#i didnt post any of my art for the first 6 years i was drawing
oifaaa · 1 year
Before your art gained more traction, how did you deal with not having much interaction/many views of your art? I understand that art isn't just for an audience, but it can be frustrating when only a few people see something you've worked on!
Never really had that problem to be honest when I started posting my art to tumblr most of it was getting like 40 to 500 notes which I was ecstatic about bc it definitely didn't deserve that but it was also 2017/2018 and easier to get notes - if you want some advice tho on how to get more notes on your art - play to bigger fandoms and try to be funny/creative/funny and creative - your trying to get people to reblog your art which is way harder now then it used to be but from my experience people are more likely to reblog art if its funny or part of an interesting au
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fleouriarts · 5 months
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mid-october - end of 2023 sketchbook highlights
descriptions and such below
1: front page of the sketchbook cus i like to do something a little more elaborate for that. however i didnt have any ideas so i just drew me with the three groups of characters/people that i like to draw (my sumakha ocs, hivemind, and my comatelma ocs)
2: doodles from after kenny beecham's hivemind appearance adding him to the hmfcu (hivemind furry cinematic universe). usually i avoid giving people domestic cat/dog sonas but i associate dogs with sports so much and ALL i know about kenny is that he likes basketball. so hes a dog
3: notes about furry shit. one thing about me is i love to draw comparative furry anatomy diagrams
4: bunch of quad doodles after the release of scrapyard III (mostly based on the easier mv but guess who quad is also there). i changed his fursona to a sheep literally RIGHT after my hiatus started LOL
5: random hivemind stuff from the same day as the scrapyard III doodles
6: i have catboy toxoplasmosis (also ft. my friends and i at the bottom)
7: redraw of one of hiveminds instagram pics :-) so cute creachers
8-9: redraws of older art (first one is here and second is... something i never posted LOL) but in my Silly Mode artstyle that i developed so i can have a little fun whenever im feeling frustrated with my Normal Style. it's somewhat inspired by @crosssssky's hivemind art, please go follow them!
10-11: oc stuff (and graydon and dignan at the bottom of 11). love hivemind but im hoping my brain will cool down on them in 2024 cus im planning to actually Do Something with my ocs this year. idk when ill actually post about that tho
12: bidding farewell to 2023... im so good at drawing exactly four different furry species now
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thesunwillart · 10 months
do you have any art that youve redrawn over the years? id love to see your improvement!!
hi!! there's been a few pieces that i've either redrawn or just revisited the sketches after a year or two! i've hunted down a few here...
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1 - pride alex [1st, 2nd] is probably the Most Redraw i've done, same pose and a few years apart. but it was so nice to see how my art's improved!
2 - [wash away your fear character line up] so i never posted the original sketch of these, but i had planned to do this character line up back a year ago, but i was really struggling art-wise and also just in personal life, so it was gathering dust after i gave up on it. i just decided to pick it up again the other day and redo it all!! and im SOOO happy i did. really makes me all warm to be able to redo them.
i'll put the others under a read more cuz this is. long LOL
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3 - one of my first FIRST on purpose redraws! these are me and my friend's ocs Chrissy & Arcturus, and i had drawn them every year for mermay until 2020... i think there's a sketch laying around somewhere lol (I got my first digital tablet in 2018 awww)
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4 - [bounty hunter siblings] do oc redesigns count? im gonna say they do. i remember i just didnt know what i wanted to draw but i wanted to draw SOMETHING in oct 2021, so i pulled out these old star wars ocs lol
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5 - [what the water gave me] another case of "i dont know what i want to draw so im gonna revisit an old sketch" this time the old guard themed lol i couldnt figure out how to do the water so i gave up on it at first
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6 - [kiss one, kiss two] back in 2020/2021 i was drawing so much that i felt like my style was changing rapidly (and i guess improving as well with the practice!) so i felt like the redraw a month later really had improvements!! theyre so cute
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7 - [spidersona 1, redesign] another oc redesign! im really happy with how they came out!! very "first homemade suit -> official suit" vibes from these lol
but yeah!! that's the ones i found this time :D i hope u enjoyed this trip down memory lane! there's actually a small pile of pieces i want to do legit redraws for... i'll get around to them on a rainy day lol. also ty for the ask <3!
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pokemon-ash-aus · 1 year
Heyyo! Hope this ask reaches you well nwn. I have a couple hundred questions about ur art style and storytelling methods if you don’t mind :3
Most important one: How do you draw Mewtwo fingers so well 😭😭😭😭
Also, what program(s) do you use? Canvas size for different projects? What brush settings? And how do you sketch, line and colour? Which step is your favourite? How long do you normally take from piece to piece?
How do you come up with your different AUs? Any particular inspirations? What tips would you give someone just starting out a comic on tumblr?
And uhh any general tips on getting around tumblr? Blogs you really like?
Sorry for all these questions, really big fan if you can’t tell :’D I actually really love the pride art piece you did~
So i tried answering this before and it doesnt post so uhhhhh heres to hoping it works?
1. I base Mewtwo's paws as hands, worked without the rounded digits first then moved to rounded digits so... Take that as you will?
2. I use Clip Studio Art and Procreate! Mostly, anyways XD i also sometimes default back to Paint tool Sai, or Fire Alpaca if i want a different brand lol.
3. I vary in size for different projects. My animations are different than my sketches, my sketches are different from my completed art and my completed art is different for my comics! It also helps my brain not get tired XD
4. I tend to favor my lineart and rendering! Though both of them take equally long times, i render less But i love it more.
5. Depends on the project. I can typically churn out colored pieces in like an hour or so! Sketches are faster.
6. A lot of them are inspirations of something else. Shiny AU was just cause i liked Shiny Pokemon. But Dead AU was based off Danny Phantom and Mimikyu au was a "What if" scenario of the dead au!
7. Oop, Danny Phantom for the Dead AU. Legendary Mew was based off the whole Chosen one BS XD False Twins was slightly based off of TC but was actually based off another AU where Ash and Mewtwo were sorta close friends.
8. Tagging is your best friend~ don't be afraid to interact with other blogs. If someone is being mean, just block em and move on!
9. Getting around Tumblr? I'd say reblog, follow peeps, go to your favorite fandoms/tags! You'll get mutuals in no time!
10. Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh a lot of peeps but i dont wanna bother then with tags XD so nontagged peeps!
Loupy Mongoose
TazerPones/MegaMew and Crew
The Mew Crew
And a few more but i cant remember tumblr names djdbdb
And thank you! I have one more peice i want to finish before i forget- its a peice i didnt get to do last year XD
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spearheadrampancy · 6 months
So... if you don't mind me asking how've you been?
hoo boy. yeah. tldr: alive!
quite a fair chunk of shit happened i think. when i redownloaded the app i weighed up if i was gonna make a post abt what's happened, but ultimately decided against it bc i wasnt sure how active i was gonna be. looks like the answer is very, so i might as well for anyone who's curious (:
on with the details in no particular order!
just before we stopped posting, we mentioned how the company we worked for announced big profits, an expenses-paid trip for the top employees, and also the tiny small news that the team we were on was getting downsized from 20 ppl total to about 3 (6 to 1 for my role specifically). well, we did end up losing our job completely because the company was unwilling to make reasonable adjustments so we could move to the same role in a different team (we don't have any legal grounds to take action unfortunately). but this was fine for us bc we grew jaded with how management was doing shit anyway. they also laid off about 700 people from across the company a few months later.
we spent months trying to find a job, and eventually applied to university on a whim. we got in! we're studying game design and are currently in foundation year (level 0) of the course. we were pretty worried about "fitting in" and suff but honestly we made friends instantly and it turns out a lot of lgbt autistic folks are studying game design foundation year. strange! (/s). its a little weird being part of the popular clique now.
we built a site. a real one! with colours and scripts and all that! a couple sites, actually, but only one is what we're comfortable sharing publicly (other site is sys member info for friends to reference). the site is on neocities, available here. we got really into coding for realsies around the time that we stopped posting. we also got into something called choicescript, but the site took priority as we use it as a digital portfolio. we also started practicing API work by making little tools for the discord bot pluralkit, but they are. uh. far from finished
we got an rgb bulb that actually works with shortcuts, so it inspired us to actually code shortcuts again. they're pretty advanced now; we have a series of them dedicated to forcing us to sleep (it obviously isnt working given i'm still awake at 4am !!), but they're really smooth and helpful
we started drawing properly again (i know we've posted a lot of art on here but most of it is low effort memes. and also none of it was trad art, which we got back into), in order to prep for being asked for a portfolio for uni. which we eventually didnt even get asked for. we opened an instagram account to post it to while we work on getting our art on our actual site, and recently a deviantart account for crossposting.
i stopped writing. i also largely stopped building on my ideas for games and comics and such. this was more because i had More Pressing Things to be writing about, like our CV, and our applications, but i havent really picked it back up. in a bit of a plateau of inspiration rn. wanna fix that though.
we started playing hotline miami, which we'd been meaning to do for years. completed the first, got halfway into the second before a TERRIBLE AWFUL THUMB INJURY (dramatic. didnt even need glue) rendered us entirely unable to use a controller. it healed but we havent finished the second yet. today's actually the first time since august that we've even touched a controller, let alone played any games.
we got back into making music. we decided the system was going to start releasing music as a collective, so we set up a whole youtube channel and stuff for it. videos'll start january 1st, we hope.
i convinced two people to watch red vs blue. my token cishet guy friend who was my colleague at Shitty Workplace (i sent him slutty locus from earlier and his only response was "amazing") and one of my new uni friends (very autistic i think they will go feral for it). token cishet just finished season 8 and uni friend is in season 3 i believe.
health wise has been. a ride... our normal gp stopped practicing entirely, and we dont trust the other gp's at our clinic, so we've been entirely unmedicated and unchecked since november of last year, barring OTC stuff. except for the part where at the end of october we finally saw a rheumatologist (after being referred in 2019!) who said we probably had fibromyalgia. earlier this month we also caught some Mystery Illness that lasted two weeks and nobody knew what it was. our voice still hasnt recovered fully and the whole experience was weird, but the hospital nurse wasnt concerned and it didnt come back as positive for That One Illness That Got Really Popular In The Last Three Years so its honestly likely that it was just the regular old flu, which we werent used to after only really suffering from Disabled Person Sicknesses for the best part of the last 15 years.
we met steve downes and jen taylor, the voice actors of halo's master chief and cortana! got photos & signatures (: steve complimented my jacket and jen Really Wanted A Nap.
WE GOT THE GRIFBALL PLUSH (: i would make this bigger if i could. it's just one of those Material Gains that has a lot of sentimental value to us. and i found my glow in the dark ring which i cried about. again: material gains of high personal significance.
so yeah! a lot. im probably missing something because i have the brain of a sieve. but we're alive and thats the important part.
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spikeinthepunch · 1 year
i have my 2022 art summary queued up and just want to ramble about the last year,... lots of stuff happened, good and bad! been a strange time.
i imagine most followers around have probably been here since late 2020 but 2020-21 i did art quite a bit, but the thing that really stuck for that period was i was super involved in warrior cats RP for some time-- i love RPing and these group also got me motivated to draw too! but i feel like i kind of wasnt around in the typical way due to how consumed i was in it. i dont think i need to go into detail of every month during that time, but it wasnt until early this year where i dropped it, and i didnt really publicize in detail why due to the issues surrounding it, but it was probably the biggest impact on me this year mentally, and in terms of art direction. and i feel like itd feel good to document this in a blog after it has now blown over- and why ive shifted my direction too.
i was very happily running my own RP server for just a year before i had to close it this year and it still makes me sad, as much as i moved on. ARP was like... a very big deal for me and i cant deny that. i dont have a lot of projects i get that into or get even close to setting off with its story figured out. i wrote well over 100 pages of documents for the world and the 6 planned arcs. i drew loads of art i couldnt even share until it closed (tbh im not positive i have shared it anyways bc i didnt wanna post it here). i made a website, i made riddles and code, i developed lore that was far outside of the warrior cats scope to it basically just being original!
truly i have never developed a project as far as i made ARP and to shut it down in order to save my privacy and past trauma from being further exposed in such an inappropriate way really sucked ass. a lot. it was a situation where there was no control given to me, no sense of understanding from the community. im not writing this out now to be pointing fingers and calling out names- just venting how it took a toll on me this year. what had happened with my server was that one of my own mods decided to dig into my profiles and found an old nsfw page, which even more indirectly led to an old flist, which exposed various things i was into around 17-19, reflecting trauma and abuse id been through (in it, voiced wanting to take part in certain kinks; ex. being a victim to violence and dubious consent scenarios). this information was at first presented as a threat to minors viewing my RP page (as in "ppl can see your nsfw profile from the blog!") which wasnt true/accessible as they said it was and required many many clicks to find, and then slowly revealed to me the people exposing this were in fact two of my own mods and was promptly cut off from explaining anything else as it spread in a private mod discord in the RP community. Which was worse to me than everything else that could have happened honestly, and i only learned this second hand from a person who saw it in that discord and thought it was horrible this information was spreading like that behind my back. in some ways things were okay-- i didnt get "called out" openly as i did my best to explain how these pages were not current to those around me, and that they had dug into some deep cutting trauma and a period where i wasnt getting any help to cope properly. it still didnt stop the fact i left every other RP i was in due to connections w those exposing it, and in turn closing my own. i dont want to say im thankful i didnt get called out publicly, but the damage was bad enough in so many other ways because i couldnt continue my server at all, and in the end people's obsession with purity culture in the fandom still made them deem me "bad" because i had nsfw accounts in any capacity. thats not a space i want to be around anyways...
ill forever be thankful for those who stuck it out to the end and witnessed the documents i got to share before closing it for good. but this was a HUGE part of my life for the last years of the pandemic, and i wasnt there for warriors cats- i was there for the people i knew, and the stories i made. i still miss RP a lot, and i want to host projects like that again after moving on mentally from that ordeal.
but my 2022 art summary shows a major shift that was 100% in part to disconnecting from wcrp. humans everywhere! seriously. for a solid few months i couldnt even bare to look at anything related to ARP. i didnt want to think about how i lost this story i developed so hard for so long.
honestly didnt really start drawing properly again until the summer- my art during my HL phase was very very light and very messy. i fell into a hard depression early summer and i only crawled out when i got into mcyt- and even then i was hiding it from this blog. i think i just needed to not feel like i was "online", because August included me joining a onceler RP and again, not saying anything about it. which Weehawken was the first RP thing I had done since i closed ARP too, and it was weird. not the RP itself, it just felt weird to try that again.
and it wasnt my favorite month, i just felt so tired and exhausted- that depression was kinda lingering and drawing a lot for an RP again was something i wasnt really used to anymore.
the past three months have been.... better? or i have at least enjoyed what i am drawing more. i think im far enough removed from what happened with ARP too that it doesnt weigh on me as strongly. i wasnt blaming myself for anything but it doesnt feel good when you know you have to kill something. we talked about recovering it, i had ideas, but i just knew it wouldnt be worth trying to with so much damage caused in my own self, and the impression that whole community left on me knowing people would willingly spread such personal information without question. having trauma exposed after going to therapy and relearning how to use the internet in a way that doesnt lean on trauma dumping and whatever unhealthy bullshit? its quite a blow. i dont make personal blogs like this often because i have good methods to deal with my shit these days.
despite this messy year im doing well. its been ups and downs. overall i know im far more confident in myself, i moved out to live on my own, and im just doing my thing. whatever bull shit happened this year, call out or not, i know im still just gonna keep doing whatever it is im doing. and heres to hoping i can bring a world to life like i did with ARP again, bc i really have a lot i want to tell and show and do.
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zenpai-senpai · 2 years
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Litterally havent posted anything here in almost a year lmao my art is fucking awesome, you just havent seen anything new and everything isnt my "masterpiece", its made specifically so i could make alot of it. Thats why all my "me vs other girls but make it lesbian" and " trender vs real trans but make it gay" arent shaded or highlighted at all. They are just lined and colored 😂😂
all the art posted here was made almost a year ago, i just cant post my new stuff because its 1. Im currently working on animations and irl art mediums like painting/knitting/diamond sequin art/fanficition/writing/working on my fanganronpa/etc aka stuff that dosent make sense to post on a digital art blog thats mostly misc. Fandoms and ideas, 2. Some of my newer good stuff is nsfw so it cant be posted on tumblr without being reported by bitchass pple like you, 3. There is no age limit on art, anyone can start at any age and all that matters is that people like the art they've made and lastly 4. Ive been considering coming back and posting some undertale au and sans oc art but ive had a pretty consistent art block, i think you just broke it lol thanks! I might come back!
Most of my stuff hasnt been postable here and judgeing me on a mixed bag of art thats anywhere from a year ago to almost 6 years ago( considering my reblogs of art i posted on my og blog) is not a proper way to judge an artist. Like just say your lgbtphobic or racist or something because you dont like i made alot of different types of people in my mvogbmg posts because you didnt even give mean spirited constructive criticism, you just insulted it without any specifics 😂😂 So like, take a dick up the ass and whine in someone else's inbox or sumthn, id like to see you draw something better.
I went from this at 13-14
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First 2 are my ocs and last one has muffet. All of these draw on anime bases off google and colored on ms paint. This isnt even the oldest ms paint art, i have hetalia(i dont support hetalia anymore, i was young and dumb) stuff even older.
To this at 19-20.
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One manga coloring w/stock photo background, one of my own oc with no tracing or even a reference w/stock photo bg and last one is kacchako w/o any tracing or body references with a bg and clothing i created myself.
Id say for there being a max 7 years and minimum 5 years, thats a fuck ton of improvement, not counting my 2 billion big binders of art made on lined paper. Im very proud of my art because its the strongest thing about me. No amount of wah wah unrequested judgement of it will ever sway me from enjoying my art and how it looks. I went to school for it ffs, lets see your graphic arts degree, hm?? Oh you dont have one? Shut up lol
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blackheart-6 · 2 years
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I posted 41 times in 2022
That's 32 more posts than 2021!
41 posts created (100%)
0 posts reblogged (0%)
I tagged 41 of my posts in 2022
#my art - 40 posts
#art - 40 posts
#digital art - 38 posts
#deltarune - 25 posts
#noelle holiday - 23 posts
#deltarune noelle - 21 posts
#dess holiday - 7 posts
#fnaf - 6 posts
#december holiday - 5 posts
#deltarune ralsei - 4 posts
Longest Tag: 130 characters
#also i inserted the noelle from a different drawing onto the background which is why her lines look odd compared to the background
My Top Posts in 2022:
been in a bit of an art block, so i drew a peach
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feel like it turned out meh
18 notes - Posted July 21, 2022
i drew some more noelles
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trying to find a dress design i like
any thoughts?
39 notes - Posted September 16, 2022
drew my favorites from both deltarune chapters
for this being my first time drawing ralsei i think he turned out cute
and noelle turned out okay, i feel like she didnt turn out as good as my last drawing but it couldve been worse
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and speaking of my last drawing, thank you all for all the notes, i was so happy and surprised with how many there were!
43 notes - Posted May 29, 2022
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tfw you be walking around and meet a random goat who looks like a knock-off of your childhood friends brother
44 notes - Posted November 26, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
tried to draw noelle according to her actual sprite
probably my favorite noelle drawing of mine so far, i feel like she turned out very cute!
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the only thing i didnt really do like the sprite were her hands, and thats just because i suck at hands
also dont ask why she looks so different from the noelle i did like a few days ago, idk why (i have another noelle wip and she also looks super different in that, so i guess i just lack consistency)
233 notes - Posted May 13, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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isaspsp · 2 years
💋💫Crimson Lips 💫💋
A Lady never leaves a mark.
Unless she wants to ~
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Edit: I found the original comment I had along with this piece!!! So under the cut it goes. Enjoy the reding, if you dare.
This piece is fanart for Monochromatic's "Crimson Lips"
I have a lot to say about this piece. Firstly, I have a hard time picking favourites most of the time. I don't have a favourite food. I don't have a favourite color. I don't have a favourite music genre. I don't have a football team. I do have a favourite number! I don't have a favourite author. But I believe that last part has been surely rectified by now. I guess I can say that I've dedicated so luch time to doing fanart for this one author, that they can, indeed, be considered my favourite author. Then we are taken to this piece. One more fanart. Of an ABSURDLY amazing story. It might be the bias that it is from my favourite author, and someone I have the honor to call friend even. (Mono, btw is the author of the books for my two AMVs, so I'm quite the fan) But really, it's an amazingly written story I urge you to read. Reminder that the fic is rated teen, but it deals with sensitive topics.
Now onto the piece: This piece took an ABSURD amount of time. Like. I think it officially topples any of my previous records. But I don't know exacly how long it took. If it were up to me (and it is), I'd say it took like, maybe 6 hours? (It didn't, it was a lot more) I really wonder what sort of trance this piece had over me. I finished it in about 5 days-ish? I made the rough thumbnail on day one; 40% of the frame on day two; finished the frame, sketched the characters and blocked in all of them in day three; Rendered 75% of the characters day four; Finished rendering and other details on the morning of day 5. Today! That might seem reasonable enough. But here's the thing. I worked day 3 and 4 all day solely on this piece. From 8am to 11pm. ALL DAY. AND I DIDNT NOTICE I SPENT ALL DAY WORKING ON THIS ONE PIECE. I didn't even open another drawing's file. If you're familiar with csp's time-lapse feature, know that a two character portrait usually amounts to a 2 minute video. A piece that I'd usually spend 4 hours on, amounts to 2 minutes. This piece has a ten minute time-lapse. So I'd wager that I spent… at least 20 hours on this piece. Which feels so wrong. It's a beautiful piece sure. I love it immensely. But it feels wrong. It doesn't feel like it would need that much time to be completed? It doesn't have a conplex background, it doesn't have challenging Lighting, the characters don't interact directly, there isn't so.e frame perspective going on. So I don't know what made this piece take this long.
Let's gather what could've made this such a long piece.
I didn't rush A SINGLE PART OF THIS PIECE. Which contributes to why It took so long. I ALWAYS rush some part of a piece. Not necessarily in big ways, but maybe a rushed element. In this piece, the only thing I settled for was the border/frame/background. And even then, I say "settled" for because I did put a lot of care in it, but it was okay with it not being perfect.
I'm not THAT used to drawing and consequently painting humans. Or humanoid creatures. The reason why I draw more antro than human is because I'm SO terribly horrible with faces. Now, you don't see all the thrown away sketches from years past. I think a lot of that stemed from me not knowing how I wanted to go about stylizing them. When I started drawing pony, I had a very small pool of inspirations, and I did a shit ton of tracing (much before I ever started posting on the internet), so I didn't have much - or any at all -pressure to find a style. Now it's different. I'm very proud of my art. I've convinced myself that I don't have time for self doubt. This is the one and only hobby I'll not ever allow myself to drop. I've dropped knitting, soap carving, reading, swimming (which I couldn't to much in the first place), but art has been the one consistent hobby I've had. My self doubt will have the rip my heart away before it gets rid of my love for my own art. But then humans. I love my art, but then again, I can dislike my work still. And because my horizons are so much broader than they were when I started, I have so many options… too many options. Humans are difficult to draw because they are so fundamentaly different from all the animals I've drawn. They are us. Humans, there is so much more nuance that you have to capture to make them feel real. It's a hard balance to achieve. There are so so so many ways to stylized humans, from more goofy, to more simple and concise, to graphic to hyper realistic (aka barely any stylization). And again, I' bad at picking favourites. So then come furries, anthros. The nice middle ground of humanoid, but still familiar with the animal bits. And with anthro, you can choose how humanoid they'll be, so they were a good way to ease myself into drawing humans! And it worked. But I fear it might've worked too fast. Or at least too pointedly. Too concentrated in this one piece.
It feels like someone else drew this piece.
I think the best way to analyse your art looking for ways to improve it is by imagining you didn't draw it. It's easier to pick out the weaknesses of something you don't have emotional connection with. After I'm done with analyzing, I can switch back to myself and love a piece for what it is. Again, I need to be proud of my art.
But this piece is almost foreign in quality.
It's supposed to be heavily inspired by the art nouveau movement. I think that is pretty clear, so naturally, it's a far reach from my usual style. I don't thing that the realism is the characters' proportions is a staple of that style, more so the rendering, shape language and background style are what clue you into that style. So I could've done any stylization for the characters and it's work. At least it would've been good enough for me. But then again. Humans are a pain to draw. And making them anywhere other than human would destroy the intent of the original text, so that wanst an option. So I started drawing. I honetsly don't remember most of my sketching process nor decisions. Only by looking at the time-lapse that I see what decisions I took. Again. Foreign. I think the only piece of human art I have similar in style tot his one is those humans portraits I drew of my OCs, Beau and Bishop. But even then, this feels… different. Not to count that the rendering technique is something I, again, have never done before! This was mostly a combination of hard pencils smoothened out my blender brushes. I usually just bland with the painting brushes themselves, so that was a new technique for me. Again foreign.
In conclusion. I don't know if it's a good thing that this piece feels that foreign. But I know I drew this and that I'm proud and completely in love with it, and I hope you all are too 💖
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antiloreolympus · 3 years
8 Anti LO Asks
1. It doesn’t really make sense for a long term comic such as LO to have such a drastic change in the artstyle, and even more you can’t really call it an improvement when all the interesting parts of the art style are now gone and all that it is now it’s just some basic same-face and body art style with barely any backgrounds. RS is incredibly talented for illustrative artwork and it’s really a shame she’s not doing that anymore and instead has left it to her team, with leaving them very messy sketches. The artstyle in the beginning had life and glamour and now it’s just very dull and boring. That’s not an improvement
2. I genuinely can’t think of any man in LO that’s even half way decent. Poseidon maybe? Hephaestus? Those are the only two I can manage, meanwhile the rest are either Rachel purposely ruining them because of her own biases (Zeus, Apollo, Thanatos to an extent) or are “good” men who are just creeps who disrespect all the women around them and are super creepy and obsessed over a literal teenager who acts like a child (Hades, Ares, Hermee, Eros, etc). The women aren’t much better either. 
3. About Perse making Hades childish: (this is no way defending him, just some speculation, and tbh I doubt that RS has thought this through haha) I wonder if he becomes a horny teenager around her because she’s a goddess of fertility? Would that have any affect on him? Doesn’t excuse his creepy ass behavior, but could explain it a bit, I guess?
4. Okay so I'll be honest I dont really see any reason to 'simp' over Any of the LO characters?
Also, not to start sh*t, but - I think part of the reason why some of the LO fandom does not like Zeus (and perhaps gives Hera more leeway - at least in terms of cheating) is because:
Mythologically Zeus is a known cheater / rapist (Io for example, or Semele)
They see Hera cheating a Zeus as okay (its not) because he's been known to cheat on her in the past / fans see Hera cheating on Zeus with Hades as 'justified revenge' for what he's (Zeus) put her through
I'll be honest I dont really see Zeus (or Hades for that matter) as good rulers because
Despite other deities (like Eros) doing 'acts of wrath' - they get away with it because they often have someone to back them up (like Aphrodite offering to sleep with Zeus to get her son out of trouble) - but the one time Persephone does something wrong (an act of wrath) - Zeus wants to give her the Prometheus treatment - mainly so he can feel like an in control king whos subjects respect him
The reason this sound so odd is because of RS writing choices. Zeus is a grade A d*ck who is willing to destroy a 'young girls promising career' because she made 1 mistake that one time. But at the same time the act of wrath is framed oddly because Demeter doesn't want her daughter to get in trouble so she covers it up (its like the equivalent of hiding a murder from the cops).
Zeus wanting to Prometheus Kore seems overly harsh because she is a Child. (Well a teenager) - so it adds to the "Zeus is a d*ck" card, because she doesnt have the life experience to "get away with" stuff like the other deities because she is young AND sheltered.
Like again, the whole concept of Human Laws applying to Gods is so confusing:
Would Zeus have been this harsh if Demeter had simply come forward in the first place about Persephone's murder rampage? Why did she blackmail / get other deities involved to cover it up? Is Zeus THAT much of a d*ck in Demeters eyes that she knows he would harshly punish a child for something "she didnt mean to do" (killed mortals based on a feeling?)
Why is there a motherf*cking trial in the first place? Do All the other deities get the right to a fair trial or is this a special case? (Like can any deity just offer to sleep with Zeus and he'll let them off the hook?). If the other deities had commited the same crime would the trial / punishment be the same or does Zeus just have a rage boner because he was lied to? If thats the case then why are the other deities taking Persephones side during the trial? (Ares I can maybe understand cause hes the God of War and stuff but everyone else is taking Perse's side because their either her personal friend or family member (Hecate, Hermes, Demeter, Hades etc).
Why are there certain laws like "Zeus cant get to Persephone because she has clemency in the underworld" but other deities - including Leto, Demeter and others (like Perse's nymph family) can just stroll into Hades house? Why is Hermes still on house arrest? Why are Hades + Persephone throwing a house party when shes on trial for scythe crimes??!!!
Why are the gods bound by such petty squabbles?
The way RS set up the governing "laws" in universe just doesnt make a whole lotta sense. Also, sorry this got ramblely.  
5. Tbh i don’t think that Hades acting differently when he’s with Persephone is a bad thing, as a concept. But there are many issues with this such as the fact that Persephone is barely legal and Hades act like an actual child around her. Obviously when you’re with someone they are going to act different than they do when they are at work. The problem is that Hades essentially goes from the “cold-scary king” to a 17 year old hormonal boy when he’s with Persephone. And him making out with her in a middle of a store or them golfing with diamonds or him making out with Persephone again in front of his workplace is not exactly acceptable behaviour from a king. If Hades acts all lovey-dovey with Persephone when their at their home together it’s different, but when they’re at a public place they can’t really do that. I would say that he has to keep a status about him but from what we’ve seen all the citizens of the underworld hate him and don’t respect him at all, from yelling at him to actually fighting with him, so idk how much status there is actually attached to him 
6. I swear, the majority of the “cute” HxP moments in LO just seem like a single father dealing with his hyperactive 8 year old over the supposed future intimidating rulers who Rachel is obsessed about talking and drawing their sex life. Is it really that hard to depict Persephone even acting like a smart teenager at the very least, as opposed to an airhead grade schooler? It doesn’t scream cute to me, it seems more like a father/daughter relationship. It’s just weird. 
7. i mean, i have a LO oc who's persephone's brother (fertility god) between demeter and zeus. dude got thrown into tartyrus to cover up the affair and now serves cronus. he was the god of summer, and my reasoning was demeter's seasons/harvest + summer thunderstorms. wrote a whole minific i will never post about him and persephone realizing everyone around them are assholes and healing together. so the mistress-of-zeus oc isnt that weird.
8. I’m not a Zeus stan by any means, but I do find him one of the most interesting characters, and one that RS has, in her attempts to make him be the worst ever to make Hades look better, actually way more interesting and compelling than the majority of the cast. He doesn’t lie or whine to the audience he’s some good person like Hades when he’s not, he owns that he’s a dick and doesn’t bullshit the audience into thinking he’s someone he’s not. RS tries to show us he’s a “bad” king, yet we see no proof it beyond what, he wants to uphold the law P broke and doesnt kiss Hades’ butt? That’s not a bad king, it’s a good one that he doesn’t let family ties or lust cloud his judgement, unlike Hades or Hera, for example. I don’t condone his cheating either, but it’s not fair to hate him for it, but love it that Hades cheated on Minthe so he could get into a teenager’s skirt and praise Hera for sleeping with her brother in law while punishing Zeus’ mistresses because she’s being a fake “loyal” wife. Just because he’s a deeply flawed, even a bad person doesn’t make him a bad character. Hades and Hera and even Persephone are awful people who do worse than Zeus, yet they’re loved and praised for it, all while being written with the depth of a puddle. 
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princeanxious · 3 years
What art are you most proud of? And please show us a pic if you can! <3
Not gonna lie, this was actually p hard to answer. I’m honestly proud of any piece I get done, especially any full body, full color, full background pieces, and I refuse to let myself out-right hate anything that I draw in general now-a-days, unfinished or no. I draw for fun, always have, so I try not to put too much worry on how good something looks so long as it gets my idea across in a way that I like, or that I tried?? (And ik being proud of a piece doesnt have to tie into what the end result looks like, im just covering that base) I looked through all of my recent digital art on my ipad(that i’ve had what, 3-4 years at this point?) and found myself about just as happy with each finished piece-
-Except one. There is one piece that I forget about constantly but I’m honestly super proud of the amount of effort it had put in to reach the end result. It probably sees a number of glances infrequently(due to my sporatic activity on said blog) but isnt posted to this blog’s art tag.
It’s the blog banner I drew for my @thelostguardianau fic, of the(at the time) whole cast in the au. You can find the post to reblog it from here but i’m also adding it below for reference. (* and honestly I’ll mention every other art piece in this au posted to it’s blog stands at having this same proudness, as each individual characters complicated design fed into this big banner, each one having a giant set of uniquely drawn wings, complex body markings, and unique clothing and features. And I would not have been able to complete this banner without having those singular character chart pieces finished first, except for Thomas’s design, who has yet to be posted for ✨reasons✨)
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This fricking Banner was and still is(for now, *wink*) the most ambitious piece I’ve managed to finish. It took me so long, my wrist hated me, my ipad hated me, my ipencil hated me, medibang hated me, this piece pushed the limits of the poor app. Every time I try and open this piece up on the app it takes a solid couple seconds to open, save, and close.
From sketching to lining every single character, to having to uniquely match up Their Wing Sizes and Heights, because Guardians are fucking Tall, so Wing size and Height size was hell to calculate and portray. Why, you might ask?
Because I was limited to the proportions that would actually fit into a tumblr mobile banner. Which, funfact, is much smaller than you’d think!
I had to make sure they’d all fit, wings and all. And they didnt fcking want to. But I made it fit, because I wanted a full body + wings cast banner and goddamn it that was going to happen. And I did. And I lost a fuck-off amount of detail-space for it.
Coloring it wasn’t exactly difficult, but I will once again point back to this app hating this piece and it draining my battery because of it. I work in layers. My lineart will have 5-6 different layers in color before I combine them and set the hue to black, but I still keep my lineart seperate in that each character has their own lineart, and the background lineart is seperate.
I had their lineart, and probably still do, seperated into Seven different layers, one per character, each one w/ an extra masking layer for their wing glow. Each character got their own folder for colors, and had multiple layers for each colored section: clothing, skin, skin blush + eye whites, hair, wings, body markings, marking glow. And then there was the background layers, and the glowing affects, ect. The whole piece stands at having about 80 total layers having been used over the course of making it.
So yeah, Medibang does not like this piece when I try to open it. xD
But really, setting aside fighting and babying technology thats being pushed close to its limit, the real pride comes from the fact that this piece has Seven fully colored, near-full body characters drawn, all touching and interacting and accurate to the scale that I made. It is the most amount of characters in one piece that I’ve ever drawn, colored, and finished, and I’m pretty fricken proud of it.
Which makes it all the more daunting that said banner is going to get an upgrade, because it’s a Character Cast Banner after all, and its going to have four more fully designed and full winged characters added into it.
And by upgrade, I mean I get to redraw the whole dang thing. Because I gotta rearrange ✨everyone’s✨ positions. And at this point, the only way thats possible is by starting over.
wish me luck on that. o_o;
128 notes · View notes
What got you into fob? I've seen your posts a lot and I always wonder how some peeps found the boys
ok so we have to start when i was about 6 ish years old, 2006 thereabout, when some show comes on and i see some dude on the screen who has like. eyeliner and straight black bangs and i dont know why but this freaks little me the fuck out and i knew 1 thing and it was that this dude was like an example of a cliche rock and roll guy so i decided right then and there i would NEVER get into alternative music because i did not under any circumstances want to look like that.
so fast forward almost a decade, i have just learnt albums are a thing that exist with maroon 5s overexposed (this is so sad alexa press f) and my best friends and i go to the movies to watch big hero 6 bc i thought itd be fun, and i realised Holy Shit I Love This Movie And Also Want To Be An Engineer, and then the scene plays (you know the scene) and my friend and i turn to each other and agree, this song? a banger. hard as hell. love this shit. and i left the theatre and i couldnt get the song or the movie out of my head so i subsequently watched big hero 6 like 2 more times (very major for me, a person who doesnt really watch movies) and listened to immortals by playing the music video (i use the term loosely) on loop for like 2 days. and then i realised, boy. i sure do like this song and i think its my favourite song and i cant even parse the lyrics. i should listen to some other stuff. so i listened to other stuff off ab/ap, on shuffle, and i loved it a lot and i realised immortals wasnt even my favourite song anymore. so i was like dang, if thats the case i should listen to another album by them (because rememver id just learned albums exist) so i listened to save rock and roll, again on shuffle (because it didnt really occur to me that order mattered yet, one foot in the door) and i realised again, liked this even more than what i last listened to. so then i went to folie a deux, and im not sure if i hit shuffle, because the first thing that played was disloyal order. and i thought for a moment something was wrong, because it was quiet, but then there was the click of what i now know to be billiards balls, and the organs, and patricks voice, and i think i met a god when i heard that. i think that did something to me.
from then on i was hooked. im still hooked, mind you, but i have the benefit of not being 14 now. so everything i did had to be related to fall out boy. hell i could play the 7 degrees of fall out boy if anyone would humour me. i was obsessed. so then, a few months later, my art teacher gave us an assignment to draw facial details, but i didnt feel comfortable asking my friends because i wasnt used to having good ones yet so i thought theyd say no, so i decided, hey. google pictures of fall out boy. so i did, i opened google and searched 'pete wentz' and was looking for good pictures to use as a reference and then i came across the exact picture of him that scared me into avoiding alternative music for my entire life up until that point. i honestly dont know which one it is anymore (i THINK it was him in the full band portrait from ioh?) but i still think that its fucking hilarious that seeing pete wentz kept me from realising im a fan of pete wentz. 6 year old dils would hate my style so much til i explain that ironically our exact philosophy is entailed by those scary rock and roll type people. like to a T i was straight up an anarchist (and kind of a communist too?) without even really understanding what that means. its hilarious.
anyway thats how i became a fall out boy fan.
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ellsellmesoull · 3 years
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I posted 1,425 times in 2021
242 posts created (17%)
1183 posts reblogged (83%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 4.9 posts.
I added 78 tags in 2021
#my hero academia - 12 posts
#boku no hero academia - 12 posts
#bnha - 11 posts
#mha - 10 posts
#asks - 8 posts
#bnha manga spoilers - 6 posts
#art - 5 posts
#<3 - 5 posts
#prev - 5 posts
#yet - 4 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#i say as i sit in a block of stair with unwritten signs on both sides that looks like an armchair as i look out to my backyard full of cows
My Top Posts in 2021
I just realised that my pfp is a type 3 alternate. I was just too lazy to draw the face. I've had this for years.
21 notes • Posted 2021-10-07 05:59:55 GMT
Do you ever see a picture and feel ✨✨✨✨ in your heart
25 notes • Posted 2021-12-05 09:05:12 GMT
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in regards to me making my pfp a type three alternate on accident. 
She thought locking the doors and windows was enough to save her. It wasn’t.
She thought the authorities would send someone to save her. They didn’t.
By the time she realized no one was coming, it was too late.
The alternate may or may not have fell into a bush. Its got no eyes afterall. 
Now the alternate performs her routine instead of her.
27 notes • Posted 2021-10-12 09:57:00 GMT
My only friend left me alone
w these lunch eater ppl in class
Im so alone
29 notes • Posted 2021-12-07 06:22:57 GMT
Now imagine, there's this world wide panic going on. You've locked the windows. You've blocked the doors. You're afraid and powerless as the world as you know it starts falling apart in front of your eyes.
You are with your friend. And its just the two of you. You switch on the radio. All you could here is the warning broadcast and its starting to have static in it. You switch it off.
Theres an emergency broadcast on the tv too. For a while. You click through the channel's and theres nothing interesting. News systems have been down for a while too.
You wonder if emergency services are down as well.
You switch the television off after it got static too. The last news you heard wasnt pleasant at all. And you doubt if it'll help to learn whats going on outside either. You really dont want to know what happened to all the babies.
You dont know whats going on. And you thought it was an elaborate scheme by the government at first. How fucking pathetic. You changed your mind quickly enough when you woke up one day and your neighbors greeted you.
They weren't your neighbours. The mannerism, voice was all the same. Bill would wake up and drink coffee every morning at seven and he'll pat his belly at the end of it. Marge would be outside then, swiftly watering her plants and making her way inside. Though the limp on her left leg made it difficult.
But these new ones were not your old neighbours. Bill behaved the same and it was sickening to see something else mimic his expressions, mannerism, voice down perfectly. The new bills head was too big. And his eyes were too far apart.
Marge watered her plants and went back inside. Marge with a limp on her left leg. Marge who had a blank stretch of skin for a face. Marge who looked at you without eyes. Marge who looked at you. Marge who she saw you she knows your there Marge who looked at you.
You didnt stay there any longer.
And you moved in with your friend into their apartment.
Your friend who returned from their room.
They walked over to the kitchen. You see them taking the leftover juice from the counter. Their hand bend at an angle too outward. Their legs shouldn't be bending so much as they walk with their usual sway. Almost as if their knees allow more movement than yours. Their hair was the same. Different. But same.
And they turned their head to look at you. Same eyes. Same nose. Same smile. Same tilt of their head. Same chin.
It's head was turned too far than a human can. It's shoulders were behind it's chin from where you could see.
It looked like your friend.T̵͚̅̒̆h̸̬̘̄̕͜a̸̛̺̝͎̤̦t̸̫͚̩̼̣̿͆̂̀̊̚'̴̧͙̼̈́̓̄̂̃͝s̷̪̈́̽͠ͅ ̸̨̺̩͎̻͌̃̄n̶̜͚͉̱͆̽̓́o̵̞̟͋͂̀t̸̘̜͕̔ ̶̛̳̱̬̃͑̋͌y̴̲͉͕̔͂̚ō̸̳̤͔̥̪͔̾̀͒̓ụ̴̭̳̩͈̼̉́̉́̚ṟ̶̣͇̻̽̄ͅ ̴̞̒̿̒̐f̴̩͎̖͖̈́ŕ̵̨̼̳͖̱̒̇̕͠i̴͚̦͇̟͐̊͜é̸͉̥͉̯̗̈́͝ǹ̴̌̅͐́̆��̧̬̻d̵̝̙͓̒̊̒͑̚͝. It talked like you friend. N̶̢̮̫̲̓̈́͛̽̈́̀͐̈́̽̎́͘o̵͚̤̞͚̗̰̅͛͑͗͒̎̊͘t̶̨̢̨͙͕͇̭͍̣̝͔̹̱̓̓͗͝ ̷͎̜̥͉̻͉̤̻̋͋̒̾̇̉̀͛͐̀̈́̏͛̀͝ͅq̸̧̘̰̻̰͔͔̹̙̀̽̋̉̃̀̄̔̓̆͒͝͝ṷ̸̢̣̙͈͇͉̬̰͖͙̼̈͘ͅi̸̲̮̝͓̼̦̒̍̐̈́̑̾͗̆̑̈́̒͛̽̊t̸̛͕̰̟̦̽͝ȩ̶̨̦̝̯̰̖͖̹̯͍̜̺̼̊͂̇͂̈́̈͊̍̂͋͗͠. Smelled like your friend. I̸̖̿t̶̛͕̰̪ ̸̮̖̱̑ẅ̷͕̀̓ā̴͔̕͜s̴̳̺͆́n̴̦̂'̶̩̮̲͌́̀t̶̩̀̇͗͜ͅ ̸̮͉̾̕t̵͙̮͎̔͋̚h̶̡̰͒e̴͎͐̾͝ ̶̻͐s̴̢̞̕͝a̶̹̓m̴͎̲̈́ȩ̸̝͒̿. Everything wasn̸̨͈̥̞͚͙̙̝͍͌̑͜'̷̤̹͎̾̓̒̿̉̏͋͑͑t̷̯̤̽̆̽̕ the same.
T̵͚̅̒̆h̸̬̘̄̕͜a̸̛̺̝͎̤̦t̸̫͚̩̼̣̿͆̂̀̊̚'̴̧͙̼̈́̓̄̂̃͝s̷̪̈́̽͠ͅ ̸̨̺̩͎̻͌̃̄n̶̜͚͉̱͆̽̓́o̵̞̟͋͂̀t̸̘̜͕̔ ̶̛̳̱̬̃͑̋͌y̴̲͉͕̔͂̚ō̸̳̤͔̥̪͔̾̀͒̓ụ̴̭̳̩͈̼̉́̉́̚ṟ̶̣͇̻̽̄ͅ ̴̞̒̿̒̐f̴̩͎̖͖̈́ŕ̵̨̼̳͖̱̒̇̕͠i̴͚̦͇̟͐̊͜é̸͉̥͉̯̗̈́͝ņ̴̞̬̻̀̌̅͐́̆d̵̝̙͓̒̊̒͑̚͝.
T̵͚̅̒̆h̸̬̘̄̕͜a̸̛̺̝͎̤̦t̸̫͚̩̼̣̿͆̂̀̊̚'̴̧͙̼̈́̓̄̂̃͝s̷̪̈́̽͠ͅ ̸̨̺̩͎̻͌̃̄n̶̜͚͉̱͆̽̓́o̵̞̟͋͂̀t̸̘̜͕̔ ̶̛̳̱̬̃͑̋͌y̴̲͉͕̔͂̚ō̸̳̤͔̥̪͔̾̀͒̓ụ̴̭̳̩͈̼̉́̉́̚ṟ̶̣͇̻̽̄ͅ ̴̞̒̿̒̐f̴̩͎̖͖̈́ŕ̵̨̼̳͖̱̒̇̕͠i̴͚̦͇̟͐̊͜é̸͉̥͉̯̗̈́͝ņ̴̞̬̻̀̌̅͐́̆d̵̝̙͓̒̊̒͑̚͝.
T̵͚̅̒̆h̸̬̘̄̕͜a̸̛̺̝͎̤̦t̸̫͚̩̼̣̿͆̂̀̊̚'̴̧͙̼̈́̓̄̂̃͝s̷̪̈́̽͠ͅ ̸̨̺̩͎̻͌̃̄n̶̜͚͉̱͆̽̓́o̵̞̟͋͂̀t̸̘̜͕̔ ̶̛̳̱̬̃͑̋͌y̴̲͉͕̔͂̚ō̸̳̤͔̥̪͔̾̀͒̓ụ̴̭̳̩͈̼̉́̉́̚ṟ̶̣͇̻̽̄ͅ ̴̞̒̿̒̐f̴̩͎̖͖̈́ŕ̵̨̼̳͖̱̒̇̕͠i̴͚̦͇̟͐̊͜é̸͉̥͉̯̗̈́͝ņ̴̞̬̻̀̌̅͐́̆d̵̝̙͓̒̊̒͑̚͝.
T̵͚̅̒̆h̸̬̘̄̕͜a̸̛̺̝͎̤̦t̸̫͚̩̼̣̿͆̂̀̊̚'̴̧͙̼̈́̓̄̂̃͝s̷̪̈́̽͠ͅ ̸̨̺̩͎̻͌̃̄n̶̜͚͉̱͆̽̓́o̵̞̟͋͂̀t̸̘̜͕̔ ̶̛̳̱̬̃͑̋͌y̴̲͉͕̔͂̚ō̸̳̤͔̥̪͔̾̀͒̓ụ̴̭̳̩͈̼̉́̉́̚ṟ̶̣͇̻̽̄ͅ ̴̞̒̿̒̐f̴̩͎̖͖̈́ŕ̵̨̼̳͖̱̒̇̕͠i̴͚̦͇̟͐̊͜é̸͉̥͉̯̗̈́͝ņ̴̞̬̻̀̌̅͐́̆d̵̝̙͓̒̊̒͑̚͝.
T̵͚̅̒̆h̸̬̘̄̕͜a̸̛̺̝͎̤̦t̸̫͚̩̼̣̿͆̂̀̊̚'̴̧͙̼̈́̓̄̂̃͝s̷̪̈́̽͠ͅ ̸̨̺̩͎̻͌̃̄n̶̜͚͉̱͆̽̓́o̵̞̟͋͂̀t̸̘̜͕̔ ̶̛̳̱̬̃͑̋͌y̴̲͉͕̔͂̚ō̸̳̤͔̥̪͔̾̀͒̓ụ̴̭̳̩͈̼̉́̉́̚ṟ̶̣͇̻̽̄ͅ ̴̞̒̿̒̐f̴̩͎̖͖̈́ŕ̵̨̼̳͖̱̒̇̕͠i̴͚̦͇̟͐̊͜é̸͉̥͉̯̗̈́͝ņ̴̞̬̻̀̌̅͐́̆d̵̝̙͓̒̊̒͑̚͝.
T̵͚̅̒̆h̸̬̘̄̕͜a̸̛̺̝͎̤̦t̸̫͚̩̼̣̿͆̂̀̊̚'̴̧͙̼̈́̓̄̂̃͝s̷̪̈́̽͠ͅ ̸̨̺̩͎̻͌̃̄n̶̜͚͉̱͆̽̓́o̵̞̟͋͂̀t̸̘̜͕̔ ̶̛̳̱̬̃͑̋͌y̴̲͉͕̔͂̚ō̸̳̤͔̥̪͔̾̀͒̓ụ̴̭̳̩͈̼̉́̉́̚ṟ̶̣͇̻̽̄ͅ ̴̞̒̿̒̐f̴̩͎̖͖̈́ŕ̵̨̼̳͖̱̒̇̕͠i̴͚̦͇̟͐̊͜é̸͉̥͉̯̗̈́͝ņ̴̞̬̻̀̌̅͐́̆d̵̝̙͓̒̊̒͑̚͝.
T̵͚̅̒̆h̸̬̘̄̕͜a̸̛̺̝͎̤̦t̸̫͚̩̼̣̿͆̂̀̊̚'̴̧͙̼̈́̓̄̂̃͝s̷̪̈́̽͠ͅ ̸̨̺̩͎̻͌̃̄n̶̜͚͉̱͆̽̓́o̵̞̟͋͂̀t̸̘̜͕̔ ̶̛̳̱̬̃͑̋͌y̴̲͉͕̔͂̚ō̸̳̤͔̥̪͔̾̀͒̓ụ̴̭̳̩͈̼̉́̉́̚ṟ̶̣͇̻̽̄ͅ ̴̞̒̿̒̐f̴̩͎̖͖̈́ŕ̵̨̼̳͖̱̒̇̕͠i̴͚̦͇̟͐̊͜é̸͉̥͉̯̗̈́͝ņ̴̞̬̻̀̌̅͐́̆d̵̝̙͓̒̊̒͑̚͝.
T̵͚̅̒̆h̸̬̘̄̕͜a̸̛̺̝͎̤̦t̸̫͚̩̼̣̿͆̂̀̊̚'̴̧͙̼̈́̓̄̂̃͝s̷̪̈́̽͠ͅ ̸̨̺̩͎̻͌̃̄n̶̜͚͉̱͆̽̓́o̵̞̟͋͂̀t̸̘̜͕̔ ̶̛̳̱̬̃͑̋͌y̴̲͉͕̔͂̚ō̸̳̤͔̥̪͔̾̀͒̓ụ̴̭̳̩͈̼̉́̉́̚ṟ̶̣͇̻̽̄ͅ ̴̞̒̿̒̐f̴̩͎̖͖̈́ŕ̵̨̼̳͖̱̒̇̕͠i̴͚̦͇̟͐̊͜é̸͉̥͉̯̗̈́͝ņ̴̞̬̻̀̌̅͐́̆d̵̝̙͓̒̊̒͑̚͝.
T̵͚̅̒̆h̸̬̘̄̕͜a̸̛̺̝͎̤̦t̸̫͚̩̼̣̿͆̂̀̊̚'̴̧͙̼̈́̓̄̂̃͝s̷̪̈́̽͠ͅ ̸̨̺̩͎̻͌̃̄n̶̜͚͉̱͆̽̓́o̵̞̟͋͂̀t̸̘̜͕̔ ̶̛̳̱̬̃͑̋͌y̴̲͉͕̔͂̚ō̸̳̤͔̥̪͔̾̀͒̓ụ̴̭̳̩͈̼̉́̉́̚ṟ̶̣͇̻̽̄ͅ ̴̞̒̿̒̐f̴̩͎̖͖̈́ŕ̵̨̼̳͖̱̒̇̕͠i̴͚̦͇̟͐̊͜é̸͉̥͉̯̗̈́͝ņ̴̞̬̻̀̌̅͐́̆d̵̝̙͓̒̊̒͑̚͝.
T̵͚̅̒̆h̸̬̘̄̕͜a̸̛̺̝͎̤̦t̸̫͚̩̼̣̿͆̂̀̊̚'̴̧͙̼̈́̓̄̂̃͝s̷̪̈́̽͠ͅ ̸̨̺̩͎̻͌̃̄n̶̜͚͉̱͆̽̓́o̵̞̟͋͂̀t̸̘̜͕̔ ̶̛̳̱̬̃͑̋͌y̴̲͉͕̔͂̚ō̸̳̤͔̥̪͔̾̀͒̓ụ̴̭̳̩͈̼̉́̉́̚ṟ̶̣͇̻̽̄ͅ ̴̞̒̿̒̐f̴̩͎̖͖̈́ŕ̵̨̼̳͖̱̒̇̕͠i̴͚̦͇̟͐̊͜é̸͉̥͉̯̗̈́͝ņ̴̞̬̻̀̌̅͐́̆d̵̝̙͓̒̊̒͑̚͝.
328 notes • Posted 2021-10-06 18:00:03 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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cloudcloudcloud · 3 years
Tumblr media
I posted 348 times in 2021
77 posts created (22%)
271 posts reblogged (78%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 3.5 posts.
I added 86 tags in 2021
#digital art - 14 posts
#fanart - 13 posts
#art - 13 posts
#reblog - 10 posts
#artists on tumblr - 7 posts
#pencil - 6 posts
#character art - 6 posts
#bnha - 6 posts
#oc - 6 posts
#oc art - 5 posts
Longest Tag: 81 characters
#but because you didnt do perfect you have extreme disadvantages in the next round
My Top Posts in 2021
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ooh yes baby she done :)
54 notes • Posted 2021-04-22 15:48:53 GMT
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Ethersea aesthetic bored? I guess so?
56 notes • Posted 2021-06-17 00:46:26 GMT
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i dont know how to draw skirts :(
59 notes • Posted 2021-01-16 02:20:54 GMT
But we refuse to inherit this wasted world
70 notes • Posted 2021-05-07 05:08:05 GMT
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aha a wild magnus nipple has appeared
109 notes • Posted 2021-09-26 06:27:02 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
I never really thought i posted about Taz so much , but 4/5 of my posts are Taz related so. Here's me emotional speel about how the Mcelroys have helped me this year :)
My mom has liver cancer, and it's been really hard on me and my sister. We're not close to anyone else in our family, and, after our mom dies, we don't really see the point in staying around any of them at all.
I went through my first "break up" thing this year, and it sucked. School sucks, life sucks, everything sucks.
And then there's this podcast about a bunch of men who cry while pretending to be elves. They're family, and they love each other. Not only do they have a great family dynamic, but they found this separate, beautiful, romantic love.
Duck newton and Master Fierbolg was a teenager who hated his life but found comfort in trees and adventure. Taako and duck had sisters that made them keep on going. Magnus and Aubrey found true love. Merle was happy. Ned, my personal favorite, put everything in his past behind him, focused on love, and found happiness.
It's comforting for me to know things get better. I get stuck in these ruts that make it so difficult to believe it sometimes, but there's always a dumb little podcast about things that might be aliens. And it makes me smile. I'm less scared of saying goodbye to my mom, because i know that the world is going to keep on going on, even after she dies. I'll play dungeons and dragons one day, when she's in the ground, and laugh with my sister. And maybe she'll be listening to us, call us nerds, but smile, as she listens to her stupid kids play a stupid game.
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skribblz · 3 years
20 Question Tag Game
@giggly-squiggily @helloitsghost thank you for the taaags! <3 
oh and I’ll be taking a bit of a break from requests to work on some other stuff
1.) Why did you choose your URL?
I draw/scribble, writers use “scribble” as a replacement for the action of tickling, and since “scribbles” is taken, I just had to change it up a bit :>
2.) Any side blogs?
yeah a bunch, but they act more like folders for reblogs and have the dumbest names
3.) How long have you been on tumblr?
I used to have a super old one like 5 years ago but I deleted it :) I started this blog in July 2019
4.) Do you have a queue tag?
not really?
5.) Why did you start your blog in the first place?
wanted to share my art I guess?
6.) Why did you choose your Icon/pfp?
I love kuga yuma, and this one scene was really cute so I redrew it. doesnt he look like a little tickle monster???
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7.) Why did you choose your header?
time to mention 3000 miles for the 3rd time, Ive actually been rereading it today
I loved this one scene and I had to draw it out!
8.) What’s your post with the most notes?
Probs this one lol ironic how its not tickle-related
9.) How many mutuals do you have?
10.) How many followers do you have?
woaw...1125 <3
11.) How many people do you follow?
12.) Have you ever made a shitpost?
a few? theyre mostly old comics inspired by incorrect quotes lol
13.) How often do you use tumblr a day?
kind of a lot? I feed off of validation and the sengen fanfics
14.) Did you ever have/had a fight with another blog?
@helloitsghost okay first of all, I named him after brambleclaw, a character in warriorcats, not just straight up “warriorcats”- get his name right >:T AND IT STILL BEATS BEING NAMED AFTER SOME FOOD
second of all, again I was T E N and I changed his name back to martin anyways :p
third, I didnt even do anything to start this fight, bruh I just wanted to share a slightly embarrassing fact about myself I didnt need to get called out like this 
I cant believe my first “fight” with a tumblr blog was over smth like this LOL
15.) How do you feel about “you need to reblog” post?
I actually hate the ones that are like “reblog this or else *insert smth bad*”, but some of them are important and I do have a sideblog for that
16.) Do you like tag games?
yes! but I feel bad for not knowing who else to tag since theyve most likely been tagged already
17.) Do you like ask games?
I doooo
18.) Which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous?
intheticklecloset, squiggly, otomiya, ticklishdreams, ticklepinions, vqler
19.) Do you have a crush on a mutual?
not romantically but tumblr says vqler, squiggly, ticklepinions, and intheticklecloset :D
20.) Tags!
like I said, idk who’s done this so if you wanna do it then do it!!
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tangerinegod · 4 years
Hello! I am sorry to bother you but I am a senior getting ready for college this year. I am in the US and I wanted to major in the same thing you did, do you have any possible tips for me? I still haven't even looked for colleges that would be best for animation majors so I figured if you were up to giving out any tips/saying any basic ideas if you wanted to/if you had the time to then maybe I'll have a better idea! I apologise for if I sound weird! I'm tried to word it correctly but I can't 😿
hi!! i’m totally down to share my experiences! someone else also had some questions so i’m going to put them all together in this post haha, hopefully this helps! it’ll get pretty long so apologies ahead of time but art school is a lot to think about so i wanna be as helpful as i can around it, its a lot of time and money. I’m gonna put it all under a read more cus it is really really long!
i wanna start off with the fact that I had the privilege of attending school in a financially stable environment, my parents were/are really supportive so w merit scholarship i only came out with around 20-30k in debt and i also had housing support my entire time in school. they were ok with me focusing on academics so i didn’t hold a retail job unless i was out of school like summer/winter break. Ofc though i regularly take commissions/do merch/cons to try and pay for all bills that arent rent cus i did want to be financially independent where it was possible. I also did try and work during the semester but everytime i did my body would deff start to breakdown from the fact that i didnt wanna compromise schoolwork with jobs.. so just read ahead know this experience is from a student who was able to attend focusing only on school work for most of the time!
the biggest thing is knowing art school is not required to become a professional in either freelancing or industry! there are a huuuge amount of online tools and classes these days that provide the exact same education and for cheaper too. i think it depends on what experience you prefer/can handle/want but it’s definitely possible to make art/animation art your living without higher education. the thing that college will for sure give you though is the ability to meet deadlines, work even when you dont want to, and connections with peers+teachers. i think the connections part is invaluable because you’re basically coming out with a network of people you already know and who know you! 
also its good to know if you want to attend/can handle art school! it’s a lot of time and energy and students get burned out really fast. the best piece of advice i got before going was ‘if you draw every single day, even if its for only like 5-10 minutes or a doodle for a whole year you should be fine’ consistency is super key because you’re attending school to draw, and you’ll have to create work for stuff you aren’t excited for at some point or another. burnout is extremely real and the only reason i didn’t experience it was probably because i got super into drawing naruto fanart again inbetween sophomore and junior year! it helped give me something to draw seperated from school which is the only thing i was drawing for since i had entered rip. a heads up id also consider myself a workaholic so i fit in ok with the ‘art school’ environment but it is suuper unhealthy. if you are fantastic at managing your schedule then it’s definitely possible to take care of yourself! freshman year i got 8 hours a sleep a night and only pulled all nighters for some second semester finals at the end. sophomore year + up though i ended up prioritizing hw over sleep and like for sure, definitely shortened my life span. there’s another q down below where i’ll go more into detail but ya, be careful w ur work balance!
another tip especially for animation is knowing for a fact what type of animation you’re looking to go into, and what the school is offering. I didn’t think i’d get into art school at the time so i only applied to two places + decided if i didnt get into either id attend community to get credits out of the way while building portfolio. honestly? i did not do a lot of research LOL but like i did end up having the chance to tour and stuff! just know that each school will have a very different curriculum. The main differences are schools that prioritize 3D (cg animation, cg modeling, ect) and 2D/traditional (hand drawn, ‘oldschool’, digital or traditional based) this is a huge difference so make sure you do research for it! in most cases a 2D/traditional program will also offer 3D since it’s at the forefront of the industry animation wise rn. My school taught 2D but like hand drawn on physical paper 2D, frame by frame. while it was a good experience it’s super outdated because digital tools make it way faster + easier! i’d recommend looking for a program that is digital 2D over traditional 2D. 
if after your senior year covid is still affecting campuses in the US to keep them shut down i’d recommend attending a community college to get credits and then transferring into school. one of the negatives is paying money for gened classes when ur not there for them; if you can get them out of the way sooner and cheaper there is absolutely no negative + you could graduate earlier or use the extra time for better work or to work a job! 
these are all the general tips i think i’d give on like a broad basis of attending or not to think about? let me know if u have more q’s! someone asked q’s im answering below that go more into personal experiences + work culture so heres those:
- how many hours a week do u spend studying, in class, otherwise making art? like how much of ur life does it consume?
I was basically working on art.... 24/7! since i wasnt working a job at the same time i crammed as many credits as possible into my schedule so on avg i did 18 credit semesters (around 6 classes) art classes go for 6 hours and non art go for 3, so i’d spent around 30-35 hours in class a week! hw wise it varied on the class but combined it would be around 35-50 hours a week... im guessing? on average studio classes would have 8-10 hours of hw, maybe 5 for a light week, and gened classes 5 hours w them all combined. or this was probably how things were before junior year? junior+senior year i had thesis + everything else ontop.. i’d spend around 30-40 hours on thesis a week with other classes ontop of that bc my film was super long cus im a dummy! 
- is it hard going to art school n realising that altho u were probably quite talented… so is everyone else? Like. all of a sudden. ur not special and everyone seems as good as u, you know? More generally, how do u deal with comparison?
kinda?? i think instead of the idea of like you vs others it feels more of like a competition at first to be the best. this varies hugely on school culture though; my animation year was really friendly with each other and get along extremely well, so my answer to this is v different than some others who attended different schools. i think that the idea of ‘comparison’ only lasts a portion of the first year because at some point you realize that it’s not a who’s better as much as its a ‘these are my coworkers’ type thing? like healthy competition 100% because we’re all working to improve but i think most of us learned pretty early on that viewing each other as peers going into the same workforce helped a lot. also at some point everyone develops their own style/starts to develop their artistic preferences so there isn’t a way to compare whos 'better’ anymore? i dont think there ever is tbh because style is appealing based off of an individuals preferences. If anything realizing everyone else is also amazing makes you wanna work harder ig? or thats how i felt! it’s inspiring to be surrounded by so many people who create such amazing work. 
- is there a lot of workaholic culture? all nighter culture?
100000% there can be a workaholic and all nighter culture. i know people who avoided it and thats honestly fantastic because i fall super easily into that pit. sometimes i’ll pull all nighters on a personal project just because i really want to finish it... i am definitely considered a workaholic all the way through and its not healthy rip... i’d estimate at the worst i was pulling 2-3 all nighters a week and only 4-5 hours of sleep on the nights i didn’t? that was only for one year tho, after that i was like yeah ok this is really bad for my health in the long run LOL so i tried to cut it down to one all nighter a week and around 5-6 hours of sleep the rest of the week! by senior year my decision to cram in full semesters paid off and i was able to consistently get around 7 hours of sleep a night + no all nighters minus finals since my schedule was lighter despite thesis 😭 while there is that culture i don’t think people view it as like a badge of honor or something to be proud of anymore which is good, we mostly view it as a flaw of the art school system and something that needs to be fixed!!
- are you glad u did it? how did u know it was what u wanted?
i am glad i did it! i’m definitely in a limbo right now of if it was worth both my time, money, and my parents money rip but i think with what i got out of it i definitely wouldn’t be as far skill wise or knowledge wise when it comes to the art industry. i would say it was only worth it for be because i had so much support going in though so i was able to focus so much on improving. if i had only been able to put in part of the effort and not make full use of the resources provided i would honestly have a different answer.. 
i knew it was what i wanted when i realized i really couldn’t see myself pursuing a different profession happily! despite all the bumps and stuff im fully in love with drawing still and feel honored that it’s a field that can provide a living. my second profession choice was to go into culinary school? and third option i think going was into music cus i was also a band kid hehe.  
- how do u cope with ur hobby becoming ur job? how do u deal with art going from something u do for fun to something u do on command constantly?
i think seperating work art from personal art is important! in my case im doubling naruto into being personal work so i have something to fall back onto that isn’t work related. its been a hyperfixation for 12+ years? so drawing it at this point is just like personal art imo. some people have hobbies outside of art and only draw for their job! i think after attending classes for so long the idea of hobby turning into job feels extremely natural? also i enjoy doing it so thats a huge plus! 
sorry this is SO long but i hope i answered your guys’ questions! if you have more just lmk!
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