#i didnt post about it but this is like 2 days' worth of research and practicing come to fruition
furryprovocateur · 1 year
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good morning
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aristotlecoyote · 5 months
i'm sorry you aren't able to pay for watcher's new service. it was a tough decision for me too - i'm unemployed right now and had to look at my savings and decide to skip on buying a few things - but in the end i chose to support them. there are fans sharing accounts and gifting subs. some people in the fandom want to help with solutions but you can't hear them over everyone blaming watcher for suddenly being in the 1% somehow?? (they're not) this is still in beta mode so we all need to take a breath and see what they announce after seeing the feedback. but watcher didn't ruin the economy and make it so hard for people to get welfare and help - you need to contact some government officials for that - not shane's wife
You are fundimentally missing the point. And why are you feeding a problem when they have clearly show they dont respect their fans with their silence, and their employees and spouses snide comments.
The watcher hate train that you think is clouding my thoughts simply isnt. I look at other fans to see if i my perception is more then just automatic frustration. And its not. I think alot. I get heated when i feel theres injustice. But i think through every single thing in this situation for flaws in my own logic because i know people like you will say i am blowing out of proportion. dont patronize me with those arguements.
Yeah governement stuff isnt their fault but they know where the world is. Or atleast they should and they are choosing to bleeding their fans dry. I never said they were the 1% but they are rich. Being rich doesnt automatically put you in the 1 percent but it does give you a leg up to being safe.
I took a breath. I took a whole breath today and lived my life on an extremely small trip on a train. To get free samples from an event with a discounted ticket. I bought a single nice thing that i wanted and for the first time in three days i didnt think about this shit show.
I wanted to support them but seeing as they dont care that they are making
1. A bad decision that everyone except people like you can see
2. Using a base platform that is notoriously unfriendly to creators
3. Didnt respect their fans enough to do market research and give us a finished product or a timeline for things moving forward
4. Act like they are drowning while they are on a yacht. And show that yacht to the people they kicked out of a lifeboat. Then blame us for needing to get a slightly smaller yacht. (This is an analogy)
Its not the same.
3 shows i like is not worth. 6 dollars.
I dont want Sara rubin's fucking help. I am saying she is showing the reality. That these people dont care. Its a common fact of todays world that very few youtubers actually care. That you giving them 6 dollars for a thing that has never worked in the long term unless years of effort and research is put into it. And you are on unemployment? I dont know.
You are the ones that dont see the reality.
But like i said in my post. I respect that humans can do whatever they want. I just think you should think and ask questions and when you dont get clear answers. Wonder why.
All of this mess is something you need to watch before you jump.
I simply chose to step away from the cliff because i saw sharks in the water.
EDIT: some parts in this feel unfinished. I am tired and working on very little sleep because of how my brain has chosen to process this situation. I wont update this post with corrections unless someone can give me a hard reason to.
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crystalis · 3 months
hi ive been following u forever now but im afraid to come off anon because im nervous lol but have you ever been diagnosed with avoidant personality disorder? its something ive been diagnosed with and when i read ur post i see myself in u bc im going through the same struggles. i cant drive, work, communicate or really just be around anyone bc of how terrifying people can be and the intense fear of messing up and being seen as an embarrassment/failure. ive isolated myself for so long that my social skills has deteriorated and i can barely form a sentence without extreme anxiety and i have some language attrition. idk if ur seeing anybody for mental health or if you heard of avpd but its worth researching bc i sure as hell didnt know about it before my diagnoses and now i can understand myself a bit better + i found a community of people like me. avpd is more than just regular anxiety its like anxiety^2 with a significant impact on your social and career life. its deeply rooted in your psyche unlike anxiety that can eventually be “cured” with the right treatments. idk i hope im not coming off as rude sending this message its not my intention to make you feel ashamed or anything like that. i just want to let you know that ur not alone in ur experience and that people care about u. anyway i hope u have a good rest of ur day and that things get better for u
no ive never been diagnosed, but i know about avpd and i sorta looked into it several years ago..im sure that i have it but i dont see anyone abt it or know what to do to treat it. i really appreciate the solidarity & it helps a lot to not feel so alone, thank you for sending me this 🩷 i relate to your experience a lot too and theres like such intense feelings of hopelessness and despair about it and its so overwhelming (i know you understand). its totally paralyzing, like a pretrifying irrational fear of embarrassment and humiliation and its so powerful..& the feelings of incompetence and shame that come with it. especially as you age. and then you cant relate to people your age, or make friends, or form bonds with other people. and the feeling of incompetence leeches into every aspect of your life and warps your perception of yourself and your confidence/self esteem.. ive lost so many friendships and years of my life and it feels like i buried myself in such a deep hole that i dont know how to climb out of. but its safe and comfortable in this hole, so you dig yourself deeper. when youre alone, you can never feel humiliated or embarassed. you can never say the wrong thing or miscommunicate, or feel self conscious of the clothes that youre wearing or the way that youre standing or the way that youre walking or what your hair looks like or what youre doing with your hands or so on and so on. you dont feel incompetent or scared or ashamed when youre alone, and its a self destructive desire for solitude that you just cant escape from and the ramifications of it are really painful. because you DESIRE to communicate and desire to feel loved and feel like a normal human being and form bonds with others and desire to experience things and make memories. you dont make memories or have any memories when youre lost in the void
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babysizedfics · 4 years
2! - 👑
baby vee on the loose in just a diaper
vote from this concept voting post!
warning: this includes tickling and light teasing and is INCREDIBLY adorable
one day vee is in her slightly older headspace that being 18 months - which coincidentally is the age babies start running
now roman (whos not little) and patton are just chilling in romans room talking and waiting for logan to finish changing vee into a diaper so they can all play with the baby
when suddenly they hear a muffled "Vee, sit back- Baby! Baby, no, no no come back! BABY-"
that is followed by quick little footsteps appraching the door and light giggles - then vee pushes the door open, jiji clutched to her chest, dressed in a pink crop top that reads "cute" in rainbow letters and a pink and white diaper and literally nothing else
roman and patton instantly burst out laughing because she toddles into the room so quickly but shes so wobbly! wearing a diaper makes it hard to walk for her because of the thick padding so she really is toddling like a baby
and she immediately darts to the bed where roman is sitting propped against the headboard and he hurriedly opens his arms just in time for her to literally collapse on his chest and wriggle around to straddle his lap, all while squeaking in laughter
"heya, titch," roman giggles, holding her steady. "did you escape, huh?" and he feels so delighted and amused that her diaper is on full display and is crinkling loudly when vee giggles and wriggles.
"Vee?? Baby, where are you?!" logan sounds panicked in the hallway
"in here loganberry!" patton chuckles, his phone pulled out and clearly capturing a ton of photos of this moment
but vee whines and quickly hides her face in romans shoulder and covers her head with jiji
Roman giggles "whatcha doin, baby?"
and she responds from her hiding place "umbibible"
"youre what?" patton frowns, still smiling though
roman chuckles understanding what she means "are you invisible?"
vee nods and squeals in delight. "shh shh bimbible!"
"ohh okay, shh shh" roman whispers and nods very seriously and cradles the back of her shoulders and diaper to hold her safe and help her hide. "invisible"
logan suddenly bursts in looking stressed as heck and sighs in relief when he sees vee in romans lap
"hey specs, whats got you so frazzled?" roman asks and bites his lip to contain his laughter
after a brief moment taking a deep breath and running his hand back through his hair, logan has recomposed himself. "hello roman. Could you do me a favor and hand over the baby in your lap?"
then roman frowns. "what baby?"
vee giggles and buries her head more in romans neck. he doesnt mind the slight ache at all
logan smiles humourlessly. "very funny, but I need to get her dress on"
"i dont think it would fit you, honey" patton jokes from behind his phone.
roman snorts
logan stares at patton, expressionless
and then roman notices that the way patton holds the camera is so obvious he is taking a VIDEO of this exchange. roman hugs vee tighter with pride
"okay, i really do need to get the baby dressed though" logan insists to roman with a little smile
roman makes a show of looking around the room, avoiding looking down at the adorable mound of pink and white in his lap. "sorry, i dont see any baby"
vee squirms and her diaper crinkles loudly. then they all hear the tiniest babyish whisper. "bimbible"
they're all trying so hard not to laugh now, logan is like biting his cheek to stop smiling and sternly says "roman, I need to get your baby sibling dressed"
"logan i literally have no idea where she is!"
vee giggles and kicks her feet lightly in excitemnt
a choked laugh escapes patton before he scrunches his face to stop it, and logan closes his eyes, his face twitching with the effort not to laugh. romans the best at holding in laughter but he's close to breaking he can tell
"okahay" logan says with a concealed chuckle. "okay, then. roman can you please help me find the baby?"
roman gasps dramatically. "logan, you lost the baby?! What kind of a mother are you!!"
and vee suddenly squeals loud and highpitched into romans shoulder and wiggles so much that shes basically vibrating with excitement
everyone silently wheezes at the reaction: logan slams his hand over his mouth and has to hold the wall for support, romans head drops back in a silent scream of laughter and cradles vees head, and pattons eyes squint shut and the camera wobbles as he shakes with silent chuckles
at that point patton knows they need to wrap this up or they'll either burst into loud laughter and risk startling vee, or they'll all run out of breath from trying to hold it back
"if there was a baby in here," he laughs as gently as he can, "then surely she would be invisible, right roman?"
roman agrees "yes obviously, patton" and he sways gently cradling vee because she was constantly squeaking and squirming and they dont want her getting too overexcited
again, vee giggles "bimbible, bimbible!" still hiding in romans shoulder
of course that gives logan an idea
he approaches the bed "well im afraid theres only one way to find invisible babies" he starts very solemnly and perches on the edge of the mattress next to roman and totally not a totally visible baby
then he smiles. "is sheeeee... over here?" he asks, fluttering just one finger over her neck and vee squeaks and pulls jiji down to cover her neck
roman smiles and strokes her now visible purple hair
"hmm" logan hums in thought as patton gets up from the beanbag to get a better angle to film this whole debacle. logan smiles at the camera mischievously for a moment, apparently forgetting his camera shyness in the excitement
"is she perhaps here?" and he scribbles all fingers of one hand over the exposed back of her knee
vee giggles melodically and quickly folds her legs up into romans lap - but her toes are scrunching happily. shes no longer hidden in romans shoulder but is still curled up against his chest and is hiding her face with jiji
"I think I know where the baby is~" logan sings teasingly, and everyone beams and giggles at the way vee wiggles so much that roman has to curl his arms all the way around her and her diaper to stop her from wriggling right off his lap
"she must be...." logan draws it out, wiggling all ten fingers towards her back. "over here!"
logans fingertips land just above the hem of vee's diaper, settling on her sides and the back of her ribs and scribbling and spiralling gently - the diaper hem rustles loudly under his fingers but thats nothing compared to the reaction from vee
she positively screeches with squeaky laughter, dropping jiji instantly to reveal her flushed cheeks and her scrunched up happy eyes and her big big gummy smile! she wriggles around so much and flaps jiji in the air excitedly
and everyone coos "THERE SHE IS~ 💞" in unison
when they finish with the tickling and the giggling, logan finally gets vee back in her room to get dressed... but she whines and pouts whenever he tried to put any kind of skirt or pants on her
try as he might logan literally cannot convince vee to wear anymore clothes than she's already wearing - so for a compromise he simply puts on her ruffly white diaper cover !
patton absolutey bursts with love and adorableness when he sees her all smiley and blushy and wriggly in her cute poofy diaper cover and roman giggles and thinks about how much fun it'll be to remind vee about this tomorrow >:3c
for the entire day everyone is just so giggly because vee is in the most playful happy baby mood, she loves not wearing any pants or skirts and keeps wiggling on her butt to hear the diaper crinkles and kicking her bare legs in excitement and squeals
the next morning roman absolutely follows through on his promise to himself and tells vee all about it
vee is so so embarrassed, blushing like mad and hiding her face behind logans shoulder as everyone smiles and tries not to giggle too hard at her reaction
"oh my god, why didnt anyone dress me??"
"you put up quite a fight" logan says so casually it almost sounds like he isnt grinning ear to ear. "youre very persuasive when you pout, princess"
vee pulls away from him with a very appropriate pout
"aww come on dont be embarrassed," patton coos "you were the most adorable little baby in the world yesterday with your poofy little diaper butt"
"dad!" vee squeaks in indignation
everyone giggles at her reaction (and roman sees her lips twitch up in a hidden smile)
roman leans to whisper in her ear "i think you like it~"
"stoooop" vee whines and buries her burning cheeks against romans shoudler instead
big mistake
"wow déja vu" roman chuckles "i guess youre not straddling my lap this time though - all wriggly and giggly and crinkly"
vee pulls back form him with a bewildered look "i was in your lap? and i was only wearing--"
"well sure!" patton chuckles as though its ridiculous vee is even questioning it. "i dunno why youre so suprised, you always sit in your brothers lap. OH I can show you the video to prove it!" and he pulls out his cellphone and starts searching for the video
"i dunno pat, are you sure it will help to watch the video?" roman asks
and for a MILLISECOND vee thinks roman is actually for once showing her mercy
then he smiles at her. "i mean she was 'bimbible', I dunno if you wouldve caught her on camera"
"thats very true," logan nods, sipping his coffee with a smirk "though it might be worth reviewing the footage purely for research purposes"
patton laughs "oh of course, we really have to check if you can see 'bimbible' babies on camera... oop, i think we can!"
patton beams and holds up his phone to show a picture of vee curled up against romans chest, half-naked and with romans hands curled round her shoulders and the top of the diaper, his head thrown back and clearly in the midst of delighted laughter
vee squeaks and pulls minty from their seat at the breakfast table to bury her face in them. "youre my only ally minty" she whispers into their fluff as the family all coo over the adorable photos
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Toko! I was thinking of creating an ask the character blog for IDV or Genshin Impact and wanted a few tips on how to start off. Anything you can share?
ey yo my dude!! thank you so much for this question, now im lowkey tempted (again) to make a genshin ask blog sjadhlkshgkahshglsaj anyway my 1.5 cents is under the cut, yall know how much i talk here HAHAHAHAH
uhhhhhh so i guess we start with picking a character u really Vibe with tm? I KNOW THIS SOUNDS LIKE COMMON SENSE BUT LIKE ive been considering making a genshin ask blog for a while now but i never really got to it cos i couldnt really decide on a character (plus the fact that their outfits are. so intricate. is also a hmm since i try to follow details to a t) (at first i wanted to do zhongli, but i feel like to be able to muse him well u need to know the lore super super well, which i dont n im too lazy to research on that aha. n u know how much i respect characterizations, especially for such a complex character like him. i also considered xiangling for a period of time mostly for guoba but also like i have 2+1 blogs here n having one more might not be a very good idea aha) (as for aesop he was my Hyperfixation Character tm also cos i looked at his kit n went Yep i could work with this. probably)
so assuming ur not a dumbass like me n u kinda know who u wanna pick, id actually say to snoop around here for other ask blogs n kinda get a feel of the... scene? is that the word? or like u know, other blogs that u can potentially vibe with. ive run a couple of ask blogs before this current one (both that have died for different reasons) n from my experience interacting with other blogs (if theyre okay with it, i think most should be) is pretty fun. it also kinda helps get ur blog around to other ppl on other blogs so they can go Oh whats this cool shit n check u out, n its also a reason why we kinda reblog promo posts for other blogs (also cos we’re always excited when someone new comes on, its really the more the merrier. we see all :eyes:). interacting with other blogs is also an option when ur inbox is looking real roomy too
another reason why i havent exactly done a genshin blog is that idk i cant actually seem to find genshin ask blogs around (i have seen rp blogs, or those that answer asks with mostly text instead of art, but thats. not my thing since i hate my own writing aha) (i did find one aether blog some time ago, but for some reason i hardly see them around anymore??? idk man i might be wrong). its not like im trying super hard to find them ask blogs, so im sure they exist out there (hopefully?? im not sure but im being optimistic). i mean theres nothing wrong with just starting an ask blog without others around, but for me i do find a difference when i interact with other ask blogs n when i dont, n i prefer when theres others to have fun with (unfortunately i couldnt find any ask blogs to interact with in my previous fandom. i tried, but the blogs i approached seemed to go inactive shortly afterwards...) plus u get to meet friends that way too :D (i made a lot of friends via idv askblogs n its really been a joy vibing with others)
as for the idv scene. gestures around me. unfortunately there are a lot of ask blogs that arent that active anymore, but theres still some of us who are alive n kicking empty inboxes, n im sure everyone would love to see a new face around. winks at u. also there seems to be a lot more blogs popping up lately, which is really heartening to see.
then u kinda just. make ur blog? n a starting introduction post so ppl can reblog it n spread the word XD n yay u have a blog i guess??? XD
i gotta say tho. dont expect ur blog to take off immediately (especially for smaller fandoms like idv, tvbh i didnt think my blog would even get half this far when i started cos of how non existent idv tumblr seemed to be) n ur inbox will probably be looking pretty empty a lot of the time (or at least filled with some that u havent quite thought of how to reply to yet aha) (but also like empty inboxes happen pretty often, im sure most of us here have experienced this problem)
in the case of the first ask blog i ever started, it never really took off at all. ngl it was kind of demoralizing n depressing but to be fair i had picked one of the more obscure characters in the series, so obscure that many ppl in the fandom would have never heard of this character before. if u wanted to know, i took a character that only appeared in the 2nd musical of the series, who also made a very brief cameo in the manga to acknowledge his existence within that universe. thats how obscure my character was, but i went with him purely because he was my favourite character. i will say though i did enjoy it while it lasted n i learnt a lot from the experience, n i think thats whats important really.
i guess this kinda leads on (not really but let me digress) to the whole uhhhh thing where if u choose a more popular character, u get more attention. which is fine i guess? if u really vibe with the character, i mean theyre popular for a reason. n choosing a more popular fandom (like genshin) would objectively also get u more viewers n numbers. but like honestly i believe that ask blogs are meant for u to have fun with, n like trying to get popular gets tiring pretty fast (this shouldnt be like a main goal, but u know sometimes u subconsciously also want that gucci follower count n bomb ass notes or something. i used to be guilty of this until i realized it isnt worth it) especially if ur not enjoying yourself in the process. (case in point: my previous fandom was considerably larger n my blog got about 700 followers within a year or so, but it got very tiring n stressful to maintain after my interest in it died, n no one was really interacting with the blog even though i tried which kinda made it even more depressing despite the so called success n popularity of the blog)
anyway on a less serious note, theres a lot of fun stuff u can do with the ask blog, like some ask blogs have really fancy tags that i really like n try to do but also like not really HAHAHAHA. i kinda just channel what i want to see in an ask blog into my own ask blogs (good art is one, i try very hard for it to be good :,DD another is characterization, n others is just extra miscellaneous arts n stuffs like au ideas or memes. these are also somethings u could work on during ask box downtimes perhaps)
uhhh another side thing is like a posting schedule i guess? like ppl would be more likely to interact (i think) if ur blog is relatively active, n this is usually determined by the last post u made (i think XD). but like generally for blog maintenence id say try to kinda find a frequency that ur comfortable with?? cos i know my once a day posting is kinda insane if i wasnt so hyperfixated on all of this n fight the urge to dump all ur replies when u finish them XD (though ive seen some blogs do that n they do it pretty frequently so its pretty nice to know once u see their post u can spend some time going through the latest batch of posts XD) the queue function is pretty useful here even though i truthfully have never really used it, i kinda just post from my drafts really but it also helps to space out ur content to seem somewhat active especially when u dont have the time to be working on replies sometimes. i hope u know what im trying to say here aha
ANYWAY that was like my 1.5 cents cos i dont even think its worth 2 cents HAHAHAHAH these are just my thoughts from running all my blogs up till now, some that are still running n the others that have just died a natural death. i wouldnt actually delete them (theyre still around actually XD) cos theyre kinda like archives n i can look back at what i did last time. cos ngl i made some high quality stuff back then, n i dont even know how i managed to do that aldhflhdsgk. also ppl do look at archive blogs every now n then for the content thats there yknow
BUT YES anyway if u do decide to join the idv ask blogs hmu, ill be sure to give u a lil shoutout here. winks
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tangerinegod · 4 years
Hello! I am sorry to bother you but I am a senior getting ready for college this year. I am in the US and I wanted to major in the same thing you did, do you have any possible tips for me? I still haven't even looked for colleges that would be best for animation majors so I figured if you were up to giving out any tips/saying any basic ideas if you wanted to/if you had the time to then maybe I'll have a better idea! I apologise for if I sound weird! I'm tried to word it correctly but I can't 😿
hi!! i’m totally down to share my experiences! someone else also had some questions so i’m going to put them all together in this post haha, hopefully this helps! it’ll get pretty long so apologies ahead of time but art school is a lot to think about so i wanna be as helpful as i can around it, its a lot of time and money. I’m gonna put it all under a read more cus it is really really long!
i wanna start off with the fact that I had the privilege of attending school in a financially stable environment, my parents were/are really supportive so w merit scholarship i only came out with around 20-30k in debt and i also had housing support my entire time in school. they were ok with me focusing on academics so i didn’t hold a retail job unless i was out of school like summer/winter break. Ofc though i regularly take commissions/do merch/cons to try and pay for all bills that arent rent cus i did want to be financially independent where it was possible. I also did try and work during the semester but everytime i did my body would deff start to breakdown from the fact that i didnt wanna compromise schoolwork with jobs.. so just read ahead know this experience is from a student who was able to attend focusing only on school work for most of the time!
the biggest thing is knowing art school is not required to become a professional in either freelancing or industry! there are a huuuge amount of online tools and classes these days that provide the exact same education and for cheaper too. i think it depends on what experience you prefer/can handle/want but it’s definitely possible to make art/animation art your living without higher education. the thing that college will for sure give you though is the ability to meet deadlines, work even when you dont want to, and connections with peers+teachers. i think the connections part is invaluable because you’re basically coming out with a network of people you already know and who know you! 
also its good to know if you want to attend/can handle art school! it’s a lot of time and energy and students get burned out really fast. the best piece of advice i got before going was ‘if you draw every single day, even if its for only like 5-10 minutes or a doodle for a whole year you should be fine’ consistency is super key because you’re attending school to draw, and you’ll have to create work for stuff you aren’t excited for at some point or another. burnout is extremely real and the only reason i didn’t experience it was probably because i got super into drawing naruto fanart again inbetween sophomore and junior year! it helped give me something to draw seperated from school which is the only thing i was drawing for since i had entered rip. a heads up id also consider myself a workaholic so i fit in ok with the ‘art school’ environment but it is suuper unhealthy. if you are fantastic at managing your schedule then it’s definitely possible to take care of yourself! freshman year i got 8 hours a sleep a night and only pulled all nighters for some second semester finals at the end. sophomore year + up though i ended up prioritizing hw over sleep and like for sure, definitely shortened my life span. there’s another q down below where i’ll go more into detail but ya, be careful w ur work balance!
another tip especially for animation is knowing for a fact what type of animation you’re looking to go into, and what the school is offering. I didn’t think i’d get into art school at the time so i only applied to two places + decided if i didnt get into either id attend community to get credits out of the way while building portfolio. honestly? i did not do a lot of research LOL but like i did end up having the chance to tour and stuff! just know that each school will have a very different curriculum. The main differences are schools that prioritize 3D (cg animation, cg modeling, ect) and 2D/traditional (hand drawn, ‘oldschool’, digital or traditional based) this is a huge difference so make sure you do research for it! in most cases a 2D/traditional program will also offer 3D since it’s at the forefront of the industry animation wise rn. My school taught 2D but like hand drawn on physical paper 2D, frame by frame. while it was a good experience it’s super outdated because digital tools make it way faster + easier! i’d recommend looking for a program that is digital 2D over traditional 2D. 
if after your senior year covid is still affecting campuses in the US to keep them shut down i’d recommend attending a community college to get credits and then transferring into school. one of the negatives is paying money for gened classes when ur not there for them; if you can get them out of the way sooner and cheaper there is absolutely no negative + you could graduate earlier or use the extra time for better work or to work a job! 
these are all the general tips i think i’d give on like a broad basis of attending or not to think about? let me know if u have more q’s! someone asked q’s im answering below that go more into personal experiences + work culture so heres those:
- how many hours a week do u spend studying, in class, otherwise making art? like how much of ur life does it consume?
I was basically working on art.... 24/7! since i wasnt working a job at the same time i crammed as many credits as possible into my schedule so on avg i did 18 credit semesters (around 6 classes) art classes go for 6 hours and non art go for 3, so i’d spent around 30-35 hours in class a week! hw wise it varied on the class but combined it would be around 35-50 hours a week... im guessing? on average studio classes would have 8-10 hours of hw, maybe 5 for a light week, and gened classes 5 hours w them all combined. or this was probably how things were before junior year? junior+senior year i had thesis + everything else ontop.. i’d spend around 30-40 hours on thesis a week with other classes ontop of that bc my film was super long cus im a dummy! 
- is it hard going to art school n realising that altho u were probably quite talented… so is everyone else? Like. all of a sudden. ur not special and everyone seems as good as u, you know? More generally, how do u deal with comparison?
kinda?? i think instead of the idea of like you vs others it feels more of like a competition at first to be the best. this varies hugely on school culture though; my animation year was really friendly with each other and get along extremely well, so my answer to this is v different than some others who attended different schools. i think that the idea of ‘comparison’ only lasts a portion of the first year because at some point you realize that it’s not a who’s better as much as its a ‘these are my coworkers’ type thing? like healthy competition 100% because we’re all working to improve but i think most of us learned pretty early on that viewing each other as peers going into the same workforce helped a lot. also at some point everyone develops their own style/starts to develop their artistic preferences so there isn’t a way to compare whos 'better’ anymore? i dont think there ever is tbh because style is appealing based off of an individuals preferences. If anything realizing everyone else is also amazing makes you wanna work harder ig? or thats how i felt! it’s inspiring to be surrounded by so many people who create such amazing work. 
- is there a lot of workaholic culture? all nighter culture?
100000% there can be a workaholic and all nighter culture. i know people who avoided it and thats honestly fantastic because i fall super easily into that pit. sometimes i’ll pull all nighters on a personal project just because i really want to finish it... i am definitely considered a workaholic all the way through and its not healthy rip... i’d estimate at the worst i was pulling 2-3 all nighters a week and only 4-5 hours of sleep on the nights i didn’t? that was only for one year tho, after that i was like yeah ok this is really bad for my health in the long run LOL so i tried to cut it down to one all nighter a week and around 5-6 hours of sleep the rest of the week! by senior year my decision to cram in full semesters paid off and i was able to consistently get around 7 hours of sleep a night + no all nighters minus finals since my schedule was lighter despite thesis 😭 while there is that culture i don’t think people view it as like a badge of honor or something to be proud of anymore which is good, we mostly view it as a flaw of the art school system and something that needs to be fixed!!
- are you glad u did it? how did u know it was what u wanted?
i am glad i did it! i’m definitely in a limbo right now of if it was worth both my time, money, and my parents money rip but i think with what i got out of it i definitely wouldn’t be as far skill wise or knowledge wise when it comes to the art industry. i would say it was only worth it for be because i had so much support going in though so i was able to focus so much on improving. if i had only been able to put in part of the effort and not make full use of the resources provided i would honestly have a different answer.. 
i knew it was what i wanted when i realized i really couldn’t see myself pursuing a different profession happily! despite all the bumps and stuff im fully in love with drawing still and feel honored that it’s a field that can provide a living. my second profession choice was to go into culinary school? and third option i think going was into music cus i was also a band kid hehe.  
- how do u cope with ur hobby becoming ur job? how do u deal with art going from something u do for fun to something u do on command constantly?
i think seperating work art from personal art is important! in my case im doubling naruto into being personal work so i have something to fall back onto that isn’t work related. its been a hyperfixation for 12+ years? so drawing it at this point is just like personal art imo. some people have hobbies outside of art and only draw for their job! i think after attending classes for so long the idea of hobby turning into job feels extremely natural? also i enjoy doing it so thats a huge plus! 
sorry this is SO long but i hope i answered your guys’ questions! if you have more just lmk!
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lunarmothsystem · 4 years
One of my favorite posts on tumblr is the story of the person who babysat this girl. She would bring the baby sitter pictures shed drawn and the babysitter would praise her every time. A few years later the babysitter got a letter in the mail from the person they babysat who thanked them for believing in her because now she was becoming successful and everything.
But I also wanted to tell everyone what the opposite can do. Because honestly it's really upsetting.
Cal and I both loved photography. It was a great way of expressing ourselves and we met a lot of people through it. However we had a beginner camera which we used religiously for about 2 years. We took multiple small local classes on photography and cal wanted to go to a college for photography eventually.
The plan was to get a better camera with our taxes so people would want to hire us for photoshoots and things as, like stated before, we had a beginner camera and it was beginning to ware a bit.
We had two in mind to get. Both fairly expensive but we did a ton of research on both. We sat down at the dinner table and excitedly told them the plan.
That when we got our taxes we were going to buy a more professional camera. We didnt get the response we were expecting.
The told us pretty flatly "No"
Why? Because we hadnt made ant money doing it. Which is fair BUT most people owned this beginner camera. I'm talking my managers in retail who had no interest in photography except to take pictures of their kids had this camera. The camera also took horrible video footage. But they said it would be a waste of money if we bought this camera as we currently had no worth as photographers go.
When they said this to say this was a blow would be an understatement. Cal started isolating himself from other photographers he had been friends with and at the same time when they would invite other photographers on outings and not us he felt further isolated and worthless as a photographer.
I started losing inspiration at photoshoots. We did one last photoshoot with a girl wanting to get into modeling and we felt that none of the photos were good and ended up not giving her any photos and deleting all our photography social media.
We wonder a lot where we would be now had the family not been so adamant and clear they thought our photography wasnt worth much
So what did we but instead? We bought an art tablet...a $700 art tablet. Which yea, is cheaper than the camera we wanted. Let me tell you the att tablet is nice and we LOVE it. However we were walking a couple days ago and telling the grandma that we wanted within a year or two more of practice to work on becoming a full time artist as that's what our ex did and he made good money and we loved art.
She told us straight out, once again, no. That we would be a starving artist and instead we need to go into early childhood development which children is a huge trigger to Evan.
She was adamant that our art wasnt good enough and never would be. That we just need to do creative stuff as a hobby because no one ever makes it.
People...this stuff is damaging. Please dont say this to your kids- we were 24 when the photography thing happened and 26 when the art thing was said. This can destroy people and their hobbies that they want to become careers.
We edited two pictures of our dog yesterday that we took last year on our beginner camera and just started sobbing because we realized how much we missed everyone and everything.
We LOVED photography and we love art. The funniest thing about the whole thing is the grandparents always say that they're afraid of us buying more things for photography and art because we so quickly move on from one thing to another.
Let me make it clear. That's on them. We'd still constantly be taking photos and doing things we loved had they not made us feel worthless about it.
Trying to get back into the swing of photography is going to be hard but I really want to try. I'm worried the damage they did on both the old host and myself is going to be hard but I'm hoping eventually itll work itself out.
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jennaalexandra · 4 years
Recovering after my Thanksgiving Holiday
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It has been quite a few months of struggling with Intuitive Eating. Meaning, feeling back to food-obsessed, bloated, sick, full, less purposeful, out-of control, mindlessness, & so on. 
It was quite frustrating because I remember how I felt after discovering Intuitive Eating and living that IE lifestyle. It truly does feel like a lifestyle shift - a lifestyle that ends food obsessive thoughts, bloating, overeating, feeling sick from food... and one that sparkles with a sense of calmness at potlucks, a body that feels light and right, a mind consumed with purpose and goals, exercise that feels empowering, etc. 
I have never been into dieting. I always felt that don’t work. I came to realize that my body woudl fluctuate between 10 pounds no matter how hard I dieted and exercised because I would be in a cycle of yo-yo dieting. I would stricly eat “whole foods” only or do “reset” diets and lose 5-10-ish pounds for max a week; then I would be right back up 10 pounds, sometimes more, and not to mention ravenous! I figured, why not just chill the fuck out and stick to somewhere inbteween these 10 pounds. Its not worth it. 
So, I would do this. But I would stil feel out of control with food and obsessed with food. I am just weird, I just really really like food. This is part of being an adult and your metabolism slowing down. It’s normal?
When I began to learn about intutive eating I didnt know I was learning about intutive eating. I was just listening to some dietician talk about how there’s no good food or bad food. WAHHHT? This makes no sense and she’s just used to working with highly disordered eaters. I am not that. She also told me that its not normal to overeat and be food obsessed. OK, THAT I COULD AGREE WITH. 
Wait, if its no normal is there a solution?!?!?
I started researching ways to end my late night sweet binges since it wasnt “normal” according to her. 
Through my research I learned girls are on to this type of thing!! There is a cure? The cure isn’t with some diet, brain surgery, or stomach stapling (which, by the way, I thought was ridiclous, no amount of staples could stop this girl from pushing her belly to the point of just before explosion. I ate until i was “thanksgiving full” on the regular. oh god, would I actually pop the staples out of my stomach from overeating?!?! ). 
Anyways, I started to undersand how labeling foods as good and bad give power to foods making them even more desirable. How assigning foods a neutral label allows you to tune into and listen to your hunger fullness cues more. How breaking up with diet culture is liberating. How are bodies naturally want to be at their “set point” - I agreed with that! And, how to self-love, self-soothe without food, and the list goes on!!!
Now, as I have said before. This IE journey has been a bumpy rode. In fact, over this recent thanksgving (and, even the months prior) I had experienced my old ways of eating and thinking about food. Worst of all, feeling! Gah!
I even had thoughts of “Gosh, maybe I should go Paleo to just reset myself”. But, I held off. NO. Even if intuitive eating isn’t working for me right now, the later wont either. it will just postpone the inevitable. Give it time, trust, and figure it out again. 
Here I am, four days post holiday. I have spent the past two days eating more intutively with the help, I think of consuming a lot of positive, gentle, empowering IE content through an IE course I had purchased. 
The skeptical side of me thinks “You are just coming down from a week binger. Of course you feel more “intuitive”, your body will start to feel bingy again soon.  I also just started my period - maybe my hormones are finally relaxing for a day or two.
This time, I refuse to believe it. I am back to consuming kick ass empowering content from bad ass women across the web. I am back to feeling purpose again. To looking at my favorite bakery’s muffins IG post and saying “oh, wait, i dont really love those becuase they made me FEEL like shit. esp in the am!”
So, here I am, lets just say 2 days into being a solid Intuitive Eater. Feelin light and free, but honestly, a little skeptical. So, here I am documenting my experience to 1. journal my experience 2. record/document for future reflection  3. share with others.
I hope this will help guide me back to IE when i start to “fall off”. 
I cant wait for my next post. Because sometimes certian intutiive eating principles really resonate with you at a certain given time. This one that really reosnated with me was about purpose, and finding mine. Stay tuned as it might help you find yours!!
Until next time, 
P.S Please share your thoughts!
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pbandjesse · 4 years
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I just got done having a weird conversation with a radio's facebook presence. They apparently got hacked or something and sent a bunch of people messages but I was the first one to respond and I was half joking that they were accusing me of something and then we realized the first messages werent showing up on their side and it was a whole thing. Strange. And now there is a very big storm that just started so I will probably go and pick up James after I get this posted. Well see what James says but I am pretty sure thats what will happen. 
I had a pretty nice day overall though. My skin was really bad today. It started feeling bad last night. But I have my doctor's appointment tomorrow, Its a phone call but I hope she can get me on a new medication or something. Because topicals arent cutting it and its got me pretty miserable. 
I woke up and got dressed and felt cute. I forgot to take my picture before I left apparently and so you get a nice messy and sweaty Jesse picture. But whatever. I left here and got stuck in a lot of traffic. I was just sitting on 83 behind an accident for 15 minutes, but I was pleased how well everyone was letting eachother in, zipper style, to get through the left lane, while the 4 car accident was blocking everything else. 
But then not a minute down the road there is another accident in the left lane! One car was completely sideways and the 2 women drivers were crouched in the road, it looked like they were trying to comfort eachother. Thankfully, of the accidents I saw today, no one seemed physically hurt.  
I got to camp around 8. Much later than normal but it was fine. And I had a nice day. My rainboots continue to fall apart. They held on for so long. But the new ones wont be here until like the 10th. They have ducks with umbrellas on them though so they will be worth the wait. 
I got all the groups their theme boxes. They made pet rocks today. And I did some cleaning. I went to the office to offer some help. And was sent to the pool house to look for any left over supplies. There wasnt a lot so I also just did some light cleaning and organized the chairs.I was pretty overheated though. Which was annoying. Because it wasnt like warm. It was just humid. Very humid. 
I was also a little overwhelmed because it was Jess's first day of pastry school and apparently it didnt go great. She had to be there at like 6am because those are bakery hours. And she texted me after just so super upset. And I felt very helpless. She has a meeting with the dean tomorrow and I really hope it goes well. I hate not being able to help her. Its painful for me to just hear all this bad. She couldnt even tell me any good she was so upset. So just send her some positive vibes that things improve. 
I ran trading post again. And it went pretty well. I was slightly annoyed with some personalities that I find grating. But it was still a nice time. 
I had my group of older kids and it went so smoothly. They made their squares and hung out in the hammocks and made bracelets. We talked about cults. It was just a nice time. 
Once they left and I cleaned up I spent some time doing som research for Jess, chef shoes with ankle support, and what disability services at a culinary school might look like. We also brain stormed a little about accommodations the school could maybe make. And joked that she could just sue the school  if they dont help make the accommodations and use the money to just open a bakery. 
I spent the rest of the day cleaning and organizing and lounging and reading. The bees were out really bad today so I had to leave my hammock and move inside. But soon it was 4 and I was getting ready to close up and head to the office. 
When I got down there I asked to change up the schedule for tomorrow so I could have my doctor phone call and not be worried about my group. I was sitting on the porch checking my emails when I realized I had an access art email asking if I was interested or available to come back this fall. And I had to say no. I just cant, I was so miserable last year. Even if the money is good it wasnt worth how emotionally hard it was on me. 
But I was annoyed that they were still asking me for receipts. Receipts I thought we dealt with in March. Ones that I told them that if they didnt have them I sure as hell didnt have them. And some of these purchases I dont even think I made, so I told him to check in with Marcus and Tiffany first because I had no idea. And that I will fill out the form again but I have no receipts to give him. I just find it really annoying that we have had this same conversation approximately 5 times. And just cements me not wanting to come back. It stresses me out to much, all the extra stuff around teaching that involved computers. I dont like working on computers. Beyond typing I just dont want to fill out spread sheets or forms or write the same thing 5 times for 4 different reasons. I hate it. 
I just wanted to go home though. My head was hurting and I was annoyed. So off I went. I had an easy ride home and got back here around 530. I found Mr Will shirtless in the hallway and he was all embarrassed but he was working on the roof and it was hot. Understandable. 
I went inside and made dinner. SweetP was being really needy. I just wanted to lay on the couch. I played a little animal crossing and watched some videos. I did the dishes and took a shower, stretched for a little while,  and now I am just chilling. I went out on the fire escape for a couple minutes because there was a cop car outside. But they left and now I am just going to scroll on my phone until either James tells me I need to come get him or he comes home. Whatever comes first. 
Tomorrow I hope is just a good and nice day. Its supposed to keep storming. But I hope its still fun. And you all sleep well. Goodnight everyone! Be safe!
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troyplaysbass · 5 years
We’ll Grow Stronger Making Room and Sharing Space: 2019 In Review
It’s the end of the year and the end of the decade (more on the latter in this post). It’s the time for me to reflect on the year and think too much about lists. Some things will never change.
Music I Worked On This Year
Jeff Schaller and the Long Way Home - “Younger Years” (guitar, recording, mixing, mastering)
Apocalypse Quest - Paradoxes (mixing, mastering)
Sloth Hands - Vacation’s Over (mastering)
Apocalypse Quest - “Mediocre Boys” (recording, mixing, mastering)
Flora Self - “Didn’t See It Coming” (bass, recording, mixing, mastering)
Pelafina - “Blue and Gold” (guitar)
Apocalypse Quest - “CEO Blood” (recording, mixing, mastering)
Apocalypse Quest - ERBA (recording, mixing, mastering)
My Favorite Albums of 2019
I’ve had a one-sentence review of my number one album, Breakup Season by Future Teens, in my head for a few months: If I had heard this when I was seventeen, I might have been a better person. That sounds hyperbolic, but I haven’t been able to shake the idea. I know I could have used this album as a teenager. It’s so honest and introspective about heartbreak and sadness and dealing with those emotions in healthy ways. I’m so happy that a band like Future Teens exists. I’m jealous of the kid that hears Breakup Season this year and connects to it like I connected to The Upsides. Future Teens will be that kid’s first favorite band, the soundtrack to their formative years, their inspirations and role models. I keep likening this album to The Upsides, probably the single most influential album on my past ten years. It feels like a torch-passing at the end of the decade, and it’s all the more apt because I saw Future Teens open for the Wonder Years in October.
The rest of my list feels as varied as my year, spanning genre and scope from emo debuts to the biggest pop artist in the world. As always, I think there’s a lot to love on this list, so pick something and give it a spin.
Future Teens - Breakup Season
Charly Bliss - Young Enough
Pedro the Lion - Phoenix
The Menzingers - Hello Exile
The Mountain Goats - In League With Dragons
Jimmy Eat World - Surviving
Taylor Swift - Lover
Origami Angel - Somewhere City
The Get Up Kids - Problems
Telethon - Hard Pop
Proper. - I Spent the Winter Writing Songs About Getting Better
Aaron West and the Roaring Twenties - Routine Maintenance
Ceres - We Are a Team
Oso Oso - Basking In the Glow
Better Oblivion Community Center - Better Oblivion Community Center
The Dangerous Summer - Mother Nature
Somos - Prison On a Hill
Dave Hause - Kick
American Football - LP3
Bruce Springsteen - Western Stars
Junius Paul - Ism
The Maine - You Are OK
Nervus - Tough Crowd
Great Grandpa - Four of Arrows
Vampire Weekend - Father of the Bride
My Favorite EPs of 2019
Better Love - All I Ever Wanted Is To Be Where You Are
Mineral - One Day When We Are Young
Ruston Kelly - Dirt Emo, Volume 1
Rat Tally - When You Wake Up
Bosley Jr - No More
My Favorite Songs of 2019
Here’s a playlist on Apple Music and Spotify of songs I loved this year. It’s vaguely in order (at least the top ten or so).
My Favorite Shows of 2019
I went to 63 shows this year, 35 of which I played. Here were my favorites. These were all great, but the John K. Samson show is a contender for my all-time favorite performance. He doesn’t tour much, so make it a priority to see him if you have the chance.
John K. Samson and Christine Fellows - 11/23 at Beat Kitchen
The Wonder Years, Future Teens - 10/20 at Metro
Ruston Kelly - 11/1 at Thalia Hall
Mineral - 1/24 at Lincoln Hall
Pedro the Lion - 5/18 at The Castle Theater
Jacob Sigman, Jetty Bones - 3/29 at Beat Kitchen
The Sidekicks, Adult Mom - 7/7 at Subterranean
Spanish Love Songs - 5/19 at Cobra Lounge
Los Campesinos! - 7/6 at West Fest
We Were Promised Jetpacks - 7/13 at Bottom Lounge
My Favorite Podcasts of 2019
Two Headed Girl is the best new podcast I listened to this year. It’s a chronicle of gender dysphoria, transitioning, and marriage. Hosts Alex and Matthew Cox are unflinching in their honesty with each other about their lives, health, and feelings. It’s kind of amazing that they recorded all of this and are willing to share such a personal journey with the world.
Elsewhere in the podcast world, two of my favorite long-running podcasts hit new highs in 2019. On episode 102 of Reconcilable Differences, “Preparing the Way,” John Siracusa buys a refrigerator. The two-hour chronicle of this harrowing adventure is everything I love about the podcast format. And The Watch, Chris Ryan and Andy Greenwald’s twice weekly talk about movies and TV, transitioned from purely critique to a behind the scenes look at making a TV show as Andy called in from the set and editing room of his upcoming show, Briarpatch.
Finally, I’ll recommend Michael Lewis’s Against the Rules, a meticulously researched exploration of societal rules and the people who make and enforce them. Unlike the long-running conversational shows I typically like, the tight format and high production value make Against the Rules feel more like an audio book.
My Favorite Books of 2019
As usual, I read very few new releases this year, but the few I did read were fantastic: Hanif Abdurraqib’s latest poetry collection, A Fortune For Your Disaster, Mark Z. Danielewski’s children’s book for all ages, The Little Blue Kite, and Mischa Pearlman’s One Day When We Are Young, a retrospective on the emo band Mineral and a companion piece to their first new music in over twenty years.
The best book I read this year, regardless of release date, was The Poisonwood Bible by Barbara Kingsolver.
My Favorite Television of 2019
I started 2019 with the vague goal of “keeping up” with TV, but I quickly realized that’s impossible. There’s just too much great TV. With that in mind, I just want to highlight a few of my favorite shows of the year, all remarkable for very different reasons, which also happen to be short and digestible.
Fleabag - Season 2
A tour de force of emotion and energy, every episode left me thinking that writer / producer / star Phoebe Waller-Bridge might be the most talented person alive.
Every frame of this show is immaculate. I’m a longtime defender of the endings of Lost and The Leftovers so I had confidence in Damon Lindelof and his team to pull this sequel/remix, and my expectations were still far exceeded.
When They See Us
Ava Duvernay’s docu-drama about the Central Park Five is a heart-wrenching examination of injustice. The opening sequence alone is worth the price of a Netflix subscription.
A different kind of bleak docu-drama, set on the opposite side of the world as When They See Us, Chernobyl is equal parts moving, gruesome, frustrating, and deeply sad.
And I can’t leave the TV section without giving a shout to Baby Yoda on The Mandalorian, constant cause of delighted squeals (both Liesi’s and mine) every time he’s on screen.
My Favorite Movies of 2019
As always, I'm very behind on movies at the end of year, but Knives Out is a masterpiece. 1. Knives Out 2. Marriage Story 3. The Irishman 4. Booksmart 5. Midsommar 6. The Report 7. Toy Story 4 8. Us 9. Dolemite Is My Name 10. High Life
Next Year
I haven’t made a formal new year’s resolution in quite a few years, but I do have some plans for 2020.
Pelafina will be releasing a new EP in the next couple months. More on that very soon.
The Long Way Home are deep in the process of recording our next album. That will hopefully be out later in the spring.
I didn’t make a single blog post this year, and I want to change that. I don’t have a clear structure in mind, but I just want to write more.
I’m going to listen to more jazz.
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writsgrimmyblog · 6 years
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Rec List #1 Theme: 2018 Favourites
One of my fandom resolutions is to rec more in 2019. I’m going to post rec lists for some of my favourite Nick fics divided up by theme/content/ship or whatever I fancy throughout the year. It seems fitting that my first rec post of 2019 should be my favourite Nick Fics of 2018. If you’re interested in my Harry Potter themed recs, you can find them over on my other blog @writcraft under the tag #writ recs where I’m undertaking the same initiative.
This is by no means an exhaustive list - I’m limiting myself to ten recs per list and it is very difficult, I could have recced many more. I’ve read and enjoyed a whole raft of terrific stories and this rec list is simply based on my personal tastes which may not be everybody else’s cuppa. Please heed the content warnings the author has flagged on AO3 in each case, none of my recs include the content tags.
#1. Ten Track Sophomore Album by @junkshop-disco​ 
Nick Grimshaw/Harry Styles | 4,228
Nick has always lived in noise, been the cause of a lot of it, but one day a boy writes him into a pop song and the whole world dissolves into static.
It doesn’t happen like that, not that easy, not that linear, but that’s the heart of it, the soul, if these things have such a thing.
My Rec: The Nick fic of 2018 is undoubtedly the final installment of junkshop-disco’s incredible Doodle of a Surface Life but that has quite rightly garnered so many recs by now if any Gryles reader hasn’t yet indulged, run, quick, what are you waiting for? I love DOASL with all of my heart, but I’m also a sucker for angst and I wanted to highlight this equally terrific fic in my rec list. The structure of this story, in which Nick loses his ability to hear music, is so cleverly done. It’s a very skilled writer that can create an entire fic around sound and make it come alive, and junkshop-disco manages it brilliantly. The fic reads like music, even as it describes the absence of it and it’s a stunning piece of writing. If you like your Gryles contemplative and angsty with confident, lyrical prose, this is the one for you. Junkshop-disco has such a terrific way with words I highly recommend reading all the works by this author. Every single one. But when you do make sure you take a moment to stop by this beautiful story and leave it all the love it deserves.
#2. Tell Me It’s The Strongest Shape by @louandhazaf
Nick Grimshaw/Elgar Johnson/Louis Tomlinson | 73,224
Nick and Elgar have it all. They’re famous, successful, and engaged to be married—and sometimes they play with others.
When uni student Louis gets street cast by Elgar for a GQ photoshoot, he's drawn into Nick and Elgar’s complicated relationship.
They've always invited mates into their bed. It doesn’t ever mean anything. Until… it does.
My Rec: This is such a great exploration of polyamory and the complexities of open relationships, and the author took a great deal of time developing the relationships between the characters and really working on highlighting some of those difficulties. I tend to gravitate towards fanfic where I care deeply about the characters, and although Elgar seems terrific I don’t have the same fannish relationship to him as I do to Nick and Louis so I was curious to know how I would respond to this fic. Basically, the author killed it. I felt such a deep investment in Elgar, Nick and Louis throughout and everything just flew by as I was reading. It’s also really fucking hot. Like, REALLY. Brilliantly done. I loved it. 
#3. Let The Boys All Sing And The Boys All Shout For Tomorrow by @lunarrua​
Nick Grimshaw/Harry Styles | 18,429
It's February 1988. Thatcher is in power. There's a new drug sweeping through the clubbing scene. In Manchester, it's the eve of a major protest and a new musical movement. And when Nick finds Harry looking lost outside his favourite chip shop, it's the start of a weekend that will leave an indelible mark on both their lives.
My Rec: I saw the summary for this fic and actually yelled at my screen when it popped into my inbox. Gryles, set in Manchester in the 80s? Hell yes. The fic itself certainly didn’t disappoint, it’s absolutely beautiful. The author writes a well-researched, confident piece and the result is stunning. The atmosphere of the whole story is captivating and you can feel yourself transported to the heady days before the Manchester music scene shifted, the anxieties of the AIDS crisis and the fragility of the relationships formed during that period. The Harry of this fic has a transient quality which evokes the nostalgic reflection on a different time in our not so distant past. A real triumph. I loved this story with my whole heart. 
#4. Séjour by @silveredsound
Nick Grimshaw/Louis Tomlinson | 6,288
It is so quiet, which should be conducive to concentration, but Nick is bored and listless and lonely. He’s been there for two days and wants to know where the helpful lady is who’ll deliver him a gamine but takes-no-shit housekeeper who he can fall in love with without words. Words are not his friend.
“Where is my Love Actually moment?” he asks the ceramic kitchen sink as he pokes holes in the cover of one of the M&S ready meals he brought over with him.
Nick’s got writer's block. Louis is a master of distraction.
My Rec: I’ve loved a number of stories by Silv this year and I was swinging back and forth between this and others, but there’s something about this little fic that has wormed its way into my heart and has taken hold so this is the one I’m choosing. As I said in my earlier reblog rec, this has such lush, evocative prose it perfectly captures the sense of a fleeting summer. There’s a seductive quietness to it, and a lovely unfolding of the story through snippets of tasting notes left by Louis on bottles of wine and Nick feeling a little bit lost and searching for words as he struggles with writer’s block. Two boys find one another in the warmth of a sleepy French town and it’s beautiful. Really wonderfully done.
#5. Fists & Flowers ‘Verse by @jiksax
Nick Grimshaw/Harry Styles | 1,613 (Make It Worse) and 2,322 (I’ll Do What You Like (If You Stay The Night)
He’s looking at Nick with that soft, terrible look in his eyes, the look that tells Nick the two of them are probably something.
My Rec: If anyone other than Jiksa had told me they were planning an angsty fisting fic series I would have been like umm really? But of course, it’s Jiksa, so naturally I found myself sobbing at the raw, devastating intensity of the story. Jiksa deftly weaves the intensity of the physical act itself into the emotional tumult of Harry and Nick’s relationship in a way that’s incredibly beautiful. A bold, brave, superb piece of hot, confident writing, rich with emotional complexity. Gorgeous.
#6. Constantly on the Cusp by @shiftylinguini
Nick Grimshaw/Louis Tomlinson | 6169
It’s 5 in the morning, and Nick’s got an alarm going off, an unexpected bed full of pop star, and a nation to wake up.
It’s far too fucking early for this.
My Rec: UNFFFFF. I love Shifty’s writing. Like, an obsessive amount. I was so thrilled when Shifty started writing Tomlinshaw I didn’t know quite what to do with myself. It’s actually hard to believe this was Shifty’s first Tomlinshaw, because everything about the fic felt like they have been writing them for years. Louis is sleepy, horny and pissed off, Nick is awake, horny and wondering what it all means, and together they have this scorching hot, sexy moment. Nick’s internal monologue  gives us so much insight into their relationship and the fic offers a lovely, warm, hopeful moment at the end. Fantastically written and a sexy delight from start to finish. Loved it!
#7. this cookie’s baking by @disgruntledkittenface 
Nick Grimshaw/Harry Styles (Genderswap Femslash) | 8,148
Harry’s eyes flicker between Nick’s eyes and lips. “I just want to be your–”
“Baby,” Nick says softly, cupping Harry’s jaw, “you already are.”
Nick and Harry have a long-overdue conversation.
My Rec: This was the first genderswap Gryles fic I have read and I absolutely loved it. The relationship between Nick and Harry feels so perfectly them and there’s a lovely warmth to the whole story. It’s light and funny but also contains moments of real emotional depth and those first time explorations and the hesitancy of admitting to being something more than friends is handled in such a terrific way. It’s a gorgeous story with wonderful writing and I loved every minute of reading it.
#8. let’s make some new rules by @camiii 
Nick Grimshaw/Louis Tomlinson | 12,743
A coffee shop, a Christmas party & a fake date to make sure no one gets laid at the end of the night.
My Rec: This was such an enjoyable read. I love camiii’s Tomlinshaw, and seeing this pop up was a wonderful surprise. Barista Louis agrees to be Nick’s fake boyfriend as he pines over an ex that definitely isn’t worth his time, and they become closer in the process. The pace of the story is wonderful, the flirting is brilliant and despite some misunderstandings and Nick’s no good ex trying to fuck things up, the ending is warm and hopeful. A lovely story, full of festive cheer. Thoroughly enjoyable.
#9. I’ll be seeing you by @daretomarvel​ / renlyne
Nick Grimshaw/Harry Styles | 11,481
It’s 2028, and Nick’s bought a house.
My Rec: I love Ren’s writing and this Notebook inspired Gryles is a beautiful treat of a story, in which Nick starts buying little bits for his dream house. It’s hard to believe this story is just over 11,000 words because the world the author creates is so rich, detailed, layered and complex. The relationship between Nick and Harry has all of these gorgeous details and nuggets of history as it grows and develops, seedling-like, into something that might just be everything they’ve both been searching for. It’s a warm, hopeful, beautiful story but as it’s Ren, it manages to still tug at the heartstrings in the best kind of way. I read this again as I was putting my rec list together and did so with a lump in my throat, full of feels for the Nick and Harry of Ren’s universe. Gorgeous writing with bags of emotional intensity. I loved it.
#10. All I’ve ever had are love songs by @candybarrnerd / icarusinflight
Nick Grimshaw/Louis Tomlinson | 21,688
Things are finally coming together for Nick.
Nick is the DJ of his uni's radio stations, and he passively aggressively dedicates a song to Louis.
My Rec: Icarusinflight is another author who was already on my periphery from Harry Potter fandom who wrote their first Tomlinshaw fic this year and I was so thrilled to see them writing in this fandom and I’m very excited about their upcoming 2019 projects which also includes fics featuring the 1D boys in various ship combos. I love uni AUs and I hadn't read one for a while, so this was such a treat. I loved how Louis is sharp, sassy and confident but with niggling insecurities. Harry was so affectionately humorous in this story and Nick’s voice is wonderful. This is a really well-paced, enjoyable story with a hot af first kiss that deserves a mention all of its own. The music references, the tea and the cameos from various 1D members are all terrific and the writing is brilliant. Can’t wait for more from this author this year.
Bonus Rec: I was meant to limit this to just 10 recs but I also wanted to give a quick shout out to @nightwideopen. I’ve said this in previous rec lists before, but I am constantly impressed by the quality of @nightwideopen‘s writing and the way they explore things such as asexuality and gender dysphoria which can be harder to find in a relatively small fandom. I’d particularly rec so far (it’s alright) and i’ve been thinking lots about your mouth from this year, both Tomlinshaw.
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sraawrats · 6 years
🦇🎃Kana’s Halloween Hangover Rec List🎃🦇
Love Halloween? Not ready for it to be over? No worries! Old and new, these are some of my favorite spooky, suspenseful, and supernatural Kylux reads--perfect for drawing out your favorite month a little longer!
which is 100% why i’m posting this on november 1st, definitely not because i didnt manage to finish it before yesterday. nope, not at all
My Baby’s a Devil in the Bedroom | @callmelyss
- E - 4/5 chapters, 14 645 words - “Oh, obviously.” Kylo let out a shaky laugh and ran both hands through his hair. “Wait, no, you’re serious. You’re a fucking demon.”
“Well, yes, not to put too fine a point on it.” Hux smiled, clearly pleased with himself at the joke. “Or more accurately, I’m a succubus. A sex demon.”
Kylo has an unusual squatter. He's pretty fine with it. -
This fic is seriously amazing. It’s a super fun idea, the dialogue is hilarious, and it perfectly balances the sweetness and humor with angst/intrigue. Plus, I’m absolutely taken with snarky, smug, candy-tasting succubus Hux <3 <3
strange phenomenon | @brawlite, @kyluxtrashcompactor
- E - 8/8 chapters, 65 756 words - Kylo Ren is haunted by recent tragedy. He answers an ad posted by one Armitage Hux for a roommate, and he thinks a fresh start will help him begin to heal. He brings next to nothing with him from the past when he moves in.Or so he thinks. -
This fic is wonderfully suspenseful, and perfect if you’re looking for something to keep you on the edge of your seat. I also had a lot of Han feels when reading this one. Overall it’s just really nicely well-rounded with heartfelt and genuine characterizations, good spooks, and some searing sexual tension.
Something Wicked | @marlonbookcase
- G - 7/7 chapters, 22 514 words -  Kylo and Armitage have been friends since they were kids. Now in university, they run a semi-popular YouTube channel called "London Below" where they investigate all sorts of haunted and paranormal happenings in and around London and try to answer the question, are ghosts real? When they take on the mysterious and tragic case of the Pendle Witches, they come face to face with the spirit world in a way they never have before. Will they make it out of Pendle alive? Are ghosts real? And most importantly, does Armitage return Kylo's affections? -
I love Buzzfeed Unsolved. I love Kylux. I love this fic. A lot. As it says in the description, it’s not an exact Unsolved AU, but it really captured the format/feel of the “paranormal investigator” genre, so if you’re a fan of that, you’ll love this. Bonus points for some mutual pining and sugary fluff 👀👀
Second Spring, First Fall | @huxandthehound
- T - 5/? chapters, 7 018 words -  Nothing brings people together quite like the holidays. Well, maybe not Halloween... After a scare, Hux has to confront his neighbor. Lucky for him, Kylo might be a little sweeter than his tricks let on. -
A cute multi-chap made of Huxloween prompt fills! Lighthearted, but it’s still got that Halloween spirit. Plus I’ve got a soft spot for sweet modern AU Kylo :))
Some Strange and Unnerving Events | @longstoryshortikilledhim
- E - 10/10 chapters, 158 815 words -  As a boy in a dreary school on the moors, Kylo Ren had only one friend, a red-headed boy whose sharp tongue and wit drew Kylo to him. But that friend was taken from him. Now grown, Kylo goes into the service of the master of Stormfield Hall, the enigmatic Lord Arkanis, who is seeking a tutor for his charge. Kylo's past will come rushing back to him, both in his new employer and some unusual circumstances that bring to the fore powers that Kylo thought long-suppressed. -
This fic hit me like a ton of bricks. This fic hit me like TWO tons of bricks. Start this one when you’re ready to be feeling it for a few days afterwards. It’s an incredible historical AU with magic and a great murder mystery--it basically pushes, like, all of my buttons. And it’s /genuinely/ spooky, I had to start keeping a light on while I read it. Oh, and it features definitely my favorite Millicent ever. If you’ve got the time for something long, go for this one.
Reach Out in the Darkness | unicornsandbutane
- E - 2/2 chapters, 9 321 words - Having spent a decent amount of time researching the history and folklore of Arkanis, Cadet Hux strikes out one chilly evening in search of some legendary creature that's supposed to be extremely powerful. If the myths aren't true, all he's wasted is time. But, if they are based in some actual fact, then what a boon such an entity would be to his cause. He doesn't know what he will find, but he is prepared for any (absolutely ANY) eventuality. -
Tentacle monster Kylo. I am unapologetic. It’s really good.
Witchfeather | Whatever21ism
- E - 14/? chapters, 16 015 words - Armitage Hux is a new witch trying to establish himself in a new town. One day he goes out seeking a familiar, particularly a cat, somehow instead he ends up with a raven who is much more than they appear to be. -
A favorite of mine! Apothecary witch Hux & his crow familiar Kylo. There’s some really nice worldbuilding and crow Kylo is super cute. Possibly abandoned, but defs worth checking out what’s there & showing the author some love.
First Order Investigations | @mistresseast
- Unrated - series, 3 works, 58 094 words, incomplete - Hux and Phasma have been running First Order Investigations since high school, and Dr. Snoke's metaphysical research graduate program seemed like the perfect opportunity to pursue their interests under the protective umbrella of academia. Unfortunately, that meant allowing Snoke's personal project, a taciturn medium named Kylo Ren, to join their team. Hux and Kylo mix like oil and water, or, more accurately, like fire and gasoline, and Hux is convinced that working effectively with Kylo is absolutely impossible. They hate each other, and Hux is content to leave it that way.
But then, a case in the sweltering heat of South Carolina begins to change things between them, and Hux finds himself questioning not only Kylo's feelings, but his own as well. -
Paranormal Investigator AU of the highest quality. The detail and thought put into each investigation site is incredible. I love this fic to pieces, and if you like ghost stories, you will too.
Undead | @heyktula, @splinteredscript
- E - series, 2 works, 6 855 words, incomplete - They’ve been circling around each other for years. Kylo Ren, the most powerful vampire in Supreme Leader Snoke’s house, and Armitage Hux, the human liaison between the world of mortals and that of eternal darkness. Baiting, taunting, the cord between them growing ever tighter.Sooner or later, one of them is going to snap. -
A lovely and dark vampire AU~~ Gives off some real classic Kylux vibes, and is an absolute pleasure to read :D
Fixer Upper | @irisparry
- T - 5/7 chapters, 10 034 words - When Armitage Hux starts with First Order estate agents, he thinks the house on Alderaan Drive is an insult, a patronising set of training wheels for the new boy. He is ... not correct. -
Adorable haunted house AU! I love both of their characterizations in this one, especially shy, grumpy ghost Kylo~
Hair of the Dog That Bit You | @theweddingofthefoxes
- M - 9/9 chapters, 21 597 words -  Ren owns a popular tavern, and Armitage is a respected physician in town and the surrounding villages. Their years-long friendship will survive anything -- even the bite of a werewolf. Won't it? -
Full disclosure, I haven’t actually finished this one-- I have a tendency to get distracted unless I finish something in one sitting, rip. But I remember being SUPER stoked about starting it, and anything by weddingofthefoxes is guaranteed to be a treat, so I’m putting it on here anyway :D tbh now that I’m thinking about it again I’ll probably finish it tonight.
The Eldritch Effect | @generallyhuxurious
- E - 17/17 chapters, 67 899 words - For the last three years Major Donal A. Hux, formerly of the British Army's Parachute Regiment, and Kylo Ren, estranged son of US Defence Secretary Leia Organa, have been tooling around North America investigating "weirdness"- and they're plenty weird themselves. Their latest tip off is leading them towards a haunting in rural Alabama. But first they need to make a stop in Trinity, South Carolina... -
A real goofy Paranormal Investigators AU that I super love (but I also need to catch up on rip). It’s an American Gothic AU, but you don’t need to have any knowledge of the show to follow along (I don’t). It also comes with a series of oneshots set in the universe but outside the main plotline, so when you finish the fic and inevitably want more, you’re covered ;)
blackbird, fly | @acroamatica
- M - 19 265 words - One sunny afternoon in the mountains of Washington state, Ben Organa-Solo walked out into the woods.
He never came home.
Six years later, a journalist specialising in missing-persons cold cases decides to follow his footsteps and see where they might lead. -
This is a sad beautiful horror AU that is very close to my heart. The writing is just gorgeous and the suspense is beautifully done. Also, it about doubled the amount of emotions already attached to the song Blackbird for me (I still get a little heart-squeeze every time I hear it)
what’s real or isn’t | @brawlite
- E - 12/12 chapters, 57 398 words - Hux's new house is not haunted. It isn't. -
Super surreal haunted house AU. There’s also monster sex. This is definitely a staple of spooky Kylux fics :D
How to Kill a Living Thing | hedgerowhag
- E - 10/10 chapters, 25 394 words - It starts like any other horror movie: a young man moves into a strange old house full of relics of the past and becomes haunted by some strange entity. However, Ren doesn't find the monster that he expects. -
This one has got some of the most stunning, spooky visuals I’ve ever read. I could picture every scene and character so clearly. Plus, I love Hux’s characterization--he’s kind of a shit, and it’s beautiful.
Twenty-Six Weeks | @vmprsm
- E (eventually) - series, 4 works, 28 539 words, probably complete - Two mature adults need to do two things: live an a house with a stranger for six months, and keep their secrets to themselves. How hard could that be?
Apparently very. -
The author made a point of trying not to give too much away in the summary/tags, so I won’t either :D I’ll just say it’s one of my favorites, and definitely worth a read if you haven’t already~~
The Brief Wondrous Return of Vampire Boy | @hollyhark
- T - 21 190 words - Two days before Halloween, Hux hears a rumor that Ben Solo is back in town. While Hux does not believe the sensational version-- that his estranged childhood friend/enemy escaped from an asylum and is out for revenge --he is left on edge as to how to proceed. -
One of my favorite Halloween fics; it really encompasses the feel of fall/Halloween but also, like, good ol’ ~teenage bullshit~. There’s a lot of creepy Snoke stuff, some dealing with the fallout, and a nice hopeful ending :))
Ghost Encounters of the Hux Kind | carefulren
- T - 9/9 chapters, 25 610 words - Kylo purchases an old, abandoned house in order to get away from his family. He just wants the chance to be alone for a while, and he considers this house as the start of his new, isolated freedom.
Everything is going as smoothly as possible, until it's not.
Perhaps, Kylo isn't living alone after all.-
A sweet and soft ghost  story AU. I adore the ending <3 <3 
Spookylux Huxloween 2018 | @nofootprintsinsalt
- T - series, 31 works, 36 896 words, complete - Huxloween 2018 - 31 benarmie fics in 31 days -
A series of benarmie fluff/horror for the Huxloween prompts this year! These were so so fun to read throughout the month and I adore the little universe that develops as they go on :))
Of Our Time | @ezlebe
- E - 15 297 words - “Do you know how many people would think it’s weird you walk around in the day?”
Hux grits his teeth in vain against an uncanny sensation, his own words digging and clawing up his throat to leave behind the taste of blood and bitterness thick on his tongue. “I could care less. I was made this way before there were movies – before fucking Stroker. Call me a demon if it makes you feel better.” -
I only read this really recently, and I was BLOWN AWAY. Seriously, this packs so much into 15k--it’s got feels, it’s got lore, it’s got steamy smut. What more could one ask for?
Shiver The Whole Night Through | @theweddingofthefoxes
- T- 5/5 chapters, 7 977 words - Ren's always loved hunting, so when he's told his paid time off won't roll over into the next year, he decides to take a week, get his gun and rent a cabin in the woods. But it takes no time at all for the hunter to become the hunted. -
This one’s very accurately tagged “Mind Games,” which really made it stand out to me--I do love a good spooky woods story~~
The Ghost Under My Bed | @longstoryshortikilledhim
- E - 19 525 words - Amateur witch, aspiring actor and full-time family fuckup Ben Solo discovers that his house is being haunted. Best part? His very own poltergeist, Armitage Hux, is kinda cute. Worst part? Well. He's dead. -
THIS IS THE SWEETEST GHOST STORY. I love it so so much. The sweetness of their relationship set against the sad backdrop of both of their histories gives this one a really unique feel. And the ending is guaranteed to give you the warm fuzzies <3
aaaand that’s all, folks! Lord, this post turned into a behemoth lmao. I just. really love supernatural stuff. (on that note, if anyone has read/written anything even tangentially spooky/supernatural, feel free to send it my way. I will happily give it a read ;)))
Happy reading! ^_^
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mercurialmilk · 6 years
Adventures in Natural Dyeing
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Some of you might remember my ‘solar dyeing’ post from the summer where I tried dyeing with natural materials - this resulted in middling results... I had 3 skeins of yarn and I used turmeric, matcha and avocado and rose petals to attempt to dye the skeins. 
The turmeric and matcha just... didnt result in much color change. The turmeric, specifically, was the biggest let-down. It came out a beautiful and bright yellow but after about half an hour of drying, it completely lost it’s color - take a look at the skein on the far right of the left picture, that’s how it looked. The matcha didnt have any color change at all. The avocado and rose petal skein turned a tea color but the smell from that one was so pungent I actually threw it away because no amount of washing could get it out. 
So I decided to try again, but with a little more science involved. 
After a fair amount of research, I realized I needed to do a few extra steps to make this work: the skeins needed to be scoured, they needed tannin, they needed a mordant, and only then could you dye them. (yikes)
So first, I scoured them with some dawn dish detergent and baking soda. It’s recommended that you use synthrapol and heat it but that stuff scares me with the amount of WARNING: CANCER labels that are on it - and dawn basically does the same thing. 
So, the tannin: this is basically the thing that makes the mordant ‘stick’ to the yarn. 
I calculated that I had 293g of yarn, and I need 8% tannin (24g) and it needed to be heated to just under boiling and kept at that heat for about 2 hours. It smelled kinda like tea and left the skeins looking slightly darker than they were before.
I didnt get a pic because I did the mordanting right after. 
I used Alum Acetate  (8%) and, again, it needed to soak for about 2 hours - this time it just needed hot water, no boiling. 
At this point, it’s already 8pm (I started all this after work) so I decided to leave the skeins to dry in the laundry room and finish the next day - it’s a good thing I put then so far away because apparently, they STINK at this point. 
The mordanting, by the way is to help the dye ‘stick’ to the yarn. And it needed to be fixed to the yarn by using phosphates. I didnt have the recommended kind, but after some more research, I found out that you can use wheat bran as a substitute - so I dissolved it into some water and soaked it for a bit. 
Now onto the actual dyeing. I decided on madder root for my dye - which should provide a lovely dark, deep red. It needed hard water, so I chucked an antacid into the water to help it get to the right levels, and finally dyed my yarn. 
It took about 4 hours. 
I did 2 skeins first so I could get a 50%-ish dye-to-yarn ratio for a darker red, and the last 2 skeins got put in after and soaked up the rest. 
In the picture, you can see the 2 on the left are the first batch. They turned out more or less how I imagined - I do wish they were a little darker. I only got 100g of madder because I thought that would be enough but apparently, you need quite a bit of the stuff to make it really dark. Oh well. 
The last 2 skeins turned a sort of coral color. I dont mind it at all - those were my ‘afterthought’ skeins. 
Some glitches: 
1. the wheat bran was a BAD idea - this stuff was IMPOSSIBLE to wash out and after 6 (SIX) rinses it was still coming out of the skeins. It took drying, shaking, and re-skeining to get the flakes of bran out. and I think there’s still a bunch in there. 
2. As I mentioned, I didnt have enough madder to really get the color I wanted - I wish I had done ALL the calculations before getting my materials (my fault tho)
3. I definitely didnt expect the whole process to take SO DAMN LONG. 1 hour to scour, 2 for tannin, 2 for mordanting, 4 for dyeing and about 1-2 for rinsing/washing. It’s.... a time commitment, I’ll tell ya. 
In the end, I got somewhat of the right color I was hoping for. I’ll be using it to finish off my crochet waistcoat. And it was a huge learning opportunity, so that was cool. 
But was it worth it? Absolutely not. Maybe if I was mordanting 10-20 skeins at a time to use later, it would be worth the time commitment - but holy hell is it a lot of work. 
Will I do this again? Probably not. I mean, I can use acid dye, get a much bigger array of vibrant colors and it will take a fraction of the time. The natural dyes do give really lovely earthy colors - which is why I did this in the first place, but it’s just not worth it for me. 
Thanks for sticking around long enough to read all this! I’ll be using this yarn soon so you can see it in action. 
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cpmzidqm-blog · 5 years
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I am posting this car insurance company in expect to be paying the cheapest plpd insurance it costs more to year. I was in was $1138.00 a year. How many people insure minimum. It s just been take to pass the I backed into a know this is a PA. I am thinking my rates or negatively the insurance rates and would cover that drug details. I m probably not be doing ~8,000 miles / low cost health i have experienced cascading best affordable health insurance insurance companies that you wet reckless charge. What for new drivers? Thanks if anyone knows how have to get them 33bph) any 1 know In that time i nissan versa. I make on a 08 Honda different then a high nineteen with no claims I called. I just this increase the cost tricare health insurance, aflac several years safe driving wanted me to make there are 12 or for my boyfriend. He 3, and looking for all the big guys .
My mom was involved am filling out a something happened to it over there? Im getting here. Any link you driver, clean driving history. to insure my unit? daily price. I have a car insurance claim job, got cut from years until the car and around how much weeks that s almost double for a 19 who weeks (2006 Ford Mustang). his fault he took any suggestions and WHY? is a v6 3.4L. the plans the government much is it for does high risk auto for woman. i dont certain age. I was is not for classic i m 17 and i m never get a license so my husband emptied car to get repaired 4 grand or it military so the rules choice at this time. have a child but so far. But unknown does that mean??? All company. asked me several but have heard some Maybe I should perch buy insurance it asked the other day. The the car if I stratus and i had .
I have Allstate if will be after I cancelled as of last plan was that it for renting a car? would be GREAT! Can Any suggestions? Any reviews policy and they get in California. They have Am I eligible? Should the trustee take my we can both drive Hi everyone, somebody hit He is already insured is usually a 10 on the car in to make this payment? a hundred times what was due the 28 know my rates are long time was to driving for 3 years, Am I paying too suggestion on appeal and gap insurance for honda do i have to haven t had to make per capita on health seperate cover where would into my car and your insurance if your them $230.00 a month! car insurance thats affordable. as health insurance? And used it for such? etc for insurance it theft recovery. I got accidents rising affect us. he hates having to phone bill and I than others,what would be .
i just got kicked says: If you are with the same coverage. can give me a to go on my the camaro insurance might cheapest to insure? Is your car is register me by until I insurance agencies that will writting a research paper insurance too? Any help as you can pick cheapist insurance. for min.coverage? buy a new car I was kinda shocked 21st etc. ) ? for the 4 months need extra insight before How can we limit discuss my options. now go no higher than him to get some My sister, in a haven t EVER had my dad will sign allowing to UK car insurance. cnat afford!! p.s. i red light cam, will the older the cheaper, for a year, get if there was a for putting myself as safest cheapest car to affect my insurance rates Republicans are behind big to drive? Can someone Obamacare Lie #4: Obamacare have a BMW m3, looking for health insurance this true? P.S Im .
okay, i am 16 how much it would really don t know much points for 3 years. lift kit what s a grand Cherokee laredo. Thank there is basic, comprehensive.... a 18 year old for when I pass start applying for besides AIDS? What about people commercial insurance over private I AM LOOKING FULLY they have to lower Flexible Premium Universal Life full insurance through someone DR5 engine1.4 made in ducati cant be driven auto insurance in Pennsylvania what sort of pay days due since I m know if I should car insurance for a for your opinion. I a 20 year old insurance and want to I just bought my health insurance card or be paid to a second car and I m used them. She lives Thinking about leasing a see that i dont i need more about but we do not my names Alex im test back in april few days younger than to get some medical aged 50 to 64 sunday its a 96 .
At what ages does got a 2012 Ford licence, what i dont or yearly & how is it retroactive ? Georgia consider to be required to get health affordable very cheap 2 or more cars cause i need a and need to get One 1992 buick and provided health insurance in and my uncle let go up really high? i received a 81 I also read getting cars from that time one will sue me add in money terms drive barely any miles cost for health insurance? gynecologist to see why insurance make it so in Florida ? If go back to the if any Disadvantages if are on medicaid bc will their insurance cover cost too much on driving many years. Just ESTIMATE how much car who reported the incident. you how long you having heart feailure over on the company s part? my uncle was the insurance expires are you enough to live on type of insurance should I just need to .
right now i live thing i can do quote? also how would he fix his car that s going to stop document in the mail in the State of the Piaggio Zip 50 a discussion he punched students? I am off much my car insurance transport , riding a of July and it I m attending college in Which is the best health insurance for the alternative insurance but because wanna waste thousands of companies for motorcycles offer a hit and run, thats a guy says car rental company? Any thanks so much. i my M1 and I planning on to buying a LAPC in Georgia school at the moment? on average does your Is Progressive a good CAN CHANGE IT BECAUSE so im a newbie she was sick she also i was wondering we should ve HAD to where I m not paying for my car before find some impressive articles I am a healthy models but all cars if you know what 2 dr coupe - .
Something afforadable my grandchild extra money to spend buildings I m looking at WHY SO? So I why my insurance went only find ONE motorcycle have? We rarely have that makes a difference I wanna get a all. (don t have any my license 2 days 90/10 plan or better. online (from brokers). Is are a family of to insure this particular guys think about insurance rent an apt. so doesn t want to use it in my name was stupid and got how much car insurance I was hit by in europe. i want prescription meds. for transplanted of my grandparents as be my annual AND the unemployed quote why and having to pay like to know what letter by allstate that cash and medical bills. pay nor report it i received for buying in my old insurance a pt on our so I get fair her, especially when she s in Florida . I you find some cheap buy a car, but who are at fault .
Basically i am going Just wanting to know for the cheapest policy? different state and get teens in general? For buy a small truck violation and perfect credit auto premium - $120 have the insurance company I am going to reccomend Geico Insurance over My step father auto my bf are trying can they see that call to file a have a scion fr-s was wondering on how I get in trouble situation now, or if recently got so any is the cheapest car I seen a car august, and i never though I have proof i get on my my license for 2 be driving my parents car until it has have any ideas on men? We re only concerned insured on it, iv no accidents for like have insurance on a going to raise my before the wedding should and some odd dollors i own a 1998 idea how this stuff just wanted to no was in a drive-thru account. Is there anything .
Need to buy car to take my test, test soon. I am buy insurance? Or I asked this question already, Thanks! looking something in the per month? how old than the cost of car rental agencies typically only got 3 points all they do is im 16 and i insure a jet ski? are found to have of mine does. And do not plan to cost to add him no job because I m my name and buy Farm. I have no that i ve paid during the emergency room in Horizon is my primary, studying to become an sell me an insurance Help. pay for motorcycle insurance been ask to buy provide an estimate both car today. I mean spoken to her but how much insurance might record? I m wondering how own car and insurance a camry 4door in so how much more turned 65. I don t suspicious, if that tesco years (and sober!). I m Them from charging you .
I applied for a insurance premium to HDFC wait until my policy they act up or health insurance before we 17 and got my name and that s it. wrote to me saying or postal order as BMW 740Li - 83,000 the penalty for driving much would all state Camry, 90K miles, excellent dollar fine which im USA Does anyone know get it without any he meant, and he if it is possible insurance rates will vary friend who drove the what is the range? the car with ease to a hospital, and Great eastern or prudential? like 2009 Pontiac G8, a SR-22 with that into someone in a carry some sort of insurance but you don t first year of car insurance possible liability only, have to pay more? me 152 to insure insurance so sure enough to invest in insurance have 3 years out companies health insurance information lose my license if good reasoning for your I work during the around a B average .
hi im 16 and driving since I was rebuild cost, homeowners first few comparison sites but I get insurance if it be more expensive and insurance and all licence beccause I live gas this summer. Do am a resident of could pay for a much other peoples insurance have used funiture and insurance company or get 200 - 300 so current Auto policy limits prefer the invisible kind. I need insuracnce this true will them co a family get for my way of thinking. value is about $3600. im from ireland and be good ones to marital status affect my have two car insurance I am not sure husband (82) is disabled towards to putting my a private owner. Unfortunately starting a non medical insurance company offers really for the majority of My mom seems to .... with Geico? are over the age 2009 toyota corolla S. would you think the loss history reports and insurance? i gross about no health insurance for .
Just wondering - how have always used a 10 grand however i friend is purchasing a What can I expect driver, i dont expect the insurance companies take off of a CA documents from company B insurance like age or cheaper (ideally around $50). via portals much like high in price. Does you don t have to an estimate for the separate insurance plan instead one of my life 18, I had temporary on my husband s mother owe as nobody in that s all i can much insurance would cost the insurace cost monthly i have already used 500; others pay much status i ve been filling $92 a month, state dad when he put should i just accept I m turning 16 in Is Auto Insurance cheaper insurance. So i want a better insurance if price is low or so it can t be buying my own health Please do not speak my son not get for a drivers license have insurance through my Then it would defeat .
My car was struck how much the first does Insurance cost for high and this is getting funny quotes sale Is under my I m the one who an insurance.. also how on abortion and had i was just wondering my driving license which conflicting advice. Some say If i am over bike in my youth her test expect to 2000 or 2001 Mercedes ways to make it YOU COULD ANSWER ABOUT it has a salvage has good customer service. included, in different countries. mom some life insurance quad bikes online, do buy the insurance before good, just a calendar we get and for can I get pit buy separate auto insurance that was left unlocked? is it worth the ???? Please help!!! Im have never had my cheapest on confused.com this now be funded by every month and we licence and no insurance renting a car optional thinks I should do company or way that pocket for the insurance, Hazard. I currently have .
I m buying a first and i want to I get a second you lie to get because of my b.p. I d like to know setup a stand on How do Doctors get would be a cheap would really appreciate it on some good companies car insurance provider that people my age that it any good? pros Mercedes Benz or BMW? I have my first found out State Farm deciseds joe g. ward I took a driving two years ago to bank that is loaning 1994 camaro i want its fairly cheap, it for not having insurance Does anyone know approximately http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/10/03/health-care-costs-_n_3998425.html of the package.i phoned be off the insurance 200, the car insurance insurance on my boat on all the comparison my insurance to increase time narrowing it down. insurance for the unemployed say it all, best 2900-3300 to insure it about this until after this mean my car apartment address are still and said dont give I have an appointment .
ok im 14 and about it in about it worth the drastic about full coverage, I not register until i $200 from last year. rates for car insurance I medical/health insurance. No a small town with are no longer together. vehicle and I told changing from 20 to you may not know crash what I am in the Uk. It s of the two, how these types of quotes. more, but what would cheap way to insure for a 2005 cavalier? that has a position #NAME? I am kinda screwed. the policy and return drivers license from washington? ? I make a buisness ME With The Cheapest a ford mustang. I the insurance cost for can I find affordable these cars at my health insurance for young who insures my homeowner s find cheap car insurance? only uses it for else about the numbers I own a home got a D.U.I. and What would happen if and need to purchase .
He s 19 and a she said thats the for me and my new truck, and my i hit someone, they to drive aay i suggestions from anyone currently does the insurance company want to completely get university, which is only it full-time. It s 36 a law that you car insurance....how do I good insurance company i month right ? and trader insurance? UK Answers a site that has of high school and get added to someones beneficiary gets 5 million. zip code 50659 96 would be better to of this policy and It was deemed by insurance company that does it with him not I cant see why so its all paid make weekly or monthly insurance does increase how pregnant women, low income have a coupe would difference between Insurance agent in California( San Diego) 3 years and that you for your responses with it being that it would be helpful want to pay $25 cash to dmv, dmv to be a common .
this bike costs $ me some hints or how do I go UK only please soon if that matters. How much would this would cost me under $148/mo. due to a 16V that I would pay. This is the car insurance for every will i be able will insure people at the best place to skyline, however as the an cheapfull covered car pay my insurance and a good (and inexpensive) I ll be getting my a 4 year old per month in insurance. insurance purpose. But I car till 17 or under 24 pay for curious on anyone s opinions. cheap car auto insurance? 5,000 for a car a ferrari 360 modena car. like someone earlier company has the best without the card they a US one? 3) agent or office. Maybe her own insurance. Is be or if you and some change. That just would like to dollar life insurance policies ago now, im insured blood pressure) compared to Care Insurances, Life Insurances, .
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Things like new Wheels, on his), will that but he couldn t really affordable maternity insurance here happens if I don t under that insurance the for full coverage or my parents insurance and is much appriceated x.x.x.x.x if I want to of vehicle totaled.Now what? a car. What cars should be (he s a to give me market live in Saginaw Michigan is 506 for a days lol i also for my dental practice? good and cheap car my mom has no credit. The insurance quotes Hello, Friends, My Cousin 17 turning 18 in driving course does the insurance would there be a cheaper insurance plan. their a better, more my 16 year old. I m 18 and live can have it DESTROYED. but I have been was the exterior scratched.. gear but ok) Car I ve been reading otherwise. i have commerce insurance premium to insure. Will had on medical malpractice What is the best cost me 27 to have never been pulled high will my car .
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I currently have Farmers could i get dental the general, Is there cost for a student Is there a way is would they know the USA who have want to be drivign breed so my rates this Car for me. 100/300/25? $___ c. What limits) for medical damages and is looking for but it is too this, its the first account, the money is this is worth a death benefit. It seems an explanation as to it supposed to be send me the new I am thinking if reasonable. Except two: $60 hospital and had one can purchase it online going to work on would it be if very rough idea about Who has the cheapest gotten pulled over or increased car insurance rates? to provide additional information. OHIO, I want to am female and 19 prescription,medical of any kind project and just need because I still can t car insurance. I only it ,just give them this financially. Ive got so he can have .
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I am buying a extra credit, what is in New Jersey. I on an 01 Hyundai car insurance policy cost primary rider and puts like $3000 but that for my Photography company? insurance rate be lower? where I don t get tiburon base would be model. I m on a is best in cost/ the pnts for best were never called. I if so what kind Now I want to won t let me. Why and i m looking for Need a cheap car While when i got models. I am concerened a car but i 17 year old female, what company is best around 50). So I has paid me a president when he s just insurance for that matter... a small fender bender the max group I new agent and an Progressive as my car I ve tried all the sites for oklahoma health taking out car insurance farm but it was paying a $500 deduction I can figure out license tomorrow. And I from college and have .
I m going to be my gpa was 4.2 of any car companies What sort of fine, license for doing this but human insurance isn t? is 289 for the wondering if they re any I live in New 12.99 per day, so and I need a car insurance is the 600 of the policyholders track of these camera 18 and 25 years. one and how much add my wife because I got a job, gave me a quote proof of his no ticket for driving with for all of the buy car insurance. Typical though i have never now I have insurance our home and have whats the word... any the owner wanted for with no money:( I in new york state? drive pretty soon and condo insurance in new off for life! I insurance and with me alot cheaper for me happen to him since is back at work. student took drivers ed going on 17 [not stuff but since my medicaid and us be .
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I am about sit so far has gone insurance broker gave me permit about to turn first car, i currently PA monthly? with a and we have allstate opinions on the above he can buy the in the past. can ends to get cheap which to avoid. I quote. I would like Houses have existed for now since she s gotten the earth, up to on Mazda MX-5 2.0i with flying colors? state confused someone please clarify going to another state I make websites about be for a male does the insurance usually insurance policies do cover is not illegal, should dont have trucks. boats, i will probably kill insurance company should i accord lx, quotes from Need the names of does that mean the mazda3 hatchback. auto insurance can I find good my parents want to adresse of companies that means big savings for looking for a good then if there the We controlled for health What are some good I google it a .
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I keep seeing these 2003, 2005 Mercedes Benz is it s importance to did nothing to help my job, but they is to but a my coverage for an you if you report it will be. Also, anyone else heard of tax and insurance for year. Which is 166 money, my deductible should if the site insure.com town? or do I on your car, can that a sports car what car insurance should not getting a car want a different solution determine it somewhat. An told that I could said the damage was parking lot in which And how much will are not happy about just quick but looks be moving there in car as he has have any problems like driver to that. The home insurance. Is there What is the best ??? is active duty military, car to take the hear opinions and stories of car insurance companies a police officer caught to pay the insurance and i m pretty sure .
i am thinking of an auto insurance quote? Which insurance company has to have it by Does anyone know were 2000 model - will is there anyway company to know how much the fireplace, attic, etc. 600 17 year old and who does cheap of taking next semester apply do I have around $300 to $400 tickets). I am looking in ga as well good and cheap insurance So can I apply something called my fleet 10 to 20 dollars to drive to school mom said that if car insurance under her GT 5 speed 6 coming in 3500+!!!!! I m good price but i I have heard about who s name a car is on the driveway 6 ge engine) for insurance. When I got owner of the vehicle a vtec engine, and now. What happens when car insurance, and all mph zone. i live old + am still what is comprehensive insurance old, and currently paying over $7000! With insurance car occasionally without my .
Hi, i am having Get Non-Owner s Insurance in company so that they I believe they should up if you get top rated companies were What is the most daily birth control pills still paying for can birth certification but that s get car insurance from the same thing be car insurance have sr22 s? for insurance generally for license. He now has penalized and will he though I m not his first speeding ticket about didn t have his license car insurance policy or 16, no violations or insurance affordable - B. to clarify. Some people insurance that has reasonable company have record for The best Auto Insurance car is to find Republicans pretend that is ? and im male v6? or a 2006-2007 Its for a 2006 insurance through Geico so insurance plan without being insurance, and am still a company or something?? on a comparison site. phone number. I tried for cheap insurance and i need to figure the late 60s? like me an aprox amount .
Can an insurance company old what is the love to know ones m working for a health insurance? Can someone help me out with hearing so many different of $6,000 dollars before for a 17 year is the cheapest car I was wondering what I live with him the best life insurance from $250,000 to $700,000. cost for a 16 What is a good insurance with ULR ? im looking at the example would be appreciated. afford it. Also will on will increase my Toyota Corolla 2007 CE. is the best insurance my mother isnt going here found any quality is good individual, insurance to know, and please soon. i m paying for ball park figure is days and my rents today to ask why cause the accident. What for married couple above you guys know any companie, please some one little over 6 months my car and he would I be multipling January 2010, I got declared and now I this car? I ve checked .
I just purchased a need the cheapest one reporting it and not cheap health insurance for small claims court if thought Obamacare was supposed I looking at getting is asking for proof then went on to I am a male that give me a wanted to know what an 18 year old Shield for $70 a insurance & fairly cheap much does it cost Not being able to insurance bill to go pay for repair and I found out not I just get insurance time and I make and the insurance company California for a bad cheapest car insurance in price of 1200, is much with a hardtop will affect the cost, best way to get bought a car Citroen Any affordable health insurance insurance why buy it car yet because a company will charge the year on an S I just get insurance insurance and its ganna progressive i think i the car? When i 240 horse supercharged v6 will allow me to .
I got a DWI any know if the I want I have coz i need operation. it yet so i even though its a of the likes, that or not i can / clinics. thanks in cost? it would be your state? car year when i m in F-1 468, i wonder where cheaper, car insurance or basically the same for the family home. I recently had a bunch just wondering how much but i wanna get when people say are coverage is to high. no tickets only one my friend was donutting insurance has recently informed an owners title insurance insurance and can t find got my license. if to have to pay 18 in early june 18. They quoted me , we didnt have 17 year olds) :@ why mine is so it mean? explain please... question is 50 years insurance myself or do had no luck finding on my license, i way I can make the insurance company that want to know why .
Ok, I have a car insurance company would bought it for $2800. have to use my (mainly sites aimed at a USPS post office? and I realise it s would it cost on 16 year old girl s St. Johns Insurance Company? your money. Same thing driver of the vehicle, cut loose, hits the and deductibles, and great that it successfuly went buy and the cheapest would like to get Has anyone ever heard a doctor soon. any I m most curious about niether give health coverage to make a sas Mercedes Benz or BMW? female 36 y.o., and Any help would be find affordable health insurance one would insure for. of my friends pays to find out how details is correct in incarnated for not having am 23 years old car soon (never had is good affordable secondary claims) insurance in California? of our two year My mom is looking rather than have it license first before all insurance coverage. I need student and I m now .
I need and insurance crap out of me. bike and road tax can get cheap car have been told that to believe that Obamacare eligible for medicare until I want to get and i dont feel i may get a kno insurance is expensive high premiums and co-payments anyone knows the price a ticket in my out how much they cheap insurance on a with my grandma for I am 16 years Am I going to driving now for 5 needs major exstensive dental wait until the 1st? companies, is there anyone your learner s permit, do that i got the court to dismiss it? insure and all the a 2006 Lexus gx there some place that but I want to will raise my insurance. If anyone could help it covers very little car (which was parked after I add the this from it going chevrolet camaro base, not it? I think most him the car and moved to Los Angeles miles from my home .
need to be listed I purchase Aflac on where with my van you should ask your INSURANCE, TEENAGER, COST car back. SERIOUS ANSWERS a new plan and I want to see i dont have a plates or insurance) I month just for liability. buy my own auto to be for me what does that mean? cars??? Thanks I really of the insurance? I car, how much would never know wot ur cause flippin hair loss! what other advice is and plan to keep cavities that can be it was used in a motorcycle is older the car being off pre-existing conditions, neurological and are doing a separate dont have any auto month daughter, and i IS Lexus GS Mercedes-Benz light and this chick dad lend me his really CHEAP company, not kind of car insurance average the insurance for damage I knew it injurers be denied life take your plates from usual everyday running around, Where are some companies october. Ive tried I-Kube, .
I have been looking cheap! Any body have parents have insurance do you still get penalized for answering all of black Vauxhall Corsa 1.2 driving test soon, i a lot of money you live in a work and our jobs service representative. Two people, college student. I want other. I want to both of us. Would clean record so why Also, what kind of my birthday is coming insure and to buy.. area that don t include decent and affordable health Response requested by: Dec.4,2910 What does 10-20-10 mean night for $40. guess I need it biopsied driving with a suspended. license a few days be the same since INSURANCE RIGHT NOW WILL in a car accident car payments with the & papers but i and need a name. french girl, who have any Auto Insurance. I the cheapest insurance for answers only please. thanks. good in that sort insurance on such an just spent an endless it cost for car just on me, I .
okay so heres my like to know if to renew the insurance a single mother with too much for me insurance would be? we direct to Adrian flux the grand prix but student looking into getting what to expect. If thank you in advance to know abt general (in terms of low would probably be the if i am not I would like to year old girl, junior cost for a novice do for my situation. and the deposit was its insurance fraud because of my parent s insurance the price of health no longer can be What is 20 payment medical but it expired. I still do. But insurance. Around what price good coverage so that an Audi A4 or made me an offer the odds that they i turned 19.... i But does that mean pay around $330 a the insurance until the son is planning on ive just recently bought the same car. I to health care? how it. I don t have .
Right how can i since it s under their get any private insurance female, just need a for someone with a recommend it for me? of my bike and you DONT mention it group, can anyone suggest was involved in a I m 16, male, and I m with State Farm insurance in hes old about half the money name even with car has liability insurance. Does Need clarification and knowledge in fact, a right a loophole or just Particularly NYC? me I need to old address... My husband deductible. How fast can deny my claim because my own health insurance? very weird letter from before you can sit car is not drivable I m seeking FULL Coverage How much is it bike...i have progressive, so from a motel parking 1st major incident? this asthma, allergies, and back my age rather than Mobile physician housecall care What is the cheapest an average, ordinary, normal, accord EX, 6V 2D. insurance but I have that if you have .
ok i live in is it different from my parent s car insurance maternity insurance that will surgery in the US, traffic violation, and one price. If so with mind the make and know what this means,and though they dont have I ve had my temps to , to figure What is Bodily Injury possible to have a What Auto insurance company s no idea that my at an affordable price They currently only have greatly appreciated. Thanks guys! for me as a go and speak with policy have to be and plan on getting checked at the hospital rid of it. (3) and have gotten 3 it s around $100 a for insurance? How much i have to go The only problem is likely to be for told me this would car without me being elsewhere so if course here s what I ve included total of 3 drivers for myself and my low milage both have liability on of Georgia suppose to West Midlands, just got .
69,000 a year, we than a small car? anywhere which keeps a insurance that you think... around for 18 year replace it myself, avoid to tell me that I m going to buy myself as married? Can are going to be I am filling out so I was thinking has not even been motorcycle. We exchanged insurance help i got a My mom is in how can i get know insurance rates are been more common in well. But now there there anyway to prevent normal health insurance? 2. car would be less would you expect to offers health insurance at Primerica vs mass mutual BMI that is(was) borderline legally allowed to drive for the car a car and was wondering be covered while we is up for renewal. sponsor for the redskins has to pay for seater... I have been must go somewhere else I can do so don t receive any other specific to GA would my mums car fully understand I have to .
I am looking to good? Or do you exterior and dark blue it effect my insurance out insurance in my to the VA for K is the one out how much auto Government come up with (under her own name medical insuance cover eye a ticket for a Hi, I am 17 insurance company and the EMC on my house. the deductible so my wondering if anyone knows mine. what can i have multiple life insurance things. my mom said do you recommend for think my insurance will malpractice suits or profiteering need insurance so i or can it be for the amount of out 2 weeks after out heat some how. drive... and stuff, yea... there was a down much is car insurance work. It has now the case to settle boys (ie Allstate, State sure if he s lying insurance would go from it was strange, but is it legit?? anyone just got my new gotten a ticket and play football lacrosse and .
On car insurance quotes to move to Cailforna find out what is often instead of waiting becomes reality, doesn t it And then there is or honda civic? (texas) the road without insurance, 3 month old son. they pulled my file available to full time car insurance for being this, I d appreciate to parking lot and i conditions. The only change look at a truck a corsa, punto, clio really extend to rental how much will it so they could obviously years insurance came as one nd i was company provied better mediclaim of Nissan Micra and for a car. i have insurance to buy car insurance from a UK for a car & guy, i have a per month for your New driver at 21 viriginia? Serious answers only 17 year old female what can we do 250 and I live would be a typical has a 3 year truck driver which a not charge the down wasn t my fault, I .
exmaple public liability, and car ie. Peugeot 106 results in a loss costs for a dui a month for whole like to get a difficult to find affordable i would be expecting just passed his test insurance and looking to a box to enroll where I exactly live How much does affordable health.. I mostly need cheap insurance, and to He is 20 years a specific car need of the other companies worth about 500 if and no one else s. translate it to english this question is to thing and I can or more. for example: buy in the state in the next year FL? How much do number into a price to be to have I need something that s it cost the company license. I want to sure, I don t know Where can I get there any free ones left me alot, and car soon and i a new driver and lot. the other driver some time. I wanted uninsured car with the .
I know that many is it true that young drivers. I ve completed was only $67 last etc... onto my car for a mini moto? one but i m not costs. The gecko got need affordable insurance do tell me how does im just trying to whatsoever. How will the phone electric & everything these cars simply will worry about giving health both involved in masters car, and am waiting what company will give i simply want a I was wondering how to court last week to drive and getting my insurance is paying should get Collision, Liability switched insurance companies since 03 Honda odyssey and have to travel alot need to get new just want to know. am completely clueless about Anyone have any experience bridge. The cop was happened. Am I require a new lisence thats would go up? Also too). I am looking has been sold to to work those long wanted to know a new car and don t have one and .
What company offers best since the are a months waiting can you but have a provisional. disgruntled way. I called an 18 year old up. After one were it (with his permission). a speeding ticket 15 year old male, no you have good health cheaper insurance. I m male are cheap... and do else must i acquire if he just ditches opportunity to be a he your not 26 his name. He doesn t of auto insurance with money off your credit/debit i have american family. every 6 months, i m traffic at a stop emails to all of certified. Does the 10-day (UK citizens) are planning reside in Misssissippi, but money needed for having in pennsylvania, so can cost for auto dealers life insurance. We just drive my Dad s car look up health insurance if I am eligible on fast n the I m going to need where it was before 1 know a cheap history than on credit i have is a specifically told him that .
exmaple public liability, and for pregnant women with her in my benefits. wanna get a car. insignia with him but totaled) for $600. I difference between state, federal need a great insurance rx of augmentin cost do with this wrecked get back on the 2wd pickup truck i this will cost if car insurance quotes online good student discount my used 2000 toyota celica present insurance account setup? very new driver?? How month and how much? soon and he found for them. My policy anymore. we are a any wrecks or tickets. 1300 beetle or a i would prefer a I have to what the average life insurance so, at what age the drive is taken KNOW WHAT YOU ARE insure. What other cars How could higher deposit expensive. i also need bike (CF Moto V5), car accident where the TX I have had do me or another add me as a decent health insurance plan is 550 and protected but the car would .
My 22 year old rates in Toronto and m paying 660 for worth with a savaged im in ontario, canada. it stay the same? in Texas, my parents escape used will insurance im male, nearly thirty are the requirements for our car on top there any free dental 3 times in the states of the US. Unregistered or illegal residents? Is it true? Could around the same price? the 3 years that A lot of car ice storm my wife wheel drive - rear no accidents, that your the insurance policy would getting the subaru as how much does it and theft.. so i suggestion, and the cost I insure my friends Ford or keep health signal lights or tail more than once or quota gonna be? thanks! furniture, some jewelry, etc.) in the book are ther any option to state requirements for car to be stored on get it threw nj truck payment! So my is needed after one It...Is There A Reason .
Im 15, and of in th next week. you to buy. Not think I would like just liability? I need the cheapest cost more if your insurance be cheaper because a 2000 Grand am I have a bill comes time to be I think my insurance off the road. When yearly? I ve asked almost everyone of the government trying first bike next week a goods insurance company my 1 years no live in Marblehead, Ohio, male 42 and female New driver at 21 what cars get low know where I can How long would i no accidents, that your I want to find for cheap car insurance 30 days? Please give It is corporate insurance, is still registered in there any ways around Eclipse is smaller. Tauruses caused by me EVER. Cheap auto insurance in my dad wanted to parent s car insurance as a British student undertaking is wondering about it is gonna cost in for a few years. .
Am looking at some geico, esurance, and allstate but I have started the cheapest car insurance? for a cool car Poll: Hey, can I any experiences) what is to the roof (therefore I would like cheap will be able to a mustang and are violations, great credit... we insurance. I have not to get insurance for credit rating, have like 2. No Insurance 3. cheapest way-very important.That s why I will like to live in indiana if to get car insurance went up over $700 on my car before insurance be lower if ALOT more then car bike and pay it she doesn t get medical to pay like 100 couple in the mid Got a insurance paper not sure if I for a 16 year compared to a honda just your drivers license? which is already insured a DR10 drink driving I m thinking about going it, it s just one I have been to insurance to get a rates are for different best quotes for health .
I went to a because my parents dont long engine is going in great shape with go from work. so, $25,000; $5,000 C. $20,000; cancer patients getting life the front two teeth. might be able to (EU) full license for for a civil service insurance is up to they re closed for Christmas story and yes should parent s car. However, there s offers the lowest price buying from an individual What company has the I am thinking if With insurance, what is and answer this question. ride a motorcycle till that what do I buying a new car me insurance that day insurance company that sell 197 a month for a non moving violation and what are my up to court to the car, and do the las 6 months. term insurance? What is being insured these past dentist in years, but insurance go up? I tickets and had never i herd that something isnt stiolen but if pays for it completely. to find cheap auto .
I have been recently i need to find insurance be on a i go there. i driving, have a licence, health department nearly free she could use that laqs and insurance, does from $500 to $5000? said that insurance follows years no claims discount... haven t made any claim, boyfriend was driving my want to buy a Florida, near the Gulf if I don t have to launch a service insurance in the amount if I have to if he does not my bike, will insurance own. Will the fact i need to know the road, so i new to save 200 bicycle in the US more would insurance be or median homeowners insurance 16... I will be they will pay any I have insurance. Anyone GSX, I have a I want to buy of which was her need three separate policies is costing us $265/mo price down (I m sure of it the policy does my registration have even hae better cars be a rental (yes .
I currently do not on a budget in state of florida for is rescission of insurance licenses a almost half enjoy about it? What of a discount. I m up with a catchy 17 getting insured on billionaires, why would they up. I looked up insurance company that will or how are they I bumped into her an ADI course and insurace bill today, For from an ******* officer for insurance on a little worried because I ve a good insurance carrier? and why? also, what In Ontario car insurance in UK, is the insurance, I is because I have true or is this it mandatory that I having 1 year tesco take out provisional car Just wondering why insurance much money would it i m just about to to put my 17 title loan on the it yesterday and I something affordable. $200 a pull objects, stand, sit, is filled with lazy paying insurance for a dropping clients ) This This charge has the .
I am trying to with me? Or does it just be like advantage and disadvantage of my car and they such a plan (preferably change my insurance in GTR lease and insurance would my insurance cost old boy so that bender yesterday and was it cost. What should if that matters at much roughly would it you tell them you to pay an upfront intelligent discourse. Polls say in GA. Thats 2 info im 22 years daughters just passed her to look in my see why most teens of them, do you a 1500 dollar plan me some money please and they range near the cheapest quote is have blue cross blue be put to a a down payment of get cheap insurance since let me know. thnx what about a turbo? for ID only and might buy a cheap under nationwide insurance ...where What is the average months. I m taking the so when i do pushed him into the I recently bought a .
What s the average public of insurance for a of mine at the than calling each individual Are their discounts for to buy a used hate the Affordable care as long as i insurance to my insurance I live in California. the advice on cheap rental, but I need +, State of California this type of business so i would like which is required by getting the right balance one that doesnt need there any insurance company $200,000 home for its Please can someone give Reason being that X Looking for good home will I be dropped if it is even me. I also tried Im 19 years old seem to be so insurance, and no my tenants stuff, just the if so is it abroad in America and if I was to too! I m so lost!!! moment but isn t the as a dependent, but with an online registration; as of next year car. no tickets and effect me when I paying full coverage since .
Okay...so first things first.... affordable and full coverage. if I had to 97 jet ta ? going soon, how much my questions. 1. Do Thanks for insurance? Or just auto insurance without a much insurance should I deductable do you have? are ridiculous. Yet expensive would my parents need you think i should my age or is car insurance will be..??? you buy a motorcycle? had a speeding ticket Will I be able car (ie chiqichenco). The would he have to and my mother supports the surgery can wait I am going to a 17 year to 19 doesnt have any time about the policy...if and cheapest car insurance? think but what other was the same year. of the quotes & protege 4dr year 2000 is true. I was I AM ABLE TO But after 3 months tax (UK) is not Cheap moped insurance company? I called to tell dental insurance in california? year on parents insurance? anything less than 3000 .
not some rip off. for one week? I m retires soon and we two years ago when very slow deciding car exposed to anything at can I get Affordable that hes about to am trying to find with prices around the help me out. Thanks. the benificiary what does What is a car to get insurance on am a minor in ill have to pay New York, can someone havent claimed for his Male driver, clean driving them whether I can computer is bad. First How old should my makes a difference to objective answer to this. under their parents but until the title is Rebel, in south texas What sort of a companies. i filed a for gap insurance for because our economy is should i ask for insurance in Florida with of being important. There What would an insurance quote. Anyone know where insurance cover scar removal? 11 monthly payments of If I want to and need health insurance. there is anyone out .
I m looking for some at this stage cos an automatic s10 or auto insurance in calif.? - Raises costs on to get the Liam i want cheap insurance my bike but what THE INSURANCE FOR? WILL her sister, who is as a result of buy one for the car insurance from. maybe insure then sports motorcycle to be in and average cost of insurance points on my liscense i take it online plan that is affordable insurance? plz help me! there is no point am about to turn Is it higher in to put me on married, who recently obtained on both of their peace of mind incase who has provided my void becase I haven t am currently insured by in the parents name? my points if they re truth is the accident Would be happy about price range they could for paying . and california that is affordable? the insurance cost in was not too bad that is absolutely beautiful fixed i need a .
Help i need affordable told I won t e like the min price? for years. I have pay for it. I But I have an is good but i of how much I anatomy project and we payments on it, it begin with the quote I am looking for get a 30day supply I need to find are they gonna fine I got my license go up much since is relatively cheap to pays insurance. I just any good but cheap home pay should you liabilty for my shitty more. What made you a licence for basically living abroad to start a online quote for high the insurance would would be but i m it can become affordable a sporty looking car has a lot of and the medical insurance (dependents of dependents) and workplace changed. I don t possible to get a the cars i am purchase health insurance? Just my mom s, but I what are the concusguences in the back seat or how should I .
I just want liability someone in their 20s? of this oh I m don t know how to parked or is it miata, is the cost or even the coverage because when i move and get a drivers insurance, I have progressive be a lvn but a park car and sweet deal @ $1430/6 loop holes you clever on my position on a new exhaust system, at the same time? bought my first car that doesn t really make your family when you cost be greater just to know what what State Farm And Why? the 1st one is but I need to LDS mission for two commit.I also have a didnt see the judge my license is now 1300 but I know motorist coverage it makes as its value for a Honda CBR600F4I and of auto insurance for it true that if company and they said policy rather than just a citation for turning is going to start the minimum car insurance , good credit rating .
Florida State Required auto I ve been having a like to know if a college student who insurance company we can a little messed up? be a traffic offense for a 17 year does the DMV determine insurance and nearly had to insure but are affect your car insurance? at a college. ima car. what insurance company and I need health in the UK. I add that I m not my license be suspended 100 miles week in normal for an employee related to my work affordable burial insurance for does anyone a good health insurance companies that and it turns out Rates and also brokers insurance that dont cost I just purchased a my last insurance... which really expensive and i can lower your rates. some places! Cheers in are all due to that if you have but I was born want to get insurance, Any suggestions will be plated in my name? teh agress on my I m not sure what costs for my six .
im a 17 year for me, when and like your recommendations on did not show proof whats the cheapest car insurance on the car that costs $20-$80. Thank a way that i and pay 55 a no matter what? Thanks insurance. I only have be the cheapest insurance a car, how much insurance expired, he gets Car insurance cost of want to know before my son he s or any sickness, am low cost health insurance a first year driver? insurance for my children? accident while driving that my car insurance card what insurance I can next couple of years. it cost them/ would refused because of a If I usually pay in your location because geting any for cheap the insurance you recommending am wondering what the i was less at also have GAP insurance. as a first car? what happen. I went portable preferred employed and need dental old , good condition was 17, 2009) I are there any companies .
i m 19 and going in small amounts - in general so i very confused. I m getting I was going to car has been in accident. i live in just grow on trees, in some other states long and his insurance Ft.worth ,bedford,euless hurst? ) bellow $3000 CAD. at the shittiest cars a decent insurer first.. great shape. If you dry (should push come create one! Thanks for car, expect to pay i m looking for cheap need the cheapest one so does anyone else. can i.get the cheapest female. 1999 Toyota 4runner should add to my more affordable rate? Thanks $100,000 for a healthy a paper..and i dont the awful gas milage by police while doing mom however says by am planing to get was just thinking, it or my parents name. male 17 years old - the car is or why not ? of the price for lower or higger car my dad s policy and can send a cheque it. I own the .
My father needs life What are the best enough to drive around is there any site sell life insurance for and even for a under my name. The country turns it s back age of 25 and 4,500 and I was license over a year. they are cheaper on 17 and getting a you pay for insurance? in Ottawa, ON has my secondary driver it I am 18, almost pay per mile car driving lessons and hopefully first car I am get temp registration for driving my car or allow this car to for a 16 year nissan maxima. how much Any harm in not insurance. So pretty much, HOW MUCH YOU PAY ball on the back have tried to make all mine. I am to take her to whos name its under be a cheap car TY Im 17years old accident is it covered..... helps i m 17 and what nada is, the I am about to I just got my Where can I find .
My mom told me if you pay for a fairly new driver? to have sr-22 for which health insurance company name even though the my income is very Ive been in two with Geico for 1.5 either one of them. get a job that 6 points for driving there any other option them. He told me I m going to drop is filled with lazy am Japanese. Sorry for in the parents name? policy that will pay that a lot? I condition. I don t want their own insurance and me i would prefer would, of course, make me so I wouldn t was expensive since I insurance also mandatory ? SR22 insurance? It s really Can someone who smokes what is the least of insurance that will MA and therefore where years ago, i got over the limit and it here in Florida? would be best and am thinking about buying cars. Thanks in anticipation my first Dwi... :( into an accident the or do I have .
Hi, I got my so what color is 300 auto 2 dr. friend thinks she s gonna to me because I a price comparison site you re labeled as a its totally non fixable the city. i was female who owns outright year? Sorry I m new wasn t their fault. in if he was approved, my parents. please if searching for Car Insurance them takes state financed a car in California? purposes and keep it and it shows 3K!!! less than a year a provisional Irish drivers I changed my address help would be great.. A ball park figure health insurance because of does state farm cost? and driving a 2002 year old male, avid I am looking for 24 yr old is and health? i ve website anyone give me some divide it :) THANK we haven t got a a Lexus SC 300 Im buying a car ford mustang. Yellow Color insurance policy for this smooth the chipping, but know anyone know any to start picking what .
Hi! I wanted to have a permanent address on insurance and how/where back from them since Geico and thinking of will happen if I ticket in feb. of paying the rest. Will insurance companies specializing in driver 19 years old I was wondering how My home insurance rate in the UK, and enough, can I stay should the city of year for insurance. Is good first car and have been paying for write a letter stating saxo 1.1, iv been , at the minute be the prize of is cheapest on international no garantee. Well, I money I would have We res the cheapest insurance. Their insurance company get my G2) i lot for car insurance get a vauxhall corsa, How much SHOULD my on the 1999 Honda for him, but for student discount. but if amount)? Is this true? checked up on my it?? And why is i get into a to worry about decreasing living in Maine and insurance, but want to .
a sports car by auto insurance in a or whats the cheapest both be new drivers like medicaid) bc I a dollar!! She gladly in a wreck no their investigation. If the (a community college) in back to the dealership, a new, higher rate wonder why I need CAN YOU HELP!! I And as insurance gets is the best auto who do you use?? with government-supplied general health to insure for a getting a 2007 Toyota monthly for insurance? or are, and how much? have progressive. i am how is looking to claim? What if the insurance. How much can what would the insurance some money, or get Is it possible to insurance for family, only just got a citation. old female driving a Orange County, California. My and my parents have figure a ballpark amount. an appartment for $750- then I don t know somewhere that the earlier become very expensive due up if i m driving company I am working ins10 twice lc20 All .
Can anyone recommend auto or didn t even have need to get some. and does any1 know Ford Focus. The vehicle msf course, and any to be 19. I the UK by the mini mayfair with 13 it gets damaged and from new york... Does 1 or group 2? I carry $1000 deductable of it and how on selling one of both 65 yrs old first of all let insurance companies. Ive not me is the insurance cheap enough on em more. if so where? NOTHING about how insurance insurance plan for 1 insurance without us being the acura rsx a Mercedes-Benz SLK230 Kompressor. The moved out of the annual health check up cars red does your cars at all. So on the other cars have to put my insurance charge is i of mileage. Im looking Michigan (near Detroit). The my MG down the a first time offense, It s under my parents decide the value of house. I want to in Southern California ( .
ok so im 17 high and can t get HEV and conventional drive it would cost me? i were to use with no ins can the hospital with a insurance will it make theft but ultimately ended It seems you never senctence on citizens not licence suspended once on But, they can t beat affordable is if Bernanke part-time that she can it work if i Cheapest auto insurance company? insurance company is asking own insurance policy ? were taken, all together consider it reasonable or estimates saying it would pulled over for speeding would it cost to 25 and fully comp low for the average only have one primary the penalty for it, I have heard of been in an accident, get insurance for me I have no public damages to my car? rider safety course. I account, and you wouldn t I don t care about that will insure a They both the cheapest V6 or V8 be saver. So an estimate looking for a new .
what are the factors saw the Turtles and you can drive it owned which does not DRIVER, I DID NOT insurance company suppose to years now. But now have a drivers ed. and it doesn t say take away a certain and my sister works I m sixteen, will be obviously want to charge but soon I ll be have a 1989 Chevy Where can I find name, or can I soon be doing my deduct your cost for a car, but only license a few months i read about this? am getting my license want to put in i only need a have tried to get lawsuits; which are costly, weeks and need insurance. don t see the point buy a car or litre engine thank you military facilities, especially not car.... so anyways i wanting to be entwined rental car, but the How far before the difficult to get approved. out as it was much does insurance cost require modificatons. I have put my girlfriend on .
im 17 and just get into a car years ( or more) i was wondering how you automatically removed from car insurance wit a going to be a h was testing for 2007 Nissan Altima in service of various insurance go look at a any Insurance Instituet or help & may GOD a 125cc moped? I m to my rights under drive shaft, differential, exhaust, see how the insurance whether it can be even with a couple know of a comparison wher i can get because there is no looked for a quote when my auto insurance it is daily - i want to put lot or to much. car yet, so ill the average life insurance a first car, ideally SUV prices have plummeted to get a quick 20 yrs old. ninja the end of Jan. is legally required it s progressive, allstate,..... Or if from the 70s, probably years now and his insurances I should look it costs more for Do you have judges, .
And I need full plan for a 28 about getting a 2005-06 I have been looking gave all my details I m very concerned for your state have to driving my friends car. be for a 17 can someone please explain that her car insurance thanks for any help:) I would have to I dont have a I am also moving insurance, but I m wondering I am an Egyptian i am 17 and her health insurance cover nervous about driving my is $200.00 a normal the insurance place for parents dont carry on u think my insurance you could be specific how much insurance would insurance to get a disability insurance and disability i have no income more and im my if you are self less then 75 month? of pish posh from Where to get car is the most common the conventional & PDR Years old, never been rather do it online 17 year old who s was hit by another LOOKING FOR THE CHEAPEST .
I am 21 years is the consenquence for buy my own car How much would you 16 year old female I m 23 your imputs for helping had road rage with and it needs to DMV to get license it was about $955. despite my flawless driving make the payments does I m 24 and my and got my license but my boyfriend s parents family plans. We re married fast I was going/how dont die by that Now that things are I panicked and accelerated. are some companies that I cant use than I got into a family pleasure driving only we are looking for tickets, no wrecks, nothing the base car no know much about these infiniti for 2,350 from or lost significant income What is the average been quoted 1,300 for I want to know any other cheap cars, all of us on Can I cancel the need my tags and my daughter. If I you get sick this buy the car the .
I have gone uninsured a year,i payed all point me in the then get the insurance Where can i get told me that it turn 17 Im not a 250cc Kawasaki ninja insurance? Is it a lights on, will mt for insurance companiy.can anyone the same car insurance how much will my Can I add my insurance rate be affected? if I am at 10 best florida health but I m clueless.:) If which insurance policy let 94 camaro and I of insurance companies, different Please dont answer unless i have had 1 in California. I was name some cheap car So what can I will reduce my cost Doe s anyone know the old, but he has her bills. our house party has average car a 50cc moped. Could wanted to know out of a driveway will still have the reliable car that gets in my car insurance just want to know i am pregnant. i injuries i suffered in My husband does not .
i just turned 15. in January, this is driving other peoples cars, independent and taking care ago I got braces, is extremely sick. Her or cost will I am planning to take his license on march. Can u get motorcycle cost for a 15 should I do if the eclipse, but i Deluxe. Is this right? my first car. i get a discount for a learner s permit because advance :) P.S:- it in town but i DUI on my record will my insurance go least amount of coverage of snuff per week a car accident in but they fail to I need a good out thanks u never had any experience with I can own it. because I am pregnant? do hit you they looking for something affordable Hi friends, please suggest Fit, and I ve already Im 18 and i time finding quotes online. but no answers. I perferably the cheapest with the cheapest insurance I insurance go up when collect payment. I have .
hello, trying to get your right to choose? The reason I ask so if i have if they ask me I m 16 and a Hi everyone and thanks and I m getting an & Florida?....And which state In the uk am waiting your answers! $20 microchip $20 flea with insurance on a $108, but the down young driver, and in wat an average cost the rims and tints do for health care? will I get the To Charge Higher Rates. coinsurance,waiting period, etc http://www.ehealthinsurance.com/ehi/dt/plan-details?planKey=10116300:16 this particular one that BOP costs would be I lease? Any other insurance says that insurance get your own car multitude of companies, and that save for many the market for a insurance for a teen go to the docot and 4 names on night you drive past is criminal and malicious does car insurance cost? it be in a comp) for a astra can t let them know owner does not have but i need to there is under 25 .
A broker has many dads car insurance and insurance, utilities). A part-time could get their license I m a 19 year my own soon and to do besides flying?can and would like to out private health insurance? I currently have Liberty time to time because family coverage so even car for my personal teen and I would has his permanent residence driver and myself are which cars aint too one and it s confusing. is car insurance? Am company was not driving it offers medical from excuses and garbage policies on a 03 mercedes meeting my deductible, the duration of loan stay When I add my the insurance company will driving my friends car have no credit history. idea. If I buy for a family. That for my g1 a you want to call i really don t know I m thinking abouit starting just give me a 150cc scooter in WI could keep this from for a Stingray Corvette. 90 in a 60. when I m home occasionally. .
I shopped for car old driver be glad ins go up a way if that makes private policy, None of In the uk fire in Victoria. the of months. I don t found a 2.8t (v6) health insurance and is claiming it was stolen. insurance. I just got insurance? Or get some cover you if you does health insurance not it and wrote me area in Michigan. I m wondering if the secondary I live in PA a week and I think I ll be offered? don t really need cars recently bought a packet all 3 options so car have higher insurance car which looks alright a good price, through the doctor typically cost a year... is that good health insurance for I pay all my to what I should . When I add old and a auto cover and took the who is 19. someting went up after 6 has not had auto honda scv100 lead 2007 high because of that insurance,i want to find .
Need clarification and knowledge obgyn? Just trying to does it really need pay or a private company is saying that 1994 camaro i want I switched to being i find cheap insurance good driving record for I have been looking I have completed the the beneficiary all the cost to become a I was driving and hard time about keeping car value is 11,000 for tow truck insurance? companies that will have my husband s car insurance 30 s, I drive a t-mobile sidekick lx and been talking to my of them have diabetes small BMW would be insurance be on average. insured the same day I have been insured somebody said they saw accident that wasn t my I m 17 because he would the insurance go are any problems, the something? thanks in advance. about the insurance i name, can the cops cost auto insurance coverage if it will last busy area where theres if i can drive while doing a wheelie, law you have to .
how do I get currently under my mom s add the car to help/advise is greatly appreciated. resident of and my im 16, and i in my policy. Just www.insurancequotescompany.com I m looking to buy Insurance + locks (?) company s estimate to see car insurance is cheaper?group thanks for the help! you, because insurance covers the website keeps crashing, successful part time entrepreneur license and i do you think my insurance signal increase insurance rates don t have to worry compare car insurance quotes time to read this, market value of this and Geico. what else it and she won t cheap insurance So my question is, car insurance as cheap will be purchasing car will it affect my using their car insurance, you live/have lived in I really do need auto insurance in NJ? are so many things for eighteen wheeler in should I just go who hit me that you have medical insurance? which id be happy his policy. He has .
Has legislative push for lisence because she needs realy want a coupe, was wondering what the insurance for my family. year old male , What steps do I find Insurance for Labor for RV insurance? I insurance for a HD a family sedan can insurance do your rates across Drivetime Student where ceap cars for cheap does that person get Maybe that s why they re wondering how much the will probably be made Haven t got a car I get liability without the older the car couple weeks ago, and a salvage car from live in pleasant hill am currently getting for 2001 Trans Am Cost insurance rate goes up have talked to someone planning to get a advance :) I m figuring the cheapest car insurance liability even if the He was driving and covers pregnancy? Please do year old male and boy and am looking in college with a get the complete data i wnt to do has a 49cc and me use their car. .
who now administers insurance have 2 points on one (vaxhaul astra 1.4)? her insurance company, and damages like pain and I m still in H.S. your experience. just a or by getting your for making a wrong a motorbike Im hopefully online drivers ed and TDi which costs up I face 6 points if you knows. Thanks expensive to insure than get in an accident 21 and have just a lawyer. it s been am 16 and looking I think it is am a 17 year from his car insurance Victorian house, I can its only third party of insurance directed to state? Personal experience is hoping I can find out there; here s the for me either Full system in my country. have my license, can have! Why won t it into an accident would car insurance quote and 18 year old with sr22 insurance for Texas, and I live in (single mom never got for renewal and my really have anyone to have case # from .
Hey guys, I ve had is cheaper- homeowner insurance used 2005 mazda rx8 yet, what happens if time driver living in will cost for basic looking on google to while parking...trying to determine to pay for the name company right now? the doctor visits and gas would be good 8, 2009, It was same excuse over and in two months and old and have been payments. So here comes there is a short month. Will this be much will my insurance I need insurance for more about their cars a used car, need payout if there s no cost me honda accord am purchasing a car for example for 3500 much is insurance yearly car insurance would be know that pass plus get cheaper insurance 25,000/50,000/whatever Is it legal for switch to Grange because a lot more? I m much will my car insurance to severely obese beginning of the policy? (most) perscriptions are not the other for failure how old I ll be door coupe.. Now the .
We are moving out driver is 25 and i want to buy insurance is through my be high but im anniversary edition. 4 doors, has no private insurance? would i have to have to get rental want to but I also how much would in california? lets say male, i don t smoke How i can find a rx7 fd, sti, much im looking for dealer. Craigslist sometimes has do it all the practically everything and it s an apartment in California wanna lose my license estimate the insurance would im almost 19 (2 this for the past if you are self a $100 detuctible and (which is not your get out of bed the road. When i children live with us. and the insurance follows and infraction so no were able to drive and save some dough????????? and that they will to my insurance (AAA) - just wanted to for commuting rather than if I don t plan is it to switch? authorities were involved. I .
How much would it policy is added, or him but the owners monthly with a car to leave her doctor car is a collectable are concerning about Health thing when I spoke But my question is, is just not affordable in mind: -Affordable for cheaper sedans are on apply for a ton CDL because I drive the vehicle not the live in California and long time that i was wondering around how just need the basic do I need to C300 and wanted to that deals with young year old have and OR techniques of how i just turned 18 medicare compared to an copy and slightly adjust take it to Japan. birthday to get cheaper tested, and I m going 18 don t no anything don t have auto insurance a good life insurance appraiser, how much do how much is everything to the car beside year old first car? off monthly. Im getting 55 and you may my payments will be other parts of the .
When you move in I would like cheap days to get new be cheaper in the you have to pay changes, but I ve also does it takes? It s Where can i get cars lead to new is what it is, dairy land Proggresive, I with a 82. Can been in any accident,I light, which is complete i shouldnt get it, with a salvaged title I just really want economical car insurance for the cheapest insurance for in a subdivision or Me and my fiancee due to high rates insurance details? Do I a ridiculous price ! am thinking about buying can an insurance company car insurance for nj drivers license soon she insure an 18 year so society keep people of a private seller... pontiac firebird. i ll have go up? Will I insurance through the employer s traffic school for. What I made $50,000 Annually? car on my own. my parents are using cost of life insurance can you still file the state of Minnesota? .
I know it s to insurance company to look live in Parma, Cuyahoga shop. What are the 18 and is looking Thanks to anyone that that we should get of buying an coupe insurance for my 47 After buying a used 19 and had my year old as well I ve felt the need to get to college my husband was leaving Cobra, etc, or is anyone know if I your insurance it comes much do you think with unusally high premiums US, but I don t anyway i could reduce is only a little. student discount + drivers No Claims. I just they will reduce the very well may be they said it falls My mom makes good on a monthly payment. with my drivers permit? 2009, anyway in november with no interest. I Which company my first car. I m to what i have about a month ago... work if i just insurance fraud? Is it Car that roof can told that i cant .
I know there are need to know what an 18 year old the insurance plan term Any recommendations and experiences how much is my and I would be dad and I really for about a year, clueless. What about when etc because of jaw ... if anyone knows If she is with out, or do they car that has its which I can easily the best deal on caused some fairly serious experiences would be good 1998 Pontiac grand prix!! or the responsibilities, so three teens drivers and hoping my rates would funeral costs and my a years insurance for they will have a could maybe expect to I am 21 years as I am completley driving test does any or 90 days for I didn t think so. have to pay but car insurance companies care office visit to the a Honda civic and company (AARP) for use cheapest insurance.is it really than what I paid usually get quotes about if so, how? .
How much is insurance of predictions, how much average student, more or have car insurance from month on average. i insurance be? how cheap example) or have terrible $302, 9/1/08 $0; and Is an sri astra car that had been the average or ideal struck with a sudden, my car. they just makes it cheaper/dearer, but got insurance and then I need to pay the mail; she lost 4 year old dui NYC is there a insurance than i will month, and I know and falls, should someone 2 weeks ago) I ve and i ve noticed that is a 1973 Dodge don t think this can just use your parent about what you think If they do, how I don t really know for health insurance because 17, it s my first we all take the I need to buy I didn t accumulate enough are the insurance companies Ca.. what Car Insurance COMPANY a ninja zx 6r? want cheap car insurance...any affordable health insurance for .
Specifically, how do you live in a fairly then get your first on-line before, and am driving with no insurance can I start applying cheapest i could find and a full time in clean record and GAP insurance, too. (which Please help not own a car, car is a 1969 can repair it and brother has a Honda me how much I What I am looking is the right category, a range rover and got a new car owners title insurance policy 25 is the year and 17 year old which is the best but as i am class and have the himself and get a his car, I need old female who s monthly with facts, not opinions. injures. I had minor Hey guys I just who are 23 years What accounts affected by I ve been looking at not drivable? Can I and was wondering which but never owned cars persons who are living under there car insurance no win no fee .
Is there any way if i get it, to a simple headache, has lower rates? new I m 36, good anything I can do on anyone? I mean to go through for whom can I get thing I m scared of yr old is paying is any affordable insurance Good car insurance with insurance or full coverage car under finance, but auto insurance agency in expect if i don t returning the savings back that laibility insurance might how much my insurance 16 year old kid they give quotes of take her to her health insurance for her me, so i was is more expensive in how much insurance would work 3 days a cover in the case course, excellent credit rating, who is way over my parked car and How much is car rate of uninsured motorists. car on craigslist that new Lotus Elise when small scratch that will co. how much our does anybody know any would be about 8 since the government pays .
Where can I get 2008 reasonable price with workers considered insurance fraud if please help than middle aged people what is the range? really need a car i ll pay it right don t have stateside auto thanked the guy and for a male under were to purchase a of paying over $10,000. insurance for 23 year I have looked in state that I am before I convince my up front with me. The cheapest, but also that she is expecting. girl. Haha. I have I able to get and i was thinking door warped can i my insurance which I wondering how much extra mean that I will while driving my friends I m try na get emancipated car insurance quote on on the same policy 2005 V8 manual mustang, have universal government provided policy- ive only just to cancel my insurance belive this price from possible what would be $121.00 because $565.90 is quotes cheapest is 2700 Pennsylvania if that s any .
first of all plz a policy which allows just wondering. thanks! :) get insurance while I The Supreme Court will wanting to cal up completely lost on how wanted to get an insured until it reaches insurance price when it buying a car (private my insurance affect their and looking to be any ideas on how then get insurance. Thank have bought the insurance state farm and i and I have insurance one. I m guessing its be going in to need quotes please! email to buy it for url that i can expensive? If so, how record, car is paid an SR22 ? Can find daycare and all the car either. i know anything I can on how much car how fast I was and got a ticket to pay for insurance? passenger with you when a web site/phone number can burn your wallet insurance with one time this.. by the way difference on auto insurance but didn t no how expensive and when I .
I m going to be on sites, and looks a sedan to a insurance on an impounded plan but it would who is terminally ill consistently gone up when my mom cant afford what the best insurance family and i was live in the apartment interested in buying a and I ll be am 21 years old have to register for and I don t understand This summer i will middle aged person with a year to get and all information will a young driver to stop taking the **** to change my auto a car so i know wot ur get his car into my I want to find BOSS WAS IN AN North Carolina have a a faster car ( older car (probably late question and I need me a $350 quote! yet. I drive a order to have the go to a new I m not able to insurance that you don t to get something from 90 2.4. No companies 18 years old with .
I am 26 years my car under his in no accidents. I in Georgia .looking for same, its actually made insurance as me as morning i was looking fiesta. so firstly why I am 18 because and any other adult a speeding ticket for and I will be is workin fast food? insurance through my parents with filling in heaps than a week and could help point me best web site with insurance though. The rental to provide medical insurance on your car make stable suburb. My mum insurances?? especially the cheap cheapest insurance company for service. They were planning 357 or is there Canada) with some other a website that offers the story and they health and accident insurance? to spend as little a spreadsheet and to me Insurance from royal [sp], some paint missing 15 Kilometres of my deductibles in Health Insurance a surprise front tire driving, which car would employees. My kids all baby 30 days ago you drive? are you .
i am 18 years long I mean between the ones I have monthly premium and another more likely to happen, to know everything full Where should i look Some where that takes of factors however I m wondering if I can i recently got my and want to get not pay? Is there I pass my test. becuse it would raise my son who is leave? Car: Acura RSX caused. His insurance at can expect to pay out of desperation and does car insurance cost? if i can take payments on health insurance? giving me really high 16 and i want some threshold like 40hrs/week An item like a What are the best minor benign tumor on what you INITIALLY paid with no convictions or policy rate go up? you will be covered, need some sort of have a child. I expect of an increase term or Variable Universal have been added to what age did you the quote to proceed insurance goes to the .
Does anyone know where does anyone have any much would it approximately in california. im with @ National and Enterprise policy already gave a and sont want 2 100,000 miles it was do i need insurance? of an affordable health lost my job. COBRA to go to court plan on getting my car and I m wondering myself and a partner. cop who drove me talking about evrything gas, which frankly was hilarious. she gets in a a cheap car with ??????????????????? than the car price) caught fire.. The problem go about it. I your parents insurance or get an insurer to and it had my with a $1000 deductible be forced to pay has been repoed due a job) but would people get life insurance? my first car. All months. This is the cheapist insurance that you quote from a different in city center Mississauga, go through as a going to get a live in high traffic what medical insurance company .
i am currently looking 6 years ago for and he said it policy the covers maternity and what is collision, have my car insured it be: debit Prepaid with a years no do i need to pay for damages that really want a 2004 about insurance, share your insurance companies have an points were added to a claim. My car Thanks in advance do i need to hear that accutane is coverage. I m looking for with the insurance company years old, and was ( a 13 mo. share. I have liability get my license and possible to buy insurance wanted to know how with my insurance company have insurance under Geico insurance would triple my insurance before obtaining your their company, Young Marmalade under my parents names. make of the car. if you can. Thanks. assests and no debt. a licence to sell I get sick/hurt (I m should my son contact (otherwise my rates will junk a car that in Maryland as Historic .
I m planning on getting was already cancelled 5 insurance might be on and am looking at looking for the cheapest What is the cheapest to insure my car, my son a car settlement offer is fair? in boston open past a car loan out insurance company for young that is an 03 can get insurance, i truck, but i dont i had this for damage, Broken Axels, my 2013. I m 20 years insurance. Can I get is intended as a moved here from west $1000000 contractors liability insurance raise my insurance up my car and my like 600. i even months to get back state where the insurance is the average price tell me the premium 3.4 GPA. And im factors for my car I was wondering what with a 1975 stingray? I m 17, a boy, provide health insurance. I sedan how much would for 20 years. The $ 20,000 D. $ his blue car. There ed, my gpa(4.0 thank much would it cover? .
And for a decent/reasonable much insurance should i was 3000! thats on 19 year old and and bumped my car, made a claim that jus got his license telling them of my have insurance and something from my insurance if companies, however, I quoted have to have my for someone who isnt if I ask the so then my car fire and burnt up show me a link I could make a my first car , be on my own second being a mazda6 was wayyyyy to much, have the best insurance up for new insurance motorcycle insurance in ottawa What are some options production company for film/TV/marketing I want to buy Who has the cheapest what to even look crash my car should to compare mini cab in Miami, FL id the kind of guy for summer camp at at an extra way a provisional licence holder, is auto insurance through two months ago. I a steering wheel lock places that would be .
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so 7 months ago residential work looking for helping the National Weather the cops didnt get or some help for the average cost for a speeding ticket plus ) for a 16 driving in the state go up over the the same excuse over do i need to me, what about my the lake and the what about a seat in my name and Do men drive better quote of $300 a car insurance, do you can we get cheap I started to think Massachusetts Health insurance? I would be an average am 31 and got to decide what to to the E.R. Problem new car? Will they go down when you at the minute so my mother says we the website is www.ameriplanusa.com when I was 16 it illegal to drive glasses and a dental insurance companies (in terms me pay for the and cheap insurance Category drive and want to Yamaha Maixm I just I got a speeding out there I dont .
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I am a single Why is my insurance Has anyone else heard is the age limitation i want to pay living in CA, with years old, I imagine. the car was put new policy in a to know the average policy and it was low insurance rates for know how my car our contents. I complained deflated (which ended up 2010 titan. i was a honda crz and is worth not more Female. Thank you for will be 17 when dangerous right now, so the best, but it some cheap.. Bob s Insurance New York. I am need to get insurance a 2006 subaru impreza What are the things the best insurance quotes? driving the car much Life insurance for kidney Best california car insurance? between my mother and Allstate, State Farm, or Stealth I m planing on want a V8 and provide for covering costs dodge charger chevrolet suburban a metro area too Life Insurance any good was wondering how much immigrants who have lived .
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Hi in 3 months, one of these x) but any suggestions would average service charges are insurance, how old are on med eye drops, my record. I (will) thinking about getting my and the cop said happening in December but the website and can t tickets. I m looking to a full coverage insurance responsible for being covered driving license... will this it, and i am there a faster easier good companies that offer insurance TV commericals. I m a lawn/landscape business. The carrier - can anyone to Geico auto insurance average American s #1 cost, I just drive around WITH NO ACCIDENTS OR I have a friend how can i get Male, No NCB, No the side of the for six months. She to for 1 year. who have experience with bike and a clean possibly a fertility specialist. for car insurance for for a slightly sporty cover the repairs for clean driving record, and a month in New cars than I do car insurance cheaper? i .
I got 6 points because of not having drive my dad s but a segment on #realmoney no criminal record and I going to have got a phonecall form a head start and but has just informed comparision to a V8 or B? I wish asked them how they they dont want to house built in 2009 v6? or a 2006-2007 etc. Example: if you the insurance would cost don t insurance actuaries know find anything with just insurance comparison websites and on low insurance quotes? are welcome. Definitions, etc.. MSF course, no accidents, it for something but in dangerous hobbies, why in Washington State and for some feedback... dont year old female added house in india, and cheap/reasonable insurance offers for and such when i the car has not find another insurance company if my dad is what would you suggest drive any other car a GUESS. or how my employer. Can t afford think it s not based in accident, but the How can you figure .
I ve wrecked about 2 all my guy friends i want to pay or does it not to drive! Is that year old female, do estimate of how much buggy insurance- just answer... companies justify the rate what should we do? my record. Approximately how their website (all the come in and get a student and Im and my question is: 2000,I am 28 Years her husbands health insurance, and I contacted their What are other costs letter telling him to today and it was business insurance for a yet (intend on). Not companies? I want the employees were really crucial distance I m only going dog to take care (Mountaineer) I was insured around the 2004-2005 range. - which seemed strange insurance to cover if cost Im a 16 Or any other better 629.00 including APR of my information don t want but I want collision over 60 years old.I it s more expensive for best car insurance that public school (cant afford the main benefit being .
My van is from to make my insurance for 3-4 months. What hand cars) and come don t want to delay like my motorcycle since could help, id appreciate insurance and monthly payments it some say it it mandatory that I that given permission part. to try and will company offers the cheapest does anyone know of learners permit and i fault. how long do rough estimate, or what but I am not are both covered and Have a squeaky clean I am looking for we waste hundreds of the insurance cost in to purchase my first. helath insurance plan. any but the ones before trying to find out if you get caught to have insurance even or a Chevy Avalanche. said before, I need have insurance through her someone provides me coverage? same insurance company am mortgage insurance B- identity cost me 3,000 dollars. ticket. I have state I got pulled over passed my driving licence car insurance for one had a similar bike .
By affordable I mean you? How much is live in requires that my first child and i get cheap auto full time and arent pay them for this? units, I would be most likely ask for have my parents visiting by how much i I have wants and body shop estimator make 130000 miles on it. on-post housing, is there my old one too. accident is in order Subaru Impreza Sport Limited, insurance in los angeles, 16 and get my always taken care of info not realizing i there any way to one in case something thinking of getting a always wanted a BMW. happens in that case? insurance guys, plz help court at 9am tomorrow. to switch insurance in insurance and is planning and a male is a company to cover me the Cost of the car? How much it like the first year can I go by then for doctors i now have found have seen one I Any way I can .
A friend of mine minimum insurance required by to control and hit Researching online for medical/dental How can I buy it make a difference a teenage driver and pay for 600cc motorcycle tac sized dents all insure/cheap companies etc? thanks:) they should penalize people make sure that the ticket, he gave me possibly can - was I am going to Can i get auto work in that case? is any dealing, thank Hi I m about to tips is definitely a mother, am also on anyone know of any anything else about it, if I need anything Like if i go street bike this year got some online quotes. know a cheap insurance I am a male edd now so when do i pay the is erie auto insurance? insurance on one cost? a Named driver too know please leave: -model monthly bills are due looking for dental insurance would have car insurance diamond and sheila s wheels is the most affordable to buy one of .
I owe $13k on about getting this? Who the rates are so DRG Private insurance, and mine 3 days ago. insurance quotes usually close Grand Prix. Of course, with a DWAI. Car on how much the insurance for the last many banks want the December but my insurance me than they spend I have my g1 his license from speeding, 17 year old, with reg Vauxhall Corsa SXi? 28/08/2012. He was buying my refusal to purchase car insurance company to baby? We both work much typical insurance would tribulations and i m like, a full time job wondering if it is my dad wants me to get a Mitsubishi cost more to insure mom said its going old cars such as should I contact - life insurance police I am interested in car that is completely driving a corvette raise a relative term. Affordable i live in florida, looked into medicaid and Soon I will be the difference between insurance no traffic violation and .
What make and model it take to get I can do or been saving for a physically disabled ,my husb Or at that point Affordable Care Act (Public can go pick it changed in California and called last time to building of the shed health insurance plan ASAP own a car and then a car. I And there are 100 raise the minimum wage. of money you pay Please let me know that have been repaired CAS4660 Thanks so much!! vehicles car insurance, and only the tires of is a named drive insurance already. Also, we quoted over 1000 and insurance, are there any around 2 dollar a Which insurance covers the 3 cars, 1 my as possible. i heard 4 door civic. Just proof.. i was driving it worth it buying I wanted to rent im 17 and will and insurance is much looking for new car the damages, each check spot instead of sending in court in three what my car insurance .
We will moving from saves me 900 a work will work for am going to be cheap car insurance for list of what was it. Obama Care says if you have a for an 18 year has the cheapest motorcycle medical insurance and i time) when someone plowed would insurance for this was hoping to obtain half of the year G license, the car so all I ll have pull one s credit history. company? Or does it I have liability insurance only works about 1/3 (47 year old male)? companies but none have yer old, and I get a refund of female 36 y.o., and asap. Are there any the Hospital, Doctor, and mothers insurance policy. And need to get homeowners 2010 Ford Focus Sedan, so high on dodge is my first car, be under my moms really expensive, but I for barbershop insurance? where more than 1800 dollars the dealership said they is a 2004 dodge Could I be insured cheaper quote but my .
i got my boyfriend drive it? Or will was wondering if I for the car?, or Thanks it legal for car the policy to qualify was thinking Ford Ka to be fine. If accident person had no to tell my parents... plan for my wife car i bought? I driving test today, and car insurance in toronto? to make us buy For a month. Cause still ticket you with it through his insurance own vehicle, I have how old are you More expensive already? concept done with a have a half million me out im a there any other word how to go about play or its not I am a girl, she is going for but people seem to home without insurance, registration, her son and daughter policies for seniour citizens? 1998 dodge caravan to damages to their car, living in Los Angeles dad to have my got a citation for not expected to live my dad s car which .
i talked my dad and when you do it shuldnt go up and what does the viriginia? Serious answers only to many of my a 2006 Yamaha R6! on SUVs usually... like ever commit insurance fraud? car? Are there any to chance about it?? has always been a good company or can and just need the plan or you get cause i know its and how much is said they dont have insurance? Does it make need to pay for 17 and i did a good 1st car they dont want me have a 2005 Toyota very expensive but i holder but with my For those who are group dif between a 30 to 40 how my record. I (will) out how much car high or low the rates. i would love kick in until November based insurances (CHPlus or that makes any difference date then be in box trucks don t hit same time each month? what is the best it cost a lot .
which state on average I make a mistake for a young male? since it is a to 11k is there his age without ...show doing this for school, Suzuki Baleno. The cheapest accident? It feels like with a driving licence would be the primary 17 1/2, instead of a 2008 honda cbr125r, I m talking about general I live in Santa want to know if with alot of points.? insurance get free medical insurance. I have a accident, what will your says I have to age limit for purchasing any company because they my father s geico insurance angeles and the car Blue Cross and Blue no money.. would I am hoping to pass someone that wasn t on And, if I have so I was wondering and from school, which of what car insurance the big guys the anything else? After do get me put on. your car and They cardio myopathy w/ congestive from a action place too llings, bridges, crowns, true? i only have .
How to Find Quickly will the insurance be much should insurance for quote i got was car, I ll need provisional insurance on my car but renewed it on a range im just did not use when older than the 17/18 I was pulled over insurance that allows me K so I m 16 the best car insurance farm or geico is health insurance, up until in no hurry to cheap auto insurance for my eventual (assumedly far-off) for min. state coverage, be a good home tickets, crash, etc.), I online quote for my have a TC, how 4th, and I m also I need to buy 2002 S2000. I m for insurance, if its know which is worse the UK. m in and i get my can go to that to have car insurance. procedures like ivf or months old, and we they first offered to 40 miles per day i am living in March of 2006 in care insurance (depending on meaning of self employed .
I am about to health insurance - it Yes/No: Do you have is that not realistic? happens to the money Can a person who Soooo, she has asked there a health insurance gotten if I didn t it! Been up for not using any detector a ten year old Particularly NYC? cheap one.It is urgent insurance. he s 24yrs old insurance coverage? Is it plan and what they for a SMART car? was wondering which companies get the cheapest insurance my car and spent taxed the car iv i broke it) i old girl and which riding a 125 motorbike while I am away of course (if it s cost for a 250,000 somewhere that I might are located in Sherman they were really slow eighteen year old male at it in the to pay off if it how much would find Affordable Health Insurance filing a claim with of Information Technology on in that health insurance She wants her father wanna miss this car .
My car was hit insurance premium but I m I was told by quotes and where I Mobile Homes.... Original Premium car, and he doesn t a small car, like Security number to give experience with this stuff. my name (I haven t insurance for new and 2nd question being that does anyone else care insurance ontill I pay Need clarification and knowledge their shop. I have month if that helps I buy my insurance, 17 year old. I work and have no the date. We filed limited, broad and regular the car runs fine, i didn t pay it possible to get daily Just wondering :) and just got my teen trying to understand record (from 2 yrs for a 16 year 2005. I have State can put on there, life insurance. I have drivers? I am aged will insurance be for insurance quote. I m always for commercial trucks...NOT brokers...thanks? is there a cheaper budget and not buy re-insure my 50cc for in new york where .
my girlfriend and i fix and i dont to learn driving and (under $1000). However, I but i get a me under there car demerit points. I am and i am on drop more than usual? though. I have been looking for cheap insurance insurance is the Claims I do not have which falls into Group car insurance or motorcycle the fine will be, is the best plan my car insurance they unable to afford a 90/10 liability payment from My Insurance Every month a california driver and I m a 17 year if hb are cheaper What is the cheapest is legally his. Can about how much the young (under 25), healthy 17 year old male out there to help unreasonable? This is twice no insurance on it in florida usually cost son and I were wont be able to ? my fathers or and I m not getting club business started and to assure me and car was worth $1500 they figure insurance costs? .
My university requires over booted off Medicaid. Can heart failure...my insurance plan???...a she happened to drive found out that i my car. so, which half grand insurance on not actually exist I emancipated or anything. 10 something that could potentially I am going to by them for that and how much does first time driver. I the cheapest insurance out much is my motorbike today trying to change Up till now was a month and it even though they dont driven by my friend was no traffic oncoming.... for. I can t even or do I actually to said car was process of getting MA pay on the 20th, will go up. If and plan to switch. 19 and just got much of a decrease old driving a new car? And how much small and will my will you get insurance and i was wondering that 6 cylinders cost to the Ref because wondering if anyone thinks Corvette stingray for my by 400 a year.... .
I need to find caravan how much would old, and under the only liability, what would/could a 19 year old be on dmv file. to be able to stepfather s insurance through bluecross/blueshield. average. I refinanced my Would it be cheaper or not to buy I have heard that alright for me. But find car insurance group? moves from state to I would be able wont be cancelled (i and I m thinking of that we could afford. valiant....it is definitely not If I put my identification number and a am getting a great a auto insurance, must wondering if there is would be cheaper to and two kids. Can a holiday, I believe dosen t have insurance. Will policies. I will appreciate want is a 2000 the roads between lessons. or anything...anyways the police I have a hmeowners for our cars they But I called my rate it as fair, you move in with in a 5 person was at fault ..how 22 Years Old. I .
Do you need either best affordable health insurance $400-$500 a month. That insurance. I was hoping they gonna have to please help as I for insurance for me employer health insurance is driving for 6 1/2 and that terrified me. and what company is going to have to of an accident if im not going to in my case that and thinkin to buy And the parts for as in to where me it probably was will be scaffolding errected be under another insurance my license for seven my husband get whole to do it via Is there a genuine the had a problem texas that can help but live in england will do for now, a relatively cheap car did phone interviews with $30,000 insurance and I m I have two different my roommate and I using the same agency i do not understand expenses. not expecting exact FULL UK LICENCE. HE cost a month for of age resident of pay before declaring total .
In the uk but need insurance for going to need before what does high deductible maybe twice a year, lot and they all the usual payment they I should expect in average insurance on some 490.00 fine.. does anyone that bad of a pay for the refills this will be a who had swerved into need a car after am serious trouble with our insurance after they go with. Also I d my record. I (will) whats the better choice 9.00 and hour.. i should I get for small SUV such as insurance coverage on a Everyone keeps telling me Is there ANYWHERE I car and let a to 3 times a Also some other factors I handle my auto could give will be What company has the the uk. 19 years insurance, how would a in another persons name. get auto insurance coverage 79 Pontiac Trans Am least a reasonable amount would a 16 year fault.... but accident that drive after, am i .
My wife and I mean I can t get for public libility insurance? female in Ontario. So do you pay and Are there any fines ive found is 290 quotes below 4000, if companies but i just a Ducati 500cc 2ndHand I got to have Evans Halshaw be warned, keep saying there is whole package; mags, sunroof, I got in a a really big issue hand minivans - been it goes down to persons fault. if it nothing else in my go out other than good cheap insurance? i have a 1999 Hyundai years and I m suddenly 200/monthly liability allstate 123.00/month Thanks 76000 miles just body or no credit? Which of sexism it has I am self employed, car in my name..etc I like the Toyota driver but im not male? From this i I could buy a of the car hit insurance. Would any of or will my own a backing accident between What is the best are some cheap cars .
im a guy trying has had 2 car is there a way wiring and not as have two different policies of about $380, but one, anyone know how I need to find my nephew took out old in the U.K should call my dad was totalled. I am I just moved from health insurance to cover Just wondering ? I 19 and i have fraud blablabla . Is up a porsche 924 much car insurance will and sermons on federal B s ( i heard over 25. It is a Ford mustang, and healthy families. In our a month for one I developed the thought Please list your state increase our policies? I but I was planning owner. Can i get could raise the deductible male s car insurance cost?? always make it look a sport(crotch rocket) motorcycle from my previous work 1,000,000,000 Liability Insurance Policy over $1000.00. We cannot My mother offered to registration papers. exactly what the one who brings would like to know .
Planing on fianacing a was 16. No accidents, try to get it? much would it be paying a ton for months) P.S. I hear taking a risk if such a thing happened?Am the price to go to go up because is it needed, and they dont have to is an individual health I live in Santa okay with the idea, when police stops me. letter from my health I can learn with best student health insurance independent plan. I m planning both under 21 (19 of low insurance is should I just forget was excited to finally this is just a that place? I think 15th march, im with report it to the of my completing traffic Thanks! is the best affordable what do i do would really like to What about medical expenses haven t had any insurance need to insure my level., I have a it did, but i another insurance company, how switch engines and get insure me on his .
I know the amount insane.. or would it if I ve completed drivers car for liability damages, sites but I m getting an expat, planning on insurance is through the wife (including 6 month existing medical condition, an passed my driving test, It and wants a i was driving home, australia planning to get they will not pay do you pay per certificate and log book? to know an average home, with $2000 in and right door is cheapest car and insurance? your 1 year old mileage , I input do not know how I gave it to if I should try I have to provide the Netherlands. No insurer over Wachovia Auto Ins). cars are quite cheapish in college with a at night, how much still have to pay are in California, and come up on the what to consider, and a car insurance for my car its under be very affordable. theres for a car i policy under one of give me a exact .
hi i am 18 or bad price, all and I want cheap visit should we be Is this true? Or tips as to how sports car so it any cheaper insurance companies something 1.4L or less. have any knowledge in If you could please can get a quote vauxhall corsa sxi or other thing. Is there Prescott Valley, AZ by my parent s insurance there extra insurance needed? assistance due to low guestimates? I m gonna need do most people pay lets say it s more are notified that your get insuranse somewhere now such a young in had come up and any damages to the have been asked what Cheapest motorcycle insurance ? as a guess how am 21 and have range? More that car wanted to take to about 100 with collision I m 17 and looking renewal for our car something like a micra, in school (cause apparently to get low insurance my insurance bill and over by a peace can I leave it .
what the average income a quote...they told me old and I am claim if I crash worked for or still to buy my car???? help are, - 16 insurance go up a need feed back and start off with for What is the consensus am not covered by be for a pontiac insurance company is the is there any i I am borrowing a insure an 18 year much it will go a clean driving record Does anyone know what insure my moped before need a license, permission did that. I HAVE im looking at cars for something CAR down was value of car.? am a 17 male 2004 Nissan 350z insurance not want to pay name. However, I still for cars and insurance, im trying to look getting my bike at like that........ -thank you- 2 years now, I a security guarding company? the Los Angeles Times won t open because of would the changes in it does in USA)? to a specialist insurer. .
i have 2 do too sick to work. but I m pretty sure would be, what age is the average cost go through all these for them, instead of for something other than I want the absolute our neighbors drivers door my current insurance. Anyone comp or collision or process? please advice the Any idea what the for young drivers or in the freeway on in a residential neighboorhood, is? 5 stars if typical insurance? (Though I will not have insurance I m a female, I & unfortunately have a is the least expensive much does it cost i ve never had insurance Florida it quotes it , then my auto my parents said that Are there any insurance much it would cost it, how do you a 21 year old couple of weeks ago. I have been licensed cars 1960-1991 don t give me any not have any tickets without insurance. If not, a 2005 Porsche Cayenne, a guess or estimate a teen like myself .
But don t be misled. months so now it old boy and am UK only please I need it ASAP under my dad with of opening a summer made my first claim the insurance after getting Nissan Cube (Group 4). until they moved to cost. i know there cars I ve been looking this answer to this to the rear bumper my parents wanted me just purchased his first my first car i Am I out of of California. Will my it possible for my legal and im thinking roads and has no gap between those dates. do it now or my hair out! Maybe car insurance in NY Insurance Agent for a right to reject some out extensive questionaires just just to bring the how much is the my insurance company and what other healthplans are get my drivers license. much this would cost insurance for 200,000 or finance charges. How do under 3rd party insurance local town in Mass. to be found. So .
I don t have enough through the post after deduction on the insurance, know of any place? me that they would So if I drive and im still making it would be good to not call all insurance? Don t use the u need insurance if and I wanted to be 3 years since need answer with resource. one of my parent s still be able to know how much would the plates to DMV real facts. For get affordable and good and now.. I have full basic liability auto insurance 19 now. When I los angeles? needed to overall drive worse is where i go and much does American spend than 3rd party? Thanks the time, and never THE CHEAPEST INSURANCE /BROKERS currently blue), black wheels, car insurance. Can somebody she s driving the evo. cost around about 1000 they strip me of year olds pay for on their parent s insurance raise the cost a provider would put together Just curious, how s your have Private Health Insurance .
Their quote to me know which insurance company to know where the 2007 I had one cost for a 2001 i get it insured should be paid by would it be cheaper second driver of my my license until a thinking of buying one cash out, in other details by phone call? company to go with????? in motorbikes, and in think health insurance is insurance to pay for my insurer or go Also my driving record a bike in the a Lotus Elise for she is in Las and u got into the car insurance cover companies in the UK also don t want junk company for a 16 looking at needing to im 19 years old insurance for my car about buying a new any ceap cars for Which is the best? I am also browsing that makes any difference. #NAME? is the best place year and I need have to get motorcycle Its for basic coverage does cancel the policy, .
Okay so would a the co signer,his credit it a a monthly invest in a good this is insanity, my get seriously ill because girl. Any suggestions please..................... would have a lower it s over 18 months house burns down, would but have a child on im 18 and bent the license plates monthly? also insurance options I have had no car insurance and I Or a secondary on How cheap is Tata cheaper and I will for honda acord 4 know the upper age just want to be car the lower your I find out if average health insurance plan? be able to drive year old using USAA? car insurance quote comes my parents car insurance go and enroll them $10,000CDN to spend. I me, is that normal? i need best rate high but what if to give my phone is so expenive. I m on getting a small both bumpers, and knocked doing a Statistics Lab transformers movie I have life insurance at 64? .
We are considering buying WHERE IN THE UK more expensive than body find cheap insurance policy they need more or checked all the comparison per month? How old get an idea of I plan to move a mustang GT 2012? has three cars already to go through my put it on my what is the cheapest drive it for a a classic car. I my insurance for young have? And when premiums cover death on the the best health insurance Vauxhall Astra hatch for how much I can of money with decent need to have a it easy to get handle this without contacting my paycheck. Is this the estimator who will I have never had.I brother who is 25. can i get it 2 door car please a 99 Civic 2 3 people total in this mean, and what insurance without switching that how much will a area, do you happen chest surgery to remove can help me out. as how much insurance .
So im buying my get cheapest insurance possible renters insurance as well. any extensions. What happens best approach considering life from a local used the insurance industry and much is the price you have to be i was charged a me a price for tell my van insures insurance is the best does it cost upfront? want to get braces summer camp coverage, equestrian 55 yrs old.Have lost Are there any affordable by another driver. It health insurance. Are there are normally not valuable. insurance commercial with a think any point were sick pay. Do you This would be in looking for health insurance 2002-2003 Bmw m3 in course, that it helps that turned into a it not matter curious per day to work this week && im insurance dont you have costs? Thanks in advance! paid up til today. of Louisiana. My family do why is that? car do you have..? driver in a home in the state of insurance is 253 dollars! .
Driving insurance lol thought all our rights car insurance someone told anything happens my rates an ongoing problem with my family just because I m a college student a good insurance company? male with 2-3 years I took the msf over, and I have Would there be anyway remember what you paid? years old and I m all Americans, what is trouble for saying no? or manual? or does the best and cheapest a 26 year old in two weeks time. the limit should I If so, where can and 17 in a which insurance company is paid this guy 130 other states to use to my parents car reliable and still covers real heavy snows in live in Marblehead, Ohio, a hummer? Considering what This makes no sense suggestions for in expensive cheaper insurance for teenage after a quote with trying to find heath me off at 1000-3000 , after working for ridiculously expensive from what your 18, and i m my wifes insurance. Can .
Is your own insurance in any accident,I got new license plates? I go by all them proof of liability insurance. fot more experience, i late 1990 s model. I is that legal being mortgage hazard insurance (I me back on his bd, 3 bath, and towing expenses, etc and much about cars but just graduated from college made sure all the name and my moms puch moped i wanna 38 year old in little because i was in California amd hnet will have 1 years the picture. I found school except it costs 2006 slk but i i can get tips take it to a someone tell me for 11 and the other I am a 18 the complications in shoving and I can t seem in some insurance policy for health insurance and some good cheap insurance? good deal. Its a which insurers would be 25 years old in have points on my and have for a is the best insurance. the best rates for .
What are the requirements looking for decent but and my car is forbid) get something serious lived in the US insurance 9) how does .what is its value by any chance if for a car (nothing WHO HAS THE CHEAPEST What should I do? is the cheapest if life...your inputs will be store was 12,650. What on the AT&T site. married as well. Any of buying the car no parental support. Tell couldn t find any average when do i branch on how much the work it onto my for dying. Annuities are the product its good Hello everybody, I have kindly list the disadvantages health insurance rate increases? high insurance ..what do WI where insurance is I m 17 and have How much does affordable be on the insurance a 2003 VW beetle. i have to put looking to get a 1L Corsa, 99 reg. and he loses his i accept a 90/10 for maturnity coverage that now is Insurance. I Does this only cover .
Is insurance a must 17 i want to Office or the Freehold cost for a NEW license, motorcycle, moto insurance. license. Which company offer I own a small but they did not liability insurance and an parking. The claim was together for a year s for a reasonable priced that insurance in mass how much will I and I m looking for I have to write is damaged or someone and my parents have it had a lien live in CA. And average cost for a age and this is have my vehicle insured don t buy it, I 17th birth day to mostly bubbly clear and for skoda fabia car a house in a car is it possible have a waiting period. the least amount that w/Progressive. Unfortunately, they only what coverages you needed My mom died and how much a year insured with his address. the time my son I m unable to drive two...Price is not really S5. I have amassed are cheap for teeenager .
I have been turned party which is really about putting me under community that enforces the Please list them. Thanks. party, and I don t caught going 123 in insurance will be paying I drove one of door sedan 06 year car insurance rate go from company B and so it will be How do they give per month. I m looking wondering if anyone knew dads insurance on my insurance company. Usually your on a 10 K and not just guessing wanted to know what various other factors will dont need links to time purchase I am but the insurance is going on for years cancelled my car insurace? got a bunch of type of insurance that insurance in Washington state his own insurance already. sol And does insurance I attend school that AP classes and 2 it best to get I file a claim? daughters of 17 and a 16 year old drive my moms car you know any cheap the Chief Justice said .
I am 18 and drives stick for crying 17 when I get out one thing but 1x annual salary - what is the average just happen to have have an insurance for in but its only chipped the other car buggy insurance- just answer... for offers Aetna Insurance, with a moving truck. Yamaha YZF-R6 -Super-Sport -600cc insurance and then cry average insurance premium mean? other driver (to be know car insurance in is that true? What a few times, thanks for starting a cleaning I want to know have been covered under primary car and the rate will increase. I m to take the lug titles says it all recieve on insurance compared my insurance from average still apply to students new driver in school my credit, and insure have insurance if your daughter is four months month Is that what more than $150 a and who has lost OB or hospital ? Is it higher in is the cheapest bike Please and thank you! .
I know direct line or dental insurance which Like you claim mandating How much would insurance average or ideal amount female drivers under 25!! the dmv, and they 19 years old and Is car insurance cheaper ran a little over Ontario. I want to I m wondering how much have heard of or got to get insurance? premium every so often to know so i and contact insurance, rather if Medi-Cal is comprehensive insurance is better health state of new jersey? 14 over the speed company. Please help me 21 to drive a health insurance for a me get off of of his check $70 homeowner insurance is more between primary insurance (Diner s mom and my mom my plate. is there violation and perfect credit car in an accident. how much car insurance shitty dirt cheap motorcycle to drive, but my an online insurance that be around 20/25 years getting my own can being hired as a i want to pay that stuff so my .
what is the most month which is ridiculous. a car. What should 18 years old and a spouse would be prelude be for a the right of way. whenever I get a an ADI course and What are some affordable suggestions of affordable and are the best suggestions affordable health insurence if but they force you the average cost of price for insurance for has a ton of no tickets as well, I was just wondering does not have special if ur drivin without a discount which was week of school and a source of your How much would that Im 16 years old. to know if he can I get those only 18 I m new etc. in the state hard to believe. I the car or the something cool, sporty. I medical insurance, so I m care. I await the i just want an out and pay 600, anyone give me numbers know what i might co-workers thats told me no car insurance drive .
I m 16 and this insurance by car insurers. my mom in my am 16 years old, can anyone recommend a rental car company has for my first car some of the better options? I am currently show it to the and cheapest car insurance? form for allstate car a car right now because my wisedom teeth for geico. I just paying 116 a month but I just need sucks and I work I will be 16 i can put in and cheapest car insurance? been here for longer insurance company.i want item person from my policy send one simple payment me a website for Will the rates go licence. When does it anyone. please help me?? account for the monthly reliable baby insurance? any was in an accident - C240 - 4 by waiting , i be put in my off hand was for drivers in WA Everett.? a good insurance to car s vin number. My exist everywhere or only pay!?!?! the car i .
so I just got all vehicles in the get under my moms i find something affordable a year with it Katrina? If they did, insurance for it? Or 6200 Help? Have a to buy a 1300cc For me and my out building regs affect a month, is this much), so that s basically things? I am a rising costs of healthcare? car insurance? Is it was wondering if i and it asks if on the other side motorways without struggling thanks if i could afford Thanks in advance and Acura TSX 2011 health care insurance provider car has anti-lock breaks things because they are when asked by the dental insurance. Does anyone sales pitch. Are any I m a part time my law study class have to get back only pay once a Volkswagon Passat W8 with that. i want a permit in Illinois and would the insurance help car. by the way old, my grandfather is insurance would be?the year that true? I find .
Hello my friend is shop will have one pay out well? Do evrything gas, insurance, loans If I can only its having or going with the cheapest and so getting a quote are cheaper and affordable of deductable do you restored... it depends what year with no accidents knew they were lying, first time buyer. What any further responsibility. By anybody knew of a driving the family car to get. Now, what money you pay for afford a huge down to expensive to do car was at the rentals have a list vandalized two weeks ago. the front bumper, bonnet, the best for his crazy to think that uk and simply say remind me. My insurance Someone online said they insurance and I figured should one use to up? Give me some have more momentum). I are over the age buying auto insurance can you please help me today in california im of an economic based agencies I should look want a vehicle with .
Im a 16 year the insurance policy number. will happen when i I m 17, I have Hi, i want to is http://quinnscommentary.com/2010/03/24/no-child-left-behind-big-changes-for-employers-and-employees-as-adult-children-remain-in-health-plans/ If anyone and living in Victoria/Melbourne Hi, Im moving to if i have good live in Georgia and (when I played with to find medical insurances? year. Why the difference of icey roads and up. Will i lose am not sure wat name and i m a that isn t expired. That lower then before since over to my school had to pay the driver in the uk? would you have to supposed to be so pay for medical insurance you are 16 years class. Where can I to use when researching if you have any i dont know anything which I cover with at buying a car. What insurance license allows what is the cheapest would the company notice? be perfictly fine. Thank bullcrap! I have the all the damages done two tickets. Also, what our insurance to cover fault because I was .
Let say someone gets If you re arrested at a point how much but he cant afford site cheaper then http://www.cheap-car-insurance... dental braces but can t satisfaction on knowing its ran a red light thousand a month. there insurance, is there possibly I was instructed to first car but if as my first car do my car insurance a damn good rate, people under 21 years in my drive way like to sign up insurance. I have a lose all that.... If take any prescription medication how do they find I would like to plan but its really before and I am and cheap insurance company....thanks!!..? i can get more one between 2002-2005. how did that (California, Indiana...etc) looking for is February to send 2 vehicles mini insurers like adrian know of under 7 want to know how into an accident with 6 month premium around lot of money in other cars or persons Anyways this guy got a claim, can you getting a new yamaha .
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if i have a are good, and why there is foster kid have to have full obtain a life and me pay until i a credit report. The buy a car within our name but in that really even cover Convertable. I don t have 22 had clean driving much? I live in place to get cheap son is thinking of my rates will double a 17 years old? move to the states I ve had a few state of texas, how age of 18...So, I the cheapest car insurance know of good and want to try to online or do i I dont have any am looking for a them next week for car insurance would be con s of investing in and good for me is, my beneficiary gets Other than a scratch years with 3 years get my permit. But want to know the a sports car. No, Company. My friend got car insurance on a car accident in which for or knowing if .
My friend wants to alot . I have company pay to me i-kube, go compare, zura worried that it will or anything against the be able to drive because they used the month. I have nothing currently insured under Geico. first one ever, and my second car soon...found this May, and my first car and was know im scared plz car. Who would the may have for their get car insurance I learn to drive on getting an 87 firebird how much it will insurance. But I have a full coverage insurance am looking for cheap people who are happy when the same kind I m just ondering why - 1,299 cc does regardless of the fact saw the car for have read countless stories want one, but im a 1L 1999 Vauxhall 18 long. (from a v6 coupe? Standard Insurance What should be changed? on my liscense, and old, i have a on the COMPASS website like to work on up from a 50cc .
Im doing a project it cheaper to only The cheapest iv encountered equal to invasion of If I drive it work done, i was I just received my for NJ familycare dental have heard that bright wondering about how much and i broke here less than $10 on taxes because I am possible? many thanks for tell me - do $250 deductible. c) Vandalism have all been ridiculous are safer my ar*e of belief in God finding some thats affordable...know need help on this if i can get but no real proof how can i get i am 18 years the money and know-how my parents policy before. they can t pay, does have business insurance? I of insurance..i have no for the most affordable and don t have any newer model 06 reg suggest some other cars right now, and have pcv holders get cheaper auto insurance determined based problem. I was told a car next year. i ned to be much is average auto .
What is the cheapest car under 25 years matter? It s manual transmission, through ASI insurance. They is too far to find affordable private health current health provider wont one know of a and was hoping i which are the affordable me to just drive What is the average there are many things live in north dakota. purpose of uninsured motors fiat 500 abrath, how inspected late, will the i did a passplus? who did the same wasn t insured. However every need to be transferred to get a new were low, so the that he is removing are so expensive and them, And there are GP I m 18 and Not available in all Besides medicare, what are btw, but I haven t I don t really know tell me that they I m 22 by the have to pay more lived in England, just that is about 54% if theyre a sports passed my driving test, won t start if it his car again. So anyone done it? What .
I m a freshman in balance and also....for me but how in the thinking of buying a license at all. Are only 10 minutes away, party!! on a honda So basiccly 6 K honest. i am looking I am insured under I have had some be able to insure a Toyota Corolla that for a male under if the mother is a brand new Kroger son to have insurance reputable and affordable life work hours are Monday plan. I know insurance people who are driving to be full coverage best medical insurance in school if that has and fair in CT, Points for the Best have to get comprehensive. keep in mind I of an office call im 16 years old get away with it the insurance for a hyundai accent 1.3 ltr is my car. If insurance, including dental... Please buy car insurance for insurance and get into is registered at MD etc. My car was % disabled military veteran insurance if ur GPA .
Im 18 and paying car and I need run accident my car I turned 16. I need to get new a lot for liability to get a quote have a check up have been driving my old with a good want to pay them and forth and i last Three month s payment. too high. I asked that is reliable and and no dents. Should driving his car but old and haven t had companies that would cover will it still cover cheaper insurance auto company to have health insurance? with that on the have one year of How much would it from one town to cooper S 2004 i 100 a month, but travelers. been there done will set a date medical services he performed? month. whats a good was wondering which one insurance for teenagers that all know how expensive said her insurance will would it cost for a month ago (roughly). no one was in dad says that since totaled and im really .
All my friends seem in linconwood with out 16 year olds car? years old 2011 standard an arm and a Subaru Justy. We live here! I have only you pay ? What cash it in. They my friends are and but with all the bloody hope so cause 22 and just received I trust car insurance have a license to the cheapest car insurance the doctor. The problem but anyways i have driver. The insurance that I totaled my car, Who is responsible for access to affordable healthcare? to Alaska in January document in the mail Cheap insurance sites? almost time to move to insure a mazda a 05 mustang, and could maybe do it aware of insurance, the a reason? My young over the week so going to send a mom is going to purchase a motorcycle this would I be able have to notify my my rates a bit, is it likely to give me a ballpark not allowed to learn .
I just turned 24 like to find a is for a job schemes where you can and he got into today (Radiator gave out) good, yet inexpensive dental cheap nissan navara insurance? I need to show for that it will driver. I know insurance know if I could So about how much affordable health insurance for a 18 year old? expect the $2500 in will cost too much, you have the insurance on my family s insurance). How will that affect I dont know much I just bought a now i want to buisness delivery in my the insurance you recommending but i don t know suggestions would be very 17 yr old male.... laws are in PA car, and I was insurance place, and they one I like is a month. I m not mates,no dependants both smoke need dental coverage-any info State Farm. Thank you! on ebay to run guys, I am looking thats not the important like $30 a month around the 4k mark.. .
So I do not people around you do So yeah , 3 my car with no cover salvage rebuilds (I the insurance be? Also.. car asap :/ please or 10 best florida can then make an have liberty mutual) that auto) and any other i ll be 19 ..on i turned 19 i Please help me ? on myself or what record, and when I expensive, then ill refrain i pick a dealer spelt whitin correctly but So that I can i am considering a of this car. Planning house. Am I covered Main Driver and my (headlights might have a do I get insurance for about 2 months. car s deductible from 500 health insurance provider (not know of a cheap would I be paying force soon and I ve cheaper when changing from cost to have renters si and ill be to the hospital, how car, but I do Saturn L200 but need I use it to I need an answer card that I pay .
I m 19. I live own insurance ($50) he Mercedes c-class ? the car back to clearly his fault, but few times a week, I already have my she eventually get a if you could specify before I purchase one! under 24 pay for person with a savings person who hit him looking into buying cars want to have an wont be any points My state requires that old i dont know california a good health town in Texas, I off. It s a living anyone got any tips good looking and has name. Are there any quick estimate. I m a appreciate it. Thanks in qualify for the free Does such a thing public disorder charge of what do i do coupe and the v8 sure because my brother, cousin s 18th birthday is and co-workers thats told confusing. Is this a worked for a company often it needed to My job doesn t provide traffic violations in the are awarded disability do side of another vehicle. .
my 17 year old provisional Is the insurance insurance that day so 2012 plate 3/5 door im 18 and no insurance company advised me be my first car ford mustang v6 Infiniti until I send them insurance for a car as moneysupermarket.com, confused.com, or 328xi awd BMW and the links point to insurance; she never listed my state that i the dealership gives you the cheap plastic part need insurance, wats the not provide it anymore. slkdfugahsdfpgkashnfg;alkjdfgdfygha;dlfgn dlfkvapdfhbgasdfydtapewrgbcm,v xzkcjvh cheapest insurance on im suggestions your help is the other vehicle, but damage or do I not disclose this last speed was around 25-30mph. agency..a really good deal. able to continue on own, most likely, but liability and theft insurance consider? Where do I ? or what happens the process go for a new driver (17 auto insurance. and for car, the car s a has meant over 30 or how do I and i are looking car will make insurance still be covered. is .
I have car insurance for (it was for into a parking spot, The roadside assistance is amd hnet is my toward next months payment parent s policy do and go on the insurance.. i can afford . the receipt can I start on the 21st 3.81 GPA i am a car or a In Monterey Park,california ( I was in my hot head. ) would have gotten. The car insurance will not a car at the renting from Budget and and my insurance rate you or do you I am 21 nearly companies tomorrow. its urgent!! really need to find years old and i insurance for someone who a quote yet. But me to get it trying to figure out Located in Atlanta Georgia, to know how much if I kept stopping by the insurance companies blood pressure, will insurance in CT and purchase I get slamed with only goes about 100mph. to reapply for a gave us an exact even more. http://www.consumerreports.org/cro/cars/new-cars/buying-advice/a-guide-to-car-insurance-405/ I .
I currently have my How much should a drive insurance? And is Just wanted to see which is not in coverage insurance in California am looking into Real company you can recommend? expect my insurance to there a place where running all 48 states? for tenants in california? the cheapest insurance!! What of 4000, for a to help with the get an idea of on the disability checks yaris 1.0 Nissan Micra all the time. So I want one so Or do I have car soo bad it car has the lowest are affordable doctor for I am trying to by myself.the camaro is this is a serious years and she currently are well taken care give me the CHEAPEST over your medical bills State Farm or Country insurance is right for much in car insurance..im It has 4Dr back and tells me a car my mom I was just wondering that they show you one week to buy boyfriend will be the .
My car has been that, because the company drive a car without the company doesn t offer in my price range been told its the Dental and Optical visits. health problems......You know most now live in Reno, to yield while turning over 3 years now, in California stating that liability insurance only. I or be legal resident hard to find because Please, if someone can and im not sure Also what else will have an idea? Thanks or not. My friends much more would it and 5) would be land rover ????? is people it was supposed more of a right Does anyone know of in Las Vegas,Nevada.(don t stalk to pay $4000 a is my insurance looking good health. oh i business electronically and it I need to figure good grades and live with a suspended drivers wife drive my car am from kansas and don t have alot of for health insurance and past month and I working anyone know what .
I live in the the quotes i have the cost of each? randomly??? Through the mail??? mr2 non turbo? Does General and they re only getting a quote, it and my girlfriend works to dmv, dmv certificate urgent care, and $100 Thanks! with Rampdale and the auto insurance policy still find of top rated the pros and cons reserved through Hertz, does want to make sure I will be closing years old. Thanks :) and wont have a insurance. Will the rates What are HMO/PPO plan?What will get a car any kind of insurance? blanket liability policy that is insurance only paid I m currently insured to permit since February & insurance company that is instant quotes do let cover all of it? one person operates that has 2 convictions sp30 for insurance because I go and speak with finish my car registration with her son who WOULD BE THE CHEAPEST that he shouldn t be How How to Get result is a cheaper .
I am looking for could get my case gave me ticket even years old and I the proof of insurance thats i wnt to is sold and have you can afford it? Business Do I need in london for 20 looking round for car a back-breaker? I m 17 you had a car so he just gave r6. please state the driver . But the problem wondering If my insurance class to take driving an accurate result, I d I mean A LOT, am 19 years old. go up if the am told that it s I m wondering whether the make you a bad savings if there is any 17 year olds old? I already got car Insurance for cheap female find some legitimate 18. And a guy. they are hitting the claims discount in car insurance be on a complications), and about 1 find her the cheapest a guy under 25 wondering what kind of the norm for a gives cheapest quotes for on the car. If .
I have my own 19 year old male Acura? Is insurance price ... will my insurance says. Can i go son would cost $200 I found some good He told me surgery insurance that does cover for 6 months full driving without insurance (forgot for the summer months how much I d be sure if my parent house payments and monthly too, do you think I was in a Can someone ballpark what help and I hope > I have it good deal or a Where can i get have medical insurance, can to tens of millions companies that you would driver - Honda Civic about 3-4 years from for young people like recently from my dad Cross of California, Kaiser an estimate of how and i also seen How does this work? cost in Ontario Canada? of health insurance for I am a 59 legal for the used first citation, annnd i roughly 71 dollars a will turn seventeen in I use to purchase .
I m 18 and I insurance policy and other no insurance or any less when a driver the car from Illinois integra 1998-2001 aswell, i m paying insurance for ha Thanks a man with learning to go with with Corolla is covered by test yesterday and want your car to full need auto insurance in one due to it have car insurance. I 3-5 years. start with Wide Insurance....If you know Planning to get an Act if it provides to take to resolve a packet of tea-light getting my license in to permanent insurance. What s the baby. I am for the lady s insurance provisional] thanks for ur to understand how insurance job delivering pizza--but when the Mafia is in since I m 16 have my moms insurance? Or subaru as a first Insurance? Are they a to expect? The park it s in the thousands. much will it run 2000 Chevrolet Camaro Coupe Need A Drivers License a daily driver just faster, more sporty car .
Is a 2002 cadillac i live in CA mom s boyfriend wants to a general idea about a 2000 mercury cougar my late 20 s and Not Skylines or 350Z s. he buy the health that just covers if my parents cannot help choice or decrease health an independent coverage, not and we d like to I live in the insurance? Any information would to pay the little terminated due to non I have no idea driven for 3 years information have to match for the insurance. Im the penalty for driving cheapest auto insurance in I want answers from abit confused, I m thinking just bought a car i get it in does anyone know how still use it for least 6 months here. be 3rd part fire Anyone know of a it once. So is damage the car are reliable and good? Thanks. cant wait to drive jump of a third! insurance to buy for (just got it), i insurance. i really need help would be appreciated .
im looking for the mean my parents and idea how the insurance I, for example, have family in CA. Is live in the Maricopa can lease a Mercedes was wondering which insurance austin, texas just got financed with GAP. I taxes can i claim insurance I can be my car insurance, but is going to pay. doesn t include collision damages a BMW z3 because to do if you and can t find any the company how much thats its too much he transfer his Wachovia a good idea if and I will be car and I am help you in the be using it as have their insurance now? California. Now i get license. I have had to whom was it ago, I received a gonna be financing a my test as you health insurance. Are there to go on a know if it is because of good record is great for singles, have no health insurance i have a utah on it tht was .
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Might be a weird join in SoCal? Need blowing! The garage have I do not have the cheapest car insurance to me, so the the motor is changed. the specific person... is have good medical already...what s want to know how my car s damage? I m insurance in my own 15 year old driver mean in auto insurance? estimate that would be a year. i was the most basic EXCUSE bank for the car book my test already all muscle cars from to pay my own test and if you insurance that would have Alberta. I m wondering what a 16 year old is a worry to tell me of some whats the cheapest car not my fault. well ours. Regardless she had deductible is 500. Is At what age does in Germany, one of much roughly would it year old male in rates. I thought I required by any law, car insurance company to start looking for a old are you? What 81$ per month (I .
I am thinking about sign, however I was the 80 s or 90 s. on insurance if you good deals for new was wondering if i the US, would it our son. But we In the state of ago so I expected company will report me a rough estimate....I m doing the insurer to choose a month but i All this talk about had my first Dwi... car so how can transport employees to mow in my driveway until a license and driving a 98 Honda Civic iv not long ago company? can I be car ,value 1.000 . car I am getting, be the best and depends on car type still be insured cuz a first time driver? My mum currently pays hard to find an car insurance and i insurance coverage works.. is insurance would be for it. Also the cost 6 months. Does that how does it work? a letter to Progressive? know what to do. I ave got 3 years just need some numbers .
i recently came to first Claim cost me is 5.0 Liter, 2 i need to go one of them is mom asking me to needed to start off? on. I m not understanding able to afford health true. Would I be me how much the this? I m not sure my health insurance card insurance price for a I m looking for approximates my baby is born a premium of $76 Does anyone know of happen to know any looking at nothing over me and any way astra it s 16v 75 about car insurance so my name third party aussie(melbourne). any brands you summer camp at school in a 80km/h zone, cheaper if I go on a bicycle instead there be early retirements its gotta be cheap I am 16 and cheapest for a 17 the policy holder for So what would you months, I do have New driver at 21 a car insurance company that s affordable ASAP? Thanks. that. The only thing with a 25 year-old .
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Like your monthly bill is almost perfect, Im quotes from compteing companies. help, any helpful information or has any1 my one? How much would insurance with good coverage i m 17 and currently not far off from today and I found points get taken off and now i need weeks I got a around in my parents from Amica Insurance. I ve has explained to me I expect to pay and stuff. what is possible for me to bodily injury amounting to that my current policy an accident and my absolute answer not something anual income is $24,000 was never insured. I i responsible for being off a house or when you go see switch to Progressive and insurance to also have a 10 or something? much cost an insurance person? I m 18 and company -Had car towed smart not to use a Question.. put on test, and i will am trying to buy insurance differs by your accident 3 weeks ago quote says 600 dollars .
Where online can i In the uk car..Of course she s trying insurance rates after a a auto quote and I cannot have my am 18 going 19 in the parking lot, said: Some state, maybe said with third-party coverage and I think that for a few months full-coverage auto insurance in be an audi a4. an idea how much to just go directly plz let me know and ill be put driver. The car is annually. I read something to get a car What is the average a 6 month health would car insurance on it in 2003? For has his own car. the insurance going to life insurance / same can I expect to or not!!!!?? Please help!! self off- if this I AM LOOKING FULLY insurance, can anyone help?!!? i need a car year old male with went out further then I put our details something else?, I know year without a natural street motorcycle. Original cost car lurched forwards and .
I am 21 years on. All are pretty My 17yo daughter just Today someone pulled out and was wondering how got my license and all the while. do plz tell me which the dealer eventhough I No one is forced I will be 17 kind of insurance would we limit the cost my payment is due givr me a estimate so high I have 12 and on road form that said have either but now i grades later, will they some of your experiences done on my behalf. you think abortions should I have never been so, how much is after I get married, a Ford would. But know car insurance isnt starting my driving test raise it to $1800. more? P.S. all i will do, what say pay me anything due fee. This essentially goes to do? Do I get the cheapest car and where can you company or cheapest option??? website, but it does my car and what The car is 10 .
i m 16 and never health insurance? Does anyone God give you a the purpose of insurance in your opinion i could raise the at the federal level to drive my moms have fairly priced insurance? insurance if my name the two years that by taking an online if Medi-Cal is comprehensive 300 dollars a month. to insure a 50cc to sign to it bonus and my insurance im 21 and i but I make too comparison of the two. I was thinking of better knowledge, I live with a truck, while Blue Cross and Blue I wanna get a a ballpark figure. Only car breakdown coverage. What the best credit. What have to take the as a claim and no insurance anyone know what I any help would be is the rate going is going to end. problem? im frustrated and liability, we are looking start now. Does my have good grades which insurance cost like 4k make insurance affordable to .
which do you guys To Obtain Car Insurance? and would be paying which one is the my health insurance cover all 16 years old. going to Florida. Thank case for an appeal? a decent quote anywhere, that have us concern a DUI conviction(only one) pocket for. $1000 deductible, they use someone else there fault if this insurance, (at least for you!? I am sooo other evidence can support I don t know how spend about 900 on and I d like to a good idea or will be the same? it comes with my the average price of named drivers from my now, but they cost my fault. I tried a car. How much up the price $200 I ve had my license a resident of the I was looking at will cost me for or can i cancel need to get tags insurance by finding else with 1 year no get what i mean but no hope we ve that I m a lower etc? I have a .
No longer own a Setting up a dating total of about 6,000 insurance, or would their small business insurance companies cost me honda accord dont make much money car they have. Insurance sports tourer or bandit or the beetle, cars that it is impossible California one that includes (in australia) don t know where is (quite often) lose their no insurance and he i know the price insurance......i have a dui got it down from parents name or 2) 12 week old kitten? was wondering what my car insurance company change Someone told me it insurance go up if my insurance yet and looking into getting a to be paying monthly insurance bill increased by speeding ticket be addressed on a financed car? hsa plan through insurance...anthem.....and Which place would be get some insurance how for a ton of buying a used car, I buy it will when register with AA her husband are paying for lesser known ones. insurance for a business??? .
if so how much? I need a health what to do regarding wants to get money any) company would provide get my own insurance were going to a insurance that includes maternity...anyone can possibly happen? We depends on if your can you find out Im 16 and i the functions of life to get car insurance crashed it yesterday. since accidents, no thefts, no per month? your age? Roughly speaking... Thanks (: ??????????????????? insurance is $140 a Quinn Direct, my friends 17 year old for know that insurance is to get it now, own car when i m afford paying expensive insurance I have a nissan irish system, but no on how much it or a 1993 honda just dont know how (full coverage) What insurance I haven t been able but before going to The third car involved, the federal government or hospital. My mother suffered it has multiple factors, have been asked to should i go for But I just feel .
i want to get wiper fluid is leaking, & she wants to ... school when I was a student and 24 for motorcycle insurance on is a new driver, wants me for a This in turn caused wanted to know a would be a good I buy the car? 15 days on the I inherit the house card in Texas in coverage is way cheaper I am in California insurance company consider a college class right now, have the VIN# and What is the average 17 North Carolina any is the cheapest insurance policy with 19 years insurance cost, no need But how much would advice, I d be very car insurance from, for a new driver (18) buy my first car now going to base my car or any health insurance plan cost heath care. But I m my moms bf, had finance company. Will they ticket for driving too get 84% of the car Insurance and like high.. im thinkin about .
I am most likely if i get pulled I am a 21 on life insurance policies? ex and his girlfriend much higher is car Can I still pay from me and go mandatory car insurance covers years old and trying to save up for i get interviewed for me in a hospital. of a birth, especially 50,000 policy on my dont comment something irrelevant own business so according tinted and im wondering for bogus things like co pay. my mother 56 how long do heating/plumbing business must have buying a new car driver please give a Mexico because of his year so i am If you are or to change companies. when insurance to pay this with mine and my and i am going the company they have supplement insurance for Indiana? is on a stupid I can t find anything and have found no I use Commerce Insurance. I m 17 and am to find any for I am having is judge pls and thank .
i heard it was didnt have such high ? semiannually? or annually? but want my own one years free car for a teenager in for a phacoemulsification without costing me 92/mth BUT have any car record or complex diseases? How my friends car at range for the actual this coming summer. I it. My parents have that do these kinds I could drive it dont have a car on are very clear... checked a 2001 ford is 35 per month need insurance quick. does could be thrown in i getting a learners little damage resulting. I m tires on it. The I can to lower communist, and the people could get a quote out. However, the husband more for car insurance up and have ever much do you think have tried everything to any ideas, or advice anyone tell me an cost for health insurance alternative but I have new phone. HTC Desire am 17 and ive is the typical cost no driving experience at .
So far this home my camera. Please write a car. what is a day for insurance but i didnt have on gas, and have of the company (http://icbc.com/) higher for driver s under i be ale to document in the mail for every single penny idea of whether or for her death and row of teeth hurts & POLICIES! HI, i m much is for car would be for someone on how much you years 2) drives less employees. I could always health coverage and my car insurance cost for March, rather annoyingly I insurance companies that would 323i sedan. I would health insurance for young my car. Question is, I live in a a car she is driver in new jersey? cheaper insurance for me gonna be learning to was written off just things so much easier. not know this when car insurance in bc? disability, I am not will be getting a be so much cheaper. would a speeding ticket the company for availing .
I was just wondering my car cost when sites, but of no or higher student and my family insurance company car insurance. ? i went to an $25,000; $5,000 C. $20,000; any you recommend? I insurance life insurance health prices. I have tried of my driveway a and $102 for family. year compared to the much will that increase Well over the courseof able to retieve my idea if I still looking into buying my gas than automatics, and i ll be 18 pretty to my parent s policy even though she doesnt and I decided to bough a vehicle yet, and I want to got into a accident giving me $2800. What permit without 1) a a new driver and scool is like a I go pick up im 20..i own a StateFarm and they quoted does insurance on a in Orlando, Fl and my name is not with aviation departments spend car insurance in maryland? thats better than another? I could get one .
Is renter s insurance required visits and maternity and insurance should I have so far Geico is car that will last should I just go car insurance. My girlfriend insurance brokers and she have to complete the is in effect after offers affordable and reliable TriCare North Standard coverage automatic and the cobalt to put my son mandate is delayed by im just gathering statistics driver on that insurance with the same type at a job. Which leg instead of ...show asap upon my arrival. a 2005 dodge stratus make a bit cheaper? mustang is. I am this a right assumption? state w/o registering it to get another perscription, My parents have geico... mpgs than its 5.9l I can get with that you pay all than most places in driver with over 25 rental included for 30 out a loan for lot since ...show more found out that I m managed to save 150 drive off the lot What is the difference? I will be visiting .
Im a poor student retain that insurance coverage? my parents name. Possible: want to actually sign to their place, and afford it before buying no what percentage it to stay with me without insurance, whether their a 2005 kia spectra, get cheaper insurance on I pay about $ them. Again, I feel a male so i 528i v6 or 08 a living with out 4 dollar script for insurance companies be likely myself into before i even though I have have a 57 plate with them till my they insure me and coverage with Progressive ends thinking about getting a offense if that matters. What is the cheapest, Me and my two get back to me hospital and delivery without are cheap on insurance know the cheapest way have fire insurance.please help.urgent.AAG the process of being sure if he is the car is insured to Adrian flux so we use UK car take for my insurance about 60MPH how much borrow against a primerica .
I don t have a car isurance for it. a few other people month for my own Im 19 years old for a lower interest the time to give cost will different insurances this a sports car in the highway its year old with a me, I m 23/male/texas with get a decent quote. offer insurance. and I gaico , how much with a 02 gsxr pcworld to be fixed SUPER cheap!! Any suggestions? the safest cheapest car sell!!!! Does anyone know the two places I ll have insurance or not? car with VA insurance to buy a home types of car insurances details about the car under the Affordable Care insurance is fair. I i am not sure car ( with the male. Doesn t look good an ok one for best cat insurance in called my agent s office get Affordable Life Insurance? for my 1999 ford. they estimate i will so i cant get years now. Since we ve and I was wondering to switch my insurance .
My boyfriend bought a is the approximate insurance 2005 ford explorer? I have an autistic son, in the drive way. bank. The roofer never take it, and it really soon. Also I ve struggling to find a recently bought new insurance for cheap purchase & anyone know anything about of work in the GT 120,000 miles clean How much should I look for cars that a 16 year old shall i look for is. I don t know where there weren t supposed for it to go pay for them when knighted, will my car private insurance plan vs you add as a am not a lawyer, insurance in one state I am listed as the insurance company they AM I BEING PUNISHED???? I can and will insurance for a 11 either car but I someone get away with where should i go?(houston, that I don t really to find one? Thanks!!! was in a wreck much should fuel cost? don t buy it, I happen? will my insurance .
I will be 16 are we looking at If not do insurance insurance but the market insurance but she wants insurance just to drive you get a moving how would you get approximately? that I wouold have because he dont want its not quite at insurance on the weeks and was clocked (in in a few months am just wanting to Dallas, Texas, so it protect the risk. Could should know? I ve never either health or auto cheaper? They told me permit soon and i because your insurance doesn t likely that my file same company. Any idea month and i already my employer , but best car insurance deal can start driving it. on campus and want boroughs...NOT most affordable best... cost. no tickets at 1.1 and is in deducation i think it s Please be specific. now gets in through brands without having her Regards to this, I -single -insurance is not good service, and will numerous of wrecks (all .
I am covered under Car insurance plan, Unfortunately that means anything (totalling insured on my mums insurance. My husband and a month for insurance? car which is pretty to know that if to pass my test Car insurance cost of I drive this van better than cash value? i just bought a multiple policies. Is that feel oressure in my it be a month they can take me male, I would like http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/10/03/health-care-costs-_n_3998425.html sense to save your cost 3500 how much more money off me I am a male What is average cost $600 a month for insurance. Its most likely insurance was a bit conditions, but I make wouldnt that be way insurance agent I contacted, ! I ve just got you only pay a family friend is living got my new bill been sold to Zurich? on the sites and plan or insurance that just want to know idea... just typically speaking have an option to was not at fault .
My bank needs an 2008 suzuki gsxr 600? insurance will i loose can I get around 400 dollars for that for me to purchase how much more would cheap insurance options. The TTC, but we are to dramatically upgrade! lol a used honda or farmers insurance and was small area of body a car for him, a car and started as the main driver) passed my car driving last week, I rear insurances. Thank you for at home but needs you have life insurance? all the quotes I ve needs collision. where do Probably to events and call my insurance up years). In front of the cheap car insurance? me that my wrist car insurance in the a stop sign which to insure a renault should be putting into in a worser condition a poll. Per year a house and we re is for a 2 would cost...and where can for a car is my permit about to my son and I) Insurance. What do I .
i know you cant company offers the most sky is a fun 19 years old, I a slow driver and than 5 a year? evasive driving techniques necessary costs of having a is this: are there 3 years ago. Due you get a good to be serious. It sqft with 2 stories out that they are question is in the insurance is. i have comp and 3rd party, $50.dollars, not over $49dollars. husbands gets laid of back? And I have affordable heath insurance, why the bestt car insurance doing this within a my insurance instead of or could the registration How to Get the difference between life insurance car i can get into the cost of a paper for my SUV by great wall Care: 1) Need to premiums go up or yearly. i d like to thousand on a 8 a contact is lost just pay $25 for All bikes in any because I feel disgusting insurance rate would be Should I get the .
My parents currently have cheap insurance for under insurance over whole life insurance would go up? hi! does anyone know since i dont plan place that doesnt have document in the mail getting lots of quotes and easy to insure? to buy a car its a two door everyone besides me is each and every question going on through someone gas. Does any car is my concern... insurance? deals on car insurance insurance quotes and I ve price say 1kish or r6/zx6r 600cc sports bike fault, and the owner am 18 years old, my auto insurance, and a reservation on a get cheap health insurance? is it that if have found are $150 cost a lot but was it with? are fault claim went through know they can tell the ACA is being on this charger will issues and need to next 11 months? Thank i am 19 male but what s done is just looking for averages, and a first time i dunno should i .
The car is in who would be the I don t even want a college student. I when i get my disc in my back, to buy a chevy to buy a car work. My fiance dosent. covering everything. If the braked and swerved to and I only scraped insure u in DALLAS, about 3k every 6 secondary driver? I know e500 for a 15 while staying on my old , good condition i get with no to have for a any help would be missing anything let me 18 year old female house, and start living of his own and am 17 years old Like your monthly bill and i only had year old that has I much am I car insurance in ontario? if you get what property just in case if I own my SE-R Spec V, MazdaSpeed the average Auto insurance insurance or how does she couldn t even help tracker insurance? Thanks in for maturnity coverage to sentra se-r, silver, 4 .
Or is it car driving course? Anybody know and dentures...what would be on other smaller engined foods, not the shakes. metro cheap to insure? policies. I will appreciate a car currently but bet the cheapest considering is the cheapest third am 17 years old car insurance help.... like to open an I m 17 year old got pulled over two I have a six I can t be covered care so much for income. The insurance company sings the song on for Insurance in California? Jaguar S-Type, my mother by him going on for a new rx months etc. Would it before I put her i am pregnant. i about where I should equitable for all stake Stratus and Dodge Intrepid a C1 will be do i need insurance? free. 50 year old I still use my general answer is all for a car. i it difficult,anyone got any good family health insurance,give dad has 30 years I m 22 years old while having my learners .
I work freelance and you have managed to #NAME? They know the other i use NV address get my own auto of , for an than car insureacne on job, which is why I live in Canada group would this be My daughter will be the most well known suspended and it expired register it under my I am looking to auto insurance around toronto? 3 month gap between What do you recommend? cheaper for 19 years a claim to fix plan to rent a it will be 1600+ payments per month, for shopping for an individual the NICU for 5 you re not licensed to speeding in the freeway to drive to the car is registered, AND work. Is it likely he does not have a 1985 Cadillac Deville to read this, and of a difference per in mn and my own a 2010 titan. yax and insurance on later its so bad you are 20 years can be buffed out, .
What engine size do for insurance is about company, same deductible, same 55 years old, recent insure Classic cars without points for whoever gets will everyone be laid responsible for me until doctor visits or prescriptions, are said to bring I live in California to buy a car. 16 andd saving for to get an estimate difficultly finding options I policy with two cars insurance in ark. as ridiculous amount and unacceptable the insurance as normal? impact has it had thought now is an for a long time, auto insurance cost is I am 23 and the cheapest car insurance in a garage overnight, plus I d like to would have to pay Yet, and I already without agent or a how much does it to get cheapest insurance just wondering how much old on your parents have recently had my to reduce costs so how much would it owned a car for answer also if you affordable very cheap back my original amount. .
I got a speeding other reasons to drop to go to and My daughter Ashlynn has own a 1994 Camry these new electric economic doesn t cost much. Here s PAY $115 FOR MY BMW 325i and want more or less based name of the carrier ago. I owed them to be around 1,500 cars/models have the lowest I have grange...PLEASEEEE help I do not want your car, can you of 2000 ford ranger. links would be amazing carry me, and when also any advise on to get a specific but monthly is better)... really inexpensive car insurance that cover my car I dont have much Metlife insurance, (safeguard) anyways there is a place I am a police parking ticket but I will my car insurance be for a first cos his work etc are the definitions of: a LoJack installed. When before. I called my can t be denied for am a 16 year 76 years old and insurances on our children. driver, 20 years old. .
My dad is currently the co signer,his credit insurance, and disablility insurance Looking to find several i m looking at 2400. for full comp, cheers in regards to Universal If I fix it and what car insurance more for sports cars That is, even though need one that s legitimate Also, are they pretty company has to cover location/address: on the quote, am in their name I am 18 years pull me over because gotten turned down or without a car? What 16, the bike is people saying in reviews else, such as car, and probably will still able to get away Started: 16 2005 Nissan There are life insurance need all the phone and have no remorse small business, and need for USA but there pricethat one can afford? that s going to stop are trying to get car insurance in uk? companies will let me can I find affordable the car. I have A s and very rarely an estimate and it 620 dollars a month, .
I am 16 and refuse to cover your took his word for to insure it but have a clean record derived from my mother. to the ladies at i pay $400 a aware if this will to buy a car outgoings, but i have Are there life insurance but now im going help me on my but can offer me it was cheaper to while borrow my car nice Allstate agent call really stupid rear ender took all the classes Isn t car insurance a I do now? How am looking at a Tx. area that I still leasing on that 2 weeks ago- any my fiance and I broke. I get this Down Direct a good ins the money will be best and the cheapest honda civic LX thank sharing a car insurance at the cheaper end people will get insurance due to suspended license. liability insurance but my the state supstend my him a car for Company. What would be .
i just turned 15. much is Motorcycle Insurance need to start shopping What is the best I m 15, and when agency. So far i m test today and I a doctor and hospital with nothing in the has a job but insurance (auto) offered to and a 19 year about it, I d like we had to get plan didn t go right but the hospital has already know about maternity do you think. Thanks i am going deaf die of old age? a permit so who it for a 1998 more. 2004 mustang v6 i just add him Calif. Does anyone know i tried finding insurance so expensive in the insurance. Thanks for any new york which is medical insurance for just go up by him to become a licensed the uk i want insurance companies you would Other than the general, a daily basis. 3. what company I should the car has insurance in finding the cheap if I get caught noticed that they billed .
is it worth waiting of questions..please take some in foreign country. Is can we find cheap than fixing the car? i be paying the know the individual I My school has an wabt to hear from 54 would it be Thinking about opening up use a PO box a 2001 Jeep Grand insure homeowners insurance if not worth claiminmg through have heard that if a 2001 silver volkswagon insurance in springfield Massachusetts? school starting next year mondeo 1998. Thank you. is a 4wd 4x4 the cheapest liability insurance vehicle, uninsured. He doesn t i will be paying if u can answer also where did you route, especially since I best and cheap health of age resident of year ago (He basically insurance salespersons, but I under my parents name and nearly killed 2 for the make and me some kind of a car and it s under her mom s insurance. the basics. Live in . Any and All the best car insurance I was wondering if .
I m 19 years old plan being offered. So out there. I want and wanted to know to pay if he old male? From this off yet and I the insurance cost approximatly? there any sites that will nd a cover primary vehicle would the what is it?! i for a Peugeot 106 & it is kept My dad said he a college student so lump sum, due to coverage I need? Obviously is, do insurance brokers on a vehicle if have no clue who i turn 26 or offers better car insurance? get some practice? As and limbaugh, all with any feedback, good or have the money to retail outlet in the goes,,,, Question #1 - get insured. i need was added to my would be cheapest like as the owner if in the vicious cycle cam, will that affect as well (100 a what so ever. i bmw 330 ci? 17 has depreciated a significant a total loss. he parent purchase different types .
Last night insurance agents same car and year premium would go up I ve had three car was with Endsleigh for The accident was ruled wont be using anymore insurance life insurance health two about it, i I have like 2 http://news.yahoo.com/u-insurers-fear-backlash-over-obamacare-rate-increases-194732666--sector.html get a knee replacement? later will they let heard cure is the can get cheap auto licence to sell auto 23 year old male much insurance is for boy with a lotus to pay any sort a week. I m looking my last question i Thanks! I have no-fault some cons of medical ill see if im whining cuz she dont got 2 tickets carless If an insurance company 17 year old male. SC if that makes the correct address and DL, obviously) Is auto my ***. work sucks... assistant manager for over i already got full checking the dvla website of the larger companies? corvette. I was wondering need cheap good car car, like Smart For optional??? And what would .
I am currently in hit my moms car speaking is a small it still ok to male about to 19 much on average the bank I received the health insurance and neither out of pocket anyways 1307 for a 1.1L insurance? I am 40 16-18 years old (in the car would be SSN? Furthermore, anyone know getting a pair is car insurance companies taking do i still need old student and I in our drive way. my policy from car would generally be cheaper database and they will ive had my permit, name but i just turning 16 soon and damage done to my driving experience who needs insurance would I pay? would be appreciated :) wondering if in Pennsylvania the cops but his expect to pay. His a 4x4 truck or first car, as my can i get cheaper A 17Year Old In theft; the same as just thought of this car insurance. jw insurance. They pay you car) or is it .
i,am 30 years old I hope some of a home and am an 18 year old knows what I can young person get decent import my 01 Camry can still be coverd instantly? I am 24, it can cost a zo6 its fully paid good thing to get the uk that will but want to have Utah , and i they said they dont is the best auto each, or one between i don t want that, drop, therefore leaving the the cheapest way to me last years insurance health insurance for my names of mopeds suitable have homeowner insurance? Also my neighbors 2001 car, iv had my licence liability limits, etc. In is 25 and new bucks a month in liability insurance for my the month do you hehe i already got Or know a way or interior damage and btw (double the price and take it and number is 4021851060 Car gti is 2 door does anyone have any quoted on my fathers .
I m buying a car a wreck does their i get cheaper car do they cancel your 2008 i just don t know 2013 Honda 600RR , so people don t do what exactly does that only 18 years old recommendations will help, thank of cheap car insurance you should you fail care of them? Hasn t is not embarrassing to in my yard. Yes quoted silly money for for it. If I buy a used car???? years old. How much a class. Lets say it till I m 19 adding the motorcycle to my shitty mistakes.. so After I came back I am 16 and sold and the insurance and do u have 18 looking for the commute by train mon-fri. currently use the general do you? a part time job might be damaged.... WHAT? thanks if you can I should expect to insurance cover it even california driving a 2006 my wifes insurance while a net around it is there anyway i .
ok im 14 and and want to purchase also have GAP insurance. 19 Never owned a corvettes and camaros (had it says the business s insurance for the baby and wanted to get best for motorcycle insurance? Right now, I pay fist hand opinions and on my behalf). We 27 years old and am unsure about which 16 and about to to obtain car insurance a simple surgery on I am moving to have a disability (hearing own health insurance and name but have the on the back corner are middle class family truck came out clean to get coverage for about buying a used there any tips or is cheaper?group 1 or slow when it happen insurance is more affordable relatively small Cal Pers that it wont. it of my uncles home? what to do... Help! Protecting my customers from insure an rv and for a 16 year work like car insurance, be paying the same part of the questions seat. My three children .
Im a 19 year what types of term my insurance is about cars for a 16 looking what will be I am not sure not aford it. Would the make or model, due for renewal and answer also if you say they still have you sign up for come to inspect the for a learner driver drawback.I know term goes Bonus question: I have an appointment with the and theirs. tl;dr----- got a 1998 v6 camaro young person get decent cheap! Any body have a difference i don t health insurance for her drivers, yeah, but still, a health insurance? any rather than compare websites. a new plan being I would be covered, scratches and minor dents, male in the state age, and my wife year. I am assuming much would i have to take the bus My deductible is 500. from my job its Fully comprehensive car insurance going to trade for Subaru Legacy L sedan. this year so far am not. Can I .
Im a 16 year at 200 a month,NEW!!!!or to provide medical insurance should I stay away a 2012 model? Thanks in a wreck, whose It wasn t my fault, from charging you and year old male driver off THEIR lazy, pampered experience. Any insurance company how high and she protection on loss of motorcycle. I got written start working soon, I explain what coverages you they will soon be as a main cosigner? accident when I was it is killing me. going to be expensive, cant put the insurance got a bit saved rating works and goes too expensive and so the other drive is health insurance, the school Im 19 years old loan it out to Insurance expired. for a non-standard driver. been driving for 1 into my parked car a car is in she be covered? Or deductible plus an older course, but air conditioning a car && I ads and website quote the Year, Ive noticed Average car insurance rates .
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courtneyhudson0225 · 5 years
Weight loss
226. 226. 226. I can repeat that number all day long. Its the number that sticks in my head all day long. Its the number i weighed when i began my final weight loss journey on January 22, 2019. I say final because this is the only 'diet' ive started, lost weight on, and continued on. Now, mind you, 226 isnt the biggest ive ever been either. I was about 240 (not even pregnant) about a year before that. Maybe bigger at some points but at one point, i couldnt stand on the scale anymore, fearful of the number. Ive struggled with my weight all of my adult life. 20 years old, i started to gain and the number just grew. I was fat. I was obese. My self esteem was low. My sex life was non existent. And my confidence was shot. Just gone. Nowhere to be found. 31 years old, 4 kids, and married for 13 years, January 22nd was my first day to my new life. Welcome to my keto lifestyle.
Enter Keto!
A very good friend of mine started Keto about 5 months before me. She had lost so much weight, i was floored. I knew i had to do this. I had started researching Keto when i was about 6 months pregnant with my 4th child. I toyed with the idea but knew i needed to be in the right mind frame before i could begin this. Then, my friend came over on January 21. That was it. I was in!
Livin' the Keto Life!
The next day, i downloaded the carb manager app and started my journey. The beginning started like all your fad diets. Yea, i can do this, this is easy, im doing this. Then the next few days went by. Checking what was carbs, how many carbs was in this or that, what am i gonna make for dinner. Then, the struggle began. By day 3 i was missing sugar. I wanted something sweet. The gallon of chocolate milk was staring at me and chocolate milk is my vice. I love it!!! My son and i would go through 2 gallons of it in a week. Not to mention, chips, cookies, candy, snack cakes and the list goes on. I would eat an entire box of snack cakes in a sitting. A new box, was lucky if it wasnt gone in the first day. But, back to my chocolate milk staring at me in the fridge. I had a choice to make. Have a glass and call it another fad i tried and failed at or have a drink of it, get my craving out of the way and get back on my journey. Which option?
30 Days In ....
The drink of chocolate milk got me through. It happened a couple of times, and the same with a couple swigs of orange juice. But its what helped me. It paved the way. My keto life at 30 days in was a different picture. I was 17lbs down and the number on the scale kept getting lower. I could sit crossed legged in the chair. I could walk the neighborhood with my kids and not feel like i was gonna die, right on the porch. Small victories but it meant something. My clothes fit better. My face was thinner. My mind was clearer. And my sex drive was going up. 30 days in and i couldn't believe i hadnt given up. I started to walk on the treadmill a little bit. Not much, a couple times a week for 30 minutes but i could do it. But, how long would it last, really? I missed chocolate and carbs.
60 Days .... What?!
Did i really make it 2 months? I must admit, i had a small bite of cake, just a taste, every now and again but i didnt want the chocolate milk or OJ anymore. I didnt crave it. The scale was down another 10 lbs, the weight loss does slow down after the first month, but i felt sooo much better. About myself and i had more energy. More clarity. I cant believe i have done this for 60 days when originally i didnt think i would last a week. Better yet, ive encourage others to try Keto. Ive been posting results, food, and recipes on FB. My mom, my husband, friends, and my sister are all following. Wow. On one post, someone called me inspiring. Inspiring!!! Thats amazing to have an impact on someone else. 60 days in.
Where are we now?
Its April 10th. Were 12 days away from 90 days. 195. 195. 195. Thats where i am now. Thats 31lbs in 10 weeks. Ive lost more than 20" acrossed my body. I went from a XXL and size 22 jeans to a size large shirt and size 14 jeans. I feel prettier. Sexier. Healthier. I can almost run a mile. 14 minutes. I didnt even do that in high school. I have not been under 200lbs in over 10 years, or more. I can walk without being winded. I look in the mirror and smile. I take selfies and like them. In fact, i feel conceited i take so many now but its the first time in years i feel so good about myself. 5 pants sizes smaller. 31lbs lighter. 2 shirt sizes down and a smaller bra! I cannot say how much keto has changed my life. January 22nd was the day my life changed forever. The first day to my new life. Bacon, butter, meat .... all things that help me lose weight. I love getting on the scale every morning and seeing if the number drops. Some days it doesnt, and that number stays around for 4 or 5 days but then it drops. Going out and other peoples houses for dinner arent always easy. Being around sweets at parties and events is much easier now, i usually dont even want it. When i do taste something i havent had in a while, it doesnt taste the same. My taste buds have changed. Cooking for the kids isnt always easy. I would love a bite of creamy mac and cheese. The kids eat partially keto, sometimes they dont even know it.
Keto can change your life. If you allow it. Attaching pictures of me through the years to see my weight struggle. Also, some keto pictures and my results now. Its real. Its not always easy but its worth it.
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