worried eyes too. You just nod.
"I'll take care of her then. Thank you for the dinner, Yoonie."
"Mm, you two, send me a message when you're home, okay?"
You walk to the side of the road as soon as Hayoon closes the door. Wonwoo was fast to block you from going any further. "I'll drive you home. It's late, Y/N."
"Why did you send me a bouquet?"
"Just because...? I can't?" Wonwoo raises an eyebrow and your words get stuck on your throat. "Mingyu told me Myungho isn't your boyfriend. So, can I? May I? Y/N?"
"Don't." You frown. Wonwoo gulps and you could almost hear it due to the silence of the night.
"Why were you in Japan?" You ask when he started his engine. Wonwoo's surprised you're initiating a conversation.
"Work? What else?"
"Family?" There you go again. You look outside the window and Wonwoo opens it for you. He still remembers how you'd always ask for it whenever you two went on road trips. There was something about the wind whenever you rode as his passenger. It always felt cold yet warm.
He chuckles in disbelief at your question though. "Y/N, I already told you, that kid wasn't mine. Yubin actually got married to the real father of her son." You furrow your eyebrows but you don't look at him. "She was so obsessed with your boyfriend back then that she tricked everyone even though she knew the truth. And your boyfriend was stupid."
After that, the ride went quiet. You're getting eaten by guilt and shame, but Wonwoo seemed okay over all. It didn't matter to him that you did or did not believe him. What matters was that you're with him.
"Where do I drive you to? Did you move out of the flat we shared?" He asks and you nod. Understandable. You had all sorts of memories there.
You lean onto his dashboard, opening his gps on the infotainment system. The map shows he's been driving in the opposite direction and you didn't even tell him until now. "You're trying to spend more time with me now, I see."
"I'm just wasting your gas, dummy."
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sunny44 · 7 months
All these years (Part 5)
Pairing: Charles Leclerc x Ex girlfriend Reader
Warnings: none
Summary: Separated by a disagreement, Charles and Y/n meet again after years apart and all the feelings they had repressed come flooding back.
Previous Chapter | Next Chapter
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"How was to see him again?" Carla asks curiously.
"I can't explain the feeling actually.”
"You still love him, don't you?"
"Loving or not, everything between us ended a long time ago."
"But he still loves you."
"That doesn't matter anymore, we've both moved on and we're very different people now."
"And more mature too, if you two just talked maybe you could understand each other."
"Carla, you have no idea what it's like to look at the person you loved the most in the world and the only thing you can feel is anguish, disgust, and disappointment. No matter how true my good feelings for him are, the bad ones always win in my mind." she continues, listening. "Every time I look at him, I remember him yelling at me and saying all those things. And believe me, it's not easy to forget."
"You should at least talk and come to an agreement because Pescale hates seeing you two fighting." she says, and I look at her. "You have no idea how upset she gets when she sees you two in the same room with those looks."
"What looks?"
"Yours wanting to kill him and his wanting to kiss you and never stop."
"Ok." I can only say that.
"Would it be a bad time to say that you're going to be his partner?"
"What? I thought Lorenzo would be my partner."
"He would, but he wanted to be with one of my cousins who he found attractive, so Lorenzo asked if it would be a problem to change at the last minute and I said it wouldn't be a problem, and that you would be Charles's partner."
"How does he always end up near me without even trying?"
"Because you're like magnets, you always find your way to each other."
"Idiot." she laughs, and we remain quiet as they finish the makeup.
They finished my hair, so I went to put on the dress. All the bridesmaids could choose the style they wanted, but in a certain shade of brown. I had mine made at a small tailor shop in Milan, which was simply perfect and very good.
"Get out of there so we can see the dress."
I left the dressing room and saw that all the other bridesmaids looked beautiful in their dresses, each one more beautiful than the other.
"Wow, you look beautiful," Charlotte who would be Lorenzo's partner, said.
"Thank you and you all look gorgeous too." I smiled at them. "But now it's time for the bride to put on her dress."
"Girls, I want you to see it later, so leave and find your respective partners."
I took one more look in the mirror to make sure I didn't have lipstick on my teeth and then left the room where we were. I soon saw Charles.
As always, there were women around him, so I walked over and made a throat-clearing noise to get their attention.
"We need to go, Leclerc."
"And who are you?"
"Unfortunately, I'm his partner."
"So you must be Y/n. I'm Gina," I agreed. "How did you let a man like this get away?"
"He's not as spectacular as he seems, believe me, he can be a real jerk when he wants."
I smoothed my dress and walked away, but I felt his arm around my waist and his large, warm hand on my stomach.
"You're full of compliments towards me."
"Sure." I said, and he laughed.
"Even now, you're as sarcastic as ever."
"If you don't like it, that's your problem."
"In fact, I love it." he whispered in my ear, and the hair on my neck stood on end. "How do I look?"
"Ugly, very ugly.” he laughed.
"Okay, now tell the truth."
"And what makes you think I'm not telling the truth?"
"Because I know exactly when you're lying.” I rolled my eyes. "So?"
"You look ridiculously beautiful, which makes me want to punch your perfect nose." He laughed, and I missed hearing the sound of his laughter.
"That’s better now. And you look beautiful as always.” He said sincerely.
"Thank you, but brown isn't really my color."
"You look good in anything." I smiled. "Even naked."
"Can't you stop being a idiot for even a second?"
"I need to win you back somehow."
"Then stop trying because it won't work; you'll just waste your time."
"I prefer to waste my time on you in other ways.” he looked at me with a mischievous grin.
Before I could respond, we heard the music, so we all lined up to enter the venue. Obviously, Charles and I were the first to enter, and one of the organizers arranged the sequence, and the door opened. I hooked my arm through Charles, and we began to walk down the aisle.
"The next time will be you walking down the aisle to marry me.” Irolled my eyes, and before I could respond, we had to separate, each to our respective places.
Arthur was already there, nervously fiddling with his fingers, indicating that he was completely nervous.
Soon the music began to play, and Carla looked beautiful there. Her dress was simple, without all those layers of tulle, but it was beautiful and elegant, giving her a charming air. I noticed that Arthur had tears in his eyes, which brought tears to my eyes as well. I saw Charles smiling as he watched her walk toward his brother, and for a few minutes, I got lost in his smile, but I quickly looked back at the bride.
During the part where the priest was talking, I was a bit absentminded, and Charles's glances at me didn't help. He smiled and winked at me, and all I wanted to do was punch his perfect nose, but I was holding back.
"Repeat after me. I, Arthur Leclerc, accept Carla Brocker as my lawful wife, to love and to cherish, in sickness and in health, for richer or for poorer, and until death do us part," the priest said for him to repeat.
"I, Arthur Leclerc, accept Carla Brocker as my lawful wife, to love and to cherish, in sickness and in health, for richer or for poorer, and until death do us part."
"Now, you, Carla, repeat after me. I, Carla Brocker, accept Arthur Leclerc as my lawful husband, to love and to cherish, in sickness and in health, for richer or for poorer, and until death do us part."
"I, Carla Brocker, accept Arthur Leclerc as my lawful husband, to love and to cherish, in sickness and in health, for richer or for poorer, and until death do us part."
"I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride."
Everyone sitting in the pews stood up to witness it, and, of course, there were loud cheers and celebrations for the new couple.
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Bonus scene!
Yourusername Instagram stories
“Ready for the wedding of the century”
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Tag list: @formulas-bitch @nuggetvirgo @lndonrris @cmleitora @janeholt3 @coffeewhore18 @blueflorals @agentadhd @eviethetheatrefreak @honethatty12 @lec-16 @ariamox @boherahpsody @ssararuffoni @leilani13gc @alldaysdreamer @minmira95 @dessxoxsworld @dessxoxsworld @vellicora @meadhbhcavanagh @viramila @lightdragonrayne @morenofilm @millinorrizz @leclercdream @buendiabebeta @ironmaiden1313 @julesandro @ssararuffoni @sialexia @notleclerc @glow-ish
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unreliablesnake · 1 year
Home is where your heart is (Vincent de Gramont x reader)
Summary: Vincent keeps you in a golden cage, but you want to get out. Winston's arrival gives you hope.
Note: Sort of the continuation of this. / If you find mistakes... that's on me. I was in a hurry. / If you want to know when I post new stuff, follow @unreliablesnakefics and hit the get notifications button. I don't have a taglist.
Warnings: afab!reader, power imbalance
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An arm was protectively–or maybe possessively–wrapped around your body when you woke up in the Marquis' bed the next morning. Technically, he was still a stranger to you, yet you had fallen into his trap the night before, giving in to this primal need that he brought out of you.
At this very moment, when the fog was rising from your brain, you felt disgusted. Was the sex good? Sure. Did you lose your pride? Absolutely. So you tried to pry his arm off of yourself, hoping to get out of bed and take a long, warm shower to wash away every trace of him, but he only tightened his grip on you.
“Stay,” was all he said, but you didn't stop. When he realized you weren't giving up just because he said so, he let out a groan and forcefully turned you around to face him. “If I tell you to stay, I expect you to do it.”
You gulped, unable to decide what the best strategy was in this situation. If you resisted, he could easily get mad and hurt you. If you remained silent and nodded obediently, you would simply submit to him. “I just wanted to take a shower,” you told him quietly.
“Good, I'll join you. Later.”
His green eyes were watching you with a curious look and you could feel your cheeks heat up from the unwanted attention. This man had you in a chokehold somehow, but there was nothing you could do to escape it–and honestly, you weren't even sure if that's what you wanted.
Because as terrible as he was, he had a charming personality when he put some effort into his behavior. He was like a black hole, pulling you in and tearing you apart no matter how hard you tried to resist.
You wondered what he thought you were to him. A pet? A prisoner? A guest? Whatever the answer was, you felt like you were locked in a golden cage, kept under close surveillance by him. He barely let you out of his sight, you were always expected to be near him in case he wanted something from you.
Because there was always something–a compliment, a well-calculated touch, or a rhetorical question he didn't really need you to answer. He was giving you mixed signals and you hated it. What the hell did he want from you? Was this all what he was planning to achieve, to lure you into his bed?
“What are you thinking about, mon amour?” he suddenly asked while he pushed a strand of hair behind your ear.
Under different circumstances, it would have sounded like he truly cared, but you knew better than to believe that. He just wanted to see inside your head, probably wondering if you were plotting against him. After all, being naked in bed next to you made him vulnerable. Sure, he could protect himself, but you were also good at this game and he knew that.
“Why are you doing this?” you asked in the end. He let out a questioning hum, his palm threateningly resting on the side of your neck. “Why did you bring me here? You didn't answer my question last night.”
A small smile appeared on his lips, as if he was thinking about something funny. “I always get what I want. And this time, I wanted you,” he explained. “Do you have any idea how disarmingly beautiful you are? The first time I saw you in pictures, I didn't realize this. But when we met in person, I instantly knew that I needed you on my side.”
“As a prisoner or a slave?”
He leaned closer and kissed you surprisingly gently. “As a partner. My lover. Call it whatever you want,” he whispered against your lips.
Sadly, you believed him. You believed him when he said these words, when his hands moved from your neck to your waist, pulling you on top of him. Without him giving you an order or even saying a word, you kissed him again, and this was the best you'd felt in a long time.
Two days later he told you he was meeting someone in the Louvre and that he needed you to be there. Not like he hadn't been taking you to all of his meetings in the past days, but something was different about this one. It was almost… personal.
He didn't let you have a say in anything, he just pointed at an outfit and told you how to do your makeup. There was no freedom for you here, you knew that by now, but this was unusual, even for him. In the car the Marquis told you to start calling him Vincent, and something told you the timing wasn't a coincidence.
In the Louvre you quickly found out why he needed you to be there by his side. He was meeting Winston there, but when you wanted to stand up and welcome him, Vincent put his hand on your thigh to stop you. He didn't even look at you, he just instinctively reached out.
Winston immediately noticed his move and gave you a look of concern, but you just shook your head to make sure he didn't do or say anything that would enrage Vincent. You saw what he had done to Charon, you didn't want the same thing to happen to him.
As it turned out, he brought a message from John Wick himself, the very man who had just challenged him to a duel. He got tense, you could sense it, but you didn't say or do anything that would calm him down. Winston then presented his request regarding the Continental and his own position, but he didn't stop there. “I also want her back in New York,” he said as he looked at you.
After taking a deep breath, Vincent ran a finger down from your neck to your shoulder until his hand was once again resting on the back of the couch. “She stays with me, but the rest is guaranteed if Wick wins the duel,” he said coldly.
“That won't do. I need her in the Continental,” Winston pressed on.
“My answer is still no.” Thick silence fell between the two men, although Winston raised an eyebrow expectantly, forcing Vincent to speak up again. “Why don't we ask her?” he suggested.
He sounded sure of himself, but you were left dumbfounded by his words. Did he really think you would choose him? Were you weak around him? Maybe. Yes. But your loyalty lied with your boss, that didn't change.
“What do you say, love?” Vincent asked with his head curiously tipped to the side.
Your eyes locked with Winston's as you said, “I want to go back to New York.” You could feel the Frenchman tense up next to you, but it didn't bother you. Instead of stopping, you decided to twist the knife even more. “And I want to talk to Winston. Alone,” you clarified.
He drew in a sharp breath as he watched you, burning a hole into you with his stare. “Fine,” he said through gritted teeth. “My men will keep an eye on you, though. I don't want you to leave just yet.”
Nodding, you stood up and followed Winston outside, walking next to him with your hands folded behind your back. You were painfully aware of the two men who were walking not far behind you. Close enough to see your every move, but far enough to be out of earshot luckily. This conversation wasn't meant for them or Vincent, it was supposed to be private.
“What was this all about?” he asked, taking his chance to speak up before you.
“I failed you, I guess.” He raised an eyebrow in question, patiently waiting for your explanation, but you didn't know how to tell him what happened. Then you took a deep breath and said, “I fell straight into his trap and slept with him. I shouldn't have done that, I know, and I'm sorry.”
To your biggest surprise, he began to laugh. “That's all? I can see what he's like. He's used to always getting what he wants, I'm sure he knows how to charm a woman,” he explained. “Is this why he brought you here? I saw the way he was looking at you in New York, I can't say I would be surprised.”
“He wants me to be by his side as his lover,” you replied with a shrug. “But I don't want to stay. I just want to get out of his gravitational field as fast as I can.”
Winston came to a halt and put a hand on your shoulder. “This will be over soon, don't worry. The Table will restore the Continental and we will go on with our lives as if nothing happened,” he tried to assure you.
But despite his best effort, you couldn't calm down, especially after the words Vincent had told him on your way out about what would happen to him if John lost the duel. It was a risk you didn't want him to take, but he was probably too sure of his friend's victory to worry about the outcome.
“We will be fine,” Winston said, somehow knowing what you were thinking about.
You nodded, doing your best to believe him. “And how are you holding up after everything that happened?” you asked, glancing back at one of Vincent's men who had been in New York that day.
He took a deep breath and exhaled slowly as he thought about his answer. “I will be fine once everyone is back to normal,” he replied. “You need to hang on just a little longer, then we're going back to New York together. I promise.”
“Is John already–”
“Time is up,” one of the guards said, interrupting you by putting a hand on your shoulder.
You gave your boss a worried look, but he only nodded. “He's already here. We'll meet the Marquis tomorrow,” Winston told you with a supportive smile. “Just one more day and it will be over.”
With that he began to walk towards the exit, and you were escorted back to Vincent. When you entered the room, you were welcomed by his cold gaze. Before you could say anything, he pointed at the couch he had left while you were gone.
“Sit,” he ordered sternly, and you automatically did as you were told. “You want to leave me that badly?”
You didn't know if it was true or not, but you could have sworn you heard a hint of disappointment in his voice. As he was watching you with his hands on his hips, you felt your heart sink for some reason. Did you feel bad for him? No, that couldn't be.
“Answer me.”
“I just want to go home,” you told him quietly.
For long seconds he was just staring at you in silence, but then he cleared his throat and walked over to the couch to look down at you from up close. “You're already home.”
Note 2.0: Should he stay alive after the events of the movie? Should she stay if he does? I can't decide.
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How you changed me𓆩♡𓆪
pairing: simon "ghost" riley x gn!reader
cw/tags: fluff, jealousy, simon slowly healing.
a/n: please forgive any grammar or spelling mistakes . enjoyyy🫶.
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You were catching up with johnny after he came back from his mission. His way of telling stories has always been funny and made everyone want to listen, and you really tried to but the sight ahead of you made you frozen in place, johnny's voice becoming a background noise.
Your secret partner of two years, Simon Riley or as everyone else calls him "Ghost" let a recruit stand too close to him, touching his arm every chance they got. It wouldn't be a big deal if it was someone else, if it wasn't the ghost himself who'd never let anyone touch him, especially a stranger he just met a few hours ago. How could he? It took you whole 3 months to just be able to pat his shoulder without feeling his body tense. And there he is, letting some recruit he doesn't even remember their name, feeling him up as they like.
You suddenly felt johnny shaking your shoulder, bringing you back to the present. "You're with me?" he said, looking a little worried. "Yeah, sorry, I just zoned out for a minute" you answered, hoping he'd believe you. Johnny knew about you and a Simon, and usually he'd keep his cool and not expose you both, but other times he liked teasing you for being in love with your lieutenant.
"I'm sorry. I think I'm a little tired, johnny. I'll be in my room, okay?", you said raising your voice a little hoping to catch your lover's attention. Johnny just nodded with a little smile, and you left walking to your room.
You've been in your bed for two hours now, tossing around unable to fall asleep despite how tired you are. The thought of him with them burning a hole in your chest. You weren't jealous as much as you were hurt. You thought you were special with how much he let you touch him, but maybe you were wrong? Is he bored of you? does he just not love you anymore?
Your thoughts were interrupted with the sound of door knocking. You didn't want to answer as you didn't want to meet anyone, but whoever was at the door didn't stop. "come in", you said as you slowly got up, the heavy feeling in your chest getting a little less worse as the tall masked man walked in.
"Sleeping already?" he asked, sitting next to you. you just hummed not meeting his eyes, hoping he'd get a hint. "hmm? something wrong, sweetheart?" Before you gave him a sassy reply, something like 'what do you think?' You decided to just tell him the truth.You've missed him so much all you wanted was for him to make it up to you.
"You let them touch you" you said in a low voice, finally meeting his eyes. he looked at you confused, not understanding what you meant. "Who touched me, love?" his hand slowly made its way to yours, squeezing it. "The new recruit, si. Their hands were all over you." Even though you meant to keep your voice low, you couldn't help but sound angry as you remembered the sight of them touching him.
"They were? Well, i definitely didn't notice." That's it. You lost your temper. "What the hell do you mean, simon! what? you're just suddenly so comfortable with people touching you? because as i remember, it took me months , MONTHS! just for you to let me touch you and now you're ju-", he watched you ranting in anger to him, your voice so much louder now that the whole base must be hearing, but you couldn't give a shit.
"No, it's not so sudden. It's you." he interrupted you calmly in his gentle voice "I'm sorry?", he chuckled at you, squeezing your hands a little tighter. "You made me this way, lovie. i know it took us months, and i'm lucky you stuck around and didn't get bored. I got so used to your touch, to being touched that it doesn't scare me as much now. plus, i couldn't help but stare at the pretty one standing in front of me. must be why i didn't notice"
Just like that, you felt your anger melt away. You really wanted to be upset and take a stance, but it was a little difficult with how sweet he is.you made him this way, you let simon comfortable to show up instead of ghost.You showed him true love.You taught him to let himself be loved. You felt your whole face heat up at his words, a smile made its way to your mouth. "Okay fine, guess I'm not so mad anymore". He laughed this time, his hands leaving yours to hold your waist instead. He rests his forehead against yours, letting you leave his mask up and push your lips against his in a small kiss.
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transvampireboyfriend · 8 months
part 1 - part 2 - part 3 - part 4 - part 5 - part 6 - part 7 - part 8
Eddie's staring. He's throwing twigs into the fire and his eyes are fixed on Steve and Robin across from him, their hands intertwined. He smiles when he sees Steve tugging on them.
He's so sweet. Eddie sounds like a broken record even to himself but he can't help it, Steve is something else.
"So, I see your bandana found its way somewhere unexpected" Nancy teases beside him, probably noticing him staring.
Eddie can feel himself blushing and he's thankful for the hot flames in front of them.
"He took it from me." he tells her, "Felt like I was about to have a heart attack,"
Nancy laughs at him, "I get that. I felt a little overwhelmed sometimes. ...Though maybe not in the best way," she winces.
Eddie winces sympathetically.
He can't exactly relate, being very physical himself, but she's told him about feeling like she was never giving enough in her past relationships, because that kind of closeness just didn't come naturally to her. At least not as much as she felt her partners needed it.
And Eddie knows what is like to try to fake or exaggerate how you feel just because it's expected of you.
This is the kind of seemingly small thing where they find common ground between them, even when they appear so different to everyone else. This is the kind of thing that allowed them to become best friends against all odds.
"Do you... still feel that way?" Eddie asks, now arranging the logs as the fire picks up,
"Like I don't necessarily wanna go around hugging everyone in my path? Yeah," she says,
Eddie snickers, "I meant, with Robs. Do you still feel like it's not enough?"
Nancy looks up to where Steve is now kissing the back of Robin's palms and smiles fondly at them.
"Not really." she says, looking into the fire,"I suspect she might be similar to me, but- I haven't even told her, so," she shrugs, "who knows,"
Eddie hums.
"But it definitely doesn't feel like I have to." she adds, "The way it sometimes felt with other friends who were girls too. And that's good. ...Different. But good."
When she looks back at Eddie, he smiles at her.
From what she's told him she used to be a little bit more open, a little bit more comfortable, before Barb.
Eddie understands that too, unfortunately, the way losing someone like that changes you, without you noticing right away. How it shows up in little things, sneaks up on you, changes you in small irreversible ways.
He's proud of Nancy, and so honored when she does choose to get close to him, like earlier at the lake.
"Good," he repeats, she smiles.
"Well? " she asks, "are you gonna tell me what he said or what?"
Eddie laughs and tells her how Steve stole borrowed his bandana.
"I think he was flirting?" he ventures,
"He was definitely flirting," Nance confirms, "I knew it, I knew he was into you!" she says, reminding Eddie of the many times she's said it before, "You're gonna be great together," she tells him, in her teasing tone again,
"Woah! " Eddie laughs, "We don't even know for sure that he likes me like that!" he says, but his heart still beats a little faster at the prospect of him and Steve being 'together'.
"I do know! For sure." Nance insists,
"Alright, Miss 'I'm not gonna tell my crush I like her ',"
Eddie earns a smack to the back of his head for that one.
"Shut up. I'm not gonna-" she starts,
Eddie knows this talk like the back of his hand by now: she doesn't want to pressure Robin, she's going back out of the state soon, she has no experience with other girls, she doesn't want to ruin what they have and she doesn't want to make Steve uncomfortable.
In the end, it all boils down to 'complicated', but if their tales are to be believed (and Eddie does believe them), their lives have never not been complicated.
"I get it," Eddie offers, but apparently Nancy wasn't heading that way,
"I think I'm... scared." she says, "Of what I'm doing,"
Eddie stops moving the logs and turns to her fully.
"How do you mean?" he prompts her,
"Well, I'm doing everything I can not to tell her," she says, "I'm trying my best to keep us from- from just ending up together you know?" she moves her hands as she talks, "but what if- maybe that's the only way we'll be together? maybe I'm wasting our chances to be happy?" she asks, Eddie tilts his head, 
"It won't change a lot." Nancy explains, "Wether I tell her or not, I'll still leave and I'll still come back, but maybe if I tell her, then leaving and staying away and coming back will be better? Easier? God, I'm not making any sense" Nancy finishes,
Eddie huffs, switching from his crouch to sit cross legged in front of her, the same way they've done on both of their bedroom floors countless times.
"I think I can see where you're going" Eddie assures her, "but it doesn't have to make sense to me, if it makes sense to you," he tells her,
She nods.
"I guess," she tries, "I'm saying- my life's better with her. And it's getting harder and harder to convince myself that more of her might be bad,"
"Maybe it wouldn't be." Eddie reminds her.
Nancy sighs "And I'm gonna miss her." she adds, "I'm gonna miss her so much. I already do sometimes,"
Eddie hates the helpless expression on her face,
"Permission to take your hand?" he requests,
It makes Nancy chuckle, "Sometimes i hate you," she tells him jokingly, and offers her hand palm up,
Eddie holds it in his own hand, "I know." he says,
"Look, Nance, I know it's all jumbled up, and I really wish I could untangle it for you..." he tells her, meaning every word, "but I think this is just how it always is? It's always a little messy, a little all over the place, there's never gonna be a clear easy road that leads straight to the right thing."
Eddie squeezes her hand, "But I think there are roads where you can enjoy the ride despite all of the bumps and the detours... because it's worth it to do it with whomever's sitting on the passenger seat, for however long they do," Eddie turns to look at Steve and Robin roasting marshmallows just across from them.
Or trying to.
"They would burn this place to the ground if we let them" Nancy comments, off topic.
Eddies snorts, looking away from the gooey mess all over Robin's hands and back at his best friend.
Trying to contain his laughter, he attempts to get back on track, "My point is," he tries, "if she's making the whole trip better, maybe the bumps and the detours don't really matter that much. Maybe you can still invite her to come with,"
Nancy watches Robin attempt to wipe her hands on Steve's jeans and then chase him down to the lake shore after Steve dodges her. Her smile softens as she turns to Eddie.
"That's smart" she tells him,
Eddie hums " 'm not just a pretty face" he says, wagging his eyebrows and opening his arms like he's offering himself up
Nancy snorts, "Dork." she calls him.
Eddie laughs in response. After a bit, he offers,
"Also, you don't have to 'just end up together'. It can be on purpose, you know?"
Nancy hums, "It's never been that way" she muses.
"It's new." Eddie confirms, nodding.
Nancy smiles, "Yeah, new," she repeats.
She gets up then and steals one of the marshmallow bags from the abandoned log where Steve and Robin were sitting.
She opens it and pops one into her mouth as she comes back to sit down next to Eddie, both of them facing the fire now.
She offers the bag to Eddie and he silently takes one, watching as Steve walks back to them, with Robin trailing after him and shaking water off her hands.
"If I tell her, will you let him know? about your crush?" Nancy attempts,
Steve looks up then, catches Eddie staring and Eddie stops himself from looking away, eager to see how Steve will react.
Steve blinks a few times, and a smile blooms in his reddening cheeks, Eddie smiles back.
"I think he already does," he answers.
Once Argyle and Jonathan are back with two bowls of popcorn, they all bring the big logs closer to the fire and sit down to roast their marshmallows and eat s'mores.
After a bit of easy conversation amongst the group, Argyle turns to his left, where Eddie's sitting.
"Alright," he says, "Types of hat, Eddie. Go." 
"Uhh- Motorcycle helmet" Eddie says, catching on quickly and wiping melted chocolate off the corner of his mouth.
He turns to Nance and raises his eyebrows to prompt her to take her turn,
"Top hat" Nancy says, and looks to Robin, sitting left of her,
"Cap." Robin says, "Baseball cap. Whatever" she adds, chewing on her s'more and elbowing Steve to continue,
"Uh- Backwards cap?" Steve asks, more than says,
Eddie snorts loudly, earning a squint and a mean smile from Steve that makes him want to melt.
Everyone talks at the same time then,
"Already? We just started! We-" Nancy says,
"Dingus! You can't-" Robin protests,
"That is not-" Jonathan starts,
Argyle stands and puts an arm out, like a king demanding silence from his court. A hush immediately falls over them and they all look to him expectantly.
"I'll allow it" Argyle says,
The group erupts into objections to the decision as Steve waves his fist in victory and smirks at Eddie.
Eddie playfully returns his earlier squint and mouths "Favoritism." at him.
Steve lets his jaw drop and puts a hand to his chest. Eddie snickers at his offended expression as Argyle explains his decision,
"It's a different fashion statement. Your whole vibe changes if you're wearing one or the other, therefore they're different hats." he says, sitting back down and looking to his right, prompting Jonathan to continue their game.
"Okay, then, if it's like that," Jon says, "then I'm gonna say bicycle helmet," he states, looking around their circle like he's expecting someone to protest.
Nancy squints, but doesn't say anything, Robin purses her lips, Eddie shrugs and Steve offers Jonathan an encouraging smile.
Argyle says "Yeah, that works!", nodding.
Jonathan shrugs, "Alright, then." he says, putting his hand out in front of Argyle like he's ushering him into a room.
"Beanie" Argyle supplies easily.
All eyes are on Eddie now.
Shoot. He got so caught up in their debate, he's not ready.
"Uuhh-" Eddie stammers,
"Uh-oh" Steve teases across from him,
Eddie automatically flips him the bird while he thinks. He only half hears Steve's answering chuckle.
Fuck. What's a hat?
"20 seconds" Jonathan threatens,
"Eddie?" Argyle prompts at the same time.
Eddie lifts his hand in a stopping gesture,
"No, no, no, no, no, I have one. Wait, wait."
"10 seconds," Nancy says, the traitor,
"Beret!" Eddie exclaims, jumping out of his seat, "A beret!" he repeats excitedly,
"Fuck!" Robin whispers,
To her left, Steve beams up at him. Eddie gets a little lost in it for a bit.
Until Nancy snaps him out of it,
"Does a headband count?" she asks Argyle,
Oh, here we go, Eddie thinks, already excited for more debating,
He takes his seat again as Argyle hums pensively,
"This is not part of my time" Nancy warns,
Argyle hums in agreement, but doesn't say anything yet,
"Because, does it have to be on top of the head or just touching it?" Jonathan asks, like he's somehow broadcasting what Argyle's internal debate is like,
"If it's just touching it, then any hair accessory would count" Robin points out,
"If it has to be on top of the head, some hair accessories would still count" Steve says,
"Stevie's right" Eddie agrees, "if that's what it takes, then my scrunchie counts,"
"That's mine???" Nancy protests,
"Sorry", Eddie amends, "Nancy's scrunchie. That I'm using. Because she so graciously let me borrow it,"
He turns to Nancy for her appproval and she nods.
"Yeah, that's better", she says,
Behind her, Robin's looking at her with a shy smile, but Eddie keeps his mouth shut.
He does catch Steve's eye though, and Steve playfully shoots him an eye roll. Eddie chuckles.
"A fascinator is a hat," Argyle is saying, "but a hair clip can't be a hat"
"A fascinator is not a hat," Robin protests,  "isn't that in like, the definition?"
"But it has a certain hatness to it" Argyle says, to sounds of agreement all around,
"What is a hat?" Eddie voices his earlier thought,
"Jesus, and we're not even high yet" Steve says,
Eddie dissolves into a fit of giggles.
"It has to cover the head." Jon says,
"The whole head?" Argyle asks,
"There are mini top hats" Nancy supplies,
That does not help with Eddie's giggles. In fact, Steve seems to be affected too, chuckling with his nose scrunched up,
"So, not the whole head," Jon concludes, "What about crowns?"
"Oh no," Steve says, burying his face on Robin's shoulder, his giggling getting worse,
"A crown is not a hat!" Robin says,
Nancy gasps and Eddie's giggles die in favor of the drama happening around him,
Steve straightens up again to look at Robin,
"What ?!"
"It's not ! There's a hole in there!" Robin says,
"It goes all around the head!" Steve protests,
Eddie's head is moving back and forth like he's watching a ping pong match.
"So does a headband!"
"But the crown is on top of the head!"
"What's a visor then?" Jonathan interjects, everyone turns to him, then back at Robin,
Steve raises his eyebrows,
"Fine." Robin concedes, "but I'm drawing the line at tiaras,"
"Oh, god." Eddie says, putting his head in his hands dramatically, Steve snorts,
Nancy, apparently enjoying torturing them, says
"Okay then, for my turn, I'm choosing headphones,"
Eddie bursts out laughing, Robin giggles a little and everyone else groans,
"I hate this game" Jonathan says.
Nancy giggles too,
"Sorry. Sorry! No. I'll say one of those that the guards in England use,"
"You can't just say it like that, you have to say the name of it," Eddie teases her,
"You all know what I mean!" she protests,
"What's the name of it, Nance?" Eddie insists,
"You don't know what they're called," she accuses,
Eddie gasps, but quickly drops the act,
"Touché." he concedes.
"I know what they're called!" Robin says, but when Nancy turns to her she says, "Actually I don't, no I don't, I've never been to England, how would I know?" she stammers,
Eddie presses his lips together in a hard line to stop himself from laughing.
Nancy shakes her head with a smile,
"You can say it!" she tells Robin.
Robin shakes her head, "Nu-uh." she says, "...And I choose a birthday hat."
"And don't copy me." she adds, softly punching Steve's arm,
"I wasn't going to. Cowboy hat" Steve says, and when he catches Eddie's eyes again he winks.
Jesus fuck. Eddie's not going to think about it. He does not want to see Steve in cowboy boots and a long sleeve button down and tight jeans and a stupid fucking cowboy hat. Goddamn it.
"Hard hat," Jonathan says,
"Straw hat," Argyle follows,
"Pirate hat," Eddie says,
"Detective hat," Nancy says,
"Wait, what's that? "Robin asks,
"Like the old timey ones with the little bow on top?" Nancy explains,
Robin still looks puzzled,
"They're made of tweed usually? and they have flaps on the sides that are pulled up?" Steve supplies, mimicking the flaps with his hands,
He's so cute, Eddie thinks,
"Oh, oh ! Yeah, yeah. I see it." Robin says, then, "That has a name too."
Nancy grins, "What is it?" she asks,
"It's, um, a deerstalker" Robin says, staring at her, "It's used for hunting. Sometimes."
"Cool." Nancy says, she doesn't stop smiling at Robin, "How do you know that?" she asks, making her blush a little,
"Oh, I uh- must've read it somewhere," Robin says, nodding, then, "My turn. Um, sailor hat" she smirks at Steve, finally tearing her eyes awat from Nance.
Steve rolls his eyes again but laughs softly, then says,
"The one the pope wears,"
Jonathan says "Graduation hat",
"Park Ranger hat," Argyle continues,
"What's our stance on things that can be hats but aren't always?" Eddie asks,
The group groans again,
"Everything can be a hat" Nancy says,
"Not everything," Eddie says, turning to her,
"Yes. Everything." Nancy insists, turning to face him fully,
"No. There are things that can't be hats," Eddie counters,
"Like what?"
"Uh- a bird ?"
"A bird can definitely be a hat," Nancy says, to the group's assent,
"A whale?"
"If you're big and strong enough, yeah,"
"A planet?" Eddie tries,
"Again, if you're big and strong enough,"
"A galaxy?"
"Probably, but let's say everything on Earth, then" Nance concedes,
"Shoot." she says,
"Ah-ha! " Eddie points at her, triumphant,
"Everything solid then."
"Ice?" Eddie shoots,
"Yeah, you can make a hat out of ice" Nancy says, no hesitation,
"And wear it?"
"Yeah, in the North Pole or something," she says,
She's good, this is part of why she's his best friend, but Eddie gets distracted by her answer,
"Hmm, are fictional hats allowed?" he asks Argyle,
"Yeah" Argyle nods,
"Ok, Santa hat, then," Eddie says.
"Elf hat," Nancy follows,
"Ms. Claus hat?" Robin tries, looking around uncertainly. Everyone nods.
"A towel" Steve says, to overwhelming approval from the group,
"Oooh" Robin says, impressed,
"Oh wow, yeah." Jonathan agrees,
"Stevie, you're so smart" Eddie says,
"Shudup" Steve counters, used to being made fun of,
"I'm serious! !!" Eddie insists, "I think that one wins,"
"You can't win this game," Jonathan chimes in, "we only lose and then we have to start over,"
"Well, in my heart, you won, Stevie," Eddie says, without thinking,
He should regret it once the group starts snickering and teasing him but, honestly? They're right.
He keeps his eyes on Steve while they all react and smiles at him. Steve beams again.
"He sure did," Nancy says, the only one who dares brave the consequences.
Eddie feels his blush color his cheeks again and turns to stick his tongue out at her.
"Okay, whatever." he tells her, before turning to Jon and Argyle,
"Where are the joints?" he asks, effectively moving them along.
part 7
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bandnerdlevel43 · 3 months
Don't Leave Me
Ravio x LU Legend (Ravioli)
Summary: Ravio decides to tidy up their house a bit. Legend disappears to his room, as per usual, to do Goddess knows what. Ravio thinks nothing of it, until he hears the tell-tale sounds of his partner having a breakdown.
Word count: 1,650
Warnings: Grief, Legend has Koholint Trauma, hurt/comfort (but mostly fluff), writer projects her low self-esteem onto Ravio (shhhh it’s fine don’t worry about it), baby’s first time writing gay men
A/N: Hello, Ravioli fandom! Uhhh this is my first time posting my writing (ignore the cringefics I wrote on Wattpad when I was twelve coughs awkwardly), so any positive reinforcement/constructive criticism is not only welcome but encouraged! Also, not only is this my first time writing this sort of content, I myself am not part of the LGBTQ+ community. If I get something wrong, please tell me.
I was just kinda in the mood for these two when I realized I’ve already read all the content. Basically I had the “fine I’ll do it myself” moment that all writers have at some point. Anyways, hope you enjoy! Love you all!
Ravio hummed contently, arranging the dishes in a neat pile on the counter. He ignored the various crumbs scattered across it. Instead, he picked up the duster, reached in the cabinet, and swept up the film of particles. He poked it into a corner, and in response, received a small tink. Ravio tilted his head curiously and delicately brushed the object into view. It was another ring- not cursed, thankfully, but horrifyingly unpolished. Ravio reached in to pocket the trinket that had gone so long without care, and continued his chore with a cheery whistle.
But what was that? A sharp rustling sound, followed by… coughing, perhaps? Ravio’s ears pricked; he paused. Sheerow, playing around in some empty boxes? Ravio's brow furrowed. No, the sounds were human in origin. His eyes widened when a soft whimper reached his ears. Legend!
Ravio dropped the duster. He scrambled out of the kitchen and down by the hallway, skidding to a stop by the closed door to their shared room. He knocked timidly, calling out, “Mister Hero?”
No response. 
“...Link, please. You know I'll come in even if you don't answer.”
The silence only made Ravio more scared. He would take a “Get lost, Ravio” or a “Leave me alone, Idiot” over this. This quiet meant his Link was drowning in some way Ravio was still struggling to understand, let alone help heal, no matter how desperately he wished he could. 
He opened the door anyway. 
Ravio peeked inside, and almost immediately his heart sank. Legend was in the middle of the room, hunched over something that Ravio couldn't see. His shoulders were trembling with silent sobs. It was always a stab in the gut for Ravio, to see him like this. It hurt, but he had to ignore it. For Legend's sake. 
Ravio made sure his footsteps were easily heard. Legend didn't flinch, twist, or jump. Either he expected his entrance, or he was so deeply buried in his emotions that he didn't notice him. Ravio shuddered at the thought.
The Lolian sat beside the hero, careful not to make any sudden movements. He reached out, touching the other’s shoulder lightly. Legend inhaled sharply, provoking a violent bout of coughing. He shied away from Ravio’s touch, eyeing him warily. He clutched what looked like a sketchbook close to his chest.
“Hey,” Ravio said softly. “You can trust me. Remember?”
Legend squeezed his eyes shut, curling further in on himself. His breathing stuttered, and this time Ravio could see the tears spill from his eyes. He felt an ache in his chest, reaching again for Legend's arm. This time he didn't pull away as his hand rested on his shoulder, tracing little half-circles with his thumb. Ravio didn't dare do more, lest he worsen Legend's state.
“Please, tell me what’s bothering you,” Ravio whispered. “I want to help.” Legend still didn’t speak. Worry made Ravio’s heart beat as rapidly as a rabbit’s twitching nose. Abandoning all caution, Ravio nuzzled his head in the crook of Legend’s neck, puring as much love into the gesture as possible. Hopefully it would snap him out of his sorrow.
It didn’t. Legend stared sightlessly ahead, his eyes glassy with tears.
“Link…” Ravio pleaded. “Say something.”
Legend blinked, turning to look at Ravio as though just noticing his presence. He loosened his grip on the sketchbook, his breath hitching as he let Ravio see.
The drawing was of a woman, the invisible wind tossing her long dress and fluid hair to the side. A large flower of a deep shade pinned some of it back. Her posture was welcoming and bright, but the face… Something was off. The features didn't seem to fit. They just felt wrong.
Legend hugged the drawing back to his chest, shaking again with suppressed sobs. “I'm forgetting her,” he choked out. “I c-can’t remember her eyes. I'm losing her.”
Ravio swallowed hard. He tried not to feel spite, he really tried. But how was he supposed to comfort him when all he was was Marin’s replacement?
Ravio felt himself withdraw his hands. He was suddenly unsure, watching Legend mourn the love that came before him. Now he felt guilty for intruding. Legend must think him inadequate, a second-rate substitute.
“Oh,” Ravio finally said, lips dry and numb. “S-Sorry. I didn't mean to- I'll just-”
Ravio cut himself off, standing suddenly with the intent to leave the veteran alone. To remove himself as a burden. Yet he never had the chance. To his bewilderment, Legend had grabbed his wrist, his grasp like a vice and his gaze just as intent. Desperate, even.
“Don't leave me,” he whispered.
Ravio blanked. Baffled at his words, Ravio wondered why he would want him of all people to remain. He was just a reminder of someone far more precious; nothing more, no one special. But when he heard Legend croak the single word, “Stay,” in a voice so vulnerable, so scared, Ravio slowly sat down again, concern still lacing his every thought and emotion.
Immediately, Legend's arms surrounded him, pulling him close and forcing a small startled squeak from his lips. The Hylian gripped him tight, holding him like a man would a piece of flotsam adrift in a sea wracked with tempests. Legend buried his face in Ravio's dark curls. His actions were almost protective, in a way, and Ravio found himself melting into his embrace. Part of him was still in denial that Legend didn't want him to leave, but when Legend took Ravio's sudden lack of tension as a signal to bring him even closer, those doubts evaporated. Tucked in Legend's arms, he felt a reassurance that he hadn't felt in years. You're safe now, the touch said. You'll never hurt again, because I'll protect you. 
Except… Lolia. It wasn't hurt, was it? It was disappear. 
Legend was making sure Ravio didn't disappear.
Legend was making sure he didn't disappear. 
Ravio promptly burst into tears. Unlike Legend, who was quiet and subtle, Ravio sobbed hard enough he was sure the goddess could hear him. He hiccuped and he sniffled, unable to control the wave of emotions that came crashing down on him. 
Of course, Legend's natural reaction was to panic. “Ravio, what happened?” he exclaimed. “Did I hurt you?” 
His hands flew to his chest in an obvious display of how startled he was. Ravio's instinct was to pout at the sudden lack of contact. Instead, he hugged him around the middle and laughed wetly. “It's nothing.”
Legend's bloodshot eyes met Ravio's own moist ones. Something akin to worry flashed across his expression, but was quickly overtaken by a pink tint dusting his cheeks. “Stop it, then,” he sputtered.
Ravio merely hugged him tighter. Legend hesitated before digging his fingers in Ravio's silly hair. “I didn't think you'd want me here,” Ravio mumbled, his voice muffled from burying his face in Legend's tunic. “I thought I was making it worse.”
Ravio was quickly flabbergasted at his own boldness. His throat was dry as he stammered, “I-I didn't mean to say that! I'm so sorry, I just- I wanted- I-”
Ravio met the hero's eyes and immediately realized he had overstepped. Link's dark, violet eyes were as intense as ever, glaring at him with such a ferocity that wasn't typically directed at him. If he wasn't afraid five seconds ago, he was now. His ears tilted downwards.
“Don't you ever say that again,” Link growled, “or I'll kick you out, for good this time.”
First, Link's words surprised him. Then, they made him so unbelievably happy. He hiccuped out another sob as he squeezed Link's torso tighter, a wide, giddy smile spreading across his face that was so big it hurt. “Promise?” he whispered.
Link snorted. “Don't push it. I might just throw you out anyway.”
Despite the rough words, Ravio's heart soared. He never really meant it (probably), and it meant he was back to normal. No longer lost in the anguish of mourning. Not only that- Ravio wasn't a burden. Somehow, he didn't mess up. And he was so, so happy. 
“Thank you,” he finally sighed. “I'm glad you're back.”
“I am!” Ravio protested with a laugh.
“I know. That still makes you a sap, Rodent,” Legend retorted. He hesitated, toying absently with Ravio's hair. It felt good. He liked it. “But… yeah. I… I needed that. Thanks. I guess.”
“Awwww,” Ravio cooed teasingly. “That was so sweet of you, Mister Hero!”
“Oh, Goddess forbid I show any positive emotion around you!” Ravio could practically feel Legend's eye roll. “Never mind, I take it back! Maybe I should kick you out.”
Ravio shifted so he could look up at the hero, his head in his lap. “You wouldn't, though.”
Legend raised a brow.
Ravio gave him his best puppy-dog eyes.
Legend swatted at him. Ravio yelped as the Hylian shoved him off his lap, a badly suppressed grin on his face.
“Okay, okay! I get it!” Ravio giggled, jumping to his feet. He laughed at the hero's oh-so-grumpy expression. It went well with his flushed cheeks. 
“Get back to work, you freeloader,” Legend scoffed. “I don't keep you around to be obnoxious.”
“Your pink ears say otherwise,” Ravio pointed out smugly.
That was his cue. Ravio made his escape, twirling out the door and shutting it on the red-faced Hylian. Legend didn't follow. He didn't follow because he cared. Lolia, he cared!
Sheerow was waiting for him outside, fluttering lightly on the breeze drifting in from the open window. Ravio greeted the bird with a warm “Hello, Sheerow”, and opened his palm to offer a space for him to land. His companion complied, perching on his fingers, who in turn tickled the top of his head with a finger.
“Come on, Sheerow,” he said, bouncing, almost skipping, towards the kitchen where he had abandoned his project. “Let's get back to work.”
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