#so many typos im
loverfutch · 8 months
the "woman and nonmen" crowd makes me so upset as a bigender person. some people will see my genderqueer womanhood and cheer me on right up until they realize that the genderqueer part of my identity does in fact come from my manhood
like i cant wrap my head around how a lot of other trans people dont see anything wrong with defining nonbinary identities with binary terms
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julykings · 10 months
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summer’s end
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shower-phantom-ideas · 7 months
Yall imagine Danny getting help from Batman and tells him about how hes on the run (it was a joke in passing smh) and how he has no home (it was ment to be funny man) then all of a sudden Bruce way shows up on a totally casual stroll in his neighbourhood. “Oh look a child who is in need laaa dee daa let me help you poor random child who I have no idea who you are.” As if Danny is an idiot. He isnt fooled in the slightest. He knows when something is up. Batman clearly is using Bruce Wayne to help kids off the street.
Danny is staying at Wayne manner and notices how no one really talks about the bats. Or tif they do Bruce gets this look then quickly changes the subject. Hes putting so much effort into it too. And at first Danny hardly noticed. Now it’s obvious theres a connection. At first he thought Bruce Wayne hated batman with how often he refused to comment or gave his kids a glare when they mentioned the big bad bat. But now it’s clearly something else. Danny got a chance to talk to the commissioner alone and then it clicked. Danny had asked whats Mr.Waynes beef with Batman and the commissioner seemed so confused. Quickly telling Danny about how the two have worked together. How Bruce has even helped the bat with information or a distraction from time to time. Why would Danny think that he hated him???
And BAM Danny had it. Bruce Wayne is dating THE Batman!!! Holy shit it makes so much sense. Danny would often find batgear around the house. Bruce probably got targeted a bunch and thats probably how they met.
Now hes trying so hard to be supported of his clearly closeted father figure. He also gets why it’s not public info too. Paints a huge target on Bruce. Plus his many many kids. Must be hard for them. What a crazy life they live. Jason would probably be so jealous of their literal fairytale romance.
Danny tells Bruce that he is supported by him and that his secret is safe until hes ready to tell anyone else. Bruce niw thinking Danny knows hes batman shows up no mask and Danny goes nuts. “You can’t out yourself in danger to protect him bruce!!! You are just some himbo man!!! He wouldnt want this!!!” Thinking Bruce is going to try and fight in Batmans place.
Then Danny walks up and places a hand on bruces should (he has to reach lmao shorty). “I will go. I will keep everyone safe. You can count in me” transforms snd flys off to defeat the big bad. Leaving a fully stunned and confused bruce.
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bubblebaath · 1 year
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it's just rendering at a low resolution with no anti-aliasing + with the texture filtering on the materials set to nothing.
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theres probably a way to upscale the frames in blender afterwards but i find it easier to just render it tiny and then upscale it with ezgif/any other gif editor that supports non blurry gif upscaling
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@ferinsky ah no its not to do with actually rendering the frames, its upscaling the gif afterwards. i use an addon called bligify to export the rendered frames as a gif directly from blender, and then ezgif to upscale it. ezgifs upscaling thing can use nearest neighbor so the upscaled gif doesnt end up blurry
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m4ruk4ts · 1 year
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-throws these and runs away-
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nibbelraz · 1 year
Hi hello !!! I just want to say that I absolutely adore your art ❤️❤️❤️ I'm currently studying and your moshang art is fueling me with energy fr fr HAHAHA
Anon, for you, I hope this cuddly moshang helps you in your studies 💞
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napping-sapphic · 7 months
Maybe i am just a little preoccupied by the idea of running my fingers through a girl’s hair or cradling her head when we hug or pressing our foreheads together or or or—
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ritoryb · 2 years
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yeah kaname date ive heard of him
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indecisive-dizzy · 3 months
I love Latter Pillar so much you don’t understand i adore him have have some headcanons for him
Daisey literally pulls Howdy BY THE ANTENNA and makes him give Latter a hug. They like Latter, he’s sweet. But him being dramatic sometimes gets on their nerves
Daisey and Lizzy do partake in the Latter teasing, but they usually shut it down if it gets to mean (Latter protection squad say what)
Latter and Eddie besties real, Latter reads his poetry in the post office and Eddie just listens while doing his mailman duties
Honey’s mean to him, but secretly like his poetry. He thinks it’s so bad it’s funny
He runs a poetry club, he’s made a few friends from it too :3
Lizzy loves her brother, she really does, but she cannot stand to hear his bad poetry. She send him ads for poetry lessons and he gets sad about it
Also randomly put in but I love those little bee kids (I don’t know their names :,) ) they look so cute I love them
Latter has 6 arms me thinks, idk if that’s confirmed lmao
I’m mentally I’ll and that update destroyed me so I’m focusing on Howdy’s dramatic, flamboyant brother :3
The Howdy's nephews (the cater-bee children <3) are Howdo and Youdo! I can't remember if its one "o" or two tho haha
But yes Latter is just,,, he's so,, Soo ajdhjssj <3 I love him and his silly dramatics and bad poetry
Forcing siblings to hug is hilarious! I should know as a Certified Annoying Sibling Who Likes Hugs >:3 so good Daisey lol Howdy needs to hug his brother
Lighthearted teasing is fun, and I think if Latter was genuinely friends with whomever he'd go along with it, maybe do improv poetry to tease them back dramatically pff
Yeah you think Howdy would be upset that his brother is friends with the mailman? Bc Latter and Eddie besties Is real and in your home <3 They could write each other letters when it's not the holidays and Latter send Eddie his poetry for approval bc Eddie is too nice to say it's bad <3 (cough Latter getting a crush on Eddie? whaaaatt cough)
Howdy secretly enjoying things feels on brand lol. but him enjoying it for the wrong reason (so bad it's funny) is hilarious
Sorry but my oc CJ would be apart of Latter's poetry club <3 They're friends now Speaking of the poetry club, I imagine they do slam poetry and Latter is really bad but trying his best lol
Not the Poetry Lesson ads 😭 sobbs why she gotta do him dirty like that sjdbsjdhj lmao
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kromaticglass · 7 months
I've been sitting on this for a while because I'm not usually one for writing out my thoughts on characters in media that I like but honestly I need to yell about just how much I love Wriothesley as a character and how his story is written.
Don't get me wrong, I love Scaramouche, and I love his story arc, but there's something about this absolutely horrific past that Wriothesley grew up in and despite everything that should have made him a bitter person, he's so selfless. Selfless to the point of completely overturning a system that had been working in it's own horrific manner for hundreds of years as a teenager/young adult in order to make it better and actively work on fixing people, not just let them fall between the cracks of a society that sent them away to be forgotten.
Putting this under a read more because I'm going to yell about this a lot.
When we're first learning about Wriothesley we're introduced to the fact that he was an orphan. This brings up questions to start with; how was he first orphaned? By the sounds of things he wasn't willingly given away to the foster family that he ended up living with, he was on the streets or at the very least was on his own for a time before he ended up there. The first thing that my mind goes to is that this means either his parents abandoned him or they died/were killed, which may also be the reason he seemingly was desensitized to death as a kid - I'll get to that point later, it's important.
Just how long he was on the streets before he was taken in by his foster family isn't mentioned, but I'd expect it was at least a year or so, just from some context clues we got from both his story quest and his character stories that you unlock with friendship. When in his foster home, things were supposedly a picture perfect family, a dollhouse where people looking in would only see the perfect picture but as soon as curtains closed it was something very different.
Households like that are traumatising, it's no wonder that Wriothesley's ability to trust in people is shot. The people who were supposed to care for him after promising a good life were nothing but a front and in his eyes he once more was on his own. For a child to decide to willingly orphan themselves a second time is so taxing on the mind, I could only imagine the stress he would've been under.
But what really gets me is the fact that he eventually came to the conclusion that in order to stop the cycle of picking up kids and selling them off to the highest bidder and killing the ones that didn't sell, Wriothesley didn't think about contacting gardes, didn't go to anyone else about it, he took matters into his own hands.
Not just that, but that he had to kill them.
It takes a lot for someone to work themselves up into killing another person. If you've never taken a life before, most people will hesitate, they'll be sick, or they'll completely shut down and remove themselves mentally from the situation, there's a very visceral reaction that happens in the human brain when you're pushed so far into stress responses that you'll take another life, and this was a teenager. This is why I feel like he would've been desensitized to death or at the very least gruesome scenes like this from a much younger age.
One can only wonder just what was going through his mind during the time he was away, taking the odd jobs to create that first prototype of his gauntlets that he used to shoot nails at his parents. It may not be as personal as taking a knife to someone, but using a nailgun is a bloody affair, the wounds needed to make that fatal are grievous if done by an inexperienced hand. And from what we're told in the character story, it sounds like his parents fought back, hard enough that it very nearly killed Wriothesley as well.
It makes me wonder just what he was thinking, or feeling in that moment, was it fear? Anger? A mix of many things? Or was he simply numb to it until he woke up in the hospital bed later? From what we hear in his tone during the story quest, he sounds apathetic about retelling the story, but that could be a result of trying to compartmentalize the renewed trauma that was rekindled thanks to the gem he touched.
And the trial, lets not forget that. On the day he wakes up from his injuries, he's served papers to face in court, and given a timeline for his recovery. The character story says the trial went with little fanfare and that he accepted the charges with little to no protest, it makes me think about just what could've gone through his head during the time he was recovering.
Wriothesley states that he knew he was guilty in the eyes of the law, and that his methods were extreme and he knows that. Because he survived his injuries when he expected to die from them, it makes me think that he knew he would be going to the Fortress of Meropide once he got to the trial. Given how much of a lawless land the Fortress was back then, I wonder if this was Wriothesley's own way of putting himself back into the hands of fate again, or maybe in some way, taking it back into his own hands.
Character Story 2 and his Vision story tells us more about his time in Meropide before taking it over, and how chaotic it sounded. He arrived in the Fortress and found his Vision in his pockets when being processed, and the first thing he's told is "hide it well". This was the only warning he got from anyone about how life in the Fortress was at that time, and he took that to heart in order to not lose anything precious to him.
Meropide was a place you could pay for someone to die in back then, among other things like drugs and probably far more things that Hoyoverse wouldn't mention for the sake of keeping things PG. It certainly doesn't seem like a place a teenager would be safe in and yet despite all odds, Wriothesley thrived and amassed a massive collection of credit coupons in order to make his name known.
It doesn't say much about what a feat that is, especially the line where it mentions that he amassed more coupons than anyone else in the Fortress combined. He figured out how the place ticked and made it sing to his own tempo instead of simply falling in line, that's such an impressive feat for anyone to do, let alone someone who would've had to fight tooth and nail to even get the respect needed for people to see him with as much power as he seemed to gain by the time he took over.
When he challenged the former administrator to a duel, the story mentions how Wriothesley was saved from having to get another person’s blood on his hands because he fled from the Fortress instead of showing up. And sure we could gloss over this as he was glad about not needing to fight him in the end, but this also implies that if the fight had've gone on instead of what happened, Wriothesley would've either beaten that man within an inch of his life or taken it. He would've taken another life for the sake of other people, once again.
This is something I've noticed is a theme with Wriothesley. He has either little regard for or at the very least places his own safety below others, so long as it's doing what he thinks is right or protects other people. During his story quest when he's being shot at, Wriothesley does little to protect himself aside from some minimal protection with his cryo vision against the bullets shot at him, but the moment that the gun is turned to the Traveler, he spent absolutely no time in very nearly killing Dougier (if the Traveler hadn't been there, I think there would've been a 75%-85% chance that he would've killed Dougier) and putting him in his place.
We see this again with the Archon quest where Wriothesley and Clorinde fight back the Primordial Sea. He spend his own safety and energy icing over the doors in order to save people in the Fortress from the Primordial Sea until Neuvillette could get there, at the risk of his own safety and very nearly getting trapped and dissolved by the waters.
That's not even taking into consideration the work he did on the Wingalet. We saw so little of it in the 4.2 Archon Quest, I was almost disappointed, but the fact that instead of staying idle about the prophecy, he spent so much time and energy making a ship like that and keeping it a secret from most parties until the time came all for the reason of saving as many Fontainians as possible just kills me.
Wriothesley has been through so much, and instead of that horrible backstory and all that trauma turning him into a bitter and hateful person, he instead uses it to give others a better life than he had just crushes me. He took over Meropide and reformed it into a place where not only does it help people now, but is such a nice place to be that inmates want to stay afterwards warms my heart. Like, for sure there's the fact that people staying down there reintegrating into society would be a challenge but I love the fact that there's even the choice to stay down there after the term is over instead of simply turning people lose and risking them returning back down after repeating crimes.
Anyway what I'm trying to get at here is that Wriothesley is such a well written character and I want Hoyoverse to give us more characters like this. I'm rambling way too much and I'm sure like 80% is incoherent bullshit but I needed to get my feelings off my chest about this lol.
If you made it this far thanks for putting up with my rambling LMAO.
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leona-is-free · 20 days
Parseltongue or Snoring
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Summary: A moment between Natty and Sebastian that she often thinks about.
"Phew." Natty sighed. Another long day at the library complete.
She carefully tread up the stairs, as to keep from dropping the stack of books in her arms, pushing the door open with her shoulder. The extra homework Professor Weasley assigned was killing her social life, as was that dreadful field guide. She welcomed the bright ambiance of Central Hall, eager to spend the afternoon with her dorm mates.
As she approached the top of the stairs, Natty noticed Garreth Weasley, waving at her. Next to him was Leander Prewett, whose attention was focused at something near the doors to the greenhouse.
“Hello Natty,” said Garreth, “would you like a bit of help with that?”
“Ah thank you!” She said, offering the stack of books his way. Garreth ran his fingers down two, no, three book spines, leaving Natty with only her field guide to carry.
“I hope my Aunt Matilda's assignments aren’t driving you too bonkers.”
“Of course not,” Natty lied. She glanced at Leander, who was chuckling to himself. "What are you two doing?"
“Just watching our dear Slytherin classmate across the way.” Leander pointed at a small figure crouched against the corner of a wall. Natty was surprised to see it was Ominis Gaunt of all people. His head was dropped down, eyes closed, and Natty noticed the rhythmic rise and fall of his shoulders.
Was he...sleeping?
“Is he okay?” Natty asked.
“Ominis does this quite a bit,” Leander said, “Sleeping outside. Not sure I blame him, considering he dorms with Sallow of all people.”
Natty was only four months into her first year at Hogwarts. She kept to herself mostly, as the considerable amount of schoolwork made her too busy to do much else. Of course, it did not help that she was constantly under her mother's watchful eye. She was grateful to be in Gryffindor, as her housemates always went out of their way to make her feel included. As a consequence, however, she did not have much experience with students outside of her house.
She didn’t know Ominis, but she knew his connections with dark wizards. He seemed friendly enough. But Natsai knew many wolves in sheep’s clothing, and to gain her trust wasn’t easy. She preferred to keep a healthy distance between the two.
“Isn’t he from a wealthy family?” Natty said, leaning against the banister of the stairs.
“Not just any wealthy family,” Garreth said, “The Gaunts. Direct descendants of Salazar Slytherin.”
“They’re so obsessed with their bloodline,” Leander said, “they’ve taken to marrying their own siblings.”
Natty frowned. “He's going to marry his sibling?”
“Doubt that,” Garrett said, “He hates his sisters."
Natty found something endearing about watching a supposed rich kid from a pure blood family sleep on the floor like that. Perhaps she was wrong about him?
Was he a wolf in sheep’s clothing? Or just another lamb up for slaughter by his own family of dark wizards? Natty couldn't be sure.
"Anyways," Garreth said as he leaned the stack of books against the railing. "Do you hear that?"
Natty leaned forward, focusing her attention on Ominis. Through the sounds of the students’ chatter and papers flying in the air from magical books, she heard a soft rumbling coming from his direction.
"Is he...snoring?" Natty chuckled.
"Perhaps!" Garreth said, "Or is it Parseltongue? Leander and I are waging a bet."
“Snoring,” Leander murmured, “Not that I've ever actually heard Parseltongue. I imagine it’s just a bunch of hissing.”
“Me neither, but....I’m gonna say-"
Natty's stack of books fell to the ground, and she jumped at the sight of Garrett and Leander being swept off their feet. She turned her head to see a chuckling Sebastian approaching them.
“Garreth! Prewett! Nice to see you this afternoon."
"You as well," Garreth said shakily, glancing quickly between his feet and Sebastian. "It's just a bit of fun between Leander and I, nothing insidious!"
"Put us down!" Leander demanded, his arms flailing about.
"Funny I should catch you here, Garreth," Sebastian said with a smirk, “I found something interesting in Madam Scrivner’s desk!” He effortlessly kept the wand steadily pointed at them as he used his free hand to pull a stack of looseleaf papers from his robe.
“On hand detention notices for one, Garreth Weasley,” Sebastian waved the notes in front of Garreth's face. “I considered selling them back to you but, I think I have other plans in mind.”
“Oh, Sebastian!” Garrett laughed nervously, “Come on now!”
Sebastian smirked, a flick of the wrist released the levitation spell, sending Leander and Garrett crashing to the floor. He placed the papers back in his robe pocket and started walking towards the stairs. He stopped in front of Natty, and looked in her eyes.
“He’s snoring, by the way.” Sebastian said. The playfulness on his face evaporated at like one of Garreth’s failed potions.
“Ominis never speaks in Parseltongue.”
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ava-du-mortain · 14 days
theyre just like me fr fr
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dadcred · 3 months
okay so. ive got a lot of thoughts about usopp and his “negativity” with regards to his fight against perona during thriller bark and his subsequent timeskip character development.
keep in mind that this is based on the english dub of the anime, and there very well could be totally different implications in jpn/english subs, though tbh i’d be kinda sad if this were the case because i think there’s a lot of depth to explore (which is exactly what i’m attempting to do here.)
so the entire idea behind usopp’s immunity to perona’s negative ghosts is that he’s an inherently “negative” person, so he can’t be made “more negative” so to speak. and throughout this whole bit, they keep interchanging “negativity” with “pessimism.” ex: when zoro, franky, and sanji are running away from that fight, zoro says something like “i never thought usopp’s pessimism would come in handy.”
and i found that really interesting because i wasn’t aware until then that usopp was meant to be so extremely pessimistic apparently. yes, he’s a coward who is reluctant to face his fears (he’s not unique in this, see: the coward trio). yes, he gets anxious about the worst outcomes (tho he’s not the one actually identifying or voicing the worst case scenarios in many cases). yes, he harbors doubts about his own capabilities (arguably the only thing here unique to him). but none of this is “pessimism.” that is to say, “pessimism” is erroneously used as a synonym for “negativity” when in fact “negativity” is an incredibly broad concept under which “pessimism” is a subset. and based on negative ghosts’ actual effects on characters, we know that they do way more than just suddenly make a person a glass-half-empty kinda guy.
my thesis here is that the term that better describes the kind of negativity that the ghosts impose on people is “depression,” in which case, the only way usopp can be immune is if he’s already depressed. and substituting that with “pessimism” instead allows us as the audience to be more okay with the fact that the narrative never goes back and interrogates what is a serious claim of a character’s mental health. i’m not bothered by this—it’s a shounen anime after all—but i DO love exploring this line of thought because of the insight it provides on usopp’s character.
first, let’s go back to what perona’s negative ghosts actually do. their effect has been described as “draining your will to live” and “making your heart empty”. when characters get hit by a negative ghost, they’ll lose all their drive and say things like “i’m no better than a dog,” “i just want to be a clam” and stuff like that (i’m paraphrasing). and neither those descriptions nor effects remotely resemble “pessimism.” having little to no will to live or just do much of anything, feeling empty and hopeless, having self esteem issues, wanting to erase the complexities of your humanity to exist as a base organism: those are all textbook symptoms of depression.
meaning, in order for usopp to be completelt immune to the negative ghosts, he doesn’t just have to be a pessimist. he’d have to have little to no willpower or motivation. he’d have to think so lowly of himself that it’s impossible to hate himself further. and water 7 showed us a glimpse of that: we know he has ambition—he wants to become a brave warrior of the sea—but we also know after water 7 that, compared to the other straw hats, he views his ambition as a nice-to-have pipe dream and not one that he has what it takes to achieve.
but thriller bark is implying this runs much much deeper than just self doubt that sprang up over the course of his travels with the straw hats. he’d have to be so empty inside that there’s no hope left for the ghosts to feed on.
and while that might seem overexaggerated for the purposes of this ability because, again, it’s a shounen anime and these implications start feeling uncomfortable the more you consider them, there is one line that affirms that the above really might all be true about usopp: when everyone realizes usopp is immune to the ghosts, zoro, in disbelief, asks, “is his heart really that empty?”
personally, i don’t think there’s any sugarcoating that. (and tbh between this and zoro later ruminating on how usopp’s depression came in handy in a fight, i’m glad at least one character acknowledged that that’s a little fucked up and worrying actually.)
so yeah, usopp’s depressed! and on god, i didn’t think it was possible to love him anymore than i do, but this bit of thriller bark made me love him infinitely more because goddamn that’s so relatable. we constantly have these narratives of “wow we never knew xyz was depressed they never let on” and i personally thunk that’s bullshit because unless someone is exhibiting a completely nonfunctional lifestyle, we assume that they can’t really be that depressed. as a high functioning person w anxiety/depression/adhd/ptsd, i was denied diagnosis and treatment for years bc i wasnt glued to my bed, getting bad grades, isolated, and/or on the verge of offing myself. this isn’t the main point i’m trying to make as much as it is a tangent, but seeing a character like usopp, who i at the very least consider the heart of the straw hats, also be depressed guy just tryna stay afloat everyday despite all the nothingness and self hate inside made my heart really full.
which then brings me to post timeskip, where his development in this realm is addressed outright in that battle in fishman island arc against the little hole digging gremlin. that guy consistently taunts usopp with everything usopp once harbored major insecurities about, and usopp not only remains unfazed, but explicitly refutes those taunts by saying that stuff no longer bothers him. the idea being that he gained a lot of self confidence over those two years. and as all my mentally ill lads know, that’s not fuckin easy when your brain’s been working against you for so long. self confidence is the result of developing and practicing a lot of healthy coping mechanisms to manage and live with your depression.
now i hesitate to credit oda and the shounen genre in general with having meant all this to be as deep as i’m interpreting it. but intentional or not, i’m overwhelmed with emotions whenever i consider usopp’s character because who gives a shit about his physical strength and abilities and whether or not they’re on par with everyone else’s when his real buff is hard earned mental fortitude and self confidence??
all of that is to say, i have a lot of love for usopp and i guess most people arent into shounen for the complexities of character writing, but personally i think your taste is questionable at best if this bit about usopp’s character doesn’t intrigue and impress you in any way. that’s all.
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sexiestwerewolf · 2 months
I am a simple human being
I see Lloyd art I like, I follow
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marcsnuffy · 16 days
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Marx Snuffy
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sometinybees · 3 months
I keep seeing these tiktoks from people saying like "why campaign 3 of critical isn't doing as well as the first two" and it's entirely just their opinion stated as fact and it's soooo frustrating when there is an actual real answer which is campaign 2 aired during lockdown when we had more free time and 4 hours of people playing DND is a good distraction from the world falling apart. That's it! That's the reason! More free time = more time to watch ttrpgs.
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