#i do appreciate it. being the vampire series that goes off u know. like. this yr has given me sm good stuff w vampires
cheekbites-moved · 3 years
vnc ep 4 reactions
time for another sexy vampire mood cleanse
oh we opening up with some lore very sexy
THAT WE’VE BEEN REPLACED WITH MATH?!!?!? absolute nightmare scenario. if that is the world we live in i have to gtfo here rn
.....well. i mean if that was true maybe i’d be fine with living there actually. i’d never have allergies again. i could vibe with this
silent princess??? in MY sexy vampire anime??? it’s apparently more likely than i would’ve ever guessed
luminous stone... also... in my sexy vampire anime. incredible. crossover of a lifetime. 
the vampires. everyone say thank u whatever this guy’s name is i already forgot but thank u for the vampires mr.... very long p name
omg it’s his teacher talking i thought i knew the voice lol though like. it’s interesting bc u know. his teacher is break’s va, and u can tell if u squint with ur ears, but he has a Range. so. it also sounds like a different not break voice u know. im very coherent right now as u can tell
shut up that’s so pretty mentally im frolocking amongst the pretty blue lights
what a pretty shot wtf. love being decked in the nose w remembering this is a mochijun adaptation and her beautiful art is finally being done such justice
........well that was a weird interaction im uncomfortable
oh sick the gay jams to cleanse me 
i want to dramatically dance to this bitch so bad. someday when im home alone again. and have more than a quarter stamina wheel at my disposal.
rly just makes me want to swing around a street light and tap dance u know
i know these are all very generic anime op things but i like that both the vnc & ph openings mention the sky. and dreams. bc the ph op was one of the few good things that we got u know i expect it to be used again for the reboot. i do trust yuki kaijura to make whatever she does sexy, but fiction junction still performs the ph op sometimes, so like. idk. i would rly love to see it get used again, maybe updated a bit or smth somehow.
swarm of batbies: exist. squeaking.
me: my soul has been cleansed
u ever gay for an anime wall light bc im gay for this anime wall light it has no right being that pretty
why isn’t that my closet :/ 
.....................im so sorry but holy shit her ass
actually im not sorry ur not surprised i dont hide my horniness at all for vampires im an adult if i think a vampire has a nice ass imma say it tkjtr
help the scary music box is making me so scared even though things seem so... well they are in a dark closet with no lights on nvm
:/ mr pretty eyes. always gotta throat punch me with how pretty his gorgeous blue eyes are smfh
u know at least they make it sexy. so much vampire shit is like “aa noo a vampire sucking my blood?! aaa so scary!!” mochijun said “no. actually. im here for all the bitches with a vampire biting u kink. that shit’s sexy we gonna make it sexy.” ty mochijun for my horny for vampire rights
vanitas sitting there listening to them like “wish i was in the middle” me too vanitas. me too.
all the good horny was a false sense of security i see. dammit... it fooled me
THERES SKULLS ON THE CHANDELIER.... that’s p cool actually i like that but it also makes me so scared. foreshadowing? pls no
oh no break’s crew is here we gotta go
well i was right abt it being a masquerade. im both proud of myself and terrified shitless abt what im in for. esp bc damn this bitch is happening EARLY. we didn’t get to the ball in ph until what.... like. the 40s-50s chapters?? im assuming an episode is like. 1-2 chapters each so we’re not even 10 chapters in & im already gonna get my ass handed to me by the ball chapter. oh god.
he is at a ball in a mochijun series, domi, i too would feel unwell.
:/........ sexy vampire pirate holding a rose i hate him get out stop meeting all my standards u absolute bastard of a man
oh no there’s children oh no i’m so scared for the children they’re at a mochijun ball i hope they live holy shit
d,,, dalliance? what does that mean?
THE FUCKING EXAMPLE SENTENCE SAYS “jack was not averse to an occasional dalliance with a pretty girl.” u keep that bastard’s name AWAY from me, google. especially in such a context how dare u fucking curse me like this
i mean i heard u guys too that shit was. um. i mean. u know. 
i once again am wishing that i was domi
his already obnoxiously over the top pirate outfit even has glitter wow. fashion icon. absolute gnc bicon
um. child. why do u have... plague doctors with you.... as like... ur guards....
nooo jeanne
well ok what a fucking transition
vanitas u are literally on a torture wheel why would u say something like that
th the music
it looks. like. the contractor seal. i am concerned.
he is so terrifying when he wants to be
he rly is having a villain monologue abt saving ppl. this edgy bitch
ktjktjrtk god he’s so fucking feral god i hate and love him so much
u are a child, dear, please cut urself a break
ah shit
i hate u. u freak.
she’s so pwetty
uh oh
see i said what i said never go to a ball in a mochijun story it never goes well
dont trust him jeanne oh my god
this episode is so fucking horny oh my god
vanitas pls stay in ur bubble out of her personal space
oh no she gone and made him realize he has a vampire biting him kink oh no
“friends” ok. well. dont know what to take from that but. alright
5 notes · View notes
shijakbuteoda · 4 years
high five deprivation
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PAIRING: werewolf!yeonjun x female demon!reader
GENRE: supernatural au, college au, allusion to soulmate au, enemies to lovers, comedy, fluff
WARNINGS: vulgar language, includes violence & blood
A/N: seeing as it was halloween yesterday in australia i thought to write something appropriate !! i haven’t written anything of this nature before so i hope u like it :D idk how good i am at writing this sorta stuff so lmk what u think lovelies <3
WORD COUNT: 5,000+
SUMMARY: When Yeonjun promptly ignores your high five, an unprecedented rivalry blooms between the pair of you. After some time passes, it comes to your attention that Yeonjun is a werewolf, that he was the additional supernatural presence your abilities had detected, and that your rings... were silver. From this spirals a series of comedic events, and furthermore something more than just a mere friendship between you.
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You swore that you would never forgive Yeonjun for his sinful actions.
I mean, how dare he look at your risen hand, and then continue on with his day without so much as returning your high five? What kind of sick person just does that?
Before Yeonjun had so ignorantly dampened your mood, you began your day with a pep to your walk, greeting anyone and everyone who passed you. The sweet summer breeze swept your hair back, the sunlight shining down on you only highlighting your inhumane beauty. Heads turned, people whispered, your confidence was at an extreme high. So when Yeonjun dismissed your high five without a second thought, any notion of joy left your being. Your ego deflated, and you glanced back at Yeonjun’s retreating figure with immense fury. 
Your best friend, and anchor in this world full of wretched mortals, Jeong Yunho looked on at the scene with amusement. Sure, you were being dramatic, but come on.. it was just a damn high five - you weren’t asking much of Choi Yeonjun. In an attempt to bring up your spirits, Yunho holds his hand up in the hopes of a high five which you begrudgingly return.
“I’ll shout you an iced coffee?” He proposed, nudging your figure to elicit a response. 
You merely reply in the form of a hum, allowing Yunho to drag you along the footpath to get you to your desired location. An iced coffee would do the trick, you supposed. 
You return to the college campus not long after getting your iced coffee, bumping into yourself and Yunho’s best friends, who were nothing less than chaotic. It was not unusual for the supernatural to flock together, and the eight of you were just that, the eight excluding Park Seonghwa, who was a mere human but was happy to engage in whatever you suggested due to his naivety. 
Jongho asks for the reasoning for the ever-present pout on your face, and Wooyoung takes it upon himself to cozy up to you. He looms over the top of you, head nuzzling into the crook of your neck as you sip at your iced coffee - and he takes that opportunity to sneak a few sips of your coffee himself. 
You merely glare at him and slurp at your coffee harshly, to assert some form of dominance over the mischievous boy. 
Wooyoung whines, and lets his fangs graze against the side of your neck gently to hopefully gain some more coffee from the whole ordeal. Where some may find it painful, such actions didn’t even register fully to you - after all, being a demon meant that your pain receptors were virtually nonexistent. 
“Wooyoung,” You warn, giving him a side-eye as Yunho decides that that moment would be perfect to give them a run down on why your mood was significantly worse than normal. The boys merely laugh at the ordeal, minus Seonghwa who goes out of his way to give you some candies he had bought to give to trick-or-treaters later that night. This provides you with a mood boost, as most of Seonghwa’s actions did. 
It is then that a majority of you realise that tonight gave you the opportunity to rid of any disguises, it being Halloween meant that no suspicion would arise if you were to venture the streets with no concealment. 
Kim Hongjoong is a witch, which has no telltale features but he took Halloween as an opportunity to live out any stereotypes to their full potential. Park Seonghwa is obviously a human, but he changes up his costume yearly for some form of comic relief, you guessed. Jeong Yunho is an angel, his friendship with all of you obviously strange - but the stereotype that angels did not get along with demons was not the case within your group, Yunho brought out his wings on Halloween as an indicator of his immortality. 
Kang Yeosang is an elf, evident through his soft features, silky flowing hair and pointed ears that were captivating to the human eye. Choi San is a demon like yourself, the only evident feature of this being your black eyes, which could shift to red, that encased your sclera and terrified anyone who crossed you. Song Mingi is a nephilim, half angel and half human, the only indicator of his supernatural presence was his angelic features, and the vague outline of wings. 
Choi Jongho is a poltergeist, similar to a ghost yet he had the ability to retain a physical form; this is seen through his eyes that often glow white. Jung Wooyoung is a vampire, his piercing red eyes and fangs indicators of his supernatural abilities. 
The nine of you were an unlikely group of friends, but you made it work, and you didn’t know what you would do without them. 
You discuss your plans for that evening, crashing a Halloween party with Wooyoung’s ability to compel humans - bending their minds to his will, seeming the most entertaining option. The nine of you part ways following this, heading off to your respective classes. San accompanied you to your next lecture, which the pair of you shared as a mutual course. 
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After taking your seat towards the middle of the classroom, both you and San began catching up on anything that you had missed over the weekend. You let your eyes wander the room whilst San talked, your gaze unwilllngly halting as Choi Yeonjun entered the room, his obnoxious pink hair gaining your attention instantly.
You scoffed, glaring at him and letting San’s voice fade into background noise. Noticing your stare, Yeonjun glances up at you, returning your glower with one of his own.
“Yo, loser. Give me attention.” San pouts upon realising that you had dismissed the last two minutes of his story in favour of glaring at Yeonjun.
You don’t let your gaze wander to Yeonjun again throughout the duration of the lecture, but you can feel two pairs of eyes penetrating your being continually throughout the hour. It came as no surprise to you that it was Yeonjun, and his best friend Choi Soobin.
Soobin grew flustered when you returned his glances at the end of class, but Yeonjun only held your gaze, eyebrow raised curiously. You make note of the time, 5:53pm - you needed to head home. You put aside your ego for a moment to prioritise the party, and time necessary to get ready. Yeonjun snorts at you from your peripherals but you pay him no attention.
Keeping your chin held high, you accompany San out of the room as you made your way across campus to your apartments. Parting ways with him at your door, you let yourself into your shared apartment with Yunho.
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Black silk enhanced your figure, intense dark makeup highlighting your ethereal beauty. A pair of horns adorned your head, alongside a pair of black wings extending from your back, alluding to your presence within the depths of Hell. Yunho only chuckled at your stereotypical adaptation of a demon when the pair of you left your rooms to meet in the living room.
His wings span out as you reach the space, and as you do every year; you worry about the hyperrealism of his wings - cautious as to whether a particularly sharp eyed human would notice their authenticity. Yunho sensed your worry,
“Relax, love, only someone who is supernatural themselves can see the full potential of my wings, it’s alright,” He coos, bringing you into a hug and rocking the pair of you from side to side.
You only huffed and pushed him away, collecting anything you needed for the night and ushering Yunho out of the door.
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Gliding down the empty back roads of your suburb, you took time to appreciate the minimal stars lighting up the sky as night fell. The convertible roof was down, pushing a cool breeze through the car. Wisps of your hair flew around your face, sticking to your lipgloss occasionally thus provoking you to huff to unstick them due to your occupied hands. Your fingers gripped the steering wheel, Yunho’s forearm resting on the centre console as his fingers occasionally tapped at the leather.
You looked down at the clock in your car, the time reading ‘5:53pm’ for a millisecond before it changes to 8:01pm. Your brows furrowed, the strange reoccurrence in time stirring fear within you. The thought leaves your mind as you reach your destination, almost immediately after stepping out of your car you make eye contact with the one and only Choi Yeonjun.
What you didn’t realise at that moment was that your subconscious begins to subtly associate the time ‘5:53’ with Yeonjun.
Yeonjun’s costume was eerily realistic, piercing green eyes staring back at you. Fur adorned his face, Werewolf costume you supposed. You had never seen such a realistic ensemble, and had never known of a college student to have the time let alone sanity to spend time on such attire, but you didn’t judge. It was no secret that your cohort was known to be competitive, so you chalked his meticulously created costume down to that.
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Having bumped into Yeonjun multiple times throughout the party you were evidently having less fun than anticipated, you were too proud of yourself to let go of his actions even though you knew that you were being overdramatic. So, the rest of the night was spent avoiding Yeonjun. That was, until he bumped into you, splashing alcohol across your costume and bringing a look of incredulity to your face.
Yeonjun’s eyes flickered with surprise, but any expression was soon wiped from his face as you pushed past him to go clean yourself up.
Not even a word was exchanged between the pair of you, and your anger clouded any other logical emotions within your mind - so much so that you didn’t notice Yeonjun wince as you brushed past him, your silver chains loosely swinging to collide with his bare skin; another part of his costume.. he had come in a crop top. Where you had a bad impression of Yeonjun, you couldn’t deny how attractive he was upon seeing his lack of hypermasculinity, it was cute how comfortable he was with his femininity. But no one needed to know that you thought that.
You lock yourself in the host’s bathroom, ignoring the incessant pounding on it that comes every so often. It was a good thing you were wearing black, but it wasn’t a pleasant feeling having your clothes stick to you - the smell that came along with it even worse. What in the world had the host mixed that could produce such a smell?
After taking longer than necessary to calm your infuriation, you took notice of how much time had passed since someone had demanded to be let in the bathroom door to do god knows what. You presumed something illegal when your hand brushed against the basin, white traces of residue sticking to the pads of your fingers. No judgement from your side however, you had seen far worse; considering you were from the depths of hell.
Opening the door, you almost knock someone off of their feet as they stood in the doorway, blocking anyone whom was trying to get in. The tall frame of Huening Kai stumbled from your direct line of view, and you furrow your eyebrows in confusion yet again.
“Uhm, hi!” His voice cracks, flustered by your sudden exit “Yeonjun told me to check on you, so I thought to wait for you here, are you doing okay?”
You almost roll your eyes, of course Yeonjun’s pride prevented him from offering you assistance himself - even though he was the one who put you in this predicament.
“Tell pretty boy that I’m fine, and that he can ‘check on’ me himself if he is so worried,” You suggested, nodding your head at Kai as a farewell.
It was bold of you to assume that Kai would leave you alone after that, as he immediately began to follow after you. You couldn’t deny that it was cute, he was similar to a puppy, innocent and continually joyous.
“Ah, please don’t misunderstand Yeonjun!” He starts, “He just has a hard time communicating with others sometimes, so your first impression of him may be.. stale but I promise you he’s the opposite.”
You barely even acknowledge Kai’s lingering presence and instead nod, even the oblivious Kai noticing the sardonic nature of your actions. He lets up after that, allowing you to blend into the rest of the partygoers. A sigh falls from his lips, unknowing to you; not giving up as easily as you had anticipated.
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Since the night of the party, your friends had been teasing you to no end. Wooyoung even going as far as to attempt (keyword: attempt) to use his compelling abilities on you despite knowing that they wouldn’t work. When this obviously didn’t go as planned, Mingi dared you to try and high five Yeonjun again as you passed him. To their joy, you were incapable of not taking part in a dare... some may call you a daredevil.. ha, get it? That was bad, sorry.
Their happiness only heightened when they spied Yeonjun and his four companions walking in your general direction. Begrudgingly, you walk ahead of your friends, holding your hand out to warrant a high five, and Yeonjun ignores it.... again. Kai instead steps up as to not leave you hanging.
From behind you is stifled laughter, Yeosang had evidently done the same as you, putting his hand up to Yeonjun for a high five. To your displeasure, Yeonjun returned it. You looked on with an expression that you could only describe as exasperated.
The eyes of 13 boys linger on your figure as you stomp away, pride wounded once again. Kai pouted as he watched you leave, knowing that your impression of Yeonjun had only worsened. 
To your surprise, it is not one of your own friends who follows you, but it is one of Yeonjun’s. Kai grins cheekily at you as you make eye contact, and takes your hand in his gently. You yank your hand from his, not knowing him well enough to allow for any form of physical affection to bloom between the pair of you. But he persists, gripping onto your wrist and slowly pulling your rings from your fingers. He sets them in your hand, the silver glinting in the minimal lights of the hallway, Kai then promptly takes his leave.
You stand there on your lonesome, glancing down at your rings. Kai had definitely left you with something valuable to think about.  
You couldn’t believe that you were so stupid as to allow for not one, but two supernatural presences to pass by you without any recognition. Those beings werewolves of all things; Choi Soobin and Choi Yeonjun had even been in their true forms in front of you at the party but you reduced this to the ‘competitive’ nature of your cohort.
There was no doubt in you that Lucifer would be disappointed with you and your ignorance, I mean, you are one of the strongest beings in the underworld, so your competency was to be expected. 
Yunho broke your inner turmoil as he knocked gently on your door, bringing in a plate of food that he had prepared. While food was unnecessary to both demons and angels, it brought you comfort. Eating was also something you did to distract yourself at times such as this. 
Yunho sat beside you on your bed, letting you spout your worries to him as the pair of you came up with a plan to hide your incompetency in one way or another.
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The next time you saw Yeonjun was in circumstances you had not anticipated, you had come to your regular lecture, but San was not there. Soobin was also absent. So inevitably, your professor had partnered the pair of you up for an interactive segment of your course. 
Yeonjun and yourself held awkward eye contact as you both tried to determine who was to go to who, and Yeonjun was ultimately the one to take initiative. So rather than have the hyperactive Choi San accompany you through the lecture, it was instead another Choi, Yeonjun. 
Conversation flowed easily as the pair of you discussed your work, maybe it wasn’t uncomfortable as the chat did not centre around anything personal. But it still worked out better than either of you had expected. The pair of you finished the set workload quite fast, with 20 minutes left of your lecture. 
“Hell yeah!” You exclaim, impulsively reaching your hand out to Yeonjun, whom returned it with no second thoughts. 
Yeonjun flinched as his hand came into contact with yours, expecting the fresh sting of silver to shock him to his senses. But he was met with the cool material of gold brushing against his skin, the sting instead coming from the strength of your palm crashing against his. You had a knack to undermine your power at times, but with Yeonjun being a werewolf he was rather desensitised to pain - just not at the level of a demon such as yourself who felt no pain whatsoever. 
Yeonjun looked at you in amazement, the pair of you giggling silently to yourselves as you cleared up any building tension from the past few weeks with a mere hand touch. 
A loud thump gained a few head turns as Yeonjun’s skull came into contact with the desk in front of you, due to his failed attempts to suppress any laughter that dared to spill out. You only glared at anyone who turned to you, it was as if you were saying ‘What the fuck are you looking at?’ but.. with your eyes. A few girls let their stares linger on the pair of you in jealousy, there was no doubt that Yeonjun had quite the fanbase at your University. You only dismissed their glances with a flick of your wrist, threatening physical violence if they were to disturb you any further. 
Yeonjun lifts his head, “So... you know I’m.... right?”
You only look at him with a blank face and respond with, “What? A part of the LGBTQ+ community, or a werewolf?”
Yeonjun returns your same blank look, “Not denying either,” and the pair of you share a cheeky glance before letting out soft giggles at your somewhat secretive conversation.
That day marked the start of your friendship, the pair of you exchanging numbers and messaging the minute you split up on campus. From there you planned to hang out at the local arcade, and then as it grew late you would migrate to your apartment where you would binge horror movies. 
On both seperate occasions wherein you told your friends your plans, and Yeonjun told his, it was as if their minds were synced. Your eight friends shared knowing glances. Yeonjun’s four friends shared knowing glances. They merely hummed when you tried to tell them that it was a ‘friend’ thing, not having any of your excuses. You soon gave up and let them think what they wished to, it was difficult changing their minds after all. 
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You meet Yeonjun outside of the arcade at 4:00pm, and soon lose track of time as the pair of you play any and every game within the arcade. Sure, it may be a waste of money considering some of the games were rigged, but it was worth it because of how much joy - nostalgia even, it brought the pair of you. 
Yeonjun had challenged you to a game of ‘Dance Dance Revolution’ when one of the employees alerted you that there wasn’t much time before they closed. The pair of you shared a knowing stare and immediately started up your game, aiming to at least try out two others before you had to leave.
Yeonjun obviously ended up winning Dance, Dance, Revolution much to your dismay. But you were quick to make him aware that you were a mere three points behind him, and you didn’t let him forget that fact. It almost seemed as if the pair of you were in a war with your prides, inflating and deflating each other’s egos continually. 
You then finish up a game of air hockey in record speed, you taking the victory and not letting Yeonjun forget it once again. The pair of you then partake in a game of Arcade Hoops, yourself and Yeonjun with a mutual score of 83, the third tie that you shared that evening. It was then that the store clerk came by again, telling you to pack up as the store closed in less than ten minutes.
You glance down at the time on your phone, ‘5:53pm’ glaring back up at you. A weird feeling settles within you as you take note of the continual reoccurrence of the time... and how you are always within a short distance of Yeonjun when you view it. You simply shrug off this feeling and reduce it to being a coincidence, everything would be okay, right? 
“Holy shit, you’re sick at games!” Yeonjun almost screams in astonishment, and you only smirk,
“Comes with the age, sweetheart.” You jested, alluding to your immortality as a Knight of Hell, and a past Queen of Hell, but that’s a whole different story in itself. 
Yeonjun goes silent at that, eyes narrowing at you in a joking manner, “You’ve had all this time to practice, and yet I still managed to beat you at some games? Gee, some immortal you are,” he chided. 
You push him off of the footpath into the grass as a response, making him lose his balance and bump into a passerby. Your senses are on high alert with that, noting the presence of not one but multiple demons within your vicinity, alongside that the lack of humans in the area. 
Yeonjun turns to retaliate but stops upon seeing the blank expression on your face, the look on your face stirring fear within him despite him also being a supernatural being. Talk about Big Dick Energy, huh. 
You then note how the presence of demons seemingly surrounds you, attempting to make you feel small and intimidated but it does quite the opposite. You applaud them, I mean, challenging a Knight of Hell is a big job, but you also snort inwardly at their stupidity. If their powers were a Level 10, yours were a Level 500k+. The scraggly sixteen of them didn’t throw you off at all, it only provided you with entertainment as you knew that there was no way they’d overpower you, especially with Yeonjun by your side.
“Aw, look at your little bitch, my Queen,” One of them sneers, and Yeonjun lunges at him teasingly in retaliation, intimidating him enough for the demon to take a few steps back. 
“What is it that you want this time? Mad that I’m the Devil’s right hand and you’re not?” You question blankly, eyes flashing red to assert your hierarchical status. 
A female demon steps up at that, throwing herself onto you which does nothing to waiver your confidence. You only use your biokinesis to alter her biological makeup, which results in her spitting up blood. Blood then begins to leak from her eyes and onto the concrete.
A few other demons come at you in a similar fashion, taking your actions as a cue to start their attack, and you take this opportunity to showcase your array of supernatural abilities. Biokinesis where you make someone explode or bleed, pyrokinesis where you set them on fire, thermokinesis where your skin becomes hot to the touch and results in third degree burns, mental manipulation wherein you made demons up and leave their ringleader, sedation where they drop to the floor, unconscious, molecular combustion where the demon is reduced to dust. The extent of your abilities was almost endless, much to the amazement of Yeonjun.
You take out all of the demons except for one, who you assume is the absolute genius behind this plan. He cowers, and tumbles back as you draw closer to him, “I would say that you were to regret that, but you won’t be feeling anything in a few minutes.”
You mutter a few phrases, exorcising the demon, leaving an innocent human staring up at you. Snapping your fingers you clear their memory of the time that the demon inhabited them, “You have been missing for six months, off you go.” The human stands up and walks away at a leisurely pace, observing their surroundings with confusion.
You stand up straighter at that, snapping your fingers to rid of any evidence of the happenings, and to clean your clothes that were drenched with blood. Thankfully the demons were all in vessels, inhabiting another human made it much easier for you to rid of them. More often than not the bodies were close to death nonetheless, so even if you exorcised them all the humans they were inhabiting would likely die as a result. You dust your hands off, proud of the show you put on in front of Yeonjun. 
Not to give yourself the full credit, however. You noted that Yeonjun had also taken part in the fight; scratching or biting at the demons as they attacked the pair of you. Yeonjun found himself feeling nothing but rage as he saw the nature in which the demons threw themselves at you. Red clouded his vision, in both a mental and physical sense, as he retaliates. 
You turn to Yeonjun, smirking as you catch him already staring at you in astonishment. His eyes sparkle, and his mouth is wide open in a dazed grin. Not knowing what to say you burst out the over-used, “Close your mouth, you’ll catch flies,” and Yeonjun instantly grows flustered. 
You take that moment to take out your phone, shooting a message to Lucifer - yes, the Devil, he’s quite with the ages. The oldie had evolved alongside society, keeping up to date with all of the current trends. He immediately responds to your text and tells you that he’ll take care of the demons, their opposition lacking total relevance seeing as they were almost instantly killed off. 
You pocket your phone and turn to Yeonjun, “To my apartment we go, then. Shall we?” You extend your arm to him, and he interlocks his with yours confusedly, were you not even going to address what just happened?
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Since that night, the pair of you indefinitely began to develop feelings for one another. As much was obvious to your friends as well, who teased you about it at every opportunity they got. 
You found yourself thinking of Yeonjun more often, finding his reactions from that night adorable, and his protectiveness of you ever so precious. You saw many sides of him that night, even his soft side who still startled at the jump scares in horror movies. Alongside his confidence, wherein he began snuggling up to you as he realised that you had an arm across his shoulders to comfort him. 
Yeonjun found himself thinking of you even more from that moment as well, not that he hadn’t before seeing as he had harboured a crush on you for months beforehand. He thought your independence was admirable, and your skills.. dare he say it, sexy. He noted that his first impression of you was far from the truth, where you were externally tough and intimidating, you were inwardly quite sensitive, and almost childlike despite being a demon. He noted this through the huge collection of plush toys that adorned your bed.
So, the pair of you went to message one another, instantly halting as you both saw the typing bubble pop up on your phones. You end up typing again as Yeonjun fails to do so for about a minute, ‘Theme park, tomorrow, 4:00pm. Meet me at my apartment,’ and he does exactly that. 
The following evening the pair of you accompany each other to the theme park, going on a number of rides and winning the other prizes at the stands across the area. Yeonjun had won you a fox plush toy, which you named after him, and you won him a deer soft toy, which he in turn named after you. 
Night begins to fall, and a chill washes over the area as the fresh night air envelops anyone who dared to stay out past sunset. You glance upwards, smiling at the beauty of the stars that adorned the sky. Yeonjun stares at you as you look away, admiring your effortless perfection. He then takes off his coat, letting it rest across your shoulders. You glance at him questioningly, tilting your head to the side in a way that he finds so irresistibly adorable. 
He only shrugs as a reply, ruffling your hair. You stop him, gripping his hand in your own, “Cheeky bastard,” you retort, intertwining your fingers which elicits a blush from Yeonjun. You note that he is only wearing a pink crop top, which would only make him freeze, so you sidle up to him, wrapping an arm around his waist that rests at his exposed hipbone. As you had to let go of his hand to do so, you then brought his arm over your shoulders, intertwining your fingers once again.
Yeonjun stares the opposite way for a second to hide his blush, and then rests his head on top of yours, nuzzling into your hair to stop you from looking up at his red face. His usual confidence was often hindered in your presence as yours matched his perfectly, leaving him flustered continually. You lead the pair of you to the Ferris Wheel, where you get a carriage to yourself, guaranteeing privacy. 
“Yeonjun.” You state, warranting his full attention. He turns to face you almost instantaneously, humming to urge you to continue, “You’re a fucking loser but I’m falling for you, and I need to make you mine or it might just kill me-”
You are cut off by Yeonjun’s lips meeting yours, the kiss slow and sensual following your admission of feelings. You pull away first to breathe, and his lips chase after yours instinctively, not liking the feeling of you parting with him so soon. You close the gap again, wrapping your arms around his neck and pulling him closer to you. 
After you separate again, Yeonjun pants, “God, I’m so fucking whipped for you. I’m yours,” as you go to kiss him again, he stops you, “But, you’re mine.”
You only nod as a response, but stop yourself again to retort, “Don’t use that language in front of me.” 
“W-what... the f-word?” He mumbles, “No, ‘God’ you loser... I’m a demon..”
He only rolls his eyes, grabbing at the lapels of his coat resting on your shoulders to pull you into another kiss. The kiss was passionate, slow, sweet, the residue of cotton candy setting the atmosphere, and there was no denying that the man was an excellent kisser... it was as if his lips were made for the sole purpose of kissing. Any background noise faded away, the pair of you absorbed in one another, and to think that merely a few weeks ago the pair of you were in an unspoken war over high fives.
The time? 5:53pm... a time that now belonged to yourself and Yeonjun, and you wouldn’t have it any other way. 
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jincherie · 5 years
pebbles to recommend!
✑  in the light of recent situations and the fact that a few of you have even been so kind as to share some love and positivity with me, I’d like to share some of my own! these are some of the fics that I’ve been reading and loving lately! I haven’t had time to read much, but I hope u all enjoy what I’ve managed to stumble upon as much as I have!
ps. lets leave them something nice and let them know how fantastic they are!
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✎  blood magic by @cakebite ​
maknae line x reader | magic au, fantasy au, royal au, yandere au | series
  ➥  in a word, fantastic. i’m not sure how many of you know, but yandere is my guilty pleasure and it’s not that often that I come across it being actually well written and portrayed. This is one of the few fics for the genre that I’ve read and deeply enjoyed. But aside from that, I love the way this world is brought further to life with each and every installation, I adore the fantastical nature, the little tidbits and factoids revealed to me one by one-- it has me thirsting for more! This is a read I easily got immersed in, and it’s not yet complete but I’m looking forward to more adventures in magic, mystery, fantasy... god I’m ready.
Part of why I love well-written fics of this genre is the inner workings, the finer details and each little turn of the cogs that makes the clock tick. I absolutely love that in this fic that is incorporated so seamlessly. From the beginning, there is tension and there are stress conditions-- and while they maintain and level out, with each introduction of the boys (without reader knowing they’re the princes, which is a dynamic i die for btw) and further build of their relationship, along with the glimpes of their background and the environmental factors that are probably going to lead to one or all of them Snapping... it all blends together in a magnificent mass of tension, and for each update that comes I’m on the edge of my seat. I don’t think there has been one in a while, but this is the kind of fic that I’d drop whatever I was doing to read!
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✎  quarter quell by @chinkbihh
jungkook x reader | hunger games au, yandere au | series
➥  another yandere story, another insight into my guilty pleasure. again, i don’t often rb or rec many yandere fics simply bc its not often i find one that really pins it and I love enough to rb-- but luna never fails to provide, and I’ve found myself enjoying a number of her stories, most recently this one!
Usually, what I look for and enjoy reading about is the slow build, the climb and increase in yandere behaviour as they grow more comfortable/more obsessed with the character. Even so, this fic dumps it all on its head and I find myself loving it nonetheless. It’s the setting, the unique conditions that allow the yandere features to come out immediately and unabashedly-- and watching the integration of it all, how every aspect of oc’s situation is working together, is fascinating,, and putting yourself into oc’s shoes is terrifying. Luna puts a lot of effort into her fics and each installment she publishes is long and carefully put together,, and that’s something I really appreciate. I love a lot of her works, and this one in particular, because there is always just such attention to detail, such immersion around it all that draws me in and hooks me. I’ve seen her musing about where to take this on her blog and to be honest I’m really excited to see wherever it goes!
(ps. please send some lovely things her way if you end up checking this out, we all have times where we’re a little more in need of some tlc than others!)
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✎  immortals by @bang-tan-bitches ​ 
ot7 x reader | supernatural au?, drama, smut, dark fantasy | series
➥  this is one i read a little further back, but one I definitely am still hooked on! What I really love about this one is just.... the mystery of it all. I’m a sucker for dark fantasy and urban fantasy and this bad boy rolls it all into one. Each installment reveals a little more and yet,,, not enough to fully satiate your hunger for knowledge. there are a lot of conditions, restrictions, barriers for the reader-- the push and pull of her innate desire to go to them vs. the constraints of her life and her thoughts is delicious. I remember in particular that each little interaction with each member made my tummy dip, they were so cute and so... thrilling? These two have a real talent and it shows through with fics like this one. I’m not sure when the next installment is, but I’m definitely waiting for it with baited breath!!
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✎  beastly gods by @lemonjoonah ​ 
taehyung x reader x ?? | hybrid au, dark fantasy au, slight dystopia au?? | oneshot
➥ i read this as soon as it was posted and honestly.... I haven’t stopped thinking about it since. there’s something about it that just carves out a piece of you and replaces it with a piece of itself. It’s so memorable!! I love it dudes. The whole tone and vibe of the fic from the beginning, the chase and the combination of thrill and fear,,, and Taehyung.... I love the way that the story was set, the premises and tone, and I love how it was maintained all throughout-- what I abolutely love the most about it is that it allowed for that fucking FANTASTIC twist of an ending!! This story, to me, had OOMPH, and I love that man. I’m going to revisit it sometime soon and I definitely recommend checking it out yourselves. I wish I had read it more recently so I could gush more readily, but definitely check it out for yourselves and send some love!!
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✎  agape and pragma by @uwugalore ​ 
ot7 x reader | hybrid au, poly au, smut, fluff, angst | series
➥ this is one that i’ve been reading consistently, and have been hooked on from the beginning. from the very first chapter the premise is so heartbreaking, and i was able to really align with the oc and what she was feeling, how her world had been turned so upside down. and then, seeing throughout the following chapters as the members slip into her life & home one by one, healing the pieces of her bit by bit... ugh i might have wept. it’s so soulfully sweet and lovely, this fic, and the spots of angst really just serve to make it sweeter. I love a fic that makes me soft and fuzzy while still having some hot as fuck smut, and this definitely serves that. plus hybrid au! already pinpointing several of my weaknesses. i definitely recommend checkig this out because it quickly became a favourite of mine :) 
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✎  beautifully misfit by @orphicbts ​ 
maknae line x reader | hybrid au, angst au, smut? (subby maknae energy) | series 
➥ this is another kind of recent one that I’ve been enjoying over the past few months, and can i just say it’s got a firm hold of my heart and my future puth. If you’d read florescence u know i have a budding weakness for shy boys, blushy boys, and GOD when she introduced each of the boys it had me cooing--- ESPECIALLY jimin. i cant wait for things to bud and bloom and develop, the little hints of nice things the reader is going to do-- ahhh i can’t wait until jimin gets glassses!!! and sees oc all the time!!! and blushes more!!! aaah!!!
It’s just so very sweet mixed in with the little tidbits and aspects of their past which, are sad and angsty but mfkgjdg u know.... u know that hurt/comfort shit hurts so good. I’m really super excited to see where it goes and how their relationship and dynamics develop in the coming parts!
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✎  home by @zerotexas1975  
jimin x reader | hybrid au, fluff, angst? | series
➥ I remember reading this when the first part came out ages ago and immediately being hooked, because I saw the prompt by hybridfanfiction that it was based off and love it. And straight away it was so sweet and cute and wholesome, and as we’re quickly discovering I’m an absolute slut for shy boys!! It was standalone for a while, but let me tell u when i saw there was a second part out i screamed and dropped everything to read it-- and!!! it’s so good!! she’s starting to implement the plot now and she’s making us WORK for that sweet validation, work thru the angst on the near horizon, and i appreciate that. it took such a turn that i really wasn’t expecting it but I love how the dynamic between them and the relationship has budded and begun so far. 
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✎  euphoric endeavours by @/haveagreatday (AO3) 
ot7 x reader | vampire au, college au, mate au, poly au | series
➥ this is another fic that I’ve been reading for a long while, and from the very beginning I loved the fire of the reader, the spunk and how she wasn’t afraid to go up and confront one of the biggest names on campus. and then reading further and observing the change, the transition in their dynamic. when she found out, vs where she is now. I really love the way she had the reader change and grow, and that seems to be a very big theme in this fic that I really admire! The reader consistently looks to herself for ways to grow and change, and do the boys. The story is so rich and in depth with their history and backstory, all the dynamics and the goods and bads of their past and how it affects them i the current day. I definitely recommend it for an investment and a good time. 
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✎  twisted tails & thunderlight by @stskpop ​
// ot7 x reader | hybrid au, poly au, angst | series
// ot7 x reader | supernatural au, fantasy au, witch au/magic au | series
➥ twisted tails is one that I found recently, and although there’s only one part out that I’ve seen, I really love where it seems to be going so far! it’s an interesting spin on the au that I haven’t seen very often, but god... I’m really excited to see how she’s going to spin it and how it’s going to play out. how the grief they must be feeling over oc’s sisters death is going to work with everything else happening, how they’re going to interact and feel about her.... I’m keen to discover how it will all blend together.
And thunderlight... can I just say, I love love love this one! I found it through twisted tails and !!! i love it!!! it’s so rich from the very get go with plot and narrative exposition, the way everything is being set up so smoothly. I’m absolutely hooked, I want to know who this demon is, and whether it’s going to have the gratifying happy ending that I crave so badly... god I love it, and I’m eagerly awaiting the next installment!
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!! let’s use this as an opportunity to make their days!! I think it would be really awesome to use this to spread a little more love & positivity, so please send something nice their way and even feel free to reblog this with some fics you’ve been loving yourselves if you’d like! I’d love to see what you’ve been into and check it out!! :) <3 
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tinytanpopo · 4 years
Now that Gegege no Kitaro 2018 is over, and I remember it's one of your favorite Gegege no Kitaro iteration, what's your overall and concluding thoughts about it? What are your favorite episodes of all 97 (or each season) episodes? The positive and negative? Characterization of Sawashiro Kitaro and the other Kitaro family (including Mana)? I would love to know your opinion of the sixth remake!
This is going to be a long answer. And full of spoilers, for those of you looking at this who haven’t watched the 2018 version of Kitaro. Here goes!
What are your favorite episodes of all 97?
I watched all 97 episodes 3 times over the course of its run. I started out watching on my own, then eventually my friend wanted to watch with me. But the crappy Crunchyroll subs got in the way of his enjoyment, so I polished them for him, and then we started watching together.
So for each episode, I’ve…
1.) Watched for my own enjoyment when the raw came out
2.) Fixed the subs
3.) Watched and enjoyed again with my best friend.
Before my friend and I started watching together, I also did a rewatch of the series up to the middle of the Backbeard arc, so, 3.3 times? And it only made me like each episode more, and notice more tiny fun details about it. Sawashiro actually smiles a lot, u guys
Anyways, here are my stand-out favorites. Titles may be self-translated or shortened, as I’m looking at the Japanese wikipedia entry for the episodes, and my opinions are mostly disorganized gushing:
1: The Day the Youkai Awoke. Kitaro, Eyeball Dad, and Mana are all very cutely introduced, as well as their dynamics with each other. Great action, ends with the apparent death of the hero. (I was new to Kitaro.) Got me to watch the next week, that’s for sure! Also, world full of weird freaky monsters, already suited to my tastes.
3: Tantanbo’s Youkai Castle. The episode that earned Sawashiro Kitaro his “Gorilla” nickname from the fandom. Also Mana asked to be friends and made Kitaro bashful and the whole latter half is so sweet. FRIENDSHIP
6: Sunekosuri. This is the first Kitaro episode that made me cry, like I really wasn’t expecting that kind of emotional impact. Another thing that kept me watching was that, even though Kitaro has its formulas (as does everything), I still didn’t know what to expect.
7: Ghost Train. Ah, my first experience with the Ghost Train story. Y'know this is the only one where the human passenger pair are both already dead? I’ve seen many other renditions of this story, but this one’s the darkest.
11-12: The 808 Tanuki arc. The whole Kitaro Family shows off their skills in a big cool battle, and Mana overcomes an intense struggle to save the day (with some credit to Murder Momen Rollo Cloth). As my friend often says, Mana is too good for this world.
13: Wanyuudo. Got some insight to Kitaro and Ratman’s odd, long-lasting friendship. When I first watched this, I didn’t really understand why they were still friends. But over the next 2 years, I would.
The meta reason? Ratman was Shigeru Mizuki’s favorite out of all his characters.
14: Makura-gaeshi. The second episode that made me cry. (not hard for a show to do that, but still) Also shot my already-present respect for Eyeball Dad through the roof.
I’m pretty sure this is the episode that changed GeGeGe no Kitaro from “one of the shows I watch once a week” to “I must find and learn about the rest of this franchise.” I’d looked up characters and little facts here and there on wikis, and occasionally browsed the Kitaro tag on Pixiv before this point, but this was the tipping point.
The door to the unseen world was open, and I jumped through.
18: Kawauso’s Lie. haha, Mana’s a city girl who’s scared of bugs
22: Gyuuki. Body horror, despair, and a really good Catgirl episode.
27-37: The Backbeard arc, or 6th Kitaro’s version of the “Great Youkai War” story. For a refreshing twist, the designated “Witch” isn’t evil in this retelling. In fact, Agnes quickly became one of my most favorite and relatable characters.
She definitely had a rocky start with the Japanese youkai, and watching her develop friendships with Mana and Kitaro was great to see, and even better on the rewatch. My friend likes Agnes a lot, too. Just assume I cried at the Mana/Agnes friendship stuff, I’m sure it happened on the rewatch, too.
Also Kitaro finally invites Mana into GeGeGe Forest! She fucking earned it!!
38: Kasha. I had already seen Reverse Mochi Murder 3 different times by this point, but it’s best whenever freaky ghost-eyeballs are involved.
Also Mana punched Kasha in the face. Well, Kitaro’s face.
39: bang. I lost it.
40: This is the darkest version of Sara-kozo! And I like it. His song was best put to use in the 4th Kitaro series, and even had a callback in one of my most favorite episodes of that series. The song, of course, is terribly catchy.
42: The Great Youkai Trial. Having seen the other versions of this story, I’m glad the writers made the 6th series version stand on its own, weaving it into the overarching Nanashi plot.
43: Odoro-Odoro. This isn’t the first Odoro-Odoro retelling where Kitaro’s efforts are thankless and reviled, but it is the one that shows it the most intensely.
47-49: Nanashi arc conclusion. Each Kitaro anime has its harsh and intense moments (even the relatively gentle 5th series), but 6th is the one that goes hard most consistently. Not just into darkness, but
50-51: complete and utter sweetness KITTENGIRL dgjklfhjlkHFDGKMBHKjl
54: Dorotabo. Sometimes, there is no “right” choice that can make everyone happy. Being a mediator can be hard, frustrating, and sometimes impossible. But despite all the stress, frustration, and repeating the same tragic scenarios, Kitaro keeps on trying.
Also, Kitaro totally carried that frog up to the roof of his house for company at the end of the episode.
56: Vampire Elite. The most sympathetic retelling of Johnny’s story. And a great Kitaro/Ratman friendship episode.
57: La Seine. He doesn’t have a top hat this time. A great retelling of Hand, and a Kitaro/Mana friendship episode. Two vampire episodes in a row, and it didn’t feel repetitive at all.
58: Kamaboko. 6th Kitaro’s crossdressing episode, with Sawashiro Kitaro at his most vindictive. Fun for all sorts of reasons. :3c
59: Ushiro-gami. Also known as the youkai cactus episode, somewhat of a series staple. This one had great horror vibes, and Mana overcoming her fear and risking her life to help Kitaro save the day. Never gets old! Mana’s the best.
62: Kitaro and Ratman fighting like children. Kitaro’s shocked face when Ratman steals his pork. Kitaro’s admiration for Ratman’s persistence to keep on living, and appreciation for yanking him back to reality during the end of Nanashi.
The Kitaro/Ratman friendship dynamic is eternal.
64: Suiko, the Water Tiger. If you find an old jar in a dirty hole somewhere? Don’t open it, don’t drink it, don’t let anyone force you to drink it. And if the jar starts talking, shove some dirt in it.
That town full of assholes totally deserved what they got, though.
66: The Grim Reaper and the Hidden Village. Well, in this context, “hidden village” is more like “Shangri-La,” which is what I changed it to in the fixed subs. The only other version of this I’ve seen is the one from the 2nd Kitaro anime. It’s a well-known trauma episode in the fandom.
In the 2nd anime, Kitaro got the trauma. In the 6th one, Mana did, and Kitaro already knew it was coming.
68: Hell Exile. Yet another one where I wasn’t sure if it’d end cynical or hopeful. One of the fresher takes on the Hell Exile story, too.
69: Ibukimaru. Nicely advances the Four Treasonous Generals arc, and has some interaction between Rei and Mana. Oh yeah, this arc introduced Rei Isurugi, an intense chuuni with Megaman demon powers. It’s neat to watch how Rei and Sawashiro Kitaro bounce off each other as individual characters.
70: Mysterious Footprints. Calls back to another one of 2nd Kitaro’s infamous trauma episodes, incidentally one of my favorites. This was great, but the 2nd anime had more intense face-melting.
72: Iyami. Mana Is Gay. That is all.
73: Yamata-no-Orochi. A great take on Kitaro’s Orochi story, now with more monkey’s paw shenanigans!
74-75: Conclusion of the Four Generals arc. Mana convinces Kitaro not to resign himself to shouldering the heaviest burden alone, as he so often does. Agnes and Adel make an appearance(yay!), and they team up with Mana and Catgirl to help save the day. Rei finally chills out, and gets a new mentor.
77: Neko-sennin. Nurarihyon startles the holy hell out of Kitaro, and further establishes how he’s going to operate this time around, connecting to his previous actions in episode 76.
Also, cats. Kitty Kitaro. Cats are my second-favorite animal, so I appreciate the many Kitaro stories involving cats.
78: Mouryou. This one gets retold in several of the other Kitaro series, with decent variation. This one has its own 6th Kitaro touch, with that fucked-up photographer, and an ending I was positive would be dark.
80: Onmoraki. I’d also consider this story a Kitaro staple, though Onmoraki was way tougher this time. Must have had something to do with Nobuyuki Hiyama. :B This is always the episode where Kitaro puts on his old painter costume, and proves he can’t think up fake names worth a damn. Gets me every time.
81: Hideri-gami the mangaka. I love comics, I translate comics, GeGeGe no Kitaro originated as a comic. This episode’s just a love letter to the medium. And seeing Kitaro genuinely enjoying Hiderin’s Totally Original Comic Do Not Steal was adorable.
83: Houkou. Some kind of disaster usually happens in this story. In the 4th anime version, Kitaro was burned to ashes. This one hit harder. Nobody won. No one was happy. We’re reminded of Dorotabo, and how Kitaro never “gets over” tragic situations like these, no matter how often they repeat. I think it’d be worse if he was desensitized, and gave up trying to make anything better.
84: Mr. Chin. The Japanese dialogue is full of puns involving the word chin and yeah I lost it. Sunday morning changes with the times, and they still get this guy in.
I died at “three rainbows” ghjghjk
89: Te-no-me’s Curse. Te-no-me is a youkai who either shows up in the youkai trial story, or has an episode for himself. Also, we finally get to see that Kitaro can just pop his hands on and off. Well, maybe not as casually as in the comics…
90: Sazae-oni. Normally you’re not “supposed” to do “it was all a dream” endings, but this is the first time they’ve done that with Sazae-oni, and the dream reveal means we just saw inside Sawashiro Kitaro’s mind. The fancy sushi restaurant exterior, the plain sweets shop, the body pillow how does he know about those?! Does he know why they look like that?!!
Kitaro seemed disappointed that he didn’t get to sing on stage. And Rei was in his dream-audience! An adorable episode.
93: The Phantom Train. Catgirl got Homuhomu’d. But KitaNeko is finally canon. This whole episode left the fandom reeling, as usual for 6th Kitaro. Best retelling of the Phantom Train story yet.
94: Hot Springs Trip. Mana carried Kitaro over 90 episodes ago, and Kitaro doing the same for Mana repays that favor, in a way.
Kitaro also admits he has Terminal Kitaro Face.
95-97: The end. I did not think they would poof Kitaro. That’s the deadest I’ve ever seen him, in any version. And the most broken, worse than a giant hate-baby crushing his dad. Kitaro giving Ratman his chashu pork made my heart explode, Mana’s sacrifice made the heart-pieces explode, and Mana reuniting with Kitaro 10 years later made my heart whole again.
Nurarihyon offing himself made sense, especially with this being his most dignified characterization in any version. Glad they let Shu-no-bon live, even if he was an actual hardass this time. Shu-no-bon’s usually a teddy bear in comparison to dual-wielding gatling guns
I’m sure the prime minister didn’t keep her position for much longer.
Episode 97’s subs left out most of Mana’s text to Catgirl at the end, so here it is:
“Cat-Sis! Here’s the pic Nebutori took for us on our recent trip! Also, I found a sweets shop near my workplace. Let’s ask Kitaro to go there with us!”
A very sweet ending, indeed.
The positive and negative?
I wish we’d gotten to see more of Agnes and Rei outside of their own arcs, and the conclusions of other arcs, though they clearly had their own lives to live and paths to take.
We didn’t get Akamata or Shisa or a bunch of other youkai I was hoping to see in the episodes. We didn’t get stories for Jami or Kamanari, both of who showed up as bit characters at the very end. But I can accept this, too, as writers and staff working within limits, and telling the story they wanted to tell as best as they could.
I’m glad they focused more on new stuff than old, though. Maybe they didn’t want to risk a repeat of 5th Kitaro’s non-ending, but they were ready to end the 6th anime with the Nanashi arc. Even with a 2nd year, though, the writers didn’t lose their focused storytelling, and ended the series in a way that left my heart full.
Characterization of Sawashiro Kitaro and the other Kitaro family (including Mana)?
Sawashiro Kitaro continues to be that weird youkai kid, that boy who lives in the woods. He’s chill and has a bunch of comic book youkai powers, a unique sort of superhero, while also not being a cop, thank goodness. Every Kitaro is a bit of a pessimist (except 3rd anime’s Toda Kitaro, I guess), but Sawashiro is especially so. This made his gradual development  even more fun to watch. The fact that he never could give up on that dream, not completely, made me appreciate that development even more.
Sawashiro cried the least out of all the Kitaros—twice, and it was only onscreen once. He kept everything in so much, it’s no wonder he imploded and went to Ultra Hell when the prime minister pot-shot him.
And, Sawashiro Kitaro is so pure and cares so much it hurts.
Eyeball Dad. Since Isamu Tanonaka passed away in 2010, the legendary Masako Nozawa (the original voice of Kitaro) took on voicing the role. Like Kitaro, Eye Dad’s characterization changes a bit with each anime, though not as much. Nozawa’s performance made Eye Dad feel more laid-back this time, I think, and more patient. In older series, he had more “Showa dad” tendencies. And we got to see him outside of eyeball or mummy form! 6th series spoiled us!
Ratman. He’s usually the same between every adaptation, save for the voice. Sometimes he’s nicer, sometimes he’s more of a bastard. But he’s always Kitaro’s friend. He may nasty, greedy, and cynical, but he’s usually right about how the world works, and his priorities are hard to disagree with entirely. He knows how to survive, even when treated like dirt for centuries. Ratman’s got a particular brand of wisdom, if you look past the ringworm.
Catgirl. In other versions, she looks like she’s in elementary or middle school, and 6th anime is the most mature she’s ever looked. This is also Catgirl at her most tsundere, but with zero “mean girl” tendencies. All it takes is Mana shooting pure admiration at Catgirl for them to become friends, and that’s cute. I always like Catgirl, and the 6th anime is no exception.
The Kitaro Family. Sandy’s mostly unchanged, except now she doesn’t own the Youkai Apartments, and can use modern technology to make a shitload of money. Old Crybaby is 100% the same, down to his old person banter with Sandy.
Rollo Cloth’s minor interest in finding a girlfriend got turned up to 11. He’d get a lecture from every previous Rollo.
Wally Wall has less vocabulary, no wife and kids, and they thankfully didn’t show his mouth this time. Still a good dude.
Mana Inuyama. The 3rd anime had Yumeko, but even if she wasn’t damseled as often as you’d expect from a typical 80s cartoon, it still happened a lot. In the 6th anime, Mana clearly has more agency from the get-go, and refuses to leave herself out of Kitaro’s business. She’s serious about being his friend, and never stops being serious about it, even when things worse than she could ever imagine happened.
All she has are good memories with Kitaro.
Like my friend said, she’s too good for this world.
What’s your overall and concluding thoughts about the 6th Kitaro anime?
What an emotional roller coaster. The writers pulled no punches with this, and very much managed to make “their own Kitaro” while still firmly being “Kitaro.” With the dark and cynical twists it sometimes took, I often didn’t know if there’s be a happy ending to an episode, or a bitter one. It’s a Sunday morning cartoon at its core, but very good at making the audience forget that.
6th Kitaro was my introduction to Kitaro as a whole, and I was hopelessly obsessed by episode 14. Well, because of episode 14, probably. I downloaded all the other Kitaro anime series, got into the comics (official ones by Mizuki, official ones not by Mizuki, and a shit-ton of doujin), and now my brain is just “kitarokitarokitaro” all the time.
I don’t think it’s going to stop anytime soon.
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why do sasunaru shippers hate sasusaku more than naruhina/sakura more than hinata? || aka a sasunaru shipper explaining why sasusaku is better than naruhina in every conceivable way
yeah yeah this isn’t my lane as a sasunaru shipper to comment on ss because it’s not my ship but it IS my lane to comment on sasuke and sakura, 2 of my favourite naruto characters.
this is my first post about naruto or any series in quite awhile, so excuse any possible errors on my part, but i’ve been thinking and i’d like to write out my thoughts on a particular subject. i’m back with a controversial opinion, of course because those are the only ones i’ll ever have
if you ship sasunaru and u viciously hate sakura i suggest going into this post with an open mind because... you aren’t gonna like a lot of what is said here but i suggest reading anyways :-)
during my time in naruto fandom i’ve noticed a trend among sasunaru shippers(and anti ending people in general), sakura is the butt of all of the jokes and especially after the manga ending and gaiden being released people have loved to make jokes about SS’s marriage but hinata never gets the same negative treatment and my thoughts are only
act i: underratus sasusakus
i’m going to get straight to the point and say my opinion. sakura and sasusaku especially are given extremely unfair treatment and exaggerated belittlement among the sasunaru fandom. allow me to explain why
if you love this bitch right here
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you should have done enough character analysis to realize these few things about him
1: he was completely deprived of love and any connections from like age 7 up until he met naruto, sakura and kakashi
2: he felt like he had to push everyone he cares about away because he saw it as weak
and 3: underneath all of his trauma he’s kind hearted
so knowing all of these obvious things, why would you say that in moments like these
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he is actually trying to shake off someone he doesn’t like at all and only sees as a girl with an annoying crush?
or alternatively, why would you say he’s abusive and she deserves better but then go and ship him with your favourite character? it’s so transparent and it’s obviously just a filler excuse so you don’t have to actually look into the character dynamics and how they work because you don’t want to admit that your least favourite ship actually isnt awful.
Sasuke isn’t the type of person that would have such disregard and apathy towards a person that’s shown him nothing but love throughout the entire series. that goes against his entire character’s philosophy and most of the arguments seem to be pulled out of thin air also
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He obviously cares about sakura plain and simple, no mental gymnastic argument in the world can disregard plain canon evidence. if youre so set on the idea that sasuke doesn’t give a shit about sakura, then i’m gonna raise the question: why would you have a character who doesn’t care about one of his teammates that supported him as ur fave? which leads me to my next point
there’s obviously gonna be theeese kind of people:
“of course my precious baby sasuke loves his team, but sakura has a selfish love and she will never deserve him!!!!”
there are SO many anti sakura arguments from sasunaru shippers that are just plain wrong so i’m gonna use this opportunity to crush them all
“sakura only liked sasuke cause he was hot and popular”
after sakura was surprised that the kid guessed she liked sasuke, she was informed he was popular with the girls
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so that one panel gets rid of that argument
“sakura doesn’t really love sasuke, she was going to kill him...”
...because she thought it was her ONLY OPTION to save him from himself, she thought he was too far gone and it wasn’t until naruto showed up that she had hope again (which is why sasunaru shippers being as threatened by ss as they are is so dumb and crazy)
personally i don’t like this aspect of ss and heavily prefer the sasunaru dynamic with the whole eternal never giving up on you thing because it scratches my particular shipping itch but it’s foolish to say that sakura doesn’t love sasuke period, she obviously does and she does deeply and she’s one of the closest people to him and always will be
Sasusaku gets tons of unfair hate just because of the long running anti Sakura meme, and it’s always been the scapegoat of the anti naruto ending crowd. But it’s silly to me because it makes sense that if sasuke doesn’t end with naruto, he would end with sakura
aside from naruto, his closest living person is sakura plain and simple. she’s done nothing but love him, maybe not as absolutely and unconditionally as naruto has, and maybe she did falter but it’s more than anyone else in the entire series(besides naruto) has and it’s more than he’s ever got from anyone else (besides naruto lol) so if sasunaru doesn’t happen why on earth would you be upset that the boy who was so deprived of love for his entire life ended up with this girl?
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if not naruto, sakura is the best person for sasuke plain and simple because literally who else in the series (besides naruto) put up with all of his baggage for the entirety of the series, + she raised his child when he was MIA and sarada actually grew up to be a diligent and intelligent ninja. i ain’t even mad when people ship SS
sasuke has recognized all of this, too.
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and has thanked sakura for all of the love she’s ever provided for him throughout the years, even when he was not himself and hurting her, she always just wanted him to be okay, and he appreciates it. so of course he married sakura, duh.
you cant even be threatened by their eye smex
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because sasuke gives naruto bedroom eyes all day long
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he gives a shit about sakura okay?!?! sakura gives a shit about him okay?!?! it’s okay to acknowledge that his canon marriage isn’t the devil while still realizing the objective superiority of your otp!!!!!
all of this can be summarized into, for some reason sasusaku threatens the sasunaru fandom and leads them into having bullshit mental gymnastic arguments against it for no real reason when....
the real monster of the series is naruhina.
act ii: naruheinous disgustus
sorry about coming off a little strong there, but i have a lot to say about this matter, and you know i’m for real when i have a lot to say about something that has so very little.
it seems to me like most sasunaru shippers don’t actually care about naruhina and just give it a free pass cuz it’s boring and she’s nice and cute and whatever
but naruhina is so much worse than sasusaku on every imaginable level
so, so much worse
because where sasusaku at least has friendship
naruhina has nothing
at least where sasusaku has care and chemistry
naruhina has a bland empty space
because hinata is a bland and empty character
[due to plot holes and retcon in the last and other filler, i will only be using kishimoto’s material for this post. but hey, since naruhina is canon only the author written material has to be enough, right? right....? please guys he ships our ship he made it canon i swear he planned everything to end with their epic moon(who sasuke) love story]
we get shown this when naruto gets introduced to hinata and his only impression of her is that she’s a weirdo
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We get this when Naruto never ever noticed Hinata, while Sasuke was actively trying to cheer Sakura up
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naruhina in part 1 has absolutely NO basis at all. it’s absolutely nonexistent from naruto’s side.
unfortunately... it remains that way.
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this moment. this fucking moment is when it all started to go downhill. i mean, naruhina was always at the bottom but this is when it becomes apparent that the ship is never going to pick itself back up.
i’m not going to be one of the people who say that after naruto completely ignored her confession that she should just never think about him again and find a new guy, that’s unreasonable.
naruto completely ignored her confession! in fact, i don’t even think he ignored it. i think it just never occured to him that he should even talk to her which is even sadder imo... sasuke, who is apparently the devil to sasuke, at least y’know... thanked her.
after this happened we never saw hinata’s reaction to this, her feelings on why naruto never replied to her, we never even see her doing anything outside of thinking about naruto/talking to naruto period unless it’s a fight in a flashback
it’s almost like hinata is an NPC in the naruverse programmed to react to anything naruto related and nothing else. you can definitely not say this about sakura, she has a defined personality. Hinata doesn’t.
don’t even understand how this
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[sending her son to fight alone against an enemy of unknown strength and only telling him to... take care of naruto-kun]
could ever be favoured over this
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sakura > hinata
sasusaku > naruhina
sasunaru shippers = dumb for hating on sasusaku and giving naruhina a free pass
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chococustard · 5 years
Hi.. just out of curiosity, do you have favorite fanfic or fic rec for bnha?
first time putting this together my chrome closed and killed all of it=‘D
they’re mostly one shots since on going ones, cause of my shitty memory i can’t remember most of them otl
they’re under the cut and separated into categories//shot sorry i can’t word well;;; enjoy//shot
—- GENERAL (mostly)/ OTHERS —–
you’re a good man midoriya hizashi - deku’s dad is a lawyer and a nerd
no happy endings, just beginnings - eri getting used to civilian live and it’s the cutest fucking thing
nya means i love you in cat - IICHAKO DATE IICHAKO DATE IICHAKO DATE
sleepless - todo sleeps everywhere. that’s it
see me and you’ll know you’re sleeping - baku and todo talks at 3 am
iida tenya is best mom - that’s also it
send endeavor to the shadow realm - a whole series of roasting flaming cheeto man. also deku’s a fucking savage god bless
perfect timing  -  present mic and aizawa visits tensei at the hospital ft fuyusei. part of the author’s 12 days of christmas set, all of it is cute
a riddle to guess if you can - all might has a few words for the new number one hero
heroes’ day off - domestic shit ft tododeku, kiribaku, momojirou and tsuocha
bakugou is human - ft kiribaku
fallen heroes - villain!class 1A and others
looking glass - kidnapped and forced to join the villains as a child, deku got caught by the heroes during the usj attack, and joins their side instead
little, and broken, but still good - momo protection squad
pressure points - todoroki shoto finally became a child at 15
lazy day - soft
(all I knew this morning when I woke is) green eyes and freckles and your smile - sleepy. kisses.
count your blessings, not your flaws - deku’s used to getting asked out by people as a joke. the one time it’s not, he laughed
sickeningly sweet - omegaverse au where todo is possesive and deku’s a little shit and i love him?? also  like, no relation, here ojiro’s the dominant alpha of the class and he’s just. so done. i love it
heroes, love and soulmates - what you write on your skin appear on your soulmate’s, also. soft. so soft.
conventional taste - deku won an essay contest and took todo to hero con. as cute as the tododeku stuff was i also like it just as a general fic, like, the con stuff in there i just can’t help but “i feel u”//shot and the uh, the other parts also hits to the heart
cold hands, warm heart - todo likes deku’s hands
reunion - apparently middle school reunions are a thing ft baku being not shit
sweater weather - this. just. this whole thing. i have diabetes from this
get me waken up, shaken up, tangled up - omegaverse au where todo and deku just date and it’s cute
bonded - omegaverse au drame™ also like the only omegaverse fic with all my ship as far as i know thank u op
your biggest fan - ….they buy each other’s merch- im dying, deceased
the five times shouto found his hand in izuku’s hair and the one time it happened in front of bakugou - deku’s hair floof appreciation fic
I’m yours if you’ll have me - omegaverse au where deku tries to get todo to just get a fucking clue ft bakushima 
i’ve tried every hobby, and you’re all that’s left - everyone got todo to try and find a hobby
all your little things - deku wants todo to love himself
Marry The Mole - flaming cheeto man tried to bribe his son’s bf to break up with him
petal steps - hades/persephone au
a whole series where kiri and baku are THAT couple
a many splendored things - anniversary fluff
anniversary - ^another one
little words - soulmate au where you’re born with the first words your soulmate directs at you
free at last - omegaverse au where kiri’s parents are assholes
angel’s kiss - FRECKLE. KISSES.
beating in time - vampire!au where some hunter thought baku’s a vampire, while it’s actually kiri, tho baku doesn’t know that either
teach me how to surf and other stuff - surfer au whee as a pro baku pretends to suck so he can get close to the cute surfing teacher
flowers speak louder than words - baku has hanahaki
crystal tears - kiri cries crystals, and he and baku learns how to do relationship
all the make up that MAC can make - kiri tries make up
nothing ever goes wrong at the mall - baku and kiri meets baku’s old middle school classmates
13 things best bros do together (+1 thing they don’t) - oblivious idiot
Next to You - sOFT
Pining and Pinning - quirkless au where guitarist baku has it bad
A Consequence of Constant Explosions - deaf baku and supportive bf kiri
white walls - kiri’s injured, baku’s worried
hold my hand until I feel whole again - kiribaku ft post raid ptsd
tuesday i was through with hoping - ^another one
after the fact - ^^again, another one
sunshine flutters - ^^^^another fucking one but it’s from baku’s perspective
something like an earthquake - another post raid hospital fic
tender loving care - another one this time ft momo
hoodies - omegaverse where baku gets possessive 
a boy & his dragon - fantasy au where kiri and baku date
Soft - omegaverse au where kiri tells baku they’re gonna have a kid
baby steps - bakugou’s journey to be a decent human being ft. eri kiri and momo
romantic displays of a barbarian - baku openly showing his love for his wonderful bf
make a spark, break the dark - fantasy!baku went to the canon verse
there’s a space here shaped like you - ^another one
to win back your heart which was mine - ^another one but fantasy!kiri is fucking dead
bakugou’s (wikihow) guide to making friends - baku attempts to amend his friendship with deku ft kiribaku
will I ever be more than I’ve always been?  - baku trying to apologize for his shitty past. part of a series of future fic, they’re also great
white lily - midoriya izuku hates himself
scorpions and chains - hit by a quirk deku’s put to sleep, everyone else ended up seeing the past he never says
out of reach - @garbageisland-0​ ‘s nomu!deku au. it hurts 
for the future - during the sludge villain attack, baku watches deku dies right in front of his eyes, and he mourns
the stars welcome them home - on weekends students go home for the weekend, except satou, hagakure, baku, and todo
the sadness behind their eyes - as a teacher fuyumi wants none of her students to end up like her brother
this sick, strange darkness (comes creeping on, so haunting every time) - todoroki shouto is dead
so big / so small - sads but it’s todo, bday angst
Escape - the sads now ft kiri
the song of a broken past - kiri copes with his feelings with the violin, quirkless au
hit me up if you want the dirty//shot
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Chapter 7 – Stalking? No, slut dads who slutted each other.
A well-meaning friend gave me a book series that is hilariously bad. The first book was Souless and my riffs were entitled brainless. This second book is entitled Changless and these riff are then gormless.
I mean to say I have entitled them gormless! Not that my riffs are dumb, and the effort I spend on them stupid since I’m the only one who enjoys them. HAHA!
The story is SUPPOSED TO be about how a badass lady wearing a rad-looking carriage dress hits baddies with her umbrella and bangs her hot werewolf husband.  In reality it’s mostly poor attempts at being witty, flirty, and superior.
For the last book check out the brainless tag.
If you want the TL;DR version but want to read these new riffs anyway?
This story is set in supernatural Victorian steampunk England.  Alexia is our NOT LIKE OTHER GIRLS protag.  She is a soulless, which means she’s able to negate the abilities of vampires and werewolves by touching them. She’s recently married a big oaf, named Lord Connel Maccon.  He’s the manchild in charge of the supernatural police with a zillion dollars and he’s totes super hot too ok.  Their relationship is mostly arguments about how Maccon can’t tell her fucking anything.  Alexia has also recently become head of ~Soulless affairs~ in Queen Victoria’s government.  She has a dumb friend named Ivy, a gay vampire friend named Akeldama, a family who’s evil because they do the same shit as her but while being blonde, and most importantly Alexia is better than everyone cause…cause.
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Last time on Gormless:
There’s some mysterious force that’s turning the Vampires and werewolves into humans. Alexia is in charge of figuring out that deal, and she is doing a bad job at it.  Her husband is in charge of the Supernatrual Police (BUR) so he’s going to Scotland about it.
Alexia is also going north to help her husband with a crew crafted for a comedy. and oh boy I can’ts wait.
Chapter 7 – Stalking? No, slut dads who slutted each other.
Tunstell has been poisoned! So Alexia and LeFoux tell him to puke.  Ivy gets really offended that they asked him to puke.  Like it was actually kinda shocking how nasty Ivy gets about this. Ivy insults Alexia, and laughs condescendingly while saying it’s just regular old food poisoning.  Like that’s pretty fucking cold Ivy damn.
I know this is supposed to be a comedy of ~manners~ this hubbub is because it’s gross and ~untoward.~  But a secret part of me wants to believe that Ivy is pissed at Tunstell for giving her feels and wants him to suffer.  
Also I love how Alexia and LeFoux just TELL him to puke, and when Tunstell is like…what? How? They’re like you’re an actor just puke wtf do we have to explain everything to you?????? But eventually they concede, he takes some ipecac, barfs, and doesn’t die.  Ivy was fluttering around him all a tizzy over this incident.  A part of me is like, why didn’t they just leave Ivy and Tunstell alone here to sort out some shit?  But I mean, Ivy seems salty enough to allow him to be in horrible pain. If they weren’t careful she was going to pull a fake eggplant off of her ugly hat and suffocate him with it.
LeFoux gets fed up with all of Ivy’s tittering so she gives her a bit of Cognac.  She takes what are described as two nips. So I was picturing itty-bitty sips, and Ivy immediately becomes blitz out of her fucking mind. I’m not exaggerating, 2 sentences after the nips, she’s staggering in zig-zags. She bumps into doors, spills drinks, and giggles like a mad woman.  I haven’t had cognac before but like….REALLY?  To me, they might as well have written, “Ivy was within 15 feet of an alcoholic beverage, so she’s sloshed.  She starts laugh-crying while singing Danny Boy incoherently and trying to give Tunstell a handy under the table…but it wasn’t Tunstell it was just an empty chair.  Which was actually lucky for Tunstell cause at this point she couldn’t do more than just play bloody knuckles with his nut-sack anyway.”
But anyway Ivy and Tunstell retire to their rooms and Alexia and LeFoux go to have a chat on the deck. Alexia is like, “Why would anybody want to poison Tunstell it makes no sense!”  To which LeFoux, with more patience than I could ever muster, points out Tunstell ate HER meal.  Alexia has a moment before she’s like, “Oh yeah, people are always trying to kill me.” LeFoux is a bit flummoxed that Alexia seems pretty chill and incurious about almost being murdered.  Alexia continues this track of being an intellectual giant by asking LeFoux if she’s a spy or assassin out to get her.
She, of course denies it, by saying she could have easily killed her earlier cause gosh what a badass she is.  But like what the hell Alexia!? All you did was alert LeFoux to your distrust of her. What were you hoping is going to happen by asking that question? Denying it is hardly going to prove one way or the other, were you hoping you’d get,
Yet it’s almost as if her wish came true because a mysterious figure shoves Alexia off the deck, to meet her doom splattered on the English Countryside.
NO this isn’t where the chapter ends. Here we are 4 pages in and we have a much better cliff-hanger than TUNSTELL DUN BE POISONED!
Unluckily for us Alexia’s descent is cut short because a random protuberance on the dirigible catches her dress and she hangs on for dear life while LeFoux fights for hers against the mysterious shoving assassin.  
But just as you were getting caught up in the action, a port-hole opens near Alexia to reveal the still hammered Ivy.  We have a very appropriate bit of comic relief where Ivy slurs out how extra it is of Alexia to be climbing around on the outside of the dirigible.  Which, to be fair, I wouldn’t put it past her.  But eventually LeFoux scares off the attacker and they rescue her.  The attacker was wearing a mask so we CAN’T SAY who it could possibly be.  I bet it’s Angelique.
However LeFoux goes back to Alexia’s room with her, and Alexia sees she got a scratch on her neck from the fight.  So she takes off LeFoux’s cravat and cleans it up.  It’s very intimate.
Gotta be honest, I am so here for the lesbian flirting.  I think fewer people should be flirting with Alexia, but I hardly care at this point. I’m happy that this book isn’t afraid to throw a masc-presenting lesbian love interest.  I mean, this is perhaps quite a low bar since modern romance novels don’t tend to be homophobic, but I appreciate a stronger inclusion regardless.
But as she’s doing so she spies a tattoo on her neck of that OCTOPUS SYMBOL!  YANNO THE HYPOCRAS CLUB THAT TRIED TO KILL HER, HER HUSBAND, AND THE TOKEN GAY MAN LAST BOOK! OH NO!  But Alexia pretends she didn’t see it.  She asks LeFoux why she’s following her around.  LeFoux is all like, “Oh GOSH I WISH I COULD TELL YOU BUT I CANNOT! I AM MYSTERIOUS!” I really hate this cop-out, and I particularly hate this one cause I can already taste it now…the reason she can’t tell Alexia is for a really dumb reason that would cause 0 damage if she told her right now. (Also going back and editing this after I finished the book, I was right. SHOCK!)  It’s also kinda infuriating cause Alexia (rightly so for once) is like, “Just tell me!”  To which LeFoux rolls her eyes and is like, “Oh you soulless are always so annoyingly logical.”
In order to appease Alexia’s outrageous line of questioning, LeFoux barfs out some totally unrelated backstory. She was an illegitimate child from a slutty dude who died soon after she was born.  She was raised by her aunt. As a child she met a man who used to be gay lovers with her dad. TURNS OUT THAT RANDOM MAN IS ALEXIA’S FATHER! WOW!  What does that have to do with her following Alexia around like a dog trying to hump her leg?
But Alexia is swayed with that and they part ways.
Say something nice Faps:
It’s getting even gayer up in here. Seriously Alexia, if you were seriously considering getting deep-dicked by Douche-canoe, douche canoe, of the dickwad douche canoes you better be considering this.
In particular I like the idea that Alexia’s father was openly bisexual. In part because she describes him as basically down for any person who wanted to fuck him. I am the kind of slutty stereotypical bisexual that relates to that.  Also the more gay characters the better my friend.
I mean, I’m not super happy with the direction they continuously drag Ivy’s character but it’s at least it’s more of a personality.  And I’ll take the comic relief, even if it isn’t good.
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agentdammers · 6 years
Grand Torchwood Rewatch 1x12 & 13
One season down...... It’s a Finale Double Whammy, just as it aired back in 2007! Crumbs of Jack Lore drop into our laps, some absolute plot bullshit takes place, an old man is there!!! fuck it let’s get this over with
content warn: pisstaking, fun having, oh! plot bullshit!, i absolutely lose my fucking mind, Owen Harper!!! I Won’t Hesitate Bitch
1x12 “captain jack harkness”
- a thought before we dive in, but man owen gets A LOT of story stuff over the course of the 2 seasons he’s in right??? like more story stuff than ianto and tosh combined. interesting
- so..... here’s a thing. “Ohhh people have heard music from a derelict building! better send torchwood in!” how... does that come about? Could it be squatters or something??? fuck it, let’s send in a Secret Government Agency! they’ll sort it out. i mean we don’t know what they do exactly but i imagine at least one of them is a ghostbuster or something lmao, whatever
- OH NO THIS CREEPY OLD BITCH!!! i forgot how scary he looked!! god, this dude must be a million, or a vampire, or likely both
- tosh’s eyes get SO BIG WHEN THAT GUY ASKS HER TO DANCE I LOVE HER SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!! she’s the best one!!!!!!
- wish i could wipe this episode entirely from my memory because that fucking reveal when the Real jack harkness introduces himself? F    U    C   K
- speaking of tosh, finding it extremely unconvincing that she, a tech nerd, would go out with a laptop with an almost completely flat battery... like, c’mon. she would be prepared
- Gwen cooper, a fully adult woman: haha me and my friends;;;; came here 4 a dare;;; cos its spooky lol....
- the dance they’re at is called “KISS THE BOYS GOODBYE DANCE”, which is what my finishing move would be called if i was a character in a fighting game
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- ianto and owen slapfighting over their shit girlfriend experiences fucking owns genuinely lmao
- tosh pops the top off a tin and then cuts her hand open on the obviously blunt fucking lid?????? jesus christ
- “I’m tired of living in awe of the rift!!!” .....................first i’ve heard of it. I love that owen is talking as though the rift has been a major fucking factor throughout the entire series up until this point, rather than a thing that’s just been vaguely fucking referenced as the reason why a bunch of weird shit just seems to happen in cardiff. no, im not standing for this. You can’t pull out the rift at the eleventh hour and then talk about it as though it’s a Hugely Important plot device when the biggest role it’s had over the stretch of the entire 11 Whole Ass episodes prefacing this was to allow the plane to come through in “out of time”. y’all have barely mentioned the rift this entire time and now you want to act like its the hellmouth??? eat my ass!!!!!!
- and continuing on that note: apparently they’ve had a machine that can manipulate the rift in the hub......... the entire goddamn time. but no one thought to MENTION it i guess!!!!!!!! pfft, why would THAT be important??? right???? right?????
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this plot bullshit almost makes me feel bad for how harsh i was about “cyberwoman” but, i will admit.... despite this Absolute Fucking Nonsense, i do find the jack and tosh storyline in this episode really fun and interesting. its just unfortunate that all the stuff arrrrround that is some kind of fic scrawled in the back of a kid’s math book.
- also the size of owen’s fucking NADS in this episode!!!!!!!! “Don’t compare yourself to me.” SAYS MAN CRYING OVER THE GIRL HE KNEW FOR ONE (1!) (SINGULAR) WEEK!!!! as opposed to ianto’s longterm girlfriend being turned into a monster and eventually murdered by his own team!!!! Like, i understand that’s owen’s problem actually goes beyond that, and its not so much about diane herself but about the fact that he let himself feel close to someone again after his fiancee died but for us, The Audience, watching this as it airs... we haven’t unlocked owen’s tragic backstory yet. and without knowing all that it just makes owen look really bad and like a huge fucking tool lmfao.
- NEVERMIND THE END IS GAY AND SAD AND Y’KNOW!!!!!! i am a man of simple pleasures, at heart, and so... i’ll let it slide. jack meeting his namesake knowing that he’s going to die and them having a moment is more of the kind of emotional content we would get in episodes of doctor who, and its Just Right
- in honesty, theres a bunch of stuff about this ep that i DO like. that tosh gets a prominant role for a change, while gwen gets to do fuck all. the whole Real Jack story. owen gets shot and pops a tit out at the end. its just unfortunate thats its all wrapped up in this rift thing thats been wheeled out last minute for a Big Season Finale with no real foreshadowing or build up to it at all lmao. but, moving on...............................................................................................
1x13 “end of days”
- lovely reading voice ianto’s got..... i also like owen acting up to make sure we know that they remember him being shot in the shoulder last episode lol.
- “owen, if you open the rift you’ll break it” (owen opens the rift anyway) “owen, you opening the rift broke it” (owen GASPS IN DISMAY, ME??? REALLY?) yes bitch open your ears
- “So are we going to sit around crying into our lattes or are we gonna do something about it?” OWEN..... IS THIS. SUPPOSED TO SOUND BADASS I.... GENUINELY CANT TELL? IT SOUNDS BAD, OWEN
- jack was so likeable last ep now he’s a DICK. gwen calls him out on how he talked to owen and he’s really fucking catty at HER for no reason at all????
- i haaaaaaaaate this scene in the hospital where a Mystery Illness has all the fucking symptoms of the bubonic plague but apparently every doctor in the entire hospital never did high school level history and are all incapable of recognising it. if fucking *i* know what symptoms of the bubonic plague are im sure they didn’t need Absolute Brain Genius Owen Harper who is seemingly the only person with any sense in cardiff to come in and diagnose it. i also hate how owen just like casually mentions to the doctor yep, this is caused by people falling through time dude yknow!!! like they do!! expect more of this to keep happening probably idk!!
- i love that owen has followed jack all this time but NOW in a crisis is the time to actually lose it and start questioning his authority bc they dont Actually know who jack is like???? you’ve been fine not knowing this entire time before??? thats not to say that jack isn’t an entire dumbass himself. he expects them all to follow him blindly and its so creepy. he’s like a cult leader, and as they all have Torchwood Stockholm Syndrome that ive mentioned in previous episode run downs they’ve all just gone along with it.
- owen having a little cry on the way out is such a Good scene bc he puts on such a brave and defiant front tho 💕💖💘💕
- i dont know why the really quick flashback to diane flying off in the plane made me lose my fucking mind, its just like “LMAO IN CASE U FORGOT: SHE WAS THE PLANE LADY. I KNOW SHE WAS ONLY IN FOR LIKE TWO MINUTES, BUT DONT WORRY ABOUT IT.”
- gwen for fucks sake!!!!!!!! not again!!!!! after all the cryptic shit and lies she’s told rhys up until this point, she now knocks him out and locks him in a cell and STILL offers no explanation. this poor fucking dude!!!!!!!!! and it’s about to get even worse for him...
- YES EVERYONE REBEL AGAINST JACK!!!!!!! FUCK THIS DUDE!!!! you’re doing what a creepy old dude who is Absolutely Definitely evil wants, but still
- why does gwen start doing shit on the computer when toshiko, the computer expert, is standing right there, like.............
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- i forget, does anyone know jack’s immortal apart from gwen? or was it just the shock of owen actually Shooting Their Boss? the only onscreen death i can recall of his after suzie shot him was in “cyberwoman”
- god, minutes ago they were all like FUCK JACK!!!! JACK DOESN’T KNOW HOW TO SAVE US AFTER ALL!!! and now theyre all crawling back asking jack to save them all from cgi pig Ganon and its just..... a lot to happen, over the space of about half an hour.
- the ending is so anticlimatic and also why does sucking all the Yummy Life Energy out of jack make abaddon die?????????? Though in its defence... after like 3 bowls of cereal, i too am like OUCH OOF MY BONES
- aaaaaaaaaand rhys is back! will he get treated any better from here on out? i dont remember!!! guess we’ll see.
- bit much of gwen who’s actually known jack the shortest time of them all to be like NO, let ME be with him uwuwuwuuw
- ahhh!!! ianto smelling jack’s coat ;_;
- aaaand jack’s back too. AND HE GETS TO HOLD A CRYING OWEN? FOR ME? oh you shouldn’t have! this Almost makes up for all that rift plot bullshit (almost. i still know what u did.)
- ANDDDDD OH SHIT. FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!! THE GOOD ENDING. HERE COMES THE TARDIS. FUCKING YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
...............................and there it goes. one season down. sorry this one was so long!!! i love and appreciate anyone to takes the time to read these posts. thank u!!!!
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dndfuckhouse · 4 years
session 29 - High Tension Situations
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> 🎵  Rogue Encampment / Diablo 2 OST
Cracking open the entrance again as they were taught by Ezra, the group all head down into the cave system remembering the codes and the traps, Keva taking point. They eventually make their way back through the underground, reaching the large dark humid cove again.
Peering about as they come down they see a lot of boats on the waters strangely, as well as lights peeking through windows scattered about the buildings in the dark. Heading into the area proper there looks to be plenty of hustle and bustle down here as well strangely enough. Cloaked and shadowed individuals and groups are walking about quickly and some places look even more boarded up, or are in the process of becoming so. This is probably the loudest they’ve ever heard the place, sounds of hushed muttering and arguments being heard echoing around all the buildings and carved roads.
Finn and Han take their time peering around, it seems as if the people here are emptying out or holing up inside places as quickly as they can. Listening in as they walk by they get whispers from people gossiping about the business upstairs with the lockdown, every now and again hearing words about corpses. They also hear some whispering about disguised royal guards being spotted down in the area earlier. The rest of the party doesn't seem to take as much notice however, simply noting the place looks busy.
Han: "seems like that lockdown is affecting here too... and there could be guard around" Plum: im not worried about no cops Rokka: rokka huddles a little closer to whoever is next to him
Psalm: jesus
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Finn: psalm be like sorry im granblueing rn Plum: he has his phone out Psalm: OH FUCK I MISSED STRIKE TIME AGAIN
Rokka waltzes around in his Chris RokksworthTM disguise while Finn keeps his heavy daytime garb on in the cove, the others dont bother too much with disguising themselves aside from pulling up their hoods. 
The party decide to head over to Renny’s, noting it as the last place they saw Cole and Ezra. They all walk down and around to the centre area of the cove, making their way back to the same dingy looking building and cramped alleyway. They manage to find the right road before getting too lost, recognising the familiar heavy wood door indicating the front of Renny’s inn.
As they enter the area they note that it doesn't look too busy around here, on the way notice a couple heated conversations and busy buildings, but nothing sticks out in particular. 
Sidling up the door, the group give it a good knock, it takes a minute or so before they hear any sound behind it indicating that anyone’s even around. After some shuffling the thin slit in the door slides open and a familiar pair of eyes peer back at the party. It roves over the group for a moment, Han bending over and waving in response. It soon slides back shut and the party stand around listening to a series of unlocking sounds.
Finally the door swings open and there they see Renny, once again holding a pipe in one hand, as she moves to lean against the door frame.
Renny: “ol’ friends of ezra’s in need somewhere to hide out again? seems like you’ve got someone new with you though” she breathes out a wisp of smoke as she levels a long stare at finn Rokka: "Hello again!" Renny: "....hello again darlin" Han: "we're looking for him. you happen to know where he went?" Keva: "a direction would be good" Finn: he stares back, unsure what to say to this lady or if its even important for her to know who he is. Renny: "I haven’t seen the guy since he left the place with that tiefling girl after the other one, if I didn’t know him id worry he was skipping out on his tab” she snorts, but keeps staring at finn expectantly
Cimmorro: slaps finn's back like "pst introduce yourself" Plum: im going to swat finn and tell him to say covertly Rokka: nudges finn Finn: he feels more than uncomfortable. he doesn't need to make it known the barvottes crawl around places like this. switching a few times between looking at cimmorro and rokka before looking at renny. "i am called finnian." he then looks away and pulls his hat down more. Keva: cowboy tilt your hat finn Finn: vargonia culture Renny: she turns as u respond "nice to meet you there finnian, names renny, bit of common courtesy's appreciated" Finn: he nods back, acknowledging the acknowledgement before peeking at renny from underneath the snufkin hat. "my apologies" Renny: she smirks at you Finn: this milf... her aura is overwhelming, finn looks at cimm if he did it right. Cimmorro: cimm looks at u with a nod of acknowledgement Finn: i feel like turning to cimm for social advice is awful Cimmorro: OIJGIAOPJGWOPIAJGIAJIWG I HATE YOUG
Keva: she mumbles "why did...." then louder as she watches the others nudge at finn "...do you know which direction they were headed?" Han: "and did they say anything as they left?" Psalm: "I think we should just cut to the chase about why we're looking for them no? We have good enough reason to believe that they're in danger." Rokka: "and we came to save them!" Renny: "danger huh.... seems to be the trend around here. not really, think he went after that other friend of yours you popped in with. i’m no one to pry into what my patrons get up unless it’s going to disturb others or myself, understand me?” she takes another puff of her pipe and turns her head at you rokka "nice of you" Keva: "other friend?" Renny: “white haired fellow”
Chip: [han nat 1 insight check] renny would never lie to you.... perish the thought Han: tru milfs wont lie to me they love me Chip: so true
Getting a sense the conversation isnt really going anywhere, Cimmorro takes a step back to cast sending to cole while the others continue chatting along with renny, though renny gives him a curious glance.
Keva: "did you notice anything weird with the other guy when he left?" Han: [nods at keva’s q] Renny: "hmm...seemed tired, like he was in a daze. didn't ask"
Cimmorro: "it's cimmorro. do you have any clue where you are right now? any clue at all. keep it brief, this spell cant hold." Cole: after a second or two you hear a response in coles voice in your head "ahuh- is that you cimm?? whoa where are you....were underground uh...some huge group jumped us. um uh...in the bone somewhere higher up-" before it cuts off Cimmorro: just face palms at cole's rambling before getting everyone's attention "hate to break the chat but it seems like they're 'in the bone somewhere higher up,' cole said" Han: "...so like..." han points upwards to shorewater Rokka: "please don't tell me its the cult again ugh..." Psalm: [to renny] "If you don't mind, do you have any idea what 'higher up' would mean for down here?" Renny: "could mean one of the taller buildings or scaffoldings that crawls up the cove walls. or could just mean up north, theres a bit of a slant that lets you see over the rest of the cove from back there" she shrugs "doesn't really narrow down your search radius though i think, could ask around, more foot traffic lately"
Han, Psalm and Finn both think to themselves if they know of any particular big groups that may have targeted the two down here. Psalm and Finn come up with nothing, the latter having gotten most of his information from his uncle. Han thinks a bit longer but nothing immediately pops into her head outside trading groups ferrie told her about. Cole could be talking about a big gang but she gets the feeling there's plenty of those down here and she doesn't know any of them by name.
The group think amongst themselves, deciding they should split up to search, one group prowling the rooftops of the rickety buildings while others search and ask around on foot. 
Han: she goes "well, thanks for your time" and gives renny another 5 gold Renny: she raises a brow and takes it "well thank you, if ya spot him down the line let me know. finding myself a little curious now" Han: "will do ma'am" ^_^ Renny: she waves and shuts the door behind her as you all chatter amongst yourselves, you hear the door lock four times behind her
Finn: "psalm you may not be going to the roof but ill give you my grimnir raid id while youre still here, its my strike time you see...” Psalm: "Yeah no problem I can mvp" Finn: "It's '00568E33, thank you psalm. your fire is invaluable to my raids." Rokka: BAN GBF Chip:
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Rokka: he fidgets at the thought of leaving ground team alone "I'll...go with the ground..."  Han: ;LK;LKHSDALKHFKWELKRD 🥺
The groups split into two teams [ Han, Finn and Keva ] to explore the roofs and [ Psalm, Cimmorro, Plum and Rokka ] to ask around on foot. They decide to all meet back up again in about an hour’s time at Renny’s to share their findings.
The ground group decide to make their way to Nickel to see if they can get any useful information out of him. In the meanwhile the rooftop group sidle up to the nearest looking short building. Han offers to help the two up but Keva quickly climbs up and ahead of the other two on her own.
Han: "yes, i give boost, no problem" Plum: forgot han sounds like this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iW1Nff6jgjo
Finn: "ive no need for any such thing. a vampire can scale any surface." Han: "so can i, am i vampire now" Finn: "no you cannot! i can climb anything! you cannot." he crosses his arms. Han: "... yes i can" Finn: finn furrows his brows. "you are so foolish that it truly escapes me how you've made it this far." Han: han crosses her arms at finn "what? why?" Finn: finn is exasperated. "insufferable." he scoffs before turning his back to han. Han: "what, you think i cant? ill prove it" Finn: "prove it then." he says in a snotty tone
Han casts spiderclimb on herself before immediately running up the side of the wall like naruto, laughing in victory from the rooftop. Though once she reaches the top she realises she does not have darkvision and cant really scope the place out at all. She can see many small lights peppered around the cove, but on the roofs? there are no lights on the roofs. its going to be easy to trip up here. In the meantime Keva attempts to peer out for anything suspicious, though she comes up empty, slightly distracted by the two behind her’s antics.
Han: “....balls” Finn: he stares for a good moment. but then he shakes his head and tsks, despite han not being able to hear. foolish goliath. she had to cast a spell to do it! how foolish! [he then climbs up effortlessly after her] Keva: she just, pulls her hood down lower and goes toward the higher nearby building mumbling "i'm not dealing with this"
The group make an effort to stealth themselves once they get up, Keva doing so well that Han loses track of where she went as the former climbs higher up on the building next to them.
Han: han is like "you take ages" Finn: "perhaps you ought to take your time too, might draw fewer eyes to you." finn checks out his gloved nails you know how. its about the vibes it gives off 💅 Han: han is like >:/ MAYBE SO.................
In the meantime the other group make their way over to the location of nickel’s familiar storefront, Han having quickly shouted them directions from the last time she was down here. As the group approach they see a good number of boats near the shoreline and the building, it appears a group of people in similar uniforms as Nickel are hauling crates and barrels onto them.
They walk over to the tented side of the building to find nickel where they last spoke to him, though as they make to dip their heads inside a hand comes up in front of their faces shooing you back out, on the other side of it they hear nickels familiar drawl 
Nickel: “sorry pal, closing up for the moment, trying to shift out our stock around like everyone else so-“ he sticks his head out from the flap at the tail end of his spiel “oh you lot again? surprised you’re down here again after all the chatter I’ve been hearing flow through” he gives your group a lazy smirk. Psalm: "Eh... that got sorted out, but we're not here to shop." Plum: "yo, you wouldnt happen to know about any big gangs in the area would you" Han: SUCH AS YOURS, O FAIR NICKEL? Cimmorro: "what's the hullabaloo about actually?"  Nickel: "wow fun question, whyre ya asking" he gives an awww at the no shopping comment before turning to cimmorro "hmm? figured you'd have heard about the big bad royal guards skulking around down here, among other things"
Plum: “...” i'm gonna turn to cimm and psalm and be like "is it a good idea to tell him why" Psalm: "I don't see how we can avoid that if we want to get the most information out of him if he knows something but... we can try?" Plum: "that's what i think, and it's not like he's the most trustworthy person ever, well okay” Psalm: "As far as I know the Dark Blues are a merchant group and not in the business of kidnapping people, so i want to say i doubt he’d be involved”
Plum: "fine, well, some friends of ours got kidnapped" Cimmorro: cimm just gives a "ah, just curious if there'd be more to it than that" also just nodding to psalm and plum rn Nickel: "everyone here’s a little paranoid yknow? well myself included, so you can imagine anyone who’s drifting through is leaving and everybody else is boarding up their doors and digging their holes” he puts a hand to his chin “ ahhh the city feels a little scary these days don’t it valued customers?” he says while theatrically scrunching up his face in woe before turning to you plum "sad story there friend, not uncommon a thing to hear round here" Plum: "sure, sure, but have you heard of any group like that is what i'm asking, like lets say its not just some random thugs" Nickel: "oh plenty down here, but you'll want to narrow down the list unless you want to stand here and listen to me drone on for an hour" he folds his arms and smiles "and its not very in my nature to give things away for free" Plum: plum puts their fingers to their head in annoyance and says "i'd rather listen to you drone on than be doing this right now" Nickel: he goes ^__^
The group relay to him what Cole told them, about being higher up somewhere within the bone, specifying she probably meant somewhere in the northern area rather than above their heads. They also state they’re looking for Ezra, remembering Nickel encountered him the first time they met the drow so he may recognise him, they also bring up rickert’s name additionally.
Cimmorro: "oh hum... does rickert sound familiar to you?"  Nickel: "hmmm...somewhat, pauldrun...?" Psalm: "Elf, short hair, missing his right eye. Scar on his face. Has probably never smiled in his life. Ringing any bells?” Nickel: he nods his head and shakes his hand "ah yes yes i know of him, hes fond of grinning i hear actually" Cimmorro: "the one with us was the opposite of that yeah" Rokka: "wonder why he doesn't grin with us 🤔 " Psalm: "Well hearsay and reality tend to be two very different experiences 😇" Nickel: he laughs at that Psalm: score Han: ARE YOU IN A DAITNG SIM A;LKDSFHRLKW3EFDS
Cimmorro: "SO.... if you two are done flirting... any clue of their possible whereabouts or no" Nickel: he smirks at you cimm and continues "him and his motley crew? i know where they like to hang around the most at least" Cimmorro: 😳 ".... and i assume you want compensation for that information?" cimm exhales  Nickel: "well since you're not buying anything..." he smiles
Psalm: "I wouldn't put it past them to kidnap people... 🤔" Cimmorro: "yeah especially if it's ezra lol" Psalm: "That aside, remember what they were up to when we first ran into them." Plum: "unfortunately, it's not too farfetched that it could be them" Cimmorro: "they sure like their ropes!" Rokka: "Makes sense"
Cimmorro: looks at nickel unamused "what's your offer then?" Nickel: "hmmm lets say 70 gold" Rokka: Psalm quick eldritch blast Psalm: i want to be able to shop here later...
Cimmorro: i huddle towards the others "not particularly skilled in haggling so if one of you wants to try... either way, we can also pool for it" Plum: "i'm also not skilled at haggling" Rokka: ok rokka pulls out 70g and dumps it on nickels hand "that good sir?" Nickel: "oho thank you kindly sir"  he pockets into one of his pouches with a smile while giving you a knowing glance
Nickel: he turns to address you all now "if you want to find rickert i suggest you look for a bar called the Cracked Skull, its where him and his gang like to idle around when they're down here. if they aren't on a job in any case, they’re probably busy with people leaving or piling in so you’re bound ta’ find someone whos seen him recently" another smile Psalm: "What are the directions from here?" Nickel: "head around the east dive, its where most of the livelier bars are, place has a big skull drawn on the front of it, hard to miss"
Plum: "oh last thing, when are you reopening your shop after all the, uh-" gestures to people moving around Nickel: he looks down at you "hmmm well right now were relocating our storage and whatnot so..." he thinks for a beat "if nobody comes snooping for us specifically we'll probably be open our doors again within the week, eager to see you then of course" Plum: "right" and then in a more deadpan voice plum says "see you then" Rokka: "thank you good bye!" Psalm: "Thank you kindly." Cimmorro: cimm just leaves fr Nickel: he gives you all a cheery wave "see you again soon"
Plum: theres no way rickert's gotten to level 5 within  a week lets beat his ass Cimmorro: little did u know he fought a dragon and got to lv 20
Cimmorro: once we're out the store i'm gonna nudge rokka "i'll pay a part of that gold later. i have no change on me right now" Rokka: rokka looks at cimm "huh? what? no! no, it's fine don't worry about it!! thank you though..." Cimmorro: :/ "it's a group effort right now and i'd like to do my part. nothing more nothing less" Rokka: "i mean...if you insiiiisstttt...." rokka nods and looks around for a bit before looking back at cimm "no rush though!"
The belowground group make their way over towards the Cracked Skull. Back with the rooftop group both Keva and Finn attempt to peer out into the cove for anything of note nearby but both ultimately come up with nothing. Finn finds himself distracted by Han nearly tripping over the roof in the dark while Keva stares back down at the two from her higher vantage point, throwing a small rock at Han’s leg to get the twos attention.
Finn: "looks like you cannot climb anything, the way i do. time to admit it, no?" Han: "i just proved i can climb it easily, what the fuck are you on about" Finn: "tripping over yourself like the oaf you are, ha. you are not just foolish, but also amusing." Han: "i cant see in the da-(VERY MUFFLED SQUEAK OF SURPRISE)" [tracks where the stone came from] then punts finn and goes "whatever, come on" Finn: finn holds a hand over his mouth in fake shock and rolls his eyes. "sure."
The group set out to start snooping around the taller buildings near Renny’s as opposed to just looking out over the streets. Keva manages to keep quiet and not alert people inside as she peers through cracks, she sees quite a few shady dealings occurring but nothing that seems to be related to Cole or Ezra. Finn ends up much the same as Keva, thinking to himself ‘wild that people live here’ as he stares at some guy randomly sleeping on the floor. 
Han has less luck than the other two, coming across heavily boarded windows, and even when she can peer through the cracks its too dark inside for her to notice anything. As she stomps about the outside she also gets an ugly glare from one window from an occupant inside. She quickly gives a peace sign and slides down the wall back to the ground while the eyes glare at her all the while.
The three regroup a little dejected, han pouts.
Keva: "maybe we're thinking about this the wrong way" Han:  han looks at keva like go on Finn: "i am not sure myself. i wonder if the other team is making any more progress than we are." Keva: "i don't know, there's like uptown and downtown in cities right? maybe there's different part of the withered bone" Han: "renny said it could be north where theres a scaffolding... north should be that way (points), we could try heading there" Finn: cant I fact check on that being north [it is] "let us do that then. I do not see any other leads that we could possibly follow instead."
They decide to make their way over to the northern side of the cove, hopping over the roofs in the dark as they go (han with slightly less reckless abandon). Once arriving in the northern area they split and once again get to searching around the outside of the buildings from the roofs. 
Finn comes up empty, these people really like to board their windows shut...it was annoying before but it is also annoying now. Han and Keva have slightly more success, managing to look into a few more rooms, but nothing obvious. Han gets a few more eyes glaring at her every time she passes by some windows, at one point even feeling a knife chucked into the boards at one point in her direction as a response to her unstealthily snooping.
The three regroup with a huff as they discuss their findings, staring about the area. They take note the western side of the cavern wall that they’re now near. It appears to have these spidering scaffoldings heading up to smaller buildings built higher into the walls, but they cant really tell how to get there.
Han: "should we...attempt to go there?" han points to the cavern wall scaffoldings Keva: "do we got time?" Han: han is like ehhhhhhh Keva: "okay well, i'll go back to meet up with the others then to tell them where you are, since we're almost out of time" Finn: "think we'll be fast enough?" finn raises an eyebrow @ han Han: han looks uncertain for a sec but then is like "ye, course" Keva: "right well don't be idiots on the way" and keva's gonna head off Finn: "hmph." finn shakes his head briefly. "let us waste no time."
Keva makes her way quickly back to Renny’s inn and waits outside on the roof, keeping an eye out for the others. The other two begin looking for a way up the scaffolds. Surprisingly in the dark Han finds the leisurely pace she's able to take with the spiderclimb works in her favour, she gets in some reconnaissance. Lower on the ground she sees a few figures in black hoods with gold trim siting at the entrance to the scaffolds keeping watch near a lantern, letting people pass up occasionally every now and again. 
Finn slightly less successful simply peers up at the scaffolds, he guesses he could climb up there....its probably fine.... Before he can try anything Han stops him and points at the entrance, indicating if they wanted to climb up they should start further down and away from the guards at the entrance. She leads the two of them out of earshot and the two begin climbing, han switching to her climbers kit halfway through.
They seem successful for a time, though as the two get close to the scaffolding they hear a loud whistle suddenly in their ears. Peering up at the scaffolding they see someone in a similar hood to those at the entrance holding a crossbow staring down at them. Their face shadowed, they aim the crossbow at the two of them and wave it downwards, motioning for them to go back the way they came as a warning.
Han: han whispers "could u keep climbing quietly" Finn: finn looks at her briefly but nods, and keeps climbing up. Guard: the guard looks at you finn and shoots an arrow into the wall above your head
> 🎵  Pyrates Beware / Assassin's Creed IV OST
Soon after the guard shoots their crossbow Han pulls her piston gear out and goes into freefall, pulling out her own bow and taking two shots at them. One hits, striking the guard in the shoulder before she plummets, the guard grunts out a cry of pain before whipping their glare in finn's directions seeing her now drop.
Psalm: somehow this is still less risky than us sending rokka to go talk to henrick while rickert is there Han: JHFGJTFHDRETRKYGLHUK
Quickly the guard brings a hand up to their mouth again and lets out a longer loud whistle, along the wall suddenly Han and Finn both see lanterns lighting up one by one as she falls. Han quickly cats feather fall on herself before she hits the ground allowing her to land on her feet.
Across the cove Keva in the distance looks out towards the western cavern wall in the dark, there she can see one by one lanterns quickly lighting up across the scaffolds strangely. She quickly jumps to her feet running over the roofs as fast as she can.
Han: everyone playing with me 
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Soon after she hits the ground Finn stops in place out of fear, seeing the lanterns light up he drops right after her. She ends up catching him in her arms easily enough.
Han: curses under her breathe in a language u dont understand and then says "time to runnnn" Finn: finn glares at you han. "i should have known better than to count on you for a plan! imbecile!" he also curses in a language you dont understand and hops out of your arms to run himself Han: "i SAID could you get UP THERE qUIETLY and YOU! said YES!!!!!!!!" Finn: "you reassured me youd distract him! ugh! i wouldve expected you to take that lowly guard out swiftly, but no! you are nothing but an oaf!" he grunts
Han skids to halt and attempts to deck finn for the insult but he quickly dodges out of the way as they run.
Finn: finn gasps, offended by your attempt. "you...!! ive no words! baseborn scum!" he cusses at her quite unrestrained and bolts again. Han: "YOU LITTLE UNGRATEFUL, SHIT FOR BRAINS TWIG MAN" Finn: "SUCH A BLOATED BODY BUT NO SPACE FOR THE MOST VITAL ORGAN!"
The two continue bickering until Han spots an alleyway while they're running, tackling Finn into it with her successfully. She grapples him in her hands, whapping a hand over his mouth and casts pass without a trace. He begins shouting grumpily but she quickly tells him to quiet down so the two can stay hidden from the now approaching guards. He reluctantly settles down in her grasp fighting the urge to bite her hand.
The two go deathly quiet, listening in they hear yelling and chatter near the scaffolding begin to ramp up, after a minute or so they hear footsteps run past the alleyway, noting the familiar hoods it appears that they haven’t noticed their hiding spot. After a moment Han releases her hand from Finn’s mouth and makes a shooshing motion, though she still keeps a grip on him as they wait for the guards to disperse.
Han: finn feels hans heart pounding kya Finn: KYA finn just goes wow havent felt one of those in forever
After a time it seems the guards roaming around on the ground have moved on from their area, though the scaffolding is still lit up, seems they're still alerted up higher. Keva also quickly arrives in the area, looking around she sees people in hoods holding lanterns hunting around, though not much else.
Han: han lets u go completely after the noise dies down and says " dont stray too far from me." and starts going making way to rennys Finn: finn tsks at you once again, but is no longer in the mood to start arguments, for once. he follows you.
Keva stares at the group roaming about trying to discern anything about them but they seem pretty covert, she can tell for sure that they're guarding the upper scaffolds down here, and that there seem to be a good number of them. Seeing nothing to do she sighs and heads back over to Renny’s the same time Finn and Han do.
In the meanwhile the other group make their way over to the east dive from nickel's storefront, its easy enough for them to find their way as they remember heading to the area to check out Sammy's abode. As they look around they find what seems to be a populated area of sorts and a few crowded buildings.
Nearby they spot a rickety wooden building with a white skull painted across its front, in front of if a few figures huddled on the front stoop, sounds of chatter and laughter coming from inside. It appears they’ve found the place.
The figures huddled near the door don’t really move as the group approach so they find themselves having to step over and around them to get into the building.
> 🎵  Bridge to London / Vampyr OST
Entering the busy bar they see a number of seedy looking individuals peppered about, hooded figures and the more overt looking cutthroats and mercs, as well as any other wayward traveller nursing a drink looking for somewhere to lay low. Looking about they don’t recognise most of them, noting a stocky looking bartender behind the bar and a few hired guards standing at the doors, though in the corner of the room they see a smaller group huddled around a table.
Staring closer they recognise them as Rickert and part of his gang, four people sitting around with what looks like nothing better to do, including Henrick. from this distance they can see Rickert angrily arguing with one of the goonies while holding them in a headlock, Henrick looks on wearily taking a sip of a drink while him and the other one try and play cards.
Nervous about talking to Rickert out of disguise, the group all nominate Rokka to head over and get Henrick’s attention so they can talk to him instead while Rickert’s not around. He nervously walks over in his disguised form whistling as the others watch from across the room.
Cimmorro: everyone watches rokka miserably Psalm: miserably is right we owe him the 70 gold after this
Rickert: as you approach you see rickert's head turn up in your direction and squint along with the goon in the headlock. the other two at the table also peer in your direction "...what do ya want?" Rokka: his whistling dies down like those cartoon sounds of a falling missile "uh.......... i uh........... " he looks between rickert and henrick "i saw my old bud henrick!!!!!!! hey!!!!!! henrick!!!!!!!!!"
Psalm: oh yknow i have invisibility we could've gone about this a completely different way how did that slip my mind Plum: I WILL KILL YOU Cimmorro: AOIGJAIWJGAJGADG Plum: you could've whispered surreptitiously in henrick's ear and changed the whole genre of this encounter Psalm: suddenly the rating goes up
Rickert: he glares at you before whipping his head in henricks direction Henrick: he stares at you utterly confused before his eyes widen a fraction, but then he looks confused again "uh..?" Rokka: nervously laughs "HAHA....long time no see buddy!!!" rokka moves to give him a big unintentionally tight hug and whispers in his ear "im psalms friend pleaase come with me emergency" he laughs again when releasing him "MIND IF I BORROW THIS RASCAL FOR A DRINK?" Henrick: he grunts with surprise at the crushing hug, trying to hold onto the cards in his hands "uh-!" he listens to you whisper in his ear and whispers back a "...w-who...?" Rickert: across he lets out a cackle "wow didnt know you actually had friends henrick" Rokka: nervously laughs again and slings his arm around henricks shoulder and gives tight squeeze "YEAH!!! he and i go WAYYY back! thought i would never see him again!!" he begins to pulls henrick away "ANYWAYS!! I'LL BRING THIS GUY BACK TO YA ASAP!! ILL EVEN BUY U A ROUND OF DRINKS!!! LATER!!" moving => henrick Henrick: he lets you drag him away confused "uh- guess ill fold for this round guys" and lets you drag him away from the table, you see rickert look at his hand after he places it on the table and he lets out another cackle
Rokka: quickly says everything in one breath bc hes scared rickert will call him back "remember that tall red tiefling with the group w the lupin and goliath? im the lupin we need ur help please just come im so sorry" and quickens our pace to the grounders Henrick: he nods at you confused as you drag him along "....sure but why are y-" then he turns as hes presented before you all "oh...hello..?" Rokka: heaves a sigh of relief once reaching the group and lets go of henrick "i........brought him.........." Plum: 'yeah, somehow that mess actually worked! good one" Cimmorro: raises a hand like a weak greeting
Rokka: mumbling like "i need a drink" Psalm: "We can do that after, right now maybe we should step outside for a bit?” Rokka: sighs again and slings his arm over henricks shoulder and moves him towards the exit Psalm: "Cheer up Rokka, once we're done with all this you can get me that drink you owe me." Rokka: "aww man i thought you forgot about that!!" blows raspberry Psalm: “you wish” 
Henrick: he tilts his head and looks back at rickert scratching his neck “sure though i dont know why…seeing you guys a lot lately huh” his eyes back towards psalm “you just here to hire us again for something?” he yelps as rokka pushes him towards the exist and goes Plum:  "hell no" Psalm: "You free for hire? Although my friend's right, not really here for that right now. Kind of on an urgent mission right now actually." Henrick: he tilts his head "ah yeah rickerts always doing whatever pays, i figured you'd know because of your friend here" and he points at cimmorro Plum: "cimm, the fuck does that mean?" Cimmorro: cimm just looks like this O_O???? "excuse me???" Henrick: he squints in confusion “the other day at the pier, you uhh” and he points at cimmorro “hired us to move some crates round the caves, didn’t really know if was you though till we got paid at the end of it though” he gives cimmorro a curious look “was kinda funny to see the boss’ reaction… are bounty hunters fond of hiring people they’re out to grab for odd jobs like that or is he not on the radar anymore…that’d be nice for a number of reasons…..” and he kind of looks away scratching his neck Psalm: Psalm just looks at Cimmorro wide eyed like HUH? Cimmorro: cimm JUST LOOKS AS SURPRISED AS YOU ARE "DONT GIVE ME THAT LOOK. I WAS WITH YOU GUYS THIS WHOLE TIME???"
Plum: "the other day? do you remember how many days ago or so?" Psalm: "Wait you're saying he hired you? *points at Cimm * You're absolutely sure you got a good look?" Cimmorro: "loathe as i am to remember the fact that i've done nothing but hang out with you all but by the goddess" Psalm: "Ok that bits just unnecessary although I get it."
Henrick: he stares at cimmorro and psalm's confused reactions "uh...same day i saw you again actually, kinda strange?" he gives cimm a good stare at your request then turns back to psalm "uhh...yep not many people look like him frankly" Cimmorro: cimm just pinching the bridge of his nose rn Psalm: just pinches his eyes like i have a fuckin headache rn "Mind telling me where you moved the crates?" Henrick: he taps his fingers nervously on his arms "im getting the feeling.... somethings weird here huh" he turns to you psalm "it was somewhere in the caverns, looked pretty nondescript but then so are all drop off points...?" Psalm: "Yeah just a little weird. I'm guessing you don't know what was in them?" Henrick: he shakes his head "nah they were nailed shut, clients can tell easy if you mess around so we didn't bother, though i was curious" Cimmorro: "where were these drop points?" Henrick: he scratches his head nervously "uhh i dont really remember, like i said in the caverns, its a popular place for smugglers to make deals so i dont think much of it" he looks more anxious as the conversation goes on Psalm: “Maybe we should head back inside and see if boss man will know? Amazing, this isn't even what we wanted to find out and yet here we are."
Han: gg henrick u were an unknowing assistant in the plot to turn the whole city to zombieland Psalm: imagine being that guy Plum: moe through helplessness
Attempting to move on from the revelation from Henrick about Cimmorro’s doppelganger, the group then get about to asking what they dragged him over for in the first place.
Cimmorro: "guess i can just waltz in there for a chat later huh.... in any case we're looking for an elf man, pretty large scar on the face? any clue?" Psalm: "Missing a right eye also, was with a blue tiefling before they went missing." Henrick: he tilts his head and thinks "i know a few guys who match that description honestly" as you keep talking his face kinda goes still “….uh….” he starts nervously tapping his hand on his leg “right that guy from the other day….i didn’t get much of a look at him when our base got busted but I guess he’s with you, makes sense…” Cimmorro: "so have u seen him recently... down here?"  Henrick: he looks away to stare at the street "uh...dunno, you'd be better off asking rickert..." Cimmorro: STARTS SLOUCHING AS I HEAD TOWARD THE BAR Psalm:* picks you up and throws you into the ring * Henrick: he watches you go nervously and puts a hand to his face with a woeful expression, following after
The group all stroll their way back into the bar as a group and head over to rickert's table, as they do he turns his head in cimmorro’s direction
Rickert: “aha would ya look at that, this ones come slinking round again” eyeballing cimmorro “need us again big boy? the hell d’yall need to transport round caves anyway” as he speaks he takes a sip of his drink Cimmorro: BIG BOY HE SAID Psalm: i hate rickert more than anything
Cimmorro: "haha yeah it's nice to see you too... listen, i'm looking for someone. you remember that elf with a face scar from your base's basement? have you seen him recently down here?" cimm trying to not look as strained as he is rn Rickert: at that his face seems to light up with a wicked glee “the other bounty hunter who chucked that vial of acid right into my beautiful face? hah! yeah i’ve seen the bastard recently actually, though I dunno if I wanna tell ya why or where” and he leans back on his hands whistling “whats in it for me?” Plum: just say i'll make it worth your while Han: do a blowjob motion at rickert Psalm: hhuhuGHURJAF Finn: what happened to cimm usually being so easy going huh, just do the blowjob motion coward
Cimmorro: "aha of course, you son of a gun. you know little ol' me. i'll make it worth your while" Rickert: he hmms to himself before scratching his chin “so charitable of ya, you know i know just the thing, beat me in a game of cards and I’ll tell ya everything you’d ever want to know free of charge, thieves’ honour” he gives you all a smirk as he leans across the table “you lose then you pay me, considering how important this information seems to alla’ you …..lets say 350 gold?” he spits the terms out while smiling Cimmorro: "does it have to be me? i... don't really have to time for cards right now" Rickert: he leans back into the booth lazily "doesn't have to be you, can be any one of your friends, two of you, well go best of three playing kings gambit, you against me and one of my boys. if you're too busy then i guess ya can buzz off and quit wasting my time" he leans forward with a grimace Cimmorro: i look at the rest of you like "well... anyone wanna play cards? guess i'll play if we have no other choice" Psalm: "I'll play as well."
The group however quickly tell Rickert to wait a moment before shuffling over to another end of the bar to figure out how theyre going to cheat, leaving Rokka alone with the gang again. Rickert snorts into his drink with disinterest watching them shuffle off. Rokka quickly looks for an excuse so he can shuffle off as well briefly.
Rokka: yeah honestly rokkkas like hahha...........time to fetch those ales!!!!!!! ahahha crying at his wallet
Cimmorro: [casting guidance] Psalm: "Ok, obviously losing 350 on this guy is a waste, so we're gonna need your help to cheat." Plum: "right i think i can guess what you have in mind' Psalm: "Great, saves having to explain." Plum: "just tell them i went to go report back to some friends wed be late returning to our meet up point or something, if they asked where i went i suppose" Psalm: "Wow you read my mind. As for how to cheat.. well I'm sure you can think of something." Plum: "er... i'll try Psalm: "I guess we can come up with a system for you to check their dice for me." Plum: "maybe i can just draw the number on your palm or something" Psalm: "Fine with me."
Psalm: "Ghester you want to help me cheat here?" Plum: "what the fuck is a ghester" Cimmorro: plum and cimm looking at psalm like elaborate... Now Ghester: you hear ghester laugh in your head psalm "i could only focus on one of them but perhaps if they aren't too quick with their hands" after a minute you hear a voice in your head cimmorro and plum out of nowhere "hello again" Plum: "did one of you just say something?" Cimmorro: "ohhh!!! it's you!!" Ghester: you hear the voice continue cimmorro "yes me" Psalm: "Great, so out game plan can be Ghester you focus on whoever's playing that isn't Rickert, Plum you can take Rickert and maybe write the number in Cimmorro's hand instead of mine. Ghester can just tell me the other guys numbers if.. he can. We can just figure it out like that." Plum: "ghester is that voice i heard just now?" Psalm: "I'll explain after we finish this. But yes." Cimmorro: "you have a lot of explaining to do after this but sure that sounds dope"
The three continue to discuss their means of leverage while Rokka attempts to buy a round of drinks for Rickert’s gang, the chatter and boisterous activity of the bar booming around them. ---
🐺 Rokka handed 70g to 👛Nickel
The Western Scaffolds are on alert... 🔎
「 King Gambit 👑 」 Rules
King’s Gambit has a buy in bet of 5 gold, though in this game with Rickert you'll be using chips. 
Each card player rolls 1d8, keeping the die hidden. each player has the chance to raise the bet, call the bet (meet it), or fold. This continues when all bets are equal.
Then each player rolls a 1d6, keeping it secret as well. A final chance to raise, call, or fold. Each remaining player rolls 1d4. They then all reveal the 1d8, 1d6, and 1d4, adding them all together.
The person with the highest total dice number wins the round and takes all the chips. by the end of the three rounds the person who has won the highest amount of chips is the ultimate winner
0 notes
Dean, Not Sam
Characters: Dean x Reader, Sam
Word Count: 1,597
Warnings: Jealous!Dean and we all know how he can get then fluffy!dean
Request: Heyyy can u do a Dean x Reader where Sam and the reader are best friends and have a lot in common and Dean feels like shes gonna leave him for Sam but the reader reasures him that she's not
Author’s Note: If you want to be tagged, leave an ask or message and I’ll add you! Same goes for my Series Rewrite! If you want to request a fic, please send them in! I love writing what you guys want!
Feedback is always appreciated
Tags at the bottom
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Living with the Winchesters was always an adventure. Each day was open to something new happening but you wouldn’t trade this life for any others you might have dreamed of in the past. You were dating the hottest and you were best friends with the tallest.
Your life was good and you were happy with how things were going. You just started dating Dean a few months ago even though you’ve been flirting for a lot longer than that. You were friends with both Winchesters a lot longer before you moved in with them.
You met them when you three were on the same case. You were posed as the reporter, trying to dish out whatever you could for the case and Sam and Dean were the very attractive FBI men who took over when they came into town.
But you didn’t let that happen since you got there first so this was your case. One accident later, Sam and Dean were exposed as hunters to you, thanks to your clumsy ass. But everything worked out in the end because with the brothers, you clicked instantly with them.
Of course, Dean hit on you from the very start, not that you minded since you liked him a lot more than his brother (in that way). You were supposed to be Dean’s one night stand but after you had mind blowing sex with him, you started snooping while he was in the shower. You found his father’s journal and you couldn’t help yourself.
You had to read it.
You must have gotten too invested in it because you didn’t even hear Dean get out of the shower until you heard him clear his throat. You tried explaining that you weren’t trying to snoop but you saw this and you couldn’t help yourself.
Before he could say anything, you started talking about all the monsters you came across and he started to accept you into his lives because at that point, he knew you were going anywhere.
A few years later, you moved in the Bunker with them, happier than you ever have been. You had everything you could ever need: a sexy boyfriend, an amazing best friend and a whole library filled with lore books.
Lore was one of your favorite subjects to read, even before you were a hunter. That is why you accepted the hunter’s life so easily after your parents were injured due to a vampire. Luckily no one got turned and they now live happy lives, putting that whole incident behind them.
You, on the other hand, stayed in the life after killing the vampires because you knew what was out there. What you knew back then was nothing compared to what you knew now. You were always learning about new monsters and what was out there.
Which is what you were doing now with Sam.
“I know a lot about Lore but this is one book I haven’t read and judging by its cover, there are new monsters in here both of us might not know of.” Sam said, grabbing the book before sitting next to you in the library.
“That’s awesome. I can’t wait to read it with you.” You said with a smile, sipping your water. You barely got into the book when you heard Dean’s footsteps enter the library.
“Hey, Y/N, want to help me work on my car? The parts I ordered for her came in. Let me save you while I can.” Dean laughed, joking about you reading with Sam.
“Uh, no thank you. Sam and I are just getting into this book. Plus, you know I find working on cars boring. That’s your thing, not mine.” You said, missing the look he gave you. Dean noticed how close you and Sam were sitting, smiling as you both read the same book.
He knew that you were your own person and you had your own likes and dislikes but Dean felt you had a lot more in common with his brother than himself. He liked you a lot and he hasn’t felt things like this about a woman since Lisa left his life so he thought you were pretty special to begin with.
But maybe you were meant to be with Sam and not him.
“Oh, okay, I’ll just be out there, I guess.” Dean said, looking at you.
“Have fun.” You said without looking at him. He sighed and kicked the ground before leaving to his car. He hated feeling this way and this was one of the reasons he didn’t get involved with women like this. They always chose Sam when they wanted a deep relationship.
Dean wasn’t meant for relationships like that.
A few days later, you were in your bedroom, getting some cookbooks you had stored there. Cooking was a hobby you had and now that you had a huge ass kitchen, you were going to use that hobby more often.
“Hey, want to go for a drive? Sam is going to be in the kitchen all day working on his food schedule.” Dean said, knocking on your door. The reason you had your own room was because you liked to have your own space that was just for you. You spent most, if not all nights in Dean’s bed but it was nice to have something of your own.
“Yeah, I know, I’m actually going to help him with that. He seemed to like that I had some cookbooks in here.” You said with a smile, again, missing the look on his face.
“You know, if he is holding you against your will, tell me and I’ll whisk you away.” Dean said, chuckling nervously as he rubbed the back of his neck.
“Dean, don’t be silly. I like doing these things. How about we go for a drive later on?” You asked, kissing his cheek before leaving your room to where Sam was.
Was Dean doing something wrong? Was it his fault you liked Sam more than him?
The next night, Sam was out and you were bored. You tried finding Dean but he wasn’t in his room or the kitchen, the library and the war room were empty too.
“Dean?” You called out, walking around the Bunker looking for the wan you wanted to spend time with. You know you’ve been spending a lot of time with Sam lately and you missed Dean. As you passed the entrance to the garage, you heard clanging come from inside.
You opened the door and walked inside, not seeing anything but hearing the clanging sound again. But now that you were closer to it, it sounded like it was a ball bouncing off the wall or something. You walked around the garage, coming to the Impala.
You walked around to the other side and frowned when you saw Dean sitting on the floor with his back to the car, throwing a ball to the wall, catching it when it bounced back to him. He had a few beers near him as well, one of them being empty.
“Dean? Wat are you doing out here?” You asked, sitting next to him.
“Where is Sam?” He asked, ignoring your question.
“Out. He went to one of those film things that were showing a French film.”
“Why didn’t you go with him?”
“You know I don’t like those kinds of movies,” You said, finally noticing the look he had on his face. You noticed he wasn’t happy. “What’s wrong?”
“Do you want me to be more interested in books? Do you want me to eat healthier? Do you want me to grow out my hair so it can flow in the wind?” Dean asked, making no sense to you at all.
“Dean, sweetie, what are you talking about?” You asked. He set the ball down and turned to you with hurt flashing in his eyes.
“Do you like Sam more than me?” He’d figure the band-aid would be better ripped off.
“What? No, I like you. Why would you think I like Sam more?” You asked, oblivious to your actions throughout the week.
“You’re spending time with him with your book reading and your food scheduling. Do you want me to be more like Sam?” He asked.
“No, Dean. I like you just the way you are. I’m sorry you are feeling this way but I don’t like Sam. I like Dean. A lot. Like, a lot, a lot.” You said, putting your hand on his cheek. He leaned into your touch and you smiled, getting up.
“Where are you going?” He asked, missing your warm touch.
“Come on, I’m going to show you just how much I like you more. I may even love you.” You said with a smile, holding your hand out. He grabbed it and used it to aid him in getting on his feet.
“Wait, love? You love me?” He asked with a small smile.
“I said I may love you. May. We’ll see.” You giggled, walking with him back inside the Bunker.
“Okay, okay, before we go any further, I have a question.” Dean said, stopping you. He got in front of you and look at you with a serious face.
“What is it?”
“I can grow my hair out, right?”
“You’re such a dork.” You smiled, taking his hand and leading him to the bedroom. You loved this man whether you knew it or not and despite Sam being your best friend, Dean was the better man and you were going to spend all night proving that to him.
Forever tags:
@im-not-an-angel-of-the-lord @maddieburcham1 @ginamsmith @mogaruke @whit85-blog @inlovewithbja @spn67-sister @kdfrqqg @jarpadandjensenaremyheroes  @roxyspearing @supercalifragilistic26 @mishamigose @cobrakai1967 @essie1876 @innernightwerewolf @wishedworld @justanotherdeangirl @crispychrissy @laqueus-ludovicus @nostalgic-uncertainty @jerk-bitch-and-an-angel @potterhead1265 @starswirlblitz
Dean tags:
@akshi8278 @mega-mrs-dean-winchester @winchesterandpie @spn-dean-and-sam-winchester @spn-applepie-imagines @tahbehonest
Other tags:
@notnaturalanahi @27bmm @thing-you-do-with-that-thing
387 notes · View notes
shinahbee · 4 years
November Favorites 2020!
So as you may have seen I have been uploading a bunch of art all of November, not every week because of my crippling job at the moment taking away my sanity.lol. But i did try my best to update whenever I can. I do have so much more to complete so please look out this December for more digital art being pumped out
How are you all doing?  I'm holding up decently, I'm trying to avoid talking about covid since that's all i've been hearing from work and home and it's really making me anxious since i'm not able to work from home due to the nature of my job. I hope you all are holding up hope and taking care of your selves, let's all remember that there is a time after this and we will get through this.
with that being said I will have a lot more time to spend on my art after January since my work term is going to end and I don't plan to stay for an extension, so maybe then I'll catch up on all of my previous art that I was supposed to upload, a.k.a my hero academia ones.lol
also I'm still chugging along reading more manhwa (web toons ) from korean and chinese artists, i'm so disappointed in myself for not discovering these sooner, these stories are really good and so much effort was put into the art panels, as I have said all I've read was manga so i'm used to just seeing black and white panels, so i never really dove into web toons though I have appreciated the work put into it, now that I'm down the rabbit hole I am discovering really good story lines that are different from the manga I've read thus far and I'm really enjoying it!
so i'm excited to share my thoughts on everything I've been liking
so previously in last months recommendations I have talked about a few of the manhwa I've been reading so I'll briefly list those below since they are all still ongoing
1) who's baby is it
2) to be or no to be
3) social temperature
4) salad days
all of them are still ongoing and i'm still in the process of reading them so I can't give a full review till it's completed but so far I am still enjoying them, that's definitely a good sign since i tend to just drop something after I don''t find it interesting anymore at some point in the story. If you have not read my October favorites journal please do so for my initial thoughts on these manhwas. Now i'm actually going to talk about some of the ones that are completed   , so you can definitely read all of them without waiting for the an update from translators, lol
this is in no particular order, just fyi
1) Path to you
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"When almost college dropout Jensen attempts to drink away his problems, unemployed Nathaniel( Neil ) suddenly pukes on him and ruins his night. As an apology, Nathaniel offers to help Jensen with his studies. Despite Jensen's difficulties in getting along with people, the two become friends and something deeper begins to grow between them...”
this is the summary from one of the manga websites I was able to find, it does not even describes the emotional plot line that goes along with this later, this is ones of my absolute favorites! I love this manhwa so much, its a great depiction of a coming of age story for collage students going through their life journey and slowly getting though life's difficulties  and challenges, one character is going though emotional trauma and trying to over come it for years and another character is going through anti social disorder and discovering his sexuality, it's a plot line that portrayed human aspects in life quite well. I love the relationship between the two main character and how their relationship developed over time from being friends to being a couple. there is a lot of relationship building and minimal drama, which is really refreshing from mangas that I've read, so if you are just starting to delve into BL webtoons, please read this first! you will not be disappointed
with that being said, I love Neil, so much.... you don't even know. lol. He's so precious, literally like an actual cinnamon roll. LOL. i'm exposing myself ...so i'll leave it at that, i’m also wondering why his name is neil instead of nathan or nate...? lol.
2) Here U Are
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"Orientation of  the newcomers is a task for YuYang, and he ends up helping the unsociable and towering LiHuan, the kind of person that does everything to be disliked. But after better knowing each other, he discovers that the giant isn’t that bad of a person at all...”
I really wish I could find better summaries, lol. but it's to the point without giving away too much so i'll take it. This is one of the most popular series and I can totally see why after reading it, this story has every possible human aspect and relationship building  between the two main leads, I actually teared in some parts of this manhwa and I've never done that before! such a good story and plot line, if I were to pick any series in a web toon to be animated then I would choose this series hands down. There's also sub plots between different characters as well and how they deal with their interpersonal relationships and relationships between the two main leads, I love it! This is everything I want in a story, so please check this one out
also yuyang looks a lot like miyuki Kazuya from Daiya no ace and that just made me drawn to him.I really liked his personality and in the manhwa he has girls and guys in love with him and dude...I get it.
3) BJ Alex
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"Every night at 10, Dong-gyun locks himself up in his room, grabs a box of tissues, and watches a live cam boy show hosted by Alex, a BJ (broadcast jockey). Timid Dong-gyun admires not only Alex’s ripped body, but his candor in sharing his sexual experiences with viewers. One night, Dong-gyun downs too many drinks at a school networking event and passes out. When he wakes up, he’s in bed staring up at a shirtless hunk. A hunk who looks an awful lot like...Alex.”
so um...this is more yaoi than shounen ai cause of all the graphic scenes in the manhwa, if you are veteran you may have already read this one cause its really popular. It also has a lot of comedic elements to it too so it's not too serious, but the relationship developed between the two characters later on is really sweet despite the infinite amount of sex scenes. Not much else to say about this story, it's easy to follow and the only abuse in here is the emotional kind
I'm not really entirely sure how i felt about it in the beginning but the end is really good
4) No way, vampires don't exist
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"Four college housemates — Juwon, Eunho, Seongjae, and Gyumin — are in desperate need of a fifth person to fill a vacant room in their place. But their main concern isn’t about paying rent: they’re ravenous vampires, dying to sink their teeth into a fresh, live human! So they can’t believe their luck when Dongha, who grew up isolated from society, eagerly moves in with no idea of what awaits him. To the vampires’ dismay, however, Dongha doesn’t weigh enough for them to suck his blood! As they shower their unsuspecting new housemate with food and attention to fatten him up, have they gotten too attached to their would-be prey? And is there more to sweet, naive Dongha than meets the hungry vampires’ eyes?”
I have to preface by saying that ever since my twilight phase, I didn't consume anything that had to do with vampires for a very long time, for obvious reasons, but this one I just came across after reading path to you and thought I would at least check it out. It started off really comedic and I was like...what am i reading?  but it gets really light hearted and wholesome later on in the story. What I like about this is the character juwon, If you look at him he's that type of character that would look like the stoic a-hole of the story and those characters never appeal to me. But turns out he's the sweetest person most decent person of this story, it makes you want to route for him  and another thing I like about this story is that it looks like a harem but you can tell that there’s only one person the main character doungha treats differently from the rest and how the two are compatible with one another.  in these kind of stories, it’s always treated as every character is a possible route that leads to their own story but in here....there's only one...let's be real. This is one that is an odd ball cause it's technically completed but the translations are not...so i had to read the rest in korean, which makes it a good practice for me since i'm learning korean at the moment, it’s a good exercise...lol
                             Anime/ Drama
Not going to lie this department is lacking...lol. I have only been watching Heavens official blessing as mentioned in the last journal
but I have just found out that there is a remake of Shaman king in the making....and my little girl heart is screaming cause I loved shaman king when i was younger...so I can't wait for that
as for dramas, I've tried watching Start Up but I didn't like it so I dropped it, I might try watching crash landing on you since my best friend was obsessed with it, I watched a little of it but I left it since I was busy so i may get back to watching it from the beginning
i'll put together a play list for you when you read these manga/manhwa...lol. cause that's what i've been doing
Crush- No words
Sam kim - Breathe
Crush - let us go
Kim feel - falling
Paul kim - Dream
Kim feel - Hallelujah
Davichi - please don't cry
Yoo mirae - say
taeyeon - a poem called you
baek yerin- Here I am again
I wish tumblr has a way to play music on your page, without copy right..lol. I would share all of these songs cause they are so good
so that's it for the month of November, lets' see what i get up to for December, I will be updating as frequently as possible so please look out for more art from me and follow me on my social media , I will see you all next time
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Devianatart: she-be.deviantart.com
Instagram: shinb_art
Tumblr: shinahbee
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